#the ghost bride headers
person8789 · 2 years
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Again, Epel?
36 notes · View notes
itsagrimm · 9 months
He Who Comes from under the Water
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Chapter 11 - The Dive
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN: Mentions of possible death and injury, fear of water, nearly drowning, mentions of possibly getting hurt, inappropriate use of an axe, depression and bad mental health, on character is passively suicidal, cannibalism, fear of being alone, fear of separation from a loved one, lack of self-confidence, kissing, making out, partial nudity
Notes for better understanding at the bottom!
Beta-read by the equally afflicted @queenquazar. Unhinged writing and editing sessions in the dead of night wouldn't be the same without you.
6.0k words
Hope you enjoyed your summer as I have but now as it's getting colder, darker and most importantly weather outside, I am fairly sure updates will roll quicker now.
also I need to do more trips with my camera, I am running out of decent looking header photos.
I made a playlist for this series. Enjoy.
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The fresh morning breeze caressed over your slowly warming up skin. Branches of trees danced a lazy rhythm and the late birds of summer sang their song. Ghost stood next to you, wrapped in his coat made of leaves and moss and sturdy solitude, as you both looked up to the window of your bedroom. König was in there, still asleep and out of your reach.
“Let’s try to wake up König one more time.”
Hope reared its head as you heard Ghost’s words.
But not too high.
“How?” You wondered out loud. “I am sorry that you feel stuck here with me, but König did not wake up last time you tried. Why should he now?”
“Maybe we need to try harder,” Ghost replied and grabbed Königs axe.
Your eyes widened.
“Hold on!” You tried to stop what was unfolding before you, only to witness Ghost grow in size, taller than the trees, taller than the house, and far away from your little human words.
“Enough, little brother,” Ghost groaned from high above you and you had to shield your ears from the loud thundering voice “It is time to wake up. I am tired of guarding your Bride in your stead.”
Birds took off, the earth shook and trees froze as in fear of the giant that was said to be their guardian.
Ghost straightened up and turned to the house.
Like an animal on the hunt that got caught, Ghost froze and turned back, staring down at you with an oddly blank expression.
“What are you up to, Ghost?” You called, trying to ignore the little voice in your mind telling you that shutting up and quivering in fear before the giant was a smarter strategy to survive.
“Why the axe?” You squeaked as you tried not to squeak.
Ghost blinked, confused by this little being that was his future sister in law. Such a flimsy thing of flesh and bone, shouting at him from her place in the dirt. Ghost glanced at the axe, shaking his head.
“Right. I am sorry. I am not used to explaining myself but you have every right to ask,” Ghost admitted, and fell back into a shape more approachable to you, like a shadow growing smaller by the change of light.
“You can do it.” Ghost said. “Hit König with the axe to wake him up.”
You blinked, it was your turn to stare confused.
“He is just the Vodyanoy napping in water. Swinging an axe against him is like hitting the surface of a lake, stirring up a few waves but nothing else. He will be fine. And hopefully he will wake up from it.” Ghost explained and passed you the heavy axe before growing in size again.
You looked down onto the massive wood axe in your hands, the wooden handle old and used.
“Are you sure that will work, Ghost?” Uncertainty creeping up in your mind and voice, worry and frustration manifesting about your fiance’s wellbeing and actions.
“Have you ever heard of running water getting cut?” Ghost answered. “I am not saying König will like it, but it won’t harm him. Trust me.”
You swallowed, feeling uneasy. Hitting a human with an axe in their sleep was murder. Plain and simple. But, König was as much a human as you were a fish. His skin shifted and shaped as he pleased. He ruled the waters and even summoned them in his dreams after not sleeping for who knows how long, destroying your room. And his eyes…
“I understand this might be a lot to ask,” Ghost paused. “You will have to trust me on this one, Vodyanitza.”
His words danced through your mind like willow branches in the wind. If Ghost would have wanted to and this was ill-intentioned, he could have harmed König without bothering to talk and convince you of this plan. Maybe there was a point in trusting Ghost even if the thought of König getting hurt made you grow colder inside than the cooler morning breeze ever could.
You looked up to the giant and nodded.
“Let’s do this.”
“Hold on tight,” He stated and grabbed you to place onto the window sill to your bedroom. Like a leaf he tumbled into the room after you, turning himself small again and landing in the splashing water on your bedroom floor.
You cried out, first in surprise than dreadful fear from all the water suddenly around you as the heavy axe slipped out of your fingers and landed in the water, sinking down with a shallow ‘clunk’ against the wooden planks. 
“Ghost. I-” you eyed the water splashing around the room like a lively river. Or a dark river, a deep river, deep enough to drown. “I am afraid of water. I can’t get down from here. I can’t do it.”
Ghost made a sound that could have been a grumbled curse whispered by a tree before being hit by lightning.
“A Vodyaniza who fears the water,” He stated. “Sounds right like the mess my brother would cause. Alright, I’ll do it then.”
“Wait,” You looked at König as you tried to calm your nerves as you took deep calming breaths. He was still deep asleep. A mess of tangled unhuman limbs and scales and hair and skin in the waters of your flooded room. Panic and fear surged from all the water, but you forced those emotions in you aside as you tried to commit his sight to your memory, just in case something was to go wrong.
“Okay,” You finally agreed and nodded to Ghost.
This was it.
Ghost picked up the axe from the water and raised it high before swinging it down onto König.
The impact of the axe connecting with Königs head sounded like thunder rolling over you.
Loud and painful and final. 
Suddenly, like a storm, the water rose and reached high before you, waves building and crashing at your feet as you held onto the window frame for dear life while trying to see through the room filled with fine droplets of water and foamy waves.
A groan rang through your ear.
Königs voice - strained and painfully familiar.
Another groan as you heard a second hit from the axe through the wild waters before you … like…
…like a yawn before having to leave bed, yet still feeling tired.
“König?” You hoped aloud, your voice being drowned out by the rushing water and Ghost’s deep voice.
“Wakey-wakey, brother! Stop making your Bride wait for you!”
A massive wave crashed right next to the wall with your window, breaking the glass and causing the house to shake from the impact.
“Get up, little brother.” You could not see through all the splashing water before you, only hearing the sound of Ghost’s deep voice. “Stop being dramatic and flooding your girl’s room. It’s rude.”
A third axe hit thundered through the little space before you. More water rose and a wave finally hit you. You wailed as you tried to fight against the dreadful flood, with desperate fingers you reached for safety. Catching the clammy window frame, the sill, and finally just the thin fabric of the curtains until the pull of the retreating water consumed you and took you in to the deep waters.
The silence of being underwater was more unbearable for your mind than the loud crashing of waves and shattering sounds of the hitting axe above.
For a moment fear froze your body and you could not help but stare as you floated impossibly downwards at the sight of König, coiled up like a serpent snake and shifting scales reflecting the light. His eyes were closed except for a sliver of that beautiful blue peeking into the world as if the king of everything under the water was about to wake up. Bubbles of air fought their way out of your lungs and you felt panic as you watched the axe hitting König from above.
Would he be fine?
No blood came out of the wound that broke as the axe connected with Königs sleeping shape. You watched König being unharmed and lazily stretching his long limbs and body as you floated downwards, taken by a strong current in the impossibly deep waters of your bedroom.
Wait, would you be fine?
König did not notice any of it. Instead, his eyes only slightly fluttered, as if merely being tickled awake - lazy, unfocused blinking of blue eyes before sharpening up. Still sleepy, he looked around as if confused if he was still dreaming or awake. Finally, König locked eyes with you and smiled. It was a beautiful smile, toothy and life-savingly-relieving to see him coming back to his senses.
You did not smile back. The air bubbles in your mouth were too precious a cargo to smile for König, opting instead for an unhappy grimace and some waving motions that hopefully spelled out: ‘I don’t want to be here and need your help to get out’.
For a moment, a very long moment as you struggled, König blinked before the realisation kicked in. He was far away, so far away from you in the waters that he had dreamed up. Yet, unbelievably quick the serpent body moved and changed as König headed for you. With hands, not scaled claws anymore,  König reached out as he fought his way through a whole ocean between you and him as a last air bubble left your mouth. 
Your head was spinning and you started to lose sight as you felt hands on you that lifted you up and out of the water.
You coughed, ungraciously spitted out water as König tried wiping out hair and tangled clothes out of your face.
“Bride! Are you okay?”
You vomited water at his feet and chest while he held you like a cat that got rescued from the floods, close to his body and patting you like a little animal.
“She looks fine.” Ghost’s gravelly voice sounded through the air as you still tried to blink and see. “You better worry about this flood you caused.”
“Oh. Right.” You felt König shift and then the sound of water draining away as if someone  had pulled a plug.
You coughed again for good measure, still feeling weak and miserably wet. The cold was starting to set in as the rush of fear and panic started to run out.
Shivering, you tried wiping away the water from your face and opened your eyes.
Your bedroom was a mess. But not in the way your mother would have disapproved of but in a way she would have questioned whether or not it was still habitable. The water was gone, but the signs of the flood were catastrophically clear with nothing being dry, in pieces or not where it ought to be. Your bed was a pile of torn fabrics and splintered wood. The chest with your clothing, tipped over and empty, looked like a sad hungry animal no one had bothered to feed. And your few personal possessions, kept toys from your childhood, gifts from friends, clothes lying around the floor. Ghost was standing before you on something that might have been pieces of your wedding dress, leaning on the axe with the same skull-covered expression as always, yet appearing somewhat amused under it.
And König - he was holding you up to his chest, his hands still patting you helplessly as if that could help you. He looked human. Mostly. The hair was as messy as the first day you saw him, covering most of his face except for blue eyes burning through with worry.
“I-” you rasped despite the storm of emotions waging through you. “I was so worried about you, König.”
Another cough.
“But I have never been as angry as this before. What did you do with my room? And my wedding dress. Also-”
You felt like there was still some water in places of your body where none was supposed to be, wheezing and shaking your head from the uncomfortable feeling.
“-put me down. You are so cold and I feel like I am freezing in your arms.”
Guiltily, König put you down, mumbling something that could have been an apology while Ghost choked on something that could have been a laugh.
You paid no attention to them, concentrating on your weak legs to hold you and carry you to the torn pieces of your wedding dress. Ghost stepped aside and watched you with open curiosity as you held your dress in disbelief of how quickly your work had turned into rags.  Holding back tears, you let the fabric fall back down with a wet squelching sound and turned to the door. If you were lucky the hinges still worked and you could walk out on your own and warm you up again downstairs, away from the left battlefield that used to be your sanctuary.
You stumbled, reaching for the handle and opening the door only to face another cruel adversary.
The stairs.
There was no way you were able to make it down the steps without breaking your neck with how wobbly your legs felt and how ridiculously shaky your hands twitched.
You turned around, the pleading frustration in your eyes too visible for König not to step closer and peaking at the obstacle in your way.
He nodded while trying to control whatever emotions attempted to govern his face.
“Allow me, Bride.” He asked and lifted you up again before carrying you downstairs and into the kitchen, setting you down before the warm oven.
Ghost followed and started preparing tea and a hot stone before leaving the room as König returned with dry clothes for you, magically found somewhere in a part of the house that hadn’t been flooded. You looked at the pieces offered in his hands, only to see that it was a mix of mostly your fathers and brothers clothes from the storage. You did not care. They were dry and the village would judge you no matter what you wore. Might as well just do the best for yourself.
Unceremoniously, you stripped out of your dripping clothes. König held and steadied you where you needed it and grabbed the discarded pile of fabrics to put it up on the laundry line outside once you were done.
You stayed where you were, leaning close to the oven in the hopes of warming up quickly, and refusing to do anything before feeling less miserable.
Ghost was still a guest. And König was your fiance. A good hostess and bride would have started serving them the food that you had previously prepared.
A good hostess and bride would not have been dipped into a pool of dreamed up water in their own bedroom either. You thought bitterly before adding a relieving Fuck it.
Someone knocked at the door and you called them in.
Ghost reappear from the outside with a blanket of moss and leaves, wrapping it around you and placing you in the nearest chair to the oven before passing you a cup of the freshly brewed tea.
“Thank you,” You rattled through cold lips.
König returned with more wood for the oven and added a large log to feed the fire. You had shown him how to care for a fire, never expecting he would ever find a need for it. Both brothers hustled and moved around your little kitchen, hardly speaking and only every once in a while giving you worried glances as they made sure all work of a proper household would be done while you rested and warmed yourself. You closed your eyes, letting the feeling of being safe and cared for, seep in.
This day, even if it was slightly past midday, had punched all energy out of you while also confronting you with every possible emotion a human heart could feel. Waking up in the flood, alone and confused, next to your water serpent like fiance, meeting your future brother-in-law who thought you would die soon, nearly drowning once again while your fiance woke from the literally deepest nap possible in your now destroyed room. You sighed, not even bothering to bring order into your mind.
Instead, you gratefully thought how you finally weren’t alone even if it was scary at times to share your life with beings so different from you - König, Ghost, Farah, talking animals and murderous Rusalkis. Yes, this had been another moment where you could have been harmed. And mourning your room and things destroyed by the flood, was one of many things in the curled grey corners of your mind. There was still anger and confusion in you why it all had happened. But you weren’t alone anymore to face those things on your own. There were people around you now that noticed you and cared for your well-being. Clearly, not all of them to the same degree or out of the same motive. You understood that. But your lost room and wedding dress, your fears and secrets and longings felt more like a coherent song than a desperate cry for help when it wasn’t just your voice.
Someone touched you softly on the shoulder and you opened your eyes.
“Hey.” König stood before you with his blue watery eyes and wild hair.
Both brothers had paused their busy work and stood with their attention turned towards you.
“How are you feeling?” Ghost asked gravely from his far away spot at the door and reached for more tea for you with his long unhuman arms without moving.
You shivered, unsure if from the cold or from the odd reminder that neither of the men were human.
“Better,” You replied. “Thank you for giving me time to recover.”
Your eyes wandered to König, craving to hear his voice again and feel his warming eyes on you. He looked away, avoiding your gaze.
Your little heart dropped deeper than the waters in your room had been, fighting hard to soldier on.
You cleared your throat.
“Well,” you squeaked, your voice still feeling thin and fragily human as you addressed the giant men. “I am starving. This is not how a host normally does it in this house since all I did was sit and rest now. But how about we eat?”
The rabbit stew that you had made this morning smelled tempting and promising from its reheating spot in the oven and you heard your own stomach growl.
“Thank you for the invite, Vodyanitza,” Ghost declared, slightly bowing his head. “But we will have to do that another time.”
“Oh,” You huffed, slightly disappointed.
Ghost stilled, as if thinking before taking a deep breath.
“It has been lovely meeting you, my dear sister-in-law. It’s been a pleasure. Also- ” He paused. “I may have treated you rougher than necessary and I do apologise for that. If you ever need help, just send for me. I may not appear to be the most, let’s say, approachable. But I do hope that there is nothing but the best for you and I am looking forward to your wedding.”
“You are coming after all?” König finally spoke, surprise ringing in his voice as he turned to his brother.
Ghost nodded. “It’s not every day a brother of mine gets married. I need to make sure you don’t drown your own wedding guests.”
König forced a smile.
“Graves marries someone new every couple of years,” He interjected.
“Graves married and remarried so much, he hardly needs his elder brother to tell him how to plan a party. He knows what he is doing.”
Both brothers chuckled and you smiled at the sight, remembering your own brother.
“Before I go, dear sister, allow me to give you something.”
Ghost  reached into his coat. From the depths of his pockets he produced a huge leaf, rolled up into a package and bound together with a simple string.
“I suppose you have none yet, but a future queen should wear one. It would look good on your wedding day.”
You took the package from his hands and pressed it slightly, trying to guess what was inside.
“Thank you, Ghost. Why-“
“Open it.”
Obediently you opened the little knot holding the leaf together with slow, cold fingers and unrolling what was inside.
You gasped.
In your hands was a Kokoshnik, large and covered with fine embroidery and colourful stones of green and blue. It felt firm in your hands. And it wanted to be worn. Like a crown, proud and bright for a special day. At least one thing you would have for your wedding day.
You thought back a sob at the thought of your torn wedding dress, your fingers still holding the precious crown like an anchor.
“I am sure König will gladly help you put it on. But don’t lose it. I made it for you and there is no other like it. It will protect you when you walk in the forest.”
“I…”, you huffed, “…don’t know what to say. This is very beautiful. Thank you.”
Ghost just waved with his hand like it was nothing.
“Don’t say anything and just wear it to keep you safe. Do me that favour.”
You nodded, out of words.
“Well, I’ll be gone then. The forest calls me.” Ghost turned to the door and you started to get up to send him off. “Don’t you dare get up, sister. What’s the point of the Kokoshnik if you fall sick from the cold and exhaustion. No, stay right where you are.”
You fell back onto your spot, the moss blanket encasing you like a cocoon of earthly smell and warmth.
“Save travels then, Ghost.” You spoke. “Thank you again.”
“Don’t mention it.” He waved and stepped outside, followed by König.
You sat there, hearing them talk and laugh and wishing each other well without making much out of it.
Then, finally, Ghost was away.
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The rest of your day was spent alone with your own thoughts. König, aside from making sure you ate and rested, hardly spoke to you. His distance confused you. It gave a feeling of newfound loneliness when you stared at the unfamiliar ceiling with the wrong knots in the wood and the wrong bedding around you as you leaned against the oven. Ghost’s reassurances just a couple of hours ago now felt like a lie. You were no queen. And there was no way for you to live long enough to ever learn how to be one for König that was good enough. No standing on a box or life saving spells could change that. The finality of your fate was devastatingly simple. You would drown and König, your beloved König, would find himself a better queen. Why else did he withdraw himself like that?
The mauling insecurities inside of you stopped you from asking.
Instead you listened to König rummaging upstairs while you dozed under your moss blanket, practised drawing letters in the ashes of your oven or thought about how you could fix your wedding dress. It was pointless but you had little else to do and so you continued like you had always done.
König had brought the dress out together with the rest of your wet belongings, hanging it up to dry in the sun. The liberating concentration kept you from your dark thoughts: you had watched the dress through the window, mentally placing one piece of rag over the other in the hopes of possibly having a saving idea as the rags swayed gently in the breeze. It had worked until the light grew low and the trees around the house in the garden had started to spawn more unpleasant shadows than welcome distractions.
You got up from your cosy spot and started preparing dinner. Still feeling weak, your legs carried you with a slight tremor as your whole body was plagued by a deep tiredness. It came from all those times not resting. It felt like all those tears not shed. It was a tiredness that wasn’t fixed by sleeping longer one night because it was deeper than the soreness in your muscles and bones. It was the dark abyss of water calling for you. But you could lie to yourself. Opting to go to bed and calling it a day in the hopes that tomorrow would be better. Sometimes, giving up was actually a smart thing.
You huffed, once again forced to consider the reality of your situation.
Going to bed? Where? Your bedroom was destroyed. And the other rooms in your house had been packed up and sealed when your family died. Back then it was too much to bear seeing their things and looking at the places they used to rest. Even now, under no condition were you ready or willing to disturb those rooms. The easiest for you would probably be to sleep here in the kitchen.
But what about König? Would he need to sleep too? Flood the rest of the house and destroy every last bit of habitable space as he took you out in your sleep? Or would he leave you tonight and watch as the human-monsters and monsters-monsters finally had their feast with you. The thought nearly entertained you. Maybe that was better than drowning and at least some poor Tschort would enjoy a bit of your precious meat.
You chuckled at your own morbid thoughts.
But it was not night yet, and maybe there was a bit of queenly pride inside of you yet as you decided to brace yourself for an overdue conversation with König, leaning against the kitchen counter for support.
You opted to make some food. Since it might be your last chance to enjoy a meal before you became a meal, you took your time. There was not much to be done for dinner: heating the left-over stew, cutting some bread made of acorn flour, setting the table. After you finished, you steeled yourself for the hardest part.
“König?” You called upstairs. “Would you like to eat dinner with me?”
You held your breath and waited as the rumbling from upstairs stopped.
“It’s fine if you are busy, but I am hungry and would love your company,” You coaxed.
Heavy steps sounded through the wooden house, causing the old stairs to creak under the weight of the Vodyanoy.
König emerged into the kitchen, bowing down slightly under the marginally too low ceiling and looking at you sheepishly.
“Are you sure, Bride?” He asked. “I haven’t finished repairing your room.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, too stunned to speak before you swallowed down a good chunk of your raging insecurities. 
“So that’s what you have been doing up there,” You finally said. “I did not know.”
König looked to the ground like he had been caught stealing goodies from the pantry. It was a look that made your knees weaker than even a day facing terrors could.
“I wanted to repair it. I wanted to apologise with more than words. It’s what good kings ought to do.” He explained looking immensely guilty.
Your breath hitched.
He cared?
You looked down, still thinking of your room and your ruined wedding dress. It did hurt you.
But there was hope because he cared. You nearly hated yourself how desperate you were from the affection of someone who you could never have.
“It’s fine,” You said, after a few moments of heavy silence as you fought the storm inside of you. “It’s fine for now. We will make it work and repair it together. It’s, ah, fine.”
He looked relieved as you looked up from your hands.
“I also want to apologise,” You continued. The words in your mouth felt relieving to spit out like bitter medicine. “I thought about this. I was really cross at you. Not entirely sure how much nicer I could have been considering the moment. But I don’t strive to talk to others like that, especially not my fiance. I just felt hurt and alone.”
He turned his head like the Heron when hunting little fish in the water.
“You have every right to be angry, dear,” König stated
“I...” You tried before stopping and starting anew. “That does not mean I am proud or okay with my words. Especially after Ghost explained to me that you probably overworked yourself on my behalf. I am not sure how to feel about that yet but it does not make me feel good. I don’t want you to suffer because of me. I feel so guilty. And like a burden.”
König stared at you.
“Dear,” He said softly. “I know you want to be good and kind. I know you are. But please give me your bad as well.”
You blinked at him.
He raised his arms like a man at a loss of word, stumbling around the room until he turned back to you.
“Guess how I feel failing you over and over again when your reaction to me is kindness and surrender? I feel bad. The worst! Don’t do this to me. Be a burden. Be angry. Be the biggest inconvenient person wherever you go. Please be angry and demand better of me! I want all of you. Not just the nice parts.”
Your head was spinning. Was he…? Did he really…?
“I am not good enough!” König continued his tirade with a voice rising louder and louder like a tea kettle that had reached its boiling point. “I am who puts you in danger over and over again. I hardly protect you from the dangers of the world. I am a danger of the world. I am making a poor husband for you. But the reality is, I am not good enough to step away because I am selfish. So, how dare you make yourself feel any less than you are.”
His eyes gleamed with a madness you had never seen before in him as he lowered his voice with the last of his words. It was dangerous. A sign of warning that told you to step back and run as far away as you could like a good girl should.
But you were just invited to leave that behind you.
“I don't want you to leave either!” You hit back, squaring up to the challenge. “I just don’t want to feel like I am a constant problem. I am just a human! A peasant! And a bad one at that since I will likely starve next winter without help! I know nothing of how to be a queen! I nearly drown all the time! How can you not understand that I don’t feel like I am allowed to be a problem when my reality is that no one cares if I live or die!”
“Because you are wrong! I care.” König's eyes gleamed as he hissed his answer.
“Why?” You spit back, the fire in you burning and ready to torch any bridge behind without thinking.
“Because I love you.”
Königs words hung in the air, irretrievable and powerful enough to break whatever you two had.
You looked at him. His face was frozen in fear and panic. Like he had admitted to a crime he’d sworn to keep a secret.
He loved you. The thought raced through your mind, unsure where to be put and what to do with it now.
“I am sorry,” König said. “I understand. I will make sure you are okay as promised anyway and-”
“Please…” you managed to your own surprise.
“Please?” König asked with his eyes shining down at you.
You took a deep breath and all the courage in you that was left, “Please lean down so I can kiss you.”
König looked at you, too stunned maybe or unsure how to touch you without breaking this human body of yours, before finally kneeling down in one, not so smooth, motion. You stumbled forward, colliding into his chest and tangling in his arms before lifting your head and kissing him.
It was all teeth and desperation. König met your lips with a hunger matching yours, and an anger challenging your long hidden fury. He moaned and you wanted every bit of air you could get from him as you roamed his back and shoulders and arms and chest and neck, and at a certain point you got lost in him. You bit his lips and tasted blood. He snarled and pushed you back, catching your head before you could fall and hurt yourself. You stumbled and fell back anyway, taking him with you. The crash rumbled loudly as König caught himself on his arms, hovering above you before continuing where you had left off. His mouth was addicting, and willingly you answered his salty lips and tongue. A bit of revealed skin at his neck here, a tug at your shirt there. You scooted up feeling hot and needing that damn old shirt off your body because you were burning up with it. Instead of getting it off quickly you got yourself tangled in the large sleeves, nearly ready to just tear it off your body as you felt Königs hands pulling at the fabric and freeing you. The kiss of the cooling air on your skin made you still. For a moment you felt shy, making you cross your arms in instinct before your chest.
König looked at you from a position that was something between kneeling, sitting and lying before you, also half out of his clothes with his Rubacha hanging around his neck and head.
“Not sure why I feel like this is new, now.” You admitted. “You have seen me naked before.”
“That was a different nakedness,” König offered and finished getting the shirt off. “This is new.”
You nodded, understanding entirely what he meant, and continued to feel vulnerable. What were you supposed to do? You had no idea what you wanted now except being close to König.
“We don’t have to continue, my love.” Your fiance said.
You nodded again, reassured yet still utterly lost on what to do.
König scooted closer and slowly raised his hands, “Can I touch you? I just want to hold you.”
Instead of bothering with words or another creative and variety serving nod, you leaned into him. Königs warm hands caught you, pressed you closer to him and embraced you.
You hummed.
“Is this good?”
“Yeah, I am sorry-”
“No,” König shut down instantly. “No more ‘sorry’ for you tonight. Or ever. I really meant that.”
You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion.
“But what if I do something bad?” You countered as you enjoyed feeling close to König. “Shouldn’t I say sorry at some point?”
“To me? Always.” König grinned teasingly before growing serious. “The rest of the world, however, has a lot of apologising to do before you ever get back into a situation to be sorry for something, dear.”
“You just want me to be as bad as you are,” You teased back half-heartedly.
You stayed silent, not sure what to say or do except enjoying being safe and loved in Königs arms as you mindlessly explored his back and chest with your fingers, drawing little circles and charms into his wonderful skin.
“We should talk about the sleeping situation tonight.” You finally spoke, breaking the silent spell over you.
“Yeah.” König agreed. “I have an idea.”
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Cultural Context Notes:
The theme of the unkillable giants as beings connected to nature can be found in the Edda, but it’s not the only place this theme is explored. It’s just the most clear one I thought of, and can be put into words as a place to maybe start researching if your are interested in that. The idea of hitting König as something akin to a giant to wake him up, comes from the tale of Thor and Skrímnir.
Generally, the idea of paralleling gods/godlike beings, humans and giants, escalated into a bit of a philosophical excursion at the kitchen table when I mentioned how the story is unfolding, leading to the question what exactly the difference between godlings, giants and humans is and if there even is one. In plenty of pre-Christian European tales, there aren’t boundaries between godlike beings and humans. If a human stays with a godlike being, they kind of tag along and don’t die like they would have had when staying with their fellow humans. Sometimes there is an explanation for it (godly ancestry, nectar or Idun’s apples, magical blessings), sometimes there isn’t (Thialfi and Röskva as Thor’s entourage, general trope of humans in service of or in marriage with a non-human being). 
Warming stones or using ceramics is an old practice when hot water bottles weren’t available.
There are several legends and myths associating the water or waters generally with snakes. Naturally, there is the saga of the Midgard snake, encompassing the world in Norse mythology. The theme of a great water snake or mermaid-like half-fish, half-human body encompassing the world also comes up in Greek mythology in the figure of Oceanos as the great river god and father of river gods. Since we don’t have plenty of sources about old Slavic beliefs, I am taking the liberty and filling some gaps here from geographically closer regions where we do have more sources on mythology.
Acorn is edible and can be made into a fine flour from which it is possible to bake bread. However, do not just make flour from acorns. It’s a huge process to disinfect and debitter acorns before grinding them into flour. There is a reason why nowadays most cultures opt for utilising cultivated crops like grains and legumes instead of using low yield giving nuts and seeds. (Also, we really need those acorns as food for wild animals and for reforestation!) Cultivation of plants is a huge game changer for human life quality and communal living. It’s really cool. But it does require more cooperative systems of labour since harvesting and processing plants like grain requires sharing of work, space to do it, and natural weather & ground conditions to grow. Plus the grain in itself needs to be cultivated first. And these amazing food sources can be exploited by having control over places in which one can grow certain high yielding crops which can trigger war and oppression. Most noticeably in the Central and Eastern European region, which is obviously what I write about a lot, this is the case with Ukraine. This now independent country has good climate and ground conditions, yielding great harvests of wheat grain and sunflower, leading to the region being dubbed the Granary of Europe. Ukraine was fought over not just today but also occupied in historical moments like WW2 by the Nazis or under the Russian Empire precisely to have access to these high yielding conditions. So, food and where food comes from, is an important angle to understand plenty of conflicts, imperial oppression and cultures. I invite you to read more about the history of grain, why Ukraine has a flag literally depicting a grain filed under the blue sky or maybe learning how to make bread yourself. To return to my point:  Bride lives in an area which has seasons. However, the climate is cooler with lots of swamps and waters around. The forest takes most of the shore space in her immediate vicinity. She has a garden in which she (tries to) grow buckwheat, a very climate-resistant pseudo grain. And technically she owns fields, but has no way to work them on her own due to the lack of manpower, possible lack of seeds, as well as timing issues for the sowing. But common grains like wheat require a warm and steady dry climate which is not the case here. Other grains like rye are historically common in Central and Eastern Europe, however one needs to plant them first and after the harvest it still requires labour to dry and deshell the rye first, a luxury that Bride does not have because she has been on her own for most of the year. So, to finish this long excursion on grains and flours - she uses acorn flour for bread because she was isolated and on her own. Also, agriculture is really cool and maybe you will think about the amount of labour, logistics, politics and historical development when biting into something flour based.
Vodyanitza is just the female version of Vodynoy
Rubacha is the name of the traditional linen shirt worn by historically both men and women but nowadays mostly associated with male clothing traditions. This shirt is often loosely fitted and bound at the hip with a belt. Having embroidery, especially red embroidery on a Rubacha is very common as red natural dye was widely available in the region. The embroidery and introduction of other colours is dependent on the exact time and place a Rubacha comes from. Even nowadays the Rubacha is part of plenty of Eastern European traditional dresses.
Quick reminder: a Tschort is a type of evil spirit.
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spicyseonghwas · 11 months
blackbird - choi san
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pairings :: choi san x jung wooyoung guest appearances :: son seongjun (castle j; mcnd) genres/au's :: angst, fantasy, pining best friend!san, best friend!wooyoung, lowkey sorta yandere!san in one section viewer rating :: 13+ content warnings :: cursing, blood, knives, name calling, mentions of hurting a close friend word count :: network tags :: @preciousillusions-net @k-labels @cacaokpop-fics @timenote-library song :: blackbird; black veil brides a/n :: i was too lazy to edit the title & idol out of the header this is one of my first fics i ever wrote SHUT UP OKEH!! and also the second section was originally san x bf!hongjoong, but ive been obsessing over woosan lately and its more canon and makes more sense so i went ahead and changed it to pining!san x bestfriend!wooyoung
(reposted from old acc)
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living near and endless night / you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from...
the voice behind him, the voice of the boy chasing him, cackled with insanity and immeasurable lust for blood... san couldn't get away.
he just fucking couldn't.
so san stopped. he skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway and turned around, bristling himself. he closed his eyes tight and bowed his head, breathing heavily, ready for the feeling of the knife in seongjun's hand to pierce through his chest.
but when the pain never came, san looked up from the puddle of blood he was standing in. seongjun was standing there a few feet away, an uncertain grin on his face.
he was just...
standing there.
"just kill me already." san spat. "you've killed all my friends, the only people i care about. you've taken everything i love away from me, what more could you want? i have nothing else to give you! you know you want to, you disgusting, blood-starved little psycho."
"i can't, man..."
it took a moment for san to get over the initial shock of what the other boy had just said. but once the shock faded, san sighed heavily. a song came into his head- one that the crazy little monster in front of him had sang to himself so many times...
"you'll always be the ghost in these halls i run from..."
hold on to hope / take back your soul
wooyoung let loose a broken, tired sigh that unintentionally came out as a sort of half-whimper, half-groan.
"why, san..."
"i didn't mean for any of this to happen, joong, i mean it... seriously, i love you..." san whimpered, "you're my best friend, i love you..."
"if i was your best friend, then none of this would have happened."
san had unknowinglly hurt his best friend.
wooyoung had come home to san crying in a ball on the couch, and being the soft-ass caring little shit he'd always been, wooyoung immediately went to comfort him. they'd sat in silence for a while, san with his head nuzzled into joong's chest, before joong got up the courage to ask what was wrong.
when san confessed to what he'd done, he hadn't planned out how he was going to deal with the backlash...
and now he had to dea with the extra consequences.
san wanted to move over to sit next to his friend, hold him close to his chest...
maybe forget any of this ever happened...?
but he could see that joong didn't want that right now.
so san had nothing else to do but work it out. he had to hold on to that little bit of hope, keep his eyes on what he had left...he had to fight for the man he loved. san had never known someone who was as loving, understanding, and caring as wooyoung, and he wasn't about to let go of him just because of a silly, stupid, idiotic mistake.
"woo... please..."
"san, what else do you want from me?? you've done this two times before, i... i just can't..."
"i can't do this anymore, san..."
so just look into the sky and you’ll become the blackbird...
san's heart skipped a beat as the lyric entered his head.
he could simply...
run away.
it wasn't as if his mother was abusing him or anything, but she wasn't exactly being very much of a mother, either. she hadn't been for just about the last three years now.
they'd never find him. san was a master of hide and seek, he'd gotten it from his childhood. his father had hated him with a passion, and frequently come after him in a blind rage over his own miserable life, up until his mother came home and caught him red-handed one day.
no one had dared fuck with choi san ever since.
san held onto hope, clung onto that one shining thought: he would be eighteen soon. in less than an hour.
the second he turned eighteen, he could join the ravens and soar away in the currents of the wind.
when that split moment came, san all but ran from the house, a maniacal grin smearing his handsome, chiseled features during every second. he'd packed away everything he'd need days before, his possessions were already with mingi and jongho. san's mother had just walked in the door when san woke up; she seemed to know exactly why he was so excited...
she didn't even say goodbye.
but it wasn't like san cared.
san stood in the gravel driveway of his house, the brightest smile on his face that had ever been. he thought gleefully of maybe taking a last look at the place he'd been forced before to call his home, but his face wouldn't move toward the wreck of a house that was no longer his home.
it still wasn't like san cared.
san looked happily into the bright, blue sky and willed his invisible wings to come out of hiding. he let them fly open and grinned once more, the smile on his face and the freedom still shining in his dark, warm, chocolate-brown eyes as he spread his wings, shifting into a blackbird and soaring away into the golden morning twilight.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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qingxuanmi · 4 years
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[ the ghost bride packs ] reblog, like or tag @ coupsmi if u save/use 🍒。・゚♡゚・。🍓。・゚♡゚・。
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comebacknow · 2 years
survey of 100 films
Survey 100- 116 films
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 70 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list and paste this on your Tumblr. Then, put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom…
(x) A Cinderella Story
() Another Cinderella Story
(x) Step Up
(x) Step Up 2
(x) High School Musical
(x) High School Musical 2
(x) High School Musical 3
() Hannah Montana Movie
() Enchanted
() Sydney White
Total: 6
(x) She’s The Man
() Licensed to Wed
(x) The Break-Up
(x) 13 going on 30
(x) 27 Dresses
() P.S I Love You
() Made of Honor
() What Happens in Vegas
(x) Get Smart
(x) The Princess Bride
Total: 6
() Camp Rock
() Wild Child
(x) Ella Enchanted
(x) The Princess Diaries
() The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
(x) 50 First Dates
(x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Hotel For Dogs
(x) Just Married
(x) Freaky Friday
Total: 6
() The Hot Chick
() Sleepover
() Confessions Of a Shopaholic
(x) Twilight
() Nancy Drew
(x) The Devil Wears Prada
() No Reservations
() Perfect Man
() Australia
(x) Never Been Kissed
Total: 3
(x) Yes Man
() Bedtime Stories
() The Pink Panther
( ) The Pink Panther 2
() Marley & Me
(x) Cheetah Girls
() Cheetah Girls 2
() Bratz
(x) Haunted Mansion
() Paul Blart Mall Cop
Total: 3
(x) The 40-Year-Old Virgin
() Night at the Museum
() Night at the Museum 2
() Evan Almighty
(x) Bruce Almighty
(x) White Chicks
(x) Neverending Story
( ) Meet the Spartans
(x) Meet the Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
Total: 6
(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
(x) Scary Movie 2
() Scary Movie 3
() Scary Movie 4
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
(x) American Pie Band Camp
Total: 8
(x) Harry Potter 1: The Philosopher’s Stone
(x) Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of Secrets
(x) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
(x) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire
(x) Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix
(x) Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince
(x) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
() Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Total: 10
() Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
() Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
() Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
() Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
(x) The Mummy
(x) The Mummy 2
() The Mummy 3
(x) Journey to the Center of Earth
( ) City of Ember
(x) Finding Neverland
Total: 4
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
() Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
(x) X-Men
(x) X-2
(x) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
() Spider Man 3
(x) King Kong
Total: 8
( ) Hellboy
(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
( ) Underdog
(x) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Batman: The Dark Knight
Total: 8
(x) The Matrix
() The Matrix Reloaded
() The Matrix Revolution
() Terminator
( ) Terminator 2
() Terminator 3
(x) Ocean’s Eleven
() Ocean’s Twelve
(x) Ocean’s Thirteen
(x) Casino Royale 007
Total: 4
(x) Bourne Identity
(x) Bourne Supremacy
(x) Underworld
(x) Butterfly Effect
( ) Death Note
( ) Death Note 2
( ) Death Note 3: Change the world
() Resident Evil 1
( ) Resident Evil 2
(x) I, Robot
Total: 5
(x) Rush Hour
() Rush Hour 2
( ) Rush Hour 3
() Mission Impossible 1
() Mission Impossible 2
() Mission Impossible 3
(x) I Am Legend
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II
(x) Signs
Total: 3
(x) Saw
() Saw II
() Saw III
() Saw IV
() Saw V
(x) The Grinch
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(x) The Ring
() The Ring 2
Total: 5
(x) Final Destination
(x) Final Destination 2
(x) Final Destination 3
() Ghost Ship
() From Hell
(x) Child’s Play
( ) Seed of Chucky
( ) Bride of Chucky
() Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
Total: 5
(x) The Grudge
(x) The Grudge 2
( ) The Haunted Apartment
( ) Siren
() Silent Hill
() The Mask
() Son Of The Mask
( ) Alone
() Omen
(x) House Of Wax
Total: 3
() The Eye
() The Eye 2
( ) Shutter
( ) When a Stranger calls
() The Fog
() The Orphanage
( ) The Skulls
(x) Cruel Intentions
() Cruel Intentions 2
( ) House of 1000 Corpses
Total: 1
(x) Lilo & Stitch
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(x) Madagascar
() Madagascar 2
() Kung Fu Panda
(x) Bolt
(x) Wall-E
(x) Monsters Inc
(x) Shark Tale
Total: 8
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
() Shrek 3
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) ET
(x) Cars
(x) Ratatouille
(x) Toy Story
(x) Toy Story 2
(x) The Incredibles
Total: 9
() Little Miss Sunshine
() I Am Sam
(x) The Day After Tomorrow
() Coach Carter
( ) The Last Dance
(x) To Kill A Mockingbird
( ) Conrack
( ) Midnight Sun
() Little Black Book
() Hotel Rwanda
Total: 2
(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
(x) Titanic
(x) Romeo & Juliet
() Frankenstein
() A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Total: 3
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helsaweenfun · 4 years
Helsaween 2020
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Header by @kissmyapplejuice​
A sleepy small town called Helsa on Discord (https://discord.gg/axfrzfY) is springing to life this October 2020. This little province wishes to invite some friendly faces to participate in a month-long Helsaween event!
Don't be afraid to be creative, let inspiration flow! Create fanfiction, fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, anything you fancy!
Week 1 (1-7 October) — Classic horror
Classic movie monsters (Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein, Piranhas, Jaws), mummy, vampire, werewolf, witch, ghosts, spirits, clowns, aliens, cannibals, zombies, serial killers.
Week 2 (8-14 October) — Trick or treat?
Costumes, masks, cloaks, make-up, Halloween colours (green & purple or orange & black), disguises and deception.
Week 3 (15-21 October) — Nightmares
Horror (physical, psychological), secrets, deep fears revealed, Grimm fairy tales, bad scenarios (broken car in the middle of the night, chaos in an asylum, being chased in the forest, haunted houses, maze fields, being involved in a cult).
(Any cases, scenes, incidents, events that possibly or usually happened that leads us into terror or gives a dreadful feeling)
Week 4 (22-28 October) — Twisted couples
Hades and Persephone (dark myths), corpse bride, Mortimer and Morticia Addams, Bonnie and Clyde, J.D. and Veronica Sawyer.
Free days (29-31 October) — Free space/Repost
The examples above are merely ideas. Feel free to use your own interpretations of the prompts.
When posting your work, please:
1. @helsaweenfun
2. Tag #Helsaween 2020 and/or #Helsaween2020 and/or #Helsaween along with other appropriate tagging (fandom, characters, ship, spoilers, NSFW and content warnings).
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask :) Have fun and Happy Halloween!
101 notes · View notes
donkey-hyuck · 4 years
— thank you ❤︎
~ as i am writing this, i have surpassed 400 followers (now at 402)! i am thankful for everyone who has followed me and followed my passion as a writer. i started this blog somewhere last year (mayb march of 2019??) but unfortunately, i did delete my first few posts— even tho i really regret deleting it in the first place— but they were just not good so ig i had a reason??? however, thank you all for liking my shit haha
it’s kind of upsetting bc i have no asks to actually answer, but half of my followers are moots— lmao—and i’m so glad and thankful for every one of you. you all made me realize that i could be myself and even brought out a side of me i didn’t even knew i had. i’ve met so many good people that i genuinely consider friends and i’m so happy! so a big thanks for my following is all of you!!💗 (not gonna tag ppl bc ion wanna be cheesy😭)
now i have some giftes for y’all! i’ve updated my headers (of which have alr been edited and posted for the teasers), and i have some story ideas and headers alr in mind so i’m just gonna give them to you!
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— (song fic; butterflies by queen naija) ↴
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genre- angst (in the beginning) || fluff (pray for me)|| lil suggestive || strangers to friends to lovers|| college!au
characters/pairing- basketball player!yukhei x fem!reader || wayv/nct || (more to come..)
— in the midst of your relationship crisis, you’re set up with one of the most known basketball players in the district. though, you were more alike than you thought, yukhei made you feel some type of way; only for the feeling to be reciprocated. and you caused butterflies in each other’s tummies.
— release date: to be determined
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— (song fic; i.l.y. by the rose) ↴
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genre- fluff || angst || idol!au
characters/pairing- idol!jisung x younger, fem!reader || nct || other sm artists
— the reality of the world hit you both in the face. he was an idol and you were just an ordinary person that attended school and just overall worked your ass off. exposed by a dispatch article, there were an abundance of people that said the two of you would never work and that you were too young. yet you and jisung proved society wrong. and after quite the buzz, sm had released a press confirmation that changed your lives; and for the better.
— release date: to be determined
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— (demi-god!au) ↴
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genre- fluff || maybe a lil suggestive || also maybe a bit angst??? || demi-god! au || college freshman! au || e2l! au
characters/pairing- demi-god!donghyuck x fem, mortal!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— his secret was out, but no one cared. in fact, it made them love him even more. the son of nike, goddess of victory. he excelled at everything, only he was the exact opposite of his mother, and you hated him for that.
— release date: to be determined
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— (criminal!au) ↴
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genre- princess! au || criminal! au || angst || fluff ||suggestive
characters/pairing- criminal!hyuck X princess!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— born and raised in the castle, you never really got to experience life out of it. everything you did and learned had to be within the castle walls. yet, you were soon to be the queen, and have barely seen the people living in your kingdom. it was a shame, truly. but one night, whilst tossing and turning in your sleep, the bustle of rope on your balcony had instinctively told you to rise. slowly, opening the balcony doors, you’re met with criminal mastermind, lee donghyuck. you felt attracted to him the minute he spoke. and he promised you freedom from your own people. but he lied about who he was and his past, and when you later found out, you felt so damn naive.
— release date: to be determined
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— (tv show inspired) ↴
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genre- fluff || a lot of action (bc I’m a nerd)
characters/pairing- not a lot of pairing (even tho aang and katara highkey had a thing) avatar!mark x fem, waterbender!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— after accidentally coming across the last air bender with your brother, he is faced with the reality of the world a hundred years later. the fire nation had taken over almost all the villages across the globe. you and your brother had been destined to help out the avatar. and it was the avatar’s destiny to restore peace in the world. now it was time for the avatar to master all elements to defeat the fire nation and end the hundred year war; all while having the smallest crush on said water bender.
— release date: to be determined
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— (pirate!au) ↴
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genre- angst || fluff-ish lol || maybe a bit suggestive??
characters/pairing- pirate!hendery x runaway bride!reader || wayv/nct || (more to come..)
— you were arranged to be engaged to some snobby hero. but he was no hero, he was an impulsive liar. the man only got away with things because of his charm. everyone in the whole town believed what he said, no matter how false it was. the only true thing about him was that he loved you yet you didn’t have the guts to love him back. and on the day of your wedding, things didn’t go as planned and you were stolen as a victim. aboard the pirate ship, famous for its savages, wong kunhang is the captain of the boat and has a huge debt to pay.
— release date: to be determined
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— (prince!au) ↴
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genre- maleficent! au || dark fey! au || prince! au || angst || fantasy || suggestive
characters/pairing- prince!jaemin X fey, fem!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— the boy, na jaemin. ever since he had been born, stories of the fey’s had been the main talk within the kingdom for centuries. and na jaemin was an inquisitive person. so when one of his knights had told him a story about his experience with a fey, his curiosity only grew more. he was a very young boy when he first snuck out of the kingdom walls, out into the forest surrounding it. the rustling of the trees and branches only filled his ears as the moonlight cascaded onto his pale skin. until it was completely covered. since then, years had passed by, and na jaemin finds himself venturing past the walls once more. to find the fey that drew him into the mystical world behind it.
— release date: to be determined
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— (from this point on, these fics i just haven’t written down yet) ↴
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genre- prince/king!au || fluff || angst
characters/pairing- prince!taeil x seamstress!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— prince moon taeil, now, king. he’d first met you when you were both twelve. living at the orphanage at the time, taeil was amazed at how beautifully skilled you were at your music abilities. his mother and father had always thrived off of the sound and calmness music had brought them. but when he introduced you as a musician, they had refused to acknowledge you and expelled you from ever getting near their son and the castle ever again. but taeil would not give up, because after all those years of listening to you, he’d developed feelings. you were the music notes to his own song; the pauper and the prince. (rough-draft summary)
— release date: to be determined
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— (song fic; when night falls [긴밤이오면 OST] by eddy kim) ↴
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genre- post breakup!au (if that makes sense) || long distance relationship!au || ghost!au || angst :’)
characters/pairing- ghost!jungwoo x fem!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— they said long distance relationships weren’t easy. but after five whole years, you and jungwoo had proved the hypothesis wrong. there was the occasional meeting while you were in seoul but other than that, it was all screens and pixelated lovers. however, when you got moved to a new job, farther than what you had expected, your path was solely based on your career and so you broke up with the man. three years had then gone by with little communication until the second year came and jungwoo completely cut contact with you. but when you came back to visit friends, kim jungwoo’s spirit— who now roams the streets of seoul, korea— notices you’re back; but you never noticed that he was gone. (rough-draft summary)
— release date: to be determined
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— (high school! au) ↴
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genre- high school (musical)!au || lots of fluff || a lil angst
characters/pairing- troy bolton esque! chenle, gabriella montez esque!reader || nct || (more to come..)
— after moving across the country, your father was granted an internship. so once you moved to the place you didn’t call home, there was someone that brought it all back. who knew after one interaction would make you feel this way? (rough-draft summary)
— release date: to be determined
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
thank you all again!! please look forward to these! i love you to the universe and back!💗
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
We finally finished Goblin! Another New Year’s Resolution in the bag!
So, how was it?
Overall, a very enjoyable project. There was a lot I liked about the show, and what I liked, I really, really liked. I would strongly recommend it to people who like shows about ghosts, folklore, and urban fantasy, especially if you have a lot of time for tv watching. I definitely don’t think this will be my last kdrama, although I think we’re gonna take some time to watch some other stuff (we started the Witcher and I have a couple of Bollywood films I want to watch) before I dive into another one. 
The Good:
The worldbuilding was incredible. The Grim Reapers, the tea room, Ji Eun Tak’s ghost entourage, the Protector Goddess of Children, the emphasis on memory and names and reincarnation was 100% MY JAM.
The cast was charming, and I absolutely loved the group dynamics between the main group of characters. This is the #1 aspect of me liking any piece of media, and it was a home run for me. Even the side characters, like Deok Hwa and the class president and the CEO of the corporation whose name I have forgotten were just delights.
The Reaper. He is... my type. Sad about a girl. Loves paperwork. Is a Grim Reaper. Drinks yogurt constantly. Made tea for dead people. Gonzo sweaters. Shit upon constantly. Broke. I don’t even care that he was a bad king in a past life, he is my precious son and I love him so, so much.
The banter. They could have ignored the plot entirely and just had everyone hanging out and roasting each other and I still would have watched it.
The humor overall. Kim Shin walking around with books, trying to look erudite. The feud with the baseball teen. Deok Hwa bringing in dehumidifiers when Kim Shin got sad. I will never, ever get over the fact that the Reaper had Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak as “Goblin” and “Goblin’s Bride” in his phone, and also the fact that he habitually referred to Ji Eun Tak as “Miscellaneous Omitted Person,” a truly blessed turn of phrase.
The production value, especially for the flashbacks, was incredible.
The knitwear. I cannot overstate how amazing the sweaters in this show were.
Every single scene where the Reaper helped a dead person pass ripped my heart out of my chest and jumped up and down on it
The Subway and Maserati product placement. We will get sponsors for this show, they said. We will get Subway. And also Maserati. And maybe also the Tourism Board of Quebec. But mostly Subway and Maserati.
The Less Good:
I am very sorry to say that the romance in this show did not do it for me. Part of it was maybe that it was too much? There was soooo much time spent on longing glances and crying and as a person who writes a lot of romance fanfic about a shounen manga that has no kissing, maybe it was just too much for me.
I didn’t like Kim Shin as a romantic lead. Ji Eun Tak was so good and pure and he was kind of a dick to her, and he never really redeemed himself to me. I liked him as roast material and he was good at rescues; I would have liked to see him learn something or evolve more as a character.
The Reaper/Sunny romance didn’t quite work either. Their romance was awkwardly cute, but there wasn’t really a reason why they couldn’t be together and I just couldn’t get excited about it. Their past life flashbacks were sweet and sad, but it wasn’t quite enough. [spoiler alert] THEN, the show ends with them dying and being reincarnated and getting together in their next life and even though there was only about 10 minutes of that, their chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS and they went to the hotel of perpetual only-one-bed, and WHY WASN’T THE WHOLE SHOW THIS???
The plot sort of lost it at the end. They pull the sword out of Kim Shin a few episodes from the end, and he dies, but because of the contract Ji Eun Tak made him sign, he wanders a snowy wasteland for 9 years and everyone forgets about him and then is able to come back. This was an A+++ idea, and I would have actually preferred if this had happened closer to the beginning so that more of the show was about Eun Tak as an adult, trying to reclaim her lost memories of being a teen Goblin Bride, that would have been metal as hell. But instead, it all got resolved in a very fast and hand-wavy way that was very disappointing to me. :/
Every episode is long, especially because Rakuten Viki has commercials, plus we would get a “malformed http headers” error around the 1hr mark every time. Don’t get me wrong-- it didn’t drag or feel long while we were watching it. It’s just that we usually only watch half an hour of tv in an evening, and it was hard to find time to watch a 90 minute show, which is why it took us 5mo to watch 16 episodes.
Oh, one more positive!
For exactly one episode, Viki decided to show us this commercial every single commercial break (it never showed it to us again), and I did not regret watching it even a single time. That was about two months ago, and now my husband and I are constantly doing “But is it creamy?”/“Stupid creamy!”/“NICE.” I have yet to purchase any Planet Oat Oat Milk.
Thank you very much to @gizkasparadise (who is on Tumblr hiatus, but I MISS HER) for recommending this show. Despite my minor complaints, I loved it. If anyone ever wants to talk Goblin, I am here for it.
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thedragonsavior · 5 years
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 70 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list and paste this on your Tumblr. Then, put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom…
(x) A Cinderella Story
(x) Another Cinderella Story
( ) Step Up
( ) Step Up 2
(x) High School Musical
(x) High School Musical 2
( ) High School Musical 3
(x) Hannah Montana Movie
(x) Enchanted
( ) Sydney White
Total: 6
( ) She’s The Man
( ) Licensed to Wed
( ) The Break-Up
(x) 13 going on 30
(x) 27 Dresses
( ) P.S I Love You
( ) Made of Honor
( ) What Happens in Vegas
( ) Get Smart
(x) The Princess Bride
Total: 9
(x) Camp Rock
(x) Wild Child
(x) Ella Enchanted
(x) The Princess Diaries
(x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
(x) 50 First Dates
(x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Hotel For Dogs
(x) Just Married
(x) Freaky Friday
Total: 18
(x) The Hot Chick
( ) Sleepover
( ) Confessions Of a Shopaholic
(x) Twilight
(x) Nancy Drew
(x) The Devil Wears Prada
( ) No Reservations
(x) Perfect Man
( ) Australia
( ) Never Been Kissed
Total: 23
(x) Yes Man
( ) Bedtime Stories
(x) The Pink Panther
(x) The Pink Panther 2
( ) Marley & Me
(x) Cheetah Girls
(x) Cheetah Girls 2
(x) Bratz
(x) Haunted Mansion
(x) Paul Blart Mall Cop
Total: 31
( ) The 40-Year-Old Virgin
(x) Night at the Museum
(x) Night at the Museum 2
(x) Evan Almighty
(x) Bruce Almighty
(x) White Chicks
(x) Neverending Story
(x) Meet the Spartans
(x) Meet the Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
Total: 40
( ) Scream
( ) Scream 2
( ) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
(x) Scary Movie 2
(x) Scary Movie 3
(x) Scary Movie 4
() American Pie
( ) American Pie 2
( ) American Pie Band Camp
Total: 44
(x) Harry Potter 1: The Philosopher’s Stone
(x) Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of Secrets
(x) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
(x) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire
(x) Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix
(x) Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince
(x) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Total: 55
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
(x) Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
(x) The Mummy
(x) The Mummy 2
(x) The Mummy 3
(x) Journey to the Center of Earth
(x) City of Ember
(x) Finding Neverland
Total: 65
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
(x) X-Men
( ) X-2
( ) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
( ) Spider Man 3
( ) King Kong
Total: 71
( ) Hellboy
( ) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
( ) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
( ) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
( ) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
( ) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
( ) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
( ) Underdog
(x) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( ) Batman: The Dark Knight
Total: 72
(x) The Matrix
( ) The Matrix Reloaded
( ) The Matrix Revolution
( ) Terminator
( ) Terminator 2
( ) Terminator 3
( ) Ocean’s Eleven
( ) Ocean’s Twelve
( ) Ocean’s Thirteen
(x) Casino Royale 007
Total: 74
( ) Bourne Identity
( ) Bourne Supremacy
( ) Underworld
( ) Butterfly Effect
( ) Death Note
( ) Death Note 2
( ) Death Note 3: Change the world
( ) Resident Evil 1
( ) Resident Evil 2
(x) I, Robot
Total: 75
( ) Rush Hour
( ) Rush Hour 2
( ) Rush Hour 3
( ) Mission Impossible 1
( ) Mission Impossible 2
( ) Mission Impossible 3
(x) I Am Legend
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II
( ) Signs
Total: 76
( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) Saw III
( ) Saw Iv
( ) Saw V
(x) The Grinch
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
( ) The Ring
( ) The Ring 2
Total: 77
( ) Final Destination
( ) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
( ) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
( ) Childs Play
( ) Seed of Cucky
( ) Bride of Chucky
( ) Gothika
( ) Nightmare on Elm Street
Total: 77
( ) The Grudge
( ) The Grudge 2
( ) The Haunted Apartment
( ) Siren
( ) Silent Hill
(x) The Mask
(x) Son Of The Mask
( ) Alone
(x) Omen
( ) House Of Wax
Total: 80
( ) The Eye
( ) The Eye 2
( ) Shutter
( ) When a Stranger calls
( ) The Fog
( ) The Skulls
( ) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) House of 1000 Corpses
Total: 80
(x) Lilo & Stitch
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(x) Madagascar
(x) Madagascar 2
(x) Kung Fu Panda
( ) Bolt
(x) Wall-E
(x) Monsters Inc
(x) Shark Tale
Total: 89
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
(x) Shrek 3
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) ET
(x) Cars
(x) Ratatouille
(x) Toy Story
( ) Toy Story 2
(x) The Incredibles
Total: 98
(x) Little Miss Sunshine
( ) I Am Sam
( ) The Day After Tomorrow
(x) Coach Carter
( ) The Last Dance
( ) To Kill A Mockingbird
( ) Conrack
( ) Midnight Sun
( ) Little Black Book
(x) Hotel Rwanda
Total: 101
( ) Ten Things I Hate About You
(x) Titanic
(x) Romeo & Juliet
( ) Frankenstein
( ) A Midsummer Nights Dream
Total: 102
9 notes · View notes
carryonmyswansong · 5 years
Mobile Masterlist
These works of fiction contain adult themes and subject matter. Please do not read, reply, or reblog, if you are under the age of 18.
All missing tumblr links are coming soon! Fics can be found on AO3.
All page dividers were created by me. If you’d like to use any of them, please message me. I make these to sell and offer sets of two for $3. Crossover Header was created by me. Please do not use.
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Characters - Pairings
Sterek (Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale)
Mother’s Day Introductions - Oneshot - tumblr | AO3 (Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski) Stiles visits the cemetery, on Mother’s Day. Derek finds him there, but not where he was expecting. (lots of fluff, I promise!!
Steter (Stiles Stilinski x Peter Hale)
Two Men and a Tree - Series, eventual smut - tumblr | AO3 (Peter Hale x Stiles Stilinski) After a falling out with Derek and the rest of the wolves in Beacon Hills, and Peter Saving Stiles from himself, Stiles and Peter take a road trip. They do not intend to come back. Instead they build a Pack in Montana. They are gone for ten long years, before Derek calls Peter, begging for his help.
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Dean Winchester/demon!Dean
A Whiskey With An Umbrella - series, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Dean Winchester x Reader) A long day at work brings you to a bar and in the arms of someone unexpected.
Summertime Sadness - oneshot - tumblr | AO3 (Dean Winchester x OFC Autumn) Autumn has a medical crisis, and loses the battle. Chuck needs her back in the game, however. This is her journey. The ending is a happy one.
I Will Never Be The Same - oneshot - tumblr | AO3 (Dean Winchester x Reader) Over the course of many years, Dean Winchester walks through the doors to the bar that you own. Changing your life, just a little bit more, each time.
Summer Lovin' - series, eventual smut - tumblr | AO3 (Dean Winchester x Plus Size!Reader) She and Dean go on a camping trip, at her urging, to get away for awhile. They are best friends, and have been for a decade. Will a night of bonding change that?
First Time For Everything - series, eventual smut - tumblr | AO3 (Dean Winchester x Reader) He first sees her singing about her heartbreak, in some backwoods out of the way karaoke bar. He in turn sings a song to her. Eventually having a whole conversation through music, they start to fall for each other. Will their love survive their greatest secrets?
Skinny Love - series, eventual smut, destiny fic - tumblr | AO3 (Dean x Plus Size!Reader) She finds herself at the tail end of an abusive relationship. She confronts her fiance. What follows is the story of how she heals, becomes a hunter, and finds love again.
Jar of Hearts - series, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Main: Dean/demon!Dean x Reader, Secondary: Crowley x Reader) Dean is gone and she needs resume her life after realizing that Dean is Something Else™. Trying to reach some level of normalcy, her life changes in an instant, once demon!Dean tracks her down and gets his hands on her. She has some decisions she needs to make, after this big event.
A 6th Sense - oneshot, smut - tumblr | AO3 [Dean x Reader, Sam x Rowena (originally written feb 2018)] She has long suspected that Dean can actually see ghosts and not just that he always seems to have perfect timing. So when an opportunity arises where she can prove it, she decides to have some fun with it. Things don’t go quite to plan though.
Heat, and a Flutter of Wings - oneshot, A/B/O AU, Smut - tumblr | AO3 (Castiel x Reader) Her 21st birthday hits. She thought she was a Beta. She never presented until now. The boys are both Omegas and can’t help her. What’s a girl to do?
Main Characters - No Pairings
The One In Which Dean Reads FanFiction - tumblr | AO3 (Dean, Sam - no pairings) Dean reads fanfiction and one of his his favorite authors just posted.
Dear Bobby - oneshot - tumblr | AO3 Dean pens a letter to Bobby, a year after he passes.
Polyamorous Pairings
(May contain Wincest. Those fics will be labeled.)
Bad Moon Rising - series, A/B/O AU, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Dean x Reader, Castiel x Reader, Dean x Castiel, Dean x Reader x Castiel) She has several chronic illnesses and takes a lot of medicine to keep going. Her illnesses are PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome), Fibromyalgia and depression as a result. She may have these illnesses but it makes her a damn good hunter. PCOS affects how she presents. Genetically, she is an Omega. But once the PCOS flairs, it makes her half present as Alpha. She meets the Winchesters and Castiel on a major hunt. The brothers question her ability, but Castiel is awe struck by her ability to keep going. This is the story of how everyone met and how they interact.
Fantasy Island - series, A/B/O AU, eventual Wincest - tumblr | AO3 (Reader x Dean x Castiel x Sam) She dozes off and wakes up to find herself in the backseat of a familiar car. But the universe rules are different. She tries, desperately, to navigate this new world.
Restless - complete series, smut, NO wincest - tumblr | AO3 (Reader x Dean, Reader x Sam) She is a hunter that has Restless Leg Syndrome. She lives with the Winchesters and hunt with them. They finally know about her illness but don’t realize how bad it is until one night she has to share a bed with one of the brothers and her medication fails to stop the tremors in her body. Life, for the her, Sam, and Dean, will change and they look forward to this new adventure.
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Chris Evans
So Good For Me - onshot, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Chris x Reader) In the early hours of the morning, (Y/n) wakes Chris up, slowly, and teasingly.
Good Enough - multi book series (Loki x Plus Size Reader)
Book One: The Time Before - tumblr | AO3 (Y/n) is an Avenger. Her powers are healing and destructive. She doesn’t look like a superhero but she also moves in a way you wouldn’t expect, looking at her. Book one explores her place in the Avenger Tower.
Polyamorous Pairings
Chance Encounters - series, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Plus Size Reader x Bucky x Clint) Running more behind then she’d like, (Y/n) has to use the gym and shower at the tower. A chance encounter changes everything.
Lace and High Heels - complete series, smut - tumblr | AO3 [Loki x Plus Size Reader x OMC (unnamed husband)] Her, and her husband, are invited to New York, to visit with a friend. While in town, their friend invites the couple to an exclusive pajama party, where anything goes. She meets a very interesting man, and naughtiness ensues.
Non-Polyamorous Parings
Too Much, But Not Enough - oneshot, smut - tumblr | AO3 (WinterHawk) It's the middle of a record heatwave in New York, and Clint and Bucky find a way to pass the time on their first day off together in a very long time.
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Marvel AU/Crackfic/Darkfic
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The Metal Arms Inn - series, eventual smut - tumblr | AO3 (Bucky x Plus Size Reader) [semi hiatus] She, Sam, and Dean happen upon the only Inn in like 100 miles of the area they were hunting in. Needing a place to stop and rest, that isn’t the inside of the car, they brave the dark dirt road, lit with a single lit up sign with the name of the place. She realizes there’s something VERY familiar about the owner and bartender of the place. This is the story of how they all met, and how (y/n) and Bucky heal each other, fall in love, and how the four of them hunt together and save the world.
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Multi-Fandom Crossovers
A Birthday Celebration - complete series, smut -  tumblr | AO3 Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, Constantine (2005), BBC’s Sherlock, MCU, X-Men, Criminal Minds (Benny Lafitte x Reader, Remy LeBeau x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader, Benny Lafitte x Remy LeBeau, Benny Lafitte x Dean Winchester) Today is your birthday. Waking from your slumber, you realize that today is not going to be as ordinary as you originally thought it was going to be.
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(Orcs, elves, seelie/unseelie/fae, kelpies,mimics, vampires, demons, naga, werewolves, various merfolk, forest spirits, gargoyles, etc etc)
Orc Boyfriend Borlin - oneshot, smut - tumblr | AO3 (Borlin x plus size!Reader) She gets lots on her way to a village to sell her wares. She ends up in a different village and meets a man that will change the course of her future.
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Poe Dameron
Writing Excerpt - NSFW! smut - tumblr | AO3 (Poe Dameron x Reader) A while back, I was commissioned to write this sex scene for a fic someone wrote. I wanted to share this with you all since it is a thing I wrote. Essentially, FO!Poe deflects, joins the right side, and instantly there’s chemistry between him and the Commander assigned to keep watch over him to ensure that Poe isn't actually a spy and has actually deflected. This is the passionate sex scene that results after a hostile meeting and both grating on each other's nerves. Reader is forced to bunk with him until he can prove his place. I hope you enjoy it! Blatant Princess Bride reference, lol
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Headcanons and Imagines
(coming soon)
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ncityownsmyheart · 5 years
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 70 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list and paste this on your Tumblr. Then, put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun.
       Teen/Romance:        (x) A Cinderella Story        (x) Another Cinderella Story        (x) Step Up        (x) Step Up 2        (x) High School Musical        (x) High School Musical 2        (x) High School Musical 3        (x) Hannah Montana Movie        () Enchanted        () Sydney White        Total: 8        (x) She’s The Man        () Licensed to Wed        (x) The Break-Up        (x) 13 going on 30        () 27 Dresses        () P.S I Love You        () Made of Honor        () What Happens in Vegas        () Get Smart        () The Princess Bride        Total: 11
       (x) Camp Rock        (x) Wild Child        (x) Ella Enchanted        (x) The Princess Diaries        (x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement        (x) 50 First Dates        (x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie        (x) Hotel For Dogs        () Just Married        (x) Freaky Friday        Total: 20        (x) The Hot Chick        () Sleepover        () Confessions Of a Shopaholic        (x) Twilight        (x) Nancy Drew        () The Devil Wears Prada        () No Reservations        () Perfect Man        () Australia        () Never Been Kissed        Total: 23        Comedy/Humour:        () Yes Man        () Bedtime Stories        (x) The Pink Panther        () The Pink Panther 2        (x) Marley & Me        (x) Cheetah Girls        (x) Cheetah Girls 2        () Bratz        (x) Haunted Mansion        (x) Paul Blart Mall Cop        Total: 29        () The 40-Year-Old Virgin        (x) Night in the Museum        (x) Night in the Museum 2        (x) Evan Almighty        (x) Bruce Almighty        (x) White Chicks        () Neverending Story        () Meet the Spartans        () Meet the Parents        () Meet the Fockers        Total: 34        (x) Scream        (x) Scream 2        (x) Scream 3        (x) Scary Movie        (x) Scary Movie 2        (x) Scary Movie 3        (x) Scary Movie 4        () American Pie        () American Pie 2
       () American Pie Band Camp        Total: 41        Adventures:        (x) Harry Potter 1: The Sorcerer’s Stone        (x) Harry Potter 2: The Secret Chamber        (x) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban        (x) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire        (x) Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix        (x) Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince        () Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring        () Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers        () Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King        (x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe        () Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian        Total: 47        (x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark        (x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom        (x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade        (x) Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull        (x) The Mummy        (x) The Mummy 2        (x) The Mummy 3        (x) Journey to the Center of Earth        () City of Ember        (x) Finding Neverland        Total: 56        (x) Pirates of the Caribbean        (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest        (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End        (x) X-Men        (x) X-2        (x) X-3        (x) Spider-Man        (x) Spider-Man 2        (x) Spider Man 3        (x) King Kong        Total: 66        (x) Hellboy        (x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace        (x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones        (x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith        (x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope        (x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back        (x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi        () Underdog        (x) A Series Of Unfortunate Events        (x) Batman: The Dark Knight        Total: 75        Action/Thriller:        (x) The Matrix        () The Matrix Reloaded        () The Matrix Revolution        ) Terminator        () Terminator 2        () Terminator 3        (x) Ocean’s Eleven        (x) Ocean’s Twelve        (x) Ocean’s Thirteen        () Casino Royale 007        Total: 79        () Bourne Identity        () Bourne Supremacy        () Underworld        () Butterfly Effect        () Death Note        () Death Note 2        () Death Note 3: L Change the world        (x) Resident Evil 1        (x) Resident Evil 2        (x) I, Robot        Total: 82        (x) Rush Hour        (x) Rush Hour 2        (x) Rush Hour 3        () Mission Impossible 1        () Mission Impossible 2        () Mission Impossible 3        (x) I Am Legend        (x) Predator I        () Predator II        (x) Signs        Total: 87        Horror:        (x) Saw        (x) Saw II        (x) Saw III        (x) Saw IV        (x) Saw V        (x) The Grinch        (x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre        () Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning        (x) The Ring        (x) The Ring 2        Total: 96
       (x) Final Destination        (x) Final Destination 2        (x) Final Destination 3        () Ghost Ship        () From Hell        (x) Child’s Play        (x) Seed of Chucky        (x) Bride of Chucky        () Gothika        (x) Nightmare on Elm Street        Total: 103        (x) The Grudge        (x) The Grudge 2        () The Haunted Apartment        () Siren        () Silent Hill        (x) The Mask        (x) Son Of The Mask        () Alone        () Omen        () House Of Wax        Total: 107        () The Eye        () The Eye 2        () Shutter        () When a Stranger calls        () The Fog        (x) The Orphanage        () The Skulls        () Cruel Intentions        () Cruel Intentions 2        (x) House of 1000 Corpses        Total: 109        Cartoons:        (x) Lilo & Stitch        (x) Ice Age        (x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown        (x) Madagascar        (x) Madagascar 2        (x) Kung Fu Panda        (x) Bolt        (x) Wall-E        (x) Monsters Inc.        (x) Shark Tale        Total: 119        (x) Shrek        (x) Shrek 2        (x) Shrek 3        (x) Finding Nemo        (x) ET        (x) Cars        (x) Ratatouille        (x) Toy Story        (x) Toy Story 2        (x) The Incredibles        Total: 129        Inspirational:        (x) Little Miss Sunshine        () I Am Sam        (x) The Day After Tomorrow        () Coach Carter        () The Last Dance        (x) To Kill A Mockingbird        () Conrack        () Midnight Sun        () Little Black Book        (x) Rwanda Genocide        Total: 133        Classics:        (x) Ten Things I Hate About You        (x) Titanic        (x) Romeo & Juliet        (x) Frankenstein        (x) A Midsummer Night’s Dream        Total: 138
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shelbyindiana · 6 years
Survey 122 films
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 70 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list and paste this on your Tumblr. Then, put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom…
(x) A Cinderella Story
(x) Another Cinderella Story
(x) Step Up
(x) Step Up 2
(x) High School Musical
() High School Musical 2
() High School Musical 3
(x) Hannah Montana Movie
(x) Enchanted
(x) Sydney White
Total: 8
(x) She’s The Man
() Licensed to Wed
(x) The Break-Up
(x) 13 going on 30
(x) 27 Dresses
(x) P.S I Love You
(x) Made of Honor
(x) What Happens in Vegas
() Get Smart
(x) The Princess Bride
Total: 16
(x) Camp Rock
() Wild Child
(x) Ella Enchanted
(x) The Princess Diaries
(x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
(x) 50 First Dates
(x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Hotel For Dogs
(x) Just Married
(x) Freaky Friday
Total: 24
(x) The Hot Chick
(x) Sleepover
(x) Confessions Of a Shopaholic
(x) Twilight
() Nancy Drew
() The Devil Wears Prada
(x) No Reservations
(x) Perfect Man
() Australia
(x) Never Been Kissed
Total: 31
(x) Yes Man
(x) Bedtime Stories
() The Pink Panther
() The Pink Panther 2
(x) Marley & Me
(x) Cheetah Girls
(x) Cheetah Girls 2
() Bratz
(x) Haunted Mansion
() Paul Blart Mall Cop
Total: 37
() The 40-Year-Old Virgin
(x) Night at the Museum
() Night at the Museum 2
(x) Evan Almighty
(x) Bruce Almighty
(x) White Chicks
(x) Neverending Story
() Meet the Spartans
() Meet the Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
Total: 43
(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
(x) Scary Movie 2
(x) Scary Movie 3
(x) Scary Movie 4
() American Pie
() American Pie 2
() American Pie Band Camp
Total: 50
(x) Harry Potter 1: The Philosopher’s Stone
(x) Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of Secrets
(x) Harry Potter 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
(x) Harry Potter 4: Goblet of Fire
(x) Harry Potter 5: Order of the Phoenix
(x) Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince
(x) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
() Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Total: 60
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
() Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
() Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
() Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
(x) The Mummy
() The Mummy 2
() The Mummy 3
(x) Journey to the Center of Earth
(x) City of Ember
(x) Finding Neverland
Total: 65
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
() X-Men
() X-2
() X-3
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
() Spider Man 3
() King Kong
Total: 70
() Hellboy
(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
() Underdog
(x) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Batman: The Dark Knight
Total: 78
() The Matrix
() The Matrix Reloaded
() The Matrix Revolution
(x) Terminator
(x) Terminator 2
() Terminator 3
() Ocean’s Eleven
() Ocean’s Twelve
() Ocean’s Thirteen
() Casino Royale 007
Total: 80
() Bourne Identity
() Bourne Supremacy
() Underworld
(x) Butterfly Effect
( ) Death Note
( ) Death Note 2
( ) Death Note 3: Change the world
() Resident Evil 1
( ) Resident Evil 2
() I, Robot
Total: 81
(x) Rush Hour
() Rush Hour 2
() Rush Hour 3
() Mission Impossible 1
() Mission Impossible 2
() Mission Impossible 3
(x) I Am Legend
() Predator I
() Predator II
(x) Signs
Total: 84
(x) Saw
(x) Saw II
() Saw III
() Saw IV
() Saw V
(x) The Grinch
() Texas Chainsaw Massacre
() Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(x) The Ring
(x) The Ring 2
Total: 89
(x) Final Destination
(x) Final Destination 2
() Final Destination 3
() Ghost Ship
() From Hell
(x) Child’s Play
() Seed of Chucky
() Bride of Chucky
() Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
Total: 93
(x) The Grudge
(x) The Grudge 2
() The Haunted Apartment
() Siren
(x) Silent Hill
(x) The Mask
() Son Of The Mask
() Alone
(x) Omen
(x) House Of Wax
Total: 99
() The Eye
() The Eye 2
() Shutter
(x) When a Stranger calls
(x) The Fog
() The Orphanage
() The Skulls
(x) Cruel Intentions
() Cruel Intentions 2
() House of 1000 Corpses
Total: 102
(x) Lilo & Stitch
(x) Ice Age
() Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(x) Madagascar
() Madagascar 2
(x) Kung Fu Panda
(x) Bolt
(x) Wall-E
(x) Monsters Inc
(x) Shark Tale
Total: 110
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
() Shrek 3
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) ET
() Cars
() Ratatouille
(x) Toy Story
(x) Toy Story 2
(x) The Incredibles
Total: 117
(x) Little Miss Sunshine
(x) I Am Sam
(x) The Day After Tomorrow
() Coach Carter
() The Last Dance
() To Kill A Mockingbird
() Conrack
() Midnight Sun
() Little Black Book
() Hotel Rwanda
Total: 120
(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
(x) Titanic
() Romeo & Juliet
() Frankenstein
() A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Total: 122
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Day Eighteen of the 30 Day Writing Challenge
The prompt today is actually a more difficult one for me, because I don’t think a lot about myself. The prompt today is, “Write 30 facts about yourself.”
1. I’ll start with physical features. I have blue eyes.
2. My natural hair color is sandy blonde, but I dye it to a brown-red color. 
3. I wear glasses because my left eye is significantly weaker than my right eye, making it difficult to see things far away. It also screws with my depth perception.
4. This one is kind of funny, my nose is slightly crooked. When I was born my mom told me I looked like I had been into a fist fight. It straightened over time, but it still is slightly crooked. No one can tell unless I come out and tell them.
5. I have two tattoos. The one on my left forearm is an opening set of quotation marks. My best friend has the closing set on her right arm. We got them when we turned eighteen. Then I have a sail boat on my right wrist. My two best friends and I went on a girls’ trip in 2019, during which we all got tattoos pertaining to the ocean. One friend got an anchor, one got waves under the sun, and I got a sailboat. Corny right? 
6. This one is known already by my previous posts, but it is a fact that I am proud of. I have a two-year-old Corgi named Sirius. He is tri-colored, meaning he is black, white, and tan. I’ll put a picture to show him off. 
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7. I have two favorite authors. One classic and one modern. They are Ernest Hemingway and Rainbow Rowell.
8. My favorite flower is a Tiger Lily. They grow outside my old house every summer. 
9. I live in a rural town in Tennessee. It’s home and I’m a proud Tennessean.
10. My favorite super hero has always been Iron Man, even before I knew about the movies. It’s actually for a funny reason. Tony Stark is known to have that great  facial hair, in the comics as well as in the movies. Growing up, and even now, my dad always kept a beard and mustache. I associated facial hair with trustworthiness, because I was a kid and I didn’t know any better. I saw that Iron Man had facial hair, and he just became my favorite. I could trust him.
10. I used to collect snow globes as a kid. My collection wasn’t very big, but I was proud of it. 
11. I’m not a musical fanatic, but my favorite is “Oklahoma”.
12. I played the marimba in high school marching and concert band. Our percussion section won first place state championship in competition my junior year. 
13. The farthest I’ve ever been from home is when I went on a band trip to Chicago. 
14. I got my first college degree in August of 2020. I have an A.A. in English.
15. My writing pseudonym is J.H.Hope. Hope is actually my middle name. 
16. I had braces for almost two years when I was 12 and 13. My mouth was too small for all the teeth in my head. I had to have seven pulled out all at once before I could get braces put in.
17. I was in my friend’s wedding as a bride’s maid in 2019. I’m also going to be a bride’s maid in another friend’s wedding later this year. 
18. My favorite color is olive green. That’s also what color my car is.
19. My sense of style can be described as casual t-shirt and jeans mixed with 80s. I’ll let my readers imagination try and figure out what I mean by that.
20. When I last got my hair cut, I showed my hair dresser pictures of Brooke Shields from the 80s, so now I have feathered bangs that resemble young Brooke. 
21. My friends sometimes think I’m crazy because I give myself essay assignments. I’m not in any classes right now, but I genuinely enjoy writing research and persuasive essays. I’ve written a few essays just for my own pleasure. 
22. I have not fallen victim to the plague on Earth that is Tik Tok. You can disagree with me, that’s fine, but Tik Tok (along with other forms of social media) has turned people into mindless, thoughtless, conforming, zombies. Social media has caused so many people to just stop thinking for themselves. If they see that one train of thought is popular in the media, then they adopt that thought as their own, even if they don’t understand it. We have become the generation of reading headlines and taking them for truth. Do your own research! Stop mindlessly jumping on bandwagons! Another thing is that we now have a whole generation of “celebrities” who are famous for no reason. I’m sorry, but showing your ass on the internet and calling it talent is not a reason to be famous. I have an ass too, but you won’t catch me flaunting it on the internet and begging for people to make me viral. It used to be just the Kardashians who were famous for absolutely no reason, but now that has grown into a whole generation! Lets go back to making people with real talent famous, shall we? 
23. My friend and I have a blog where we post writing advice and feature writers and their stories to help them gain reads. We haven’t been as active lately because we have both been busy with other things, but we will hopefully update it soon. You can find it here: https://writingandtips.com/#site-header
24. One of my all time favorite Disney movies, if not my top favorite, is “Oliver and Company.” Mostly because Billy Joel voices Dodger the dog, and he is my favorite singer. 
25. I love the “X-Files” tv series from the 90s. I rewatch it from the beginning all the time. I even picked up chewing on sunflower seeds like Mulder does while I’m writing. 
26. I have a collectible action figure of Jareth, David Bowie’s character in the film “Labyrinth,” hanging on my wall. I also have a retro poster of Harrison Ford, a picture of River Phoenix printed on a page from a dictionary, a picture of “Joe Cool” Snoopy also printed on a page from a dictionary, and an antique tin advertisement poster of James Dean advertising “Kist Kola” for five cents all hanging on the walls of my room.
27. I love Red Pandas. They are the cutest animals on the planet, aside from dogs of course. 
28. My sister and I love watching paranormal and ghost hunting shows. We sort of believe in ghosts, but we love to watch them mostly to laugh at and make fun of them. Our favorite is Ghost Adventures. 
29. This one seems like self promotion, but it’s an important fact about me. I am not a huge fan of the Wattpad platform anymore, because the community has turned into only promoting super popular authors or fanfiction. It has gotten increasingly difficult to get any reads on your stories if you don’t write popular fanfiction or your story isn’t already popular. But since it is the only platform with any sort of following, I post there in hopes that my stories will get read. So far I haven’t had much luck. But I post my stories over there, if you like my writing here and want to read what I am actually super passionate about. You can find me at the username J_H_Hope. my pride and joy story is called “Grim’s Cliff” and I would appreciate anyone who reads it or any of my works. https://www.wattpad.com/user/J_H_Hope
30. I love writing, even if no one reads what I’ve written. I write and write in hopes that at least one person finds it and enjoys it. This one is obvious, but a fact none-the-less. Writing makes up an important part of my life. It is the reason I work so hard in other aspects of my life. 
There you have thirty facts about me. I was really struggling all the way through this one. I wanted to make them interesting, but I’m just not all that interesting of a person. I also don’t enjoy writing so much about specific things pertaining to me. Some of these, especially number 22, make me sound like an old lady. Am I turning 21 or 61 soon? Either way maybe this list was informative and at the least entertaining. Happy reading!
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poorquentyn · 7 years
Hi everyone! A couple days ago, I finished up “Men’s Lives Have Meaning,” my essay series on Quentyn Martell. Thanks so much to everyone who read and commented, I had a great time writing it. You can find a link to the series in my header (“Quentyn in ADWD”), and links to the individual essays below.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Give Your Bride a Kiss For Me
Part 3: Fires Everywhere
Part 4: The Prince Who Came Too Late
Part 5: The Hour of Ghosts
Part 6: Father, Why?
Part 7: Conclusion
And with that done, on to my next series on ADWD! Which POV this time?
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unorthodoxsavvy · 7 years
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@latenightdork, @latte-howell, @lesters-incandescence, @lewdlester, @liabilitylester, @little-sardonic-bibliophile, @littlemissanglerfish, @loistrash, @lolita-howell, @look-alive-sunshine, @lostinallthisfandoms, @louxise, @lovelylilaclester, @lozorhowlter, @lyinghowell
@mae-your-genderless-bae, @magic-madness-heaven @malaistrash, @marianathehypertiredgirl, @mazinhazin, @mcr-fobpatd, @me-and-phil, @meghanluvsdestiel, @memephantrash, @memory--ghost, @menapples, @meowzerzer, @merciporlevenin, @michaelphillester, @mightypatrick, @miike-dirnt, @mikohowlter, @milevenlovechild, @milkteasophie, @misspandasticface, @moderatrie, @moonshine-lester, @more-espresso-less-depresso, @moveimgayy, @my-own-fatal-flaw, @mybrotherstolemyquesadilla, @myclassylove @mydogknowswhatyoudidinthedark, @mymagnificentself@mymomthinksimpoppunk, @mynyann
@naeuta, @nancyelsnerlovesgiraffes, @natewantstohaveagoodtimr, @nearlydodie, @neonunicorns, @nonconformingnat, @nonaestheticphan
@obsessedmuch, @oddtoeven, @okaydans, @olivethehobbit, @optocus, @originstory
@pan-potato, @panboydan, @panicwheresthedisco, @path3tic-a3sth3tics, @periwinklephillip, @pessimisticpunks, @petalsofivory, @phan-obsessed-amd, @phandana, @phandomnerd417, @phangirltrash12, @phantasticallytrashy, @phantasticalpacalypse, @philisadinosaur, @philoquence, @philtrashnumber3, @pickinglester, @piercethegingerr, @pikkuinen, @pixthebean, @planetaryzayn, @pmlclouds, @pocketcow, @popcornforcats, @prettylittle-pysch0, @prettythings-andshinyrings, @psycho-suiteheart
@queenemmery, @queeravidan
@rainaway2, @rainbowliguori, @rainbowrayndrops, @read-between-the-covers, @regionaldan, @rekt-without-a-heck, @rhinestone-ass, @rose-bitches, @rosecoloredsboy @rosegoldodie, @rosy-phil, @rosyconstellations, @rotato-potato, @rubiksconfused. @ryanroross
@salvia-d, @shappic-julia, @satsumaa, @saturnln, @saturnsuniverse, @seapancakephan, @septifire, @serelinda, @sezzaisnotonfire, @sftbbyx, @shadowhowlter, @sherlockian-demigod-potterhead, @shhiwillspeakforyou, @skyylovely, @sleepyphanfics, @smolphaniel, @smoltheatrekid, @sneepthesheep, @sociallyawkwardsunshine, @softbroski, @softcharizard, @softdnp, @someawesomeangie, @someonestolemyyoutubechannelname, @somerandompersonwholikesbands, @sonyathefairy, @spacedusthowlter, @starcrossed-phan, @stargazingphan, @starlightlesster, @starryskylester, @starryspacesky, @staring-off-in-space, @stars-and-anxiety, @stars-and-skys-things, @strawberrrr, @sumrandomfangirl, @super-phan-universe, @superpanicphan
@teaminternet10, @teatowelhowell, @thatcrazyblonde15, @the-cass-meow, @the-emo-potato-queen, @theabacross, @theamazingbanana1002, @thean0nym0usmusician, @thebookofmads, @theexfrenchie, @theirforeverhome, @theleviathannextdoor, @thesilveralec, @theycallme-misterpig, @tinysuzy, @tommarvaloriddlemethis, @toocoolforyou--jkimmaloser @toogayfordick, @totalelasticity, @totallyphantastic, @transwithaloveofpans, @trying--my--best
@vampirekilljoy, @vesselphil, @vgetables, @vooma-is-gay
@waveofphasehaze, @we-hate-being-sane, @westcoastrohman, @whatacrapdonnie, @whendodie, @whiteroselester, @wholewheathowell, @wolvesofash, @wonderlustdan, @wqve, @wrotted, @wwi-flying-ace
@xloonaticbloodx, @xxrawrrxxxdxxblackveilbridesxx
@yabra, @yaminrivera, @yeahimsarcastic, @yolkoii, @ysabelmystic
I know I put up some dead blogs and some people didn’t get tagged but yeah
Also I know my header is shitty but I love it
Let me know if you think I missed you!!
So for this I’m going to be doing a few things, similar to my 300 follower post:
Send an ask telling me theme
Aesthetics (collage not lyric)
Send an ask telling me theme/color scheme
Will be posted on my sideblog @astronauticalstarsailor
Send me an ask with theme or something
Blog Rates!
Similar to last time but not exact cause I can’t find my posts with it so rip
Format below cut
Before that I just want to thank everyone for their dedication to me and this blog. Wishing you all well. 
Fairy Tail Guild
Fairy Tail | Blue Pegasus | Lamia Scale | Cait Shelter | Mermaid Heel | Oracion Seis | Grimoire Heart
Ice Cream Flavor
Chocolate | Coffee | Vanilla | Strawberry | Mint | Cotton Candy | S’mores | Oreo | Cookies and Cream
Forest | City | Farm | Castle | Ocean | Mountains | Rain forest | Alaska | Desert
D&D Alignment
Lawful Good | Lawful Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Good | Neutral | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Good | Chaotic Neutral | Chaotic Evil
Ag Class
Natural Resources | Animal Science | Vet Science | Plant Science | Mechanics | Sustainable Ag and other random junk
Time of Day
Dawn | True Sunrise | Morning | Noon | Afternoon | Dusk | Evening | Night | The Bewitching Hour
Sunny | Partially Cloudy | Cloudy | Rainy | Storming | Tornado | Hurricane | Tsunami | Blizzard
Emo Trinity Album
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love | Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge | The Black Parade | Danger Days | Conventional Weapons | Take This To Your Grave | From Under The Cork Tree | Infinity On High | Folie A Duex | Save Rock And Roll | American Beauty/ American Psycho | M A  N   I    A | A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out | Pretty. Odd. | Vices And Virtues | Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die | Death Of A Bachelor
Post Punk Band (of the ones I listen to or know of well)
Memphis May Fire | Twenty One Pilots | Black Veiled Brides | Pierce The Veil | Sleeping With Sirens | Crown The Empire | Dance Gavin Dance | All Time Low | Falling In Reverse 
Dan and Phil Channels (hypothetical and real)
Daniel Howell | AmazingPhil | DanAndPhilGames | DanAndPhilCrafts | DanAndPhilBaking | DanAndPhilCryptids 
Dan and Phil Eras
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017
Super Popular YouTube Channels
Markilpier | Jacksepticeye | Daniel Howell | AmazingPhil | Dodie Clark
295 notes · View notes
surveystodestressme · 7 years
SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 85 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 movies on this list. Copy this list mail, go to your own facebook account, paste this as a note. Then, put x’s next to the movies you’ve seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun! EDIT: I’ve seen a lot of movies but I’ll just x the ones I actually remember.
( ) Rocky Horror Picture Show (x) Grease () Pirates of the Caribbean ( ) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest ( ) Boondock Saints (x) Fight Club () Starsky and Hutch ( ) Neverending Story ( ) Blazing Saddles (x ) Airplane
Total: 3
(x) The Princess Bride (x) AnchorMan (x) Napoleon Dynamite ( ) Labyrinth (x) Saw (x) Saw II ( ) White Noise ( )White Oleander (x) Anger Management (x) 50 First Dates (x) The Princess Diaries (x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far: 12
(x) Scream (x) Scream 2 (x) Scream 3 (x) Scary Movie (x) Scary Movie 2 (x) Scary Movie 3 (x) Scary Movie 4 (x) American Pie (x) American Pie 2 (x) American Wedding (x) American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 23
(x) Harry Potter 1 (x) Harry Potter 2 (x) Harry Potter 3 (x) Harry Potter 4 ( ) Resident Evil 1 ( ) Resident Evil 2 () The Wedding Singer ( ) Little Black Book (x) The Village (x) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 29
(x) Finding Nemo ( ) Finding Neverland (x) Signs (x) The Grinch (x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (x) White Chicks (x) Butterfly Effect (x) 13 Going on 30 ( ) I, Robot ( ) Robots
Total so far: 37
(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ( ) Universal Soldier (x) Lemony Snickt: A Series Of Unfortunate Events () Along Came Polly ( ) Deep Impact ( ) KingPin () Never Been Kissed () Meet The Parents (x) Meet the Fockers ( ) Eight Crazy Nights ( ) Joe Dirt ( ) KING KONG
Total so far: 40
(x) A Cinderella Story () The Terminal (x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie () Passport to Paris (x ) Dumb & Dumber (x) Dumber & Dumberer (x) Final Destination (x) Final Destination 2 (x) Final Destination 3 (x) Halloween (x) The Ring (x) The Ring 2 ( ) Surviving X-MAS (x) Flubber
Total so far: 51
(x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle () Practical Magic ()Chicago ( x )Ghost Ship ( ) From Hell (x) Hellboy ( ) Secret Window ( ) I Am Sam (x) The Whole Nine Yards ( ) The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 55
(x) The Day After Tomorrow (x) Child’s Play (x) Seed of Chucky (x) Bride of Chucky (x) Ten Things I Hate About You () Just Married ( ) Gothika (x) Nightmare on Elm Street (x) Sixteen Candles (x) Remember the Titans () Coach Carter (x) The Grudge (x) The Grudge 2 (x) The Mask ( ) Son Of The Mask
Total so far: 66
() Bad Boys () Bad Boys 2 ( ) Joy Ride ( ) Lucky Number Sleven () Ocean’s Eleven () Ocean’s Twelve () Bourne Identity ( ) Bourne Supremecy ( ) Lone Star () Bedazzled ( ) Predator I ( ) Predator II (x) The Fog (x) Ice Age (x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown ( ) Curious George
Total so far: 69
(x) Independence Day (x) Cujo ( ) A Bronx Tale ( ) Darkness Falls (x) Christine (x) ET (x) Children of the Corn () My Bosses Daughter () Maid in Manhattan ( ) War of the Worlds () Rush Hour () Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 74
( ) Best Bet (x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (x) She’s All That ( ) Calendar Girls ( ) Sideways ( )Mars Attacks ( ) Event Horizon () Ever After () Wizard of Oz (x) Forrest Gump ( )Big Trouble in Little China ( ) The Terminator ( ) The Terminator 2 (x) The Terminator 3 Total so far: 78
() X-Men () X2 () X-3 (x) Spider-Man (x) Spider-Man 2 (x) Sky High (x) Jeepers Creepers’ (x) Jeepers Creepers 2 ( ) Catch Me If You Can (x) The Little Mermaid (x) Freaky Friday ( ) Reign of Fire ( ) The Skulls () Cruel Intentions ( ) Cruel Intentions 2 () The Hot Chick (x) Shrek (x) Shrek 2
Total so far: 87
( ) Swimfan (x) Miracle on 34th street ( ) Old School (x) The Notebook ( ) K-Pax ( ) Krippendorf’s Tribe () A Walk to Remember ( ) Ice Castles (x) Boogeyman (x) The 40-year-old-virgin
Total so far: 91
(x) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring (x) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers (x) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King ( ) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark ( ) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ( ) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 94
() Baseketball (x) Hostel ( ) Waiting for Guffman (x) House of 1000 Corpses ( ) Devils Rejects (x) Elf ( ) Highlander ( ) Mothman Prophecies (x) American History X ( ) Three
Total so Far: 98
( ) The Jacket ( ) Kung Fu Hustle ( ) Shaolin Soccer ( ) Night Watch (x) Monsters Inc. (x) Titanic ( ) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (x) Shaun Of the Dead ( ) Willard
Total so far: 101 (x) High Tension ( ) Club Dread (x) Hulk (x) Dawn Of the Dead () Hook (x) Chronicle Of Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (x) 28 days later ( ) Orgazmo ( ) Phantasm ( ) Waterworld
Total so far: 106 () Kill Bill vol 1 () Kill Bill vol 2 ( ) Mortal Kombat (x) Wolf Creek ( ) Kingdom of Heaven (x) the Hills Have Eyes (x) I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman (x) The Last House on the Left ( ) Re-Animator ( ) Army of Darkness
Total so far: 110
(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace (x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones (x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith (x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope (x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back (x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi ( ) Ewoks Caravan Of Courage ( ) Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 116
(x) The Matrix ( ) The Matrix Reloaded ( ) The Matrix Revolutions ( ) Animatrix (x) Evil Dead ( ) Evil Dead 2 ( ) Team America: World Police ( ) Red Dragon (x) Silence of the Lambs (x) Hannibal
Total: 120
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