#the style and colors are so pretty 🥰
forever-rogue · 2 years
Hi darling 🥰 I love, absolutely love the way you write Eddie and I have an idea for a fic! Maybe reader is Eddie's best friend forever (she has the same style, taste in music, also plays D&D, has tattoos, colorful hair) she is also in love with Eddie, but for some reason she thinks Eddie is attracted to cheerleaders and would never pay attention to her sooo she gets quiet and closed off, she's hurt and sad, she feels not enough but our dear boy finally gets the truth out of her and shows her his love, that she's the only one who really matters to him 🥹 If you are ok with it they have romantic sex but no pressure! Love ya!
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AN | Friends to lovers! Fools in love! Requited pining 🥺🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He had a pretty smile. A really fuckin’ pretty smile. 
It had been one of the first things you’d noticed about him when you met him as an awkward pre-teen. Now it was one of your favorite things about him. Among everything else, but you know, that wasn’t important. Sure, you were in love with Eddie Munson, also known as your best friend, but that was beside the point. Well…maybe it was the whole point. 
But none of that mattered. Because while you were in love with your dorky, funny, and hot best friend, nothing was ever going to change. While you were like him in so many ways, and people always presumed the two of you were dating (to which Eddie liked to remind people that you were platonic with a capital p), you were absolutely not his type. God, it's brutal out here.
No, his type was soft, ultra feminine, pastel pretty girls, bonus points if they were cheerleaders. If you had to sum it down to a singular person, Chrissy Cunningham fit the bill. And, honestly, you couldn’t even blame him. Not only was she pretty, smart, and funny, she was also kind. She’d never had so much as a singular rude thing to say and that made you want to hate her even more. Eddie was infatuated with her and all you were was his best friend. And it fucking sucked.
No matter how hard you tried to get over him, by hooking up with other people, trying to expand your interests to include other people, and even - for just a horrible moment - you’d tried to change yourself to be more his type, it never worked. Your thoughts, feelings - your heart - always went back to him. 
Eventually you’d had enough and decided that it was time to make a change. Even though you knew it would break your heart, you decided that this was the only way you’d ever get over him.
You had to create a divide, to set a distance and boundaries between the two of you. It was going to hurt at first, but that would pass, hopefully, one day and perhaps you’d both be better.
That was the plan in your head anyway…too bad life decided not to play by your little plan.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey sweetheart,” ugh. Your heart cracked at the sound of the sweet pet name he’d always called you. Normally you liked it…normally when you weren’t trying to avoid him. He slid into the seat next to you, elbow on the table as he rested his chin in his hand. You could feel him staring at you before he reached over and delicately twisted a lock of your hair around his pinky, “new color. I like purple, it looks pretty.”
“T-thanks,” you swallowed thickly before staring down at your tray, your appetite slowly disappearing, “did you need something?”
“Umm duh,” he teased, “it’s Friday night, aka movie night, and I am making sure you remember since you’ve been avoiding me like the plague. Which I won’t take personally, unless it continues on.”
“Oh,” you hadn’t forgotten movie night. It had been a tradition for the last five years, but you couldn’t bring yourself to face a night alone with him. You drummed your fingers along the table, “I-I can’t tonight. Sorry, Eddie, I…forgot.”
“You forgot movie night?” his entire face fell and as you shrugged your shoulders and nodded slightly, “but we always…have movie night. How-”
“Look, I’m sorry,” you allowed yourself one little look at the boy before feeling your heart drop. You’d never seen such a sad look on his face before. You grabbed your bag before standing up, “I just forgot, I’m sorry. I…I’ll see you around.”
You were off and out of the cafeteria before he could say anything. You left him sitting there, staring after you with a heartbroken expression. You’d never forgotten, you’d never turned him down before. Not until today anyway.
Eddie decided that he wouldn’t think too much of it. It was only the first time and maybe you really did have something else pressing to do. He wasn’t going to freak out yet; he was sure things would be back to normal order shortly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Except Eddie was wrong. Very wrong.
Not only you had feigned that you’d forgotten movie night, you soon seemed to forget every plan and usual things done with Eddie. Whenever you saw him, you ducked around a corner or walked the other, or hid in the girls’ bathroom. You never answered the phone when he called your house, and never appeared to be home when he stopped by - which he knew was a lie. 
You’d gone from being thick as thieves to slowly drifting apart, and Eddie was scared that he was going to lose you forever. Maybe it was dramatic, but he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it….he’d even wager to say it wasn’t worth living. Call him dramatic, which you only did, but he wasn’t just going to accept you walking out of his life without some sort of answer. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was another afternoon of suffering through the mundane classes at Hawkins High. At least lunch afforded you some to go outside, to breathe and get some fresh air. You were sitting at a small table by yourself, sketchbook open and pencil in hand, but yourself found yourself lacking inspiration. It wasn’t until you looked up and stared off into the distance that you noticed Eddie. A small sigh escaped your lips as you watched him stalk off into his secluded little spot behind the school…with Chrissy in tow. 
The two of them were laughing about something, and that just served to make your blood boil. Why would Eddie even need you when he had pretty, perfect little Chrissy at his beck and call? He wouldn’t….he wouldn’t need you anymore. 
You slammed the sketchbook shut, but not before looking down at what you had mindlessly created. Of course. It was a quick sketch of Eddie, something you’d done a million times before, but today it just served to make the bile rise in your throat. 
This was harder than you ever dreamed it would be. You missed him…you really fucking missed him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You almost jumped when the chair across from you was pulled out. It was a quiet afternoon in the library, and you’d been the only one working in there…until now. You looked up and frowned when you realized it was Eddie. He gave you a small smile before slipping into the seat, “hey.”
“I’m studying,” you pointed to your books as if it wasn’t obvious enough, “do you mind?”
“Are you coming to Hellfire tonight?” you’d skipped out on the last couple of meetings, feeding one of the younger boys some excuse as to why you weren’t able to make it. It seemed to placate them well enough, but Eddie wasn’t buying it. You sighed lightly before shaking your head.
“I can’t,” you lied, “I’ve got this big test I’m studying for, I just don’t have the time.”
“Funny,” he mused thoughtfully, “that’s exactly what you told Dustin last time.”
“I have multiple classes and different tests,” you hissed, “besides, they’re AP classes, which require more work than the same basic pre-calc class you’re taking for the third time.”
And oh. That was a shitty low blow and you both knew it. You hated how it sounded as soon the words left your mouth. You didn’t mean any of it - you were just angry and wanted him to leave you alone and figured that might work. But Eddie, steadfast and sweet Eddie, wasn’t moved. 
“This will be the third meeting in a row you’ve missed,” he whispered, “you know the rules - three missed meetings and you’re out. And rules are rules, even when it’s you.”
“Fine,” you grabbed your books and shoved them into your book bag, “kick me out then, that’s fine. I’ll live.”
Okay, there was absolutely something going on that you weren’t letting on about. Eddie knew you better than that; you’d never just miss Hellfire for no reason and just not care about being kicked out. That was absolutely not you.
“Wait -”
“No,” you hissed through gritted teeth and stalked out of the library. But Eddie wasn’t made. If anything, he was more determined to figure out what was going on. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late but you weren’t sleeping just yet. You couldn’t - your mind was way too loud and incessant for that. Truthfully you hadn't slept well in weeks, but you’d adapted to living under a cloud of tiredness. 
It was the loud tapping at your window that snapped you wide away as you looked up from where your head bent down and stared at a textbook. You had no clue what the noise was, and wondered if you should ignore the sound. But then it came again and you knew that it wouldn’t stop until you examined what was going on. 
“You open the window, or I’ll do it myself,” the voice from outside reached your ears and you quickly pulled the curtains back. There was Eddie Munson, perched on the roof outside your window, ready to open the window himself.
“Eddie,” you decided to take mercy on him and opened it so he could come inside. He landed without any grace on your floor, almost tripped over his own feet, “it’s past midnight! What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see you,” he insisted and you sighed as you sat down on your bed, shaking your head at him. He dropped to his knees in front of you and reached for your hand, which you just pulled away, “what is going on, sweetheart? And don’t lie to me and say it’s nothing. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, and we both know it. I just want to know what I did, so I can fix it, I want to make things better. Please, let me fix it.”
“Eddie,” tears had already pearled up and run down your cheeks. Of course he wanted to make things better, he was still willing to try despite how terrible you’d been to him, “I-I don’t think you can fix it.”
“You don’t know that,” he insisted meekly, “you just have to tell me what it is.”
“It’s you,” you breathed and watched as his face turned into a look of confusion, “you’re the problem. And there’s no way to fix this, not anymore.”
“I’m the problem?” he looked so taken aback, so hurt. He had no clue what he could have done to hurt you or upset you, at least not knowingly. He’d never hurt you; he’d take the pain and brunt a million times over before letting you get hurt, “what do you mean? W-what did I do?”
You wiped at your cheeks with the back of your hand and shook your head before exhaling shakily. You’d already made a fool out of yourself, might as well get it all out there in the open, “I’m in love with you.”
A heavy, thick silence fell over the two of you as he watched you closely and you just sniffled and looked anywhere but at him. He spoke up when he couldn't stand it anymore, “what’s so bad about that?”
“Eddie,” you turned back to him and noticed he had the softest and most gentle of smiles on his face. That just confused you more, “I can’t be your best friend and be so in love with you and watch you fawn over girls and date them and eventually…forget about me.”
“Wait, I’m confused…what do you mean other girls?” 
“Pretty girls, the ones that you like, like Chrissy,” you shrugged and tried to act like your heart wasn’t completely broken, “I saw you with her.”
“I don’t…I don’t like Chrissy,” he confessed as your brows knitted in confusion, “she’s nice and I was with her, to sell her some stuff for a party, and another time for some advice.”
“Everyone likes her…” you shrugged lightly, “you can tell me the truth, that you’re into her and all those other pretty cheerleaders. Besides, what advice could you possibly get from her? It’s fine if you’re into her, Eddie, it just…I don’t think I can be your friend and have to see you with her all the time. Maybe that’s really selfish, but it’s true.”
“Stop, please - just listen to me for a moment. I was asking her about you,” he professed and you looked to find his eyes searching you. Your mouth opened and closed a few times and Eddie took advantage to brush a few rogue locks of hair out of your face, “because you’d been avoiding me and acting like you hate me. I was asking her what I could do to get you to talk to me again.”
“Oh…a-and what did she say?”
“She told me to be honest with you,” it was his turn to breathe shakily, his eyes soft but nervous, “to get it all out there and tell you that I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes snapped to his, positive you hadn’t heard him correctly. There was no way that he said what you had been so desperately wanting to hear for years. This had to be you trying to manifest your dream into reality. He laughed nervously when you didn’t say anything, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What did you say?” your voice was so soft and small as you looked at him nervously, “Eddie?”
“I said I was in love with you,” he plopped onto the floor, sitting in front of you as he waited for you to say something - anything.
“Do you mean it?”
“Yes,” he promised, “of course I do. I’d never lie to you. I…I thought you knew, I thought it was so obvious. And then when you started pushing me away, I got scared. I thought I was going to lose you forever.”
You slid off the bed and flopped onto the floor so you were sitting across from him, your leg resting against yours. You swallowed the lump in your throat before leaning in to him, “I thought I was going to lose you forever too.”
He exhaled through his nose sharply, making a small sound of amusement before looking at you intensely, “so…where does that leave us? If you still don’t want anything to do with me, I can leave. Whatever you’d want, I respect.”
Your silence almost killed him as you seemed to be mulling over something. Every moment seemed to take an eternity as he waited for you to speak. He was braced and ready to leave, figuring you really were done with him.
But then, suddenly and surprising the both of you, you leaned in and kissed him. It wasn’t even a proper kiss, more of a brush of lips, saccharine and shy. You sat back down, your entire face and body flushing with warmth as you looked at him nervously. You found the biggest and most lovesick smile on his face as his bambi eyes softened. 
He reached for you, his hands settling on your waist before he pulled you into his lap. You gasped in surprise at the suddenness of his action, finding yourself face to face with him. He settled a hand on your face, tenderly brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into his touch, sighing softly as the feel of his soft palm and calloused fingertips. 
He leaned in and you couldn't help but wonder what was coming next. Was he going to kiss you and then call it a day? Was he just going to leave? Was he-
Eddie quickly answered your question by kissing you, his hand going from your cheek to tenderly cup your neck. You leaned into his touch and let him take the lead. He didn't stop kissing you until you were dizzied and drunk off his touch. You imagined this so many times, and so many ways, but nothing compared to the real thing.
"I love you," he gently cradled your face in his hands and it felt like he was looking into the depths of your being, into your soul. You wrapped your hands around his wrists and blinked back your tears, “I mean it, sweetheart. It’s always been you. And I’m sorry that I ever did anything to make you like it wasn’t you.”
“It’s been you too,” you whispered softly, causing his cheeks to flush a pretty shade of pink, “always you, Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he sighed softly before kissing you again, “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that, sweetheart. You’ve been my dream girl since we met, you know.”
“That’s a strong way of putting it…” you wanted to hide your warm face, but he wouldn’t let you. He shook his head softly, clearly disagreeing with you.
“But it’s true,” he insisted softly, “can I kiss you again?”
“I don’t ever want you to stop,” you confessed sweetly, causing his heart to practically melt, “I want everything with you, Eddie.”
“Everything,” you promised, taking advantage of his momentary shock to kiss him again. You could feel him smiling against your lips before he kissed along your jaw and down your neck, biting at the delicate skin to leave behind a haze of pretty lavender bruises. You already felt like you’d died and gone to heaven, “Eddie.”
“Can I make love to you?”
“Yes,” you pulled back to your lips and kissed him gently, “please.”
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usergif · 1 year
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HOW TO: Make Animated Neon Text
Hi! No one asked for this tutorial, but this is one of my favorite typography effects as of late — so I thought I'd share how I do it. You can see this effect in the first gif of this *NSYNC Celebrity set and the last gif of this Anthony Bridgerton set. Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop. It's also exclusively in Timeline and uses keyframes for the fading effect seen on the blue text.
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1.1 – Choose a dark scene. This effect looks best contrasted against a dark background. You can definitely do it with a bright background, but just like a neon sign irl, you only turn it on in the dark/at night — so keep that in mind! 
1.2 – Determine the length of your clip. Depending on how much you want your text to flash or fade in, you'll want to make sure you have a scene long enough to also allow the text not to flash — reducing the strain it takes to actually read the text. For reference, my gif is 48 frames.
1.3 – Crop, color, etc. as you would. New to gif-making? Check out my basic tutorial here!
Before we animate anything, get your text and any vectors laid out and formatted exactly as you want them!
2.1 – Finding neon sign fonts. It's easy as going to dafont.com and typing "neon" into the search bar!
2.2 – Fonts I used. Neon Glow by weknow | Neon by Fenotype | Neon Bines by Eknoji Studio
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And to not leave my fellow font hoarders hanging, the font for "tutorial by usergif" is Karla (it's a Google font) 🥰
2.3 – Group your text layers. (Conditional) If you plan on having multiple text layers like I did and you want them to appear connected (like how the last letters of "NEON" and "sign" intersect with the wand icon), I suggest putting the layers into groups according to color (the shortcut to group layers is Command+G). If you don't group your text and just apply the outer glow settings to each individual layer, you'll end up with something like this:
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—where you can see the glow overlap with the line, instead of the smooth connection you see in my final example gif. I'm using 2 colors for my text, so I made a group for red and a group for blue.
2.4 – Apply Outer Glow. Right-click your text layer (or your group if you have several layers) and select "Blending Options" to open the Layer Style menu. Check "Outer Glow" and feel free to play around with the settings until you like the way your text looks!
Your outer glow color should be darker and more vibrant than the color of the text itself. The text should be within the same color family but much brighter and, sometimes, almost white (see Step 2.2 again for my text colors).
Here are the settings for the Red Glow (the glow color is #FF3966) and Blue Glow (#00F0FF):
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These aren't always my exact settings but they're pretty close to my standard. I always set the blend mode to Hard Light and usually have the opacity at 100%.
For every gif I use this effect on, I like to play around with Spread and Size. Spread will make the glow look denser and "expand the boundaries" (source: Adobe) and Size will diffuse the glow and blow it out so it covers a larger area (Adobe says it "Specifies the radius and size of blur").
2.5 – Duplicate your text layer/groups and remove glow. We're only going to be animating the glow on our text, and since doing this affects its opacity/visibility, we want to preserve the base text by creating a duplicate.
I just hit the Command+J shortcut to duplicate my groups and delete the Outer Glow effects, making sure that the "No Glow" version is above the "Glow" version:
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I also put all these groups into one group called "Text" for organization and so I could apply a drop shadow to all the elements for better visibility.
This is for the effect you see on the RED text in my gif!
3.1 – The 0.03-Second Rule If you've read any of my animation tutorials before, you're probably already familiar with this rule. In my experience (and for reasons I can't explain), Video Timeline pauses every 0.03 seconds (try clicking the forward button a few times, you'll probably find a "duplicate" or paused frame). So, keep all your layers a duration of 0.03-second increments (e.g. 0.06 or 0.09 seconds can also work) and align them on the Timeline at 0.03-second intervals. If you don't follow this rule, you'll get duplicate frames when you export, resulting in a choppy final gif.
3.2 – Trim and arrange your text layers. Only on the layers/groups WITH the Outer Glow effect, trim them into several segments of varying lengths where the glow will be "on" (visible) and leaving spaces where the glow should be "off."
Typically, I'll have a mixture of 0.06 and 0.03-second text. That's when the glow will be visible. Between each "flash" of visibility, I've got a 0.03-second blank space, baby *pen clicks* and I'll write your name:
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The layers shown above are arranged with a few flashes and two long segments of no flashing. This is the order and duration of each segment shown above (purple = visible segments):
0.06 blank, 0.06 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.24 visible (the long bit where "FLASHING" doesn't flash at all), 0.03 blank, 0.03 visible, 0.03 blank, 0.12 visible
(I only did this for the text that says "FLASHING" to give it a glitching effect. The other red text keeps the glow visible starting at the first long segment.)
This is for the effect you see on the BLUE text in my gif!
4.1 – Animate using the Opacity Keyframe. Again, we're only touching the layers/groups WITH the glow effect. If you only have one layer of text, you'll find the Opacity Keyframe by clicking the film reel icon:
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If you're working with groups like me, you'll find it in the Timeline panel under the group when it's expanded:
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As you can see, I already added my keyframes (lil diamond babies). And luckily, it's super easy to do!
4.2 – Add the ending Keyframe first. We're starting at the end because our layers/groups are already at 100% opacity. Drag the playhead (the blue arrow attached to the red vertical line) to a spot where you want the glow to be 100% opaque — this is where the glow will be fully "on" or visible. [Again, follow the 0.03-Second Rule. You will get duplicate frames regardless when using keyframes (this will be explained in the note in Phase 5), but abiding to the rule will mitigate the amount of dupes you get.]
Then, click the clock icon by "Opacity" to place a keyframe:
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4.3 – Add the starting Keyframe. Go backward from the ending Keyframe you just placed (I went back 0.12 seconds — but you can play around with the duration of the fade, just keep it a multiple of 0.03):
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And drop another keyframe, this time by clicking the diamond icon by "Opacity":
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4.4 – Reduce the opacity on the starting Keyframe. Keeping that keyframe you just placed selected, go to the layers panel and reduce your layer's/group's opacity to 0%:
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Now, this Outer Glow will slowly fade from 0% to 100% opacity.
And just for a visual aid, here's where my fade-in keyframes are in relation to my flashing segments:
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To refresh your mind, the 0% Opacity Keyframe starts when "FLASHING" is visible for 0.24 seconds (the first long segment of visibility).
With these keyframes, you'll get a smooth fade-in à la ✨light switch with a dimmer✨
Yay, we're finished! Convert from Timeline back to Frames and export your gif!
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NOTE: If you only did the flashing effect and followed my 0.03-Second Rule, you shouldn't have any duplicate gifs. BUT if you included the fade-in effect using keyframes, you WILL have duplicate frames. 'Tis the nature of keyframes. 🤷‍♀️ I had 4 extra frames where the fade-in starts, which I deleted. So, as always, I recommend checking your frames when you convert from Video Timeline back to Frame Animation — and manually delete any duplicate frames.
Sorry this tutorial is so long 🙈 I over-explain so you're not just mechanically copying steps, but understanding the WHY behind each step! Thanks for bearing with me
If you have specific questions about this tutorial, feel free to send a message to usergif and I'll try my best to help! :)
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deansapplepie · 5 months
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Ya look ridiculous (drabble)
A/N: just painted my nails and it came to me. Not exactly what I imagined, but here's a small treat to you. Also, I'm working on chapter 19 of Till THE DEAD do us part. 🥰
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You had just painted your nails, an habit that you had lost along after the outbreak. But now, from time to time you'd make your nails, just to feel a sense of normalcy. It was good to play with the nail polish and all that colors.
And that was what you just did in this moment. You had just painted your nails, beautiful colors of pink and blue, you had to pink nails on each hand, the thumb and the middle, the others a beautiful bright tone of blue. You were happy. Feeling a little like your old self.
You entered the kitchen of the shared home of your found family. They were all reunited for lunch and you arrived all smiley and sat yourself between Maggie and Carol. "Why are you so smiley girl?" The younger one asked you.
" Cause I just did my nails and they look amazing." You said almost shoving yout hands on her face.
"It's pretty and exactly your style." She said gigling at your act. As soon as she said that all the woman on the table asked to see your nails, just as you'd do with your friends back at the old world.
"Ya look ridiculous." You were startled by Daryl's voice. He got up and left the room in all his grumpyness. It didn't surprise you, he was always like that when it was you, but it doesn't mean it hurt any less.
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He pounded into you religiously, your face pushed against a pillow and your ass up high. Your nail polished hands held the covers viciously while the pleasure consumed you.
"Ya've been the whole day teasing me with this little pretty hands of yours, ain't you?" The redneck spoke at your ear his hair and stuble sending tingling sensations from your neck direcf to your over estimuladed cunt. "Was that what you wanted? I know it was... ya know pretty damn well how I love that cute hand of yours."
You meowed. "I knew you'd like it."
Neither of you knew why you continued with the act, but it made things so much more exciting... Sneaking around, fooling around all when you thought nobody was noticing or when there was the risk of getting caught... You two wasn't exactly smooth about it, everyone knew, but they let you two have fun pretending you weren't head over heels for each other.
You did do your nails because you liked and to few a little bit normal, but you also knew how we worshiped anything that had to do with you and how he would secretly tell you how pretty your hands looked with your girlie painted nails. Another thing that you knew was that the simplest thing you did , would make him do you in the most sinful and delicious way.
You still had a long long night ahead of you.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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missuswalker · 1 year
Kyle dating hc's pleaaaaase 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
meow meow meow 🤭🤭
relationship headcannons || kyle broflovski x fem reader
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✮ summary: kyle as your boyfreind ✮ warnings: i was gonna do what i did for the clyde one but changed my mind, so nsfw content, reminder that characters are aged up (i'm too much of a kyle girl to pass up the oppurtunity)
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before ya'll started dating he did your homework for you as a rizz tactic
he thought it would make you want him
turns out you wanted him even before he started doing your homework, so he starts making you do it yourself
but kyle would do anything for you, so if you ask him with that pretty face of yours, he'll do it anyways
ya'll had a long "are we dating are we not phase"
he's been screwed over so many times that he wanted to make sure you were the one
you definitely were
after much convincing from stan and a couple hundred "no balls, you wont"s from cartman, kyle finally asks to be his gee-eff (girlfriend)
over text in your instagram dms
he did it very romantically though
loooooooong paragraph about how much he likes you and wants you to be all his
ends it with "And I know you piss me off sometimes, but I think I could really make us work."
as SOON as you say yes
"Come over. You have my address."
anyways, moving on, he acts like he thinks pet names are cringe, but he can't help but call you that goody goody shit like "angel"
do you hear purring? sorry
anyways, he spoils you to death, like what was in my love language hcs
"oh wow that's so cute" "what color do you want it in" "kyle 😟"
loooves when you wear his boxer shorts around his house, he thinks he's THE man when you do
his mom likes to talk to him about embarrassing things in front of you to mess with him
"hi boobala, your spiderman underwear is fresh out of the dryer 🥰" "ma, that's ikes, get out 😡😡😡😨😰"
when you guys cuddle, he puts his hand up your shirt and rubs your back
he has cold ass hands though
kisses the top of your head all the time
he's like 6'2 so if you're shorter than him he's all like "aww elf 😻😻" when in reality he's just tall
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first time he was suuuuuper sweet and gentle
after that he puts his temper into it
its like theres an earth quake from the bed rocking
ike ain't a snitch though 🤐
he is rough, hoowee
grunts, huffs, groans
all the good shit
probably says some good girl shit at some point
if he's actually upset, he rather you take control
lets you do whatever you want and whimpers
he whines yall
but if cartman pissed him off, its not the same
has you in doggy style and goes WILD
he don't care if you're screaming
yeah he does, when he's finished he STRESSES about sheila
"dude, you were fucking rabid, i'm so fucked 😰😰"
sheila side eyes him at breakfast but doesn't say anything
makes gerald give him the talk
gerald makes randy give him the talk
randy informs him of new positions
someone on wattpad said "jew in the streets, freak in the sheets"
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seventeenreasonswhy · 3 months
SVT Reacts to Seeing Their S/O in Glasses for the First Time 🤓
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~ SFW ~
OT13!Seventeen x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Content: SFW, Fluff!, can be read as established relationships or new relationships, just boys being smitten! 🥰
Author's note: Sweet boys being sweet! They are whipped! This one's for my fellow glasses girls out there. (No affiliation with eyebuydirect, they just had a wide range of frames lol)
You walk out of the bathroom in these frames, with your hair gathered in a lose bun, ready for bed. S.coups is lounging on your bed already, but he has never seen you in glasses before and does a double-take, looking up from his phone. They suit your face so well. It’s like he’s seeing the real shape of your face for the first time. God, she's so cute, he thinks. “You’re so cute,” he hears himself say aloud. You turn to him suddenly, a deep blush spreading across your face at his sudden compliment.
You walk into the coffee shop wearing these, your hair falling in tresses over your cute cream-colored sweater. You looked so relaxed and cute. Jeonghan almost didn’t realize it was you when he saw this cute girl in glasses walk through the door. “Wah, Y/N!” he can’t help but cry out, beaming as you get closer. “You’re so cute!” You tease him about sounding so surprised, but he ignores you and tells you that he loves how you look in your glasses, he thinks you're adorable. He can’t stop smiling and simping as you drink your coffees.
You meet Joshua at the museum wearing these. You were running late and didn’t have time to put in your contacts. You were dressed in a chic turtleneck and grey marbled overcoat. He spotted your high bun right away, and as soon as he saw your glasses he smiled. “I didn’t know you wore glasses,” he said. It’s true, you hadn’t really worn them around him yet. You didn’t prefer them. “You look sexy.” he said softly, and you felt something catch in your chest. maybe you would wear them more often...
As Jun walks by the laundromat, he does a double take. He sees you by chance, sitting at a counter in the window passing the time reading as you waited for your laundry to finish. He was surprised that he recognized you—he had never seen you wearing glasses before. You were concentrating hard on the book you were reading, so you didn’t see him kind of watching you from the sidewalk. You had your hair half up in a messy-but-sexy bun, long strands hanging between you and your book. You chewed on your fingernails as you read. So cute, he thought. He finally enters the laundromat and comes up behind you. You jump a little, but quickly recover and smacking him with your book. “You look cute,” he says, ignoring your playful smack and tucking a strand of your hair away from your face affectionately, making you blush all of the sudden.
You told Hoshi that you would give him a ride home from dance practice, but he almost misses you in the company parking lot because you're wearing glasses he’s never seen you in before. You only need them to drive at night, but you kind of like them. They frame your face really well and draw attention to your pretty eyes and cheekbones. Hoshi is beaming at you as he gets into the passenger seat. “Ah...” he sighs out softly, a wry smile on his face, as if he's wistful he hadn’t seen you in your glasses sooner, “so you wear glasses, ah...” You smirk, glancing at him sideways. He’s obviously admiring your face in these frames. He holds your hand as you drive, continuing to stare at you while you giggle at his blatant simping.
Wonwoo has been waiting for a chance to see you in your glasses! You'd mentioned wearing them sometimes when you got tired of your contacts but you’d only recently found frames that you actually kind of liked. You finally wear them one day, styling them with your favorite oversized sweater and baggy pants, your hair in a high, fluffy ponytail. Needless to say, Wonwoo is! smitten!! He finds the dark frames so cool. You look effortless, your glasses adding some mystique to your already very beautiful aura. Unconsciously, he gets a little clingier with you... “What’s up?” you ask him as he fiddles with the sleeve of your big sweater, standing closer to you than usual. “I like your glasses,” he says, and his low, quiet tone makes your heart stop for a second.
Woozi loves when you wear your cute glasses. He thinks you look so sweet and squishy, for real. He’d be all over you, pinching your cheeks and tickling you. He can’t help it, something about the big wire frames on your cute pouty face with your pink sweatshirt is just so cute. He wants to squeeze you like a plushy stuffed animal.
He finds your trendy glasses particularly well suited to the outfit you’re wearing today. You look so cool. The whole look really aligns with your style: striking and simple. He catches himself staring longer than usual at your bone structure, really appreciating the naturally beautiful shape of your face and the sweetness of your eyes, accented by those simple frames. He is really staring at you, and you playfully push his face away, but he just keeps looking at you. “You’re so pretty,” he says, smiling at you. You can’t bring yourself to meet his overwhelming gaze, but he doesn’t even mind.
Mingyu sees you hunched over your laptop at the kitchen table when he gets home late. You’re wearing glasses as you stare at the screen, your hair up in a messy bun, wearing one of his sweatshirts. You look up at him as he enters the room, happy to see him and for the excuse to take a break from your studying. “I like your glasses,” he says as you wrap your arms around his middle and give him a big, stress-relieving hug. He pulls back to look at you again. “They really suit you.” You thank him and turn to sit back down, but he pulls you close again, still looking at you. “So cute!” he smiles as he slides his palms up to the sides of your face, gently squeezing your cheeks, puffing your lips out into a fish-lipped shape as he gives you a kiss on the forehead. You can only laugh at how over the top he was being over some plain old blue light glasses, lol.
DK was kind of early to your apartment to pick you up for your date. He figured he could just hang out with you as you got ready. but you answered the door with your hair still up, a toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, and glasses on. he reflexively laughed at how cute and frazzled you were, but you cut him off by trying to ask him why he was so early. unfortunately, the toothbrush in your mouth turned your words to mush, only making DK laugh more at how cute you were, following you to the bathroom as you stomped away in a hurry to continue getting ready. he slowly stops laughing but continues to beam at you through the reflection in the bathroom mirror as he leans against the doorframe behind you, watching your face as you continue to brush your teeth and take your hair down. “You look so cute in glasses, y/n” he says, “why don’t you wear them more?” he pretends to pout, like you’ve been keeping this from him on purpose. “I always wear contacts,” you say, flustered at his presence behind you, the way he’s looking at you through the bathroom mirror. you move to take your glasses off, but you feel a hand suddenly grasping at your forearm. “No, leave them on,” he softly whines from behind you, and you almost jump away from him. but he’s holding you. you just hope that he can’t hear your heartbeat, it’s pounding so hard. “Okay,” you say, blushing beet red. DK just keeps hold of your arm, smiling at you as you both head out the door.
You told Seungkwan to pick you up at the office after another long day. He hated to see you overworking yourself so much and brings snacks for the car ride home to cheer you up. You climb in the car, and he notices your new glasses right away. He loves when you wear glasses, he thinks they make you look so sexy and sweet. He keeps stealing glances at you as you vent about your day. As you make your way home, he lets his free hand idly float over to play with your hair, soon rubbing his thumb gently against the side of your cheek. You smile at the touch, grateful that he’s being so loving right now. “I like your glasses,” he says softly, and you blush at his earnestness. “They’re so pretty on you.” You float your hand up to his, cupping it against your face, planting a quick kiss on his palm.
He opens the incoming FaceTime call to a familiar face, but with a new twist – he’s never seen you in your glasses before. “Do you want me to pick something up, I’m at the convenience store right now,” you ask him, looking at the aisles of snacks in front of you. he just watches you as you hold the tiny microphone built into the side of your headphone wire up to your pretty lips. your lips looked even sweeter and more plush contrasted with these frames on your face. “Did you get glasses?” he asks, not answering your question. “Hm? Oh no, I just hardly ever wear them.” “You look good in them,” he says, smirking at you. He looks whipped, you think with a little inward giggle. “Thank youuu,” you smile, ”I’ll get us some ice cream~.”
Sometimes you stop by the practice room when you know Dino is there very late to bring him a snack or to watch his new choreography. Tonight is the first night that you’ve gone to visit him bare-faced and your glasses on though. You usually get a little more dolled up, but you fell behind on all of the tasks you had to get done today and didn’t get around to primping. But, it turns out Dino doesn’t care. In fact he stops the choreo he’s in the middle of after catching a glimpse of you in your cute frames from the corner of his eye. “Wah, I like your glasses,” a big smile plastered on his face. He holds his arms out, reaching for you even as he walks across the practice room toward you. You meet and rub noses with your lightly sweaty boyfriend as he takes you lightly by the forearms, leaning toward you as he thanks you for bringing snacks. He can’t help but touch the frames on your face, taking in your more casual look. “How are you so pretty?” He breathes out, and you lightly smack him for being so candid in front of all the other dancers.
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rick-ety · 4 months
Here’s the first batch of drawings I have done!
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@robygoonn I love him so much you have no idea omg…. He’s a pathetic wet cat in the best way possible and needs SO much more love I swear. One of my favorite interpretations of the narrator I might even say
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@bugenthusiast0 (from discord) I’ve already drawn this guy quite a few times FOR GOOD REASON I might be in love. I love love love him so much please tell him to not eat me 🥺🙏 /silly i do NOT taste good we should cuddle instead
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@an-theduckin these guys were actually so much fun to draw and idk why,, I love how tired Stanley looks btw hehej z
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@unorchido your narrator is so unique and silly I LOVE how stylized he is!! The arrows were really fun to draw, I had a really good time making this guy <3
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@genericusername422 (from discord!) I actually tried drawing him a while back but I totally forgot to finish it,, agh. His HAIRR and I love his robotic markings those are SO cool. Anyways throws him at a wall really hard
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@employee052 YOU KNOW HIM YOU LOVE HIM. VIRGIL MY BABY (old man)…. I’ve definitely been familiar with this guy for a long while, I’m really surprised I didn’t draw him sooner but honestly it was a good thing since I can really do him justice now… though I may need to draw him again in the future..
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@machathecat another really pretty design! I love seeing more animal like designs in characters. I just think his horns are really neat……… 🥰
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@dirtylittlemuffin THEY ARE SO IN LOVE. AAGH I love your Stanley and the little arrow goatee it actually drives me crazy bro.. and this narrator design is really neat to me <3 I love them
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@sketchygoober MY BABYYY I’ve always loved your narrators, they’re so iconic to me.. drawing your characters is always so fun and I LOVE drawing wings!!! Ahhfjriehwkakdkf he is so pretty..
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@bookshopsandtea last not DEFINITELY not least! Your coloring is so soft with them and it’s so so so soooo <€{£{£\¥\ ♥️♥️♥️ interpreting your characters into my style was definitely really cool!
and that’s it for now, but there’s still a lot more to go so don’t worry we’re not done yet ahah. Drawing everyone’s different face shapes and nose shapes and body types and hair styles is really helping my art skills <3 so thank you for the submissions!
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Hello! I'm not really used to leaving requests but, was wondering if it's okay if we have a 1610 miles with a reader who has braces and is kinda struggling with yk the bands they forget to put them on someti or has an occasional lisp that can happ by mere accident and they just feel embarrassed about it?
Thank you! If this is weird or confusing feel free to igno i!
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Him with braces!reader - Miles 1610
A/N: I decided to make this headcannon style cause I think this is such a cute concept!!🥰🥰
• He loves your braces and thinks they suit you so well
• He also finds your lisp very adorable and doesn’t like you to get embarrassed about it.
•He loves your little smile and how your brackets shine.
•When you try to cover up your smile in pictures/selfies he’s quick to catch it and shut it down
“¿Por qué no sonríes mamita, tu tan adorable?”
•You hated when you had braces at first but he’s brought out a new confidence in you to make you feel proud of them.
•You would probably get your bracket and rubberband colors in his spidey colors (black and red) or just colors of his choice.
•He would keep a little reminder in his phone for you to put your rubber bands on. Cause he knows you tend to forget.
There was also an error with the reminder I put “take off your rubber-bands when I meant to add put on so please excuse that!
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• If your parents are busy working and can’t take you to your retightening appointments in time he will definitely be happy to. Helping you pick your new colors and buying you food afterwards!
•He’s very serious about the foods you eat and making sure you follow the rules, so no chewing gum on his watch!
•If your super tired during one of your sleepovers and ready to go to sleep but don’t wanna take out your rubber-bands he will happily do it for you. He loves doing acts of service!
He’s a very supportive boyfriend 🥰🥰🥰
I had a lot more fun writing this than I thought I would!
I’m always writing Miles 42, which don’t get me wrong I love him, but he’s more stoic and hard, atleast that’s how I write him, so I love being a little more fluffy and writing 1610! Thanks for this requests and thanks for reading 💖💖💖💖😁
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nipuni · 1 year
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Weekly photo blog update! Ramble about these and life under the cut 😊
We found this amazing collection of books from 1945 about historical fashion second hand for super cheap! It's illustrated, in color, and in excellent condition, I'm over the moon 🥰 also the antique book fair is back in the city and we can't wait to go visit, I'll probably go next week so I'll share more later! although I really need to stop getting books, I've been out of bookshelf space for months now and they already took over half of the dinning table 😆
This little shop in the photos is where we get spices and dried fruit and it's very pretty so I thought I would share
Today we went out for sushi to one of our favourite places! It's venezuelan-japanese fusion and it's so so good, the drink is papelon con limon and I highly recommend it!
And last are these amazing thrift finds!! The skirt and sweater are perfect aaaaa I'm going to style so many autumn outfits soon after the weird heat wave passes, I can't wait!!
On a more depressing note, yesterday was my father's first birthday since his death a couple of months ago, and I also saw his tomb for the first time, my aunt sent me a picture at the graveyard and it's such a strange sight, seeing his name on a cross on the ground feels unreal. I try not to think about it too much, it's like if I stop running or look back it will catch up with me. We lit a candle last night with Nicolas and talked about him, it's getting easier to remember the good over the bad with time so I'm happy about that 😊
I hope everyone is having a great beginning of autumn!
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darling-stardust · 2 months
Hi there! If you're still taking requests for the color palette game, could I kindly ask for Sparrow with "Omniferous"? Ty! Your style is so pretty!!
Thank you so much for the request and the compliment 🥰 🩷 this pallette was a really fun challenge, honestly, and I had JUST been looking at snapdragons, so this was screaming at me and Sparrow just happens to be my everything 🩷
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A Lark to match ♡
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
Why Cassandra's Moonstone Armor Sucks
*cracks knuckles and dusts off keyboard*
It's time to finally rip this armor to shreds...figuratively because it's indestructible XD
And big shoutout to @whosbex @archivedwoods @th3p0rtalmaker @the-reverse-mermaid @aziraphalesbookkeeper and @majorabbey who all wanted to see this. I thank you all so much for your patience 🥰
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Don't get me wrong there are some elements of this that absolutely work. The blue and black is a wonderful color scheme, especially that blue swirl that goes down and around Cass's body. And the spikes on the shoulders, forearms, and calves looks super cool and gives off a more black rock feel and a very intimidating silhouette. But...that's about all it does right.
1- It doesn't fit Cassandra's sense of style at all
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In all the outfits we can see Cass wear throughout the show, we can very easily get a sense of exactly what her style is. It’s very clear that she dresses conservatively. And especially in armor she values practicality above all else. Her clothing has to serve its respective purpose. And up until season 3 the only revealing thing she wears is her island outfit and even then that’s pretty modest. And the moonstone armor comes along and completely disregards her established sense of style.
2- It undermines the moonstone's capabilities
We get it very explicitly confirmed that the Moonstone made the Dark Kingdom, and made Cass's tower as well. We see the amount of detail it puts into buildings. Even the rocks, the most simple thing it can make, are magically complex enough to know to seek out the Sundrop. And you're telling me that this thing can't make better armor than that?? Nuh uh, no way. I don't buy it. There’s absolutely no reason for the moonstone to provide a skin tight catsuit with a few spikes when we know its power can be much more sturdy and intimidating.
3- It's Chris Sonneburg's fantasies showing through
Those of you who have been in this fandom know the crush that Chris, the director, has on Cass. She's supposedly based on his college crush or something, and from day one he always wanted Cass to be the villain and plan to betray Rapunzel even as far back as the very beginning of the show. And of course, don't you want to see your crush in something hot? Therefore, I'm certain that the retaining of the catsuit was his idea. Because if you look at the moonstone concept art you can see more and more the visual leaning into a catsuit rather than actual armor
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4- It's not at all practical or historically accurate
For reference, THIS is what armor has typically looked like throughout history
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And even in works of fantasy you still have some version or variant of armor like this. Throughout the middle ages you can see just how tanky armor used to be. But as you can see, the moonstone armor looks nothing like that. It doesn't at all look like it could realistically defend a person.
Granted Cass's guard uniform is also kinda form fitting like the moonstone armor, but there’s still protective elements of it. The helmet, the breastplate. You could still believe that that is practical armor. Despite it being indestructible, the moonstone….is not at all practical armor. It doesn't look like it belongs in history or even fantasy. It is so obviously modern it’s almost painful.
5- It makes her disappear.
This is actually something that @moltenhair pointed out a while back that I never realized. There's too much black in there. A lot of the time we see Moonssandra at night and because there's so much black on her armor it makes her fade into the background to the point where she looks like a floating head and hand because the blue is all that really catches your eye about the design. Granted one can make the argument that this could have been done on purpose because taking and using the moonstone isn't actually giving Cass the spotlight she thinks it is but...eh...it's a loose argument.
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Since Reboot Reader works at a thrift store and not just a video store, the yans could see what their interests are outside of TV and movies way easier.
What books do they like? What clothes catch their interest? Is there a style of decor they prefer over others? Is there anything that gives them the ick when it's donated?
It would be super cute if they wore old graphic t-shirts with comic style x-men on it.
Scott, looking at his comic counterpart on Readers laundry: Damn, I look buff as crap.
(I thought a cute nick-name for Reader, since we sometimes call rewind Mocha, would be Coco!)
Reboot Reader is Cocoa, then!
Scott: Wow, um... these are pretty cool holds up a few X-Men shirts
Reader: Oh, yeah, those were donated a few days ago. Have any favorites? You can snag one and I won't tell
Scott: ...
Scott: takes all of them
Reader: ...
Reader: Someone's a fan-
Scott: So, I saw you liked the colors red and brown, so i found this for you! 😍
Scott: holds out a vintage ring with a red gem and a brown gem
Reader: ... Thank you, Scott... puts it on
Scott: 🥰
At night-
Scott: is learning how to make a blanket
Reader: is asleep next to him
Scott: ...
Scott: hugs them, tosses a blanket over the two of them, then turns off the light
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Number Neighbors Pt.5
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist      Series Masterlist!
Word Count: 751
Summary: When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
Nat stared down at her screen in disbelief, not only were the two of you close to each other during the battle of New York but apparently, she had actually met you as well. She wracked her brain through all of the interactions she had with civilians that day but her mind was so preoccupied that she barely paid attention to any of the faces she saved. And that was three years ago.
She ran your number through her database then. 
The coincidence or possible lack thereof was enough to deter her from whatever fantasy she’d begun to create about you. You could be a spy, or hydra, or-
Her laptop dinged with the results but she kept her eyes trained on your message, too afraid to look at the screen and be met with a harsh reality she’s so used to. Every time she’s close to having something nice- something for herself, it all comes crashing down. 
She willed her head to lift, eyes expectant and walls reforming no matter what answer she faced.
You were clear. A small green check mark stares back up at her along with a line of words in italics reading 
No Major or Minor offenses committed
You had a clean record. Instinctively she moved her cursor to the photos option, a habit she picked up from needing to identify targets. It took everything in her not to click on the tab and see what kind of person you were. If you threw a big glittery birthday party every year or if you prefer a quiet celebration. If you were the kind of person to post pictures of your food, or if you had a strange hobby that nobody does anymore. But you weren’t a target. And that very habit is precisely why she shouldn’t know what you looked like. She shouldn’t be texting you at all. She was getting too invested. Too close.
Nat shut her laptop and began changing into her workout clothes. Maybe a three-hour workout would clear her mind of all of this. Of you.
Halfway into her workout, Nat’s phone rings with a notification
She decided to at least try to coerce the interaction out of you
Lucky you, I heard she’s pretty
What was it like meeting her? Did she say anything?
 Woah you a fan or something?
You could say that
Yeah, she was pretty
Which really isn’t fair because she had just been fighting off aliens and she had scratches and stuff but she was still gorgeous
What happened?
-When you met her
She flew down from the sky and picked me
up bridal style and then took me out to dinner
Ha ha.
Does that sound like something she’d do?
Yes. 100%
It really happened to me I swear.
You swear? Really?
Yes 😎
Swear on your duck socks.
This is not fair.
Have you tried giving up?
I heard it’s great for your health.
Well why would I tell a stranger my most traumatic memory?
So maybe she was still a little salty after last night's “stranger” comment.
Point taken.
Is there any way I can make it up to you?
Yes 🥰
You can send me pictures of the front
And back of your credit card 🙂
Any other way?
Copious amounts of groveling?
And how do you expect me to do that exactly?
By sending me very sorry pictures
Of the front and back of your credit card :(
I can send you pictures of someone
else’s credit card?
That’s…concerning and yet SO tempting
I feel like you’d use your FBI privileges to hunt me down 
and arrest me if I did that
No promises ;)
That does sound like a fun time.
A simple apology will do Natalyn
That’s not-
I am sorry for calling us strangers, Y/n
I suppose we’re not strangers since you know the color of
My pajama pants
And your bed sheets 
Yes… And that.
We’re practically at sleepover level besties
Are we?
OkAy strap in for the trauma babes
Grab some popcorn
That’s not a bad idea-
Nope it’s too late here I go-
Y/n is me, I am Y/n ~ Starry
@romanoffsgal @natsxwife @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @moistblobfish 
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Hello! If it’s okay to send in a request, could I possibly request a high school reunion fic with Eddie? Maybe him and the reader who danced around each other in high school but were too shy to confess use this is as their chance to shoot their shot?
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AN | I’ve been thinking about something like this forever and you read my mind! 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
How had fifteen years gone by already? It felt like it was just yesterday that you had graduated from Hawkins High and bid farewell to Hawkins, leaving for college and planning on never going back. But here you were again, back in your hometown, swarming with regrets of coming back. At least this time you knew you were only there for a few days before leaving again. Honestly, if you hadn’t had the option of staying with your cousin for your short visit, you might not have come at all. Even your parents had left once your younger brother had graduated from high school. 
There had been nothing for you in Hawkins while you were there. Well…nothing but the singular person that had caught your eye and kept you intrigued for all the years you’d known him. You wouldn’t even have considered him a friend…more of a crush that you never managed to shake. Eddie Munson had been magnetic and drawn you in like a moth to a flame. The problem was that you’d never spent any time together other than in classes, and the occasional run in around school or Hawkins. 
If you were being completely honest, one of the large reasons you agreed to come back for your little High School reunion was him. You couldn’t have cared less about anything and anyone else. Stupid? Yes. Foolish? Absolutely. Worthwhile? You sure fucking hoped so.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Alright, this was just as boring as you’d suspected it would be. The popular crowd had turned out to be the same ones that all married each other, had a handful kids, and stayed in Hawkins forever. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought. The people you could stand turned out to be perfectly average, having moved to cities nearby and working menial jobs with suburban families. It was the outcasts and the rejects, such as yourself, that had turned out to lead the most interesting lives of all. You’d already decided that you were going to leave in the morning. There was absolutely nothing left for you in Hawkins.
That was until you heard your name being called softly. You recognized that voice, you knew that voice - you were just surprised he knew your name. Turning on your heel, you came face to face with none other than Eddie Munson. Eddie fucking Munson was there standing there with a pretty smile on his handsome face. He looked just as good as the last time you’d seen on your graduation day, but had aged handsomely. His eyes were still big, soft and bambi-like, his hair more tamed but still long and wavy, but instead of his normal style from all those years ago, he was wearing well-fitting dress pants and a black button-up. Shit. 
You opened and closed your mouth a few times, unable to find your voice as you gawked at him. You probably looked like an absolute fool, but how could you not? Your high school crush was standing right in front of you - and he still managed to steal your breath away. 
“You look lovely,” his voice was low and smooth and oh. It still made you feel some type of way, “that color looks amazing on you.”
“Eddie,” you managed to choke his name out and it just made him laugh softly, “wait - you know my name?”
“‘Course I do,” he cocked his head to the side as he looked at you curiously, “we spent years at school together, Hawkins is a small ass place, and besides - I’d never forget the name of my high school crush. Can’t say I’m surprised you know mine - being the freak had a way of doing that.”
“Crush?” you asked softly, cheeks warming up, but you knew that it wasn’t from the alcohol you’d been drinking. He looked at you as though he was trying to see if you were serious, “what do you mean crush?”
“Oh come on,” he gently nudged your side with his elbow, “you had to know, right? I thought it was so obvious. If I ever thought I’d have even the slightest of chances with you, I would have asked you out way back then.”
“No way,” you shook your head in disbelief, giggling wildly, a sound that went straight to his heart, “there was no way you had a crush on me!”
“Oh? Tell me why,” he crossed his arms over his chest as he offered you a lopsided little smirk, “sweetheart.”
“Because I had this huge crush on you, Eddie!” you put your hand on his chest as you laughed, a gesture that felt so natural, “how did you never know that I had one on you?”
“Really?” his pretty eyes widened before he was laughing too, his cheeks flushing a darker pink, “that’s just…wow. I guess we were both blind idiots.”
“Oh to be so young and stupid,” you sighed softly, before shrugging your shoulders lightly and finishing off the rest of your champagne, “if only we knew back then, huh? Wonder what things would have been like…”
“You totally would have said yes when I asked you out,” his smile was still magic, toothy and dimple displaying and made butterflies explode in your tummy, “and the rest would have been history.”
“So confident,” you playfully rolled your eyes, “but you’re right - I would have said yes.”
“Listen,” he looked around the room before waving his hand around, “this has just served as a reminder of why I hate Hawkins and left the moment I could. And I definitely want to leave this little…party. Do you wanna go and grab a bite to eat?”
“Fuck yes,” you agreed happily, taking any reason to leave and to spend time with Eddie, “please.”
“Come on princess,” he reached for your hand as he started to lead out of the ill decorated gymnasium, “let’s get out of here for good.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You couldn’t believe you were sitting in a sticky old booth at Benny’s Diner at almost midnight across from Eddie Munson. What a funny twist of fate this night had proven to be. 
“No way,” you playfully tossed a fry at him, which hit his cheek and fell only to be quickly scooped up and popped into his mouth, “you’re seriously wanting me to believe that King Steve is like…your best friend?”
“He’s a good guy,” he insisted, grabbing his straw from the milkshake you were splitting and taking a long sip, “like a complete one-eighty from how he used to be. Trust me.”
“Alright,” you held up your hands in mock surrender before leaning back in your booth. You could feel his eyes intently trained on you, and the attention made you feel like screaming like a teenage girl, “I believe you. You said you got outta here as soon as possible too. Where’d you end up?”
“Indianapolis,” he shrugged as if to say it was no big time deal, but you shook your head in disbelief, “what? Is that a bad thing?”
“That’s where I live too, Eddie,” you grinned as he put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand. You felt like he was dissecting you, learning you bit by little bit, “small world, isn’t it? I’m surprised we’ve never run into each other.”
“I’m guessing we still don’t run in the same crowd,” he stated simply as you raised an eyebrow. 
“And just what are you up to these days?” 
“I am actually a teacher,” he confessed and his whole face lit up, “high schoolers on top of it. I teach music classes, do some private lessons on the side, and still jam with the band on weekends. You’re giving me that look - I know that look. It means you’re either impressed or horrified.”
“I’m impressed,” you worried your bit lip between your teeth as you shook your head. Had you really not noticed that he spent as much time learning you as you had him? All of this felt like a wild fever dream, “and a fun story, I’m actually a teacher as well. Kindergarteners though. You have the hormonal demons, and I’ve got the baby demons in training.”
“You’re fucking kidding me!” he flopped back in his seat as he tried to process everything. The two of you had ended up apart and yet so similar. You shook your head and he groaned lightly, “now I really wish I’d had the balls to ask you out back then.”
“Yeah?” you drummed your fingers along the tabletop and bit the inside of your cheek, “what about now?”
“I still wish I had the balls to ask you out,” you were clearly both enjoying this little game, “wait - unless you’ve got a partner or something then I’m a huge dick.”
“I’m single,” you clarified and you could visibly see him relaxing, “relax, Eddie. I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you're single as well?”
“As a pringle,” he joked and you snorted with laughter at his silly joke. Eddie Munson really hadn’t changed, “and I like to think I’m not the type of guy that comes across as a douchebag that flirts with a beautiful woman if I’ve got a partner.”
“You don’t,” you admit, “but you know, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I don’t want to run into the boy - man - I had a crush on for so long only to have my hopes and dreams dashed again.”
“Baby, I’m more worried about you getting your hopes dashed when you realize how very lame I am,” his cheeks and neck flushed with pink as shrugged it off, “you probably already know that.”
“I’ve never once thought you were lame,” you leaned across the table so you could be closer to him, “I’ve always thought you were cool…it was me that was the lame one if anything. And I don’t think you’re lame now.”
“Flatterer,” he pretended to wave you off, “but just so you know flattery works on me.”
“Alright, well then, handsome, are you going to ask me out?” you could practically see him squirming under your praise. He swallowed the eager lump in his throat before nodding.
“Y-yeah - yes,” he stammered, “will you go out with me, like a real date, once we go back home?”
“Oh?” you played, “isn’t this a real date?”
“Do you want it to be?” his voice was barely audible as your smile became ethereal.
“I do.”
“Then, will you go out with me on another date once we get home?” you were nodding eagerly before he could even get his question out, “alright, well. That’s…good. Great. Just…wow. Gonna kill me baby, making my teenage - and adult - dreams come true.”
“That goes both ways,” you promised, before lowering your voice, “where are you staying? I was going to go home in the morning, but I’m staying at my cousin’s house and she’s gone tonight.”
“Oh,” he nodded like he understood but he clearly didn’t catch your drift. The little bit of innocence that he possessed made you like him just much more. After a few moments of silence realization dawned on him, “oh.”
“Do you wanna come back with me?” you suggest coyly as his eyes grow wide, “we could…have a drink.”
“A drink,” he repeated, a wolf’s grin stretching across his face, “I’d really like a drink.”
“Me too,” you reached into your wallet and tossed a number of bills onto the table, covering dinner and leaving a generous tip, “come on, Eddie. Let’s have a drink.”
“Baby, you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me!”
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e-dubbc11 · 3 months
Let's hope this little summer sleepover will bring some sun. Could use it 🤣❤️
I hope it's okay I combined from two different lists, but I would absolutely love
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And "Can you kiss it better?"
With our dear Rumlow. You write him so good 🥰❤️
Happy summer to you, my dear ⛱️🌊☀️
My darling Lily,
I’m so happy you enjoy the way I write for Rumlow. So I hope you like what I did here because I’m pretty pleased with how this came out ♥️♥️♥️
Beat the Heat
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Some swear words, sexual references but mostly PG-13, fluff, Brock being Brock ie, a grouch, arguing, smooches.
Word Count: 2.7K-ish
Summary: Reader and Brock buy a new home and move in on the hottest day of the summer.
A/N: I’m sorry there’s so much teasing in this one and not actual smexy time, if that’s something you want, don’t hesitate to let me know 🤣🥵
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
He had taken one look at the property and almost put in an offer before even looking at the interior of the large brick ranch-style house. The five-acre lot surrounded by lush greenery, enormous trees, and enchanting walking trails was what sold him. This little sanctuary in Fairfax Station, Virginia offered a rural living space but still let you remain in close proximity to the rapid pulse of Washington, D.C., where you both worked.
He liked the quiet…and you did too.
The canopy of tall trees above tried their best to block out the sun but it still warmed the grass underneath and a symphony of bird songs floated down from the twisted and knotted branches. Your only company and neighbors close by were the diverse assortment of wildlife from families of deer, mischievous foxes, and high flying birds of prey.
It was a combination of serenity and seclusion that was a welcomed sight from busy city life you wanted to get away from. You just didn’t want to live there anymore so this place was perfect.
The hard lines on his face and furrowed brow softened when he noticed how quiet it was, how undisturbed the property was with the exception of the house and the charming fire pit, and his amber colored eyes shined like gold against the sun in the bright blue sky.
A wide smile stretched across your face when you noticed how happy this place made him; you knew it was home even before he told you it was the one.
“You love it already, don’t you handsome.” You stated with a warm smile.
Slightly embarrassed, Brock replied, “I do, doll. I really do. I can’t explain it but—“
You cut him off. “You don’t have to, baby. It’s written all over your face. We probably should look at the inside of the house too though.” You said sarcastically.
The lines around his eyes crinkled when he smiled and the rasp in his voice sounded incredibly sexy when he laughed. At work, Brock tended to be a little on the grouchy side. At SHIELD, he had a tough, high stress job while yours was a little more laid back which is why you were good for him. You taught him how to relax and have a good time and also made him smile and laugh which wasn’t easy to do.
It might be good for you to live away from the city but you’ll have to wait to see if your offer would be accepted.
2 Weeks Later
After a long day at work, you had kicked your shoes off, changed into comfortable clothes, and poured yourself a glass of wine. It was late spring so it was starting to get really warm and your ride home wasn’t exactly comfortable anymore. The exhaust from all the cars, the heat, and humidity all made it harder to breathe so you were happy to be home where the temperature inside was perfect.
The sound of keys jingled outside your apartment door from the hallway. Brock must be home. He walked through the door wearing his leather jacket and holding his motorcycle helmet. His wild dark hair was a mess from wearing the helmet for the ride home; it just made him sexier in your eyes.
Brock walked over to where you were sitting, resting his helmet on the couch, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours. Cupping his cheek, his skin felt warm from being underneath the helmet.
“Warm out there today, huh doll?” He asked rhetorically.
Pulling away from him slightly, you replied, “What did I tell you about putting that helmet on my white couch, Rumlow?”
“And didn’t I tell YOU that maybe a white couch wasn’t the best idea? Hmmm?” He said with a sly smile.
“Oooh…it’s a good thing you’re cute. How was your day, handsome? You didn’t come visit me today; you must have been busy.” You said with narrowed eyes.
Brock eased the jacket off of his shoulders and headed for the kitchen to get a beer like he did every day after a long day at work.
“Ah, I’m sorry sweetheart. I got a phone call from the realtor at lunch, that’s why I couldn’t visit today.” He said.
You aggressively closed your book and set your wine down on the coffee table.
Nervously, you asked, “What did she say, Brock?!!”
He frowned, took a sip of his beer, and sat down next to you.
“I’m sorry to tell you this baby, but…” He paused with a serious look on his face.
Immediately, you felt your stomach drop into your toes and your heart started to beat faster and faster. You were ready to express your disappointment when he finished his sentence.
“Pack your shit, we’re movin’ to Virginia!!” He exclaimed.
Confused and caught off guard, you asked, “Wait, what? They accepted our offer?!!”
“They sure did!” He said.
Brock’s lips collided with yours. Easing you backwards so you were resting against the arm of the couch, he settled himself between your legs, his lips brushed against your cheeks and he parted your lips with his tongue. His thick fingers pressed into the outside of your thigh as he kissed the hollow of your throat.
His stubble tickled your neck and you started to giggle.
“That tickles, baby!” You said, grasping his hair and drawing his head back to meet your gaze. “So when are we moving?!”
“Soon.” He replied. “I do love this place but I can’t wait to get the fuck outta the city, ya know?”
“I know Brock, I know.” You said. “Ooh, it’s gonna be hot outside when we move though, but I don’t really wanna wait, do you?”
“We’ll be fine, sweetheart. Besides, we do have those new water guns we haven’t tested out yet.” He said.
With raised eyebrows, you replied, “Oh you mean the water CANNONS?”
“Yeah those will be fun…and make sure you wear a white t-shirt.” Said Brock with a wink.
All you could do was roll your eyes.
“I’ll try to remember that.” You said, playfully.
Of course you were getting ready to move on the hottest day of the summer so far. You had on a white V-neck t-shirt, cut-off denim shorts, and your hair was piled high on top of your head to keep it off of your neck.
Also and unfortunately, you had been arguing with Brock all morning about things that normally wouldn’t be a big deal but it was already 80 degrees outside and you both were cranky and hot from loading the moving truck.
He became angry with you when you said your dresser was ready to be put in the truck but the drawers were still full of clothes.
“I’ll just take the drawers out when they’re moving it so then all I’ll have to do is put the drawers back in when we get to the house.” You had said.
Brock was angry because he didn’t want the movers to see your underwear drawer. He didn’t say it out loud but you knew that was the reason.
There were two moving trucks. One that you and Brock loaded yourselves to drive over and the other was hired to move the heavy furniture. He became VERY angry when you said you were going to ride with the movers instead of him. You made sure Brock heard you ask them if it was alright.
“Do you guys mind if I ride with you to the new house? My boyfriend is being an ASSHOLE!” You said, curtly.
You could hear Brock growling under his breath at the thought of you riding in a moving truck in between a bunch of sweaty men. The blood in his veins burned like wildfire and his muscles stiffened every time he pictured you smiling at them or laughing with them. You knew it was only a matter of time before he exploded.
When you arrived at the house, you directed the movers to the rooms where you wanted the furniture placed. You could feel Brock staring at you, his mouth twisted with anger, and ready to pounce if one of the movers looked at you in a way he didn’t like.
The midday sun shined through the tops of the trees while a warm breeze rustled the leaves above you. It had to be at least 90 degrees out there even under the towering trees. Beads of sweat dripped down the side of your neck as you tried to cool yourself down with a hand held portable fan.
You and Brock were still not speaking to each other. Every time you were inside of the house, he was doing something outside and vice versa. After the movers had unloaded their truck, they left and you and Brock were there all alone without a buffer between the two of you.
It had already been a long day and while you were looking for the kettle so you could make some tea, you came across the box in the garage that had the water guns in it. A wide smile stretched across your face when you thought about getting Brock back for being a dick all day but you also hated fighting with him.
Even though he could obviously be a big grouch, you loved him and you knew that he loved you too, so what a better way to break the ice and the tension than to spray him with ice cold water.
Brock was resting in one of the Adirondack chairs around the fire pit. He had on his aviator sunglasses and he had taken off his t-shirt so he was just in his undershirt and pants, although you couldn’t tell if his eyes were closed or not.
The defined muscles in his arms were tight like piano wire and suddenly your breath was caught in your throat. His warm tanned skin was a sharp contrast to the tight white undershirt he had on, his legs were kicked out straight in front of him, crossed at the ankles, and his hands were folded across his chest.
It's hard to stay mad at him when he looks that hot just sitting in a chair.
The garden hose was attached to the garage so you could easily fill up the water guns without Brock seeing you and hose water is very COLD water. An evil chuckle escaped your lips as you crept to the side of the garage and started filling up the water guns. He was going to cool off one way or another.
By the way his chest was slowly rising and falling, it looked like Brock was sleeping but you couldn’t be sure. The cold drops of water dripping from the water gun dried immediately on the hot asphalt of the driveway and your body was starting to cool down from running your wrists under the refreshing water.
Brock picked his head up when he saw you walking across the yard toward him but still remained in a relaxed position.
“What are ya doin’ with those, doll? You comin’ to anger me some more ‘cause you did a pretty good job of that already.” He said with bitterness in his voice.
You stopped about five feet from where he was sitting, dropped the second water gun at your feet and replied, “Well one of these is for you if you want it to be. Or you can sulk some more; it’s up to you.”
“You think you’re bein’ cute, but you’re not. Ridin’ in their moving truck all the way down here, think that’s NOT gonna make me crazy?! You like makin’ me jealous like that?” He asked.
You shrugged.
“I dunno, you like bein’ a dick all day? ‘Cause you were!” You said with vigor.
He watched you pump the gun a few times to build up pressure and then you put your finger on the trigger.
“This is such a stupid fight, Brock. Just admit that you were mad because you didn’t want the movers looking in my underwear drawer.” You said sternly.
To anyone walking or driving by, the sight of the two of you arguing in the yard while one of you points a water gun at the other was probably quite comical.
“FINE! FINE!! Yes, I was mad about that! You have sexy underwear, baby. Of course I don’t want them looking at it.” He yelled.
A wide smile stretched across your face and you touched your tongue to your top teeth.
With a slight tilt of your head, you said, “Awwww, you like my sexy underwear, baby?”
Brock hung his head in slight embarrassment and a shy smile. He ran his fingers through his thick brown hair and replied, “You know I do, sweetheart.”
With narrowed eyes and a soft press of your lips, you said, “Well…I guess I can forgive you. But I still think you need to be punished.”
You aimed the water gun at his sunglasses.
Brock made a stop motion with his hand and said, “If you spray me with that water gun, I swear—“
And then pulled the trigger.
“Ahhh!!” He cried out, as the water knocked the glasses off of his face and into his lap.
You started to laugh as you continued to hit him in the face and drench his upper body.
“I regret nothing!!” You said, laughing maniacally.
His sunglasses fell to the ground when he stood up and started to move toward you.
“Well, you better start running!” He said with a devilish smile.
Brock picked up the other water gun and began chasing after you. Freezing cold water hit you directly in the back as it soaked through your white t-shirt.
Although the water was cold, it felt really good against your hot skin. Ducking and weaving, you tried to avoid the stream of water coming from Brock’s gun. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t but you were having a lot of fun doing it.
When you finally ran out of water, you surrendered on the porch outside the front door by dropping your gun and put your hands in the air. Brock’s wet undershirt clung tightly to his body and you could see all of his ab muscles through the shirt as droplets of water dripped down his broad shoulders.
Still trying to catch your breath, you said, “You’re all wet, Mr. Rumlow.”
Brock inched closer and you could feel his warm breath on your lashes, the ache between your thighs growing stronger and hungrier for him as he pulled you flush against him. His mouth split into a smile as his eyes speared you like a wild animal on the hunt.
He aggressively kissed the sculpted hollow of your throat, a muffled gasp escaped your lips, and you could feel him through his pants, pressed against your core.
With ease, he unbuttoned your shorts and his fingers disappeared underneath your waistband, touching the wet spot on your panties as he purred in your ear, “So are you, baby.”
A quiet whine fell from your lips as you pulled his face toward yours for a kiss. His lips were cool and wet against yours as he parted them with his tongue, gently pushing against your teeth, wanting desperately to tangle with yours.
Moaning against your lips, he suddenly broke the kiss. “I’m sorry, doll. I acted like a jerk today.”
“I’m sorry too, handsome. You’re not a dick…all the time.” You replied with a smirk. “Will you help me take off these wet clothes? I’ll show you my underwear.” You said with a laugh and a wink.
“Let’s go upstairs, sweetheart.” Said Brock.
He kissed you again and when you pulled away you said shyly, “Oh I think I hurt my knee when I stepped in that divot in the yard.”
“Did you?” He said with a devilish smirk.
“Can you kiss it better?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him.
Brock leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Ya know I gotta kiss other parts before I get to your knee, right?”
You giggled and replied, “Oh I’m counting on it, baby.”
You loved your new home already.
Tag List: @gijos @nutmeg17 @nekoannie-chan @k-marzolf
Others that might enjoy: @fluffyprettykitty @itwasthereaminuteago @jvanilly @randomlittleimp
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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saradika · 1 year
I absolutely love your dividers and organizers! They’re always so pretty!
May I ask if you’re interested in creating some glitchcore or glitched dividers? Such as glitched tv screens and the like?
Take your time and ignore this if you want. I hope you’re having a good day/night!🥰
Hi! Thank you so much, I am so happy you like them! 💖 And sure, I can give it a shot! I peeked at your posts for Glitch for some of the colors (and tbb logo!) I went for a couple different styles - hope these match the sort of aesthetic you were looking for!
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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weavingforlooms · 7 months
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Wearing my new shawls is my favorite thing! @nestingtendencies sent me my new true loves, my lovely Evia and my darling Rhubarb n Cream!
I love styling my outfits to try and find a matching color coordinated outfit with the gradients. Blues are so hard to come close and I have some other outfits I want to try it with. But I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Rhubarb the best, the edges are my favorite part, and the gradient of creams to reds and pinks so delicate and lovely!!!
Also, I’ve been having a lot of fun wearing them in different ways! I love having the point of it draped over my shoulder to showcase the shape and pattern, but having it around my neck with the tails in front is so chic tbh 👀 there really is so many ways to wear it!
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even on a bright pink sweater, still rhubarb and cream is like a cherry on top!
I feel so fancy 🥰🥰🥰 wearing the most pretty shawls in the world 🥰🥰
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