#the facial expressions here are priceless omg
notmybitch · 1 day
I'l try and sum up both yesteray and today's episodes here, so bear with me:
First off, I've seen people on Instagram really taking Fina's side against Jaime and I get it. I totally understand her distress and suspicions about Jaime's actitude. And it breaks my heart that she blames herself after all, she's once again in an impossible situation. That being said, watching both episodes fully, you can't ignore how much Jaime is actually trying to help Isidro. He is not only looking at all the possible treatments he can, but even when speaking with Luz you can tell that he is genuinely focused on Isidro's health and trying to put aside what's happening with him, Marta and Fina. It doesn't make him a saint, but at least he's a good doctor.
That scene he had with Luz seems to point to them actually getting closer and I'm sorry, but I'm totally rooting for them. Luis looks like he's really into the new girl and Luz deserves some romance in her life. They get along very well and now that he realized that Marta will never love him, maybe he'll let Marta and Fina be and try to move on? I know I sound naive but I keep thinking of an interview in which Marta Belmonte said some 'bad guys' are not actually that bad. Maybe she meant Jaime? Let me know what you guys think.
As for Isidro, damn I love how wonderful he is with Fina right now, it always makes me happy. I truly understand that he wants to be left alone but he can't see he raised the most feisty woman on earth. She was so cute all angry at him and Jaime, omg.
I want more scenes of Marta and Fina with Digna, pleaseeee. I will cry my eyes out if she ends up being against their relationship.
I'm sooooo in love with Marta becoming more and more angry on Fina's behalf and asking her father to help with Isidro and his treatment. What a queen. Those facial expressions she pulled on Jaime were priceless. Loved that beautiful dad&daughter duo telling Jaime what to do lmao
Bonus for full episode viewers:
Begoña and Luz's discussion made me so sad, I really like their friendship. Everything Begoña and Julia are going through is damn hard and they both deserve the world after everything that's happened
Damián hiring his son as his driver oh boy, oh dude. That's gonna backfire so quick. Can't wait for that reveal.
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awigglycultist · 1 year
Finally got some free time this week (well actually I did have free time before this but that was spent crying about my last day of school) so that finally means I finally get to watch VHS Christmas Carol just barely in time for the finale day of this week of Rewatchers2000! (it's still Sunday for me okay?)
I've said many times before but I absolutely love VHSCC and I always end up thinking about in the spring time, so this is definitely great
I love everyone coming through the audience
I love Fred's energy so much
Here's my man Bob Cratchit!!!
I love that the background turns all static when Scrooge is yelling at Bob
I love the way different characters react when passing by Scrooge during the "the crabbiest, scumbaggiest" bit. Like AJ ducks below him, James makes an angry face and like steps up to him and waves him away, and Jaime blocks her face.
The way Clark and AJ sound together during the transition song, especially on the "as the man begins to speeeaaakkk" bit ugghh omg they sound so good
Ugh Meredith as Jacob Marley hnggg
"these scary chains I wear" can't help but to make me laugh I little I'm sorry
I love how much cheering and screaming there is for Jaime through I'm The Ghost
Jaime's voice is so hnngngng aughfhf snhmfnfa ya know?
I'll never get over the Ghost of Xmas Past smoking a cigarette
Also I love the way she teases Scrooge during the transition song and That Scrooge
Seriously they all sooo amazing
Ahh my man!! Ghost of Xmas Present!!
I love Scrooge trying to stop himself from dancing
I sure feel the Christmas electricity in this Chili's tonight
Shout out to AJ's little facial expressions during this bit
And we got some real cocain!
James' glasses and shoes lighting up and being the only things you can see in the dark is so fun
Also Scrooge is high let's goooo
Does anyone know what Brian says after "our tiny tin is getting heavier" bc I still have no clue
Oh boy Priceless time!!
God the disgusts on Emily's face Vs how happy and proud Bob looks is so funny
You really can feel the love in this song
Haha among us
Big Chungus
Go off Ghost of Xmas Present
Final Ghost is such a bop
Jamie really does sound etherial
Scrooge you dummy you're the dead guy
I will never get I've over gay couple
Ugh the emotion in Joey's voice
Woo quick change
Ugh its so cool that they included Ali (and Britney in the preshow)
Once again saying it but the hug between Bob and Scrooge and Marley and Scrooge are so warm
How am I just now realizing that AJ And Corey don't come out during the bit where they all walk across the stage ("Scrooge was better, than his word" ect) and instead don't come back out until the "the meanest man there ever was" bit
Also shout out to the little boop on the nose Scrooge gives to Tiny Tim
Shout out to the person who yells "he's back!" when Brian comes out to bow
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
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─꒱ in which we peak into how life is as the in-law of the fushiguro family after marrying megumi。
─꒱ feat. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji & fushiguro tsumiki
─꒱ warnings ; profanity, chaotic hot shit
─꒱ episode one | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode three
꒰꒰ you love your father-in-law, like you really do love toji, but that worm of his needs to be in a fucking cage.
a loud scream comes from the top of your lungs early in the morning, eyelashes blinking to shoo the drowsiness away after it's been awakened by the warm sun rays that lay atop your eyelids. as much as you love waking up in the morning in bed with your husband, you don't get that luxury sometimes.
"y/n?!" hearing the loud footsteps of your husband rushing towards with another scream from your sister-in-law, the both of them slam the door wide open. "what happened?!" toji is the last to appear to the scene, his expression more on the sight of confusion compared to the worried and panicked facials on megumi and tsumiki's face. "what the fuck?"
"get this fucking worm off me!"
꒰꒰ if that worm wasn't adopted by toji it would've been on fucking sight. that shit uglier then sukuna's stock of human girls for his bitch soup.
꒰꒰ after you told megumi what toji had told you when you were left alone with him ( the sex question ), you are no longer allowed to be alone at home with him. megumi made sure that the dogs are around.
꒰꒰ you found out the hard way that toji has some lameass dad jokes.
you and tsumiki decided to order sushi for dinner due to the fact the both of you were too lazy to cook, seeing how you and megumi came back tired from a mission and toji from one as well, you all felt bad having tsumiki cook all on her own so you bought food instead.
"i'd avoid sushi if i were you, it seems fishy." toji says just as you all prepared the table to eat. you and megumi freeze on the spot, the trio of you all turning your heads towards toji who sports a serious face. megumi groans, "don't ever do that again."
"i thought it was pretty good." tsumiki lets out a small giggle, you smiling that toji was now comfortable to even make jokes after everything. megumi turns to counter his sister's opnion, through you all swore you heard a stifled chuckle come from toji.
'he's laughing at his own jokes!'
꒰꒰ the effort is appreciated though.
꒰꒰ sometimes you and tsumiki buy too many stuff at the groceries, you call megumi to summon nue and get his shikigami to carry it for you two.
꒰꒰ toji offered ( jokingly ) to let you guys use his worm as a storage while you went shopping for groceries once, let's just say he got smacked in the face with a pan.
꒰꒰ it's his fault for joking while you were cooking.
꒰꒰ you were used to waking up three in the morning for anything and seeing your husband and father-in-law tying some burglar or assassin up, but no way were the rest of the family used to you doing the work.
"y/n?" megumi comes walking down the stairs with his father, turning on the lights in the dark hour to gain a shred of shine. the two males see in full picture that you had just finished punching someone in the face, the other hand holding them up by the collar as it physically shows that whoever this guy dressed in black had just failed in whatever mission he had in mind.
"who's that?" toji raises a brow, more so on the fact that he is impressed you beat up the intruder without a single sound in the dead of night. the look of displeasure shows you were in no mood, wanting nothing more than what you had walked downstairs for before this piece of shit decided to ruin your night. you throw the man in black on to the floor, scowling.
"all i wanted was a glass of fucking water, not an assassin who can't even use the front door."
꒰꒰ when you and tsumiki make food in the kitchen, expect a knife to go flying at least once.
꒰꒰ you don't know if you should be thankful to have tsumiki as your sister or not, she's unintentionally scary and she's not even trying.
꒰꒰ somehow you always end up walking into an argument between megumi and toji ( usually after leaving the kitchen to get a snack ) but you instantly walk out because the last time you didn't, shit was ugly.
"hey... can we all just calm down?" tsumiki is in between toji and megumi who are constantly throwing insults and such at each other, whatever argument they were having she tries to settle it down without anyone getting injured.
"i can't when this pathetic excuse of a father can't grow the fuck up!" megumi bellows, glaring at the older man who lets out a tsk and a frown. "watch what you're saying, i'll hand down an ass whoopin' on ya."
'this seems interesting.' you sip on your boba after walking out from the kitchen, the bowl of popcorn just beside you as you ate and speculated. it was normal for the father-son duo to have their fights, usually it was fun to watch because it ended up as good entertainment for you. so in result: you have no intention in stopping them.
"no, guys, seriously..." tsumiki pleads, her hands slightly apart to try and force space between them. though her efforts were thrown out the window when in complete sync did they yell right back at tsumiki. "just mind your own business!"
'they punched her!' the boba fell from your hands and the popcorn flew, much like how tsumiki started to fall back towards the couch. it took less than a millisecond for the two to realize what the did, and they knew they were fucked.
꒰꒰ sometimes you still have nightmares about it.
꒰꒰ there are times that toji would be coming home with a woman tailing behind him, and it's somehow always when megumi and tsumiki are out.
"tadamasu." toji greets as he walks in, talking his footwear off and leaving it in front of the door. you pop your head out from the living room into the hallway of the entrance as you greet him on his return, "hokairi."
"who's the bitch?" you notice a woman who had too much make up to show her curstyass in front of you, a click of your tongue echoes through the two meter distance between you and her as you cross your arms. "who's the slut?"
"youー!" her face twists in fury, heels about to click and clack each step to get to you but is instantly stopped by the sound of toji's deep voice. "get out." the girl looks baffled by his words, face contouring into a smile full on uneasiness. "but tojiー"
"i said get out." his voice is much more prominent and demanding, sending chills down her spine as she steps back in caution. you stand here watching as the woman still refused to leave your home, in seconds did toji grab hold of her wrist and threw her out of the house ( much to the woman's displeasure ). you grin from ear to ear, running out to see her limping her way back to her rented car right beside toji. you call her out, the glare she sends your way is priceless as you stand beside your father-in-law with all the glory in the world.
"by the way, i'm his amazing daughter-in-law! and we have decided that a clown lookin' ass like you doesn't deserve the right to fuck a fushiguro!" you wink.
"yeah, yeah. get back inside, y/n. megumi 'n tsumiki 'ill be back home, don't want them nagging that our y/n got into some cat fight again." you hear toji from inside the house, walking away from your figure. you pout your cheeks out, "it's not a cat fight, it's my bad bitch moves!"
"i'll lock you out."
"this is my house!"
꒰꒰ you stopped questioning megumi and toji's cooking skills because the last time you and tsumiki let them cook dinner, they didn't just burn the eggs they were making but also trashed half the kitchen.
꒰꒰ they made an oil fire that time, and no one knows how but toji was able to get the zenin clan to pay for repairs???
꒰꒰ and apparently for the past five months the zenin clan have been paying for repairs and they didn't even know toji was using their money, well until naobito found out and busted your front door on a weekend.
"toji!" you heard the current head of the zenin's clan voice boom through your house, you also watched the white front door fly through the hallway right before your eyes after you have just watered your little cactuses. in seconds you hear the lazy voice of your father-in-law, emerging from the kitchen with a confused tsumiki. "what do you want."
"how dare you use the zenin clan's money on your mistakes!" naobito starts striding towards toji in anger, your eyes glancing over at your now open door to see naoya waving to you. you lift your waterer up in acknowledgment of his existence before snapping at naobito.
"how about your mistake?" you watch naobito grip on to the collar of toji's shirt, the look of fury engraved on his old face as he glares your way. "what?" he says, dropping toji as he complains about
"you broke my fucking door, you wrinkly ass, dusty, decaying ancient artifact. we just installed that three days ago! the zenin clan better keep paying."
꒰꒰ that door never seems to get a break
꒰꒰ the real reason why you and megumi never moved out of the house is because when you two tried, tsumiki and toji invited themselves into your house and said they were living there.
꒰꒰ your father-in-law makes hundreds of millions of yen, you'd think he'd live on his own but instead he lives with his kids.
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© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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tomas-adriah · 4 years
did anyone else notice that hawks was a little...tame in the anime?
I just finished watching season 4 of the anime, and I couldn’t help but feel like the anime is a pale comparison of the manga, in terms of hawks’s character.
listen, I love hawks animated. its his facial features that I feel like was a little lacking.
hawks in the manga is animated (uh, was that a pun? idk); he’s expressive, almost to the point of cartoonish, and why he’s such a meme.
hawks in the anime? a bit subdued, despite the colors, despite the animation. I know he’s laid back, but he was very subdued; isn’t as expressive. 
I know the anime tends to foreshadow stuff, dropping hints of what’s happening in the manga (they set up hawks differently in the anime then they did in the manga - in the manga, he was just kind of...dropped out of nowhere tbh). but I also can’t help but point out how disappointing it was to see hawks in the anime, lacking most of his expressive/funny expressions, because it makes him more less of a threat than he actually is...making his fighting against the nomus just more...badass.
kind of like the expression, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
hawks embodies that clearly, and its because people don’t treat him seriously that makes him dangerous. 
i’m also very tired, and I want to build this idea more, later on, but rn, i’m not sure if its just me, or what, but I wanted to know if anyone else may have felt the same way?? or have already covered it?
because i’d look at the anime (of what little there is of hawks anyways in the anime), then i’d look at the fanarts or the manga of the earlier chapters itself, and...its like looking at two different kind of hawks.
i’m interested as to how season 5 is going to depict hawks; however, i’m also like...scared, lol. listen, being in fandoms where adaptions, especially later-on adaptions of the source material, tends to go...downwards, lmao, makes me scared and weary of adaptions in general. I was skeptical of how they were going to adapt hawks, but I love his colorization, his voice actors (both English and Japanese), the animated hawks fight scenes are just OOF *chefs kiss*, it’s just...the expressions, omg. I know i’m being nitpicky, but listen, the manga panels of hawks is just priceless, and hawks expressions are good sources of laughter and ease, when there’s a lot of just...angst in general (I mean...we are dealing with a lot of heavy topics, so its understandable - yet to deal with heavy topics, we need a good breather every now and then - as seen with the cultural festival arc after omfg the overhaul arc). Hawks provides the ultimate breather and ease, just with his expression alone. he’s similar to the all might smile, putting people at ease; yet its also different because while all might’s smile is meant to calm and reassure, hawks is to ease up the tension, make you laugh, and also put your guard down. *COUGH*
afdja;fdkddl for now, i’m going to end it here, I have so much ideas, but yeah, please like let me know what you guys think? I can’t be the only one like feeling this right?
if not, well, excuse me while I - 
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shanie · 4 years
Since it is my musical of the moment! I figured I’d write down five reasons every character in the show is AWESOME!  SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS (Ethan Slater)       1. His endless enthusiasm and optimism makes serotonin flow       2. His physical comedy and motions are incredible and HOLY SHIT BENDY!       3. The Laugh, omg THE LAUGH       4. The brief moments when Ethan drops the character voice are priceless       5. Not a Simple Sponge is a hella bop, and Ethan nailed it!
PATRICK STAR (Danny Skinner)       1. The recurring theme of people ignoring/interrupting him makes the one point where he SNAPS about it really effective... and then two seconds later, he gets cut off again.       2. Love the Tambourine/Hambone work       3. IS MAYONNAISE AN INSTRUMENT??       4. The song “I Guess I Miss You” serves as a rare moment where Patrick shows deep emotion, and I love it, and Spongebob in that song as well.       5. In “BFF” whenever Spongebob ‘spells’ the letters in the air, Patrick mimics him... only Patrick is obviously illiterate and just waves his hand randomly. SQUIDWARD TENTACLES (Gavin Lee)       1. Just the entire characterization. Everyone is great, but Gavin NAILED Squidward. His facial expressions, his voice, his body language, everything is SPOT ON. Great Job.       2. The Extra Legs were wonderful, and I really wonder how long it took Gavin to master them!       3. That showstopper, y’all       4. Squidward gets happy moments for a change, and that makes ME happy!       5. “Mama...” *kiss*
SHELDON J. PLANKTON (Wesley Taylor)       1. THAT SPEED RAP OMG       2. His body movements as a whole are turned up to 11 and I LOVE IT.       3. SHELDON AND KAREN ARE A LOVING COUPLE FOR A CHANGE       4. It’s highly implied he gets frisky with his computer wife, which again, YES!       5. IT’S LEMON SCENTED!!!
SANDY CHEEKS (Lili Cooper/Christina Sajous)       1. KA-RA-TAY EVERYWHERE       2. She is slow and cautious to forgive her fellow citizens after their prejudice and I’m glad for that. It shows maturity in a show aimed for kids.       3. Her hair is her “Helmet”. LOVE THAT.       4. Her similies are priceless as always.       5. People joke about “Shared Braincells” in their fandoms. Sandy Cheeks holds the braincell for the entirety of Bikini Bottom, and she DOES. NOT. SHARE.
MR. EUGENE KRABS & PEARL (Brian Ray Norris &  Jai'len Christine Li Josey)       1. OH MY SWEET JESUS JAI’LEN’S VOICE       2. The song “Daddy Knows Best” is actually two different song styles in one duet, reflecting the two conflicting personalities       3. They actually have a side comment about Pearl and her Dad not being the same species.       4. *DOLPHIN NOISES*       5. Did I MENTION Jai’len’s voice???? Other Notable Parts:       1. I love Perch Perkins. I really, really do.       2. The entirety of the Mayor’s character is a political statement and I’m here for THAT.       3. The sign language “I love you”s bring me life, joy, and again, serotonin       4. If this show didn’t have the sound effects, it wouldn’t work nearly as well. That foley artist makes the shit SPARK!       5. TOM KENNY AS PATCHY THE M*****F***** PIRATE        6. The fact that one of the pirates from “Poor Pirates” is a damn BUCKO speaks to me on levels as a Pittsburgh sports fan.       7. Mrs. Puff is indeed a heavy drinker.       8. “Fifty Years Later...”       9. Gary may be a snail on a skateboard, but the scenes with him and Spongebob are some of my favorites      10. And again, despite everyone being “Human” you know precisely who each person is supposed to be from the show. And that’s AWESOME So, in conclusion, GO WATCH SPONGEBOB. Seriously, the shit is less than 5 bucks on amazon, it’s worth it.  Do you want the serotonin? This is how you get the serotonin! I was raised on Webber and Sondheim, and to have a musical FOR ONCE where EVERYONE GETS A HAPPY ENDING is so wonderful, and I can’t get enough. Seriously. Get on this shit.
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thedropdeadhandsome · 5 years
Unexpected Visitor pt 2
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Jaehyungparkian x Fem Reader (Fox hybrid)
Word count: 7,176
Contents: fluff, humour, supernatural, sexual content, banter, jaehyungparkian
Summary: part 2 of Unexpected Visitor
(Italic is readers thoughts. Gifs are not mine)
Since that very awkward meeting with the two men that bicker like an old married couple, even if you inform them of this with Sungjin’s or even Jimin or was it Sammy’s help, they’ll continue to deny anything more than brotherly love or weird ass bonding between them. Whatever helps them sleep better at night, you always thought, never implying anything but it’s still fun to tease.
In your own opinion you believed that Young K has gotten even more protective over you, when you are in your fox form or in your daily life when he is trying to be constantly informed of what your daily activities are. You aren’t complaining though, but it’s quite amusing to watch him argue with the others when he tries to keep you to himself. They’re all such a lively bunch but some days you worry that this is all in your head and the events happening are created by your overactive imagination.
“Okay, now repeat after me Y/n” Jae said with a devilish grin, using you as a scapegoat for his devilish plan “Brian? O Brian, wherefore art thou Brian” he said smoothly like he was performing the play. He obviously had a suspicious as fuck look on his face, knowing fully well that he wanted you to called Young K ‘Brian’ for the 100th time since you guys have met that unfortunately night, which was three months ago.
“Seriously? Does he think I’m dumb or something?” You thought, smirking sweetly back at his grinning face as you took a look around their apartment, which is a common thing for you to do when nervous or avoiding his adorably stupid face. Taking in a shallow breath then exhaling with a sigh, not wanting to accidentally let your tail or ears pop up which will then get him to tease you even more not like he doesn’t anyway. “Calm down! We don’t need him touching your tail or ears like they were doing when you change forms” you thought, shuddering slightly at that. Putting fingers through you hair “Okay fine, but if he gets angry at me it’s all your fault chicken little” you muttered annoyed as you crossed your arms over your chest making your chest more noticeable which wasn’t like it wasn’t to begin with.
At the ‘nickname’ he knew that Jimin was the one that informed you of that word so you could tease him, not like Jae was shocked or upset by you saying it, but it was kind of cute coming out of your mouth. Jae faked being hurt while pretending to not stare at your chest “Don’t you trust me y/n?” he asked forging sadness then cracking a sweet smile telling you he was just playing “but seriously, you should do it, his reaction would be so priceless if you do” he added with a tease then a nudge of his shoulder.
Right now you feel like Jae is the devil on your left shoulder, snickering and tempting you to do stupid things or coax you into bad decisions that would impact your life forever. Honestly you are exaggerating with that but you can not help but feel like Jae has bad intentions even if his target wasn’t you entirely, it’s just as bad since you are the pawn in his wicked games and probably the one who’ll cop it.
“Should I do it? No! He just wants to get on Young K’s nerves, but on the other hand I do want to call him Brian just once to see his reaction ... No, that’s definitely the devil talking, but I haven’t seen Young K in a while so maybe this is just a way to see him .... But if I do say it and Young k hates me, I’ll feel so sad .... ugh! Why does Jae have to make me do these things? Why does he have to tease me? Ugh!! This is so hard”
“Okay, fine I’ll do it,” you said finally agreeing to Jae’s request after thinking it over for a while. With that Jae smirked and looked towards Young K’s bedroom, looking forward to the reaction on the other mans face “Hey Brian?! Can you come into the living room for a second, I have something to ask you” Jae said with a grin as he took your hand and squeezed it “it’ll be fine y/n, I promise” he adds trying to reassure you, not like it has helped since it made your heart race quickly from a simple skin contact.
Awaiting patiently for Young K to appear in the living room for your ultimate doom, your heart races a little more just thinking about Young K coming into the living room. Of course, you find both men attractive but for crying out loud, why do you agree so easily to the things that Jae requests? like come on Young K is going to think you’re a freak, strange, unusual, unappealing, weirdo, crazy, oddball even though you are a special kind of human because you’re a fox hybrid but still, who uses Romeo and Juliet quotes in everyday conversations? That’s right no one.
Hearing Jae’s voice unexpectedly, Young k lifted and eyebrow wondering what Jae wanted, after all he had been working on music since he had woken up, so he wasn’t aware that you were in their apartment right now. Standing up from his chair with a groan, he began to make his way out of his bedroom. Leaving his room and heading towards the living room, he was a little intrigued by why Jae had called him yet a bit annoyed since he was sure Jae would say something so random for no reason.
Entering the living room, taking in his appearance, his hair was back to more of a chocolate brownish colour, and he was wearing sweats and a slightly loose t-shirt. “He is always so handsome! Nope! Don’t think about that, remember what you have to say. Stay calm! don’t blush!” you thought as he made his way closer towards the couch. Fingers going through his hair, letting out a sigh not looking at Jae directly yet “Yeah Jae? what do you want from m....Y/n?” He surprisingly spoken once he noticed you were there sitting beside Jae with your hands joined together. A feeling of anger, jealousy or irritation at the fact that Jae was alone with you here and didn’t inform him of your arrival, although he never told Jae he liked you.
With a nudge by Jae, looking back at him to see a shit eating grin, taking a deep breath you faced Young K, removing your hands from Jae as you slowly stood up from the couch, putting your left arm beside you while the right was fidgeting with anything that your fingers made contact with. Taking in a deep breath, looking up to meet Young K’s eyes then down to his lips then the mole on his neck, you opened you mouth feeling incredibly nervous “Brian? O Brian, wherefore art thou Brian?” you began feeling your tail and ears about to appear from embarrassment. You were about to continue with Juliet’s words in Romeo and Juliet when you quickly looked up to see what Young K’s expression was, which was a big mistake for your heart.
Young K was left utterly speechless hearing his English name leave your lips which was such a wonderful sound, his jaw clenched as he attempts to keep control and not react too much since he was sure that Jae was the one behind this. His eyes glued to yours in a very animistic lustful way but still looking innocent and sweet which was weirdly unsettling seeing as the fox side of you was very much submitting to the way his eyes were looking into yours but you can’t do what that side wanted, you’ll have to have self-control. His beautiful long fingers go through his hair as he had a very noticeable blush on his face by your words “...w..w..wow” he said still having his eyes glued to yours.
“OMG!! I knew I should’ve never listened to Jae!” You thought as you saw his facial expression and how he responded to your words assuming he didn’t like what you just said, your eyes began to water knowing that Young K dislikes people saying Brian instead of Young K and obviously that had upset him. You turned and hit Jae’s shoulder multiple times not to hard but enough for him to feel your pain “I told you that it wouldn’t work!! Why did you get me to do this? How could you Jae!” you said crying as you took off forgetting your shoes, heading straight back to your apartment, flinging yourself on your bed which resulted in your ears and tail finally appearing after keeping them back since the eye contact you had with Young K. Covering your face with the pillow as you felt very flustered and overwhelmed, lightly screaming into it as your tail swayed and your ears twitched. “Stupid Jae! Now Young K will hate me, I knew I should’ve never listened to him” you mumbled into the pillow feeling completely stupid, crying into it.
Back at the apartment you run out of, Young K was completely in shocked from you running out of the apartment, feeling completely worried about you then remembered that Jae was still in the room. Switching his attention to Jae, giving him a fed up glare “What did you do?” He asked as then took a seat on the couch beside the tall glasses man. At Young K’s question and his mind taking in the fact that you ran off, Jae began to laugh loudly which got him to fall off the couch which he deserved and having his stomach hurting from how hard he was laughing.
“Hahaha ... Did you see? ..... hahaha.... yours....haha....hers....hahahahahahaha” Jae said in between his laughter. Finally standing up taking a seat beside the other male, wiping his fake tears from his eyes.
Watching his Hyung laughing like an insensitive fool, shaking his head before opening his mouth once Jae decided to sit “Are you done laughing?” Young K asked as he tapped his foot, feeling completely upset that Jae did that to you yet infuriated with Jae for it as well. Jae nods his head as he held his stomach “Okay, I’m sorry but did you see your face ... bahahahaha” he said starting to laugh again “you gave yourself away so easily, yet she has no idea and thought you hate her” the boy with glasses added as his laughter continues, “I’m going to go calm myself down” he said standing up and heading off to the front door before Young K could notice.
Jae was right, He was so obvious with his reactions so why was he holding it back from you? He was very happy taking the steps in being more of a boyfriend to you by wanting you to himself and having you tell him your daily activities, even his reaction to what just happened was so painful clear, he was sure that Jae knew but did Jae feel the same for you? Do you know how Jae and he felt? Those are the questions he was worrying about finding the answer to.
Leaving the apartment Jae stretched his long limbs by heading towards your apartment door, rubbing the back of his neck knowing he had to apologise and make it up to you. Sighing as he took in a deep breath and knocked on your front door “Hey Y/n” he said softly but loud enough for you to hear.
Still screaming into your pillow, your eyes closed as your tail swayed side to side. Your mind thinking about the alluring gaze that Young K was giving you, cheeks going red as you rolled onto your back as you heard Jae at your front door. “I’m coming!” you responded back as you checked your face for puffiness and hair, heading over towards the door and opening it for him to enter.
“What took you so .... OMG your ears and tail are out? Haha! so cute” Jae said, stepping right in before he smiled at you. Your feet move towards the living room as he followed you excitedly, his hands grabbing your tail “ow! Jae the tail is attached to me” you said slightly in an annoyed growl, taking the tail in your hands as you took a seat.
Sitting across from you, Jae looked at you apologetic “I’m so sorry about what I made you do, oh and also the tail” he said as you gave him a nod “it’s okay, I knew you were teasing but I had to get out of there before I lose control you know, the way he was looking at me was just....” you paused taking a deep breath. “Anyway, did he guilt you into coming?” You asked trying to change the topic, seeing Jae nod then shake his head “Nah, I felt like you deserve the apology and I needed to check if you’re alright since we are friends, plus I finished laughing, and I rather avoid ‘the rage’ of Brian” he said chucking as he then looked at you intensely.
Watching Jae closely, sighing as you let your tail go “he is so obvious!” You thought. “Okay, fine you can touch it. But I’ll warn you, that I will bite if I had enough, besides my ears and tail are sensitive so be gentle” you said with a sigh as you felt Jae sitting beside you before his hands began to run alone your tail. “Your tail is so soft” he exclaimed pleased, your eyes watching his hands closely as you let out a giggle, moving your tail as he tried to touch it again to tease him. “Even your ears are so soft” he adds, fingers gently caressing your ears, completely fascinated by them.
Your eyes closed as you had a very pleased expression as he was touching your ears “that feels nice” you thought as you opened your eyes and without warning you licked his cheek, eyes widen as you jumped up realising what you done, you couldn’t believe you did that “OMG! I’m so sorry Jae” you said adorably by accident as Jae looked at you bashfully, shook his head “no, it’s okay I should’ve touched your ears like that” he said as he pretends to check the time “oh darn” he said as you did the same “I gotta get food” you said dashing off, he smiled as you understood “catch you later” he added before leaving the apartment, rubbing his cheek feeling happy and slightly numb yet hot where you have licked “wow, should probably keep this one to myself” he said out loud before heading back to apologise to Young K before they had to get to work that evening.
Life has been hectic in the last few weeks since you last seen the boys, you had your boss constantly on your case about your work as an excuse when he mostly wanted to chat you up but you held your tongue, also the boys have been busy with work which you are happy about, but they all look so exhausted and needing a break. You have been keeping tabs on them through their manager as well as popping in since you cooked for them so you do see them, but it’s smaller conversations here and there as you guys pass by each other to do the things you gotta do.
You have been avoiding Jae and Young K since that incident which was good timing on your end so you wouldn’t become awkward in front of them, although you felt guilty of that since you just couldn’t make eye contact with them without freaking out.
Today was fortunately a bright and sunny day, even more fortunate was the fact that it was your time off. You decided to spend it by hanging out with a few of your friends and doing some shopping, the day was going good until they began to bug you on why you haven’t decided to date. Running your fingers through your hair, sighing heavily “look, it’s kind of awkward to date when you aren’t exactly human” you paused looking at all of them before taking a sip of your beverage “besides what man would want me? I’m the type of woman you avoid” you said half heartily, trying to avoid informing them of your crush on the men in your building.
Your friends laughed, looking at you lovingly, one of your female friends began to speak “seriously, you are being silly. Men flock to you and you don’t even bat an eye, just hurry up because you look so lonely, and we want you to have little babies already” she said with hands clasped together as your other friend said “I completely agree not with you having babies yet part, but yes on the going on dates part” then your third friend who is a man leaned over “you need confidence sweetie, we can take you out to the night clubs and go looking for a man” he said as the other two agree and began to make plans. This worried you, you‘re not fussed about the nightlife because of the loud noises hurting your fox ears, the lights that flicker which can cause seizures, the drugs, accidentally changing forms and the way some men that are intoxicated just acts, um no thanks you’ll just stay at home.
“Yeah like finding a man in a night club would lead me to a happily ever after story, like come on that’s not where you want to find the person you want a serious relationship with” you said as you sighed “plus the night clubs and places you guys will take me won’t have the men that are actually looking. Besides, I am happy without a boyfriend” you added making them nod, knowing that they won’t easily be swayed by that unfortunately.
With lunch being over you decided to head home, telling them goodbye after they kept bring up trying to find you a boyfriend or going clubbing which didn’t interest you “why are they so like this?” You thought as you began on your way. Walking along the side walk in the direction of your apartment building, making a stop at a convenient store to get some food and alcohol to restock your kitchen.
Continuing on your way to your destination, mind wondering off about the conversation you had earlier, you didn’t notice until it was too late but you bumped into a man. “Oh sorry ..... Y/n” said the man as he grabbed your arm to stop you from falling over. Looking over towards the mans face, eyes widen when you realise who it is “Sungjin?! .... Sungjin, what are you doing here?” You asked slightly shocked quickly looking around him to see if the others were with him, which luckily they weren’t. He wore a soft smile on his lips, taking your bags of groceries out of your hands and started heading towards the apartment building, without uttering a word, knowing you’ll get the hint.
“Wait, Sungjin!” You called out, catching up to him as you started walking side by side to your destination. The walk to your apartment was quiet but you enjoyed it, watching how Sungjin just kept a steady pace with you.
“Should I ask how Young K and Jae are? No, I’ll probably sound all stalker like or something” You thought watching where your feet were going and him out of the corner of your eye.
Sensing your eyes and need to say something Sungjin looked towards you then back in front “Those two have been missing you, you know. They are too chicken to go to your place but if you like, you should come over” he said, showing a smile as you guys reach the building.
Cheeks going pink as your fox ears popped up and twitched hearing that those two have missed you, taking a deep breath so you don’t transform or have your tail just show out of nowhere. “R..r..really? I’ve missed them too” you said smiling as you both step in the elevator. Moving your fingers through your hair as you look at him as you waited for the door to open at your floor “sure I’ll love to come over” you responded as you took the bags, so he didn’t have too once the elevator door opened again.
“Great, I’ll get one of them to come get you later, see you then y/n” Sungjin said warmly as you both got out and went your separate ways to your apartments.
Once putting your things away, of course making a few plates of assorted finger food because you would always bring something to someone’s place when invited, it was common courtesy. You started to get ready by taking a shower and began to debate what to wear, of course something comfortable yet presentable since you are going over someone’s place. “Hmm not that” you mumbled as you looked through your clothes, not bothering with anything white since you’ll only get it dirty.
At the boys place, Sungjin was making sure he got everything ready with their manager picking up some extra supplies before he leaves for the night with a warning. “Young K, please stop snacking. When Y/n comes I would like to have some food for her as well” Sungjin said, lightly pushing his member out of the kitchen “Hey! Are you trying to show off or get brownie points with y/n?” Young k said in protest of being pushed. The leader shook his head “of course not, fixing the mess you and Jae pulled and maybe getting you both a chance to you know” Sungjin explains with a sigh as he checked the time “hurry up and clean up, Wonpil and Dowoon are going to get her so you both can get your shit together” he added before he watches the other run to his room to change since he showered earlier.
Hearing a knock at your door you walked over, opening the door with a smile “Dowoon, Wonpil welcome” you said automatically, turning around “I got a few dishes for you boys to carry” you said warmly.
“Hello Y/n, we’re here to escort you” Wonpil said as both followed you inside to grab the plates. Seeing the alcohol Dowoon took it in his hands “I’ll carry these” he said as all three of you left your place then heading straight to theirs. “The Princess is here” Wonpil called as you guys entered the apartment, taking the plates off Wonpil as Dowoon put the alcohol in the fridge.
“Where should I place the finger food?” You asked Sungjin as you took your shoes off. Jae racing over before Sungjin could answer “over by the table near the couch” he spoke as you nod with a warm smile doing what you were told. Turning around, smiling at them all “So, you guys have been busy?” You asked, taking a seat as the boys followed.
“Yes, we’ve been getting prepared for our next album,” Dowoon said as Wonpil freaked out “no Dowoon!” He said as Dowoon gasp “Oh sorry Hyung” he apologised as the other three sighed. “Y/n isn’t going to tell anyone” Young k said starting to eat the food you made “hmm you make great food” he adds as you blush but nod.
The night went just as smoothly simple chit chat between eating and drinking. After dinner you helped by tidy up with Sungjin. All you guys sat around having a few to many to drink as you guys talk about nonsense, it was fun and relaxing but as it got later Dowoon and Wonpil left for bed, Sungjin left an hour after that and now you are left alone with the two that makes your heart beat fast like a hummingbird flapping its wings and making you a nervous giggling mess even without the alcohol.
Leaning against Young K to keep you from falling face first onto the carpet as you guys are now in a circle on the living room floor. A blush across your cheeks from the alcohol and the closeness of both men, taking a sip from your drink as your ears and tail were out since Sungjin left. “And I told you that the sound that a fox makes it’s not like that Jae” you said loudly, leaning towards him, poking his shoulder.
“Oh yeah? Then, what sounds do foxes make?” Jae countered as Young K chuckles keeping you upright while admiring your determination. “Come on Jae, You are arguing with a fox hybrid or if we use the correct term a vixen since she’s a female fox” he said as Jae scoffed “shush Brian! I’m waiting y/n” he said.
“I knew he’ll ask something so random, but it’s that stupid songs fault” you thought, straighten your back as you took a deep breath “firstly Foxes make a lot of noises, unexpected ones, but we are mostly quiet. Our vocal range is higher than dogs, but we do some barking, scream like howling, growling and even yipping if you could call it that” you paused taking a swig of your drink “we become more vocal during mating season which females will scream or shriek to allure male foxes, or they’re known as Tod or fox dogs, though males scream during that as well” you paused “oh we also purr slightly, maybe a few other noises but it is really hard to pin a sound to foxes when they remain quiet in most of their lives” you explained ears twitching as you let out a hiccup.
At your explanation both boys nod as they were trying to process this information but alcohol would probably make them forget by morning. When you hiccuped Young K smirked “cute” as Jae nods then grins “so basically you’re saying you are loud in bed huh?” He asked as Young K grabbed a new bottle to drink trying to mask how angry he was at that question.
Cheeks going darker at Jae’s question, jumping over to shush him “shhhh! That’s not something we discuss out loud” you said leaning away “the only way you’ll know is if we do that” you said as you finished off your bottle.
“True” Jae said as he smiled, getting up as he started to stretch, checking the time “I’m off to bed, you don’t drink too much Y/n” he said leaning down and kissed your cheek “night Brian” he said cockily heading off to bed as he let out a yawn.
Young K returning with two new bottles, sitting beside you as he smiled “don’t worry about Jae, his question was just something he has been dying to ask since he first met you and so happen to perfect timing since we are all drinking” he explained as he took as sip.
Hearing that was reassuring, leaning into him more, finishing off the new bottle he just gave you. “I think I .... I reached my limit” you said as you place your hand on his thigh feeling incredible hot as the alcohol has finally taken its effect on you “B..B..Brian I feel so warm, undress me” you said in a slight purr as you stayed against him, tail swaying wildly as you stare at him with glassed over eyes.
His eyes widen seeing the change in you, remaining calm as he blush as his name was called and the way you were staring at him, it didn’t help that your hand was on his thigh. Keeping you upright as he finished off his drink “Okay Okay, I’ll take you to bed so you can rest” he said as he scooped you up, your hands wrapped around his neck.
Carrying you off to his room, trying to not look as you began to strip in his arms “please Y/n keep your clothes on” he requested softly, lightly setting you down on the bed before he sat beside you. Placing his hand on your cheek “I’ll get you a glass of water” he said getting up but you grabbed his hand.
Looking deeply into his eyes, of course you were tipsy but you still had some control left. Grabbing his hand, you caressed it gently “thank you so much” you said softly, leaning up and kissed him deeply, heart racing as your tail moves around in a swaying motion.
“Wait Y/n...You......” he said as his lips met yours, eyes closed as he returned your kiss. Pulling away, caressing your cheek tenderly “Okay, I’ll be right back” he said kissing your forehead and left for the kitchen to get water.
“I’ll be here” you said as he kisses your forehead, eyes closed as the sound of your pounding heart reached your ears. Fingers touching your burning cheeks as you couldn’t believe you kissed him. Once he left, you fell back onto the bed and passed out, zoned out with a smile on your lips, completely unaware that watching you from outside of the bedroom was Jae who saw the kiss shared by you two.
Returning to the bedroom, Young K spotted Jae and sighed “you watched?” He asked as Jae nods “well I doubt she’ll remember, besides Jae do you plan on giving up?” He asked as Jae stepped closer “I don’t plan on giving up but I don’t plan on sharing” Jae said before he disappeared again. Shaking his head Young K exhaled “Oh Jae” he said as he entered the room, seeing you asleep and smiled “you are too cute” he said to himself as he got you and himself in the bed to sleep.
A thumping of a heart beat could be heard by your ears as your body was beginning to awaken and your senses sending signals to your brain. Eyelids fluttering as you slowly took in the morning light, looking over where you were lying, you came to the conclusion that you were lying on top of someone. Rubbing your eyes lightly, looking up you gasp and say up straight making you straddle him “No way! I fell asleep in Young K’s room again” you said softly to yourself. Having an internal freak out you began to check if you were naked or any sign that would inform you that you had sex, sighing in relief when you found no evidence that took place.
Leaning over to see his gorgeous sleeping face, smiling softly as you pressed a kiss to his cheek “why can’t I find a decent man like you or Jae .. Oh! well, guess I’m not meant too” you said to yourself as you carefully got off the bed but before you could place your second foot on the floor, you were pulled back into his chest, his arms holding you in place.
“Ahh Young K” you said in surprise as his lips made contact with your neck, letting out a giggle at the sensation since it tickles. “You already have, I’m right here all for you even Jae if you want him” Young K whispered in your ear making you shudder. His fingers keeping you close as he kissed the back of your shoulder “were you planning on leaving? I can’t allow that after such a long time missing you” he said bluntly keeping you in his arms.
At each contact his lips made with your skin, your cheeks turn darker shade of redder knowing you might transform anytime with this kind of stimulation. A soft whine left your lips struggling to break free but was only pretending to escape, eyes looked back at his, gasping at his beauty “I...I...I w..wasn’t planning on leaving, I was going to use the bathroom and go into the kitchen” you explained then whined in pain as you leaned into him, the aftermath of the alcohol hurting your head.
The sounds you made was very enjoyable, nodding along to your explaining where you were heading before he noticed the pain you displayed. Placing a kiss on your temple, he leaned over and grabbed the pain killers he brought back last night before he fell asleep “take theses, I knew you couldn’t handle your liquor” he said as he rubbed your back soothingly.
Taking the pills, you swallowed them and drank the water that was put there all so. Looking back at him as you cuddle into him “so is there any chance you’ll let me go now?” You asked curiously, finding his behavior normal as he did this apart from the kisses since that first meeting.
Tapping his cheek, he nods “okay, just come back, so we can go back to sleep again” he said loving his sleep, but he doesn’t plan on napping if you don’t return.
“Okay, I promise but unlike you I probably won’t sleep again” you said smiling, slowly getting out and leaving his room. Heading towards the bathroom you bumped into Jae “good morning Jae” you said softly.
Jae looked at you sweetly until his eyes saw the hickeys on your neck, tapping his cheek “did Brian do those?” He asked a little coldly.
Lifting an eyebrow, looking at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom and gasp “OMG! How did that get there?” You asked yourself out loud, looking to Jae “I’m not sure, I only just woken up” you said confused as you closed the door and used the bathroom.
“Hmm” Jae said as he then went to Brian’s room, opening the door to see Young K changed and composing “so you got busy with Y/n last night huh?” He asked as Young K lifted and eyebrow, then smirked teasingly.
“No, I wouldn’t do anything sexual with a woman who was unable to consent let alone intoxicated and was asleep” Young K said a bit pissed Jae would think he did, looking up from his notebook as he smiled “you saw the hickeys? That was from this morning trying to keep her in bed, but she was unaware” he said pausing to set his things done “besides when I do something intimate with y/n is when she has agreed on me being her boyfriend, or informed us what she wants from us” he adds getting back to work.
Listening to Young K’s words Jae did agree with him on that, there was no way he would either do anything sexual with y/n til she has informed them on what she wants. Rubbing the back on his neck, taking the spot beside him on the bed “Sorry Man, didn’t mean to sound like an ass. Though I am a little jealous of how you both act with one another” he said as he leaned back.
“Nah it’s cool, I understand” Young K said as he the put everything away, looking at his Hyung bemused “you know she’ll probably won’t pick to not start a fight with each other, Don’t get too jealous you and y/n have your inside jokes which is fun to watch” he adds as the door opened showing you in the door way.
Looking at both of them worried “Are you guys alright?” You asked shutting the door and slowly approached them “I didn’t ruin your friendship?” You asked with slight tears swelling up.
Seeing you at the door both men smiled then getting concerned and worried over the words you were saying. Jae shook his head “You aren’t ruining anything, don’t every think that” he said putting his hand out “we are always staying close” he adds as Young K nods “we don’t want to see that smile of yours disappear okay” he said as his hand was put out towards you as well.
“Okay” you said trying to Hold back your tears knowing that wouldn’t help, you took both their hands that were stretched out to you, climbing onto the bed and sat between the two of them.
Both men let their fingers caress your cheek down to your hands, holding it closely as both places a kiss to it. “How about we stay like this for a while, huh?” Young K asked as Jae quickly left and locked the door and returned “I agree with you there Brian” he said as they both looked at you sweetly.
Hearing Young K’s suggestion you nodded your head “Okay” you said as you let your tail and ears come out feeling comfortable, positioning yourself between them even more.
Several hours past and you were out cold on the bed between the boys. Jae and Young K making music while getting Sungjin to come in with food quietly to not wake you. “So you both are planning to date her?” Sungjin asked as he set the food down watching Young k guard you amusingly, turning to Jae as he took some food Sungjin brought in “Yeah, if y/n agrees to it. I doubt she’ll say no but if it happens it’ll be quite loud ..hey” Jae said glaring at Young k who threw the sock at him, Young K shrugging at Jae’s response. Sungjin rolling eyes “honestly I’m just glad you both are stepping up because it was annoying watching you flirt with her all this time” he said as he grabbed stuff to throw in the bed before leaving room.
Young K chuckled caressing your sleepy cheek “You know we have to tell JYPE about this, are you prepared?” He asks as Jae nods lying beside you as he yawned “Yeah, I’m up for anything” Jae said as he gave Young K a soft look before looking back at you.
A lot of complicated things happen from that night, firstly Young K and Jae both asked you out and agree to sharing you which honestly shocked you but they seem to be enjoying this unusual relationship. The hardship you had to face by JYPE was exhausting yet you fought through it since those two were fighting for the relationship themselves.
All of this happen within the first 2 months of actually dating those two. Apart from that you have been spending a lot of time with them. The only problem is that you get startled by them even more since they aren’t bothered with being very subtle, especially when in public and being all touchy feely with you. It doesn’t help to have those two appearing out of nowhere always frightening you nearly to the point of transforming.
“Seriously can you both stop appearing out of nowhere? I will transform if you keep on startling me” you said as Jae smirked “but I like when your flustered” he said as Young K nodded in agreement as he stood on your other side “your fox form is so adorable, I love it very much” Young K said as both men observed you as you folded the clothes you just took out of the dryer, of course some clothes were theirs.
“I’ll take that” Young K said as you put the last dried item of clothing into the basket, wanting to object but was glad. Jae however scooped you up “well I guess I will take this” he said as Young K groaned “no it’s my turn” he said as Jae laughed and responded back.
You had no idea what was going on through their heads. Shaking your head “I can walk you know, I have two feet which turn to four in my fox form” you said amused, getting out of Jae’s arms and then stuck your tongue out “If I make it upstairs first then you have to do anything I say for the next month and if you guys win then I’ll do what you want” you said then smirked “ready, steady go” you said racing off and going into the elevator.
The boys quiet down as you were speaking, smirking as they liked the idea of the deal. Jae groaned as you took off “cheater!” He called as you raced out and put obstacles in their way. However, Young K held the basket of clothes heading up the stair “stop whining, if she wins we’ll have a very happy girlfriend” he said as Jae smirks “fine but I’ll give her a run for her money” he said as he took off fast.
“Come on, get up faster” you muttered wanting to beat them but knowing if Jae run’s you might lose. Sighing as you imagine Jae rubbing it in your face making you his slave, shuddering as you pictured something even worse. Hand landing on your forehead “I am so stupid!” You said, “why did I even say that?” you added, shaking your head. As soon as the elevator door opened, you sprinted to your door and lucky you made it there first but you crashed into Wonpil.
“Oh y/n, I’m sorry! Are you okay?” Wonpil said full of concern as he knelt down, having Dowoon and Sungjin was racing over to check on you. Just as the others reached you Jae and Young K finally arrived, both men raced over.
“Y/n! Y/n” both exclaimed worryingly, looking at their members curiously as they took in the situation.
Sungjin faces them as Wonpil shielded you. “She crashed into Wonpil” he said taking in Jae and Young K’s expressions “why were you three racing up here?” He asked as he heard Wonpil squeal.
Checking your head you saw blood “don’t shout at them Sungjin, I told them to race me to the apartment” you said getting up to unlock your front door.
Young K chases after you, setting the basket down “Oi! You have a head injury” he did as Jae and the others chased after as well.
“I know but I need to check Wonpil for his, I could never forgive myself if I cause him harm” you explained getting the first aid kit.
Taking the first aid kit off you, Sungjin pointed to the couch “sit on there” he said as he watched Wonpil take a seat with you. “I will do this, but seriously you three have to be more careful” he said starting to lecture you guys as he began to do first aid on Wonpil and yourself. Once it was down Dowoon sighed in relief “y/n, Wonpil I am glad your better” he said as Wonpil nodded.
With that the bet was canceled due to Sungjin’s nagging so unfortunately no one won. You had to go to the hospital with Wonpil to check if there was any damage which came back negative, returning home to have those two staying with you and babying you even more.
Life continued to be filled with excitement, adventures, endless laughter, tears of joy and never ending noise but you will always and forever remember that time you met the two wonderful boys you fell madly in love with, even though they drive you completely crazy.
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for sowonkiblr
Hello everyone! I am back with a ship, and I have a ship for @sowonkiblr ! Are you ready? I’m ready~ let’s go!
Based off your request, I used these traits to help me ship you: 
You’re quiet at first with some trust issues
You’re nice and polite
Can be hyper and a little 4D
You’re studying psychology and music therapy 
A homebody but enjoys traveling and adventures
Would like to travel the world with your S/o 
Enjoys reading, late night drives, astrology, and volunteering at animal shelters
You also have depression 
Lastly, you love cuddles and skin ship 
Then in your request, you asked to be shipped with Got7, KNK, NCT, and Pentagon! (this is my first ever KNK ship, I’m so ready!!) 
Got7: Jaebum 
So I think I found myself another match made in heaven! tbh I think all these ships are matches in heaven, but I know I use this term a lot, but you and Jae would be a wild and mild type of couple. You two are super aesthetic as well, but don’t worry, there is sweetness all around. You two have so many animals and plants btw, like, you got Jae’s cats and you’d adopt more animals together- it’s a zoo- but a great zoo. And I feel like you two would have some of your best memories at your shared apartment. Don’t get me wrong, you two would go out a lot, but you’re so much more comfortable at home, which there’s nothing wrong with that!. You two can be your true selves at home, and you can be goofy one hour, then logical the next hour- talk about dynamic. Jae would LOVE to sing to you, it’s so sweet. Whether it’s a love song or a song about the struggles of life, Jae enjoys singing to you. And sometimes you enjoy to play along with him, it’s good practice to you, and Jae would like to challenge you. You two also enjoy to have long ang logical talks- talking about the mind itself or about how life takes you through loops and turns. It’s Jaebum we’re talking about, the conversation can go so many different ways. You two are also super soft and sweet when you go out or you go exploring a part of town. You two are always having smiles on your face, and so much hand holding, I’ll touch more on that here in a bit. And this is a completely random thought, but the aesthetic fits it well- if I’m thinking of you and Jae, autumn would be the best season for you two. Ugh, I love. Moving right along, Jaebum would be such a good boyfriend. Jae is that type of boyfriend that is always being thoughtful in ways you could never imagine, and he would go far and beyond to make you happy. He’s the best at setting up dates tbh. Summer nights with a movie outside, like the cute little projection on the wall and blankets on the ground sort of date. Fairy lights and candles, with a picnic and wine. The movie would be one of your favorites, of course. He is also your personal cheerleader and is always there for you when the going gets tough. He loves to listen to you when you’re hurting and help you feel better. He also loves to hear about your clinicals for music therapy. And he also surprises you at work! Jaebum is big on skin ship- specifically for you. He love keeping you close, holding your hands or holding your waist, he just loves knowing you’re close around him. A lot of hand kisses to, those are his specialty!
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KNK: Jihun
Okay here we go, the money maker, my first KNK ship, I’m so excited! Jihun is the sweet babe who brings you out of your shell. Jihun also gives you the world and more. Jihun’s world isn’t happy unless you’re happy. When it comes to going out, you and Jihun would go out more compared to Jaebum. You two have so much fun though! Jihun is really good at encouraging your to come out of your shell and be free. If you want to go on adventures, they’re on your call, or if you want to go to a specific restaurant or want date night a certain way, it’s on you. You two joke so much too! Whether it’s jokes or teasing each other, you two always joke around- keeps life lively. Something that I think would be cute, would be that you would be his little psychologist. This would actually be great for school btw. If Jihunie ever needs advice or needs some sort of help or assistance, you get to be there for him. Jihun is always coming to you, more like you two talk about it before you go to sleep lol. Then if you were to need some kind of experience or reference for a project or class discussion, you get to use Jihun as that reference! And sometimes, you could even help Jihun’s fellow members if they ever need the pick me up! More experience! And omg, this boy is an actual goof. Since you’re into astrology, Jihun would always want to come to you so you could tell him what to expect in the coming months. The goof part that comes in, is the surprise that you get when home. So, one night when you get home, there are blankets in the shape of a fort and he’d got a basketball set up in the middle to look like a ‘crystal ball’. Since you two are goofs, you easily follow along, and you have a makeshift astrology telling. Jihun also enjoys looking up to those little posts where it’s like ‘your sign would do this and this’ and he would send them to you. Moving right along, date night is an accommodation for being busy bodies. Jihun goes extra sweet and soft with date night, and date night is almost always at home(you time). Omg listen here. Karaoke night is a favorite, but you two are slow dancing to some songs by the end of the night! Ahh!!! Jihun also never misses the opportunity to tell you how much he loves you. He’s proud his heart out to you very easy, so like, be prepared to be told you’re loved, a LOT. *cough* pillow talk *cough* PDA and skin ship. We’re gonna go a little ham. You and Jihun would be very needy for each other and Jihun can get whiny if you are separated for a while. High quality pillows and blankets for perfect snuggle time. Jihun is also a bit possessive with public PDA. Back hugs and kisses and Jihun showing the height difference is his fav. 
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NCT: Ten 
 When I think of you and Ten, I think of a variety couple. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. When I say that you two are a variety couple, I mean that you and Ten are very dynamic when it comes to your interests and personalities. You and Ten also love to try new things as a couple, and you love making memories along the way! You and Ten would be that best friend sort of couple. You two can be yourselves around each other, and you don't have to bend over backwards to make yourselves perfect for each other. You love each other for your flaws and your perfections. It’s super sweet! You two also like to be free spirits so having the best friend type of love works out the best! When it comes to your and Ten’s relationship, you two would do the most traveling. Your favorite thing to do is travel with Ten when he goes overseas. When he goes overseas, you two get to be in a whole new area, and you can move around and go to cute little tourist spots. And I think it would be super sweet if Ten would take you to Thailand whenever he would get the chance. When the time would be right, of course, Ten would take you to meet his family, I think that would be super sweet. I also think it would a cute and sweet precedent that you and Ten making music together. You are learning music, Ten makes music, it just works. Ten would also like to participate and help you in any way he can when it would come to your music therapy studies. Ten has first hand experience on how music can be therapy, so he loves to help you. Date nights are very spontaneous and not a lot of planning goes into it. You two like to wait til the last moment, it’s more fun that way. Some nights you go out, some nights you stay home, depends on your moods. But no matter what, the nights always end up with soft cuddles and hand holding- it’s soft. Then sometimes when you’re quieter than usual, normally on bad days, Ten takes extra care of you. He always wants to take care of you and help you feel special, and he’ll turn your frown upside down. He’ll be extra goofy to help you smile, don’t you worry about that. He also doesn't care to tell you how much he loves you. His main goal: he wants you to feel wanted. When it comes to PDA, Ten is such a king. He has special ways of holding you. He loves to have you in his lap, he’ll have one arm around your torso and one holding your legs up. He loves keeping you close and he loves to give you little pecks on your lips and he’ll give you a soft smile and an ‘I love you’. So sweet!
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 Pentagon: Shinwon 
When it comes to this ship, I feel like you two would be an opposite attract sort of couple. No one would’ve seen you two coming, but Shinwon would snatch you up happily. You two would take your time with your relationship, you wouldn’t want to jump too fast, and you’d want to completely trust Shinwon if you were going to give him your heart. But you would finally trust Shinwon, things are smooth sailing. Shinwon would be so comfortable around you, it would shock you tbh. Of course, Shin would’ve known he wanted to be with you for a while, but of course our babe is patient. When you would be together, there would be a comfortable silence, and Shin would always be the first to make the first move. Like if you two would be sitting at home together, Shin would nudge you if he wanted to eat or even bring up a conversation. Moving right along, Shinwon would really like to take interest in the things you like. Now here me out here, you taking Shinwon to an animal shelter. Now, I know that Shin is afraid of animals, but you would convince him to go to the local animal shelter. Just this once, and if he didn’t like it, you wouldn’t force him to go back. And omg would it be hilarious. So Shin would be perfectly okay and fine, nothing wrong. Then when one of your co-workers would set a puppy on Shinwon’s lap, he would stiff up like a board! His facial expression would be priceless, and he’d try his best not to freak out, but you and your co-workers would do nothing but laugh. Then, you’d want to take it one time further. After making sure that Shin wouldn’t freak the f out, you’d set a kitten on Shin’s shoulder, like a little pirate. The little kitten would love Shin, and of course, Shin is slightly freaking out. The kitten would start licking Shinwon’s ear, and omg he’d have the best reaction! Your co-workers would be laughing so hard, they’d have to leave the room- it was so worth it! I also feel like you two would stay in more. Of course, I think you two would go out, but you’d like to stay home more bc it would be more comfortable for you. You would also get to show more of your hyper side to Shinwon when you’d be home alone. Autumn and winter days are the best because you love to snuggle up to him with a book. Then if you fall asleep on his shoulder, omg it’s so sweet! PDA wise, I feel like one of you is always clingy for affection, so you two are always snuggling. Shin would love to hug you and keep you close, he also can get a little too clingy, and he’ll hold you and not let you go. You don't entirely mind though. hehe.
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Shade from the Grey Lady
In which Ravenclaws win the ‘prettiest common room’ award.
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Bill, I think you need to practice your sarcasm. But also I do think Badeea may be someone that doesn’t pick up on sarcasm every time.
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At least SOMEONE is helpful around here without being snippy about it. (OK Diego was too, but that was 4 ghosts ago and we’re tired)
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No lie. No sarcasm. Its really pretty. I still do prefer Gryffindor’s as a living space. Feels cozy. But damn this place is pretty.
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I think you mean Hufflepuff vs Slytherin? (Again, if it were Gryffindor, neither of us would be here)
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A lot of it.
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Same. Have we had lunch? Wherever we go next, can we stop for food first? My blood sugar should be plummeting any minute.
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Well I’ve already done it once, so in the interest of making her less skittish...
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Like I said before. You’re the charming one. I just talk a lot.
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Trying not to laugh. That facial expression. Priceless.
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You never want to talk. I didn’t let that stop me before.
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Well, whatever motive works I guess.
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iiyanadesu · 6 years
As the news of AcEijun spreads like wildfire, I'm gonna spew out some unpopular opinions about the developments (or lack thereof, as complained by some fans) on Act II.
Not really spoilers. Just a personal view from someone who never plays baseball. (Although I had, at one point, played Pawapuro.)
During the first 100 chapters of Act II I read complaints on the spoiler forums. Most of them can be summarized as such:
1. "Why tf Furuya gets power-up in Spring Koshien? His control and stamina is terrible!" 2. "Why haven't people recognize Eijun already? Look at him, his pitches, his control! *does the Will Smith pose*" 3. "Wtf is Kataoka doing throughout spring? Planning on buying new shades? lol"
And one question that arose from Act I:
4. "Why didn't Kataoka let Eijun pitch in the Fall T finals till the end? Don't give the glory to Furuya ffs!"
(There are probably more questions but these are the noticeable ones.)
So my issues with the replies to these questions are that... they are not satisfying to me. All of them are said in the technical aspect of the story, while ultimately forgetting that this story also leans towards the people aspect. We, the readers somehow are trained to think that EVERYONE who watches baseball are players and automatically know the baseball jargons.
The thing is, they aren't.
The in-universe spectators actually have the very same reactions like IRL spectators. Some of them are / were players themselves, meaning they knew all the rules and technicals. But the majority of them? They know NOTHING about baseball.
People who know nothing about baseball (let's call them the plebs) watch the games differently than those who have experience playing baseball. People who do play baseball pay attention to all the details; pitch type, whether a pitch is strike or ball, pitch count for each pitcher, the usage of the strike zones, all the detailed statistics.
But the plebs? They can't differentiate between a corner strike and a corner ball. Curves and slurves, 2-seamers and 4-seamers look the same. So they focus on what they can understand.
Pitch speed display "154 km/h"? Wow look at that pitch, it's damn fast! Players making errors on the field? lolololol what the heck. A runner ramming against a fielder? OMG is the fielder okay? OH, HE GETS HOMERUN!!!!111 And ofc, "Aww look at that pitcher, he's the ace his pitches are fast he even gets a homerun, so cooooooooooooooooool~"
So before you start typing and complain about the spectators, maybe you need to read the manga as someone who never plays baseball. This is a manga with multiple perspectives, if you choose to only read it from a player's PoV ofc you'd wonder why the heck Eijun is not immediately popular in Spring T.
Okay. Opinion time.
1. "Why tf Furuya gets power-up in Spring Koshien? His control and stamina is terrible!"
The statement, that I totally agree. From what I've noticed, Furuya is the type of player who must not go all out in a peak body condition. He has excessive strength - unfortunately it's not needed because it keeps backfiring on him.
Just. Look at all of his matches when he's at peak condition. His pitches go all over the place lol he even injured Ono with them, poor boys.
"But, but how do you explain his best pitches?"
Okay, here's the thing. One thing Furuya always does when he becomes a relief is to pitch in the bullpen. And he always goes all out. After a while he loses that extra strength, he gets sweaty, he's warmed up - then he could pitch better. When he's the starter, he has little to no chance to warm up, no chance to flex the stiff muscles, no way to reduce that excess strength, hence the reason his pitches fly everywhere.
Spring Koshien is a tournament packed in about 7 days. Imagine pitching for many days straight? Your energy gets drained, you sweat a lot, you become fatigued.
Luckily, Spring Koshien is held in - surprise - spring, meaning cool breezy weather, less sweaty, nicely rested. Stamina lasts longer. Fatigue is still there though, and it limits Furuya's pitches.
Aaaaaaaand yep, because fatigue became Furuya's limiter his pitches were more manageable. All of his best pitches are always due to some kind of limiter. Spring Koshien with his fatigue. Fall T finals? It was because he was pitching despite a foot injury lol must be painful, it restricts his movements.
Just. Re-read those matches.
(Miyuki is the only person who notices this particular weakness and has been pointing it out, but Furuya just. Doesn't. Listen. Another huge weakness Furuya has.)
2. "Why haven't people recognize Eijun already? Look at him, his pitches, his control! *does the Will Smith pose*"
This complaint came in during the Spring T arc. Do you know? Only 2 high school baseball tournaments in Japan get TV broadcasts - the Spring Koshien, and the Summer Tournaments all the way to Summer Koshien.
Spring T is not broadcasted on TV, so whatever development Eijun showed was limited only to those who personally went to the stadiums to watch the matches. On the other hand, whatever impression people have on Eijun is still stuck at the Spring Koshien debut. You know, that match where Eijun rolled off the mound lol
If we want all 120 million people to recognize Eijun's greatness during Spring T, they'd have to go to Tokyo and watch in the stadium, which can only fit between 35k to 60k people. Realistically? It's an impossible feat. Seriously. You're dreaming of the impossible.
Because Eijun's epic debut is that funny incident, people are not going to forget him that easily. (Compare to the possible scenario on debuting normally, which means he'd definitely be overshadowed by Furuya because what did Eijun have? His pitches was not fast, his batting skills were still questionable. Very easily forgettable.) Now that he's officially appointed as Seidou's ace, what do you think people's reaction would be, now that Summer T will be broadcasted on local TVs and online?
"Hey, isn't that the guy who fell on Koshien's mound last spring? HE'S THE ACE?? WTF HOW?? WHY??"
Oh, people's reactions will be priceless. And they will definitely be interested in him. Because last time they saw this kid, he was a clown.
3. "Wtf is Kataoka doing throughout spring? Planning on buying new shades? lol"
This question refers to Kataoka's impassiveness throughout Spring Koshien and Spring T. He went silent mode during training and matches and left all players to do things by themselves (under constant monitoring ofc). Yeah we're not the coaches but I do get why he acted like that.
First of all Kataoka wanted the players to think for themselves. Play in matches, watch the replay, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, work on them. Eijun does that. Miyuki does that. Kuramochi and Zono do that. Kataoka did not try to meddle in their training (unlike one old man) but if they ask for help, he will help. Eijun and his batchmates have been teammates for a year, they are supposed to know what to do by now, so Kataoka can focus on new kids.
But of course, his silence didn't help much because Furuya was clearly struggling, to the point that Eijun got royally pissed off in the match against... against who? Was it Ichidai San? I forgot.
(People were like "Yay, look at Miyuki, he has goosebumps! He's very proud of Eijun!" but judging from Miyuki's facial expression I was like, "lolno, Miyuki is fucking scared of Eijun's accurate pitches, Eijun's really pissed off lmao")
Eijun's pissed off pitches were wake-up slaps to Kataoka's face lmao
Aaaaaaand the final question.
4. "Why didn't Kataoka let Eijun pitch in the Fall T finals till the end? Don't give the glory to Furuya ffs!"
My instant response for this question: lol you guys rly don't care about Eijun's mental health, do you.
I want you to imagine this:
It's Fall Tournament, and Eijun has been suffering from yips for about 3 months. He can't pitch to the inside corner; the deadball against Inashiro's Shirakawa in the last Summer T finals made him scared of pitching there. He has to try other ways, other methods, and eventually he learns the outside corner.
The outside corner is so effective, but when the opponents figure out his pitching pattern? They forced him to eventually use the inside corner. He succeeded, yes, but it was still scary. What if he pitched a deadball again?
Fast forward to the semi-finals. Seidou vs. Seikou, a.k.a. the scariest game in Eijun's life. Ever? Probably ever. Because despite his success on pitching into the inside corner, and that he learned change-up, remember that he was still afraid of deadballs, and one wrong step could destroy everything he had worked. For good and for real.
If you actually read the Seidou vs. Seikou match from Eijun's PoV, you'll find that it's indeed fucking scary.
First, he threw a deadball. Just several days after he was able to throw to the inside corner, and he pitched a deadball. The thing he was scared of the most, he did it.
Second, Kanemaru's mistakes. It added more fuel to trigger the yips back in full force. Ever noticed how Eijun's hands tremble after that? Eijun was so fucking scared, he was stressed, he actually panicked. It was thanks to his teammates that he was able to pitch easier after that.
Then when he got an easier time pitching, came another incident. Miyuki was slammed by the big pitcher. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
(I can imagine part of the reason Miyuki hid his pain was because he knew Eijun was already nearing his mental health limit just playing in that game. Imagine if Eijun found out - even he'd be devastated no matter how much he wanted to emit sunshine. That was why Miyuki kept hiding it until the end of the Fall T finals.)
So the finals came ONE DAY after the semi-finals. Eijun's mental health was improving but was still scarred from yesterday's match. Kataoka knew this. Miyuki knew this. Their decision: to not stretch Eijun's mental health limits too far.
And we all know which is the most stressful part of the finals, because we have seen it before - the final innings of the match.
Basically Kataoka pulled Eijun off the final inning to preserve his mental health that had been stretched to its limit due to yesterday's match against Seikou. And you guys wanted him to face the most stressful inning that destroyed him last time in the Summer T? wtf
So what if Furuya hogged the glory? Furuya only pitched in that one inning, he shouldn't be too complacent (even though he was lol)
And that's basically my opinions throughout the so-called unfair treatments throughout the series. Like I said, this manga is not supposed to be read entirely from the technical aspects of high school baseball. You need to understand the people involved in it, too.
Peace. ;)
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dwtspd · 6 years
DWTS S27 Week ONE!!! Nights 1+2 review
Man, when I saw Tom I suddenly felt like it had been AGES since I watched this show, then I realised, I didn’t even watch the athlete season. My friends told me it’s not worth it so I will probably never watch it.
Idk how the two-night thing is gonna work out so this is a combined post.
Night 1
Mary Lou Retton and Sasha Farber - Cha cha okay, was that video package kinda short? Also maybe it’s cos I’m not American but I’m soooo over all the “yay USA” themed dances. Anyhows, Mary Lou is a former US gymnast who won gold in 1984, the first US woman to do so. No mention of her current embroilment in the USAgym-gate. Okay, she can definitely remember steps. She needs to work on timing and also getting those latin shapes. 6-7-6 T19 huh that’s kinda harsh?? Might have been 1-2 pts higher if she went later I think.
Milo Manheim and Witney Carson - Cha cha Sorry Milo, but Zombies aiiiin’t that great. In case anyone doesn’t know, Zombies is a cheesy af DCOM musical. I really like his energy though. “Tell me about yourself.” “I’m still in school.” I love that. It’s quite refreshing cos we don’t get young male contestants as often as the girls. Whoa, he has those hips! I don’t think his limbs were as messy as the judges made it sound. His legs looked a little awkward during the cha-cha walks. That aside, this dance was so fun to watch! 7-6-7 T20 “That’s good, that’s good!” Witney tells him. Again, I think he could get a tad higher scores if he went later.
Evanna Lynch and Keo Motsepe - Foxtrot OMG Keo’s reaction was priceless. Evanna probably needs no introduction, but anyway, Luna Lovegood. She wanted to go to dance college, but was rejected so DWTS was the next best thing. I think the song did them in, but I found some of her movements too sharp for a foxtrot. She has nice frame and did something weird with her hand once. Definitely has potential. 7-5-6 T18 oooooh Len that was harsh. Tom, the correct term is he who shall not be named.
Speaking of, I like the new green glitter score background.
Danelle Umstead and Artem Chigvintsev - Foxtrot Danelle is a blind alpine skier but gosh she has good footwork and lots of grace. Her shoulders came up a bit and I think she had to adjust her footing going into the spin. When I saw the opening, I was like “Artem is making her walk down the steps to him??!!” At least they went down together. I think her and Artem will be a very nice, friendly, genuine partnership. 6-6-6 T18
Side note: I really didn’t need to hear “Rise Up” again.
Bobby Bones and Sharna Burgess - Jive Bobby is...a lot of things. I’ll say entertainer. His main schtick right now is his country radio show. Guy has boundless energy, I’ll give him that. Jive suits him. He had to point his feet, and the footwork was real rough. If he was judged for enthusiasm though, he’d get a perfect score. 7-6-7 T20 yeah that’s too high. I think the judges got a little high off his energy. I think he should be sitting at a 16-17.
Juan Pablo Di Pace and Cheryl Burke - Salsa Juan Pablo is an actor most recently from Fuller House and Mamma Mia. Uh huh, here’s the sexy hot couple of the season right here. It took really long to get into actual salsa though. Some of the moves looked unpolished and uncertain, but he had a sense of timing and can move. his. hips. 7-7-8 T22 haha we all knew Bruno would like it.
Ayyyy hey Rashad! Apparently he’s going into hosting, showing us the DWTS BTS web series. Go support that guy, he’s an all-round all-star.
Nikki Glaser and Gleb Savchenko - Salsa Nikki is a comedian and entertainer. She told Gleb he looks like he should be emerging from a pool, which I’m pretty sure he has done before for some modelling thing. Apparently she got injured over the weekend. Could have affected the performance. She seemed fine in rehearsal but looked really ginger and reserved while dancing. Her limbs looked awkward. Arms were kept really close to her body and her legs...I don’t know any other way to describe it except “baby giraffe”. 6-5-6 T17
Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten - Jive Alexis is an instagram influencer and model. She’s doing the show for her late mother who enjoyed it. Okay I’ll say it here, she is the one to beat technique-wise. My only complain is she could be more bouncy. Everything else was spot on IMO. I think her possible downfall would be her sketchy voting base. Lots of insta followers doesn’t necessarily mean they will vote. We’ve seen that with past social media stars. 7-7-7 T21 I think she should be equal with Juan Pablo honestly.
John Schneider and Emma Slater I’ve never heard of his Dukes of Hazard show but his name sounds familiar. He’s done so many things, I’ve probably seen him somewhere. Well he certainly has the right attitude. His dancing was...here and there. Some times I was like ‘oh, that’s not bad’ and then i’d be like ‘okay that needs improvement’. I think he’s good enough and charming enough to appeal to the DWTS demo though. 7-5-6 T18
Tinashe and Brandon Armstrong - Jive Tinashe is a singer...who I’ve never heard of. But I live under a rock. Brandon is newly promoted and awwww he’s so adorable. He gave her lots of content which she handled fairly well. She was very clean but I feel like it was toooo clean. Like you know how if you strip water of too many minerals it’ll just burn your tongue. I feel like sometimes I was watching a stick figure dance. Could have used more bounce. CAI’s comment didn’t make sense. 8-7-8 T23
Nancy McKeon and Val Chmerkovskiy - Quickstep Nancy was an actor from a show called The Facts of Life which probably pre-dates me. She has the facial expressions!!! Quickstep on week 1 is no joke but she kept up for most of it. Yup she was wobbly at times, because she was lacking the contact in hold with Val, but that seems to be a Thing TM with all his partners so it’s more Val’s fault. For a while I was like “omg is Val choreographing a solid routine with moves in hold??” and then they broke hold. I’m surprised Len didn’t call that out. Nancy was reall animated in that section though. 6-6-6 T18
Joe Amabile/”Grocery Store Joe” and Jenna Johnson - Quickstep Joe is from the Bachelor franchise and got his nickname because he owns a grocery store. He wants to become Dancing Joe now. He’s kinda cute, sorta charming in a slightly-awkward-little-self-depreciative way. Very likeable guy. I think with his personality and the bachelor backing, he’ll stick around for a while. Yeah that definitely wasn’t the best dance. He was flat footed, made mistakes, getting QS definitely didn’t help either. Can see he is trying to stay positive. 5-4-5 T14
Demarcus Ware and Lindsey Arnold Soon to be NFL hall of fame inductee. Has won the Super Bowl. You know, I hate American football as a sport, but these NFL guys always come in and work hard and it pays off. Demarcus can move and seems to have hella groove, with personality to boot. He’ll have to clean up some lines, but I can see him growing a lot on this show. Such a delight! 8-7-8 T23
Night 2
Ohhhhhh I love that opening number!! I can see why it’s not a premiere opener but wowwwww.
Okay so apparently the bottom half after judges score and votes from night 1 will have to dance again. Everyone else would have rehearsed a second dance for nothing...I guess. I feel like maybe they should have let everyone dance their second dance, but only score those in jeopardy.
Rashad out there with a message for Demarcus. I was kinda waiting for that the first night.
Safe - Demarcus, Tinashe, and...JOE!!!!!! That was the chillest reaction to a (not so) surprise safe.
Jeopardy - Nancy
DWTS Jr pros dance and make me feel old. Jake Monreal!!! And okay, JT Church has some ballroom moves. There’s one brunette guy (not Sage) who has nice hair. And the blond boy looks a little familiar but I can’t put my finger on it.
Safe - Juan Pablo, Bobby
Jeopardy - Nikki, John, Alexis
Alexis and Bobby’s placements are telling about the voters.
Okay. I watched the two episodes back to back. People I forgot about by the time I started night 2: Mary Lou, John, Danelle, Nancy. Also I knew Tinashe, Evanna and Juan Pablo were there but I kinda forgot how their dances looked.
Lmao Milo and Tom. “Why are you so scared about what I’m gonna ask you?”
Amy Purdy with a message for Danelle. She looks so different than I remember.
Safe - Milo, Evanna
Jeopardy - Danelle, Mary Lou
Okay so summary Top 7: Demarcus, Milo, Juan Pablo, Bobby, Evanna, Tinashe, Joe Bottom 6: Alexis, Danelle, John, Nikki, Nancy, Mary Lou
So they are bringing back the Judge’s choice encore from when they had result shows. This week: Demarcus.
They introduced the Junior stars. I’m having a hard time remembering who is who but: - JT’s “OH MY GOSH” when his pro-skateboarding partner did a trick - Mackenzie Ziegler is not a “pop star” she’s as good as a pro dancer. WHO’S BRIGHT IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE HER A CONTESTANT???!?!?
Can they intro the Jr pros too? All the cast of Juniors including the adult pros do a dance number and all I get from it is that red latin shoes are not in style.
Okay so we don’t have time for 6 dances or something so John is safe and won’t have to dance for his life any more.
Couples will dance the same style as night 1, but the choreo and song will be different.
Mary Lou and Sasha - cha cha okay I dunno what their rehearsal strategy was, but this dance felt very basic and less rehearsed than their first. She was more precise and controlled, but seemed to have less energy in it. 7-7-7 T21
Danelle and Artem - foxtrot the rehearsal vids seem to imply the couples were only given Monday night to come up with their second numbers. If so it must have disadvantaged Danelle. She was more timid and reserved. 6-6-6 T18
Nikki and Gleb - salsa She looked more confident this time. Legs less giraffe-y. Her arms were still awkward. 6-6-6 T18
Alexis and Alan - jive Ooooohhh this was good. Her technique was good again, but I think the mood of this dance suited her far better. I think she had a lot more energy and personality in this performance. 7-8-8 T23 Len says it is the best dance of the night and I agree as does Bruno.
Nancy and Val - quickstep Oh dang, the shorter dress exposed Nancy’s shortcomings. Her lines were wonky and she still looked a little unstable sometimes in hold, which was easier to see in this costume. It also made her look like Tweety Bird tumbled dry, They stayed in hold this time though. 7-7-7 T21 that seems generous.
Okay so Mackenzie Ziegler sings. She has a decent voice. Gotta set herself apart from her sister I guess.
Online voting for night 2 was open for...10 minutes? And I wager only US east coasters could vote.
Results time! (finally.)
Safe - Danelle, Alexis (yay!), Mary Lou
Nikki vs Nancy...Eliminated: Nikki. no surprise.
My favourites are Milo and Alexis. Also rooting for Danelle on a slightly lower tier. Surprisingly, Evanna isn’t really on the forefront of my mind.
Also, whether or not the couple danced on the second night might affect their memorability. Like, Bobby make an impact night 1, but after night 2 I kinda forgot about him. The only person who didn’t perform night 2 who I remember is Milo. Everyone else I was like “oh wait, who’s here again?”
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Marvel Parody - Chapter 5
Pairing (in the futur) : Chris Evans x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings : Language ; spelling mistakes ; fat shaming ; body positivity
Word Count : 1.461
Prelude Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
As we were waiting waiting for Anus to show up, the team on Titan was trying to past the time by playing 21 questions. We found out that Mantis’s antennas were actually her ears, that Tonya had a little crush on Loki since that New York attack « She has great hair », defended the billionaire, and that Quill wasn’t a true blond, information that got everyone to gasp. 
« I wonder what’s happening on Earth? », said Parker. 
Since every girl was playing two characters, we had to pre-record this part and project it on the screen.
« When you said that we should open ourselves to the world, I wasn’t thinking about this », faced Okoye the Queen. « What were you expecting? » - T’Chicka. « I don’t know maybe remix the song of David Guetta ‘Titanium’ into ‘Vibranium’ or create an Instagram profile », replied the general. 
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Meanwhile, the stuffed Falcon was messing with your hair and you were trying to menace him with your knife which didn’t help. The only way to make her stop was to threatening her to slap her with your shoe (old classic parent move). « Girls, come on play nice with each other », said the Cap annoyed. « She started it. Look that grumpy face, she’s provoking me », shouted Wilson. You just frowned and rolled your eyes. 
Everyone was in position and waited for the Queen’s command. Stephanie looked at you and said « Be careful punk ». You nodded and gave her a look that informed her to be careful too. The battle began and the screen faded. 
Back to Titan
« Omg, where’s Thor? », asked Parker « Yeah, where is she? », you heard an Aussie accent from the audience and figured out it was Hemsworth. « She’s probably ELECTRIFYING (with a thick John Travolta, Grease voice) everyone ! », guessed Tonya.
At that exact moment the song « Total Eclipse of the Heart » played.
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely And you're never coming round Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit tired Of listening to the sound of my tears Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit nervous That the best of all the years have gone by Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit terrified And then I see the look in your eyes Turnaround bright eyes, but every now and then I fall apart Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
« Hey, Coca Cola why is your suit ringing?, asked Quill. Kelly’s facial expressions as a hurt Stark were priceless, you had to control yourself to not crack up of laughter. « It’s Rogers calling me again », she announced. 
« I wonder what’s Rogers ringtone in Barnes phone », wondered Drax. « Oh, I know! », you mumbled under your breath. The other characters turned to you. « Shit, I just said that out loud ». « Tell me », demanded Stark. « Nah, you’re not ready for this ».
« Tell us », you heard RDJ yelling. You exchanged a quick look in his direction and saw the actor with a wide smile. « Alright, if you insist ». 
-> Gunther’s  ‘Ding Dong Song’ played for 10 seconds.
Oh, you touch my tralala Mmm, my ding ding don La lalala lalala... Oh, you touch my tralala
The crowd went wild and was hysterically laughing. I even noticed Evans do his famous left grab boob laugh and in that moment you swear you could die in peace.
« Why would she have that particular song ? », asked Quill dumbfounded You were bitting at your lower lip at this state to hold back your smile. « It’s actually a funny story » « We’re all ears », continued Quill sarcastically.
« Alright. So, it was at that time where Becky had the mission to end Nokia. Yes, ladies and gentleman, we totally renamed Nick (Fury) as Nokia because they’re both indestructible. Anyway. Becky had that genius idea to shot Nokia in the chest through Rogers appartement window. Rogers of course was not happy and decided to run after Becky and breaking inoffensive office doors on her way out. Until the moment she came face to face with the attacker and throw her shield. But mama didn’t raise no Bitch, so Becky turned around and caught the shield. And that’s where she said « Ohhh I just touched your tra la la, your ding ding dong ». But of course, having that mask in front of her face, Rogers didn’t hear her. So she just vanished. Yep that’s right sir, vanished, just like my scholarship. ‘where is it? what happened to it? ‘…. well I don’t have that knowledge », you told.
While you were telling the story, you noticed a heavy drunk guy in the audience doing some nasty noises towards you. He was mimicking and making pig noises. But you shrugged it off because the show must go on. Sarah was about to step in and yell at the guy but you discreetly hold her hand and gave a look. You really hoped that the cast didn’t notice you shaking your head ‘no’ to Sarah, but unfortunately they caught your movement.
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« She’s here », announced Mantis Everyone hid except you, since you were the one welcoming the Mad Titan. Anus made her entrance in a perfectly purple makeup and detailed outfit. « Who are you? » « My name’s Weird » « I doubt that and I’m well placed to say so. My name is literally ‘Anus’ », said the villain . « Haha, no. I’m Weird » « Yes, I can see that » « Oh Good God. My name is Doctress Stephanie Weird. I know Stephanie not very original considering the fact that the Captain’s name is also Stephanie. But yeah. It could be worst, Marvel could actually hire 3 different actors with the same name. Imagine that. You call for one and 3 show up. … hahahah. That’s actually genius. Good job Marvel, you should keep going. I’m pretty sure the next ones will come from the same country and whose name will start with a ’T’ and end with ‘om’. » you said casually « Nahh I’m certain they would not do that », said Anus « Oh darling, I’m pretty sure they would », you replied with a thick fake British accent. « Where is the stone? » « Besides the Rolling we don’t have such things here », you told still with the British accent. « The what? » « Well, the Rolling Stone », you said grinning and trying to hold your laughter. Anus just looked at you seriously. « Ahhh come on, get your culture in check », you replied with your normal voice.
That’s when we put the plan in motion. Well obviously it didn’t go well and the moment Mantis said her line, that stupid asshole spoke again. 
« Shut up you fat cow », he shouted from the audience. That was it. You couldn’t take it anymore. You’re blood was boiling. You stood up and went to the edge of the stage. « What did you say? » When he was about to repeat himself, you cut him : « Oh don’t answer that. I was being sarcastic. I perfectly heard you and I even heard you the first time when you did those pig noises towards me. But I was like, ‘yeah no, don’t care’, but now you’re coming for my friend, no way! I can see that you clearly aren’t in your normal state right now and you know what. There’s NO amount of alcohol or sobriety that tolerate that kind of behavior and those kind of comments!! You don’t like the show and find it ridiculous? Fine, it’s supposed to. It’s a parody. But coming for us and dehumanize us just because we don’t fit your stupid beauty criteria no fucking way. I kindly suggest you to get the fuck out before you embarrass yourself even more », you responded firmly.
You were so focused on watching the bouncer take that jerk out of the place that you didn’t noticed that the cast was on their feet applauding you. Once you came back to you, cheeks burning out of embarrassment and your hands clenched as fists, you turned to the crowd and out of the blue said (improvised) : « I apologize for that. Ehmm… let’s get those bad vibes out by quoting that great contemporary philosopher Anthony Mackie that said ‘The thighs are the key to heaven’ and he even added that ‘Doing squads is not an obligation but a purpose’. »
« Damn right it is », Mackie hollered loudly and everyone laughed.
« Now that we’re surrounded by positive vibes with those wise words, let’s go back to the show, what do you say? »
A collectif ‘yeah’ was heard and you returned to your initial position on the rock. You looked at Emily and winked at her. The show continued, but deep down you were torn between a mix of feelings : proud by standing up and talk but also anger and embarrassment. You couldn’t pray more for the show to end.
*gifs not mine, credit to owners*
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Is it just me or do you look like you’re from whoville(don’t think I spelled that right) you know the grinch people. I have no idea what submitting does by here goes nothing
((OOC: Omg why does my face look like a Who…. also just the facial expressions here are priceless @actinganimagus))
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zoetekohana · 6 years
I finally saw Thor Ragnarok and OMG IT WAS AMAZING!
A few quick thoughts, as I’m too pumped to write a coherent review:
I loved the 80′s videogame feel and look to it.
All those colours.
Even with the music, because omg that soundtrack was amazing.
The Immigrant Song!!! 
That song alone speaks volumes about the soundtrack. ;) (See what I did there, haha.)
The humor! I laughed so hard so much.
Thank you for showing more of Hemsworth’s comedic acting. He’d already proven himself to be so funny in Ghostbusters, so I was happy to see more of that here. 
Krog is such a cinnamon roll and I want to see more of him in this franchise.
While I loved the other two Thor films as well, I absolutely adore how (1) they incorporated the mythology much more here (like Odin awaiting Thor and Loki in Norway); (2) they captured Loki’s character much better (he was finally actually the God of Mischief); (3) they really improved on the sibling relationship in this film (I already liked their squabbling in Dark World, but omg it was everything in Ragnarok. Get help? Priceless.)
I’ve always found Idris Elba so very handsome, ever since I watched The Wire ten years ago. But he was actually even more handsome? That should be impossible, but apparently it’s very possible.
Also yay to seeing Heimdall in action!
Jeff Goldbum slayed, like always.
Skurge was so great too. I really loved the subtle facial expression from Urban, showing he didn’t want to side with Hela. And in the end, he got his recognition in such a glorious way. 
AND VALKYRIE!!!! Love love love her.
Everyone was so great.
Everything was so great.
I absolutely loved this film and will definitely rewatch it.
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marjorie189 · 3 years
Chapter 7
After the meeting with Shawn, Andrew, and David, I started heading home.
I got home around 5:00 pm.
I was so excited about telling everyone the news!
They were going to freak, and sadly make fun of me. Ughhh they are going to tease me so bad!
I got the control, and opened up the huge gate that guards The Dream Team's House.
I drove passed the gates that opened to the house. I then parked in the huge driveway, I was too lazy to park in the garage! I just want to get out of the car and tell everyone the news.
I got off my Range Rover and ran into the house! I opened the door and everyone was in the living room waiting for me!
Once they saw me they all stood up, excitedly.
I yelled in excitement and starting jumping up and down. I had no idea how to release all these emotions and feelings, that I jumped in excitement.
By my facial expression and actions, everyone knew the meeting went well and started celebrating with me!
The girls starting jumping and hugging me. The girls and I starting yelling out of happiness.
Everyone started hugging me, smiles plastered on everyone's faces!
"Y/N/N!! How did it go??" Dylan asked holding my hands, sitting me down.
Everyone one sat on the couches, wanting to hear everything that went down in the meeting.
"Oh Dyl!! Everything went perfect!" I said embracing him in a tight hug.
Dylan smiled in the hug closing his eyes. He was happy that his sister was accomplishing her dreams!
"I bet! Oh Y/N, I'm so happy for you! What happened I want all the details!" Dylan said to her in a kind of valley girl voice.
"Ok, ok! I'm sorry to intrude in your guys little moment! Which I might say is cute and all but, we all want to know what happened!!" Tessa said anxiously.
I giggled and pulled away from Dylan.
"Alright sis! Go on!" Garrett said curiously.
"Ok!" I geeked.
Ivan chuckled.
"So everything went amazing! It was a dream come true! Nothing could've gone wrong! It was with the perfect artist and perfect plans for collaboration!" I said explaining it to my family and friends.
"Who was the artist!??" Froy asked.
I blushed, remembering what occurred in the meeting.
"Sh-Shawn." I whispered shyly.
"I didn't catch that. Who??" Ivan said loudly.
"Sh-Shawn!" I said louder, making sure everyone heard.
Everyone gasped, covering their mouths in shock.
I blushed.
"Awww! You're blushing!" Bethany giggled.
"No I'm not!" I said covering my face with my hands.
"Awwww!!" Tessa said loudly.
"Hey!! Dylan I think we're gonna have to give Shawn the talk!! Someone wants our little sister!" Garrett said half joking.
"Already on it!" Dylan said protectively.
"Noo!! You two aren't doing anything!" I said pointing to my brothers.
"Ohh! You can't stop us little sis!" Dylan said evilly.
I rolled my eyes.
"We'll join the talk too!" Emilio said referring to the male members of the team.
Froy and Ivan agreed, nodding.
I glared at all of them, " You guys aren't doing anything!" I said to them.
"Just ignore them! Go on with the story!" Jazzy said.
"Alright! So I was sat in a waiting area, while David Massey the CEO of Island Records would come for me. He came within a few minutes and he introduced himself. He then led me into the meeting. That's when I saw Shawn!" I said excitedly.
"What did you do?? Cry? Scream??" Garrett said teasingly.
Dylan laughed, listening to my story.
"Ha-ha-ha!" I faked laughed. "More like fainted!"
"No way!!" Tessa yelled.
"Omg! That's priceless!" Garrett said falling to the floor in tears.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"You fell for him! LITERALLY!" Garrett said laughing at his joke.
"Yeah, but she fainted Gar!" Dylan says trying to stress his point to Garrett "how are you feeling now sis? Do you want water or something?" Dylan says feeling my forehead, acting like her cared but he really was holding back his laughs.
"Immmm fine D, really!" I say pushing his hand away, while kinda whining at him.
"Are you sure because, I'm here and can get anything." Dylan says.
"Really I'm fine, Gosh you're just as bad as Shawn, Andrew and David." I say hugging him to reassure him that I'm ok.
"Awww they were worried about you!?" Jazzy says laughing as she tries to stop Dylan from being overprotective.
"Ok just let me know ok?" Dylan says while keeping a close eye on me. Man overprotective ass lol, but I gotta love my brother.
"Ok D, I promise." I say giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
Everyone started laughing, and cracking jokes.
I just laid my back on the cushions, looking at them with a straight face. I was dreading this moment!
"Oh come on!! Crack a smile at least!" Dylan said laughing his ass off in the floor.
I rolled my eyes.
"Laugh all you want! At least he caught me before I fell!" I said and stood up. I started walking towards the stairs, giving up on them.
"No! Come back! We're sorry!" Froy said still laughing.
I walked back the them, "Fine!"
They all calmed down and sat down.
"So we continued on with the meeting. David started telling me about how Shawn found out about me through my covers. Shawn then went on, telling me how he wanted to collaborate with me!" I said.
"How does he want to collaborate with you??" Dylan asked curiously.
"Well a few collaborations actually! He wants to make a song together, make a music video-" I was saying.
"Oh my god! That's great!!" Garrett said hugging me.
Everyone starting congratulating me, again.
I giggled, "That's not even the best part!" I giggled.
"What? What can be better than this??" Bethany said.
"I-I'm going on tour with him!!" I said standing up, putting my arms up in the air.
"Ahhhhhh! I'm so happy for you!! Tessa yelled and attacked me in a hug! Jazzy joining us making us fall to the ground.
"But we'll miss you sooooo much baby sis!" Dylan says a little over reacting, but still having a sad face.
Bethany joined us on the ground, making us laugh.
"Incoming!" Emilio said jumping into us.
All the guys started joining, making a dog pile on me.
I was in the bottom of everyone! I was suffocated, yet I still loved it. I was with my family! They all loved me and they were happy for me.
I laughed, kicking everyone off of me! Some screamed in pain.
"We have to celebrate!! Let's go out for dinner!!" Dylan suggested.
"It's getting kinda late, Dyl. Maybe we can reschedule it for tomorrow?" I said.
"Yeah! I think so! She still has to process everything and rest! This is all too hectic for her!" Garrett said to Dylan.
"You're right! Everyone Dinner tomorrow!!" Dylan yelled to everyone.
"Yeah in that case, we can invite mom and dad!" I said.
"And also!!! When I'm on tour, you guys can come to concerts for free!!" I said excitedly.  
"Omg! No way!" Bethany said, attacking me in a hug.
I giggled, and nodded.
A few minutes after, Dylan and Garrett had to get going.
I went into my room after they had left.
I just laid down on my comfy bed.
I was thinking about everything that has just occurred in my life. It was huge! This could change my life!
I then heard my door slam open.
I looked up and saw the girls.
They shut the door closed and hopped on my bed!
"We want to know everything!!" Jazzy said.
"About what?" I giggled.
"OH! you know what we mean?!" Bethany said.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Huh?" I said living my eyebrows.
"About Shawn!! How was it like being so close to him??" Tessa said cheerfully.
"Oh!" I chuckled, blushing.
"We didn't ask you in front of the guys obviously!" Jazzy said.
"Of course! This is girl talk!" I smiled.
"So... Explain!" Bethany said.
I giggled.
"When I walked in the meeting with David, I still had no idea that Shawn was the artist. So when I walked in and saw him, I guess my body didn't know how to react or something, so I fainted. That's when everything went blank. I didn't know what happened after that!" I explained.
The girls listened intently.
"So I woke up and saw that I was in Shawn's arms! Our bodies were so close to each other! I saw all of his facial features, his hair, his skin, his nose, ears, everything! It was everything I imagined, and better!" I said dreamingly.
"Awww! That's so cute!" Tessa said hugging me.
I blushed.
"He was so cute! He was so worried about me! He even offered to take me home!" I said.
"Y/N! You should've said yes! We could've met him!" Jazzy said laughing.
I rolled my eyes, "He was so nice and sweet! He spoke in such a kind sweet, manner. Now that I notice though, he kinda seemed nervous." I said.
"Nervous?? Nervous how?" Bethany asked, curiously.
"I don't know! Like he would scratch the back of his neck sometimes and I don't know. Like small things like that!" I said.
"Well... Maybe he likes you! You make him nervous!" Jazzy said.
I rolled my eyes and huffed.
"He does not like me! Why would he like me?" I babbled.
"Oh please! Look at you!" Tessa scoffed.
"You have the perfect face! Perfect body! Perfect personality!" Jazzy states.
"Oh stop it!!" I blushed.
"It's true!" Bethany said.
"Well Thanks! But let's change the subject." I laughed.
"Have you told the fans??" Tessa asked.
"Actually! I haven't. But I'm going to make a cover and in the end I'm going to give out the news!!" I said.
"That's great! We'll let you be then. If you need anything just ask!" Tessa said, hugging me.
I smiled and they all left.
I started setting up my camera, and all my set-up necessities.
I sat down and started the cover!
I decided to do one of Shawn's songs, since the news is about him.
Video of Cover:
So that's lost in Japan for you all!! Shawn is such a great artist, with his music and just his personality in general! I really love this song, and really his whole album in general.
So you all are probably thinking that this is just a normal cover video. You know, me singing a Shawn song, normal right? But really I chose a Shawn song, again, because I have some great news!!
This news is honestly a dream come true! Something I never expected to happen, but always thought about.
So this news is so HUGE! I don't know how to say it! But, I'm just going to say it!!
I'm going on tour with Shawn Mendes!!
And some crazy things happened!! But I don't wanna say anything. I will probably make a video about how exactly this all happened! And maybe Shawn can be in the video??? Maybe saying his point of view of everything that happened?!
So this is all brand new to me! I still don't have all the information on stuff, but once tickets start selling I will inform you all! So stay tuned.
And I want to use this time to tell you guys that DREAMS DO COME TRUE! You guys just have to work for it! If you guys know me, you guys know that I've loved Shawn, for the longest time ever! I always talked about him, sang his songs, bought his Merch, etc. And now look, I'm going on a World Tour with him!
So pursue your dreams! Because they can become reality!
Love you guys!
I'll keep you guys posted on everything!
I turned off the camera, and started editing right away!
I didn't really have to edit the actual cover, to show the whole song. I started editing on the part where I was telling the news.
Once I finished editing, I looked over to the video again and made sure everything was perfect.
The video started uploading on Youtube!
Lost in Japan Cover! + Huge News!
Once I started uploading the video, I starting looking over the love aka the likes, comments, thumbs up, views, etc.
After 20 minutes of looking over the video's love, I closed my computer.
I laid down on my bed, and remembered that Shawn told me to text him.
As I was about to type a text, I started getting butterflies in my stomach!
I didn't even realize that I was smiling like a goof, until my phone turned off and the black screen showed my reflection!
I sighed, and started texting him.
Y/N: Hey Shawn! It's me, Y/N
A few seconds later he responded.
S: Hi Y/N!
S: How are you?
Y/N: hey! I'm good, how about you?
S: Im good!
S: Do you want to FaceTime instead?
S: I'm not that good with texting.
Y/N: Of course!
Y/N: FaceTime is so much better anyway.
S: It really is!
S: I'm calling you right now.
I then got a FaceTime call from Shawn!
I gladly accepted the call.
S: Hi again! *he says chuckling and waving his hand to the camera*
Y/N: *giggled* Hi *waving to the camera*
S: How are you?
Y/N: I'm good. Just laying down in bed. *laughes* What about you?
S: Just got together with my team after our meeting! I just told them that you're going to be part of our team now! *Shawn said excitedly*
Y/N: Aww that's so sweet! Thank you!
S: Of course.
Y/N: I can't wait to meet everyone!
S: They can't wait to meet you too! I showed them your covers, and a few other videos of yours! They really like you!
Y/N: shawn! Now when I meet them I'm going to be nervous! That makes me glad that they like me though, but now I'm going to be so nervous!
S: Noo!! Don't be nervous! I'll be right by your side *laughs* don't be nervous they'll like you!
Y/N: alright... Thank you! So which videos exactly did you show them??
S: I'm not going to tell you...
Y/N: What?? Why *Laugh*
S: because then your gonna be even more nervous!!
Y/N: *playfully rolls eyes* fine *sighs and laughs*
S: *Laughs*
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Y/N: *blushes*
S: so are you free tomorrow?? Maybe we can meet up in a cafe or something? To get to start meeting each other! I can tell we're gonna get along really well.. but like getting to know each other like without Andrew and David. Like just us!! *rambles*
Y/N: *giggles and blushes* sure! I'd love too!!
S: *smiles* Perfect! Where would you like to meet? And it'll be on me! So don't worry about paying or anything like that!
Y/N: Noo!! I'll pay for myself! Don't waste your money on me! And anywhere you want!
S: No really it's ok. I want to pay for you. We are on tour, so maybe one day you can pay! *shawn lies, he would let Y/N pay for anything*
Y/N: I'm only saying yes right now but tomorrow While we're paying I'm not letting you *laughs*
S: This conversation will continue tomorrow's then! *shawn says stubbornly *
Y/N: it sure will *laughs*
S: *Shawn rolls his eyes playfully and laughs*
S: So where would you like me to take you out to eat and chat??
Y/N: *giggles and blushes* You mean I'll pay for myself! And what would you like to eat?
S: Maybe a Starbucks?
Y/N: sure! Whatever you'd like! And I love Starbucks! *says excitedly*
S: perfect! You live in calabasas right?
Y/N: yeah!
S: alright then the Starbucks in Calabasas will do
Y/N: alright! What time??
S: what time do you usually drink Starbucks?
Y/N: Usually when I wake up! But I usually postmate it home! *laughs*
S: you're like Camila! *laughs*
S: Today you'll have a early morning coffee with me! You won't have to postmate it *chuckles*
Y/N: Sounds like a plan!
We talked a little more and set up a time to meet up! We had to end the call because Shawn had to head to his condo in L.A.
I got up and showered.
I showered quickly and headed to my closet, with a towel around my body. I then change into my pajamas:
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I then go and put my hair up for the night:
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I grab some fluffy socks then go and get into my bed. I pull the Comforter over me and sink into my bed. I grab the remote off my nightstand. I turn on the tv and decide to watch the end of teen beach movie.
I was so amused by seeing my self in tv. I loved acting! It then reminds me that my season of Supernatural is almost airing! So that means that the season premiere was almost happening!!
A few minutes later it's over and I turn the tv off, then turn off the lamp by my bed. Just as I start to go to sleep I hear my phone go off next to me. I grab it and see that there is a text from Shawn and I immediately smile. I also giggle at his new name that I had put in earlier.
Muffin man: Goodnight beautiful! Hope you sleep well. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Y/n: Goodnight to you too handsome! Can't wait either!!
Then I put my music on and put my phone on the bedside table. I slowly go to sleep with a smile on my face and dreaming about the future.
Hey guys! So I just wanna say that the FaceTime photo is not ours, we got in online. Also the YouTube video is not ours. I want to give credit the the ones who made it. Love you all. And thank out for reading❤️❤️~ Marjorie
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keiziahknight1886 · 7 years
So please forgive me since I’m just making this up as I go and plus ya homegurl is overwhelmed by all the schnee that just happened this episode, also… I had to redo EVERYTHING cause my damn tumblr lost the one I made yesterday so here we go again henny.
SPOILER ALERT!!! Also, awful screenshots cause yknow, I was streaming and screenshotting all together. Also also, this involves fangirling and over the top reactions that are just too extra and you’ll see why. Also also also? My thought, reactions and basically this is just my take on the episode for those of yall that are new, I have no intention of pissing people of or offend them in any kind of way, these are just my thoughts and reactions so please, ChillTheFOut #CTFO oh yeah, and I don’t tackle all the scenes, just the ones I really liked cause yknow…
So first up:
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Look at my little baby boi sun!! Just look at him!
Mah boi Sun is slowly making his way into the Belladonna family and I love it. Look at him, look at them! #BlackSunIsReal
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Just look at him, the mah little monkey boi being part of the family. I ship em, momma B ships them, can Papa B ship them too now?
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Speaking of ships:
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Look at these two, just look at em, Papa and Mama B are giving me small cute girl and big burly guy romance realness. Just imagine how cute these two’s love story would be!
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I love em, the Belladonnas are like the cutest family I’ve seen in RWBY so far, look at em they are so cute!
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Aww look at mah baby boi supporting his soon to be father in law. How precious. Don’t forget the Sun son!
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Let’s all take the time to appreciate each and every one of their facials expressions. Each one telling a different story lol *laughs*
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Belladonnas, giving me royal family realness.
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Okay, just putting this out here. Ghira is hot. Don’t you look at me like that gurl you know it too. I mean just look at that chest… rawr. //slapped//
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Alright, okay alright, can we please appreciate Sun looking oh so adorable fitting in the black and white family? Like look at him here, he sticks out like a sore thumb omg this is priceless #BlackSunIsCanon
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Papa B, for president.
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Uh oh… Why girl… ugh, I shoulda known this speech wouldn’t be completely peaceful.
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I FIND THIS OH SO ADORABLE CAUSE ONE, MAMA B AND TWO, SUN. Mother in law and son in law are just too cute.
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I see you creepin up on there little Sunny boy.
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I like this frame cause you can tell each of their personalities just by looking at them #BelladonnasAreFamilyGoals
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These little fubbernucks are planning something and I know it aint no good.
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Jaune: I am having a hard time comprehending how Ozpin turned so cute. (Not gay btw)
Ren: What?
Nora: Yes, this is normal. Cute Ozpin is normal.
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Here I present to you Qrow looking hot and drunk at the same time #DrunkleQrow is #DrunkAndHot
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Team RNJR’s sudden realization of Ozpin is actually Oscar but in another body but still could probably beat their asses to the ground
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Team RNJR decides retreat and strategize
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Well looky here, finally a discussion? Alright Nancy Drew.
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*Ruby giggles* HOLY SHT
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*After a few minutes with google* Rose Garden? Yeah fek it you’re cute and I love it omg cute little Oscar AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You best bettah not hide it by saying you’re just excited meet real huntsmen cause boy I know that look of shy awkward I like you looks and honey I approve a hundred percent my gawd you two are the cutest #RoseGardenIsReal plus look at the way he laughed nervously and smiled at Ruby, my gawd #RoseGardenIsCanon
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What the fk is going on in here on this day? Ossy is this a possession?
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Oh no wait, it’s just Ozzy (not to be confused with Ossy with an ‘s’)
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Teamn RNJR: Dafaq?
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Kei Knight, she gets the best quality screenshots at the best quality times. Also,
Team RNJR: Yeah, dafaq.
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If I were to comment on how I think they think right now it would be:
Jaune: *confused as all fk*
Ren: *gasp* *even more confused as all fk*
Nora: *is tired of your sht*
Ruby: *is also tired of your sht*
*Ozpin takes control* *Oscar silently prays that Oz doesn’t spill his attraction of Ruby out on everybody*
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Looking at Oscar here right now he looks so cute trying to look do serious. I love it.
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Nora Valkyrie ladies and gentlemen, pointing out what’s obvious. You’d do great at cinema sins darling. Also, confused Nora is cute.
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Nora.exe has stopped working. Also, I feel like this is what she’d look like if you stole her pancakes and she’s trying to calm down and is asking for an explanation while contemplating on whether or not she’d break your legs.
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Giggling OzCar is also cute. My gawd.
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Okay so we move on to- WEISS MY DARLING CHILD!
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Poor little Weissy girl, if I could break you outta there I would ran over and smacked all them on their-
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*suddenly this girl arrives* *me forgets abouts Weiss and starts fangirling about Spring* (or yknow, possible Spring cause some people might say this may not be her)
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So her name is Vernal, we’ll call her that then,
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Looks tough as nails in my opinion, but oh well, she’s part of Raven’s crew so I guess she’s been bred.
Oh yeah, definitely the cocky type of girl.
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I swear Nora is the cutest thing on this planet. I’m so happy ReNora is getting more screen time. 
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Just look at her, she’s just a huge rain of sunshine and-
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Ren: Nora, chill.
Nora: *pouts*
I ship them so much.
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Okay so here we have the members of team RNJR being told by Ozzy that they need to train to fight better and he’s gonna be the one training them. Reactions?
Jaune: *shocked and fangirling at the same time*
Nora: *Nora is not impressed*
Ruby: *does not know how to feel since little man crush is being controlled and will be teaching her* or maybe *dafaq*
Ren: Uhm..
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Cute little Ossy while being controlled by Ozzy is super cute.
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Ozzy loses control of Ossy
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*Ossy falls absolutely unceremoniously but still cute*
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Qrow: *not impressed*
Ren: *places hands behind back and silently judges you*
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Alright! Back to Weissypoo! Aw yeah, look at her being able to create her little man friend!
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Aw yeah!
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I love her smile of hope being regained!
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Aw yeah, there’s my sassy attitude little girl’s smirk!
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Phew! Alright! This was a little long but trust me henny, I’ve done longer. Anyway, I enjoyed this episode and I hope you did too! This was just a huge dump of whatever I’ve been feeling and hopefully you kinda maybe might have enjoyed it!
 These are my thoughts, feel free to reblog or comment and I’ll see you in the next take!
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spraceaesthetic · 7 years
The local production of newsies I attended last night
WAS AMAZING. You guys have probably seen my posts freaking out bc Joey Barreiro was in it and it was just as amazing as I expected. Here’s a breakdown of like, everything.
-Santa Fe (Prologue) was sO good! It’s always been my favorite and this version was no exception. At “you could toss that crutch for good!” Jack set aside Crutchie’s crutch and held him at the waist to prop him up (all I could think was “I’m flying jack!!”) and then at “watch me stand, watch me run” Crutchie like slowly looked down at his leg, then grabbed his crutch again and I cRIED.
-Carrying the Banner was so high energy and fantastic
-Race’s cigar actually smoked and that needed its own bullet point bc it’s important
-Morris Delancey had these awesome leather wrist cuffs
-Weasel was 90% angrier and ready to fiGht
-Crutchie was so good??? 90% of his choreo through the whole show was angry hopping and I loved it
-Davey was very anxious and reserved at first
-so was Les, like I really liked how he was a little more reserved. Like you could tell he was still having fun and all but he was definitely raised in the same house as Davey, with the same values which made his character much more realistic and less comic relief which I really liked.
-Pulitzer wore this super cool gray suit with vivid red touches in act one, and all of his assistants had little touches of red which was cool
-Katherine’s costumes were so good. She was wearing red in act one, like Pulitzer, then act two she wore blue (like Jack!) but underneath her dress had this red fabric like she was hiding that she was Pulitzer’s daughter which was ePic
-The World Will Know was incredible! There was this awesome red light and the music was intense and ahhh!! My favorite part was at “we’ve got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim” bc Crutchie like winked and then they turned around and threw their paper bags into the wagon and like half of them missed lmao
-in the deli when the guy was handing out water he was so sassy. At “2 cents for a glass of seltzer?! Just give me a water!” he very sassily turned his tray around so the newsie could take the water instead, then handed the seltzer to the newsie next to him who gave this awesome lil shit grin
-Katherine was so good?? Like her voice??? AH!?
-In Seize the Day davey was so good?! Like he started off really scared and faint, and then at “Courage cannot erase our fears” it was like he was realizing that for himself and anyways he took me on a jOURNEY
-Jacks speech to the scabs was really moving, and Les’ “please?” at the end was actually heartbreaking ??
-my friend works backstage as the child supervisor for the kids playing Les and she had said usually papers don’t make it to the second row when they throw them, but she’d tell the Les for that night to throw extra hard bc that’s where I was sitting with some friends and I think he told a bunch of the newsies bc like five landed exactly in our area??! I scream
-My dance teacher played Romeo and he was sO good like his facial expressions and everything. What a great bean. I gasped like really loud when he got whacked by the cop
-Santa Fe actually killed me. Jack was messy sobbing, I was messy sobbing, the final note was so beautiful and it just sOARED and I loved it
-King of New York was zESTY
-Letter from the Refuge like. Destroyed me. Oh my god there’s so many things. In the Newsies Live version, Crutchie is trying to be optimistic and and not break down and is even trying to be a bit funny, but in this one he actually started crying a bit during “where it’s clean and green and pretty” and I was. Mcfreakin wrecked. At “I ain’t slept and my leg still ain’t right” he like rubbed his leg and looked really upset hG. And the very saddest part was instead of boys shushing him before “damn this place” there was a cry of pain from offstage and Crutchie looked so scared oh my god. I was crying. So hard
-In Watch What Happens (Reprise) Davey and Les had really come out of their shells, like especially Davey, you could really see how excited and dorky he was omg
-Jack was really huggy with Les the whole show it was very cute omg
-I got so zazzed for Brooklyn’s Here, it was sO good! The Spot had some really bitchin tattoos that I want to incorporate into my modern au spot design bc they were so cool
-Something to Believe In. Oh my god. First of all, scREam of frustration that Jack did after he kissed Katherine was priceless
-then Joey Barreiro did this AWESOME riff at “aND IF IM GONE TOMORROW” like all my friends and I clutched at each other like little old ladies in shock lmao
-skipping a little bc this is so long already, but at the end when Crutchie came back Jack gave him this huge hug and it made me feel so fulfilled bc it’s not in newsies live. Like I feel resolved, I can move on with my life now
-at curtain call my friends and I were the only ones standing in our section but it’s okay bc we were so excited
-we were like screaming and all the people around us were really old and kept giving us dirty looks it was great
-my friend got the cast to sign a poster for me bc it was my birthday and???? I’m shook??!
-conclusion: I loved it, it was incredible, I’m deceased
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