#technological and scientific advancement is just not in the right place right now for being on the cutting edge to be interesting or useful
Sorry, I ended up falling asleep rather than talking tropes and weird history, blame harvest time and allergy meds. I'd love to hear what tropes are present in Dracula you'd like to see more prominent in contemporary horror
[in the voice of someone who didn't also fall asleep early and then spend the next day busy and then forget i put this in drafts] oh......what a shame........but you are forgiven.
the thing about dracula that i think we’ve all been very much enjoying is that it’s not an ooooooo scary monster! novel, or even a Hey Look At This Fucked Up Thing That Happened One Time novel, which i feel (from my admittedly rather limited experience) is what’s popular in a lot of horror these days --- or at least the horror that gets movie-making money or publishing contracts. it’s a real gothic novel, and the romance and the friendship and the grief and the general emotional struggle are what makes the book.
(there's this kelli maroney quote from the documentary in search of darkness (2019): "[...]the term 'final girl' reared its head, and it makes me sound like i'm a hundred years old but i said 'you know, in my day, we called that the star of the movie.' ")
maybe this is coming across as i-don’t-like-splatter-films-level commentary, and maybe it is, but the thing i really like about dracula and other novels of the genre is the disquiet. the creeping doubt that maybe the grand project of imperialism doesn’t work, that in the attempt to make it work the empire has brought upon itself things it has no defense against. of course our good british boys and girls do their best to fight back, and maybe they’ve never done anything worse than go to work and maybe buy a second-hand kukri knife, and maybe they win, but the disquiet lingers.
---and of course the shape of that now is quite different than it was during the 1890s. it doesn’t mean nearly the same thing to say e.g. maybe the american dream is hollow etc etc, everybody knows that. you can’t do it the same way now as you could then because the world is in a different place.
long story short, tropes, hard to say: genre, that’s easy.
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amerricanartwork · 4 months
What's up with 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids?
Just wanted to share something interesting I noticed in Metropolis while looking at the room names on the interactive map! I doubt I'm not the first person to discover or take interest in this, but nonetheless now that I'm into the worldbuilding for this game, both canon and headcanon, I hope to at least encourage a discussion about what the rooms I found could possibly be for!
*Oh and by the way, spoilers for Artificer campaign, just in case.
Alright, so I was originally looking for how to get to a specific room for an Artificer expedition, but decided to browse around on the map just to refresh my memory on the region overall. Right off the bat I think it's interesting how this region's rooms are denoted mostly with lexical names rather than the more common "Capital letter + 2-digit number" formula. But scrolling to the right is where my interest really got piqued when I saw this name for the room right before that long corridor on the way to the 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids, labeled "LC_templegate":
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And the next room after that, "LC_templeentrance" confirmed my realization that this was a temple of sorts:
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Now don't get me wrong, Rain World has always had a fair amount of religious associations, and even just the name "12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids" gave me the impression from the first time traversing it that it was once some high-esteemed, holy location of sorts. But I guess that never really sank in and captured my greater interest until now.
Part of that's because earlier I was focused more on just completing the campaigns from a basic playthrough perspective, not yet as big on uncovering every little lore detail, and another reason I didn't really take it in was that, at the time of my first Artificer playthrough, I wasn't as big on headcanon worldbuilding and trying to uncover/imagine Ancient culture and society outside of very general ideas. But now I think about it, another major part of this lack of realization was because of how the main rooms of this subregion that stuck out in my mind were the low-gravity iterator-esque zones. Many of which are explicitly labeled with "LAB", like this one, and they even have the same neurons, inspectors, and/or those gravity-distorting spheres:
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I mean, that cube at the bottom even very strongly resembles an iterator puppet chamber!
But then the questions become: what are these rooms for, why are they so similar to the interior of the iterator they sit atop, and why put them in what seems like it was supposed to be a temple? And by extent, is this something unique to Five Pebbles, or do other iterators have similar temple-labs somewhere in their cities?
I guess the reason these parts stuck out to me more than the actual temple association was because 1.) we don't see this low-gravity mechanic and these features anywhere else in the game besides inside the iterators, so it already gets points for uniqueness, and 2.) they're such a great contrast to everything else within Metropolis; even the "temple" rooms still look very similar to the rest of the region in their general aesthetic.
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Seriously, what's up with all this "lab" stuff? It's not that I haven't seen these things before at this point, but why are they here, in a temple, of all places?
However, I do really like this idea so far, as I believe it speaks to a theme of Rain World I really enjoy: the seamless blend of science and spirituality. I enjoy seeing fictional worlds where "magical" things are not only objectively real, but have a scientific in-universe explanation, and/or are employed to create magical technology, yet in a way where these two ideas can exist in harmony rather than seeming like opposites. And the Ancients seem to have been very big on that, not only having a very strong cultural sense of spirituality but also being very technologically advanced, and incorporating those spiritual ideas and even elements of the world into their tech (ex: mass rarefaction tech derived from Void Fluid, an objectively real and "magical" substance with direct connections to their religious beliefs).
I have yet to come up with an explanation for what these iterator-esque lab rooms are (and on that note why they so strongly resemble iterator interiors, to the point they even contain their neurons and inspectors, which are supposed to directly aid in their functions). But as of now, just going mostly of basic gut instincts, my current theories are: A.) they exist in the temple so that whatever scientific endeavors carried out within were blessed with a sense of "holiness" in a similar manner to the holy ash Pebbles talks about, and B.) whatever tasks they were used for was one entrusted to the clergy class of this city, probably because the tasks were seen as something very important and connected to the Ancients' spiritual beliefs.
However, as I said I'm hoping to invite discussion with this post. Figuring out the Ancients' design philosophies and intentions for their creations has been a passion of mine when it comes to my headcanons, so I really do want to see if I can find a more concrete, or at least reasonable answer as to what the overall purpose of the 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids was. Therefore if anyone has any extra details or theories as to what it was, I'd love to hear them!
And if you made it to the end, thanks for listening to my little spur-of-the-moment ramble!
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flowery-laser-blasts · 10 months
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It's the year 2023 and so much has changed...
Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable-Possible, now in their mid-thirties, work alongside Global Justice with their own specialized team (including Wade, Felix, and Jim & Tim). As for Dr. Drakken and Shego... After helping prevent the invasion of the Warlordians, Dr. Drakken and Shego were pardoned from almost all of their prior crimes against the safety of the world and eventually became, in their own words, 'neutral'. At times, they even aid Team Possible with intel, after all; who knows more about how villains do than ex-villains?
Dr. Drakken started working on his own world-improving inventions because he realized that 'positive' recognition from the world feels better than being despised by everyone, and this way he can rub it even more into James Possible's face... Shego became an elite mercenary/hitwoman after tutoring the best of the best agents of Global Justice for 5 years -it was part of her 'community service'- She now works separately from everyone, but always comes back home before Drakken finishes making dinner.
One day, Dr. Drakken thought of a hypothesis: if television programs are just a glimpse into an alternative reality and aliens exist with their ultra-advanced technology, then who says that alternative timelines aren't real? "Maybe we could learn from that to improve ours!"
He worked tirelessly on trying to find out if alternative universes or timelines exist, maybe ones where he and Shego were always good and Possible and Stoppable were the baddies, imagine!
But then he found something...
Dr. Drakken found out that there was a timeline that lined up exactly with the one they were in, except something was drastically different. It was stuck in some kind of purgatory; stuck in place but also as if looping over and over again. Separate from everything surrounding it but at the same time trying to free itself from its slumbering state.
Drakken looked into it, fascinated that this timeline could co-exist with theirs but at the same time not. What changed? Then it hit him.
"Tempus Simia... that Monkey plan-- It actually happened!?" Dr. Drakken sometimes ruminated on the weird feelings he had on the day the trio, and Shego, decided to abruptly give up on that time-traveling plan. None of them ever said or mentioned anything about it to one another, especially Monkey Fist... he became different. Drakken wished he could ask him about what happened that day, but alas the man became a supernaturally petrified lawn ornament.
"Did Monkey Fist know something about that statue that we didn't? Did the plan work? Is that what that timeline is?" Drakken became ansty, he needed to know what happened. Not that he was going to return to being evil, no-no, this was purely scientific, and well- curiosity took the upper hand. Perhaps he was a fair ruler in this 'time capsule'.
After months and months of calculations and testing, he managed to do it; Drakken succeeded in making a portal device that could connect and stabilize the broken timeline to ours. Shego wasn't entirely sure about this plan but decided to stick around to ensure the man wouldn't end up killing himself and everyone on the planet in some freak accident.
After flipping the switches and turning on the safety protocols, the machine started producing a whirling sound. No sooner did a small portal form, giving them a glimpse of the dystopian world of the Supreme One. "Wow, that-- is that me?" Shego pointed at a fallen statue. "Sheesh, who would've thought the sidekick could ever take over the world, right Drew?" Shego teasingly jabbed his arm, making Drakken roll his eyes in response. "Shego, dumpling, darling love of my life, I've apologized thousands of times already, can you finally let it go?!" He received a snicker in response, "I guess not, nevertheless, let me concentra--!" A loud bang snapped the two out of their banter, "Dr. D? What was that?!" Shego instinctively lit her hands as the room turned dark for a moment, the whirling sounds of the portal device intensified, and no sooner bright red warning signs started flashing while a deafening alarm went off around them. Shego looked at Drakken, who was frantically trying to close the portal. "Something's trying to push its way into here! I-- I haven't been able to properly secure that part yet-- Shego!" Drakken's face paled as he looked back in the direction of the portal.
"The Supreme One, actually." An icy chill went through Shego's spine as she heard her own voice coming from directly behind her. "I already thought, what took you so long Doc? It's not fun being stuck in time; ain' I right, Dr. D?" Both Shego and Drakken watched in disbelieve at the arrival of the Supreme One's sidekick, who within seconds hurled himself at the machinery, destroying most of it and breaking off the connection to the fractured timeline.
Drakken tried to jump in and save what was left by making his flowers restrain the brute, but the man ripped the foliage away from him as if it were nothing. The sidekick threw Drakken aside and blocked Shego from trying to get to him, holding her in a lock.
The supreme one stepped closer and looked at her restrained self.
"Now that botany-boy is taken care of... tell us, Shego: Where is Kimmie?"
I hope you guys like my little sequel idea for 'A Sitch in Time'. I absolutely love this TV movie!! I'm not much of a writer but it was so much fun imagining this story while drawing!! As for the future designs of everyone: - Kim's outfit is based on Stephen Silver's older Kim design. - Ron now has a utility belt that actually works and gloves that can help him control his Mystical Monkey Powers. - Shego's outfit stayed relatively the same with some adjustments, why change what works right? - Dr. Drakken (now Professor Lipsky) traded his blue lab coat for a white one... dress codes apply at his shared workplace, but he still wears a blue dress shirt underneath it. Aside from that his eyes aren't as good as they used to be and his contact lenses were out of the question since they tampered with the eye-scanning-security-device (he ended up being left outside of the lab for 3 hours because of it), so now he just wears glasses.
I also wanted to include Rufus in the story; Now a senior rodent, Rufus spends his retirement days around the lab assisting Drakken with various experiments and small talk while Kim and Ron are on missions. Hope you enjoyed both the drawing and the mini fanfic!!
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crying-fantasies · 2 months
Radiation exposure
Humanity has been exposed to radiation way before our own existence or evolution, we receive radiation waves from Earth's core, from outer space and many other sources, of course, humans can only tolerate so much of either of those, living in the surface away from the core and under the atmosphere, away from real and unfiltered space radiation.
Still, it's healthy, deep space travelers must return to Earth or a atmosphere similar planet every 10 or so years even with the most advanced gadgets, deep under sea travelers too, there is just so much that technology can do for a living human in order to stay healthy and not have health realted problems.
Cybertronians are technological living mechanisms and so, they are a curious mixture of electric related radiation and outer space radiation, of course cybertronians have compensated the exposure to hard environments more than once in their lengthy existence as a race, their protection being one of the best in all galaxy.
Humans, sometimes, have negative reactions to cybertronians' radiation, mostly due to large times of exposure, presenting health problems related to low level exposure of radiation.
These kind of cases are related, curiously, to relationship between them, as it has been deeply noticed humans that live fairly well and harmoniously with cybertronians tend to have very little to none problems, while the ones that show aggressive behavior towards them present almost all the symptoms, while this is still a heavy and complicated topic among the scientific community some psychologists bring up the idea that it must be caused by their own almost physical psique, being the cybertronian EMF working as some kind of shield for humans.
"I don't think so", USFA master sergeant, Robert Epps, gave his own insight, "I work with all these guys regularly and never had even a flu", he then looked behind him, "Hey! Topspin! Twin Twist!", both jumpstarters looked back at him and then to the camera, "do you guys have your EMF on me?"
Both bots looked at each other before the oldest said "umm... no?", then doing a face, "not right now?"
Is yet to be adequately described, but scientifically there's certainly something to it.
Most cybertronians don't just lay out say it, since for them is normal to flare or regress their EMF at will, their youngest being a little more expressive with it, but it appears to be quite normal to use it, in their own words, to keep a track on tiny humans, "if we don't do it we can't know where they are" Twin Twist explained a little, "we aren't looking at the floor all the time, so it's good to have it a little more active to not have an accident".
Topspin adds, "but if it has good things going for them, that's good, right?"
In the worst case scenario, there is the necessity to consume KI tablets, which are largely distributed in anti-cibertronian or overall hostile areas.
When asked the inhabitants of this places, they just answered with basic answers as them, humanity, to be the only real residents of Earth and for the aliens to go back where they came from, even referring to the other humans in contact with the aliens as "traitors of the species".
More research is going to be done, but so far, the different effects of exposure seem to be guided unconsciously by protective or anger like feelings.
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i-can-not-art · 3 months
Can I pretty please have more angel lore? 🥺🙏
I love how you do angelic stuff with your OCs ><
Angel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCsAngel OCs
Sure pookie💖
The last lore post even made me get off my ass and actually name+think a bit more about the seraphim siblings
So I was kinda vague with the advancement district last time since it’s kinda (really) messy, but it’s basically the huge hospital/laboratories of heaven, where technology and experiments are held.
Only thing is, Hui Shizhuo, by far the youngest Seraphim and the seraphim in charge of the district, is secretly dead and Yang Hu (military seraphim) is illegally acting in place of him being a lil silly.
And one day, Yang Hu he saw Qing Xia down on earth who got a score of 800 on the gaokao (massive test every Chinese student has to take that determines their entire future, irl highest score is 750) and did a bunch of other stuff in the scientific/medical field, basically being any Chinese parents’ dream.
The only problem is that when he went down to earth, Xia was happy and didn’t wanna abandon literally everyone she knew for some shady angel. So he did the only sensible thing and dropped some of his blood into her eye, allowing him to slowly affect her mind and make her obsessive about her research and stuff (why she has weird red veiny marks on half of her body, the “veins” grew down from her eyes over time).
Then he left and let his blood kinda fester in her mind, until everyone left her because she was literally going insane and starting to only value her science (also she killed a bunch of people or something). When he came back she accepted and she became the only human working him heaven..
For what she does, well during the centuries war a lot of angels died, but angels don’t decay so heaven just had a bunch of fresh corpses laying around, and they gave a bunch of them to Qing Xia for her to figure out how to “improve” angels.
Eventually her research led to Yang Hu “redesigning” Yin Hu and her sister (who is currently declared fallen and dead, but is definitely not actually the very much alive Wei Zhi) to become stronger but also more feral and now they murder 100x better.
For the civilian seraphim, Chaoxiang Ji, he’s the second oldest and probably the sanest of his siblings, probably since a insane person looking after 80% of the population of angels wouldn’t end good.
He doesn’t really have much going one, but he doesn’t like Yang Hu, and is very aware of how cruel and dangerous he is even for a seraphim. So when he notices Shizhou suddenly making strange decisions that line up with Hu’s line of thinking, he became suspicious. Eventually his suspicions get so bad, it leads to him making a shady deal with Liu’s dad.
For the missions seraphim, Wang, they were originally the civilian seraphim, but got moved and Ji took their place. They’re the oldest and the most mysterious, even to their siblings (why only their last name is known). They’re definitely the favorite child and the most connected to the Order god, it being said they have direct contact with them.
They rarely make children, even during the war where angels were dying left and right, they only made 2…. who died and Qing Xia has since “revived” in questionable ways.
They have certain beef with Caihong Liu’s dad, who is basically a unofficial angel but of chaos (also a great deadbeat, who knows where he currently is, certainly not Liu or her mom). During the centuries war Liu’s dad managed to find Wang and cut off one of his wings, making him go into hiding indefinitely (to this day, they rarely even talk to their siblings, just assigning and accepting or rejecting missions sent their way)
And finally the military seraphim, Yang Hu, is the second youngest, being made near the start of the centuries war, hand in hand with the arch angels. Despite not being a archangel himself, he’s noticeably more aggressive than the others, having his outbursts and giving threats much more commonly than them.
He was made especially cruel and uncaring for his children because of his job and basically all the arch angels hate him for being like your work manager but 100x worse (AND they’re all forced to carry his stupid last name).
But the rest of heaven actually kinda love him because while he didn’t win the war, he helped make it end in a tie which allowed heaven and the angels to continue existing (However that opinion quickly changed when they found out about a certain secret of his).
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kitsoa · 2 months
The Dystopia That Made Trigun
Ya'll the problem with Triguns insanely long speculative sci-fi timeline is the conundrum of trying to imagine exactly how a dystopian Earth could get so bad that massive amounts of folks needed to yeet themselves blindly into space, but could become so advanced that they single-handedly solve the energy crisis and maybe confirm the existence of god at the same time.
I am not a very skilled dystopia engineer, and there are a lot of flavors but I'd like to think the revolution of Plants on Earth has the potential to alleviate a lot of the aggregators in a full (or seemingly imminent) societal collapse. I'm struggling to work ahead of late-stage capitalism doomer scenarios right now which maybe puts me at a century out. I'm placing Trigun's timeline at 5 centuries out, But the tech advancement can pause at like 3 centuries in since 2 of those are used for space travel before the Big Fall.
So let's hash this out together
Here's what advancements Project Seeds needs to launch:
bioengineering (prosthetics and augmentations)
cloning and gene editing capabilities
cryosleep technology
advanced space travel
gravity control
Here's the rough and estimated environmental factors to cause them to leave Earth:
Resource scarcity
Environmental decline (like global warming and loss of land, and mass extinction)
[speculative] imminent doom from societal factors [like nuclear war and geopolitical unrest]
We know based on the society formed on No Man's Land that capitalism is probably the most familiar and default system used by the immigrants. So we can assume that Project Seeds was created with wealthy benefactors at the helm not only looking for salvation but probably power and influence (cause capitalism gonna a capitalism)-- a true colonial expansion echo despite the optimism.
The Seeds Project strikes me as unaffiliated with a specific country or culture. JuLai and some of the ambiguous ethnicities and lingering languages suggest that it's multi-cultural with English being the primary influence. So it's not a state-sponsored project, but very likely independent-- another point to the wealthy benefactor line of thought. Despite that, those shuttles alone took decades to construct and governmental cooperation to launch so it couldn't have been a completely apolitical endeavor.
Then there's the population. The project's reach is insane, not just in talent, but passenger interest. I'm assuming children were not on board, so you are talking about countless able-bodied adults abandoning their lives knowingly for the promise of a better world. The environmental factors aside, the prep-time for the project had to have been decades in the making. That's a long time to keep the propaganda circling for the promise of better. That kind of interest fades as people age into different stages of life. (Depending on the scenarios we could be looking at a mass draft? Unlikely but very interesting). We know that the survivors of the Big Fall were not specifically tailored to create a society without the comforts they were bringing along or the government of No Man's Land would look a little more stable.
So, what kind of society could form such a vast space immigration project while simultaneously on the verge of collapse?
Well, a desperate one.
The logic follows that as the resources grow scarce and the inequality gaps create vast populations of suffering among disenfranchised people-- fascism rises, which broadly stymies innovation. It's a real roadblock to this scenario. So the jumpstart out of this would be either war or a scientific breakthrough-- or both. There's always going to be interest and innovation in DNA science as a part of the medical field. Even in heavy capitalism that is going to get a lot of money thrown at it. The only thing needed to create Plants is large leaps in gene editing and cloning.
I'll throw out a number, 50 years. We've got cloning and Jurassic Park stuff. Then boom. Angel Mummy discovery. Scientists create the First Entity. But at the same time, geopolitical tensions ramp up because of the destructive potential of this entity. (I mean the First Entity has the Drain ability, that's black hole powers. We're getting wars). But the Plants are developed off of that and the First Entity is destroyed in the Julai foreshadowing lab accident many years down the line. --We've solved the energy crisis and there is probably a huge boom in advancement-- probably those physic-defying advancements to boot. But we have our militaristic flashpoint in technological prosperity, all while the earth is raining hellfire, the cities are flooding, and mass extinction events are occurring. Enough to get Trillionaires with savior complexes to start making Project Seeds.
Aaaand they are probably funding the countless wars so people join the expedition.
Conclusion: Project Seeds is a corrupt colonial project manipulating the hopeful desperation of a beleaguered population, created by the ultra-wealthy to garner absolute control in a humanity reset.
Good thing Nai crashed the ships!
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auideas · 1 year
Ermmm sorry if this is weird but do u maybe have any like, ““original”” cyberpunk prompts? I want to write something cyberpunk for an au but I just don’t have any ideas right now no matter how long I brainstorm
Exploring Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is a very unique genre, which is why so many people are both attracted to it and stumped when attempting to develop plots within an unknown world. Think of Black Mirror created by Charlie Brooker (TV show), Blade Runner written by Philip K. Dick (a movie based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a classic Cyberpunk novel), Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan (modern Cyberpunk novel), etc. -- each of these were incredibly influential in their own right, but they all also build their worlds gradually while having a single easy-to-explain concept that can spawn an entire universe. To be more specific, each story establishes an issue created by an advanced society ignorantly abusing technology, then allow their characters to explore that problem and try to find a solution in a manner that isn't explicitly black or white for society as a whole, but every shade of grey.
For Black Mirror, each episode anthologically builds upon a high-tech future within the same universe and explores how its characters interact with problems created by new pieces of said technology, both good and bad.
For Blade Runner, the story establishes that androids seem to be malfunctioning, but the bounty hunter charged with hunting them down discovers that the true issue lies in society's understanding of what it means to be human.
For Altered Carbon, the novel explores the issue derived from the obscene length of time it would take for humans to travel between planets stretched across the universe, then dives into more detail regarding how a solution has been abused.
How to Construct a Cyberpunk Concept
What we'd recommend is to start by asking the right questions and looking in the right places. Black Mirror takes its inspiration from a variety of technology, both new and old; Blade Runner explores the idea of AI and androids during the 80's when robotics was on the forefront of innovation; Altered Carbon took note of our increasing ability to travel in an interstellar fashion, then posed a simple question regarding the limits of humanity (specifically, time).
This may sound strange, but the best thing you can do is seek out trends online and scientific journals about new breakthroughs, then ask questions about what may go wrong. For example, an old post we featured here on AUideas that has since been removed from ~2017 because it's in the process of being developed into a script (sorry guys, our bad!) called Dreamscape Co. uses this exact method. When the prompt was made, Admin M was in the process of reading a scientific journal about how neurologists had been able to project a person's thoughts into an image. Although the technology was rudimentary at the time, Admin M posed the question "if dreams can be viewed, what if dreams can be watched in real time with a high quality image? What if they could be immersive? What would that industry look like? Who would pay how much to see a certain person's dreams?" This spun out into a sweeping cyberpunk mini-series, yet came from a simple news article.
Some Cyberpunk Inspiration
When performing a quick search, some amazing ideas seemed to jump out from technology news headlines these past couple weeks alone:
Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal (FLC) Technology Being Used in 3D Displays
Unlike holograms, this technology uses liquid crystals that exhibit spontaneous polarization, meaning their orientation can be influenced by an electric field. They're high-speed, low-power, and have innumerable applications in the future. So, what could go wrong?
How could this technology impact the medical field? Although this may not be possible, consider what could occur if FLCs were injected into human bodies and influenced by electric fields to perform different tasks and functions, such as replacing an organ, attacking cancer cells, etc. How could such a technology be abused or go wrong? How many could die with a simple pulse, like an EMP?
Real-Life Freeze Ray Technology Created for the US Airforce
This technology hasn't been developed to be used as weaponry, but instead to replace large amounts of coolant that must be used on space and air crafts to prevent the machinery from overheating (coolant is heavy and can reduce efficiency yet is absolutely necessary due to the fact that space is a vacuum and therefore does not cool heat like air would on Earth). This "freeze ray" technology utilizes plasma's strange property that seems to break the second law of thermodynamics: it chills down when touching another object before heating up, which experts have proposed is because it vaporizes the ultra-thin layer of carbon and water on an object upon contact, similar to how water evaporates off your skin when stepping out of a pool. The question must be asked: how could such technology be used for not just utilitarian means, but outside of the Airforce's intentions?
Perhaps the technology could be manipulated and over-chill an aircraft, or otherwise damage internal engineering.
Consider its potential applications here on Earth: what could benefit from being chilled with something light-weight and low-power? How could it be integrated into homes? What could be disastrously destroyed with such technology?
Breakthrough in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Technology May Completely Replace Carbon Energy Sources
Google and Fervo have successfully developed geothermal technology that has increased its efficiency and broke records by changing existing rock formations in the Earth's crust. For a natural geothermal energy system to produce electricity, it has to have the right amount of heat, fluid, and rock permeability -- these Goldilocks conditions can be difficult to find 'in the wild'. However, this new Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) targets the most-easily found aspect (rocks with high heat) then creates the necessary permeability artificially by drilling to the intended rock formation and injecting fluid to create fractures in the rock, achieving the necessary Goldilocks conditions. Sure, this may be carbon-free energy, but what would happen if this were employed on a mass scale?
When energy is prioritized by a high-tech society over food and water, how could citizens gain access to those resources?
What long-term effects could such a system have on the Earth as a whole? Could the ground become unstable? Maybe earthquakes crumble city after city? Maybe the entire Earth's crust loses its integrity and disintegrates, pulling only a lucky few deep underground and forcing them to survive off the left over fluid injected into the Earth's crust and whatever they can find.
Closing Thoughts
As you can see from above, there's a crazy amount of inspiration that can be drawn from current technology events. What's important to remember is that yes, we've been talking about complicated technology, but only you have to understand how it functions in your universe down to the molecule, not your audience. Deep technology topics can be dry to a certain extent, and over-explaining your world can be damaging to your story. Explanations regarding how technology works in each of the stories we discussed is limited for that same reason (Black Mirror's overarching concepts, specifics about how Blade Runner's Replicant technology are rarely discussed, etc.). Leave some mystery surrounding how your cyberpunk world functions and allow how your characters room to breathe and interact with that world -- it can speak for itself. Your audience may first love the idea behind your story, but what they'll remember and relate to is how your protagonists and antagonists suffer and prevail within your universe.
We hope this answered your question, and feel free to follow up if you'd like some more guidance and advice on how to construct your Cyberpunk story! In addition, feel free to check out our other post which outlines more information on how to build a Cyberpunk world.
Now get to writing, and have an awesome week!
-- Admin M x
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Slimmer Legs Ahead: How CoolSculpting Can Target Thigh Fat
Are you uninterested in suffering with stubborn thigh fats that just cannot seem to move away, whatever how a good deal you training or weight loss plan? If so, you are now not alone. Many folks wrestle with excess fat in their thighs and are attempting to find a solution which can assist them reap slimmer legs. That's where CoolSculpting comes in. This ingenious fats reduction cure has gained attractiveness in contemporary years for its means to objective one-of-a-kind places of the physique, such as the thighs. In this article, we are going to discover how CoolSculpting will help gain the slimmer legs you will have necessarily dreamed of.
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction cure that uses controlled cooling know-how to freeze and get rid of cussed fats cells. The strategy, also is called cryolipolysis, turned into developed with the aid of Harvard scientists and has been FDA-licensed on account that 2010. Unlike regular liposuction, CoolSculpting does no longer require any incisions or anesthesia, making it a nontoxic and effortless alternative for the ones trying to in the reduction of unwanted fats.
How Does CoolSculpting Work?
During a CoolSculpting therapy, a specialised software is used to bring controlled cooling to the targeted enviornment of the body. The cooling technologies freezes the fat cells with out unfavorable the encircling tissues or epidermis. Over time, the frozen fats cells are evidently eradicated from the body simply by the lymphatic method. This https://americanlasermedspa.com/west-end/ sluggish process facilitates for organic-taking a look and long-lasting outcome.
CoolSculpting for Thigh Fat Reduction
CoolSculpting might be an fine solution for slicing thigh fats and achieving slimmer legs. The medical care is highly a good idea for contributors who've localized pockets of fat of their thighs which can be proof against food plan and exercising. By focused on targeted spaces of the thighs, CoolSculpting can aid contour and shape the legs for a more toned and sculpted visual appeal.
CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction: Which is Right for You?
While equally CoolSculpting and liposuction are fantastic fat relief treatment plans, they vary in their strategy and invasiveness. Liposuction includes surgical elimination of fat cells via small incisions, although CoolSculpting is a non-invasive strategy that freezes and removes fat cells. The preference among the two will rely upon your human being goals, alternatives, and scientific issues. It's major to confer with a certified knowledgeable to assess which treatment is perfect for you.
Slimmer Legs Ahead: CoolSculpting Before and After
If you might be given that CoolSculpting for thigh fats relief, you can be considering what style of outcomes you possibly can count on. While exclusive influence can even range, many patients have experienced awesome advancements in the appearance of their thighs after present process CoolSculpting cures. To get a more advantageous notion of what to anticipate, allow's look at a few before and after images:
[Before and After Photos]
As one can see from these pics, CoolSculpting can quite simply in the reduction of thigh fat and strengthen general leg contour. However, that is crucial to note that outcomes may also take time to totally increase, as the physique regularly gets rid of the frozen fat cells.
FAQs About CoolSculpt
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selfundiagnosed · 6 months
I kinda do have a feeling something big will happen april 20th/21st.. just kinda looking at that day. its gonna be spiritual breakthroughs so i personally will place my chips in for ultraterrestrial 5th dimensional beings being revealed. OR! scientific discovery regarding quantum physics. Listen to this;
Jupiter conjuncts uranus @ TWENTY ONE DEGREES in TAURUS!! holy SHIT!!!...
like i said aliens on 4/20 would make everyone giggle and feel lighthearted, building rapport with humanity and bridging the gap between our dimension and their own. if we acknowledge it as orchestrated it will alleviate feeling us threatened by their presence . Are you taking notes UTs?
Btw. For everyone trying to understand UTs(ultraterrestrials): The “beyond the veil” everyone talks about is just the dimensional layers here with us on earth that we havent learned to operate in yet. The 4th and 5th dimension. Think Tesseract. every mythological phenomenon im talking ghosts bigfoot faeries angels demons djinn poltergeists lost historical mythology its all real regardless of the ame we put on it. The thing js they all operate “beyond the veil” which is why they can only appear rarely to us. “Beyond the veil” is beyond these dimensional layers. think of it like this: we are the sims and they are the people playing our sim file. We have autonomy but we can get fucked with by the player. Thats all it is and im telling you guys now its going to be right around the corner that we find out about these beings lol. Its gonna cause a looot of problems with religion and maybe even technology advancement races with countries to achieve the technology to do this but i think that one psychonaut experiment in the ussr had the blueprint. The spiral thing. I cant remember the name of it but imitated “Havana syndrome” like symptoms in the users. welp. Thats all for now, thats my prediction. Its right around the corner im so ready :) if not april 20th then VERY soon. The facade is crumbling as you read!
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Part IV)
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Chapter Four: Nature and Nurture
Look, we all know the origin of Superman. It's Moses, but in space. James Gunn's got the right idea for his movie; the origin's been done. No reason to beat a dead Krypton, y'know? But even then, that doesn't mean Krypton should be ignored in this theoretical Superman film. And if we're going to talk Krypton and its residents, as well as the El family as a whole, then...well, we have some work to do.
Here's the summary on Krypton, far as I'm concerned: Krypton is a planet orbiting a red sun, Rao, and is the home of the Kryptonians, a scientifically-advanced species in various states of conflict throughout the centuries, usually with the military complex warring against the scientocracy that rules the planet. It is destroyed either by Kryptonians themselves, or by their negligence, depending on who you ask.
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Everybody has a different idea of what Krypton looked like, usually fueled by changing ideas of future technology. In the '40s and '50s, it was basically just the Jetsons. After the '80s reboot, it turned into a cold alien society really reminiscent of something like Vulcan, mostly devoid of emotional (and sometimes physical) contact, and with a dark history full of clones, genocides, wars, conquest, and a LOT of other shit. You can thank John Byrne for the complex Kryptonian mythology that came out after Crisis. It is pretty neat.
That form of mythology definitely affected future depictions of Krypton, with Superman: The Animated Series being inspired by the aesthetics, and Smallville and Man of Steel being inspired by the attitudes and history established by Byrne. Even then, of course, these interpretations of Krypton still had their eccentricities and differences, with a lot of other influences brought in. No idea why, for example, Snyder seems to have turned his Krypton into a canyon-filled fantasyscape with rideable four-winged steeds and shit, but...eh, it kinda worked. A little.
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There was also a TV prequel series, called Krypton, that came out in 2017. It was pretty decent, honestly, taking place 200 years before Kal-El is born, and centered around the ancestors of the El family, and of the Zods. More on them later. As I said, though, it was a pretty good show, for what it was, and did flesh out an interesting version of Krypton. But before we move on to what my version of Krypton is, it's important talk about its people: the Kryptonians.
In almost every incarnation of Krypton, the people of Krypton are split up into major families, or houses, with Clark being the last living member of the House of El. Each house tends to fall within specific lanes or roles throughout Kryptonian history, with the Els usually serving a major function. Each house also has a specific symbol, with the "S"-like symbol that Superman wears being the symbol for the House of El.
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This House, full of scientists and leaders throughout Kryptonian history, tends to find itself in conflict with the House of Zod, which is a military house, best known for its last living member, General Dru-Zod. He'll be a huge focus of a future post, but not right now. And as much as I want to continue talking about Krypton and Kryptonians (especially Tyroc; if you know, you know), I really should move on to the main event. For now, let's put in what I think are the core aspects of Krypton.
Krypton is a scientocracy. As a scientifically advanced society, far beyond Earth's technology, Krypton has put a large focus upon the sciences as a part of their society. Because of this, scientists represent some of Krypton's most preeminent citizens, with most iterations of Krypton outright having a ruling science council. This is also why Kryptonian technology is all over the place, and keeps appearing throughout the Superman mythos. These include the Phantom Zone and Phantom Zone projector, the Eradicator, Kal-El's ship, and the crystal-based tech introduced by the 1978 film, and maintained in the lore since that point.
Kryptonians have a long and complex sociopolitical history. From creating Doomsday to destroying a moon, a lot of crazy-ass shit has happened in Krypton's history, all the way up to its destruction. Obviously having a history is something to expect of every planetary civilization, but...well, actually, that's a point. Krypton essentially has one-world government, which has cuased a myriad of political, military, and...well, even racial issues. Yeah, uh, they shoved all the black people onto an island once. We don't ask questions here. Or, y'know, we do and heavily criticize, but maybe later on that front. But speaking of that...
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Krypton wasn't great, not gonna lie. In more recent years, it's become more and more apparent that Krypton had a fuckton of problems. I mean, there was an island with only black people, so that already hints at racial segregation. But outside of that, you have wars, conquests, indignance and corruption, cults, and somehow a complete lack of emotional connection amidst all of these things. Like, one of their scientists literally blew up a fucking MOON. And then there's the whole cloning thing, the predetermination of roles in some adaptations...look, Krypton may have looked like a paradise to some, but it's really not a great place when you look at it.
Krypton blew up, and its destruction may have been preventable. A common refrain when it comes to Krypton is the idea that only one man knew Krypton was going to be destroyed, and nobody listened to him except his wife and brother. More on that guy later. Still, the reasons for Krypton's destruction are myriad. It's been sucked into the sun Rao, blown up by an ancient nuclear weapon at the planet's core, overharvested to the point of geological instability, destroyed indirectly and directly by Brainiac, conspired against by the space Illuminati (yes, actually), and just collapsed due to a natural instability. There's never been a real concrete reason, and to be honest, it doesn't really matter too much. Krypton dies. And for most, 'nuff said.
So, with that put into place, let's talk about the two most important people in the story: Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van.
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Lara Lor-Van: The Forgotten Parent
I feel like Lara has gotten the short end of the stick, especially as compared to her husband, Jor-El. So, to give her some much-needed attention, here's a short history of Lara Lor-Van-El. An astronaut/librarian/laborer/martial artist/military officer/scientist, depending on whom you ask, Lara's been a character that's worn a lot of different hats. And by "worn a lot of different hats", I mean that she's such a non-character that writers keep reinventing her, which only makes that problem worse. After all, Jor-El is basically always a scientist, and people remember him. So show some goddamn consistency, writers!
Anyway, Lara loved her son deeply, and didn't want to give him up to a primitive world, but agreed to do so for his sake. And...that's it. That's basically everything about her. So, uh...she's a caring mother. Yikes. That's basically nothing, but to be fair, she is gonna DIE pretty fast, so that makes some sense. However, she should get the same amount of focus as Jor-El, since they're BOTH the parents.
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She's gotten it only a little better in adaptations, but not much. My personal favorite version of the character is in Superman: The Animated Series, where she's voiced by Finola Hughes, but...well, she's in it for maybe about 7 minutes altogether. So, y'know, not much there. In live-action, though, she's been a bit luckier.
In fact, in Superman II and IV, she actually replaces Jor-El as the mentor to Clark, which is great! I mean, it's only because Marlon Brando fucked off because...well, to be frank, he's Marlon Brando and kinda weird in general, but it's still a victory in my book. Played by Susannah York, she still seems like the secondary parent compared to Jor-El, but again, there's never been enough to the character to change that.
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Smallville did something neat and cast Helen Slater, who played Supergirl in the eponymous and forgotten 1984 film, to play Lara. Here, we meet her in flashbacks, and also see her as a...holographic copy of herself or something? It's been a really long time since I've seen Smallville, forgive me. But this version of Lara is...Superman's mom. Yeah. Moving on.
Superman and Lois actually gives Lara a LOT more depth and detail as a character. Not only is she a scientist who created the Eradicator (more on that...eventually), and not only do we get to see her meet Clark via holographic copy of herself (played by Mariana Klaveno), but we also find out that she had a family prior to Clark, having been arranged to do so by the restrictive governmental systems that ruled Krypton, and having a son (Tal-Rho) from an engineered birth, while choosing to have Clark with Jor-El via natural birth. Nice! We actually turned her into a character here! And what exactly prompted this...
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...shift? Oh...oh, shit, is this something Snyder actually did right? I mean, kind of, yeah. Ayelet Zurer plays Lara in Man of Steel, and while she's absurdly shafted in place of Jor-El (only made the holographic intelligence for yourself, huh, buddy? Didn't even think to ask Lara, did you, you dick?), she's still given a semblance of character. Like the later Superman and Lois version, she chose to illegally conceive Clark via natural means with Jor-El, rather than using engineered external birthing systems. And while this version is far more restrained than any other version of the character...she honestly works pretty goddamn well. In fact, she's the one who launches Kal-El into space, while Jor-El is busy getting stabbed by Zod. So, yeah, I guess Snyder of all people tried to give her a bit more detail. Credit where credit's due.
I'll get into what I think Lara should be later. I'll be handling her alongside her husband, since we'll get to know equal amounts of the two in this theoretical film of mine. Speaking of her husband...
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Jor-El: Krypton's Cassandra
So, fun fact. I wrote this section on the Text Editor, and literally ALL of it got spontaneously deleted. And instead of going back, I wrote the next section, which made this post...SO fucking long, goddamn. So, A SUMMARY OF JOR-EL!
Jor-El is one of Krypton's top scientific minds and inventors. He invented the Phantom Zone projector, amongst other things, and comes from a family of Science Council members and prominent citizens. Because of this skill and prowess, he's also the first person, usually, to realize that Krypton is fucked. He's the doomed oracle, the scientific Cassandra, the perennial pariah of Krypton. He keeps fucking TRYING to tell the Science Council, Zod, anybody that'll listen that Krypton is gonna blow up. And nobody ever listens. So, he takes matters into his own hands, builds a ship for his kid, shove some crystals in there and sends him off, bingo bongo bango.
Now, Jor-El mostly sticks to that description throughout his incarnation. Although, recently, it was revealed that he actually survived, thanks to Doctor Manhattan (don't ask), and was responsible for one of DC's WORST FUCKING MOVES when it comes to Superman, which involved taking Jonathan Kent away from Clark and aging him up, largely removing Clark's role as a father. Pisses me the fuck off, DO NOT GET ME STARTED
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The most famous incarnation of Jor-El is, of course, Marlon Brando in Superman: The Movie. He takes the role of holographic mentor from beyond for a young Clark, and his essence remains as a guardian of the Fortress of Solitude. Basically, he's the prototypical Jor-El for most incarnations. Terence Stamp basically did this in Smallville, but took a MUCH mor antagonistic role through much of the series, trying to push Clark to his perceived "destiny". However, his actions also technically killed Jonathan Kent, caused Martha Kent to miscarry (please don't ask), took away or otherwise fucked with Clark's powers on multiple occasions, and did various other shitty things "for the good of his son." I guess it correctly predicted how much of a dick Jor-El would eventually become in the comics, though.
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And then, of course, there's Russell Crowe in Man of Steel. Not too much different here, save for the fact that he and Zod were once good friends, that he has an actual action sequence in this movie, and that...well, yeah, that's about it. He also does the whole "recorded consciousness" thing for Clark, and AGAIN doesn't consider letting Lara do the same, like an asshole. Oh, actually, there is one difference: he dies way before Krypton explodes, stabbed by Zod as his son is sent to Earth. But other than that...yeah, he's basically Jor-El once again.
Yeah, honestly, there isn't a whole lot to say about Jor-El, either. And in truth, maybe there doesn't need to be. After all, both he and Lara are super dead by the time the true story begins, and that'll be the case for the movie too. We really don't need to talk about Krypton, and what happens to Krypton, or who Jor-El and Lara are, or the sociopolitical conflicts that lead to my version of Krypton's destruction, or-
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My Krypton
By the time the movie begins, Clark really shouldn't know anything about Krypton. He knows he's an alien, he knows that his true parents haven't come for him (and so assumes that they couldn't), but he doesn't know much else. This question should somewhat haunt Clark, but shouldn't take over his everyday life by any means. So, when his parents come to visit him in Metropolis, they bring with them a crystal that they had found with the crashed ship. As Clark is injured from the attack of the villains of the piece, the crystal will measure his physiological signs, and send a distress beacon to his ship. That will cause the Zeta drives in the ship to activate, bringing the ship to Clark almost instantaneously. Because of its Caretaker programs, the ship will actually surround Clark in order to create a healing environment, bathing him in ultraviolet radiation to help him heal his wounds.
As this is happening, we go back to the crystal. Now surrounded by the ship, the damaged crystal transmits a somewhat broken message into the unconscious Clark's mind. It's alien technology, we can play around a bit here. With this broken message, we see glimpses of Krypton exploding, as well as a look at Jor-El and Lara, who give a message of love and hope to their cast-off child. Nothing big, nothing too long, but something heartfelt. And more importantly, it supplies Clark with a few answers about his past and parents, including their names and the fate of Krypton.
Which brings up the question...what happened? The short answer is a lot, and the even shorter answer is that it doesn't matter, because that mystery won't be solved in this film. But the long answer is...complicated.
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Well, the whole thing starts with Brainiac, AKA Vril Dox. An alien conqueror and synthetic being from the far-off planet Colu, Brainiac is a collector of worlds and information, using shrinking technology to miniaturize and transport cities in a misguided attempt to store their culture. About 450 years prior to the events of the film, Krypton was fairly close to a utopian society, with war and conquest largely in the civilization's history. However, the planet's life would likely die off within the next several millennia, due to the instability of the sun Rao. And so, Brainiac made a decision: take the city of Kandor.
Brainiac takes Kandor and its people, with the goal of protecting its knowledge. In reality, all he does is doom Krypton. Without its jewel city, Krypton is forced to restructure itself, both economically and politically. Doing so causes a lot of strife amongst its citizens, and challenges the long-ruling scientocracy of the planet with alternate systems. A cult of Rao develops, prophesying the end-times when the Collector of Worlds returns. Meanwhile, some houses, especially the House of Zod, attempt to reroute the planet's future into a military powerhouse. This is opposed by the House of El, leaders of the Science Council in Kryptonopolis, the new capital of the planet. And over the centuries, this strife and conflict builds to a boiling point.
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War. The House of Zod gathers more allies, chief amongst them being the houses of Hu-Ul, Ek, Ur, Ul-Ar, and Kor-Onn. This group of houses, calling themselves the Sword of Rao, conspire together over the years to overthrow and oppose the scientocracy. Establishing a capital in the city of Xan, the Hand outstretched to encompass nearly half of the planet. However, a tentative peace was reached between the two factions of Krypton, but only after the safety of a planet as a whole was threatened by the building arms race.
See, at this point, the Science Council had developed a revolutionary technology: transdimensional teleportation. Two of their head scientists, astrophysicist Jor-El and engineer Lara Lor-Van, accidentally discovered an alternate dimension when experimenting with a mysterious form of electromagnetic radiation that they believed could be used to communicate over seemingly impossible distances. However, too much of this energy opened up a window into a desolate and empty realm directly overlapping our own. They called this place the Phantom Zone.
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Simultaneously, the Sword's scientist Jax-Ur developed a powerful weapon called the Destroyer. During an accident of his own, he discharged the weapon into the moon Wegthor, destroying it and endangering the planet. This event prompted a deal between the Sword and the Council, where Jax-Ur was turned over to the Council and imprisoned in the Phantom Zone (against Jor-El's will) in exchange for peace. But peace doesn't last forever.
A decade passed. Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van fell in love and married, and formed an alliance of their own with the leader of the Sword, General Dru-Zod. Zod and his wife, Ursa, became famed leaders of their people, and of the military. But while they played the game of peace with the Science Council, they secretly plotted to take over the planet as a whole, as well as the nearby colonies of the planet Daxam. This was with the help of Jax-Ur, whose clone had been turned over to the Science Council all those years ago. Jax-Ur began to work on his own form of the Phantom Zone technology, turning it into a dangerous weapon that could displace atoms of any object or person to unknown distances. The energies utilized by this technology will one day be harnessed as a method of teleportation known as the Zeta beam.
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But once Jax-Ur is discovered, war is back on. The Science Council has Zor-El, Jor-El's brother, weaponize their own Phantom Zone technology to continue the Cold War between the two halves. This is because Jor-El refuses, as the Phantom technology is unpredictable and untested. Jor and Lara resign from the Science Council, and leave to study the true effects of the technology. When Jor-El realizes that too much of this energy could actively destroy the planet, he pleads with the Science Council to stop its development. When this fails, he pleads the same to Zod. Realizing that Jor-El has sided against him, Zod disowns his former friends and turns them away. Doesn't declare vengeance on them or anything like that, just calls them Science Council flunkies and weaklings and turns them away.
Dejected, Jor-El and Lara continue their work, building a small exploration vessel so that they could take measurements from above the planet's atmosphere. But as they were readying to begin their observations, disaster struck. Unbeknownst to them, their visit prompted Zod to order Jax-Ur to speed up development, without proper testing, which is something Jax-Ur was more than happy to do. But again: this is unstable technology. And on a related note: Jax-Ur is a mite unstable himself.
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Things come to a head on the battlefront. The Science Council resorts to destroying the island of Vathlo as a warning shot, using Zor-El's weaponization of the dimensional engines to disintegrate it. This prompts a similar destruction of cities by the Sword in retaliation, using Jax-Ur's weapon as a powerful beam of energy for destruction. But both sides make a fatal error, which Jor-El has realized.
See, considering that this is a science-based civilization, it comes to reason that they'd use certain forms of energy. Specifically, in this case, geothermal energy is used to fuel much of Krypton. So, when the teleportation technology is used as a weapon, a large amount of power is drawn out of Krypton itself. What Jor-El discovers is that there's a massive feedback effect that occurs as a result of using so much power. Radiation from the technology is fed back into the ground of Krypton itself, irradiating it and making it brittle. And as the war has waged on, this has only gotten worse.
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As a final gambit, the Sword and the Council unleash their full might on each other. Jax-Ur's weapon destroys Kryptonopolis, and weakens the ground beneath it as a result. This creates the final catalyst of Krypton's destruction. Realizing the end, a desperate Jor-El and Lara see no option for escape, except for their exploratory craft. But as it was never meant for anyone to fit inside, the two realize it's too small for everyone EXCEPT their infant son. And so, as Krypton is nearing its destruction, the two mournfully plan send Kal-El out. However, they don't know where to send him, and have no way to know if he'd make it out. So, Lara retrofits a Zeta-drive to the ship to allow it to move through dimensional transportation somewhere, while Jor-El does his best to direct the ship's coordinates to a safe location. Again, they have no idea where it's going at this point. They just hope Kal-El will land somewhere safe, where another people can raise him and care for him.
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In a last ditch effort, Zor-El does something similar for himself and his family. In three separate ships, he attempts to plot a course through the Phantom Zone to get to an inhabited planet somewhere. Unfortunately, only his daughter Kara Zora-El manages to escape, flung into the Phantom Zone while in stasis, while her parents are both killed as Kryptonopolis falls.
This is only the beginning of the end, however. Zod and company finally sees the end, as the ground beneath them and all of Krypton begins to shake. See, here's the fun thing about planets: they can't just spontaneously explode. Scientifically, that makes no sense. So instead, this is a disaster caused by the war between factions. And also realizing no escape, Zod and the highest ranking members of the Sword of Rao (Ursa, Faora Hu-Ul, Non Kor-Onn, and Jax-Ur) also escape into the Phantom Zone, where they'll be imprisoned until they find a way out. And at that point, with everybody off world...well, you know what happens next.
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Now, will ALL OF THAT make it into the movie? FUCK no. This is just backstory. But that's the Krypton that we're working with, setting the stage for conflicts and characters to come, and for Clark to discover over the course of several movies. Because we're plotting for a series here, and this is a story that can be unfurled over time, especially if and when Zod or Supergirl show up.
But there's one more unsolved question here: how did Clark get so injured in this theoretical film? He's fucking Superman. Well...what do you think happened? It's a McGuffin, but an important one. So, just for a second...let's talk about Kryptonite in this universe.
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Remember how I said the weaponized Zeta-beam technology irradiated the ground of Krypton itself. Well, that radiation actually makes Krypton pretty toxic, ESPECIALLY when the planet collapses in on itself due to the same energies. So, Kryptonite is the irradiated remains of the planet Krypton. But it doesn't actually go anywhere. I mean, let's be honest, it makes NO SENSE for Kryptonite to travel that fair to get to Earth, so where did it come from?
Well, theoretically, maybe an alien civilization or individual discovered Kryptonite, and decided to use it as a radioactive power source, or even as a crystalline nuclear weapon. So, if Superman, who reads as Kryptonian, shows up in a city on Earth and disrupts your plans for the city/planet, you'd want a way to get rid of him. And maybe you have a way to travel to Krypton and discover it's destruction, as well as the crystals themselves. And maybe you have some human patsies that will use technology that utilizes Kryptonite to take out Superman. So you grab the radioactive crystal, give it to these guys, and they work to take out Superman. And who are these guys? Let's not jump the gun. For now, we have some more people to talk about first, before we talk villains.
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Index: Superman
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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reality-detective · 2 years
"Let's dive into the "Rabbit🐇Hole" about "Leaving the Piscean Age and entering the Age of Aquarius"👇
I have mentioned this on multiple occasions that we're transitioning into "A New Age" which is spoken about 'the end of an age' in Matthew 24 and 'the new age' in Revelation 21.
This is NOT a bible lesson so please stay with me. 👇
In this article it talks about all the different ages before us up until now. 👇 Each age is approximately 2160 years plus or minus a few hundred based on the information I have dug up.
A spiritual löök at what we should be doing to transition ourselves 👇
This article adds to the above article 👇
Here's some info from Wikipedia I want to add and point out about the different perspectives and time-frames of the Age of Aquarius👇
A common position expressed by many astrologers see the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world.
This 👆 is happening now
Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive.
This 👆 is also happening now
The above 👆 two paragraphs prove there was 2 plans in place one to enslave humanity and be controlled by the rich and elite and the other one that frees all of humanity in every way shape and form.
Another view suggests that the rise of scientific rationalism, combined with the fall of religious influence, the increasing focus on human rights since the 1780s, the exponential growth of technology, plus the advent of flight and space travel, are evidence of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
Note: "Since the 1780's" and it has been said through history it takes 200 - 300 years to transcend into a new age.
A "wave" theory of the shifting Great Ages suggests that the Age of Aquarius will not arrive on a given date but is instead emerging in influence over many years, similar to how the tide surges forward incrementally rather than all at once.
We really don't have any timeline on when, just understand it's coming.👆
Rudolf Steiner believed that the Age of Aquarius will arrive in 3573. In Steiner's approach, each age is exactly 2,160 years. Based on this structure, the world has been in the Age of Pisces since 1413. Rudolf Steiner had spoken about two great spiritual events: the return of Christ in the ethereal world (and not in a physical body), because people must develop their faculties until they can reach the ethereal world; and the incarnation of Ahriman, Zoroaster's "destructive spirit" that will try to block the evolution of humanity.
This was written about in the 2nd and 3rd articles above 👆
In an article about feminism in the French newspaper La Fronde from February 26, 1890, August Vandekerkhove stated: "About March, 21st this year the cycle of Aquarius will start. Aquarius is the house of the woman". He adds that is in this age the woman will be equal to the man.
The divine feminine is rising so this could be very real as well. Everyone will be equal.👆
Lastly 👇
The final outcome of this whole ordeal we have all have been experiencing for our lifetime is this one... We have already won. 👇
A common position expressed by many astrologers sees the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world.
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I hope this was helpful for anyone who was been seeking wisdom. 🤔
Again I'm just doing research and it is up to you to decide. Take what resonates and discard the rest.
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The Morning Falls Nonetheless: Writer's Cut
Alternatively, I compile my DMs with @scarletfeisty over my fic into one cohesive commentary post.
[link to fic for context]
Post may be edited in the future for further thoughts.
Before we begin, I'd like to note that the main reason I didn't swear in this fic is because I was linking it on the POWCreations Discord server (which is supposed to be PG). This also applies to the current post.
General commentary
I wrote the entire first draft in about 3 hours 15 minutes while sleep-deprived. It took me a week to edit because lore, classes, and other matters got in the way… *cough* executive dysfunction *cough*. I also compiled this writer's cut while very sleep-deprived, so there's that.
Several of the things I emphasized throughout the fic was the warmth/cold juxtaposition and the descriptors of loneliness, just to drive in how bleak the situation was. Classic symbolism, can't go wrong with that, at least not in this situation.
Timeline-wise, Section 2 (Cleo POV) took place less than 24 hours after Section 1 (Seagulls POV). Also, since I wrote the fic before the "Final Wishes" lore event, the timeline may not completely add up to the canon one, even if I kept it vague for when exactly the fic would take place, hence the "Not Canon Compliant" tag.
Section 1: Seagulls POV
I've written ages ago on the POWCreations Discord that once the parents (derog) come back to the Isles, it's on sight for the entire magpie and seagull population. This section of the fic was written as a nod to that; as I wrote in the tags, "We hate their parents, can't you tell?"
The Finding Nemo reference in the Alex's Mobs advancement was low-hanging fruit. Still had to take it.
Chat knows whenever lore is about to go down, y'know? They know ominous signs when they see one. Yes, the chat detector would sometimes generate false positives, but I have faith that we have a keen eye and ear out for any inkling of lore. (This is why we would also not make good therapists; we thrive on suffering just as much as we do recovery.)
"Really, what has our son been wasting his time on while we were away? Cookery? Menagerie management? I thought we taught him better than that, to focus on discovery and make our name known, not silly hobbyist pursuits like this. I know I taught him how to cook, but I can't believe he's also been sharing my secret recipe beyond the family at that…"
I would like to point out that I had Aurelia say "menagerie management" instead of "zookeeping" because the English word 'zoo' didn't exist until c. 1847 in the real world, and adhering to my timeline headcanon for approximating scientific and technological advancement, it would be close to anachronistic for me to use the word 'zookeeping'.
Also, in my original drafts, Aurelia was supposed to say "to make his name known" and not "our", but I changed it last-minute for symbolic reasons.
"Not to worry, my dear. In the morning, he will know to sail in the right direction from now on."
I originally wrote something else instead of "to sail in the right direction", but decided to throw it in while at a later draft because maritime culture, maritime metaphors.
Hands that dragged sobbing children home when they got lost on the big, big island with so many new places to discover, and lips that scolded them for crying at all.
This line was directly inspired by a flashback scene from Project SEKAI, for the record, and a little from my own childhood (minus the extremely poor parenting displayed both in the game and the fic). So, in the scene, little Mafuyu (the character Scarlet and I were comparing p!Scott to) got lost at a theme park and her witch of a mother decided it would be a good time to scold her young daughter for being a "bad" child for making her worried, and then literally dragging her home.
This plot point of the parents (derog) shooting the seagull chat was inspired by a DSMP fic I once read, in which there is a scene where the main antagonist kills a chatter. (Edit: It's Between Heroes and Villains, btw.) I just decided to go the whole hog and have them commit mass murder instead.
Oh, and the Martyn quote from the deleted line is from the episode about the "In Too Deep" event, just after a failed bounty attempt.
Part 2: Cleo POV
I personally love the idea that the chats are scattered about whenever their creator-characters aren't "live". You know how we'd be in a different creator-character's chat for the time being to watch everything go down? Yeah, that's what's happening here.
In my draft annotations, I wrote that the parents (derog) see p!El as the "bad influence" behind p!Scott's very canonical Animals Georg arc; the only reason they didn't yell at her was because she was out questing at the time, and the only reason they didn't kill the dogs is because they realized just in time they weren't p!Scott's. And yes, this perception is also inspired by a tidbit from Project SEKAI. (I swear I didn't become a Project SEKAI fan before Scarlet introduced me to it, but the parallels fit too well to not make a nod.)
A voice at the back of her head whispers to her what could have happened and how it might all connect, but she has to make sure it isn't just lying to her for the goofs and giggles, as the voices tend to do.
Another last-minute addition, but I really liked writing in the implication that Cleo's chat was snitching and/or trolling.
The third thing they notice is that all the animal enclosures have gone missing.
And now for one of the saddest parts in the entire fic: the zoo is no more. While reading back the day after I posted it, I realized that I never clarified the fates of Dandi and Mabel and the Kangacrew, so I'll do that now:
When I wrote this fic, I didn't realize p!Scott brought the dogs back to the Heron base while decorating for the holidays, so in my continuity, Dandi and Mabel are still at the Nightingale base, and p!Acho is looking out for them, and if not star, then someone else in the Nightingale faction. Don't worry, they're safe, and I'm not that mean.
I think I genuinely forgot about the Kangacrew while writing this, but considering their enclosure is hidden and their existence is mostly a secret (even the rest of the Isles only know there were at least four, not two dozen of them), I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're okay.
Another implication that hit me after posting the fic is since I kept the parent-child confrontation off-screen and vague (i.e. we only see the aftermath in the fic), we don't know what actually happened.
While I didn't intend to write it that way, the possibility of the parents (derog) forcing p!Scott to take everything down in the Heron base and to kill off the entire zoo… It's extremely messed up, but also entirely probable based the little information I gave.
In short, I didn't intend for it to possibly be this messed up, but it turned out this way, so I'm leaving it open-ended; you can decide what happened.
Whatever happened, someone or something put up a fight. Probably the cassowaries, come to think of it. How Scott managed to wrangle so many dangerous animals into his zoological collection, Cleo will never know, and at this point, probably no one ever will, other than Scott himself.
For context, cassowaries are very dangerous birds, especially males when it comes to protecting their chicks. Anteaters, kangaroos, all incredibly deadly animals too. The fact that players can tame these animals would be a monumental feat in real life (though admittedly Bank is untameable and was water-skied back to the Isles), and this paragraph is a nod to that. Shout-out to Casual Geographic for the animal commentary.
The moon and star redstone light in the corner.
I decided all the electric appliances in the mod-pack were redstone-powered so I don't have to have a headache about timeline management to prevent anachronisms. Yes, it's a hand-wave, but by that point, I was too tired and decided to let a minor detail slide.
Yeah, that's Scott's handwriting, alright, but it looks almost… too formal. Too composed, as though it were written without being driven by any emotion. Lacking in the characteristic loops and colour like what he wrote for the Heron message board…
This was another later addition because I eventually decided p!Scott isn't appearing in this fic to evoke the "I don't know what's happening to him, but whatever that is, it's not good" feeling.
In one of the older drafts, I was considering having one of the parents (derog) write the note, but that would have screamed "HE GOT KIDNAPPED" and I don't think the parents (derog) would be stupid enough to do that.
And again, I love writing style as characterization shorthand. In this case, it's more based on personal experience because my handwriting may vary depending on the situation: my "best" penmanship won me a prize when I was in upper primary school, but currently, it takes a lot of time and effort to write so neatly, i.e. the spectrum of "free" (messier, colourful) vs. "restrained" (neat and tidy, "professional" black ink, etc.).
Also, the fact that I never made specifics when pointing out the handwriting style is because of my conlanging headcanon; I haven't quite settled on a writing system yet, so I was trying to keep it vague in description.
The part about p!Cleo telling p!Water that the parents (derog) were "alright" and that she never knew her own parents were all taken from the SMP Launch Day VOD. In Cleo's VOD, it's 1:10:40–1:12:33.
I mentioned a few times throughout this section of the fic that the cobbled deepslate path is still intact, as a reminder that p!Scott made those while revamping the Heron base. A silent "I was here". That perhaps there is still hope.
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wtfearth123 · 1 year
WTF Earth 🌎 : A Page Dedicated to Sharing Interesting Events Happening on Earth
Greetings, fellow extraterrestrials!
Welcome to WTF Earth 🌎, a page dedicated to sharing interesting events happening on Earth. If you are fascinated by the strange and wonderful planet that humans call home, then you have come to the right place. Here, you will find stories, facts, opinions, and insights about the most trending topics on Earth, from politics and culture to science and nature. Whether you are looking for a laugh, a shock, or a learning opportunity, you will find something that suits your taste and curiosity.
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Why did we create this page?
Well, as aliens ourselves, we have always been intrigued by Earth and its inhabitants. We’ve been observing Earth for a long time now, using our advanced technology and stealthy methods. We’re constantly amazed by the strange and wonderful things that happen here. We have seen them do amazing things, such as build structures like the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China, landing on the moon, inventing the internet, and creating art and music. We have also seen them do terrible things, such as waging wars, destroying the environment, and oppressing each other. We have witnessed their joys and sorrows, their hopes and fears, their achievements and failures.
We have learned a lot from them, but we also have many questions. Why do they do what they do? How do they think and feel? What are their values and beliefs? What are their dreams and aspirations? How do they cope with the challenges and opportunities that life presents them? How do they interact with each other and with other species? What makes them unique and what makes them similar to us?
We’re not here to judge you, Earthlings. We just want to learn more about your planet and its inhabitants. We hope that by sharing these stories, we can help you to better understand yourselves and your place in the universe.
We decided to create this page to share our observations and reflections with you, our fellow aliens.
We hope that by doing so, we can spark your interest and curiosity about Earth and its people. We also hope that we can foster a dialogue and exchange of ideas among ourselves and with the humans who might stumble upon this blog. We believe that by learning from each other, we can enrich our understanding of ourselves and of the universe.
So what are you waiting for? Follow WTF Earth 🌎 today and learn about the latest WTF moments happening on Earth!
You will be surprised, amused, amazed, or maybe even horrified by what you will discover. But one thing is certain: you will never be bored.
Here are some of the WTF events that we’ve seen on Earth:
A man in Florida set himself on fire to protest the high price of gasoline.
A group of politicians in Australia got into a fistfight on live TV over a disagreement about climate change.
A woman in China gave birth to 10 babies, breaking the world record for the most children born at once.
A man in India survived being struck by lightning 7 times.
A group of scientists in Japan created a robot that can feel pain.
These are just a few of the many WTF events that happen on Earth every day. We’re constantly amazed by the strange and wonderful things that you humans get up to. Keep it up, Earthlings! We’re loving the show.
In addition to sharing the latest WTF moments, we also offer a variety of other features, including:
Articles about the wild life, nature, history, culture, and people of Earth.
Scientific experiments discovered by Humans.
Interviews with experts on Earthling affairs.
A forum where you can discuss WTF events with other Earthlings.
A blog where you can share your own WTF stories.
We hope that WTF Earth 🌎 will become a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Earth and its inhabitants. So what are you waiting for? Follow WTF Earth today and start exploring the strange and wonderful world of Earthlings!
❤️ from Aliens 👽👽
We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for new ways to improve our page and make it more informative and entertaining.
Thanks for reading!
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watchworldlive · 14 hours
Kingymab: The Well-Being Revolution That Was Unexpected
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You must have seen something pop out of nowhere in a flash that changes the way to think about wellness. That's what Kingymab is. Well, lots of buzz has been swept over the world lately. Perhaps if you are reading this right now, you would have been wondering what it is all about. So, buckle up because we're going in deep and uncovering just exactly what is this thing called Kingymab, why people are talking about it, and could it be that thing that we have all been waiting for?
What is Kingymab?
Let's get to the basics-first off, what is Kingymab anyway? Let's visualize this: a product combining ancient holistic traditions with modern science to come up with something that is simply unlike anything else in the wellness world. Kingymab is not just a fad; it's a philosophy and even a lifestyle-a way to bring balance and boost energy with more mental clarity. It is like the best-kept secret of the wellness world. at least until now.
How Kingymab Does its Magic
A New Spin on Holistic Health
Holistic health, of course, is about the whole person, and not just dealing with some symptoms. Kingymab certainly fits into this picture because the head, body, and spirit are all in alignment in Kingymab. The people who created Kingymab believe that it's only when these three come together that we get to a place of real wellness. And guess what? It's not just about keeping your body healthy. It's about building up your emotional robustness, calming some mental chatter, and feeling good from the inside out.
So how does Kingymab do all this? The combination of natural ingredients, mindfulness, and cutting-edge technology was the perfect blend that integrated ancient healing principles with modern advancements.
How Kingymab Works
It's not magic-it's science! Kingymab comes from years of scientific research into adaptogens, those herbs that are found to counteract stress, neuro-enhancers, and bio-hacking techniques for the optimization of human performance. You would have come across products that boost your energy or improve your sleep, but Kingymab promises to take this one step further-by being customizable in your wellness experience. Are you interested?
It acts on key neurotransmitters and hormone regulators, thereby helping to restore balance where it's needed most. Whether a fight against stress, poor sleep, or just something to feel a general, all-around lift, Kingymab sets out to fill those gaps.
Important Benefits of Having Kingymab in Your Rostock
1. Manage Stress Better Than Ever BeforeNext tell: Stress is the silent killer, right? We constantly hear this, but many of us live with it day in and out. Kingymab's adaptogen-infused formula allows your body to adjust to stress (thus the name "adaptogen"). It does not make all the stress go away-which we know will never happen-but enables you to handle it, thus making you less swamped and more empowered.
2. Improved Mental ClarityYou know those days when your brain just feels stuck in a fog? Kingymab steps in there. Users say they have sharper focus, quicker decision-making, and better memory recall once adopted into your lifestyle. You're like giving your brain a gentle nudge in the right direction without getting the crash you might get from a cup of coffee.
3. Better Sleep, NaturallyGet tired of counting sheep at night? Well, with Kingymab, sleep better naturally. Its collection of soothing ingredients helps calm you down into a restful state without the drowsiness associated with the common sleep aids. This, in turn, may advance your day-to-day energy and further improve your emotional balance.
4. Boosts in Physical VitalityThough very much aimed at mental and emotional wellness, Kingymab is also a powerhouse for physical health. Most users attest to generally improving energy and endurance with regular application of this product. It will rejuvenate your body, so you can even move on the laziest of days!
Dosage of Kingymab for Best Effects
"So how does one incorporate Kingymab into a busy life? Good news: it's ridiculously easy. Kingymab is well designed to be adapted to virtually any person's routine, no matter how crammed they may be with activities. Here are a few tips to get started:
Morning Boost: Take Kingymab with your morning coffee or smoothie for a little extra kick to your day. Mid-day Pick-Me-Up: Got that slump in the afternoon? Give it a kick in the butt with a shot of Kingymab. Lullaby Night: Want to catch some Z's? Try adding Kingymab to your sleep prep for the night to ensure you unwind and calm down. Pro-tip: Consistency is key. Like all other wellness supplements, Kingymab works best when taken regularly!
Why Kingymab is a Wellness Must-Have
Kingymab is definitely not a wellness trend that's here today and gone tomorrow; it's a movement. Whether you are trying to fight the stress that sets in every day, improve your concentration, or simply feel more balanced and grounded, Kingymab is an effortless and entirely natural way to level up your health. And, with the one-size-fits-all approach most supplements are taken with, its adaptability in tailoring it to better fulfill your needs is a true rarity in the supplements world.
Kingymab vs. Traditional Supplements
If you are a veteran in the world of wellness, then probably you've tried a million supplements in your life. You probably know that some of those worked, and some did not. What is special about Kingymab is that it does not target one specific area for enhancement. Neither does it work on just energy or relaxation but balances all fields of life, which makes it so different because there are just too many vitamins or herbal supplements that come into the market at a time.
But we all desire to feel better, live healthier, and as an outcome, become better at everything. Perhaps Kingymab is just the answer we've been waiting for. Merging the powers of science with nature, and striving for both wellness aspects of the mind and body, Kingymab points out toward a bright, holistic approach toward achieving balanced vibrant life.
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mrbensonmum · 1 month
TV Shows - 3 Body Problem VIII
Episode six is a key episode when you think about everything that’s still to come.
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What keeps coming to my mind while watching this episode is the question of how we, as humans in the real world, would react. A negative reaction is briefly shown at the end of episode five, and then we only see it one more time when Will, Saul, and Auggie try to buy alcohol. I thought it was really fitting because people start panic buying, even though the San-Ti won’t arrive for another 400 years. I find that realistic, because after such news, we might see a similar reaction here. But would it also work on the scientific side? Despite the difficulties and the fact that no real progress seems possible, would some people still not give up and try to keep advancing humanity?
I believe the author of the books really did his homework here, as with many other topics and areas, and thoroughly researched what might happen. There’s a part, which should be covered in the second season, where humanity goes through a major collapse, wiping out a large portion of the population before any real development takes place. No matter how it’s portrayed in the series, I recommend looking at the book because the future described there is really well done, with many innovations that make sense when you look at today’s developments.
Operation Staircase basically starts here, and I find it fascinating how its development is shown. You have all these scientists who live in their own world and don’t look beyond their own fields. Thomas Wade knows exactly who he needs to listen to and how to motivate them to get a decent result. Jin, on the other hand, thinks outside the box and isn’t discouraged by certain limitations. She works with the resources she has and builds on them, instead of just hoping that the right technology will be developed in a few decades, as suggested.
But Operation Staircase also lays the foundation for another event that fully unfolds in the third book. Spoiler warning! When we lose Will Downing, he is miraculously found by the San-Ti and turned back into a human. In the distant future, Jin and Will meet again, talk, and Will tells her three fairy tales he came up with. These three tales lead humans to develop a kind of faster-than-light drive, but it seems they stop before finishing it.
I’m particularly excited about these three fairy tales because I really enjoyed them in the book, and, as I’ve mentioned many times, I’m very curious to see how they will be portrayed in the series. Especially since they play a crucial role in a later catastrophic event.
The purchase of the star might seem a bit over the top, but it’s also an important event. Later, Jin and her friend will travel to that star to meet Will there. However, Jin won’t find Will, and everything that happens in between and afterward really blew me away. This will likely be one of the most challenging parts to adapt. There are so many events that need to be “checked off” before everything in the last third of the third book can make sense. And will Saul really become the Archivist?
My mind is racing because I’m being flooded with memories from the books, which are mixing with the visuals from the series. I recently read an article that said the creators are already working hard on seasons two and three. They now have a good idea of the cast’s abilities and can better judge who is capable of what. But the next two seasons will be so different that it might feel like they’re almost casting new actors and creating a new show, even though it’s the same cast.
Here’s the article
This makes me feel very hopeful because the books are very different from each other, and if they’ve already understood this for the planning of the next seasons, they’ve already overcome a big hurdle.
I just remembered another difference that was portrayed much more emotionally in the series than in the book. This is because, in the series, we have this small group that doesn’t exist in the book in the same way, and there’s a strong friendship bond. We see a tearful farewell between Saul and Will, and Jin, who arrives too late to say goodbye after she finds out that the star is from Will. I have to admit, I got a bit emotional here, too—it was pretty intense. Especially since I think she already noticed that there was something between them, even before Will told her that he loves her. (And here I’m getting a bit ahead of myself because that happens in the next episode! But what does time even mean?)
The next two episodes tighten everything up, and as mentioned before, we also get to see the Wallfacers, although the information is a bit sparse, which I think I’ve mentioned before. Maybe I’ll talk more about that later.
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digitalfarooq · 3 months
Unlocking the Mystery of Uskator: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction to the fascinating world of science can be both exciting and challenging. For young minds, understanding complex concepts like gravity and photosynthesis can seem like a journey into the unknown. However, with the right guidance and tools, learning becomes a joyful adventure. In classrooms around the world, educators use interactive methods to engage students and spark curiosity. Imagine a classroom where every question leads to a new discovery, where 'uskator' is not just a word but a key to unlocking knowledge. Students eagerly experiment, hypothesize, and observe, making connections between theory and practice. Through hands-on activities and stimulating discussions, they grasp the fundamentals of physics, biology, and beyond. 'Uska tor' becomes a symbol of exploration, appearing in experiments and project reports, reinforcing their understanding of scientific principles. As these small scholars grow, their fascination with the world around them deepens, paving the way for future discoveries and innovations. With each lesson, they inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of nature, guided by curiosity and inspired by 'uska tor'.
What is Uskator?
The time period "Uskator," said /ˈʌskətɔːr/, originates from historic mythology and folklore. Its particular beginnings are unknown; some say it comes from historic cultures, whilst others assume it advanced extra recently. Whatever its beginnings, Uska tor has grow to be everyday in a range of scholarly and cultural contexts, often linked to topics of mystery, exploration, and discovery.
The Intriguing History of Uskator
Understanding Uskator in its historic context is essential. Texts from centuries previous include references to Uska tor, which is regularly portrayed as a image of exploration and the unknown. The phrase was once once in a while used through early explorers and cartographers to refer to unexplored areas or legendary locations backyard of mounted borders.
Uska tor has received new connotations in the cutting-edge technology and is regularly linked to creativity and forward-thinking ideas. Its versatility to many historic intervals and cultural contexts emphasizes its timeless appeal.
Uskator in Contemporary Culture
Uskator nevertheless has an impact on writers, artists, and intellectuals these days all over the world. Its electricity to join with men and women on a profound, regularly unconscious stage is tested through its presence in famous culture, literature, and art. Uska tor arouses pastime and creativeness in all places it goes, whether or not it is used as a metaphor for unrealized practicable or indicates up in a story as a bizarre island.
Exploring the Concept of Uskator
What does Uskator sincerely mean? Uska tor is every now and then interpreted—though interpretations can differ—as a illustration of the human spirit's endless search for perception and revelation. It captures the pleasure of venturing into the unknown and the pleasure of discovery. Uska tor reminds us that there are limitless probabilities out there in a world the place boundaries are continuously being stretched.
Uskator: A Source of Inspiration
Uskator has stimulated innumerable authors, artists, and inventors. Its enigmatic fine evokes creativity and challenges human beings to assume outdoor the box. Uska tor can act as a catalyst for novel ideas and modern viewpoints, whether or not you are developing a narrative that takes location in a fanciful world or growing ground-breaking technology.
The Uskator Effect: How It Influences Thought
Uskator is a thinking that extends past literature and the arts. It has additionally mounted a foothold in scholarly discourse, the place it is regularly employed to tackle topics like the philosophy of discovery and exploratory psychology. Academics take a look at how the thought of Uskator influences people's movements and conjures up them to tour to undiscovered areas, each actually and figuratively.
Navigating the Uskator Phenomenon
Navigating Uskator's complexity can be profitable and stressful for these who discover it intriguing. Because of its complexity, human beings are enticed to observe it from unique views and analyze greater about its meanings and origins. Uska tor affords a prosperous tapestry of thoughts to study, whether or not you are a historian discovering its historic ancestry or a philosophy thinking about its existential consequences.
The Future of Uskator
As we flip our interest to the future, Uskator continues growing to preserve up with the times. Its everlasting enchantment is in addition verified via its relevance in an generation of world connectivity and technological growth. Whether it seems in digital environments or acts as a information for scientific research, Uska tor continues to characterize human curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge.
Learning about nature is important for every student. When we study plants and animals, we discover how they live in their habitats. Uskator, a special tool used by scientists, helps us understand more about the environment. By using uskator, researchers can measure changes in weather patterns and track animal movements. This information is crucial for protecting wildlife and predicting natural disasters. Students can also learn to use uska tor in science class to explore their surroundings and conduct experiments. It's exciting to see how uska tor works and how it helps scientists solve mysteries about the Earth. In conclusion, uska tor is a valuable tool for learning and discovery. As students, we can use it to explore nature and understand the world around us better. By learning from uska tor, we become curious explorers who care about our planet and its inhabitants.
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