#the urge to bully him is simply too strong
dizzybizz · 1 year
I request (1) of dan heng and mc just vibing or chilling. I give free reign to any details and stuff apart from that.
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i know in my heart that dan heng fucking sucks at video games of any kind
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whore-ibly-hot · 4 months
Yandere Boarding school thoughts... (Gender Neutral)
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Multiple yanderes, non-con touching, dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, bullying, masturbation, aphrodisiacs, general perversion, dry-humping, voyeurism, controlling behaviors, typical yandere stuff, breeding, drug usage, horny posting.
(AN: I have rizz-en from my grave to be horny once more. All of these guys are avaliable for requests, but will be listed under the materlist simply as Yan!Boarding School.)
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Background: Thinking about a Headmasters child!Reader at a private boarding school. For a Fem!Reader, perhaps you're just visiting daddy for the season while he's running the school, or maybe you've been bad, and need more supervision. For a Masc!Reader, it could be the same case, however, with Blackmoore Academy being an all male school, this opens up the availability for reader to be attending.
Student scenarios and profiles:
◇ Harrison Spence, star member of the swim steam, basketball player, and golden boy. Despite jock stereotypes, he's respectful and mature. He always looks out for others, and this lends to why your father suggests rooming with him. Plus... if anything were to happen, your father wouldn't hate to have him as a son in law. He's SOOO friendly when he meets you. Those big strong arms are perfectly suited to lug your bags upstairs to his room. Want help putting stuff away, sure! For a Fem!Reader, he's not suprised how awkward he is when he's unzipping your suitcase, only to be met with some thin lacy garments. He just coughs and backs off. For a Masc!Reader, he wears boxers too! So why does he still feel so hot. He should open a window.
He'll make sure you fit in around campus, mostly steering you in the direction of the athletics department. He'd love to see you at some of his games, cheering him on. You seem so nice, he could really seem himself with you long term, the more he thinks about crushing on you. Besides, you already share a living space. He feels awful about how his body reacts anytime you're too close. You left a jacket behind that smells just like you? He tries not to think about the consequences of fisting his cock into it. Late night out at one of his games? Who cares if you share a dorm and your bed is literally six feet away, it's too far of a walk. Slide into his bed, he's a gentleman. At least until he wakes up the next morning, mind foggy as he instinctively moves his cock up over the waist band, putting a leaky tip against your ass as he resists the urge to press his head into your neck, opting for a pillow instead. He's so, so sorry, but he's gott a deal with it, and you just feel so good. He rationalizes it by saying he's not just some horned up guy, no. You're his roommate, HIS. And what would the Headmasters think! No, he wants a future with you, romance, not just a warm hole to rut...
"Hey, roomie! Listen, practice is running kinda late tonight, so I'm gonna grab food on the way back. Why don't you text me your order, I can bring it back. We can make a whole thing out of it, no need to pay me back! I'm thinking burgers?"
◇ Carter Matthews, student body president, scholar, and in every AP class possible. Even some dumb ones. He doesn't pay much mind to you, you ate very attractive but so is he. If he felt the need for a relationship, he could get whomever he wanted. But he hates... hates how you make the other students, even some of the faculty act. He can't help but follow you around, making sure you obey curfew, and don't get into any trouble. He likes to keep order around here, and it bothers him to have to ignore his student body presidential duties to make sure some delinquent isn't trying to slip you a spiked drink, or some jock has you under the bleachers trying to get your mouth wrapped around their tips.
Eventually, he decides you could be helpful instead of a hinderance. He's busy, may need a form of stress relief, and given babysitting you when Harrison isn't around is one of the main sources of that stress, why shouldn't you help him out. Besides, you look so cute flustered. Maybe it starts small, he tells you your uniform bottoms aren't regulation, and while he tugs them down to 'fix' them, his hands wander a bit too much, grazing the soft skin of your ass. During random room inspections, he may let his hatred of the sports program taking up all the funding by mentioning how obvious it is your roommate wants to stick it in you. Harrison can't stand him, not trusting the cold creepy gaze of the prefect. He'll force you to come to student council meetings, under the guise of assisting him with preparing for a faculty dinner to appease your father, only to get you under his desk while he writes, trying to guide you with one stern hand. He doesn't like to go too deep, not one to enjoy gagging or unnecessary sound that would distract him from working.
"Keep it down." He scolds, cold eyes peering down through blonde bangs. With a sigh, his free hand strokes your cheek. "Just suckle, alright? There'll be plenty of time after I'm done for you to make sweet noises around my cock..."
◇ Evan Reed, CAPTAIN of the swim team, and student assistant PE coach. He's used to play basketball alongside Harrison, but got kicked out for being too violent. Shoving, pushing, and going as far as knocking teeth out. He's a fucking animal. He's handsome, of not a bit of a loner. He isn't popular or unpopular, people tend to leave him alone because of that bad boy attitude and his temper, but he's always welcome to party with the jocks, welcomed into parties and known as a keg-stand king. And boy do you catch his eyes, giving that your always hanging off Harrison, or being trailed by Carter. He's more than happy to accompany you to the pool or help you out in gym class, but it's obvious what he wants. He'll get up behind you in the pool, still smelling of cigarettes as he asks mundane questions while trying to pull your swimsuit to the side and get his hands on that sweet spot between your thighs. Or maybe he'll sit on the edge of the pool, congratulate you on how good your doing, legs spread as he pulls you between them, hoping you'll end up accidentally eyeing his cock. If you are a Masc!Reader, then there's definitely some internalized homophbia. He'll make sure you know these are just normal friend activities, even when he's got you bent over in the boys locker room, ass up. He doesn't EVER plan to be the one on the bottom.
He's a player, chasing tail outside of the school, hitting on peers sisters and mom's alike. But now, he plans to keep you around, not because he necessarily feels like he wants a romantic relationship with you, but because he loooooves how pissed it makes Harrison. He never liked the goody two-shoes, and half suspects he's one of the people who pushed to get him kicked out of basketball. He likes to pick on people, but Harrison sees himself as a knight in shining armor. So it gives Evan a major power boner to make you grind up against him on the dancefloor at some preppy party, while Harrison just has to stand by and not crush his beer can. Evan knows harrison will never, ever do anything to ruin your good guy image of him. Ever.
He's pissed, punching a locker as he let's out a growl. 4-0, what the fuck is wrong with his team? How could they get fucked over so bad after weeks of missing parties for shitty practices. Luckily for him, he sees you on the sidelines, probably waiting for Harrison to walk you back to your dorm. He takes this opportunity to slide up behind you, hands on your hips as you can feel his angry erection rutting up against your ass. "You. Me. Locker room, five minutes, stall three. Be ready, underwear off and bent over or I'll take you in front of the guys who are still changing? Got it?" He departs with a harsh smack on your rear.
◇ Joseph Mick, he's in the newspaper, but it's not like he's the head or anything. He just love photography, and he's the only guy at school to have really mastered the dark room. He's known to be a little... odd. He's the youngest in you and Harrisons class, with a petite stature and thin, lanky arms. He's pale, almost gaunt, but that could be a lack of sunlight given that he spends all his time in the dark room or toiling over photo arrangement mock-ups in the journalism room. People avoid him, but he's okay with that. He's more than happy to just watch from a distance, and photography is his real branch to the world. People only talk to him or react positively if he's taking photos for the paper or the school newsletter. He actually meets you at one of Evan's swim meets, he gets good seats for being student press, and you get good seats for just being Evan's new favorite piece of ass. Your aren't even sure why you were invited, you don't even know anything about how one wins a swimming competition. But Joseph does. He's been to enough of these, and you notice, so you lean over and start asking him questions. He's shocked someone is talking to him, and not about getting a bigger feature in the yearbook. He's more than happy to help point stuff out to you, even if he had to repeat himself or stutter his way through something. He's feeling his heart flutter and his hands shake so much so he can barely hold the camera. Soon, he's watching as you walk away, wishing he could grab onto you and hang you up on his wall to admire like one of his pictures. It's only made worse when he sees a pair of masculine arms dragging you into the boys locker room.
He's a stalker, but it's not his fault! For one, he's got no idea how to approach anyone, much less someone he likes as much as you. And since he's got that reputation as a creep, if he approached you in public, Harrison would be polite but firm at shooing him away, Carter would give him a look that makes him feel like a worm beneath his well polished shoes, and Evan would beat him to the brink of death, but then pass him over to his friends. But God, if he didn't think it was worth it sometimes to just be close to you. He can only get as close to you as his high-focus lens will allow. He's got hundreds of photos of you, some taken by him, some by campus security cams, and he treats each one like the piece that's gonna get him into a top art school. He almost feels bad taking risqué shots of you. He's always following you, and he sees the ways those... those pigs are treating you. If he could stand up to them, he would. He sees (from the cameras he's slipped into your bag) the boner Harrison is always sporting when he in your presence, he even caught a glance of Harrisons late night rendezvous with your pillow. He sees the way Carter leads you through the hallways like his little secretary, lithe fingers trying to get up your uniform bottoms. Worst of all is the way he sees Evan humping you in the pool like a dog in heat, with you obviously unsure about how you feel about this. He knows he'd treat you right, if you'd ever consider being with something like him. Notice he almost feels too bad to take risqué pictures. He can't help it if a picture or two from one of his hidden cams has a bit of an upskirt, or gets a little to zoomed in on your pecs. But know that as he drums humps the table in the dark room, those copies are only so he can keep one in his room and one on his person! He'd never, ever share your sexual exploits, not like Evan would, always bragging about what he does with, or more likely to you.
Being on the newspaper staff, he's got a pretty good idea of everyone's schedules. He's more than happy to try and squeak out some words to you if he knows your many admirers are preoccupied. Trust him, he knows A LOT of good spots to share a meal privately or maybe... maybe you'd like to see the dark room? He's even got a pillow in there, a cushion he can place on a soft stool in case you ever came to visit. He hopes he could get a private photoshoot in, maybe with some silly pictures of you, or even some lewd pics, he's just happy to see his collection expand. He doesn't have a lot of money, but he's more than happy to buy you as much cheap vending machine food as you want as long as you'll spend time with him.
"Oh, shi- hey! I didn't realize you'd be stopping by here. I'm just, uh, editing some photos for the paper." You don't notice as he slyly moves a tray of pics taken outside a dorm window that looks suspiciously like yours. He thanks whoever is out there in this moment that the dark room has a sink as he keeps his right hand out of sight.
◇ Tyler Mertz and Percy 'Pez' Goldberg, two outsiders, and self proclaimed 'dudes with bad tudes'. Put into the same headcanon spot because they aren't ever seen apart. Tyler and Pez got in on scholarship, and immediately bonded because they know they don't fit in among the rich kids at Ridgemoore. Tyler got in on a scholarship to pursue culinary excellence, because if he can do one thing, it's cook. Pez was awarded a scholarship by lottery two years ago, and even though he's barely passing most of his classes and is the biggest delinquent in school, he can't be kicked out. The school made too much of a big deal about his acceptance to create some good press, the faculty are planning to just wait the problem out. Repeating a year hasn't helped with that, though. Still, they are attached at the hip. Both struggle in classes, Pez because of a shitty social life and even shittier focus, and Tyler because he's just a little slow. Still, Tyler excels in cooking, and the faculty know he's trying. There's a few ways you might come across the pair. Maybe you decided to take culinary, and got paired up with a sweet, dopey guy who turns out to be a fucking MasterChef, or maybe your a brat!reader, like I mentioned earlier, and you meet Pez in detention, where he's glad to know the schools newest troublemaker is a looker too. Most likely, you come across them when either Evan makes you tag along to buy some weed and half-priced shitty beer for a post-game party, or Carter tells you he'll personally see to it that your father tethers you to him if he sees you talking to those 'deliquents'. Either way, they're probably some of the nicest guys in the school, even though Pez likes to fight. He's not a bad guy, but the school can't seem to recognize half of the shit he does is in retaliation to someone fucking with him or his friend.
Pez will like any kind of reader, any. If you're bratty!reader, he loves having someone to run around and bust shit up with. But he'll promise to leave the statue of your father alone, if that's what you want. If you're an innocent!reader, he can't deny he'd love to ruin that good guy/girl image you have going on. Smoke a little weed, sneak out a little, let him show you a good time. He promises he won't cross any lines or do something that would really scare or upset you. He's not a bad guy, he just wants to show you there's so much stuff out there to do. Unlike Joseph, he doesn't let the fact that others think he's a freak keep him from hanging with you. He wants them to see that you like him. HIM. He thinks your adorable no matter who you are, and frankly, snuggling up on the Headmasters kid is just another act of defiance he's happy to flaunt. Eventually, he might even open up to you about his shitty home life, and the fact he's only called Pez cause' when he's high that candy is all he wants to eat.
Tyler is a huge softie. He doesn't let the thing people say about him get to him, mostly because he's a bit dense in the moment to know he's being made fun of, but also because he's okay with being alone. He's happy with who he is, a nice guy. But, that doesn't mean he doesn't love his best buddy, or mind adding you to there little group. It's just one more mouth to feed in his eyes. He'll walk you to all your classes, slinging his big arms around you and keeping you close to his side. Unlike Pez, he grew up with a pretty loving family, and they're what he misses most about being away at boarding school. Most of the money he makes selling weed with Pez goes back to his family, but they don't really know how he makes it. He comes to see you and Pez as his new little family.
With these two, there will be lots of late nights with bad movies and pizza made from scratch. Being on some rundown couch squished between to large bodies, at least one set of arms wrapped around your waist. I think they both are pretty open about telling each other about the crush they have on you, given that they are best buds. These idiots probably got super high one night, and Tyler let slip that he, quote, 'thinks he wants to put a baby in you', to which Pez replies he'd like to put something along those lines in you too. It wouldn't be hard for them to both come to terms with wanting to share you, they share everything else. They just hope you'd want both of them, Pez and Tyler can't stand the thought of making things awkward by you only wanting one of them, so they both subtly try to transition you into the roll of being their partner.
Pez would be fucking fuming when he starts realizing the things boys at school are doing to you. Whether he witnesses it himself, or you come to him and Tyler seeking comfort, he'll pound the shit out of anyone who tries to touch you like that. If you like someone else, Pez wouldn't wail on them to eliminate a rival like Evan would, but rather he hands it over to Tyler. Tyler would come up with some rumors, maybe a reason the guy isn't right for you, and why would Tyler lie? He doesn't feel great about lying, but thinking about the things guys at this school do to you, fills the sweet chefs stomach with a bitter bile.
They wouldn't outright pressure you into sex, but rather try and find ways to coerce you into requesting or initiating it. Pez has some weed laced with something, nothing too strong, but it'll make even a nun feel a little frisky. He'll lay back or rub your thigh, hoping the weed will relax you enough to come out and say what you want. Maybe an aphrodisiac or two gets slipped into a warm drink Tyler made for you. It gets you feeling all hot, but don't worry, you can stay in their room overnight and wear their clothes, so they can... make sure you're not sick or anything.
"Hey," you can feel a pair of arms wrap around you from your spot at the library table. You look up and see Pez, with Tyler now playfully laying his head on the table beside you. "Heard that shithead Evan's got an away game, so it looks like your freed up after all to spend a little time with your favorite guys." His lips are dangerously close to your ear, making you squirm. "Yeah, man, we've got a bunch of movies n' shit from the store, and I'll even make your favorite. Stay the night, it's not like we've got anywhere to be tommorow, and my beds so cold..." Tyler teases playfully, eyes wide and feigning sadness.
All these boys make it difficult to get any alone time at Ridgemoor, but the men certainly don't make it easier... (Taboo part two with the faculty coming soon, because I'm horny for Dilfs and old men with questionable dynamics with reader.)
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anemonelovesfiction · 9 months
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Kinktober 18- Mirror Sex
Rotxo x human fem reader
Warnings ⚠️: Fingering mostly, Insecure reader (just slightly angsty I guess?)
Translation Station
Olo’eyktan: Clan leader
Tsahik: Clan spiritual leader
Marui: home
Syulang: flower
Yawntutsyìp: darling
Word Count: 4.1K
Becoming one with the Metkayina wasn’t hard, there were slight differences between them and the Omatikaya, but that was from a human standpoint. The expectations of the Na’Vi- the Sully’s- were different, hence their harsher orientation. But there were times where we could chat and get caught up over everything that happened, mainly with Kiri, it helped being the same age and having similar interests.
She’d helped me get used to their new way of living and even spilled the gossip on whatever was happening around us. But most importantly she’d told me about the bullying they’d experienced around the son of the Olo’eyktan. I’d refused to become an easy target for him, especially since I was human myself, so I often beat him to the punch and called myself out or made comments about our ‘incapabilities’ before he could.
“Don’t let go of the-“ Lo’ak stated as I attempted to hold on to the net before it started slipping in my hands, burning my palms. The pulling never stopping and I’d been forced to let go, placing my burning hands into the water to cool them down, I wasn’t expecting the fish to fight back or even being strong enough to do so.
“Are you okay?” Neteyam asks as he walks over to check my hands, lifting them out of the water, carefully running his thumb over the reddened mark. I could hear Ao’nung sucking his teeth, he often did this whenever I messed up, pissed him off, or showed up to work with them.
“I get it. I’m weak and you can’t trust me to do anything.” I rolled my eyes and take my hands from Neteyam’s while glaring at the teal boy. He makes a face and appears to have wanted to say something before glancing over at his best friend- and adopted brother- before turning his head and furrowing his brows like a child.
“Do they hurt?” Rotxo manages to take my gaze away from the rude teal boy and I give a soft smile, shaking my head, but turning to look away from him just as quick.
“I’ll be fine, gotta stay useful for you guys.” I say and hope it comes off as a joke but after a while of having to say these things I started to believe them, not even bothering to put on a playful smile on my face.
“We should probably try again.” I stated and lean into the water, picking the net up, and feeling a hand hold my wrist before the net slips out of my grasp.
“Go see the Tsahik.” The nicer of the two boys stated, this was the first time his stare reached my soul, the objection died in my throat and I simply nodded, walking off but still hearing the boys start to argue. I couldn’t make out exactly what was said as they talked too quickly but I didn’t want to turn around and get caught in the middle of it.
“How are your hands?” Kiri asks once I’d finally sat next to them. Eclipse was due soon and we were supposed to have met for dinner, I resist the urge to roll my eyes, I knew she’d find out because of Lo’ak’s big mouth.
“They’re fine, did Lo’ak run his big mouth to you again?” The question was rhetorical although Neteyam could have also mentioned it.
“No.” She answered truthfully and I sit by her, a bewildered expression glued to my face, the question was rhetorical until she said that. I raised a brow but she only offers a smile, she knew something I didn’t and I hated when she did that, I suck my teeth.
“What?” I asked her.
“You’ll see.” She says ominously and it irked me when she acted all mystical.
Most of dinner went by normally and everyone was busy having their side conversations, we typically talked as a family on our way back to the marui and into the night as we lied on our mats, it was always nice to hear how everyones day went, but I was about ready to sleep myself. I’m not excited to have to fish again tomorrow but I knew I had to pull my weight.
“Hey,” A teal body sits next to me just before I found it in myself to leave for bed, I was tempted to call it an early night and let Jake and Neytiri know I’d be going to the marui, but it appears life had other plans for me.
“Hello,” I respond toward the nice boy, I had a bad habit of using their monickers instead of their names in my head. Ever since Kiri and I talked about what had happened to them, she often used the little nicknames for me to keep track of her story, and I continued using those nicknames to describe them.
“How are your hands?” He asks and peers over as if wanting to look at them, I had no idea why I found myself showing him my bandaged palms. I’d been given some kind of salve to help with the burning sensation mixed with something for swelling, the thinnest of bandages placed right on top to help my skin absorb it.
“They’re fine.” I responded as I look down at my hands, I’d trained myself to never look the bully in the eye, and ended up losing my confidence for silently challenging Spider and the rest of the Sully’s with my eyes as well, I had a hard time looking directly into anyone��s eyes anymore.
“I’d like to show you something, if you’d allow me to, of course.” He stated calmly, I didn’t feel a sense of urgency to agree either, he had kept it pretty nice and open for me and it made me smile internally. I always wondered just how close Ao’nung and Rotxo had been considering they both seem completely different.
“Uhm-“ I look back over to notice the Tsahik had sat down at some point with her husband and they conversed with Jake and Neytiri.
At some point of the conversation Tsireya and Ao’nung had joined between Lo’ak and Kiri, Spider sitting between Kiri and Lo’ak, closing off the circle and excluding myself, whether that was accidental or on purpose I’d kick his ass later for it, he hadn’t been sitting there before.
“You do not have to-“ His tone sounded as of it held slight disappointment and I found myself staring right into his honey green colored eyes, tempted to make the boy feel better, and embarrassing myself with how abruptly I’d stopped him.
“No, no.” I stated rather quickly, eyes widening at my reaction, before looking away from his eyes with a blush dusting my cheeks. “I don’t mind, I can go.”
“Okay, come on.” He holds his hand out for me to grab and I eye it suspiciously, him and Tsireya had been the only ones to not make fun of my extra finger, but it still made me wish to have hands like theirs. I hesitate before grabbing his hand and he smiles, standing himself up and waiting for me to follow his lead, I look between our hands and his eyes before settling my other hand on the ground to help me stand up.
It doesn’t take long before we escape the prying eyes of most people. Some stared at us as we walked away and it was funny to watch how many of them failed to be discreet about it, I knew everyone was nosey, but a lot of them were too comfortable showcasing it. I laughed internally, they thought something was going to happen and it wasn’t.
“What do you need to show me?” I asked as I finally come within his home and notice a gigantic glass-like object hung on the wall of his marui, how he managed to do that I was unsure but I could see my reflection and looked away again, turning to face him.
“I wanted to show you,” He starts while placing a hand on my shoulder lightly, pressing against it to turn me, my brows almost kiss in confusion but allow his hand to turn me around. I still face the ground but keep my ear on alert for the rest of his explanation.
“Yourself, through my eyes.” He stated and I turn my head back to look at him, wondering what he meant, before feeling my chin being redirected at the mirror, never once having caught a glimpse of his face, until I looked through the mirror at it, already catching his eyes on me.
“Wha-what do you mean?” My furrowed brows could already tell him I had no idea what he meant and he just smiled at me. He settles himself down onto his knees and we’re almost the same height, if by almost I meant a full head taller than myself.
“I do not like when you say negative things about yourself.” He stated and the confusion starts again, was he just going to compliment me? Even before being the way I was I never accepted compliments well.
“I’m just beating Ao’nung to the punch line.” I laugh lightly, not really how I would have laughed had I actually found it funny, his lips thin in disappointment.
“Why do you feel the need to do that?” He asks, eyes still on mine, and I could feel my throat becoming dry, making sure to thickly swallow whatever saliva I could gather.
“N-no reason?” I asked pathetically, but my answer was honest, I had no real reason to have started saying those things. I guess I got in my head about Kiri’s story and figured the only way to prevent the bully- Ao’nung- from making fun of me or a reason to hate me was to say what I felt he would say in that moment.
“Hmm.” Rotxo hums but it didn’t seem to be about my terrible explanation.
“Has anyone told you to stop?” He asks with genuine curiosity twinkling in his eyes and I seem transfixed on them, unable to look away, tempted to turn to face him again, eyes turning toward my left before he speaks up.
“Look at me through the mirror.” He stated so sternly that my eyes fly back toward the mirror, giving him a slight nod, showing I understood that he needed me to look through the mirror and nowhere else.
“Well?” He raises a brow and I feel weirdly warm, he had asked a question beforehand and he needed an answer, I draw in a breath and answer.
“Kiri and ‘Teyam said to stop.” I admit and feel relieved having been able to answer his question.
“I’m telling you right now, it needs to stop.”
I just stare at the man on his knee’s beside me, his body was comically large compared to mine, yet found myself compelled by him at the same time, allowing myself to nod along toward his words as he stares at me expectantly.
“I need to hear you say you won’t say those things anymore.” His voice was stern, his facial expression was stern, my legs felt like jelly.
“Or what?” I raise a brow in interest and he thins his lips once more, I had no idea what had caused me to defiantly say that, but I had, and it upset him.
Although we didn’t stand face to face with the mirror, I could see some emotion swim through his eyes. I could feel myself turning my body getting ready to say something smart, before seeing him shuffle and end up in a seated position, scooting further back on the floor of his marui, and dragging me down with him, landing on my bum and kind of in his lap. His legs were outstretched beside mine, allowing me space but keeping an arm wrapped around my belly to keep me seated.
“Rotxo-“ I begin to protest but am cut off by his gruff voice.
“Say it.” He demands.
The tone of his voice makes it harder for me to want to turn around, so I look back toward his eyes, fury swimming through them. He was waiting for me to say what he wanted me to say, but this was ridiculous, right?
“I- I won’t sa-say those things a-nymore.” I find myself stuttering as I struggle to get through the phrase and am tempted to look down but I would have missed the sweet smile tugging at his lips, my heart started beating erratically and I wanted to see him smile more often.
“Is that all?” I asked trying to appear bored and wondering if I could go back toward my marui I shared with the Sully’s but he shakes his head.
“No, syulang, we’re just getting started.” He whispers in my ear and I gasp, shocked at how I had reacted, turning my face and end up smashing my lips on his, he backs up quickly.
“That was meant for your cheek.” He stated as if he too had been shocked, glad to know he wasn’t planning this, but I let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah why would anyone want to kiss me?” I asked mid-laugh only to finish with my own lips thinned as a frown forms, eyes widened slightly, as if I had just been caught red-handed saying something I wasn’t supposed to. His own brows furrowed in slight frustration, he is looking directly into my eyes -through the stupid mirror- and I can’t find it in myself to look away.
“Maybe something other than intimidation will get you to stop saying those stupid comments.” He grumbles placing one hand on my hip, the other trailing down my jaw, taking a hold of it semi harshly. It doesn’t hurt but I wince at the action, he turns my face toward his and I can practically see the frustration permeating off his body.
“Like what?” I wanted to smack myself after those words left my mouth. A smirk painted his features, as if he was waiting for me to challenge him, I’d never seen him smirk, just the bully, but I liked it a lot better when Rotxo did it.
“Keep your eyes on the mirror. Do not turn your head for a second or I stop. And when I ask, you will say only good things about yourself, yes?” He isn’t really asking, it was rhetorical, but I nodded either way, feeling my lungs ache for a breath which I feel is granted to me once he lets go of my chin. My head snaps back to look at the mirror and I catch his eyes.
“Can you tell me something you like?” He asks and I resist the urge to groan at his sparkling eyes, shaking my head and I could feel the frown tugging on his lips, not because I didn’t like anything about myself, I could feel the heat starting to travel down south and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of this gentle giant.
“I like your eyes,” I felt my breath escape me after I stated that and he chuckles, kissing my temple again, his hand had slid off my chin earlier but was placed on my chest, ready to grab my chin for attention, but I wanted his hand to wrap around my throat and choke me.
“I meant about yourself.” He smiles, the hand on my hip gently stroking that side of my body, not dipping below my tewng or above my beaded top.
“I can’t think.” I admit and the hand on my side stops moving but I that wasn’t the hand I was needing to move, my chest felt heavy and I could feel my heart continuing to thump against the ribcage, I know he could too.
“Your eyes are beautiful, especially when they catch the sun just right, they look like they glow.” He stated and it feels like all breath is knocked loose from my lungs.
“Your nose is different and adorable. Your lips are full and plump, I often wonder how they’d feel against mine.” He stated in my ear again, shit.
“Rotxo, what?” I cut myself off as I feel his lips trailing my jawline. I need him to stop for a second, but a second is all it takes for him to turn my face toward his once more, planting a soft kiss on my mouth and feeling the heat coming off his lips and onto mine. I whine at the loss of heat on my lips, having felt my face move back toward the mirror on its own, just to find myself capturing his eyes with mine, my breath hitches and I can see his smile.
“Now you say something.”
“I like you.” I blurt out as I attempt catching my breath and his smile is wider now.
“I mean about you, silly girl.” The hand on my chest slides down between my breasts and I moan at the slight feeling of the beads sliding against my nipples, feeling ashamed at how overly sensitive I was at the moment.
“I like when you touch me,” I let the words fly out, I knew I wasn’t answering his questions but being around him as he caresses my body like its a fuckin’ fiddle wasn’t going to help me say anything less embarrassing.
“Hmm, yeah? I like touching you too.” He digs his lips onto my neck and plants kisses there and it causes me to gasp.
“Please,” I throw the word out there, not even sure what I was begging for, but wanting him to continue pushing whatever agenda he had planned, I just needed to feel his hands on me.
“Not until you say something you like about yourself.” He’s a persistent man, thats for sure.
“I like myself, I do,” I attempt to plead with him and he chuckles, bringing his eyes up to meet mine. I knew I looked as pathetic as I sounded, but seeing him look back at me was worth it.
“Of course you do, yawntutsyìp, but I need an honest answer.” He explains and I let our a short frustrated grunt.
“M-my hair, I like my hair,” I answer honestly. My hair was pretty to me, I could put it up easily, I could braid it beautifully, it was long, its the reason I was particular about who cut it.
“I like the length, I like how shiny it is, its the thing I take care of the most.”
Just then I felt a hand caress my hair gently and felt my spine shudder at the sensation. I was also particular about who got to touch my hair but his touches were gentle, caring, soft, he could definitely touch my hair anytime he wanted.
“I can tell,” He smiles and places a kiss right on the back of my head, right where my hair was. “I always wanted to run my hands through it.” He comments sweetly.
“Please touch me,” I stated pathetically to feel his hand stroking my belly gently.
“What else, syulang?” He asks and I feel like I’m about to lose it, but just as quickly think on my feet, feeling accomplished in my answer.
“M-my legs,” I admit.
“They’re long, hel-helps me swim.” I stutter and feel his intense stare on me, but my eyes were closed, until he pinched my thigh with the hand that had been on my hip. I opened them just as quick as the pinch had come.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl.” He stated but doesn’t allow himself to kiss on my neck or jawline, I pout slightly, I liked feeling his lips on me.
“Why are you pouting?” He asks as a hand comes up from my belly and underneath my beaded top, my breath hitches as he cups my left breast, feeling its weight in his hand and allowing his thumb to stroke up against my nipple, my gasp clearly audible as his ears flick at the sound, standing at attention to focus on me, my cheeks heating up.
“Answer.” He reminds me and I moan lightly as a response.
“Need you,” I admit with a whine. He seems pleased with this answer and smiles once more.
“What do you want me to do, pretty girl?” He asks and I felt dizzy, his second hand caressing my thigh from where he’d pinched it while lazily running his thumb over my nipple again.
“Everything,” I mumble and feel my eyes closing again to enjoy the feeling of his hands coming closer toward the spot I needed it most. “Please,” I beg again, moving my hips slightly.
“What do you like about me?” He asks so quietly I almost miss the question, my eyes find his and a lazy smile spreads through my face. He’d placed his hand overtop my loincloth and stopped moving it.
“Your eyes,” I stated in one breath, continuing, knowing that wasn’t enough. “They’re honey-green and make you look so handsome, like a pretty boy.” I mumble and his face softens sweetly, hand pushing my loincloth to the side, thumb pressing between my lips and applying gentle pressure on my engorged clit, rubbing small circles on the already slick covered bud.
“Ro,” I sigh happily and close my eyes, biting my lip, feeling his caresses, only to feel him stop all motions, reminding myself to open my eyes.
“Good girl.” He praises and I whine.
“You promise you’ll stop saying those bad things, right?” He asks and I nod.
“Good girl.” He repeats and kisses the side of my neck and I find it easy to move my head to the side to accommodate him. He also wastes no time sliding a finger in, a long moan leaving my lips as be continues paying close attention toward my bundle of nerves, my thigh shaking.
How is it that he’d just started all of this hard work but managed to get me soaked by doing minimal shit, the man had only started kissing my neck when I became a mess for him, holy fuck.
“Oh shit,” I let the English phrase slide out as he picks up speed.
“Can you take another finger?” He asks and I hesitate to answer.
“Just wanna make you feel good, pretty girl, can you?” He asks again and I nod.
“Put them all in, fuck,” I mutter in-between moans as he sticks a second one in and I feel full. The feeling of his fingers settling in my cunt had me feeling hot all over.
“Look at yourself yawne.” I look up and see his fingers shoving themselves deep inside my pussy, slick covering his entire hand, and I’d failed to notice I was moving my hips to match his thrusts.
I could feel my hands squeezing flesh and realize I’d grasped his beautifully thick tattooed thighs in the palms of my hand, hence the slight burning sensation. I let out a gutteral moan and watch him smirk in the mirror just to insert his third finger, scissoring his fingers to stretch and I couldn’t hold myself back.
“Ro, I’m close, so close.” I try grounding myself by squeezing his thighs but feel like I’m on the edge of a cliff and feel the need to jump without a parachute.
“Be a good girl and come for me, syulang, I want you to drench my hand in your juices so I can taste you before shoving my hot, thick cock inside of you.” His voice had deepened a bit as he said that, I could feel my cunt squeezing his fingers.
“Let go for me, pretty girl.” He begs sweetly and its as if he coaxed the come out if me, my walls fluttering as I came, a pitched moan leaving my lips as I stare at my gaping pussy greedily clamp down around his digits. I kept my eyes down low and couldn’t find it in myself to look away, mesmerized by the workings of his fingers inside of me as I kept coming.
My labored breathing was hard to try and calm down after the events that had unfolded. His hand had already been covered in my juices, but at this instant, it was dripping. He could only pull his fingers out, I hissed at the feeling, and watched him through the mirror, bringing his hand up toward his mouth, closing his lips around his fingers and letting his eyes shit as a moan rumbles through him. I could only bite my lip as I felt another wave of heat awaken within me.
“You’ve taken cock before, right pretty girl?” He asks as his dry hand reached over to untie the knot that held his loincloth together. No hostile tone in his voice and I nod at his question once more.
“Good,” He seems to smirk again while settling himself on his knees, cock hanging low, it curved downward and seemed pretty fucking hefty.
“Same rules as before, syulang, keep your eyes on the mirror, if you don’t, I stop.”
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crucifiedfaerie · 11 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 1
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, arranged marriage, and a mention of misogyny
ao3 link   next chapter>>
“My lady, we’re crossing the border into Enza. We should be arriving in an hour.” You nodded at your maid, indicating that you had heard her. You didn’t look away from the window. 
“What do you think the prince will be like?” A younger maid gossiped quietly. The older maid shook her head at the inexperienced one, shushing her. “Sorry, ma’am,” the youngest maid whispered in your direction, head hung low. You think she’s named Elena. Your other maid who had been with you since you turned fourteen was a lovely woman named Sara. She knew not to interrupt your stupor. 
Elena’s words dug at you, though. What was he like? The prince and you had only communicated through one letter. Your family had urged you to write to him, and so you did. You received a short letter in reply. There hadn’t been any communication since.
Your mother had told you the carriage ride would be short. She was wrong. It was too quiet, giving you time to dig up anxieties you had attempted to repress.
You were starting to feel guilt about your last days in Williams- the kingdom that your mother and father ruled. You had avoided your family during the final nights of your stay. You weren’t sure if it was out of contempt or not wanting to see your brothers and sisters pitying faces. You had stayed huddled in your room, watching stoically as Sara and Elena tried to get your opinion on what to pack. 
At first, when your parents told you that for the prosperity of the kingdom, they were marrying you off to an obscure prince in Enza, you were angry. You had watched your older sisters get married off, one by one, each with varying results. One of your sisters gained a connection with their husband and fell in love. Another sister became sweet friends with their husband, and while there was no romantic love, there was a strong platonic relationship. Your last sister was married to a prick and rightly hated him. He was misogynist and had anger issues that bullied your sister into submission. 
If you got nothing else, you were satisfied with being friends with the prince. 
So your anger turned to sad acceptance. At least Enza was a beautiful place.
Your older brother had his choice of mistresses for his bride, in which all had been vetted to see if they were a proper fit to be Queen of Williams. Your youngest brother still had some years of freedom before your parents started pointing out the eligible ladies in court. 
But the prince of Enza had no choice. While his older brother needed a suitable queen and therefore had his pick, the younger prince was just another pawn in the game of hierarchical chess. The kingdoms of Enza and Williams both had something to gain from the other and you and the prince were simply the bond of that compromise. Enza, being the bigger and stronger empire, would protect Williams in times of need, while Williams, being a small mining community, promised to supply Enza with gold and iron. Neither kingdom could stab the other in the back with their heirs married.
“There’s a house,” you spoke for the first time during the trip. “A couple kilometres away from Enza’s palace. We’re going to pass it soon. It’s not far from the border.” You took a breath, shaking with the realisation of your future. “I’m going to buy it. The prince isn’t in line for the throne, so I’m not required to live at the palace. It has five bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms. The kitchen is a small thing, but manageable. There’s a sweet little fireplace in the sitting room, which, with a little bit of rearrangement, can double as a dining room. But my favourite part,” you paused and pointed out the window. “Look, there it is.” The two maids stared out the window with you, all three of you taking in a large farmhouse in the distance. Compared to William’s palace, it was small, but any peasant would think it was an empire. The house was three stories and coloured a light baby blue. The windows were painted a bright white that stood out in contrast. There was a wrap-around porch that a small swing hung from. “You can’t see it,” you said, “but the best part is in the back. There’s this large field that leads to a forest.” The house was long gone, but you still gazed out the window hopefully. Sara and Elena exchanged a glance. “I’m hoping to employ a small staff. I’ll have to get a cook, of course, and maybe a cleaner. And then a stable master.” 
“A stable master, my lady?” Sara wondered if she heard you right. 
“Yes. Wouldn’t it be lovely to finally buy a horse or two? You know that mother never wanted me to ride, so I’ve only ridden a couple times. I would love to choose a name and develop a connection with a horse.” 
“And what about the prince, ma’am?” Elena wondered. 
You shrugged. “He can choose whatever he wants. After the wedding night, I’m not required to stay. Neither is he. If he wants to stay at the palace, he can. If he wants to visit me, I’ll allow it. And if he would like to try and live with me… we’ll see how it goes.” After a moment of thought, you said, “I think I’ll name the house the Foundling Villa.” 
The countryside slowly changed to a small village and then a quaint market. You saw people milling about, carrying a carton of eggs, hauling water from the well, or dragging a cow through the street. Most people stopped and stared at seeing an aristocratic carriage prance through their streets. You pressed your body against the seat and stared straight ahead, knowing that it made it harder for people outside to see you. You didn’t want them to see you. You couldn't have them see you. 
Elena peeked out the window and a little girl waved excitedly at her. Elena waved back. The girl clapped happily and tugged at her mother’s arm. 
Slowly, the carriage turned to an inclined road and the palace came into view. Sara sucked in a breath and blinked owlishly at the sight before her. Elena muttered an, “Holy shit.” You frowned at it. It looked like it was overly compensating for something. It was a massive building built with large blocks of brick and stone that looked like it could house the entire population of Williams. The flag of Enza flew proudly from the spires. An impressive perron stood imposingly before you, laid with a red carpet. The King, Queen, and the three princes of Enza stood on the steps to welcome you. 
The reality of it all finally crashed down on you. You were supposed to marry a man who you had only heard of through one letter. You had only seen him in portraits. You were expected to move to another kingdom, which you had never set foot in, and never return home unless accompanied by your new husband. 
You shook your head widely and your hands clutched around the dress you’d chosen this early morning. “I can’t.” You stated, “Turn this around. I want to go home. Turn the carriage around.” 
“My lady, you must go,” Elena pleaded. “They’re waiting.” 
“No!” You cried, “I am not going to marry him! You can’t make me! I will not walk out there to my doom. Take me back to Williams.” You tried to sound stern, but emotion cracked through. Outside, you saw the youngest brother whisper something to your fiancé.
“Milady,” Sara tried her hand at calming you down. “Princess. Y/n!” You whipped around to look at her. “All you have to do,” Sara leaned forward and clasped your hands in hers. “Is go out there and bow to the King and Queen. That’s it. Then Elena and I will be with you the entire rest of the way. We’ll be by your side walking through the doors, finding your room, getting you prepared for dinner, and if you want, we could even take dinner in your room instead of with the family. But you must step out of the carriage.” 
Your jaw clenched and reluctantly nodded. Sara smiled softly and then knocked on the wall. The footman jumped down and opened the door for you. You exhaled, your heart pounding like you just lost a sprint, took the footman’s hand, and stepped out. 
And then you make eye contact with Charles Leclerc, Prince of Enza, and your future husband.
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
I know I just recently put in a request but this is important trust me
TWST housewardens + mc who has huge wings with fluffy and soft feathers. Extremely strong wings. So strong, that mc could carry them into the air.
Thank you for your time
Finally done finding models for finals! College is hard when you’re going to be a hairstylist, but I manage 😅 Also! This is a super interesting concept!! Content Warning: One line mentioning past bullying in Azuls
Housewardens x GN!Winged MC
Let’s be honest - he’d be the easiest to pick up
He’s just so tiny! The first time, I imagine it took him by surprise and he started struggling and flailing, nearly sending both of you crashing into the woods
But he relaxed soon, when he realized who it was that grabbed him and you wouldn’t drop him
Now, he trusts you - he really does - but he still puts “rules” in place when it comes to your flying
Riddle just does not want you getting hurt and he takes his duty as housewarden very seriously
But, if you’re his S/O, you could probably negotiate some of them to be adjusted or even completely removed for the most inconvenient ones that can’t lead to any injuries
Leona would read up on proper wing care
Aka: Have Ruggie read up on it to teach him
He’s a beastman, he knows how important it can be to have proper care for extra appendages
It would be 50/50 on whether or not he goes flying with you
If you haven’t been together long then he’s staying with his firm no, but if you’ve been dating a while and he has more trust in you, then he’d give in and let you once in a while
With the understanding that you’re taking a nap with him after, of course.
Yeahhh, he lived underwater AND was bullied for his weight for most of his life
His feet? Not leaving the ground. Not even for you.
“Go ask the twins” becomes his favourite sentence.
1 because he knows it will at least get you to stop asking him, 2 because he trusts Jade to be able to redirect your idea of fun
If he doesn’t already know proper wing care then he 100% learns it
Azul does not gaf how, he learns it. You’re his S/O, after all!! If he can’t give you one thing you really want (Carrying him while flying) then he’ll give you anything else.
Kalim, Kalim, Kalim...
He thinks your wings are the coolest things
1000% enjoys it when you fly while carrying him (and he ignores the mini heart attacks Jamil gets from you carrying him around while flying)
Loves to pet your wings and decorate them with jewellery he buys
He loves watching you care for your wings too. He's tried to learn how but found it hard, so he'll settle for watching you do it. He will, however, buy you anything for them that you run low on
Kalim has def warned his siblings to be careful around your wings when you meet them. He can see you're proud of them and doesn't want to risk anything happening to them.
Vil comes up with a full care routine to keep your wings looking and feeling perfect
He will not let you take him flying, simply due to the fact that he doesn't want to risk ruining his makeup, but he will fly nearby on a broom while you fly
Has a strange urge to hide you from Rook at times (You have wings, you're like a bird to him - Rook is a hunter...in his opinion, you two should be kept far away from each other as often as possible)
"Oh, Epel hasn't done his workout? Hey, Y/N! Can you take this and fly around with it for a bit please? Also, do ensure you get Epel's attention while flying with it..."
He absolutely hands you something of Epel's and has you fly around, with Epel chasing you, on days where Epel has no gym class
Will curse anyone who insults your wings or gets anything on them
If you think he's letting you take him flying, you're delusional
You can go fly, and he'll sit quietly, play his video games, and wait for you to get back
"Oh, hey, Y/N! Your wings kind of look like *insert video game characters*, did you know?"
If MHA exists in this universe, he has watched it and compares your wings to Hawks
He likes to just sit and run a hand along your wings. It's calming to him to just cuddle with you and feel you fluffy, soft wings under his hands
Idia has definitely programmed Ortho with knowledge about wing care now. It's the least he can do, in his opinion
You two can go flying together!!
He takes this info and runs flies with it
Already knows wing care, and learns about feather care just for you. He also totally redid Diasomnia dorms doorways to be wide enough to accommodate your wings.
You two have definitely raced to see who can fly faster (He won, in case you're wondering. He's too competitive to just let you win)
I feel like he's another one who loves how soft they are, compared to his
Malleus absolutely lets you fly freely in Diasomnia dorms. Do other students like it? He has no clue, they're too scared to bring complaints they may have to him, knowing you two are a thing. Besides, you like flying around the dorm and that's enough for him.
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thechaoticplayer · 8 months
Good Puppy
Author's note: the brainrot- it's too strong... fuck fuck FUCK
Summary: embarrassed for his amusement (writing this at 3 am I apologize if it seems like yk I'm not thinking)
Contains: nsfw content, very short drabble, chaotic is feelin a bit horny (lmao help), gn sub reader, dom Vox akuma, puppy reader....
Mdni or not I ain't yer mom
VOX AKUMA had simply had asked to give you a scratch under the chin. At first, you were skeptical, because the demon was known to be such a teasing type. But he genuinely seemed to want to, eyes bright and wide and somehow bewitching you to nod.
It felt so fucking good! Your eyes slowly drifted shut, a hum vibrating through your throat as Vox's fingers scratched underneath your chin. He stood over you as you sat on a chair in front of him, tail wagging. Vox chuckled, pupils dilated as he asked to scratch behind your ears this time.
Content and finding it impossible to say no, you say yes again.
You literally lean into his touch, causing his heart to increase its rate. All "chihuahua behavior" as he called it (you weren't a fucking chihuahua you'd always retort back) ceased in a matter of seconds. Vox found it adorable.
A kiss to your forehead took you by surprise. Your eyes widened and cheeks flamed, tail wagging even harder, to your dismay. Vox chuckled, brushing a hair back as he cupped your cheeks affectionately.
It seemed all very fluffy and cute, right?
So how the fuck are you on your back arched, clawing at his back, whimpering and begging like a bitch in heat?
"Good puppy," Vox praises, eliciting yet another keening whine from you as be bullies into you, the bed groaning under the effort. "Such a good fucking puppy, yeah? letting me fuck you so good, hm?"
You nod eagerly, all you wanting is to please him. "Yes! I- mmph!" You moan against his neck, nibbling a bit at his flesh and he chuckles.
"What an obedient puppy... since you're so obedient, why don't you call me Master?"
Embarrassment courses through your veins as you look at him, brows furrowed. "I... am not doing that."
"Why not?" Vox pauses his thrusts for a moment, and you whine. He pretends not to hear you as he hooks a finger through the collar around your neck. He yanks hard, causing you to yelp but somehow making your tail swish hard. "You had no problem putting this on for me, puppy."
"W-well," you stammer, shifting your hips.
Vox raises a brow, slowly rolling his hips into you and drawing out a whimper. "Well what? I'm waiting, puppy."
"It's embarrassing!" You quickly spit out, ears flat against your head as you flush.
"Embarrassing?" Vox echoes, another roll making you bite your lip hard. "Oh, so you think that is embarrassing? Just you wait until what you see what I have in store for you."
Vox abruptly slams himself hard into you, making you sob out a moan as you dig your nails in. Tears outline your eyes and Vox wipes them away with an innocent smile.
"Now say it."
You shake your head. "N-no!"
A sharp thrust that makes you see stars. He's already stretching you out as is, the burning sensation becoming pleasurable already, his tip kissing your sensitive spot so nicely. You were almost there, but Vox is adamant about this. He watches you with a predatory stare, expecting.
"C'mon puppy..." Vox cooes, pinching a nipple and making you jolt underneath him. He laughs. "Just say it, and I'll let you cum."
Vox drags his cock out almost entirely all the way, only his fat tip inside you before shoving it all back in. Another cry, legs quivering around his hips.
"Master!" You gasp, shame filling you for a brief moment.
Vox grins, fangs glinting. The last thing you see before all you see is white, Vox ravaging your insides and all the while calling you his good puppy. Shame out the window as the urge to serve him and please him became too strong.
After all, there was no denying you were his good puppy.
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Asleep In The Keep-Chapter 34
DPxMHA crossover Fic
Chapter 34: Pain and the Comfort That Comes With It
Summary: Deku takes Danny home and shows him his room. Turns out they have a lot in common.
TW: Abuse, child neglect, daddy issues, bullying, talks of suicide, toxic/abusive relationships, glorifying abuse (“I deserved it”), implied transphobia/homophobia, and other such related trauma. I think this is the most hurt/comfort chapter I’ve written.
Word Count: 8659
Danny was the last one to get in the car. Deku’s mom sat up front with the cat cop while Deku sat in the back with him. Before he was fully in the car, Danny stared up at the sky. Several hours had passed since he’d been outside, and the sky greeted him with the dark blue of the night. They were too deep in town for the stars to be out, but Danny could feel them there anyway, watching him as if he was one of their own.
“Are you coming?” Deku asked from the car.
Danny snapped out of it and got in. The cat didn’t wait for him to buckle before he took off.
“Hey, thanks for that tip about the detective,” Danny whispered to Deku.
On the ride to the station, Deku told him about Detective Tsukauchi and his quirk. Deku was just yapping and didn’t know that Danny would actually use that info. Honestly, Danny should start paying closer attention to Deku and his notebooks. They are exactly what he needed when he fought those heroes, although now he didn’t really need them. His fight with Endeavor was illuminating, to say the least. Danny knew he was strong in his own world, but wasn’t positive that would translate here. Turns out it did. Tenfold. 
Danny loved it. He no longer had to worry about getting struck down by a hero. He could fly the streets at night fully seen without worry. Plus, that would be quite a show for his fans. Danny’s ego swelled at the thought. He had to give the people what they wanted. He just had to figure out something big for them…
Danny thought back to the #2 hero. There was still a chance that there was a large gap in power between the #1 and #2 hero, but that mystery was solved tonight. Danny had seen All Might with his two eyes. Whatever strength he might have had disappeared over the years (unless he had the most insane sleeper build). Danny was pretty confident about his chances now.
Something nagged at him. Tonight, he had gotten his most intense ghost sense in this world. It was still nowhere near the level of a normal ghost in Amity, but it was more intense than anything he felt here. He was sure he saw a ghost walk toward him in that alley.
He looked skeletal, like he had been a ghost for a long time and had been wandering. He also had a strange rainbow aura around him. It was bright and warm, but there was darkness that gripped the edges and swarmed like bugs. It was like the man was a zombie, bits of his form decaying but still together. His stomach was gone leaving only his spine and ribs. Danny didn't know what came over him, he just had this urge to lead the shade into the afterlife. A thing like that shouldn’t be in the world of the living. Not because they are malicious, but because at any moment, their tether could snap and they would become lost. 
The shade held onto the living too tightly. That must’ve been what kept him there for so long. Danny felt their hands touch. He had been unable to feel anything solid before then, simply sensations and the illusion of touch. It was time to go, until Deku interrupted them. 
Turns out it was no shade but the #1 hero himself. Danny saw how he truly was as soon as he let go. Even in flesh and bone, he wasn’t far off from being a skeleton. That man must’ve been on the boundary of death for a long time to give off that level of ghostliness. 
Only the elderly, terminally ill or very young children had that same aura. Freshly pulled up, and ready to be put back. Due to quirks, that was all muted. It was like death was everywhere but people had grown too used to it. 
That rainbow he saw must’ve been a separate entity, or rather entities since Danny heard small voices like static speaking to him. It was too soft for Danny to hear, so he wasn’t able to hear what they were saying. The man wasn’t possessed, or if he was it had been a long time. There were parts of him that were fused to the shades.
The man was ready to go with him though before Deku called out. Danny doesn’t know what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been interrupted. If Danny had to guess, if he did pull the ghosts out, the man’s soul would go too, leaving his body a husk. The body would live, but it would be empty. They were too intertwined to be separate again. 
Was Danny truly capable of such a thing? He had no idea how that happened. It was just an urge and suddenly it was like he was possessing himself like… Well, that didn’t matter now. The man was alright and Danny didn’t have any more blood on his hands. 
Even as Danny was leaving, he felt whatever was in the man call out to him. 
Now the feeling wasn’t able to leave him. He had felt that before, however vague, when he sparred with Deku. Danny didn’t know what that meant. It could be their quirks were connected with ghosts somehow. Danny hadn’t felt that anywhere else, or at least to that extent. 
They could’ve been related somehow. All Might did act pretty friendly to the kid and was relieved that he was alright. It was also All Might’s final wish that ‘young Midoriya’ be protected (Danny didn’t piece together that Deku was Midoriya until he heard All Might call him that). He might’ve been an uncle from how he interacted with Deku’s mom. The two were friendly, but not close. Deku’s mom didn’t even utter a word to him. Perhaps they were married some time ago or even a one night stand. He’d have to ask Deku later.
Deku and Danny didn’t talk much in the car ride home. Deku just sat there with a nervous but excited energy watching Danny then out the window. He was vibrating in his seat. He probably had so many questions he wanted to ask Danny. Danny sighed. He really had no idea how to answer the boy or what he wanted to hear. 
Deku’s place wasn’t too far away so the drive ended quickly. Danny still wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not, but he just couldn’t say no to those eyes. Deku jumped out of the car and went over to Danny’s side. He swung open the door to make sure Danny was still there. He was absolutely beaming. 
Danny got out of the car as Deku’s mom thanked the cat cop. Danny followed Deku to the door as the eager boy unlocked it. He kicked his shoes off while Danny did it more calmly and set his bag on the floor.
“Izuku,” his mom scolded, “pick up your shoes.”
“Sorry mom…” Deku looked sheepish and put his shoes neatly away.
His mom smiled as he did so. “How about we have katsudon tonight?”
Deku beamed again. He looked at his mom with such a heartfelt expression and wet eyes. Deku seemed so happy that it was hard to remember that his life was threatened just a few hours before. He hid it well enough but now Danny could see that what he thought was pure nervous excitement was just masking how stressed he was. Like a chihuahua that people think shake cause it’s cold but actually has an anxiety disorder. 
“Is that alright with you, Tommy?” Deku now looked at Danny with a more cautious look on his face.
Danny smiled and nodded. It no longer mattered what he ate anymore since he couldn’t taste anything. He’s not even able to smell (except he was able to vaguely sense emotions instead). They could literally be having shit sandwiches and it wouldn’t make a difference to him. Well, it would, but if that was Deku’s favorite food, he would. 
While on the topic of food, Danny thought back to those cute little bunny cookies that Deku’s mom had made him. It was tragic that he couldn’t taste them, but as the saying goes, it's the thought that counts. 
“By the way ma’am,” Danny started, “me and my brother absolutely devoured those cookies you gave him. I had to fight him off for some.”
“Oh thank you!” She blushed at the praise, “you know, I made them for Izuku as a treat for getting out of the hospital so fast.” 
Danny looked over to Deku again with his best disappointed and judgmental face like Jazz used to do. He squirmed under his gaze. 
“You can call me Mrs. Midoriya if you like. Izuku has told me so much about you and your brother. It's one of the only things he talks about now. We would love to have him over as well.”
“Uhh well,” Danny scratched his neck, “he’s busy tonight. Deku knows how he is. There one minute and gone the next! We’re the same person and I can barely keep track of him. Another time maybe.” 
“That would be wonderful.” She responded. “Before I make the food, do you have any allergies I should be made aware of?”
 “I have a stomach of iron. You could feed me rat poison and I’d complement the punch!” Danny joked. It was true though. The only thing that would be truly poisonous to him are blood blossoms. 
Mrs. Midoriya and Deku both looked at each other briefly with a confused smile they tried to hide under small laughs. Deku and his mom were a lot alike it seemed. 
“Alright, you boys have fun now.” Mrs. Midoriya shooed them away. 
“Do you want to see my room?” Deku turned to Danny excitedly.
“Sure.” Danny shrugged. 
He already saw it when he dropped off Deku that one time, but he didn’t know that. The boy also looked really excited. That was probably his den of fan gear and collectibles. Danny had been here before with Tucker. He smiled at the memory. That was before ghost stuff took a hold of Danny like it had done in the year later. Back then they were really just kids enjoying life, or whatever approximation of it. 
The room didn’t look any different from when Danny saw it last. The only change was the bed being messier and homework on the desk. The walls were covered in posters and Deku had a few figures on every shelf. He even had All Might sheets and curtains. Maybe they weren’t related after all. It would be weird to sleep on your uncle. 
The room screamed All Might fan, but at the same time wasn’t as intense as some other rooms he’d seen (Tucker case and point. He had everything from Star Trek gear, Legos, One Piece figures and more. It got to the point even his floor was covered with fan memorabilia).
Danny walked over to the desk and picked up a chibi figure. The paint job was uneven and the proportions weren’t right. Danny investigated the other figures and they were of similar quality. The only one that wasn’t was in a protective case at the top of the book shelf.
“Do you like it?” Deku looked at the figure. “Mom saved for months to be able to get it for my birthday. They only made 1000 internationally and 300 in Japan!”
Deku looked proud of the figure. Danny felt slightly guilty. His parents would buy him stuff all the time as a kid if it meant he played somewhere else. Most of those were Legos because they took so long or other construction toys. His favorite one was a simple model rocket he and his mom made. At the time, they were being sponsored by the government but after they made the portal they sold their stuff online (Danny was pretty sure Vlad bought it all). It wasn’t as steady as the sponsorship, so that meant no more Lego sets. Danny was fine with it. By that time he didn’t need toys anymore. He just needed his parents. 
“Are you okay?” Deku's hands hovered awkwardly as he debated touching Danny. 
“I’m fine.” Danny blinked his eyes. “I just thought that was sweet.”
Deku didn’t know what to do so walked over to his desk to show off more of his figures. He held up one that honestly looked the worst out of all of them. The paint job looked like it was done by a 4 yr old.
“Me and my old best friend Kachan made this when we were young.” Deku stared at the figure nostalgically. 
Danny immediately felt guilty. 
“We each painted one and he bragged about how his looked better.” Deku chuckled. “Everything had to be a competition with him. When he saw that I was sad about mine, he took it and gave me his.”
Deku turned the figure over and there was small chicken scratch written by a kid, ‘Bakugo Katsuki,’ along with a small drawing of fire or something.
“I don’t think he even has his anymore.” Deku put the figure back down and sat on the bed behind him. Danny sat next to him but still gave him enough space. 
“I don’t even know if he still likes me. We were best friends until he got his quirk and I didn’t-” Deku looked at Danny, “I was a late bloomer.” He clarified. “He would tease me with his other friends, and at first I thought it was the normal teasing like he does to everyone, but then it just happened to only me. I just don’t get it.”
Deku played with the scars on his knuckles lost in thought. He clearly needed to talk about this and so Danny didn’t interrupt him. His hand lingered over Deku like he did Danny. Danny put his hand on Deku’s shoulder.
“I think he’s just really lost right now,” Deku continued, “No one else but me could tell that he was always trying too hard. If someone said something about him or he didn’t have the best grades, he would lash out at everything. One time he told me he hated me, but I think he was too weak to say that to himself. That was okay. If hating me made him forget he hated himself, I could do that. I’m gonna keep trying to be his friend no matter what.”
Danny hugged Deku. He didn’t know what else to do but that. He may have joked with his friends that he hated them (like when Tucker stole all the food or Sam beat him in DOOM) but it was said jokingly. They all said it to the other and knew no one ever meant it. This though, this was deliberate and cruel. Danny knew they were both just kids, but that didn’t undo the hurt he caused. 
 “You know that’s not okay? Friends don’t treat you like that.” Danny looked in Deku’s eyes trying to get him to understand. 
“I know, but he didn’t really hurt me.” Deku shrugged, “The only thing that really hit deep was when he told me to jump off a building.” He had an empty look in his eyes as he spoke. “He would’ve joined me if I did.” 
That didn’t make it better in Danny’s eyes. He just hugged the boy tighter, maybe more to comfort himself than Deku. He was too kind. He couldn’t see how he was being treated by his ‘friend’. Danny felt mad. He actually wanted to hunt down this kid and throw him off a building like he told Deku to do. There were too many hurt people hurting others that it just created a cycle of pain. 
“Do you want me to kill that guy for you?” Danny said in a joking manner trying to hide how he actually felt. Deku laughed and wiped some tears away (it was funny how he thought Danny was joking). He playfully pushed Danny away like Danny did to Jazz when he was younger. 
“No.” Deku pulled away from the hug but still leaned against Danny. “I don’t blame him. I never did. I actually want to be more like him.” Deku’s voice got lighter and nostalgic again. “I admired him. Still do, actually. He was my hero.” His eyes were bright and full of stars like they did when he was talking about All Might. “You know, Kacchan was the one to come up with my hero name, ‘Deku.’”
Danny had to stop his mouth from opening. This whole time he thought Deku was his name. If it wasn’t that, what was it? Certainly not Midoriya, cause that seemed like a last name since his mom went by that too.
“Do you want me to stop calling you that?” Danny asked softly. If the name had a sad memory associated with it, he didn’t want to keep reminding him. He also hoped that he would learn Deku’s actual name.
“No,” Deku breathed. “It used to be an insult but now I take pride in it. It means I’ll never give up. Just like I’ll never give up on trying to be his friend or a hero.”
Danny nodded, but he couldn’t swallow all the sadness he felt in the boy's stead. Danny knew what he felt like to be bullied by someone who was once your friend. 
Dash and him had known each other for all their lives. Danny was considered a ‘Tomboy’ and so got alone with all the future boy A-listers. Birthday parties, games, and trips, there was never the time the two were a part. 
It changed in middle school. They had simply drifted apart like so many others. While they weren’t best friends, they hung out with each other once a week. When Danny got closer to Tucker and Sam moved to town, the rift widened. It all came to a head when Danny came out. Aside from Danny’s friends and family, Dash was the first person to congratulate him for finding who he was with a promise to hangout again. The next day, Dash was black and blue and didn’t look at Danny. He stopped talking to Danny completely and started to act more and more aggressive towards him. Danny knew how Dash's father was and (like Deku) didn’t blame him. That stopped with the first punch.
While Danny could take it where others couldn’t, Dash didn’t know that. Dash meant every hit and mean act he ever inflicted on Danny. Dash may have hated himself for what he was, but Danny wouldn’t forgive Dash for taking it out on him. 
Danny had been silent long enough. He could feel Deku fidget with every second he took to respond. 
“I think that’s very admirable.”
It really was. It took a strong person to turn an insult into a badge of honor. 
“The name Phantom has a similar story. Our parents had a weird thing about ghosts. They would say ‘ ghost’ or ‘ phantom’ or ‘ specter,’ like slurs. When that’s what Tucker became, there was no choice but Phantom. It began a new identity for him, especially over the years.” 
“...what are your real names?” Deku asked. He sounded unsure and quiet. He knew the importance of what he said and how it sounded, yet he still asked. He was endlessly naive but cared just as much.
“It’s…” Danny felt his throat close. It hurt to say it in front of another person. He was still feeling raw from everything that happened. He was so far removed from his human life that he didn’t feel like he had the right to say it. 
“...I don’t know.” Danny admitted. 
His eyes went unfocused as he just started at a spot on the floor. He felt his features furled but he didn’t feel anything other than the tightness. His feelings would short-circuiting with someone so close. Even with these feelings, Danny focused on keeping his form intact. He didn’t want to do anything to push him away (not even the real him).
Deku had just told him so much. Danny knew he wouldn’t be judged but it felt unsafe to say it. This is how the other ghosts must’ve felt. Trapped inside their own name and lack of identity because of it. 
Danny just sat there, too overwhelmed to feel anything. Deku must’ve felt bold in the silence or at least very curious.
“Do you still miss your dad?”
Danny’s head lifted up at hearing that. He felt more lost than before. He barely thought about his dad since he got here, or his mom. No, that’s not true. He did, just not in the way he wanted to. He wanted to miss his dad and his dumb jokes and constant need for fudge, but that’s not what he thought of when he remembered him. Danny only remembers all the things he did wrong and now can’t fix. In a way, Danny is dead because of him. He finally understood Vlad’s feelings of resentment towards him.
“Sometimes, although I try not to think about it.” That was easier to say.
“Didn’t he hurt you though?” Did Danny just have a sign on his head that said ‘abused’? Even Ma said something similar.
“Who told you that?” Danny finally looked at the boy. 
He looked nervous under his gaze then looked away. ‘He was such a dork,’ Danny thought. Deku was a lot like Elle in the way that they both said the wrong thing. Except where she was blatant and stared back at you, Deku showed remorse and shied away.
“Uh, well,” Deku looked more nervous. 
“What?” Danny wanted to roll his eyes. This is where the kid gets all shy?
“Well you said that your dad is scarier than whatever Shigaraki can do...” Deku trailed off. Danny expected him to say something else but he was done. 
“Oh. Right.” Danny didn’t realize how that sounded when he said it. 
“Yeah..” Deku sighed.
“Yeah…” Danny sighed back.
He didn’t know if this was something he should be talking about with Deku. Danny had been able to handle it so far alone, he didn’t need to tell anyone (let alone a child) what he’s been through. A part of Danny still ached to say it though, maybe talking about it out loud would relieve the weight in his gut when he thought about home. 
“You know, I don't really remember my dad.” Deku started. He stared at his hands as he talked. “I just remember big arms picking me up and his smile. Sometimes though, he would take me to this bar. I can’t really remember it but he went there all the time. He would get me a Shirley Temple.” Deku laughed but his face grew soft. “Mom said he’s in America on a business trip. It’s been over 10 years now. He stopped sending us cards 5 years ago. Mom tries to hide it, but she still cries about it. Sometimes I hear her, like on my birthday. That's why she tries so hard. He still sends money over but nothing else.
Danny breathed in, closing his eyes. There was so much to say but things better not be said.
“My dad,” Danny paused, “he wasn’t around much either. Well he was, but he was always working on his little projects and machines. When he was around, he… well he wasn't the nicest. I maybe deserved it though. I don’t know. I would always sneak out and disobey him. He was just really worried about me. I kept a lot from him. And when he did hurt me, he didn’t know any better. He was just doing what he thought was right.”
Danny had regretted a lot about his life before. If he had told his parents, would they have accepted him? While they hunted him as Phantom, there were still moments they saw him beyond ‘ghost scum.’ He had dreams where they all worked together to fight the ghosts and he could finally be a kid with a family again. 
There was also the chance they would refuse to see Danny and only Phantom. Danny couldn’t go back to their little boy, no matter how much he wanted to. Still, the uncertainty was enough to make his head spin. Having your parents be a part of your rogue gallery was an interesting experience. A lot of emotions to shove into a box.
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
Danny nodded his head dismissively. The boy was using his own words against him.
“I know, but I can't help but love him.”
“Would you ever wanna see him again?” Deku's voice was soft and he wasn’t looking at him, indeed at a thread that came out from his blanket. 
“…I don’t know.” 
Danny really didn’t. He was so consumed with the idea of getting home that he didn’t know what would happen if he did. He hopes that his parents would welcome him as Phantom with open arms. It was equally likely that they would accuse him of stealing ‘their boy’.
“As I got older, when I looked at him I could only see all the bad things he said or did. I loved my dad most when he wasn’t around. I don’t know what I would do or say if I saw him again.”
“Is that why you ran away?”
“I didn’t run away,” Danny defended. 
He would never run away from Amity. They needed him. ‘If they need you, why aren’t you there?’ stabbed into Danny’s head. He finally found the portal, he should be there now trying to get it open. What was he waiting for?
Danny tasted the words in his mouth before he spoke them, “Or at least I didn’t mean to. Maybe someday I will go back, but I don't know if I’d fit in anymore…” 
Danny didn’t know if he wanted to fit in anymore.
“I understand that.” Deku said sagely. 
Danny stopped himself from saying anything. Deku was so young it was hard to imagine he had also felt that way. That was the bitter older teen in him talking. Truthfully, Danny wanted to believe that the boy didn’t know what that was like. If he did, that would mean he had been through what Danny had. Deku was too young for that (they both were).
There was a moment of quiet between them waiting for the other to talk. Danny was fine with it. He wanted to sit in this for a little bit longer. He hadn’t said that much to anyone in a while, not even Sam or Tucker. It was different with Jazz since they were in the same sinking boat. Living in that house changed her into something resembling Danny while their parents stayed unaffected thanks to their suits. He didn’t appreciate her until it was too late. 
He wanted to see his sister again, most out of everyone. She had left for college by Danny’s junior year, and while he resented her at first for leaving him, he understood it. She couldn’t stand being in that house longer than she needed too. Of course she still visited and talked to Danny everyday, but she was always looking over shoulder, so to speak. They both took the first lesson their parents taught to heart. How to survive. Despite that, Danny had failed twice.
Danny whipped his eyes with his elbow. He really didn’t want to cry right now, not in front of Deku. He had to keep it in for when he was alone. Until then, he should try to think about happy things, like his family on the roof looking at the stars. Those are the good days that he should hold onto, not the pain later on. 
“Well what was your mom like?” Deku said. Maybe he wanted a way or of the quiet or to know more about Danny. Still, he didn’t have to go digging through his guts like this. 
“Crazy.” Danny laughed. He meant it too. “She was strong too. She could pick me up like a bag of grapes. My mom had a black belt in everything! I swear! She’s who taught me how to fight.”
Deku laughed. It was nice to see. If Danny could, he would make it so the boy could laugh and smile all the time. 
“She was smart too, like evil mastermind smart. A few times I was sure she was gonna take over the world with her inventions. She was lethal. Honestly, she scared me a lot more than my dad. When she looked at me, it was like she could see through me. Her instincts were never wrong. There was one time we were lost in the woods being hunted, and she did everything she could to save us. I hated it at the time, but that was one of my favorite moments with her.” Danny smiled. “She may not have been the best mom, but when she tired she was the greatest.”
Danny had to focus on the good. Both his parents cared for him, in their own way. He wanted to remember that right now, not the might’ve beens’ or probablys’. At least in front of Deku (he already unloaded so much on him without really meaning too). Danny could unravel and wallow on his own time later.
“Why were you being hunted in the woods?” Deku sat up to face Danny. He had a confused look on his face like so many times before.
“That’s too much to explain right now.” Danny shook his head sagely. 
“Hmm,” the boy said as a response. It was clear that he wanted to ask more so Danny decided to distract him.
“How about you show me your journals?” 
Tommy listened to Izuku talk for over an hour simply on the topic of his notebooks. That wasn’t enough time since Izuku had filled out 12 so far and was working on number 13. If he could, he would strap Tommy down (clockwork orange style) and read each page to him. Of course he couldn’t do that, so they just sat on the floor against his bed flipping through the pages.
Tommy was paying attention, more than he had before. The other times, like in the museum or to the beach, Tommy just nodded his head and made some comments like ‘that's so cool’ or ‘oh yeah?’. This time though (and in the alley), Tommy was asking questions like how much defense that quirk had or any weaknesses. While those weren’t weird questions, Izuku had to admit that there was a motive behind it. He brushed it off though since he got to gush about quirks. It was a win win. 
“Does Phantom have a section?” Tommy asked after Izuku showed him Endeavor’s page. 
Of course Phantom had a section. Izuku had been working on it since the hospital in Hosu. The question is should Izuku show him? Tommy basically was Phantom. When he went home (or wherever he stays) he would tell his brother about it. That would be so embarrassing. Izuku barely knows anything about Phantom or his quirk. A lot of the information in this was probably wrong. He also had his own theories about the brothers' upbringing. The topic of fathers was too fresh for Izuku to give Tommy a list of ways he was abused.  
“Uhh…yeah…” Izuku muttered.
“Can I see it?” Tommy asked. He was looking at Izuku funny.
“No…” Izuku whined, “or at least not yet. I have to work on it more.” If he gave it to him later, he would have more time to work out his theories and give him a copy that didn’t include his dad. Yeah, that would be better. “Maybe tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow sounds good. I’ve got the next few days off and so I’m free.” Tommy leaned back on the bed.
“Is Tucker free?” Izuku asked softly. He tried to seem casual but Tommy saw right through him and smiled.
“He is, as long as nothing comes up.” Tommy commented.
“So,” Izuku started nervously, “would it be okay if we all hang out?”
Tommy’s face looked blank save for a forced smile, “what?”
“Well, I haven’t seen him in a while…” Izuku trailed off. Tommy’s reaction was a bit weird.
“You don’t just wanna hang out with him?” Tommy sat up and studied Izuku. He seemed like he was mulling something over. 
“I thought it would be fun if we all hung out?” Izuku wasn’t sure now.
“I’m not sure I can do that…” Tommy trailed off with that look on his face.
“You just said you were free?” Izuku tilted his head. Were they fighting or something?
“No, it’s not that…” Tommy scratched his neck and groaned. “It’s just…”
“It’s okay,” Izuku said sadly. He had no idea why Tommy was acting like this. Izuku looked at the floor, “I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do…”
“What?” Izuku looked back up at Tommy. He started to smile, but stopped himself. “Didn’t you just say-”
“I know.” Tommy bobbed his head back and forth, “but you seem so sad so now I gotta.” Tommy whispered something under his breath but Izuku was able to catch it, “I can figure it out…”
He really had no idea what that meant, but he was excited nevertheless! He hugged Tommy. 
Tommy patted his head and hugged him back. “Yeah yeah… would noon work? I got some stuff I have to handle.”
“Perfect! That gives me enough time to get my notebook done!” 
“I’m glad you're happy.” Tommy smiled fondly at him and messed with his hair. 
A gentle knocking came from his room's doorway. Izuku caught his mom smiling like she just walked in on kittens. 
“Hey boys,” his mom said sweetly, “dinner is ready.”
“Thanks, we’ll be right there.” 
Izuku started moving the notebooks away, they had become scattered while he was showing them to Tommy. Tommy, being half a foot taller than him, was able to easily walk over them while Izuku couldn’t walk over without stepping on them. Tommy held out his hand to Izuku and helped him jump over the mess. He felt like a toddler whose parents swang him between them. 
When they were outside the door, Tommy looked at him playfully. 
“Race you to the bottom!” and he took off.
Izuku sputtered for a second and chased after him. Izuku was able to pass in on the stairs, but then Tommy jumped over the banister and rolled onto the floor. Izuku made it down just a few moments after.
“Beat you,” Danny laughed. 
“I didn’t know we were allowed to do that, otherwise I would've.” Izuku complained playfully.
“Aren’t you training to be a hero? If you're gonna fight, fight dirty. Villains won’t be following ‘the rules,’ there are no rules in fighting.”
“What about the use of exclusive force?” 
“Well obviously don’t do that,” Tommy came up to Izuku and flicked his forehead, “common sense. But if one of the big time villains shows up like a wrinkle man, you better put everything in it.” 
‘Like Tommy’s dad,’ but Izuku didn’t say that. One for Tommy’s sake and two because his mom didn’t know. He just told her that Tommy’s dad wasn’t a good person. 
“Or call me. I’ll fucking kill them.” Tommy had an intensity when he said that that made Izuku believe he wasn’t joking. 
“What a happy conversation.” His mom walked in from the kitchen. “Let's save that talk for after dinner.” 
Tommy followed her into the dinning area. His mom, the thoughtful host she was. Set the food on the table with their bowls and cups. Usually, Izuku would help set out the food, but his mom probably wanted to give him some time alone with his friend. He smiled at her in thanks as they all sat down. 
“So do we have to do anything before we eat the food?” Tommy whispered at Izuku. It was at times like this that Izuku remembered that he grew up under a rock. 
“Just say thank you for the food.” Izuku whispered back. His mom laughed at hearing them.
“Right.” Tommy sat up, “thank you for the food, Mrs. Midoriya.”   
“You’re welcome, Tommy.” Mrs. Midoriya paused, “what's your family name?” 
“Uhh,” Tommy started before Izuku interrupted.
“He’s fine with just being called Tommy, mom.” Izuku covered. 
He didn’t want to make Tommy any more stressed like before. Honestly, he shared way more than Izuku thought he would. For now, he was satisfied with asking questions. For now, Izuku will wait until tomorrow to ask his brother. There, he could get into the technicalities of his quirk, Izuku’s true passion. He figures it is an easier conversation than childhood trauma and daddy issues. 
Izuku tried to take a bite, but it was too hot and burned his tongue. Tommy though didn’t seem to be having the same issue as he chewed his food. He looked weird, his cheeks big and his jaw moving in an extracted fashion, like a kid pretending to eat. 
“Isn’t that hot?” His mom asked as she lowered her chopsticks. She had been blowing on her food before she noticed. 
Danny set his next bite down. He held his chopsticks awkwardly, but it didn’t matter since he managed to eat the food fine. 
“It’s just so good that I couldn’t help but dig in.” Tommy laughed and scratched his neck. 
“Thank you, but be careful not to choke.” His mom went back to blowing her own food. 
The table was silent as everyone ate their food. Tommy started to blow on his food even after everyone else had stopped, and he ate slower. The ridiculous chewing didn’t stop, and Izuku had to look away to keep from laughing. 
“So, Tommy,” His mom set her chopsticks down and looked across the table at him, “Izuku here tells me that you’re quirkless.”
Izuku was drinking water at the moment and spit it out when she said that. What a blunt question! To Tommy’s credit, he didn’t seem that phased by it.
“That’s right, ma’am,” Tommy set his chopsticks down as well but that was because his bowl was empty rather than him trying not to be rude. 
“I feel ashamed that a part of me is glad. Izuku hasn’t met anyone his age without a quirk before. It’s mostly the older generation without one these days.”
Tommy looked at him in confusion. Izuku turned away red faced. He looked like he swallowed something sour. He didn’t tell Tommy that he used to be quirkless. Izuku didn’t blame his mom for saying that. After he met Tommy, he went straight home and told him mom. He was so excited (despite the circumstances) and told her how easily Tommy said that. It was as if he wasn’t made to feel ashamed for being that way like Izuku had. His mom was also still getting used to him having a quirk, so it was natural for her to comment on it. 
“Why would you care that I’m quirkless?” Izuku felt his hot gaze on him. He really couldn’t explain it without revealing to him and his mom his secret. 
“Didn’t he tell you?” His mom said, apparently not seeing how Izuku was reacting.
“Tell me what?”
“That until this year, Izuku didn’t have a quirk.”
“Yep!” Izuku stood up, “I’m just a really late bloomer!” Izuku laughed like a maniac, not dissimilar to principal Nezu during the practical. He sat down after seeing the looks he got. Tommy coughed, trying to stop from laughing. 
“Right… Well, he used to wish for a quirk everyday until he got one. You should’ve seen him, it was like he was praying to All Might.” his mom laughed at his misery.  
“It wasn’t that bad…” Izuku muttered (it totally was, but Tommy didn’t have to know that).
“I can see that! His room is covered in All Might merch. Even before I saw that, I knew he was a fanboy.” 
This was torture. Pure torture. His mom and new friend were now ganging up on him. He knows it was his idea to bring Tommy over, but now he wanted to go back. Geez, this was too much. 
“Please stop…” Izuku groaned with his head on the table. He feels like a little kid whining.
“It’s okay, Deku. We were only teasing.” Tommy grinned as he spoke with his hands. “Besides, we didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”
Izuku laid his head back on the table and groaned loudly. 
“We’ll stop if it bothers you that much.” Tommy comforted.
Izuku slowly raised his head up, “no, it’s fine. It’s just embarrassing.” 
“Aww, poor baby,” Tommy cooed as if he were talking to a pet. He poked Izuku and he squatted his hands away. 
“Oh Tommy, your bowl is empty. Would you like any more?” His mom spoke over the table.
“That’s okay,” Tommy inspected his bowl, “I’m stuffed.”
“Come on, you're skin and bone.” His mom was close enough to grab his bowl and was about to fill it with more rice when he stopped her. 
“No, really I'm good,” Tommy put his hand over the pot.
“How about you take it home to your brother?” she tried instead. 
 “I’m not sure that would work…” Tommy grimaced. 
“Why not? Does he not like Katsudon?” 
“Not its that.” Tommy corrected at the risk of offending her, “I just don’t wanna take food from you.”
“It's fine,” she moved his hand away and was about to fill it again. “We have more. Just take some.”
“We just don't have anywhere to put it.” Tommy tried one last time. 
“What do you mean?” his mom’s voice was full of worry.
“Well, there’s no microwave for one, and two we don’t have a fringe, either.” he looked sheepish. 
“Oh you poor souls,” she touched his face as if to check his health, “no wonder you’re so skinny… You should still take some for your brother then. He might not have had dinner yet.”
“Sure. fine. Deal.” Tommy relented and waved her off. 
“Good.” she stood up with his bowl, “I’ll go pack this up for him then. Izuku do you want anymore?”
“I’m full, thank you.” Izuku nodded.  His mom seemed satisfied with herself as she walked off. 
“I’m going to go help her put the stuff away.” Izuku also got up.
“I can help too,” Tommy made to get up, but Izuku pushed him down gently. 
“No, you sit. You're a guest after all.” 
Tommy frowned but didn’t move. Izuku patted his hair (which felt weird, like spiderwebs and dust). Tommy looked up at him in horror and offense. Clearly, Izuku had broken a sacred friendship code of some kind (although Tommy does that to him all the time). 
Izuku gathered the rest of the dishes and went into the kitchen with his mom. Her and Tommy’s bowls had already been washed, and lay drying on the rack to the side of the sink. She now investigated a pair of chopsticks. It was a part of the wooden set that Izuku was pretty sure was older than him. If they were expensive, Izuku didn’t know. What once was a burnt red color, had faded into brown with every use and the design on the end, which might’ve been bulls, had rubbed off. 
Izuku set the dishes on a clear space and walked over to his mom. He leaned over her trying to see what she was looking at. She jumped when she saw him and made a funny noise. 
“Izuku, you scared me,” His mom held a hand to her chest.
“Sorry mom,” Izuku peered down at her. It was hard to believe how much he’s grown in just a year (that’s puberty for you). “What are you looking at?”
“Oh this?” She held up the chopsticks so he could see. 
Alongside the wood where one would put their fingers on, had been worn down to the width of a toothpick and had green wood rot. This had spread to almost half the chopstick. 
“Weird…” Izuku mumbled. “It is really old. Maybe it was just it’s time?”  
“I swear that they were fine when I set them down…” She snapped out of it and held the chopsticks tightly to her chest. “I must be needing glasses. That’s what I get for trying to use wooden ones all this time.” 
Rather than throwing them away, she slipped them in her pocket. She forced a smile on her face and looked out at Tommy in the dining room. He had gotten up to get the bag at the door, and was now sitting at the table messing with something. He somehow knew they were looking at him, and turned around to wave. They waved back.
“How’s your friend doing? Are you sure he’s full? He looks sickly. He needs all the healthy food he can get.” 
“He said he was full. Tommy also just looks like that, so does his brother…” 
Izuku guesses he never noticed how bad it was before, chalking it up to genetics rather than abuse. Despite being quirkless, Tommy still had slight mutations (Izuku did too), like his sharp teeth and ears. He also had patches of blue hidden under his turtleneck. His greenish complexion didn’t stand out to Izuku until his mom mentioned it now. 
“Hmm,” Izuku hummed, “you’re right…” 
“Of course I’m right, my baby.” His mom pinched his cheek and said in baby talk, “a mom always knows.”
Izuku didn’t think the brothers had a mom anymore. Tommy talked about her in past tense and acted differently than he did when he was talking about his dad. How long ago did she die? They must’ve been so young (they were still young). Izuku doesn’t know what he would do without his mom…
“Oh, Izuku,” his mom wiped his tears with her finger as she held his cheek, “are you alright?”
“I’m sorry, mom.” Izuku pulled his mom into a hug, his cheek on her head. He had been so mean to his mom recently. She worried about him so much and yet he kept throwing his life on the line. They both knew there was nothing she could stay that would get him to stop, not until he lost his arm or was in the dirt, and even then he’d find a way to be a hero. He felt his mom start to cry under him, and she soaked his shirt in her tears again. He just held her tighter. For right now, he wasn’t going anywhere.
His mom didn’t let go for another minute. When she did, she looked up at him, tears still in her eyes.
“I love you, Izuku.”
“I love you too, mom.” He gave her one last hug and let go.
They started putting the food away like they had first intended. His mom was off to the side packing it into lunch boxes. “For tomorrow,” she said. She must’ve heard them earlier. 
Izuku smiled and thanked her. It took only a few minutes for them to be done in the kitchen and they came back out into the dining room.
“Are you guys okay?” Tommy looked at them concerned. “I heard crying.”
“That was just a family tradition,” his mom joked. She set one of the boxes in front of Tommy, “for your brother.”
“Thanks,” Tommy put it to the side. 
“What are you working on?” Izuku sat beside him in his original seat. 
“I’m setting up my phone,” Tommy showed it off. It was a blue flip phone with a key chain of the Phantoms. Izuku looked at him funny, but he had to admit, if he had merch of himself he would buy it too.
“Why is it in English?” 
“Cause I speak English?” Tommy looked at him as if it were obvious. 
“You can?” Izuku himself was only able to speak the basics (but thanks to Present Mic was rapidly improving). “You should say something.”
“Umm Ok, hello,” Tommy laughed.
“That was still Japanese.”  
“Oh…” Tommy’s features furled but he quickly wiped it off. “Right, duh. Well, I guess I can read English.” 
“That’s cool,” Izuku didn’t know what else to say. He looked at Tommy’s shopping bag. That wouldn’t get him very far. “Would you like one of my old backpacks?” 
Tommy looked at his own bag, debating it. “You know what, sure. That would be great. Thank you.” 
Izuku smiled, “let me go grab it then.” and he was off to his room.
Izuku, being the fanboy he was, had a bunch of spare All Might backpacks in his closet. He rummaged through to find the best one to suit Tommy. He elected for one from All Might’s ‘Bronze age’ as the colors would go well with Tommy.  
When Izuku came down, Tommy and his mom were talking. They stopped as soon as he came down so he couldn’t hear. Izuku hid the bag behind his bag so that way Tommy would be fully surprised. He smiled as he watched Izuku get closer, but his mouth twitched when he saw it was All Might.
“Oh, wow!” Tommy said, a part of it sounded fake. He took it from Izuku, “I love it.”
“Do you?” Izuku was starting to feel self conscious.
“I do- aw,” he looked at Izuku’s face and laughed, “come here.” he hugged him and Izuku felt better. “I guess I was just surprised that it was All Might, even though I should’ve known. You’re such a dork!” And Tommy messed with Izuku’s hair again.
“I’m glad then,” Izuku beamed. 
Tommy started to put his stuff into the bag, putting the food on top. He put it on, adjusting the straps to be comfortable, then spun around.
“How do I look? I think it really completes the outfit,” Tommy laughed again. 
“Izuku has amazing taste,” his mom clapped. 
“He sure does,” Tommy teased. Izuku felt his face getting red. 
“Well,” Tommy continued, “this feels like goodbye so I’m gonna go. Thanks for having me, Mrs. Midoriya.” He shook her hand.
“Thank you for staying. But please, call me Auntie.” His mom must’ve liked him a lot. “And remember your promise.”
“I will,” Tommy saluted and turned to Izuku. 
This felt too soon. He hadn’t even shown Tommy all of his room yet.
“What’s wrong, dork?” Tommy had a soft smile on his face. 
“Do you have to go?” Izuku pleaded.
“Yes, I have to go. Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow, and Tucker. It will be here before you know it.” 
Izuku knew that, but he felt like he was a kid saying goodbye to his dad again. Izuku hugged him one last time while Tommy ruffled his hair. 
“Can I have your number before you go?” Izuku picked at his nails as he asked. 
“Of course, bud,” Tommy took out his phone from his pocket, and showed the number to Izuku. Izuku typed it in and texted Tommy so they both have each other's number.
Tommy walked to the door and everyone followed. He put on his shoes and hugged them one last time.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I promise.” Tommy said as Izuku hugged his chest. 
Izuku slowly let go and watched Tommy leave out the door. Both Izuku and his mom stood in the doorway watching him and he disappeared in the night. As soon as they shut the door, a ping came from Izuku’s phone. It was a waving emoji and one with its tongue out. 
Izuku would try hard not to miss him (he just hated goodbyes). He will see him tomorrow.
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grislyintentions · 10 months
||Kafka plz don't bully the mini Yinyue Jun too much (bully him to your hearts content) <3 In his current predicament, the last person (or one of many) Yinyue Jun did not want to meet is Kafka. The beauty is scrutinizing him with a calm smile akin to a cat playing with her food. His tail wilts, resisting the strong urge to run away because he is the High Elder and he will not run-
But a strategic escape is a different story.
He just needs to find somewhere to hide until Kafka is bored or he returns to normal.
Both options seems unlikely to come true anytime soon.
Regardless, Yinyue Jun takes a step back, turns, and he runs- trots away on his two little feet.
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Cute. Kafka makes no move to physically engage the other, yet her ever watchful eyes followed miniature Yinyue Jun's every move. It's easy to loom over him in this state - and she does - with her hauntingly vacant eyes and smile. Was it an unfortunate product of their circumstances or had this been intentional? Who knows.
The Stellaron Hunter appears content to simply stare at him and only moved when the tiny High Elder began his attempts to escape. "Where are you going?" Amusement is a wicked sickle sharp smile dancing along her lips as gloved fingers reached out to gingerly pinch the end of his tail, intending to keep him in place. She doesn't lift him up: but the threat is always present. "I don't bite."
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oftomorrow · 8 months
1, 6, 7, 11, 12
questions for extraordinary muses (accepting)
1. When did you realize you had an ability?
Clark was vaguely aware that something was off about him for basically as long as he can remember -- he was a little too strong, a little too fast, his senses a little too sharp. The one he couldn't ignore happened when he was twelve. He accidentally took off at super-speed and wound up miles away from home, with no idea what had happened or how to get back. It took his parents hours to find him, and they didn't offer much explanation besides acknowledging that he had some unusual abilities and urging him to keep them hidden.
The full reveal came when he was fourteen, and he was struck by a drunk driver. After walking away without so much as a scratch, his parents realized it was time to tell him everything.
6. Have you ever been bullied, ostracized, or feared for being different?
He's never been directly bullied for it, but he has felt very ostracized. There were some things he couldn't do as a child and teenager simply because it wasn't entirely safe until he had full control of himself -- the main one being sports.
When he first revealed himself to the world as Superman, amidst all the awe and adoration, there were plenty of people calling for his head. They were afraid of what someone so powerful could do if he had no higher authority to keep him in check. He had to work hard to earn the world's trust, and he is very careful not to lose it.
7. Has your ability altered or manifested in your physical appearance?
His eyes glow red when he uses his heat vision, but otherwise, not really. (The muscles are not a superpower! That's just what happens when you're very physically active.)
11. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while using your ability?
He has definitely overheard some things he would very much like to unhear. He's accidentally broken quite a few things -- as a teenager, he ripped his bedroom door off his hinges more than once. And he once flew into a flock of geese -- thankfully no one saw that one.
12. What is the hardest thing about having a special power?
It's a tie between the loneliness and the responsibility. The loneliness from being so different from everyone else, not having anyone who really truly gets it. And the responsibility of having to control himself every hour of every day, to make sure he's not hurting anyone or overstepping any boundaries or abusing anyone's trust.
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One last thing!!! i had a dp x pib crossover idea (honestly, it's less a crossover and more a pib au that borrows lore from dp fanon lol) it turned into this whole fic accidentally so ill put it under read more
Basically, long ago there was a small child who was saved by a cat, this child later becomes one of the Ruler of Ghosts. their gratitude to the cat was monumental, and their power even more so. Therefore, they made all cats liminal (half-dead half-living), claiming them early while extending their time in the living world. This power held strong even after the child Faded.
This led to some famous rumors. Cats staring into the shadows (looking at ghosts), cats always lands on their feet (their liminality allows them to float for half a second if they panic), cats only care about themselves (due to their liminality, cats get a minor ghostly Obsession. It doesnt effect their personality, it simply makes them more passionate about certain things) and lastly, cats have nine lives.
This last one is technically NOT true, it's not that they die then get revived. In reality, they just inch closer and closer to death. Their fur inverts in colors where their death mark was, with each 'death' they grow closer and closer to becoming full ghosts. They can see more ghosts, obsessions become more distracting, and their power grows. Until finally, when they lose their last 'life', they become a ghost for good.
While cats who still own all nine of their lives aren't as liminal as cats who own only one, they are still liminal enough to have ghostly powers. Only it takes A LOT of concentration for them to appear. And even if they do, it's weaker than a more liminal cat's.
During his childhood, Puss in Boots was the only cat in the orphanage. He never knew his parents nor his name, and he never met any other cat. So, he never got a proper explanation for his weirder abilities. To the other kids, the small cat always gave off a creepy vibe that (whether they knew it or not) set off their 'fight or flight' instincs. This led them to either avoid him or to bully him.
The only two people who shook off those feelings where his Mama and his brother Humpty. They were the only people the small cat trusted to talk about his weird feelings. And Humpty, excited after reading books about fantastical lands and magical creatures, was the one who urged the cat to try and explore it more (to take vengence against the bullies. The small cat wasn't the only kid who got bullied in the orphanage. Their Mama tries her best, but she is only one person)
It was when he saw someone in danger that he finally managed to use his powers for the first time. And when his Mama gave him his boots (inspired by his favorite book, of a brave young cat in sturdy boots who goes against the odds to protect the people he cares about) that he finally finds his spark, his Obsession.
Become Puss in Boots, be as brave as him, as noble, kind, and heroic as him. And thus, the legend was born.
With each death, his passion towards his act becomes more. He defies greater odds, he gains stronger enemies, and he grows stronger with each death. It isn't until he crosses the one rule all ghosts and liminals follow that he finally meets his match.
Puss in boots may be a noble and kind cat, but he is also an arrogant (and dumb) one. By the time he meets another cat, he assumes that he already has all the knowledge he needs. It isn't until he and Kitty are together that he learns more, and what he learns... scares him. This fear, coupled with his already existing fear of betrayel (his brother's actions have effected him greatly. He misses and forgives him, but the scars his two betrayels left run too deep) causes him to run.
Puss in Boots is never afraid! Puss in Boots cannot be afraid! Ghosts, the afterlife, Death cannot scare him. And so he shouts where ever he goes. Puss in Boots challenges death! And so, a line is crossed, and a cat pays the price.
The Ancient master of Death has many names. The living have multiple stories of him, and their feelings only extend hos strength.
Death is not cruel. He understands the fear of the unknown and the desperation for the living. But despite his patience, an Ancient can be challenged so many times before he finally takes matters into his own hand. And for the challenger to be a cat, one of the only to continuasly evade him- well, he is a ghost, and ghosts crave to be feared.
This then leads to the events of the wishing star.
Jack horner's obsession with magic means that he is aware of ghosts. One of his artifacts has the power to mind-control them, and that's what he uses to go after the two liminal cats and their little dog.
Perrito is not a cat, nor is he dead. But he did go through a near-death expirence. So while he can't see ghosts the same way kitty and puss can or even touch them, he can sorta feel their presence. It's that and dumb luck is what saved him from the constant ghosts trying to attack them.
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alexjcrowley · 2 years
Severitus Headcanons, I guess (pt. 2)
Quick introduction: this is the second part of a post written more than a year ago when I was stressed for am exam because, guess what, I am now stressed for an exam. Here's the last post
As you'll also find in that post, here's the disclaimer, more or less modified.
Obviously I don't support the terf bitch, the only reason why in the year of our Lord 2023 I am writing something like this is because fantasizing about yet another fictional father-son relationship to make up for the one I lack takes the edge off my stress for exams and...well, other stuff.
I don't give a flying fuck about the Snape discourse, I don't care if he is good, bad, or in the middle, I did not write this to be accurate to the books I haven't read or the movies I hardly remember, I wrote this because it's comforting to me. So if you are personally offended by Severitus as a concept or Snape in general, don't make me part of your grudge, because I don't care for it. There are better ways to spend your time rather than insult me.
As I've made patently clear, I don't know Harry Potter that well, so if there are inaccuracies, I'm sorry. I linked my last post because these headcanons take place in the same "universe" as my last post, so you may want to read that too.
Let's begin.
Snape only uses his Legilimens ability on Harry to win at cards.
Harry only learned Occlumency to stop losing at cards (it may or may not have been Snape's purpose from the start).
"Do you have...a seven?"
"No luck. Now stop trying to get inside my head, literally."
"...you're getting better at this."
"Cards or Occlumency? I bet they go hand in hand."
"Shut up."
The hardest thing to adapt to when Harry starts Hogwarts is new boundaries. Harry and Snape have to pretend they don't know eachothers. Especially with Harry being a Gryffindor, Snape can't even use the excuse is looking out for a little Slytherin. But the necessity to protect The Boy Who Lived from all dangers hidden at Hogwarts (and the urge to look out after Harry who has a special ability in putting himself in trouble) is too strong to ignore. So now everybody thinks Snape is just really weird about Harry, he never lets him out of his sight, he is almost following him around and also they fight a lot in class. Honestly it's a bit weird to see a thirty-something years old professor have beef with an 11-year-old, but nobody dares to bring it up to Snape, they're scared of him, alright?
So the whole...turning down Draco's friendship is real pickle. Like, yes, being close to Draco, who is Lucius's son, is a bad idea because Lucius can't find out Snape is working for Dumbledore and Harry literally lives with him but also purposefully antagonize Draco Malfoy? On your first day? That's simply suicidal.
"Why did you have to be so...stubborn with him?"
"Me? I'm the stubborn one? He insulted Ron!"
"Whom you had known for 2 hours then!"
"Well, I only needed to know Draco for five minutes to understand he was a bully and I am not friend with bullies."
Snape wants to reply but he is stunned for a moment. That's an admirable stance for an 11 years old. Merlin, if someone told me years ago I'd hear this coming from James Potter's son...
"It wasn't the worst decision you could have made. That was Draco Malfoy. His father, Lucius, is...a dangerous wizard. Not accepting his friendship will certainly breeds problems, but you could have hardly afford the scrutiny you would have been submitted by such proximity to the Malfoy family. You'd need to be a far more cunning Slytherin to avoid giving yourself away while making...friends with Draco, and you're a foolishly impulsive Griffindor, as we've witnessed today."
"Even if it was bad choice, I wouldn't have turned my back to Ron."
"I am well aware of that, Harry, but would you be so kind to let me believe in all the years I've brought you up I instilled some sort of Slytherin smarts in that red and gold head of yours?"
It's not fair, Severus thinks, it's really not fair. James Potter was the rich kid who strutted Hogwarts halls like he owned them and his son turned himself against an entire house not to turn his back towards a kid he met on a train. One day, Severus will have to tell Harry about his parents. He won't lie, he has never been one to sugarcoat things, but he doesn't want to tell Harry who is father truly was either. The side of James Potter people don't talk about, people turn a blind eye to, because it was just with Slytherins and everybody knows they're bad news anyway, because it was him and nobody cared if it was him. Harry doesn't deserve to know the truth, but one day he'll have to.
Harry didn't exactly took well the news (well, news to him) that Draco was Snape's godson. When Draco told him Harry couldn't believe it. He said it was joke, that he was lying. Everybody seemed to know at school. When he asked Snape for explanations, he said he "didn't want to burden him with this information", that was also "never relevant until this moment" for him. It doesn’t calm Harry down, on the contrary. He locks himself in his room. The only reason Harry doesn't fully blow a fuse is that they're at Hogwarts now. Of course, he can't tell Ron and Hermione why he is upset. Really, Draco Malfoy? Snape is his godfather? In which alternate universe? Sure, Draco is a Slytherin, but he is also pretentious, and whiny, and he is always ready to go tell his father things, and he expects to be treated like royalty by everyone and he is a bully! Snape hates all of these things, how is that even possible that he is connected to someone like Malfoy? Everytime Malfoy flaunts how being Snape's godson gives him certain priviledge, Harry wishes he'd known a spell to shut him up. And no, this isn't jealousy, it's something else that right mow he cannot name, but it's definitely not jealousy. And it's not jealousy because he knows Snape doesn't care about Draco more than he cares about him. Draco may be his godson, but Harry is his...protegè? Maybe? The exact definition of the nature of Harry and Snape relationship has been a bit foggy. Whatever, it's not important the title or anything, he knows Snape cares more about him, right?
Snape is torn between keepinp up apperances and following his heart. As disgustingly sentimental as it may sounds. Draco and Harry fight ever more than he precicted. And as head of Slytherins and Draco's godfather the only sensible behaviour for him to follow would be take Draco's side everytime, he knows that. But no one could prepare him on how hard it is, especially when Snape knows Draco is wrong, to look at Harry and call him a liar when he denies to have started the fight, an insolent and a brat. He explained him he has to do it, no one can suspect, but Harry is just a kid, of course there's hurt in his eyes when Snape says those things. He pretends to yank Harry from an arm to some classroom so he can give him a proper scolding, while the other kids who witnessed the fight chatter about the tremendous punishment Snape is going to inflict on Gryffindors' golden boy. Some of them try to subtly follow Harry and Snape, hoping to hear some of the insults the Potions teacher will throw at Potter and make gossip out of it, but Snape glare at them so hard some think it's a new kind of spell. When they're away from indescreet eyes and ears, Snape lowers himseld at Harry's level. "It's just pretend. Don't believe anything I say in front of the Slytherins and in front of Draco, especially. You're good kid, Harry." he whispers. "But I was right! It wouldn't be suspicious if you tell them I am right when I am! Draco pushed me and-" "It's not that simple, Harry." A sentence Harry will grow tired of hearing pretty soon. "And now go to your dormroom!" shouts Snape at Harry, theatrically, in front of the students who waited to catch a glimpse of Snape's rage. Snape is pretending to be be angry, but when Harry looks at him with fire in his eyes Severus knows he is not faking it.
Snape cannot stop directly Draco from harassing Harry, but he can still find alternative ways, after all he is a Slytherin. He opted for convincing Draco that fighting Harry Potter is a waste of time and all of the public insult matches he gets up to with Harry doesn't make him look good on his curriculum. Draco has an ego and Snape knows how to play with it. Snape does care about Draco, in his own way. He is not surprised he turned out the way he did, snobbish and egocentric and with a mean streak to him- he is after all Lucius's son and a Slytherin, you couldn't expect a Hufflepuff behaviour. But, because he knows Lucius, he can also tell that he and Draco are different. Surely Draco resembles Lucius physically, but it's clear he is putting effort into acting like his father. His meaness is not as nonchalant, one could say, as Lucius's. Snape pretends not to notice. He really did wish Draco didn't always use Harry as an assistant to prove the world he is just like his father, especially when he is better than him.
In the rare occasions Snape is forced to give Harry punishments he doesn't deserve (very rare occasions, since Harry usually breaks four rules a day)
At some point, way earlier than Snape wanted, Ron and Hermione found out Harry had been growing up with Snape. Which was weird, to say the least, but for very unexpected reasons. First of all, because for how much they argue in class you can tell they've got something personal going on, but "father-son" relationship is not what you would expect. Second, because Ron especially couldn't believe someone could ever entrust Snape with a child. When Harry told him in muggle children stories usually wizards and witches are evil and eat children, Ron thought it was about Snape. Having lived with Dursleys for a few years, though, Harry is very firm in defending Snape from accusation of being a bad guardian/parent. Snape can be hard to deal with sometimes, sure, but there's a difference between that and bad guardians, Harry knows, he's been through it. Snape doesn't deserve to be put on the same level of the Dursleys.
It's also weird that Harry and Snape live together for Ron and Hermione because it's just so much harder to hate Snape. It's not like they suddenly love him as soon as they find out he's Harry's guardian, but damn. You just cannot say things anymore. It's not even "it would be impolite in front of Harry", more often than not Harry is openly fighting Snape when he thinks he did something unfair, but because now you know Snape is not The Worst Person Alive. What is Ron suppose to say when he gets a low grade in Potions? Oh, Snape is probably a frustrated asshole who tried to get back at me for his sorry life? THAT MAN BROUGHT HIM, HARRY AND HERMIONE SLICED FRESH FRUIT FOR A SNACK WHEN THEY SPENT SUMMER AFTERNOONS AT SPINNER'S END. HE ACCOMPANIED HARRY TO RON'S HOUSE. He stayed over for tea once with his mother. You just cannot pretend he is the devil who spends time huddled in his home to making up new ways to torture his students anymore. He medicated Hermione when she hurt her knee falling from a swing. You can't hate the man who put a hello kitty band-aid on your knee (Hermione always brings with her her own small aid kit, funny band-aids included).
Make no mistake, same goes for Snape. It's pretty hard to maintain your reputation as unsufferable professor when two of your students hang out by your house an awful lot. It's harder to be strict with them. And he does want to do that, Snape prides himself in projecting his image as a hard professor to deal with, who requires respect and the maximum effort in his subject. Ron sucks at Potions, and Snape is not going to give him better grades just because he is Harry's friend, but damn it's just...harder to do that thing when you don't care about how you students perform when they don't strive for perfection. Now he is disappointed. Disappointed in Ron Weasly. Disappointed in Ron Weasly's grade. He shouldn't care about it! And also it's not fun anymore to tease Miss Granger. Now when she raises her hand Snape has resorted to tell her he knows she knows the answer, so why doesn't she give the rest of the class a chance? See, it lacks sarcasm, it lacks spite, it lacks maliciousness, it lacks...Snape's treadmark snarky attitude. "You're becoming soft, Severus" sometimes he sighs to himself, after missing what he would once consider a brilliant opportunity for a nasty comment. He then looks at Harry, Ron, Hermione, or whatever other kid his tongue now decided to spare by force of habit, taking a huge sigh of relief becayse Snape's remark has been less cutting than they expected. "Maybe it's not a bad thing" a voice in his head suggests. But what if his students lose respect for him then, it's always either feared or loved right? "You'll cross that bridge when you get there" a softer voice answer.
Speaking of failed Potions classes, Snape really can't hide his disappointment for Harry's grade. He'd thought living with him he would have learned something, even just observing him preparing potions as a child- they used to do this a lot when Harry was little, Snape brewed potions while Harry stayed in the same room, drawing or reading or making muggle homework or even helping sometimes. Harry is average at best. And Snape is only being fair, doesn't matter their relationship, he doesn't give him a point more or less on his homework, his work ethic is very strong. Snape considers this his greatest failure in Harry's regards.
But guess what he is great at? Bleah, Quidditch. Snape didn’t understand the appeal of the sport when he was at Hogwarts and he doesn’t understand it now. Harry blabbers to him excitedly about brooms and snitches and points and teams, but Snape barely understands him. "If only you were to pour such enthusiasm in more useful activities, like studying for Potions class". Harry puts on a face and looks away so Snape doesn't see him. He can't utter a word of Quidditch that Snape starts lecturing about "more useful activities".
"I am merely worried, Minerva, that pointless glory achieved in...sports will lure his mind away from his studies. I won't let the boy turn into a good-for-nothing brawny knobhead like all athlestes. " Severus complains to professor McGonagall. "He shouldn't waste away the little cleverness he has." He adds with a calculated insulting remark, in fear he let too much of his true feelings show.
"First of all, Severus, not all athletes are good-for-nothing brawny knobhead. There's nobility is sports." Minerva lectures him.
"You would say from such an unbiased point of view." Severus retorts. It's no secret Minerva is the biggest Quidditch fan in the school, her enthusiasm can trump that of the students.
"Secondly, Harry has had an eccellent education and a dedicated teacher" she says, stirring her tea while giving Severus a knowing look "he is not a knobhead and he will never be. About being brawny, I don't see how a bit of exercise wouldn't help in preparation for darker days."
She and Severus drink their tea in silence.
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fluxofthemouth · 11 months
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Hmmmm it depends on a lot of things! With all of the training he has in identifying and quieting emotional triggers, he'll experience most flares of rage as someone uniquely prepared to shut the whole thing down if he chooses to.
In the case where he's either intentionally set aside his training or genuinely lost control, he is probably going to lash out very swiftly and effectively at whoever made him enraged. No insults, no shouting, no drama, just a very swift, you are done doing that. Murder? Stabbing? Cutting off some fingers? The meanest insult he knows how to make? One (1) warning that any of the above is coming if the person does that one more time? Whatever seems right for the situation. If the other person is simply too strong or powerful for him to have any leverage over them, rage might look like quiet fury and turning to walk away and leave the situation, or just shutting down into contemptuous silence if that's not possible.
If he's chosen to ease out of actual rage, emotionally, that's not the same as dropping the whole thing, not at all. It could look like, I'm obviously not going to reach over the table and stab you at a dinner party, but I think I could make a poisoning happen in the next 3-5 business days. A choice to quiet down the emotional state of in-the-moment rage is also a choice to call back his full range of creative and intellectual capabilities, as well as long term planning options. He's a thin little short guy. He can pull off the scary bastard thing like 'oh no I am afraid you have crossed a line' immediately in some cases, just running on the pure urge to cause harm. But he's generally going to be even more effective when he has time to think and plan and come up with a trap to spring. Revenge is a dish best served cold kind of guy.
He can drop the whole thing if he wants to, though. He's kind of permanently enraged by watching the world treat him as it has. He only has so much time and attention for things that make him furious, and like, he also works full time. From the part in Dune where Vladimir is pestering Piter with an account of how Vladimir made a bet with the quartermaster about a choice Piter would make, I think Piter is a common enough subject of unfriendly workplace gossip or bullying to some percentage of his coworkers. I imagine he gets around to retaliating against some people directly...but I think his cheerful 'I love hurting people, and now I will speak poetically about the beauty of gushing blood >:3' thing is kind of an all-purpose warning to address frequently being around/working with people who don't really like him. Like, maybe he can't address everything, maybe he has to shut up and take it when people pick on him in small ways or make jokes about him. But don't even think about hurting him for real because he can out-fucking-crazy you. You've just decided to hastily try and jump the fence of your inhibitions against perhaps stabbing someone, and he's already gotten out a potato peeler and a machete and a long length of sturdy cord.
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landograndprix · 2 years
Eddie learning to play a stupid sappy love song because you keep humming it and surprising you for your birthday 🥺
dude's getting laid if he starts to learn my favorite songs. Using a song I'm sure eddie munson would hate with all his guts :')
warnings: mention shitty childhood like once, fluffy goodness.
[wc: 866]
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There's a lot Eddie learned to live with ever since the two of you started dating– instigating random fights, that devilish glint in your eyes as you hit him out of nowhere causing a cat and mouse game at 3 am. The bite marks you leave whenever the urge to bite him gets too strong. The random bullying and name calling. The stinging sensation in his ass whenever you slapped him hard, it had left him speechless the first time it happened even though he was the one to start it. 
His girlfriend had a lot of weird quirks, ones he came to love so dearly. 
But your music taste, lord, eddie could never get used to that. Sure, he can handle the queen, David Bowie and even a song or two from Madonna but those George Michael songs and that god forsaken 'girls just want to have fun' but truth be told, everything on that mixtape of yours irked him– thankfully he'd managed to get you into some of the music he enjoys, that mixtape of yours had been buried deep in the glovebox amongst many others. 
But love really is a strange thing, isn't it? 
You'd been humming the song for weeks straight, softly singing along to it– Eddie never knew what song it was, he'd never heard of it before and when he'd asked you one day, the names didn't even ring a bell. 
Nancy knew, of course she knew. The two of you exchanged tapes back and forth every so often. Your taste in music is so similar. And eddie wouldn't be surprised if Robin would be a part of it too.
He'd rolled his eyes far back into his skull, groaning with every repeat of the song "islands in the stream?' he'd mumbles under his breath "island of nightmares more like." but the thought behind it kept him going, kept him practicing. He wanted to do this..no, he needed to do this. For you. 
Eddie can't remember the last time you celebrated your birthday or the last time you brought it up. Your childhood and teen years weren't exactly filled with happy memories let alone fun filled birthday parties. 
"Nothing special, I don't really care." Is what you had told him. 
 But it is special to eddie. It's your day. He wants to celebrate you.
It didn't take Eddie long to learn the song by heart and if he had to be honest, he came to like the song slowly. 
It's a night like it always is. Dinner is long forgotten and homework finished as the smell of your sweet and fruity shampoo mixed with his Saddleworth and bergamot fills the air after your shared shower; a part of your guys routine– even though it's all cramped up in the small showercabin and definitely not efficient– eddie strums his guitar, softly. He watches you through thick lashes, he smiles.
Laying on his bed, the book you'd started minutes ago now laying on your chest, your eyes closed. Eddie still can't believe or understand how these songs and this guitar can calm someone down or lull someone to sleep. It's a sight that makes Eddie's heart grow ten times its size. 
You're not asleep, not yet at least but the tapping of your fingers against the cover of your book gets uneven and you miss a couple of beats of the song he's playing.
Sitting himself up straight, guitar screeching as he stops his song abruptly. Finger gliding across the snares as he tries to recall the tunes of your song, every chord replaying in his memory. Effortlessly he starts that goddamn song that had given him headaches. 
His eyes are glued onto your figure, waiting for a reaction– it takes a minute for you to comprehend everything but the smile that forms on your lips makes Eddie's night and as you peel one eye open to look at him, Eddie's heart skips a beat. God, he's so in love with you. 
"When did you learn that?"
Eddie simply shrugs "doesn't matter." 
Eddie chuckles to himself when you look at him in suspicion but close your eyes again after. Eddie thanks the Lords or whoever is up there for leading him to you, his girl, soulmate even. 
The song doesn't last long and it's over before Eddie realizes it, too focused on the smile on your lips and the way and the tapping on your fingers. 
"Seriously, when did you learn it?" 
Your voice brings him back to earth, he meets your eyes and shrugs once again. Setting his guitar to the side carefully and stands up straight, taking a few steps towards the bed where you lie. Eddie bends down, hovering over you and places both his hands near your head, caging you in. Your noses barely touch– Eddie copies your smile. 
"Doesn't matter." 
"How long did it take?" 
"Doesn't matter." Eddie states once more. 
"You hate it." 
"Oh, definitely," Eddie chuckles and turns his smile into a grin before leaning down even more, placing his lips against yours in a long and sweet kiss that leaves you breathless once he pulls back "but anything for you– happy birthday, sweetheart." 
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theanimewriter · 2 years
Hi, if you wanted to write, can i have a fluff Yu Ishigami x F!reader. Like he as a reader boyfriend. <33
The Gamer had gain an achievement
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pairing: GN!reader x Yu Ishigami
Warning: None!
Summary: Having Ishigami as a amazing boyfriend.
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Being poor at reading emotions, Ishigami does a better job of meeting his partner needs when made aware of these needs.It well known that Ishigami is not generally known for his skills as romantics, but a strong and solid partner who care deeply about those he allow into his live.
You manage to do all of that and show Ishigami so much love than he thought he could ever get.He is just the most lovely and caring boyfriend that you can have.
Having Ishigami as a boyfriend means; needing space and time alone, no matter how enamored he is by you. He require this time to recharge and process his inner thoughts and feelings. Without this time to themselves Ishigami becomes mentally and emotionally exhausted, and this is just something he cannot live without.
Ishigami always listens to you even if it doesn’t look like it or even if you’re not talking to him,he listens.Listening and communicate means everything to Ishigami,That’s how he knows how you feel and how you know with his feelings.
He always pays attention and analyze what he have seen and heard, in hopes of understanding people better and you particular.If you look mad even if it’s very little to notice,he’s the one that can tell; Sadness,stress,happiness,bored.He see it all.Ishigami will stop everything and everyone just so he can help you.
Physical Touch is Ishigami love language.It would take some time for him to get to do this but when it comes you’ll never have him stop touching you.He tends to give you backscratch or a massage, arm around you,hold your hand,soft kisses,cuddling.etc. Do keep in mind,Ishigami took a long time to even hand your hand without feeling the urge to pass out.
Spending time together is another thing that you too tend to do. He would really like if you listen to his hobbies and play games with him as while.He would also be happy if you like or don’t mind his manga or the girl he likes in them.Of course,they aren’t better than you but he still likes them.(You’re always first in his book,no matter what.)
He for you to tell him you love him.He can’t say it that much but it means the world to him if you would tell him that his amazing,smart,loving boyfriend you ever had.He would start crying his eyes out since no one has ever told him such nice things before.
Make sure you never call him ‘creepy’ for anything.If Ishigami ever heard you called him ‘creepy’ he would never let it go,he would think he’s one of those weird,creep,psycho boyfriends or how his old crush boyfriend use to play with her like a toy.After that you have to apologize and say his nothing like that.
Don’t be surprised when people are questioning why you’re with him.You are not the one getting bully it’s really him and people feels bad for you that you’re even with him.Being Ishigami’s lover means you know the truth that happens at his middle school. Normally you simply just have to tell the person off kindly and tell them that you know who he is and you love him no matter what anyone says.(This also made him cry.He feels so lucky to have you.)
But if someone would ever pick on you they would never live for it.If Ishigami has to beat the sh*t out of someone than he very much do so.He will take no one to bully such a nice,kind-heart, and love able person as you.Someone like you should never be put through such things.
In totally,Ishigami is such an amazing boyfriend to have and he would do anything in the world for you.He wants nothing more for you to be happy with or without him.Juat having a smile on your face is more than good enough.(Even though he says it won’t matter if you leave him,please don’t he loves you to much and he just so happy and lucky to have you.)
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Luke is such a cute character- and now there's five of him?!
Credit to @aphfemamericahero for the inspiration
Including the brothers! Might make a dateables version if I feel like ignoring not seeing my asks some more!
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Just a normal day in the devildom, you and the brothers doing normal Devildom things (read: being unreasonably destructive and chaotic) when Luke bounds in absolutely ecstatic!
"My siblings are coming to visit!"
The fuck?
You didn't know he had a sibling. Let alone several.
The day approaches, anticipation building, mounting to a peak-
The celestial realm portal opens, and out comes- another Luke?!
Surprised, but surprise immediately turns to glee at all the evil teasing he can do
Luke's siblings aren't all exactly like him though- especially the two girls
They dont hesitate join together in bullying Lucifer back, in a very much so "you go low, I go to hell(ironically)" fashion
"Oh look, a litter of Chihuahuas!"
"At least god still loves us."
Despite the increasing urge to punt the lil shits, he adores them the same way he adores Luke- quietly and indirectly, by being there when they need it and using other means (cough Barbatos) to give gifts things he came across and decided he couldn't use
Don't tell anybody, but he loves them
They're just soooooo cute! Seeing the Chihuahua's face make so many different expressions, his mouth saying thing's he probably doesn't even think!
He's babying the ever loving shit outta them, and they bask in his generosity.
Especially one brother in particular! Though it's not nearly to Mammon's extent, he's a bit of a tricky one as well
Keen interest in bro's money making schemes, and being a child, no one suspects him when he sends him in to do some "casual borrowing"
The minute Lucifer and Simeon find out, you cringe as you and the brothers attempt to cover five sets of ears
They don't need to hear his screaming
Woah! This is just like that anime [bullshit long title]
He's shy about dealing with them at first, seeing how strong their personalities are.
But oh, the cosplay ideas! He could have FIVE Ruri-chans! Then, he could dress himself and his brothers up and have TWELVE Ruri-chans! It could be Ruri-chan mania!
Goal in mind, he sets out of his cave to face his first obstacle: interaction.
What the hell?! What do you mean you like Ruri-chan too?!
He never expected that a Luke-lookalike would be so.... Cultured!
Together, the two drag their siblings to various cosplay photoshoots that gain them more popularity on Devilgram than Asmo!
Hurry and console the guy before he tries to rip Levi's throat out, please.
He's keenly interested in how we know for sure Luke is Luke.
For all we know, they were switched at birth and-
He's got a whole essay's worth of shit to say, tune him out and play with quins for your own peace
Once he's finished analyzing their differences down to the bone, he gets very friendly with the girls.
I mean, two pint sized crotch goblins with the gull to talk shit to Lucifer's FACE? Where have they been all this time?! Why weren't they introduced sooner?!?
Similar to Mammon's situation, the girls join the Anti-Lucifer League and get up to all types of crazy, out-of-the-way bullshit
They offer new, fresh ideas to the League, making them irreplaceable and solidifying their lifetime of crime
Lucifer finds out quick what's going on, but Simeon's faster. While Satan and friends can handle Lucifer, an angry Simeon....
I'd say pray for them, but even God doesn't wanna get between that
At first, he was simply ecstatic at the two girls!
Luke never lets him do his makeup, despite how cute it would be:(((
But upon finding out what a pension one of Luke's third brother has for makeup, he locks in immediately!
This is way better than Luke! They can have actual conversations, he understands the brands, the blending, beauty!
He appreciates Asmo's collection the way no one else did, could! Why the hell were they only just meeting?!
These two also get into lots of photoshoots, going out to dine together for the simple purpose of Devilgramming the experience, raiding Majolish. The usual.
After the fiasco with Levi, they challenge Levi to an unspoken contest of social media popularity. May the best Devilgrammer win!
Five Lukes? They must eat a lot. Especially to all be that energetic all the time.
He's extremely protective of them, and enjoys when they use him like a playground, climbing his legs and swinging from his biceps.
LOVES taking them all out to eat, the kind of parent to actually go to McDonald's when the cheering starts
Takes them out on walks Watches them while they play at the park! Lotta nasty demons looking for angel souls, and he's more than willing to devour a low level while their backs are turned.
First time they saw him eat, they were kinda scared. No, really, really scared. Where does it all go??? No way the toilet can handle that!
Still, they love him the most out of all the brothers. Being the only one Luke had mostly good things to say about, their good impression only furthered when hanging out with him.
They even offer to share a cake Luke made with him! Talk about never again.
They'll never need to learn THAT lesson again. Sorry Beel, no more snacks for you.
Ugh. Kids. Loud, noisy, rambunctious kids.
He doesn't hate them, but.... Keep them away from while he's napping, please...
Anyways, after a long day of fucking around with the other Avatars of Sin, the adults are exhausted.
The kids, however....
Are bouncing around, wrecking the place and generally being disastrous
Then you, smart as you are, remember Belphegor is literally the Avatar of Sloth. Can't he help with this???
Unfortunately, his brothers made it so that lying would not work. Yeah, he can help, not that he wants to.
Until he agrees, you really the kids into a screaming competition.
He folded quickly after that.
Sleepy powers on, the kids were knocked out like a pile of puppies in minutes.
Simeon learned how to work a camera for the pictures you got!
They were so cute, even Belphie couldn't deny it.
When Luke woke up and saw the framed photos, he was indignant, unbelievably embarrassed, and made the fact crystal clear to everyone.
All his barking even woke up his siblings, who joined in! Where the hell did Belphegor go?!
He's asleep, somewhere well hidden, enjoying his peace and quiet, naturally.
Not so funny when you're the one stuck with the screaming, huh?
A/N: I just wanted to write this real quick while I had the inspiration. I really like this concept, might expand on it more some day. hehe.
Remember, comments are appreciated and encouraged! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. This work is not spellchecked, sorry.
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