#the paladins are music majors
mellybaggins · 6 months
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Chapter 41: Rainy Day
CW: Major Character Death, Violence, Angst, Depression, Denial
'I will just play dumb
I won't hear a single word that's said
And I will bite my tongue
Never sing another song again
I'm not scared
I'm not scared'
0 notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Very first time; Jack Kline x reader smut
*Author’s note*
Okay well this has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for awhile but after a few weeks of work and planning (and some major procrastinating) I FINALLY came around and got to this request so @gabrielasilva1510​ this is for you and thank you for being soo patient with me.
Now this is a SMUT fic so there is some sexual content in here so any minors that follow me LOOK AWAY!!!! DO. NOT READ THIS STORY!!! it’s not hardcore smut but still a smut story nevertheless.
Warnings: sexual content, fluff, camping fun, P in V sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), references to other fandoms and movies. 
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I was putting the sleeping bags as well as the tent set into the jeep while Jack was coming in bringing the cooler with the drinks.
“You sure the drinks won’t get warm on the way up there?” he asked me.
“Babe that’s why we’re getting ice at the gas station. Besides this jeep needs gas too while we’re at it because somebody forgot to fill the tank!” I proclaimed while turning to Sam.
“Okay how long are you gonna hang this over my head?”
“As long as it takes. You know how many times Dean and I have told you about that? Whoever gets the gas tank under a 100 miles, fills the tank.”
“See even she can remember the rules.” Said Dean coming in eating a ham, turkey, pastrami and bacon sandwich he had made. Sam rolled his eyes and I said after closing the back door.
“Okay I think that’s everything.”
“So we can leave now?” asked Jack excitedly. I nodded.
“I still don’t feel comfortable with you two going on this camping trip by yourselves.” Dean said.
“Dean, just because many of our early cases took place during a camping trip doesn’t mean it’ll happen to us. Unlike those guys, we know the warning signs for Wendigo’s, werewolves, vamps and even faeries.” Dean glowered at me at mentioning the fairy thing to him.
“Did you at least pack the basic protection?” Sam asked.
“And not just against monsters.” Dean added. My face went red and Jack started to say.
“You mean protection as in con—”
“Do you really need to say that Dean? We’re not gonna do anything like that!”
“Can’t go wrong. Plus I don’t want you coming back and making us uncles just yet.”
“Jesus you are such a pervert.” I groaned.
“But seriously (Y/n), you do have some form of protection? In both matters.” Sam asked me.
“Yes Sam and please don’t agree with Dean about the latter suggestion.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay Jack get in the car, we’re outta here.” He did as I told him and I got into the driver seat and started the engine.  “See you bitches in a week. And do me a favor, don’t blow this place up while we’re gone or have another end of the world crisis on our hands.”
“We’re Winchesters, we make no such promises.” Dean said as he munched on his sandwich once again.
“Have a good time you two, be safe.” Sam told us.
“Yes Ranger Sam.” I teased before putting the jeep into drive and soon Jack and I left the bunker garage and drove down the road to the nearest gas station to get ice as well as fill up the car.
After doing all that and filling the cooler with ice for the drinks, I got back into the jeep and started up the engine.
“Okay Jack, since we’ve got full control over the radio, what genre of music shall it be today?”
“I did enjoy that 80’s playlist you made. Especially after you showed me that show Odd Things.”
“You mean Stranger things babe. Alright 80’s it is.” I went through my phone and opened up my music playlist and scrolled through until I found my 1980s Greatest songs playlist.  Sure Dean may say that everything after 1979 sucks, but he clearly hadn’t heard some of these artists like Kate Bush, Prince, Queen’s later music in the 80’s, Whitney Houston, A-Ha, and of course my man Phil Collins.
I first played the song ‘In the Air tonight’ to get us started on the open road.  Jack particularly began to realize why I loved Phil Collins so much.  Yeah he was cool in his Genesis days but when he branched out into his solo career, the dude truly shined.
After an almost 2 hour drive and almost reaching the end of our playlist with Cyndi Lauper we arrived at the camp grounds.  I parked the car and both Jack and I got out of the car and stretched ourselves out before entering the check-in lodge before we had to drive to our reserved camping spot.
“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” the woman behind the desk said.
“Hi we’re checking into lot A113, reservation is under Winchester.” She typed up my reservation on the laptop and said.
“(Y/n) Winchester?”
“That’s me.”
“Great, and you’re staying with us for a week. Here’s a map of all the areas you can hike, or visit the various lounges or restaurants we’ve got here. And for staying here a week with us that’ll be $210.25 will that be cash or credit?”
“Credit, please.” I said getting out my card and handing it to her.  A quick swipe and the payment was done.
“Okay you are all set. Hope you and your boyfriend have a good time.”
“Oh we will, especially after the few months we had. We deserve this.” I said putting my card away and gathering up the stuff she had handed me.  I saw Jack admiring some of the portrait paintings along the wall and took his hand. “C’mon babe, let’s get to our spot and set up camp.” He nodded and I guided him out the lodge and we went back into the car.
I turned the engine on and drove off towards our camping spot.  Good thing about this camp ground is that while we are out in the woods, there was still access to bathrooms, showers, and of course food joints and restaurants. Plus everyone has their own private little spot to make their camp so no one has to be cramped in a giant forest space.
Jack and I looked around until he spotted the signs that lead us to our section and as we drove down the trail I softly let out a yes as I fist bumped.
“Thank god the showers aren’t that far away.”
“That’s a good thing right?”
“I mean I don’t mind the walk but still, it’s better for night time shower people like me. I mean seriously I don’t get why people shower in the mornings, you’re just gonna get sticky and gross at the end of the day and I don’t wanna sleep like that.”
“That is strange. Glad you told me about it when I was first trying to understand the ways of humans.”
“There are certain things my brothers can teach you but everything else, just ask me. I got your back.”
“Just as I got yours.” He said as he placed his hand on top of mine.  I smiled and gave it a loving squeeze as he pointed out.  “Is that us?”
“Uhh yeah this is us.” I turned along the gravel road and pulled into our little hill mound parking spot and turned the engine off.  “We’re here at last. No more driving for the rest of the day please.”
“You know I could’ve drove us from the check-in lodge. Dean says I’ve been improving with Baby.”
“I know you have sweetie but driving Baby and driving this jeep are two totally different things. Plus you haven’t gotten enough experiences on dirt road like these. All the bumps, twists and turns and I’m not that good of a driving teacher. As I’m sure my brother told you, I was a wreck when learning to drive Baby. Can’t do a stick to save my ass.”
“It’s not that hard once you get used to it. Maybe I could teach you.”
“As sweet as that is, one Dean would never let you do that and two I don’t want to ever drive Baby again.” I pecked his cheek and continued, “C’mon, let’s unload the car.” We unbuckled ourselves and got out of the jeep as I opened the back door and first grabbed the cooler while Jack grabbed the tent.
After unloading the car and unfolding the tent from the bag, Jack got the bag that was filled with the tacks and poles that we needed to keep the tent in place and standing up.
“Okay so—I’ve never really put a tent up before but I have seen people do it in tv and movies. Is it really as hard as they show it?” asked Jack.
“Depends on the tent, luckily for us this tent it’s fairly easy to put up. Mind helping me spread out the tent first before we get the poles and tacks down?” he nodded and came over and went on the other side of the tent.  Together we grabbed each end of the tent and pulled it as far apart as we could.  “Okay now grab that bag with the poles and tacks.” He looked around until he saw just a few feet to his left was the bag.
He tossed it over to me and I opened it up and pulled out the poles first.
“Now what I want you to do is connect this set first and I can do the other set. Once they’re connected, I’ll show you how to put them through the tent.” He grabbed the first set of poles and began to connect them together while I did the second row.
“Like this?” he showed me after he had gotten one set together already.
“That’s it. Make sure they’re in as tight as you can get them. Can’t risk the tent caving in on itself.” I said as I twisted my set in before they finally connected with each other.
It took a few minutes but we finally got our poles connected and then I showed him where the poles would go through the tent. We did his connected set first and I guided it through the right side of the tent, going towards the top and then coming down the other side before sticking it down into the earth.  We did the same for the other side (that’s where the major work comes in cause you have to guide it over the previous pole set).
“You sure you weren’t lying when you’d say it’d be easy?” Jack said with a grunt as he tried to maneuver my pole set over his at the top each time I pulled the second pole down.
“This is always the tricky part no matter what. But trust me Jack, I’ve seen tents so complex to build up I’m surprised they’re not banned from camping gears. Don’t worry we got this, just a little more……” finally I managed to get the starting point out the end of the tent and stick it into the earth as well.  “There we go. Now for the tacks to make sure they stay down.”
I jogged back over to where I had the bag and pulled out the tacks as well as the mini-mallet that came with it.  After setting each tack down, I told Jack to get the rain roof to go on top of the tent just in case it rained (there was a chance in the next couple of days but it’s better to get it out now rather than later).
He went back to the tent back and pulled the tarp-like roof from the bag and together we worked to maneuver around the tent to place the rain-proof roof on top of the tent.  Once it was one, we stepped back and we wrapped an arm around each other and I said.
“We did it babe. Our home for the next week.”
“I can’t wait to sleep in it. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like sleeping in a tent after you showed me that camping episode from your favorite childhood show.”
“Well let’s get the sleeping bags and all the other stuff inside and you can see for yourself.” We walked over and grabbed the sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and our backpacks.  I unzipped the circular door and once the flaps came down I bowed and said.  “Right this way good sir.”
“Thank you.” He said with a bow of his head before getting in with me following suit.
Some would call it overboard since this tent is said to fit five people but I wanted Jack to have the full experience of being in a tent.  And just seeing his face in full awe as he looked around.
“It’s almost like being in a cave. And not like those Wendigo ones either.” I nodded.
“It’s got where it counts. But if it’s too much I can send this back and just get a two person one.”
“No please don’t. I love it. Very spacious, plenty of space for all our stuff. But can also be intimate for snuggling together.” Jack said as he came up close to me, wrapping his arms around me.  I smiled as he buried his face into my neck.
“Okay sweetie, let’s find a spot in this cave of ours to put our sleeping bags at.” We crawled through the tent and decided that our bags could be spread out in the middle of the tent.  Our backpacks could go right up at the wall where our heads would be.  We set the backpacks down before unrolling our sleeping bags and placing down our pillows and blankets.
“So what shall we do first?” Jack asked me with a smile as he padded his pillow.
“Well there’s a few things I’d like to get at the lodge like firewood and see if there’s any icebags they sell. I know our cooler is basically a thermos but you can’t be too careful especially with as long as we’re staying.”
“Okay so firewood and ice. Then what do you want to do?”
“This camping trip isn’t just about me sweetie. This is your first camping trip, what do you want to do?” I took his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
“Can we go hiking?”
“Then hiking it is. Maybe we’ll even see some wild animals while we’re out and about.” He smiled and I could almost see my sweet baby boy bouncing on his knees.  “Now let me see, the lodge from our campsite is about how far?” I said as I took out the map from my pocket.  “Okay so we’re here,” I said pointing to our spot, “And the lodge is….” I trailed my finger upward until I saw the main lodge. “Oh sweet we don’t even have to walk very far. It’s just out of this reserved area and up a forest hill track and boom we’re there.”
“You seemed to have gotten us a lucky spot. You sure you didn’t check ahead of time?” Jack teased.
“Babe I swear, this was the only camping spot available at the time I was making the reservation.” Jack looked at me with a playful skeptical look but let it go.  “Okay go ahead doubt me, but they don’t call me (Y/n) ‘Lucky-shot’ Winchester for nothing.”
“Who calls you that?”
“Me. I do. And Charlie, and Jody, and the rest of the girls of the Wayward sisters. Dean calls it dumb luck but I have saved his ass more times than I can count. Plus some of my luck must’ve bounced off of them, with as many times as my brothers get knocked out. I’m surprised they still remember their own names.”
“They do get knocked out quite a bit.” Jack agreed.
Once we got our backpacks packed with just enough stuff for the hike, Jack had decided to come up with me to get the firewood as well as see if there was an ice-dispenser up at the lodge.  After finding and purchasing a couple bags of firewood, we headed back to our campsite and Jack placed the two bags of firewood near the car while I opened up my bag and we began to place the wood into the firepit.
“When it gets dark, we can start the fire. They’ll be fine sitting in the firepit for a while. So shall we begin your first ever hike?”
“I hope I packed everything right. I triple-quadruple checked just like you told me.”
“Good boy. Oh before I forget, here.” I reached into my pack and pulled out a bag that contained some whistles and got two of them out.  “Put this around your neck.” I handed him the yellow whistle while I took the blue one.
“What do we need whistles for?”
“Well we can’t risk you using your powers in front of other people and freaking them out. So in the event if one of us gets lost, stay where you are, hug a tree and blow your whistle.”
“Okay I understand.” I patted his shoulder as he hung his whistle around his neck.  “Can we go now?” he said bouncing on his feet.
“Yes sweetie we can. Follow me first time camper.” I walked ahead with Jack walking close behind me and we proceeded towards the hiking trail.
Throughout our hike we would stop to take pictures of some beautiful landscapes, tightrope across logs, and even got to see a few animals. Like this one point in the hike we came across a cute rabbit.  Normally when a rabbit sees you, it wants to run but this rabbit as soon as it saw Jack, it got curious.
It hopped over to him and allowed Jack to reach out with his hand and gave him a sniff.  It even allowed Jack to stroke it’s back before taking off back into the woods.  Of course using my phone with it on silence, I snapped some good pictures of the encounter and promised to have those developed when we got home.
We even met up with some other hikers and found a special lodge where we could observe the local bears from a safe distance using binoculars.  And along the walls of the lodge were paintings as well as facts about bears that the kids could read.  And bless his heart, he shared with me all the facts he never knew about bears (even though I knew about most of them but I didn’t have the heart to stop him. He’s like a puppy).
For the rest of the day we hiked, had lunch, took photos and even talked with some other hikers until it started to get dark so Jack and I decided to head back to our camp for some supper as well as introduce him to the King of all camp snacks, S’mores.
We got back to camp and I started the fire while Jack got out the hotdogs, ramen, and smores stuff.  We ate our supper and just as it was starting to get darker, I thought it was now time for Jack to try his very first smore.
“Okay Jack, the perfect way to make a smore is this.” I said gathering the smore supplies.  “First you take the graham, and then you break apart a piece of chocolate. Then you stick the chocolate on the graham.” I said demonstrating the process, “then you roast the ‘mallow.” I said sticking my poker with the marshmallow into the firepit until it was burnt to a crisp. “Once it’s nice and crispy, you stick the mallow onto of the chocolate, then you take the other graham and smoosh it together. And last and certainly my favorite part.” I took a big bite before telling him with my cheeks stuffed with melted marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers, “You stuff yourself!”
“I’ve always wanted to ask, why are they called that? Smores?”
“Because you always want some more.” He laughed at the corny joke.  “babe I swear, you’ll find out that it ain’t just a joke. Go on.” I handed him his poker as well as the marshmallow bag.
He did as I told him in the exact order it needed to be done but just before he took that first bite I told him to wait as I got my phone out and went to my camera and switched it to video.
“Trust me, I’m gonna wanna keep this. Okay take a bite now.” I said as I pressed the record button.  He lifted the smore to his mouth and took that first bite. Already his marshmallow oozing down his fingers as he tried to take in as much as he could without over stuffing his mouth.
I watched as his eyes widened and he let out a loud moan as he threw his head back.
“Didn’t I tell you? Makes you want to stuff like 10 of them after you eat your first smore.”
“This is…..” he chewed it up more before finally swallowing it and he continued, “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“Even better than nougat?” I asked exasperatedly.
“You know nothing will ever take the place of nougat in my heart.”
“Damn and I thought I could convert you.” I said stopping the recording.
“Sorry sweetheart. I wonder what a smore would taste like with nougat.”
“You keep that blasphemous excuse of chocolate away from the sacred smores! They are made with Hershey’s milk chocolate bars and they shall stay that way!” I said defending my precious smores honor.
“I still don’t see why you hate nougat so much?”
“I told you it’s a disgusting, excuse of a chocolate bar! They make it look like a chocolate bar but they got in stuff that shouldn’t go together BLECH!!” Jack rolled his eyes.
“One day I’ll convert you to appreciate my lovely nougats.”
“The day that happens is the day that Rowena allows Hell for freeze over.” We continued to snack on the smores until we were stuffed and we decided that now would be a good time to shut ourselves in the tent for the night.
We safely disposed of the trash and put the food in the spare cooler and I locked it up tight so that no bears would come by. Jack doused the fire and I turned on the lantern as we entered inside the tent.  I hung the lantern on the little hook just above our heads and we got our sleeping bags ready for the night.
“Hey (Y/n).”
“Yes Jack?” I asked as I was spreading out my two fleece blankets over my sleeping bag.
“Guess what this is.” I turned towards him and saw him making shadow puppets using the lantern above us.  It was a long serpent like creature but it wasn’t a snake.
“A Chinese water dragon?”
“Right! Now you do one.”
“Okay but be warned I’m nowhere as good as you.” I clasped my hands together and raised up my right index and tall finger and bent them a bit for the antlers.  With the rest of my fingers I molded the face and nose and asked him, “Any guesses?”
“Those things on top are they—horns?”
“Oh no wait they’re antlers. Is it a deer?”
“Sure is.”
“Okay, okay my turn again. Umm…..Oh I got it! You won’t be able to get this.” I saw the silhouette of what almost looked like a musk ox but I knew it wasn’t.
For one it was even bulkier than the ones I’ve seen online, and the horns on it were way too long and swirled inward too much. I knew there was no way this was a ram due to its large size.  Until it finally hit me.
“Oh I know exactly what this is!”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do. What you don’t think I know a Tusken raider’s mighty steed the Bantha?”
“You’re good.” I shrugged cockily.
“Gave you your Star Wars knowledge, remember you must my young padawan.” I said in my best worst Yoda impression.  He laughed as he brought me in close to him, our hands intertwining with each other’s while his free arm stroked patterns on my lower back and my free hand rested on his knee.
We looked into each other’s eyes and I could feel my heart racing faster the longer I looked into his innocent yet striking blueish-green eyes.  He raised our intertwined hands up and placed my palm against his cheek before covering it with his own.
“(Y/n) I—I love you.”
“I love you too Jack.”
“No I mean. I like, really, really love you. So much so that I think I…..” I noticed how his adam’s apple slightly bounced as he swallowed anxiously and his jaw went tense as he turned away from me. In fact I could just see the poor boy tensing up.
“Jack, Jack look at me.” He hesitated but he turned his head back to face me.  I moved my hand to his jawline and stroked it gingerly.  “You know you can tell me anything right?” he nodded.
“I just……don’t want to scare you away.”
“Why would I be scared? Jack remember what we promised each other when we first started dating?”
“No keeping secrets like my brothers.” Jack repeated.
“Exactly. So c’mon out with it babe. What’s on your mind?”
“I…..” he sighed deeply but took another deep breath before saying. “As I said before, I really, really love you. And I know we talked about how far we want this relationship to go and you told me how when the time is right, we could—take things to the next step and……I want to do that.”
Oh……wow that’s—that is definitely something that should not be kept inside.  I mean we have been dating for the past 3 years now after 6 years of knowing each other. And yeah he’s not the only pure-white virgin of the team (I still got the dragon scar to prove that).
“Wow. Okay that—”
“I probably made things awkward now, didn’t I?” he groaned as he scooted away from me pacing around the tent.  “I’m such an idiot! Why did I have to open my big mouth and say that?! I—” I stopped him by grabbing his biceps and interrupted his ranting.
“Hey! Hey Jack! Jack!” he stopped to look at me. “To say I’m surprised that that is what you had buzzing around your brain for is a lot to take in. But I’m glad you told me. And I think we should sit down and talk so you hear what I have to say now.” He nodded nervously as we came back to our sleeping bags, the two of us sitting across from one another.
I took his hands and gave them a soft squeeze before starting.
“Jack. These past several years of knowing you have been—the best in my life. I have never felt this type of love towards any other guy. Now you know that I’m a virgin too right?”
“Yes that was the first thing you told me because you were worried I’d break up with you because you didn’t have experience.” My face flushed as I cleared my throat.
“Yeah because most guys prefer experiences and one night stands rather than taking care of their girl afterwards. But anyways the point is, with you—I felt like I was getting the perfect guy. Cute, brave, loyal, kind, funny, protective but not possessive, well-mannered. Some days I couldn’t believe just shortly after we began dating that you were real.”
“I care about you (Y/n).”
“And I care about you Jack. Which is why I think—no I know that I’m ready too.” His eyes slowly went wide.
“You—you are?”
“Yeah. Going on this camping trip without my brothers constant helicoptering or even Cas suddenly popping up before us, the fun we both had together and showing you what it meant to go on a camping trip I—I feel like I’m ready to take the next step, so long as you were.”
“Because consent goes both ways.” Jack said.
“Exactly. But there is one thing I am concerned about.” He tilted his head like a puppy before asking me.
“Well we’re in a public campground. And yes although we have our private section we’re not entirely alone. Plus the rangers do their nightly patrol to make sure no troublemakers are out and about. And from what I remembering hearing all those girls with Dean. Don’t ask! I uhh—”
“I can take care of that.” This time I tilted my head and looked at him questioningly.  Of course I knew nephilims are powerful beings but what can we do that’ll not get us kicked out or worse scarring an innocent child?
His eyes glowed their sunshine gold for a few seconds before they phased back to his normal eye color.
“No one should bother us now. Whatever we do in this tent won’t be heard on the outside.”
“You made this tent sound-proof?”
“Yeah. Watch.” He then let out his angelic-like scream which sounded like a boat horn times 20.  I covered my ears until he stopped and he gestured for me to look outside the tent.  I went over to the door, unzipped it and peeked out and saw that no one had woken up, or started asking just what that unholy scream was.  I zipped the door backup and said.
“Wow. You never cease to amaze me.” He cutely shrugged as I sat back down in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck. “So….shall we get busy?” I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I would—like that. What do we uhh do first?”
“Well typically it’s best to get warmed up first before we get to the final stretch.”
“Warmed up? What you mean like exercise?” I giggled as I shook my head.
“No babe. I mean like making out. Touching each other, that kinda stuff.”
“So like what we normally do when your brothers aren’t around?”
“I already know some of the things you like, will that help?”
“Yeah. So—you ready Jack?” he nodded as I slowly leaned in and captured his lips with mine.
I felt his hands come up to cup my jawline as our kissed slowly deepened.  Our tongues coming together for a slow, passionate dance as I felt myself slowly being lowered down onto our sleeping bags and blankets.  After the need for air became too much, we separated from each other but our noses softly grazed against the other’s as our breaths danced across the other’s face.
“Can I take your shirt off?” he asked me.
“So long as I get to take yours off.” He nodded and I was the first to remove his shirt before he lifted mine off.  As soon as my bare upperbody (minus the bra I had on) was exposed to him, Jack almost seemed entranced.  He stroked through all the scars I’ve gotten over the years from various cases and points in my life.
“Did they hurt?” he said stroking the dragon scar I got when I was 14 years old.
“That one did for a while, others it just depended on how deep or dangerous the creature was.”
“It’s like a painting. Like connect the dots but with scars.” He said as he slowly traced over each scar then began connecting them into various shapes and patterns.  “Like the constellations in the night sky.” I felt tears in my eyes and even felt one slid down my face.  Before I could catch it, Jack’s thumb gingerly wiped it away as he hovered over me.
He once again captured my lips as his hands slowly trailed down to my chest just short of my bra.  I separated from his lips and whispered to him.
“Put your hands on me Jack.” He kissed my lips again as his hands were now on top of my boobs.  Gently and affectionately groping them through the bra which sent shivers down my spine.  I let out a soft moan as his lips moved from my mouth to the side of my neck.
I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his frame and felt his lips kiss, nip and lick at my neck.  I gasped as he got a favorite weak spot of mine. Arching my back I reached behind and unhooked my bra exposing my bare breasts to the cool air but they were soon encompassed by Jack’s hands.
“They’re soft.” I heard him whisper in my neck.
“Would you like to kiss them Jack?”
“Is that what you want?” I nodded.  He kissed my shoulder before moving across my collar bone.  Slowly with each kiss he went lower and lower until he came to my right breast and began kissing it.
My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I stretched my arms out and gripped my pillow so tightly I could feel my nails through the sheets.  Jesus no wonder why those girls were always moaning in Dean’s room if this is what it feels like.  His lips soon encompassed my right nipple and I felt him gently suck on it which caused me to wrap my hands over his head to keep him there.  Stroking and even slightly pulling on his golden locks which caused him to moan.
And hearing him moan while he sucked on my nipple sent a pleasurable feeling down to my lower region.  After a few seconds he released my nipple before looking back up at me.  I adjusted our position so that I was now on top of him and began kissing his neck.
He let out a few choked gasps as I kissed lower down towards his chest before coming back up again.  His arms wrapped around me tightly as I nipped at the junction on the left side of where his neck and shoulder met.  After leaving a fairly nice little hickey I knew would form there, Jack and I stared at each other’s eyes once again panting softly.
“So we uhh—” he asked.
“If you wish to continue. Yeah we-we can.” I said clearing my throat as I was still slightly dizzy from the pleasure that had made me blind for a moment back there.
“Do I or do you remove our umm…..”
“It doesn’t matter, I guess I could do it if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah. I trust you (Y/n).” I softly smiled and gently pecked his lips before I placed my hands at the rim of his sleep pants and looked at him one last time.
“You ready?” I asked him.  He nodded giving me consent before I reached in to not only grab his sleep pants but also his boxers as I slowly scooted them off his surprisingly silky-smooth legs.  Once they were off, I then reached for my own pants and underwear and slowly removed them until we were as naked as told in the tale of Adam and Eve.
“So I—guess I just….put it inside you?” he asked me.  “How do I know if I—”
“I think we’ll cross that bridge once we get there. Just….be gentle, okay?” he stroked a strand of hair out of my face.
“Always.” He pecked my lips once more before having me return on the bottom while he resumed his position on top of me.  Our foreheads pressed together as he leaned down and kissed me and I felt him enter inside me.
I let out a hiss of pain and let out a painful groan, he stopped and looked down at me concerned.
“Should we stop? I’m hurting you aren’t I? I swear I’m not trying to it’s just….”
“I know Jack. Just…..let me get adjusted. Keep still for a moment.” I eased his anxiety by cupping his face into my hands. He nodded and kept still as I told him while I got used to feeling him inside of me.  I took a few deep breaths before telling him, “Okay I’m ready.”
“You sure?” I nodded.  He slowly pushed further inside of me kissing my neck any time I groaned or hissed in pain.  His hands gently massaged my back and hips as he applied the right pressure to get my muscles to relax with each push he did.
Once we got pass the painful stage of the first time, there suddenly came a wave of pleasure as Jack slowly began pumping himself in and out of me.  My mouth opened in an O shape as I gasped and grunted and Jack did the same as he kept thrusting in and out.
“Oh Jesus! Oh Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Holy shit that fee-Ahh!”
“I know. It……it’s good for…..me too.” He said through his grunts.  We wrapped our arms around the other as we feverishly and passionately kissed each other. Our tongues dancing a sloppy dance as Jack continued to hit all the right spots.
“I—I’m gonna…..please Jack. Let us cum together!”
“Is-is that what—what that feeling is? Cause I UGH! I want to cum too.”
“Let us go—toge—together.” He nodded as he picked up the pace and our grunts and howls mixed in together until finally we came together.  Jack collapsed on top of me, his head resting on my shoulder while I kept my arms wrapped around him stroking through his hair.
He looked into my eyes as I felt him trembling under my fingers.  The small bangs on his head clung onto his forehead as small beads of sweat sat upon his brow.
“You’re trembling.” I whispered.
“I’ll be fine. Are you okay?”
“That was…..the second best thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.”
“What was the first?”
“Getting you into Star Wars.” We softly chuckled as I placed my hand on the back of his head, leaned it down so that I could kiss his forehead and he rested his head on my bare chest.
“Is this what it feels like afterwards? I think Dean called it afterglow.” Jack asked me.
“More or less. But it’s even better than I could imagine.” I felt Jack cuddle into my sternum and even giving my collarbone a soft kiss.
“You—don’t think your brothers are gonna find out about this, do you?”
“If they do, I’ll handle it. I’m not a little girl anymore so I can do whatever I want.” I kissed the crown of his head. “Hey get this,” he looked up at me, “Tomorrow at the lodge they’re having fantasy movie night and can you guess what they’re showing?”
“Star Wars?” I nodded. “Can we go see it? Can we, please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”
“Now how can I say no to this adorable face.” I said as I cupped his cheek.  We got back on our clothes before cuddling into our sleeping bags and snuggled them close together.  “G’night Jack.”
“Goodnight (Y/n). I—I love you.”
“I love you too baby.” I let out a deep sigh before succumbing to sleep.
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profiterole-reads · 9 months
2023 Favourites
In no particular order. This is content I've read and watched in 2023, not necessarily content released in 2023.
1. Notorious Sorcerer by Davinia Evans: fantasy with some m/m. The protagonist travels to other planes for alchemical ingredients and ends up having to learn greater workings. I love the Byzantine vibe of the worldbuilding.
2. The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai: fantasy with some f/f. Two women, a waterweaver and an earthweaver, join a women's rights movement. I love the Egyptian-inspired worldbuilding.
3. Reforged by Seth Haddon: m/m fantasy. This King/Paladin novel has a surprising plot. The magic system is very original as well, I especially like the music part of it.
4. The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan: urban fantasy with some m/m (YA). The hedgewitch protecting the town teams up with a boy cursed to forget his true love and another one trapped as a bondservant.
5. [Spanish] Lazos de Sangre by LR Jeffers: m/m urban fantasy (erotica). This is a series about werewolves and big cat shifters, usually angsty and hot.
6. [French] Meute by Karine Rennberg: urban fantasy with some m/m + another protagonist is aroace and uses sign language. This is a novel about building your own werewolf pack. I think this is my first time encountering 2nd-person narration in French and it works surprisingly well.
7. Cascade by Rachel A. Rosen: science fantasy with mlm and wlw protagonists + no romance. An ecological disaster has freed magic. In Canada, the Party works with a wizard in order to try and save humanity. I love the intricacies of the plot, which skilfully mixes politics, science and magic.
8. Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell: m/m science fiction. Telepathy, my favourite trope, done by one of my fave authors! It was even better than I expected.
9. The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei: science fiction/murder mystery with several non-binary major characters. 80 people from all around the world embark on a one-way interstellar voyage. As they're all required to get pregnant, they're obviously afab, but several are non-binary, with mentions of a trans man.
10. Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick: f/f romance (YA). This is a very romantic novel about two girls dating in secret until one gets amnesia. I enjoy this trope a lot.
TV shows
1. Good Omens: fantasy with queer protagonists + some f/f. I love the book and I love the adaptation. Season 2 is original content, but it's faithful to the spirit of the novel.
2. Shadow and Bone: fantasy with some m/m (YA). This successfully mixes the Shadow and Bone trilogy (that I haven't read) and the Six of Crows duology (that I have read and enjoyed).
3. Warrior Nun: fantasy with some f/f. Nuns literally fight against demons.
4. The Power: superpower fiction with some f/f + a trans woman and an intersex man. Teenage girls start developing an electrical superpower, which makes them safer from men.
5. Nü Er Hong: GL wuxia. This c-drama is a quick watch, with 27 episodes of 2 minutes. I love that these short webdramas always have more or less the same actresses.
6. The Devil Judge: dystopia/thriller with BL vibes. This k-drama has a tight plot and fascinating characters. There's a girl in a wheelchair and the rep is well done.
7. Naughty Babe: BL romance/murder (attempt) mystery. This Thai drama is the sequel to Cutie Pie, except that they switched up the main pairing and the secondary pairing. I think it's possible to watch it on its own.
8. Wedding Plan: BL + GL romcom. This Thai drama has mlm-wlw solidarity, which I hope to see more of in the future. There are also cameos from the BL couples from Love in the Air.
9. Oh! My Assistant: BL romcom. This hilarious k-drama is about a het porn webtoon creator and his assistant. Despite this topic, the drama is not explicit.
10. Welcome to the Lesbian Bar: GL contemporary fiction. This k-drama is a quick watch, with 5 episodes of 6 minutes. In each episode, 2 customers come have a drink and chat with the owner.
1. Barbie: fantasy that is so gender! This was such a big surprise coming from Hollywood.
2. Nimona: fantasy with a protagonist who is a trans/enby allegory + some m/m (YA). I haven't read the graphic novel, so this was more depressing than I expected (it deals a lot with discrimination), but still an excellent movie.
3. Wingwomen (Voleuses in the original French): action movie with a sapphic protagonist + f/f vibes between the other two. I love heist movies all about women.
4. Kill Bok-soon: action movie with some f/f. This Korean movie has interesting cinematography. Note that it's very violent, though.
5. Red, White & Royal Blue: m/m romcom. I love the book and I love the adaptation.
6. Anything's Possible: m/f romance with a trans female protagonist (YA). This is a very positive movie, about love, art and nature.
7. Fanfic: m/m romance with a trans male protagonist (YA). This Polish movie is sometimes dark, sometimes fun.
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evedend · 1 month
Start of my daily log: Day 0 Packing day
Salutations people of the internet, my name is Evedend or Ev for short and I'm a trans dude trying to figure out life. On this blog of mine I'm here to log my daily activity as I navigate moving out and going to college. Today is my last day in my family home and tomorrow I move to my school and bro i am so stressed. I have a list of things I need to pack and I've got a lot done already but it still feels like a lot. Another thing that is pretty helpful is that my boyfriend is also going to the same school I am and he moved in today this morning. He's a runner on the track team and XC team. I'm going to be living in a suite with one of my friends that I graduated high school with so that's also a plus.
Here at my family home ill have to leave my two fish tanks as I'm a hobby fish keeper, my frog Copia, and my dog Clancy. I live with my grandparents and they have been kind enough to offer to take care of my animals while I'm gone. I might post some photos of my fish and frog at some point but I had a surprise yesterday when I saw that one of my fish had kids and had to hurry to add some hides in the tank for the babies. I haven't been able to get a clear photo of any of the babies yet cause my phone camera wont focus.
As for my college major I'm going for a certification for K-12 art teaching. Evedend isn't my actual name but my screen name for this blog; it's actually the name of one of my OC's who I'm currently working on developing right now. I'll try and keep this blog updated with photos of drawings I get done through this semester.
As for hobbies other than art and fish keeping I like to write, learn about true crime, knit, and i also like fishing with my bf and some of our other friends in our local ponds and other fishing spots. One of my biggest interests is music. Oml I love Ghost, Sleep Token, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... etc.
As for actual activities for the day: I woke up, had some coffee with my grandparents, came down to my room and sobbed to Paladin Strait by Twenty One Pilots, went out and got some food, and now I'm here typing out all this.
But anyways that's about it for today :3
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barbwillbrb · 3 months
so what do these two do on their downtime? what kind of future do they picture for themself? or hope for?
Rackal enjoys being active and uses exercise as stress relief (he is very stressed). He will train on his own using a dummy, practicing with Lae’zel or Karlach, or practicing calisthenic exercises. He’ll also take Scratch/Owlbear cub for walks/play fetch and explore the areas surrounding camp. He enjoys nature/wildlife, and likes to collect things during the adventure that he finds interesting/he thinks his mom/companions would like. You’ll also find him frequently tending to the camp’s weaponry/armor alongside Lae’zel, and if Wyll’s “Gale doesn’t know what a vegetable is” comment is true he is definitely assisting with cooking because he is not getting poisoned again.
Clairice enjoys playing music and will be off on her own writing songs/working with her lute, typically perched near/on a tree. She likes climbing trees (or anything that she can scramble up) and you’ll typically find her perched up somewhere with her instruments and a bottle of some ale. She also enjoys playing sleight of hand games with the other companions, namely Astarion (she’s really good around card tricks). Astarion is also teaching her how to sew so she can add cool trinkets/feathers to her hat/showcoat.
Goddamn this is a tough one.
At the start of the game/prior to the Nautiloid, I really think Rackal honestly believes he will die in a few, likely to some mission gone wrong just like how he lost Meirin. Truthfully, he’s trying to find purpose/something to believe in again after really losing faith in “institutionalized forms of justice,” like the Fists and even to some extent being a paladin. I think being on a team of companions struggling to also do the right thing helps him refocus, and by the end of the game he is sure in himself/ability to do good. I think he would end up joining the Baldur’s Gate sect of the Harper’s post-return from Avernus with Karlach/Wyll.
On a more personal note, he would ideally like to find someone to share his life with; he misses that connection and is fucking lonely.
Clairice, meanwhile, is struggling with a case of “I thought I knew what I want but turns out I was wrong and I am really trying not to think about it too much.” She very much did not want the heroes life, finding the tales she grew up with talking about the glory of adventure and standing up for the innocent always tend to forget to mention the actual costs to the hero. She’s been living life to her own means, and ignoring the clawing feeling at her chest that she’s missing something.
She’d been with the Guild and was Keene’s right hand/lover for many years, but over the past year their relationship began to get more tense as things in the Baldur’s Gate underground got even more shady as the Zhentarim’s moments became stranger. Keene was looking to make an official stand against them/seek ways for the Guild to begin sussing out this growing problem, while Clairice was firmly on the side of “we’re staying the fuck back.” It ultimately led to Clairice leaving the Guild/Keene, and she’s been on her own for a couple of months prior to the start of the game.
Ultimately: she’s fucking scared. She sees very clearly that there is something on the horizon but acknowledging it fully isn’t something she can do right away, so she is focused very much on protecting her own. Her major struggle is overcoming her cowardice to take an actual stand for what she believes in.
Prior to the game, becoming the Sword Coast’s best thief would have been her ideal dream, maybe holing up in some fancy apartment someday to live off her riches. Now, she’s pretty settled on the idea of becoming a badass folk hero/continuing to adventure/do good (with a sprinkle of chaos). Still wants those riches/high rise apartment tho.
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xproskeith · 3 months
Clancy/Persona Awakening Crossover Ficlet
This takes the main concept from the Persona video game series regarding Personas and fuses it with the Twenty One Pilots lore, specifically right at the end of the Paladin Strait music video. I also try to get in what I imagine Clancy's headspace during that moment and moments leading up to it. In fact, that became a very large part of this ficlet with the persona bit being most minimal. So even if you're not interested in the persona aspect, you might find the majority of this intriguing. So, without any further ado, here we go:
Clancy was determined. He was going to find Nico and defeat him and the rest of the bishops. He was going to break the cycle. He had no problem using the power he'd been granted to swiftly handle the 7 other bishops. He was ready for Nico.
Or so he thought. When Nico burst through that door, Clancy froze. And then Nico's cold hands were around his neck. It happened so fast. Did Nico really move that fast? Or did it only seem that way because he froze when he finally saw Nico? Clancy couldn't be sure and in the end the answer didn't change anything anyway. Clancy closed his eyes, trying to gather himself and what he would do next. What he COULD do next. Then Nico began to speak, his monotone voice distorted and as cold as ice.
"So few..."
Memories of the banditos getting ready at the basecamp flooded Clancy's mind. Before the attack. There were so few compared to what they would be facing. Yet, they were all so resolved. They believed. In the cause, in the Torchbearer, and in Clancy. But there were still so few...
"So proud..."
Clancy's mind drifted to the Torchbearer. His first time seeing him after his escape. When he rescued Clancy from DEMA. All the times he fervently told him about the Banditos and the cause. How he stood there looking at him so proudly when they reunited at the fire back in Trench after his long journey. He was so proud. Of the cause, of the Banditos, and, for some reason Clancy still didn't understand, the Torchbearer was proud of him as well. He believed in him. But this is where Clancy found himself now... Clancy felt the antlers slip from his hands.
"So... Emotional..."
To Clancy's own surprise, he thought of himself in this moment. He thought back to the surges of emotion that spurred him to first try and escape DEMA and of the journal entries and letters he wrote. He remembered being enflamed by the Torchbearer's words and his cause. More so than even the other Banditos. His desire to defeat the bishops and Nico. Yet all he could feel in this moment was fear and despair.
"Hello, Clancy."
It felt like Nico's hands tightened around Clancy's neck. What was he going to do? He'd already released the antlers. He couldn't use the power he'd been granted. Nico had him. Clancy thought he'd been ready, but he wasn't. He froze. And now his chance was gone. It was over.
His eyes still closed, and lost in a sea of his own fear and anxiety, Clancy's mind found respite when it drifted to the memory of him and the Torchbearer's reunion.
"You're finally ready," said the Torchbearer, handing him the mask. "I knew you'd push on through and make it back safely."
Clancy looked at The Torchbearer, somewhat confused as reality kicked in.
"You were never there?" asked Clancy, not fully comprehending what was going on.
The Torchbearer smiled warmly and reassuringly at Clancy and said, "I told you I'd always be by your side going forward. Even if I can't be there physically, I'll still be there. I'll always help guide you like I did this whole time."
"But you couldn't physically get to me until now?"
"Unfortunately, no. After the bishops recaptured you again with their plans to use you, they made it impossible to get to you physically. But I was still able to project myself to you and with a little help from Keons, I was able to help guide you out."
"I see. Well, thank you. But how are you so sure I'm ready to face them now? I just barely escaped and made it back here."
A grin spread across The Torchbearer's face. "You may not fully realize it, but you're ready. You've changed and I've borne witness to it. You were able to harness the same power as the bishops, sure, but the most important part has been that change in YOU."
"I guess I'll have to take your word for it," said Clancy, laughing nervously.
"Trust me," said The Torchbearer. "When the time comes, you'll be ready and you'll know what to do."
That's right. Clancy couldn't give up. Not yet. He had to find a way out of this. Another way to stand and fight. Clancy had no idea how he was going to do it, but his resolve had never been stronger. Nico thought those words would discourage him, but instead they empowered him by reminding him of everything he was fighting for.
A chill suddenly went down Clancy's spine and a surge of power swelled within him. And then a voice, strong and resolute, echoed in Clancy's mind.
"Ah, so my voice can finally reach you."
Clancy had never heard this voice before, of that he was sure. But it still sounded so... familiar.
"You seek the power to stop Him and the others? To free everyone? To break the cycle?"
"Yes," Clancy found himself replying to the voice. "It's not a matter of want. I will do that."
"I can see your resolve. You mean to achieve this no matter what. You need only realize that the power to do so was inside you all along! For I am thou and thou art I. From this moment forward, I will always be by your side and will bare witness to your story. Now, call my name and release your power!"
Clancy's eyes snapped open, locking with Nico's. Instead of their usual brown, Clancy's eyes were glowing brightly, but it was a different color from seizing. No, Clancy's eyes were a brilliant glowing yellow, as bright as the Banditos wore. Blue energy began to crackle around Clancy and the air chilled.
"Come, Prometheus!" Clancy called out boldly.
Immediately, power surged through Clancy and crackled through the air around him. Nico scowled and jumped backward, releasing Clancy. Just as Nico did so, a towering humanoid figure clad in classic armor and bearing a sword and a torch appeared hovering behind Clancy. Clancy bent down and retrieved the antlers he had dropped. Antlers in hand, Clancy stood back up and locked eyes with Nico once more, his gaze determined and resolved.
"And now, we end this," said Clancy. "For good."
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kazamajun · 7 months
tag people you want to get to know better
got tagged by @scalproie thanks so much!!
tagging: @queenaeducan @nomorecaffeineforyou @novatheastropirate @skyeventide @ladyshandioftheendless and literally anyone who'd like to do this! No obligation to those tagged of course <3
last song: Temple of Love by The Sisters of Mercy
currently watching: Nothing, but I feel like rewatching FMA:B real soon
three ships: Kazjun is taking up the majority of real estate rn, for the other two I'm gonna say griddlehark, and maybe OCs are cheating but my dnd cleric jiǔ húdié and their spouse jiǔ fèng who is an oath of devotion paladin a friend of mine is playing in a strahd campaign have my heart so bad!
favorite color: Every shade of purple is banger but it's #9370DB for me.
currently consuming: Double fisting mint tea and a white monster like the unholy creature I am
first ship: Xena/Gabrielle I think! Xena/Ares I liked too but not as much haha
place of birth: Ireland
current location: Florida tho not for much longer!!
relationship status: Nope
last movie: The Japanese musical version of Dracula where the lead role is played by a woman!! It might actually be my fave fucking adaptation of the story and has changed my brain chemistry
currently working on: SO many WIPs oh my god my libra ass is completely unable to prioritize anything someone please help me budget this my family is dying
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terrac0tta-m0mmy · 6 months
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This is my son everyone, be nice. His name is Courage, and he's my first DnD character that I've gotten to play. The game system is technically a modified Kids on Bikes, but if I classed him in DnD he'd be a bard/paladin multi class.
The setting is like a magical music school (I'm playing with a bunch of music majors) for bards.
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His initial designs and stats. He has no brains, and doesn't like to fight, but can for sure take a hit.
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
24, 25, 30, 31
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
Hmm...easter eggs...well, not many people know this, but in my Our Dining Table fic, when Jiang Yuelou is singing to Keying to soothe her to sleep when she feels ill, he's actually humming/singing Edelweiss from the Sound of Music because that's what my dad used to sing to me when I was little/not feeling well
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
So! When writing (mainly when working on the Killer and Healer rewrite), I will use DeepL Translate (because it is so much better than Google Translate) and Linguanaut because it has the entire Chinese alphabet in pinyin. And sometimes, when I'm working on the Killer and Healer rewrite and my iphone can't pick up the dialogue, I will literally sit and listen to the dialouge/stare at the subtitles to try and figure out how to type the specific character and then type said character/sentence into DeepL (because MangoTV subtitles suck ass and sometimes the english doesn't sound like english grammatically so to have everything flow nicely, I gotta rewrite/re-english the machine translated english). It's a pain in the ass but sometimes you gotta put in the extra work if you want the fic to be good
Also, if I'm doing anything triad/mafia related, I have a wikipedia link saved of a list of the different chinese triad names to use in my fics. I'll also use the DramaWiki website and go to the Chinese actor and actress tab and use names there as OC names
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Yes, actually. I wrote Major Character Death, which is very out of my comfort zone. None of my fic have sad endings but this particular fic, Promise to Keep, does, but that's only because I was actually okay with the show's ending (Chinese Paladin 4). After writing it, I will definitely not be doing it again because it hurt me to write and I was basically crying while writing it so...nope. Never again. But I was happy with it for this fic
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
Oh, I've answered this many times, but honestly, the fic will be as long as the story I want to tell, which can range from like 1K to *checks Killer and Healer rewrite word count* 221K. But yeah. There's no ideal for me. I just write until my brain and my fingers and my heart are like "Aight stop"
questions for fic writers | send me asks
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hawkepockets · 1 year
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Jove they/any 🌩️ blue dragonborn 🌩️ paladin 🌩️ guild artisan
🌩️ multiclass: bard
Jove’s Oath of Ancients is a sacred commitment to affirm life, foster joy, be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES!! A literally sworn optimist, they can come across as risk-happy, blasé, even callous in their dismissal of danger and negativity, but it’s also easy to get swept up in their huge dragonborn muscles and +9 rizz modifier and believe them when they say it’ll all be okay.
They used to be a gifted artisan, but don’t talk about their career or how it ended. Now they’re a paladin errant, wielding their giant glaive and ferocious positivity against the agents of despair. After losing an eye, breaking their wrist and their oath, Jove’s optimism has grown back harder and more gnarled than before, and they tend to defer to their companions for major decisions, not trusting their own judgment anymore.
Romancing Shadowheart Lae’zel. Best friends with Gale. Healer tank.
My first solo playthrough PC, abandoned at Moonrise Towers (for now).
TAG: #oc: jove
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Estis she/her 🌞 gold dwarf 🌞 dream guardian
Ritika Estis was the master metallurgist who taught Jove to work with molten materials, despite their misgivings about being a blue dragonborn without fire breath or resistance. She passed away some years ago in Baldur’s Gate, but Jove’s dream guardian takes her form—whether as a cheap ploy to gain Jove’s trust, or as a genuine echo of their old mentor, they can’t be sure.
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Auntie she/her ◾️ githyanki ▪️wild magic barbarian◾️ The Dark Urge
▪️ multiclass: storm sorcerer
This gith knows nothing about her life before the nautiloid, but since Lae’zel addressed her (and mocked her) like an elder relative she answers to “Auntie.” Lonely, curious, reactive. Center of a Venn diagram between “cigarette mom” and “Frankenstein’s monster.” Looks and fights like a gith, but lacks any cultural context or instincts that would make her feel like one.
Romancing Gale & Minthara.
Second playthrough, the only one I’ve completed.
TAGS: #oc: auntie, #ellie’s fucked up playthrough
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Deadeye & Singer she/her 🏹 human 🏹 rogue/ranger she/her 🪕 halfling 🪕 bard
Auntie’s 2 hirelings. Deadeye was a young hunter, blinded in an accident and then given her sight back by a True Soul… just so she could watch her entire village burn, then have—her killers thought—her eyes put out and closed forever. Singer was a halfling traveling apothecary, killed for refusing to tend to Absolutists and sing for them after the massacre.
Though both women’s presences are cold and diminished and they can only speak with Withers’s vocabulary, traces of their personality remain. Deadeye was playful once, and still has the light step, deft hand, and trace of a wicked smile to prove it. Astarion swears he’s heard her coo and giggle faintly while playing with Scratch at night, long after the party’s living members are asleep. Singer was stern, matronly, and humorless with others, her face only relaxing when she was absorbed in her herbcraft or music making. Auntie gifted her Lihala’s lute, though it hurts to see a bard outlined against the campfire again, quietly picking out the notes of “The Power,” just feet away from the shadow of Alfira’s bloodstain.
Auntie doesn’t know she is a Bhaalspawn, but she feels instinctively that it’s her duty to care for murdered bodies and souls. She knows the names these revanants bore in life (Maddala and Brenna), but doesn’t use them, out of respect for these women’s vengeful echoes being different from the women themselves, and she’s as protective of them as she is of her “real” companions.
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Terpsichore 🐏 she/her 🐏 satyr 🐏 rogue
She sings! She dances! She rams you with her horns!
Like Shadowheart, Terpsichore is on a holy mission for her patron goddess, armed only with her wits, blades, and the memories that her enclave—her Selûnite enclave—considered necessary for her to complete the task she’s been set: a pilgrimage to Moonrise Towers to assassinate an agent of Shar.
One second, she was crossing the Tower’s threshold (or windowsill, in the adept rogue’s case)—the next that she knew, she was being sealed in a pod aboard the nautiloid for processing. Failed. Abandoned. Godless. For now. If she doesn’t salvage this.
Terpsichore was told she’d know her target on sight, but she can’t be sure it isn’t Shadowheart—after all, while wrestling for the chance to kill each other they saw flashes of their own memories in each other’s minds, and Terpsichore feels… a lot… when she lays eyes on this particular enemy. ;-)
Romance: 3 guesses
TAG: #oc: terpsichore
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 2 months
SYR character music part 2 electric boogaloo
Oracles - one of my characters in Athcala, Nyjamir (Nej for short), is a lore bard, but their "performance" is reading oracle cards and telling stories, and the part at the end "Oh, child, one day / One day we'll all fade away / And all we'll have to leave behind / Are the songs of a better time" is really similar how my brother (DM) ended the whole campaign, "That is the end of this story. But as a certain bard knows, there are many more to be told."
These Final Hours - in some regards, this applies to every campaign; it's kind of a last stand song, so I have it on every playlist where the character was in some major battle. but in particular, it's for Daelen Willowbrook, my watchers paladin (was a PC, but is now an NPC in my campaign). I'm not gonna copy any lyrics in because I'd have to copy in the whole song, but pre-campaign, Daelen was the leader of a company of soldiers. there was a rift that opened from the Shadowfell and hordes of Shadow creatures started pouring through. his garrison was the closest, so they held the creatures back for 3 days while waiting for reinforcements before being overrun. his husband took a blow meant for him and was killed in the fight. the majority of Grey Company was captured and taken to the Shadowfell as prisoners of war, Daelen included. they eventually all got out, and Daelen has become a sort of folk hero/legend in Thaloran society. so to me, it's kind of the anthem of Grey Company.
(also I need to find the videos I took when I saw Syr earlier this year so I can send them to you)
OOOOHH you saw them live?? I can only imagine how beautiful an experience that must've been 🥰
Oracles is just lovely, and the sentiment about there always being more stories to be told? It's so hopeful to hear at the end of a great one :')
I have a grand old weakness for stories about characters or small company's holding the line as a last defence. Always fucking gets me. If they succeed, it's the greatest victory they'll ever have. If they fail it's a heartbreaking tragedy of futile hope. I love it so, so much
Also can Daelen hang out with Halthorn one day? I think they'd be very good friends with some shared experiences 👀
I'm gonna keep your last message with the other music recs in my inbox so I can come back to it easily and find more inspiration 😊✨️
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hyperactive-encore · 9 months
Get to know me, 2024
I go by the name Chess here.
My favorite color is yellow because it reminds me of Jane's dress from Tarzan.
My favorite band is The Happy Fits. I saw them live last October (2023)!!
My favorite book is Because You'll Never Meet Me.
I'm a vocal performance and music education major.
I've been learning German on and off my whole life.
I'm currently learning Spanish. (Any resource recommendations or study tips would be awesome!)
My favorite animals are cats.
I've got ADHD.
I think the school system is mighty messed up and needs a dramatic rework to bring them up to modern times.
I worked as a counselor at a sleepaway camp last summer and have many stories.
My favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I always wear my fourth doctor scarf.
I play D&D. My current characters are Aurelia Amélyn (a half-elf bard who's very clearly my first character) and Elodi (a fire genasi paladin with a troubling past that the party hasn't uncovered yet)
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gothyanki · 11 months
4 and 14 for vin'ath!!!
Thank you!
4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
Alone in the wilderness, as far away from major settlements as they can get. People don't always react well to them and they've only had one close relationship post-crèche (that did not end well), so they've become a pretty committed loner - sometimes they team up with other roving adventurers as a paladin-for-hire when a job comes up that can't be done solo, but those are just brief arrangements of convenience. The crèche they grew up in was on a small peninsula that would get cut off from the mainland at high tide, which may be why they developed such a fondness for the sea and water in general. If there's a decently-defensible beach nearby with good cover, you'll probably find them there!
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
Vin is very bad at having hobbies. They think things like weapons practice and training to hone their psionic abilities qualify as relaxation (it counts as downtime as long as you're not actually fighting anyone for real, right?) Despite their best efforts, though, they do have some:
They love swimming - playing in the water is about the only time they feel able to let go and be silly, though not usually in front of other people. They've got a deep love for and curiosity about the world in general, so they enjoy wandering around exploring even when they're not on a mission (and they climb a lot for fun as well as for work - difficult rock walls are interesting puzzles to them). Stargazing is something else they do a lot of, though it makes them feel sad and wistful more than anything else. Finally, they enjoy watching theatre/performance despite having close to zero bardic aptitude of their own! So much of what they learned about the non-githyanki world in that first bewildering year post-crèche came from literature/music/drama (which unfortunately meant a fair amount of it was inaccurate... oops). They don't get to see many plays due to the whole "determined avoider of people" thing, but when the chance does come up, they'll jump on it.
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eggman91 · 8 months
random dnd worldbuliding stuff I quess of the world of edo
ok so I play dnd with my friends for years now and over that time we bulid up our world with random stuff also some wargames play a part and existing stuff but yeah here 5 random things that I got written down in my world book warning I may ramble
5 cult of hastut (made by my brother he play couple of clerics and paladins of this faith)
while the follower of hastut covered in scars and blood rushing into battle like gore mad berserkers, they are the quite opposite of what you think they would be.
They are followers of god of justice, the god of fairness of sacrifice. No one know where the worship began but the legend said it hastut was a mortal man his village had committed some great crime and so the gods punish them But he hastut step up to take all the punishment for his people all all know torture and pain hastut was still standing all his skin gone his eyes burned suffer pain greatly then any other and so he ascended to the pantheon or not .became his own god
his followers ranges form the scars of the free who fight the southern slavers city states of gash freeing the slaves there to the order of broken hand giving shelter and food to the poor in the herzland “a odd sort ain’t a mad and flaying their own skin i don’t how they still live by they they kill slavers so cool by me “ gallo a member of the one anti-slavers groups in gash hilllands
4 cor’Quessir ath swi “‘’king of swing” (made by me as a dm and warlock
A Fae being of sorts a one focus on music partying and having a good time his worship and followers bought many strange things to edo such as jazz swing and other stuff other fashion trend like top hats
(but that a myth the first top hats was made by the Halfling of erdia and it was common for those wearing top hats to be attack by religious fanatics or anti-fae people but that practice stop after marley one of the major naval power government officials and lords start to wear them so that became uncivilized thing)
not hav seen this king of swing himself in ages but his court is still playing the Savoy in his realm the band still popping there was one time a bunch of city goblins who was influenced by the fae king they along with the local ratmen form a family of sorts a criminal family in the city of sunhaven which spread to other cities
3 Olaf murinson (this mostly happen in games of one page rules and this happen the most recently and don’t underestimate dwarf miners they got bombs)
in the fourth age like that of the elves the dwarves was falling many holds and fortress was lost to greenskins the underdark or the underearth was losing to drow and other creatures of the dark and infighting and clan wars was numerous and mirrormere stars was fading the oldest mountain hold the twin peaks was still ruled by a dragon
(fun fact, one of the games actually involve that dragon muratasxa and my player actually help her)
it was not looking good for the dwarves of all kin but in the hold of kelgathgard a thane rose after a battle with the men of the herzland and this thane Olaf murinson of clan blackshovel rose though many things the battle of kegath hold (Pepsi hold) the battle of the ruined house (there was a magic gem of the old elven Phoenix empire and he was able to get it) he united the northern leagues and clans into a new high kingdom which spead to the new holds like the south an across the sea ( fun fact dwarves try to build a navy to fight the eleven one in the secondth age the great stone fleet was quickly erased form the history stones)
reforging the old dwarven kingdom even with the slag or petty dwarves form the Kodar mountains trying heal the rift he basically dwarven, Charlemagne and Aurelian and ( my players did join in those efforts when we played an All dwarf party as a one off but that was happening on a different continent then we normally played) but before Olaf could reclaim the twin peaks he was slayed in battle by undead but his kingdom did not collapse a council of leagues thane and petty kings try to hold it together who knows but the kodar dwarves already left who knows if the kingdom of rock and stone fall again or will it hold?
2 elves yay😕 most like elven falls
Ok so elves start as the first race made by the earthmother or light goddess or elune or whatever they was the first to fight teh shadows of old myth and drove them back to there plane of darkness and these elves was the most of unearthly tall and black eyes but after a time there children became tire to the world and embraced more civilizations naming nature elune or whatever which confused there older kin (like why pray to this earthmother there. Perfectly good tree over there and etc)
these elves would raise as the high elves or ella’quor and rivaling with the dwarves and the left over giants and dragons (which they got there magic form the dragons)but then boom first demon invasion that never destroy them but boom Elrond came and destroyed them destroying the portal gate, whatever that was bringing them into the world( those demons who was left later interbreed and became Teifling and etc)forming his Phoenix empire that would last 300 years
then like the eldar decadence, hedonism, self-righteous end that was the Phoenix empire at it end wizard kings rule and princes fought each other over petty things cults of dark gods like lolth or kahine rose and well then the human migrations happen coming from the north with there serpent ships so like rome they panic there armies was overglorify spearelves and well they turn to magic to stop them…oh shit they got magic too like runes and thennic magic
(thenns was a large cultural group of the humans migrations, mostly settling in the western continent many was with the East there magic a mix of tomb necromancy and runes and minor magics and since there was more shamans then there was wizard kings and minor elven sorcerers well quantity over quality )so they turn to blood Mages and there flesh crafted starting off from the basic gremlin and ogre throw in some capture humans the greenskins was born orcs and goblins of many different breeds along with anthros(breath in wulfen tirgans marleians foxvisn and etc etc )and minor stuff like centaurs they sent them to go fight the human well just like rome that backfired hopefully the oven empire fell apart many fled but many more was slaughtered The Elven groups that survived were divided into two groups, light and dark, which was extremely bias light made up of remained high elves wood elves and snow elves dark made of drow and many many different dark elves groups (also sea elves but those freaks are just jumped up, ancient pirates)
1 infernal and the abyss
What is hell? Where the souls of the Damned are sent? Infernal id just normal dnd hell princess and all etc throw in some seven deadly sins and chaos gods but
The deeper you go, you arrive to the abyss with no demon of a infernal dared to go for they are just the imps compared to what down there true hell laid there abandon all hope who enters there.
any questions?
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profiterole-reads · 2 years
Reforged by Seth Haddon
Reforged by Seth Haddon was awesome! Prime Paladin Balen must protect the new King from arcane fighters and dissident nobles.
The magic system was very original, I especially liked the music part of it. The plot had some surprises, including one that I did not see coming at all. The main characters were highly lovable and I'm curious to learn more about the people of the neighbouring country in the sequel/spin-off that is to come.
There is major m/m.
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panigamermauser · 1 year
Cut stuff thoughts part3
Tav vs Dark Urge. Plus Minsc and Orin stuff.
I already ranted how hollow and non-existent Tav feels compared to Dark Urge or Companion Origins playtrough.
Companions and Durge all have deep story ties to main plot. Tav has zero anything. Like, I get the concept of Tav as blank self-insert, but... it's D&D, and any half-decent DM will find a way to include your backstory in the campaign. I know I am spoiled by my amazing DM who has been DMing since 80s. Still, very few DMs will not use their players' backstories against them! And game writers are our DM in this case.
Yes, you can say you are a [Baldurian] on some occasions, but it never amounts to anything in the game. 
Your character was gone for a month or so, and suddenly they are clueless about city, and not a single soul knows you?
Amnesiac Shadowheart has some things to say about locations. She has graffiti on the wall to mark her existence in the city. Has a quest. 
Astarion comments a lot about locations. Has a quest. 
Karlach was gone for 10+ years. People still remember her. And she is tied with the main story. 
Gale is not a Baldurian, but he still knows a lot about the city and has exclusive content there. 
Jaheira and Minsc has always been part of the city, as they should. 
Wyll is Duke's son, with all that it means for the plot.
Hermit druid of Halsin had cut content that tied him to city plot. It was cut, but at least it was planned, you know? And there's still a chance they will put it back in.
Lae, who is a literal fucking alien,  has more content the city than Tav who supposedly lived there all their lives and was gone for about a month only.
It was said in act1 that it is about ten days of travel between Grove and Baldur's gate in normal circumstances. So I added all the long rests I had to it. It ended up being barely over a month for me.
So why could not Tav (at least the one who consistently chose Baldurian dialogue options) start with a map with all points of interest already marked, at least? They surely would know every major location and at least some stores instead of 'discovering' them by stumbling there. Why no one knows Bard/Performer Tav? Or Folk Hero Tav? Or Noble Tav? Or even criminal Tavs?
We have several quests both with cops and criminal organizations for Criminal to be mentioned.
There are taverns and a music shop where Bard Tav could have gotten 'hey I heard you perform before'.
Noble Tavs could have gotten 'an honor to serve someone of your family' from vendors in Lower City.
There could be banter for Folk Hero with Gur or Hag victims or even Harpers.
Clerics and Paladins Tavs could be recognized in churches.
Even non-Baldurian/Outlander/Hermit Tav could have some background banter with opinions on being in major city.
And yet the best you can get is a generic inspiration point you share with your companions who already have more content than you?
You can kill every single companion on sight, and the game will still care more about them than Tav. They are/were an objective part of the world even if the PC never talked to them.
Even Durge still existed in the world of Tav. You can find their corpse in Orin's bedroom. so everything in Durge's backstory objectively happened. They existed and mattered!
But if you do not play Tav - there's simply no Tav in game's world. And never were. Tbh at this point I want to make Astarion's, Wyll's and Durge's Guardian to be Wysteria. Just so she could exist in the world and be remembered by game characters. Like, they could see a sexy bard perfown and think 'WOULD' at least once.
But apparently Tav was not meant to exist originally. So it explains it.
I wonder what made them decide to implement castrated Durge character as a separate person. I just want to know why, that's all. It is too late to change it now anyways.
I wish they either committed to Tav and Durge being different people and added proper unique content only Tav will see. Or just not bothered with Tav at all. I hate half-assed approach.
If they wanted to avoid spoilers of Durge being Bhaalspawn during early access... Why? First two games had Bhaalspawn main char. Literally no one would be surprised it's Bhaalspawn again. It's the whole fucking THEME of the series.
Also, the second they said on stream that Durge suffers from severe case of homicidal ideations, literally everyone who knew a single thing about Baldur Gates games said 'and here's our Bhaalspawn'. So what was the point in secrecy?
I just want to know _why_ at this point. Hope writers can explain what they were thinking with making worse Durge as a separate char.
And it would make so much more sense that they planned Minsc to be in Act1 too because of it. Like, imagine Minsc comforting Durge. Being an angel to Butler's demon. 
Butler pushes you to commit crimes. Minsc is there going 'Resist! I used to have a friend just like you. It can be done!' That would have been so good!
But ofc it all would be pointless for Tav, who for all gameplay intends and purposes never existed in the world. So I get why they changed it.
And it's a shame. Having Minsc since Act1 would have been wonderful💖
Same goes for Orin's cut content. Imagine her hounding you since act 1. Because she realises she screwed up and her Bhaalsib is still alive.
Also, her vs gith'yanki would have been an amazing story arc overall. Like, Big Bad Three control an illithid elder brain. Which does make gith'yanki their enemies by default.
And it would be even better for players who keep Lae alive (or play gith'Tav!). Like, it would make kidnapping Lae in Act3 so personal! And the amount of psychological torture she could dish out to Lae/gith'Tav by tadpoling the dragon! Would have been so delicious!
Please put this part back in! 🙏
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