#thats whats actually gonna turn him evil
oifaaa · 4 months
If DC had balls they’d tell us Alfred’s opinion on Brexit
I dont trust any dc writer to understand Brexit enough or for them to actually give the real answer which we all know that bastard flew back to England just so he could vote leave and it wasn't bc of the bus
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disruptivevoib · 2 months
Long Ramble about CCCC and my overall feelings on what the album means and such
Something I find important about CCCC is like.
The fact that all three of them are, in some way, trying.
Heart is emotion, he is prone to himself and being reactionary, in the moment. Prone to the past of learned behavior and trauma. Reactive and rapidly changing. He isn't going to make pure sense because he isn't based in logic or in societal ideals or views. He is an instinctual response to the environment and circumstances. His manipulation is not intentional. He has very little control of himself in the end. Its why Mind talks about claiming to relish entropy yet clearly needing help. But, Heart in earnest wants them to be okay and safe. He believes that Mind's control will drain the life from them. It will make things monotonous and the same. Too much order.
Mind in turn, believes Heart is manipulative with intention. He wants to control Soul or wants to just drag them all down with him into this depressive state. Mind is logic, he is the reasoning out of your emotional instinct. Your inner critique, and when unchecked, that inner critique goes from a guiding hand for your emotion to one that debates and bullies it. Invalidating its responses. Ultimately, though. Mind just believes he is helping. He is doing what must be done and telling the "hard truths" to Heart. And that Heart is being the petty child. Which- I mean. Sort of sure. But Mind is definitely fucking petty and childish. He's stubborn! Prideful! So ofc he is. Admitting you're wrong? No.. why would he EVER do that.. nuh uh.
Which is what makes Light so crucial. Mind asking Heart for help- but also. There is Soul.
Who while ambiguous in purpose, is mostly that background voice. Your inner narration. If Mind is Logic and Reason then Heart is Emotion and Instinct,, Soul is all that lives between it. And he is constantly silenced or spoken over or around. He does not get a word in edgewise until TSE. He may show up in the background occasionally but as much as Heart and Mind claim to want to keep him alive and help him, they also fail to actually acknowledge what he says.
Which is that they both are right and wrong. That this fighting is doing directly what they both feared it would. Soul is desperate by the end. He is angry and resentful because.. well. Self hatred due to intense self awareness and reflection is rather ig. Common. Im not a professional here but from personal experience, you get so tired of rehashing the same shit with yourself over and over. It all feels pointless.
The only out, by the end of it all to Soul is that if they cannot be Whole, whats the point? He is desperate. He does not want to die but he feels theres no other solution.
And. About Whole, Soul throughout the album seems to want that. At the beginning, to be Whole or Harmonious is to be mentally healthy, maybe even "normal" by society's standards. To be able to put a mask over your problems and be, again, "normal". It takes the entire album for Soul to realize that this:
1. isnt possible
2. There isn't anything evil or wrong with him for that.
Mental health is a struggle. But you are not evil and should not be othered because you struggle. You also do not need to be fixed for being a little different and people's opinion of you is not what matters most so long as you are happy (and not hurting others. Lol).
Thats what Two Wuv is entirely about as a song. Its a "fuck you. Fuck this! I thought I needed to be this! But I DON'T. Stop telling me who I am! How to be! I'm gonna be me!"
His entire arc is parallel to Heart and Mind's and is crucial in the culmination of becoming yourself again and accepting yourself.
But, as mental health will always be, this period of respite and self acceptance is not always forever. And as life continues or as you lapse back into a depressive episode.. you cannot help but forget what it is like when you're not this way- and hell! Vice versa too! Some people have this disconnect between the periods. Where the things from the depressive state seem dramatic or obtuse to you while you are doing better. And from the other end, you just want to be happy again.. but you get so lost in it all you can struggle to feel like you've ever been happy.
The album is about the human experience. It is about self-sabotage, mental illness, self-hatred and reflection and it is, maybe more importantly about self-acceptance and healing. Having a bit of mercy on yourself. Accepting that you are imperfect and that this is okay. And whatever flaws you may have that need to be mended or worked on, can be. And that who you are, for example, if you are queer, is okay. And no one has the right to take that identity from you! That the internalized ideas of how someone should be are not always correct or right. Not for you, at least. Stuff like that.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Hello there hope your doing super well ~ . As request are currently open could I please headcanons with law ,sanji, zoro. +feel free to add characters. With a s/O thats super sweet to everyone almost too sweet. Also cute. But some choice to take avngenre of y/n kinddess. And once y/N found out that is all fake. They become like a sad puppy. All sad.
Thanks for your work.💙💜
I’m doing wonderful dear anon<3 thank you for asking! Oh my I’ve never written for law, I don’t know much about him because I’m still at the impel down arc in the anime soo I hope sanji and zoro will be alright~ :)
y/n sounds so sweet! They must be protected!! (Also you used s/o and y/n so I will too, in this case no pronouns will be used ♥︎)
enjoy your hcs love! And thank you for your request! (may be a bit ooc for zoro?)
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Zoro and a cute and sweet reader!~
what an adorable oxymoron<3
you love to cuddle and curl up on top of him when he’s sleeping
He’s a big guy so he’s sure to provide warmth
zoro doesn’t get your need to help others and being so kind to people
or how helping others makes you happy
but zoro is emotionally strong—maybe not intelligent but strong
so he knows when to draw the line for you if your accidentally being overly helpful
or if your tiring yourself out/overextending yourself
he brings a sense of balance to you in that aspect
the fact that he can do that for you is comforting and makes you feel protected
which Zoro is protective of you because of how naive you are
Zoro is very wary of strangers for you
your too sweet and assume that person is just having a bad day or that’s they’re natural face
but behind you is your big scary dog (zoro) who is glaring daggers at the person he knows actually has an evil intent towards you
Zoro is there most of the time so he doesn’t let people take advantage of you
but the times he isn’t around?
once he finds out he gonna slice that person into dice and make them return whatever they had you get them, etc
he doesn’t it like it at all and can immediately tell when someone is trying to get over on you
After the situation is handled he drags you away (getting you two lost) and says
“Seriously! You needa be more careful y/n!”
he doesn’t really notice how down you are for a while
until he turns around to ask you something and you sorta have this sad puppy look on your face
”what’s wrong with you?”
he’s not gentle about it or anything but he does care
when you tell him it’s because your sad that everyone your kind to betrays you his protectiveness heightens
”what do you wanna impress those people for when you have the world's greatest swordsman..”
he kinda muttered it to himself
but you heard and immediately perked up
you clang onto his arm and walked all the way back to the sunny like that
(might I mention it took a while since Zoro was leading..you knew the way but you decided to just let him 🤦‍♀️😂💗)
Zoro overall does appreciate what you do for him and the crew tho
how you count his push-ups and bring him the drinks/food you asked sanji to make him
it doesn’t go unnoticed so don’t worry :)
as far as y/n being cute he doesn’t notice every time
or have a big reaction when he does
he only blushes a little sometimes, again, when he notices
it’s easier to make him bashful than it is to make him blush with a cute face/smile
He does think your innocence is a bit cute tho!
…..along with naive, but still cute!
”seriously..how come your always getting yourself into trouble” (he blushes a little and turns his face away, pouting slightly)
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Sanji x such a sweetheart reader is practically meant to be!!
Your both equally sweet and serving
especially sanji since he was raised in an environment where he had to serve people
you guys always insist on helping each other
your love languages are most definitely acts of service and quality time
you two do each other favors all day
”let me help you!”
”no I’ve got it sit down, relax!”
that conversation goes both ways between the two of you multiple times a day
Sanji loves to cook for you so ask him any time of day!
he never has a problem with it and wants to do it actually!
You two are equally emotional people and probably empathic
you guys feel for other people so you feel the urge to help those in need
your weakness is being too kind and his is being too much of a gentleman
you guys are actually really similar in a sense
which you all don’t mind because you can relate to each other
sanji however knows when to take a break
not to say that you don’t but you just tend to overwork yourself for other people’s sake
to which sanji puts a stop to :)
he runs you hot baths, massages your shoulders and washes your hair
You do the same for him since you’d feel bad if you didn’t
he very much appreciates this
its not every day someone takes care of him
you guys then eat the delicious hot meal he prepared and snuggle up, falling asleep together
You guys also take the chance for vacation every time you see one
Pirates have to be prepared for the worst of adventures on every island
so as soon as you see the opportunity to relax you two leap to have a fun beach day
sanji is absolutely a SIMP for how cute you are
he is SO fond over you and is always gushing and bragging (to zoro) how cute his s/o is
like literally he doesn’t shut up about how adorable you are!
a cute lady with a sweet personality??
yes please.
He definitely warns you after the first few times he sees you getting taken advantage of
it’s a sweet and gentle chat about the dangers in the world and how you can’t trust everyone
even if you don’t trust them! set boundaries and don’t let them walk all over you!
if you feel too many bad people are around don’t give them the benefit of the doubt! find a straw hat and stick with them!!
”y/n-Chan you’ve gotta use your discernment to see who is being mean and who is worthy to trust..!”
like yes some strangers are kind but some will see how sweet you are and use that against you!
absolutely does not let a man take advantage of you and will immediately kick him away
with a women tho he will probably go get robin or nami
maybe even simply take you away and let it go if it’s just a regular woman
but if it’s a pirate who’s trying to back you into a corner yeah he’s for sure getting the straw hat girls
he will offer himself instead and tell you to go get someone from back on the merry/sunny
Or maybe if you can fight he’ll root for you!
not that he likes that fact that another woman is being hurt in the process..
but if he has to choose between his woman and another one that was disrespecting his woman??
as for sad puppy y/n he notices right away and immediately does whatever he can to cheer you up again
he bakes you sweets, runs you a bath, makes you drinks, makes you laugh, buys you whatever you want just to see you smile
and again if it was a guy who did this to you he’s 100% getting the boot 💥💥
your sure to cheer up soon with all that sanji does for you
especially with his warm cuddles n kissses ♡
thank you once again for your requests my love! Today is a very busy day..I have a lot to get out.. 😅
Overall I hope you enjoyed your hcs!
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Another mini terukane analysis :P
so we’ve all seen the picture of teru’s hand on akane’s head right? Seen it, loved it, yadayada
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but if you actually look into it, this is so cute.
i mean for one, thats his sword hand. From previous panels we’ve seen him use his right hand on his sword. While he is pictured with it in his left, when he actually fights, its in his right (old vs recent)
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“what about that being his sword hand” well, if you couldnt tell, theres a literal demon right infront of them, so he must be on high guard right? nope its in his left LMAO
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His better/dominant/more skilled hand is in the most gentlest way, comforting akane, rather than fighting the little shit off. Almost saying, he’s more important right now, akane’s comfort is more important than his own safety, reserving his better hand for him, rather than the stupid demon thing
then after he hits it, it shatters to glass, fading away. His face changes to that of a worried expression, and quickly turns around, takes akane by the little of his shirt he has left, and starts dragging him
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Clearly doesn’t give him any time to react, seemingly extremely worried ab something. but as the chapter progresses, we see supernaturals fading away such as hanako, and mitsuba. The bells signaling the start of the severance
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We can obviously put two and two together and realize teru thought akane was gonna fade away 😭 MANS WAS SO WORRIED
He was happy to leave aoi, defenseless, alone, in a realm he cannot reach, surrounded by countless evil entities, with very little time to save her, while she was clearly extremely unstable, with his only way of knowing if she dissipated or not being a little bell bracelet that he doesn’t even wear
yet he immediately turned around, full on dragged him/gave him ZERO time to get up, rushed him to the clock keepers asap without even time for akane to react or anything. Like gosh dude can you be more obvious.
him being that worried about akane is so interesting to me, because like, why? Shouldnt he hate him for liking his so called “crush” (aoi). Since he’s planning on going back and saving aoi why cant he just get akane when he’s going back for aoi? Why go through the effort? Lets think of a few reasons why
Reason 1. Calling back to when he stopped them from kissing, he mightve realized if he’s alone with her there, they’d sit on the train and bam they’re dead, gone forever.
Reason 2. Maybe he at one point, had the idea of overall just leaving her there. Giving her the bell bracelet as a false sense of hope so he doesn’t seem like a bad person. And if akane’s sent there, he has to get him, and of course they’ll be together there so he’ll have to get aoi aswell. Why he might want to leave aoi? No clue but its an idea that came to mind so i put it down
Reason 3. Maybe he cant do it alone. He’s always been the “i fight alone” type, but when akane’s there he’s never fighting alone. So maybe he doubts his ability to save her by himself, and wants akane by his side throughout the whole thing
Reason 4. Maybe he just cares about him and/or maybe might like him a little more than he should
i wanna write one ab what happened with teru + akane JUST before the severance SO BAD THERES LITERALLY SM I HAVE TO SAY but i lost all motivation and there being too much is both good and bad 😭 (bad as in im too lazy to do it)
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cluelylikesporn · 5 months
Hii so this is somewhat my first time doing a request so I’m sorry if it sucks or sum 😭😭 Could you do Mike schmidt x babysitter! reader? Where Abby teases the reader in front of Mike for having a crush on him? srry if it doesn’t make sense or sound like sum interesting I just thought it would be cute 😭
RAHHH first of all thank you for your suggestion!!
second, its legit so cute wtff😭 dont even say it sucks
Im a lazy cunt😭
word count:
mike shmidt x babysitter!reader !!
gender neutral reader (correct me if i fuck it up)
mentions of y/n. literally once.
word count: 637
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mike walked inside after his first shift at freddy’s, slightly rattled by the dream he had.. but glad to be home to finally get some freaking sleep.
when the door opened, he was BLESSED by the sight of you. abbys babysitter. if he had maybe a drop of self respect or confidence he could ask you out, maybe even date. but lets be honest hes a complete wuss and his best excuse is “not wanting to ruin the thing they had now” which was an occasional awkward exchange of the same 5 phrases such as “hello, good morning, how are you? im ok. how are you? good, hows abby? good. good.” and then a super awkward silence. but in the recent days, when he still worked at the mall he and you actually had nice conversations that didnt feel forced. mike had hope yet.
“hey, y/n.” he said as he put his keys down, observing abby as she swung her feet in excitement from the table, watching you as you made her pancakes.
“hi mike !” you say, turning to him slightly and cracking a smile before you looked away to put the pancakes on a plate and pass them to abby. luckily you looked away when you did because your eye contact was enough to make mike look like a tomato. “i hope you dont mind i made pancakes, if you want some, theres a little more i was gonna put away !” you said, reaching for a plate. “im ok, thanks. and dont worry about it.” he said, sitting next to abby who was looking between him and you, plotting an evil, DEVIOUS, horrid plan with a grin comparable to the cheshire cat. mike gave abby a terrified look as he began regretting even MENTIONING the idea of you in a romantic way to abby. he began mouthing pleads of her to show an ounce of mercy but she already turned to you and began to open her mouth.
“are you busy this weekend?” abby said while making direct eye contact with mike and snarfing down pancakes.
“uhm.. i dont think so? my only plans from now and the unforeseeable future is watching you so if your asking to hang out chances are ill be with you already, weirdo.” you said, as you begin washing up the dishes used to cook.
“not for me, silly! for mike!" she says innocently, batting her eyes and grinning like a madman to me.
god, ive never been more terrified by a fucking 10 year old. trying to brush off the comment of a date to a child, you piece together a response.
"uhh, if im babysitting you.. and its a weekend.. mike would be there too..!" you said awkwardly, trying to just scrub a damn pan.
"but, what if i was at a friends house?" abby added
"then i wouldnt be there." you say.
"but mikes so lonely..! he has so friends-" abby begins, before mike puts his hand on her mouth.
"abby, stop being weird- what the hell!" he says before being interrupted by abby licking his freaking hand.
"thats so unhygienic, dont do that." he says as abby giggles evilly, and you begin to speak.
"well if mikes sooo lonely, he can.. i don't know... just maybe.. ask? if i wanna hang out? because id.. say yes?" you say, looking at mike.
he blessed the skies above that you were actually confronting and he didn't have to face the awkward rejection that haunted him.
the kitchen was finally quiet for a moment, until abby break the silence.
"do it, do it, do it." she chants silently.
"would you.. wanna go out.. with me.?" mike said silently and awkwardly, cursing himself in his head for being so nervous when she literally confirmed she was down.
"sure, mike schmidt."
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sebastianthemadlad · 5 months
(in no particular order)
Ciel hires a random naked dog man who can turn into a giant wolf to be his servant even though he literally does nothing around the manor and just hangs out with Finny all the time
Finny forms a crush on a character we later find out is an angel named Angela and after the dog village arc ends we never hear of his crush again
For the most part the curry arc is the same, but for some reason they decided to change the ending. In the manga Lau and Ranmao killed Nina and her husband, in the anime everyone becomes evil by eating curry, and Sebastian had to feed them all his curry buns to turn them all good again, WHAT??
Sebastian has hanky panky with a Nun in some cult church
Angela took Vincent and Rachel's bodies and stitched them into a weird Frankenstein looking thing because apparently that would combine their souls in the afterlife so they could be together forever
Also the whole thing with Ciel being kidnapped by the cult is never explained despite Queen Victoria and Angela being responsible for the death of his parents, therefore you'd think they'd also be responsible for the whole cult thing? But they would have no reason to sell a 10 year old to be abused by a cult-
Ash (aka Angela because they're the same person) turns Queen Victoria into A FREAKING LOLI
Ciel is framed for drug trafficking
Sebastian is arrested and kept in a torture dungeon for like 3 days where he is BDSM whipped by Angela for some reason
Fred Abberline dies
Fred before he dies mentions he doesn't have any family yet he has a brother who shows up in season 2-
Lau and Ranmao die yet they also show up in season 2
Lizzy gets kidnapped by a doll man and is almost turned into a doll zombie (not a bizarre doll just a doll zombie)
Sebastian ditches Ciel in France for some reason
Ciel finds Undertaker on some random boat and then Undertaker tells him he's gonna freakin' die
London is on fucking fire
Who caused the fire? Pluto. And thats the only part of the story where he is relevant
The final fight between Sebastian and Ash/Angela is fucking awesome though
In season 2 Ciel is just in a suitcase and has amnesia
Alois pokes Hannah's eye out for spilling a drink or something
Ciel and Lizzy try to find a deer or something and everyone thinks they're gonna break up after just 1 argument
Lau even started a gambling thing where people put down their bets on whether or not Ciel and Lizzy were gonna break up
Some weird old lady set random people on fire because she didn't like her husband, for some reason the fire disintegrated the souls so Grell couldn't collect them which doesn't make sense
Some weird bullshit happens on a train with a Pharaoh, a murderer and Sebastian being cool like always
Alois has a dress up party at his house
Soma and Agni cry because Ciel has amnesia
Soma is dressed up as Sherlock Holmes even though black butler takes place before that came out
Lizzy dresses up as a Native American, you can say what you want about that
Kinda like the whole curry thing everyone turns evil except its from music from a magic instrument Hannah plays and not curry, and Sebastian stops it by playing his own music kind of like the final battle in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks
Alois crossdresses and turns Ciel bi curious
Sebastian and Claude have sexual tension in the lake
Ciel and Alois have a sword fight, Ciel is thrown off a balcony and Alois is stabbed
We soon find out about Alois' backstory and it's actually quite sad and hits a bit close to home for me, I won't go into detail but the poor kids been through a lot, Alois is genuinely an interesting and kind of well written character its a shame he was put in the non canon pile of shite
Claude then crushed Alois' skull and takes his soul and puts it in a ring
Kids are getting their eyeballs ripped out and apparently Alois is doing all of this, but for some reason Scotland yard THINKS CIEL IS ALOIS WHICH IS SO DUMB BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN WORKING WITH HIM EVER SINCE HE BECAME THE QUEENS CORGI GUARD DOG
He is taken to some doctor and is dumped into a pool of gatorade to fuse his and Alois' souls
Ciel's backstory is basically half of Alois' and half of Ciel's and thinks Sebastian killed his brother Luca
Ciel doesn't like Claude because Claude is a goober
Hannah does a weird thing with Ciel she like... Possesses him? And his eyeball appears in her mouth or something? I had no idea what was going on
Soon it is revealed Hannah was the one who ate Luca's soul and is now feeling like a mother figure for Alois because of it
Grell shows up again (yay) and she keeps trying to take sexy photos of Sebastian
Soon Claude and Sebastian end up at a maze thingy and they need to answer trivia questions to get to Alois/Ciel's soul
Soon they go to some demon island and they end up fighting using a demon sword while Ciel and Alois talk about shit in some void
Claude fucking dies (rip goober)
Alois' soul is finally set free and the poor kid gets to be with his little brother again
Hannah turns Ciel into a demon so Sebastian can no longer eat his soul so Sebastian just becomes Ciel's butler for all eternity and I lowkey feel bad for him, because yeah eating childrens souls is wrong but BRO WORKED SO HARD HE LITERALLY BANGED A NUN FOR THIS CHILD AND THIS IS THE THANKS HE GETS??
Ciel and Sebastian fake their death, the end of season 2 and a few years after that the ACTUAL CONTINUATION OF THE CANON PARTS come out
Ciel in wonderland is very silly
Sebastian as the rabbit is hot for some reason, does that make me a furry?
There is a lot of weird fan service, for example Ranmao keeps shoving her boobs and butt into Ciel's face... LADY THAT IS A 13 YEAR OLD YOU CANT DO THAT-
I'm glad it wasn't canon because I love Ranmao and she would never do that in canon
Madame Red as the queen of hearts is very cool
Weebalu already mentioned this but I wish J Michael Tatum (Sebastian's dub voice actor) did a Alice In Wonderland audiobook in the Sebastian voice
The one where Ciel puts on a play for hamlet was funny, the part where they're practicing is funny because its like an actual theatre club
Soma and Agni are the kids who are always eating, Ciel is the kid who just sucks at acting, Grell is the one who is great at acting but is very annoying and Sebastian is the theatre teacher who wants to commit kms because of all of these stupid kids
Ranmao is seaweed
Grell tries to commit incest during the play-
The special where its basically a 'behind the scenes' thing kind of like an actor AU
Sebastian is a fucking 2010's boy band looking lad
Grell is just amazing in this
In the final "trailer" Grell got pregnant, Queen Victoria built a giant robot, Claude tried to destroy the world with the fucking moon, Hannah... Uhhh lets not talk about what she did, a whole load of "I am your father" type plot twists took place and Alois was Ciel and Sebastian's great great great great great great grand-
The special where theres this character who's basically a self insert but she's a white girl so if you're not either of those its kind of hard getting into it (cries in gay guy)
The POV shots look like something out of Dora The Explorer
Soma wants to marry us for some reason, I wouldn't mind that he's cute
We also get kidnapped by Viscous Druitt for no reason and then Sebastian and Grell save us from a boat in the middle OF THE OCEAN
Finally Will The Reaper (I'm sure there are more specials but I'm lazy)
Grelliam galore
Probably one of the best specials because Grell and William are the main focus and they're just the absolute best
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
HELLO!!! i have a request for a platonic Crowley and Aziraphale x fem!reader with she/they pronouns 😄 if you know Nimona, then thats what i want the reader to be like. theyre a spunky, immortal, young teenager anarchist who can shapeshift and has unnaturally coloured eyes and hair. one day they find the two (husbands), and kinda just stays, so Crowley and Aziraphale accept their fate!! i dont mind if you decide to include a smudge of angst (or a shit ton whatever you prefer, but im impartial to both, so do with that what you will,) because after the newest season, i cant get enough of it.
many thanks!!
Oh! I haven't seen the movie but I know about Nimona!
You met Aziraphale and Crowley in 537 AD, encountering them by pure chance.
At first you intimidate them as a dragon, thinking they were two hapless knights who lost their way back to their kingdom..
Until you saw Crowley's snake eyes, and you realize he's not human at all.
"You there...I like your eyes.....are you another shapeshifter?"
"...um..nope." The demon in black armor looks incredibly confused, especially at this dragon talking to him. "Don't know what gave you that idea.."
"Well technically he is." The white knight adds on, smiling nervously. "You see, my erm..."rival" here is something of a serpent who was sent to-"
"Shut it, Angel. This beast doesn't need our lifestory! Now if you could kindly excuse us, o' great dragon, we have to discuss-"
"Hate to break it to you, but....I'm not actually a dragon."
"Then what are you exactly? You...said something about "shapeshifting" before, didn't you?"
To answer Crowley's question, you transform into a young human clad in knight armor, taking off your helmet to reveal your unnaturally-colored eyes and hair, smiling. "Bingo."
The pair are quite impressed, so they have no reason to hide the fact they were an angel and demon.
You explained how you've had these shapeshifting powers for a long time, being on the run since everyone thinks you're a "cursed child" or some monster that was once banished, wanting nothing more than to drive a sword through your heart.
When it's clear that neither Aziraphale nor Crowley have any intentions of hurting you....that's when you decided to stick with them.
It took them 20 years to realize you never aged, learning you're an immortal being in a teenager's body.
Your powers allow you to keep up with the times, disguising yourself as animals, people...or even angels and demons if your heart so desired.
Sometimes you'll turn into a snake much like Crowley's own snake form (although your scales have the color of your hair, ofc, so you're not 100% identical).
You haven't mastered turning just your head into a snake, however.
In the modern era, you enjoy being a nightingale after learning they were both fond of those birds, often singing in the bookshop out of boredom.
Although Crowley's fully aware you're not a demon, you got a spunky and rebellious personality and love getting up to mischief.
And he 100% encourages this (while poor Aziraphale's practically begging you to stay out of trouble).
But you're definitely on the angel's side anytime he compliments Crowley, who just snarls and denies ever doing something "nice" or "good".
You don't believe he's all that evil for even a moment.
While you're aware that they have to act like they despise each other bc they're on opposite sides...in your eyes, they behave so much like an old married human couple.
Aziraphale emphasizing "our car" when talking about the Bentley made you roll your eyes and joke about when the wedding's gonna start.
When Aziraphale returns to Heaven without Crowley, you realize that maybe your "marriage jokes" went a bit too far...even though neither of them blame you for their falling out.
Still, you feel bad bc you can tell Crowley was genuinely in love with him.
You overheard everything, and after his "no nightingales" remark, you're reluctant to shapeshift into one again out of fear of upsetting him.
Yet he asks you, too, as he couldn't bear the silence in the bookshop anymore...and listening to any of Aziraphale's music records would've been too painful for him.
You obliged, staying perched on his shoulder as he stared out the window for hours...hoping that his angel would come back to him.
You hoped so, too, waiting everyday by his side...until the end of time if you had to.
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marunalu · 7 months
Soooo..... *kracks knuckles* time for my review of the newest chapter and OH BOY what a chapter it is! I dont even know where to start.
(Warning this post is long as fuck and NOT edited, so be prepared for some horrible grammatical mistakes 😜)
Okay so first of, as far as Im aware of, there is literally a feud going on right now on twitter with people debating if this chapter confirms that afo was true evil from birth or not. I did read about this opinion AFTER I read the spoilers and I have to say while I was reading the leaks not ONCE did I have the feeling the narrative was trying to tell me that baby afo was evil from the get go. Its a BABY guys! All what I did see was a child desperatly trying to survive in a fucked up enviroment which continued with the following years!
But lets start from the beginning. There were a few things in that chapter that really surprised me and then some things I reacted like: I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!
What surprised me was the backstory of afos and yoichis mother. Not gonna lie Im a little dissapointed, because I wanted to know more of her and not just "well, she was a prostitute that got pregnant without noticing and then died. End of story." But despite that I think it still works. It confirmed my suspicious from the start that afo and yoichi grew up without parents in a horrible hostile and dangerous world all on their own.
An other theory I had which was more or less confirmed here is that quirks are indeed a disease or what I like to call them "parasites" that take over their hosts body (vestiges). Its still not clear from WHERE or from WHO they originate from. The translation I did read made it sound like as if they either originate from rats and spread like the plague or its an sexually transmitted disease which could explain why afos/yoichis mother (a prostitute) had it. The only thing that seems strange is that the chapter says she wasnt aware that she was pregnant for 8 months, because she had some kind of memory lose and couldnt remember that it happend. So who knows, maybe its still possible that quirks originate from a failed experiment.
One of the things that actually surprised me is that afo and yoichi are actually TWINS! Its so simple but somehow I never really thought about that possebility, maybe because afo was ALWAYS framed as the older brother (which he still kinda is I guess if he was born first). So baby afo already possessed his quirk since he was in his mothers womb and "stole" her quirk (the reason why the "wart" on her arm vanished). Baby afo holding on baby yoichis arm is both kinda heartbreaking and creepy at the same time. Barely born and he already shows his possessive nature, BUT I want to remind everyone that it makes sense. Afo is selfaware enough that he calls himself a kleptomanic (the urge to steal and possess). This kleptomany is a negative side effect of his quirk controlling him (hence why I call quirks parasites). In other words, he never really had a chance to choose otherwise. This kind of quirk? In this kind of hostile enviroment to grow up alone without a loving parent? Yeah, no wonder dude turned out fucked up!
So the next thing we see is this
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Yeah no nice place to grow up for a child and I want to point out the crazy parallel here between small afo and little tenko. Both get rejected by adults that should take care of them. The difference is that small afo sees these man who refuse to give him anything and decide to ignore him as a tread and lashs out at them.
The next we see is baby afo violently sucking at his dead mothers breast.
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Its incredible unsettling and creepy to see a baby drawn like this. But I think thats more hori trying to give us the image of a monster baby we shouldnt feel sympathy for which is of course wrong. It makes perfectly sense that a new born hungry baby tries to survive by sucking at his mothers breast. I really dont think baby afo was aware at that point that his mother is dead. The next pictures we see is an toddler afo beating up (killing) some man. We dont know the details why afo attacked these man but we need to remember that the people living in the same enviroment as him are very dangerous and people with quirks were getting killed. Then I also want to point out what we see next.
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We see little yoichi LYING ON THE FLOOR, with a BRUSED face and MISSING TOOTHS. Do you get what Im trying to say? Because all of a sudden it makes sense why small afo was beating these guys up, right?!
They hurt his brother!
Afo sees his brother as his possession (surprise surprise) and when someone hurts his possession there needs to be a punishment. Yoichi is of course a little angel and doesnt want people to get hurt. I saw a lot of people freaking out that small afo kicks small yoichi and not gonna lie its very hard to watch. But again I want to point a few things out. Yoichi while justified threw a cane at his brother and tells him to stop to hurt the people who were (most likely) about to hurt THEM first! So the kick is in respons for throwing a cane at him and standing up for a group of adults who most likely wanted to hurt them (or DID hurt yoichi). The kick is brutal from a readers point of view, but we also need to remember that small afo was NEVER teached which part of his behavior is wrong. There was no one who raised him or teached him anything. There was no moral in the world he lived only survival. In his eyes yoichi belongs to him/is a part of him. Yoichi has to do what his brother says because he is the weak one and cant survive without him (afos mindset). We can also see on afos visible ripps that he is malnourished.
A few years later we see yoichi finding the captain hero comics. (It breaks my heart to see how this two children literally have to live in FILTH! At least afo doesnt wear a trash bag anymore....)
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We find out that they cant even read properly which makes of course sense since they dont go to school. And not gonna lie that picture in the left of them sitting and reading the comic together is actually quite wholesome 😢
Afo instantly fixiates on the demon lord of the comic! Why? Because the demon lord does the same things as he does (killing people) and the demon lord wants everything for himself. It makes sense why that would intrigue a small child that has NOTHING! If we look at small yoichi and then at small afo, we can see that yoichi looks actually better groomed. Afo wore a trash bag while he already wore proper clothes. Yoichi wore shoes while afo walked barfoot. This shows that, as fucked up afos mind set of seeing yoichi as property is, he took way better care of yoichi then for himself. He gave him the better clothes and shoes to wear, he maybe even made sure that yoichi was never to hungry while he is clearly malnourished. Afo sees yoichi as property.... because he is the only thing he has and so he takes care of him as best as he can. But lets remember he is still a child himself without a moral compass and without the knowledge what is right or wrong.
I saw a few people question why afo turned out so messed up while yoichi didnt. Its actually quite easy. Afo SHIELDED yoichi from the cruelty of the world they had to live in. He feed him, gave him clothes, a place to hide, protected him from danger. And thanks to that shielding yoichi was able to gain a conscience and moral. It also explains why afo feels so entiteld with yoichi. In his mind he does everything for him while there is NO ONE who actually does something for afo in return. Yoichi is to young to do that. All he can do is giving his brother love, but in this kind of cruel world thats not enough to survive. Yoichi has his brother who takes care of him. Afo has nobody. It makes sense why he wants to be like the demon lord who gets everything for himself. Afo wants everything for himself, because he has nothing. And the very tiny bit he does have... he gives to yoichi... because yoichi cant die... because if yoichi dies he TRULY does have nothing anymore.
And now it gets REALLY interesting
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3 years later afo comes back and yoichi instantly realizes that his brother was in a fight. He is bleeding, looks tired and his clothes are in shreds. Afo explains that he killed the "glowing baby" (the older one) and stole his quirk (I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!) and has a whole ass rant that he cant understand how this person was able to gather 10 MILLION supporters who love him when in fact that "glowing baby" wasnt even the first quirk user and there were 50 people from india who got quirks before him. In other words afo only killed that "glowing baby" person, because he was fucking JEALOUS that he had so many supporters and people on his side showing love and understanding, while NO ONE was supporting HIM! Think about how afo is obsessed with gaining followers and supporters and HOW does he archive that? By "helping" them and by that forcing them to join his side because they are in his debt.
Afo has no grasp how to gain friends in a selfless way, because he was never teached how! He has no grasp of love and how to love in a selfless way (since his possessivness of his brother). Its not that he cant love or doesnt want to love - he simply has no idea HOW to do it in a healthy and selfless way! He killed the "glowing baby" guy simply just because he was LOVED by people, while he himself isnt and it pissed him off. Afo has no concept of love and doesnt really understand it. The love he feels for his brother is toxic and more possessivness then anything else. He never experienced parental love, never had a friend that loved him. And still what afo wants the most is to be loved. He wants everything for himself and that includes the love of people. Dude has just zero idea how to do that without killing people.
And at least a little dfo crump. Without a doubt we can all agree that afos concept of love is pretty fucked up. Personally I always thought that if dfo is canon then afos affection for inko and izuku would also be portrayed as toxic. Knowing a little bit more of afos backstory now and seeing how obsessed he is for wanting everything for himself including peoples love, makes me wonder how afo and inko could have meet. Maybe its not even because of some conspiracy theory like the inko shimura theory, but something way simpler. Maybe inko showed afo at one point just some kindness and afo with his completly messed up view of love interpreteted her kindness as love and became obsessed with her. So he startet to follow her (stalk her), organized some meetings that were of course completly "coincidentally" (not) and charmed his way into her life.
And at least I also want to say, that afo clearly lied when he said that his last name is shigaraki. The mother didnt had the chance to give her sons any name, so I guess that confirms that "shigaraki" is a fake last name afo gave himself at one point. And the question is also who named him and yoichi? Does he even have a name? Did he give himself one? Was he the one who named yoichi? Because yoichi means "first gift", and I could see afo giving him that kind of name. (And now Im picturing afo introducing himself with the name hisashi to inko, just because in that very moment a truck drove past them with that name on it 🤣).
Okay that was a pretty long post and I still feel like as if I forgot to mention something. But I think that were all my thoughts for now.
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prince-liest · 2 months
I… oh my god. So much. Has happened. Bear… bear with me. This time i KNow its gonna be a long one. First of all, oh my GOD. THERE WAS NO BAD NEWS IN UR LAST ANSWER. HOLY SHIT. I see how i read into ur previous answer, that val is the only dumper, but yes what you described is EXACTLY the same flavor as what I was describing. It also works SO MUCH BETTER, OH MY GOD! “Vox managing to be the one to break things off at any given point in time hinges on him being able to frame his rationale as "anger" rather than "upset," the latter of which just gets brushed under the carpet of Emotions That Are Not Taken Seriously. [...] anything that makes him feel vulnerable or, ah, let's deliberately and pointedly use the word hysterical, is a pre-existing internal struggle that Valentino knows how to manipulate to his advantage. [and vox does not break up with val when he feels as such]” PRINCE IM RIPPING MY FUCKING HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! THTAS. THATS EXACTLY WHAT TF IM TALKING ABOUT. You just clarified that extra layer of “oh my god this is fucking perfect.’ also. ALSO. them getting back together being sappy makeup sex…. Oh my god. Oh my dear god. If it wasnt clear, i am a Heathen for voxval, too. If you ever feel inspired to write a voxval fic i promise you my firstborn. 
OHHHHHH  MY GOD IM SO HAPPY MY RAMBLINGS HELPED YOU WITH THE FIC!!!!!! TBH IVE RARELY BEEN THIS OVERJOYED. LIKE I COULDNT STOP GRINNING AND GIGGLING WHEN I SAW IT. FUCKKKKK. Also im fucking cackling that my actual impact was bringing vox to severe distress instead of a more angry and annoyed disposition. Like yeah,,.. Im here to make you suffer, baby. LOVE YOU VOX! 
Im gonna leave my thoughts for actual fic for another ask bc… yeah. I will spare you. - 🌓
Do NOT spare me, I enjoy these immensely. >:) Proof:
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Very genuinely, I had kinda been squinting at the actual scene in question with dissatisfaction for a hot minute, so I was very pleased when your ask made it click to me what the fuck felt so wrong about it. So thank you!
Staticmoth is definitely percolating in my brain and I want to write something for them because, like you, I am also indeed deeply invested in them (they are my favorite ship very much alongside radiostatic, which is probably not obvious given I haven't written anything actively centered around them - but they're like the fucked up, evil version of MHA erasermic for me in this fandom because they Must be present in the narrative and also I love them). I haven't had any specific ideas good enough to turn into a fic yet, but I might just mash them all together at some point or, y'know. Go the Good Olde [insert wanking hand motion here] route!
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3xen · 1 year
sharing a bed w a rival; gusion & julian
n. ykw, im delusional.
c. one bed trope, rivalry, forced proximity, unrequited love thats actually requited
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as simple as it was, sharing a bed with someone you hated wasn’t so bad right?
“oh my god. there’s only one bed.” both, you and julian look at each other in unison. you were experiencing all types of emotions.
you weren’t gonna share the bed with julian, but it’s cold, no! it’s julian! anybody but julian!
“you booked this room? julian.. you know what this means right? do you understand the consequences?!” julian raises his hands in defense, honestly, he was just as horrified as you.
“we’re on a budget! it was the cheapest room!” he bites back. throwing down his gear, beginning to strip off his clothes.
“no! you don’t actually think im gonna sleep in the same bed as you, right?!” he peers over his shoulder to shoot you a cold glare. you groan in distress, hands combing through your hair in irritation.
“if we have to, so be it.”
“look, if you get too uncomfortable i can sleep on the floor.” you are startled at the sudden change in attitude. what’s up with him?
“wait.. no. w-we can share the bed.” you suggest, as he just nods in agreement. things are quiet after that. julian is the first to get into bed while you follow shortly after.
backs turned to each other, touching, as a result of the close proximity. “hey.. you up?” you whisper, not expecting to get an answer in return. you couldn’t sleep well, hoping to ask julian to get into a more comfortable position.
“yeah. im up.” you hear him from the other side of the bed. you feel the mattress shift and can only assume he’s turned over to you, expecting the same in return.
“im cold. and uncomfortable.” you turn to face him, admiring his features from this close. he has a small grin, swiftly throwing his hand around your waist. making sure you were close, and pressed up against his chest.
“do you enjoy this like i do? or are you too stubborn to admit it?” julian mutters, chin being hoisted on top of your head.
“i do.. but- pff! just sleep!”
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“ya know, i really thought aamon would spare me mercy. he’s my big bro, why is he being so bitter?” gusion’s back was pressed against the doorway of the room, an agitated frown spread across his lips. he inspected the room, obviously unimpressed at the size and proportions.
“this can’t be! i don’t know where i am. im at the wrong place!” you, on the other hand, suffered enough from aamon’s constant torture. you paced around the room in panic.
aamon had sent you guys on countless tasks, together! aamon knew well what he was doing.
“hey now, it’s only for one night. quit making a fuss.” although gusion’s demeanor looked stoic and untroubled, under that mask, he was deeply distraught and disturbed.
“hey! i never told you to interrupt me! nor was i ever making a fuss about sleeping in the same bed as you because im not!” you grab your satchel, aggressively stomping your way to the door and eventually out the room.
“ah ah ah, stay right where you are. we ain’t leaving till morning.” gusion stops you by his mere words. you refused to let this man oppose you!
“gusion! let go of me! you and your devil brother!” gusion picks you up on his shoulders. you struggle and thrash against his hold, but he doesn’t budge.
he throws you down on the bed, flicking the lights off. you keep shouting and yelling, but it doesn’t bother him at all.
before climbing in bed, he sends you a snarky remark. “it ain’t like i wanna be sleeping in the same bed as you either. shut your pretty mouth and sleep.” you huff, watching his figure climb into bed with no hesitation.
“your pure evil..” you turn your back to him, bringing your legs up more from the end of the bed.
“what was that?,” he leans into your ear, scooting closer by the second. you can feel warmth emitting from him.
“don’t touch me!”
“shut it and keep still. unless ya wanna fall and get an injury on that pretty face of yours.” he snakes his arm around your waist, bringing both your bodies closer.
his body spoons your own while you attempt to push his arm away. but you're soon to stop as he whispers a few complaints of his own.
“all this movement—it’s a lot of friction against-“
“okay! i quit!”
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© 3xen
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
So I know Representation came out today. And any good fan would wait a week before reviewing it as we still have episode 23 to watch.
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 24 Representation
spoilers below
-So as expected, Chloé didnt stay mayor long. But Apparently Ms.Bustier is running for Mayor and might win
-Oh its the Fencing teacher/ guy who was Darkblade. Well clearly Ms.Bustier is going to win
-And Adrien and Kagami are a power couple? But Adrien is watching the news report while they are in London. Something seems VERY off
-Ah, Gabriel is behind it. And Adrien HATES it.
-"By letting your father decide your life and selling your story through a fake narrative as usual." DAMN Plagg holds no punches
-Plagg appologized though.
-Kagami is also pissed about it
-Wait ... is that really my chaotic son? HEARTS ON WINDOWS.
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-Thats adorable, WTF
-Okay so THEY got some development.
-Adrien deciding to just say f*** it. He is heading to paris and Telling Marinette he's chat noir!
-Marinette back in paris looks miserable. Poor baby girl. Also its a lovely dress.
-Marinette has been crying. I am going to kill Gabriel
-Marinette being strong for her friends to enjoy this dance. Thats really big of her.
-Unfortunately, Spotlight.
-Wait, how did Argos and Kagami get to Paris BEFORE Astrochat? Unless they left much earlier but even then. My bet is Argos made a sentimonster that would warp them places... but that seems like BS.
-KAGAMI TOLD FELIX!?!?!?! FELIX?!?!?! Okay I am a bit salty about that
-OH S***! THEY KISSED. The Feligami stans are Eating today.
-Felix is dressed like Adrien? Oh I do not like where this seems to be going.
-And Marinette thought she saw Adrien and wants to go after him while her friends are thanking her for everything she's done. Way to ruin a good moment FELIX you ass!
-Side note, WHY is Marinette the only one in a dress? Like its a dance? Why couldnt everyone Have dressed up? Seriously, I know outfit renders are expensive. DID THE KITCHEN COST THAT MUCH?
-Marinette avoiding the Lesbian bee and accidentally interrupting the Bi artist and writer. Sure is Pride month in Paris.
-Okay this is just cruel. Marinette thinks she is having a break down over this. Side note. WHY ISNT ADRIEN ACTUALLY HERE YET? HE IS ASTROCHAT!
-Alya and Nino trying to comfort her. But she aint listening.
-Adrien and Kagami escaped and the parents are pissed
-Oh no Nathalie looks really bad right now. Poor thing. All she can do is watch videos of her true love Emilie
-He took the ring back, guess now that Nathalie is too weak to fight him. Which really brings up the question, WHAT HAPPENED in the last episode that Nathalie took such a turn.
-Gabriel is being a d*** as usual
-Nightormentor sounds like a cool name. And while I thought the color scheme is weird... its probably the best akumatized form Gabriel has taken. Sad but true
-AND OF COURSE RIGHT AS SHE LEAVES ASTROCAT ARRIVES. I know its plot convenience but thats bull s***
-"His father CANT have that much control of him" Oh if only you knew Nino
-And BOOM! Gabriel the bitch agreste arrives
-I am liking Rose so much recently. She is calling out EVERYONE
-So he basically has the powers of Sandboy mixed with Darkerowl
-the guy has the power to make you experience VERY intrusive thoughts. That is evil
-Chat noir is like "Hey ladybug gonna go beat up my father text me later"
-Dude Felix must be an Olympic speed walker
-Marinette is basically being nightormented without that bastard even being here. Felix, Kagami this is just a jerk move.
Duusu: "This is so sad" Felix: "Dont worry its for Our happy ending" Duusu: F*** yea lets keep it up
-Oh he made a sentimonster... wait. I know its not human but like a sentimonster MAKING sentimonsters. Feels even more f***ed up
-Meanwhile, Chat noir is working through his daddy issues.
-Back to the play
-Oh this is interesting.
-Oh and we find out Felix's dad was a rich Cowboy. But also an asshole. (Oh right, this is a French Cartoon, thats why American's suck in this)
-Back to Adrien fighting his father
-This is Cathartic watching Chat noir beat Gabriel's ASS
-HE WAS GOING TO CATACLYSM HIS DAD! Adrien, my boy. Patricide adrien? Well Monarch is still alive, so I guess you think it wouldnt kill him. BTW, Monarch should have had ptsd from that.
-And Chat noir got hit, so his worst fear is... and cuts back to the play
-Oh the twins were infertile. Emilie returned to try and get medical help but still nothing.
-The peacock, that was the sentimonster reference
-Oh so THATS how Gabriel got Gorilla to guard adrien.
-Also yea, any doubt that they arent sentimonsters is dead now.
-Oh s*** that is f***ed up.
-"It will end if you give me your miraculous"
-"Take it." ADRIEN NO!
-Oh so thats why Felix's dad was an a**hole. Okay I will give this credit. That is something.
-Welp this explains why Felix might be a sociopath
-Felix revealing why he did what he did
-They got the akuma in a jar.
-Wait, Chat noir defeated an akuma without Ladybug. (sure he had outside help, but Ladybug has done that too). Good on him
-Felix and Kagami asked for Marinette's help. so was that all the sentimonster doing so? I am lost
-Okay so, I may not LIKE exactly how they went about it. But I cant really hate them for what they did. They are just kids that want to pick someone they trust.
-Oh s***, Ladybug never cast miraculous cure. So Adrien has some perminant trauma from the fight with Nightormentor. He still sees the antichat visions (its not chat blanc, and its just reverse color pallet)
-Chat noir left. before he could tell her. Cause the nightmare messed with him
Okay! This episode was A LOT.
Well there is no denying Sentimonster theory. Its confirmed. Its done. 100% GUARANTEE NO MONEY BACK.
It did explain a LOT about Felix and Adrien.
So I am still iffy on how it was handled.
Now this DOES NOT justify Felix's Actions. He was still an a**hole. And Kagami shouldnt have told Felix. Marinette is Ladybug. That was NOT her secret to tell.
BUT the play that explained what happened was very well done. It explained a LOT about the Graham de Vanily family and Felix's a**hole father.
I will say that I hated how tortured Marinette was during this. Felix and Kagami could have done something less cruel to lure her there.
I also greatly enjoyed Chat noir vs Nightormentor. very good catharsis and we have Adrien going through some additional mental trauma, inflicted by his father (I wouldnt call it Ironic, more of EXPECTED)
I give it 7.5/10
I will say its the most I have enjoyed the second half of this season since Emotion.
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I got caught shoplifting a few weeks ago so Im gonna have a court proceeding (? if thats what you call it in english idk) in a couple hours and Im a little bit nervous but the shit I stole was only worth 7€ and it was my first time getting caught so I dont think it'll be too big of a deal. Honestly Im just glad I didnt get caught while I was stealing ~85€ worth of acotar books, because my punishment would not only be wayyyy harsher it would also just be embarrassing, imagine stealing sjm books when theres so many good books you could steal from a bookstore
Anyway, speaking of acotar books, its livebloggin time. Last time, Feyre and Rhysand came to this cabin in the woods/inn in the middle of nowhere and stayed in a room thats so small that you couldnt even have sex in it and then they had sex. not penetrative sex, they just fingered each other. Which is to say Rhysand fingered her vagina and Feyre fingered his wings because god forbid a man be on the receiving end for anything other than a blowjob. Also, I guess Mor, Cassian and Azriel are somewhere else? I didnt wanna say anything about them being gone bc I just kinda assumed they were staying with Feysand but they seem to be gone. whatever I dont care about those guys anyway
Chapter 49
Feyres internal declarations of love and wanting to be with Rhys forever feel very shallow when you consider the fact that 1) theyve only had like 3 months worth of non-traumatic interactions with eachother, and 2) she thought the exact same way about Tamlin and then she DIED FOR HIM and then she left him after barely half a year
'"You know exactly that I would do anything for my people and my family."' 'Your people' consisting of one (1) city
Feyre's pussy feels slightly raw from getting fingered hours ago?? thats not a good sign.
'"I'm not gonna turn away from you. Not from you," I promised him quietly.' honestly, i can believe that, if you can fully forgive someone for physically torturing and sexually assaulting you after like a month or two you can forgive them anything, I have no idea why Rhys would be worried about that
can you imagine if Rhysand got shot with poisoned arrows and he just died right here. Life could be a dream but alas, I live in a nightmare world
I actually really like Feyre going feral over her love interest like this (even if that love interest is Rhys) I dont we're gonna get much more of that in this series so I shall savour it
Yeah, now that she mentions it, how come one ash arrow was enough to straight up kill Andras but Rhysand gets hit by like a dozen and hes just fine after this. I guess it could be that Feyre shot Andras in the eye so it was more lethal than Rhys getting shot in the back and wings but still, afaik there are no longterm consequences from this, like hes not even gonna have to deal with idk, his back hurting at certain points or something
Im not a fan of Feyre being so murderhappy now when she was reluctant to even kill animals at the start of this book, like at a certain point Im not so much bothered by Feyre's character being retconned from ACOTAR but her character from start of ACOMAF
Damn I didnt think the sex would be anything other than a pointless diversion, but here it is, being plot relevant
How come these guys have been torturing him by just stringing him up and leaving the arrows while they whip him, if I was an evil torturer and had just gotten my hands on a guy with wings Im sawing those badboys off immediately. or should i say batboys ahahahha.hahha
Oh, just a splinter of ashwood can he deadly but of course Rhysand is gonna be pretty much fine after being impaled with seven whole arrows
'"And Elain would love [Velaris], I'm sure of it. Although she would probably cling to Azriel the whole time, looking for safety."' smth about that line feels icky to me, I think its the fact that I dont think Elain actually properly interacted with Azriel at this point and also, Velaris is a perfect paradisical city what on earth would she need his protection for there
ughhhh all this bullshit with the dresser is so unbearably annoying
I guess I'll see how this all actually pans out next chapter, but right now I gotta say I dont like the fact that Rhysand's wounds just heal on their own, I couldve used some good whump with him. And Im not just saying that because I dont like him and Im a sadistic little bitch, even though both of those things are true, Im saying this because I think seeing him in a vulnerable position for an extended time would make me like him more
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
[Someone jokes that Macaque has developed a mega beer belly and Mac just starts crying cus of hormones. Someone gets punched.]
Was it one of the other SWKs XD ? Either them or Hunstman.
But how would the others (fam and dimensional) react to discovering this particular baby is the reincarnation of the demon that was really close to destroying the world and remaking it in her image? Like, the double take has to be legendary.
Oh it was def Huntsman who made the "beer belly" comment. He has no filter. SWK was the one who punched him, cus of shared hormones with Mac. Then the other spiders smack Huntsy on the back of the head for good measure. Sandy has to physically lift his mans out of there before they try returning him to Diyu with the receipt. Huntsman apologized via hand-woven silk baby blankets.
Whilst the parents knew from the beginning that LBD has reincarnated into their daughter (they were there obs), most of the fam hear about "Yuebei = Reincarnated LBD" from gossip or hearsay. Also the Mayor equally has no filter - he walks straight up to Macaque with an armful of baby shower gifts and waves at his stomach like; "Hello, my lady! Enjoying your new accommodations?". The friends and fam present are like "Lol what?" and SWK and Mac just decide to spill the beans.
The adults are initally freaked out ("So are we talking... fresh slate? Or is she gonna come out with the creepy whispering and bone mechs?"), but once it becomes clear that Yuebei won't have the memories or mind of her previous incarnation, the adults all sigh and just chalk it up to weird reincarnation nonsense. Pigsy expresses how he feels sorry for the kid, as he too reincarnated from a jerk (Zhu Bajie).
The kids freak out a little more. You know already how badly MK and Bai He takes the situation. Nezha ends up being the voice of reason; pointing out tha he himself is a demonic reincarnation and he can't remember squat about who his soul used to inhabit. It takes the kids a lot longer to be cool with the "Baby sister might be the Devil" situation.
As for the Wukongverse? It's a mixed bag. Under read more for spoilers
LMK Shadowpeach: *explaining what happened when they went to Diyu to sort out unrelated undead stuff* LMK!Mac: "So yeah, our unborn daughter is the reincarnation of the Bone Demon that tried to destroy all of the Mortal Realm and remake it in her image." The rest of the SWKs and LEMs: O_O? x_O? HeroIsBack!SWK: "How did that happen??? I thought reincarnation was completely random." LMK!SWK, eating peach chips: "We were planning on more kids. What remained of LBD's soul was sorta hanging around the bridge in Diyu. The gods laughed. Simple really." NewGods!SWK: "And here I thought gods getting reborn as mortals was irony." Reborn!SWK: "I pray that your enemy will be born knowing that they will be loved in this lifetime." LMK!Mac, tearing up: "Aww... thats actually really sweet of you to say-" 2000sCartoon!SWK, interupting: "Because if they turn out to be evil, we wont hesistate to bury them!" :3 LMK!Shadowpeach: *hormonal crying. The other monkeys jump to comfort them* HeroIsBack!LEM, comforting his LMK counterpart: "Annnd you ruined the moment Ganzhe." 2000sCartoon!SWK: "But it's true! We all thought it!" Netflix!SWK: "You don't say it to the parents!" Netflix!LEM: "I think it'd be hilarious if the kid turned out like her old self. Like the 10 Kings saying She's your problem now." NewGods!LEM: "Don't be so sure about that. We don't know what the Bone Demon was like as a kid. Could have been stuff she saw as an adult that messed her up. Either way it's gonna be hard for her to be a villain when she can't even stay awake for more that two hours." Smash SWK & LEM: *weren't even paying attention, they blanked out after the pregnancy talk started* "Wait... whats this about a ghost baby?" "I think one of their kids is like... a shiny pokemon or something" Meihouwang SWK & LEM: *were paying attention, but are very confused* "???"
Its all very frustrating for LMK Shadowpeach.
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
For your SMG34 headcanon who was the first one to fall in love and when did those feelings turn mutual?
Okay I think I might share some of that smg4 episodes here-
(COUGH this is gonna take too long than just a simple answer. Forgive me-)
I'd be likingly to say that Smg4 felt like he and three somehow 'linked' together after their first encounter. In this time- four thought it was nothing and is just a shove-
But when coming to the episode "The Monster"
Three and four actually made a basic contact with each other. Four asking how Three's day was like- DUDE- HE'S LITERALLY YOUR ENEMY... but three responds back boring than usual.
Then this was their first interaction with each other.
In WOTFI 2012
Three asks four if he really thinks coming to hell would solve all of his problems. Then four responding in agreement. "Yes actually, seeing your face and thinking where did my life go wrong"
He wanted to destroy four so bad until mario saves the day- he never interracted to them after that.
In S.M.G. club. Smg3 happens to be the one who works there. I mean- a CLUB WITH A WHOLE LOOKALIKES OF SMG4?????????????????
WHAT NOW??? But as mario left three the scene ends there from his appearance.
The Mystery of the missing white and blue
This EPISODE is where Smg3 is probably the FIRST one to actually reveal is slightest hint of crush for smg4 when he said he would be his "girlfriend" and he would be the "boyfriend" now I may have thought about it- what if after his interraction with four during The Monster episode is actually where he started to consider having him on part of his life?
Enemy or not.
He worked in a literal look alikes of four in the club. Did he have an obsession with four that much?
Maybe he started to have that thing planted and started growing a tiny sprout during the missing white and blue?
Maybe he was trying to show he wasnt that mean and evil. (Literally saved four's life and everyone here)
In Birthday Freakout
Enzo's birthday- Four asks three "you're gay for me?" Then three punches him out of the room.
Three does change little by little from wotfi 2018 where he called up as a certified psychiatrist, Three's appearance was shown after getting his award for saving the universe and without his help- Waluigi couldve destroyed everyone.
During the episode Mario's spicy day
Four thought three has got something from his sleeve and wrecked the whole place that three worked hard for down.
This made three so sad- and it really did broke his heart seeing the reason why he maybe was wrong to actually change into a good person. And to actually have this deep feeling for Four.
This changed three's perspective change back from where they used to be enemies again. Theres how you got 2020 of wotfi
Back on his world of dead memes- he actually changed- he gave up on destroying four (again) and actually calmed himself down
Perfectly balanced episode is where his feelings with four actually started to plant its seed again. Tho its not visible but it is seen on the 10th year anniversary where he calls him out for a baka- right after when smg4 calls him a tsundere.
And there got the episode after smg0's appearance. MARIOS OKAY⁷
Thats where the two had held hands with each other for the first time and actually the part of also training their meme powers together. (To work it off- from the other episode where smg3 sacrificed terrence in exchange for his meme energy to transport into mario for an escape) he didnt let or didnt used the choice of using anti-meme energy.
He didnt want him and four to go insane even tho the power he gain attraction to. He simply gave out terrence...
Ykw? Theres just too much- lets just include the main one. Mario does tiktok challenges where three and four kissed off screen. (i hate susan for that)
All i want for christmas is mario to FREAKING SHUT UP
Is the episode where smg3 finally has that smile on his face being there with smg4- thats the moment he got mutually connected to him and probably well- starts to have more interactions with eachother offscreen.
Smg4 felt like him and three were linked with each other after the first contact. And Three starting to have a small crush on four during/after his job on thhe S.M.G. club.
I have a feeling that he was slowly trying to change after his constant fails from finishing off four with his stupid evil plans.
And starts to change for a chance to make it up for a fresh start.
Three losing his feelings for four but ends up right back again after the arc and does change. He starts to actually have a mutual connection with four.
(Now for four I was thinking that it was his late-turn to actually have feelings for three after wotfi 2021 sorry i couldnt add more because these two are so gay that I could barely say anything-)
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strangerthingsn · 7 months
My evil dad
Summary: You’re Eddies pregnant girlfriend during season 4 of stranger things. Eddie is not gonna die at the end tho!
a/n: I just came up with this idea a week ago so now I started writing it! (If you find any type of faults or anything else please mention!)
Waring: angst, dying, blood mentioned, people die (tell me if I missed something)
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Chapter 9 ~ the piggyback
Steve had dropped Max, Erica and Lucas off at the creel house. You’re finally at Eddie’s trailer after repeating the plan a billion times. Steve opens the door and he walks in while the rest follows. Steve takes his bag off his back and grabs the rope to climb into the upside down through the gate.
“be careful” Dustin says.
“thanks buddy” steve inhales “hire goes nothing” Steve climbs up and let himself fall into the upside down, it was pretty funny to see him actually being upside down.
“babe can I lay Alice in your room?”you whisper to Eddie.
“Yes but I wanna hold her first” he takes her from you and kisses her head. She was already sleeping but that didn’t mind. For Eddie, it was just the idea of holding her.
“now you can go” he he chuckles and kisses her head again and gives her back. with that awnser you walk to his room and lay Alice on the ground and grab Eddie’s sheets, since they are using his mattress you can’t lay her on his bed.You lay her on the sheets so it’s atleast not that cold. She was already sleeping so you gave her a lil kiss and you walk to the others again. They were throwing their stuff into the upside down and Nancy was there already too.
“Eddie you’re next” Nancy says. “alright” he turns to you and pulls you into a big hug.
“can you please be careful.?” You hug him back and look up at him with tears in your eyes again.
“I will be.” He kisses your nose and goes with his hand carefully over your cheek. “See you” he turns around and grabs the rope. You watch him go into the gate followed by the others, you look through the gate seeing them.
“good luck” You wave at them, Eddie smiles and blows you a kiss before they all leave the trailer in the upside down. You go to Eddie’s room again and you lay down together with Alice, who had woken up in meanwhile.
“oh hello pretty” you kiss her nose. “Your daddy is saving the world” She smiles a little with her sleepy eyes.
“Still tired? I am too”you get up and grab Eddies guitar. “This is your daddys guitar, I’m not sure if he will kill me now for touching it” you smile and sit down next to her. She smiles back and goes with her fingers over the strings.
“I think I gotta ask dada for lessons” you giggle while she lays her head on the sheets and grabs a handful of it but somehow you saw a lil comfort by her.
“They smell like dada, don’t they?” You kiss her head. There was just one light on so it’s a bit dark in the room so she could fall asleep.
“ I go look in daddy’s closet so if the plan fails I atleast have some of his stuff for him” you get up and walks over to his closet. You open it and get a bag, you put some of his favorite shirts, jeans, some of Alice her new baby stuff and you grab some socks.
“Look what I found for you” you say hold up a pacifier still in the package. While you’re unpacking it but then the lights start to flicker. “Well that must been your dad and Dustin” you sit down next to her again and puts it in her mouth. She holds it there and starts falling asleep probably not noticing the lights flickering. You lay down besides her and as the lights had gone off again you start falling asleep also.
You suddenly wake up from a loud noice from some kind of animals but the sounded fated, after that you hear screams. It came from the upside down. You get up and run to the gate seeing Dustin and Eddie standing.
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?” You scream.
“THATS NOT GONNA HOLD!” Dustin screams at Eddie.
“LETS GO! LETS GO!!” Eddie screams back, Dustin immediately grabs the rope to climb up.
“COME DUTSIN!!” You scream at him.
“COME ON, QUICKLY!” Eddie looks behind him as Dustin comes through the gate and let himself fall on the mattress.
“EDDIE COME ON!” Dustin shouts looking up at the gate.
“PLEASE EDDIE HURRY” you look at him in panic.
“Eddie come on! Let’s go!! Eddie you’re so close! LETS GO!!!!” Dustin shouts when you see Eddie thinking.
“EDDIE FUCKING GO!!” You didn’t even notice you started crying. Eddie climbs down again and looks at you and Dustin and then at somewhere around him.
“EDDIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? EDDIE NO!!” Eddie grabs his spear and cuts the rope.
“NO EDDIE, you can’t do this it me..” you try to wipe your tears. You zone out looking at Eddie everything around you feels not real. Rather like a night mare.
“I’m buying more time” he smiles a bit and runs out of the trailer. You sit down on the ground and you cry even harder.
“I’m going behind him.” Dustin says grabbing a chair.
“How?” You sob. Dustin doesn’t awnser you and sets the chair down he walks backwards.
“screw it” he runs to the chair and jumps on it holding on to the gate. You heard your daughter crying from his room but you decided to follow him. You do the same as him and jump into the upside down. You land perfectly fine but Dustin didn’t, he hurted his feet.
“Are you okay?” You sniff.
“Yeah” he gets up and tries his best to get to Eddie as fast as possible. You slam the door open and run out. Dustin wasn’t as fast as you, you look at him while running faster than him, so you stopped to wait.
“NO Y/N RUN!” He shouts. You turn back and start to run.
“EDDIE??” You shout, but the sound of the bats said enough. You run over to him seeing one of the bats gabbing his throat and the other his arms and legs. Eddie falls down with a hard smack.
“G-GO AWAY..” he tried, he really wanted you to be safe.
“NO!!” You run over to him until another bat had wrapped his tail around your throat too. Really tight, you couldn’t breathe anymore, and you were sure that is gonna be a wound. You fall down on your knees next to Eddie, grabbing the tail hoping it would fly away itself, but it didn’t, you were sure you were not gonna last long if the tail kept getting tighter around your throat. You even stared coughing.
“GET… THE FUCK.-“ you grab the tail around your neck and bite in it, it worked and you’re free. But you where really out of breath“….AWAY FROM ME!!” You look up at Eddie seeing him on the ground with two bats on his legs, two on his arms and one on his throat, he just couldn’t move anymore. Something came from behind you but you grabbed Eddie his shield just in time to slam it away.
“oh my-…” you turn back to Eddie again seeing two other bats starting to eat at Eddie’s waist. He screamed. He was literally being eaten alive. “FUCK!!”
You grab his spear to stap the bat around his neck but it didn’t work. They kept choking, holding or even eating him. You try to kick them but another bat was wrapped around our feet and drags you away from Eddie. You didn’t even think of crying now. Too busy being scared and angry.
“JESUS-..” Dustin had finally arrived.
“NO LET ME GO” you try to kick the bat off but nothing worked until the bat got weaker and Dustin helped you. He got the tail of your feet to slam the bat with a stick or anything. You didn’t even mind the pain you had anymore. You just wanted to save Eddie. You get up, pain on your ankle, throat, chin, stomach and arms. You run over to him again, the bats had fallen down for some reason but your boyfriend is still dying and bleeding.
“Oh my god..” you started crying again and you sit down next to him, you lift his head up and lay it on your lap, he gave you a weak smile why he was already choking.
“Oh god Eddie..” Dustin sits next to you.
“bad huh?” Eddie mumbles trying not to choke.
“no, y-you gonna be fine” Dustin tries to calm Eddie down, you could do nothing but cry and rubbing your thumb over his cheek.
“we just gotta get you to a hospital okay?” Dustin had started crying also.
“okay” Eddie says. You nod and try to get him up.
“I- think… I just need a second, okay?” Eddie interups you.
“no you don’t need a fucking second you gonna get up.” You still trying to get him up, Dustin was holding his legs and you his head and back.
“see?” You comfort him, you started walking to the trailer. I’m meanwhile you feel his body getting weaker and he started crying.
“I didn’t run away this time right?” He looks at you.
“no.. and I’m proud.” You sob.
“you gonna have to look after the little one.. okay?” He tries to smile again.
“no you’re gonna help me with that Eddie..” your tears were falling down while you arrive to the trailer.
“nah I can’t … say I’m gonna look after her. Say it.” He sobs.
“I’m gonna look after her..” you sniff while you lay Eddie down on the ground while Dustin is climbing up the chair.
”good” he weakly takes your hand.
“cause I’m actually gonna graduate” he chuckles weakly. “I think it’s my year darling… I think it’s f-ffinally my year...” you wipe the tears off his cheek and kiss his nose.
“I love you..” He says.
“I love you too.” When you said that he started to actually chocke.
“E-Eddie.?” You started to cry harder when you realize he’s already gone.
“Hurry up y/n… please..” Dustin holds his hands out to catch Eddie. With all your power you kinda throw Eddie into the normal Hawkins, after that you jump through the gate yourself.
“come on lets get him in the camper..” You sob. Dustin nods and you both walk outside to lay him in the camper, on the couch. You sit down by him
“it’s gonna be okay baby…” you kiss his head and you get up. “Let me get Al-“ suddenly there was a loud noise outside, the ground started shaking, like a a earthquake… you run outside to see the trailer go in half because of some huge gate… it was red, like fire..
“Fuck-…Max…and FUCK…..ALICE!” Dustin is standing next to you.
“FUCK!! ALICE.. NO NO NO?” you cannot enter through the front door, but you know Eddie used to leave his window open to sneak out in the night, to vist you, or for some kind of drugs deal. You run to the window of his bedroom. “This can’t be happening..” you sob. You open the window and you see your daughter crying still on the place you left her. You climb through it and pick her up.
“I’m so so so sorry…I’m a terrible mum..” you kiss her head and Dustin takes her from you still standing outside so you could climb out.
“I’ll already get in the camper so you can immediately drive..” you nod and he tries to run, but he can’t since he had hurt his feet. You grab Eddies bag you packed earlier and his guitar and you climb out of the window.
Alice is with Dustin by Eddie and you… you’re driving as fast as you can to the hospital.
“check his heartbeat!!” You look behind you to Dustin.
“EYES ON THE ROAD!” He shouts.
“OKAY OKAY!” You turn back driving even harder. You see Hawkins ruined, fires, people running, panic, loose pets, and much more what made you even more sad. Your home town. The place you growed up, the place Alice should grown up… your tears streaming over your already wet pink cheeks.
“it’s beating… but not that much anymore..” Dustin sobs.
“just 5 minutes… please Eddie..” the tears in your eyes blur your vision so you wipe them away again. “How is Alice.?” Dustin turns to Alice on the couch.
“still sleeping..”
You’re in the waiting room after some doctors brought Eddie somewhere in the hospital for probably surgery. You’re holding Alice, who is still sleeping.
“I’m going to call Steve” Dustin says getting up.
“how?” You look up at him
“There is a walkie in the camper” he holds his hand out for the keys.
“does Steve have a walkie.?” You get the keys out of your pocket.
“mhm one of them, probably Steve, in his backpack” he takes it and walks outside.
“okay please bring dippers for Alice” you look down at Alice. You’re really hoping Eddie will survive, you need him, your parents are always working and you don’t wanna need to take care of Alice on your own. Eddie didn’t deserve to die for a town that hate him.
“Your mom said she’s on her way” The woman behind the big computer says. You look over at her
“thank you, do you know how long it’s gonna take?” You get up walking to the woman and leaning against the counter.
“Uhhh, it was for Eddie Munson right?”
“that’s right” you nod, she looks on a list next to her.
“he has a internal bleeding, they trying to stop it right now with a surgery and they gonna stitch the wounds, after that he will probably get a room, probably with oxygen and blood bags“ she explains.
“That can take hours… so if I was you, I should go home, and besides im not sure if even anyone except his family can get in his room because he’s a criminal..”
“I am his family… this is his daughter”
“yeah I think only his daughter can come in…”
“oh…okay..” you nod and sit back down again. The time goes really slow. It felt like you’re sitting hire for hours but you are hire just for only 40 minutes. Dustin came back and sits next to you.
“Steve had his car on the parking lot of the trailer park, he brought Nancy and Robin home, he asked if he needed to come but I said that it was not necessary” he explains.
“okay, my mom will arrive soon, do you want my to bring you home?” “would be awesome” Dustin nods, there were some movements in your arms and you look down meeting the eyes of your beautiful daughter.
“Oh hire” he gives you two dippers and wipes.
“You’re the best” you smile getting up to walk to the bathroom. “I will be right back”
“okay” Dustin nods, you walk to the bathroom and you lay her down on some kind of baby changing table before she starts crying.
“It’s funny to be hire again since you came on earth hire about a week ago” you smile changing her diapers. “You’re probably hungry too..” you put the new diaper on after cleaning everything and you throw the old one away.
“come hire” You pick her up and walk into a toilet, you sit down and take your shirt and bra down, Alice grabs the collar of your shirt and starts drinking.
“I promise it’s all gonna be okay, daddy is gonna wake up and we have the nice family we already wanted since you were born” You kiss her head. She looks up with her soft innocent eyes what wanted to make you cry, but you kinda ran out of tears..
“you’re so pretty” you hold her close rubbing her back.
You’re back waiting in the waiting room, it just turned 2AM and Lucas had joined you because max is there too now…. He explains what happened.
“And then that fucking Jason tried to kill me, he had a gun, beated me up, he said I was trying to kill Max…”
“He’s such a asshole”
“well, atleast he’s dead..” Lucas shrugs his shoulders.
“he died…?” You grin.
“How the hell?” Dustin asks.
“Well…. When those gates started to get bigger they kidna… burned him in half… it was gross” he looked down.
“I’m sure as hell everyone has a trauma now..” you nod. “I watched my boyfriend die, so did Dustin. you your girlfriend and Jason in a terrible way, so did Erica and Steve, Nancy and Robin almost chocked too..”
“it sucks… but they didn’t really die in fact.” Erica interrupts.
“But Max her heard stopped..” Lucas sighs.
you enjoyed talking to the others, well atleast it distracted you a bit for the fact your boyfriend was dying.
“You wanna go home?” Your mom asks. Who had finally arrived, Lucas wanted to stay in the hospital and Erica was at home cause her mom picked her up.
“I’m really tired… but I actually wanna be with Eddie” you look down.
“I think it’s better if you go home, the hospital has our number and they call if anything is wrong, plus we live pretty close the the hospital”
“okay then..” you all walk outside, your mom is holding your sleeping beauty while you and Dustin get the bag and Eddies guitar out of the camper, Steve promised he’s gonna give the camper back anywhere this week. You put the stuff in the back and Dustin gets in and so do you. Your mom gives Alice back to you and starts driving to Dustin’s house while he’s saying where she needs to go.
“I can’t believe this is real..” you start.
“me neither…” your mom shakes her head.
“I hope my mom doesn’t wanna move away..” Dustin says.
“do you wanna move.?” You look at your mom.
“I don’t… your dad does” she sighs. “But our house and neighbourhood is safe.” You nod and put some soft music on.
“hire it is” Dustin says. Your mom parks the car and let Dustin out.
“thank you “ he smiles.
“Dustin I think we should keep contact.. I’ll call you if I hear anything from the hospital”
“Okay” he smiles a lil bit and walks over to his house, he knocks and his mom opens the door and let him in.
“You gonna explain to me where you were today?” You mom starts driving to your house.
“Uh.. me and some people my age, and four younger teens, we saw the earthquake… uh” you need to search for the right words. “Hawkins is cured. As everyone says… and it isn’t a lie… I can’t tell you more about it..”
“How did Eddie die?”
“he didn’t die.” You look down.
“how did he get hurt then..” your mom als carefully.
“Uh… he kinda got eaten alive…” you swallow.
“you saw it happen.?” Your mom takes your hand
“I saw everything..” you nod carefully.
“and where was Alice the moment that happened?”
“safe, in Eddies trailer.”
“okay.. I want you two to rest. I will stay at home tomorrow and aslong as I need to. Your selfish dad will ofcourse continue to work.” Your mom and dad didn’t love each other already since you where born, you got used to it that your dad is the one that screams at you and gives you punishments and your mom is the one that cares.
“okay” you whisper.
After a while your mom parks the car and you get inside and you walk to your room, you actually really needed a shower but it the middle of the night and you were tired. You place Eddies guitar next to your bed and Alice is already sleeping in her crib. You place the bag by the guitar and you change into your pyjamas.
“I got you some tea and cake” your mom smiles setting it on your nightstand.
“thank you” you didn’t eat or drink all day so you really appreciate it.
“I think if Eddie wakes up he will be very happy you brought his guitar with you” your mom smiles. You eat the cake, it was a big piece but that was even better.
“mhm.. and if he doesn’t I can give it to Wayne or keep it” you smile eyes trying your best to keep your eyes open.
“I called with Wayne before I came to pick you up, told him Eddie is in the hospital”
“did he go there?”
“mhm I think he’s there by now” you mom nods. You finish the cake and drink your tea. “Now go sleep you look exhausted” she gets up and put the lights off and closes the curtains.
“good night” you mumble.
“good night”
to be continued….
I really noticed I can’t describe emotions that well lmao…. Anyways I wanted to say I hope you enjoyed it but this was not a very fun chapter 😭(I said this was gonna be the last but ofcourse there will be another chapter)
tagg list: @kellyxo1 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @notsobubblybaby @amira0303 @ali-r3n @eddiesguitarskills @goth-cowgirl-03 Luf youu!
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tatsuhikoshibusawa · 1 month
A fiend of a child
(OOC: i like the 'Shibusawa was an evil kid' headcanon so much I decided to write this about him. Uhh drugs are mentioned in this but i think thats the only triggering thing!!)
Shibusawa put yet another trinket in his big hoard of things, stuffing it in his secret drawer. Yet another thing added to his 'collection', and yet he was still so bored. He didn't understand why. All the games the other kids played weren't fun anymore, either, and the other children were all so simple-minded. They weren't like him.
He heard someone step into the quiet room. He didn't turn his head to face their direction, his eyes only slightly looking to the side to see who it was. A girl around his age, the one with the flower in her hair.
What was her name? Kadono? Kaana? He could never bother actually learning any names and remembering them. He went with Kaana.
She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, seemingly a little angry with Shibusawa, but staying silent. Eventually, he was the one who broke the silence.
"Do you want something?"
"Uh-huh." Kaana nodded her head. "Qi told me you said mean stuff about me."
That snitch. Shibusawa's eyebrows raised in fake surprise and he frowned, only exaggerating his emotions. Yes, he did talk about Kaana. It wasn't his fault Kaana didn't give him a pretty shiny rock she found. She didn't even like it, she just didn't want to give it to him. Serves her right.
"No I didn't," Shibusawa shook his head. "I told her the things she was saying about you weren't true."
Kaana furrowed her eyebrows. "She said stuff about me?"
"Yeah. She said your pigtails make your face look round and ugly."
Kaana gasped. Shibusawa only shrugged his shoulders, muttering a 'not my words' before closing the drawer completely and getting up, brushing dust off of himself.
"She really said that?" Kaana spoke up again, seeming like she was on the verge of tears.
"Mhm. She says she only hangs out with you because your snacks taste good. I heard her. Don't tell her I told you this, though."
Shibusawa simply walked away, fixing the small ponytail he had. That was another friendship ruined. Well, lucky him, it wasn't HIS friendship. Now, for Qi... she said she promised she wouldn't say anything. What a liar.
"Qi said that?!" A kid gasped, covering her mouth in horror.
Shibusawa nodded. "She called you an ugly, weirdo bitch."
"I didn't even do anything to her!"
"Not my words." Shibusawa shrugged. "You won't say anything that I told you this, will you? I just don't want her to be mean to you."
"I promise!"
Shibusawa held out his pinky finger, narrowing his eyes. "Promise?"
"Promise," the unnamed child intertwined her pinky with his.
Shibusawa sipped his juice, listening to the background. It seemed Qi's reputation was already being ruined. Kaana and that other kid were teamed up against her.
"You're never gonna eat my snacks again!" Kaana pushed Qi to the ground, sniffling and wiping her tears.
"I didn't do anything!" Qi retorted, seeming angry, her face scrunched.
The argument continued, and it eventually broke out into a full-on fight. Shibusawa left sooner or later. His presence could possibly remind the kids who told them about the information. Besides, at first fights were entertaining, but they were boring once again, just like life in general.
In his hand was a little pretty rock. He managed to bribe another kid into stealing it from Kaana during the fight. She would most likely think she lost it while rolling with Qi. Lucky him, he had an excuse and everything. If that kid said anything, he'd be sure to ruin his reputation, too.
Shibusawa hummed, making little pictures in the dirt. Eventually, he heard three bicycles, on them being teenagers 3-4 years older than him. He looked up with an unamused expression.
"Dude, don't, we could get in trouble..." One of them spoke, talking in a hushed tone.
"Why, you're fucking scared? Nothing's gonna happen," Another retorted, turning to Shibusawa. "Ey, could you do me a favor, man?"
Shibusawa shook his head.
"You can't do me a fucking favor? What kind of kid are you?" The teenager furrowed his eyebrows. "It's just something small. I'm older than you."
Shibusawa stayed silent. He lowered his head and continued to draw.
The teen got off his bike, stepping into the drawing and ruining it with his foot. He spat on it afterwards, too, mumbling a 'fatherless shit' under his breath and getting on his bike again to leave. His friends soon followed suit.
...That wouldn't do. No, not at all. He was working on that. Sure, he didn't care about it, but HE was going to ruin it when he was done. Kids weren't the only kinds of people he could gossip about.
Shibusawa went on his toes to reach the doorbell of the place. A woman opened the door, surprised to see a little child looking all beat up and seeming on the verge of tears.
"Oh, dear! Are you okay? Do you want anything to clean yourself up?" The woman asked worriedly, leaning down slightly.
Shibusawa shook his head. "Do you have a son?"
"Yes, I do... did he do this to you?"
A nod. "He ruined my drawings because he tried to offer me some special candy and I said no."
"...Special candy? Can you explain more, love?"
Shibusawa was trying not to giggle at this point. Was this too far? No, not at all. This was only fair. Besides, who wouldn't believe a kid over a rebellious teenager?
He nodded once again. "It was this white powdery stuff. He said I could get in trouble if I'm not careful with it."
"Right... thank you for telling me. I'll have a word with him. Do you need anything else?"
"No ma'am. Thank you."
Shibusawa went down the little steps, and immediately after going out of sight, he went expressionless and wiped his eyes. That's what the asshole got for messing with him. Now he was bored again.
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