#the vicious cycle of forgetfulness
freekzout · 1 month
sometimes funke starts crying because he remembers there were two years when ruthie wasn't alive and he was. the world had yet to meet ruthie. and then ruth has to take away his weed
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fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Should I end my tolerance break tonight or should I continue and see how long this can go on for
#full disclosure it’s only been two days#i’ll be honest kitten; daddy might have a fucking problem#look it’s not even… weed is not addictive. obviously#BUT i am not in the greatest mental state right now. i am not exactly a shining example of perfect mental health#i’m a 28 year old loser who peaked in undergrad and is a self employed freelancer BUT is too lazy to make decent money freelancing#i really need a manager breathing down my neck to get me to do the bare minimum or more consistently#i’m also super not doing well regarding 1) my dad’s deathiversary 2) my ongoing grief over mabel (yes she was a dog but if you say she was#‘just a dog’ i will come to your house and throw up in your walls DON’T DO IT. DON’T TRY IT. I LOVED HER)#and also just. the crushing weight of it all.#if i have edibles i don’t have to think about the fact i thought i’d either be dead or successful by now and instead i’m alive and mediocre#am i really supposed to freeball THIS reality. THIS ONE???#but then it’s like it creates a vicious cycle because is the weed making me unproductive or do i want the weed BECAUSE i’m unproductive#and it helps me forget that i’m a complete and utter loser. 🧐#listen i’ve gotten less done during this tolerance break than i did last week when i pretty much had a weed gummy every night#i’m not saying there’s a correlation but what i AM saying is it’s suspicious#i could continue the break until the weekend. that seems like the best plan#personal
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curseofbreadbear · 4 months
vent under the cut 👍👍👍
i'm just so tired and so done. i hate having an invisible illness (chronic pain, MAYBE fibro) and not being able to properly explain how debilitating it is, even WITH extensive notes. i hate when doctors misunderstand what i'm asking for. i already feel like i'm faking it even WHILE experiencing it and it frustrates me + makes me feel more invalid than i already do when a medical professional acts like i'm being irrational. at the very LEAST i'm getting tests done but i don't feel heard by the one doctor who's supposed to help. my therapist and psychiatrist are making me feel more understood & supported than a pcp and that's not even their specialty. i think they just listen to me more and better understand where i'm coming from. i have ocd and i literally would not bring it up without doing EXTENSIVE research, but all a doctor hears is "i googled it" and that automatically makes it sound like i'm being a hypochondriac. and i swear, i SWEAR, i'm not. i do research to try and talk myself OUT of it!!!! that method has worked with everything else, but not fibro!!! i have just about every symptom and co-morbid condition and it's driving me crazy!!!
i'm so tired. i don't know how i can keep working or walking or LIVING like this, but i force myself and PUSH myself to act normal and functional every fucking day. and it's like. i feel like professionals will see that and be like "um you can walk AND work so clearly you're fine" except that i'm not!!!! i take excessive amounts of ibuprofen just to function and it's still not enough to completely prevent or numb my pain!! and STILL my mental illnesses like to do this terrible thing where i convince myself that i don't need breaks, i'm useless if i even take five minutes to sit down, i'm wrong and invalid and clearly i'm just pretending to be in pain!
and to top it all off, i asked about a mobility aid and he told me that i would do better without one because being in motion helps. and i agree!! my pain is significantly less noticable when i'm in motion, it mostly hurts when i stand still. BUT. i don't move at work! they force you to stand in place all day! the only thing i can ask for is a break to sit down, but THAT triggers the part of my brain that's like "no you're useless if you take a break, you can't do that, just push through it like you always do!!" and i just. i CAN'T. i can't keep working like that. the best i can do is request a position change so i am not STANDING all day, but i don't know if they'll let me do that or use a mobility aid without a doctor's note.
i'm so tired. i'm so fucking tired
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
"I want a cup of tea" I mumble sadly to no one as I pass through the kitchen, once again failing to switch on the electric kettle, or indeed perform any of the steps necessary for me to obtain said tea.
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jupiterjunebug · 6 months
Man i peeked into the notes of the post i just reblogged and damn. I canNOT imagine some of these peoples metrics. Sorting by public bookmarks? Bruv a full 75% of the bookmarks on any given one of my fics will be private ones. The public bookmarks mean nuffink
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
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shitty visual of where i've been emotionally for the last 2 years lol
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daniilzsn · 1 year
Hello My millions of fans (2 people). I have once again realised that i am a real person with real people ideas and thoughts with a real tumblr account. I realised that inspite of my interent addiction i don't actually make anything of note, so I decided that i would at least try to catalogue my life and my thoughts so that I don't just lose them forever and don't process any thoughts. I might post some fandom stuff but i might make a separate blog with a similar naming convention
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Me: *starts writing*
Also Me: *Opens up Video game to cross reference location with what's in game*
Still me: .... *stops writing and starts playing videogames*
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tuesdayscanons · 1 month
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I'm torn because I want to get back to writing on this blog, but I also need to work on my webcomic (and progress on that is about as slow as molasses)
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samfordpines · 6 months
How it feels whenever i realize the feelings i had about my ex qpp, by the nature of being in a queer platonic relationship, were not strictly or inherently platonic and thats why i feel so much more strongly about it than i would about a "platonic friendship"
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burningflash · 8 months
ok, ok, game of thrones...
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alienated-idiot · 10 months
You know whats worse than being an idiot?
Being aware you're an idiot.
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prettycottagequeer · 6 months
ok maybe I'm a little late to this BUT I'm gonna do a to-do list motivation thingy because I've had the worst two weeks since I started college :)
SO these I should start on asap:
50 I make the snack I really want but I haven't had the motivation to make
100 I clean my dorm. another thing I've been meaning to do for a week
150 I do the presentation about mid-victorian fashion I've been putting off (due Monday)
200 I start memorizing the monologue that was due a week ago (now due Tuesday)
these can wait longer:
300 I spend time outside. It's so nice but I'm getting stuck scrolling because I feel like shit. vicious cycle ect
500 I start setting a better weekend routine (aka getting up before noon)
1k I start working out again. I was doing a routine to get more masc and build muscle and I liked it but life hit me like Crowley driving the Bentley and I've missed like 3 weeks
2k I buy my first binder. I've been coping with sports bras for almost a year now and I haven't been able to justify spending $50+ on a binder even though I know I'd love it and use it everyday.
Do I tag people? I don't know but I'm going to. @the-globe-theatre-maggot @weirdly-specific-but-ok @howmanyholesinswisscheese
here's just some context if you want to read, feel free to skip. some of this I've talked about in the maggot server, some I haven't, but I really just need a place for this to go that's out of my head. tw homophobia, transphobia, car crash(??)
How I Have Been Run Over By The Bentley Going 90 In Central London What Feels Like 50 Times In The Last Two Weeks
I'm going to college about 4 hours away from my parents, and it's been really nice. They.. suck, to say the least. transphobic/homophobic ect, super traditional conservative catholic, racist, all of it. so i tried to move somewhere where I wouldn't have to think about them and I could be myself and do what I can to be happy. March 1st was the start of my spring break, which meant going home because the dorms close. I was already not excited, but I was prepared. the problem with being away from home is I forget just how bad they are. My optimism gets the better of me and I think maybe this time they'll be better. so I decided to not hide my septum piercing.
that was a mistake. it starts a whole fight where they say we know you're trans, you're actually a girl and you always will be, we have the bones argument, they think I'm being influenced by demons or something (if only they knew about crowley) because I want to change my name, and they tell me that going on t will completely ruin my body and give me cancer and other things. They're also mad about my dyed hair, septum, and general style, and say I'm setting a terrible example for my (5) younger siblings and make it a point to tell me just how much of a disappointment I am. I think I'm pretty cute and fun but y'know, whatever. very fun time. I lie so much, don't give them any more details about my identity, and say I'm not planning to go on t to save my ass. which is all on instinct which makes me feel worse because if I'm really trans I should be able to stand up for that, right? maybe I'm faking the dysphoria.
the next morning I wake up really sick, and spend the rest of the week sick and feeling like shit because I'm home and back in the same place and situation I was a year ago that I thought I escaped. at one point I pretty much lose my voice but also kind of get gender euphoria from it. it's weird.
On Friday it's time for me to drive back 4 hours to school, and I make it about 3/4 of the way when google maps takes me on a random gravel road and I crash my car, really crash my car, like sideways-in-a-ditch-windows-broken-crawling-up-out-the-door crash it in the middle of nowhere. (I was fully paying attention to the road, it was raining and super slick) I call my parents because I have no one else to call and I sit in a Subway for 3 hours while they drive to get my car. when they get there they're (understandably) really mad, and they tell me that I'm not mature enough to be going to school so far away and I need to get my shit together and stop depending on them. which. is probably true. but made me feel even more stupid about the fact that I crashed my car. I get back to school and I'm still Very Sick with no energy or motivation to do anything. So I've spent the last week trying to get better and honestly to do anything. it hasn't really worked. I'm a lot better health-wise (Not emotionally), still sick but I have a lot of work due, so I really need a push to get started
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Healing vacation and World Cup (Meeting in Barcelona part 4)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words count: Around 11k
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 , part 5
Note: So I know that I said part 4 will be the last but I changed my mind, there will be another part.
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The night of the “breakup” with Alexia was one of the worst experiences of my life. I couldn't sleep a wink; my mind was consumed with thoughts of her—her radiant smile, her infectious laugh, and the scent of her perfume lingering in my memory.
In my desperation, I scrolled through my phone, endlessly watching the pictures and videos we had taken over the past weeks. It felt truly pathetic; we weren't even officially dating, yet here I was, heartbroken.
The worst part was going to bed without receiving one of her goodnight texts. I had grown so accustomed to her sweet messages that the silence felt unbearable.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I got my heart broken in Barcelona. It's supposed to be the city of love and romance, not a place for shattered hearts.
The next day was Sunday, and despite having a mountain of work to prepare for the final week of school, I couldn't muster the energy to leave my bed—except for the occasional trip to the freezer for more ice cream.
I lay there, feeling utterly defeated, listening to a playlist of sad songs. The ice cream, which was supposed to be a comfort, tasted salty because my tears kept falling into the tub. This only made me cry even more, creating a vicious cycle of sadness and melted, salty ice cream.
At one point, my mom called me, asking how I was, and I completely broke down. I told her everything that had happened, every detail of my heartbreak and the overwhelming sadness I was feeling.
She and my dad tried their best to comfort me. My mom's soothing words and my dad's attempt to lighten the mood with his comment about there being plenty of other fish in the sea.
While I understood his intention, it was hard to accept because I had already chosen my fish, and now, we couldn't be together anymore.
Their efforts, though subtle, did provide a small measure of comfort, but the pain was still very raw.
After we hung up, I found myself drifting back into a state of inactivity. I couldn't muster the energy to do anything but cry. The tears flowed until I was utterly exhausted, and eventually, I fell into a deep sleep, drained from the emotional turmoil of the day.
I woke up startled by knocks on my door. Groggily, I got out of bed and shuffled towards the front door, wondering who could be visiting so early. As I opened the door, there stood Alba, looking uncomfortable and biting her lips.
“Hola” she said quietly, her voice almost trembling.
“Hola” I responded, trying to sound more awake and opening the door wider to silently invite her in.
She stepped inside, and I closed the door behind her. We walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Alba seemed hesitant, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words.
“¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?) she asked, giving me a small, tentative smile.
I raised my eyebrows at her, feeling my exhaustion wash over me again.
Girl, I looked like a mess—my face was all red, my eyes were so puffy I could barely open them, and my hair looked like a bird's nest.
“La más feliz que he sido en mi vida“ (The happiest I've ever been) I replied sarcastically, unable to hide my frustration.
Alba just nodded and looked down at her hands, playing with her rings.
I realized that my behavior was unkind, but the events of yesterday are still very fresh in my mind, and I can't forget how she ignored me the entire afternoon and suddenly snapped at me.
It felt like a complete disregard for my presence and feelings, which is something that really gets under my skin.
While it might appear childish to react in such a manner, I genuinely don't care because the feeling of being ignored is incredibly painful and frustrating.
It made me feel insignificant and unimportant, which is one of the worst emotions to experience. I understand that everyone has their moments, but being treated like that was really hurtful and left a lasting impact on me.
After about a minute of silence, Alba decided to speak. “Um… Lo siento mucho por lo de ayer. Estaba tan emocionada de ver a Marina de nuevo que me olvidé por completo de ti” (Um… I’m really sorry about yesterday. I was just so excited to see Marina again that I completely forgot about you) she said, still looking down, her voice tinged with regret and her shoulders slumped.
Great, Alba, that does not make it any better. “Forgetting” about me just because your friend is also here… it made it worse. The sting of being overlooked, especially by someone I considered a close friend, cut deep.
I could feel the tension between us growing, the silence becoming heavier with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Alba’s apology, though sincere, did little to mend the hurt.
The memory of being sidelined, of feeling invisible in the presence of someone she deemed more important, was still fresh and raw. Right now, she makes everything worse.
I’m feeling really let down and upset with the Putellas sisters. They are the last people I want to see or talk to at the moment. The incident is still very fresh, and I need some time to come to terms with it.
If I continue discussing this with her right now, I might say something I’ll later regret.
It’s such a stark contrast to just a few weeks ago. I used to look forward to seeing Alexia and hanging out with Alba.
We would go out with our friends, enjoy dinners, and have movie nights where I’d cuddle with Alexia.
Those moments felt so warm and comforting. Now, the thought of seeing them fills me with dread and frustration. It’s heartbreaking how quickly things have changed.
I rose from my chair, feeling the tension in the air. “No quiero hablar contigo en este momento” (I really don’t want to talk with you right now) I said, my voice strained with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. “Creo que es mejor que te vayas” (I think it’s best if you leave)
Without waiting for a response, I turned and walked towards the front door, my footsteps echoing in the quiet room.
The distance between us grew with each step, and I felt a heavy weight lift slightly from my shoulders as I reached for the doorknob.
Alba rose from her seat and slowly made her way towards the front door. As I opened it for her, she paused right in front of me, her eyes meeting mine with a glint of unshed tears.
“I’m so, so sorry” she whispered in English, her voice barely audible yet laden with emotion. With that, she stepped out of my apartment, leaving a lingering sense of sorrow in the air.
I closed the door behind her and let out a deep sigh, resting my forehead against the cool wood.
The silence of the apartment seemed to echo the turmoil in my heart. Friendships and love are so difficult, I thought, feeling the sting of her departure.
The complexities of human connections often left me feeling both enriched and exhausted, and this moment was no different.
Settling back onto my sofa, I reached under the coffee table to grab my labtop. With a few quick clicks, I booked a flight back to New York, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.
I really need to be with my family and friends. Spending my summer vacation in New York wasn't part of the plan—I was supposed to go to Bali with my friends but given the circumstances, that's no longer an option.
The thought of being surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of home brought a sense of comfort. I missed my parents and friends deeply, so NYC, here I come.
Just one more week of school, and I can finally escape Barcelona. The city had been beautiful and full of life, but right now, I needed the warmth and support of my loved ones more than anything.
Returning to work turned out to be easier than I had anticipated. Seeing all the children again brought a sense of joy and made me feel a little better, lifting my spirits.
I couldn't avoid Alba at all since we were working in the same class, but it was clear that something had definitely changed between us.
I wasn't talking to her, avoided making eye contact, and only spoke to her when it was absolutely necessary.
I maintained a professional demeanor throughout the entire week, focusing solely on my tasks and responsibilities.
It was challenging, but I knew it was the right thing to do for my own peace of mind.
I could see that she desperately wanted to talk to me; she always looked at me with eyes that seemed to say I had kicked her puppy or something equally heartbreaking.
I'm not going to lie, it hurt me more than I want to admit. Seeing her like that tugged at my heartstrings, making it difficult to stay firm in my decision.
But right now, the best thing for us, for me, is to focus on myself and my well-being. If that means I have to ignore Alba, then that's what I'm going to do.
It's not easy, but sometimes you have to make tough choices to protect your own mental and emotional health.
“Entonces, chicas, ¿algún plan para el verano?” (So, girls, any plans for the summer?) Valeria asked as Alba and I were in her office, having a little recap of everything that had happened at work.
Today is Friday, the last day of school, and finally summer vacation.
“Um…Sí, voy a Bali con mi hermana y amigos” (Um… yeah I’m going to Bali with my sister and friends) Alba said kinda quietly like she was ashamed of saying it.
Even though I’ve never told her directly, I think it’s safe to say that we silently agreed that I’m not part of this trip anymore.
“Eso es genial, Alba. Bali es hermoso, te vas a divertir mucho” (That’s great, Alba.Bali is beautiful you’re going to have so much fun) Valeria responded more exited that Alba. “¿Y tú, Y/N?” (What about you,Y/N) she asked turning her head,looking at me.
“Voy a regresar a Nueva York, voy a pasar un tiempo con mi familia” (I’m going back to New York, I’m going to spend some time with my family) I told her with a gentle smile.
Valeria smiled excitedly at me, nodded and said “¡Espero que se diviertan! Se lo merecen. Ambos fueron increíbles, y los niños no pueden esperar para verlos de nuevo en septiembre” (I hope you guys have some fun! You deserve it. You both were incredible, and the kids can't wait to see you both again in September) Valeria told us, smiling gently at us.
We thanked her.
After 30 more minutes of talking, Valeria finally let us go with a hug and a “see you in September” Alba and I made our way out of the school.
The sun was shining brightly, and the air was filled with the sounds of children laughing and playing, celebrating the start of their summer freedom.
In the parking lot, I turned to her and managed an awkward smile. “Diviértete en Bali” (Have fun in Bali) I said, my voice betraying a hint of the sadness I felt.
I was just about to turn around and walk to my car when I felt her hand gently stop me.
I turned around and looked at her, confusion etched across my face. She let go of my hand and took a deep breath, her eyes darting nervously.
“Um… quería contarte algo” (Um… I wanted to tell you something) she began, her voice trembling slightly.
“Te lo estoy diciendo para que no te enteres por las redes sociales ni nada... pero... um... Marina viene con nosotros a BalI” (I’m telling you so you don’t find out through social media or anything… but… um… Marina is coming with us to Bali) She paused between some words, her stress clearly evident as she gauged my reaction.
Her fingers fidgeted with the edge of her shirt, and I could see the worry in her eyes, reflecting the weight of the news she had just delivered.
I really don’t know what to say right now. It feels like they’ve replaced me with her. Y/N isn’t coming to Bali anymore, so let’s decide to invite Marina instead... just like that.
It’s incredibly frustrating and makes me feel really sad. Marina played a significant role in the fallout between Alexia and me, and now they’re still choosing to go on vacation with her.
Alba noticed my silence and quickly added, “Bianca es quien la invitó. Estábamos cenando juntos, hablando del viaje a Bali, y Bianca se sintió mal, así que la invitó” (Bianca is the one who invited her. We were having dinner together, discussing the Bali trip, and Bianca felt bad, so she invited her) she said, looking me directly in the eyes, as if to prove her sincerity.
Honestly, I don't have the energy to argue, so I just nodded and said, “Bueno, diviértete” (Okay, well, have fun) in a monotonous voice.
She bit her lip and replied, “Disfruta tu tiempo con tu familia” (Enjoy your time with your family.) I nodded again and turned towards my car.
I'm so over this. I really need to disconnect for a few weeks and stay away from them. It's the only way I can fully move on and heal from this.
On Sunday, I decided to go shopping since I’m leaving on Monday and wanted to get something special for my parents from Barcelona.
While I was browsing through necklaces for my mom, I suddenly heard someone calling my name from behind. I turned around and, to my surprise, it was Marcus.
I hadn't seen him since Bianca’s birthday, and seeing him there in the middle of the store brought back a flood of memories.
“Hey Marcus! How's it going?” I greeted him with a friendly hug, happy to see his familiar face.
“I'm good, and you?” he replied, his smile genuine and welcoming. “I'm good too, thanks” I answered, matching his friendly vibe.
“What are you up to here? Checking out the necklaces?” he asked, glancing at the jewelry selection.
“Yeah,I’m getting a gift for my mom. I’m heading back to New York tomorrow, so I wanted to grab something special for my parents” I explained, appreciating his interest.
“That's cool! I'm also heading back to New York soon. We should hang out” he suggested casually.
“For sure! That'd be awesome” I replied warmly, looking forward to catching up with a good friend.
Following our conversation and exploration together, Marcus's kindness and relaxed demeanor truly enhanced the entire experience.
We found a beautiful necklace for my mom, shared some laughs, and swapped phone numbers to plan a future meet-up in New York. Finally, we bid each other farewell.
I still needed to find something for my dad, and knowing his love for football and the Barça team, I decided to visit a Barça store.
The store was vibrant with the team's colors, and the energy was palpable, filled with fans and tourists alike.
While browsing through the aisle filled with various jerseys, I was meticulously going through each one, trying to find the perfect fit for my dad.
Suddenly, I looked up and there she was. Alexia.
In a promotional poster, wearing a Barça shirt, her blonde hair gleamed in the picture, and she had her arms crossed, looking intently into the camera.
Her presence, even in a photograph, was commanding and powerful.
Ugh, what did I expect? Not seeing her in a Barça store? When she's one of the best Barça players? It was almost inevitable.
I can't help but stare at her. The sight of her brought back a flood of memories, and I realized just how much I missed her.
Her intense gaze, even from a poster, seemed to reach out and touch a part of me that had been dormant for too long.
After a few minutes of just staring at that poster of Alexia, I finally pulled myself together and continued looking for a jersey. The store was bustling with fans, and the atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement and chatter about the latest matches and players.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I found the perfect jersey for my dad. It was a classic design with his favorite player's number on it. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I headed to the cashier, paid for the jersey, and stepped out of the store and in the busy street of Barcelona.
Later that day, I found myself packing my suitcase. I put a lot in it since I’ll probably be spending the whole summer there and will come back only in September.
The thought of being away for so long made me feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia.
While rummaging through my stuff, I stumbled upon a little box with the butterfly necklace that Alexia had given me.
Memories of the day she gave it to me flooded back, and I felt a bittersweet pang in my chest. Despite the mixed emotions, I decided to take it with me.
There was something comforting about having it close, a tangible reminder of the good moments we shared, not just the bad.
Carefully, I placed the box in my suitcase, knowing that it would bring a sense of connection and warmth during my summer away.
The next day, I found myself at the bustling airport, ready to embark on my journey back to New York.
The excitement of returning home mixed with a tinge of sadness about leaving behind the vibrant streets of Barcelona, even if temporary.
As much as I love the city's rich culture, beautiful architecture, and warm, sunny days, I missed my hometown deeply.
The familiar skyline, the hustle and bustle of the streets,were calling me back. With a mix of emotions, I boarded the plane, looking forward to reuniting with everything and everyone I had missed so much.
Landing in New York, I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I finally escaped the confines of the long flight. The anticipation of seeing my family again made every step feel lighter as I navigated through the crowded airport.
I made my way to the baggage claim area, weaving through the throngs of travelers, each with their own stories and destinations.
After what felt like an eternity, my suitcase finally appeared on the carousel. With a sense of accomplishment, I retrieved it and checked my phone.
A message from my mom popped up, informing me that she and my dad were waiting for me near the airport entrance.
As I descended the escalator, my eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on my parents. My mom was holding a sign that read “Bienvenido a Nueva York,” written in bold, colorful letters, while my dad stood beside her with a bouquet of vibrant flowers.
Their dramatic gesture brought a smile to my face, reminding me just how much I love them.
The moment they spotted me, my mom called out my name, her voice filled with excitement.
She waved frantically, her enthusiasm infectious. I couldn’t help but laugh at their eagerness, feeling a warm sense of belonging as I made my way toward them.
Stepping off the escalator, I hurried towards my parents and enveloped them in a tight hug.
I had missed them so much; their familiar scents and warm embrace brought a sense of comfort that only family could provide.
As tears welled up in my mom's eyes, I could feel the depth of her emotions, her love for me shining through every tear.
On the other hand, my dad's beaming smile could have lit up the entire airport; his joy at seeing me again was palpable, filling the air with a contagious happiness that lifted my spirits.
After our emotional reunion, my parents extended an invitation to dine at a nearby restaurant. Amidst the cozy ambiance and delicious food, I poured my heart out, recounting every detail of my Barcelona adventures.
From Valeria's kindness to the lively banter with the school kids, the bond with my new friends, and the captivating tales of Alba and Alexia, I painted a vivid picture of my life in Spain.
My parents, ever the attentive listeners, hung onto my every word. When I revisited the story of Alexia and me, my dad's protective instincts flared up, his playful threat of converting to a Madridista eliciting laughter from all of us.
Meanwhile, my mom, with her gentle wisdom, offered comforting advice and reassurance, grounding me in her maternal warmth and understanding.
After spending a few hours at home, I finally decided it was time to unpack my suitcase, so I enlisted my mom to help me out.
We began carefully pulling out the clothes, one by one, chatting about the trip as we went. Suddenly, my mom's eyes caught something small and delicate—a little box tucked away in a corner of the suitcase.
She gently picked it up and opened it, revealing the butterfly that Alexia had given me.
“What’s this?” she asked, opening the box and seeing the butterfly. “Wow, that’s really pretty! Where did you get it?” she continued, inspecting the necklace.
“Oh, it was a gift from Alexia,” I trailed off. My mom looked at me sadly and gave me a sympathetic smile.
“Ooh, is that your initial imprinted on the wings?” she noticed, placing a hand on her heart, touched by it.
“Yeah, it is,” I answered, feeling a little sad as I looked down at my clothes and began folding them as a distraction.
“That girl seemed to really like you, dare I say maybe even in love with you,” she said, and that made me look up at her so fast I almost got whiplash.
“In love?! Don’t be ridiculous, Mom. She is not in love with me; we’ve only known each other for barely three months,” I told her, looking at her weirdly.
“And? The heart wants what it wants, right? Time doesn’t matter; it’s the connection that you have that does. Plus, I’m pretty sure that you’re in love with her,” she said, smirking at me.
That’s ridiculous. I’m not in love with Alexia, just because I think about her every day and every second, and that I love to admire pictures of her, and that I would do anything for her, and that—oh my God, I think I’m in love with her.
I looked at my mom with wide eyes. “I’m in love with Alexia… oh my God,” I told my mom. She just looked at me, nodding her head and smiling gently.
“I know you are,” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder before turning back to folding my clothes.
Now that I think about it, it all makes sense, but it's adding layers of complexity to my feelings. How am I supposed to fully move on from her when my heart feels so entangled?
And then there's the question of whether Alexia is really in love with me. A part of me desperately hopes for a definitive answer, either yes or no, because ambiguity just makes everything more complicated.
If she is, it brings a whole new set of challenges; if she isn't, it might make it easier to let go, but it still hurts.
I spent my first two week in NYC just soaking up the city and relaxing with my friends and family. It felt so good to reconnect with Madison and Carter; I had missed them more than I realized.
We laughed, reminisced, and created new memories together. To make the most of this precious time, I decided to disconnect from my phone completely. I deleted all my social media apps and any other distractions, focusing solely on being present with my loved ones.
One of the highlights was inviting Marcus to hang out with us. He had mentioned he was also in New York, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to include him in our group.
Surprisingly, he fit right in, as if he had always been a part of our tight-knit circle. We explored the city, shared stories, and bonded over our shared experiences, making the week even more special.
He’s basically become part of our group now. We’re always hanging out together, even when we’re just doing nothing. I’ve gotten to know him better, and I’m not disappointed.
He really belongs with us. It’s been great to see how well he fits in with everyone. We’ve had some amazing times, whether it’s surfing in the Hamptons, grabbing a bite to eat, or just chilling at someone’s place.
He’s added a new dynamic to our group, and I can’t imagine it without him now.
This two weeks were truly amazing until I decided to go back on social media and saw Bianca’s new Instagram post.
She had posted an insta dump with pictures from Bali. There was one picture in particular that caught my eye: all of them sitting at a restaurant, smiling. Alexia and Marina were sitting next to each other, with Alexia’s arm around Marina’s shoulder.
I just stared at the both of them; they really do look like a couple. Alexia had confessed to me that at one point she felt something for Marina, and now that they are on vacation together, maybe they’ve rekindled that flame.
I made the mistake of going through the comments. Alexia’s fans were all over it, recognizing Marina as her ex and freaking out, shipping them, saying they look cute together. It was like a punch to the gut.
Huffing, I locked my phone and threw it across my bed. I fucking hate them! Well, not Alexia, but in that moment, I did hate her.
Seeing them together like that brought back so many memories and emotions. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and hurt. It's like everything we had talked about, all the feelings she had shared with me, were just thrown out the window.
I felt betrayed and confused, the comments only made it worse.
I needed to get away from it all, to clear my head and figure out what I was really feeling.
I decided to take a long walk, hoping the fresh air and solitude would help me sort through my emotions. But no matter how far I walked, the image of Alexia and Marina together kept replaying in my mind.
How can my mom even think that Alexia is in love with me when she's so openly affectionate with someone else? It's confusing and hurtful, and I don't know what to believe anymore.
Feeling jealous and angry, I decided to make an Instagram dump too. I posted several pictures of food, Madison, Carter, and most importantly, Marcus.
Alexia was jealous of Marcus; she told me herself, so I thought, why not post about him?
I included a particular picture of all of us in swimsuits after we went surfing in the Hamptons.
The picture was a selfie taken by Madison. In the background, you could see Carter sitting by himself, eating. Marcus and I were in the foreground, sitting on a surfboard.
I had my arms wrapped around his stomach, and his arms were comfortably resting around my shoulders.
The sun was setting, casting a beautiful glow over the scene, and you could see the waves gently crashing behind us. The picture perfectly captured the joy and relaxation of that moment.
And I captioned it : “ Mis favoritos momentos con Mis favoritas personas” (My favorite moments with my favorite persons)
As I was laying on my bed at night, I received an instagram notification.
alexiaputellas liked your post.
I really hope you liked my post, Alexia. I mean, I truly hope it brought you immense joy and satisfaction…
And then I received a message from Alexia. I quickly sat up, my mind racing as I debated whether or not to read it.
The curiosity was killing me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it might be something important. After a moment of hesitation, I decided, “Oh, screw it, I should just read it.”
La Reina👸 : Hola,Y/N how are you? I hope I’m not bothering you.I just wanted to know how you are, I saw some of you pictures that you posted,I’m really happy that you’re enjoying yourself.You deserved it.
Ugh,suddenly you want to know how I am right after I posted those pictures...
I knew it, posting that picture with Marcus definitely got to her. I mean, it was bound to happen, right?
But should I respond? I can't deny I missed talking to her. She saw that I read the message, and if I don't reply, it’ll seem rude... Plus, it's not like I want to start any drama.
So frustrating. I'll just reply casually and normally, keeping things light and friendly.
To La Reina 👸: Hey Alexia, I'm good, thanks! How about you? How was Bali?
Is it too short? Should I add more? No, it's perfect. And I send her the message, hoping for the best.
After a few minutes, her call suddenly came through. I sat up even more, almost falling out of my bed, my mind racing with questions.
Why is she calling now? Isn't texting enough? Oh no, what do I do? She knows I'm awake; I just replied to her message.
Shit! I’m panicking, I’m panicking.
Okay, calm down. Deep breaths, in and out, in and out.
With a deep breath, I finally picked up the phone.
“Hello” I greeted Alexia, trying to sound as calm and casual as possible, even though I was on the edge of a panic attack.
“Hello, Y/N,” Alexia responded softly. Hearing her voice and that familiar accent made my heart skip a beat. “How are you?” she continued.
“I’m good. And you?” I asked her genuinely, eager to hear more.
“I’m good too, thank you,” she said gently, her voice as soothing as ever.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, I decided to break the ice. “Did you have fun in Bali? Are you back in Barcelona?”
“Yes, I had a lot of fun, and yes, I am back in Barcelona,” she answered casually.
I furrowed my eyebrows. She’s back in Barcelona, and it’s like 4 a.m. there right now. Why is she awake?
“Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s late in Barcelona right now,” I told her, my concern evident in my voice.
“I couldn’t sleep. I—” she stopped in her tracks. The silence stretched for a few seconds, and then she continued, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
I closed my eyes, feeling a mix of emotions. God, why do you say those kinds of things? And at night, I’m so much more vulnerable at this time.
“Y/N? Are you still here?” she asked, worry lacing her voice, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Um... yes... sorry, I’m still here,” I answered, totally dumbfounded, trying to process her words and the emotions they stirred within me.
I sighed deeply, "Alexia, you can’t say things like that," I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.
"But it’s the truth," she responded sincerely, her words cutting through the silence.
I sighed again, feeling the weight of her words. "How is Alba?" I quickly changed the subject, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from our feelings.
"She is very good. She misses you, you know…" she trailed off, her voice softening.
"I miss her too," I responded truthfully, feeling a pang of longing.
I can't lie, I miss Alba a lot—her presence, her humor, her teasing. Maybe I should try and reach out to her at some point. I can't stay angry at her forever.
The thought of reconnecting with Alba brought a small smile to my face, despite the emotional turmoil I was feeling.
After that, Alexia and I talked for a while, but only about our vacations—how they went, what we did, the places we visited, and the people we met. I completely avoided talking about Marina.
The pain of that situation still lingered, and I wasn’t ready to confront it just yet.
Alexia also mentioned that in less than a week, she will be flying to New Zealand for the World Cup.
She was very excited about it and maybe also a little nervous. I mean, it’s the World Cup after all. She talked about how she’s been training hard and how much it means to her to represent her team on such a big stage.
She’s looking forward to the experience but also feels the pressure to perform well.
She also shared with me the various issues the team is currently facing with their coach.She mentioned that the disagreements are affecting their training sessions and overall team morale.
She seemed really upset about it.
“Will you come to see one of my matches?” she asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
“I don’t know, Alexia,” I replied hesitantly, unsure of how to navigate the situation.
“Lo cubriré todo: los billetes de avión, los hoteles, todo” (I’ll cover everything—plane tickets, hotels, everything) she quickly added, her desperation to convince me evident in her voice.
“Alexia, that’s not the issue,” I informed her, trying to convey the complexity of my hesitation.
“Entonces, ¿cuál es el problema?” (Then what is the problem?) she asked, her frustration starting to show.
“You know what the problem is,” I retorted knowingly, hinting at the unresolved issues between us.
“Sí, pero por favor, creo que es hora de que tengamos una conversación cara a cara, no por teléfono. No podemos seguir así. Te quiero en mi vida; significas mucho para mí” (Yes, but please, I think it’s time for us to have a conversation face to face, not over the phone. We can’t stay like this. I want you in my life; you mean so much to me) she said emotionally, her voice softening as she tried to reach me on a deeper level.
She was right; I can’t avoid this situation forever. I need to work things out with Alba and her. I work with Alba, and we need to make things comfortable with each other once we get back to work.
The tension can’t affect my professional life.
And Alexia is now also a part of my life. I need to work things out with her too. It’s the only solution to live in peace and move forward without this cloud hanging over us.
“Okay, I’ll come to see one of your matches,” I told her, finally giving in. I think I can squeeze New Zealand into my schedule, though it will be tight.
I’ll ask Marcus, Carter, and Madison if they want to come along. It might be good to have some company and support during this trip.
“Good!” she said excitedly. “I can pay for everything,” she started saying, but I cut her off.
“It’s okay, Alexia, you don’t have to pay for anything. I can cover it, really,” I informed her.
After a few minutes of back-and-forth arguing about whether she would or wouldn’t pay for my trip, she finally gave in.
“Now, I’ll need to go buy a Spain jersey” I told her jokingly, trying to keep the conversation light.
“You know I can give you one; you don’t have to buy it” she replied matter-of-factly, her tone amusing.
“Who said I wanted your jersey?” I retorted with a playful grin, letting out a little laugh at the end to show I was just teasing.
“Oh, so you don’t want to carry my name on your back?” she responded, her voice filled with mock indignation.
“No, thank you. I want a Bonmati jersey” I informed her.
“That’s a very good choice,” she said sweetly and honestly, her smile warm and genuine.
“I'm just teasing, I only want to wear your jersey, no one else's” I said softly, my tone becoming more tender as I gazed into her eyes.
Ugh, I'm starting to get emotional now... stop it, Y/N.
“Can you FaceTime me, please? I really want to see you” she asked hesitantly.
“Of course, you can FaceTime me” I replied after a brief pause.
I received the FaceTime call and accepted it right away.
She appeared on my screen, looking so relaxed. I could see she was lying on her bed with Nala in her arms.
“Hola” she greeted me with a gentle smile.
“Hola” I responded. “Can I see Nala, please?” I asked, and she chuckled softly. She moved her camera to show Nala, who was peacefully asleep.
“Oh, she's adorable” I whispered to Nala. I really missed that little dog.
Alexia brought the camera back to herself. “You got a tan; it looks great on you” I complimented her.
“Gracias” (thank you) she said “Sabes, me habría divertido más si hubieras estado aquí con nosotros” (You know, I would have had more fun if you were here with us) she added, sounding a bit sad.
I sighed deeply, feeling a bit lost on how to respond.
“Maybe one day, we'll be able to go there together again” I suggested, smiling warmly at her.
“I would love that” she replied, her smile mirroring mine.
“Um... I saw your pictures on Instagram. You and Marcus are friends now?” she asked hesitantly, trying to choose her words carefully to avoid sounding rude.
There it was. The unmistakable hint of jealousy I had been expecting.
“Yes, we ran into each other again in Barcelona. I told him I was heading back to NY, and he mentioned he was going too. So, yeah, we've been hanging out” I explained, trying to keep my tone casual.
I couldn't resist asking, “I saw Bianca's Instagram. You and Marina seem to be getting closer too” I pointed out gently, not wanting to sound accusatory.
“Sí, somos amigas” (Yes, we're friends) she said simply, and I nodded, though doubt lingered in my mind.
It's hard to fully believe her right now. Noticing my hesitation, she looked at me through the screen and said firmly, “I promise you, nothing happened with her. She's just my friend”
I nodded again, her earnestness making me think she might be telling the truth. I decided to trust her.
Alexia then yawned, clearly exhausted from our long conversation. We had been talking for at least an hour.
“Alexia, go to sleep. It's late, or rather early, for you” I gently urged her.
“Quiero seguir hablando contigo, no hemos hablado en tanto tiempo, te he extrañado más que a nada” (I want to keep talking with you, we haven’t talk in so long, I missed you more than anything) she whispered softly, her voice full of longing.
Oh, Alexia, I miss you so much too, more than anyone or anything but I decided to ignore the comment
“Let's talk tomorrow, okay? ” I told her, trying to convince her to go to sleep.
“Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, cariño” she said casually, her voice soft and drowsy.
I don't think she realized the pet name she used because she was half asleep. It caught me off guard but made me smile.
“Goodnight, Alexia” I said simply. She smiled gently at me through the phone, and then there was a soft click as she hung up.
Having this conversation with her was really good. I feel so much lighter now. All the anger that had been weighing me down just disappeared. It feels so good to talk, even though we didn't address the problem directly.
Just hearing her voice and knowing she's there for me made everything better.
Over the next few days, I reached out to Carter, Madison, and Marcus to see if they were interested in going to New Zealand for the World Cup. They all responded with enthusiasm.
We then went online to purchase Spain jerseys. I chose Alexia's jersey, while Marcus and Madison went for Aitana's jersey. Carter, like me, opted for Alexia's jersey.
I sent a message to Alexia, informing her that we would be traveling to New Zealand to watch her play. She was thrilled and thanked us for the support.
We all agreed to invite Alba to join us. I feel it's time to finally forgive her. The three weeks apart have allowed my anger to dissipate, and I've realized how much I miss her.
This trip seems like the perfect opportunity to mend our relationship and enjoy an unforgettable experience together.
So that’s why I’m calling her right now.
“Hola” she answered the phone, sounding really confused.
“Hola, Alba,” I replied warmly. “Cómo estás?” (How are you?) I continued sweetly.
“Hola, Y/N. Estoy bien, ¿y tú?” (I’m fine, and you?) she asked back, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
“Estoy genial, gracias” (I’m great, thank you) I answered, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. “Te estoy llamando porque quería preguntarte algo” (I’m just calling because I wanted to ask you something) I continued, feeling a bit nervous.
“Dime” (Tell me) she said, her tone encouraging.
“Quería saber si te gustaría, ya sabes, venir a Nueva Zelanda conmigo y mis amigos” (I wanted to know if you would like to, you know, come to New Zealand with me and my friends) I asked, my voice wavering slightly. “Tuve una conversación con Alexia hace poco, y vamos a ver algunos de sus partidos y también pasar un tiempo allí de vacaciones” (I had a conversation with Alexia not long ago, and we’re going to see some of her matches and spend some time there for vacation as well) I continued, rambling nervously.
There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity before she finally answered, “¡Sí, me encantaría ir con ustedes!” (Yes, I would love to come with you guys) she said, and I could hear the genuine smile in her voice.
“¡Eso es fantástico! ¡No puedo esperar! Um, ya sabes, también nos dará la oportunidad de hablar sobre, ya sabes, lo que pasó” (That’s fantastic! I can’t wait for it! Um, you know, it will also give us the opportunity to talk about, you know, what happened) I added, my nerves showing through.
“Sí, me gustaría hablar de todo eso contigo también” (Yes, I’d like to discuss all that with you too) she said, sounding relieved and perhaps a bit emotional.
“De acuerdo, te enviaré toda la información.” (Okay, well, I will text you all the info) I informed her, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.
“Sin problema, estoy feliz de que hayas llamado“ (No problem, Y/N. I’m really happy you called) she said, her voice filled with emotion, and I returned her words before we said our goodbyes.
We’ve been in New Zealand for about two days now.
After an incredibly long flight, we have finally landed in New Zealand two days ago.Alba is supposed to join us today, and I’m sure her arrival will make the trip even more exciting.
I did not have the chance to see Alexia in those two days,since she does not have much days off.
The Spanish team has played three matches so far and has won two of them, which is amazing. The excitement of the matches is palpable, and I can’t wait to see more of them in action.
Besides the matches, I’m looking forward to exploring this beautiful country with you all and creating unforgettable memories.
“Where is she? We've been waiting for like 20 minutes! Send her a message” Carter complained for what seemed like the hundredth time. We are currently at the airport about to pick up Alba.
“Oh, look, there she is!” Madison pointed out Alba and greeted her excitedly, waving and calling her name with enthusiasm.
Alba turned her head and upon seeing us, her face lit up with a big smile. She quickened her pace and approached us swiftly.
When she finally arrived, she greeted us all with tight hugs and kisses on the cheeks, her joy palpable.
When she reached me, she put her hand on the back of my head and hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe, but I hugged her back just as tightly, feeling her warmth and affection.
“I've missed you so much” she said in English with a voice that was almost breaking into tears. I hugged her even tighter if that was possible and echoed her words, feeling the emotion of the reunion.
We parted with a kiss on each cheek and, with a mix of laughter and chatter, headed towards our rental car.
After returning to the hotel, Alba and I engaged in a deep and emotional conversation that lasted at least an hour , with a few tears shed here and there.
She confessed how terrible she felt about the hurtful comment she had made and how she had ignored me when Marina was around.
Her voice was filled with genuine remorse, and I could see the regret in her eyes.
Alba promised that she would never behave that way again and, in a light-hearted moment, even said I could slap her if she ever did. She went on to tell me how much she missed me and how everyone in Bali missed me too.
She mentioned that the trip would have been so much better if I had been there, and hearing that truly touched my heart. It made me realize how much I mean to them and how much they value my presence.
I forgave her wholeheartedly, understanding that time has allowed me to heal and that it’s now time to move forward. I feel that this experience has the potential to make our friendship stronger than ever.
Perhaps we needed this argument to reinforce our bond and understand each other better. With a tight hug and a playful slap on my ass, we left the hotel, ready to explore the vibrant city of Aucklan.
After a long day of sightseeing, we finally got back to the hotel to freshen up and prepare ourselves for the match tonight. Spain is playing against Switzerland, and the excitement was palpable. I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, eager to get ready for the evening.
As I was getting dressed, my eyes fell upon that familiar small box with the butterfly necklace inside. I hesitated, debating whether or not to wear it. After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided to put it on, feeling a sense of comfort and connection as I clasped it around my neck.
While rummaging through my suitcase for my jersey, Alba emerged from the bathroom, her hair still damp and a playful smirk on her face. Her eyes immediately went to the necklace I was wearing.
“Lo sabía, se vería realmente hermoso en ti” (I knew it would look really beautiful on you) she said, her smile gentle. “Yo la ayudé a elegirlo, ¿sabes?” (I helped her choose it, you know.)
“¿De verdad?” (Really?) I asked, genuinely surprised.
“Sí, pero fue idea de ella añadir las iniciales. ¿Verdad que fue lindo?” (Yeah, but it was her idea to add the initials. That was cute, right?) she added smugly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
I couldn't help but smile back at her. I had missed her teasing more than I would like to admit. It felt good to have this moment, a reminder of our deep bond and the shared memories that made our friendship so special.
I playfully rolled my eyes at her and was about to put on my jersey when Alba stopped me.
“Espera, no te lo pongas todavía, tengo algo más” (Wait, don’t put it on yet, I have something else) she said, rummaging through her suitcase with a determined look on her face.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, curious about what she could possibly have. She finally pulled out another jersey of Alexia’s and handed it to me.
“Alba, es la misma camiseta que compré” (Alba, it’s the same jersey that I bought) I told her, puzzled, as I was about to give it back.
“Dale la vuelta” (Turn it around) she said, rolling her eyes with a knowing smile.
I turned the jersey around, and there, on the number 11, it was written with a sharpie, “Una camiseta especial para alguien especial” (A special jersey for my special someone.) I immediately recognized Alexia’s handwriting, and my heart skipped a beat.
My cheeks blushed at that, feeling a warm rush of emotions.
“Alexia me dijo que te la diera” (Alexia told me to give it to you) Alba said, smiling gently at me before returning to the bathroom to continue getting ready.
I put the jersey on, and it smelled exactly like Alexia, bringing a sense of comfort and closeness. She is so sweet.
Take that, Marina—I bet Alexia didn’t give you her jersey with a cute message like this.
We arrived at the stadium, and the energy was palpable with a crowd already gathered. We found our seats near the field, eagerly anticipating the events to unfold.
The atmosphere shifted as the Spanish team players emerged from the tunnels, greeted by enthusiastic cheers. Alexia, with her slightly faded pink hair, immediately caught my eye. She looked impeccable in her suit, AirPods in, exuding confidence and focus.
As Alexia and her teammates inspected the field, their concentration was evident. They took in every detail, preparing themselves mentally for the match ahead.
Then, Alexia turned her head, and our eyes met. A wide smile spread across her face as she waved at me. I waved back, feeling a rush of excitement. Noticing she had her phone, I gestured for her to check it.
“Thank you so much for the jersey, I love it” I messaged her. I looked up to see her reaction. She read the message, then looked up and blew me a kiss with a wink, making my heart flutter.
Alexia then spotted Alba, Marcus, Carter, and Madison. Their faces lit up with big smiles and enthusiastic greetings. Alba blew her a kiss, which Alexia caught and placed on her heart, a gesture of the deep bond and affection among friends.
After a while the players all went back to the tunnels.
The whistle blew, signaling the end of the match. Spain had an easy victory, dominating Switzerland with a 5-1 scoreline.
The stadium erupted with cheers, singing, and dancing as fans celebrated Spain's qualification for the quarter-finals. Alexia and her teammates were visibly elated, their faces beaming with joy and pride.
After soaking in the jubilant atmosphere for a while, we decided to leave the stadium. It was quite late, and our stomachs were rumbling, so we headed to a nearby restaurant to grab a bite to eat.
The streets were alive with fans celebrating Spain's victory, adding to the festive mood.
While we were at the restaurant, I received a message from Alexia. She told me that she would have some time off the next morning and asked if I wanted to join her for breakfast. Without hesitation, I accepted her invitation, eager to spend some quality time with her.
Later that night, as I lay in bed, I continued texting Alexia. She seemed very angry and frustrated because there were ongoing issues with the coaching staff. I did my best to comfort her, offering words of support and encouragement, but it was tough as she was clearly very upset.
I hoped that our breakfast together in the morning would lift her spirits and bring some much-needed positivity.
I stood in front of the hotel, my heart racing as I waited for Alexia. She had texted me moments ago, saying she’d be here in just a few minutes, but each second felt like an eternity. The anticipation was almost overwhelming—I hadn’t seen her in what felt like forever, and the thought of being near her again made my chest tighten with longing.
And then, suddenly, I saw her. She was across the street, her figure unmistakable even from a distance. Alexia was dressed in a Spain training kit, the familiar colors bringing a rush of memories flooding back.
Her pink hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, some strands gently framing her face. In her hand, she held a bouquet of flowers,more specifically roses,my favorite.
The sight of her took my breath away, and for a moment, I could do nothing but stand there, captivated.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, and I felt a sudden, urgent need to be closer to her, to close the distance that had separated us for too long.
Without thinking, I stepped off the curb, my eyes locked on her. But I was so mesmerized by the sight of her that I didn’t see the car coming.
The blare of a horn jolted me back to reality, and I snapped my head to the right, just in time to see the car screech to a halt.
My heart pounded in my chest, but I quickly raised my hand in a gesture of apology to the driver, mouthing a hurried “sorry” before practically sprinting across the street.
As I drew nearer, Alexia’s eyes finally met mine. She must have seen everything—my near miss with the car, the way I had been so lost in thoughts of her that I hadn’t even looked before crossing.
But instead of the concern I expected, her face lit up with the brightest smile, one that made my heart swell with so much emotion I thought it might burst.
She opened her arms wide, and I didn’t hesitate for a second. I rushed into her embrace, wrapping my arms around her with all the pent-up longing I had been carrying for so long.
Being in her arms again was like coming home. The familiar scent of her skin, the warmth of her body pressed against mine, the way her strong arms enveloped me—it was everything I had missed, everything I had dreamed of in the quiet moments when the distance between us had felt unbearable.
I buried my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply, trying to memorize every detail of this moment.
Alexia’s hug was firm and reassuring, and when she lifted me off the ground, spinning me around, a laugh bubbled up from deep inside me, full of pure, unfiltered joy. I could feel her laughter too, rumbling softly against my chest as she held me.
“¿No te dije que miraras a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle?” (Didn’t I tell you to look both ways before crossing the street?) she whispered into my ear, her voice teasing but full of affection.
Her breath was warm against my skin, and the sound of her voice sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn’t help but laugh again, the tension and anxiety that had been building up inside me all day finally melting away.
“I missed you so much,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, but I knew she heard me. I could feel her smile widen against my cheek, and she squeezed me even tighter, as if she never wanted to let me go.
After what felt like both an eternity and an instant, we finally pulled back, though neither of us seemed eager to break the contact entirely. She gently lowered me back to the ground, her hands lingering on my arms, as if grounding me, keeping me close. Then, with that same tender smile, she held out the flowers she had been carrying all along.
“For you,” she said softly, her eyes full of warmth and something else—something that made my heart skip a beat.
“Thank you, Alexia,” I replied, my voice thick with emotion as I took the flowers from her. I brought it to my nose, inhaling the sweet fragrance, but all I could really smell was her.
I looked up at her, unable to keep the smile from my face, and I knew in that moment that no matter how far apart we had been, we were here now, together.
"Let's go eat; I'm hungry," she said with a smile, extending her hand toward me. I reached out and took it, her touch warm and familiar, and together we started walking.
The time I spent with Alexia felt almost surreal, as if no time had passed since we were last together. It was like slipping back into a comfortable rhythm, where everything between us just flowed naturally.
We talked about everything and nothing, our conversation as easy and effortless as it had always been. Laughter filled the air, and for a while, it felt as though the weight of the past few months had lifted.
We just catched up on those few weeks that we spend apart.
But eventually, the conversation turned to the topic we had both been quietly avoiding—my decision to end things between us. We spoke a little bit more in details about it, all the things that I could not said that night that I “broke up” with her I told them now.
I could see the sadness in her eyes as we talked, a hint of melancholy that tugged at my heart.
Yet, despite the pain, she listened carefully, nodding in understanding. She didn’t try to argue; instead, she respected my decision, something that only deepened my admiration for her.
The maturity and grace with which she handled the situation reminded me of why I had fallen for her in the first place.
At one point, her gaze dropped to the necklace I was wearing—the one she had given me. Her eyes softened as she noticed it, and I saw a flicker of surprise mixed with something like relief. I realized then that I had never properly thanked her for the gift.
So, in that quiet moment, I finally expressed my gratitude, telling her how much it meant to me and how I had kept it close, even after everything.
She smiled, a genuine and heartfelt smile that made my chest tighten with emotion.
After about an hour,Alexia walked me back to my hotel, our hands brushing against each other occasionally as we walked side by side. When we reached the entrance, she turned to me, her expression gentle and full of warmth.
Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss on my cheek, the gesture simple yet filled with affection.
“I'll text you later,” she promised, her voice soft, almost a whisper. I nodded, smiling at her, knowing that even though things were different now, there was still something strong and unspoken between us.
As I watched her walk away, I felt a mixture of emotions—gratitude, sadness, and a lingering sense of connection. It was a bittersweet reminder that while things may have changed, some bonds are too strong to ever truly break.
I’ve been in New Zealand for just over a week now, and it’s been such a refreshing experience. The country is absolutely stunning, with its breathtaking landscapes and peaceful atmosphere.
I’ve spent most of my time simply enjoying the beauty of the surroundings and taking some much-needed time to relax and recharge.
Marcus, Madison, and Carter all left the day after the intense quarterfinal match between Spain and the Netherlands. It was an exhilarating game, with Spain emerging victorious once again, solidifying their place as one of the top teams in the tournament.
After they departed, it was just Alba and me for a few days, which gave us some time to bond and explore the area together.
Later, Eli and Alexia’s uncle and some friends joined us minus Marina,she had to word thanks God. That added a new dynamic to the group and made things more lively.
Spain then faced Sweden in the semifinals, and it was another thrilling match. Spain pulled off another impressive win, which meant they secured their spot in the final. The excitement among everyone was undeniable. The atmosphere was electric, with celebrations all around.
Alexia, in particular, was over the moon with joy, as were her teammates. You could really feel the pride and happiness radiating from them—it was such a special moment for all of them.
When it comes to Alexia, I haven’t been able to spend as much time with her as I would have liked. Her training schedule has been intense, so she’s been focused and busy preparing for the matches.
However, I did manage to carve out some quality time with her and her family, which I really cherished.
Even when we weren’t physically together, we stayed in close contact through phone calls, FaceTime, and constant messaging. It was nice to keep that connection strong, even with everything going on.
Today is the big day—the World Cup final. England versus Spain. The anticipation is overwhelming, and I can’t help but feel incredibly nervous yet excited for the outcome. I’m really hoping Spain takes home the win.
They’ve worked so hard and gone through so much to get here, and they truly deserve to lift that trophy after everything they’ve endured.
The atmosphere in the stadium was absolutely electric, with the tension and excitement hanging thick in the air. Both English and Spanish fans filled the stands, their voices blending into a roaring sea of cheers and chants for their respective teams.
The energy was contagious, and you could feel the passion radiating from every corner of the stadium.
Alba, Eli, Alexia’s uncle, and all of Alexia’s friends were completely caught up in the moment, cheering at the top of their lungs. The excitement was overwhelming, and we were all proudly sporting Alexia’s jersey, a united front of support for her. We were on the edge of our seats, anxiously waiting for that breakthrough moment.
Finally, after nearly 30 minutes of nail-biting tension, Spain scored. The stadium erupted into pure chaos. Everyone around us was euphoric, jumping up and down with pure joy, screaming and hugging each other.
It was a moment of collective celebration, with emotions running high and the feeling of victory inching closer.
As the clock ticked into the 90th minute, the anticipation grew even stronger. Then, finally, Alexia stepped onto the field. The crowd’s response was immediate—cheers and applause filled the air as she joined the game.
Her presence alone seemed to elevate the energy in the stadium even more.
With 15 more minutes added, the tension was almost unbearable. Then, at last, the final whistle blew. A wave of emotion washed over the field, and every player seemed to collapse—some from sheer happiness, others from the weight of disappointment.
From where I stood, I could see Alexia lying on the pitch, surrounded by her teammates who were leaping onto her in celebration. It was a moment of pure joy, a culmination of everything they had worked for, and it was incredible to witness it all unfold.
Eli pulled all of us into a heartfelt group hug as we celebrated the incredible victory. Our cheers were filled with uncontainable joy, and the tears streaming down our faces were a testament to our deep happiness.
It was an emotional and beautiful moment, seeing Spain triumphantly win the World Cup. The sense of accomplishment and elation was palpable, and the scene was truly unforgettable—one we will always cherish as a perfect culmination of their hard-fought journey.
Once we finally managed to steady our emotions, the scene on the field was nothing short of magical. The players were awarded their well-deserved medals, and the moment Spain lifted the World Cup trophy was met with a surge of cheers and applause.
The stadium buzzed with an electrifying atmosphere as fans celebrated the culmination of a remarkable journey.
The players took their time to engage with the crowd, posing for photos and signing autographs. Their joy was evident, and they seemed genuinely thrilled to share this victory with their supporters. It was a beautiful display of gratitude and connection between the team and the fans.
As the crowd began to thin out, a few of us made our way onto the field to find Alexia. The security staff, allowed us access. When Alexia spotted her family, she didn’t just walk; she sprinted towards them with such speed and emotion that it was as if she was propelled by sheer joy.
She embraced her mother and sister tightly, tears streaming down her face, her happiness radiating in every direction.
Her interactions with her friends were equally heartfelt. She greeted each one with the same infectious enthusiasm and warmth, her smile never fading.
I stood a little to the side, giving her the space she needed to enjoy these precious moments with her family and friends, while I chatted with the families of other players who were also basking in the afterglow of the victory.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Alexia scanning the crowd, her gaze searching for someone. She turned to her mother, who pointed in my direction.
When Alexia’s eyes finally locked onto mine, a look of recognition and excitement crossed her face. She made a beeline towards me, her expression filled with joy and relief.
As we met halfway, she enveloped me in a tight, heartfelt hug, lifting me off the ground with an energy that matched the day’s celebrations.
I whispered, “You did it,” into her ear, and as she buried her face in my neck, I felt a tender kiss graze my skin—a fleeting, sweet gesture that spoke volumes.
After a few moments of this intimate embrace, we slowly pulled away, but Alexia kept me close, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
She led me back to where her friends and family were gathered, her presence and warmth a constant source of comfort and joy amidst the ongoing celebrations.
After a while of mingling, celebrating with friends and family, and capturing memories with photos, it was just Alexia and me left on the small stage situated in the center of the field.
The revelry had started to wind down, and the festive atmosphere was beginning to settle into a more intimate moment.
We sat close together on the stage, surrounded by a sea of confetti that glittered in the fading light. I found myself idly playing with the colorful pieces scattered around us, a tangible reminder of the day’s excitement.
“I still can’t believe you’re a world champion now,” I said, my voice full of excitement. I gently touched the medal draped around her neck, admiring it’s shine and significance.
Alexia looked at me with a mix of disbelief and joy. “I can’t believe it either,” she responded, then, with a smile, she carefully removed her medal and placed it around my neck.
The gesture was both symbolic and heartfelt, and I couldn’t help but grin as I felt the weight of her achievement resting on me.
She moved even closer, wrapping her arms around my shoulders in a tender embrace. I leaned into her, feeling a deep sense of contentment as she planted a soft, affectionate kiss on my cheek.
The warmth of her touch and the intimacy of the moment made it feel even more special.
In a hushed tone, she whispered, “Estoy lista” (I’m ready.)Her words were gentle but filled with a depth of emotion that caught me off guard. I looked at her, confusion and curiosity mingling in my expression.
“I’m ready to start a relationship…with you,” she continued, her voice steady but heartfelt. “I want us to be together officially.”
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amhrosina · 1 year
Love Bites
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Summary: Your complicated relationship with Miguel is pushed beyond the usual bounds when you ask him to give in to his deepest desire.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
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a/n: i'm unashamed to announce that all i thought about when Miguel was on that giant movie screen was writing a fic where Miguel bites reader...........clearly i was team edward.
warnings: porn with some plot, mostly just porn though, p in v sex, Miguel is sort of a grump, undefined relationship between reader and Miguel, biting kink???, mentions of blood, etc.
“Shhh, baby.” Miguel cooed, pressing his hand over your mouth to quiet your whimpering moans. “You’re taking me so well, honey. Y’just have to be a little quieter.”
You could barely hear him, so caught up in the pleasure of having him deep inside you that his voice was a gentle murmur in the back of your mind. You were on the verge of, yet another, orgasm at the hands of Miguel, who was currently thrusting into you so hard you were sure you’d go flying off his desk if he didn’t have a firm grip on your hip.
“No one’s here, Miguel.” You whined, albeit a little quieter than before, and muffled from the hand he still pressed against your lips. “They all went home hours ago. We’re the only ones crazy enough to still be working this late.” 
Was this still considered working? You’d been going at it for at least an hour. 
“You don’t know that.” He emphasized his words with a harsh thrust, seducing a rather loud whine from your throat. “Stop that.”
As annoyed as he probably sounded, you knew he didn’t mean a word he was saying to you. How many times had he pushed you into this desk and begged to feel you clenching around him? How many times had you let him? The cycle that made up you and Miguel’s relationship was vicious and addicting -  a clash of skin on skin, teeth against teeth, body against body - if any of the other spider-people knew just how well Miguel knew your body, they’d raise even more hell about his favoritism of you.
Because of course it was obvious to any casual passer-by that Miguel and you were something. Friends? Miguel didn’t really have any, and neither did you. Lovers? You were almost positive that lovers communicated beyond ‘Can I take your pants off?’ and ‘Fuck me so hard I forget my name, please.” Co-workers? Well, if tearing each other’s clothes off every time you were alone counted, then sure, Miguel was your co-worker. 
“Miguel.” You whined, arching into his bare chest and moaning when your nipples rubbed against the hard muscles that made up his body. Your current position - naked and being fucked into Miguel’s desk - was arguably a dangerous one. If someone did happen to still be at HQ and came anywhere near Miguel’s workspace, there was no chance you’d be able to hide what you were doing. “Use your super-hearing. No one’s here.”
Miguel faltered for a few seconds, pausing his movements - because God knows he couldn’t focus on anything but your sweet pussy while he was moving inside you - so that he could focus on the noises around his office. You tried to control your breathing, allowing him to move through each floor until he was certain no one was around to hear your moans.
“There’s no one here.” He bobbed his head once, confirming what you’d been trying to tell him for the better part of an hour. That was all you were going to get from him. He’d never say outright that you were right, but the softened caress of his fingers over your jaw was enough to tell you he at least acknowledged your contribution. 
“So I can be loud again?” You questioned, spreading your legs wider so he could thrust into you as deep as possible. 
“No, needy girl.” He shook his head, the softness in his eyes now replaced with something carnal and lusty. He cupped your jaw with both hands and thrusted all the way into you, grunting when you involuntarily clenched around his thick length. 
“Why not?” You whined.
“Because when you’re moaning like that in my ear, cariño, I can feel myself losing control.” He grunted, gently rocking in and out of you. He kissed your shoulder before softly resting his forehead against it. “Don’t want to hurt you, baby.”
You blinked once, twice. This was uncharted waters for you and Miguel. He’d never vocalized these fears before, and you weren’t sure what that meant. 
“You won’t hurt me, Miguel.” You tentatively cradled his head against your body, running your fingers through his soft, black hair. “I trust you.”
He abruptly pulled away from you, meeting your gaze with what looked like both, confusion and hope in his eyes. You watched him watch you, unsure if you’d gone too far. Did co-workers/lovers/friends often have vulnerable conversations when tied together in the most intimate way possible?
“You trust me?” He was still softly thrusting in and out of you, and you wondered how long he’d been wanting to have this conversation. Had it been days? Weeks? 
“Of course.” You scoffed, as if what you were saying had been obvious, though clearly it had been weighing on Miguel’s mind for quite some time. “You can let go with me, Miguel. I’ll tell you if it’s too much, okay?”
He paused, mulling over your words for a moment before tentatively nodding. You smiled, and suddenly Miguel’s mouth was on yours, and you couldn’t remember which way was up or down because his mouth was downright sinful. A spark erupted in your chest, eliciting a groan from deep in your throat. It was every skyscraper you’d ever jumped off of, every leap of faith you’d taken while swinging through the city, every goosebump you’d ever felt, tingling throughout every nerve in your body.
Miguel, in all his silent glory, must’ve felt it too, because he let out the most delicious moan you’d ever heard in your life before deepening the kiss even further. His tongue swiped over yours, and in a swift, thoughtless motion, he tugged at your lower lip with his teeth before trailing down to your neck. His thrusts were relentless and deep, a wild juxtaposition to the gentleness of his mouth nibbling at your throat. And Jesus, you’d never considered biting to be something that turned you on, but the thought of Miguel sinking his sharp fangs into your skin as he fucked you was, arguably, the hottest and most fucked up thing you’d ever thought about in your life.
An involuntary moan echoed out of you at the thought, and you found yourself mumbling incoherently into his ear.
“Miguel, Miguel, Miguel, Miguel, Mig-”
“You sound so sweet when you’re moaning my name, baby.” 
He pressed a chaste kiss to your swollen lips before returning to your neck. He nibbled, licked, and sucked along the column of your throat, getting more aggressive the louder you moaned. The familiar heat that coiled in your core was so close to erupting that you started to talk before you realized what you were doing.
“Can you…” You trailed off, panting and a little embarrassed at the question you wanted to ask.
“Can I what, amor?” He gripped your hips, slamming into you with such force that you felt the words tumbling out of you.
“Can you bite me?”
A low groan slipped from his throat, so far gone in the pleasure that he barely hesitated before sinking his teeth into your shoulder. The pain was almost immediately coated by such an immense warmth that your orgasm suddenly and violently ricocheted through your body. You shook against Miguel, shuttering with every pass of his tongue over the mark he’d left on you. 
Miguel wasn’t far behind you. You were unknowingly clenching around him so hard that he couldn’t stop the pleasure from overtaking him as well. He sunk his teeth into your throat, marking you harshly enough that you were sure it would leave a huge, purple bruise. He grunted, movements faltering, before thrusting into you deeply and coming.
Blood slowly trickled from the wounds on your neck and shoulder, and he eagerly licked at them while you tried to come down from what was arguably the highest you’d ever been. Every time his tongue passed over the sensitive marks, a spark of pleasure shot through you so violently that you eventually had to shove his mouth away from them.
“That was…insane.” You finally said, laughing at how blissed out Miguel looked. “But I liked it.”
“You’re going to be so bruised tomorrow.” He noted, mirroring your grin with a wide one of his own. 
And you suddenly realized how fucking handsome he was when he smiled. You knew, of course, that Miguel was objectively the hottest person you’d ever seen, but he’d never smiled at you that way before - vulnerable, walls down for once - and you were suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to kiss him again. 
“We should pro-”
You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him into another kiss. It was slow and sweet and even though he briefly tensed when your lips met his, he eventually eased into the kiss, allowing himself the sweet indulgence of kissing the pretty girl in front of him. When you finally pulled away from him, lips swollen and red and maddening, he let out a soft whimper in protest.
“It’s only midnight.” He mumbled, glancing at the clock before kissing you again.
“If you try to make me get back to work after this, I’m going to slap you, Miguel O’Hara.” You breathed.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “I was going to say let’s call it a night.”
You suddenly became very aware of his length still buried in you. Surely, if he didn’t want this to continue, he would’ve pulled out earlier, right? He wouldn’t be kissing you like you were the only girl in the world, right? But Miguel had always been temperamental, sometimes hot, usually cold. Unease coiled in your gut as you tried to figure out where his head was at. This joining had certainly felt different than the other times you’d been with him, but did that really mean anything when it came to Miguel?
“My place or yours, Mami?”
Your heart thundered at the nickname, and all the doubt from moments before was replaced with thoughts of him, him, him. 
“Either one.” You shrugged, “We’ll have to stagger our arrival times tomorrow so no one suspects us. Especially with these.” You pointed to the bite marks on your shoulder and neck. 
“Or,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “we could say fuck it and show up together.”
You blinked up at him, wondering if he meant what you thought he meant.
“What about the bites? Don’t you think people might think they’re…weird?”
He shrugged again. “Let them. I don’t care. They make you feel good, so fuck everyone else, baby.”
“Is this ‘nice-Miguel’ going to stick around or is it just because you’re high on blood right now?” You teased.
He scowled, but you noticed the tiny tick in his jaw that indicated a hidden smile. “You saying I’m not nice, baby?”
“You’re a perpetually grumpy person, Miguel.”
“Not with you.” He grumbled.
“Especially with me.” You corrected, kissing the tip of his nose. “But I like that about you.”
“You do?” He perked up, grinning slightly. 
“Yes.” You nodded earnestly. “Of course I do.”
He nuzzled into your neck, resting his head on your unmarked shoulder, and mumbled, “I like you too.” 
Tag List:
@foxglove-grove @lavnderluv @khaleesihavilliard @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @km-ffluv @chiaraxtargaryen @trulylavandedarling @D0wnbad @deliciousfestsalad @lilyevans1 @imagineadream @22carolina08 @definitelynotsugar @casualchaoticdevil @peachy-flxwr @nashja @xshewayout @blep--bloop @kpopgirlbtssvt @aynsleywalker @queenofthenoobs @ostricx @horrorflix @myhomethesea
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ash-says · 5 months
Hey Girl, Tired of Being Told to "Be Nice"? ‍
Forget the sugar and spice, it's time for some fire and ice! This ain't your mama's self-help blog. Here, we ditch the damsels in distress routine and learn to be the queens of our own damn castles.
Remember the following mantra's while interacting with this blog:
"Kill or get Killed."
"Be Pretty. Be Petty."
We're all about unleashing your inner boss babe and conquering your goals with a side of sass. Here's a taste of what you'll find on this hot mess of a blog:
1. You are your own saviour.
Survival 101
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 1
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 2
Saviour Complex Fever
Tried and tested Manipulation Techniques
2. Quit Being Basic, Get Iconic
Mini steps towards being independent
Devil may care- A guide on being unbothered
Tips on how to be Goody Two Shoes and Pure in the society's eyes
Be Bold. Be Shallow
Being Audacious
The vicious cycle of Needs, Wants and Demands
The Art of People-Pleasing and how to Fail at it
Corporate Tips
Things to be aware as a hopeless romantic
22 highlights for the next year for me and you
3. Mic Drop Talk
Tips to improve People Skills/ Being more Charismatic
Practicing Tact and Open mindedness
Listening techniques
Handling curiosity so the cat doesn't gets killed
Hush Hush Honey
Tips on how to dodge personal questions in a Professional Setting
4. Mind Over Matter
Cheating Anxiety With Me
Exercise and staying fit
How to tackle Fragmented Sleep/ Sleep disruptions
5. Siren School
Being in touch with your sensuality
How to feel sexy instead of cute
6. Opinion Time
Opinion Time 1
Opinion Time 2
Opinion Time 3
7. Random Motivation
Motivation 1
Motivation 2
Motivation 3
Motivation 4
Motivation 5
Motivation 6
Is that Britney Spears ,"Gimme more" playing in the background??
I know you'll be coming back for more like a moth to a flame.
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