#thats a whole seperate rant though
cheap-jumpscare · 2 months
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ranting abt being kanade yoisaki.... if ur uncomfy with doubles, scroll away !!!!!!!1
raghhhhh i need white hair and my hair needs 2 be straight n long...... sighs. i already have blue eyes n im already extremely pale so thumbs up but ugh. i shld be skinnier too and that is related :|
i cant tell if im fickin or not but i rlly do wish i looked like. me? ive even always ACTED like me. im just. Kanade Yoisaki. this is the one "just like me fr.." character that's been CONSISTENT.
i was watching a video essay my meowtual Vriska made and SIGHS yeah. its >here< btw pls watch it. very good art and a very cool survey !!
^ but in relation to that I had a mini realization sorta. if i am a kanade fictionkin then i AM just Kanade. there would be no seperation between me and Kanade Yoisaki. if i AM fictionkind then I wouldn't be a "kanade kinnie" id BE kanade. just like how Vriska's whole video is about how fickind tend to suppress their identity to be more palatable. its just so hard to figure out if i AM fickindddd :|
and even then i dont feel like id be exactly like 'canon' me. id be different. id have several traits and such that i always have said I 'headcanon' Kanade with. maybe thats just me bein a bit Sillymode but urghfghg.
im just like i am in the game. i dont go outside regularly because the sun hurts my eyes, bright lights in general suck (though this may just be because my eyes are a lighter color- qwant it its weird), im very serious about music and i do believe it CAN save people, im not very good at personal hygiene and yet inexplicably im considered ~generally~ attractive by, at the very least, my parents. I've mentioned all that before, though. Plus preferring online school.
another thing i want to say bc i feel like it. everytime i see anyone else who's also a character i Am (ex, someone else who's Kanade) i dont ever get bothered. bc my brain rationalizes it through 'multiverse theory.' TL;DR 'doubles' dont bother me because i believe in infinite alternate realities and that if someone else is also kanade then they're just a kanade from an alternate reality. does that make sense?
i still feel a disconnect between the kanade in prosekai and myself- the kanade i am. enough to where i can refer to her in the 3rd person comfortably. im not the same as her. there's differences, I can feel them. ill just refer to Kanade in the game as 'canon!kana'/'canon!me' because that's easiest;
the biggest difference between us is that, well, canon!me is human. she also isn't explicitly trans in any direction, and is also a hard worker. all of that is stuff that doesnt apply. im trans- im queer in every sense of the word. every inch of my identity is a little weird, a little 'out of the norm.' No part of me can be easily described to a lot of people. I do know, thankfully, that people in the real world can be accepting. My Nana supports xenogenders and she's in her early 70s. Granted, I am her main source of information on neurodivergency and queer identity, but I'm able to unbiasedly explain terms and gently guide her in the right direction. I would feel safe in admitting I am not human, and do not like physically being so. I'm lazy- admittedly due to depressive symptoms, but I do not like work. I generally just hate having to do physical activity- even just in-general work. The reason I'm almost-failing all of my classes in highschool is because I hate working for more than a few minutes at a time, especially consecutively.
Of course, I will say I am not a person who really experiences delusions. That isn't to say those who do are lesser or that I'm better- it's just a simple fact. I specify that because this is the 'piss on the poor' website. I can seperate my physical body right now as I physically am from my possible fictionkinnity- at this current moment I am (at the very least biologically) not a shapeshifter like I often call myself. I am human, I am biologically a perisex female, etc. I don't like to see myself like that. I am Uta, yes. But Uta isn't a human. Uta is Kanade Yoisaki. Uta is a shapeshifter. In some way or another, I am nonhuman- or otherwise 'different.' I always have been.
idk. im just kanade. i dont properly know what i mean by it, other than. well. I Am Kanade. and that's really all there is to it.lon
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1941-crowley-slut · 1 year
Rant incoming
I cannot STAND how my mom talks to me about church when she wants me to go.
For context, we obviously stopped going during covid so we were away for 2-3 years and though she watched the live broadcast every Sunday, I didn't. In fact I always deliberately left the room at that time to stay away from it. At some point I told her I don't believe anymore (honestly I remember having doubts and questions (Crowley coded lmao) since I was a kid but 11-12 is where it really just set in that I don't have that kind of faith). She didn't take ir horribly bad but told me at the time she'd like it if I still joined her at church sometimes. Which, fine. Okay.
Fast forward to when she is actually going back to church and just throws on me the news that I am going too. Doesn't ask, just tells me I'm going. And I'm pissed as fuck the whole day after that, to the point that when she asks me to find my clothes for church I actually just keep looking at my closet and want to tear everything apart. I really avoid conflicts with my mother but this one had me. I was PISSED. So when she finally asked what was going on I told her "I don't want to go". And it wasn't so much that I wasn't willing to do it for her, it's that I felt she had no regard for my beliefs and just wanted her way. A
And funnily enough, she did. Because the reponse to that was: "I know, but I'd already told you I want you to come with me sometimes. Is it so terrible, you can't even make this one little sacrifice for your mother?"
Not me being guilt tripped, but anyway. I don't remember the end of that conversation but I remember other times. Once again for context, I was in 12th grade the year that passed and it was incredibly difficult study-wise. I had 6-7 hours of school every day, then anywhere from 2-5 hours of extra studies (sometimes almost immediately) and then I also had to do homework for both school and extra studies (seperate) and a lot of it was learning things by heart, plus we had tests and exams all the time like ALL the time, some weeks I'd have 5 tests in 3 days and I was going insane. Plus on extra studies we wrote exams on Saturdays. So it was all very very hectic and mom knew that and she was very awesome for the most part, but when it came to church she just didn't. Listen. To me.
She would go "You'll come this Sunday because the next weeks will be harder for you" but the matter of the fact was, she didn't know what weeks were harder for me. She thought for xyz reasons that later it'd be worse, but in reality the times she wanted me to go i was drowning in work and getting anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns cause everything was so much. Too much. And I'd say something like "Well this week's pretty bad" and expect her to get the hint but she'd go "it's just one hour in the morning, how important is it really, you probably wouldnt even be studying then"
(Not to mention it's not really 1 hour cause I need like an hour just to wake up and get ready, then 20 minute drive, the service was either 1 or 1 and a half hours, then it was however long chatting up with all the church people, another 20 minute drive home and then I was tired and we would have lunch and I just wanted to relax and sleep etc etc. So it wasnt at all just an hour. And maybe even if I hadn't gone to church that day, it'd still be afternoon and I wouldn't have gotten started on any work. But at least I would have spent some time for myself and then would force myself to work. But anyway again)
She just does this thing where she doesn't even ask or give me the illusion of a choice. Cause the truth is that church is usually not that bad, I can deal with it, it's fine. But I hate it just because she makes me feel forced to go. If she was just like "Hey, could you come with me to church this Sunday? I'd like that" I would be much happier to go. I know she doesn't want to be by herself and that she worries about what the church peoole will think (which pisses me off as well but thats another story), I don't mind keeping her company. But I mind when she suddenly springs it on me on Saturdays that "We're going to church tomorrow" and even if I show my discomfort with it she's like "Well you have to come sometimes."
And she just she has this way that I don't understand that when she says anything related to me going to church (e.g. "Find your clothes for tomorrow to see if anything needs to be ironed"), she says it in this firm tone and so suddenly that you just even subconsciously know you have no say in this. I don't get to react to this or have an opinion, it's just something I have to do. Because she said so. And if I was to try and react, she'd circle right back to guilt-tripping me (which at this point would be really funny because I have been trying lately to help her in every way I can so it's not like "You do everything for me and I'll do this small favor for you by coming with you", I have been offering to help with chores, I've been offering to learn stuff I dont know how to do so I can help her around the house, I have been helping as far as I can. But nonetheless I know this will end badly if I try to argue)
Anyway yeah it's just. I'm tired. At first I thought it was her desperate attempt to get me back into the church, to make me believe again. Now, though I still think she clings onto some hope about that, I also believe she thinks I'm too far gone for that and really just wants me there for company and for the eyes of the world, so none of the people know I'm not a believer anymore and supposedly think of her as a failed mother.
I'd just like to be counted like an equal person in here. Especially what with reaching adulthood and all. Like she actually scolded me when I said "I'd like to go out with my friends" and waited for their approval, because she said I was just making announcements and she wants me to ask next time. Even though I was still essentially waiting for them to say yes or no, I wasn't announcing anything. And she's said this before too, I'd leave for extra studies a little earlier sometimes to go get bubble tea and I'd tell her and then she'd go "I want you to ask beforehand". Why? She wasnt even home, no one was, and I would've left like 30 minutes later anyway cause I had to, what's the big deal? Or is it just about being controlled, hm? Is it that she can't watch me be an independent person? Feels like it.
Anyway my point was I have to literally ask for everything, like with a "Can I" and a question mark and all, because "We might have something else planned" (which as I said, if they had something planned for us to do would they not tell me? And either way, if something came up I'd just tell my friends I couldn't hang out after all cause something came up and it'd be fine. But no, she insisted.) but when it comes to me she just says "You're coming" and that's it and I HATE it. I HATE IT.
If she thinks she's bringing me closer to church this way someone tell her she couldn't be more wrong.
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meimeikyu · 1 year
Do you have any Bad Sanses headcanons? If so give 👀
(its completely chill if you don't by the way /gen)
I HAVE. TOO MANY. THIS WILL BE VERY LONG! STARTING WITH SOME PREFACING; A lot of these are more fanon or my versions of the bad sanses instead of just headcanons (considering i have a dislike of a large bit of their canons) (my geno ones were kinda like this too but my geno version is much more similar to canon then my bad sanses-)
So these are more just, me ranting about my versions of them which is basically me taking them and. burying them in my headcanons and story rewrites- canon doesnt have to be real if i dont look at it /j AS WELL; For this my bad sanses will be; Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, and Cross. I like having cross as a part of them, and though i like bad sanses error, i consider him more his own entitiy that would work with them sometimes! ALRIGHT! LET THE RAMBLING BEGIN!!!!! (im so sorry for how long this is-)
OK SO. I could have a whole seperate rant about how i think theyd interact and work together and how they are brought together n everything so. im gonna try to keep it to my hcs directly about them n i can do a seperate thing for that if ppl r curious (this did not stay true there r interacting bits but its mostly about them solo)
ANXIETY. thats literally all i can start it with. i think this is the most anxious man to ever exist actually. also. transmasc cross is canon to me forever <3333 ANYWAYS HOLY THIS GUY. NEEDS THERAPY. well they all do but like. he need anxiety meds or something jfc someone help him TuT. I think hed dislike killing so he would mainly do supply runs, or be the distraction on missions. Hed definately fight but hed try to avoid killing at all costs. So. transmasc cross. im going back to that i have rambles. ok i think hed have like, more round bones if that makes sense?? so hed like to wear big baggy clothes n layers to try n hide it bcs he doesnt like it. I think hed have really scarred hands from fighting, but i also think hed have an x on both of them that gaster (oml i wanna punch that bitch) left on him. thinks. i wanna hug him. i think he has older brother vibes. i have like. a way i sort these ppl by age that makes no sense but i like it. but i think cross would be older. i think hes really bad at cooking. like comicly bad. he is not allowed to cook. he tall. not tallest. but tall. i think he has one really big sword, then 2 smaller hand swords. i think hed be decently powerful, basic sans magic but i think hed be good at combat from guard training and is pretty strong. i dont have as many cross thoughts as some of the others (its bcs i cant make him suffer as much /joking) i think hed like puzzles. like picture puzzles. oh he wouldnt let ppl touch his hands except for some certain ppl (the ganggg, they r family to me <mentally ill) i think his magic would be a light purple and i think he DESPISES it and avoids using it as much as possible. he keeps a tin pocket mirror on him so he can check if his eyes r purple constantly and he freaks out if it breaks (i think itd get broken on a mission sometimes). i kinda think of him n dust as opposites with this. i think cross always has to have mirrors on him and checks them constantly whereas dust despises mirrors and has definately destroyed many. uh. i love him loving chocolate n tacos. i think hed speak spanish. this is. more than i thought i had down- anyways overall i love him but some1 get him anxiety meds please- oh also i forgor to add this until later but. i think both cross and killer would have an army of plushies.
HORRORRR!!!! THE SQUISHY!!!!! i do not like his canon but fanon horror is my lovely. I CAN NVR DECIDE ON THIS BUT TRANSFEM HORROR HAS MY HEART I CAN JUST NVR DECIDE IF I WANT MY VER TO BE SO I MIGHT SWITCH PRONOUNS LIKE. 10 TIMES LMFAO. but anyways transfem horror is amazing n i love her. horror is the tallest by far. i think of horror like a polar bear i cant decribe this any other way. i think shed have big thick bones like how polar bears have lots of fur n fat to keep heat in? i think horrortales underground would be very very cold in snowdin so her magic mutated to give her thicker bones to keep warm. despite this, i think shed still be kinda cold all the time due to lack of magic post head trauma and i think shed wear big fluffy thick clothes all the time. theyd have to be custom made bcs regular clothes wouldnt fit her. i think the others would borrow them sometimes bcs. big n warm. RUBY EYE HORROR HAS MY HEART N I HAVE LOVED IT SINCE I SAW IT!! so i have a whole little thing i imagine of horror right after eye removal barely alive crawling through a cave system n finding a gem and basically ripping it out of the wall and using it as her eye. this also means she can take it out. and she does do that to terrify people- ok so basically i think she still has a small amount of magic/eye where her eye was, and the gem basically magnifys it so shes able to see? but without the gem she cant see. i also think she gets motion sick really easily bcs of this. UGH MIGRAINES. I think shed get them a lot and theyd be well. *nightmares* (hahah). i think shed have something to put pressure on the cracked skull bit without damaging it to help when it hurts. I love horror picking at her skull/dead eye socket as a stim and i add, i think shed randomly like, lightly bite herself. she would definately have like a necklace or something to chew on as well. i love like. big soft caretaker horror yknow. i think shed like to hug n like, touch the others. and COOK!! Cooking and baking horror is my fav. i think shed have someone help her read the recipes and with small bits like when you have to pour a certain amount of liquid. i dont think shed have great vision- like fine for most things but reading is not her strongsuit. I think shed also have shakey hands. i dont think shed have great mobility in general but oh boy i think shed be strong. like. could bend a metal pole strong. very strong. She doesnt use magic for like. anything because it takes a big strain on her, but i think shed have a huge heavy axe, that looks like. funnily light weight when she uses it but anyone else trys to and they cannot pick it up. I think she would pick the others up. She would put stuff very high up and have to help the others get it if the need it- I also think shed be (i cant think of the word. hyperflexible? i think double jointed is what im looking for?) basically i think shed have very bendy joints that go far in the wrong way but its not really good for her or give her an advantage its just kinda. there. if they ever run low on supplies i think shes the first to try to take smaller portions/stop eating because she puts the others before her, and i think they would very much try to stop her from doing that.
i love when horrors brother is alive so i def think her brother n au would still be alive! her or one of the other gang members would bring them supplies. i think shed visit there a lot. i dont like thinking of any of them as trapped at the castle tbh, i just dont think the others have many other places theyd want to go. i think shed have one of those like. big long pillows ppl hug. I think shed process things slower and would talk slowly but the others would be patient. i think shed be quicker with sign language bcs i imagine her have better like. skeletons dont have muscles but. muscle memory than (i dont know what to call it? active memory? i genuinely dont know what its called but like actively thinking for something memory). shed put little tabs and like. stickers everywhere with pictures to remind her what is where. i think shed listen to audiobooks or. calm music and or happy music. I also think shed like to listen to music in languages she doesnt know bcs then she doesnt have to try and process the lyrics
(i have this specific type of music i think shed like that i call light music but. i have no way to describe it. it has to do with the instrumental not having as much sounds. i think? or it. sounding more light? i literally dont know how to describe it its the vibes. Impurities - Le sserafim is an example i can think of off the top of my head for the vibes) I. think about horror a lot. as you can tell- i love her.
OH BOY HERE COMES THE ANGST!!!! Killer n dust r the ones i like to make suffer the most so expect like. a lot of angsty stuff. they also r the ones that have the most like, me adding stuff story wise- anyways. oh boy trauma! this guy is. not okay. n i love him for it. but also omg he is not. I think dust would be the most physically weak. like just entirely. I think he would have a very damaged soul due to LV + Determination. i hc he has a combination of the 2, due to his determination to escape the resets, and i also love dust being the scientist of the group and. i think he would most definately experiment on his own soul in secret. anyways i think bcs of soul issues hed be very physically weak, and would probably entirely rely on magic for fighting, as well i think hed probably use it for things outside of it bcs of soul issues. i think hed probably teleport everywhere instead of walking except for very short distances, and i think hed sit or lean on things instead of standing most of the time. But magic wise? oh fucking boy, i think hes a powerhouse. i think the way deterimation n lv would change people is different for everyone, and for him? i think it boosted his magic through the fucking roof, but also made it very unstable. i think hed pass out from overusing it too much, and would have times where theres just so so much and he has no way to get it out. i think hed constantly be slightly in that state unless like. actively fighting. part of why hed use magic for everything. also i think his main weapon for any close up combat would be 2 long pointed bones he summons. hes definately the quietest of the group, i think he wouldnt talk much and when he does his voice is very quiet and scratchy. I also think of him as one of the older ones of the group. Him n cross r the older ones whilst horror would be a bit younger and killer would be the youngest. i think horror would be physically older than them, but cross and dust would actually be much older due to resets/overwrites.
Also i dont know what dust is but its not cis. i dont know why i just cant see any of them as cis LMFAO. anyways i feel like genderfluid dust fits for my ver. primarily he/they. hed def be the scientist of the group, i think hed have a lab somewhere in the basement of the castle and hed use it for so many things. i think hed experiment with his magic a lot, but also with permission get samples of the others and test things on it, to see how they react to things. i also feel like hed have some machine he built to extract excess magic/determination from himself. i also hc hed like painting. i dont think hed paint anything in particular, probably more abstract things but i think hed use it to distract himself during a flare up. i also think hed use some of his own magic to paint at times. both his lab and the painting room would be connected, and i think they would both be a mess- i think all his spaces would be messy tbh. just. stuff. everywhere. but he could tell you where pretty much anything is in that chaos- i also think hed react differently to healing bcs of his soul. I feel like although things would heal, theyd never heal "fully". theyd almost scar, but the would have like visible unhealed magic in them. i think if he had way too much magic it could accidently reopen them since they cant fully heal. he found that out the hard way. i also think theyd 'heal' much faster though, and with enough magic/high tension he could probably force them to close. He definately does not like to sleep. he probably has nightmares most of the time when he does. he is also very much the type of person to stay up a week straigh then collapse and sleep for 18 hours. the others do not like that he does that-
i think hed probably be more. self destructive? like hed shove the others out of the way to take a hit instead. or overuse his magic during fights when emotional. i think he thinks hes somewhat invicible, due to the weird way his magic reacts to injuries. maybe hes right. who knows. i definately think he zones out all the time, and dissociates. i also think hed have a bad sense of time. hed probably be very. twitchy? he jumps if anyone touches him or gets too close, and is probably very on edge a large majority of the time. i think hed also say random facts, just out of nowhere. i think he would have at least some medical knowledge as well, from a combination of experiment with his magic to testing the limits of what it can heal. i think he might be able to force others to 'heal' the way he does with enough magic, but itd be very hard so hed only do it if one of the gang was like. actively dieing. even then hed probably remove it to let them heal normally once they could. i think thatd just. fully reopen the wound if he removes his magic. his magic is weird. i also think hed be hot. constantly. like all of the time due to his magic. (horror constantly cold x dust constantly hot :3c) as well i think his eyelights would be brighter, but i also think hed be more sensative to light. idk why i just like that. I think hed have the typical genocide sans scar. but i also love the idea of him having like. tally marks. (not a metaphor way like literally tally marks) as a way of counting resets. i think about him so much omg. despite the fact theyd probably hate each other in canon my killer n dust are close, due to the fact they both have very similar experiences. (i could probably write a whole thing on that ngl) I think dust feels somewhat responsible for killer since i like dust as like. the older one of them. so dust would get really stressed if killer is hurt. ok i think thats all for now. im so normal about him (blatant lie)
OHH BOY THE OTHER ONE I LOVE TO TRAUMATIZE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! If i traumatize them more it means i like them. i promise. i just love making them cry :D Uh pangender killer will forever be canon and real to me. hes transmasc and pangender yknow. moving on. i think killer has very bad eyesite. i hc due to the (liquid hate? corrupted determination? either works tbh but i use liquid hate) anyways bcs of it it damaged his eyelight to the point he can barely see, he can mostly just see bright lights and blurred colors, and hed probably have no peripheral vision. i think this would have been a slow process, so when he first came to that castle, though his vision was slightly worse it was much better than now. (because of course he didnt tell anyone about it until it was very bad bcs. careless). i think he would have slowly been reworking his fighting style bcs of this. During fights, he uses a blindfold/bandages/literally anything to cover his eyes, blocking out any light he could see, because of how glowly magic is it would hinder him. i think instead hed relay on 'magic detection', not really like seeing the magic, but more just being able to physically feel where magic is around him, the more magic the more 'intense' it would feel. best way i can describe it is like sound. he cant see the magic but can feel what direction its coming from. i also think all types of magic would have a slightly different feel (so like hed be able to tell dream from cross). I think inks would be harder for him to detect since the easiest amount of magic to be able to detect would be souls, and well ink doesnt have one-. i think hed fight both close up and mid range, and use a combination of magic and physical objects. for physical objects hed mark them with small traces of magic so he can find them (and aim them). i think hed probably make a habit of running his hands over everything and leaving small magic trails to help map things. I think the others wouldnt know about the vision stuff until he ends up telling nightmare and eventually telling the others. nightmare would probably not let him do missions till killer had found a way to not endanger himself (by using his magic detection stuff) I also think his fighting would primarily involve protecting his soul over all else, since its extremely vulnerable with how it stays out. I think hed be a pretty all round, with good magic and decent direct physical fighting skills. i think hed have a very energetic fighting style, a lot of movement, both from him and him moving his opponents. i also hc hed be super flexible, and would probably know a lot of 'gymnast' tricks, and would do them during fights. this man would do an aerial in the middle of a fight no questions. i think hed dislike his sould. despite not really showing it, i think hed feel weird about the fact its always out. i also think hed feel weird about wearing colours that really clash with red bcs of it, so he usually sticks to the same outfit.
OK. BASELESS HEADCANON. so. i dont know why but for a long time ive had the hc that he has a prosthetic left arm. basically yknow in underverse 0.6 fight when he gets his arm broken? imagine that but. completely broken off. i imagine itd happen in a fight where he was already tired at that point, so when it happened the arm couldnt stay formed apart of him and just dusted instantly. i have this little idea of the prosthetic having like. these tubes that connect into his arm at the top? and it runs his magic through the prosthetic, so he can control it fully. itd definately take a while to get used to but after a while he can just use it like a regular arm. KILLER IS 100% YOUNGER SIBLING ENERGY! i hc him as the youngest of the group (despite still being an adult, i think hed be younger than the average sans.) I feel like killer would be very. emotional intense. I dont think of him as fully emotionless, i think hed be like. extremely (insert any emotion here really) then just. crash. and be empty. his hate would definately run a ton at that point. also i dont think he could cry. i think if he is he only crys hate, he doesnt have the ability to cry like the magic tears anymore. i do like him being very very energetic, but i feel like hed almost purposefully try to crash his emotions before very important missions? so he would be emotionless for them. of course, this probably would not end well- i think hed also probably be self destructive, doing 'dumb' but not really dumb things, just. reckless. they work. most of the time. but sometimes he gets stupidly injured because of it. and yet he will keep doing it. i think hed listen to like. a bunch of different types of music. pop, rock, random obscure song no one but him has ever heard of, you name it!! i feel like him n cross would like to watch like, legal and cop shows. idk why but it fits them to me. i think theyd watch it with like the audio descriptions for killer, and cross would definately pause it and describe other stuff it misses (side note, i have decent vision but OMFG I LOVE THE AUDIO DESCRIPTIONS? they r so cool fr) Killer would have no consistent fashion. the only common factor is they are either work outfit (his modifyed fighting outfit) or. for fun. in which case they are extremely over the top! no straight ppl fashion here (joking tone). Rainbow decora one day, extremely gothing the next, really anything as long as it looks cool, hed try it! he definately has a large wardrobe! oh also. my version cant summon his eyelights at all, the hate ate them :(
fINALLY!!!! MY EXTREMELY UNCANON NIGHTMARE!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!! any pronoun agender nightmare is here and real!!!! i dont like.. mean nightmare.... i like family bad sanses or bsp so... niceish nightmare? also i just call her mare n mainly default to she/her so. get used to that for this LMFAO uwahh,,, so i lov eher thats all (joking) SO. i think mares corruption has somewhat of a mind of its own, but its directly linked to her. the corruption would usually be solid but if shes very upset it will start dripping, and the tentacles will always be a telling sign of her mood- i honestly dont think shed fight that much. shed mainly stay to the side and moniter, but would intervein if anybody got very hurt or if the others were getting too intense SO. HER MAGIC :3c. I associate nightmare with water. like very intensely. and dream with fire but this isnt about dream- i imagine nightmare would have 3 main types of magic; her corruption magic ofc, emotion magic, and illusion magic. the corruption magic is tentacles, the general appearance, and the *slight* modifaction ability. i think she could make herself taller or shorter, and horrifyingly, move her bones arround indivudually- i think from when the apple event first happened, her body is basically completely destroyed, so if she was ever to be 'saved' or uncorrupted, she would die before it was even done. i think she can safely uncorrupt small parts for small amounts of time, but she never really does. i love shapeshifting nightmare, but for my ver, that isnt from her corruption magic, its illusion magic, so ill get to it in a minute :3 The emotion magic has 3 states id say, influencing, changing, and directly controlling. Influencing is just that, shifting emotions slightly, either negatively or positively (i hc dream and nightmare can both do both sides of emotion magic), or influencing them slightly towards something (making them calmer, happier, sadder, ect.) Note; this wont completely change the emotion, just shifting it slightly one way. shed probably use this one subconciously, and only does it on purpose sometimes. the influencing emotions can also be affected by her own. Next is directly changing them, which is. well what it sounds like. making someone whos panicking calm. making someone whos upset feel okay. directly changing their emotion, but without controlling it if that makes sense? if she makes someone whos panicking calm, but the thing that made them panic is still there, they can panic again. VERSUS! directly controlling, which is the strongest of the 3 states. this would be making someone sad and making them stay that way, or with any other emotion. this one can be useful during raid missions, where she can force the residents of the au to be calm and ignore it while the others get supplies. this one she only really uses on those outside the gang, or in very specific situations for the gang. the direct controling emotions is also very closely tied with her illusion magic, which i now get to explain :3c
So the illusion magic has a pretty self explanitory name, but i think theres a few different ways she would use it. 1, for personal shapeshifting, basically using illusions to make herself appear different. 2, illusions on others, which in itself has 2 main ways to use. she could use it the same way she does on herserlf, making them appear and look different, or she could do whats more like 'delusion' magic or mind control. basically her physically taking over their mind, locking them in a dreamlike state, whilst she is able to influence their body. i think shes mainly use this one on enemies, and not very often as it takes a lot of power. i think shed either have to touch them to be able to active it, or thru another way ill explain in a bit:3 i think all her magic would be closly tied to water. her illusions would have a watery ripple effect when they are put in place, the mind control causes a watery swirl in both her eye and theirs, i also think all her portals would have a watery effect, and if she ever teleports, the way she sinks into either like a wall or the floor to move has a watery ripple. I ALSO LOVE NIGHTMARE N DREAM HAVING DREAM MAGIC!!! i imagine there is sort of a pocket reality called the dreamscape, where the dreams physically are, in sort of like little bubbles. they would have different swirly colours convenying the tones of the dreams, and nightmare and dream would be able to enter dreams, or influence them from the realm (though the can have a more direct influence if they enter). I think the bubbles would all float around in this sort of endless flower field, and at the center would be the tree of feelings, except its now a stump, reflecting the tree of feelings in the real world. this place is definately neutral ground, and i think dream and nightmare would talk to each other here sometimes, even just for a minute. my versions dont actually hate each other, but more think the other hates them for what happened. (communication would solve so many multiversal issues im just saying).
ANYWAYS! I think nightmare would spend a lot of time in the dreamscape, just roaming, viewing dreams. and i feel like if you went far enough it would slowly start to bleed into showing things happening in the physical world. the dreamscape would be a lot darker in thoses areas. i imagine itd start to bleed into the void, which is why it shows that. i think nightmare goes there to moniter things when she doesnt want to be present physically. i think they could also take other people to the dream realm if they choose. I think itd be less of a physical realm though. I think dream and nightmare can enter it fully, physical bodies and all but if anyone else is brought their body stays in the regular world. oh i also imagine nightmare have water ripples around her feet when she walks. no matter if theres no water there, it just always happens. i imagine nightmare with burn scars on half of her bones (same side as the covered eye), bcs i love the idea of the villagers trying to burn her at the stake. i think nightmares bones look smooth and shiny mostly, but if you touch them you can feel the thousands of cracks and breaks and burns n ect. i also think shed feel cold to touch. also the goop would taste like rotten sour apples. i just like that idea.
i think shes able to touch people, but she has more influence if she does, so she trys to be careful when doing it. with that being said, i think shes touch starved!!!!! n i feel like her tentacles would constantly go towards wrapping themselves around the gang. i think she wears a crown, but its a new one she made herself. though she still has her original, hidden away. i LOVE the idea of nightmare having a shit tone of hobbies shes amazing at from having hundreds of years to learn things. ive nvr seen anyone else suggest this one but i hc shed make jewlerly. rings necklances brooches pins, her own crown, ect. i feel like shed make something special for each of the gang members. ALSO!! HERES WHERE THE OTHER MIND CONTROL METHOD COMES IN!!!! i hc nightmare would be very good at singing. but. siren style. i think she really enjoys singing, but usually only gets to do it in private or in the dreamscape, otherwise she risks controlling someone with it. however, i think the gang has little sound blockers shes given them, in case she ever need to use it on a mission. in addition, i think shed enjoy dancing, and can do it more because it has no risks. i think she definately knows a bunch of ancient styles lost to time. i also love the idea of her having a bunch things collected from over the years, tons of paintings, artworks, collectibles, so many things. i think a lot of them would be spread around the castle, but some special ones would be hidden in a small room only she had access to. i also think shed play a ton of instruments, but espcially violin! ALSO! BOOKS!! oml. books. she has. too many. i imagine her having a huge library. like im talking spanning multiple floors of the castle giant library. there is at least 2 secret book doors in it im sure. shed definately meticulously sort it. i think shed be very very organized. also. i bet she speaks like. 12 languages. 6 of which are completely outdated. also she wears a dress. i dont make the rules (i do, this is my version, i make them all. and she wears a dress-) i imagine itd be a very dark black, but like, basically floor length and very. regal looking. i think itd be slightly ripped up at the bottom as well. it would be very fancy. not pratical, but fancy. she doesnt do much fighting, it doesnt need to be practical- i think shed be very. other worldy- like, seem almost (for lack of a better word, delusional) to regular people. in reality she just. knows a lot but does not know how to properly convey herself in a way that seems normal, and she doesnt really care to either. also i think shed be up to date with modern tech, because nothing is funnier to me than the idea of nightmare texting the gang missions and ending it with a kaomoji (this is canon to my version because its so fucking funny to me-)
ok theres. theres probably more let me be honest but ive been writing for. like 3 hours. and this is already way more than i planned! but tysm, this was super fun to do!!! and now i finally have a shit ton of these written out!!!!! i need to. draw them sometime bcs of my design modifications. but anyways. if you actually read all of this i am. so impressed- TYSM AGAIN FOR THE ASK!!!! I LOVE THESE HC ASKS AND WILL GLADLY DO MORE :3c
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pink-elefantz · 3 months
silly rant<3
hey so what is the cutoff between whats considered masking and whats considered lying i am asking this as a liar lol. like i find it interesting as fuck genuinely where is the line meant to be drawn. i do believe a lot of autistic people who mask and cant discern this line end up overcorrecting severely and developing what's called a personality disorder and like there are studies around this diagnosis massively being a thing that people get when theyve gone their whole lives unsupported for autism/adhd because sometimes the response to that is i need to do absolutely anything to be perceived as a human being and i dont know what it is about me thats so inhuman so ill just become an entirely different person for everyone i meet i guess. because u get to a point where u realise that social cues are not a static thing and that every allistic person actually has their own seperate set of rules for how to act and they all act like that is inherently the way ur meant to act but fucking somehow simultaneously all of them know how to abide by each others social rules even though theyre all different, and u go fucking insane and then come to the conclusion that the only way to be able to speak the same language as these people is to completely lose ur identity to whoever u are talking to in the moment. and then the more u hang out with anyone the more you lose of yourself and u do it so hard and for so long that you end up not being able to shut it off for people who genuinely dont care how u act and u cant actually tell when youre lying anymore and you dont even know if you lied about being sick in the first place and just made urself this way and when u try to get help for this all of the resources are like "this is an evil manipulative thing that evil people do" and its like. so first of all people who are traumatized into defaulting to manipulative behaviours are not evil people and they dont deserve to be demonized but also i never lied to make anyone do anything for me i lied to protect myself from being treated like a monster how could i ever possibly explain myelf how do u undo a damage like that without making someone come to the conclusion that u were using them. it is such an intricate process untangling all the little strands of lies with someone u know and is it even possible to do it fully without making the person feel like u were only friends with them to make them adore u or get them to give u things. like i swear to god no lie i have ever told anyone about myself was for any ulterior motive i dont even like being around people. i just didnt want to be a freak anymore. and then being a freak was cool so i was a freak but not a REAL FREAK i still was just some other person my entire fucking life has just been observing peoples interactions and going oh that got a positive reaction ill try that. and then i try it and its like oh no one liked that. what were the variables. i need to know the variables but i can never repeat this experiment again because i cant actually deal with getting another negative reaction my heart cant take it when they look at me like that when they realise im a fake person just pretending to be human why did it work with that other person and not me what the fuck did i do wrong. and u cant exactly go and tell this to ur therapist who smokes freuds cock for breakfast because u will just get "liar" put on ur file and lose even more of ur autonomy and make it even less likely for people to believe u when u report psychiatric abuse. anyway peace and love on planet earht the camera zooms out to a blue sky and polka dot house and i am waving at u from below with my dog goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!bye!!!!
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mochiwrites · 1 year
I'm taking a guess here, BUT:
1. I think the dream eaters were meant for Grian. When they ended up on pearl, well, that wasn't meant to happen, but he can improvise! Grian already wants to go into Pearl's dreamscape, all he has to do is get stuck there, or be bitten by one of the dream eaters. What he didn't then expect is Mumbo to go in with him. When they make it out okay, he offers to deal with the dream eaters, so he really didn't lose anything from the whole situation. It's just that he'll have to figure something new out.
2. He truly doesn't want Grian to die. At least, not without him watching. Grian has proven to be quite interesting, and a nice source of entertainment. Scar seems to enjoy watching his target (or maybe this is just how he is with Grian) fight for their life before eventually dying. The only issue for whoever hired Scar, COUGH COUGH SCOTT (I HAVE A WHOLE SEPERATE THEORY RANT I COULD GO ON ABOUT THAT DUDE), is that Grian doesn't go down easily.
2.5. Then again, he could also have started to care about Grian. He might be trying to play on both sides as to not cause himself any trouble, but also not actually kill Grian. Y'know, the kind of "oh no, he escaped my trap! Guess I wasn't able to kill him like you wanted, oh well." thing. He needs Scott to not think he is just letting Grian live.
okay, firstly??? getting this in my inbox made me so excited omg 🥺🥺🥺 (I would genuinely LOVE to know what your theory is on scott :eyes: if you want to share you are so more than welcome to)
as for the scar theories !!! you aren't too far off with one of them, I won't say which one but >:3c
what I WILL say though is that the dream eaters were 100% meant for pearl. scar recognized pearl from when she came into the shop with grian and taurtis and saw a good opportunity for... something :)
grian wanting to go into her dreamscape and risk getting lost in there was yet another door of opportunity for scar, we'll say, if mumbo hadn't gone along that is.
and I will point out two (2) lines from scar that I think are important to keep in mind:
“Do I care if he [Grian] dies? Hmm, not particularly. As interested as I am, he’s still a human. I won’t go out of my way to keep him alive.”
“It’s really nothing personal. You’ve just become collateral.” 
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azudarlings · 2 years
hi guys have a random rant i went on about jamil's character as the way i see him
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bro i went over the TEXT LIMIT ill continue this on a reblog
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triglycercule · 9 months
was listening to rain of dust's recent remake (EVERY MTT FAN HAS TO LISTEN TO IT ITS SO DAMN GOOD AUGGHHHHHHH AND THE ANIMATIONS ARE SO CUTE!!!!!) but i was just imagining a whole ass battle scene in my head and getting off track here but i can't not think of a battle scene with them fighting together as not incredibly gay. like that's their way of flirting with eachother and JUST THE WAY THAT THE THEMES MIX DURING THE SONG its like..... the fight is like a dance for them and they are madly in love and are serial killers and OH GOD NO THEYRE GETTING CLOSER-
but actually though that imaginary animation got me thinking what the actual hell do they fight like. the ONLY kinda official reference of what even one of them fights like is the underverse 0.5 killer fight. and even then that only lasts like 50 seconds before killer gets beat the fuck up by xgasterfied cross. okokok rambling but UGH
ill make a seperate post but I GOTTA RANT ABOUT THIS NOW i gottta explain the animation im imagining in full detail i cant hold back
the animation starts...... dust is standing there with his stupid hoodie shade because he's edgy. bro is very upset and is frowning with his eyes closed. then on the beat drop he opens them and it's just badass. then on the part where lethal deal kicks in killer drops in from nowhere incredibly excited and with a giddy little grin on his face. dust looks over to him and nods his head in acknowledgement and then assured prey starts up and horror slowly walks over to the two. dust looks at him again and scans him over while killer waves hi to horror and he just put his little bone axe thingy on his shoulder. the little build up starts and they just like get ready to fight and its SO COOL AND once the main song starts up killer and horror rush forward while dust spawns a shitton of blasters to hit thats stupid ass human. the human tries to run away from dust's blasters while also being chased by killer but then horror pops outta nowhere and swings them into dust's gaster blaster with his bone weapon like a damn baseball bat. i think that would be really cool. human dies
human returns from the dead and starts to rush forward. dust steps and starts to attack. killer enters the little fight as well but dust doesn't stop attacking nor does he try to avoid killer (he knows that killer can dodge whatever he throws at him and it just feels so GAY god.) they do this swapping in and out until killer moves over to horror, puts his hand on his shoulder, and walks behind him and disappearing ooooo spooky. then its Horror's turn and he's like a silent little bear trap. its literally impossible for the human to try and get a hit on him and it gets worse for them when killer comes back and fights with horror. they die and as soon as they respawn dust starts attacking them with the occasional surprise knife throw from killer. now theyre at the bridge where th music starts to drop and then get back up.
btw this is still based on the song i just. fuck..........
anyways NOW THEY'RE ALL ATTACKING together and its so awesome and cool and the beat drop is so fucking badass and I LOVE THESE GAY AS FUCKKSKSKKKSKSKSKSKSKAK GODDAMNNNNN IT IM GONNA DIE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY'RE ALL GAY FOR EACHOTHER. and then the key change???? they get even MORE VIOLENT ANS AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAH im gonna choke. a montage of the human dying multiple time plays at this part and im gonna choke screw it. then the human dies once again and they chill out for a bit and they all gather together as a group and are ready for them to respawn once again. UGH GOD I FUCKING WISH I COULD ANIMATE SO BADLY I COULD SOLVE ALL MY PROBLEMS AHAAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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sensebreakawake · 2 years
no but actually lets talk about it. ive posted about it before but i will not get over it ever sorry.
(rant about JYP and misogyny and stray kids, itzy, nmixx, and the stray kids survival show below)
stray kids survival show opens with the first challenge: choosing between the girls team and the boys team. they both do showcases and JYP chooses who gets to debut.
the girls team is organized by JYP (proto-itzy). the boys team is made by a trainee (chan).
okay. thats fine. chan has been a trainee for a LONG time and they want a new group and theyre seeing if this experimental self-made group can compete with a group that follows their tried and true formula.
(which we also kind of know is also because JYP believes more in their girl groups than their boy groups. they dont want to change a formula thats working.)
okay, so then the self-made group wins. why? to spare time and paraphrase his words: because JYP believes in their teamwork. even though it was rough at the edges, he felt a connection between the 9 of them as a group that was relying on themselves.
lets continue this project. its extensive: they make ALL of their own songs for every challenge in this show. their own raps, their own remixes, and even some of their own choreographies. and it works!! and they debut as 9, because everyone loves them so much, believes in them, and cant stand to see them seperated!
then the real challenge happens, of course, debut. district 9 is lukewarm. my pace is a hit. i am you is lukewarm. miroh is a hit AND a win!! side effects is lukewarm, even disliked. levanter is--hold on. uh oh woojin left and everything is going to shit. lets hold on for a second here, in the middle of this, right before miroh, itzy debuted!
now, at this point, stray kids is in their sort of wobbly era. they're a JYP group, so they're not necessarily flopping, but as someone watching from afar, i can tell you nothing here was notable save for my pace (i was pretty distant by 2019 and didn't hear of miroh until later when i started paying attention again) and i honestly forgot stray kids a lot.
so, sure. maybe it does get to me that the whole point of the initial surivial show showcase was to show who had more potential, and it proved that a self-made and self-coordinated group had an irresistible charm about its teamwork, and then they just went and fucked off with that to make itzy. itzy, a girl group formed by JYP with no hint of self-producing ideals in it and artificial messages about loving yourself. not a problem, of course, but after stray kids...? what was the message we were supposed to learn? with their earnest songs about self-image ("i am" series) and their teamwork that made people love them despite their flaws and amateurism?
so, i'll just say sure. stray kids is not stable yet and JYP is just running business as usual. this is the kpop industry! itzy's concept may bring up some questions, but everyone loves them.
we are officially in stray kids Mainstream Success Era. which i call this because i think at this point most kpop fans know who stray kids are. even as someone who was completely out of the kpop loop at this point i could not escape gods menu. and i could not escape back door, thunderous, or maniac that followed.
everyone knows stray kids, so many people LOVE stray kids, stray kids demands respect as a group that confidently and consistently creates all of their own music. and theyre fuckin killing it.
and then........ nmixx?
hold on a second
so we proved that earnest music and teamwork and self-production has not only brought you millions of adoring fans but also the most successful boy group your label has seen, and the second most succesful group your label has seen. sure, when itzy debuted, stray kids wasn't a sure success yet, but now...?
let me shorten this for you. the answer is this: JYP--and the industry at large--does not believe in women to do this kind of work.
they do not trust women with the funds to take risks and have a few wobbly years before finding their footing. they do not trust women to know what they are doing and to do the technical work and manufacture their own success.
female idols should be dolls. female idols are the muses. female idols cannot be trusted. only male idols get to be the poets and the producers.
if stray kids has said when they have the time they can make up to 1-3 songs a day, that they have hundreds of songs hiding in their files, they release songs completely separate from albums with no mv, no promotion no nothing, but because they want to, what the hell does it mean for one member to be the last writing credit on one song every 3rd album?
i want more because i know its fucking possible. and i know for a fact women are capable of it.
i really, really, want JYP to just take one risk and give a group of female artists the platform to be this free.
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doomsdayradio · 2 years
10. If you had unlimited money and opportunities, is there anything you’d want to do for your parts?
17. If you have friends with parts too, are you close on a part-by-part basis or more general whole people? Would you prefer it to be one way or the other?
18. Are there any reoccurring themes or symbolism in your system? Would you like to share about it?
30. Here’s your prompt to ramble about something parts-related you haven’t had a chance to share!
hope it's not too much
thanks for the asks🤭🤭
10. if you had unlimited money and opportunities, is there anything you'd want to do for your parts?
yknow i always have this weird little daydream about getting this huge mansion with a fuckton rooms for everyone in the sys to decorate and like rooms for everyones hobbies 😭? everyone having their own individual bedrooms irl would be kinda funny as fuck though because we usually wake up with a different fronter than we had when we went to sleep so imagine a mf just wakes up in someone elses room ICHSFHSHDHAHS thats kinda just a daydream i like to entertain though, realistically im not entirely sure? id probably still use it to entertain everyones hobbies and also maybe different things to wear for everyone so they feel more comfortable/more like themself when theyre fronting
17. if you have have friends with parts too, are you close on a part-by-part basis or more general whole people? would you prefer it to be one way or the other?
oh yeah we have multiple friends who are also systems and the way those friends work kinda vary depending on who it is? like we have one friend whos a system whos blurry or doesnt share whos fronting about 99% of the time so we're kinda friends with them on a general basis, but we have another friend whos also a system and theyre sorta like. a smaller system whos very open with us about whos fronting so its easier and nicer to have individual friendships with each of them (obviously i care about them in general as well lol)
i think i would say i prefer a more part-by-part basis type of friendship? but it does get difficult especially because a lot of the time we're blurry and we also have extended episodes where our brain attempts to go back to being entirely covert and we become uncomfortable sharing whos fronting
18. are there any reoccuring themes or symbolism in your system? would you like you share about it?
our system tends to have religious themes kinda?
like one of our gatekeepers is a god in source, our primary protector is part angel and thats kinda funny when compared to how one of our main persecutors is technically a demon, theres a sidesystem thats physically seperated from the rest of the innerworld and it is quite literally hell, one of our trauma holders has devil horns, ect ect, another one of our trauma holders is also part angel, ect ect. we do in fact have religion-related trauma though so that may explain it considering its in relation to the abuser we believe initially caused the system so he tends to have a lot of influence over it
30. here's your prompt to ramble about something parts related you havent had a chance to share?
uhhh im not sure. im just gonna fill this space by sharing a little rant i went on about how hand me my shovel, im going in! by will wood and the tapeworms hits different as the host of a DID sys
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. wasnt there a myth where ares dates demeter? (sometims erinyes instead) and they have a CHILD together? i know RS doesn't really research so it wont come up, but ... how awkward would that family reunion be? "hello, barely-legal version of the teenage girl i tried to mack on, i knocked up your mother"?
2. (Bit of a rant so be warned) I wish that RS had characterized everyone better, I mean I still can’t get over how Apollo was characterized (I got into LO before I fully delved into mythology and once I read on how Apollo really was I didn’t know how to feel about the story). It would’ve been so amazing if she portrayed them differently than they were in the myths in a way that made sense, like Aphrodite given a fully developed personality outside of being a bitch with a pretty face (she was a very loving mother in the myths and very much loved Ares, who adored her as well). And let’s be honest, persephone being a “cinnamon roll that can secretly kill you” trope is kind of getting boring, RS could have had some more fun with her character by portraying her much differently. Another trope that’s getting old is Demeter being an overprotective, controlling mess of a mother towards persephone which sucks once you really think about it (I mean the poor woman lost her daughter in an instant and didn’t know what was going on until she had to go to Helios to find out, she deserves a better portrayal than what RS gave her). Heck my favorite portrayal of Demeter that feels accurate to how she is mother-wise in the myths is from Mythic the Musical (“Mother’s Do What Mother’s Have to Do”). Also don’t get me started on how dirty she did Thetis (I love her design but my god was she done wrong personality and even role wise). I remember when I first started reading this and read through the majority of the comic and I genuinely loved it, not thinking about how weird it was until I read through this blog and it kind of just hit me. Hades is a creep in LO and he could’ve just not been written that way, she didn’t have to write Persephone as a literal 19 year old (even 119 is young for gods but at least that would’ve been a more comfortable number) the baby shower gift thing was gross once I thought about it again. If I had to put my main frustrations with this series I would put these as the main problems: Gods/Goddesses being done dirty in terms of personality and role in the story, Hades being a high key creep, I heard that Chiron is being portrayed as female which defeats one of the purposes of his character (he’s a genuinely kind man which is rare to find in Greek Mythology, he’s awesome), not utilizing other Greek mythological figures to help move the story along or even help persephone (for example, Ganymede who’s story starts off very much like hers or even other figures who were SA by gods), and Persephone not only being a self insert but a major Mary Sue which is a massive yikes when it comes to a serious storyline. Oh and her “erasing” the incest factor of Greek Mythology is hysterical because even with how she changes it up, Hades and Persephone are STILL technically related because Demeter is Hera’s sister, who is married to Zeus (Hades’ brother) still making Hades her uncle by marriage smh. Demeter considers Persephone her daughter so that doesn’t erase the incest completely. At least Percy Jackson made it clear that it was a thing, and they handled it very easily: they’re divine beings that don’t have blood and they’re not mortals, despite that Percy and the other demigods express obvious disgust at the topic. Done and done. At the end of the day I’m still not sure how I feel about LO and maybe I’ll continue reading it for the hell of it or just give it up since from what I’ve heard, the story has gone off the rails
3. i like how just off that timeline, we're supposed to feel like "aw look both hades and persephone had traumatic childhoods and important life changes at 19!" instead of being like yooooo this seven year beat the shit out of his dad and took him out? why would i care about hades' teen angst and then late 20s man pain whi lusts after a 9 year old when a goddamn second grader can kick ass? also yeah depending on this timeline theyre all pedos and zeus is actually a vicim 🤷🏼‍♀️
4. Okay, I could be misremembering things but, didn't Hera have a file on Persephone (which listed her under the TGOEM program) that she made for "possible suitors" purposes? And she included Hermes and Ares and Hades?
Again, I could be misremembering this but doesnt the TGOEM require the goddesses to, not be in relationships? Romantic or otherwise? And if thats the case, then why the f*ck was Hera making a "compatibility chart" of possible husbands for Persephone?
Was it because she noticed that Persephone and Hades had a thing for each other? Even though she was potentially still having an affair with Hades at the time And knowing he was having an off and on again relationship with Minthe?
Also isnt Persephone in college on the TGOEM scholarship? So wouldn't Hera want to like, talk to Athena + Hestia about that? And be like "Hey so I know Kore is in your program, but.... I want her to marry Hades" And I know Hera is technically Queen of the gods but wouldn't she still check with them?
Also, I had a seperate thought. So I know Hades says something like "I thought we agreed not to (see each other) back in the 80's" - now it feels like because Hera is/was having an off-and-on againa affair with her brother in law that her putting Hades and Persephone together and setting them up as a couple is an excuse for her to cover up her affair.
(Like if Zeus ever got wind of Hera's affair with Hades and he was upset she could just try to side sweep it by being like "oh, no thats not what was happening. I was really checking to see if Hades is a good match for Persephone and he is!" So she doesnt get in trouble for having an affair).
5. okay, legitimate question: if artemis having a ton of uber-devoted female followers is enough to make her a lesbian ... why is ares not gay? because like ... not only were soldiers/male athletes famously homosexual, a lot of them basically ritually gave themselves to ares. it's heavily implied that this means that they considered themselves spiritually his eromenos'. the whole practice's bad implics aside ... ares should be SUPER gay? oiled up gym-rats wrestling nude levels of gay.
6. Okay so normally I don't care and or don't want to know, but - in this case I am a bit curious - is Persephone just RS's self insert character / Mary sue? Because if she is then that means that all the other male characters simping over Persephone (Hades, Hermes, Ares, Apollo, etc) gets a lot more concerning.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 14 part b
Alright time for more reactions to Homesqaured- oh jeezus
the last one of these I did was from october last year, hoo boy alright brain time to get back on the time train things are happening fast
we last left off with me thinking they just fucking hilled Harry but I remembered the wrong house so Harrys fine, John not so much
Yeah, John sad but ooh Karkat shows up!
They seem to have a mutual conversation about lost youth and stuff, really makes these characters feel oold
“JOHN: jeez, i'm sorry karkat.
JOHN: i had no idea how much time had passed.
JOHN: i must have gotten a bit distracted by my house being blown up.“
Oh man, John thats a whole ass MOOD
lol at sburb allocated blow job
yeah Karkats right tho, John does kind of need a kick in the pants to see how he might have been useful here, but Johns still stuck in this rut of not seeing anything around him as Real real, so hes blind to all of the consequences of inaction
John its called derealization and depersonalization, you can get help for that yknow
But I mean, cant really blame him, hes being smothered by the fires of Doom all around him
Its interesting to see that Karkat, a Blood player, is more comfortable navigating through things that constrain them and tie them down, since constraint is something Blood and Doom have in common, Chains and Barriers and Laws and etc
Whereas John the Breath player, just gets bogged down, hes totally out of his element
so it ends up being like John: “Id like to cling to some funny moments of my youth pls and try to lighten the situation up a bit because I cant do anything when so heavy”
John: ):
Hmm, both Vriskas have been captured, but Annie basically rescued herself, knowing Vriska Prime she probably has a plan or an idea about that, see well see how that goes
Oh. Well I guess that was Dirk’s “plans” for Jane all along. Obviously he was using Jane as a vehicle to gather “players” for his eventually next session, interesting
But who has Jane kidnapped in total thus far?
Does Tavros count? he was certainly trapped with her for some amount of his life, but I dont know if that counts as a kidnapping, John certainly tried to kidnap HIM though from the epilogues
Annie certainly counts as being kidnapped
Vrissy has JUST been captured so that counts, and Harry so far is still fine
Which bodes so well for Harry’s future Im sure
Yeah, Vriska should have been able to not outwit any capture attempts, but my guess is either Vrissy got capture and Vriska dove in, OR, Vriska’s doing an inside job so to speak and got caught on purpose, dragging Vrissy along as well
I guess we’ll see when we see their “prison”
Anyway John, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re just ignorant to everythiong around you! thats why nothing makes sense and you can’t connect to anything, easy fix! Just try to learn more and care more about stuff lol
Man does this feel like a strong metaphor between people who are into/care about politics and people who feel like they can’t get into it though
Crossing that hurdle from one side to the other is rough
man, this is all feeling startlingly relevant to the current times, I should have read this sooner
hah, oh wow, Karkat when you phrase it like that, it’s almost as if you’ve become self aware of your tendencies to Moirail people out of their problems
Not really that out of character for a Blood player to end up being the Therapy Friend though lol
Just don’t burn yourself out on that though
JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: about you.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: you know, how you feel!
I know Karkat has probably matured past misunderstandings like this now given he’s really come into a great understanding of his Blood aspect, but by golly do I wish Karkat would misunderstand this as John’s attempts to be Moirail-reciprocal sdkjfhwlijebr
What a perfect way to continue their relationship, on top of more misconstrued romance quadrants XD
Spades is old Hat, Diamonds are in now babey
this started out funny, but Karkat’s emotional rant just ended up being depressing not funny ):
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I have to say though, it is REALLY interesting to see John’s depression manifesting in a very breathy sort of way
Karkat in these panels was more closer together, connected, but as John gets more and more depressed over the course of Karkat’s rant when he realizes Karkat doesn’t know dave died, the panels get seperated by lines of blue, and slowly drift off away from John and from eachother
but thats basically been hows its been manifesting all along
the more John feels Disconnected and Seperate from the reality he finds himself in, the more he finds his will untethered, the more depressed and unable to act he gets
and right now its so much so that even a fuller fledged Blood player is having trouble grounding him back down
I don’t know, I always viewed the depression metaphor as a dark watery void to sink into and feels heavy and encapsulating (but probably thats just my Light-y interpretation of it)
so its interesting to see the depression metaphor as this floating disconnection instead, so much that it leans towards derelaization/depersonalistion/dissociation as well
I wonder if John will start dealing with bouts of actual full blown dissociation as this gets worse?
I mean, Breath aspect has given the literal ability to ghost around wherever he pleases in all other ways, why not literally and physcologically as well?
So John seems to be fully overembracing his aspect here, to a very unhealthy degree here, which I see you asking “aha Dahni, but hes doesn’t have overblown self esteem here, quite the opposite, is this not an inverted state instead? or something else because hes acting like hes inverting to Breath?”
and I say not so! reader, for overembracing is the idea that through your aspect, your will is overwriting the wills of others, and in someone like Vriska, this manifests in a very selfish and over self esteemed way
but is not John’s will overwriting Karkat’s here? Through Breath? And isnt John also being a little selfish here? Considering how he feels about things, more important than how anyone else feels? How Karkat feels?
John is too dissociated to understand that this reality is Real and has Consequences he needs to care about, and Karkat is trying to fight against that, trying to instill his belief that no, this shit is real and it Matters Why Don’t You Care, trying to ground him, trying to give him that dose of Blood he needs
but John’s overembracing Breath is just, blowing that all away, its becoming too strong
Roxy in the epilogues dealt with this as well, when John was really in the shits with it and started to believe Roxy’s whole personality was somehow fake and his own construction, because he convinced himself Roxy would never choose to do the things she did, but Roxy was able to snap him out of it and make him understand and respect it was her own choices that led down his path, not the idea that John’s choices are somehow overriding everyones
But man, John sure is riding that Breath train way too hard, and he keeps snapping back into it as well
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Further and Further
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swatato · 4 years
They claim Blake slapping Sun hard in the face was a miscommunication. It was meant to be a more playful shoulder slap. But if that was the case why did they make her slap him again two times with greater force later? It's like they realized they made a mistake and double downed on it later despite making no sense at all?
Omfg the damn slapping in volume 4...god
Yeah I heard that Miles had explained how the slapping was an animation error due to miscommunication between the writers and the animators in a director’s commentary or smth but...it just sounds too convenient ngl. To save themselves from criticism once ppl called them out on it. I’ve never produced a show or animated one and ik its a huge and difficult project but i mean you’d think that 4 volumes into the show they’d have basic communication within the team down?? I guess I can see how “have blake give sun a silly tsundere smack on the shoulder” transformed into the lol sO FunNy slow-mo face slap the first time but idk what the excuse is for “and then have her dO IT AGAIN EXCEPT TWICE THIS TIME AND HAVE HER REACH HER ENTIRE ARM ALL THE WAY BACK WHILE SHE BERATES HIM-AND BE SURE TO SHOW SUN HISSING IN PAIN :)” like I-??? Did the miscommunication happen twice?? Also even if the slapping was not meant to be there it still would of had to have gotten the okay by any editors/miles himself (unless they dont look over the episodes before they get released??) to end up in the final product so no sIT DOWN.
Idrc about the show as much anymore, but what Im mad at is the way so many in the fndm defend this scene, and actively dismiss male abuse/suffering besides Sun’s in the show (but thats a whole seperate rant and others have already talked about it but ill elaborate if anyone cares) and honestly tumblr as a whole does this to irl male suffering.
Slapping sun was completely uncalled for. Blake had absolutely ZERO right to slap Sun like that and hes the LAST person to deserve it period. Nobody can ever just slap someone because they made them mAd. Idc. Its abusive. The double slap was not shown to be comical in the way tsundere types wack guys in anime. Her first slap was meant to be comedic (even though that slap was also totally unwarranted and not funny at all what the hell Blake) due to Sun’s lol slowmode reaction, but the slap and backhand later on are almost cruel. Blake’s goal was purely to harm him in that scene, and she had him hissing in pain. It was so jarring and uncomfortable to watch because Blake was already being ridiculous, but we’ve been shown these two becoming FRIENDS and FLIRTING and BONDING before this. Where tf is this rage coming from? Some clowns rly say “OH but nora got to slap ren so why is that fine?” Because the tone is COMPLETELY different; nora wanted to stop ren from losing himself to his grief/anger and getting himself hurt, not harm him herself. I hate how so many people were like “He iNterrupTed their conVersation >>::[[ its bAd MannErs >;((“ wtf??? Are yall children??? Some ppl out here have terrible double standards for getting ready to crucify any male character for anything but turn around and DEFEND the problematic and abusive shit raven, cinder, salem blake, coco, yang and ilia pull just because theyre hot women and ✨WoMen cAn Do no wrOng✨. Im 100% all for crucifying garbage guys who deserve it, but I just want the same energy towards women when they’re acting like trash as well. Women can be abusers, and men can be victims, and tumblr needs to quit dismissing male suffering.
If they really needed Blake to lose her crap, then thats fine. It shows the severity of how far blake was spiriling due to her depression. Its good because it delves into Blakes head, guilt, core flaws, and depicts the complexity of how the abused become abusers. But none of that excuses her actions, it just lets us know why shes acting that way. Its fine as long as, afterwards, they have Blake show some REMORSE and face some damn CONCEQUENCES for once, but she doesn’t!! Sun tells her to quit pushing her friends away and all is well in the world. She never apologizes, sun never calls her out on it, and the fndm celebrates it.
The whole thing just looks worse cuz later on Kali intrudes on Blake the EXACT SAME WAY but this time its absolutely fine and its just Lmao silly ol kali
She did acknowledge that Sun helped her a whole lot and thanked him a few times. She said how she was gonna apply his message of being there for a friend in order to help ilia, and that was good, but idk its just not the same as her confronting sun and saying “Hey. Im sorry for how I treated you. I was wrong and you didn’t deserve it”
Im not even gonna start with the whole B-buT He sTaLked Her!! ;(( bs
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tillman · 5 years
Okay I got into Arthurian legends bec of fate (and I’m madly in love w fates iteration of Gawain which I know isn’t v true to legend. But fate took legend Gawain and w his regrets of how he handled gareths death makes him fiercely loyal to his king bec of looming regrets) and I wanted to know what you think of the fate versions of the knights of the round table.
Also I despise the lion king in the Camelot singularity bec of her calling on the knights and the ones holding the most guilt followed her and the ones who refused her summon she slew bec she saw them as treasonous. Which means she likely made Gawain kill gareth or kill her in front of him to prove his loyalty The Lion King (in fate) makes me feral because she used her knights regrets from their first lives to make them commit war crimes to try and atone for their guilt in their first life.
Sorry I’m kinda tipsy and have a lot of feelings about Fate and the knights.
NO NO NO YOU ARE SOOO VALID. i have so many thoughts about them i think about the camelot singualrity so much. also hi i hoppped on my compiter to type thjis faster cus itll be kinda long so please forgive the typos i am SPEED running thorugh this. 
ok the first thing i wanna go crazy over is gareth actually plays a HUGE roll in the build up to the singularity which is mainly why i get so fucking emotinal oevr fates gareth. like GOD it really gets my blood boiling what they did with her. gareth sides with the lion king, only for lancelot. gawain DOES kill gaheris. which is EXTREMELY FUCKED UP and i have ranted about in the past. it makes me so mad. anyways gareth follows lancelot into the holy land which. i have a lot to say baout that but jesus fuck it makes me so IAWOSHFO HMY god i want to scream. anyways gareth in the end is the one to bring richards death. the only way to actually defeat him is with someone holding him back so the others can kill him, and gareth, so drained and upset by having to kill ltierally people she knew and loved begs the other knights around her to kill her. her actual quotes being
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Even though I chose this.""I can't bear it any longer. I can't fight any more. Please. Please.""I'm a fool. Please, punish me."
which holy fucking shit bro dont make me read this . thats my daughter i never want to read that ever in my life. the parallels between her and lancelots wishes for punishment gets me crazy but thats again a whole seperate thing. anyways. everyone hesitates becuase thats FUCKING GARETH?? lancelot because he understands, but physically cant bring himself to kill her again. mordred gets pissed because its STUPID and cant see his sister die again. aggaravain understands and like.. is about to swing but gawain as a final like. “im done” ends up swinging and killing garetrh like holy fucking shit i hate fate. 
anyways i do genuinely like fates interpretation of gawain i think its an interesting take on his loyalty and character even if in camelot hes just so traumatized by all thats happened he looses all passion and all things that make him like. gawain it makes me mad at him but i understnad it i really do.
SORRY this is absolutely a rambly messi h ave a lot to say baout the fate handling of the legends but god the camelot singularity messes me up so much if only for gareths involvement. i like her.
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Not What I Expected - Kylo Ren Imagine: Part 1
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Part 1 [SB] / Part 2 [AS]
You are stranded on a planet with Kylo Ren, at first you thought that it would be a nightmare. However, it turns out that he has another side to him thats seperate to hisffriey temper and hot shot persona as the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He relaxes and become less insufferable and more intriguing with every hour you spend with him. Wandering around the forest looking for shelter you find yourself slowly beginning to catch feelings for him…
Warnings: Slow Burn
*Disclaimer: Not my Gif
You watched as another one of your ships was blown out of the sky, the resistance had taken you by surprise. You had 10 ships no match for their twenty, they ducked and dived and seemed to fire consistently leaving you to just attempt to doge them and with little time to return fire. You watched Kylos ship doing the same, he seemed to angrily attempt to return fire his moves getting more and more risky with each passing second. You drew the line when his ship just narrowly missed 2 resistance ships that were barrelling down at him.
“We need to jump to hyperspace now it is the only way we will be able to shake them!” you yelled through the radio over the fire from the resistance ships.
“No” came the agitated voice of Kylo Ren. “If we jump to hyperspace then we will have to land on the first planet that we see and we will be stranded he roared his angry tone made you flinch as you dodged and dived yet again.
“We have to go now! They can’t track us through hyperspace it’s the best chance we have!” you yelled back no longer caring that you were talking to the supreme leader, and letting the panic and frustration flow out of you.
Your only focus now was getting out of this situation alive, and trying to save the supreme leader no matter how difficult it proved.
“I’m sending you the coordinates, to a planet that we can reach. Follow me or die” you said reaching up and clicking buttons on your ship before bracing and pulling the last leaver. You didn’t wait for his reply, you had been a pilot long enough to know that there was no way the two of you could take on 20 plus ships especially not with the amount of fuel the two of you had left. Blue and black lines whizzed past and then suddenly your ship came to a stop and your eyes dated to the scanner and you held your breath. You listened, it was quite, and your ears rang, you had spent the better part of an hour watching you ships fall to no stop gun fire. It was deafening, you placed your hand over your watch face and stared at the scanner.
“Come on” you whispered starting at the screen begging for another blip to appear.
You closed your eyes and then suddenly you heard an audible beep. You opened them and looked down at the scanner to see a little blip, you leant forward and looked to your left, Kylo Ren’s ship was next to yours.
“Good choice” whispered before reaching over and turning the communication line back on. “I think we have enough power to get down, definitely enough to get through the atmosphere. Again, follow me”
The only response you got was an angry grunt, him likely not amused to be the one taking orders rather than delivering them. Shaking your head you drifted towards the planet, you glanced over at your blaster and wondered if you would be able to shoot him if he attacked you. Probably not, he can easily deflect them with his lightsabre.
You clenched your jaw and then headed down towards the planet the fuel gauge flashing in the corner of your eye. The little beeps indicated that Kylos ship was following you down. You watched as you burst through the cloud layer and down towards the lush green forest below, your eyes scanned the foliage for anywhere to land your vessels, eventually your eyes found one. You steered towards it silently wishing that you could cruise over the beautiful sight for just a little longer but the red blinking of the fuel gauge suggested that it really wouldn’t be a good idea.
Your ship went into auto pilot as you lowered the landing gear, it spun slowly finding the best and most stable position to land in. Eventually you felt the legs come in contact with the ground with a small jolt, the second the ship stopped moving you reached up and turned it off the door popping open automatically. There was no point in using any more power, than needed as you pressed the button that sent off the encrypted SOS message. You watched Kylos ship land in front of yours through the large window, dread rising in the pit of your stomach as his masked face glanced over at you before jumping up and heading out of sight. A moment later you watched as the ramp lowered and his tall broad, menacing silhouette stormed down it.
Cracking your neck you let out a sigh before grabbing your blaster and jumping over your seat picking up your emergency backpack slinging it on and trekking down your ramp to meet with a very pissed off supreme leader.
You smiled as you jumped from the ramp onto the soft mossy grass, after so many months with nothing but metal under your feet the feeling was a welcome relief. The ground quite literally gave you a spring in your step as you headed over to where Kylo Ren was standing.
“I could kill you” he said as you stopped in front of him, his robotic voice and the expressionless mask amplifying the dread you felt.
“Well that wouldn’t be very nice” you replied trying to crack a smile and hide the fact that you were quite literally terrified of him.
“This is your fault” he said again, you had flown with Kylo many times and heard his real voice over the radio more times than you could count. You had never seen his face though, only ever the mask.
“Yeah its my fault that we are alive and if you want to stay that way then you need to listen to everything I say” you replied your grip on blaster tightening as your heart hammered in your chest survival mode beginning to take over as you took in your surroundings.
If he pulled his lightsabre there would be little you could do to stop him from cutting you down where you stood, but you were sure going to at least attempt to fight back regardless of how pointless it would be.
“Look we’ve flown loads of missions together so lets just cut the crap, down here our ranks don’t matter. The wildlife out there doesn’t care if you’re the supreme leader, to them your nothing more than a meal. So, we can either work together or I am going to walk into that forest and let you die.” You said your survival instinct kicking in once again as the wind rustled through the trees and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as the eerie feeling of being watched washed over you.
“Okay” he said matter of factly, he raised his hands to his helmet, and you frowned for a second heart hammering yet again, before you realised what was happening.
He placed his hands on either side of his mask and there was a small click and then a hiss of air as the mouthpiece of his helmet moved forward. He lifted the helmet off his head. He shook his head causing a cascade of raven black shoulder length curls to fall around his face. He dropped his helmet to his side and looked over at you with his deep almost black eyes. His face contorted into a frown as he noticed the expression on your face.
“What?” he asked looking less than amused.
“Nothing” you said shaking your head and averting your eyes. You walked in the direction of his space ship and as you past him you mumbled. “Just not what I expected”
You had your back to him, so you hadn’t seen his expression change from annoyance to amusement as he smirked, shook his head, picked up his helmet and followed after you.
“What are we looking for?” he said placing his helmet down in his spaceship as he lent against the doorframe and crossed his arms.
“Anything that we could use to survive here” you replied looking in all the cabinets and compartments that he had in his ship.
He didn’t move, he just followed you with his eyes a curious expression on his face.
“Come on we don’t have much time” you said stopping your frantic searching for a brief moment to motion for him to look too.
He stuck his tongue in his cheek and smiled shaking his head before stepping forwards and opening the cupboard near him he looked in it for a brief second before frowning closing it and turning to you again crossing his arms and frowning.
“You don’t give the orders I’m the Supreme Leader, that’s my job” he said in an authoritative tone crossing his arms again.
You took a deep breath and then let it out in an audible sigh.
“Look, I grew up on a planet like this one. It looks positively delightful in the daytime, with the sunlight pouring through the green leaves, moss and flowers covering the ground. But at night it all changes. It gets cold, colder than you’ve probably experience. Everything freezes but that okay because all the plants here have adapted to that, the problem is we haven’t. So we need to find a cave and firewood, somewhere to wait out the cold for a day or two until the First Order picks up our signal. Now you can throw your weight around and repeat your title to me over and over or you can help me, because its starting to get dark and we only have a few hours before this whole place turns into a deep freeze. Long story short we work together as equals or we die” you ranted, you anger and frustration at his naivety taking over you.
“No one has ever spoke to me like that before… and lived” he growled.
Those words should have been menacing and sent shivers up your spine. But the way he said it, in such a playful tone his eyes filled with curiosity.
“I have a little sister back on the ship, if I don’t make it back then she is going to be all alone in this world. SO please god just help me!” you yelled, beggining to get annoyed at him yo-yo of emotions.
He smiled again, watching you open and close the cupboards angrily, admiring how cute your expression was.
“Okay fine cupboard up on the left there’s an emergency pack filled with medical supplies and blankets” he said vaguely gesturing with his gloved hand.
“Okay” you opened it took out the bag and threw it in his direction. He caught it with ease and slung it over his shoulder.
“Do you have a blaster around here or something?” you asked your eyes darting around.
“Yeah here” he said opening a compartment near him and taking out the same model as you had.
“Okay so that’s it right” you said scanning the ship one last time before heading towards the door.
“Yeah” he replied watching you again with moderate fascination as you brushed past him, down the ramp and back outside. He punched a button and grabbed his helmet before jogging down the ramp after you. As his feet touched the ground the ramp began to raise until it clicked shut.
“So why don’t we stay inside the ships and wait out the cold there?” he asked following you as you headed into the thick of the forest, he already knew the answer but he was sort of enjoying the way you were speaking to him, he had never experienced it before.
“We don’t have enough fuel to power the heaters and send out the distress signal, we don’t know how long it could take for them to find us so we need the distress signal to go on for as long as possible” you replied stepping over a fallen log, frowning slightly wondering why he would ask something so stupid.
He fell into stride with you and the two of you walked in silence for a few minutes as you tried to wrap your head around what the hell was happening. You were wandering around a forest with Kylo Ren, but it he wasn’t like the Kylo so many people had grown to fear, in fact he was nothing at all like what you had expected. But it sort of made you happy, you kept stealing glances in his direction. Each time you noticed something different about him, how full his lips were or how angled his jawline was. You had expected a horrific creature to reside under the mask but instead there was this guy, who if you dressed him in fine clothes could pass for a prince not the ruthless leader of the first order.
“Its warm” he said in an attempt to make conversation, he had just caught you looking in his direction and it made him smile as he had been doing the same. However, these feelings confused him a little, he hadn’t felt this comfortable around someone for a long time and it was almost like his body was longing for it. He tried to maintain his emotionless expression and authoritative stance as the two of you walked but you made him want to relax.
“Well you are wearing a lot of layers, take a few off” you replied glancing at him briefly before looking back to the endless green forest.
He smirked at your comment and shook his head a little biting his tongue.
“Did you just tell me to take my clothes off” he said in a serious authoritarian tone.
Your heart skipped a beat and you turned to look at him wide eyes and ready to apologise profusely and beg him not to shoot you. But instead of seeing an angry scow you saw a small smile as he raised his eyebrow at you and flashed you a cheeky smile. You clenched your jaw in an attempt not to smile but failed and shook your head bringing your attention back to where you were going. Your cheeks blazing red.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he removed his gloves and put them in his helmet before putting them into his bag. Then you watched as he unbuttoned his jacket. You took a breath and tried to turn your attention back to navigation.
You had got a little lost in thought when suddenly Kylo stopped.
“What the hell was that?” he whispered, you looked down to see that he had his arm outstretched in front of you in a protective manner and his back slightly turned to you as his he slowly looked around.
He had raised his blaster so it was pointing out in front of him.
“Run” he said grabbing your hand and running through the undergrowth. He led the way as he dragged your though the forest branches hitting your face and leaves tangling in your hair. You strained your ears to try and determine whether or not something was following you but the pace at which you were traveling and the amount of concentration it took not to loose your footing and keep up with Kylo took all the concentration that you had.
Suddenly he came to a stop and would have barrelled right into him if he hadn’t pulled you around to his side.
“What the hell did you see?” you asked dropping your hand and doubling over to keep yourself from puking as you took in great lungful’s of air.
“I don’t know I just heard something” he said his eyes darting around looking back the way that you had come.
“Well I didn’t here anything chasing us, did you see it?” you asked your breath burning your throat and lungs your eyes watering.
“No” he said grabbing his open jacket and flapping it open and closed in an attempt to cool himself down before giving up and removing it all together.
“So its entirely possible that the great and powerful Kylo Ren just ran from a strong gust of wind” you said straightening up your chest still heaving but not as badly as moments ago.
He scowled in your direction and clenched his jaw as he kneeled down and stuffed his jacket into hi bag, just leaving him in a sweat and humidity drenched long sleeved undershirt.
“It sounded big” he breathed his voice laced with anger, shaking his head and standing up, slinging his bag over his shoulder again.
“Okay, Okay. Its entirely possible that you did see something” you replied holding your hands up palms facing him in a small surrender. “We’ll keep an eye out, a planet like this is bound to have some sort of wildlife so let’s try and stay out of its way you said before starting to continue in the direction you had been running.
"Wait” he said and you turned to him and looked back down the way you had come your heart hammering.
“Oh no I don’t see anything its, well you just have some leaves in your hair” he said gesturing up at you before he slung his bag back over his shoulder.
“Well that’s entirely your fault, I lost count of how many trees I hit on the way” you said your hands going to your head, your French braided hair was now messy and filled with leaves and twigs.
You scrambled to pull them out wincing as you accidently tugged some hair.
“Wait no here, let me help,” he said concerned stepping in front of you and gently plucking the leaves out of your hair, he brought your braid round to the front, his fingers briefly brushing your neck sending fireworks down your back, he carefully picked out the leaves and twigs that were lodged in it.
He smiled once he finished in an adorable way seeming to be proud of his work, you hadn’t realised but you had been staring at him the entire time he had been working. His eyes met yours.
“There now your look a little less like a crazy forest dweller” he said with a small laugh He winked at you before brushing past you. “It’s this way yeah?” he finished heading off into the forest.
You stood there for a second before letting out a small laugh before turning on your heel and following him.
5 notes · View notes
talkingtotheapples · 6 years
tell us about the use of repetition in camisado!! im rly interested now ngl that sort of thing is my shit
im so sorry anon cos you sent this like weeeeeks ago but i honestly couldnt figure out how to translate my ‘10pm rant in my bedroom’ thoughts, into like an understandble reply, but here go:
So the thing I love so much about the use of repetition in Camisado is that Ryan is very much using it to convey emotion, primarily the sense of distress, rather than just using it to fill space in the song/be catchy/highlight important lines(all valid reasons and he is doing the last one as well)
but, the repetition isnt neat in the song, it doesnt exactly have this clean ridged structure, like if you actually look at the lyrics
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Each aspect of the song is repeated at least once, and there is an order to it but it does start to jumble, particularly the ‘can’t take the kid from the fight’ section which kind of wonders about the song almost as a chorus but really not. and the way you have the ‘decorated emergency’ line originally as this stand alone that then spans into a section of its own. the way the repetitions works starts of with the whole song being repeated in order(minus the opening lines but the change in music theme signposts to you that that part is kind of seperate from the rest of the song anyway) but then at the end the newer e-f part repeats on it own before we jump back to the ‘cant take the kid from the fight’ bit. and over all there isnt a strict chorus/verses/bridge structure that you see in basically any other song off afycso(which really indicates to me that this is all purposeful rather than him just not knowing how to write a clean structure)
The way the song is written feels to me like an echo of how one’s thought process(or at least mine) works when we’re really distressed, this running around in circles, jumbling mess, changing and repeating, and running over the series of events over and over, this goes hand in hand with bother the lyrics and the frantic upset sound of the music, hes not just telling you he’s distressed in the songs content He’s showing you in the structure and i just think thats really cool!
50 notes · View notes
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
"Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it.  Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car.   How does insurance on a car work?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
A 125cc Scooter in California?
I want to get a 125cc scooter just because it does use a lot of gas. In California, does a 125cc scooter need a license plate? Do I need to buy an insurance? Do I need a driver license? Do I have to ride on the bike lane? or I can ride as a car? How do I make a left turn? How do I park my scooter? park it as a car (occupy a car parking spot)? It's in California. Thank you very much""
Cop Didn't ask for proof of insurance or registration.?
So i got pulled over for going 28 over the speed limit haha..... It was on a highway and the speed limit was 55 i was going 83 ..... Im from florida and my car and license are all registered in florida but im in georgia right now living with a friend trying to attend college (except i cant find a job cause the worlds slowly dieing lol) But anyways so i get pulled over by this state patrol narcotics douche bag who mind you has no teeth to begin with and in my mind either his mom beat his teeth out of his head or hes a recovering crack head who had lost all of his teeth over the years. Either way he pulls me over and says You were going 83 on a 55 , may i see your license I give him my license he goes back in the car and yeh i was thinking he didnt ask for my proof of insurance or registraion. I would think that he would considering im from out of state. **** Im gonna rant on how this narcotics officer frisked me my question will be at the bottom lol***** So yeh he comes back to the car after running my license and tells me to get out of the car..... I was at this point like .... Ok? So i get out go to the back and he says I asked you to get out cause i see your eyes are red I told him ummm it could be the fact that im allergic to dust and pollen and im driving with the windows down, i rub my eyes cause they itch thusly they get irritated. So i said either its that or the fact that i just got no sleep from the night before and drove my friend up to north carolina. And he then proceeded to ask if he could search my car. Im a month from being 20 and never got pulled over before and ofcourse i said yeh w.e. I smoke cigarettes and when he went to go search my car he comes out freaking out. IS THERE ANY DRUGS IN THE CAR OR ALCOHOL i was like no.... and hes like WELL IF I FIND ONE SEED OF MARIJUANA YOUR GETTING LOCKED UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ ... i was like ok go ahead i dont have anything so thusly he didnt find anything cause i didnt have anything . He finds a vitamin water bottle that wasnt even mine it was my friends girlfriends and he smelt it and said there was alcohol in it...... i was tempted to call him a lunatic and a retard but didnt and just said uhh no thats just vitamin water, so he threw it out and then i went on my marry way with a court date and a crazy speed limit infraction lol. ******* heres the question **** Is it mandatory for a cop to ask for proof of insurance and registration or does it even matter? Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing lol Sean""
Does anyone know how to get cheap car insurance in the bronx ?
Does anyone know how to get cheap car insurance in the bronx ?
Does the color of your car effect your insurance rate? is it a myth or true??
I want to buy a car but i've heard so many diff. myths about the color effecting your insurance rate. Just wondering...
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old to own a 2002 BMW 330i?
I'm 16 and was wondering how much (about) it would cost for me to insure my 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn't have to be exact because I know there are plenty of factors.. Just ABOUT how much. Additionally, I dont want any answers like oh you'll just crash it. Give me a legit answer.""
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
How much would car insurance be im 17?
Hello im a male and im 17 my car is a 1996 honda del sol And does insurance also depend on age,car, and area u live?""
Car insurance for my car?
I'm looking for cheap full coverage for my car , I only need comp and collision for my car , that is all I need. Any advice or help would be appreciated , I live in Texas""
Help! Car insurance suspension and keep no claims!?
Hey, need some urgent advise please! I'm intending on selling my car and am currently 6 months into my car insurance - the menace in this is I intend to purchase another car though my insurance aren't able to insure it though others are! Is there any possible way I can maintain my current insurance to btain the NCB and just become insured by a alternate insurer for my new purchased car? My method was suspending my current insurance and then cancelling at renewal (therefor obtaining no claims?) Need a real helping hand please!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for undr 25's in Texas?
Please provide me with the web address if possible.
Do teens need insurance when they are issued their learner's permit?
And if so what is the cheapest, most discounted method to get insurance?""
I have a 19 y\r girl who needs insurance (hasnt found job as no ones hiring here). Not in school. i need names?
We moved to Al to a smallnd no ones hiring and she isnt in college because we cant afford it. So turning 19 means shes no longer under hubbys ins. So we need affordable monthly payments for her to be able to go to dr, hospital etc...without us paying a LOT a month. I would like some insurance company names to check them out""
What is the cheapest and most affordable auto insurance?
i live in illinois
How much did you pay for your motorhome tires?
i am curious about the cost of tires on the different types of motorhomes? i am also curious about the cost of insurance? routine maintenance? and whatever else may be important in the cost of ownership between a class A and a class C motorhome?
Why does this motorcycle insurance quote from progressive sound too good to be true?
I'm 17 a year old male; my 12 month progressive quote came up as $161 for motorcycle insurance. Why is it so inexpensive when everyone around me says it's going to be expensive!!! Did I just type something in wrong or what? I don't know if this helps, but I live in a rural town in Oregon(population: about 3000) and have had my drivers license for one year and four months. I'm taking the motorcycle safety course at the end of August, and the bike I entered into progressive is a 1984 VF500F Honda Interceptor. I hope it's only $161/yr because that's a fraction of what I pay for car insurance!!!! XD""
Approximately how much does auto insurance cost for an 18 yr old new driver?
Full coverage and/or liability. I just need a ballpark figure to see if I can afford to pay for my son's auto ins.
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
Globe Life Insurance Policy for children?
I've had a Globe Life insurance policy for my Daughter since just after she was born, didn't really think about it as it seemed like a great idea when I got their information in the mail. My Daughter will be 8 years old this February, I simply want to do whatever is best for her. I guess my question is three-fold, am I doing the right thing with this, is this a good policy to have, and lastly should I continue with this? Maybe one more, should I increase the coverage?""
Can insurance change your vehicle designation?
repairs on my motorcycle which included frame change were authorized by my insurance. However the new frame came w/o a vin # which I had to get stamped for a new title. Now I have a specialty constructed vehicle , which is not for resale in California. is this legal?""
""How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?""
How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?""
Car insurance problem?
I moved recently from California to Arizona for a new job. About a week ago, I received a letter in the mail from the California DMV stating that if I don't get at least liability insurance on my car, my car's registration will be nullified. The insurance company I had while in California only services California. My dad suggested that I call that company and tell them that my job is only temporary for a few months (so that I might get my old policy back). I think that during my move, I neglected to pay my car insurance bills because when I log on to the site to check the status of my account, they don't have a listing for me. I know this might be a little confusing but I think what I need to do is get my car registered in Arizona, get insurance out here and then call the California DMV and tell them that I moved. I just want to know if that is the proper procedure for my circumstance. Thank you. I really hope this makes sense.""
Should 17 year old pay their insurance?
What age should they start? And is 300 horsepower on a car fast? How much would a car that fast cost? Too fast for a 17 year old?
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it.  Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car.   How does insurance on a car work?
Whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much?
whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
""How much a month is the average homeowners insurance payment on a 100,000 home?
Young adult health insurance?
Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?""
How much would an '89 Mercedes 300e cost for insurance?
So my dad has found a really good deal on a potential car for me in really good condition. It's a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. Do you think that since this is a 22 year old car that it'd be a ridiculous amount to insure because of the Mercedes badge? Or do you think I could afford it with a job? My insurance company would be allstate, on my parents plan, I have a 4.0GPA and I plan on taking drivers ed. Advice?""
Is insurance necessary for a scooter over 50cc?
I know that in FL, at least, one does *not* need insurance for a scooter that has 50cc, and one does not need a special license. However, once you surpass 50cc (like, for example, 150 or 200cc), then a motorcycle license is required (or so I've been told). So, if I were to cough up $3,399 for a Piaggio Fly 150cc, would I also need insurance? I mean, if I would, I would simply settle for the $1,499 scooter in town made by some random company. I've heard good things about it, but Piaggio has name to it, y'know? Anyway, I was just wondering about the insurance deal. Thank you!""
Insurance question minor accident no damage to my car?
Hi, A driver made a reverse and hit my bimper. nothing happenned to my car but his step bumper is a bit bent. not the secretary of the company called wants me to pay around $2000! or ...mostrar ms""
Insurance or out-of-pocket?
The bumber and trunk of my new 2006 Honda Civic was hit by someone unknown when my car was parked in a lot. The damage is a sizeable dent. How much will it cost for a repair in the dealership? Is it better to pay it myself or let the insurance do it (worry about increasing insurance rate). Any other ideas will help? Thanks
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
How much will my car insurance go up after my exhibition of speed (racing) ticket?
He didn't write down a speed or anything on the ticket. I'm 17 and have allstate if that helps.
How much will insurance cost me?
I'm 20 years old. clean driving record. the vehicle is a 1993 civic hatchback CX. also i would like to put full coverage on the car. i live in south east wisconsin and i will be the only one driving the car. if anyone can give me a rough estimate or a website that can give me an estimate but i don't have to fill out personal info that would be great thanks.
""On average, how much does it cost to purchase and maintain a car? (insurance, car note, gas, tags, etc).?
i am 17 years old and a senior in high school and i would like to own and drive a car as soon as possible. please help!
What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens?
I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance.""
Whats the website for high school sports insurance?
They use to give the application on paper but now it's online, I forgot the website, what is the website for it?""
Best Maternity related insurance in California?
Hi, I work as a consultant and looking for a best medical insurance for my spouse for pregnancy in California. Though we have insurance, not sure if its the best in this state. She is not yet pregnant. What would be the average charges for a good medical insurance in this state for pregnancy. Your answers highly appreciated.""
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
How much does insurance cost for a teenager?
I'm seventeen years old and I'm going to have to pay for it on my own, and I'm just curious what I might be paying? I live in California and I'll be driving a 99 jeep Cherokee.""
Would insurance for a mustang cost alot for a 16 yr girl with a B average?
i would be on my dad's insurance. i wouldn't get a new one; the one i'd get would probably be from the 80's or 90's. and if it would be alot, is there another fast-looking (it doesn't have to actually be fast) that wouldn't be too expensive for insurance?""
What is the difference between term life insurance and cash value life insurance.?
which one is better if you are starting your own business. also how much time you need to have to cash it out all the money from the term life insurance. Moreover, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both of these options?""
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is some cheap health insurance?
Why are liberals comparing health insurance with car insurance?
When has the government forced people to drive or buy cars? The best way to avoid car insurance is by not owning a car, but with Obamacare if I refuse his wonderful medical care I get fined. I don't understand liberals, first they complain about the big bad pharmaceutical companies, but now they are cheering a law that forces people to buy insurance from those same companies. What if the companies can't afford to give everyones insurance? will Obama bail the out with borrowed money...again?""
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Car insurance - first time driver?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? Thanks! Also, I have a job so I will be paying for everything. Not my parents. I put in the quote that I had a full driving license, not provisional which I have. Just that I hadn't bought the car. I clicked on one of the quotes & it showed 11 monthly payments of 66.27 and the full total as 798.49 BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor?""
How to see a doctor without health insurance?
im a student living in southern california. i havent seen a doctor in years because i cant afford health insurance, but recently ive noticed that i may have an issue that should be checked out by a doctor. how do i go about seeing one? what do i do? where should i go? any advice or tips would be very helpful. at this point i dont care how much debt i have to incur to do it, i just need to do it. thanks.""
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it.  Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car.   How does insurance on a car work?
Whats the average cost for teen motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I am 16 years old and I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I live in a rural part of CA with low crime rate. I want liability only and have maintained a 4.2 gpa if that helps with insurance costs
Show car insurance for 99 mustang?
I have a 1999 Mustang show car and My insurance is really high. I have no tickets etc. I have been looking for some show car insurance so my dad does not have to pay soo munch. Most show car insurance say that you have to have it in an enclosed garage or something but I don't have room so it is in my drive way covered up.is is there any show car insurance or good insurance that is not so high??
About how much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
i am 18 and have been driving for around 1 and a half years (car) and would like to get a motorcycle, i've never missed a payment, have never been in an accident, and have taken the msf course my first bike will most likely be a used kawasaki vulcan 500cc or a used yamaha vstar 650cc""
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Are there any auto insurance companies who dont penalize or raise rates based on a lapse in coverage?
I have gone uninsured for over a few months in Iowa due to being dead broke & am looking into getting coverage again....are there any companies that offer lower penalties than most or no penalties at all? Can an insurance company even check for themselves if you have had previous coverage or do they just rely on your word? If so....tempting lol. Also are there any other options im not thinking of? Any suggestions welcome...Thanks in advance! :)
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
""What if i don't have a social security number, can i still buy car insurance?""
I am an illegal alien here in chicago, illinois but i have a car that i drive to and from indiana (about a 40 minute drive). I want to purchase car insurance but i do not know if i can. what do i need to buy insurance in illinois. do you know if i can purchase it online or which insurance company would sell me an insurance policy? please help as soon as possible.""
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
How much would my insurance go up if I put a body kit on my car?
I have a 1.3 Ford Fiesta LX mk6 and it looks really bad. I want to put a Fiesta ST body kit on it (front bumper, side skirts and rear bumper). Im 17 and have only just passed my test and got the car. Im on my mums insurance as a second with directline driver and the insurance is 912 per year. Would it go up a lot if I were to do this? Thanks.""
Looking for auto insurance good rates im 21 in Chicago any suggestion?
Hi I live in Chicago and was trying to find a better auto insurance one who could handle claims quickly has anyone ever had auto insurance with Lincoln Auto Insurance I was wondering how they handle claims.
Best Car For Cheap Car Insurance?
I am looking for a used car that will be of good quality, reliability and value. In addition, I would like the insurance to be as low as possible. Any thoughts on specific models that meet these requirements?""
What is the best choice for a college student with no health insurance?
I am a 20 year old (21 in December) who is a sophomore in college. I have absolutely no form of insurance-health, dental, etc.- and I have been wondering what is the best choice for me? I know this is a problem and I need to get some, but I am clueless. What companies are best? What should I be looking for? What do I need/not need? HELP!""
Where is my car insurance?
Which insurance campaign insured my car
Car insurance for a 21 year old?
Im 21 years old. living in the uk. i pay 1,2500 a year on a citron Zara Picasso im 2nd driver as my mum is 1st driver. iv been driving since January 2010, i have done pass plus too, i am looking to get a car so i can get cheap insurance. my mate pays 800 a year hes been driving for 3 years, he drives a ford KA.""
Why does / or should my Car insurance RISE?
Since I have changed my car insurance co, my insurance rates had dropped... only in small amounts - but they have dropped over the past few periods. Suddenly, my rates RISE! =:-o I have had no tickets, no accidents, no reason on my record leaning toward any reason to rise my insurance costs. - I am calling my agent, tomorrow to ask about this. Should I expect the reply to be all insurance rates rise... there is no avoiding it! or how should I design AN ANSWER to this issue to develop a $aving reply?""
Best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
im 19 make live in UK where is the best place to get cheap car insurance, any help appreciated""
Is it legal to be declined health insurance for this reason?
I applied with a major insurance company in California, am a single vegetarian in my mid/late 30s no children, extremely healthy never been diagnosed with anything, exercise regularly. I guess they dug up that I had taken a fertility drug in the past - I was never even diagnosed as infertile - it's a really cheap common drug that stimulates your ovaries to produce more eggs but I had no partner to get pregnant with so to was just something I got from a fertility doctor if I wanted to get pregnant with donor sperm. That's not even covered by insurance if I ever want to do that again and the drug's like $20 you can practically get it over the counter it's so common I know tons of women who use it. I didn't even apply for maternity care to be included in my insurance, just a basic policy. Is it legal for them to decline me because of this? So if a woman has a baby they are no longer eligible for insurance? Most women who get pregnant take this drug (including both my sisters) yet they still have insurance. Was it legal for the pharmacy to give them this info? I don't know how else they found out.""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Can my parents insure my car?
Planing on fianacing a car with my father a cosigner can he insure my car? Has anyone done this before? Or is currently doing this?
Car insurance and crash?
so i am 17 and i got in my first car crash since ive got my license about half a year ago. the car crash damages were about 5 thousand on a 8 thousand dollar car. does that mean my insurance is going to shoot up? and im not gonna be able to drive?
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
Now i know i need insurance?
but know what kind of insurance would i need because these are only 14 ft jhon boats
Classic car insurance?
I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.
How much more does insurance for a left hand drive vehicle cost in the UK?
If I bought a left hand drive VW camper and insured it I the UK, would it be more expensive than a right hand drive one? Or just answer if you know how much more it costs for and left hand drive vehicle in the uk?""
How much would the insurance be?
I found a 1998 ford mustang for sale. The car is perfect. It has 50,000 miles. Its in great shape. The engine and body is incredibly clean. Just a few scratches. I'm 18 years old and just wanted to figure out what the insurance would be. I keep trying web sites, but all of the quotes are $100 different than the other ones. So does anyone know?""
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it.  Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car.   How does insurance on a car work?
Which car insurance company provides the best rates to young teens (16-22)?
i mean best car insurance quotes
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
Pregnancy Health Insurance??!?
I just moved to California a week ago and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with no health insurance. Ive made a few calls and tried to look at all of my options but I want to take the best route, especially since I need to have my next appointment very soon to find out the sex of the baby and how everything is going......advice?!!""
How much would insurance on a v6 01-06 mustang be for a 16 year old boy?
i know MPG isnt that good but id have a good job. I make straight A's and i know that counts as something and then id be taking drivers ed.
Minor car accident without insurance?
I caused a scratch. But I don't have insurance by that time. What am I supposed to do? Go to beg the old lady stop claim insurance company but solve that privately? But she already reported to insurance company. Can she withdraw the claim so we can solve privately? Any other choice?
Cheapest car insurance?
infinity is cheaper than esurance.
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Where can I add my name to health insurance waiting list and what are average waiting times?
In our state we imposed rent controls 10 years ago to help the poor with more affordable housing, and apartments available for rent disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason. I spent 6 years on a waiting list and still my turn never came. To tell you the truth almost all vacancies are filled either through bribes or nepotism. One week ago our Governor imposed price controls on health care insurance premiums to help the poor with more affordable health care, and policies available for purchases disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason.""
Being kicked off my parents health insurance plan at age 19? I don't know how I can afford insurance?
MY parents have been getting notices from their insurance company telling them that when I turn 19, I'll be off the insurance plan. It's because my dad has young ...show more""
Car insurance stuff i don't understand.?
Hello everyone, I am an international student who's been in the USA (Buffalo, NY) for the past 2 years working hard on my masters (i'm 25 now). I bought a POS Saturn last year for 2000 dollars and, well, for that i needed to get car insurance since it's mandatory in this country. Since i was from abroad and i had a learner's permit at the time, i had to get insurance with my international license. Progressive was my only choice so i paid around 700$ for 6 months. That's the rate I've been paying for the last year. Unfortunately, i just don't have the money anymore to pay 700 more dollars for the next 6 months. I tried different insurance companies but they are all around the same range. Apparently, i was stupid enough to not get a credit card as soon as i landed in this country. I was raised with the if you don't have money, don't spend it philosophy so i just used my debit card. This is the only reason that i can see for these absurd rates. Every single one of my friends ( all international students ) pay around 200-250/six months dollars for their pieces of crap cars. I just feel like i'm not being given a fair deal. Not having any credit might put a penalty on me, i understand somewhat how a capitalist mind works... let's say about 100-150 more dollars for 6 months, but a whopping 500 $ ? Don't you think it's kind of messed up that first of all it's mandatory, and then there's no baseline to at least make sure that noone gets ripped off. Is there any way that a person can inquire why he is being charged so much(instead of the bs the agents tell you i.e your area is bad etc.)? Or are you at the mercy of these people?""
If you have two insurances...?
We have two medical insurances on our children. Should there still be a copay? Should having 2 insurances cancel out the copay?
Does anyone know where to get classic car insurance for under 25's?
I'm 21 years old I own an rs turbo that is 23 years old. I know you used to be able to get classic car insurance through Adrian flux but they've just changed there terms so you have to be over 25, but there must be a another insurance company that will take under 25's.""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
I was thinking about buying something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it's a 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), would I be able to get cheap(er) insurance if I asked to go on my dad's insurance (with Direct Line)?""
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
Need to get proof of no claims car insurance from years ago?
I have been out of the country for some time, prior to this I had a few years no claims on my car insurance, can I get prrof of this somehow now I am back to help reduce my insurance costs?""
Car insurance for 16 year old?
How much does it cost a month for my 16 year old for car insurance in ct
Address change with car insurance?
when you change your address with your car insurance (ex: geico, progressive, all state, etc), do they go ahead and notify the dmv and the town you live in that you have moved and have a new address? of do you have to contact the dmv and town yourself and notify them? does the insurance company notify anybody?""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
How much is the avg car insurance for a 17 year old living in Toronto?
that's with driving school under my belt and having an average over 70% in school (cause apparently that cuts your rates) i dont need an exact number cause everyone is diff, and i don't need a link to one of those things taht calculate it for you cause i don't have the patience lol.""
Insurance buys non-OEM parts and voids car's warranty?
I have a new 2011 GM vehicle in Texas and was getting an insurance quote from GMAC. Part of their pitch to convince me choose them was that in an insurance claim, they will buy genuine GM OEM parts for my car, and that other insurance companies will go for cheaper aftermarket or non-OEM parts and they told me that will void my car's warranty. Is that true?""
A few questions about insurance and registration?
Hello - I'm about to purchase a motorcycle for the first time and would like a little information concerning a few things: (I don't believe this is really specific to motorcycles) -Can you get your insurance policy (Progressive, for example) to be completely paper-free and only deliver your statements by e-mail? -Does the address you send your registration have to match the one you live at? -Does the address you send your insurance information have to match the one you tell the insurance company you live at? Thanks!""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for me?
Okay so im 18 and im buying a brand new car all myself in about a month maybe less a kia sorte 2013 and of course i will need full coverage. I have good credit and i dont know anything about all this stuff i could use some help please...i just want to know what is the best choice for me i live in brownsville texas if that helps..
Will insurance rates change depending on what state your license is issued from?
I'm buying a motorcycle and i live in Florida now. I called every insurance company i could think of and they all gave me outrageous rates just for a bike, but my license was from Ohio at the time. Yesterday i finally got it switched to a Florida license. Will the rates change now that i have a license in the same state I'm getting insurance or does it just not matter? and btw I'm 29 and my driving record is 100% clean.""
Do I need insurance on a 50cc moped/scooter in Oregon?
...and if so how much? I'm looking at a 1986 honda spree and saw that it gets great gas mileage, registration is cheap, it's perfect for me. I'm a poor college student, working part time, and am in need of a money saver. So an estimate of insurance IF I need it would be great! :)""
Car insurance - if 2 people are going to drive the car are 2 seperate insurance policies required?
My roommate is looking into getting a car and wants to give me access to driving it.  Do we need to get 2 seperate insurance policies to drive the car.   How does insurance on a car work?
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