#the suspense and emotions
aengelren · 1 year
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Missing Aot lately
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thinwhitedoc · 3 months
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CARGO | Martin Freeman as Andy Rose
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homunculuslover · 6 months
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Another to release to the public. A little something from the series I intend to do, Static Emotion.
Mini is the first to really have feelings for Tilly and loves to tease her a lot.~ I love the size differences between them both.
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em-dash-press · 1 year
What Is Emotional Suspense?
We know what it feels like when a story holds us in suspense. It’s the moment you realize you can’t put your book down and you’re holding your breath as characters take risks.
What happens when you use emotions to orchestrate those feelings? You create emotional suspense, which is helpful in more than a few ways.
Definition of Emotional Suspense
Readers experience emotional suspense when they continue reading for an emotional payoff. 
Picture your protagonist learning that their best friend betrayed them. The protagonist doesn’t tell their best friend right away, so there’s suspense as you wait for the answer and heartbreak, anger, and sadness waiting to crash into your heart when the confrontation finally happens.
Why Emotional Suspense Is Important for Stories
It Intensifies the Reader’s Emotions
Anyone can be happy for two characters who realize they’re best friends. We know what it’s like to have someone who understands us, so it engages our emotions easily.
That happiness becomes intensified if those two characters realize they’re best friends right when an unknown force is about to tear them apart. The reader knows it’s coming and doesn’t want the happiness to end or for either character to get hurt. The emotional suspense makes every moment more visceral.
It Makes Readers More Engaged
When a reader feels engaged with your story, it checks off a few boxes for them:
It keeps their attention with literary devices and/or plot development
It makes them feel seen in some way
It awakens emotions in them that create a human connection between them and a character (or more!) in your story
Emotional suspense can check all of those boxes:
Waiting for the emotional payoff or crumbling of any scene keeps their attention.
The emotions they share with the character create that essential readership connection
The emotions also make the reader feel seen because your character is going through something they can relate to
It Makes Endings More Satisfactory
The end of a traditional hero’s journey story is nearly always satisfactory because the plot events make them earn their ending.
Emotional suspense makes that satisfaction something you can feel in your bones because the plot makes sense logically and whatever emotional weights you’ve been waiting to drop have landed.
Examples of Emotional Suspense
Readers spend the entire book watching Edward and Bella fall in love, despite them being a vampire and a human. Their bond is believable by the end, but when he has to suck the vampire bite from Bella’s blood, emotional suspense makes the reader hold their breath.
There’s the practical question—will he save her life?
There’s the emotional question—will his love be strong enough to override his vampire instincts?
Duke Leto has to save spice miners at the beginning of Dune. It’s his first test of leadership for the reader, all within the timed scenario of saving the miners from the coming worm. The people surrounding him tell him to save the spice and leave the miners because there’s no time.
There’s the practical question—will he save the lives on his ship and the valuable spice?
There’s the emotional question—will he choose to do the right thing (saving the miners’ lives) and prove his character as a leader (so the reader can cheer for him), instead of being the money-hungry capitalist like some of the people around him?
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Feyre goes to Under the Mountain to save Tamlin, even though it means a guaranteed death (she’s a human and everyone down there is a faerie). Her trials commence, all to potentially save the faeries she loves.
There’s the practical question—will she figure out how to beat the trials and survive?
There’s the emotional question—in potentially sacrificing herself to prove her love for Tamlin, will he love her back when it’s all over?
How to Build Emotional Suspense
Build Strong Characters
Readers won’t care about or connect with characters that are too flat. Build your protagonist and supporting characters with helpful worksheets, outlines, pictures, or any other resource that makes them feel real.
A few things to consider when creating characters:
What’s their primary goal?
What’s their biggest fear?
What do they love?
Who do they want to be?
Do they like who they are now?
Does their past follow them around?
Add Danger or a Threat
Suspense requires at least some threat or a minimal sense of danger. The more danger there is, the more suspense your reader will feel if they are already connected with your characters.
Potential forms of danger or threats:
Physical dangers
Societal dangers
Interpersonal threats
External threats
Emotional threats or danger
Spiritual threat or danger
Keep the Risk Going
After identifying the danger they’re facing, your characters will eventually make a choice to take a risk. When that happens, know if it’ll turn into short-term or long-term suspense.
Short-term risk might mean answering a few questions on a test that gets immediately graded. Long-term risk could mean giving up a full-ride college scholarship to follow their gut.
Either way, the risk must follow with some emotional payoff. That’s when the emotional suspense will wash over your reader and make them amazed at your storytelling skills.
Layer In Practicality 
Most of the time, people don’t take a risk for no reason. Make sure there’s a practical reason for your character to take a risk and face whatever danger lies ahead. Otherwise, the reader will write them off as a stupid character living in an unrelatable and unreal story.
Emotional suspense is a powerful tool that creates unforgettable stories. You’ll keep your readers on the edge of their seats by breaking this literary device apart before putting it back together in the form of a plotline.
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wulfhalls · 3 months
love love loved firebrand!!!! horror movie of the year I think
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
because she broke up a fight. BECAUSE SHE BROKE UP A FUCKING FIGHT!!!!!
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THIS is why i refuse to send my black child to a public school. They are not here for us. SMFH!!
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giddlygoat · 8 months
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i want to believe that someday i will be able to draw them
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suspensefulpen · 9 months
Whumpcember Day 21: Choking
TW: Choking, Bad Caretaker
Whumpee flinched and whimpered in pain as Caretaker cleaned the fresh open wounds across their body. “Caretaker, I—” 
“No. I don’t want to hear it.” She frowned. She wiped the last wound and discarded the cotton ball in the small bin next to her. She grabbed a new cotton ball and put ointment over it as she shook her head. “I’m sick of hearing it.” 
“Caretaker, I swear—” 
“Just stop it Whumpee. Your lies and excuses aren’t doing anything.” She glared at them and began rubbing the ointment over their wounds.  “You’re hurting yourself and you’re trying to say Whumper is hurting you. And I know he’s not. When will you ever stop lying? Whumper would never hurt anyone.” 
“Enough.” Caretaker stopped applying the ointment and stood from her spot in front of the sofa. Seeing the pure fury in her eyes made Whumpee shrink back into the cushions of the seat. “Enough with the excuses Whumpee. No matter how much you try to twist it and say he’s hurting you, I’m not going to believe you. So stop lying and trying to make me stop being with Whumper because it’s not going to happen.” 
Tears filled Whumpee’s eyes as Caretaker picked up all of the medical supplies and the small bin. They watched nervously as she left the room, almost stomping. Caretaker had never been this angry with them before. She didn’t even bother leaving any bandages. What if she eventually kicked them out? Then what? What if they ended up dying at the hands of her beloved Whumper? Would she believe them then? Would she ever believe them? What if she started to hate Whumpee? 
“What a shame.” 
They raised their gaze and found Whumper leaning against the doorway. He seemed completely relaxed, his hands in his pockets and even a small smile on his face. 
“Seven months ago, I thought you and Caretaker were like this.” He crossed his middle finger over his pointer finger. “But now, you’ve completely lost her trust. You’re lying to her, you’re hurting yourself, you’re doing everything you can to get rid of me. And yet, you’re failing miserably.” 
“I’m not lying and we both know that.” Whumpee frowned. 
“You are lying. You know you are.” Whumper stepped forward. Whumpee began scooting backwards, hoping they’d go through the sofa so they could turn and run away. They quickly realized this wasn’t going to happen when Whumper crouched down in the same spot Caretaker had just been in. He lowered his voice, his eerie smile still present. “You know, Caretaker told me she felt like you didn’t want her to be happy. So you’re doing everything you can to get me out of the picture. And she’s seeing right through it.” 
Whumpee’s tears began to flow down their cheeks. Caretaker really felt like that? She felt like Whumpee didn’t want her to be happy? She genuinely believed that? How could Whumpee do such a thing? Wait…but it wasn’t their fault. They aren’t the ones inflicting the wounds onto themself. It was Whumper. 
Whumpee frowned in spite of their tears. “You’re lying! She didn’t say that!” 
“Am I? Would you like evidence for proof that I’m not?” Whumper reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He scrolled through it for a moment before showing Whumpee a video. 
Caretaker and Whumper were in the kitchen. Their backs were turned to the camera as they stood at the marble island. 
“I just feel like…they don’t want me to be with you. Like they hate you. Or…they just don’t want me to be happy with you.” Caretaker’s voice cracked. “And they know how hard everything has been for me lately… It’s like they want me to revolve everything around them…” 
Whumper stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her as she began to sob into his chest. “It’s okay. They’re probably just jealous. But I understand, you feel like it’s hard to get away from the pain and they’re not making it any better. Healing takes a while, and they might not understand that, but I do. I’ll always be here when you need me.” 
“Thank you Whumper…” She sniffed. 
Whumpee sat frozen as many emotions filled their mind. Shock, guilt, sadness. How could they do such a thing? How could they make Caretaker feel like they didn’t want her to be happy? 
“That wasn’t even the full conversation.” 
“There’s more?!” Whumpee asked, horrified. 
“Of course there’s more. There’s always more.” Whumper smirked. “Not to mention, this was months ago.” 
“Months of you continuously making the one person you had left think you don’t want good things for them. I’ve warned you once Whumpee, don’t let me have to warn you again.” He leaned close to their ear, lowering his voice to a whisper. “You keep this up and I just might have you disappear one day. Even Caretaker won’t bother to look for you. I’ll make sure she’s angry with you so she’ll stop caring and eventually put you out. By that point, she won’t give you a second thought. And Caretaker will be mine and mine only.” 
Whumper took Whumpee’s hands and wrapped them around their throat, stopping any oxygen from flowing into their lungs. Whumpee began squirming to remove their hands. But with Whumper holding them down so tightly, they couldn’t move at all. They did everything they could to get even the slightest bit of oxygen but they couldn’t. They were uselessly gasping for air. The more they struggled, the weaker they felt. They began to see black spots at the edges of their vision as Whumper began whispering again. 
“Stay the hell out of my way.”
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good-beans · 2 months
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Prisoner @justzosiahere, back again for trial 2!
Status: Named unforgiven in the first trial, admitting to her own guilt during her vote. As a later prisoner in the lineup, she was able to encourage attacks both on and by the guilty prisoners (flamethrowers were mentioned more than once...) This timing also allowed her to temporarily avoid getting attacked herself.
Additional Crimes Revealed: Plotting and extending her angsty Milgram the Conspiracy au -- character development details, art, and peeks at the physical/emotional pain they going through teased in the chat. Is the crime the angst? Or the suspense? Maybe it's both!
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
My desire to support a Biblical sitcom done in a respectful way vs. my hatred of the mockumentary style, FIGHT!
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theslasherslut · 3 months
Fate's unchosen bride
Chapter 2:
The Confrontation
Warning: foul language
The chamber was bathed in flickering torchlight, casting shifting shadows across the ancient tapestries that adorned the walls. Evelyn stood before King Edward, her wrists encumbered by heavy iron handcuffs. She was dressed in a magnificent wedding gown that cascaded in soft ivory folds around her chubby, pear-shaped form. Her fiery red hair, adorned with intricate jewels, framed her freckled face, now a mask of defiance and frustration.
"You have brought me here under false pretenses," Evelyn's voice cut through the tense silence, sharp and uncompromising. She glared at King Edward, whose normally piercing blue eyes now shimmered with an unsettling pink glow, reflecting the torchlight with an ethereal luminescence.
King Edward remained seated on his ornate throne, his demeanor a mix of sympathy and steely resolve. His features, carved with regal authority, softened under the dual influence of his own presence and that of the goddess of love, Aphrodisia. His hair, a deep chestnut brown, framed a face etched with determination and a hint of weariness from the weight of his responsibilities.
"Evelyn, I implore you to listen," King Edward began, his voice carrying a profound echo that resonated with a dual tone—one his own, and the other a gentle, authoritative voice that bore the wisdom of millennia. "I am not just a king. I am a vessel for the gods, and Aphrodisia, the goddess of love, speaks through me. I am tasked with guiding you towards your true path."
"Bullshit," Evelyn snapped, her eyes flashing with fury. "You think you can just parade around, calling yourself a vessel for the gods, and expect me to believe it? Prove it, you lying bastard."
A ripple passed through King Edward's demeanor as the pink glow in his eyes intensified, casting an ethereal light across his face. The voice of Aphrodisia, gentle yet commanding, resonated through him as he spoke.
"Evelyn, dear child," the voice echoed softly. "You have suffered much at the hands of those who did not understand your worth. This path, though fraught with challenges, is a journey to finding your true love, even if it comes in a form you do not expect."
Evelyn scoffed, her skepticism battling with the strange aura that surrounded the king. "True love?" she retorted bitterly, her voice thick with sarcasm. "What do you know of true love, hidden behind your throne and divine illusions? You have no right to decide my fate. Who the hell do you think you are?"
The voice of Aphrodisia within King Edward echoed again, its tone now tinged with a hint of sorrow. "I have seen the depths of your heart, Evelyn," it intoned softly. "Your resilience, your spirit—it is a beacon that deserves to be cherished, even if the vessel of that love is unconventional."
"Fuck you," Evelyn spat, her anger boiling over. "I won't be your pawn. You want me to believe in this destiny crap? Show me proof. Show me that this isn't just another one of your manipulative schemes."
The pink glow in King Edward's eyes shimmered as he slowly rose from his throne, the torchlight flickering in rhythm with his movements. With deliberate grace, he approached Evelyn, his gaze unwavering as he reached out to gently touch her cheek.
In that moment, Evelyn felt a surge of warmth spreading from his touch, a sensation that bypassed her skepticism and stirred something deeper within her. She met his gaze, searching for any hint of deceit or manipulation, but found only sincerity and a strange, unexpected tenderness.
"I cannot change your past, Evelyn," King Edward's voice, now his own again, spoke softly. "But I can guide you towards a future where your heart finds solace and your spirit finds peace."
Evelyn hesitated, the weight of his words and the strange aura surrounding him pulling at the edges of her resolve. "If this is true," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the crackling torches, "then prove it to me. Prove that this path leads to something more than just sacrifice and duty."
The pink glow in King Edward's eyes intensified once more, and suddenly his demeanor shifted. His voice, deep and resonant, now carried an undeniable feminine undertone as Aphrodisia took full control.
"Evelyn," the goddess spoke through him, her voice a harmonious blend of strength and compassion. "You deserve love after all the pain you’ve endured. Your ex-fiancé's betrayal, sleeping with your bridesmaid on your wedding day, is not your fate. Lamorak, though a beast, has a heart that beats with a love as fierce as your spirit. This is the way to find your true love."
Evelyn's eyes widened, her defiance momentarily shattered by the profound truth in the goddess's words. "Fuckin' prove it," she demanded again, her voice trembling. "Show me that you're not just some twisted fantasy." Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks as her anger battled with a glimmer of hope.
Aphrodisia’s presence grew stronger, and Evelyn felt a comforting warmth envelop her. "Lamorak the Enchanter awaits," the goddess continued. "He is an enigmatic figure, a powerful presence. Though his wrath has laid waste to villages, within him lies a love that you will uncover."
Evelyn's tears mingled with a mix of fear and reluctant curiosity. "You expect me to believe that marrying a fucking monster is my destiny? That after all the shit I've been through, this is what I get? I deserve better!"
Aphrodisia's voice softened, the glow in King Edward's eyes dimming slightly. "Evelyn, you are right to question, to challenge. But sometimes, love and destiny come in forms we least expect. This path is not just for Lamorak, but for you to find the love and respect you truly deserve."
Evelyn's resolve wavered, the weight of her past and the uncertainty of her future pressing heavily upon her. Could it be possible that amidst the darkness, there lay a chance for true love and redemption?
"Prove it," she whispered once more, her voice a fragile echo of her defiance. "Show me that this is real."
Aphrodisia's presence faded, leaving King Edward to look upon Evelyn with a mixture of hope and determination. "We will show you, Evelyn. Trust in this path, and you may find the love you have always sought."
King Edward gently placed a hand on Evelyn's shoulder, guiding her towards the grand doors of the chamber. "We will show you within due time, Evelyn. Just trust in this path, and you may find the love you always sought."
As the massive doors creaked open, Evelyn found herself standing at the beginning of a long, winding path that led through the heart of the kingdom. The streets were lined with villagers, their faces etched with sorrow and grief. Many of them wept openly, their tears flowing freely for the beloved maiden being led to an uncertain fate.
The parade moved slowly, King Edward walking beside Evelyn with a regal yet solemn air. She tried to hold her head high, but the weight of her situation pressed heavily upon her. Every step felt like a march towards doom, her heart pounding in her chest as she absorbed the sorrowful expressions of the people who had once been her neighbors, friends, and confidants.
Children clung to their mothers' skirts, their wide eyes filled with confusion and fear. Elderly men and women bowed their heads in reverence, their lips moving in silent prayers. Evelyn felt a pang of guilt and sorrow, knowing that her departure was a source of such profound sadness for them.
As they neared the towering gates at the end of the path, Evelyn's breath hitched. The gates loomed ominously, a stark reminder of the beast that awaited her on the other side. The air grew colder, and the sounds of the villagers' cries seemed to fade into a haunting silence.
Evelyn's heart pounded as she took in the imposing figure that stood just beyond the gates. Though she couldn't see his face, she felt the intensity of his presence, a mixture of wrath and enigmatic allure. Lamorak the Enchanter awaited her, a creature of legend and fear, and her fate was now inexorably tied to his.
The gates began to open with a slow, creaking groan, and Evelyn's eyes widened as she took in the sight before her.
To be continued...
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whoa-myninja · 7 months
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@harmandmac and @indestinatus watching the chaos and clowning completely unfold day after day
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eddiediaaz · 7 days
me: *sends funny dog tiktoks to my mom* (she always sends me funny pets videos from facebook) my mom: i can't open the tic tics you sent me 🙁
i love my mom please i'm protecting her at all costs
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sunlightfeeling · 4 months
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。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
smapxsmap: 2009.6.1
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sysig · 6 months
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You’re gonna die if you keep that up (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Kayako#And Teisel's there technically#*Die again - he's sticking with his track record lol at least he's consistent#Ghost/Curse GF arc!! I enjoy seeing ZEX happy but I am Concerned for him lol#ZEX be attracted to something/one that won't brutally murder him challenge - difficulty impossible#His affection for the grotesque and monstrous - I mean while it's admirable he does regularly put himself in dangerous situations!#Runs solely on the Suspension Bridge Effect lol - attraction and fear so conflated in his mind <3#I keep thinking of his human instincts as specifically Max's instincts since it's his body - Max's self-preservation and fear and hunger#Which ZEX dutifully ignores lol Max's body tells him to bolt and privately replies like ''Yes yes in a moment'' haha#His fascination wins out! To his own detriment haha#Although I say all that as though I don't relate in my own way - I have maybe just a few too many notes relating to ZEX lol#It's always been hard for me to get into horror in the way it's intended to spook and scare because I tend to get sad :')#So many monsters and ghosts and creatures are victims of circumstance! Like Kayako! As she is here she's not even malicious just dangerous#I've never seen the Grudge so it's only speculation but it seems very sad that she was tethered as a Curse rather than a malignant spirit#Like a battery moreso than an individual - what a terrible after-existence! It makes me sad to consider!#ZEX reaching out to her in his own way is very sweet <3 He's so biased towards his darlings hehe#In a way being human does suit him - we'll packbond with anything that Might have even the slightest inclination to not maim us lol#And the way he personifies her! (VUXonifies her?) Reading intention or emotion into her actions with no proof and no understanding!#The way he ''tries to read her face'' as if he hasn't been struggling with that this entire time - with other humans who can tell him so ♪#His pride is so delicious <3 He is so easily blinded to his own shortcomings in the face of pleasure and the potential for connection!#It's no wonder DAX worries about him so much hehe ♥#It also always makes me so happy to have something fit together so perfectly like those last two hehe <3#That vine didn't exist when this happened! But there it is!! I love newer memes on older media hehehe ♪♫
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
My first commission is officially over, I should open a champagne but I don't drink so this will have to do
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