batjokewholaughs · 1 year
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So I got in to bookbinding a few months ago and finally made a collection of all my batjokes stories. Since money is tight I told myself to stick to only supplies I already owned, so while these wouldn’t be my first choice of endpapers for this material, I still think the skulls are cute. The cover art was hand foiled with a foil quill pen and took a little under 3.5 hours.
Huge shoutout to everyone in the Renegade server for lending me their opinions and advice while I designed this little chonker 🙏🏻💜
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3-n-1-g-m-4 · 10 months
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Went down south this weekend and saw my brother, he gave me this Harley Quinn greatest hits comic.
Also made this silly tbwl edit in the car because I was bored 😋
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nitewrighter · 10 months
Batman, explaining The Batman Who Laughs to his sidekicks: So, essentially, he's an amalgam of me and the Joker, however, because he's from the Dark Multiverse and thus actually an embodiment of the worst of my fears about myself, my capabilities, and the capabilities of the Joker, he's not actually bound by the same physical and mental limitations of either me or the Joker. In fact, he's not even bound by the same laws of physics as we are, and his continued presence in this universe--
Jason, who stopped listening .00002 seconds after hearing 'an amalgam of me and the Joker':
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clownprince · 2 years
Hoooooly shit I finally read the 2021 Joker series and my God. He's really been through it jfc
- his bf broke up with him and he got his eye shot out
- got framed for A-day
- found out that some shady global organization took his DNA and was trying to clone him so they could control the clones but they just made horrific monstrosities because his DNA is fucked
- had THREE separate parties taking turns trying to kill him for several weeks
- nearly got eaten by cannibal socialites, got BOILING WATER thrown in his face and promptly got his ass beat by Vengeance
- had Gordon come very close to killing him
And NOW...
- got shot 3x in the abdomen and once in the fucking HEAD...
- nearly buried alive
- stabbed by some guy in a bathroom
- possibly poisoned by Harley (???)
- nearly killed by Jason and shot AGAIN in the leg
- nearly fucking drowns
- gets brain surgery sans anesthesia in a storage closet performed by someone who is definitively not a brain surgeon
- nearly burns to death / nearly gets killed by his double who turns out to be a triple I suppose
Like... he has been absolutely going THROUGH it fr. Someone please get this guy a warm blanket maybe some hot chocolate
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i dont know when "this looks cool/interesting/aesthetically pleasing" became "i wanna fuck it" for me but i should stop-
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batmanwholxughs · 2 years
     // just look at him!! disgusting man!
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distort-opia · 1 year
I never made this connection before but I just saw a tumblr post on it....joker was in Bruce's cave DURING THE BATCAT WEDDING???????????? what in the hell i feel like I need to reread those comics with this new context BC WHAT IN THE HELLLLLL
No no, Joker wasn't in Bruce's Cave during any kind of wedding... however, he was imprisoned in Bruce's Cave while Selina and Bruce were dating. He was there while Bruce proposed to her. Hell Joker is still there while Batcat was doing wedding planning. I still find it absolutely hilarious to imagine Bruce getting up at the crack of dawn and sneaking out of the bedroom to go feed Joker in the depths of his basement =)) Nothing symbolic about that, no sir.
Yeah... it's insane. Joker's POV on the whole thing is honestly crazy if you think about it. You've got amnesia, you have no idea who you used to be! And then Batman shows up, does something to bring your memories back and re-Jokerizes you as part of an ongoing investigation, and then... keeps you in a cell for months. Green Lantern and The Signal free you by mistake. You try to stop Bruce from destroying the Universe but fail 'cause he has no idea when to stop, and whatever the fuck Dark Nights: Death Metal is happens, in which The Batman Who Laughs works for a god called Perpetua who wants to eat your world sort of. You team up with Bruce to take down TBWL in a moment of glory, but the fucker leaves you behind to get caved in with the insane version of himself. Anyway, you survive, reeling, and then (because Bane and Bruce's father from an alternate world are plotting to ruin his life) you find out about the Batcat wedding and you go "WHAAAAT??"
Imagining how Joker's post on Reddit would go like "AITA for trying to break up the wedding of the guy who 1) technically killed me, 2) forced me to remember my life as a serial killer and kept me imprisoned for months, and 3) left me to fight off the evil version of him from an alternate universe alone??"
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fractualized · 4 months
hi randomly picking your brain here! (imagine a literal batjokes brain picking situation though...)
I really like stories with a villain/hero ship, but I feel like they're always in favor of the hero -- tons of aus and potential with reformed joker (AND I LOVE THEM!!!)
but also, I personally love corruption AUs, and I love the idea of the villain reforming the hero. pulling the hero to the allure of the dark side and finally accepting some of the appeal that villainy brings to the table. being able to foster their love in an environment where their desire is no longer focused on others but themselves... and I know some of that happens with the batman who laughs, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on joker successfully corrupting batman?
maybe it would be a fundamental crack in their foundation and wouldn't work in some iterations, but I love a challenge! maybe joker could convince Bruce that joker+batman on the same side of evil is less damage, more control, and more fun than batmanvs.joker on opposing sides. maybe less death would happen if Batman would play by jokers rules for a while! I feel like Bruce would at least explore the potential for that in his own head, even if he may not agree in canon, typically... even if it's just to play the long game and come back out again a stronger hero.
what do you think? 🫀
I haven't toyed around much with the idea of Joker corrupting Bruce. I've written Bruce doing shady/awful things, but they stem from his own issues and are usually, uh, bad for Joker.
The Batman Who Laughs basically illustrates why the idea's never grabbed me. Joker has built his life around acting in opposition to Batman. That's what he thinks is fun, getting under Bruce's skin. If Batman joined him in pure destruction, the challenge between them is gone. It's not their roles. It's why Joker considers TBWL an offense to the natural order. And more simply than that, I think Joker would get bored. It's the same as when he succeeds at killing Batman: yay, he did it! And… now what? It's easier to see Joker being reformed— or "reformed"— because there's still lots of ways he can start shit. 😂
Plus on Bruce's part, I can't think of a reason he would take that kind of turn that doesn't feel like a stretch, other than having his brain chemistry altered as in the case of TBWL. Like I did have the idea once of doing an inverted Halfway Across, in which Bruce gives up and joins Joker— but part of the inverse is that this story is a comedy and Bruce is just really bad at being evil. He'd drive Joker nuts by only stealing what they really need, giving people a chance to escape traps, freeing animals Joker tries to test on, etc. Which gets at the "less damage" aspect you mentioned, but I could still never think of a great reason Bruce would cross over to start with, even a goofy comedy reason.
But then again, that assessment is based on more modern takes on the characters. I could see it more with earlier versions, when Joker is obsessed with Batman but his crimes revolve around getting money or jewelry or funsies. Bruce is goofier too, and he hasn't, you know, dealt with any dead children.
And of course there are AUs, like in Telltale, where John starts out wanting Bruce's approval so it's easier to see him compromising with Bruce than your standard Joker. So you could have a universe where Bruce isn't as stringent about his principles— but then it feels less like corruption, and you lose the fun!
Hmmm, there is Omega in Last Knight on Earth. Joker was not a fan, but maybe we take a similar scenario. There's an utter catastrophe, and Bruce is broken, and when he has the choice to rally his usual worldview like he always does, Joker is there and convinces him otherwise. But then I still come back to: would Joker get bored? Maybe that's just part of the story. Joker is entertained by guiding Evil Novice Bruce for a while, but inevitably turns on him, mocking him for abandoning the principles that made him such a great nemesis. And then Bruce realizes he's truly lost everything! 🙃
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shinynewwriting · 1 year
The Superman Who Laughs
So for obvious reasons, I’ve been digging into the comics again to get a look at the Batman Who Laughs being weird and horny about Superman. Even when he’s busy killing his Clark, TBWL can’t help but muse on what they might be able to accomplish together:
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Once he popped back into ‘our’ world, he starts infecting superheroes with Joker toxin. But he’s got one hero in particular in mind:
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(These panels are totally not an excuse to post Clark looking beaten up and pretty.) So Clark decided to dose himself with Joker toxin in hopes of tricking TBWL into spilling his big evil plans. Bruce’s thoughts on the matter?
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Heh. TBWL immediately clocks that Superman isn’t actually under his control, but that doesn’t mean he’s not glad to see his BFF:
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TBWL really enjoys 1.) being a smug dick and 2.) watching Clark smash things:
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But eventually, the game is up. TBWL’s thoughts on everyone’s performance?
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Jesus Christ, Bruce. (All panels taken from Batman/Superman 2019, Issues 1-3)
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batjokewholaughs · 2 months
Hey. If I offered copies of my anthology bind, would people be interested in purchasing it? I wouldn't normally do this, but I'm currently unemployed and freaking out about money. All of the stories in this are my own, I would never try to profit off of another author's work. Once I have a job again I won't be open to selling them.
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zahri-melitor · 21 days
Dark Nights: Death Metal:
Well, this was an event that accomplished what it was intended to do (set up Infinite Frontier) but also was incredibly full of itself and self-referential. You know when you go into a story and the story itself has tie-ins making fun of how overblown this all is, it probably should have been reined in harder.
I do think there were some cool designs in this story, but the problem was that a lot of it was purely hung up on aesthetic, rather than any level of in-universe reasoning. The redesigns exist for the Rule of Cool, not for any storytelling reason. There wasn't any real consistency to who had a redesign and who did not. Which, when you're dealing with a full-DC universe event that is busy talking about COIE, Infinite Crisis, Dark Crisis and Dark Nights: Metal, means several characters were already appearing in multiple costumes when talking about the earlier events, making things even harder to track (for one example, Mary Marvel appeared as a tiny background image in both her red and her white costumes in a double page spread, because she wore different ones in different Crises. This is both attention to detail but also something that is going to confuse people). On top of this, Greg Capullo being the artist on the main book meant that there was no hope of telling characters apart by facial features, which when you've changed someone's costume and hair style, makes life even more difficult.
I also think part of the problem and clear reliance on the Rule of Cool was that, after inventing a whole Justice League of evil Batmen for Dark Nights: Metal, none of them other than The Batman Who Laughs did anything in this event other than sort of decorate the scenery. You spent an event and series of one-shots designing these characters 2-3 years ago and they're not even being used, in favour of newer Evil Batmen versions? And event TBWL gets a whole makeover and redesign by getting his brain implanted in a Dr Manhattan clone body. Like, what is the point in getting invested in these characters.
Why does Diana have blue-ombre hair and an invisible magic chainsaw. Why would Diana want to have an invisible magic chainsaw. What about Diana's character, the diplomat, peace advocate and negotiator, suggests her approach in this situation would be to feel she needed to have a chainsaw as her main weapon. This is the sort of problem the event's dealing with.
I think it was an epic-scale event, but the main emotion I had coming out of it was 'I don't care' in regards to all the fighting. I don't care about there being a Batman-version of every single possible hero and villain across the Multiverse and Dark Multiverse. I don't think it provides an angle for particularly interesting commentary, and the event didn't even properly dig in and interrogate what this means about how DC as a company leans into the Bat franchise above all others.
The Batman Who Laughs' first appearance in the entire event was explicitly saying "I know you're tired of me but look you're back reading me again!" and it's like...thanks, genre-savvy Joker!Batman, but I'm not actually here or interested in reading this for you. I'm working through this story to see what particular strings are being pulled to change future storytelling.
I think when you look at some of the structural moving parts of the event, such as the various links of previous big events to damaging the Source Wall, how that led to Perpetua getting free, and the process of saving and rebuilding the Multiverse, the discussions of where they’re taking the now Omniverse, there was an interesting epic plot under everything being used to justify the moves wanted from the event. The intent to shake-up the status quo and restore more of post-Crisis in characters' memories was something that had been drifting around DC for several years at that point, with some characters explicitly getting post-Crisis memories back via various means.
But it's such layers of 'doesn't this look rad? I think it does!' on top of the bits of plot I actually cared about.
I think there was some more interesting work done in various tie-ins and backups as writers used the space to interrogate some ideas (or in the case of Joshua Williamson, get on with the Wally West Rehabilitation Project). I have a soft spot for using the setting to allow some people to have necessary conversations they would otherwise avoid. And I’m a sucker for a good splash page full of a dozen different variants of the Titans over the decades.
But oh it was the sort of giant event where it felt designed to fuel comic book debates. Why is Sgt Rock here as narrator? Because we’re including everyone! Even though I think most active fans of the character are probably in their dotage now, we have to include all our different facets and genres. Including the old military comics.
I know I’m usually more positive than this, and look I did get emotional in the final quarter of the story, as everyone but especially Diana prepared to sacrifice their lives.
I just feel there was a lot of red herrings and page time wasted on concept art that was ultimately meaningless.
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clownprince · 2 years
I just read your joker war post and first of all, love your take on it! Makes me like the arc a bit more! Also when you say, "The Batcat engagement took place in year 16. (In which Batman also had Joker locked up in his basement. And he deliberately tracked down amnesiac!Joker and made him Normal Joker again so he could get information. Yowza! Not cool, Bats.)" I had NO idea about either of these things, can you point me in the direction of these scenes??
Thank you :D that means a lot.
Also yes, I think (?) the Batcat engagement takes place in Batman (2016-) #25-32
The Joker thing is referenced in Dark Days: The Casting and Dark Days: The Forge.
I don't think it directly says that Batman deliberately gave Joker his memories back but it's heavily implied since Bruce had to use his weird little machine to get his memories back, there's no significant Joker appearances between Endgame and Dark Days (I think there might be minor ones in Knightwatch and Urban Legends but I disregard those because it's a different storyline so I'm assuming the writers just weren't communicating :shrug:). But yeah presumably Batman did something to amnesiac!Joker to get his memories back because it doesn't seem like it could've happened naturally.
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jazzyshifterr · 8 months
༻ Things for this page <3
Allowed!! ✅
❥. Shifters
❥. Fanfiction writers/readers
❥.harry potter/marauders fans
❥.anyone interested in my blog<3
❥.All ages, as long as your being respectful
Not Allowed ❌
❥.people who are going to hate!!
❥.homophic, racist, ableist, etc. people
❥.anyone who is going to be creepy towards me or anyone else underage!!
Things I’m gonna be posting on this blog
❥.my scripts
❥.script templates
❥.shifting advice/tips
❥.my shifting journey
❥.my methods
❥.mine and others fanfiction
❥. The science behind shifting
❥.and many other things <3
Other socials
❥.TikTok: @jazzyshifterr
❥.Instagram: @jazzyshifterr
My drs
❥.Harry potter golden trio era(Gryffindor)
❥.harry potter golden trio era(Slytherin)
❥.harry potter golden trio era (modern)(Gryffindor)
❥.the maze runner
❥.percy Jackson and the olympians
❥.stranger things
❥. Harry Potter scripting template(notion): https://colorful-sloop-01f.notion.site/Harry-Potter-6ff63207d322465ebacb519f3a87b8a3?pvs=4
❥. Shifting playlist(Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Dsnvepj5adgNrt4dvFjxC?si=wRDU5CAjSpCL8AhOIJCo4g&pi=u-OZ6-MFUYQH26
❥. Harry Potter shifting Pinterest board: https://pin.it/1tzlsTnWV
❥. Add yourself to my Harry Potter dr: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqD9wuAh0ayh1JnhKID_ht1mVKL6FbgKdLSaLb7Hxdy-xymA/viewform?usp=sf_link
❥. My TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jazzyshifterr?_t=8jB2ZIxd7bX&_r=1
❥. My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jazzyshifterr?igsh=MWFreHg5Z2p6Z3B1YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Huge paragraph about me:
❥. Hii! You might know me from TikTok as @jazzyshifterr. If you don’t my name is Jazzy and I’m a reality shifter! If you don’t know what reality shifting is I would suggest searching for that first. I’ve been a part of the shifting community since 2020 but have been more active in it since around October of 2023. i have never successfully shifted but I’ve mini-shifted once. my main drs in detail is my main harry potter dr, based on the fan fiction TBWL (the who loved) by scribblingquills on wattpad. my s/o in that dr is harry. My next few Hogwarts drs aren’t as important as the first one, I have a modern no plot dr, a Slytherin dr, and a marauders dr. the next de ill be tell you guys about is my maze runner dr. My s/o in this one is Minho. Next we have my Percy Jackson dr. My s/o in this dr is Percy. I have a few other drs but I’ll spare you the details and tell you a little more about myself. I’ve known about shifting for a while but only really got into it around the end of last year. In the short time I’ve been learning about the different parts of shifting I have gained so much information. I learned about the CIA documents(these are not directly linked to shifting but are a good source to learn from, however please do not refer people to this document when talking about shifting, as it’s about astral projection and not shifting), the Robert Monroe experiment/experience, quantum leaping, astral projection, consciousness studies, lucid dreaming, and lastly astronomy based shifting. These are most of the things I have learned obviously in little detail. Soon I will post some more posts going into details on these discoveries as well as scripting things and many other things related to shifting. I’m also a fan fiction writer! My tag on Wattpad is the same as tumblr, TikTok, and Instagram, I go by jazzyshifterr on just about every social I have. I’ve not written much but you’re obviously welcome to check that out if you want to. Another thing about me is that I’ve never shifted before. So right now at least there will be no content on my shifting experiences, such as story times. I will still by trying to publish things about my progress in my journey though. I’ve also made shifting methods I’ll post about soon enough! I know there are so many methods it’s hard to keep up with new ones, but I hope anything that I make for you guys can help you in some way. Whether that helps you shift, or even just learn something about yourself. This is the first time I’ve ever had tumblr and I know this was a lot to read, but I really do hope my time on here can not only help you guys but also help me as well in my shifting journey. Remember we are all capable and are all able to shift. Thanks for reading this whole thing, I really appreciate it, have a good day. <3
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batmanwholxughs · 2 years
     // *jokerfies your muses*  *jokerfies your muses*  *jokerfies your muses*
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 months
Okay, last one before I knock myself out for the night but - The Batman Who Laughs? How would Batdad fit into THAT whole situation? Like, it gets to the point where I think Batdad would break Batman’s number one rule just so his husband doesn't go through the pain of everything that goes down in that comic because what the fuck.
oh god, i hate the idea of TBWL. Like, it's very much seeming to me like yet another "what if BAtman was even edgier???" angle that's so pervasive and utterly boring.
Honestly, I think of the slightly hilarious and ironic idea here - TBWL's Batdad was a sweet and kind and perfectly lovely person, who tried to get through to his Bruce and was killed so that TBWL would be safe from being swayed by the only one who could get through to him. So TBWL assumes our Bruce's Batdad is just as loving-but-innocent and goes to attack him to hurt Bruce-
-only to be immediately shot by Alfred because Batdad anticipates this move and supplies him with Nth metal bullets.
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distort-opia · 5 months
People always try to do this to bruce but they always fail (with the only exception being under the red hood, i believe)
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Ooh. That's... yes, I agree that a meaningful, well-written exception is Under The Red Hood.
Though, okay. To be fair, Bruce has almost broken his one rule and only stopped because someone else/something external stopped him from committing murder so many times (like in Hush, or Forever Evil, or Infinite Crisis). Then there's actually shooting Darkseid in Final Crisis #6, leaving KGBeast to die twice in Batman (1940) #417 and Batman (2016) #58, and the hilarious time Bruce snaps and nearly kills Riddler in The War of Jokes and Riddles only for Joker to be the one to stop him.
Personally, I don't think Bruce's no-killing rule is inflexible at all. It's not a code of honor, a black-and-white thing; it's a mindset borne of trauma, and subject to Bruce's emotions and self-justifications. The actual interesting part in a story about Bruce breaking the no-killing rule would be him having no way out of admitting it-- nothing external stopping him when he does snap (and so many of the people he surrounds himself with act as brakes for his darkness), and no excuse to cling to (no "But he survived!" or "It was for the Universe's sake!"). Technically, not even UtRH qualifies as this, because Bruce gets to justify slitting Jason's throat by telling himself Jason ultimately survived. The only times that qualify are all alternate Bruces like The Batman Who Laughs, or the Bruce Jason meets in Final Countdown, or the Bruce in JLA: Nail. All are Bruces who've killed a Joker for going too far and murdering too many of his loved ones.
...Sorry anon, that was a tangent I didn't entirely mean to go on, but I guess I'm saying I want an actual good psychological horror story of Bruce going through this and not writing short-hand like what Snyder did with TBWL by having some dumbass drug in Joker's heart turning Bruce evil. A story of Bruce having to deal with the fact he killed someone, with nothing else to fall back on.
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