#the thought of our home town makes me feel so... at ease
1980ssunflower · 1 year
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I miss & need them both so badly...
#ot3: ❤rhyme💛easy💙#tape entry circa 1980#ive cried way too much today over them#i dont why im like this rn but just the thought of them makes tears start streaming down my face#just typing this out is making tears well up in my eyes#ive been missing them all day#i was thinking abt ryan all morning and was thinking abt min sm rn#missing him... i wanted to watch an ep to see and hear min#and when ryan walked on screen i IMMEDIATELY started sobbing#IVE NEVER HAD A REACTION THAT FUCKING STRONG TO SEEING THEM#NOT EVEN REALLY PROMPTED BY ANYTHING#i just... miss them both so so much#i need them... i need them both so so badly#i want to walk along and look over the streets of powell lake holding hands w my husbands#we can stop by the corner store and by some some snacks and slurpees and make our way down to the lake#just to chat and hang out looking over the water as the sun sets#the thought of our home town makes me feel so... at ease#i want to listen to the radio in our kitchen while we all try to make a quick dinner#and min keeps scolding me & ryan for sneaking snacks in between#eat our dinner in front of the tv watching reruns or if nothing good is on we could pop in a movie we rented#go to bed holding onto each other and get ready the next morning for a day full of fun and adventure#min making us eggs and bacon and eating while working on some lyrics#a jam sesh before heading out to browse at the mall and have icecream :-]#browsing records and then going to the movies#rollerskating and/or karaoke to end the night <33#but i just love sm just walking out w them late at night#the streets are quiet and the sky is filled w stars#i love it feeling like the 3 of us are the only people in the world
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mpileons · 7 months
behind the goal posts | alexia putellas x reader
chapter 1 <
Summary: Everyone knows Alexia Putellas. Star football player and the face of Barcelona. However, what they don’t know is that she is been in a secret relationship for years, and that relationship is slowly slipping out of her hands.
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: i got a bit too carried w/ the angst.. oops. and i didnt proof read this so i apologize for any inevitable mistakes :)
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Chapter Two …
Present Day – 
As 12AM hits, I find myself still waiting for Ale to come home from training. I decide to call my bestfriend to prevent my thoughts from further spiralling. “Hey chica, wait what's up?” my best friend's voice blares through my headphones as a frown etches onto her face, sensing that something is off with me. “Did she do something?” I start to shake my head because I know if I speak my voice will betray me and all my anxieties will be laid bare for her to see. It’s not that I don't want her to see, more that I don't want to acknowledge any of this. I’d like to believe that Alexia and I are still in that honeymoon, that she’ll come home early and shower me with kisses while we make dinner,that we will go back to watching films while our limbs intertwined till we didn't know whose body is whose. I know deep down that we have derailed so far away, we are slowly plummeting into an abyss of resentment and I don't know how to save us. “Y/N please talk to me” Kira’s voice brings me back to earth, I see the anxiety increasing tenfold on her face as she watches me intently. “I don't know," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper as I fiddle with the strings of my hoodie. 
"It's just... Ale was out late last night, and she's still not home. And she's been so distant lately. It’s like I am living with a ghost,  I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong." I rush out as quickly as humanly possible, as if I say it fast enough my brain won’t think about it and therefore it won’t become real.
“That’s strange, have you brought it up with her?” Kira's voice held a gentle probing, her concern evident. But then again, I couldn't fault her for that. Our nightly chats had become a lifeline, teetering on the edge of panic. It's strange, really. Ale used to be the one to ease these moments, but now, it's her actions that stir them up.
Present Day | Alexia’s Point of View —
As I step into the dimly lit apartment, the sharp remnants of the night at the club are still echoing in my mind. However, the laughter and camaraderie of my teammates felt distant now, replaced by a hollow emptiness.
I moved through our shared apartment with a sense of detachment, a space that was once so familiar now feels like a ghost town. The weight of exhaustion drags at my limbs as I head towards our room. But as I pass by the closed door, I can hear a snippet of a conversation that catches my attention, drawing me to a sudden halt.
"... it's strange how Ale used to calm me down from these attacks and now it is her that is causing them," Y/N's voice, tinged with worry and frustration, drifted through the door, sending a pang of unexpected guilt coursing through my chest.
For a moment, I stood rooted to the spot, Y/N’s words hanging heavy in the air like an accusation. The weight of her evident disappointment bores down on me like a crushing weight, quickly suffocating and stealing every word out of my mouth. How had I become the source of Y/N's pain, when did this happen?
Without another word, I retreated to the living room where the walls feel like they are closing in around me as the echoes of Y/N's words reverberated in my mind.  Hours passed in agonising silence, the tension in the apartment thickening with each passing moment. And then, as if on cue, the dam burst.
Present Day | Y/N’s Point of View —
I took tentative steps to the living room to check if Ale had come home, the faint scent of alcohol hanging in the air further proving that she’s back.  
As I rounded the corner, my gaze fell upon Alexia slumped on the couch with her head bowed and a half-empty bottle of whiskey clenched tightly in her hand. Her usually vibrant eyes were now dull and unfocused, the lines of exhaustion etched into her features.
A sudden surge of anger and frustration takes over my body. I naively thought that maybe today would be different, that today Ale would come to me instead of seeking comfort from a bottle.
But as I stood in front of Ale and truly take in the sight in front of me, a different surge of emotions come. I am quickly overwhelmed with a wave of guilt as I watch the woman I love more than anything crumble beneath the weight of her own self-destructive tendencies. No matter what I try to do or say, nothing can seem to get through the indestructible walls she had built around herself, the walls she once used to let down around me. 
All of a sudden, I couldn't muster up any anger towards the woman who firmly held my heart in her grasp. I could shove aside my own emotions, even if it meant indulging in self-destructive tendencies, just to care for her. 
"Ale," My voice was soft, barely more than a whisper as if my words would fracture her even further. I slowly approached the couch, my heart aching with a pain I couldn't name. "What happened tonight?" I asked while tentatively taking the bottle out of her grasp.
Alexia's head snapped up at the sound of my voice, her eyes glazed and distant as she struggled to focus on me, an effect from her excessive drinking that has become more familiar to me than I’d like. "Nothing," she muttered, her voice slurred with the aftereffects of alcohol. "Just... just another night out with the girls."
My eyes furrow with concern, I try to find any piece of the woman I loved, the woman who would buy me new flowers immediately after the previous flowers died, the woman who would wake up earlier before practice just to spend time with me, the woman who would bring me food to the library while I was drowning in assignments. But all I could see was the shell of that woman. All I could was emptiness and it was killing me. She was killing herself while clutching my heart within her hands, bringing me down with her. 
My voice trembled with disappointment as I settled beside Alexia on the couch, the tension between us crackling like electricity. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, suffused with the weight of unspoken grievances and broken promises. "You promised, Ale," I began, my tone beginning to edge with unbearable frustration as I decide to confront her broken vows. "You swore you'd try to get better, that you wouldn't let this control you anymore. That you would try for me, for us."
Alexia's eyes flashed with a mix of shame and defiance, her fingers stealing the bottle from my hands and tightening around the bottle in her hand as she clearly tried to brace herself for the impending conflict. The lines etched on her face increased tenfold. "I know," she admitted, her voice strained with the evident weight of her own struggles. "But it's not as simple as just trying, Y/N. You don't understand how hard it is. You just don’t."
My patience waned quickly as I met Alexia's gaze, my own resolve beginning to falter under the weight of our unresolved issues. "I'm trying to understand, Alexia," I defiantly retorted, my voice rising slightly with frustration. "But how can I when you won't let me in? You keep shutting me out, pushing me away every time I try to help."
A spark of anger ignited within Alexia's eyes as she rose to meet my challenge, her own frustrations bubbling to the surface. "Maybe if you actually understood what I'm going through, you'd realise that I'm not doing this to hurt you," she shot back, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I'm doing this because I can't bear to see you disappointed in me again."
The raw emotion in Alexia's words further broke my heart, the sting of guilt mixing with her own simmering anger. "I know, but you promised, Alexia," I murmured, my tone quiet  but sharp with anger, "It just seems like you don't care about keeping your word anymore. You're drowning yourself in alcohol, and you're dragging us down with you."
I can see Alexia's gaze harden, her own frustration boiling over as she shot back once again, Never one to back down. “Don't act like you're perfect, Y/N. You're always on my case, like you have it all figured out. But guess what? You don't. You never have."
I clench my jaw as I fight to keep my temper in check, I know that Alexia isnt in the right state for this discussion, but her words hold some flicker of truth which is why the words spill out despite my best efforts. "I may not understand everything you're going through, but at least I'm trying. What about you, Ale? Are you even trying anymore, or have you just given up once again?"
The accusation struck a nerve, and Alexia's temper flared, her voice rising to match my intensity. "Of course, I'm trying!" she exclaimed, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "But it's not enough for you, is it? Nothing I do is ever enough!"
My eyes flash with hurt and indignation while my voice trembles with emotion. "That's not true, Ale," I protest, my heart aching at the sight of the woman I adore unravelling right before my eyes. "I just want you to be happy, but I can't stand by and watch you destroy yourself. I can't do it anymore when it is destroying me further knowing I can’t help you despite my best attempts to."
Tears welled in Alexia's eyes as she struggled to contain her rising emotions, the weight of their argument bearing down on her like a crushing weight. "I don't know how to be happy anymore, Y/N," she admitted, her voice breaking with despair. "I feel like I'm drowning, and I can't find a way out."
The distance between us grew with each passing minute, each second driving a deeper wedge between our fractured hearts. And during the chaos of our bitter exchange, I just had a sinking feeling that my love might not be enough to save us from the impending darkness that I know will consume us completely, sooner or later.
Exhausted and emotionally drained, my voice immediately softened, a tremor of uncertainty lacing my words as I try to grind the words I thought I’d never say out loud, not to Alexia, not even in a million years or in a hundred different universes did I think I’d say this to her.. "Maybe... maybe we need some time apart," I suggest, the weight of the admission heavy on my tongue.
Alexia's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief at the suggestion. "A break?" she echoed, the word heavy with resignation and a hint of desperation.
I nod, my own heart aching at the realisation that our relationship might be hanging by a thread. "Just... for a little while," I murmur, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "To figure things out."
6 Months Ago | Alexia’s Point of View —
As the sun set over the horizon, casting hues of pink and gold across the sky, I led Y/N to a secluded spot in the park since I decided to surprise her with a special outing to a drive-in cinema. I see her eyes widen in surprise at the sight of twinkling fairy lights strung between the trees and a soft glow emanating from a cluster of candles.
With a nervous but determined smile, I take Y/N's hand and lead her to a cozy spot in front of the car. We start to settle onto a blanket spread out in the back of the car, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping.
As we cuddle together under the starlit sky, the screen flickers to life with the opening scenes of "La La Land," Y/N's favorite film, I had put that somewhere in the depths of my mind when she told me, knowing it will somehow be important later on.
During an especially poignant moment in the film, I reach into a nearby picnic basket and pull out a carefully crafted scrapbook that took me longer than I’d like to admit. After all I am athlete not an artsy person. But for her, it’s all worth it.
I watch as she curiously flips through the pages, her eyes widening in surprise and delight as she sees photos of our many movie nights together, interspersed with handwritten notes and film strips capturing precious moments we’ve shared over the last few months.
My hands start to lightly tremble while I intertwine Y/N's hand with mine, as I feel her hand fitting perfectly into mine, a warmth spreads through me, comforting the trembles that threaten to give away my nerves. "Y/N," I start, my voice barely above a whisper but laced with the depth of my feelings, "I never imagined that one person could fuel my heart with such love and devotion, I can’t even imagine my life without by my side and I ..."
Y/N's eyes meet mine, shimmering with unshed tears of happiness. Without a word, her gentle nod speaks volumes, affirming the depth of her love and commitment. "Yes, Ale," she murmurs, her voice a soft caress against the night air, "I choose you, now and forever."
Present day | Y/N’s Point of View —
Before I can even take a step forward, a familiar blonde head of hair envelops me, momentarily throwing off my balance. "Geez, Leah, trying to knock me over?" I chuckle, returning the embrace of my lifelong friend. Football was never my thing before Ale, but Leah and I go way back to our days in the primary school astronomy club, and our bond has only grown stronger since then. Proving our friendship to be stronger than any time zone or country.
"How do you manage to shrink every time I see you? Is there something in the water in Barca?" Leah teases as she takes my luggage from my grasp and leads the way to her car. I just shake my head at her usual antics, gazing out at the Heathrow Airport parking lot. London. I haven’t been back home in years, never felt the need to with Ale around, but now that I've lost her, it feels like I've lost my home along the way as well. The realization hits me like a punch to the gut, leaving me feeling nauseous. In just a few days, I've lost everything that mattered.
Hours later, after battling the infamous London traffic, we finally arrive at my flat. It's a sad time capsule of my past life. Remnants of old friendships and memories linger in every corner, a stark reminder that while I've changed, the world around me has kept on spinning. That time waits for no one, and as I sink deeper into my thoughts, Leah's concerned voice breaks through the silence. "Are we going to talk about it, or are we gonna keep pretending like nothing's happened?" she asks, her honesty cutting through the tension. I join her on the couch, resting my head on her shoulder with a heavy sigh. "I don’t know," I admit, uncertainty weighing heavily on my mind.
“Cmon, as your favourite bestfriend I think i deserve more honesty than that.” She tries to lightly joke, but I know her words hold some level of honestly. And the words hit me harder than I expected, and for a moment, I find myself at a loss for words. She's always been there for me, through the good times and the bad, but this... this feels different. It's not just a bump in the road; it's a complete upheaval of everything I thought I knew. I know nothing anymore.
"I know," I finally say, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's just... it's all so overwhelming, you know? I thought I had everything figured out, but now... now I don't know what to do."
Leah quickly wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer in a comforting embrace. "It's okay not to have all the answers," she reassures me, her voice soft but firm. "Just take it one step at a time. We'll figure it out together. You still have me no matter what. You know that.”
I nod, grateful for her words of wisdom. But even as I try to take comfort in her presence, a nagging feeling of unease lingers at the back of my mind. How do you move forward when everything you once knew has been shattered right in front of you? Where do you even begin?
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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izuku midoriya x reader ! (fem)
synopsis: when an innocent religious boy comes into your hands the only thing you can do is ruin his pure mind.
word count: 3.5k
warnings/tw: all characters are 18+, no quirks, college AU, corruption, mentions religion, a little bit of disrespect about religion, praise, oral (m!), hickeys, masturbation(?), facial, finger sucking, hair pulling, piv, unprotected sex, and... I'll let you figure it out.
a/n: gah this is a virgin izuku book >///<... stay tuned for the end... trust me, you want to read it. oh and please like, comment. and re-blog ily ! don't copy my work. not proofread. who wants a part 2 ?…
song: HEAVEN AND BACK [Chase Atlantic]
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You yawned, moving through the crowded party. Sighing, you tried looking for your roommate, Mina Ashido. You must admit, you already have had a couple of drinks so you were pretty buzzed, walking around all the flashing lights didn't make your mind feel any more at ease.
"Y/n?~" a voice asked you. It was a feminine voice, a voice you knew way too well.
You turned around to see your roommate. She looked drunk off her ass. Her hair was frizzing up, her shirt covered in alcohol, and her eyes barely open. You shook your head, snapping a picture of her to show her in the morning.
You giggled, watching her stumble into your arms.
"Mina, are you ready to go home?" you asked, only a bit concerned for her well-being. She can get a little crazy at parties
"Y/n~ Noooooo, I don't wanna go home yet~ *hic* Plus you still haven't even met my *hic* friends~" she slurred, furrowing her eyebrows.
The whole reason you were at the party is to meet Mina's 'Out of town' friends. Oh, trust me, you've met her main group, sleeping with all of them whenever you feel like it. You couldn't help yourself! You regularly call Bakugou over to fuck you whenever you want him to, but that's a whole different story.
"Mina? Oh! Mina! There you are," a familiar face said, sighing in relief. The familiar face was none other than Shoto Todoroki, you've met him a few times, he didn't go to your university. Not to say that you two fucked or anything but you guys definitely did some hand stuff not too long ago.
Shoto is from a Christian school, he doesn't believe in the ways of God but he is forced to go. Every weekend he comes to your university's parties to disobey his father and obey his own beliefs. He is an atheist, not caring for religions, you can say the same thing.
"Aw, Shoto! I didn't know you were here," you teased, giving the boy a tight hug. You adored his sensitive reactions to your slightest touch. He hugged you back.
"I didn't see you here, glad to know you're here though," he smiled, holding on to your waist. Was he being more bold today? You rolled your eyes, taking his hands away from your waist, the only thing on your mind was making sure Mina got home safely. You shouldn't get distracted by Shoto's charms.
"Where's *hic* Zu... Zuku... And Chako?" Mina cried, shaking Shoto's shoulders. Shoto looked at your calm face, pausing his train of thought before turning back to Mina.
"He's upstairs, he needed some air. You know how he gets around crowded places. And Ochako is with Jirou and Hagakure," Shoto replied, shrugging.
Mina shook her head, too dazed to say anything to Shoto.
"Zuku?" you questioned. You were unfamiliar with the name. You knew Ochako, only due to her relations with your girl friends.
"Izuku," Shoto corrected. "He's a friend of ours from my school, could you go and grab him? I think he's ready to go home, he doesn't do so well around big crowds. I'll try and get Mina out of the house too, she looks really... Not well..." he muttered.
Mina whined, protesting against him. Of course she wanted to stay but she needed to leave, she was well over being blacked out.
"Don't make us call Sero, you know he will whoop your ass," you commented, sternly.
Mina shut her mouth, quickly. "Yes ma'am," She was ready to comply with whatever you guys said.
"He's in the last room down the hallway," Shoto explained, picking up Mina. He tossed her over his shoulder, trying to get through the crowd.
You nodded. All you have to do is grab Shoto's friend, you trust Shoto enough to leave him with Mina. You know he'd never do anything to make a woman uncomfortable, ever.
You made your way upstairs. The bass of the music made the entire house shake. You were surprised the party hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. Moans and groans filled the hallway you walked through, horny adults probably filled every single room available for access. You made a mental note to call Bakugou over tonight for some fun.
Eventually you reached the last door of the hallway. Slowly, you opened the wooden door. The room seemed empty from the looks of it, you decided to look around. A huge bed was in the middle of the room, furniture organized around. The room did have a nice color pallet, white and gold. The two colors that embody purity, you loved them.
"Izuku?" you called out, exploring the dim lighted room.
The door to the balcony opened, stepping into the room with you was a fluffy green haired boy. The darkness of the room was hard to really see any features of him. The moonlight from outside did let you see the little freckles displayed on his face though.
"U-um... Who... Are you?" the male asked, shutting the door behind him quickly.
"Are you Izuku?" you asked, wondering if you might have gotten the wrong room.
The boy nodded his head.
"Oh, Shoto wanted me to come and grab you," you conversed. You walked over to a bedside table, turning on the lamp that was on it. You didn't really enjoy being in the dark. Once you turned around you finally saw the man you were speaking too. His eyes averted from your figure, you were in a proactive outfit that showed all of your natural curves. He wore a regular shirt and jeans but what had your full attention was the silver cross that dangled from him neck. One word... Innocence.
A sinister smirk appeared on your lips. "Or we can stay here and get to know each other," you suggested, shrugging. You sat on the bed, waiting for Izuku to join you. Izuku was flustered by your boldness. He took a deep breath, thinking back on what Shoto had told him about meeting new people. He never really came out to parties, usually the only places he went that had lots of people is church.
He made his way to your lustful energy. Izuku sat on the bed with you. "I'm Y/n," you greeted.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya," he said, giving an unsure smile.
His emerald colored eyes were a sight to see, they were beautiful. You shook your head, snapping back into reality. Izuku just stared at your own hypnotizing gaze.
"I heard you go to Shoto's school. You believe in God?" you asked, curiously.
"W-what?! Of course I do! God is my ruler. He is my only God," Izuku rambled. You thought his little ramble about God was adorable. He seemed very passionate about his religious beliefs.
All you could do was shrug. "I can't relate but I respect your beliefs,"
"Why can't you relate? Do you not believe in our lord and savior?"
You shook your head 'no', earning an audible gasp from Izuku.
"What? W-why not?"
You began to feel annoyed by the way he was talking. "Izuku, don't you ever have temptations?" you questioned, trying to explain how you feel.
Izuku began to look off to the side. "We aren't supposed to..."
"Well! We are human! We can't help how we feel," you interrupted, laughing.
Izuku cocked his eyebrow. "I never follow my temptations. They must be kept away, giving into them is a sin,"
You rolled your eyes at the word 'sin'. It rolled off his tongue so smoothly, you were buzzed from the party earlier so maybe that's why you decided to say...
"Have you ever sinned?"
Izuku looked at you, his mouth hung agape. You bet he never expected you to ask him such a personal question.
"O-of course not!" he said, furrowing his eyebrows. He seemed offended by the question.
You hummed to yourself, leaning close to the poor boy's face. Suddenly, you found yourself straddling his empty lap. He didn't dare touch or look at you, he was easily embarrassed. His face was a beet red hue. His hands nor face paid attention to the temptation of your body.
"You've never..." you thought. Smirking, you leaned into his ear, "Touched yourself?" you finished. Your breath was close against his neck, making him shiver underneath you.
Izuku's heart beat felt rapid. He had no words, seemingly. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. He did not partake in such sinful acts.
You almost laughed in his face thinking he was joking. But on further inspection, he seemed dead serious. This made you excited. You loved sleeping with virgins. They always had the whiniest moans and the warmest cum. You loved taking advantage of them, making sure to make them feel pathetic.
Your hand crept up to his face, grabbing his cheek. "Do you want me to show you how to touch yourself, Izuku?" you asked, as innocently as you could.
And with that, you felt something hard underneath you, this boy had gotten a boner, a boner that you wanted to get rid of.
"I...I shouldn't," Izuku mumbled, feeling as if he were spinning.
Your lips found their way on his neck, sucking on his soft skin softly. He let out a whimper, his whimper made you want to go insane. But! You know you should take it slow, it is his first time after all.
"Do you want me to touch you?" you asked, feeling your core already to start to burn.
"It's a sin to lie, isn't it?" you teased, not really knowing if it was a sin or not.
"Touch me,"
With that being said, you smashed your lips against his. Izuku let you kiss him. But what got him more interested was when you slipped your tongue into his mouth. He seemed like a natural to you. Your tongues were in sync, making you want him even more.
After releasing your kiss to breathe in some air, you looked into his eyes. Lust. He was being lustful in this moment with you. It made you eager to ruin him.
"What do you want me to do to you?" you asked, pushing his back on to the bed. He laid under you as you sucked on his skin, making sure to leave purple marks. They way he crumbled under your touch felt so sexy to you.
"D...Do w-whatever you want to me," he moaned, finally having the courage to put his hands on your waist. They ran up and down your hips. grinding your body slightly on his hard clothed cock.
You smiled, removing your clothes, only having a bra and panties on, this would be his first time seeing a woman naked. You felt excited knowing that. You helped Izuku get him own clothes off, leaving him in his boxers. The tent built up in them almost had you drooling at the sight.
He couldn't look you in the eyes, he stared at the ground, holding his cheeks to relieve them as they were burning. You were stood up, Izuku's legs draped over the bedside, he was anticipating for more.
Getting on your knees, you made sure Izuku kept his eyes directly on you.
"I'm going to show you how to please yourself, kay?" you said, pecking his lips.
"H-ow do I do that...?" he asked, almost stuttering.
Instead of explaining, you grabbed his hand. You wanted to tease him before touching him. You let your warm tongue touch the pads of his finger tips. You noticed his dick twitch due to your action. You began to suck softly and slowly, Izuku was in a trance, wishing it were his cock instead.
"Let me see it now, Zuku,"
Izuku felt his blush come back to him, he must've felt too embarrassed to pull out his cock, he kept stuttering and rambling on and on. You rolled your eyes, playfully, finding your own hands to be the one to reveal his dick. His dick was long and thick, you've never seen such a perfect one.
He whined as your soft hands started pumping his dick slowly.
"This is how to please yourself, give me your hand," you ordered.
Without any thought Izuku gave you his hand. You wrapped his own hand around his dick, making him pump it himself.
"Does that feel good baby?" you asked, ready to make him feel even more relieved.
"Y-yes," he moaned.
You grazed your thumb over the tip making him feel jolts of pleasure.
After watching him pump his cock in front of you a few times, you were ready to wrap your lips around his length. You wanted him to cry out your name- No- You needed him to cry out your name.
You took off Izuku's hand from his own length, giving him your full attention.
"Keep your eyes on me Izuku," you said, in a serious tone.
He nodded his head, fast.
You stuck out your tongue to lick the tip of his dick. He tossed his head back, making you feel more heated. In an instant, you took his whole tip in your mouth, sucking on it soft and slow. He groaned, trying to stop the urge to grab your hair. You noticed his hand hovering over your head, was he trying to be respectful? You rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand and placing it in your own hair.
"You can pull my hair baby, don't be shy,"
Izuku blushed at your words but found his fingers gripping right where your scalp is. You loved it, he's learning so easily.
Your wet tongue ran up and down his shaft, earning moans and groans from Izuku. He started to gain more confidence, moving your head down further. He wanted you to take him fully but he was too shy to say.
After a few minutes of pants, moaning, and suckling noises, you felt Izuku get more tense and sloppy as he moved your head. He was close to cumming.
"This... Feels so good," he moaned, his hips rutting upwards on instinct.
"You're such a good boy, does the good boy wanna cum?" you asked, rubbing his dick in your hands. Both of your hands rubbed him in all the right ways.
"C-cum?" Izuku questioned.
Oh of course! He is a virgin, he doesn't know about these things. The cross around his neck was connected to his chest due to the sweat. You laughed in your head, knowing you're stealing one of God's little angels.
"You'll understand when it happens, for now, just lay back and let me make you feel good, hm?"
Izuku understood, laying back down, propping himself on his elbows to look at your face.
You continued to suck on him, anticipating to feel his warm cum on your face.
"W-wait!" Izuku shouted, a look on his face signified he was unfamiliar by the feeling.
You knew what this meant, you kept using your hands and tongue faster.
"A-ah no! Something... Ah~ No I think I'm going to-"
You took out his cock from your mouth, rubbing it up and down while he shot his hot cum on your face. He felt ecstasy.
"S-so good!" he praised, panting.
You licked up all of the cum you could off of his dick, making sure he watched. His face was red.
"That was too good," Izuku said, sitting upwards. He got up to grab his shirt off of the floor. You sighed, understanding he was ready to leave.
"What? Leaving too so-"
He wiped the cum off of your body, feeling embarrassed that you have his sperm all over your cute face. Your cheeks burned up, no one has taken care of you after doing something like that.
"S-sorry about that," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.
You gave him a smile, feeling an unfamiliar sensation deep down in your heart. "It's no problem," you said, taking a seat on the bed.
Izuku sat next to you.
"T-thanks for that... I've never done anything like that before," he sighed.
"You think we're done?" you giggled. Of course you weren't!
"Are we not?" Izuku asked, confused.
You shook your head, straddling Izuku's lap. This time instead of being so shy, he seemed less anxious, comfortable, and familiar. His hands gripped your waist, guiding your hips to grind against his dick, causing him to get hard once again.
"Let me ruin you Izuku," you whispered, kissing him passionately. He kissed you back, wanting everything from you. He needed you.
"Please y/n... Ruin me,"
All you could do was smile at his words, he was ready for you and only you.
You got off Izuku, slowly removing your panties. After removing them you sat back down on Izuku's lap.
"What are we doing next?" he asked, fiddling with his hands.
You honestly didn't need foreplay, you were ready for him. You were ready to ruin him, to make him connected to you by soul ties.
"Izuku, lay down," you demanded.
Izuku did exactly what you said, laying down right in the center of the bed, his body propped into the soft, silky pillows.
You crawled over to him like a hunter stalking its prey. You had no hesitation to pounce on him. You hovered yourself over his dick, wanting to see his facial expressions as you put it in. Though you weren't a fan of riding, you always were when it came to virgins.
Your eyes landed upon the cross around Izuku's neck. God can't help his poor soul now.
Slowly, you began to sink down on Izuku's cock.
"Warm... So good," he whispered.
Your gummy walls held onto his dick tightly. The lewd noises you were making were beyond comprehension.
"I can't... Too much," Izuku whined, closing his eyes, holding on to your hips.
"You can take it baby, so big and ready to fill me up," you said, finally pushing yourself on his dick fully.
He let out a moan.
You allowed him to get familiar with the sensation of your walls, not wanting him to cum so quickly.
You began to move yourself up and down, Izuku's hands attached to your hips as you rode him.
His dick filled you up, hitting all the right spots. You moaned, sinking down on his cock.
Moans and whimpers could be heard throughout the room. This feeling is one that you could never give up.
Over time you began to pick up the pace, Izuku was huffing and taking deep breaths as you sped up. He was so sensitive after you made him cum earlier, he wanted to try and make you feel good too, which is why it's taking everything in him not to cum right then and there.
"F-fuck Izuku~" you moaned, feeling the knot in your stomach ready to be released.
You felt yourself moving faster, wanting to chase your own orgasm.
"G-god! So good! I can't hold it in," Izuku whimpered.
You smirked at his words. "God can't help you Izuku," you said, slyly.
For some odd reason that turned Izuku on even more, rutting his hips upwards. He hugged your waist, slamming you down on his cock. You were surprised by his actions but didn't care, he was eager, it's his first time, of course he was.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling your orgasm near closer and closer. You couldn't help your eyes rolling back, it all was too much!
His dick hit your favorite spot, earning loud moans.
"Right there Izuku~" you panted, almost sounding like you were whining.
Izuku understood, moving your hips faster. Fucking into you as much as he could, hitting your spot over and over, continuously.
"Gon-Gonna cum!" you cried, ready to become undone.
Izuku just couldn't contain himself, his dick went in as much as it could, his hot seed pumping inside of you. The warmth of his cum made you reach your climax.
You both panted for air. You got off of the boy, laying beside him. That fucking session was a pretty damn good one.
"Thank you Y/n. I've never felt so alive," Izuku said, turning to face you. He had a smile plastered on him. His smile made your heart flutter.
Your stamina was all used up, you could barely look him in his eyes. You were happy to be of assistance for him.
"You were such a good boy," you said, leaning into kiss him.
He grabbed your cheeks, kissing you until you fell asleep. He wanted to take such good care of you after you helped him out. He placed a cover on top of you, admiring your cute face.
"Asleep already?" Izuku asked.
You didn't hear a word he said, already fast to sleep. You were insanely worn out.
He giggled slightly, kissing the top of your forehead.
"Fucking idiot," he muttered, rolling his eyes and getting off of the bed in search for his boxers. "When Shoto said it'd be this easy... I didn't think he meant this easy," he commented, ripping off the cross necklace from his neck. He threw it somewhere in the room, not caring for things like 'God'.
Once he found his boxers, he walked over the the dresser, taking out his phone, hidden behind some perfumes, which was recording the whole scene between the two of you.
"Too damn easy," he smirked, checking the video quickly to see if it captured everything, and trust me, it did.
3 Missed calls from Ochako <3
Izuku scoffed at his notifications, dialing the missing call back. He didn't want to deal with her bullshit right now, he wanted to smoke a quick cigarette before having to be by her side all night. The phone number answered quickly.
"Where are you babe? You've been missing for awhile now," the girl said, sounding worried.
"I just needed some air, I'll meet up with you in a bit,"
"Okay honey, bye, I love you,"
"I love you too,"
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kikidoesfanfic · 24 days
Run away with me
For the prompt 'go, see if I care' for @steddieangstyaugust some misunderstandings and making up, feat. Wayne Munson, local voice of reason/mediator.
It was regular Thursday when Eddie got the news that Corroded Coffin had been picked up by a producer. And Steve was excited for him, over the moon even, but it's only been three days since then and everything's changed.
He's still happy for Eddie, he is, he just assumed... well he shouldn't have assumed, is the thing.
They'd been packing, ready to move into an apartment they'd found in Indie, Robin getting ready for her first year of college with Steve and Eddie trailing behind. They were looking to get out of town anyway, wanted to stay close enough for the kids, but to still be out, and they were days away from leaving. Pivoting to Chicago wasn't that much work, they hadn't signed for the apartment yet, and Robin understood. Robin pushed him to go in fact, she'd be in a dorm room for the first year, and 'Chicago is barely a three hour drive away Dingus so you both better visit'.
He thought- it doesn't matter what he thought, apparently.
"And anyway the only place we could find on such short notice only has two bedrooms, so I'm bunking with Jeff." Steve pauses, marker in hand hovering above cardboard where he'd been about to label their kitchen things, a mismash of items donated by their little Upside Down family. "But, the walk to the studio is really short, and there's a lot of bars and venues really close to the apartment, and it has a parking space, so it could be worse."
"Wait go back, you're bunking with Jeff?"
"Well yeah, Gareth snores like a chainsaw and Frank sleeps like a log, so it makes sense to stick them in the same room so Jeff and I don't lose our minds." Eddie is a picture of nonchalance, not even looking at Steve.
"Right," Steve says, capping the marker, "because that makes sense."
"Yeah, and Jeff's parents have given him a little cash for furniture and stuff, and Gareth's mom wants to drive up with a moving van since mine will be full of all the band stuff and mine." Eddie says, and he's so happy, and Steve wants him to be happy, he does, so instead of voicing any of the questions he feels practically clogging up his lungs he says:
"Sounds like you have it all figured out."
And Eddie smiles big and bright and seemingly oblivious to anything Steve is thinking, perhaps hadn't given Steve a second thought at all when faced with his dream job. He uncaps the marker again, starts writing kitchen in big wobbly letters when his stupid hand won't cooperate and keep still.
"Oh hey can we have some of the kitchen stuff? I don't want to make the boys get everything for the new place, you know?" Eddie says, offhanded and flicking the cardboard flap on his way past to the couch, flopping down on it in the picture of ease.
"Sure, do what you want," Steve says, and he can hear how tight his voice has gotten, Eddie must be able to as well because he sits up from his lazy sprawl on the couch to look at him closer. Steve doesn't want to be looked at closer. He needs to get out for a while, go calm down so he can come back and be a supportive... is he even Eddie's boyfriend any more? Just a friend? Eddie sure as hell hasn't mentioned even visiting after apparently deciding he's leaving Steve behind, so maybe this is his way of getting a clean break. "I need to..."
Where was he even going to go? He's been living in the trailer with Eddie and Wayne since just after Eddie graduated, all his stuff is either here or in boxes in the Henderson's garage waiting to be driven to fucking Chicago.
"I have some stuff to drop at Robin's, I'll be back later." Steve walks out, gets in his car and drives away before Eddie can question that Robin isn't even home right now, off with her parents at her aunt's place for a last big family dinner before she leaves.
He doesn't know where to go. It's not like he can take this to any of the kids, Robin isn't here, maybe he should just get some of his boxes from the Henderson's and drive up to Indie alone like Eddie was going to just drive off alone to Chicago. But that's stupid, because even if he did drive up to Indie, signed for the apartment, moved his boxes in, it's not like he could afford the place alone.
Which just. Did Eddie even think of him at all? He knew they could only afford the place together, didn't even ask if Steve found a new place or, or if Steve had any plans.
Steve pulls over when the road gets fuzzy and he realises he's crying.
"Where were you?" Eddie asks as soon as he's back through the door.
"I went for a drive"
"Why?" Eddie asks, and Steve can't look at him.
"I needed to think"
"And you couldn't do that here?"
"No." A pregnant pause follows, where Eddie just stares at him.
"Is this about Chicago?" Eddie says and something in Steve just. Snaps.
"Fuck Eddie, of course it's about Chicago!"
"Well sorry if that wasn't the first thing to come to mind, I thought you were happy for me!" Eddie says, immediately matching his energy.
"I was. Am."
"You said was. What changed then?"
"Just, did you consider me at all? Even a little bit?" And it hurts to ask, because Steve desperately wants the answer to be yes, but with all the evidence in front of him...
"Of course I did, but this is my dream Steve, for me and the guys, this is our big break." And that's- Steve can be okay with that, he wants Eddie to achieve his dreams, that was never in question, but.
"What did you think I was going to do, then? You haven't even asked." It comes out more wounded than Steve wants it to.
"I asked if you could take care of the apartment and you said yes!" Eddie sounds exasperated, looks it too when Steve meets his eye instead of some vague point over his shoulder.
"Yeah because I thought you meant- you know what fuck this, I can't do this."
"Can't do what?"
"This," he gestures between them, "the fighting, because you don't care, and I'm done sticking around where I'm not wanted."
"Oh my god Steve nobody said you were unwanted. Just because I didn't turn down the opportunity of a lifetime for a relationship that hasn't even made it to a full year? What exactly is there to think about?"
"You know what, Eddie? Screw you, go, see if I care!" Steve wrenches open the trailer door hell bent on getting the fuck out of there before he embarrasses himself any more than he already has, but his path is short lived.
"What is all the yellin?" Wayne says, stepping into the doorway and effectively blocking Steve's exit. "I can hear the two of you goin at it from the drive."
"Oh it's nothing Wayne, Steve's apparently been lying about being happy for me, about going to Chicago." Eddie chirps, and Steve rounds on him, angrily swiping the tears off his face because no. He's not making this Steve's fault.
"That is not what I said."
"You may as well have!" Eddie shouts, and Steve is about ready to shove past Wayne manners be damned because he wants to be anywhere but here right now.
"Alright, that's enough, the both of you. Sit." He puts a hand on Steve's shoulder, pushes him toward one of the dining chairs and points at the couch until Eddie sits back down. There's a loaded silence while Wayne scratches at his chin, thinking.
"You've been excited about Chicago all week, even when Eddie wasn't here to see it, what changed?"
"Found out today I have no reason to be." Steve says, and he knows he's being stubborn but god if he isn't feeling like he has the right to.
"Oh except for your boyfriend living his dream or doesn't that matter? I-"
"Edward Munson you get your ass back in that seat and your mouth buttoned." Eddie wisely sits.
"Why've you got no reason to be?" Wayne asks Steve
"Because Eddie is going to Chicago." Wayne nods but it's slow, eyes narrowing.
"Gonna need a bit more there, son." It's the 'son' that does it, makes Steve's lip quiver before he gets control of the traitorous thing.
"Eddie's going to Chicago, he asked for some of the kitchen things, he's sharing a room with Jeff and an apartment with the guys."
"Ah. An' where are you supposed to sleep?"
"Indie. Apparently."
"But I didn't-" all it takes for Eddie to cut himself off is Wayne holding up a hand.
"You'll get your turn in a minute, kid," Wayne says, placating. "Now, did you not talk about Chicago?"
"He asked me to take care of the apartment, I thought he meant talk to the landlord and tell them we weren't coming. He knows I couldn't afford the place alone, he heard Robin say we both better visit, he just. He didn't even consider me going with him and that's worse. He didn't ask what I was gonna do even thinking I wasn't going, didn't even think... he just said that he doesn't need to think about a relationship that hasn't made it to a year when he's making decisions." He breathes out a hastily measured breath, "so what am I even doing here? Take the kitchen stuff Eddie, take all of it for all I care I'm-"
"Okay, alright, let's simmer down." Steve nods, resigned, and slumps back in the dining chair. "Ed, you wanna tell me what's goin on?"
"How was I supposed to know he'd want to come to Chicago? He never said anything-
"Because I'm your bo-"
"Hey now, he let you speak, you let him speak." Steve huffs out another sigh but doesn't interrupt again, his arms come up to cross over his chest, instead ending up somewhere around hugging himself.
"He never said anything about coming with me, how was I supposed to know he wanted to? Robin is in Indianapolis." He runs a hand through his hair, looks over at Steve, "was I supposed to just assume you were coming with me?"
Wayne gestures at Steve and then steps off into the kitchen, grabbing down mugs and setting up the coffee machine, leaving them to it.
"Considering you knew I was going to stay in Hawkins if you did, in the first place? Yeah Eddie, kinda thought you would."
"Well... I didn't think of that."
"Yeah. There's a lot you didn't think of. Look, it's fine, and I am happy for you. I just thought when you saw your future with your dream career and whatever I was still in it."
"You are, of course I want you to come with me!" Eddie says, standing and taking a few steps closer.
"Then why didn't you say that? Plan for it at all?" Steve throws back with a burst of movement as he gets to his feet as well.
"I thought you WANTED to stay with ROBIN!"
"Well I WANTED to stay with YOU!"
"MAYBE I WILL!" Their chests are heaving as they both stand across from each other, table still between them, Eddie's eyes dart down to Steve's lips, so Steve wets them with a quick swipe of his tongue.
"I'm gonna go ahead an' guess you don't need me anymore, so I'm gonna take a shower. You kids get all your business out while I'm in there."
"Yessir," Eddie says with a salute, not taking heated eyes off of Steve.
They still need to talk, but after feeling pretty insecure about their relationship Steve isn't going to say no to a little physical reassurance, lets Eddie pull him closer by the hands.
But instead Eddie surprises him, a quick peck to the lips is all he gets before their foreheads are resting together, hands swinging back and forth either side of them.
"I'm sorry, we should have talked about it, I was just worried that you wouldn't want to come and didn't want to hear you say it. Or worse for you to come and then resent me for it. It won't happen again." Eddie's big bambi eyes are wide and imploring, close to Steve as he is, and it's really rather unfair. "And I'm sorry about what I said, I was just..."
"Defensive," Steve supplies.
"Yeah, that. I... panicked. A little. You're pretty much all I think about Stevie." Steve kisses him for that, has to, really, before pulling back.
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have assumed you'd know I would go with you, I'll say it with words next time. Right away."
"So you'll come? It'll be a bit cramped until we can find our own place, you'll have to share with me and the guys."
"Of course I still want to come, if you want me to?"
"I just asked if you wou-"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just being," Steve shakes their hands where they're still joined at their sides.
"Steve, come with me to Chicago, run away with me, please?"
"I'd come with you anywhere," Steve says, sincere, and Eddie's face contorts and smooths a few times. Steve sighs for what feels like the hundredth time today but at least this time it's more fond, "Eddie."
"Oh come on, you walked right into that one, you'll come with me anywhere?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
"Anywhere except for in a room shared with Jeff, yeah." Steve kisses him on the tip of his nose, pulling away to go pour their coffee.
"Hey wait, no, I think we need our own room actually. Who's Jeff? A band? What's a guitar?" As Eddie continues, his laments getting more and more ridiculous while he drapes himself over the kitchen counter, Steve brings up his mug to hide his smile.
Yeah sometimes he and Eddie are idiots about this stuff, but it's okay with him as long as they're idiots in it together.
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enviedear · 10 months
can you pleaseeee do the reader’s first with billy??
i feel like that man would be a gentle giant 😞🩷
first time with billy bonney...
you asked so nicely i gave you a full fic <3 enjoy 2k words of first time cuteness with our favorite outlaw
tw— 18+ smut, minors dni, piv, unprotected sex, (do better irl) cumming inside
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billy's charming in the way he helps you off his horse, eyes as bright as the stars above. you let yourself walk with him, hands interlocked and arms brushing together, as you escort him back to your small cabin.
up here, away from the fast-growing town, trees stand tall and animals call out—it's wild out here. so wild in fact, that no one in the gambling den batted an eye when the gunslinger offered to accompany you home. his citation of some recent bobcat attacks being enough to make his sinfully intended sentiment sound as if it were an honorable and gracious one.
of course, not that you gave it any mind. none at all. for as sure as the days are long, it's no question that you've fallen head first for the man on the run. in just a few weeks of his strolling into town, he's managed to endear himself so effortlessly to you.
you watch his slender fingers graze the doorknob of the wooden door, "i can find som'where else to stay tonight, darlin'. if you've changed your mind."
his voice is hushed and you furrow your brows at his admission, "why would i change my mind?" your resolve is unwavering as you look up at him, your stare wrought with permission.
he pushes the door open, letting you step inside first. for a second, you think he may back down, regret his decision at the den, and leave you here alone with only the idea of what could have been.
such thoughts are promptly absolved from your head when he wraps his strong, yet lean, arms around you. his chest becomes flush against you, and you note the prominent bulge pressing into your backside— how could you have ever thought of rejection? this is the furthest from it, this is obvious clearance, a promise.
"you look so pretty," billy whispers, cool breath hitting your shoulder, "i want you s'bad... just don't let me scare you."
another confused expression graces your face, "why would you scare me?"
the gunslinger breaths in your scent, nose brushing along the curve of your neck, "'cause i know how much i want you. m'crazy for you, sweetheart," he pauses to turn your head toward him, pointer finger at your chin, "just don't want to be too much and scare you away."
you ease into his touch, turning to face him, defenses down at his confession, "i won't run, billy. i like you too much."
your words seem to ignite the spark of passion within him as he pauses to let his eyes trail over your lips before finding your eyes again. the act is small but apparent enough that you feel comfortable enough to slide your hands up to his chest. his heartbeat thumps against your hands, rate accelerated.
with a shaky breath, you lean into him, lips brushing his. lingering, you feel as if you're on the edge of a cliff seconds away from jumping into the waters below. you feel him give the softest smile, bottom lip bumping into your own. the little sensation lights you aflame, and you have to fight back a moan when he finally presses his lips to yours.
his kiss is saccharine, loving, and careful. his hands keep you steady, at your hips, drawing you into him. you feel utterly lost in his being. the way he kisses you, slow and graceful, a welcome surprise. used to rowdy farmhands' awkward kisses and scorned by vicious schoolboys' unsolicited pecks, you've never had a kiss so sweet.
as his tongue tentatively brushes against your lips, you feel your body responding in a way you never thought possible. you feel animalistic, wanton and greedy. your hands grip his shirt, pulling him closer as you part your lips and let him deepen the kiss. the taste of him is intoxicating, and you can't get enough.
with a sudden urgency, billy pulls you towards him and lifts you onto the nearby table. you gasp as he breaks away from the kiss to trail kisses along your jawline before nipping at your neck. your head falls back, exposing more of your neck to him, and you hear him groan in approval.
his hands roam your body, tracing the curve of your waist before sliding under your shirt to cup your breasts. you arch into him, craving the touch of his rough hands on your bare skin. your own hands find their way to the buttons of his shirt, fumbling with them before pulling it off his body and revealing his toned stomach. you run your hands across his chest, feeling the stiff muscles under your fingertips.
you break away from him momentarily to catch your breath, gazing into his eyes as he looks back at you with such intensity that you feel like he's seeing straight into your spirit, "i want you," he whispers, voice husky with desire, have the minute i laid eyes on you."
billy eases you back onto the table, lips grazing your own, the feel of his skin against your own sending shivers down your spine. as your fingers fumble with his belt, you're reminded of your lack of experience.
you pause to look into his eyes, silently asking him for reassurance, "s'okay, darlin', trust me." his lips press against yours, reassuring and gentle, "you're doing s'good already."
you can't help but grow warm at his words, the bravery and candor in his voice giving away your own effect over him, "i trust you." you whisper against his lips, pulling him impossibly closer.
he hums, kissing you again before sliding your dress shirt off your body. you feel his hands roam your waist, following the curve of your stomach to rest on the swell of your hips, holding you steady.
you take a moment to appreciate the sight of billy's bare chest—the way the moonlight filters through the windows, casting an ethereal hue on his body. you catch yourself wondering if you'll be so lucky to have him in your bed again, and you decide then and there that if he leaves, you won't let him go alone.
focusing back into the ardor of his embrace, the kiss as passionate as it was before, if not more. your tongues dance against each other, neither of you keeping a single thing to yourselves. billy's hands slide around to your hips, gripping at your skirt.
a shiver runs up your spine as he pulls you into him, feeling the weight of him press against your thigh. the heat from his body feels almost as strong as your desire for him, and you shudder from the contact, "i need—" you break away from him, hands fumbling at your own clothes, "i need you, billy…"
you pull your skirts up, revealing yourself to the dark-haired man before you. billy's eyes are trapped on your hips, lingering on your underwear as his hands slide up your hips and hook themselves around your bloomers, "never had a lady tell me what she wants," he murmurs, "s'direct."
his words drive you to press your hips into his, wanting him to know that you mean it, "please, i need you."
his lips find your neck, teeth nipping at your collarbone, "i need you, too, darlin'."
you close your eyes, hands finding their way to the button of his pants, "take them off."
you hear him chuckle and he slides down off the table, unlacing his belt as he steps out of his pants. you turn your head from him, flustered as you slide your undergarments off your hips and legs, kicking them to the side to fully expose yourself to him.
the gunslinger glides your back onto the table, eyes grazing over every curve and plane of your body as you lie before him, "you're so beautiful, darlin'."
you smile at his words, reaching your hands out for him as he lowers himself over you. your breaths seem to come faster, riddled with nerves.
you can feel his breath on your cheek, and you lean into him, "billy..." his lips kiss yours once, stopping you from saying anything further. you can feel his erection press against your thigh.
his hands find your hips and slowly slide you towards him, "just relax." he whispers as his eyes find yours.
you feel him press against you, and you close your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain. you suddenly feel a heat wave course through you, leaving a trail of nerve endings burning at his every touch. the gunslinger groans in approval and kisses your neck, seemingly urging you to relax more.
you feel him nip at your collarbone before slowly easing into you. you feel a light burning sensation, but it seems to be more from his movement than from his dick. his hips are gentle as he thrusts into you, his breath catching in his throat as you move your hips. the gunslinger's hands move to your waist, gripping at you as he pulls you into him.
the need for oxygen breaks your kiss, and billy's lips slide up to your ear, nipping at it as he thrusts into you with more force. you gasp, your back arching as he pulls you into him. you hear him groan in approval, "darlin', you're s'tight, and warm…you feel so good. i could stay inside of you forever."
you shudder at his words, unaccustomed to such vulgar remarks. your mind is filled with thoughts that no lady would ever think, but you find that you don't care. the pleasure billy brings you is more than enough to excuse what others might consider improper.
his lips find your neck again, leaving gentle kisses across your skin. you shiver as you feel him pant against your skin, "more, darlin', let me hear."
you nod your head, not at all sure what to expect. as billy's thrusts become harder, your nails dig into the tops of his arms, leaving light trails of red on his skin. he groans, "good girl."
your mind begins to cloud, your body becoming light with pleasure, "billy…"
as he moves within you, your body instinctively tenses and your breaths become labored. billy's hands grip your hips tightly, urging you to move with him as he thrusts deeper and harder. you can feel the tension building inside of you, a primal heat that intensifies with each movement.
"god, darlin', you're so close. i feel it." he whispers huskily in your ear, his words fueling your desire even more. your nails dig into his arms, leaving marks on his skin as you cling to him desperately.
finally, the wave crashes over you and pure ecstasy washes over your entire being. billy's own release follows closely behind yours, his muttered words blending into the symphony of pleasure that surrounds you both. as you lay there, spent and gasping for air, billy wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. his weight is a comforting pressure against your body as he remains inside of you for a few moments longer.
eventually, he pulls out and lies next to you on the table, allowing both of your bodies to relax and catch their breath. you turn towards him, gazing into his deep blue eyes that are filled with adoration and passion. this intimate moment between the two of you feels like an eternity as you bask in each other's presence. you turn and face him, smiling as you lean to kiss him.
you know you've never been so satisfied, and you can't help but feel happy for the choice you made. the gunslinger is kind enough to take you to your bed, snuggling into both you and your covers.
you lay in his arms, exhausted from your previous activity. billy looks down at you and smiles, "you did real good, sweetheart. i didn't scare you, did i?"
you shake your head, stupid grin on your face, "no, billy. you were perfect."
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
billy taglist— @honey-bees-13 @poppyflower-22 @black-yn @siriuslybeloved @sherlollyliveson18 @cosmicspacewitch @aravenswritingdeskblog @sabrinasbd
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ode2rin · 5 months
You watched the rain lash out its fury against the window. At an extent, it felt almost like looking at a mirror — from how an inner turmoil brewed inside of you reflected a rhythmic counterpoint to the storm outside. 
Nature sure does have impeccable timing, and the worst sense of humor — or could it be a cruel, mocking sympathy? You don’t know anymore, you have never been good at knowing intentions, after all.
But you had it coming, you admit.
You knew this day would come. Yet, the thing about anticipating the worst before it knocks on your door, is that it will never truly prepare you for what's waiting on the other side of that door. It never eases the dread, nor does it make fear felt less at the expense of gradual awareness. If anything, it made you restlessly on edge.
Thoughts of anguish and gloom halt at a key rattling in the lock. The door creaked open, and even with your back turned away, you knew there was only one living soul who had the rights to your home and, dare you say, your heart.
And there he was— Itoshi Rin stood there, like a ghost in his own town. He looked like a stranger in a familiar place. How could someone who lived in this place feel so foreign and appear so out of place?
You didn’t turn to greet him like you always do. The silence stretched, thick and suffocating, making you clench your jaw. You heard him call you, but his words drifted across the room— lost at the deafening simmer of your anger.
He called your name once more. This time, you turned your rigid back to the kitchen, ignoring his calls. You busied yourself at the abandoned dinner at the table, poking at the now-cold food with a detached air. Physically, the clinking of silverware was the only sound besides the belligerent drumming of rain. Internally, your shattering heart was louder than the two combined. 
The clinking grew frantic as Rin approached you, each chime a hammer blow to your heart.
He stopped beside the table you aimlessly fiddled. He was so close you had a whiff of his perfume– the warm scent of wood and spices serving you a bittersweet reminder of happier evenings.
“Y/N,” he snapped, his voice sharp. Marching forward, he reached for your wrist. His grip tight, halting your movement.
The clinking stopped. Slowly, you turned to look at him by the eye. Rin almost lost his facade of indifference at the sight. Your face was a mask of controlled anger, but the storm in your eyes mirrored the one outside.
“Let go of me,” you commanded, your voice low yet firm. 
Immediately, he paid heed to your request. The hand formerly holding your wrist found its place in his hair, aggressively combing it out of frustration.
“Look,” he starts, “I said I’m sorry. What more do you want from me?”
“For you to fucking care!”
A beat of silence follows your outburst. You felt your throat burning at the whirlwind of suppressed emotions that revealed itself. You were trembling— may it be from hurt or anger, you didn’t care. At that moment, you were immersed in his insolent audacity.
More?  How dare he say more? 
“You’re sorry? That’s it? We haven’t had a decent conversation in weeks, Rin. And this,” you gestured at the table with a bitter laugh, “I spent all afternoon making it. Because today was…” you choked on the word, your voice cracking and rogue tears finally falling.
“Our anniversary,” he whispered in response, finishing your sentence.
More tears welled in your eyes, blurring the image of the colorful icing of the cake you ceased to dispose of. 
He knew what day it was. He remembered. He damn remembered. 
And yet… Oh, dear god, how could your love be so cruelly disregarded?
He had no excuse, had no shame. The abandoned dinner, the cake, it was all for him. And he’d trampled all over it. 
“I don’t want another sorry, Rin. I don’t want anything more,” you hung your head low, “All I want is my Rin. Give him back to me, please.”
Breathing heavily, you closed the distance between you two. You reached for his cheek, carefully and slowly, letting your longing take its final time. Your gaze wandered across his face — from his forehead, down to his nose, to his lips, and back to his teal orbs — you tried to search for the man who once loved you as warm and golden as the sun.
But the spark you were searching for, the warmth that once ignited in his eyes, remained absent.
You knew it then. You really had it coming. But denial was just as comfortable as your well-worn sweater. It’s warm and familiar, even if it’s riddled with holes.
But that sweater— it was time to throw it out.
And it was already time to go.
Because when you pulled him tighter, he kept drifting away; and when you whispered confessions of love, all you heard was a hollow silence.
And that’s enough to know that the love you once had— the laughter and shared dreams, were now ashes in the grave of a cold frozen wasteland.
“I love you, Rin. I love you so so much,” you whispered between his lips, a tear trailing down your cheek, “It’s ruining my life.”
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note. filed under the unfinished business files xD btw, it's ttpd listening party!
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 11 months
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a/n: Two stories in the same day ? Why not. Here's a little fluff about meeting Donna for the first time. Hope you like it 🥰
Warning: None
Words: 822
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Anon: I have a Travis request where reader meet his parents/family.
As the autumn leaves painted the town in shades of gold and crimson, you prepared for a significant moment in your relationship with Travis.
Tonight, you would meet his mother, Donna, a woman he held in the highest regard. The anticipation tingled in the air, mixing with the aroma of roasted vegetables and simmering sauce. You were at Travis’s place, preparing dinner for his mom.
With each slice of the knife and stir of the pot, your thoughts wandered to Travis's stories of his mother. She was his everything - the rock that steadied him through life's turbulent moments, and the guiding light that inspired him to reach for the stars. You wanted to make a good impression, not just for the sake of a dinner, but to show her that you understood and valued the woman who had shaped the incredible man you loved.
You felt hands snaked around your waist and a fresh but musky scent filled your nose, leaning in, Travis’s warmth enveloped you. 
‘’Smells amazing baby’’ he said resting his head on top of yours.
You got interrupted as the doorbell chimed, your heart skipping a beat. Travis released his grip and got to the door, inviting his mom inside. There she stood, a warm smile on her face, exuding a kindness that seemed to radiate from her very being.
"Hello, dear. You must be the lovely Y/N" she said, extending her hand.
"Yes, it's so wonderful to finally meet you," You replied, feeling instantly at ease.
The evening unfolded seamlessly. You guys chatted about family, hobbies, and life in general. Her eyes sparkled with laughter as she shared stories of Travis and Jason's childhood antics.
"Oh, you should've seen him trying to ride that old bicycle!" she chuckled. "He was determined, but it took him a few tumbles to get the hang of it. And don’t even get me started about him wanting to play football and follow in his brother’s footsteps.’’
You couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the glimpse into his past, a past that had paved the way for your future together.
As you gathered around the table, the spread before you was a feast fit for a queen. The clinking of cutlery and glasses was accompanied by an easy camaraderie.
"Oh, the time he tried to make pancakes by himself! I came home to find flour all over the kitchen." Laughter filled the room as Travis sheepishly admitted to the pancake disaster.
"This meal is exquisite, dear. You're quite the chef."
"Thank you. I wanted to make a special dinner for our first meeting."
"That is very sweet of you. This lasagna is absolutely delicious," Donna exclaimed. "You must share the recipe with me!"
With a smile, you replied, "Of course! I'd be happy to." You looked over to your boyfriend seeing the genuine smile placed on his lips. 
As dessert arrived, Travis's eyes met yours with a silent thank you. He had been nervous about this meeting, anxious for his mother's approval. Seeing her laugh and converse with you, he knew that she was just as pleased with you as he was.
After dessert, you retired to the living room, where the crackling fire cast a cozy glow. 
"Would you like some coffee or tea?" You asked Donna "A cup of tea sounds lovely, thank you."
Wrapped in the warmth of conversation, you felt a sense of belonging that went beyond mere introductions.
"So Y/N, tell me more about your work," she inquired, her eyes filled with genuine interest. She reminded you of your own mother.
You eagerly shared your passions, and she listened with an attentiveness that made you feel truly valued.
As the evening drew to a close, Travis walked his mother to the door, leaving you a moment of quiet reflection.
"Thank you for tonight," she said, her voice warm and genuine. "You make my son so happy, and that's all a mother could ever ask for."
Touched by her words, you smiled. "Thank you for raising such an incredible man. He means the world to me."
With a final hug, she left, leaving behind a newfound sense of connection and acceptance. You watched Travis as he returned, his smile radiant.
"Thank you for being amazing," he murmured, pulling you close. You wrapped your arms around his rib cage, hugging him tight. "Your mom is awesome, Trav. I can see where you get your warmth and kindness."
"She really liked you, and that means the world to me. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." He said kissing the top of your head before leading you to the backyard. 
That night, under a canopy of stars, you sat on the porch swing, wrapped in blankets, hands entwined. As the cool breeze danced around you, you couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for the evening that had brought you and Travis a little closer. 
Taglist : @kkrenae @spencerreidisbootiful @nabiiturner @ilove-tswizzle @legit9thlunaticwarrior @evernova @kelcemenow @bellstwd @my-regrets @green-lxght
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sp-by-april · 1 month
Poll Winner!! (Sharing is caring!)
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Kenny, Kyle, Stan x F!Reader
[Submit a prompt!] [Master Lists]
I was about to have one of the best orgasms of my life. Kyle had my hands and legs tied to the bedposts as he was buried deep inside of me, hitting my g-spot perfectly. I was moaning loudly, my toes were curled and it was my third of the night, so when I finally came it was earth-shattering.
Kyle’s face looked so smug and satisfied as he watched me writhe underneath him., I knew he was having just as much fun as I was. He always went the extra mile for me.
That’s why I was so surprised when the Stan and Kenny sauntered into our bedroom while he was still mid-stroke.
Stan smirked, “Do you need more time alone?”
“Uh, yeah–” I started to say, but Kyle cut me off.
“No, she’s primed and ready,” He kissed my forehead and jumped off of me.
“I’m what?”
Kyle looked at me, “You told me you wanted this,”
I did say that, but in my defense, “I was drunk! I was… musing,”
“Uh-huh,” He smirked, “I can send them home, but this is your only chance. Take it or leave it,”
It did sound like fun. And they did drive all the way across town. And Stan was already getting undressed.
So I rolled with it. Albeit, reluctantly.
Stan settled between my legs. Kenny was at the end of the bed and Kyle sat near my shoulders.
I looked up at him nervously, I couldn’t believe he was going to give me to his friends like this.
“Don’t look at me,” He smirked, “I’m not gonna save you,”
“She’s so wet,” Stan said as he rubbed his fingers over my naked slit and spread my arousal, “You didn’t come in her already?”
Kyle shook his head, “That’s all her. She can get a little messy,”
“Messy is fun,” Kenny grinned.
I was weirdly embarrassed. Here were these guys – Guys I thought I thought cared about me – appraising my body like a used car.
Stan leaned over me as his dick slid over my slit. I looked up at him and he flashed me this smile… One thing about these guys, they were great at putting me at ease.
I sucked in a sharp breath as he pushed into me, but soon settled and relaxed. He felt… really fucking good. Kyle was the only guy I’d been with and he felt so amazing, I was fine with it. Until now.
This was different. Not better, if that makes sense? Just fucking new and exciting and then Stan started rubbing my clit and I really couldn’t take it. I was already sensitive from three orgasms, but even if I hadn’t been – The way he touched me was fucking life-changing. I don’t think I’ll ever look at him the same way after that. Sometimes I still think about all the girls that he’d hooked up with after me and get jealous. He was that good.
I struggled against the restraints, not because I wanted to be free, but I just couldn’t control my body as the pleasure inside of me swelled and crested.
I was being so loud, I almost couldn’t hear him in my ear, “You moan like a little slut,”
Apparently, that was exactly what I needed to hear to push me over the edge. My muscles tensed up and I was gone. I must have squeezed Stan too tightly, because he quickly yanked himself off of me and I could feel hot wet spurts splash against my thigh.
I panted and tried to catch my breath as the three of them spoke above me.
“She’s loud,” Stan smiled and pushed himself against the sticky mess he left on my thigh.
Kyle crossed his arms, “Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard, I already made her come three times,”
“Oh,” Stan sounded a little disappointed.
I smiled up at him, “You still felt really good,”
Kyle pushed Stan’s shoulders back, “Your turn’s over,”
When Kenny climbed on top of me I was little nervous.
He turned to Kyle as he rubbed the head of his thick cock over my soaking wet slit, “What were the rules again?”
That question didn't help.
“Seriously?” Kyle rolled his eyes, “No mouth, no coming inside of her,”
“So.. I could fuck her ass if I wanted?”
Kyle shrugged, “Go for it, I hardly ever use it –“
“Can I come in her then?” Kenny asked with a grin.
“I guess –“
“What if I fucked her pussy and then come in her ass?”
I could already tell Kyle was getting pissed off as he looked down at me, “It’s up to you,”
“Um...” I wasn’t sure how to answer, part of me felt like this was a test I was already failing, “If you really want to,”
Kenny pushed inside of me and I gasped. My entire body shuddered as he buried himself as deep as the soft walls in my body would let him. He built up a quick and hard rhythm so fast, it almost made my head spin.
I know It was partially because I was fucked by all three of them in a row but I was surprised that while they were all so different, they were each so amazing. And fun.
I quickly discovered Kenny was a call-and-response guy.
His hot breath sank over my ear, “You like that?”
I nodded quickly. The way he was fucking me, I wasn’t sure I could talk.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” He slammed hard into me, “Are you gonna let me fill you up?”
“Y-yeah,” I moaned back at him.
He studied my body with a smirk on his face, “Tell me what you want,”
“I want you to come inside me,” I whined.
Kenny ran his tongue from my collarbone up my neck, “Tell me again”
“Come inside –”
He nipped at my ear, “Again,”
I couldn’t take it anymore, “Fucking come inside me, Kenny,”
“Fuck, yeah?” His hips bucked up into me and he groaned low as I felt him pump spurt after spurt into the very place he was forbidden from just a little while ago.
Kenny took a deep breath as he looked down at me, “Sorry, are you okay?”
I nodded with a smile and he grinned back at me, “I might have to take you home with me,”
Kyle looked down at me, “Are you okay?”
I nodded again, “I’m fine, Kyle,”
Kyle pushed Kenny hard, “This is exactly why we never do this shit any more,”
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igotyupls · 10 months
Hey I asked for the previous yunjin fic and I have another for a male reader x her it’s like when all of them go to New York reader takes yunjin to his home town of Boston and they have dinner with his parents and after they go back to a hotel in New York and have a bath together then have fluffy sex thank you
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It had been a whirlwind few weeks for LE SSERAFIM promoting their latest comeback album all across Asia with their tour ‘FLAME RISES’, And even flying around the States for their abroad schedules. Though the girls were energized seeing their international fans, the grueling schedule was starting to take its toll.
One evening after wrapping up their final work day for the week in New York City, Yunjin collapsed exhausted on one of the couches of her and her members hotel suite.
"I don't know how much more I can take, unnie," she murmured to the leader of Lesserafim,
Kim Chaewon, who patted her back in a way she hoped was soothing, even though she's just as tired, if not more.
As the two groupmates are relaxing on the couch, Yunjin's phone suddenly lit up with a text from her boyfriend Y/N, who had come to several of the group's shows to support his girl.
"Wanna get away for some R&R this weekend? My parent's want to meet you" He wrote.
Yunjin perked up at the thought of seeing Y/N and the chance to recharge. "Unnie, do you think the company would let me take a couple days off if I went with Y/N to visit his family?" She asked Chaewon with pleading puppy eyes.
to which Chaewon smiled knowingly. "I think after this week, you've earned a little break. Let me talk to the managers."
A few hours later, everything was approved. Yunjin excitedly called Y/N to share the good news and make plans to fly out to Boston together the next day to meet his parents.
On the flight, Yunjin dozed contentedly against Y/N's shoulder for the entirety of the hour long flight, already feeling some of her tiredness disappear in her boyfriend’s comforting presence.
Touching down in Boston, Y/N drove quietly as the radio played a random tune while Yunjin finished her nap a little longer. Pulling up outside his family home, Yunjin took a deep breath, suddenly nervous as she walked up to the front door,
But all her worries vanished the moment she was pulled into a warm hug by Y/N's mother,
"Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to finally meet our son's girlfriend. I've heard so much about you!" She says genuinely.
And more into the night over a much needed home-cooked meal, Yunjin charmed Y/N's parents with stories of LE SSERAFIM and her own fun from her opera days. She was touched by their warm hospitality, feeling instantly at ease.
Later, curled up on the sofa, Yunjin sighed contentedly in Y/N's arms. "Thank you for bringing me here babe. This is for real what I needed to recharge."
Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Anything for you, babe."
But as the night deepened, Yunjin began to feel the effects of her long travels catching up to her. "I think it's time we turned in, what do you say?" Y/N smiled down at her tired form nestled against his chest.
"Mom set you up in the guest room, but you're welcome to bunk with me if you'd like."
Truth be told, the idea of curling up beside Y/N under cozy blankets was far more appealing than sleeping alone.
"I'd like that," Yunjin replied softly. Hand in hand they made their way upstairs, Y/N pointing out family photos, his goofy smiles and random shots along the walls before reaching the door to his childhood bedroom.
The house had a vibe that was uniquely Y/N. Football posters and vinyl's lined the walls, knickknacks all over the place on the shelves.
She smiled to see photos of the two of them mixed with pictures of his past, of him growing up, of him playing and yada yada.
Stepping inside, Yunjin ran her hand along the old, scratched wood of his desk, imagining a younger Y/N hunched over doing homework.
The bed was neatly made, with his favorite colored sheets and 3 pillows, almost inviting her to lay on it.
Y/N watched her explore with adoring eyes, always loving being able to share parts of himself with her. "It's not a lot, but it's home i guess," he says with a shrug and a chuckle.
Yunjin turned to him, cupping his face in her hands. "It tells me so much about the great man my boyfriend is. I feel like I know you even better coming here."
Leaning in, their lips met in a soft kiss filled with care, trust and understanding.
Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Yunjin moved to unpack a few items from her bag as Y/N changed into his sleep clothes.
The familiar routine of her nightly routine brought her comfort. Sliding under the covers, she sighed contentedly as Y/N's arm curled around her slim waist, drawing her close against the solid planes of his body. Their breaths and heartbeats syncing as sleep takes over them from the long journey of the day
Sunlight was filtering through the curtains when Yunjin woke up the next morning. For a moment she was disoriented, not recognizing where she was. Then the memories of the previous day flooded back mixed with a rush of gratitude and happiness.
Rolling over, she saw Y/N still sleeping peacefully beside her. His features soft and slacking in sleep, lips slightly ajar as he snored softly.
Reaching out, Yunjin gently brushed back a lock of hair from his forehead, letting her fingers linger tracing the lines of his cheekbone, the curve of his lips.
Sensing her touch, Y/N began to stir, blinking awake to smile warmly up at her. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured in a sleep-husky, velvety voice that sent a jolt through her spine.
Leaning in, their lips met in a lazy kiss conveying all the love and affection they felt.
As the kiss deepened, getting sloppier, Yunjin felt the familiar pulls of desire stirring in her abdomen.
It had been too long since they'd fucked, both of their schedules keeping them way too busy.
Y/N seemed to sense her rising horniness, as his hands began to roam with confidence over her curvy body still under the blanket and her sleep clothes.
A soft sigh escaped Yunjin's lips feeling his hands, her body arching into his on its own, wanting more contact.
Y/N took the invitation, flipping himself and her so she was under him, without breaking their kiss.
Through the fabric of her clothes, she could feel his morning wood pressing against her thigh, stirring a fresh wave of horniness in her.
Breaking the kiss breathlessly and swollen, Yunjin looked up at Y/N with lusty eyes. "Fuck me," she said, her own voice raspy.
That was all the initiative Y/N needed as he dunked in kissing her again, tongue sliding through her parted lips as his hands moved in tandem, taking her clothes off.
Yunjin shivered as the cold morning air touched her bare legs, tits and arms, nipples hardening to peaks.
She helped take his own clothes off, eager as fuck to feel his muscles against her.
At last as his boxer got tossed across the room, Yunjin wrapped her legs around his waist, while grabbing his dick and inserting it inside her dripping cunt.
Both moaning at finally joining after so long without sex, Y/N stayed still, blissed out feeling her tight, dripping hole clench his dick so snugly even after taking him a billion times.
Under him, Yunjin squirmed, impatient for him to fuck her stupid. "Please… fucking move," she begged, raking her nails down his back encouragingly.
With a hum in response, Y/N started to rock his hips in a slow, deep pace still a bit hazy having just woken up.
Lost in the feeling, they moved together lazily.
Yunjin met Y/N pump for pump, taking him fully to the hilt and clenching tighter with each thrust. The slapping of his balls hitting her ass mingled with their moans filled his small room.
Y/N began to redouble his efforts, picking up pace as his hips snap powerfully as he chased his and Yunjin's orgasm.
Reaching down, his fingers started rubbing Yunjin's clit in circles. That was all it took to break her, back arching off the mattress as jolts after jolts wracked her body.
Her walls clenching vice-like around Y/N's dick still pounding her into his mattress relentlessly, pulling his own orgasm from him with a groan.
Ropes after ropes of hot semen spurt inside her, painting Yunjin's inner walls white, as he fucked her through the aftershocks together, in a blissed out haze.
Collapsing in a sweaty, tired mess, they took a few moments to catch their breaths.
Yunjin turned her head lazily to press a kiss to Y/N's sweaty shoulder, murmuring lovey dovey shit. And him responding with a lazy dopey smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"That was fucking amazing. I missed being with you like this so much," Y/N mumbled sighing, as he ran his fingers up and down Yunjin's side.
She hummed in agreement, snuggling closer against his chest listening to the frantic thumps of his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. His arms encircled her holding her close.
Yunjin stretched luxuriously in the bed against his chest, enjoying the post-sex glow before reality set back in.
Glancing at Y/N beside her, having rolled off, she smiled at his messed up, lazy look. "Not a bad way to start the day, huh?" she teased, tracing idle patterns on his chest, As he chuckles.
But the spell is broken as A knock and his mom's muffled voice reminded them of breakfast waiting, "Kids, you up? Breakfast is ready whenever you are,"
Yunjin's stomach rumbled in agreement. "Food does sound good. And your Mom's cooking is no joke," she whispered to Y/N grinning,
"We'll be down in a bit, mom, thanks!" Y/N called back chuckling as he pats Yunjin's flat stomach after hearing the rumble, before rolling from the bed to begin gathering their clothes.
Over a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruits, Yunjin chatted animatedly with his parents about their plans for the day.
"I was hoping to show Yunjin around some of my favorite spots, maybe catch a Sox game if the timing works out?" Y/N said with a mouthful of pancakes.
His dad grinned. "Take my car, it'll be easier than public transports with your schedule. And here, take some cash - I insist on treating my future daughter-in-law to a nice lunch out." he says passing car keys and some cash to Y/N.
Yunjin ducked her head, cheeks warming at the endearing term, far beyond grateful for the way Y/N's family welcomed her since the start of yesterday to now.
"Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality Mr. and Mrs L/N," she said with a smile as Y/N's hand found hers under the table, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Once the breakfast came to an end, Yunjin and Y/N set off to explore the city Y/N grew up in.
Their first stop was the harbor, which was filled seagulls and fishing boats, not to mention the crowds of people.
Yunjin leaned over the railing to take it all in, breathing in the sea air, genuinely feeling the refreshment after months of being shut indoors and traveling to buildings, stadiums and back.
"It's so peaceful here," she murmured with a contented sigh.
Y/N slipped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. "This is nice huh? I used to come here to…. Think, relax, play, u name it." He says with a slight laugh as he tilts his head and looks at her
Turning in his arms, Yunjin smiled up at her loving boyfriend "Yeah? It really is nice.. Thank you, like really.. you know, for sharing your special places with me." She says, and the response she gets in the smile Y/N gives her more than any word he could’ve said.
And then as the time goes their next stop happens to be walking through the Boston Commons, taking in the leaves and families enjoying their afternoon.
Yunjin spotted a street performer juggling and doing tricks, laughing, she turns to Y/N,
"You'd give him a run for his money," she teased Y/N, who makes a faux hurt face, "puhlease, my juggling skills are elite, thank you very much."
As they continued on, Yunjin spotted a food truck selling crepes. "Ooh, can we try one? I'm starving." She says dramatically,
Making Y/N chuckle, "Sureee, Go pick the flavors." After paying, they stroll around, finding a bench to eat, while feeding each other bites and laughing at the mess they're making.
Yunjin savored these carefree moments away from the pressures of being an idol, the constant scrutiny and the lack of privacy, just enjoying life with the person she loved and adored.
Soon Their afternoon started winding down, with catching the last bit of a Red Sox game from the box seats courtesy of Y/N's dad's connections, and of course Yunjin’s status,
Yunjin cheered alongside the loud and roaring Boston fans, completely entertained by the atmosphere.
As the sun began to set, Y/N drove them to a hole in the wall near the waters.
Over plates of pasta, garlic bread and red wine, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and joking like a bunch of tweens.
And after finishing their food, they wandered through the Public Garden, pausing to admire the swans gliding thru the waters. Under one of the trees, with little to no people nearby,
Y/N turns to Yunjin, taking her hands in his, and softly kissing her palm.
"Thank you for coming here with me babe, for letting me share this part of myself, even though you have this insane schedule to follow, " He says with a chuckle,
“I mean it really, I love you” he murmurs, leaning in and kissing her, soft and gentle.
And as the night grew colder they finally, got back in the car and headed home, fingers laced together on top of the console as Y/N drove them back to his childhood home,
but all too soon their little weekend getaway was coming to an end, Y/N and Yunjin’s flight being at midnight to fly back to New York,
Yunjin bids a sad goodbye to Y/N's parents, promising to visit again soon. His mom hugs her tight. "You're always welcome here, sweetheart."
In the car on the way to the airport, Yunjin rests her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Thank you for the best weekend. I really needed this."
Y/N kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad. I'll miss you."
At the airport, they linger in a hug. "I booked a suite at your hotel in New York. Want to come over after we land?" Y/N asks.
Yunjin smiles. "I'd love that."
They fly back to JFK, taking an Uber straight to the hotel.
There, Y/N checks into the lavish suite as Yunjin texts her manager and her members that she'll be with Y/N for the night.
Inside the suite, Yunjin sighs. "This place is amazing." she says, as She wraps her arms around Y/N's waist from behind, resting her head against his back. "Thank you for doing this."
Y/N turns in her arms, caressing her cheek. "You deserve to relax, Want to take a bath?"
In the massive bathroom, Y/N runs warm water into the jacuzzi tub as Yunjin lights candles and dumps bath bombs into it.
They undress slowly, giving each other gentle kisses.
Once Naked, Yunjin sinks into the bubbles, leaning back against Y/N's bare chest with a relaxed hum as his arms wrap around her. "This is perfect," she murmurs.
They soak in silence, Y/N occasionally pressing kisses to Yunjin's neck and shoulders.
His hands slide lazily over her skin, rememorizing her curves.
Yunjin turns her head to meet Y/N's lips in a deep kiss.
His hands move to cup her tits, thumbs teasing her nipples until she's whimpering into his mouth.
"Y/N…" she says his name breathlessly.
She reaches back to grasp his growing dick, stroking him to his full length.
Y/N groans, biting her shoulder gently as his fingers find her clit.
She gasps at the contact, grinding into his hand and pushing back against his hard on. "Please, I need you inside me…"
Y/N lifts her wihtout a sweat out of the tub, laying her on the plush bathmat.
He settles between her thighs, kissing down her body lazily until his tongue replaces his thumb, lapping at her slcik pussy lips.
Yunjin cries out, raking her fingers through his hair to hold him against her as the tension coils tighter.
When she orgasms, her back arches off the tiles, Y/N laps up her nectar like a starving man.
Once her orgasm subsides, Y/N positions himself at her pussy.
"Look at me," he murmurs, pushing in slowly inch by inch until he's fully sheathed.
Yunjin moans at the fullness, locking eyes with Y/N's dark gaze. "You feel so good daddy," she whimpers, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Y/N sets a deep, lazy pace.
Balls slapping against her ass as their breaths mingle in between their kisses. Yunjin runs her nails down his back, urging him faster.
He hooks her leg over his shoulder for a new angle, immediately finding her g-spot inside her that makes colors burst behind her eyelids.
"There, don't stop, Y/N!" she screams,
Her walls start fluttering around him as another orgasm starts building.
Y/N pounds into her relentlessly, chasing his own release.
"cum for me," he rumbles in her ear, "Cum for daddy jen" he says shattering her with a squeaky moan,
The grip of her walls draw Y/N's orgasm from him and he spills spurts of semen inside her with a groan.
They lay on the bathmat still connected as their frantic heartbeats slow down, sharing lazy kisses.
Y/N brushes the damp hair from Yunjin's forehead. "You're so fucking pretty."
She smiles in response, scratching his cheek softly, "That was perfect, baby"
After finally getting off the floor and dressing into the plush robes, Y/N orders a feast of food from the room service - sushi, steak, pasta, sweets, champagne, you name it.
They feed each other bites between kisses, playfully stealing food from each other's plates.
Later, curled half naked on bed with the remains of their meal, Yunjin traces patterns on Y/N's chest. "I don't want this night to end," she murmurs sadly.
Y/N presses a kiss to her forehead, smirking "One more round before sleep?"
Yunjin grins, straddling his hips. She takes him in her hand, stroking his flaccid dick to its full length ,
Before sinking down slowly as they moan in unison. Bracing her hands on his chest, she sets a steady rhythm, eyes closed.
Under her, Y/N watches her ride him, his hands roam her curves, rubbing and pinching her nipples.
When he feels her walls start fluttering around him, Y/N sits up to take one nipple in his mouth.
His suckling sends Yunjin over the edge for the third time this night with a cry, walls clenching down on him.
With a pleased hum, Y/N starts bouncing her on his dick holding her hips before following her over the edge.
As his dick grows soft again, Yunjin collapses against his chest as they kiss through eachothers aftershocks.
Y/N lays down onto the pillows, Yunjin still on him as he pulls the blankets over their tired, sweaty bodies.
"I love you so much," he whispers, nuzzling her neck.
Yunjin's eyes are already shut as she sighs contentedly. "Love you too."
In each other's arms, surrounded by the mixed heady scents of their orgasms and sweat, they slip into a nice, much needed sleep.
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a- honestly how the fuck do people write so many words? jesus this took me two whole weeks, well in my defense i barely got time to write each day cause of training but holy hell, this is like w/c: 3300 maybe, anyway, i hope you enjoy man and reqs are open but i doubt i'll post consecutively
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seeingivy · 1 year
three days 
roommate eren x f!reader  
three years can feel like an eternity, if you let them
**find the mini-series masterlist here
content warning: eren being miserable, jean being annoying again, hitch being even worse 
an: ok I promise we return to regularly scheduled sweet boy eren after this (which is almost done being written) :00000
previous part linked here
Eren doesn’t sleep well. Some part of him was always flighty - twisting and turning every time he heard a noise, the fan whirring, the room creaking. He’d been like that, since he was a kid. 
His mom had mentioned that when she visited the nursery for the first time, right after he was born, that the only reason Zeke could point him out in the row of other boys was because he was rustling, struggling against his swaddle. 
The only thing that put him at ease? Kept him still through the night? You. When you would still sleep in his bed. 
The first night, after you so quickly mentioned that the two of you were a mistake, he couldn’t sleep. He could still smell you, your peach scent pressed against his pillows and his blankets. He runs his hand against his pillow cases, wishing you were here with him. 
The following morning, it took him thirty minutes to brace himself. To face you. He has to fight the urge - to touch you, press himself against you and kiss you full on the mouth. Like he should have, when you asked him to. 
He should have just done it. Maybe you’d still be here with him if he would have. Screw Zeke. All that shit about making a special moment, making your heart flutter. He should have just kissed you. 
When you were in the bathroom, getting ready. When you put his necklace on, when he lost you in the crowd, when he carried you at the concert, when you kissed his fucking cheek, when you asked him to. 
He braced himself. Deep breaths, grounding techniques. Just like Mikasa and Armin taught him. When he leaves the safe confines of his room, he finds that your key was off the hook and your sneakers were absent from the door. You left already. You’re avoiding him just as much as he’s avoiding you. 
You don’t return that night. He’s okay with it. He can’t see you. Not yet anyways. 
It worries him, the second day. You still haven’t returned. He couldn’t have messed up that badly, could he? You couldn’t hate him this much, so much so that you wouldn’t come home. 
He marches over to the office, where Armin, Jean, and Annie are supposed to be. He’s hoping you’ll be there. That he’ll open the door and find you there, sprawled across the floor like you usually are.
But you’re not. Just Jean, Armin, and Annie - staring him down. 
“What’s wrong with you, Eren? Why are you…panting?” 
“Nothing, Annie. I just thought Y/N might be here.” 
“She’s out of town. Left a late notice yesterday morning for Victor.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
“She didn’t tell you?” 
“No. Must have been in a rush. I didn’t even see her before she left.” 
Armin and Annie return to their work, Annie typing on her computer and Armin grading his papers.
“I saw her before she left.” 
Of course he did. 
“How did she seem, Jean?” 
“Well, a little bit earlier. She came to our apartment after she met Hitch.” 
Right. When you ran out, after he handed you the tulips. 
“Well, what did she say?” 
“Nothing much. Just asked me who she was, that’s all.” 
“And what did you say?” 
“Just the usual. That you guys pretended to see each other during soccer season, because of Marlowe.” 
“You didn’t tell her that I liked Hitch, right? That I’m with her or anything?” 
“No. Just that you guys are close during season because you spend time together and all.” 
There goes any hope of it being a misunderstanding. He doesn’t sleep that night either. Your scent on his pillows serves as a cruel reminder.  
The third day, Hitch comes by. You’re still not back and he hates it. He’s had to throw the breakfast he made for you away twice, because he keeps forgetting you’re not here. 
“Are we still on?” 
“Yeah, Hitch. None of the other stuff, okay?” 
“Sure. Marlowe should be at the games and parties, so just then.” 
If he can’t be happy, someone should. He doesn’t mind it, holding Hitch’s hand here and there, slinging his arm around her shoulder to make Marlowe mad. To push the two of them together. He just wished it would do something to you, so you’d come running back to him too. 
The second she leaves, all he can think about is your absence. It’s all he thinks about anyways. He hates that it’s true. That distance makes the heart fonder. 
That’s all he wants to do. Just see you. He doesn’t care how you are - angry, pissed, detached from him. He just wants to see you, in your kitchen. He wants to hear you, singing in the shower, and watch you, sitting in the stands at his games. 
He just wants you back. In whichever way you’ll have him. 
He doesn’t sleep that third night either. Your peach smell is gone from his pillows already. He hates the passing of time. 
You return, in the dead of night. He’s sure of it. He can hear you out there, your tiny footsteps clinking the dishes into the sink. 
He nearly runs out the door, just to make sure you’re there. And you are, rinsing the dishes he left out. You’re back. 
He fights the urge. To run up to you, press you against his chest, to pepper soft kisses all over your face. 
“Hey Eren.” 
God. Your voice. He didn’t realize that this was something he could miss - your voice, the stray hairs by your ears, the sound of your breathing. But here he is. Reveling at the sight of you. Doing the fucking dishes.  
He walks up, pressing his hands against your frame and leaning his head against your shoulders. He can smell it - the peach smell. It makes his heart ache and he tries to will down the tears. He loves you, doesn’t he? 
God. He can’t love you, can he?
“Am I imagining you or are you really here?”
“Really here, Eren.” 
You’re back. He won’t let you leave again. 
“I haven’t seen you in three days.” 
“I went to see Porco and Pieck for the weekend.” 
“It’s Tuesday. I was worried about you.” 
“Sorry Eren.” 
He can’t even do it. Be mad at you, tell you he was hurting the past few days. He can’t even remember it now, the feel of your skin against his hands was enough. 
“It’s okay. You wake up Porco and Pieck with your morning concert while you were there?” 
Your voice doesn’t fill the air, the sound of the plate in your hand crashing does. He immediately jerks up, your hands still dangerously close to the shards that were now swirling around in the water. Before he can pull your hands out, run his eyes over your fingers to make sure you weren’t hurt, you mutter three words that catch him off guard. 
“Screw you, Eren.” 
He can feel his breath stopping in his tracks. He’d never heard you like this, especially with him. Your voice was soft, sweet honey saccharine. Even when you were fast asleep, all tangled up in his sheets. So why were you angry?
“I’m so sick of you making fun of me all the time. If something I do annoys you, you should just tell me, instead of making passive aggressive comments.” 
Making fun of you? All the time? You couldn’t be serious. There’s no way you misunderstood that. He loves your singing - that you’re comfortable enough to scream in the shower when he’s a few feet away. That the music makes you happy enough to sing out loud, to dance in the kitchen, to share it with him. This couldn’t come out of nowhere. Because you have to know. You have to know that he loves it. 
“Hey, what happened, peaches? You could never annoy me. I was just teasing you.” 
He watches his words hit you, the air tightening in his chest at the sight of you pushing your hands against your eyes. No. No. He couldn’t have made you cry. 
“You happened. I’m not something for you to laugh at Eren. I have feelings too, you know?” 
He watches you move, slamming your door against the frame as you scurry into your room. 
He doesn’t understand it. How you were tangled in his arms, breathing soft against his ears as he kissed you four days ago and now you can’t stand him. He hates it, that he knows how you feel, your touch. Maybe it would be easier if he hadn’t known it at all. 
“We’re okay, right?” 
The question comes three days later, one of the first times you and Eren had been alone in your apartment, since your argument. You kept inviting people over, so you could avoid this. That look, that question, talking about it. 
You nod, wordlessly, sorting out the paperwork. It’s easier to focus on the papers than his eyes. 
Eren had mentioned that the two of you needed to go into town tomorrow, to meet your landlord. Kenny Ackerman. He was apparently a touch eccentric, so he was preparing you for the meeting. You just had to officially sign onto the lease. But how do you tell Eren you’re not even sure you can live with him anymore? 
“How have you been? Lately?” 
You hate this. Be cool about it. 
“Good, Eren. Just busy. How about you?” 
“I’m good too. Soccer season and all that.” 
You wish he was kind enough to be cruel about it. That he could either love you or hate you - nothing in between. You’d prefer that, him declaring he doesn’t care for you. It would be easier that way. But he stays the same - caring, thoughtful, warm. 
“When’s your next game?” 
“Got your good luck charm?” 
“It broke actually.” 
He opens the kitchen drawer, pulling out the key and the snapped chain. He hands the pieces to you, as you run your fingers along the chain. 
“What are you going to do?” 
“Not sure. Let’s hope I don’t break an arm or something.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve worn that necklace every game I’ve played since I was twelve. One time I forgot it and I broke my ankle.” 
You laugh, twisting the key in your fingers, as you look at him.
“You can’t be serious, right? That’s just a coincidence.” 
“It’s real.” 
“Did it ever happen again, Eren?” 
“No. Do you think I’d ever play a game without it? That’s like basically asking for it.” 
You laugh, the two of you stuck in the middle of the kitchen. You hate this. That he can make you laugh, even after not talking for a week. That some part of him is always familiar to you, that you want to let him in. 
“Do you still have the necklace I gave you?” 
At the concert. 
“Ah yeah.” 
He digs his fingers underneath his shirt, pulling the silver chain out. You spin your finger, signaling for him to turn around. You quickly take the latch off and string the key through the chain before securing it back on. You tap his shoulder and he faces you again, watching you readjust and tuck the necklace back into his jersey. 
“Thanks peaches. Saving my life here.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Sometimes you forget why you’re mad at him. Why you can’t do this. Hitch walks out of Eren’s room, right on cue, with green glitter spread across her face. Right. That’s why. 
“Hey Rennie. Still can’t find it.” 
“I’m not sure what I did with it, Hitch.” 
“Have you seen it, Y/N?” 
“Seen what?” 
“His extra jersey. I wanted to wear it to the game today.” 
Right. The jersey he gave you. To wear to all his games. 
“I think it might have gotten mixed up with my laundry. I’ll go check my room.” 
You retrieve the jersey from your room, your knuckles nearly white when you hand it over to Hitch to wear to the game. You make a mental note to fold and return the rest of Eren’s clothes you had and put them in his room. There’s no point in keeping them at this point. She gives you a smile, taking the jersey to go change into. 
“You didn’t have to give it to her.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I gave it to you for a reason.” 
“I don’t mind. It makes sense anyways - girlfriends always wear jerseys to the games.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” 
“I know.”
Girlfriend, fling, your roommate you kiss sometimes. It’s all the same thing. As much as you think you’ve given everything, that there’s nothing more that can hurt you, the universe proves you wrong. 
You’re sure it’s all the same with her too - kissing scars, pretty dresses, soft kisses. It’s a bad omen, but you hope it hurts for her as much as it does for you, when it’ll end.
next part linked here
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rafesapologist · 1 year
bigger than the whole sky — rafe cameron
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summary: rafe cameron was your first and last love. the two of you met at the very beginning of your high school days, and said your first 'i love you's by the time you were merely sixteen. your relationship was electric and wild, a place were you could finally let your guard down. as you two grew older and entered your college years, you quickly became a safety net for rafe against a harrowing father and a broken family. you vowed to be the one who was a safe space for the boy you loved to be able to run to, but he carried demons even you couldn't erase.
warnings: grief, angst, swearing, death, mentions of drug and alcohol use, depictions of mental health issues
author's note: y'all i'm so sorry for this one i just love writing angsty stuff pls forgive me in advanced
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"I love you." Rafe hummed a gentle melody of benevolent words into your ear as he observed you carefully through his empyrean-crafted sapphires that you always found yourself getting lost in, ones that were specific to him only, which only made you love them more.
"I love you too, Rafe. Always." A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth, a behavior that you couldn't help yourself from doing caused by the giddy feeling that was making your heart swell by being in the presence of your high school sweetheart who you swore you were going to grow old with.
You peered up at him with your chin rested on his chest, unable to contain the jouissance that was so clearly written across your features. You felt like right then, you could picture an entire life within his cerulean irises that bored right back into yours. You slipped into a daydream as you wandered the thoughts that crowded your mind about the everlasting potential of where you and Rafe were going to end up. You envisioned being in your thirties and coming home to the place you and him would buy together, perhaps a small cottage somewhere off the islands in a small town, or even a capacious apartment in a big city where the people never sleep. You'd be greeted at the front door with a bouqet of morning glories that were set out for you at the kitchen table, your favorite flowers that Rafe took mental note of since you told him when you were fifteen one day while passing a greenhouse on the way to school. Once he'd finally realized you were home, he'd welcome you with open arms and an embrace that watered down the agglomeration of stress that burned in the pit of your stomach after an insufferably long day at the job you strived so hard to get. He'd shower you with kisses across your face that made the agony of a rigorous work day much worth the tribulations you endured.
Perhaps you'd stand there for a moment, basking in the way his body heat warmed you up like a heated blanket that you didn't want to take off. He'd rub your back and allow you to take a moment to yourself, the first you'd be able to have all day. You would stand there for a moment, soaking up the joy of finally getting to see him, and you'd tell yourself that you never wanted to go to work again because it only took time away from seeing his handsome face. In the midst of you caught up in cloud nine in his arms, you'd also be greeted by the fluffy feline the two of you adopted together when you found out you were finally getting your own place, just you two. Nobody else.
"What are you thinking about, pretty girl?" Rafe asked in a whisper, gazing at you with admiration laced in his eyes. He scanned your face while he looked to read your expression, slowly combing his fingers through your hair with a gentle pace, fearing that he would hurt you and tug at your scalp if he went any faster. Like you were made of glass that he would break if he didn't hold you with ease.
"You and me." You murmur with the same gushing expression painted on your face, your cheeks flushed with heat.
"What about us?" He questioned again, tilting his head with curiosity.
"Our future," you admitted, snuggling into his side further, "I can't wait to spend my life with you, Rafe. You're the only one I could ever see myself growing old with, and the only one I'd want to do that with."
Rafe's rosy-pink lips curved until a faint, simper smile. His eyes remained trained onto you as they flickered between your left and right eye, taking in every detail of the way your eyes glimmered while you looked at him.
"It'll always be me and you, y/n. You're the only pure, healthy love I've ever had in my entire life. I'd be a sad empty man without you." He masked his vulnerability with a light-heated joke, although you knew there was truth to what he was saying.
"Well it's a good thing I'm not going anywhere, Mr. Cameron." You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"I surely hope not, future Mrs. Cameron."
There was a tropical storm that had blanketed Figure Eight when you got the phone call the your boyfriend was passed out and unresponsive at some party he had attended with Kelce and Topper. It was a jarring phone call to have been woken up to, with Topper's shaky voice and screaming heard in the background, a moment in time that will forever be ingrained into your head.
You rushed over as soon as the call had ended. You took off so quickly that you left your house with nothing on but an oversized t-shirt and some pajama shorts that had seen better days. You couldn't care less about your appearance or the fact that you had to drive through one of the worst storms you had seen since you moved to the Outer Banks, because quite honestly, the weather was fitting for a scene like that.
Once you had arrived you didn't even take the time to take the keys out of the ignition before racing out of the car and into the crowded house, full of intoxicated teens who formed a circle around your unconcious boyfriend who laid across the living room floor of whoever's house it was. You felt like screaming, collapsing, and throwing up all at once when you had finally pushed yourself through the nosy crowd of bystanders who watched in shock.
"Topper, Topper," you called out in a shaky cry to your boyfriend's best friend, "what happened? What did he do?"
"I don't know I-"
"I said what the fuck did he do, Topper?!" You yelled in a sudden outburst as the severity of the situation began to settle and brought you back into reality while you held Rafe's in your arms, rocking back and forth in an attempt to wake him. But it did no good.
"I saw him snorting a line of coke with a group of guys earlier, and I'm pretty sure I've seen him with a drink in his hand all night." A random bystander suddenly chimed in, causing you to snap your head in the direction of where the voice was coming from. You had locked eyes on an unfamiliar blonde girl who looked back at you with horror written on her face, discomfort present in her body language.
"No," you squeezed your eyes shut as tears began to flow from them relentlessly, shaking your head as though you refused to believe he would do such a thing knowing how much it would hurt you, "no he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't do this to me."
"The ambulance is on the way." Kelce announced as he point to the phone pressed to his ear.
You couldn't regulate a single emotion in your body at that point. You felt as though you had lost touch with yourself and whatever the hell was going on around you, as you grew tunnel vision on Rafe's motionless body that laid heavy in your lap. You weeped to the point that you felt your throat tighten, almost as if you couldn't breathe, suffocated by the absence of hope that the boy you loved was going to wake up. You could have sworn that a few blood vessels popped in your eyes from the way that you cried out with an indescribable passion and fury. Fury for the selfishness Rafe had in himself to be able to behave so recklessly, despite knowing you were back at home trusting that he would do the right thing and stay safe. But his desires and addiction were two things that ruthlessly clouded his judgment and steered him down a dark path. One that you always feared would take the best of him from you and rip him away.
However, you got lucky that night. The ambulance had come just in time to be able to resuscitate him successfully, and you thanked the heavens above for the blessing that he actually got another chance to live. But you were sure as hell not going to let him down easy this time, fearing that there would be no more 'close calls' or being lucky if it were to happen again. Therefore, you pushed him into going to rehab for once. It took a lot of begging and pleading, but after seeing the manner in which you broke down so intensely when discussion how his addiction effected both you and him, he eventually obliged to your request.
After three months of treatment, Rafe was finally discharged from the rehab facility. You had visited him nearly everyday while he was there, but seeing him outside of there was completely different. The moment you saw him for the first time since he left, you ran to him and greeted him with the tightest hug he had ever felt in his life. Your emotions got the best of you, as they normally did when it came to Rafe, and you had sobbed into his chest as he held you for the first time since going to rehab.
"Please don't ever do that to me again, Rafe. I would have lost my mind without you." You let out a muffled cry into his shirt as you clutched onto him as if he was going to dissapear if you let go.
"I won't princess, I promise. I'd never leave you. I'm so sorry." Rafe cooed as he kissed the top of your forehead, clenching his eyelids shut as tears began to flood his azure-colored eyes. The same ones you missed waking up to every morning over the last three months while he was gone.
"Lets get you home. I don't want to see this place for another minute." You muttered as you backed away from him to wipe your tears away with the sleeve of your shirt.
"Of course, baby."
Things were looking up for the two of you once Rafe completed his rehab program. It seemed as though he was back to the boy you had met when you were in high school, happy and full of life. You spent everyday thanking the universe for keeping him around and giving him the strength to make it through such a scare. For the first time since you were eighteen, you were finally hopefully for Rafe's sobriety and maintaining it. You knew it wasn't easy for him, of course, but you believed in him.
"I wanna talk to you about something." Rafe voiced as he sat next to you while you ate your usual bowl of cereal for breakfast.
"Okay.. Talk to me." You replied a tad mumbled, trying to talk with a handful of cereal stuffed in your mouth which made Rafe chuckle in return.
"You remember when we used to talk about getting our own place together someday?"
"Yeah? Why?" You questioned, cocking your eyebrow at him.
"Well, I've been putting aside some money over the last few months since I got this job, and I've been waiting until I had enough to do it to tell you. But, as long as you're ready and want to still, I'm ready for us to find a place." Rafe declared with a beaming grin growing on his face.
You responded with a shriek as you threw down your cereal bowl onto the table, immediately leaning forward to hug Rafe in excitement for the good news. You might've kissed him a hundred times before you actually said a word because of how much joy you felt knowing that you were finally getting the chance to have a place of your own with the boy you've loved since you were sixteen. A dream of yours that you've been dying to fufill.
"Oh my gosh, Rafe! I can't believe this. I can't wait. I love you." You smiled wide, giggling as you pulled him in for a hug once more.
"I love you, y/n. I can't wait to start our lives together. This is just the beginning."
It was 1:48 am.
You were sound asleep in the bedroom that you shared with Rafe in the apartment you had together bought six months prior. It was a peaceful, clear night with not a cloud in the sky. It was almost haunting how quiet it was.
You laid in bed curled up with the cat Rafe had got for you shortly after you moved in. He was a long-haired, brown feline that you decided to name Bear. Immediately after getting him, you practically treated him as though he was your own child. Yours and Rafe's. Just like that night, and many others, he would often sleep curled up next to you and send you to sleep with the sounds of his loud purrs and occasional snoring.
There was nothing abnormal about that night. No warning to the devastation that was to be ahead. You were unsuspecting and unaware that there was even any potential threat that would disrupt your nearly-perfect life that you had grown accustomed to with Rafe. Although sometimes, you wish there had been something that would have warned you of the doom that was impending.
When you had went to bed, you had just got off the phone with Rafe. He had went out with a few of his close friends for one of their birthdays, promising to return before you woke up. You saw nothing to worry about. It had been over a year since Rafe's overdose and you had complete faith in him, a regained trust that you had momentarily lost when the first accident had happened.
You remember exactly what words you said to him last on that very phone call. Not only because of the significance of the call, but because you made sure to tell him every single time before you hung up.
"I love you."
A word you had uttered a million times to him, even though it still never seemed like enough. You knew that Rafe secretly enjoyed how much you said it though, since you were the only one in his life that had told him it in years at that point in time. His family had moved off and cut off contact with him once he had finally stood up to his dad. His sister, Sarah, stayed behind in Figure Eight with her boyfriend, John B, once they had attained a substantial amount of money after finding the gold.
You were practically Rafe's lifeline once you two had moved out together, a job you were perfectly fine with because you would have done it a million times had it meant that he was happy. You loved him. You loved him so much that when he hurt, you hurt. You felt his pain when he lost himself from his addiction, and you cried as he did when he had trouble adjusting to the move. But you past all the grief and the struggles he faced, believing that Rafe was a fighter and much stronger than what cards he was unfortunately dealt with in life.
But despite the countless efforts of getting him help and supporting him through his sobriety, Rafe nevertheless had demons he did not deserve, some of which he hid from even you. He faced a battle within himself frequently although he never showed it, realizing that it would only be hurting you to see him in such a state. So he continued his facade of pretending to be that carefree, content boy he was back when you first met him. But his perception of life and reality was tainted by an addiction that haunted him deeply, so deeply that even you couldn't take it away regardless of how much he loved you.
You were Rafe's first and only love. The love of his life, he would say. You were a breath of fresh air in a world full of melancholy, despondency, and corruption that surrounded him daily. He had worshipped the ground that you walked on, even on your worst days. You truly did not wrong in his eyes, a saint that was sent to him from the clouds up above. You had truly blessed his life, in ways that you had never truly believed despite how much he tried to remind you. He wanted to make sure you knew how thankful he was for you everyday, and he never failed to tell you so.
It was 1:48 am when you got the call that Rafe had died.
You lost a piece of yourself that night, or perhaps all of you went with him when he passed. Either ways, you were never the same. All of the plans you had made of a future that would never come, haunted by the reality that Rafe was now forever just a memory in the depths of your mind that you hoped to never lose, even in your old age. After his funeral had passed, you sold your apartment and moved back to your hometown, too haunted by the memories of your past life to be able to move back to Figure Eight. The place you met.
The only thing you took with you from that home was the cat that he got for you after begging him for weeks once you had moved in. You find that you cherish him, Bear, even more because he is your very last memory of Rafe Cameron. The very first and the very last boy you have ever loved.
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ayanominitrash · 9 months
ease (Gojo x reader)
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Navigating the in-betweens of you and Satoru - not quite lovers, not quite friends
Satoru tries to ignore the ache in his heart at the way your hands clutches at the front of his uniform. 
He tries to focus, instead, on the way the back of his legs burn as he peddaled his way down the bustling streets with you seated behind him. The sun was dying down low on the horizon ahead, bathing the small town into hues of pinks, purples and oranges.
This was the first time after a long time he’s been this close to you. 
After two weeks, to be exact. 
He's seen you uncomfortable around him for two weeks. No bike rides with him home for two weeks. All of your friends and his spare him worried glances and for two weeks.
Satoru thinks they probably pity him.
They probably pity him with how he’s trying but failing to mend his friendship with you, after he’s told you he liked you - loved you. More than in the way you thought he did. He laid his heart out to you, only for you to hurriedly excuse yourself that night, two weeks ago.
But he doesn’t care if people pity him.
He’d do anything to make you feel at ease around him again.
Even if it meant the two of you staying as friends. Even if the very thoughtof it brings a burning lump stuck in his throught, a prickling sensation at the back of his eyes. He’d go through it all if it meant you two can be friends again.
Tonight, he wants to tell you just that.
Satoru, although it surprised him, didn’t want to ruin the chance to give you a ride home by asking you why. Questions like - what made you finally approach him after just giving him nothing but radio silence?
He finally stops on your street, planting his feet on the ground and rising from his seat, waiting for you to get down. 
You don’t.
Instead, you wrap your arms around him tightly, burying your face into the arc of his shoulder blade. He freezes. 
“I’m sorry.”
Satoru smiles, and starts to relax in your hold.
“No, I’m sorry.” He starts. “It was selfish of me to. . . ruin our friendship like that.”
He feels you lift your head up from his back.
“. . . I just, didn’t know what to tell you. . .I didn’t even know. . . you. . .”
“It’s okay,” As you continue to lean against him, Satoru places a hand on yours. “I get it. I just want everything to be okay again. So please, you can forget about what I said. Please? I just want us to be friends. I promise I’ll be okay.”
You hold him tighter, “But that’s. . .not what I want.”
He feels his heart drop at your words. Satoru thought his heart had already shattered and break these past few weeks from the stinging pain of your rejection, but now, after hearing he’d done too much damage for you to refuse being his friend again, it has his heart painfully writhe in the hollow caverns of his chest. 
"Is this something we can't talk through?" Satoru asks, pulling his hand back from you. “Is it really so horrible that I like you?"
You paused. Then, “No, Satoru, that’s not what I’m saying. . .”
He scrunches his brows together in confusion as he looks over his shoulder to take a peak at you.
He almost topples over his bike with what he saw, if you weren’t still hugging him.
You were looking up at him with wide-glassy eyes, a blush across your cheeks, and your mouth tightly pressed in a line.
He had to look away, or else his new found heart beat might jump out of his chest.
“W-what’s - what’s with that look for? What are you saying? Hah. You’re making me nervous.”
You bury you face back on his back again. He can feel the warmth emanating from your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Satoru! I didn’t mean to - b-but the next thing I knew, it was two weeks and I-I still couldn’t bring myself to - t-to, to talk to y-you!”
Satoru chuckles. “Easy, anymore tighter and you’ll suffocate me.” 
He keeps your hands in place, indicating that he doesn't want you to release your grip even after you’ve  loosen your embrace around him.
The two of you stay like that for a bit.
He sees how some of the people passing by are giving the two of you odd looks, but he doesn’t care. 
Satoru would stay like this, if it meant that it’ll help you feel at ease. At ease with him. 
“I’m sorry.” You say again, after a few beats of silence.
“It’s okay.”
“. . .I love you.”
He tightens his hands around you. “Do you mean it? You’re not just trying to say that. . .for the sake of things? Right?”
For the first time in two weeks, he hears you chuckle.
“Who do you think I am?” You smile against his shoulder.
Then a kiss on his cheek. 
A gasp slips past Satoru’s lips and he swears the side of his face is on fire, the same way his resurrected heart is burning right now. 
He leans his head back, resting it on top of yours.
“I love you too.” 
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺
(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ reblogs and comments are appreciated//do not repost my work anywhere
i wrote this instead of studying and doing schoolwork; help, i was trying to write a longer version of this but stopped in the middle [idk why it was so hard to write!] but let me know if anyone wants to see that and if it has enough of response, 'll try my best to complete it - or like, lol just let it die in my drafts like my others fics brrrt//kms // no what im not thirsty for some author and reader interaction here what - did u see that sukuna cover, how we were robbed of yorozu? (he slayed tho i <3 him)
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queenshelby · 4 months
Our Little Secret (Part 44)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap,
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With the Oscars approaching rather quickly now, Cillian had to travel a lot, collecting his awards, giving interviews, and attending countless parties. He was barely home and did not see you and Mara often . It was tough for both of you, but you knew that it was only temporary.
One morning, as you put Mara in her crib for her nap, you thought about how much you missed Cillian and his touch. The past couple of nights had been rough and you were feeling especially lonely and vulnerable being on your own.
Cillian called you every day  , but it just wasn't the same as having him here in your arms.
His voice was distant and tired, and you knew he was burdened with his awards and the obligations that came with them.
You missed the warmth of his embrace, the way his fingers traced patterns on the skin of your upper arm, the softness of his breath whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
But he promised you that soon, he would make it up to you and, when he arrived back in town, he was true to his word.
The first thing he did was throw his suitcases to the side and pick up Mara, making her giggle with laughter as he tickled her.
It was a sight that warmed your heart. Cillian being a father to Mara was just incredibly endearing and watching them together made you feel like you were part of a beautiful family.
"I missed you both so much," Cillian said, his voice filled with warmth as he looked at you and Mara.
"We missed you too," you replied, your eyes softening as you looked at him, the longing in your heart easing just a little at the sight of him holding your daughter.
You walked over to them, wrapping your arms around Cillian's waist as you leaned into him, taking in his scent, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
He turned his head to press a kiss on the top of your head, his arm tightening around you as he held you close.
"But, both Mara and I watched you, on TV, didn't we sweet girl?" you asked, looking at Mara, referring to the recent award show where Cillian had won best actor. Cillian had been traveling to various events and awards shows for weeks on end and though you were incredibly proud of him, you missed him dearly. He was only back for a few days before leaving again, and you cherished the limited time you had with him.
"Did you, Babygirl?" Cillian smiled softly, looking down at Mara as she kicked her tiny legs, playing with the string on his hoodie. "And what did you think? Was daddy's speech okay?" he asked Mara , shifting his focus from you to his daughter. You smiled, watching as he began to tickle Mara again, who giggled and squirmed in his arms.
He loved Mara more than anything else in this world  , and it showed every time he interacted with her.
Watching him, your heart swelled with pride, and you couldn't help but feel grateful that he was a part of your life.
But you couldn't shake off the unease that still lingered in your heart.
Cillian had been acting strangely towards you recently, and it had been bothering you. You didn't know what it was, but you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.
A few days before you were all heading to Los Angeles for the Academy Awards,  you found Cillian on the phone in your living room, his voice low and tense.
"You need to stop calling me," he muttered, running a hand through his hair and, of course, you wondered who was calling him.  You were about to ask him, but then he turned around and caught you watching him. He quickly hung up the phone, his eyes widening for a moment before he forced a smile onto his face.
"Hey," he said, his voice a little too bright and cheery.
"Everything okay?" you asked, your eyes narrowing slightly as you studied him. Cillian hesitated for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah, everything's fine," he said, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You looked up at him, searching his face for any signs of what had just happened, but he wore a mask of calmness that was impossible to penetrate. 
"Who called?" you asked eventually though, and Cillian sighed, his arms tightening around you.
"Amanda,"  he admitted grudgingly, the name heavy with displeasure and you frowned, your heart clenching in your chest.
"Amanda?" you repeated, your voice wavering slightly. "Why is she calling you?"  you asked, your tone curt and accusatory.
Cillian stared at his shoes, swallowing hard as he tried to find the right words. "She...she wanted to talk," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.
"About what?" you demanded, anger growing within you. You could feel your heart racing as a thousand thoughts ran through your mind.
"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "It's nothing."
But you weren't convinced. Something was definitely off, but you weren't sure what it was. "It's never nothing with this woman," you  said, your voice low and tense.
Cillian sighed, looking up at you with a pained expression. "Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know what she wants Y/N. I told her not to call again," Cillian said, his voice strained.
But you knew that was never the end of things with Amanda. She was Cillian's ex-girlfriend, a successful lawyer, who he had been with before you got back together. And even though he had assured you that they had nothing left between them, you couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more going on.
"You know, I never understood why you never had her charged by the police after what she did. But since you didn't, the least she could do now is leave us alone,"  you added, in a tone filled with equal parts disappointment and concern.
Cillian sighed deeply, his arms still tightly wrapped around your waist. "I know, and I've told her that as well. But you know how she can be," he said, his voice soft with regret. 
You nodded, remembering the confrontation you had witnessed between them before even when they were still together. It was pathetic and  extremely dramatic which was something you never understood about Amanda. She was always demanding attention and control from him, and it felt suffocating, like there was no space left for you in their relationship.
"I am sorry Cills. I just don't like that she still calls you," you confessed to him, leaning back into his arms as he held you tightly, "You should probably block her number or something." 
Cillian squeezed you a little tighter, understanding what you were saying. "I know," he replied, his voice soothing as he continued to hold you. "I will. I am sorry, but you know you have nothing to worry about Y/N. I love you, just you, with all my heart,"  Cillian said, nuzzling his face into your neck, his breath warm against your skin. You could feel his chest quiver as he spoke, a testament to his conflicting emotions.
In the end though, you believed him.  After all, he had never given you any reason to doubt his feelings for you, and you knew that his love for Mara would always come before anything else.
In just a few days, you would be making your first very public outing as a couple, attending the Academy Awards together and this was something you knew he wouldn't just do with anyone. He was a private person and the fact that he wanted you by his side despite his fame and fame-fueled temptations spoke volumes.
Days passed, and the preparations for the red-carpet event began to take over his house which you visited with Mara during the day. He had stylists visit for the both of you and, between getting fitted for a designer gown and having your hair cut for the event, you  couldn't help but feel a twinge of nerves.
You hadn't been to events like these before and the thought of a hundred cameras flashing in your direction was unnerving.
But Cillian reassured you that everything would be fine. He had been attending award shows for years and knew exactly what to expect and, in the end, you believed him. 
You were as ready as you possibly could be for his big day but, little did you know that, on that day, your whole life would be turned around. 
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@nela-cutie @futurecorps3 @delishen @nosebleeds-247 @thirteenis-myluckynumber @gills-lounge @hjmalmed @lost-fantasy @tiredkitten @sidechrisporn @smallsoulunknown @charqing-qing @hopefulinlove @aporiasposts @shycrybaby @me-and-your-husband @hjmalmed @lacontroller1991 @galxydefender @aporiasposts
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thisblogisaboutabook · 6 months
Cowboy Like Me - Part 6
Azriel x Reader
Reader and Elain are forced to spend a little one on one time together. Mor whisks reader out for a night on the town. Azriel loses his shit during an incident at Rita’s and comforts reader afterward. A new boundary is crossed between Azriel and reader.
A/n: We’re coming into the home stretch with this story! It will only have a couple more chapters.
Part 5
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Warnings: Alcohol, Language, mild violence, seizure, poisoning, mention (kind of) of drugging via alcohol
Elain’s garden was lovely. A labor of love that only countless hours of tending and getting hands dirty could cultivate. Her tension eased slightly as she shared details of the various flora blooming throughout.
Truthfully, I had no interest in gardening and most of the plant names went in one of my ears and out the other but her passion was captivating. There was something about listening to someone speak of their interests that I couldn’t get enough of.
As if she were a demure flower that came into bloom when she entered her space, she went from uncomfortable with me to genuine. I could see why Azriel had interest in her.
As we finished her tour of the garden, nobody had come to collect us and the awkwardness once returned.
Finally Elain looked to her feet and then back to me. “You and Azriel are a lovely pair.”
I started. “Oh no, we’re not together. It’s just an assignment.”
Elain thought for a moment beginning to say something but holding herself back.
And because I was nothing if not incurably nosey I blurted out. “It’s okay. You can say whatever it is you’re holding back. It won’t hurt me, Elain.”
“It’s not like that.” She spoke softly. “Just be careful. Not with him, he is a good, honorable male. But I am a seer. It was one of the powers thrust upon me by the cauldron and I’ve seen something that I don’t understand. A mangled skeleton in a tunnel with you…. And threads of gold flowing from the opposite direction.”
I paled. What an ominous thing to say. “My visions are strange and I don’t understand how to decipher them just yet. I don’t want to alarm you. Please,” she took my hand earnestly, “just be careful.”
I squeezed her hand in return. Who was I to make the female before me feel uncomfortable for sharing something she clearly still struggled to speak about. She had no reason to be kind to me. I was a stranger, a spy, in close proximity to someone she had or perhaps still did have feelings for. And yet, I could feel she was being genuine. So I met her eyes sincerely, “Thank you, Elain. I’m happy to have met you.”
We chatted for a few more minutes, nothing of substance, just contented small talk.
Eventually Rhysand came to the garden, Azriel behind him looking uncomfortable. “Thank you for your patience, ladies. Amren can get rather cranky when she hasn’t had her nap. Please excuse her…. brazen ways. It makes her a great second, but an occasional pain in the ass at dinner.”
He gestured to the female beside me, “Thank you for showing our guest your garden, Elain.” before turning to me. “Y/N, please join Azriel, Cassian, and I in my office.”
Rhysand turned back toward the house, Azriel lingering behind to wait for me. I felt his gaze as we wandered through a corridor of the massive estate. I felt awkward after the earlier encounter, not quite sure what to say. It was Azriel who broke the silence as he slowed his pace. “Y/N…”
I looked up to the male towering over me. His wings were tucked in tightly behind him as his shadows whirled around our feet. “You look so much more than nice. You’re resplendent.”
My face heated in a blush and a flicker sparked in those hazel eyes. Oh, he knew that effected me and was proud of recovering from his earlier stumble.
“Thank you, Azriel.” I reached toward his tunic. “You clean up quite well yourself.”
It was his turn to blush now. I jerked my head toward the High Lord now several yards ahead of us. “We best catch up with him.”
“Yes, of course.” He extended his arm as I looped mine through it.
Rhysand’s office was less of an office and more of a library. In fact, I am pretty sure that I’ve seen smaller libraries in my travels to the Day Court. “What an impressive collection” I marveled at the grand room surrounding us that was both warm and elegant. A lovely painting of the High Lady hung behind his desk. I wondered if she painted it.
“She did.” Rhys spoke into my head. “Lovely, isn’t she?”
“The loveliest” I mused wistfully. She truly was. “Hey, now get out of my head.”
He held his hands up in a show of innocence before mentally replying “No mind reading here. It was easy enough to read on your face, little spy. Nice to know all I need to break a spy is my beautiful mate.”
I only giggled in return. I liked him. I had heard rumors that he was a much more benevolent ruler than he let the world see but hearing it versus experiencing were two totally different things.
Azriel’s low voice interrupted and brought me back to reality “I’d love to be included in whatever you two are going on about.”
Whoops. Busted.
“Yeah, guys.” Cassian’s booming voice came from the doorway. “Secrets don’t make friends.”
“They do keep my pockets lined though.” I replied without thinking. Probably not in my best interest to make such jokes after Amren’s display at dinner.
To both my surprise and lack of it, Cassian laughed. “Touché, little spy.”
Rhys placed his palms on the desk, eyes fixating on a letter before lifting his head back to us. “We have new information on the infiltrated shipments. A trace amount of the same poison that had laced the spices imported to the Summer Court were detected in one of Beron’s vaults. Not enough to damn him but enough to suggest we are looking in the right direction.”
“Who relayed this intel?” Azriel asked.
“Who do you think?” Cassian goaded, earning an eye roll from his brother.
I cut in “It was Eris, right? Are you sure he can be trusted?”
“I trust him far more than Beron and he hasn’t led us astray yet.” Rhys replied. “I see no reason not to believe him at this point in time.”
“Now,” Rhys continued. “Here’s where things get interesting. Beron will be attending the ball next week. Eris will be there as well and I’ve contacted Lucien. He was hesitant to show given his history with his father but with Elain in attendance he plans to join.”
Azriel gave no response, physical or verbal, to the mention of Elain. He only continued listening intently. “Lucien was concerned about Elain given Beron being there but she has made it abundantly clear to Feyre and I that it is her choice to go.”
“Is it necessary for her to attend?” Cassian asked.
“Once again, it is her choice. She had a vision leading me to believe Beron has something planned and that was before Eris confirmed that Beron is attending the ball and of the traces of poison he had discovered.”
“Shit.” Cassian muttered.
“Azriel, I need you and Y/N to stay here in the event that anything urgent comes up. Y/N, would you be comfortable staying in Velaris for the time being? You can stay at the House of Wind with Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel and train with Nesta in the mornings.”
As if I would be sad to stay in a gorgeous city and not in a giant palace in the middle of nowhere with only one grumpy Shadowsinger for company. Okay, the last part wasn’t so bad. He wasn’t that grumpy… and he was rather pleasant to look at it.
Rhys waited patiently for an answer. “I am at your disposal, High Lord.”
Upon reentering the main living area, I was greeted by an eager Mor. “What would an evening together be without a little Amren drama?” She clung to my arm guiding me toward a liquor cart, pouring us each a glass of Cognac served neat. “Cheers to surviving your first family dinner!”
Azriel only huffed. “We should get to the House of Wind. It’s late and we have to train in the morning.”
“Oh no you don’t.” Mor gripped my arm tightly.
“Don’t even think about it, Mor.” Azriel warned.
“My gift is truth. And the truth is that Y/N has not experienced Velaris until she’s had a night out at Rita’s.”
Azriel kept his stance. “Well she’ll be here for at least a week longer. We’re going to stay at the House of Wind until the ball.”
Mor squealed. “Oh, we are going to have so much fun!”
“She’s still here for work, Mor.” He reprimanded
Her brows knit together “And? What does that have to do with anything? There’s plenty of time for work. Now, let’s play.”
I wasn’t about to get into this battle of wills between Mor and Az but the idea of a night out was appealing. I’ve never had a night out for just fun. It was always for work, always. I wanted to feel music and lose my myself for a bit, but… Azriel did have a point. It was getting late and we did have to train tomorrow.
The blonde waived a hand dismissively. “Azriel. You work too hard. You’ve been wound tight for months now. You need this just as much.”
He scoffed. “My idea of an enjoyable night out isn’t babysitting my belligerent best friend and one of my spies.”
“Excuse me?” I chimed in. “One: you don’t have to babysit me. Two: I’m a spy for hire, not one of your spies.”
And with that, I could have sworn hurt flickered across his stoic features before regaining his composure. “Do what you want then. I’m not going out.”
“Fine.” I stated. “I’m going with Mor.”
“For fucks sake.” He muttered under his breath.
Mor again squealed. “Come on! Let’s change.”
I wasn’t sure why Mor insisted on changing when the dress I had been wearing was perfectly suitable for a night out, but who was I to fight the determined female? I saw how far it got Azriel who had known her for 500 years. There was no way that I would win that battle with her.
So, I found myself at Rita’s a lively bar with even livelier music in a much too short, skin tight dress, high heels, and an obscene amount of cleavage.
Cassian and Nesta came along as Nesta loved the music though she did not drink.
And Az thought he would have to babysit when Nesta was right there?
I would obey any command the silver eyed female gave me. Any command. Cassian was a very lucky male.
Rita’s was far more lively than I anticipated, nothing like the taverns I had frequented where a sole piano collected dust until a passing bard came through to warm the keys for tips. No, this bar had a stage dedicated for instrumentals and singers with sultry voices. The drinks were far from the stale and shitty varieties of ale I was used to. While there were plenty of bottom shelf options, Mor ordered everything from the top, and I gladly indulged.
We did several rounds of shots before Mor pulled me onto the dance floor. Nesta following with Cassian in tow. Round of drinks were served to us in between sets and I completely lost myself to the music. I took turns writhing against Mor and Nesta, which Cassian did not mind ogling in the slightest. Nesta only gave him a sultry smirk before losing herself to the music again.
A few males tried getting close to us but Cassian’s big scary “Lord of Bloodshed” face drove them off. Fortunately for them.
I had a feeling that if they slipped past his harrowing gaze, Nesta would happily eat them alive. Just to reiterate, Cassian is a very lucky male.
The liquor continued flowing and my head felt light in the best of ways. A lightness I’d experienced so few times over the years. I knew I was a sight, we all were. Nesta’s curves were stunning in anything, and Mor and I… well we had enough on display for anyone to appreciate.
Eventually Rhys and Feyre came into the bar, seemingly having left Nyx with Elain for the rest of the night. They were a sight together, the moon and stars, so effortlessly captivating.
Feyre joined us out on the dance floor as tendrils of darkness swirled around the booth Rhysand sat at, his white teeth shining through as an amused grin crossed his face.
Maybe if I’d looked closer I would have noticed that those weren’t tendrils of darkness at all but shadow that surrounded the booth.
Mor was drawn into dance with a beautiful female as Cassian took reprieve to visit Rhys in his booth and Nesta and Feyre took to chatting with eachother in a corner. The perfect moment to sneak away and indulge in one more drink.
I approached the bar, fighting through a crowd of bystanders to place another order. After three attempts to catch the bartenders attention, a pretty male appeared next to me with that classic High Fae beauty and he was so, so tall. “What do you want?” He asked. “I’ve got you.” And in a normal circumstances would have insisted I am a strong, independent female perfectly calable to order my own drink but honestly…. My inhibitions were low enough that I was happy to accept the feat of a beautiful male buying me a drink.
I yelled my drink order to him over the crowd to which he raised an eyebrow then threw a long arm up in the air with two fingers and a gold mark. Ah, money, great attention getter. It was only a moment before the bartender made his way over to take his order. The bartender opened a new bottle of the liquor from the shelf. Not a high end liquor but not totally bottom of the barrel either. Something that said I’m a classy lady but also considerate of the fact that someone else is paying for my drink.
The bartender slid the drinks over to which the male handed me mine, gave a cheers, and invited me for a dance.
One dance wouldn’t hurt.
He stayed close to me but remained respectful. His hands not drifting anywhere above or below mid-waist and keeping a few centimeters of space between our bodies.
As I became more comfortable with the stranger and the music became a bit more seductive, I leaned back into his warm chest. It was nice, comfortable, but my eyes began to grow heavy and my limbs a bit more lucid. My motions became slower and I felt myself slumping a bit. The male noticed too because he peered around me. “Hey. Hey, are you-“ and suddenly shadows surrounded us and a low, gravely voice spoke. “Step away from my lady.”
I heard the male gasp beginning to speak, letting go of me as Azriel’s large, strong hands caught me, not letting go until I steadied. “Wait, I wasn’t-“ he didn’t finish the sentence before Azriel’s fist met the males face, hard.
“Fuck!” The male shouted as Azriel shoved him further away from me and it was then that I fell to the floor, darkness overtaking me.
When I came to it, I was in an unfamiliar bed. A warm fire glowed in a large stone fireplace before me and a few stars still interés in the sky outside. Pain radiated through me shooting from my stomach and throughout the rest of my body. I tried to sit up but immediately needed to throw up.
Suddenly a scarred hand passed a bucket to me. “Here, here take this.” I gripped my hands onto it and heaved. A warm hand helped keep me sitting upright, thumb running soft strokes over my back as another held my hair back.
“Holy shit.” I gasped before heaving again. “I’m never drinking again.”
“Not a bad idea.” Azriel spoke, no hint of amusement in his voice. “But drinking wasn’t the sole factor.”
Pain radiated through my skull. “What do you mean?”
Then a flashback ran through my mind of shadow and Azriel’s fist meeting a males face.
Fuck, how could I have been so stupid! “That male. He…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “Did he-?”
Azriel looked down to his feet before taking the bucket back and handing me a cup of ginger tea.
“Look, I…” shame darkened his features. “My shadows sensed something was wrong. I saw you slumping in his arms and I acted before realizing.”
My brows furrowed, lips drawing into a straight line. “I still don’t understand. What do you mean, Azriel?”
“No, he didn’t do anything wrong. For what it’s worth, he seems like a decent male. But after you fell, I ran to you. I shouldn’t have stepped away from you in the first place. You began seizing, Y/N. It fucking terrified me. Cassian apprehended him before the same thing happened to the male. He lost his steadiness, fell to the ground, and began seizing as well.
I immediately took you to Madja who examined you, induced vomiting and provided tonics to counteract the symptoms. “What happened to me?”
Rage. Icy rage crossed his features. “You were poisoned. Mor came and stayed by your side while Madja worked on you. Rhys, Cassian, and I were able to question several people at Rita’s. It turns out that soon after you fell ill, a few others came down with the same symptoms. It was the liquor that had been poisoned. We spoke with the owner of Rita’s who checked their logs and the bottle of liquor you were last served from had been imported around the time that the rogue shipment landed in the summer court.”
“Fuuuck.” I whispered. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I overreacted. I thought he hurt you. And when i considered his intentions….”
His hands flexed and a light hint of silver lined his eyes. “Fuck, I just lost it.”
“Is he okay?” I asked. “Yes, once the tonic took effect for him. I was able to apologize and he was forgiving. Very decent of him given that if the roles were reversed… I didn’t deserve the forgiveness.”
“What about the other patrons who were poisoned?” I asked. “Is everyone okay?”
Azriel’s shadows whirred angrily. “Fortunately. Madja and her staff were quick and everyone will recover.”
His hazel eyes met mine sympathetically, “but it may take a full day for the effects to fully clear from your system. It won’t be a pleasant process.”
Given the pain and nausea within me, I was dreading the next several hours. Looking down, I saw that I’d been changed into an oversized t-shirt and men’s boxer briefs. I looked to Azriel with a raised eyebrow. “Your doing?”
The male blushed, blushed for the second time in less than twelve hours, and I couldn’t repress the small grin that came to my lips. “Nesta helped you into these. Your dress was covered in vomit. And Nesta may dress somewhat modestly in public but she has preferences in her nightly attire so it was either my clothes or a night gown that left very little to the imagination.
Mor is going to bring you some of the clothes you bought yesterday and some of hers after she gets a few hours of sleep. I’ll retrieve clothes from the Moonstone Palace once you’re better.”
Had he forgotten that I was only wearing clothes from the guest armoire there? “I know they aren’t yours but they suited you. Night Court attire suits you.”
I remembered the cobalt blue outfits I wore around the palace. Cobalt blue like…. Oh my gods, his siphons.
It was my turn to blush.
“You should get some more rest, Y/N.”
“Fine.” I sighed. A fevered chill running through me that even the warm bed and fire couldn’t suppress.
He started as he saw the shivers overtake me, goosebumps appearing on my arms.
“Yes?” He asked cautiously.
“Will you lay with me? I’m cold.”
And that was the first night I slept in the arms of the Shadowsinger.
He sat beside her bed for hours, heart lurching at any stir in her sleep. Had he just gone out with them in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe it would have been him holding her against his chest on the dance floor, maybe she wouldn’t have wandered off for that last drink.
When she seized on the floor, he felt his soul leave his body. He’d never known such panic in his life, not when his brothers held fire to his hands, not when he saw Mor in that field, not even when Elain had been captured by Hybern. He was always able to master himself in times of distress. But he knew that this time was different and if it weren’t for the adrenaline rush that overtook his senses in rushing her to Madja, he would have been hyperventilating on the floor next to her, he was certain of it.
So when she finally awoke and asked meekly if he’d sleep with her, there was no other option. She felt so right in his arms. As her breathing evened out, sleep once again overtaking her, he quietly whispered into the night, to himself, to her sleeping form, to the gods, anyone who would listen. “Never again.”
His shadows hummed in agreement.
Never again would he leave her when he knew she wanted his company. No, she didn’t say it out loud, but he felt it somewhere deep within his chest. Never again would he let someone bring harm to her, and if they did, he wouldn’t let them get away with it. Never again would his little spy feel alone in this world.
With that he softly brushed his lips across her temple. A seal of a vow. A silent show of adoration.
And he could have sworn he felt a little flutter in his chest as her lip quirked upward in her dream state.
Tags: @fxckmiup @saltedcoffeescotch @minnieoo @dr4g0ngirl @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife
Sorry for the delay with this chapter!
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hey-its-roseaurum · 6 months
Guilty until Proven Innocent-Part I
A/N: Hey everyone. Thank you for taking the time to look at this story. This is for a collaboration with @lainiespicewrites. She is an excellent writer and I figured it was my turn to stretch my writing muscles and put something out into the world. This is my first Henry Cavill fic, so please don't be too harsh. Anyways, enjoy!
Synopsis: After recent murders in town, You (Olivia) decide to train with Edith in the art of self-defense. In the middle of training, you got a mysterious knock on the door. Sherlock walks in, looking for assistance with his latest case. He offers you to partake in a partnership to help him in his latest case? Do you take it?
Warnings: mentions of death
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“You’re progressing nicely Olivia.”  Edith smiled from above me, her elbow pinning me to the floor mat.  There wasn’t a hint of sweat along her forehead.  She had taken me down in less than a minute. The worst part was I thought I was going to land a hit on her this time.
”I’m beginning to think that you’re just saying that to soothe my pride”. I rasped out.  She had eased her hold on me and stood up, extending a hand.
”Nonsense.  Look how far you’ve come since you first stepped in these doors.  Pretty soon you’ll be able to hold your ground with me.”  She exclaimed as I grabbed her hand and hoisted myself up.  My back had long since started throbbing.
For the past few weeks, I have been meeting Edith at her office to train and learn self-defense.  Ever since the first girl went missing and was later found dead in the street I hadn’t been able to sleep soundly.  There were constant, nagging thoughts that made me question if I was going to be the next victim.  It had only gotten worse when they found the next girl a week later in the middle of an alleyway that I frequently visited.  Her throat had been cut. 
In London, it was ill-advised for a woman, especially of noble birth, to consider something as trivial as self-defense.  Women are supposed to be soft, elegant, and passive. All of the trouble and responsibility in making decisions was for the men. 
 Being passive and soft didn’t save those girls from their cruel end.
And I wasn’t going to let myself become like them.  I refuse to be the next girl that falls victim to this.  So I went to my dear friend Enola at her detective agency and inquired about a solution to my predicament.  She sent me over to Edith and had me start training the next day.  I’ve been training every day since then.
I’m still not really good at it.
”Did you say the same thing when you were teaching Enola?”  I inquired as I dusted myself off.  Edith only shook her head.
”Not exactly.  Her response was more witty, thanks to her mother.”  Eudoria Holmes, the mother, the fire starter as people liked to call her.  I’ve seen her wanted poster splayed all across London.  But I didn’t see her as a criminal.  I saw her as the woman who saved my life six months ago.
That morning had been cold and bitter.  I remember feeling my fingers grow numb while I huddled against a mailbox.  Its red paint had chipped away at its base, leaving rust behind.
Which was ironic and poetic now that I think back on it.  And let me explain why.
It all started when my father had recently passed from a sickness that left my mother and me penniless.  With no man in the house and no money to our name, we were cast out of society.  My mother and I were thrown out and the estate that I called my home.   It was sold to another noble family in the south.
We lived off the street after that.  My mother, using what knowledge she had of needlework, had acquired a job as an assisted seamstress.  I was left to salvage whatever pity people gave me and half-rotten food from dumpsters.
Eventually, we were able to afford a small cottage on the outskirts of town.  It was small, run-down, and often had a damp smell to it.  Mother didn’t like to be there for a long period.  She claimed it was because she was so busy with her duties to the seamstress that she didn’t have time to spend there.  I think it was because she missed her life at the estate and living in this small broken cottage was too much for her to bear.
That morning six months ago I decided to go into town to fill my water bucket and get bread before it got too crowded.  When I got there, I sat down by the mailbox to wait for the bakery to open.  I was particularly annoyed when I saw a lot of people around this early in the morning.
I was watching a man get onto a carriage when something shifted from the corner of my eye.  It had been a man, or what I thought was a man walking towards me with a package in their hand.  When we made eye contact I didn’t think anything of it.  I just watched them and noted how stiff they walked. They placed the package in the slot of the mailbox.  Before I knew it, I was grabbed by the elbow, hoisted upright, and pulled away from the mailbox.  
That mailbox exploded, releasing a whirlwind of fliers into the air.
The two of us had run from the police.  I was forced to since they refused to let go of my hand.  We ran until this stranger knew that they weren't being followed.  
When things settled down, the man revealed that they were a woman in disguise.  She introduced herself as Eudoria Holmes and then proceeded to lecture me about being near explosives as if she were my own mother.  All I had wanted to do was bite back, to lecture her on how she shouldn’t be putting explosives where there were people.
Instead, I broke down, not from her lecturing but because of something I couldn’t quite place. All I knew was that I was waiting for a soggy piece of bread and nearly got blown up.
In the end, I told her everything.  I told her my past, my current situation, and why I was even in town in the first place.  One thing kind of led to another.  The next thing I knew I was sitting in Eudoria’s house with a cup of tea in my hand.
I stayed in that damp cottage less and less as time passed and more at Eudoria’s warm, often chaotic home.  That’s where I became friends with Enola, had briefly met her two brothers Sherlock and Mycroft, and felt somewhat happy.  
I don’t know why she pulled me away from that mailbox.  The one time I asked her she said she saw something in me, some sort of fire in my eye.  She didn’t want it to go out along with the mailbox.
I didn’t believe her, but I couldn’t tell that to her.
“So what you’re trying to say is that I still have a long way to go,” I asked as my brain jumped back to the present.  I stepped away from the mat and made my way into her office.
”What I’m saying is you’re doing better than you think you are.  You just began learning.  Give yourself a little credit.”  Following me, she made her way to the table by the window.  A stack of teacups were messily stacked up to one side.  She grabbed two, placed them on saucers, and poured liquid into both.  
“I know.  I’m just…worried.  It’s been a week since the last victim was found and the police still haven’t found the suspect.”  I let out a sigh and sipped some of my tea.  I needed a moment to choose my words carefully.  “I just want to be…prepared.”
A heavy pause filled the air before either of us spoke.  
”Olivia…there’s more to that, isn’t there?” Edith’s words were soft and gentle.
“I mean I-“. My response was sharply cut short.
A knock pulled our attention away from our conversation and to the door.  A tall man entered from the training room and to Edith’s office.  I couldn’t place if he looked tall because of his size, or because of the giant top hat sitting snugly on top of his head.  Dark wavy strands of hair peaked through from under his hat. 
”Have you any sense what time it is?”  Edith interrogated, crossing her arms.  The man took off his hat, revealing thick brown locks.  His sculpted jawline and nose complimented the hair.  Blue, mesmerizing eyes glanced around, investigating.
But the feature that I recognized right away from him was his shoulders.  I knew those shoulders.
”Hello, Edith” His attention briefly shot to me “Olivia”  I curtly nodded, averting my eyes.
”Good evening Mr. Holmes.”  I responded softly.  “With what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” Holmes.  Sherlock Holmes.  One of Enola’s older brothers. One of the greatest detectives I’ve ever seen.
”There’s no need for formalities Olivia.”  I felt something warm begin to grow on my cheeks at his response.  He’s only being polite Olivia.  We are only acquaintances because of Enola and Eudoria.  He doesn’t like you like that.
Or does he?  
I’m not sure.
Sherlock Holmes is a difficult man to understand.
“What are you here for Sherlock?”  Edith asked again, harsher this time.  Her tone quickly pulled me back to the present and away from my thoughts.  
Sherlock cleared his throat, his blue eyes revealing some sort of inner turmoil within himself.  It was an unusual amount of emotion that I was not used to seeing.  I expected it with Mycroft, he practically wore his emotions on his face at all times.  Sherlock never did.  He’s always been composed, and proper.  Before me now he still was, but a layer of some sort had been chipped away.
”I….need your help.”  He struggled to say the words like it was almost painful to him.  A moment of silence clung in the air.  
”Is it about Enola?   Did she get herself into trouble?”  There was a hint of concern in Edith’s voice when she begged the questions.  The only response he gave was a small shake of his head. I watched as realization flashed on her face. 
”There’s something about this case-“. 
”That deduction cannot solve?”  Edith finished his thought.  He slightly nodded, setting his hat down on her desk.  That was my cue. I softly placed my teacup down and made my way to the table by the window.  I began making some tea for Sherlock while listening to the conversation.
”I may need your…skills to get information from a place I cannot enter.”
“What kind of place?”  He listed off a name that I didn’t recognize.  Edith’s face slightly reddened.
”A showgirl theatre?! You cannot ask me such a thing Sherlock, no matter how close we are.”  My eyebrows raised as I grabbed a cup and saucer and poured some tea into the cup.
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t have another option.  A woman’s life is at stake.” His tone was calm, but there was something else there.
”But going into this with the possibility of getting murdered is not something I’m comfortable with.  Woman’s freedom and rights is one thing, going after a serial killer is a whole other matter entirely”
”Edith, I-“. I cut them off.
”I’ll do it.  I’ll go instead of you.”  In their arguing, I had made my way back to the two of them, Sherlock's tea in hand.  I had left mine behind.
”Olivia, do you know what kind of place that is, what situations you can get into.  You’re nowhere near ready to hold your ground”. What she said was like a punch to the gut.  
I knew I wasn’t ready, we had that same conversation not thirty minutes ago.  But I knew that if Edith went and something bad had happened to her Enola and Eudoria would be devastated.  I was different.  If I went and something happened to me, Edith would still be here training more girls like me.
”Who else is going to do it?  Enola?  She’s not expendable. I am.  And Edith, what about the other girls you train?” I took a breath, the stubbornness in me growing. “Besides, I know these streets better than anyone.  I’ve lived in them.  I know where to go in case I’m being followed.   And because of the way I look,”. I paused briefly looking down at myself, at my curvy, plump figure.  “No one would suspect me.  They would just see me as a showgirl trying to make ends meet.  I can blend in, go undercover, and get the information that he needs in order to catch this murderer.”
A heavy pause hung between the three of us.
I let what I said sink into the two of them.  I know that Edith is fighting with herself on whether she can let me go.  She believes that I am her responsibility, and I kind of was while Eudoria was undercover.  But since starting to learn to defend myself I told myself that I couldn’t sit and wait.  Sitting and worrying about who the next victim is going to drive me crazy.  If I can help and make a difference, then maybe the suspect will be caught before there’s more tragedy.  
”I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to her.”  Sherlock’s voice broke the silence and my inner thoughts.  “You have my word.”  His eyes met mine at his.  I felt something else there besides the promise.   Edith sighed,  rubbing her temples with both her index fingers.
“Okay, Sherlock.  Just…make sure she comes back in one piece.”   Edith finally concurred.  “You’re going to have to speak to your mother if you don’t.”
A smile tugged at my lips at the agreement.  I finally raised the cup of tea, offering it to him.    
”When do we start?”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. If you want to read @lainiespicewrites story about Paul Atreides from the Dune Sage, here is her link: https://www.tumblr.com/lainiespicewrites/747032352877903872/the-atreides-era?source=share
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mjso-soupp · 3 months
Meet me in the South
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(Subaru Sakamaki/American!FemaleReader)
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Reader begs Subaru to escape.
Notes: This might just be like the introduction to the story? There’s no major plot points and more of just a feel. Also shoutout to @fangsforiris for creating the beautiful moodboard above!!!
I’ve dreamed since I was four years old
That the house is slowly on fire
And I can’t get you to leave it
—Alice Notley, In the Pines
The weather back where I lived was blazing and relentless, the sun would cast an unbearable warmth and all I could do was sit inside, sighing while hoping my ride to the pool would be here soon enough. My hair was always frizzy from the humidity and skin burned a bright red, I had also developed white lines running along my back from the overused swimsuit I wore every trip to the pool.
My last memory of being there was of walking down the road to the convenience store with my friend. We grabbed a couple of cokes and sat on the park bench talking about what my life in Japan would be like. She claimed I was the one who had finally gotten out of the old, small town life. When I gave her my last goodbye, I felt the twinge in my heart knowing it would be a while before I could talk to her like this again. With the warmth clinging to us, to our bodies. At the airport the choking feeling just grew, my mama drove me, she was silent the whole way but when we arrived she eventually started talking.
”You’re sweating bullets, have you been wearing the lotion the doctor gave you?”
”Yes, but it doesn’t really work that well. I’ve been applying it more than often.”
“Maybe you aren’t applying it like you’re supposed to, it says on the package counter clockwise—make sure to rub counter clockwise!”
“Mama, it’s okay, I hear where I'm moving to, it's cold anyways.. “
My mom looked at me and gave me a sad smile, the wrinkles on her cheeks made my heart throb, I also wouldn’t be able to see those wrinkles till I came back.
”You’re nervous, aren’t you? It’s going to be okay,”
”Yeah, a little—I'm okay though, It’s gonna go away when I'm settled over there, I hope.”
She squeezed my shoulders and took a deep breath,
”Smell the air one last time, maybe it’ll calm you.”
I took a breath of the air around me, I could smell strong gas leaking from the taxis, freshly cut grass and the yeast smell from the bread factory I would drive past everyday to and from school.
“You’re safe here mama, I feel a bit better though.. I'll be back soon, just gotta finish my studies… When I'm back, I’ll take you to get some ice cream.”
I could see the tears in her eyes form, she pulled me into a tight embrace—It was short but it eased my nerves for the duration of the trip. My mom didn’t like to cry in front of me, but I guess it was one of those times it was acceptable to. I pulled away and gave her one last look,
“I have to go now, I have everything—don't worry, bye mama.” I kissed her on the cheek before reaching for the handle of my suitcase, “Ice cream, mama.” I smiled before walking away to my gate. That was the last time I talked to my mama.
When I arrived in Japan, people stared—a lot. I could feel their eyes judging me, they definitely knew I was an American. Who could blame them though? My appearance didn’t help my case either: My skin was red and tan as opposed to the glossy paleness over here. My hair was also crazy from sleeping on the plane, and I was in pajamas. I struggled to walk in the airport without getting bumped into for more than a couple of seconds, everyone was moving so fast I couldn’t keep up, back home everyone was more relaxed, but there really wasn’t anywhere to go. The drivers refused to take me to the address that apparently was in the middle of nowhere, I bet you they also thought I didn’t have any money. Eventually, an older man agreed to drive me the hour long way, I thanked him profusely and tipped him a generous amount after. I shouldn’t have thanked him, he probably worked for them. I didn’t realize the danger I was stepping into then. I believe that was the last time I was truly happy— I smiled, laughed, and imagined what my life here would be like the entire plane ride. Now, I want to go back to that very moment and tell myself to run—as far as she can and fast.
Introductions were far from conventional: Instead of my host greeting me, a young blonde girl named Yui—who’s eyes were so red I could feel my arms forming goosebumps, welcomed me with open arms. She had this anxious demeanor about her which should’ve alarmed me, and then there they were, all six of the brothers residing in the entry hall. The only one that really stood out to me was the pale, silver haired man in the back who’s face seemed to always be locked in that scowling, annoyed expression—again, with the blazing red eyes.
I attempted to focus on my studies but after the realization they were indeed vampires, it was hard.
Eventually winter break, the relief for everyone in the household had finally arrived—the brothers spent it like normal. Subaru and Ayato were fighting like always, Reiji was still annoyed with Shuu and the triplets wouldn’t give Yui up. No one really bothered me, unless it was to bleed me and I had gotten used to being alone in my room doing whatever I could to keep busy, I took comfort sitting on the alcove in my room, watching the endless amount of flakes fall from the sky. They fell so gracefully—like they were dancing, but I forgot what it felt to be like that. Laying next to the window also reminded me of the time when my friends would fling pebbles at the panes, waking me up earlier then needed on a summer day just to go run off to the community pool, and to get a couple of cokes for the walk back home—I would always forget to bring a towel so my sandals would squeak loudly when I strolled back home on the pavement, in that hot summer town, I dreamt of when I rested my head against the now still, freezing panes.
“You’re always sitting there, looking so helpless.”
It was Subaru, the brother everyone avoided because he was just too aggressive. For being so strong, he sure had soft features: His hair was like a white rose, the cleanest pick from the bouquet, he stood tall and composed, and his eyes were like early picked cherries, not ripe, but still so red and bright. He was hungry. I started to pick up on that glint in their eyes whenever they were hungry: Their eyes normally had that abnormal gloss that stole all reflection from light near, but when they were hungry—all signs of that were gone. Beautiful orbs were dulled and fogged with their lust for blood or just to satisfy their sadistic needs. The first time one of them tried to feed from me, it was him. He was angry I didn’t comply, leading to purple bruises forming around my wrists that ached for days.
“I like sitting here, it's comfortable.”
“Tch, you know what I’m here for, you should hurry up and get over here so I can get this over with,”
He glared at me from the door with his arms crossed waiting for me to come to him, I knew standing my ground wouldn’t help so I just obeyed him. I hesitated but eventually took step after step to meet him, I unbuttoned my shirt down just above my bra.
“It’s no fun when you don’t fight back…” He grabbed my hair in his fist whilst tilting my head to the side. “I’m too thirsty to complain though.” My heart beat would just race whenever he was with me, him. Just him, feeling his tongue travel on my neck would send shivers I hadn’t previously known of. Even to the sound of his fangs digging into my neck, I wasn’t used to being held so closely by someone—much less a man.
“You’re.. enjoying this? Of course you are, I should’ve expected this… Nn…” My knees were beginning to buckle under my weight, my entire body felt numb I couldn’t see straight—or think.
“Subaru—I think that’s enough..” I placed my hand on his shoulder,
“Damn it! Just let me fucking have this,” The grip on my hair became stronger, he was tugging on it with an even greater strength.
“It h-hurts Subaru!” I pushed against him once more causing him to grab both of my arms,
“I won’t let them get to you—from now on you’re mine.” The grip on my hair eventually loosened, my heart was racing and I looked into his eyes, they weren’t back to that abnormal gloss though: His eyes were still foggy but this time with rage— or sadness, I couldn’t tell.
“The fucks that look for? Tsk, I’ll make sure everybody in the house knows that you’re my property now, and you have no say.” Subaru always dragged that sad presence around him no matter where he roamed, sitting alone on the rooftop, when he stared at Yui smiling with Shuu. Right now I didn’t feel that sadness, instead I could feel him shaking from anger, the anger everyone in the house avoided but I had just gotten myself caught into. Causing me to get pinned down on the hardwood flooring of my room, getting bit over and over again that night.
Later, when I had gotten one of those rare moments to speak with Yui, she told me Ayato convinced everyone for a darts game. Shuu had won the prize—Her and all the brothers watched Shuu bite her to mark his territory, including Subaru. Yui told me she saw Subaru storm out the back door when Shuu sank his fangs into her neck. Yui had been claimed by the vampire who could care less about titles, or existing, she was claimed by a dead man—with no lust for life, instead a hatred for the world he was born into.
“He came into my room, I suppose after, and he just… bled me dry that night. It just feels.. Wrong, I feel something is changing.” I paused for a moment,
“He’s always been sweet on you Yui, I hope you notice that.”
Her eyes saddened and lowered her head down to the ground. Her blonde locks shielded her face, she began sniffling quietly. I just placed my hand on her shoulder, hoping that would soothe her. She didn’t ask to be in this situation, nor did I. Yet, she was always so poise, her will never faltered. Whilst I would lay on the bathroom floor sobbing— grieving the life I had, and lost. She was the spitting image of ideal for the brothers and I trailed behind her, collecting the bits and pieces each one of them had broken—hoping to grasp some of her femininity and hope.
“I don’t want any of this..” She spoke quietly, her voice cracking.
And the break ended. When we returned to school, Subaru made a case of being near me at every moment. A fellow male student had made the simple mistake of bumping shoulders with me in the hallway and apologized profusely when he saw Subaru lurking in the back. He also kept count of which brother had taken blood from me that week or day. Yui was officially Shuu’s so she was out of commission, that left me. A new bride was sent to the mansion—except this one wasn’t under protection like Yui. She was like me, patiently waiting to get murdered by one of these bloodthirsty vampires. Shaking in bed at night from every creek the flooring would make, hoping it wasn’t one of the brothers for their feeding, trembling, knowing they could snap your neck with ease—if they even cared enough to do so, they would’ve much rather watched us writhe in agony on the floor then spare us mercy. She fell under the hands of Laito. He filled her head with false promises anyone would have trouble turning from, I didn’t see her again after he had taken full possession of her. Lord knows what happened to that sweet girl, what a shame, she was so beautiful too. I just remember hearing a wailing cry from the balcony a month after, and a quick snap.
I assume Subaru also heard it, he came into my room demanding blood again—I knew why he was upset, he was wondering what would happen if that instead was Yui. He couldn’t run to her of course, asking if she was okay. So he ran to me, the second choice. I felt like I could read his mind when he mumbled those words under his breath,
“Idiot, could’ve been you…”
I had to accept the fact I would never be Yui. She was the one I needed to model after, but could never be. In reality, she was the missing part of the equation while I could be factored right out. If you asked me why Subaru gave me a chance, I couldn’t respond to you. But if you compared us like how I had compared Yui to myself, I would be Yui, and he would be me. Back in town I had a handful of friends, we would always spend time together in the back of someone’s pickup truck, or in the basement of church after sleeping through the sermon. I was out all day and alone at night, and I liked it that way. Meanwhile, Subaru was alone all day. He was the type to stand by, watching us laugh with our tongues blue from the slushies someone had bought for all of us, excluding him. He would scoff and question why we were laughing at a joke only we would understand. Subaru is someone the boys in my group would call a freak, and whisper to us why we should stay away.
That was the conflict between us: He knows how different we are. When he would blow up in my face about how stupid and delusional I was, I would just admire such passion and emotion. The type everyone suppressed—he wouldn’t, he was real in all ways. He picked up on it, I wouldn’t lower my gaze in fear, or disgust. Just keeping eye contact, analyzing all his little quirks and habits. Truly falling for him.
“You have to leave, it’s not safe here—eventually, they will kill you.” His face was sullied with worry, yet another sacrificial bride was sent and this time, she was Reiji’s.
“N-no, I’m not going to leave you here. I want to stay here with you!”
“You’re not listening! You will die. Here, take this.” He pushed the knife into my hands, I couldn’t react—except for just standing with my mouth agape.
“What is this for?”
“To kill me,”
“What?! Why would I do that! No—take this back, I won’t do that.” My heart was shattered, how could such a beautiful person want to end their life—or have someone just end it?
“Come with me, we can leave—I’ll show you a new life.” His face lost all emotion, he just stared at me—he wasn’t expecting that response.
“It’s not that easy.”
I jolted awake, it took me a couple of seconds to realize just where exactly I was—I fell asleep watching the snowfall from the sky from the alcove again, It was pitch black aside from the moon shining over the view of the white garden, and Subaru’s pale face peering through the window.
“About time you wake up, open the damn window! Before I break it down!”
I stared at him groggily for a second before fully snapping into reality,
“Oh my… Why are you outside my window?”
I crawled to the other side and unlatched the lock, this was the first time he did this—he liked making appearances. He slid the window open, allowing the night chill in,
“Hurry—get in, the cold air is getting in.”
I watched him crawl through the narrow opening and closed it immediately after,
“I have a door…”
I sat back down in my spot across from him, I huddled in the blanket in an attempt to warm myself from the cold.
“It’s easier through the window, besides it’s a full moon.”
Even after a year of living here, I couldn’t adjust to the chilling air and cold corners all around the mansion. I had begun wearing an extra layer of cotton to keep my fingers and feet from falling off.
“Weakling, it’s not even that cold outside, you’re just too dramatic.”
“You’re not human how would you understand?”
His face dropped, he wasn’t expecting that response from me.
“Are you on your fucking period or something? You’ve been acting all different this past week, and I’m sick of it!”
He pulled the blanket away from me, I shivered from the sudden cold air once again and groaned.
“If you were as cold as I am, you would understand.”
I moved closer to him and draped the blanket around the both of us, I felt the cold pane slick with condensation press against my back and dampen my sweater.
“Tch, you didn’t answer my damn question. What’s been up with you?”
I got quiet for a second, I wondered if he thought it through—or if he was up for it.
“Would you ever leave Subaru?”
he was bothered I avoided his question but I needed to get it out of me.
“Tch, not this bullshit again. I already told you, it’s not that easy.”
He went quiet for a moment,
“What a stupid question, why are you still even thinking of this? I don’t know… I don’t have much here to hold onto— But I have nowhere else to go.”
I listened to him mumble, he did that when he was conflicted. I laid my head against his shoulder and sighed, I closed my eyes thinking of my next question.
“But what if you did have somewhere else to go?”
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he looked down at me confused.
“What do you think… That man would never let me leave.”
I grabbed both his hands and held them, turning to face him fully.
“But imagine if we left! Just took a plane…and never came back? It would work—we could go to America! I k-know where we could stay—“
“No, you’re fucking crazy, we’re not leaving. I mean why would you even wanna leave with me? You had your chance to escape that one night. You were just too much of an idiot to not listen to me.”
I frowned,
“Please, just think about it. None of your brothers would have to know..”
He scowled and turned his head away, he snapped his hands back from mine.
“Who the hell are you to tell me to do stuff?”
He grumbled, I wanted to beg him—on my knees to come with me but I knew he would just scoff and walk away. I figured another way of persuading him would work maybe, quickly getting up, I reached under my alcove and the hidden compartment under. I was scrounging for the box of stuff I had hidden for so long.
“Where is it…? Here.”
I returned to my spot and looked at him.
“What is that…? You're hiding stuff from me now? Give me that.”
He snatched the box from my lap and ripped the lid off. The look on his face changed when he realized what it was, I stared at him intently watching for a reaction.
“It’s photos… of my life back there.”
He reached for the photo of me and my friends swimming, I had my arms propped onto the deck with my sunglasses on, I was smiling with my face red. You could see the white lines from the pattern of another suit. My hair was stringy from the chlorine but that didn’t matter, I was happy. My friends were photobombing in the back of the photo. What a cheesy photo.
“Look at how tan I am, you can see the pattern of my bathing suit—those are my friends.”
“You’re just trying to convince me to. You’ll get tired of me quickly and just leave to fulfill your plan.”
I frowned, he didn't trust the idea—or me even.
“I’m just showing you what it was like, look at how clear the sky is.”
I gestured toward the blue sky, as opposed to the cloudy night sky with specks of ice falling slowly.
I smiled looking at the photo. It was one of those days you couldn’t forget, the heat—It was hot, so hot, and I was awakened in the early morning by those rocks being thrown on my window. I scrambled to get ready but I eventually caught up with them, of course leaving my towel behind.
“You’re crazy, we can’t just… leave.”
“Do you really want to live here for the rest of your life? With your brothers? You’ve never even traveled, Subaru..”
I squeezed his shoulder and stood up, “Atleast think about it.” I left the box on his lap, the next picture facing up was a motel, The Safari Inn.
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