#thank u anon u know ur welcome any time
hannieehaee · 2 months
18+ / mdi
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content: loser!wonwoo, nerdy!wonwoo, sub!wonwoo, subdom!reader, mentions of sfw pics being taken behind your back, corruption, wonwoo's first time, dry humping, handjob, penetrative sex, etc.
part 1, part 2
wc: 2599
a/n: thank u to anon who inspired this ur a real one
in this day and age, you knew that a mere college degree would likely not be enough for you to find a job within your field.
you were a creative, hoping to one day work as a photographer or maybe get into the creative design field upon graduating. however, you'd heard the horror stories of fellow graduates entering the terrifying world that came after college, with many unable to land a solid gig after graduating.
that's how you landed yourself a spot in the yearbook committee, becoming both a photographer and editor throughout these past few months.
that was also how you came to meet jeon wonwoo, the enigmatic boy who had become your partner any time you'd be assigned to photograph at school events.
despite spending quite a bit of time with wonwoo, attending every school event with him, you were yet to really get to know him. wonwoo was likely the shyest guy you'd met in all the years you'd spent at college so far. it was extremely hard to get to know him, as he would be only mumble and shy away any time you tried to make conversation with him. so far, all you knew about him was that he was a photography major (an extremely talented one at that), he was part of the gaming club (information you got from your friend vernon), and that he was generally very into stereotypically nerdy stuff.
none of this information was too groundbreaking, which only made you even more curious about wonwoo. it seemed like he'd specifically go out of his way to avoid you, stuttering like crazy when you'd try and make conversation and attempting to work separately any time you were assigned to photograph at the same locations.
all this only made your current situation all the more interesting, as you now found yourself at wonwoo's door, pondering on whether to knock on the door or not.
for some backstory, it was finally the end of your junior year of college, meaning that most of the work necessary for the production of the yearbook had been completed. all that needed to be done now solely consisted of editorial stuff as you finessed the final product.
this meant that you'd have to meet up with wonwoo to collaborate on the overlay of the yearbook, with the two of you being assigned the duty due to having worked together for most of the past two semesters.
you had jumped at this opportunity, entirely too interested in the shy, glass-clad boy. as embarrassed as you were to admit it, you had developed a bit of a crush on wonwoo. his constant stuttering and nerves around you gave you a strange thrill you had never experienced before. maybe you had a thing for losers, who knew.
and so you decided that now that you had this opportunity to visit wonwoo, being able to get him alone, you'd have a little fun.
yeah, maybe you had put on the tiniest clothes you could get away with wearing out in public. and yes, maybe you had worn that lipgloss you had once seen wonwoo eyeing on you. but could you be blamed? the thought of breaking him excited you too badly, completely sure but now that he must've held a bit of a crush on you (at least based on his constant nerves around you).
finally knocking on the door, you waited a few moments before a messy-haired wonwoo opened the door, giving you a sheepish smile as he welcomed you in.
his apartment was clean, but you could still tell that this had been a rushed effort, being able to spot some clothing misplaced and a few bowls scattered on some pieces of furniture. other than that, it seemed like wonwoo was likely cleaner than the average male college student.
after quietly looking around, you finally turned to wonwoo, who had been watching you quietly as his hands anxiously played with the oversized sleeves of the cardigan he was wearing.
"do you wanna work in your room or on the couch?", you asked.
somehow, you had caught him off guard, making him stumble over his words before muttering that his bed would be better, as it was bigger.
entering his room, you couldn't help a silent giggle at how predictable it looked, filled with star wars and marvel posters on the wall, along with some figurines. the room also included a clearly expensive pc and a few gaming consoles, obviously accompanied by a gaming chair.
liberally taking a seat in the middle of his bed, you allowed your skirt to flow highly enough for your legs to become exposed. you grinned to yourself when wonwoo took a seat beside you, gulping at the sight before opening his macbook on his lap.
once again, without any invitation, you scoot closer to him to get a better view, enjoying the intake of breath you heard from the boy.
after that, you actually worked together for a while, quietly discussing what content you'd leave in and what you'd take out. it was quite enjoyable, actually. you had known wonwoo to have a great creative eye, having seen his photography before, but it surprised you that he was just as good at graphic design.
you voiced this praise to him, making him chuckle awkwardly as he shook his head in denial.
"no, i'm serious, wonwoo. you're so good at this," you repeated.
"ah, n-no, it's just- i'm not that good," he muttered, lowering his head a bit and keeping his eyes on the screen to avoid looking at you.
no, this just wouldn't do.
going on a leap, you scoot even closer, now with your side completely pressed up against his own. bringing your hand up to his chin, you made him face you, smiling at the clear panic in his face.
"wonwoo ... why can't you take my compliment? hmm? you don't believe me?", you murmured, keeping your distance far too small as you awaited his answer.
"i-it's not that, it's just that-"
cutting off his muttering, you continued, "want me to show you? show you that i mean it?", your eyes lowered to his lips before going back to his eyes, hoping that that was enough of a hint for him to know what you meant.
gulping again, his eyes looked to your lips too, looking back up before parting his lips, attempting to make some sort of sound but failing, simply whimpering pathetically.
his whimper was enough to ruin you, making you close the gap between you with a soft kiss.
pathetically, he whined against you as you did all the work, leaving soft kisses against his lips up until your tongue made use of the small gap of his lips, sneaking in and encouraging him to follow along in your movements.
you sighed softly against his lips, wanting nothing more than to encourage his kisses. when he finally began kissing back, you repositioned yourself on the bed, pushing off the laptop and kneeling in front of him without ever breaking the kiss. like a good boy, he followed you in your movements, allowing you to lay him down on the bed as you climbed over him.
pulling away, you chuckled against his lips as he pathetically followed your lips with a whine, hands uncharacteristically holding onto your hips as he held you against him.
"wonwoo," you breathed out against his lips, "is it okay if i take off my clothes, baby?"
"y-yes, fuck. please. i- i mean, you don't have to, but, fuck, i-"
"shhh. it's okay, baby. i'll take them off, yeah? then it's your turn," you reassured, throwing off your skimpy summer dress before snapping off your bra and struggling your way out of your panties before sitting back on him.
the sight of the nerdy boy under you as he salivated over every new inch of skin you exposed to as laughable. his eyebrows were furrowed in the a manner that made it look like he was in pain. his breathy gasps at the revelation of your breasts had given you a huge ego boost, making you play with them for a bit for his viewing satisfaction. after that you leaned down again, going back to what had first started all this.
"you're so pretty, wonwoo ... so talented and nice and pretty. my pretty nonu," you breathed into his lips, giving him no chance to respond.
he still did his best, shaking his head, insisting that you were the pretty one. that you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
"n-no, you ... you're so pretty fuck, i- i've always wanted you ... fuck, is that, is that okay? always thought you were the prettiest girl ... get so nervous around you," he confessed, sighing when your arms went under his shirt, toying at his nipples before helping him remove his cardigan and shirt.
now shirtless, you practically salivated over his body, feeling him up like you were entirely depraved of touch. he was far more buff and delicious than you had ever imagined. wonwoo seemed to enjoy it just as much, letting out desperate breaths as you felt him up. before long, his sounds became even higher and whinier, as your hands made their way to his pants, pushing them down as best as you could before getting a hold of his already hardened cock.
"a-ah, t-that's ... fuck, a-are you sure?", gasped wonwoo, squirming under you like the pretty little nerd you'd been wanting for so long.
"yes, nonu. is it okay? is it okay when i play with your pretty cock like this?", your hand wrapped tighter around him, bringing his member out of his boxers and jerking him faster as he nodded desperately in approval.
"it's so good, fuck ... feels so ... so nice. please ..."
he was already such a whimpering mess and you hadn't even started working on his pleasure. unknowingly, wonwoo was slowly corrupting your mind, making you feel a monstrous need to do every nasty thing imaginable to the pretty boy moaning under you.
with a groan, you repositioned yourself, leaning back a little so you could drag your pussy against his cock. the thought alone made your eyes roll back. and the execution? the execution had you whimpering at the sudden stimulation, falling in love with the hardness of wonwoo's cock.
in the meantime wonwoo had lost all ability to produce any sort of sound, letting out breathless whimpers at the feeling of your cunt dragging against him, glasses fogged up and hands digging into your hips to unknowingly try and guide you against his dick.
"y/n ... oh, fuck ... p-please ... need- need more, oh, please ..."
dry humping could only go so long, but you wanted to drag it as much as you could. the sight and sound of wonwoo begging for you had you on cloud nine. he was so handsome and well built that you couldn't help but become hypnotized to the sight under you as you humped him with no shame.
the pretty mess under you continued to beg, strong arms even coming to stop your movements when the pleasure got too much, pleading at you to please let him have your cunt.
"g-give it to me. please. need to feel it, i- i've never had it before. need t-to know. need it to be you, fuck, please ..."
oh? was the pretty boy a virgin? were you about to deflower the mess under you?
wonwoo should've never let you in on this information, as it immediately drove you crazy with desire. you needed to claim him, mark him as yours and keep him all to yourself forever.
without hesitating any longer, you lowered yourself on him, groaning out at the stretch while wonwoo let out the prettiest high-pitched moan you had ever heard. it was pathetic how his deep voice fell to mere whimpers at the simple touch of a woman. yet it made you tighten around him all the tighter.
your hips bounced on his thin thighs, hand dipping in so you could play with your clit. maybe one day you'd teach him how to give you pleasure in such a way, but for now you just wanted to ruin him.
"gonna cum ... i- fuck, im gonna cum. c-can i? please?", he pleaded, eyes shut closed in pleasure.
it took you a few moments to answer, not wanting to leave him waiting for too long during his first time, but needing to get yourself to the edge in order to cum with him. within a few seconds he repeated his pleas, this time even more pathetically than before. this was what broke you, making you nod and whimper in affirmation as your own orgasm took over.
"such a g-good boy for me, nonu," you leaned down to kiss him, wanting to give him as much intimacy as you could for his first time.
kissing you back, he wrapped his arms around you, consistently crying praises against your lips. he let you know how badly he loved your cunt, how much he'd fantasized about this. the rest got muddled in the endless whimpers he let out.
after riding your high, you laid against his him, ear against his chest as you caught your breaths. his skin was clammy and his heartbeat fast. you loved being the cause of both things.
"does ... does this mean you like me back?" he murmured.
nodding against his chest, you left a few kisses against the skin, "yes, wonwoo. i've liked you for a while."
he exhaled in relief, "fuck, thank god."
your let yourself roll over from on top of him and lay on his side, finding a more comfortable position to cuddle with him.
then you suddenly remembered.
"shit, we gotta finish the yearbook."
it was his turn to chuckle, "let's nap for a while first. i'll wake up and get the final details later. promise."
you took his promise in the form of the union of pinkies, taking his advice of taking a nap as the surprisingly buff boy held you in his arms, falling into slumber quickly after.
ironically, you woke up before he did, approximately two hours after having fallen asleep in his arms. spotting the laptop on the floor, you decided to do him the favor of doing the final touches yourself, deciding that this would somehow be some form of aftercare as he regained his energy by sleeping.
shockingly enough, having the initiative to work on the unfinished yearbook spread as wonwoo continued to sleep next to you proved quite interesting as you finally got hold of the computer.
you hadn't meant to snoop, but a folder hidden on the corner immediately caught your attention. you hadn't noticed it earlier, as wonwoo had the computer on his own lap the entire time, but its title consisted of your initials, making you entirely too curious about it.
opening it, you had to hold in your gasp upon finding about twenty pictures of you out and about at each of the events you'd attended with wonwoo to photograph for the yearbook. for candids, they were quite beautiful.
in any other situation, you wouldve been rightfully freaked out. but the thought of shy little wonwoo fantasizing about you as he took pictures of you to look at later only made you want to claim him even more.
looking to the pretty boy softly snoring next to you, you were already planning all the ways in which you'd mock and berate him over it, all while you ruined him under you yet again.
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callsignfangs · 4 months
141 + Fangs with the reader who has a paper star making addiction. (Platonic) /nf
You feed me so well pooks 😇
For context: Fangs is also a CoD oc sorta thingy of mine 😚 I’ll add theirs at the end for anyone who’s interested 💟💟
141 + Fangs & Paper star addicted reader <3
• Really doesn’t get it. He adores how often you gift them to him but has absolutely no clue what to do with them.
• Ended up repurposing one of his desk drawers to fill them with. Also generally always has some laying around.
• Is irrationally pissy whenever someone insults them. Think they’re weird? At least his partner loves him enough to spend their time making things for him instead of shitty storebought gifts every other month, Samantha.
• Is absolutely giddy about them.
• Learns to make them with you so you two can make a collection together 😇
• Came up with the idea of making them out of sugar paper and incorporating them into food as well, bc why not??
• Puts them literally everywhere. He has little tupperware boxes and mugs full of them placed all over his room.
• Secretly loves sitting and watching you make them. Seeing your fingers curl around the paper with each other fold, it’s just mesmerising to him.
• Can’t get the hang of it himself, though. Poor lad’s fumbling, catching his fingers on every other corner, his hands are just too big.
• Has at least one on him at all times. On a mission? Scattered across his vest pockets. Out running errands? One on the specially made keychain his house keys are on.
• Gets surprisingly upset if any of them get ripped/damaged. Still has a few on his floor because god knows this man has knocked over piles or containers of them, and/or used them as extra ammo during pillow fights.
• Similar to Gaz, also very happy about them 😇
• Incorporates them into random things in his life. Definitely shaved a few stars into his mohawk. Maybe even got a star-related tattoo.
• Has them literally everywhere. Whenever he cleans up or redecorates his room, he’ll find at least a dozen just strewn about.
• Can’t exactly get the hang of tiny paper stars either, so whenever he makes them with you he gets big strips of paper so he can actually fold them.
• Always complains about how disarming explosives/tinkering with the tiny, intricate little bits in his snipers is somehow easier than folding those stupid bloody bits of paper.
• Angst warning ahead - Have you lot seen that tiktok video of the person who’s father hid rubber ducks around their house, and after he passed they found one in the console of their car? Yeah. That’s what you’re met with after MW3. You’re welcome 😇 (edit: found it on reddit instead of tt 😚)
• A little confused at first, but eventually catches up with it.
• Will get deeply upset if they lose one you’ve gifted them. Yeah, they have at least three hundred others, but it was a gift from you!!
• Like Soap, starts bringing them into projects. Impulsively starts a full art project based completely around them, and has to shamefully slink over and ask you to make them more 😇
• Sorta gets the hang of them. To say they’re a bit wonky is an understatement, but they’re trying their best, and they don’t really mind as long as they’re having fun (silently raged for at least half an hour over them).
• Paints a star on their favourite rifle. Price wasn’t very happy when they went on a night mission and he spotted a little painted star glowing in the dark, and they very reluctantly peeled of the paint and replaced it with a less noticeable colour.
Giggle donee 😇 My brains been kinda rotting over this lately and I have a Farah ask that I’m going a liiil feral over so yippee 🎉 (if ur seeing this i love u farah anon(s?) /p 😋)
Okok yaya but thanks pooks this dragged me out of my like writing hole very happy 💪
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
hiya :D
i love ur headcannons they always make me laugh reading them!
do u think u could do some on what subjects u think the mercs would teach if they were teachers?
What Subjects Would The TF2 Mercs Teach?
Awe, thank you, Anon, that's so sweet 💖 I can definitely write this, it seems like a lot of fun! UH going to just assume that these guys are teaching at a college, so they get specialized fields to teach!
This is probably going to be very similar to "What Jobs Would The TF2 Mercs Have If They Weren't Mercenaries" post, so I'll probably keep this shorter so I don't end up repeating myself, uh I also added how the classes would like them as a teacher!
Demo would teach chemistry, trying very hard not to dabble with anything too illegal in his classroom. He loves the way science almost works like magic when it comes to chemistry. Loves the bearly visible bridge between a perfect result and utter chaos. His students are both deeply terrified and greatly inspired by Demo. He's a genius when it comes to science, and it shows through the times he's deeply concentrated while teaching. May or may not have "accidentally" shown the class how to make explosives. Oops.
Engie is a fan of biomedical engineering regardless of if it's his job or just something he'd be asked to teach to people who were curious about it. He has such a passion for the mix of two things he loves, helping people and making things. He will go on for hours, showing examples of how important biomedical engineering is, how impactful even one person in the field can be. His students would love the passion he speaks on the subject with and how willing he is to make sure everyone in his class understands the material.
Heavy would teach Russian literature after being inspired by his teachers. The passion they showed in their teachings and how willing they were to prioritize helping students evoked feelings in him that he never known. He does everything for his students, making sure that everyone is supported. He tries his hardest to give his all to make these students feel the same passion he has for it. His students love him, and his class is one of the most popular, has made large impacts on every student that's came into his class.
Medic teaches, shock of all shocks, medical classes! I know, I know, but what can I say? He lives for the medical field. Keeps his class ethical enough, stating multiple times that as doctors, their job is to heal and save lives. However, some of his students who share the same, uh, curious shine in their eyes are more than welcome to attend a class that dips into the unethical side of medical practices. He's a good teacher, and his students are fond of him for his unsettling aura and passion.
(Can you tell I know jack all about medicine and how it's taught lmao)
Scout is a teacher in sports journalism, and his class both loves and loathes him as a teacher. He loves sports, so writing about them is super easy! He has a lot of fun teaching other people the best way to describe things and how to put their feelings on the page, but he's also horrendous at spelling and writing in general. His class understands his struggles but gets rather annoyed when Scout pulls up an article he wrote and can't understand any of it. He's trying his best, and he makes a half decent teacher.
Sniper is a photography teacher, and honestly? His class isn't for everyone. In Snipers mind through every picture he takes he's expressing a deep feeling or trying to invoke an emotion in the viewer, which he succeeds in most of the time, but it's hard for other people to replicate that when you, don't. Talk. To. Them. Some people just pick up photography and understand exactly how to do what Sniper expects without guidance, others can't understand at all. Basically, not a teacher, teacher.
Spy is teaching political science, hoping he can somehow subtly influence a few students into using the knowledge he provided to find a profession in espionage. He's definitely a teacher who would make you nervous, kind of a mean teacher, but he never let's a student fall behind. Subtly offering help or an extension to make sure his students succeed. Claiming he doesn't do it out of love for his students, just so he isn't known for having any failures in his class.
Soldier is the worlds best american history teacher, hands down. You want to talk about passion? He loves American history and will go on the longest rants and makes all of them entertaining. His class is never dull or boring. He's another prime example of a teacher who will do anything for his students and make sure they understand everything going on. No man left behind and all that. His students love him :)
Pyro is a teacher of fire science (I didn't even know that was a thing, but apparently it is, who knew?) Pyro, being obsessed with lighting fires, knows quite a bit about all types of fire is more than happy to share their knowledge about flames. While their students can barely understand them, they don't call Pyro out on it as their passion for the subject transcends words. Pyro's class is less of a class than a period of entertainment, but somehow everyone comes away from the class knowing everything they needed, and even somethings they didn't.
Short and sweet little headcanons, how fun! Sorry if it's actually too short! Thank you again for the ask anon, super fun to write :)
I'm just now realizing that there's a chance that this won't make sense because I'm a little tired while writing this, so I hope it turned out well. Sorry if it didn't, Anon 😭
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delcakoo · 10 months
i’m sure most ppl expected this so i’m not gonna make a big deal out of it but!! yes i am going on hiatus for an unspecified amount of time.
it’s honestly quite simple, i’ve just been losing interest in most aspects of kpop aside from the music, which makes writing for it a lot harder than before. i also dealt with a lot of burn out for months and still forced myself to write which only made it worse. lastly, i’m an executive of two clubs at my school this year on top of all my classes, so finding time to write would be even worse than it was before :’) !
YEAh that’s kinda it! for now my works will stay up, moots can dm me for my disc/spotify!! even if we’ve barely spoken pspsps i wanna stalk ur music cmere 🤲 a special shout out to my emoji anons too, you’re all amazing people ilysm, especially those that have been stuck with me for so long <3 (u know who u are!!)
i’ll try and check in here every so often to chat, esp if a new comeback for enha/txt happens!! love u guys and stay safe <3 you may send an ask if u have any questions!
extra stuff i wanna say to moots below! (it’s all word vomits i’m sorry)
RAVEN. MY WIFEY. my BELOVED blr wont let me tag u but you already know i adore u sm playing roblox with u is so fun even if that one banana game was kinda ass!! 💖 thank u for being so so sweet when putting up with me all the time and raising our fav corgi daughter with sm love <3 i hope u get more confidence in ur writing because your fics are always so creative and well written, and in yourself too bc a certain mf thats name starts with J and ends with N is MISSING OUT. 🙄🙄 ok im still gna be annoying u all the time so. bye ig….. smooches
@seongclb katto u deserve an award for putting up with me in dms ilysm 😞 watching the promised neverland together brought me so much joy and i still have a ss of you calling gilda a tractor ok i love u!!!! i would read your fics all day any day u are so talented and ur photography skills are amazing, i hope we get to keep in touch WE SHOULD FIND ANOTHER SHOW TO WATCH TGTHER !!!!! i need to fix your lack of anime knowledge ‼️ PLS KEEP WRITING AS WELL ENHABLR NEEDS U!!!!
@soov reirei my gf i aspire to be as confident and funny as you, you’re literal sunshine and always make my day better even with just one interaction <3 thank u for being so welcoming my first days in walmart enha and raising sushiwon with me!! as well as entertaining me by dying in genshin every 3 seconds <3 (WE NEED TO PLAY AGAIN) oh and KEEP WRITING BB. i will rise from THE DEAD WHEN IT COMES OUT OK U CAN DO THIS ML!!
@haknom kangaroo karaoke keys we may have had only a few convos but they were all so fun like PLAYING BRAWL STARS WAS HILARIOUS we ate the house down in duo showdown idc. and beta reading ur fics was such a treat esp while watching u plan new smaus every other day 🫶 also your music taste is MUWAH gimme some more recs pspsps !!! KEEP WRITING OKKK?!
@kynrki kimmy kimmy kim one of my first ever moots <3 your writing is always such a joy to read and your energy is amazing, thank you for giving me a chance when i was too shy to ask anyone else to be moots LMAO 🫶 plsplss keep writing you’re so gifted and deserve the whole world LOVEE UU
@bitehee cavvy my big sibling :((( i love u sm kshsdknd its been a while but i really hope everything has been well since you moved and you’re still being as cool as ever <3 im gonna replay a pokemon game in ur honor perhaps mystery dungeon 👁️ ? anyway i look up to u and think u are so cool, one of my fav hee stans ever ever!!! remember u have my disc if u ever wanna chat 🫂 !!!
@sunoksunny sunny <3 my other gf. i remember our first vc u had this goofy pfp i cant remember what it was but like u are so easy to talk to and funny?! and PRETTY??? your fits are always stunning and your singing is beautiful ugh the whole package fr… and. we need. to play. genshin!!! I REDOWNLOADED IT FOR U OK WE WILL DISCUSS THIS SOON!! ILY
@slytherinshua ZANNY. u are so easy to talk to we match each others energy so perfectly?!? I HOPE U AND TUALHA CONTINUE BEING THE COOLEST EVER and ur writing is top tier so pls keep going‼️ thank u for being so sweet to me as another one of my very first moots i appreciate u sm <3333
@flwrshee riri !!! we haven’t even been moots for long but i had to add u in here because u need to know that ILYSM. you’re like an adorable energetic little sister that always makes me smile T-T thank you for taking time out of your day to reblog my fics with so much sweet feedback and i wish u the absolute best always!! if u ever need anything pls dm me on disc i would love to chat with u more, and make sure to keep writing bc u have SO much talent!!!!
@wonieleles sia SIA i genuinely miss talking to u sm i NEED to come back to walmart enha :(( we don’t talk much besides our little interactions in the server but each time you make me smile. you’re so so smart and admirable, i hope you keep up the hard work bc i know you’ll go so far and HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE!! you’re so beautiful okay ily 😞🫶
@sultrybaby kel 😭😭😭💖💖 you’ve literally been a day one THANK YOU for always checking in on me even during your ridiculous NONSTOP EXAMS. 💀 another one of my big siblings on here fr you are such a real one and i care for u sm!!! i hope everything has been well for u?! pls feel free to message me for anything okay <3 I LOVE U SM thank u for sticking with me all this time 🫂🫂
i have so many moots so i can’t write smthn for everyone but i love u all okay <3 AGAIN if u wanna keep in touch thru spotify or discord dm me muwah
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seelestia · 2 months
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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sungbeam · 3 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon! thanks for sending this in :') im always so bad at posting these things, but i can def do this one. i don't know if i would classify them specifically as favorites, but more so people i've interacted with the most 😭
@justalildumpling : i don't even need to go on besides saying that this woman is my soulmate. "in another life" but we're gonna beat the universe and meet in every life, type of connection. the girl who has seen me at my worst and has still treated me with as much kindness and compassion and care as she did the first time. i feel like in certain ways, we're kind of polar opposites, but also the same? i mean, on paper we can be so different, but when we talk abt what we like and dislike, when we laugh together, it all becomes something of the same and she restores my faith in other people again. she's the person who constantly makes me want to be a better person.
@ethereal-engene : one of my two beloved 姐姐's on this site skfnrknf but i remember talking to ash so many nights abt just any and everything. i am so happy that we're comfortable enough to be able to joke around, share our niche interests, have deep conversations, and even pen pal!! like i think it's crazy how SIMILAR our families are; we could legitimately be long lost sisters haha but also the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb sometimes, so that makes sense. she's one of my comfort people, and honestly, i feel like we both come out of nowhere with some topics, but either person will hop right into the convo regardless and just vibe 🤧
@winterchimez : my second 姐姐 on this site !! my older sisters def take care of me well and i am so grateful for that :')) ally is always so supportive and yet so energergizing to talk to. she's def seen a lot of my brainstorming and i feel very comfortable bouncing ideas off her. she's always so generous with me too, like care packages??? RAH 😭 obviously, i love her for reasons besides the material goods, but it's a love language nonetheless. ally is prob one of the warmest and most welcoming presences on this hellsite tbh, so if ur ever looking for a new friend/mutual, she's the best.
@loveliestfelix : nana is another reason why im still around. i like to thank that beomgyu drabble every day for kickstarting our friendship because i have never met someone i have had such lengthy and fun brainstorming sessions with. nana is the type of person i would love to meet irl and just share stories over coffee with, though i feel like i always associate her with train rides and coffee now HAHA she's also one of my greatest writing inspirations, like i was and have always been blown away by her mind, and her word counts. i love calling her the queen of angst, and you will never be disappointed when reading something of hers.
@jaehunnyy : chip's been here for a really long time, like guys, no one can compete when she's been here since i had park jisung as my pfp and she had jeno as hers 😭 i think i really treasure our friendship and how much it's grown over the past two years :')) so much has happened over that time, and i think that if i met her in real life, i would just be blown away by how pretty she is like TT anyways,, i always love talking to her because of how much chaotic energy we create when we do, like i feel like we can power an entire city grid with how much chaos we make, and it's all the better for it. i love her very much, and i hope she understands just how wonderful of a person and friend she is.
@mosviqu : oh, my beloved bar, i love u to bits and pieces. i think recently you've become one of the few reasons why im still here writing and posting. like i am so utterly, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for all of your support and the love you've given and shown me. and even when we moved to dms to converse, i just realized how cool you are as a person, and how similar we are (in the best way possible). it's really nice to be able to connect with a person on multiple levels, and im really happy that was the case with us :') as soon as i saw ur love for tomorrow by chanyeol, i knew there would be something more to our friendship. i am so very fond of you, and your writing blows me away every time i read it.
@zzoguri : moni :( i hope ur doing well, friend, and i know you haven't been active here lately but i do wish you all the best. i love how passionate and committed you are to improving in writing and developing your own creative writing style, and it's so impressive to read your writing in general :') i love the confidence you advocate for yourself, and how real you are. thanks so much for being a friend; i just really appreciate all the support and hype you've given me during my time on deobiblr, like thank you for being such a thoughtful person.
@wuahae : cat and i have definitely interacted more off this site than on this site, but i felt that it was dire she was included here nonetheless. like bro, thank you for literally being the reason i come out of my apartment (or in most cases, invite people to my apartment), and for thinking of me! i think i once told you how hard it is to find friends in college, but you've made my experience here far less lonely. i love getting dinner with you, planning outings, and making weird animal noises together on the streets 😭 also, cat's writing is literally so poetic, and just her explaining to me her plot ideas tears visceral reactions out of me TT
@yunhoszn : i feel like me and fawn are low-key on the same wavelength a lot of the times, but in general, i think fawn's just such a rad person. i've told her once or twice before but i genuinely love her writing style because it has so much personality in it. it just makes reading her fics such a fun and enjoyable experience. also even off this site, i have so much fun interacting with her, like just commenting on her instagram posts like the gremlin i am, i know she's gonna hit me with the best response back skfnkejd (waiting for the day i go to where u r so u can do my makeup low-key... ur so fly, pls do my makeup...)
@goldenhypen : em, my lovely twin :')) i know our interactions have def decreased, but i don't think that's decreased the fondness we hold for one another. i remember when em first started interacting with my works and then followed me, i literally rolled off the couch cuz i started fangirling 😭 and she is one of the most genuine and brightest presences here. she is a follow forever, bro, you better follow her forever. i just adore her compassion for others and her absolutely adorable fic concepts, and omg don't even get me started on her work ethic 😭 i wished u the best everyday you had requests, i don't know how u did it. you are literally superhuman.
@hqrana : i haven't spoken with noa in quite awhile, but im guessing it's cuz she's girlbossing her way through to that nursing program 🤧 my favorite woman in stem girl in this hellsite, she is my beloved xnonie 😭 i think i just appreciate noa's undeniable presence and character so much, like she brings so much energy to my inbox whenever she's here, and her support of my ideas and fics just makes me 🙇🏻‍♀️ like thank you for being here. and to know we both love marvel and taylor swift? i feel like she has to be like,, my best friend? like she needs to be my best friend?? sending hugs and well wishes your way, always.
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anzynai · 1 year
Hey! I’m so happy to see that a tkl writer is into TWST! There are barley any fics and hcs on here and I’m STARVING! If you’re taking requests can you please write some hcs for the dorm leaders? Thanks!
Housewarden Tk Headcanons (Twisted Wonderland)
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HELLO!!!! my requests are closed so normally i would have to decline this ask.. but i guess it’s ur lucky day anon because i’m actually obsessed with twst and this is my first request from this fandom so… enjoy! i love all these losers so there’s gonna be a good amount of hcs in this post LOL i’ll count it when i’m finished!! HELP MEEE THERE ARE 63 HEADCANONS. um, you’re welcome i guess this took 4ever!
also it sometimes makes me laugh when i put really serious and cool photos for my headcanons and then it’s just silly little tickling but uh. yes.
Riddle Rosehearts
hello so goldfishie is at least like a 7 on the scale. his worst spots: uhhh his neck (IDK I THINK IT SUITS HIM) and his sides!!
who tickles him the most? let’s see. floyd and trey are tied. but occasionally, if duece and ace see trey tickling riddle, they’ll join in as well.
it’s kinda funny when he’s tickled bc he gets angry (even when he’s enjoying it) so he’ll be like “let go of me this instant” and be disappointed when they actually do. however, he has too much pride to admit he didn’t actually want them to stop.
though he doesn’t always like being tickled. like, floyd has a habit of just tickling people whenever he feels like it no matter the time and place, which sometimes puts riddle into incredibly awkward and embarrassing situations.
he bites his lip to conceal his laughter but it’s like a river cuz the second a giggle slips out and it will, it’s over. he’s dead, he’s dying.
u know those people who want to retaliate so so bad, but they don’t dare think of it because they KNOW that they would receive it back tenfold?? well maybe that’s a little specific so u might not know people like that BUT RIDDLE IS LIKE THAT
but bro just needs more confidence bc the times he has tickled someone, he becomes an absolutely menace. he somehow has some kind of instinct for the best spots.
he can’t really tease all that well unless he’s really in the mood cuz he gets flustered hshghshs
Leona Kingscholar
sometimes this dude is like too lazy for tickles????? so this doesn’t happen too too often (but it does)
I GIVE HIM A 6!!!! his worst spots: hips and ribs (more hips thooo)
ruggie likes to tickle him to get him to wake up basically bc this dude will not get up for ANYTHING and most people don’t tickle him besides ruggie because who would dare??? anyways, once ruggie gets to his hips, he’s gone.
IDKKK I FEEL LIKE HE WOULD GET SOOO EMBARRASSED by tickling like that’s one of the only times u will see his face bright red, though he tries to hide it like he will look anywhere but at u lol
kinda scary if he gets u back tho cuz bro has no shame. all he cares about if that u are thoroughly wrecked. (this fact does not work well in ruggie’s favor, but how else is he supposed to get leona to wake up?)
he is a bit on the tougher side when tickling but never enough to actually hurt you
and somehow he’s a deadly teaser and knows how to hit it where it hurts?? flusters???? IDK sometimes it feels like he can read ur mind and know exactly what will incite the best reactions out of u and uses that to his advantage while he’s tickling u to death
his favorite thing about tickling is honestly getting to see the reactions on his victims face LOLLLL
Azul Ashengrotto
hi azul ashengrotto is my fav ever and that’s irrevelevanf but u should know anyway also he’s an 8 tbh on the ticklishness scale. (if i had my way, it would be 11/10 but i just can’t lie to myself)
his worst spot: HIS TUMMY AND HIS SIDES??? generic, i know. he hates it, because it’s the go-to spot and so right off the bat EVERYONE who ever tickles him knows his worst spot
he lowkey hates this laugh (no he doesn’t, he’s just embarrassed) cuz he snorts and like??? this sly, cunning businessman.. don’t tell me he… snorts when tickled..? wait he’s ticklish? YES HE IS AND YES HE DOES and he is so embarrassed by it
i feel like he probably would write a contract to keep someone from revealing his secret. that would be funny.
floyd and jade know and they’re ALWAYS using it against him. it’s like their main method of annoying him cuz what better way to mess with their boss than tickling?? well, they also use it for cheer up tickles mostly when he’s feeling self-conscious.
bros the type to like.. cover his mouth to try and hide his laugh. he’s not fooling anyone, everyone can hear his concealed laughter. it’s really easy to get his hands to move anyway, because if u get his worst spots, or occasionally armpits, he will be too busy trying to pry ur hands away lol but his face gets pretty red
he’s a sweet ler tbh i feel like he gives gentle tickles and never pushes the lee too far yk? like since i imagine him being really good at reading people, he will be observing their reactions the whole time so he can tell when they’re nearing their limit
that said, he’s a pretty mean teaser. he builds it up so u think it’s not bad at first but somewhere along the lines, he manages to say the most embarrassing things with no shame. “i guess it’s fitting for someone so adorable to be so ticklish.”
he tickles floyd and jade sometimes. sometimes when he’s in a bad mood, he takes it out on them by tickling them. again, never going too far tho.
he’s also the type to like gently and quickly scribble someone on their back or neck.. or poke them in the side as he’s walking by or if he’s trying to get their attention? ofc he only does this with close friends (and jamil bc my azujami heart can’t help it)
Kalim Al-Asim
bros def a 9… 9.5??? SOMEHWEEE ALONG THOSE LINES. anyways, he’s very ticklish.
worst spots: def his chin and his thighs.
ALSO IDK I FEEL LIKE EVERYONE CAN TELL BUT HE DEF LOVES TICKLING. he likes being tickled, he likes to tickle, just he’s like “it’s a fun way to bond with friends”
if only jamil could agree. kalim jumps him and ambushed him with tickles. but it’s fine, because jamil absolutely wrecks him when kalim isn’t behaving or is being lazy. (why are kalim and leona so similar aka don’t wanna do shit sorry that’s mean but am i wrong)
kalim has a really loud laugh but it’s very distinct compared to his regular laugh, which is also very loud. many times, his laugh can be heard throughout the dorm and the students just sigh cuz they know what’s going on.
also i feel like kalim would be the type where after being absolutely destroyed, he’d be breathless and struggling to catch his breath and still be super energetic and all like “wow you got me good!!!”
can i say kalim sneak attacks???? like esp with jamil, but all of his friends always fear the wrath of kalim because they could be doing literally ANYTHING but he just pounces and tickles them whenever they least expect it
while most times he is pretty caring when tickling someone, there are times he gets to wrapped up in it and goes a bit overboard and someone has to stop him. afterwards, he feels super guilty so he will shower u with aftercare, hugging you and apologizing nonstop, offering snacks, you name it.
his tickles tend to be on the rougher side but not enough up hurt. it used to, but after realizing that some people don’t like it like that, he eases up a bit. since i said before that he sees tickling as a bonding activity, he wants to make sure that everyone’s having fun.
Vil Schoenheit
sorry i love vil he is so so pretty UHH BUT I THINK IM GONNA GIVE HIM A 4. idk i just can’t see him as all that ticklish.
unless….. UNLESS U GET HIS RIBS. the shrieks he lets out if u get him there are actually insane
rook is actually the most devious and feared tickle monster in all of NRC (REAL, NOT LYING) and unfortunately, vil is one of the people who suffers the most from his tickly endeavors. and sometimes it’s a bad thing and sometimes it’s a good thing.
first of all, vil isn’t all that embarrassed about being ticklish. now, that doesn’t mean he wants the whole world to know. he’s alright with being tickled or tickling someone as long as it’s in a private space.
he still blushes like a hyena tho (i don’t think that’s an actual simile but for some reason it was the first thing that popped up in my mind so it’s staying) but he will still be like “if you’re going to do it, just get it over with…” meanwhile his heart is pounding
expectantly, i mean who would have ever guessed, vil has the most graceful, beautiful, angelic, harmonic laughter anyone who’s tickled him has had the honor of hearing. it’s like a reward, not to mention the fact that sometimes it can be difficult to find spots that make him laugh. after all, most generic spots like his sides, can only incite a huff maybe?
he is like scarily good at keeping still while being tickled (the other housewardens could never). umm so any “keep your arms up” games that go on, he’s probably going to win LOL
pretty good ler but doesn’t do it too often. really only rook and epel, sometimes he thinks it’s a bit childish (even if he enjoys it)
BUT BUT BUT when he was training epel with etiquette, he would like scribble on epels back to get him to stand straight or yk just things along those lines. and for rook, he just goes crazy. (somehow he still manages to look gorgeous while doing it)
surprisingly gentle tickler, honestly it’s crazy. sometimes it feels like he isn’t even touching u with how light it is, which honestly just makes it worse because he makes u anticipating (i have no idea how to word this) yet still giggling and laughing lol
Idia Shroud
oh shit, this man. he’s so. 10.
he’s so extremely ticklish. like everywhere. except for his feet and neck. yay, the two spots people barely go for when he’s being attacked. like yeah, for the neck maybe a little scratch or scribble here and there but when he’s being wrecked, that’s not where people tend to tickle him.. how lucky.
blushy boy. his hair is red his face is red his ears are red. he wouldn’t even be as flustered if he was.. A LITTLE LESS SENSITIVE??? but when he’s laughing like a hyena (is this where i got the simile for the other one) he can’t help but feel ashamed
he loves it tho like i can tell u idia shroud loves being tickled and while he would never say it, everyone and i mean everyone knows. well, everyone who’s tickled him. i mean, he never tells them to stop. of course, it can’t go on for too long or he will start feeling uncomfortable but just the right amount will have him eating it up EVERY TIME.
bro def squeals tbh while like curling up
who’s that btw? the people who tickle him? let’s see: ortho (ofc, little bro always loves seeing his brother happy) and azul on occasion (when he’s feeling like a sore loser after a game he lost).. well this doesn’t make everyone a lot of people now taht i think about it. BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS
how could someone live being so flustered by tickling. yk those ppl in the community who struggle to say the word tickle? that’s him. idia shroud reads tickle fics!!…. okay maybe not, but he definitely blushes at the word “tickle”
he gets embarrassed tickling people back. unlike vil who rarely does because it’s “undignified”, he doesn’t it too because he’s too embarrassed. he’s never tickled azul (he wants to tho i swear) and he can’t tickle ortho because when programming ortho, he didn’t really have tickling in mind so obviously, he didn’t add anything like that in (he should tho and give ortho have a taste of his own medicine)
i feel like he would be an awkward tickler who slowly turns sadistic the more confident he gets, esp with the teasing. “hehehe, you’re a lot more ticklish than i thought. this is nice.” with a somewhat terrifying grin on his face
Malleus Draconia
i think i’d like to give him a 2 but when lilia is tickling him, it’s a 5? idk he’s not super ticklish and doesn’t get tickled often. also lilia has some kinda power that makes his ticklishness switch.. not really. he doesn’t know how it works either.
LILIA STILL LOVES TICKLING HIM THO and occasionally silver will join in if he’s not sleeping lol and sebek wouldn’t dare (even tho he wants to so so badly)
i think malleus has these super breathy buffs and giggles that are honestly so. just… damn. just wow. idk while they’re not the giggles most people would expect, it’s the kind of laugh that makes u want to keep doing it.
he lets u tickle him (as long as ur not some rando like y’all gotta be friends obv) but he doesn’t mind when lilia decides to tickle him
teases aren’t all that flustering to him either i feel like he would be the type to agree tbh. like lilia says “ur quite the ticklish boy aren’t you” and malleus is like “haha you’re right”
sweet ler, thinks it’s fun. he thinks u think it’s fun too. idk he just wants to have fun and he likes hearing people laugh and seeing them smile, but stops if they’re not enjoying it. also he is a gentle tickler.
honestly i feel like he wants to be in a tickle fight so bad but doesn’t because people are scared of him and that’s silly. idk lilia provides him with a lot of tickles and lilia lets him tickle him too if he’s feeling it, so he’s not all too down about it. he’s occasionally tickled even silver and sebek too (much to their embarrassment)
he doesn’t really tease he just smiles and it’s really cute and it makes u want to let him keep tickling u cuz he looks so happy which is just contagious and yes.
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micamicster · 9 months
Hi! Do you have any romcom (movie) recs? I feel like i hypothetically like the genre, but have a lot of trouble finding ones i enjoy. So many romcoms feel so formulaic (in a dead way) and misogynistic and stale to me. I think they’re a lot easier to do well in the context of a series because there’s actually time to build. Recently i thought rye lane and fire island were fun. I like kdramas when i have the time for all the episodes because i appreciate the build. I need chemistry— people who both convincingly like each other and seem like actual human beings. I thought you might have some good ideas! Thanks <3
I hope you weren't waiting on my recs all day haha i have been. hm. hungover af <3 (i'm going to leave kdramas off this list for now but if you would like specific recs for kdrama romcoms send me another ask and i can try to do them justice!)
I think this is a genre with underrated range! So one thing that I find very interesting about the genre of romcoms is that I think there tends to be a split between romcoms whose goal is, like, to be a fun lighthearted movie with a central romance, vs romcoms whose goal is to Say Something About Love in the vehicle of a funny movie. Both of these categories are represented on this list but for giggles i will not be saying which i think are which <3
anyway recs under the cut <3 i will link my tags for these movies if you want to take a look but be warned for spoilers ofc
I think for your purposes my primary rec would be Lovesick (aka Scrotal Recall). It's a (short) tv show so it would likely give you the chance to get to know the characters and see a slower build. In contrast to the frustration you've had with some more "formulaic" romcoms the writing in this show is very deliberately in conversation with romcoms of the past. Also it's just one of my favorite romcoms ever made so I rec it to everyone. The premise is that a young man, Dylan, is diagnosed with chlamydia and instructed to tell his past partners. Being a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless), he decides to try to turn this into an opportunity to revisit relationships that didn't work out, and try to figure out where he's been going wrong. Two simultaneous storylines play out in each episode, the flashbacks to the exes (and breakups) and the present, where Dylan's best friend is getting married.
Older romcoms: When Harry Met Sally (ive heard this is divisive? but idc its SO funny and so well made), Moonstruck (a romantic-comedy in the operatic sense. also cher <3), The Philadelphia Story (katharine hepburn the woman u r. tw for a classic 1940s gag about punching ur wife in the face), Bringing Up Baby (screwball comedy my beloved), Roman Holiday (audrey hepburn is lethally charming in this movie), Dirty Dancing (someday ill write something this good and then You Will Realize), Much Ado About Nothing (i tend to enjoy either the danielle brooks shakespeare in the park version or the classic tennant/tate combo)
Teen romcoms: 10 things I hate about you (young heath ledger and young julia stiles ur welcome), to all the boys i;ve loved before (lana condor is ADORABLE), The Half of It (my other favorite sort-of romcom of the decade)
More recent-ish: Speed (like its keanu and sandra what more do you want), Strictly Ballroom (i used to watch this literally weekly as a child and I WAS RIGHT TO), Miss Congeniality (sandra bullock what u did for us all <3), Fire Island (thank u 4 my LYFE), The sandra bullock/channing tatum movie that came out last year (i forget what its called but he's so funny in it), Mamma Mia AND Mamma Mia Here We Go Again (beautiful greek islands, abba, cher, what more can you ask for?)
Indian/bollywood: Jab We Met (after dramatically quitting his job, Local Man somehow ends up escorting a woman he meets on the train while she attempts to elope with her boyfriend. aka classic screwball comedy heroine and Guy She Dragged Along For The Ride), khabie khushi khabi gham (multiple generations of romance and family drama featuring Kajol, the Most Beautiful Woman In the World), Band Baaja Baaraat (two wedding planners fall in love--great choice if you want to watch idiots ambushed by their feelings)
Other tv recs: Selfie (john cho and karen gillian in a show canceled far too soon)
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kevinsdsy · 6 days
Same anon as the yeppers Shawn one, I have some more stuff I think Shawn would would do (this might happen periodically if you dont mind. SO many thoughts about AFTG and how they speak, and if i have any about shawn i might continue to send them ur way <3)
Weirdly enough I was thinking about it and lowkey I feel deep down in my soul that Shawn would know the swear words (and only the swear words) of a bunch of languages. He’s monolingual, but he knows the raunchiest swear words, and when he and Jean start getting closer he like especially starts learning French ones. This is just another reason for why he needs to have so much press training lol. It eventually gets to the point where he starts pulling out words that Jean doesn’t know 💀 Jean has to start carrying around a French dictionary or smth LMAO 
Maybe this is bc shawn asks Neil to teach him some (shawn + neil would be uncontrollable i fear. The media loves them, their teams fear for their lives every time they open their mouths lmaoo), and because Neil was a teenager (on the run from the MAFIA) in both Montreal AND France he’s absolutely loaded. Canadian and French swear words are different due to more religious influence in Quebec (not francophone ((nor quebecois OR french)), so i dont know all of the differences between quebecois french and france french tho btw), so there’s a high chance that Jean probably wouldn’t be familiar with Canadian ones. Tbh there’s a high chance Jean wouldn’t be familiar with some of the more inappropriate French ones due to the fact that he was so young when he had to leave France 😭😭 or he might have forgotten them because they aren’t in use anymore. Also in TSC it says briefly that he was homeschooled (lowkey forgot about this for a quick sec), so I think he would’ve been pretty sheltered? Wait that took a sad turn but anyways I’m picturing something like this:
Shawn: do u ever just: tabarnak❗or is it just me
Jean: What 
Shawn: omg. 
Shawn: **sacré bleu 
Jean: ??
Shawn: sorry doing a little victory dance. Not me outsmarting a French man at his own game??? Checkmate, putain! 
Jean: ok well I know THAT one
I hope this made sense (idk if half the things i say make sense) and have a good day :) (or night idk your time zone but its like 2 oclock for me <33)
HII OMG i love having you in my inbox and getting to hear about your shawn headcanons fr omg so you're more than welcome to come back hehe
him knowing curse words in multiple languages is actually SO FUNNY to me especially him going out of his way to learn french ones so he can drop them around jean LMAOOO and jean being lost on them 😭 i think he would go out of his way to learn every french curse word to ever exist, just so he won't havw to put up with shawn knowing something he doesn't SHSGDHG
ALSO SHAWN + NEIL MENTION FROM YOU- i need to have some banter between them in my upcoming summer olympics socmed au omgg i think that'd be fun.
thank u for sharing omg it totally made sense hehe <333 (also omg feel like all the oomfs are from different time zones because it's 9 pm for me...)
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notetaeker · 1 year
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After doing a ramadan challenge for 2 years so far and benefitting immensely from it, I thought I would post some questions this year! Everyone is welcome to join! Please also let me know if u have any suggestions / notice any mistakes ;_; this is my first time hosting a challenge
Just wanted to thank the anon who asked me abt this, and also @tranquilstudy and @caramelcuppaccino. Your challenges really were my main inspiration when I decided to do a challenge ~ thank uuuu and to @nuuralshams who gave me a lot of ideas for questions and was v excited abt it 💕
Reblog this post to let me know you're in! (and to have as reference)
Pls use the tag '#RamadanChallenge2023'
I will be rb-ing every post I see in there (unless it's spam bots)
You can do a question per day or batch them together if you like
You can also do some questions out of order if you want (like answering the surah kahf question on a friday)
Feel free to skip any question or just post abt how ur ramadan went that day / what you ate for iftar / anything tbh
You are also welcome to start late (or early! If you want to use some of the questions as a countdown to Ramadan!)
I also included some Ramadan Prep questions + Eid post if you'd like! ( Very optional...)
I will be starting the challenge when I personally start Ramadan but if Ramadan starts a day earlier for you- you can just start then!
I added a bonus day in case Ramadan is 30 days lol but you can skip it if you want if Ramadan is only 29 days
I will try my best to queue your posts but knowing me I might just mass-reblog 🤡
Anyway Allahumma Balighna Ramadan!!! / Ramadan Mubarak !!!! (based on when you're reading this)
Let me know! If you want to be tagged / reminded when we start!
Prep day 1: One thing you're looking forward to the most this Ramadan Prep day 2: Do you plan on completing the Qur'an and if so, what's your plan? Are you going to start before Ramadan? Prep day 3: List one thing that would help future you get the most out of this Ramadan, and go do it now! (if possible)
Day 1: What are your goals this Ramadan? Possible suggestions: 1 habit to build, 1 habit to break, and one accomplishment you hope to gain!
Day 2: Are you working/going to school during this month? What about in previous years? How does it affect your ramadan? How do you balance the two?
Day 3: What type of worship comes the easiest to you?
Day 4: Ramadan is the month of the qur'an. What is an ayah from the Qur'an that has changed your view of things or impacted you deeply?
Day 5: Share a memory of Ramadan from your childhood or when you first embraced Islam
Day 6: What are some Ramadan traditions you have, and what are some that you'd like to pass on to others?
Day 7: Best iftar item?
Day 8: What is a suhoor necessity to get you through the day?
Day 9: Share a hadith with us that you read today!
Day 10: First 10 days end today! Do you usually pray taraweeh? If you do then is it at home or at the masjid?
Day 11: How was Ramadan during the covid era? Has everything gone back to normal where you are? Anything you miss from back then?
Day 12: Most challenging thing about Ramadan and how do you try to overcome it?
Day 13: Have you ever completed the qur'an? Ever? What abt during Ramadan?
Day 14: Which story from surah kahf hits you hardest?
Day 15: Do you follow any Ramadan lecture series online? Any that you recommend?
Day 16: Best time to read qur'an during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 17: What does your ideal Ramadan day look like? What about your Ramadan routine this year?
Day 18: the second 10 days is almost over! Have you ever experienced Ramadan burnout? Any tips to overcoming it?
Day 19: Who are you spending Ramadan with? Family? Roommates? Alone? What is 1 good thing about that arrangement?
Day 20: Have you ever done i'tikaf or qiyamul-layl in previous Ramadans? Are you doing any this time?
Day 21: Any feel-good dua acceptance stories to share? It could be your own story, a friend's, or even from a sheikh that you heard
Day 22: What is something you always miss about Ramadan when it's over? / What do you think you might miss this year?
Day 23: Are you making dua for anything specific? (Any dua you want us to make for you?)
Day 24: Share an Eid memory that sticks out to you! What kind of Eid traditions do you have?
Day 25: Who is a sahaba (companion of the prophet ﷺ) that you feel inspired by? Can you share the story that inspires you?
Day 26: Mention your favorite story about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or which of his qualities you look up to the most
Day 27: Your Laylatul-Qadr worship routine! Dhikr? Dua? Salah? Tell us!
Day 28: Think over the last month and the Ramadan that you've spent. Is there something you wish you had spent more time on? There's still 1-2 days left! What's your plan?
Day 29: Ramadan is our honorable yearly guest who is now preparing to leave 💔 What are 3 gifts Ramadan is leaving for you as a parting gift until we meet it again (inshallah) next year. It could be habits
Day 30 / BONUS DAY: If you were given an extra day to live, what would you do on that day?
EID: Eid Mubarak! Post a 3x3 or a 3x2 photoset of your eid celebrations! (Optional)
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natashasbitxh · 5 months
this is gonna be long, but,
i used to be into youtube fandoms alot but the only ones ive retained are dan and phil and smosh. i was big on phan but i fell out of it years ago, i still like them but im more of a causal viewer than a rabid racoon frothing at the mouth every time some content drops.
(and also realised, as im no longer a teenager anymore, how shipping real people together is tricky and there are boundaries you dont cross and should be handled a particular way)
smosh ships were cute but nothing really stuck to me. don't get me wrong they all have chemistry but GOD DOES SHAYNSE GIVE!!?? IM A RACOON ONCE AGAIN
oh my god the way ive been sucked into shanyse. the smosh pit theatre was my awakening LIKE WTF THERE'S CHEMISTRY?? then i did the customary tumblr tag search and now im re-watching every video shayne and chanse has appeared together.
im sorry for all this but i gathered you were sort of a pioneer for the ship, so it felt right to confess on here
I relate so hard with ur comment on phan, I feel the fandom has gone thru a massive transformation and feels so much for chill now! Ppl have grown and are taking into account Phil and Dan a lot more!
Yes! Rpf is a tough area! I've said it before but the most important thing is the ppl themselves and their feelings! If Shayne or Chanse (or anybody from Smosh or that knows them tbh) asked me to stop, I would in a heartbeat! I, of course, would never intend any harm! And we see such a small snippet of their lives, its truly just based off their internet personas. My one rule is that u shouldn't go out of ur way to shove rpf into the ppl's faces unless they've said their okay with it! (Example: Them finding a fic by themselves is not the fault of the author, but the author sending it to them constantly crosses some boundaries)
Okay sorry, just wanted to make my thoughts clear!! Back to shaynse!!
OMG I'M SO HAPPY U FEEL THAT WAY!! I have felt that way since I thought of the ship but back then there was NO content for them!! Not even a ship name! (@jovenshires came up with the ship name). So it almost made me feel crazy or wrong for thinking of it, I'm so happy it's been well received!!
I feel like once u see it, u can't unsee it! That theater vid has done sm for shaynse nation! However, its just below the love is blind vid because that is literally shaynse day🫶🫶
Never apologise!! I love hearing other ppls thoughts and discussing!! And thank u for calling me the pioneer for this ship, it truly is an honour! I've been called it a couple times now so I might add it to my blog, I just hope I don't look big-headed 😭
And just an overall message to anybody that sees this, I welcome conversation abt ANY smosh ship, as long as it's appropriate! (I'm not sure what to give as an example, but I'd let u know if it's not appropriate)
Thank you, anon!
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Same anon with vine boom sfx ask, I got another one xD hope u dont mind
Okay so while I was reading through the tags and replies of the language post i got reminded of a memory. Everyone knows the russian words 'cyka blyat' but as someone whose country is full of bilinguals/trilinguals I see a different word with the same letters used that is bad and I have to take a double-take.
Basically reader who is still learning teyvatian language (bear with me), stumbles across a sign (a shop, a random sign, etc.), sees an english bad word, SUS moment only to find its a harmless, innocent teyvatian word mistaken as an english one.
(If you ask the twins they would either slowly but surely die of laughter or wheeze so bad they have to be revived. Cue other characters of your choosing wheezing as well or turned into the equivalent of Windows XP shut-down jingle)
(This happens to me so many times ever since I searched up random words from random languages and seeing my country's equivalent, imagine the chaos reader would unleash. The twins mught az well be wheezing ghosts---)
There's so much ✨️ room ✨️ for language chaos and genshin
(Like it was a creative idea to make them have theyre own language, bc u kno international audience/diff language settings all the time)
oh the old, 🤨 "what is that?" sus look from someone who speaks multiple languages when they see smth that looks/sounds like a cuss word/slur but in actuality means some shit like "cheese"
Yeah as i think about it more and more, as soon as ANY language shenanigans happen (blunt speech, ppl dont speak ur lang, etc) aint no way the traveler is makin it out alive
Like, realistically, only ppl like Kazhua could travel with yall consistently, so like him, the traveler, and kuni (im sick of typing out scaramouche so itll either be kuni/scara/lil meow meow/bbygirl from now on)
Are all in the line of fire.
They're abt to gets abs (if they didnt already have them) from how hard theyre laughing all the time
Omfg imagine walking thru like main street in Liyue or Inazuma city and the slur/cuss word mistranslation is like a common word 😭
All the shop signs or like banners or restaurant menus (like u kno how they put them outside?) as u go down the street is just
"Flower *slur*(shop)"
"Beauty fuck"
"Ass Bakery"
LMAO oh how the turn tables-
Now they cant stop laughing at ur reactions
Yeah the traveler at least is like in physical pain bc they have to be around u all the time so everything funny happens to/around them 💀 RIP ur traveling partners
Thank you for the ask!!
You're always welcome to come back again!! I love to see it :D !!!
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ultrvmonogamy · 3 months
for the color thingy: razzmatazz, timberwolf, fallow, tangerine (+ music taste), viridian, chartreuse <3
hope youve been doing well bestie!
RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
a meaningful gesture that transcends the bounds of history n species, thank u. what is ur favorite food?
TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
i hadn't even noticed this was an option. i trust u know it means a ton to me. like.. so much, thank u 🩵
FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
would be honored to! r we going full primal n carrying spears in this scenario?
TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic
i'm glad, but do i even have one at this point? a few incarnations of this blog ago n back when it was all text posts that were mostly mine, i once got an anon asking me what my blog's aesthetic is. i was so confused..
CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie
likewise bestie, n thank u for saying so. (all my homies r into chartreuse btw)
VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog
well u know ur welcome here any time :)
thank u for all the colors (the colors, man, the colors), and i hope u've been doing well too. n yeah, i'm doing p alright. or at least i'd like to think so. i don't feel like i've strayed to far from my equilibrium one way or the other lately. or if i have it hasn't been for long. i even feel like maybe just maybe i'm on the cusp of smth better. i've gone to long without having a sense of leveling up, n i can't handle stagnation v well, so i've been working hard to break thru various sources of inertia.
here's hoping the upcoming change of seasons will be good to the both of us 🫶
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auecho · 3 months
hiii ur fic was SAURR scrumptious and it's officially converted me into a blade stan i fear 😭 since there won't be a part 2 im just curious and wanna hear ur thoughts on what kafka, sw, and blade's occupations are !! ALSO !! THE TEXTS from jing yuan n his explanation, like was there a genuine reason or was it just an ass excuse (probably the latter but i wanna know what yukong told him 😟).
the way you wrote blade like oh .. that boy is in love w our cutie patootie mc and i loved the contrast between him, bc it really felt like a relief knowing ?? there's really no ulterior motives n he's just down bad . him blushing n getting hard n all .. ESPECIALLY WHEN HE STARTED YAPPING ABT IMBIBITOR LUNAE HELP😭😭 man he had the mc feeling special as opposed to a certain supposed manwhore </3 so sorry to queen tingyun who had to b sacrificed for the plot 💔 mc being put through that was a lil embarrassing but at least on the first date she said NO to sex !! homegirl got dicked down anyway bc she has blade now LMAO but when blade confessed his type was the mc, gosh your writing had my heart fluttering . kafka instigating everything ,,, oh shes such a genius for this i love my girl sososo much, she's simply the coolest n the way you wrote her ?? im in love wtf .
i also wanna know what a direct interaction between jy (or any of mc's other friends) would be like with kafka bc i find her personality and wit so charming 😭😭 SINCE WE KNOW SHE DOESN'T LIKE JY OR DIDNT FIND HIM SUITABLE ⁉️‼️💯🐺🔥😵‍💫 and cutting to the point where mc n blade r already dating , what does the mother think abt it considering kafka's thoughts n how mc was raised,, it seems like she'd go into a cardiac arrest 😍😍 blade n mc dynamic is the cutest to me ,, supposed golden girl n .. whoever blade is ☠️ some guy in a completely different crowd mingling w her but it works bc he's one of kafka's close buddies !! gosh just the way you write the hsr characters makes me want to know more abt them in this au (?) eg what's life like after these events bc mc and jy still share a same class right ?? i imagine seeing them again like the next day or smth would be awkward unless he's the type of guy to move on completely after the facade is gone erm .
anyways yws im extremely excited for ur future works and i spent a good 2 hrs reading this fic so i could really savour it 🤓🤓🤓 except i hve an assignment due tonight but TRUST i will come back to reread this masterpiece 🙄 would i be able to take 🦦 anon too .. yeah that's it from me rn byebye !! 🎀
omg haii nonnie ♡ hehe welcome to the dark side but ! ! yes let’s get into it ^_^
( biiiggg yapping under the cut lol )
so 1st — i wanted to keep it as canon as possible while modernizing it && in a scrapped scene , silver actually told yn that she works as a . . hacker of some sort . really , my idea was that kafka was unemployed n was gonna mooch off of yn but i scrapped that too - so i hadn ’ t really re-thought abt what kafka ’ s ( or blade ’ s ) jobs were . jst know that it ’ s smth shady lol .
2nd — jing yuan ’ s ‘explanation’ was jst going to be a lie . in my head , i ’ d came up w him saying smth along the lines of “ it ’ s not what it looks like / we ’ re jst close / etc etc” real cliche && douche-y becuz . . he’s a douche lol . also in my head he eventually came down from tingyun && yukong approached him to set him straight , telling him he broke your heart nd that he never deserves you , yadda yadda
3rd — thank u so much for ur compliments ! ! i actually didnt know what direction i was taking the fic in because my original idea was a lil’ bit . . darker . i reworked the story multiple times becuz i kept getting stumped nd figured that something a bit lighter would be easier to work on . i always knew i wanted blade to have a crush on the reader but initially , it was gonna be smth more obsessive && borderline concerning as opposed to the more tame version of him here . basically , the whole idea is that kafka jst wants to help ! blade is shy and bad w his emotions && reader is similar . in a way , it’s abt bringing both out of their shells ( if u want to add meaning to the filth lol ) . nd i also had planned for yn && jy to have full blown sex but i felt like the fic was leaning a bit too jy heavy ? n he’s not the focus at all he’s jst a plot device ! i struggled a lil w writing kafka becuz shes a complex chara nd i didnt wanna water her down to just being manipulative ( i hate stuf lik that so bad . . ) so i was rly praying that i did her justice 😞😞
4th — in yet another scrapped scene , kafka n jy were actually going to interact . i wanted her to kinda seduce him n show yn that hes easy nd not shit—so it was going to go a little smth like : yn & kafka go out , coincidentally run into jy, jy is eyeing kafka shamelessly , yn notices but tries to ignore it , kafka gets bold & makes a move nd he doesnt shut it down yadda yadda and then when he EVENTUALLY ‘cheats’ on yn , kafka would be like “see he wasnt shit he didn’t deserve u but yk who does ? BLADIE ! !” n then i would go on from there . i also planned that instead of sw it was kafka who dropped in on their study session but i didn’t want her to be that much of a menace 😭 in a weird way , kafka rly cares for the reader . its like . . a mix of sisterly but some type of romance but kafka wont rly cross that boundary herself yk ? in her mind she knows whats best for yn & shes always known ; hence why when they were younger she didn’t let her join in n tried to preserve her innocence kinda bcuz it just wasn’t her time . while blade isn’t the best guy , hes better than jy bcuz he has a better heart . he means well , even if he doesn’t do well whereas jy ( & guys like him ) want one thing n one thing only . if i didnt prefer writing smut , the story would’ve went different bcuz it’s less abt the sex && superficial connections . thats like rly deep for a smutshot n might not make a lotta sense but that was kinda my thought process lol
ALSO ! i planned for the mom to be kinda oblivious ? she checks in on the two & they don’t mention anything at all n shes nkt gonna suspect it cus 1) she raised yn better than that & 2) kafka has her fooled into thinking shes not a deviant lol . i think yn & blade would take it slow afterwards n she wouldn’t let her mom know until she was 100% sure he was the one becuz obv her mom wouldn’t approve 😭 it would be like . she waits till shes positive so her mom cant get into her head . its apart of this idea that shes trying to detach from that prim-proper lifestyle and live her own life , w or w/o mom’s approval .
ig in this world itd just go on normally . yn would ignore jy n after a while hed move on nd probs start dating tingyun - so theyd go their separate ways nd jst forget they ever associated w one another . blade is a lil scared cus like he doesnt think they should be tg ( bcuz of their differences ) but in classic fanfic fashion they belong together ! ! in my perfect ending they get together no matter what n grow as people tg . kafka’s proud, eventually moves out n all is well in theparty&theafterparty-ville (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
i wrote a lot srry lolol but thank u sm for reading & enjoying it nonnie 🥺 ur kind words n engagement mean so much to me haha i’m v glad u enjoyed it ! ! ! ! good luck on ur assignment & ofc u can be my otter hehe 😘🤍
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it made me think abt how we would rotate drawing portraits in my drawing 1 class n we also had 2 do hw of mini portraitures once a week ,,,,, using sugu n toru as ur hw dummies every week dhdhhdh OH OH drawing a giant ass portrait of suguru or satoru [or both] because thats another assignment we had 2 do [n i still have mine up on my wall i am VERY proud of it] ,,, toru would go insane if u hung a giant drawing of him on ur wall im gonna b completely honest w u hfuhfuhe suguru would 2 n theyd both just sit n stare at it until ud have 2 drag them away 4 lunch or something
AND smudging charcoal on satorus face cuz i hated working w charcoal cuz of how messy my hands would get n ik id smear some on torus face cuz he would get . annoying .
OK NEW TOPIC that sashisu fic u posted recently ,,,,,,,,,,,, THANKFUL 4 ALL I HAVE BEEN GIVEN I LOVEEE SASHISU X READERR ive been checking the tag n sorting it by latest ALL . WEEK . and then i saw the fic u posted n i gasped out loud agshsdh
everything u wrote in that fic was TRU FAX licherally ,,, personally ive been throwing around the idea of a college au sashisu x reader concept in my head n if only i wasnt working on my satosugu x reader wip ,,,,,,,,,,,,, do u wanna hear the concept at least ? i just need 2 dump my thoughts somewhere teehee ^_^
hi hello welcome <333 first of all OFCCC I WANNA HEAR ABT THE SASHISU CONCEPT HELLO???? COLLEGE SASHISU MEANS THE WORLD TO ME any thoughts on them r always appreciated 🙏🙏
AND ANDDDD i love the idea of reader making portraits of them :33 THEY WOULD EAT IT UPPP SO TRUE toru is just in awe …… maybe a lot little cocky abt it……….. ”you love me soooo much huh?? ;3” smhhh he’s infuriating. and sugu is all smug but good at hiding it……. (i think both of them are just a tinyyyyy bit shy too. so they have to tease you to make up for it <33) aaaa it’s just such a sweet concept….. AND SMUDGING CHARCOAL ON TORU’S FACE PLSSSS HE WOULD GET SO OFFENDED 😭😭😭 squeaking and gawking and looking at suguru like ”can you believe this???” he’s sooo cute <333 gets all huffy and only forgives you once you give him a kiss <33333 silly.
OK NEW TOPIC that sashisu fic u posted recently ,,,,,,,,,,,, THANKFUL 4 ALL I HAVE BEEN GIVEN I LOVEEE SASHISU X READERR ive been checking the tag n sorting it by latest ALL . WEEK . and then i saw the fic u posted n i gasped out loud agshsdh
OK BUT YOU’RE SO SWEET TYSM 🥺🥺🥺…. i too adore sashisu <333 there rlly isn’t enough content of them!!! i just know they’d be the best partners… they’re so similar but also different in ways where they can always balance each other out :33 the sweetest little guys ever. TYSMMM for reading it and for taking the time to send me this!!! fellow sashisu comrade 🫂🫂 i am hugging u tightly!!
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lowkeychenle · 4 months
see my sea is my comfort fic fr like i love the trope of mc being anti romance due to prior experiences and love interest changes the fact ,, i enjoy them cos i relate to it n then the other reason is bc its chenle ?? theres a lack of GOOOOD written works for him (or any written works for that matter) (i mean like aside from like 7drm headcanons n reactions, theres not tew many chenle x reader in comparison to the other dreamies)
so the fact that your blog is enriched w chenle works = immediate follow
+ oh and ur chenle smut is so good too?? = post notifs on! literally digging thru the chenle smut tag is sooo 😐😐 so i can only rely on u my friend 😔 thank u 4 ur service<3
i would like to reiterate how much i love ur jaemle series as a fellow jaemle stan..... pretty sure i sent u an ask about it and your guidelines surrounding it but idk if i ever sent it bc i was half asleep (no like actually frl lmao) or if tumblr ate my ask
i also was the anon who asked ab emoji anons n oh i def would love to (/gen) but idk how much i'd be interacting cos im in a bit of a mental rut atm so my social interaction is looowww. still supporting my fav blogs tho no worries, w rbs opposed to asks :<
all that being said , i was js curious ab ur current wips if u have any or if ur main focus is on 'is it over now' ? was wondering what we could expect from u is all, no pressure whatsoever!
HIIII <3 omg thank you for reading my work and loving it and also following me that's so cute :')
I've received a couple asks about the Jaemle series and I do plan on continuing it, I'm just not sure when lollll. I have a bunch of misc. smut ideas I'll be writing at some point. These next few months are super busy for me as I'm hoping to graduate in August this year, but that means I, unfortunately, do not have much writing time.
I hope you feel better soon for real :( mental ruts are the WORST I was just in one myself so make sure you take care of yourself <3 if you ever just want to chat, you're more than welcome to send me a message :)
Some of my current wips include:
Is It Over Now? - Chenle x Reader / Jisung x Reader! Based off of the song of the same name by Taylor Swift. This one is crazy and I'm still kinda questioning myself on how to end it (because I'm a chenle slut but how do you like...pivot on bad behavior idk)
Somewhere Else - ??? x Reader; lol I'm thinking Mark or Jaemin for this one. They seem to fit the picture in my head more than Chenle for this one unfortunately. Basically just an achingly fluffy piece with some smut in it lol
Stars Aligned - Chenle x Reader; basically Mastermind by Taylor Swift but he for sure knows the whole time and when the relationship becomes public (ex. gets exposed), things start to switch up
Several miscellaneous smuts that just pop into my head randomly. I have like 10 docs of just random smut scenes I haven't completed yet LOL
And then, of course, I have some text au reqs in my inbox I'm working on and my new smau titled Musically Inclined. That one is fun lol.
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