#thanks gaymers have a good day
baerryjj · 1 month
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Malenia is proud of her daughter
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lizhaoyu · 4 months
Why so shy? PART 2
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(A/N): Hello, gaymers. I'm back at it again. Sorry for the late update, I've been busy malding in VALORANT lately. Thank you for all of the support in part 1, it means the world to me. Now, some of the things here are referenced to that one casual Iso fic. Huge thanks to whoever wrote that, I'm in love with that fic. I physically gagged and cringed at the part where I made the reader channel their idk to do sum shit I can't do this. Enjoy thirsting, gaymers.)
(I also accept requests, please request about Iso)
(Iso x Shy!GN!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2 (You are here.)
Part 3
That's exactly what you were feeling right now.
Not nervous for yourself, but for Iso.
Today marks the day of Iso's first ever mission in the VP. To your advantage, you were assigned as Iso's lead comms.
You were busying yourself with taking breathing exercises in KJ's command room.
Iso was gonna be hearing your voice, following your orders and intel, counting on you to tell him what to do at the right moment and he's probably gonna fall inlo-
A knock on the metal door of the command room broke your trail of thought. It opened, revealing Iso.
"Hey." Iso walked in with a small smile, nodding to you.
You look up from the mission brief that Brimstone gave you and look at Iso. This time, you actually managed to train yourself to try and not stutter in front of Iso. You're not exactly there yet, but you're trying your best.
"Hi, Iso. Ready for your mission?" You offer him a small smile, feeling a little nervous for him and his safety.
"Yeah. I made sure to read the brief at least five times." Iso nods.
"Better safe that sorry." You smile, typing in the last command needed to start the mission.
"Right, uh... I just wanted to say that I wish you a very good luck on your first mission." You try to smile despite your nervousness.
"Thank you, but... I don't understand why I have to do this mission alone." Iso sighs, shaking his head.
"Brimstone says that he thinks that you're strong enough to handle it yourself, but I think he just doesn't want to admit that everyone is busy with everything else, so they can't go with you." You stifle a laugh.
"But I agree with Brimstone, whether or not he thinks you're strong enough. Your abilities are really powerful and you handle yourself pretty well. I think you got this." You smile at him, trying your best to hide your blush.
"Thanks a lot for your encouragements, it helps a lot." Iso smiles.
"And our training sessions, too. They're really helping me improve." Iso adds.
That alone was enough to make your heart race faster than normal.
"A-Anyway, I'll be the lead, and only, comms for today's mission. If you have any questions, calling for backup, or need help locating the target, I can help." You explain, turning to the table behind you.
You carefully took an earpiece from the table, turning to Iso and offering it to him. He follows your gentleness, taking the earpiece with careful hands.
In the process, his fingers brushed against yours. It was enough to give you butterflies on your stomach.
"This is what we use to communicate to each other from great distances. You can talk to me or hear me through it." You explain, snapping out of your thoughts.
"We have two trackers on you. One on your phone that we requested you to add, and one on your earpiece. Although you can turn off your location trackers, I advise you not to, just in case." You smile at him, hoping he'd understand what you were trying to say.
"I got it. Thanks for explaining it to me." Iso nods, taking off his left earbud and replacing it with the earpiece.
You took note of his actions, observing him closely.
"By the way, if I did ask for backup later on..." Iso paused.
"Yeah?" You tilt your head with a smile.
"Since you said that everyone else is busy, will you come?" Iso asks.
"W-Well, yeah. I'm still responsible for you and your safety, according to Brimstone." You nod, pushing the thoughts to the back of your head.
"I'm glad." Iso nods, smiling.
"Can I only talk to you about anything related to the mission?" Iso asks.
"Not necessarily, as long as you're not in the middle of a gunfight." You shook you head.
"Great. Uh, one last thing." Iso rubs the back of his head.
"After my mission, do you think we can go out for hotpot? My treat." Iso smiles, looking at you.
You had to take a moment to process what Iso just asked you. Was this some kind of prank? Maybe Phoenix told him to prank you? Was this just a friendly gesture-
"You okay? You don't have to say yes, or we can get different food. Anything you like will do." Iso smiles.
"I- No! Hotpot is fine... A-Anyway, yeah, we can go out after your mission as long as you come back unscathed." You nod, your face turning visibly red.
"Then, I'm looking forward to it." Iso smiles.
"A-Anyway... The jet should be ready to transport you to the mission site. You can head to the departure wing now." You look back to the screen.
"I'm going, then. Thanks for your help." Iso nods.
You look back at Iso and smiled.
"Good luck on your mission, Iso." You nod as Iso walked out of the room.
You turn back and sat on the chair, all while letting out a shaky sigh. Was it just a friendly gesture or something more?
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by Iso's voice in your earpiece.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Iso asked through the comms.
You snap back to reality and let out a small huff.
"Yeah, loud and clear." You nod to yourself.
"Right, thanks. I'm in the jet right now, heading to the location." Iso says.
"I got it. I'm writing the report for Brimstone right now." You reply, typing out a document.
After a moment of silence, Iso speaks up.
"Hey, when you first arrived in the VP, how was it?" Iso asks.
"Huh? Well... It wasn't really easy." You say, recalling back to your newbie days in the VP.
"I was kind of an outcast and everyone thought I was creepy and stuff." You shrug, still typing.
"Why's that?" Iso asked.
"Well, just like Omen and Fade, I have abilities related to shadows or darkness." You paused.
"I was really quiet and stuff, so some were afraid to even look my way, because I can just merge myself with their shadow without them knowing." You shrug.
"But hey, I managed. Omen became my very first friend. He understood me." You smile.
"Wow... Omen? That's kind of him." You hear Iso hum.
"How about your first mission? How did it go?" Iso asked.
"Back then, I had little to no control of my abilities. I was merging myself to shadows back and forth because I didn't know how to control it." You laugh.
"But I learned how to control it, thanks to Omen. He knew exactly how I felt and why, and he taught my how to control it, even if he can't control his own." You sigh.
"My first mission went really well because Brimstone paired me up with Omen. He was really helpful, teaching me how to defuse the spike." You explain.
"Anyway... How about you? How are you feeling? This is your first mission, after all." You ask.
"I was kind of hesitant when Brimstone first told me." Iso says.
"But when I found out that you're gonna work closely with me, I feel much better." You could almost hear Iso smiling. Wait, was that even possible?
You could feel your heart beating faster and your face turning red. Surely, he didn't mean it that way. Maybe it was just a friend thing?
"I think I can handle this mission." Iso continues.
You quickly shook off the lingering feeling.
"I'm sure you'll do great." You nod.
"By the way, what kind of milk tea do you like? Sorry, that was a random question." Iso chuckles.
"Me? Well, I like heavy oolong milk tea with tapioca pearls." You paused for a moment.
"Jett and Phoenix often made fun of me for being so basic, but I think it's really good." You smile.
"What about you? What do you like?" You ask.
"I actually like the same thing. I get it all the time." Iso replied.
"Whoa, really?" You smile.
"We have a lot of things in common, hey?" Iso says.
"That makes me really happy." Iso added.
It was starting to get hard trying not to think of this as a gesture of interest and not just for friends.
"Oh, we're landing now." Iso says.
"Be careful, Iso. You'll just need to eliminate the Omega Earth Radiants and defuse the spike if planted." You nod.
"You'll come if I ever need help, right?" Iso asked again.
"Yes, I will. Don't worry." You assure him.
"Okay, I'm heading out now." Iso says.
For the past hour, you've been helping Iso locate the enemies and giving him instructions. You watched his location attentively while writing a report, all while talking to Iso.
"Iso, there's one enemy left. Do you think you can defuse the spike until half?" You ask.
"Yeah, I think so. I'll try." Iso replies.
On the other end, you can hear Iso running to the spike. You heard beeping, which means that he was defusing now.
"Don't let your guard down. Don't rush, there's still plenty of time left." You remind him.
"Almost half, come on..." You hear Iso mutter.
A few seconds later you could hear a Vandal being fired, then Iso grunting.
"Iso?!" You stood up from your seat.
"Spike is half... I got shot on the shoulder..." Iso groans.
In the background, you can hear Iso firing his Sheriff, presumably at the assailant.
"Okay, okay... He's down, I can still defuse with my other hand..." Iso coughs, followed by the beeping sound again.
"Iso, listen to me. Just hold on and keep defusing, okay? I'm coming." You connect the comms to your phone, running out of the room.
"Really? You're coming...?" Iso asks, his voice low and pained.
"Yes, I'm on my way. Just a little longer, okay?" You ran to the departure wing, getting on the jet.
"I'll wait for you." Iso grunts.
"Keep talk to me, Iso. I need you to stay awake." You frantically went through the jet's storage for some medical equipment.
"Put some pressure on the wound to prevent excess bleeding. I'm on my way." You say, your voice shaky.
"Will we still go out for hotpot after this?" Iso asks, his voice low.
"Yes, I promise we will when you get better." You promised.
The jet hovered over the mission location. You shout for the pilot to open the door, as it'd take longer if you waited for the jet to land.
The door opens for you and you look out from it. Your eyes scanned the mission area from above, looking for any kind of shadow you can merge with. Once you do, you stepped back to prepare yourself to jump.
"I see a jet in the sky, is that you?" Iso asked, coughing.
"Yeah, it's me. I'll be with you soon." You breathe out shakily.
"What are you planning to do?" Iso asked.
But before you can answer, you dashed out of the jet. Your eyes locked onto the shadow of the building, preparing to channel your ability. You closed your eyes, letting your shadow take over.
In seconds, your body turned into a shadow-like orb, heading for the shadow of the building. Your body reached it immediately, merging with it. Once you did, you jumped away from it and ran to Iso.
"Iso! Hey, I'm here." You pant heavily, kneeling beside Iso.
"Hey..." Iso grunts, sitting up slowly. Beside Iso was the defused spike.
"Don't move, stay still. I'll do my best to help you, okay?" You mumble shakily.
How will you even do this? You weren't a healer, you weren't even trained for this. You look at Iso's pain expression and you knew you had to do something, anything.
You could make use of your abilities, the shadows. You remember what Omen told you, about how if you channel enough energy to your shadow, you could make it do what you desired. If you could do it, you could use them to absorb the wound, the pain and the bullet and save Iso.
Could that even work? Were you crazy? But you knew you had to try.
"Iso, listen to me." You hold his bloody hand shakily.
"This'll hurt a bit, okay? Do you trust me?" You squeeze his hand gently.
"I trust you." Iso nods.
"Stay with me." You mumble, letting go of his hand.
You place your hand over his wound and your other hand on your shadow. You close your eyes, channeling your shadow to your hand. You press your hand firmly on Iso's shoulder, your shadow entering his open wound, earning a pained hiss from Iso.
You focused your mind into commanding your shadow to absorb whatever it would have to absorb in order to heal Iso. You didn't know what you were doing, you were going crazy.
You let a few minutes pass, with your palm pressed on Iso's wound. You didn't know if what you did worked, but you were growing lightheaded.
pleaseworkpleaseworkpleaseworkpleasework, you chanted in your mind.
Once you feel your shadow disappear from your hand, you opened your eyes, slowly removing your hand from Iso's wound.
It was gone.
The would was no longer there, just the skin of Iso's shoulder through the hole of his hoodie. All that was left was Iso's blood.
"It... It worked..." You let out a shaky sigh, still not believing in what you did.
"What?" You hear Iso ask as he looks at his now-gone wound.
"It's gone? How did you..." Iso looked back at you.
"I don't know, I..." You mumble, looking at your shaking hands.
"No, I... It doesn't matter right now. Let's go back to HQ." You shook your head, shakily standing up.
"Can you stand? Do you need me to support you?" You offer your hand for him to take.
"I think I can." Iso nods, using his other hand to take your hand as you pulled him up.
"How did you do that? You never told me you could do that." Iso asked, looking at you in awe.
"I didn't even know that I could do that." You shook your head.
"Let's go back to the extraction point. I'll definitely need to write a detailed report about this..." You mumble, walking with Iso.
You and Iso walked for a few minutes, before finally arriving to the extraction point. You both got on the jet as it took off.
You plop down on the seat, still feeling a little lightheaded.
"Are you okay?" Iso asked, sitting beside you.
"I should be asking you that. How are you feeling? No more pain?" You sigh.
"I feel fine. It doesn't hurt anymore." Iso shook his head.
"Hey, thank you." Iso says.
It was enough to catch your attention, so you look at him.
"You came to save me, and I'm really thankful for that." Iso smiles.
"We can't have you dying on your first mission, Iso." You smile.
"But you hurried here, you tried your best to use your ability and ended up learning that you can actually heal me." Iso shook his head.
"Can I be honest with you?" You ask.
"I came to you despite knowing that I couldn't help at all." You admit.
"I had no medical experience and I wasn't anywhere near Sage's level." You sigh.
"But I still came to you. It was... an urge." You mumble.
"But now, I'm glad I came, after all. I learned a lot." You smile.
"I'm glad you came." Iso smiles.
After that, Iso was sent to the medic wing, where Sage checked Iso's health.
Brimstone informed you of this, so you went to check up on him for your hotpot with him later.
As you were about to slide the door open and walk in, you heard Iso talking with Sage.
"I'm glad you're okay, Iso." Sage says.
"Thanks a lot, Sage." Iso replied.
"Hey, do you think we can go out for milk tea later today?............" That was all you heard before your ears blocked out every other noise.
And here you thought that you were making progress. You really thought that Iso liked you back? Of course it was Sage.
You thought back to his interactions, how he'd look at her, how he'd call her his senior. But you were dumb and ignored all of it.
Now, here you were.
You had hoped for something when he talked to you earlier today, when he asked to go out for hotpot with you and only you.
Maybe it really was just a friendly gesture.
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wario-speedwagon · 3 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 15
Hey gaymers, another fun chapter! And by fun, I of course mean full of anguish >:] And BIG special shoutouts to @thegreattowncrier and IWANTDAVE27 for their really sweet fanart and fan video respectively! The full chapter and those are all featured under the cut as always! Enjoy <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 14 All Chapters Index
Chapter 15
The two men just stood there for seconds exchanging stares—Jack’s disgusted and Scott’s indistinguishable… y’know, due to a lack of a face—
Jack slammed the door.
Or tried to, because a dress shoe blocked the door from closing all the way.
“Phoney—” Jack growled as he reluctantly reopened the door again.
“Hah—Hi, hope I didn’t… interrupt anything.”
“How did you even get here? And why are you drenched, it wasn’t even raining—”
“Oh I walked! We, uh, we know where you all live, it’s in our data banks!” he admitted with a little too much forced cheerfulness. “Well, except Dave, we still haven’t figured out where—”
But Scott interrupted himself back to the point as Jack threatened to close the door again. “Can I… come in?”
“No.” “Fine.”—They both said in unison.
Dave looked at Jack incredulously, but the latter was too tired to care.
So Scott took that as an invitation inside as Jack was the master of the house, speaking of which—
“Dave, how am I not even surprised you’d be here too?”
“Oh come on, when are the Kiddie Stranglers NOT tog—” Jack’s hand over his mouth stopped him from continuing. When Dave was sufficiently cut off, he then closed the front door before properly turning to their visitor inside.
“So what do you want?” he asked with blunt rudeness.
“Oh, well, other than being sopping wet from the rain,”
“—it wasn’t raining—”
“I’m doing just fine, thanks for asking!”
“Look, sir, I couldn’t offer tea or a dry blanket even if I wanted to, so can we just get to the point?”
“I just…” Scott shoved his hands in his pockets out of apparent humility. “...kinda need a place to sleep tonight.”
“Why not your own place, you…” but the gears in Jack’s head turned.
“Oh… Oh, you live there—”
“—No, I don’t—! Look, just one night, and we can just pretend today never happened, deal?”
“...Fine. You’re not getting breakfast tomorrow though. I have a spare room you can—”
“What the hell, man!? You just let him in right away!? And he gets the spare room!?”
“Look at the uninvited guest complaining; you at least get a blanket. All he gets is a desk.”
"But I don't get a blanket—"
“Hey, a desk is more than enough for me,” he admitted graciously as he started walking around observing the place.
“See? No meal, no bed, one night, didn’t sneak inside: he’s a WAY better guest than you already!”
“Unbelievable.” Dave's arms were firmly crossed with indignity.
"Besides, after our conversation tonight, you should feel lucky you get—"
“So." Scott interrupted decisively before two icy stares suddenly turned on him.
"U-Uhh, if you don’t mind a bit of conversation… What IS the story with her anyway?” Scott continued, referring to the sleeping aubergine girl on the couch.
“Good night, Scott, your room is just that way.”
“Goodbye, everyone.”
“Goodbye, Miss Puppet!” they answered in kind.
And then the children disappeared.
Another Happiest Day, come and gone.
...(She would get her turn eventually...)
Despite how hard today had been on her, she was glad at least that she could finally fulfill her purpose here. That purpose that she was supposed to share alongside her brother…
She shook that thought out again. It'd been several years now since she last worked alongside Jack… Something clearly happened since then to make him disappear again, and she was tired of wondering.
Now she had her other brother to worry about. Jack had been the one to tell her when Peter conveniently “disappeared” at the location Henry had been working at the time. Both of them knew exactly what that meant, but unfortunately until now, neither of them had known of what became of him, body or soul. They never found either.
It was hard for her to believe it was coming on ten years since then. Now that she thought about it, that's around when Jack stopped…
No, that's not what's important! What's important is that Peter finally came back to her after fourteen years! …only to leave her again… But this time, there was hope! Hope that there could be some of their happy Kennedy family left to salvage!
Peter had panicked and fled the building earlier tonight, but he had to come back tomorrow morning to open, right?
…Wait, no…
Would they be opening again? She didn't catch wind of a lot of what was going on, but even from her box she overheard Scott—Peter talk to Matt about a serious investigation that would probably shut them down; Dee herself had dodged a couple cops' sight yesterday.
No. If they were shutting down, she desperately hoped Peter wouldn't come back.
…She decided that instead, Peter would be the next person she saved. If he tried to come back to this place, she would do everything in her power to prevent him. If she could, she would even try her best to tell him to find Caroline and go home...
Maybe…maybe if she was lucky, she could even come with him…!
No, no, as desperately as she wanted that, it simply couldn’t be. She still had so much work to do, and as long as those two were still around, her work would never be over.
No, once she saves Peter, eliminating those two will be her next goal.
And then her thoughts turned to the strange girl that had been with them that day. Was she… still alive? She sure hoped so…
After all, she hadn’t yet found her lost soul, so there was hope that she’d escaped from them alive somehow.
She… She looked so scared in that room when Dee had confronted them. But most distressing to her was that the girl's fear had mostly been directed at her. She’d put her trust into the strangers that wanted to kill her.
...And feared her instead.
(It didn't hurt. After all, she was used to it by now, wasn't she...?)
But a sudden surge of anger and determination seized her.
…That’s it. Peter and that little girl. They were her top priorities now. She was going to find them before anyone else could.
Once she found a way to escape the condemned premises… even if she was alone in doing it… even if it wouldn't be easy...
No matter how long it took to find them, she would fulfill her duty. And she wouldn't fail either.
…So she needs his help stopping them, hm?
Conveniently, he needs her help equally as much. This has all gone too far into unpredictable territory.
Because that strange girl doesn’t exist in any other timeline. At least not as far as he’s ever seen.
Perhaps it’s time for him to intercede. He won’t sit and watch himself repeat the same grievous failure twice.
Not with another child. Not on his watch.
As Peter made his way to the “spare room,” he pretended not to hear the hushed arguments about him behind him as he entered it.
Feeling the right-hand wall for the light switch, he lit up a rather pathetic looking room.
Indeed, there was a desk and chair, but… other than a pile of boxes, that was it.
But unfortunately Scott wasn’t kidding about the desk given how often he accidentally spent the night at Freddy’s working himself to sleep in the office, but he still decided that the carpeted floor would be much more preferable.
And, well, if the desk was out, then that left only the boxes to pique his curiosity. Mainly just curiosity if there was any sort of makeshift blanket or pillow-like item he could borrow. Maybe a pile of clothes, a stuffed animal, anything…
He noticed some of the boxes were labeled “Kennedy Stuff.”
He didn’t want to admit to himself the real reason he came to Jack of all people tonight, but now it was inevitable.
But of course, he already knew that his name was Jack Kennedy, didn’t he? (In fact, he’d been told more than he wanted to know.)
So why did it still feel like such a revelation seeing it written out like that?
…No, the real revelations—or confirmations?—they were probably inside those boxes—
“Hey, Scott—”
He immediately retracted his curious arm to address the sudden orange.
“H-Hey! What’s up?”
Jack’s eyes searched awkwardly for words for whatever it was he came to say as he subconsciously brought the cigarette between his fingers up for another drag before answering.
“...I just gotta ask why you came here. Last I checked, you weren’t exactly fond of me, so it’s gotta be something juicy if you’re resorting to me like this.”
He wasn’t sure which answer to give. Because it felt like there were multiple reasons, all jumbled up together, but the reality is that he simply ran here without much thought put into why.
“...Emplo—Jack, I should probably mention…
I’ve made the decision to close tomorrow. …And probably indefinitely.”
“Oh shit? The investigation’s gotten that bad already?”
“...You… know what happens with Phone Guys that no longer have a job to do, don’t you?”
As Jack contemplated what he was referring to… a serious realization painted his face as he lowered his cigarette hand into crossed arms.
“Yeah… They obviously know where I live, so…”
“So you’re basically a fugitive now.”
He hadn’t really thought that far about his current situation yet.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“...Well, join the club.” The cigarette returned to his face.
“As you can probably see from all my boxes there, I haven’t exactly been here for long myself, and I’m not planning to stick around for long either.”
“...Why are you here then?”
Jack seemingly froze, unprepared for that question.
“Okay, I didn’t let you in to tell you my life story. Good night, sir.”
“O-Okay. Goodnight Jack.”
Jack flipped the light off, and the closing door left him in complete darkness, alone with himself yet again.
Alone with Peter.
…and all the things Dee had said to him. About him… them...
The boxes still stood ominously next to him, calling his name.
(Was Kennedy really his name too?)
The boxes, the sleeping girl, Jack, Dave, the Puppet, the Kennedys…
There were so many different questions he could keep himself up all night with.
He did eventually fall asleep on that floor though, and he only knew that because he was woken up by someone unexpected.
(Chapter 16)->
The original post by @thegreattowncrier!
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Thanks so much again to both of you, and to all of you who have stuck around with this fic! <3<3<3
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lanshappycorner · 10 months
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Hi gaymers I translated Fogado's S-support JP wake up events so u don't have to. Enjoy
(Fogado enters)
Divine One! I'm happy to be able to wake you up like this—!
(Fogado gets up close and personal)
I've...been reeeally happy since I've become your partner, you know.
Thank you. Ah, but...
The only thing I'm kinda dissatisfied with is the fact that we can't really be together often, I guess?
Well, you are the general of this army, so it can't be helped...
(He gets even more up close and personal)
Every now and then, I want to spend my time with you alone, just the two of us. (*Idk how to tl this but the vibe is that he wants for you guys to spend time together leisurely without rushing or anything)
(Alear wakes up)
Good morning.
(He sighs) I'm really greedy, huh.
(Fogado sad face hes so cute) I should be happy just receiving your ring, and yet...
(He leans in)
This time, I can't help but want more of your time as well...
(Fogado enters)
Nothing makes me happier than being able to wake up my partner like this, you know.
(Gets closer)
Divine One. Let's eat again at that store from back then sometime.
I like everyone, and I'll tell just about anyone that I love them, but back then...
You were the first person I've asked out seriously.
(He leans in)
From now on, and forever and ever...the person I love the most...is you. (His voice softens to a whisper near the end)
(He inhales) I love you.
(Alear wakes up)
(Looks slightly amused) Did you hear that?
(Resolute >:( fogado face) We don't know when we'll die so (he smiles) that's why I have to tell you my feelings as soon as possible.
(*hard to translate again but basically it's the vibe that bc fogado knows he and alear may perish at any time in war, he wants to convey his feelings whenever he thinks them so that he doesn't regret it. It hints at his more realistic side/the dark thoughts he harbors)
(He leans in)
...From now on, every day...allow me to tell you that..."I love you".
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soaps-hoe-141 · 1 year
Gaymers Unite
Again thank you very much for this perfectly fitting Watcher and Konig art @foreverrunningfree
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So as requested by my proofreader and @czigonas the first pride month present is done, hope y'all enjoy. Also thank you @embruhh for being patient with my questions about Scots, feel free to correct me if I fucked something up
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Pairing: Konig x trans!OC (Watcher: I have lore posts on my pinned masterlist)
WC: 8.7k
Synopsis: Lil bit of fluff, some tech support, most smut though, hope ya enjoy
Warnings: NSFW 18+, OC is transmasc
Green eyes stared hard. The tall German had kept those eyes on him from the moment Watcher had entered the store and drug him along too. His cheeks were rosy pink beneath that black mask as they walked up and down the aisles, looking at the many hyper-realistic dildos and harnesses. Konig’s arms were crossed over his chest, his fingers tapping nervously atop his bicep in time with his own racing heartbeat. “Fyn,” the strained voice spoke beneath his mask, “Please can we go?” The ginger turned to give the tall man a curious look, they had discussed coming here but the big man was starting to change his mind.
Slowly a smile erupted on that freckled face, noticing the anxiety in the other man immediately before he answered quietly, “How are ye sleekit, Koni? You say things that make even me blush when we’re in bed.” Konig went even more red at that comment, and his dark red brows rose into his hairline as the shorter man spoke. He raised a hand towards those plush, pink lips and shook his head quickly. Simultaneously he raised his other hand to his own face putting a single finger up to his mask in an attempt to shush the Scotsman who only seemed more amused by the futile gesture.
That strained voice came out from underneath the mask once more as he shook his head, “No, Fyn. Do not- Stop talking. Please,” Konig was stammering over his attempts at speaking now, pleading with the ginger in front of him to stay quiet. “This is not- You cannot say those things here, Fyn. We are in public, anyone could hear-” Green eyes raised and he glanced down the aisle at a woman who stopped momentarily to look at them with a bit of a tilted head before she decided not to stop and continued on. 
Watcher continued to smile good-naturedly even after glancing down to look at the disappearing woman. As soon as she was gone the ice blue gaze returned to the shelf in a moment, “It’s alright Koni, no one cares. But if it’s geein ya the boak we’ll leave, come on then,” the shorter man reached for the huge hand that dwarfed his own in comparison. Long, lithe fingers wrapped around the warm, gloved hand as he finally headed back down the aisle for the door. Maybe dragging Konig into Luke & Jack’s wasn’t the best idea after all, even if he didn’t want to come by himself he should have known the tall man would have had his reservations about it.
~~~~~Three Days Later~~~~~
The door opened quietly behind the completely engrossed Scotsman. Watcher was so busy playing his FPS he didn’t even hear the squeaking of hinges over the sounds of shooting. The quietly creeping form behind him was careful not to give himself away either. The loud, usually overly sweet, Scotsman watched his screen fade to black before switching to his teammate’s view. Immediately the young man yelled out, “Are ya takin the fuckin piss!? How did ya no trade me ya numpty!?”
Watcher huffed with frustration as he tapped the top of his mic to mute himself, continuing to curse under his breath at the screen and shake his head at whoever he was watching. His teammate didn’t last much longer after that, maybe a few more seconds, before he too died. The screen faded to black before a single word flashed across the monitor, ‘Defeat’. Fyn’s jaw tensed angrily, his fingers tapping against the desk as the match finally ended and he pressed the button at the top of the screen to requeue.
A pale hand found the lithe shoulder in the next moment, the vine tattoos on full display as the Scotsman wasn’t wearing a shirt. At first the smaller man jumped with his eyes blown wide, his hands coming up to knock whoever was touching him away. In the next moment though he saw the backs of those familiar tattooed hands, a couple light and faded scars along his knuckles, and the fingernails painted in a fresh coating of black. A familiar sight that never failed to make his face light up as he caught sight of the scarred and beautiful face above him.
The racing of the ginger’s heart finally stopped as Watcher relaxed into an easy smile, looking up into dark green eyes, “Where huv ye been, Koko? Been bored and alone all day, now I’m sittin here all scunnert, not a bloody soul in the world knows how ta play this fuckin game and especially not these four dafties.” That slight tone of annoyance came back in a moment before the ginger took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and then returned his gaze to Konig with a forced smile. Though his look softened as he watched the other man, it always did. Like a balm for his very soul…if he had one.
In response the German moved his hand to rest atop the pile of ginger curls, running through the thick hair as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to those lips. When Konig pulled away he smiled warmly down at him in return before finally he answered, “I’m sorry, Newt.” There was a quiet giggle from the Scotsman who still couldn’t believe that was what Konig had decided upon calling him when they weren’t on base of course. All because he had a Great Crested Newt tattooed across his collarbone among the vines, dog-roses, and wood anemone. He could have chosen between a Red-Eyed Crocodile Skin and an Adder and instead the man had gone with Newt. Though he had to admit it was endearing.
When another kiss pressed against the many curls this time Watcher's eyes narrowed at the tall man, wondering what it was the German wanted. It wasn't that Konig wasn’t sweet all the time, he was, sometimes overbearingly so. It was more of a feeling that pulsed in Fyn's gut that told him that the tall, red haired man behind him was awaiting the perfect moment to do something. Or to at least say something. The other man had never been all that good at hiding his expressions, a side effect of always wearing a mask wherever he went. Your facial expression typically became much more loose in private when you never had to worry about it while out in public.
Konig didn't seem willing to share his intentions though as he added on to his apology, "I was out buying a few things. I did not think you would be so lonely here without me, you seemed very interested in your game when I left." Had he been interested in the game? Fyn honestly couldn't remember, he had a tendency to get sucked into them when he started playing. To be honest the apartment could have been on fire and the Scot probably never would have noticed unless someone physically drug him away from his PC. As Konig finished his sentence though a loud noise came from the computer that caught Watcher's attention in a second.
The shorter man turned in a moment, sliding his chair forward back under the desk as the countdown for his next game began. Still though the Scotsman answered him, "Well I was…Felt very neglected, Koni." It was a blatant lie, and one that Konig could see through easily, and worked to draw out a smile on the big man's face in response. When the ice blue eyes flicked back up to the other man he saw the dark red eyebrows lift in a silent apology, the huge hand that had settled on his shoulder giving a gentle squeeze. "It's ok, I forgive ya, unlike the bastarts in this game," Konig gave a light laugh at that as he settled against the back of the chair to watch as the Scotsman readied for his next match.
As Fyn setup traps and an ambush on site in the pregame the tall German behind him scrunched up his nose at the voice he heard through the headphones, “We do not sound like that, Fyn. You know I hate when you play her.” The ginger merely gave a quiet smile as he stayed laser focused, Konig had never liked this character and it never failed to amuse him. It wasn’t like there was a Scottish character to cause him the same sort of annoyance, thankfully.
As the countdown for the start of the round began Konig leaned down against the back of the chair with an anxious look in his eyes. The young man was completely engrossed at this point, he didn't see the gleam in those green eyes, or the way his scruffy chin settled just behind where his head was. As an enemy peeled around the corner the chess game between them began, "I've been thinking," there was a quiet hum from Watcher but it was obvious he wasn't really paying attention, "That I may have overreacted in that store the other day." There was another soft smile that appeared on those plush, pink lips but other than that the young man stayed completely focused on what he was doing.
The fingers of that huge catcher's mitt slid back into the curly locks along the back of Watcher's head. Nails dragging lightly against his scalp as the German successfully drew out another low, satisfied hum from the young Scotsman. Still though the other remained completely focused on his game, finishing the first round with a win. In a softer voice Konig continued, "I, um, well it made me a bit nervous." There was a nod from the ginger, they'd already talked about this both before and after entering the store so to hear him bringing it all up again was a bit…unexpected.
A hard swallow as those long, thick fingers continued to play with his hair softly and Konig pushed on, "I wasn't sure what else you might want to do with a-” The tall man stopped for a second trying to think of the word before finally continuing, “I believe you called it a packer?" Fyn nodded slowly again, the young man's attention now divided between his game and the huge man currently bent in half to talk softly just behind his ear. The second round ended with another win for the Scot's team due mostly in part to the ginger's work. Any time you wipe an entire team it's safe to say you did the heavy lifting.
This was getting a bit long winded now, in truth. Konig was drawing out what he was trying to say, his anxiety building with every extra second it took him to get out where his mind was leading his words. The tall man cleared his throat and pushed onward, "I know you said you've never used one before," the Scot nodded again. It was the truth, Watcher had come out early on in highschool to his parents who had been completely supportive of him from the moment he had told them. That support had eased some of that dysphoria, the need to prove to himself he indeed a man. Especially after his top surgery it had never really mattered to him what was in his pants after that. Or it had mattered much less, at least for a few blissful years.
Then about the time he'd started to get more comfortable with the idea of having something down there and even sex, he'd gotten himself arrested for hacking something he really should not have been hacking. And by that point packing just became a hindrance so it was just easier not to even let himself think about it anymore. He just kept himself busy and avoided the thought of bottom dysphoria as best he could. Though over the past few months that dysphoria had been rearing its ugly head. Turning his bad days to worse even though he hid them well, from everyone except Konig anyway. It wasn’t like most of the other guys knew he was transmasc anyway, well no one except for Laswell and Price anyway. So even if they had noticed something off it was doubtful anyone would have guessed what it really was.
However, the German always saw him when he was looking at himself in the mirror. He watched as the ginger criticized everything he still found inherently feminine about himself. The shape of his face, the way his hips looked, how short he was, and the list went on and on. The tall man had also noticed the other man's seemingly worsening anxieties about every little thing that didn't even have anything to do with his body. Konig had always been hyper aware of everyone else around him and when it came to his little Scotsman the truth of that statement only increased tenfold. "Fyn," there was a small hum as if to say, 'Yes dear?' so Konig continued, "Would you- Will you-" The tall man couldn't seem to figure out how to ask this without feeling like an idiot for saying it aloud, before finally he just blurted out, "I want you to top me."
Fyn's hand froze on the mouse, his icy eyes blowing wide with surprise. The screen faded to black a second later as an enemy came around the corner and lit Watcher up without so much as a single shot in return from the overly competitive Scotsman. The camera view changed to one of his teammates, but the young man was frozen in his chair while he stared at the screen with a surprised unseeing look as he tried to process what his much larger boyfriend had just said. No scratch that, what his impossibly large and extremely dangerous boyfriend had just demanded of him.
"Ye say wha?" Fyn turned around in the chair to look up at Konig with that wide-eyed expression but the sound of the round loss and the start of the next forced his attention back to the screen. Though it was very obvious that Watcher was paying no attention to what was happening in the game. Completely forgetting to set his equipment up for the next round. His teammates shouting questioningly at him in the voice chat.
Icy hues kept flicking to the hand still resting on his shoulder as he played through the round to the best of his abilities. Even distracted he managed to kill two of the other team before he felt the large index finger tracing absently over a freckled shoulder. Swallowing hard, the young man turned again looking up at Konig before he asked, “Ya want me ta…top ye?” The German watched him for a brief moment before giving a hesitant nod.
Slowly the young man’s head tilted as he looked up at the other, taking a deep breath as he thought about it for a moment. “Koni, I’d love ta, but I dinnae…Well I mean I dinnae have a real prick,” Fyn laughed lightly as he shook his head. Trying not to upset himself at that statement, it wasn’t exactly something he enjoyed having to admit aloud. Another round started in the next heartbeat and the Scotsman returned to his game, his mind whirling with thoughts.
Clearing his throat the German stamped down some of his nervousness, “I know that little Newt, but-” Watcher lifted a hand to stop him, before pointing back at the screen as the round started. Green eyes focused on the game again, quieting as he tried to let the young man focus. It wasn’t often that Fyn got the chance to play anymore with work and their relationship, so while he had the chance Konig was content to let him play, at least until he decided he was done.
As the round came to an end Watcher hurriedly looked back to the tall man as the German spoke again, “So I went shopping today, yes?” The Scotsman gave a tentative, slow nod as Konig retreated out the door for a quick moment and then returned with a shopping bag. “So I got you something to, you know, make up for my overreaction yesterday.” He shoved the bag forward towards the young man, eyebrows raised expectantly as Fyn took it from him.
Watcher didn’t open it immediately, weighing the bag in his hand for a moment as he looked up at Konig with a small smile, “Ya got me something? It isnae my birthday, Koni," the ginger gave him a wry smile as he looked up. As he opened the bag though his icy eyes slid down, taking a quick glance inside the wry smile turned into a beaming grin.
An incredulous laugh left the young man’s mouth as he shook his head and shuffled through the bag inspecting the contents inside, "I know that it is not your birthday little Newt, but you have been talking about it for a while now so I bought it for you…well I bought a few of them, I was not sure which was best. I am sorry," the tall man's cheeks were blood red by now. Green eyes looking anywhere but at the Scotsman.
The shorter man was too busy digging around in the bag to notice the other's nervousness though. Fyn was looking at the two different harnesses and three different hyper-realistic dicks in their boxes. Ice blue eyes widened as he inspected them, one was specifically for packing, smaller than the other two and without any potential to be used in the bedroom. The other two though were definitely meant to be used in bed. The mere size of the both of them made him laugh a little bit.
Ginger brows rose along his forehead as he pulled out the biggest one, eyes blowing wide before his features settled into a smirk, "So Koni, my prick is bigger than yers now." A nervous laugh escaped the man currently towering over him before Fyn leaned back in the chair, a smug smile on his face. "Ya want me ta top ya then, yeah?" Konig's large hand lifted to scratch awkwardly at the back of his neck before he gave a hesitant nod. Watcher shrugged and gave a quick nod before turning back to his still ongoing game, "Alright then I will." The tall man behind him shifted on the balls of his feet, the floor beneath him creaking with the effort.
Still the game continued on the monitor. Watcher died first and he spun in his chair again to look up at the still quietly watching German. A smile was still on that pretty face as the Scot reached for Konig's hand, pulling him down to press a kiss to the larger man's lips. "Always so willing to please aren't ya, Koko?" The tall man nodded his reddened face just in front of the much prettier face in front of him. As he tried to pull away though Fyn's fingers tightened around his wrist and the other found a grip in the collar of his shirt, "I didnae say ya could go nowhere. We were havin ourselves a moment." The current round still raged on behind him and completely forgotten for the moment as Watcher focused on the man in front of him instead.
The tall man's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, drawing the icy gaze for a moment before Fyn dove back in. Heated and needy despite how cool and relaxed he appeared on the outside. It was impossible to resist the sweet taste on the Scots tongue, the large hands bracing on the armrests on either side of the smaller body. There was a slight hum from Konig’s throat just before the ginger pulled away with a smirk and sat back in his chair, leaving the German slightly out of breath and with a stain of red across his cheeks. Green eyes blinked a few times as he had to force himself not to shift and adjust himself inside his pants.
Before the tall man could even utter a protest Watcher was back to his game, ignoring the slightly heavy breathing just behind him. It was like the Scotsman hadn’t just had his tongue down Konig’s throat. A cautious step to stand behind the chair once more and he saw the bowl of ice cream sitting at the edge of the desk. No wonder Fyn had tasted so good. Leaning down over him again, Konig whispered just loud enough to hear over the game, “I thought we were having a moment?”
A hint of a smile found his delicate features as someone yelled over the headset, that the German didn’t quite understand but he knew it was good, excited even. Probably something to do with the kill that the ginger hit on one of the enemy players. In the next few moments Fyn hit three headshots in a row to win the round before leaning his head back and raising a hand to pull Konig back down. His lips pressed hard against the taller man’s, dragging him into another heavy kiss during the short pause between rounds without even turning the chair around this time.
When Watcher pulled away again his smirk was even bigger as he said, “I think ya may be my good luck charm. Haven’t had a shot all night till ya walked in here.” Konig gave a light laugh leaning a bit further towards the ginger who quickly pulled away, with a teasing shake of the head as he returned to his game. Dark red brows knitted together in confusion, as the German huffed a bit, watching the young man return to playing his game. A bit frustrated after being left without the ability to taste the sweetness of that beautiful mouth again.
Fyn was playing more than one game now. As he stood behind him for the start of the round though it became very obvious that the tall man was more than willing to play along. Surprisingly light fingers grazed along Watcher’s jaw, drawing another smile from the young man who was more than pleased to receive the attention. Leaning into the light touch soft kisses found the long, freckled throat in the next few moments. “Yeah, just like that,” the young man whispered.
A voice sounded in the headset which made the both of them pause for a quick moment until Watcher cleared his throat and answered, “Yeah mate, right there. He’s in long…” The German smiled against the thin skin before he resumed the light kisses. The ginger smiled again and whispered, “Sorry, hit the wrong button.” A quiet laugh left the tall man as he continued to nibble lightly at the younger man’s throat.
The soft feeling of a tongue running over his skin made the Scot’s chin raise just a bit, his teeth biting at his bottom lip for a moment as he hummed appreciatively. The other team didn’t even make it on site that round before Konig whispered, “You taste good tonight. What did you do differently little Newt?” Watcher shivered hard at the breath playing over the little patches of saliva left over on his throat from the tall man’s ministrations.
Turning in the chair the young man found his dark green eyes before he shrugged, “Nothin different, but you know…” Fyn leaned forward to tempt Konig towards him before once more sinking back into the chair, the tall man following him as he once more braced on the arm rests with his own excited smile. “I know something that would taste a little better than that.” The blush across Konig’s face deepened even more as he glanced down where the young man’s tattoos disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts.
Cocking up an eyebrow the German gave a nervous chuckle before asking, “Are you sure? You are in the middle of a game.” Fyn didn’t hesitate to grab a tattooed arm, pulling Konig’s huge hand to his side, sliding it a bit lower to rest gently around one of his hips. “How do you-” The young man hooked a foot into the back of one knee before buckling it and repeating it with the other until the tall man was kneeling in front of him with a surprised look. “Oh,” he breathed out before Watcher had a hand at the back of his head pulling him into another hard kiss, exploring the other’s mouth with a smile still on his lips.
Another round started on the monitor and loud voices were coming from the headset in angry and demanding tones. Fyn just slid the headphones off his ears to settle around his neck for a moment, ignoring his teammates as Konig’s hands gripped at either side of his waist. The young man wrapped his legs around Konig’s waist, lifting his backside off the chair as fingers hooked into the waistband of his shorts and pulled down hurriedly.
The underwear and shorts came off in a smooth motion before Watcher sat back on the chair and unwrapped his legs. The German’s face was red, his breathing even quicker now as he sat back on his heels to take in the sight. Christ he was beautiful, it made him rock hard and needy just seeing his bare, sculpted chest, but now there he was completely bare before him and it was driving the big man insane. His green eyes glanced behind the ginger to the round currently going on in the background, once more catching the sound of the voices yelling in the headset. Fyn didn’t seem too worried about them though so he decided not to worry either.
Konig dove back in, lips finding the freckled skin just over his sharp collarbone. His fingers still worked to pull the shorts down his long legs, throwing them to the side as they finally came off. Watcher was nearly off of the chair now, sitting right on the edge and biting his lip with a bright sheen over his eyes, enjoying the quick pace Konig was currently working at. It did something to the both of them to be doing this where a single press of the wrong button could get them both caught by complete strangers on the internet.
Slowly green hues traveled down, shaking his head slowly as he leaned down, pressing light kisses to the other man’s knee. Sliding up his thigh slowly before glancing up to catch sight of the freckled face above him, cheeks tinged red and eyes alight with anticipation. A thin hand reached up, sliding into dark red locks while Watcher urged him on, “There ya go.” Konig’s lips inched down the inside of Fyn’s thigh, earning a little shift of the man’s hips towards his frustratingly far face.
Just as the German was about to reach his destination though another loud yell came from the headphones and there was an annoyed sigh from the man above him before the fingers in his hair tightened. Fyn stopped him just shy of his prize before he slid his headphones back up onto his ears and his mind began to think up a solution. “Under, Konig, get under the desk,” a skeptical look found the other man’s face as he looked under the desk and then back up to the freckled face.
It wasn’t a joke though, the Scotsman was being completely serious. There was no joking smile, and the sweet look he typically wore had been washed down the drain by now. When Fyn pushed his chair back he gestured towards the desk again and the tall man sighed before whispering, mainly to himself, “If you say so…” It took a moment for him to maneuver underneath before Fyn slid his chair back into place.
There it was, sitting right in front of him, that perfect and dripping core that overpowered nearly every thought in his mind. It was already glistening with apparent arousal, the young man’s hips shifting again as he spoke above him, “How ya crabbit, mate? We’ve still got time, haud yer wheesht and play the game.” Fyn let go of the button before leaning back in the chair, his hand resting on the keyboard and the mouse now.
The young man was naked before his eyes, every tattoo available for him to see. From the vines winding down his sides and stomach to the mingling roots from the tree that Konig knew was tattooed on his back. The Scotsman’s tattoos were more like an artist had painted his skin. That pale and freckled flesh had become a canvas for the tattoo artist, rendering his whole visage even more beautiful than he already was. It was making his own cock throb with need where it was still trapped in his pants. “So beautiful, little Newt,” the man beneath the desk whispered with a breathy sigh.
Roots wrapped around Fyn’s thighs, winding down with the vines till the roots ended on the bottom of his feet and the vines ended on the top. The young Scotsman was a walking display of artistic talent and the sight never failed to impress Konig, especially when he started to compare his own which weren’t nearly as thought out and instead were much more disjointed. Konig looked like someone slapped stamps on him in comparison to the beauty that was the freckled skin in front of him. He reached a hand down, palming himself and easing a bit of that needy ache. Squeezing hard for a few moments as he continued to stare at the dripping depths in front of him.
The hips before him shifted again as Watcher was forced to focus back on the game in front of him. Slowly the man underneath the desk leaned forward again, his gentle fingers tracing a vine up the expanse of his thigh until it started to wind around to his side. Large hands took hold of the thin hips then as he pressed another kiss to one of the larger roots that wrapped around his thigh. He was worshiping that body, making Fyn writhe beneath his soft touch without even really meaning to, Konig just couldn’t help himself whenever he was blessed with the sight of this beautiful body.
Warm air played across the glistening area between his thighs as he drew out a slight jerk of the hips he was still holding onto. Finally Konig’s tongue darted out, licking up the expanse, gathering the slick on his tongue and humming at the taste. Above him Watcher let out a breathy sigh at the feeling before he whispered, “Fuckin hell, took ya long enough.” Konig laughed a bit at the words before he pressed his face between those thighs again, burying himself in the delectable cunt spread out like a feast before him.
One would think the distraction of Konig’s mouth would hurt the performance of his gameplay, that it would prevent him from getting what he needed done. However, it seemed to do the exact opposite. Spurring him on as he peeked a corner getting a headshot just after Konig’s tongue flicked over the head of his dick and drew out a delectable moan. And when the man beneath him started to whisper quiet praises like, “You’re so fuckin wet,” and, “Gott, you taste so good, Newt,” Watcher peeked a corner and headshot every single one of the enemy team. The man took out a whole team in less than thirty seconds with his heart thudding in his chest from the little adrenaline rush and the fact that his boyfriend was currently under the desk going down on him like there was no tomorrow.
The entire situation was truly invigorating. He’d never felt anything like it as one of his teammates was in utter shock currently, just standing in spawn and turned to stare at him. Fyn was ignoring the voices coming through his headphones though at this point, including the valuable callouts, electing instead to enjoy the cute little noises coming from the giant beneath the desk. The game was almost becoming a nuisance though at this point, taking his focus away from how good that tongue felt as it dove into his depths. Lapping and licking like his cunt was an oasis and Konig had been in a desert for three days without any water.
“Oh shite Ko-” the muscles of his abdomen were starting to quiver and his thighs were shaking as large hands slid down his hips to hold them open. A quick moan and jerk of his hips up before he had to settle his hands again and focus back on the game. “Fuck Koko, yer about ta make me cum,” the young man groaned and closed his eyes as he focused for a moment on not doing just that. A warning that the other team was on site had Watcher turning his icy gaze back to the monitor as he swallowed hard, trying to stay focused.
Konig merely hummed at the words, taking it more as encouragement to keep going rather than a warning to slow down. Within the next moment Watcher over-extended and got himself killed, probably on purpose if he was being honest as his hands disappeared below the desk and his back pressed against the chair to lift his hips a bit more. A small smile found the German’s mouth but he didn’t stop, his tongue flicking diligently over the head of his dick.
In the next moment a hand slipped between his thighs to join his mouth in its work, a long finger toying slowly at his entrance. “Ah shite, yeah,” Fyn nodded quickly before the finger slid in. Thick and much more rough against his walls than they had been against his skin. Konig worked slowly at first, mindful of how big his hands were. Stretching the young man’s entrance with deliberate slowness. Watcher needed time to adjust even to his fingers, but as he slowly relaxed around his middle finger the tall man added another.
Three rounds could have passed in the next few moments and the Scotsman wouldn’t have cared in the slightest. His own hands were tangled in Konig’s hair, pulling his mouth even closer, nearly suffocating the man though there were no complaints or disgruntled noises from the big man. Quickly he wrapped his lips around the engorged head of his cock and sucked a few times, curling the two digits up as a gruff moan came out of Fyn’s mouth and one hand flew to brace against the chair.
He was completely out of it at that point, in both mind and in consideration to the chair, as Konig’s eyes went wide. Though there were no signs of him stopping any time soon as he was continuing to suck at the tip for a few more seconds as Watcher’s release coated his fingers in that deliciously wet slick. The orgasm rolled through the young man in a hot wave that left him gasping and his body jerking for a few moments. “Oh shite, shite, shite,” his mind was foggy for a second as Konig pulled his fingers out and wrapped an arm around the young man’s back, the other throwing his pale, tattooed legs over broad, muscled shoulders.
His mouth was only pulled away for a few moments before he dove back in. At this point the chair had been pushed halfway across the room out of the way and the German had settled Watcher on his shoulders, the dripping release coating his tongue as his mouth returned diligently to its work. So long as Konig didn’t have to talk his anxiety wasn’t so bad, and his confidence was especially high with the little moans and groans he was pulling out of the other man now sitting on him as if he was a throne rather than a living breathing person.
It wasn’t the first time Watcher had been on his shoulders, but it was the first time he’d been on his shoulders backwards before. This was all new territory but both of them seemed to be adjusting well to it, hard not to when they were enjoying themselves so much. There was a moment of panic in those icy eyes before his hands found the keyboard and mouse again and he forced himself to return to his game, even as Konig coated his mouth and chin in the slick cum still dripping out of that warm, pulsing entrance. Fyn’s freckled chest was still heaving with the effort of his first climax as he let out a quick apology, “My bad, mate…Had to, uh, answer my boyfriend, ya know how it is.”
A huff of amusement left the German as he pulled his mouth away for just a moment. Eyes shining up at Watcher with pride as the Scotsman rolled his eyes. A quick hand flew down before tangling into Konig’s dark red locks and forced his mouth back to work before he whispered, “Didnae say ye were done. Back to work, Koni,” he smiled down at him for a moment as the tongue returned to its original task. And Christ it was doing that task with unmatched skill. "Holy shite," the ginger whispered under his breath as his head tipped back for a moment. With no chair to stop it though Konig had to wrap both of his arms around the small of his back to keep him from falling.
Until Fyn got himself righted anyway and forced his eyes back to the screen. The huge arms surrounding him were the only things keeping him from riding Konig's face right off into the floor honestly. Watcher's hips were grinding down on the big man's tongue, little huffs of air coming from his slightly parted lips. The flat of his tongue dragging over his entrance before diving back inside, still more than enjoying his feast. The sharp point of his nose was nudging against the sensitive bundle of nerves and causing Fyn to clench around him again, his thighs locking his head into place so well the only thing that could be seen were the dark red locks and shining green eyes.
Konig was wearing Fyn's throbbing cunt like a fucking mask. Hiding himself between pale, freckled thighs and all the while the young man was having to force himself to focus on the game. And funny enough the more attention Konig's tongue paid him the better he seemed to be. His shots were hitting with pinpoint precision and accuracy as if the game itself knew what the two were doing and was only cheering them on. Giving Fyn a pass to keep going by providing him with a favorable rng.
Two more rounds of grinding against Konig's face was nearly all that the young man could handle. His thighs were starting to shake around Konig's head as he neared his second climax. The tongue currently delving inside was sending his mind off the rails. If there was one thing about this fucking man it was that he could eat you out and he never even came up for air. Forward focused on the task given to him and working only to put your head in the clouds. It was torturously good but you'd never hear the Scotsman complain about getting head from him. It was the highlight of his day.
"I'm close, Koni," his words were breathy and barely audible over the sounds of Konig's tongue working wonders on his body. His breath was already starting to come in short, tense gasps. A feeling of white hot heat starting to spread out from his core and down through his thighs, with his toes curling in anticipation. And yet still he was able to focus on the game. It was the last round, all he had to do was not let his idiot teammates die and they could win this. A 5v4 was easy, they had numbers on their side after one of the enemy team had disconnected.
Yet the second he thought that in his mind the game took a dire turn. He almost fucked it, his hand already reaching down to find the top of Konig's dark red hair. However, he stopped the second he heard the obnoxiously loud voice yell, "Last player standing!" He stared blankly at the screen for a moment, not quite believing that fact that he was so close now, nearly there and he was now in a 1v4 situation on the last round. It was a joke, and yet when he looked at the scoreboard he was staring at four other faded pictures that let him know very quickly it was not a joke.
A voice, that didn't really sound like his own, yelled through the mic, "Ya daft bastarts! Stotterin aboot like right roasters ye are! Ye ever heard of holdin the bloody site!? How ye go and die like that!? All four of ya are tier one operators but ya cannae play a fuckin game!? Price just ran us through fuckin holdin drills for three hours yesterday!" There were a few clicks from the keyboard as Watcher kept going, slowly walking through the map all the while still grinding frustratedly against Konig's mouth. In the next moment the young Scotsman was going on a tirade to each and every teammate, "Soap quit running in with the fucking LMGs and gettin yersel killed like a teuchter! Ghost learn how ta snipe ye daftie or put the damn thing down. They cost too much for ya ta be buyin one every fuckin round and dying with it down long! Gaz, haud yer wheesht yer no better. Running right inta em and giving em free guns every fuckin round."
There was a pause as Fyn let go of the mic key, a huff of air leaving him along with a low moan as Konig pushed him ever closer to his next release. His ankles locked at the mid of Konig's back before he got himself back under control and cleared his throat, "And Speck I cannae say much to ye, I know yer only filling in cause Koni was out. Thank ye fer that. Still though what tae fuck man! I cannae do everythin mysel, ya cunts!!!"
The second he finished his tirade Watcher ran right into one of the enemy team, his mouse flicking up as he shot the guy in the head and kept going. "Now all of ye, shut yer mouths, I'm trying ta work," the young man felt his legs shaking even more now but he couldn't let himself give in to that mouth right now. His voice dropped back to a whisper then as he groaned out, "Slow down. Just a bit, got ta focus. Then I'll fuck ye, alright?" A smirk found his mouth and only widened when he heard the quiet moan from between his thighs and felt the vibrations in the same second.
Konig listened though, his tongue pulling out in favor of wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves. His tongue glided over it in slow, languorous strokes as he continued to edge Fyn ever closer to his next climax. He agreed to slow down, not stop completely. The next moment the bomb was planted and there was an annoyed sigh from the young man as he backtracked all the way to his original site. He ran straight into the second attacker as he rounded the corner, his mouse flicking as he hit another headshot immediately. The second he did, Konig's arms tightened as he pulled the man down harder on his working mouth.
Watcher nearly came right then and there, it took everything in him not to. His mind was trying to go fuzzy as the big man beneath him did everything in his power to distract him from his secondary goal: defuse the bomb. The heat was blazing over Fyn's skin, turning what wasn't covered in ink or freckles into a red noticeable flush. He needed to let go and finally reach his climax that had been building for the past ten minutes now, but he couldn't. "Slow it down aye? Two more, Koni, hold on," a growl vibrated through the man beneath him as he pulled even harder. Refusing to relent this time, and fucking hell Watcher had to admit he didn’t exactly want him to either.
Ice blue eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the feeling of that vibration, his head shaking back and forth as he tried to stay focused. "Fuckin hell," his hips grinded against the rapidly flicking tongue, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he fought to control his breathing and shaking hands. Focus. He needed to focus and get himself out of this fuckin match before he ended up blowing this rank down game.
Soap was whispering in his ears to Gaz who couldn't stop laughing as he tried to answer. A constant distraction in his ears as even Ghost muttered between their constant chatter, "He's not getting out of this one, lads." Speck was ominously quiet on his line until his mic lit up and a single loud bark came over the line. "Affirmative Cerberus," the deep, raspy, British voice responded immediately and then everyone went silent, probably cracking up on their sides of the mic. Fyn was nearly laughing himself while still losing his mind grinding on Konig's mouth. It was a rollercoaster and every second had him tipping further towards senseless babbling.
With the silence though he could hear the light footsteps just over the wall as whoever it was ran up and down the clear shooting lane unaware that he was on the other side. Looking ahead he watched the site, the bomb sitting right out in the open and counting down the time to his loss. He still didn't know where the other one was and he hated the idea of just running in but Konig was picking up his pace again and he certainly didn't have enough time to wait. Clearing his throat he hit the mic button and asked quickly, "Speck," a short pause, "What is it ye always say before running in ta do somethin daft during our ops?" There were a few moments of silence as Fyn inched closer to the bomb on site.
Finally Speck said a bit hesitantly, "Fuck it?" Yep that was it. Fyn jumped out the window and down onto sight. The second he did he turned towards where he'd heard the footsteps, watching one of the enemy team step out earning a couple bullets to the face for their troubles. Fingernails dug into his back as Watcher nearly let out a whine at the feeling which he suppressed into a low hum as he glanced around the site. There wasn't any time to go looking for the last guy though so instead he just hit the defuse and kept his ears open, even as his eyes rolled back at the hum vibrating against the head of his cock. "Shite Ko, I'm trying ta focus," the young man’s voice was strained and barely more than a whisper now. The big man refused to relent though and thank Christ he did because that was truly the last thing he wanted him to do.
He wasn't gonna make it to the end of this defusal at this rate, not with the way Konig was currently driving him mad. Sweat was beading up on his forehead and sliding down his neck as he tried to listen and defuse the bomb halfway. Fingers were digging into the expanse of his back, sending a flash of pain at the fingernails and then immediately behind it the soothing feeling of pleasure that had his hand twitching on the mouse and keyboard. His finger came off the button in an involuntary jerk and the bomb stopped defusing just a second before the last enemy popped his head around the corner.
Lucky, that's what Fyn was. He had been lucky when his parents had been able to work him up a deal to keep him out of jail. He'd been even luckier to be found by Agent Laswell, and the luckiest to have gotten along and fill a much needed role in the 141. And that luck didn't fail him now as he immediately flicked onto the enemy as the other started to fire. It took a single shot to his head and Watcher had his finger back on the defusal key holding it down for dear life as he let himself get lost in the pulsing throb of need now. With five health left to spare the Scotsman was definitely one of the luckiest players in this game sometimes.
The second that the victory screen popped up he heard the loud voices of the others on the headphones but he was oblivious by now. His hands braced on the desk, hips moving in earnest as he started to grind against the quickly working mouth once more. Konig was happy to oblige, the hands pulling off his back and instead affixing to his hips as he tilted his head back some, letting the younger man use him as he saw fit. "Fuckin hell, so good for me," there was a short moan that fell from Watcher's lips, mirrored by the man beneath him. The praise seemed only to make Konig even more eager to please him. His tongue lapped at the head a few times before sucking hard for a few seconds and then repeating. Turning his core into a well of heat that flowed from Fyn's depths and had him nodding without even realizing he was doing it.
His body was no longer even under his control anymore. Thoughts were whirling in his mind and voices were talking in his ears that never even made it to the thought center of his brain. Fyn had one goal, and one goal only now that he'd finished the game, and that was to finish himself. The hands on his desk flew down to the dark red head of hair, shaking just as much as his thighs were as he tried to find his second release. Another loud moan fell from his lips before Fyn muttered, "Yer so good, so fuckin good, letting me use you, fuck Ko. Never get tired of this mouth. Never. Fuck yer perfect. So close, fuck so close, I'm gonna- Oh shite-" There was a hitch in his breath before his head tipped back and his eyes shut tight and he groaned as white hot heat flooded through him in crashing waves.
Fyn was spasming in the strong grasp now, his breathing halted for the moment as he finally found his orgasm. Lithe fingers dug into the hair at the base of Konig's scalp but they were no longer guiding, these were the desperate gripping fingers of a man near gone from pleasure. And the big man beneath him was a man possessed, refusing to quit even as he tried to pull the other away. Long arms locked the Scotsman in place even as his hips writhed desperately trying to find a way to come down from the high.
It wasn’t until freckled thighs had locked him into what was effectively a sleeper hold that Konig finally relented and pulled away, his lips and chin glistening with Fyn’s release. His tongue darted out to lick his lips with a smile. The Scotsman let out his pent up breaths, heaving as he caught his breath while Konig continued to hold him up on his shoulders. Green eyes were watching him with a proud look in his eyes as the other was still trying to regain his composure. Scarred lips pressed against the inside of his thigh gently, even a smile found his mouth as Watcher finally started to catch his breath.
Voices still played in his ears, specifically Soap and Gaz who were already ready to go for another game only for Watcher to hit his mic button and answer with a very definite, “No. See ya tomorrow,” and then he promptly alt+F4 out of the game and shut the computer down. His eyes slid down to where Konig was resting his cheek against the inside of his thigh, still looking up with a small smile on his face, “Thought ye was gonnae kill me, mate.”
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munadrawson · 11 months
Commentary on the Beach comic
Here is the commentary post. However, I may explore this theme again because I want to tell cute beach scenarios, especially one with Deep Cut as a group being old farts even though they are in their 20s... That's what happens after college. After you graduate, one hot summer day after leaving the gym, you reminisce.   FYI: This is long AF. Also mention of colorism and misogyny at the final thoughts section.
As I mentioned, this fan comic was unexpected but had a purpose. I did not want to jump into the folk song fan comic until I ironed out the few doubts in my mind:
Which desi river folk songs do I want to use to tell this story? What would be the theme? What would Frye and Shiver wear? What would each of their hairstyles be? Location? Location? Location?
The body proportions between the two were also in doubt. So I took the opportunity of this being a learning experience.
It is difficult not to beeline and draw it when I cannot stop playing the scene in my head whenever I listen to the songs. I HAVE to let this story simmer. I know it won't be perfect, but I want to tell it right.
Initially, the comic starts with Frye bringing in the watermelon for the rest of the crew. However, the delivery falls flat since we know about Frye's antics.
Plus, as much as I love the yellow desi-inspired inkling, I want to give equal attention to the other two. The most difficult one to draw is SHIVER. I see too much myself in them, let alone the chubby square face shape with sharp eyes. Whenever I indulged in fanfic, I would react like, "oh noooo. What is up with these sudden attacks? I just want to read a cute story and not be CALLED OUT LIKE THIS." The game makes it worse, tho.
Anyway. I have trouble drawing Shiver and Big Man (easier than Shiver) and have yet to write a comic where the two would interact. The two are the comedy duo in this story, while Frye has no intention besides munching on some grub. Mood.
I wanted to approach this fan comic as lazy as possible, but it can't be helped. An overachiever perfectionist is in my bone. I'm already exhausted from designing a college mascot as my day job. I didn't feel like using my brain.
And yet, I drew details onto their swimwear. *cries*
I had been referencing writers' works in each of my artworks. For example, Shiver and Frye as gaymers. Multiple fanfics had them adorably playing video games together. Another example is The Big Comfy Couch. There are numerous fanfics where they would have Adult Fun Time on a couch, whether in the dressing room or at home, as if it were part of a mythos. Some fluff moments are on the sofa, but Adult Fun Time outweighs them. I'm not complaining! It is rather amusing.
Me: *Slaps an arm of The Big Comfy Couch* "This bad boy can support so many adult fun-time sofa scene fanfics on it. It's a staple!"
This time, I referenced the swimwear from chapter 6 of Girlfriends by IslandsChickenScratch, the mahi mahi resort scene. The foundation because, as I stated, I went on adding the details and the add-ons... Thank goodness these characters don't have mammal-like hair, or else I would spend days drawing each strain.
I'll talk about the least to the most troublesome I had when designing the swimwear.
The most challenging character to render yet the easiest to give them an outfit. The cool n chic masc energy, let's goooooo.
The foundations for them were swim shorts and a strapless bikini top. As well as the back tentacle pinned up. I added the bottom bikini or a g-string to emphasize their hips. They enjoy flaunting their hips. Also, it gives off that cutout design of their default pants without the actual cutout.
The design of the swimshorts is a combination of the "Chili Octo Aloha" button-down shirt with S3 sunken scroll ten sharks:
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I also added the orange gills on the top bikini to break the solid blue. Before, I had flora patterns in mind, but then I remembered that I loved seeing other illustrators draw Shiver with scars. It truly embodies the shark-like energy—one true blahaj.
Gosh, I am so envious of their chest size. Sure, mine has gotten smaller thanks to the gym, where sometimes I see them as pecs. But dammit, it would be great not to deal with sports bras. *grumbles* Oh well, on the brighter side, they did get smaller. So, I'm happy with the result, lol.
Lastly, I added the octopus medallion??? Pendant onto the kanzashi but with no additional frills. Simple, the better.
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I love seeing other fan creators incorporate those pendants with different outfits.
Big Man:
You would think drawing a triangular, ideal Doritio body would be easy. Nope. Not at all. Not one bit. The struggle is real. But I give my best.
His base swimwear was the diving mask with a snorkel. I opt out of the snorkel because… I was too lazy to draw it lol—also, the war flashback of drawing the slopsuit helmet on him. I can't.
However, after taking away the snorkel, he felt so naked. I know he's a nudist. Big man the truest punk who doesn't conform to societal norms. I fold it instead.
I added the garland, adored with Brazilian flowers. It looks adorable on him! It is not a lei. I'm connecting it to a queer animatic story that I came across on youtube, "Pritty" by Pritty Not Pretty. Queer black boys love story by the poolside. It is so cute that I watched it three times. I can't wait for the animation.
I've seen some fan creators depict humanoid Big Man with Afrocentric features. I ain't that creative, and I don't want to draw a humanoid version of him. He's a blessing because, sometimes, I don't wanna draw LIMBS. He is a nice break. Delta.
Despise the lack of ears; a necklace is always a great choice because he's pritty cute. *Frye's finger guns*
She's the opposite of Shiver when it comes to drawing. She's more freeing thanks to her personality, but the damn outfits tho. The problem is that she can wear anything.
She wore a one-piece bikini with cutouts in that scene. So, I combed through a folder of old references I gathered I had saved for my project. I found this orange one-piece bikini with a sarong and sunhat. Sure, it is a more mature look, but it is hot. Hot cute. The sunhat adds the cute factor. Subjective, I guess.
Similar to Shiver, I placed her pendant on the hat.
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I added additional jewelry because the girl is at the beach, and of course, there are some desi songs associated with the anklet, nupur paye, to a stream.
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Unlike the gold bands where she wore one on each arm and wrist, I only drew one anklet. I connected to a Bangla pop song, "Ek paye nupur amar," by Anila and Topu. Gosh, the music video is so dated and awkward, but basically, the song talks about the two options of a relationship. Would you rather deepen the connection and jump on the ship with them or have it severed?
I signify that Shiver will always choose the anklet, the one by the sea. Although the sea can be unpredictable with it's rough waves and storms, they would happily take Frye to the next level, and Frye would happily agree to it.
Yes, this comically fan-comic was kinda deep lol.
*cries* Why can't I just draw Frye crushing a melon... Then have gay brain goes "brrr me totes gay." "OTL
Final Thoughts:
Whew, this commentary is getting pretty long. I learned a few things when it comes to coloring the environment. I hate being a colorist. It gave me a migraine for a few days. So, I'll do flat colors for the folk songs fan-comic except for the bonus part.
It will be a doujinshi length worth. Ohmigawd, my first one ever?! All this effort is going for a certain gay yellow desi-inspired squid? Yes. Why?
I could not abide watching from the sideline as I looked and read comments about Frye. Have her music be reduced to just "Bollywood" music. Look, I do listen to old movie songs, and I do enjoy them, but there are other genres...
And also, sigh. The blatant misogynoir. As an observer who witnesses colorism and misogyny close, approximately within and outside the family. I had to step in. It hurts knowing it hits close to home.
Me as Marie in January 2023:
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"...I guess I'll step in. I don't wanna work. I just climbed out of the rabbit hole, battling my two years of depression, but as a light-skin desi with whatever art skills I gained over years, it is my responsibility to do something about this. I am a bottom feeder of an artist but, I DO have that privilege. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
It does feel cathartic whenever I happen to draw Frye pretty. I usually announced it to my younger sister afterward, who always replied without a hitch, "Thank you."
It is a small step but a worthwhile endeavor. The duty of an older sister.
I'll continue to draw a small fan piece or two while working on the long-ass folk song fan comic. I want to finish the new fan comic before I go to Bangladesh in November.
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kreauxlighe · 20 days
wip asks!!
how it works:
post the names of the files in your wip folder (regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous)
let people send you an ask with the title of what most intrigued them
post a snippet or tell them something about it
tag as many people as you have wips (if you want)
(thanks @mangatxt for the tag!)
coming back to this approximatley 50000 years (almost 6 months) later but! here we are. this is about to get so embarassing lol
some of these are "wips" in that ive given them a nickname and written down a brief summary of what its about so i dont come back to it months later like ??? (some of these ive been poking for years lets be honest tho) these are listed in no particular order
dark into the heat (i renamed the doc once it had a title, but i still refer to it as vampau) (fun fact i recently passed 30k on this one!)
space western
mob system fic
catreig au
ekuyoserirei #1
ekuyoserirei #2
bartender au
gaymer drafts
ghost reigen au
mob opening up about mogamiland (gee i wonder what this one could possibly be about fjdalkjf)
necking in the office
reigen & his cuffs
restrained in the office
spooky hotel au
wawa has tentacles because reasons
fuck or die loophole fic
that one shoe fic (i dont actually have a wip of this yet but it exists in my head so it counts)
Good Omens
bad omens
lonely au
ghost au
fey au
mullet crowley
daemon au
tgb sequel
magic wishshop au
instructions not inkcluded
untitled mother's day (that's literally what its called lmao)
ineffable friendships (good omens / lucifer crossover)
windows au
youtuber au
5 and 1 (but really 7) <-(that's actually its full wip title lol)
Slow Show (Good Omens Fic.. so basically fanfic of a fanfic)
warlock trilogy
table read scene
linger on
Things That Exist In My Head As Concepts but I haven't Done Any Actual Work On, Not Even Notes
good omens / tma crossover (?????)
witcher fix it fic (post s1 tv show specifically)
apocalyse au (multifandom crossover)
warmth of us pt2 (good omens)
warmth of us pt3 (good omens)
Things That Aren't Writing
mob 100% (comic)
mob vs wawa (comic)
Omamori (hehe)
OG Fics
kitchen skull (this is a game)
dead immortal cat
iron door
brockman manor
thank you, places (this might become a game)
jane eyre (but not) <- its full WIP title
wordsmith (this is a game)
bluebeard retelling (this might become a game)
soooooo yeah adhd who?
i cannot stress enough how all of these are truly rotating through my head like some kind of sushi conveyor belt and which one im gonna pick up to work on is anyone's fucking guess. im usually actively working on at least 2 large fics and 2 drabbles, actively brainstorming on like, half a dozen others, and just poking my head in on half a dozen DIFFERENT ones like hey yall good, need any water or snacks??
there is no way i can tag as many ppl as ihave wips 😭i dont think i even KNOW that many people come on.. if you see this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!
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furinzii · 4 months
hello hi whaddup gaymer I am here with an OC ask because I feel like it ^^
Which one of them is your favourite to draw/brainstorm about and why? :D
Have a nice day!
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She's definitely my favorite to draw because I've had her the longest out of all of my ocs. I started making characters in 2017, soooo...
been doing this kooky spooky bullshit since I was NINE YEARS OLD. I'm 15 today and Niko is, and always has been my favorite character. Plus, she's my main character, so the story I have for world0 (the place my ocs are from) is very Niko-centric. Love her.
You have a good day too man, thanks for the question :D
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
ash ash ash for never having played hades ever you absolutely nailed it im literally losing my mind like hades is my favorite game in the world and you’re my favorite artist and they look so fucking good and i’m feeling very bisexual and i’m absolutely spiraling right now and this is all i’m going to think about for the rest of eternity okay goodbye
NELLIEEE OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! in another universe where i’m a gaymer and own a switch hades is my favorite thing in the world, in this one tho i live vicariously through my beloved mutuals’ posts and go absolutely insane every time new hades art drops. so i thought yeah why not draw some of my favorite blorbos in one of my favorite art styles lmao. ramble over thank you soooo so much again it’s always a good day to feel the bisexuality
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mysteryinkkat234 · 2 years
Let’s Dance (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Happy Halloween Gamers and Gaymers, fun to post on Halloween (of it’s scheduled on halloween and also doesn’t get shadow banned. This is a story based on the place I worked that I talked about last story. Oh course if you have any request, I will always have my DMs open (I’m popular enough to get bots to DM me again. Also if you like my writing, here’s is my masterlist. Hope you enjoy! 
Gender-Neutral Reader (You/Yours)
Let’s Dance - David Bowie 
“Let's dance Put on your red shoes and dance the blues Let's dance To the song they're playin' on the radio Let's sway While color lights up your face Let's sway Sway through the crowd to an empty space”
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(fun fact this is the actual roller rink I work at)
The entertainment center in Hawkins came out of nowhere. The owner of it didn’t make a big ceremony for it, it just now exists. This place has everything: a bowling alley, go-kart track, arcade, and a roller-skating rink, which you sadly work at.
You’re behind the concession counter, giving people pretzels, cotton candy, and whatever other food they’ll waste. It was a busy day, the line for concession almost felt never-ending, and it’s only you, no one to help give people what they want, just you, you have to do both.
It’s 8:15 pm, you let out an exhausted sigh, putting your face in your hands. . “Please,” you whined, “I just wanna go home.”
“You and me both, man.” A voice comes out of nowhere, you look up to see a man, around your age you presume. 
You get embarrassed, scuttling to go back to your position, dropping a pen you were fiddling with. The man laughs. “I am so sorry,” you said pathetically, you weren’t sure he even heard you because the DJ decided to play the music at max volume tonight, “what can I get you?” You ask, pretending you didn’t have the biggest fail ever.
“No, I’m not getting any food,” he said, still a laugh stuck in his throat, “you looked bored so I’m deciding to keep you company.” You sigh in relief.  
You laugh awkwardly, even if most customers are fine and understand you are flustered, it still catches you off guard. “Ok then, thank you, I guess?” You don’t know how to respond to something like that, a stranger doesn’t just come to you just to say hi. “Why are you here?” He said that he also wanted to go home, who was he with?
“It’s my friend’s birthday and they wanted to go roller-skating. I’m not saying I’m here against my will but I’m not into the whole skating thing,” he explained, looking over at the rink where dozens of skaters, young and old, going around the circle, “but I didn’t want to hurt their feelings so I’m here.”
“At least you’re a good friend,” you said smiling, “but judging from what you’re wearing, you don’t look like you’re enjoying the music they’re playing.”
He groaned, leaning his head back, you both laughed. “I know right!? Why can’t they play Bon Jovi, or Dio, or any good music instead of this garbage.”
“I mean, you can ask the DJ for a song request. But, in my opinion, I don’t think rock or metal music really fits the rink’s vibes.” 
He shrugs his shoulders and sighs. “Well, I’m stuck here til this place closes, I doubt you want to talk for three hours straight.” 
You giggle, covering it with your fist. “You might hog up the line if you do,” you try to get it out, you see him smiling, “I don’t really know you either.”
“Eddie, it’s nice to meet you,” he holds out a blinged-out hand, almost every finger has a ring on it, you take his hand to shake, they’re cool on your skin. Once he retracts his hand, Eddie looks down at the paper menu in front of him, “Hmm, you know what? Can you get me a medium Coke?” He asks, pulling out a wallet.
You give him his drink, he gives you two dollars as a tip which you take graciously (every dollar counts), and he walks away, back to his seat, which was closest to the rink and the concession stand.
As the night comes to an end, one last song plays as you spray and clean tables: Let’s Dance by David Bowie. You know the moment it starts that your hips and feet move to the beat…kind of. As everyone was packing up to leave, you were there shaking your butt off, some of the patrons were smiling at your strange dancing, others giving you a look, and one in particular was smiling ear-to-ear. 
Your ‘dance cleaning’ was absolutely adorable to watch, you mouthing the lyrics as you skip table-to-table. Eddie couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. He puts his head in his hands, making sure his friends don’t notice that his cheeks are getting pink.
As you were getting closer to Eddie and his friends’ table, you make eye contact, you stop your movements immediately, looking down at the floor, gripping your rag. 
“Alright everyone, sadly this will be our last session tonight. Please return any rental skates back to the counter, make sure you throw away any garbage, and return any pitchers to the concession stands. We hope you guys had a wonderful night and stay safe.” The DJ announces. 
Almost everyone is gone, except Eddie, he wasn’t with his group, just by himself, waiting at the exit. You check everything and make sure from your manager you were good to go, it was almost midnight and all you wanted now was to fall flat on your bed. 
As you walk up to the exit, Eddie stops you in your tracks. “Shouldn’t you go home? We’re closing up,” you asked.
“I am, I am driving everyone home. But I think you dropped something while you were cleaning,” Eddie hands you a slip of paper, “have a goodnight, sweetheart.” He winks and finally leaves.
You’re confused at first about what he meant by that until you look at the slip of paper. It was a phone number, and something was written under it. ‘See you soon, dancing machine’. You’re taken aback. 
All you can do for the rest of the night is look at the piece. Remember when you said you would fall asleep right when you landed on your bed? Well thanks to this man, you were up all night. 
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not-your-bro · 11 months
It's so good to see you around here again! Do you think you're going to ever go back to Gaymer Girls?
aw jeez, thanks!! :') it's nice to be around here again and to still see familiar faces.
not to give a total non-answer, but the truth is that i don't know! at the time, my partner and i faded out of it for logistical reasons - we were both living with family, so it required more coordination and there was constant noise/interruption. the idea was always to resume when we lived together, which we now do. buuut, of course, now we have less time than we used to. so we could record in peace but would probably struggle to do all the video editing.
i've considered that the solution to that problem is to stream instead, but the idea of being live freaks me out a little lol. maybe i'll get over that one day, though! who knows. we had a lot of fun so i feel very "never say never" about it.
thanks for asking! i honestly cant believe anyone still remembers that dkgjdjk you're a real one 🫡
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thejollywriter · 2 years
do YOU wanna support a Queer Indie Author?
reintroducing Amelia Fisher! AKA TheJollyWriter. Been a while since I made a list explaining my WIPS and my Patreon so HERE IT IS!
There are TWO novels I said TWO, ENTIRE, NOVELS, being produced roughly parallel to each other BOTH being posted there. The First--
A human succubus, a half-orc necromancer, and a tiefling arcanist work together to fight corporate corruption on a space station in orbit at the top of a space-elevator. 
What’s that? Fantasy classes and races in a science fiction setting? IT SURE IS! THIS HERE’S LITERARY GUMBO AND IT’S SPICY GODDAMMIT! We gotcher sexy-as-fuck succubus who uses magic to be clever, got your necromancer that leeches the creeping death from living patients to SAVE THEIR FECKING LIVES, got your arcanist MacGyver COMPLETE WITH EXCITABLE TAIL TWITCHES! IT’S ALL RIGHT HERE, AND IT’S CALLED (tentatively) The Beaker Crystal!
On the other hand, we got a long-form story unfolding with transbian freelancer Delilah Jones, as she investigates the suspicious death of a young woman. Found in a rough part of town with bite-marks and lacking any substantial blood, Delilah digs into it expecting a simple murder case. What she finds, instead, is a supernatural underworld populated with mythical, POWERFUL beings locked in their own class struggles. 
This is called The Bloody Hedonist and it’s a cyberpunk-fantasy story. The concepts of class warfare and corporate exploitation fit really neatly into the concepts of supernatural creature dynamics like vampires vs werewolves vs fae (among OTHER things!) 
Both of these stories are being updated on the regular, monthly, on patreon! 
A dollar gets you entry to ALL the stories but you can contribute whatever YOU feel comfortable offering. 
IN EXCHANGE, RIGHT UP FRONT, you get access to TEN completed sci-fi and fantasy stories, some involving Delilah Jones, some with other casts. 
The Delilah short stories are being collected into an anthology that’ll eventually be PRINTED, AND PUBLISHED, by me. If you want your name in the MENTIONED CREDITS, subscribe today! And your name goes in the supporter acknowledgments <3
But who IS the creator of all this queer genre-mixing goodness? I’m Amelia, I’m a trans novelist and gaymer. I primarily play FPS because there is *nothing* more satisfying than taking space away from bigoted gamer bois and beating their asses digitally. 
As for novelizing, well, I write all kindsa stuff. But my biggest passion is mixing genres together to see what new and radical flavors I can find. Like another story available upon subscription to my patreon; there’s a Witcher-inspired story that takes the concept of a monster-hunter and makes a GUNSLINGING WESTERN out of it. 
And you know what? There’s SO much more to say with THAT concept in the future too! But it’ll be posted to completion on Patreon, first. So sub today! If you want!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day!
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marvel-wlw · 3 years
Take Out and Video Games
Alex Chen x Steph Gingrich x Lucan!Reader
Requested by @zireyhel
Request: hey I wanted to ask you if you would take a request for a alex chen x Steph Gingrich x reader fanfic ? cause I didn't found any of those yet and I really LOVE your writing ^^. I don't have any idea of what could happend
I would totally understand if you don't want or if you don't have the time.
Anyway thank you for reading my message.
Warnings: Life is Strange: True Colors spoilers!
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Life is Strange.
Tag list: @casey-anne-j ​​ @softgamerking ​​ @morbid-gaymer ​​ @geekycatlover ​​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​​ @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov @alphalesbianwolf ​​  @dykse​​ @autumnjackson4​​ @1-danid ​​ @dynnealberto  @natasharomanoffswife ​​​ @aquariuslavenderhoney ​​ @spywidownat
A/N: I hope you guys like it! 😄 These gifs aren't mine, credit goes to whoever made them!
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You let out a sigh as you lean against the bar of the Black Lantern. After everything that happened with your father you decided to take over the Black Lantern and make it your own.
You thought it was a good idea to change it so there wasn't any memory about what your father did. Just thinking about what he did to one of your girlfriend angered you. How could he even do something like that?
Suddenly you felt a gentle hand take yours and intertwined your fingers. You knew it was Alex. She was there helping you get some last minute things done to the place ready to open up again the next day.
"(Y/N), it's okay." Alex moved to stand in front of you, she gave you a loving smile. "I'm right here."
You remove your hand from hers and wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her closer to you. "I'm sorry Alex. I just couldn't help but think about him."
"Babe it's okay." Alex placed a hand on your cheeks, she ran her thumb over your cheekbone which caused you to smile. "He is your father."
You leaned into her touch. "He is but after what he did to you it's hard to look at him the same..."
Before Alex could say anything that was when Steph walked into the Black Lantern. She smiled and quickly came over to you and Alex, giving the two of you a quick kiss.
"Hey babe, how was the record store?" You asked.
She shrugged. "Same as any day." Then Steph smirked. "Would've been a hell of a lot better of my two gorgeous girlfriends were there."
You and Alex both blushed, you playfully slapped Steph's arm. Steph laughed and gave you both another kiss.
"So I was thinking, how about tonight we order take out and play some video games?" Steph suggested.
Alex looks over at you, silently asking if you were up for that. You smiled and nod. Alex smiled. "That's an amazing idea Steph."
Steph and Alex were playing a video game whole you sat on the couch eating some take out. That was when Alex ended up winning the game.
Alex cheered in victory. "Yours truly is still the game champion!" Steph just playfully pouts but it didn't last long as she started laughing.
You couldn't help but look at your two girlfriends with a loving smile. How did you get so lucky to date these two?
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even realize that Steph had called your name. That was until you felt both Alex and Steph sit next to you on the couch.
"You okay baby?" Steph asked as she placed a gentle hand on your knee.
You blushed. "Yea I'm okay, I was just thinking." Alex placed a hand on your other knee. "I was just thinking about how much I love you both and how lucky I am to have you."
Steph leaned in, capturing your lips in a loving kiss. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
"We love you too babe and we'rethe lucky ones." She said when you two pulled away from the kiss.
As soon as you and Steph pulled away from the kiss, Alex had pulled you into a kiss. You sighed happily into the kiss.
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bbugyu · 3 years
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of all the views you had seen, there was little that could compare to him.
6.2k | cavalry captain!jeonghan x gn pyro!reader, genshin impact au, fluff, adventure, drinking, so much flirting, mentions of trauma, honestly this is the sweetest i'm ever gonna write jeonghan
happy inazuma release day!!! it's your local kaeya trash, because i predictably fall for gay bastards that lie straight to my face (example: jeonghan), and i'm here to give you a fic i wrote AGES ago and just polished up a bit to celebrate the release of what is likely going to be my FAVORITE region in genshin impact. i'm japanese so 😅 i have a soft spot. if there's any other gaymer carats out there, enjoy this one. if not, sorry! you can actually probably still read this and understand it for the most part, though you might miss a bit of context of the landscape and the lore.
ps. go tell @babiemingoo that wonwoo xinqiu 🤭
your work with the adventurer's guild was always efficient. you received your commissions, you carried them out, then returned for your reward, usually before the sun had even peaked. the rest of your day was generally spent either basking in the eternal sun of mondstadt, feeding cats in inazuma, or enjoying a hard earned meal in liyue, depending on where you decided to stay that week, finding board and paying for it with the commission you had earned that day. your tendency to wander came less from choice and more from nature - you could call yourself a nomad, but generally, you just got bored, and preferred seeing everything teyvat had to offer rather than settling in one place. adventuring was simply what you were meant to do, your mother had told you at a young age.
she, too, had wandered for most of her youth, and didn't stop just because you had come into her life. you remembered getting scooped up because you had wandered off a bit too close to the railing at wangshu inn as a toddler, playing with dogs at the docks of liyue harbor. you remembered the ludi harpastum and the first time you had ever had a sweet honey roast, and the way it made your eyes grow ten times in size before you dug in for more.
when your vision was bestowed upon you, you already knew how to use a sword. it was important, your mother told you, that you knew how to protect yourself. she had a vision as well, younger even than you had, and you had come to recognize the static in the air as a sign that she was angry - whether it was because of an altercation with someone on your journey or because you had secretly eaten the last hashbrown without consulting her first.
she used her vision and a sturdy blade she had owned since before you were born to protect the two of you on the road, but when she felt you were old enough, she taught you how to weild. a two handed weapon that was far too big for you when you were only fourteen, but when your reckless abandon got paired with a spark, you suddenly became far more dangerous than even your own mother. she scolded you for nearly starting a forest fire when you tried to pair the two skills for the first time after receiving your vision, and you both agreed that training was a beach activity from then on.
your mother settled eventually, after you were old and skilled enough to take on the road alone, pulling the many favors she had gathered in her travels to build a home in a small neighborhood south of liyue harbor, nestled in the foothills of mount tianheng, where you visited as often as your wandering allowed.
you had become much better with your vision. more careful but just as hot. quick to scan situations and strategize in the moment, hardly taking a second before jumping into action, slaying hilichurls like you were getting paid. well, you were, you supposed, but you had been doing this long before you had discovered the benefit of joining the guild. you were good at it. you were built for adventure, but revelled in leisure. there was good reason you were able to take afternoons off, and you milked every last second of it.
"you're back in town?"
you grinned, leaning your sword against the wall and dropping your bag off your shoulders before settling at the bar. "for now."
rubin often served you alcohol - when you were in mondstadt, at least, however often that may be - but never questioned you deeply. he would ask how your travels were, and listen to your stories from regions beyond his knowledge, of the cultures that he had only heard of from people like you. he enjoyed them just about as much as any, if not a little more, purely because your tenacious personality brought something more to the table. he wondered, though, how long you intended to keep living day by day, sleeping in different beds every week.
"what's wrong with sleeping in different beds?" you teased, laughing into your wine glass. "if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were shaming me, rube."
rubin simply laughed, knowing your tone by now. "i just wonder if you ever intend on digging in your roots, or if you'll continue travelling forever."
"if i dig roots, you may never see me again. is that what you want?"
"what," he said. "you don't like mondstadt?"
"i love monstadt," you assured him. "but i also love inazuma. and my mother is in liyue, though she might be upset with me if i try to settle too close to her. perhaps natlan would suit me more?" you shrugged finally, the door behind you opening as you finished with "i suppose i'll settle when i've found a reason to love one place more than the rest."
rubin shook his head, a chuckle falling from his lips. "a wanderer through and through." his attention was quickly drawn to the man entering the bar. "ah, captain! the usual?"
"please," the decorated man said, quickly taking a seat beside you despite the rest of the bar being available. "would you like another, wanderer?"
you eyed him cautiously, studying what you could see if his face around the black eyepatch, gaze skimming down his elaborate clothing before looking down at your emptied drink. "sure."
"another for your wandering friend, rubin, on my tab, please." your brain swirled, considering the brief information you had been given and wondered how you had never managed to meet this regular during your past visits. "are you just drinking dandelion wine, or something more fun?"
"more fun?" you asked. "what are you drinking, then?"
"well, a death after noon, of course," he stated. "don't tell me you haven't had one."
you blinked at him. "i haven't."
you turned towards rubin when he laughed at the back and forth. "shall i make two, then?"
"definitely," your new drinking buddy said, then gestured to you. "you trust my taste, right?"
you said nothing, but he accepted your silent smile as an agreeance. "captain," you said finally, thinking of how rubin had addressed him. "of?"
the man turned towards you, his elbow planted on the bar and his cheek on a fist. despite his get up, he had a playful smirk across his lips. "you mean, my reputation doesn't precede me? you really are a wanderer. everyone in mondstadt knows my name."
"everyone but me," you corrected. "as i'm currently in mondstadt."
his teeth shone behind his smirking lips before he sat up straight. "well, allow me to introduce myself." he saluted, his arm extending from his side at an angle - a salute you recognized from the guards around the city. "i am jeonghan, the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius."
"ah, the knights," you smiled briefly, before letting your eyes wander as you thought, crossing your arms over the bar. "i don't see much of a cavalry in the city, though."
he let out an amused exhale. "so i have a bit more free time these days."
"i'm sure the acting grand master is jealous of all your free time," you teased. "poor guy, looks like he's staving off a panic attack every time i see him. you should probably help him more."
"so," he sighed, leaning against the bar again. "you know of the acting grand master but not me?"
"jihoon?" you asked. "of course i know of him. he's all anyone ever talks about around here."
jeonghan nodded once, thanking rubin when he placed two drinks before you. "people talk about me, also, you know."
your lips stuck out in a pout. "jeonghan, you said? doesn't ring a bell."
he rolled his eyes and picked up his drink, holding it out for you to cheers against. you giggled, clinking your glass against his before taking a sip. the golden liquid was sweet, but not like the dandelion wine you had grown to love in this region. it had more depth, a subtle bitterness to it, and a refreshing bubble. you stared after the glass when it left your lips, then looked over to find jeonghan grinning at you.
"i see why it's your usual," you said, taking another sip before placing the glass on the bar. "i could drink too many."
"will you?" he asked.
"not tonight," you replied coolly. "i haven't asked sana to put me up at the guild yet, and if i get there too late, i'll get a cot instead of a bed. unless rubin finally wants to come clean about something?"
the bartender laughed. "how many times do i have to tell you? we don't even have rooms to board."
you squinted at him. "i know there's something upstairs. i'll learn your secrets one day, rube."
"i wouldn't be a very good bartender if i didn't know how to keep them."
"so you're in the guild?" jeonghan asked as rubin attended to another patron. "an adventuring wanderer."
you smiled vaguely at him. "i am. i have to pay for my travels somehow."
he shrugged. "there's other ways to make money. probably more profitable, too."
you eyed his teasing smirk. "i'm not sure i know what you're implying."
"as a captain of the knights of favonius, i assure you, i'm implying nothing at all," he said, exhaling sharply and adjusting on his stool. he leaned over towards you before speaking in a quieter tone. "but as jeonghan, i think you know exactly what i'm implying."
you only laughed, recognizing the thinly veiled attempt to worm a secret out of you. "i outgrew those means a long time ago. besides, when mora gets tight, i can always board up with my mother. i like liyue enough."
jeonghan studied you as you drank again. "liyue's home, is it?'
"for her, yes," you said, looking over to him, but you found yourself looking away again when his steely blue gaze met yours. you thought carefully about how much of yourself you were willing to reveal to this stranger, especially considering how important he was in the rule of the city. "she was a wanderer, too, and ended up falling in love with liyue harbor."
jeonghan made note of the way your face softened as you spoke about your mother. "and what about you?"
you met his intent look again, thinking about how his covered eye somehow made him even more intimidating. perhaps that was its purpose. "what about me?"
"what have you fallen in love with?"
a smile crept onto your lips as you processed his question. "oh, archons, what have i not fallen in love with? the smell of the open ocean in inazuma, the breathtaking temples in sumeru - have you ever been to waterfall city?"
jeonghan merely shook his head at you, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he put his cheek on a fist again, leaning against the bar. "beautiful?"
you exhaled, eyes wide as you thought of the towering falls and the light mist that covered the city, trying to come up with an apt description. "humbling. there's nothing like it."
he watched your expression, head tilting further. "what a wonderful way to describe a place. tell me more."
your gaze went to him, then away briefly, feeling suddenly shy as you noticed his look. "about waterfall city?"
he shrugged a fur covered shoulder, shaking his head lightly. "about anywhere. describe your world, wanderer. i'd like to hear whatever you have to say."
you wondered if the heat that ran through you was because of the alcohol or the man, but you just took another drink and cleared your throat lightly, thinking of more places you had discovered in your travels. you thought of qingce village, one of your favorite places to visit, because the people are kind and welcoming and the fields are so beautiful. you told him about a tea shop owned by an old man - he insisted you call him pops so fiercely that you weren't even sure you had caught his given name - and it was probably the most relaxing cup of tea you ever had.
"it's been a while since i've gone," you sighed. "i think i'm overdue for a chat with pops and his tea."
jeonghan was smiling when you looked at him again. "the tea in liyue is unmatched," he said, reaching for his drink. before taking another sip, he gestured for you to continue.
so you did. you told him about sakura pond, about celestia city, about the volcanic black beaches. you told him liyue had your favorite people, but inazuma had your favorite food. he clicked his tongue at you.
"what about mondstadt? do we have one of your favorites?"
you smiled, genuinely. "sunsets. the night sky is different here than it is anywhere else. i think mondstadt is the closest we can get to the stars without joining the archons."
jeonghan studied you briefly, his blue eye flicking over your face as you finished your drink. "i think that's an apt observation. it seems your eyes are always wide."
"i travel for the views," you exhaled. "i don't plan on missing any."
he thought a second. "have you been to starsnatch cliff?"
your eyes lit up. "not in years," you said, in complete shock that you could have forgotten such a place. you pushed from the bar slightly, turning towards him, and he noticed the flash of a red gem strapped to your right thigh for the first time. "my mother took me there when i was a kid, but i haven't gone since."
"it never gets old," he said, sipping at the end of his drink. "i've yet to see that view and not be in awe."
"i'll go before i leave mondstadt again," you decided.
he looked to you. "when will that be?"
you sighed. "not sure, yet."
he just chuckled. "would you like another drink?"
"oh, no," you said, standing and stretching your spine. "i should make my leave. i don't like sleeping on cots. i just came by to let my ol' pal rube know i was in town again."
jeonghan watched you pull your pack onto your back, grabbing the handle of your sheathed claymore from where it was leaning against the wall next to the bar. "perhaps i'll see you again tomorrow?"
you looked at him, a vague smile on your lips as you strapped your sword back on. "perhaps you will, captain."
"jeonghan," he corrected. "but i don't believe you ever shared your name?"
"that was by design, captain," you said, and he swore he caught a glint in your eye as you bid rubin a farewell and stepped out of the angel's share.
jeonghan spun back around on his stool, immediately looking to rubin. "do you know their name?"
"no, sir," he said, looking at the closed door. "they've never said."
jeonghan's gaze went to the empty glass you had left behind, thinking about your stories, your sword, and the signifier of your vision on your thigh. "fascinating."
you got lucky - sana had a private room for you, and said you were welcome to rent it for your stay. she said not many people were travelling to mondstadt these days, and that more often than not, the adventurer's barracks in headquarters went unused. ever since the fatui had holed up in the grand goth hotel, it had been harder for you to make extended stays in mondstadt, but it seemed that something was telling you to stick around longer than usual. you laid on the hard mattress - a feeling that was more comforting than most, thanks to your continuous travels - and thought of the charming captain that had made a night of questioning you. you wondered if he really had any interest in anything you had to say, or if he had been hoping for details about something pertinent to an investigation.
you packed a lighter bag in the morning, only bringing along the essentials as you set out for your commissions for the day. that afternoon, you wandered around mondstadt and asked questions. questions about the simultaneously well-discussed and mysterious cavalry captain that had listened to your tales of travel, and answers came easier than expected, though they didn't contain all the details you were looking for. that night, you waited up at the angel's share to brag about your newfound knowledge to the captain that never showed, and you did your best to not let that hurt your ego.
the next day, you made a detour on your way back to the city after completing your commissions, stopping by springvale to enjoy a well deserved lunch and catch up with some locals. you sat in the grass with a skewer of grilled meat, watching the windmills of mondstadt steadily spin in the distance as time passed, thinking about how rubin had asked you if you didn't like it here.
you did, you decided. mondstadt felt different than anywhere else you had been. untouched, almost. wilder. freer. despite being born in inazuma, your first memories being in celestia, or your mother being in liyue, mondstadt felt comfortable. felt like a home. you wondered to yourself what that might mean.
sana greeted you happily when you returned much later than you normally did. she told you to go ahead to the guild and come back, filing away your reports and retrieving your rewards. you dropped off your things in your rented room, quickly, practically galloping back down the steps towards the entrance of the city to continue your conversation with the adventurer guilds' mighty receptionist without your sword weighing you down. you crossed your arms on the counter, comfortably lounging as you chatted with her, having always enjoyed her conversations more than most. like rubin, she was a reason mondstadt always felt comfortable.
"fancy meeting you here," an all too familiar voice said, and you pulled your eyes from sana to find jeonghan leaning his side against the counter next to you.
"good evening, cavalry captain!" sana chirped, placing your reward - your room free already removed - on the counter and bowing politely. "can i help you with anything today?"
his icy gaze flickered from your lightly curved lips towards sana. "oh, no, my dear. i'm just coming back from an investigation near springvale"
"interesting," you said, eyeing him. "i was just there and didn't see you."
"i wouldn't be very good at my job if you did, wanderer," he grinned. "knight business, you wouldn't understand. got the assignment yesterday."
"ah," you shifted to your side to face him, making him eye the vision on your thigh. "is that why you never showed? rubin was worried."
he looked you up and down. "rubin was, huh?"
you rolled your eyes and adjusted your posture to face away from his smirk. sana looked between the two of you twice before clearing her throat as quietly as possible, making jeonghan let out a chuckle before he directed his attention to the guild's receptionist.
"how goes holding the post, sana?"
she looked almost frightened when the attention was directed back to her. "good, captain! in fact, one of our most capable adventurers-" she gestured to you, "-just returned from taking care of some of our more difficult commissions - no one else would take them."
jeonghan looked at you. "why did sana have to tell your secret?"
your eyebrows quirked upwards. "what secret?"
"that you're good at this. shouldn't you be bragging?"
a chuckle spilled from your lips, and jeonghan watched you as you looked away. "i'm not the bragging type."
he studied you a moment. "what type are you, then?"
you considered the question, wondering exactly how to answer. what type were you? if not a teller, than surely you must be a shower, but that didn't seem right either. you exhaled. "the quiet type. see you later, sana."
he laughed, pushing off the counter as you tucked your mora into your waist bag, wishing sana a good evening and following you towards the fountain. "you sure talk a lot for being the quiet type."
a smirk landed itself on your lips as he fell into step beside you. "maybe private is a better description."
"that one i can see," jeonghan said, looking over to you. he thought of how you had spent nearly an hour telling him about the best views in teyvat, yet he still didn't know the most basic information about you. "do you share your name with anyone?"
you thought. "my mother."
he scoffed. "anyone else?"
you looked to the sky. "rubin."
"wrong," he retorted. "he doesn't know your name, either."
you laughed, looking over to him as you came up to the fountain, spinning and sitting back on the ledge. "you asked?"
"of course i asked," he said, planting one foot on the ledge beside you and placing his arms on his knee. "i asked other people, too. almost everyone knows you, but they don't know anything about you. bits and pieces, but never the full picture."
you just smiled up at him from your relaxed posture on the concrete. "what's wrong with a little intrigue?"
he just smiled back at you. "nothing. i tend to keep a bit myself. did you know there's a large number of people in this city that were shocked when i said you wield a claymore?"
you hummed, dipping the tips of your fingers into the fountain. "did you know there's a large number of people in this city that consider you the most eligible bachelor in not only mondstadt, but in all of teyvat?"
his lips parted slightly as you spoke. "so you snooped, too."
"i was bored yesterday. it wasn't hard," you exhaled. you flicked a drop of water towards his foot. "jeonghan yoon, the cavalry captain of the knights of favonius since he was only nineteen. who loves wine and whose adopted brother runs the biggest winery in teyvat, yet they're hardly ever seen speaking. who comes from a far off land on a different continent, but has come to love mondstadt like it was his home. who wears an eyepatch but has never told anyone why."
he chuckled at the assessment and pulled his foot off the ledge to sit beside you. "so when do i get to learn about you?"
"i told you about me yesterday," you said.
"you told me about teyvat," he corrected. "and while i was able to infer some things about your character, i still know close to nothing about you."
you thought for a moment, realizing no one had ever noticed how little you truly shared despite always being willing to tell stories. "sometimes it feels like i am teyvat. it's hard to think of things that are just about me."
"you could start with that vision," he said, nodding at the strap across your thigh. you looked down at it, exhaling.
"what's there to tell? you know what it means, and that's more teyvat than me, too."
he leaned back on a hand, looking you up and down in curiosity. "how old were you."
you chewed your cheek. "fourteen. you?"
his lip quirked upwards. "sixteen."
you bumped his shoulder with yours playfully. "beat you."
he laughed. "how'd it happen?"
you paused. "you go first."
he just chuckled and looked away, watching a dog wander past the general store. "another day, then."
"no fun," you sighed, brushing your hands together as you leaned forward. "what about the eyepatch?"
he met your eyes, mouth slanted in a smirk. "another day."
you clicked your tongue. "if you wanna learn about me, you have to be willing to give up some details, too. i value a fair trade."
"then stop asking questions that you know i won't share the answer to." jeonghan noticed the color of the sky, then suddenly pulled a pocket watch out, checking it quickly to confirm that there was enough time and stood. "come with me?"
you stared up at him. "where?"
he grinned, extending a hand to help you to your feet. "you said mondstadt's sunsets were your favorite, correct?"
you generally weren't prone to following mysterious men into back corridors, but jeonghan easily convinced you with no words at all that sneaking around the sight line of the acting grand master was completely normal behavior, sushing you with a grin as you giggled, taking refuge around a corner after the two of you made it up to the second floor of the favonius headquarters. he tugged your hand with his, pulling you into a steep maintenance staircase behind a door.
"this feels like it's against some rules," you said, climbing the stairs behind him.
"nonsense," he said, looking back at you and grinning. "are you suggesting that a knight of favonius would break rules just to impress a mysterious traveler?"
you laughed quietly, wondering if he really meant that he wanted to impress you. "not most, but maybe this one."
he only thought for a split second. "if anyone asks, we're on official knight business."
he opened the door and you found the sky again, beginning to glow orange as the edge of the sun began to hide behind the cliffs. you stared in awe at the way the few fluffy clouds reflected pink and gold, then readjusted your focus when jeonghan spoke again.
"i hope you aren't afraid of heights," he said, walking over to the parapets that surrounded you. "the best view requires a bit of a climb."
you looked up at the tower, and while it wasn't much higher than where you stood, you also recognized that you were well above most of mondstadt already. "you climb up there?"
he paused, studying you. "we don't have to, we can just sit on a merlon-"
"no, we can climb," you said, walking over to where he was and eyeing the small gap between the parapet and the adjacent roof. "hop over?"
he laughed, stepping over the gap and holding a hand out for you. "watch your step."
and though you didn't need it, you accepted the hand anyways, and it stayed on yours as you walked over the roof to the tower, as if making sure you didn't misstep several stories in the air.
"would you like to go first?" he asked. "i'll catch you if you fall."
you rolled your eyes at him, dropping your hand from his grip. "you go first. i want to see where the handholds are."
he just grinned at you. "very well," he said, tugging on the wrists of his fingerless gloves to make sure they were taught against his skin before taking hold of a brick. you watched him as he took foothold after foothold, and he resisted the urge to show off by speedily scaling the wall in favor of making sure you had the chance to see where he gripped. when he reached the opening in the tower, he pulled himself up and spun around, exhaling with a grin as he seated himself at the ledge with his legs dangling above you.
"your turn."
you adjusted your waist bag as you sighed in amused annoyance, spinning it to be behind you and out of your hips' way to climb the wall. it wasn't much - a couple meters, maybe - and you had definitely climbed further, but jeonghan's presence made you slightly nervous. that nervousness, however, just fueled you to prove yourself.
you scaled the wall easily, making jeonghan whistle and jokingly call you some kind of adventurer, and your only hesitation came when his hand was in your face. despite your initial inclination to ignore it, you put your left hand in his, allowing him to help you pull yourself up on the ledge and sit beside him.
"impressive," he commented.
you laughed, brushing off your hands. "you, too."
"c'mon," he said, gesturing his head over his shoulder before making moves to stand. "the view's on the other side."
you sighed, looking over the view of mondstadt shrouded in golden light as he stood and walked to the other ledge. "never a moment of rest with you."
"if you want to miss the sunset, be my guest."
you leaned back on your hands and laughed, pulling your gaze away from the city to look at where jeonghan had seated himself on the other end of the tower, and subsequently the view of the rolling hills beyond him that were glowing golden in the evening sun. you blinked for a second, realizing you hadn't seen the sunset the night before, and quickly got to your feet to join him before you missed this one, too.
he gave you a soft smile when you sat beside him, and you briefly wondered how many he had in his repertoire. the wind was stronger higher, whipping gently through his hair and alleviating any uncomfortable warmth you may have had from exerting yourself on the way up. you watched the dregs of sunlight skip across the grassy hills and the sky turn deep orange and bright pink, feet swinging lightly over the edge of the tower.
"i was fighting with my brother," he said suddenly, causing you to look at him with a start before you realized he was telling you about his vision. there was a slight smile on his face as he looked out on the fields. "hyungwon. it was bad. he already had his - he's a pyro, like you - and we were both young and stupid and just lost our dad. we were sword fighting and it came to me when i needed it. it probably saved my life, honestly."
you blinked at him. "you think he would have killed you?'
he exhaled, leaning back on his hands. "i think if the roles had been reversed, i would have tried to kill him, too. i'm grateful it didn't go that way, though." he coughed abruptly, clearing his throat. "we're on speaking terms, and i do love him as a brother, but i generally avoid him."
you let that thought ruminate as you watched the sun sink, halfway beyond the horizon. "my father was in a gang in inazuma, but my mom ran away when she found out she was pregnant. didn't want to raise a kid in that world, i guess? we ran into him when i got older and he wasn't very understanding." you paused, remembering the detail too well. "they were going to take her vision. that's what they did to traitors. probably take me, too. they weren't expecting me to start setting fires."
jeonghan's gaze was on you as yours was on the horizon. "just a couple of survivors."
you looked over at him, a smirk on your lips. "a couple?"
he laughed waving at your implication, thinking he would have said the same thing in an attempt to fluster you just as you were to him. "like, more than one and less than four."
you only laughed back. "fortune favors the weak, i suppose. the archons saw we needed help and extended a fig branch."
"is that what it was?" he asked, a laugh on his lips. "we were both fighting people. that's hardly an offer of peace."
"look for the deeper meaning, jeonghan. we were fighting for our lives," you pointed out, and he realized it was the first time you had addressed him by his name rather than his title. "i was fighting for family. for freedom. is that not the greatest pursuit of peace?"
he watched you as you pulled your knees to your chest, putting your feet on the edge of the stonework surface you sat on. he studied the way the golden rays lit your skin and made your eyes sparkle. "i suppose so."
you paused in that moment for a long while, and jeonghan allowed the comfortable silence as the two of you watched the sun disappear beyond the cliffs of mondstadt. the sky was turning a deep shade of purple when you told him your name, and jeonghan thought that it was quite possibly the best news he had ever received, but he kept that joy to himself as he confirmed your name, and you rolled your eyes.
"are you gonna answer my other question now?"
he scoffed. "about the eyepatch? is it really that interesting?"
"not any more interesting than my name," you retorted.
"completely untrue," jeonghan insisted. "i've never been so excited to be told a secret, and i get told a lot of secrets."
you eyed his smile warily. "my name may be unknown, but it's no secret."
he sighed and shook his head lightly. "you really wanna know the reason i wear it? it's probably not as dramatic as you're hoping."
"yet you hide it?"
he laughed. "what's wrong with a little intrigue?"
you looked away, recognizing the parrot of your own words. "whatever you say, captain."
"no!" he whined and grabbed your arm, making you start and look at him with big eyes. "you just started calling me jeonghan, don't go back to captain."
you stared at him, only breaking to laugh, dropping your legs over the edge again. "you won't show me what's under the eyepatch, so i thought we weren't on first name basis."
his hand on your bicep was warm and gentle, but his gaze was piercing as he thought it over for a bit longer. you did your best to hold it, but you felt yourself shrinking when he quietly muttered, "go on, then."
it took you a second to register what he meant, and you reached out slowly, fingers hesitating before they brushed upon his cheekbone. jeonghan closed his eyes, resigning to your touch as you gently lifted the eyepatch. his eyes opened again, slowly, and you thought your heart might have skipped a beat.
"like chocolate," you commented, and a smile spread across his lips.
"that's the kindest reaction i've gotten."
your fingers fell upon his temple, brushing down gently as you inspected his singular brown eye. "since birth?"
he nodded, his eyes flicking down to your lips briefly before he spoke. "heterochromia. it's a characteristic of my family."
you studied his face. "not the one here?"
he sighed. "not the one here."
the icy blue of jeonghan's eye had always struck something in you. it made him mysterious. commanding. it felt like he saw more than you despite having one eye covered. but now, you felt warm. you felt his gentleness. there was comfort hidden away behind that black patch, and you told him that you understood why the cavalry captain had chosen to hide the eye he did.
but to you, he was willing to show anything that would keep you around longer, he said.
"why me?" you asked, studying his expression when he looked away. the sun had retreated behind the hills, leaving the sky a deep blue.
jeonghan didn't respond right away, and you wondered if he himself even knew the answer. "we're birds of a feather, you and i."
you looked out to the view again, watching the subtle movements of the wild hills. "did you travel much before you came here?"
"it was all i knew," he told you. "i was thirteen when my father left me here."
your neck snapped, your eyes on his profile when he leaned back on his hands. "left you?"
he almost laughed, a smile on his lips when his eyes met yours. "i was slowing him down, i suppose. hyungwon's father found me and took me in."
"so you stayed?"
"i didn't always want to," he assured you. "i had the itch to leave for years. as soon as i was able, i always told myself." he paused, eyes dropping. "then father died. then hyungwon turned down his position with the knights. and i was their second choice."
you pursed your lips. "you stayed for a job."
he laughed. "it's not that simple."
you smiled at him, enjoying the warmth of his eyes on yours as the sky cooled. "are you sure we're birds of a feather?"
"listen," he said, getting off his hands and brushing them off on his thighs. "i accepted the job so that i could set the story straight. i didn't want to run from the people that believed that hyungwon tried to kill me to avenge our father."
you studied him. "i'm sorry."
"don't be," he said, nudging your shoulder. "i was still planning on leaving, but then i fell in love."
you looked away, trying to sort out the way your stomach flipped. "are they still around?"
"not with a person," he laughed, then nodded towards the now dark hills. "with the views. besides, i get free reign whenever i leave for missions. i have fun adventuring, and come home to the best sunsets in teyvat. there are worse places to call home."
your eyes scanned the horizon, remembering the brilliant rays of sun you had just seen skip across it. "that is tempting."
"how tempting?" he asked.
you thought on that for a moment. "almost as much as a death after noon right now."
jeonghan laughed, slightly proud that he had hooked you on his favorite drink. "shall we go see rubin, then?"
you hummed, smiling at the captain. "as long as i don't have to sit alone again."
"that's a promise," he told you as he stood, holding out a hand that you took without hesitation, though he withheld his intention to make sure you were never alone again.
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Soft Post Incoming
Hey, so yeah, it’s time for Appreciation Hours. Listen, I don’t make the rules. Just let me get this out of my system xD
@jacksoopticboop – hi hello I know we don’t really talk at all, but I always love seeing your posts and your positivity pop up on my dash. Keep that PMA and you’ll conquer anything that comes your way ^^
@reverseblackholeofwords – hello yes we also don’t talk a lot but I *think* you’re still following me for some reason and you’re still my Writing Senpai after all this time, so I just wanted to extend some love 💙
@septic-dr-schneep – hi I have mad respect for you in more ways than one, you have a writing strength that I don’t have and I applaud you for that. I’d love to get to know you better, hopefully you’re feeling ok today and taking care ^^
@crystalninjaphoenix – yes hello, this notification is probably Very Unexpected coming from me of all people, but I just wanna commend your amazing creativity and say that I see you in my notes. Keep it up, friend :D
@lum1natriix – hey hi there, I love you 💙 hope you’re doing alright, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you need anything at all :D
@athenafg26 – you. YOU. We’ve talked like every day for… since Deltarune’s first chapter came out (which was a long time ago now,, heck me) and I just wanna say (publicly) that you are my bestest internet friend I’ve ever had and my biggest cheerleader and I love you lots and we totally need to get together again one of these days ( つ•‿•)つ
@a-septic-mind / @dawnstar13 – *boop* hey so you’re also up there among Bestest Internet Friends I’ve had, thank you for being so kind to me all the time (and for introducing me to D&D) and for also supporting my creative ventures when I get hit with inspiration from time to time. 10/10 best person to muse with
@isa-ghost – hey I know we haven’t talked one-on-one in a while but I miss your chaotic energy and would love to see it unleashed again sometime honestly (I miss our JDC days, but, more on that in a bit)
@fear-is-nameless – THE BEST HASH-SLINGING SLASHER AROUND. What a friend. An absolute pal. Wherever you are I hope you’re having a great day and I miss you too 💙
@huffletrax – heya so I know we haven’t talked in a hot minute but I love your drawings so much and I hope you keep that creative spark going ^^ (ps: I love your pirate boys)
@ anyone from JDC or the Gaymers– I carry you with me always. I’ll never forget the friends I made with you (old and new) and I’ll always be absolutely mind-blown that I impacted so many people just by making silly little discord servers. Love you guys so much
@ anyone who’s ever given me a second thought outside of this site– thank you. It’s been a wild journey from the start and I wouldn’t trade it for the world 💙
… alright, I think I got most of what I wanted to say down. Hope everyone’s having a good day :)
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caws5749 · 4 years
Can you write something like the reader is alone in the avengers tower cause everyone’s away on a mission and someone breaks in to hurt the reader and Friday informs Natasha or something and she saves the day hehe
A/N: I absolutely love this request! I am not sure if this is what you were thinking  but I hope you enjoy! (no one notice that this is so so so many months late). Also, as is my go-to, reader has water powers!
Promoting: Honestly, I'm not sure- a mix of my 2k celebration, a potential instagram live, who knows
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It wasn’t often that you found yourself left alone in the tower, but you’d been feeling a little under the weather (which was interfering with your powers), leaving you left at home while the rest of the team headed off on the most recent mission. 
Pausing the latest episode of the sitcom that you’d been playing, you slowly removed yourself from the heaps of blankets on the bed, stretching before heading towards the kitchen for a snack. 
You’d made it halfway down the hallway before JARVIS was alerting you of the break-in. Normally, you’d head straight for the intruder, but you were left practically powerless. You could fight, but not well enough to fight off someone who had the audacity to break into the Avengers tower. 
Panicking at your predicament, you asked JARVIS what you should do, thinking heading to the panic room was most likely your best option. After receiving similar advice from JARVIS, you decided to do the opposite of that. You were feeling better, so perhaps your powers were restored. 
Testing them out briefly, you shoved your anxiety aside, willing your power to flow freely. After a bit of struggling, you were able to produce a bit of a storm, not nearly anything compared to your usual tsunami, but it would have to do. 
Conferring with JARVIS along the way, you made your way towards the intruder. 
“I’ve alerted the others of the break-in, by the way,” the A.I. commented. You nodded, knowing they were most likely hours away. 
“Do you think she can handle herself without powers?” Steve asked, after Tony had voted that they finish the mission. 
“If she goes to the panic room, as per protocol, she’ll be fine!” 
“She’s not going to go to the panic room,” Natasha followed. 
“We can’t let her take on whoever this is by herself, with no abilities,” Clint reasoned. 
“We have to go back.”
“We’re hours away,” Tony argued. 
“We’re an hour away, if we fly at top speed,” Steve retorted.
Turning away from the arguing group, Natasha pulled out her phone, quickly finding your contact and calling. 
“Come on,” she muttered as the phone continued to ring. 
“You have an incoming phone call from Ms. Romanoff,” JARVIS announced quietly as you made your way through the tower. 
“I can’t take that right now, I’m a little busy, JARVIS.”
“I am sure Ms. Romanoff is afraid for your safety, Ms. Y/L/N.”
Your heart softened as guilt washed over you. You probably should take her call. 
But then you heard a large crash a few floors up, effectively distracting you from your incoming phone call, and you took off, sprinting up the stairs. 
“Fly faster,” Natasha instructed slowly, her voice dangerously low. She’d been standing, looking over Tony’s shoulder from the start of the flight. 
“JARVIS, take the wheel,” Tony sighed, rolling his eyes. 
“Clint.” It was almost a plea from Nat, the only small clue she’d given that she was scared.
“I got it,” Clint nodded, taking the seat just vacated by Tony, giving Natasha’s arm a light, reassuring squeeze on his way over. 
Reaching the floor from where the crash came from, you hesitated just outside the stairwell door. Listening intently for any noises, you were about to open the door when a voice filled the quiet air.
“I have not found her yet, but I am certain she’s near,” a gruff, male voice noted. Were there more than one assailants? Given by the fact that you couldn’t hear a reply, you assumed he was on the phone or comms. 
“I know. We have to find her now. She has limited use of her powers, and with everyone else gone, possibly coming back, we need her now, or we’ll never get her.”
They were here for you? Why? You knew you had an interesting back story, and interesting abilities, but you really weren’t all that special..... were you? 
Breathing heavily, growing a tad dizzy, you silently and quickly made your way down the stairs, heading for the panic room. There was no way you were willing to fight the man now.. not when he knew so much, not when he was here for you. 
Wrenching open the secret door to the panic room, you locked yourself inside. 
“JARVIS, am I safe here?”
You knew you were, you knew exactly how the room had been designed, but you were still frightened now. 
“Yes. They will not find you here, and they would not be able to break in. Would you like me to get Ms. Romanoff on the line?”
You nodded, sitting down in one of the chairs in a corner. You hugged your knees to your chest, trying not to be so scared.
“Y/N?” Natasha breathed, answering the call. 
“Are you okay? Are you in the panic room?”
“Good,” Nat breathed, sighing in relief. “We’re about a half an hour out.”
“The man who broke in... he knew, Nat. He knew everyone would be gone, he knew my powers were weakened... he’s here for me, I heard him.”
So you hadn’t gone to the panic room right away, Natasha thought. Just as she’d expected, making the wave of relief even greater now that you were safe. 
“We’ll be there soon,” Nat soothed. Clint’s hands tightened on the controls, and Nat’s eyes flickered in his direction. He was flying as fast as possible. He was scared too. 
“Stay on the line with me.”
Less than half an hour later, JARVIS was alerting you of the jet’s arrival, and Natasha was reluctantly hanging up the phone, promising that she’d see you soon, and instructing you not to leave the panic room. You had begrudgingly agreed to that, frustrated that you couldn’t help with the capturing of the intruder. 
You paced back and forth for a few minutes, before the door was opening. You expected Natasha, but it was Clint who walked into the room. 
“Hey,” he greeted, surprising both of you by pulling you in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Me too,” you chuckled. 
“Tasha wanted to be the one to take the dude down,” Clint explained. You nodded. She could be ridiculously protective, you knew that. 
“Did they get him?”
“I’d be surprised if they hadn’t by now.”
With JARVIS’s alert that the intruder had in fact been taken care of, you hurriedly made your way through the tower with Clint. 
Entering the living room, you threw yourself into Natasha’s arms. 
“Who is he?” You asked. Nat didn’t answer right away, instead choosing to step back and look you over to ensure you weren’t hurt.
In her silence, Steve chose to respond, launching into who he was and who he worked for. It turned into a debrief, and you settled down on the couch, Natasha sitting next to you, her hand not leaving your thigh. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she murmured in your ear, placing a quick kiss to your temple.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t fight him,” you whispered back. Her brow furrowed. 
“It’s not your fault. Any other time you would have been able to take him down in an instant.”
You hummed. 
“Thank you for coming back so quickly.”
“For you? Anything.”
Tag List: @mymarvelwomen @morbid-gaymer @natasha-romanoff-fics @taramitch96 @marvelbanan @lesbian-x-blackwidow @firstangeldragonranch @stillfiguringmeout @natasharomanoffsbitch-x @5aftermidnight @disneykid125 @clintashaotp @arkkarchive @determinedpines @stop-drop-and-drumroll @newestnewgirl @missmarvelobsession @pussy-puncher-its-an-inside-joke @niquey-salvatore @1-danid @nowthisisliving27 @swanqueensupercorp @hopingforbarnes @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @natxhiddles @marvelb00kwolf @imnotasuperhero @canarypoint @im-hella-bright @nervousspiderling @swords-are-cool @bechloesupercorp @hcartbyheart @buckybarnesplumwhore @peggycarter-steverogers @nat-romanoffdanvers @aaron-despair
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