#that’s supposed to say To Sir Phillip With Love
kaelytraec · 1 year
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carmelide · 1 year
it's always gon be FUCK phillip crane 🤞🏿
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reallywitchycat · 4 months
I hate Sir Phillip Crane
So with season 3 of Bridgerton show released on Netflix I do see lots of disclosure about Eloise and her potential endgame. I see people shipping her with Theo, I see people shipping her with Cressida and I see people insisting she will end up with Sir Phillip Crane, because he is just best and he was already in season 1 and season 2. So let me just say, I would HATE if Eloise ends up with Sir Phillip because I hate Sir Phillip with passion.
First, let's start with fact that almost ALL men in Bridgerton books are toxic, misogynist and sometimes straight up abusive. But Sir Phillip Crane is worst of them all. He truly have no redeeming qualities. There are my reasons:
1.) He is horrible husband to Marina.
Yes, I am aware he did not marry her for love, but because his father forced him. BUT that is NOT excuse for his behaviour towards her! Phillip is dismissive of Marina's mental illness. And yes, in Regency period there was very little awareness of how to PROPERLY treat mental illnesses. Still, it frustrates me that he made Marina's mental illness all about himself. HE is one who have to take responsibility for his own children. (How horrible) HE is one who have to live in celibacy because his wife felt too sick to have sex. (I would rather not talk about marital rape that happened here, because it makes me sick). Not one word about how bad that situation was for Marina. Almost as he had no empathy for her.
2.) He is horrible father.
I don't want to go too hard on him here. He did have very abusive childhood. And this is ONE instance where his childhood trauma would work as sort of excuse. BUT! In book he IS biological father of twins. (And don't let anybody told you otherwise. If book Phillip is not meant to be biological father, book would be very clear about that. JQ always tell you such things very clearly). So basically. He was aware that he had no idea how to be good father and yet, with his free will, he decide to have children. And THEN complain about them ALL the time.
3.) He is horrible husband to Eloise.
ONLY reason he wants to have wife is to have someone who will take care of his children while he is playing in his greenhouse. Basically he is looking for babysitter who he can bang. He DIDN'T TELL Eloise about that! He DIDN'T TELL her about fact he has children!!! And once they got married, that is exactly how it works! ALL childcare land on Eloise of course. And Phillip gets almost angry when Eloise wanted to have an serious conversation instead of sex. Like he tells her he did not have sex in 8 years and so she is supposed to fell sorry for him and shut up ?! Worst thing is HE don't change at the end of the book! He gets to play with his plants in greenhouse and she gets … what ? sex ? … Like I don't understand WHAT they have in common.
In conclusion. Book Eloise deserves better. And show Eloise would never ever put up with him! To make show Phillip appealing love interest they would have to completely change his story and personality. At that point they could very easily go with someone completely different.
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simping-overload · 2 years
Hello, sorry to bother you but I enjoy your work and was wondering if you could write bottom graves? If you do could you add some overstimulation?
Have a wonderful time zone friend!
this is supposed to be a sfw blog but who says I can't bend my own rules a lil bit, went with hcs since I've never actually written ns/fw before. sub graves is so🤩🤩 , sorry for taking long to get to this!!!
���this is a multi-fandom blog that is designed for mlm/nbmlm identifying readers! so if you're female or fem alligened please do not follow or interact with my mlm related post!! you will be blocked if you do not heed this warning ゛
Phillip can be such a little shit in the bedroom, he acts cocky, often says "that's the best you can do?", acts like a total brat to get a ruse outta you
On the off chance he can behave and his ego doesn't get in the way, he follows orders pretty well,
and yes, he does have a praise kink, and gets hard to "good boy" and "atta boy" rq, so be careful if you're on the feild, otherwise you'll have a sexually frustrated commander on your hands
overstimulation fucks him up so badly, but he loves it, he can barely even talk, and without fail he cums so much, doesn't matter how many loads he had already, it doesn't seem to end, be careful though to much of this and he will use the safeword if it gets to much for him
likes edging too, though after a while he gets pretty fuckin desperate, the only things he gets out is a string of ''please lemme cum" or "please sir", my man gets desperate when he whines & begs its beautiful
he is most definitely not used to this, so make sure to be slow with easing him into certain topics. remember communication is very important in both sexual and romantic aspects of relationships ^^
but anyway, during the slow and soft sessions, he's also a clinger and doesn't like it when his hands are around you in some way. It keeps him grounded and away from going to la-la land for how comfortable he is
aftercare is extremely important to him, especially after a rough session. just clean him up a bit, get him some water and some smooches, then he will promptly just pass out snuggled against you.
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forever-fixating · 1 month
RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: Side Character
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For @rwrbsource and @rwrbmovie's RWRB Appreciation Month Bingo: Side Character
Side Character: Shaan
Author's Note: I really love Shaan as a character because you can tell he doesn't adhere strictly to royal protocol and does what he can to support Henry. This ficlet delves into one possible reason why.
"What's on the agenda today, Shaan?"
The equerry humored his charge and pulled up the schedule on his iPad. Ever since the Duke was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer, his schedule, usually packed with charity appearances or state functions, had been whittled down to chemotherapy treatments and time with his youngest son, Henry. His heart ached for the young royal. Shaan took up the position of the Duke's equerry after his predecessor died unexpectedly six years ago. Of his three children, he noticed that Arthur doted on his youngest the most. Phillip and Bea seemed more independent and extroverted, but Shaan observed how Henry struggled with royal expectations as he got older. As a result, the Duke took special care to encourage the young man's interests.
"Your regular nurse should be in soon for your treatment," Shaan read. "Your attorney will be at two o'clock to finalize your will, and Prince Henry said he would be here no later than five."
"I actually wanted to talk to you about Henry." Arthur gestured to the chair next to his bed. "Please have a seat."
Shaan took the offered seat, curious about where this conversation would take them. Arthur wasn't the typical royal. Perhaps that was because of his working-class background. As a fellow Welshman, he remembered feeling an odd sort of pride watching the former Bond actor marry the princess with his family back in the 80s. Their love story was a fairytale come to life. It was tragic to know that it would be cut short.
Once Shaan settled, Arthur gave him a brittle smile and said, "As my life comes rapidly to a close, I worry about my family, especially my youngest."
Shaan didn't rush to correct the man, which he knew was appreciated. The Duchess was still in deep denial. She spoke often with the nurses who came to administer treatments about his progress, her tone desperate for hope. While each of the children put on brave faces, Shaan could tell they saw the truth of the situation.
"What can I do?" Shaan asked. Shaan would do all he could if he could provide even a modicum of peace to this man.
Arthur shifted against the mass of pillows behind him. "I know that there are certain protocols when it comes to appointments. That being said, I am going to do my goddamned best to ensure you're Henry's equerry when it comes time for him to require one."
Shaan was stunned. It was overwhelming that Arthur valued him enough to entrust the care of his son to him. Setting his iPad aside, he stammered, "Sir, I...I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything," Arthur replied. "I've enjoyed working with you. You don't follow blindly; you have found ways to question tradition and protocol. My Henry will need someone like that in his corner."
Shaan looked down at his hands. Not for the first time, he thought how unfair it was that such a genuinely good man was about to be separated from his family. Collecting himself, he looked at the dying man and said, "I will do what I can on my end as well, sir. Your son will be in good hands."
Later that afternoon, the prince arrived with an armful of books and Arthur's favorite snacks. The Duke had little appetite most days but was more willing to eat when it wasn't a bland protein smoothie. The Prince gave Shaan a small smile and said, "Hello, Shaan. How is he today?"
"As good as can be expected, sir," Shaan replied. "How are you?"
Henry shrugged and looked down at the box of Jaffa Cakes in his arms. "Taking it day by day, I suppose."
Recalling Arthur's words, Shaan said, "Should you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me for help, sir. I...I know the pain you're about to endure."
Henry's eyes shot up. It was the closest they had come to acknowledging how dire Arthur's condition was. He licked his dry lips and asked, his voice so very timid, "Who did you...?"
"My mother," Shaan replied softly, "when I was twenty-five."
Henry nodded and looked away. After a moment, he thanked Shaan and headed to his father's room.
A/N- Me coming in hot with the angst again. My muse loved the idea of Shaan working with Arthur before, and that was why he and Henry were so in sync. And before I forget, Happy RWRB Premiere Day! I cannot believe it has been a year since this movie came out!
Check out this post and join the fun in celebrating the one-year anniversary of our little romcom that could being released!
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doodling-doodle · 6 months
Los Reyas De Las Almas, Ch.2
Rodolfo hadn't stopped thinking about what he saw... The Prince was in love with his personal guard. They had kissed...
They had to tell the Kings what they saw... they had to know
“Mi Estrella, there you are!” Alejandro called out when he saw Rodolfo in the dining hall in the morning. He wasn’t able to find him for a while, he was getting a little worried.
“I’m sorry, Mi Amor, I got caught up in a rush…” Rodolfo said as he walked back up to Alejandro.
“Are you alright?”
“I… saw something last night and… I don’t know what to do.”
Alejandro nodded, “We’ll talk about that later, alright? Lets go ahead and eat, get the celebration going again.”
Rodolfo nodded, and they went to eat while Alejandro kept an eye on him, seeing just how worried he looked.
“Mi estrella… Tell me what's wrong.” Alejandro said, holding onto him as they got to their room.
“I… last night, I was looking for Prince Kyle, His Lady and Sir Alex… He and Sir Alex were in the garden, alone, and…”
“No… You don’t mean…”
“They were dancing… they kissed…”
Alejandro blinked, sighing and pulling back, starting to pace.
“Do we tell the Kings?” Rodolfo asked.
“We should… But do we?”
“They deserve to know…”
“But their son and his love should be safe.”
“They would be found at some point anyway.”
Alejandro sighed, “Okay… Let’s tell them.”
Rodolfo nodded, “let's find them after breakfast is over… we'll tell them in the war room.”
As they went back to the dining hall, they saw King John and King Phillip going to sit at a table, Prince Kyle, Sir Alex and Lady Kaida sitting on their own.
“Your majesty’s.” Alejandro said as he and Rodolfo approached King John and King Phillip's table.
“Alejandro, Rodolfo. Good morning.” King Phillip said, smiling, “The festival last night was wonderful. I hope you enjoyed it.”
“Oh we did.” Alejandro said as they sat down, “I hope you were, as well.”
“Are you feeling alright, Rodolfo?” King John asked, “You look as though something is troubling you.”
“Oh… Well, I suppose something is… I’m afraid we need to speak to you after we eat.” He said, “I found something troubling last night… I think I need to inform you two of it…”
“What…?” King Phillip asked, looking so worried, “Is our child okay? His guard and His Lady?”
“Well… They are okay, but it is about them…”
King John and King Phillip looked at each other worriedly, then at their child sitting across the room.
After they ate, they went to the war room, where both Kings sat down, and King John immediately asked, “What did you see?”
“I…” Rodolfo started, taking a deep breath, “I was the one that saw it. I was going through the garden, I was looking for The Prince and Sir Alex, and… Well, i found them… They were dancing together. They… They were talking, but I didn’t hear them…” he sighed, sitting down.
“They kissed.”
The looks that the Kings gave him… shocked him. It wasn’t hurt, or anger, or sadness. It was panic. And shock.
He kept talking…
“They’ve clearly been together for a long time- That kiss was passionate. I-”
“You don’t need to say more.” King John said.
He panicked. He knew this likely couldn’t end well, he just was hoping that they wouldn’t let go of their son, that he would be safe in the end…
“You don’t need to worry, your highness.” King Phil said, “We know. They just don’t know we know. We don’t want them to know yet.”
Now they were the ones to be shocked.
“So… you won’t exile them?” Alejandro asked.
“Of course not!” King Phillip said, almost jumping out of his seat, “We would never do that! That’s our child and his guard. We couldn’t do that… I couldn’t do that. I can’t exile my son and I can’t execute his lover and best friend.”
“Neither could I.” King John added.
They weren’t too shocked. But what did shock them was the instant denial of it.
King Phillip sighed, “Gods… I suppose I never told you about my past, did I…?” He leaned back in his chair, looking down.
“No… You haven’t.” Rodolfo replied.
King John held King Phillip’s hand softly, sighing and looking at him.
“I… was wrongly exiled from my old kingdom when I was fifteen.” King Phillip said, “I was accused of killing my father… and exiled immediately, without seeing my mother and my sisters again… I was wondering for months until I found The Rose Gold Kingdom, and that’s when I met John… the rest is mostly history.”
Rodolfo blinked, “I… Phillip, I’m so sorry, I…”
“I never told you. How would you have been able to know? But… yes, that’s why I won’t exile either of them. I know what its like.”
There was a long silence, King John holding onto King Phillip softly…
“We will make sure that no one finds out about your child and his lover.” Alejandro said.
“Thank you.” King Phillip said, “We leave in about a week. Don’t seem suspicious, they might catch on to something going on…”
Rodolfo nodded, “We will make sure that no one finds out.” He said, smiling. 
“But they need to be more subtle.” Alejandro said, looking out the window, causing the others to go and see.
Sir Alex and Prince Kyle were in the garden again, and they were dancing together again, the guard gently taking his Prince’s crown off and holding it close to kiss him.
Rodolfo felt himself smiling softly, watching the two young lovebirds dance around in the garden, not a care in the world until Lady Kaida came to get them and they left the garden.
“We will get them married, even if they never tell us about this relationship.” King John said.
“It seems like they're very in love.” Alejandro said.
“Oh they are. It solves problems for us, so we’re going to let it happen.” King Phillip said, shrugging.
“We have more festivities soon.” Rodolfo said, “We should probably go out to the courtyard.”
The week went on, and before they knew it, The Rose Gold Kingdom had left at the end of the celebration.
No one had found out, even with the two young lovers not being the most subtle. If they were in a crowd, it just seemed like Sir Alex was instructed to be next to Prince Kyle at all times. Alone in a hall or in the garden, it was clear it was more than that. 
But King John and King Phillip were happy to just move along. It solved the problem of who The Prince would marry if they had to arrange it. 
Who were they to judge? They weren’t parents, they had no reason to say anything about how they parented their child. 
So they let it go. It just meant they had time to plan wedding gifts.
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
Hospital food lacks Love (911-Missing Scenes from 6x11 In Another Life)
Author's note: one of two fics that I wanted to write after last night's episode. Bobby expresses love through food often. And hospital food is meh at best. So this is what I feel would have happened. Also posting on mobile so no reason more. Sorry about that.
And it's canon now that Bobby is Buck's dad. They didn't just hint, they said it.
Buck has two sets of parents and that is awesome.
Everyone had gone home. He had even somehow convinced Maddie, Bobby and Eddie he'd be fine for a few hours. The staff had brought him a tray with dinner on it and told him to eat slowly because it was one of the first meal since he had been intubated. And he assured them he would. He tries to eat it. He really did. The main issue was that this is not what he wanted to eat. It was a painful reminder that he was stuck in the hospital, eating hospital food. The blandest and boring safe food that is hospital food. He ate a bit but ultimately it wasn't appetizing at all. So he pushed it away and grabbed his phone. He debated on who to text. Maddie would probably tell him the food he was supposed to eat was that way because he had a tube shoved down his throat. They probably didn't want to overwhelm his system. Eddie might say the same thing or he might offer to sneak him in a burger or something. But the one person he knew would always make sure he had enough to eat was Bobby. Bobby always made sure Buck was okay. Even his unconscious mind knew Bobby was there for him. Cared for him. He would always appreciate Bobby being there for him. He loves Bobby like he did his own dad. Maybe even more at times. Bobby was the father figure that had been there when he needed him. His unconscious mind even brought him back from the dead when he needed him. So he sent Bobby a text.
Buck: hospital food 🤢
Bobby: that bad tonight?
Buck: im just going to eat the jello
Bobby: you really should eat something, Buck
Buck: its so boring and terrible
Bobby: did you at least try?
Buck: yes dad
Buck meant for it to come off as a sarcastic joke. Bobby didn't need to know that it felt more accurate to him. And knowing that Athena was the only voice that really broke through to him during his dream made him feel cared for. Loved. It really did feel like he had two sets of parents. Phillip and Margaret Buckley, the ones that initially brought him into this world and we're trying to reconnect with him. He could appreciate that. And the ones that helped bring him back into the world this time, the ones that love him by choice, not because of obligation, Bobby and Athena.
Bobby couldn't help but smile as he read Buck's text. Any hesitation that he might have had to sneak Buck something to eat vanished. Buck had a grip on his heart and he had for a long time. Since Bobby helped him get ready for that awful date all those years ago. Buck sat nestled in his heart alongside the kids he lost and the kids he gained when he married Athena. May was right.
Bobby: you want me to sneak you in something don’t you
Buck: Id say I’d die for it but too soon
Buck: right?
Bobby: Right
Buck: Yes sir *saluting emoji*
Bobby: I’ll make & bring you breakfast tomorrow
Buck: this is why you are the best
"What are you smiling about?" Athena asks as she joins him. Bobby just hands her his phone.
"Of course," Athena grins. "He got you with that dad text didn't you?"
"Even May says it's true," Bobby says.
"Because it is. He may have his real parents in his life, and they seem to be trying, but he knows he will always have you. And that means something."
"It does," Bobby smiles. "I'm so glad he's okay. I will make him whatever he wants if it means he'll stay that way."
"I know you will. He knows it too."
The next morning Bobby makes breakfast for his family. Omelets. Fluffy omelets that are packed full of tiny pieces of whatever any of them wanted. And he packs up one that he knew Buck would like. He packs it as best he can to keep it warm. Packed along with some other stuff he was bringing to help keep Buck from going crazy during his recovery. Some of it May and Harry insisted he would need. He headed to the hospital.
He knocked on the door before entering Buck's hospital room. The smile on Buck's face made Bobby smile.
"Morning," Buck greeted him.
"Morning, Harry and May said to tell you to feel better soon. Like soon, soon," Bobby shakes his head. "They also sent stuff to keep you sane. So here." He sets the bag of stuff on the bed. "Also breakfast is in there so there's that."
"Yes!" Buck grins. And pulls the tray table closer so he can pull everything out. He eagerly opens the container and finds the utensils. "Thanks, Bobby." He hums when he takes a bite. "I feel like I haven't had anything with flavor in ages."
"It's been less than a week, Buck," Bobby chuckles.
"And it feels way longer," Buck complains.
"You're just bored," Bobby says.
"You aren't wrong," Buck notes.
"Well I don't have a shift until tomorrow, so finish your breakfast and we can find something to do."
"Thanks Bobby, you really are the best," Buck smiles.
"Anytime, kid. Anytime."
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frost-queen · 3 months
Duuuddeeee good luck babe is the best thing ever! I love lesbian Eloise fics. This isn't a request just me dumping my thoughts. Imagine Eloise married Phillip crane and they live semi-happily ever after, just for Eloise to hear through the ton gossip that reader had lived her dream and is living as a spinster with her " good friend" 😉 living off a fortune left by a relative that has since passed. She'd have such a feeling of melancholy like " that's supposed to be me" not to say Eloise won't be Happy with Sir crane, but there will always be that what if in the back of her head. What if she had gone through with it? Left the ton and never looked back. Godddddd lesbian angst is God tier, thank you for putting this beauty on my screen.❤️❤️❤️
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Thank you so much for the compliment dear. Als yes, imagine Eloise being somewhat happy in her marriage, but always thinking of what her live would be if she chose fem!r. Ohhh hearing the gossip of it would certainly sting. Knowing it could've been the live she could've lived. Also yes fem!r thriving off her own money with no money. The envy she would have and the big I TOLD YOU SO! right up in her face. Look Eloise honey, you made the wrong choice.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Idk if I make this officially a part of the travel buddies au but its an idea running through my brain.
"Oh Colleen you must look over this list for me. Tell me which gentleman tickles your fancy?"
Colleen doesn't even try to hide her groan. Ever since Eloise ran off to marry Sir Phillip Crane two months ago Violet has been hell bent to see her other spinster daughter married.
Colleen fiddled with her ring on her right hand. "Mama please not this again. I have no desire to marry a man."
Violet sighed. "Oh, Colleen I'm just worried for you. You live all alone in Bloomsbury-"
"I don't live alone!"
"And you refuse to even try to make a match."
"I don't want to marry some strange man from your list."
"Colleen please, you are three and thirty now. Your brother and I have made sure these are good men for you."
Colleen bristled. Good men for you. She can read between the lines; her mother means good men for a spinster. The men she and Anthony have chosen would be widowers looking for a second wife to either be a mother to their children or a lady to their estate. "Give the list to Hyacinth," Colleen spat.
"Colleen Bridgerton! Why are you so against marriage?" Violet practically begged.
Colleen has no idea what force made her say it. Maybe she was tired of hiding, tired of pretending she hasn't been happily with her true love for the past five years. Maybe she was ready to say damn the consequences. If they have to leave so be it.
Colleen has no idea what made her say it, but the next words out of her mouth were, "I am not against marriage! I have been happily married for the past five years!"
Both mother and daughter gasped. Colleen's hands flying to her mouth.
Violet's eyes narrowed in on the ring her daughter wore on her right hand. A small hopeful smile began to grow. "You are married?"
Colleen sat up straight, her hands clenching her skirt. It was time to see this through. "Yes. We married in Cyprus in 1819."
Violet sat closer to her older daughter. "Colleen why would you hide your husband?"
"Because I am the husband."
Violet only stared at her daughter confused. Colleen found that now she's confessed her biggest secret she cannot stop.
"I married my wife as Colin Bridgerton. It was easier for me to disguise myself as a man for our travels, and sometimes it was easier for us if we pretended to be married. We found that we rather liked it, and you always say Mama that one should marry their dearest friend."
Colleen saw recognition cross her mother's face. "Penelope."
Colleen nodded, a smile forming at the thought of the small red head. "Yes, Penelope, my wife. The woman that I love with my past, my present, and my future."
Violet fell silent, Colleen excused herself.
Perhaps it was time to plan another trip with her wife. Maybe the Orkney Islands? Mm, maybe somewhere farther.
Colleen found Penelope lying in bed reading when she returned to their home in Bloomsbury. Without hesitating Colleen climbed into bed and laid herself on her wife. She pressed her ear to listen to Penelope's heartbeat. Colleen felt her body relax when Penelope began to run her hand through her dark chestnut hair.
"My wife, I'm thinking we go another trip," Colleen said.
Penelope giggled. "Love, we just got back a couple of months ago."
"My mother knows."
Penelope's hand stops. Colleen has to tighten her grip to keep Penelope from moving.
"I suppose we can look at the map tomorrow for a new destination."
Colleen kissed the spot where she could hear Penelope's heart. "I love you, Penelope."
"I love you too, Colleen."
A knock at the door.
"Yes Dunwoody?" Colleen called, not even bothering to move. They pay their staff too well for them to care about their relationship.
"Lady Violet Bridgerton is here to call on you both."
Colleen and Penelope only look at one another. Colleen sat up. "Thank you, Dunwoody, we'll meet my mother in the drawing room."
When the spouses entered the drawing room Violet walks up to them and immediately wraps them in a hug. She inspects the ring on Penelope's right hand.
"You know I always hoped we would one day make you an official Bridgerton."
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seaside-writings · 7 months
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Hiya, all you holly jolly people! It's time once again for me to post another part of my "12 Days of Prompts.*
I will admit this prompt list is a little all over the place considering that it's a lot of quotes from a lot of different Christmas movies, but I still think it works lol.
AS always if you do use these prompts please tag me so I can see what you’ve made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays: Celia ❤💚❄⛄🎄
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❄ “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to,” - Fred Gailey (Miracle on 34th Street)
❄ “This is extremely important. Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back?" - Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)
❄ “It’s Christmas Eve. It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more,” - Frank Cross (Scrooged)
❄ “You can mess with a lot of things. But you can’t mess with kids on Christmas,” - Kevin McCallister (Home Alone 2: Lost in New York)
❄ “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!” - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
❄ “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” - Clarence (It’s a Wonderful Life)
❄ “What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas perhaps means a little bit more!” - The Narrator (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
❄ “You say you hate Washington’s birthday or Thanksgiving, and nobody cares, but you say you hate Christmas, and people treat you like you’re a leper,” - Kate Beringer (Gremlins)
❄ “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!” - Kevin McCallister (Home Alone 2)
❄ “Of course. Santa. The big man. The head honcho. The connection,” - Ralphie (A Christmas Story)
❄ “A toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child,” - King Moonraiser (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
❄ “No one should be alone on Christmas,” - Cindy Lou Who, (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
❄ “Oh, Christmas isn’t just a day. It’s a frame of mind,” - Kris Kringle (Miracle on 34th Street)
❄ “A true selfless act always sparks another,” - Klaus (Klaus)
❄ “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year,” - Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)
❄ “For when the first snow is also a Christmas snow, well, something wonderful is bound to happen,” - The Narrator (Frosty the Snowman)
❄ “You know, I think this Christmas thing is not as tricky as it seems,” - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
❄ "But sir, Christmas is a time for giving, a time to be with one’s family,” - Bob Cratchit (A Christmas Carol)
❄ “It’s all humbug, I tell you,” - Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)
❄ “I don’t know what to say, but it’s Christmas, and we’re all in misery,” - Ellen Griswold (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation)
❄ “Son of a nutcracker!” - Buddy (Elf)
❄ “The thing about trains, it doesn’t matter where they’re going. What matters is deciding to get on,” - Conductor (The Polar Express)
❄ “I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It’s not bad at all really. Maybe it just needs a little love,” - Charlie Brown (A Charlie Brown Christmas)
❄ "This is Christmas! The season of perpetual hope!” - Kate McCallister (Home Alone)
❄ “You’ll shoot your eye out kid!” - Mrs. Parker, Ms. Shields, Mall Santa, & Ralphie (A Christmas Story)
❄ “You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card,” - Buddy (Elf)
❄ “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings,” - Zuzu Bailey (It’s a Wonderful Life)
❄ “That’s the one good thing about regret: It’s never too late. You can always change tomorrow if you want to,” - Claire Phillips (Scrooged)
❄ “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” - Buddy (Elf)
❄ “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see,” - Conductor (The Polar Express)
❄ “I suppose it all started with the snow. You see, it was a very special kind of snow. A snow that made the happy happier, and the giddy even giddier. A snow that’d make a homecoming homier, and natural enemies, friends, natural,” - The Narrator (Frosty the Snowman)
❄ “Tomorrow is Christmas! It’s practically here!” - The Grinch (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
❄ “Cheer up, dude! It’s Christmas!” - The Grinch (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
❄ “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” - Charlie Brown (A Charlie Brown Christmas)
❄ “Oh, Christmas isn’t just a day. It’s a frame of mind,” - Kris Kringle (Miracle on 34th Street) ❄ “God bless us, everyone!” - Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)
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league-of-sam · 1 year
As Grim as the Reaper | Simon 'GHOST' Riley PREQUEL
Ghost x Reader, Graves x Reader
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Phillip Graves x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
As Grim as the Reaper: Masterlist
Almost fucking there.
What were the chances, honestly?
You were right there.
Seconds away from kissing him, from allowing yourself to be vulnerable. 
And then, vibrations sounded as the loud jingle of Dexy's Midnight Runners' Come On Eileen blared from your phone.
"Shit." You whispered. "S-sorry."
There was only one person in your contacts who had that song as their personalised ringtone.
"Uh, yeah." 
You pulled away from Graves sharply, shaking your head and releasing a long breath as you scrambled, bringing the phone to your ear.
"John? H-hello?...John can you hear me?"
Graves sighed, standing himself up straight while he watched you move around the room, desperate to find a better connection. When you did, the smile on your face made his heart skip a beat. Yeah, he wanted to punch Captain Price for ruining the moment and completely cock-blocking him, but you looked so happy that he'd finally called.
"John! You called." You beamed.
"O'course I did, little bug. Been tryin' to get through to ya for three hours, couldn't get a damn signal. Happy birthday, I'm sorry I'm late."
"You're not late. You still got-" You pulled the phone away to check the time, "fifteen minutes left on my time."
John laughed at your comment, "Guess ya right. You had a good day?"
"As good as it could be. Bit lonely, but...I suppose the evening didn't go too badly after all."
You turned to glance at Graves from over your shoulder, biting your lip as you caught him already watching you.
"Oh yeah? What'ya get up to?"
"Paper work." The two of you laughed again, "Nah, Phillip so valiantly saved me and ordered pizza."
Graves perked up at the mention of his name, moving from the back of the room and around the desk to stop a little short behind you.
"You've spent your birthday with Phillip Graves?...Alone?"
"Yeah? Why'd you say it like that?"
"Just...be careful there."
You rolled your eyes, "Yes, Dad. Thank you."
"Fuck off, (Y/N), y'know what I mean. Just be careful with 'im, I know the Commander a little too well."
"Affirmative, sir." You rolled your eyes once more as he scolded you over your sass, "I miss you and I love you, John."
"Right back at ya, little bug. Speak soon."
Sighing, you shoved your phone into your pocket, and suddenly, the room swelled with an awkwardness. Were you really just inches away from kissing Phillip Graves?
Were you really that disappointed you were interrupted?
He looked to you, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he went to speak, but you cut him off.
"Sorry...John, finally." You chuckled, "I uh, I should go. It's late."
Graves frowned, but nodded, "Oh, uh, yeah...sure."
You collected your things, shoving your small pile of files into your bag, before walking to the door, "Uh, thank you, for tonight. It meant a lot to me."
"Anytime, princess." He smiled sweetly. "Sweet dreams."
The second you closed the door softly behind you, his smile fell, and he raked his hands through his hair, cursing under his breath in frustration. He shouldn't have done that, shouldn't have tried to kiss you, now he'd fucked it.
You, on the other hand, continued to walk towards the exit with sweaty palms and a pounding heart. It was confusing, the emotions you were feeling. Why was it hurting so much to walk away? It's not like you weren't going to see him again.
But it was breaking your heart - you saw the way his face fell when you jerked away, how sad he looked when you said you were calling it a night.
How so fucking adorable he looked when he-shit.
Fuck it.
You spun around, practically jogging back through the halls, praying he hadn't decided to leave too. A smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat spread onto your cheeks as you saw the light from his lamp still seeping into the hall.
With your mind made up, you burst back through the door, shutting it behind you and dropping your bag to the floor.
Graves was right where you'd left him, looking at you confused. You took quick strides towards him as he straightened his body.
"Y'alright-?" he started, but you didn't let him finish.
Placing your hands on either side of his face, you pushed up on your tiptoes, and slammed your lips to his.
Within seconds, he was kissing you back, arms sliding around your waist as yours moved to lock around his neck, body pressed against body. Your fingers pulled at his hair, freeing it from the gelled style, swallowing a groan from Graves.
He pulled away, one hand firm on your waist as the other cupped your cheek. His thumb rubbed over your lips, pulling them apart slightly as he looked down at you. 
"You fallin' f'me now?" He whispered, repeating his words from before with a soft smirk.
"Been falling for you the entire time, Commander." 
Your words ignited a fire within him, blazing furiously, burning the blood in his veins until it bubbled, his skin tingling.
He smashed his lips to yours, tongue slipping in as you gasped. 
You? Falling for him? No way.
His mouth continued to devour yours, only parting to pull your shirt over your head, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room. But you didn't feel it, you were burning hot, just for him. You followed his actions, tugging on the hem of his shirt.
The potential of anyone still being in the building was lost on the two of you, neither of your cared. 
Not now.
The shadows cast over his bare torso made him look like something out of a mythology book. Expertly sculpted, everything in the right place. Your fingers traced every bump, every line, every tiny scar that littered his skin.
"Like what you see, dollface?" he whispered, a cocky grin on his face as he ran a hand up your body, cupping your cheek.
Instead of humouring him, you moved closer, leaning in to place butterfly-soft kisses along his flesh. You started at his v-line, tongue delicately running along the dip, up through his abs and running over his nipple.
Graves sucked in a breath, a groan ripping through his throat the second your lips touched that sweet spot on his neck. 
He'd had enough, he had to feel you. 
He cupped your ass with his hands, whispering for you to jump, and lifted you so you locked onto his hips. With ease, he walked around the room, dropping into his chair, and you nestled comfortably on top of him.
In this position, you could feel it, he knew you could.
"Always wondered what it'd be like to ride a cowboy." You mumbled, a sultry look in your eye as you smirked.
"Oh yeah?" He teased, teeth sinking into your neck, drawing out a moan from you, "Then why'd you spend the last year turnin' me down?"
"Scared...wanted to make ya work for it...then- then I'd know how much you actually wanted me."
He pulled away from your flesh, eyes meeting yours, "Darlin'...if you needed t'know how much I wanted you, all you had to do was ask."
His hands moved, rocking your hips back and forth along his clothed length, hard as a rock underneath you. The friction made you whimper, and Graves straightened his back with a groan as you dragged your nails into his bare skin.
Your hips bucked; your body not willing to wait any longer for the heat in your groin to be satisfied.
"Show me."
He swiftly stood up, using one arm to keep your legs on his hips while the other swept across, knocking things from his desk as he made room, setting you down in the newly free space. You yelped, the display of strength making your core burn.
Before you could utter a word, his mouth was back on yours, tongue dipping in to taste every inch of you. His actions forced lewd moans to slip from your lips as his hands tugged on fistfuls of your hair.
The kiss was desperate and full of passion, and it had you clawing at him.
With rushing hands, the sounds of stretching fabric could be heard as he tugged your trousers off, leaving you lying across his desk in nothing but a thin piece of underwear.
Your lips were swollen and plump, and the lamp illuminated the red marks he'd peppered along your chest.
You looked fucking glorious; everything he'd ever wanted, right there, served like dinner on a plate on his office desk.
And God, he couldn't wait to fuck you.
"Can't explain how much I've thought 'bout doin' this, princess, fuck- so pretty and perfect."
"Just shut up and fuck me, Graves." You grunted, head tipping back as he peppered kisses along your thigh.
Smirking as he stood back up, he looked at you, taking your chin in his hands. The sound of you begging for him to ruin you was one he knew he needed to hear for the rest of his life.
"Yes, ma'am."
Once again, his lips devoured yours, but this kiss wasn't hungry this time. No, it was delicate, passionate...romantic. 
Your hands struggled with his belt between you, and he chuckled, reaching down to help. The giant buckle clanged as it hit the desk, and with a shuffle, Graves pushed his jeans down enough to free his aching cock. 
His boxers were already stained with the wetness of his precum, and you bit your lip at the sight, hand reaching out to palm him, tease him.
He growled, taking your wrists between his fingers and pinning your arms behind your back, causing your spine to arch forward, pressing your bare chest to his.
"No more playin', baby."
All you could do was nod, the anticipation making your mind completely foggy. With your arms still pinned behind you by his hand, Graves used the other to push your underwear to the side, thrusting forward to rub his tip through your folds.
It slipped around easily, the extent of your arousal unmissable. He let out an elongated grunt as he pushed in, filling you comfortably. 
You tipped your head back, whining as he attached his lips to the raw skin there, and slowly, he began rocking his hips back and forth to a calming rhythm.
"Oh, f-fuck-" he grunted, head dropping to rest on your shoulder. "You feel so fuckin' good, doll."
He released you, and immediately, your arms locked across his back, nails raking over his skin leaving angry red scratches in their wake as you fought to cling to him. The shift in bodies allowed him to hit deeper, and it had the both of you shaking in seconds.
"God, Graves, yes- shit..." You mumbled over and over, sweet moans dropping from your lips.
And boy, the Commander of Shadow Company was lapping it all up.
Finally, after a year of pining over you, he had you underneath him, submitting and begging for him to fuck you senseless.
And that's exactly what he was going to do.
"That's right baby, scream my name, let everyone know who you belong to...you're fuckin' mine now, sergeant." 
With every word, his thrusts quickened, encouraging you to edge closer and closer to your high. The foul sound of his hips snapping against yours echoed in the room, the sheer pace he was setting causing the desk to rock loudly underneath you. 
It had been a while since you'd slept with someone, and this had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He growled in your ear, whispering filthy words, fingers digging into your hips hard enough that you knew you'd be bruised in the morning.
But neither of you cared. 
You'd been dancing around each other for too long to care.
With a rhythm that sent white hot pleasure coursing through you, he rocked his hips, snapping against yours with every thrust. Your hands clawed and grabbed at his flesh as you mewled out a mess of words, barely able to string a sentence together.
Grunts fell from his lips as he couldn't control himself any longer, his pace speeding up as he chased his release. The pressure built for you, and he could feel the walls of your cunt squeeze, making him whimper.
"That's it baby, fuck that's it- cum on my cock like a good girl."
You didn't need any more encouragement, and with a scream of his name, your body arched, your climax completely obscuring your vision to the point you saw stars.
With a few more agonisingly rough snaps with his hips, profanities falling from his mouth, Graves erupted inside of you, his cock pulsing over and over as his seed spilled out, white and dripping.
Heavy pants left your lips, a thin layer of sweat sticking your chest to his. His hands continued to run over your skin, finger-shaped bruises left on your hips, his cock already hardening again as it twitched inside you. 
You let out a pathetic whimper, and he kissed you desperately, moaning as you shifted to tighten your weakened legs around his waist.
"Come home with me." He mumbled, pressing his forehead to yours. "Please...fuck- don't want this to be over yet."
Your fingers curled around the hair at the nape of his neck, nails scratching lightly, making him groan. You pulled his mouth back to yours, nodding as your tongue darted over his lip.
"Take me home, Commander."
A deep, animal-like growl bubbled from his chest when he heard your words, spilling over into your mouth as his tongue dove to deepen the kiss, desperate to chase the taste of you.
And take you home, he did. 
Giving you a birthday you'd surely never forget.
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
Oh don’t get me started on the S2 visit. I know you’ve spoken about your dislike about the show change of the “never marry/never court” scene and let me tell you I have the same level of anger towards the entire “You have Penelope..” scene. The way he responds to that line, the way he apologized to her for….being so baby trappable?? She really said she had nothing to apologize for and did what she had to and the show really had Colin still say in both seasons 2 & 3 that LW ruined her life. Sir she admitted to wanting to ruin yours. Now I’m thinking of an alternate universe where someone with SENSE would’ve realized Colin probably shouldn’t have gone there alone and Eloise went along with him and that’s how Phillip and Eloise meet.
And I was so worried about the brothel scenes prior to the season and ended up not being bothered by them at all (minus the end of the second one. Like if he was that uninterested why not just leave? Or have it be clear the women are doing it moreso for their own pleasure rather than he could watch since he paid?) However I did enjoy everything about Colin’s S3 portrayal because he had an actual arc that followed through.
i feel like i know what they were trying to do there but it fell flat.
colin is so weirdly honor bound in s1 that you're like, my guy, are you trying to be like your brothers or the exact opposite of them? i don't even know if he knows.
also like, let's be real, i think he feels guilty over not just leaving her to her fate but that he doesn't regret it actually thanks. he could have chosen to marry her if he loved her, he didn't so he said bye and good luck with all that
he talks about not being lonely because he discovered himself or whatever randomly pretentious man thing he said (ilysm, colin, i do, never change) and that probably played into his guilt. that man was relieved in the end. a bruised heart? a bruised ego more so methinks.
and tbh i think he really wanted her to have remorse for how she treated him, he wanted to maybe feel that there was guilt that wasn't only his burden. colin is just a really solid dude (when he's not eating his whole feet) and to see her content made him feel even less content, he can't absolve her guilt because she has none. and he can't absolve his own because it depended on his idea of hers. he really likes to think that solving other people's issues will fix his own.
bro. it won't.
if colin was a girl, she'd be that one girl we all know who's like "i can fix him" while we all watch on in horror because he would literally try.
baby girl. colin. no. you cannot.
i want eloise and phillip to meet, ha.
but i also sort of think it was good he went alone as it was tbh. he needed to be made uncomfortable there i'm guessing. he's been stewing in guilt for someone who probably never gave him a second thought. that's humbling. using her to bring up penelope was not subtle at all. when a blunt object meets an oblivious wall i suppose.
you know, the second brothel scene didn't bother me, i was like, that man is being haunted by the horrors. sitting there totally uninterested in the girls while staring at a wall thinking about penelope is what he gets for going out with his douchey friends. what if he had to sit there the whole time because they were all there? pretending to be fine but like, dying inside wishing you were with the girl of your dreams?
they should torture all male romantic leads in some capacity like that. for every fridged woman, i demand a man so pathetic he can't even function due to being down that bad for a woman.😌
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I know I just reblogged a post headcanoning Eloise Bridgerton as a lesbian, and as a lesbian myself I am all for that…
…but textually, I wonder if she might be asexual and somewhere on the aromantic spectrum.
(Disclaimer: I am allosexual and alloromantic, going only off what other people have told me about their ace and aro experiences, so please feel free to correct me on anything I get wrong.)
Pretty much Eloise’s entire identity hinges around the fact that she doesn’t want to marry, and we can all agree that that gives off big queer vibes. And we can also very easily and with great joy look at her friendships with Penelope and Cressida through a lesbian lens. But for a minute, let’s consider her canon romantic (or are they?) relationships.
When Penelope suggests to Eloise that Theo has romantic feelings for her and Eloise goes to confront Theo about it, she says not that she has feelings for him, but that she has thoughts she wants to share with him, and she asks not if he has feelings for her but if he also has thoughts he wants to share with her. The two connect by discussing books and ideas. The moment Theo tries to kiss her, Eloise immediately calls the whole thing off.
Now, it’s been a hot minute since I read “To Sir Phillip, With Love”, but from what I remember of the bare bones of it and from what we know thus far about Eloise and Phillip in the show’s universe, let’s take a look at that.
I suppose it’s possible that next season, Eloise will undergo a dramatic personality change, but as she currently is, I have trouble imagining her ever doing what she does in the book: namely, pulling a “Sarah, Plain and Tall” and traveling across the country to marry a widower who is mainly interested in a mother for his children. So what would be the pull for show!Eloise to do exactly that? My hypothesis is because Phillip is like her.
What we know of show!Phillip thus far is two things: 1) he was completely fine in a marriage with Marina that was devoid of love or sex (admittedly, I am inferring the latter since they have no more children after Oliver and Amanda, biologically his brother’s children, are born, but go with me) and 2) he’s a huge fucking nerd. He can talk about his plants for hours, and listen just as eagerly to, say, Colin talking about his travels. He, like Eloise, is all about the intellectual connections. Hence, it makes sense that the two of them would develop a bond by writing letters to each other, because for them, sharing thoughts is all love is and all it needs to be.
Now, I’m pretty sure this was not what Julia Quinn was going for, and I have no idea if it is a direction Shonda Rimes will choose to take, but wouldn’t it be cool if?
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
A Direct Order (18+) || A. Hotch x Fem!Reader
Hello my loves! I hope those of you that had a long weekend were able to enjoy it :). Combining two similar requests for this one! 
Submit your requests here!
from @all-hallows-reid (which has maybe deactivated?? I can’t find u bestie):  How about fem!reader secretly dating Aaron (with a twelve year age gap). She takes a stupid risk and almost gets hurt. Suffice it to say he’s not happy, and punishes her accordingly on the jet or when they get home.
and from @mrandmrshotchner:  Disobeying a direct order and Hotch punishing reader for it
I hope you both love this one!! 
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Sir kink, spanking, praise kink, degradation kink, penetrative sex.
wordcount: 2.2k
“I see the girl,” you whispered into your comms device from the back row of pews at a church in Mittburn, Iowa, nearly 200 miles away from where this child abduction case had started. “He’s concealing a hand behind her, could be a weapon,” you relayed to the team. The church was mostly empty, the service having ended. A few parishioners and the priest were still milling around, and your unsub, Phillip Rishi, was leading seven-year-old Abigail Torres to the altar. 
“Agent, do not engage-- Rishi is devolving and we don’t know what he’ll do. Wait for backup.” You heard Hotch, although you wished you hadn’t. 
Technically, you wouldn’t be breaking a rule if you got up and followed Rishi a little more closely-- and Aaron didn’t have eyes on you, anyways. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. So you slipped out of the pew, kept your head facing mournfully towards the ground, and knelt at the altar, Rishi and the girl to your left. He still had her in front of him, concealing her with his body-- so you couldn’t get a good look at her, to make sure she was okay. You made a half-assed attempt at praying, hoping you were fooling the people around you when you tilted your head at a flash of light-- Rishi had a knife, was tracing the planes of the young girl’s cheekbones, and she was crying.
You gasped, quickly diving across the altar and forcing Rishi off of Abigail. He thrashed as Abigail screamed and ran into the arms of the priest. You wrestled Rishi to the ground, pulling the knife out of his hand and tossing it out of his reach before cuffing him and reading him his Miranda rights. 
As you stood back up, you turned around and noticed Hotch bursting through the door, his face making it perfectly clear that he had heard everything that had gone down through his comms. Oh, man. You were totally fucked.
Aaron asks if you’re okay, which you are, and then the two of you don’t speak. You don’t speak on the jet ride home, you don’t speak as you drive the FBI SUVs back to Quantico, and you don’t speak at the office before you leave for the night. 
You last for all of an hour after leaving the office before you can’t take it anymore. You throw your go bag in your car and take off towards Aaron’s place, walking up to his door and knocking before you can talk yourself out of it. He looks surprised to see you, but doesn’t ask you to leave, which you take as a win. 
“I’m here for my punishment,” you tell him as you slip past him into the apartment, and he rolls his eyes-- not his typical, “my young, playful, sexy girlfriend is driving me crazy” eye roll, but a genuinely disdainful “this young girl is too much to handle” kind of an eye roll. A pang of something you don’t recognize flashes in your chest-- guilt? Betrayal? You push it aside-- that wasn’t what you came here to do. “We’re not the couple that doesn’t talk. If you want to yell, you can yell, but we don’t shut each other out. That’s not us. So go ahead and get it out so we can move past it,” you attempt to sound cool and aloof, even if you are feeling a little vulnerable and desperate. 
   “You disobeyed a direct order,” Hotch says. 
“I did,” you agreed. 
“What, and you don’t even have an issue with it?” He asks you, his tone harsh. 
“He had a weapon, Hotch. And it was drawn on a little girl. What was I supposed to do?” You shot back.
“You were supposed to wait for backup. We hadn’t profiled that he would hurt her,” he tells you, the strain of contained rage in his tone.
“Is that a chance you would have taken? Is it a chance you would have wanted someone to take if it was your son?”
“It’s not a chance I would have taken-- but I can’t take chances with you, either,” he admits, and his confession hangs in the air for a moment. You realize this is his way of telling you how much he cares about you-- walls too high to be truly vulnerable, he has to shroud his disclosure in an argument. “You could have been hurt,” he tells you.
“I could have,” you agreed. “But I’m here, with you, and I’m okay,” you remind him, stepping closer to him, taking his hands in your own to ground him, remind him that everything had turned out okay this time. 
It takes a beat, but Aaron responds in kind, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer, and crushing his lips to yours in a searing kiss. You smile into the kiss, letting Aaron lead you backwards towards his bedroom as you wind your fingers in his hair, letting your forearms rest on his shoulders. 
“Were you serious about your punishment?” Aaron asks, his voice somewhere between a whisper and a growl, and you smile. 
“Yes, sir.”
You can feel the air shift in an instant, as Aaron sits at the edge of his bed. “Come on, then. Over my knee,” he tells you impatiently, and you feel a rush of warmth in your core as you move to comply. He stops you. “Pants off. Panties too,” he tells you, and you strip from the waist down before climbing across his lap. He lays his hand against your ass and you feel goosebumps form against his tender touch. 
“I think five is fair-- do you think five is fair, angel?” He asks, pulling your head up by the hair so you can look him in the eye. 
“Yes sir,” you agree-- he always asked before engaging in any sort of impact play, never wanted to give you more than you could handle, and you appreciated it-- even if five did seem like it would be a walk in the park. 
He lands a swift spank against your bare ass cheek and you feel it flood your center almost immediately. “One. Thank you for my spanking, Sir,” you let out almost as if it were a reflex. 
“Good girl,” he encourages you, rubbing at the tender flesh before his hand comes down against the opposite cheek.
“Two, thank you for punishing me, Sir.”
“You’re welcome, angel. Just a few more,” he encourages you, his sweet words a direct contrast to the sharp pain of his hand coming back down against you. 
“Three, thank you Sir.” 
“You belong to me, kitten. I need you to take good care of what’s mine, that’s all,” he reminds you with another spank. 
“Four, thank you Sir. Thank you for taking good care of what’s yours,” you affirm, and he delivers your last spank. 
“Five, thank you Sir,” you breathed out as your hips rocked, incredibly turned on before he had even truly touched you.
Aaron wrapped his arms around you, moving to hold you close for a moment. “There, sweet girl. I need you to help me to take good care of you-- you are very special. It’s my job to make sure nothing happens to you, but I need your help, okay?” 
“Yes, sir,” you tell him, reaching out to hold his face in your hands. 
“Good. Color?” 
“Green, sir.” 
He nods, permission granted to continue, shifting to help you off his lap and onto the bed. “Ass up, slut,” he commands gruffly, and by now you’re certain that you’re dripping down your thighs. You’d find out soon enough, you supposed, as you leaned onto your elbows and knees, raising yourself into a kneeling position, legs spread for Aaron. You heard, rather than saw, Aaron disrobing, which only added to your arousal. 
You feel the mattress dip as Aaron pulls himself up behind you. 
“Oh angel, you’re dripping. Nasty whore,” he smirks, sticking one finger inside of you, but withdrawing it immediately when you rolled against him. “Ah, ah.” he warns you. “Don’t try that again.”
So you hold still, as he pumps one and then two fingers in and out of you. You moan, cry out, beg for more-- but you don’t move.
“Sir, please,” you pant.
“You can move, sweet girl,” he grants you permission, and you start rocking your hips into his fingers immediately, wantonly, letting out a moan that makes Aaron’s cock twitch painfully. You shift your weight onto one elbow, moving one hand towards your center, which Aaron bats out of the way, slapping your swollen clit. 
“Fuck!” you cry out. 
“I said you could move. I didn’t say anything about touching, slut. Don’t make me tie you up, too.” He warns you. 
Half of you hoped that he would, but you were already desperate to cum and you didn’t know how much more you could take. You doubled down on your thrusts into Aaron’s hand, whimpering and panting the whole way. Just as you were about to topple over the edge, Aaron pulled his hand out of you, and you whimpered. 
“Sir,” you said weakly. You hadn’t been expecting that, and you wanted to cum so bad you thought you might cry. 
“Ah ah. What do you say?” He asks. 
“Thank you. Thank you for edging me, Sir,” you panted out, still coming down from your near-miss. 
“That’s my good little whore,” he cooed out. “I want you to ask permission tonight, angel. Color?”
“Green, sir.” You affirmed. “I won’t cum until you give me permission.
“Good, angel, good,” he said, lazily rubbing at your clit, and you whimpered. You’d never come like this, but you’d get increasingly more frustrated. “And why do you need to wait for permission?’ 
“Because I’m Sir’s dirty little whore,” you moaned out, the words turning you on even more as you attempted to grind down on Aaron’s hand. 
“That’s right, good girl,” he said, stepping away from you. “All fours, my love,” he tells you, and you roll up to your knees and elbows. You hear a foil wrapper tear, and without warning Aaron is stretching you. It feels delicious, makes you heady, and you cry out as he starts thrusting in and out of you. 
“You make me feel so good, sweet girl. You’re such a good girl, taking me so well and making such pretty noises. Do I make you feel good?”
“Yes sir, you make me feel so good,” you affirm, the words coming out in a shaky breath. After a few moments, you feel the coil begin to wind up inside of you. 
“Sir, may I please cum?” You ask. 
“No, not yet.” He answers simply, like you’d asked him if it had started to rain, or if dinner was ready. 
“Please, sir. Please, please let me cum,” you begged. 
“Not. Yet,” he affirmed, leaning forward to paw at your clit, which caused you to cry out. “Are you going to thank me?” Aaron asks, but you’re too overwhelmed to understand the question. “Are you going to thank me when I make you come?” He asks. 
“Yes, sir, please please make me come.” 
“Go ahead, angel,” he tells you, and the rubber band snaps. 
“Thank you sir, thank you, thank you, thank you,” you scream as you buck against him. He guides you through your orgasm, gently brings you back to reality once the pleasure has subsided, holding you gently and whispering words of encouragement in your ear. 
“I have to clean you up, sweet girl. Is it okay if I get up, or do you need me to stay here a little while longer? It’s okay if you do. You did such an amazing job,” he assures you, and you nod. 
“I’m okay, hon. Bring back water, please? And maybe some fruit snacks.” 
He rolls his eyes at you, again, but it’s the endearing kind again, and you smile. The two of you would be okay.
After he cleans you up, you head to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and snuggle back into his arms as soon as you're back in bed.
“I was so scared, and I still had to be your boss, first, and I hate that,” Aaron tells you. 
“I’m sorry, darling,” you tell him, shifting so that you’re facing him. “It’s something we should talk about-- me transferring.” 
“That’s not what I meant. You’re not changing your career path for me,” he is quick to correct you. 
“What did you mean, then?” You asked. Surely he wasn’t thinking of stepping down?
“Well, I was hoping… that you might want to tell the team about us? I don’t want to rush you, so if it’s a no, that’s fine and I won’t bring it up again. I understand the professional risks are--” you cut him off with a kiss. 
“I only suggested it because I thought you wouldn’t want people to know.” You tell him. 
“Why wouldn’t I want the team to know how much I love you?” He asks, and you smile. Yeah, the two of you would be okay.  
  tagging: : @bauhousewife @just-a-fangirl-xd @angelic-kisses13 @sleepyreaderreads @ssamorganhotchner @wolviesbbeslrblg @xyzhoneybee@choppa-style @wanniiieeee @zheezs14@ssavanessa22 @isthatme-thatsme @g-l-pierce @ssahotchie @infinite-tides@itsmytimetoodream @hotforhotchner11 @hotchinkevlar @scuttling  
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bridgertonbabe · 3 years
Assuming Bridgerton is renewed for 8 seasons to get all 8 stories, I had an idea of a story that would bring all the family together as Gregory goes about trying to figure out that he loves Lucy.
Each respective Bridgerton has received an anonymous letter demanding money in exchange for silence - or else the family’s biggest and most scandalous secrets would be exposed. The letters suppose that between a Viscount, a famous artist, two well-renowned writers, a Duke, a Baronet, an Earl, and a Baron; that a generously handsome sum of money would be provided in order to keep their transgressions quiet. 
The family all convene at Aubrey Hall, comparing their respective letters and wondering who their author is. I can see Violet shaking her head with concern and asking aloud; “But who could possibly bear such a grudge towards our family?”
A loud snort sounds in the room and everyone looks to Sir Phillip - he takes in their critical expressions of him before saying; “Oh wait, you were serious?”
Because over the years the family has inadvertently made a long list of enemies and it quickly becomes apparent that figuring out the blackmailer’s identity isn’t going to be as simple as any of them thought. I think it would be a good idea to unite the family during the final season and it would be fun to revisit people we had previously met in earlier seasons, as well as there being plenty of Bridgerton hijinks galore as they went about trying to uncover their blackmailer’s identity. 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Thurs 15 April ‘21
A proper OT5 day today, how are we doing? Well, #stressed, apparently, LOL! Oh darlings, don’t worry...
First up, Liam finished his Prince Phillip drawing and captioned it “rest in peace… small tribute to you and your service,” sighhh. As Louis put it “boss drawing and that but get your priorities straight”, I truly couldn’t have put it better! I mean Louis may not have been referring to his politics, he was following up a tweet demanding Liam’s attention (“I see you on Instagram lad, answer your phone!!!!!”), but still he hit the nail on the head. Anyway, maybe Louis wanted to chat to weigh in on Liam’s haircut! (‘WTF mate I thought we were growing it out YOU LOSE’, perhaps?) Yes, Liam’s lion mane got a shearing; he posted a picture looking handsome showing the change, and #jesusLiam trended in memory of the lost hair as fans mourned dramatically. Also there’s a little behind the scenes video of Liam making his BAFTAs performance avatar (last glimpse of the long hair, RIP)-- no footage of him making funny faces but it does feature the very tight suit and the even tighter mo-cap outfit.
And what else is Louis up to? Well he came back to say that yes, he did talk to Liam, and to ask, “how’s everyone doing?” Just saying it wasn’t enough, fans trended the answer for him; STRESSED. We’ll be all right, said Louis, “Faith in the future. Keep your head up.” Faith in the future again!! Nice. We hear you sir and are looking forward to knowing what this is the title of… Also, a geotagged photo of him that wasn’t meant to be shared, was; it shows that Louis flew into LA the other day after leaving Mexico (it’s him at LAX in the outfit he left Mexico in-- look at that hair!! FLIP FLIP FLIP.) Is he still in LA, no way of knowing, so even if the pic wasn’t supposed to go out at least there was a delay and his location remains unknown, as he likes it, though he doesn’t seem to be home to London yet. For some reason people are really stuck on the idea that Sergio (his new footie bestie) said he was going back to London but even aside from the fact that I doubt they got that deep into itineraries, I’m pretty sure he actually just said that when Louis was back in London they’d meet up; not the same thing.
Assuming Louis is still in LA that’ll be convenient for him to go punch Nick Kroll if he wants! Nick said that during DWD filming Harry fell in love with him and they ‘made an omlette’ together... oh wait, no need, he just said they literally made some eggs and fake meat and ate it one night (and obvs that he was joking about their love, but it can for sure be hard to tell Harry’s supposed love affairs from jokes, I get it if you were confused.) He also said Harry is “very good at making everyone around him feel very comfortable. He's just very grounded.” Gucci is having some kind of online fashion opening today and there was a rumor Harry would attend which, yeah, sounds legit, and there’s a Harry puzzle in a Gucci puzzle book. First clue to the Harry Styles Puzzle, “a fictitious narrative.” Timely! Yes indeed, he and Olivia “were spotted together” in London last night, oooh my the scrambling to try and come back from those legal documents is really ON! Really though, WERE THEY? The tabs claim to have interviewed multiple people who were dining there and saw them. Reaaally, okay tell me- how did this come about? Were these people so excited to see a celeb that they called the papers… but none of them took a single picture or posted to their social media about seeing them?! Pics or it didn’t happen guys, COME ON: this is very much in keeping with how unbelievably half-assed they’ve been from day one but still, pretty pathetic attempt. Then rumors went around that Harry was actually out with GEMMA which would be hilarious, but seems more likely to me that no one was actually out anywhere at all.
The To Begin Again video is out! It’s pretty and tearjerk-y and it’s got sweet laughing Zayn content, good times!! It’s mostly sweeping shots of New York City and people there, living and laughing and being quirky and stuff, big humans of NY vibe, and Ingrid and Zayn in their studios happily making music. Zayn’s studio of choice (in Pennsylvania) celebrated their star turn by posting a pic of a signed guitar Zayn gave them back when he recorded Icarus Falls there. The TBA video director says, “we filmed this video in one day- sunrise to sunset.” TBA merch is on sale today in Ingrid’s store.
And there were lots of pap pics of Niall and Anne Marie filming their video (which is not out yet) in Essex. Seems they were FILMING it on the 8th, the day of Niall’s “it’s happening” post. So what’s HAPPENING is not the actual release of it, just yet, okay then. When will it come out? Who knows! We’ll be able to tell though, Niall will come back online for non-golf posting when the time is nigh, you’ll see. Meanwhile, pics of Niall out at a pub with his friends (outdoors) last night were posted, because that’s a thing that happens when celebs go out for public outings and lots of people see them.
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