#tempted to make a one-shot ngl
pianokantzart · 11 months
Okay, we know that Mario and Luigi spent their life savings on the commercial, but how did they get the money for the van and its custom paint job? Hear me out: what if... let's say... Luigi raked together some extra cash by putting his poker skills to work? Maaaybe behind his brother's back to try and surprise him?
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local-ground-apple · 1 year
Ahhhhhh welcome baaacckkkk 😭
I’m happy to see you active again 🫶
For the requests, can I request diasomnia crew with Fe!mc (gnc if easier) who got hurt protecting them? How they dealt with the one who hurt her and after how they took care of her? Thank you 💜💖 (could be any format)
Hiii, thank you!💖💜💖
So, I got excited and basically wrote an one-shot for everyone. Writing Sebek is so amusing, ngl (probably my favourite one-shot out here)
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to the person who dared to hurt you...they better run. Fast.
Needless to say, Malleus was confused.
He had never taken care of a human before and you didn’t resemble dragons or faeries in any aspect. He furrowed his eyebrows, pulling out a list that Lilia had made specifically to help him.
,,How to take care of your human, easy guidebook”
It was supposed to be easy, yet it was confusing. Especially since you were insisting that you were fine and you needn’t his help that much. Fine? Said the person who literally broke her leg while trying to protect him.
In Malleus’ eyes you certainly weren’t fine and he was trying his best to take care of you.
,,Hmm, it is written here that you may need an ice pack for your leg. I suppose I could create some ice”
,,NO, no, no, there’s no need for it! Besides my leg is already in a cast, so it’s all fine, really”
You were quick to react, gesticulating violently. Knowing Malleus and his abrupt mood swings, he would create a blizzard of the century instead of a simple ice pack. You certainly wanted to avoid it. You were already getting fed up with constant rain and thunderstorms in the background. You supposed Malleus would continue to subconsciously create them, till you get better.
,,Are you sure, dearest ? Do you need something else ?”
He inquired, worry and concern audible in his tone. You shook your head and opened your arms widely.
,,I only need a hug”
Malleus hesitated for a brief moment, carefully scanning surrounding around you. You were currently sitting on the verge of the bed with your broken leg laying on the chair that stood nearby. He didn’t want to pass on this occasion, however he needed to make sure he didn’t accidentally hurt you or worsen your injuries. Malleus carefully climbed behind you, his arms wrapping gently around your waist. You leaned into his firm chest, looking up at his face. Your hands began playing with his silky hair, wrapping loose strands on your fingers. Malleus smiled at the mere sight of you, as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
,,Dearest, you must promise me that you will never do something similar in the future. Never. Next time, leave the dangerous matters to me. I can and I will protect you"
You could sense that he was deadly serious. His muscles tensed and his tone of voice was filled with determination and concern. You couldn’t bring yourself to argue with Malleus, so you only nodded in response, seemingly agreeing with him. Deep down inside you knew he was absolutely right, yet, you were sure that if he was in danger again, you would once again throw yourself before him to protect him at all cost.
,,I appreciate your concern and affection towards me, my dearest Child of Human, that’s why I thought that, perhaps, after your recovery, you would like to learn some basic self-defense ? I already talked with Lilia to teach you some useful moves”
Your face momentarily lit up, a bright grim dancing on your lips. You couldn’t hide your excitement, as your eyes were glowing up with happiness. You certainly wouldn’t pass on such generous and tempting proposition. You eagerly nodded your head.
,,Does it mean I will finally wield a sword? Like, a real sword ? This is so cool, I’m gonna prank Sebek so hard…”
You began rambling, clearly excited with the future prospect of learning some basic swordsmanship. Malleus furrowed his eyebrows, confused. You must have misunderstood him. There was no way he would let you carry or even barely touch a real sword. Given your recklessness and lack of coordination, you would be a hazard not only to society, but to yourself. Malleus could see in his head vivid images of you accidentally hurting yourself with the weapon and he immediately regretted giving you a false hope. He shook his head slightly, letting out a heavy sigh.
,,No, no, Child of Human, you must have misunderstood me. You’re not going to get a sword”
,,Oh, come on, Malleus! What could possibly happen ?”
Malleus could come up with at least 10 different scenarios, each one of them ending up in you injured to various extent. He noted mentally that he will have to remind Lilia not to give you a sword under no circumstance.
,,A lot of undesirable outcomes”
,,Fine, I will steal it from Sebek then”
,,Dearest, nO”
you and malleus in nutshell
You: Oh, btw, Malleus, what happened to that guy that hurt me? Malleus responding casually not looking up from his book: oh, he is probably in dungeons You: ... You: you threw him into dungeon? Malleus: I have been stopped from pursuing my initial plan You: good for that guy then, I suppose...
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honestly, you feel that he is treating you like a child. Scolding you with his condescending tone
,,My, my, Little One, you could have gotten hurt really bad. All that for an old man like myself, tsk, tsk”
Lilia’s tone certainly was condescending and you could tell he was stopping himself from scolding you as if you were a small child. He tsked few times, before he returned to applying some, unknown to you, ointment to your bruise. You hissed, when he applied a tad bit too much pressure to it, making you wince slightly in pain. In response, you only glared at him.
,,Oopsie, my bad. You humans are so fragile…”
Despite a playful smile gracing his lings and light tone of his voice, you could tell he was still angry with you. Well, not exactly with you, more like with your careless actions. It’s been almost a week since you got hurt while trying to protect him and Lilia Vanrouge was still reminding you of it.
Making sure you would remember that your mortal body is certainly an obstacle.
,,Which is precisely why, Little One, you shouldn’t throw yourself into danger like this. Recklessly”
His cold fingertips left your bruise, making you release a breathe you weren’t aware you were holding. Lilia stood up for a moment, as he reached towards the bag full of bandages and other medicaments. A shiver run down your spine, as a scowl appeared on your face.
You knew it would hurt and you already started mentally preparing yourself for it.
Lilia seemed to detect your sudden distress. He offered you a soft smile, as he was returning to your anxious form. He sat down on the bed and patted his thigh. You raised your eyebrow questioningly, yet when you didn’t get any response other than a wave of his hand inviting you, you had no choice but to sit on his thigh. One of his hands began to gently trace circles on your back in order to calm you down.
,,Now, now, no need to be afraid Little One. We will change your bandages and apply some ointment, alright? Just like we did it yesterday”
This time, Lilia’s voice was soft and gentle, as he leaned down and began whispering. His other hand patted your head carefully, as he patiently waited till you were ready. With a heavy sigh, you prepared yourself for the change of bandages. You slightly raised your hands, as high as you could without your body responding with pain. Lilia swiftly helped you get out of t-shirt and began unwrapping the old bandage around your waist.
Despite dating this old man for quite a while, you were still a bit embarrassed, so you turned your head slightly to the side and mentally prepared yourself for the pain that was bound to arrive.
,,Little One, it may hurt a bit in a second. Don’t struggle or jump, alright?”
Lilia whispered softly in your ear, as his hands reached for the horrendous ointment. It was quite effective, rapidly healing all your wounds and bruises, however it made your skin scorch and itch tremendously. Frankly, you hated it with burning passion.
His cold fingertips brushed gently against your skin, tracing the outline of your wound which was bound to scar, before he pressed them, smearing the ointment on it. Your face contorted with pain, as you tried your best not to let a whimper.
,,Shh, shh, it’s alright Little One. One more moment and we’re done here”
You didn’t pay much attention to Lilia’s soothing voice. Instead, you bit down on his shoulder, earning a small chuckle from him. It certainly wasn’t your first time doing something similar and frankly, he didn’t mind it all. His one hand rapidly and swiftly applied the ointment, his other one was gently running through your hair, trying his best to calm you down.
,,Now, it’s all done! I will just wrap the bandages and we’re done for today, Little One”
At the sound of his words and at the feeling of scorching fire leaving your body, you leaned back, putting some distance between you and Lilia. You sighed heavily, relieved that it only lasted for a brief moment.
,,Thank you”
You whispered softly, sending a small smile in his direction. You could see that Lilia was hesitating whether he should scold you a bit more, console you in your suffering or once again remind you that you are too fragile to pull stunts like this. Surprisingly, he picked a fourth option.
One you didn’t expect.
,,You’re healing quite fast, Little One, however, I prepared something special to help you speed up your recovery. Ufufu~”
Hearing him giggling, you momentarily froze. It was never a good thing.
,,I cooked something for you, Little One!”
You were certain Lilia Vanrouge was out there to murder you for pulling a stunt like this.
You: Hmm, and what happened to that aggressor? Lilia: a lot of things You: but like, what exactly? Lilia: he received the same injuries as you. And a very long talk You: you fed him your cooking, right? Lilia: Mayhaps
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this man is yelling at you, at himself, at the person who hurt you, at everyone within 5 kilometers
,,You! You foolish human!”
You certainly had enough of Sebek’s never-ending rant. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of actually agreeing with a few of the points he had made. No, you were far too stubborn and too annoyed with his constant yelling.
It’s been three days since you got hurt, while attempting to protect him.
Needless to say, Sebek was still angry.
At least, you assumed he was angry.
Past three days had been quite hard for him (as if he was the one laying in the infirmary), mostly because of his conflicted emotions. He wasn’t sure whether to spend every free moment with you or with Malleus. You assured him that it was fine to continue carrying out his duties as he usually did, without minding you (mostly since you were sick and tired of his constant rants accompanied with unnecessary screaming.) You were convinced your headache would only get worse with the sheer volume of his voice. Meanwhile, Malleus told Sebek to skip a few patrols and take care of you.
,,You can’t throw yourself into danger like this! With that useless, fragile, mortal body like yours! Besides,...”
Great, now he was offending you once again.
You rolled your eyes, not paying any attention to his words. Sebek would get over this, eventually.
,,Are you here to scream at me once again ? I’ve already promised I won’t pull something like this again”
Your tired and soft voice momentarily made Sebek stop abruptly with his rant, much to your relief. A brief hint of embarrassment flashed through his face and he looked away from your injured form laying on the bed. He cleared his throat, before he spoke once again, this time, he was also on verge of screaming. Screaming shyly, to be more precise.
,,I brought you something, my foolish human”
You raised one of your eyebrows and attempted to pick up your bruised body a bit and sit, yet a sudden wave of pain stopped you. Your face twisted a pain, before you composed yourself. However, Sebek saw it.
,,No, no, don’t move!”
,,I will if you stop screaming! My head will literally explode with all that noise”
You exclaimed, slightly annoyed. You could see a palette of various emotions on Sebek's face ranging from embarrassment, concern and guilt. You supposed that he was still blaming himself for the whole accident, which didn’t surprise you in the slightest. After all, he was a knight that sworn to protect and serve you ( when he wasn’t needed to serve Malleus).
,,I’m…I’m sorry, my dearest human. I will try to speak more quietly”
You didn’t have the mental energy to roll your eyes at this statement; you were sure he would fail this challenge. You sighed seemingly in annoyance, yet the soft smile gracing your lips indicated that you were just teasing him.
Of course, you were happy Sebek took his time to visit you and bring you something.
,,So…what is it? What did you bring me? I hope this isn’t some ‘exceptional-magical-dish’ that Lilia made to treat me…I’m definitely not falling for that again”
At the mere memory of the disgusting and horrendous dish that was supposed to cure your injuries away, you were filled with dread. You appreciated Lilia’s concern, yet you certainly didn’t need any of his suspicious “medicaments”’.
,,Nonsense, my dearest human! I brought you chocolate you wanted, a healthy and nutritious meal, fresh change of bandages, some painkillers….”
Sebek began enumerating various things he deemed that were necessary for your fastest recovery. You weren’t sure where you would put them in this small room you were currently staying in, but you could feel tears forming and threatening to fall from your eyes. You were simply moved by how engaged he was. Despite all those rants, you knew that Sebek deeply cared for you and felt extremely guilty for your injury.
You weren’t aware what exactly happened to the aggressor.
The last thing you remembered before you fainted was Sebek screaming some indecencies at the culprit.
The rest was shrouded in mystery and Lilia only giggled menacingly when you asked them about it, while Sebek, once again, began screaming his rant concerning how “reckless, careless and absolutely irresponsible” you were.
you: *gets hurt while protecting him* sebek: *yells at you for being foolish* you on verge of fainting: *yells louder to establish dominance* the aggressor: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ *clears his throat* you & sebek: *…* also you & sebek: *begins team-yelling at the aggressor*
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the definition of "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"
,,My, you could have gotten hurt really bad. Are you even aware of that, Y/n?”
Silver’s soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It was the first time he had broken the silence between you two. Your arm got injured, while you threw yourself in front of him to protect him from taking a blow. On the whole way back to the dormitory, Silver didn’t speak at all. He only quickly carried in his arms, eager to take care of your injury.
,,I know”
You whispered, leaning back on Silver’s firm chest. He only sighed heavily in response, as his hands swiftly bandaged your arm. Thankfully, your wound was shallow and there wasn’t any need for hospitalization or any medical intervention.
You weren’t aware that Silver was able to tend to the wounds, but given his rank as a knight, you probably shouldn’t be surprised. His cold fingers brushed against your skin, as he diligently and carefully wrapped the bandage around your arm, making sure it was firm and not too tight.
When Silver finished and made sure the bandage was secure and wouldn’t come off anytime soon, he gently turned you around, so you were facing him. His face was filled with concern, his eyes were slightly glassy, as his lips formed a tight line. He was quite angry, but not at you.
No, he could never.
Silver was aware that you did it, because you only wished to protect him. And while he certainly appreciated your feelings, he couldn’t help but be frustrated. It was his job to protect you; not the other way around.
,,Please, don’t ever, ever do something so careless again. Please. I’m a knight and I’m capable of protecting myself and you. Just please…don’t ever do something that could put you in danger”
His seemingly softly spoken words were filled with determination and a promise. Silver stared into your eyes, while his one hand traced a gentle circle on your back, soothing you. Or perhaps, he was also trying to calm down himself. He leaned closer, pressing a gentle, yet brief kiss on your forehead. His warm breath slightly tickled your skin.
You only nodded in response, carefully wrapping your uninjured arm around his waist. Silver only brought you closer, as you muzzled your face in the crook of his neck.
,,I can promise you this, Silver”
You whispered softly, bringing a small smile back on his lips, as he felt relief washing all over his form.
Although, one thing was still bothering you. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to recall what exactly happened to the aggressor who managed to hurt you.
,,What happened to that guy who attacked me, I mean…attacked you…us”
Silver needed a brief moment to compose his thoughts, before he spoke again.
,,Lilia talked with him, I suppose. Hmmm, I think I will challenge him to a duel”
His soft words left his mouth, leaving you speechless and quite shocked. You were certain that if it wasn’t for his firm and secure arms gently wrapped around you, you would jump from the surprise. A duel ? That was quite unexpected.
,,What ?”
,,It’s only fair, since he hurt you. I need to avenge your arm and recuperate your honor”
Silver stated calmly, while you weren’t quite sure how to react. After a brief moment, you decided to leave it as it was. Given his determined and resolute tone, you knew convincing him not to continue with the duel would be pointless.
You only smiled in response, feeling quite happy knowing that he cared deeply for you.
Silver: *is avenging your arm* You staring in awe: ngl, this is so hot
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starseungs · 5 months
okay, if i were inside that damn fic or anyone in the fic istg minho is the real one for saying something about seungmin but ugh i also want to “get your shits together bitches or else” 🤺🤺🤺 i’m happy they are all good at the end 🥲 there were a lot of emotions like seungmin bro especially y/n kumukulo dugo ko sa inyo !! it ended happy so i’m happy, congrats for not turning this into angst 🙇🏻‍♀️
( take a shot. ksm )
REAL OMG MINHO IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THIS NGL 😓 the way he actually keeps seungmin in check (sorry changbin but like the professionalism in minho shows more)
at the start of the story, minho's portrayed as if he's the one closest to seungmin in the industry, but as more gets revealed we see that he's not actually that much closer to him than y/n quickly became. minho joked around too, but he only ever dropped the professional speech whenever he was stressed, and seungmin never actually lets his guard down around him (also evident in minho's povs) still he tries to be a good pillar for seungmin since even though you wouldnt classify them as close friends, minho still cares a lot about seungmin. maybe with the development with y/n, also bringing changbin into the circle, he'd finally see seungmin in his natural state and become closer !! but thats for others to think about since its kinda an open ending
for y/n and seungmin, they clashed a lot in the beggining because i practically made them to be exact parallels of each other (even changbin and minho are), but as they communicate more it shows their similarities and how their differences can fill each others' gaps. theyre still immature af for doing all that in a high-profile film (sorry im a T in mbti) but i guess its reasonable enough especially in a place far away from home, tensions can run high and you could see a different side of you that you never wouldve considered in your natural habitat. another factor would be what theyve gone through from the academy up til the present in the industry. still i hope you see them as a couple with potential now that theyve sorted things out !!
i was never tempted to make this angst actually 🧍‍♀️ i was planning for it to be romcom, but when i wrote the outline and draft, it lacked substance so i tried it out with actual enemies to lovers and it clicked (tho in the teaser it was still considered rivals to lovers until the 4th scene when i re-evaluated their dynamic and changed my mind) either way this fic was going to have a happy ending whether yall liked it or not cause for a fic this long, if i was the reader i would love for my time to be repaid AHAHAHAHAHA unless yall are looking for smth to hurt that bad (i like writing angst but im not actually good at reading angst)
it was such a long drive to the end of this fic ngl (i think u alr know abt that) but i dont think i would do as well if i didnt take that three weeks. i refused to write whenever my brain didnt have a vision and had like five revisions of the scenes that followed every time i completed one ,,, i really am happy with how it came out tho since this is now my new child fic 🤧💓
well thats it !! thanks for coming to my fic talks <3
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
okay i LOVED your set abt the doctor choosing 'cowardice' over killing and how 'he never would' and now i'm dying to see your thoughts on tentoo killing all the daleks + the doctor & genocide in general
ngl i think the fandom overplays the doctor being genocidal in general - at least in rtd nuwho. aside from the time war, we never see them actually commit genocide again and whenever they almost do or are tempted there is a call back to the timewar and not doing it again.
i think with tentoo it's interesting because while ten was projecting his own self hatred onto him, i do think it's pretty well established canon that tentoo is more warlike. both in the episode and the big finish audios, he's ten with nines edges because ten has in some ways reverted but also because he is a regeneration born out of being shot by a dalek just as he was gonna reunite with rose, who ALSO killed daleks, so his immediate call to destory them makes sense already to me. but you also can consider the fact that tentoo is now human (even if it's just partly) which makes earth his home, which makes him more eager to protect it and not lose it the way he lost gallifrey.
i do think tentoo settles back down and is a more calmer and peaceful person again after being around rose and her family for a while ofc tho! and i cannot imagine he would've done that unless he absolutely had to. there was a prophecy to fulfill and he knew that the other doctor wouldn't be able to, and he knew the other doctor would lose everything else too, so he can be the "bad" one if it means saving the cosmos.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I have too many VP ideas HELP. I need to write them down somewhere where I'll find them again so here we go, what is a blog if not a notepad?
part one of an attempt at making a big edit - gonna be a set of four pics, revolving around Vince's Arasaka past and how merc life is honestly the same shit, just a different packaging (the project I mentioned earlier this week that I needed a lot of pics for XD it's also inpsired by a song that fits him so well that I've been listening to non-stop on repeat basically for two weeks now xD) ✅ done!!
the harness photoshoot: gonna make two photosets here too, one a bit more clothed than the other xD ✅done!! :D
Currently in progress/still need to edit:
A photoset of V through the years (inspired by several other's amazing takes on this <3) - headcanon/lore posts for the most important moments or timeframes in his life -> pics taken, still need editing and writing though xD
V showing Kerry some of his favourite places in the city and vice versa -> started this, but now I wanna write something for everything too and aaahh xD
Some pics to accompany the post-canon fic I spontaneously started writing -> have a couple taken already, need editing still
Part two of the big edit thingy from above: with more song lyrics that just hit the spot XD -> have a few pics taken but might scrap and redo them
Currently not started on these yet, but the ideas are not leaving my head and/or have been with me for a bit (some a lot more complex than others):
Dirtbike tour through the badlands, because hell yes - would like to incorporate this in a little fic somehow, post-canon but not too far in the future
Just V chilling with Nibbles in the penthouse garden - the grass may be fake, but I think it's been a while for both of them since they touched grass and they deserve some peace and happiness XD (might incorporate this in the same story/ time frame as the idea above - we'll see!)
V and Kerry hanging out, listening to music
Kinky Kings (I am tempted to change their ship name ngl xD but I think I'll keep it and do a cool photoshoot instead)
Some promotional pics (sorta) for Kerry's new album (potentially in black and white? I'm not sure yet but I'd really like to do a bw set!!)
Not really a big VP thingy, but I've wanted to do a headcanon post about Kerry's cyberware, what all of it is and does and when/how he got it/ had to get it - need close up pics for some of that though (and any excuse to look at Kerry for prolonged periods of time honestly)
V and Kerry on a bike tour through the city at night - no deeper meaning here other than "let's blow off some steam" "okay :3" *five minutes later* "okay, this is not what I had in mind o.o but still fun!" (also Night City at night <3 but I have no idea yet how to pull it off with traffic and all probably running me over repeatedly as I set this up, but we shall see xD gonna be an interesting challenge for sure!)
More photo stories with V and Jackie, but no concrete ideas here yet
A photo story/ fic with pics of "that one perfect morning" I mentioned in a oneshot once, meaning the morning after Boat Drinks - also ties in a bit with the "favourite places" idea) - I am also tempted to do this as a comic instead, but don't even get me started on my comic ideas and all that's in progress there... the day needs more hours!
Also I wanna do more spicy stuff :3c but no concrete ideas here yet (maybe I'll redo the window photoshoot some time because with the graphics update their reflections might look even nicer... we shall see though!)
Road Trip with V and Kerry!!
Just some nice aesthetic model-y shots with Vince because he's pretty xD
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Ngl I read the word "vaquero" and immediately wondered what fairmount would think, and then I noticed there's a new mod. Hello!!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!
Vaquermount - A Statistical Habit Relationship Outlier
Features: Vaquermount
Warnings: none
So these two? They’re a semi-functional couple, with Fairmount being utterly smitten, and Vaquero being confused, but loves being appreciated for the god he is.
Fairmount? He’s head over heels. Granted, he’s not the healthiest about it, but he genuinely means every bit of what he does. Vaquero wants dinner? Great, he’s hunting bears! Boyfriend wants to hunt something? Hunt him! Future husband wants some space? Not a fucking chance. As much as he worships the ground Vaquero spits on, this loops back around to him being extremely clingy once he’s comfortable letting that part of him out… So maybe three days tops.
Vaquero? Never expected to be in a situation like this, and initially treated Fairmount with pure hostility. But then the damn thing just kept coming back, and now? He’s quite used to having his mutt around, and if he’s feeling brave, might even admit that he’s grown a soft spot for the other. No one else is allowed to touch him without feeling the white-hot end of his wrath and every night he expects Fairmount’s side of the bed to be occupied, warm and content.
Sometimes though, they do argue, as all couples do. For them and most other Habits, it’s common for conflicts to come up about food, snacks, and who should and shouldn’t be eating them.
“Fairy?” Vaquero hummed with a lopsided, threatening smile as he peered down into the candy jar. It seemed all the reeses had been replaced with empty wrappers. “Any idea where the hell all the darned reeses went?”
Uh oh. Uh oh. He’s sitting there, mouth full of reeses, heart full of guilt, and knowing that he’s in big trouble. Swallowing hard, his voice came out as a little squeak. “Uhhh… They were… Eaten?” He’s so fucked.
Vaquero shot him a side eye with a small sneer, exposing a sharp, yellowed enamel.
“And who ate them, Fairy?”
He's tempted to pin it on his Evan but… No, that'll never work. Vaquero would probably sniff out his bullshit faster than a dung beetle. Sighing, he decided maybe it was best to fess up to being guilty of the crime this time. “I ate them… Sorry. I got the munchies and I just couldn't stop once I started.” He bowed his head apologetically.
The air thickened with a long pause. Vaquero’s thick platformer boots moved in heavy, methodical steps along the wooden tiles of his cabin until his breath grazed Fairmount’s guilty face.
“Shame on you,” he cooed. A calloused hand tucked itself under Fairmount’s chin and guided his face up to look into Vaquero’s narrowed eyes. “You’ll be paying for that.”
A certain, special dread comes over him. He’s dead. He’s so dead. He knows that look, he’s fucked- “I’m sorry-” He started to whine out.
“I bet you’re sorry. You shoulda known better,” Vaquero mused, his lips upturning in a small, playful smile, “come now, the nearest gas station ain’t gonna rob itself. You’re gonna go chase off some rabbits fer me.”
He leaned down and pecked Fairmount on the lips, making sure to get a taste of that chocolate smudged on the corner of his lip.
Fairmount couldn’t help it. That little reassurance was all he’d needed to melt right back into his usual dumb, lovestruck smile. Nodding eagerly, he hooked his arms up around Vaquero’s neck. “I can do that!”
And with that, Vaquero escorted them out of their home to have fun violating Geneva’s Convention at their local 711.
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acaplaya-musings · 8 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Moana Medley
For the second part of this series of mine, we're going with Voiceplay's most popular video on YouTube (and Facebook) ever: their Moana Medley! Released on the 19th of August, 2017 (just a few days shy of Geoff's 37th birthday), it currently has over 44 million views on Youtube, and it truly is impressive in its arrangement and vocal performance. But I'm not here to talk about vocals, I'm here to talk about the visual stuff! So let's go!
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Group shot! I love how Rachel is wearing a cute red(?) tropical dress, and the others... barely even try with their outfits 😂
Layne is wearing long pants (or three-quarters at least), but he's at least wearing a "surf Cali" shirt, so there was at least some thought in it. Earl I will allow, as he's just kinda got Beach vibes here ngl (I think it's at least partially the hair). Eli kinda looks more like he's ready to go play golf, and Geoff is wearing a hoodie! Geoff, dude... 😅
I was thinking about this video a while ago and was like "wait, who did J play again?" and then I had to remind myself "oh right, this was before he had become a full-time member (for about 3 or 4 years) (but after Tony left the group to focus more on Pattycake Productions and behind-the-scenes stuff)
Kind of a lucky coincedence that this video was the one that introduced a lot of people to Voiceplay (before Oogie Boogie's Song at least), since they actually tell you in the video who everyone is and who they're representing from the movie.
"How many pounds of sand did we use to create our fake beach?" Voiceplay asks in the description. I don't know, but i'm guessing Quite A Lot.
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Consider the COCONUT! (the WHAT?) Consider its treeeee!
(Voiceplay assured fans via video description that no coconuts were harmed in the filiming of this video 😋)
I said in another post that I was really tempted to do a thing studying the way Geoff's hair has changed over time and the various styles it has taken, and screw it, I'm doing it via this series! And this is what I mean by it:
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A quick trace over a screencap (using a drawing app I have on my laptop), plus a few colour-picks from his hair (because I swear the shade of brown changes a lot just from the lighting alone). Anyway, we continue onwards!
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Shoutout to Geoff's expression on "that's right!" from the opening song, Where You Are, love this boy
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Who did the waves? Was that Kathy? (She's done puppeteering for other videos, such as Get Back Up Again). It's very cute, love the dedication
Rachel as Moana? Yeah nah yeah you don't say! 😂
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(Okay yes a lot of this is just going to be me pointing out amusing moments, but Voiceplay really know how to be funny, and I'm having fun, so eh)
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Eli is underrated when it comes to comedic moments tbh, and also the king of Eyebrow Game (Geoff's a close second)
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Well that answers my question about Earl's upper arm tattoo from the This Is Halloween video, anyway! (I.e. it is apparently real)
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Layne was in charge of both the music arrangement and the video for this cover, so like, did he cast himself as Hei Hei? 😂 He could have been "Mini Maui", who is another nonspeaking character, but would have made more sense for his singing/rapping bit, but hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing! He makes a great Hei Hei 😁
(Also the fact that Layne's character card thing is orange, and this was before he earned the title of Carrot Lord! The foreshadowing!)
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Geoff just deadpan handing a coconut to Layne, love that (also what is it with Voiceplay and nearly every single video screencap looking like a great Draw The Squad/Tag Yourself prompt? 😂
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"Get the hook! Geddit?"
Geoff with not-yet-shoulder-length hair (i.e. Younger Geoff) is a different vibe to long-haired Geoff honestly. I very much love him as he is today, of course I do, but I still very much enjoy him here too <3
It's a freaking crime that they cut away from Geoff on the "I can't" part of the "I'll never hide, I can't, I'm too shiny!" line tbh /j
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Geoff wears a watch a lot in videos (and since the last few years at least, he usually has something on the other wrist too), but for this video he apparently decided to not wear a more regular black or brown watch, and instead went with something a lot more, well, Shiny! (low-key drama queen vibes ngl, love that for him)
The "Know Who You Are" section is absolutely beautiful in every single way, 10/10, no notes
Love Rachel's dancing, she's a brilliant performer, both on mic and in front of the camera!
This might not be one of the biggest displays of "hey check out what I/we can do!" for any of the Voiceplay members out of all their videos, when it comes to vocal ranges and stuff, but it's still a great one to watch, and I'm happy that it did so well on social media! It's got the playfulness and silliness that has always been and continues to be part of Voiceplay's overall "brand", while still being a really good production and arrangement.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 WeHo Trans Nights: Chapter 1 (Bianca Del Rio / Kylie Sonique Love ; Multi) - Imafuckinglibra
A/N : Happy fucking pride, that’s it. I don’t care if the month’s almost over, this mini-series is my pride gift to you all and ngl myself. This was pure, unapologetic, self-indulgent smut that I wanted to exist and you know what, I am really proud of it. And yes, I pinky promise there will be art that follows for this next queue, k bye.
“…then this dumb bitch had the audacity to say, get this, people were killed at Stonewall.” 
The small room filled with a loud uproar of oohs, aahs and a few laughs, none of which came from Roy. He was far too busy reposting some snide comeback he tweeted at a heckler to his Instagram, his Instagram story, Facebook, and once again on Twitter, just for good measure.
“Did you hear that?” Darienne asked, slapping Roy roughly on the back. 
“Yeah bitch dumb something stonewall, so funny…” Roy drawled absentmindedly, still typing away on his phone.
Never one to shy from a good excuse to celebrate something, his best friend Shane threw an annual party to kick off pride. Always a different stupid theme and always a hotbed for degenerates. 
This being the 8th year in a row, Roy had had enough. All night, he’d fulfilled his best-friend duties and helped keep everything running smoothly, as usual, but nearing the end of the party he was not in the mood for any more mindless small-talk. Even with Darienne.
Darienne, still standing beside him, sighed deeply, “Will you lighten up please?”
“Ugh, why?” he grumbled. “You know I hate pride.”
“Now, Roy…” 
He felt someone’s hands on his shoulders. 
“My love.” It was Shane, cooing in his ear, taking the phone out of his hand just as he hit the last post. “Can we please put the phone away for one night and engage in polite society?”
Roy blinked at him slowly, emphasizing the stupidity in his statement with a loud smack of his lips.
“Look around you,” he gestured with his open palms, “NONE of these people are polite society.”
“Willam sucked off a guy while he watched dog porn, I know Australians have different worldviews but we regular folk see that as…what’s the word?” Shane shifted from one foot to the other, crossing his arms in annoyance as Roy kept pretending to think. “Nasty ass shit!”
“I hate you,” Shane broke out into a laugh, hitting Roy on the arm with his bedazzled rainbow fan, a little roughly at first but then a few more times, playfully, till Roy stopped frowning. 
“Okay, okay.” Roy snatched his fan from him. 
“But thank you for coming to my party, even if we have so many degenerates.”
“Of course, I get my best material at your little shindigs.” 
And that really was the God’s honest truth. As much as Roy loathed Shane’s parties and having to engage with so many people who he tolerated at best, it did make for some top-tier stand-up material. Material the budding comic desperately needed.
“Oh I know,” Shane nodded. “I intend to get royalties any day now.”
“Is that how it is?” He raised an eyebrow. “So this is a business affair?”
“Oh pussyface, at this point I’d settle for any affair.”
“Only if you ask nicely,” Roy shot back with a shit-eating grin, his hand sliding down from Shane’s shoulders to the small of his back.
“Don’t tempt me, I have guests to entertain,” Shane sighed, turning away from Roy and towards the room of people. “Like that one!” 
Shane waved at Adore, running off to go catch up.
Roy gave the room another scan, checking for any out of place cups or spills to clean up, even sort of hoping there would be a stain on the carpet to scrub so he’d have something to cure his boredom.
Then, like a godsend, he saw her walking towards him.
“My my, aren’t you just cuter than a box of kittens on a Sunday afternoon?” Kylie whistled when she saw Roy’s outfit.
“Haven’t seen you all night, I was wondering why this party was so quiet,” Roy teased. 
“Careful, one of these days I might take it personally,” Kylie smiled. She finally turned around, arms open for a welcoming hug. “Well hey there, Sugar!”
“How are you, Sugartits?” He squeezed her tight, getting a good whiff of her deliciously sweet perfume. 
Roy loved getting to hang out with Kylie, rare as it was. There wasn’t a specific reason, she was just that one friend he never really got to work with regularly and thus never spent time with. But it did make reuniting so much sweeter. 
They both looked at each other and gave a good exhale, neither sure what to say except the usual, “you look good” or “I’ve missed you”. 
Instead they quietly made their way to the bar where the poor twink bartender Shane found on Grindr was panicking while pouring drinks, clearly out of his depth. Roy’s sympathetic smile seemed like the only comfort he’d received all night and for a second he almost felt bad for him, till he decided to note it down in his phone for later material instead.
“Well,” Kylie broke the silence first, turning towards where Willam was still telling his story. “He’s doing the Derrick bit again…never gets new material, does he?”
“Nope.” Roy popped the p for emphasis. 
It seemed like every year, Willam would tell this same story, Roy would get drunk on the same cocktails and, if he played his cards right, Shane would ask him to stay over at the end of the night for a wild evening of sinfully good sex. The latter he wasn’t too mad at.
And Kylie. Every year they’d flirt a little over the same shots of tequila, catch up on what was new in their lives, and then part ways yet again. Same old same old, and this year she was right on cue again.
“I’m pretty surprised we’re dressed the same. I mean I look better but we knew,” she teased while they waited for their drinks from the struggling bartender. “I didn’t think anyone else would come as a slutty witch, let alone you.”
“Ouch,” Roy pretended to flinch, pressing his hand to his wounded chest. “Say what the fuck you really think, cunt.”
“Oh please, you can take it.” 
“You like that?” Roy asked, lifting a brow. “You should see how I give it.”
Even without looking Roy could feel her hand moving slowly closer to his on the countertop. He tried to decipher if it was just his mind playing tricks on him or if she was trying to do a little more than flirt this time around. 
Not that he would mind. She was gorgeous; she’d always been gorgeous but tonight, she was a downright smoke show. It was obvious how much work she put into her body just from her Instagram posts but seeing it in person was something else.
Well, that or just the obvious; the costume she wore was so small and tightly fitted it was damn near indecent.
When Shane had given the theme for the year as ‘Gay Christmas,’ the West Hollywood way of saying Halloween, he didn’t expect anyone else to even bother thinking of a witch; it was too mundane.
And yet, here Kylie stood in nothing but a corset, a lace bustle that showed off her black panties, leather opera-length gloves and boots that went all the way to her thighs. An oversized witch hat and teeny, tiny broom as accessories as if they were an afterthought to make the witch part fit.
“So um, can I ask you something?” Her fingers crawled towards him, running them over the back of his hand. 
“Yeah, sure.” He casually took a sip from his cocktail as if the butterflies in his stomach weren’t going berserk. 
“I need you to promise me if anyone brings out their guitar or starts singing again this year…”
“Oh god!” Roy burst out into hysterical cackling. The visions of last year’s fiasco and the horrors of 20 queers trying to sing over each other replayed in his mind.
“We are out of here!” She slapped his shoulder, joining in his laughter. “Member when uh, what’s her name?” She snapped her fingers, “the little one with the baby face and the sad songs?”
“Blair,” Roy shuddered. 
“Blair!” Kylie pulled her face in confusion. “I always expect some big gal with like some unseasoned potato salad in hand when someone says Blair St. Clair, don’t you?”
“If that ain’t the honest truth, bitch.”
They clinked their glasses and each took a sip, smiling cordially at each other before they returned their focus to where Willam was starting a new story about how drunk Derrick had gotten at a comedy special they did together. 
Not quite as old a story as his Stonewall tale, but once you got him going he didn’t relent on any chance to diss good ol’ Derrick Berry, especially when he was in attendance, practically blowing smoke out of his ears with rage. 
“So, how’d Shane talk you into this?” Kylie asked, dragging Roy’s focus back from his phone, yet again replying to snarky comments left on his posts.
“Do you mean the party or the get-up?” He didn’t even bother looking up, too distracted in his mission to get the last word in. 
“You do look fantastic in that shirt though,” she teased, fingering the little piece of loose thread around his shoulder.
Maybe he’d gone for a predictable look, a black mesh crop top that barely came up to his chest, the same leather harness every respectable queer person owned, black denim shorts, some knee length black boots (which Shane had happily provided) and a witch’s hat. 
“I know,” he nodded, finally putting the phone away. “Black’s my color. Have to admit, you don’t look half bad yourself.”
“Oh I know, sugar. You don’t have to tell me.”
“I always forget just how country you are until you talk.” He smiled, a sense of homesickness tugging at his chest. “Sugah.”
“Are you tickled, bitch?” 
“I am very tickled…especially by that outfit,” he whistled, making her spin around while holding her hand over her head. “You really—“
“Fill it out well?” Clearly she’d gotten this note before.
“No.” He grabbed her by the arm, pulling her roughly back against him so she’d be facing the same direction as him. “Look.”
“What?” She stopped, looking down at where he held her bicep.
“Better grab your shit…and quick.” He failed to hide an amused smile as he pointed over to where Trixie and Jinkx were setting up their chairs and a guitar.
“Oh, sweet baby Jesus…” Kylie’s eyes went wide in horror when Trixie began strumming the intro to Jolene by Dolly Parton. She quickly grabbed her drink, trying to chug the rest.
“Forget the goddamn drink, run!” Roy laughed, pushing her towards the front door with his hand on the small of her back.
“Is this your first time seeing my place?” she asked politely when they walked into her apartment. 
“Uh, yeah.” Roy nodded. “Pretty sure, but it’s nice. Good view.” 
God it was awkward.
“We don’t have to make small talk, do we?” she asked with a hesitant tone while putting down her stolen glass down on a countertop. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk to Roy and continue their banter from earlier, but she did have more pressing issues to take care of first.
Roy crossed his arms, his brows furrowed as if he was thinking something through, asking, “No chit chat? You sure?”
“If you are.” Kylie shrugged. 
Faster than she could say flash Roy closed the distance, crashing their lips together in a feverish rush. His hands were already desperately clinging to whatever fabric he could find to rip it off of her. 
“God you just got even sexier,” she breathed into his mouth. 
Kylie could feel the corners of his lips twisting into a smile, presumably at the relief that he didn’t have to wait around anymore. 
“Back, uh, back room, on the right,” she instructed between breathy moans, following Roy’s lead and removing the thin piece of fabric he dared call a shirt as he pushed her into her bedroom.
Their costumes flew left and right in a haphazard rush to undress till Kylie was finally down to just her corset, and Roy had to let go of her to focus. 
“Lord have mercy.” He stopped in his tracks, admiring her tits when they escaped the top loosened laces of her corset.
“You like em, baby?” Obviously Kylie knew the answer, given the way his mouth practically salivated at the sight of them. 
“You have no idea,” he moaned, taking one of her nipples in his mouth, causing her head to tilt back in gorgeous ecstasy as Roy’s tongue swirled around it, soothing where his teeth had grazed it. 
He let the now over-sensitive bud go with a loud pop, satisfied at his handiwork, and reached for the second one, repeating every step, every bite and every lick, making Kylie practically vibrate with desire.
“Now don’t make me beg.” 
Kylie’s long fake nails latched onto Roy’s ass in a desperate attempt to guide his thigh between her legs for any kind of friction as he kept worshiping her breasts. 
“I can’t help it,” he murmured into her neck, latching onto her pulse point with his teeth. 
“Dammit, why did I wear this stupid thing?” Kylie whined.
She hadn’t expected Roy, ever the hardass, to be so attentive or teasing, letting her get embarrassingly wet and needy before he even made an effort to remove her corset any further. 
“Don’t worry baby, I got you,” he soothed, at long last pulling the laces apart. 
His gentle tone was a stark contrast to the way his teeth tore into her flesh, nipping at freshly exposed skin lower and lower at a snail’s pace till his knees hit the floor.
“Boy, if you don’t-“ Kylie exhaled impatiently when he paused right at her clit, so close she could feel his breath against her wetness.
She grabbed a fistful of Roy’s hair, the fingers of her other hand spreading herself open so he couldn’t miss what she was asking. Practically offering herself up on a silver platter for him to indulge in.
Roy smirked at her, probably ready to quip something stupid back at her but she pulled his head between her legs, trapping him with a flat palm behind his head before he could even dare.
Finally obeying, his tongue flattened out against her with his eyes pointed up at her, carefully watching her every reaction to every drag of his tongue.
“Baby, please,” she moaned a little more forcefully this time, rolling her hips against him. She didn’t have the patience for teasing licks anymore. She tried angling her hips up so he’d get the message but her legs faltered. 
“Woah there.” Roy grabbed onto her with both arms, steading her so she wouldn’t tip over. “Maybe we should…” He tilted his head towards the bed.
“Might be for the best,” she admitted, letting go of Roy so he could stand up. 
Face to face again, Roy slipped his tongue into her mouth, letting her taste herself on him as he walked her till the back of her knees hit the bed and she finally laid down.
With his hands on each thigh and a good forceful push, he shoved her further on the bed, her head against the headboard so he’d have enough space to lay down between her thighs on the edge of the matress. 
“Baby,” Kylie gasped when Roy’s thumb replaced his tongue on her clit, swiping quick circles around and around till she was breathless. Her hips thrust sporadically onto his pointed tongue, white knuckles gripping the sheets the only thing grounding her. 
Ungodly good. Her whole body was alight, lightheadedness set in, her belly warm with anticipation, her cheeks flushed bright glowing red; all the warning signs that she was about to snap.
“You’re so-“ he tried humming against her but a firm tug at his hair shut him up again.
“Don’t speak!”
It was all too much, even the way Roy was moaning into her while his hips rolled against the edge of the bed. 
“Just a little more…oh god…” She sucked in a deep breath, bracing herself as waves of overwhelming pleasure crashed down on her, knocking the wind out of her till she was a softly cursing mess.
The way Roy was still trying to toy with her by tentatively licking slow strokes around her clit even after she stopped shaking, although appreciated, had left her overstimulated.
“I need a minute.” Kylie tapped Roy’s shoulder. 
“You okay?” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Well, I’m definitely kicking myself for not doing this sooner.” Roy flashed a cheeky grin, wiping his wet chin off on her thigh. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” She caressed his face, slipping her thumb into his mouth for him to suck on instead, dragging his bottom lip out. “I knew that big mouth of yours would have a good use one day.”
“Bitch.” Roy bit down. 
“Why you son of a!” she hissed.
“What? Little ol’ me with the big mouth?
“If you don’t get your ass up here,” she snarled, sitting up and leaning forward enough that she could brush her lips against his, tempting him with a kiss just out of reach, “so help me…”
Roy eagerly obeyed and not particularly in the mood to mince words, Kylie pushed him down into the bed and straddled his back effortlessly in one swift motion. 
“Knew those redneck Olympics would have a good use one day.” 
“No more talking,” Kylie ordered into his ear, pinning him down with her body weight. 
“Yes, ma’am.” If it wasn’t so cute the way he said it so earnestly she might’ve corrected him again.
She started at his shoulders, digging her thumbs into the sore muscles as her hips subtly rolled down onto him, mimicking the way he pleased himself before she stopped him. 
Her hands moved lower, exploring the taught muscles flexing under her nails. Kneading his ass through his briefs till he tried to reach a hand into his underwear.
“Now you’re just being a cunt,” Roy huffed when she slapped it away. 
She wanted to be generous and let him get off, sure, but not before she could have at least a little bit of fun with him as payback.
“Uh uh,” Kylie tutted. “I’m being a lady, and I’ll take my sweet time if I feel like it.”
Roy dropped his head into the pillow clutched between his fists, a deep annoyed sigh making its way through the fabric. 
“What was that?” she asked, tongue in cheek, but he simply repeated the sigh, louder this time. 
Kylie could tell by the tight black shirts he wore so often on stage in his Instagram reels that Roy, at the very least, kept an eye on his physique after top surgery.
She’d never seen him this naked or this up close, obviously, but she had to admit; she agreed with Roy on his stance about not doing this sooner. 
He’d always been pretty thin but lately his shoulders and back had filled out quite noticeably while his waist and hips stayed as petite as ever, maybe even some new definition in his faint abs if anything.
His tight little ass, however—in his skimpy shorts, she knew it would be irresistible, imagining it as a cute little bubble butt just enough for a fist full each.
Curiosity was getting the better of her and Roy’s sighs had turned to muffled moans by now. She slid off of him and hooked her fingers into his waistband, ready to whip off his underwear in one go till she remembered he had his packer in. 
“Can I take this off too?” Kylie gave his underwear’s waistband a little tug, revealing a faint hint of a tan line above his ass crack. She bit her lip, trying to hide how enticing this little detail was to her.
“Yes! For the love of God!” 
“Just checking,” she lilted innocently, smiling at his impatience. She yanked off his underwear. “Oh!”
“What?” Roy shot up onto his elbows, looking over his shoulder with panic in his eyes.
“I just knew you’d have the cutest little fanny!” Kylie squealed in delight, grabbing a perfect fistful, just as she anticipated, of each cheek, earning an eye roll from Roy. 
At this angle on all fours, ass up with his cheeks and legs spread open, she could see just how practically dripping wet he was. 
“Poor honey bun,” she fawned over him, nails running up and down his sticky inner thighs. “You really are such a mess, huh.”
Roy bit into the pillow, refusing to give her the satisfaction she was looking for, but his legs bending to get closer to her fingers said more than any words ever could. 
Kylie finally showed some compassion and gave his slit a drawn-out lick, all the way from his dick to his hole.
Roy surprised them both when he let out a loud high pitched whimper, quickly throwing his hand over his face, “Oh my god, I am SO sorry.”
“What was that?” Kylie laughed loudly, she leaned on her side to get a good look at where he was hiding his face in the pillow again.
“I don’t know!” Roy admitted, joining in on the laughter. “Nobody’s tongue’s been that far back in a while! I guess it-it took me by surprise maybe?”
“That’s okay, sugar,” she teased in a low voice against his skin, already hovering over the same spot, ready and waiting. “Do you want me to do it again?” 
“Fuck…please,” Roy sighed pushing his hips back against her tongue. 
He reached for his dick again, jerking himself off in the same rhythm Kylie’s tongue had set for them. Desperation palpable with every stroke or every time he’d bounce back against her. 
Maybe if Roy’s muffled groans weren’t so distracting, either one of them would have heard the front door of her apartment opening.
“Hey, Kylie! Have you seen my blue work shirt?” her roommate shouted, clearly shuffling through the apartment. “I need to switch clothes, but I can’t find it-” 
“Fuck!” Kylie jumped off the bed, already throwing on a robe that was sitting on top of a hamper pile nearby. 
“What is she doing here?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know, but I’ll be right back,” she whispered, quickly wiping her mouth off with Roy’s discarded crop top. 
“Hey, that’s—whatever.” He gave up the fight about his shirt being a makeshift cumrag before he could even start. 
While she was dealing with that mess, Roy figured he’d make himself at home. He rolled himself over onto his back and tried to get comfortable, but his erection was by now downright painful.
Just to ease some tension his fingers, lazily slid up and down around his growth till he found a rhythm he liked. Four loud buzzes from his phone on the floor pulled him back to the present. He reached down to pull it from the pocket of his shorts.
Shane J:
Shane J:
What are you up to?
“Ah fuck,” he sighed. He forgot to say goodbye to Shane before he left and now, clearly bored and/or drunk, he needed some company.
Shane J:
I need you to come over 
Shane J:
I’ve got something to show you
He bit his freshly painted nails, debating what he should do or if he should say something since this situation, as fun as it was, seemed to be over. 
“She’s gone.” 
Maybe not. 
Kylie finally came back in before Roy had time to open the messages, her untied robe already on the floor, ready to get straight to business again. 
“Great.” Roy shoved the phone behind him like a child who’d been caught with it after bedtime. 
“Now,” Kylie purred, climbing over the bed towards him, a huntress on the prowl. She spread his thighs open, threw her left leg over his and with a little repositioning managed to get them pressed together at just the right angle. “Where were we?”
The pressure of her body weight resting on his dick was electrifying, making his hips inadvertently thrust up against her. Finally, he could let go of that breath he’d been holding in.
“That good, baby?” she asked, leaning down to suck on his bottom lip, their hips grinding together in unison.
“I want to fuck you,” Roy whispered into her mouth, his voice practically hoarse with want. 
“Then put it in.” Kylie stilled her hips and leaned back, pulling him with her till their positions were switched. Now with Roy on top and in control. 
His eyes flicked between hers trying to work out what she was planning.
“What?” She slipped her fingers into her mouth, pulling them back out with a thick trail of spit. “Do you need a map?”
She took his dick between the top of her slippery index and middle finger, guiding it just a little lower towards her entrance, and he gasped at the contact. 
“Fu-uck.” His eyes fluttered closed as she pushed his dick into her. He had to pace his breathing to avoid coming right then and there.
It wasn’t particularly deep, but god what he could manage inside felt fan-fucking-tastic. She was tight and wet and absolutely stunning. Especially when she grabbed his ass and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly while pushing up against his thrusts. 
“You never tried this?” she asked softly, her fingers dancing along his well-sculpted chest and around his scarred nipples. 
“Not exactly…” he admitted, looking down between them, slightly embarrassed for not thinking of it sooner. “But better late than never right?”
“Uh-huh,” she nodded, progressively struggling to form words as he fucked her harder, needier.  
He could feel the pressure in his stomach building, the possibility of finally getting to come so close, but seeing her fall apart like this a second time was too tempting to pass up. Almost worth edging himself one last time.
His thumb was already rubbing her clit in quick figure eights again in the same way she responded to so well last time, earning louder and more full-throated moans as opposed to her cute little whimpers.
“Oh fuck…” Kylie gasped, throwing her head back onto the bed, her legs trembling as she clung to him for dear life.  “Don’t stop…don’t stop…”
He could feel her tensing from deep in her core, every pulse, every flex around his growth pushing him further into oblivion. Unable to process any coherent thoughts. His hips frantically jerked into her even after her limbs went liquid.
“Keep going,” Kylie whispered, her nails deep into Roy’s ass. 
“Fuck I’m gonna come!” he growled, gritting his teeth, steadying himself on her shoulders. “Are you-“
“Keep going…” she repeated.
“I’m gonna…I-”  He finally came. Unabashedly moaning out any last praises in her name as his whole body ignited, like a high he hadn’t felt before and he wasn’t sure if he could come down from. 
His head full of lights and tingling, his body overheated and overstimulated but he knew he needed more, he needed to come again and fast.
“A little more left in you, Sugar?” Kylie asked sweetly, wiping some sweat from his brow. 
“Yeah,” he panted, desperately fumbling, struggling to find the right spot he had inside her again after he accidentally slipped out. “I just need to, shit, get this right.”
“Do you need help?”
“Fuck this.” 
“C’mere, it’ll be easier,” Roy quickly scooted up to hover over her chest where Kylie waited, resting on her elbows so she’d be the perfect height.
“Jesus…Christ.” He let out another shocked high pitched whimper when her tongue circled his dick. He grabbed her head on either side, guiding it where he wanted her to suck a little harder instead. 
“Don’t bother being gentle,” she purred against him, sending delicious shivers straight through his whole body, fogging up his already oxygen deprived mind even more.
“God, where have you been hiding all my life?” he joked in an effort to regain some control, fucking her face till he turned to jelly.
Legs weak, oversensitive and spent, he finally fell back, laying down opposite her; the both of them giggling at the absurdity of the night’s events that lead them here and the scattered bites and bruises they each showed for it. 
“Boy, that was a blast wasn’t it?” Kylie was the first to speak, again, patting Roy’s sweat-drenched thigh.
“Fuck,” was all he managed, still a chuckle in his voice. “We should do that again sometime.”
“Yeah, some time…” she lulled, feeling around the bed for where her phone had dropped when they walked in earlier. “I mean, it’s only about midnight now, what time do you have to leave?”
“Seriously?” Roy shot up like an overzealous meerkat, looking at her in disbelief. 
“Well?” She shrugged, hooking a leg over his so they were in a perfect scissor position again. “Might need a minute to catch my breath, but you tell me,” she teased, scooting her hips closer so they were touching again.
Both holding onto the other’s hips, they happily melted together again, laying back down to lazily enjoy another round as Roy sighed, “God, I love pride.”
Pride Challenge Points: 7685
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Fire & Flight: Characters Out of Context Tag
Ngl, i was first overwhelmed by the idea of how I was gonna pull this off because I have like 3 different books bouncing around in my head rn and am getting them all mixed up, but then I remembered the search function was a thing😂 Any way, HUGE thank you to @blind-the-winds for tagging me in this! I really enjoyed scrolling through your fill and have been loving all of your recent TNS content💜 And before I get carried away, I'll tag: @violetcancerian, @author-a-holmes, @faelanvance, and any one else who'd like to participate. No pressure to fill!💜
Charity: “Go on then, kill me!” — [Redacted😉]
Chapter 1: [no dialogue]
Chapter 2: “I’d like to barter for a map and compass. Know anyone?” — Nyla
Chapter 3: “No, thank you, Mrs. Focaccia.” — Xander
[Honorable mention: “Amelia tells me he’s been all over town, helping her with the tailor’s deliveries. If he can spend these last few weeks galivanting all over Halberry and beyond, then he can surely come around and help his dearest aunt.” — Betsy]
Chapter 4: “Oh, hey, map girl.” — Xander
Chapter 5: “I don’t think there’s a map in this world that could help me get to where I’m going.” — Nyla
Chapter 6: “I-I’m not sure.” She paused. Her voice shook, barely above a whisper, like she was still terrified, “I mean, I remember, but it’s weird. The ogre was just there, and then it wasn’t. And the light…” — Nyla
Chapter 7: “Never mind.” She bit her lip. Her feet stopped, and she cast a glance in either direction. After a moment’s hesitation, she asked, “How long do you think we’ve been walking?” — Nyla
Chapter 8: “Since we got here, I’ve been thinking: is it worth it?” His voice shook as he continued, “What if it isn’t what I hoped it would be? What if I’m better off without it?” — Xander
Temperance: “I envy you,” Cedric said quietly. The gleam in Dia’s eyes softened, becoming curious. “You could fly away, never to be bothered by manifestations of your own guilt or nightmares or years of—of doing nothing.”
Chapter 9: “Did you just try to shoot me?” — Xander
[Bonus “All I’m saying is that I was almost shot today. It’s pretty terrifying that you have such good aim for someone who didn’t know they had magic.” — Xander]
Chapter 10: “You’re right, I guess, though finding shelter in the rain and dead of night is extremely difficult and impractical. I just thought it would be nice to sleep in a nice, warm inn with a featherbed and running water and a hot meal, a real meal, at the inn’s tavern. But it’s your call, whatever makes you happy,” he tempted with a shrug of his shoulder. — Xander
Chapter 11: “I don’t know. I thought it was just a dream or a nightmare, but none of it makes sense.” Her hand floated up to her shoulder where Astrid’s hand had been, her eyes puzzled. “I’m not really sure to be honest. It all felt so real.” — Nyla
Chapter 12: “You will never hurt anyone like you’ve hurt me. I might not know what the hell is going on, but that doesn’t really matter because no matter what you do or how powerful you are, I am going to stop you, even if it means killing you!” — Nyla
Hope: “I hope that wasn’t more trouble than it was worth,” Cedric grumbled as he grabbed the bloody dagger beside him and used the nightstand to pull himself up.
Chapter 13: “Tired of picking the lock?” — Nan (aka Gerri)
[Bonus: “I hope you know that you owe me an explanation as to how you managed to cut yourself that badly while unconscious,” he said dryly. — Xander]
[Extra bonus because I can’t help myself: “I’m sorry almost being stabbed and killed is interrupting your usual sleeping habits,” Xander replied dryly as he turned his back to her.]
Chapter 14: “Bold words from the man trying to convince me to go shopping when I should be resting.” — Nyla
Chapter 15: “Why? Why is this so important to you?” — Nyla
Chapter 16: “Me too.” Nyla nodded slowly. It all came back to her. The memory sparked from the far reaches of her mind. “I’ve felt this before, this sort of nothing, when I traveled in the Dunelands. I thought it was just the heat and the fact that I… well, you know me. But I’m beginning to think it isn’t like that at all. There’s nothing here, no life, no energy, no...”
Faith: [no dialogue]
Chapter 17: “Well, if you’re gonna leave your bow with me, I feel like it’s my duty to warn you—you may not have any arrows left if I have to use it.” — Nyla
Chapter 18: “Really? So, every rock in the Shadow Forest just happened to find its way into your boots? Or how about the fact that even now you can barely keep your balance? I bet a gentle breeze could knock you over right now. So, honestly, what’s up?” — Xander
Chapter 19: “I’ll run if that’s what you want to do. Might not last long, but hey, it would buy us some time,” he offered sincerely. — Xander
Chapter 20: “I feel like there’s waves crashing over me. And do ya know what? I’m okay if they sweep me away. It’s nice just sort of…floating.” — Nyla
Courage: [no dialogue]
Chapter 21: “How do you know that? That’s like saying if I was never born, my family would still be alive, and [REDACTED] wouldn’t have started the fire. You just don’t know that. So what if you two were fighting? I believe our families know exactly how much they mean to us. You can’t be angry at yourself for things you think you could’ve or should’ve done because you just don’t know. You need to stop blaming yourself.” Nyla tugged his hand to get her point across as she brought her other hand up to wipe away Xander’s tears. “Love doesn’t disappear just because people pass away. It’s always there, even when we hate ourselves.”
[Bonus because that was angsty: No one chooses magic. It just happens, Shamira explained. Do you question your free will? The reason you need to breathe? To eat? To drink?]
Prudence: “You aren’t the only one that’s unhappy about this,” he muttered, glancing over the letter. — Cedric
Chapter 22: You have more control than you think. Maybe not as much stamina as you’d hoped, but your magic is strong. You are strong. You just have to learn to trust in yourself, in your magic. You’ve already done so much, keeping yourself safe all this time. The only limit is your own fear. — Shamira
Chapter 23: “Almost. There’s an inner gate farther up, but yeah. Welcome to the abandoned Woodlane Manor of Hart,” Nyla replied with an air of resignation.
[Bonus: “Oh sure, take all the fun out of breaking into an old, abandoned manor, why don’t you!” — Xander]
Chapter 24: “You didn’t tell me it was this bad.” — Xander
Chapter 25: “When will I ever get the chance to explore a creepy old manor, inhabited by a creepy old woman, who may or may not be an imprisoned traitor trying to kill us, with a cat creature that mysteriously goes off on her own to find something you or I can’t possibly see on our own? Sounds like fun to me.” — Xander
Chapter 26: “If you don’t think you can trust yourself, then can you even trust at all?” — Westley
Chapter 27: Don’t look at me like you expect an answer. Wands are an entirely human device. No other magic users have need for a wand that I know of. If anything, I’d think they’re cumbersome. — Shamira
Chapter 28: “Yeah. I opened my eyes, and there she was, the girl with silver hair and no map.” He paused, looking down at the table. His features softened. When he spoke again, it was reflection that painted his voice. “Turns out we were both going to Fortune Falls. And I guess I just felt like I needed to help her. You weren’t there when she discovered her magic.” — Xander
[Bonus: “You know, I’m a little disappointed that there isn’t more of a reception.” — Cedric]
[Extra Bonus: Hold her down! I have to heal her, or she won’t make it! — Shamira]
A/N 2: Idec if I broke the rules on this one😅 There were just too many options for certain chapters and too lines that I loved and couldn't choose between lol
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
Ngl, the Kverse has been stale for a bit. Few people know anything about the franchises you've added through the Vantage oneshots, and none of the popular fics have been updated in months. The main one hasn't been touched in half a year. I'm sure you've noticed that your tumblr gets much, much less traction these days. The quality of the whole project has gone down, and it's because you're spreading yourself too thin. All the best, but a lot of us are starting to lose interest
This reads super condescending, so I was tempted to just say "thanks for reading, sorry you're leaving, but I ain't changing a thing" and move on with my day, but alright, I have my morning coffee and it's a light day at work, so I have a bit of time to expand on that.
I don't write the series for you. Of course, I really appreciate that it's gotten a following, and entertaining people makes me very happy, but what I write, I write for myself, and if people care to read it, that's a bonus. I had the exact same philosophy when I could count my readers on one hand, and I'd write the same way if I got millions of views. If every single one of my readers dropped the series today, I'd be sad, sure, but I still wouldn't change how I do things.
If my aim was to be popular, I wouldn't be writing niche crossovers, trust me. You'd think maybe adding a franchise could only open up the potential audience of people willing to give your crossover a shot, but it's almost always the opposite - you're instead turning away people, some who were readers and don't like the new additions, or others who could've been readers but don't care to read a crossover with what was written before. That's just something you have to accept going in when writing stuff like this, and I'm very much used to it.
I'll remind you: I don't get paid for this. I get nothing from writing the series other than the satisfaction of writing something I enjoy. I have to balance my actual full-time job, a barely existent social life, and what little free time I have against the games I wanna play, the shows I wanna watch, the books I wanna read, and of course, my work on the series, which entails a bunch of research, hours upon hours working out the mess into a semi-coherent shared universe, and of course, the actual writing process. I can't write faster than I do. I've always written slowly, you just got more updates from me before because I was unemployed and had all the free time in the world. Unless some modern-day patron of the arts pays me the big bucks to leave my job and do this thing full-time, this is how it's gonna be for the foreseeable future - and if you or anyone else reading it can't or won't commit to waiting that long, that's okay.
I'm glad you found some enjoyment in the series, I thank you for reading, and I hope one day you decide to catch up (with what little I may have updated :P), but I'm not gonna beg anyone to stick around. There's so many talented writers out there that deserve you giving them a chance, and I'm definitely not the only one doing a big universe fusion, so I have no doubt you'll find a good substitute.
Regardless, as long as I have more stories to tell (and I have many), the Kryptonverse will continue on.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
ngl I'm tempted to make a one shot or drable or even story about solo artist scara X model reader...
— 🌌 (I think it's not taken but I might miss it when checking the anon list)
same tbh i’m a whore for soloist scaramouche
😭 someone had that emoji previously and turned out to be a not so great person so i removed them!! so choose smth else pleek 🙏💗
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tako-cafe · 28 days
I think it’s funny I have a small list of places I’ve been invited to move to because ex-clients thought I was too good for America.
Canada again but north
Vietnam (she was very happy I fixed her phone fr) this one specifically she spent an hour talking about her husband and kids first and had photos for every story. honestly I adored her.
Bonus: the lady in California who was drunk and make her whole party do a shot in honour of me fixing her phone and then invited me out to her house forgetting we were in different states
All of them said I was free to crash in their houses and ngl I was tempted every time let me o u t
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peachymilkandcream · 5 months
Okay I might be too late about the headcanons, but here are some;
>Furlen likes to collect flowers to for Levi to give to Evelyn on random days.
>Evelyn picks up the weirdest of Hobbies when she bored.
>At one point Evelyn just got depressed and somewhat stopped being a mother which made Levi mad.
>Levi collects rocks and gets the kids to paint on them and puts them infront of Isabels and Furlens graves as if to say 'here are what your nephews and nieces made'.
>In the future Furlen meets a girl and history repeats itself and he does what Levi does but instead of beating her as a punishment he uses mental tricks on the poor girl.
>Evelyn hates tea but drinks it to keep Levi happy.
>One time Evelyn begged Levi to get a dog, which instead she got another kid.
Absolutely you are not late! And I freaking love these!!!!
> 100% this is true, Levi would appreciate that his son cares for Evelyn but wants Evelyn to know that he cares about her more
>As of this point her canon hobbies (she’s okay at them all but master of none really) baking, crocheting, mosaics, watercolours, reading, embroidery, and she can play a few songs on the piano. Usually she sees them and points and asks to get the things, Levi indulges to keep her complicit
>Half tempted to make a whole ass one shot on this. PPD would be a huge thing after Furlan especially but maybe even Isabel too.
>Levi viewing Furlan and Isabel as his kids aunt and uncle makes me want to fucking cry but it’s so true.
>He would do this, Levi’s taught his boys to go and get what they want and that means at all costs. Manipulation, rape and abuse are okay if you’re an Ackerman 👍 Ngl he’d probably be proud of his son
>Imagine her getting sick each time she drinks it but hiding it from Levi. Making his tea herself makes her nauseous but she doesn’t say a word. And one day he finds out the truth 🥲
>His only response would be “if you want one so badly I’ll breed you like one” (isn’t he a dear?)
No but I love these genuinely, it’s never too late I could always use more of these to feed the serotonin in my brain
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love-overdrive · 5 months
Question you got me thinking about with that other post, so what does Risotto/La Squadra think of Mary
Joke Answer: they don’t lmao.
Serious answer: Risotto had the “closest” relationship to her unrelated to strictly business due to him being hired to protect her and handle the assassination. He mostly thought she was a naive idiot for getting poisoned (yeah great job blame the teenager for not thinking she would get poisoned 🤪) but saw hints of a hidden strength within. Their time together was brief and Mary took more out of it than he did honestly. He was shocked she genuinely wanted to not only stop him from killing the woman who orchestrated her downfall but also pay him back. So technically we should blame Risotto for dragging Mary into the crime worl- (gets shot).
Prosciutto isn’t too keen on getting information from her because he’s capable of doing so on his own. Pesci is tempted and has met her before (okay he thought she’d be scary but tbh she was just a normal woman?) but Prosciutto tried to shut that down to get Pesci to grow on his own.
Formaggio casually addresses her on the street sometimes, acting like they’re friends and stuff. Mary blows his ass off when he wants to invite her over to watch a football game. He does just randomly ask about someone for information but Mary refuses to give it easily to him unless he gives her something. Illuso hasn’t interacted much with her, finding himself too good to talk to her.
Mary actively avoids Melone because he goes gaga over her and believes she’ll make an amazing “mother” to Baby Face and ngl no one blames her 💀 They refuse to send him and Melone gets sad because whyyyyyy he just wants to make a standdddd. Ghiaccio doesn’t always visit her until a last resort. If he feels she’d have something useful, he reaches out to her to ask for it for his plans. He doesn’t like to do so, but he’s self-aware enough to recognize if he needs extra help. She finds him pleasant enough until she accidentally uses a phrase that makes him break a lamppost.
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that’s it. I’m making a r27 collection
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ourravenboys · 4 years
as both a figure skating fan and a hockey player, zero chill on netflix is so hard to watch 😭😭😭
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