#thats what dragged you in and gave you a crush?
tinyorangepotato · 2 years
m late night thinking
#tiny talking#so i was doing just the sketching and lineart of an etho drawing because god dman its alreayd 3 am#and so i was thinking and like what vibes do i have#and are they different irl and online#like 2 of my friend partners have been threatened by me. and like im aro ace and even if i wasnt i dont like them like that#like me. my friend. and their girlfriend were doing a project and didnt want just me and mt friend working on it alone#because they were unavle to make it and they thought that i was competition?????#(btw all this was while i was in school) but ill have people come up to me and have crushes on me#even though i dont talk to anyone and i think thay i have a stay awya vibe#but i have no clue. and 4 out of porbably 5 or 6 of people i would consider good friends have admitted to have all addmited to liking me#and ita buck wild to me because like ???? why.#and not even in a self depricating way just like why? theres so many other people that act like me but better#and with the random kids (poeple my age. i call everyone kids) coming up and asking me out or saying they like me#like????have you not seen me with butch face sitting alone on my phone#thats what dragged you in and gave you a crush?#anywyas ive been wanting ti be more social but its very difficult since im not good at it#like i have 3 irl friends that i talk to and thats it. ill have conversations with other people here and there#but not regualrlly. like itll be months between each messaging. and my friend (one with the 2 ex so's that was thretaened by me)#has irl social anxiety and yet is so much better at talking to peopel than me. like theyre in multiple active discord groups#and they actively participate in them too and talks to people consistently and im blown away#like why cant i do that? am i just not into roleplay which is what seems to be a lot of the discord groups?#i have no fucking clue. ive been in 3 small ish groups that have been active and ill talk here and there but not enough to make friends#even though max amount of poepel is like 11 so its not too over whelming. i think i just dont want to work for the relationship#or soemthing idk. im making this up as i go along. but like i would love to have more people to consistantly tlak to and send memes to and#all that. anywyas. if tou read all the wya to here rmebered i am almost always down to dm and make friends#i just suck at getting it going and keeping it going so yeah :/#and idk what it is in my brain but ill go to plan out conversations motnhs ahead or to have a rough outline of what to say#and it freaks me out because what do peoeple tlak about. i know ive been in vcs for hours and when im done i have no idea what was said#so how can i plan topics when i dont know how c9nversations go normally. like dont they usually build off soemthing happening#thats why its easier to tlak to someone playing the same game as tou because when you run out of things to say
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normansnt · 4 months
The Prince
(Alastor x prince of hell!reader)
"HOLLLLYYY FUCKING SHIT (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WE ARE VISITING CHARLIEEEE" yelled your dad while bursting into your room.
You looked up at your dad startled.
"Thats great, but why are you yelling?" You asked while raising your eyebrow.
"BECAUSE WE ARE GOING NOW COME OOONNN" he continued yelling while taking your hand and dragging you out of your room and off you guys were to the Hazbin Hotel.
When you arrived your dad almost run in before you told him to tone it down he is still the king of hell who has to keep up a certain image.
This was your relationship in a nutshell. You were not at all like your father and older sister. You were calm and collected and were there to calm them down. And why you stuck with your dad? Because he was broken after your mother left and you kind of got stuck being his mental support.
You never blamed Charlie for leaving you had the chance you do that as well but you decided to stay.
Your dad entered the hotel and immediately hugged Charlie. You just calmly walked in after him.
"OOOHHHHHH YOU BROUGHT (Y/N)" yelled Charlie as well excitedly and gave you the same bone crushing hug your dad gave her earlier.
"Yeah...'m here...sis....cant...breathe" you tried to get a sentence out.
"OH yeah of course sorry"
"Its fine Im happy to see you Charlie" you smiled at her while dusting your button up shirt.
After this encounter Charlie introduced you to the rest of the residents including her girlfriend, who you were delighted to meat since Charlie always rented about her when you guys would talk.
But of course your dad managed to make that encounter awkward as well to which you just sighed a little.
Unbeknownst to you a certain radio demon had his eyes on you from the moment you entered. It was one thing that your attire was something he himself would wear and it suited your figure perfectly, quite old fashioned just like he liked it, but when he saw that seemingly you were the distinguished one in the family you have won his interest.
The way you held yourself with a straight back chin up, truly befitting a prince. He noticed that you seem to either calm down or hint to your father on how to act. It was a sight to behold for sure.
"And this here-" started Charlie nearing the stairs where Alastor appeared. "-oh, this is Alastor our beloved building manager"
"Its a pleasure to meet you sir quite the pleasure" said Alastor while shaking Lucifers hand and wiping it in his coat after.
Not paying a second more of his attention on your father he looked immediately to you.
"And this magnificent creature is the prince of hell himself I'm sure" he said while taking your hand and softly kissing your knuckles.
Your face got a bit read while he straightened back up eye contact never leaving.
"I am, it is a pleasure to meet you sir, I quite enjoy your radio podcast" you managed to get out after re-gaining your composure.
What you said was true, though. You enjoyed his brodcast, his voice, and interestingly enough your taste in music was similar, the jazz part at least.
Alastors eyes lit up at that.
"Indeed? Well I'm honored the prince of hell himself enjoys what I do, and please do call me Alastor." he smiled at you and took one of your hands in both of his while you guys just stared at each other.
"Should we do something ooor...?" Whispered angel to Husk.
However the cat was to stunned to speak. He has never seen Alastor act like this with anyone before. The radio demon was literally flirting with the prince of hell.
"WOOOOWWW ooookkkkk nononono lemme just...squeeze in here" said your father while standing between you and Alastor which was almost impossible thats how close you two stood to each other but he managed.
"If you don't mind I believe my daughter was about to show us the hotel so see ya later" said your dad hastily while pushing you away from the overlord.
"Oh, no, we built the hotel together we should show it together, right Charlie?" Grinned Alastor at the princesse
"I wouldn't mind at all to show the lovely little prince around" he smiled at you and offered you his arm which you gladly took.
All this while Lucifer was glaring daggers at Alastors back as you two walked off chatting happily.
And you bitches too I literally uploaded my Hazbin Hotel posts minutes ago and yall are eating it up already.
I mean ofc thank you sm for all the love (🥹🧡) but DAMN yall good? Anyone need a therapist?
Haha, just kidding...we all do.
I'm also thinking about writing a pt.2 for this so lemme know if yall would be interested😎
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and goodnight🧡🦖
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wandanatsbaby · 5 months
The Betrayal
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader Warnings: Angst? Not a good ending but there will be a second part
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You wanted to trust her. You really did. But everytime you looked at her all you saw and thought about was the betrayal.
It was the night of your 15th birthday. Pietro had always been faster then both of you so he went out to go gather some food while wanda did her best to clean up the old little apartment that some lady rent you all. You watched Wanda walk around and mutter to herself as she cleaned various things. You had offered to help her but she declined everytime saying “Its your birthday you need to rest.” 
When Pietro had gotten back he brought more food than you all needed. You questioned it but he brushed it off and you believed him not noticing the sad look the twins gave each other. The night was wonderful and you had the best birthday. Wanda your crush since you were little had even confessed and kissed you. You didnt think things could get any better. 
Later that night wanda dragged you to your shared room and you both made love to each other all night. She held you close and whispered how much she loved you into your ear while silent tears fell down her face.
The next morning when you woke up you were alone. You searched the whole house but couldn’t find the twins anywhere. And when you made it to the kitchen you found a single sticky note stuck to the fridge.
My Detka,
Im so sorry we did this. But me and Pietro had to leave. I am not allowed to tell you where due to reasons but just know were safe. 
We didn’t want to leave you but we had to. You don’t need to be brought into the life were going to be living. 
Last night was the best night of my life. I hope you know I meant it when I said I love you. 
Pietro made sure there was plenty of food in the fridge to last you about a week. And I arranged for someone to bring you food everyweek after. 
You’ll be okay. We are still looking after you. Just stay with the apartment. 
We’ll see each other again
You spent the day sobbing as you immediately threw the sticky note away and packed your stuff. You didn’t want to be in this apartment anymore. You felt disgusting and used. 
Once all your stuff was packed you immediately left. You had connections that would help you get out of this city and hopefully this country. 
Thats how you ended up joining the avengers. Your connection had gotten you a flight to America more specifically New York. Natasha Romanoff was the one that had brought you in.
She had caught you attempting to steal from her and when she went to confront you, you punched her. You both spent about 20 minutes fighting each other.
You weren’t sure what she saw in you but she brought you back to the avengers tower and you had quickly found your new home.
The battle of Ultron was when you saw the twins again. They were working with him and had powers. You remembering first seeing Wanda. The way her face went from shocked to angry when seeing you with them.
You were the first one that she used her magic on. She had made you relieve not only the day they left you but the night before and the day the bombs hit. Steve had to carry you onto the quinjet and sat you next to Natasha who was also out of it. 
When the battle was over and Pietro being dead Wanda had joined the avengers team. You stayed away from her as much as possible. She tried talking to you multiple times but you always would just walk away.
You refused the dinners she would make, refused to train with her, and even refused to go on missions with her. 
Thats what lead you here to being trapped up against a corner with Wanda looking angrily down at you. You refused to meet her eyes and instead looked at you hands.
“Y/n look at me!” she yelled as her hand hit the wall beside your head causing you to flinch. Noticing this she took a deep breath to calm herself. “Detka please. I just want to talk.” 
Slowly you moved your head up to look at her. “You left. You and Pietro left me. You left me alone.” You stated quietly as you looked at her. She frowned but nodded.
“I know we did. But we had someone looking after you. Did you not get the food?” She asked worriedly trying not to imagine you starving in that small apartment.
“I left. I couldn’t stay there after you had… I couldnt.” You looked away again not wanting to look at the witch anymore. 
Slowly she brought her hand up to your face and rubbed your cheek.
“Lyubov Im so sorry we left you. We should have stayed. I should have stayed. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. But please stop pushing me away.” You look back up at her with tears in your eyes. 
“Please just leave me alone” You begged the girl as the tears ran down your cheeks. “I can’t look at you without remembering that or when you put those memories back into my head. I can’t sleep at night knowing that you were okay with doing that to me. So please. Just leave me alone.” You quickly pushed past her as she was distracted and ran off to your room. You hopped she would listen to you.
Wanda on the other hand was devastated. How could you tell her to leave you alone? She loved you and she wanted to be with you. She knew you loved her to and she was going to do everything in her power to have you back. You were made for each other. She saw it when she touched the scepter. She saw the life you would both live together. You were hers.
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Danny had origallany moved into this new world filled with hope and optimism. Heck, the city he moved to was named Metropolis for ancients sake and was protected by a colorful man in red underpants. He had rights in this world as a "metahuman" and he didn't need to protect anyone with all these superheros around. It was perfect.
Or so he thought.
It all started when he met and subsequently flirted with a man named Tom Davidson. They clicked almost instantly even while his little brother Damian gave Tom the stink eye. Eventually they had to leave and they happily gave thier farewells. Danny later kicks himself for not getting Toms number.
Damian confronts Tim, asking why he lied and Tim responded that he didn't want to be out as Tim Drake: Gotham Rich Guy and wanted to be normal for a while, which Damian reluctantly accepted. Tim thinks this was more because he didn't want to escalate and get into even more trouble with Bruce. That was how he got stuck with a babysitter in the first place.
"Tom" and Danny meet again a few weeks later outside of a coffee shop and they recognize eachother. Danny waves him over and they drink coffee together and chat. Afterwards Danny asks him out to coffee and they set up a time and date.
Danny didn't think asking his crush out would be this easy.
Tim actually didn't realize he'd been asked out on a date date and is just happy to hang out with someone he shares so many hobbies with.
After weeks of accidental dating, Danny invites Tim out to a fancy restaurant for a date and nothing goes as planned. First, a snobby waitress had tried to give out the table Danny had made reservations for (the one in the most romantic part of the restaurant and thus he had to pay extra) to one of her own friends and thier own date and Danny had ask the manager what was going on which got the manager involved and the girl got fired. She got dragged out yelling about who her daddy was. So already not a good night.
Both Danny and Tim were kinda awkward after that. But wait, there's more! The lady who was supposed to get the table for free thanks to her friend tried going full Karen, much to the horror of her date, who told her off and broke up with her right then and there. Fireworks ensued but Tom and Danny were seated soon after so they didn't get to see the rest. The restaurant did offer to give them complimentary desert as an apology, which was nice.
Danny said something like, "I was expecting dinner, but the show was a surprise!" Which broke the ice and got them laughing and chatting while they waited for thier meals. At some point while eating Tom perked up and said he needed to go to the bathroom and rushed off quickly. Danny thought it was odd, but blamed his paranoia on the fact he used that excuse so much to get away from situations and go play hero.
At first thats what he thought Tom was doing when he didn't come back for a while, so Danny got up and went to the bathroom to confirm his suspicions. Instead of an empty bathroom he saw Tom in there kissing some blond guy.
Danny just turned around and left without making a sound. What fresh soap opera hell was this? He walked up to thier waitress and explained the situation. She quickly got his food boxed up with both his and Toms complimentary deserts (he'll take a victory here no matter how petty) and he paid the bill and gave her a large tip before speedwalking out the door.
He ghosted Tom after that. It was a good thing he never Gave Tom his address he guessed.
He didn't see Tom for almost a month before he ran into him at a farmers market in Gotham accompanied by an elderly man in a sling. Tom introduced the man as Alfred. Alfred was very polite. Danny, however, was not. "Why are you introducing him to me?" He asked bitterly. "We're not friends."
"We're not?!" Tom asked, having the audacity to look shocked.
Danny nearly growled, but didn't want it getting out that he was anything other than perfectly human, so he bit his cheek and turned to walk away. Unfortunately for both Danny and Tom, the latter had grabbed his wrist to keep him from leaving and Danny snapped.
He grabbed the first thing he could, which was a cabbage from a nearby cart. Ignoring the owners shout of "My Cabbages!" He proceeded to absolutely hail down veggie based pain onto the creep that broke his heart. He slapped a fifty into cabbage guys hand before he turned and left in a huff.
By the time Tim recovered he was covered in veggies and bruises and very confused. Tim decided he had a new case: What the heck did I do???
Danny was mad cause he keeps running into his cheating ex. He had agreed to let Lex Corp send him out to Gotham for a few weeks on a business trip in hopes of avoiding the guy but now he's seeing him everywhere.
Angry and tired, he was not pleased to hear shouting and explosions outside his street. He opened his window and saw the Joker fighting the local hero and yelled at them to keep it down. The Joker was momentarily distracted and got his lights punched out by Batman for it.
Danny didn't think anything of the incident after that, just rolling over into bed and falling asleep. Of course the Joker tracks him down and breaks into his hotel room to try and kill him. Which leads to Danny killing the Joker in self defense.
Theres a media crapstorm from this. Danny swears he heard Vicky Vale in his hotels vents but that may have just been him hallucinating. Some super hot guy with biceps that made Danny blush hugged him and thanked him. Hes not really sure what that was about but he was just glad this was over and he could leave this cursed city in a few days.
Then Batman broke in. Danny told him to scram and somehow it turned into a fight. Maybe Batman was trying to intimidate him. Maybe he was genuinely trying to beat up a 19 year old. Whatever the reason he had still broken into a guys hotel room and attacked him...which lead to Danny panicking and using his powers to get Batman off of him...unfortunately he used the wrong power- intangibility- and killed the man instantly. His organs were on the floor, soon followed by Dannys vomit when he saw them.
The bats got the alert of Bruces vitals stopping and went nuts. Danny looked at the corpse and decided now would be a good time to get the heck out of dodge.
Of course Red Hood shows up in his apartment in Metropolis. He sat at Dannys dining table cleaning his gun and asked Danny to take a seat.
Instead of threatening him like Danny expected he began asking questions. Mostly about some "Tim" guy. Eventually everything was cleared up. Danny was mad as a hornet finding out that "Tom Davidson" was actually Tim Drake and that he was 17 instead of 19, and that he was dating that blond guy from the restaurant and claiming he didn't even realize that Danny had asked him out, which Danny called bs on.
Danny felt somewhat sick at learning he had dated a minor, even if it was supposedly only technical and only for a month or so. Danny was 19 and Tim was 17 and Danny didn't think that was okay. Hood waved it off and had him explain the events surrounding the Joker and Batmans break ins and eventually told him that he would deal with the bats but told him to watch his back because the bats were grieving and it was hard to tell what they were going to do.
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katsukikoi · 6 months
your so pretty
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character; yuji itadori x f!reader + sukuna x f!reader
part 1 part 2
warnings; swearing
theme; Sukuna's past, yuji's crush. ( strong f!reader )
Itadori was new to the jujutsu world, he weaves around missions and finishes them quickly. Although, he can only do so much as a student.
So, since his “death” he has to stick with Gojo sensei.
He never minded, he actually rathers. He would happily do all of the tasks and missions the albino man gave him, with a smile.
“yes gojo sensei!” he would say, one hand with his thumb up, and the other on his hip. Unknowingly sassy.
He never could remember the pact he made with sukuna. Which made the poor boy drag his head in the mud.
Sukuna would often respond nonchalantly, always brushing him off and cursing him for being stupid. This would make the poor boy pout and huff, annoyed if anything. But, nonetheless he perseveres.
Gojo said he had a surprise for him, making the boy get excited hoping it was time to go back and re-reveal himself to the world.
"i have someone you need to meet!" gojo spoke, with a large smug smile.
"huh? i thought i wasn't allowed to see anyone.." he spoke, with a confused, but cute pout. He blinked like an innocent puppy.
"This one, wont make a peep." he winked, making the salmon haired boy even more confused.
"yuji-kun, meet your new best friend, y/n!!" he yelled out, opeing his arms out as he waited for her to appear.
"so, there is nothing there?" sukuna laughed, his eye opened under yuji's as he tried to slap him away.
"sorry i'm late, sensei. I got caught up." the girl spoke, walkimg into the door. Her jujutsu energy pouring out of control even sukuna could feel it deep in his soul. God, it felt so familiar to him. It felt like he yearned for it even after he was sealed.
There stood, a girl. Similar looking to gojo, a very small section of sleek white like hair on the front, the rest chocolate brown with golden strands in different places. Her eyes shined gold, the purest of the metal. Her eye lashes, long and thick, her lips, healthy and soft looking. Making sukuna gulp. He knew this woman, but where from exacting?
Yuji was a different story, the boy greeted her with a smile, telling her he like women like Jennifer Lawrence.
"nice to meet you, itadori-kun. Personally, i like men like senami shinazugawa." she bowed, much like he did. Her smile catching a sly fox look.
"woah! from the anime?" he spoke, excitedly.
"yes! you know it?" she excitedly giggled, looking up to the taller boy he nodded quickly.
"hmh! what episo-" before he could continue, gojo satoru laughed. Interupting them. " yuji, y/n. You two, are coming with me." he spoke, grabbing them both yuji by the hood of his jacket, while y/n bridle style. Making sure to cover her skirt from praying eyes.
“what? gojo satoru, are you using them for a human shield?” the cruse boredly spoke.
“hi! i hope you don’t mind :) i have students.” gojo smiled, brightly at the mt fuji curse.
“wah! he looks like mt fuji.” yuji spoke, grabbing y/n’s calf, in awe.
“hey brat, dont touch.” sukuna grumbled, his voice unheard as yuji ignored it. Still holding on to the poor girls leg as she glared at the curse.
“jogo? still looking homeless.” y/n spoke, a wild smirk on her face as she got out of gojos grasp to stand in the middle of the two men.
y/n clapped her hands, ready for a fight as a golden tattoo glowed, ready to be summed.
“neh, y/n. Hold back.” gojo smirk, petting the smaller girls head.
“eh!?” she spoke, huffing as she watched the scene play out.
As the girl zoned out, she didnt notice that the two of them, yuji and herself were currently falling to a spikey dead wood pile. “thats not good huh?” she spoke out a loud. she grabbed yuji as she moved her hand in front of her. “tsunami.” she whispered, summoning a great wave of water, destroying the pile of wood as she landed on top of the water. Carrying yuji bridal style.
“put the brat down. This is embrassing.” sukuna mumbled, sitting on his bones he watched interestedly.
Watching the girls every step, calculating her moves. He was tempted to keep all of his eyes open, just to make sure, but he decided against it. Thinking it was a waste of time.
“itadori, your curse-“ *smack* “energy is too high.” the girl spoke, reading a book next to him as she watched him get smacked for the 18th time.
y/n sighed, putting a book mark in her page as she stood up. She went behind the couch and patted the boys hair, making him blush and look up.
“ill get some food, kay?” she asked, making the boy smile, blush coating his cheeks as he nodded. “m’kay.” he squeaked out.
“go yuji! you can do it!” she spoke, watching at the boy downed a weaker shinigami. Jumping for joy as she proudly taught him black flash.
its been 2 months since they got partnered up, not once has the king of curses made a peep.
until, “brat no.2 fight me.” sukuna’s mouth smirk, his eye glaring with blood lust.
“no, i wont let you.” itadori spoke, covering him. “sorry y/n-senpai.” he spoke shyly.
“sure sukuna. How many fingers you at? 4?” she asked, cracking her back and neck.
“extention.” sukuna spoke, smirking as he did so.
The tattoos filling yujis face as sukuna changed his look. y/n blushed abit as she looked away for a second before turning back to him.
She watched him come at her with full force like he did gojo. “i wonder.” she spoke, her long nail ripping her sleeve, “whale, of the jade chamber.” she spoke, a green whale the size of a large jelly fish swum around sukuna. Making him laugh, “really!? i overestimated you!” he laughed,
Y/n came at him with roaring speed, as fast as a full grown cheetah. Eyes shining gold, she let her knee fully hit his face. The whale growing more green as it amplified the hit breaking the mans jaw.
He groaned as he gripped his jaw, “you bitch.” he smirked, “i like it! more, give me more power!” he yelled, exitedly.
The girl tilted her head, as she watched the man pause sighing, and rolling his eyes. He let yuji return as he barked out in pain. “ouch!” he spoke, y/n rushed towards him, using her reverse technique to heal him.
“what happened?” he asked, thanking her.
“i.. sukuna happend.” she spoke.
“and i think thats the best episode we watched. Tengen is so flashy!” itadori gushed as he leaned on her chest has he cuddled her, so sweetly and kindly. so repectfully, and so innocent.
“hn! senami is better.” she spoke, playing with his hair letting her nails comb through.
They became close, this made her scared. Making her heart drop, what the hell did she do?
she stopped watching the series as she watched yuji, just looking at him made her heart flutter. “shit.” she mumbled, no one but sukuna heard. Not that she knew anyways.
The two teens stayed in that position until, itadori fell asleep. This caused the girl to yawn.
“you care for this vessel.” sukuna spoke, making the girl snap her head towards him. No longer was it yuji, but sukuna. Laying right where yuji was, unmoving.
“ha? i-“ she tried to lie, and look away, but she felt sukuna shift, making her move herself back, preparing herself for a future fight.
Sukuna looked at her, with praying eyes, a hunter; hungry for her blood. “tell me, bunny. why do you?” he grinned, stradding the girl, as she tried to calm her heart rate. She cant fight that well at night.
“so, what. why would you care?” she asked, as she watched him trail his fringers around her hip and collar bones.
She gulped as he became hyper fixated on this tattoos hands, a type of black dye coated his nails. She shivered, she continued to watch as they made contact. Sukuna moving her con with his finger, forcing her to meet his red crimson eyes.
“he doesnt deserve you.” he grunted out.
“what?” she asked.
i hope you enjoyed, it was kinda shit ngl. But lmk if you like it!
dont repost my writing, translate, or rewrite.
Only, reblog, comment and follow. Sent requests too!
much love,
Atlas. 💣✨
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Another mini terukane analysis :P
so we’ve all seen the picture of teru’s hand on akane’s head right? Seen it, loved it, yadayada
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but if you actually look into it, this is so cute.
i mean for one, thats his sword hand. From previous panels we’ve seen him use his right hand on his sword. While he is pictured with it in his left, when he actually fights, its in his right (old vs recent)
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“what about that being his sword hand” well, if you couldnt tell, theres a literal demon right infront of them, so he must be on high guard right? nope its in his left LMAO
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His better/dominant/more skilled hand is in the most gentlest way, comforting akane, rather than fighting the little shit off. Almost saying, he’s more important right now, akane’s comfort is more important than his own safety, reserving his better hand for him, rather than the stupid demon thing
then after he hits it, it shatters to glass, fading away. His face changes to that of a worried expression, and quickly turns around, takes akane by the little of his shirt he has left, and starts dragging him
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Clearly doesn’t give him any time to react, seemingly extremely worried ab something. but as the chapter progresses, we see supernaturals fading away such as hanako, and mitsuba. The bells signaling the start of the severance
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We can obviously put two and two together and realize teru thought akane was gonna fade away 😭 MANS WAS SO WORRIED
He was happy to leave aoi, defenseless, alone, in a realm he cannot reach, surrounded by countless evil entities, with very little time to save her, while she was clearly extremely unstable, with his only way of knowing if she dissipated or not being a little bell bracelet that he doesn’t even wear
yet he immediately turned around, full on dragged him/gave him ZERO time to get up, rushed him to the clock keepers asap without even time for akane to react or anything. Like gosh dude can you be more obvious.
him being that worried about akane is so interesting to me, because like, why? Shouldnt he hate him for liking his so called “crush” (aoi). Since he’s planning on going back and saving aoi why cant he just get akane when he’s going back for aoi? Why go through the effort? Lets think of a few reasons why
Reason 1. Calling back to when he stopped them from kissing, he mightve realized if he’s alone with her there, they’d sit on the train and bam they’re dead, gone forever.
Reason 2. Maybe he at one point, had the idea of overall just leaving her there. Giving her the bell bracelet as a false sense of hope so he doesn’t seem like a bad person. And if akane’s sent there, he has to get him, and of course they’ll be together there so he’ll have to get aoi aswell. Why he might want to leave aoi? No clue but its an idea that came to mind so i put it down
Reason 3. Maybe he cant do it alone. He’s always been the “i fight alone” type, but when akane’s there he’s never fighting alone. So maybe he doubts his ability to save her by himself, and wants akane by his side throughout the whole thing
Reason 4. Maybe he just cares about him and/or maybe might like him a little more than he should
i wanna write one ab what happened with teru + akane JUST before the severance SO BAD THERES LITERALLY SM I HAVE TO SAY but i lost all motivation and there being too much is both good and bad 😭 (bad as in im too lazy to do it)
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et6rnalsun · 1 month
js imagining if u were like an youtuber but chris never liked you and its like the celebrity enemies to lovers trope seeing chris in influencers party’s and getting jealous for him talking to girls even if u guys don’t have nothing? or even at like the coachella or if u were close friends with Nick him having to see u everyday and trying to control himself because in the end we know what is gonna happen.
that motherfucker was looking you right in the eyes while whispering something, probably damn dirty, into that blonde's ear who did nothing but giggle annoyingly.
you didn't even know where that feeling of annoyance, that lump in your throat, came from. it couldn't be jealousy — or at least, you were trying to convince yourself. every bone in your body hated chris with a burning passion, it had been that way since he and his brothers started becoming popular on social media. you just never liked him. so what was the point of being so annoyed if he was trying to get under another girl's dress?
the sensation of the alcohol going down your throat distracted you for a moment from that sight and those thoughts, so you decided to get back on track. you didn't want to have your mood ruined like that.
everything was fine. you had successfully distracted yourself. until two pairs of hands large enough to encircle your waist rested on your body, a bulky and obvious presence was behind you, and that expensive scent that invaded your nostrils made it clear who it was.
your instincts made you immediately wriggle out of his grip, but chris was already dragging you to a secluded corner of the large room — much to your displeasure. "what the fuck are you doing? don't touch me" you were practically screaming, even though your voice was muffled by the deafening music.
“someone is feisty tonight” he just chuckled, tightening his grip on your hips and practically crushing you against his body, your shoulders resting against the wall. "i just want to talk, okay?" his tone was fake sweet, apprehensive, but his cocky smirk said something else entirely.
"and i don't want to" you scoffed, giving him a push on his chest but unable to move him even an inch. "get the fuck away- chris" the words died in your throat when his lips suddenly found your jaw, tracing a slow, painful line to your neck. "thats right, say my name again" he murmured, before sucking on a piece of skin.
you wanted to do something, break away, but you were into his touch too much. when a knee slipped between your legs, you couldn't stop a moan from escaping your lips, feeling it rub deliciously against the fabric of your panties. "fuck"
his lips that sucked, teeth that bit and left marks and trails of saliva on your neck, his knee that was being able to make you see stars. you couldn’t stop moaning and almost asking for more. but then everything suddenly stopped. your eyes snapped open and he was looking at you with that shitty smirk.
"i think you really wanted to be that girl, so I just gave you a taste, doll." and with that, he left, leaving you there like a fucking idiot.
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5am-mist · 1 year
oh my beautiful favorite bella writer, I have come back for more tee hee. would you possibly be open to write something were reader is an interviewer who is interviewing bella, flirting ensues >:33 (also take ur time bby ur work is the best <33)
°pairing°> bella ramsey x reader
°summary°> you finally get the chance to interview the bella ramsey (who you may or may not have a huge crush on) but when they start flirting with you, you can't help but flirt back
°requested?°> yuppp!
°cw°> some small use of y/n just thought i would mention that!
OMG IM LITERALLY GIGGLING, BLUSHING AND KICKING MY FEET RN YOU'RE TOO GOOD TO ME <33 Thank you for the request and for being so patient with me i really hope this turned out how you wanted also i used she/her pronouns for bella hope thats ok! And im also just gonna apologize cause i know absolutely nothing about flirting and sorry if this isn't that good i haven't been feeling well at all lmaoo. i also made up a network you interview under so i hope thats ok! love youu <33
You were quite a well known interviewer and had developed quite the following. You'd interviewed countless celebrities at this point in your career, some more famous than others (not that it mattered to you all that much) but most of them very sweet.
The interview game was quite competitive or atleast more competitive than most would think. It was always a race to interview the most relevant celebrities. You had never been all that phased though, you enjoyed your job and yes as much as it was important for you to stay relevant you found that it was just as important that you interviewed celebrities you liked.
So that's what you did, but there was one celebrty on your mental list that you haven't interviewed. Bella Ramsey. Bella was with no doubt the celebrty you wanted to interview most, it wasn't that she didn't want to do the interview or that she was to busy no you just hadn't actually reached out to her manager yet.
You thought it was silly honestly. This was something you had wanted to do for ages but everytime you began typing the email you'd overthink and immediately stop yourself all because of the stupid crush you had on Bella.
It wasn't that stupid of a crush, it was totally justified in your mind because i mean who didn't have a crush on her? It made you so fustrated, you wanted to interview her more than anything in the world, why couldn't you just do it?
Here you were sitting infront of your laptop staring at the email you drafted to send to Bella's manager. You must've read it 1000 times, you checked every word for spelling mistakes and made sure your sentances were structured proffenssionly but it still didn't seem right. You were arguing with yourself, half of you saying this was perfect the other saying that it felt like a stranger wrote it.
You ended up scrapping it but this time you were going to do it properly. It was short and sweet and you made sure that it actually sounded like it came from you, even though you weren't 100% happy with it, you decided to send it.
The next morning when you woke up the first thing you did was check your emails and to your surprise, you already recieved a response. Bella wanted to do the interview with you!From there you and her manager discussed the time and date and you also gave her the studios address.
The day had finally arrived and you were ecstatic. You were going to finally get to interview the Bella Ramsey. It truly was a dream come true. The morning dragged on far longer than you'd liked but eventually the time came for you to head to the studio.
You were talking with the camera man making sure all was set and ready to go when Bella and her manager walked in. You stood there for far to long trying process that it was actually happening before snapping back to reality and going over to greet them.
Bella was nicer then you could have ever imagined. She was kind and gentle but most importantly she seemed just as happy to be here as you which gave you a sense of comfort. After telling Bella's manager that she could sit just off camera, you two decided to get started.
You waited for the camera man's signal and then began. "Hello welcome back to Zee Network I'm y/n and today im here with Bella Ramsey." you said with a smile on your face. "Hello!" they gave a quick wave and smile to the camera.
"Thank you for joing us today Bella, may i ask what has your experience been with the media lately? With release of the last of us series, you have gotten alot more recognition what is that like?" you were fiddling with the mic in your hands, another thing that you were known for was not reading from a script which normally was fine but today it really wasn't any help.
"I would say I've had a bit of a mixed experience lately. I have received many new fans and loads of support but i have also recieved a significant amount of hate. I try not to let it affect me but every now and again i will read a comment that really cuts deep. I appreciate the recognition i have gained and sometimes we just have to take the good with the bad." she told you, she seemed torn between loooking at the camera or at you but ended up deciding to look at you.
The interview continued on for a few minutes before Bella finally spoke up, "Do i make you nervous?," she had very clearly seen you fidgeting with the mic, you looked at her extremely confused what to say next. Was Bella Ramsey flirting with you? No, you were sure that you were just jumping to crazy conclusions.
"A little bit, I've wanted to do this interview for a while i guess im just a bit nervous to mess things up," you tried laughing it off. "I've also wanted to do this interview for a while, I've seen your work and you seemed like such a cool person now i know i was right,"
She absolutely was flirting with you. Now the way you saw it was you cluld continue the interview like normal and stay 100% professional or you could flirt back. You chose the latter.
You tried to do be smooth about it (trying to avoid the camera man noticing so that you wouldn't get yelled at) but still obvious enough for Bella to notice.
When the interview was over you walked over to the concessions table to grab some water but were called over by the camera man. He scolded you lightly for your behavior this interview but said he'd let it slide one time.
After being scolded by her manager Bella made her way over to you, she said she wanted to apologize but you told her it really wasn't a big deal.
"I meant what i said though, you seem cool and i'd really like to hang out sometime," now it was her turn to be nervous. "like a date?" it was an incredibly bold move but you were willing to take your chances. " yea, like a date." she flashed you a hopeful smile and of course you said yes.
Bella then handed you a small white paper with their number and a small 'can't wait to talk to you' scribbled on with black ink before scurrying off with her manager to the car that was currently waiting for them.
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jackietorrance · 1 year
It's not love
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Jenna Ortega x Reader
"Maybe there is a person who is your peace"
It was amazing how oblivious Jenna was to your situation. It seemed like she knew you liked her but she just had fun with it. But you knew better, she's been like this since you met in middle school. How she failed to notice the failed attempts at complimenting was so irritating. By the end you couldn't bring yourself to be annoyed with her, she's pathetically adorable.
You girls had a really strong friendship. It was 4 long years of innocent friendship and 1 year of developing feelings for her. In the end, you gave up trying to make Jenna understand how you felt, maybe she just doesn't want to be in a relationship with you or maybe she doesn't even like other girls. You thought about these possibilities but deep in your heart there was always a little hope left, like a disease that wouldn't heal. You were sitting with Jenna and Lisa as they spoke in hushed whispers, giggling like schoolgirls. Lisa glanced over to you, a smiled creeping on her lips.
"Hey Y/n" The two girls focused their attention on you as they stopped their whispers and giggling, "We were just going to play a game, do you want to join us?" Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat.
"Yes please." Your head resting on the bed before, she lifted it curiously, with a minimal smile. Lisa was the only one who knew where you stood with Jenna. At that moment you couldn't even imagine what was going through her head, since you were too busy beating yourself up mentally. You've been with your crush this long, you can't just stop now, especially if it's the other side of campus. "Alright, what are we going to play?" Jenna looked to the girl and then you, then back to Lisa smiling.
"We've been talking about what we wanted to do during winter break and we wanted to do something fun" Lisa sighed, "So we came up with this, we gotta tell the other person a secret before we play."
Jenna's eyes widened slightly, the nervous laughter evident in her voice. "Wait, we should do that now?" Jenna stood her hands cupped over her mouth, her eyes wide with excitement.
Lisa giggled, the first words out of her mouth were, "Y/n still has feelings for you."
You immediately turned your head, your eyes locking with Jenna's and your heart began to speed up in a flurry of confusion, uncertainty and wonder. From the day you two had met she wanted to be friends but you wanted to be more. You had said as much to Lisa five years ago when she told you about Jenna but didn't really expect anything to come from it. You just ended up being her close friend and the person she would rant to about the problems in your life and you really needed some of that. She occasionally brought you for family dinners. Now you were sitting in an apartment, the two facing you, waiting for your reply.
"Oh." That was all you could manage to say as you were dragged out of your thoughts, "I guess this is a secret to keep then, how about we play?" Jenna's face lit up and she launched at you, cuddling.
"Thats great! Have I ever told you how much I like secrets, especially the type that can be discussed with people over a campfire. Lets start." Jenna squeezed you to emphasize her point.
Lisa was giving you a smug smile and all you could say was, "I really don't want to play this game."
"Come on why don't we?" Jenna said, her voice getting caught in her throat, "She likes you Y/n and you like her. You CAN do this, we've found out other people don't know, so Lo! Let's find out our secret. So far we're 1-0."
Lisa took a deep breathe, "Ok, our first stop is love." She took a step back, "Love is the thing immortal, omnipotent, unoriginate, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, and YOU. LOVE IS YOU." Lisa stopped and giggled.
"Ok, I'm going to go with the 'yours' part." You said with a chuckle, raising your eyebrows.
"This can't be right. God is a spirit, and he that worshipeth and serve him must worship him in spirit and in truth. And the truth is you, I love YOU." Jenna said, her voice getting caught in her throat, "I love you." Jenna rested her head on your shoulder.
You blinked and looked down at her, your mouth slightly open, you couldn't seem to form any coherent words to reply, she continued until her lips brushed yours and she pulled away.
You sat there in a daze, Jenna's head slightly peeking over your arm, "Yeah, um is that good enough?" She blushed looking down at her lap, her blonde hair hiding her face.
"Wow, were the the two of you going to do that, but yea I guess that was enough.
Lisa nodded, "Yep, so weirdly religious, but there's something about you that attracts me."
"Don't you love her?" You couldn't help but smile a little, your cheeks turning a little red.
"Oh god how I love you" you said again, unable to contain a smile.
Embracing her, "I love you too."
"So are you two dating?" Lisa asked who was looking at you and Jenna, a slight blush breaking past her cheeks.
"I think I should be asking that." Jenna broke away from you, a slight grin on her face, she was doing a good job at keeping her emotions hidden, her eyes showing eagerness as she headed towards Lisa.
"We were going to, but-" You stopped her with a kiss.
"It was fun?" The two giggled and Lisa looked at you, a smile in her eyes.
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dayedreamm · 4 months
Unexpected beginnings Chapter 1
blk fem OC x paige bueckers
warnings: angst, heartfelt goodbyes ----------------------------------------------------
“Ms. Robinson?” the teacher calls from the front of the classroom. It was first period and the last thing you wanted to do was deal with mathematics, so of course you were slumped on your desk not listening to a word the teacher was saying. “MS. ROBINSON,” she says in a harsh tone, although this time it seems to wake you as you shoot your head up looking frantically around the room. “PRESENT” you scream loudly and an erupt of laughter fills your ears as your eyes find the teachers enraged ones. She looked pissed, to say the least “Well since you want to take a nap, you can take all the ones you want in detention” she said before turning around to face the board. You internally groan as you attempt to rub the sleep out of your eyes so you can try to listen to this boring lesson.
20 minutes later
“Lunchhhh time” your best friend sings in your ear, her name was Talia you guys had just met freshman year but you guys were still close as if she was your sister. “You think it's going to be good or bad today causeee I was thinking of doordashing today,” she says mischievously. You roll your eyes, the girl wasn't rich but she had a wealthy boyfriend and whatever was his was hers he was whipped to say the least. “Looking forward to seeing yu on the field again Imani” Joshh says as he winks in your direction. You were known for your softball skills at the school but it didn't really make you popular unless it was the spring or late winter where winter workouts started. Although Josh, the tall jock who just shamelessly flirted with you in the hallway surprised you just a bit. “He sooo has a crush on you, why don't you give him a shot” Talia nudges at you. Yeah, you were bisexual, but you found yourself leaning toward more girls more specifically masculine girls, nothing against the fems you just were not attracted to them. You were a fem yourself and the sights of masc women had you foaming at the mouth. “I'm not really into him, he's just not my type personally,” you said still feeling tired. “Dont worry ill find you someb-” Talia lost her words as an explosion interpreted her mid-sentence
“EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THE SCHOOL ONE OF THE SCIENCE LABS HAVE BLOWN UP. EVACUATE I REPEAT EVACUATE” a teacher yells into the lunch room, you were terrified and a little frozen, but it didn't take much for Talia to grab your hand and start dragging you both toward an exit. Students flooded your vision as you tried to keep up with Talia as someone grabbed you by your arm and shoved you behind them in attempt to get in front of everybody. You fell to the floor and someone kicked your head causing your vision to go dark…..
20 hours later
beep….beep….beep… all you heard was the constant sounds of a machine near you and the smell of a hospital. You blinked quickly to get used to the light as you saw your mother, father, surrounding your bed while your little sister and little brother were asleep on the chairs. Your mother heard your movements and shot her head up to meet your opened eyes, her face glowed with excitement as she gently gave you a hug “oh my sweet daughter I am so happy you are ok” she says as some tears left her eyes. My dad tried to stay strong but failed as he engulfed me in a hug as well. “What happened” I asked in a state of worry, as if on cue talia walks in with snacks and her her lips curl into a smile that was onced sadden. “IMANI YOUR ALIVE” she says before running to hug me. I embrace her hug before my mother had to pry her off of me, and then she started rambling how sorry she was that she let go of me. I tried to calm her down but something in the background caught me attention…or more like somebody, there was a woman on tv in from of a burned school. My school. I pointed at the tv in shock, and thats when they told everything that happened. Apparently somebody had spilled the wrong chemicals making there be an explosion in the school that soon caught on fire, but, it had spread too fast before they could stop it. In addition, while you and talia were attempting to run away the flood of students made you guys separate, and also made you fall and someone kicked on the side of your head making you pass out.
2 hours later
Needless to say you were tired, the hospital finally released you, you wanted some real food, and you were sitting in your bed about to sleep, but a though still rang in your mind, you called talia to see if she had the same thought as you. You dialed her number and after two rings she answered, although before she could say anything you beat her to it. “wait where will we go to college now we are half way through the junior year.. AND OUR COLLEGE IS IN ASHES!!” You yelled. You were in a panic you didn't want to restart the year let alone not get a bachelors degree but who would take you guys now. “ I know girl….. and I have an answer to your question,” she says turning the mood from panic to sadness. “Your parents and my parents found colleges that would take us but-” “oh that's great when do we start” I say as I interrupt her. “Girl trust me we got this we can accomplish this together,” I say trying to brighten her mood. “No that's not it its just….. We're not going to the same college Imani” she says breaking the bad news. Your heart dropped, “wait where are you going..” I say heartbroken. I didnt want to start over again at a new school, it would be like freshman year all over again…  “im going to Notre Dame in Indiana” she says kinda quiet. “And how do you know all this?” i say questioning her. “Your mother thought it was best I break the news to you. So she told me the information.. And I was just thinking of a way to tell you.” she says going quiet again. 
“So then… where am I going to school..?” 
“Uconn” she responds
Authors note: yes I know Paige isn't in it yet but she will be in chapter 2 I just wanted to build up the plot.
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wordsbymae · 1 year
Title: Western Anarchy Part 2.
Pairing: OC (male) x GN! reader
TW: yandere behaviour, whole lotta pet names, threats of violence, manipulation, perv behaviour.
Plot: werewolf cowboy man kidnaps his crush. Part one here
 Notes: Eli my man! I'm back with my main man Eil who I legit have written the least but anywho. very short but yeah
"But I don't wanna leave Eli" you murmured, face deep into his chest. You felt his arms constrict around you tighter and his chest take a deep influx of air.
"It ain't safe here no more sweetheart," he stated, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. You look up at him. His face was covered in grime, sweat lines cut through the thick taint of the dust that lingered on his skin. You spotted what looked like dried flakes of mud on his cheek and carefully you lifted your fingers up to scratch them off, you came away confused at the dulled redness of the mud. You decided to question him further, despite his tone, you always had a knack for ignoring his orders.
"But why?"
"Oh come on darlin, we spoke about this" he scoffed, leaving your arms to reach for his hat laying on your bed.
"No, we didn't" you tried "You fell through my window and just demanded I leave with you. You never told me why"
"For good reason!" he shouted, only for you to quickly quiet him, hands finding his chest to shush him. Your parents may be heavy sleepers but Eli Finch could awaken a deaf man three miles away if he pleased.
"For good reason," he whispered, slapping his hat on his head, turning away from you to rummage through your things.
"Now where's that travel bag of yours" he grumbled.
"Eli...Eli, please...Eli stop!" you demanded. Eli gave a sigh and dropped your newly discovered bag to the ground.
"Sweetheart, I've been real patient with you so far but we don't have time for a tantrum of yours, now start packing."
"But why" you urged "The sheriff wants to talk to you and if I leave now won't it look like I have something to hide? With the happenings and now the body, the towns on the edge Eli. Not to mention the fact I don't wanna go in the first place! Eli please just tell me what's going on"
A moment of silence passed. And then another
"The sheriff wants to talk to me? But I had nothing to do with Hudson's death"
"Then just talk to him, he's just crossing his t's and dotting his i's thats all. You went droving with the Hendersons and now one dead and the other missing, so of course, he wants to know where yo-" you stopped with a gasp.
"what? what is it Darlin?" his face twisting into concern.
"How did you know?" you whispered, taking a slow step back.
"Know what?" he laughed, but it felt cold, detached.
"That it was Hudson? He didn't have a face, we, we couldn't identify him... and how, how did you know he was dead at all. I didn't tell you" you were shaking now, inching your way to your door.
"I heard it in town of course sweetheart. You've been reading too much of that sherlock nonsense. Now come and-"
"but you said you hadn't been to town yet. You said you come straight here from the plains. Eli, I don't... Did you..?" you began to tear up, the flaking mud seemed to burn a bright red on his face as it occurred to you the sheriff hadn't been worried Eli was a victim, but instead the aggressor.
"Sweetheart. You don't know what your thinking" his tone had turned cold, it chilled your heart with fear. " So help me pack and we can forget all about your little meltdown alright? We really gotta get going"
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" you shouted, turning to your door and reaching to rip it open. You were dragged back by tight hands to your arms, both snaking around your chest and waist.
"oh for fucks sake! You just couldn't just shut up and do as you told huh?" he growled.
"Pa!! Ma! Help!" you sobbed, desperately trying to pull away.
"Sweetheart I really don't wanna do this but I don't think you want your darling parents in a room with me? Wouldn't want your lovely ma to be without a face like dear old Hudson huh. Or what about your father hm? He's not as young as he used to be, don't think he would be a match for me would he?" he growled, fear sinking into your skin.
"Please don't hurt them" you begged
"then be good for once and do as your told."
you quickly nodded, trying to hold back the tears.
"I did it for you, you know." his voice became soft again and oh so sweet, his lips finding your neck. You flinched and tried to ignore one of his hands drifting south. "He just wouldn't keep his trap shut. I won't taint your ears by telling you what he said about ya, but oh darlin that man was a fucking bastard alright. I warned him, but he just kept fucking talking. Told him if he kept talking about you like he did we would be having words. And well then I guess you could say I had a change of heart and words become me ripping his fucking face off. Of course, his stupid younger brother had to come to his rescue. Can't remember where I dumped him." you choked back a sob "So now you know, why we gotta leave, why you're gonna do as I say, why I'm not lying when I say I'll burn this place to the ground if you try anything I don't like."
" I'm just trying to protect you, sweetheart." he groaned as his wandering hand squeezed your backside. "All I've ever done is protect you" As he continued to hold you, you stared directly at the yellow eyes glowing in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. Something happened to Eli out on those plains and now it was coming back to bite you.
First drabble in a long time! How was it? kinda sad it's not very long but I've gotta plan where I wanna take eli's story and this felt like a good place to stop. Happy new year!!
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normansnt · 4 months
The stupids and matchmaking.
(Huskerdus x platonic!reader,
Sir Pantious x reader)
"Yeah and than I said: well listen if you dont like the book dont take it but the bitch still wanted to buy it at this point just to spite me and- are you listening to me? Husk you there? You know this is a good drama story I ended up clogging that bitch" you continued saying while you turned around to see what Husk was looking at
"Ohhhhh so thats how it is" you smirked once you noticed the cat was staring at a particular spider.
"What-? What are you talking about?" Said Husker once he teared away his eyes from Angel.
"Uhuhuhhhhhh you have a cruuush" you said in a sing song voice
"Shut your mouth kid I have no crush on no one" denied Husk
"Of course of course we'll see" you smiled cheekily and left the bar.
"What is he up to" whispered husk to himself as he saw you walk away.
Sir Pentious looked up from his work and looked around but didn't see anyone.
He looked up again but still no one.
"Ok thisss isss getting ridiculous, who issss there?"
"In here Pen" you whispered from your hiding place from behind a plant.
He knew who that was, only one person called him that and the thought of that he started blushing. Sir Pentious might have little crush on you.
He looked around and finally spotted you.
"Oh...(Y/N), how lovely to see you we could perhaps-ahhh" he blabbered on blushing but he couldn't get his sentence out because you pulled him behind the plants close to you.
"Shhhhhh" you put your finger over your mouth.
Pentious was tomato red. You were literally holding him with your arm around his neck very close you your face. If he would turn his head to look at you, you two would kiss.
"Listen I need a helping hand in a plan I have will you help me?" You looked at him your noses almost touching.
Pentious could only nod. There was no way he could get out any words being this close to kissing you.
"YAAYY I fucking knew you were the one 'aight follow me" and with that you dragged him to your room.
"And so they fall in love happily ever after. Got it?"
You gave Pentious a whole presentation with drawings about your plan on how to get Angel and Husk together.
Pentious nodded again. This is not what he thought of as you guys's first date but, alas at least you guys will spend a lot of time together, which you already do but this was different Pentious hoped to get you to like him in this time.
The plan was easy.
You told Husk that you needed help with something on the roof. At this point he didn't even question it you say and do stupid shit all the time.
Than Pentious asked Angel to meet him on the roof at the same time you told Husk.
Than you guys locked them on the roof.
Truly a genius plan (note the sarcasm)
However that didn't really work since Husk just kicked down the door and they walked down the stairs.
"Well that didn't work out"
You commented when you saw them chatting happily in the lobby after you closed them on the roof.
"Did we forget to lock the door?" You asked looking at sir Pentios.
"No, Im almosssst one hundred precent sssure that we locked it"
"Oh, well that plan 0.2"
Which failed miserably just like the first.
Than 0.3, than 0.4 and all the other that came after till Angel and Husk sat you guys down.
"Ok what the hell has been going with ya?" Asked Angel looking at you and Pentious.
"I dont know what you mean" you said acting like nothing was going on.
"Aight kid listen, either tell us or no more drinks for a week." Husk took the harsher path.
You still didn't budge.
But Pentious did.
"We just wanted to get you guys to realize your love for each other and get together since you are made for each other" he bursted out.
"DUDE, we were good, we could have convinced them nothing's going on"
You said looking at Pentsious.
Angel and Husk looked at each other. Than bursted out laughing.
You and Pentious looked at them confused.
"What-whats going on?" You asked still confused lookang at Pentious who looked at you two.
"Haha...nothing, nothing its just...we are already going out" said Angel once he calmed down a bit.
"WHAT?" You and Pentious jumped up at the same time looking at them bewildered.
"WHY DIDNT YOU GUYS TELL ME?" You questioned two of your bestfriends.
"Well we wanted to wait and see if it would work before telling you guys" answered Angel again while looking at husk softly the cat holding his hand and smiling back at him.
"Well thats...thats...oh who cares I'm just so happy for you guys." You said while throwing yourself at the couple hugging them.
"So, should we play matchmaker for you and Pentious now?" Asked back Husk smirking after you guys parted. Angel looked at you two as well smirking.
Of course the two of you got tomato red.
Well, well, well what d'ya know I POSTED AGAIN🫡
I will very likely write a part two for this because I love Sir Pentious so much he is an absolute sweetheart🥹🧡🧡🧡🧡
I hope you enjoyed your readings Ladies gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night.🦖🧡
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fruit-salad-ship · 10 months
Pirate AU got me in the angst.
This is unchecked, unedited, and I’m unapologetic, it’s 4:30am I’ll do what I want.
Peach finds herself glancing up amidst the crew, a battle coming to a swift end thanks to their captain, a now cursed being. She did not hesitate to wrap foe in her tendrils and whip them into the ocean, or spike them into the ships deck with such force most enemies broke on impact, not moving further than wherever they landed. Her second in command watched on as this giant woman crushed the life out of another, catching sight of her eyes. The yellow that usually stood at stark contrast to her purple hued skin were now pitch black, completely void of the captains original love or compassion. A once soft woman now stood with sharp teeth bared as the last person she fought threw a harpoon that sliced her cheek, before being torn in two by the monsters grasp.
Peach saw the crew watch on, Grey catching her eye, both of them exchanging a look.
“Get below deck!” Every member of staff looked between Plum, her form still tearing at a body, and Peach who herself couldn’t look away, frightened for the crew. “THATS AN ORDER!” Was shouted with such force, the second mate never raised her voice like this, they all scattered back to safety. Grey paused beside her, one of the last to retreat.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Peach kept her eyes on the captain, tightening her grip on her sword as a woman she felt so many complex things for slipped further away with each little action.
“Not a clue… Look after them.” He gave a single nod and went to the stairs, while the second in command pulled her pistol out, walking forward on the deck.
It was quiet, the crunching of bones and ragged breath all you could focus on as the huge woman chewed through fallen enemies. Peach took steady steps towards this huge woman, her presence going ignored.
“Plum.” The captain did not turn to look at her. “Plum!” Still nothing, so she raised the pistol to the sky and fired. The sound of the shot resonated, plum paused her crunching, and finally turned to lock eyes with her member of staff. There was no recognition in her face, the sneer that revealed rows of sharp teeth menacing as they flashed white. Peach watched as her captain lurched forward. She held her sword out, and the pistol, and dropped both to the floor. Nothing in the world would make her raise her weapons to someone that looked so much like her wife. The world was cruel to monsters, she would not be another to maintain that behaviour, not when she loved one once before so fiercely.
“Plum, snap out of it!” As the towering woman approached peach stood her ground, not even flinching as a barrel was thrown with force, shattering close enough to get caught on the arm by some of the splinters, the humans eyes focused on plum, her side step smooth and seamless. “What’s gotten into you?” This time you can see the question cut deeper, the monster puts one hand on her head while grimacing, an internal fight raging. There’s hope, in there somewhere the captain resides still, the real her, not whoever this was.
The old pirate is suddenly caught off guard, too busy watching her captain, as she’s rushed by a more stealthy tentacle and grabbed by the leg, yanked into the air, before being slammed back to the deck. This is such a swift motion she gets no chance to think, overcome with pain and a ringing in her ear as her head collides with the solid wood floor. If she’d not have hit the ground so violently perhaps she’d have heard the crack in her chest, or registered the fracture in one arm that put itself out instinctively and took brutal force. Peach felt her body get dragged back, the irony of her immortal self once more dawning on her. She could do this all day and still get up from it. If only the pain wasn’t real, but that was the curse. Feel everything, experience countless lifetimes of hurt and grief and loneliness, never escape. She left a clear red line as she was dragged, head split somewhere under the tangled mop, until the limb holding her let go.
Plum assumed her dead, as if whatever she was now didn’t know of her second mates immortality, shocked and surprised when the woman groaned, pushed her body up slowly, before making a wobbly stand.
“Stop this- you’re going to spook the crew.” Peach paused to notice a loose tooth at the back of her jaw, it was fine, they grew back, so tearing this one out and throwing it to the floor was the smart move, swallowing teeth wasn’t a fun processes in comparison. Plum closed the gap, driven by rage, an emotion she hardly ever wore, expecting this human to flee, but peach didn’t move again, braced for impact sure but stood solid, sturdy, ready.
Plum let a tentacle wrap around her second in commands leg, the grip was tight, growing in intensity by the second.
“This isn’t you-“ peach had to stop suddenly, the pain from the squeeze becoming unbearable quickly, trying to pry herself free with no success, fingers clawing at her captor with futile desperation. The pressure on her leg grew so strong she could hear the bone creak, feel it start to bend, to buckle.
“Plum, don’t!” An instinct that hundreds of years could not wear out, to preserve herself, this would not kill her, and the damage would heal in a day or three, but it would hurt. A lot. The leviathan saw this little human push against her, try to worm free, and with each attempt she gripped tighter until the inevitable happened. Peach let out a guttural shout as the echo of snapping bone resounded in her own body, hand gaining a shake from pain. She looked up into the completely black eyes of her captain, anger and determination settling on her features. What could she do? Fighting wasn’t an option, body still held like a vice, every move jolting her now broken leg with shooting pain, feeling another tentacle wrap her torso, trapping one arm in place.
“Plum I know you’re in there! Stop this-“ choking the words right out of her, that hairline crack in her ribs from earlier giving way to another snap. Peach felt that sharp pain in her chest, a broken rib was one thing, this was something else, as if it had broken inwards, puncturing something, unable to stop the cough that struggled out and caused more pain to rattle around her while spluttering blood out in the process. Breathing was near impossible, and for a fleeting second she was grateful she didn’t need to, able to just about focus on the face peering down at her so close to her own. She was in too much pain to say anything other than a hoarse, strained out “stop“ her one free arm extended to her captain.
Plum felt the hand on her cheek, so small and so weak, a flair of recognition deep down inside, rage and hostility drowning it out quickly. The restrained pirate was thrown with force, her body bouncing along the ships deck a few times before coming to a stop. Peach felt every nerve in her body fire off, and then after a short while of agony, she entered a state of euphoria, brain bypassing the pain with chemicals to assure she didn’t go mad from it.
From here on out, her body acted without thought of herself. Plum watched her shift where she lay, how was this one human just not dying? They were all so fragile typically. She truly did not recall she’d never die, that this was futile. Broken skin began to heal over as she watched, bones being moved as if someone was pushing them back into the correct place. It hurt, it hurt so much, but there was no other option but to get back up, struggling up onto one leg, the unbroken one, a hobble to face the woman she’d come to love, or whatever she’d become now.
“Thats enough-“ One step after another, Peach moved towards her captain, it was pained, it was slow, but Plum just seemed to watch in bewilderment, the closer this one got, the more she seemed to stand strong, repair, wounds and scrapes healing before her very eyes. Now only a meter from her, the undead woman pauses, the entire walk over she expected to be struck again, surprised it never came. “Plum-I know you’re in there.” No flinch, no shifting at all as the towering creature stooped, a sneer still set on her face, taking a step back. This human was unnatural, it started to scare her. Peach watched her grasp at her head once more, whipping around to hiss in a hostile way spotting peach take a step closer. She paused, the exhaustion of this interaction starting to catch up, hands out to soothe the towering sea monster. “I’m not leaving you.” Another step backed plum up against a wall, her tentacles whipping to keep peach away, a fact she ignored. “This isn’t who you are- I know” She was struck hard with a lashing limb, knocked to one knee, breathing, shaking through the sting that bolted through every part of her. Getting back up, continuing her move closer steadily, until she was able to reach out with her one functional arm to touch this woman’s large hand gently, no hostility in her body despite being bloodied, broken and battered. A tentacle came crushing down on her, and for a moment there was nothing.
Peach was held under the weight of this limb, only just able to set her eyes up on the sky, dark, endless night, peaceful. From under this tentacle there was no way the sheer mass of it hadn’t ruptured several organs, snapped what was left of her ribs, potentially buckled the already broken leg in a worse way, the amount of force being put on her overwhelming.
Plum was certain, this time for sure, the human would not get back up, continuing to apply pressure until the deck of the ship started to splinter under her one tentacle. It wasn’t until a small feeling made her pause, a hand, its gentle grasp to the very tip of her limb, the limb trying to kill this person who would not stop calling out to her, Peach had reached for it even in this dazed state, squeezing in a way that felt familiar. Plum pulled the crushing weight of her arm back and peaked at the woman, lying there, so much blood just pouring from her mouth, glazed over and unfocused, but still not quitting. That small amount of space given to take a hesitant glance at this person, plum heard one raspy sentence.
“Come- p-please… come back to- to me” It was so struggled.
Every time this human got close or tried to approach Plum was struck with confusion, a state of panic coming over her, noise in her head like someone was shouting, screaming, having to clasp at her skull as if it’d split and come apart if she didn’t. She blinked, breathed, the culmination of shouting in her head getting so loud, until suddenly, it stopped. The sense of rage subsided, what was once a hazy state of murderous intent receded. Plum felt…like herself, shaking off whatever happened, a dizzy spell hitting her, wobbling, the large leviathan form reducing down to a more human size, collapsing to a heap on her knees as she huffed and tried to catch up with everything, what was that? She felt like she’d woken up from a horrible distant dream.
Her head shot up from staring at the floor, realising she was watching that whole previous interaction, a motionless body lying on the deck about three meters from her, crushed into the floor. She nearly fell running to Peach, had to catch herself twice, stopping with haste beside her second in command who did not move, eyes shut. The state of her body was brutal, bruises forming, bones clearly broken, so much blood- there was too much blood, it scared Plum. She’d seen a lot, you do in the pirating work, but this was a step too far.
Plum cried without control, her little hands shaking to try to reach out at the woman to fix this, try to undo what she did, thoughts that felt like dreams suddenly clicking into place, memories, tangible moments, retracting her reach when she realised it was her that caused this, terrified, so painfully afraid she’d do it again. Her muttering of begging as she hoped the woman before her was ok seemed to pour out without conscious thought, praying to a god she never believed in, pleading that Peach would survive this, getting scared when she didn’t respond, she always responded. Plum braved it, taking a shaky grasp of the injured woman’s hand, squeeing it, calling out to her to wake up, tears starting to fall as the calls went unanswered. She did this, she lost herself- putting her forehead on that damaged hand in hers while just sobbing, hunched over the form of the only person she’d truly ever loved, fully, without condition.
The hand squeezed back, it was so weak, but there, plum shot her head up, looked at this woman, she remained very still, the sudden breathe becoming one of the few sounds the captain heard, an intake of air that rattled, wheezed, struggled, but was now present once more. It somehow made the tears worse, relief that she was alive, Plum felt so much so fast, the grip on her partners hand refusing to falter, her tears getting heavier, unstoppable.
“D-“ she looked at Peach, seeing her try to say something “don-don’t…cry. Is o-“ a pained inhale “is ok.” This seemed worse? How was this worse? Her crying refused to stop, putting the woman’s hand on her cheek, holding it there against her skin. The scuffed and damaged thumb weakly wiped a tear away, the rest of her body unable to respond right now, but she fought to have her hand gesture gently, to comfort Plum in a way she needed right now.
If this was anyone else, they’d have been killed, Peach acted, got the crew away from Plum, and got through to her at a huge cost. Plum recalled the snapping sounds. It made her feel sick, just shaking, refusing to leave this woman’s side.
“I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” Repeated many times, unsure what to do, did she move her? Leave her to heal a little? She didn’t know- filled with regret and rage towards herself, an uncertainty if she should be near people anymore, a fear for her staff, her family, the sick feeling in her gut from the shame and sorrow that refused to shift.
Despite this, the hand on her cheek did not leave, every now and then able to shakily caress her, remind her that she’s not doing this alone. Plum couldn’t help but turn into that scraped palm, hold it as tight as she could allow herself to do. Still apologising, still crying.
The day after this incident, peach stayed in her room ever since Grey carried her there, completely unconscious by that point, the only time she’s ‘sleep’ was while healing rapidly from massive damage. No one had seen her since, she’d locked the door, not even the ships doctor had gone in. Plum had to confront this, she had to apologise again, check on her, try to make this up to her as she wanders down into the ships belly, crew passing, greeting her, seemingly ok with what happened, they were safe, plum was back, the apprehension was dispelled by Grey. She knocks on the woman’s door and waits, hearing a ‘what?’ From within that was undoubtedly Peach’s voice, still sounding tired and worn down.
“I just wanted to see how you are…” There was a hesitation, a moments quiet before her second mate responded.
“I’m fine, don’t worry, just go back to your cabin, rest, you’ve been through a lot.” The door did not open. Plum put her head on the wood and considered her options. The lack of her footsteps moving away was obvious to Peach, so she called out once more. “You don’t have to fix this, please, I just need time to recover…” The pause was poignant, the captain hung on every word. “I don’t want you seeing me like this, it’s not…You dont need that.” But Plum caused it, this was her fault, something she had to atone for, to try to make ok, if she ever could.
“Peach, please, let me in.” Once before this point in time, her pleading would not work, Plum would have to pull rank and demand Peach do as she ask, but…times change, things grow, feelings settle in and become more powerful than anything else. Plum backed up hearing the uneven steps within move towards the door, steps that sounded like they didn’t sit well. The latch on the door opened and it cracked just a little, Plum could see the outline of this woman, no lanterns or candles lit within, she stayed in the dark, recoiling back from the light of the ships hallway, slunk in the shadows. Neither said anything, Peach wanted to but failed to find the words, unable to stop the captain taking a step towards the door, one confident hand touching the wood and pushing it back a bit, a step over the threshold. The further in she went, the more the door opened, the more light was shed on what was within. Plums eyes adjusted, starting to see the features of this woman, the bruising on her skin covering every inch almost, creeping past a cheek, blackening an eye, running across the jaw, down the neck, under the shirt that was done up badly, she must have struggled to get clothes on that weren’t bloodied at some point. Plum went to say something, taking another step closer, a hand reaching out for this woman who’d put herself at risk to bring her back down to earth, pausing when Peach flinched away. Of course she would, Plum did this. Her hand retracted, the other taking it to make sure it didn’t come forward again. The immortal realised what she’d done, trying to quickly back track.
“I didn’t flinch because of- because of anything you’re thinking. I…” Her companion gave a weak smile to try to reassure, but the expression didn’t sit right, she was so upset, brow knitted in a sad way, griping her hand so tight, feeling a sting in it from the hold.
“It’s alright, I understand.” She took a step back, “I’m afraid of me too.” Every glance at her partner stinging more, the black and blue that sat so obviously on her pale skin, tattoos not even visible amongst it, even motions made were jittery, as if the muscles weren’t working correctly.
“Thats not- No, you listen to me.” Peach had to stop her leaving, had to put her hand in the light, having avoided doing so up until now, taking one step forward, catching Plum by the arm as she tried to leave her reach. The motion hurt, her whole torso was on fire doing this, her free hand instinctively holding her side from the pain. Plum got to see closer now the damage done, her hand was fully in the candle light, so battered, so bruised, still shaky. It made her eyes prick with tears, she didn’t want to cry again, please not again. She’d hardly stopped since yesterday.
“Let me go.” Too afraid to move away in case she caused any more damage.
“Not until you open your ears, you cant just ignore me.” She didn’t fight being gently pulled into Peach’s quarters, the door shutting behind them, a bit more privacy from the crew moving around. She stood stiffly, waiting, surprised when the faintest lamp light lit up, an act to make the captain feel comfortable, or, try to at least. To see how hurt this typically durable woman was seeped under plums skin, having to look away from the bruising, unable to stomach it.
“I flinched because I didn’t want you to see this, I didn’t want you to have to feel bad, NOT because you scare me, you don’t, nothing you do could frighten me.” Peach wanted to reach out and hold her, but plum wasn’t even able to look at her, lord knows how she’d feel if she was pulled into an embrace and noticed the few bones still sticking out in strange places, they healed one at a time, worst first, so some were very much still painful, and in places they shouldn’t have been. Her captains inability to look at her was… difficult to cope with. She paused, looking back at the light. “Do you want me to get rid of it? I thought some light would help, but-“
“No, no it’s fine. I just, I didn’t expect you to be so bruised.” Plum finally glanced up at her tentatively, frown growing more prominent as she did.
Peach rolled her sleeves down, and started to struggle to do the buttons up on her shirt more, hands failing to work well, fumbling with each, that is until a hand sat on hers, stopping her, the captains grasp soft.
“Don’t, you’re straining to do that, leave it.” Plum wanted to see what she did, remember it, bathe in the guilt it produced, hand slipping from the bruised digits of her staff to the torso, past shirt and to skin, she was warm. The more she pushed fabric aside, the more damage was revealed, letting the top fall from peach’s shoulder.
“You don’t need to see this.” Said despite the injured woman making no physical moves to stop her company, body hurting, the gentle touching was sweet relief.
“You don’t know what I need.” The shirt fell to the floor to show off a black and blue tapestry, every inch covered in this mottling.
Plum could never forget this, not in a million years, she’d not let it vanish from her mind. She let two of her fingers hook the injured woman’s belt loop on the front of her pants, pulling her to the bed. There was no fight, no words. Plum sat at the back and petted the bed, and peach obeyed, hobbling to sit down, being pulled softly so that her head was on the captains thigh, able to lie down in a position that wasn’t agony. Peach had not had someone put their hands through her hair in hundreds of years, it was so soothing to feel the fingers finding their way back to her after each long stroke through that pinkish mess. Plum watched, saw this woman look up, reach and stroke the slice to her cheek. The thumb that ran along it showed peach only saw her, only the damage she got, a tiny cut, that’s all. Meanwhile she lay beaten, now without her shirt it was clear to see where bones had once pierced skin, plum needed to take this all on, let her hands find those areas that still needed to heal. Her gentle pets and tender attention led to a rarity. One plum had not actually seen before. Peach fell asleep. Her head grew heavy in her lap and she could hear the breathing deepen.
She’d only do this when she was very hurt, sleep was not something she needed anymore. It went to show just how badly hurt she’d been. Plum sat up, the tentacles that often would subconsciously reach for the undead woman, this time staying far back, retracted and coiled as if afraid to touch her. The captain didn’t notice the tears that started again, quickly wiping them away with a free hand as the other stayed on this woman’s head gently. Peach would never know, and Plum would never tell. The severity of this moment would stay with her forever.
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Woo finally getting out of writers block! sorry for the absence, Trey had exams and writers block, so that wasn't nice ;-;
Requests are open 24/7 again!
anyways, here’s today's fic!
Deuce Spade + Ace Trappola (Seperate) x Xiao!M!Reader!
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Deuce Spade:
Upon your first meeting, you were rather silent, giving mostly one word answers to his questions, your stare was colder than freezing temperatures, it made him shiver whenever you glanced his way with that stare... He figured that he should leave you alone, but at the same time, he was curious about you, though your stare was scary, those golden eyes of yours were almost hypnotizing, and your hair looked soft to the touch. He realized quickly many things about you, you clearly don't eat or sleep enough, especially when you say "Adepti don't need to sleep or eat." But he still wanted you to eat at least something, so he asked if you had a favorite food, you sighed almost as if you were annoyed, and replied with your favorite; Almond tofu, he didn't know what it was, but he was willing to find out, just so you could eat something at least... He eventually figured out that you had a softer side to you, after a while you had stopped giving him those scary glares, and he was instead met with a blank expression and a slight nod from you whenever he said "Good morning" to you, you're also talking to him a bit more, replying with at least a sentance, three if he's lucky, your voice was once just as cold as that stare, but now its softer, more... calm, per say. He viewed you as his friend (and crush), but he was unsure of what you saw him as, since your expressions were either anger, unamuzement, or just as blank as unused printer paper. He looked up to you as a role model for him, you were obident to the rules, you did insanely well with your classes, despite never speaking in any of them, you were organized and neat, and you were strong.
"Deuce." You suddenly said his name, in the middle of a conversation, sounding as serious as ever. "O-oh uh, yes Y/n?" he replied, "If you ever run into any trouble that involves a fight, call out my name. I will be there when you call." you said with no hesitation, he was surprised, but thanked you none the less, but then he spent the past 3 hours thinking about what you would do if he did happen to call out your name... would you protect him? Do you actually see him as a friend as well? He has 99 questions, but not one ounce of courage to ask you about it.
Ace Trappola:
He's a very lively kind of guy, and you're a silent introverted kind of guy... opposites attract, I suppose. He was one of the first people you met in Twisted Wonderland, he slightly remined you of Hu Tao, but remove the funeral parlor director role and dark humor. He was a menace to you, dragging you to lunch with him and his friends, trying to scare you around every corner, pulling pranks and getting in trouble. When he showed up at Ramshackle with that collar around his neck, you gave him a stare colder than the temperatures in Antarctica, full of unamusement and dissapointment, you don't even bother asking him what he did, you end up just saying "deal with it yourself." and slamming the door(thats hanging on to its hinges for dear life), in his dumb but loveable face. Though he is a menace, you slowly but surely learn to tolerate him more, and he never leaves you alone still, and he sees you as a friend, though he'd never admit that, though the feeling of butterflies in his stomach whenever he's around never leaves him be... I wonder why... *Cough* he likes you *cough*
"Ace." you suddenly say, startling him a bit "Eh? what's up?" he asks, "If you ever run into trouble that involves a fight, call out my name. I will be there when you call." you say in a serious tone, he doesn't really understand, but he thanks you anyways(in a very confused tone). When he actually does call your name, you appear right by his side in a flash, shielding him from the threat that dared harm someone you saw as a mutual, you knock some real sense into those idiots, violently. He's quite amazed by your strength, despite the fact your physical appearance seems weak... to him anyway. If he's lucky enough to some how get a smile out of you, even if its just the smallest smile, he'll never leave you alone about it. Ever.
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kyyuri · 2 years
to be or not ! -yang jungwon
special chap ! the fund raiser (smau + written)
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★彡 synopsis: what happens when y/n, who is hopelessly pinning over her best friend, jungwon- gets betrayed by not one, but both of them ?! and what happens when jungwon falls for her despite all odds ?
a/n: GOSH IT FEELS GREAT TO BE BACK! sorry for the prolonged hiatus,, i had a lot of major exams this year and it was really tough >< but theyve finally ended so i will be updating more frequently! please continue to support this smau as always <3 (ps. 2 more chapters and this series ends officially 😭😭 might do spin offs if you guys want !)
word count: 694
taglist 2 ! 6 slots left
perm taglist open !
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after days and dayyyyssss of hard work, jungwon had finally managed to pull off the perfect cake using the perfect recipe. jumping in joy, he slowly put the cake into the refrigerator. only 12 more hours till the eventful day he had planned. his heart was beating really fast. what if you said no ? what if you grew to resent him instead ? holding the keychain you returned him in his hands, he prayed to god. “please please please dont let me screw the only good thing in my life up again.”
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as expected, the hallway was jam packed with students, turning round each corner ready to try all the booths out. “jay oppa, hows all the funds so far ? “ you asked, packing another box of cookies for the students. “its going great, apart from the fact sunghoon is too busy taking fan pictures to even lend a hand. on the bright side, his face itself earned us $150 so far.” you chuckled “thats good to hear.” handing the box to the male student infront of you, you smiled, “ have a great day ! feel free to come back for more !” upon noticing his hesitance to leave, you were quick to question why. “can… CAN I GET YOUR PHONE NUMBER ?” he shouted at the top of his lungs, making the both of you flustered. you were too shocked to even speak. “um…um..” just then you felt someone hugging you from behind. “ynnnnnnnn~ its lonely here… come back quick please ..?” jungwon whined. the guy from before instantly took the hint that you were off limits once jungwon sent a glare his way. you giggled “okay wonie. lets go. “ jungwon just couldnt wait for the lunch shift to be over. “ill take over from here.” heeseung said giving a wink to jungwon. it was the signal. the signal to for ynwon final project. “thanks hyung !” and with that jungwon dragged you out of that class, bringing you to the school rooftop.
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“wonie why are we heading for the rooftop ? what about the bake sale ? its not over yet. “ “i know that but i wanna show you something.” as the door to the rooftop swung open, your jaws dropped. “wonie.. whats this ?” he smiled. “i prepared this for you ! oh and also this cake ! heeseung hyung taught me how to bake a while back.” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly “ a small smile creeped up on your face. “ thank you wonie. for everything. all the thoughts and effort you put into this. “ but when you turned from the view to face jungwon, all you see is a nervous boy. “won..ie ?” “i- i have something to say ! please let me finish everything before you speak. i- i- i have a crush on you and i didnt realised that i did i thought it was all normal and it took me a dating yujin to figure out that my feelings for her were ones of friendliness and my feelings for you are ones that can blossom into something more. i know i gave you a really hard time recently because of everything that went down and im really sorry for that and i understand if yo-you dont like me back anymore ! its really ok if you don-“ before he could finish his rambling, you leaned in and gave him a little peck on his cheeks. “wonie, i get it. you dont have to be sorry anymore. and besides, i like you back so isnt this a win for us ?” he looked at you absolutely stunned. “really ? you do ?” you nodded. he squeezed you into a tight hug “ im never going to let anyone take you away from me !!”
“sweet ! im getting my robux !” niki cheered softly from behind the door to the rooftop, earning himself a nice slap on the back from sunoo. “shh ! let the new couple enjoy their time together. i cant believe it took jungwon so many years to acknowledge his TRUE feelings.”
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viscerax · 2 years
Vance Confessing Headcanons
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I feel like Vance is pretty emotionally unavailable. Getting him to confess would be quite a feat.
He probably never really has had a "crush." And he doesn't really like that term, he feels like it makes him seem like a little schoolgirl. He's more like the kind of guy who only really dated people for fun.
But he feels different about you. He doesn't want to just be with you for fun, and that kind of irks him.
At first, he's definitely stand-offish towards you. He doesn't like feeling all nervous and sweaty. Despite his appearance, he really isn't very good at flirting. Most of the people he had been with only liked him for his appearance or his bad boy attitude, but you're different.
When he realizes that he likes you more than he's liked other people he's been with, he's kinda like "oh fuck." He's kind of scared, even if he would never admit it.
He probably wouldn't make the first move. He's mostly scared that you won't like him back and then he's fucked.
He'd probably drop subtle hints and when I say subtle I mean SUBTLE. Like no one would figure this shit out and then he'd internally panic thinking he was to obvious and that you didn't like him.
He definitely flirts by letting you play pinball, but he says you aren't allowed to beat his high score.
He overthinks anything you say, a LOT. You could say you like the color blue and he'd be like "holy shit my eyes are blue and my jacket is blue are they saying they like me do I have a chance Holy shit"
He is definitely very possessive of you. If anyone tries to flirt with you, he wants to beat the shit out of them.
One time, one of your classmates came up and asked you on a date while you were standing at your locker. Vance was next to you, and before you could even respond he pushed the person away and yelled in their face "They aren't interested!"
You kind of started to catch on after that.
Eventually, Vance was tired of constantly feeling nervous and not knowing how you felt about him.
One day, the two of you were hanging out at the park. Out of nowhere, he grabbed your hand and dragged you behind a huge tree and out of the field of view of people walking by.
You were confused as to what he was trying to do. Vance kind of looked around and paced a bit before stopping and looking you in the eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him. He looked like he was struggling to say something.
"Do you like me?" Vance stopped pacing and made direct eye contact with you.
You blinked a few times, now even more confused. "What? I mean of course I like you. Thats why we're friends."
"No I mean like do you like- do you yknow- fuck! Do you like like me?" You could see a bit of a red tint coming to his face, and you chuckled a little bit. "Why the fuck are you laughing? Whats so funny?"
You gave him a warm smile, leaning against the trunk of the tree and crossing your arms over your chest. "Well, that depends, do you like-like me?"
Vance looked at you for a few seconds before nodding. "Yes- I mean fuck like-" he cleared his throat "like- your pretty cool or whatever."
You chuckled and took a step towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
You pulled away and smiled at him. "I hope that answers your question."
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A.N.- I hope this is good enough <3333 I really enjoyed writing this :3
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