#that it would put a lot of stress on someone who shouldn't have to deal with this
screwzara · 2 years
How would Kokoci, Admiral tarung and M.A.T.A leaders react to Ali and Boboiboys friendship?
At first Admiral Tarung and Kokoci will be disappointed that something like this(them falling into M.A.T.A's field) managed to happen but they can't really blame Ochobot for opening a portal in a panic(power sphere privileges? Or maybe just common sense) but then they will start asking bbb and his friends what happened
Time skip cuz yes
Boboiboy: yeah that's what happened
Kokoci: Ok s-
Fang: are we gonna skim over the fact that Boboiboy actually knows one of the people from that group?
Admiral Tarung and Kokoci: WhAT?!
Boboiboy(knows trouble is coming): eheh... right ummm
And then they bombard bbb with questions like who else does he know from this group, what he knows about this group and what he has told this person he's friends with which is reasonable(panic)
M.A.T.A heads on the other hand, while weary would be very shocked(because the kids that landed on their grounds basically got aliens confirmed) and interested in alien technology. They will most likely get Ali to try and make Boboiboy form an alliance(?) of sorts between TAPOPS and M.A.T.A so they can experiment with said technology and learn more
As you can probably guess the TAPOPS team isn't really sure about that, perhaps even downright against it
Edit: TL;DR TAPOPS is panicking and M.A.T.A is thinking of exploiting their friendship
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ohmygraves · 7 months
Hello, this is my first time jump into someone's ask box. May i have a request Gaz or any TF141 men you think would fit with reader who has big bruises on their body (they got it from mission or simply after training) but reader choose to hide it and tend the bruises by them selves. The man found this out by accident when they're changing clothes or whatever scenario you would put up. It's a bit angst but with a lot of comfort afterwards. You may ignore this if you feel uncomfortable with this trope..
Anon from Indonesia UTC+8
hello anon, thank you so much for requesting! i feel like they all would be concerned if the reader got hurt but refused to go get it checked with the medics (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) so i will try to write some bits for all of them 💖 i hope you like it, sorry it took so long!
you got hurt on the last mission you went to with gaz.
you, captain price, and the sergeant were on the comms line together. you're in charge of backing up kyle when he infiltrates the building, and was talking with laswell and price. some dumb jokes, catching up with the station chief, stuff like that. the mission had been slow, and you're getting bored staying out there alone glued to the scope.
looking back, you probably shouldn't have joined in on the banter. you completely missed an enemy ambushing you from behind, and had lost communications for a few minutes as you got slammed against a huge boulder, tossed around by the man who attacked you. it was a miracle you got back in one piece, only bruised and some small cuts after the scuffle. you were lucky, so lucky that you're not sure if this were to happen again, you'd probably not going to be able to return at all.
you noticed how kyle, price and laswell was worried during your disappearance from the comms line, especially since kyle kept calling for you a few times and you wouldn't answer. after you shot the man down, you brushed off your clothes and returned to your post, apologizing to everyone and explaining what had happened. you assured everything is fine, and that you're okay and can still keep going. you didn't bleed out or anything.
oh, how wrong you were.
as you sat on the exfil vehicle together with price and gaz, you're starting to feel sore. the adrenaline coursing through your veins must've dulled the pain earlier, and now that it's gone down, you're feeling the pain.
honestly, pain might be an understatement, because you feel like you just got hit by a car.
god, your body hurts. every inch of your body feels like it's screaming for mercy. you're sure that bruises are forming somewhere under your clothes, but you honestly can't be bothered to even go to the medic for this. not when kyle is bleeding beside you and price is stressed because the target escaped.
it's fine, you can deal with it later. frozen peas and some painkillers will do the job.
you didn't realize that someone did notice how you're nearly limping around to go catch up with price for a debriefing...
john price
he'd noticed that you were hurt after you returned his calls on the comms, just after you finished shooting the guy who messed you up on the field. although, he was too occupied to even press you more about it, deciding to trust you that everything is fine on your end. thankfully, you did returned to the helo in one piece, which eases his mind.
still, he couldn't help but notice how off you're walking to his office, wincing slightly as you take each step. something must've happened back then when you were cut off from comms, and he needs to know. he quickly finished debriefing and dismissed everyone else, but told you to stay behind.
you feel your bones creak every time you move, even if that doesn't seem physically possible.
"are you sure you're okay?" price asked you, crossing his arms over his chest as he examined you top to bottom, "you're limping quite awfully, doll."
"'m fine, captain... gonna go check on kyle..." you replied curtly, not wanting him to make a big deal out of it. it's just a couple of bruises, nothing bad surely.
"get it checked with the medics. and i'll know if you don't." he sighed, "i know you think you can fix it yourself, but you should get it checked either way. you may be able to fix some scrapes, but you'll need to see if you broke any ribs or not."
"it's an order, soldier," price snapped, "no ifs or buts."
you didn't say anything, simply nodding and turned back to leave his office. you might actually do it, given how sore your body feels right now. you didn't hear that price approached you, holding your hand over the doorknob. his eyes looked closer to examine you, his free hand moving to caress your cheek, his thumb wiping off the dirt on your face.
"take care of yourself, love. please."
"i'll try, captain..."
"good. that's all i asked."
simon "ghost" riley
you decided that you want to take a shower before going to see kyle at the infirmary.
he was bleeding a lot, it might take a while to see him anyway. and you were rolling around on mud that whole mission, you feel like you were covered in dirt from head to toe. gross.
the communal shower is just a few meters away anyway.
you took a small detour to your room to grab a change of clothes, thankful that you prepared it in advance. grabbing a cargo pants and a pair of clean t-shirt, you walked into the communal shower at the base, taking off your dirty clothes and setting it aside. it'll be cleaner if you wash them yourself.
changing was hard, your arms feel like it's so sore that it's about to fall off, and not to mention you can't even move freely. maybe price was right, you broke a rib because your chest is hurting slightly when you try to pull your dirty t-shirt over your head.
"what the hell happened t'ya?"
a rough voice called out to you as you heard someone stepped closer. you glanced to see who it was as you struggled to take off your clothes, seeing the familiar mask over the face and a bare, scarred chest. oh, it's just ghost.
"ya looked like a bruised apple."
you laughed, knowing how much your body hurts right now, you kind of feel like one too.
"got thrown around during the mission with gaz and the captain," you replied, trying to wrestle your t-shirt out over your head still as you wince slightly, "just... god, no big deal, really... gaz got shot..."
ghost hummed, nodding slightly as he sees you struggling to undress. "need help?" he asked, eyeing your bruises under the t-shirt peeking out while you try to peel off the fabric off of your body.
"please do, i'm losing my mind..."
"guess someone needs t'see medic after this..."
you rolled your eyes as ghost yanked the shirt off of your body in one swoop, making you groan and hiss at the sharp pain you felt. clearly he wasn't gentle enough.
"sorry," ghost apologized. you didn't really mind, brushing it off as you kicked off your boots and pants down, throwing it somewhere in the room.
"i'll live... thanks, ghost."
he nodded, giving your head a small pat as he turned around to his own locker, his fingers messing your hair up. "don't act tough, go see the medic after this."
you didn't want to tell him that you liked that he patted you on the head, so you grumbled up a response, pouting. "yeah, yeah... you're such a worrywart."
"i mean it. those bruises are messed up."
"i know, i know... geez."
ghost shook his head as he patted your head again, a little more roughly this time, messing your hair as he got dressed and left the communal shower.
john "soap" mactavish
the moment the water hits you, you couldn't help but groan out in pain. you weren't expecting hot water or anything, but at least not something that would literally freeze your arse up. you weren't sure if cold water is better since you're far too distracted from the pain by how cold your fingertips are.
you wondered if there's any way you could get some hot water, most of the time it's always broken.
your fingers started messing with the dial, fumbling as you tried to dodge the cold water hitting those sore spots on your body.
"jesus wit happened to ye, bonnie?"
you turned around seeing soap in his naked glory, somehow. having seen everyone naked at this point, you didn't care enough to mention it. it's the shower anyway.
"got smacked across the face by the enemy earlier on mission."
"yer like a bruised pear."
you shrugged it off, "lt said apple earlier, but same difference i suppose."
he chuckled, looking at what you were doing. he didn't say anything, simply moving to adjust the water for you. after fiddling for a while, he managed to find a good enough temperature that you could enjoy.
"need help, bonnie?"
"'m good, soap. you should go see gaz."
he didn't fight you, simply giving you some head pats, chuckling when he sees your pouting face. sometimes you feel like he's treating you like a kid or like a younger sibling... well, until he gave your butt a squeeze anyway.
"ow! soap!" you yelped in pain, knowing that a bruise has formed there too. soap laughed, giving it a small pat as he teased you again.
"careful, bonnie. can't get our star all bruised now~"
you rolled your eyes, sticking your tongue at him as he walked out of the communal shower.
kyle "gaz" garrick
after taking about an hour on your "quick shower", you get changed and decide to go see gaz in medbay. knowing that he got shot made you feel awful, so you just want to see if he's okay. you're sure he's fine, but he's going to keep bitching about it for weeks.
you made your way to the medbay, seeing if you could visit kyle. he was on the bed, pouting, so you decided to walk in and sit by his bedside.
"hey, you okay?" you asked him, seeing how he's wrapped in bandages.
"have a few extra holes on me, but i'd say i'm feeling better... you?" gaz let out a sigh as he looked at you, noticing the way you sit uncomfortably on the chair because of your bruises.
"i'll live."
"they got you too, huh?" gaz sighed, looking disappointed at you, "i'll call the medics."
you didn't want to bother him, so you tried to stop him.
"what? you're hurt. just because it's bruises doesn't mean that you can just brush it off." gaz shakes his head, taking your hand in his. "i don't like seeing you get hurt."
that made you blush, your heart thumping as kyle called for the medics to check on you too. you could feel his hand on yours, thumbs caressing the back of your hand as medics approached you.
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copperbadge · 10 months
Hello, Mr. Badge, I seem to remember that you once posted about your processes and systems for staying organized in life with Excel spreadsheets etc. I’ve been struggling a lot with depression and executive dysfunction issues and don’t want it to impact my work.
Do you use the same processes at work? I get overwhelmed with the amount of documentation we have and the exceptions to the rules in our processes.
I'm so sorry you're struggling! It's really rough, and the more complicated the task feels, the more fraught it seems, the harder it is to even get a start. I feel that hard.
As for organizing work like my home life....well, it's sort of the same. I don't make a strong distinction between life and work simply because a lot of what needs organizing in my life IS my work, so it's tough to talk about them separately.
For example, I use Google Tasks to build a to-do list each day, but that to-do list starts with "stuff I'll do before work" then "shower" then all my work stuff, then "evening" and then all the stuff to do after work, ending with "7pm chores" (because I have a lot of stuff to do right around 7pm, which I need to post about elsewhere). Then the stuff I've pushed off to next day is below that, and that just bumps up the next morning. What's important isn't really how I keep the list, but that I keep it in a way that is constantly accessible, and I've trained myself to 1. put everything on it, even stuff like "grocery shop" and 2. check it whenever I feel lost. I don't find google calendars very helpful, however, so while work makes me use one for meetings, everything else goes on a calendar I made in Google Sheets that I'm just super used to by now.
It sounds like you're having a fairly specific issue, which may not even be related to your mental health (though assuredly the mental health issues aren't helping). If you have a lot of confusing documentation and exceptions in the stuff you do at work, that can be legit stressful even for someone who isn't dealing with other stuff, so I just want you to know that this may not only be a You Problem. My problem is usually the opposite, in that I'm often the first person doing something, or the only person who's done it in a while, so there's no documentation at all. But when I do have documentation I often will simply rewrite it.
After all, just because you have a handbook doesn't mean you have to use it. You can copy it over into another document and make yourself a step-by-step guide and/or a checklist. Like, I do our holiday cards every year, and my "HOLIDAY CARDS" document says "Here's the first thing you do, here's the second, do this before going past that, check this before asking for that". Literally at one point the document says "Stop. Before you go any further, do this step. Even if you don't understand why, do this step" because in the past I've disregarded that instruction ("Why on earth would I do it this way?") and lived to regret it.
Making the guide really, really sucks. Often it will take me four or five passes at a project before my guide is comprehensive (this is my fifth year doing the holiday card project and the document still has some steps missing at the end). But once you have it, it's invaluable, and often in the past I've found other people want my guides because they're fairly clear and precise about what needs doing when. For example, you might say, "Open the file and move column B to in front of column A. NOTE: THERE IS ONE EXCEPTION, THIS IS THE EXCEPTION." Or "Once you've saved the file, save a second copy to your backup folder so you can go back to it if you delete something you shouldn't. Stop and check: is this file from before or after October? If after, remember, you have to also rename it." If you find that there's a mistake you make frequently, figure out what would stop you from making it and add that in.
(We had a guy at work whose last name was VERY long and Italian, and so when I was working phones he got a special entry in the directory document I made -- the first line was all his directory info and the second line was just the phonetic pronunciation of his last name. He found out, which I had never intended him to do, and lost his shit laughing. "No wonder you're the only one who gets it right!")
So my recommendation to you is to create your own handbook, your own templates, and your own way of doing things and just slip that back into the system you have at work. Draw a diagram by hand if you need a flow chart. My approach to all my organizational issues has always been "What would make me do this correctly / prevent me from doing that thing wrong / remind me what to do / make it easier for me to start".
I think of this nowadays as the "Take the cupboard doors off" school of organizing, because to really make full use of my kitchen in a way that I liked, I had to take some of the cupboard doors off. It looks messier and kind of cheap, but it's actually a much more organized system now, and who's in my kitchen other than me?
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Are there any kinks that Cooper had but Barb thought were gross?
Or any kinks Barb had that Cooper thought were gross?
I genuinely cannot envision Barb being into a single thing that Cooper doesn't at least go along with, honestly. We see that he's clearly a very accommodating partner; he loves her so much and would do anything to see her happy and satisfied, including engage in some kinks that aren't necessarily his thing. Seeing her all worked up and turned on because he's going along with what she wants is more than enough reward for him. Somewhat of a side note: I see Barb as a person who is fairly vanilla, but might be into some sadomasochism/pain play (both giving and receiving) as a way to blow off steam. She's the kind of person who thrives under pressure, but would have some kind of "vice" she uses in secret to deal with the stress. Does she not seem like she'd be a really good, forceful, mean domme?
I think if something she requested truly put him off (for example, if she wanted him to really hurt her physically, I don't think he'd go along with it) he wouldn't have any problem communicating that, but I think he'd also be open to finding some way around his discomfort. Maybe they try an adapted version of whatever it is, or they watch porn of it and he takes care of her. More than anything, Barb enjoys consistency, and she enjoys having control. Coop enjoys seeing Barb happy, first and foremost; his specific preferences don't necessarily matter to him as much as her happiness and satisfaction.
Besides...the few times he tried to sort of experiment with things he'd been keeping close to the chest, she didn't react very warmly.
Cooper, in my mind, leans more towards the "sexually exploratory" side of the spectrum. Barb's fond of a bit of a routine when it comes to getting busy, unless she's had a really bad day, but you get this man even a little too horny or intoxicated and he's pulling stunts like trying to suck your toes (a mistake he only made with her once...she accidentally kicked him in the nose in response and nearly broke it) or trying to drag you out onto the balcony to bend you over so the whole neighborhood can hear/watch him fuck you. Things like this are just not her style, and once he's felt that out about her, he generally doesn't even bring them up. No need to make her feel guilty/uncomfortable, and no need to make himself feel ostracized for what turns him on when it doesn't hurt anyone.
They also joke through much of their marriage about his affection for bringing his lasso into the bedroom. Barb isn't much of a fan of being tied up, herself, but she humors him from time to time and plays damsel to make him happy. She's very fond, however, of tying him up, once he teaches her the knots.
I think the divorce (as well as the knowledge that the looming threat of nuclear devastation is much more real than most people know) would reshape Cooper's outlook on a lot of things, including dating and sex. I've discussed how he wouldn't necessarily be looking to date, but if he met the right person...we know he's such a lover boy. There's no way he wouldn't find love again if someone kind and compatible came along.
And, frankly, I think sexual compatibility would be a large part of that spark with a new partner. I think he'd want someone who wouldn't shy away from how he expresses his love and attraction, physically, someone who wouldn't shame him for his desires. You may not know some of the things he wants to do even exist, but he's patient. Why shouldn't he do things on a whim when the two of you are taking one another apart? If the world might end tomorrow, why shouldn't he try the things he's always secretly fantasized about?
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a-killer-obsession · 24 days
Wanna say real quick if you're a fanfic writer and you're looking at my page like "ohhh they hit 500 followers so fast and they have a upload schedule and post twice a week, maybe i have to post twice a week to get followers" - Stop
This turned into a whole guide for newbies so more under the cut
Please do not use me as an example! Im disabled and unemployed which means i have time to write two chapters a week, please do not put that sort of pressure on yourself!!! I only let myself have a upload schedule because i keep a small backlog of chapters, meaning i have some buffer if my health is bad or i get writers block, and as yall saw recently i will take a break if i loose that backlog. If i was forcing myself to write two chapters a week on a strict deadline i would absolutely loose my shit and probably burn out very quickly. And to be entirely honest, I haven't seen much difference in follower growth now that I have a schedule versus when I was just posting whenever I remembered to. I really don't think a schedule makes a huge difference, I just like having one because it gives me some sense of routine now that I'm unemployed.
What im trying to say, especially if you're new to posting fanfics, is please dont stress yourself out by thinking you need a strict schedule for anyone to like your fic or follow you. You shouldn't be writing for followers anyway, write for yourself! Write because YOU want to write. And if you fall out of love with that writing, dont feel like you need to force it just to make others happy! When i get burnt out writing Wavelengths, I keep going because *I* want to get to the ending, I've been excited to write it for months. Its another reason i dont start writing new long forms until i have a generic plan of where im going, which is something i highly recommend. Having a chapter you're excited to write really helps when you're trying to find motivation.
While I have you here, let me lay down some general tips for new fanfic writers, especially for those who post on tumblr:
Write because you want to write. Don't ever feel like you need to cater to someone else, that's a sure fire way to get burn out
If you do get burn out: don't worry about it, either it'll pass or it won't. Maybe you'll drop that idea all together and move to something new. Don't sweat it, write what makes you happy. Forcing yourself will only make it worse and it'll show in your writing. Writing fanfics is a hobby, it should be FUN. Sure someone might come across your fic years from now and be sad that it's not complete but they'll probably only be sad for a few days at most and then they'll forget about it. Its not a big deal. Who knows, maybe you'll find inspiration years down the line and make someone's day by randomly updating after years of hiatus. It happens 🤷
Dont worry about how much engagement your fic gets. I know absolutely incredible fics that get barely any engagement, and some frankly hard reads that have a ridiculous amount. Its all just dumb luck really. Again - write because you want to
Don't sweat typos too bad. I recommend finishing your chapter/one shot, giving it a day or so, and THEN come back to proof read. I find doing this gives me fresh eyes and I often find a lot of ways to improve the chapter while I'm fixing typos. If you accidentally leave typos in there, don't worry too much. As long as it makes enough sense for people to understand what you meant, people will still read it. Just look at the first few chapters of Wavelengths for example, they're riddled with typos from swapping from 3rd to 1st person, but people still read them (I'LL FIX THEM SOON I PROMISE LMAO)
Don't worry about being cringe. Cringe is dead, make your characters as self inserty and over powered as you want. CRINGE IS DEAD. If you think its fun to write powers and tropes that you're worried will be cringe, fuck it, write it anyway. As long as YOU have fun writing it. Do you know how many "whoops accidental pregnancy" trope fics I've written? Every single one of my long forms has either had it, or planned to, because I like that trope! I don't care if its cringe, I will continue to get my characters knocked up
Some quick accessibility things:
Please left align your fic! I've seen people posting center and right aligned because it "looks cool". These alignments should be used sparingly! As well as things like italics and different fonts/font sizes/colours! They should be used to highlight small sections only! Otherwise they can make it very difficult for people with reading difficulties to read!
If you're posting on tumblr:
Make sure the majority of your fic uses the default black font. Some people set the whole thing to a different font or the "small" font or a different colour and I literally can't read them, and it makes me so sad! I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue! Its okay to use other fonts for things like headers and descriptions, but for the bulk of your fic use the default! Theres a graphic designer out there somewhere who spent a long time picking the best font for the body text on this website for a reason!
If your fic is longer than a few paragraphs, use the READ MORE function!!! Either cut under a description or the first few paragraphs so people get a preview of your fic. You may think it's silly to hide most of your fic, but if someone, especially on mobile, comes across your fic automatically trimmed on the fyp, and likes your stuff, and they go to your account to see more and have to scroll for a million years just to get past your newest post, they're quickly going to give up trying to read your other stuff. Using the read more function makes it easy for people to browse your blog and check out more of your works!! It also makes it more likely people will reblog for the same reason.
Along the same lines: have a masterlist. This can be as simple as a pinned post where you add a link every time you post something new. This makes it super easy for people to check out more of your work!
If you have a long form/multi chapter I also recommend going to the previous chapter and adding a "next chapter" link when you post the next one. Not 100% needed though, if you have a masterlist that can be enough on its own, people just appreciate having that next chapter link for binge reading. PUT IT AT THE BOTTOM PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. I hate when I finish a chapter and have to scroll for a million years to get to the top for the link
Feel absolutely free to use the way I format my fics and masterlist as example, but like I said, it can literally be just as simple as a list of links. I recommend listing the links at bare minimum as the title of the fic, and the pairing people can expect (including if its nsfw is a good idea too)
Speaking of NSFW: if your work isn't suitable for minors please make that clear! Even just a 'minors DNI' at the start of the post is good! If you wanna get fancy there are lots of creators who make lovely 18+/minors dni banners you can use for free, just google it and plenty will come up. If you're not adding a cut before the NSFW content then make sure you mark the post as for mature audiences (idk how you do it on the computer because I'm mostly a mobile user but on mobile you can find it bottom right, the icon with the two people). Not appropriately censoring your posts can result in tumblr restricting and possibly banning your account.
Finally, and this one is oddly specific to people who use google docs, but you can use a copy of this google doc to automatically add all the html to your writing so you can just copy and paste it into tumblr or AO3, instead of having to manually fix all the formatting. Do not just copy and paste AO3 html into tumblr, for some reason it has major issues with italics and will cause you a major headache. Just use the linked doc, its a super time saver, I've been using it for ages now
Okay thanks for reading bye
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tehb3stsk4t3revr · 12 days
Got inspired by a post I saw this morning so here's literally 2 entire pages of headcanons comparing Infected and Kasper. Fair warning: It dips into talk of symptoms I imagine he'd have and the whole Poptart situation.
[A lot of which assume he'd have like. Actual biological needs instead of being Video Game-y, which seems to be sort of a grey area in-game anyway...]
Kasper was already kind of stupid so honestly not much is different on that front. Average 2010s gamer dudebro sort of deal. Although Infected has a bit more 'what kind of animal is the pink panther?' in him than Kasper.
Infected has next to no impulse control, leading to him doing things he shouldn't and speaking without thinking pretty much constantly.
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Infected has balance issues that Kasper didn’t due to inner ear inflammation from the infection. He can’t really do anything on a skateboard anymore besides just stand there or go in a straight line. He can and will find a way to trip on flat ground.
He's convinced he still rules at it, though.
The inflammation has also made his hearing kind of shit. (The only person he can hear with perfect clarity is Folly, as she probably speaks directly into people’s minds or something lol.)
Infected loves soda and drinks basically only that. Boy who was born with kidney stones <3
The neurotoxin in his favorite soda was a deeply unreasonable amount of aspartame (and other chemicals. For fun! <3). Not being able to drink it anymore has somewhat improved his balance issues and memory, but he still misses how it tasted (it probably tasted like what you'd get if you boiled down an entire 2 liter of diet coke until it's barely a liquid then filled an 8 ounce soda can with that. Dude’s tastebuds and liver are Fucked).
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Kasper had a fairly similar way of talking to Infected, minus the 1337. ("Sweet parteh trickz dud!11")
Infected is in constant pain. Headaches, body aches, sore throat, can't breathe well, burning skin, heavy eyes, nausea that won't go away, sniffles, random nerve pain, probably other shit. He barely notices it anymore unless someone asks how he's feeling. He doesn't have much energy to spare. He would come across as significantly more hyper/manic than how Kasper used to be if not for this.
He doesn't put any of the energy he has left towards cleaning. Kasper could deal with a little mess, but still picked stuff up when it got ugly. Lampert was also willing to help when he visited. Now Infected is too tired and unfocused to pick anything up most of the time, and Lampert refuses to set foot in the apartment complex until Kasper is better. Infected has started throwing garbage off the balcony when it gets in the way too much. It's kinda fun!
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Infected occasionally dissociates. Finds later that he's already talked to someone about something and just repeated himself, bought something already and now he has two, spent hours on his computer without remembering a single thing he looked at, or already met someone he thought he hadn't seen before.
It has actually been explained to Infected before that Kasper is his name. This just started an argument and the topic was dropped forever from that point forward.
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Infected is deeply stressed out by seeing his own face for reasons he can't communicate, so he avoids looking at it as much as possible. He used to have a mirror in his apartment but he threw it off the balcony in a fit of rage one night, then covered the blank space where it used to be with a poster. Same thing with ripping Kasper’s face off of the picture on his desk. Any photos of him that are on his PC have either been sent to the recycle bin or cropped so that his face isn’t in them. He's completely fine looking at drawings of himself though. That's definitely him.
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When left to his own devices, Infected's diet is… Inconsistent. He will forget to eat for long periods of time then binge when the hunger pangs finally get so annoying that he can't ignore them anymore. He's at least sort of hydrated because there's usually a six pack of soda on his desk or by the couch, but unless someone on the elevator is feeling generous he doesn't remember on his own very often.
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Kasper was very comfortable being physically affectionate with people and would be happy to cuddle or lay on a friend's lap if they were cool with that. Infected is even more touchy and would be clingy if he had chances to be, but due to his extremely obvious contagious disease nobody lets him get close. He is incredibly touch-starved and would probably get emotional if someone hugged him or even just sympathetically rubbed his back now.
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 Kasper was alright at resisting the urge, but Infected has picked at every scab he's ever gotten, and he ends up with a Lot. He will pick at them until the damage is worse than the initial injury unless someone stops him/tells him to put a bandage over it.
Kasper would bite his nails to keep them short and pick his nose sometimes but Infected's nails are completely trashed. Some of them have scabbed over or still-bleeding cuticles and hangnails because he chews and picks at those too.
All of the contact with his spit has caused his fingernail textures to semi-permanently unload. You'd think they were painted if you didn't know why they looked like that.
Nosebleeds from his nasal cavity getting torn up from all the fussing are not unheard of and yet he's gonna keep doing it.
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Constantly drooling when he's not talking. Some of it is post-nasal drip. Sometimes he remembers to wipe it off on his arm, but most of the time it just ends up on the floor/running down his face and soaking into the neckline of his shirt. Or sprayed all over the walls/someone's face when he sneezes.
Kasper used to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in his pocket to help Lampert feel more comfortable. He stopped doing that forever ago after he got sick. (You know how rabies does a bunch of shit to animals to make them better disease vectors, including to their brains? Yeah, something like that).
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On some level he knows he's sick. Would be more stressed out about it but the infection has repressed his ability to care (and the part of him that’s still aware of it is probably also heavily in denial). This has affected other aspects of his emotional range, causing it to come across as unusually flat, especially to those who knew Kasper.
Infected is scared that if he’s taken to a doctor’s office they’ll hurt him, so on top of genuinely not being able to recognize that he's sick he will deny all accusations regardless out of this fear. He’s technically not wrong, since trying to purge the disease to save Kasper would be extremely painful for him, but this thought mostly comes from his illness trying to preserve itself.
The last time someone tried to lead Infected to DrRETRO’s office for an intensive care stay he panicked upon realizing what was going on and fought back until they let him leave (fucked them up pretty badly), so now everyone keeps their distance and kinda uselessly tries to convince him to go voluntarily with their words.
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Infected is incapable of maintaining strong negative emotions if pushed into being that upset. He'll be mad or sad for maybe a minute and then something else will get his attention or he’ll get too tired to think and he'll forget whatever was bugging him.
Every so often he will lose hope about finding Poptart and then abruptly ‘reset’ a minute or two into sobbing his eyes out, completely confident that any day now the little guy will come back safe and sound.
Despite this it is still really easy to get him Gamer Raging. Way easier than it ever was with Kasper, who was a pretty good sport in most cases.
Infected's particular brand of Gamer Rage is ‘Heckling people until they shut up/go away’, or until it's out of his system. This is the most typical way he processes anger. The impulse control is Seriously out the window when he gets like this.
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Kasper knew a lot of stuff about the games he liked offhandedly (mostly competitive co-op FPS games like counterstrike, tf2, l4d2, etc) and could tell you so much esoteric bullshit about them, but if you tried to ask Infected he would get too excited trying to think of something he could share that would be really cool and then not actually be able to remember anything.
The only context in which Infected's reaction time isn't ass is video games. Something about muscle memory. In any other situations he is usually pretty slow to react. This does not mean he's slow to do things, though. When he's acting on a dumbass impulse thought he's probably halfway done doing it before anyone can stop him.
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It is possible to get Infected to acknowledge that his situation is Fucked for a moment or two if you press him on the most obvious evidence that he's sick (his headaches, the fact his allergies haven't cleared up in years, the snot on his face, etc), and if you pressed hard enough you'd start to see him get scared. He knows you're right, but there's nothing he can do about it. And then the recognition would be gone again as soon as you stopped talking.
This doesn't work when you bring up his name (Who's Kasper? Never met the guy.) or objects in his surroundings, only symptoms of illness directly observable on/in his body.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
"You can live a normal life. Fall in love."
I think this scant piece of ranting says a LOT about how Bruce sees Batman. It's not just a duty. It's a curse. Your blessings are also your damnations. Bruce thinks that you cannot fall in love while you are a vigilante (despite COUNTLESS EVIDENCE THAT DISPROVES THIS - Dick and Babs, Clark and Lois, Ollie and Dinah, etc.)
But Bruce has a very myopic viewpoint that leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. He hasn't had success in romance as Batman. It's Batman's fault. He can't give up Batman. Ergo, he cannot 'find love' in the nuclear family, heteronormative sense because of Batman.
Let's look at the three 'greatest loves' of Batman's life according to his and Ghostmaker's trip into his psyche.
Selina Kyle. Talia al Ghul. Poison Ivy.
I'll work backwards. Ivy is a placeholder because she was never really his. She never loved him, and his love for her was chemically induced. But he has her there, why? Maybe to say that it doesn't work out because she chose someone else.
Talia. The mother of his child who is also the Demon's Head. It would never work because of his strict code against killing and her ambivalence towards it. Ironically, they have the healthiest relationship imo that probably was born from necessary co-parenting. While they don't care for what the other does, they respect and care for each other and have deep history. He thinks if he can't make it work with the mother of his kid, who can he make it work with?
Selina Kyle. Probably the closest (at this point in canon) Bruce has ever come to having a relationship that works. But every time it looks like it'll be a sure hit, something gums up the works. Most of the time, it's each other as there are key aspects of their identity that neither are willing to compromise for. And usually, when there is a compromise, it's usually on Selina's part whereas Bruce can continue being Batman. That puts a huge power imbalance in the relationship. It doesn't work out because Selina will always be drawn back to crime, and Batman will have to stop her. Bruce supposes that's what you get for falling for a criminal.
In all three, Bruce creates logical reasons why Batman is incapable of having a relationship and uses that to justify why he cannot have romance in his life. Why having this duty is a curse. Why he is showing love by getting his kids 'out' of the life, through whatever means necessary.
However, with Selina taking a chunk out of crime through a grey method, she is pulling at a foundational aspect of his personality - I'd argue the safety net Bruce created for himself when he was that boy in the alley - and, in turn, making the Batman/Zur persona go nuts. Zur sees her methods not a way to help Gotham but as an attack on him since, if this can save Gotham what is the point of Batman? What was the point of Bruce's vow? What was it all for?
Zur is giving Bruce a reason to keep going, to keep putting on the mask, so he doesn't have to confront what's under the mask when there's no crime to fight. To deal with his personal life and relationships and mhi that need to be dealt with.
And Selina and the Batfamily are right, this shouldn't have turned into a war. They shouldn't be fighting. This is an unforseen side effect of them fulfilling Bruce's wish which is to make Gotham safe when, in reality, maybe thats not what Batman wants because what safe Gotham would need Batman?
Almost like when in Infinite Crisis, Superman of earth one asks his earth two counterpart: "if your earth was perfect, why did it need a superman?"
A safe Gotham doesn't need a Batman and, after all the stress and trauma Bruce has suffered since he put on that cowl, he is not ready to hang it up. It is his burden and his joy. As much as he grouses about the crime and how much work it is to keep Gotham 'clean' he hates sitting on his hands with nothing to do.
Ironically, Batman of Zur En Arrh reminds me of what happened to Robin in Teen Titans Go! in 'Uncle Jokes' when Starfire started acting like Cyborg and Beast Boy, breaking the natural order of how he saw the world and making him go cuckoo. The same thing is happening to Bruce.
He needs to realize that he can still be Batman but he can also not be in control. That Bruce is the one stopping him from finding 'love' in a traditional sense, not Batman. That he has love and a family and he does not need to keep pushing everyone away because he thinks it's better for them and he knows best.
Batman is Gotham's greatest hero, Bruce Wayne's love, but he's also Bruce's greatest rogue. Duality.
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cakepoppresent · 6 months
Do They Think We are Dead?
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Pacing in the small living room Brayden face is etched with worry and nervousness "We shouldn't have agreed to them dating so young. I should have put my feet down"
Blair: I know you are worried but even if we said no they would have dated without us knowing
Brayden: Look at what's happened, Grayson is in the hospital because of Gideon and his family! What kind of family is that? They would attack an innocent boy like that? No. There is no way I'll let Grayson marry into that kind of family
Blair: Let's not be rash, we'll talk to Grayson first
Xavier: Mom, is Grayson going to be okay?
Blair: Don't worry hun, Grayson is fine. Everything is going to be fine"
Brayden: Who do they even think they are? Do they think his parents are dead? It was probably that old bastard. He's always been a damn elitist
Blair: Brayden.
Brayden: You're right. I'm calm. I'm calm. Don't worry Xavier, everything will be fine
Xavier: Are you sure?
Brayden: Of course. Grayson, Veronica and Sam's are all fine. You'll see soon enough
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They finally reached San My's Airport and headed straight to the hospital. Rushing into Grayson's room Blair is filled with tears seeing her baby boy all bruised and battered up. She rushes straight into Grayson's arms who has also started tearing up "I was so scared Mom"
Blair: It's okay, don't worry about a single thing your father will take care of everything. Where is Gideon?
Grayson: He isn't here...
Brayden cuts in "I beg your pardon? He isn't here? It's his family's fault that you are like this now. Why the hell isn't he here?
Blair: Brayden!
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Sniffling and wiping his tears Grayson replies in a small voice "I told him we need to take a break...until he deals with his grandparents."
Blair: I'm so sorry sweetie. It's all going to be fine
Grayson: Are you sure? I feel so horrible. It's not supposed to be this way
Blair: It's going to be okay. I promise. We both know how much Gideon loves you. Relationships take work and sometimes it hurts. Don't worry about it anymore just focus on getting better. You're father and I won't be going anywhere
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Brayden: Veronica, Sam let's talk outside
Outside the hospital room, Brayden still visibly upset turns to Veronica "What's been happening"
Veroinca: Gideon's grandparents don't approve of Grayson this has been a thing since a year ago when Grayson spent Winterfest with Gideon
"Lord Jesus" Brayden feels a headache coming on. Grayson must have been dealing with it on his own for months, he didn't even think to reach out
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Sams: Dad?
Brayden: Yes Sams
Sams: Don't be mad. Grayson didn't want you guys to worry. Gideon said he was taking care of it
Brayden: Gideon is still a child himself. I'm your father I'm always going to worry. It's my job"
Veronica and Sam are quiet. They keep Alaia and her antics to themselves, it looks like Brayden's head is going to explode if he learns anything else
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Brayden: Alright! we are all together now. Your mother will stay with Grayson overnight. I'll drop you guys back at school
Veroinca: Oh! umm I actually won't be heading back to school
Brayden: I beg your pardon?
Veroinca: It's...just I'm seeing someone! That person I told you about during the break
Brayden: And how does that stop you from going back to school
Veroinca: ..I have a lot of my stuff at his place...and...stuff
Brayden: Veronica. No
Veroinca: Omg Dad!
Brayden: Has Grayson been living at the dorm or with Gideon
Brayden: You children stress me
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I’m writing a fic where I have a chapter in Kunikidarling’s pov, and I was wondering if you have any tips on that
Hmmm I guess it depends on what he's doing. I haven't written him much, but when I have it's been him dealing with the consequences of being around Dazai and absolutely despairing.
I apologise in advance because this turned into a mini Kunikida character analysis (?)
I need to read the Dazai's Entrance exam light novel at some point, but from what I've read from Untold Origins he sees flashing lights/passes out from stress (mainly dazai induced, but lets be honest he's probably under constant stress)
From that, I think it's safe to say that Kunikida shows how he feels outwardly/experiences physical 'symptoms' of things (eg the passing out) a lot. Like, when he got that phone call from Dazai in the OVA to say the person who made his notebook was visiting, he started excitedly pacing around (and absolutely stimming), so he absolutely reacts physically to positive things too
I've just started thinking about if Kunikida had cataplexy, and how interesting it would be to make that a part of his life. I know this isn't what you're asking about exactly but shhh:
"Cataplexy is the term given to sudden muscular weakness triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, anger and surprise. The loss of muscle tone that occurs may range from a just-perceptible weakening of the facial muscles through weakness at the knees, to total collapse on the floor. Speech may be slurred, and eyesight impaired (double vision, inability to focus) but hearing and awareness remain undisturbed." (From the Narcolepsy UK website)
Oh! The whole Dazai torture rant! He'd absolutely have an unhinged inner monologue. If I were to write something from his POV I'd make him think of creative ways to get rid of people (like how Fukuzawa wanted to throw child Ranpo into the ocean). In his rant he mimed choking Dazai, so it'd be entirely possible for him to accidentally catch himself throttling the air when he's stressed
Tbh it seems like while he wants to make sure his environment is controlled, he isn't that good at keeping his emotions dialed down (and he shouldn't need to. Let Kunikida be expressive). Spiltash called him autism coded I think, and I 100% agree.
And ooooo how he speaks! People acted surprised when he told Atsushi to grow some wereballs, but that wasn't the first or only time he's said something harsh like that (let Kunikida say fuck 😔). Whether or not it's intentional, he's quite blunt with his words and is NOT afraid to say something potentially 'rude'. This reminds me of him a lot:
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Like yeah he's absolutely professional and I think he speaks quite formally, but he would absolutely tell someone to shove a pencil up their ass
Ahhhhh I don't know what else to add. A strong sense of morals with set expectations, blunt communication, really good with kids, physically expressive so easier to describe actions-wise.
In conclusion, good luck and just put your entire kunikidussy into it!
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alcamcat · 1 year
Hi, could I request headcanons of the Anderson brothers accidentally or purposely revealing their true form to someone they're reaaally close too for the first time and instead of being scared they're awestruck and ask to touch their horns cause they find their horns pretty. Ignoring the fact they're probably naked lol -🐇
Hey, I chose to have them reveal her true form by accident because I couldn't think of a situation where they would reveal their form without being in love or something.
-I don't own the game or the characters-
What happened previously:
The day had been stressful and yes, he had in mind that they wanted to come over. But he had forgotten that one of his brothers was also at home and would open the front door. He just wanted to relax for five minutes and give his true nature some space when the door opened and they stood in the room. He had expected panic, shouting and already preparing to stop them from escaping. Even the idea of erasing their memory of what they saw had crossed his mind. But instead they just stood there and stared at him. He would not have dreamed that a smile would finally spread across their face. "Wow, that's... wow..." they stammered and took a step towards him.
He immediately apologizes. Not that he's ashamed of being a demon, or of his true form per se, he just doesn't think a human should see him that way. In his opinion, humans can't deal with something so unfamiliar. The fact that they ask him if they can touch his horns throws him off. Not that he shows it. Presumably he'll let his horns be touched and answer their questions, even though he's tense and not comfortable with the whole situation. He's most likely one of the brothers who cast a spell on the human afterward to make them forget they saw him like that. Some things just shouldn't be known by more people than absolutely necessary, whether he trusts them or not. Just a precaution.
He is surprised and more than confused by the reaction. The element of surprise tempts him to quickly put on his usual mask to cover up his insecurity. Erik doesn't mind if they want to touch him. On the contrary. He'll even get a bit flirtatious and will encourage them to touch him as much as they want. Of course, he'll also answer questions, though he'll be more keen to let his true form speak for himself. Their disbelief and enthusiasm make him smile. However, he will presumably consult with his brothers, most notably James, about whether it is a wise decision for humans to know their true forms. And no matter how unfortunate he finds it, he also tends to rob them of the memories of that precious moment.
Sam is a little overwhelmed at first. Unlike some of his brothers, he's not worried about them running away, he just knows he's way faster. He takes great pride in his true form and makes no secret of it. But he doesn't like the fact that they want to touch him at all. He will probably only let himself be touched if the person really has a lot of persuasive skills. And even then, he doesn't like it very much. After all, he is not an animal in a petting zoo, although the touch of his horns is quite pleasant. Whether he comes up with the idea of undoing what happened depends on how much he trusts the person. If he has the slightest doubt that they might accidentally reveal something, he will adjust to his older brothers' handling. With him, however, there is also a chance that he lets the person live with the knowledge, no matter what his brothers say about it.
He catches himself much faster than most of his brothers. Matthew doesn't mind the person seeing him that way, nor is he particularly uncomfortable with it. He tries to downplay the situation a bit, though, although he's clearly comfortable with them making such a fuss about his true form. Like Erik, he has no problem with being touched, although he won't encourage them further. Rather a self-protection, because it would be far too easy to withdraw energy in this situation and he really doesn't want that now. He would also answer questions and feels quite pleasant in the role of the one who explains it. Like Sam, it depends on the relationship of trust whether he acts afterwards or not, although he is more likely to be persuaded by James than his brother.
Instant regret. Damien is shocked and more than uncomfortable that the person surprised him so much. It helps that he hears all the positive comments and thoughts in their mind, but he has a sinking feeling in his stomach that he can't shake. He probably wouldn't let himself be touched and instead would explain why he didn't want it. Damien is having trouble accepting that his true form is receiving such positive attention and will likely end the encounter as soon as he can. He will also most likely bring a spell into play to finally clarify this situation. He came to the human world to leave his life as a demon behind. Only when love is involved would Damien show his true form, and then only when the person realizes the pain involved.
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Do you believe it's morally right for us, strangers to and fans of celebrities, to discuss their private lives? Is it fair game for us to do so since they're putting themselves in the public eye. Is it simply a matter of a line that shouldn't be crossed. Harmless talk about who they're dating being ok vs. their medical history not. Think Kate Middleton who had to make a video about her cancer diagnosis, probably before she was ready to, simply to quell conspiracy theories and maybe to get ahead of the medical breach that would leak her diagnosis. Where does talking about a celebrities sexuality and their sex lives land on that line of what's acceptable to talk about and what's not?
This is what I meant when I said that I'm understanding all my anons through the lens of anxiety at the moment.
Because the first sentence has been rolling around in my head ever since I read it - 'is it morally right to discuss celebrities private lives'. I think that framing - suggesting as it does the options that either something is righteous or people should not engage in it - reveals a huge amount of what is a problem in fan behaviour.
One of the impacts of this black and white thinking is shown in the next sentence. If someone's starting point is that everything that they do must be right - then if someone doesn't like what they do - they need to be proven wrong. The idea that some kind of action of celebrities could make everything we do 'morally right' - allows for the complete erasure of any discussion of harm or consent.
To suggest that some topics of discussion could be harmless is absurd to me - we have no idea about people's lives - we have no idea about the impact that our words might have.
I think a lot of the problem comes from starting in the wrong place - if you start thinking your actions must be righteous - you will very quickly have to insist that other people are wrong and minimise harm.
Instead I'd suggest a different model - where very few things are absolutely morally right or morally wrong. Rather than getting into a more full discussion of what this would mean in all circumstances - I'll focus on what it means for discussion of other people's lives - particularly celebrities.
To me the key thing is acknowledging that discussing other people's lives, even to a relatively small audience, could do harm (to the person you are talking about or to other people). And only proceeding if you accept the risk of that harm. My suggestion is that the ethical way of proceeding is not to insist that you are perfect and could not possibly harm anyone - but to acknowledge and accept that there is risks to what you do and (if appropriate) think about how you might minimise those risks (most obviously by limiting the audiences you talk to).
There's lots of other things I could say about this - but I just want to make a couple more points. I think the Kate Middleton case is an important example - this speculation is far more likely to do harm if it's right than if it's wrong. If nothing had been going on and she had just been recovering from surgery and having a break - the impact on her would have been minimal. It was because she was dealing with a serious health issue that it will have caused so much additional stress (and the same is true if any of the speculation about what might be wrong was true).
I've made this point before - but the same is true with Harry and Louis. Larries are far more likely to have done harm to them if we have been right, than if we have been wrong. It's not enough when thinking about the ethics of what we do to think 'but what if we're wrong' (although I do think that's important). It's also important to think 'what's the worst impact that this could have if I'm right.'
This is also my approach to wider fandom - I think it's important to acknowledge that we could be doing harm and we wouldn't know. I was thinking this with the meeting in airports/being outside hotels discourse. Most of the time that's going to be fine - but there is also always a risk that it will ruin an artists day or have an impact on their mental health. Anyone who has themselves been too stressed to deal with other people - can imagine how dealing with a lot of strangers who want things from you might make things worse (and if it is it's very unlikely an artist would feel free to say that). I think whatever fans do we need to do with an understanding and acceptance of the ways that it might be harmful to the artist.
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shai-manahan · 1 year
I am a person who is writing his own Interactive Fiction game. I currently have about 50k words written for it and will probably be making a forum thread soon. But I really need some advice from you as your game is one of my favourite.
The thing I am struggling with is my plot seems a bit bland to me and I just don't know what to do about it. Like I at the start only decided my game is going to be very reactive to choices and I have loads of meaningful choices and lots of variables remembering lots of things. But when I read through what I have written so far it feels a bit meh. Like your game is soooo intriguing as a reade. So my question was how do I make the plot more intriguing?? Sorry for the long ass post
I'm probably not the best person to ask about this; I go through cycles of self-doubt at least a few times a month 😞
But I'll do my best to help!
First of all, 50k words for an initial demo is impressive! HM had around 28k words when I first uploaded a public demo (which was just the first version of the prologue), so you're doing very well!
I think it would help tremendously for you to sit down and figure out what themes you wish to put focus on. It doesn't mean that you can't tackle a few others as you write, but it's always good to set goals like this to maintain consistency and make their presence strong in the story. It doesn't have to be something "grand"; it just needs to be clear in your head.
It's cool to aim for your choices to be meaningful, but watch out for scope creep. Not that I can talk; I have way too many variables tracking the MC's actions/dialogue choices as well as routes that not many will ever know about. And they can be fun! Just remember that fun doesn't always remove the stress attached to those boosts of excitement. I'd say try to focus on choices/variables you're sure you can deal with, particularly those that can enhance the quality of your plot, and you can decide to add more once you're certain you can handle them.
I have no way of knowing you're not already doing this, but well-developed characters help the impact of the plot grow stronger. Their fears, motivations, what they need to see vs what they have currently. Humans are complex beings, and for me, it's always interesting to try and explore that complexity. I love exploring it.
Try to talk to a friend about what you have at the moment! It helps to have some who'd never mince their words and are willing to give honest feedback while being helpful at the same time. In a way, it can be encouraging to know you have someone to depend to, and I hope you can find them if you haven't met such a person yet.
It's a first draft!! This is something I also keep telling myself, though it doesn't necessarily help me clear out all doubts all the time. But you should at least be aware of it. This is the first time I'm creating an IF, but I did a lot of film screenplays before, and my first drafts always sucked. It's why rewrites are not a foreign concept to me, and why I know HM might go through a lot of changes before I settle on its final version. But I do think both readers and writers should be aware of the fact that first drafts aren't supposed to be perfect; and WIPs, no matter how long they are, shouldn't be expected to have no flaws at all.
I cannot stress this out more, but taking walks outside or even doing the most mundane of errands can help to clear your mind! Try to take some rest; it might even give you some perspectives you haven't thought of before :))
I think that's all I can give for now, and I hope you're having a great time writing so far! I do want to remind you that you'll have to find methods that personally work for you as well, whether you're a plotter, a pantser, or something in between. It's why I haven't been too specific with the things I said; it's best for you to try and see what actually works for you as a writer. Best of luck <3
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thessalian · 2 months
This is a day in which I hate everything.
I was left with almost every single shitty bit of typing on record. Two eleven-minute monstrosities, a dozen or more five-odd minute monstrosities, plus all the ones that nobody else actually likes doing (because the request we made that someone talk to two of The Annoyances so that they'd maybe stop being less annoying went absolutely fucking nowhere). The slightly good news is that we did get all of yesterday's stuff done and at least a little ways into today's typing ... not helped by New Girl, who not only held off on picking up new stuff out of the queue until the scary long stuff was gone and started haphazardly doing individual cases still in the general queue a half-hour before the end of her working day, but also sat on a long-ass prostate report by one of The Annoyances until we'd gone well past its spot in the chronological order, at which point she dropped it back into the main queue so that someone else would do the fucking thing, but never mind. The real issue is that, because there are so many doctors reporting and so relatively few typists typing (and some of them being deliberately slow with shit they shouldn't be slow with, since they're taking so much care to only take easy dictation), the queue is up to nearly 270 cases.
This, as you can probably imagine, has left me in a state of just ... everything can just fuck off. I note that I am being a lot less generous in my dealings with things. Which I'm not going into because vagueposting is bullshit and generally hurtful. But it just means that I am soooooooo far past done and I have no real way of getting back into a state of absolute piss-off.
The stress isn't helping my whole fibro thing, either. It seems that the whole ... well ... *gestures to everything* has put me in such a state of frustration, rage, stress, and underlying misery that it's kicked off a pain flare and a migraine. And I know damn well that tomorrow is going to be worse. By, like, orders of magnitude worse. 270 cases in the queue and I know damn well that at least a few of the doctors are going to keep working until at least 6pm, possibly later, so the queue is going to be worse tomorrow morning. The fact that they start at 8am at the latest when very few of the secretaries start that early doesn't help either. And it being Friday doesn't help because they work weekends. And the "We need to hire someone new" item on our staff meeting agenda kind of vanished into the aether at some point, or possibly it was "We dealt with that by hiring New Girl as a permanent member of staff". That isn't a solution, though, because a) we needed more staff when she was temping and getting her paycheque from our organisation instead of a temp agency does not change that, and b) it's NEW GIRL, and she's a lazy mare on a number of levels and I do not understand why they hired her.
The one tiny shining point in my day ... well, it was sort of a mixed blessing. See, one of The Annoyances is ... a pretty big annoyance on a number of levels. He's a) a junior doctor so not entirely comfortable with the big things he's reporting on, b) not from this country so his accent is heavy and his English sentence structure is ... lacking, and c) somewhat inept at technology so he often ends up in a situation where his headset isn't linking up via Bluetooth to the computer he's using, so his voice always sounds far away and garbled because the in-built mic on the monitor halfway across the room is the only one picking up his dictation. No one likes to do his. I am no exception. The difference is, I can do his, and fairly well. I've dealt with most of those issues for a large percentage of my professional life. I don't like doing it - it's frustrating, it's time-consuming, and it's generally speaking a pain in the arse - but I am pretty good at turning word salad into a legible report or letter.
Now, this particular Annoyance ended the dictation by asking whoever typed it to email him when the report was done. Another few minutes out of my day, but fuck it; fine. So I emailed him. First I got an email saying, "Thanks for that". I figured that was the end of it, but nope! Then I got an email saying, "Oh, wow; I was going to log in to make changes but you wrote what I was trying to say so I don't have to! Thanks!"
I was a little bewildered for a moment ... and then I remembered that the rest of my colleagues (Goblin in particular takes great pride in this) tend to type exactly what is said. No editing as they go, no matter how badly a report needs it. Now, I'm used to being a PA, and to transcribing letters rather than just reports; in a lot of my jobs, I'd have been sacked if I'd ever typed out a letter or report exactly as written. Editing as I go is second nature, because so many doctors need it. Even the ones who have English as a first language are sometimes really bad with sentence structure, never mind those with English as a second or even third or fourth language. So I can't imagine doing anything else. But apparently the other girls are so set on typing only what is said, exactly how it's said, that he has had to ask us to email him when one of his reports are typed so that he can edit the thing. With me, he doesn't have to.
And see, that's why the warm fuzzies are being badly marred by an "uh-oh" feeling. What happens if he decides that I should be the only one that types his stuff? I mean, I do a fair bit of his anyway, but if the response to the few times when someone else types his is, "Lemme go back and edit the whole thing", and the response to me typing it is, "It's cool, I can leave it alone and save some time"... I've had it happen before, where a particular pain in the arse has basically demanded that I be the only one to type their reports and letters. Really don't want to give the girls another excuse to leave me with The Annoyances. Because you know they wouldn't take more of The Annoyances that aren't this guy to compensate.
Okay. I feel a little less like I'm going to murder someone for breathing too loud in my presence (which is good because the kids living in the block of flats are playing on the hill-lawn and there's the kid-shriek noise and it is not helping my head even the tiniest bit). Still miserable as hell, mind you. Somewhat uninspired as to what to do about it, though. Ugh.
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ratstuckinamarble · 11 months
What's weird is that Clawd had a wholeass animated theme song on mh's youtube channel that hinted at him being an inventor and an artist, which like, yeah, that's cool, that could work! And the show just doesn't hint at... Anything of that? Him being a quick thinker who can make different things on the spot because he had to learn how to improvise while hunting for pests in Behem could be fun! Or maybe have him have a rivalry with Frankie, maybe he has troubles with understanding how Frankie can (seemingly) often create things that don't really have a point? And maybe he could learn that things don't always need to have an important point and you can just make things for fun. Or maybe he wasn't able to pursue art in Behem because he was busy helping his mom and didn't have the time/materials to create? Or an episode where Clawdeen thinks that it's so cool that Clawd got to see so many different weird creatures and such, since she loves anything supernatural, but Clawd brings her down to earth, because it wasn't at all fun for him to often be put in dangerous situations, and they kinda reach a new understanding, maybe Clawd is jealous that Clawdeen got to go to a normal human school, and then she can show him that it wasn't nearly as fun for her as he thought it would be.
I liked that bit in the newest episode where Clawdeen and Clawd are trying to throw a birthday for Apollo and Clawd thinks that it's so weird that people on Earth eat cake for birthday? That was neat; I think that you're right that his past in Behem should be explored and give him a bit more angst? About missing his mom, him adjusting to life in a place where he doesn't have to fight for his life every day, and that he can stop looking out for threats everywhere? I'm not saying to give him some serious case of PTSD, I don't think that it would fit the tone of the show, but you know what I mean. Maybe Draculaura could be into his slightly more brooding side, and they could bond over their creativity, Clawd with his inventing and Draculaura with magic and potions? Both of these things can be dangerous and used for combat/evil, but they both managed to make it something their own, and "tame" it, use it as their own way of making art and beauty?
Okay, sorry for the tangent lmao. Sidenote, but I always wanted Clawd and Clawdeen to have more wolf-like mannerisms, maybe Clawdeen finds them embarassing/hard to deal with sometimes, like she shreds homework, chews on things when she's stressed/bored, barks when someone knocks on the door etc, so maybe with Clawd around, who was aware that he's a werewolf since he was born (I think) she has someone else to go through it with, and she isn't as embarrased?
Those are some great ideas! If they'd implemented any of these he'd already feel like a more compelling character.
I find it curious how his artsy and inventive side were a whole point in that mv, yet they don't make use of that at all, and he's been in a lot of episodes so far. Even if that's planned to come up in the future, it not getting mentioned at all so far is strange. We shouldn't have to rely on external media to make a character seem more interesting.
I love your idea of him not getting how Frankie can make things just for fun because he never had the time to create just for the sake of it, that could make for an amazing plot and creates ample opportunity for character growth. We could see him learn about what moves him and see the beauty in things existing for no other reason than to bring joy.
You're idea for an episode about Clawdeen and him would be perfect for showing how differently they grew up and how that shaped them as people- we could learn more about how growing up where he did impacted him, and them possibly even envying the other? The realisation that it wasn't sunshine and rainbows for either of them would be a wonderful bonding opportunity.
I do think he should get just a little angst. Yes, this show is fairly lighthearted, but it's tackled plenty of types of conflict, and if you're setting a character up with this kind of backstory, you have to explore the consequences.
His and Draculaura's main interests having the potential for destruction, but them both choosing to do good with them would genuinely be a neat parallel. And Drac is shown to have an artistic side aside from her witchcraft, she was painting in one episode and we know she has an interest in acting. These are things they could bond over if, you know, Clawd ever gets to be shown liking art.
Speaking of that, the music videos talked about Clawdeen's interest in fashion design too. How come that hasn't come up yet either? We're pretty far into the season, and she is the main character.
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randomkposts · 2 years
The hangry meltdown
K:-I think back to Goro's meltdown on Shido's ship, and there were a lot of things that contributed to that. 
I mean, it all ties back to him being an orphan, and Japanese treatment of orphans in Japan, but there were other surface reasons he had his meltdown. 
I have seen people say that his busy schedule of being an honors student, detective, television speaker and metaverse ninja would not lead to a lot of break time to decompress. Which is very true and would explain it. 
But so would his eating habits. Things like an apple for lunch. Let's back up a little. Goros is an orphan, and probably lives on takeout since the odds someone taught him to cook are low. Takeout is expensive. A single desert is usually cheaper then a meal, even if the later is more filling, and desert works with the image he cultivates, and spending less means he goes (is seen going)  to fancy restaurants. So it's a money saver. Spending less on food means more to spend on nice clothing, and other image maintenance. So desert at fancy places it is. Sushi if Sae treats him.  He also probably doesn't have a lot of time to eat with all his activities. So he doesn't  have great eating habits in the first place, and realizes he needed to check Shido's palace (that the phone might have held more significance then it seemed) mid talk show. 
When did he last eat?
He was already stressed, then he had to go deal with the PTs again, hungry. 
So he had a hangry meltdown.
E:-As someone who regularly forgets to eat, that's terrible he keeps going without.
Goro indulging on dessert while jabbing a fork very threatening
"I can stop when I want to," Goro said, then out of the corner of his mouth"only do I really want to "
K:-I'm not good at it either, but thankfully I have parents and therefore eat with them , unlike Goro who lives alone. 
No, Goro budgeting:- "if I get desert, it will look good on the food blog, and I will have money to keep up my haircut when I need it."
Goro is smart, but I doubt he has taken much in the way of nutrition class.
… Then again, me who has taken a nutrition class, was in college once, and pretty hungry on the way to class. Also tired. And didn't have much cash or time. Using what I knew about energy giving foods, and the amount of cash I had on me, I determined the most efficient thing I could buy was an apple and a liter of chocolate milk. 
Just had a liter of chocolate milk in class, drinking it to try to stay awake.
Between the boys, Ryuji and Joker are the ones who can cook. 
Makoto is the one I would put as likeliest to know cooking, alongside Haru. Ann is a hard maybe, and Futaba is a not unless it's unpackage and mix.
E:-People can be smart but forget basics like nutrition.For me If I forgot and its almost the end of the day when I shouldn't be eating so much, I usually offset it by drinking liquids like orange juice or milk.And a decent meal to fill me us. Coffee is my staple right now.
K:- Eclipse  Nooo
E:-Thank God my bois know. Agree on Anne and Futaba.
I know I know my mom has been getting me to eat.  Though she says "you get distracted and keep putting it off "
K:-I mean mood, but also eat please.
E:-I will!
K:- Still, imagine Joker pulls out curry and derails the fight. He's that hungry. 
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
OC Superlatives Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @the-lastcall 💖💫
The Favorite
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I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Faith is so very dear to me she is quite literally a part of myself. She brings me so much comfort and has been an outlet for me for the past like? 3 years?? Gosh look at how far she's come. She helps remind me that everything is going to be okay.
The Oldest
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While technically I have some ocs that are even older than her, Cookie is my first self insert lmao. Nowadays I don't think any but a couple of y'all would even know who she is and that makes me a lil sad! She's very special to me and was very beloved by people who meant a lot to me. Very few know me and her story well enough to see how on the nose it is an escape from my own life. Not shown here but she has burn scars on her right wrist/forearm. An exaggeration of my own burn scar in the same place. Cookie has always been there as a way to not feel alone, to see myself in someone who has been through similar experiences and made it out through the other side. To remember why it's so important to keep fighting.
The Newest
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Okay maybe not the newest.. but Iris is the newest oc I've actually been putting a lot of time and love and effort into! I love her a lot! I know I still don't talk abt her as in depth as I would like to but I swear she's got more going on than I share. I just can't help wanting to draw her so self-indulgently full of love all the time, it makes me happy to have silly fun! I really really have been meaning to doodle her more vulnerable and serious moments because she's got a lot of grief in her heart she isn't letting out.
The Meanest
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I suppose she was going to have to make her debut sooner or later.. okay but I genuinely don't have much to say abt Poppy. She's been a priv exclusive oc for a lil while and she's not developed.. like.. at all.. I ramble about her a LOT but I'm also literally every day scrapping everything bc my ideas are constantly changing so she's fr not ready yet lmao. Even I don't fully know what her deal is yet! But I can confirm she is the most ruthless (should I admit she's my lowkey nuka-world raider oc I made specifically to fuck Porter Gage nasty as hell likeeeee)
The Softest
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Maril is my BABY!! She does not have a mean bone in her body and the closest she'll ever get is when she's defending her friends! She's so generous, she wants to help others any chance she gets and sees the best in everyone.
The Most Standoffish/Aloof
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Faith is quite reserved, honestly. Becoming Captain wasn't exactly the life she chose for herself but it was the role she had to take on. For Phin, for her crew, for Halcyon, it was something she would grow to take seriously in time. She doesn't like to let on just how stressed and overwhelmed she is until she crashes and burns and has to be forced to rest before her stomach ulcer incapacitates her (speaking from experience, it's excruciating). When allowed to, she's pretty quiet and keeps to herself. She was never exactly the most social person and struggled to maintain any sort of relationship with anybody. She'll eventually warm up to her crew and come out of her shell. Sometimes you just need to meet the right band of misfits who get you.
The Smartest
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I swear this isn't just me tooting my own horn. I genuinely built her character favoring her intellect and charm. Her highest levels were in engineering, science, and medical. She's got a head on her shoulders, and she's often pretty lost in it. Faith loves to build and tinker with things and loves reading and learning as much as she can. One her own comforts, really. Maril and Iris aren't necessarily too far off on this one, Faith just has a little more under her belt. (Maril is also dedicated almost exclusively to being a gummi ship mechanic and Iris is best at carpentry!)
The Dumbest
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Poppy is by no means a moron and shouldn't be underestimated. But her skills and knowledge are very strong in fighting and survival. She does however qualify as my dumbest oc here because.. she was my melee heavy idiot savant build! Girl never at any point got a single level put into her INT lmao.
The One I'd be Friends With
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Hands down Maril would be the bestest friend I could ask for. She would be so sweet and considerate and let's be real.. I'd want to also work on the gummi ships with her. I love my gals but I just know Maril would be a ray of sunshine and a great friend. She'd also love to listen to me talk abt all my own projects and we could build so many cool things together..
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