#the trauma of the child abuse they're experiencing like
suncaptor · 9 months
Also I just think it's fundamentally ableist to assume whether or not someone is a child or not and deserves to be infantilised based on their degree of neurodevelopmental capability to do things such as walk or talk. to be real.
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agirlinthegalaxy · 20 days
Something I see frequently is fans wanting characters like Elle Greenaway or Nathan Harris to return as unsubs in Criminal Minds, which. I'll be completely honest, I hate the idea for a lot of the suggested characters because it feels so undeniably tragic and hopeless that someone will inevitably become a killer, even if they don't want to become one. Yes, a lot of the unsubs have some kind of tragic backstory, but the thing is that they're still awful people (excluding very very few). I feel like having previous characters return as the unsub paints this picture that you're unable to break the cycle of violence or that you're destined to become a monster, which is just such a honestly tragic message, especially for a show that's already pretty dark.
I'm not opposed to characters reappearing, but I'd much prefer that if those characters appeared again that it'd be in the vein of them having undergone some kind of healing and growth and be able to find themselves some kind of peace and satisfaction in where they are in life. Let them reappear, but don't transform them into monsters but a symbol of the healing and growth available to survivors and the other characters.
#criminal minds#elle greenaway#nathan harris#don't get me wrong i get WHY ppl want it#like elle as an unsub would (admittedly in previous years when her teammates were still there) have been a v dramatic and interesting story#but at the same time... let her heal. she went through some really traumatic stuff and wasnt able to handle it and walked away#let her heal and find peace and leave behind the violence#or nathan harris! like that one admittedly always bugs me bc the idea that a kid who tried to kill himself rather than hurt someone#ends up ultimately becoming a killer anyways is genuinely so tragic and devasting and just hopeless#i just feel like a lot of these perpetuates the idea that you can't break the cycle of abuse or violence#or that you're unable to overcome the difficulties in your life or mind and your fate is sealed#which is genuinely the most fucking tragic ass theme that i've ever heard#like is that really what people want the show's message to be?#no matter how hard you try you will inevitably become what you fear and/or you will perpetuate the violence you experienced#i HATE that message#its why i really dislike how multiple characters reappear later as unsubs especially characters like lindsey vaughn and david smith#like what is the implication here? you're destined to continue the cycle of violence that your parents began?#you'll never be free from the violence you witnessed? you were just a child but your fate has been sealed anyways?#especially with so many of our mcs as well having dealt with serious trauma in their past#are they also destined to become their parents/abusers?#it just feels like a v hopeless message tbh which doesnt feel great when the show is already pretty dark#instead of characters coming back as unsubs i'd love to see them be able to help as teachers or guidance counselors or therapists#or anything really tbh like. show me that they're able to find peace despite what was done to them.#show me that while the trauma may be a part of you it is not all you are
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inkskinned · 9 months
she's three years younger than i am, and i put on cascada as a throwback, cackling - before your time! i've been borrowing my brother's car, and it's older than dirt, so the trunk is like, maybe permanently locked. when the sun comes through the window to frame her cheekbones, i feel like i'm 16 again. i shake when i'm kissing her, worried i won't get it right.
in 2003, my state made gay marriage legal. where she grew up, it wasn't legal until 11 years later - 10 years ago. if legal protections for gay marriage were a person, that person would be entering 5th grade. online, a white gay man calls the fight for legal marriage boring, which isn't kind of him but it is a common enough opinion.
it has only been 9 years since gay marriage was nationally official. it is already boring to have gay people in your tv. it is already boring to mention being gay - "why make it your entire personality?" i know siblings that have a larger age gap than the amount of time it's been legally protected. i recently saw a grown man record himself crying about how evil gay people are. he was begging us, red in the face - just do better.
i am absolutely ruined any time my girlfriend talks about being 27 (i know!! a child!), but we actually attended undergrad at the same time since i had taken off time to work between high school and college. while walking through the city, we drop our hands, try not to look too often at each other. the other day i went to an open mic in a basement. the headlining comedian said being lesbian isn't interesting, but i am a lesbian, if you care. as a joke, she had any lesbian raise their hand if present. i raised mine, weirdly embarrassed at being the single hand in a sea of other faces. she had everyone give me a round of applause. i felt something between pride and also throwing up.
sometimes one thing is also another thing. i keep thinking about my uncle. he died in the hospital without his husband of 35 years - they were not legally wed, so his husband could not enter. this sounds like it should be from 1950. it happened in 2007. harassment and abuse and financial hardship still follow any person who is trying to get married while disabled. marriage equality isn't really equal yet.
and i don't know that i can ever put a name to what i'm experiencing. sometimes it just feels... so odd to watch the balance. people are fundamentally uninterested in your identity, but also - like, there's a whole fucking bastion of rabid men and women who want to kill you. your friends roll their eyes you're gay we get it and that is funny but like. when you asked your father do you still love me? he just said go to your room. you haven't told your grandmother. disney is on their 390th "first" gay representation, but also cancelled owl house and censored the fuck out of gravity falls. you actively got bullied for being gay, but your advisor told you to find a different gimmick for your college essay - everyone says they're gay these days.
once while you were having a hard day you cried about the fact that the reason our story is so fucking boring to so many people is that it is so similar. that it is rare for one of us to just, like, have a good experience across the board. that our stories often have very parallel bends - the dehumanization, the trauma, the trouble with trusting again. these become rote instead of disgusting. how bad could it be if it is happening to so many people?
i kiss my girlfriend when nobody is looking. i like her jawline and how her hands splay when she's making a joke. there is nothing new about this story, sappho. i love her like opening up the sun. like folding peace between the layers of my life, a buttercream of euphoria, freckles and laughter and wonder.
my dad knows about her. i've been out to him since i was 18 - roughly four years before the supreme court would protect us. the other day he flipped down the sun visor while driving me to the eye doctor. "you need to accept that your body was made for a husband. you want to be a mother because you were made for men, not women." he wants me to date my old high school boyfriend. i gagged about it, and he shook his head. he said - "don't be so dramatic. you can get used to anything."
the other day a straight friend of mine snorted down her nose about it, accidentally echoing him - she said there are bigger problems in this world than planning a wedding.
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astuteology · 6 months
Warning: DO NOT read if you're sensitive to SA/BULLYING
Astrological observations:
Sun in the 4th/7th/8th/10th/12th: might have been very badly bullied from the young age. The 1st bully could've been their siblings or cousins. They used to beat you for no reason. They lacked empathy and sympathy for you.
Pluto in the 1st/8th: might have experienced some kind of a sexual trauma when they were child (between the age of 5 and 13) or in their teenage. Random guys might have sneakingly touched you, and acted like they did nothing. No one helped you.
Lilith in the 1st/8th: we all know guys become disgustingly obsessed with people having this placement that even if the person rejects them, they threaten to beat them, k*ll them, r*pe them, or destroy everything they have like post fake n*des.
Scorpio, aries, cancer mars/moon: might have been sexually abused by a male figure in their family or relatives.
Scorpio in the 7th/ pluto in the 7th/ Lilith in the 7th/ mars in the 7th: guys might have only approached you with the intention of getting into your pants. They were desperate to have s*x with you. Made you uncomfortable whether alone or in a group, and no one believed you.
Neptune square ascendant, mars, pluto, sun/ ascendant square/conjunct Lilith: majority of people might have sl*tshamed you. Spread s*xual rumours about you for no reason. Portrayed you as a wh*ore.
Libra, aries, Capricorn, aquarius, gemini, scorpio placements: might have been very badly treated in friendships, relationships, at home, in group settings, by peers, by teachers, by literally anyone. Few people might have tried to trade you into something you don't wanna do. Forced you. Crossed your boundaries without your permission. Forcefully kissed you, grabbed you, touched your private parts, made you s*ck their c*ck.
All these said placements might be suffering from hopelessness, no will to live, suicidal tendencies, unexplainable anger, numbness, irritability, random emotional outbursts, severe depression, severe anxiety, GPPPD, vaginismus, sexual trauma, heavy trust issues that cant seem to heal. And im not stating that its astrological flaw that you suffered all that, but these placements are very prominent in those who suffered. You are not alone, and youre stronger than that and I promise you, they're gona get their karma.
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sysmedsaresexist · 5 months
The idea that emotional abuse and neglect have to be purposeful, with intent and malice, in order to be "enough" is wrong, and is not supported by science
I can't believe I have to say this.
Well meaning, well intentioned parents can and do neglect and abuse their children without EVER realizing it.
A parent can love their child and want the absolute best for them, and still fuck their children up in horrible ways that will stay with them for life.
When it comes to trauma and DID, this isn't an area where you can play Olympics. Anyone who can look at another person and go, "that wasn't enough, you have to have more trauma," is in the wrong.
You are flat out wrong.
Your behaviour is wrong.
Your facts are wrong.
Your understanding of trauma, CDDs, and DA is wrong.
Your actions and words are wrong.
Look at generational trauma, homophobic and transphobic parents that just "want their children to succeed" while stamping out any and all "weirdness", parents with their own mental illness that prevents them from responding appropriately their children or causes outbursts, parents with outdated strategies that they thought worked on them, parents that mishandle their child's outbursts with speed rather than understanding in mind, abusers that are young and don't understand what they're doing, single parents that work two jobs and now their kid has to take care of themselves and their siblings, nuclear families with low income, body shaming parents that just want to protect you from other's cruelty, the list goes on and on.
You've probably experienced more than one of these.
And probably for a long time, right? Maybe your entire childhood?
Huh, it's almost like that's repetitive, longterm trauma.
Do NOT let anyone invalidate your trauma.
It was bad enough.
More reading.
And more.
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blairwaldcrf · 11 days
@lyinoptimist On why Louis is a better character with a richer story because of the way they brought race into the show:
[captioned: I agree with his Interview with the Vampire take, and it's not just that I care more that they're black, it's that I care more that they are black in a world where the creators know that they are black and write the story accordingly.
I remember when they cast Jacob Anderson to play Louis in this story a couple years ago and people were confused and nervous and a little bit angry as to why they cast this black man to play a character, who at least in the original story was a plantation owner that owned slaves & let them go I think eventually, but still it's like "what is this choice that you're making?" and the creators were like "no, no we know what we did".
And so now Louis like owns a brothel instead, and it's like Creole and like down in Louisiana 1920s, and you're like, "Oh, that's a pretty solid adaptational choice."
And I think ultimately the decision makes Louis look a lot more relatable, and also makes the story a lot more relatable because at least it would be harder for me to recommend this story if old Louis was the one I was telling you was in this really great show. It's like, "yeah... but he owned slaves...", you know what I mean?
It's just one of the things where it's not something I have to get into with other black fans who are really into like fantasy stuff who maybe don't want to engage in that sort of like problematic content.
Beyond Louis and Claudia being black and then Armand being like South Asian, it also gives us a really interesting look into different readings of the text now that the characters playing it are adapted in this way. This happens a lot in season one remember... like, because Lestat makes both Louis and Claudia he can no longer read their minds, but Louis and Claudia can still read each other's minds. And so in this kind of familial dynamic they've established for themselves, Louis and Claudia have this literal telepathic understanding that Lestat will just never be privy to and you can kind of read into that. It's like a metaphor for their relationship being with two black people in the household and then moving through the world and understanding the world in a way that is just different from Lestat. There's an underlying racial anxiety to Louis and Lestat's relationship that makes it, you know, more complex and like more fun to watch.
Season two there's less of it, but you have things like racialized trauma being used as the backbone for the trauma that the characters are experiencing to both highlight how horrific the things they're going through actually are.
Like Armand and his like, being sexually abused as a child in that specific way very much has the connotation of like, this happened to him because he was a vulnerable brown child and this very powerful white vampire came--presumably, i don't know who they're gonna cast but i was reading into it--came by and did this to him. And it's like, okay yeah, that complicates that dynamic a bit more.
Same thing with the execution that happens to Louis, Claudia, and Madeline at the very end of the season which is very reminiscent of, like-- Claudia even calls it a stoning but I would also argue that there's, like, elements of, like lynching to it, right?
Like, it's very horrific in a very relatable way to Black people, which I think it's drawing upon that but it's not necessarily like glorifying it in that way in order to like make the point that it wants about like, the tragedy that these characters are going through and I think it just makes the story that much richer and allows for a lot more interesting new perspectives because these characters are people of color now and that's what you can do with a good adaptation and like, these creators they understand that. ]
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star-anise · 1 month
Ask I got on my sideblog but am answering here:
Hi there! I know you're a therapist and I have a question: I saw some people arguing on Twitter about the impacts of trauma. There was a therapist among them, and they had a masters degree in social work, they post about it often. They say that people who have experienced trauma hurt other people because it benefits them or gives them pleasure, and they are disconnected from empathy and sympathy. That seems wrong, but maybe it's not? That's all, thanks!
Ooof, yeah, that's... complicated. It's technically true, but also frequently used as a lie.
Trigger warning: Child abuse, child grooming, interpersonal violence, trauma (childhood & intergenerational), true crime, totalitarianism
Because basically, that describes MOST humans who decide to hurt other humans on purpose without a strong ulterior motive. That's not a trauma thing, that's a human thing.
I babysit for a family with a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old. When the 1yo does something to upset their older sibling, and that sibling winds up and smacks them, that's the same basic thing. It benefits them (makes 1yo go away), brings them pleasure (having an outlet for their anger is very satisfying), and they're disconnected from empathy (they're often surprised and confused when the 1yo is crying, because they're 3 and THEY feel fine and they don't really understand yet that other people's feelings really exist) or even sympathy (understanding that if you hit someone, they will probably be upset). That's something we adults have to watch out for and intervene in, because empathy and impulse control take time to learn.
But as for where trauma figures into this... how to explain.
There's this old logical puzzle about categories, where you say things like:
All dogs have four legs*
A dog is an animal
And then the catch is that you can't extend that to say
All animals have four legs
*RIP to all the tripods and legless animals that apparently aren't dogs anymore for the purposes of this logic exercise
Animals obviously include fish and millipedes and whales and snakes and jellyfish. The number of legs an animal can have is HIGHLY diverse, and will eventually lead to a debate on what the definition of "leg" is.
So there is this common thing we see:
Some people are much more violent and aggressive than other people
These violent and aggressive people have almost always experienced some form of trauma/abuse/neglect
And the link people are really prone to thinking is:
People who have experienced trauma/abuse/neglect will go on to being violent and aggressive with other people.
This is incorrect. To some degree, I can see why it's widely believed - after all, way more people tune in to learn about a serial killer's abusive childhood than for the more common story, which is survivors of trauma slowly going about their lives in ordinary undramatic ways.
Because the thing is, trauma is REALLY diverse. Humans are inherently varied and a bit chaotic, since we can choose very different ways to live and operate, and trauma splits that variability like a prism turning light into a rainbow. Only about 30% of abused children grow up to be abusive themselves. The other 70% choose very different lives.
And yet. My eternal question is: WHY is this such a meme? Why do so many people with a shitty childhood flinch at the 30% statistic and think, "Is that me? Am I destined to be a monster?" Why does this story have legs, when so many other facts about trauma have way more empirical backing and usefulness and get very little attention?
I submit that there is one group that fucking LOVES the idea that traumatized person equals abuser. One group that pushes it into the discourse, in international media or around the family kitchen table, with great ingenuity and gusto.
They love it for two reasons. The most obvious reason is: It absolves them of their actions. "It wasn't ME who hit you, it was my childhood trauma!" A veritable classic excuse that takes their agency out of the equation. And it really can be hard to tell when it's a good excuse and when it isn't!
Reason two is the more insidious one: It cuts their victim's sense of goodness, worthiness, and moral certainty out from under them.
It's as simple as saying, "Look at how you pushed back at me (when I was abusing you)! You're the REAL abuser here!" It's the heart of what domestic abuse researchers call DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender). It can be that simple, or it can be so complicated and byzantine it makes your head hurt.
I only really got a handle on understanding this thanks to a friend, who said she was okay with me sharing this story if I didn't identify her. I won't go into any unrelated details of her abuse, but for the record, hers is probably the most extreme case of anyone I've personally interacted with, and I used to work as a therapist and in domestic violence shelters. Her dad heinously abused her as a child. He'd also studied psychology in university. I have been trying to fathom how the fuck anyone could do what he did to her for YEARS, and I think I've got a few viabletheories.
So. She was an ordinary child, bright, warmhearted, well-behaved, and a bit autistic. A bit more naive and trusting than your average preschooler. I imagine that from his perspective, there was the convenient benefit that he often had unrestricted access to her, and he could relatively easily overpower and manipulate her.
But she had one serious downside: If anyone ever found out what he was doing to her, they would go fucking apeshit. She wasn't really prone to lying or acting out, so people would treat her as a fairly credible reporter; several other adults found her she was lovable, innocent, and endearing; and what he wanted to do to her was, I repeat, heinous.
So while he abused her, one of the things he said was: "I'm doing this because I was abused as a child. That's how it works. All abusers come from abuse. There are statistics proving it. This means you're an abuser too. See what society thinks about child abusers? That's what people will think about you, if they know that you've been abused."
And she was, you know, a child, not someone who studied psych research. He was her dad. So she believed him.
She thought that he was using his adult brain to correctly assess the truth about her as a person, for purely objective reasons. The way you'd try to teach a kid who talks with their mouth full about table manners. It's been a couple decades now, but she is still very slowly chipping away at her core belief that she is inherently awful and only her father recognized the truth about her.
Sometimes when we talk about it I have to bite my tongue because I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with him, an adult man who wanted to abuse her because he'd really enjoy it. I think about him trying to figure out how to manipulate an innocent child into accepting being abused, and minimize the risk that he'd go to jail for it. And although I hate his everloving guts, I'm almost a bit impressed at his level of machiavellian audacity, to come up with a line that was SUCH hot bullshit that people have devoted their entire careers into proving it false, and yet, because it hit exactly the right psychological issue at exactly the right psychological stage and his intended victim was so trusting, he could get her to believe him enough to turn that lie into her core identity.
Praise be to G-d and Criminal Minds, he did not, in the end, get away with it. She got enough courage to tell people, and get free of him. And she is not, in fact, a horrible abusive person.
But I think what he did so very brazenly is what a lot of abusers do, in more disguised and indirect ways. Probably partly because it really helps, when abusing people, not to treat them like human beings with their own thoughts and feelings, but if one must posit that they have something going on between their ears, it's easiest to assume that everyone else responds to trauma with aggression and abuse. After all, considering the possibility that someone like them could choose not to be abusive takes all the fun and plausible deniability out of the whole affair.
But now I see echoes of that "my victims are just as bad as I am" tactic all over the place. I honestly think it's a very similar mechanism that Hannah Arendt pointed out in The Origins of Totalitarianism. She observes that violent totalitarian regimes routinely accuse their intended victims of the very act they intend to commit themselves, to justify a "retaliation" that's actually just aggression. Think claiming "Our opponents are rigging this election" as an excuse to rig an election in the opposite direction.)
To sum up: You're human. Humans can do good and bad things. It's not necessarily good to completely forswear anything violent or angry in you, but to come up with a framework of how to be assertive and get your needs met in an ethical fashion. There are times it is appropriate and even necessary to escape or fight against somebody else's will.
On the other hand, If find yourself inflicting pain on other people on a regular basis, get some support and take a good hard look at your life choices. Sometimes it's hard to figure out how to solve problems in your life without violence or aggression, and you might need some help with that. Maybe talk to a counsellor or learn anger management skills.
But in no way is it predestined, inherent, implicit, or doomed, that your experiences and brain wiring make you violent or evil. You always have the choice to define yourself beyond what was done to you.
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egberts · 4 months
"am i the asshole" pisses me off so much when it comes to stories of absurd child abuse. they're always so so quick to call out things as fake but it's always on stories so scarily similar to things myself and other people i know have experienced in real life. these people love to act like they're the superior knowledge on real vs fake stories on the internet but have no understanding of their lived experience being unique to them. anything even remotely outside of their idea of normal and comfortable is fake. they have no clue what can be real and immediately assume everything is a movie plot or everyone wants to be a creative writer but opinions are so obviously skewed by the privilege of being a person that did not suffer abuse and does not carry trauma. BELIEVE ABUSED CHILDREN
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genderkoolaid · 9 days
Different anon, please assume good faith I'm not trying to troll or bait: would it still be reasonable to agree with a statement along the lines of like..... "All sexual assault and rape is traumatic, full stop. In addition if a person is capable of carrying their aggressor's child and especially if they're unable to abort it, this can add an extra dimension of trauma on top of an already deeply disturbing situation. This is true of all overlaying factors in sexual assault, such as relation to the perpetrator, transmission of STIs, and other layers of trauma." I'm a deeply tokophobic trans person capable of pregnancy and childbirth and sometimes I wonder how to talk about my deepest fears without sounding like I'm dismissing the experiences of people who don't have that. I think it's worth recognizing how pregnancy can worsen the situation without acting like it's uniquely awful, I suppose
Oh yeah absolutely!
Forced pregnancy is a unique sort of hell and obviously one that only some people are physically capable of experiencing. The problem comes when the ability to experience forced pregnancy is seen as Proof that you are really a woman/oppressed by misogyny. It's very short-sighted, which transphobic feminism has to be because if it considers misogynistic oppression using a wide variety of factors, it's obvious that trans women&fems are very much affected on a profound level. The same thing often happens in reverse to trans men&mascs and other trans people: folks narrow down misogyny to one or two selective experiences to "prove" that certain groups aren't really oppressed by it. It's all just pointless, sectarian trauma-measuring.
Also while on this topic: it doesn't cause the same kind of physical experience, but being forced to impregnate someone else is also a unique hell. I am frankly glad that I don't have to stress over having sex with someone and potentially getting them pregnant because that sounds stressful as hell. That's part of the reason I think it's so important to get better spermicidal birth control; it's not just to benefit people who can get pregnant, it's also a level of control over ones reproductive abilities that everyone should have. Especially people in abusive relationships who may have concerns about their partner sabotaging condoms/lying about their own BC.
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shesnake · 21 days
to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Acolyte. The message is extremely Jedi-critical, and without a solid grasp of basic sixth grade colonial history and the ability to recognise the obvious similarities between Osha Aniseya and Anakin Skywalker's origin stories, most of the parallels will go over a typical viewer's head. There is also Qimir's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his and the Aniseya twins' characterisation - their personal philosophies draw heavily from the prequels and its criticism of the jedi order's entitlement to the power of the force, institutionalised repression of identity and policing of marginalised non-conformity, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of these lightsaber battles, to realise that they're not just an excuse to get Manny Jacinto's biceps out- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Acolyte truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, that Qimir's villain speech about wanting freedom from the jedi because they think he shouldn't exist being inspired by Leslye Headland's frustrations as a openly lesbian filmmaker, or the truth in Mother Aniseya's cautionary last words "Someday, those noble intentions you all have will destroy every Jedi in the galaxy", which itself is a blatant reference to the oncoming tragedy of Anakin Skywalker who, like Osha the Acolyte, was taken from his family by the Jedi as a child who was already too old to forget the profound loss and trauma of their previous lives, was deemed unfit to become a true jedi for experiencing basic human emotions like grief exacerbated by abuse at their very hands and was subsequently radicalised to become sith I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons who feel entitled to their nostalgia being constantly regurgitated back to them by disney scratching their heads in confusion as Leslye Headland's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have an Acolyte tat--
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midnghtprentiss · 1 year
dating emily prentiss - headcons
pairing: ssa emily prentiss x pediatrician!femreader
warnings: fluff content, sugestive smut, cm horrors (children abuse), emily being a softie
no descriptions of hair, skin color, body shape
i'm thinking about making this idea a series. what you guys think?
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You meet Emily for the first time because of Hotch. She drove him and Jack to your office in the middle of the night 'cause the poor child had a bad fever. She wasn't expecting to find you. Pink scrub with flowers and bees all over it, white shoes and a funny tiara in your hair. 
"Dr. Y/L/N. This is my coworker Emily, she drove us here." You nod, taking a quick glance at her. 
"Nice to meet you, Emily. Shall we go Jack?" 
That was the first time she was hypnotized by a woman like you. How you treated Hotch and especially Jack. She wouldn't mind spending hours watching you work. 
The second time she saw you was during a case. They were rescuing abused children and the pediatrician the BAU chose was you. Reid, Morgan and Emily stayed at the clinic while you did your best to save those children.
"Excuse me. My team stabilized four of the seven children, they're severely dehydrated and malnourished. With the right work and care everything will be alright." You lead them to the rooms. "If you're going to make them talk, be gentle and calm. No loud voices and movements. Remember, these children just experienced a lifetime trauma. If you need me I'll be in the other room."
"Yes ma'am." Emily answered quickly and received a smirk from Morgan. 
"Ask her out, Prentiss, don't be so shy." 
"That's inappropriate Derek, we are working." 
She asked you out after the case was over. She stopped by at your work to thank you for your help and asked if you wanted to have a coffee next time you're free.
You learned that Emily was addicted to coffee, that she loves fudge brownies and most of her clothes have cat hair. You were so entertained by the way she rambled and how her brown eyes sparkled when she got excited.  She laughed at your 'no sex on the first date' — you failed so bad. When both of you noticed you were breathing heavily in Emily's car. 
"I don't know why that's funny. This rule used to work every time." You gave her a look.
"I'm just too hot for this waiting thing and you weren't even complaining thirty minutes ago!"
The months were passing and you two got very involved. Phone calls when she's away, dinner at her or your place, waking up tangled in the sheets. The schedules work just fine, the cases were longer like your shifts. There wasn't pressure on labeling the relationship that was building, but was serious. This woman had you wrapped around her finger.
Long phone calls or voicemails when she's at her hotel room.
"Hey, I can't even imagine how rough the shift is today. The case is evolving to the right direction, we got different clues today and are close to catching the unsub. I saw a bookstore next to the precinct with the book you told me about, so I bought it to discuss with you on the next date. Reid said the book is fantastic and he told me a lot of curiosities about the author, can't wait to tell you everything. Anyway, call me when you can. I miss you." 
She surprises you with your favorite food when she picks you up at work. You commented that you wanted to eat sushi and the next day she showed up with sushi just for you. Or when you slept at hers she makes your favorite breakfast (with Rossi on the phone just to make sure she's not giving you food poisoning).
Emily is a morning person, you're not. Waking up with this woman looking like a golden retriever, walking around, rambling and trying to make you wake up. 
"You know Ems, if you're doing this to get into my panties you are not getting. Let me sleep." 
"It's a beautiful day, sugar. Let 's go!" She comes closer, stroking your messy hair.
"I hate you so much." You looked at her with the most evil smirk ever. 
When she started to think about the idea of marriage, kids and white picket fence she almost had a stroke. She changed her whole life plan since she met you. The idea of a love that is so light and free wasn't even a real thing in her head. The greatest part of her day was talking to you, thinking of you. You were the reason she was more caucareful at the field, she was being more open about her feelings to her closest friends. 
Girls night!!!!!!! Penelope and you bond right away. She was so excited to see the girl that was making Emily look like a love pudding.
"You are so made for each other, look at that! The way she looks at you!" 
"Penny, calm down!" You drunkenly laugh at her and pass your arm around your girlfriend.
"I think we should get shots for this moment. Y/N help me!" You give Emily a kiss on the cheek and follow Penelope. 
"How do you feel?" J.J asked Emily that answer with the brightest smile.
"I am in love with that woman and it hurts that she has no idea of how much it is." 
"She feels the same way, the lovesick gave. I'm happy you found your half." 
"I bought a ring." Dead silence between them. 
"What? Oh my God!" 
"Keep this down, ok? I'm waiting for the right moment and right now it's not. Hotch went with me and yeah, that's it." 
You slowly moved with Emily and started to have a life together. You share bills, you do chores together, buy things together. Even adopted another cat. Life was amazing, couldn't be better. Until the day she proposed.
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borathae · 10 months
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“They were brothers brought together by tragedy and best friends separated by destiny. Seokjin, now freed of his Raven mark and unaware of his little brother’s whereabouts, visits the Queen’s castle with promises of healing the other freed Ravens. Jungkook, now living his life as the Queen’s Consort and uninformed of Seokjin’s fate, doesn’t know that today will be the day he will finally reunite with his bigger brother.”
Pairing: Best Friends!Jungkook x Seokjin | Seokjin x f.Reader OC 1 | Jungkook x f.Reader OC 2
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Slice of Life, Childhood Best Friends!AU, Found Family!AU, Royalty!AU, Queen Consort!Jungkook, Healer!Seokjin
Warnings: there is plot hehehe, they're best friends who got separated only to reunite again!!, they're like brothers, they share & talk about past trauma, hinted child abuse (they experienced it), but more than anyhing this is so healing and soft and lovely, Jungkook shows Seokjin the castle and Seokjin is all like "my lil bro is royalty now <3", they love each other so much like you guys they're brothers!!, they also bicker in typical jinkook fashion <3, i love this story so much you guys
Wordcount: 11.1k
a/n: because this is based on (and set after) their main stories, the boys each have a female lover which i won't name here because in their main stories it's supposed to be the reader but as a different OC each, you get me? i know you do. if you don't, just read their stories and come back to this. okay then, enjoy besties! istfg i love this universe so much :(
𓄿 Index 𓄿
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Seokjin is nervous. It was his idea and yet he is still terribly nervous. He hasn’t been back in the castle since he climbed the walls and fled. It has been thirteen full moons since then and also thirteen full moons since he found his true destiny. She is with him today, because she will do most of the talking and work while he will assist her. She found him washed up by the riverbank next to her house and took him in. He was lucky because she was a healer – the trusted healer of the Queen even – and despite his past, she nurtured him until he felt whole again. His past, Seokjin aches in guilt when he thinks about it, is also the reason why he felt so nervous about today despite it being his idea.
He was a Raven once. A Raven of the Black Forest. The Ravens are a group of young boys and men poisoned by the twisted worldviews of their cruel leader Rafkan. He is one of the Nïuri, a peaceful people which use their immortality to nurture the earth, but not Rafkan as he uses his immortality to ruin young boys’ futures and kill innocent people. A black tattoo of a raven brands the members of Rafkan’s group and lets everyone know that the wearer was unlucky enough to fall into Rafkan’s hands.
Seokjin thankfully escaped his claws and managed to free himself of the marks which once ruined his chest.
The reason for today’s visit to the Queen’s castle was based on this exact mark. Most Ravens didn’t want to get tattooed. Most were not older than five when Rafkan drilled the tattoo deep under their skin, ignoring their screams of pain and cries for mercy. Seokjin still remembers how he screamed and cried as the thick needle repeatedly punctured his skin. He was seven.
With the help of Seokjin’s true destiny and forever partner, he was able to rid himself of the mark and he wants to grant the same opportunity to his fellow freed Ravens. It is well known in the Queendom that the Queen’s castle serves as refuge for many Ravens, who were lucky enough to escape Rafkan’s poisoned grip. Although Rafkan still tells his boys that the Queen and her late mother kill Ravens for sports, it isn’t the truth. Ravens get a second chance at the castle. They are free to stay in her castle and they are free to leave to wherever they crave to go. Seokjin could have stayed as well and he could have left if he wanted to, but back then he was still too stubborn to see that. So he fled in the dark of the night, swearing to himself never to return to the castle.
And now he is back. He is back at the place he swore never return to, but he isn’t guilty, he is just so very nervous. What if his idea fails? What if the marks of his freed brothers won’t fade? Seokjin watched it with own two eyes as his love removed it from his chest and yet he is scared that somehow the healing spell won’t work today.
There are also other worries plaguing him. He worries that he won’t be welcome at the castle anymore. That he will be captured and thrown into prison. His love assured him that this won’t happen, as she knows the Queen to be of very forgiving nature, but Seokjin was still nervous. He has been clutching his love’s hand ever since the castle gates came into view.
“Don’t be scared, my dearest”, she tells him, giving him a reassuring smile.
“I know, but I truly am. I do not want to be thrown into prison”, he says.
“There is no reason for that. Yes, you left in secrecy, but if the queen sees that you used your freedom to find happiness and a purpose, she will be happy”, she says and pulls him closer, “you will be alright, my dearest. And perhaps if we are lucky, Jungkook will be there as well.”
Seokjin smiles at the mention of his lost brother. He is happy, but he also aches. This is the last worry which plagues him and which makes it difficult for his heart to beat normally.
What if Jungkook wasn’t in the castle? What if he is still caught in Rafkan’s fangs? What if he didn’t find freedom? What if he died?
Seokjin spent his night sleepless and repeating the worrying questions over and over again. He is so scared. So, so scared that today’s journey will bring news of grief for him.
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The Queen knew of the healer’s visit to the castle. She sent a letter a week ago, telling her that she had a cure for the Raven mark and that she can offer her services to the freed Ravens living in the castle. The Queen instantly agreed and sent word to all neighbouring villages that whoever wanted to rid himself of his marks may do so in one week. The halls and courtyard are buzzing in life. Ravens, who haven’t seen each other in years have come to the castle, celebrating their near future of true freedom. The emotions were high and food was plenty.
Jungkook has been excited all day. He was the first to know of the healer’s arrival. The letter met his love at night when they were already in bed, getting ready for sleep. She opened it next to him and then began crying in happiness.
“What’s the matter, my destiny?” Jungkook asked her back then, feeling worried until she told him of the good news and Jungkook joined her in her tears of happiness. Being freed of the mark was all he dreamt of ever since he escaped Rafkan and in a week he will finally make his dream a reality.
Today was finally the day. The healer will arrive any second now and Jungkook will finally be free. Truly and visibly free. He has been spending his day talking to all his fellow Ravens. Many still lived in the castle and became his friends, but many came from the villages and towns and felt more like distant relatives to Jungkook. Today however they all felt connected and high in spirits.
Jungkook has already drunk two mugs of mead and ate way too much of the flavourful pork belly. He feels overjoyed, but also very needing of the bathroom.
He excuses himself from the courtyard to hurry inside.
“My starlight, there you are”, the Queen - and his fiancée - greets him inside, taking his hands, “I looked everywhere for you.”
“Forgive me, I was in the courtyard talking to all of my brothers.”
Jungkook gives her a kiss on the cheek because he loves her a lot. She leans into the kiss with her fingers squeezing his hands.
“Don’t apologise. I merely wanted to tell you that the healer and her apprentice will be here soon. Our warriors saw them coming up the roads.”
“Really? Oh heavens, I need to hurry up then”, Jungkook says, slipping his hands out of his finacée’s loving hold.
“Why? What are you doing?”
“I need to relieve myself. I drank too much and my bladder is going to burst.”
“Oh heavens, well”, she chuckles, “hurry up then, you precious boy you”, she says and gives his butt a gentle pat as if too speed up his steps.
“I will, worry not”, Jungkook says and hurries away in hasty steps.
He will reach the toiletries in time with the healer and Seokjin arriving at the castle. He will be relieving himself as the Queen welcomes them with smiles and music. And he will wash his hands thoroughly as the healer and Seokjin set up their healing station and the Ravens begin lining up for their freedom. He doesn’t know of Seokjin yet.
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Truly, it is such an awful twist of fate that Jungkook’s bladder decided to give up mere seconds before Seokjin entered the courtyard. The dark haired healer scans his eyes over the dozens and dozens faces, hoping to see the face of his brother in them. He knows most of the Ravens gathered here and the joy of seeing them is grande, but none of them was Jungkook. Jungkook was special to Seokjin. Jungkook was like a little brother to Seokjin. 
Only five years younger than Seokjin and with fear in his big eyes, Jungkook became a Raven when Seokjin was ten years of age. Jungkook hid the moment Rafkan and the older Ravens left him at the camp to hunt for food. Jungkook refused to come out of hiding for hours. Even when dinner was promised, he didn’t leave his hiding spot, which ended in Rafkan punishing him for “ignoring his body’s needs”.
Seokjin and the other boys always had to watch when one of them was punished and Jungkook’s punishment was no exception. Seokjin always felt terrible when he watched his fellow young brothers cry because of what Rafkan did, but there was something about Jungkook crying that night which hit Seokjin especially hard. The poor, frightened boy hid again the second the punishment was finished and only his small, pained sobs were heard in the camp. The other boys were too frightened to check up on him, but Seokjin was overtaken with a sense of protectiveness and so he crawled under the thorny bushes Jungkook was hiding in and offered the younger boy a hug. Jungkook didn’t want to take it at first, but all it took was one smile from Seokjin and he fell into his arms and cried his broken heart out.
Ever since that night, Seokjin and Jungkook shared a special bond and a deep, honest love. They hugged each other when they were sad or scared or in pain, they shared every meal with each other, shared blankets when the nights were cold, shared laughter when the days weren’t as dark and shared every stage a young boy goes through as he grows into a man. They would have shared adulthood as well, but Seokjin decided to leave to kill the Queen and till this day he regrets leaving without Jungkook.
Their last conversation ended in anger and hurtful words. Rafkan managed to influence Jungkook and poison his mind. Seokjin never truly allowed the poison to take hold of him and wanted to use the opportunity to flee together from Rafkan. So he told Jungkook of his plans and had to realise that his younger brother met it with anger and resentment. They fought, Jungkook called him hurtful things and Seokjin left without Jungkook. Until this day, Seokjin regrets that he left that night, that he didn’t try harder to convince his little brother and that he left even when the last words they shared were of angry nature.
If Seokjin has to realise that Jungkook wasn’t at the castle or that he had already died, he won’t ever forgive himself and he might never truly be himself again.
Seokjin shifts in his seat restlessly. He and his love have already healed ten Ravens of their marks and yet he still hasn’t spotted Jungkook. He asked each of them if they knew of Jungkook, but most were too old to know of him. They must have been Ravens before their time. Perhaps the Queen’s mother rescued them when she was still alive.
The Queen hasn’t come back either. She excused herself once she exchanged a few friendly words with Seokjin and his love and hasn’t returned since. Seokjin grows worried that she had went to get her warriors. After all, she looked at him as if she saw a ghost and then spoke of needing to go.
Seokjin keeps scanning the crowd for warriors out to get him and for Jungkook. Truly, he might need to excuse himself to the toiletries soon for his stomach keeps twisting in nervousness.
He sees the Queen then. She is hurrying over the courtyard with a man by her side. His face is shielded from his vision, but he can see that she is holding his hand. Seokjin gulps. He can’t explain it, but he feels uncomfortably nervous all of a sudden. Anxious even.
One of the freed Ravens drags his attention away. He sits down in front of him and presents his bared chest to him.
“You have no idea for how many years I dreamt of ridding myself of this cursed mark”, he says.
“Oh, I know how you feel”, Seokjin says and begins spreading the purple cream on the man’s chest, “what’s your name?”
Seokjin gasps, looking at him with widened eyes.
He laughs, “you didn’t recognize me, did you? I blame the good food in the castle. I eat wonderfully these days”, he says and slaps his belly as a happy laugh shakes his shoulders.
“I didn’t recognize you. You look so healthy”, Seokjin says and bites back tears, “I can’t believe my eyes. You survived.”
“As did you, sweet boy”, Bartholomew says and caresses Seokjin’s cheek, “you look healthy, my boy.”
“I am. I am so healthy and I’m in love”, Seokjin says, sending his love a chaste look.
Bartholomew smiles, “this is good. Yes, love makes the life sweet. I’m in love as well. His name is Derrec. He’s a weaver in town and we met as I shopped for fabrics.”
“This is so wonderful. Oh, I am so happy for you”, Seokjin says and pulls his hand back, “you can go to my love and she will activate the magic. Your mark will be gone once you wipe the cream.”
“Oh, I can’t believe that I can still witness this day”, Bartholomew says and stands up from his chair.
“Bartholomew?” Seokjin calls his attention one last time.
“Yes, Seokjin?”
“Did you…” gulps in nervousness, “did Jungkook come here?”
“Jungkook?” Bartholomew says and widens his eyes, “my sweet boy, you do not know yet?”
��Know what?” Seokjin jumps off his chair, “what happened to him? P-please what happened?”
Bartholomew shifts his eyes to his side. Seokjin follows his line of sight and feels hit in shock.
The Queen is before him and the man holding her hand is Jungkook.
“Brother”, he presses out as his eyes fill with tears.
“Brother”, Seokjin gets out and sobs, “are you real?”
Jungkook nods his head vigorously and sobs.
Seokjin rounds the table, Jungkook breaks away from his fiancée. They fall into each other’s arms, crying miserably as they tighten the hug as best as their bodies allow it. Seokjin forgets all about the cream on his fingers, smearing it into Jungkook’s hair as he holds his little brother closer. Jungkook doesn’t care about the state of his hair as he sobs into the crook of Seokjin’s neck and cradles the back of his older brother’s head.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything I said that night. I’m so sorry”, Jungkook wails.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m not angry. Oh, I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m so sorry, I never should have left”, Seokjin cries.
“It’s okay. I’m not angry at you. Not anymore. Seokjin”, Jungkook sobs and pulls him closer, “oh Seokjin, you’re real. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Oh Jungkook, my brother”, Seokjin sobs and turns his head to kiss Jungkook’s ear. It is the first thing his lips grazed and Jungkook leans into the kiss as a sob and laugh leaves him at the same time. Seokjin laughs with him just as much as he sobs.
All his worries turned out to be exactly that. Worries. Jungkook is alive. He is well. He is free. And he is finally by his side again. Seokjin has his little brother back.
He has to take a step back and cradle Jungkook’s face. The latter leans into the touch. His face is contorted in sobs, but the happiness practically bounces off of him. Seokjin mirrors his state, rubbing his thumbs over Jungkook’s teary cheeks over and over again.
“You’re real”, he gets out, “and you look so healthy. Oh Jungkook, you look so healthy.”
“You look healthy too”, Jungkook answers him, cupping his cheeks, “brother, your cheeks are actually soft. Not fallen in from hunger.”
“As are yours”, Seokjin squishes Jungkook’s cheeks, “are you eating well? Are you warm? Can you sleep in peace?”
Jungkook nods his head vigorously, “yes, yes. Yes to everything. And you? Are you living well?”
“Yes, oh yes I am.”
Jungkook whimpers and smiles, spilling tears.
“I’m so happy”, he confesses in a squeaky voice.
“Me too. Come here”, Seokjin says and pulls him back into a tight hug.
Jungkook squeaks in laughter, hugging him back. The two men stumble as they hug, painting a little circle with their feet as if they were dancing. Their bodies were filled with too much happiness. Only moving around could help them relieve it. 
It is Jungkook who breaks the hug, holding Seokjin’s cheeks.
“Did you become a healer? Is that your destiny?”
“Yes. Yes it is. Oh Jungkook, I am so happy and I’m in love.”
Jungkook’s eyes lighten up, “you are?”
“Yes. Jungkook, please meet my love”, Seokjin says and turns his little brother to his love. He tells him her name and Jungkook repeats it with a smile.
“I know you. My fiancée talks greatly about you and I truly love your bathing oils when the sickness season arrives”, Jungkook says, bowing his head at her.
“Oh thank-”
“Your fiancée?!” Seokjin falls into her words accidentally for Jungkook’s confession shocked him greatly, “you found love as well? Who is she?”
“That would be me”, the Queen says and for just a moment, Seokjin feels unable to speak. He gawks at the Queen, knowing that it was rude to do so, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“What?” he gets out and parts his lips.
The Queen smiles fondly, while Jungkook lets out a giddy giggle.
“Yes, you heard correctly. We are soon to be married”, he says and hugs her waist as he squishes his cheek against hers, “she asked me to be her husband a month ago and I said yes. We ought to marry in autumn, but don’t spread the news yet. We want to announce it soon.” 
“I do not know what to say. Jungkook”, Seokjin steps closer, “my dearest Jungkook, you are engaged and, and. And you’re marrying the Queen?!”
“Yes. Yes, I am”, Jungkook giggles.
“Oh Jungkook”, Seokjin tears up, “I am so happy for you.”
“Don’t cry”, Jungkook says even if his own eyes are glassy. He lets go of the Queen to take Seokjin’s hands instead, “it was you who made it possible. If you hadn’t left that night, I never would have left as well and I never would have found my destiny.”
“What do you say? I barely did anything.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “I volunteered to leave because I wanted to find you”, he confesses and tears up, “I was frightened without you, I regretted our last night together and I was scared that I would never see you again, so I volunteered to be the next to leave so I could look for you. I am sorry that I never found you.”
“Seokjin”, Jungkook breathes.
“Oh my little one”, Seokjin says and cradles Jungkook’s cheeks. Jungkook leans into his touch with sparkly, half-lidded eyes, “you do not apologize to me. Please, allow me to get rid of your mark. It is the least I can do to repent for leaving you that night.”
“I dreamt of this day. I dreamt of ridding myself of the mark”, Jungkook confesses. 
“And it will become reality soon. Sit. Sit right here and I will free you.” 
Jungkook allows Seokjin to sit him down on a chair and because it was Jungkook, Seokjin sits him down on his chair behind the table. He prepares the cream while Jungkook unbuttons his expensive tunic. 
The Queen is by his side, caressing his shoulder. Jungkook places his hand over hers’, looking at Seokjin with his chest bare.
“Are you nervous?”
“No. I can’t wait for it.”
“It will become very warm. Hot almost.”
Jungkook squeezes the Queen’s hand, “I can take it”, he says with a smile. 
Seokjin moves his fingers closer to Jungkook’s chest. He is trembling. Jungkook meets his eyes 
“Are you nervous?” he asks Seokjin.
“I am.”
“I am frightened that it won’t work all of a sudden.”
“I am certain that it will”, the Queen throws in with warmth in her eyes.
“Yes, me too”, Jungkook agrees and smiles, “I trust in your abilities and that of your love”, he says and looks at the healer with a smile.
One she retorts. Work at the table has stopped ever since Jungkook arrived here. Everyone understood. Not only because Jungkook was soon to be Queen Consort and therefore important, but also because the emotional reunion between two separated brothers moved many Ravens to tears. They shared their emotions well. Some knew exactly how such a reunion feels like, while others still wished for the experience. 
The Ravens closest to the table are watching as Seokjin spreads the purple cream on Jungkook’s chest. 
“It is done”, he says and turns to his partner, “my world, may you do the rest, please?”
“Of course”, she says and stands up. She bends down in front of Jungkook, meeting his eyes. 
Jungkook spots warmth and comfort in her eyes. He understands why Seokjin loves her, because goodness surrounds her. Seokjin has always had a good heart, of course he would fall for someone with a kind heart. 
“May I?” she asks.
Jungkook turns his head to look at his fiancée. She smiles, squeezing his shoulder gently. Jungkook retorts her smile and looks back at the healer.
With his consent, she hovers her hands over his chest and whispers ancient words of healing. The cream begins heating up on his chest. 
“Oh?” he lets out, furrowing his brows in surprise.
“Is it bearable? It will still get hotter”, she makes sure.
“Yes, it’s just really warm”, Jungkook says and shifts. The Queen gives his shoulder little caresses of encouragement, “oh. Oh, it’s getting very warm. Oh, it feels really hot.”
“You are almost done”, Seokjin says and holds his hand, “you are very brave.”
Jungkook forgets all about the discomfort and looks at Seokjin. The familiarity of those words. It tightens his throat in emotion. Seokjin said them to him countless times before when they were children and Jungkook needed comfort. When he woke after a nightmare about his dead parents and cried in Seokjin’s arms, he always whispered them to him. When he hid and sobbed after a punishment, Seokjin always found him and said them to him as he mended his wounds. When the Black Forest shook his body in fear and the two boys stayed with each other for support, Seokjin repeated them like a mantra until the monsters didn’t feel so scary anymore. They fell often between the two boys and yet they never lost their meaning. Jungkook missed hearing them and in this moment he feels as if he could do anything.
“It is done.”
“Really? Already?” 
Seokjin nods his head.
Jungkook looks at the piece of cloth Seokjin offers him.
“Wipe the cream away.”
Jungkook slips his hand from the Queen’s loving hold and accepts the cloth. He looks at his own chest as best as possible and wipes at the cream. It is an easy task to remove it.
“No”, Jungkook gasps, tearing up, “the mark is gone”, he whispers and looks at Seokjin, “it is gone”, he gets out and looks at the Queen, “my mark is gone!”
“Truly?” she gasps and rounds him so she could look at his chest, “Jungkook”, she chokes out and cups his cheeks. She spills tears, “your mark is gone.”
“It is gone”, he repeats and cups her face. He stands up and pulls her into a kiss.
Seokjin turns away for now, wanting to be respectful. He closes in on his own love and rests his chin on her shoulder, hugging her waist gently. She rubs her hand up and down his lower back, resting her head against his’.
“We are doing something good here”, he whispers.
“We are”, she agrees and turns her head to give his lips a chaste kiss, “are you happy?”
“Yes”, Seokjin smiles a soft smile. The kind which lifts his cheeks, “I found Jungkook.”
“I know. I am so happy for you that I feel like crying.”
“Seokjin”, Jungkook interrupts their moment, “my mark is gone!”
Seokjin breaks away from his love and looks at Jungkook. The younger man is smiling brightly, bouncing on the spot.
“I know. How do you feel?”
“Free. I feel finally truly free.”
“You are.”
Jungkook laughs and falls around Seokjin’s neck, “we are free.”
“We are. We are free”, Seokjin agrees and hugs his little brother.
“You will all be free soon”, the Queen says to the waiting Ravens, “now come my friends and get your marks removed. We held up your freedom for too long.”
“We didn’t mind, my Queen!” one of the Ravens screams from the back. The others agree with nods of their heads and smiles on their faces.
The Queen claims the chair Seokjin sat in before and picks up the bowl of purple cream.
“Come now, come”, she calls the next Raven to the table.
“My Queen?” he seems confused, but she merely smiles at him.
“I am certain that Seokjin and Jungkook have lots of catching up to do”, she says, grinning at Seokjin and her fiance.
Jungkook nods his head, while Seokjin looks at her shyly.
“I will take over for Seokjin so he can talk to my starlight”, she explains and points at the chair opposite of her, “now sit down and receive your true freedom.”
“Yes, my Queen. Oh, I feel honoured”, he says with a giggle, “I am helped by the Queen. I will tell my Mahryon about it.”
“Yes? How is the sweet woman?”
“Same old, same old. She started…”
Their conversation dies out in their ears as Jungkook turns Seokjin to the healer.
“Can I steal him away?” he asks her.
“Of course. You two have lots of catching up to do.”
“Are you certain? I do not want to burden you”, Seokjin makes sure.
“I am certain. Go, my beloved. I have my friend helping me”, she says.
“Thank you so much”, he says and kisses her lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I promise to return him by nightfall”, Jungkook jokes, making her laugh.
She rubs his arm sisterly, “I am certain you will.”
He gives her one last grin then turns to Seokjin.
“Do you want to see my rooms?”
“Of course I do.”
“Come, follow me.”
The Queen and the healer watch as the two men hurry over the courtyard. They managed around half of the way when they watch Seokjin take Jungkook into a gentle headlock, which the younger man fights off with gentle punches into Seokjin’s side. The two men continue to stumble to the castle as they playfight each other. It is as if no time had passed between them.
“I am happy that they found each other again”, the Queen says.
“Yes, me too. Brighter days will be on the horizon for them.”
“Indeed, there will be.”
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Jungkook turns, holding the golden door knob between his fingers. Seokjin is looking at him after having scanned the hallways. The castle hasn’t changed since the last time he was here. At least not what the eye can see, the heart can sense times of love in those hallways. Jungkook and his love must have filled them up day by day.
“Welcome to my chambers”, Jungkook says and opens the door. He steps inside the room. Seokjin follows, letting out gasps of utter bafflement. 
Jungkook closes the door and bounces as he rounds Seokjin.
“And? What do you think?” 
Seokjin doesn’t know where to look first. Jungkook’s room looks like a golden dream of riches and wealth. The stone walls were covered in oil paintings and hand-woven tapestry. One even showed Jungkook’s portrait in warm colours. Golden thread framed the portrait in shapes of ornamental flowers and leaves. The otherwise cold stone floors were covered in thick hand knotted carpets all held in shades of red, green and gold and warm furs truly managed to keep the cold from meeting the feet. Thick curtains framed the windows and the same fabric - it looked expensive - also served as curtains for Jungkook’s bed.
The bed was of impressive size. Made from the sturdiest of wood and with a canopy. Countless pillows covered the head end of the bed and a warm blanket was placed neatly over the mattress for later use. 
“I don’t know what to say. This is….”
“Do you like them? These are my chambers. I spend some time here, but I must confess that I spend more time in my fiancée’s room”, Jungkook explains and giggles, “I love to hold her as we fall asleep.”
“I understand you so well. I love to hold mine as well”, Seokjin says and continues to scan the room, “I can’t believe my own eyes…”
There is a fireplace in one corner of the room. A red chaise lounge asks to be used right in front of it and a small side table made of sturdy wood offers jugs of wines and meads. In another corner, a working table offered heaps of books and stacks of drawings. Jungkook seems to use it for art and studying. Sturdy bookcases were filled with books, art supplies and expensive trinkets and in handmade wall mount, Jungkook’s swords were presented.
“Do you like it? You are so quiet”, Jungkook asks, fumbling nervously.
“Because I am lost for words. All of this…it looks so…so expensive.” 
“It is. I think. She doesn’t tell me how much she spends on me”, Jungkook shies away, “I think it’s a lot.” 
Seokjin meets his eyes. Jungkook’s cheeks are flushed. Seokjin smiles.
“Good. You deserve all the riches in the world.” 
“Oh, uhm”, Jungkook flusters. He clears his throat, “I want to show you more. Look what I have.” 
Seokjin follows him past some sturdy curtains of red fabric into a spacious bathing room.
“This is bigger than both our bedroom and bathing room together”, Seokjin gasps, widening his eyes.
“It is so big, isn’t it?” Jungkook agrees with a laugh, “and look. In all these shelves I store my jewellery. She always gets me stuff, even though I never ask for them. I don’t store my clothing here because I have my own room for them and Bartholomew tells me that it is important to keep fabrics away from moist bathing air because of mould, but I like to keep my jewellery here because then I can come here and look at them.”
“This is just….wow…”
“Then over here is where I take care of my skin”, Jungkook says and sits down in front of his mirror table. He mimics applying cream on his face, pouting for it, “like this. And then I go like this and pat it in”, he says, slapping his own cheeks gently, “and then one of my servants brushes my hair or I have my love brush my hair. I really like it when she does that.”
Jungkook stands up and hurries to his bathing room chaise lounge. He lies down on it, stretching out his legs. 
“This is where I lie when I do a facial pack and someone massages my feet”, he sits up, “did you know that all of your body’s zones are connected to your feet and that by regularly massaging them, you become healthier?”
“I did. I learned about it during my apprenticeship”, Seokjin says.
“Isn’t it remarkable?” 
“It is”, Seokjin says and looks at the bathtub, “you even have a tub. You truly have everything, haven’t you?” 
“Ah yes, this is my tub”, Jungkook says, scrambling to his feet. He runs to it and slaps his hand on its edge. It makes a metal sound of impact, “I take baths with my love in here. We love to use your bathing oils.” 
“You do?”
Jungkook nods his head excitedly, “my favourites are vanilla and wolf lily. I think they smell really nice.”
“Thank you”, Seokjin says and lowers his head as he studies the bathtub. He strokes his hand over the edge.
Jungkook gnaws on his lower lip nervously, taking a small step closer.
“Do you not like it?” he asks quietly.
“No, no it’s not that”, Seokjin says, shaking his head.
“I always wanted to have a bathtub.”
“Do you not possess one?” Jungkook gasps.
“No. Well, at least not yet. We are trying to save up as much as possible, but a good bathtub is expensive these days. We want one in which we both fit.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jungkook says and takes Seokjin’s hands so he can sway them excitedly, “I can buy you whatever bathtub you wish for.” 
“What? No”, Seokjin shakes his head, “no, you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to.”
“No, Jungkook no. This, this”, Seokjin exhales sharply, “these are your riches. I do not want to rob you of them.” 
“Rob me?” Jungkook snickers, “you could never rob me. You’re my brother”, he smiles sweetly.
Seokjin feels his heart warm at the sight.
“And I want you to possess the grandest, most luxurious bathtub in the whole Queendom. No”, he grins, “the whole continent.” 
Seokjin smiles, letting out a breathy chuckle of fondness. Jungkook snickers, scrunching his nose.
“Sooo? What say you?” he asks, nudging Seokjin’s chest as he wiggles his brows.
“You won’t accept a No either way, will you?” 
Jungkook shakes his head, smiling with his eyes so brightly, they sparkle.
“Fine”, Seokjin gives in, “fine, I’ll allow you. By Frenya, how should I bring the news to my love?”
“Tell her that your little brother wants to treat you”, Jungkook says and leads Seokjin out of the bathing room with an arm around his shoulder, “and that I find great happiness in the thought that I can make it possible that you and her share warm baths.”
“Oh Jungkook”, Seokjin says and sighs, “you truly grew up so much. Look at you and, and look at this room.” They are in Jungkook’s bed chambers again. It still feels like a dream of riches to Seokjin. “You deserve all of this. Yes, every single treasure in this room.” 
Jungkook leans his head on Seokjin’s shoulder, “thank you. Oh my brother, you’re so…” he turns and hugs Seokjin, “…I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too, little one”, Seokjin says and rubs Jungkook’s back, “now I have to ask. Can you show me your clothing room?”
“You want to see?” Jungkook looks at him excitedly, “I didn’t know if I should ask, because I don’t want to seem as if I am boasting.”
“You aren’t. Please. Show me where you store your clothes.” 
“Okay, so follow me”, Jungkook says and skips to the door.
Seokjin follows him with a fond smile on his lips.
“You will really like the room. It has a mirror and a seat to relax on. Also, so many clothes”, Jungkook tells him excitedly.
“You never struck me as a clothing person.”
“I’m not. I’m really not, but my love likes to dress me up”, Jungkook says and giggles, “she always gets me the latest fashion and compliments me when I wear it, so I really like it that she does. And Bartholomew always makes me clothes in black. I really love black.”
“I know. You always did. It fits your skin tone so well.”
“Yes, I agree”, Jungkook says and opens the door next to his chambers, “now don’t judge me, but it is a little messy in here, because I needed to pick out an outfit for today. I didn’t have time to put my clothes away yet.” 
“Do not worry. I don’t judge.”
“Yes, well then. Come in”, Jungkook says and leads Seokjin inside.
“Jungkook, by Frenya”, Seokjin gasps, widening his eyes as the beauty of the room overwhelms him.
It is smaller than Jungkook’s bedroom and its walls are covered in ceiling high wardrobes all bursting in the finest of clothes. On one wall, more jewellery is presented and on the lower racks, Jungkook stores his shoes.
“It is unbelievable, isn’t it?” Jungkook says and laughs, “I always have to pinch myself when I realise what life I am living these days.”
“Understandable. You are living in dreams.” 
“Yes, I really am. Oh, I love it here so much”, Jungkook says as he is busy clearing the seat of his clothes.
“It is such an improvement to the Black Forest, isn’t it?” Seokjin asks.
Jungkook laughs, “yeah”, he agrees with a nod of his head, “it truly is”, he says and looks at himself in the mirror, “and now we are actually free of the mark”, he meets Seokjin’s eyes in the reflection, “aren’t we?”
“We are”, Seokjin says and smiles.
Jungkook retorts it, closing the distance between him and the mirror afterwards. He stops in front of it and opens his tunic. Seokjin watches him. Jungkook traces his chest. His fingers still know which paths to take to replicate the tattoo. His skin is unmarked however. Sunkissed and velvety just like the rest of his body and finally unmarked.
“It is truly gone”, Jungkook whispers.
“It feels unbelievable, doesn’t it?”
Jungkook nods his head.
“I know. I spent the first few days after the removal staring at my chest in disbelief.” 
“I will do the same. I cannot fathom that it is really gone”, Jungkook says and does a little twirl so he could sit down on the two-seater. He lets out a heavy sigh.
Seokjin sits down next to him, looking at him. He can sense that the emotion in the room changed, he can see it on Jungkook’s features as well.
“Do you remember how it felt?” Jungkook asks. 
“The removal?”
“No. Getting the tattoo.”
“Ah. Yes, I remember.”
“I wanted him to stop.”
“I know. I did too.”
“But he said that I had to keep going because I needed to be strong and make him proud. I wanted to make him proud.”
Seokjin studies the regret on Jungkook’s features.
“You were five of age and lost your parents. Of course you wanted to make him proud”, he says because he knows that Jungkook blames himself right now, “he was the adult taking up the role of a parent for your young mind, so do not blame yourself.”
Jungkook looks at Seokjin as if he hadn’t expected to hear such words of comfort and understanding. 
“Do not feel ashamed of it. Instead feel anger at Rafkan for giving you such a nightmarish parental figure to lean on.”
“It is hard not to feel shame. I never should have seen him as my father.”
“I know. It is easy to blame yourself, but don’t. You were a child. Every child needs parents. Do not blame your young heart for doing what every young heart would have done.”
Jungkook nods his head in understanding.
“I try not to think about everything he did for too long”, he confesses.
“It makes me feel helpless.”
“Yes. Helpless. Helpless because I feel so many emotions at once and it is as if I am drowning because not one of the emotions is good.”
“I understand how you feel. I felt the same as you and sometimes when the day is darker, those feelings return. I cannot tell you a cure to the helplessness because time healed me more than anything else, however I can offer you my shoulder to lean on.”
Jungkook leans in, resting his head on Seokjin’s shoulder just like he did a million times before. There were many nights in the Raven camps where Jungkook fell asleep with his head on Seokjin’s shoulder, while the older brother watched over him. The days after such nights were exhausting for Seokjin, but he never showed his tiredness to Jungkook even if Jungkook already knew. He felt guilty whenever it happened, but life back then exhausted him so much that oftentimes he didn’t realize that it was happening. 
Jungkook doesn’t feel guilty right now. He feels tranquil. His eyes are closed and his heart beats at a normal pace. Seokjin rests his head against Jungkook’s.
“You can always talk to me about what plagues you, Jungkook”, he speaks quietly, “I managed to heal as much as I did these days because I had my love listening to me. Does the Queen listen to your griefs?”
“She does. She helped me heal a lot, but I think….” Jungkook takes a shaky breath, “I think that there is still a lot to do. I feel so happy, but sometimes the memories come back. I think about everything he did and said and I look at them in a new light now that my mind is cleared of his lies and I get so inexplicably angry. Then I get sad. Heartbroken. And helpless. Does this happen to you? Are you sometimes doing something which brings you joy when suddenly the memories come back again?”
“Of course. This is how one heals from traumatic events.”
“Really? So I am not broken?”
“Of course you aren’t broken. You are doing everything right.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “I feel as if I could do more.”
“You are doing everything right. You are healing at the perfect speed.”
Jungkook inhales and it sounds steady.
Jungkook exhales and it sounds relieved.
“I missed you so much”, he whispers and throws his hand over his own eyes. 
Seokjin kisses the crown of Jungkook’s head.
“I missed you too.”
“You always know what to say.”
“I try to at least.”
Jungkook laughs. Seokjin laughs as well. Jungkook lifts his head and meets Seokjin’s eyes. Seokjin cups his cheek and wipes his tears. 
“I love you so much”, Jungkook whispers.
“And I love you, my little one”, Seokjin whispers and smiles.
Jungkook retorts it, “I feel as if all I do is cry. I promise I am not like this on normal days.”
Seokjin laughs, “you do not have to explain yourself. We are all humans with emotions. Today is an emotional day.”
Jungkook studies Seokjin’s features. He always knew that his big brother was wise and knowledgeable beyond his age even if he oftentimes hid his wisdom behind silly jokes. Jungkook could always rely on Seokjin and his words of wisdom were perhaps the reason why the Queen spotted goodness in his eyes all those months ago. Jungkook is certain that if he didn’t have Seokjin by his side, comforting him and guiding him secretly when Rafkan wasn’t looking, he would have become as rotten as some other devoted Ravens. It was Seokjin’s guidance and love which kept the goodness in Jungkook’s heart. He is certain of it. 
“I want to show you something”, Jungkook says.
“Yes? Show me.”
“We have to get to the woods for it. I know the way”, Jungkook says and stands up, “follow me.”
And so the two men hurry through the castle until they reached the courtyard again. The sun has travelled quite some distance on the sky as the two men chatted in Jungkook’s room. Their loves are talking to each other. Seokjin and Jungkook pay them a visit before they leave.
“I want to show Seokjin the Life Oak”, Jungkook says.
“Oh yes, please do”, the Queen says and smiles, “you will find great healing in this place, Seokjin.”
“I, uhm”, Seokjin doesn’t quite know what to say because it is still unbelievable to him that he is talking casually with the Queen. Yes, he did so before when he was her guest back then, but this is different. He is a free man and her people and his well-mannered heart tells him to speak respectfully. 
“Have fun, you two”, his love tells him and gives his hand a little kiss, “try not to stumble over roots. The tree fairies are especially naughty around the Life Oak.”
The Queen giggles, leaning into her friend, “indeed they are. Oh, how wonderful.”
The healer snickers, sharing in her laughter by touching her knee.
Jungkook and Seokjin soon bid their goodbyes with smiles on their faces, kissing their destinies on their lips because they loved them. 
“I still cannot fathom that you are to marry the Queen”, Seokjin says as he and Jungkook hurry to the gate leading to the woods.
“Me neither. I feel so lucky. She is too good to me”, Jungkook says and sighs dreamily, “I love her so much.”
Seokjin smiles, “it feels good to be in love, doesn’t it?”
“Yes. Oh yes, it does. My heart races all the time, I feel warm all over and when I listen to her talk, my tummy flutters.”
“I understand you. I feel the same with mine”, Seokjin says and sighs, “she is the most wonderful person. The first thing she taught me was how to read and write.”
“Yes? Oh, this is exciting. So you can read as well?”
“You too?”
Jungkook nods his head, “my love taught me. It was very difficult at first, but she told me that I learned insanely fast.”
“Of course you did. You are such a fast learner and you are good at everything.”
“That isn’t correct. I hate maths.”
Seokjin laughs. Jungkook joins him.
“I hate it as well. Frustrating business indeed.”
“Yes”, Jungkook agrees in snickers.
Seokjin retorts them. Their eyes meet seconds later. There is a certain emotion in the air. One which makes both men shy away. Jungkook is brave enough to break the silence.
“Did”, he begins, “did your love also teach you what…what bodies can do?”
“Maybe”, Seokjin confesses and blushes.
“Mine did too”, Jungkook confesses with his cheeks just as flushed.
The two men giggle in coyness, drawing closer as they share in the naughty secret. 
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Jungkook asks in a whisper.
“It does”, Seokjin whispers and covers his own eyes, “this is so embarrassing to talk about. Oh by Frenya.”
“Yes”, Jungkook agrees and covers his own ears as he scrunches his nose, “we’re such men these days.”
“Oh Jungkook, will you stop”, Seokjin whines and slaps his arm gently, “you are making me burn up.”
Jungkook giggles, burning up himself.
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Jungkook knows the way to the Life Oak like he knows his way to the courtyard. He walks the paths regularly, finding healing in nature and the quiet of the forest. Seokjin feels the powers as well. Ever since he set foot into the dense forest, breathing feels easier to do.
It takes the young men around thirty minutes to reach their destiny. They spend the time greatly, talking and joking with each other every passing second. There wasn’t a second of silence between them as new stories of their lives came to their minds over and over again.
They grew silent however once they reached the clearing where the Life Oak fills the space with her presence. It happened naturally that the two men became silent. As if the Life Oak makes one do so.
“This is it”, Jungkook says quietly and closes the distance to the oak tree.
“This is it?” Seokjin whispers and steps closer to the oak, “it is…so tall. And beautiful. Why is it bleeding black…substance?”
“It’s not hurting. Not right now. Those are marks that She is happy. That She is crying tears of joy because Her earth is healthy.” 
“Her earth?”
Jungkook nods his head, “touch Her.”
Seokjin places his hand on the oak tree’s trunk, flinching back in shock.
“What?” he gasps, touching it again, “what is that? Why can I….I-I feel a heartbeat.”
“Yes”, Jungkook says and places his hand next to Seokjin’s, “this tree is life itself. She gives this Queendom nourishment and makes it live. She can talk to every plant, animal and nature itself through Her roots.”
“This is”, Seokjin blinks his tears away, “I don’t know what is happening”, he says and wipes his eyes, “oh by Frenya, why am I crying?
“It is okay to cry. I cried the first time as well”, Jungkook assures him, rubbing his upper arm gently, “it is overwhelming to touch life itself. Don’t hide it and let it happen.”
Seokjin sobs softly, lowering his face into his own palm. Jungkook touches his shoulder in comfort, rubbing small circles with his thumb.
“I am not sad. I just haven’t felt like this before”, he explains.
“This is normal, let it happen. Give Her a hug if you want to”, he tells him and because Seokjin is overwhelmed in life, he does. 
He hugs the ancient tree and he sobs as he does. His arms barely take up space on the thick trunk, but Seokjin still feels cradled. As if his mother was holding him and rocking him to sleep. The oak tree sings to him just like his mother would in the rustling of its leaves and croaking of its branches. 
“This is life itself, Jungkook. It has a pulse as if it was alive”, Seokjin gets out, “and, and it feels as if…as if…I can’t describe it.”
“As if you are hugged by your mother”, Jungkook says.
“Yes. Oh Jungkook, I miss my mother”, Seokjin sobs. 
“I miss my mother too”, Jungkook says and whimpers, “oh Seokjin, come here”, he chokes out and hugs his brother from behind, caging him in between the tree and his body. 
He rubs his hand up and down Seokjin’s tummy, resting his chin on Seokjin’s shoulder. 
“I’m here. You aren’t alone.”
And as they cry for their lost mothers, the Life Oak cradles them like Her sons, swaying Her branches and filling their hearts with new hope. Their mothers might have left the earth already, but She will always be there for them and in Her, their mothers will live on eternally. For every life form, no matter how small, will find its place in Her endless roots, Her never rotting foliage and Her countless branches. So in a way, as the two men hug Her for comfort, they are hugging their mothers.
“We still have each other”, Jungkook comforts him. 
“We do. Oh Jungkook, thank you for showing me this place. I haven’t felt such a hug in years”, Seokjin says and turns to cradle Jungkook’s cheeks, “it felt as if my mother was holding me.
“I know. She is beautiful, isn’t She? I come here and talk to Her often, I hug Her and find comfort in Her. I believe that our mothers are continuing to live through Her.” 
“I love this thought ”, Seokjin meets Jungkook’s warm gaze, “it is so beautiful and I can feel my mother. We can feel them, Jungkook.”
“We can”, Jungkook says and hugs him.
Seokjin hugs him back, combing his fingers through his hair.
“Thank you. Thank you for showing me this place”, he whispers.
“There is so much more to show you”, Jungkook whispers.
“There is?”
“Do you want to see?”
“Yes. Yes, of course I do. Oh Jungkook, please show me everything in your life.”
Jungkook steps back and gives Seokjin a loving smile before turning his back to him. He takes a deep breath and calls into the silence. Seokjin watches him with parted lips. 
Jungkook finishes his calls with a content sigh and his eyes glancing at Seokjin bashfully.
“What did you do?” Seokjin asks him.
“I called for them.”
“For who?”
The forest grumbles and cracks. The small trees and thick shrubs begin dancing. Seokjin inches closer to Jungkook in fear.
“Someone is coming”, he whispers.
“I know. It’s them.”
Woltron steps out of the shadows. His pack follows. They build a circle around Jungkook and Seokjin, growling deeply.
“What is that? Jungkook, we need to flee”, Seokjin gasps and tries to tug Jungkook away.
Jungkook stumbles and laughs, tugging Seokjin back.
“Don’t be frightened. They’re my friends.”
“Your friends? Jungkook, this is Woltron and His pack, he will eat us.”
“No, he won’t. Look”, Jungkook says and slips out of Seokjin’s tight grasp to walk to Woltron.
“Jungkook. No”, Seokjin gasps, reaching for him but grabbing air. He has to watch with horror as Jungkook places his hand on Woltron’s nose, “I can’t watch this”, Seokjin chokes out and squeezes his eyes shut.
There is silence for a few seconds, then Jungkook speaks all of a sudden.
“Open your eyes.”
Seokjin follows even if he is scared.
“What?” he gasps.
Jungkook is sitting atop of Woltron, carrying a smile on his face.
“They’re my friends”, he says and taps Woltron’s shoulder, “Woltron, this is my big brother Seokjin.”
Woltron closes the distance between him and Seokjin. Seokjin tries to stumble back, but collides with the nose of another wolf.
“Forgive me!” he squeaks and jumps away, which makes him collide with Woltron’s nose, “ah! Forgive me! Please, don’t eat me!”
Jungkook laughs, “calm down, brother. They don’t want to eat you. Take a deep breath and look into Woltron’s eyes.”
“Trust me.”
Seokjin studies Jungkook’s features.
“Trust me”, the younger man repeats and smiles.
It gives Seokjin enough strength that he takes a deep breath and then meets Woltron’s piercing gaze. The wolf growls deeply, keeping Seokjin hostage. Seokjin trembles and shakes, forgetting all about breathing until Woltron breaks eye contact. The wolf lets out a low grumble and lifts his head. He turns his side to Seokjin.
“See? You’re their friend now as well”, Jungkook says.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Woltron and his pack are old gods. They have been on this continent long before humans lived on the lands. Woltron can look into people’s hearts and see their truest truth in them. He accepted you in His pack, which means your heart is good.”
“Good?” Seokjin gasps, “and if it wasn’t good? What would he have done then?”
“It doesn’t matter. I wanted to show you this place and introduce you to Him because I knew you were good. I also passed their test when I first came here and I only passed it because I had you secretly guiding me. You kept the good in my heart, so I knew that you would pass.”
“But if I hadn’t?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “this never would have happened, but if you hadn’t then Woltron would have eaten you.”
“What?!” Seokjin squeaks, “and you didn’t tell me? Jungkook, how dare you?!”
Jungkook snickers, “I didn’t tell you because I knew that you would have been way too scared. Now climb onto Eudora’s back and let me show you one last thing.”
“You are such a trickster. You didn’t change one bit”, Seokjin murmurs and turns his back to him.
The wolf whose nose he accidentally collided with, lowers herself so Seokjin could climb onto her back.
“Hello Eudora, will you bite me?” Seokjin says quietly, taking cautious steps closer.
Eudora stays quiet, watching Seokjin with half-lidded eyes. Her eyes are emerald green just like Woltron’s.
“She won’t bite. Trust Her”, Jungkook assures him.
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t trust you anymore”, Seokjin jokes, making Jungkook laugh, “okay, I am doing it. I am getting on your back, yes?”
Eudora stays still and allows Seokjin to climb on top. Once he is safely on top, she stands up, forcing Seokjin to squeak and twist bundles of her fur.
“This is so scary”, he squeals, “I’m sorry, oh heavens, eek.”
“Calm down, you are tugging her fur”, Jungkook laughs and reaches over to caress his shoulder, “don’t be too scared. You know how to ride a horse, don’t you?”
“Yes, but this is insanity. We are on top of gigantic wolves.”
“They’re such better runners. Ready?”
“What? Runners? Jungkook, what are you planning to do?”
“I will show you my favourite place.”
“What do you mean runners? Jungkook, talk to me”, Seokjin asks nervously.
“The wolves will bring us. Don’t worry, it will feel as if you are flying”, Jungkook assures him and pets Woltron’s back, “can you takes us to the plateau, Woltron?”
The wolf straightens his head and howls. His pack answers him.
“What is happening?” Seokjin yells over their howls, looking at Jungkook.
“Hold on tight”, he says.
“What? Eeek!” Seokjin squeals and falls to the front in a desperate attempt to hug Eudora as she takes off with her pack, “this is the scariest thing I have ever done!” he screeches while beside him, Jungkook squeals and squeaks in laughter.
He looks at his little brother and how happy he looks riding the giant wolf. His dark hair catches the wind, his clothes dance in it and his face is crinkled in laughter.
“This is so much fun!” he calls out and looks at Seokjin, “sit up, trust me.”
“I hate this! Why are you doing this to me? Ju-Ju-Jungkook”, Seokjin screeches.
“Sit up, trust me”, Jungkook laughs.
Seokjin sits up even if his heart was racing in fear. The wind makes his eyes tear up instantly and messes up his hair. He feels it on his skin and smells the freedom in the air.
“This is insane! Jungkook you rascal, this is insane!”
“No, this is freedom”, Jungkook calls out and lets go of Woltron to stretch his arms far away from himself. He closes his eyes and laughs loudly. 
Seokjin looks at the wolf under him. Her fur is reflecting the sunlight, glowing like ambers in a fire. He barely feels her movements, except her shifting muscles under her thick fur. 
The wind is dancing around them. The world feels so vast. Seokjin doesn’t feel as if he will fall off. He lets go of her fur and stretches his arms from his own body. It feels as if he is lifting off the ground. Freedom, Jungkook called it. This is freedom.
“Hah!” Seokjin lets out and looks at Jungkook. He laughs, “I’m riding a wolf!”
“I know! Isn’t it so much fun?”
Jungkook laughs and holds onto Woltron again as the wolf speeds up. Eudora follows, speeding up with Seokjin on her back. Seokjin squeaks in laughter, throwing his head back as the world passes him in blurs of colour.
The wolves take the two giggling men all the way up the Snowy Mountains. They climb the steep stones easily and while Seokjin screeched and clutched Eudora in fear, Jungkook laughed and assured him that nothing will happen to them. And he was right. Except for wobbly knees and his nerves stretched thin, Seokjin arrives atop the plateau unharmed. He slides off of Eudora, colliding with the ground as he catches his breath.
“Hey, are you alright?” Jungkook gasps, jumping off of Woltron’s back. He kneels down in front of Seokjin, touching his arms, “what’s the matter?”
“This was insanity. We just climbed a mountain”, Seokjin gets out and wheezes for air, “I think I might pass out. Did this actually happen?”
Jungkook chuckles and strokes his hand down the back of Seokjin’s head.
“You did well. I know the first time is really frightening. I thought I soiled my pants the first time my love took me here.”
“You did?” Seokjin gets out and lifts his head to look into Jungkook’s eyes.
“Yeah”, he snickers, nodding his head, “but I promise you that it is worth it.”
“I truly hope it is because I think that I might have shat myself right now.”
Jungkook laughs, “you are fine. Now come on, I need to show you”, he says and helps Seokjin to his feet.
“You will kill me one day, I am telling you. I’m too old for such adventures.”
“You are twenty and six of age, brother. You are not too old”, Jungkook laughs as he leads him to the edge of the plateau.
Seokjin stumbles back, squeezing Jungkook’s hands.
“Jungkook, you madman what are you doing?”
“Don’t be scared.”
“This is so high.”
“I know, but don’t be scared. Look. We still have five steps to take before it becomes dangerous.”
“You”, Seokjin exhales deeply, “you have always been fearless. No, I have to sit down.”
Jungkook laughs, joining him on the ground. He stretches out his legs while Seokjin sits with his legs crossed.
“You are okay, brother”, he assures him.
“I guess. Oh, you made my heart race”, Seokjin says and sighs deeply, “first you tell me that a wolf god could have eaten me, then you make me ride on top of one and climb a mountain and now this. Do you want to kill me? My heart is too weak for all of this.”
Jungkook snickers, giving Seokjin a small look before he lets his eyes drift at the view before them. The Queendom lies before their eyes. The Black Forest in the far distance, the Singing River reflecting the sunlight and the Nourishing Fields as green phantoms in the distance.
“But I must say this view makes up for it”, Seokjin says.
“Doesn’t it?” Jungkook agrees, “my love tells me that this is the whole of the Queendom and even more”, he says.
“It is?”
“Yes. Look, the green in the distance are the Nourishing Fields. The river over there is the Singing River. These are the forests of the Castle, the Life Oak and my home and back there in the distance is the Black Forest”, Jungkook explains, pointing at everything so Seokjin could see.
“Wow”, Seokjin whispers, “so this is everything.”
“Yes it is and when you look beyond the Black Forest in the really, really far distance you can see the Glass Mountains.”
“Glass Mountains?”
“Yes, Glass Mountains. They’re a foreign queendom. Their lakes are emerald coloured and all their valleys are filled with trees with ruby coloured foliage. Their Queen fell in love with her warrior and possesses healing magic”, Jungkook explains and looks at Seokjin, “like your love. She can heal with just a touch.”
“Oh. Oh, no. My love can’t heal with a touch. The queen of the Glass Mountains must be a Mender.”
“A Mender?”
“Yes, Mender. They posses magic in their blood, which they can use to heal all wounds and aches. My love needs potions and creams to heal.”
“I see. Menders. I didn’t know about them yet”, Jungkook says and sighs in contentment, “it is so wonderful to learn. We were kept so blind to the world, weren’t we?”
“We really were”, Seokjin agrees, “but we are free.”
Jungkook touches his own chest. Seokjin does the same to his’.
“We’re free”, Jungkook whispers and smiles, “and we can learn all the knowledge in the world.”
Seokjin does the same, “indeed we can.”
Jungkook lifts his hand, pointing at the Queendom.
“Where exactly is your home?”
“I don’t know. I have never seen the queendom this way”, he says, “but I think it has to be around there”, he says and points at a forest in the distance. The Singing River digs its path close to it and a small town neighbours it.
“In this town?” Jungkook asks.
“No, through this forest. There is a clearing next to the river and we have our cottage there. The forest is filled with tree fairies which like to play tricks by growing roots in front of your feet or dropping acorns on your head.”
“Really?” Jungkook snickers.
“Yes, really”, Seokjin chuckles.
“And have you ever encountered such a tree fairies before?” 
“Indeed I have. One dropped snow on my head in winter and another grew a branch directly in front my face. I swallowed leaves that day.” 
Jungkook laughs, leaning back as he does. Seokjin joins him. Their heartfelt laughter echoes through the whole queendom. At least it feels like that to them as they sit and overlook everything as the mountains play catch with their voices.
“Ah this is so funny”, Jungkook says and sighs.
“Indeed it is”, Seokjin agrees and exhales in contentment. 
The two men dance their eyes over the endless view. And while Seokjin tries to take in everything as best as possible, Jungkook studies the area where his brother lives. It isn’t that far from the castle. He will be able to visit his brother often and in return, Seokjin can visit him as well. Jungkook feels his heart flutter in happiness at the thought.
“A cottage”, Jungkook whispers and sways from side to side as complete contentment fills his chest, “is it a nice home?”
“It is the best home I could have ever wished for. We grow flowers and herbs for our healing potions and in the warmer months, our garden is filled with vegetables and fruit we can eat”, Seokjin explains excitedly, “and we have chickens. They lay so many eggs that we can always have fresh eggs for breakfast. The river is always filled with fresh fish and sometimes we go to the market in town and buy meat, which will last us for days.”
“This sounds like a dream.”
“It is a dream. We even have a cat.”
“A cat? Really?” Jungkook gasps.
“Yes, really. His name is Kukuruz and we can talk to him.”
“What? Talk?”
“Yes, talk.”
Seokjin lifts his arm, showing a delicate leather armband to Jungkook.
“There is a sorceress in town, who can make these animal talking bracelets and we each got one.”
“Wow”, Jungkook says, touching it gently, “and it works?”
“It does.”
“So you can understand Woltron and his pack?”
The two men look over their shoulders at the old god. He and his pack are slumbering peacefully behind them.
“No”, Seokjin turns back around, “no sadly, you can only choose one animal. We chose a cat.”
“I understand”, Jungkook looks back at the view, “it is still so amazing. I want to be able to talk to animals. I imagine that it must be so interesting.”
“I can tell you from experience that most conversation with Kukuruz are about him wanting more food.”
Jungkook laughs. Seokjin joins him.
“I see. Well, this does sound like what a cat would talk about most.”
“Yes, indeed.”
Silence replaces their laughter like sunlight replaces rain. It comes because it always follows and it feels natural. The two men looked forward to the silence like people look forward to sunlight after long rain. And as they share in the wonderful silence, they take in the views. Their world once reached to the borders of the Black Forest and not one step beyond and now they are sitting atop the Snowy Mountains, overlooking their freedom.
“Should we visit the Nourishing Fields together?” Seokjin asks.
“We could, couldn’t we?”
“We could.”
Seokjin drapes his arm over Jungkook’s shoulder. The younger man leans into him.
“Then we will.”
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creature-wizard · 2 months
I see this (alien abduction communities) having a lot in common with ROMCOA stuff. The Controversial History of Alien Abductions by Kaz Rowe on Youtube (https://youtu.be/of8igM9WFWc?si=LrE_pCrDUMbujQah) What people may get out of ROMCOA (Validation of trauma in a way that is more obviously bad and may be not be as emotionally difficult due to a less personal abuse or mistreatment having clearer motivations.) is different, but the conspiracism of it feels similar.
I say this as a system who has skirted the edge of ROMCOA stuff for reasons like those stated above, but I wondered if you'd have any thoughts on it. (If it's of any interest, I'll send a separate ask with thoughts on the why/how we've dodged the ROMCOA bullet despite being drawn to it, but that's a significant tangent. Also sorry to be anon, I'm shy.)
(To anyone reading this: If you've heard the term "RAMCOA" but haven't heard how it originated among conspiracy theorists and was always meant to push conspiracy theories within legitimate psychiatry, further information is provided at the end.)
Oh yeah, you are absolutely right. I've been comparing these two things for awhile now, and it's basically two presentations of the same exact social phenomena.
You usually have somebody with psychological or physical problems that seem to defy explanation, but are very likely related to something like anxiety, depression, chronic stress, PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, ADHD, allergies, mast cell activation syndrome, or fibromyalgia. Y'know, a lot of the kinds of things that doctors will dismiss as "all in your head," or that just aren't that well-understood by the public, or might not seem possible because they underestimate just how traumatizing their life actually was.
The way they fall into it is nearly always the same; they never really "remember" any of it until they start coming across literature and people who introduce them to the idea of RAMCOA or alien abduction. And of course by this point a lot of them are absolutely desperate for some kind of explanation or validation, so they look deeper into it. They start learning and absorbing the tropes and narratives that go along with whatever mythology, so to speak, that they've fallen into. Then when they undergo hypnosis, they start "remembering" events that just so happen to line up with whichever narrative they've been exposing themselves to.
There are other groups doing this same thing with their own narratives, of course. In New Age and neopagan contexts, people often seek explanation and validation by trying to uncover past lives. In fact, the whole entire practice of undergoing hypnosis to recover lost memories actually began with people trying to find their past lives.
A common thread is that people remember something that pretty much everybody would agree would be absolutely terrible to endure. Whether you're "remembering" being burned at the stake for witchcraft, eating the heart of a ritually murdered child, fleeing the destruction of Atlantis, or aliens performing invasive procedures on your body, there's no ambiguity or uncertainty that what supposedly happened is horrible. In a society that constantly tells people that they haven't had it bad enough to be traumatized, because real trauma can only come from something way more severe than what they're experiencing, it's just no surprise that this keeps happening. Their subconscious minds seek the images and narratives that seem to align with the distress they're feeling.
It's been observed that what people experience while under hypnosis is basically the same as what they experience while dreaming. What they experience isn't necessarily logical; in fact, it's often far from it. Weird, surreal stuff just happens out of nowhere. People just do things with no genuinely reasonable motive.
In the context of RAMCOA, this is often handwaved away with "well, they're cultists, this is obviously part of their weird cult practices." This is not only an incredibly weak explanation for most of this stuff, but when you look at other supposedly recovered memories, you just can't help but notice that this is a pattern in every belief system people try to recover memories in, so trying to do this for supposed cases of SRA and the like is just special pleading.
And yeah, if you wanna share your story, I'd love to hear it!
For anyone reading this who isn't aware: The term "Ritual Abuse, Mind Control & Organized Abuse", or RAMCOA, is not an innocent catch-all term for religious abuse, institutional abuse, sex trafficking, etc. It was coined by conspiracy theorists in order to repackage Satanic Ritual Abuse/Satanic Panic/Project Monarch alter programming conspiracy theories into something they could pass off as legitimate science/research. Essentially, it's a Trojan horse for far right bullshit. For more information, see Cathy O'Brien - The First Project Monarch "Survivor" and Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler: Two Of The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Most People Have Never Heard Of.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Liberal things in Atla:
Jet being a darker skinned asian who was used as 'you can be TOO radical and that can make just as bad your oppressors!' propaganda and implied to be murder at 16 at absolute oldest by a fascist cult
Hama pretty much the same thing but a native woman and even worse because she was an old lady so she experienced even more trauma
Azula having casual ableism thrown at her and posed as Zuko's evil counterpart despite being his LITTLE sister
Iroh's entire character
Zuko being redeemed but not Jet or Hama
Not liberal things in Atla:
Mai not being crucified for being an imperfect teenage girl with severe emotional trauma from psychological parental abuse and being her own character instead 'The Pick MeTM'
Zuko breaking the cycle of abuse by becoming found siblings with Aang and his pseudo-dad as a better parent than Ozai ever was to him instead of being the 'romantic redemption' trope seeing as he never actually had romance based trauma but familial trauma
Ty Lee being a spiritual girlypop who pretends to be stupid to decieve her enemies but is actually a badass and super smart and people who shame her for her moxie being potrayed as bullies instead of funny
Katara not being a normal girl at all by a mix of nature and nurture and written as human just like all the men to combat 'feminine women can't be anything but or else they're just not feminine' both on a meta level and in-universe as a major character motivation and falling in love with Aang because he was her best and first friend that also helped her heal her inner child simply by being himself instead of 'accepting she's a mom in a 14 year old's body and that Zuko is the logical choice for her' and fighting against fascism rather than being a quirky 'i hate cute boys ew' rebel
Aang the 12 year old sole genocide survivor that's tibetan because irl tibetans went/go through etchnic cleansing and is the only remaing buddhist in his world not wanting to kill someone so his culture and his people could live on through him but relenting for the greater good until he was given a better option that y'all call 'deus ex machina' but is in fact just typical mythology shit and the fake shit you made about him in the sequel that's easy to learn isn't true by a quick google search
And also spending the whole show being an anarchist and activist because Katara radicalized him instead of him trying to kill her and generally tormenting her like Zuko did until he got the idea to convince her to kill someone with no apologies over calling her people peasents LMAOOOOO
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fresiants · 1 year
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I'm tired of people comparing Regulus to Severus and arguing that Regulus is better because he switched sides and sacrificed himself to switch the Horcrux.
1 — They're ignoring the fact that we barely know anything about Regulus. Personally, I see little difference between Regulus and Severus when it comes to changing sides: Regulus betrayed Voldemort after Kreacher's life was threatened, much like Severus betrayed Voldemort after Lily's life was endangered.
2 — In another comment, they claim that "Severus had no issue joining a group of mass murderers while Regulus was forced by his family." However, there is no evidence indicating that Regulus cared about Muggleborns at all. He was perfectly content with aligning himself with a group that targeted and killed both Muggles and Muggleborns until someone he cared about faced danger.
3 — If stealing a Horcrux makes Regulus a good person, then dedicating nearly half his life to the Order makes Severus an even greater person, doesn't it? Why would you highlight one character's contributions to the war while disregarding the other's?
4 — Nobody is defending Severus' mistreatment of students. Get over it. We're simply tired of people idolizing characters like Barty, Regulus and Rosier while simultaneously vilifying Severus.
5 — It was easier for Regulus Black to betray the Death Eaters than it was for Severus Snape because Regulus wasn't bound to the group through trauma. Regulus didn't join the Death Eaters because he felt it was the only place he belonged. On the other hand, Severus had nowhere else to go. He suffered abuse, bullying, and neglect his entire life. When he was sexually assaulted or nearly killed by a werewolf, nobody at school showed any type of care towards him. It was undoubtedly more difficult for Severus to betray Voldemort to join a group that had consistently shown him no concern—a group we've considered the "good side" all along.
6 — The only reason people think Regulus was a better person is because he is DEAD. We never witness him interacting with others or speaking with Muggleborns. We will never truly know what kind of person he was. It's merely an assumption that he must have been an angel who was forced to join a group full of mass murderers. (Get your headcanon out of my face.)
7 — Comparing a privileged, wealthy child who never experienced any form of discrimination his whole entire life to a child born in poverty and constantly bullied for merely existing is very weird. Naturally, they would exhibit different behaviors.
To clarify, I love Regulus Black, but believing that he is better than Severus, who devoted his entire life to the Order, is very wrong.
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Do you think they should have made Colt a good father to Felix? Or are you fine with him being a bad father?
I don't think that Colt should have been anything. He died off screen before we even met Felix and Felix is a minor character. Why is he getting more backstory development than Kagami when Tomoe is alive and actively involved in the plot? Wouldn't it have been far more interesting if the play was her story?
But if we must include the mustachioed cowboy man, then I would make him a good father or, at the very least, a mediocre one. I'd do this for reasons that have nothing to do with me wanting Felix to have a happy childhood. I'm fine with him having a tragic past! The problem is that this is a story and, in terms of story telling, there is no reason to give him a tragic past. It adds nothing to the story. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that it detracts from the story, but we'll get to that in a minute. First let's go over why it's a pointless addition.
In his titular episode, Felix is a brat who tries to destroy Adrien's life. Those actions actually made more sense when we thought that Felix loved Colt and was acting out over Adrien not coming to Colt's funeral. Now that we know the full story, we're left asking, "Okay, so, why did Felix do any of that?" And don't say that it was to help him get the ring because it didn't help him get the ring. He got it from hugging his uncle and there were far simpler ways to get a hug.
And why did Felix even want the ring? That has yet to be explained because, in Strikeback, he was planning to go out of the country as "Adrien" without ever offering to exchange the ring. He simply stole the fake peacock and got out of dodge. He had no possible way to know that Ladybug would come to him for help, allowing him to offer up the miraculous and use the ring to sweeten the pot. I also don't believe for one second that he needed to sweeten the pot. He could have offered up the miraculous and nothing else and Gabriel would have gone for it. So once again, what was the plan with the ring, Felix? What was the plan?
While we're on the topic of Felix getting the peacock, Colt being abusive adds nothing to that plot either. Whoever has the peacock can snap any sentimonster out of existence. Felix could have the best damn childhood on the planet and it would still make perfect sense for him to want the peacock!
The only reason to make Colt abusive is if you want to explore that and use it to develop Felix's character, but I have absolutely no faith that they're going to do that. Colt is the Jagged Stone nonsense all over again. They're introducing a very serious issue that would dramatically affect the psyche of most people and then acting like it's no big deal. I think I saw someone say that Colt was only introduced to shut up the people calling Gabriel and Emilie abusive by showing us "real" child abuse as if abuse was an Olympic sport and you need to qualify for the team. I'd buy that theory, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
Even if I'm wrong and they are going to explore Felix's trauma, I still think it's a bad move. There's a thing called compassion fatigue. It's commonly experienced by health care workers who deal with traumatic cases day in and day out, resulting in thing like the inability to feel compassion for your patients because your compassion meter has been rung dry. You can experience a lesser form of this just from watching the news. Story after story of people in need to the point that you're desensitization to these events evoking horror or sorrow.
When you're telling a story, you need to keep this phenomena in mind and be very careful when introducing multiple sources of trauma. The more trauma you introduce and the quicker you introduce it, the less impactful that trauma will be for your readers. If you're a good writer, then it will also be less impactful for your characters. Allow me to explain with a quick example.
I had a brief Marvel phase and, while I never wrote anything for that fandom, I made up a few stories in my head. A lot of them revolved around my favorite character, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man). Tony becomes Iron Man after being kidnapped by terrorists and I love confessions of traumatic backstories, so I was working out how to do one for him and the Avengers to help bond the team. Then I realized that his teammates are all orphans and that the majority of them were raised in poverty. Most of them have also gone through scientific experimentation of some sort and not all of it was voluntary. In other words, in the world of the Avengers, Tony's trauma isn't really special. His team might sympathize with him, but they wouldn't be deeply impacted by his story the way I wanted them to be because most of them have gone through equal or worse trauma.
Circling back to Miraculous: they keep heaping trauma on these kids and it's a terrible move. When Adrien was the only character with a messed up home life, things were interesting.
Now? Well, this is the current list of characters with a messed up home life: Kagami, Zoe, Chloe, Adrien, Felix, Luka, Juleka, and probably Lila. Add in Rose's serious illness, Mylene's mother abandoning her, and Marinette's traumatic past dealing with a straight up hate campaign on top of all the trauma introduced over the course of canon and I just don't care anymore. I am drained dry. They have introduced way too many serious elements without exploring any of them in depth and that is a massive writing faux pas.
Generally speaking, when telling stories, you should default your characters to whatever a happy home life is in their universe unless you're going to do something with the non-happy home life. Non-happy home lives complicate stories and you don't want to introduce a complication if you're never going to explore it. This is why I think that Colt should have been at least a decent parent. It's also why you'll see me say that Emilie should be at least a semi decent parent even though canon has made that option impossible unless you ignore a lot of the unpleasant implications found in Adrien's backstory.
While I love evil villain couples, Emilie is in a coma, so she can't be Gabriel's co-conspirator and I personally have no interest in her waking up to start a new villain arc. When she wakes up (or finally dies), the Agreste's story is over and so she basically has to be nonthreatening for that ending to work. It also circles back to the issue of keeping the trauma tight and focused so that the trauma you do include really pops!
Reminder that the above is a discussion of story telling, not a commentary on what makes real people interesting or the commonality of home life issues. There's also nuance I didn't get into because this was already really long. Writing trauma well is a really fascinating and complex topic.
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