#the world tour in question comes to Europe
vasattope · 21 days
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cheynovak · 5 days
A Night to Remember   
Part 7: Whispers in the night  
Jensen Ackles x F/Reader Y/N        
Warnings: 18+, phone sex, masturbation, unfaithful, The first time they'll really sin in this story... I'm nervous!   
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
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Will the world believe that Jensen and Y/N were acting, will the world believe the picture was a publicity stunt? But more importantly, will they?      
Or is their tension towards each other, their ‘harmless’ flirting going to burst into flames? How much longer will they be able to keep their professional distance?    
Jensen Ackles stepped off the plane in Munich, the crisp European air a welcome change. It was the start of a whirlwind tour across Europe for various conventions. The first convention in Munich was a full house.  
Fans cheered as Jensen took the stage, and he couldn't help but smile at the warmth of their reception. The questions started innocuously enough favourite scenes, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, but inevitably, someone brought up Y/N.  
"Jensen, we miss Y/N on 'The Boys.' Do you know if she'll ever come back?" a fan asked, their voice tinged with hope. Jensen took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words. "You know, Y/N is an incredible actress and person. I think everyone on the show, including myself, misses her presence. As for her return, that’s really up to the writers and, of course, Y/N herself.  
Another fan chimed in, "There were rumours about you two being really close. Is that true?" Jensen's heart raced. He couldn't let his true feelings slip, not here, not now. "Y/N and I worked very closely on the show, and we became good friends. Working on a show like 'The Boys' creates strong bonds. But, you know, we all have our personal lives outside of work."  
The questions kept coming, but Jensen managed to deflect them without revealing too much. The convention in Munich ended, and he moved on to Paris, then London, with similar inquiries at each stop. Each time, he maintained his composure, sticking to the carefully rehearsed lines.  
As the European tour was halfway, Jensen found himself sitting alone in his hotel room, reflecting on the past few weeks. He missed Y/N terribly, not just as a co-star, but as the woman he had come to care for deeply. His phone rings, seeing its Danneel, like every night they talked a while before he went to bed. Jensen ended the call with his wife, Danneel, feeling the familiar pang of guilt. He always did his best to maintain his marriage, but his feelings for Y/N had grown stronger over time.  
Sitting on the edge of his hotel bed, the silence of the room amplified his thoughts. He missed Y/N more than he wanted to admit. Reaching for his phone, Jensen hesitated for a moment before scrolling to Y/N's contact.  
He hit the call button, his heart pounding as he waited for her to pick up. "Jensen?" Y/N's voice was soft and warm, a balm to his weary soul. "Hey," he replied, a smile tugging at his lips. "I just needed to hear your voice." 
There was a pause on the other end, then a quiet laugh. "How are the conventions going?" "They're good. The fans are amazing, as always. But..." He trailed off, unsure how to continue. "But what?" she prompted gently.  
"I miss you, Y/N. It's hard being here and not having you close. Everyone keeps asking about you, and it's like they're reminding me of what I'm missing." Y/N sighed. "I miss you too, Jensen. It's been tough not being there with you all. But I can't follow you across Europe, we see each other when you're in Greece, right?"  
"I know," he said softly. "I just...I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Pretending everything is normal when all I want is to be with you." There was a silence on the other end, and Jensen feared he had said too much.  
But then Y/N spoke, her voice filled with emotion. "We'll figure it out, J.”  
They talked for a while longer, catching up on the little things and sharing stories that made them both laugh. As he lay back on the bed, his phone clutched in his hand against his ear asked her.  
"What are you up to?" - "Just getting ready for bed. It's been a long day." Jensen's curiosity got the better of him. "What's it like there? Greece, I mean." - "It's beautiful. The beaches, the food, the history...it's all so amazing. You'd love it here."  
He could hear the excitement in her voice, and it made him wish he could be there with her right now. "I bet I would. So, eh... what are you wearing right now?" There was a brief pause, and he could almost hear her blush through the phone.  
"Jensen, you always know how to ask the most unexpected questions," she teased. "Just curious," he said with a tone of mischief notable, trying to keep his tone light but unable to hide the longing in his voice.  
"Well, if you must know," she began with a playful tone, "I'm wearing one of those white, flowy dresses. The ones that are perfect for a beach vacation." Jensen closed his eyes, picturing her in the dress, her hair tousled from the sea breeze, a soft smile on her lips.  
"I can almost see you," he said softly. "You must look stunning." - "You always know what to say," Y/N replied, her voice tender. "I wish you were here, J." "Me too, Y/N. More than you know... God what I would do..." His words trailed off.  
Y/N settled into the pillows, her heart racing a little. "Jensen," she began, her voice soft, "what would you do if you were here with me right now?" She could almost feel the intensity of his thoughts through the phone.  
"If I were with you right now," he said slowly, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "I'd start by kissing you. Just gentle, soft kisses, right along your jawline." She closed her eyes, imagining his lips on her skin.  
"And then?" she prompted, her voice barely more than a breath. "And then," Jensen continued, "I'd run my hands down your arms, feeling the softness of your skin, as I slowly unzip that dress you mentioned. I'd let it fall to the floor, revealing you to me."  
Y/N's breath hitched at his words, her body reacting to his vivid descriptions. "Keep going," she whispered, needing to hear more. "I'd kiss you again," Jensen said, his voice thick with desire.  
"My lips would trace a path down your neck, to your collarbone, and further down. My hands would explore your curves, mapping out every inch of you." Her fingers gripped the sheets, her imagination painting a picture so clear she could almost feel his touch.  
"Jensen," she breathed, "that sounds amazing." - "I'd make sure you felt cherished, every single part of you," he continued, his voice a seductive promise. "I'd take my time, enjoying every moment, making you feel things you've never felt before. And I'd never let you forget how much I want you."  
Y/N's body was tingling with sensation, her heart pounding in her chest. "I wish I could feel you," she confessed, her voice trembling with longing. "I need you, Jensen." Jensen's breath hitched at her words, desire flooding his senses.  
He swallowed hard, his voice dropping to an intimate whisper. "Y/N, can we try something?” - “ What’s that?” she asks but in the back of head she knows what he is going to say. “I want you to do something for me. Touch yourself, imagine it's my hands on your body. Can you do that for me?" There was a pause, and then a soft, breathy, "Yes."  
"Good girl," Jensen said, his voice soothing and yet commanding. "Start by running your hands down your body, just like I would if I were there. Feel the softness of your skin, the way it responds to your touch."  
He heard her breath quicken, could almost picture her following his instructions. "Now, let your fingers trace along your curves, mapping out every inch of you. Imagine it's my hands, my lips, exploring you."  
A soft moan escaped her lips, and Jensen's own desire grew stronger. "That's it, baby. Now, let your hands move lower, to where you need me the most. Touch yourself there, and think about how it would feel if it were me."  
Her breathing grew heavier, and he could hear the faint rustle of sheets as she moved. "Jensen," she whispered, her voice filled with need. 
"I'm here," he murmured, his own voice thick with desire. "Keep going, Y/N." He continued to talk her through it, his words painting vivid pictures of what he would do if he were with her. He described how his lips would trail down her body. 
His voice husky with longing, "I want you to imagine my tongue and lips taking care of you. Picture me between those perfect thighs, my tongue tracing slow circles, tasting your sweetness."  
A shiver ran through Y/N, her breath coming in quick gasps. She moaned soft, her breath trembling with anticipation. "That's right," he encouraged, his own voice deepening. "Feel my hands kneading your breasts, my fingers teasing your nipples. I want you to feel the heat of my mouth, the way I'd suck gently, then harder, making you moan my name."  
"Yes," she breathed, her voice barely more than a gasp. "Jensen. I need more." His own arousal was almost unbearable, but he focused on her pleasure. "I'd slide my fingers inside, deeper, finding that spot that makes you tremble." 
As her breathing grew more erratic, Jensen's own body responded, the distance between them both a frustration and a tease. "You're so beautiful, Y/N," he whispered. "I wish I could see you right now, see how incredible you look as you touch yourself."  
Her moans grew louder, and he knew she was close. "Come for me, Y/N," he urged, his voice a low growl. "Let yourself go, let me hear you." With a final, breathless cry, Y/N reached her peak, her body trembling with release.  
Jensen closed his eyes, his heart pounding, imagining the way she looked in that moment. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Y/N's voice came back, soft and sated. "Jensen, that was...incredible." 
“I’m not done baby.” Y/N's breathing was still heavy, her body still tingling from the release Jensen had guided her to. She closed her eyes, imagining his presence even more vividly. 
 "I'd slide into you slowly at first," he continued, his hand moving to his own need, "feeling every inch of you. You'd be so tight and wet, taking me in deeper and deeper." Y/N's moans grew louder, matching his rhythm.  
"Yes, Jensen," she whispered, her voice trembling with desire. "I'd start moving faster, harder," he said, his own breath quickening as he began to touch himself, imagining her with him.  
"My hands would grip your hips, pulling you closer, thrusting into you with everything I have." "Oh, Y/N," Jensen murmured, his voice deeper and more urgent now, "Would you be ready for me baby?" he said, the words almost a growl.  
"I wish I could feel how wet you are right now, how ready you are for me. Imagine how I'd fill you up, how perfectly we'd fit together." 
"Jensen," she gasped, her voice filled with need. "I need you so much." - "I need you too, Y/N," he groaned, his hand working faster. "I'd make you come again, feeling you tighten around me, driving me over the edge."  
Jensen's movements were urgent and primal, driven by a desire that burned within him. His hand moved with a sense of purpose, gripping himself firmly as he imagined Y/N's body beneath him.  
Each stroke was deliberate, his fingers tracing the outline of his length, gasps of pleasure leaving from deep within his chest. As he described his fantasies to Y/N, his hips rocked in time with his hand, a rhythm born of longing and need.  
His breath came in ragged gasps, his chest rising and falling with each stroke, the heat of arousal flushing his skin. As he neared his release, his movements became more frantic, more desperate. He could feel the tension building within him, coiling tighter and tighter.  
Her moans reached a crescendo, and he could tell she was close again. "Come with me, baby," he urged, his own release building. With a final, breathless cry, Y/N came again, her body trembling with the intensity of her release. Jensen followed soon after, his own moans mingling with hers as he found his release, imagining the feel of her around him. 
As they both caught their breath, the connection between them felt stronger than ever, despite the miles that separated them. "That was...amazing," Y/N said softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "It was," Jensen agreed, his heart still pounding. "I can't wait to make this a reality."  
"Me too," she whispered. They lingered on the phone, whispering sweet words to each other, until the early hours of the morning. When they finally said goodnight, both were filled with a sense of connection they never felt when they ended the phone call.  
Jensen walked to the bathroom, washing away his sin. As the warmth of the shower embraced him, Jensen closed his eyes, letting the water soothe his body and mind. The steam filled the bathroom, wrapping him in a comforting embrace as he stood beneath the spray.  
Despite the lingering sensations of pleasure that still tingled through his body, guilt gnawed at him. He leaned his forehead against the cool tiles, his thoughts at war with conflicting emotions.  
He had enjoyed exploring this new level of intimacy with Y/N, but the guilt of betraying his marriage weighed heavily on his conscience. Images of Danneel flashed through his mind, her smile, her laughter, the love they shared.  
He hated himself for betraying her trust, for allowing his desires to lead him down a path he knew was wrong. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the connection he felt with Y/N, the intensity of their shared longing.  
Turning off the water, Jensen stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He stood in front of the mirror, his reflection staring back at him with accusing eyes. How had he let things go this far? How had he allowed himself to be consumed by this forbidden passion? 
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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What is your favorite part of the '68 Special?
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Pictures: Singer Presents  ... Elvis, commonly referred to as the '68 Comeback Special. 1968.
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For me, undoubtedly I say my favorite part of the '68 Special is the sit-down concerts, specially the reunion between Elvis and the remaining members of Elvis' former band, the Blue Moon Boys, Scotty Moore and DJ Fontana.
I wonder if the fans, not the specialized critic such as musicians and general people in the business but specially the fans, back then, while watching this TV special for the first time, understood or merely felt the significance of this moment. I wonder if they were surprised in seeing Elvis not only back onstage after a while but back onstage with Scotty and DJ Fontana by his side. Man, that was special! To me, the most special portion of the '68 Comeback. ♥
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Bill Black, bassist, unfortunately passed away in 1965, while Elvis was still full time engaged with his Hollywood career. Fans only wish Bill could have been there with Scotty and DJ. He had that irreverent performance that fascinates me, surely he would've been a great asset to the show. I only feel sorry Elvis, neither Scotty or DJ, ever mentioned Bill on the '68 Special, but its understandable the reason why. It wasn't about the Blue Moon Boys more than it was about Elvis returning to the stage. Even so, had Bill made it to this moment, man! That would've been something else. Even more meaningful than it already was.
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Scotty Moore: His memories on the '68 Comeback Special and 'behind the scenes': Elvis and The Blue Moon Boys performing in Europe?
Source: Excerpt of the documentary "Elvis: The Birth of Rock n' Roll" (2004)
Scotty reveals Elvis asked him and DJ Fontana if they would agree to go on the road with him again, this time performing overseas, in Europe. Curious enough, to that question, Scotty says Elvis called him and DJ Fontana to another room in his home, so they could talk in private - which was something unusual for him because "usually anything he had to say, he'd say no matter who was around".
For the longest time, performing around the world was something Presley aimed. Ever since he had been stationed in Germany with the US Army during his service time, a period he did paused his career therefore he didn't perform while in Europe between 1958 to 1960, reporters asked him if and when that moment would come when Elvis would go back to Europe but this time for live concerts, to the thrill of his passionate fans overseas who followed him career from afar, many since the 50s. Unfortunately touring outside US (other than few performances in Canada in 1957) never seemed the get the right time.
Once Elvis begin performing live again in 1969, after he was out of the movie contracts, Elvis' manager, Colonel Tom Parker, would always have excuses on the tip of his tongue for why an European tour, or world tour for that matter, would not be a such good idea. When Elvis received some death threats coming his way through letters sent to his crew occasionally, starting from 1969 on, those incident perfectly fit to Colonel Parker's intentions for his gold boy. Parker would use the incidents to manipulate Elvis to believe they couldn't do his security properly out of the US. Colonel would tell Presley how it would be too dangerous for him, besides they could make just as much money performing home as they have been doing so far.
Elvis never had this one dream of performing overseas coming true in his life, as much as another reunion between him and the Blue Moon Boys never came to be after the '68 Comeback Special. Scotty says that private conversation in Elvis' home (in 1968) was the last time he was together with Elvis like that, which makes this moment in history one of a kind.
During the '68 Special (sit-down concert), Scotty submits a special request to Elvis for them to play "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" together.
The song was recorded by them on February 3, 1956, at RCA studios in New York. It was released as B-side to the EP "Elvis Presley", out in September 1956. The cover shows Elvis, Scotty Moore and Bill Black performing together.
Later, the song would be featured on the LP "For Elvis Fans Only" released in 1959. Elvis would frequently include "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" to his main setlists from 1970 to 1975, occasionally performing it in 1976 and 1977.
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No wonder Scotty picked this song. Maybe a subtle way of honoring late Bill Black. ♥
About their performance of this tune during the '68 Comeback Special:
As they jam together, Scotty gives a cue and Elvis tears into “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” with a raw assault of mixed emotion. His performance is so intense that it almost—in the best way—scratches the ears. Vocal cords that, so far, have proved their owner’s mastery with smooth singing are pushed to the point of fraying at the edges. As Greil Marcus noticed, when Elvis lurches into the number, what he experiences is a feeling that is both joshing and liberated. At one point, as the musicians jam together, it’s possible to hear Charlie Hodge getting carried away with laughter, as if bobbing in the fray of a heady, almost oceanic moment. In his underrated 2004 pocket volume The Rough Guide to Elvis, Paul Simpson describes “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” as “Elvis’s answer to Jack Kerouac’s On the Road.” Taking on this old staple in the Comeback, what the singer delivers is lusty, passionate, and commanding, yet also desperate, angry, and sad. He conjures with immense powers. — Mark Duffett (Counting Down Elvis - His 100 Finest Songs, 2018)
Again, what is your favorite part of the '68 Special?
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seeminglyranch87 · 17 days
Taylor & Travis Timeline
May 2024 - Part 2
May 16 - According to ET (x)
The duo traveled via boat to have dinner at Locanda La Tirlindana Restaurant. While on their way to the popular eatery, Swift and Kelce were photographed kissing.
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May 17 - Taylor flies to Sweden, Travis flies to KC
ET reveal very interesting article that appears to be warming up the public to the idea that Taylor and Travis are soon to be (or as most swifties believe already are) engaged! (x)
According to ET,
Excitement over a potential engagement between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce has been brewing and according to ET's source, a proposal might be on the horizon. The source tells ET, "Taylor and Travis are doing amazing, and their loved ones see an engagement coming sooner than later. They make a great match and there's no question about that."
The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N1
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I Think He Knows x Gorgeous (Travis' version) (guitar), Peter (piano)
May 18 - Kelce Jam (x) Kansas City.
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The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N2
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Guilty as Sin (guitar) & Say Don't Go x Welcome to New York x Clean (piano)
Access Hollywood ask Travis what his favourite era is (x)
 “Oh, I’m a big ‘1989’ era, but I’m not going to lie I might be a little biased towards ‘The Tortured Poets Department,’ just little bit,”
Travis is also asked what Taylor Swift song he'd include in Kelce Jam?
"Oh, that's a good one. Golly, So High School might be the only one that's just jumping into my mind right now. I think everyone could get fired up for that one. There are so many. The Man is my niece's favourite, so we can always go with The Man."
E! online. (x)
After the Kansas City Chiefs tight end enjoyed a romantic trip to Italy with girlfriend Taylor Swift, he couldn't help but rave about the experience—especially when it came to the "unbelievable" food. As he told reporters on the red carpet at his Kelce Jam concert in Kansas on May 18, his favorite meal during the getaway was a butter ravioli dish, which he called "amazing." Taylor and Travis' vacation—which included a sweet boat ride in Lake Como—clearly left an impression on the NFL star, who noted that the locale was "beautiful." He added, "It's the best food and the best views in the world." But as for Travis' favorite part of his entire Europe trip? That would be his experience at Taylor's Eras Tour concert in Paris on May 12 alongside Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid.  "Taylor's shows are unbelievable," he told reporters. "If you haven't been to them, you gotta try them." And while Taylor's latest stop in Stockholm, Sweden, meant she wasn't able to attend Kelce Jam, the Grammy winner was able to show her support in other ways, according to Travis. He recalled that she told him to "go out and have fun."  "She wishes she was here, I know that," he shared on the red carpet, "but she's got a lot of people she's performing for."
May 19 - The Eras Tour, Friends Arena, Stockholm, Sweden N3
Message In A Bottle x How You Get The Girl x New Romantics (Max Martin Medley) (guitar) & How Did It End? (piano)
Go to previous update -> May part 1
Go to next update -> May part 3
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
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pairing: minho ft. hyunjin x fem!reader genre: smut, angst, fluff, soulmate!au. enemies to lovers. jealousy. pining. unrequited love. content: 18+ minors dni. word count: 6.8k
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series masterlist & taglist ♡ pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3
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The second you slam his door behind you, your walls crumble. By the time you’ve reached the street you have to wipe your sleeve across your eyes so you can check for cars. Hyunjin stands abruptly as you enter the cafe, only to sigh and slump back into his chair when he sees your expression. “What did he do?” he asks, pushing a large iced tea towards you as you collapse across from him. 
“He…made it very clear he doesn’t want me. We’re done. It’s done.” 
You grab a napkin from the table and clean yourself up. The man across from you is silent and when you look up at him he’s staring at his empty cup, clearly somewhere else entirely. You reach over the table to place your hand gently over his, snapping him out of his trance. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, offering him a sad smile. “I’m… glad I met you, though. Something nice came out of all this. For me at least.” 
He turns his hand over, squeezing your hand gently before you pull away. “What did he say?” he asks.
“That he doesn’t think I’m right for him and he… he did all this for you. He loves her.” 
“He said that?”
You nod, bringing your cup to your lips. “He… he said we’re not right for each other.” 
Hyunjin falls back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and muttering something under his breath. His brows are pulled together and his bottom lip sticks out a little. He’s pouting. You huff out a laugh, wiping your eyes a final time.
“What?” he grumbles. 
“You’re pouting.” 
“Am not.” 
You lean back in your chair, matching him. “Come to Europe with me,” you blurt out.
His arms drop from his chest. “What?” 
“Mina’s getting married in France, she said I could bring a plus one. Everything would be covered,” you say, watching as his lips part a little. “Her soulmate is… well off.” 
“...and you want to bring me?” 
“I…Yeah. I want you to come. We can add the Louvre to our art gallery tour,” you say, offering him a shy smile. You’d been thinking a lot about how to ask him. The emotional labour of the past hour had worn you down so much you’d figured you may as well drop an invite to Europe as well. If he turned you down, you’d be crying yourself to sleep later anyway. 
“Alright, that sounds fun,” he says, leaning forward and pushing your coffee towards you a little. “Finish your drink, the ice is melting.” 
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You don’t hear from Minho for over two months. Hyunjin doesn’t mention how you left things with his roommate, so you don’t either. You carry on with your lives, like two friends who’d met under normal circumstances. Two friends who planned how they were going to spend their time in France. You’d gotten better at reading Hyunjin’s moods. It was obvious to you when he was faking his smiles, struggling to keep up with your conversation. How often were his low moods related to his roommate, you wondered. Could you ask what was bothering him and risk it being about the soulmate who rejected you? Minho was the elephant in the room you both ignored for the sake of your friendship. Despite the major topic of conversation you were both avoiding, he quickly became the person you were closest to besides Mina. 
Today was one of those days: his low days. He’d arrived at your apartment with his shoulders hunched, straightening a little as you’d brightly explained everything you’d planned out once you arrived in France. He didn’t say much and you didn’t ask him questions, quickly catching on to his mood. By the time you both boarded the plane you quieted down, letting him pull his headphones over his ears and escape into his own world. You’d let him rest his head on your shoulder for much of the flight. He seemed much more tired than you were. He’d woken in a better mood, playing games with you the rest of the flight—replacing his headset with one of your earphones. 
By the time you’d arrived at the hotel, where the entire wedding party was staying, he was tugging on your arm—excitedly pointing things out. He was happy. No one’s happiness affected you like his. You have a feeling that’s just the effect he had on people. They wanted him to be happy. You can’t blame Minho for feeling the same. The more you knew Hyunjin, the more you understood why Minho had done what he had. It didn’t make it hurt less. 
“Look at the ceiling,” Hyunjin whispers in your ear, attempting not to draw attention to your ogling as you enter the hotel lobby. There’s a painting across the high arched ceiling, reminding you a lot of the ceilings you’d seen in the palace of Versailles when you’d visited as a child. 
Mina had arrived a few days earlier, spending a few days with her fiance on a kind of pre-honeymoon. You were anxious to see her. You drag Hyunjin to the check in desk, giving them your names and making sure they knew you were part of Mina’s wedding party. Hyunjin is still distracted by the ceiling, bumping into you as he leans back to get a better look. 
“Ah yes, the bride's maid of honour. You’re in one of our honeymoon suites, some of the best rooms we have. Could I see some I.D please?” 
You nudge Hyunjin, getting his attention before addressing the lady behind the counter. “Sorry, honeymoon suite? Mina booked me a honeymoon suite?” 
“Yes, that’s right.”
“And Hyunjin?” 
“We have one booking. For you and your plus one.” 
You look around the lobby again, it’s the nicest hotel you’ve been to in your life. There was no way you could afford another room here. You could call Mina but she was getting married in two days. You didn’t want to bother her about this, especially when she’d been so generous already. 
“Alright, thank you,” you say, offering her a friendly smile as you hand your I.D over. Hyunjin does the same, quiet next to you. 
He’s much more subdued as you take the opulent elevators up to one of the highest floors. He keeps one step behind you until you push the door open to your shared room. Room. As in a single room with a bathroom attached. That’s what you expected, what you were used to. This was… a home. It was bigger than the entire apartment you and Mina shared. You wander through the archways, picking up expensive looking pottery and examining the artwork on the walls. 
“I think there might be space for the two of us!” you call out to Hyunjin who was doing his own exploring, laughing to yourself. 
He appears next to you as you reach to pull open two floor to ceiling doors. They lead out to a balcony, overlooking the city. 
“How….rich is Mina’s soulmate again?” Hyunjin asks, leaning over the stone wall and looking into the streets below.
“Some people get all the luck,” he mutters.
You take his hand in yours. “I’d say we’re pretty lucky.”
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Mina smothers you the second you enter her room, having left Hyunjin to shower and change before you go explore. 
“Oh god, I’ve missed you,” she mumbles into your neck, arms wrapped around you so tight you can hardly breathe. It’d been a week. Hardly worth the dramatics but she was high strung right now, understandably. “Hyunjin came?” she asks.
“Mm, he’s in our room.” 
She drops her arms. “Oh, shit! The room! I’m sorry, I booked it when—” she pauses, her expression morphing into the one you’d spend the past two months begging her to stop making. Pity. 
“When you thought I'd be bringing my soulmate,” you finish for her. “It’s fine, Mina. We’re fine.” 
“I think they’re booked out but I can call right now and ask,” she rushes out, turning to rush for the phone. You grab her wrist, turning her around and placing your hands on her shoulders. 
“Mina. It’s fine, really. Breathe.” You offer her a small smile. “We’re in Paris… you’re getting married. Everything is fine.” 
“Is it? Really?” she asks.
“I’m fine,” you promise, surprised at how sincere you sound. It’s almost convincing. 
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You’re standing behind the crowd of gallery visitors, all attempting to get a glimpse of the Mona Lisa—a surprisingly small portrait behind a shield of glass. The crowd shuffles and moves but after 10 minutes, you’re still no closer to the illusive painting. 
“Ya know I came here with my family once,” you say, leaning towards Hyunjin. 
“I remember ducking under arms and crawling through legs to get to the front. You can get away with things like that as a kid,” you smile fondly at the memory, the only view in front of you the back of people’s heads. Hyunjin is quiet and you think maybe he hasn’t heard you. Then he nudges you, dropping into a crouch at your feet. 
“Get on,” he says. 
You look around at the tourists surrounding you. “What? No.” 
“Quick, before I change my mind,” he says, reaching an arm out behind him. 
“On your… back? Or your shoulders?” 
“I am not getting on your shoulders.”
“Okay, back,” he says. “Just get on.” 
You push your small handbag around to your back and wrap your arms around his neck, laying your body gently against him. He stands with a grunt, hands holding you by your thighs and bouncing a little until you’re secure. 
“Can you see?” he asks, the strain of holding you up evident in his voice. 
You look around at the sea of people, a few of them glancing over at you and then quickly looking away when you catch their eye. Hyunjin jostles you again and you redirect your attention to the Mona Lisa, over the heads of the people crowding around her. You catch a glimpse of a few tiny heads at the wooden barrier at the very front, colourful t-shirts and bouncy movements drawing your attention to the handful of children who had ducked and dived their way to the front. Just like you had once. 
“I can see.” 
“Describe her to me.”
“You want me to describe the Mona Lisa?” 
“She’s… small.” 
He huffs out a laugh, bouncing you up his back again. “And?” 
“...and I guess she looks lonely. She’s surrounded by people but… she’s alone. She’s smiling though.” 
“Don’t yeah me, you know what the Mona Lisa looks like.”
“Never thought of her as lonely.” 
“Let me down, you’ll hurt yourself.” 
He drops his arms, letting you slide down his back until your feet hit the ground. “Alright?” you ask, turning him and giving him a look over. He smiles. You make your way out of the crowd, both of you sucking in deep breaths as you enter a much emptier room. 
“I actually came here with Minho once,” he offers once you’ve resumed your tour of the very large gallery.
“You did?” 
“He…brought me after… after she died. I was isolating myself from everything, everyone. He told me after he wanted to remind me that there were still things worth doing and seeing… that I could still find some joy.” He sucks in a deep breath. “So… he quit his job and booked flights. He didn’t give me a choice, luckily.” 
“That…was nice of him.” 
He laughs, nudging you in the shoulder. “He is actually a nice person, believe it or not.” 
“I believe you.” 
“You do?” 
“If he’s someone you care about, I figured he must be worth it. Just because someone doesn’t like me,” or was unkind to me, you add in your head. “doesn’t mean they’re a bad person.”
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You take a sip from your smoothie as you lean back in your chair, watching Hyunjin having his portrait sketched. You’d wandered around the small art district for hours, Hyunjin buying more than he could carry himself. You’d tucked some of the overspill under your arms for him when he’d reached his limit. Your phone vibrates on the small table, snapping you out of your daze. You’d been chewing on your draw. It’s from Minho. He wants you to ask Hyunjin where the car keys are. It’s the first time you’d heard from him since that day in his apartment and he wanted you to pass on a message to Hyunjin. You take a deep breath, looking up at where Hyunjin is seated—his phone grasped in his hand. 
You: why don’t you ask him? 
Minho: he’s not answering
You stand, dropping your empty cup in a bin and hauling Hyunjin’s purchases into your arms. Then you head over to him. “Did you get a message from Minho?” 
“No,” he says without looking at his phone. 
“You sure?” 
“He wants to know where the car keys are.” 
“Oh, I left them at your place.” 
“...you… what?” 
“Could you give him your address? He can go pick them up.” 
“I thought you ubered to my place? Why would you drive?” 
“I… left in a rush.” 
You sigh. “Alright. Where do you keep the key I gave you?” 
You message Minho, letting him know Hyunjin has a spare key to your place and where he’d left the car keys. You feel a little odd imagining him in your space. You’d left the place tidy and he would only need to walk a few steps into the apartment, but still. Theoretically he could wander to your bedroom, sift through your belongings. He could find the book you kept tucked under your pillow, detailing everything you’d felt when he’d rejected you. 
Versailles is the last place on your tour for the day. It’s a short journey out of the city. The palace is so large, by the time you’d wandered through it’s rooms and gawked in awe at it’s hall of mirrors, the sun had set. You step out into the gardens, lights illuminating the water features as you wander towards the hedges. They’re huge, walls of green towering over you, creating pathways for you to follow. Every now and then you come across a grove—some with fountains in their centre, some with sculptures. Hyunjin takes particular interest in one you walk past in the hedges, stopping to take a seat at a marble bench across from the imposing statue. The frozen man holds a woman in the air, his body twisted to the side as if he’s shielding her from something. Her arms are in the air, held out towards whatever he’s looking at, palms up in a defensive gesture. 
“Wouldn’t it be amazing… to be able to come here every weekend… to be surrounded by all of this?” he mutters, eyes fixed on the sculpture across from you. 
“You’re not planning a move are you?” you tease, leaning to bump his shoulder with yours. “I’d miss you.” 
“I’d miss you, too.”
You kick your legs, the large marble bench just high enough that your feet hover over the gravel below you. “Did you come here…with him?”
“Did he like it?” 
“I think so. I was… very… my focus was on myself, I think. I wasn’t thinking much about him.” 
“That’s okay. You take turns for people you care about. Take turns caring for each other.” 
He’s quiet for a moment and you trail your eyes over the sculpture. Having someone care for you enough to shield you with their body. You couldn’t imagine it. “I… don’t think I’m doing—” he sucks in a shallow breath. “It’s my turn now and I think I’m letting him down,” he finishes. 
You turn to him. “You’re not.” 
“I shouldn’t—I shouldn’t talk about this with you but… this girl, she’s using him. He must know it. He’s been… he’s infatuated with her since they were kids.” He huffs out an empty laugh. “They had this promise they’d get married when they grew up, it was normal childish shit. I don’t… get why he’s latching on so hard.” 
“Maybe he’s like you,” you say. He looks at you, confused. 
“We’re… nothing alike.” 
“You’re a romantic.” 
He smiles. “Yeah, but I'm not sure I’d say the same about Minho.” 
“He… wants to be loved, right? There’s nothing wrong with that. I think we all… feel it. Sometimes it can be distracting though. You want love so badly you don’t think about whether you’re directing your attention towards someone who wants it… or can love you back.” 
He kicks his shoe against the gravel. “Are you a romantic?” 
“I… don’t know. My ex… he found his soulmate without telling me he was looking. Dumped me the day they met.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It was ages ago. I just thought… maybe this was my chance. Everyone else… they were so happy and I thought it was my turn.” You take his hand in yours, it’s a little cold despite the warm weather. “Look where we are though. It’s a bit romantic, even if we’re here with each other and not our soulmates.” You smile, rubbing his hand in yours, attempting to warm him. 
He giggles, pulling his hand from yours so he can wrap his arm around you—pulling you against him. “What if we’re soulmates in another way? We don’t have to want to fuck each other to be soulmates. Platonic soulmates.” 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around his torso. “Platonic soulmates.” 
A loud bang makes you jump, squeezing Hyunjin tightly. “Fireworks!” he shouts, pointing up at the bright lights over the hedge walls. 
“Oh! I forgot!” you jump up, grabbing his hand. “Come on!” you pull him behind you, somehow managing to find your way back to the main fountain where a crowd is watching the firework show. The colourful lights reflect off the water, the large rectangular pond stretching for hundreds of metres down the length of the garden with the fireworks being launched from the other end. Hyunjin doesn’t pull his hand from yours, so you keep your hold on him—enjoying the light show together. 
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You watch the tall man try and contort himself into the day lounger, legs bent at the knees. “Don’t be stupid, we’re sharing the bed,” you whine, attempting to pull him up. He resists, tugging you so hard you fall over him. You roll onto the floor, lying on your back beside the lounge—he looks down at you, a serious expression on his face. 
“What’s with the face?” 
He sighs, falling down onto his back. “Minho… he was upset at me this morning.” 
It was hard to believe the last time you’d slept you had been in your own bed. The day had been so full you couldn’t believe you hadn’t passed out from pure exhaustion. 
“It’s kind of a… meaningful place for us and then… you’re… a meaningful person to him. I think it was a lot for him to process.” 
You have to hold back a scoff. Meaningful to him? You? But this isn’t about you and your feelings, so you brush it off. “I’m sorry if you felt pressured to come. I don’t… want to cause any issues between you. I know you love each other.” 
“I didn’t feel pressured. I wanted to come.” He props himself up on his elbow, his head resting in his palm. His body is turned so he can look down at you again. “Wanting to be your friend…finding comfort in it. It feels selfish.” 
“If he doesn’t want to know me, that’s his choice. But he can’t stop you from knowing me. We aren’t doing anything wrong.” 
“Not even sharing a bed?” 
“He doesn’t own me. If I climbed over you right now and sucked your face off we wouldn’t be doing anything wrong.” 
He laughs. “Sucked my face off?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Please don’t suck my face off. I like my face.” 
You groan, pulling yourself up. “I said shut up. Now come to bed.” You hold your arm out to him, waiting for him to take it. He stares at your hand for a moment, like taking it will change the course of his life. “Do you want to sleep on the couch?” you ask. 
“Then take my hand.” 
He does, letting you lead him to the canopy bed, velvet curtains draped around each side. “You lowered the curtains?” he asks as you drop his hand, pulling them aside so you can crawl in. You turn to look at him once you're inside, pulling them around your neck so only your head pokes out. He grins. 
“It’s cozy,” you argue. “Come see.” You crawl back, giving him plenty of space to follow after you. The bed is huge, it has to be at least double the size of your bed at home. You may as well be in separate beds. He pokes his head in. 
“It does look cozy,” he mutters. 
You pat the bed, much like when you were trying to get your cat, Luna, to jump up at night. Your cat. You’d left her at home alone, your neighbour promising to drop in and look after her twice a day. You should tell Minho about her, make sure he doesn’t let her out when he’s collecting the car keys. You climb out your side of the bed and snatch your phone from the bedside table. 
You: hey my cat is home alone make sure not to let her out when you drop in
Minho: you left her alone?
He responds almost immediately. It was early morning back home, he must not have slept much—not that it was any of your business. Nor was it his business how you took care of your cat. 
You: just please don’t let her out
Minho: is someone looking after her
You sigh. 
You: yes
You drop your phone back on the table before he can respond, crawling back into bed to find Hyunjin tucked under the covers. 
“Cozy?” you ask, a small laugh escaping you as he pulls the covers up to his chin. 
You settle down next to him, sinking into the soft mattress. You feel like you’re in one of the forts you’d made as a kid. A much larger, much more expensive fort. There’s a small light on the headboard, softly illuminating your faces. 
“Should I turn the light out?” you ask. 
It’s even cosier with the light off and you can’t help giggling as you bury yourself under the blankets, pulling them up over your shoulder—lying on your side to face Hyunjin’s side of the bed. He lets out a big sigh. 
“How am I supposed to sleep in my own bed after this?” he says.
“Shhh, don’t think about that yet. We’re here now. Just… feel it.” 
He wiggles under the covers. “I’m feeling it.” 
“Ya know what we should do?”
“What?” he whispers. 
“Barricade the door. They’ll have to remove me by force.” 
“You wanna get arrested in a foreign country?” 
You sigh. “I think this bed is worth it.”
He’s quiet for a moment and you get a feel for how easy you’ll drift off to sleep. 
“We can sleep in tomorrow right?” he asks.
“Mm, I don’t have to help Mina til 3.” 
He hums. “Good.” 
“Thank you for coming with me.” 
“Thank you for inviting me. Today was nice.”
He laughs. “Mm, it was romantic.” 
You snuggle deeper into the blankets, closing your eyes and breathing out a contented sigh. You bask in this feeling in your chest, feeling totally at peace. 
“You awake?” he whispers after a while.
He’s quiet and you think he hasn’t heard you, opening your mouth to speak again just as he beats you to it. “Can I…hold you?” he whispers. You’re not sure how to respond, the question catching you off guard. “Nevermind, forget it. I just—” 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, turning over and shuffling back closer to him. His arm drapes over you, hesitant at first. When you push back into him his hold tightens, holding you against him properly. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, breath tickling the skin at the back of your neck. 
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When you check your phone in the morning you have a few messages from Minho. Your first thought was that something has happened to your cat. You frown reading them, confused by the questions he’d asked you. What was her name again? Should he drop by and check on her every day? Who was looking after her? When you’d explained she was fine and taken care of, he’d reiterated he really didn’t mind. You’d given in, finding it easier than continuing to fight off his questioning.
Hyunjin had shrugged when you’d mentioned Minho’s behaviour. “He likes animals,” he’d said, not even looking up from where he’d been tying his shoelaces. A flicker of jealousy had sparked to life in your chest. You wished for a moment you could know him so easily. You’d shaken it off, reminding yourself of the last time you’d seen him. He didn’t want you.
Hyunjin had stayed by your side through Mina’s ceremony, offering you the handkerchief from his pocket when you’d failed to keep your tears at bay. When his arm had come around your shoulders you’d leaned into him, resting your head on him as Mina had recited her vows. She was so happy. Someone you loved was happy. Maybe that would be enough. 
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Hyunjin takes the champagne flute from your hand, setting it down quickly on a nearby table and pressing his hands to your warm cheeks. He laughs as you lift your hands to cover his, swaying slightly side to side. “Do you want to get some fresh air? I think you need it,” he says. You nod, the idea of a quiet break outside suddenly very appealing. It was very late into the night, the wedding reception stretching into the morning hours as guests danced and celebrated. It wasn’t until Hyunjin had swept you onto the dance floor that you’d remembered Minho mentioning that’s how they’d met: dance classes. 
He takes your hand, leading you through the intoxicated crowd to the cool fresh air. The venue was practically a castle, manicured french gardens stretching out across the fields surrounding the historical building. You imagined venturing off, stumbling into a strange hollow in a tree and falling down into wonderland—free forever from rejection and beautiful, animal loving soulmates. You collapse onto a sandstone bench instead, not trusting your legs to carry you down the foreboding steps ahead of you. 
“Alright?” Hyunjin asks, taking a seat beside you. 
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Fresh air is nice.” 
“It is.” 
You take a deep breath, the cool air rolling easily into your lungs. You were catching a flight home the next day, back to reality. Mina would be moving out when she returned from her honeymoon. It was something you’d been avoiding thinning about. You couldn’t afford the rent by yourself and knew you’d have to find another roommate or move somewhere else. It was embarrassing to think about now, but when you’d first met Minho you’d had a little part of you that thought maybe he’d be it. Everyone you’d ever known had started living with their person shortly after meeting, wanting to spend every free moment they had together. 
“Has Minho been updating about Luna?” Hyunjins soft voice pulls you from your train of thought. You realise you’d both mentioned Minho more over the past two days than over the two months prior. Whether it was the new setting or the fact that you’d brought him up first with the text messages, you didn’t know.
“That’s nice,” he comments. 
“I guess.” 
His deep sigh pulls your attention from the glowy garden lights to his face. “What?” you question. 
“It’s just…I know you both. I know how kind you both are and how…kind you could be to each other and still it’s…well like this.” 
You have to keep yourself from snapping, knowing he didn’t mean any harm. What can I do!? You wanted to yell. He’s been unkind to me, whether he's a kind person or not. He’s been unkind to me! You take a moment to collect yourself instead, reminding yourself he loved Minho. He didn’t mean any harm. 
“Maybe we can be friends eventually,” you offer instead. “Not for awhile… but maybe eventually.” You feel guilty the moment the words leave your lips. It didn’t feel true. All you feel when you think about him is pain and anger. Pain that he didn’t want you, that you weren't good enough for him. And anger that he’d taken away something from you forever, you couldn’t have what Mina had—because of him. You can’t imagine being around him and feeling…happy. Just the thought of seeing him with someone else made you want to throw up. Drunk or sober. That day when you’d met, with the yellow dress and the box of costumes—you wish you could warn that version of you. Turn back, you’d tell yourself gently. He doesn’t have what you’re looking for.
“That’d be nice,” Hyunjin says after a moment, his own focus on the garden now. You loved the way he looked at things like this, his eyes soft and sparkly. You imagine him documenting it and storing it away for later, for when he has access to his watercolours. 
Hyunjin’s phone vibrates in his pocket and you pull your eyes from him casually, returning your attention to the yellow lights scattered around the garden. 
“What’s up?” he says, holding his phone to his ear. He stands abruptly, taking a few quick steps away from you before turning around. He looks worried and for a second you think maybe it’s about your cat. “Wait, just talk slowly. I don’t understand.” 
You resist the urge to ask him what’s wrong, what’s happening—pulling your phone from your purse instead to check if Minho had texted you anything about Luna. Nothing. 
Hyunjin sighs, collapsing back onto the bench. “Please don’t cry. You knew…you knew this was coming, yeah? I can’t handle it when you cry, Minho.” 
You’re a statue beside him, suddenly feeling very much like you’re hearing something you shouldn’t be. You wonder if you should just stand and leave. Should you announce your departure? You don’t even want to breathe. 
“I’m home tomorrow. Just…take a day off. I’ll be there tomorrow,” he says, dropping his head into his hand. When he ends the call you wait for him to speak first, fiddling with the zip on your purse. 
“She dumped him,” he says eventually, sitting up properly again. “Found her person.” 
“Oh,” is all you offer. What can you say? It felt odd to say sorry. Were you sorry? You didn’t like hearing he was crying. In fact it had twisted something in your chest, something painful and uncomfortable attempting to push its way to the surface. But could you admit you were sorry that he was now experiencing something you had felt yourself only a year ago? Someone you thought loved you had left you for their soulmate and now maybe he’d understand how he’d hurt you by pushing you away so soon afterwards. 
A sniffle snaps your attention to Hyunjins face just as he crumples, curling in on himself as he starts crying. You shuffle closer quickly, dropping your purse to the ground and wrapping your arms around him. He turns towards you, returning your embrace and dropping his head into your shoulder. “I tried to tell him,” he sniffles. “He…thought she loved him and I tried…” 
“I know,” you soothe, stroking his hair gently. “You’re a good friend, Jinnie. The best.” You were sorry, you quickly decide. Anything that could cause your friend to cry like this was something you were sorry for. You hold him against you as he sniffles, sucking in a shallow breath occasionally. You can tell he’s holding back. You know how it feels, to hold back a tide of emotion threatening to spill over—like once you let it out you might not ever be able to stop. 
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The uber from the airport back to your place is quiet. He’d been quiet since the night before, checking his phone regularly for any word from his friend. When he steps out your apartment door, having helped you carry your luggage from the car, he hesitates. You know the second before he speaks you aren’t going to like what he has to say. 
“You can fix this,” he says, reaching out to take your hands in his. He looks at you like you put the stars in the sky, like you’re the solution to all his worries in life. It makes you feel nauseous. “He needs you. I know he needs you. I love you. I’ve known you for a few months and I love you. Imagine how much he could love you, hm? You’re made for him.” 
You tug your hands from his. “You can’t keep pushing me,” you snap, struggling to keep your tone even. Stay calm, you remind yourself. He didn’t mean any harm. “I tried, Hyunjin. I went to him and he pushed me away and I told him that was it. I can’t fix him.” 
“You can try again! You can go to him and try again. Why would you give up so quickly? I don’t get a choice! She died and I don’t get a chance but you do! You both do!” 
“I can’t make up for it! I’m not the fix for what happened to you! I’m a person and I hurt and he hurt me and I can’t—” you hold your hand over your mouth, your eyes welling up with tears. He takes a step back and you drop your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry, Jinnie. I love you, too. I just can’t…do this for you.” 
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It’s a week before you hear from him again. Minho is silent too now that he has no cat to babysit. Why else would he contact you? 
“There’s this hike Minho and I like to go on. There’s an amazing view at the top,” Hyunjin says over the phone. You sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“You want me to come hiking… with both of you?” 
“Minho won’t go the whole way, there’s a bridge at the end he won’t cross. We can… talk a little. We could just go alone but…I think he needs some time in nature, ya know?” 
Minho had taken Hyunjin to Europe when he’d needed it, you remember. It feels like in a small way he’s trying to return the favour, distract his friend from his sorrow. You’re not sure how your presence will help but you’d been sitting around for the past week replaying the last interaction you’d had with Hyunjin in your mind. You want to be okay with him again, make sure he’s okay. 
“Alright, what time?” 
“We’ll pick you up in 30.” 
It’s more like an hour by the time Hyunjin knocks at your door. You imagine it has something to do with Minho’s distaste at your inclusion. Luckily, your soulmate is quiet. He doesn’t even look at you the entire hike, keeping his distance in front of you and Hyunjin. You mostly chat about your trip to France, keeping the conversation light. When you reach the bridge Hyunjin had mentioned, Minho is seated on a large rock—staring out into space. 
“We won’t be too long,” Hyunjin says as he walks past, his friend turning his head and giving him a quick nod in acknowledgement. He doesn’t give you the same. 
The bridge is long and wide, the bottom made of thick glass. It stretches out over a canyon, a wide river below cutting through the valley. It’s like something you’d seen previously on an entertainment show, a group of people being asked to do push ups on a glass bridge as they’re forced to gaze down into the gorge below. You skip a little to catch up to Hyunjin, already nearly half way across by the time you’ve taken in the sight. 
“I don’t blame Minho for not crossing,” you say when you catch up. 
He turns to you, offering you a small smile. “Yeah, it’s not for everyone. You like it, though?” 
“It’s fucking insane,” you laugh. “In the best way.” 
There’s no one else on the bridge and when Hyunjin stops midway, dropping down onto his stomach, you look back to see Minho perched on his rock—looking across at you both. He’s too far away to make out his expression. You take Hyunjins lead, laying yourself down onto your stomach—cradling your head on your forearms so you can look directly into the valley below. 
“Holy fuck,” you breathe, the blue water below is surrounded by greenery. It looks like something out of a fantasy novel. 
“Minho should really see this,” you prop yourself up on your elbows looking over to Hyunjin who is still face down on the glass. “Should I go get him?”
“He’d never do it.” Hyunjin doesn’t lift his head. 
“Does he hate me that much?” 
Hyunjin lifts his head and turns to look at you, eyebrows drawn together. “What? No. He’s afraid of heights.”
Hyunjin returns to resting his forehead on his arms. “He doesn’t hate you,” he says after a moment.
You sit up, looking back at Minho sitting on the rock back at the start of the bridge. He’s not quite close enough to be sure, but it looks like he’s looking in your direction still. Probably wondering what’s taking you both so long, you think. 
“How do you know?” you ask, keeping your eyes on your soulmate across the bridge. 
“I know him.” 
“I’m going to see if he wants to give this a try.”
“When I say he’s afraid of heights… I mean he’s really not a fan.”
“I just...I want to ask anyway.”
You leave Hyunjin staring down into the valley below and head back towards the man perched on the rock. He’s not watching anymore, scrolling through his phone instead. 
“It’s really amazing out there. You can see the river at the bottom of the valley and everything. Do you wanna...give it a go?”
He doesn’t look up. “Nah, I'm good.”
“You can close your eyes and I'll lead you to the other side, you can see across the whole valley from there. You don’t have to look down.”
“I said no. Fuck off.”
You take a step back, a little startled at his language. He’d never been outright rude to you before. Not like this. You squeeze your eyes shut, attempting to contain the anger bubbling up your throat. “Why are you such a dick?” you say, failing.
“You forced yourself into my life.” He stands up suddenly, taking a step towards you. “You’re like a fucking infection.”
His intensity startles you, eyes widening. It’s like a wall has crashed down between you and he’s finally showing you how he really feels. “An infection…” You attempt to process his words, stumbling back a little.  
He takes another step closer and you have to stop yourself from stepping away from him again, not wanting him to think he intimidated you. “Be friends with him,” he says, gesturing across the bridge. “Buzz around me like a fucking fly, do what you want. But you’re the fucking reason the person I love left me and I won’t forget it,” he says, finger pointed at you accusingly.
You frown. “What do I have to do with her leaving you? She found someone she wants more.” 
“She found the person they told her she wants! Her fucking soulmate,” he spits, like the word disgusted him. His eyes trail up and down your body. “Ya know how I know it’s all a fucking scam? Because I don’t fucking want you. You think I don’t notice what you’re doing? I don’t want you so instead you’re dragging my roommate to weddings and flirting with him. Do you think you can make me jealous? You think that’ll make me want you?” 
You will your eyes to stay dry, your nails painfully pressing into your palms. “Blaming me for her choosing someone else isn’t fair. If you…don’t want me, that’s your choice but I didn’t do this to you. I’m a person, Minho. I’m just a person who wanted to find someone to spend my life with. That’s all. I-I didn't want to cause you pain. I like Hyunjin, that’s all.”
He takes a step back, his eyes dropping to his feet. “Just go away.” 
You turn back to the bridge. Hyunjin is standing now, watching you both. It’s probably very clear you’re arguing. You imagine crossing the bridge to him, having to explain to him that you’d failed again—that his friend did hate you and you were sure of it. You turn back to the path, deciding to run instead. 
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 10 months
Life Lessons: The Intro
Fresh of a world tour, y/n l/n announces her next album.....
Life Lessons Masterlist
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yourusername Life Lessons. Coming soon.
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fan1 askkskakskwek
fan39 new music?! ahhhhh
fan37 babe the cover pic?! who hurt you
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yourusername soon:)
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Notes pop star y/n l/n announces new album: Life Lessons. To learn more about the album, check out our conversation with the young talent at this link
What’s next for y/n?
By Michelle F.
July 20, 2023
On the eve of y/n l/ns final date for her sold out world tour, I receive a phone call. It’s an invitation to the show in Paris La Defense Arena, and the opportunity to speak to y/n about what’s coming next for the pop sensation. A no brainer really. I’ve been following y/ns journey pretty much since she came onto the scene and to hear that she personally requested me to speak to? That was a shock but an absolute honour. So I hop on the Eurostar and make my way to the City of Love, Lights and Dreams. 
 A mere three hours later I’m waiting in the wings as Y/n takes the stage to a deafening crowd. The Monaco native cracks a joke in french, later translated as a slight dig at the French but all in good fun. The performance is electric as y/n performs tracks from her first three albums, all of which took the world by storm and dominated charts. One of my favourite shows that I’ve been to in a while.  Keep reading to hear more about our conversation after the show. 
Michelle: Hi y/n! That was an incredible show!
Y/n: Oh thank you Michelle, youre too kind. 
M: How does it feel, being onstage and performing for that large of a crowd? Tonight’s was pretty big but not the largest of your tour, correct?
Y: I think we had a few bigger, but it’s hard to explain. This is something I’ve dreamed of for my entire life so even though its nerve wracking, I know that I’m where I want to be. This tour has been pretty eye opening! Tonight was special though! I’ve been to many a concert in those stadium with my friends, since it was the closest major arena to Monaco so we could just hop on a train and see our favourite artists and make a girl trip out of it. 
M: That sounds so fun! This was your first tour headlining, what did you find was the biggest difference between that and opening? You opened for Ed Sheeran on his tour after the release of your second album and now for your third youre headlining.  
Y: besides people being here mostly to see me, not someone else, longer sets is the biggest difference. But i’m working with lots of the same crew that worked on the tour with Ed so it’s been pretty epic!
M: So the big question, what’s next?
Y: well….I might have something coming soon. 
M: oh, do tell! A new album?
Y: I guess I can tell you :) My next album, Life Lessons, will be releasing pretty soon. 
M: tell me everything? When are we looking at release? What’s it all about? Track names?
Y: haha, no definite date yet, but it will be soon (she winks). As for what it’s about, life. It’s been about three years in the making, so the lessons that I’ve learned over the past three years. Track names you’ll find out along with everyone else haha 
M: I guess I can accept that. Three years? How so?
Y: well, its a series of songs that I’ve written over the past 3 years at varying points and finally decided, you know what, lets release them and see what people think. 
M: will it be similar to your previous albums, stylistically, or will we see something more than the indie pop sound we’ve come to know from you?
Y: Everything really. my usual (she air quotes) sound, but some songs with slightly different vibes. There may even be a few country inspired.
M: Country’s a new genre for you. Are you a big fan normally?
Y: oh absolutely. Its nowhere near as popular here in Europe, but my granddad is from Georgia so I grew up with it in the house. When I was putting all the lyrics to music, a few of them I wanted to have a country feel, so I reached out to few friends and got opinions and everyone loved it. I decided that I dont mind if my fans dont love those songs, this album is for me. I hope they do, of course, but it is a different genre than my normal so I’d understand if they dont vibe with them as much as my other songs. 
M: Speaking of friends, any co-writers or collaborators on this album? You recently had a track with your ex boyfriend Noah Kahan on his album. Is he returning the favour?
Y: ha, nope. This one is all me. My producer and best friend, Bella, and my tour band helped with laying down the tracks, but lyrics are all me. 
M: well I’m excited. And sorry to bring it up, but your realtionship with Noah, did that provide any inspiration for the album? 
Y: yes, but probably not in the way people will be expecting. Noahs great though. We were great friends before our fling started and we’ve stayed good friends after. We all have those moments right, where we think that trying to be more is a good idea. He’s an incredible guy though. 
M: So does the album follow any kind of order? 
Y: Somewhat chronological over the period but nothing concrete. 
M: well y/n I hope our readers feel the same but I can’t wait!! I’ll be impatiently waiting for the release. Thank you again for taking to time to talk to me today. Enjoy the little break you’ll have!!
Y: thanks Michelle, I’m sure well talk soon!
Get excited readers,  this album is going to be special. 
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This idea ambushed me in the shower and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it, so there you have it. This is the result of an hour of frantic typing on my phone and shall be cleaned up before I cross post it to AO3.
"I wanna come out," Jamie says, and Roy freezes in place so fast Phoebe bumps into his back and swears under her breath.
Roy doesn't even pretend to try and tease her for it, too stunned for words.
"If we win tonight," Jamie adds on the other end of the line, "I wanna come out."
"Are you sure?" Roy manages at last, and it comes out so raw Ruth does a double take in the kitchen, raising her eyebrows in question.
Roy, gripping his phone like he'll die if he lets go, shakes his head and turns away, making his way to the corridor on shaky legs. From very far away, he thinks he hears Phoebe ask if he's alright, but Roy pushes her out of his mind as soon as Jamie says:
"I'm sure."
"Jamie," Roy hisses, "it could end your career."
"So what?" Jamie says, and Roy almost ask who the fuck is possessing his partner.
"Roy. I'm thirty-four. I've won the Premier League, the Europe League and the fucking World Cup. I'm in the fucking Olympics. Once I've won that, who the fuck cares if I get a goodbye tour?"
"You do," Roy says. Then Jamie grunts and Roy adds: "I'm with you. You know I am, always." Jamie hums, but it sounds like he's relenting, not skeptical, so Roy makes himself continue despite the risk of Ruth or Phoebe overhearing: "I just don't—I don't want you to regret it."
To regret me, Roy is surprised to mean. After all, they've been together for almost ten years now. Any coming out Jamie makes is likely to result in their relationship becoming public, and Roy...Roy has apparently not quite managed to get over their age difference as thoroughly as he thought he had.
"I won't," Jamie promises, the sound of his voice suddenly echoing, like he just stepped in a bathroom. "I really won't. Just 'cause I'm buzzin' doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing."
Roy can't help worrying anyway, but he still makes himself breathe in, and then out, and then say:
"Okay. Then I think you should do it."
"Oh, I was gonna," Jamie says, playful, and Roy smiles at his sister's bathroom door like an idiot. "But also. Em. I don't—if I'm gonna come out publicly, I don't wanna have to like. Pretend like I'm single or whatever. Or like. If I do get my fucking retirement tour and we meet in a game or whatever, I don't wanna have to pretend like I'm not dead gone on you, you know?"
Roy's heart expands in his chest, like it's trying to make a run for it through his ribs or something, and he knows he's full-on grinning at the bathroom door when he says:
"Me either. Please feel free to mention me by name."
"Grand," Jamie says over the sound of a shower turning on. "Great. Well. I gotta go soon but uh. Wish me luck?"
"Good luck," Roy obliges. And then, because he's had nearly ten years of practice to make this bit easy, he adds: "I love you."
"Love you too."
"What a game," Arlo White shouts on TV a few hours later, while Ruth and Phoebe do a victory dance around the couch, where Sam and Keeley are singing Jamie's stupid fucking chant along with the crowds in the stadium.
"What a game! What a play! What a goal! And what an ovation for Jamie Tartt, indubitably the man of the match!"
"I agree," Chris Powell adds, sounding almost excited for once, "I'd even say: what a career! Jamie Tartt won it all! Honestly Arlo, I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to retire soon, I mean at this point what else does he need?"
"Oh shut the fuck up," Roy yells at the TV, earning himself a playful shove from Phoebe and a prod in the ribs from Keeley. "Stupid fucking pundits," he mutters into his champagne.
"That would be so much more convincing if you weren't pink with pride, babe," Keeley teases, and Roy grunts without heat.
The truth is, now that White and Powell have announced a transition on the ground and the camera switched to Barbara Carnahan on the side of the pitch, Roy feels himself tense with anticipation. Everyone here knows about him and Jamie, of course, but they don't know what he's planning to do. That leaves Roy alone to deal with the nerves of Jamie's impending announcement, and holy fucking shit, they're a lot.
"First of all," Carnahan says when she catches Jamie and gets him to stand in front of her camera, "I want to congratulate you on an absolutely marvelous game!"
Roy watches Jamie's tongue dart out in celebration, like he's a goddamned emoji or something, and finds himself gripping Keeley's hand out of sheer need to share the moment with someone.
"Thanks," Jamie says, sobering up a little bit, "We did really good, yeah!"
"Oh, definitely! How does it feel? Did you expect this when you woke up this morning?"
"Well, you know," Jamie says, running a hand through his hair, "nothing's ever certain, but I knew our chances were good, yeah, so I was like. Fairly optimistic about it."
"And you were right!" Carnahan agrees with a little bounce. "I'll admit I was nervous when the first half ended at one-one, but that goal in injury time was magnificent!"
"Yeah, Satō gave me a great assist there, that kid's gonna get far," Jamie says, wiping at his brow.
To Roy's left, Sam coos a little, happy to see one of his Marseille teammates get some recognition. He hasn't looked that cheerful since he busted his knee right before the Olympics started and he knew he had to sit the competition out.
"What was going on in your head at that moment?" Carnahan asks Jamie. "As the whistle blew and you realized you'd won, where did you mind go? Is there anyone you thought of in particular?"
"Well there's me mum, of course," Jamie says. "She's in the stands, and I'm really glad she could be here for this. And then there's my partner."
Around Roy, the living room falls into the most intense silence he's ever heards, even as Jamie adds:
"Actually, is it okay if I talk to him for a sec?"
"Him?" Carnahan asks, at the same time as Keeley and Phoebe shriek:
"Yeah, him," Jamie says, prompting Sam to shout and grab Roy's left shoulder. "Can I talk to him?"
And this. This wasn't the script, right? Roy thought—usually—this isn't. No. No!
"Oh my god, uncle Roy!" Phoebe is saying, gripping Roy's right shoulder, "Oh my god!"
"Yes, sure," Barbara Carnahan says with the dazed look of a reporter who's just been hit with the exclusive of the decade, "go ahead."
Jamie grins, and thanks her, and then he takes a deep breath—Roys mirrors him, can't help it, feels like he's about to explode, or melt, or both—
"Roy," Jamie says on the screen, eyes turned straight at the camera so it looks like he's actually watching Roy in 16:9 format, "it's hard to remember what it was like to hate you enough to nearly fight you right on the pitch."
Someone says a very strangled 'what the fuck' and it takes Roy a second to realize it's Keeley, but also the reporter on the telly.
"Turns out you're actually one of the best men I've ever fucking met—" ('Oh my god!' Says Keeley, slapping Roy's arm.) "You support me and challenge me all the fucking time, you're funny, and the grumpiest arse in the morning." ('OH MY GOD!' shouts Phoebe from behind Roy.) "I've spent nine years of my life loving you to your face, and you've taken it like a champ so far...so what do you say we make it official and tie the knot?"
"OH MY GOD!" Screams the living room, pushing and pulling and slapping at Roy.
He can barely breathe, feels himself grow twice, thrice, ten times bigger than he normally is, floating like a bubble of champagne as Phoebe nearly breaks his nose trying to shove his phone against his ear—"YOU HAVE TO FUCKING CALL HIM, UNCLE ROY!"
And then there's a dial tone, and some spluttering on tv, and more shouting, and a phone comes into view, lands against Jamie's ear, and then—
"You motherfucker!" Roy yells into the phone, and Jamie-on-the-screen blinks and grins, and Jamie-on-the-phone gives this little hitch of breath he does when he thinks 'I love you', and Roy is saying: "You absolute wanker! No fucking warning—"
And Jamie-on-the-screen scrunches his nose and grins harder, and Roy's heart goes into fucking overdrive, his pulse loud in his ears and in his palms, and Jamie-on-the-phone asks:
"So like, that's a yes, right?"
"Yes! Of course it's a yes you gigantic prick!" Roy yells, and Jamie-on-the-screen fist pumps while Roy's world turns into one giant shriek of joy, and then there's champagne popping, and four different footballers bursting on the screen to hug and jump up and down and shout so loud Roy hears them even when Jamie has to take the phone away from his ear.
"Oh my god!" Keeley shouts, muffled, into Roy's neck when he hangs up, knowing full well there's no way Jamie's getting back to his phone until much later tonight. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"
"Did you really not know?" Phoebe asks, shouting into his other ear.
"I knew he wanted to come out and go public about us," Roy says, falling back from the adrenaline-induced shouting to the best sort of daze. "I didn't know he was going to propose!"
And Roy sounds grumpy about it, he knows he does—will probably get shit from Jamie about it as soon as his fucking plane lands, really! And his sister, his niece, his friends are being way too loud about it, and now his phone's buzzing and will probably keep buzzing for the next four or five hours, and Roy sounds grumpy but he does not mean it for a fucking second.
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black-arcana · 2 months
WITHIN TEMPTATION's SHARON DEN ADEL: 'Some People Stopped Following Us' Because We Became More Outspoken On World Issues
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On April 5, Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION will release their brand-new song, "A Fool's Parade", which marks a collaboration with the talented Ukrainian producer Alex Yarmak. According to a press release from WITHIN TEMPTATION's publicist, "A Fool's Parade" "highlights Russia's pretense regarding the war, and condemns its lies, ongoing crimes and brutal intentions."
The song, released as a harbinger of the much-anticipated "Bleed Out 2024 Tour", is a powerful expression of what the press release calls "WITHIN TEMPTATION's commitment to continue shedding light on the ongoing existential struggle that Ukraine is facing against Russia's cruel invasion."
For the recording of the accompanying music video for "A Fool's Parade", Sharon Den Adel — the frontwoman of WITHIN TEMPTATION — recently spent time in Kyiv, Ukraine. The music video was directed by renowned Ukrainian video director Indy Hait.
With involvement in initiatives such as the Ukraine Aid OPS foundation, WITHIN TEMPTATION aims to keep drawing attention to Europe's much-needed support for Ukraine's defense.
During her stay in Kyiv, Sharon spoke to Metal Pilgrim about WITHIN TEMPTATION's decision to use its platform to draw attention to a variety of issues, including the plight of women fighting for their rights in Iran.
Sharon said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We never cared about what people wanted us to say or not to say. We always did what we wanted to do. But the older you get and the more confident you get in being who you are and what you stand for, you're more expressive. And I also feel like I have nothing to [lose] — well, of course, you have something to lose when you speak out about things like this, because it can always backlash, of course. And it's very delicate to choose the right words for things. But I try to prepare myself really well. And I hope eventually that pays off, meaning the people get the message. Some people stopped following us because we started supporting [certain causes] and being more outspoken. They say, 'You can't be political as a band.' I don't agree because everybody has an opinion and everybody's loud, and that's also society today. As you see on social media, it's like there's no filter on anything. I'm not saying that I need to overshout other people, but more like I still wanna stand for my opinion and hopefully make people think about it."
Den Adel went on to say that "you also have to choose your battles" in terms of which issues to focus on when coming up with lyrical themes for songs. "[The Russia-Ukraine war] is happening in Europe, and we are a European band. And so we also got a lot of times the question, 'What about this country? What about this situation?' And there's also a lot of awful things happening in different parts of the world. And also in interviews, I will talk about it when people ask me, but I won't do it on the social media because you get in discussion and it becomes one big fight with pro and against certain subjects. For me, in interviews, I do respond to that as well. But I also have to pick my battles. If I take on all the injustice of the world, it will fade away for the thing that I, at the moment, am inspired about most. And the last album that we did, with 'Bleed Out', we have focused on certain parts of the world, like Iran — there's one song, 'Bleed Out', is about that — but a lot of songs, actually, are about the Ukraine, because we're in the same region — it's a two-hours flight from Amsterdam to Kiev. So, I hope people understand that we are picking our battles — something that's closer. Everybody has to do that. But also, like I said, if I talk about every problem in the world, it doesn't come across as authentic and honest either, because it's, like, you're a saint or something, which I'm not."
In a June 2023 interview with James Wilson-Taylor of Rock Sound, Den Adel spoke about the lyrical inspiration for WITHIN TEMPTATION's "Wireless" single: "When the war started in the Ukraine, we were in the studio writing songs, And it's one of the songs that we wrote. And it is about war, of course. It's about a soldier going to war and thinking he's going to liberate people, do good stuff and be a hero and everything, but then he finds out that he's been lied to by media but also government. And then he finds that he can't go back because he's already in his army gear, for instance. You can't go forward, you can't go backward because you have your buddies next to you and you'll all die in the field. And in front of you, you have a mission impossible almost."
The Dutch singer continued: "So that's what we try to do — maybe also shine a light on certain situations within the war. It's just we're storytellers — it's like amplifying a certain kind of emotion that people could feel in this situation."
Asked how she and her bandmates decided to use Russia's invasion of Ukraine as inspiration for one of their songs, Sharon said: "Well, from my point of view, it's not just their war. I really believe what some people are saying — it's really our war as well. Because it's next to us. They already said, they're not gonna stop at Ukraine; they're gonna go further. And a couple of hours flying from my home, it's already Kyiv. So it's also our war. I think we should be aware of the fact that this is a danger for all of us. They won't stop. And hopefully — we wanna keep this a little bit alive in our own small way by writing about it and talking about it and waving a flag on stage about it."
In March 2022, WITHIN TEMPTATION was one of the artists who took part in a telethon concert in support of Ukraine. "Save Ukraine - #StopWar" united more than 20 countries and bring together more than 50 participants. The marathon was broadcast from Warsaw on the Polish TV channel TVP. In addition, broadcasters from many countries around the world rebroadcasted the marathon on their local channels.
In an interview with Greece's Rock Overdose, Den Adel stated about her band's participation in the event: "For us, it was an honor to be asked for it. I think as a band and as people, we really value freedom of speech and freedom and democracy. I think as a band, people sometimes say, 'Don't be so political,' people say, 'Don't be so expressive and don't take a side on things.' But as a musician, I think it's important to represent who you are, not just in music but really stand for what you make and what you are saying in your lyrics in a way. And things that are happening in the world inspire us to write music, and then you also have to take a stance and what side you are. I think when it's so obvious where there's an aggressor and where there is a country being violated, invaded, you should take a stance and then it makes it much easier even to be very clear about where you stand in this whole conflict. Of course, it's something that we are keeping ourselves updated with every day because we find it very sad to see that a country that wants to be a democracy is invaded this way. So we are very honored to be asked also to play for this event, this marathon, and happy to do it."
Released last October, WITHIN TEMPTATION's latest album, "Bleed Out", signifies a bold leap forward for the band. From contemporary, hard-hitting, and djenty riffs to soaring melodies displaying their symphonic roots, WITHIN TEMPTATION has created a sonic journey that fuses diverse musical styles and thought-provoking themes. This is an album that is as epic as it is unflinchingly outspoken, and now more than ever, this is a band who isn't afraid to make a stand on issues the members care about.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, WITHIN TEMPTATION have shifted their focus from writing about personal emotions and societal subjects to tackling global injustices and reflecting the tumultuous state of the world in a way that other artists seem unable or unwilling to do.
While songs such as "Wireless" and "We Go To War" examine the authoritarian aggression on display in Ukraine and other warzones, the title track itself addresses the plight of women fighting for their rights in Iran after the murder of Mahsa Amini.
The album also grapples with the complex issues around a woman's right to choose in recent single "Don't Pray For Me" and throughout, this impassioned and political focus is reflected in the intensity and heaviness of the music. Embracing a new era of musical exploration and lyrical depth, WITHIN TEMPTATION have pushed boundaries and showcased their artistic evolution, delivering a fist-in-the-air proclamation of both their moral convictions and their fearless approach to music.
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Here’s the other regency romance novel I was talking about! It’s called Venetia, the characterization isn’t nearly as 1-to-1 as the other book, but the premise I think works really well (a/b/o again for those regency proprietary vibes)
The handsome omega Hob Gadling, thanks to a reclusive and over-protective father, grew up in the country, away from the world. He longs for some adventure, or at least a chance to travel, but even after his father’s death his new guardian is fairly content to leave him there, disinterested in helping him.
His peace and quiet is one day disturbed by the dashing but rakish alpha Lord Dream Endless, who arrives to spend time at his estate next door. He has a reputation of shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades (including throwing at least one orgy that people know of, the horror!), and multiple people warn Hob to steer clear, lest he be immediately seduced and abandoned by the man.
But when Hob bumps into Dream on a walk, they’re each surprised to find that they click remarkably easily together as friends, learning over the course of further meetings that they share many of the same interests and opinions. Dream is fascinated by Hob’s open and candid manner, finding himself sharing several stories of his past, and admiring how none of his scandalous tales shock or appall him, and they quickly become the best of friends. When they fall in love however, Dream is convinced that marriage with him would cause Hob’s social ruin, and insists that it would be wrong to inflict this upon him.
Hob, who has also been fending off the patronizing and fluttering concern of the community who believe they have a say in the matter, is thoroughly exasperated by the whole thing. He really doesn’t care about his reputation or what society would think of him, and would very much like everyone to stop treating him like a delicate and naive young ingenue who needs protection. Has no one considered that perhaps he’d also like to participate in shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades? Maybe he wants an invite to the orgy, an orgy sounds fun! (This is actually the heroine’s opinion in the book, it’s amazing 😆)
Omg yes this is just as good as the other romance novel inspired ask you sent!! I love it!
Just because omega Hob hasn't had the opportunity to do anything scandalous and terrible, doesn't mean he doesn't want to! He just has the misfortune to live in a rural community with no access to like minded people. And Dream’s arrival changes all that! He's full of ideas and stories and he's seen so much of the world! Hob is besotted with him, and dares to ask him all kinds of questions that no one else has ever answered - mainly about biology. He wants to know how his own body works, and he's very pleased when Dream presents him with diagrams and a full explanation of how an omega's body works.
Someone from the village comes around warning Dream that he'd better back off, that Hob is a nice omega and he doesn't need a filthy debauched type of alpha sniffing around him (Hob is currently sitting behind the sofa trying to hide the fact that he's giggling. He's really not a nice omega, he's just never had any opportunity to be bad).
Dream shrugs and says, alright, he'll marry Hob. Will that make everyone happy? And Hob falls out of his hiding place to say "yes" before anyone can answer for him.
They have a very quiet wedding and run straight off on honeymoon soon after, as Dream has promised to spoil Hob by taking him on a tour throughout Europe. There might be orgies. There will definitely be fucking. Possibly on public balconies. In any case, Hob intends to simultaneously adore his husband AND shock everyone who has ever known him <3
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jokeroutsubs · 7 months
ENG SUB translation: JOKER OUT: The audience knows we’re a real thing, not just a three-minute performance.
Original article from Serbian website Zoomer.rs: http://zoomer.rs/joker-out-publika-zna-da-smo-realna-stvar-ne-samo-nastup-od-tri-minuta/
Translation by @moonlvster
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JOKER OUT: The audience knows we’re a real thing, not just a three-minute performance.
Before the frontman of the Slovenian band Joker Out knelt in front of a Serbian audience last Friday and on their request sang “Đurđevdan”, the popular band that gained international recognition at this year’s Eurovision received a Golden Record for the single ‘Carpe Diem’. On this occasion, Zoomer spoke with Jan Peteh and vocalist Bojan Cvjetićanin, whom the Serbian audience especially like because of his background. Bojan and Jan told us that they look at their Eurovision success from a distance, reveal details of their tour, as well as when the awaited third album is coming out.
Which city has been the most memorable one on the tour so far? Where would you like to perform and haven’t had the chance this time?
We liked it the most in Ireland, England, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. This year we’ll miss a few countries we’d like to go to, which are Italy, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, there’s plenty. I think next year we’ll perform in some of the countries we missed this year. Nothing is confirmed, but the team has hinted at us about the possibility of going to Australia, America and Japan next year. We want to return to many countries, especially ones in the region. It’s really intimate, homely, the audience is warm, they greeted us better than we could’ve expected. Just love.
That means next year is reserved for a tour too, can we expect some new music or will you be busy with gigs?
The first half of 2024 we’re going to live in London, where we’re going to create and record the new album. In March and April we’re having a month-long tour, then summer festivals and at the end of the year another headlining tour. So a new album is coming out next autumn. We hope. (laughter)
Is it true that the new album will be in multiple languages?
It is. It’s going to be in at least three languages, which are, of course, Slovenian, Serbian and English, and it’s possible we’ll throw in more.
The unexpected boom after Eurovision has, on the one hand, given you a stepping stone, and on the other hand perhaps forced a prefix that isn’t always appreciated in the music world. What do you think of that?
I would absolutely say that it was a stepping stone for us. I believe that our result shows we’re not just Eurovision participants, but we have proven to the public that there is some sort of story and a longer period in which we have been creating and that this is a real thing, not just a three minute performance. The fact that we are coming to Europe, that people are buying tickets to our shows and singing our songs for an hour and a half, is enough of an indicator of Eurovision was a catapult for us as you could wish for, and that we have passed that moment of a few minutes.
Do you maintain friendships made at Eurovision?
We hang out a lot, yes. With Käärijä, Luke Black and many more, Monika from Lithuania, Let 3, we keep in touch with the guys from San Marino, we even performed with Wild Youth on our UK tour.
Where do you like to spend time in Belgrade?
Jan has only been here for performances, but I spend the most time around Cetinjska Street, I’ll say Marsh. (laughter)
What do you think about socially engaged music, are there any topics you particularly care about?
As a band we agreed not to take a political stand. We’re a group of musicians and we always speak out if a violation of human rights is in question, but for other political matters we’re not the right people to ask. We don’t think it’s fair for us to influence people because we have opinions. Just because we’re famous and have some kind of influence, we don’t have to be objectively right. In terms of social topics, we already sing about them in our songs. Our job is to bring people together into one space and to create a feeling of closeness, love and unity in them.
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spiderfreedom · 6 months
About this post, out of curiosity, when do you think it all started? Is there research on like how far back it goes? It obviously isn't inherent to human nature; I know it's not. Is it just one of those toxic things that started from the beginning of organized religion :( ?
There's research, but there's a lot of controversy on when/how patriarchy developed. The most important thing to note is that Greek/Roman/Chinese/Japanese style misogyny is not universal and has not always been the norm. Societies differed a lot in how much power and autonomy women had. At the same time, we must be conscious even the 'best' societies of the past still had faults surrounding women.
Some places to start are:
Alice Evans: Ten Thousand Years of Patriarchy: This article looks at it from an economic and cultural perspective. I strongly recommend reading her Substack, where she travels around the world interviewing Third World Women and Feminists to see why their women's liberation movements have succeeded or failed! From the linked article:
Our world is marked by the Great Gender Divergence. Objective data on employment, governance, laws, and violence shows that all societies are gender unequal, some more than others. In South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, it is men who provide for their families and organise politically. Chinese women work but are still locked out of politics. Latin America has undergone radical transformation, staging massive rallies against male violence and nearly achieving gender parity in political representation. Scandinavia still comes closest to a feminist utopia, but for most of history Europe was far more patriarchal than matrilineal South East Asia and Southern Africa. [...] Why do some societies have a stronger preference for female cloistering? To answer that question, we must go back ten thousand years. Over the longue durée, there have been three major waves of patriarchy: the Neolithic Revolution, conquests, and Islam. These ancient ‘waves’ helped determine how gender relations in each region of the world would be transformed by the onset of modern economic growth.
Another thing to remember/consider when it comes to studying the past is how few resources we have. We only know so much about how pre-historical humans organized their societies. Colonialism destroyed evidence of other societies with different ways of approaching gender. Many of the great apes we study are endangered. And literate societies happened to be patriarchal societies (likely related to literacy going hand in hand with bureaucracy and agriculture and the development of a state?) so we don't know as much as we could about women in literate regions.
Organized religion definitely codified a lot about patriarchy, but the major religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism) arose in regions of the world that were already patriarchal. So it's kind of a chicken and the egg problem when it comes to patriarchy and religion. We know that religions that worshipped goddesses, like Greek and Roman paganism and Hinduism, can still coexist with sexist societies.
These aren't great answers, but it's a big question and there are a lot of people working on answering it! It ties back into the bigger question of what our human ancestors were like, and whether we're kind of doomed to violence and xenophobia or whether there are alternatives. Some other books I've read that may be useful reading on this front are:
The Dawn of Everything. A long book, but it's a tour of human history and different societies and ways of organizing society. One of the chapters is on women, if I recall correctly.
Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times. Women have been working with cloth for a very long time. In some societies, this allowed women a high degree of status (see the Minoans!) and in others, women were worked to the bone producing textiles (Ancient Egypt).
The book "Demonic Males" looks at the birth of patriarchy from a primatology perspective. Our ape ancestors show male-dominant behaviors and societies. It's controversial the extent this is directly responsible for misogyny and male violence, but I think it's likely that our ape inheritance influenced the structure of early humans - so we basically have a lot of baggage.
Broadly speaking, reading books on feminist anthropology will help you, because a lot of what we know about patriarchy is based on highly literate societies, which as we established, are also agricultural societies with bureaucracies and a hierarchical culture. That's hardly representative of the human condition. As an example, look at Inuit society - on the one hand, there is arranged marriage and all that it implies; on the other, we do not have the same ideals of silent women who stay at home - women are valued members of the society and their skills are explicitly recognized as necessary for survival. Compare Western cultures that view domestic tasks as "support" tasks while the "real" work is done by men.
Finally, this one is a bit old (1974), but it may give you a starting point for understanding feminist anthropology and the search for the origins of patriarchy: "Is Female to Nature as Male is to Culture". It can help us understand how female subordination manifests itself in different cultures, and to know what to look for.
I hope this has been helpful. If anyone can recommend good books on the origin of patriarchy/female subordination (especially for non-Western cultures), please feel free to add in the replies or reblogs!
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theportuguesewolf · 6 months
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Umberto Eco once said (and I'm quoting from memory): North Americans are the only people who can worship Snow-White and Jaws with the same fervour. 
Yesterday, at the Moonspell Q&A, I got many questions about returning to the US and tour. Please take this with a pinch of salt, yet we have a private joke running in the band which is that all our North-American fans can fit in a plane and should come to Europe where they could see us properly, with a show based in more than mere energy of surviving through the night.
When we are at odds with life in America and read these "come to America" comments ,we, jokingly, add: Come to the US so we won't show up.
Last tour alongside Eleine and Oceans of Slumber wasn't fun for me. The venues were kinda empty, the streets were dirty and dangerous and the motivation simply wasn't there. Sure, we can still deliver the goods; naturally I can still have fun with the many things 'Merica has to offer from the amazing landscapes, to crazy Vegas, and libraries, bookshops, and street food and I will for sure miss it ( I already do) but I can't see at the moment taking another trip to the States and loosing money and time and being very depressed again, about it all.
Last night, I told you a little of my unfortunate encounter with a "gang" in NY in the hotel we're staying prior to our return trip to Portugal but the shortage of time made me default on some details and I'd like to share it more completely, if you don't mind:
I was minding my own business and ruminating about the past month on the road, while keeping an eye on our gear , when I was approached by a black young man who asked me, rather rudely, for my phone number which I promptly refused to give him.
Used, so it seems, to get his way around things and people, he immediately started to be aggravated, while I tried to explain to him, to no effect, what was I doing there and that I was okay in giving him the number of our bus driver as he "needed" to have all the phone numbers of the proprietors of the vehicles parked in the hotel lot.  Fair enough.
But, seeing the way this young man escalated things on his own, no more explanations could I offer and he just started to act out on the parking lot and shouting threats at me. I went to the reception to call security and indeed there was a "guard" there, who tried to approach this angry person nicely, but the die was cast. I went to him myself (again) and tried to reason with him and even offered an apology because we were, definitely, lost in translation, but he started to offend me, calling all the names in the book that I shan't repeat here.
He added: "You'll get what you deserve" and in 10 minutes time, a van parked near the hotel reception and a Gang of four black individuals came out of the car, while the previous guy was shouting at me, constantly, that he wanted to see what I was going to do now.
I am a father, a husband, a singer, a writer, an entrepreneur but , above all, I am a simple man. And it was a simple man that I went to the gang "leader" and explained him who I was, where I came from, what happened, what could happened if they attacked me (they did have masks on and their hands in their pockets meant guns) because I was a Portuguese citizen and while his little brother kept screaming threats and improperares and my band watched in panic, I could reach out to the gang leader which not only told off his brother but also shook my hand, telling me words I will never forget: "Have a blessed day, brother." And we both went to our homes.
I could now stop to observe a lot what's happening to one of the most beautiful and spectacular countries in the world: the 70.000 people who died of drug abuse; the tent cities all over the place; the misery and the chaos but I won't go any further. 
I just wish to extend an olive branch to the people who almost attacked me, and yes, we are brothers and maybe victims of a cruel, money-oriented world, a world without a shred of value to show for.
Also, I want to embrace all the Moonspell North-American and Canadian fans and ask them for their empathy and forgiveness, while I offer, hereby, my best explanation of why I dread the thought of another tour in the States.
I never went public with this but I felt it was the time, so we can keep watching for ourselves and respect one another as I respected that gang leader and he respected me back. 
Goth help America, happy holidays y'all, don't forget to follow my new blog for more of this and that.
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pixyys · 1 year
thou shalt not be sad!
making corny jokes and pick up lines for them
ft. the flags + chuuya + verlaine + adam
warnings. possible storm bringer spoilers; fluff/humor + hurt/comfort
notes. romantic/ platonic; huuuuge thank you to @silverbladexyz for these wonderful pick up lines ♡; reposting bc oh god, tumblr was in a silly mood
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art by @/shan_zeze (twt)
❝you have a little bit of some loose screws in your head. everyone knows this well enough. but seriously, every person in your vicinity are just so depressed and gloomy! surely, that's nothing some some good ol' one liners can't solve. ❞
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Our little story starts during a time when The Flags have the pleasure of gathering together. Everyone has been busy with their businesses for quite a while. But they finally get the time to relax and act like normal young men without the burdens and horrors of their line of work.
Of course, you are there too! For.. whatever reason you have. No one minds nor questions your presence, so you sit there, simply observing; grinning with a dumbstruck smile at how everyone is happy and enjoying their time.
Especially lippmann. You saw his recent movie, the one that blew up on the internet, yeah. He's been flying all over the world for premiers and promotions. Even now, he just got back from one of his world tours.
"Lippmann," you make your way towards the end of the billiard table. "How was Europe?"
"Europe?" he recovers from his hunched position, the billiard cue still in his hand. "It was quite nice. Do you want me to take you when I go on another tour in the future?"
Whoa. Traveling Europe with 'the' Lippmann?
"Yes please," the response comes a bit too eager than you intended. "But won't it be a hassle? Was there any quarantine during your latest travel?"
"Well, for safety measures-"
"-Because you can't spell quarantine without U R A Q T."
The room falls silent as those words leave your mouth, save for the ticking of the clock and someone's pool ball falling on the floor.
"Ah.. well," Lippmann laughs nervously. For a flit moment, burying yourself six feet under sounds like a very tempting escape. But the thought dissipates as the charming actor chuckles, with a very lilting voice and a cute-looking smile that could've made you keel over right there and then.
"I suppose there will still be momentary quarantines since the virus is still around," he continues. "After all, you can't spell virus without U and I."
"Oh hell no! Not this again!"
Something cracks with a horrible crunch, probably Chuuya breaking his billiard cue. Not sure didn't care. You're too busy gaping at the actor slash mafioso like some dying fish. Either way, this dying fish got that world tour free pass! yeah!
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Looking back, you have no idea how you managed to crawl out from that pit of embarrassment and continue life as usual. Maybe your sense of dignity just dried out. Maybe you're the kind of person who just rolls with everything. You pulled through, either way.
As it goes, your existence and role in The Flags is a peculiar one, as peculiar as your personality. A wildcard, if you will. Again, maybe that's why you find yourself helping Piano Man with those 'supernotes' of his.
"Say, Piano Man, do you play the piano?" you ask, mind drifting wistfully as you watch him send away some of his underlings. Some others are still waiting for their next order, standing by within the vicinity—you included.
"I don't," he regards your curious question.
"I think you'll be a great pianist."
Piano Man offers a raise on his brow, "On what ground?" he said.
"I mean, better yet, you can be Bae-thoven."
To put it in the most less-heartbreaking sense, his response is both something you definitely expected but nevertheless didn't prepare for. The silence that follows is reminiscent of that time you landed a free Europe tour pass with Lippmann, so is the forced laugh that grows from Piano Man's mouth.
Another, painfully awkward silence that comes after it, however; you can't help but reel from it.
"Piano Man, please. That's the worst possible response," you half-whispered.
"Ah, apologies. I suppose.. thank you?"
The room is dead silent, and it doesn't look like it's because Piano Man's underlings are too afraid to laugh in his presence. No, at this rate, your sense of dignity will really dry out, dissipating out of existence. That is until you saw a glimpse of Piano Man's subtle smug face.
Ah, right. It is Piano Man you're up against.
[name]: i showed you my best pickup line pls respond
piano man: no <3
In bitter shame of such pitiful defeat, you toned down your puns ever since. But one time, when you cross paths with your arch nemesis once again, Piano Man strikes up a conversation.
"About that thing about not being able to play the piano, [Name]. I think I'll start learning it."
"Really?" you turn to him.
But what did he do? he, in turn, closes the distance, leaning his face to your ears, "How about you give me some piano lessons?" he whispers, and you can almost, almost feel his breath lingering on your earlobe.
"We can play all night and make sweet music." you can feel his smile.
You ascended; jaws dropped, eyes popped out, cheeks hot. You didn't remember if you passed out or dropped dead.
Really, it's best to only pick battles you can win.
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"Iceman is it? You seem like a cool guy. I hope we can get along."
Iceman knew you're a walking embodiment of a headache the moment you exchange names and shake each other's hands.
He still wonders why he still puts up with your shenanigans. Or why he still agreed on helping you do combat practice and friendly spars. All the while trying to not accidentally stab or decapitate you, probably.
He watches you pat down your light bruises, making use of the momentary rest. Objectively speaking, you are no weak opponent. Sure, he can likely kill you in your sleep. But at least not without some struggle in your part.
"This place is pretty neat for sparring, like a very comfy practice room," you comment, still holding the shoulder that might have a nasty bruise- or a sprain? He hopes not. Iceman wonders if he threw you too hard just now.
"Oh! Speaking of," you suddenly turn to him, "Are you a practice room? Because I want you and I hope you're not taken."
Yeah, No. he really should've thrown you harder.
Iceman, once again, questions why he puts up with you. You both are not even musicians and you manage to force that line into this context, and for what?
He remains passive.
"Uh, please laugh?..At least?"
You made it a mental note to not mess with Iceman again. Poor guy. He still helps you patch up those sparing bruises though, so you should be good👍
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"Sorry, can you help me? I think something's wrong with my eyes."
Being sent to the battlefront is tough. Guns and fists and knives don't exactly line up with an unscathed body. But you're tougher! And you have your reliable good friend, Doc. Iceman's training retinue polished you like a coarse diamond grinder, so Doc didn't have to do much than patch up minor cuts and scratches.
Doc decides to hold back further questions at your remark. Instead, choosing to appraise your face- the eye you claim to be 'wrong'. There's a subtle crease on his brow as his hands frame your cheek, trying to observe visible damage on your eye.
Of course. Even the most skilled doctor won't find anything. your eyes are fine.
"I think I just can't take them off you." you wink.
Doc tilts his head, then blinks.
Cute! Yet, the silence is starting to trigger the PTSD you got from Piano Man and Iceman. You hope it won't be the same case for this 'Doctor-Man.'
He finally nods, as if making up a decision. "Does it feel numb? Or painful?"
"No, I mean-"
"Maybe something is wrong with your extraocular muscles. I can open them up and-"
"You know what? Don't worry about it," you cut him off, rushing to swat away the current topic. "I think it just healed! That's amazing! I knew you're the best doctor one could ever ask for!"
Yeah.. better be careful next time. Getting your eyes dissected and cut open must not be fun.
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You're not saying you have a favorite in The Flags, but you're saying you have a favorite in The Flags, and that might or might not be Albatross. (It's definitely Albatross).
He is your true partner in crime, aiding you in your eternal quest to annoy every single living existence (especially Chuuya, but don't tell him that). Albatross isn't very keen on puns or pickup lines, but he picks up the habit as soon as you start greeting him with those daily doses of corniness.
"Morning!" you send the energetic wheelman a lighthearted smile, waving as you pass by the hallways of the headquarters.
"Oh, mornin' [Name]-"
"-Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
By normal standards, a perfectly normal person normally does not start their morning with a badly-placed and badly-formed, relatively corny pickup line. But abiding by the normal standards isn't exactly how you roll, and neither does Albatross. That moment marked the day The Flags must put up with a brand new headache.
"I'm confused… I thought happiness started with an H, but mine seems to start with U."
"Life without you is like a broken pencil... totally pointless."
"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."
"Are you a loan? 'Cause you've got my interest-"
"Alright. i believe that's enough, you two."
It takes Piano Man a lot to get him to lose his patience, and apparently, you've done abundant. Don't worry about Chuuya, the little precious bundle of rage is long gone. He knows better than to risk exhausting his voice or accidentally ransacking the whole hideout (lmao).
You are suffering from success. Or winning from failure? These jokes and pickup lines became something of a second nature to your tongue. You can't even remember what you said to this robot- er, supercomputer agent Adam Frankenstein.
"Oh. This is what humans call as puns, also known as paronomasia, a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous effect."
"But yours wasn't funny."
"W-well," you cough, recovering yourself. "Funny isn't the only intended effect. It was a punny pick-up line."
Adam nods.
"A pick-up line or chat-up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging a person for romance or dating. Are you trying to woo me?"
So, a literal robot just pulled an uno reverse card on you. Yet still, that's a good question. Are you really trying to woo him?
"I- I thought you'll start making one of those android jokes." you make an unsteady smile.
"My android jokes? Of course. They are not made with the intention of expressing romantic expression, so I can make one for you if you wish so."
Well. This tin man just indirectly reject your yet-to-exist confession.
"Either way, I am flattered by your attempts. However, I'm afraid that it will be impossible. You are a human and I am an autonomous humanoid supercomputer, the first to be used for law enforcement use-"
Yep. the tin man just directly rejected your yet-to-exist confession. Adam woke up and chose violence. At this point, you're better off going home and curling up in your blanket with some sad love song playlist. You think Chuuya winced and made a very pitiful expression for you. But you choose to mark that off as your imagination.
For a reason you can't fathom, you somehow end up in Verlaine's, Chuuya's, and Adam's theater of bloodshed.
Right here, right now, you're a vanguard of the battlefront. You shouldn't be thinking 'this'. Your chest hurts so bad from dodging Verlaine's attacks, your limbs are aching from bruises and cuts, your head is spinning with adrenaline, and this French man is trying to kill you and kidnap your ginger friend.
But darn, he's fine- You slap yourself.
"You good?" Chuuya rasps, struggling to make his step as he flanks your side.
"No, but-" another flying car flings towards your direction, and muscle memory forces you both to flee from your position, escaping death by a grasp.
This man is merciless, and *cough* attractive. Had he not currently trying to throw cars at you, you'd take him to some nice cafe and start serenading him with, uh, 'sweet' words.
Might as well.
"Whoa sir, you have some killer moves!" you roar heartily, uncaring by the way chuuya is eyeing you like an incredulous mother daring her child to do something stupid. "I'd simply die to have you." you wink.
In that split second, your words seem to catch Verlaine in a trance. Adam's fancy iron man laser beam almost grazes the French man's shoulder..somehow.
Hey, that worked! :D
[name] : chuuya, i think he's french.
chuuya : no shi-
[name] : i think eiffel for him.
This is it. The curtain calls, and it's time to face the final boss; it's time to unleash the ultimate torment to this poor boy.
"Ooh! Don't you look dapper? I always liked your fashion sense. You look good in that suit."
Chuuya doesn't immediately answer, opting to silently trace the paved sidewalk you both are treading on. By all means, both of you have no trouble with resources that a personal car, or even a whole limousine won't be impossible. It's just that the moon shines beautifully that night, so you drag your grumpy friend for a breath of fresh air.
"But you know what you'll look better in?" you chuckle, following his steps. "My arms."
Nothing. Mo reaction. No swatting your finger guns, no annoyed and incessant curses. Chuuya treats you like a nonexistent ghost, until he halts and simply stares at you with an inexplicable expression.
"Chuuya?" you falter, "Did- I go too far? Or did it finally get you? my jokes..?"
Oh, it did get him. No, you got him.
He shifts closer to you, like he finally loses it and is about to choke you to death. But this feels different. There is no malice or raw anger in his movements. They feel.. heavy, tired. Wordlessly, he leans his weight on your body, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
His breath is warm against your collarbone; the slight shudder from his long exhale stripped the corny jokes off your tongue.
"Oh, Chuuya.." you mirror him, putting your arms around him in a reassuring embrace. He is now here, in where you both want him to be: Your arms.
Some things come, and some things simply go. But some other things just don't change. Chuuya is grateful he can still hear your annoying jokes and lines, and that you are still by his side.
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tarotsol · 5 months
Will there be any changes in kpop in 2024?
Sm, yg, hybe and jyp are all churning out new groups. Even international groups from hybe and jype is targetting to US market.
Have you seen the interview where bangpd is talking about removing the k from pop.👀🤔
Hi anon!
I did see that interview! It’s kind of mad right?
Just from the vibe I’m getting, 2024 will be one of definite change in the idol industry. It may not look crazy, but there will be definitely be rumbles under the surface which impact South Korea as a whole these next 12 months+ which will impact every industry in Korea, not just entertainment. Now onto the reading…
So I had to split these up into 2 sections: 1) South Korea & 2) Kpop industry:
1) South Korea changes:
Yep, like I said, South Korea is going to continue to be a worldwide spectacle with the world card that I got here. There will be more achievements, successes & completions/ collaborations that will push the country into a more western market! Expect big things happening internationally in Aquarius season (End of Jan/Early Feb), Taurus Season (Late April/ Early May), Leo Season (Late July, early Aug) & Scorpio season (Late Oct/Early Nov). These will include m&g tours, (I heard Kcon is coming to Europe!) more events worldwide & more!
2) Kpop Industry in Korea:
This pretty much confirms what you just said! The industry is going to go overboard with looking for the next big thing (Knight Cups) They will be looking for new beginnings, opportunities & talents in more places worldwide for that it factor. Definitely more of a push with international collaborations I see this year too. Companies are now starting to see the importance of a global market & English speakers and now there’s a rat race beginning to find top level talent worldwide. (The Magician card)
Howeverrr, this also comes with some problems as some more scandals are going to come to light related to the industry. Secrets will be revealed & mysteries uncovered with the high priestess card here so it won’t all be sunshine & daisies.
Company staff will be required to learn new skills when breaking into these new markets eg Learning English & international marketing which will take a while to understand. Competition will be fierce. Someone could talk about this in the future. (8op)
Cooperation & sharing will also be linked with this. I’m getting physical shares so I think a company is going to be merging with another sometime soon… (Hybe X SM) More company collaborations here no surprise. I’m also getting teamwork- like the saying if you can’t beat them join them.
Thanks for the question anon! Happy New Year!
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about that guy I met on my European vacation--
OK, don’t get too excited, nothing that crazy or illegal happened. But I learned a few things about myself in the process that I thought I’d share. GET READY BECAUSE SHE A LONG ONE
So here I am on my 35 day European tour of a lifetime, starting in Barcelona and ending in Greece. When I get to Barcelona I have to meet my tour director after driving from the airport because he has the keys to our rooms. I knew he was Greek beforehand in the group chat--I’ve seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding about a million times and also I’ve played Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and his accent confirms it. “I like your name,” he says when I introduce myself, and it’s from this point onward that I have two missions for this trip. Number one: have an amazing time. Two: avoid this man at all costs, except when necessary for the tour. 
Avoiding him is simply about survival, even if he seems personable and truly wants to get to know all of us on the tour. I know I’m not that interesting a person and he is quite good looking and also really charming. If I’m not careful, I’ll catch feelings. I know me. He’ll just be doing his job and I’ll mistake it for attraction. I’ve lived through this song and dance before. It’s the curse you wear when you’ve grown up in a body that society doesn’t deem as good enough. Even if time has made me what society would call “prettier,” old thoughts of you’re not pretty enough for him are going to linger, lines forged by the likes of my grandmothers and casting directors. I am the funny side character, not the romantic lead. Hell, in college I wasn’t even on the stage. I remained in the backstage area as the helper. The funny side character stays on the sidelines. She provides funny banter, not the romance arc. She has to protect herself. 
Yet there’s a moment after Barcelona before we head to Paris where he ends up having dinner with me and my friend, myself terrified when he plops down at the same restaurant we’ve chosen. I don’t do much of the talking, my friend does, asking him all sorts of questions about his life I wish I could have asked, and some brazen ones in my mind anyway like are you married or attached? he’s not, come to find out. I glean he’s sort of a wayward traveler and content with that, but he admits he’s getting a bit too old for this tour directing thing. He also lets me try his food. It’s a small kindness I wouldn’t have expected from an American man. I feel brave. I tell him I like the way he says my name. 
“That’s what I said,” he says, twinkle in his eye. (No, it’s not. I let it be. I like the way he says it. To Europeans I even begin introducing myself via his pronunciation.)
Time passes without incident. I follow my promises in Paris, London, and Amsterdam. I know my other friend L likes him a lot and says she danced with him in Paris where they connected. It’s probably true, but I don’t know--I also can’t help but feel there’s something in the way he looks at me. A glimmer of something or other that some part of me recognizes, but doesn’t think can be the case. Not for me. I know my place. Then Prague happens. 
A lot of things happen in Prague. The morning of our tour through the city I get an email asking if I’m still interested in joining the company I applied to before my trip. I can’t believe it. I’m in Europe, and when I come back there is now the possibility I won’t have to go back to teaching. The day goes on, a terrible heat wave in the city. He takes the group out to a medieval dinner--sort of an interactive renaissance fair. We’re all as a unit, very drunk and ready for more drinking and dancing. It may be one of the best days of my life. Here I am in Europe, a world away from last year in the deepest pits of my depression and anxiety, drinking beer with an amazing group of travelers who I get to call my friends. We hit one bar, and then another, an Irish pub where he is, of course--he loves his Irish pubs and makes no secret of it. He flits around and some of my friends chit chat with him, but I of course don’t say anything. Of course we want to keep the party going--so we head out to this eighties dance club where he follows. I admit my eye is on him during the night--he helps out one of my friends who gets so drunk she can’t walk. (And he avoids her attempts to hit on him as well) but mostly I dance and I dance and I dance and I drink and I let loose in a way I don’t think I ever have. I feel beautiful. I feel free. And hell, when I see myself in the mirror--I am beautiful. Later, my friend tells me how cute I was drunk. I let loose. She’s right. Everything is perfect, except for the nagging realization I have to pee.
Upon what I call the pee test, wherein you get to see how drunk you are in the bathroom, I am moderate. I can stand but things are a little wobbly. Not the drunkest I’ve been, but pretty drunk. I emerge from the bathroom. There he is. 
He grabs my hand. He doesn’t let go. He stares into my goddamn soul. One of my friends is prattling on about going to another bar, I think, but it’s so loud because “Here Comes the Rain Again” or something is playing. He is insistent I come along too to this other bar with them all, still looking into the depths of my soul and holding my hand. In my drunken, yet still somewhat lucid state, I ask him why on earth he’s standing outside the girl’s bathroom. No answer, but my hand is still in his, and his eyes are still looking into the depths of my goodman soul. I feel really fucking pretty. So pretty, part of me realizes a good looking man is holding my hand. I hold on tighter.
We don’t end up going to another bar, we end up staying, but still holding my hand he takes me away from the girl’s restroom, finally, and eventually a tentative arm is places around me, something I reciprocate until more people crowd around. Shots are bought. We take a shot together before back to the dance floor we go. He dances with me, our backs turned in this shoulder-to-shoulder sort of shimmy, and I am vaguely aware of my ass grinding against his. When it’s over I am horror-stricken. People definitely saw me grind with our hot as hell Grecian tour director. But I’m in it too deep. I want to dance with him again, and I throw out some joke as I shake my hips about how they are going to hurt tomorrow--to which he laughs. It’s at this point another girl notices and literally throws herself on him. I watch with my mouth agape as he fights off her advances, and watch as he eventually untangles himself and leaves. 
I can’t sleep that night. Number one there’s a heat wave and I’m on the top bunk, and two, I’m swimming with thoughts of what the hell just happened. He started it, but why? The funny side character shouldn’t be treated like the romantic lead. The morning comes and the girls in my room mention his behavior from previous cities after noting how the other girl danced on top of him. They mention behavior I haven’t seen, and are concerned about his professionalism and if tour guides should go out dancing with tour groups. “I think I danced with him,” I say. “You did,” my friend replies. I  can’t help but feel judged. 
We move on from Prague in our trip. In Switzerland I decide to accept the new job. I see more glances from him here and there. He watches me get hit on in Venice. Then there’s this one particular look he gives me before we drive to Florence that I can’t shake away. I tell him good morning and the way he replies, you’d think I made his morning. 
Once in Rome I end up crying. We are deep into the trip and I want to talk to my Mom about my new job and also what happened. It’s confusing and I don’t get it and is this lack of professionalism true or something that should bother me? My friend L tells me a rumor he kissed a girl in Barcelona in our group and confessed his life story to her--and she says she doesn’t like him anymore, albeit for different reasons. I never ask. But there’s something ingrained within me that senses shenanigans will happen, even that night after I kiss an Italian boy. 
I’m right. It’s the second night in Rome. I go to a bar with two other friends. Apparently this is his favorite Irish bar in the whole of Europe, and of course he’s there. He plops beside me, deriding my choice in drinking Heineken when I should get an Italian beer. He asks me what I’m going to do when I come back to the states. I joke about ice water. He teases me. I tell him the truth, that I want to talk to my mom about a few things. I think about Prague, but leave that out and tell him about my new job, and how it’s everything I wanted but I’m nervous to leave teaching and also take a decrease in pay, but it’s also exciting because my head will be clearer to write more during the day, and I get a foothold in a career that’s interesting to me. He’s happy for me. 
From there, we talk, and we talk, and we talk and do occasional shots with the others I came with. The night is a blur, I can’t say everything we talked about--movies for one where he’s impressed I know who Laurence Olivier is. (”Of course I do! I’m a Shakespearean!”) and places he’s been to. he loves architecture, and tells me I could pass as Italian, and even Greek. (He’s right, I get mistaken for Greek a lot a little later) I show him a picture of my grandparents, and when my friend next to me starts showing pictures of the various colors she’s dyed her hair, I casually mentioned I stopped dyeing my hair. “Why would you?” he asks, “it’s a pretty color.” Once, he offhandedly mentions he’s self-conscious about his accent. I tell him I like it. Rather bashfully, he thanks me.
He takes a picture of us in the bar and posts it to the group chat. More people arrive. We kind of remain by each other’s side. He buys me a beer separate from the rest of the group. At some point I have to pee. On my way back from peeing I end up smooching another Italian man. He uses too much tongue too quickly for my taste. On my way back, he follows me. You know who sees this whole exchange and is very amused I got hit on, apparently. I think I mention something or other about my therapist telling me to kiss boys in Europe. Then he’s gone--gone without saying goodbye, and I’m a little upset but mostly I’m elated. I talked virtually all night with a man I find attractive, and not once did I run away. My good mood is only spoiled by the fact that I learn when I call home that my grandma was placed in the hospital.
The next day after the Vatican I’m eating with my friend L and a few others, and she casually mentions how he tried to get her to party with him yesterday. Driven by tiredness and also my news from the previous night, I go to my hotel room and cry. I don’t feel like he played me, but more so that I played myself. I’m just the funny side character after all. Why would I think I’m special? We’re going to Greece in the morning, and my body is just so tired I have no desire to go. 
But go we do, and once in Athens I just feel very, very happy. I can’t even really describe why the city makes me so happy. but I feel safe there. I feel like maybe the past life reader I emailed back in April was right, Greece was once my home in a time before. One thing is sure, I am not wasting my time on my tour director anymore. I’m just going to enjoy the rest of the trip. 
Except he’s eating lunch the same place me and my friends decide to eat at. We leave him be but he’s as amiable as ever. And then later that night when me and another group of girls decide to go for drinks at a rooftop bar---he tags along. I don’t really speak to him much, other girls in the group dominate the conversation, but I try my best to look wistful and unbothered. He lets me sip from his beer, and when I ask my smoker friend for a cigarette puff  he beats her and gives me a puff of his. He mentions the Irish bar in Rome and how I was there with him. I feel a sort of electricity when he plops by me to smoke and he’s pointed toward me. 
The next day at the Acropolis he gives me this sort of playful, dreamy look I don’t see him give anyone else, and I ask if he thinks I look silly in my hat. “Yes,” he says, and I laugh. Another dreamy look in Paros when we’re by ourselves by the sea for the briefest moment. He looks at me like I’m a revelation. It makes me laugh. It makes me feel like the romantic lead. One last wistful look the next morning before we return to Athens when he tells me “good morning.” Again, I feel a sort of revelation. My friend tells me later there’s a rumor he slept with a girl in our group. I kind of don’t care.
At our last dinner in Athens before we all must leave, I give him his tip. We embrace, we take a photo. He wants me to send it to him. I do, and he gives it a little heart. He comes out dancing with the group, one last time. I don’t see him for a bit, but when he bumps into me in the club he asks me where my drink is. I ask him if he’s going to buy me one to replace it. He teases me before agreeing, and then more people crowd around and suddenly we’re taking shots. It’s at this point I see the rumored girl he slept with in our group cuddle up near him, to which he doesn’t reciprocate. I give a certain look of disgust, one he mirrors. “What happened to the Irish bar?” he asks me. I am possessed. I put my hand on his cheek and I tell him I’ll always remember it. He will too, he says. That’s his favorite in all of Europe. 
I remember that souvenir I bought in Athens a few days ago, my name on a necklace in Greek. He’s supposed to give it me at some point, and when I ask he says he’ll just keep it if he forgets. YOU’RE GOING TO KEEP A NECKLACE WITH MY NAME? I ask, and he just looks sheepishly at me. I know I have to leave soon, so I say my goodbyes. “If I don’t see you, when I leave in the taxi to the airport,” I tell him, “I will kill you.” And then I embrace him again. I kiss his cheek. 
Such a simple thing, a kiss. I always thought I would have to be deliberate about it, because I imagined kissing his cheek in parting before. I wasn’t so. I was possessed, automatic. When he kisses me back on my cheek, an immediate response, it feels like an I see you, you were beautiful, I enjoyed my time with you. It feels romantic. 
So we part a few hours later with an embrace--nothing too crazy. But when I’m home, I message him because he asked us to let him know when we’re home safe. I thank him in Greek, and thank him for everything. I tell him I’m glad I stopped waiting around for someone and did what I always wanted to do. He thanks me. Am I going to leave it there? He lives in Greece, I live here. He told me he wouldn’t live in the US. Fuck, I’d move to Europe for true love, though the chance of him being it for me are very, very slim. I do know he said he’d mention if he was in the US, and asked me to mention if I was in Europe. Of course I’ll go back to Europe. I’ll always return. And I may need to message him. Some of my stories take place partly in Greece. I need research help.
In my therapist’s chair upon my return, she tells me who cares if the rumor about him sleeping with someone is true or not, I know what happened between him and I. He’s a tour director and he probably lied when he said he would never do something like that in Athens. At the end of the day, he’s European, and Europeans have different sensibilities. Good for me for kissing him, and after all, it’s not really about him. It’s about how I felt confident, I felt beautiful, and I held a man’s attention. She’s right of course. She’s always right. This story isn’t about a romance, it’s about the funny side character coming into her own, and knowing she can be the lead. It’s about how I got to know this amazing, incredible woman, and now I know I can’t be without her. And, my therapist says, it’s time for me to write my book. 
I used to be sad I didn’t have a partner, how I would look at pictures of my cousin’s family and be jealous. But I see them now, and I see how beautiful it is, but I also see how that’s not what I want. Not quite yet, I still want to travel. I must, for me. For my soul. For the art that I will make. 
And as for my tour director, I waffle back and forth now that I’m home. I know I can live without him. I’m ready for the man I will marry, but I also don’t want him yet, weirdly enough. There are things I have to do. I learned that in Europe. I learned that with my tour director, talking with him, exchanging heated looks with him he didn’t give anyone else. I was careful to observe that. I admit, there are parts of me that have this knowing that there’s more and I haven’t seen or heard the last of Nikos.  
I guess time will tell. I’m happy either way. I’m still the lead.
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bigbadwolfhye · 2 years
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Thank you to @coldfanbou for the feedback and advices
This was an ask that was sent to @coldfanbou from an anonymous but I thought that I could do that ask and now here's a fluff for you all....hehe
After the successful World Tour of LOONA in North America and in Europe, you, all of the staff and the girls are all exhausted and tired from the tour
From the hotel room, you grab your backpack and went to the main lobby of the hotel to wait for the girls until they came out the elevator.
As you see Yves come out of the elevator, you hurriedly went and fetch her suitcase "Thank you" Yves said smiling.
"Just doing my job, Sooyoung-ah" you replied.
"Well, if that is your job, take my suitcase too!" Yeojin said trailing behind you.
"Yeah sure, let me handle that" you went to reach for the handle but Haseul blocked your hand from grabbing the handle.
"No, Oppa, let her drag her own suitcase" Haseul said with great diction staring at Yeojin.
"No, Haseul, taking care you guys are my job" you said.
Yeojin's face dropped into a frown, she did look really sad. You quickly grab Yeojin's suitcase.
"But—" Haseul was about to say something.
"If you say so..." Haseul smiles at you, "I might fall for you, Oppa" you smile back.
You looked behind you and saw Gowon, she was walking behind Haseul and Yeojin looking super sleepy "Still sleepy, Gowon?" you asked, she nodded.
You looked behind and saw Olivia Hye can be seen walking out the elevator, you slowed down your walk to match up her pace and walked next to her "You still sleepy from last night, Hyeju?" you asked her, she looks up at you "I'm fine, Oppa. I'll sleep in the plane later" she smiled. You remembered that you two kissed last night because after the tour, the whole crew and the girls came together to celebrate the completion of the world tour but Hyeju might not remember doing it because she was drunk when she kissed you.
You walk with her until you reached the waiting van "Go in, Hyeju. I'll put your suitcase in the back" you said.
"I think Gowon Unnie should go in first, she's asleep while standing" Olivia Hye points behind me, I looked behind me and saw Gowon almost falling backwards because she was sleeping while standing. You grabbed her and shook her up "Gowon-ah, go in now so you can sleep in the van a little" you said.
"Okay..." she nodded and sit on the seat next to the door.
Yves, Yeojin, and Haseul went inside the van first. You noticed that Gowon can't sleep because the door was still open since she was last to get inside and sat on the seat next to the door "Sooyoung-ah, can you switch seats with Gowon? She needs sleep right now" you told Yves.
"Oh, okay" Yves said as they switch seats.
"Thank you, Oppa" Gowon tiredly said as she caressed your arm before closing her eyes and going to sleep.
You bowed before saying goodbye "Bye guys" you said before closing the door. You didn't hesitate on wasting time as the van drove away, you were already walking back to the lobby with Olivia Hye where you found Jinsoul and Kim Lip sitting on the lobby sofas.
"Oppa, when is the next van coming?" Jinsoul stood up and asked.
"About a minute or two, Daeyong said he's on the way. He said there was traffic, that's why he's taking so long" you said.
"Aish, I shouldn't have drank so many beers last night! I'm so sleepy still!" Kim Lip yawned.
Looking at sleepy Kim Lip yawn made you yawn a bit and then took a neck pillow from inside your bag "Here" you passed it to Kim Lip.
"W-what's this for?" flustered, Kim Lip accepted the neck pillow and put it on.
"For you to take a nap, don't worry I'll wake you up when the next van arrives" you said
"Thanks" Kim Lip replied.
"Do you need something Jinsol?" you were confused because why is she staring at you and grinning.
"You like Kim Lip, right?" she asked straightforwardly
"What do you mean?" you were flustered by the direct question
"I mean, you take care of all of us but why does she always get a special service from you? "For you to take a nap, don't worry I'll wake you up when the next van arrives~" Isn't it obvious that you like her?" Jinsoul does make a point but you didn't have romantic feelings for Kim Lip, it's just a fatherly love, you felt like you need to take care of her ever since the Chicago incident.
"No, I don't like her like that. I'm your freaking manager Jinsol, I won't fall or be in love with any of you" you said as Jinsoul just nods.
"Oh! Hyeju-yah!" Jinsoul calls to Olivia Hye that is walking away and not stopping like she didn't hear Jinsoul called to her "That's weird, didn't she hear me? Nobody here is named Hyeju other than her" Jinsoul speaking facts.
You too were confused about why Olivia Hye is acting this way, so you ran to catch her "Hyeju" you grabbed her arm "What's wrong?" you asked, worried that something happened with her and another member.
Olivia Hye looked at you with starry eyes "When is the next van coming?" she asked pulling out her phone from her pocket.
"O-oh, well... It's c-coming, just t-taking time" you stuttered your way through that sentence.
"Ok, then. I'll wait here, go take care of the other members" she said looking at her phone.
"Are you mad or something? Did something happened? Tell me, I'm here to listen" you said placing your hand on her shoulder.
She swats your hand away "I'm fine, I think I just ate something that is bad last night" she said.
"Oh! You have stomach problems?" You opened your bag and pulled out a herbal medicine "Here, drink this. It'll make your stomach feel better" you said handing out the packet to her but she slapped it off your hand.
"I don't need your care" she said as she walks off.
You stare at her in disbelief of what just happened "Wha-what... What just h-happened?" you look at Olivia Hye's back walking away from you.
"Oppa? What happened?" Heejin walks closer to you with her suitcase followed by Hyunjin and Vivi with their suitcases
"Hyeju" you said.
"What's with her?" Hyunjin asked.
"She said... She said she doesn't need me" you said as you pick up the herbal medicine from the ground.
"Doesn't need you? Aren't you our manager?" Heejin pats your back.
"I'll talk to her, wait here Oppa" Vivi said before going to Olivia Hye that is seated next to Jinsoul and Kim Lip.
"I'll come with you Unnie" Hyunjin said following Vivi
You and Heejin talked while Vivi and Hyunjin went to Olivia Hye.
"It's okay, Oppa. Maybe she's not in the mood right now, talk to her later" Heejin said.
"I just don't understand why she said that, it's like last night didn't happen" you said reminiscing about last night.
"I think she's upset about last night. You did kind of stole her first kiss" Heejin crossed her arms while laughing.
"Hey guys! Good morning!" Choerry cheerfully skips down the lobby
You looked at the sunny sunshine walking towards you "Yerim-ah, can you lift up the mood?" Heejin said to Choerry.
"Why? What for?" Choerry paused in her tracks and replied.
"Oppa, tell her" Heejin pushed me to Choerry.
"Omo~ Are you gonna confess to me?" Choerry smiles brightly.
"No... It's Hyeju" you said while looking behind Choerry where Olivia Hye is.
"What about her? Omo~ You confessed to her, didn't you?" Choerry smiles more brightly while jumping in excitement.
You held to her shoulders to put her in place "Yerim-ah, listen. Hyeju..." he shakes his head "She said she doesn't need me but how could I not? It's my job" I said.
Choerry placed her hand on her chin and processed what you said "Hmmm... First of all, I thought it was going to be a big problem. Second, can't you just talk to her? She's literally right there" Choerry points behind her.
"I think we know the problem" Hyunjin said walking towards you with Vivi on her side.
"What? What did she say?" Your eyes lit up.
"She needs your attention, Oppa" Vivi said with a coy smile.
Confused you say, "What do you mean attention?"
A sudden force collides with you, feeling of love and warmth. Two arms wrapping around you, two hands tightly touching your back, her short hair hides her shy face but you can still see her beautiful face. Taken aback by her, all you could do was hug her back.
"Me, Oppa" her voice resonates inside your ears as she hugs you tighter "Give me attention" she said.
"H-hyeju..." you lift her up in happiness.
She looks up to you with her starry eyes while you look down at her "Please give me more attention, I know I'm being greedy right now but please" she begged.
"Okay, okay. I'll give you more attention... But why? Why do you need my attention, Hyeju-yah?" you said patting her head.
She looked to the left then to the right, she bit her lip before gaining courage but still hesitated. You look into her eyes like it's a staring contest, she hugged you again " I like you" she hid her face.
You smiled
You released the hug and lowered yourself down to match Olivia Hye's height and looked into her eyes "I'm not saying this just because you said you like me but..." you cupped her face with your two hands and kissed her, again "I love you too Hyeju"
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