#teen challenge for men
itboytrends · 4 months
it could be us but you are playing
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royboyfanpage · 3 months
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Vic, baby, I'm your man!
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ronancebyler · 11 months
unpopular opinion for some reason but hopper shouldn't be a bitch to mike because el didn't spend enough time with him. mike is a child and one of el's only connection to the outside world.
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seanfineart · 10 months
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Did a Color Wheel challenge and wanted to share the results
Red: Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Orange: Starfire (Teen Titans)
Yellow: Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Green: Doom Slayer (Doom)
Cyan: Mega Man (Mega Man)
Blue: Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Purple: Lilac (Freedom Planet)
Pink: Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
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elmleif · 1 year
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Cillian's very depressed, very bisexual little brother.
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justmatches · 1 month
Umbrella Academy
Teen Wolf
The Boys
The Hunger Games
Many more, if you are wondering feel free to ask :)
(In Progress)
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This Is How You'll Become That Girl In Just One Day | Glow Up Guide
This Is How You’ll Become That Girl In Just One Day | Glow Up Guide   You’ll be pleased to hear that this process won’t entail anything extreme, or even turning your whole world upside down. This ebook and workbook bundle will help you become That Girl quickly and effortelessly, with minimal investment!       Hey, pretty people!     Can becoming That Girl be an easy and effortless process? The…
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kryptonitejelly · 4 months
art donaldson x childhood friend reader who he hasn’t seen in a long time (whose had a crazy glow up) visits him at stanford at the same time as patrick and patrick starts hitting on her (him and tashi are in an open relationship) and art gets jealous.
(maybe she tells patrick she knows he’s in a relationship and he tells her tashi wouldn’t mind and she would probably be down to join idk)
art donaldson x reader // challengers // fluff; happy ending
a/n: i did not hit the prompt on the head 100%, but i’m not mad at it. this ended up turning into a monster i had no control off and ended up being alot longer than i expected (i haven’t done a word count, and did not mean for it to spiral into this but i enjoyed writing this very much). i am an art donaldson defender and this is my way of giving him everything he deserves (i hope you guys can see what i subtly tried to do in places - please leave comments/reblog if you see them, it would mean the world). also i typed this entirely on my phone without proofreading - you’ve been warned.
edit - as a disclaimer, i do not purport to comment on the victim/villain/any dynamic in the challengers universe. this space is purely for delusional thoughts and fiction only (see also)
Good luck.
Art shoots the text off to you before taking a swig out of cup of diet coke he has in hand. He leans forward, his forearms on his knees, teeth crunching on ice cubes as lets his gaze sweep across the court in front of him. It is devoid of players but already has the umpire and linesmen ready and waiting.
You’ll buy dinner if I win?
Art doesn’t expect to get a text back, so he checks his phone absently, but his face breaks into a tiny grin as he sees your reply. Most other players would have been hyper focused in the moments before a match but you, in the breezy light hearted way you always were, still had it in you to joke around.
Yes, but if you lose…
Art sends his response, the tiny grin still on his face.
I’ll feed you.
Your reply is fast and it makes art shake his head lightly a quiet chuckle dropping from his lips. He is just about to type another reply but is interrupted by the loud cheers that erupt from around him. Art looks up from his phone to see Anna Davies walk out on court in the same colour red as he had on. He claps politely with the rest of the men’s team who he was sitting amongst in the stands, in a show of support.
Art catches sight of Tashi and Patrick, both perched a few rows down from him with the rest of the women’s team both clapping and hollering in support. He notices the turn of Patrick’s head, no doubt to check in on Art but he doesn’t tilt his head or smile back in acknowledgement as he usually would - he is far too distracted by you.
Art can feel his jaw slacken slightly as you walk on court. He knows what you look like, but you in the flesh - Art thinks you are breathtaking. Your top is in a shade of your college’s colour, paired with a white tennis skirt that shows off a pair of toned, long legs. He catches a glint of metal just above your ankle, and he finds himself squinting in a feeble attempt to make out the look of the ankle bracelet that you have on. Art moves his gaze your face, taking in what he can see from his perch on the stands as you walk out towards your designated bench on the court, bright neon green bottle in hand, your tennis bag slung on a shoulder.
You had been close back home for most of your childhood and more formative teen years, and the both had kept in touch since he left for Stanford and you to your own school of choice, but too infrequently - the occasional text, more frequent reaction or comment on each other’s social media and the small conversations that spiralled from those interactions - like two planets orbiting in the same solar system, but not close enough. Life had overtaken, the excitement of moving your separate ways to a new environment, of college - tennis, academics, people, parties, it had overwhelmed you both, individually and together - made you just about forget that you had each other.
Art is transfixed. You are, lithe, glowing and with a hop in your step - Art finds himself questioning why he had never made more effort to keep you closer since you had both gone on your separate paths. He watches as you settle your bag on the bench, turning your gaze to the stands, eyes narrowing from the glare of the sun as you search the stands, only for your gaze to fix on his. Art sees you smile, lips turning up as you wink directly at him. It makes a series of heads turn to look back at him - your fellow team mates, the small group of supporters from your college who had come along, and the Stanford women’s team plus Patrick, half curious, half puzzled. Art can only raise a hand beside his chest in greeting as he remembers to breathe, letting the air he had been holding in his chest out.
He sees turn away while reaching for your phone which you had wedged in between the band of your tennis skirt and skin. Your fingers flying over the keypad briefly before you toss the phone into your tennis bag, hand fishing out your racket. Art feels his phone buzz in his hand and he looks down at the text that had come through.
Stanford still hasn’t taught you the right way to wear a cap huh.
Your text, a reference to his penchant for securing his cap on backwards, makes Art laugh, out loud, the sudden sound causing his team mates to crane their necks in attempt to look at his phone. Art swats them away as he refocuses his attention back on you, watching as you do a few hops, shifting your body weight from side to side before walking to your position on court, racket in hand. You lose the coin toss, and Anna choose to serve and yet your demeanour is one of ease, something Art can’t help but think is so stark in contrast to Tashi before a match. You aren’t smiling anymore, and yet in an unexplainable fashion, Art can feel you smiling as you bend to ready position, your hands flipping the handle of the racket around, poised to receive. He sees Anna toss the ball, her back arching, hand shooting up, before she connects her serve, and he watches you receive it with ease, your body moving in a smooth motion as you hit it back. Your strokes have their own weight and intention behind them, they are careful, thought out - but what surprises Art is he sees little calculation behind each. Instead, he watches as you let yourself feel each shot, as you let your instinct take control with each step. Art sees himself moving pieces of chess across the court when he watches replays of his game, but with your game, - Art manages to see colour, life, ease. He sees something he hasn’t seen in his tennis since he had last played with you, Art sees fun.
The match isn’t long drawn out, you win - effortlessly, just as each of your strokes and movement are. It frustrates Anna, as is evident from the increasing number of unforced errors she makes on her art which leads to her swearing loudly as you easily hit the last heavy, driving it quick and to the opposite corner of the court from where she is positioned. Art finds himself clapping enthusiastically along with the crowd as the umpire calls the game.
“You never told me you had such good looking friends,” Art feels an arm sling itself around his neck, pulling him close as he stands outside the court, waiting for you to finish your match debrief with the rest of the team.
“Shouldn’t you be with Tashi?” Art questions as he tugs himself out and under, away from Patrick’s hold. His eyes remain focused on the door of the tennis court, waiting for you to emerge.
“Some strategy meeting,” Patrick offers as explanation, “refocusing or something like that.”
Art starts to say something in response only to be stopped by the view of you walking out from the courts. You both lock eyes, not too similar from how you had with you on the court and him on the stand. Art thinks that your smile is more brilliant up close.
Neither of you say a word, as you walk up to him, hands reaching up to tug his cap off his head only for you to pop it promptly on your own head, the right way around.
“The right way,” you say in greeting, pointing towards his cap which is now sitting on your head, the Stanford red a confusing contrast to your your top, now a loose fitting tshirt in your college colours, as Art chuckles while running a hand through his hair, attempting to shake out any flatness.
“The red looks good on you.”
“Perhaps I should transfer.”
“Didn’t peg you for a traitor,” Art teases which makes you laugh.
“Do I get a hug,” you ask, both of you oblivious to Patrick who is just watching.
“C’mere,” Art says, his words inviting, but just almost slightly shy as he opens his arms to you. You step into his embrace, arms slipping around his body as Art brings his arms around your shoulders, hands bumping into the tennis bag you have on your shoulders. His embrace is familiar, and you let yourself relax into his hold.
“Could I get a hug?” you hear a different male voice chime in and you pull away to look curiously at the brunette who is standing just beside you both.
“Fuck off Patrick,” you hear Art say with no bite, but notice as he steps just that one inch in front of you in an attempt to place himself as some sort of barrier between you and the brunette.
“Patrick Zweig,” the boy says, ignoring Art as he proffers a hand to you which you shake to be polite while introducing yourself.
“Do you go to Stanford as well?” You take in his attire of jeans and a white tee, the lack of red - you would guess not but it didn’t hurt to ask.
“I’m just visiting,” he says, “I’m actually playing on tour.”
“Losing on tour,” Art corrects.
“Your tennis is insane,” Patrick comments, ignoring Art, “when will I see you on tour?”
“I don’t intend on turning pro,” you respond with the flash of a smile.
“Why?” Patrick continues the conversation, now slightly befuddled, “you’re a natural.”
You shrug with a laugh, not answering and simply brushing off his question.
“Why don’t I take you to dinner and you can tell me why.” Patrick’s statement makes Art roll his eyes.
“Aren’t you taking your girlfriend our for dinner?” Art chips to which Patrick simply shrugs not phased in the slightest and answers with a no.
“Thanks, but I already have a dinner to cash in on,” you offer Patrick a smile, before glancing at Art.
“I’m sure Art wo-”
“Nope, fuck off Patrick,” is what Art says again, not even giving the other man a chance to finish his sentence. It makes you laugh, but you follow as Art grabs your hand, tugging you off in a direction away from Patrick.
“It was nice meeting you Patrick,” you call out, turning your head towards him giving him a wave with your free hand, “good luck on the tour!”
You walk for a minute or two more until the tennis courts are out of range before Art stops. He lets go off your hand, but reaches instead to grasp the top of the tennis bag on your shoulder. You raise a brow questioningly only to have him tug again with a slight tilt of his head. You relinquish the bag to him and he hoists it on his shoulder instead.
“What a gentleman,” you joke, but with a smile on your face.
Art does a mock bow with a flourish of his hand which makes you laugh with a shake of your head.
“Your chariot awaits my lady,” he extends a hand to you, waist still tilted in a bow, but his head up and looking at you.
“Lead the way,” you place your hand on top of his again.
“My car is that way,” he says jerking a thumb towards his right as he intertwines his fingers with yours. Its the second time in the day where he’s holding onto your hand but you don’t think too much of it and neither does Art. It feels right, comforting, familiar and like it’s supposed to be - and you go with it.
“Sorry about Patrick,” Art says as he fiddles with the paper casing of the straw. You are both sitting in a booth, plates cleared, your drinks left in front of you. Art is leaning back but being across him you can feel his knees knocking into yours. Dinner had gone by way too fast for Art’s liking. There had been both plenty to catch up on, as well as new information to learn and yet - it had felt like no time had passed between you both.
“He’s a bit of an ass isn’t he,” you say as you lean back, a mirror of Art. Your comment elicits a bark of laughter from him.
“Girls don’t usually say that about him.”
“What do they say?”
“Well not say, but they usually fall at his feet or into his bed,”
“No,” it makes you crinkle your nose while you shake your head.
“His girlfriend Tashi,” Art says, fingers still fiddling with the wrapper, “we played tennis for her number, she chose him.” Art said referencing the tennis match between him and Patrick. His sentence is blunt, to the point, and yet manages to be vulnerable at the same time. Art surprises himself as the words slip out from his lips so easily but it feels easy to tell you, safe to let himself be vulnerable, fine to let you view him for who he truly is.
You both sit in silence for a beat or two, the only sound between you both being the rustle of paper in Art’s fingers.
“Well,” you begin, “if she made you play for her number, maybe its for the better you didn’t win.”
Art’s fingers give pause and he looks up at you. His expression is unreadable, but you don’t feel like you’ve said anything wrong - just the obvious.
“I guess you are right,” he says after a few seconds of silence, before raising his head to look at you. There is a small smile on his face that you can’t quite place.
“When have I been wrong Donaldson?” You challenge in jest as you lift a leg under the table to jostle one of his lightly. Art leans forward, managing to capture one of your legs, your calf in the warmth of his palm.
“You really want me to start?” Art questions as you wriggle your leg in attempt to get away but no no avail.
“Let’s see, the time we were six and you thought that the way to get strawberry milk was to dump pink food colouring in normal milk.”
“Stop,” you protest, but with a laugh on your lips.
“Or the time we were ten and you were convinced that the park we passed by on the way home from school was haunted and we had to sprint past that stretch of sidewalk for 3 whole months.”
“It was creepy!”
“How could we forget the one time we were thirteen and you thought that the way babies were made wa-”
“Arthur Donaldson,” you protest, managing to wrestle your leg out of his grasp which has grown looser with each anecdote. It allows you to set your foot on the ground, body shooting up to lean across the table, your palm coming to cover Art’s mouth to prevent him from announcing any further recollections from your youth.
You can feel his breath hot against the palm of your hand as his muffled laugher fills the space of your booth.
“Art,” you huff, relinquishing his full name for his nickname again. You move to drop your hand from his face, but Art catches a hold of your wrist. You sit back down, butt hitting the seat again, but with your hand still stretched across the table, wrist still loosely wrapped in one Art Donaldson’s hand. His shoulders are still shaking, now with a silent laughter.
“Art,” you try again.
“I’m sorry, it’s just so funny,” Art exhales, trying to collect himself as best as he can. He doesn’t remember the last time he laughed like this, freely and with such reckless abandon over something so innocent.
“Your dedicated court jester, always here to serve,” you mock with a roll of your eyes.
“You’ve been derelict in your duties,” Art says, now calm, but his eyes still twinkling under a mop of strawberry blonde hair. He keeps his tone light but what he really means to say is that it has been too long. You chuckle, not really having an answer for him.
“It’s been a while,” you finally admit, both your hands now resting on the table between you, you wrist now lying upturned in Art’s open palm. You had always been close
“It has, hasn’t it,” it isn’t really a question. Art has missed you - something he hasn’t realised until today. He had let himself be distracted by the complex, focused toxicity that was tennis, Patrick and Tashi, letting himself get sucked into the whirlpool, that he had forgotten to hold on to the things that grounded him.
“Maybe we should change that.”
“We should change that,” Art corrects you and you can feel the tips of your ears burning, and the skin across your cheek bones tingling for some reason.
You aren’t quite sure how ended up here, but one thing had lead to another as you both made your way out of the restaurant and back to Art’s car, and the next thing you knew you were heading back to his dorm to watch reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for some reason.
“How do you not find her hot?” You ask again for the tenth time as you both focus on the screen of Art’s laptop which is perched half on his thigh and half on yours. You are both sitting on his bed, shoulder to shoulder, both of your heads damp from (separate) showers in Art’s ensuite, and you smelling quite like him from having used his toiletries and borrowing a short and shirt set, both of which which were a baggy fit for you.
“I don’t know, I just don’t.”
“You’re rubbish Donaldson,” you snort, nudging your elbow lightly into his ribs with a simultaneous yawn.
“Tired?” Art asks, as you stifle another yawn.
“Yeah,” you accept, seeing little point in trying to hide it. You had after all, played a match today.
“I should really get back to the hotel,” you mumble, the back of your head leaning against the wall beside Art’s bed, eyes closing.
“You could just stay here,” there is a hint of hesitation in his voice because he isn’t sure if you’ll stay.
“My bed’s a double,” Art shrugs, “it would also be quicker for you to get to the matches tomorrow.” You aren’t playing but Art knows you would be expected to show up as a supporter for the series of matches between your two schools that continued tomorrow.
“Are you sure?” You don’t mind, after all - it’s Art, the boy you had known growing up, shared milkshakes and apple slices with after school, but you wanted to be sure he was truly fine with it.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Art moves to shit his laptop, lifting himself to bend over the edge of the bed to place the laptop on the floor, “you can take the inside.”
He flops down on the outside of the bed that is further from the wall too easily, his right hand going behind his head. Him moving forces you to move in tandem as you flop down on Art’s left, legs scrambling under the covers which Art has somehow managed to worm his way under in the flurry of movement.
Art reaches a hand over, his arm extending over you in the process to hit the light switch that he has beside his bed. It plunges you both into darkness, the only light the faint glow from the street lamps creeping in from below his curtains, and the glow of his digital clock.
You flip onto your right side, eyes closed, missing the turn of Art’s head as he observes yours features, closed eyes, lashes, nose, lips, finding his gaze lingering a moment too long on your lips.
“Stop staring Art.”
“Am not.”
“I can feel it,” you respond, lips curving into a smirk. It was a habit he had developed from the sleepovers you both had either in his living room or yours when you were both younger. You would close your eyes, just about to doze off, only to hear the faint shifting of a head against a pillow while Art turned to stare at you, his blue-brown eyes boring into you.
“Am not.”
“Go to sleep Art.”
“So I guess I’ll see you around,” You are standing just a distance off the side of the bus which is supposed to take you back to campus. The matches for the day had ended, with your school having won by one match.
“Yeah,” Art replies, drawing out his words as he takes you in, he finds himself think that he had very much preferred you in his clothes despite them being oversized and not as well fitted as your own. You had managed to change into a fresh set of school colours before the matches started earlier that morning, having pleaded with your angel of a roommate to help you lug your overnight bag, which you hadn’t even had the chance to unpack the night before, over to the courts before the matches had begun. She had taken one look at you in Art’s tshirt, shorts with his hoodie thrown over, and had given you the widest smirk known to man despite your insistence that nothing had happened.
“I think you are scheduled to come play next month,” you refer to the Stanford men’s team, “I’ll see you then?”
“Or I could see you next week?” Art says almost shyly as he raises a hand to rub the back of his head. Art was a walking oxymoron, easily grabbing your hand, asking you to sleep in his bed, and yet somewhat bashful in the moments in between, “the drive over is an hour, max.”
“I would like that,” your response earns you a mega watt smile, his eyes twinkling at you. You both hear voices calling Art away from the bus, one male, one female - but Art ignores them both.
“Yeah and I told her-” your sentence is cut off by a nudge to your shoulder.
“Stanford” you friend explains with slightly too much glee in her voice. She had seen the smile on your face after returning from your away game last weekend, and the way you had been constantly glued to your phone, grin on your face, laughter peppering your days, the name Art Donaldson a constant fixture in your notifications.
Your head swivels up and to your left to spot Art leaning against his black jeep, hands crossed loosely across his chest. He smiles when he sees you, and your face mimics his expression.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” you friend calls out as she pushes you in Art’s direction. You pull a face at her while rolling your eyes, but letting your legs carry you towards Art.
“Are you stalking me Donaldson?” You ask in jest. Art had texted you half an hour earlier, asking which part of campus your last class of the Friday was in and where he should pick you up from.
“Hundred percent,” he says as he opens his arms; you step into his embrace for a brief hug, before he turns to open the car door for you. You unload your bag from your arm, dropping it onto the floor of the passenger’s seat before climbing in. You move to close the door, but Art is in between you and the door, reaching over to click your seatbelt into place.
“Ready?” He asks, and you nod, gazing into bright blue-brown eyes.
“Positivism,” Art says simply at your question of what theory of jurisprudence he found himself most inclined towards. You think for a moment, the side of your face propped up with a hand, elbow on the counter of the bar you both are seated at, your body turned towards Art who is likewise, facing you.
“Positivism,” you roll the words around your tongue, “I guess it tracks,” you shrug, before raising a brow slightly, “but how does an engineering undergraduate so much about jurisprudence?”
“I read.”
“On jurisprudence?” You frown nose wrinkling as you reach your hand out to place the back of it against Art’s forehead as if to check if he had a fever, “are you alright?”
“You mean you don’t read engineering daily in between sets?” Art questions you with mock horror as he reaches up to tug your hand down from his forehead. Your hand ends up, yet again, in Art’s, which is resting on his knee.
“Why engineering, and not something with a lighter course load?” The underlying question is clear - Art had every intent of going the pro track post-Stanford, and it wasn’t that he would be making full use of his degree anyway.
“I don’t want the only skill I have to be hitting a ball with a racket,” he shrugs, “it feels good to know I can do something else.”
You hum in bother understanding and agreement as you feel Art’s thumb begin to stroke the back of your hand. It distracts you, his calloused thumb sliding across your skin.
“In another life I’m sure you would have made a darn good engineer Art Donaldson.”
Your words make Art laugh, something he found himself doing a lot with you.
“So, this is me,” you point towards the dormitory buildings up in front and Art slows his car to a stop, pulling the gear into park. He kills the engine before hopping out of his seat. Your hand is on the handle of the door, ready to open it for yourself but Art is faster, his hand on the outside lever, pulling the door open for you.
Art offers you a hand as you hop out of the jeep before he shuts the door behind you.
“I had fun tonight,” you find yourself saying, suddenly feeling slightly shy for reasons you cannot fathom.
“Me too,” is what Art says in response, his hands stuck on the pockets of his jeans, heels rocking in a back and forth motion. You see his gaze on you, locking with yours before flickering to your lips. It makes you bite down one on side of your lip, an action which causes Art to gulp, making the Adam’s apple on his throat bob.
“We should do-”
“Can I kiss you?” Art blurts out his question in a burst and you can see his face flush slightly as he asks, a surprising and yet apt contrast to the Art who had no qualms about holding your hand in his. You feel your heart quickening, and with the silence between you both - you almost feel as if you can hear each beat.
“Yes,” you breathe out, a small nod accompanying your response. You see Art’s gaze flicker to your lips again, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about this.
Art takes a step forward, pulling his hands out of his pockets. You feel him cupping your face gently, and you tilt your head towards him. Your eyes flutter close and your lips meet.
Art’s lips are softer than you imagined. You feel his hands move, slipping down the sides of your body, circling your waist and pulling you closer. You drop your bag off your shoulder onto the floor as your hands move up, one to cradle the side of his face, and the other reaching behind, fingers weaving into soft curls as you tug him closer towards you. First kisses with someone new had always been awkward for you - teeth, lips, noses, as you each try to figure out the grooves and crannies of each other, but with Art - there was no such thing. It felt as if you both had learnt each other long ago, each in and out, the curve of his neck, and the the planes of your body.
You break the kiss first, pulling away, eyes still closed, feeling as if the breath had been knocked out of you in the best way. Your forehead pressed against Art’s, body held firmly against his.
“I hope you aren’t going to send me packing after that.” Your eyes flutter open at his words.
“You packed an overnight bag didn’t you?”
“I might have,” Art pulls you even closer, his arms wound tight around you.
“Presumptuous much?” You run a hand through the front of his hair, pushing his fringe back.
“Just good at reading the room.”
12 years later
The skin across your knuckles are visibly tight, your hands clenched into fists, the only sign of the nerves that have taken over and riddled your body. Your eyes are shielded by dark oversized glasses, but your pupils are darting left and right as the final point of the match plays before you. The stadium is silent, save for the pop of the ball and the grunts from the two players on court. You hear an exceptionally loud grunt, the whizzing of a racket whipping through the air, and then you hear it before it hits you - the roar of the crowd, the thundering claps, and you feel your body freeze as even the announcer goes wild.
“Art Donaldson, ladies and gentleman, our new US Open champion.”
You remain glued to your seat despite the commotion around you - family, Art’s team, cheering, jumping, excited hugs being passed around. Your eyes watch as Art runs towards the center of the net, hand raised as he waves to the crowd around. He shakes his opponents hand, before waving to each section of the stadium in thanks of their support and there he is, jogging towards you. His hair is dripping with sweat, plastered to his head, shirt clinging to his body. He extends a hand to you even before he reaches the sideline and your body reacts from habit, standing, your hand extending back towards him. A warm hand, the back of it still slick from sweat grasps yours, tugging you forward lightly.
“Hi,” is all he says as Art’s lips meet yours. Art enjoys the tennis, but he doesn’t need it - doesn’t need the tennis, the fame, the money, or the trophies - all he needs is you.
You hear the crowd go wild at the display of affection, the announcer’s voice booming over the sound system with something about Art Donaldson and his wife, but it all fades - the commotion, the sound, the people, the tennis, because all you see is Art.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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pejite · 23 days
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Hi! Today, I’m sharing a list of mods that I consider essential for playing historical gameplay in The Sims.
I often have friends who want to dive into the Decades Challenge but aren’t sure which mods to use or where to start. So, in this post, I’m going to share the mods I personally use and think are indispensable for creating that authentic historical experience.
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Deaderpool's MC Command Center: This mod allows you to manage and modify many aspects of your game, including handling pregnancies, university careers, and enabling teen relationships so your Sims can marry earlier, among other features. You can also enable autosave and adjust the length of a Sim day.
Lumpinou's RPO: This mod enhances relationship dynamics and expands pregnancy features. It's extensive, with many modules, and once you've tried it, you won't want to play without it.
Pandasama's Realistic Childbirth: Offers multiple realistic childbirth options, including natural bed births and spontaneous labour, adding depth to your Sims' family lives.
MizoreYukii's Arranged Marriages: Allows you to arrange marriages for convenience. Parents can agree on marriages for their children, but breaking the arrangement won’t be easy.
Necrodog's Carriages and Horses: Adds functional carriages, enhancing immersion. While it doesn't work with the horses of Horse Ranch pack, it’s still incredibly useful.
Kuttoe's Enlist in War: It will allow your Sims to enlist in the war. Whether they live or die will be random, but if they survive, they'll receive the Veteran trait, a lifetime pension and some lasting traumas.
JaneSimsten's Regency Romance: Perfect for simulating the Regency era. It adds class differences, property ownership, etiquette skills, new traits and careers, events, and widowhood. Though inspired by the Regency era, it works well for later decades too.
SimKatu's Reading Animation Override: Changes the reading animations, with different ones for men and women, making your Sims’ reading time more immersive.
Zero's Deadly Dickensian Sicknesses: Introduces the risk of diseases like Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, and Cholera. It’s incredibly realistic with its contagion system.
Adeepindigo's Healthcare Redux: A comprehensive health mod that adds various illnesses and treatments, including tuberculosis and (early access) cancer. While Sims can buy modern medicines, many illnesses can be cured with natural remedies.
Adeepindigo's Simulated Endings: This mod will enhance everything related to your Sims' deaths, allowing them to take out life insurance and designate beneficiaries, arrange funeral preparations, and introduce stages of grief for your Sims.
MizoreYukii's Functional Broom: Adds a functional broom with its own animation, letting you keep your Sims’ homes clean without resorting to modern vacuums.
Triplis's Quit or Join School: In case you need your teens or childs to quit school.
The Kalino's Farm Animal Set: Expands your farm with more animals, including goats, sheep, ducks and more, in addition to the standard cows and chickens.
JaneSimsten's Write With Quills: Replaces your Sims' pens with quills, adding a touch of historical accuracy.
JaneSimsten's Sidesaddle Override: Allows female Sims to ride horses sidesaddle, as they would have in the past.
JaneSimsten's Parchment Computer: Replaces modern computers with parchment and quills, complete with their own animations—perfect for pre-typewriter eras.
Frankk's Language Barriers: More realism to sims being from different worlds.
Rs4ella's 1920s Grade School Homework Override: Changes the look of the kids' homework book to a 1920s style, but it works well for earlier periods too.
Xbrilliantsims's Toddler Bathtime Overrides: Replaces modern bath toys and sponges with more era-appropriate items when bathing toddlers.
Lunamoth's Historical Infant Carriers: Swaps out modern baby carriers for fabric slings, suitable for any historical era.
Lunamoth's Rope Pet Leash: Replaces the modern pet leash with a simple rope, making it look more appropriate for historical gameplay.
300yearschallenge's Historical Baby Bath Override: Changes the baby bath seat to a more suitable design, or you can opt for
Sassymissollie's Invisible Infant Bath Seat to remove it entirely.
JaneSimsten's 5 Day Work Week: Choose Your Own Work Hours: Lets you adjust your Sims' work schedules for a more realistic experience.
JaneSimsten's Marksmanship Skill: Adds a marksmanship skill, allowing your Sims to practise shooting and hunting, with the hunted animals available for cooking.
Littlbowbub's Ye Olde Cookbook: Enables your Sims to cook historical dishes, perfect for low-income Sims in older settings.
Basemental's Basemental Drugs: Although mainly known for adding drugs, it’s commonly used for its smoking features, letting your Sims smoke cigarettes and cigars like a proper Victorian gentleman.
MizoreYukii's Children/Toddlers Can Die of Anything: Allows your child Sims to die, useful if your storyline requires it.
Ayoshi's Phone to Notebook Replacement Mod: If phone elimination mods are causing issues, this mod might help. It replaces the mobile phone with a small notebook, which could pass for a mini Bible or an old-fashioned notebook.
JaneSimsten's Extra Cross-Stitch Patterns: Adds historically accurate cross-stitch patterns.
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sarasade · 10 months
One of the most generally useful things to come out of Hbomberguy's plagiarism video and Todd in the Shadows' similar video on misinformation is how they bring transparency to the internet phenomenon of "I made up a guy to get mad at".
Seriously, I've seen people make up a lot of stupid shit on the internet over the years and it's often just a manipulative attempt to paint a group of marginalized people in a bad light.
That's the TL;DR version of this post. 
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ANYWAY here is the long version
Those videos are mostly about James Somerton's plagiarism of other queer people's work. However I'd like to talk about that 20-30% of Somerton's original writing- and oh boy. It's mostly about complaining about White Straight Women and misgendering well-known trans creators such as Rebecca Sugar and calling Becky Albertalli a straight woman while it's pretty common knowledge that she was forced to out herself as bi because she received so much harassment over "being a cishet woman who appropriates LGBT+ stories".
One thing that irks me especially is how in his Killing Stalking and Gay Shipping videos Somerton brings up how straight women/ teen girl shippers exploit gay men for their personal sexual fantasies. This gets brought up several times in his videos.
Being all up and arms about Somerton being a "White Cis Gay Who Hates Women and Queer People tm" is not that useful because the kind of rhetoric he's using is extremely common in fandom and LGBT+ spaces on Tumblr, TikTok and Twitter. We really don't need to bring Somerton's identity to this since he is in no way an unique example.
It's hypocritical to make this about an individual person when I've seen A TON of posts, tweets and videos where queer people talk about these Sinister Straight Women who are supposedly out there fetishizing and exploiting queer men. It's pretty clear to me that this is just an excuse to shit on women and queer people for having any sexual interests. At worst these comments are spreading misinformation about BL, a form of media that has been excessively studied by both Asian feminists and Asian queer women.
This all sounds really familiar and I think it's good that people are calling it out as what it is: misogyny and transphobia. I'd also point out the potentially racist motives behind being this hypervigilant about Asian media.
People can absolutely be misogynist regardless of gender or orientation. I really don't know why we need to create some kind of made up enemy to get mad at. I actually think it's almost sinister how "anti-fujoshi" people call Slash shippers and fujoshi misogynists or claim that they have internalised misogyny while being dismissive about women's interests and creative pursuits under Japanese obscenity laws, China's censorship, book bans in American schools and various other disadvances that are part of being a queer and/or female creator.
I think we shouldn't be naive about the bad faith actors who want to turn queer people against each other. For example Fujoshi.info mentions anti-gender (TERF, GC etc) movement using this kind of rhetoric as well.
Anyway if you want to read more:
- about the false info around BL fandom fujoshi.info
-There is the scholar Thomas Baudinette who studies gay media in Japan. Here is a podcast with him and the scholar Khursten Santos
-James Welker is a BL scholar as well. Here is a podcast interview about the new international BL article collection he edited.
-I've already talked about this Youtube channel by KrisPNatz and his great Killing Stalking video that actually engages with the themes of the manhwa
- There is also HR Coleman's thesis DO NOT FEED THE FETISHIZERS: BOYS LOVE FANS RESISTANCE AND CHALLENGE OF PERCEIVED REPUTATION where she interviews 36 BL fans and actually breaks down why fetishization has become such a huge talking point in the fandom discourse. Spoilers, it's mostly about young queer people and women being worried that they will get judged and pathologized for their interest in anything sexual.
-Great podcast about Danmei and censorship with Liang Ge
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Okay, I don't know if you remember me, but I participated in a lot of your challenges and the Pink’s challenge, and I found some success! I shifted to my wr and manifested some things, but I could never do it consistently, and it was really fucking annoying.
So, I took three months off and worked hard, using subliminals every day and going on affirmation rampages. I was doing lucid dreaming methods, SATs, meditations, yoga nidra, reading spiritual books literally my whole summer was dedicated to shifting and the void state. I was eat sleeping and breathing it because I could not continue to live the way I was even I can even consider that living …
So What did I do
I just followed your challenge because college was starting, and I couldn't go back to school without my dream life for the fourth time, fearing I might actually harm myself. So played the fields with this rampage (together in two different tabs).
During the Day
During the day, I would live in the end. I created albums for my desired realities, re-read my scripts, revised my void list because I genuinely believed I was going to succeed, watched supercell shifting videos on YouTube, and stared at my vision board, realizing it was going to be my life the next day, and more!
What I Manifested
- Master shifting abilities
- Master void state abilities
- Having my WR to be a perfect heaven
- Making this current reality a dream: desired looks, desired body, never gaining weight, revised wealth and family, dream friend group, a social media following, being worshipped and respected, being so beautiful by my own standards, dream home (I have a mountain range that goes through my backyard and a farm on my land, it’s enormous), revised city, only attracting wealthy, tall, attractive men, pretty privilege, 145 IQ, going to an Ivy League, getting rid of my anxiety and depression, getting rid of my health issues, no toxic family, so much money, and revised my name to Bella because I love Bella Hadid (my old name was Audrey), and so much more.
I know it sounds nothing too crazy compared to other people who manifest powers and trillions of dollars, but I can shift anytime I want. I’m going to my singing desired reality and high school musical Dr soon and I am so excited I have hundreds of places to explore. My life here finally has stability, and I’m so happy. Not waking up with stress, nausea, and diarrhea is a blessing. My house is clean, my family members aren’t fighting and calling me names, my siblings and I are close. I audibly gasp anytime I see myself in the mirror. My phone is always blowing up with people asking me for plans when it used to be dry as hell, and people forgot I even existed. Everywhere I go, people tell me I should model, want to pay for what I’m buying, are so kind, open doors for me, want to help me for no reason, give me discounts, ask me on dates… I’m so happy and confused. I don’t know how to feel. I am genuinely so loved and respected, and on top of that, I get to explore the universe of my favorite shows and movies.
I’m so glad I never gave up, even though these three months were hard and my life had gotten worse, I am finally free, my hard work paid off, and I hope everyone else will do the same. We truly are God! I was afraid this community was some big joke and big bloggers were creative writers or just laughing at delusional people like me, but I can confirm it’s very, very real.
My love I am so proud of you ! And yes I vaguely remember you and your first shift you messaged me about :)!
I am happy your hard work paid off as well. I remember when everything seemed so meaningless and delusional as well and I also thought shifting was some big joke to target mentally ill teens, but the reality is we truly are all god and no amount of doubt and struggle will ever change that truth. I hope you enjoy your dream life, and I am happy I could help 💖
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scarlet--wiccan · 8 days
Agatha All Along, the highly anticipated follow-up to WandaVision, begins airing this week on Disney+. Now is the perfect to revisit some important information about both shows and the context in which some of Agatha's new characters are being introduced.
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WandaVision primarily followed the character Wanda Maximoff and expanded on her family history by introducing her late parents as well her twin sons, who are born from magic and age rapidly over the course of the series.
In the Marvel comics source material, Wanda is part of a large, multigenerational family of Jewish and Romani characters whose stories frequently reflect the systemic violence and oppression that both communities face-- including Romani Holocaust victims, who are critically underrepresented in both education and media. In the MCU, these identities and histories are completely erased, and the characters are all played by white actors. Alternate versions of these characters also appear in the Fox X-Men films, and are similarly whitewashed.
The Romani people are a racialized minority that originated as a South Asian diaspora, and who face severe systemic oppression in Europe and North America. The modern Romani population is quite diverse, but they are not of white ethnic origin, and despite the fact that Wanda and her family have historically been drawn with white features, they are minority characters and ought to be considered as such.
Depictions of witches and witchcraft are often entwined with antisemitism and anti-Romani racism. In pop culture, witches and fortunetellers are typically portrayed as visual stereotypes of Romani women. In the real world, fortunetelling is a profession born from survival work, one which Romani families are often heavily policed and racially profiled for practicing. While Wanda usually subverts these tropes, they are often played straight elsewhere in the superhero genre, and any story about witches, especially one featuring Romani characters, needs to be critiqued in this context.
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Agatha All Along introduces viewers to a new cast of characters, including Lilia Calderu, played by Patti LuPone, and the enigmatic "Teen", played by Joe Locke, who is heavily speculated to be an incarnation of Wanda's son, Billy.
In the comics, Lilia is a member of a prominent Romani family in Wanda's community. Often lauded as the "witch queen of the gypsies," Lilia embodies many racial stereotypes about Romani women. In Agatha All Along, Lilia is depicted as an older Sicilian woman, however, being portrayed as a batty fortuneteller with a tawdry psychic shop, she still embodies an offensive trope. Although Lilia is far from "good" representation, this is not an improvement-- if anything, it's even more exploitative.
Billy was raised in a Jewish American household and places a very strong emphasis on his Jewish identity, in addition to having Romani heritage. His identity as a young gay man is always presented in conjunction with this heritage, not in spite of it. Though there is a significance to Locke being a gay actor playing a gay character, his casting-- if he is indeed playing Billy-- is not authentic. White gay representation should not supersede racial inclusivity, and it is not an excuse for whitewashing or Jewish erasure.
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Marvel Studios recently announced that the character Doctor Doom will be played by Robert Downey Jr., who is returning to the franchise after many years in the role of Iron Man. In the source material, Doom is also a Romani character with a very similar background to Wanda's. This identity is central to Doom's character-- although he is written to be both morally and politically challenging, the liberation of his people has always been a primary motive.
Clearly, this type of whitewashing is an ongoing pattern in the MCU franchise. Although "Teen's" identity is still unconfirmed and Lilia may, ultimately, be of little consequence, they are part of a larger problem, and Agatha All Along needs to critiqued in that context.
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aurorawritestoescape · 2 months
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IN HIS ARMS || QZ!Joel Miller x f!reader || 5,2k
Summary: You meet a smuggler in the QZ and can't resist your attraction to him.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, a bit of fluff, unspecified age gap, Fedra soldier!reader, unprotected piv (wrap it up), creampie, mirror sex, degradation, rough sex, praise kink, size kink, reader really loves Joel’s arms (who doesn’t), manhandling, alcohol consumption, use of a morning after pill, mention of guns, mention of canon-typical violence. Reader has hair. Joel can pick her up. Pics are only for the mood, reader has no other specific physical descriptions.
A/n: this is written for PPCU Body Worship writing challenge, created by talented, sweet and beautiful @joelmillerisapunk 💖 I got ‘Arms’ and immediately thought of meaty, beefy QZ Joel. Smooches to my lovely beta @milla-frenchy 😘 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕 Love y’all! Hope you will like the story!❤️
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“Let’s go.”
“Sure you need me there? It’s your deal, Ronnie. And you know you’re armed, right? Why do I always have to hold your hand?” you complain, while your eyes are scanning the crowd at a public hanging for any sign of disturbance. It’s not your favorite task but Fedra sends enough soldiers here to keep things under control so it usually goes smoothly. That’s probably why your friend Ronnie arranged a deal right in the middle of your shift.
“I’m nervous, ok,” he admits, glancing at you, “The dude’s fucking scary. Never worked with him before. But I’ve heard stuff. You’re just gonna stand there, that’s all. Don’t need to talk.”
You’ve known Ronnie since you were teens in a Fedra camp. Now both officers, you are still inseparable, though at this moment you’d prefer to be as far away from him as you could because in case you two get caught, you both will be a spectacle of the next hanging. Ronnie’s pleading eyes always work on you and the little weasel knows it well so you curse and follow him to the place of the meetup.
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As soon as you see the smuggler, standing in a secluded spot far away from the prying eye, your heart starts beating faster. And not because he scares you. Yes, he’s huge and looks very unfriendly, thanks to his furrowed brows and the closed off stance which actually happens to be the culprit of your unexpected reaction. His pose accentuates the beauty of his arms as he’s crossing them in front of his chest. It’s a threatening sight, same as his gaze, but like a moth to a flame, you’re pulled to the man immediately. All thoughts in your head are replaced with only one - he’s fucking hot.
Ronnie slowly comes up to the man, feigning confidence.
“Who the fuck is this?” the smuggler asks, nodding at you with his chin.
“Just a friend. Don’t worry, Joel.”
“I ain’t the one to worry here, kid,” he gruffs, uncrossing his arms as his fists clench in a threatening gesture and you can sense the waves of panic, coming from your friend. “I prefer to do these things one on one. Don’t need an audience. Ya got me?”
“Yeah, ‘k. Next time I’ll be alone.”
“Hope so.”
Joel looks you up and down and you suddenly feel too hot. Standing a step further from him than Ronnie and not saying anything, you’re ogling the man with hungry eyes. Joel seems to relax and the men finally exchange the goods— pills for your friend and ration cards for the smuggler. They’re talking about the product, scheduling the next deal, and you should be on the lookout, should be attentive to the surroundings, like you always are, but your mind, as well as other parts, is fully focused on the stranger.
Joel’s hairy forearms are thick and strong and every little move makes his muscles flex and bulge out of his rolled up sleeves of the denim shirt. His shoulders are broad and the fabric, containing them, is strained to the limit. You’ve never been a biter in bed but suddenly you want to sink your teeth into his arms, lick them all over, glide your hands over the vast expense of his skin, grab them and feel them tighten around your body, encompassing you fully, while his cock stretches…
“Hey!” Ronnie exclaims, interrupting your horny daydreams, pulling on your sleeve and you blink at him, trying to shake away the visions of the man, doing filthy things to you.
“Let’s go!” he says for what appears not the first time, and you smile awkwardly, noticing Joel’s smirk. His arms are crossed again, but now he’s looking at you with a twinkle of curiosity in his piercing eyes, his heavy gaze lightened up.
You take a step away, following your friend, but Joel stops you.
“Sweetheart, wait!”
The pet name hits you right in the pussy and you pause and turn back, confused by why he’s calling you.
“C’mere,” the man motions for you to return to him with a shake of his head, his bear hands shoved in the jeans pockets.
“We’re in a hurry, man,” Ronnie frowns, thinking he’s coming to your rescue, but you turn to him and say,
“It’s ok. Wait for me over there.”
You have no idea what Joel wants from you, but you’re eager to find out. Not hiding his anxiety, your friend takes a few steps away from you and stands at the gate, glancing in your direction from time to time while his hand is resting on his gun.
“Yes? Joel, right?” You ask, coming up to the smuggler and using every last drop of your will not to leer at his mighty arms again.
“Yeah. What’s your name?”
You reply with a little smile and see a smirk tug at his plush lips when he asks, “Like what you see?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been starin' at me like at a piece of meat. No use denyin' it."
You avert your eyes, chewing on your lip. You probably should be embarrassed to be caught ogling the man, but life in this miserable world taught you to take what you want whenever you can. Especially if it's being handed to you.
"I'm not." You look back at Joel with defiance in your gaze. "I think you're hot."
Joel’s chest expands when he takes a deep breath, the shirt’s buttons hanging for dear life. His piercing eyes turn a shade darker as he asks,
"Wanna do somethin' about it?"
Your heart rate increases and the warmth of arousal between your thighs makes you shift on your feet.
"What are you suggesting?"
"Come over to my place tonight. Around 8. Ask your friend for the address. He knows."
You don't reply for a few seconds, making it seem like you're thinking about your answer, although your pussy has been aching since the moment you saw the smuggler so there's no way you're going to reject his invitation.
"'K", you reply, feigning nonchalance, while excitement is twisting your stomach.
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“What?! Are you out of your mind? You're gonna see him?” Ronnie hisses at you, as you two are walking back to the square. “He’s dangerous! Do you realize that? He’s huge! Have you seen his arms?”
“Oh, I’ve seen his arms alright,” you reply with a dreamy smile, sensing butterflies in your belly.
“Fuck, you’re so stupid when you’re horny. If I find you tomorrow dead in a ditch, I’ll tell your lifeless face ‘I told you so!’”
“Jesus, man,” You giggle, playfully punching Ronnie’s shoulder. “I’ll be ok. I promise.”
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The night can’t come soon enough. Still wearing your uniform, you rush to meet the man who's been occupying your mind all day. When Joel opens the door to you, you swallow loudly seeing him in the same denim shirt and dark blue jeans. You’ve been dreaming of his huge arms around your body, so your panties are completely soaked, and having had no time to change after your shift, you hope to slide them off as fast as possible.
“Hi,” you greet the man, stepping into his apartment.
“Howdy.”Joel closes the door and stands next to you, while his gaze is sliding up and down your body. You look around the apartment, getting a whiff of his scent— sweat with a subtle trace of whiskey.
“Are you from Texas originally?” You ask, glancing up at him, slightly intoxicated by his closeness.
“Yeah. Want a drink?”
He walks to the living area and you follow before leaving your guns at the door.
“What do you have?”
“Whiskey, vodka…water.”
“Vodka’s fine,” you reply, stepping up to a worn out couch and sitting down.
“Oh, are you a vodka girl?”
“I’m a ‘whatever burns’ girl, but vodka works faster on me,” you smile and Joel smirks, crossing his arms again. You swallow loudly, seeing his sexy tan forearms in the golden light of the setting sun. Fuck, you wanna touch them.
“Why d’ya need it to work fast? Doesn’t seem like you need any liquid courage.”
Joel goes to the kitchen and in a few seconds returns with a half empty Smirnoff bottle and two shot glasses. He plops next to you on the couch with a grunt and pours out the alcohol.
You drink yours in one go and Joel follows. The vodka burns and calms you down a little. Joel clears his throat before he speaks,
“This morning your friend was shaking like a leaf. And you… You were practically undressing me with your eyes, sweetheart.”
You smile and drop your gaze down to your lap.
“Well, Ronnie is a nervous guy and I’m …”
“A needy little slut?”
You shoot your eyes up at him and see a smug smile, tugging at his lips, as he awaits your reaction. You should probably feel offended or angry, but instead your core burns brighter at his degrading comment and your pussy flutters, as if proving him right.
He reads your reaction immediately.
“Oh you like that, huh?”
“When I call you a slut.”
“I don’t mind,” you mumble while your mind is shutting down with every dirty word he throws at you.
“Yeah, you looked like a thirsty whore this morning. And I see that nothing’s changed.”
You’re barely breathing at this point, as waves of arousal ripple through your body, making you squirm in your seat.
“I…I just really like your arms.” Your gaze shamelessly slides over his body, so big and powerful.
“My arms?” Joel’s brows shoot up and he turns his head to look at his arm, resting on the back of the couch, as if trying to understand your attraction.
“Yeah,” you nod slowly, ogling the muscles straining his sleeve.
“Wanna touch ‘em, baby?”
“Yes, please”.
“So polite. Wanna call you a good girl but we already know that you prefer ‘a slut’.”
Joel chuckles and narrows his eyes, watching you for a few seconds, while you’re melting under his lustful gaze, sinking in the sticky pit of desire. Through the fog in your head you hear his voice, low but still powerful.
“How about we skip the pleasantries then and get to the thing you came for.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m gonna fuck you. And let you touch my arms.”
Your breath hitches and your body tingles all over. You can’t agree fast enough.
“Yeah, ok.”
“Do you always say ‘yes’ to everything, little slut?” he smirks, playing with you like a cat with a mouse.
You try to come up with a witty response but your mind is clouded with lust so you just shake your head with probably the dumbest look ever.
“Can I use your bathroom?” You mumble and when he points you in its direction, swiftly walk there.
You close the door in the little room and check your face in the mirror. It’s the same as every day except for your glossy eyes. You rinse your face, trying to come to your senses, look a little less horny but it’s all in vain. The desire overtook your body completely so you dry yourself and leave the room.
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When you return to Joel, you find him on the couch in the same spot and in the same position. Only now he’s completely naked.
A shiver goes down your spine from a new surge of arousal, tightening your core.
You barely hear him, your mind is fully occupied by the image of this gorgeous, huge man, waiting to fuck you. Everything about him makes your pussy beat with the rhythm of your heart - his soft belly, his long, girthy, slightly curved semi hard cock, resting on his thick thigh, his broad hairy chest and muscular arms. Seeing them without the confines of the clothes completely shuts off your brain and you take a step towards him, mesmerized by his muscles, wishing to feel them already.
“Take your clothes off, baby.”
You hardly hear him, taking in every inch of his body.
“Girl! Undress. Fuckin’ hell,” Joel groans and you shake your head, waking up from a horny trance, and start discarding your clothes hastily, piece by piece while his dark gaze is set on you. You should be more graceful and seductive taking them off, but your aching pussy makes your movements rushed and determined. When you’re completely naked, except for your panties, you hook your thumbs into the waistband of the last piece of clothing, but Joel stops you.
He gets up and walks to you, his big cock in his veiny hand.
“Wanna do it myself,” he mumbles and stands next to you, at your side, so close that you feel his warm breath on your cheek and breasts, his naked chest brushing against your shoulder, his manhood poking your thigh.
“Pretty little thing,” he whispers, taking in your body, while his hand slides down your back, leaving chills in its wake. You raise your big eyes at him, your lips parted. “Pity you get so dumb though,” he chuckles and lightly squeezes your asscheek. His hand stays there while the other one cups your breast and grazes your nipple with his calloused thumb, making it stiff. You moan and he groans.
Joel’s palm on your ass moves lower, and reaches your pussy, covered by the wet panties. He slips his finger between your asscheeks and rubs your drippping hole over the gusset. You softly whimper and he plants a light kiss on your cheek, stroking your folds over the fabric.
“She’s been crying for me all day, huh?” he mumbles, placing his large warm hand on your belly, the other one still caressing your cunt. “Pussy so needy she shut down your whole little brain. Yeah, baby?”
All you can do is nod, your senses fully focused on the way his thick fingers are rubbing your aching cunt over the underwear.
“She must be cold, sweetheart, being in a pair of wet panties all day like that?” He coos at you.
“Yeah”, you reply, barely breathing, already feeling your orgasm build because of his light touches. “Didn’t have time to change. I have a sexy pair at home.”
Joel breathes out a chuckle, “I bet you do, little slut. Would love to see ‘em too one day.”
The only response you can give is a mewl.
He steps in front of you, his hand leaving your pussy, and you whine. Joel tsks at you and pinches your chin with his fingers to lift your face to his.
“Oh, my pretty bimbo, already cock drunk,” he laughs, locking eyes with you.
Joel’s so huge, you should probably be scared, but all you feel is a pathetic need to be completely destroyed by him.
“Lights are on but…fuck, you’re gone,” he mocks you, looking into your hazy blown out eyes.
“Listen to me,” he commands, as his fingers slightly shake your head, getting your attention. “How do you want it? Gentle or rough, sweetheart?”
“Rough,” you croak back without any hesitation.
“Good. Then do what I say and we gonna have a great time, yeah?”
“Good little slut.”
Your breaths are short and fast as you’re blinking, starting at him like a mindless fuck doll. Suddenly, you gasp when he grabs the back of your thighs with his massive hands and lifts you, throwing your legs around his waist. You grab onto his broad shoulders and he carries you away from the couch and to the bedroom.
He drops you on the bed, old and stiff, but you don’t care. You have no time or ability to think about anything, because as soon as you’re on your back, Joel pins you to the lumpy mattress with his heavy torso and kisses you. He’s not asking for a kiss, he’s taking it but you willingly open your mouth, welcoming his hot tongue. A happy moan escapes your mouth, when you finally glide your palms over his huge arms. He slides your panties off and cups your pussy with his huge warm palm.
“Messy whore,” he mumbles against your mouth.
Joel’s assertive, passionate and as horny as you are, and you smile against his lips, enjoying his desire for you.
He begins peppering kisses along your jaw, your neck, leaving hickeys on his way to your breasts.
You whimper when his mouth finds your nipple and gasp when he nips at it. He licks the pain away and starts sucking on it while his hands are roaming your heated body.
You grab onto his shoulders and shift your hips under his arm. Joel’s slurping and growling, caressing your breast with his lips and tongue, but you crave more so you start grinding your wet pulsating pussy against his arm. Your movements immediately send you to the precipice of your climax. His muscles flex as you rub your clit against them, smearing your slick over his tan skin, and Joel parts from your tit for a few seconds to watch you use his arm to get yourself off.
“Look at this sloppy little pussy. Gonna need a shower after this. Or…,” he smirks and gets back to suckling your other breast.
Each motion of his muscles is helping you to come as you’re dragging your pussy up and down his heavy limb. Soon you throw your head back, dipping it into the pillow when a hard climax hits you and your cunt contracts around nothing, as euphoria is coursing through your veins, taking away the last of your clear thinking.
“That’s it— take it, slut— come for me — jus’ like that,” Joel mumbles against your trembling chest but you hardly hear him, so deep in the ocean of desire, all sounds around you are muffled.
The next thing you feel is his hands grabbing your shoulders and lifting you. Joel makes you sit up and wraps his heavy hand around the back of your neck.
“Look what you’ve done, messy girl.”
He nods at his arm, glistening with your cum and slick and then growls, “Lick it clean.”
With a hazy smile you sit on your heels, getting comfortable. Then you take his arm between your hands and reach for it. Your tongue slides over his hot wet skin and you flutter your eyes shut, reveling in the sensations of his firm muscles under your tongue and the earthy taste of your juices.
“Attagirl,” Joel praises you and slightly squeezes the back of your neck to make you move your head lower and lap up all the mess you’ve left on his skin.
When you finish, Joel lifts your head and sees you staring at his throbbing cock with empty but hungry eyes. It’s leaking precum generously and you almost drool looking at it. You should probably be nervous to take his huge length but all you feel is feral lust.
Placing his palm under your jaw, Joel tilts your head up and searches for your eyes.
“Damn, lookin’ so dumb right now. Lucky you remember how to breathe, little whore.”
He laughs at you and grabs your face, as his fingers dig into your cheeks, making your lips pout.
You whine and he pulls you into his chest. You hug him as if afraid to float away and he gives you a few moments of rest while you are panting, snuggling into his embrace after the shuddering orgasm.
Then he lifts your chin and locks eyes with you. Your breath hitches as you’re struck by his handsome face, which leans down and he kisses you again, gently and slowly, wrapping you tighter in his embrace. Then he asks,
“Why do you like my arms so much?”
You blink a few times, trying really hard to understand the question, drunk on his taste and the way he’s holding you, but when the meaning finally reaches your brain, you stumble over your words.
“I… they… jus’ so big. And … fuck, very hot.”
You feel his broad chest shake with a quiet laugh. “Ready for my cock, baby?” You nod your head with a soft mewl.
“Wanna watch my arms when I’m railing you?”
“Yeah, yes, please.”
Joel hums and gets up before manhandling you off the bed and leading you to a wardrobe. He’s holding you under your arms, noticing that your weak legs are barely able to move, still tingling after your orgasm. He places you like a fuck doll in front the wardrobe door with a mirror and stands behind you. He’s so big and broad that you can see his shoulders and arms perfectly in the reflection. Your gaze glides over your own naked body, and you notice a path of hickeys along your neck and breasts and your core ignites again at the sight of his passion. Then you look at Joel, his eyes are obsidian, the expression is carnal and hungry, and you moan, feeling his cock slap your lower back.
His gaze drops down before he pushes your legs aside with his knee, his thick fingers dig into your hips and he pulls your ass, making you stick it out. Trying to steady yourself, you brace your hands on the mirror in front of you, but he grumbles,
“Not the mirror, stupid. You’ll break it, cut yourself.”
You swiftly move your hands further apart onto the wooden surface.
“Sexy but so dumb,” he mumbles as his eyes return to your ass and his cock. You watch his face, serious and concentrated, and sense his tip prod your sopping hole.
“Fuck,” he curses and pushes his cock deeper, slightly bending his knees to insert it into your tight pussy easier.
You push your ass out more for him, already whimpering like a whore, as you feel your walls slowly part to accommodate his stiff cock. It stings but you welcome the sensation of his manhood spreading your pussy until he bottoms out and you both moan at the sensation.
“Ahh— she feels amazing, baby,” he grunts and you smile dumbly at his reflection in the mirror.
“Such a sloppy cunt,” he murmurs, starting to plunge his length in and out of you with a fast rhythm, “oh, yeah — yeah — yeah—.”
His fat cock is massaging your walls deliciously, kissing your cervix with every deep thrust and you mewl with pleasure and scratch the wooden surface of the wardrobe with your nails.
“Naughty kitten. Tess will kill you if you leave marks on her furniture,” Joel chuckles through heavy panting, squeezing your hips and watching your cunt swallow his glistening cock.
“Who’s Tess?” You ask, not really giving a fuck and he doesn’t reply.
Instead he grants you your biggest wish - he pulls you flush to his chest and wraps his arms around your torso from behind. Your hands immediately fly to grab onto his strong limbs. Joel’s right arm is under your breasts, slightly pushing them up. The other one is keeping you in place, pressed to your chest, between your tits, his giant hand on your throat. His thick fingers curl around your neck but he doesn’t squeeze it, just holds you close against his broad torso.
The sensation and the vision of his powerful muscular arms bonding you to him like that, make your pussy contract and Joel growls in your ear, his breath hot and wet,
“Squeezing me already? Fuck, you’re easy.”
You whine and Joel nibbles on your ear lobe and rasps,
“Hold tight, baby, it’s gonna be a wild ride.”
As soon as the words reach your ear, he begins rolling his hips and dragging his cock in and out of your tight pussy, hard and fast.
You grab onto his bulging muscles better, and as he’s increasing the pace, you’re scratching him with your nails, leaving white marks on his golden skin and whimpering.
“Yeah, take it, dumb little whore. Gonna fuck the last of your brain out of your pretty head.”
Your breasts bounce while he’s fucking you and you bite your puffy lips, trying to muffle your moans, but Joel commands against yout ear,
“Want you to be loud, baby. C’mon. Let them all hear how good im fuckin’ ya.”
You would do anything he told you this moment so your lips part and you let your pleasured noises out, as they mix with the sound of skin rhythmically slapping against skin and his animalistic groans.
Reveling in the sensation of Joel, pounding your crying cunt, you let your hands wander all over his forearms and shoulders, squeezing and scratching them slightly, wishing to memorize the feeling of their strength under your hungry touch. Your vision is shaking with every mighty thrust of his hips but you’re watching the reflection of you two closely, drowning in the image of this tall broad man using you like a mindless fuck doll, caging you in his powerful arms and tears well up in your eyes at how amazing it feels. Your mind and body are focused on this pleasure, suffering and worries of the reality are gone and the drops of pure happiness spill and fall on his arms.
Joel notices you crying and stops fucking you, swiftly pulling out and turning you around.
“What is it, baby? Did I hurt ya?”
His dark eyes, a second ago filled with carnal desire now worried and concerned, dart all over your face and body, searching for the reason of your tears.
You grab onto him and shake your head,
“No, no, i’m fine — feels so good - you feel so good, Joel.”
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetheart,” he breathes out, pulling you into his bear hug and rubbing your back with his warm hands.
“Please keep fucking me,” you mumble against his hairy chest and he barks a laugh before throwing you back on the bed, making you squeal with excitement.
Joel lies down and manhandles you to straddle him.
“Sit on my cock, little slut,” he commands, eyes darting between yours, reading your reaction.
“Yes, yes,” you mumble, wrapping your hand around his hot hard cock and lifting your hips, hovering over it. You don’t make him wait and immediately sink down on his weeping manhood, as your mouth falls open and your head tilts back.
Joel’s hands are holding your hips when you start riding him, and then snake up to your breasts to knead them, pinch and twist your pebbled nipples.
You run your fingers over his forearms from the elbows to his wrists and grab his hand, intertwining your fingers. Not pausing your lustful dance on his cock, you gently kiss his palm, his hand, then your lips glide down, leaving open mouth kisses over his wrist, the underside of his forearm and his elbow, darting your tongue out and tasting his salty skin. You lean forward, your nipples brushing his chest, and kiss his biceps, using your tongue, and Joel moans, watching you practically make out with his arm.
“Fuck, you’re hot, baby,” he groans while you’re lapping at his skin with your eyes shut. You’re softly whimpering at the sensation of his body, big and strong under you, his cock caressing your walls, making your pussy flutter around it, pushing you closer and closer to your second climax.
“Shit,” Joel curses, pulls your head off his arm and kisses you, while hugging your torso with his python-like grip. He’s holding you tight and you whine, not being able to move your hips and chase your orgasm. Sensing your impatience, Joel plants his feet on the bed and begins jackhammering his fat cock into your slicked up pussy, giving it to you rough and fast, not sparing your little hole.
You’re moaning against his scruffy cheek, your body shaking with his feral thrusts but Joel’s iron hold is keeping you in place.
“Usin’ you like a fuck doll you’re, yeah? Brainless little slut. Made just to make my cock happy. Perfect for me.”
His filthy words, leaving his mouth through gritted teeth, are barely audible because of the loud slapping of his body against yours and the squeaking of the old bed.
“Joellll…,” you moan, and after a few more thrusts explode on his thumping cock, caged by his strong arms, sobbing with heavenly pleasure flooding every inch of your body.
“Hnggg—shit—can I come inside?” You hear a gruff roar in your ear and with Joel fucking your brains out right this moment, you breathe out, “yeah, oh, yeah.” You crave to be full of him, drip him for days after, getting turned on just from the memory of him. As soon as you agree, Joel starts spurting his hot cum into your pulsating cunt, filling you up, emptying his balls into you.
You’re lying still, nuzzling his neck and taking everything he’s giving you, milking his cock to the last drop with your contracting walls.
Gradually intense ecstasy morphs into a pleasant satisfaction and you both bask in the afterglow of your orgasms. You feel almost high on endorphins, not used to such an amount of happiness in your veins, in your life.
Joel softens his embrace but still holds you, letting you rest and you almost doze off, lulled by his warm chest rocking you up and down like a giant wave.
“Don’t sleep yet, ya need to take a pill,” he gently shakes you, sleep heavy in his own voice.
“Oh, yeah…fuck, you came inside,” you murmur, blinking at him, as your mind fog slowly clears up.
“I have a Plan B, don’t worry.”
He moves you off him and lays you down on the bed, then gets up, making the bed squeak.
You can’t move your limbs even if you tried to so you’re lying there, feeling his warmth between your legs, kisses of the afterglow all over your heated skin and smile lazily when he returns to the bed with a glass of water.
“Look at you, as cock dumb as they get, huh?”
He plops down next to you and hands you the pill.
You sit up with a tired smile, swallow the pill and chase it with a few sips of water.
“Good girl,” Joel takes the glass from you and shakes his head when you murmur that you need to go.
“No way. Sleep here. They'll hang your ass if they catch you out and about at this hour.”
You turn your head to the window, just noticing that it’s completely dark outside, only the street lamps illuminate the room with a yellow light.
“Aww, you care about me, Joel? Don’t fall in love,” you giggle but your heart flutters as you look up at the man, so handsome and huge, looming over you.
“I’ll try,” he deadpans and shakes his hand, motioning you to scooch.
You shift to the other side of the bed and he lies down on his back with a grunt. You’re still sitting up, shamelessly admiring his naked body.
“Quit starin’,” he mumbles with eyes closed and pulls you down onto his chest.
You’re lying on his shoulder for a few moments and then whisper,
“Can you big spoon me?”
“Jesus…,” he sighs but turns on his side, scooping you in his embrace and you smile, closing your eyes as your hands gravitate to his arms, heavy and secure around you. You press your back into his warm chest and fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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Mine. || Simon "Ghost" Riley
For @glitterypirateduck's “GhostChallenge” writing challenge! I used the following prompts:
9. Alternate universe 100. You're Price, Gaz, or Soap's sister/brother 12. Brothers best friend trope 71. Reader or Ghost rescues the other from a bad date (but 'bad' is used very loosely) 34. Ghost in gray sweatpants. Just. Gray. Sweatpants. 90. Thigh riding 13. Car sex (also loosely) 48. "Is that the best that you can do?" 99. "You're mine."
Rating: E Words: 3.2k~ CW: smutty, thigh riding, no piv, no kissing, mean!Simon, toxic!Simon, fuck buddy!Simon, jealous!Simon, stalker(ish?)!Simon, possessive behavior. Tags: afab!reader, you/your pronouns but no Y/N, rugby AU, friends with benefits/fuck buddies, unrequited feelings (or are they?), toxic-ish relationship?, lying, manipulation?, secret relationship, brother's best friend, creating/baiting jealousy. Summary: Ghost is a cocky, mean rugby player that you can't help but be pining over. But maybe it's not completely unrequited. OR Simon ruins your date with someone else because he's jealous. a/n: I had a plan. I executed said plan. Profit?
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Having grown up in a rugby family, you were given little choice but to attend all of your brother's games, both as a wee lad, a young man, and, now.
You were there, with your remaining sisters and your mam, for every single one of Johnny's games, back from when he was a wee one that couldn't even do a proper tackle and would fall in the mud, to now, picked to join the national team.
This means, however, that you've spent your entire childhood, teen years and now young adulthood, surrounded by the lads from your brother's many teams, but, especially, the ones he met as a teen and made a lasting friendship with: John "Cap" Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, and Simon "Ghost" Riley, the bane of your existence.
Johnny's had them over for birthdays, holidays, sleepovers... Not to mention the times you've gone to pick him up from training and were allowed into the locker room, only to get an eyeful of too much bare skin on all those men as they paraded around half-dressed; in towels; in underwear, or even in less than that.
It became a matter of time until you gained someone's attention. No wonder, pretty lass like you, with your sweet smiles and playful quips... coming to pick up your bulky winger brother, of course you'd catch someone's eye.
Kyle Garrick is the team's Hooker... but he's also known as a manwhore, the town bicycle, or whatever you wanna call him. The lads all know that if they go out drinking, Kyle is not going home alone, and, worse, they know that Kyle could and would seduce their cousins, sisters, mothers, and girlfriends, if not kept in check.
That's part of the reason why Johnny nearly had a fucking aneurysm when he caught Kyle outside the locker room three days ago, with a hand pressed against the wall beside your head, looking down at you with a smug little smirk on those perfect lips of his.
He knew what was happening, the way Kyle was looking down at you, the way you were looking up at Kyle, smiling all cutely, backed up against the wall, while his own teammate put the moves on you and talked about taking you out, his free hand gently playing with the strap of the dress you were wearing.
Johnny, however, missed the way Simon, who was standing right behind him, stiffened up and bristled at the sight of Garrick flirting with you. You didn't though. You caught it as soon as Johnny cleared his throat next to you with a "Should I pull up a chair and wait fer ye to be done?". Simon's eyes were glued to you, his brow set, his jaw clenched...
That's what he gets.
Simon, whom you've had a massive crush on for years now, who you pine for, whose attention you crave... and who only ever comes to you for a quick lay...
Simon, who rolls over after sex and tosses you a towel while he's putting on his clothes, telling you to 'hurry up' so he can take you home.
Simon, who always stares at you like he's going to eat you whole every time he lays eyes on you.
Simon, who chugs half of the ice cold water bottles he's given during breaks in practice, and uses the rest to douse himself in water to keep himself cool.
Simon, who knows how your eyes always get drawn to his legs and his bulge in his uniform, and rolls up his shorts before doing lifts, just for you.
Simon, who comes to pick you up whenever you call him, tipsy, from some bar or club when going out with friends.
Simon, who sends you 'u up?' texts at 2 in the morning when he's drunk.
Simon, who scoffs and chuckles whenever you breach the 'us' topic.
Frankly, you're not even actually trying to get with Kyle, especially not with his reputation (nothing against him, it's just not for you), but you needed to do something.
You're tired of waiting around for SImon to get his head out of his arse. You're not a toy, you're not going to stick around and be 'friends with benefits' with him, except barely friends, and with little benefits.
He's getting what he fucking deserves.
You didn't anticipate, however, how upset Johnny would be at the idea of Kyle taking you out. In fact, it was poor planning on your end because from the moment Johnny saw you with Kyle, he attempted, multiple times, to convince you not to go out with him... And if the DMs Kyle sent you are any indication, he also tried to talk Kyle out of it.
On the other hand, Simon didn't once try to intervene. Despite the look he shot you on Tuesday, he did not in fact reach out to talk to you, even now, as Friday comes along and you stride into the restaurant, hanging off Kyle's arm...
There's nothing from him. No texts, no DMs, no calls, nothing... So you guess that it's done, over. He got the memo, finally...
Your phone starts buzzing inside your bag while you and Kyle are halfway through sharing your appetizers. Looking down at your phone, you narrow your eyes when you find Simon's number ringing.
Really? Now? You don't think so.
So, you hang up.
Only for it to start ringing again immediately after. Simon. Again.
Grunting, you end up picking up. "What?"
"I'm outside. Let's get out of here."
You're hyper aware, suddenly, that the host has sat you and Kyle by the windows overlooking the car park... And you can see a car with its headlights on pointing right at you.
"I don't think so."
"Then don't think. Just do what I'm telling you."
Bossy, as always, that's how Simon is. Everything is on his terms, never on yours.
"I'm having dinner." You fight him, as always. This push and pull of yours has been going on for three years now... And Simon always wins. It makes him cocky.
"Not with him you're not. So you better get out here before I go in there and embarrass you."
With a sigh, you nod. "Fine, I'll be right there."
Turning off the call, you turn to Kyle, explaining you have to leave. His brows knit together and he looks at you with puppy eyes, asking why, and, short of a proper explanation, you do the same thing you've been doing to Johnny for the past three years: you lie.
"Johnny said he got a bizarre text from our mam and he tried calling her and she isn't replying."
"She's on these new sleeping pills, so she might have just knocked out while watching telly..."
"But he's worried, and he's on the other side of town, so he asked if I could go home and check on her..."
And Kyle, as much of a manwhore he is, he's also a gentleman, and is one of your brother's best friends. If your mam might be feeling sick, he's, of course, driving you home and helping! He was raised right.
As you leave the car park on the passenger seat of Kyle's BMW, you're hyper aware of the familiar Range Rover trailing you down the road, always a couple of cars behind, but always there... always lurking.
You reach your childhood home in record time, and start fumbling for the keys inside your clutch while Kyle trails up behind you to the front door. "I think I've got this from here, Kyle."
"No way, I love your mum like she's my auntie, if she's not doing well, I'm here to help,"
"No, really, it's okay, I'm sure she's fine..."
"Love, really, I'm not leaving you like this, not before I make sure that she's alright-"
Suddenly, a large, pale hand comes to grip Kyle's shoulder from behind, Simon's eyes shining in the darkness of the night, barely illuminated by the light by the front door, before his full face reveals itself.
Like a Ghost. That's his nickname. Fast, stealthy, there when you least expect it. Both in the rugby pitch and out of it.
"Don't worry, mate, I've got this." Simon announces, causing Kyle (and you) to freeze.
"You're here too?" Kyle asks, seemingly surprised, just as the taller fullback player removes his hand from his shoulder.
"Johnny called me too. Was worried about her being alone if mam wasn't doing well," Simon says naturally, as if he isn't also lying through his teeth, though his eyes never leave yours, catching and not planning on letting it go.
"Okay... well..." Kyle says and looks back and forth between you and Simon, seemingly catching the weird vibe between you, before he nods. "I'll go home then. Text me?" He asks you. "We can have a rain check."
Gulping thickly, your gaze slowly moves back toward Kyle, and you nod with a soft smile. "Yeah, yeah. Of course." You say softly and move over to kiss his cheek, before watching Kyle go back to his car and pull off.
You're turning, keys now in hand, to unlock the door when one of Simon's large hands grabs yours, stopping you. "What are you doing?" He asks you.
"Going home?" You retort as you look up at him, feeling the warmth of his fingers wrapped around yours, clutching lightly. "Ye can go now. Congratulations, you ruined my date. Yer work is done."
Simon chuckles and takes a step closer to you, tilting his head at an angle and regarding you with those dark, deep brown eyes of his, the same ones that always make you feel like he's trying to burn you with his gaze.
"That's cute that there, sweetheart." The Mancunian tells you before he lets go of your hand and pushes you along with a hand on the small of your back, away from your front door. "Get in the fuckin' car." He orders and uses his eyebrows to point at his jeep, his voice carrying the same strong tone that he reserves only for bossing his teammates around during practice.
You know better than to defy him. So you tuck your metaphorical tail between your legs and you nod, moving over to his Rover. He opens the door for you and helps you up by gripping a hand around your forearm, the other bumps you up by the back of the legs.
"How'd ye know where we were?" You end up asking once Simon has driven away from your street, your eyes locked on his as he drives, finally daring to take a proper look at him under the orange light of the street lamps you pass by.
Black hoodie, grey sweatpants, and some kind of running shoes. Those stupid bloody sweatpants... The same ones he usually wears when he shows up at your door, or you at his, or when he goes to get you from work or nights out...
You know he did it on purpose... To pick the most slutty outfit he has as he comes to break up your date with Kyle. The annoying grey sweats that hang off his lip, that hug his thick, muscular thighs, the ones that he never wears boxers under, to make sure you can catch the dick print in the fabric...
And his stupid blonde hair all spiked up with hair gel... It used to be brown, matching his eyes, but he bleaches it now, the idiot... You want to be mad at him, you really do... But when he glances over at you while he's driving, you can't really.
"Garrick's predictable," Simon says, his tongue spitting vitriol as he utters his teammate's name. You'd think he hates the bloke... and right now he might as well do. "Takes birds to the same 5 or 6 places every time. Your brother and I split up to cover half of them each." He explains.
Scoffing, you cross your arms over your chest. "The two of ye have no right." You tell him, scolding him over interrupting your date. "I'm a grown woman."
"Right. That's what you told Johnny. Don't try to use that shite excuse on me." Simon tells you as he turns on the blinker and pulls over.
You haven't driven long. Less than 2 minutes. You could climb out of the jeep if you wanted to and walk home.
"It's not an excuse." You retort as you glare at him, keeping your arms tightly crossed over your chest.
"Right, because you want me to believe you really want to go out with Kyle? Or, let me guess, you 'can change him'?" Simon asks sardonically and laughs as he pulls off his seatbelt.
"I didn't say that." You retort. "I simply said that I can do whatever I want because I'm a grown woman.'
"No..." The blond says in a sarcastic tone. "You... did it because you wanted my attention... And you got it, sweetheart." He replies as he reaches over and unbuckles your seatbelt for you, his hands wrapping around your hip and back, tugging you over the gearshift onto his lap.
"I weren't trying to-" You reply, pushing back against his chest, but only half-heartedly, allowing yourself to be dragged onto him.
"Sure you were. But Gaz, really? Is that the best you can do when it comes to making me jealous?" Simon quips as he makes you straddle his left thigh, bringing you down to sit on it, the gusset of your panties pressed against the warm material of his sweatpants.
His stupid, muscular, hard thigh, the same one you can't help but drool over when you watch him in his tiny rugby shorts during practice and in the proper pitch...
You can feel the taut muscle, even through the fabric, the wait his leg flexes as you straddle it, the way he presses the weight of it against your core, and his fingers dig into your hip before dragging you back and forth.
You bite your lip hard to contain a moan, though he notices the way you're trembling, enjoying the look in your eyes, the way your body warms up, the way your back arches up. It puts a sick smile on his lips, one you wanna wipe off.
"It worked, didn't it?" You reply, trying your best to suppress the pleasure from showing on your face, and instead trying to seem smug. "You're here, right? Came to break up my date for a reason..." You say, clinging onto your little 'gotcha' moment...
Only for Simon to ruin it. "Oh that weren't jealousy, darling." He replies, his smirk beginning to grow into a proud, mocking grin, his dark brows rising and his cheeks puffing up with his smile. "I have no reason to be jealous."
Simon begins rocking you faster and harder against his hard thigh, causing you to whine and mewl, the pleasure building from the friction between your cunt and his thigh.
Your clit is slowly and steadily catching on the fabric, making you tremble and twitch atop him, feeling the coil in your stomach beginning to tighten as it always does whenever Simon starts playing with your clit like this.
"No, actually... Don't have a reason to be jealous about anyone." Simon replies as he leans toward you, pressing his nose against yours so he can properly look you in the eye. "Not Garrick... not Price... not any of those coworkers you're always talking about... nor your old uni mates..." He trails off.
"Simon..." You grumble, bucking your hips against him, wanting to chase your orgasm. How does he do this to you every time? Make you so horny, make you throw away all rationality, make you give in to him?
"I know, sweetheart, I know... Feels good, don't it?" The large man coos at you as he helps you rock against his thigh faster and faster, your hips stuttering and your legs beginning to tremble on either side of him as you steadily grow closer and closer to coming.
"You know what else I know?" Simon teases as he leans over and uses his teeth to nip at your neck and earlobe. "I know that I'll never have a bloody fucking reason to get jealous over you... because You're Mine." He tells you, his tone surprisingly authoritative.
There's something in that claim... the way he finally says the things you've wanted so badly to hear him say... Your climax crashes into you and you go limp against him, your head falling onto his chest and your jaw going slack as you moan incoherently.
"That's it..." Simon coos at you and gives you a couple of pats on your thigh, sliding his hand up over your ass, covered in a new dress you bought on purpose for your date with Kyle. Your cunt is throbbing inside your panties, your walls clenching around nothing and you know you've left a bit of a wet spot on Simon's sweatpants.
"You got off on that, huh?" He teases you in a mocking tone. "Been wanting to hear that for a while now, have you?" You can hear the smirk on his lips as you try to catch your breath and calm your racing heart. He's so fucking mean...
"Piss off, Simon." You retort and pull off him, pushing against his shoulders with both hands and moving pack to the passenger's seat. "Take me home." You say in a huff.
"Of course, sweetheart." Simon replies, his voice still smug and a large shit-eating grin on his lips as he bites his tongue, turning back onto the street.
After Simon pulls over in front of your house again, you hop out, fixing your dress and stomping back toward the house, displeased with his behavior. With him using your feelings for him against him. With him.
His phone rings, echoing through the speakers in the Rover. The small screen on the dash displays Johnny's contact name as Simon is watching you frustratedly fumble for the keys inside your clutch again.
"Been to all three spots. Did you find her?" The Scot's voice comes through the bluetooth speakers as the Mancunian watches you, running his fingers over his thigh where you left a wet stain on his sweats.
"Yeah, mate. Been keeping an eye on them. Kyle didn't try anything and he just dropped her off at home." He replies, watching you for a moment longer.
"Thanks for lookin' out, mate. 'm going for a pint right now..." Soap announces.
"Cheers," Ghost says in a nonchalant date, watching you finally find the keys and open the door, heading inside and turning on the hall light. "You owe me one, had a date planned but spent my evening going after your sister."
"Yeah... yeah... I owe ye." Soap retorts. "Come out me with me, then, 'm sure ye can find a bird at the pub." He offers.
"Nah, mate, 'm knackered. Going to get a good night's sleep." He says and watches you turn to glance at him (or more so his car) through the open door before you turn away again and visibly huff, closing the door behind yourself.
Simon shakes his head, snickering under his breath and saying goodbye to Soap before hanging up the call and grabbing his phone to shoot you a quick text.
"Ur brother is @ pub. Let me in."
Then, he stashes his phone back in his pocket, not even waiting for a reply.
His eyes return to the door and wait patiently, just a couple of seconds go by before you're opening the front door again. Simon smiles seeing that, turning off his car and hopping out.
His girl is so obedient.
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[ Ghost Challenge Masterlist ] || [ My Masterlist ]
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thel0v3hashira143 · 8 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ yuuji megumi gojo nanami n choso ☆ how jjk men act when they have a crush on you!
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ fem!reader, black coded but anyone can read
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: ahhh the comeback post!! let's just say my old works were...less than coherent. but im here and ready to slay the day after 2-ish years!! take these crumbs while i try and find my footing again. stay hot lovies 🎀🎀
yuuji itadori 🌸
my babyyy (sob sob) yuuji would def try to impress you with his athleticism, bc girls like that stuff right? (gojo told him that...save him)
he frequently challenges you to friendly competitions when sparring to showing off his skills.
he def let's you get quite a few hits on him and he may even let you win from time to time (seeing your smile makes getting knocked on his ass worth it)
he might act a bit bashful, but he's straightforward. he knows he has a crush on you so why would he hide it?
expect nice gestures like him wanting to carry things for you, buying you food, watching all your fav movies, ect.
speaking of which, movie hangouts!!!
every friday usually you, megumi, nobara, and yuuji all get together and watch a movie
buuuttt if he's feeling especially brave he'll invite you to his dorm to watch the newest movie in your favorite series! (yes, he keeps track of when they come out)
he loves that it becomes y'alls thing and he loves it even more when you lay your head on his shoulder and doze off <;33
he also gives hella compliments cause something in my gut says his love language is words of affirmation.
anticipate many "isn't [name] just the coolest?" or "you look great today [name]!"
im telling you he could never run out of nice things to say to you, whether it be about your looks or personality
as soon as he realizes he likes you he takes down those pin up girl posters in his dorm
he also obviously thinks you're more beautiful than jennifer lawrence argue wit ur mama
he is also obviously a personality over looks guy so dont act surprised if you see him looking at you with a lovesick grin if he catches you doing something kind for someone
expect him to confess his feelings sooner rather than later
"yeah, why wouldn't i have a crush on [name]? shes beautiful and badass! but don't tell her, okay?"
megumi fushiguro 🌸
megumi, unlike yuuji is quite reserved, even with his friends
honestly gives no indication that he likes you at all 💀💀 he stares at you pretty intensely at first (to admire your beauty) but quickly catches on that you think its weird..
once you two get closer though, megumi would frequently express his crush through small gestures
he strikes me as a reader so i can see him recommending his favorite books to you or even lending you some of his.
you two exchange books often and he highlights quotes that remind him of you
i can also see book shop hangouts where you two sit and read together in some small bookshop he found in the city.
(he's just admiring you read)
he's not a huge compliment/affirmation guy but quality time is a big one for him
whether it be on missions, sparring, or out with the rest of the first year's, he enjoys any time he can have with you.
megumi is also very protective but like...subtly
he secretly watches out for you during missions, making sure you're safe without drawing attention to it
he'll insist you two split up but send one of his divine dogs to accompany you to wherever you go.
even when you're out and about in tokyo he always likes to stay close to you. he follows you around (not in a creepy way more like a lost puppy way)
follows you into stores you like even if he has absolutely no interest.
all in all he's just a shy guy who's whipped for you <3
"i enjoy spending time with you. a lot."
teen!satoru gojo 🌸
gojo...you bastard...(affectionate)
erm ngl i can def see him being a bully to you at first...
not like a bully bully but he def teases you a lot and it gets under your skin sometimes. (you hate him)
but in reality hes jus a spoiled litte rich boy in love.
once he realizes his feelings he still pokes fun at you sometimes, but tones it down hard and turns on his charm.
gojo's approach is confident and playful. he teases you, always with a charming grin, creating a dynamic that keeps things lighthearted and enjoyable.
he'll find excuses to spend time with you, whether it's offering to train together
unlike yuuji he doesn't care if he likes you this son of a gun will NOT let you win istg
it's like he's trying to rile you up, saying ridiculously cheesy one liners as he dodges all your attacks.
"thats the best you got? oh [name], we'll never get to be together if i keep beating you!"
one thing he does enjoy doing with you however, are snack runs.
gojo is a big back in disguise with too much money to spend so you already knows most of that goes towards food.
he has a huge sweet tooth so i can see you guys browsing multiple sweets shops in the city. if he sees you even look at something for too long he'll buy 10 of them.
every trip you guys both leave with full bellies and full hearts <3
gojo wants to be around you, and he makes sure it's fun for you both
his confession is likely to be straightforward. ccompanied by his trademark smile and his sparkling blue eyes peeking from his shades.
"you know, i've been thinking... i'm kind of into you. what do you say we make things a bit more interesting?"
teen!kento nanami 🌸
my emo boy ❤️‍🩹
nanami, with his composed demeanor, expresses his feelings (though you were unsure if he even had any) through thoughtful actions.
he remembers every. single. detail. of anything you say to him.
your favorite attist dropped an album today? he already bought you the cd/vinyl. you never got a chance to go to the store to get your favorite snack? he went 2 days ago.
he revels in the fact that he knows so much about yousnd the surprised look on your face gets him every time.
(haibara claims he's seen nanami smile at you multiple times but he vehemently denies it.)
despite his serious appearance, he'll occasionally crack dry jokes when it's just the two of you
look at that man and tell me he doesn't have a dry sense of humor 😭😭
you help him to relax and he feels he can truly be himself around you. when you two are alone its like hes showing a different side to his personality.
like megumi, i can see quality time being a big thing for him since attending jujutsu high leaves him quite busy
hes also not a huge talker so whenever you two do spend time together its probably somewhere intimate like your dorm or the library.
no words, just vibes. which he appreciates since he's around a bunch of yipper yappers all day.
nanami's confession is understated but sincere.
"i appreciate the time we spend together. it's made me realize there's something more i feel..."
choso kamo 🌸
my babyyyy no. 2 (i need him biblically)
let's get one thing straight tho. choso is a curse. in my opinion curses have no idea of love in a healthy, positive way so let's just say bb is confused.
he obviously knows what love is. he loves his brothers but he doesnt wanna kiss them...and cuddle them...
he goes to yuuji for advice (was it a bad idea? perhaps.)
"bro you totally have a crush on [name]!"
"a crush?"
after some further investigation hes pretty much got the gist of it.
one thing he becomes quite fond of doing is giving you small gifts from his missions.
these aren't typic gifts persay, like food, clothing or jewelry but more like knickknacks such as shells or rocks.
these tokens become a way for him to express what words might fail to convey.
i headcannon choso likes nature documentaries and after seeing that penguins mate for life by gifting a rock to their mate he's hooked.
idk but i also feel like he's very touchy.
he always has an eye on you in public and ik he does the thing where he guides u with his hand on the small of your back or he locks pinkies with you UGHHHH
with him being protective, he also subtly keeps an eye on you during missions.
he's not one to voice his concern directly but prefers to ensure your safety from the danger.
choso's confession might catch you off guard, but it's filled with honesty and sincerity.
"i've found myself caring about you more than I expected. it's strange..."
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ omg i actually really like this...(watch me hate it in a week) but reqs are open!! i have 1 or 2 more pieces planned to get me in the swing of things but take this before then. love y'all!!
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
480 notes · View notes
Second Chances do Happen|| Worst Logan
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This was a request!!
My asks are open and my masterlist is here
Cw: Fluff, eventual smut, Void! Mutant! Reader, Worst! Logan, canon-typical violence, Wilson’s cannon stupidity, Soulmate! Au/Destiney reader is based off of Yennefer from The Witcher P in V, Oral, F receiving, unprotected sex, 5.3k words
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“It’s unbelievable,” You said, leaning against the wall for support as she spoke to Laura.  “He looks different.  Where did you find him, again?”
“In a stupid car in the woods,  it was totaled, and I think they caused it.” Your purple eyes scanned over the sleeping men and then she turned back to her adopted daughter. 
“Mi querida,” she cooed to the teen before flicking her on the head.  “Are you stupid? they could be violent.  Or worse, they could be stupid.” 
“But he looks just like dad, well, he is dad.” Laura rubbed her temples with her thumb and first finger.  “I couldn't help it, It felt wrong to leave them there.”  Your eyes fell, and you stared at the booths on your feet.
“I know,  I wouldn't have left them either. That doesn't mean I'm happy with you, Hija.”  
“I know, mama.” Laura turned on her heel and went to another room, leaving you behind. You stepped down from the raised floor and looked at Logan and the man in the red suit. 
“What would cause a Wolverine to show up in the void?” you looked them over once again, waving your hand and using your magic to ensure they stay asleep just a bit longer. 
You and Laura were eating when you noticed Elektra and Blade begin to make a ruckus in the other room.  You and her looked at eachother and muttered a small “Fuck,” before scooting out your chairs and look around the corner of the doorway.  Red was standing, actually talking to Gambit, and logan was guzzling a bottle of whiskey.  Remy said something to logan about his liquor and Logan barked back, saying he didn't ‘give a fuck,’ before Remy threw a card.  It flew into the bottle and it shattered, the drink falling to the floor.  He threw the shattered bottle to the side and grabbed another, cracking it open as Red mumbled about he was embarrassing him.
“Alright now that thats settled, we came a long way to find you three,” he said.
“There is five of us,” Elektra said. 
“There’s five? Wait wai- uh, Magneto and Mystique? Dear sweet lords above, let it be Magneto and Mystique, because with them-”
“Theyre dead,” blade cut off Red.
“Fuck,” Red yelled, bending down, holding his head. “Now Disney gets cheap? It’s like pinocchio jammed his face in my ass and started lying like crazy.”
“Oh you nasty, Mon petit rouge, laissez le bon temps rouler, Huh?”  (oh you're nasty, my little red.  Let the good times roll.) Gambit’s accent had always been challenging for you to understand, but whatever just rolled from his mouth was impossible for you to decipher.
“Not a single word, what do you do exactly,” Red asked, eyeing Remy.
“Just the playing cards, i make them go boom!” You put your hand to your head and leaned into Laura.  
“Does he not know the word for explosion?” you were missing what other parts of the conversation was going on while talking to her. 
“I don't think so.  I don't even know how he got that accent if he's been in the void since he was born?”
“Now who- who brought us here?” Red asked. You bristled and looked and kept your eyes on laura.  SHe shook her head and sighed, stepping out,
“That would be me,” She said, turning out the doorway. You tried to grab at her wrist but she was too fast, already walking down the stairs and platform. “Don't make me regret it.”  Red lifted his hand and stared at her for a moment of pause.
“Holey shit,” he looked to Logan.  “Logan, that's her, that's X-23.  She's the one I told you about.” Laura stared at Logan looking him up and down and you stepped out, following her to stand behind her. Logan stilled and his eyes met yours.  You're purple eyes that he couldn't forget.  They were duly glowing, and he swore it was like a red string connected him to you.  “How, how did you all get stuck in the void,”Red twisted, looking at everyone and absorbing the fact that you were here too.  “Logan’s wife too? Everybody thought you were dead.”
“There was a knock at the door,” Blade said.  “Next thing I know, the TVA sent me here.”
“Me too,” Elektra seconded Blade's comment.
“Maybe I was born here.  It's- it's  hard to know for sho’,” Remy piped in, fiddling with his cards.
“The TVA decided our universe was dying.” Blade smacked his lips.  “I never got the chance to fight for it.” laura walked around following the walls to inspect Logan and Red,  
“People like us don't go quietly, The TVA knows that, so they took us out.” Elektra looked solem when she said that, and Logan looked away from you, absorbing Elektra's words for a moment.
“The answer is yes, I’m in.” Laura’s head snapped to Red’s direction and her eyes nearly bulged, as if she knew what was coming.
“In what,” Blade had sat down, tilting his head.  He sounded apprehensive.
“A team, me you,” red started motioning to everybody,” You, me, all of us together. Lets get the fuck out of this place.”
“Dont listen to him, hes a fucking liar,” Logan sloshed the bottle towards him as wade turned his head around  Logan bristled.
“It was an educated wish,” Red shouted. Logan lifted his hand to take another swig of the already half gone bottle.  He leaned back and released a fake laugh, mocking Red.
“Hold on,” you finally said.  “It just clicked, you’re a fucking deadpool.” you raised your hand and Wade’s body went still. He was frozen in place, his muscles tensing from your power.  Your eyes began to glow a vibrant violet, and again, Logan’s eyes were on you.  “How do we know you're not from the corps? You could be one of thoes rotten- headed, homicidal, bullet spewing, fucking freaks.” you stepped forward as Wade tried to squeeze out words and his limbs began to crumple inwards as you turned your open palm into a fist.
“He’s not,” Logan said. Your hands went slack and Wade fell to the ground, catching his breath,  “Don't pop him like a balloon, as much as I'd like to see it.”  
“Look,” wade panted from the floor.  “Despite whatever suit-squeezing tension you two have im talking.”  she shook his head, shaking off his sudden shock and stood up.  “We’ve Been inside Cassandra’s lair.”  everybody’s head snapped to him.  Laura’s, Remy’s, Blade stood up, and Elektra tilted her head, looking at him with uneasiness, “The only way out of the void is through her.  She can get us home.  She told us.”
“Wait, what do you mean you've been inside? You made it out alive?”
“Bullshit,” Elektra cut them off. “Nobody’s ever done that.”
“We did,” Wade's statement was hard, truthful.
“Every time one of us has gone against her, they die,” You said. 
“The Punisher, Quicksilver, Daredevil,” Gambit said.  He was going to say more but Wade interrupted him.
“Daredevil? I am so sorry,” Elektra shrugged, muttering that it was fine.  “Okay,” he said quietly.  There was a beat of silence. 
“Even our sweet baby angel, Johnny Stone,” Wade lifted his head, looking at Remy.  “He up n’ go missin’ like two days ago.” Elektra took a deep breath, shaking her head and looked down.  You chewed on your lip and looked at Laura.  You never really liked Johnny.  He was too vulgar for your taste.
“That is so sad,” Wade responded.  “Whoever that Johnny fella is, I'm sure he’s thriving.” Logan chuckled in the background and you thought about Johnny. He couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his life. “Look, there’s strength in numbers, alright? Us, plus you guys, we can put Cassandra over our knee and force her to let us out of the void.” Blade scoffed but your heartbeat picked up a little.  The chance to go home, you and Laura? It was like a dream.  “I know what it means to feel self- doubt,” Wade started, but Elektra interrupted him. 
“I don't feel that at all,” she said, leaning towards Blade.
“I'm good,” Blade said back to her, putting his hand on his hip.
“Not gnawing at your gut like a coked up tapeworm?” Wade motioned around his stomach, questioning them.
“It's like you're holdin’ up a mirror to m’ soul,” Remy responded to him, staring at him like he finally felt understood.  Wade shifted and began marching forward to the main of the group.
“You guys may not have been able to save your universes, but you can avenge them. Its what Johnny would have wanted.” 
“Wait,” Elektra said, her face morphing to one of thought.  “You knew johnny?” You and Laura looked at eachother, trying to guess what would happen next.
“O-ho, yeah,” Logan began.  A gross smirk formed on his face. “Dickhead here, he talked him into a team-up and Johnny came down with a little case of the deads.” You snorted.
“No, no, no we don't know that,” Wade tried to fight against Logan's words. “It was just a flesh wound.” 
“I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead with that filthy mouth,” you said.
“He may have survived,” Wade tried to reason but Logan was having none of it.
“If he survived that, he's trying for death,” Logan egged him on.
“Thank you, DOCTOR WOLVERINE,” Wade exacerbated.
“Spill it,” Blade said.
“What did you do to Johnny, huh? Talk or I'm gonna stop here,” Remy lifted a card between his fingers.  His cards and his eyes began to glow and he almost snarled.
“Okay, hey, okay. He ran his fat ass mouth about Cassandra.” he did a mocking hand motion. “Then she zip-zapped his skin. She left his organs to splash crudely onto the ground while the soil greedily drank his blood. It was Horrible! He was like a brother to me.  Look, he died before he could make a difference,” he rocked back and forth on his heels.  “But maybe you couldn't save your worlds,” Logan was laughing in disbelief. “But Jesus Christ,” Wade continued, “You can save mine.”
“We dont give a shit about your world,”Elektra started. She looked at Blade while pointing at Wade. “But if these two made it out of there alive, maybe together we can get back in and take her down.”
“Where i come from, we call that suicide, Shia.” Remy looked to Elektra.
“If we can block her psychic powers, we can get a leg up on her.  I know it.  Now I know Magneto’s dead, but I venture to guess that his helmet is lying around here somewhere,” Wade began to motion to the floor areas behind him.
“Cassandra melted the helmet,” Blade said unenthused.
“After she killed him.”
“Fuck,” wade yelled again, throwing his head back and leaning.
“She dont play,” Blade explained.
“She knows that helmet was the only way to protect anyone from her powers,” Elektra put a hand on her hip while she explained. “The only helmet that's that strong is Juggernauts and he works for Cassandra.” And so They began to make a plan. Trying to hype eachother up.  Logan gargled the whiskey in the back of his throat, but they ignored him. Wade pointed his hand towards Laura. 
“X-23, what's it gonna be?”
“My names Laura, Lets fucking go,” she said, looking to you. 
“Language,” you said,  you crinkled your nose and thought for a second.  “If we can get back home, I'm In.”
“Let’s fucking go,” wade pumped his arms. 
“Sold like chicken n’ coke,” Blade said.
“We’re doing this?” Elektra said, mildly shocked.
“Youre all fucking dead,” Logan said.
“My GOD, read the ROOM?”
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Night had fallen and most of the team had settled down in their respective bunks.  Logan sat outside, nursing a bottle around a fire. You gazed at him through one of the broken windows.  You saw how he was different from your late husband, but you noticed the similarities in their personalities and gruff exteriors.  Then, you noticed Laura marching towards him. You bristled and moved away from the window sill to run through the base and towards the door.  You were going to grab her, pull her back inside, even if she was 19, she was still the child you’d cared for over eight years.  But you paused.  You paused when you heard her speak to him.
“You remind me of him,” She started. “Angry, drunk, mean.”
“Sounds like a great guy-” she stopped him from speaking.
“I wasn't Finished,” she snapped. “Showed up when it mattered the most. Couldn't help it,” there was a beat of silence as he straightened his back and sighed.  SHe stared into the fire.  “You may not know it, but you're a good man, Logan.” He chuckled and raised his brows, but avoided eye contact.
“You might not know it, but apparently, im the worst Logan.” You nearly teared up, listening to them
“I got to have a life because of you,” she looked up to him, a look of sadness crossing her face.  “I got to grow up because of you.” she sucked on her lip and looked back to the fire. “Alot of kids did.”
“Alot of kids didnt grow up because of me.  Trust me kid, i'm no hero.” She looked to him again and eyed the yellow suit he wore.
“Your suit says otherwise.”
“Yeah? I really like it.  Scott used to beg me to wear it…” he trailed off.  “So did Jean, Storm, even Hank.  All of them.  They wanted me to be part of the team, but I wouldn't.  I kept telling them they looked fucking ridiculous. “ He mumbled and nodded his head to one side.  “I just couldn't have them thinking I wanted to be there.  Laura watched him and you slowly stepped out the door, standing behind them, Listening.  “And then one day, while i was off on my own, the humans came.”  he swallowed thickly, staring into the darkness of the night while he spoke.  “They went mutant hunting.” You covered your mouth as you watched the back of his head.  
“I can guess the rest,” Laura tried to stop him.
“No, no, let me- let me say it.” he nodded, trying to hold back the choke in his voice.  You noticed that the bottle of liquor was long abandoned at his feet and his hands were folded in front of him, his elbows resting on his knees. “I need to say it.” Laura pursed her lips.  “By the time I stumbled home, shitfaced from the bar, it was too late.”  She looked away from him and you chewed on your lip.  “They were dead, every-” his lip trembled and he tried to blink away tears.  
“This suits all I got to remind me of who they were. Remind me of what I did.”  He sniffed and grabbed the bottle from his feet, taking a swig.  You stepped forward and put your hands on Laura’s shoulders.  
“It's time to go inside, Laura.” she looked over her shoulder, and sucked on the inside of her cheek, nodding at you.
“Yes, Madre,” she said, scooting off the log.  You watched her circle around and  go inside and you sat on the log next to him.  You looked at the fire and gently took the bottle from him.  He gave you a look while you took a drink and handed it back.
“Whoever you think I am, [Name], Youve got the wrong guy.” he took a drink from his bottle and you looked at him.
“You were always the wrong guy.” You looked down at your hands, looking at the scars between your knuckles.  “When I first told my Logan we were soulmates, he said the same thing.” your gaze moved to the sky and looked at the dim stars.  “He didn't believe me, not until I showed him the same scars he had.  The only scars he could keep at the time.” Logan looked at you, knowing what you were saying.  “But, the older he got, the more the adamantium- the food, the more he poisoned himself,” You took a second.  “His healing couldnt keep up.  He left us all behind.  He didn't even bother to stop and think about what he was doing when he ate that shit for another twelve years.” you brought a hand up to rub your face.  “The scars just kept coming, and coming.”  you hadn't noticed the way he was looking at you.  “And god, the pain you feel when you get impaled? Dying on a fucking stump,” you scoffed. “No wonder it fucking killed him. I waited for years, watching the scars disappear.  I hoped I'd join him.  And then Laura and I got sent here.  God knows why.”
“You seem like the only person that isn't happy with your Logan.”
“I'm the only one that truly knew my Logan.” he went silent and you looked at him.  “Imagine my surprise, though, when yesterday afternoon, suddenly the scars between my knuckles came back?” he tilted his head and you moved your hands into the light of the fire.  Right were his claws would have come out, sat shiny, fresh pink scars.  “I mean fuck, i know that Logan told me in every lifetime, but I Didnt imagine he’d truly meant it.” 
“My woman didn't make it past the engagement before she died.”  he looked up from your hands to your eyes.  “She told me she’d find me in another life, that I was worth it.”  You snorted. 
“Damn right.  Logan’s, no matter how bad, are always good on the inside.  You don't have me fooled.” you smiled at him.  “You must have been through a hell of two fights yesterday.  I've got the pain of about a dozen bullets and an unbelievable amount of stab wounds.”
“You could feel that?” his brows shot up.  “Even if we arn’t?”
“We are, must be if i could.” you scratched your collarbone.  “I guess we kept our promises?” He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.  
“I guess so.”  you licked your lips and scooted closer to him.  “You can't be all that bad if you're here with an annoying ass deadpool of all things.”
“He grew on me,” he laced a hand around your back and pulled you onto his knee.  “And the idea of having my little violet back is growing on me too,” he said.  Your heartbeat paced faster at the sound of the nickname, on that you'd been called for years. You turned yourself around and looked at him, bringing a hand up to trace the lines on his face.
“I know you're not him, but you're like a second chance-soulmate.” you glazed at where his eyes were looking and noticed how he stared at your shoulder.  “What is it?”
“Every detail is the same, down to the freckles on your arms,”  He put his forehead against your shoulder and took a deep breath.  “You smell the same.  You even talk the same,” he groaned into your skin.  
“Hold on,” you murmured. You waved your hand in a circle behind him, opening a white-boardered portal into a distant treehouse.  It's where you'd go when you needed private time.  You slipped off of his thigh and over the log, turning around and walking backwards, motioning at him with a finger.  “You comin’, bub?”
He spun around and nearly tripped as he tried getting off, falling to his hands and jumping through the portal, onto you like an animal.  He pushed you back onto the floor of the treehouse, and the portal closed.  He looked around and noticed the cotton covered straw bed, then hoisted you up and threw you towards it, listening to your squeals.  When your hand touched the bed, you used your magic to turn it into a more desirable bed, and around you, candles began to light from the window sills.  
“God, look at you.” he grumbled, stalking closer to you. You looked at him and sucked your bottom lip between your teeth.  “Just as beautiful as the day I lost you,” he said.
“Logan,” you said,  “I want to show you something.  He tilted his head and got down on his knees in front of you.  “Logan, Close your eyes.”  When he did, you gently placed your hand on his cheek, cradling it as if he were a glass cup and began feeding all of the good and intimate memories you had to him.  HIs lips parted, almost gaping as he absorbed the happy memories you fed him, even recognizing a few that mirrored his own memories in his old world.
“I love you. Logan” you said, leaning down to press your lips against his forehead.  “Every version of you, every part of you, every flaw and strength.  I am consumed by you, I adore you, and I am yours.”  He groaned and opened his eyes, his arms snaking around your waist as he crawled up the edge of the mattress, climbing on top of you.  He laid you down the further up he got and you watched him in awe.  He leaned down and trailed his hands up, under your shirt. When his fingers made it to your ribs, he gently pressed the pads of his fingers over the divots in your skin.  He hummed and leaned down, dipping his face into the crook of you neck.
“I love you too, [Name],” she hummed into your neck and then gently bit your collarbone.  You whimpered and he sat up, pulling at your pants waistline,  he wanked them down with your panties and you hummed, lifting your hips to help.  Once they got around the curve of your hips and ass, you readjusted so you could sit up and start unlatching parts of his suit.  YOu managed to remove all the buttons, clasps, and belts that held it secure and pulled it over her head.  He took a moment of pause while you did, and once his shirt was off, he slipped your pants off of your ankles and threw them to a similar area in which you'd thrown his shirt.  
“Logan,” you mewled.  He rubbed his cheek against your raised knees and hummed,
“Yes, my violet?” you huffed and  wrapped your calf around him, pulling him closer.
“Don't tell me youre getting a whiskey dick?  Or worse, shy?” he chuckled.
“Absa-fucking-lutley not, baby.  Are you running out of patience?” he pushed your knees apart and slotted himself between them.  Leaning down, he placed his lips on yours.  He was trying to be gentle, but your hands flew up and threaded into his hair.  You used it as an anchor to pull him down further onto you.  He groaned and deepened the kiss, becoming sloppy as he pulled up, pushing his nose across your cheek and down, then shoving his face into your breastbone. He kissed your chest, then moved down further, kissing the area where the curve of your ribs met, below your sternum. You whimpered and it only fuelled him more.
“Lo,” You muttered, hands still threaded in his hair.  You gave it a gentle tug and he hummed against your skin before he moved further down, placing a kiss over your stomach, then just above and below your belly button, then he kissed your waistline before lifting you by your thighs.  He pushed you further up the mattress and kissed the inside of your thigh, just below your warmth. You trilled as your thigh twitched away, just opening them further.
“So fucking eager,” he pushed it down till it laid on the bed and kissed the other thigh before his tongue shot out and licked a stripe up your cunt. Your back arched and you moaned.  He grumbled, the vibrations doing another thing to you.  “You even taste the same,” he mumbled, pulling away just for a moment.  He was almost immediately back nose, nose deep, lapping at your heat.  Your hips jerked, and his face only got buried deeper between your thighs. You nearly choked when you felt his lips wrap around your clit and you stilled.  He growled at your hands tugging his hair, trying to pull him impossibly deeper.
“Lo,” you chanted, “Lo, please i want more.” he dropped his jaw and only consumed you more, devouring you like a starved man.  “Log- ah!” his teeth had grazed you and it caused your back to arch again, then he pulled away. 
“I need to get you ready, Vie, you're not ready,” He gently placed mouth kisses in the crevice where you hip meat your abdomen.  He waited for your response.  
“Lo, I trust you,” you sighed.  “I thought I'd die waiting for you,” you brought your free hand up, draping the back of it over your mouth as you caught your breath.
“You mean?” he was questioning you quietly, but you heard him.  
“I haven't been with anyone else, only you, only my soulmate,” you whispered.  Something possessive in him pushed to the surface and he snarled, biting your thigh before he quickly ducked his head back into you, snaking his hand down your leg and sticking a finger in your hole. You cried out, and it only fuelled him to suck harder, using his tongue like a magic wand.  You began to chant again, his name spilling from your lips like a prayer.  You desperately tried to grind your hips on him, feeling a warm pool in your belly.  
“Please, please Logan, I need it, I feel so good,” you threw your head back and took a deep breath, trying to breathe through the pressure in your abdomen.
“What, are you trying to come already? Can my little wildflower take it?” he added another finger and latched around your vulva again.  You were sure you’d explode, becoming far too overstimulated after so long.
“No, Lo, I can't take it, please please?” you pushed your hips into him again and then distantly, you heard him mumble about letting go.  You hardly heard him over your own bliss as you fell undone.  You felt the warmth in your belly flow down and processed the sounds of Logan's frantic groans as he greedily swallowed whatever you had to give him, his fingers having gone still. He worked you through your orgasam and smacked his lips poking his head out, crawling up between your thighs.
“Tastes like wildflower honey,” he said before he pressed his lips against yours.  You whimpered into the kiss, tasting yourself and doing everything you could, practically trying to swallow him.  He broke away to breathe and you only had just taken the time to look at his slick-covered face.  It shined in the candlelight and you used your elbows to push yourself up.  He was working to remove his pants, cursing under his breath at how tedious it was to take off.  You took the time to raise your shirt over your head and threw it into the pile with the other discarded clothes.  He lost his train of action and stared up at you, his eyes zeroing on your tits.  
God have mercy on my soul,” he mumbled, completely forgetting his pants. He lunged his way into your chest and sucked one nipple into his mouth while the other was consumed by his palm, kneading your breast like it was bread dough.  You trailed your fingers down his back and swiped your fingers, undoing the remaining buckles and buttons with your magic. He leaned away from your chest, only losing contact at the last moment to slip his pants down his thighs and off his legs completely.  You swallowed thickly at the sight and raked your gaze over him before focusing in on his face.  He rotated so he was sitting on the bed, and Leaned back, balancing on his palms.  “Get on, Vie,” he said and you crawled forwards, twisting so you were straddling him.  
“You sure, Lo?” he let out a warning growl and you submitted, raising yourself and reaching down to line him up.  Tentatively you sank down, slowly and gently.  You and he both hissed and he sat up straight, grabbing your hips like handles to help you down.  You let go and brought your own arms up, draping them over his shoulders.  You heard him curse, but hardly paid attention.  You were too focused on the way it felt as his cock sheathed itself, splitting you open.
“I'm sorry for what i'm about to do,” he said it in your ear and you shivered, nodding. He gripped your hips, his knuckles turning white and he shoved you down, pushing himself into the hilt.  Your head tossed back, and you cried, a call to the gods to hear your pleasure.  Logan let out a shaky breath and pushed his pelvis upwards, and let a throaty groan fall past his lips.
He let you set your own pace, one of his arms strung under your thigh to help lift and drop you in the pattern you set.  His other hand ran across your hip, over your stomach, and his thumb rubbed down, drawing patterns against the sensitive bud.  Your hips stuttered and you keeled forwards, curling into his hold.  You buried your face into his neck and he listened to you heave.  
“Lo,” you whined “‘s too much,” he stilled his hand under you trying to give you a break, but you didn't stop, still lifting yourself, up and down, on him.  He grinned, watching you, his eyes casting down.  
“Yeah? You're not gonna give yourself a break?” you shook your head, humming a ‘ nuh uh,” and he scoffed, him arm finding its place against your ass again to help you.  
“Need t’ come, need you t’ come- come in me,” you begged.  He briefly took a double take before he felt a fire ignite, in his soul.  He licked his lips and then used his leverage to raise you quicker and drop you harder, effectively making him pound into you.  He grunted, relishing your heedy breaths and whiny moans.  He felt your walls constrict, as if you were trying to suck him dry and empty his balls in the lewdest way possible.  His thumb didn't stop its pace and instead picked up.  He heard you babble, saying unintelligible words. You placed sloppy, breathy, open-mouthed kisses over his shoulder, drooling all over his back.  He grunted and you hiccuped as you felt his cock twitch in you and he pumped his hips to try and meet your drops.  The slapping of wet skin almost echoed in the tree house, and you began to emit crude, heavy breaths that were hard to describe, as if they were a mixture of growling and panting. 
He felt your insides strangle him and you stilled, hilting him as your second release racked over your body.  You shook, almost convulsing. He groaned and his own motion stopped, the tension in his own abdomen snapping.  You felt his cum squirt, thickly covering your insides and you whimpered at the warmth.  
Both of you sat there, mostly still.  He combed his fingers through your knotty hair and whispered into your ear about how well you did, and you leaned into him, gradually relaxing.  You don't know how long you sat there.  Long enough for him to have gone soft.  He gently lifted you off, laying you on your side on the bed and hovering over you. 
“‘M sorry I don't have anything to clean you up with.” you shook your head, growing tired
“I dont need it, just need your cuddles.” he smiled and tucked a piece of stray hair behind your ear. “Oh god,” you groaned.  "I just remembered, we are going to Cassandra’s lair at dawn.”
“I guess we need to get our beauty sleep,” he said, climbing over you to be your big spoon.  He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, listening to your breathing and rubbing circled into your back, helping you fall asleep.
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Taglist: @callsign-ember @catwomankyleslina
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