#the beautiful striped sparrow
k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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What if Crowley uses "bird" vocabulary like Floyd with his marine nicknames....
Yes he's a crow ... Just imagine if he sees us as biiiiird~
Of course it's just my point of view, I am not a professional in ornithology, you might have your own idea about this one and I would definitely want to hear about it!
Mostly they are birds we could see in my country...
Let's go:
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Grim(m) -> Grey catbird (grey like Grimm, striped wings and can make cat noise....yes)
Yuu(sona) -> Sparrow (Crowley would definitely call Yuu a little sparrow....)
Night Raven College staff
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Sam -> Painted bunting (small, vibrant, colorful, a rare sight to view)
Mozus Trein -> Eurasian skylark (classy, well known literally a french song about this bird "he sung it to Lucius as a kitten")
Ashton Vargas -> Pheasant (....the irony as his Disney counterpart is an hunter, but vibrant color)
Divus Crewel -> Great spotted woodpecker (literally screaming I am Cruella, fashion red, black and white bird)
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Ace Trappola -> Nothern cardinal (red... funky feather style, fights their own mirror reflection...)
Deuce Spade -> Blue slaty bunting
Riddle Roseheart -> Robin (Hi Ciel Phantomhive...I mean Kuroshitsuji ref but look that little red face)
Trey Clover -> Nightingale (sorry Trey...Crowley is implying you can either sing...or can't...but you do have a perfect voice!)
Cater Diamond -> Pyrrhula (I love this little bird too....they became very rare by now, look this tiny orange one)
(Heartslabyul are literally the birds of Aurora in 2d "Sleeping beauty")
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Jack Howl -> Owl (....this one is pretty obvious)
Leona Kingscholar -> "Savanna" eagle (yes... definitely a strong bird)
Ruggie Bucchi -> Speckled mousebird (listen to that bird you'll understand, also....that feather hairstyle!)
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Jade Leech -> Emperor penguin (tall...classy ...can't fly pfff)
Azul Ashengrotto -> Nothern gannet (verrryyy big, analystic-smart one, can't walk on land...)
Floyd Leech -> Snare penguin (unique appareance, multiple various vocalized sounds)
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Kalim Al Asim -> White falcon (precious, royal bird in a "maybe similar related country in our world")
Jamil Viper -> Red Parrot (or macaw) (obviously because of Iago)
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Epel Felmier -> Snow bunting (a "petite robuste" bird living in snow)
Vil Schoenheit -> Peacock (beautiful, handsome literally The Evil Queen's bird)
Rook Hunt -> Mallard (another irony for an hunter...but this bird is beautiful I mean it, and is found everywheerrre (like a stalker bird ha ha))
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Idia Shroud -> Blue jay (blue, black and blue stripes, funny enough the bird is stated to be noisy ha ha, Idia can be supah noisy sometimes too when setting his boundaries, GG Idia!)
Ortho Shroud -> Eurasian blue tit (a little fluffy bird, blue and yellow doing a very cute melodious sound, I love watching them...)
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Sebek Zigvolt -> Egyptian plover (yes....the bird on the crocodile's back...yes)
Malleus Draconia -> Great eared nightjar (it's a dragon bird....look at him)/I could have chosen Casoar too... but nope...
Lilia Vanrouge -> Anna's hummingbird (it's small, pink and changes color with light...like his hairs)
Silver -> Nine-primaried oscines (a cute lovely bird in our woods, pink and blue)
Thanks National Geographic....
It's just pure fanon brainstorming... I'm sorry...
bird photos were mostly took from "Wikipedia"
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letaot-ze-magniv · 8 months
General guide to birds in Israel pt 2- cooler birds
This will be a long post. Link to part 1
White spectated bulbul/bul-bul me-mush-kaf
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Usually referred to as just bulbul, this bisexual king is the roundest and my most favourite bird. IMPORTANT! BULBUL MEANS DICK! DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR LOVE FOR BULBULIM IN PUBLIC!
These birds are slightly larger then the house sparrow and are easily distinguished by their yellow butt. Their calls are reminiscent of frogs. They mate for life and are all bisexual and they cuddle each other. They are a menace to farmers because they are fond of fruit and tend to nibble just a little at a time. You can find them in all parts of Israel as long as there are nice trees nearby.
Eurasian blackbird/shakh-rur
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These timid birds like to hide in bushes and trees. Their calls are beautiful and I love them. They are smaller then a pigeon. The males are black and the females are brown. They feed on seeds, fruits and bugs, and use their beaks to search the ground for worms. You can find them in Jerusalem and the north, they like cool weather and don’t fuck with sand.
Great tit/yar-ge-zi ma-tzui
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Life isn’t easy for these tiny psychopaths, which might be the reason they developed such a temper. Their Hebrew name translates to “angry one”, and for a reason. They are very aggressive towards other birds. They also feed on the brains of bats. You can distinguish between males and females by the thickness of the black stripe on their belly- males have a thicker one than females. They are most common to the north of Jerusalem, but you can find them in some parts of the desert.
Palestine sunbird/tzu-fit bo-he-ket
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No, that’s not a hummingbird, it’s the sunbird! Despite their remarkable likeness they aren’t even a little related. Sunbirds feed on nectar and are pollinators! The males have black feathers that shine in the sunlight (which is how they got their name) and the females are a muddy grey, but they’re just as lovely. You can find them in all parts of Israel, especially near lush flowery areas!
White wagtail/nakh-li-e-li la-van
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First migrant bird everyone!!! (Some blackbirds migrate here but some nest during summer so shhhh) This lovely round bird starts it’s visits around October and leaves when it gets hellishly warm again. Due to global warming the wagtails visits are shortening, so appreciate them while you can. Like their name suggests, the wagtails wag their tails. A lot. You can find them near water sources during the cold-ish months of the year!
Eurasian jay- or-va-ni shkhor ki-pa
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Eurasian jays can be found in other parts of the world, but I’m pretty sure the one we have in Israel is a different sub-species because the ones in Europe lack the beautiful black top that they’re named after.
The jay is a type of corvid, and in addition to being extremely social and intelligent, these birds can mimic other animals. Due to urbanisation, the jays learned to mimic car alarms, the ringing of phones and the cries of human babies. Jays are extremely fond of acorns, and burry them in the ground in preparation for harsher months. A single jay can remember between 4000 to 5000 hiding spots!
Syrian woodpecker/ na-kar su-ri
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This picture is of a male woodpecker. The females have a completely black head. Woodpeckers can locate bugs that have burrowed inside trees and use their beak and long tongues to eat them, thereby helping the trees get rid of pests! Woodpeckers also love acorns, and compete with jays over them. To prevent concussions, the woodpecker’s tongue wraps around their brain, keeping it in place while they peck. You can find them in non-desert areas of Israel!
Lesser whitethroat/siv-khi to-kha-nim
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Another migrant birds! These floofballs come here twice a year, once in spring and once in autum, although some whitethroats nest in the north all year long. During their migration you can find them everywhere in Israel, even in very urban areas! They get their Hebrew name, which roughly translates to miller’s shrubbery-liker, because their white chests look how a miller’s apron would look after a long hard day!
Super winged lapwing/sik-sak
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The siksaks are water birds with ridiculously long legs that they use to stab their prey. They kind of look like they are wearing a tux! Their original Hebrew name was “sharoni mezuyan”, which translates to “one that lives in the Sharon and is armed with a weapon” but also “fucking sharoni”. You can find them anywhere in Israel as long as there is a near enough water source.
White breasted kingfisher/shal-dag la-van kha-ze
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One of my favorite birds. The kingfisher is a magnificent bird of prey with brilliant blue feathers that always make my day. They are most common in the north and west of Israel, but they nest in smaller numbers in the south. They kingfisher’s diet consists of not only fish, but of crabs, frogs, slugs, bugs, and even the occasional rodent. Their varied diet helps them thrive even in drier areas.
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ladyhoneydee · 7 months
Zelink | Modern BotW AU | 5.5k
“It’s…Zelda, right?” he asked hesitantly. “Zelda Bos…Bosso…” He couldn’t remember her last name. He’d only heard it once before, at the summer neighborhood cookout, when the older lady two doors down warned him to steer clear of the eccentric robotics engineer who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac. At the time, Link—never a social butterfly with new people anyway—had shrugged and taken the neighbor’s advice. “Bosphoramus,” she supplied. “You’re Link Firly, yes?” “Yes,” he breathed, and shook her hand. It was warm. …He tried not to think too hard about that.
Or, Link is terrible at shoveling his driveway in the winter, and Zelda invites herself over to give him a hand. Or many hands. Guardians have a lot of limbs, after all!
Written for Day 18 of @zelinktines24, "Ice"! Read it on AO3 or under the cut!
Link jammed the ice pick down into the same lump of frozen sludge for what felt like the thousandth time and sighed.
He liked winter. The trees snow-dusted, as if the goddesses had visited with a bag of powdered sugar; the ice on the creeks and lakes thick enough that he could frolic on their frozen surfaces or even drill down to fish for a chillfin trout or hearty salmon for supper; the skiing and snowshoeing trips through the woods with an eye out for any squirrels, white pigeons, or trilling red sparrows accompanying him in the underbrush. 
The winter chores? Not so much. 
He’d put off shoveling the day before. A thick blanket of snow had come down overnight, settling on his car’s hood and the expanse of his driveway, but the way it sparkled under the late morning sunlight had been so inviting…Link couldn’t bring himself to shovel on such a beautiful day. Instead, he’d escaped to the hoarfrosted forest in the morning and spent the evening grinding through a few levels of his most recent video game purchase. He’d fallen asleep on the couch and woke up with a dry, gummy mouth, and an inexplicable feeling of weighty dread, like a grizzlemaw bear had hunkered down in his stomach. 
The dread explained itself when he glanced up from the screen of his half-dead sheikah slate and caught a bleary-eyed glance at his front walk while waiting for the kettle: yesterday’s snow had turned into today’s ice.
He had spilled his tea slipping on a patch of ice on his front step, gotten snow down his boots while clearing his car, and had to shovel around the car twice after realizing he hadn’t cleaned off its roof beforehand. And from there, it only got worse: shoveling was hard, irritating work that only got colder the longer he suffered. He had tried his best with the driveway—really!—but it was difficult to shovel in the long, efficient lines a friend had once suggested. He’d take what seemed like a decently-sized stripe, only for the snow to overflow off his shovel and muck up the lines he’d so painstakingly cleared. He’d do a teeny little stripe and look despairingly at the expanse of driveway he had remaining. He’d carry along for a nice little stretch, only for his rhythm to be messed up by his shovel stuttering over a patch of ice. 
A few passes across the driveway found the shovel standing upright in a snowbank and Link examining a particularly jagged icicle dangling from the roof. When he finally tore himself away from the icicle, his tongue stinging fiercer than a courser honey bee, he gave ice picking a try…only to find it even more tedious.
A big chop against a pesky chunk of ice would go smash. A series of quick downwards thrusts to break lines into the ice, making it easier to remove, sounded like chnkchnkchnk. Scraaaape went the metal head of his pick against the asphalt when he tried to push along pulverized ice. And skk was the worst noise of all, the skitter of his pick along the ground when he missed a direct hit. The lack of resistance made him lose his balance every time.
Smash. Smash. Scrape. Chnkchnkchnk. Grunt. Scraaape. Toss head to get hair out of face. Smash. Smash. Toss head. Consider chopping off hair with kitchen scissors. Smash-scraaape. Repeat.
Skk-chnk. “Argh!” He thrust the offending pick away, and it clattered onto a patch of ice he hadn’t yet gotten to. 
…One of the many patches of ice he hadn’t yet gotten to.
Surely anyone would agree this was hopeless. Surely his nosy neighbors wouldn’t judge him for throwing up his hands in defeat and hibernating in his warm cozy house until spring came and cleared the ice for him.
He stared blankly at the nicely-plowed road just beyond his driveway as he tied his hair back in a messy ponytail. It looked so peaceful. So reasonable. The snow a mere whisper on the salt-bleached pavement. Would his driveway look like that if he’d been responsible the day before?
Then the apocalypse began skittering up the street, and Link wasn’t so envious of it anymore.
It came with a metallic scraping against asphalt, and the rhythmic clunking of a hatch left open somewhere, and a mechanical whirring he swore he’d heard in his nightmares. It came with white and brown paneling, and a single eye lit with an unnatural blue that reflected off the snowbank and into his retinas. It came with far too many legs—he did not even want to count how many legs the thing had. And it came with a fluffy bundle, shaded in white and gold, perched atop its overturned-flowerpot-shaped head.
Please keep going. Please keep going. Please keep going. 
The thing skittered treacherously into his driveway. 
Turn around. Turn around!
It settled to a lurching, clanking halt only feet before him. 
Link took an automatic step back, his eyes darting anxiously over its shining bulk. The thing was far too large for comfort. Its central body was compact, its diameter comparable to his old beloved MasterCycle, but its—leg span? arm span?—turned the thing into a hulking monstrosity. With it so close, Link couldn’t tear his stare from that glowing eye: surely it was the center of all malevolence. 
“Hello, neighbor!”
In his nervousness, he’d forgotten all about the bundle of white and gold. Their—for now he knew it was a person—voice was clear, and seemed very self-possessed. Still, he could not raise his gaze. 
“Oh, is the eye bothering you? It doesn’t shoot lasers, I promise.” 
Link wasn’t sure if he should be reassured by this comment, or be concerned about its specificity. This inner conflict was immediately concluded when the voice followed up, very quietly, with something that he was fairly sure they hadn’t meant for them to hear: “Since I don’t have that functionality up yet…”
“H-heh, why would it bother me…” Link managed. “I’ve never seen anything look more friendly and harmless.”
“I agree!” the voice said perkily. “...wait. That was sarcasm, wasn’t it.” They sounded disappointed. 
“It’s my defense mechanism.”
“Fair enough.” Link’s ears perked up at a new noise—the slide of fabric over metal. Then the thump of boots hitting the snow. The glaring eye of the apocalypse went dark a moment later.
A hand thrust itself into his field of vision: gloved in dark brown, accented in gold, fingers outstretched confidently. At last, Link looked up. 
The gold and white bundle was indeed a person, and indeed even more gold and white than he had glimpsed from afar, with long blond hair and fair skin painted rosy by the cold. And, to his surprise, he knew her. 
“It’s…Zelda, right?” he asked hesitantly. “Zelda Bos…Bosso…” He couldn’t remember her last name. He’d only heard it once before, at the summer neighborhood cookout, when the older lady two doors down warned him to steer clear of the eccentric robotics engineer who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac. At the time, Link—never a social butterfly with new people anyway—had shrugged and taken the neighbor’s advice.
“Bosphoramus,” she supplied. “You’re Link Firly, yes?”
“Yes,” he breathed, and shook her hand. 
It was warm.
…He tried not to think too hard about that.
“You can put your pick down now, Link Firly.”
Link glanced down to see that he was, in fact, clutching his ice pick in his left hand, as if ready to fend off Zelda’s mechanical monstrosity. He flushed and let the pick drop onto the ice beside him once again.
“We met at the neighborhood barbeque, didn’t we? On the summer solstice?” 
“We did indeed,” Zelda confirmed. “You brought that delicious soup.” 
“Huh. I hadn’t thought anyone liked the soup.” It had disappointed him at the time, honestly; the recipe was his grandmother’s and a nostalgic favorite he’d been positive would be a hit, but the pot he brought back home at the end of the night was almost as full as it had been when he’d left. 
“No one likes soup.” When Link’s face fell, Zelda lost her cool for a moment, waving her hands in the air. “Ah, I mean, no one likes soup in the summer! It’s too warming, you know? And there’s just no comparison when Daruk’s brisket was right there. You have to admit that the guy knows how to roast—even if he originally learned for rocks rather than meat.”
“True enough,” he said, a little sulkily. 
“If…if it helps, your soup was the best I’ve ever tasted.” Zelda bit her lip, and Link realized she was nervous. He couldn’t help but smile reassuringly. 
“That does help, actually. I’m glad you liked it.”
Although he certainly couldn’t make out tension in her shoulders under her heavy woolen coat, Link thought he saw her relax. He breathed his own little sigh of relief.
Neither spoke for a moment. Zelda’s gaze drifted back along his mess of a driveway, and Link kicked embarrassedly at a patch of snow. Eventually, when the silence had stretched to an unbearable length—thirty whole seconds! That was way too long, right?—he took the plunge.
“So…what’s with the spider?”
Zelda’s brows creased. “Spider? What spider?” When he gestured towards the thing behind her, he could practically see the lightbulb flicker on over her head. “Ah! That would be Terrako. I call him a Guardian.”
“Does he…guard…you?” Link could just picture that portable apocalypse patrolling around Zelda’s little one-story, shooting off the aforementioned lasers at attempted robbers and neighborhood pranksters. 
“Of course not! He’d hardly have any use if that were the case.”
“Ahaha…right, of course not,” he mumbled. He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved that the machine wasn’t intended for violence, or slightly disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see something like that in action. 
“Terrako’s use is far more practical,” she continued, as if Link hadn’t spoken. “He is a guardian against bodily wear and tear.”
“Like…repetitive motion?”
“Exactly!” Zelda’s face lit up just from that slight engagement with her work, and Link had to wonder if she was this passionate at all times, or if she just didn’t get much of a chance to talk about it. Given the neighbor’s warning, he guessed it might be the latter, which was…a little sad. Zelda did seem a bit eccentric, but harmless, and certainly very interesting.
“So you and Terrako are here because…?” Link trailed off expectantly. He certainly didn’t mind conversing with her—especially now that he knew Terrako wasn’t going to eviscerate him—but he was curious why she had taken the Guardian for a walk to his house, of all places. 
“To put it bluntly—”
Well, that was a bit worrisome, if her demeanor to this point wasn’t considered blunt.
“—I noticed that yours was the only property on our street who had yet to clear their driveway, and when I observed you doing so this morning, I saw that you are quite awful at it.”
Link’s jaw dropped and hung stupidly for a moment, before he snapped it shut with teeth-clicking velocity.
“Basically, I came to help you.”
Emotions whirled within Link like a winter storm. Embarrassment at being rightfully called out for his lack of skill warred with his gratitude to a neighbor who—despite doing so in a vaguely insulting manner—had gone out of her way to help him out. 
“I…don’t know what to say,” he replied honestly. “I only have the one shovel and ice pick. I guess we could trade off tasks…”
Zelda wrinkled her nose immediately. “No, no. I will not be manually shoveling your driveway.”
“Terrako will do it, of course. I’ll just need a moment to program him for this task.”
“Wait, what?”
“It would be helpful if he could borrow your shovel and pick, of course, although he should be capable without the use of additional tools.”
“Borrow my—huh?”
Zelda fixed him with a contemplative stare, as if reevaluating her decision to help her confused mess of a neighbor. “Do I need to rephrase anything for you to understand me better?”
“I, ah, I mean…no.” He understood her words all right, just didn’t understand why. But he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth…or gift Guardian in the eye. “I’ll go grab my shovel, I guess!”
“Excellent!” Zelda looked both pleased and almost surprised, as if she hadn’t truly expected him to agree. The gleam in her green eyes was…well, honestly, a bit suspicious. Link’s mouth curled up into an uncertain grin in reply before he ambled over to his abandoned shovel.
When he returned, shovel and pick in hand, he found Zelda crouched down in the snow beside Terrako. A sheet of the brown-and-ivory siding of the main body gaped open, exposing the control panel within. Link peeked over Zelda’s shoulder curiously. Even with the neat, careful labeling of each wire, circuit board, chip, lever, and button that he could see, his head still spun trying to comprehend the sheer complexity of the machine. Of just this part of the machine!
“You must be a genius or something!” he blurted out. “To build a robot like this, and it actually work, and everything, I mean.” 
Zelda continued flipping switches and typing commands into the slate-sized screen embedded into the center of the control panel. “Hardly. I think anyone could accomplish such a thing if they had the proper training.”
“Really…? I mean, some people just have a head for different skills, right? Different intelligences?” 
“Perhaps,” she allowed, and gave a final, decisive press to a command in the top-right corner of the slate screen: Go. The dull indigo of the icon immediately blinked bright blue, the same shade Terrako’s eye had glowed. She shut the panel with gentle hands before turning back towards Link. “Although I think almost anyone can follow a list of directions.”
Link held out a hand, and to his surprise, she took it, allowing him to help her to her feet. “Surely it’s more than a list of directions, though?”
“I suppose there is some independent design work and troubleshooting involved,” Zelda surrendered with an amused smile. 
Link realized, suddenly, that he was still holding her hand—or was she holding his? Regardless, the worn chocolate leather of her glove rested atop his heavy-duty black ski mitten with a weight he found to be alarmingly comfortable. He felt his cheeks flush in a way that had nothing to do with the cold. 
Perhaps Zelda had noticed it too, or felt the instinctive twitch his hand had given at his realization, for she pulled her hand back to let it dangle casually at her side. His lingered in the air for a moment longer before he hurriedly retracted it as well. 
“So, ah, what happens next?” Link looked past her at Terrako. The Guardian had awoken, its form straightening up and its eye burning blue once more. He stifled a shudder.
“Now you give him your pick and shovel,” she stated baldly, as if it were obvious.
“Just—just like that?”
“Indeed. Just like that.”
Brow furrowed with consternation and a bit of disbelief, Link tentatively held out the two handles. The tools seemed tiny in comparison to the Guardian’s massive size. He almost leapt back in shock when two of its (many, many) legs jolted to life, shooting out and grasping the tools in the prehensile clamps of its feet. 
The gleam had returned to Zelda’s eyes, and this time he could see it was tempered with pride. “Good boy,” she told Terrako. 
“Can…can he understand you?” Link almost wouldn’t be surprised if the Guardian could, after what he’d just experienced. 
“Of course not,” she said dismissively. “He’s just following the directions I programmed.”
“Oh. That makes sense—”
“I just like to tell him that he’s a good boy.” She sounded like someone talking about a beloved dog, and Link fought off an amused grin. “Anyway, you should probably get out of the way now.”
He stiffened. “What?”
“You’re in the way of his sensors, and he’s programmed to complete a task. There’s a slight chance of, ah, bodily removal.”
Link had never moved so fast in his life. 
By the time Zelda joined him at his front step, she was snorting with laughter. “You should see your face! I don’t think even Terrako could run so quickly!”
“I’m just not a fan of bodily removal,” Link said, pouting despite himself. “Anyway, do you…want to come in? He won’t be done right away, will he?”
“No, by the size of your driveway…” Zelda pursed her lips in thought. “I estimate he’ll need at least fifteen minutes. Perhaps twenty-five. So…yes, I’d be glad to come in out of the cold for that time.” She grinned toothily for the first time, and Link felt his heart skip a beat. “I’d say a hot chocolate would be a fair payment for my and Terrako’s service.”
“S-sure! I’d be happy to get you one.” Link fumbled for the doorknob and swung it open wide. Warmth—blessed warmth—spilled out of the open doorway. “After you, Zelda.”
“So what is it that you do, Link?”
Link projected his voice a little louder than normal so that Zelda, seated at his kitchen table, could hear his words without him having to turn his gaze away from the stove. “I work at Howl.”
“Haven’t heard of it.”
“Oh, it’s an outdoor outfitter. I’m basically, heh, glorified retail.” 
Zelda hummed sympathetically. 
“It’s definitely not all bad, though! I really like outdoorsy stuff, and I get to lead people on skiing and snowshoeing expeditions about once a day.” 
“Does that mean that you have to know how to not die while using skis?” 
Link laughed. “Yeah, or at least, no one has told me yet that I have died while using them, so I’m a convincing ghost if nothing else.”
“I would probably die if I tried,” Zelda said. Intriguingly, it seemed like she was seriously contemplating the scenario and its outcome, rather than her comment being the kind of lighthearted, self-deprecating ones he heard all the time at work and from acquaintances. 
“Aw, come on, even if I was your guide?” he joked.
“Especially if you were my guide.”
Link waited for an elaboration. None was forthcoming.
He realized, suddenly, that the milk had gone over its intended mild simmer and was approaching a boil. Snatching up the handle of the saucepan to hold it up off the heat, he scrambled for the burner dial with his other hand. After a moment, he set the saucepan back down on the lowered flame, only to lift it up again when the milk surged back to its near-boil. 
Zelda must have seen the expression on his face, because he heard her giggle off to the side. “This is a rather, ah, demanding hot chocolate method.”
“Why yes, the secret ingredient is despair.”
“How experimental! Remind me why you’re not a professional chef?”
“The culinary schools just wouldn’t accept me because they knew I was advanced beyond their curricula, but alas, the fine dining institutions won’t hire me without a culinary degree. I am a victim of bureaucracy.”
Zelda wheezed with laughter, and Link risked a glance away from the milk in order to peek. The way her nose scrunched up and her eyes squinched almost completely closed when she laughed was... 
He turned back to the burner and unceremoniously dumped in his favorite dark chocolate cocoa mix, feeling heat in his cheeks that had little to do with the steam rising from the stovetop. Under his watchful eye and careful whisk, the milk and mix combined into a gloriously warm, rich, and mouthwatering brown, and he poured the contents of the saucepan into two large mugs. 
“And you?” he asked. “What do you do?”
Link laughed at the bluntness of her answer before he realized that she wouldn’t be following up this answer with additional explanations, either. “I mean, yeah, I can tell! But do you have a degree, are you getting one…?” He took the seat opposite her at the kitchen table and slid her mug across. 
“Oh! Indeed, I just began my final semester of my Robotics PhD program at the Hateno Institute of Technology. Terrako is my thesis, as it were.” She lowered her voice, and Link instinctively leaned closer across the table. “To be honest, I began him as a personal project long before the thesis stage, but fortunately the proposal committee didn’t know that when they approved me.”
“Smart and sneaky!” Link teased. “Is Terrako ‘that terrible, noisy project she’s been working on in her garage for four years and is definitely against the law and we’ll be blessed if it doesn’t burn the entire neighborhood down one of these days’ that I’ve heard about from various members of the Homeowners Association, then?”
Zelda grimaced. “The HOA never wants anyone to have nice things. Can’t paint your front door turquoise, can’t put your trash out more than 24 hours before the collectors come, can’t build an eight foot tall fully automated and intelligent robot in your garage…” 
“They’ve nailed me for the trash thing, too. And not having proper landscaping. Why is it not acceptable to reseed the lawn with native grasses and let it grow to its proper length? I’m doing the neighborhood a service, given how pollination has improved around here.” 
“Funny, they reached out to me about improper landscaping as well. That was…” She trailed off, remembering, then scrunched up her eyebrows. “Well, I was still developing Terrako’s skill set at that time, after all,” she sniffed. “They shouldn’t have expected perfection from him.” She took a sip of her hot chocolate, and her eyes went wide. “Nayru, this is fantastic! What did you do?”
“Nothing really,” Link replied bashfully. “Real milk and doing it on the stovetop goes a long way. And I use a really good mix, straight from a small producer in Faron.”
“Please text me a link to it, because this is delicious.” Zelda took another sip and closed her eyes appreciatively.
Link blinked. “I, um…I don’t have your number.”
Eyes still closed, Zelda waved nonchalantly in the direction of her slate, which she’d set beside her on the table. “Passcode is 16643. Go ahead and add yourself to my compendium.” 
Obediently, he picked up her slate and navigated to her compendium, although he shot her a hesitant look. “You sure? I could just pull up their website in your browser for you.”
“Thank you, but no. I’ll need your contact information in order to reach out about doing this again regardless, so we might as well maximize efficiency and do it now.”
Link’s fingers froze over the screen where he’d been typing Link Firly (shovel/soup guy) into the new compendium entry. “You want to do this again?”
“Well, obviously.” 
“You clearly need assistance with your driveway—”
“—the task itself is perfect for training Terrako, which will dramatically improve his performance and my eventual committee review—”
Well, that was fair enough, and he would be more than happy to help—
“—and I find I quite enjoy your company, Link Firly. I would certainly not be opposed to engaging with you more often.”
Sweet Din, did she just say that?!
Link’s mind fritzed out, staticky with pleased surprise. He wondered absently if Zelda’s skill with technology could transfer to the error message in his brain.
“Assuming, that is, that you feel the same?” 
The tone of Zelda’s voice hadn’t changed—still posh and friendly and commanding all at once—but he noticed with a start that her knuckles had paled where they wrapped around her mug. Was she…nervous?
He rushed to assuage her worries. “Yes! Sorry, yes. I was just…thinking. But I would love to hang out!”
The same pleased, surprised smile she’d given him earlier when he agreed to let Terrako clear his driveway leapt to her face. His heart beat faster at the sight.
“Zelda, I think you’re really—”
Link just about jumped out of his skin. The horrendous scraping of metal on cement had come from outside—from his driveway. Alarmed, he turned to Zelda, and found her eyes just as wide as his own. 
Abruptly, she sprang to her feet. “Terrako!”
Link stood up quickly, but she was a blur, impossible to keep pace with as she dashed to the door with the speed and grace of a mountain doe. “Wait, you forgot your—”
The door slammed. 
“Coat,” he finished weakly. He stared down at the white and gold bundle in his outstretched arms, then at Zelda’s nearly-empty mug of hot chocolate. 
And smiled.
When he made it outside, still clutching Zelda’s coat, he found that the driveway had undergone an utter transformation. Every inch was clear of snow, and even the most stubborn patches of ice had been chopped and swept cleanly off into the yard on either side. There was also a mildly deep gouge marring its exact center, right where the worst patch of ice had once been. The ice pick and shovel laid discarded in the yard.
He blinked. First at the gravelly wound in his driveway, and then at Zelda, although all he could see of her were her knee-high boots sticking out from beneath Terrako’s lifeless form. The white shearling and caramel leather stood out against the spotless grey pavement. 
“Everything okay over here?” He approached the Guardian cautiously, ducking beneath an errant leg frozen in midair. Sure, Terrako was off right now, but if he had the power to do that to his driveway…
“Certainly.” Zelda’s muffled voice echoed from beneath Terrako’s chassis. One boot began to waggle in a way Link automatically registered as anxiety.
He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure?”
A metallic sigh. “Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed.” Zelda began to shimmy her way back out from under Terrako, and he watched her black leggings, turquoise thermal shirt, tangled golden hair, and finally her face slowly inch into view. “There’s nothing wrong with his physical mechanisms, fortunately. It seems that I left one of his ventilation hatches open, and the cold air made his internal fluids heat up dramatically to compensate, which of course led to the wires near them overheating as well.”
“Of course,” Link echoed. “And that made him malfunction…?”
“Indeed.” She tapped a bare, cold-reddened finger against the opposite palm along with her words. “The high internal temperatures resulted in errors in the thermal, visual, and tactile sensors in his feet and body.” Two fingers. “They reported incorrect readings, therefore, to the central operational mechanism.” Three fingers. “Acting in occurrence with the false readings, the command center, which had been programmed to clear all ice using force proportional to its thickness, gave the command to scrape very hard.” She gave Link a tight, chagrined smile. “And thus your driveway became his victim.”
“Wow, I can’t believe you figured all that out so quickly.” His gaze settled again on her rosy fingers, and immediately he thrust out the white and gold bundle. “Ah, here. Looks like you might need this.”
“Oh!” Her expression softened into something more genuine. “Thank you very much.” She had her coat on in short order, buttoning up the center and the collar piece with fingers that were nimble despite the cold, and securely tying the brown leather belt around her waist. 
He watched until she had pulled both chocolate leather gloves over her hands, and then, satisfied, continued. “It’s okay, also! I don’t mind that he messed up my driveway—it’s just asphalt.”
Zelda blinked for a moment, her eyebrows pushing together like kissing caterpillars. Then green eyes lit up with recognition—followed, strangely, with an almost bashful pouting of her lips that made Link want to—
Nothing. He wanted to nothing. 
Yet, anyway. 
“Erm,” she said eloquently. “I wasn’t. Actually. Thinking about your driveway when I said I was disappointed. I was. Um. Irritated at what this meant for Terrako’s performance records.”
She was taller than him. How was she able to look up through her eyelashes like that when she was taller than him? That was downright unfair. 
“Oh.” It was all he could think to say, distracted as he was by dark feathery ferns framing emerald pools. 
“I certainly do apologize for the damage done to your driveway!” she burst out, clearly misinterpreting the cause of his wordlessness. “It was unintentional, but I am the party at fault, and I will take responsibility for my actions.” 
“It’s alright,” he replied. “The rut isn’t that deep. Won’t mess with Epona any.”
“Um. My car.”
She grinned. “No wonder you didn’t bat an eye at my naming Terrako. We would seem to be two peas in a pod, Link Firly.”
“I’m shocked that you used a nature metaphor rather than a mechanical one,” he replied, surprised by his own boldness. “Not two screws in a…” He didn’t know any machine words. Dammit. “Gear?”
Her laugh rang out over the snow. “Two loose screws, maybe.” Her expression sobered. “I certainly could have been more attentive. That ventilation hatch was open when I arrived regardless of my focus, but honestly—” The pout returned full force. “—I was too distracted by you to do my full checks!”
“Yes, you! With that scraggly ponytail and smile and that thing you do when you’re embarrassed and you scratch the back of your head—yes, that! No one with such helpless puppy energy should be that cute!”
Link’s hand froze in his hair. “You think I’m cute?”
“Obviously,” Zelda sniffed. “Much like Terrako, I do have visual sensors that are quite adept at taking readings.”
Link tried not to think about the potential of her thermal and tactile sensors taking readings as well. It was a valiant battle. He lost.
Zelda looked at him, and he looked back, meeting her gaze dead-on. There was the slightest of flushes blooming in her cheeks and the tips of her ears, but her face was set with determination and self-assurance. Darkness streaked the right side of her jaw.
“You have a little…” He reached out, at once ginger and intrepid, his hand moving towards her slowly enough that she could see it coming and move out of his way or stop him if she didn’t want him to touch her. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, but she stayed utterly still as his fingers grazed, pressed, traced firmly up her jaw. They lingered for a breathless moment right beneath where her jaw ended and ear began. Then, slowly, he pulled away.
Only the slightest smear of black remained on her cheek, with most of the gummy substance safely collected on his fingers. He flashed them towards Zelda for her to see.
“Ah, grease. Mechanic’s contouring.” Despite her nonchalant words, Zelda’s voice was light and wispy, like dandelion puffs blowing in the wind. Her hand rose to her jawline and hovered there.
He could’ve told her she was smart and confident and beautiful, and that he liked her bluntness and her preoccupation with her robot and also just her. But there was something else he could say to her that, if his hunch about her personality was correct, would do a far better job of conveying his feelings.
“Don’t worry, Zelda.” He smiled. Her name on his tongue was lemon zest and the whole sweetness of honey. “There will be plenty more snow and ice this winter for Terrako to improve his performance on. Plus, you’ll be able to teach him how to repair asphalt come spring, for portfolio diversity.”
Zelda’s eyes glowed, and he knew he’d gotten it right. “I’ll see you next time it snows, then.”
“Or before that.” He flushed despite himself.
“Or before that.” Her smiling eyes held his for a moment that shimmered like freshly-fallen snow under the light of the sun, before she turned to Terrako and the gaping control hatch on his side. Those expert fingers danced once more across the keypad and screen, and the robot straightened, its singular blue eye flashing back on to full power.
Link didn’t think he’d ever get used to that…but he was certainly willing to try.
“You know, now that I think about it,” he said, the tiniest lilting hint of teasing entering his voice, “I thought I’d heard something like a hatch clanking around when you came up the street.”
Zelda paused halfway up Terrako’s side, hanging from well-camouflaged ladder rungs he never would have noticed were he not so close and so attentive to the woman climbing them. “You ruffian! You should have told me!”
He stuck his tongue out. “Hey, I’m just a simple retail guy, what do I know about big fancy robots and the noises they make?”
“About robots? Not much, I imagine.” Zelda settled in upon Terrako’s head, and beamed down at him. “But you’re going to.”
The apocalypse with its waving white and gold bundle scuttled back down the street towards the cul-de-sac it called home, and Link watched it go, heart pounding in his throat for a completely new reason. 
How strange and lovely it was to hope for its swift return.
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queering-ecology · 7 months
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Eluding Capture: The Science, Culture, and Pleasure of “Queer” Animals by Stacy Alaimo (final)
Eluding Capture
“A universe of differing naturecultures, propelled by the pursuit of pleasure as well as other forces, can hardly serve as a foundation for biological reductionism, gender essentialism, heteronormativity, or models of human exceptionalism” (64).
Researchers (Vasey et al) in their investigation of female-female mounting behavior concluded that this behavior is ‘female typical’ and not some attempt at executing ‘male mounting behavior’. “The macaques may remind us of Judith Butler’s argument that homosexuality is not an imitation of heterosexuality” (65).
Most feminist theory distinguishes between sex and gender, positing ‘gender’ as cultural, and thus solely a human construct  (65). But Roughgarden, on the other hand, sees gender in nonhuman animals, defining it as “the appearance, behavior, and lived history of a sexed body” (2004, 27) (65). Many species have more than three genders.
The white throated sparrow apparently has “four genders, two male, two female”—these genders are distinguished by either a white stripe or a tan tripe and correspond to aggressive an territorial versus accommodating behaviors. 90% of the breeding involves a tan stripe bird (of either sex) with a white stripe bird (of either sex) (9) (65).
The call by researchers like Haraway to see animals as ‘other worlds, replete with significant otherness’ (2003, 25) is useful when trying to make sense of the sheer multitude and complexity of animal cultures that don’t fit within human—even feminist, even queer, models. These ‘queer species’ are queer in a multitude of ways but rarely do any of them correspond to modern categories of gay or lesbian.
Queer ecologists such as Roughgarden and Bagemihl argue that “many non-Western cultures have a greater knowledge of and appreciation for the sexual diversity of the nonhuman world” and that “contemporary theoretical accounts of sexual diversity pale next to both the scientific account of animal sexuality and knowledge systems of particular indigenous groups, who recognize sexual diversity” (66).
“The animal world—right now, here on earth—is brimming with countless gender variations and shimmering sexual possibilities: entire lizard species that consist only of females who reproduce by virgin birth and also have sex with each other; or some multigendered society of the Ruff, with four distinct categories of male birds, some of whom court and mate with one another; or female Spotted Hyenas and Bears who copulate and give birth through their ‘penile’ clitorides, and male Great Rheas who possess ‘vaginal’ phalluses (like the females of their species) and raise young in two-father families; or the vibrant transsexualities of coral reef fish, and the dazzling intersexualities of gynandromorphs and chimeras. In their quest for ‘postmodern’ patterns of gender and sexuality, human beings are simply catching up with the species that have preceded us in evolving sexual and gender diversity—and aboriginal culture have long recognized this” (1999, 260-61)( 66).
Despite our endless attempts at rationalization and categorization and trying to make sense of the world, the sheer diversity and multiplicity among animal sexuality and gender, sex, reproduction and childrearing still makes our minds boggle. These moments of wonder ignite the sense that suddenly the world is not only “more queer than one could have imagined, more surprisingly itself, meaning that it confounds our categories and systems of understanding”….queer animals elude perfect modes of capture. By doing so, “queer animals dramatize emergent worlds of desire, action, agency and interactivity that can never be reduced to a background or resource against which the human defines himself” (67).
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“Is the diversity of sexual behavior that we can observe in nature anything other than mindbogglingly beautiful?” (Homosexual Behavior in Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective by Volker Sommer, 2006 370).
“Nature’s inventiveness far outruns our meager ability to categorize her productions,” and “the sheer inventiveness—exuberance—of nature overwhelms” (68).
“World is crazier and more of it than we think” (Louis MacNeice) “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed” (Albert Einstein)
Sexual diversity in nature, is not only interesting from a scientific standpoint but these phenomena are also ‘capable of inspiring our deepest feelings of wonder and our most profound sense of awe’ (1999, 6) (68). Which the writer hopes will inspire greener politics and greater interest in the topic of 'significant otherness' in nonhuman animals.
This brings to mind for me, the concept of Wakan Tanka; The Great Mystery. Wakan Tanka is a Lakota concept of all that is still a mystery, that cannot be understood, and the great beyond—the cosmos and all that is not known yet here on Earth. I connect this to the previous text because to me, the indigenous people have always had this sense of appreciation, wonder and love for the mysterious and the diversity of our world.
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naquey · 9 months
I figured I might as well start a masterlist while I'm at it because I never really had one before, and don't exactly know how to write one. No better way to whack at it, am I right?
Hi! You an call me Naqe or N. I'm aspiring to be an author and have loved writing since I was in fifth grade. It has been my passion for as long as I've known. I write fanfiction as a hobby, and am in college! Surprisingly, I'm fairly new to tumblr despite writing fanfiction for a long time. I started out on Quotev and just recently moved to AO3 under the same name Naqe. I deeply enjoy the fandoms that I am in and the fandoms that I discover.
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Basic request and ask ethics:
minors DNI (if you see the above banner on anything nsfw that i've written and you still interact. I will block you)
dms are open to anyone 18+ (im 20 an DO NOT want to be talking to a child for any reason)
don't be an asshole: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROSHIPPING, BATCEST, OR INCEST (if i see you come to my page i will block your ass)
i will not write anything 18+ if asked {(only on my own accord) and even if I do, I use a place holder. No x readers}
no zenophobia, transphobia, homophobia
nothing pertaining to religions (think: religious themes) outside of black butler
i only write for male/gender neutral reader
nothing with yandere or mental illness (even if it isn't glorifying it)
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Avatar The Last Airbender Batman Black Butler Ever After High Five Nights At Freddy's Genshin Impact Gravity Falls Harry Potter Marvel Monster High My Hero Academia Twisted Wonderland Nanbaka
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-Sokka -Aang -Zukko -Toph -Katara -Uncle Iroh -Mai
-Bruce Wayne/Batman -Dick Grayson/Nightwing -Jason Todd/Red Hood -Tim Drake/Red Robin -Damian Wayne/Robin -Stephanie Brown/Spoiler -Cassandra Cain/Batgirl -Barbara Gordon/Oracle -Helena Wayne/Huntress -Ed Nygma/Riddler -Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin -Harley Quinn -Selena Kyle/Catwoman -Harvey Dent/ Two Face -Turner Haynes -Harper Row/Bluebird -Cullen Row -Duela Dent
[Black Butler]
-Sebastian Michaelis -Ciel Phantomhive -Grell Sutcliff -William T. Spears -Ronald Knox -Undertaker -Madame Red -Bardroy -Finny -Mey-Rin -Gregory Violet -Lawrence Bluer -Herman Greenhill -Edgar Redmond -Vincent Phantomhive -Blavat Sky -Joker -Dagger -Snake
[Ever After High]
-Raven Queen -Madeline Hatter -Lizzie Hearts -Cerise Hood -Darling Charming -Apple White -Daring Charming -Dexter Charming -Hopper Croakington -Hunter Huntsman -Ashlynn Ella -Briar Beauty -Chase Redmond -Sparrow Hood -Duchess Swan -Humphrey Dumpty
-Mike Schmidt -William Afton -Ness
[Genshin Impact]
-Raiden Shogun -Tighnari -Kuki Shinobu -Neuvillette -Kamisato Ayaka -Kamisato Ayato -Thoma -Kaveh -Kaeya -Alberich -Lisa -Amber -Lumine -Aether -Zhongli -Furina -Venti -Diluc -Rosaria -Keqing -Itto -Kaedhara Kazuha -Shikanoin Heizou -Layla
[Gravity Falls]
-Dipper Pines -Mabel Pines -Bill Cipher -Stanley Pines -Stanford Pines -Robbie Valentino -Thompkins -Soos Ramirez
[Harry Potter]
-Neville Longbottom -Harry Potter -Ron Weasley -Fred Weasley -George Weasley -Hermione Granger -Luna Lovegood -Remus -Lupin -Sirius Black -James Potter -Severus Snape -Regulus Black
-Spiderman -Doc Ock -Silver Surfer -Loki -Thor -Deadpool
[Monster High]
-Frankie Stein -Deuce Gorgon -Clawd Wolf -Cleo DeNile -Draculara -Clawdeen Wolf -Abbey Bominable -Twyla Boogeyman -Torelai Stripe -Ghoulia Yelps -Holt Hyde -Jackson Jekyll -Manny Taur -Venus McFlytrap -Rochell Goyle -Garrot DuRoque -Robecca Steam -Sparky -Hexiciah Steam
[My Hero Academia]
-Izuku Midoriya -Iida Tenya -Uraraka Ochaco -Bakugou Katsuki -Shinsou Hitoshi -Touya Todoroki -Twice -Mr. Compress -Toga Himiko -Magne -Shigaraki Tomura -Spinner -Overhaul -Hawks -Takeshita
[Twisted Wonderland]
-Cater Diamond -Riddle Rosenheart -Ace Trappola -Deuce Spade -Trey Clover -Idia Shroud -Malleus Draconia -Lilia Vanrouge
-Hajime Sugoroku -Samon Gokuu -Enki Gokuu -Kenshirou Yozakura -Mitsuru Hitokoe -Rorotto -Kiji Mitsuba -Damian -Nijimasu Nanairo -Yamada Orochi -Koisuke Kyuubi -Uno -Rock -Nico -Jyuugo -Honey -Trois -Aki -Haru -Musashi -Liang -Qi -Upa -Hakushaku -Tengu Murakami -Tsukumo -Fuji-san -Kusatsu -Ikkaku -Kojiro -Isou -Kujaku -Mei Yomidou -Ido Yomidou -Chimney -Hell -Tauro Twister -Taura Twister
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Eddie Baby (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
Gotham Frights (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
Sickness is Green (Kaveh x reader)
Business (Diluc/Li Jing)
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
Did You Hear About That Mother (Roan Goldfinch & Walburga Black)
The Eagle and Her Prey (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Last Night (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Kiss (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
A Thousand Years (Remus Lupin/Cassander Lyall)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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Crime Down 10 (Ed Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot x reader)
[Black Butler]
One Of A Kind (Ocs x reader)
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
The Black Family (personal fanon)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
Semi-Personal Drake Parker Headcanons
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Entrusted To You [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji]
Meet the Character [about ocs]
Star Wars; Purged [Star Wars]
Fame [Drake & Josh]
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source: cafekitsune
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covecreekphotography · 11 months
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Hello, White-Throated Sparrows!
The hummingbirds have migrated south, ducks are flying overhead, and dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) began arriving a week ago.  Today I spotted a couple of white-throated sparrows.  All of this signals that winter is knocking at our door.
Sparrow identification can be tough.  Many of our native sparrows look very similar, and often there is no glaring difference in behaviors.  However, the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) may be considered an exception to this identification dilemma.
The time of year is a good clue.  White-throated sparrows are migratory, and spend the non-breeding season (late fall and winter) in Arkansas, as well as the rest of the eastern and south-central United States.  Their pattern of arrival tends to be what I have observed over the course of the last week.  White-throated sparrows start filtering in not long after the arrival of dark-eyed juncos.
Feather color and pattern also aid in identification.  A white throat patch (hence the name, white-throated sparrow) between the bill and the gray breast is very apparent.  In the "white-striped" form of this species, a white patch on the side of the head highlights a bright yellow spot located between the base of the gray bill and the eye.  On the other hand, there is a "tan-striped" form of white-throated sparrow, and the yellow spot is less noticeable and difficult to see because the white patch near the eye is absent.  Additionally, a white and black striped crown will be observed in the "white-striped" form, and a brown and black striped crown is present in the "tan-striped" form.  I have observed and recorded both forms in Arkansas, in the field and at home.  Anecdotally, the "white-striped" form is more prevalent every year.
The call of the white-throated sparrow is described as a song sing a that sounds like "Oh-sweet-canada-canada" or "Old-Sam-Peabody-Peabody". One thing is certain.  If you hear its beautiful and distinct call, you'll know white-throated sparrows are around without ever seeing them!
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bonefall · 2 years
Do you have a list of what characters names you changed for DoFC? For example, Does the Hawk swoop and Jackdaw's cry family tree change any?
I didn't! I made one for current reference. It's all still a big WIP, and I'm shuffling as we speak. If you notice a change from last time, you're probably correct.
Making families like this is helpful for giving a brief overview to the massive amount of players Bonefall DOTC is going to have from the get-go, and make the politics easier to understand by grouping them generally by family. You can usually expect cats to 'stick' with their relatives, except when that disagreement is something noteworthy.
Related families, by mateship or family bonds, are grouped by color.
Storm Family
Shadow Family
Flower Family
Sky/Wing/Peak Family
Cry Family
Swoop Family
Heart Family
Frost Family
Misc Tribe Cats I Haven't Sorted Yet
All below the cut!
Storm Family
A humble, close-knit family back at the tribe with few members. Known best for being reliable, generalist hunters and a family history of overcoming adversity. Often have tabby patterns with large white patches.
Members: Bright Storm, Thunder Storm (Name Changes: Bright Stream fused with Storm, Thunder)
Shadow Family
Disgraced by their ancestral association with a horrible tyrant who destroyed the Great Kinships of Tiger, Leopard, and Lion, Shadow cats are ferociously proud and dedicated to redeeming their family name. For generations they’d been pure black cats just like the tyrant, until Sun Shadow's forestborn litter.
Members: Tall Shadow, Moon Shadow, Sun Shadow, Silver Shadow, White Shadow (Name Changes: Silver Stripe, White Tail. Taken from Gray Wing.)
Flower Family
Known for leadership and carrying an air of nobility, the family is prosperous and well-established back at the mountain, but the weight of it has become a burden to its surviving Sun Trail pioneer... come in many colors and patterns, but usually have a dark marking that splashes across their eyes.
Members: Shaded Flower, Rainswept Flower, Black Flower (Name Changes: Shaded Moss, Black Ear. Taken from Gray Wing.)
Sky/Wing/Peak Family
An odd case; The Sky family’s final member is Clear Sky. They were a large, righteous family famously loyal to the old Lion Kinship, with a unique fur condition that could cause ‘clouds’ to appear on their pelt as they aged.
The Wing family is directly descended from the Tribe’s founder, Half Moon, given her old name in honor of her deceased twin Jay’s Wing and notably blue-tinged in color.
The Peak family is plain in contrast, but known for being good parents.
Members: Clear Sky, Gray Wing, Quiet Wing, Fluttering Wing, Jagged Peak, Stone Peak (Name changes: Quiet Rain, Fluttering Bird, Stone Song)
Cry Family
Observant and bold, known for making good sentries and having sharp eyes for hunting. They can be loyal and committed to a fault, throwing their dedication to a cause with their whole heart. Usually black and white, with broad foreheads and a colored 'lip blotch' of the contrasting color.
Members: Jackdaw Cry, Falling Cry, Lightning Cry (Name Changes: Falling Feather, Lightning Tail though it remains a nickname)
Swoop Family
Cats of action, heroes and dramatic hunters, with a reputation for arriving in the nick of time. If they have markings they tend to be faint, with smooth, brown-colored pelts and a slight overbite.
Members: Hawk Swoop, Acorn Swoop (Name Changes: Acorn Fur)
Heart Family
A stunningly beautiful and intelligent family, often finding a subject in their kittenhoods and becoming obsessed with it their whole lives. Displays three colors; usually white, black, and orange.
Members: Turtle Heart, Dappled Heart, Pebble Heart, Sparrow Heart, Owl Heart which will become Owl Eyes later, Bumble (because she has a concept of cat marriage). (Name changes: Turtle Tail, Dappled Pelt, Sparrow Fur)
Frost Family
Resourceful and innovative with grouchy streaks, known for tool use and problem-solving. Has no particular colors or patterns, but usually has a 'flinch' of dotted spots along the spine and up the belly.
Members: Silver Frost, Shattered Frost, Sunlit Frost, Jay Frost (Name changes: Shattered Ice, Frost)
Misc Cats
These are cats I haven't assigned to a family yet, but I am planning to make Tribe-Born. It is my intention for the vast majority of the cast to be introduced by the First Battle, or AT LEAST have their parents be associated with one of the 5 Clans.
So this does not include cats like Wind, Arc, and River Ripple, who are Park cats.
Cloud Spots
Quick Water
Pink Eyes
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circusgoth-dotcom · 10 months
A/n: So. I finally got the energy to write up a quick, original short story and I wanted to post it with the potential for peer review. Enjoy? Send feedback maybe? Thank you. :0)
Word Count: 1038
Genre: Short Story/Thriller
TWs: I don't want to spoil the twist but it's only fair that I put in big bold letters that THIS PIECE CONTAINS THEMES OF NECROPHILIA, as well as death in general, denial, and mentions of food.
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They buried Felicity today. I don’t know why they went through all the trouble of a funeral when she’s been sitting at home, perfectly fine, all afternoon. A waste of a gorgeous white coffin, I’d say. Her parents wanted me to give a eulogy, but what could I possibly detail when the love of my life simply wasn’t dead?
 I stayed until it was too awkward to remain. When I retired to my car, I was prevented from leaving by a knock on the window. My brother, Doyle, on the other side of the glass.
“Hey. How’re you holding up?”
I shrug, shifting in the leather-coated driver’s seat. “I’m fine,” I answer plainly.
He nods solemnly. “I’ll come by and check up on you later, alright?”
“Oh. Alright.” I nod back. “I’ll see you then.” He studies me with untraceable eyes before patting the edge of the car door with an air of finality and walking off. I roll the window back up and back out of the parking lot of Saint Cassidy Cemetery. It’s a nice cemetery. I wouldn’t mind being buried there myself. But Felicity isn’t dead and neither am I.
It’s one in the afternoon by the time I get home. The funeral had started at ten. With the swiftness of sparrows, I exit my car and enter the safety and familiarity of my Victorian home. I inhale the woody interior as I float over the threshold, through the entryway, and up the stairs.
“Felicity, I’m home!” I call and enter our room. She sits, beautiful, like a restored oil painting, by the window. She smiles at me, in her layered white dress, dotted with tiny periwinkle flowers. I take her face in my hands and kiss her forehead. Finally, I can shed these cloths of false mourning and simply be as I am, in love, with Felicity.
I put the black suit and tie away and slip into a grey flannel and jeans. Felicity and I go downstairs. I make lunch and coffee for us. We talk as if her family hadn’t just pulled the wool over the world’s eyes and told them she had died. What of? Hell if I knew. Hell if I understood the entire rigamarole at all. Why go to such lengths for someone who still walked among us? Why mourn for someone who is not gone? There was no inheritance in the will. Of course there wasn’t. Felicity was here, sitting across from me in our sunny kitchen, eating fettuccine alfredo with that smile on her face.
After lunch, we played Sequence and checkers, games she always could best me at. I won two Sequence games in the two hours we spent playing.
“I think my brother is coming by later,” I told her casually. “I wonder if he really believes everything that’s happened. I hope not. I hope he’s just playing along for appearances. Whatever that means.”
I cleaned up the board games. “Can you believe that they’ve taken it this far, Felicity?”
We go into the living room to watch TV, but even the news is mentioning her “death.” I change the channel and it’s another news station. I change it again, a commercial break. I mute it and check the TV guide. I put on one of Felicity’s favourite movies and get up to make popcorn.
By the time it’s over, Felicity asks me to help her take a bath. I gladly oblige. I adore her more than life itself. I run my hands over her bare skin, cold even in the warm, soapy water that surrounds her. I am so gentle with her. I pour water over her dark auburn hair, her waves turning to a straight and narrow forest. I adore her. She is so still in the tub and my hands are so steady against her. I cannot help but kiss her.
I dress her in a striped dress when she’s dry, and I comb through her long hair and hum for her. She is like a mannequin in the malls downtown, her face a forever smile, just for me. When I bring her downstairs, it’s time to prepare dinner. Just as I’m about to put a pot on the stove, the doorbell rings.
“Must be Doyle,” I smile at Felicity and go to answer it. It is.
“Well, I’m glad to see you’re smiling…” Doyle comments, brow furrowed as I let him in. “Making dinner?”
“Venison stew.”
“It smells good. And something hearty should keep you grounded. I’m sorry about Felicity. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”
We remain in the entryway as we speak. “Frankly, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Doyle.”
His expression is increasingly concerned by those nine little words.
“It’s an act, isn’t it? Surely you don’t think Felicity is actually dead.” I keep my expression bright. “But I can’t wrap my head around why her parents seem to think so.”
“Malcolm, Felicity is dead.”
“Then who’s sitting at my dinner table? Who’ve I spent all day with? Who did I bathe not an hour ago?” I think I have him cornered as he rushes into the dining room. I follow and hear a strangled gasp.
“Why what, Doyle? Why did Mister and Mrs. Fenrow lie to us, our family, and the rest of their peers?” I laughed lightly. “Beats me.”
He turns on me with a rage I’ve never seen, gripping my shoulders tightly. “When did you take her from the morgue?”
My eyes widen at the accusation. “What are you talking about??? You sound insane!”
He shoves me. “Insane?! Me, insane? Malcolm,” he forces me to look at her, “that is a corpse sitting at your dinner table, that is Felicity’s corpse! I’m calling the police.”
I see fear in Felicity’s face and all I can think to do, once Doyle has left the room to use the house phone, is to take her and run. Scooping her into my arms and ignoring the idea of another romantic dinner with her, I make a break for my car. I don’t stop, even as I hear Doyle yelling at me. I’m gone before he can catch me. Felicity is alive. I am sane.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Clan Names - Seed Birds
Bird: Used by all clans equally. A small or bouncy cat, whimsical and flighty.
Blackbird: A ShadowClan or a ThunderClan name. An all black cat, somewhat rare because of length.
Bunting: Used by all clans equally. A vibrant or elaborately colored cat.
Cardinal: Primarily a ThunderClan or a ShadowClan name. A mostly or completely red cat, a cat with a black mask over their eyes, noticeable or obnoxious.
Chaffinch: Used by all clans. An odd colored kit, a kit who is blue and ginger.
Chickadee, Tit: Used by all clans equally. A distinctively marked kit, someone with round or soft features, gentle.
Crow: Primarily a WindClan or ShadowClan name. A mostly or completely black cat, one who is agitating, good at finding clues.
Cuckoo: Used by all clans equally. A gray furred cat with white flecks, a cat with very long legs; aggressive and bold.
Dove: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A round and soft featured cat, one who is elegant and social; beautiful.
Finch: Used by all clans but ShadowClan. A brightly colored cat, someone who is yellow or red; distinctive and bold.
Grouse: Primarily a WindClan or a ThunderClan name. A black and brown cat, someone who is speckled with brown.
Hen: Primarily a WindClan or ThunderClan name. A dapple furred cat, a tortoiseshell; motherly or provider.
Hummingbird: Used by all clans but ShadowClan. A small or runty cat, someone with boundless energy or vigor, a vibrantly colored cat.
Jackdaw: Used by all clans equally. A dark gray or dark blue cat, someone who is intelligent or clever.
Jay: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A blue or brown kit, someone who is striking; headstrong and aggressive, stubborn.
Lark: Primarily a WindClan or ThunderClan name. A brown and white cat, someone who is graceful or skillful.
Magpie: Used by all clans equally. A black and white cat, someone who is craft and aggressive, fearsome.
Nightingale: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A sandy or reddish brown cat, someone who is private or secretive.
Nightjar: Primarily a ShadowClan name. A mottled or brindle coated cat, one who is brown; still and stern, a common title for border guards.
Oriole: Primarily a ThunderClan and RiverClan name. A vibrant and dark-highlighted cat, particularly of a ginger and black coloring; striking or noticeable.
Partridge: Primarily a WindClan name. A pale gray or brown striped cat, someone with soft fur.
Pheasant: Used by all clans equally. A brown or red furred cat with a shiny coat, bold or show-boating.
Pigeon: Used by all clans equally. A gray and blue furred cat, someone who is adaptable.
Ptarmigan: A rare name. A cat who is small and round, soft furred or gentle.
Quail: Primarily a ThunderClan or a WindClan name. A brown and white cat, a spotted pelt cat, someone with distinctive ear tufts.
Raven: Used by all clans. A mostly or fully black cat, a cat who is intelligent and mysterious, a messenger of Moonsoul.
Robin: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A brown or tan furred cat, someone who is simultaneous average and common.
Rook: Primarily a WindClan or a ShadowClan name. A mostly or completely black furred cat, someone missing patches of fur, a clever cat.
Sparrow: Used by all clans equally. A brown and tan cat, small but determined; one who is loud or awakens early
Shrike: Used by all clans equally. A cat who is small and lanky, dangerous in battle.
Starling: Primarily a ThunderClan or New SkyClan name. A dark furred cat with a light speckled body, someone who talks or sings a lot, a gossiper.
Swallow: Primarily a RiverClan, ThunderClan or New SkyClan name. A vibrant or distinctively colored kit, someone sure-footed and skillful.
Thrush: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A brown and white cat, someone who is speckled in some way, loyal and devoted.
Warbler: Used by all clans equally. A vibrant yellow or golden furred kit, someone talkative and good singer.
Wagtail: Primarily a WindClan name. A black and white or a gray and white kit, someone who is talkative or smart.
Wren: Primarily a WindClan and ThunderClan name. A mostly or completely brown cat, someone who speaks and moves quickly.
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fire and ice - allegiances
< Book 1 - Into the Wild || Index || Prologue >
The allegiances of the forest clans as of Fire and Ice - Chapter 1.
Approximately 3.5/4 moons have passed since Into The Wild - Chapter 1.
Characters have their original canon names in their description unless considered obvious.
Not all family trees remain the same, some blood relations were altered.
Characters marked with a * are trans and described by their preferred pronouns
—————————————— ThunderClan ——————————————
Thunder Blue Fur — blue-gray molly, tinged with silver around her muzzle and blue eyes. (Bluestar)
Tiger's Claw — big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long claws and amber eyes. Golden Flower's mate.
Violet Fang — old dark gray molly with a broad, flattened face and wide orange eyes. Formerly of ShadowClan. (Yellowfang)
Apprentice, Stone Pelt
Stone Pelt — stocky gray tom with battle-scarred ears and blue-green eyes. (Stonefur)
Rose Fall — gray tabby molly with pinkish ginger markings and pale eyes. (Rosetail)
Apprentice, Gray Stripe
Black Leopard — tall and slender black molly with large paws and amber eyes. (Leopardfoot)
White Flower — big white tom with yellow eyes. Willow Branch's mate.
Apprentice, Sand Storm
Willow Branch — light-gray molly with blue eyes. (Willowpelt) White Storm's mate.
Misty Step — blue-gray molly with lighter paws and blue eyes. (Mistyfoot)
Apprentice, Fire Heart
Mossy Patch — large sleek furred gray and white molly with amber eyes. (Mosskit) Brindle Face's mate. *
Dark Pine — sleek black and gray tabby tom with yellow eyes. (Darkstripe)
Apprentice, Dusty Earth
Mouse Fur — small dusky brown molly with yellow eyes.
Fleet Foot — swift light brown tabby tom with green eyes. (Runningwind)
Pale Tail — sandy-gray tabby tom with dark stripes and blue-green eyes. (Longtail)
Dusty Earth — dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. (Dustpaw)
Sand Storm — pale ginger molly with green eyes. (Sandpaw)
Gray Stripe — long-haired gray tom with a dark stripe along his spine and yellow eyes. (Graypaw)
Fire Heart — flame-colored ginger tom with bright-green eyes. Formerly a kittypet.
Frost Shine — beautiful white molly with blue eyes, partially deaf. (Frostfur)  
Mother to Bright Flame, Thorn Claw, Bracken Leaf and Blazing Cinder. (Brightkit, Thornkit, Brackenkit, Cinderkit) 
Golden Flower — pale ginger molly with golden eyes.
Mother to Swift Bird. (Swiftkit) Tiger's Claw's mate.
Brindle Face — patched gray tabby molly with green eyes.
Mother to Fern Cloud, Ash Fur, Tulip Pelt. (Ashkit, Fernkit, Tulipkit) Mossy Patch's mate.
Hop Speckle — old pale brown tabby molly with amber eyes. (Specketail)
Mother to Snow Flight and Mistle Drop (Snowkit, Mistlekit) Small Ears' mate. 
Sparrow Nest — big long-haired dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing and yellow eyes. (Halftail) White Eye's mate.
Small Ears — gray tom with small folded ears and amber eyes. (Smallear) Hop Speckle's mate.
Patchy Shade — small brown and white tom with yellow eyes. (Patchpelt)
White Eye — pale gray molly with one yellow eye and poor hearing. (One-eye) Sparrow Nest's mate.
Dapple Pelt — once-pretty tortoiseshell molly with a lovely dappled coat and amber eyes. (Dappletail)
—————————————— WindClan ——————————————
Wind Tall Tail — black-and-white tom with a very long tail and pale yellow eyes. (Tallstar)
Hop Step — black tom with a twisted paw and green eyes (Deadfoot)
Bark Face — short-tailed brown tom with yellow eyes.
Rush Tail — skinny creamy-brown tom with pale blue eyes. 
Dark Foot — dark gray tom with a lighter belly and yellow eyes.
Bristle Thorn — black tom with long spiky fur and orange eyes. (Bristlebark)
Wren Flight — brown molly with dark green eyes. Stag Leap's mate.
Apprentice,Tawny Tail
Muddy Claws — mottled dark brown tom with amber eyes.
Apprentice, Web Foot
Torn Ear — wiry gray tom with a torn ear and pale eyes. Pigeon Flight's mate.
Apprentice, White Nose
Ash Dust — speckled gray molly with blue eyes. (Ashfoot)
Apprentice, Running Brook
Short Whisker — brown tabby tom with amber eyes. (Onewhisker)
Running Brook — light gray tabby molly with light green eyes. (Runningpaw)
White Nose — small white molly with green eyes.
Tawny Tail — golden-brown molly with pale yellow eyes.
Web Foot — wiry dark gray tabby tom with orange eyes.
Morning Bloom — tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes. (Morningflower) 
Mother to Gorse Stem. (Gorsekit)
Rye Stalk — gray tabby molly with soft fur and amber eyes. 
Crow Fur — black tom with patchy fur and orange eyes.
—————————————— RiverClan ——————————————
River Crooked Jaw — huge light-brown tabby with a twisted jaw and green eyes. (Crookedstar)
Leopard Fur — unusually spotted golden tabby molly with amber eyes.
Muddy Brook — long-haired light brown tom with golden eyes. (Mudfur)
Beetle Nose — tom with crow-black fur and amber eyes.
Petal Dust — tortoiseshell molly with green eyes.
Vole Claw — gray tom with blue eyes.
Lily Stem — pale gray tabby molly with green eyes.
Ember Dawn — tortoiseshell molly with bright ginger patches and gray eyes. Dawn Bright's mate.
Blooming Grass — brown tabby molly with a white splash under her chin and one white hind paw, with green eyes. (Greenflower)
Black Talon — smoky black tom with orange eyes. (Blackclaw)
Apprentice, Heavy Step
Sky Heart — pale brown tabby molly with green eyes.
Rush Whisker — mottled brown molly with green eyes. (Grasswhisker)
Vixen Leap — large black molly with amber eyes and a short tail.
Reed Tail — pale gray tabby tom with orange eyes.
Loud Belly — dark brown tom and green eyes.
Apprentice, Cold Silver
Mallow Tail — tortoiseshell tabby and white tom with green eyes. *
Apprentice, Soft Shade
Dawn Bright — ginger-and-white molly with hazel eyes. Ember Dawn's mate.
Leaping Frog — muscular gray tom with a striped tail and amber eyes. (Frogleap) Dappled Moss' mate.
Silver Stream — silver tabby molly with blue eyes.
Snow Paws — dark brown tom with stark white paws and amber eyes. (Whiteclaw)
Soft Shade — dark gray molly with pale green eyes.
Heavy Step  —  thickset brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Cold Silver  —  lithe silver tabby tom with dark green eyes.
Dappled Moss  — tortoiseshell and white molly with green-blue eyes. (Mosspelt) Leaping Frog's mate.
Gray Pool — thin gray molly with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle with yellow eyes. Retired early.
Bird Song — tabby-and-white molly with ginger patches around her muzzle, flecked with gray, and yellow eyes.
—————————————— ShadowClan ——————————————
Night Pelt — black tom with a chronic cough and green eyes.
Cinder Fur — thin dark gray tom with orange eyes. Ashen Heart's mate.
Wet Nose — small gray-and-white tom with amber eyes. (Runningnose)
Rowan Berry — cream and brown molly with amber eyes.
Apprentice, Little Cloud
Scorching Pelt —  ginger tabby tom with green eyes. (Scorchwind) Dark Petals' mate.
Dark Petals — black molly with yellow eyes. (Darkflower) Scorching Pelt's mate.
Boulder — silver tabby tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice, Wet Pads
Russet Talon — dark ginger molly with green eyes (Russetfur)
Blizzard Wing — mottled white tom with amber eyes. Feather Storm's mate.
Finch Flight — black-and-white tom with pale yellow eyes. Apple Seed's mate.
Apprentice, Brown Pelt
Wolf Step — blue-eyed dark-gray and white tom with a torn ear. Fern Shade's mate.
Ashen Heart — pale gray and ginger molly with golden eyes. (Ashheart) Cinder Fur's mate.
Speckled Newt — black and ginger tabby molly with pale yellow eyes. (Newtspeck)
Flint Fang — gray tom with thick-furred paws and amber eyes.
Apprentice, Oakley
Fern Shade — tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes. Wolf Step's mate.
Apprentice, Tall Poppy
Apple Seed — mottled light-brown molly with pale green eyes. (Applefur) Finch Flight's mate.
Deer Hoof — dark gray tom with white paws and yellow eyes. (Deerfoot)
White Throat — black tom with white neck and paws and green-blue eyes.
Rat Bite — scarred dark brown tom with pale green eyes. (Ratscar)
Dawn Cloud — small ginger tabby molly with pale yellow eyes.
Brown Pelt — thick-furred brown tom with amber eyes.
Wet Pads — gray tabby tom with bright green eyes. (Wetpaw)
Little Cloud — small brown tabby tom with blue eyes.
Vole Burrow — tiny brown tom with a limping hind leg and light yellow eyes. (Volepaw)
Tall Poppy — long-legged light brown tabby molly with green eyes. 
Oakley — small light brown tom with green eyes. Formerly a kittypet.   (Oakpaw)
Feather Storm — dark brown tabby molly with yellow eyes. Nursery caretaker. Blizzard Wing's mate.
Ash Bark — thin long-bodied gray tom. (Ashfur)
Crow's Tail — black tabby molly. 
Holly Flower — dark gray-and-white molly. 
———————————— Cats Outside the Clans ———————————
Smudge — plump black-and-white kittypet tom with yellow eyes who lives in a house near the edge of the forest.
Barley — black-and-white loner tom with blue eyes who lives on a farm close to the forest.
Raven Shadow — small, skinny black tom with a tiny white dash on his chest, white-tipped tail and green eyes. Formerly of Thunderclan. (Ravenpaw)
Stag Leap — large old dark brown tom. Wren Flight's mate.
Pigeon Flight — dark gray tom with white patches and dark eyes. Torn Ear's mate. *
Shining Sorrel — gray-and-brown molly with bright yellow eyes. (Sorrelshine)
Shadow Broken Tail — long-haired dark brown tabby with orange eyes. Formerly ShadowClan leader. (Brokenstar)
Black Paws — large white tom with huge jet-black paws and amber eyes. Formely ShadowClan deputy. Broken Tail's follower. (Blackfoot)
Claw Strike — battle-scarred brown tom with amber eyes. Broken Tail's follower. (Clawface)  
Stumpy Tail — brown tabby tom with green eyes. Tangle Burr's mate. Broken Tail's follower.
Tangle Burr — gray-and-brown molly with dark green eyes. Stumpy Tail's mate. Broken Tail's follower.
Princess — young light brown tabby kittypet molly with a white muzzle, chest and paws and green eyes.
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"Takagari" by Glenn I. Masuda
Original Description: A contest of Hawk-hunting or "Takagari" between Noriyuki and Hikiji turns to a lesson of honor and respect... Date originally archived: April 24, 2001 URL: Internet Archive
It is a beautiful spring day, the trees and flowers are in full bloom, and winter's harshness has been long forgotten. Standing in a field, nearby a lake stand three figures. A ronin wearing the "mon" of the Mifune clan stands with a female samurai, who wears the clan crest of the Geishu. With them is a young, short and somewhat cuddly-looking young lord. They admire the beauty of the country-side. Usagi, Tomoe Ame and Lord Noriyuki are out on a "takagari" . Usagi is present at Noriyuki's request. There is to be a contest, set up by the Shogun, between the house of Lord Hikiji and the house of Lord Noriyuki. Although the contest is meant to be a sporting event, much honor is at stake, as the winner would surely win favor in the imperial court. During the time of the Shogun, hawk-hunting was very much in fashion, and every local lord kept predatory birds for the pleasure of catching other birds. It was generally prohibited for a private person to keep a hawk.
Trusting in Usagi's courage, honesty, knowledge, cunning and skill, Lord Noriyuki has asked him to work with Tomoe to assure that the proceedings are not sabotaged by agents of Lord Hikiji. "We are honored that you will be able to participate in the ‘takagari Usagi-san.’" says Lord Noriyuki. "It is I who is honored, Lord Noriyuki." says the ronin, bowing humbly to the young Geishu lord.
Usagi was somewhat hesitant, yet intrigued by the idea of a "takagari". He has heard of such things, but had never been to one, as those were usually reserved for members of royalty or other powerful people, such as courtiers and lords in the feudal days of Japan. As the group walks back towards the Geishu castle, Tomoe tells Usagi of the skill of the Geishu Clan hawk-keeper, and also of the skills and proficiency of the hawks in his care. As they get closer towards the castle, they approach the hawk keeping area. They come upon a man who is dressed as a hunter. He is standing, his right arm outstretched. He wears a long leather glove which covers his arm up to his elbow. Sitting on his arm is a magnificent hawk. It’s eyes gleam in the sun. It has a regal bearing and the look of a predator. It fixes it’s glare upon Usagi. Usagi-san returns the hard stare. Something mutual passes between them, fleeting, silent. Perched atop a portable stand is another bird, also a hawk. It appears to be a bit younger, but every bit as fierce looking. The hunter introduces himself. "I am Gyoza, hawk-keeper for the Geishu lord." He proudly shows his birds off to Usagi. "These are my two best birds, samurai-san. This magnificent bird is called ‘Hikari’." He points out that it’s talons are white with stripes on the underside, indicating that the bird on his arm is five years old. "The younger bird on the perch is called ‘Hirogi’." The younger bird has black talons with blue undersides, indicating that birds age to be about three years old. Gyoza beams, "We are sure to win the takagari, not even Lord Hikiji’s birds can out-hunt my beauties!"* * * * *
The hawking contest is divided into only two parties, one of house Noriyuki, the other of house Hikiji. It will take place over three days. The winner would be that party that catches the most birds. Some birds are worth more than others, (e.g., a quail would be counted as three small birds.) The hawks would often would often go after smaller birds like sparrows, buntings, thrushes, but well trained hawks could go after much larger and highly prized birds, such as herons. The greatest prize would be a "tsuru" . Cranes are especially fearful of man, and usually will not go near an inhabited area.
On the first morning of the contest, it is a beautiful, sunny spring day. The contest has been going on in earnest, yet few birds have been taken today. At this time , Lord Hikiji's party has a has a slight lead. Lord Noriyuki is concerned, but his hawk-keeper is confident he will win the day for his lord. Late in the afternoon, Hikiji’s party still has a lead. Hawk-keeper Gyoza is becoming desperate. He carries his birds close to the lake to what he believes is a flocking place for many water birds. A great noise is made by the hawk-keeper’s helpers to startle any birds which may be hiding amongst the dense water foliage. Much commotion is made, and the loud flapping of large wings is heard. Two cranes take flight! "A TSURU!" cries Gyoza. "Quite a prize!" Even though they are frightened and fleeing, the majestic birds are a awesome and beautiful sight. The hawk "Hikaru" has it’s hood removed and is set free. It takes and takes off after one of the cranes. It seems to be drawing attention to itself, away from the other crane. The crane is quick and evades the hawk at first, even taking a few swipes at it. But the hawk is relentless. It finally makes contact, connecting with the crane’s long neck with its claws. The crane valiantly flails, trying to rid itself of its attacker. The hawk is screeching angrily, unaccustomed to having it’s prey fight back. The other crane flies off, crying angrily and piteously. The crane being attacked struggles to shake off the hawk, but the hawk clings on. The hawk Hikaru appears not to be strong enough to bring down the magnificent crane by itself. The keeper sends up the second hawk "Hirogi" to help the first. Hirogi flies up above the fray, then dives down onto the crane. Soon the crane is overwhelmed, and is finally brought down to the ground with a dull thud. Gyoza runs up with a knife to finish off the crane and to cut a bit of flesh from the crane, as it is custom to give every hawk a bit of flesh from each bird it caught. The two hawks sit perched atop the downed crane, both screeching in triumph. As Usagi and the rest of the hunting party run up, they take note of the sight. The crane shows no sign of fear. It is battered, and bleeding, breathing hard. It remains disturbingly quiet, as if it were resigned to its fate. Usagi looks into the eyes of the crane. It is defiant in death, but accepting of its fate. He is moved by its calm attitude, and is reminded of how his old sensei once spoke of the proper attitude of a samurai, even when facing death.
* * * *
It is a fine summer afternoon. The days are long, and mercifully cool. A old lion with a magnificent mane so long it trails behind him, stands by a stream. His bearing is noble, yet priest-like. His clear eyes, however are that of a warrior. He wears the two swords of a samurai. He holds a tall staff, to which is attached a drinking gourd. He smiles knowingly as he watches over a young rabbit struggling fiercely with a fishing pole, and a large fish in the stream. Sweat pours off the forehead of the young rabbit. It is a master swords-man and his shugyosha. "Sensei! I don’t think I can hold on to the ‘koi’! It is too strong!" "Nonsense!" barks Katsuichi Sensei. "The Koi embodies the spirit of a samurai. Do not dishonor it by giving up so easily!" Many more minutes pass, which feel like hours for the young Usagi. Finally, exhausted, he is able to bring the strong fish onto the bank. It has fought fiercely, but now that it has been caught, it lays quietly. Usagi has gathered up a stone to strike the fish into submission, but is puzzled, then fascinated that such a fighter is now laying ever so still. Katsuichi sensei walks up to where the student is crouched over the fish. "Sensei, is the koi dead?" asks Usagi. "Fool." mutters Katsuichi sensei. "See shugyosha, how the "Koi" lays quietly? Is not like other fish. It fought like a true warrior till the very end. But when death is certain and inevitable, it faces his fate with honor and dignity." Usagi still looks upon the fish with puzzlement. Katsuichi sensei reaches down, grabs up the koi and unhooks it deftly with one motion. He then throws it back into the stream. Young Usagi cries out, "Sensei, why did you do that! You told me to catch the Koi! Weren’t we going to have it for dinner?" "Fool." Katsuichi sensei retorts quietly. "I only told you to catch the koi. To destroy a creature of such spirit symbolizing the spirit of a samurai would be a dishonor! Besides, little weevil, the meat of a koi is very musky, and unsuitable for our meal. Come." Katsuichi sensei turns away. "I have prepared a tasty meal of pickled vegetables." A bewildered Usagi looks after the koi now swimming away. He can hear Katsuichi sensei murmuring off in the distance, "Remember that many creatures of nature can teach us the true way of the samurai...."
* * * * *
The samurai-like bearing of the crane touches Usagi. "STOP!" He suddenly orders the hawk-keeper to cease his actions. Gyoza is surprised and upset. "But samurai-san, the crane is worth many birds, and Lord Noriyuki is behind in the contest!" Tomoe is also angered by Usagi's actions, concerned for the outcome of the contest. She firmly states, "Lord Noriyuki's honor is at stake, Usagi, we cannot suffer the humiliation of losing to Lord Hikiji!" Usagi, seemingly unheeding of the anger of the others, gently covers the head of the great, white bird with a cloth, then gently but firmly takes the injured bird up into his arms. It is laying very still, yet he knows it is very much alive.
Usagi carries the bird back to Lord Noriyuki's compound. The bird’s wounds are tended to and Usagi personally nurses it back to health over the next two days. In the near distance, a crane can be seen flying up high in the sky. It cries for its mate. The crane in Usagi’s keeping hears, but only looks up into the sky. The takagari continues, but Lord Noriyuki’s "team" is never able to catch up with Lord Hikiji’s takagari team. On the last day of the takagari, the crane is well enough to be released. Accompanied by Tomoe, Noriyuki and Gyoza, Usagi takes the crane back to the place where it was captured, and removes the hood. The crane looks back at Usagi momentarily. Something fleeting passes between them. It flaps it’s great wings and takes flight. The hawk keeper is looking on disapprovingly, knowing that the contest could have easily been won if Usagi had not intervened. Usagi watches the crane fly away, its wings majestically spread out in the setting sun. It is quickly and happily joined by another crane, its mate. Usagi smiles. Out of view of the hunting party, we see the crane return with its mate to its nest. In the nest we see a few eggs.
At the end of the contest, all of the Clan nobles and their retainers gather in the Shogun’s court. In court, the Shogun hears of the Crane’s story, and although the contest was won in numbers by House Hikiji, he asks that the tale of the compassion and wisdom shown by the ronin in the employ of House Noriyuki be told to him over and over again. Finally, the Shogun acknowledges that although the largest number of birds in the Takagari contest was taken by Lord Hikiji, he awards the victory to Lord Noriyuki, as he declares the capture of white crane to be counted as a actual catch. The retainers of the Hikiji clan briefly protest, but the Shogun maintains that Lord Noriyuki’s hunting party demonstrated a true understanding of the samurai spirit. The Shogun asks to speak with Usagi. Lord Noriyuki bows respectfully and says, "Regretfully, my lord, the ronin Miyamoto Usagi has already left the area. He continues his warrior pilgrimage. Although disappointed, the Shogun nods his approval.
Later, a lone ronin can be seen on a hill, watching two cranes down in their nesting area. He smiles as he remembers another piece of wisdom from his sensei. "Behold the "tsuru" Usagi, legend has it that they live for a thousand years, and that they mate for life. Many creatures of nature can teach us the true way..."
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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18/12/2022-American Wigeon and more at Pennington and bits at home 
We came to Pennington on a wet morning/early afternoon to look for this rarity, and I’m very pleased that we saw it. Thanks to the immense help of a kind person we saw on arrival who had seen it who pinpointed for us the exact area it was at and directions from someone we know online beforehand we got some lovely views of it on the banks beside Efford Lake viewing from the path from Lower Pennington Lane car park. It was a treat to see its creamy head and exotic emerald head stripe as its head went up and down with a flock of Wigeons. It was a very special bird to see, and relocated a few times in regular take offs from the group due to the regular presence of a soaring Marsh Harrier including onto the water at one point. This is a pleasing fifth new bird of 2022 for me, my first life tick since July, taking my life list to 282 and year list to 206. An extremely pleasing figure for me it was such a big thing getting to 200 for me again this year and then getting one more year tick to make my year list my highest ever so to be a fair way into the first tenth of the 200s for my first ever time is amazing. In an illustrious list of species I’ve been lucky to see for the very first time this year it’s another well known species which has been a theme of the year and it’s another American duck.
At Pennington it was also nice to see Gadwall, Mallard, one of my favourite birds the Brent Geese with some flying over and others gathered nicely in a field, Canada Goose, get nice views of Curlew and Oystercatcher, possibly Redshank, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull Blackbird well and Wren dashing into vegetation. Yellow gorse in flower as the second picture I took today in this photoset shows glowed like Christmas lights in the dreary weather, with teasel seed heads, remnants of dock I believe and cleavers looking nice hugging the low sides of the track alongside bramble bushes and trees. It was nice to take in some moody views over the water the third and fourth pictures in this photoset with Hurst Castle just visible in the distance. 
At home today I saw the Blackbird out the back really well again and Starlings this morning getting the first picture in this photoset of the former. This afternoon I enjoyed four Collared Doves lined up nicely on the roof of the garages looking atmospheric in the pouring rain which I took the fifth, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of before they came into the garden to feed which was a great sight. Starlings joined them too and Blue Tit, House Sparrow and Goldfinch were great to see in the garden today as well. I enjoyed raindrops on the windows as the rain persisted this afternoon/towards evening with the yellow, red, green and blue of the Christmas lights on the balcony behind lighting up the raindrops such a beautiful scene I did a re-creation of a shot I took on Christmas Day last year of this these shown in the eighth and ninth pictures in this photoset. On the way out today a Song Thrush in a garden near home was nice to see as was a little New Forest pony on the way back. It was interesting yesterday evening in Southampton as we returned from a festive tradition of ours going to a brilliant pantomime at the Mayflower Theatre to see a Black-headed Gull flying about at night time. A very memorable, relaxing and fun weekend, I hope you all have a good week.
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giffywallsuk · 3 months
Nature’s Touch: Using Bird Wallpapers to Create a Serene Home Environment
In the realm of interior design, the inclusion of nature’s elements can transform a simple living space into a sanctuary of peace and beauty. Among the various ways to bring nature indoors, decorating with bird wallpaper is a unique and enchanting option. The presence of birds in interior design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a room but also fosters a serene and calming environment. This blog explores how bird-themed wallpapers can be utilized to create a tranquil home setting, focusing on popular trends such as bird wallpaper UK styles.
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The Allure of Birds in Design
Birds have always been symbols of freedom, grace, and beauty. Integrating bird wallpaper into your home décor brings these elements inside, adding a dynamic and vibrant touch to the walls. Whether you opt for delicate watercolour sparrows or vivid tropical parrots, birds for wallpaper offer an immediate connection to the natural world. This aspect is particularly appealing in urban environments where nature is not readily accessible.
Choosing the Right Bird Wallpaper
When selecting a bird wallpaper, consider the mood and atmosphere you wish to create. For a soothing retreat, wallpapers with soft pastel hues and gentle bird motifs are ideal. These subtle designs can make a space feel more open and airy. On the other hand, if you’re looking to make a bold statement, opt for wallpaper featuring birds in vibrant colours and exotic species.
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Types of Bird Wallpapers
Classic Aviary Prints: These typically feature a variety of birds perched amongst lush foliage and are perfect for creating a vintage or classical look.
Minimalist Designs: For a modern home, minimalist bird wallpapers with abstract or geometric representations of birds can add a contemporary flair without overwhelming the space.
Photorealistic Murals: Large-scale murals of bird scenes can turn a wall into a stunning focal point, making it feel as if one has a window to a serene outdoor scene.
Incorporating Bird Wallpaper in Different Rooms
Living Room: A mural of birds on wallpaper can serve as a captivating backdrop for your living room. Choose a wall that receives ample natural light to enhance the vibrancy of the wallpaper’s colours.
Bedroom: In the bedroom, bird bedroom wallpaper with calming colours like blues, greens, and earth tones can help create a restful atmosphere. Patterns with flying birds can add a sense of movement and freedom.
Children’s Room: Bright and cheerful bird wallpaper designs can stimulate the imagination of young minds. Opt for playful and colourful patterns that make the room fun and inviting.
Bathroom: Waterproof bird bathroom wallpaper can add an element of surprise and sophistication to a bathroom. Small, intricate patterns work well in smaller spaces.
Styling Tips for Bird Wallpaper
Complementary Colors: Choose furniture and textiles in colours that complement your bird wallpaper to create a cohesive look. For instance, if your wallpaper features bluebirds, consider decor items in shades of blue or neutral tones to match.
Mixing Patterns: If your bird wallpaper is bold and busy, balance it with more subdued patterns elsewhere in the room, such as a striped rug or polka-dot cushions.
Accessorizing: Accessories like bird figurines, feather motifs, and natural wood elements can enhance the theme without making it feel overwhelming.
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Bird Wallpaper UK Trends
In the UK, the trend for bird wallpaper is leaning towards both traditional and contemporary designs. Vintage patterns reminiscent of English country gardens are as popular as modern abstract interpretations of avian themes. Many UK-based designers and stores offer a range of bird white wallpapers that reflect both local wildlife and exotic species, catering to a variety of tastes and interior styles.
Bird wallpaper is a beautiful and effective way to bring a slice of the natural world into your home and create a tranquil space where you can unwind and relax. Whether you’re drawn to the charm of English garden birds or the exotic allure of jungle avians, there’s a bird wallpaper to suit every decorating desire and style. With bird tropical wallpaper, every day can feel a little closer to nature, turning your home into a peaceful retreat that celebrates the beauty and diversity of our feathered friends.
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thepetpantry · 3 months
Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Wild Bird Seed: Elevate Your Backyard Birdwatching Experience
Birdwatching is a delightful pastime that brings nature’s beauty right into your backyard. One of the key elements to attracting a variety of feathered friends is the selection of the right wild bird seed. At The Pet Pantry, we understand the importance of providing high-quality bird seed to ensure that your avian visitors are healthy, happy, and frequent. This guide will help you navigate through the different types of wild bird seed for sale, their benefits, and tips for feeding wild birds.
Understanding Wild Bird Seed Varieties
Wild bird seeds come in various types, each attracting different species of birds. Here's a breakdown of the most popular varieties:
1. Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
Black oil sunflower seeds are a favorite among many bird species. They have a high oil content which provides birds with essential energy. The thin shells are easy for birds to crack open, making them accessible even to small birds. Common visitors include cardinals, chickadees, and nuthatches.
2. Striped Sunflower Seeds
These seeds are larger and have a thicker shell compared to black oil sunflower seeds. While they still attract a variety of birds, they are more suited for larger birds such as jays and grosbeaks due to the difficulty smaller birds face in cracking the shells.
3. Nyjer (Thistle) Seeds
Nyjer seeds are tiny, black seeds that are a favorite of finches, including goldfinches, house finches, and purple finches. These seeds are rich in oil and provide a nutritious meal. Special feeders with small holes are often used to dispense Nyjer seeds, preventing waste and ensuring only the small-billed finches can access them.
4. Safflower Seeds
Safflower seeds have a hard shell, which deters many squirrels and larger, nuisance birds. They are particularly favored by cardinals, titmice, and chickadees. Offering safflower seeds can help in attracting these birds while keeping the feeders relatively squirrel-free.
5. Millet
Millet is a small, round seed that is popular in many mixed bird seed blends. It attracts ground-feeding birds such as sparrows, doves, and juncos. White proso millet is the most common type found in bird seed mixes.
6. Peanuts
Whole or shelled peanuts are a high-protein, high-fat option that is especially attractive to jays, woodpeckers, and nuthatches. However, peanuts should be offered in feeders that prevent squirrels from monopolizing the supply.
7. Mixed Seed Blends
For those looking to attract a wide variety of birds, mixed seed blends are an excellent choice. These blends typically contain a combination of sunflower seeds, millet, cracked corn, and other seeds. It's important to choose a blend with a high proportion of sunflower seeds and minimal fillers like milo, which many birds do not prefer.
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Benefits of Feeding Wild Birds
Feeding wild birds provides numerous benefits, both for the birds and for the birdwatcher:
Nutrition: High-quality bird seed supplies essential nutrients that help birds maintain their health, especially during harsh weather conditions.
Conservation: By providing food sources, bird enthusiasts contribute to the conservation of bird species, particularly those that may struggle to find natural food sources due to habitat loss.
Observation: Bird feeding stations allow for close observation of bird behavior and diversity, making it a rewarding and educational hobby.
Ecological Balance: Feeding birds can help maintain ecological balance by supporting the presence of insect-eating species that naturally control pest populations.
Tips for Feeding Wild Birds
To make the most of your bird feeding efforts, consider the following tips:
1. Choose the Right Feeder
Different birds prefer different types of feeders. Tube feeders are excellent for finches and other small birds, while platform feeders attract larger birds. Suet feeders are ideal for woodpeckers, and ground feeders cater to sparrows and doves.
2. Keep Feeders Clean
Regularly clean feeders with a mild bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water) to prevent the spread of disease among birds. Ensure feeders are dry before refilling them.
3. Offer Fresh Seed
Store bird seed in a cool, dry place to prevent mold and spoilage. Only buy as much seed as you can use within a few weeks to ensure freshness.
4. Provide Water
Birds need water for drinking and bathing. A birdbath or shallow dish of water can attract more birds to your yard. In winter, consider using a heated birdbath to prevent the water from freezing.
5. Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat
Plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers to provide natural food sources and shelter for birds. Avoid using pesticides, which can harm birds and reduce their natural food supply.
6. Be Patient
It may take some time for birds to discover your feeders. Be patient and consistent with your feeding, and soon you'll have a vibrant birdwatching environment.
Why Choose The Pet Pantry for Your Bird Seed Needs?
At The Pet Pantry, we pride ourselves on offering a wide selection of high-quality wild bird seeds that cater to various bird species. Our products are carefully selected to ensure they meet the nutritional needs of wild birds and help you create a thriving bird-friendly habitat. Here’s why you should choose us:
Premium Quality: We source our seeds from trusted suppliers, ensuring they are fresh and free from harmful additives.
Expert Advice: Our knowledgeable staff can help you choose the right type of seed and feeder to attract the birds you want to see.
Convenience: We offer convenient online ordering and prompt delivery, so you can keep your feeders stocked without hassle.
Eco-Friendly Options: We are committed to sustainability and offer eco-friendly packaging and seed options that support environmental conservation.
Feeding wild birds is a fulfilling hobby that brings nature closer to home and supports local wildlife. By choosing the right wild bird seed and following best practices for feeding, you can create a welcoming environment for a variety of bird species. At The Pet Pantry, we are dedicated to helping you succeed in your birdwatching endeavors by providing top-quality bird seed and expert advice. Visit our store or website to explore our range of wild bird seed products and start attracting beautiful birds to your backyard today.
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mol-tbcrewrite · 6 months
AWC - Naming System
(A(aron's)WC is a placeholder name for my asc, tbc, and avos rewrite)
So... I... maybe... sort of... hate the Warrior Cats naming system...?
Don't get me wrong; very pretty prefixes and suffixes come out of that, but... The thing is... I want the naming system to make... I dunno, sense?
Like, for example; Myrtlebloom... why was she called Myrtlebloom. What is the reason? Is it the symbolism? I don't know... She doesn't really scream love, beauty, and loyalty to me.
The color? But she's pale-brown, not the pretty vanilla-looking color the flower has.
Ok. What about, Sorrelstripe, her mom. What's so sorrel-y about her? She looks nothing like the herb, and it just doesn't describe her personality whatsoever. Stripe has to make sense, right? She probably just has a single stripe-
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So... You are telling me... that she was named Sorrelstripe... when she doesn't even have one. Single. Stripe.
I can excuse the Sorrel- part of the name---but if you make her suffix -stripe, even when she doesn't have one...
Yeah, that's when you really need to fix something about the naming system.
How would you fix the naming system?
I'm glad you asked, cat reading this!
So... The prefix & suffix thing; yeah, I'm keeping that. But what I really want to fix is......
The meaning behind the names!
So, for example; Frostfur. Very easy to pinpoint this, she was named after her white pelt and her gray-blue colorpoint markings.
Hollowflight is a more... complicated one. You see, Hollow- is actually a very insulting prefix. If a cat names you Hollow(-suffix), they are basically describing you to be a cat with no personality, no brain/mind, or etc etc. So it is very, rarely ever used as a prefix.
I have a story for Hollowflight soon, but I will discuss more about him when I decide to rewrite the entirety of warriors.
Anyways, this means that Hollowspring will be renamed to Sparrow- (because of his brown-tabby pelt) -leap (because of his powerful leaps and jumps)
Good? Good. We now know how the naming system works in my rewrite... simplified...
A more detailed explanation will be posted soon! But for now let's work with this. :D
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
309 of 2023
True or False Inspired by My Pinterest Boards
Created by joybucket
Section #1- Simple Abundance Where there is love, there is life. I would love to go on a lovely twilight stroll through an enchanted purple forest. The setting sun makes photos more beautiful. I have taken a photograph of flowers in a suitcase, because I thought it looked artsy and cool. I will rise when God calls my name. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you said yes to God's will. I enjoy spending time in nature. I take time to do what makes my soul happy. I believe it's important to take time to do what makes my soul happy. One thing that makes my soul happy is painting. 🖼️ 🖌️ I've been working on a new painting lately. 🎨 I love to dance in the rain. 🌧️ 💃 My faith is bigger than my fear. I hope to never lose my sense of wonder. I think Dove Cameron is beautiful. I seek Jesus first every morning. ☕️ I drink a mug of hot coffee or tea every morning. ☕️ I wish more people would be themselves. Today is a gift. 🎁 Time spent alone with God is never wasted. There are books sitting on my bed right now. I have gone hiking and camping in the mountains. 🏔️🌲 I have journaled while sitting outside in nature. I wear a ton of bracelets every day. I set my mind on things above, not on earthly things. 📖 I've read Song of Solomon. 📖 I enjoy wearing summer dresses. 👗 I never quench the Spirit of God. Snowflakes are enchanting and magical. ❄️ Jesus is my first love. 🌸 I love how the sun illuminates everything at twilight. I've felt encouraged by a Scripture, a quote, or a song recently. The last mug I drank out of was a dusty pink shade. I've seen the Eiffel Tower in person. I'm not waiting for the storm to pass in my life right now; I'm learning to dance in the rain! 💃 🌧️ Taylor Swift is beautiful. I've praised Jesus in the middle of an open field, under open skies. I've run across a grassy field with my arms lifted to the sky. In Christ alone my hope is found. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. I believe I am God's masterpiece. I believe am worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31) I am not worried about tomorrow. I like how dreadlocks look. ....and I've considered getting them. I own a lot of colorful pillows. Wherever I go, I go with all my heart. I've taken a photograph of the view out the window from an airplane. ✈️ My life is more full of adventures than material things. I want my life to be full of more adventures than material things. Sometimes you just need an adventure to cleanse the bitter taste of life from your soul. I like to imagine that I can afford to travel. ✈️ 🌎 I've worn striped tights on Halloween. I live near a cemetery. 🪦 I enjoy taking pictures of pretty flowers in the spring. Silence isn't empty. It's full of answers. I like foggy mornings. My mistakes don't define me. I love to meditate on Scripture. 📖 I love sweater weather. 🍁 I own a winter hat with a pom-pom on top. I want to learn how to make latte art. I own a pair of wool socks. 🧦 I love taking photos of nature.
Section #2- Fashion I own a shirt with a dreamcatcher on the front. I crochet. 🧶 I've ordered something off of Poshmark. I've sold something on Poshmark. I've tried to sell something on Poshmark, but I didn't have any luck. I own something with fringe on it. I own a pair of patterned leggings. I love Bohemian fashion. I like to wear infinity scarves in the fall. I own a blanket scarf. I've knit a scarf. 🧣 I've worn a tank top with jeans. I enjoy putting outfits together. I've gotten a ton of compliments on my style. I wish I could get a whole new wardrobe. I wear a lot of hand-me-downs. A lot of my clothes have come from Goodwill. I own way too many clothes. I own a lot of clothes that don't currently fit me. I like sweater dresses. I own a cowboy hat. 🤠 2014 was one of the best years fashion-wise. My hair is currently up in a bun. I often wear my hair up in a bun. I own a sweater cardigan. I've purchased something from ThredUp. I've sold clothes to ThredUp. I've purchased something from Plato's Closet. I've sold clothes to Plato's Closet. I own a tassel necklace. I've tie-dyed a pair of shorts. I want to tie-dye a pair of shorts. I've been called a fashion trendsetter. I own a shirt with an American flag on it. 🇺🇸
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