#terf wars
:/ :/ :/ A person that really hates me (like more than a normal amount) says that you are a TERF blog (as in the context of me reblogging memes about bad media takes from you as one of the reasons to hate on me) :/ When your name is LITERALLY declaring hating feminism :/ :/ :/ Like in any shape... :/ I had to hear it then so do you, it is the rule of the internet you know :/
It's very silly how the in-group insult 'TERF' (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) has widened and widened in usage until now referring to anyone in the 98% of the rest of the population that recognizes the human race is a sexually dimorphic species.
It's reduced their cliquey feminist jargon to utter nonsense, and made the people using it look even more foolish than they would otherwise, but it doesn't really bother me: the battles over gender self-identification have done more to weaken, divide and collapse the feminist movement than just about anything antifeminists have ever managed, so it's all gravy.
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swholli · 2 months
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There’s been a very specific campaign online by TERF apologists who are using the tired argument of “they’re only reacting because you pushed them too far,” reframing the narrative as if JKR was very reasonable to begin with and only got more spurred into controversy by militant leftists (or whatever) and frankly it’s laughable.
“She was not so extreme” like the argument wasn’t always about whether or not a specific group of people should be allowed to exist and use the bathroom. Like the argument started over something trivial.
Pay attention, this is the kind of thing your nostalgia-blinder friends will latch onto to justify their continued support of Brand Name Book Series by downplaying the actual human rights issues JKR and her many donations present.
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TERF Wars by Dharma Kelleher
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On the eve of her bachelorette party, bounty hunter Jinx Ballou has been hired to arrest a fugitive accused of brutally assaulting a transgender woman in a public restroom. What Jinx didn’t anticipate was the powerful media machine her fugitive controlled. As Jinx and her team zero in on the bail jumper, she finds herself in the middle of a war of misinformation and deep-faked videos designed to further harm an already vulnerable community. After years of avoiding social media's limelight, Jinx can stay silent no longer and comes out swinging.
Mod opinion: I've heard of this book before, but I haven't gotten around to read it. It is not very high up my list though, but that is mainly because I tend to struggle to pay attention to crime novels.
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ghostnamedmem · 8 months
Anyone else just refuse to recognise that they're anxious? Like ill be on the verge of vomiting in a shop because theres too many sounds and the lights feel disgusting and ill still act like everythings fine and say im just being stupid and play it down when actually when i think about it thats not really normal and like im reading all this terf wars shit and im starting to shake and im on the verge of tears but like im fine? Im not anxious but i really fucking am but like im not yk? Like i have the physical symptoms but inside its just normal because im in a constant state of anxiety and I really want to get on anxiety meds but idk i feel like I don't need them bc i can deal with it i just have a massive breakdown when i can't hold it anymore and that's just how its always been so its fine but like ik its not
Also if you have any advice on how to ask about getting on anxiety meds please lmk because i have no clue how to start, i was diagnosed with anxiety on sight apparently (can they even do that? I feel like thats unprofessional) and then they didn't tell us and i don't remember how i found out but ive never gotten any support for ir other than shitty school councilling sessions that did fuck all
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etakeh · 2 years
Harry Potter: written by an out and proud TERF.
Jelly Belly: Chairman has helped fund efforts to repeal trans-friendly legal protections in California and hates the idea of marriage equality. (source)
Christmas: well yeah.
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thatheathen · 1 year
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Literal motherfucking genocide!
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nando161mando · 17 days
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This couldn't have happened to more deserving people
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shapelytimber · 5 months
Hello stranger and welcome, to my lesbian art master post
Tumblr gifted me a blaze, and I had no idea what to do with it for the longest time. But then it hit me... I could just repost every sapphic art I did in 2023. So enjoy !
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Sith Milfs
Ikkons magazine cover illustration
My 50yo comic teacher doesn't know what lesbians are
Y2K Star wars with mean lesbian Maul
A taste of faith
Pussy adventure
A visit from the moth lady
Third animation of the vampire ladies
Girls night out !!
Wine wives
Bull cowgirl and magical cowboy
Butch Colombo having a divorce with a typewriter
Stand high lesbians
Hey thank you for taking the time to scroll to the end ! It means a lot to me <3
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odinsblog · 1 month
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States with Republican governors or that are controlled by a majority of Republicans are going back to the 1970s and as far back as the 1860s to pull out misogynistic laws against women. And please don’t mistakenly believe that this tactic will stop at controlling women only. Think about all of the homophobic, ableist, racist laws that existed wayback then and are still on the books. This trend of reproductive coercion by way of outdated laws is a blueprint for Republicans. Vote every conservative politician out of office in every election and at every opportunity.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Anti-trans crazies now think any girl with a pixie haircut is a boy or transgender.
And wtf at demanding certification. I didn’t realise you had to carry your kid’s birth certificate on you if they were competing in a sports event.
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coldalbion · 6 months
"Firstly, this data demonstrates *yet again* that the public ‘debate’ on trans rights and trans lives is not in line with public attitudes. The British public in general, and British women in particular, feel pretty positive about trans people. If our media coverage and social media discussions simply reflected this reality, the lives of trans people would be immeasurably improved overnight. Instead of this, the drip, drip of negative and distorted media coverage may be manufacturing a creeping sense of discomfort around shared spaces.
And secondly, it shows that we have a small, but vocal group of people with extreme anti-trans views in Britain, and that should worry us all. 
The Government Equalities Office estimates that there are between 200,000 and 500,000 trans people in the UK, in a population of more than 66 million. We need to make sure our trans family, friends and neighbours feel safe and welcome, and we need to hold family and community members, leaders and journalists to account for how they engage with the trans community.   
If the majority of us simply sit by while the transphobic minority shout their harmful views from the rooftops, our warm feelings mean nothing, and we are part of a problem that is ruining trans folks lives."
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Posie Parker reviews Matt Walsh’s “What Is A Woman?”
I’m finding it really fascinating how the trans issue has been the straw that broke the camel’s back for the largest number of people, the thing that has caused the biggest and most profound split of all time within feminism, and the greatest redrawing of ideological party lines in the 21st century. 
Even 10 years ago it would have seemed absurd to say that an extremely prominent woman’s rights activist would be making a glowing review for her largely radical feminist audience of a conservative documentary made by the Christian right. But today that actually makes more sense than just about anything else happening in politics, and her message here of marching shoulder to shoulder with people you would otherwise oppose on so many other issues being the only way to make real lasting change and win, is exactly the message that the world of today needs to hear most.
I actually find it exciting now to contemplate what the new political landscape is going to look like in another 10 or 15 years; the strange bedfellows that are going to have to learn to live with, and appreciate, one another in order to survive, and the new mainstream that might result from that.
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bucketlmao · 4 months
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those guys
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i cant be bothered to render anything!!!! maybe one day
only been doing coursework recently and haven't been vibin with anything i make/draw but i like these as they are thumbsup
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dimestoretajic · 7 months
"so despite the fact that they'd been laying the groundwork for them to date for ages, the war of the spark novel explicitly made chandra straight, which was weird coming from the guy who dumbldor'd lexington from gargoyles before dumbldor-ing was a thing"
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anti-terf-posts · 8 months
there's so many alterhumans joining the war against terfs i love it WOOOO YEAHHH GET THOSE TRANSPHOBES! I AM KISSING ALL ALTERHUMANS ON THE MOUTH (if they want it of course)! /silly
I've got a whole army at this point 😎
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nando161mando · 7 months
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Anti-trans bigots and hate group Women's Declaration International (WDI) are coming to town this Nov. 19th.
Save the date to give them the welcome they deserve :)
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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