#thank you to the kind person who got me started with a betrayal
asleepinawell · 1 year
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moodboard of how to motivate me into doing something monumentally stupid
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icaruspendragon · 7 months
Hey I just wanted to say thanks, because idk why this didn't just occur to me, but I've been missing "family" meals, the kind of meals I get to make for people and sit down with people I love since I came out and had to leave my house, and idk why but you posting about having family dinners with your friends where you host them made me realize that like, that's something I can still do. If I don't have the people who will invite me over to eat a meal anymore I can always be the person who invites others over myself and idk, I just wanted to say thanks
this warmed my heart in ways i don’t know how to describe.
family dinner started because i’d get some friends over on tuesdays to watch supernatural prequel the winchesters and i’d make them dinner for their troubles. i was feeding like five people max. but then the show ended and one of my friends got a new job and had to move an hour away so we moved it to the weekend so she could still come.
and then i realized that cooking is actually a form of self care for me (let’s not examine too closely how my self care is still taking care of others, it’s been discussed enough in therapy). so we started inviting other folks. and family dinner went from five people regularly to seven. and then i’d have friends from out of town come and it’d be 15-17. and now it’s not unusual for a dozen people to show up at my house on a saturday night to drink and eat and make merry.
there’s a particular kind of warmth that comes from leaning against the entry to my dining room, glass of wine curled against my chest, seeing so many of the people i love sitting around my table as they laugh and bicker and eat a meal that i used so much love to make. food that i spent hours creating because they gave me the confidence and the desire to learn how to make new things. because the effort it takes for me to make pasta or gnocchi or sauces or broths from scratch is worth it. the hours i will spend standing over a hot stove as i make gumbo or chicken and dumplings or fried everything is worth it. the easy smiles and whiskey-reddened cheeks and raucous laughter and full bellies and warm togetherness is worth the trouble.
it makes me understand the last supper (you know, minus the foreboding of betrayal). there’s a divinity in making a meal to share with those you love.
i’ve yet to find a better way express my devotion than to say, “take this, all of you, and eat of it. for it is my love given up for you.”
because even though the darkness can be chasm-wide and canyon-deep, my love is wider and deeper. it’s the bridge over the consumption of it all.
when people sit at my table and break bread that my hands have tenderly prepared i see the point of it all. loving and be loved in return.
and sometimes that love is stored in poetic words and grand gestures. and sometimes, that love is stored in a stockpot full of soup. but they both accomplish the same thing at the end of the day. warmth and safety and care and devotion.
it’s love. plain and simple and small.
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bro-atz · 8 months
betrayal [trope — mingi]
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inspired by: shut up flower boy band — kdrama + this post
pair: rockstar!mingi/afab!reader
word count: 4.5k
content: angst, smut, heartbreak, mingi looks like he could kill you but is the sweetest cinnamon roll, (can you believe mingi is the betrayer gasp), reference to past drug use, drinking, smoking, violence, mingi gets beat up, (seonghwa's kind of a dick... and lowkey like a disney villain whoops), safe sex, car sex, bedroom sex, hand kink, tattoo kink, consensual sex
author's note: i actually had a completely different idea in mind, but then @byuntrash101 posted this and i immediately had a much better idea for the series so thank you for the inspiration love 💕 also someone for the love of god tell me how to stop turning drabbles into novellas thx
trope masterlist | part one | part two
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Mingi flung his head back and sighed loudly in the dressing room as he stood before the vanity. He felt your presence behind him and immediately spun around, his shaggy hair covering the sadness in his eyes. You took a hesitant step towards him before he lashed out.
“What are you doing here?” Mingi spat out.
You winced. Sure, Mingi looked like he could kill someone, but in the time you knew him, he was the sweetest fucking cinnamon roll.
“I c-came to support you and the boys,” you murmured— it was the truth. You just wanted to support the band you had come to love, but honestly, you also wanted to see Mingi because you missed him. You missed him so fucking much.
“I told you to never let me see you again, Y/N. What is so fucking hard to understand about that?” Mingi huffed and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up further.
“But why?” your voice wavered, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. Tears actually did spill out of your eyes when you cried, “Why are you doing this? Can you tell me what I did wrong? Please? You break up with me over a phone call and tell me you want nothing to do with me, but you never said why!”
Mingi flinched. He hated seeing you cry, and he desperately wanted to just hug you and dry your tears, but he couldn’t. He had to stay away from you, and he couldn’t figure out a way to keep you away without just telling you to stay away. He wasn’t one to cheat or to move on so easily— hell, he had been performing for years, and it took him years to find someone like you, someone who could make everything go away, someone he could actually fall in love with— so he couldn’t bring himself to lie to you. He just needed you to trust him and to just stay away.
“Just get out of my face. Don’t ever come near me again,” Mingi bit out.
He didn’t even brush past you on his way out. He completely avoided you. You fell to your knees and cried as the curtains to the room swished upon his departure.
Before he could even get two steps away from the dressing room, Mingi ran into the one person he did not want to run into.
“Dude, I did what you fucking asked, okay?” he held his hands up and took a step away from him. “I didn’t do shit.”
“I know. I just came to collect,” he responded. “We’ll be out of your hair.”
Mingi nodded and quickly got away before the conversation could persist. He left the venue and slammed the door on his way out. He wanted to just run away into the night, but it was pouring. Of course it was raining. He settled for leaning against the side of the establishment and fishing his carton of cigarettes and his favorite lighter out of his back pocket. He lit one up and took a deep drag before the pain in his heart started to subside.
“I thought I’d find you here,” Mingi heard the bassist’s voice behind him.
“Not now, Yeosang,” Mingi murmured.
“No, dude. Spit it out. One day, Y/N was the love of your life, and the next you’re screaming at her to leave you alone? Nothing’s adding up,” Yeosang pushed further.
“Yeah, we’ll only be able to help you if you tell us what’s going on,” the keyboardist, Yunho, added.
Mingi found himself boxed in by the members of his band and let out his twentieth deep sigh of the day. “Fine,” Mingi mumbled as he took another drag from his cigarette. “But after I tell you guys, I don’t want to hear another word of it. I don’t want to hear her name ever again, got it?”
The men nodded, allowing Mingi to finally reveal what had happened between the two of you.
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“Hey, who was that preppy chick in the front row?” the red-headed drummer asked his fellow bandmates.
“Beats me, dude,” Yunho shrugged. “She definitely doesn’t belong here, though.”
“Yeah, she’s like super preppy and shit,” the guitarist giggled.
“Isn’t that your type though, Wooyoung?” the drummer pointed out.
“…Shut up, San,” Wooyoung grumbled.
“It is weird, though. I’ve seen her so many times at our concerts. Is she one of our groupies?” Yeosang asked.
“Are groupies even a thing anymore?” Mingi furrowed his eyebrows.
“She’s definitely not a drug dealer from the looks of her,” San mused out loud.
“Okay, that was one time, and she seemed excited to be considered a groupie. I wasn’t talking to her because she sold— and I’m not about that shit! I haven’t done any more since I met you guys!”
“Mingi! Chill, that’s not what he was talking about!” Yunho grabbed Mingi’s shoulder to calm him down before he could throw a tantrum. “Besides, you almost went to jail. We know you don’t do drugs, so you don’t gotta get all defensive on us.”
“Yeah, okay, fine,” Mingi reclaimed his shoulder and adjusted his sweater before plopping to the ground.
“Anyway, that preppy girl— how many shows has she been at now?”
“Eight,” Yeosang answered immediately, only for four pairs of eyes to shoot directly to him and widen. “Not that I’ve been counting! …I’m just observant guys.”
“”Observant”,” Wooyoung mocked.
Before Yeosang could get up to slap the giggling guitarist silly, there was a knock on the dressing room door. Mingi got up and answered the door to see one of the stage managers standing there, a look of irritation on their face.
“I thought we said you weren’t allowed to give anyone backstage access,” the stage manager said with disgust.
“We didn’t though?”
“Uh, actually…” San interjected and slowly raised his hand, the other four bandmates immediately groaning and yelling at the boy.
“Come on, man— We just talked about this!”
“You seriously suck.”
“That email was literally sent for you, San!”
“Sorry, sorry! I’ll handle it!” San held his hands up and scurried out of the room.
“Someone go with him to make sure he isn’t going to do stupid shit,” Yunho sighed while rolling his eyes.
“On it,” Mingi grumbled.
Leaving the other three to apologize profusely to the stage manager, Mingi left in pursuit of San. He got into the lobby of the venue and saw San with his arm already around the waist of the girl he had invited back to the dressing room— that bastard. Mingi made a mad dash for them, only to turn the corner and nearly crash into you, the preppy girl that looked like she didn’t belong at a rock concert, the preppy girl that Wooyoung (and also maybe Yeosang) had a tiny crush on. Well, he nearly crashed into you, but that didn’t stop you from tripping over your own two feet and falling back on your butt.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry,” Mingi apologized as he held out a hand to help you up.
“Can you—” you were about to tell the tall figure off, only to see his face and recognize him as the lead vocalist of your current favorite band: IT’S YOU(TH). “— sign my bra?”
You immediately clapped your hands over your mouth, your face burning red from sheer embarrassment. Mingi couldn’t help but laugh— so many girls had asked him to sign their bras in the past, but no one was ever shy about it, so your reaction to the words flying out of your mouth was honestly hysterical.
“I mean, I can if you want,” Mingi replied, a chuckle still lingering in his voice.
“R-really?” you squeaked.
One signed bra, eleven concerts, sixteen dates, and eighty-eight days later, Mingi was absolutely in love with you. Of course, he would never admit it first, but everyone in IT’S YOU(TH)— and honestly the whole damn world— could tell that the lead vocalist and guitarist of the young up-and-coming rock band was head-in-the-clouds, rose-tinted-glasses, cupid-shot-an-arrow-through-his-soul in love.
“Okay, Miss Astronomer, what am I looking at?” Mingi whispered to you, his lips dangerously near your ear.
IT’S YOU(TH) just finished their set for the night, and Mingi had promised you that he would be right by your side as soon as the concert ended. The two of you had driven way out of the city to the local rural area and laid in the wheat fields while staring up at the night sky. You had promised Mingi a night under the stars when he found out you spent four years of further education to study astronomy and physics, and you were finally delivering on that promise.
“So, that right there?” you whispered back as you started your astronomy lesson. “That’s you.”
“That’s the Leo constellation,” you giggled— Mingi wasn’t really one for astrology.
“Oh, I get it,” Mingi responded with a half-hearted laugh, then genuinely asked, “But where is it?”
“Right there,” you responded as you traced the sky.
“Here,” you reached for Mingi’s hand and held it so that his pointer finger would be out. You then brought his hand to the sky and traced it for him with his hand. “Right… There…”
Mingi shifted ever so slightly closer to you the second you held his hand, and you felt his breath hit your neck as he rubbed his nose against your ear. You stifled a little moan mixed with a giggle and brought his hand down, his fingers lacing with yours as he did so.
“Can I… Tell you about my favorite star?” you asked him as you turned your head to face his.
“Tell me.”
You completely turned your body and scooted closer to him, his own body turning so he could face you properly. He let go of your hand so he could move his arm under your head to rest, and you snuggled into his soft chest. You placed your hand lightly on his chest and whispered, “This one. You’re my favorite star.”
“God, princess, you’re so cheesy,” Mingi rolled his eyes, but he had the biggest grin on his face.
“You’re also the brightest star, the prettiest star, the sexiest star,” you continued.
“I’m sexy, you say,” Mingi’s baritone voice dropped further, sending tingles of excitement down your spine.
“Of course you’re sexy. Your messy, dark hair, your smokey eyeshadow, your dark eyeliner,” you started listing, your fingers running through his hair then tiptoeing down his face. “Your beautifully angled nose, your… Soft… Lips…”
Your eyes lingered on his lips— eighty-eight days, and he had yet to kiss you. Well, he had kissed you, but he gave you those fleeting kisses, the kisses so quick that if you blinked, you’d miss them. Or, he’d kiss you “properly”, but those were usually on your forehead or cheek or shoulder— basically everywhere but your lips.
So, when he held your chin with a soft yet somehow still firm grip and tilted your chin up, your entire body flushed with warmth, with anticipation. Then, when his lips pressed against yours, you felt like you were soaring. You always imagined his lips were going to be soft since you spent so much of your time staring at them when he was on stage singing his heart out, and they were so much softer than you could imagine.
One kiss, then he leaned back, his eyes slightly darting back and forth as he observed your facial expression. Your rosy cheeks and small smile, your eyes turning into half crescents and sparkling brilliantly— God, Mingi loved all of it. So he kissed you again, a little more drive and passion behind the second one, and the intensity of his kisses only increased the more he kissed you.
You clung to him as his hand cupped your face, his long fingers brushing the nape of your neck and making you even more flustered. Your breaths and sighs mixed with his as your gentle string of kisses got heavier and hotter.
“What else?” Mingi asked in between kisses breathlessly. “What else do you find sexy?”
“Your neck tattoos.” Kiss. “Your hand tattoos.” Kiss. “Your nails.” Kiss. “Your rings.” Kiss. “Your style.” Kiss. “Your voice.” Kiss. “You.”
“Fuck, you’re so perfect, princess,” Mingi groaned, sending shivers down your spine.
Mingi forcefully disconnected himself from you, making you whimper and nearly whine. He stood up quickly, and before you could even begin to pick yourself up, he scooped you off the ground and carried you to his car. Unlocking it, he laid you down in the back seat and got in with you, his lips mashing into yours the second the car door closed.
His body rolled into yours as his hands roamed your body, your own restless hands tugging at his clothes, begging him to take them off. The sounds of your feverish lip locks with Mingi overpowered the rustling of your clothes and the clinks of his belt as they hit the ground one by one, leaving you completely naked and Mingi in just his underwear. You didn’t know when he managed to, but Mingi grabbed the condom he had stashed in his wallet and tucked it into the waistband of his underwear.
You wanted to ask why he was waiting to, for lack of better words, give it to you, but all of the thoughts and questions in your head disappeared in a heartbeat when Mingi traced two light fingers along your folds. A sigh of pleasure rippled out of your lungs when you felt his fingers slide through your slick and curl within you, the tips of his fingers digging softly into your walls. You could feel his rings press against your folds— they had yet to enter you. But, when he pulled his fingers out then shoved them right back in, he went further, his rings pushing past and into your cunt.
“Oh shit! Mingi!” you moaned loudly as he fingered you consistently and roughly. “Fuck, it feels so good!”
“Just keep moaning prettily like that for me, princess,” Mingi rasped as he added a third finger to the mix, his other hand beginning to massage your breast.
Your nails left red marks on his shoulders as you clung to him, your fingers and toes curling with every stroke. You bit your lower lip every so often so keep your moans to a minimum, but all hope was lost when his thumb started circling your clit, one circle for every stroke, and it definitely didn’t help when he started spreading his fingers inside you and pinched and tugged your nipple. You raked your fingers through Mingi’s hair and pulled him closer to you as you felt your orgasm wash over you, your loud moan sounding through the car.
“Princess, did you cum?” Mingi asked, although he didn’t need to know because he could feel your walls convulsing around his fingers.
You let out a little noise and nodded weakly, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. Mingi caressed your face and wiped the tears away quickly before kissing you softly.
“Mingi,” you whimpered in between kisses. “I want you in me.”
You thought was going to laugh at the desperation in your voice, but he did anything but. He sat up and stroked your thigh gently as he said, “I’m going to need you to relax, okay?”
Mingi shed his boxers to reveal his massive cock. He just told you to relax, yet you couldn’t help but tense up when you saw what he was working with because he was fucking huge. It only made you even more fearful when you saw the letters XXL on his condom packet.
“Princess, just relax, okay?” Mingi instructed again softly.
He leaned down again and distracted you with his soft lips. His large hands went under your thighs and pushed your legs up, the length of his cock rubbing against your clit before pushing in slowly. You did your best to focus on kissing Mingi and tighten your hold on him to get yourself to loosen up to the best of your ability, but that didn’t stop you from feeling his like cock was going to tear you a new one.
Mingi kept his lips on yours as he moved slowly and calmly, his dick not completely leaving your body nor going all the way inside. He was just warming you up, but you felt like you were about to combust into flames with the way he was making you feel. You moaned and cried into his kisses while he grunted, his own restraint starting to weaken— he didn’t want to hurt you, at least not the first time the two of you had sex together.
The car bounced and shook when Mingi’s last string of self-control snapped. His cock filled you up and went so far deep inside you that you thought he was going to bruise your cervix. The sound of your sloppy kisses and heavy breaths and the raunchy squelches of his cock moving in and out of your soaking cunt harmonized, the sounds nearly escaping the confines of the car. What did escape, though, was your crying moan when Mingi rubbed against your G-spot and hit your cervix at the same time. The two of you came together, Mingi’s low groan ringing in your ears.
You were practically knocked out when Mingi pulled out of you, your weak and trembling hands struggling to push your sweaty hair away from your forehead. Mingi watched with slight amusement as you slowly started to regain your sanity.
“You look so pretty right now, princess,” Mingi said softly, nearly cooing. “I just want to see you disheveled like this under me all the time.”
“Tell me when and where, and I’m there, rockstar.”
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After 100 days of being together, the problem started to arise.
“Hey, pretty princess,” Mingi greeted you as he walked into the coffee shop for your coffee date.
“Hey there, rockstar,” you greeted right back.
Mingi leaned down and kissed your lips quickly before taking the seat in front of you. He reached for your hands and held them, your hands fitting perfectly in his.
“Did you order yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, for both of us.”
Right on cue, one of the baristas announced your drinks were ready. Mingi got up and quickly returned with the drinks in hand. He set both the drinks down, your eager hands immediately picking up your iced one.
You only got to take one sip of your drink when your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller id and immediately declined the call before setting your phone face down on the table, Mingi warily watching all of your actions.
“Who was that?”
“Spam,” you replied with a frown— you hated lying to him, but to be fair, the caller was spamming you, and you had no intention of ever picking up the calls.
“Ugh, hate that,” Mingi grimaced.
“Tell me about it.”
The phone calls persisted. Every time the two of you went on a date or hung out or did anything together, you would get the “spam” calls. Mingi didn’t think much of it at first because spam calls usually were very annoying, but he started to worry when you phone would ring two, three, even four times in a row no matter how many times you declined the call.
“Hnngh— Harder! Fuck— Faster!” you shrilled as Mingi fucked you from behind. “Ugh, Mingi, so good!”
Your face was nearly smashed into your mattress as Mingi ruthlessly stuffed his large cock in your tight hole. He grunted loudly and affirmatively as he gripped your ass harder, his rings digging into your skin, your skin getting redder with his occasional slap.
Mingi was the first to notice. Your phone was on the nightstand, and it was ringing. He slowed his pace so he could reach over and grab it to decline the call on your behalf. He tossed your phone onto the bed near your hand and upped his tempo while pulling your ass higher into the sky.
And yet, your phone rang again. You quickly declined it before Mingi could notice, but he did. It was when it rang for the third time that Mingi had enough.
“Princess,” he grunted. “Gimme your phone.”
“Just gimme.”
You unlocked your phone and pushed it backwards towards him— you trusted Mingi, so you had no problem doing as he asked. And Mingi didn’t abuse that trust. He simply opened the call log and saw the sea of red missed or declined calls, all of them from the same, unsaved number. He blocked the number and locked your phone before setting it back on the nightstand where it originally was, then he continued to fuck your brains out.
Mingi wanted it to be done then and there, which technically it was because you blocked the number, but that didn’t stop a bad feeling from manifesting within him.
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“Yo, Mingi, you gonna meet us at the restaurant?” Yunho asked the singer.
“Yeah, I’m gonna call Y/N first—”
“You mean your pretty princess?” San teased— your name on Mingi’s phone was “pretty princess”, and the guys teased him all the time for it.
“Your pretty preppy princess?” Wooyoung piled on.
“Yes, my pretty princess. Go choke on some soju,” Mingi frowned and shooed the boys away.
The four other members of IT’S YOU(TH) skipped cheerfully away, leaving Mingi alone by his car. He started calling you only for someone to grab his phone.
“IT’S YOU(TH), huh? Cute.”
Mingi whipped around, his jaw tensing as he got ready to beat the shit out of whoever stole his phone from him.
“What’s your fucking problem, dude? Give my phone back, or I’ll beat the shit out of you,” Mingi warned aggressively.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” the same voice said.
Stepping closer to him, a man with a flowery charm but deadly eyes appeared before Mingi. He dangled his phone as he stood before him, riling Mingi up further. He tightened his fist and prepared to swing, only for two pairs of arms to restrain him. The two people behind him brought Mingi down to his knees and kept him there, one man kneeling on his back while the other had a fistful of Mingi’s hair tight in his grasp.
“What the fuck do you want?” Mingi asked, his anger intensifying. “If it’s money, I’ll give you however much you want.”
“I don’t need your money, guitar boy. I want Y/N.”
The man crouched in front of Mingi and held his phone up, the lock screen of you and Mingi shining brightly. He pointed at you and said, “I want Y/N back.”
“Oh, you’re a crazy ex-boyfriend,” Mingi couldn’t help but scoff. “Listen, she’s not one for me to give back. She likes me, so she’s dating me. She doesn’t like you, so she’s not dating you. It’s her choice, dude.”
Without a warning, the guy punched Mingi in the face. Mingi’s cheek immediately started bleeding, his eye throbbing with pain. Before he could recover from the shock of the punch, the man sent a mean hook into his jaw, Mingi’s head flying to the side. The guy behind him held his head back up, forcing Mingi to make eye contact with the asshole that just punched him.
“She didn’t break up with me because she stopped liking me, you asshole. She broke up with me because of you.”
Mingi didn’t bother responding— villains usually always revealed everything without being prompted.
“Ever since she went and saw your cute little band, she told me she “fell in love with you” and that she would literally “do anything” for you. Someone like you with your fucking pretty boy make up and your painted nails and your criminal face tattoo,” the man sneered in Mingi’s face. “Someone like you of all fucking people.”
“Seonghwa,” one of the men behind Mingi uttered. “Get to the point.”
“Shut the fuck up, Hongjoong,” the man, who Mingi could now identify as Seonghwa, snapped. Turning back to Mingi, Seonghwa continued, “She was still dating me the day you signed her fucking bra. And then the concert after that, you fucking asked her out, and she said yes and dropped me in a heartbeat.”
“How is that my fault?! I asked her out, but she could’ve said no!” Mingi argued.
“It’s you and your fucking band’s fault for even existing, you asshole!”
Seonghwa grabbed the collar of Mingi’s shirt and pulled him up, the two other men behind Mingi still holding onto him.
“Hongjoong, Jongho, let go. I want to beat this guy up,” Seonghwa hissed.
“Seonghwa, calm down—”
“Fucking drop his ass!”
Hongjoong and Jongho let go of Mingi, and Seonghwa immediately swung before Mingi could stop him. Mingi fell to the ground, allowing Seonghwa to start kicking the shit out of him. He couldn’t even get away from Seonghwa, but thankfully, his two friends held him back.
“Do you really think Y/N is going to want to be with you if you do shit like this?”
“Don’t give her a reason to hate you, dude.”
“Ugh, fine!” Seonghwa admitted defeat before shaking his friends off. “But you, Song Mingi, you better break up with her or else.”
“Or else what? You’ll kill me?” Mingi scoffed.
“No. I’ll destroy the rest of your band.”
The color in Mingi’s face drained. He could handle someone threatening him, but the thought of anyone from IT’S YOU(TH) getting hurt because of him or disbanding because of him was terrifying to him.
“Y-you… You wouldn’t.”
“I can, and I will. Break up with Y/N, and you and your band can sing your silly songs for the rest of time. Stay with her, and I’ll drive everyone in your life away from you.” Seonghwa tossed Mingi’s phone back to him. He crouched in front of him and added, “You have ’til the next concert.”
With that, Seonghwa and his friends left Mingi next to his car bleeding, afraid, and alone.
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“That’s why your eye was black?” Yeosang asked with shock.
“Mingi… I’m so sorry,” San sounded like he was about to cry.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have to choose like that. Her ex-boyfriend is a complete psychopath!” Wooyoung added just as emotionally.
The three boys smothered Mingi with hugs while Yunho stood a little bit away, a frown plastered to his face.
“Alright, but now you all will drop it, right?” Mingi grunted as he tried to escape the group hug.
The boys nodded and verbally agreed. They started to head back inside, but Mingi stayed outside to burn through another cigarette. Yunho stayed with him.
“Don’t say anything, man. I know you,” Mingi sighed as he fished out his carton of cigarettes again.
Yunho didn’t say anything. Instead, he gave Mingi a silent hug, his hand petting the back of the singer’s head. Tears welled up in Mingi’s eyes. He dropped his face into Yunho’s shoulder and hugged the keyboardist back as he silently sobbed about his broken heart.
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trope masterlist
trope taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads @hwallazia @dazzlingstarrs @hyukssunflower
network: @cromernet
apply for the taglist here!
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solarmorrigan · 10 months
For the dialogue prompt, how about “What happened doesn’t change anything” for either Steddie or Newmann?
Thank you!
Hello hello hello I finally have something for you! I chose Steddie for this one, since I was on a roll. I hope this suits!
[post-S2 Steddie AU; CW: Outing, transphobia, some internalized transphobia; soft ending guaranteed, though]
When he sees Hagan meandering over towards them in the parking lot after school, his queen bee tagalong, Perkins, in tow, Eddie knows nothing good is going to follow. The way he feels Steve shift beside him says that he suspects much the same. The rest of the Hellfire guys, all gathered around Eddie’s van, talking and joking before heading home, have fallen silent.
It’s a small consolation that Hagan isn’t trailing Hargrove; since putting Steve in the hospital (briefly, Steve always interjects) last November, Hargrove has mostly given him—and the members of the Hellfire Club, once Steve had been taken into their fold—a fairly wide berth. Hagan, however, has had no compunctions about hassling Steve whenever he gets a bug up his ass about something, and he’s only become nastier since he started toadying for Hargrove.
So Eddie expects trouble, but he hadn’t expected–
Hagan starts small, crowing about how Steve has finally found his rightful place: among the freaks. Steve doesn’t give anything away, no displeasure, no anger, just bored indifference – the same mask he’s always hidden behind (the one Eddie had learned pretty quickly to see past, once he knew what to look for). But Hagan pushes.
“I guess the freaks already have a king,” Hagan snipes, cutting a glance at Eddie, “but I’m sure he needs a lady to rule by his side, right, Stevie?”
It seems like an unoriginal sort of dig—calling Steve a girl, how creative—except Steve goes pale. The mask slips, showing wide and frightened eyes for just a moment, but for Hagan, who’s known Steve for years, it’s long enough. He knows he’s hit something good.
“Do all your new little friends know, Stevie-boy? What makes you fit right in with them?” Hagan glances around the group, apparently enjoying the fact that if looks could kill, he’d be dead four times over. Then he leans in and practically spits at Steve, “Do they know that they got into your pants, you’d be less of a King Steve and more of a Queen Stacy?”
And that does it – shatters Steve’s mask so thoroughly that he actually takes a step back, staring at Hagan with a kind of disbelieving betrayal frozen on his face.
The full meaning of the words hits Eddie about three seconds before Hagan hits the side of the van, one of Eddie’s hands fisted in the front of his t-shirt and the other held firm at the base of his throat – not hurting, exactly, but heavily implying that he could.
Eddie doesn’t even have to reach for one of the many theatrical voices he uses to rile people up or cow them into submission; he’s so thoroughly taken by a type of rage he hasn’t let himself give into in a long time that his tone comes out perfectly threatening all on its own.
“If you ever repeat what you just said to another person, I will find out, and I will make your life a living hell,” he hisses.
Somewhere behind him, someone—it might be Jeff, though Eddie isn’t sure—clears their throat, and when Eddie tosses a glance over his shoulder, he finds the rest of Hellfire standing firm at his back (even tiny underclassman Gareth, with his arms crossed and the meanest look on his face the poor kid can muster).
“Ah, my apologies,” Eddie says as he faces front again, flashing a manic little grin, “we will find out. And we’ll ruin your life, Hagan. Same goes for your girlfriend.”
Perkins, who had been standing off to the side as the snickering peanut gallery right up until Eddie had pinned Hagan to the side of the van, makes a choked noise of offense that goes entirely ignored.
“Tell me you understand, Tommy-boy.” Eddie punctuates the command with a flex of his fingers near Hagan’s throat, until Hagan reluctantly nods, and Eddie releases him. “Glad we’re in agreement.”
Hagan and Perkins hightail it the other side of the parking lot, leaving them be with nothing more than a nasty look from Perkins, but no one is much in the mood to chat after that. No one really knows what to say – except Steve, who offers a quiet thanks to the rest of the guys and, having caught a ride in with Eddie that morning, then asks to be taken home.
Even with the radio playing quietly as Eddie drives, the atmosphere in the van feels silent and stifling.
Asking Steve if he’s alright feels like kind of a ridiculous move. Eddie wouldn’t be alright if he was in Steve’s position – hell, Eddie’s not alright. He’s pissed. But from the way Steve is sitting rigidly in the passenger seat, staring out the window like Eddie is driving him to his execution, Eddie’s anger—even on his behalf—isn’t what he needs right now.
Slowly, Eddie forces himself to let it go (for now, at least for now) and follow the familiar roads home.
It feels perfectly natural to simply head back to his place, where they’d been planning to go before that shitshow of a confrontation, though the surprise on Steve’s face when they pull up to the trailer says that he’d thought otherwise.
“You could’ve just taken me back to my house. I wouldn’t– I’d get it,” he says, and Eddie frowns at him.
“Did you want to go back to your house? We can hang out there if you want, I just figured…” Eddie tilts his head regarding him carefully. “You seem more comfortable here.”
Steve stares at him for a long moment, blank and uncertain, before he breaks back into motion with a shrug. “Okay,” he says, moving to get out of the van.
They head inside and nod a quick hello to Wayne, who looks like he’s just woken up in preparation for his shift, and then they go straight back to Eddie’s room. Eddie’s bag goes on the desk, but Steve’s goes by the door. Eddie sits down on the bed (admittedly one of the few places to sit, but also an invitation for Steve to come sit next to him) but Steve – Steve hesitates before leaning up against the wall, by the door with his bag, arms crossed and gaze cast towards the floor.
He looks ready to run at any moment, and Eddie sighs. This thing between them is new – so new that they’ve been afraid to put a label to it, dancing around each other uncertainly for months before sharing their first kiss barely a month ago. They’ve spent almost every available moment since with their hands on each other in some way or another, though Steve has been a bit skittish about moving past making out (Eddie had thought that maybe it was the unfamiliarity of being with another guy, but he thinks he might have a better understanding of the picture now).
Eddie doesn’t want to break things by pushing too hard, but somehow, he thinks leaving it unaddressed would be worse.
“Look, we don’t have to talk about it,” he says, watching Steve, though Steve still isn’t looking back, “but if you want to…”
Steve shrugs. “I wasn’t hiding it from you,” he says, finally glancing up at Eddie. “I mean, I was, but not– I was going to tell you.”
“You don’t owe me any kind of explanation,” Eddie says.
“You would’ve found out eventually, either way.” Steve lets out a sound that suggests he may have been trying to laugh. “But it was – I should’ve been the one to tell you. That was – that was mine to tell.”
A little bit of Eddie breaks as Steve’s voice does. He’s almost vibrating with the desire to hold and to reassure, to go over to where Steve is standing, still propped against the wall, practically curling in on himself (trying to make himself smaller), but he’s not sure how well it would be received. He tries words, instead.
“Steve, I’m so sorry–”
“That was the one thing,” Steve snaps, anger tearing across his tone, “the one thing Tommy would never touch, the one thing that was off limits, even he knew– and he just–” As quickly as it had come, the anger goes, taking Steve’s energy with it. He presses the heels of his palms into his eyes and lets his hands slide down to cover his face; when he speaks again, he sounds small. “I wasn’t ready.”
Eddie couldn’t keep himself from crossing the room if he’d tried – though isn’t trying, after that. He’s up off the bed and into Steve’s space before he’s even realized, and it’s probably only his proximity that allows him to hear what Steve says next.
“I’m not ready for things to change between us.”
“Steve,” Eddie says, low and careful, “what happened doesn’t change anything.”
Steve pulls his hands away from his face with a derisive little huff of a laugh. His cheeks are red and his eyes are bright; he’s not crying, but it looks like a near thing.
“It’s – like, I get it. You’re fully into guys, and I’m…” He waves his hands down at himself, sharp and frustrated. “Most people wouldn’t call me a real guy, if they knew.”
“Since when am I most people?” Eddie asks. “You say you’re a guy, you’re a real guy, fucking end of. Anyone who thinks otherwise can fuck off.”
Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes, clearly trying to hold back a much more emotional reaction, and Eddie chances resting his hands on Steve’s shoulders. Steve doesn’t move away, even eases a little into the touch when Eddie starts circling his thumbs at the skin right where his shirt collar ends.
“You don’t have to believe me right now,” Eddie says softly. “But I like you, Steve. I like you, andI’m gonna stick around and prove it to you.”
Something about the declaration makes Steve’s eyes snap right to Eddie’s, searching, anxious and cautiously hopeful, and Eddie lets him look. Whatever he’s after, maybe he finds it, because he uncurls from himself a little after that, just enough to lean in for a hesitant kiss that becomes much more certain when Eddie himself doesn’t hold back.
Eddie pulls Steve back over to the bed after that, poking and prodding him around until they’re both settled, Eddie’s back to the pillows and Steve’s back to Eddie’s chest (Steve’s never said as much, but Eddie’s gathered that this is one of his favorite positions to cuddle in; he doubts if Steve’s spent much time being the little spoon).
“Tell me something else,” Eddie says, once he’s got his arms wrapped securely around Steve’s waist.
“What?” Steve asks.
“Tell me something that you want me to know.” Eddie leans forward to press a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Anything.”
For a moment, Steve is quiet, thinking as he traces absent patterns over Eddie’s forearms. “I could tell you why I picked Steve,” he says finally.
“If you want to, I’d love to hear it,” Eddie says.
“It wasn’t because it was sort of close to my… old name. That was actually kind of a coincidence.” Steve lets his head fall back against Eddie’s shoulder, the tension that’s been wound through him for the last hour finally starting to ease. “Steven was my grandad’s name.”
“Yeah?” Eddie prompts softly.
“Yeah. My mom’s dad. I used to spend a lot of time over at his house when I was a kid. Before he died. I kind of got the feeling he liked me more than my parents did.” Eddie gives Steve a squeeze around the middle. “But he used to tell me all these stories about fighting in World War II. Probably not very age-appropriate, now that I think about it, but at the time I really ate it up.
“He didn’t really, like… glorify it, I don’t think? He just kind of told me what happened, good or bad, and whatever the story was, I always thought he sounded, y’know – strong and brave. And when I wanted to pick a new name…” Steve shrugs against Eddie. “I kind of hoped he wouldn’t mind sharing his with me.”
“Bet he’d be honored,” Eddie says, giving Steve another little squeeze.
“Some days I’m not so sure,” Steve says quietly.
“Well I am. I’ll just have to stick around and prove that to you, too,” Eddie says decisively.
Briefly, Steve’s hands tighten where they rest on Eddie’s arms. “I like the sound of that,” he says, and Eddie turns so he can press another kiss to the side of Steve’s head.
“Good,” he says. “Me too.”
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mrsevans90 · 9 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 3
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 2, 593 (This one is a bit shorter because the next chapter has ALL. THE. SMUT. Prepare yourself in advance loves!)
Warnings: Fluffy Sy, Sexual innuendos, Abused animal, domestic violence, stalker ex-boyfriend, mention of nightmares/PTSD, smut in future chapters.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 2
I lay back in bed with my arm behind my head and start thinking about Emma even though I know I shouldn’t because I won't be able to stop. I think of how beautiful she was standing on my doorstep, the way she cocked her hip at me with her arms crossed when I got on to her for trying to do dishes, the way her nose scrunches when she laughs. I smile to myself when I think about the weight of her tiny body across my lap and the way her nails scratched the stubble on the back of my head and neck when she was kissing me. Her perfume was not overbearing and overly potent like so many women I know. Just a soft, sensual scent that enveloped me when she was pressed against me. I think about how soft and swollen her lips felt before she left and the little gold chain necklace that rested against her cleavage and sigh. I lay there continuing to think about her as my eyes close and I drift off in a deep dreamless sleep.
I wake up the next morning stunned that I slept all night. Even though I was on a decent streak without nightmares lately, I usually never slept so soundlessly. I am once again still thinking about Emma and our upcoming date. Maybe this could be more than just physical. Don’t get me wrong, sex is great if we get to that point but I wonder if I’ll ever stop craving something more. A connection so deep that it spans a lifetime. I’ve always admired the pure love and admiration that my grandparents have for each other but lost hope a while ago that it may be something I could have. My military career made it impossible to settle down and although I thought I loved women before it just didn’t seem to be the same type of love that Nana and PawPaw have. It’s like they are each a half of the same person. The way they complete each other to make up this seemingly perfect couple who loves each other despite any flaws. It’s an all-encompassing type of adoration. I settled on the fact that their type of love is the exception. The one in a million lottery that most people never experience. Over the years I began to subconsciously accept the fact that I’ll never have that. I’ve become content being alone simply because it’s a way to protect myself from betrayal and heartbreak. I was fine with this lifestyle until I laid my eyes on Emma Miller. I’ve never felt so immediately smitten by a woman before. Talking to her felt comforting, her smile made my heart race, and I loved that she playfully bantered with me. Could it be that maybe my poor luck in the love department is over now because she’s the right person? My soulmate perhaps? Am I just fooling myself because I could see myself actually marrying a woman like her and worshipping her every day without being able to get enough of her? The thought of her with two or three little kids that look like a combination of us causes my thoughts to blur and my chest to expand with butterflies. Maybe this could work for once. It's too soon to tell. My nightmares aren’t happening as often and I feel like my PTSD isn’t as crippling as it once was. I don’t want her to have to deal with my problems though. She would be terrified if she saw me in an active PTSD episode. It’s been six months since I’ve had one but there's no guarantee I won't have another. Maybe I’m done with them or my brain is tricking me into this false pretense that I'm cured so that I get complacent. I’m getting way too far ahead of myself. I need to temper my hopes and expectations in order to protect myself from the inevitable let down. Hell, she may not even be as interested in me that way. Emma may not want anything to with something long term. I know she certainly must have her own qualms after being treated the way she has by men in the past. She’s had more than enough trauma to not have to witness mine.
After showering, getting ready for work, and eating some breakfast, I kiss Aika on the head and load up Mills for another day at work. I’m heading back to the same house to assist with the siding repair. There was more rot on that fireplace than we anticipated so it’s going to take a bit longer to repair. I call Nana and listen to her start carrying on about picking muscadines so she can make and can her some muscadine jelly. Pawpaw loves it so much he planted some muscadine trees on the back of the farm when I was about fourteen and she makes his jelly every year.
“D’ya hear that they got a new vet in town at Aika’s vet office?” I ask her.
“Oh, I sure did! Cute little blonde woman I think. Seems nice but I haven’t gotten a chance to speak to her yet. I know that Martha Foster invited her to church but she hasn’t come to a service. I can’t say I blame her, I don’t think I’d want to spend time with Martha and her nasty potato salad either.”
“Damn, Nana. Don’t hold back.”
“Well, I love the Lord, honey, but I only have so much patience for Martha and her know it all attitude.”
“I can’t disagree with you there, Nana. So yeah, the new vet, Emma, is very nice. I met her when I took the puppy I’m keeping over there after I found him. Did you see the picture I sent you of the little feller?”
“Your pawpaw showed me. He’s a cutie. What did you name him?”
Here we go. “Mills.”
“Mills? Like Milton? Where’d you think up a name like that?”
“Um, it’s short for Miller. Like Miller Lite Beer.” I think I just saved myself with that little white lie.
“You seriously didn’t name that poor thing after beer, Austin. What am I going to do with you? Bring him with you this weekend when you come to lunch on Sunday so I can spoil him. Your pawpaw won’t let me have any more animals. He said the barn cats, cows, chickens, and pigs keep us busy enough but I disagree. Do you know if that cute new veterinarian is single?”
“She is.” I quietly reply.
“Oh, you should ask her on a date. I keep telling you it’s time you start looking for a wife, Austin. If she turns you down, I can still get Susanne’s number for you. She may not have a job, but I’m sure she’ll find something soon.” Jesus Nana.
“No, I’m alright. I actually already asked Emma to dinner tonight. I’m only telling you because I know you have your ways of finding out sooner or later after gossiping with the ole bitties in town. Don’t you run off and start dreaming of a wedding and great grandkids now, ya hear? It’s just dinner.”
“Austin Syverson, you better not be calling me an ole’ bitty. I may be elderly but I can still smack you upside the head. You don't scare me."
"Yes ma'am." I reply with a chuckle because I know she means it. That ole' woman has smacked me upside the head so many times I can't count.
"I’m so glad you asked her to dinner. I want to meet her.”
“Like I said, I haven’t even taken her on a date yet.” Not exactly true but she doesn’t need to know that. “Let's not go and get ahead of ourselves and scare her off. Just do me a favor and wait a while before you ambush for information. Let me get to know her first please.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll stay out of it but please at least tell me how the date goes.”
“Deal. Now I gotta get on to work but I love ya. Tell PawPaw that I love him too.”
“We love you too, honey. Have a good day.”
The day drones on and finally I arrive at a small cottage style house on Beasley Avenue and pull up in the driveway. I’m sure my diesel truck rumbling announces my presence so I waste no time hopping out of the truck and making my way to the pale-blue door that has a summer wreath hung on it. There’s no doorbell so I knock loudly and within a few moments the door opens widely to reveal Emma in white shorts, and a yellow and white floral top that shows off just a sliver of her toned and tanned midriff. 
            “Hey Austin!” Emma says cheerfully while I’m still stunned over her appearance.
            “Sugar, you look good enough to eat.” I say with a smirk and wink.
            “Thank you, but you’re just saying that because you’re hungry.” She giggles as she reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck for a sweet hug. I put my hands on her hips and kiss her forehead.
            “I don’t say things I don’t mean darlin’. Nice place.” I say as she pulls back from me.
            “Thanks! It’s small and I need to do update some things since it’s an older house but I liked how simple and classic it looks. It also helped that it was in my budget, move in ready, and only ten minutes from the clinic.” She tells me.
“It fits you. It’s very bright and welcoming.” I say and she grins widely. “I don’t know what needs to be updated but I’d be happy to take a look.”
“I may have to make an appointment and take you up on that at some point. I need to install a doorbell. the hot water heater is not great and the kitchen sink is a little fickle but it’s not a big deal.”
“No need for an appointment darlin’. I can take a look whenever you’d like me too at no charge.” 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that. Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” She deflects.
“I’m offering so you don’t need to ask. But, I can’t be responsible for you starving so let’s eat and I can look at it later.” She locks the front door and I lead her to my truck.
“I missed lunch today. Janet accidentally double booked me and so I got behind. Had to work through lunch just to catch back up.” She says as I help her into the passenger’s seat.
“You don’t need to be doing that darlin’. I’m sure everyone would have understood.”
“It was okay. Janet felt bad about it and I didn’t want to waste people’s time. Just made for a crazy day! I’m ready for some lasagna!” She giggles and I smile at her from the driver’s seat.
We get to Gia’s and I say hello to the hostess, Sofia, who is the owner’s daughter. She’s always blatantly flirted with me but I’ve never returned the sentiment. She’s too young; barely twenty-two and is clearly looking to immediately get married and have kids like so many other women here. She’s a nice girl but I wouldn’t want to give her the wrong idea. I make a point to place my hand on Emma’s lower back and pull her chair for her to sit and she smiles gratefully at me. After we order, I see Giovanna the owner heading straight towards me. My mama and her were friends since I was a teenager and we have come to Gia’s throughout the years for meals. Giovanna and her husband, Matteo, opened this restaurant when I was about ten years old.
“Sy! Good to see you sweetie.” She says as she hugs me. “Who’s this beautiful lady?”
“Hey Giovanna. Good to see you too. This is Emma Miller. She’s our new veterinarian over at Hope Animal Clinic.” I answer and Emma smiles and produces her hand to shake as I introduce her.
“Ah! I’ve heard wonderful things about you! I have an appointment next month for our cat, Luigi, to get his yearly shots.”
“Oh, what a sweet name. I’ll be looking forward to meeting the little guy!” She tells her and I chuckle.
“He’s not a little guy. He’s the biggest domestic house cat I’ve ever seen!” I tell her.
“Really?” Emma asks.
“He’s a big boy, but what can you expect? He sleeps all day and his parents own a restaurant that sometimes has left over fish that would go to waste.” She says waving her hands dramatically and we laugh.
“Well then I look forward to meeting your big boy.” Emma jokes.
“Are you settling in okay? I’m so glad you are here!” Gia says and Emma smiles brightly.
“I’ve settled in nicely! Everyone has been so welcoming. I have to say, you have the best food in town. This is my first time coming in but I’ve ordered take out several times. Your delivery drivers are probably sick of me.” She jests.  
“Oh, I’m so glad you enjoy it dear. Don’t you worry about Derek and Joe. They get free food and only have to drive orders around so they are living the good life. Well, I’ll let you get back to your evening but I just wanted to say hello. You come back in anytime sweetheart!” She calls and we thank her and wave goodbye.
“So, are you one of those people that everyone in town knows? I saw that cute little hostess just about drooling over you.”
“Nah, that’s Gia’s daughter. I do know almost everyone in town but that’s what happens being raised in a town like this. My grandparents are pretty well known by everyone so I am just by proxy I guess. I’ve essentially spent the majority of 17 years overseas in different parts of the world, but when I come back home it’s like I never left. Unfortunately, that means everyone also knows everyone else’s business. I hope you don’t mind but I’m sure it’ll get around that we were here tonight on a date.” She blushes.
“I don’t mind. As long as you’re okay with that.”
“Wouldn’t have brought ya if I wasn’t, Sugar. You deserve to be shown off and I’m proud to be the man who gets too.” I reach over to grab her hand and stroke my thumb over her knuckles before kissing them. She smiles from ear to ear.
            After dinner, we climb into my truck and I offer to take her for ice cream and she just pats her little belly.
“Normally, I would never turn down ice cream but I think I ate my weight in pasta. I’m completely stuffed.”
I stare out at the parking lot as I fight the urge to make a “that’s what she said joke” or an innuendo about how I could stuff her later and with once glance I can tell she caught my train of thought.
“You’re fighting making a dirty joke about stuffing me, aren’t you?” She giggles and I wink at her.
“I didn’t know you could hear my dirty thoughts.”
“I can’t, it was just so obvious. Your cheeks got red, you scrunched your nose while smiling and you broke eye contact with me.” Emma grins.
I shake my head and laugh lowly until Emma scoots over to me and whispers seductively, “Let's go home and maybe I'll let you stuff me full.”
Part 4
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal@kingliam2019@syversonswife@identity2212@starfirewildheart@hannah9921 @wa-ni @kneelforloki @cutedoxie @summersong69 @enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @geralts-yenn
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hoaxriot · 1 year
Sirius x reader where the marauders are ignoring him after the prank on Snape and the reader comforts him.
pairings. sirius black x reader
synopsis. after sirius did the prank he can’t find comfort from anyone but you.
notes. thank you for requesting this, i hope you like it🫶🏻!
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the marauders was a tight knit group of friends, of course on top of the other friends they had but just them no one could come between them— except their own. sirius didn’t mean for it to happen the way it did but it was the biggest betrayal remus has ever encountered so it split the group up or really sirius being not apart of it.
everyone stopped talking to him, he deserved it but he beat himself up for it, he couldn’t sleep in the dorm and he couldn’t even feel okay sleeping in your dorm since all the girls were on remus’ side.
he was currently sat watching the fire on the couch in the common room, thinking of millions of things. maybe he was who his parents said he was, maybe being around all these kind people made him forget who he actually was, maybe— his thoughts were cut short when he felt someone touch his shoulder from behind him.
he jumped a bit turning around to see you in your pajamas with a cardigan tugged around your torso. he softened as he met your eyes but his shoulders were still stiff, his mind was still yelling at him. it got worse when you started to make your way around the couch seeing how upset he was, he watched as you gently sit down beside him and grab his hand softly.
he didn’t lock his fingers the way you did.
you don’t deserve her. you don’t deserve her. you don’t deserve her. he repeatedly said to himself in his head. he doesn’t deserve anyone, so he let go of your hand causing you lips to curve down a little.
“sirius?” you said lightly, he didn’t move he just stared at the fire.
“i don’t deserve you, i don’t.. i don’t deserve anything from you.” he spoke, you could tell he was already getting choked up but you didn’t move letting him get his emotions out.
“i did something horrible to- to someone you has done everything for me, remus has done everything good for me from the moment i sat down next to james on the train. he didn’t judge me for my last name or my family. for anything. a-and i did everything wrong to him in one single night. everyone hates me, yo— you should hate me, i need someone else to hate me and tell me how horrible i am. everyone is so quiet around me or they look at me oddly. i need someone to tell me— i need someone to tell me how wrong i am, how i am exactly like who my mother told me i am.” he ranted, sirius started to cry leaning over to hold his head in his hands, pulling at his long locks.
“sirius,” you put your hand on his back but he moved away, this time you didn’t pull away. you grabbed his hand from his head grabbing his face gently so he could look at you but he moved his face again.
“sirius. yes, you did something wrong. and yes, remus has every right to be mad and yes everyone is entitled to be upset— especially remus, you know that,” you spoke, you couldn’t lie to him but you loved sirius dearly so lying won’t work.
“but you are nothing like what your mom told you or who she forced you to be, nothing. you will never be that. you have the sweetest heart and people do things that they shouldn’t do. you have to learn and know what you did wrong for you to forgive yourself. you have got to stop sitting down here all night and beating yourself up, not sleeping, drinking when your mind gets to heavy, going to class late. you can’t do that.” he shakes his head as he listens, why are you being so sweet?
“no! you don’t understand. i am not who everyone thinks i am, this is who i am.” sirius looks at you eyes full of tears, you shook your head as you felt the sting in your eyes as tears started to form, he was so deep in head he was convincing himself that he was a horrible person because of this.
“no, sirius. this is not who you are!” you slightly raised your voice, he looked up at you listening to you for the first time, actually listening . “you did something wrong, yes. okay? but your whole word is not ending, you are not falling to the wrong side because of this. sirius, remus needs time. you have to give yourself time. you’re moving to fast, you’re listening to every single thought that pops into your mind. you can’t do that.” you talk, he listens. as you finish he lets out a sob shaking his head multiple times.
he easily falls into your body making you fall back onto the couch, half his body is off of you so it doesn’t hurt.
“why don’t you hate me like everyone else does?” he speaks into your collarbone where his head lays, you feel his breath on your free skin.
“one bad thing doesn’t defy who you are.” you speak softly as you bring one hand to his hair. he begins to sob again.
the prank that sirius did was wrong but you loved sirius, you also loved remus and sirius knew that so he pushed you away. he ignored you, you let him but as he went into a hole you couldn’t anymore. you saw him sleep on the couch (more of him staring off into nothing.) you noticed the way he come into class looking messy, the bottles beside the couch in the morning.
he needed someone to tell him what he needed to hear, you gave him his space because sirius is hard headed when it comes to his emotions. he shuts everyone out when he comes home from a bad break at his home, he doesn’t mean to. it’s just what he grew up with. he never had anyone, he always comforted his younger brother not being able to bare regulus with more. so he did it all by himself.
so that’s why you came down tonight knowing he was going to be there awake— thinking.
you let sirius cry as you held him, another night sirius black cried himself to sleep after the prank but he had someone for once. he let his emotions out in front of someone, he let someone help him.
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butchbarneygumble · 2 months
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Imagine how I must feel as one of the only fans of Mighty Magiswords. You know. A headcanons-and-fanfic kind of fan. I even cosplayed Prohyas once.
Of course, it's nothing compared to what the actual victims went through... I'm fine. But it still felt like a part of my identity has been permanently soured. I don't want to seem like I somehow have it worse, that's not my intention. Nothing bad happened to me personally. I'm only posting my own side of how I deal with the situation, to get some closure myself and show solidarity with the victims.
I don't admire him anymore, and that's putting it lightly.
Full story under cut. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of csa.
The news came to me from my ex-but-still-friend. He told me privately, out of nowhere, just dropped it on me. Like, "Hey, sorry to tell you, but the guy you like got arrested for csa". However, I am glad he told me rather than me having to find out on my own.
The news hit me, and I felt nothing in my body. I usually would get this painful fight-or-flight all through my body whenever I read something that upset me, something I've been training myself to get better with. But right now? I just felt like... "huh. That happened." It helped a lot that Magiswords wasn't my fixation of the moment. And like... it's been like I've been slipping away from it. Like I didn't need it anymore.
More and more people were talking about him, and it wasn't positive. Who? Kyle.
I talked to him. Personally, like many people did. He never acted weird to me. I admired him. I loved his art, sent him physical fanart, all that stuff. I knew more than one person said he was not trustworthy but hey, he made a show that saved my life, so it was a constant struggle between feeling like I had to pick sides. I was going through hell by virtue of my dad being terminally sick and needing constant care, so I was gonna ignore the red flags and enjoy my silly sword show that brought me such joy.
Even if as time went on it started get harder and harder.
But you know what a certain depressed horse show said? When you're wearing rose coloured glasses, red flags just look like flags.
I now think dodged a bullet.
What emotions do I feel? Betrayal. Anger. Disgust. Disappointment.
The irony about it all. The sheer painful irony of blacklisting somebody for *drawings*, and then going behind everybody's back to actually hoard *actual* csa, and revenge porn, and all sorts of nasty stuff. For the record: there is nothing wrong with being put off or disgusted by specific sorts of drawings. But the irony here is what's most painful to me. I do not like people using this as a "gotcha" for either side of this tired argument. It's disrespectful to the actual victims.
People say I can easily seperate art from the artist if I want to but... right now I don't think I want to. He's in every pore of its identity. I do not want to talk or think about Magiswords right now, and I don't know if I ever will again.
It meant so much to me. Prohyas felt like Me. Being a goofy capable adult who doesn't stop collecting things he likes just cuz he's an adult. I thought I was trans for a while and the euphoria of relating to Prohyas helped that. Then he got lowkey confirmed nonbinary and I was over the moon.
It was good. Emphasis on "was".
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And to the man himself I have one thing to say: you're another one in a long history of cartoon artists who end up being unsavoury, slimy people, taking advantage of young people, especially girls, in the animation industry. Not something to be proud of. I know we talked and you seemed perfectly okay to me, personally. All I can think is thank god it never went beyond casual chats.
I guess I can finally say I never liked the joke about Vambre not liking pants. Sure, sensory issues exist, but I doubt that was the intention of the design. I have deleted my sideblog where I chronicled ooc screencaps of the show and deleted my little spotify playlist of songs that reminded me of the show. I don't want to finish my longfic where Prohyas and Flonk fell in love anymore. I can't even change it into ocs because it's just so ingrained in the show's lore. So yeah, there's that.
I'll be fine. When the news hit I took it surprisingly well. I was going to an Alestorm concert and it was the most fun I had in ages. So yeah, I've got Christopher Bowes and His Plate of Beans to fill the void of comedy music. Was fixating on Simpsons already so there's that in terms of cartoons. I'm fine.
All I can say is my heart goes out to all the victims, and I'm deeply sorry I didn't see you sooner. I hope you can heal and have some semblance of closure now that he's gotten arrested. My heart goes out to all of you and again, I am so so sorry. I wish you all the love and healing.
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patrophthia · 1 year
Hi queen, and congrats! I’m in my Sirius era so maybe a fic with him and literally any trope/idea you have (although I have to admit I love e2l)
Anyways, congratulations again 💞
babe i’m always in my sirius era so i GET you and i love e2l so i (hopefully) GOT you too!! and thank u!!!
just kiss already! | sirius black
pairing: sirius black x reader
genre: silly banters, not exactly enemies to lovers but they’re bickering and bantering with each other (except one is in love with the other)
part of my 1k celebration event !
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If you had a galleon for every time Sirius Black disagreed with you on something you’d have about just enough to build your own Hogswart. It was all in good fun at first, playful banters between the two quidditch announcers until the quote unquote ‘banter’ made its way into your day to day left rather than it staying within the announcer’s booth. 
“What?” You don’t have to glance at him to know that Sirius had slid into the sit opposing you, not caring that you’ve been saving it for a friend of yours. “What is it this time?” 
You know what he’s going to say by how casually he’d plop himself down. It had started this way, you sliding up to him as naturally as you could as you ask him in aiding you commentate this year’s quidditch matches seeing as the old announcer was your ex boyfriend and you’d much rather die then work with him again. 
And Sirius was popular enough to make people want to listen to what he had to say, plus he’s well aware of the rules in quidditch through his friendship with the Gryffindor’s team captain. He was the perfect candidate then, and maybe you’re regretting your decision now (just maybe). 
“I need a favor from you,” he says easily; a sly smile creeping onto his handsome face when you finally look at him, “I need you to do this weekend’s match alone.” 
“You want me to commentate the final match of this season alone?” You ask him, tone ridiculing. Everyone who knew anything about sport knew how stressful the finals are, and when you’re two teenagers commentating on the school final match with nothing but magic as your helper, you’re going to need all hands on deck. “Do you hear yourself?” 
A hand finds it’s way into his curls, tossing it slightly as he tried to come up with a reply. “I have a good reason.” 
“It better be,” you snickered. “I’m seconds away from hexing your arse into announcing the match with me.” 
“It’s well—” he pauses, seemingly nervous for once. “—I have a date.” 
“That’s your reason?” You scoff, ignoring the weird pang in your chest. Sirius Black is handsome, you know that, the whole school knew that; he’s always been desirable —and, in your eyes, incredibly annoying. So how anyone could want to be with him —despite his good look, and honestly charming personality— is a mystery to you. “You’re missing the match to get your dick wet?” 
He tears his eyes away from you, breaking contact as he looks to the side. “When you put it like that it’s . . .”
“It’s what?” You’re annoyed and he could sense it. “It’s a stupid reason to miss the most important match this season that your best friend is playing?” 
Sirius is quiet for once in his life. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him this quiet —probably being eaten up by his own feelings, and he looks so . . . guilty you almost almost feel bad for him. 
“You know what?” You say after a while, grey eyes meeting yours once more. “Just do whatever you want, I don’t care. I don’t know why I’m still holding out hope that you’d do the one thing I’ve asked of you to do. ” 
And maybe his date cancelled on him, or James Potter said a few not so kind words about how it’s utter betrayal to not be there for him during the finals; or maybe, just maybe, your words got to him. 
Leaving you more than just surprised to find him already sat at the announcer’s booth when you arrive. You sit down besides him, not daring to look at him seeing as the last time you did look at him, you’d told him that you’ve been expecting something from him and he’s only disappointed you since. 
So you waited until the game start, siding with the team he was naturally opposed to. It was second nature by now, for him to always support whichever team you didn’t (even if it was his own house). 
“It looks like Prongs spotted the snitch,” Sirius says, ignoring you when you corrected him that ‘Prongs’ should be referred to as ‘Potter’ in these settings, “if you’d stop telling me what to do maybe someone would be seeking for you. Merlin, knows you made everyone around your miserable enough.” 
There’s a few audible gasps from the audience, even fewer laughters finding amusement in the word ‘seeking’ being used in a quidditch pitch in entirely different contexts. The audience are used to your banters by now, though those had always been playful without this —this, underlying pretense of light heartedness. 
Sirius had meant something hostile with his words, and every could sense it. 
Which is why the Seekers of each team only stop what they’re doing to look at you when you retorted. “I didn’t ask for you to be here, go be with your date and stop being an ass to me, Black. I’m getting real tired of you.” 
“Of course, you didn’t ask to be here. You only said those things where it’s oh so clear you’re upset with me knowing full well I can’t stand seeing you be mad at me.” His remark is quick, racing out of his mouth just mere seconds after your words. “You’re getting tired of me? Merlin, knows I’m getting real tired of constantly worrying about how you’re feeling.” 
He’s not looking at you, his hands curled up into a fist besides the microphone, clearly frustrated with something. 
You’re scoffing now. “And why are you constantly worrying about how I’m feeling? We’re not friends, Black. I’ve never once asked you to be my friend, let’s not play pretend here.” 
“I’m not playing pretend,” he snaps. “You and I both know that we don’t have to be friends for me to care about you.”
“You care about me?”
“Oh Merlin. Are we really doing this right now?” There’s a shout from the pitch, and the voice so distinct that you don’t have to even look to know that it was the one and only James Potter screaming at you. “Yes. Yes, he does! Now just kiss already and let’s get back to the match!” 
You don’t say another word, and neither does Sirius as the audience waited with bated breath to see whether you’d actually kiss. But, unlike everyone else, Professor Mcgonagall seems to actually have some sense within herself to step in and direct the attention back to the match. 
And if she spotted the two announcers slipping away during the break, she doesn’t find enough sense in herself to stop them from doing so. 
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— from bee: i got so carried away this ended up at 1.1k words oops
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imaginesheaven · 1 year
National Anthem – F!Reader x Price (x little bit Valeria)
Summary: After Graves’ betrayal another villain appears on the screen for the Task Force. They are nothing like all the others before.
This is kind of inspired by the song National Anthem by Lana Del Rey. I wrote all of this down, but I’m actually not sure what to do with it, so enjoy this little piece of pure braindump. I’m also not sure if I like this at all, so I would really appreciate to know what you think about it :)
Warnings: MDNI – sexual talk; swearing; angst; mentions of death
Length: 2.7 k
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“Laswell, you look like you could use a drink”, Price sits down at the bar handing her a glass full of the best whiskey. “Thank you, John, but alcohol isn’t going to get rid our problems this time”, Kate takes a sip of her drink.
Her words make the whole Task Force kind of uncomfortable. Laswell is usually convinced that they can manage everything that the world throws at them, but this time she does have her doubts.
“At first, I thought we only have a usual Russian problem, but it turns out to be way bigger and more than just that”, she gets out two pictures from her jacket pocket to put them upside down onto the table, “There is no room to fail this time.” John exchanges a brief glance with his team, “Hit us, Kate.” As if there would be ever room to fail in their field of work.
“Alejandro contacted me a few hours ago fuming. Valeria got bailed out of jail with an amount of money we all only can dream about. I did a lot of digging to find out what the hell is going on. A woman paid the money to get Valeria back to her El Sin Nombre cartel. It was the same person, who overtook the Shadow Company after Graves’ got killed. This woman is going to be a big problem gathering herself the best army”, Laswell pushes one of the pictures towards John.
The Captain can feel his heart stop for a second as he turns the picture around just to find a very familiar face looking back at him. A thick coldness starts to spread in his chest; doom setting slowly in.
“Price?”, Gaz asks quite concerned about John’s silence. The Captain keeps staring as the seconds tick by. “Fuck”, it’s the only thing he says and hands the picture to Gaz. John literally prayed years ago to never see your oh so beautiful face ever again. His heart can’t get over the fact that you are still looking the same. The way you glance at the camera with a winning smirk makes his knees weak. You know that you were observed from afar and you did not give a single fuck about it.
“You know her?”, Kate can’t explain otherwise his reaction. Price nods his head in agreement, “(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). Met her once years ago. We had a mission together, but never saw her again after that.” He really hopes none of them can see through his lie. It was way more than just a mission. It was way more complicated than that.
Even after all this time John feels everything like it has been just yesterday. The way your hands have been roaming over his chest. So fucking close to him. Skin on skin. The way you felt amazing underneath him. As well as the way you broke his heart into thousand pieces. If there would be ever a regret he has to live through, it would be you.
Price doesn’t tell them a single thing about it. He will not go through every detail of his biggest mistake with his entire team. That’s something only between you and him for the rest of his life.
“So, she is military?”, Gaz asks as Soap hands the picture to Ghost. Neither of them can’t deny that you are absolutely breathtaking as much as you are deadly probably.
“Yes, (Y/N) worked for a special forces team in the American military. There is nothing much to know since almost everything is classified. Only a handful or so have the security rank to gather that information. The team included five members with the call signs X-1 to X-5, which sounds very nice, right? X-1 means Executer-1, so they called them actually Killer-1 to Killer-5. She is one of the best”, Laswell answers and pulls another picture out of her jacket.
John already knows that the picture will be you in your impressive completely black Executer-gear. He hates and loves this one so much. “No, Kate. (Y/N) is the best”, Price doesn’t say those words very lightly, but they are the truth. If you are going to be their enemy, it will be a fucking war.
“She took over the Shadow Company and the El Sin Nombre cartel? For what? What is her goal?”, Gaz can’t make the connections yet. Kate let’s out a deep sigh and turns around the last picture, “I think she is going for this man.”
The Captain shakes his head, “Makarov? (Y/N) is going for the big kill. If she can gather Russians, the Shadow Company and the El Sin Nombre cartel around her, we are all doomed. With that (Y/N) can take over every army and if that happens, she will go back to America getting her final revenge.”
“What do you know, John?”, Kate is almost kind of mad that she isn’t fully in the picture apparently like Price himself. “(Y/N) made a decision the military didn’t want to see. X-2 to X-5 were supposed to execute her. The members were named after their ranks, so (Y/N) was Executer 1 – the best of them. She killed every single one of her former teammates. The American Government classified everything to keep people from talking. (Y/N) escaped in the end, but all of that were rumors years ago. Everyone who told them got silenced. The military didn’t want to acknowledge her existence anymore. So, who really knows if that’s real or not”, Price knows exactly that everything he just told was real.
Neither of them dares to interrupt the silence thinking about the worst that could happen. Someone as power-driven and skilled as you will bring hell over those who did you wrong. What they don’t know is that you are halfway through your plan to conquer the world like you want it to.
A few hours earlier…
“Ah, Valeria. Nice to meet you in person finally. (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). At your service”, you give the soldier your best smile to greet her properly. She raises one of her eyebrows still unsure about your intentions, “Why did you pay for my freedom?”
You mention towards the waiting car, “Let’s talk in the car. It’s way cooler in their and it would be only fair to bring you back to your cartel.” Valeria follows your invitation, “If you try to do something stupid I will kill you.” You can’t help yourself but laugh as you get in the car after her, “I really don’t doubt that for a second.”
“So, what’s the deal, hermosa?”, Valeria asks after taking a sip of the cool drink you gave her. You lean forward smiling knowing exactly how to expose your cleavage and use your body to get what you want. Valeria’s eyes follow just like you planned.
“Mi vida, I want your El Sin Nombre cartel to work with my Shadow Company. I am working towards a goal that is very important to me”, you explain to her leaving out a few important details. Valeria doesn’t ask but you could see the question in her eyes.
“Graves got … detained by me. His former soldiers are under my wings now. And well, there is no nice way to tell you this, but your people are also mine”, you keep on smiling knowing exactly she will understand the hidden threat.
“So, the rumors are true that you are gathering an army. They warned me about you, hermosa. Take my men if you need to. You paid for my freedom”, Valeria knows when she is in a situation without options. She is in your hands without any chance of an escape, better playing along for now.
“I’m really glad you took that so well. Graves wasn’t really cooperating”, you lean back taking a sip of your own drink. Valeria knows how to pick her fights and you are much more powerful than she thought.
“Well, the Gringo didn’t know how to handle dangerous women. Especially when they are as breathtaking as you are, mi vida”, Valeria holds up her glass to clink hers with yours. She can’t help herself but be enchanted by you.
You have already wrapped Graves around your little finger with your sex appeal until you took what was his. Now Valeria, next one will be Makarov. And you are pretty sure he will not resist you just like the others. Your plan is going wonderful. Now comes the fun part…
The ringing of his phone snaps Price out of his deep focus on working out a plan to bring you down before you can raise hell. No matter how many options his brain goes through it will never be good enough to keep up with your next steps.
“Captain Price”, he is only paying half attention to the caller on the other side of the line. “Hi, John”, your sweet voice rings in his ears over and over again. Price is not a man to get shocked easily, but right now his mind is absolutely blank. There are literally not words to form a proper sentence.
“Oh, I wish I could see your face right now. Happy to hear that I’m still alive?”, you can’t help yourself to let a heartfelt laugh, which brings John’s heartrate into a very dangerous zone. “Why are you calling?”, he tries to keep calm, but everything in him turns slowly into panic mode. It’s unusual for him. Only you can make him feel this way.
“Oi, don’t you know anymore how small talk works, muppet? How are you doing? What have you been up to the last decade? We really need to work on your manners, handsome”, you didn’t mean to sound it seductively, still you are not mad about it. You don’t have to be in the same room with John to know that you are still going under his skin with so much ease.
“John, humor me for a second. How have you been? Tell me a bit about your little Task Force”, your voice could play on repeat for eternity and John would still not get enough of it. In this moment he hated you so much for all the love he still has for you in his heart. But the two of you are a shadow of the past.
“You haven’t changed, so I’m pretty sure you know already everything about my team”, John will not give in. Not this time. “Yeah, but it would have been nice to hear it from you. Do you really think your Task Force is good enough to keep up with me? Are they ready to do whatever it needs to take down the devil herself?”, you have been watching him and his team for a while now; tracking their success as a team and still they will never be as good as you are.
“What happened to you? This isn’t you, (Y/N)”, John’s voice is only a whisper over the line. You don’t want to admit it, but you actually missed how sweet your name sounds when it comes over his lips. “Betrayal. So much betrayal that I finally found solace in power and revenge”, you reply replaying in your head what happened long ago.
“You killed innocent people… Children…”, John remembers how you stood right in front of him; trying to explain everything, but he wouldn’t hear a word about it. He knows now that you made the right decision back then. His younger self didn’t know it.
“You draw the line wherever you need it, Captain! Isn’t that something you like to tell your team? I did that, but what did I get for sacrificing so much? Nothing. The military sent my own team after me. You left me. I lost everything to save thousands of lives. But you know what? I will gain so much more for sacrificing those lives now. Revenge is best served cold”, once you get what you want, you will never have to defend yourself ever again, “John, we both know that villains are also human beings with a dramatic backstory. Just like the heroes.”
“You called just to tell me all of that?”, John can almost feel his heart bleeding; knowing he is part of the problem. He is one of the reasons you turned your back against humanity. “No, since we have quite the past together, I wanted to give you a change. I can be merciful, if I want to. You have 24 hours to find Makarov to stop me”, your voice transforms from being bitter to cheerful in a second.
“You already know where he is, eh?”, Price realizes that you are playing with him. You know exactly there would be no chance for him to win this battle. “Oh, of course. I would never go into a conversation like this without having plan beforehand, handsome. 24 hours, big boy. Time is ticking”, without a further word you end the call leaving John alone in a deafening silence. This is a fucking war neither John nor the Task Force can win.
“It’s over, (Y/N). Lay down your gun”, Price points his weapon at you as he makes his way towards you. A slight smile appears on your lips before you do what he says. Your little handgun compared to his gets put on the table right in front of you.
You can’t help yourself but admire how handsome he looks after all this time you have seen him. He is aging like a fine wine. For a moment you remember how young he had looked back when he still was a Lieutenant.
“Don’t worry, I’m not a sore loser”, you raise your hands so he can see them clearly. For once you are not a threat to him. Slowly you make your way around the table. He keeps his gun pointed at you, but still lets you come as close as possible. His eyes never leaving yours for a second.
“We all know it was your decision to lose. You had everything to bring hell upon us. So, why do you give up now?”, John’s finger ache to stroke your cheek softly; to feel your warmth against his skin once again. Your eyes bore into his; looking straight into his soul. “And we both know I can’t do anything against my weakness, John. You are still the only one I don’t want to hurt.”
Your words touch his soul; breathing back live into him. For a moment neither of you know what to say. Softly you push away his gun and he let it happen. The two of you are so damn close now almost breathing the same air.
“Do you still love me?”, John can hear the pain but also the hope in your voice. There is no need to deny the truth any longer. He can’t ignore anymore how his heart calls your name over and over again. How it has been doing that for the last few years.
“Yes, I always have and I always will…. I’m so sorry for everything”, he caresses your cheek with his hand and you lean into the touch; yearning for his attention for such a long time already. “It’s okay. I love you too, John…”, you reply letting your tears fall freely now.
“… But neither heroes nor villains get happy endings, handsome. Right person, wrong time. Maybe we will find each other in the next life again. Good bye, John”, you place a soft kiss on his lips. Both of you savoring this moment as long as possible.
A single shot rings through the silence, then a body hitting the ground. And that’s how this story ends.
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walpu · 6 months
when ur done with the main story i'd love to hear your thoughts on it! (I'm only half way done rn tho ....)
So. I've just finished the quest. Hoyo got me good ngl. Sorry if it's bit messy I'm still in shambles
Spoilers for v.21 bellow!!!
So happy Aven is alive like literally so relieved. I was so anxious about it I started worrying I won't be able to work tomorrow if something happens to him lmao.
I was very happy that the way I characterize Aven in my head played out in the game but at the same time I was low-key devastated.
It was nice to see that he can be playful and a bit silly, like when he and Ratio were solving puzzles and getting on each other's nerves. It was also nice to see that his masks slips easier and more often than I thought. Honestly everything about him is just so peak fiction like he's cunning and low-key manipulative but he's also very sentimental, he says the end justifies the meaning and says that betrayal is a tool he can use but he actually refuses to sacrifice others and says that he considers it to be a dirty game. Like he's soooooooooo
Also "future" Aventurine. Evil shadow self lmao. He was fascinating because on one hand he low-key represents Aventurine's mask. However he also represents the pent up negative emotions and thoughts he has towards himself. Which is cool because I mean who knows what hides underneath the mask better than the mask itself.
I'm happy he started his journey to self acceptance thought. Like to be honest I'm very satisfied with the way his arc was written. Hated to see him in pain but it's cool they gave him the space to be broken and vulnerable in front of the player, addressed his past and how it affects him.
Topaz was surprisingly nice when talking about him I thought she can't stand his ass. She did sound sad when talking about him "dying" so I presume she DOES care. And so does Ratio!!!!! I hope hoyo will explore Aven's relationships with them and his arc will lead to him realizing that there are people who care about him regardless of his status.
Outside of Aven's arc. I like the way Sunday was written. We didn't spend much time with him but I feel like they did the most out of it like you can see what kind of person he is. Obviously there's more to learn but still. That being said, I can't stand his ass 😭 He gave me the ick during his scene with Sparkle and after 2.1 I don't think I'll find it in myself to ever like him but we'll see, after all I was sure I won't like Aven since he works for the IPC but here we are.
And about the final twist. Yeah. Didn't see tgat coming and thanks god I didn't spoil it for myself. That being said, I don't think Gallagher would actually kill someone, so I think the angelic siblings will be fine.
Also. Aven's boss form is sexy af I was staring at him and his little slutty waist when Luocha decided to intervene with his "what is it we're waiting for? 🙄🙄🙄" Like??? Boy be quite??????
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maopll · 1 year
Hewwo. Could I request Kaveh, Thoma, Cyno and Wanderer with an s/o who loves talking about how handsome they are?
Oh, you give me butterflies
| genshin impact !
⌗:, you just can't brush of the feeling you first felt when you met your lover but...you still have the same butterflies everytime you see his handsome face...
⌗:, I've waited for a while for my sisters laptop to be cleared but since I can't get my hands on it no gradient for this one lmfao enjoy
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⌗:, a/n: I still drool over genshin men I can't help it. its unfair of hyv to keep pulling out pretty characters. I may or may not have gone overboard with Wanderer.
⌗:, warning: nothing just fluff, fluff, fluff
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,,people fawn over how good he looks and you being his lover are really proud but when you look at his face more closer, with more adoration you can't get over how his face looks like as if it was crafted by gods....
✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .✧ ˚  ·    .
Kaveh being the light of Ksharewar and a stern follower of aesthetics and architects maintains his face like a beauty expert. He would hate it if his face isn't smooth without any faults just like his unbeatable architectural masterpieces.
You love his face when he is concentrated but when his face is covered in sweat after he completes his work with a smirk of victory on his face...oh you go crazy looking at him something just starts riling up in you.
You observe him when he works because you are unable to spend time cuddling him as he is busy covering up his debts. You observe him because you like his face but maybe you stare a little too hard. " like what you see [name] ?" he said and you just suddenly proclaimed how much you love staring at his pretty face that it became a hobby of yours.
when you finally processed what you said you flushed bright red while Kaveh had a lovable smile on his face.
oh how could his [name] be so adorable? don't worry you won't get away from him until he has given you a sufficient amount of kisses !
You fell head first when you saw the kamisato retainer Thoma on his way out from the estate on his way to the shrine, the same direction as you and that's pretty much how you both fell in love at first sight.
You love thoma to the moon and back and you love the way how he gets easily flustered when you tease him even a little bit. it makes you feel giddy. you always cook food for him on the pretense of you getting the chance to visit him and feed him.
While you were feeding him the food you made you stated gently at his lips. the way they parted and the way thd food would go down his throat, you observed his every little act with great detail. You told him that " how do you look so handsome in whatever you do? im so glad i fell in love with you first" hearing your sudden statement made him choke on his food and you seriously got worried.
" [name] thank you for the compliment but...I am eating and I might choke"
You were an adventurer of the desert, and you heard of the general mahamatra, Cyno but you never saw him in person until you were being ambushed by a group of hiluchurls, and he came to save you.
His reason for loving you is very simple. you are a great person and you like his jokes..well to some extent not all are bad. You helped him many times when he was carrying out his duty and after some time both of you moved to a new home. You loved how he looked when he wielded his spear with ease and how he would finish off the enemies in one go. You swear that you never saw a much more cool boyfriend than yours.
You also picked up his habit of saying bad jokes and you told him when he was resting
"Cyno, do you know what kind of tea I like?"
"...what kind?"
"It's you, shawtea"
Well he liked your joke but you could've been straightforward with your admiration for him. Nevertheless he is glad you have a keen sense of humor.
After Scaramouche became Wanderer he did not want to suffer another betrayal and wanted to forget anything that happened to him. But he was sure that if you leave him, he would suffer the greatest betrayal that he will never be free from. You were just an Inn keeper in sumeru and you happened to see him wandering aimlessly. You didn't want him to catch a cold in that storm so you brought him in. But who knew that it would become another tale, lead to another beginning in his life?
You provided him with everything you could after you got to know about his past. You provided him with warmth that he could always expect from the person who loves him a lot. You would sheepishly smile from across the room when he would pout at you for not giving him enough attention for the day.
One night after you caught a cold he stayed right beside your bed taking care of you lest anything goes wrong or you need his help. You were in a daze and unknowingly you told him " you act so rough and tough around everyone...but how come you change your attitude around me? really..I like it a lot how sweet you act towards me...I love you so much. I love your face, I love your lips, I love all your scars that are proof of your bravery, I love the way you talk, I love your everything"
it was so simple yet so laced with love. it was his first time hearing something so pure that he was sure he couldn't believe it. his brain turned into mush when you confessed your heartfelt feelings to him.
He loved you since the day he met you, he loves you today and he will keep loving you till the end of time.
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sykestarot · 7 months
who's watching your social media?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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Hi guys sorry for the break last week it was my birthday lol! But this week I felt called to do a who's watching your socials post. Maybe it can give you some insight right before valentines day! Thanks so much for the support and for stopping by :)
Pile 1
“cause when you’re fifteen and someone tells you they love you you’re gonna believe them” (knight of cups; 8 of wands (rx); 3 of cups; 6 of wands; 2 of swords; the world)) Hi pile 1 I hope you guys are doing well!! So for you guys I see for who’s watching your social media is someone either you knew when you were younger or you are young right now. You could either be with them or broken up but I see this being your first love. I’m leaning more towards you guys who aren't talking or havent started talking yet because there is a sense of longing and a lack of communication between you two. This energy is very sweet. This person still carries at the very least a nostalgic love for you and wonders what could have been. For others you guys haven’t even started dating yet but there’s a mutual attraction and curiosity about one another. This pile is filled with youthful energy!! I would also say that the energy that Enchanted by Taylor Swift carries is the same energy you carry about each other. But I do see hesitance in communicating feelings and stolen glances from one another across a room. Maybe you guys have mutual friends and are around each other but never alone? I feel for this pile that this person is a masculine and also quite youthful. I don't feel an age gap so you guys are probably the same grade/age. I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t feel like this person notices you and like it’s one sided but I promise they notice you for sure! I see that advice for you guys in this situation is to let the universe bring the blessings to you. Don’t try too hard! What’s meant for you will always find you and trusting the divine is the best and quickest way to receive your blessings. This reading was so sweet and cute. I hope everything works out Pile 1!  Signs: first love; highschool ; beat up car; friday night lights; screen doors; fireflies; innocence; brown hair; green eyes; levi jeans; converse; crisp morning air; dmv?; childhood friends
Pile 2
"can you hear the silence?" (8 of swords (rx); 6 of cups (rx); 5 of swords (rx); 2 of wands; 9 of wands; The Hierophant (rx)) Hi pile 2! I hope you guys are doing well, I’m going to preface this with I don’t think you want to speak to this person. So they’ve taken up stalking your social media. I feel like this person could make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. This could also be someone who you’ve recently cut off or stopped talking to. I see them being obsessed with your life. I’m not getting a specific masculine or feminine energy, but I do feel that this person has lots of envy when it comes to you. Maybe you got a job they wanted or achieved something that they couldn’t. I feel like this person could’ve been someone you considered part of your close circle. I also feel like you didn’t really give them an explanation as to why you stopped talking to them. You just kind of distanced yourself, either for your own safety or for your own peace. This could have also been a person you dated for a short time. If that’s the case I feel like you didn’t date for that long. This person might have worn glasses, I feel like black frames in specific and this person could also be a blonde. I do feel like you had felt some form of betrayal from this person though. I feel like they’re looking at your social media a lot because they want to know what you're up to in terms of who you’re with. Whether it’s a new person you're dating or new friend you’re hanging out with. However I just feel you minding your business so they’re obsession with who you’re with is a little eerie ngl. I do hope you guys are safe and know whether or not to take action against this person because for some I feel this could be a very serious and heavy energy. However for those where it is not so serious I see you genuinely not caring about this person which is so funny because they’re literally so stressed about what you’re up to and who you’re with. Anyways pile 2 I hope you guys are safe and sound and continue to do well for yourselves! Signs: crows; open fields; halloween; fall; october; wheat fields; dilapidated houses?; long distance; orange sunsets; midwestern; muddy boots; cigarettes; tattoos; brick walls?; night life
Pile 3
"I'd like to get know you, I'd like to take you out" (5 of swords; 2 of wands (rx); 9 of wands (rx); The Hierophant; 3 of pentacles (rx); 7 of wands (rx)) Hi pile 3! For you guys I see that there’s someone who watches your social media who wants to ask you out but they’re too shy. I also think that they might think you’re in a relationship? (are you?) But I see them having taken interest in you for a long time. I also feel like they have known you for a while. Maybe you guys are close friends and they think that telling you how they feel might ruin your friendship? I feel like though when someone flirts with you they get jealous and wonder if you would be receptive to them the way you are others. It also reminds me of not allowed by TV girl. I feel like they long to be close to you so much but just can’t find the guts to tell you and maybe even the words. I feel like you don’t event realize the effect you have on this person! I’d say that this person really loves you as a person and so to think about losing you completely would be so upsetting to them. I also see that you probably have had feelings for them as well at some point within this friendship. I think that you two might blame life matters for not getting with each other but if one of you doesn’t confess sooner or later I see that you could miss out on a beautiful relationship. I do feel like there is also the possibility of being childhood or family friends here. This person might have dark curly hair that they like to keep at their shoulders. I feel like they also like to wear flannels or they are cold easily. There’s an innocence to how this person feels but I also think the idea of other people touching you in that way also really makes them upset. Out of all the piles this one is the most fueled with jealousy so I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone else feels like they could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Maybe you truly don’t realize or you play oblivious but I promise this person harbors some real feelings for you! Signs: film photos; ballet shoes; tutus; ballet buns; hailey baldwin; clean girl aesthetic; 80’s; pretty in pink; molly ringwald; muscle cars; europe; 555
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recurring-polynya · 16 days
Hi! I want to start off with saying I love your blog and it was this blog that introduced me to a new side of the Bleach fandom, so I owe you a huge thanks for that. My question pretains to when you mentioned that you read a lot of fics where Byakuya was there when his father died in the lines of duty, and I was wondering if you could recommend those fics and any other byakuya centric ones.
You're very welcome! I am always excited see new people in the fandom, especially here on Tumblr.
I want to preface this with saying that I have kind of a complicated relationship with Byakuya. He is an interesting, complex character and I like to read fanfic about him, but I hesitate to call myself a fan. I'm mostly interested in his character as it stands in relation to Rukia and Renji. I like stories where he is shitty and causes problems. I like reading about the long, horrible history of the Kuchiki clan, and how much it screws a person up to be raised in that mess. I also just like stories that make fun of him a bit. He's a deeply strange person, and I love his weird, dry sense of humor. Byakuya-shipping usually falls flat for me: I think he's mostly ace, except for the time he fell in love with his wife, and even then, I only really like Byahisa stories where the author has done something creative with who she is and I also need her to drag his ass a little. I would swipe left on him. So, anyway, take these recommendations (and the absence of ones I have missed) with that grain of salt.
The fanfic I was specifically referring to regarding Soujun dying after a mission he and Byakuya were on together was the Rise & Ruin series by @afinepiece, specifically part 2, An Education. It's a...little-bit-AUish precanon fic where Hisana is a thief who ends up getting tangled up in the Kuchiki family after she attempts to steal a painting from them. If you're looking for Byakuya fanfic, AFP is always going to be my first recommendation, especially her Thin Red Line series. Her works are always sprawling and genre-defying, but beautifully crafted. They've got noble/family drama, intricate world-building detail, and great character writing. The Kuchiki family deserves epics, and that is what AFP is out here doing.
Funnily enough, my other favorite ByaHisa writer is all the way at the other end of the writing spectrum. @thegreenfaery. She works in the AU space, and if you enjoy Byakuya Going Thru It but also being in love with his beautiful wife. I'm biased, because she wrote it for me, but The Wedding Party is my fave of her works (80's/everyone's human AU where Hisana has to rent out part of Byakuya's house for her little sister's dirtbag wedding).
If you like Byakuya in his gothic horror era, please read dogviolet by @renjirukia. It's a closer examination of some canon between-scenes during Byakuya and Rukia's Bad Times period.
I think @lucymonster is one of the best Byakuya character writers out there, and Metaesthesia is one of the best fanfics I've ever read. It's a Byakuya - Renji bodyswap, but not in a fun way. You should really only read it if you're in the mood to have your heart kicked down the stairs. I also really like Sticks and Stones and Building Bridges. Note: Most of her works are ByaRen (these are not, at least not explicitly). That's not a ship I am normally fond of, but I get, like 3 weird days a year where I can read it.
Speaking of ByaRen, if you are into it, the other ByaRen writer I like a lot is @grizmelder, who is also a very nice person. I particularly enjoyed Heart Tangled, which is a historical AU set at the end of the samurai era, where Renji is Byakuya's bodyguard.
I was just talking about Lull the other day, but it's a lovely little fanfic by Branch about the relationship between Byakuya and Rukia and sometimes Renji. It's an older fanfic and breaks off from canon after the Soul Society arc, so you can think of it as sort of an alternate idea for how Soul Society rebuilds after Aizen's betrayal.
The Journal of Kuchiki Byakuya by @saranel is a great little fic in the form of young Byakuya writing diary entries about his life, in particular, his dealings with Yoruichi and Urahara. It's really cute in general, but in particular, I love the way it portrays Byakuya's interest in photography.
I also have a soft spot for Breaking to Bridle by Vivienne Grainger, which is about how Byakuya sees Renji, both as lieutenant and eventually as suitor for his sister.
I guess I would be remiss if I didn't mention my favorite crack Byakuya fic, which is Become a Ghost by @hardlyfatal. Orihime dies and goes to Soul Society and becomes a therapist and falls in love with Byakuya. It's pretty silly but also a lot of fun, and it's chock full of Byakuya being Byakuya.
I hope you find something you like in there! Like I said, I am not the world's best Byakuya fan (probably in the top ten worst Byakuya fans tbh) but these are some that I have enjoyed and have stuck with me!
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amber-jinx · 2 months
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Me again (:
Your posts always make me feel better, particularly the ones on Rachel. I need it due to the recent loss of a family member which is why I haven’t been around as much. That said, thank you for being so positive and supportive. ❤️
A question that has been lingering in my mind is why do you think Rachel is hated so much in the fandom? She was flawed, but I seriously doubt she was this monster that others make her out to be. To some degree, I can relate to her. Not on the daddy issues per se, but more so of being misunderstood.
Hey! Apologies for the delay in answering, really hope you're healing up well. And your GIFs are always so goofy they bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for your kind words-- they remind me that my posts about Rachel aren't meaningless 🧡
Now getting to this very valid question-- why is Rachel, & by extension, any flawed character without a crystal clear definition like her, hated on so much??
1. Because she is ambiguous. Rachel is viewed in the 3rd person perspective-- either Max's or Chloe's; We never got to know what Rachel was actually thinking, how she felt and what lead to her decisions. All that we've seen in the game are after-the-fact and through varying third perspectives talking about the Rachel Amber, without actually knowing 100% who she really is.
This leaves room for the truth to be bent so severely that people barely scratch the surface of Rachel, and are basically blaming & hating on someone that is not her.
I bet if we got to play her version of the story from the start & experience all the mess from her pov, some players might just choose to hide from Chloe in order to protect her before anything comes to fruition, which can be very much justified in her position imo. Who knows? We could very much be jumping for Jeffersht's trap of an opportunity to get cash so that we can leave town with Chloe. It's all about the context & the framing.
2. As mentioned before by other bloggers, some fans focus too much on Chloe & her narrative that they judge Rachel solely based on Chloe's very biased narrative. I've noticed that quite a lot who appreciate/like Rachel played BTS first without much impression of who this girl is, which offers a very different experience as compared to playing the OG then BTS.
Chloe's outburst after finding out about Rachel's involvement with Frank (the words she used, "lied" "betrayed" etc) left such a deep impression in people's minds that after years of having played the game, continued to influence their perspectives.
Instead of taking account into other details where Rachel cared more for Chloe & was always prioritising her over Frank, and particularly due to the lack of major evidence of her being loyal to Chloe (which is mostly present in the unseen/untold, besides Joyce's remark that they were "joint in the head" and "chloe could never piss Rachel off"), folks now have a magnified impression that all Rachel ever did that's worth noting is her "betrayal", is her supposed plan on leaving Chloe without telling her, which could very well not be the case, but is kinda made harder to argue given Chloe's rage & us not knowing Rachel's side of the story (aka, in her defense), especially with her missing/out of the picture.
Therefore it's so easy for many to simply jump on the Rachel hate train in their almost blindsighted sympathy for Chloe. They might also:
- ignore that Rachel's a victim & instead assume 100% autonomy in her choices, when she was under influence & potential coersion / "it's too late to back out now" state
- ignore her age & circumstances, judge her like a grown mature adult who has good parents to guide her & wise friends to consult with
3. Inspired by your earlier comment! Most people who played the OG did it when they were pretty young & immature without much life experiences -- & so judged with their idealistic expectations, perhaps from the comfort of their homes/lives.
It can be hard to change your own views that's been set from so long ago. Takes some effort to replay the game, re-examine the evidence & admit to oneself that they were probably wrong. Understandable, I've been through the same.
And I've also seen those who have gone through their own messes, met their own supposed "Rachel Amber" irl and proceeded to project the toxicity & hurt they've experienced onto this teenage video game character, when in fact they're not 100% Chloe Price and the other, not a Rachel Amber and more of a subjective projection.
This isn't fair for the character, but then again like I've said, there's a thousand Rachels in a thousands eyes. We just have to keep in mind that whoever they're hating on is not the same as the character we adore 🤍
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Thanks for this! I gotta try finding all your asks & make a master list at some point xD they're so good they can form a thread on their own 🌛 psst I am customising a Rachel plush, will see how well it goes & if more can be put out for orders. Unconfirmed stuff, more of a bonus if you've read this far ;)
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titichan · 3 months
The Taste of Betrayal
Chapter- 2
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Tags: Vampire!Au, Vampire-Hunter dynamics, Bottom!Yuuji, Top!Gojo, Top!Sukuna, Threesome, M/M/M, Sex toys, Bondage, Slight bdsm, Rough sex, A little bit of gore, porn with Plot, Slight mentions of Meimei and Nanami, Author is Sukuna's bitch ;], Other tags will be added as I commence
An organization whose name became increasingly known, as it rose in the world rankings 
Along with an insight which has never known failure, it is a dominating figure in the financial world that holds on to the lifelines of both the political world and the underworld 
Yujii stared at the white-haired man, as he was talking to Nanami. His wavy white hair draped near about his vivid blue eyes. His white eyelashes fluttered every time he spoke.  
"Mr. Itadori,"  
Gojo prompted by putting down his tea cup on the table. Yujii quickly responded, "Yes?"  
"Why are you staring at me like that?~" There was something wrong with that tone- The hunter could easily notice that. But still, it made Yujii a little surprised. 
"I apologise for being rude." He fumbled trying to hide his growing blush. When suddenly, Gojo stood up and tipped his face by his chin. "Raise your head."  
Their eyes met. Gojo's eyes cut right into his brown eyes.  
He suddenly spoke, "Mr. Itadori will be my personal secretary from now on."  
This totally startled Nanami, who was quietly sitting beside him. While Yujii only looked at him, with no clue what was going on.  
Gojo beamed and took both his hands, "Come. In order for us to work from now on, the two of us should have a private conversation."  
As they both started to walk away, a confused Nanami stood up from his seat in a frenzy, "Ch-chairman?! Mr. Itadori is a new employee who just started today...!"  
On hearing that, both stopped. Yujii glanced at Gojo, also waiting for his answer.  
"So what?" He approached the door, holding Yujii firmly by his back.  
"For today, after we're done with the business outside, me and Mr.Yujii will head home from here."  
He smiled at the general secretary. "Good work, Kentou."  
Nanami was shocked at the chairman's sudden behaviour. "I have a feeling that this new guy is something..." He mumbled as he slowly exited the room.  
"It's pretty early for lunch, so I ordered something light. Is it not to your liking?" 
Satoru had taken him to a grand restaurant- which was quite a surprise for Yujii.  
He somehow managed to reply, "...I'm okay with it."  
Satoru leaned forward, staring at him. "Your scar... I wonder how you got it?" He said, pointing at his scar which was a diagonal cut across his mouth and nose - probably from something sharp.  
Yujii grew silent at the question.  
"...I think...it's better not to say..."  
Satoru smiled, "It's alright. If you're uncomfortable...don't say it."  
"Now, now. Have your food before it gets cold, Itadori-kun~" The blue-eyed smirked.  
The way he talked so informally sent shivers down his spine.  
But, a train of thoughts passed Yujii. 
'Strange. Why is he treating me like this? And also appointing me as the personal secretary- that too on the first day? Something feels off.'  
'Wait a min', does...he know something?!' This realization made his eyes widen in shock. He cautiously touched his wig for assurance.  
"What are you thinking? And why are you touching your head like that- perhaps, are you having a headache?" 
Gojo asked, the wine glass in his hand.  
"Oh... it's nothing..." Yujii trailed off, reaching for his food.  
It was almost evening, and he left the main building.  
"Can I drive you home?" Gojo was standing by his car.  
"Ah no need sir. But thank you for your kindness."  
He laughed. "No need to be that much formal. Oh well, we'll meet next day then~"  
It was getting dark as Yujii walked home. When he passed a particular alley, a scream could be heard, "Please, someone - help me!"  
He hurriedly ran towards that alley. He saw a vampire assaulting a person. In a swift motion, he took the gun out from the back pocket of his suit. He aimed for the vampire's heart and...  
The vampire dropped dead.  
He rushed towards the victim, who almost fainted. Her neck was badly injured with blood gushing out horribly.  
She coughed up some blood and somehow spoke, "Thank you...so...much... for saving me..." She passed away, in his arms.  
Looking at the corpse he was holding, memories- cruel ones, flooded his mind.  
"No...not like that day...it...hurts..." 
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Amazing job at writing the new part as always! It flows nicely and you can easily tell how familiar Macaque & MC without making him OOC. Honestly i admire your grasp at these characters and ability of doing something as complex as interactive series. I'm kinda curious how do you plan things and how far ahead but only if you want to share it ofc.
Going back to the actually piece- it actually made me look up the meanings of flowers despite the original thought of it only being because of the color association. Two first flowers have pretty easy and basic meaning. I can see why the edgy (/affectionate) mentor wouldn't want them near his home.
Freesia - friendship trust innocence
yellow roses - friendship, joy and similar stuff
The one choosen by Macaque are a little more interesting.
Tansies - immortality, resistance, "I declare against you", sometimes used in medicine
black dahlias - (warning of) betrayal, sadness, (not specified black ones: dignity, good luck, elegance)
I'm guessing the tansies are about him being bitter about the Wukong and their more practical use. Black dahlias could be about Monkey King but also some kind of foreshadowing depending on our choice. Or I'm reading into it too much.
Hopefully I'm not overthinking it or completely missing the point (and if i am, I'm really,really sorry). Just wanted to share it in case other readers didn't look it up + i know some people like to see their work analysed but if i'm going to far please let me know! Have a good day/night! :]
(Sorry for any mistakes and feel free to delete the ask)
Oh my god, thank you so much! That’s such a sweet thing to say! (Please never stop analyzing my work I put a lot of effort into it💜💜)
🌻🌻I’ll start with flowers: you are right on the money here. Freesia especially are bright and colorful blooms, coming in many different gorgeous colors. Yellow roses are just the same, bright and cheery and so similar to the sun.
And, given that freesia come in orange and yellow… it’s possible the potted plants were a living reminder of Sun Wukong that Macaque finally got sick of and ripped apart. Or he just took advantage of someone else shredding the innocent flowers and took something that Y/N worked hard on and changed it to his liking instead. (Written to be ambiguous as to which scenario occurred.)
Notably, the new flowers not only match his own personal feelings, but even his color scheme! Yellow, then red and black. Twice over do these flowers symbolize him, something he took and changed to make more suitable to his tastes and feelings.
But he’s not the one who takes care of them- no, it’s Y/N who is dedicated to seeing them grow.
His student tending and nurturing the flowers that represent Macaque, while Macaque destroys/allows the destruction of the flowers that represent his student. Huh. Funny.
Okay flower rant done.🌻🌻
Macaque is such an interesting character to write, given that there’s a spike of cruelty barbing out from almost every action he takes. I think a lot of people have forgotten that the man hasn’t had a redemption arc in canon- he displays zero regret for, say… manipulating and trying to kill MK. Or leveling the Dragon Palace of the East Sea. Or assaulting Tang, a strict non-combatant. Or holding Mei’s life hostage.
He doesn’t feel bad for doing any of these. If he does, he’s keeping tight-lipped about it. No apologies. No direct atonement.
And even on the extremely rare circumstance that he’s being “kind”, like deciding to stop torturing MK in Shadowplay, it comes across as almost “I’m bored with you, you aren’t fun anymore.”
He’s not a good guy. So even with Y/N, who he genuinely does care for, there’s this level of manipulation.
Like, he calls Y/N adorable, which sounds nice… but there’s almost a level of victim-blaming to it. No matter how roundabout his words, Macaque basically says to his own student: “If you looked different, people wouldn’t bother you, so let me change the way you look.”
And they trust him enough to agree.
Or letting them cook in fear outside his door when he’s clearly near enough to open it, but dropping the act when they start to break down.
He’s such an interesting character to write ugh I love it.
I had a lot of the routes planned pretty far out, actually, and I’ll give a few examples of what was planned:
Spider Demon Y/N was sort of naive and excitable, but was going to mature/sour after realizing that their beloved queen was, in fact, the bad guy. They were going to have to come to terms with her necessary defeat and their own part in betraying her, as well as living on after you’ve cut ties to your family. Then, readers were going to be able to pick one other henchman to convince to join the heroes.
Dragon Y/N was going to have to both gain Ao Guang’s (their father) approval to live on the surface, and decide how they felt about MK possessing the Ruyi Jingu Bang. They fought using two strings of beaded pearls, utilizing them as whips and grappling hooks to maneuver around the battle field. Also, they hated Macaque. Genuinely throwing hands on sight if they saw that edgy rat.
Heir/Proxy Y/N was going to be a pretty miserable and clingy person, having spent most of their life alone on account of both the LBD and Mayor’s influence. Overcoming their fears and anxieties of being unlovable was going to be a massive part of the journey, learning to love themself and be loved in turn. They were going to have to learn to master the powers forcibly implanted into their body, trying to prevent themself from being sacrificed for power to aid LBD’s onwards path to ‘destiny’.
Ne Zha’s Y/N was going to be cute and polite, very excited to explore the mortal realm outside the grasp of their overprotective mentor/brother. They were also going to have to deal with the first two lotus princes (also overprotective) and Ao Bing, who served as a dear friend.
Sun Wukong’s Y/N was going to be his estranged child who was bitter over ML inheriting the staff instead of them. They were going to despise him for never training them, having to find masters and teachers elsewhere all across the world. In turn, he was desperately trying to make amends and reestablish a strong bond with his cherished progeny, hoping to reconnect eventually.
Also Mei was going to call Y/N “Broth-Face”.
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