#the occasional hurt/ comfort
imabillyami · 11 months
It is 4am and I just finished writing roughly 3k of smut lmao.
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haich-slash-cee · 13 days
In one of my regular zoom meetups, there's one person whose non-video image is set to a.... a rather whumpy cartoon illustration. It's a cool, stylish, presumed fan drawing of video game characters, on its own.
It's also kind of whumpy.
Like I would argue for the "this is whumpy, right?" side of the debate, about this drawing.
So anyway I'm just sitting there, somewhat distracted by this image that pops up whenever the person is off-camera. Very aware that I am specifically distracted by the whump, in public (sort of), on a casual zoom call.
(Is this the experience that other people talk about, when they refer to being distracted by images of idk hot people. Which my variation of being a-spec does not usually deal with. The number of times people near me have been like "oh my god, I was so distracted by that person, they were so hot, I could barely keep it together" and I'm like "huh? what?" Anyway, being distracted by this whumpy cartoon drawing is apparently what I experience instead.)
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gierosajie · 1 year
Thinking about how there's a lot more ghosts wandering Mondstadt in the Archon Dvalin AU than usual because Venti is usually the one sending off spirits into the afterlife and well. he's kinda stuck on that side post-Cataclysm
At first there weren't any because they just followed Venti, but afterwards there were some that still lingered and the number just kept piling up over the centuries. Many did eventually go on their own, but there's just more that didn't want to or simply couldn't
Dvalin doesn't know how to send them off, no one really showed him how and he doubts that even if he knew, he probably couldn't. Still, whenever a spirit decides to show themself, he stays with them for a bit, just to alleviate their burdens even a little and maybe help them find enough peace
It's probably another thing that eats at him alive because he couldn't even help those that he failed to protect, no matter how much most of them say it isn't his fault
And then, after the whole reconciliation with Celio thing, one of the lingering spirits asks him for a song. Before, he might've gently turned down the request, but after everything, he decided he might as well
Dvalin starts singing an old song he loved. Singing it had been painful, once, considering it was made as a duet and having to listen to the silent answer just brought him nothing but grief. Now, there's a sort of peace to how the breeze and the sound of nature fill in the gaps and pauses.
Over the course of the song, more and more ghosts come to listen. By the end of it, Dvalin opens his eyes to see most of them disappear, not in terms of hiding away like usual but rather beginning to dissolve into light as they finally move on
The last one to leave was the one who requested a song. She turns to smile at him. "I suppose I can finally tell that bard how much you've grown," she says before finally dissipating into the wind
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inky-here · 10 months
cw: not whump, angst dialogue, hurt room for comfort (not sure if that exists but it feels accurate)
A laid on the bed, occasionally glancing at B, who was still nestled in the pile of pillows on the ground, their back turned to them. They've been wanting to bridge the gap between them, the gap they themselves created without giving it a second thought. tonight's events felt like a slap to the face, a much needed wake-up call, and A found themselves itching to say something, anything.
"hey," A called out, their uncertain voice piercing through the tense silence.
B shifted slightly, not turning fully to them, but A knew they were listening.
A let out a soft sigh before pursing their lips, unsure if they even wanted to go through with this. honest, emotional talks were never one of their strengths, but they knew better than anyone that they had to make things right. they took a deep breath.
"i wanted to talk."
a few seconds passed before A heard B exhale softly through their nose.
"fine. talk then."
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arabesquecat · 1 year
bad dad sads, a secret santa for @tolbyccia from years past. I’m really fond of this still tbh. it’s comforting
Haru/Ryuji/Yusuke, post-canon, rated T
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bubble-popping · 5 months
If you like bunny Dream there's a fic called 'Rabbit Run' by LoyalCrowlist on ao3 that's good!
I'm aware, anon! It's in my ao3 'marked for later'. Thank you anyway though :)
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shoeshineyboy · 1 year
one day Ed will wake up in the middle of the night, gasping for air, terror surrounding him, his heart pounding in his chest, and he’ll sit there in hell for a moment or so before he feels a touch on his shoulder that startles him in the moment but is so so wanted. a soft voice saying “darling..?” and inviting Ed to cling to him.
and he does. he doesn’t know how long for but he clings to Stede like a lifeline that can pull him from the depths of his own mind. because that’s exactly what Stede does, when he wraps the robe around Ed’s shoulders and lets him rest his head in the crook of his neck and whispers exactly what Ed needs to hear, “you’re safe” “I’ve got you” “I’m here” “I love you” and he believes it. he does. he can smell the remains of the past day’s perfume on Stede’s neck and he can feel his strong, gentle arms around him, protecting him from the world and from himself and he lets himself believe.
he sits back when the world makes sense again and lets Stede brush the tear tracks from his cheeks and leans into the touch when he does. Stede smiles at that and Ed manages a shaky one in return. Stede offers tea and the invitation to Ed to make it with him, to keep hold of his hand like an anchor that keeps him feeling sane is unspoken and appreciated. Stede makes his tea how he likes it, a dollop of milk and seven sugars, and takes him back to sit in the bed nook and tells him all about the silly argument Frenchie and Pete had had that afternoon, while Ed plays absentmindedly with turquoise ring on Stede’s finger. there’s no pressure to talk, but the offer is there, sandwiched between the tea and soft touches and love in abundance.
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astralmarionette · 5 months
now that im finished with gatsby i just have to like write down my thoughts and then make them all cute and neat and stuff then im gonna start gone with the wind
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begging ao3 authors to stop tagging works with both 'hurt/comfort' and 'hurt no comfort'. these are not compatible tags. only one of them can be true. stop doing this
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Guys, I watch some of you going through my entire damn list in, like, half a day... um... you okay? That's legitimately over 100k worth of intense hurt/comfort y'all are devouring in a single sitting... I love these gorgeous agents of chaos, too, but, uh, don't forget to take a nap every now and then... and drink some water
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troublcmakcrs · 6 months
//saw an absolutely ice cold take that tweek shouldn't have a coffeeshop of his own when he gets older bc his parents & their coffee is what caused most of his problems, and i'm like... it's about retribution, it's about allowing him to run their business better than they did, to become more successful than they did without using underhanded methods and hurting people, it's about the despite, it's about letting him thrive despite, despite, despite
#misc :: ( ooc )#//i actually hc tweek as being genuinely passionate about coffee#//like DESPITE his parents there is comfort in the familiar; it's what he knows#//when he's having a better day mentally and his parents aren't down his throat about something#//he doesn't really MIND making drink orders for people#//tumblr has suuuuuch a huge problem with characters reclaiming the thing that hurt them tho#//even tho that's LITERALLY what i did with south park so ofc it was gonna get projected onto one of my sp muses LKJFDSKJDF#//tumblr is back on their ''there's only one way to be a victim and that's having a COMPLETE repulsion to the thing that hurt you'' bullshi#//it's his PARENTS he has a problem with; coffee is an innocent and has never done anything wrong in its life 😭#//and yeah for a while he DOES avoid coffee bc he doesn't think he wants to work in a coffeeshop anymore#//and he struggles to find anywhere he fits for SO long bc he's trying to force things he... doesn't really like doing#//and on this blog it's craig who talks him into it like ''hey you LIKE making coffee; why are you not doing that?''#//and it finally clicks for tweek: ''oh yeah why AREN'T i doing that??''#//neither craig or tweek are ~perfect victims~ according to this bullshit website's definition of the term#//if they were they would never speak to each other again bc of tumblr's whole...#//...''you absolutely cannot forgive your abuser under any circumstances'' thing#//anyway tweek's future goth/alt coffeeshop where he offers the occasional free breakfast to homeless people is sexy send tweet#//i'm literally the only one i trust with tweek at this point i'm so serious#//like sorry i know literally EVERYONE has him on their blogs but i Get Him on a different level LKFJDSKJDF
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50c14lly4nx10u5 · 7 months
y'all can enjoy your angst and your whump— it just leaves more fluff and crack for me :P
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girls-and-honey · 1 year
I saw you mention a WIP recently, what are you working on?
that’s a good question, I scoured my blog trying to figure out which wip I was referencing but I can’t find anything specific enough to figure it out alskdjf and tbh that’s very in character for me so I can’t even be mad
I’m going to level with you here - I’m very much the type of person to have an idea and be excited about it and furiously scribble down phrases or dialogue or whatever the general vibe is, call it a wip, and never open it again (that’s writing, right?)
but! I would say the one thing I’m more actively working on although maybe not quite formally ‘writing’ is a collaborative effort with @hellinglasses in which we’re creating an entire very in-depth ofmd modern au, gloriously created in the form of ‘yes and-’ style screaming to each other over dm. it’s got childhood friendships, traumatic life events for everyone involved, multiple polycules, oblivious high school love, discovery of self-worth, hometown cryptid rumors, road trips, hopeless romantic tendencies, and oh. so. much. emotional torture (sorry bbys I love you)
the thing I keep forgetting which delights me every time I remember is that the whole thing started based on some dreams I kept having about a high school friend I haven’t seen in almost a decade, and it blossomed into this whole universe over the past... I want to say month-ish? maybe more wow it’s been a while hasn’t it
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shy-forceghost · 1 year
Me, suddenly finding smut in a not-properly tagged fic:
Hey guys, I came here for the hurt/comfort. Why on Earth are you naked?!
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martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: a panel of Batman and Superman standing side by side in a clear, transparent box; surrounded by what's presumably space (?). They're shown from a slight distance and from behind. Batman asks a question to which Superman answers, gaining a reply back. The dialogue bubbles are in hieroglyphic symbols, leaving the actual contents unknown to the reader. Superman's internal monologue box reads, "Ever sense Kara – Supergirl – came into our lives, Bruce has immersed himself in learning Kryptonese." END ID]
#imagine being clark. you're an alien on a planet that isnt your own (but youll eventually take the burden of protecting anyways)#youre surrounded by these humans and others where you clearly dont belong. its little things at first that just plants and engraves that#knowledge that youre an outsider. you dont know exactly why yet but theres no denying that you witness and observe more than you#participate. that youre just.... different.#imagine feeling like you constantly dont belong and learning you have the powers of a god despite never asking for them or wanting them#that you can hurt - you can kill - without lifting a pinkie. that you can destroy everything if youre not careful.#if you treated them like how they treated you all your life.#you're terrified at your own powers. at who or what you are.#then you learn that your planet was destroyed. that youre all alone.#the people you never even got to know or make memories with - including your biological family.#the culture and language and society. everything is gone. you're lonely as clark kent and as superman. you can save earth but not yourself#even with the more recent discovery of your cousin. that's all that's left to preserve the memory and legacy of Krypton.#not even having memories of the place yourself. that Kryptonese is only KARAS native language.#imagine being so alone and responsible for making sure the world doesn't forget an entire planet and species#who do you share that with? who gets to help ease the burden from your shoulders? who will listen??#then bruce fucking wayne starts learning kryptonese. not because you asked him to but taking it upon himself#to. he talks occasionally in it to you. does he know when itll bring comfort? when you need to hear it?? doesn't matter#the second language grows familiar and warm on your tongue - something you grow into and take comfort in#does he teach any of his children it? in a mission and listened to and they speak it to him - unexpectedly and rolling off their tongues#the dead language coming to life slowly. itll never be the same. itll never receive the glory it once had#but Krypton lives on - the language being one of love and found family. of never being alone again.#pushing my 'bruce's love language is acts of service' agenda but its true#i love them ALMOST as much as they love each other#superbat#bruce wayne#superman#batman#clark kent#anyways. rambling in my tags so oops. if anyone read this hi love u. hope ur having a good day
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darkkitty1208 · 1 year
I've been in the Sherlock fandom for a long while now but have only recently realised that 'Mycroft Holmes's Umbrella' is an actual, canonical character tag.
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