#the knowledge is a burden
radiostranger · 1 month
my friend is watching spn for the first time and met chuck to which he said “omg i love him he’s so funny” ….. smile and nod boys smile and nod
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sensitiveheartless · 7 months
Now I’m just picturing Dazai shows up at work the next day looking like he got mauled and cheerfully announces he and Chuuya are getting married! “Oh, well that’s…. nice, I guess. I didn’t know you two were dating?” “We weren’t!” “….. what.”
YESSSS absolutely, this possessed me to do a short scribble comic lol thank you anon!
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pjs-everyday · 2 months
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they know everything about everyone all the time 🤞🤞🤞lol
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nooossyyyyyyyyyyyy 👂👁👃👁👂
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bamblesthewisetomato · 7 months
Absolutely jumpscared by Goncharov trending after I wrote a whole paper for one of my classes on it.
Anyway, happy 50th anniversary to the greatest mafia movie of all time.
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limesquares · 3 months
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>Persons of interest involved in a recent security breach incident.
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ianthedebonair · 3 months
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What would Wei say? (🔞choices below the cut)
➡️"So can you make multiple copies of me here?"
➡️"How about you make a bunch of other Damiens?"
*Links above lead to gratuitous, self-indulgent smut. Definitely not safe for work.
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Behold, the fruit of the bashful Chen poll. It was meant to be a single pinup-like illustration, but one thing led to another (and with valuable inspiration from @ladyshivs and @extreme-neutral), it ended up as another choose your own smut 😌😌.
(Also, reblogs are disabled on the linked posts. So, if you’re planning to, reblog this one instead 🫣)
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
My therapist said to me: "We could create a pros and cons list a mile long and you still wouldn't be any more confident in your decision."
Which... ow. Besides that, it made me think of Tim.
Tim creates contingencies and plans based on what he believes is the best course of action. Yet, what about decisions that don't have a "right answer"?
Does he also freeze up at these decisions and desperately try to find what the best avenue is despite knowing there isn't one? When the situation becomes worse, despite knowing it probably would become worse anyways, does he blame himself? Does he make lists a mile long trying to find the right answer?
Is Tim ever weighed down by the idea that he "always" makes the right decision when he knows he doesn't? Is his status as a great tactician both a balm and a curse? How often does he stare at his choices, especially when the fate of loved ones is on his hands, and break down at what he's left with?
Tim is the man with the plan, but how much does not knowing the correct answer positively wreck his being? Are his contingencies, his desperate bid for information and control, part of his desire to always know his next step forward?
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mariusroyale · 1 year
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“We’re runnin’ outta time!”
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“Why can’t I do this?”
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“I’m failing you.”
you know what gets me about this scene? other than my boy crying bc oh god i just wanna hug him i just had to rewatch it bc the raph edits in my fyp are BRUTAL
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their expressions
ok not only are they drawn so well (you know what i mean like how well the style is maintained) but it’s the way that each of them look
look at how upset they are after seeing raph fall apart and letting it sit for a sec
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varilien · 5 months
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given that i've ran this blog for as many years now i think i should get much credit for this being what, only the third dick joke i've ever made here hdfkhkj
anyways. there's this point in the story where vash and wolfwood have to go their separate ways for a while, but neither of them are dealing with it particularly well
(image id below the cut since it's a longer one)
[image ID: a rough, doodley 5 panel digital comic of vash and meryl from trigun, but from my leaden skies au where they've both been lightly redesigned to fit into the setting of monster hunter. vash is a wyverian with long pointed ears, wearing a red coat with gold trim and buttons. meryl is a human wearing a beret as seen on other guild girls, but her all-white outfit is a practical two-piece blouse and shorts set. the whole comic is comprised of warm colors, orange and yellow and dark purple
panel 1: vash sitting in the foreground at a brown desk covered in candles and books, with a book opened in front of him that he flips through with a bored expression and his cheek resting against his hand. he appears to be in a library, lit by candles on dark grey chandeliers hung from the ceiling. meryl is in the background stretching up to reach a book high on a shelf, and beside her is a table which is also covered in candles and several tall stacks of books
panel 2: a closeup of vash's face as his eyes widen and his ears prick up. something in the book has apparently caught his attention
panel 3: a closeup of the page vash was looking at, an illustrated info sheet about the flying wyvern, khezu. a candle in the table brightly illuminates the colored page
panel 4: meryl has come around by vash's shoulders with a stack of books held in her arms. she quirks a brow as she looks over vash's shoulder at the book. vash has a neutral, hard to read look on his face, but his ears are still up and his eyes are still shiny and wide as he seems to consider the page for a while
panel 5: a yellow word bubble comes from vash, who huffs a long sigh and says, "maybe i should call him...". his head has tipped to the side as he rubs his neck and frowns, blushing a little with his ears drooping. meryl physically recoils from him and her face scrunches up in disgust, saying, "eww" and, "there's something wrong with you"
end ID.]
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saltyb0ba · 21 days
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a deep blood moon, a starless night
dark enough to see the light
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Thinking about how when Gillion wakes up from his first Rakshasa-induced nightmare and is so, so shaken, how Chip instantly 1) gets it because he's been through it and 2) realizes Gill probably won't be able to put it into words and wouldn't want to anyway, and so 3) he immediately offers the bracelet to Gill so that Gill can show him.
Like that last point, let's just look at that for a second. The last time, those bracelets didn't work out too well! Gill found out about the call with Edyn and that Chip had been keeping it from him. It did not end well for Chip at all.
But he offers them again. A show of trust and repentance. But also an offer to share the burden of the nightmares and the curse. It's a way to show Gill that he doesn't have to carry the pain alone. Show me. Let me carry some of the weight with you. Let me into literally the most private place you have -- your own mind -- and let me see what hurts you the most.
And Gill does! He trusts Chip with that! He let's him! Gill, who carries the world on his shoulders opens up and allows Chip in to help him carry this.
The emotional vulnerability and the support!!!!
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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a luo binghe equipped with this knowledge would be the most miserable of them all
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amiracleilluminated · 10 months
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Where's Nandor?
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brainlessbaguette · 10 months
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Finished this doodle way sooner than expected but seriously who dressed Finn in the new show. I don't know whether to be scared or proud. This is our boy that wouldn't wear the lady armour even to save himself! (Note I have no idea what's happening in Fionna and Cake, it might not be OUR Finn, but still the statement stands)
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Also a moment to appreciate the fact that the moment adult Finn puts back on the hat it looks like the same boy face we know + a fake beard slapped onto a GIANT man body. I think all the other times we've seen him older he wasn't wearing the exact same hat, and I now understand why. It's just so silly.
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spacerockband · 6 months
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notes on past and future link
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“Do you remember when this castle was full of people, Seeker?”
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