#the da is going to walk out of this story with so many hugs
coldfanbou · 2 months
TM Side Stories: Disneyland
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Just pretend Mina is taking the picture also side story doesn't really involve them, I just needed a picture @twice-inamillion
You were happy to be at Tokyo Disneyland, but there was one thing that would have made it better. It would’ve been nice to have had the mothers of your children around, but with the crowd, it wouldn’t have been possible. At the very least, you weren’t alone; you had Momo’s, Sana’s, and Mina’s mom and dad around to help you watch the children. Your little group snapped a picture at the entrance before entering the park. You were very thankful for the help. All the kids besides Da-eun were running around in every direction; whenever they saw a character, they would try to chase after it, and someone would need to follow or grab their hand. That job went mainly to Mina’s and Momo’s parents; Sana’s were far too interested in watching Da-eun.
You sat beside them as you all stopped to catch your breath. “When do you think we’ll be getting a grandchild?” You hear Mrs. Hirai ask. You rub the back of your head.
“Well, you’ll have to ask your daughter when she’s going to want one.” You tell her.
“I’m just worried that she could get tricked into being with that isn’t good for her. We all trust you, so-”
“What she’s saying is that you have our blessing.” Mr. Hirai interrupts. Your conversation ends as Hina runs off again, spotting Mickey Mouse. Hina, usually the shy one of the twins, ran ahead, her little legs barely able to carry her as she grabbed Ari’s hand and dragged her along. It was your turn to chase after them; you came between the twins, taking hold of their hands. 
Hina points to Mickey Mouse, “M-mouse,” She said, her words barely intelligible. You look over your shoulder, trying to get some help, but see the parents taking pictures of you with Hina and Ari. As you get the twins to stop, Jisoo rushes past you. Seeing this, Hina and Ari try to run after her. You hold on and follow along, led by the twins as you hold onto their hands. The Mickey Mouse actor covers their mouth and waves at the kids. As the kids come to a stop, you let go of the twins and watch as Hina waddles to Mickey, hugging their legs. “Mouse!” She yells before giggling. You end up posing for pictures with the kids and Mickey Mouse, passing by at that moment when the Twice members are surrounded by a small crowd. Even then, the kids noticed their mommies and called out for them. They heard the kids' voices and turned their heads, spotting them in an instant. They wanted to go to them and hug them, but they knew they couldn’t, so they continued walking. Mina and Dahyun felt the most hurt because they couldn’t greet their kids, and the children kept calling out for their mommies. Hina took a few steps toward them before you scooped her up and took her to her grandparents. 
You decide to go into one of the stores to distract the kids. They look at all the characters and toys, and you stick with Jisoo while the grandparents watch the others. When you and Jisso are done looking around, you wait outside; she hugs a stuffed animal she got, happy that you bought it for her. Hina and Ari leave the store with their grandparents, Mr. Myoui carrying two Lego sets. “ I told him only to get one.” Mrs. Myoui whispers, patting your back.
You continue around the park with the children, letting them enjoy their day at the park. The kids run around chasing many Disney characters, smiling and laughing the entire day. The children slowed down as the sun began going down, their eyes becoming heavy after exhausting their energy. You were glad, too, the J-line’s parents, and you were at the end of your rope. You decided to leave the park, and the children all smiled as they drifted off to sleep. The grandparents smiled and took pictures as you carried three of the kids. You looked down at a sleeping Da-eun, who was being pushed along in her stroller by Mrs. Minotozaki, happy she wasn’t old enough to run around yet. You were struggling as is with the twins over your shoulders and Jisoo in your arms. You silently wished you had brought the backpacks you could attach the kids to; it would have made the process a lot easier.
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beybaldes · 1 year
trace the outlines of your dreams
summertime sleepover masterlist
dad!roy kent x mum!reader
summary : “Exhausted parents kiss” requested by anon.
an : takes place in the same universe as my fic ‘no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft’ because anon wanted Nell and I did too <3
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“Come on Nell, you can do it. My little superstar.”
It was just you and Nell at home this weekend. Roy was at an away game with the team and Molly had the weekend off so unless she got called in for an emergency surgery, you doubted you’d be seeing any of Phoebe either.
From 10 months old, Nell had started throwing herself about in attempts to move around faster, so she’d picked up walking pretty quickly. But now she was bordering on 15 months old and had yet to get more out then a babble. Since the perfect opportunity to practice had presented itself, you’d spent the entire weekend trying to get her to say ‘Dada.’ She wasn’t taking to it.
“Come on, Nelly. Just one time, okay? Da-da.” Nell ignored you, stuffing as many of her tiny fingers as she could fit into her mouth. Knowing you weren’t going to get it out of her now and that Roy would be home soon, you left her to her toys, getting a head start on making dinner.
The sound of the door closing and a high pitched squeak alerted you to Roy’s arrival. As you walked to the front door, picking Nell up on your way, you greeted Roy with a soft smile. “Hey handsome, we missed you.”
“My two favourite girls.” Roy pressed a kiss to Nell’s forehead as she began to babble at him. “You have a good weekend?”
The two of you stilled, both turning to Nell as she gave a toothless grin, clapping her hands together. “Dada, dada, dada.”
“The little shit.” That seemed to break Roy out the trance he’d been put into by Nell’s first words. “I’ve been trying to get her to say that all weekend, and the little fucker waits until the moment you walk through the door to say it.” You wrapped one arm around him, pulling you and Nell so that the both of you were pressed against him in a hug. “You were right, she’s a total daddy’s girl. Isn’t that right Nell?”
“Dada.” Apparently ‘dada’ was Nell’s new favourite word; she babbled it all the way through dinner, bath-time and her bedtime story, whispering the word over and over until she knocked out cold in Roy’s arms. Roy, however, had remained pretty much silent from the moment he’d walked through the door.
When he’d finally lay Nell down, and crept slowly out of her room, you practically pounced on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a long, proper kiss. As you pulled apart, the both of you let out long sighs, the weight of the weekend spent apart, each filled with hard work, finally catching up to you. “Hmmm, bed?”
“Bed.” Roy confirmed with a grunt, throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to the bedroom. Neither of you wasted time getting into your pyjamas and throwing yourself into bed, settling under the duvets and into each others arms.
One of your hands came to cradle Roy’s face, your thumb running over the apple of his cheek. “What’s wrong, handsome? That was the most I’ve heard from you since you got home.”
“She fucking called me Dad.” He whispered, the proudest smile you’d ever seen forming on his first. “I was her first fucking words.” Roy placed his hand on top of your own, running his thumb over the side of pointer finger. “Sometimes it just doesn’t feel real, y’know? All of this.”
“But it is.” You assured, pulling him flush against you so you could press another long and firm kiss to his lips. “And she worships the ground you walk on because you’re such a good dad to her. Of course, you were her first words.”
“I think you forget only one of us carried her for 9 months.”
“Hey, it’s just like you said.” Roy’s eyes were dropping closed, with each stroke of your thumb across his cheek. “She’s a real you girl, just like her mama.”
Roy pressed a sleepy and soft kiss to your jaw, then nuzzled himself against your chest, noticing the way your body shuddered at the scratch of his beard against your skin, trying to aid it by pressing a kiss to the top of your breast. “That she is.”
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taexbankai · 7 months
I only want you
the other 9 chapters are on my page!
-this is the last chapter finally yayyy. i was really debating on whether i should write this chapter or just leave the story alone but i decided to just do it lol
-please excuse any grammar errors, it’s been a long few weeks lmao
“satoshi and saori, grab your coats so we can leave”
“okay mommy!”
it’s currently 6:23pm and we have to be at satoru’s job by 7pm as he’s receiving an award tonight. it took me at least 2 hours to get the twins ready and dressed. satoshi didn’t want to put his suit on and saori kept crying about wanting to wear make up so she can “impress daddy”
“wait, before we leave let me take a picture of you both! you look so cute” i said to the twins. they smiled at me and gave each other a hug and waited for me to take their picture. after i finished taking their pictures, we left the house and walked to the car
“put your seat belts on!” i said while getting into the car with the twins. i waited until both of them put their seatbelts on before driving off to satoru’s job
“daddy!” saori screamed as soon as she locked her eyes on satoru. she let go of my hand and ran full speed towards satoru, who was speaking with some colleagues
“my babygirl!” satoru said, turning around and smiling at saori. he picked her up and she gave him a kiss on the cheek
“guess you’re stuck with me for the night honey” i said to satoshi who was still holding my other hand
“i don’t mind mommy, i want to stay with you” he said. i smiled at him and walked towards satoru
“hey baby you look amazing” satoru said, giving me a kiss
“thank you, so do you” i told him
“your family is beautiful gojo!” i turned my attention to his coworker in front of me
“thank you!” satoru said proudly
“they look just like you gojo” one of his other colleagues said
“yeah, i spent 9 months carrying both of them just for them to come out with white hair and blue eyes. the disrespect” i said jokingly which made everyone laugh
“i think that their facial features look more like you… they just stole gojo’s color pallet” his colleague said which made satoru and i laugh
“how old are you?” satoru’s work friends asked satoshi
“five” he said shyly, moving behind my legs to hide
“yeah, we’re this many!” saori proudly said while holding up her hand, showing 5 fingers
“so cuteeee, omg i want twins now” another colleague said, this one being a girl
“thank you so much” i said, a huge smile on my face
“babe are you and the kids hungry?, they have a buffet out and ready. my parents and suguru are here too somewhere. probably sitting down at a table” satoru asked, turning to me
“i’m sure the twins are hungry. i’ll feed them, but i’m going to wait for you before i eat” i told him.
“i won’t be too long, just have to finish making my rounds” he said
“okay mr.COO” i said, a big smile on my face. satoru returned my smile and tried to pass saori to me
“no daddy! i want to stay with you!” she said, upset
“don’t you want to eat?” satoru asked her
“i’ll eat with you” she said. satoru looked at me for help
“hey, you wanted a daddy’s girl… now you got her. you always spoil her rotten” i told him
“not fair. you wanted a mommy’s boy, we both got what he asked for” he said, playfully pouting
“come on saori, daddy has to work” i said to her, grabbing her from satoru
“okay” she said, tears slowly making it’s way to her eyes
“hey don’t cry!, i’ll be right back okay? wait for me to get back so we can eat together okay babygirl?” satoru said to her. she immediately started jumping up and down, any sadness in her body now being gone
“okay!” she said
“mommy, can we go sit down now? i see uncle suguru and auntie yuki over there” satoshi said
“sure baby” i told him. i grabbed saori's hand and walked over to the table where everyone was sitting
“grandma! grandpa!” the twins yelled as they saw satoru’s parents
“my grand babies!” satoru’s mom said as she opened her arms , waiting for a hug
“well, if it isn’t my favorite grandkids” satoru’s dad said
“we’re your only grandkids” satoshi said, earning a loud laugh from mr.gojo
“smart, just like your grandad” he said. i walked over to them and gave both of them a hug before walking over to suguru and yuki, also giving them a hug
“hey, where’s my niece?” i asked suguru
“she wanted to stay with mom. she’s been over there for 2 days now, she doesn’t want to leave” suguru said while shaking his head
“that’s because mom and dad always spoil the kids when they’re over there. for a 7 year old, it must be heaven staying over there” i told him
“every weekend she wants to go over there. now that it’s summer break i doubt she’ll ever want to come home” yuki said, a happy smile on her face
“yeah, the twins are going over there tomorrow and are staying for a few days. mom and dad keep asking for them, they were just at satoru’s parent’s house for almost a week!” i told her
“well hey, now you and satoru will have some alone time” she said, making sure to throw a wink at me
“i know. he’s been so busy with work lately, we didn’t have time to go out or anything while his parents had them” i said, glancing at the twins who were each on their grandparents laps, talking and smiling
“okay i’m back… why haven’t any of you started eating yet?” satoru said as he came up to our table
“we were waiting for you son” his mom said while smiling at him
“yeah, it is your big night after all” his dad said
“well, let’s go eat. my kids are hungry” he said while laughing. everyone laughed with him and we stood up and made our way over to the buffet. satoru and i both held two plates, one for ourselves and then one for one of the twins. once we grabbed everything we and the twins wanted to eat, we made our way back over to the table. we started eating, talking and just having a good time
“excuse me everyone? may i have your attention please?” everyone in the building looked towards the stage and saw a man in a nice suit speaking into the microphone
“hello, my name is yaga. i will be presenting the awards for the night as mr.gojo asked me to himself” i glanced at satoru’s father who continued to eat his food
‘wouldn’t the ceo of the company give out the awards?’ i thought. i shook the thought off and continued eating while watching everyone who received an award go up to the stage and get theirs. satoru ended up winning 4 different awards
“for this last award, the ceo will present it himself” yaga said. everyone began to clap as satoru’s dad began to stand up
“grandpa can i come?”
“me too? pleaseeee?” the twins asked him. he laughed and nodded his head. they both jumped up from their seats and went to hold his hands as he walked up to the stage. satoru and i immediately took our phones out and started recording
“good evening everyone. i just want to say thank you to all of you who came out here tonight, and congratulations to all of my wonderful employees who’ve helped me and the company out in so many different ways. i appreciate each and every one of you. i have my grandchildren here with me tonight. they mean everything to me, say hi” satoru’s dad said as he lowered the mic so the twins could speak into it
“hello!” satoshi said
“hi! that’s my daddy over there!” saori said and pointed to satoru. the room erupted in a fit of laughter
“they’re so cute”
“they’re so well behaved
“awww omg look at them!” i heard from around the room. satoru blew a kiss to saori
“look at my babies!” i said to myself, feeling like a proud mom. suguru, yuki and satoru’s mom also had their phones out recording the twins
“i just love them so much. anyways back to the awards… i’ve been thinking over this for a while trying to decide how i wanted to give this award. my wife stayed up with me for many nights helping me collect my thoughts. instead of saying all the mushy stuff i originally had planned, i’ll just get right to it” he turned to his left and motioned for someone on the side to come out. shortly after a worker came out holding three different trophies, two small ones and one larger one. he handed them to satoru’s dad
“ thank you!… really quick, i would like to give these 2 awards to 2 very hard workers. they come in on the weekends and give me company in my office. i help them with homework and in return they show me unconditional love and support. i don’t think i could go on living without these two in my life. so i would like to give satoshi and saori gojo these awards” he said. everyone started clapping and cheering. i stood up in shock, making sure i was still recording, i moved closer to the stage to record and take pictures. satoru followed right after me
“look at our babies” i said to satoru, tears threatening to fall. i watched the twins look at their grandfather in shock before happily grabbing their trophies and giving him a hug. they then got ready and posed for the professional photographer
“i didn’t know my father was planning on doing this. i’m so happy he did though, look at their smiles” satoru said to me. i turned to look at him and saw that he was crying
“okay, now that my grand babies have gotten their trophies, it’s time for my last and final award. i’ve owned this company for over 40 years, my blood, sweat, and tears are in this company and i couldn’t be more proud of how it came out. with that said, I’m at the age where i want nothing more than to relax on vacation with my wife and grandkids, so that leads me to my next statement. my one and only child, my miracle child, gojo satoru, it’s finally the time where i let you take over the company… now come up here and get this trophy mr.ceo” satoru father said, tears in his eyes. satoru looked at me in utter disbelief
“congratulations baby! i’m so proud of you!” i said to him, giving him a kiss. everyone around us was cheering. i could no longer hold in my tears, a few fell onto my face from happiness. satoru gave me one final kiss before he walked up onto the stage and gave his dad a heartfelt hug. the twins also hugged him and the photographer took a picture of all of them together. satoru’s mother came up onto the stage and took a picture with them as well
“now one with just you guys!” his father said. i went on stage and stood on the other side of satoru, he put his right arm around my waist and had his left hand on satoshi’s shoulder. the twins stood directly in front of us and we posed for the camera. once all the pictures were done we all returned to our seats and the event continued on as usual.
“hey satoru, congrats on your promotion!” one of satoru’s coworkers said as she came over to our table. she called him satoru instead of gojo so i assumed they’re close
“thanks akari” he said to her
“a few of the guys want to take a shot with you to celebrate. wanna come with me?” she asked him, leaning down closer to him
“i’m driving home tonight so no” satoru said, taking a glance at me
“i thought you came with suguru?” she asked
“i did, and i’m leaving with my wife and kids” he said, getting slightly frustrated
“one drink won’t hurt though!” she said, trying to convince him to drink
“he said he’s good. the answers no” i said, getting irritated by her constant begging. she looked at me with a shocked expression while satoru smiled at me
“okay okay, no drinks then. just come swing by and say hey” she said. satoru sighed and stood up
“i’ll be right back” he said to me before he followed akari to where the men who wanted to celebrate with satoru were standing
“she was clearly flirting with him…right in front of you at that” yuki said, scoffing in disbelief
“she’s always like that. that’s why i usually try to keep her and satoru separate while at work but she always will always find some reason to enter his office and bug him” satoru’s dad said. i didn’t respond and instead checked on the twins. they were eating some cake and watching videos on mine and satoru’s phones
“i’m gonna head over there with satoru for a little… wanna come babe?” suguru asked yuki, she nodded her head and they both walked over there to join satoru
“y/n, can i take the twins back with me to our house?” satoru’s mother asked me
“sure. i’ll pick them up tomorrow because they’re going to my parents house around 2pm” i told her
“oh don’t worry, i’ll drop them off to your parents house! you just relax and enjoy your time with satoru” she said. i smiled and thanked her. they didn’t need any clothes, toothbrushes or anything since they each had their own rooms, clothes, toys, ipads, and everything else at each of our parents houses
“so you’re really not our ceo anymore huh?” a man said to satoru’s dad as he sat down in satoru’s previous seat
“nope. my son is more than capable of running this company on his own. hell, he’s been helping me run it since he was 17” satoru’s father said, a laugh following him after he finished speaking
“that’s nice. i’m sure he’s gonna do great things with this company” the man said, a small smile on his face
“how have you been naoya? how’s your father?”
“he’s been good, we both have been. what about you?”
“all has been well!”
“i see… what a beautiful family you have here” naoya said as he looked at the twins and then me
“yes… very beautiful” he repeated, his eyes locked on mine. i cleared my throat and turned to my right to check on the twins again, who were still preoccupied with their cake and videos
“yes, well my son was lucky enough to find such a beautiful bride” satoru’s father said. i turned my head and smiled at him
“he’s a lucky man” naoya said, turning to face satoru’s parents again
“y/n sweetie, we’re gonna start getting ready to go, it’s getting a little late” satoru’s mother said. i said okay and told the twins to take one more bite of their cake
“but i’m not done yet mommy!” satoshi whined
“don’t worry, there’s more cake at grandma’s house! and it’s your favorite flavor!” satoru’s mom said. the twins smiled and got up to stand with satoru’s parents. i gave his parents hugs and kissed both of the twins on their forehead
“do you want me to walk you out?” i asked his parents
“no it’s okay sweetheart, satoru is headed this way so he can walk us out. i have to speak with him about something anyways. go enjoy yourself” his father said
“you guys leaving already?…. and stealing my kids again i see” satoru said as he stood behind me, a smile on his face
“yes, can you walk us out? i have to speak to you about something” his dad said. satoru followed them outside. i turned around and walked back to our table and saw that naoya was still sitting there on his phone
“is your family not here with you tonight or something?” i asked him, sitting down in a different seat than before so we wouldn’t be sitting side by side. he looked up from his phone and immediately started smiling
“nope, just me tonight. i came with some friends though” he said. i nodded my head and took a sip of my drink that was still on the table
“so..” he said, getting up from his seat and moving into the empty seat right next to me
“how long have you and satoru been married for?” he asked me
“all these chairs and you decide to sit right next to me?” i asked him as i scooted my seat away from him
“sorry, i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. i just wanted to get to know you better” he said. i felt a little bad for being so mean to him
“5 years… we’ve been married for 5 years” i told him
“wow 5 years? you guys dated for how long before that?” he asked
“2 years. i got pregnant after our honeymoon” i said
“amazing. his father told me that you two have known each other your entire lives. i can tell you mean a lot to him. that diamond on your finger is quite literally blinding… how are you able to walk around with it shining in your face?” naoya said. i looked down at my wedding ring and laughed at his joke
“that’s just satoru’s style” i told him, a smile now on my face
“i see. the diamond is in the shape of a heart too, wow” he said, slightly scooting closer to me to look at my ring, which i happily showed him
“yeah, it also has a little bit of pink mixed in there too! our names are engraved on the inside of the band, his wedding band is the same. he’s so thoughtful when it comes to jewelry” i told him, smiling from thinking back to when satoru proposed to me. the beach proposal with airplanes writing out will i marry him was so romantic to me. i was pulled out of my thoughts by naoya grabbing my hand gently and pulling to towards himself
“yes, very thoughtful indeed….though if it were me, i would have gotten you 3 rings with 3 different diamond shapes that you can switch out every other day” he said. i let out a awkward laugh and tried to pull my hand back
“i don’t need 3 ring-“
“you don’t need satoru. you’re too beautiful to be with someone like him. he’s so cocky” he said. my slight smile dropped as i looked at naoya. i thought he was cool but obviously i was wrong
“let go of my hand please” i told him
“just listen to me beautiful, i can make you feel good… much better than lousy ass satoru can-“ naoya was cut off by satoru roughly pulling his hand away from mine and gently pulling me up from my seat, wrapping his arm protectively around my waist
“flirting with other people’s wives now naoya? unbelievable” satoru said while glaring at naoya
“jealous satoru? scared i’m gonna take your sexy wife?” he said, standing up and glaring back at satoru
“don’t react satoru, you know he’s not worth it” suguru said as he walked over to us with yuki
“ah, suguru. you and satoru really are always together. must be pretty happy huh? now you and satoru have both taken over your father’s companies” naoya said. both suguru and satoru ignored him
“let’s go” satoru said. he grabbed my purse and i made sure i had both of our phones and all 3 trophies from tonight before grabbing satoru’s hand and following him towards the door, suguru and yuki coming as well. once we made it outside i felt someone grab my arm
“wait” we all stopped and turned around to see naoya holding onto me
“let go of her right fucking now!” satoru yelled, his anger quickly rising as he approached naoya. i snatched my arm from naoya and place my hand on satoru’s chest trying to calm him down
“toru lets just leave. we were having a good night… don’t let him fuck it up” i said to him
“she’s right satoru” suguru said. satoru took a deep breath and turned back around as we continued walking to our car. naoya continued to follow us. once we made it to the car, i put the trophies in the back seat as satoru opened the passenger side door for me and began walking to the drivers side
“you’re really gonna stay married to a man like that?” naoya asked. i ignored him and closed the back door before walking over to suguru and yuki who were parked just beside us. i gave both of them hugs and said our goodbyes. satoru came over as well to begin saying bye
“someone like satoru doesn’t deserve happiness! he took everything from me! i wanted to become the next ceo. i worked here longer than satoru has. it’s not fair, he got the position because he’s his son! satoru has been privileged since the day he was born. to make matters worse, he has a loyal best friend, a hot wife, and 2 beautiful children who are twins?! it’s just not fair! i should be the one who get’s to come home everynight to you and the kids. i should be the one making love to you and making you feel good, i should-“ i walked up to naoya and slapped him across the face. everyone stood there in silence, shocked from my actions
“you make me sick. the fact that you’re standing here speaking ill of my husband right in front of me is crazy. this is why you have no lover, no trusted friends, no children, and no company. don’t speak to me ever again” i said, turning around once i was finished talking. i walked back over to our car and got in, closing the door. satoru got in right after me and started the car up
“you want to go out somewhere?” satoru asked me, not wanting to bring up anything else involving naoya. i turned towards satoru after putting my seatbelt on
“sure, where to?” i asked
“a club. suguru and yuki are already going. he just asked me if we were down to come but i didn’t get the chance to ask you because of everything that was going on” he said. i laughed and agreed with going
———————after the club—————
“y/n, you need to drink some water” satoru said as he carried me into the house
“babeeee, i’m fineeeee” i said, holding tightly onto his neck to keep myself from falling
“i knew i shouldn’t have let you drink that much” satoru said while kicking the front door closed. he skillfully moved through our dark house and went straight to our bedroom. he gently placed me down on the corner of our bed and then walked over to the bathroom and turned on the bath water
“take your clothes off and get into the bath. the smell of the alcohol yuki spilled on your dress is extremely strong” he said to me as he walked out of the room and back downstairs. i listened to him and began taking my clothes off before stumbling over to the warm bath. i got in and turned the water off as the tub was filling up quickly
“toru!….. toru?!” i called out satoru’s name wondering what was taking him so long
“i’m here baby what’s the matter?” he asked as he enter the bathroom, a cold water bottle in his hand
“get in with me please?” i asked. he laughed at me and handed me the water bottle that was in his hand
“you’re so cute when you’re drunk” he said as he started unbuttoning his shirt
“actually, i’m not that drunk… just a little tipsy” i said. satoru got into the large tub and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap and making my chest hit his chest
“satoru gojo!” i yelled, surprised by his sudden actions. i gently slapped his chest while he laughed at my reaction
“i love you so much y/n. you make me so happy, i honestly think i’m the luckiest man in the world. i have a beautiful, loving wife who blessed me with two healthy, beautiful children” satoru said while looking at me
“and now you’re the ceo of your dad’s company!” i said to him excitedly. he didn’t respond, instead he just looked at me and smiled
“yes, i truly have everything” he said. i smiled at him and gave him a kiss
“i love you too toru. thank you for taking such good care of me and the twins. you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me” i told him, tears falling from my eyes
“my little cry baby… i’m afraid you’ve passed this trait down to our children” he said while laughing, earning himself another slap on the chest
“come here” he whispered. i sat up straight as satoru pulled me into another kiss, this one being more passionate than the last one. the once innocent kiss started to slowly heat up as satoru pushed his tongue into my mouth. our tongues moved against each other for a while before i started sucking on his tongue
“fuck…you’re gonna make me go crazy y/n” satoru said once he broke the kiss
“that’s the plan” i said. he smirked at me and shifted my body on his lap. he gently pulled me up and positioned himself at my entrance before slowly pulling me back down. as i sunk down onto his dick i watched satoru’s reaction. the way he threw his head back and moaned out my name while keeping his eyes closed. the way his mouth was slightly open and how his eyebrows furrowed as he continued entering me
“sorry baby, i just couldn’t wait any longer. since i saw you walk into the ceremony with that tight dress on i couldn’t think about anything else but fucking you” he said. satoru didn’t wait for me to respond, instead he pulled me upwards and then slammed me back down onto him causing me to wrap my arms around his neck to keep my balance
“wait… let me do it. i want to watch your face while i fuck you” i told him. he let go of my hips and smirked at me
“guess you’re in charge tonight” he said as he leaned back against the bathtub, lifting his arms to hang on the rim while looking at me waiting for my next move. i looked at him, a huge smile on my face as i thought back to my little 15 year old heart broken self. i really married my first love, had kids with him and is living a dream come true. i couldn’t be any happier right now.
IT’S DONEEEEE!!! i was going to add a last smut in but someone dm me the other day and told me that i’m absolute trash at writing smut’s and that my words aren’t very descriptive during the smut so i decided not to write it. anyway, thank you all for reading my story i really hope it was enjoyable… until next time, byeeeee.
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tdoong15 · 4 days
i really love your stories they are so cuteee can you do one of autistic!momo and cg!sana pleasee and she has a little raccoon stuffie thank youuu💖💖
Hiiii thank you so much of course I will do that (≧∇≦)/
Littlend!Momo. Cg!Sana
Warnings: none
Momo + Barbie
The day started out like any other, except for the fact that Sana wasn't woken up by the sound of her alarm clock, instead it was by an upset Momo who was clearly desperate for the other girl. “Mama! ‘ake up, Bawbie is gone!” Momo repeatedly shakes Sana, her missing toy wasn't actually a Barbie doll she was genuinely referring to her favorite raccoon plushie which she dubbed Barbie.
Initially, Sana was planning on staying asleep since she was incredibly tired but when she heard what was missing she quickly shot up and got out of her bed. “Do you know where you last put him, Momoring?” Sana asks as she holds Momo's hand while walking to the little's room. “Nuh uh, mama.” Momo shakes her head for further emphasis.
When the duo reached Momo's room, Sana opened the door and she immediately went on the hunt for the raccoon plushie because she knew how much it meant to Momo. Sana was rummaging through anything and everything she could as she was determined to find Barbie. Momo watched on from the sidelines, the girl started to get increasingly more and more nervous and panicked to the point that she was nervously stimming by picking at her hands.
“I FOUND BARBIE!” Sana declares as she raises the raccoon plushie high up in the air, her hair was a complete mess but she didn't care, what mattered to Sana was Momo's expression changing into one of relief and joy. “Barbie!! Mama you're da best!” Momo says as she hugs the plushie and Sana since she was very grateful of the fact her comfort toy was found.
Sana smiles widely as she returns the tight hug, she knew that Momo enjoyed pressure so she hugged the little with a lot of pressure but not so she was squashing Momo. “You're welcome, Momoring. Now that we've found Barbie, how about we go play together?” Sana suggests which earned her an eager nod coming from Momo before she ran towards the living room.
The caregiver tried her best to catch up but it was a bit difficult when she had to deal with Momo basically becoming The Flash. “I never knew you could move that quick, Momoring.” Sana says through breaths when she actually caught up to Momo. “Mama is so slow!” Momo laughs loudly as she sits on the floor. Sana couldn't help but laugh too, she felt like Momo's laugh was contagious and she couldn't stop herself from laughing as soon as she heard it.
Once they finished laughing, Sana sits down on the floor in front of Momo and they start a game of princesses and knights, which includes Momo and Barbie being the princesses and Sana being the knight in shining armor that saves them both from imaginary dragons that guard the tower. The dragons in question were actually Momo's dogs, Boo and Dobby, and the castle was simply the couch.
“Mama dats cheating!” Momo yells as she sees Sana distract the dragons by giving them treats. “Hmm? I think that I'm only using my initiative.” Sana responds with a giggle which only got her an unamused look from Momo. “Nuh uh, you gotta do it again.” Momo shakes her head as Boo and Dobby head back over to the duo.
After many attempts and Momo making up random rules, Sana was able to rescue Princess Momo from the evil (lazy) dragons. “What do you want-” Sana was going to finish her sentence before she got interrupted by her little girl. “ ‘m hungwry mama!” Momo responds in a loud tone while she starts to pick at Sana’s shirt with one hand while the other hand was holding Barbie and petting her dogs.
“Okay, how about we cook together?” Sana suggests which earned a nod to come from Momo. With that in mind, Sana picks up the little and she goes to the kitchen. “I wanna have pasta, mama” Momo requests as she is placed on the floor. Sana paused so she could think about what she would do, in the end she decided to make a simple spaghetti bolognese since it was something that she made with Momo a lot.
What was meant to be Sana attempting to cook by herself, turned out to be Momo helping by giving directions, she occasionally helped out with the actual making of her lunch such as preparing the pasta or mixing the sauce until it was sorted out. From time to time Sana would hear that she's not doing something correctly but she would quickly change her style for the one that Momo approved of.
After everything was made, Sana knew how to plate up the food perfectly since it was one of the things she knew what to do the best in the kitchen. “Does this look good, Momoring?” Sana asks while she presents the food to Momo, who smiles widely and nods her head quickly.
“Come on, we've gotta go eat now, Barbie.” Momo tells her raccoon plushie as she happily hops over to the table so she could eat with her plushie and mama. Sana has a small and soft smile on her face as she carefully carries the plates over to the table, trying her best in not tripping on anything. Thankfully it worked and she was able to enjoy a good meal with her little girl, who she sometimes helped with because she wanted her mouth to stay at least moderately clean.
Helloooo I'm sorry for not posting but recently I've been having major writers block and I've just not been able to think of anything. Work also get in my way and now I'm also back at college now, so I don't actually know what will happen I'll probably be able to write things though, so that's good. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and you have a great day/evening/night
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seiberries · 1 year
hihi! I have an idea!! karaoke date with reo?
hehehe get the title? i hope this is satisfactory!!
ka(reo)ke : mikage reo short fic
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mikage reo x gn!reader / listen to: kirari - fujii kaze
warnings: none! except maybe reo’s spending habits!
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it was his idea, surprisingly. though mikage reo could probably rent out a whole clubhouse for you two to sing in, he wanted to experience the little moments in life with you. the idea of a room with colorful lights and a TV set came into mind.
a minute or so ago, reo took your hand to drag you towards your date spot. he had been looking forward to it all day, a bright smile appearing on his face as he walked. it was a surprise too, so you let yourself get carried away by his excitement.
you knew you’d enjoy it no matter what, anyway- it was reo, after all. he has yet to disappoint with any of his date ideas.
he halted after a few more steps of walking, going behind you to cover your eyes. surrounded by darkness, or more-so his hands, he guided you forward. you giggled at his antics, he did this every time. it was pretty cute of him. the boy resembled a puppy, always anticipating your reactions; you can imagine his purple tail wagging.
“ta-da! here we are.” he lifted his hands, revealing a small black building with a large glass door, posters littered along the outer walls. you realized where you were after a sign caught your attention.
“karaoke house.” you read, before rushing to hug who had brought you here in the first place. so he remembered? see, a week ago, you had mentioned wanting to try this activity out after seeing it featured in a drama you enjoyed. you were talking to yourself then, so you never would’ve guessed that he had taken note of it. always paying attention to you, it was one of the many things you loved about him.
you expressed your thanks, taking his hand this time, and walking into the place. as soon as you entered, the lady at the front desk was already personally bringing you to your assigned room, no words were exchanged except for her overenthusiastic greeting. your boyfriend’s influence knew no bounds, he must’ve reserved a spot previously to make sure everything went right.
you take a brisk trip using an elevator to the third floor, the hostess leading you to a red door labeled “VIP”. she bows her head and leaves, thanking you both for choosing their branch in a polite tone.
reo opens the door for you, a gentleman as always. he lets you go into the room first, closing the door himself afterwards. 
he really prepared for this.
the tv was already turned on, your favorite snacks neatly placed on the glass table in front of it. the disco ball hanging from the ceiling spun with different colors, all reflecting onto the room.
your jaw was gonna hurt soon from how widely you were smiling. reo saw your expression, and swore to himself that he’d do all he could to make sure you’d smile like that everyday that you’re with him, which hopefully meant forever. he’d take you here anytime you wanted-  he’d take you anywhere, anytime, if it meant forever.
you two sit down, picking up the song book positioned beside the food. you quickly notice how all of the songs on your favorite playlist are conveniently located on the first page, looking at your partner knowingly as he scratches the back of his neck.
“ah... you caught me. yes, i had to spend extra. but, it wasn’t much at all! just enjoy, okay?” he explains, leaning in to lay a peck on your forehead. you never need him to spend on you but, he does regardless. it was a mikage love language. it makes you roll your eyes, albeit jokingly, your smile still accompanying the action. 
“let’s sing, shall we~?” he stands up to take the two microphones near the television screen, handing one to you. you then choose a song, reading the corresponding numbers, as the boy presses on them using the keypad provided.
you started the late afternoon with taylor swift, love story, a song you both knew by heart. it was an extremely familiar tune- to you, since it was your favorite, and to reo, precisely because it was your favorite. well, he does likes her music too, but that’s besides the point.
you were jumping around already, just stopping to take a bite of the snacks that were prepared by the facility. singing loudly, your boyfriend gladly providing you with back-up vocals. the sound of clapping is heard after you finish your “performance”.
the following song was his favorite, kirari by fujii kaze, you knew it by word too. you cheer him on as he sings almost passionately, recording a short video of it on your phone. god, your boyfriend really is good at everything; he even sings well. perhaps he was an idol in his past life? the song suits him. 
he points at you as he sings the following lyrics.
“where have you been, i’ve been looking for you take me there, take me there. giving up everything, and going with you to anywhere, to everywhere”
oh, he’s dedicating this to you. 
your face feels hot, hands moving to cover your cheeks. the grin you sported was too big to hide though, reaching ear to ear. the song finishes, and reo approaches you.
“it looks like you enjoyed, hm?” he teases.
“be quiet.” you pout, turning away. 
the afternoon passes as song after song plays- some from your playlists, some from his, some classics, and some popular and new.
both of your voices were slightly hoarse by the time you’d finished, the fun you had being more than enough to compensate. voices and food gone, you just cuddled close to reo, a sweet silence filling the once noisy room. you pair were somewhat worn out, so you needed this before departing the building for the day.
“thanks, love.” you voiced out, scattering kisses on the violet-head’s face. he was more than happy to receive them, giving you a love-struck gaze as he watched you start to slip into sleep. you had all the time in the world, the person he spoke with on the phone gave him the whole day to use their services. he’d wake you up later.
mikage reo would devote his life to making you smile. you’d never know how much, but spending more money than he needed to for this date was very necessary!
little moments with you were priceless, so of course he’d give everything for them.
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batfam-rewrites · 1 year
Batfam During Quarantine: 27 Minutes (Remastered)
Batfam During Quarantine: 27 Minutes
Hey, quick heads up, this is a slightly reworked version of the third post I made for this series. My continuity on this series got really messed up for a bit and I have so many drafts that I still have yet to publish so I'm going through all of my old stuff to fix the chronology of the stories and also put a bit more pressure on me to finish this series. Please keep in mind that my writing skills kinda improve throughout the series, but this one has been the most reworked so far, and there is a good chance this will be reworked again in the future.
Dick: Good morning adopted dad!
Bruce: *grunts*
Tim: Bruce is so stressed out. Yesterday I watched him stare at a page load for 1 second and he screamed his head off. He almost destroyed the computer.
Jason: I literally saw him counting grey hairs the other day. Whatever it is it must be Tim’s fault.
Tim: Don’t you blame this on me....
Dick: *speaks over Tim* Okay so anyway, here’s the challenge, *speaks a bit lower* first person to make Bruce smile gets to drive the Batmobile on their next patrol.
Cassandra: Awesome, how do we decide who.......
Jason: *walks over to Bruce*
Cassandra: Never mind.
Jason: Hey Bruuuuuce.
Bruce: *glares at Jason while slurping coffee*
Jason: Want some breakfast? *turns on stove* How about some eggs!
Bruce: What do you want?
Jason: Nothing! Just to see my *pauses a bit* old man smile.
Bruce: I will shank you.
Jason: Loving this new color on you? You should be pissed off all the time.
Bruce: Go away.
Jason: Okay......d.....d...da...
Alfred: Don’t burst a blood vessel Jason.
Jason: No, I can do this. Da......d.a....dad *sighs and puts his hand on the stove* AHHH, FUCKER!
Bruce: Jason, are you okay!
Jason: GET AWAY FROM ME, I CAN DO THIS BY MYSELF BRUCE! *quickly runs to the bathroom to run cold water over his hand*
Duke: Well that was entertaining!
Cassandra: *lays head on Bruce’s shoulder and hugs him*
Bruce: *hugs Cassandra back but no smile*
Damian: Father, I brought you a gift. *pulls out a picture of the entire batfamily together*
Bruce: *Bruce smiles* Thanks Damian, that’s really thoughtful of you.
Damian: *turns towards everyone and points* YES SUCK IT LOSERS!
Daily Briefing
Dick: Okay, so we have reached a low point of criminal activity for Gotham City which is a good thing.
Cassandra: A bit funny how it took a pandemic to make Gotham a bit peaceful.
Dick: Exactly my point. Now, with that said, we will still be doing patrols starting at 11. Tim, this is your week on sanitation duty. Throughout the day we will train a bit harder than normal. There will be scheduled times and you will each have partners. Try to train no less than two and a half hours a day. Training should include sparing, cardio, strength, and tumbling. Try to spar with someone new every week.
Dick: Also Jason, you remember when you said you wish you could fall like me.
Jason: I was being sarcastic.
Dick: I will finally be teaching you how to do pommel horse 1 hour a week like you asked.
Jason: I will kill you.
Duke: Being honest, I’d like to try high bar and floor. I feel it will be very beneficial for me in the long run.
Dick: Awesome! You got it. Now everyone has until tomorrow to pick their partner, I know my partner will be Jason. 
Jason: Fuck you.
Dick: Also, last thing before I make the training schedules and routines, I need to address something. There are quite a lot of people in Gotham City still refusing to wear mask. During the day lets try to hand out mask with our own designs on them to everyone who we come across during the day. I already ordered them and they should be here by Saturday, so that is something we will be doing starting next week. 
*alarm sounds off in the batcave*
Alfred: It would seem there is a fire at Wayne Tower on the thirty-second floor.
Dick: Alright, Duke, Jason, and I will go to check it out. Everyone else do what you would normally do.
Tim and Bruce
Tim: Hey Bruce, I brought you some coffee!
Bruce: How many cups have you had?
Tim: Three large cups.
Bruce: After......
Tim: *mumbles* The five cups I had with breakfast.
Bruce: There we go.
Tim: Okay so what are we doing?
Bruce: Someone found a weakness in Wayne Tech's firewall and is trying to hack into my server. If they do so they will have knowledge of the companies upcoming projects, along with the identities of our persona’s.
Tim: How long do we have?
Bruce: 27 minutes. Try to locate the hacker.
Nightwing, Red Hood, and The Signal
Time- 19:37
Nightwing, Red Hood, The Signal: *all pull up on their motorcycles at Wayne Tower*
Fire Marshal: *approaches the three vigilantes* Hey Nightbird....*looks at Red Hood and The Signal* and gang, look, this wasn't a big fire, it was contained very quickly so there's nothing really to worry about.
The Signal: So we’re good to go, awesome!
Fire Marshal: There's not much you can really do, so yeah.
Nightwing: Thank you fire marshal but if you don't mind, we'd like to stick around for the investigation.
Fire Marshal: No, that's not necessary! We have it all covered!
Red Hood: I take it that you haven't been in Gotham for long. It wasn't an offer, it was a statement.
Fire Marshal: *sighs* Very well.
Nightwing, Red Hood, The Signal: *walk into the building and make there way up to the stairs up to the thirty-second floor*
Tim: Nightwing, are you still at Wayne Tower?
Nightwing: Yeah, what’s up?
Tim: We’re dealing with a hacker trying to get into the server at Wayne Inc. We think the hacker is inside the building....
Nightwing: Say no more! We’re on it!
Tim: Find him fast, we have t-16 minutes and 55 seconds to find him!
Fire Fighter: *runs by to a fire truck* Lets go, lets go!
The Signal: What's going on?
Fire Fighter: There’s been another fire across town. Lets move out!
Nightwing: Shit *mumbles under his breath* Okay, Signal, investigate the fire upstairs. Red Hood, search the building, there is a hacker somewhere and we need to find him before he hacks us! I'll go to the next fire!
The Signal: Got it.
Red Hood: Understood. 
Nightwing: *bolts out into the stairway towards the ground level* Red Robin, I'm on my way to another fire, Red Hood is in charge of looking for the hacker and Signal is investigating the fire.
Tim: No time! I'll send The Signal to search for the hacker, too! Investigate the fire later!
Nightwing: Got it!
Tim: Signal, Red Hood! Start looking for the hacker!
Red Hood: Already doing so!
The Signal: But Nightwing said...
Tim: Shut up and do it!
The Signal: Got it!
Alfred and Julia
Alfred: What are we watching
Julia: Well, I thought that with both of us being former spies, I thought we could watch an American film franchise called Mission Impossible.
Alfred: And tear it apart by it’s inaccuracies!
Julia: Yes!
Alfred: Sounds wonderful!
Tim and Bruce
Time- 13:17
Harper: I came as fast as I could.
Bruce: Good, set up your computer.
Harper: Why isn’t Alfred helping?
Bruce: Shut up and get to work.
Harper: Okay then!
Time- 12:14
The Signal: Fuck! *runs through and between all of the Wayne Enterprise employees* Sorry, excuse me! Coming through! *keeps searching for someone hunched over their computer* Out of the way! Coming through! I'm so sorry! *makes his way back to the stairs and climbs up to the fortieth floor, opens the door and finds the floor empty, but still hears the sound of a guy typing away* Signal to Red Hood, potential suspect on the fortieth floor!
Red Hood: Copy that, standing by!
The Signal: *turns the corner and gets into a stance*
Hacker 1: *looks over* Ah!
Hacker 2: *jumps up behind The Signal and kicks him in the back*
The Signal: Uck! Red Hood, hackers on the fortieth floor!
Red Hood and The Signal
Time- 12:14
Red Hood: *walks on to the twentieth floor and lifts his pistols in the air and fires two rounds* Everybody, go down to the next floor now!
Everyone: *rushes off to the stairs*
Red Hood: *observing everyone that leaves the floor*
The Signal: Signal to Red Hood, potential suspect on the fortieth floor!
Red Hood: Copy that, standing by! *continues to observe the crowd and notices a face* Hey you!
Noah: *looks around and points to himself*
Red Hood: *points* Yeah, you!
Noah: *walks over nervously* Please don't hurt me, I don't want any trouble!
Red Hood: Relax, I'm not going to hurt anyone here. We're just looking for a guy. What's your name?
Noah: My name is Noah.
Red Hood: Sup Noah....
The Signal: Red Hood, hackers on the fortieth floor!
Red Hood: Gotta go! *pushes through the crowd and runs up the stairs, then enters the door for the fortieth floor*
Hackers 1 and 2: *holding The Signal by his arms and legs*
Red Hood: *raises his pistols and fires a few shots at the hackers, but misses and takes a few heavy breaths* That was a warning shot! Next time I won't miss, drop my partner!
Hackers 1 and 2: *drop The Signal and charge at Red Hood*
Red Hood: *dives out of the way and turns around and shoots the hackers with rubber rounds* You guys probably should have spent less time coding and more time in physical education in high school! *taps his helmet* Red Hood to Bat-cave, we got the hackers!
Tim: Good, now look for a R.A.T.!
The Signal: Ew! Gross!
Tim: Not an actual rat, a Remote Access Tool!
Red Hood: What's it look like?
Tim: You're looking for a window on the computer or maybe a USB connected plugged into it!
Red Hood: *checks one of the computer screens*
The Signal: *checks the other computer screen*
Red Hood: Nothing out of the ordinary!
The Signal: Same here!
Tim: Keep looking, it has to be somewhere!
Red Hood: *keeps looking* Tell Batman he's going to need to buy some new shit for this floor! *starts picking up computers and smashes them to the floor*
The Signal: Red Hood! What are you doing?
Red Hood: Narrowing down our options!
Time- 9:23
Nightwing: *pulls up with the fire trucks at the apartment complex in flames, hooks up a small oxygen tank to his waist and connects the hose to his mask, then sees a resident waving from the terrace on the third floor, he then rushes over and climbs up each terrace and fires a grappling hook from his escrima stick onto the top of the building* Step over the railing, I got you! *he gestures for the resident to step over*
Resident: *steps over the railing and into Nightwing's arms*
Nightwing: *holds on to his escrima stick which slowly lowers them down he then lets go of the resident*
Resident: *runs to a safe place with the other residents*
Nightwing: *turns the valve and runs inside the building, checking for any other residents stuck inside*
Firefighters: *start spraying the apartment*
Kid: Help!!!
Nightwing: *runs up the stairs to where the yelling is coming from and finds a parent lying on the floor unconscious*
Kid: *crying* Help, my.... my...
Nightwing: *kneels down and places a hand on the kids shoulder* Hey, you're dad's going to be okay, but right now we have to get out of here. Okay?
Kid: *nods their head*
Nightwing: *lifts up the kids dad over his shoulder and carries the kid as he begins to rush down the stairs only to see the stairs going to the first floor are engulfed in flames, then drops the kid and the dad gently against a wall as he grabbed the fire extinguisher and clears a path for them to go down, then lifts the kid and dad back up and runs down the stairs and out of the door*
Paramedic: *runs over with a stretcher*
Nightwing: *helps lay the dad on the stretcher then runs back in, shooting a grappling hook at the roof and reels himself up the stairway, climbing three floors before the ceiling gives way and Nightwing falls*
Batgirl: *reaches out for Nightwing's arm* Ah!
Nightwing and Batgirl
Time- 5:54
Nightwing: Aren't you a sight for foggy eyes! *reaches up with his other arm up to the railing and crawls over the railing* Are you okay?
Batgirl: *starts to lift a few of the residents* Ow! Come on! We have to get these people to the paramedics!
Nightwing: Go to the fire escape!
Batgirl: Not safe, the metal is starting to bend!
Nightwing: *pushes against the railing he just climbed over* This one is holding! Go check the top floor, if no one is there head down!
Batgirl: *goes up to check the top floor*
Nightwing: *attaches a grappling line to the railing and carries the two other residents reels them all down then races out of the building to meet the paramedics*
Batgirl: *finds one more resident and taps their shoulder* Are you okay?
Resident: *starts to wake* Uhhhh.
Batgirl: Can I help you?
Resident: *goes limp*
Batgirl: *carries the unconscious resident out of the room and reels them both down the building, then racing out of the building to meet with the paramedics*
Bruce, Tim, and Harper
Time- 4:37
Harper: Ha! Gotcha sucker!
Bruce: Did you stop them?
Harper: No, but I got their IP Address! Computer is being accessed on the twentieth floor!
Red Hood and The Signal
Time- 4:07
Jason: Son of a bitch!
The Signal: On our way there!
Red Hood and The Signal: *running down the stairs*
The Signal: About what happened.... (being manhandled like a jump rope)
Red Hood: We have bigger problems right now!
The Signal: Right, right!
Jason: *slows down for a second, then races down fast* Shit, I KNOW WHO THAT MAN WAS!
The Signal: *tries to catch up* Red Hood! 
Red Hood: *bursts through the door for the twentieth floor and unleashes a primal roar*
Noah: *still sitting down* You're smarter than I remember Red Hood! Don't bother grabbing your guns. I'll be gone before you even fire.
Red Hood: *taps the side of his helmet to send video of the situation to The Signal* The hackers on the fortieth floor, they were...
Noah: Yes, just a distraction! Really impressed by your physicality by the way, but I sure bet you are exhausted right now.
Red Hood: I can still take you out!
Noah: No you can't. Hans!
Hans: *grabs Red Hood*
The Signal: *turns invisible and sneaks past Hans and Red Hood, then approaches Noah and bashes the laptop with his escrima sticks*
Noah: Nooooo!!!
The Signal: *kicks Noah and whacks him a few times with his escrima sticks*
Red Hood: *knocks his head against Hans' head*
Hans: *lets go of Red Hood and stumbles back*
Red Hood: *turns then kicks Hans' chest, then reaches forward and tases Hans*
The Signal: *becomes visible and ties up Noah*
Red Hood: *ties up Hans* Have I ever mentioned how impressive your meta-human abilities are?
The Signal: You can mention it more, I can use the ego boost!
Red Hood: We captured The Calculator and his goons, how is it on your end Red Robin?
Tim: All clear over hear! Nice work guys!
Alfred, Julia, Stephanie, Cassandra, and Selina
Alfred: Why would he choose the safe house. If this were reality Ethan would have already been arrested.
Stephanie: Alfred, we love you to death, but your ruining an amazing movie.
Julia: The movie ruined itself by it’s inaccuracies. Plus this is our bonding time, you guys weren’t even invited!
Selina: Yeah, but you guys took the only copy and once we saw you watching it, we just really wanted to watch it, too.
Harper: Oh, cool! Mind if I join?
Alfred: *sighs* The more the merrier.
Nightwing and Batgirl
Nightwing: Gotcha Jay, thanks for the info! Alright, our guy lives in apartment 22 on 1807 Zics Street. Let’s head there now and see if we can find him.
Batgirl: Want to get something to eat after?
Nightwing: If we race there we can eat sooner!
Batgirl: Lets go!
Nightwing and Batgirl: *jump on their motorcycles and drive to the apartment where they found the arsonist, then tied him to a lamppost and Batgirl informed the GCPD the location of the arsonist*
Nightwing: So, how has your dad been doing?
Batgirl: Not too bad. He’s been a bit under pressure but he’s doing fine. How is it being a dad at the mansion?
Nightwing: Ohhh god. I had the thought once and decided to leave that duty to Alfred. 
Batgirl: *Barbara laughs*
Nightwing: I help him a bit. It’s been so difficult acting like a grown up. I had to seriously step in when Alfred called Jason “Master Todd”
Batgirl: Please explain further?
Nightwing: Well, because Jason is, well, Jason, he lost his shit because he’s “not a snooty ass rich motherfucker, Alfred!”
Batgirl: Damn, I could so see that.
Nightwing: Yeah, and it doesn’t help that Bruce totally lost the ability to interact with other people. The other day Damian was acting up and Bruce picked him up and shouted “WHERE’S THE OFF BUTTON!”
Batgirl: *laughs harder*
Nightwing: *laughs* I wish you could have been there, it was funnier in person.
Batgirl: *leans her head on Dick’s shoulder* 
Nightwing: I love you Babs.
Batgirl: I love you too, Dick.
Dick: *got into the batcave and began creating workouts for everyone, then went to the bathroom and took a shower in the batcave, got out, and went upstairs and entered the media room*
Dick: Aw, isn’t this sweet!
Julia: Get the fuck out Dick!
Dick: Damn, okay.
Dick: *walks into the kitchen to see everyone in there*
Tim: Someone took long getting back to the mansion.
Stephanie: What happened.
Dick: I met up with Babs.
Everyone: WHAT!!!!
Damian: No fair. If I knew I could have been with Jon this entire time I would have!
Selina: You’re not able to Damian, and you knew you weren’t suppose to interact with anyone outside of the mansion.
Dick: Chill. Everything is fine. We’re more likely to get sick on patrol then by hanging out with each other.
Selina: In which if we do get sick on patrol and run into each other we then get them sick!
Dick: It's fine! What’s up with Alfred and Julia?
Selina: No....
Jason: They got tired of everyone ruining their family bonding time so they kicked us out.
Dick: That makes sense.
Helena: *rings the doorbell*
Dick: I got it. *walks over to the door and opens it* Helloooo...............
Helena: Hey Dick, you look great!
Dick: *slams the door shut and covers the door*
Jason: *walks up to the door and shoves Dick to the side and opens the door* Hey, Helena! It's so awesome to see you! What are you doing here?
Helena: I’m here to stay and help. Where should I put my bags?
Jason: You could put them in any of the open guest bedrooms up on the third floor! You remember where that is, right?
Helena: Yep!
Dick: Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool. *starts to sit down*
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kittysuicoffee · 2 months
A little family time (no sound ground electrical jam! Au short story 1/6)
It was Saturday morning mayday laid in bed sleeping when her alarm went off she pick it up and threw it against the wall breaking it before sleeping again "that's the tenth one you broke this month..." Eloni said getting up and unhooking himself from his charging port he looked 0ver at mayday who mumbled something before light sounds of snoring was once more heard Eloni sighed with a small smile he got out of bed and walked out of his bedroom. He l0ok up to hear noises coming from the kitchen he followed them to see his daughter dynamite trying to make something " morning mite." "Morning dad!" Dynamite exclaimed happily she held a whisk in her hand which currently had pancake batter on it she turned back to what she was going while Eloni sat at the table “where’s mama?” “In bed sleeping she broke the alarm clock again…” “what…. That like the tenth one this month! Boy she don’t like waking up…” Eloni laughed “no no she had a late performance last night… she needed the rest…” “well…. These pancakes would get her up quickly!” Dynamite exclaimed happily she had started to get place the batter into the hot pan cooking it while she made breakfast her and her father talked she spoke excitedly about the up coming music competition which was happening in a few weeks. “Me and Elvis are going to practice today! Making sure we win this! We going against the best of the best!” Eloni laughed “you do wonderful before you go for your practice today how about we hang out as a family for a little bit? Your mom really want to spend on time with us.” “Yeah! It would be so fun!” “Fun?” Mayday yawned walking into the kitchen “morning mama!” Dynamite said happily “Morning love.” Mayday went over to Eloni and kissed him “morning handsome…” “gross!” Dynamite exclaimed mayday and Eloni laughed she sat down next to her husband holding his hand “here you go mama!” Dynamite set down a plate of pancakes which had whipped cream with a strawberry on time mayday quickly started eating Eloni cleaning her face while she eats. After a moment Eloni, mayday and dynamite went out of their soon and walked around vinyl city going to many different stores listening to the new music that had been coming out dynamite saw a poster with a new versions of the 1010 crew a all female singing group “hey dad how come grandpa J want to make a new group?” “Well he say that we deserve a break… but do t worry the others still there helping out.” “I bet they have to live up to the original after all!” Mayday said with a laugh Eloni rolled his eyes “it’s just weird to me…” Eloni place a hand on his daughter shoulders and he looked at him “mite it’s fine am still singing it’s not like we been fully replaced vinyl city still loves us.” Dynamite nodded looking away from the poster they continued their walk dynamite was walking far ahead of them “hey Eloni?” Eloni looked at mayday who looked at him with worry “you sure your okay with J replacing ya? You seem a little bother by it…” Eloni shook his head “no am not I just to be there for you and dynamite.” “Aw are you a sweetheart! Well me and dynamite appreciate you for thinking of us!” Mayday hugged Eloni he kissed her forehead lovingly “ow sorry!” Both Eloni and mayday look up to see dynamite helping a woman up she was quite tall her she towered over her her outfit consisted of light gray sea greens with different color shade one eye was showing which looked lifeless which made dynamite a bit nervous around the woman… “you don’t have to apologize little one…” said the woman her voice was as silent as a mouse she continued her walk leaving dynamite confused “you okay mite?” Eloni asked mayday turn to look at the woman that passed them “rude…” “am okay da-.” Dynamite hair pins fell out and a mini explosion happened.
Eloni hummed as he fixed dynamite said pin mayday was in the kitchen making lunch for them “hm…” “what does “hm” mean?” Dynamite asked “looks like am gonna have to ask grandpa J to fix this it seems your pin on this side is getting loser by the minute…” “didn’t you fix it last week?” Mayday asked walking out the kitchen she had a sandwich in one hand and two batteries powered drinks in the other she handed the drinks to her husband and daughter “I did. But something must be becoming lose within the plug…” dynamite sighed “can we see grandpa tomorrow? I have to head to practice with Elvis.” Mayday and Eloni looked at each other “mmm I don’t know mite… what if your hair pin fall out again?” Mayday asked “I’ll be fine! If it does I’ll go to grandpa J myself. So… pleases….” Mayday and Eloni sighed and nodded dynamite jumped up and hugged them she drink her battery drink before running out.
“It can’t be her right?” Mayday asks Eloni couldn’t answer on the tv their was wanted posters of dynamite and Elvis both were being accused of committing a crime… and on her big day of the music competition… how can this get anymore worse…
I hope y’all like this short story more will come in the future!
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skzhocomments · 1 year
Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter XII - Company dinner
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad link
AO3 link
Chapter XI / Chapter XIII
Chapter XII - Company dinner
word count: 3k words
Since your mother-in-law was spending time with Haru, you took the time you needed to relax, sleep in the afternoon, pack for the trip, then get ready for the dinner party.
It was the first time in a while when you went out, and you were really in need of socialising face-to-face with some adults.
You picked a knee-length dress and some black thighs, and you felt a bit self-conscious of your stomach that still didn't completely disappear after giving birth, but chose to ignore it and just go out and have fun.
"Ready?" Minho smiled at you. "You're really beautiful!"
"Thank you!" You smiled back. "You don't look too bad yourself."
He was wearing a casual black suit, and he looked like a model, as usual. His shirt had one too many opened buttons, and you took a peek at his chest shamelessly.
The ride to their company wasn't too long, and as soon as you arrived and Minho took you to one of the rooms upstairs. You were glad to see that the boys were already there.
"Da-Eun! I missed you sooooo much!" Taemin hugged you tightly, and you sat down next to him.
Onew waved at you over the table and mouthed a "Hey, beautiful", making you smile.
The drinks were pouring as you and Taemin were playing a funny would you rather game that consisted of dilemmas. You found a Facebook page about it and knew he would most definitely love it, but you didn't want to send it to him, even if you messaged almost daily.
Your messages mostly consisted of him sending pictures of his cat or food, and you sending back Haru's cute sleeping poses and little toes.
Well, you only sent toes once, actually, because Taemin shocked you by sending back a picture of his feet as well, so you figured that whatever you sent, he'd send back. This was indeed a weird power to have.
"So, the next one says: 'There's always a fog in your house' OR 'There is moss growing on your bed'. What would you choose?" You asked him, laughing.
"Would a moss bed be comfortable?" He contemplated, supporting his chin on his fist.
"To be honest, having fog in the house would be pretty fun. Like a concert or something." Jinki answered, making you raise your gaze and look at him. He must've been bored out of his mind to participate in your silly game.
You saw something in the eyes of the girl next to him, who was sitting directly in front of Minho, and you wondered if it was just your imagination. Why would she look annoyed at you?
You didn't pay it much mind at first.
"I think I'll go with moss." Taemin replied after careful consideration.
"I'm definitely picking the fog." Jinki laughed. "I mean, think about it, it's pretty cool."
"How's that cool? What if you can't see where you're walking?" Taemin scoffed.
"Or like, if you burn something up while cooking. Would it be fog, or smoke?" You added.
"Woah, you're thinking far!" Jinki exclaimed.
"What about you, Da-Eun?" Taemin asked. "Settle the debate."
"Hmmm. Depends how thick the fog is, but I'm not sure I'd like sleeping on moss."
"Come on, it would be fluffy!"
"You do have a point." You chuckled.
"So, you're on team Taemin then, or are you joining the dark side?" Jinki asked you with a grin.
"The fog side-" Taemin started.
"I'm team Fog." You shrugged.
"That means it's 2 vs 1, so we won." Jinki boasted.
"No way! Not fair. Minhooooo!" He shouted, but he didn't hear Taemin at first, being immersed in a conversation with the woman in front of him. You softly bumped your elbow into his side, making him give you attention.
"Yea?" He smiled. "Sorry Ji-an, just a sec." He excused himself and turned to the three of you. The girl rolled her eyes.
"We are having an intense debate," you explained, deciding to ignore what you just saw, "and wanted another opinion."
"Let's hear it."
"So, would you rather sleep on a bed where moss is always growing, or would you rather have fog in our house at all times?"
"Well, I can always cover moss with bed sheets." He shrugged. "So I guess moss is better."
"See?!" Taemin grinned. "Moss is the obvious choice."
"What idiots would pick the fog?" The girl next to Jinki and in front of Minho, who he was just talking to a moment ago – Ji-an, if you understood correctly, who rolled your eyes at you talking to your husband – intervened.
"Guess we're idiots." Jinki shook his head and looked at you.
"No, we're definitely smarter." You replied serious. "Minho, look-" You now turned completely to him, and his eyes stayed fixed on yours as you explained your rationing.
"Even if you cover the moss with bed sheets, moss means there's a lot of humidity. The bed sheets would always be damp and uncomfortable, and who knows, you might even have fog, since fog is normally formed where it's humid. The room would definitely be humid-"
"Yea, Minho! You can't pick moss and force Da-Eun to sleep on a damp bed! Ew." Jinki exclaimed, referencing the fact that you two are married so you probably sleep together.
That felt like a rock fell on your head, because you've never slept next to Minho, not even last night, when he didn't bother returning to the bed. Jinki's words made you over analyse. Minho was your husband, why did you never sleep next to him? Did he even like you romantically, or was he just caught up in the moment last night? You definitely started to have a thing for him. Heck, you sucked his dick and masturbated to the thoughts of him moaning your name.
Your gaze moved again around the table, and you saw Ji-an's cold eyes on you again, as Minho captured your hand and spoke. "You're right, you're right. I'll pick fog as well if my dear wife picked it." He tapped on your hand a few times soothingly, then resumed his conversation with the girl in front of him.
"Okay, let's just move on." Taemin waved his hand around. "You've cheated, Da-Eun!"
"I didn't! Oh God! Okay, the next one says: 'every time someone tries to sell you a membership, you say yes', or 'every time you want to dance, the music stops'. What would it be?"
"That's kinda unfair." Onew remarked. "We wouldn't be able to do our job if we picked the second option."
"We can just sing, though?!" Taemin exclaimed.
"Yea, imagine singing the instrumental parts." You laughed.
"Having to get every membership is a bit much, though." Jinki thought.
"I don't know how to dance, but imagine like going to the club with friends and the music stops everytime you move."
"Or at a concert. Fans would be so shocked!" Taemin burst out laughing.
"Do we all agree that the membership is the lesser devil?"
All the three of you nodded.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get some air, I'll be back in a bit." Minho whispered in your ear, and you just nodded, getting back to playing with the guys.
"Just a question before we start again. What's with that girl? Maybe it's in my head, but it feels like she's been throwing daggers at me the whole evening." You asked, chuckling nervously, as soon as you noticed Ji-an getting up from her seat and leaving the table as well, following Minho.
"Oh, it's definitely not in your head." Taemin laughed.
"Yea, she and Minho had a thing a while back, but they broke it off due to very little time to see each other." Jinki clarified.
"She definitely still has a thing for him."
"Oh." Was all you could reply, while you let the information sink in. "Anyways, let's get back to our game. Next one is: 'every week, you have to send a detailed report of your week to your friends'-"
"Taemin already does that." Jinki laughed.
"OR 'you can flush the toilet only once a day'." You continued, ignoring the interruption.
"I don't send you detailed reports! There's so much more I could send!"
"Like what? At this point, I swear you're even texting me when you go to the bathroom."
"No, I'm not!" Taemin defended himself, and you raised a questioning brow.
He scoffed, and seeing the gaze you and Jinki threw at him, he finally admitted. "Okay, I am. I guess I'll pick this one since I'm already doing it!" He laughed. You loved Taemin's energy so much.
You continued playing for a while, the three of you having a lot of fun and getting drunker with each passing minute as you downed the 7th bottle of Soju together.
While Taemin contemplated on the answer to your latest question, you noticed it's been a while since Minho left the table. Ji-an wasn't back either.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Wait for me." You declared, while standing up with resolve. On your way to the bathroom, you turned a corner and saw Minho and Ji-an in a pretty compromising position. She was holding his collar, while his hands were on her wrists, but you couldn't tell if he was pushing her away or keeping her close.
You considered turning around and giving them privacy, but there was a sinking feeling in your stomach, and you didn't know if you actually wanted to give them any more privacy.
Minho was your husband.
Why should you let other women touch him?
If that's what he wants, he should tell you and you should just get divorced, then.
You shrugged and started walking towards them, slowly. They didn't notice you at first, so you overheard bits of their conversation.
"Look, I'm sure we could make this work. After I heard you got married-"
"Please let go." Minho replied with a sigh. "I really don't want to do this here."
"Let's go back to my place, then?" She asked, hopeful.
"Ji-an, that's not what I meant." He sounded tired. "I obviously don't want to get back together, I have a family-"
"A fake one." She intervened and tried pulling him closer by the collar, but he didn't budge.
You got fairly close to them, and as soon as he saw you, Minho's eyes grew wide.
"Sorry to interrupt." You showed them a smile that didn't reach your eyes.
"Da-Eun, I swear it's not what it looks like-" He pushed Ji-an's hands away and turned to you. "I didn't-"
"Come on, Minho, stop pretending! I know you still have feelings for me too!"
"We broke up ages ago, Ji-an..." He frowned.
"Bullshit! What, don't you think I know that you two don't love each other?" She shouted and looked at you, as if threatening you.
Ji-an was beautiful, undoubtedly so. You understood that Minho might have had a thing for her in the past. But you were his wife.
Why should you cower in front of her and let her disrespect your relationship like this, with no shame whatsoever?
"Look," you started calmly. "I don't care what was between you." You grabbed Minho's left hand and noticed the gold ring on his finger. Ever since you told him you liked seeing him wear it, he never took it off.
That gave you courage.
"But we are a family, and we have a child to raise, so I will say this respectfully only once: leave my husband alone. Yea? The past is the past." You continued smiling fakely, and Minho held your hand tighter.
"I won't have it. You're just taking advantage, having everything handed to you on a silver plate, and you preach 'family'?! Minho is just a cosy blanket for you to fall on, while he is my whole world!" She continued. This was a personal vendetta against you.
"Why did you break up, then?" You shrugged. "But you're right about that. He does hand me everything on a silver platter." You looked at him, noticing Minho's worried gaze on yours. "But you know what? That's not a problem, because... I'm willing to give him back a golden one instead." You glanced into his eyes, confessing the feelings you've been harbouring for a while now.
Going to therapy helped you understand that you shouldn't feel guilty for feeling love for someone else. You could start loving Minho while still being in love with Kibum and his memory, and that was okay. It took you a while to comprehend this, so you were glad you brought it up in therapy three months ago. It gave you plenty of time to adjust to the feeling growing in your chest and the happiness you felt whenever he was around you.
"You're such a whore, you know that? Your boyfriend died not even a year ago, and you already want someone else?!" She mocked you, but her words didn't even registered. They were empty, like all those comments you've been reading on the internet. "And the thing you said earlier about the child, you really think he could ever love some other man's baby?!" she pushed your buttons, but you didn't have to say anything in response, because Minho started ripping her ear off about how disrespectful she was. He seemed sick of staying silent and didn't want you to go through this battle alone, since it wasn't even your battle to begin with.
It was his fault that things escalated to this point.
"That was the dumbest shit you've ever said." Minho replied coldly. "Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot love?! Who do you think you are to speak like that about Da-eun when you don't even know her?!"
"Minho, I didn't-"
"Don't ever say something like that about my wife or my baby again. About me? Go and bullshit all you want. But don't you dare say that ever again about them, Ji-an. Got it?"
"Got it?!" He repeated harshly.
Her face dropped as she realised that she said the wrong things. Minho continued on and on about how inappropriate she's been, he let her know there was never going to be anything between them again, and she should just leave the two of you be and stop trying to get between you, especially when it came to things she knows nothing about.
You were truly happy that he stuck to your side, and his hand tightly holding yours as you started to walk away from Ji-an amplified that growing love in your heart a million times.
Still, you unloaded all these feelings on Minho without actually knowing how he felt about you, so as you were walking through the hallways, you saw the door to the stairs and decided to suggest a small detour.
You nudged Minho towards the stairs, and as soon as you passed through the door, you looked at him.
"Da-Eun, I'm so sorry..." He started. "That was Ji-an, my ex-girlfriend. We dated for a while before... but you know I was away for a year during filming. We broke up, and I haven't spoken to her since, I swear."
"Minho, you don't have to explain." You shook your head. "There's nothing to apologise for, and I'm not mad at you."
"You aren't?"
"Why would I be?" You tilted your head with a frown.
"The way she was touching me... I would be upset if another man held you like this." He replied and grabbed your wrists, placing your hands on his neck, similar to the position he was in earlier with Ji-an. "She grabbed me, and I didn't want to outright smack her hands away, although I should have... I was just taken aback."
"That's okay."
"I'm serious!" He added, almost desperate.
"I appreciate you telling her off when she spoke like that about me and Haru."
"Of course. It's the truth. We are a family." He affirmed, and damn was it hard to not kiss him right then and there.
But you had to find out something first. To hear it from him.
"Minho, I... I need to know something." You glanced into his eyes, and you realised how much you loved how sparkling and alive they looked.
"But I'm fairly intoxicated, so bear with me."
"That's fine." He chuckled.
"I need to know where I stand. I mean, I prefer being rejected than being confused, so... Uhm, I'm having feelings for you, so if you don't feel the same way, please do me a favour, and reject me loud and clear-" You said, but before you managed to finish your rambling, Minho was already capturing your lips with his in a fevered kiss. Your hands moved to his nape as he started pushing you against the wall, and you couldn't get enough of his raw passion.
When your tongues made contact, you felt euphoric. You couldn't taste him enough. You wanted him closer, you needed him, but it was not the time, nor the place to have such an intimate encounter. The steps and voices that you started hearing from above told you as much, so, much to your dismay, Minho broke off the kiss and glanced into your eyes instead.
"I like you so much, Da-Eun. You have no idea."
The voices were getting closer.
"You are simply breathtaking. I can't get enough of you." He continued in a whisper, and despite your bodies creating distance, his eyes told you that he wanted you as much as you wanted him.
"Hey, if it's not Choi Minho!" A man you didn't recognise greeted him. Next to him was a woman that looked around your age. "And this must be your beautiful wife, right?" He continued, looking at you. You were sure your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, so you just hoped the make-up was enough to cover it.
"Hey! Yes, this is Da-Eun. Love, these are our stylists, ..."
You continued chatting for a while before the pair excused themselves, and you decided to head back home as well. After you greeted Taemin and Onew goodbye, you hopped in your car and went to the apartment to rest before departing in the morning.
(A/N) I'm back with another chapter. 
We only have 3 left, so this feels a bit bittersweet hahah.
I hope you enjoyed it.
They finally confessed!
Let me know what you thought.
Chapter XI / Chapter XIII
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darkravens-blogs · 6 months
The deers big meal
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I don’t even know what this title is but it just popped in to my mind
Alastor x black!reader
Summary:where you and your family are having family dinner and Alastor can’t keep his hands off the food or you
Word count:I have no clue
Notes: your Alastor wife and this does have black foods in it specifically the foods I cook wit my family also this is not the Alastor smut I’ve been working on I’m still working on dat oh and since I’m black imma just talk how I normally do only when da reader or her partners talk tho but if yall can understand it I can change it just let me know
“Aight yall I just got off dat phone wit mah ma and her and my pa or going to be coming to both meet yall and to cook yall thanksgiving dinner wit dat help of me” i say while i walk into the lobby”really im my god I can’t wait to meet them when are they coming” Charlie asked in excitement. “Dey coming ta day since we gotta start coming da day befo thanksgiving” “WHAT!” Everyone yelled(besides husk and Alastor they already knew that because they already met your parents and had dinner with them before) “ye is dat a problem or somethin”i say while tilting your head. “ no no no not at all I just wish you told us sooner when will they be here?” Charlie ask nervously “oh Dey be her in bout three or fo hours so imma go out and buy everythang I need Alastor I need ya to find me a big pot and I medium pot and well das it cuz imma go buy Alda seasonings” I say as al gave me a bright smile and nod while going to get me what I need.
I wave bye the my wife and walk into the kitchen and grab every thing she needed”hey Alastor?” I turn around and see Charlie”yes dear” “um um so what is y/n’s family nice like her” .I laugh “yes dear they are but just like her if you get in there bad side they can be the most scary people you will ever meet trust me do not get in there bad side trust me matter fact I almost didn’t marry her because I made her mom and dad mad”. I say and laugh as I remember that day like it was yesterday back then I was so sad they I might not marry her and I was scared of her parents I still am just a bit.”but don’t worry cuz I did marry her after all after she conceived her parents to give me a second chance but once you get to know them there so lovely and sweet you’ll love them”.I say and walk out of the kitchen and go to sit in the lobby”wait you almost don’t marry her why I wanna know please tell us” Charlie said “yea smiles tell us and also tell us how you score a hottest ass baddie like y/n” angle said as Charlie sat next to him” oh um that’s a story for another day” I say nervously.
“Ok ok guy der here guys remember say yes mama no mama yes sir no sir only al and husk and me can call them well not dat and please angle tone down the horniness of you can cuz if you flirt with my dad my mom will swing on you no questions asked.” you say to everyone one as Alastor coke and stands next to you and puts his arm around your waist and gives you a kiss on the cheek and smiles at you to which you return. as vaggie opens the door”hi ma hi pa” you say and run to hug your parents and hug them”hi dear” “hey sweetie” they say and hug you back.”aye Alastor how ya been son” your dad says as he walks up and hugs alastor” “I’m doing good sir how have yall been doing” Alastor says as he hugs your dad back.” That’s nice and you better be treating my daughter right or I will kill you and it will be slow and agonizing I might not even kill you right away but cha wish you was” your dad says and he hugs Alastor tighter and his voice gets deeper and his aura is beyond scary. Alastor gulps hard”y-yes sir I have” “good and how many times have I told you call me y/d/n dang boi loosen up every once and a good while son” your dad say say he stops hugging Alastor” ok now introduced us to all your nice friends”
•TIMESKIP TO AFTER THE INTRODUCTIONS(of course angle said some horny shit to your dad you can choose what he said)
“ excuse me boi the fick you say to my husband son I don’t care who you is I will knock yo ass the fuck out nigga” your mom says and and starts to walk to him with her fist up.” “ I fuckjng told yo ass angle” you mouth to him before you go to your mom.” Mom chill this is a good place and-“ before you can finish your mom cuts you off” I don’t give a fuck this could be a funeral and I’d still fuck him up” she says “baby hunny it’s fine I only love you” your dad jumps in and says “but-“ “ma he only loves you angel just can’t help himself it’s fine lest just start to cook dinner aye” you say “ o-ok fine but he better not do dat shit again I will kill his palm tree yoga girl looking ass” your mom says and you and everyone start to laugh.”ok mom let’s go dad you stay here and have fun talkin and checking up wit al and husker” you say and walk to the kitchen “Wait no no I lied you gotta do da chitins”.
Your mom is washing the greens while you’re cutting and washing the hogmals and your dad is washing the chitlins and everybody else is dying to the stench of the chitlins.” So how are you and al doing he treating you right” your mom says while still washing the greens “ yes mom and actually me and al have been um trying fo a kid and um I have a feeling pretty soon you’ll be a grandma” you say happily but then get nervous but then happily again.” WHAT! Really oh my satan what are you pregnant right now” “ no no no no NO bit we have been trying it was Al’s idea he saw how I was with the little cannibal children in cannibal town and some other children and wanted some of his own” you say and smile happily and your mom looks at yo with so much love and happiness for you. “ ok I’m done wit da hogmals I just gotta season dem” you say with a large smile on your face “ actually I’ll season them and all but can you start cookin dem I wanna suprise al with his moms jambalaya” you say excited and happy with a bright smile in your face. “ sure yea I can do dat you really love him don’t you sweetie” “ mo den anythang not even words or actions can prove much I love him”
Authors note:Part 2 will be out shortly I apologize for any miss spelled words of y’all don’t like or can’t understand how da reader and her ma and pa are talkin I’m sorry I can fix dat(hah see wat I did it’s form holes I can fix dat anyways) part two might be smut idk I might make dis into a three parter other den dat hope yall like it request are open if yall wanna request you can request anything within reason love yall enjoy da fic
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fandom4all · 1 year
just a taste
just to start this off, this is my first ever post on here but i hope you enjoy, requests are welcome :) i may make this into a story, also english isn't my first language so feel free to correct me:).
NSFW/smut ,, blowjob, dry humping(kind of) ,spitting, tit fucking, breeding kink ,slight daddy kink(Papi/daddy) p and v, Joel is an a-hole, age gap(23-36) no outbreak, dbfjoelxreader, death, alcohohlism, SA, blood
please let me know if i messed anything ^^^^
coming back from training to visit your dad was good coming back to Austin was even better but was great was your dads best friend and neighbour was Joel Miller. training for the marines was hard but getting a pardon after the passing of your mom was a great but not under the right circumstances
Walking through your front door the stench of beer and vomit hit my nose like a truck. seeing dad hunched over his arm chair vomit at his feet, tears already to threaten my cheeks starting to brim my eyes. i start taking slow and steady steps, slowly tapping my dad on the shoulder he looked at me, his fist clenched then relaxing
"wh- what are you doing here" his voice softens
"i got three months leave dad, to grieve and come and see you , i heard about ma" i said the tears finally leaving my face.
he looked down at himself finally seeing the state he was in i told him to take a shower and i will clean up the mess and then we could talk properly
Halfway through cleaning there was a knock at the door i stood up to answer it halfway getting there it opens i immedietly go into fight or flight pulling my hand gun out my waistband and pointing it but what come into my view was a familiar face with his hand in the air and a smirk on his lips
"hold up soldier, only came round because i saw your car on the drive wanna to urm say hello and urm well check on ya" Joel said sympathy crossing his face.
immedietly putting my gun down and back in my waistband "sorry Joel goddammit you scared the shit atta me"
He slowly hugged me the smell of wood chipping and just pure manly musk hitting my nostrils. i thrived in the hug finally feeling some sort of comfort in my mothers death, the first hug i've probably recieved in weeks, slowly he was stroking the back of my head, unsure of how long we had been hugging for but never wanting to let go his bycepts clinging my the frame of my back and head.
finally letting go he looked at me my tears staining the shoulder of his navy blue shirt.
"goddammit your breaking my heart" he said in a musky voice wiping the tears from my eyes.
"I'm okay its just been a lot Joel its nice seeing you again, come in i just need to clean up this mess" pointing to the mess by the dad arm chair.
he helped me clean up the empty beer bottles and the house , dads let everything go after mum i suppose , about 10 minutes later i heard my dad get out of the shower and come downstairs.
he greeted Joel with a nod and simple hello, Joel put on coffee while him and da talked, once everything was cleaned up i joined them at the dinner table. dad finally explained everything that ma had died of a heart attack ,we weren't aware of the heart condition she had and by the looks of it neither was she . after many tears and hugs exchanged dad said he was going to the store and by the looks of it, it wasn't for food.
gathering my bags from the hall way he began to lug them up the stairs with grunts , Joel shifted uncomfortably
"ere lemme get em for you" his Texan accent making me feel something just unable to put my finger on it.
"Thank ya there um pretty heavy" I said unsure of what else to say.
his biceps flexed picking them up and putting them in my childhood room, the room untouched except for the bedding which my ma would still religously change even though i hadn't slept there for almost four years
Joel put my bags down and looked at me the tears once again brimming my eyes as a look at a photo of me and ma and da on a family vacation to Venezuela to see my mar's family, he pulled me by the shoulder hugging me once again kissing my forehead slowly making the kissed towards my neck, hitting a certain sweet spot , slightly making me let out a shaky breath. his hand going from my back downwards towards my ass but not quite on it. thriving in the feeling of euphoria with Joel's lips on my neck and hand on my body. I reached my hands up towards his face ready to kiss him or just look in his eyes I couldn't decide yet but we both jumped away from each other at the sound of the front door opening and my dad calling my name
"Y/N where are ya?" my dad shouted towards the stairs
my face was beetroot red and my hands were shaky, what they hell just happened? Joel's hands were on my body his lips where on my neck, he's Joel dads best friend basically an uncle!. I quickly compose myself shouting back down to dad
"Sorry Joel was just helping me take my bags up" I reply unsure of if my voice was stable.
Joel looks at me smirking and quickly walking out my room.
I sit looking at myself in my vanity mirror, unsure of this feeling in the pit of my stomach, I know I'm wet, I have the need to rub one out or something to get rid of this feeling but my thoughts are quickly taken away to my dad calling me.
"Y/N come down here i need to talk to you" he shouts from the kitchen.
"coming" or I was about to but whatever
i head downstairs to see my dad and Joel sat at the table drinking beer Joel's untouched. Dad was sitting there looking at me drinking to quickly and looking at me like he was trying to figure me out, i started to panic
"you look just like your mar mi amour"(my love)
i look at him dumbfounded, that's what he used to call ma, I feel a tear slip down my face
"That's what you called mar dad" i croaked
"why did you call me that" I asked, wiping the tear from my face
i felt this anger in my chest, not feeling like his daughter , he now looks at me different talks to me different ,i feel like I'm her and it gives me a feeling in the pit of my heart that doesn't agree with me
"Why" I asked in a whisper
"ANSWER ME DAMMIT" slamming my hand on the table making my dad laugh and Joel jump slightly ,probably not expecting my out burst.
"you've gotta temper just like her as well mi amour" da chuckled
"what is wrong wit ya eh" Joel asked my dad
"what would be right wit me eh" my da answered unbothered
i stared at him, losing my temper grabbing his third bottle half full and threw it to the wall missing his head but a cm, stormed out grabbing my keys needing to blow off some steam. I heard Joel calling my name following me out but ignored him, I got in my truck and drove to what i only knew too when things got hard
The Bar.
I sat on the bar stool and the bartender looked at me
he poured a double whiskey and gave me a nod
"its um on the house I'm sorry about um well you know " the bartender said.
I gave him a thankful nod and downed it slamming it down, this was not how i expected today to go.
7 doubles later and my mood even worse, heightened if you must , a man tapped me on the shoulder he was good looking but not my type
"what's ya name beautiful" he asked his hand traveling from my shoulder down my back.
"not interested" i grunt while grabbing his slimey hand and pushing him back.
"oooh I like me a girl who can fight, just give me one chance darlin, ill rock your world" him now grabbing my vagina and boobs, and with the mood I'm in I cant be held responsible for my actions
"alright buddy you asked for this" i grabbed my empty glass and the next thing i knew it was smashed across his head not feeling the shattering pain of the glass going in my hand, i grabbed his head smashing it off of the bar, bringing my knee to his stomach and pelting him in the stomach, all of a sudden i was blinded with rage tearing him onto the floor i began punching him and punching him, until i felt two strong hands around me pulling me off him.
i turned to see who the ass hat who grabbed me was but turned to see
"oh shit" I murmured
"what the hell are ya doin" Joel asked me almost shouting. the whole bar now turning seeing the mess ive caused but the conversation didn't last long when they guy who has got to have the biggest set of balls known to man attempts to aggravate me more.
"y..y.your j..just like your goddamn dad ,th.th.thank god your mar ain't round to see this" he attempted to spit.
I grab him by the collar grabbing the nearing thing to me, a bottle and its goes straight off his head, but then the doors bang open and i see two officers walking in
"for fuck sake" I say knowing the trouble I'm in .
Joel looks at me sympathy and anger both fighting in his eyes as the officers put me in handcuffs and take me on my merry way to jail
Two hours later
I now realise what I've done, there's blood on my hands. I could lose my job in the army and could change my whole life with just this singular moment of drunken anger, god knows what I'm doing
Four hours later
"oi your getting out" an officer patting his hand on the bars and opening them.
I see my dad talking with an officer stumbling trying to look sober and it just looked awful, i get to the door and an officer pulls me aside saying they won't press charges as it was a self defence but I will need to call my sergeant in the morning to see if I will still job.
I get to my dad he doesn't even look at me he just mumbles a "lets go"
we take the most painful walk to the bar to pick up my truck and we head home.
as soon as were inside he explodes
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING HMM" My da screams throwing a bottle towards me , I don't know what I was thinking but I put my hand out to catch it and instead it shatters into my hand .
"I'm sorry y/m/n" he says in a drunken slur
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME" I scream at him pissed off with this constant referring to my mother, I party grieved her and came here to help my dad with his grief but it seems he just sees me as her.
Just then Joel comes through the door to see my dad staring at me and me hunched over the kitchen sink trying to get the glass and blood out of hand screaming in agony
"what the fuck happened" Joel says anger bursting through him but trying to stay calm.
"y/d/n what the fuck did you do, i hear glass smashing and then your DAUGHTER screaming since you keep forgetting who she is hmm" Joel says emphasising the daughter part knowing how much its bugging me.
my dad stayed silent not daring to look at Joel's burning gaze, he grabs a towel walking towards me muttering me to squeeze and heads upstairs, unsure what he's doing I try to talk to my dad.
"I CAN'T SEE YOU, I CAN'T SEE YOUR FACE , YOU HURT ME I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU" My dad screams at me. I let one tear stream down my eye and i just nod at him as he walks past me shoving me with his shoulder grabbing another beer.
Joel comes back down stairs with my bags, I give him a confused look
"Your stayin with me, ill get ya cleaned up" as he storms out the front door to his own.
i follow behind him as he drops my bags in the kitchen and grabs a first aid kit which was based under the sink.
Tears now staining my cheeks , he looks at me with sympathy and takes my hand, picking me up and placing me on the counter. He takes my injured hand examining it , his touch was soft which was funny in comparison to his calloused hands =.
"its eh gonna need stitches" He mumbles almost incoherently
"yeah it's fine" is said
"its gonna sting" he said with a slight smirk.
"I'm a big girl, I can handle a little pain, who knows i might like it" I said smirking bravely
I felt this unfixable tingle in my core almost grinding against my jeans trying to get some sort of relief with Joel's hands all over my hands it was unbearable
suddenly Joel's hand grabbed my thigh
"stop wrigglin can't stich ya if ya movin like your tryin to fuck my counter" He said in the sexiest voice that just made my painties grow wetter.
he eventually finished using a bandage to finish me off and by the time he was done i think i orgasmed with him just touching me.
he lifted me off the counter the smell of him seeming muskier this time, he looked at me in my eyes
"you okay?" he whispered
"i am now" his hands going from my back down to my ass slightly squeezing it
"what do we do now" i whisper seductively in his ear
he looked at me saying no more words, his lips pounce on to mine
his teeth knocking onto mine both of our tongues fighting for dominance his ultimately winning all of a sudden my back was being shoved into the kitchen walls making me moan, i could feel Joel's smirk as his hand rose to my clothes core, massaging me through my jeans, i began to groan into the kiss the feeling being euphoric.
"im gonna ruin ya tonight baby girl" he said through the kiss attempting to catch his breath
"fuck i want you to destroy me... make me forget, make me forget everything" i said breathlessly against him looking in his eyes
he picked me up my legs immedietly going around his waist he walked backwards still kissing me until the back of his legs hit the couch and we dropped down, he pulled away taking off my shirt and i pulled his off.
"this is so bad huh, fuckin your daddy's best friend, you sure you want this?" he asked smirking
"fuck if you don't fuck me now i think i will die" i said breathlessly grinding against his hard on trying to get some sort of friction
"greedy fucking girl, grinding on me huh trying to get off" he said almost laughing at my attempts.
he stood me up ripping my jeans off of me along with my thong and shoving them into his pocket but not before looking at them.
"goddammit baby girl you been dripping all day, is this from this morning? "he asked tauntingly
i nod back shyly
"don't go all quiet on me now baby girl, you were just sayin how much you wanna fuck me" he smirked
"yes its from this morning, it hurts so bad papi, please help me" i practically begged
he grabbed me by the backs of my thighs, pulling me onto his left one my core hitting its straight away, making me groan.
"im gonna have so much fun with you baby girl, I'm gonna make ya cum over n over again until im done with you , your gonna do what i tell ya when i tell ya hmm" with his sexy Texan accent
i couldn't reply do dazed out already
"words baby" he demanded
"Ah yes papi" i quickly moaned out
"good girl" he praised
" now your gonna ride my thigh until you cum, i want you to make a mess of me baby, i want you to make yourself cum before i even touch you" he said egging me on
i started grinding myself on his thigh his jeans rubbing straight on my clit making me moan and whine. putting his hands on his shoulder so i had something to balance on, his eyes burning into mine, his hands on my hips helping me rotate around.
"Joel... it feels so good" I moaned
"good baby girl, wanna it to feel better hmm" he edged
"mmhmm" I agreed unsure of what he was doing next.
he slowly starting to bounce his knee in time with my grinding and the sensation was unbelievable i was a moaning whining mess
"ahh papi mm shit feels so good" i egged on unable to make out my own mumbled moans
i felt my orgasm approaching the coil in my belly about to snap it was euphoric different to any guy i've ever fucked
"Joel shit shit im cumming , oh fuck" i said quickly
"then cum baby girl im not gonn stop ya" he said with a smug look
once i came down from my high i looked at Joel my eyes completely fucked and a dumb smile of my and his face. Joel eyes turned dark as ripped open my shirt, tearing it in half, i'm completely naked except from my bra but that doesn't last long as he slips his hand round my back unclipping my bra making me moan as his lips go straight on to my boobs sucking and kissing leaving purple hickeys all over them, making me moan
"i'm no where near done with you baby" he says with a smirk on his face
"then tell me what you want papi" i said seductively
he slowly pushed my knees to the ground as he grabbed my hands putting them to his belt, i quickly understood what he wanted and grabbed his belt and removing it and pulled down his jeans which were now soaked with my juices , Joel removed his shirt both of us now naked in his living room.
"see something you like darlin" he said mocking me as i stared at his painfully hard member my mouth practically watering
"can i papi" i asked my hand moving up and down his dick
"do what darlin" he said trying to hold back a groan
"can i suck it, please papi" i asked pleadingly
he gave a simple nod and a faint "yes please" and that was all it took
i hollowed my cheeks and sucked i trying to bottom him out but he was to big so i let my hand do the rest, my other hand i used to play with his balls, i took this as a good sign as his hand immedietly went to my hair bobbing my head up and down for me
"ugh.. baby girl, im sorry i but i gotta.... fuck that pretty little face of yours" he said moaning
i gave a nod and this hand grabbed tighter on my hair and and began to throw my head up and down his dick, i gagged as his big member hit the back of throat again and again
"oh baby that throat of your is... just magical ... fuck" he held my head down making me gag his hairs tickling my nose. oxygen didn't feel like a need right now, his pleasure was all i wanted
he finally let my head up, i let out a big breath and he just smirked at me he stood up sitting me on the couch and standing me up
"look at those pretty little eyes, that pretty little mouth" he said wiping the tears for my eyes from all the gagging and then moving his thumb to my mouth as i sucked on it looking up at his , i went to grab his dick but he stopped me
"nuh uh pretty girl, push those perfect tits together" he said while simultaneously squeezing and twisting my nipples
i pushed my boobs together looking at him confused as he had a smirk on his face
"im gonna fuck those pretty tits of your baby, how ya like that baby?" he asked his hands groping my boobs
"please papi, fuck my tits , please papi" i asked practically begging him my wetness definitely seeping onto his couch.
he placed his dick at the bottom of my boob and thrusted his hips up letting out a groan, his praised slipping out like a song bird singing, he grabbed my face his hips still thrusting into my tits
"open that pretty little mouth bay , stick out your tongue" he said moaning
i did as he said and he brought his face close to mine and spat into my mouth
"swallow it baby, swallow my spit" he groaned
i did as he said enjoying the feeling of out spit mixing together and swallowing it
"i'm gonna cum baby ,i'm gonna cum on those perfect tit of yours" he said breathlessly
a couple more staggered rut of his hips and his cum was all of my tits and up my neck, he pulled away breathlessly smirking. I looked up at him smirking taking my finger and wiping his cum from my tits to my neck and sucking it off my finger seductively.
"oh baby your a naughty girl aren't you , licking my cum up eh, im gonna fuck you over and over until your begging me to stop" he says immediatly getting hard again.
i spread my legs but to my surprise he pick me up kissing my lips carrying me u to his bedroom and placing me gently onto hid bed , peppering kissed all of my lips and neck.
"open those pretty little legs for me baby, show me that pretty pussy" he said in a whisper.
i quickly comply spreading my legs and his hand goes to my clit rubbing the senseative bud making me whimper right underneath him, he rubbed his raging red tip up and down my fold making me grind myself up against him trying to get him inside me
"uh uh impatient little slut aren't you"he said tutting at me
"please papi" i whimpered
"beg" he said smugly
i shook my head seeing what happends trying to test him
*smack* he spanked me, hard, and i liked it i felt myself squeezing my pussy around nothing and i felt myself getting wetter
"i said beg" he said almost gritting through his teeth
i stayed silent again *smack* *smack*
"oh papi" i slipped out making me moan
"you sick little girl your enjoying it" he said almost laughing
flipping me over onto my stomach he grabbed my hips, having my ass wiggle in the air waiting in anticipation for what was about to happen, Joel slapped my ass another two times making me moan again while simultaneously rubbing his dick against my wet folds
"Joel-"i was cut off short with him slamming straight into me
"oh god" i screamed his dick causing shock and tearing straight into me, not used to his massive size
"don't pray to god baby" he said teasing , not moving allowing me to get used to his size
"you- can move , oh papi" i moaned as he started slowly rocking his hips into mine
his pace started and it was murderous he his hips were slamming into me and the sound of the room was pornographic, the sound of skin slapping and moaning of mine to Joel's groaned praises was unbelievable
"your little pussy is squeezing me" The praised while slapping my ass
"oh shit papi i'm gonna cum, your gonna make me cum" i babbled feeling the coil in my stomach about to snap
"go on baby cum on my dick, cum around my dick" he said mid moan praising me to go one
i started slamming my hips bag against his trying to get myself off faster my body begging for my orgasm
"oh shit right there, right there papi, im cumming, im cumming" i practically screamed feeling myself squeeze around him as he pumped his dick into me riding my high.
he stopped pumping into me and pulled out and turned me to face him i knelt up pulling him towards me and started to kiss him causing him to groan, i pulled him down sitting him against the headboard of the bed and sitting on his lap
"you wanna be in control baby?, hmm your gonna make yourself cum on my cock" he asked tauntingly
"mmh hmm papi" i replied grinding against his cock
i squatted up positioning him at my entrance and slowly sank down onto him, we both let out porn worthy moans as we collided. i started bouncing up and down on him his moans egging me on i started to go faster, he grabbed my boobs and putting them into his mouth sucking and kissing them making me groan, i starting grinding myself his hairs tickling my clit , ii was in pure euphoria. i started getting tired after a while and Joel must of noticed.
"You gettin tired baby, need papi to fuck you hmm" he said as he pushed us both forward now on top of me while still inside of me and starting to piston inside of me, making me moan and whimper
"oh god , just like that right there , oh my god , OH MY GOD" i started screaming as he kept hitting the perfect spot inside my spongy walls.
"you like that baby, you like being fucked by daddies best friend , hmm am getting in in there just right" he said taunting me breathlessly
"i love it , i fucking love it papi" i said moaning at the vulgarity of his word
*slap* right across the mouth
"watch that pretty little mouth of yours, you know what in fact, open your mouth stick out your tongue" he said angrily and in all honestly it only made me clench around him harder
i did as he said and immedietly felt him spit in my mouth again, making me hornier and clench around him
"you have a dirty mouth imma spit in it baby, huh" he said taunting me
he was getting tired never once stopping the unbelievable fast pace , i felt myself about to cum i could tell he was close as his pace started to slip, his hips started to stagger , i took it upon myself to take my legs from around his hips and to flip us over , me now on top and began to ride him
"ohh baby you wanna make me cum, make me cum" he said groaning
i began to bounce myself up and down making him groan and grab at my hips as he slammed me down on him hard.
"where baby" he asked referring to where he wanted to cum.
"inside- please papi please, oh god- im cum-ming , im cumming ,oh god" i begged mid orgasm
"you want me to put a baby in you huh , you want everyone to know you fucked ya daddies best friend, huh" he said tauntingly
"oh god yes put a god damn baby in me Joel, fuck" i said babbling mid orgasm
"mm gonna cum" he said groaning
and with a few staggered picking me up and slamming me down his came inside me, painting my walls with red hot cum
i slouched down on his chest out of breath him still inside me , i could feel him softening inside of me , our breathing now matching
"that was amazing" i said half falling asleep, half awake
"get up" he said blankly
"wha-" i said my thoughts immedietly thinking he regretted this
"you need to pee" he said calmly , my heart immedietly stopped racing
"i can't walk, my whole body feels like jelly" i said against his neck
he picked me up off of him and he picked me up bridal style carrying me to his bathroom, placing me gently on the toilet , i started to get insecure and tried covering myself with my hands, he stood there watching what i was doing
"given the circumstances darlin, don't cover yourself your beautiful" he said soothingly while stroking my hand
once we was call finished he picked me up and carried me to his bed , tucking me into the sheets and pulling my back to his chest, he whispered, sweet nothings into my ears soothing me to sleep
hi guys i hope you enjoyed , ive been thinking about starting a wattpad story based on this i would love to know what you think
also this was my first work on this and i would like to remind everyone english is not my first language so if anything is wrong , or my spelling is wrong i do apologise and feel free to correct me
requests are welcome and i am a very open person so i will try my best
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Taking Chances: Chapter Forty Seven.
Note: I know that this has taken me well over a year to update but thank you for your patience. I hope that you enjoy this. I do have more coming as I really want to wrap this story up.
Outfit mood bards:
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After dinner that night, Nicola took the girls back to the hotel despite Jasmine’s protests. The little girl wanted to join Taron and Mikey on the walk they were going to take with everyone else, but Nicola declined.
Once they were back in their room, Nicola got Luna and Jasmine ready for bed, tucked them in, changed her clothes and went to sit outside on the balcony. Her mind was reeling with thoughts of all kinds. The main one being her conflicting feelings for Taron and why he had simply referred to her as ‘Luna’s mum.’ I mean she was Luna’s mum but was that all she was to him? And if she was that to him now, what was she to him before? She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know.
Nicola had no idea how long she had been sitting there for when she was pulled from her thoughts by a small hand gently resting on her arm.
“Lina, are you sad?” Jasmine asked softly, taking note of the unshed tears in her sister’s eyes when she turned to face her.
Nicola smiled and simply opened her arms for one of Jasmine’s special hugs.
“Honestly?” Nicola asked in return. Jasmine nodded.
“Yes, but I’ll be ok.” Nicola answered. She wasn’t sure if she meant that or if she was trying to convince herself that she would in fact be ok.
“Why?” Jasmine questioned.
Nicola didn’t want to tell Jasmine too much information because she knew most of her feelings could only be discussed with adults who fully understood everything Nicola felt in that moment, but she knew Jasmine would want an answer, so she came up with the best one she could think of.
“You know when you feel too many things at once, you cry?” Nicola asked, hoping that this would make sense to the little one.
“Yep.” Jasmine replied, popping the p at the end. She knew the feeling all too well.
“Well, that’s how I’m feeling right now. I’m feeling too many things at once and just need a good cry.” Nicola told Jasmine.
Jasmine was quiet for a minute before an idea popped into her head.
“Chocolate milk always helps me.” Jasmine told Nicola confidently, drawing a giggle from Nicola.
“How does chocolate milk and cheeseburgers sound?” Nicola wondered. Sometimes you need moments like this to feel better or at least slightly better.
“Yes please.” Jasmine replied excitedly. Nicola nodded and stood up to place their room service orders.
When the food finally arrived both girls sat outside watching the stars and made-up stories for the random shapes they found within the constellations. It was a bonding moment that Nicola didn’t realize she needed. It made her heart happier knowing she had the two things that made her complete, her Jasmine and her little moon beam.
The next morning, Jasmine decided that she, Nicola and Luna deserved a day at the beach. Nicola was all for it and promptly got things together so they could enjoy their time before it got too hot for Luna to be out.
Once they made it, Nicola laid out a couple towels for her and Jasmine to lay on while Luna laid in her baby beach tent Nicola had brought with them in case a few beach visits were had.
It was simply heaven and most certainly needed.
Laying on the beach with her eyes closed, Nicola enjoyed the heat of the sun upon her skin. The smell of salt water wafted past her as she felt sand pelt her legs. She leaned up on her elbows to look at the culprit. Jasmine.
“Do you mind?” Nicola said, raising her brow. Jasmine locked eyes with her and narrowed her eyes.
“You’re in da way.” The little girl replied sassily.
“Tone it down, missy. No more flicking sand over here. You’ll hit Luna if you aren’t careful.” Nicola said but Jasmine pushed the spade into the sand again and challenged her sister.
Nicola gave her sister the best mum look she could muster, and it worked. Jasmine stuck her tongue out and turned back around to finish building her crab jail for the crabs she had collected with the help of Nicola and Luna who enjoyed the confines of the baby carrier Nicola had with her.
“Hello you three. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” A voice said approaching them. Nicola sat up and removed her sunglasses to get a better look at who was talking.
“Tina.” Nicola greeted. Tina smiled and sat down next to her.
“The sun feels luxurious, doesn’t it?” She asked.
“It feels amazing.” Nicola answered, looking over at Luna who had started to stir from her sleep. Almost as though she knew her nana was here.
“May I?” Tina asked, pointing to a now conscious Luna. Nicola nodded and watched as Tina stood.
“Hi pretty girl. Did you have a good nap?” The woman questioned. Instead of answering her with her usual babble, Luna simply laid her head on Tina’s shoulder and let a massive yawn escape her small mouth.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Tina chuckled.
“So, what did you want us for?” Nicola asked, curious as to why Tina had been looking for them.
“You and I have a date with the spa.” Tina replied, making Nicola look nervously at her.
“What bout Luna and me?” Jasmine piped up.
“You and Luna are going to stay with Taron and Mikey. That is if it’s ok with your sister.” Tina told the girl. Jasmine then turned her gaze to Nicola.
“Please Lina, can we?” She begged. How could Nicola say no….again?
“I suppose you won’t take no for an answer?” Nicola said, looking at Tina. Tina shook her head.
“Nope, afraid not my dear.” Tina answered.
“Alright.” Nicola responded softly. Tina smiled widely and Jasmine cheered, startling Luna from her dopey state and making her whimper. Jasmine looked at her niece sheepishly.
“Sorry.” She muttered.
Back at the hotel, Taron raced around his and Mikey’s room trying to get ready for all the interviews and press photos he had to do before the premiere later that evening.
“Mikey, have you seen my watch?” Taron called as though he was a headless chicken. Mikey looked up from his colouring book and shook his head.
“Na uh daddy.” Mikey replied, going back to his task.
Taron groaned and was about to go mental when a knock at the door sounded in the room.
“Someone’s here.” Mikey announced as if no one knew.
“Thank you for that Michael.” Taron replied sarcastically.
“Welcome.” He said, not looking up from his page.
Taron opened the door and saw his mum, Jasmine and Luna.
“What are you wearing?” Jasmine asked, crinkling her nose as her eyes landed on Taron’s busy looking clothes. Taron looked down at his suit and looked back at her.
“A suit.” He replied as Jasmine continued to eye him. She didn’t like it. She didn’t think that it matched him.
“Do you have another one?” She asked, taking the adults by surprise.
“Jasmine, that’s not nice.” Tina remarked.
“Mam, it’s alright. In answer to your question missy, I do have another one but it’s for tonight and I happen to like this outfit.” Taron explained.
“Ok.” Jasmine said as she shrugged her shoulders but she wasn’t convinced. Taron looked at his mother and rolled his eyes playfully.
“Mikey, Jasmine’s here.” Taron called over his shoulder. Tina noticed her son’s frazzled state and gave him a soft and gentle reassuring smile.
At that moment, Luna whimpered, annoyed that no one was paying attention to her and reached for her father. Taron smiled and happily took her from her nana.
“Hi bug.” Taron said, kissing his daughter’s cheek, making her squeal from the scruff that currently took up residence on his jaw.
Taron smiled at her and turned back to his mum.
“What was all the ruckus I heard from out in the hall?” Tina asked.
“Can’t find my watch and I have to leave in about ten minutes.” Taron replied, feeling the nerves and anxiety creep up on him once more.
“You mean the one that’s on your wrist?” She asked. Taron looked down and groaned. Of course it was already on his wrist.
“Bloody Nora.” He cussed loudly.
“Not in front of the baby.” Tina scolded. She knew Nicola wouldn’t appreciate her daughter’s first words to be Taron’s colourful language.
Taron gave his mother a guilty look and she simply smiled. She knew that he was feeling all emotions today and was freaking out as he normally did before big movie premieres he was involved in.
“Right, I need to go as I’m sure Nicola is all ready. But listen, just remember how proud of you we all are. Right Luna?” Tina told her son. Luna looked at her father and sighed, making both her father and nana giggle.
“Does Nicola know I won’t be here and that the kids are with the nanny?” Taron wondered. Tina gave him a sheepish expression.
“I may have decided to leave that out as I knew that she wouldn’t agree to get glammed up for tonight.” Tina explained. Taron nodded. He knew it probably wasn’t the best idea but sometimes, telling white lies were ok….right?
“Daddy, look at dis!” Mikey hollered as he finished up his picture.
Taron smiled and bid his mother goodbye before making his way over to his son and Jasmine.
“Let’s have a look.” Taron said as he sat down, placed Luna on his knee and held a hand out for Mikey to hand him the picture.
Mikey happily passed it over and watched as Taron’s eyes flicked over the multi colored stick figures and flowers that took up the entire page.
“Like it daddy?” Mikey asked, rocking back and forth.
“Like it? I love it.” Taron replied, looking up at his boy. Mikey beamed and took the picture back before rejoining Jasmine.
Taron chuckled and stood back up to go and place Luna’s bottles in the fridge.
Once the bottles were placed in the fridge and Taron got in some more kisses with Luna, he sought out Nina so that he could hand Luna to her and make his leave before he was late.
“I should be back in a while but if you need anything, you know how to reach me.” Taron said as Nina and the children followed him to the door.
“We’ll be fine Taron. They’re in good hands, don’t worry.” Nina reassured him. Taron gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“You two listen and if Nina needs help with the baby, I’m counting on you to help, ok?” Taron said, looking between Mikey and Jasmine.
Both kids nodded and watched as Taron stood and left but Luna wasn’t ok with another parent leaving her, especially when they left her with a strange lady.
So much so, her lower lip began to wobble, and she soon burst into tears as her daddy disappeared from her sight.
Nina held the infant closer and rubbed her back as Luna continued to cry.
“It’s alright sweetheart. He’ll be back later.” The woman said. Mikey and Jasmine looked at each other and looked at Luna. They felt bad for her. Mikey though knew exactly how she felt, he hated it when Taron left him too.
“Her dummy is in her bag.” Jasmine said as she ran to her niece’s nappy bag. She retrieved the device and handed it to Nina.
The woman took it gratefully and placed it against Luna’s lips, but Luna wasn’t having it, she just wanted her daddy.
“When is she due for a feed?” Nina asked Jasmine. Jasmine bit her lower lip and looked at the clock on the wall, even though she couldn’t really tell the time yet.
“You can try now.” Jasmine told her, taking a guess. Nina nodded and gave the little girl a smile.
“Why don’t you two head to the living room and I’ll join you when Luna’s bottle is ready.” She said.
Jasmine and Mikey ran off and started playing with the Lego Mikey had been playing with before breakfast.
“How do you think they are?” Nicola asked Tina as the women sat and got their nails done. Tina looked at her.
“They’re in good hands.” Tina told her, once again leaving out that the kids were with the nanny and not Taron.
“I haven’t really left Luna before now and it feels strange.” Nicola said, not remembering the trip she and Taron took to Anglesea. She had blocked it out somewhat.
“You left the girls with us when you and Taron went away. They were ok then, weren’t they?” Tina asked.
Nicola sighed. Tina had a point but it was different, they weren’t the ones that had threatened to take her daughter away from her.
“That’s different though, I trust you and Guy but Taron, I’m not sure.” Nicola admitted.
Tina really didn’t blame Nicola for feeling that way. If she was in Nicola’s place and her ex had done what Taron did, she’d be weary too.
“It will feel that way, but I promise that the girls are ok and being well taken care of. Now, what do you say to a little shopping spree after this? A little birdy told me that you don’t have a dress for tonight.” Tina responded. Nicola gave her a slight smile.
“Jasmine has a big mouth.” Nicola said, knowing that Jasmine had spilled the beans.
“She felt bad because you picked out princess dresses for her and Luna but didn’t have one for yourself.” Tina told her.
“Princess dresses, eh?” Nicola chuckled.
“Her words.” Tina replied, making Nicola giggle.
“What do you say, let’s get you a princess dress?” Tina teased.
Nicola wasn’t sure though; she still wasn’t in love with her new body and anything she tried on before they left made everything stand out. Her belly being the sorest spot…no, maybe that was her thighs…..who was she kidding, it was both her belly and thighs that were still bugging her.
“We can try.” She replied, making Tina beam with happiness.
A few hours later, Tina and Nicola were well and truly shopped out. They had enjoyed their beauty day and French patisserie tasting but with the premiere happening within the next few hours, Nicola knew that it was high time that Jasmine and Luna had a nap before the big event. Hell she thought that maybe she’d join them after the emotionally draining dress trying on.
Nicola had tried on dress after dress after dress in many variations of colour, but nothing sat well with her until she and Tina had a heart to heart in which she basically unloaded all of her woes onto the older woman. It felt really good.
“I hope they had fun with him.” Nicola said as she and Tina walked toward Taron’s room after taking their shopping bags and other items to their respective rooms.
“I know they did. Jasmine I’m sure had loads of fun with Mikey and I’m sure Luna lapped up all the attention her daddy was giving her.” Tina replied, making Nicola smile. Yup, she was definitely feeling more like herself after the heart to heart.
“Hello!” Tina sing songed as she and Nicola walked through the door.
“Nana!” Mikey hollered, recognizing her voice.
“What are you up to?” Tina asked, just as Nina dashed from the bathroom and into a bedroom, wearing nothing but a towel. Nicola saw this and was furious. How dare Taron think about inviting her and the girls while he was fucking some other chick.
“Who was that?” Nicola asked, trying not to let her blood boil over.
“Who was who?” Tina questioned in reply and thankfully, Taron walked through the door at the same time.
“Did you two have fun?” Taron asked, oblivious to what was going on.
“Yes, we did. It was well needed.” Tina replied but by this point, you could practically see the steam coming from Nicola’s ears.
“Where the hell have you been?” She seethed, looking dead on at Taron. He looked at her with a raised brow.
“What’s wrong now?” He countered defensively.
“Why do you have some half naked woman watching my girls while you gallivant wherever.” Nicola all but shouted.
“First of all, I do have a job to do, and I was doing it and second of all, what do you mean half naked woman?” He replied.
“I was under the impression that you were going to be watching the girls, not someone else.” She spat, just as Nina emerged from the bedroom she had entered with Luna in her arms and fully clothed.
“Seems like this one missed her father.” Nina said, handing the baby to Taron. Taron took her and held her close, but Nicola took Luna from him.
“Jasmine, let’s go.” Nicola seethed one last time, making her leave with the girls.
Nina stood there not knowing what to do.
“Is everything ok?” She asked carefully. Taron grunted.
“Why were you wearing a towel Nina?” He asked, ignoring her question.
“Oh, I was changing Luna and she weed on me so while Jasmine and Mikey were watching a movie, I asked them if they’d be ok for a few minutes while I cleaned myself up. I wasn’t in there very long and I had the monitor with me, so I knew that Luna was ok.” She explained.
“Luna likes doing that to people.” Tina remarked, remembering all the times she herself had been weed on by Luna.
“Nicola saw you in the towel and freaked out.” Taron told Nina.
“Oh my god, does she think we’re doing something?!” Nina asked, pointing between herself and Taron. She was a little mortified to say the least.
“Oh probably.” Taron said, throwing up his hands in frustration.
“There’s nothing going on though, right?” Tina asked, looking between the other adults.
“Mam, no. Nothing’s going on.” Taron replied. He was a little hurt by the insinuation.
“She has a girlfriend.” Mikey piped up, wanting to have his say.
Tina looked at Nina and smiled. She had to admit that she was surprised.
“He’s right. If I was going to be with anyone, it would be a female.” Nina confirmed.
By the time 4:00pm rolled around, Nicola had the girls up from their naps, fed and in some comfortable clothing so she could get them ready without ruining their dresses, when a knock sounded at their door.
“Watch her for a second.” Nicola told Jasmine. Jasmine nodded and faced the baby, proceeding to pull faces at her.
“What do you want?” Nicola said as her eyes landed on Taron.
“Can we talk?” He asked. Nicola stared at him for a minute trying to figure out if he had an ulterior motive but when she couldn’t see any in his body language, she relented a little.
“Fine but make it quick, I don’t have time for this and neither do you.” Nicola agreed, letting him in.
Nicola led him to the kitchen area, so they had a little more privacy away from listening ears.
“I wanted to talk to you about Nina.” Taron said, making Nicola narrow her eyes at him.
“Come to tell me what I already know?” Nicola replied, crossing her arms.
“I’m not sleeping with her.” He defended.
“Oh sure you aren’t.” Nicola said, throwing her head back dramatically.
“I’m not her type.” Taron replied.
“You’re everyone’s type Taron.” Nicola responded, making his eyebrows shoot to his hairline.
“Everyone’s type?” He questioned. Nicola rolled her eyes and ignored his remark.
“And what’s her type then?” Nicola said.
“You.” Taron replied simply, shrugging his shoulders. Nicola frowned at him in confusion.
Taron gave her a second to clue in.
“You mean she’s-“ Nicola started.
“She has a girlfriend Nicola and if I was going to sleep with someone, it wouldn’t be her.” He finished for her.
“You wouldn’t sleep with her, but you’d sleep with someone like Natascha De Silva?” Nicola said. She knew that Natascha was a sore spot for Taron, especially since he found out that she was abusing his son.
The look on his face told Nicola that she’d just hit a tender area.
“That was low, I’m sorry.” She replied.
“I deserved that.” He answered.
“No, you didn’t. I’m just angry that you weren’t honest with me in the beginning and told me that someone else was going to be watching the girls. I’m also mad that your mam knew about the nanny being there too and didn’t tell me.” Nicola explained.
“I know, I should have been honest, but would you have let me have them if you knew I wasn’t going to be around?” He questioned.
“Not a chance.” Nicola replied truthfully.
“That’s what I thought and that’s why mam and I didn’t let on.” He said.
“There is just one thing I want to know.” Nicola said, making Taron look at her.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“Why was she in a towel?” Nicola returned.
“She was changing Luna and she weed on Nina. She went to clean herself up once Luna was settled safely on the bed, and Jasmine and Mikey were watching a movie. She said she wasn’t in the bathroom for very long and she had the monitor with her so that she could keep an eye on our daughter.” Taron explained, making Nicola’s heart skip a beat when he referred to Luna as their daughter and not just his daughter.
“Oh.” Nicola replied, feeling sheepish.
“Lina, Luna pooed.” Jasmine hollered, breaking the silence that had fallen upon the kitchen.
“You better go.” Nicola said, clearing her throat and straightening up.
“Trying to get rid of me?” Taron teased.
“Don’t want to be late, do you? Pretty big night.” Nicola said to him, making him smile bashfully.
“Before I go, can you promise me one thing?” Taron asked. Nicola looked at him reluctantly.
“I hate to say it but go on.” She replied.
“No matter how angry we get with each other, we always talk it out before we say things we’ll regret.” He continued. Nicola bit her lower lip.
“I suppose for Luna and the kid’s sake, it would be best.” She answered.
“Lina!” Jasmine hollered again.
Taron and Nicola bid their goodbyes for now before Nicola went to change the little party pooper.
A few hours later, everyone gathered in the lobby of the hotel, ready to pile into their designated cars to head to the venue. The only problem was that Nicola hadn’t come down yet and Taron, who was already stressed out, was beginning to think she wouldn’t show up.
That’s when the elevator doors opened and Jasmine came barreling towards Mikey all dressed in her princess dress as she called it. Nicola of course was trailing behind her and had an extremely fussy baby in her arms.
“Sorry we’re late, this one refused to let me dress her.” Nicola huffed out as she adjusted the baby on her hip. Taron couldn’t reply. He was too captivated with how beautiful Nicola looked.
Nicola followed his eyes and looked down at herself as if she was asking for his thoughts. It made her giddy with excitement but she had to remember that he had hurt her deeply.
“You look beautiful Nicola.” Guy complimented as he saw his step son standing there checking her out.
Nicola turned her eyes to him and smiled gently.
“It’s not too much?” She asked.
“No.” Tina replied with a bright smile. She could see the gears turning in her son’s head.
“You look like a barbie.” Mikey piped up.
Nicola chuckled at his words.
“Thank you Mikey. You don’t look so bad yourself.” Nicola replied.
“I look like daddy.” The boy stated very proudly, making everyone chuckle.
The little boy was so chuffed when he was told that he would be matching his father. It made him feel very important.
“You sure do. Very handsome.” Nicola told him. Mikey smiled and blushed.
Taron felt his heart skip a beat at her words. He knew that was her way of complimenting him as well without having to say it. At least he hoped that was the case.
“Ok, cars are here.” Jack announced as he walked back to the group.
“Fuck me, Nicola, you look stunning.” Bleddyn gaped, making Nicola bite her lip, nervously watching Taron for a reaction but nothing in his expression or posture changed. He continued starring at her. Now, don’t get her wrong, she appreciated the compliments but the one person that mattered the most had not yet said anything to her and that added more to the wound he had given her. She had hoped he’d say something but she would appear wrong.
Jasmine looked between Taron and Nicola and could see the cogs turning in their heads. She could see the love in Taron’s eyes as he admired her sister and she could see the look of pain and sadness in her sister’s eyes as Taron stood there not speaking but just staring her up and down.
She made up in her mind that she was going to plant a seed in Taron’s mind to get him to admit his feelings to her sister; and of course get him to apologize to Nicola. After all, she could only handle so much grumpiness and sourness from Nicola on what Taron had done wrong. Didn’t Nicola know it went both ways?
Jasmine walked over to Taron as he now tried to pay attention to everyone else as they all got into the cars.
“Hi.” She said, looking up at him.
Taron looked down and smiled warmly at her.
“Hi chipmunk.” He replied, making Jasmine look at him weirdly.
She had no idea what that was but she wasn’t going to ask him about why he called her that right now. She had bigger fish to fry first.
“Are you excited?” Jasmine asked as she slipped her hand in his so that she wouldn’t get forgotten.
“I am but I’m nervous too.” He answered. Jasmine nodded. She felt nervous too.
“Me too.” She told him.
“You don’t seem like you are.” Taron noted.
“Cause I’m with people that love me.” She said, looking pointedly at him.
Taron felt called out.
“What are you trying to say, missy.” He asked curiously.
“She loves you.” Jasmine responded.
“Who does?” Taron questioned, wanting clarification, although he could take a wild guess at who Jasmine was referring to which made his whole body feel electrified.
“You love her too.” Jasmine replied sarcastically.
“I do not.” He somewhat playfully denied. Jasmine saw through it.
“It’s ok to be scared but if you don’t take the chance, you’ll be sad for the rest of your life.” She told him, remembering what Nicola constantly told her when she was worried about something or scared. Whatever situation she was facing, Nicola always told her those words and it was something she hoped would make Taron hurry up and marry Nicola already.
Before he could reply to the wise little girl, she was placed into the same car as her sister and the rest of Taron’s guests.
Red carpet events were something that Taron never really liked as it made him feel even more nervous. He didn’t like the flashing cameras in his face. He didn’t like the people screaming at him for his attention but he knew it was part of the job that he elected to do. He knew that for him to appear confident and put together, he would have to create a mask to disguise his true feelings.
Sometimes that tactic worked but sometimes it didn’t and people would catch glimpses of who he really was behind the fame and glory he felt he had.
If he was completely honest though, he had been creating masks for himself since he could remember. One mask in particular was created when he was in school. Not everyone liked him and they would relentlessly pick on him and make him feel worthless. Sure it bothered him but with the guise of confidence and toughness, no one could touch him. No one wanted to.
For him, it was his way of protecting himself from the cruelness that this world held.
When he had his masks on, he could do anything and be anything he wanted. He felt powerful and in control but the one thing that made it dangerous was not being able to see when others were wearing their own masks.
He had no idea just how much Nicola was like him in that way. He knew that she had been through copious amounts of heartbreaks and let downs but he hadn’t thought as far as her having her own masks.
He only realized they were the same in that way when he looked over his shoulder at the woman behind him during the last scene of the movie currently playing in front of them.
He could see the look of admiration on her face as she watched him singing and playing the piano but behind that, he could see the sadness and betrayal. He could see the years of anguish, the years of loneliness and fear. He could see everything in her eyes at that moment and that’s when he heard Jasmine’s words in his mind again.
Nicola really did love him but with everything she had faced both in the past and recently, she was scared to let him in and scared that he would hurt her again.
He knew that he had a lot to prove with her but he was damn well going to try and make her see how sorry he felt and just how much he loved and cherished her.
It was time to take his chance.
Turning his attention back to the screen just as the credits appeared, Taron sat in his seat pondering Jasmine’s words. He knew that the little girl was right but for the advice to come from such a small child, it made him realize that everyone else could see that he was so in love with Nicola.
They could see just how much she impacted him and how much she meant to him. He hadn’t realized just how obvious he was being but with Jasmine’s words, he knew that was also her way of saying that she wants them together. That she wants to see them both happy.
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niaswish · 1 year
For Want of Common Sense
Chapter 7 Summary:
In need of a distraction while he walked through his worst nightmare, Wato solves the Quartering Duke Cases. Then finds the detectives.
Chapter 7: As the first Ideal Detective, he was going to lecture Seika on the need for some common sense.
As he walked, Wato went over the information on the Quartering Duke's cases. He needed something to focus on while he walked through the maze that once imprisoned him, and it had been the reason for the DA to gather so many detectives. It would take him at least a few hours to get through to where the others were, even if he met them on the way.
At least this time, he wouldn't have to worry about the sentries.
Wato heard them before he saw them, Posh's voice loud even through the wall. With a smile of relief -the dots had been comforting but nothing could beat seeing them in person- he reached out and activated the hidden door. It slid open with a low grinding noise which drew everyone's attention.
The last bit of his worries slid off his shoulders as he finally saw them. They were all alive. They were... He frowned as he saw Senior. The old man was cuffed and had new bandages over his forearms. Then it clicked and he sighed, it was another piece of evidence confirming his deductions.
He had no more time to think about Senior as something slammed into him, forcing him back a step. "Wato! I thought you died!" Seika hugged him tightly. "How? Your room was completely gone by the time Rowdy smelt the smoke! How are you alive?"
Wato hesitated a moment before reaching out to rub her back soothingly. "And here I thought you weren't as much of a crybaby as back then." He tried to keep a teasing tone to his words but he was worried about her.
"Back then?" Seika suddenly jerked away, eyes red from barely held tears but firmly searching. "Did you...?"
"Get my memories back?" Wato finished with a nod. "Some. Enough to know we're going to need to talk about things once we get out."
Before he could say anything else, someone started clapping from the back of the group. "How touching." Renegade declared dramatically, "As disappointing as I find your survival, Incompetent, perhaps you could explain how you managed to escape the flames?"
"Renegade!" Workaholic snapped at the man. Posh just a moment behind in her recrimination.
Still, the interruption was enough for Seika to step away from him and regain her composure. As she turned to deal with the brewing argument Renegade had started, Armor and Rowdy came over. "Glad ta see ya alive, Incompetent." Rowdy smiled awkwardly before suddenly bowing to Wato. "Sorry for not being able to protect ya!"
Wato was taken aback by her words, doubly so when Armor followed suit a moment later. "What? No! It's fine. I'm sure you did everything you could." Wato scrambled to wave their apology off. "If anything, I should be thanking both of you for protecting everyone since then. I'm sure it can't have been easy." That seemed to do the trick as Rowdy and Armor started sputtering that they were just doing their jobs.
A few minutes later, Wato found himself explaining what he'd been doing since last night. "I survived the fire last night because I wasn't in the manor to begin with. Long story short, I snuck out of the manor shortly after checking in on Mystic to call for help from the DA."
" 'Snuck out but how?' The girl demanded more information from the source of her confusion."
Wato smiled, "The same way I first entered the manor." He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him at the blank stares the detectives were given him. "Honestly, none of you have any common sense."
He turned to address Bookworm and Techie specifically, "Both of you should learn from this, and work on always keeping up with what is considered common sense, unlike these guys."
Posh's outraged demands for an explanation was ignored as Wato returned to his explanation. "Look, none of you ever asked me how I got into the manor, even after I told you that the main door was part of a trap meant to kill Senior and whoever opened it in the first place." He turned to the old man and Downtown, "Which was part of a suicide pact between you two, right?"
"How?" Downtown gasped.
"Because it was too similar to the Quartering Duke's cases. All of which were mutually assured suicides." Wato's declaration stunned the group.
Seika's smile was proud and affectionate as she murmured, "I knew you could do it." In a louder voice, she asked, "Do you have proof of this?"
Wato shook his head, "Not yet but I know how to get conclusive proof. And that's on top of whatever testimony those two are going to give about their involvement with the Duke." He motioned towards Downtown and Senior. The rest of the group, minus Renegade, suddenly started demanding explanations from him until Seika raised her voice to put an end to it.
When she motioned for him to continue, Wato did so. "We can discuss the Quartering Duke case on our way back. To finish my explanation, I managed to get to your boat and use the radio to contact the DA. They should have sent a rescue team by now, though I have no idea when they might arrive. I... kinda panicked when I noticed the smoke and realized the manor was burning. I told them as much, then bolted, only to find the manor more or less destroyed by the time I arrived." He scratched his cheek in embarrassment.
"Well, I am very glad you were not hurt." Workaholic sighed. "However, I have a lot of questions to ask you as we walk. So please don't stray too far, alright?"
Wato ducked his head in a quick nod, he figured something like that would happen. He could hear Seika giggling at his situation by his side, yet couldn't find it in himself to be annoyed. He was just glad to have found everyone safely.
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If you’re new to the story, please go check out Book 1 first …
Book 3 Chapter 1 is here …
MPORTANT:  Please note this story includes content that may be considered mature, such as moderate battle violence, some strong language and occasional mild sexual scenes.
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Lady Naru walked us out after the meeting broke up, giving Daste a particularly fond parting hug and kiss on the cheek before we left the chamber and finally broke the spell.  The whole way down the stairs and out of the door she hovered close at my side, and she just kept firing questions at me.  She wanted to know the most contrary things, I genuinely couldn’t work out why she was asking about these things, none of it seemed to have any import at all.  She just wanted to know about me.  How it had been for me growing up, what I’d been through in my training, and my adventures out in the wider world.  The exact kinds of questions da always asked me when he returned to Bavat, actually.
She’s kind, and gentle with me.  I found myself warming to her very quickly, something about her just puts me at ease, but there’s more to it than that.  It’s taken me so long to work out how it feels to me, but I realise now it’s like I already know her.  From somewhere deep in my past, before I was capable of remembering her.  She just feels so familiar to me.
That being said, the whole time I could still feel Kesla watching the two of us like a hawk, and I knew she was silently judging our new acquaintance, deciding if she can be trusted.  I’d like to think she’s just being protective, but the truth is this is just Kesla being Kesla.  She really is incorrigible in some ways.
Personally, I just want to have this.  I have no real family apart from my father, or at least I don’t think there’s anyone else out there, I never got to know my mother.  Da won’t even talk about her, the one time he relented to my questions he simply said that nothing good can come from me knowing before I’m ready.  I wish I had the first clue what that even means.  But because of this I’ve always striven to get as many friends as I can, even though it can be a little difficult for me sometimes, I’m really not good at all that social mess, I just never got the hang of it.  So I’ve got plenty of family out there, but only one of them is blood.
Sulin Naru is another connection to my past, someone who’s very close to my father.  The more I manage to learn through inference from her own questions the clearer it’s become to me she really does know my father, so even if Kesla’s unconvinced, she’s won me over.  I want to spend more time around her, as much simply because I really do like her as because she’s one of my father’s oldest friends.
Besides, she’s kind of fascinating.  I’ve never met a real sorcerer, in truth very few have, at least knowingly, but thanks to my education I know a lot more about them than most.  The opportunity to learn more from personal experience is too great a temptation for me.
After leaving the Transit House and heading back across the bridge, we went back to our hotel for the first time in days, mostly on the pretence of swapping out some of our old gear for fresh clothing and supplies from our luggage.  Certainly it was nice to be able to change my own travelling clothes from my packs, and I needed to replenish my own components as well as help Tulen rethink her own gear in the face of what we’re now into, but we ended up staying longer.  To start with, we needed to see to our horses, Kesla and Shay in particular giving some attention to their fearsome mounts, Trampler and Elder, who seemed to have grown lonely despite having been looked after well enough by the stable-workers.  Then Art declared he needed a drink, which prompted others to admit they were hungry, despite the hearty breakfast we had before we left the temple, so we ended up taking food and a few pints before heading out again.
So now the afternoon’s growing long above us as we’re navigating the streets again, this time following my nose as I use the blood dried into my ruined handkerchief as focal point for the tracking spell I’ve put up alongside Olsbeq’s Awareness Augment.  I’ll admit it’s been a while since I tried this, and I suspect I look a little strange to casual passers-by right now due to the components, but I’ve got more immediate concerns right now.  Despite my own personal mastery of the mechanics of the spell, I have to admit Tulen has a good point with this particular piece of magic.  It’s a lot.
After smearing lines of corn syrup around my eyes, ears and under my nostrils, I had to take a piece of raw cotton and soak it in castor oil before holding it under my nose and taking a deep breath.  With the unpleasant medicinal tang of it in my head I summoned up the relevant sigil and spoke the incantation, then ran my fingers over the lines, mashing them as deep in as I could without either temporarily blinding or deafening myself as the charm took hold.  I’ll admit having the sweet corn syrup in my nostrils easily drove off the unpleasantness of the castor oil, but it still had me blinking from the sting in my eyes while my ears popped as the spell finally took hold.  Then suddenly I could see and hear everything.  Or at least that’s what it feels like.
Most of the group look pretty much the same as they normally do, just in much greater detail since now I’m able to make out each individual stitch and weave in their clothing, every near-imperceptible line and wrinkle in their skin, every single hair grown from their heads.  There are other, subtle details, though.  When I looked at Kesla the first thing I saw was her strength, as if the latent power stored in her muscles was a palpable thing, just rising from her like strangely beautiful fumes.  There’s something very similar to Thel and Dumoli, I quickly noticed, as well as Yeslee, although that didn’t take me by surprise after seeing it in the others.
Others were more interesting to observe, however.  Krakka glows like a beacon, he’s entirely too bright for me to look at, and I know that’s the blazing power of his beloved goddess.  Shay shines too, but hers is more subtly subdued, more akin to my own slightly pearlescent glow, which I know comes from her own half-elf blood.  I know full well that I must be as brilliantly illuminated as Tulen, though, her magical potential ebbing and flowing much like the dancing auroras seen over the mountains sometimes in the Northern Reaches which I hear are a nightly event in Tektehr.  In her case it pulses with the beat of her heart, and I’m sure my own does the same, although I suspect my own brilliant colour scheme is subtly different, although I hope it’s at least as strikingly beautiful.  Since she refused to try the spell again she couldn’t tell me.
Lady Naru was, unsurprisingly, a bonfire.  If I had any doubt before that she really is a sorcerer, it died in that instant.  Her own power is no aurora, it blazes as bright as Krakka’s but with the dancing, golden fire of the sun’s corona.  And while Tulen’s waves waft off her in impressive but ultimately lazy waves, Naru’s boil and flare with furious flashes like a blast furnace.  I couldn’t make out her face in the midst of it any better than Krakka’s.
Big Man surprised me the most, though.  I’ve grown so used to him as this dark, dull, cold hulk of impenetrable ceramic, the only real indicator of life his bright red eyes, but when I laid eyes on him after activating the Augment … he’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.  His physical form is still there, but I can see that his hard, cold form is really just a shell.  The real Driver 8 is the bright red fire inside him, which crackles and dances and spins with unmistakable arcane life.  I couldn’t help myself when I saw it, the words escaped me all on their own:  “Big Man … you’re incandescent.”
He looked at me for a long moment before replying, and I swear I could actually see his attention this time, I knew he was looking right at me now, looking me over, and something about the way his dancing fire seemed to spin and weave as he did it … I can’t explain it, it felt like appreciation, and love.  For the first time I knew he cares about me the same way I’ve come to care about him.  The rest too, I’m sure.
“Thank you, Gael.  You are very much the same to me.”
Hearing that put the theory to bed for me.  It seems this is very much how he sees the world too, so given Kesla’s requirements this was clearly the smart choice.  So I concentrated and did the requisite fine-tuning, just like I always did back in the classrooms when we tried this, as well as in my examinations when I last tried it, and everything calmed down again.  I could still see everything, and feel everything, and I hear things I never do with my normal ears, but otherwise it was mostly as it is normally.
Now all I have to do is focus, when I need to, and I can pick up on what’s going on around me, or I can read people around, me, pick up subtleties I would never be able to observe with my normal eyes or ears or sense of smell.  I’m inherently aware of everyone around me, not only within my sight but beyond too, and with a surprisingly minor adjustment I can increase the range significantly.  I don’t know quite how far out I can make this work, but it’s a fair assessment that anything within a quarter mile is conceivably within my awareness now.
Once she was assured my spell would easily serve the same functions as Big Man’s sensory abilities, Kesla divided the group.  Putting Shay in charge of our group seemed to make Thel a little prickly when it became clear that means taking her lead from the half-orc, but she’s warming to the idea easily enough, although I think having Brung along for the ride probably helped.  She also put Krakka with us too, just in case we do run into anything more than we can handle on our own, and I suspect she assigned Darwyn, Yeslee and Zuldrad too for the same reasons.  I noticed Darwyn breathing a little smoother once she realised this meant she wouldn’t have to put up with her ex, much like last time.
Then again, our resources are pretty well spread out between the two groups now.  Art knows the streets as well as his fellow thieves, and with Driver 8 watching out for them they shouldn’t have to worry about anyone following them, at least without them catching up on it.  Besides, he can take on a small army by himself, having both Tulen and Lady Naru with them almost feels like overkill for inherent defence.  Besides, if they are going to head into the richer quarters of the city, then surely the chances of them running into an actual fight actually drop considerably.  We’re the ones who are actually going out looking for trouble right now.
Besides, we can still keep in touch with the others if we need to.  Tulen promised before we parted ways that the moment anything at all happens on their end she’ll let me know about it, and Lady Naru said the messenger magic’s as easy to her as anything else.  That being said, I find myself wondering what it would actually be like to try using that spell while I’m already in the thrall of the Augment.  It’s perhaps not the most enticing prospect right now …
Stopping just short of the curb, I give the bundled cloth in my free hand a little squeeze as I turn a slow semi-circle and scan the broad thoroughfare ahead of me.  I don’t see the others stopping behind me, but I know they do all the same, even the order they do it in as they note than I’m adjusting to the change in surroundings again.  I can feel Shay shifting her weight from one foot to the other, regarding me for a long beat, and I can even sense she wants to speak now, even as I take in all the other bodies around us.  Business is still in full swing so the wide street is pretty busy, but there doesn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
Finally Shay clears her throat and takes a step closer.  “Um … Gael, you all right there?”
“Perfectly fine.”  I breathe, thoroughly aware that I’m speaking at a conversational level she can easily pick up on even out here with all this ambient noise.
The way I can not only see the creasing of the little wrinkle between her brows but the muscles behind it is a little discomfiting for me right now, but it’s a more subtle effect I’m still a little lost over how to actually realistically ignore.  “Gael … you’re walking like you’re in a trance, and your eyes are … gods, that is weird.  Your pupils are dancing.  They can’t decide if they’re going to stay wide open or tight as pinholes.  And you look frightful.  People are staring.”
Frowning and actually feeling every inch of my face subtly adjusting from that one movement, I look around again, and I can see what she means easily enough, as much feeling the attention of those who are passing us by.  I’m drawing a lot of looks all right, but then with what must looks very much like fresh blood painted in smeared lines across my face I’m well aware of the outlandishness of my appearance.  Even in Untermer I know this must be a weird look, even without the way I’m apparently moving around.
“Honestly, Shay?”  I find myself forming the words without thinking too much about it, really.  “I have no idea how the hell Big Man does this every day.”
“Because he’s a golem, Gael.  He was built that way.  He’s always seen the world like this.”  She steps closer now, putting her hand in the small of my back, but gently, not putting any real pressure on me yet.  “I thought you said you’d done this before, though.  That you had control over it.”
“I did.  I do.  It’s just …”  I blink, and while the act only lasts for the split of a second it seems to feel to me like it takes much longer.  Oh, that might be the worst part of this, the stretching of perceived time in certain moments.  “Ooof … um … oh, yes, well … that was in a controlled environment.  Back in the Academy, in the classroom, or in the examination hall.  This is … somewhat different.”
Shay’s frown deepens as she looks right into my eyes, and as she opens her mouth it’s worryingly like I can already see the words she’s forming.  Like some horrible pre-emptive echo.  “Do you need help?”  She presses my back more firmly now, but I can feel every tendon in her fingers, the bones behind them, even the ridges of her fingerprints, through the layers of my clothes.
“No.  I’m all right.  Really.  I promise.”
Stepping back as she breaks contact, Shay still watches me closer than a hawk, looking thoroughly unconvinced by my words.  “Gael, I …”  She takes a deep breath, then lets it out in a deep sigh.  “Fuck.  Okay, if you insist.  Kesla put me in charge, sort of, but … I’m going to defer just this once, because you’re supposed to be the expert on magic here.”  She sets her jaw, and I see the muscles shifting under her impressive cheeks.  “Which way?”
Squinting now, I focus on the other half of the combined spell I’ve woven, and the handkerchief still gripped in my hand almost seems to pulse as I shift my gaze.  I feel the subtlest throb behind my eyes, then I see that bright red line I’ve been following since I finished the spells shift.  Curving right, down past two stores across the thoroughfare and then cutting into the alleyway just past.  I start walking without thinking.
“Whoa, wait!”  I feel Shay grab me hard, and it sets off a whole flood of physical sensations through me as she digs her fingers into my shoulders and pulls me back.  Just as the trotting horse and cart I’d been fully aware of but somehow still managed to completely ignore as I focused on the path rolls right through the space I would have occupied on the cobbled street.  “Gods, Gael, focus.”
“That’s just what I am doing …”  The words are out without conscious thought once again, my reasoning mind still detached from my awareness, I think.  Another of the strange side effects of this spell.  “But thank you.  That could have been bad.”
“No shit.”  Shay lets go of me and I set off instantly, and I hear her muttering a slightly winded oath as she scrambles to follow me again.  I can feel her frustration radiating from her like a palpable fever now.  I can also sense all the others following too, and I know they’re just as concerned as Shay now, especially after that near miss.
“Shay,”  I hear Thel muttering as she draws in close to her side, even though the low tone’s intended to be private.  “What the fuck is going on with ‘em?”
“Magic.  I don’t get it either, and I like it even less.  They say they’re on top of it, though.”
“Seriously?  You saw what just happened.  They’re stumbling round like they’re being controlled by some crazy druid.  They carry on like this they’re gonna get hurt.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
Thel doesn’t reply this time, but I can feel her frustration growing now too.  Directed as much at Shay as at me, though, I notice.  Chafing at the required deference, I think.
The moment I step into the alley the smell hits like a physical wall, trash and raw sewage and body odour.  I pull the scent-portion of my input out as much as I consciously can as I start stepping gingerly, not actually having to look down to keep track of the cleaner, drier spots in the broken paving as I navigate the overflow from the badly maintained drains.  I keep my focus directed on the path ahead as I lead the group into the next stretch of the labyrinth.
“Ugh … charming place.”  I hear Krakka mutter from somewhere in the middle behind me.
“Welcome to Untermer.”  Shay growls under her own breath  “Again.”
“You get used to it.”  Darwyn pipes up, and the amusement is clear in her voice, but I can also sense her more mischievous streak stepping up too.  “Eventually.”
“I don’t want to get used to this.”  Krakka snaps  “Even the poor quarters in Tabaphic don’t smell this bad.”
They continue for a few more moments, and while it’s definitely bickering I can tell it’s relatively light hearted now they have something else to take their mind off my current predicament for a minute or two.  But something else is starting to draw my own attention now.  Not here, in the tight, winding confines of the allay, but ahead.  In the more open space that I can already sense a little way ahead.
So I just stop on the spot, not really a conscious decision but just smart given the situation.  Shay catches it quickly enough, of course, but I feel the message taking more time to travel through the rest of the group, so some of them come close to walking into the backs of others as we all draw to a clumsy halt.
“Um … Gael, are you –”
“Something’s ahead of us.”
The group falls dead silent at those words, and I feel several of them tense on the spot.  Shay and Thel both reach for the weapons on their hips purely by instinct but don’t draw.  An electric moment passes by, then I feel Shay step up close so she can lean over my shoulder, intending to whisper in my ear now.
“What kind of something?”  I know she’s looking ahead now, but she can see as well as I can that the alley’s twists are as haphazard as any others we’ve encountered, nothing ahead actually visible right now.
That’s what Kesla would call a stumper, actually.  I’ve been keeping my attentions trained for threats this whole time, and so far nothing’s actually presented itself, at least nothing explicitly dangerous.  What I can feel up ahead … there’s no direct menace to it, I can tell at least that whatever threat there is here it’s not specifically focused on anything right now, it’s more pregnant with possibilities.  A watchfulness, I suppose … of course that’s what it is.  Guards.  Sentries.  Someone set out on watch.  More than one person, I can feel now.
“Someone is … watching this path.”
“What …”  Shay tenses a little more, I feel her grip tighten on her sword as well as hearing the creak of the tendons in her fingers, the subtlest creak in the leather of the scabbard.  “They’re expecting us?”
“No, I don’t …”  I concentrate a little deeper into what’s ahead, and it’s like a picture in abstraction forming ahead of me, it’s very strange.  I can see the brick of the walls ahead of me, but somehow I can also make out what lies beyond, a small square lying between the crush of surrounding buildings.  No nature here, though, just flagstone paving underfoot and some scattered man-made topography, looks like some tables and simple benches set out in the space.  There are doorways in some of the walls, one of them currently open, and there’s a figure sat on the stoop, half in and half out of the entryway.  This is the most watchful attention, I can see, but they’re not alone.  There are three others here, two sat at one of the tables while a third is pacing idly in the middle of the open ground.  None of these others look particularly alert, but they’re awake enough.  All it takes is for one to notice you, after all.
This is … yes, this is definitely the place.  As I push my focus a little tighter onto all of them, I can see they’re clearly of the same basic stock as the rest we’ve been fighting lately.  The same makeshift leather gear and cloaks, the same borrowed or stolen Guild gear and weapons.  As I push even deeper, looking past the man sat in the doorway – and it’s the strangest thing, I know right through that it is a man – I can sense they’re definitely not the only ones here.
The building in question is three storeys, somewhat slender but long so there’s room despite it being cramped.  It’s all kinds of disconcerting that I can actually look through walls to see what lies inside, but more so to actually be able to make out the occupants too, although in these cases they’re more indistinct, mostly just vaguely man or woman-shaped blobs.  The way they’re picked out in warm colours makes me think perhaps I’m seeing them through their body warmth, which is another strange and worrying thing, and I wonder if that’s how Big Man sees us all when we’re out of his direct sight.  I try not to think about it now as I make a rough count but then the number just suddenly comes to me even though I didn’t actually ask for it first.  Oof … I hate this.
I’m stumbling backwards before I quite realise, but I don’t fall as Shay just grabs hold of me again and holds me up.  “Shit … Gael, come on.  This cannot be good for you.  Seriously, how long can you even keep this up?”
Blinking a few times, I finally just mash my eyes closed for a few beats and then give my head a good shake before finally forcing myself into a comfortable standing position again as I open them.  “Oooh … it’s rather subjective, I’m told.  It depends on the wizard, really.  Tulen can barely handle it for a minute or two, after all.”  When I look back at them now I’ve dialled it all right back so I’m seeing the group mostly how they normally are, but I still can’t quite escape the most obvious effects.  Minerva … Krakka’s still a beacon.  “I’ll be all right for a little longer, I think.”
“Bollocks.”  Shay really doesn’t try to sugar-coat it this time.  “Please, Gael.  Just drop it.”
“He’s in there, just a little way down.  But he’s not alone, there are quite a few more of them with him.”
Shay shuts her mouth a moment after I finish speaking, the words she clearly wanted to say dying in her throat.  Instead her face darkens further as she looks past me for a moment, then back.  “You’re sure about that?”
“Yes.  It’s a strange thing, but … yes.  I even know how many of them there are, just like Driver 8 does.  It’s … I think I’m starting to understand him a little now.  But I don’t like it.”  I look at the others, seeing them all listening intently.  Yeslee’s shouldered her way through the group now, stood just behind Shay as she looks right over her head down the alley ahead of us.  I don’t even need to see her nostrils working to know she’s scenting the air now, I can almost see the air being drawn in through the flaring.  “There’s close to three dozen altogether.  The same kind of people we’ve been dealing with this past week.”
“Have they rumbled us?”  Thel asks after a moment’s musing, looking almost excited now.  Clearly she’s been pretty sick of all the waiting we’ve been doing of late.  “Y’know, do they know we’re here?”
“Of course.”  I can’t help cocking my brow at that.  “Um … no, from what I can tell they’re pretty idle, actually.  I mean the guards seem alert enough, but no more than you or I would be if this were just a normal day.  I think.  Um …”  Faltering, I turn to Shay again, preferring the opinion of someone who actually has a tactical mind.
“Means they’re not expecting us, but they’re not being stupid about it either.”  She strokes her chin for a moment , thoughtful now, then looks up at Yeslee.  “What do you think?”
Yeslee’s brows shoot right up at that.  She seems genuinely surprised that Shay’s actually asking for her opinion, but doesn’t actually come right out and say it.  Instead she looks down at the half-orc for a moment, her expression smoothing out again as she thinks about it.  “You’re the boss here.”
This time it’s Shay’s turn to be amazed, the way Yeslee said that was so matter of fact I know it was meant with the utmost respectful deference.  She’s genuinely willing to go with Shay’s ideas since Kesla clearly thinks she can do it too.  That being said, it’s not without precedent, Yeslee remembers as well as I do what a good job Shay did hunting us back in the mountains.  “Um … yeah, cool.  Thanks.”  Frowning, she turns back to me.  “How do we get in there, then?”
Thinking for a moment, I realise what she means.  “Oh, yes.  Of course.  Entrances, yes.” I concentrate again, and I don’t even need to turn around, I can see the layout of the place again even though it’s behind me now.  I’m trying very hard indeed to not actually think about that right now, I’m liable to make myself throw up, or something worse perhaps.  “Um … okay, there’s the main one on the far side, but that’s not easy to access from here, we’d have to go all the way around to approach it from the street.”
“No point anyway, guarantee they’d be watching out from that way.”  Yeslee pauses for a moment, still thoughtful, then looks up.  “Oh, yes.  Of course.  The same way I would.”
“Why ain’t they picked up on us coming this way?”  Thel’s looking back down the way we’ve come now, and she’s gripping the axe at her left side tight, while her free right hand just works on its own, clenching and then flexing.  If they’re watching the front entrance, then –”
“I must have picked up on that without even realising it.”  I shake my head a little, but with my eyes open it just causes everything to swim and jumble for a second.  Gods … I shouldn’t do that again.  “Um … I don’t know.  As we were approaching, I was looking out for anyone actually observing us.  I mean, more than just idle curiosity.  Like watching with a purpose.  I didn’t seem to pick up on it, but … I brought us in at a somewhat oblique angle, I think.  I’m not sure.”  I shrug, looking at Shay again as I sigh.  “I don’t know.  Maybe they just missed us.”
“You’re sure we’re not being watched, then?”  Shay’s eyes are locked on mine as she asks, then she looks up the way Yeslee’s still doing.  “There’s no chance they could be hiding it from you?”
“No, it doesn’t work that way.  If there was someone observing us, I’d know it.”
“Is there a way in from above?”  Yeslee’s question seems to stump Shay as much as me, I have to think about it for a moment, then my attention just seems to … it’s strange, there’s almost like a pinging sound deep in my head as I just know again, my attention seeming to home in on the answer.  Minerva … I’m starting to hate this.
“There is.  And there are two of them up there, watching out, although their attention seems to be mostly devoted to the front of the building.  I think that might be why they missed us.  It’s a lot of rooftop to cover for two of them.”
“That’s right, they should be more spread out so they could watch both sides simultaneously.”  Yeslee breathes, finally looking down as she reaches into one of her pockets and produces her coiled bowstring.  A simply flick of her wrist unspools it all at once, then she simply slips the tiny knotted loop at one end over the top of her bow’s stave and then upends the whole thing before bending it against her foot.  The stave creaks somewhat and I know that she’s exerting a spectacular amount of force on it now as she bends the bow into shape, but as she simply pulls the string taut and slips the other end in place too she shows no strain at all.  Finally she reaches into the pocket again and produces the two carved bone horns, tipping each end of the bow with the same quick care she’s shown in the rest of this operation.  The whole thing can’t have taken more than fifteen seconds.�� “They’re not half so smart as they think they are, I suspect.”
“You’re sure you want to try this now?”  Shay cocks a brow as she looks at the Fir Bolg.
“Best not to give them a chance to get more clever while we’re being so lucky.”  She slips the newly strung bow over her hand and lets it rest across her back as she starts to roll her shoulders and picks up her feet.  It’s a ritual I’ve come the recognise, she’s limbering up for a climb.  “Can you make it up this wall after me?”
Frowning a little, Shay narrows her eyes.  “After you?  I thought …”  She cocks her head and starts to smile.  “Ah, yes.”  She looks up again.  “I think so.  I’ve scaled smoother than this before.  The drainpipes should help, anyway.”  She looks at the rest of us, and her gaze lingers on Darwyn.  “How about you?”
Darwyn’s not even looking at her, she’s just frowning upward as she takes the wall in.  I follow her gaze, and my enhanced senses instantly start picking out imperfections, cracks and weak spots in the brickwork around us.  Slowly I start to see what they’re talking about – these walls are sheer, but they’re also very rough, and there are far more handholds, perilously tight as most of them might seem, than I would have thought to just look at them normally.  That being said, it’s still … well, if I’m daunted by a six foot drop onto a sandy beach, this kind of thing genuinely boggles me.
“Sure.”  She shrugs after a moment, giving a cocked little smile.  “Compared to some of the buildings I’ve had to climb up this might as well be a ladder.”
“Really?”  I can’t keep the incredulity out of my face.  “You’re sure?”
Looking up at me now, she cocks her brow.  “Been doing this shit since I was genuine tiny.  Art wishes he was good as me.”
Zuldrad snorts behind her, and when she gives him a hard glare he entirely ignores it, just smiling a quizzical little smile as he starts stripping off his gloves.  After a frowning moment Darwyn starts doing the same.  Seems he’s going with them too, then.
“Well … all right then, I suppose.”  I turn back to Shay.  “I can’t do this.  You know I can’t do this.  I’m bad enough with trees.  I just never got the knack, it was very embarrassing for me when I was young.”
Letting out a little sigh, Shay just steps forward and lays her hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze while she pulls me close until she can lay her forehead against mine.  “Just breathe.  You don’t have to.  It’s just going to be the four of us, the rest of you are staying down here.”
“Brung can climb too, though.”  Thel ventures, and when we look her way we find her small goblin companion’s stood at her side now, looking up the wall himself.  “And he’s just as sneaky as any of you.”
“No, I want him to stay down here.”  Shay steps back from me now, and I realise she’s not pulling her own gloves off any more than Yeslee is.  Then again, neither of them have any fingers on their gloves.  “You’re all going to be just as busy as they rest of us, I promise.”
“We are?”  The words are out before I can stop them, the Augment’s still messing somewhat with my ability to differentiate between my simply thinking the words and actually saying them.
“Yes.  You’re going to be the distraction.”  The way she grins when she says that fills me with trepidation.
Thel, on the other hand, is just starting to smile again.  “Oh, well reckon I can live with that.  Long as I get to batter somebody I’m happy with this plan.”
Pulling off her cloak, Shay considers for a moment before folding it once and holding it out to me, but I really don’t mind.  In truth it’s worth it if I get to look at her new armour.
Kesla insisted she should consider something with more protection than just the bracers she was wearing the other night, but I think Shay’s learned her lesson well enough after nearly dying.  Instead she’s gone all the way to the other extreme – as soon as we got back to the hotel and had access to the rest of our luggage she went straight to her room to retrieve the new suit of armour she acquired from Hurrig back in the Academy in Bavat.  She also rather sheepishly asked Tulen and I to help her get into it.
It was definitely worth the efforts, I think she looks amazing.  Even without the Augment she looks absolutely beautiful, albeit in a rather dangerous way.  The fine black scale-mail has the subtlest gleam, but something about it seems to let the light slide off of it rather than reflect too much, which I suspect is intended to add to her stealth.  Hurrig was right when he said it should fit her, in truth it looks almost like it was made to measure for her specifically, the cuirass as snug around her torso as the sleeves and leggings.  The pauldrons, faulds, vambraces and grieves, meanwhile, don’t so much bulk her out as simply compliment her form, and as she takes time to adjust the lie of her weapon harnesses I swear I can see the subtle shifting of her muscles through the metal scales.  It might simply be another layer of the Augment, but I suspect it’s a genuine aspect of the armour itself.  Either way, it’s quite beautifully made, and suits her down to the ground.
“Bloody hell.”  Thel’s oath breaks me out of my reverie as surely as it grabs Shay’s attention.  She’s looking the half-orc over with fresh appreciation, and as she starts to smile again she nods.  “That is impressive.”
“Yeah, it is.”  Darwyn nods too, although she’s frowning a little as she adjusts her own gear, having now shed her own cloak.  “Bit fancy though, ain’t it?  For what we’re doing, I mean.”
“Better not to take any chances if I can help it.”  Shay takes a moment to smooth her hands over the snug scales covering her chest, moving cautiously down towards her belly. The armour makes the subtlest hissing sound as she does it, but to my ear it’s nothing more than  the rasping of snakeskin against leather, there’s little chance of it giving her away.  “Besides, this stuff is much lighter than it looks, and it’s got great flex.  I won’t have any more trouble getting up there than without.”  Stopping just short of her belt she takes her hands away and flexes both for a moment before looking to me again.  “You should have worn yours too.”
“I’m sure I’ll be all right.”  I puff up a bit, trying not to seem too defensive but probably not quite succeeding.  “I suspect you don’t want me in the lead for this, anyway.”
That makes her smile a little, but it’s somewhat rueful.  “Yes, you’re right there.  You should really hang back, just be support for this.  I doubt they’ve got the wizard in there, I imagine she’s still in that tavern where Kesla saw her earlier.  Unless the orc’s in there I doubt they’ll even need you.”
“Please don’t tempt fate like that.  I really don’t want to have to go up against him again.”  I look up the wall again.  “All right then, while you’re going in this way, what are we actually doing?”
“Well first of all I want you to give us all a refresher on that image you put in our heads earlier, so we’re sure who we’re actually looking for.”
I’m only a beat realising what she actually means by that, remembering that before I implemented the Augment and the tracking spell I had Thel picture Tog’s face from the other night in her head before pulling a copy of it into my own so I could project it to the rest.  I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t be able to do it again.  “Of course.”
“Then I want you to contact Yulen, let them know what we’re about to do.  I doubt we’ll need any backup but it can’t help to at least let them know we’re about to do something dangerous.  You know, just in case.”
I start to blanche at that, I can’t help it.  “Oh, no, I don’t know if I can actually do that right now.  Not while I’m using –”
“Gael, please just drop this stupid spell.  It’s no good for you, clearly.  We need you properly alert for this, and for that I want your mind clear.  I can’t have you distracted by what might be going on three streets away.”  She steps close again, and even if I didn’t already know how serious she was just through my current inexplicable way of just being able to read it her expression’s enough to convince me.  “All that’s left for you to do is work out where in there he is and give us an idea of how many we’re going to have to fight our way through to get to him, then you’re going to stop it, are we clear?”
Frowning, I look at her for a long, loaded moment, then turn to take the others in as they continue their various preparations.  In truth I’m not really sure that I want to keep the Augment up right now, I suspect I might be uncomfortably close to hurting myself from this if I keep it up.  So I jut sigh and nod my assent.  “Of course.  You’re right.  This is getting uncomfortable.”
“All the better, then.”  Shay reaches out again, this time touching my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, but again I still feel far more from that contact than I’d really like.  “Like I said, I want you to hang back, just follow the others in.  Thel, once we’re in place up there I want you and Brung to go in this way.  You just strut straight in there like it’s your business, while your goblin friend sneaks around them.  Once he’s ready I want you to …”  She shrugs, but she’s smiling now.  “Hell, do whatever feels natural, I just want you to make a big racket and really get their attention.”
“Killing one or more o’ them guards’ll do that just fine, I reckon.”  Thel’s own grin is particularly wicked now as she lays both her hands on the heads of her handaxes.
“Then feel free.  Krakka, you back her up if she needs it, but I want you behind her anyway.  Gael takes the rear, I don’t want them to jump in unless they’re really needed.  They need to be able to call to the others if things do go south.”
“How much help do you think they can actually be though?”  Krakka wonders, and looking at him now I wonder if he’s even at all enthusiastic about the plan.  “They’re halfway across the city by now.”
“Yes, but Tulen can just port at least two of them in at a snap, can’t she?”  Shay smiles down at him.  “As I said, I doubt they’ll actually be needed. But a little insurance doesn’t hurt.”
Krakka looks up at her for a moment, then just shrugs.  “True.  All right, then.  Is that everything?”
Shay looks up the wall one more time, then down the alley in the direction we all intend to head, one way or another.  “I believe it is.”  Finally she turns back to me.  “Go on, then.”
Remembering what she’s asked of me, I take a deep breath and open up my focus again, looking past the rest and taking one last deep glimpse into this makeshift enemy stronghold ahead of us.  Taking a last hold on that strange red thread and pulling it taut as I concentrate on our target, somewhere deep within …
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Corey and Oats in…
The Ghost of Thena Rae
Corey and Oats had been on many adventures together has a duo and they always had fun, one mid-afternoon while they were at their Nile Road house they were playing a mystery challenge game, and that’s when Mel came in with an idea for an adventure..since they liked paranormal mysteries so much she thought it would be a good idea to take them on a paranormal adventure of their own. She summoned the two over to the bedroom as she used her magic to manifest up a passageway which led into a spooky urban city setting for them to explore.
Corey and Oats were excited as they walked around the city, and they heard a loud scream coming from nearby…they followed the scream and discovered it was coming from a mansion of sorts. ‘What is going on here, may I ask?’ ‘I have heard there was a curse in that mansion, it is haunted.’ ‘Haunted?’ ‘Yes..it is haunted by the ghost of a former actress.’
Oats asked the passerby what he meant, and the passerby explained that there was an actress in the 70’s known as Thena Rae, she starred in a number of slasher and horror movies, and the passerby explained how after the late 80’s and 90’s she divorced her husband due to relationship difficulties.
“So what happened to her after that?”
‘She went insane..she passed away a couple of years after her 2000’s comeback era.’ Corey gasped as he felt like he was being told quite the ghost story. The duo was creeped out but nonetheless intrigued by this as they made their way up to the entrance of the mansion, the mansion didn’t look too bad, nothing like your typical haunted mansion.
The doors of the mansion opened as if by supernatural magic and the duo entered and walked into the foyer, which had an art gallery with transforming portraits on the walls, one portrait featured a woman in an exotic belly dancer outfit turning into a snake-monster, another featured a woman in a slinky catsuit turning into a werecat, there were a couple of portraits that made it look the people in the portraits were invisible.
Corey investigated the hallways and the library, looking for clues as Oats investigated the ballroom and kitchen, Mel went upstairs to investigate the bedroom. That’s where Oats came across a shimmering light, the light took on the form of a young girl that looked like Thena when she was a little girl.
“Aaaaw…what’s wrong, do you want me to play with you?”
“Yes, will you play with me?”
The ghostly girl seemed to be crying, as Oats comforted her and gave her a hug. A piercing shriek was heard as one of the statues sprung to life and attempted to attack someone that was on the tour, Corey narrowly ducked out of the way as books flew off one of the shelves.
“Sounds like the spirits really hate tourists."
Several tourists panicked as they saw all sorts of ghosts emerging from the walls of the foyer, and that’s when Oats spotted Thena…or rather her ghost coming out of the paintings. Thena very much looked like a mix of Bo Derek and Morticia Addams with Elvira thrown in, as she floated over to him.
Oats asked her what happened and she gave her backstory before haunting some more tourists, she lunged over at one of them but was stopped by Corey. Oats whinnied as he performed a spell to protect himself and his friend.
He thought of something else too as he got some of Thena’s things and presented them to her and made her feel better about what happened, she kissed him and gave him a ghostly hug. But just as Oats reached out to hug her, he got possessed by her and he became a busty ghostly equine-woman. ‘Oops, sorry…that happens sometimes.’ ‘It’s okay.’
After getting back to Corey, he turned back to normal and he explained to everyone it was alright and Thena wasn’t angry at them anymore, and he trotted over to the dining room to try some of the food on the table only for the table to float in mid air.
“Wheee, that looks like fun.”
For several minutes the duo got to experience what being ghosts was like as they took part in a dance contest in the ball-room…Oats got to win the ‘Belle of the Haunted Ballroom’ award and he was very happy to receive it, he neighed because he was so happy. After the dance contest, they all sat down for a nice afternoon tea.
After the afternoon tea party they played with some of the fellow ghosts as he looked around the mansion and he examined the collection of magazines and dolls that featured covers of her and also the dolls that were made of her likeness. Oats had a very fun time at the mansion.
A couple of hours later it was time to go home as Mel gestured to them as a ghostly limo materialized outside, and they hopped in the limo and headed home, they left the city and they headed all the way back to their home in Nile Road.
Once they arrived back home, they told all the other microbes about their spooky mystery adventure and told them a spooky ghost story, later they had dinner. After dinner they played a mystery game together and played ghost hunters with the other microbes, Corey was happy he got to solve a mystery.
When it was time for bed, they all snuggled up and had dreams of their mystery adventure. Oats and Corey dreamed of being ghost hunters and having their own ghost hunter tv show, which was a very good dream indeed.
Our little ghostly adventure comes to an end but stay tuned this coming week for ‘Corey and Oats’s Galactic Journey’ ‘A Visit to The Horror Museum’, a couple of brand new holiday specials, ‘The Smallest Koala’, ‘Cinnamon: Princess of the Flowery Forest’ and ‘Return to Weta Workshop’.
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
"the halloween party"
making myself cri while writing this so much fluff omg
bob and i go trick-or-treating and the norwood's party, hijinks insue hehehehe
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story under da cut <3<3<3<3<3
finally, the best holiday had came, halloween! i eagerly waited for my "friend" so the night could truly begin, the rest of the household not so silently saying their opinions to themselves. "are you sure you don't want to come with us and meet him at the party?" frankie politely asked me, just about to head outside, the cold seeping in.
"do i really have to wear a stupid outfit just so i can be around other grown adults wearing stupid outfits?" mike grunted to the dismay of frankie, he was a stubborn man but it was funny seeing him in a campy halloween costume. mike and bride of mike, followed by a small guy from history i don't expect a lot would remember.
"no, thank you. we're going to hit some houses before we get to the party." i smiled, getting more excited by the second thinking about him. his adorable smile- it made my heart melt.
"i hope you mean metaphorically." frankie titled her head a bit and looked to me, i couldn't tell if she was joking or not but i still giggled at her exchange anyway.
waiting outside for him, was painful, it felt like centuries having to sit tight for probably the most important person in my life but god- when i saw him in the distance, i felt so blessed. i speed walked to him, cautious of the many small children, and hugged him tightly, he welcomed my embrace. "aw, bob, you are so cute!" i laughed, he was a old chimney sweeper with fake dirt on his face, he even had a chimney sweep. he blushed a bit at my remake.
"and you," he stared at me, my costume paled in contrast to his, i was wearing a long black cloak sort thing with a white ghost mask. bob lighty smiled and removed my mask from my face, revealing my flushed face. "there's my sunshine."
"i love you." was all i could think about saying to him while i gazed. "i am so in love with you."
"c'mon, daniel. before all the good houses lose their candy!" bob beamed like a small child, dragging me along the neighborhood. trick-or-treating the entire neighborhood until we went to every last house, it didn't matter how old we were, we had such a joyful night acting like kids again.
when bob and i were finally done with trickin'-or-treatin', we headed off to the norwood's party. it was in the backyard of their house but it seemed like their entire place was decorated for the spooky night, very festive. even had apple bobbing, pumpkin carving and scary music, a classic halloween party. i glanced over to my everything who awkwardly grinned at me, some chocolate smeared on his face. "daniel! bob!" frankie yelled out, walking towards us, mike trailing behind her. "you two look lovely!" she gushed, clamping her hands together, i felt her slightly teasing me for my feelings towards the little man.
"you look lovely!" bob rebutted, frankie "aww"ing at him. i couldn't help but get a tiny, tiny bit jealous.
"did you two seriously go trick-or-treating?" the brick wall also known as mike questioned us, getting another annoyed glance from frankie.
"of course, you're never too old for trick-or-treating!" i answered the giant angry man, bob silently agreeing and nodding his head to convince mike.
"mike, you should be a bit more like them and just have fun." frankie suggested, causing mike to get peeved and exit the conversation. i felt a bit bad for him, i can understand where's he's coming from with the anti-social aspect. after that slight awkwardness, bob and i walked more into the party and onto the dance floor. there was a lot more people than what i was expecting, there was a doctor and a patient, a giant baby and some guy in a mustard suit, very amusing. but suddenly the whole room felt down, less color in the world, that's when i noticed bob. he had a upset expression on his poor face, like he had been plagued with too many thoughts of worries and insecurities, i couldn't handle seeing him like that.
"bob, are you alright? you look sad." i stepped closer to the unsettled boy, i wanted to hold him and make all his sadness go away.
"it's-im alright." he dismissed my queries, shaking his head but i knew he was holding back something that was bothering him greatly.
"please, don't lie. i am always, always here to help you with whatever, promise." bob glanced to me before looking at the ground and sighing, holding my hand.
"could we go somewhat private first?"
we made our way to the norwood's shed, it was dark and the sound of the outside world was muffled, kinda comforting. bob nervously played with his hands, looking around the shed. "what's been bothering you? you don't have to tell me the exact details, i just want to help you with this." i resured him that i would be with him, not matter what.
"well, uhh." he scratched his neck, laughing realizing how he cornered himself quite literally. "th-the thing that's been on my mind is-is," he was practically shaking from nervousness. "is you." he paused, watching my reaction of confusion. "ever since i met you, you've been on my mind. you're everything i could have ever hoped for." taking in a deep breath, he prepared for the worst possible outcome. "you're the reason why i get out of bed with a smile on my face. and- i love you, daniel." those last words shocked me to my core, he noticed my face and shyly faced away from me, staring at a wall. "i-i knew this was a bad idea, i am so sorry for making you uncomfortable-" he stopped apologizing as i held his hand and initiated eye contact, anxiety kept clogging his beautiful mind.
"bob, what you told me is exactly how i feel towards you. you're my everything, my sunshine." hearing my confession, my world beamed up again. color filled the shed as bob smiled at me and tightly held my hand, as if testing if this was a dream or not.
"really? you love me too?" he questioned excitedly yet worried, still having the same soft delicate expression on his face. i inched closer to him, hoping this moment would never end, please never end.
"of course! who wouldn't?" laughing as i embraced my boy, him hugging me tighter, silently crying into my shoulder from happiness. "i love you so much, i couldn't exist happily without you." i whispered into his ear as i kissed his cheek, he was so much softer than i thought, so perfect. bob pulled away from me for a second to ask:
"would you mind if..?" he didn't know how to explain his desire for affection but he didn't need to, i knew and lightly nodded my head and grinned at him, accepting his request. he pulled back into our embrace and kissed me, face red from blush and giggling shyly. such a fucking precious boy, he deserves the entire world, hell, the entire universe. but unfortunately our moment together was interrupted by someone opening the shed door, most likely thinking that nobody would be in there. bob and i quickly ex-braced each other in wake of the newly arrived person, which appeared to be bill norwood.
"oh, hi?" mr. norwood spoke, very confused. "i was just here to grab something, um, make yourselves at home?" he tried his best to be welcoming to us and make conversation as he could as he walked around the shed, searching for something. "thank you"s were tossed around from my sunshine and i. as bill left the shed, we turned to face each other and bursted into laughter from how awkward all of us were.
"i never want to leave your side again." bob devotingly confessed as he held me, fondly staring at all my features. i softly kissed him.
"who says we can't stay together forever?"
many many kithsies were shared that night <3
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falseroar · 4 years
Dog Days Part 9: Preparations
((Marvin and Jackie talk about some of the preparations they need to make now that Y/N is in the house.
A little shorter compared to Part 8, but setting up a few things for later.))
Marvin cracked open the door to his room and waited, listening carefully to be sure that the noise had finally died down before venturing out into the hallway. He paused by the bathroom to look in at the wet floor and the damp towels littered everywhere before shuddering and moving on toward the living room.
There he found Jackie struggling to get his soaked hoodie off, the red fabric sticking around his chest and head until he managed to free himself and toss it over the back of the couch with a groan.
“That bad, huh?” Marvin asked.
“Like you couldn’t hear all of that,” Jackie pointed out. “Funny how you suddenly aren’t too busy when it’s all over.”
The magician at least had the decency to look a little bit ashamed, but he was quick to defend himself. “Hey, I’ve been up to my ears in spells today. Adding another room onto the house isn’t exactly easy, even with my notes from last time. Did that prescription stuff from the doctor help any?”
It was the whole point of the bath, after all. The doctors said mixing it with the water would help soothe the werewolf’s burns, although apparently no one considered the logistics of trying to bathe a reluctant and temporarily blind werewolf before the bathroom turned into a water park.
“Maybe? Hard to tell when they can’t say anything, but they seem to be feeling well enough to either sulk or have fallen asleep,” Jackie said, and Marvin followed his gaze to the sliding door, through which they could clearly see the wolf lying on their back in the grass of the backyard, paws up in the air. “And I don’t have a clue what Chase or Jameson are doing with that rake, but at this point I’m afraid to ask.”
From the look of it, neither of the men outside were very clear on what they were doing either, and as Marvin watched Chase broke off their argument by pushing Jameson into a nearby pile of leaves, his laughter cut short when he was dragged down with him in a splash of red, yellow, and brown leaves.
Jackie rubbed his bare arms with a shiver as he watched, and Marvin thought he was about to go and get a dry hoodie from his extensive collection. It was rare to see him without one, and the white t-shirt he had been wearing underneath looked thin. Thin enough to make out the scars on his back and chest, which along with the matching ones on his arms normally went unseen, even if Marvin tried not to look at them too closely.
Instead, Jackie asked, “Were there some new wards among all those spells you were doing?”
“…Yes,” Marvin answered. “Y/N’s room is just as protected as the rest of the house.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Jackie looked back at the magician, who reluctantly met his gaze. “Tomorrow night is a full moon.”
“I checked the spell I put on them, and it’s still active. They should be able to control their self without any problems,” Marvin answered. “…But I’ve already talked to Henrik about getting Chase and Jameson out of the house, just in case.”
Jackie nodded. The two of them could handle it on their own if something went wrong, especially if they didn’t have to worry about the others getting hurt. The thought they had to be prepared in case it came to that at all was what bothered Marvin, along with the kind of wards and spells he had been researching all day. It seemed a blessing that the spell he had cast all those years ago was still holding strong, especially when Marvin wasn’t sure what the alternative would have to have been. Or might be.
The magician jumped as a laughing shriek came from the backyard, where the werewolf had suddenly sprung up to go diving into the leaves along with the others.
“Careful, Y/N, the garden’s just a few feet in front of you,” Chase warned. “JJ might have to give you another bath if you crush his petunias!”
“Don’t sign me up for that,” Jameson protested as he sat up, leaves still on his shoulder and stuck in his hair. “Remember, you told me yourself you know all about taking care of dogs, including washing them.”
Chase grimaced, remembering too well what he said before offering to get Y/N into the waiting bath, only to realize that when a wolf didn’t want to go somewhere, they tended to be a bit harder to convince than your average terrier.
“Maybe we can just hose them down in the backyard next time,” Chase suggested, only to get a huff from the wolf.
“How are you feeling, Y/N? Did the medicine help?” Jameson signed and Chase repeated aloud for the wolf’s benefit.
“I think that’s a yes,” Chase said, translating the noise from the wolf’s chest even though the fact they were currently sprawled out on their back, wiggling back and forth on the crinkling leaves like they had just landed in the middle of a soft mattress, was a pretty big hint.
Jameson looked at Chase and signed again.
“Oh. Uh, Jameson wants to know if it’s okay if he pets you?” Chase said, only for Jameson to correct him with a glare. “Sorry, hugs you.”
Y/N rolled over and sat up, their ears alert but otherwise unmoving for a second. Until they stood and moved toward Jameson, who slowly directed them toward himself before pulling them into a hug, his arms wrapped around the wolf and his face pressed up against theirs.
From outside the hug, Chase could see the brief wince from the wolf, their tense stance before they slowly leaned into it. The doctor had said it might take a while for the medicine to really have an effect, but now didn’t seem to be the time to remind Jameson of that, not when he could see the man’s eyes were shut tight and the glimmer near the corners of his eyes. Meanwhile, despite Henrik’s hopes of recovery, the wolf’s eyes were still clouded with silver, unable to read what Jameson wanted to say without help, and as much as Chase was willing to interpret, he knew there were some things that just didn’t sound the same coming from him.
Eventually, Jameson let go and the wolf leaned against his side gingerly, ears moving to follow every rustle of the leaves or caw of the crows watching from the other side of the yard like this was the most interesting thing they’d seen since Jameson tried to make that scarecrow they had promptly adopted as one of their own.
After checking that Chase was okay with translating for him, Jameson started to sign.
“You can come and go to the backyard anytime you want, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I added some ropes to both sides of the sliding door so you can pull it open yourself,” Chase added, having been eager to share that for a while now.
“And Marvin is adding another room to the house for you, if you wish to have your own space,” Jameson said, before adding to Chase, “I hope that is okay.”
“Mi case es su casa or whatever, as long as the roof doesn’t fall in, I think we’re good,” Chase said with a grin. “Honestly, having you guys living here with us has been a big help for me and Jackie. Marvin’s protections are a literal lifesaver, plus the extra paychecks aren’t too bad when Jackie eats like a horse and his…regular work doesn’t really help pay the bills.”
“Ah! I do hope to put on a show soon which might help,” Jameson signed. Thanks to Henrik, they had kind of figured out a wolf would need a lot of food to stay healthy, which they seemed to have been missing out on for a while now. Chase was quick to reassure him that it was okay and not to worry about money right now, so Jameson returned to what he had been saying. “None of the neighbors can see or hear us here, so it is private enough. Marvin has protected the backyard as much as the house with all of his spells, and although he tells me there is nothing to be done about those pesky crows, you should feel just as safe out here as inside.”
Chase suppressed a grin, knowing full well that Marvin loved the birds and was on a secret long-term campaign to befriend them that maybe involved the occasional sacrifice on the part of Jameson’s garden. “Marvin’s added spells to some of the things we carry with us to keep us safe outside of my house, like in my cap or in Jameson’s hipster bowler hat. He can probably add something to that collar if he hasn’t already so you can go out for a walk with one of us if you ever want to.”
A grumble came from the wolf at the reminder of the collar, while Jameson indignantly signed, “It is not hipster, it is vintage! I’ve had that hat since it was new!”
“Then maybe it’s time to update to something new, grandpa,” Chase countered.
The wolf swayed as Jameson lunged forward, their ears following the ensuing wrestling match with a curious and almost fond tilt of their head.
That quickly turned into a yelp of surprise when a stray pile of leaves hit them in the face, followed by the apparent determination to tackle whoever was closest and sit on them until they learned their lesson.
Inside the house, Marvin joked, “Looks like you might need to brush up on your wrestling skills for tomorrow night, just in case.”
Jackie shook his head and went in search of a dry change of clothes, leaving Marvin alone and free to chew on his bottom lip while he thought of a few more books he could check, just in case. Hopefully after tomorrow night, he could prove to Jackie that all of this extra preparation was completely unnecessary. And hopefully by the morning after, he could shake his own bad feelings about all of this and focus on finding out what happened to his friend.
Except he had learned a long time ago to trust his bad feelings. Like the one he felt every time he looked at the wolf, the quiet but hard to shake fear that they could disappear again at any second.
He still hadn’t told the others about how nearly every ward on the house activated the last night when they brought the werewolf home. Thankfully, they all held strong, but a divination spell cast while Jameson and Chase were giving Y/N a tour of the house confirmed that someone out there had been trying to find them.
Someone knew they had left the mirror, probably someone who had a hand in putting them in there in the first place. If that was the case, then Marvin wanted nothing more than to be ready with a tracking spell of his own should they be foolish enough to try again.
Marvin touched the cheek of his cat mask and forced himself to take a breath and calm down. Save the anger for later, when he could do something with it.
((End of Part 9. Thank you for reading!
Link to Part 10: Limited Supply.
Tagging: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @thepoolofthedead @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox ))
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