#the amazing adventures of flash gordon
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The Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon Volume Three, 1971. Dan Barry newspaper strip reprints in paperback format.
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goodpodcastvibes · 2 years
Come check out Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon! A new audio drama summarized as “Original comedic versions of the 1930s radio show Flash Gordon.” Fans of comedy science fiction, Flash Gordon Mel Brooks and Monty Python will likely enjoy this show. They’ve got a few episodes out already with plenty more soon to come.
If this podcast sounds like something for you, check out their Twitter ( @/mindstreamaudio ) or their website for more information.
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Garden of Secrets [38] - Gladiolus
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Summary: Strength builds in time.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of sex, mentions of threat.
Word Count: 3100
Series Masterlist
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Alright then.
Perhaps you owed Benedict an apology.
Ever since you had walked in on him and Madame Delacroix right after their escapade at her shop, you hadn’t stopped reminding him of his very frequent adventures with different ladies in the ton but in your defense, you had no idea the act was this…
Divine, even.
Yet, it raised one simple issue; the marriage bliss kept you too busy to pay attention to anything else. Honestly it didn’t feel like an issue at all to you -or to Benedict you were guessing- but you had lost the complete track of time in the last couple of days and you had to force yourself to think straight.
You put your shift on and walked to grab your dressing gown, your body aching in the most pleasant way and you bit down a smile as the memory of last night flashed through your mind, but then heard Benedict taking a deep breath, rising from his deep slumber.
“Y/N?” he asked, his voice hoarse from sleep and you looked over your shoulder, the sight making your heart skip a beat. He looked absolutely gorgeous, his hair all messy while he ran a hand over his glimmering blue eyes, the sunlight falling on his chiseled chest. You could feel the familiar desire sending sparks through your system but forced yourself to focus, shaking your head slightly.
“Good morning,” you said, dragging your gaze away from him to look around the room for the items of clothing of yours that Benedict had thrown around the room in his haste to get you out of them. “Did I wake you up?”
“No—what are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.”
His head shot up. “What?”
“For the day!” you added quickly and grabbed your corset off the floor. “I’m leaving for the day.”
“Benedict,” you said and motioned between you. “Perhaps it has escaped your notice but we have a problem.”
He tilted his head, confusion etched in his features. “A problem?” he repeated. “What problem?”
You tried to concentrate but it was rather hard when that fire was swirling in your lower stomach, the more you looked at him, the more you wanted to climb back in the bed and—
You cleared your throat, looking up at the ceiling, causing Benedict to look up as well.
“What’s happening?”
“If I look at you I’m going to get back in the bed so I refuse to.”
“How is that a bad thing?” he asked with a grin and you shot him a glance, then looked up at the ceiling again.
“You know, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we have a lovely ceiling.”
“My love, what are you talking about?”
You felt a smile warm your face, then grabbed your dress off the floor as well before turning to him, heaving a sigh.
“First of all, you were right about it being…divine,” you said, then narrowed your eyes. “Wipe that smile off your face.”
He held up his hands, gesturing surrender and you put your clothes on the sofa.
“That being said, do you not think we’re being a bit…fixated?”
“When was the last time you painted?”
“A week ago.”
“When was the last time you and I actually communicated with another person more than an hour without rushing to the nearest room?”
“There was the gala—”
“Gordon’s guest room.”
He hissed in a breath. “Right. Good point.”
“And I have a greenhouse,” you told him, putting your hands on your hips. “Ask me when the last time I’ve been there was.”
“…A week ago?”
“A week ago!”
“I mean Mr. Binsted is taking care of—”
Even you could hear the petulant tone in your voice; “It doesn’t matter, it’s my greenhouse!”
“Darling it’s not like it’s going anywhere—”
“Listen,” you cut him off. “I have a greenhouse with very rare plants. And flowers.”
“Mm hm.”
“Not to mention, I have the rarest flower in the world, in the aforementioned greenhouse.”
“I heard a thing or two about that, yeah.”
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re the love of my life,” you said, making a smile curl his lips, that softness apparent in his gaze again while you pointed at the window, stomping on your foot. “But my greenhouse!”
“It has my favorite flower in there!”
“Hasn’t escaped my notice my love,” he said with a grin, almost humoring you and you nodded your head.
“So that’s what we’re doing today—no, don’t get out of the bed until I’m away,” you stopped him as he swung his legs over the bed and you looked up at the ceiling. “Wait until I leave.”
“Because neither of us can be trusted,” you stated. “So we’re not to cross paths today.”
“The whole day?!” Benedict asked in shock and you flailed your arms.
“To repeat, we cannot be trusted apparently!” you said. “You—you take the studio side of the house and I’ll be in the greenhouse and we are going to be…calm.”
“Yes, calm,” you said and heaved a deep sigh and turned your gaze to him again. “It’s alright. We can do this, I have faith in us.”
“I don’t.”
“Shall I lie to you?” he asked with a small laugh and you tilted your head, narrowing your eyes again.
“I’m leaving,” you said. “See you tonight at the ball, not one second before.”
“Darling to repeat, we live in the same house—”
“We’ll meet there!” you said. “I mean it.”
“We’re going in different carriages?”
“Do you not remember what happened the last time we were in the same carriage?”
He gave you that lopsided grin you loved so much, making your stomach do a happy flip.
“Oh trust me, I do remember,” he said and you felt your cheeks burn, then you shook your head slightly and grabbed your clothes off the sofa.
“I’ll see you at the ball,” you said and walked through the door connecting his room to yours, painfully aware of the smile on your face.
It was as if you were in a happy dream and if that was the case, you never wanted to wake up. You were sure that it had been hours since you stepped foot into the greenhouse based on the sun, but you could swear it had only been minutes. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on the door that you snapped out of your haze and looked over your shoulder, your hands still in the pot.
“Wow,” she said, looking around. “I hope I’m not interrupting?”
“No no,” you said, shaking your head and pulled your hands out of the pot to take off your gloves. “Welcome.”
“I mean you mentioned it the other day and I figured…” she said, motioning around. “This is impressive.”
“Look!” you turned around to grab the pot you had been working on and held it up, a bright smile on your face. “It’s a Queen of the Night Tulip!”
“And the one to your right is a Ghost Orchid, and—that’s Middlemist Red! My favorite!”
She forced a smile.
“You’re never leaving this place, are you?”
“Never,” you said with a laugh and walked to the next pot, which was a gladiolus flower. Josie took a deep breath.
“So,” she said. “She came to see me.”
“Hm?” you asked, looking at her again. “Who?”
She blinked a couple of times.
“Mother,” she said. “Mother came to see me. Are you alright?”
You could feel your heart dropping to your stomach, your happy mood getting dim like a sudden shadow on a sunny day but you pressed your lips together.
“Yeah,” you said. “Sorry I was just distracted. But none of us told them you were here, how did she…?”
“Must have heard from someone in the ton.”
“What did she say?”
“She uh… remember how she found those letters between me and Bess?”
“And threw them in the fire before father—” a bitter taste appeared in your mouth as you tried to shake off the memory. “Yes?”
“Well as it turns out she didn’t throw all of them in the fire,” she said. “There is one left, and she is threatening to show it to not only uncle but also the whole ton unless I give them money.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, leaning back to the shelf.
“God damn it,” you muttered. “So not only are they using Teddy as a leverage for more money from uncle, they’re also—”
“Using Bess and Andrew,” she finished your sentence for you. “Yes. I don’t care what happens to me if the ton hears, but I can’t see them get hurt Y/N.”
You nodded your head.
“Of course not,” you said, running a hand over your eyes. “No that’s—that’s not going to happen. Did you tell them?”
“They were outside when mother decided to pay the visit,” she said. “I’ll tell them when I get home. I just wanted you to know before anyone else, just in case.”
You heaved a sigh, then walked to pull her into a hug.
“I’m fine,” she said almost mechanically even though she wrapped her arms around you to hold you tight. “You know me, I can handle mother and father.”
You bit inside your cheek and pulled back to look at her better, holding her hand to squeeze it in an assuring manner.
“I know,” you said, remembering how relieved you felt when Benedict told you the same thing. “But you don’t have to handle them alone.”
She tried to smile and took a shaky breath, then looked around.
“Well alright then,” she said. “Go ahead, tell me all about these flowers.”
By the time Josie left it was near evening, and though you had told Benedict you would be taking separate carriages, you were so desperate to talk to him that you had ended up changing your mind. He looked quite surprised to see you waiting for him by the carriage but he knew something was troubling you with one look at your face.
So you had spent the entire road to the ball telling him about what happened.
“Letters?” he asked as he helped you out of the carriage when it stopped in front of the Elwick house. You took his hand and stepped out, then placed your hand on his arm while you walked towards the house.
“Letters,” you said. “Josie eloped very soon after that because—well, you can imagine how mother and father reacted.”
Benedict clenched his jaw. “Unbelievable,” he said. “You know, I was thinking I should talk to your father again and this just proves I must.”
“The last time you talked, you punched him.”
“I don’t have any regrets over that.”
“Neither do I, I’m glad you did,” you said. “That being said, I’m not putting your wellbeing over him getting what he deserves, so no.”
You both entered the house and passed through the foyer, the music getting louder and louder as you approached the ballroom.
“No way,” you insisted. “I get that you’re angry at them, and trust me I’m angry as well. Me and Josie, but I told you before. My father is not worth your attention, let alone your fury.”
He reached to hold your hand, running his thumb over your skin as if trying to assure you and you offered him a small smile.
“I’m alright.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, you know?”
You heaved a sigh and shrugged your shoulders, catching the sight of Andrew out of the corner of your eye, Benedict following your gaze.
“Did she tell him?”
“She said she would—I just didn’t think mother would actually go to Josie’s house,” you said. “My parents didn’t even know she was back in the country, so to come up with that plan as soon as they found out she’s here… I knew they were evil, I just didn’t think they’d be that fast.”
Benedict’s head snapped up.
“Wait,” he said. “They didn’t know she was here?”
“No,” you said. “The last they heard, Josie was going to Spain with Andrew and Bess so I figure they still thought she was there. Even I didn’t know she was coming back until she arrived here, there is no way they had an inkling.”
Benedict’s brows furrowed as if he was in deep thought, then he raised your hand to press a kiss on it.
“Just give me one moment my love, I will be back,” he said and strode to Andrew, muttering something to him before Andrew nodded and they both walked away. You frowned in confusion but then someone touched your arm, making you turn to them.
“Oh thank God you’re here, you’re going to save me,” Lottie said, linking her arm with yours and pulling you to the foyer, making you let out a small laugh.
“What? What is happening?”
“Tony hasn’t arrived yet and everyone is asking me a lot of questions about the wedding that I don’t even know the answers to,” she said as you followed her through the foyer. “And my mama has been taken hostage by other mamas who want to be invited to the engagement ball that I haven’t even planned yet it seems, so you’re to be my savior. We’re going to the backyard.”
You repressed a laugh. “There might be people there as well, you know.”
“Fewer people who will not be as enthusiastic to ask me questions, I’m hoping.”
You hummed as you both stepped out of the house to the backyard. “If someone does approach, do you want me to threaten them?”
“Goodness no!” she said. “That would be very rude!”
“What if they are approaching you to ask you questions about the engagement ball you haven’t planned yet?”
She thought for a moment, her lips pulling into a pout as if she was torn between decisions.
“Don’t threaten them verbally, just glare at them please?”
“I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m the happiest lady in the entire world but—” she huffed as you two sat down on a bench. “Everyone has something to ask and nobody leaves us alone anymore Y/N! With Tony, it’s as if everyone swore to…”
“Interrupt you?” you said with a grin and she looked abashed for a moment.
“So I’m guessing no other scandalous behavior has taken place?”
“Just a question,” you teased her and she heaved a tormented sigh.
“If only,” she sulked. “Everyone seems to watch us closer now that we’re engaged.”
“Tell Anthony patience is a virtue,” you said, trying to stop the smirk on your face and she nodded.
“I have.”
You let out a small laugh. “Lottie, you’re too sweet.”
“Thank you—how about you and Benny?” she asked and you blinked a couple of times, clearing your throat.
“I mean no one has seen you on a social outing of the ton for almost a week,” she said. “Everyone has a lot of ideas about the reason.”
“Such as?”
“You’d tell me if you were with child, would you not?”
Your eyes widened, your breath getting caught in your throat.
“What?!” you asked. “No—I mean yes I would tell you but no Lottie, that’s not what is happening!”
“Good,” she said. “Because you see, I have many things I wish to shop for before your baby gets here—”
“That baby is nonexistent as we speak, Lottie.”
“And I’d like a pre-warning,” she said like she wasn’t listening and you scoffed.
“So that’s what the ton thinks?”
“Some of them,” she said. “Why haven’t you been attending outings then?”
You shifted your weight, trying to come up with an excuse but thankfully you saw Benedict approaching out of the corner of your eye.
“Oh look, Benedict is here!” you said, motioning at him and he gave you a smile.
“Benny, hello!”
“Anthony just arrived, he was looking for you,” Benedict said, pointing back at the house with his thumb and Lottie let out a breath.
“Oh thank God,” she said, standing up. “Benny, have you seen anyone asking him questions about our engagement ball?”
Benedict made a face. “Please stop reminding me you’re engaged to my brother, I’m still not completely alright with that idea.”
You raised your brows and Lottie rolled her eyes.
“You do realize that you will be the best man, do you not?” she asked as if teasing him, making him let out a whine.
“I’ll see you inside Y/N.”
“See you inside,” you said with a laugh and watched her walk away. Benedict heaved a sigh and sat beside you.
“So they’re actually going to get married then?”
“Seems like it,” you said, patting him on the arm as if trying to assure him. “Will you be alright?”
“Ask me again later,” Benedict said and stole a look at you. “How about you?”
“I’m alright with them getting married, I don’t know why you’re making it such a big issue—”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he said and you paused for a moment, then nodded.
“I’m fine, I just…” you let out a bitter laugh. “It’s rather surprising but it shouldn’t be. It’s just that, I’ve been so happy lately that I almost forgot they were here to cause trouble, does that make sense?”
“It absolutely does,” he said with that soft light in his eyes. “But it is going to be alright, I promise you.”
“What did you and Andrew talk about?” you asked, gazing up at him and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing important, I just asked about your parents.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Benedict.”
“Yes my love?”
“That will not distract me,” you pointed at him while trying very hard to not let it distract you, making him chuckle.
“There’s nothing for you to worry about,” he assured you. “I’m not putting myself or anyone you care about in danger, I swear to you.”
You pursed your lips, then heaved a sigh and turned a little to face the backyard, putting your head on his shoulder. He entwined his fingers with yours, pressing a kiss on top of your head before burying his nose into your hair.
“Let’s stay here for a while?” you asked. “I like being alone with you even when we’re not…you know.”
A small laugh vibrated his chest. “Same here darling.”
You heaved a sigh, then frowned when the thought hit you. “But we’re still going to—”
“Way ahead of you, they have a library on the other side of the house.”
“Good,” you said, a small smirk curling your lips as you stole a look at him. “I happen to be an admirer of books.”
Chapter 39
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samanthahirr · 1 year
007 Fest Watch Party Invitation - FLASH GORDON (1980), July 8th
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Join me on Saturday, July 8th, for a streaming watch party of the classic 1980 campy scifi-adventure Flash Gordon. Earth has been targeted for conquest by the evil galactic emperor Ming the Merciless, and the human race is powerless to stop him! Is there anyone who can save us????
This movie is a delight for the senses, shiny and fast-paced, unintentionally hilarious, horny as hell, and crammed with all the tastiest adventure tropes! Laugh along as our chosen-one hero, NFL star quarterback Flash Gordon, gets kidnapped into space while wearing his own merch, teaches the downtrodden alien races the value of teamwork, and organizes an uprising against the emperor!
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LITERALLY wearing his own merch.
The soundtrack alone is legendary, with original tracks written and performed by Freddie Mercury and Queen, but that's only one part of the amazing spectacle! Whip duels! Hawk men! Lizard men! Flying cities! Laser rifles! Cheezy special effects!
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Whip duels, hell yeah!
Boggle at the surreal-and-sumptuous glittering Art Deco acid-trip set designs! The costumes in this movie have more sequins and beading than a Vegas floor show! I have to assume the costumers and prop masters raided a local BDSM warehouse to source the MANY leather harnesses and chains and floggers and loincloths in this movie!
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Did I mention the gold lamé?
Featuring Timothy Dalton as the dashing Prince Barin, a green-leather-sporting Robin Hood knockoff who leads a race of tree-dwelling aliens and plays a contagonist to Flash Gordon, who Barin views as a rival for Princess Aura's affections. Also starring Topol (For Your Eyes Only) as the scene-stealing Dr. Zarkov, the discredited human scientist who first recognizes the coming invasion and believes the only chance to save the earth is by taking the fight to the aliens. And Max von Sydow (Never Say Never Again) in a magnetic—and problematically yellowfaced—turn as Ming the Merciless.
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So pretty when he's jealous!
Come join the fun! The watch party will stream on the MI6-café Discord on July 8 at 3 p.m. UTC (that's 11 a.m. ET; 8 a.m. PT).
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usagirotten · 5 months
Mad Cave Studios Ignites a New Adventure with ‘Flash Gordon’ Comic Series Launch in July 2024
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Mad Cave Studios, a powerhouse of innovative comic book storytelling, is set to launch a brand-new series featuring the iconic space hero, Flash Gordon, in July 2024. This much-anticipated series aims to rekindle the spirit of adventure and heroism that has captivated fans for generations. The new ‘Flash Gordon’ series will explore uncharted territories of the Flash Gordon universe, introducing readers to a blend of classic and contemporary narratives. Mad Cave promises to deliver a fresh take on the character while staying true to the essence that has made Flash Gordon a beloved figure in science fiction. Fans can expect vibrant interstellar landscapes, daring battles, and a timeless struggle between good and evil. With a creative team that boasts some of the industry’s most talented writers and artists, this series is poised to be a standout addition to the Mad Cave catalog. The all-new FLASH GORDON series, written by the critically acclaimed animation screenwriter, Jeremy Adams (Green Lantern, Flashpoint Beyond), features illustrations by top DC and Marvel artist Will Conrad (Black Panther, Wolverine, X-Men, Batman, Justice League), with colors by Lee Loughridge, letters by Taylor Esposito and amazing cover art by comics legend, Dan Panosian (Savage Red Sonja, John Tiffany). The kick-off for issue #1 includes connecting variant covers by National Comics Award-winning artist Frazer Irving (Batman & Robin), Cover C by Reilly Brown (Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point), and D blank sketch cover—retailer incentive covered by Joe Chiodo (Fantastic Four) and Dan Panosian. Stay tuned for more updates on this thrilling cosmic saga, as Mad Cave Studios prepares to take readers on an unforgettable journey through the stars with Flash Gordon at the helm.
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Synopsis: Flash awakes on a secret prison planet somewhere in the galaxy. Upon learning that Dale Arden is the subject of an assassination plot, he’s forced to break out and make his way across the galaxy to save her. Along the way, he encounters old friends, new threats, and a greater mystery surrounding WHO is pulling the strings of this universe. The first exciting issue in an all-new ongoing series!
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  Read the full article
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yestolerancepro · 5 months
Tolerance Project extra a long time ago in a Galaxy far far away
The final cut
Part 1 The Farmboy The Princess and the Smuggler The Making of Star Wars and an out of this world Toyline
Hello there and in honour of Star Wars Day may I present a new and revised edtion of a blog that looks at the Star Wars franchise well the first 6 episodes anyway so nothing on the sequel trilogy or the clone wars animated series.
For ease of reading the blog has been split into 4 chapters each with new material
This first chapter will cover the making of Star Wars and the amazing Toyline that followed it. Chapter 2 will cover the Empire Strikes Back including new material on the lost sequel Splinter of a Minds eye from 1978 Chapter 3 now covers Return of the jedi
The final Chapter will cover the Prequel trilogy and the links with the Tolerance Project
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Star Wars (retroactively titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope)* is a 1977 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas, produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century-Fox. It was the first film released in the Star Wars film series and fourth chronological chapter of the "Skywalker Saga". Set "a long time ago" in a fictional universe where the galaxy is ruled by the tyrannical Galactic Empire, the story focuses on a group of freedom fighters known as the Rebel Alliance, who aim to destroy the Empire's newest weapon, the Death Star. When Rebel leader Princess Leia is apprehended by the Empire, Luke Skywalker acquires stolen architectural plans of the Death Star and sets out to rescue her, while learning the ways of a metaphysical power known as "the Force" from Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. The cast includes Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, and Peter Mayhew.
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Lucas had the idea for a science-fiction film in the vein of Flash Gordon around the time he completed his first film, THX 1138 (1971) and began working on a treatment after the release of American Graffiti (1973).
To read about George Lucas’s orignal Star Wars plans as a 12 part film arc click here https://screenrant.com/star-wars-george-lucas-12-movie-plan/
After numerous rewrites, filming took place throughout 1975 and 1976 in locations including Tunisia and Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire, England.
While Star Wars was still filming Star Wars The novelisation of the film hit the book shelves in 1976
Star Wars From The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker Alan Dean Foster
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Though initially credited to George Lucas, this Star Wars novelization was actually ghostwritten by sci-fi icon Alan Dean Foster, who wrote it based off the film’s shooting script and Xerox copies of artist Ralph McQuarrie’s pre-production paintings. Foster also spent a day in an Industrial Light And Magic screening room with Lucas and graphic designer Saul Bass, watching unedited, soundless footage of Tie Fighters zooming around and getting blown up.
From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker was published six months before the movie came out in May 1977, and it was panned by critics—but audiences loved it, and the book sold through its initial 500,000-print run by February, still three months before the film’s premiere. By the time the movie came out, another 3.5 million copies had been sold, making it one of the most successful novelizations of all time. (Foster was paid $7500 for the work—worth about $40,000 today
The novelization hits all the movie’s high points, but there are some fascinating differences (a lightsaber is described as a “gizmo” with “a number of jewel-like components built into both the handle and the disk,” for example) that give it a different type of feel from the film. It all adds more to the Star Wars universe, and some of details about certain planets, languages, history, and technology have since become canon for fans.
The film suffered production difficulties; cast and crew involved believed the film would be a failure. Lucas formed the visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic to help create the film's special effects. It also went $3 million over budget due to delays.
To read about a lost version of the Star Wars film click here :https://movieweb.com/star-wars-original-version-lost/
Star Wars was released in a limited number of theatres in the United States on May 25, 1977  It was released in the UK on the 27 December 1977 6 months after US a bit strange as a large chunk of the film was made here it quickly became a huge hit   
leading to it being expanded to a much wider release. The film opened to critical acclaim for its acting, direction, story, musical score, action sequences, sound, editing, screenplay, costume design, and production values, but particularly for its ground-breaking visual effects. It grossed $410 million worldwide during its initial run, surpassing Jaws (1975) to become the highest-grossing film until the release of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982); subsequent releases brought its total gross to $775 million. When adjusted for inflation, Star Wars is the second-highest-grossing film in North America (behind Gone with the Wind) and the fourth-highest-grossing film of all time. It received numerous awards at the Academy Awards, BAFTA Awards, and Saturn Awards, among others.
Star Wars Gets its first TV airing in the UK
I remember watching on its first British TV premeire when the ITV network showed on the 24th of October 1982 as a a 5 year old it left a rather big impression on me . with its massive space battles light saber fights and the souring music by John Williams  here is a trailer for that very event.
Screenrant published an article on their website called 10 moves that redifined their Genres Star wars A New Hope was number 1 in their list so what made Star Wars so groundbreaking ?
Hollywood likely did not expect a new sci-fi movie with a space setting to change the genre yet again less than a decade after 2001: A Space Odyssey came out. Yet Star Wars became the biggest franchise of all time, with Star Wars: A New Hope being the second highest-grossing movie of all time when adjusted for inflation (via boxofficemojo.com). All blockbuster movies are held up to Star Wars as a comparison.
  George Lucas' team notably used miniature models of futuristic ships to capture sequences of them flying through space while further developing the computer-generated effects of the time. Luke's storyline also helped popularize the "Hero's Journey" in cinema, which appears in The Matrix and Lord of the Rings (via IMDB). This demonstrates how genre-defining movies' influence may prove essential to yet another significant moment in cinematic history.
The Music of Star Wars Episode IV The New Hope
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For me one of the strongest parts of Star Wars is the music by John Williams. Indeed Speaking as a personal fan of John Williams, I was first introduced to his work when I bought a double CD version of his music for the first star wars film for my birthday. I loved it but it took me a while to get the other soundtracks in the series. I didn’t get round to buying Empire and Return of the Jedi till the special edition Soundtrack releases in 1997.
I loved those as well and I have since bought all of the Star Wars Soundtracks that John Williams worked on.
Williams like John Barry before him had a magical talent for making the music come alive in my head to create scenes and adventures that I never saw on the cinema screen.
It was on the recommendation Spielberg, Lucas hired John Williams, who had worked with Spielberg on the film Jaws, for which he won an Academy Award. Lucas originally hired Williams to consult on music editing choices and to compose the source music for the music, telling Williams that he intended to use extant music.[133][134] Lucas believed that the film would portray visually foreign worlds, but that a grand musical score would give the audience an emotional familiarity. Therefore, Lucas assembled his favourite orchestral pieces for the soundtrack, until Williams convinced him that an original score would be unique and more unified, having viewed Lucas's music choices as a temp track. However, a few of Williams's eventual pieces were influenced by the temp track: the "Main Title Theme" was inspired by the theme from the 1942 film Kings Row, scored by Erich Wolfgang Korngold;[135] and the track "Dune Sea of Tatooine" drew from the soundtrack of Bicycle Thieves, scored by Alessandro Cicognini.
Williams' score for Star Wars was recorded over eight sessions at Anvil Studios in Denham, England on March 5, 8–12, 15 and 16, 1977. The score was orchestrated by Williams, Herbert W. Spencer, Alexander Courage, Angela Morley, Arthur Morton and Albert Woodbury. Spencer orchestrated the scores for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The score was recorded by engineer Eric Tomlinson and edited by Kenneth Wannberg, and the scoring sessions were produced by Star Wars director George Lucas and supervised by Lionel Newman, head of 20th Century Fox's music department.
The soundtrack album was released by 20th Century Records as a double-LP record in the United States in June 1977. The album's main title peaked at No. 10 on the Billboard Hot 100, with a disco version of the film's theme by Meco becoming a number one single hit in the United States in October 1977. You can learn more about the Meco version of the song by clicking here :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAjuvI6sX2U&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=264&t=135s 
The soundtrack album itself became the best-selling symphonic album of all time;[1]
To take a look at the original music manuscript for the Star Wars theme click here https://gizmodo.com/john-williams-star-wars-sheet-music-auction-darth-vader-1851265635 
The Beginning Of the out of This World Toyline
The toys were made by Kenner in the US and released by Palitoy in the UK which imported the figures and packaged them in the UK on Palitoy branded cardbacks.
 Between 1978 and 1985, Kenner produced and sold action figures based on the Star Wars franchise. From a line of over 100 unique toys, a total of more than 300 million units were sold during their original run.
 The license for Star Wars action figures was offered in 1976 to the Mego Corporation, which was the leading company in action figures in the 1970s. Mego refused the offer and the license was subsequently picked up by Kenner.
Star Wars was the first film to successfully market toys based on the movie. In fact, they were so successful that George Lucas independently used the funds to finance the next two movie chapters, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983).[2]
Although the original Star Wars film had been released in May 1977, Kenner was unprepared for the unprecedented response to the film and the high demand for toys, mainly due to George Lucas's unwillingness to provide character/vehicle designs for fear his creations would be plagiarized by movie/TV competitors. Unable to build sufficient stock in time for the lucrative Christmas market, they instead sold an "Early Bird Certificate Package" which included a certificate which could be mailed to Kenner and redeemed for four Star Wars action figures.[3][4] The first four figures to be distributed were Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and R2-D2.[5] The box also contains a diorama display stand, some stickers, and a Star Wars fan club membership card.[6][7][8]
By the time the action figures were offered for direct sale in shops, the range had been augmented with a further eight figures—C-3PO, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Jawa, Sand People, and Death Squad Commander—bringing the total number of figures in the initial release to twelve. These were supplemented later in 1978 with a number of vehicle and playset accessories, as well as the J.C. Penney exclusive Sonic controlled landspeeder and the Sears exclusive Cantina adventure playset which introduced four new figures.[9][10]
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The Original Star Wars Trilogy and Me
Like most children growing up in the 1980s Star wars was part of the landscape growing up Me and Matthew bought most of the toys and played Star wars at home..
 I used to be Han Solo and Matthew my Brother would be Luke Skywalker my bed would be the Millennium Falcon and my Teddy Edward would be Chewbacca. To watch a documentary on the Star Wars toy range click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaJy4GMQrJE&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV3Y85xphI3YrPVq3Q5wI_7&index=34&t=15s
The very first Star wars figure me and Matthew got as presents were a Darth Vader figure for me and Luke Skywalker Jedi knight for Matthew from our Nan from then on we would get figures as treats save up our pocket money or a get the figures or a spaceship/Vehicle for Christmas or a birthday present.
The first big Spaceship I remember getting as a birthday present was the Snow Speeder that Luke Skywalker flew during the Battle of Hoth in Empire a great flyer but very heavy to lift when your little the guns on the speeder would light up when you pressed a button.
Toy advert for the Snow Speeder click here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_LPd9xlsks
 Matthew got Luke’s X wing fighter the wings unfolded when you pressed a button on R2D2s head Toy Advert for the X wing and Tie fighter click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llNRFjvJXus
The best Christmas present I ever got was the Millennium Falcon playset  and Matthew was rather pleased when on the same day he got the Ework Village . Toy adverts for the Millennium Falcon playset  click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYoaTe8mUho advert for Ework village click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdZ2XsgRohc
Star Wars Poster from 1977
Star Wars from the Adventures of Luke Skywalker book cover from 1976
Early Bird toy promontion
Star Wars Soundtrack album
Thank you to wikipedia for the background information on the making of Star Wars and its Toyline Thank you to Youtube for the Vairous adverts for the Star war toys also thank you to the vairous websites for their Star Wars articles featured in this first chapter including Movieweb, Screenrant, Gizmondo
Next Week Tolerance Project extra a long time ago in a galaxy far far away part 2 a lost sequel an ice planet and a forest moon
Further Watching
Star Wars The Epic continues a lost toyline from 1985
2 Video shorts on how the toy companies tried to keep the Star Wars Toy Franchise going after Return of the Jedi click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQwsuR96pRk and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UeWGX6It4c&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=333
 Further reading
The Movieweb website included Darth Vader at Number 3 in their article 10 Best Movie Character Introductions, Ranked you can read the full list by clicking here https://movieweb.com/movie-character-introductions/#james-bond-mdash-dr-no
This article list 20 of John Williams best film scores with both the scores for Star Wars and its sequel the Empire Strikes back both in the top 10 for the full list click here John Williams' best film scores of all time, ranked (avclub.com)
Another list of John Williams Iconic scores this time from the Collider.com website this time the soundtrack to Empire Strikes back gets a good mention but the soundtrack to Star Wars is not included for the full list click here :John Williams' Most Iconic Movie Soundtracks, Ranked (collider.com)
The Mary Sue film website also published a list of his 12 best film Scores you can read that by clicking here https://www.themarysue.com/best-john-williams-scores-ranked/
Collider.com reporting an AFI list (American film institute) of the top ten best Film soundtracks of all time Star Wars was number 1 in this list you can see the full list by clicking on this link 10 Best Movie Scores, According to the AFI (collider.com)
The 10 best movie trilogies of all time from the giant freaking Robot website the original Star Wars trilogy was number 2 in their list to read the article click here Best Movie Trilogies Of All-Time (giantfreakinrobot.com)
Screenrant published an article called Star Wars: The Best Track From Each John Williams Score Ranked you can read it by clicking here Star Wars: The Best Track From Each John Williams Score, Ranked (screenrant.com)
The Movieweb website published a list called the 18 greatest Scifi film Franchises of all time Star Wars was number 2 on their list you can read the full list by clicking here https://movieweb.com/best-sci-fi-film-franchises/#bill-and-ted 
This article from the Screenrant websitle lists the 15 hidden details that can befound in the orignal Star Wars Trilogy https://screenrant.com/star-wars-original-trilogy-hidden-details/
Not everything is perfect in the Star Wars film series as this article from Screenrant points out click here to read https://screenrant.com/star-wars-empire-make-no-sense-problems/
Another interesting Star Wars article from Screenrant this article covers the 10 best Star wars mistakes that were left in the final cut this peice talks about the Star Wars universe as a whole so it covers all the films and the live action Tv series you can read it by clicking here https://screenrant.com/star-wars-10-best-mistakes-movies-live-action-tv-shows/#the-book-of-boba-fett-39-s-wooden-set-is-revealed
To learn more about Star Wars concept art read this article from the Screen Rant website about 15 star Wars concept drawings that reveal an alternate version of the films
The Star Wars Franchise topped Moviewebs list of 10 franchises with 4 or more films you can read the full article by clicking here https://movieweb.com/movie-franchises-with-four-sequels/#james-bond-1962-present 
This article from the Screenrant website lists the 10 best moments from the original star Wars trilogy click here The 10 Best Scenes In The Star Wars Original Trilogy (screenrant.com)
Remember If you have read this blog and liked it please consider giving a donation to the Tolerance project by clicking on the above link thank you
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shaneplays · 8 months
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The characters and concept that became Buck Rogers first appeared in a novella by Philip Francis Nowlan titled Armageddon 2419 A.D. (Amazing Stories, 1928). It was soon followed by a sequel novella called The Airlords of Han, both of which were collected into one paperback in the 1960s. A separate Buck Rogers comic strip (started in 1929 and running through 1967) quickly diverged from the warlike novellas and focused more on sci-fi adventure and romance. In 1934, the Flash Gordon comic strip began competing with Buck Rogers. Neither are a flash in the pan… on Sci-Fi Saturday!!
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mondoradiowmse · 9 months
01/03/24 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "Amazing Interplanetary Adventures", featuring classic science-fiction serials and more. If you enjoy it, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Buck Rodgers In The 25th Century - The Gyro Cosmic Relativator, Episode 1 - Buck Rodgers In The 25th Century
The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures Of Flash Gordon - Zarkov To The Rescue - The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures Of Flash Gordon
Dr. Decimal Seven - Episode 1 - Dr. Decimal Seven
Pillsbury Hardcore - I Hate Paper Cuts - Empty Skulls, Vol. 2: The Wound Deepens
Mr. I. Magination - Space Ship To Mars - Space Ship To Mars
Chris Conway, Rocket Ranger - Unknown Episode - Chris Conway, Rocket Ranger
Rocky Starr - Destination Venus, Episode 25 - Rocky Starr
Captain Miracle - Episode 1 - Captain Miracle
The Planet Man - Orbit The Moon - The Planet Man
Captain Starr Of Space - The Disappearing Martians - Captain Starr Of Space
Tom Corbett Space Cadet - At Space Academy - Part I - Tom Corbett Space Cadet
Tom Corbett Space Cadet - At Space Academy - Concl. - Tom Corbett Space Cadet
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thecomicsnexus · 9 months
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THE FLASH #12-14
May/July 1988
By Mike Baron, George Broderick, Jr Mike Collins, Gordon Purcell, Larry Mahlstedt, Tim Dzon, Michele Wolfman, Glenn Whitmore, Steve Haynie, and Dan McKinnon.
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Vandal Savage is trying to produce his version of Velocity 9 to make yuppies addicted. And he wants to also kill Flash in the process.
Plus a DC Bonus book about Doctor Light trying to take over a rural town and being defeated by three kids on their first adventure.
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Oh, and Wally is still flirting with anything that moves (and many readers wrote to complain about it).
This is Mike Baron's final arc for the book (not counting the annual), and while I have to recognize that he was trying to do something very different with the character, Wally is practically unrecognizable.
But perhaps it's an unfair comparison, considering that Wally started changing thanks to the next writer, into the version we know and love.
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One thing that helped is the guest artist Mike Collins, who did an amazing job (and his knowledge of anatomy was much less disturbing that Jackson Guice's).
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Having said that, Baron's run ends with what I have to assume was a request by Bill Messner-Loebs, to reset the whole lottery arc. But Vandal Savage's fate will be kept by Bill in a now iconic future story. So the level of collaboration between these two writers is commendable.
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I never really liked these first 14 issues. They're OK, but I think Messner-Loebs brought some depth to the character that really made Wally click for me. So for me, this book is about to start!
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Oh, and there is also that bonus story. It's just Doctor Light being humiliated by kids. Whoever chose where that story would be printed, paired it with the wrong book (let's put this funny story in a book about terminal drug addiction).
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damnea · 2 years
Edward to the rescue
Looking at theflyingkippers amazing art has just made me realise something, and its got me asking questions.
Why is Edward the designated rescue engine? Theres alot of instances of him with the breakdown crane and taking engines to the menders.
He's taken Thomas when he was poorly, he took Gordon when he broke down and when Thomas fell in the river in Trust Thomas he was on that s*** right away.
Like Edward you have a branch line and about a steam teams worth of problems to pick up after, so why the hell are suddenly on the other side of Sodor picking up the pieces?
It could just be more convenient because he's always around somewhere but i'm starting to think he's the designated nurse because of his personality.
Like when Thomas is in trouble the flipping sirens go off and number two is on the case, even better is when its Gordon.
You're never too old to be doted on by someone, this fits nicely into his personality especially when you see him panic with Thomas nearly getting hurt in the adventure begins. (He strays out nearly being hit by Henry
He's the team medic by default and thats hilarious to me, no wonder Victors so friendly to him. Same goes for Harold. (He even gets made the rescue engine in Edward the hero)
He's a frequent flier to the sick bay with the broken down engines. Flipping Patch Adams here.
Don't believe me about the breakdown thing? Here you go.
Trust Thomas (breakdown crane+rescue)
Respect for Gordon (dragging him to menders)
Flash Bang Wallop (he has the crane again)
The Runaway (taking Thomas away)
Still don't believe me? Heres more.
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Literally the default clean up engine. Had to go back to the destop and mend the post because Tumblr on mobile just butchers images.
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batmannotes · 3 years
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The Batman: The Complete Series Review
The fully-remastered The Batman: The Complete Series is now available on Blu-ray for the very first time. All 65-episode are included in this newly released box set.
The series premiered on September 11, 2004 on Kids’ WB before eventually shifting to Cartoon Network for subsequent seasons. The Batman: The Complete Series follows 20-something-year-old Bruce Wayne’s early adventures as he balances his daytime persona as a bachelor billionaire with his nighttime guise as a caped crimefighter.
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At first I was a bit hesitant accepting this cartoon; after all it wasn't Batman: The Animated Series, which for me was the definitive Batman. I also wasn't sold on the new look of the villains. But after I let my cape down and gave the series a chance, it started to surprise me. The animation itself had an amazing color palette which was used exquisitely for scenery and backdrops. The stories themself were a little less serious than, Batman: TAS, but that played in its favor through the course of 5 seasons. It also gave us a look at some of Batman's rogues not used in Batman: TAS like Black Mask.
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The first couple of seasons of the show were a bit of a departure from the traditional Caped Crusader, no Commissioner Gordon, Robin or Batgirl . Fast forward to season 4 and all of the perviously mentioned characters were in place, making it the strongest season thus far. At the start of season 4 was the episode titled, 'A Matter of Family', which guest starred Kevin Conroy voicing Dick Grayson's father, John. It was exceptional retelling of Robin's origin story.
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The 5th and final season push limits of awesomeness even further, as THE BATMAN added guest Justice League appearances by Superman, Green Arrow, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman and Martian Manhunter. This season had a spectacular two part episode finale that seemed to set up a new Justice League series. Unfortunately we didn't get that or even a season six of THE BATMAN, as the series was cancelled.
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The Batman: The Complete Series – Special Features
The Dark Dynasty Continues (New Featurette) – Explore the relationship between The Batman and his allies as he evolves from mysterious vigilante to the World’s Greatest Detective.
Joining Forces: The Batman's Legendary Team-Ups (Featurette) – How the series’ producers adapted the DC “Team-Up-Tales” approach from the comic books to the screen.
The Batman Junior Detective Challenge (Quiz) – Alfred tests your detective skills with The Batman: The Complete Series challenge.
The Batman Junior Detective Exam: Level 2 (Quiz) – Pass The Batman test of knowledge with the level 2 exam.
Building Batman (Featurette) – Detective Ellen Yin investigates The Batman's true identity.
Gotham PD Case Files (Featurette) – Highly confidential profiles of The Batman's most dastardly foes.
New Look, New Direction, New Knight (Featurette) – Go behind the scenes to explore the development of The Batman television series.
The Batman: Season 3 Unmasked (Featurette) – Supervising Producer Duane Capizzi talks about the animated series.
The Batman: Season 4 Unmasked (Featurette) – A behind the scenes look into the making of Season 4.
If you've never check the series out, you should definitely give it a chance, it's one of the hidden gems in the DC Universe. In my opinion THE BATMAN is far superior to most of the latest offerings from Warner Bros. Animation. The newly released HD transfer to Blu-ray makes the box set that much more appealing and with 65 episodes to enjoy, you can binge watch for quite a long time. There's a lot to love about this series once you get used to the irregular designs of Batman rogues. Seasons 4 and 5 are exceptional and left me with an appetite for more of this animated fun. It's a series that doesn't take itself overly serious, but that's one of its many alluring features.
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Available now at Amazon. Direct link here.
Warner Bros. provided a copy of The Batman: The Complete Series for review which did not affect this reviewer's analysis of the product.
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The Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon Volume Two, 1971. Dan Barry newspaper strip reprints in paperback format.
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epicwhitecat · 7 years
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Gordy and Willow on a whirlwind adventure!!
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spookyrealms · 3 years
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The Wayward Road // A Supernatural Sequel
Available now on AO3 & Wattpad
Rating: Mature
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood, ua drinking, near death scenarios
Series: Book 1 of 2
Status: Ongoing
Characters: Chloe Braeden, Arion, Dean II "DJ" Winchester, Vivianne Gordon, Nate Preston, God/Chuck Shurley, Baby the Impala, The Empty, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester
Additional Notes: This story is based off the theory that Ben Braeden is/was 100% Dean's son. This is a post-canon story.
Family blood runs deep. Chloe Braeden is the granddaughter of Dean Winchester. The last of a dying Winchester lineage, Chloe's undeniable thirst to carry on the family legacy leads her into an adventure far bigger than herself. Arion, a once powerful and respected angel, has slipped from The Empty. Now human, Arion must find his grace and find purpose within his fragile human form. Destiny is no stranger to a Winchester; Chloe and Arion join forces to find his grace and save the world from slipping into chaos as the walls between Earth and The Empty begin to shatter.
Read Chapter One:
Ringing, crackling, pulsing, deafening noise. This shockwave reached every desolate space within this blank expanse. It breached areas that had never heard a whisper since the creation of time. The explosion intensified with nowhere to go; bubbling like a pot of water nearing boiling point. Pressurized energy began to tear at the seams of dimensions, this place was not supposed to harbor chaos.
The Empty was waking up.
Entities that had been in a peaceful, endless sleep, were now stirring. What was meant to be an eternal rest was now awakening thousands of beings who were experiencing the darkness for the first time.
An ancient celestial being named Arion felt the energy. The blast surged through his lifeless body like a hundred lightning bolts all striking a single point. His eye flew open revealing nothing. Arion gasped as he shot into an upright position. The crackling roar of the explosion filled his ears causing him to cover them. It was maddening. The angel scanned the infinite darkness searching for anything or anyone.
"I'm dead." Was the first words to leave his mouth. His throat hurt, it felt dry. He hadn't muttered a single word in over a millennium.
Arion rose to his feet and placed his hand on his chest, as he did the flashing images of distant memories flooded back. The pain of being ripped apart by a cosmic being. His enemy, once his closest friend, towering over him with a menacing smirk printed on his face. The angel was unrecognizable to Arion within those final moments before darkness.
The armor he wore on that cursed day still clung to his chest. Broken and cracked, but still there. It was as if he was reliving the moment again. Only now, he was surrounded by an unfamiliar darkness.
Absent-mindedly, Arion walked through the expanse. Was he to dwell in this blank existence forever? In the midst of his troubling thoughts the angel saw movement ahead. It was a faint flicker of pale light. As he neared the strange but welcoming glow it grew in size to reveal an elongated sliver of light no more than two inches across. This light flickered several times, spitting out orange sparks that disappeared against the darkness.
After a brief moment of hesitation, Arion reached his hand out and touched the light. His finger went through it. He retracted his hand quickly and examined the finger finding relief in seeing that no harm was done to it. This only stirred his curiosity further. This time Arion pushed his whole hand through the sliver of light. Amazed at first, the innocent curiosity turned to panic as he felt himself be tipped forward as if a great force was sucking him in like the gravitational pull of a planet. A brief terrified yelp escaped his lips as his entire body was swallowed into this tear.
Experiencing a free fall that only lasted a mere second, Arion hit the ground with a hard thump. Birds chirped, leaves rustle in the light breeze creating nature's soothing melody. Something Arion hadn't heard in ages.
Opening his eyes, Arion looked up at the towering trees above him. The blank emptiness was replaced with a forest turning over its leaves for the season. Crisp cool air blew against Arion's face. This feeling was more then welcoming. Life. Oh how he missed life.
But, how did he get here? Where is here exactly?
The angel rose to his feet once more and began turning in a slow circle to take in his surroundings. Forest as far as they eye could see.
Somehow he had slipped from his eternal slumber and arrived on Earth, the world he helped create.
For more check out the whole story:
The Wayward Road (Ao3)
The Wayward Road (Wattpad)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
project humanization, con’t
This is the promised continuation of this post summarizing/brainstorming our boys’ adjustment to their new humanity. 
Focusing on the three who are still sticking close to North Western territory here—James is already off like a rolling stone, but back home… 
Okay, but rewind. Let’s go back to, like, Month 2 of their “new normal.” This is around the point where Edward, who has kind of been hating every minute of this, twigs that he’s been rather… wearing out his welcome by hanging onto his former crew all day long, so one day he forces himself to peel away and wander off on his own, and is just on the verge of a panic attack at the sheer vast solitude of it all when with massive relief he encounters Henry… who is also exploring the non-rail area near HQ, and scarcely within sight distance of his driver, but he’s much more comfortable, and actually kind of geeking out, and has collected more plant clippings than he can handle on his own.   
B, you’ll like this one… I totally see Henry giving his friend a hug, and then, once they decide that they should leave Henry’s driver and find Gordon and rescue Gordon’s crew from their former engine, keeps an arm draped over Edward for comfort. And Edward, who flinched at first because he is still baffled by how personal space and touch work in this form (there’s so much of it!), kind of laughs and says, with amazed respect, “You are good at this.”   
(This dynamic continues for quite some time, with Henry being the guide, and looking out for Edward. They are both conscious that this is an inversion of how they met over a century ago, when Edward was the one totally comfortable being a steam engine, and looking out for Henry, who was the one chronically anxious and struggling and rather existentially uncomfortable. It's a very gentle dynamic, with lots of mutual little-voiced gratitude.)   
They eventually find Gordon, who is every bit as ill-at-ease and miserable as Edward, but far more in denial about it. Also, Edward at least has always been above-average good at human socialization for their kind, but Gordon is sort of… interpersonally challenged, and has learned very few social cues in any culture, so he’s at that disadvantage, too. So Henry and Edward sort of pry Gordon away from his crew, who then dart away in relief to get a break.   
And that’s the first day they venture off railway property alone without being the guest(s) of their respective drivers, just the three of them. Three railway ex-engines, sans rails. It’s a bit overwhelming for all of them, Henry included, but it is also a real adventure, now that they’re together. They dodge the other engines, unable to quite face that yet, but they figure out how to take a bus into Knapford… actual Knapford, not just the railway station. (They encounter James downtown—he hasn’t yet quite bounced off the island yet—and he introduces them in a flash to the friends he happens to be with, and they’re all just staring in awe and even a little fear, because… surely?… it can’t be?… as easy as James makes it look? But yeah, he just takes the wind out of their sails, and after that it’s time to beat a retreat back to Knapford and to find their driver-hosts, because that’s enough autonomy for one day, thank you!) 
But that day is the beginning of the turn. They start meeting up almost every day after their shifts, and gradually overcome their reluctance/shyness to show their new forms to the engines, and learn to use transport to get to their drivers’ homes each evening on their own. Henry soon starts to have plenty of other options in the evenings, but he never goes too long without checking in with the other two, who also do start making more efforts to make themselves scarce and “find something to do” out of their hosts’ hair.   
Gordon still struggles socially in a huge way, though ironically he finds a niche within the year as a guard (for passenger trains, obvs) and railway tour guide. He’s magnificent at it, loving the uniform and the cap and the whistle and the wing tips, absolutely owning his identity to the visitors (who are suitably impressed, and have no problem if he’s a little odd—you could hardly expect him not to be!), and he knows the place and its history intimately, so his tours are fascinating, and the way he banters with the engines they encounter because he’s still genuinely one of the family (and still their bossy elder states-pacific) is entertaining, and like all engines he has more than a bit of a heart for children, but he’s never felt as comfortable around them and as able to show it as he does now. As a steam engine he never really had the knack of it; they were too tiny. As a human it’s easier. His “circle” at work expands far beyond his former crew, much to their relief, but it’s still very hard to convince Gordon to “clock out”—not unless he has something already planned with Henry or Edward. Oh, and it has to be something good. Gordon will make no plans himself, but, predictably, he will complain loudly, and is not above bailing out mid-gathering, if he finds the others’ plans unsatisfactory. (Luckily for Henry not eventually just losing it and committing manslaughter, Gordon enjoys a good long hike, so peace between them is maintained by the strength of that shared hobby, sometimes almost solely.)   
I think Gordon’s social breakthrough would come via dating… okay, well, let’s back up here a moment, and get into “ship stuff.” I see these three being quite OT3’y at first. I didn’t really plan to go here, but the more I thought it through, the more I found it to seem inevitable. When you have a ton of shared history, and then you experience a ton of new firsts together—that’s a guaranteed recipe for some pretty damn intense bonding! Add to that how they literally have no one else in the world they can quite relate to, and naturally they sort of make each other their everything… for a while. Like, not to get too crude here, but who else are you going to be comfortable "experimenting" with? (James had less of a problem, but these three are more inhibited.) B. may be interested to hear that I can kind of see the Henry/Edward side of the triangle being the strongest in many ways. But there's no real notion of exclusivity, so it's all good... especially good because I think it will be a necessary part of their development to date others, but there's no need—or willingness—to "break up.” I guess it’s a poly dynamic, but even putting human labels on it is to subtly mischaracterize it. 
(Also, I apologize to the reader who briefly flew their “huh I guess Edward/Gordon is one of my ships now? wild” flag after reading my little ficlet and then felt that my warning not to “read too much into” their handsiness precluded the fic from being read that way. First of all, I believe you can read a fic however you goddamn want. Secondly, I was damn proud to have yet again accidentally launched a Gordon-related ship that I never intended to. Thirdly, you weren’t actually wrong! That said, I don’t know how long it would take for these guys to get into… that romantic side of things? Maybe it would happen very quickly. Maybe it would take longer. I’m still going back and forth on that. However, this is like circa 2040, and I think at that point society is gonna get much better at letting people being physically affectionate anyway—I’ve been around current middle-schoolers, okay, and the boys are adorably puppy-dog-ish, and they’ll be the new Adults by this period—and I think our ex-engines, after all this bonding, are going to be all about that. Even on a purely platonic level… I see them being a little uncomfortable making contact with real humans, but quickly becoming very comfortable in each other’s space. Ship or no ship. Hope that makes sense?)
Anyway, this is allllllll to say that I think Gordon's social breakthrough would come via dating—real dating, outside their trio. Sometimes he does conceive a great admiration for others… and if he knows you admire him he is just a big kitty cat tbh. Cue, after about two to five years, Gordon entering a lady-killer phase. (I think obviously he'd be into men too, but somehow I see this as a very specific lady-killer phase, idk. Lots of classy cheesy dates in classy cheesy places, and endless interpersonal drama because he's still a social idiot, though I see this phase helping that a lot by its end.) 
Inversely to Gordon, Edward is doing all right socially—it helps that he already had a ton of human friends, and so he can indeed fill up a good deal of the free time that once seemed frightening and endless by getting acquainted with them on their own turf. But he’s struggling mightily to figure out the “work” and “purpose” thing, and without that key part of his identity locked in he’s not quite the same friend he used to be. He sticks dutifully with his starter railway job, and sort of passively agrees to a few transfers, but it’s all the same to him: he goes at everything as doggedly as he can, but it doesn’t make sense to him, it doesn’t fit. Anything requiring long periods of concentration gives him a migraine (and his threshold for “long periods of concentration” is rather low… that’s true for all of them, except Henry, who has great powers of mental focus, and who gets a ton of use out of his library card). Anything involving social interaction, on the other hand, tends to put Edward on edge, because he’s still uncomfortable with the “rules” for interpersonal-stuff-when-you-are-a-person. He doesn’t mind repetitive work, and is rather resistant to the idea of trying anything else, though after a while he will have to own that doesn’t mind is a very different thing from enjoying, and that he’s not functioning at his best (read: is low-grade depressed) without work he enjoys… and without the old daily intimacy/collaboration of the sort of service he once loved so much.   
Am thinking it’s possible that it will be discovered that he is very happy when babysitting? I don’t think Edward would recognize childcare or education as “real work,” so it would take a while for him to accept the implications. Nevertheless, even if it takes a ridiculous amount of time, there’s a possibility that Edward is actually the first to quit the N.W.R. and take a non-railway job. (James quit but did not take another job, lol. And I'm thinking that the football adventure takes place once the prodigal son has returned home asking for work…) Alternately, though, I can see Edward going into management and/or human resources on the railway itself. He’s always been good at balancing everyone’s needs, planning/making things happen smoothly, and had a good head for some of the practical side of railway logistics—and frankly most managers I know don’t seem to have had much education either! 
Honestly, I haven’t decided yet; thoughts on where Edward might wind up welcome. (Despite some of his longing to go back to his old life... that is definitely not a road he would actually go back down even if he could. Edward is a forward-looking sort really. I don’t see him reverting, despite some temptation. He’s never given up on anything before.) In any of his job/career scenarios, though, for it to actually work out for him he absolutely will need a steady physical outlet, which means getting over his new human-body issues.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fic Recs: Scott!Whump
So I’ve been asked for Scott!whump fic recs a couple of times now, so figured I might as well throw my favourites out here to share with anyone interested.
Some of these aren’t solely Scott whump, but they’re all Scott getting hurt or into some sort of trouble or angsty, and they’re all fics I highly enjoyed reading!  Mix of FFN and AO3 in here.
I’m terrible at remembering names (author or fic), and almost as bad at bookmarking/favouriting them.  I know there are fics I can vaguely recall as being amazing that I just can’t find, and if/when I do, I’ll add them to the list. Update 17/7/20: someone threw one of these ‘I remember it but I couldn’t find it’ fics in the notes so that’s in here now.
I only recommend complete fics, because abandoned fics are my personal bane and the only way to guarantee avoiding them is to stick to completed fics!  That’s not to say I don’t read ongoing works, but unless it’s absolutely out of this world amazing, you won’t find me recommending any.  Just in case.
Δv/Δt by Heavenward Deceleration is a function of velocity over time. Rating: Gen.  Family.  Scott, John, EOS Chapters: 1; Words: 4k.  Complete
A Father by rosefields Scott Tracy has been under a lot of pressure since his mother died. But he can cope, it's not a problem. Jeff know that, his oldest is strong and capable and he doesn't need his father. Right? Rating: K.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 1; Words: 3k.  Complete
All Alone by Loopstagirl Scott reaches breaking point for looking after his brothers so Grandma Tracy takes charge of the situation, and her son. Rating: K.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Grandma Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Back Story by Phoenix_Sparrow That rock slide while rescuing Kat Kavanaugh has left Scott with more than just a few bruises. Rating: Gen.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Virgil, Gordon Chapters: 1; Words: 6k.  Complete
Dare To Hope by i_amnerd Not for the first time, Scott wishes that little brothers came with some kind of training manual or instruction booklet. Rating: Gen.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, John Chapters: 1; Words: 1k.  Complete
Exhaustion by Just Another Flygirl A rescue mission in space is interrupted with deadly consequences... Rating: K+.  Suspense/Angst.  Scott, Alan, John Chapters: 7; Words: 9k.  Complete
Facts of Life by Kaeera There are some situations – lying on a floor in a pool of your own blood, for example – that really put things into perspective. Rating: T.  Drama.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Grudgingly Human by Yarnaholic Scott faces some old demons while trying to talk down a man standing on a building ledge after a rescue. Rating: Mature.  Angst.  Scott, Virgil, John Chapters: 1; Words: 4k.  Complete
Illusion of a Saint by Alternate Reality1 There's an enemy admist their ranks. He's hidden in plain sight. The question is... when will the illusion be shattered? Rated: T.  Spiritual/Suspense.  Scott, Hood, Tracy Family Chapters: 18; Words: 92k.  Complete
In Enemy Hands by Claudette When the secrets of International Rescue are offered for sale to the highest bidder the Tracy family must act quickly. However, their secrets are not the only thing that is at stake. Rated: K.  Adventure/Drama.  Scott, John, Tracy Family Chapters: 18; Words: 62k.  Complete
Labyrinth by TB’s LMC One minute Scott Tracy's at Mobile Control directing a rescue. The next, he's in a fight for his life. Rated: M.  Horror/Supernatural.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 8; Words: 12k.  Complete
Missing Scene: The Uninvited by Juud18 In between Scott being found by Lindsey and Wilson, and the scene where Scott, TinTin, Virgil, Brains, and Wilson and Lindsey are sitting at the campfire. Rated: K+.  Family.  Scott Chapters: 1; Words: 2k.  Complete
Mission Impossible by Loopstagirl Being selected for his first solo mission should have been exciting for Captain Scott Tracy of the Air Force. But there was something else at play. Something dangerous and deadly. Something that could cost him more than his life. Rated: T.  Family/Adventure.  Scott, Gordon Chapters: 12; Words: 55k.  Complete
Never Too Late by Loopstagirl As the family deal with grief, Scott must face his fears and grow up, whilst Jeff battles between being dad and being a successful businessman. But what will it take to bring the two of them back together again? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 22; Words: 58k.  Complete
Over and Out by Pheonix_Sparrow An incident at an earthquake rescue leaves Scott frustrated when he's injured. Rated: Gen.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Virgil. Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Rescue by taralynden On the way home from a rescue, Thunderbird One crashes and it’s up to Scott’s family to save him. Rated: Gen.  Hurt/Comfort/Drama.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 10; Words: 26k.  Complete
Scott Series: Fallen Brother by QuestRunner In a rare chance to bond with his youngest brother, Scott takes Alan with him on a simple mission to repair a damaged satellite. With tempers running high, the boys find themselves arguing over the roles they play in International Rescue. When Alan slips off a cliff, it's up to Scott to save his brother and mend their broken relationship. Rated: T.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Alan Chapters: 7; Words: 11k.  Complete
Shiver by Loopstagirl When one of the Thunderbirds is infecting with something deadly, will the rest of the Tracys be able to save one of their own? Or are they about to be torn apart by grief again? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, John, Tracy Family Chapters: 17; Words: 44k.  Complete
The Assignment by Kaeera Twelve year old Scott struggles with a writing assignment. Honestly, when you have four younger brothers, it can be hard finding time for yourself. Rated: K+.  Humour/Drama.  Scott, Jeff, Tracy Family Chapters: 1; Words: 10k.  Complete
The Hardest Thing by eriphi How do you manage a billion dollar business and parent four growing boys at the same time? It takes something serious to make Jeff realise that he isn't managing as well as he thought. Rated: K+.  Family.  Scott, Virgil, John, Jeff Chapters: 2; Words: 5k.  Complete
The Silent Conversation by mjc The sound of sirens, a flash of light and waking up under a pile of rubble. How can Scott survive knowing help just might not come? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Tomorrow Never Knows by Silverstar Things had not gone according to plan, to say the least. Now they were trapped on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue and increasingly slim chances of survival. To make matters worse, the Chaos Crew had shown up. This was not going to be a fun week. Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Angst.  Scott, Gordon, Alan Chapters: 15; Words: 110k.  Complete
Weathering the Storm by tiylaya When an unexpected storm shipwrecks a holidaying Jeff Tracy and three of his young sons, they're thrown into a situation far more dangerous and complex than anyone initially realises. Rated: T.  Adventure/Angst.  Scott, Gordon, Jeff Chapters: 22; Words: 102k.  Complete
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