#that's a lot of good word of mouth right there they weren't going to waste it by changing his codename and confusing people
soleminisanction · 2 years
I forget.. how exactly did Tim become Robin again? Was it only because Damian left? Or something else?
There wasn't really a reason given for it in-universe. It was a gradual transition that played out over the course of a few different story lines and like five years.
What really happened, I think, is that the New52 attempted revision of Tim Drake was violently rejected by the fan-base, one of the clearest and most obvious reactions of "fuck no that's not our boy" in that whole mess of an attempted universe reset. And a big part of that stemmed from their total re-haul of his personality, motivations, backstory, and superhero career to insist that he was never Robin, he'd only ever been Red Robin, supposedly to "honor" Jason, because frankly somebody behind the scenes was sucking Jason's dick hardcore and dragging other characters under the bus to do it.
Thing is, DC always has a tendency to underestimate how popular Robin actually is because there's a certain mindset of straight white male comic book creator who's under the delusion belief that only straight white men like him read superhero comics. But Robin has always been popular with women and queer people. It's why Dick Grayson is the most sexualized man in comics, why Jason Todd exploded in popularity after they hired one of the Supernatural guys to voice him in the animated movie, why New Teen Titans could save DC in the 80s by being an unapologetic teen soap opera, heck, it's even the origin of the infamous Seduction of the Innocent "Batman and Robin are gay" claims, but that's another post.
Point is, New 52!Tim got a lot of backlash, so he was one of the things they focused on when they started dialing that back. To compound things, while Damian does have a fandom, he's not really popular as Robin, not Bruce's Robin anyway. Most of his popularity comes either from his relationship with Dick, or from Super Sons, which calls him Robin but treats him narratively as only "The Son of Batman" -- he could be called literally anything else and it wouldn't change the dynamic. And the thing is that you really kinda need a proper Robin to tell good long-term Batman stories. Even the animate series only kept him solo for a single season.
So they gradually nudged Tim back into his place. First came Rebirth with Batman Eternal where they were still calling him "Red Robin" but the only non-Robin thing about him was the extra "R" on his costume, he still looked and acted and filled the role of Robin in every other extent. And, more importantly, they had some measure of his original personality coming back.
Then he encountered with an explicit version of his pre-Flashpoint self (Titans Tomorrow!Batman) that starting bringing back memories of the timeline that everybody preferred, including all the Young Justice friends that people who'd rejected the New 52 Teen Titans were desperately missing, and he went off into Bendis's YJ run and just, started calling himself Robin again.
And then it just, stuck. Because it works, because they were bringing back the old status quo that the fandom preferred, because Tim is well-suited to the role they needed in the narrative, and because he's just the kind of guy who would go, "Huh, that very important job is not being done and nobody seems to see how important it is, somebody should take care of that" and then just, do it.
It's kinda how he got the gig in the first place.
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fandoms-writings · 11 months
Now or Never
Pairing: Best-Friend!Bucky x Virgin!Reader (fem intended)
Word Count: 6.2K (it was supposed to be a drabble oops)
Summary: Based off the prompts "You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart." for my milestone event, requested by nonnie.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, mentions of a bad date, explicit p in v sex, oral (male receiving), fingering, swearing, bucky talks a lot in bed, weed and alcohol consumption. (if I missed any, please let me know)
A/N: thank you so so much to @bucksangel and @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare for beta reading for me, i love you both so so much.
Masterpost || Bucky Masterlist
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You sat in your car, frustration and disappointment rolling off of you in waves. 
Another bad date, another guy just obsessed with hearing himself talk and not once allowing you to get a word in. That topped with how he called you a prude at the end left the worst taste in your mouth. 
You didn't want to go home to your empty apartment, already sick of the silence filling your car, so you scrolled through your contacts, thinking who would be up for hanging out with so little notice. 
Your lip found its way between your teeth as you passed your best friend's name. You weren't sure if he'd be busy or not, or if he'd be in the mood to hang out, but seeing him would help your mood. Plus. . . you blanched at the image that clouded your mind. Maybe he could help with your little problem - if you had the guts to even ask. 
You pressed the dial button before you could talk yourself out of it, waiting for him to pick up as you chewed on your nail.
Just when you were about to hang up, giving up for the night, the tone clicked and his voice filtered through the speaker. 
"Hey Peach," His voice was gruff and you could feel some of your frustration ebbing away already, "What's going on?" 
"Hey, Buck," You sighed, "Are you busy?" 
"Not currently, why?" 
"Can I come over for a minute?"
"Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" He chuckled. You could hear him shuffling through what you assumed was his kitchen, the opening and closing of cupboards sounding through the little speaker. 
"I was." You didn't give him anymore than that, and he was only silent for a small moment before he hummed. 
"Alright, get your cute butt over here so you can tell me all about it," He ordered and you couldn't help the heat that grew in your skin at the compliment. "Want me to pack a bowl too?" 
You giggled at that before agreeing. "After today, please. I'll pay you back for it." 
"How many times do I gotta tell you not to worry about that?" He laughed, "Now get over here. Drive safe." 
"I will." You hung up the phone with a sigh before starting your car and heading over to his place, but not before stopping and picking up a bottle of wine on the way. 
It wasn't long before you were hiking up the steps to the house he rented. It was small, and not in the best neighborhood, but he didn't have to worry about sharing walls with anyone else and it was bigger than your apartment, so you didn't mind. Plus, you knew he'd never let anything happen to you. 
He pulled open the door before you had a chance to knock, giving you a grin that was equally empathetic as it was smug. He liked to relish in the fact that he always knew guys weren't going to be good enough for you, telling you before every date you went on that it'd be a waste of time. 
But that didn't mean that he was happy you weren't having a good time. 
"Come on," He reached his hand out for you, "Let's get you giggly again." 
You chuckled at that before landing the bottle of wine in his outstretched hand, the raise of his eye brows pulling up the corners of your lips. 
"Super giggly is the goal then." He stepped away from the door, letting you in before closing and locking it behind you. 
"You sure you don't mind me dropping by this late?" 
He scoffed at that, leading the way to his kitchen and pulling out two wine glasses, "You know my door is always open for you, right?"
You shrugged, "I know that, but still, you can always tell me no." 
"Now, Peach, why would I do that? I'm not going to say no to hanging out with my favorite person." Heat spread through your skin again at his words, and the teasing wink he threw your way. 
You didn't mind that he flirted with you, whether flirting was his intention or not, you weren't quite sure. But either way, it made you feel somewhat seen. Liked. 
"I thought Steve was your favorite person," You lifted yourself onto his countertop, hissing at the cold that met your thighs. You cursed the version of yourself that decided shorts were a good idea.  "It'd be a shame if he heard that wasn't true." 
"He knows where he stands with me, don't worry." He handed you a poured glass, clinking his own against it before leaning against the opposite counter. "Now, do you want to tell me what happened now, or do you want to smoke first?" 
You chuckled at that, taking a sip of your wine, "How about I tell you while we smoke, then by the time we're good and high, I don't have to think about it anymore?" 
He gave you one of his little grins, nodding his head. "You got it." 
You followed him outside, getting comfortable in the large papasan chair as he plugged in the string of lights hung over the small porch. He got comfortable in his seat before offering you the bong and a lighter, letting you take the first drag. 
It didn't take long to fill Bucky in on what had transpired on your date. How Mark didn't even try to act interested in anything you had to say. How he'd made you meet him at the restaurant instead of offering to pick you up, which in the end ended up being a silver lining because you didn't have to ask him to drive you home. 
You'd gotten to the part where your date had called you a prude and what you'd told him to cause that comment, and the words caught in your throat. You'd never told Bucky you were a virgin, not that it mattered, you knew he wouldn't judge you for it. It was just something that never came up. 
Maybe it was what happened tonight, the comments and the way your date acted afterwards, that made you not want to tell him. Or maybe it was the pity in his eyes that had grown since you'd started your story. Or. . . or it could've been the rather not small bit of your heart that belonged to him already that stopped you. If others didn't like that you were a virgin in your twenties, and didn't want to be with someone so inexperienced, why would he?
He caught on to your hesitation, setting the bong down as he turned to face you with his brows pulled forward. 
"What happened?" He asked, and you looked to your lap, pulling your feet under you and wrapping your sweater around you. 
You could tell him, you knew he wouldn't judge you, wouldn't tease you for it. You knew that, so why was it so hard to tell him when you told anyone else without a care in the world? You sighed, barely meeting his gaze. 
"Promise me you won't judge me?" You whispered and he leaned forward. 
"I'd never judge you for anything. I promise." 
You nodded, more to yourself in reassurance to let the words out. "The only thing he either heard me say about myself, or that he decided to pay attention to, was the fact that I'm a virgin," You refused to meet Bucky's gaze as he went still, "That seemed to get his attention because then he started assuming I was going home with him after he pretty much ignored me all night. Like I was some prize to be won. A trophy."
You took a breath taking a small glance at Bucky to see his eyes trained on your face, but no emotion peaking through his features other than his fists clenched in his lap, knuckles white. 
"When I told him I was just gonna go home, his attitude shifted again and he proceeded to call me a selfish prude." The words rang in your head again, his mocking tone clear in your ears before you forced yourself to push it out. 
Bucky still hadn't said anything, his red eyes locked on your form, tucked into your chair as you reached for your wine glass. It wasn't until you'd taken a lengthy sip and had the cup nestled in your hands in your lap that he spoke up. 
"You deserve better than that," He started, "And I'm sorry that he treated you like that, Peach." 
Looking over to him, you saw the sincerity in his eyes, the heaviness in them as he refused to look away. You shrugged mumbling that it's fine before looking down to your wine glass again. "I don't really want to dwell on it." 
"Okay," He angled his head to catch your eye, giving you a soft smile. "You just let me know when you want me to kick this guy's ass and consider it done." 
You laughed at that, clutching your glass in your lap so it didn't fall. He smirked at you, seemingly pleased with himself for getting you to laugh as he leaned back in his chair. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a moment. 
Your focus zeroed in on him, his arm thrown over the curved back of his chair, one of his legs folded under the other, his free hand resting on his thigh as he studied you. You swallowed around the dryness in your mouth and nodded. 
"Is there a. . .  specific reason you're still a virgin?" He asked. You could tell he wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, he was genuinely curious. 
"I guess I was scared at first," You started, remembering how you felt in high school when your best friend told you about how she'd lost her virginity. The idea always seemed daunting, like it was something you were supposed to do to 'become an adult.' But it was intimidating. "I didn't want to force it, wanted it to be something natural, I guess." 
"And you haven't had anyone to give you that chance?" 
You stilled for a second, shaking your head. 
He hummed, at your silence, or your answer, you couldn't tell, but he fell quiet after that, staring at the trees in the yard. 
You finished your glass of wine and set it aside, you fingers beginning to slightly numb in the cold before you tucked them into your legs, your mind starting to get fuzzy. You couldn't tell if it was the wine or the weed starting to kick in that made you ask, "Is it a bad thing?" 
He whipped his head towards you, his brows pulled together in confusion. "Being a virgin?" At your tentative nod, his face softened and he shook his head, "Not at all." 
"Then why do people act like the guy tonight whenever they find out?" You muttered and he sighed, shifting so that he was leaning his elbows on his knees. 
"Maybe it's intimidating, being someone's first." 
Your eyes refused to leave his, your nerves starting to warm as you asked, "What about you?" You asked, readjusting in your seat to angle yourself more towards him, "Would you be intimidated?" 
He simply stared at you for a moment before shaking his head, "No." There was something about the way he said it, the roughness of his voice and the confidence in his short answer, that had you trying to subtly clench your thighs together. 
You hated to admit it, but you'd thought about it before. Hell, you thought about it on the way over.  About sleeping with him. About his rough hands on your skin, what it would feel like to have his lips on yours, his fingers in -
"You okay?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked back to him, heat rising up the back of your neck. You went to tell him you were fine, that you just wanted to get a drink, maybe watch a movie, but a voice in the back of your head grew too loud to ignore. "Peach?" 
The voice told you to ask him for it. To ask him to be your first. You trusted him with your life, you'd trust him with taking your virginity too. You know you would. But you couldn't ask that. What if he said no? What if he was mortified? It wasn't something you could just tell him to pretend you didn't ask for, that's not how that worked. 
He was still staring at you, allowing you to have as long as you needed before you told him whatever it was that was going through your head. 
Now or never, the voice reminded you, and you took a breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable rejection you felt you knew he was going to give you. 
"I'm over it," You muttered, and before he could ask what you were talking about, "I don't want to be a virgin anymore." He watched you, unsure if you were finished speaking yet, but when the words died on your tongue, he nodded. 
"Okay," His voice was rough and hoarse and dangerously quiet as he waited to hear what you wanted to do about what you'd said. 
"I trust you," You whispered, "More than anyone." His eyes widened just a fraction as you stared at him. Your hands gripped your legs as you mustered up just enough courage to get the words out, "Would. . . would you be my first?" 
 The confusion fell from his face, concern taking its place. He cleared his throat and his voice was dangerously low, “Is this the wine talking?” 
Your heart fell, you knew you shouldn’t have asked. You knew. Yet you asked anyway. You let out a shaky breath, moving to stand. “I shouldn’t have asked, forget about it.” You stood, moving to pick up what needed to go inside when his hand grasped yours. 
“That’s not. . .” He started and you turned to him,  he was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide as he stared up at you, “I mean is that something you truly want? It’s not just the wine?”
You took a moment to look at him, to really look. You’ve held his stare so many times before, but you’d never seen the look in his eyes that was there now. Like it was taking everything in him not to jump up and do what you’d asked. 
Like he — like he wanted it just as much as you did. 
You faced him completely, placing yourself between his knees and resting your hands on his shoulders, his hands falling to wrap around the backs of your thighs. 
“I just don’t want you to regret asking me,” he muttered, his fingers drawing patterns across the backs of your legs, “I don’t want you regretting me.” 
Your hands settled at the sides of his neck, the stubble on his chin scraping against your thumbs as you pushed to angle his head up to you again. You leaned down, your nose brushing against his as your breaths mingled between you. 
“Bucky. . . " You started, but he shook his head. 
"Wait," It was a gasp, like he was fighting himself, "You need to know that if you let me have you," he looked up at you and you were finally able to see how his pupils had blown, the blue of his eyes almost completely swallowed, "I don't plan on letting you go. Ever." 
Your body froze in his hold, his fingers tightening on your legs. "What are you saying?" 
His eyes softened on you and a small, nervous smile grew on his lips, "That I've wanted you since we met, but didn't want to scare you off." He tugged on your legs, pulling you into his lap, your knees landing on either side of his hips. His hands moved up to your lower back, his thumbs barely moving under your shirt, but stopping before he went any further. "I've been pining after you for years." 
It was like you were snapped back to reality, the raspiness in his voice and his calloused fingers brushing against your skin bringing you back from your stupor. But there were no words to convey how you felt, at least not any you could form at the moment. The only thing your brain and your heart were telling you, was to press your lips against his. 
So you did.
His fingers tightened against your back, pressing you into his chest as his lips moved in tandem with yours. It was slow at first, the soft nips to your bottom lip and the way his tongue hesitantly slid across your bottom lip. Your lips parted and the second your tongue met his, a groan rumbled through his chest, his hands sliding up your back under your shirt. Your hips ground down of their own accord and he swallowed the whine you let out as your core was met with the growing bulge under his jeans. 
Time seemed to slow, and by the time you pulled back panting, eyes locked on his, you weren't sure how long you'd been there. But by the way your heart was soaring, you knew you didn't want to be anywhere else, ever again. 
"We should go inside," he whispered, bringing up one of his hands to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing against your swollen lips. "I don't want the neighbors hearing you." 
You two didn't last long apart once you pried yourself from his lap. The second you both set everything on the counter inside, his hands found their way to your skin again, pushing up the back of your shirt as he pulled you flush with his chest, his feet guiding you to his bedroom. 
The edge of his bed met the backs of your knees, and he gently pushed you back, crawling up with you as you nudged your way up to his pillows. His lips attached to your neck, gently biting where it met your shoulder, his breath fanning against your skin and sending shivers down your spine. 
"I'll take good care of you," He breathed, pulling back to look at you, "I promise." 
You nodded, reaching around to shove his shirt up his back, "I know, I trust you." He smiled at you before pushing your shirt up, over your head and your arms. and dropping his head and dragging his lips across every inch of skin he could reach. 
 "Arch your back for me?" He asked, only lifting his lips enough to get the words out before they went back to nipping at your skin. You did as he asked, his fingers slipping through the clasp on your bra and undoing it. He helped you out of it, sitting up to pull it up from your arms and throwing it to the side to join your shirt. 
You looked up to find his eyes locked on you and you couldn't help the sudden nervousness rise in your chest as he stared at you. His hands caught your arms trying to move to cover your breasts and he shook his head. 
"Don't hide," He said, "You're fucking gorgeous." 
You giggled, the butterflies in your stomach from his words mixed with the substances in your system making it impossible to fight it off and he smiled down at you. 
"There she is," He whispered, "God, I love your laugh." 
"Heavy with the compliments tonight aren't you?" You breathily asked, the heat in your skin rising as he removed his shirt, his muscled chest seemingly glowing in the warm hue of the lights. 
"I've been waiting to give you some very specific compliments," He leaned over you, "So you better get used to it." 
His lips captured yours again as his hands trailed down your stomach, his fingers gently pushing at the waistband of your shorts. 
"Can I?" He asked, his fingers stopping. 
He chuckled at the eagerness in your voice before he pulled away and helped you out of your shorts, pulling your panties with them. He dragged his fingers down your hips and your thighs as he took you in. You could see his chest rising and falling at an uneven pace before he looked up at you. 
"You're already wet sweetheart," He rasped, "Can I play with you?" 
The fact that you were bare before him and he was still asking for permission sent even more heat to your core and you could feel yourself clench around nothing as your breath hitched in your throat. You nodded sitting up on your elbows to meet his lowering mouth with your own, earning a moan from him as you dragged your teeth along his bottom lip. 
His fingers were sure in their movements as they met your folds, brushing up to circle around your clit before sliding back down to circle around your entrance, your hips bucking into his touch. He pulled his mouth away as he slowly slid a finger in, pressing the palm of his hand down into your clit. 
"Oh I love this," He said, his head dropping down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, lightly dragging his teeth across it before swirling his tongue around it. He pumped his finger a few times before slowly adding a second, and growling into your skin as your fingers threaded through his hair, pulling at the strands, his fingers curling up, like he was searching for something. 
"What?" It came out as a breath, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak any louder as you tried to keep the noises that built in your chest to a minimum. You knew they were normal, but you didn't want to seem as desperate as you really felt. 
"I love that no one else has had the pleasure of seeing you like this, that no one has touched you," He said the words into your skin, his lips brushing against your nipple as he spoke and grinning when his fingers brushed against a certain spot. 
"Shit - Do that again," the request broke through your lips in a whine, but you were too focused on him to notice. He grinned, curling his fingers into that spot again, pulling another wail from your throat. 
 "I love that no one's been inside you, that they don't get to have you," He angled his fingers to brush against that spongy spot over and over as he pumped them in and out, "But I do." 
He kept his fingers pace agonizingly slow, to not drive you over the edge so quickly but you couldn't help the movement of your hips trying to get more friction. His other hand came up to your chest, gently pushing you down so you were comfortable. 
"I'll go slow at first," He started, his fingers slowing even more, if that was possible, "Let you get used to it - to me, before I ruin you," His fingers began to spread, pushing your walls apart as they dragged across them before coming to a halt. "Do you know the traffic light system?" He asked, and at your nod he grinned, "Tell me." 
You swallowed around the breath catching in your throat, "Red is stop, green is go, yellow is slow down." His smile grew. 
"Perfect, I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with, so you use that if you need to, alright?" When you nodded, he went back to pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, noticing you practically biting through your lip to keep quiet and he tsked, his free hand moving to pull it from your teeth, "Let me hear you, Peach." 
The second you let your lip go, a lewd moan filled the air. You went to bite your lip again, to hide the noises that were waiting to get out, and Bucky shook his head as his thumb found its way to your tongue, softly pressing down to keep your mouth open. 
"Don't hide those noises from me," He practically begged, "I need to hear you." It was the tone of desperation that took over his calm confidence that had you nodding, promising not to hide anymore. "Is there anything you want to do?"
"What do you mean?" You breathed, trying to hone your focus on him. 
"Well, it's your first time," He started, pushing his fingers as far as he could and smiling at the moan you let out, "Was there anything you wanted to try?" 
You thought back to the times you shamefully allowed yourself to fantasize about him. How he'd feel on top of you, in you. How his hips would feel driving into yours, the fullness you'd finally experience. How the weight of him would feel against your tongue. 
You felt your skin get hot as you looked up at him, trying not to cover yourself with how self conscious you suddenly felt. But when your eyes met his, all you saw was patience and adoration as he watched you, so you swallowed down your nerves. 
"I want to taste you," You muttered and he groaned, his fingers stilling in you, "and ride you." 
"Shit," He smiled at you, "You're really not that innocent are you?" 
He pulled his fingers free of you before you could answer, and you whined at the now empty feeling in between your legs, a whine that dragged on longer as you watched him lift his fingers to his mouth. His eyes rolled back and he moaned as he tasted you. 
"Fuck," he groaned, "I knew you'd taste good." 
He pulled his body up from yours, ridding himself of the last of his clothes, and you couldn't help but look down, eyeing the length of his cock as it stood at attention. Unable to stop yourself from reaching out, your fingers brushed against the underside and the shiver that clearly ran up Bucky's spine gave you a boost of confidence. 
You crawled across the bed to where he stood at the end, fighting the nerves that were tingling through every part of you as you slid to the floor in front of him. The carpet dug into your knees as you kneeled, looking up at him through your lashes. His hand came down to trace your cheek before cupping it. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to," He said and you smiled. 
"I know, I want to." You eyed him before moving your hand to grip him at the base, holding him still while you dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock before wrapping your lips around the head, the taste of his skin and the precum leaking from the tip flooding your tongue. 
"Oh, fuck," He gasped and his hips stuttered, pushing himself past your lips just a bit before he caught himself and pulled back. "Shit - sorry."
Instead of pulling your mouth off of him, you looked up at him and hummed before taking him further, watching his eyes flutter closed and roll back as your tongue slid along his length. His fingers twitched at his sides like they were reaching for you but he was fighting himself. You reached up with your free hand and pulled his grasping fingers towards the top of your head where they hesitantly laced into your hair. 
He breathed a heavy sigh as he gently tugged on your hair, the whine you let out around him causing his hips to jolt again. 
"Fuck, Peach," He rasped, his voice hoarse as he looked down at you. The sound of his voice and the way he looked at you alone was enough to have you clenching around nothing, but what he said next was what got to your head, sending you into a type of haze you'd never experienced before. "Unless you want me to fuck your pretty face, you gotta stop doing that." 
 Your free hand reached around his thigh, gripping it as you hummed again, the vibrations clearly running through every one of Bucky's nerves as he shuddered. 
"Is that what you want?" He asked, a cocky grin growing on his lips as he looked down at you, your head bobbing, "You want me to fuck your pretty mouth before I fuck that pretty pussy?" 
A high pitched whine rumbled in your throat and his hips bucked forward, his hand in your hair pulling your head forward. He was gentle with it, only pushing himself so far back in your mouth, doing his best not to make you gag, all the while a string of curses and compliments showered you as your eyes watered and a mix of your spit and his precum had started to slide down your chin. 
He pulled your head back, pulling himself from your mouth, the stiffness in your jaw a welcome sensation when accompanied by the heavy look in his eyes. He took your hand in his, helping you move back to the bed and settling in between your legs as he kissed his way down the side of your neck, his hand wrapping around the other side. His teeth grazed your skin, sending chills through your spine as you reached around to grip at his back. 
Pulling his head from your neck, his voice just above a whisper as he asked, "Are you ready?" You nodded, but he shook his head, "I need to hear you say it, baby, you gotta tell me." A bloom of warmth spread through your chest at the care exuding from the furrow in his brows. 
You wrapped your hands around the sides of his head, your thumbs brushing along the lines of his jaw, "Fuck me, Bucky," You whispered, "please." He nodded before capturing your mouth with his once before sitting up a bit and reaching over to his nightstand, his hand coming back with a condom and a small bottle of what you assumed was lube. 
Once he had the condom on, he popped open the cap of the lube, pouring some in his hand and spreading it over himself, then getting a bit more and looking at you. "It's a little cold, but it's gonna help, I promise." 
"Okay," You nodded and braced yourself for the chill that came when his fingers rubbed the lube through your folds, your skin sensitive to his calloused skin. 
"Spread your legs baby," he watched your legs open for him, "that's it. . . wider." Your legs spread as far as you could, "Such a good girl all spread out for me." He smiled before lining the head of his cock up with your dripping entrance, slowly pushing in with a hiss. 
The stretch burned and your hands shot to cling to his arms, your nails leaving crescent shaped indents in his skin. His eyes locked with yours, "Breathe baby, breathe," He strained, "I'm right here." You let loose a tight breath through your nose as you held his gaze. He kept pushing in, taking his time until he was all the way in, a strange type of fullness taking over you - an addicting kind. 
He dragged his fingers across your skin, kneading the muscles in your hips, legs, and arms as he waited for you to adjust, talking you through it with a whole array of compliments. When the burn from the stretch turned into a need for him to move, you shifted your hips and loosed a moan when the head of his cock brushed against that same spot his fingers had expertly found earlier. 
A breathy chuckle fanned your skin as he smiled down at you, "Ready for me to move?" At your quiet confirmation, he began slowly rocking his hips into yours, the drag of his cock against your walls addicting - but you needed more. 
"M-more. . ." you panted and he smirked. 
"More what?" He asked, not stopping the slow drag movements of his hips as if he knew it was driving you mad, which he probably did if you were being honest. 
You swallowed your nerves, "Faster," he brushed that spot again, "fuck - harder." 
He nodded, moving his hands to the back of each of your knees, holding your legs open, "Can I have my way with you? You can ride me later?" You forgot about that, about saying you wanted to ride him. You did, you wanted him under you writhing for you like you were for him now, but you weren't sure you could handle taking over right now so you nodded. You just wanted him to make you feel good and to fucking move already. 
"Yes," You whined, trying to move your hips against his again, but with how he was holding your legs, you couldn't move much. "Just move." You didn't care how desperate you sounded now, you were going to go insane if he didn't do something other than slowly drag himself in and out, stopping just before hitting that perfect spot. 
"Say please." You scowled at him. Sometimes you forgot how cocky he could get, though this was the first time his cockiness made you even more needy for him. 
"Fuck," You muttered, the pressure growing low in your belly, "please Bucky."
"I got you," He pushed you knees closer to your chest as he leaned over you, thrusting into the base, hitting that spot that made you see stars before pulling out just as quick and doing it again. 
It felt like the air had been sucked out of your chest as you held his gaze, his hips unrelenting in his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears in between the moans that fell from both of you. 
"God," He panted, "You feel so good around me, I always knew you would." He dropped one of your legs, reaching up to palm your breast and taking the pebbled nipple in between his fingers, "Fuckin' made for me, weren't you?" 
A loud moan tore its way through your throat as you reached for him, your hand finding his neck, nails raking down to the middle of his chest, his hips driving home even harder. You could feel that somewhat familiar crest quickly approaching, knowing the feeling from your nights alone where all you had were your fingers. But you didn't want this to end. You wanted to stay here, his cock filling you up and hitting that one spot over and over. 
Something in your face, or maybe it was the way your breathing became more controlled, told Bucky that you were trying to fight it off as long as you could and he smirked before slowing down just enough to let your knees go and tell you, "Wrap your legs around my waist." 
You quickly followed his instruction as he leaned over you, grabbing the headboard with one hand and circling your clit with the thumb of his other. You couldn't hold back the almost scream that erupted from your chest at the sensation and he smiled. 
"Don't fight it, baby," He coaxed, "Just let it happen." He quickened the pace of both his hips and his thumb, trying to push you over that edge. "C'mon, Peach," he was practically begging now, "Let me have it."
The thread holding you back was fraying quickly, ready to snap and he knew it. 
Your breath hitched and he smirked, still keeping his pace as he muttered, "Give it to me." 
The thread snapped. Pleasure crashed into you, a roaring in your ears as your body tightened under his, your walls clenching around him as he continued his determined thrusts. Your hands grasped at his back, your nails raking down his skin. Your legs locked around him. 
You were sure you screamed. 
"That's it, baby," He panted into your ear, his hips becoming sporadic, "Keep coming - fuck - keep gripping me like that." You weren't sure how exactly to do what he was asking, but in your daze, you did your best, tightening your muscles as much as you could. 
He gasped, gripping your hip tight enough to bruise you were sure. His hips stilled and his head buried into your neck as he shouted. 
He gently rested his weight on you, pushing you into the mattress and trailing small kisses along your neck and shoulder where his head still rested. He waited until you'd caught your breath and your eyes were clear before speaking again. 
"Are. . . are you alright?" He asked, worry replacing the pleasure that had been on his face just moments ago. 
You gave him a dizzy smile, nodding, "I'm perfect." 
A large smile grew on his face as he chuckled, his hand raising to cup your chin, pulling himself forward to gently press his lips to yours. "Good," he muttered against your lips, "You make such a cute face when you cum, did you know that?" 
You felt your skin heat as you tried to shove his now laughing face away from you. "Shut up!"
"What?!" He roared, "It's true!" He grabbed your hands in his, pinning them above you. He was still smiling as he looked down at you, his pupils still blown wide, "I wanna see you make it again." 
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Can you do a Remus Lupin and Reader where she gets hurt during quidditch and he helps her around the castle? Thank you so much and I love your writing
A/n: Thank you so much for the request!! I literally dropped everything to do this, oml. I will always priorities Reqs but this was so cute!!
Also, just realized requests weren't set to allow annon automatically?? That has been fixed on my end
Break a Leg Not My Heart
Can't Help Falling in Love Elvis Presley
Remus Lupin x Reader
Wc- 4960
Cw; Use of Y/N, Cussing, negative thoughts, reader is unhinged, reader is unsirius, (Tell me if i missed anything!)
taglist- @otterlockholmes
Everyone knew Remus Lupin could be a bit of a push over. 
Now, that's not to say he wasn't stern and serious when he needed to be, when he knew what was best, or just when Sirius said much of anything that started with ‘Hear me out.’
He was a Prefect, he was known for being a certain quality of student. Studious, always in the library studying with Lily Evans and {Y/N} {L/N}. Wise beyond his years, helping anyone who needed it. He volunteered to help tutor some of the first years with {Y/N} most Sunday evenings. Punctural, made a point to be on time to everything. Well, if he could help it, you did like to sleep in.
Not many people noticed the common theme in his actions. The traits that made up the Lycan were so tightly woven into his friendships, well, more particularly his friendship with you. He never gave up who he was, he never went that far, but it was clear that in the forethought of his, you were in every equation. Sirius certainly noticed.
Sirius would bemoan about it all the time, how you both insisted you were friends, absolutely clueless. He stood by it, however, friends don't look at eachother like you do. Remus insisted you were friends. Best friends.
The feeling was mutual, of course it was. Who doesn't want to spend every second of the day with their platonic soulmate? You would make a point to drag him around with you everywhere you went. You were never shy about it, your words slowly going from questioning to affirmatives. 
“Remus, I am heading to lunch now, come with me?”
“Remus, we are going to the Black Lake, it's hot.”
“Remus, I have Quidditch practice.”
That was another trait of Remus Lupin. He could care less about Quidditch, but not much less. He would complain about going, as he followed you upstairs to your dorm to help bring your gear down. Would try to decipher the ridiculous rules while finding a seat in the stands with Lily and Mary, both coming to support their respective partners.
That's how you got here now, same routine. You were floating above the stands, even as a backup beater you still had to attend every practice. You would complain to James about it, seeing as you only agreed to it as a favor, but he would tease you about it every time. He was lucky some stuff he said was funny. He so rarely was.
You watched Sirius, who was currently the one you were assigned to tag out. It was a lot of time wasted, just floating near your friends and talking when you were sure James didn't notice. Eventually, you turned to Remus in the stands and smiled to see him furrowing his brow at the strange reps James was making the two beaters do. 
“Rem!” You called over to him and lowered down to his eye level, still a good few yards away from them. He looked up at you and lifted an eyebrow. 
“Knock knock!”
He looked at you confused before Lily nudged him. “The muggle joke?”
He furrowed his eyebrows at her next before they shot up in realization. “Ah! Who's knocking?” He called over and you threw your head back in a laugh as Lily covered her mouth with a snicker. Mary holding Lily's shoulder as Remus looked at you three incredulously. 
“That's the bloody line, right?”
“Who's there?” Lily laughed out, and you began to dry your tears.
“Tank who?”
“You're welc-” Before you could even finish the line there was a loud thud and your head jerked forward. You were confused for a moment, smile slowly falling as you looked at the three.
Everything was slowing down, and no matter how hard you squinted, your vision continued to blur. Suddenly, and gradually, hot burning pain rushed threw the back of your head. It was so jarring you teared up, and you could faintly hear a bunch of voices, but you couldn't make out what they said. Slowly, your grip on your broom lessened. 
Warm drops of what you could only assume was your own ichor dropped down your face. Then, your vision started to flash. You were far too loopy to panic, images of you on your broom slipped into a slideshow of you falling, that ended right before you hit the ground.
“She'll need to rest for the next two days for it to heal, her head is fine but her leg will need some getting used to. Two days in a cast should do her fine.”
Madam Pomfrey’s voice filled the room and you stirred with a whine. Eyes fluttering open and blinded by the lights above. 
“Ugh.. my head…” You groaned, bringing your wrist to your throbbing temple. You fluttered open your eyes and looked around you, seeing James pacing the room and Sirius in front him, while Remus seemed to be shouting at him. Your ears began to ring as your blood rushed, so you couldn't hear him, but you could see the vain in his neck bulging out at his irritation. His tanned face a deep red, and Sirius looked apologetic, just taking the verbal battering.
There was a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Lily and Mary sitting on the chairs beside you, Peter was behind them smiling softly. “Hey,” You couldn't hear him, but you could see his lips moving. You frowned as the words became more elaborate so you couldn't quite track them.
You looked around at your friends' concerned faces. Lily looked past you and you turned, seeing Remus was kneeling by your bed and saying something you couldn't hear. You huffed and rubbed your temple, closing your eyes. The ringing slowly stopped, but the sounds of the room never returned. You opened your eyes and Remus was looking at you, filled with concern. “Starlight?”
That was a mouth shape you recognized. You reached out to touch his hand and squeeze it, blinking a bit before you spoke. “I can't hear a damned thing. But did you get my joke?” 
You watched as Remus seemed to go through the five stages of grief, before he settled on giving you the most unamused, annoyed, dead inside look you had ever witnessed. That made you smile. Well, smirk, mischievously. “That joke is literal gold, you just don't know talent.”
This time, Remus stood up and walked over to madam Pomfrey and after a small exchange she walked off. You looked around the room idly, trying to pretend you weren't anxious, patting your palms against your blanket covered legs. You could see your friends talking, but you couldn't hear a thing. Your nerves were on end. They looked worried, but you tried your best to keep calm and collected. You knew that if you began to worry, show even a bit of panic or upset, everyone else would too. What was the point anyway? Panicking wouldn't fix your hearing.
At least you don't think so-
Eventually, a hand rested on your shoulder. It was comforting and large, your right hand instinctively crossed your body to rest on it. You turned and smiled up at Remus. He held out a parchment to you and it had large chicken scratch on it. You always found how messy his handwriting was hilarious. He thinks faster than he writes.
‘You broke your leg. Pomfrey says it has to stay in a cast for a day or two, as for your hearing, she says it's a trauma response. Your body will return it when it's ready.’
You scoffed and looked at your hands with an offended bravado. “Who says they get to pick when my hearing goes? No appreciation! I keep you alive, you dumb thing!”
You didn't notice how Remus laughed at how ridiculous you were being. He always admired how easily you could brush stuff so big off. Like when you found out about his condition.
“Oh damn. That's.. so not the bee’s knees.’
Not the bee's knees. He had to have Lily explain that to him. Who in their right mind says that? To their friend in the hospital wing after confessing one of his most hated parts of himself?
He didn't know if he hated or loved you in that moment.
It grew on him, even if he denied it. You were just so damn strange.
“Darn, I guess no classes, hm?” You gave a faux sigh of disappointment. You turned to see Remus say something to Madam before turning back to you, smiling and waving his hand the quill began to write.
‘She says I can monitor you for classes, you should be fine.’
You gave him the dirtiest look you could muster.
“Hey, Rem, so you actually suck a lot.”
Remus had insisted on walking you back to the Gryffindor commons, carrying your equipment the whole way. You had to use a cane for the time being, so the second you tried to pick up the heavy bag you about gave Remus a heart attack.
Sirius, still pouting even after you accepted his millionth apology, coasted behind you both. You really wish you knew what Remus had said to him. 
When you got to your dorm Remus set your things down and set your bed up with a prop for your leg. You continued to complain about the special treatment as he nagged you for your messy side of the dorm while he was at it. You had to admit, Remus was incredibly sweet. It made your heart clench a bit at how much he seemed to care about your current state. 
You sat on your bed, taking off your robe and letting it fall behind you. Watching Remus rant on, for once, a little sad you couldn't hear his lecture. He seemed so determined to make sure you were comfortable.
Little did you know, to Remus, this was the perfect opportunity to return your kindness. To repay you for all the nights you spent with him in the infirmary, the forgiveness and patience you extended to him during the days up to the full moon, and the doting you gave him after. Not to mention, it felt a bit domestic. He would process his guilt over it later, indulging up such a thought with you unaware. 
Eventually, your roommates got annoyed with his rambling. Marlene threw a pillow at him and she grabbed you from behind making you almost scream in surprise. 
She said something to Remus that made him look away bashfully, and he looked at you, mouthing a goodnight that you returned.
Remus was at your door early in the morning, which gave you a right scare. He offered you his hand and you looked at it before tilting your head at him curiously he mouthed something and you'd don't quite understand, slowly setting your hand in his extended one.
He gave several different expressions in the matter of a second, before he threw his head back in a laugh. Usually, you'd be embarrassed, but you ended up laughing along with him. He looked happy and you knew Remus would never make fun of you out of malice.
He calmed his breathing and lowered your hand back to your cane, before reaching over this time to take your books and make, your mouth opening and a low, “Ooooohhh,” left you. He laughed at that too.
When you made it to breakfast you were talking animatedly and Remus was listening thoughtfully. He would occasionally make a nod or shake his head at some things you said, not able to face you with how your gaze was locked on him to gather all his micro expressions. He had set himself up for disaster.
Once you sat at the table and greeted everyone, you hardly paid attention to Remus. You focused mostly on your food. 
You loved being around your friends, you did, but not being able to hear them was so isolating. You could see Remus talking to James, and by the look on his face, it was likely about something they had done they most certainly shouldn't have. You could see Lily, also giving James the most incredulous look ever. 
Mary and Marlene were talking and glancing at the Hufflepuff table, but you couldn't gather a thing otherwise. Sirius was debating something with Peter who you could only describe as distressed. Some interesting hand movements later and a slap from Marlene, you could assume it was something vile. Soon, you gave in and just soaked up their presence. You didn't need to hear them to be a part of the group, just.. the conversation. 
Suddenly, you gave a small yelp as your leg was lifted. Remus, without stoping his verbal battle with James, lifted your ankle and rested your hurt foot on his lap. You melted a bit, it was always the smaller things he did that let you know you had a best friend in him. 
Just a best friend.
Even as his thumb trailed circles on your exposed knee, his forefingers resting on your inner thigh. Yup. Totally best friends.
Your leg ended up falling asleep like that. You playfully reprimanded him and he just gave you a laugh that you couldn't hear but your mind filled in the blanks. You noticed how proud and confident he seemed to be, taking care of you. It was sweet.
As you walked from class to class he carried your things and was there at your desk the second the bell rang. Then there were potions.
You shared potions with all of the boys and Lily, so you usually sat with Peter so Sirius could bum off of Remus’s hard work, leaving James to swoon while his girlfriend did all the work. You looked to the board and grimaced, wiggenweld. You knew it was a practice instead of theory day, but you were hoping for an easier potion.
To your surprise, Peter was sitting with a pouting Sirius, your usual spot cleared up. Before you could make a remark Remus put his things down and sat where Peter usually did. You found yourself smiling bright. “What the heck Remus?” You teased and sat down, once again, he lifted your leg onto his lap to keep it elevated.
Like a best friend would do.
“Can't leave me be for a half hour, Remmy?” You teased him as he took out his parchment and began to pull aside ingredients you couldn't reach with your stationary leg.
You were distracted storing out the ingredients by order and scribbling down notes on the more vague steps. You didn't get a chance to notice Remus smiling at you, his eyes sparking with new found fondness. “No I can not.” He muttered to no one in particular.
Not noticing himself as Sirius gestured aggressively to you two in aspiration. Lily laughed at his display and James covered his mouth to hide his smile. Seems Remus was finally clued in.
You began to work on the potion as Slughorn dismissed the class to their assignments. You prepped the ingredients and fell into an easy and fluid motion with Remus. You didn't have a clue why you hadn't worked together before, you did everything together anyway, and Sirius could suck it.
Your friends watched as you smiled down at the horklump, rubbing a spoon over it threw a strainer, giving a laugh as it splattered on your face. Remus watched you, smiling softly. He seemed distracted the whole practical exam, but there wasn't a moment he wasn't listening to you. 
Your test ended with a passing grade, that's all you really needed. Still, Remus apologized for being distracted. 
Remus Lupin was a perfectionist in everything he did. He felt that even in his best moments he was seconds away from failing. He improved himself until there was nothing to improve upon. He aced assignments, mentored underclassmen, pulled off some of the most outrageous pranks in Hogwarts history, he even turned down the head boy position for James, everything he had done in the last seven years felt unsatisfactory. Apathy wasn't a foreign concept to him.
Neither was pity. Those two things were handed out to him in the eyes of everyone he'd ever met. No matter how far Remus came, disappointment was still holding him by his in a silent reminder that nothing would outshine the worst of him. It swallowed him whole most days, his self doubt. So he stayed distracted, chasing the high of praise and approval. 
He was much like Sirius in that regard, but Sirius acted out and Remus did his best to go unnoticed by anyone other than the people closest to him. Unless it was about his achievements.
He wanted to be remarkable and unnoticed, it was the contradiction that was Remus Lupin.
You made him feel those two things, like he was the most important thing in the world, like you couldn't do anything without him. Then, you made him feel like a normal student. Like he was just someone in the herd. He liked that about you.
But having you depend on him, just today, there was something new brimming in his chest. He grappled with the realization that you being dependent on him for a change was more fulfilling than his collective five years of overshadowed achievements.
You seemed him out; when you found him you needed him. Not that it couldn't be anyone else, you chose him. Well, he volunteered, but when you looked up at him with those eyes of yours he knew you had no qualms with it. He felt strong, he felt needed, and he felt like he wasn't the one hurting. 
{Y/N} {L/N} never needed anyone. You made that clear since first year, you were remarkably strange and friendly, you never filtered yourself out for anyone. You were you, that's all you needed to be. You didn't need to be witnessed to live.
But you wanted Remus to witness you.
He was learning that he loved to. To witness you. 
Yet here you were, none the wiser, while Remus realized how far he had fallen for his best friend. And in all honesty;
He wasn't scared.
Once dinner came around you were reminded just how out of the loop you were without your hearing. You were poking at your meal with your head down, pushing around a bit of your uneaten food. Today had been long, and every break mostly consisted of you trailing after your group and watching them laugh and indulge in each other's presence. 
You knew it wasn't the end of the world, tomorrow morning you would be cut free of your cast and eventually your hearing would come back.
It drove you mad not knowing when though. You knew it wouldn't stay forever, you were self assured in that fact, but knowing the possibility of it being weeks, months, Merlin, even a year? An entire year of not hearing your friends' voices. Dragging Remus down with you.
You didn't notice your friend's concerned look. Eventually, as you stared down at the fork in your hand, a note slid into your peripheral, it was Lily's handwriting, the only person you know to be able to flow her letters so perfectly.
You looked up to see people had started packing up. You nodded and began to stand, Remus slipping his hand behind your lower back making you jolt a bit. He flinched away and you immediately cursed, ‘come baaaccck.’
Your thoughts followed you to the common room. Before you could escape your friends, go allow yourself to mope, everyone insisted on drinking and talking. 
You didn't want to. You really didn't. Remus was staying behind, however, and you know how much he hated when you'd leave him to be the only responsible drinker. Not that he had to worry too much, Mary always stayed sober to reel in Marlene.
You let yourself believe he just wanted to spend time with you. 
So here you were, sitting on the couch, leaning you back against the arm rest and staring at the group as they talked. Your legs were resting over Remus’s, his lithe fingers rubbing up and down your exposed knee to the bottom of your skirt. Now, this was something Remus would never do, but you didn't even have time to enjoy the satisfying moment of slight intimacy, still too in the dumps.
Your frown deepened as you watched people get up to dance around you. Lily had put a song on the record, you only knew it to be ‘Love Grow(where my Rosemary goes)’ by Edison Lighthouse, because of the album cover she brandished to James with a little wiggle of her eyebrows. One of your favorites. 
At this point, your arms were crossed in a pout as you watched everyone dance but you and Remus. You blinked away those thoughts and turned to Remus. 
“You can go dance, I won't be offended.” You muttered out with a pout. He turned to look at you from the dancing figures. He seemed to come to some conclusion, and tapped your calf. You moved your legs and went back to watching the group before his hand was in your face. You looked up at him confused to see him offering it to you. You carefully took his hand and he lifted you up, leading you on the dance floor. You were wobbly, but he nudged your hurt foot until you arched it up, he took on most of your weight and you leaned into his chest to balance.
He began to sway, you laughed, and he beamed at how happy you seemed. It was ridiculous, you both looked ridiculous, Sirius gave a wolf whistle you couldn't hear and he couldn't give less of a fuck. 
As you got more comfortable he pulled back and began to spin and slide with you. You were a giggling mess and he wrapped his arms around your waist and faced you away from him, making you tilt your head all the way back to see him. He could have died right there. 
As the song faded out, you guys stopped your completely tone deaf moves, and he looked back with a dazzling smile at Lily who put on another song. He was panting, he could see all his friends watching with what seemed to be far too interested looks.
When his eyes went back to you, you were still staring up at him with a bright rush of affection. Somehow, always, Remus knew just what to do. Just what to say. 
The song kicked up and Remus thinned his lips a bit.
‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ by Elvis Presley. 
He knew he shouldn't. He should fool himself with something so intimate. But you were looking back at him with so much excitement, so much love, who the hell was he to say no?
… Wise men say
Only fools rush in
He nodded to you and you spun to face him again, leg swaying a bit from where you kept it up. You moved to put some space between you, but instead, he wrapped one hand around your lower back and took your other hand. His movements were identical to Marlene with Mary and James with Lily, Sirius even managed to get a girl from one of the many onlookers to dance with him. His being much more professional.
But I can't help falling in love with you
You were confused at first, but you wouldn't say you hated it. It was intimate, as he pulled your chest to his and gave you his smile now. You pressed your tongue to your cheek and smirked at him. He gave you a playful wink as you rolled your eyes.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
He gave you a slow and careful swirl, and when you returned to him, he pulled your head to his chest and rested his chin to your head.
… Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
He gave you a playful dip and you finally laughed, relaxing fully into the oddly familiar feeling. He's held you before, but never so carefully. Like he could loser you at any point if one thumb was misplaced. 
… Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
He suddenly flattened out his hand against yours. You turned to look from where your face was peacefully nuzzled into his chest. You watched as he spread his fingers, and in turn, yours. Before he interlocked them. You bit your bottom lip and looked up at him. He was mouthing some of the lyrics, and you just managed to watch the last verse.
“For I can't help falling in love with you.”
Your eyes widened. Was he.. was he serious? His eyes were staring into yours like he was putting himself on the line with those words. You took a deep breath and held it, as he leaned down towards you as you both slowed to a stop. You stared at his lips, waiting so patiently for his next words.
“I love you, {Y/N}.” 
The words looked so natural on his lips. You didn't know what to say. You knew what he said. You didn't have a doubt in your mind about it. You suddenly moved in and kissed him, eyes closed before you pulled away. It was quick, it was a bit hard. His lips were chapped and his eyes were still on yours when you opened them. 
He looked stunned, and you couldn't hear the loud, “Finally!” From Sirius.
Nor could you hear Lily’s delighted gasp when he moved in and kissed you again. His hands left your side and hand, grabbing your cheeks. His fingers loosen when you meet him halfway, moving down to your neck and resting his thumbs on your cheeks.
You broke the kiss again, forgetting how to breathe. His lips followed yours before his eyes fluttered but stayed closed. You looked at him in pure shock. What do you do now? What do you say? Did it matter?
Suddenly his face scrunched up and you narrowed your eyes a bit.
“Ow ow ow ow..” Remus muttered and you flinched back when you read his lips. You had rested your casted foot against his toes. Wincing and apologizing like crazy, you moved too quickly and the weight shift caused you to fall back. He quickly caught you in a very deep dip. One hand around your neck and the other around your lower back. Your arms wrapped around his neck and everything was slow.
What a lovely cliche. 
It got even better, as he lifted you closer and kissed you again. His hand from your neck sliding down to help keep your casted leg bent to his hip. 
It was perfect.
~~~ Bonus Scene ~~~
You woke up to the sound of Marlene and Lily talking idly in your dorm room. A few days after the dancing and you and Remus had slipped from friends to more in such a simple and seamless mesh. 
A mesh of messy kisses and rushed ‘I love you’s in the hall. Late night rendezvous in the common room grossing out your friends with all the stolen kisses and messy cuddles where limbs weren't easily identifiable in the dark.
You smiled softly, unable to tame how your heart clenched and a goofy smile took your lips. Then it hit you. You could hear.
You shot your head up and began tos scramble for Remus’s jumper he left over last night. Marlene and Lily snapping over to look at you but not getting a word in before you were dashing out of the room in just your pajama pants and his sweater. 
You don't know how quickly you were running until you made it to his dorm. Your healed leg throbbing from lack of use but you couldn't care less. You slammed your way into the prefect dorms, Remus long since given you the password.
You ignored fussy prefects and walked right up to Remus’s dorm. You knocked in a rush, and the door opened to show James. You'd didn't even care to ask him why he wasn't in the Head Boy dorms, just shoving past him to hurry into the room. 
Sirius looked up from a lounge chair in the corner and smirked when he saw you, opening his mouth to make a smart remark before you interrupted him. 
“Starlight?” Remus called out from the closet, stepping out in pajama pants as well, no short, and a towel in his messy hair. He couldn't help but smile at your rosey cheeked winded gasps, despite his confusion. “What are you-”
“Say it.” You demanded quickly and closed the gap between them. He looked at you confused before it suddenly hit him that you had responded and reacted to his words. You could hear him.
He let the towel fall from his hair to his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you close. “Say what?”
“You love me.” You commanded with puffy flustered cheeks. Suddenly so much less confident now that you faced him. He laughed and moved his hands to your cheeks.
“You came running all the way here for that?”
“Remus, I've been waiting years.”
“I love you, {Y/N}.” He whispered and pulled you into a kiss. You smiled and gave a sigh of bliss into it. This time, you were able to hear Sirius wolf whistle behind you.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #05
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.9k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Kook, you're drunk." you choke out, shivering when you feel him peppering kisses to your neck.
You have no idea how the hell this happened. One minute, he's calling a cab since everyone has called it a night, and then the next, his hands are all over you while shameless gasps and moans escape past your lips. It feels so fucking good. What started with innocent touches in a cab led to the two of you kissing in the elevator, until you got inside of Jungkook's apartment and now he's ready to devour you.
"I'm not drunk," he pulls away, frowning a little bit at your statement. "I'm slightly buzzed." he corrects, grinning at his amazing joke that makes you roll your eyes.
Okay, maybe he's not completely wasted and was totally fine with walking to his place, but still. His eyes are slightly hooded, a taste of alcohol lingering on his tongue and lips, and his words come out more lazily and slurred. You're definitely more sober than he is, but you can still feel the basic symptoms of having alcohol flowing in your system.
It's safe to say that it left you and Jungkook hot and craving for some touch from one another.
He dives in, lips catching yours once again as he starts kissing you with so much eagerness that makes you moan into his mouth. Your cheeks are flushed, half from alcohol and half from the fact you just freaking moaned into his mouth – again. Luckily, he doesn't point it out, too busy trying to devour your lips.
It feels so fucking good, enough to leave your panties to stick to your core and you kind of hate yourself for that. This is your best friend. You haven't been this aroused because of anyone. The fact that it's Jungkook himself, should make you feel uncomfortable but all you can focus on are your fingers tugging his longer hair. He groans, pulling you onto his lap and it makes you squeal, before he's catching your lips once again. His hands rummage over your back, slowly gripping your hips before he lightly touches your lower back. He's testing the waters again, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable and cross any boundaries. You still have a lot to talk about, setting a basic rules on how this whole thing is going to work.
But you could care less about rules right now, especially when Jungkook's lips are irresistible. The whole thing is out anyway, Kiko knows, and Jimin and Taehyung as well. Their reaction is still clear in your mind.
"Actually, we're dating."
For a solid minute, they just stare at the both of you, eyeing you both with even more shock written on their faces. Jimin's eyes fall onto Jungkook's arm around your shoulders while Taehyung keeps glancing between you two.
"You--what--the two of you--you guys are--you are dating?" Taehyung stutters, trying to break the awkward silence. 
Poor Taehyung looks like he's about to lose his mind, trying to put the pieces together as he slowly reaches for his drink, sipping on it. 
Well, you both were always super clear about your friendship and how it is important for you, too important to ruin it by trying to date. Plus, you were clear about not seeing each other as a partner and sharing the same love life. It makes this lie way more harder and you begin to panic.
"How did this happen? I mean... you guys were pretty persistent where both of you stand." Jimin frowns, still not believing you as he carefully eyes you and if it weren't for Jungkook next to you, you'd shrink in your seat. 
"We've decided to try it out. Y/N has always been there for me and I think she's what's best for me," 
You're not being subtle when you whip your head in his direction, staring at him with confused gaze, hiding your real shock behind it. You search his eyes, but he's making it hard for you to see through them when he just stares back at you, smiling down at you. You're not sure whether the smile is fake or real, but you go along with it and smile back.
Damn, he's a really good actor.
"Anyway, this is still new for us. Can you guys not make it weird for us?" he asks, looking at your  friends as they quickly nod, apologizing for their blunt reaction.
"Oh, fuck." you curse, head leaning backwards when Jungkook sucks at your neck. Jimin and Taehyung out of your thoughts as soon as you feel his lips on the new spot.
He licks the skin of your neck before he goes back to sucking, skilfully twirling his tongue making you gasp into the air. You've never felt something like this. Your ex boyfriend was never this touchy and straightforward, and Jungkook is showing you what you were missing out on. He's so damn good with his mouth, it makes you think what else does he know and why the fuck Kiko left such a man.
His hardness is poking you, it's hard to tell if he's fully hard but you can still feel it, even though it's hidden underneath his black jeans. The ache between your legs is strong, needy for any touch that makes you see stars and your body reacts naturally, shifting on his lap that makes him gasp in surprise. He feels you grinding on him, hands grabbing your ass for the first time and he even checks your reaction, only to find your eyes closed and teeth biting your lower lip.
Your lipstick is smeared, almost none of it left and your make up isn't fresh, but you don't care about your appearance. All you can focus on is Jungkook – and only him.
When he squeezes your ass, encouraging you to keep grinding onto his clothed length, your hand outstretched on his chest as you pull away just a little bit. "Stop." you tell him breathlessly, trying to calm down your beating heart.
You can feel his own heart beat against your palm, the rhythm identical to yours, while he stares at you with those doe eyes that are glistening from the alcohol.
"You wanna stop?"
The disappointment behind his voice doesn't go unnoticed by you, but you don't dwell on it too much, wanting to get things out of your chest. Your friendship is still the most important thing here.
"We're both drunk, Kook. I don't want us to regret it when we wake up tomorrow." you tell him honestly, because the thought and different scenarios of tomorrow morning makes your stomach uncomfortable scrunch.
"We don't have to have sex," he tells you, leaning his head back as he slows down his breathing. "But if you wanna stop, I'm fine with whatever you want."
This causes you to smile, appreciating the honesty in his voice and even the look on his drunken face. But you don't want to stop. Maybe it's not the right thing to have sex with him, tonight or even, but you just want to keep kissing him and see where it brings you. You don't want to plan anything and the way your whole make out happened in the elevator, continuing in his small living room is exactly what you want. Rather than you wanting things to happen spontaneously, you want them to happen naturally.
And it's that one look at his neck, a faint vein poking out of his honey skin and disappearing underneath his black dress shirt that reveals some of his collarbones, drives you crazy. You've got only one month to experience anything you and Jungkook want. And now you want him.
Shaking your head, you cup his face as you shift on his lap to make yourself comfortable, smirking when he groans and glares at you. "I want to continue." you assure him, giving him a green light and before you can properly look at him from this close proximity, he's already chasing your lips again.
The kissing is heated, his hands all over your ass again but this time he makes sure he squeezes your ass cheeks and gives them a proper attention, while you grip the back of his head and starts to grind on his clothed jeans.
"I--fuck, I don't think I can cum like this," he tells you, the mention of anyone cumming tonight makes you all giddy inside. "Let me take my jeans off." he says, but still searches your face for permission.
He must be uncomfortable in those tight jeans and quick 'sure, take it off' leaves your mouth right away, shifting off his lap before he quickly takes them off. You're not surprised by his usual Calvin Klein boxers, this time in white color, but your mouth hangs open as you see the visible outline of his length.
It looks massive and you're not even sure if he's fully hard. He pats his lap, inviting you in again and you don't waste a second, already scurrying to sit down on his muscular thighs.
You go back straight to kissing, your dress hiking up and he carefully slides his hands underneath it, feeling your lacy panties with his fingertips. And you grind on him, moaning at the way he visibly starts to visibly hardening after a few strokes, your underwear rubbing against each other. Your clit is aching, greedy for his cock and you're close to pull off his boxers, just to see and feel what's hiding underneath it.
Jungkook's firm hands are helping you to set up a fast pace, pushing your ass against his hardened length that feels massive and you almost salivate just from the feeling of it. Your face is buried in his face, inhaling his musky scent while you keep gasping into his skin. It feels so fucking good, it's something you've never tried before. You're needy, almost pathetically humping him like a bitch in heat but your body reacts on its own. Your mind feels clear, not filled with overthinking or any thoughts.
"That's it, baby. Grind on me, make yourself cum." he suddenly speaks, voice breathless but raspy at the same time. Baby.
It makes you whimper, not ready for any dirty talk but it's just another step to get you closer.
You knew he's great with his mouth.
"Jungkook," you whimper, feeling yourself getting close and clenching around nothing. You wish you could feel him inside of you and it makes you so flustered, but you know you can't stop. This is what you wanted.
"You're doing great, that's it. Fuck, baby. Keep rubbing your pussy over my cock."
Fuck, is this the same man that drinks banana milk?
It all seems to fast. But the feeling of Jungkook's cock brushing against your clit and filthy words leaving his mouth, you're gasping and clutching onto him tightly, before you let go. You're cumming, his name leaving your mouth as a chant, while your whole body grows even more hot.
Before you know it, Jungkook groans and his whole body tenses, his head throwing back as he suddenly relaxes.
"Fuck," he rasps out, caressing your ass as your whole body is thrown over him. "I've never thought I could cum in my pants."
You pull away, shakily glancing at him before you look down. There's a stain wetting the white material, his cum drenching his boxers. You wait for him to grow embarrassed or shy, but he grins cockily and amusingly at the same time, staring at his softening clothed cock.
Your panties feel sticky, but you don't move away. It felt incredible, yet you still crave for more. You know you could experience much more intense orgasm with Jungkook.
And rather than thinking that you've just made each other orgasm into your underwear, you just think about one thing only.
You can't wait for more.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Some ideas for option 2
Rewind! Reader was experiencing sudden bursts of pain and went to the doctor alone, only to stumble up on Mr Sinister out of his disguise
Causing reader to have to run for their damn life as Mr Sinister tries catching them, maybe even gets close to actually catching them before reader either finds a way to slip away or something something Devine interference-
Cube anon
You'd been feeling sicker lately.
A lot sicker, actually.
Kevin had had to take you home about two weeks ago, seeing you about to pass out and struggling to move without stopping in pain. They'd been kind enough to stay over at your apartment, fixing you dinner amd feeding you and keeping a wet towel presses to your forehead and talking to some some their friends while you were trying to keep the worst of the pain at bay.
It was agony.
Your nails felt like they were on fire, the nailbeds raw and red and stinging sharply. Your mouth ached, your teeth hurt when you touched them and your gums felt sore and bled at any hars touches. Even your bones felt exhausted, like they were shifting under your skin. Your entire body felt feverish and cold and you couldn't stay warm enough or keep cool enough.
It felt like H*ll.
Which led you to here, the old clinic, looking for your old doctor.
The doors creaked as you peeked through them, your boots clacking loudly on the tiled floor. The air smelt of chemicals and cleaning supplies, the shadows seemed too dark and too deep, and each noise and echo made you shiver even more...
But you eventually came across a room, where you saw a shadowy figure waiting.
You hesitated.
It didn't.
"Why, child... come back so soon?"
Your spine goes rigid, feeling like ice filled each crac and joint.
"My my... yes... Reader, correct? It's been quite some time since we last met, face to face~" It loomed in the dark confines of the room, seeming to grow bigger and bigger with each word.
You couldn't squeeze anything past your throat. Whatever this was... it wasn't good...
"Cat got your tongue~? Hmmm... Always were such an antsy little thing~ But I fixed most of your flaws, my dear... Now... why don't you come closer, so Dr. Essex can fix this, too?"
You didn't waste a minute turning tail and running, panting and heart going a mile a minute as you fled from the dark being chasing behind you. You could hear it's cackle echo all around you, the darkness humming with malevolence. This... thing... wanted to hurt you. It might even kill you, if it had it's way.
You can't let it get it's hands on you.
You grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol as you run, clutching it tightly to your chest as you turn down a hall... Right into a dead end.
You freeze. You can feel the darkness writhing with something, the evil lurking within it...
And then hands are clutching at you, trying to drag you in.
You scream, kicking and thrashing, fighting as best you can against the demon trying to drag you under, bit all it does is make you feel weaker, your head fuzzing with fever. You shake, tears starting to slip down your cheeks.
You can't die here. You can't be taken to God knows where bu this creature. You can't leave Kevin- What would they think? That you abandoned them? That you were ungrateful? Or assume you weren't worth it? Simply forget about you? You yelled at the thought, crying out in despair.
You couldn't disappear like this.
In a shaky twist of the cap, you open the bottle of alcohol-
Then splash it in the creature's eyes, earning am enraged shriek as it releases you, scrambling at its eyes and cursing.
You don't think twice, running past it and down the next hall, making your way into the lobby-
And then you're pushing through the door, running as fast as you can, trying not to collapse on the pavement as you go back home...
It's quiet, when you enter your home.
You feel a sense of unease, stepping forward cautiously, worried, feeling like a naughty child about to be caught sneaking out...
But then you see Kevin, their back facing you, their front hidden from sight, the light from the TV casting their form in shadow.
"K-Kevin-" you start, "K-Kevin, I, I saw something- I'm so sorry, I swear I wasn't leaving you, I'm not going to leave again, we, we just need to hide, fast- Kevin, it's after me- it was horrifying, like- like some undead vampire, or, or some demon- God, I'm so sorry-"
"WhAt did you say you saw?"
You pause.
Something doesn't seem right...
"It, it looked like a being made of, like, shadows. It's face was as pale as death, or a corpse, and it's eyes, Kevin, they were blood red! It's teeth- oh f*ck it's teeth-! They were like needles- It was waiting there, it was after me, I'm so sorry Kevin, but you need to get out of here, before it comes after you-!"
"I'm not going anywhere, kit-cat." Their neck cracks, the snapping noise echoing in the silence.
"All of this time... all of this effort... And he StiLl found you... WhY?! WHY CoULdN'T hE LeAvE yOu ALoNe?!" Their body seems to shift, their form lengthening, growing taller, the skin becoming pale and their bones popping and shifting.
The being stills...
Then it turns to face you, and you feel your heart sink to your stomach.
That... is that...
"I'm so sorry, kit-cat... I tried... but it isn't safe here anymore..." The being twitches, then steps closer.
You take a step back.
And it's eyes, bright and hollow and piercing, seem to widen.
"Kit-cat... it's okay... It's me, Kevin. I'm your friend, remember?" it croons softly, smiling at you as though trying to reassure you.
All you can do is shake uncontrollably, starting to hyperventilate. Your hands hurt, your head hurts, your mouth your teeth your eyes your back-
A screech comes out as you double over, clawing at your arms as deep agony rocks your core. You feel tears falling down your cheeks as you cry, hiccups sobs pouring out as the pain only gets worse. You dig your nails in deeper, only to feel sharp pain like daggers stabbing your skin. You glance down, breath shaking-
And see sharpened nails, curved and razor-sharpz covered in smears of dark red.
Your breath hitches, and you shakily stare up at the form of the creature you'd called Kevin. They're frozen, staring at you, shock soon turning to worry.
"Sweetie-!? Shhh, shhh, it's okay, let's calm down, okay? It's gonna be okay, just take a deep breath. See? In, and out. Come on, please, breath kitten, it's gonna be okay-"
You fall backwards, scrambling across the floor, until your back is against the wall. Your heart is beating too fast, your ribs hurt, your mouth is on fire, your teeth burn, your skin crawls, you're shaking and you can't stop-!
A hand comes near you and you scream, nails clawing into your arms and belly, bloody smears starting to stain your clothes. The being (Kevin?) took a step back, stuttering, lost on what to say-
"Reader. Stop hurting yourself. Now."
You freeze up, then slowly turn to look at the screen of the TV.
There, staring back at you, are the X-Men, eyes set on you, watching.
Your ears rush with blood, your mind going into a blind panic as the f*cking TV starts talking at you, the voices swelling as you cry out, tearing at your arms and head and trying to make everything stop-!
The room pops with noise, a loud static and blinding light-
And there's more distorted beings in there, towering over you, looking down, seeing you.
You can't make your legs get up, can't stop them as they come closer, Kevin trying to talk to you as arms and hands reach out, wrapping around your limbs and holding you down-
"Shhhh, it's gonna be okay, kid, yer gonna be okay-"
"Shhh, sweetie, it'll only take a minute-"
"Be gentle, don't hurt them-!"
"Take a deep breath, IN! Then out-"
"Let's calm you down, sweetheart-"
You hear the pop of something small, and try to twist your head around to see it. No matter how hard you thrash you can't free yourself, the grips on you too firm and your limbs held tightly. You see the light glint off something sharp-
"Shhhh, don't look, look over this way-"
And then there's a sharp prick in your arm, then the world starts to... tilt...
"Hey... that's it, sweetie... You're doing so well... Hmmmm, you feeling tired?" A hand is in your hair, smoothing it down and rubbing it lightly, massaging warmth into your chilled skin.
"Good job, kit, ya did real good. Let's get ya up and get ya situated-" Arms are wrapped around you, warm and strong and firm, sitting you up, wrapping around you, then hauling you into a careful hold, the limbs wrapped tight around you.
"Oh, kit-cat, it's okay. Shhhh... I know, I know it hurts so much, and everything is too much right now, and all you wanna do is take a nice, big nap. Why don't you close your eyes for a bit, hmmm~? That's it, you're safe, just relax..." Something is rubbing your back, making small circles and kneading the cold flesh through the wet fabric, causing the muscles to un-tense amd loosen...
"Shhhh... You're so good, kitten... Look at you, you took the medicine so well... You're just feeling tired, aren't you? So so tired... Shhhhh... Just rest~ We'll take care of everything~♡"
Your body is covered in something thick and soft, the arms around you keeping you tucked into their chest... Your head feels thick, your ache melting and waning under the medicine, tugging you down into blissful, quiet, warm darkness...
"Okay, team... let's go home~♡"
( @thewickedweiner @sugar-soda @weebwholovesuchihasasuke )
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gemini-sensei · 8 months
Want You | Jaime Reyes x Chubby!Reader x Jenny Kord
Kinktober Day 12: Threesome
CW: oral - female receiving, semi-public sex, office sex, unprotected sex, Jenny is Reader's boss but they were friends first. A/N: this one was a long time in the making but I hope you like it.
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Reader knocked twice before opening the door and entering the office of her friend Jenny Kord, who also happened to be her boss. She had a stack of reports from the lab that had been requested, so when she heard a "Come in!" she held them tightly and walked in with a smile.
The first thing she saw was Jenny sitting at her desk, typing something into her computer. She was quick to hit Enter and pushed herself away from the desk, standing with a smile as she stood. "That the scale report? How does it look?"
"Looks pretty great," she said, holding up the papers. They met each other halfway and she passed the stack to Jenny. "But it doesn't matter what I think, does it?"
Looking over the top paper of the report, Jenny nodded before smirking at Reader. She turned and tossed the paperwork on the desk. "Well, I really value your opinion, Reader. Why else would I have hired you?"
"Because I'm just so beautiful, obviously," Reader laughed, smiling bright and happily. Jenny laughed too.
But it was all cut short by a voice behind Reader.
"Well, you've got that right," he said.
Reader turned, finding Jenny's boyfriend Jaime sitting on the little couch she had against the wall. He was sitting back, hands folded over his stomach. He was in a tight black tee shirt and black pants, knees apart like his lap was another seat waiting to be taken. It made Reader's cheeks burn on top of the fact that he called her beautiful.
"Oh, hey, Jaime," she said, almost stumbling over her words. "What are you doing here?"
"Jenny asked me over," he said, giving a little shrug as if it were nothing. As if he weren't sitting there totally inviting.
Jenny snickered and caught Reader's attention again. "I wanted to talk to him about something important."
"Oh, then I can go," Reader said, ready to turn to the door. But Jaime stood up and stepped in the way, making Reader almost walk into his hard chest. She smiled and laughed awkwardly. "Um."
He smiled at her kindly. "It involves you."
"Me?" she asked, looking between the two confused.
Jenny came up behind her and put a hand on her hip. "Yeah, you. See, we've noticed your lingering stares..."
Jaime's hand came onto her other hip. "And we don't mind it. We actually like it a lot."
"The only question we have is do you want this?"
Reader's heart was beating in her ears so hard that she thought she misheard them, but their touches might as well have burned her clothes off. She was on fire and unsure of where she wanted to go because there was a magnetic pull toward each of them. She didn't want it to stop.
"I want you," she told them.
At that, Jenny pressed her front to Reader's back, pushing her into Jaime's chest. He caught her with his other hand by the waist, holding her tight. His hands gripped her rolls, making her moan. Jenny started kissing her neck, grinning against her skin.
"You're so tense," she mumbled, chuckling softly. "Relax."
"Yeah, mi amor, we'll take good care of you," Jaime said.
She looked up at him and all she saw was tender lust in his eyes. Then he kissed her and the tension in her body melted. She moaned into his mouth and he slipped his tongue into her mouth at the very chance she gave him. Jenny's hands meanwhile roamed her body, up her front and to her tits, groping them through her shirt.
While she made out with Jaime, Jenny began undoing the buttons of Reader's blouse and pulled it off her, letting it drop to the floor. Next to come off was her bra, which made her sigh in relief as her heavy tits were released from the cage of a garment. Jenny happily took them into her hands and kneaded them, wasting no time in getting Reader's nipples hard and perky.
The couple moved her over to the desk, which Jaime made quick work to clear by shoving everything off of it. He picked her up effortlessly and sat her on the desk, smirking at her as she stared at him flustered. His hands dug into her thighs, squeezing them hard before gliding their way up to the button of her pants and undoing them.
"Need these off, mi amor," he told her. She lifted her hips enough for him to pull her pants off. At the same time, he took her panties with them. She sat so pretty before him and Jenny, and their eyes devoured her. "So beautiful."
Jenny gently nudged Jaime out of the way and slotted herself between Reader's legs. "My turn to play with her a little bit."
Her hand crawled up Reader's inner thigh until she found came to her mound. She grinned as Reader spread her thighs further apart and slipped her fingers between her folds to tease her opening. "So wet already. Do we turn you on, Reader?"
Staring at her long time friend, Reader nodded and whispered, "Yes..."
"She's so cute," Jaime chuckled from behind Jenny. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder, admiring Reader's curvy body. "I bet you've thought about this, Reader."
At that, Reader looked away. She wouldn't deny that she thought her friend and her boyfriend were hot, but she'd never tell them about the other thoughts she had. Those were private. They flustered her as she had only ever kept them to herself, in the confines of her bedroom.
"Oh," Jenny let out softly, still swirling her fingertips over Reader's wet lower lips. "I think she has too."
They teased her and made her hot under her skin. She took it in stride, moaning for them sweetly. Until she needed more.
"Please, Jenny... I need you both so bad," she moaned.
But Jenny refused to give in to her little pleas. She pulled her hand away and turned to Jaime, putting her soaked fingers up to his mouth. He sucked on them and moaned, closing his eyes as he savored the flavor. He pulled his mouth away slowly and with a wet pop.
"She tastes so good," he told her.
"Get up," Jenny said and Reader followed the order.
They brought her between them and Jaime toyed with her tits while Jenny sent a hard smack to her fat ass. She watched it jiggle before undressing herself. She hopped onto the desk, leaned back on one hand, and spread her legs to play with herself.
While she watched, Jaime and Reader devoured each other's mouths, moaning and groaning into the wet depths while Reader tore his clothes off. Once he was undressed, thick cock free, he began grinding against her thigh. She whined with need, feeling how big he was. Without even looking, she knew she needed him something bad.
He pulled out of the kiss and curtly turned her to face Jenny, pressing his hard cock against her ass. Reader licked her lips as she beckoned Reader forward but when she tried to walk, Jaime stopped her by holding her hip. One of his hands slid up her back and gently pushed her forward, making her bend into Jenny.
Jenny put a hand on the back of Reader's head and led her face to her soaked cunt. At the same time, Reader presented herself to Jaime. It was perfect.
She kissed Jenny's pussy lips and quickly found her clit. Jenny moaned overhead as Reader practically made out with her bundle of nerves, pulling on it with her lips. It was gentle yet just enough to make an impact. That was until Jaime pushed into Reader's pussy and threw her off of her momentum for a moment. She had to pull away and rest her head on Jenny's thigh while she moaned heavily as he filled her. He was so thick, stretching her out deliciously.
Jenny's hand on the back of Reader's head pushed her back toward her cunt, silently ordering her to continue her ministrations and Reader happily obliged. She dove back in and licked a stripe up Jenny's pussy lips, teasing her further. Then Jaime bottomed out and pushed her into Jenny more, at which point she shoved her tongue into her friend's cunt and stopped playing games.
Jaime gave little time for adjustment, needing to fuck Reader more than anything. She gripped Jenny's thighs and anchored herself to the floor in some attempt to be prepared for what was to come but once he started thrusting in and out of her, she knew there was no preparing for that heavenly act. He nearly pulled all the way out of her just to thrust back in hard and fast. Her cunt squelched wetly, informing everyone in the room of just how soaked her pussy was for them. All the while Reader tongue fucked Jenny and made out with her pussy.
They moaned and groaned together like a symphony. It was beautiful, but Jenny had the first high note.
She came first, squirting over Reader's face after her clit was sucked on and overstimulated. Reader lapped up the juices as best she could, some dripping off of her chin as Jenny shuddered and moaned under her touch. Her clit twitched with overstimulation as Reader ate her out as if she were her last meal, drinking up her essence like it was the fountain of youth.
She spoke in pleasured moans, a little muffled, "You taste divine, Jenny."
Jenny had to push her head away, almost begging her to give her a break. Once that was established, Jaime pushed Reader's body between Jenny's legs, and she threw her arms around Reader's shoulders. She pulled her into a kiss and moaned as she tasted herself on Reader's tongue. They melted into an intense make out while Jaime held Reader's hips and continued to pound away at her cunt, his narrow hips certainly bruising her fat ass.
While he held her hips in a tight grip, Reader played with Jenny's perky tits. Their tongues danced and twisted together, wet lips smacking as they moaned and breathed each other in. Her fingers found her nipples and rolled them gently. Jenny's hands came down to Reader's fat tits and squeezed them hard, pulling a whine from her pretty lips. Then she held them up and pressed her own chest into them, rubbing their nipples against each other.
From over Reader's shoulder, Jaime watched them. He couldn't take his eyes off of them the entire them, enchanted by them. Everything about them was amazing and made him want to go crazy. Instead, he just fucked Reader like it was his last day on earth. His brain was in a fog as his fingers dug into the fat of her hips and pulled her back into his rough thrusts, unable to ease up because he was too into it. Besides, she wasn't complaining about the pace.
Reader pulled out of the kiss, panting hard and trying to speak. However, only a few syllables fell from her lips and Jenny chuckled breathlessly. She held Reader's face up, making her look at her as she moaned sweetly and tried to talk.
"What is it, baby? What are you trying to say?" she asked, loving to tease. She smiled in her face as she tried to speak but words failed her. "Awe, what is it? Are you going to come? Is that it?"
Reader nodded desperately. Otherwise, all she could do was whine and wriggle under their touch.
Jaime's grip tightened as she wiggled, needing her to be still and only move in the ways he moved her. Her ass came back and slapped against his hips, cunt pulsing around his cock with need. She was on the edge, so he slightly shifted his angle and hit that spongey little spot deep inside of her that pushed her over. She cried out as she came on his cock, squirting hard and shaking. She couldn't stand on her own two legs and Jaime wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her up, never stopping his thrusts.
"Fuck, baby," Jenny moaned, still holding Reader's head up. She smirked. "You look so pretty when you come. So very pretty."
"The prettiest," Jaime muttered, only really half-hearing Jenny. Nevertheless, he agreed because Reader was just so pretty.
He was also close but didn't have the capacity to say anything about it. All he could do was fuck. His brain was buzzing with pleasure, foggy as could be, and he went after his end. It wasn't long before he too was coming and pressing himself deep inside of Reader, filling her with his heavy load that Jenny had been insistent on saving for her. He pressed his chest to Reader's back and rested his forehead on her shoulder, catching his breath as he came.
Reader moaned as her twitchy tight cunt took it. He throbbed with each hefty rope he gave her, and she moaned and sighed as he did. She leaned back into him, making him look up so he could see her. She tiredly, lustfully smiled up at him and he dropped his lips to hers, kissing her. Jenny sat back and watched, smiling at them.
When she pulled out of the kiss, Reader was pulled into another by Jenny, and she couldn't be happier between her and Jaime.
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masterjedilenawrites · 8 months
I'm just going to make it a tradition to write about tender loving spicy Crosshair on my birthday each year 😊
Crosshair x fem!reader | 500 words
Content: just a short drabble where Crosshair acts suggestively while you make a cake
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You slowly twisted the cake stand in front of you, careful to keep your other hand steady as the knife glided along the frosting. What had started out as a simple birthday cake had now turned into an ostentatious mess... multiple layers askew, clashing colors of frosting, sprinkles galore... You were having a blast.
Now you were focused on the finishing touches. With your frosting designs all set, you then reached over for the box of candles. No sooner had you placed the first on top, however, did two mischevious hands start to snake around your middle.
"Cross," you warned as he pressed himself up against your back and held you close. You weren't sure what kind of mood he was in, but you highly doubted it was a helpful one.
"Looking good," Crosshair mumbled before wiggling his nose into your neck.
You couldn't help but squeeze your shoulders in response to the feathery tingles it sent across your skin. You paused to refocus yourself and then placed the next candle into the cake.
"It'll taste better than it looks."
"I sure hope so," he hummed, bringing his mouth up to the shell of your ear. You felt yourself immediately flush from head to toe.
"You weren't talking about the cake were you," you forced out a laugh and continued to place more candles. Gods, there sure were a lot this year.
Crosshair unburied himself from your neck and rested his head gently against the side of yours. "Oh, yeah, that looks good too."
You only had one candle left. You held it up toward him. "Care to do the honors?"
He plucked it out of your fingers and gently stuck it right in the center. And then swiped at some frosting as he withdrew his hand. You didn't have time to react, though, as he deposited some of it onto your nose before licking the rest away.
"Cross!" you finally gasped. You turned in his hold to find an amused glint in his eyes. His whole face seemed so light and carefree. You loved to see this side of him. Even if it was at the expense of your cake.
He leaned in to kiss the frosting off your nose, causing you to giggle and scrunch up your face in protest. His lips then found yours and you allowed yourself to taste the sweetness on them for a slow, blissful moment.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart," he pulled away with a smile. But the fondness in it quickly shifted back into mischief. "Can't wait to eat."
You wanted to roll your eyes but found you couldn't. Even after being spoiled for most of the day already, you were eager to continue being dotted on. It was your birthday after all. You were allowed to be a little greedy.
"Not until I open my presents first," you flashed a playful smile of your own, accentuating your meaning by rubbing your hands along his chest.
Crosshair crouched just enough to get his hands under your thighs and hoisted you up onto his waist. "We have a lot to do then. Let's not waste any time, birthday girl."
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831
Bad Batch Tag: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22, @dangraccoon, @mishakoon
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halaboyz · 2 months
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lost times, seungyoun
(ex) bf! cho seungyoun x gn! reader angst, breakup au wc: 3.3k warnings: none that i know of a/n: I MISS MY BABY AND I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANY ANGST FOR HIM SO !
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"Youn, baby, what time do you get off work?" You coo through the phone, smiling as you fixed your things. "I just got off mine, I was planning on asking you out if you'll be out early,"
"Ah..." Seungyoun sighs, and you instantly knew what it meant.
"Overtime again?" You smile drops, pouting. "I can't do anything about that, then," You press your lips to a thin line, stepping out of the company building to look at the sky. What a waste, the weather was perfect today.
"I'm sorry. I'll be home late again, so make sure you lock the door and sleep tight," You nod at no one in particular, humming in response.
"Just make sure you have your Saturday night free for me," You remind, and you hear him chuckle.
"Of course, that's our fourth year anniversary. Would miss anything for that night,"
"Okay, then. Get working," You smile again hearing his response, bidding goodbye. "I'm going home now, I'll just send you a text when I do. Please get some rest when you can, and don't overwork! Just work how much you're paid," You joke around, ending the call after you get a response.
Your smile still drops after you hear the call ending, though. It was such a beautiful night, neither cold or hot, streets weren't as crowded as weekend nights, and you were still on your best condition.
But that's alright. For Seungyoun, it was alright. You understand that he's doing a lot more work than usual due to employee promotion right at the corner.
Yet you can't help the feeling of another night of surging in the loneliness as you walk home, wind gushing right through your face. It wasn't cold nor hot, but it was chilly for you. You had another night to yourself, with no one to hold on to, and no one to lean on to.
The feeling worsens when you realize that because of the good weather, a lot more couples were walking around, lovey-dovey and touchy while being in their own world. You can be like that too. You know you could be like that too.
If only he had given you the same amount of attention he did with his work.
If only he had prioritized you as well. You're not asking for much, you don't even ask to prioritize you more than his work. Just as much as his work. Just as much as he promised you when he gave you a promise ring.
To make you happy in all ways.
So how could you be so down now for a few weeks straight already?
Look, you're not hanging on him like he's your lifeline-- but who would be okay with only seeing your live-in boyfriend when you're lucky you're still awake by the time he's home? Or lucky when you wake up before he does to go to work? Or when the world's upside down and he actually has a day off?
"So... he's not your boyfriend." And when you actually, finally, open this up to someone, your bestfriend Yibo, he hits you with his words so bluntly.
"What part did you miss, Yibo? He's your friend too," You roll your eyes, not getting into his sarcasm.
"He's basically just your roommate," He scoffs, putting his drink down.
"I, for sure, shouldn't have asked you to hang," You mumble, nibbling your fries.
"Well, I guess the night was too young and pretty to pass up on," He gets one of your fries and pops it into his mouth, "If this was going on for so long, how come you're only telling me now?"
"It was our problem, of course we had to solve it,"
"How come you're solving it alone then?" He points out, grit in his tone of voice, anxious to make you get his point. "You see, what's the point of having a boyfriend if your life is as is? It's literally just more problems, isn't it?"
"Yibo," You sternly call out, making him sigh and nod.
"Okay, fine," He tries to calm you down, "I just don't really get it, y/n. He's not doing you any better. You try to work it out, but he's not even there! So what's the point?" His ted talk was short, but critical to you. It was what you needed, his bluntness. He wasn't going to sugarcoat things for you, to be able to lift yourself up from drowning. "You're my friend, he's my friend. I want the best for the both of you and if it means being better all together or not, I am going to vote on that,"
You were both silent for a few minutes before a call breaks it, vibrating in your pocket. You take it out to look at the caller ID, showing it to him.
"I'll go to the washroom real quick, take that."
You sigh, smiling at him then at the phone, actually wondering if you answer it or not. Your thumb glides to answer it anyway, whipping the phone to your ear.
"Hey, baby," You hum, ever so sweetly.
"Oh hey love," Seungyoun calls you through the phone, hearing papers being tossed. "I was just wondering if you're home yet. You haven't texted,"
"Oh, right. Sorry, I asked Yibo to hang tonight. The weather was too nice to pass on," You took Yibo's words to say and repeat, shaking your head. "Sorry. I forgot to send you a text. Are you done with work?"
"I actually am, where are you? Maybe I can drop by and get you," The slightest hope was what keeps you going. What keeps you holding. The slightest efforts, the slightest trying to make it better. You smile, now a genuine one, propping up your seat as you see Yibo walking out of the washroom and back to the table.
"Wait for me there, I'll go there." You mumble, not wanting Yibo to hear it but he had elephant ears. You hear Seungyoun chuckle when he hears your excitement, mumbling a "Love you, stay safe." before ending the call.
"Come on," Yibo grunts, seeing your smile slowly go bigger and bigger. "Okay, whatever. But don't tell me I didn't talk to you about this,"
"I'll make sure to talk to him about this, too, Yibo. Don't worry! I'll get going now," You rush out of the table, side hugging him. "This is my treat!"
Walking to Seungyoun's company wasn't long, but you sure took your time. You've thought a lot on the walk, Yibo's words lingering in your mind.
"Hey baby," You shake your head to forget all about it just this night, seeing Seungyoun patiently waiting for you outside his company. You hop to his side, giving him a big warm hug.
"Baby," Seungyoun whispers as he burrows himself in the crook of your neck, finding home in your scent and warmth. "Missed you,"
"Missed me? We brushed each other this morning," You chuckle, breaking the hug to take a good look on his face. Initially, you were still up in offering a walk down the road, but the tired look on his face makes you rethink.
"Literally. Brushed. When I was leaving you just got out of bed," Seungyoun pouts, squinting at you. "Don't tell me you didn't miss me,"
"I bet I missed you more," You challenge, confidently raising your shoulders. He laughs wholeheartedly, taking you into his arms again with a sigh of contentment. You caress his back, melting into his arms. "Let's go home?" You feel him shake his head, staying a bit longer in your arms as you both stay like that in silence.
"Don't you wanna go for a walk? Or do you wanna go somewhere?"
See? It's the little things, little efforts that Seungyoun does to keep you on your toes. That keeps you from leaving. The little trying to be better for you. You smile, cupping his red cheeks. You stare a little longer, slowly shaking your head.
"It's fine, we can go home now. We're both tired," You try and assure him, thumb rubbing his cheeks to keep it warm.
" Did you have too much fun with Yibo? Should I get jealous?" Seungyoun makes you snort when his reply leaves his lips, pressing his cheeks together as he raises his eyebrows.
"Are you crazy? I literally left Yibo for you." It was true. The moment his call connected, you knew you were going to come running for him anyway. "Besides, I don't wanna tire you out when we can rest the night as early as we can, right?"
Seungyoun smiles as he gently places his palm over your cheeks as well, rubbing his thumbs over it.
"Okay." He finally agrees, walking hand in hand as you walk down the road to your humble abode. You spent the night cuddling and sleeping in each other's arms, or at least he did.
You were up all night rethinking all of Yibo's words, and Seungyoun's broken promises.
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You shuffle around your sheets as you stretch around your bed, trying to find some warmth that your sheets can't give you. When you reach out beside you, it was already empty. You sigh. Like any other day.
When you look at your phone, you realize you've only been asleep for an hour and had some time to stare at the ceiling once again.
"Missed him," Like, literally both meanings of miss.
Do you even deserve any of this? You ask yourself for the nth time. It wasn't even since last night, or since Yibo talked to you. It was since the day you first felt so empty. The day you were alone, lonely, and empty, and Seungyoun wasn't there to console you, comfort you. And not that he wasn't able to, he just chose not to. Picking work over you, that god time whoever even invented overtime, he did it again.
Do you deserve sitting alone in the corner of your shared apartment, feeling alone, lonely, empty once again, even though there were signs of life of Seungyoun every inch of the apartment? Where there were hundreds of picture frames either hanging or standing ever so proudly on top of tables, pictures of when you were both still on your prime time?
Do you deserve crying, oh so god help you, exhausted and unaware of the time quickly passing through the whole day of your day off?
Did you deserve it?
"Baby, I'm home..." You hear Seungyoun enter the bedroom doors, shuffling to finally get in bed after a whole (and extra) day of working in his office. You quickly shut your eyes to pretend sleep, feeling him squat beside the bed on your side and look at you.
His warm palm rubs your cheeks that were red from all the crying wiping you did all day, noticing your puffed eyes also. He sighed, knowing that there was something going on again and you haven't had the leisure to share it with him. Of course, he was unaware that it was because of his absence due to work.
Because if you had a problem, you wouldn't mind sharing it with him anytime, right?
"I love you baby, good night." He whispers, landing a peck in your forehead and heading to the bathroom to wash himself up before actually diving into your warmth.
But for some reason, it was too cold for the both of you.
You, having to skip bedtime due to your muffled sobs, hopping out of bed to avoid waking Seungyoun up and continuing your breakdown in the dark living room. And Seungyoun, having to reach at the side of the bed to continuously find your warmth.
Only did he realize that there really was something wrong when you don't come back to the bed and he wakes up groggy because of it.
Until he has to leave. Again.
He watches you stir in your sleep on the couch, hesitating whether to wake you up or just carry you to the bed without having to wake you. He decides on the latter and thankfully, you were on your deep slumber (you weren't) that he didn't need to feel apologetic waking you accidentally.
He sighs as he drinks his morning coffee, watching the dark skies form dark clouds as it prepares to greet the sun. Maybe you were just finding the right time to share everything with him. Maybe that was it.
Until he continues to hear your helpless sobs outside the bedroom doors for a few more sleepless nights, and he knew it. He finally knew, he finally realized.
Of course it was about him. About the two of you. That's why you weren't able to share anything with him at all, and how you avoided him for a few nights already by having to sleep early or continue to sleep unbothered when he carries you from the couch to the bed.
Or hasn't it been always that way?
That when he arrives home, it is always too late in the night that you don't have any other choice but to sleep, because how can you wait for him when you have your work yourself too? That when he has to leave at literally dawn, of course, you were still sleeping soundly until he's gone?
Has it always been this way? Has he? Was he prioritizing things wrong? Is he doing something wrong?
Is there something wrong?
But the fact that you knew that he knew you were sobbing endlessly at night when he feigns sleep, the fact that you knew that he knew that he was leaning just at the other side of the door of the bedroom, waiting for your sobs to stop and leave when he has to leave, the fact that you knew he knew there was something wrong, but did nothing but avoid it and avoid talking about it and avoid you...
Finally, was your last straw.
And it was your fourth anniversary.
For the first time in ages, he's left his office desk while the sun was still there, peeking at the horizon while it prepares to go down, and he's hesitant of how the rest of the night will become.
You haven't talked to him after that night you cuddled each other, but he had to leave early again, as always, and the next night was your absolutely not first night of crying of the many.
He dropped by somewhere before he had no idea where he was headed next, because oh god he didn't even have the time to plan anything, and you haven't even texted or called or showed your face to hi pm the whole day.
Okay, home it was. At least he was positive that you were going to be there.
Both of you should be fine by now, right? You could at least talk it all out tonight, right? Make things right.
He fiddled with the velvety box he had tucked so deep in his pockets, heading home with a heavy chest and a sigh.
"Baby," He picks up a smile, removing his shoes and heading inside to find you, only to be welcomed with the coldest air he has ever felt in his life. His eyes wander around, feet busy to search every room for you, until you are both in the kitchen, meeting eye to eye.
You had a glass of water in your hand, puffy red eyes and dressed up. Oh, you weren't dolled up for a date. You were just... simply dressed up, like, about to leave.
"Seungyoun, can we talk?" You try to pull a smile, which ends up being way worse than you could imagine as it immediately drops, sitting at the four seater dining table that felt so much longer and far away from Seungyoun.
Finally. A talk.
"Happy fourth year anniversary, baby." Seungyoun starts, trying to reach for your enclosed hand on top of the table but your hands timidly retreat before even falling for his warmth all over again. He feels discouraged and embarrassingly draws back as well, heaving a sigh as both of his hands intertwine in shame.
He knew what was coming and was afraid of it. It wasn't what he was expecting, if he could be in denial of it until his last breath, he will be.
Silence. there was nothing between you, no exchanged words but longing stares, enveloped in silence, and foreseen tension.
"Youn," You call out, but rather than his eyes staying at you, it goes down to his hands. He cannot see you like this. It breaks him how much it breaks you to even open the conversation up. "Youn..." You whine, tears already forming and quickly escaping your eyes in vain.
"Do we really have to talk about this now? Tonight? A special night?" He exasperatingly sighs, frowning and almost scowling at you, yet he still denies any eye contact.
"Would you even have any time for that? When you don't even have time to ask me if I'm okay?" You rebut, voice slightly raising. "I've been having sleepless nights, drowning myself in my own tears and my own thoughts every night you're soundly sleeping, and you don't even ask how I am?"
Exhaustion was evident in your eyes as you begged for an answer. Sobs were already heaving out of you, but it doesn't make him budge.
"Let's..." You sigh out, realizing he's not even putting up a fight. You ease the promise ring out of your finger, setting it gently on the table. "...stop whatever this is, Cho Seungyoun."
When you played around with your finger and got the ring out only did Seungyoun look at you in horror. He thought he could talk you out of this. He was doing all of this for you now, wasn't he? Wasn't he doing enough? Didn't he show you enough?
"I don't see any reason in staying, Seungyoun. If I said I'm sorry for leaving like this... then it wouldn't prove anything I thought and did for you so I'm not going to ask forgiveness at all." You have finally calmed down, but your tears haven't. It was falling continuously like a river, and you were too tired to even wipe it.
God knows how much Seungyoun wanted to wipe it off himself. The last thing he wanted, the thing he'd beat anyone to a pulp if you did- cry, was something he'd take to the grave. It would let him haunt himself through his remaining years because he did that.
How could he even?
"Baby..." He tried, a late cover up for all his shortcomings, finally giving up his ego and trying to reach for your hand. You let him, caressing your hands in desperation. You both cry in anguish, in pain. Like the both of you were set up in torture the next day.
You sob helplessly, letting your head drop to try and catch your breath to no avail.
"Baby please," He calls out, "Hmm?" Trying to convince you with a death grip and a smile, but you shake your head.
"I should go," You stand up, letting his hand fall to the table with a thud. When his hand met the table, he knew it indeed was the end. "I wish you the best, Youn. You've been great, we have been. It just fell short,"
He looks down in shame, letting his hand stay in place where you left it.
Because maybe, maybe you'd come back, right?
You will, right?
But when he realizes that he was waiting for nothing, hours passed and in the middle of his lonely, cold night, he wakes himself up in reality.
He's done you wrong, and you made the right decision leaving. You didn't deserve that, but did he?
He reaches for the envelope and the velvety box in his pocket, staring at it.
A promotion letter and a notice of increased pay, and of course, an engagement ring.
He now had everything he wanted- for him and for you. But at what cost?
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joanquill · 9 months
Amusement Park Date
You and William have been friends for years, knowing him before he took on the name William James Moriarty. But despite knowing each other for so long, there are just some things you can't confess to each other... and everyone is sick of it.
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William James Moriarty
Tag/s: Modern!AU, Long (2.5k+ words)
Song: "Say Don't Go" by Taylor Swift
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"Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?!" you and Bonde sang at the top of your lungs, passing the time as you waited for the stoplight to turn green.
"Why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'!" you continued singing as you grabbed some fries from the paper bag beside you, humming along to the music as you ate.
"Ah...!" Bonde called out, leaning to you as he kept his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road, letting you put some fries into his mouth.
"Ugh, will you two keep it down...?" Sebastian muttered as he removed the wet towel on his forehead, his face practically turning into a blueberry.
"You were the one who thought a drinking competition with Albert before the road trip was a good idea," you retorted, making Bonde chuckle as he grabbed his drink.
Sebastian groaned as he went back to sleep, making Paterson sigh beside him and continue reading police reports.
"Did we truly have to go through the drive-through, though? We might get caught up in traffic,"
"We wouldn't have to if Louis didn't pack the snacks so far in the back,"
"If I didn't, it would be all gone when we reach the hotel,"
As the men continued to bicker, you felt someone tap your shoulder.
"Yeah, Fred?" you responded, looking at him through the rearview mirror.
"Can I have some, too?" he politely asked, making you smile.
"Of course!"
During the car ride, you and Bonde continued your karaoke session as your eyes wandered from the windows to the rearview mirror, seeing William at the back reading a book.
Suddenly, William looked up, making your eyes meet as he smiled at you.
You quickly looked away and focused on the window, admiring the view and trying to cool your head.
You saw Bonde glance at you as a smile crept to his face.
You felt your face heat up as you punched his arm, making him laugh.
"And... we're here!" Bonde excitedly stated as he parked the car, making the both of you quickly remove your seatbelts and jump out of the van.
"YEAH, MOUSELAND!" you cheered and were suddenly grabbed by Sebastian.
"Oi, we still have to check in the hotel!" Sebastian reminded you as he grabbed Bonde before you two could run away.
You clicked your tongue as you thought of a way to get out.
"What if James and I get the tickets while you're unloading? That way, we wouldn't waste too much time waiting in line?"
"Paterson and Moneypenny are in charge of the tickets," Louis answered as he gave you your bags, seeing them already leaving the parking lot.
"Aww, man..." you muttered in disappointment.
Before you could put on your backpack straps, William took the bags from you, smiling at you when he saw your confused expression.
"Shall we check in?" he reminded, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"R-Right... Thank you," you smiled, following beside him.
'That surprised me...'  you thought, ignoring the delusional thoughts in your head.
As you and William walked to the hotel, everyone else watched you both from the corner of their eyes.
"It seems Little Will is making his move," Jack smirked, making Sebastian scoff.
"Then shouldn't it just be him and (Y/N) on this road trip? Since that was the plan all along?"
"Don't act like you're not having fun playing matchmaker for Will and (N/N)," Bonde teased as he took the last bag, closing the trunk.
"Besides, weren't you the one who suggested joining them, colonel?" Albert mused as everyone walked towards the hotel.
"That's because the last time we left those two on a date, that great detective crashed it," 
"We're finally here!" you shouted in glee as Bonde cheered beside you when you reached inside the amusement park while the others calmly walked towards you both.
"Oh, look!" you grabbed Bonde by the arm and pointed at a roller coaster. 
It had a couple of loop-de-loops and was clearly one of the biggest rides in the theme park.
"Looks like there's not a lot of people yet, too," Bonde grinned, agreeing to your unspoken suggestion.
"That's because the park just opened," Sebastian yawned as he walked towards you both.
"Are you sure you want to ride that first? Weren't you just eating on the way here?" he reminded, making you pout.
"I guess that's true..." you muttered, not wanting to spill your guts from the first ride.
How about we walk around first and see the gift shop? Bonde suggested, making you smile.
"Yeah! We can get matching headbands, too!"
"(N/N)! Will!" Bonde called out, making you turn around and see his phone facing you.
"Say cheese!" he smiled as you followed, pulling out a peace sign and leaning to William until you heard the camera click.
"Aww, you two look like a cute couple!" Bonde grinned as he showed the photo.
You and William were standing side by side with matching headbands and poses.
You blushed at his comment as you tried to take his phone away from him, but he quickly dodged your hand.
"Wait, my smile looked awkward!" you defended, but Bonde just shook his head and stuck out his tongue at you.
"I think you look lovely," William reassured, making your face flush as you turned away from him.
"Oi, lovebirds!" Sebastian called out, "People are starting to show up! Do you still want to go on that roller coaster?"
"Oh, yeah!" you replied as you hurried to him, "Let's go," you muttered as you started walking out of the shop, but Sebastian pulled you back.
"Let's pay your headband first before we get accused of shoplifting,"
"Are you sure you want to go in the front?" Moneypenny asked in worry, looking at how high the roller coaster would get.
"Mhm! I'll be fine!" you reassured, making her take a deep breath as she took the seat a few rows behind you.
All the others started taking the seats behind you, leaving William to sit beside you.
"Excuse me," he politely said as he sat down next to you, the safety restraints going down on your shoulders simultaneously.
"Have fun!" Jack smiled as he waved at your group from the outside, guarding your things as he watched the ride begin.
"Are you feeling alright?" William asked, sensing your nervousness.
"Yeah! I'm okay," you reassured as the ride started moving forward.
"Just dandy..." you muttered, feeling your hands sweat as you tried to focus on anything except William.
"What about you? You and your brothers never went to Mouseland, right?" you questioned, making him nervously smile.
"Yes... It's our first time visiting an amusement park," he confessed, surprising you.
"Really? Ah... Then we probably should have started something more easygoing..." you added, your cart slowly approaching the pinnacle of the rails.
"And why is that?" William questioned as the ride stopped at the very top.
"Because this ride also goes backward," you answered as you all shot backward, hearing screams from your friends.
"Shut it!" Sebastian grumbled as he hit the top of your head, making you squat down as you held the ride photo in your hands while Jack was laughing boisterously beside you.
"S-Sorry..." you giggled, covering your mouth as you held your stomach.
"I-It's just that... It looks like a Renaissance painting-...!" you snorted as you turned away, not wanting to anger Sebastian more as he sat back down on the bench, Fred lying on his lap looking half-dead.
Moneypenny and Paterson were on the other bench, faces a little pale as Bonde looked after them.
Louis held onto Albert's shoulder as they and William stood beside Jack as Herder admired the roller coaster's structure.
"Hoo..." you breathed, calming down as you looked at the photo again.
You were enjoying the ride with your hands up while William did the same, but his expression was calm and barely changed.
Albert was lightly laughing while Louis had his eyes completely closed.
Bonde was laughing behind him, and Moneypenny clung to him as much as she could.
Sebastian was freaking out while Fred had his head down.
And at the back, Herder enjoyed the ride more than you while Paterson clung to the safety restraints.
"I will treasure this for my entire life," you smiled as you hugged the photo, irking Sebastian as Jack started laughing again.
After the roller coaster ride, the group decided to stroll around to calm down, letting you meet some characters, take photos, ride the mellower rides, and stop by some restaurants to eat.
"Whatcha looking at?" Bonde asked as he looked at William's phone, seeing several photos of you posing in front of an attraction, with food, or with a character.
William quickly hid his phone as Bonde gave him a knowing look.
"You know we're here too, you know?"
"(Y/N) has been the one taking our photos. It would be quite unfortunate to see them not in them," William reasoned as he looked away.
"Right... Whatever you say," Bonde shrugged as he finished his churro, seeing you walk up to their table with the food.
"Shall we go to the Ferris wheel next?" you suggested, pointing at the ride as everyone looked at each other.
"I kind of wanted to eat more of those churros,"
"I wanted to see the castle ride,"
"I was hoping we could go to that restaurant we passed by,"
They all started suggesting, catching you by surprise while William glared at them, seeing through their plan.
"Then how about we separate into smaller groups and then meet up before the parade starts?" you suggested as the others agreed.
"All right, how should we-"
"-Then, it's me, Moneypenny, and Paterson who's going to the castle ride," Bonde suggested as he pointed at the names, "Sebastian, Fred, and Herder are going to get more churros, and Albert, Louis, and Master Jack are going to the restaurant," Bonde ended, making you blink in confusion.
"But I thought you and Fred want-"
"-Yeah, but I kind of wanted to see that castle ride we saw on the way," Bonde reasoned as he elbowed Fred.
"A-And I wanted to try the churros again..." he added, looking away from you as he fidgeted with his fingers.
"Okay then," you shrugged, making the group internally sigh in relief, "How about we meet at the carousel before 9:30?"
"Sounds like a plan!"
"Very well,"
"See ya, (N/N)!" they all went their ways as Herder happily waved goodbye at you and William.
"Have fun on your da-" Herder shouted as Sebastian quickly pulled him down, and Fred covered his mouth as you were left alone.
"I guess it's just us two," William sighed, making you tense up.
"O-Oh, right...!" you nervously laughed, realizing what Bonde set you up to.
"Shall we?" William asked as he motioned to the Ferris wheel ride, making you smile.
"Woah... You can practically see the whole park from here!" you smiled as you watched the scenery, seeing the sunset in the distance.
"Ah! You can even see Seb and the others," you chuckled as you waved at them, making William smile.
"Oh! Hold on..." you rummaged through your bag and took out your phone, taking a picture of the scenery.
"Will, should we take a photo together?" you asked in excitement, catching him by surprise.
"I-I mean!" you quickly added, realizing what you just did, "You don't have to if you don't-"
"-Sure," he agrees, taking the seat next to you and taking out his phone.
"Sorry, may I move closer?" he asked, seeing how far you two were in the camera.
"Y-Yes..." you replied, keeping your hands close to you as you looked at the camera.
"You can relax," William lightly laughed, making you blush and scoff.
"Well, excuse me..." you retorted, leaning closer to him and fixing your hair.
"Ready?" he asked as his screen showed you both with the sunset in the background.
"Ready!" you replied as William took the photos and leaned toward you.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest as you tried to calm down, hoping William wouldn't notice.
"There," William finished as you both looked through the photos.
"Oh, can you send those photos to me?" you smiled as you took out your phone.
"I wanna make Sherlock jealous-" you stopped as you opened your camera roll filled with pictures focused on William.
"Pfft," William hid his mouth as he turned away, making you flush.
"D-Don't get the wrong idea!" you denied, punching his arm and shoulder.
"I have photos of everyone since you guys barely take any!" you reasoned, making William laugh as he caught your hands.
"Is that really the reason?" he cheekily asked, making your cheeks hotter.
"Y-Yeah... It is," you denied, sitting down as William kept his hold of your hand.
"Then how come I make up the majority of it?" he questioned, feeling steam come out of your ears.
"Because you're my best friend?" you answered, unsure if it was enough to convince him.
"Hmm... Is that all I am?" he asked, pulling you closer to him as you kept looking away.
"Yeah... You are-" you tried pulling your hand away from him, but you were met by his gaze and brazen smile inches away from you.
"Then why won't you look me in the eye when you answer?" he asked, his voice soft at how close you two were.
You tightened your jaw as you looked away, unsure how to answer.
"...You're smart. Don't you have the answer already?"
"I might have, but I want to hear you say it," he urged, his other hand holding your chin as he made you turn to him.
"Won't you tell me?" he added, making you glare as you looked away.
"...You are an absolute prick, sometimes. You know?"
You hid your face in your jacket as William continuously smiled beside you, holding your hand as you walked towards the carousel.
"...Not a word to the others," you muttered, making him chuckle.
"I believe your cute blushing face tells it all," he retorted, making you glare at him as you reached the carousel.
"It seems we're the first ones here," William muttered as he glanced around.
"Shall we ride the carousel as we wait?" he suggested, making you come out of hiding.
"...Can we?" you asked, making him smile.
"It will be quite a while before the others come back. We might as well enjoy the rest of our date," William winked as he led you to the entrance, making you blush and hide behind him.
"Since did you become this cheeky?" you grumbled, making him chuckle as you walked up the carousel.
"Since you finally agreed to become mine," he answered, lifting your hand and kissing your knuckles.
You quickly pulled your hand away and rushed to one of the horses, a laughing William following closely behind you.
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cyberjam · 2 years
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there's a lack of tangerine fics on here so i decided to take things into my own hands !
warnings - slight nsfw
word count - 2.3k~
song: sparks - coldplay ୧
tan - 🍊 | lem - 🍋 | you - 🍓
main masterlist
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- when tangerine first met you he never would've thought that the two of you would become such important aspects in each other's lives.
- he thought he would probably see you once in his entire life, but the universe had different plans.
- you'd start running into each other way more than expected.
- he was honestly a little annoyed with how much he kept seeing you.
- " ya' stalking me, love?" - 🍊
- you rolled your eyes and bit back with a snarky remark. thus creating your frenemies relationship.
- everytime you ran into each other he'd say something backhanded and you'd reply right back with unexplainable quickness.
- these interactions lasted for approximately 10-30secs, sometimes a minute if you were lucky.
- well, it was no different when you ran into him and lemon after leaving a bar.
- you greeted and complimented lemon since it was your first time meeting him and then went on to give tangerine the usual teasing remark.
- it didn't sit right with him.
- he was jealous annoyed.
- he didn't even understand why he was jealous because the two of you never really built a relationship outside of being assholes to each other whenever you crossed paths.
- throughout the day lemon noticed how his brother was more annoyingly grumpy than usual and ended up asking him about his foul mood.
- tangerine keeps his mouth shut, but lemon sooner or later finds out it was because of what had happened between the three of you earlier that day. (he's very good at reading people)
- lemon calls him out for it.
- " Don' even know 'er, but it's clear you like the bird. Stop bullshitting and just ask 'er out." - 🍋
- tangerine doesn't ask you out, he doesn't even speak to you.
- he avoids you like the plague for weeks.
- he didn't want to have feelings for you. you weren't a terrible person by any means but he couldn't possibly have time for a love life with his profession.
- lemon noticed how tangerine was a little thrown off of his rhythm and figured it was about the situation between you two.
- he ended up giving tangerine annoyingly good advice and told him that life isn't just pain and death and how it wouldn't hurt to step into the dating world if he was interested in someone.
- love is a human emotion after all.
- tangerine contemplated his situation.
- you were on his mind too often for his liking and it was starting to drive him mad.
- tangerine nearly dying in a mission was what it took for him to finally approach his feelings.
- that mission shifted his thinking a bit and made him realize that his time was truly limited and he didn't want to waste it without even trying to court you.
- so, the next time you two ran into each other he asked you out.
- "seriously? i don't see you for nearly 3 months and all of a sudden you wanna go out for drinks?" - 🍓
- "yeah..." - 🍊
- You accept his invitation because you missed him terribly and was pretty heartbroken when you stopped running into him.
- the night is of course pure bliss.
- you two have drinks, you laugh together, theres a lot of smiling, and light flirtatious touches from both parties.
- he'll tell a joke and you'll laugh, resting your hand on his bicep, while his hand is resting just above your knee, softly caressing it.
- once he drops you off at your apartment complex he tries to kiss you goodbye.
- you reject his affection because he kept you waiting for so long and you wanted to make him work for it.
- he was feigning for you at that point.
- he loves a small challenge. and your affection was something he would fight to win over.
- three/four dates went by before you let him kiss you.
- he didn't hold back.
- you were squished between your apartment door and his body. he held the back of your neck and gripped your waist with such vigor.
- you honestly would've had him right there if he asked.
- you two made out at your door for a few minutes before he broke away with a smirk and dazed expression.
- he wiped away your messy lipstick from the bottom of your lip and you didn't hesitate to return the favor.
- " til' next time, yeah?" he'd quietly murmur before tilting your chin and leaning in, placing a gentle peck on your lips.
- "til' next time." you'd whisper even though he was long gone and in the elevator.
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- man spoils the shit out of you.
- if you thought his stealing habit was bad before, it's gotten 10x worse now that he's with you.
- you don't encourage it at all and you even scold him for it but he just can't help himself.
- whenever he sees something that even remotely reminds him of you, he's taking it and slipping it into his pockets.
- sooner or later you get overwhelmed with the load of expensive/flashy items he's giving you and eventually ask him to tone it down.
- he'd definitely be a little hurt because gift-giving is his main love language. but he wouldn't want to cause you any discomfort whatsoever, so he tones it down.
- you and lemon are the cutest duo.
- you indulge in his thomas the tank engine brain rot and listen to him talk about it for hours on end.
- on days you're both bored he'd make you binge thomas the tank engine with him since tangerine won't engage in such "childish shit."
- it's always a good time tho, he loves adding in his own commentary and insulting diesel whenever he appears on screen.
- you gave him a few thomas the tank engine glass figurines and gave him new stickers for his birthday and he was really happy about it. he nearly cried :').
- he appreciated your gift A TON. that was also the first time he gave you a bear hug.^^ (your feet literally weren't touching the ground for a good 15 seconds.)
- tangerine gets kinda annoyed by the relationship you two have but he's even more endeared by it.
- he's glad that the two most important people in his life like each other and can bond over something, even if it feels like they're slowly melting his brain with how much they talk about it.
- the two days before he leaves for his jobs are always the saddest.
- his job is really dangerous and there's never a 100% guarantee that he'll return so the two of you spend your time under each other for those remaining days.
- cuddling, kissing, fucking (and a little crying from you because you worry about him.)
- once you two started to get really serious and planned on moving in together, he had told you about his job and what he (and lemon) did for business.
- he wanted to make sure you were completely in with the relationship like he was.
- you were annoyed and pretty upset when you found out because of how long he kept it from you but you understood and your feelings towards him didn't change a single bit.
- he was pretty relieved when you told him you still loved him and wanted to be with him no matter what he did for work.
- living together is pure bliss really.
- baths and showers together are pretty frequent, most of the time not even sexual.
- he doesn't even mind doing face masks with you, you don't have to convince or beg him to do it.
- he will frequently pay for spa days for you.
- usually including a mani-pedi (he loves french tips), facial, wax, massage, etc... he loves to pamper his s/o.
- he usually arranges those spa days when he's away at work so you don't think about him too much.
- you get worried like any s/o would when he goes away. but his small texts throughout the mission (that are sometimes accompanied with a blurry pic of his fancy pointed shoes or lemon doing something in the background) relieved you until he came back.
- his missions can either be a quick two days or a long 2 months. he has a unpredictable schedule.
- the days he comes back, lemon doesn't even bother being in the same house as you two. he drops tan off and books a hotel for two days.
- you might be asking why and the reason is because you two are all over each other as soon as he gets back.
- i mean you two fuck so loud and do not hold back your moans/groans/screams.
- you'd think someone was watching a football game or getting murdered.
- tangerine can either be in the candlelit dinner, soak in the tub together, and then slow passionate sex after mood or the fuck you in whichever room you're in once he finds you mood. (you two have done it everywhere except lemons room, mainly out of respect for him)
- oh god, DO NOT WEAR LINGERE ON HIS DAY BACK. (for your safety and for his sanity)
- he will actually rip it to shreds without a care and will ravage you.
- he will not hold back if he's been gone for too long and that can lead to very exhausting mornings and aching body parts.
- honestly sex between you two only happens before and after missions. his sex drive isn't that high.
- i feel like he doesn't like to makeout that much. he feels like he's being teased and would rather just get straight into it. but if you love to kiss, he'll indulge in your desires.
- he definitely has a oral fixation.
- he loves going down on you and loves when you go down on him. both options are equally enjoyable to him.
- this might be a bit controversial but i feel like he doesn't really like to be called daddy.
- i think he'd prefer to be called sir, his name, or just the usual pet names you give him.
- he's okay with certain kinks but he strays far away from anything that can cause you any physical pain or will make you cry.
- he only inflicts pain on people when he's working or because some asshole got on his last nerve.
- he'd never bring that type of stuff home and do it to you.
- he isn't really into degrading either. he'd rather praise/tease you.
- he'd degrade you if you wanted him to but he won't really enjoy it as much as you would 😭 (sorry for the people with pain/degrading kinks)
- prefers to be a power top (and usually is) but he enjoys when the roles are reversed and you take control every now and then.
- he's honestly a very passionate lover, and not just in the bedroom.
- he's sweet and is always very soft with you. and only you.
- you rarely ever get into arguments because his patience with you increases by 1000.
- if he makes you cry he'd drop the entire argument in seconds and apologize.
"m' sorry for raising my voice, love. i know you don' like me yelling like that." - 🍊
- if he ever gets annoyed by you or is just in a really shitty mood, he'll keep some distance between the two of you to avoid snapping on you.
- you two definitely still tease each other, but his sly remarks are much lighter in tone from before, and he never really means any harm behind his words.
- he'll go from "I'LL BASH YA' FUCKIN' FACE IN, YOU PRICK!🤬." until you call him and then he's like "yes, darling i'll stop by the cafe you like on the way home🥰."
- he's very loud and low-tempered around others but he's so soft-spoken and calm around you.
- people who have ran into him would be surprised by the 180° his personality takes when he's with you.
- he definitely leans more into affection around you. i think he used to be awfully touch-starved before you two started dating :(
- tangerine is a very good-looking man, so women are throwing themselves at him any chance they get.
- he never gives them the time of day unless he's on a mission and needs something from them.
- say there's a lady at this fancy event who's constantly bugging him and trying to feel him up.
- he'd indulge in her flirting for a while if he sees something of worth. like a pretty necklace that he thinks will look good around your neck and not hers.
- and before you know it he has her necklace and is on his way home to add to your already impressive jewelry collection. (he has taken more than the same piece of jewelry twice.)
- he'll slap anyone's hand away if they try for a simple handshake or hug. but if you were to open your arms up to him, he'd lose himself in your embrace without any hesitation.
- your nicknames for him would be tan, love, meanie, babe, dove, and possibly more.
- his nicknames for you would be darling, your name but shorter or your middle name (if you have one), love, gorgeous, and very very rarely calls you this next one, it's only when he's in the extra soft mood-
- but sometimes he'll call you muffin.
- you swore up and down you'd never let your s/o call you cringy ass names like lovey-dovey boo-boo bear but you absolutely crumble whenever he calls you muffin. and he knows the affect that nickname has on you.
- the first time he called you it is when he was trying to calm you down from a panic attack.
- the club you were at got ransacked and shot up, lemon and tangerine were able to protect you from any harms way and all three of you left unscathed.
- you were still very shaken up from the event because you've never experienced anything like it.
- tangerine held the sides of your face and stared deeply into your eyes with a empathetic look in his eyes.
- he'd console you in the softest voice he could manage.
- 'y'alright muffin? it's over now, you don' 'ave to be scared, you're safe.' - 🍊
- ' i wouldn't let anyone hurt you, alright? not when you're with me.' - 🍊
- he reacts the same way when you call him pumpkin. he'll act like he hates it but he adores it sm.
- you're definitely the baker and he's the cook.
- lemon loves living w/ the two of you because he eats good at least 4/7 days of the week(if you guys don't order takeout or have leftovers.)
- cooking or baking together is usually the most intimate activity you two do. it always puts him in the domestic mood.
- he enjoys being around you, even if you two aren't interacting in any way. he's just content with being in your presence.
- sometimes he will overthink and have doubts about the relationship you two have.
- he really feels like he doesn't deserve you. he's a cold-hearted murder and you simply weren't. you two were complete opposites in almost every aspect.
- he wonders how he got such a warm-hearted and gentle person to be in love with him.
- he doesn't want you to leave him but at the same time he'd completely understand if you did. he's a huge asshole to mainly everybody and is a murder for gods sake.
- you love him way too much to ever leave him tho.
- you're always really quick to shoot down those terrible thoughts and reassure him.
- you always know when he's thinking of stuff like that because his usual annoyed frown is different from his sad frown.
- tangerine is truly grateful for you and appreciates the things you do for him.
- he loves you and you love him.
- lemon is more than happy for his brother but god, he feels queasy around you two sometimes.
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whewwww, 🤧 i had a few more ideas but i felt like this one was getting too long.
hopefully you enjoyed it!! <3
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bbissuestm · 1 year
Do fish think they are flying?
Summary: on the last friday of the school year, your class decided to throw a party on one of your friends' parents club. There, you met the Morales twins.
Tags: fem!reader, underage drinking, twin au, spanish reader.
A/N: Milo is Miles from Earth 42 since its the one ive seen most. English is no my native language so please have it in mind T^T. OH AND THERES NO SMUT, NO MATTER HOW SUS IT CAN GET (my friend said at one point it seemed that it was gonna turn +18 but its not).
You didn't go partying that much, you didn't like the ambient. Half of the time you went partying with your friends, all they wanted to do was get wasted. You weren't interested in that, you wanted to dance and actually have a good time, not drink until you couldn't remember your own name.
So, when your friends told you about the end of school year party, you weren't interested. They insisted on you going, though, saying that it was being held at one of your friends's parents club, one that you actually liked. They had a great mix of music there, all of the genres were ones that you really enjoyed. And they had some good spanish songs!
They promised to not get wasted and actually dance with you, so you agreed to go.
And there you were, in your favourite silk dress, dancing with your friends with a soda in your hand. In the distance, the Morales twins were observing you. While you were on the dancing floor with a few of your friends, they were leaning against the bar top, staring at you.
This was not their place, at all. But, when Milo heard you were coming, he forced Miles to acompany him. Tonight was the night he was going to finally speak to you.
However, the party had been going on for an hour already and he had not made any moves yet.
"Dudeeeeee" Miles let out, exasperated. "Just go and talk to her! Hell, look at her, I bet you don't even gotta talk, just go and dance with her." He said, turning around to his Nestea. "It ain't hard man..." he mumbled.
Milo forced his eyes away from your moving figure to Miles, scowling at him. "Motherfucker, you ain't one to talk. How'd go with that blonde, huh? Still got her hair stuck up your ass?" He asked, his eyes going back to you.
Miles groaned loudly, "What does that have to do with her? And, fuck you for bringing Gwen to this." Miles let out, thinking about the girl she's been missing for the past months. Milo looked back at him, watching as he fidgeted with the rim of his glass. He sighed, leaning farther against the bar top.
"My bad, it's just-!" He said, looking back at you. You were currently mouthing the words to Automotivo Bibi Fogosa while dancing with your friends, your silk dress moving with your body. "I don't know why, it's hard talking to her!" He said, pouting slightly.
Miles stared at him, raising an eyebrow. His brother was known for a lot of things, and his confidence was one of those things. Why were you making him so nervous? He brought the drink to his lips, thinking. "Damn, you must really like her, bro." Miles settled on saying, thinking about how he should be patrolling right now instead of being here. But, as Milo groaned and turned around to bury himself in his arms, he decided he had to stay to help the mess his brother was.
Miles smirked, leaning on his side to look at Milo. "Ok, man, listen. You're gonna go there, get in front of her, place your hand-" "If you tell me to do the 'shoulder tuch' I'm gonna take your arm and shove it up your ass until it's out your mouth." Milo interrupted him, still buried between his arms.
Miles stared at him, smacking his lips with a bewildered look. "O-kay." He said, turning back to his drink. A couple minutes passed like that, when a bartender stood in front of them.
"Hey, you've been here for a while. Why don't you go dance?" He said, while cleaning some glasses. Milo groaned, and Miles smiled at him, apologetically. "Girl problems." He said, finishing his drink. Milo glared back up at him, and the bartender laughed. "Well, I remember having those." He said, turning around to the liquor shelf. Both twins stared at him, raising an eyebrow. They looked at each other, curious, while the bartender poured something on two shot glasses. He then placed one in front of each other, smiling at them.
"This will help." He said, signaling to the drinks. Both twins straighten, Miles stuttering and Milo staring as if alarms had been turned on in his mind. "Oh, uh, we can't, man, we're, uh, minors." Miles let out, laughing awkwardly. Milo nodded in agreement, resisting the urge to down both drinks. Tha bartender laughed, and signaled with his arms to their classmates. "They all are, our boss is paying us to stay silent, so." He said, smiling and nodding his head to the drinks. The twins looked at each other, a silent question between them.
The bartender went away, having drinks to pour to already drunk teens. Miles shook his head at Milo, and Milo turned slightly, watching as you continued dancing and laughing. He grabbed one of the shots the bartender poured and downed it in one go, cringing slightly. "Milo!" Miles said, surprised. Milo shrugged at him, grabbing the other shot. "I've done worse things, Miles. Plus, it's just two shots, man, I'll be ok." Milo said, downing the other shot in front of a disaproving Miles.
As Milo finished downing the other shot, Miles stared at him, curious. "So? How's it feel?" He asked Milo, curious. Milo stood at his side, feeling the burn in his throat and his head lighten. He felt the music rumble his bones, the lights warming his skin. And he saw you, savouring all those things, moving your body against one of your friends'.
He turned to Miles, smiling slightly. "Feels like I'm getting her number." He said, punching his brother's arm playfully, and jogging to you.
Heaven and Back by Chase Atlantic was currently playing, and you were shouting the lyrics. All your friends had already gotten wasted, and they were all moving without rhythm as they kept drinking. You tried to ignore them and feel the music, with a soda in your hand.
You saw someone walking to you, a slight smirk on his lips. He walked confidently, his braids moving in sync with his steps. He was attractive, and he knew it. You admired that. You saw him mouthing the lyrics slightly as he got closer to you, and when you were close enough, you didn’t let him talk, you grabbed him by the wrist and made him move to the rhythm, your bodies crashing against each other rhythmically as you sang the lyrics.
He looked taken aback, but let you take control of his body. You stayed like that for the rest of the song, dancing and singing together. He seemed a bit self-conscious for the first seconds, but then got used to you. Once the music ended, you saw his lips moving. The music drowned all the noise he was making, so you got closer to him, pointing at your ear with your index. "Can't hear you, get closer!" You yelled, and signaled him to get down to your ear level.
He did, a bit stiff and awkward, but he yelled against your ear. "I'm Milo!" He said, and you smiled at him. You mirrored his movements, getting closer to his ear and yelling while bobbing your head to the music. "I'm Y/N!" You said, laughing slightly. "I know." He said, loud enough for you to hear. He seemed to regret that instantly, and you found it adorable. You stared at him, smiling. "You know?" You asked, teasing him.
You saw him get embarrassed, but covered it by grabbing your wrist and spinning you to the rhythm of the music. You laughed, loudly. Once you were facing each other again, you slipped your hand into his, intertwining your fingers. "Lemme buy you a drink!" You said, leading him to the bar.
Milo's eyes widened as you did, but he led you to where his brother was once you were near the bar. Miles was now sitting in a bar stool with a large glass full of a clear liquid. He had his phone between his hands, typing furiously. You let Milo lead the way, and stood between him and his brother. Milo slapped the back of Miles’ head, and he startled, scowling at him. He went to hit him back but stopped once he saw you.
You stared as he smiled big at his brother, wiggling his eyebrows. Milo rolled his eyes but you missed it, realizing they were the Morales twins. "You're the twins!" You exclaimed. By the bar the music wasn't as loud as on the dance floor, so you didn't need to yell. They both raised their eyebrows at you. You laughed softly, leaning against the bar top. "Sorry, that must sound weird. You're kinda famous in my friendgroup." You made eye contact with a bartender, and he nodded as he smiled, taking notice that the boys had fixed their 'girl problems'.
Miles and Milo stared at each other, surprised. "We are?" Miles asked, taking a sip of his drink. You looked at them, smiling. "Yeah!" You said, and turned around so your back was against the bar top. Milo leaned on his side, watching you, and Miles turned his body a bit so he could see both the dance floor and you. You pointed at one of your friends, she was currently talking to another one with a bottle of alcohol on her hands. "She had a massive crush on you, our first days of school." You explained, looking at Miles. You laughed, turning around. "She wouldn't shut up about you, man. 'Miles this, Miles that'." You let out, laughing. Your friend had been obssessed with him by that time, after he had been obssessed with a guy over summer. She was one of those girls that always had a crush, and none of them lasted more than two weeks.
Miles looked at you, disbelieving, and Milo laughed. You turned to him, enjoying his laugh. "Yeah, right, as if someone would like him with a face like that." He said, smirking. You stared at him, thinking he was insulting himself. "Dude, we have the same face." Miles said, mumbling an insult in spanish. Milo turned to him and hit him on the head, Miles returning it. You let the twins play-fight behind you, as you finally had a bartender's attention. "I'll have a Soda, and, uh-" You turned to Milo, giving him a playful smack on his chest to grab his attention. He looked at you and the bartender with his wide eyes. "Uh..." He let out as he let Miles go, clearing his throat. he looked at the random names on the blackboard and settled on the first thing his eyes landed on. The price didn't matter, he was going to pay for the drinks anyways. "A... a Black Russian. Please." he said it slowly, the name new on his lips.
Both you and the bartender stared at him, unsure. The bartender, though, got to work. "Is it your first time drinking?" You ask Milo, without teasing or judgement. Still, he felt like he had to impress you, so he shrugged. "Not really, I-" Miles didn't let him finish. "It is." He said, and Milo glared at him. You laughed, looking at Milo. "Well, then," You said, wacthing as the bartender gave both of you your drinks. "good luck." You said as you brought your soda to your lips. You watched as he did the same, expecting him to cringe at the drink. Instead, he drank it as if it was water.
He felt satisfaction at the way your face showed your surprise. You turned back to Miles, "Are you sure it's his first time?" They both laughed at your phrasing, and you rolled your eyes. "Yes," Miles said, between giggles. "it's mine too." he said, taking a sip of his drink. You stared as he took a sip, and wondered what he was drinking. You felt Milo get closer to you, and mistook his jealousy as curiosity.
"What are you drinking, Miles?" You asked, smiling. You let the curiosity be shown in your tone, and he looked at you while drinking from the straw. "Water." He said, confused. You smiled at him, and raised your arm. "Could I have a sip? So much Soda is drying my throat." You said, smiling at him. You felt Milo placing his hand on your waist, desperate to have your attention. Perhaps he was drinking too much too.
You ignored him, as he had not made you uncomfortable, and took a sip out of Miles' drink, feeling the liquor burn at the back of your throat. You stared at the drink, mixing it while debating wether to tell him or not. You smiled at him, giving him his drink back. "Thanks, Miles." You sighed discreetly, deciding to stay here to look after both of them.
You felt Milo tighten his grip on your waist and turned to him. You smiled at him, and his scowl went away. "So," You said, looking at his now empty glass. "do you go out much?" You ask, curious. Milo took his hand back, suddenly flustered. "Not really our area." He mumbled, looking at a nodding Miles. You scoffed, with a smile on your lips. "Yeah, people say that." You turned around, leaning your back at the bar top, watching your drunk friends stumble between them as they tried to dance. The brothers looked at each other, taking in what you said.
Before they could question you, you hummed to the song that was now playing, lighting up when you recognized it. "Oh my god!" You said, looking at Milo and Miles. "Dama con fama y cama alta gama, corazon partido." You sang, moving at the rhythm of the music. Miles and Milo sang with you, knowing the lyrics. Milo leaned against your shoulder, whispering in your ear. "Me llamo como el cantante. (I have the same name as the singer)" He said, proudly. You laughed, leaning against him. The song playing was Rara vez by Milo J. "Tienes razón. (you're right)" You answered, finding him adorable. You took notice of the new glass he had in his hands, as he looked at Miles in surprise.
"You know Spanish?" They both asked, surprised. You moved away from them, dancing. "Of course," you say, facing them. "I'm Spanish." You said, mumbling the lyrics to the song. The brothers looked at each other, surprise on their faces, and you grabbed their arms, pulling them to the dance floor. "Enough talk, let's dance!" You said, as the two let you lead them to the dance floor.
All three of you stayed like that for a couple more hours, them getting more drinks and you continue to drink your sodas and water as you kept dancing to the music. Though they were also getting wasted, they could at least dance while drunk, so you had fun.
After two and a half hours, though, they started to get a bit too drunk. "Do fish think they are flying?" Milo asked, while you were all waiting for more drinks. You made eye contact with the bartender, her stilling as Milo let his thoughts out. "I don't know, but I love you, man. I think I don't tell you enough." Miles said, looking at the brink of tears. You silently told the bartender to put water instead of alcohol, and she did so gratefully.
"Ok, well, it's getting late, maybe we should get going." You said, slipping some cash to the bartender. Milo looked at you, as if he hadn't heard you. "Think about it, the water is like air is like for us, right?" He said, words slurring. Miles looked at him, as if his mind was going meters per hour. "Dude..." Miles said, looking amazed. Milo looked back at him, as if he thought he was a genius. You calmly sipped on your drink, enjoying their bickering for a bit. "Right? And-and" he said, hiccuping. "they can see sand, were crabs are. They gotta think they flyin, man." He said, as if it were the most important topic. Miles motioned as if his head was exploding, making a little 'whoosh' sound. You laughed at their antics, grabbing them by their arms. Forget the drinks, you had to get these two home.
"I guess it has logic." You said, amazed at their drunk thoughts. Milo kept talking all the way out the bar, but his voice got muffled by the music. Miles answered from time to time, pretending to listen to his brother. His brother did the same. You rolled your eyes at their behaviour, with a small smile on your lips.
Once you were outside, they both linked their arms between yours, leaning against you to be able to walk. Miles was currently saying something about how much he loved both of you in slurred words, when Milo spotted a tree. You led them to a side-walk, stopping when you realized you didn't know where they lived. You turned to Milo, going to ask him for directions, but once he saw he had your attention he opened his mouth. "Do you think plants are farming us? They give us... they let o, oxygen for us until we die... and, and then, they use us as- then we turn into mulch and they consume us." You stared at him, processing it.
You turned to Miles after smiling softly at Milo. "Hey, Miles," you said, and he looked up at you, his vision blurred. "where do you live?" Miles looked at you, dumbfounded. A moment later, it looked like a lightbulb had been lit in his head. Milo looked the same. "Oh, towards there." They said in unison as they both pointed opposte sides. You sighed, running out of patience. As adorable as they were, you wanted to get out of the heels you were wearing.
Milo noticed your change in demeanor and separated his arm from yours, smacking Miles on the head. "Estás tan pendejo que no sabes ni dónde vives? (are you so stupid you don't even know where you live?)" Milo let out, annoyed. Miles looked at him with glimmering eyes. "Si sabo- uh... sepo, sapo...?" Miles started, looking at the distance, struggling with his words. You laughed, finding that adorable. "Se." You helped him, Miles light up and Milo scowled, jealousy filling his body. "Si sé dónde-" Miles started, his english accent thick on the spanish. "Si si, shut up already." Milo said, rudely. Miles roll his eyes, used to his brother's manners. However, alcohol seemed to make him defensive because he didn't shut up. "Well, at least I don't need alcohol to talk to a girl." Milo turned around so fast he almost fell, but you grabbed him and linked your arms again, following where he went. You weren't paying attention to what they were saying, thinking they were just letting out drunk thoughts.
"Fuck you." Milo said, seething. He didn't want to be embarrassed in front of you, he knew he was already going to regret this tomorrow morning. His tone brought your attention back to them, thinking they were going to fight, but you watched as Miles stuck his tongue out to a scowling Milo. Milo seemed to be thinking about hitting Miles, so you blocked his view of him with yourself. You nodded to the right right, "is it there?" You asked him, smiling. Milo's brain seemed to stop for a second, staring at you. You waited patiently for him to answer, and after a couple of seconds he seemed to get out of his trance, flustered. He nodded, but walked straight ahead. You laughed, letting him guide you.
"Do you-“Miles started, hiccuping "do you think mom will kill us?" Miles said, looking at Milo. "She isn't… there's no one home." Milo said, sure of himself. Miles sighed, relieved. He then pouted, lip trembling. "She's amazing, she deserves sons better than us." Miles said, Milo agreeing. Your eyes widened, watching as both of them saddened. The deep drunk thoughts were the worst, so you cleared your throat, awkwardly.
"Reading 'do not touch' in braille must be one of the scariest things." You said, trying to get the twins back to their dumb bickering. They both stayed silent, thinking. Milo looked up first, looking at you with a bright smile, it made your insides warm. "Bro, you're right." Miles then processed it, and looked like his mind had exploded, again. You laughed, watching as they both got back to these weird random thoughts. You interjected from time to time, saying things that made their floating minds explode.
You were all currently singing to Bad Bunny's WHERE SHE GOES when the twins stopped in front of a building, detaching themselves from you as they yelled the words to the song, between laughs. You stared as they attempted to get up the stairs, helping them when they stumbled. "We gotta blast it when we get inside, 'Lo." Miles said, talking about the song they were singing. Milo nodded, humming the rhythm as he struggled to get his keys out.
Miles turned back to you as Milo still struggled with his keys. You watched in desesperation, thinking that now you had to go back to your house. In heels and a short dress. You were definetely not getting home safe. "You heard that song, Y/N?" Miles asks you, smiling. You laugh at him, nodding. "It's amazing! I really like-" Miles hiccuped, bringing his hand to his chest. "Bad Bunny, I also like Andrea, the song." Miles says laughing and leaning against the railing, as Milo finally got his keys out.
You grabbed them from him, smiling at him when he pouted at you, and opened the door for them. Miles got inside first, yelling. "HOME SWEET HOME, WOO!!" You laughed as Milo rolled his eyes. Milo got inside then, turning back to you. You threw him his keys and went to turn around, but he stopped you. "Where are you going, ma?" You stopped.
Ma? The fuck? You turned back to him, raising an eyebrow. "Um... home? Where else would I be going?" You said, blushing slightly at the nickname. Milo rolled his eyes, turning back and motioning you to come inside too. "Milo! Close the door!" You told him, making him turn back around. Before he could open his mouth, Miles appeared with a speaker in his hand, blasting Bad Bunny’s song. They laughed and started singing, but you quickly grabbed the speaker, turning the volume down. “Miles, it’s too late- early…? Whatever, it’s not a good hour to blast music!” You said, scolding him. As you said this, though, you heard the door close. You turned around, looking at a mischievous looking Milo. You stared at him, processing everything.
He smirked, placing the keys on a high closet that he was sure you couldn’t reach. He joined his brother, both singing to Bad Bunny, loudly. You sighed, pressing your hands against your closed eyes as you felt a migraine coming. You stared at the boys, leaning against a wall. You sighed, watching them dance and sing.
Well, at least they weren’t trying weird things with you. God, how’d you end up here? You sighed, taking your heels off. They trapped you here, so you decided that manners were useless right now. You placed the heels against a wall and approached the twins, turning the volume down. They turned to you, and they looked surprise. Miles got closer to you, comparing your heights. “Bro, you were taller.” He said, genuinely confused. Milo jogged next to you, and tilted his head, also comparing heights. You took a breath, controlling yourself. Milo scoffed, leaning against his brother. “You’re right, she’s a midget now, bro.” They giggled and you decided you’ve had enough. You punched both of their shoulders before smacking them in the back of their heads. “Ok, both of you, fuck off and sit down.” You said, pointing to the couch.
They did, one rubbing his head and the other rubbing his shoulder. They looked at each other, feeling guilty. Miles’ eyes seemed to be watering and Milo looked down, feeling bad. You sighed, softening. You rested a hand against your hip. “Where’s your kitchen?” You asked, tired. They looked up at you and pointed to a room. You smiled, watching them. They looked like puppies that had been kicked out. “Thank you,” you said, ruffling both of the brother’s hair, your hand lingering in Milo’s.
You headed to the kitchen and started looking around slowly, trying to not make a mess. You grabbed two glasses and pour water in them, you brought them back to the twins, who were now resting on the couch. They looked about to doze off, so you let the glasses make a soft noise against the table, startling them. They looked up at you, curious.
You smiled at them, motioning for them to grab the glasses. “Water, drink it.” You looked as they did so, both smiling at you. “Thanks!” Miles said, chugging the water. Milo looked at you with a smirk, slowly grabbing the drink. “Thank you, ma.” He said, teasing, and you felt your cheeks get warm. Your rolled your eyes and sighed. Miles made himself comfortable against the end of the couch and Milo left space between them for you to sit there. You hesitated, but sat next to him. The smile he gave you was worth it.
He leaned against the back of the couch, and you mirrored him. He placed his arm on the top of the couch, around your shoulders. You wondered if he’d do the same if he was sober. He started to doze off, but you had to go home. “Milo,” you said softly, as to no startle either of them. Miles was fast asleep so you didn’t worry about him. Milo turned to you, sleepily. You smiled at him, enjoying how he looked. “I should go home.” You said, apologetically.
He scowled, pouting slightly. “Why?” He said, childishly. You laughed at that, throwing your head against the couch top (and inevitably, against his arm). “What do you mean why? It’s where I sleep!“ You said between laughs. He smiled, memorizing your laugh. “Sleep here.” He said, and went back to dozing off. You laughed softly, shaking your head. You started getting up, careful to not touch Miles. “Nah, I can’t. C’mon, gimme your keys.” You said, but Milo made no move to get up. Even more, he blocked your way out, smirking slightly. You rolled your eyes and turned around. “That’s cool, I’ll just get a chair-“ you said walking away but you weren’t able to get far because Milo grabbed you by the waist and brought you back down to the couch, making you lay down between his arms.
You tried to turn around or get out, embarrassed. “Milo!“ You cried out, flustered. He shushed you, tightening his arms around you. “I’ve been waiting too long to talk to you, I am not letting you go so easily.” He mumbled, and you felt his breath on the back of your ear. You sighed, feeling your cheeks burning. You relaxed into his embrace, processing what he said. “What do you mean by that?” You whispered, turning around a bit to look at him.
Now he was embarrassed. He buried his face in your head to hide it and you turned back, smiling. “I’ve been trying to get your attention this whole year. A bartender gave me a couple of shots to gain the courage.” He said, burying himself further into you. “It helped.” He said, smiling. You rolled your eyes and turned over to him, surprising him. “That’s stupid. Just talk to me next time, there’s no need for you to get wasted in order to do so.” You said, scowling at him. He laughed, changing your positions so you were resting your head on his chest, an arm around your waist and the other over his eyes, covering the light. “Ok, I’ll have it in mind for the next time, ma.” He said, dozing off.
You sighed, staring at him. This had been the weirdest night ever. You smiled, thinking that it was also the most fun you’ve had the whole year. You grabbed your phone to send your mother a quick text that you were staying over your friend’s and got comfortable in Milo’s arms, dozing off too.
Rio took the keys out her purse, explaining something that happened at her shift to Jeff, who was nodding at her, showing that he was paying attention. It was almost 5 AM and they were exhausted. After their shifts, they had decided to go out for dinner, their sons having a sleepover at their uncle’s. They were also excited, having the house for themselves. “And, so, this woman from urgencies, comes, verdad? She comes, yelling and panting, and-“ Rio stopped, standing over her entrance door.
Jeff looked at her, attentive. “What? What’s wrong, were we robbed?” Jeff looked around, trying to see if anything was missing. Rio just pointed at your heels, with a murderous look on her. “Jeff. Those are not mine.” Jeff looked at them, raising an eyebrow. He honestly couldn’t tell, Rio had many heels. She huffed angrily, going to the living room mumbling insults and prayers in Spanish with Jeff behind her, matching her energy.
She stopped in front of the couch, watching all three of you sleep. Miles was sprawled on one end of the couch, snoring loudly. Milo was on the other end, both of his hands around your waist as you were on top of him, resting your head on the crook of his neck. Both twins reeked of alcohol and Rio and Jeff noticed.
They crossed their arms, looking at you. “They are grounded.” Rio said, angrily. “Oh, for sure.” Jeff said, scoffing. “Until college.” Rio said. “Mhm.” Jeff agreed, matching his wife’s energy.
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It’s like being forced to accept it when I’d say finally 90% believe it’s BS.What a waste of time and money.I’m sure this stunt will be taught as a future PR failure as what not to do and how inadequate and useless both teams are.He should sack his team as I sure he pays big bucks to them, as they are useless and have constantly lurked here and LSA for ideas to piss of his fans. At the end of the day he’s lost a shit ton of his loyal fans for allowing him to be associated with someone we all know he’s spoke out about.Hates manipulation and love humility in people 🤣He’s such a bullshitter no one will ever believe a word that comes from his scripted mouth anymore.If he admitted it was a stunt then maybe people might forgive but they will never forget./
I think they did a lot of stuff on purpose. Think about it. If he would've been showing love from the beginning how long would people have talked about them. With the up and down act it lasted longer in attention. Example we're still talking about them now. If he didn't act off we wouldn't be.
He has always been a bullshitter but his fans were so in love they weren't paying attention.
I think once this blows over the majority of his fans will be right back where they were before like nothing happened.
He'll never admit it was a stunt. Unless he leaves Hollywood and gives up acting but I don't see that ever happening. I think he is an actor, it's not what he does it's who he is. I don't think he knows how to do anything else. And even though he pretends, he likes being a celebrity.
i agree that a lot was done on purpose. most things, even. they're selling attention and they want people to buy into it for as long as possible. (this is not contingent on it being a marriage of love or business. it's either way imo)
he definitely has gotten by with a lot because of his adoring fans. too much, probably.
it will be interesting to see what happens with fans. when fans break the 'cycle of addiction' to their favourites they aren't as easy to get back. especially for how long this has been going. i do think that those fans who are still around for his work will definitely still be active and probably be more active at that time. there may be some new fans come along as well. but for those who have truly left, and those who have left because of a moral/principle reason, i think a good percentage of them will be no more than a passing, casual viewer. nothing would surprise me though.
no, he'll never admit anything. he hasn't thus far in his career so i don't expect he should start 20+ years in. 🤷🏽
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cabinofimagines · 11 months
So it begins (Halloweek 2023)
A/N: I'll be expecting lots of comments and likes on this or we won't post the rest you've been warned -Danny Words: 1,167 Warnings: This ofc follows our Halloweek timeline therefore everyone is of age but it's all platonic dw
next >
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Apollo is worried.
Meg asked him to deliver the invites for this year's Halloween party to all of their friends, and he thought it would take two, maybe five seconds to visit everyone. He was wrong.
Now that he's a god again, he's able to visit everyone at the same time, but since we don't have the power to read all of the interactions at once, let's start with the ones at Camp Jupiter.
Apollo—dressed as Lester—knocked on Hazel's front door and waited. Now, time's a bit funky when you're a god, so he could be wrong, but he kind of felt like it took way too long for Hazel to show up and open up.
When she did, she looked like she'd spent the whole month hybernating.
"Lester," her expression changed right away, and she tried to reach for her sword except she didn't have it at the moment. "What is it? What happened?"
"Greetings, Praetor!" Lester smiled, handing her a bright orange envelope. "You are cordially invited to Meg's Halloween party! Costumes required, drinks are optional."
Hazel blinked, her mouth forming a silent "O" when he explained the reason of his visit.
"Anyway, the invite's for you and Frank, obviously, we're not wasting paper if you guys are coming together anyway," Lester paused and studied her looks. "You okay?"
"Y-Yeah!" She fixed her posture. "Sorry, I was taking a nap so..."
"Got it, got it," Lester grinned. "Well, see you at the party!"
Hazel tried not to look as freaked out as she felt, she nodded and smiled. "Sure! See ya!"
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Next up was Jason. He opened right away, but he looked just as tired as Hazel. When he saw Lester at the doorway he frowned.
"This is the worst kind of deja vu," he muttered.
"Good to see you too!" Lester replied happily, though he was starting to sense that something wasn't quite right with his friends. He handed Jason the envelope. "Party at Meg's, costumes, food, you know the drill."
Jason took the invitation and stared at it for a little too long, Lester cleared his throat to get his attention.
"Have we misspelled Jason, or...?"
The boy shook his head and tried for a smile, but he was a terrible liar. "No it's fine, I was er... just thinking about some stuff I gotta do before I leave for the party."
"Busy man, aren't you, little brother?" Lester patted his shoulder proudly.
"Please don't ever call me that."
"I'll think about it," He winked at him.
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Since Grover offered to take the invite to Percy and Annabeth the last time he'd visited Meg, Lester's next visit was to Piper.
This time he made sure not to show up at an inconvenient time, which meant he showed up when she was just coming back from her last class of the day.
Piper was so done with everything that she didn't even panic when she spotted Lester on her bed. She nudge him to the side and fell face-first on the mattress.
"What?" She asked against her pillow.
Lester looked at her with worry. "Am I missing something? All of you look really tired, is there a new war going on?"
"Yeah, it's called midterms," Piper groaned. "Why are you visiting us?"
Lester placed her invitation on the pillow. "Halloween is this weekend."
The girl lifted herself up abruptly and seized the envelope. "Crap," she stated.
Lester started to feel anxious. Had everyone forgotten? They weren't thinking about ditching Meg's party, right? That would suck.
"I take that none of you remembered?"
Piper's face was easy to read. "No, no! Don't worry, I'll be there."
Lester didn't want to pressure anyone, but he also didn't want Meg to get hurt. "Well, if you need any help you can call anytime."
Piper smiled and placed the invitation on her nightstand. "Thanks, man."
"Yeah," he got up to leave. "Take your nap."
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Leo was the only one so far that looked the same as always. He was fixing a bike on the rooftop of the waystation, and when Lester showed up, he seemed happy to see him.
"Hey, man!" The young man got up and grabbed a dirty cloth to sort of clean up before shaking Lester's hand. "What's up?"
"Halloween party at Meg's," Lester handed him his invite.
"Oh, right!" Leo seized the envelope and read it briefly. "Cool, yeah," he looked up and smiled. "You guys need help with the decorations or something?"
"Nah, the dryads and satyrs took over," Lester said.
Leo raised a brow. "Really? And they did a good job?"
"Hey, don't use that haughty tone, they are experts at parties!"
"Alright, fine!" Leo raised his hands in surrender. "Well, yeah I'll be there. You told everyone else yet?"
"Yeah, I'm on it," Lester tilted his head, paying attention to the other interactions. "They don't seem excited this year."
Leo grinned knowingly. Truth be told, he was freaking out a little as well, but he was good at hiding that sort of stuff. Time had gone by way too fast this year, he hadn't even realized it was October.
"We're all adults now, man, stuff get in the way, but we'll be there no matter what."
"Yeah," Lester sighed, humans had the bad habit of aging too quickly.
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Nico and Y/N were a whole other story. They were together on the rec room, and when Lester showed up Nico welcomed him with a crooked smile.
"About time! We were starting to wonder if Meg had forgotten."
Lester pulled out the two orange invitations and smiled. "Never!"
"Nice!" Y/N examined the piece of paper with excitement. "Can't wait! It took Cal like a whole week to finish my costume, it's gonna be amazing."
"Meg said she was cool with me summoning a few ghosts to act as waiters for her party," Nico grinned, pushing the letter on his pocket. "It's going to be awesome."
"Are you taking the cocoa puffs with you?" Y/N asked with curiosity.
"Of course," Nico snorted. "Already have their costumes planned out."
"Aww, that's cute," Lester beamed. "I'm glad you two didn't forget, everyone else seems... sort of dead."
Y/N frowned. "What do you mean?"
Lester shrugged. "Doesn't look like they're feeling it this year, Piper mentioned some midterms, whatever that means..."
Nico and Y/N shared a look, but whatever they were thinking, they didn't mention it to Lester.
"You probably caught them in a bad moment," Nico brushed it off.
"Yeah, we'll be having our monthly meeting tomorrow, I'm sure everyone will want to talk about how excited they are about the party."
Lester cheered up at this. "Yeah, that's probably it! Well, see you guys this weekend!"
"Bye, Lester!"
"See you."
The god vanished and left the two demigods alone. Y/N looked at Nico and scowled.
"They definitely forgot."
"Definitely," Nico smirked and fell back on the couch, eating a fistful of popcorn. "Can't wait for tomorrow's meeting."
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cherry-queens-blog · 1 year
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Here's part 2 for you guys.
Warning: violence, blood, cussing
Gyutaro questions you. Are you really telling him what to do?. He listens anyways not taking his eyes off you. You feel like he staring into your soul and it really does scare you, his gaze being so unfriendly and haunting, it sends chills and fear through your body. Just take it slow and don't be stupid you say in your head trying to keep yourself as calm as you possibly can. You take a seat across from him, his gaze never leaving you, watching your every movement. Daki watches from a slight distance where she can't be noticed. She cares a lot about her brother but her main focus is on you at the moment, wanting to be on top of everything you're up to.
"So uhh... What's your name? "
You ask him as you pick up your chopsticks and take a bite of your food.
He responds picking up the cup. The smell of blood filling his nose.
"I like it"
You say as you set your chop sticks down.
"I don't know.. But ever since I saw you I couldn't help but constantly think of how you look. Probably cause... "
You stop when you notice he's staring at you, listening to every word that spilled out of your pretty little mouth.
"Cause what? "
He snarks at you setting down the empty cup after drinking all the blood that was inside.
"Cause your different"
Gyutaro becomes more upset and you realized those words that flew out probably weren't the best choice for you to say as his expression went from sad looking turned to anger.
"Gyutaro I didn't mean it in a bad way I swear, I'm just saying your diff..."
Before you could finish your sentence you now find yourself not able to really breath, his tight grasp around your throat as he gets directly in your face, so close that both of your noses now touching each other. It just happened so fast, your heart felt like it dropped in your stomach, did you say something wrong? You didn't mean to offend him, maybe you worded it terribly? Maybe he just misunderstood what you were trying to say?. Your nerves were just on edge you didn't think it through clearly.
"You're just like all the rest you know"
He says. Daki watches feeling more upset with you now that you had upset her brother but she stays where she's at since he can deal with you easily and for good. His poison will kill you painfully and slowly which it's exactly what you deserve. Gyutaro watches as tears form in your eyes as you try to get him to let go.
"I will kill you surely, you are just a waste of time... I only did this for my sister"
He says as he brings out one of his sickles. You shake your head no as your heart races and fear takes a full on hold of you. He begins to laugh as you struggle to get free from his grasp.
"I really didn't want to dislike you, yet all you humans are just nothing but little helpless rats"
He states with a low giggle leaving his throat after his sentence. You shake your head no once again while digging your nails into his hand and arm, clawing at him but he would not budge. He squeezes a bit harder then throws you into a wall. You cough and gasp for air when suddenly you get kicked in the stomach. You hold your stomach as tears spill from your eyes.
You scream at him trying to get the words out as fast as you could. He stops, now just staring down at you in disbelief not understanding what he is hearing right now. Are you really like the others? Did you really mean what you just said to him?
"Gyutaro please... Just one chance, I just worded it poorly... I... I was nervous, I'll do anything and everything for you that you demand, I'll be good for you and only you, please just one chance gyutaro"
You tell him as you cry. Your throat, stomach, and side hurt so bad. Gyutaro didn't know if he wanted to just laugh at you or what since he was stunned at what he just heard from your mouth.
"Why would I set all this up just to be mean? "
You ask. The question just echoed in his head as he stands there. You begin to try and get up but it hurt to. you stay on the ground for a moment longer as the demons gaze stared into you, questioning you in his mind. The silence was soon broken when he finally speaks.
"Are you really? What could you possibly find so interesting about me? You pathetic, weak, good for nothing"
He spits at you not understanding what the hell is going on. You look up at him with tears still falling from your face, his words hurt but so did your weak body after what he physically did to you but, you didn't want to give up on this, even after what he said and did to you.
"Gyutaro please.... Don't say such things"
You slowly start to get up again as the pain increases but you do your best to ignore it. You begin to take slow easy steps towards him but once you got close you to him you closed your eyes as you fall but, you didn't hit the ground. You open your teary eyes and look up to see he had caught you. He didn't know why he did it but he did. You put your arms around his neck and hold onto him, paying your head on his shoulder. Your tears fell crashing onto his skin, he just watches you do this. The feeling of each tear felt like small drips of rain crashing down onto his pale rough skin. They were warm, filled with pain and torment. He liked it but still felt unsure of this whole situation he is in right now. He really didn't want to like you, he could still feel himself craving to attack you more but couldn't. Why couldn't he? You are right there in bitting range, In his arms where he could squeeze you to death, right there where he could split open your back with his sickle and listen to you scream like it's a lullaby that could fill him with pleasure but, why couldn't he just do it? Why is he holding back so much now? Did he actually grow feelings for you? How will daki take this? So many questions that drown him, Blistering his mind, twisting it like a rag being ringed out after being held under water. His mind was clustered, all he could do was just hold you close to him dropping his sickle onto the wooden floor. Carefully he picks you up and sits on the hard floor setting you in lap and holding you close to his chest not letting go of you thinking of everything that happened again and again.
Daki watches in pure shock clenching her fists tightly. What the hell just happened? One moment he's trying to kill you now all of a sudden he's holding you?. Jealousy fills her and she leaves as morning starts to approach and you are now asleep in his arms. Gyutaro lays you down before he leaves to go back to daki.
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Chapter 15 - The Incident Pt. 2 |La Squadra x Reader Angst|
Warning: strong language, extreme physical violence, violent threats, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, extremely dark chapter all throughout. MA.
Illusos POV
Illuso was pissed off, holding a bag of ice to his swollen jaw as he waited for Melone and Formaggio in the hospital waiting room, the small area completely empty. He walked around this entire fucking hospital to get privacy, he was so fucking pissed. The beating that he'll give you, it'll be severe. He could see it now, imagine it.
He was going to strip you naked and tie you to something, then he would whip your entire lower body with the thickest leather belt he had. He would take his time, making sure his hits weren't too severe so that he could beat you for hours. He would shove your underwear in your mouth and put a ball gag over your mouth. He would buy a shock wand and shock your entire body, putting the main focus on your clit.
Killing you.. he would never do that, despite those words coming out of his mouth. You humiliated him, saying he couldn't make you cum and that you would never love him. That shit.. it was personal, and you crossed a line. He was going go give you a good beating, he was going to break and train you, force you to behave. But killing you, oh what a waste that would be. He talks out his ass a lot when it comes to women.
Formaggio walked into the small, empty waiting room, his eye black and cheek bruised. "What the fuck are we gonna do with our girlfriend?" He questioned, tone serious. "She just disrespected us hard. Yeah, we had our fun, we got our dicks sucked, but she could have talked to us privately."
Illuso threw the ice bag on the ground, the ice scattering across the white tile hospital floor. "Let's make her fucking cry, let's make her cry and beg like a little pathetic girl." He looked down at the ground, shaking his head. "That bitch.. I swear on my life I wish she was standing in front of us."
"Do you love her for real, like she said?" He questioned, causing Illuso to shoot him a glare. "What? You know, I don't love her but I really like her. She sits and watches football with me. She even listens to me talk for fucking hours."
"I don't love her, she's just our fucking slut," he snapped back, but Formaggio could tell that he was lying. "So what if I love her? Fucks love gonna do? She clearly don't give a fuck about anyone but Melone. She ain't even here to check on any of us!"
"You really gonna kill her?" He questioned.
"No, I'm just gonna beat her until she cries," Illuso replied, causing Formaggio to shrug. "Fucks her problem? She's lucky that she has seven men fucking her and taking care of her. She has no right to question what the fuck we do."
Formaggio nodded, "Exactly. She needs to learn how to stay in a woman's place. I knew something was wrong with her, I knew that she was a crazy bitch." He sighed, "will we even get to punish her? I doubt she'll approach us, she's not that bold. Women are fucking pussies. That's why they got um."
"We'll just have to drag her," Illuso suddenly stopped, standing up as he walked to the edge of the wait room entrance, his eyes slightly widening in shock. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that you were actually here, that you actually showed up. "Holy shit. Look."
"His name is Illuso! I know you've seen him, yes I am immediate family of him too!" You snapped at the nurse, the nurse seeming scared of you, stepping back as she clutched her papers. "Listen, I need to hurry. I got this boyfriend with blue hair that's about to bust in here and go crazy. I gotta hurry. He's fast!"
Formaggio walked out of the private waiting area, walking over to you, grabbing your hand. "Thank you for helping her, I'll take it from here." He let go of your hand, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his wallet. "Point me in the direction of the private storage closet and give me your keys. I'll give you 800 now."
The nurse took the bribe, taking the money and pointing left as she handed Formaggio a key. Illuso stepped out of the office as he saw Formaggio walk with you, his hand suddenly grasping yours.
"Girl, you're in so much trouble," Formaggio whispered, his grip on your hand iron. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He turned left, the hallway empty as Formaggio quickly unlocked the storage closet, pushing you in.
"I wanted to see if you and Melone were okay," you said, a low whine escaping your lips when Formaggios hand suddenly crashed into your ass.
Illuso walked over to you, a smirk appearing on his face when you backed away, your back hitting the wall. The closet was small and dimlit, leaving you no room to run away from him. "Turn around." He began to unbuckle his belt. "Wanna act like a little girl? That's fine by us, I can spank you every single day. I'm glad I wore my thickest best today."
"Guys, I'm really sorry I overreacted," you said softly, not turning around like he said. "Please don't spank me in public. You.. you both did something wrong first! This isn't fair! You cheated on me, having ransom women suck you off! What if I paid men to eat me out!?"
Illuso laughed mockingly, "you wanna pay men to eat you out? Do it. That just means you'll be responsible for me killing those men."
Suddenly, Formaggio grabbed your arm, pulling your arm up to reveal a large white bandage. "What the fuck is this? I was wondering why you were hiding this arm from me. What the fuck is it? Melone mentioned you got injured."
You suddenly grew silent, causing Illuso to freeze, keeping his hands on his unfastened belt, waiting to pull it out, but something about that bandage.. it made him wonder what happened. Melone wouldn't tell him or Formaggio in the car, barely speaking to the two of them. They didn't know what you did, but Illuso assumed you just punched a wall or something.
"Did you try and fucking kill yourself?" Questioned Formaggio, his grip on your wrist growing iron. His eyes.. they flashed danger, a danger that even made Illuso feel slightly uneasy. "I'll fucking ask Prosciutto if you don't tell me."
"I just.. I panicked," you muttered, causing Formaggio to grab your index finger, bending it back instantly, his other hand smashing against your mouth, forcing it shut. He grabbed your middle finger, doing the same. You were trying to break free, his body pressing against yours, blocking Illusos' view.
"You listen to me Y/N," Formaggio spoke, his voice a whisper, "Don't you ever fucking self harm yourself again. If you ever do this again, if you ever try and take your own life, I swear on my mother that I'll break more then just your fingers. How dare you attempt to take your life."
Illuso stepped back slightly, buckling his belt back up. No way in fuck could he beat you with two broken fingers. Fuck.. he felt sick seeing your fingers like that. He wanted to pull Formaggio away from you, but he just stood their, staring at your awkwardly bent fingers.
Formaggio lifted his hand from your mouth, spinning you around yet again, slightly bending you over. "Do what needs to be done, Illuso. We gotta teach her. You said it yourself."
He stiffened up as his eyes kept drifing to your two fingers that were bent back awkwardly and bright red, low sobs escaping your mouth. Your entire body was visibly shaking as Formaggio held you in place, letting go of your hand that now had two broken fingers. The fact that your sobs weren't louder was slightly impressive. Finger breaking was a tactic they used at work, and men have mentally broken down from having their fingers snapped. This wasn't the right thing to do to you.
"Why the fuck are you hesitating? Hurry up and smack her." He went to pull down your pants, Illuso stopping him. "What? We haven't made her cry and beg yet, she needs to learn her lesson now."
"I'm sorry," you muttered, voice weak, the pain in your voice making him start to feel bad. "I.. don't care about you fucking other women, just keep Melone out of it. And don't kiss me. Or go near me without a condom. Ever."
Formaggio smacked you upside the head roughly with his palm, causing you to nearly fall onto the floor, Illuso reaching out to grasp your arm, yanking you back. "Nah, we ain't touching other women anymore. We're only touching you now, princess." His tone was taunting, causing your shaking body to visibly stiffen.
As he went to speak again, your head dropped, you clutching your stomach as you slightly bent over. You threw up all over the ground, coating the white tiles. You leaned against the wall, low sobs escaping your mouth. "I hate you," you whispered. "I fucking hate you."
Formaggio raised his hand again, Illuso pushing him back. "Fuck it.. let's just go. Let's just leave her here and go. We never saw her unless she -" Illuso began, Formaggio quickly interrupting him.
"Run your fucking mouth about us if you want us to teach you a lesson at my house. Where my sex toys are. Where my walls are fucking soundproof," Formaggio warned. "We own you, you're our girl. I hope you learned your fucking lesson." He turned away, opening the storage walking out.
Illuso looked down at you, a strong feeling of guilt washing over him as he looked down at you. He just wanted to smack you around. He didn't want to break your fingers or cause you to throw up all over yourself. This wasn't right. What they just did to you was terrible. Despite all that, he left without saying nothing, turning off the lights and softly closing the door.
Formaggio went to lock you in, but Illuso stopped him, snatching the keys out of his hand. "Yeah, locking her in might be too far."
"I think everything we just did to her was too fucking far," he replied back, shaking his head as he followed Formaggio back to the waiting area. "We might of fucked up pretty bad. That beating was -"
"She slit her wrists, man," Formaggio replied, his tone serious. "She can't do that. She can't try and kill herself, not after we've invested time into her. We didn't beat her. We just disciplined her. You didn't even hit her, I did. Don't worry."
"We left her in that closet, and I turned the light off. She's covered in her own vomit Formaggio." He shook his head, the feeling of guilt suddenly growing deeper. "We gotta go back and get her. We can't leave her hurt. Her fingers are broken." He went to walk back towards the hallway, only to be stopped by Ghiaccio, his face beet red.
"Where is she!? Have you fucking seen Y/N!?" Ghiaccio snapped, frantically looking around the hospital. "Fuck, I called Risotto and he doesn't know! She snuck off and left! She begged me to come up here, she was rambling about having to pay off the doctors or something but I said no! Can you believe she ignored my no!?"
Illuso turned away from Ghiaccio, looking at Formaggio, not knowing what to say. He didn't want the ohers to know what him and Formaggio did to you. "She begged to come up here?"
"Yes! She kept saying she wanted to apologize for hitting Formaggio and that she wanted to check on all three of you! I said no, I said you both may really hurt her, and she told me that Formaggio is someone she trusts and that he would never hurt her," Ghiaccio said, voice frantic. "She kept saying that she overreacted because she felt hurt, that she didn't understand why she couldn't seem to please anyone. She was saying weird shit. She never talks like that. I need to find her."
"We haven't seen her," Formaggio spoke quickly. "But we'll start looking now."
Ghiaccio nodded, too focused on finding you to notice how suspicious Formaggio and him were acting. "I'm going to check outside again," he mutteted, walking out the back door of the hospital. "Y/N! I AM NOT MAD, PLEASE COME OUT! I AM WORRIED!"
"Alright, I think we should go get her and clean her up," Formaggio muttered, shaking his head. "Fuck, she said she trusts me? That she wanted to say sorry? That I would never hurt her? Fuck." He placed his hand over his face. "Now I feel bad. Should we swing by the gift shop? Does she like chocolate?"
Illuso shook his head, heading in the direction of the storage closet. He walked uo to the door, opening it slowly. He flipped the light on and peeked in, seeing a fresh pile of throw up next to the door. Where you sat cowering in the corner was empty, only dried throw up being left behind on the floor. Instant worry shot throughout his body as he stepped back, staring into the empty closet. You were gone, rather you got up and left or someone found you.. he was unsure.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
hi ! can you write jacob custos being jealous/angry when his girlfriend starts hanging out more & more with someone else, please
Aww my baby Jacob 🥺🥺🥺 Definitely sweetie! Hope you enjoy 💕
Childish Idiocy
Pairing: Jacob Custos x Reader (Female) [The Quarry]
Warnings: Jealousy, Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor
Summary: see request above
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Jacob had been pestering Y/N all of May to join him in working at Hackett's Quarry. She'd originally had plans to work elsewhere and closer to the college she's been planning to go to but when those plans fell through, she'd overjoyed her boyfriend by asking him to put in a good word for her with the owners of the camping grounds and the resort in hopes of finding a spot among the summer staff.
Needless to say, Jacob wouldn't have taken no for an answer even if Chris Hackett's answer had been 'no'.
Although they had been hoping to take on the same responsibilities, their expectations weren't fulfilled. Instead, because of her culinary expertise, she'd found a spot in the kitchen alongside another guy who'd proven skilled in that field named Nick.
The two made fast friends, forming a strong - but still platonic - bond over their work and interests. In fact, she's been like an older sister to him, mentoring him through easier culinary strategies and crushes he can't confess.
Too bad Jacob fails to see that factor.
Rightfully so. If the other counselors hadn't known him and Y/N are dating, they'd definitely arise dating rumors of Nick and Y/N. All would be terribly wrong, but they wouldn't be entirely to blame - what meets the eye seems a lot more romantic than platonic. Poor Abi would agree too.
Jacob took it harder than her though. And showed it in a very out-of-character way that alerted Y/N to his change of mood right away.
The super friendly, happy, himbo teddy bear started being much colder towards you. Sitting next to Dylan instead of you, hanging out by the lake with Ryan afterhours instead of spending time with you, picking other people to supervise his group of kids along with him.
It's all strange and very off-putting. So she wasted no time asking him about it.
Or tried to not waste any time - she just couldn't catch him alone until the night he was walking back after cleaning up from the bonfire. Luckily, he was alone.
And luckily no one heard the scream he let out when his arm was grabbed and he got dragged amidst the trees near the counselors' cabins.
“Shhh! SH!“ Her hand clamps over his mouth. It’s a funny situation they’ve found themselves in. He’s quite a bit taller than her and yet he’s practically shitting his pants with fear.
That is, until he realizes it’s her, “Y/N?! What the hell?!” He removes her hand, allowing him freedom of speech once more but he once again forgets the tonal rule.
“Shhh! For fuck’s sake, shut the fuck up, Jacob!“ She’s forced to shush him, her tone brought up to a whisper yell.
“I shut the fuck up? You freaking kidnapped me?“ He hisses back but at least he does it quietly.
Y/N rolls her eyes, “I just pulled you slightly, don’t be dramatic.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she gives him a particularly bitter glare, “If you avoided me for a couple more days I might’ve even gone the whole eleven yards. A van, rope and everything!”
Jacob’s features twist in confusion, the shadows of the moon’s light venturing between the tree branches dancing across his way in a way that makes his expression almost funny. But she can’t allow herself to find any humor in the situation currently.
“I’m not avoiding you...“ He defends himself but his words have no heft when he doesn’t believe them either. So, he switches to an even worse approach, “Ok, fine, so what if I am? It’s surprising you even noticed.“
Taken aback, she just now notices her hands were resting on his chest and one of his arms. Now she’s about five feet away, offended, “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
She can tell he immediately feels sorry for his choice of words but his not-so-rational side prevails, “I’m sure Nick would have been perfect substitute for me! Oh wait, he already is!!”
“Fucking hell, Jacob, seriously?“ You suddenly feel just as ridiculous, exasperated even. You can’t remember when this argument became one straight from middle school but you’ll be damned if you let it carry on.
“Yeah, seriously! You can’t tell me I’m wrong, Y/N!“ He’s quick to try and back up his claims but you’re quicker.
“Yes, you’re wrong.“ Just as he opens his big mouth to argue, you beat him to it once again, “Cause I fucking love you, dumbass.“
Let me just tell you, that shuts him up real quick.
“You love me?“
It’s safe to say it’s all water under the bridge when his lips find their way to yours. And they stay there, only pulling away briefly to return you an “I love you too” before you two go on to break one of Chris Hackett’s main rules.
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