#then catch on fire bc I’m from hell
sunfyresrider · 1 year
Me: There’s not enough Aegon fics
Me: if I want something then I have to write it myself. I will single-handedly fill the Aegon fic tag with content.
Me: *stares at my screen for two hours producing only one paragraph before getting distracted by a noise and forgetting what I was doing*
Also me: *starts two new wips because my memory is so bad I forgot about the first*
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t1red-twilight · 11 days
through the ages
part 1
content/warnings: gn!reader, fluff, doesn’t follow cannon super closely (i’m stupid), cursing, mentions of spencelle (bc i said so)
notes: lmao finally got this out
word count: 2.0k
masterlist series masterlist
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hotch opened the door and brought you in. spencer took note of everything; the curve of your lips, the way you walked. he had never been so enamored with a single person before. sure, he’d had crushes. but never once had he immediately needed to know someone.
aaron’s introduction of you was wordless; the world lagged as spencer gazed upon you but desperately tried to avoid eye contact. every spot of your face, every imperfection had him speechless.
you had just graduated, masters in criminal justice and a minor in sociology from princeton. full ride scholarship, spencer later found out. (your writing was exquisite; very insightful. he looked it up in the hotel later that evening.)
it had been a normal day in the office, as normal as it could be. then, his world stopped when he saw you. after elle had left something in him felt sort of numb; maybe, you could give him a spark.
you sat in the chair directly to his left on the opposite side of the table. one elbow leaned on the desk, and you wordlessly mouthed words he couldn’t make out as the case was described. your eyes flicked over to him, and he quickly looked back at hotch. had you caught him staring, or had you wanted to catch a glimpse of him? he knew that this could maybe mean that you were trying to look at him from the same motivations that he was, enamorment, or maybe you had just sensed him staring like a frog at a fly: quickly, insignificantly.
the only issue was that it seemed you liked morgan.
las vegas, nevada was where the team was headed. being here reminded spencer of things, memories he didn’t care to recall. he noticed how you were hesitant to speak up, a feeling he had been familiar with a few years ago when he first joined the team.
the police station was incredibly stuffy, typical for the las vegas summertime. if you looked out into the road, you could see mirages. the police station had ac, but it was not helpful by any means at all.
spencer looked over at you. your hands were in your lap, and you were intently focused on something that morgan was saying. morgan was sitting on the table in the centers of the conference room, and you were looking up at him.
the stretch of morgan’s muscles underneath his shirt made spencer’s chest pang with envy. what did you think about morgan? was morgan your type? oh, god. maybe spencer didn’t even have a chance.
he didn’t see hotch approaching. “you find anything on the geographical profile, reid?” spencer blinked rapidly in an effort to clear his mind. he turned around to face the map that he had been leaning on. “distracted?” hotch’s eyebrows raised in what spencer knew to be amusement, though he was never hyper-expressive.
“uh- no. i’m alright. all the murders were in the same police jurisdiction, and all within a mile of each other. the focal point of these suggest that the unsub might live-“
you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking. this introduction could make or break your relationship with the bau team. it didn’t help that you were so young and inexperienced. hell, you were still working on your phd.
aaron hotchner guided you into the room and recited your name and qualifications. however, your eyes were glued to the wall right above the shoulder of a tall man, who had a goatee.
when you peeled your eyes away from the wall, you saw him. he had light brown hair, and starry eyes that were behind thick-rimmed glasses. one of his plump lips was tucked between his teeth.
once hotchner finished, you sat down paid attention as much as you could to the case that you were being sent on. baptism by fire, you guessed.
every now and then, you’d look out of the corner of your eye to look at the man in glasses. hopefully he wouldn’t catch you trying to memorize every freckle and line on his face.
you stayed mostly silent on the jet. you figured that you could mostly shadow the other people on the team before you got the hang of things. the chairs on the jet were not super comfortable; or maybe, you were just ridiculously tense.
you had only been to las vegas one or two times, and one of those times was just driving through. the police station was crowded and full of typical police assholes. that, you were more than used to. a bead of sweat dripped down your back.
when you sat down to look at the police reports one more time, you heard the table creak as someone sat upon it. looking up, you saw the man with the goatee from earlier. “so, where’d you work before you landed this gig?”
you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. at least he was being casual. still, you dropped your hands to your lap to fiddle with your fingers. “i was an assistant at a firm up in jersey,” you said, pausing briefly. “remind me what your name was again?”
“i’m morgan.” you followed by telling him your name. he must’ve seen you glancing over at the man in glasses repeatedly. he was raptly describing the geographical profile to agent hotchner. “that’s reid, if you didn’t already know.”
“that’s good to know. this morning was a little rushed.” your eyes trailed over agent reid. the way his fingers moved across the map with intense dexterity was enticing.
morgan chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully (even though you couldn’t see it, your gaze still locked on reid). “he’s single,” morgan purred, jumping off the table to return to his previous task.
you felt like a deer caught in the headlights, but morgan was gone before you could protest to what he was alluding to.
the case had gone by smoothly. but spencer could hardly even focus when you were within fifty feet of him. he was inexplicably drawn to you.
the jet was much cooler than vegas had been, and the entire team felt relieved. you were the last on, spencer quickly sat upright. were you walking towards him?
you spoke in a soft tone, “can i sit here? all the other seats are taken.” you clasped your hands together, likely out of nerves.
spencer nodded vigorously before he answered. he almost forgot to respond verbally. “yeah!” he said loudly. shit. he didn’t want to seem too eager, he might embarrass himself. “yes, of course you can.” this time, he spoke as quietly and calmly as he could muster while simultaneously scooting over to make room for you on the couch.
he tried to avoid eye contact. luckily, you weren’t even looking in his direction. if you had been, you might see the red creeping up his neck. you had a light floral scent about you, one that reminded him of simpler times when life was less hectic.
“agent reid, right?” you murmured. even though it was just his last name, he loved the way you said it, rolling off your tongue so smoothly and delicately.
he shrugged and leaned back on the couch slightly, trying to relax his shoulders. “doctor, actually, but you can just call me spencer.”
your tongue swiped your bottom lip before you spoke. “spencer. that suits you.” oh god, it did sound great when you said it. it sounded downright angelic; almost as if you were the only person meant to say it.
a silence followed. while being slightly awkward, spencer wasn’t too concerned about it. at least you were sitting next to him and not derek. “did you have a job before this one?”
“yeah, i was a lawyer’s assistant.” your voice was more soft than it had been. spencer looked over at you for the first time since you sat next to him.
“you like the bau so far?”
“how long have you worked for the bau?” you both spoke over each other; you turned and met his gaze. your eyes were beautiful, the lighting of the jet illuminating your face in a perfect way. spencer gestured for you to speak first.
“yeah, it’s alright.” a small smile adorned your lips. spencer wondered what they tasted like, before shutting that thought down completely. he couldn’t be thinking that about his coworker, let alone one he met less than forty eight hours ago.
you mirrored his gesture. “i’ve worked at the bau for a couple of years now.” what a dumb response. why couldn’t he think or speak properly?
his mind kept wandering. “you like it so far?” he whispered.
“yeah, it’s pretty cool.” pretty cool? who even says that? “just let me know if you need anything.” you gave him a warm smile and nodded. the way you smiled made him giddy and filled his stomach with butterflies.
being last on the jet didn’t work out well for you. every seat was taken, and the few that weren’t had feet propped up on them. in the back, you could see the couch still had space. perhaps spencer wouldn’t mind?
you walked over hesitantly to the couch. he didn’t notice you right away. “can i sit here? all the other seats are taken,” you noted, rocking on your heels.
he looked up at you, responding brightly. “yeah!” he moved over and spoke more quietly. “yes, of course you can.” there was a good six inches between the two of you, but it was as if you were brushing up against him with how your nerves were treating you.
small talk sucked, but you figured it would probably benefit you in getting to know your coworkers. “agent reid, right?” you recalled morgan’s anecdote from earlier, at the police station. it would really suck if you had somehow managed to forget his name in the time it took to solve the case and fly back to quantico.
“doctor, actually but you can just call me spencer.” shit, you totally just disrespected him. if only agent hotchner had properly introduced everyone when you were introduced.
trying to hide your increasing embarrassment, you tried, again, to be casual. “spencer. that suits you.” you should have apologized. not knowing what to say, you sat in the silence that consumed the rest of the jet. your knee bobbed up and down, you pulled at your fingers, and breathed deeply.
“did you have a job before this one?” he cleared his throat. did everything he did have to be attractive?
“yeah, i was a lawyer’s assistant.”
he had been looking at you, you realized. how long had he been looking at you and you were too skittish to look at him? how could you, with his gorgeous starry eyes.
in another circumstance his ‘interrogation’ would have intimidated you but, you only felt anxious from trying to impress him. “you like the bau so far?”
“how long have you worked for the bau?” the two of you interrupted each other. a laugh was shared and you relaxed for once, your posture looking a little less like you were constipated.
the chill of the jet was setting in; that, or spencer was just giving you goosebumps. he waved his hand in a motion saying that you should respond first. “yeah, it’s alright.” you actually really liked it (despite the morbidity, but that you were used to). but, you had to seem cool. chill, not like you were analyzing every thing he did and said to see if he liked you.
copying what he did, you silently urged that he was good to respond. “i’ve worked at the bau for a couple of years now,” he nodded as he spoke.
small talk did suck, a lot, but at least you were talking to spencer and not alone with your worried thoughts. “you like it so far?” you asked.
“yeah, it’s pretty cool.” his adam’s apple bobbed. “just let me know if you need anything.” you smiled at this, his comfort proving successful. the tension in your spine finally dissipated. it was good that you were at least on good terms with the bau member closest in age with you.
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer” 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer” additional tags: (wrongly) assumed infidelity, miscommunication that gets resolved, this must be an au bc mickey would obv never interrupt his own sleep to leave the apartment
Mickey steps carefully into their apartment, taking great care to shut the door without being too loud. He closes it with barely a click. But nothing can prepare him for what happens next.
When Mickey turns, it’s like he’s stepped right into a 90s romantic drama, the single floor lamp clicking on to shine in a perfect spotlight, revealing where his husband is very much awake, and very much waiting for his return.
He’s sitting on the couch. Tucked up in his bathrobe and the most unimpressed frown.
“Who is he?”
Mickey glances from left to right. Behind himself. Looks at Ian again, his heart still pounding in his chest from the startle. “Who’s who?”
“Don’t gimme that.” And now Ian’s standing up, gathering his robe around himself as he prepares to fire off The Chin. “You disappear every night - yes, I noticed,” he states before Mickey can interrupt. “Bring a bag with you… Come home sweaty… I know you think you’re sneaky, but you’re fucking bad at hiding this, Mickey.”
It takes a second for everything to sink in. For the endorphins from the last couple hours to start pumping upward into his brain this time. 
And… Damn.
Ian caught him.
To be perfectly honest, Mickey thought he was getting away with this shit - was being real cagey and everything too - even getting a shower in before sliding back into bed with him.
“Two hours. That enough to meet up with him and do what you gotta do?”
Meet up with who? Yeah right. “You think I can get somebody out at this hour?” Mickey asks, his confusion starting to put him on edge. “Been doing this shit all on my own. Well-... I mean ‘cept for the other handful of guys who show up sometimes…”
And the way Ian’s eyebrows rise is almost as startling as how he stops in his tracks, repeating the words back to him with dragged out intensity. “‘Handful of guys’...?”
It’s got Mickey slugging his bag off his shoulder, the dramatics of it all really killing his high. “Christ, Ian. What’re you bein’ so bitchy for-”
“What am I being bitchy for.” There he goes again, repeating shit. Like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Mickey are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah - what - I was doin’ this shit for you, anyway. Thought you’d at least be excited about it.”
Oh. Fuck. Ian does not like that. “Excited?” Off comes the robe, in a flurry of angry movements. He’s running hot, and not in a good way. “Why the fuck would I be excited about my husband cheating on me!”
And it’s-...
Wait a second.
“You thought you could go out every night and meet up with a ‘handful of guys’ and I’d be jumping for joy?” He sure is using air quotes like he’s having a good time with it, but no no no-
“What the-...” Mickey shakes his head, trying to clear the air because holy fuck, “I ain’t fuckin’ cheating on you, Ian - the hell?”
“You just said-” 
“Christ, you think I’m out bangin’ other dudes?”
“Wuh-...! You-...!”
Mickey rubs a hand over his mouth, everything suddenly making a whole lot of sense. The dramatics. The theater of it all. Ian was catching him coming home from the act, but ‘the act’ ended up being two very different things in their respective heads.
“Holy shit,” Mickey breathes out, going for his bag so he can put that thought immediately out of Ian’s head. “Look.”
He tugs the zipper open. Starts dumping out its contents on the floor right between them - his gym shoes - his old-ass iPod - a workout shirt - socks that stink so bad that they’re all he really needed to avoid all this. One whiff would’ve immediately made things clear.
But it’s enough now. Ian is slowly putting all the pieces together, the worry in his brow evening out and his chin returning to normal pointedness. Finally.
“You…” you says, hope returning. “You’ve been…going to the gym…?”
Mickey gestures to the pile of clothes in between them, his tone evening into something honest. “Yeah, man. Thought you wouldn’t notice once you knocked out…”
Ian eyes over everything one more time. Then slowly, his lips pull into a small pout, those eyes flicking away. “I notice every time you’re not in bed.” ‘Bitch.’ He wants to add it so bad. Mickey can practically see it trying to break through.
But he doesn’t. And there’s something so sheepish and honest and vulnerable about it, that Mickey can’t help but smile, peace returning as he stuffs his clothes and shoes back into his bag. “Fuck would I ever cheat on you for, ya dummy?”
A beat passes. Thoughts lingering. “I dunno… I just thought-...” 
“Well stop.” It sure makes a lot of sense, though. Now that he sees it through that lens. Fuck, he’d probably think the same thing if their roles were switched. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to getchya all riled up…”
“S’okay…” Ian watches as Mickey gets himself sorted. Still has a lot of questions trying to get out - he can tell. And it starts with this one. “What do you mean you were doing this for me?”
It’s the correct one - right away. And Mickey’s glad he asked, actually. Because if he must know…
The floorboards creak beneath his shoes as he steps up into Ian’s space, his muscles warmed up and ready enough to finally show off his skills. 
And when he does it - when he wrangles his giant-ass husband in and hauls him up until he's got those thick thighs straddling his waist, Ian’s startle and wide eyes say it all as Mickey slots him up against the wall - all two hundred pounds - keeping him held up in his arms.
“Been goin’ to the gym so I can lift ya,” he preens, impressed with his own strength.
Because he’s been working for this moment. For the look of sheer shock in Ian’s eyes from the rush of it - how it simmers into delight and pride and something much, much steamier the longer he holds him up.
And damn, that little breathy, impressed laugh that huffs out between them. “Fuck, Mick…”
Oh yeah. This is what all that 2am weightlifting has been for.
“You like that, huh?” Mickey grins, the atmosphere shifting familiar and fun - heavy in a good way. “This do it for ya?”
From his arms, Ian nods, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he takes a second to eat Mickey up with his eyes, those big arms wrapping around the back of his neck. 
He probably thought he was doing a decent job at hiding how hot he gets with this - when Mickey can make him feel small and moveable. 
They’re both absolute dogshit at keeping secrets, it turns out.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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bunnyinfoxclothing · 3 months
An Angel's Punishment
Here is a short story request from @hinata-chan-utaitelover!
"To make it set after Emily falls, she makes it to the hotel and during her first week or so there she catches a hell flu (and since she's an angel, it's really bad ;-; bc hell sicknesses affect angels worse than demons...my little hc) and Charlie and Vaggie are taking care of her"
Going to be 100% honest this one got a little bit away from me. Still I hope you enjoy.
Word count: 2018
Let me know if you want this posted on A03 :)
Emily was sure of herself in a lot of things. She was sure of herself when she took up the mantle of bringing joy to the angels of Heaven, Winners and all. She was sure of herself when she first heard Charlie’s idea of redeeming sinners. She was sure of herself when she first went against Sera. And she was sure of herself every moment after.
She remained sure of herself as a portal to Hell opened in front of her, and without looking at her dear sister, she left.
She was a little less sure of herself as she walked through hell, asking various demons for help locating the Hazbin Hotel. She was met with all manner of rude and outright vulgar responses.
“Can you tell me where I can find the Hazbin Hotel?”
“Fuck Off!”
“Hello! Do you mind–”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Hi there!”
“FUCK there’s more of you Bitches? I thought the last of you were killed off?”
“Uh, hey!”
“Well hello there~”
“Hi! Yes! Okay, do you know where I can find the Hazbin Hotel?”
“Oh, you’re in the market for redemption are you?”
“Not really, I’m just looking for a few friends.”
“I see, well sinner or saint if you’re looking for a place, I think I know somewhere to do that’s a little better suited.”
“Oh, no thanks, I’m specifically looking for the hotel.”
“I’ll take you to a hotel. You won’t be able to tell the difference, you’ll end up worshiping on your knees either way.”
That’s when Emily first learned the strength of an angel present in Hell. She reacted instinctively when he moved to wrap an arm around her shoulder. Her fist went right through his head.
It didn’t take her long to actually locate the hotel after that. Once she stopped looking for people to point her in the right direction, she began noticing posters. 
Most of them were being used to light up dumpster fires. A few had stains from a liquid Emily was too scared to investigate, but as luck would have it, she managed to find one still pasted to a wall.
Then another.
And a few more. 
They were spaced few and far between. Emily assumes most were taken down for more personal use than the one intended, but soon the big glowing letters of the hotel greeted her.
Her wings fluttered and in a quick burst of speed she ran right into the door. Knocking in a playful manner, getting a small beat out on the door, before it opened and she jumped into the arms of the first person on the other side.
Vaggie caught the angel easily. Eyes going wide as she had to drop her spear to avoid impaling what she barely perceived as a pale blue rocket.
Pale blue wasn’t a color that appeared in hell. And exterminators don’t knock. So when fluffy hair filled her vision along with a bouncy nature a little too like Charlie’s, Vaggie easily put two and two together.
She cradled the angel in her arms as horrible facts came to mind. She tried her best to go through every list she could to ensure the girl was fine. She still had her wings. There was no wetness on her body, no blood. No missing eye. Hopefully. Two arms. Two legs. No major injuries.
As she went through her mental checklist, Charlie entered the common area.
“Charlie!!” Emily flew from Vaggie’s arms straight into hers. 
Vaggie looked down at her dropped spear with a hint of contemplation. Taking a deep breath. She picked up the spear and lifted one of her wings just slightly, she tucked it between her wing and her back.
Now wasn’t the time for jealousy. There was a fallen angel to take care of.
Charlie and Emily, bounced the conversation around like the world's most competitive game of pingpong. Neither one stayed on a single topic for more than five sentences.
Thankfully, having had years to get used to Charlie’s rambling she managed to pick up on a few things.
1. Emily had come to help with the hotel.
2. It was not a Heaven sanctioned trip.
3. Emily had left Heaven behind, willingly becoming a fallen angel.
It was also extremely clear that Emily had no idea what she had done.
“Your halo.” Not even Vaggie knew where she was going with that sentence.
“I removed it.” Emily answered anyway.
“You can’t return?” Vaggie prayed the answer was no. That she had discreetly left. That she could still return at any time. That she hadn’t doomed herself.
“No? Why would I? I mean you had it right from the beginning. Heaven is full of hypocrites. So, like you, I left.”
Vaggie swallowed her anger. She bottled up her frustration. She took all her negative feelings, and put them in a box to be dealt with later. Emily didn’t need a lecture. She needed a warm bed, and some even warmer clothes.
Loathe as she was to admit it, she needed some of her clothes. Specifically her Charlie clothes. The clothes that used to be Charlie’s that she commandeered. Warm sweatpants. A cuddly sleep shirt that draped down to her mid thigh. Something to sweat out the coming storm, but breathable so she wouldn’t feel like she was suffocating.
Charlie and Emily were quickly back at it within their conversation. Emily bouncing in place, and Charlie just as happy to have her here. 
Vaggie left to prepare a room. One close to her and Charlie’s.
Emily was tired. It could have been any number of things. Her first real time in Hell. Her lack of halo. The excitement of seeing Charlie and Vaggie finally dying down. Either way. It was time for bed.
She excused herself from the conversation with Husk and Angel at the bar, and walked right into the awaiting Charlie and Vaggie.
“Perfect timing!” Charlie smiled. “Our resident Hotel Manager,” She grabbed Vaggie by the shoulders pulling the smaller angel into her much larger form, “already set you up with a room.”
After thoroughly thanking them both, changing into the clothes Vaggie lent her, and another three thank you’s, she was finally crawling into bed. Emily was quick to fall asleep after that.
“So how early do angels usually wake up?” Charlie looked over at Vaggie, just in time to watch her nightie fall onto her form.
“That’s not something we need to worry about.”
“We’re going to have a sick angel to handle in the morning.” 
“Don’t you remember finding me down here?”
“Yeah! You were sick from infection and bleeding to death.”
“The bleeding stopped on like the third day. There is no infection from angelic weapons, not for angels at least. I’m pretty sure I had the Hell Flu.”
“That’s like a mild three day sickness. You were sick for like a week, and groggy for another few days after that. That’s two completely different things.” Charlie crawled into bed. Flopping onto her back and opening up her arms for Vaggie to crawl into.
“Yeah, for demons. We’re a bit different Charlie. I’ve cared for you, Angel, heck even Husk, during Hell Flu season. It’s the same symptoms, just a touch worse.” Vaggie fell into Charlie’s arms letting herself be held close.
Charlie gave a noncommittal noise. Clearly not entirely believing her girlfriend.
“Think about it, hon. There isn’t even dirt or dust in Heaven, you think they have sickness? Nope. Emily is about to gain an immune system. I'm pretty sure Heaven does it specifically to punish Angels.”
Charlie chose to unpack that part later“We’ll see in the morning. It’s eepy time.”
“Okay Char. eepy time it is.”
Emily was up right around the time Angel finally meandered his way out of his room. Though unlike him, she didn’t flop right at the bar, and instead made her way to the kitchen. She was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, having slept like a log in the comfy clothes Vaggie left her. There was a slight tightness in her throat and one of her nostrils felt a little dry. So her best bet was some water. 
Hell’s air was a little different than Heaven. Maybe she slept with her mouth open and everything just dried up. That sounds like it makes sense.
She found Charlie in the kitchen whipping up some brunch for Angel.
“Oh, hey! How are you feeling Emily?” Charlie’s eyes darted over to Vaggie, who was sitting on the counter next to her happily eating bits of bacon. Popping a few of the chopped up meats into her mouth as well.
Charlie hit her hand with the spoon and continued her attempt at making some scrambled eggs for Angel. Dumping the remaining of the meat into the pan and continuing to stir.
“I’m great, how are you!” Emily reached for a glass. Her hold on it felt weak, so she was sure to support it with both hands. How embarrassing would it be to break a dish on her first real day in hell.
Charlie smiled at Vaggie, before turning back to Emily. “I’m doing amazing!”
Emily filled up her glass. Downed it. Filled another and downed it again. Filling it a third time she held the glass and turned back to the duo. Charlie still focused on cooking. Vaggie was looking at her with a small expression on her face. “How’d you sleep?”
“Honestly, like a log. I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep that fast.”
“Must have been tired.”
“I guess. I mean I just–” Emily cut herself off with her own yawn. “Sorry, wow I don’t know what came over me.”
“Must still be waking up.” Charlie moved the pan off the stove and reached over Vaggie to retrieve some plates.
“Yeah. Must be.”
“Maybe you should head back to bed.” Vaggie had a softer look in her eye this time.
“No! No- ahem- sorry no. I mean I’m fine. Everything is fine. I want to help.”
Whatever conversation was going to happen was cut off as food was served. Emily and Angel ate together. And Emily took the time to connect a bit more with each of the residents. More specifically Angel and Husk now that they weren’t drunk. Well, now that Angel wasn’t drunk.
It was halfway through breakfast when the first coughing fit began. Vaggie shooting a look at Charlie, making her way to talk to Emily while Charlie left to go unpack some tissues. Just in case.
“Hey, Em.”
“Hey, Vaggie.”
“How ya feeling?”
“Not too hot. Or maybe way too hot? Both?”
“Yeah.” Vaggie nodded, slowly bringing the girl to stand. “You wanna get to bed.”
Emily nodded and the two slowly made their way to the elevator. Once inside Emily let out a low groan. “What happened?”
“It’s just the common HellFlu. You won’t die from it.” 
Emily let out another groan.
“Yeah, it will suck though. Don’t worry, knowing Charlie, you’re going to be just fine. ”
Vaggie got Emily into a bathroom to quickly change back into Vaggie’s Charlie clothes, then tucked her into bed. Charlie padded her way into the room shortly after. Two boxes of tissues in one hand. The other held a trash can with a plastic grocery bag lining the inside.
Charlie set herself on the bed next to Emily and pulled out a book, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Have you heard the story of Hell?” Charlie's smile was wide. And Vaggie couldn’t help the giggle that left her mouth.
Emily would undoubtedly fall asleep halfway through the story. And Charlie would start again and reread it to her a total of five separate times, before she got the whole story. Vaggie would happily listen to it over and over again, all while cleaning up used tissues and bringing up Razzle and Dazzle’s special made broth, listening to the two ask questions and talk, because at the end of the day. It was her that Charlie curled up against.
Which she didn’t mind, until she woke up with the sniffles.
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drconstellation · 11 months
The Great War of Tadfield Manor
Future Echoes of the Past #1
One of the books on the shelf that Jimbriel is organizing is Catch-22, by Joseph Heller. I have to admit it’s been a while since I read it, (er, several decades, if I’m truthful about it) but my enduring memory is it seemed like the author wrote it in a linear fashion, then took all the chapters and threw them up in the air and put them back together at random, because it bounces back and forth in time in a confusing kind of way. There is a method to this madness, however, and the structure is deliberate. It’s also dealing with bureaucratic absurdity, but that’s not what I’m trying to explore in this particular meta. It’s the bouncing back and forth in time bit.
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Now we have two series of GO to feast on, we seem to be slowly piecing together the expanded history of the GO universe in an inferred kind of way. It’s rarely given to us directly in a chunk, it’s mostly by a comment here and there and then we try to join the dots.
So we’ve learnt that there was a great deal of time that existed for Heaven before time on Earth got started, in 4004 BC, maybe an ineffably long period of time, maybe millions of years, maybe not. Sometime prior to 4004 BC, however, there was a rebellion in Heaven between at least two factions of the angels. This event is sometimes called the Great War - which is what Aziraphale is referring to in S2E6 when he is removing his halo for demon-detonating purposes; he’s not referring to what us humans would call World War 1 in the early 20th century. The result of the Great War led to the formation of Hell. The angel known as Lucifer was the leader of the losing side, and he was known as Satan afterwords. A third of the heavenly host of angels were sent with him down to Hell, and this event is called the Fall. They became fallen angels, or demons. At some point, there is supposed to be a second War, one that will decide who is the winner once and for all time. Well, that’s supposed to be the Plan - God’s Ineffable Great Plan, right? And we all know how the first attempt for that to get started ended up, don’t we?
As we start to look more closely into parallel stories and scenes between the two series, some curious pairs of parallels are starting to emerge. And even more interesting is that some of these pairs indicate that they will get a third presentation  - I’m not just talking about the 1941 Blitz scene here, there are others! And I’m going to try and talk about one of them here, that I think has largely slipped under the radar up until just recently.
There was a meta by @newfangledfancy here about the two parallel scenes in S1 and S2 involving miraculous escapes from being shot with a loaded gun, and we should expect a third one in S3. It’s worth pausing and heading over to read it at this point, but if you don’t, I’ll try to fill you in - and I will revisit in the future, as while it contained the seeds of inspiration for this meta, it also reveals something interesting about Crowley's backstory that's worth discussing on its own. You probably know what and where the S2 “miraculous escape” is referring to: the Bullet Catch scene during the 1941 Blitz minisode in S2E4. But where is the one in S1? It’s at Tadfield Manor, in S1E2, after Crowley has turned all the paintball guns into real guns, and Norman, on the yellow team, cracks it, does a big rant about his life and charges into the firing line of the opposing red team, only to be shot straight in the heart.
Let’s rewind this a little bit, because I want to talk about when Crowley and Aziraphale first arrive at Tadfield Manor. All seems calm and quiet. They stroll in side by side – and are each shot by a paintball. Yep, this has been watched over and over, comments made about the colours of the paint, how they represent their various “sides”, and the sexual innuendo in way Crowley miracles it away after Aziraphale makes heart-eyes at him. But you’ve all missed once very important clue about what was about to go down in the next few minutes that was right in front of you all along.
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Maybe I should pause this meta just here and refer back to my big colour meta I posted recently. I specifically went to all that work so I could come here and discuss the following event at Tadfield Manor.
Firstly, the paintball colours. There are three: blue, yellow and red.  
There is a discrepancy between the colour that book!Crowley and screen!Crowley gets hit by. In the book its yellow, but in the tv series its red. Just at this point I’m going to emphasize that yellow is not the same as gold; gold is one of the colours of Heaven, but yellow is usually associated with fear.
Secondly, Aziraphale is hit with blue paint. That’s consistent with both book and tv. Then Crowley blows the blue taint of Heaven away, because Aziraphale needs help to escape its abusive clutches, its not something he can do on his own. Ah, a cute demonstrative metaphor there, another layer to that little scene.
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BUT YOU DON’T SEE A BLUE COLOURED TEAM IN THE FOLLOWING BATTLE! Where is the blue team, that supposedly represents Heaven in the following battle? Did they just vanish when Crowley snapped his demon-miracle into place? I dunno, but we just see a yellow and a red coded team for the rest of the battle. But if blue is always Heaven-coded, yellow is fear, and red, while often demon-associated should be seen more as an indication of passion…what it really going on? Who is at war with who? It can’t be Heaven against Hell, because Heaven is not present, per se, as you know it, and neither is Hell, which is usually green. Oh no, it’s not that black and white…because we are watching a battle where Hell doesn’t yet exist, there is only Heaven at this point. One side, one faction, in fear, the other fighting with passion, and the division that actually creates the ‘blue’ side is yet to occur…
We’re watching a re-enactment of the Great War.
Let’s take another step back, to here: S1E2, around 15.46 minutes in. Newton Pulsifer is about to start a new job (wait, what? What the Hell is Newt doing mixed up in this? To honest, I'm not quite sure...*looks at a certain at note she made IN ALLCAPS again*...oh ffs- that is the worst joke, its got to be one of Terry's...now I can't stop cackling...oh, god now I've spotted another awful, awful joke...poor Newt, I love you more every second...)
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*ahem* Back to the impending battle. Because it's here in the office of UNITED WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS (HOLDINGS) - an office *wink wink* of management and bureaucracy, that we establish the tension. As Newt slides into his seat, Nigel the manager arrives to ask who is exited about the upcoming "training initiative." Turns out, not really anyone has much enthusiasm for it.
Janice is going to complain to HR. Nigel points out there is no "I" in team, and Norman, who apparently organized the whole thing, proceeds to pick the three 'eyes' out of the "team building exercise."
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This is going well, isn't it? [Newt departs. His role here is done.]
Lets skip to Tadfield Manor and the "training initiative" is underway. The Red team, lead by Nigel the Manager, seem to have the upper hand. The Yellow team see to be pleased at a chance to let off some steam with anyone who has annoyed them, the bitches.
Then God drops in to make an interesting observation.
Firms these days expected more than that. They wanted to establish leadership potential, group cooperation, and initiative, which allowed their employees to fire paintballs at any colleagues who irritated them.
Oh. Right. Lets deliberately cause a little chaos so we can see who's got leadership potential, who works together, and who actually has some brains? Go God! Lets start a little War and we'll pick the new Archangels out of the winners? Nice one. Plus, we get rid of all the troublemakers in the process, and we'll just be left with those who like to follow management's orders...
Then Crowley ups the ante. As the young woman who was the only keen employee to come, and is on the Red team, no less, runs past and asks "Who's winning?" he snaps his fingers and to change all the paintball guns to real guns.
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Cr: You're all going to lose. Az: What - what the Hell did you just do? Cr: Oh, they wanted real guns, so I gave them what they wanted.
You're all going to lose.
Aziraphale does his best to protest at the demon's bit of wicked mischief.
Az: But there are people out there shooting at each other! Cr: Well -  Lends weight to their moral argument. Everyone has free will, including the right to murder. Just think of it as a microcosm of the universe.
A microcosm of the universe?
Who's universe, Crowley? Yours? The humans? It's a big universe out there...
Things don't seem to be going to well for some, and Norman, on the Yellow team, has finally reached his breaking point. He makes a declaration. I'm only going to quote the last bit of his little speech, as I want to deal with the first bit in another meta. As he takes off his tie, and wraps it around his head, he says:
"They want war, we're going to give 'em war! OK guys, let's go get the bastards!"
Hmmm. Do the visuals remind you of anything?...
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He turns around to charge out - and is promptly shot in the heart. While it's Nigel the manager he is facing when it happens, it's actually the young woman from the Red Team who ran past Crowley and Aziraphale inside the Manor, who asked who was winning, that fired the shot. The implications of this? I'm going to save that for another meta.
The sequence moves on to the infamous wall-slam encounter, which I don't think we need to go over here, so lets skip to where Crowley and Aziraphale have finished questioning the past-Sister Mary Loquacious and have decided they've found all they are going to find here its time to leave. The police have arrived and have broken up the fight. The fun and games are over. As they walk, floating unnoticed and serene, through the chaos, Aziraphale starts to ponder.
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Az: You'd think he'd show up, wouldn't you? You'd think we could detect him in some way. Cr: He wont show up, not to us. Protective camouflage. He wont even know that his powers will keep him hidden from prying occult forces. Az: Occult forces? Cr: You and me. Az: I'm not occult. Angels aren't occult, we're ethereal.
Crowley refers to the two of them as one kind of entity, but Aziraphale insists there is a difference - they aren't the same. Not any more.
The War is over, and the division between Heaven and Hell has been created.
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[Edit: I've since finished a meta on the Bentley and it's connection to crossing the thresholds between worlds. I mention this scene in it, as it is actually a beautiful example of two different times and places existing at once, overlaid on one another, as indicated by the smoke - that's a sign we are in a subliminal space. Its why Aziraphale and Crowley seem to just glide through untouched and noticed, as they aren't really there, in a way.]
Will we see another echo of the Great War in S3? Possibly.
It's the 3-card Monte. Its the three cowrie shells and a lone caraway seed. It's the Professor's Nightmare, where you don't know how long a piece of string rope is.
It's a f*cking Mobius strip that has no beginning and no end, infinitely going around and around.
It's God's game. Only She knows where it stops.
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Further reading in this series:
#2: The Newton/Crowley Mirror-Parallel in S1
#3: "Not Even At Gunpoint!"
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regendary · 5 months
I started writing a tweet for the “what Jojo opinion will have you like this? (/unpopular opinion)” and then I thought it would be better as a tumblr post so here goes
I’m not too familiar with the opinions of the Jojo fandom, but I have to say: I’m not really here for the “this character just has a superpower and we gave them a little creature or perhaps an object to represent it” Stands
Offenders include:
Sky High
Technically Bohemian Rhapsody but I give it a pass bc that arc was cool
Tusk acts 1-3
Boku no Rhythm
Catch the Rainbow
Cream Starter
Ball Breaker (this one also kinda gets a pass because of the symbolism)
I think that I should look at an enemy Stand and be afraid of IT, not the user or some outside thing
And it’s not even like all of these are bad stands! I happen to like a lot of the powers they have! But part of what I like about stands as a power system is that they’re not just superpowers, they have bodies and designs and THEY are the threat.
There have been cases where it SEEMS like the user is using the powers of their Stand directly (i.e. Avdol controlling fire, Kira touching something with his hand and blowing it up, etc.) but I’ve always read this as *synchronization* rather than these things actually being the case. Both Kira and Avdol were extremely skilled Stand users with years of experience, to the point where using the abilities of their Stand was as natural to them as using their own body. I always really enjoyed this, because it felt like a metaphor for understanding yourself well and knowing both your abilities and your limits. In the same vein, I don’t think it would’ve been out of place if Kakyoin fired an Emerald Splash from his own hands, since his understanding of Hierophant Green is on a similar level.
This leads to a really cool effect where it becomes harder to tell where the Stand ends and the user begins, abilities-wise, and I think THAT should be the standard! Have Josuke touch things and fix them, have Okuyasu erase things with his right hand—Hell, look at ROHAN! He was so skilled with Heaven’s Door that it didn’t even have a distinct appearance at first, only gaining one once he got a better understanding of other Stands!
I feel like we’ve lost a lot of that starting as early as part 5. Not to say that part 5 and onward are bad parts, I recently finished SBR and am working through JoJolion and I’m loving it! But I will always be partial to Stand/user overlap, and I think that the best Stands have cool abilities but can also deck you in the face. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, feel free to tell me I’m wrong and also a dumbass if you feel so inclined
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calilk · 3 months
I will admit that the new dark age Is the only song by Coyote kid that I've listened to bc it popped up on some playlist one day qkkdkskfks
BUT the song is good and if the band has your seal of approval could I get some song/album recommendations from them :D?
okay okay first off IM SO SORRY FOR LEABING THIS IN MY INBOX FOR A WEEK. i wrote 90% of it then went to sleep without saving it as draft (silly me) and then didn’t want to look at it for a hot second. and heavily procrastinated doing it. but hey i deep cleaned my house :3
Anyway so FIRST you need BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE so you know what the hell i’m rambling about. They have 3 albums, each telling a different story, but connected. one is published under Coyote Kid, other two under Marah in the Mainsail. There are also 2 singles, both under Coyote Kid. under the cut because this became an absolute BEHEMOTH (1000+ words). :0
Short Version:
Similar to The New Dark Age: Holy Water
Western: Tough Kids, Prowler, Strange Days, Northern Born, Good Intentions, Trigger Finger
Personal Favourites: Black Mamba, Skeleton Man, Willow Tree, Good Intentions
You’d probably like the album The Skeleton Man most, as it’s set in a dystopian, western dustbowl. The heroes are trying to find a cure for a magical, body changing plague. You can read more here.
Then there’s Bone Crown (my favourite). It’s set before The Skeleton Man and in the same world, but it tells a story of animal civil war!! wowsers. Tyrant fox king, world destroying forest fires, you get the idea!! Read more here
Finally, Thaumatrope. I have the least knowledge about the story of this album (both due to lack of info online and my tendency to get distracted while listening to the album and tuning it out). I believe it’s set in the same world, and follows the story of a couple travelling through the mountains, of loss and conquering death.
Okay SONGS!!!!! first from The Coyote Kid. Tough Kids - Probably the most western of this album, beginning with lovely whistles adding a vEry western twang, and creates imagery of wind whistling in a barren landscape, both setting the scene and highlighting how ALONE these kids are. This in combination with the banjo like strumming of guitars paints the setting of the Dustbowl, desolate and westernnnnn ooo yeah. The layered vocals during the chorus creates the idea of a desperate group of kids with a pack like mentality, desperate to survive in this barren, left for dead world.
Prowler - I lOVe the deep, gritty guitar(? or bass) sections in this one, creates the idea of a growling, distorted and distended beast, no longer human but twisted by the plague into a monster. It both describes the Prowlers, and the fear they cause in others. Then after the chorus, sustained notes sound almost like a howl, showing how the humans in this world can easily be poisoned by the plague and slip into sickness, and even that humans and prowlers are not so different after all.
Strange Days - One of the more westerny ones, with callbacks to the first track in its lyrics. The creeping fear of knowing your friend is changing irreversibly for the worse, and you are incapable of stopping it. The pitch shifting plucking, grainy vocals and chains and scraping of metal as background noises during the bridge (????) makes everything feel wrong.
Other mentions: Destroyer of Worlds- Such a fun funky song: death incarnate going clothes shopping.
Run- Slowly building tension, desperately holding onto life, the carnal fear of being hunted. The vocals stay low and hushed, until the fear catches up and becomes realised in a yelling, almost far off, outpouring.
Skeleton Man- Less westerny but my personal favourite of this album(mostly due to lots of emotions related to it). Letting yourself rest after years of stress, returning home at last, acceptance even though it hurts. Looking back at how far you’ve come, nostalgia.
Bone Crown songs!!!! Black Mamba - I love this song sO MUCH, it’s got some of my favourite lyrics in it (Shape shifting shadow snakes oOOKAYYYYY!!!) and a lovely extended metaphor of the fire being a snake, almost as though it was cunning and intentional: an avatar sent by fate to punish the Bear for his actions. And punish the Bear the fire does!!!! the menacing bass and powerful trombone create the idea of an inescapable wall of fire and pain, eventually slowing down in its rampage, leaving the Bear alone with only the drums and guilt and the knowledge none but him and the owl escaped the fire. This is followed by a raw and desperate vocal performance, as the Bear is overwhelmed by the consequences of his actions, until the Bear falls silent as the drums are cut short. ( can you tell this is my favourite song shhsgsgdhgdgdh)
Fox Hole - full of lively trumpets and drums : a celebration of the Fox King and an embodiment of his subjects unwavering trust in him, until the regal trumpets are slowly replaced by the warning blasts of the trombone toward the end of the song - hinting at the idea that not all is right with the fox king and foreshadowing his descent into madness.
Other mentions : Bone Crown- I have a soft spot for this one as it introduced me to all of this!!! Scornfully looking apon the enemy you are about to cRUSH. Love the brass.
Fisticuffs- The pace of the guitar creates the idea of youthful energy and overconfidence. The Bear is rearing for a fight, full of righteous anger. It’s kinda the training arc of this album.
Everybody Knows - The deep brass in the opening feels like the distain, hatred and fear of others. Being shunned, full of anger and the knowledge of being completely alone.
Thaumatrope time!!!!! Northern Born- The most western in this album!! I love the vocal performance in the chorus: desperation and yearning for everything to be okay again. Very good song but i am slowly losing the ability to make comments. Just trust me with this one. If you want to listen to any out of this album, I think you’d like this one most!
Other mentions : Willow Tree- I have an animatic spinning in my head whenever i listen to this song. I love the build up in this song. Accepting your flaws (maybe a bit to readily (the flaws are mass murder))
Holy Water- I just love all the vibes in this song. The distortion of the vocals. Probably the most similar to The New Dark Age (spoken, slow building of dread and tension).
Ok FINAL ONE SINGLESSSS. In short they’re both fab and I think they’d both be right up your alley, as both very westerny. Neither have attached storylines.
Good Intentions- Verbal Gunfight. Or the taunting before a gunfight. Very westerny and one of the most upbeat sounding and danceable ones. The funky synths makes it feel almost like a futuristic western gunfight with crazy cool futuristic guns. Both are scornful and think of themselves as superior. It’s simultaneously fun and threatening.
Trigger Finger - Feels like a game of poker, with enemies on all sides. Backed into a corner, only able to use your wits to escape. Desperately planning an escape route, alone in a darkened room with your enemies literally betting against you. I could say more but my brain is kind of anlalysised out.
Hope you gained some insight while reading this, or if it was all just letters that’s chill. Sorry it turned out so long, and if you take none of my recommendations that’s chill as freak. thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about something i love!!!!! even if it was a week late. i had fun!!!! idk why i procrastinated this it was chill. yayyy!!!!!
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kel-lance · 3 months
JJK Mafia Au (JJK x Reader) PART 5
- TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
AN: It’s my birthday! And I think this is my favorite chapter so far.
I hate to ask though I’m still struggling with the unemployment (got fired from a big bank bc of protesting months ago), the gov rn is holding my weekly needs so I’m about to get evicted next month. If you could donate anything I’d really really appreciate it 😥😥 I had to give away two of my cats already and I’m heartbroken abt it but they’ll have better homes at least. Thanks for reading.
PayPal: appleg0d Cashapp-$taa10t Venmo- taakt17
“Hey aren’t you supposed to be watching me or something?” You tailed behind this silver haired twink and wondered if he was taking his mission seriously. Was he not afraid of Gojo? Did you get raped by /another/ lowley member of society?
He ignores you and keeps walking down the hall. You stop and wonder if he’ll notice if you were gone. Maybe he was hoping on it, but then you would be out in the open. It may not be such a big deal if it were just a few days ago, but this huge mess was someone's fault, and it couldn’t be yours, could it?
He turns the corner and you swear you saw him glare at you before disappearing. You were now left alone in this large walkway. What the fuck do you do? Before you were fine, you lived for years on your own, but right now you needed someone to tell you what to do.
What the hell was going on? This was “just mafia life”? Or generally being reduced down to just a woman? You backed into the wall and let yourself think for once, while everything was happening, you turned your brain off to survive. Would the days worth of torture and change be too much for you?
You didn’t have to think about that before. Maybe once or twice, but that was when you knew the Gojo and Zenin gangs’ turf. You don’t remember if you’ve seen any of them before, while living normally. Of course most of them looked like anyone else. Without their faces of death, they just looked like regular people.
“What are you doing all alone?” Your eyes shot toward the direction of the new voice. It was pretty, almost melodic as it bounced around the empty hall.
A young man walks towards you, his presence almost indescribable. His smile and looming height were welcoming, but his eyes and dark features, you could read them well. You almost wished Inumaki hadn’t ditched, though you couldn't tell if he could save you from this new character.
“?” He stops in front of you, crossing his arms, still smiling. “I asked you a question.” Fixing his stance, he trapped you by leaning in, as you hadn’t left your spot against the cold wall.
“What? Have you been hanging around Inumaki or something?” He grabs hold of your face, pulling it up, forcing your attention to him. “Speak.” He smiled.
You were tired of this, grabbing back at his arm, you really tried to pull it off of you. Strength would be an issue, but you knew how to use the rest of your body. Jumping up, your wrap your legs around his waist, taking this as a chance to catch him by surprise, hopefully with your weight you were hoping to throw him off his feet. Sadly, you wouldn’t get further than this, as the risky move really costed you.
The dude held you at the waist, locking you in with his grip. His face annoyed, or was it more bored? What was with these guys/ How do they just do this for fun?? You freeze again, you could feel it. “No,” You say. “Please I’m so tired.”
He only looks at you, fear set in deep in your chest though you still didn’t know who this weirdo was. He was as scary as if you knew who Sukuna was in that alley. Exactly who he was and knew what he and did to you. The bulge in his pants getting bigger as you trashed trying to get away, but he just pushed you further into his core.
“My cousin? He didn’t even mean it.” He closes the gap between you two, pressing your chests together, one hand holding you up just by your ass, the other on your back keeping you close, your heartbeat uncontrollable now. “Ill show you what yearning’s really like.” And with that he starts to walk, bringing you back to the living quarters, finding your new/designated room.
“I’ve probably known you longer than any of these idiots, and you let my cousin get to you...” His sweet voice gave the same tone as a knife being sharpened. “When I knew you first.” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“You can think long and hard, but I remember what happened to you 2 years ago. And what about what happened 5 years ago, and I have to mention how cute you looked in glasses.” You sank into yourself, your entire being wanted to disappear. He knew? How did he know? You haven’t worn glasses since high school. And those events, no one would ever have been able to know about.
He brings you to the bed and keeps a hand on you, holding you down with just his hips to yours. God you couldn't do it again. Everything hurt, seriously youd wish they'd be able to knock you out and just let you deal with their mess after, but you knew he wasn’t gonna be merciful with you.
His grip hurt. It’s like he was a spoiled child told to wait, and now that he has his present and he just couldn’t wait to tear it apart. The more you squirmed, the more strength he applied. Pinning you further into the bed, and everytime youd move away from his sloppy desperate kisses, he’d actually create a fist and hit you in the face, making it easier for him to continue. You noticed he was getting angry around the 5th hit, “How could you let Gojo so easily when I wanted you first?!”
The door opens and Inumaki walks in. “Toge help!” You tried. At this point your lip and nose were bleeding. Your head was pounding with the way he was just playing with you, strangling you for a few seconds and then kissing you everywhere, praising you for the noises you made. The next few could’ve knocked you out so he had resorted to punching at your arms and legs, adding pain to every movement you could manage after the breath play.
“Don’t be such a whore.” He kept you pinned to the bed. “You don’t have to worry about him, he’s been keeping watch.” Your tears flowed into the bed, you couldn’t take this anymore. How many people were just going to use you or watch? It could /always/ be worse you thought. They could be doing a lot worse, but the inconsideration to your liveliness was killing you. The freedom you made for yourself was taken just because a man said so. You were more than frustrated, it was enough to let go of the mans arms finally, though your vision blurred through your tears, you could tell he was smiling at you.
“What’s wrong dove, have you finally figured out what you are?”
You look away, your eyes finding Toge’s. His purple irises shifted to the floor, not trying to look at you. He looked more upset than annoyed. Almost like he knew he couldn’t do anything to help anyway, he had no control over his friend. You just wished someone could stop all this already.
“Good thing he’s here, huh, or else something bad could happen to you.” He laughs and tells the other man to bring the rope, you’re a scratcher. If anything, he’s also seen what you’ve done to others who’ve underestimated you.
You give little resistance, knowing they’re not afraid to rough you up more to continue. ‘Skinny’ bound your hands together, and sits you at the head of the bed, holding your arms above your head. He was sitting up while having your head and upper body laying on his lap.
Not even a second later your clothes were around your ankles, and pulled above your chest. You were fully exposed, you try to pull your knees together. What actually made you give up was how silent they got. They weren’t taunting you right now and that terrified you, that they had a plan and seemed like they were sticking to it. At that point you just let them do whatever they wanted as the other stared with anticipation.
Yuta couldn’t wait anymore, the sight of you already had him eager. He’s waited years for you, staying low, continuing his mind games as his world didn’t agree with taking in outsiders, he could only work around you to learn about you, and who knows when this obsession started. His hands were all over you, grabbing, pulling, pinning, hitting you all over to let you feel the yearning he had for you.
"Ugh, seriously..." You were better than he thought. He growls under his breath, biting onto his finger, trying to hold himself back. Toge held your arms and torso down, more so held you in place as Yuta’s big hands laid another assault on your bare ass. He gives you no warning and aligns his pulled out tip to your hole and slowly shoves the head in.
Staying like that for a moment you were terrified if he was going to start going crazy on you. This position especially was going to hurt if he can’t put you in correct bindings already, your wrists hurt, your face hurt, you were about to hurt was all they were telling you.
“Hey, why haven’t you ever noticed me?”
“Answer him.”
“I just met you today, I don’t know you.” The words just flew out your mouth. That gave you no time as he shoved himself a tiny bit more inside, heightening the fear and pit in your stomach he was starting to reach.
“Why did it take this long for you to be under me?” “What took you so long?” It felt like he was growing bigger inside you.
“Answer him.”
“I don’t know you!” You could feel yourself squeezing around him.
His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep his composure. He almost busted from just the look you had but the extra pressure just made him want to start trusting and never stop. Instead he had to hold it together, just a little longer… “You know my girlfriend hates you. She’s someone who gets jealous over anything. “
He leans closer, picking up your chin to face him as he devours you with his eyes. “She waits for me everyday while I think about you. It was at first sight.”
“Hey, what do you think of me?” His eyes almost lit up as he asked that. “Hey, look at me.” You really just wanted them to get it over with already. This is dragging out so much longer it feels even worse than being at Sukuna’s weird mansion quarters or whatever it was.
“I told her you were just some bitch. I couldn’t care less about some stupid slut who lived on the streets.” His breathing and heart beat were quickening, hopefully this would be over. “I had to lie every time just to keep you close. It was to shut her up, bc your existence drives us both crazy.”
His drawn out sigh and uncontrollable convulsions came quick. He hadn’t even put the whole thing in. Wait that wasn’t the whole thing?? You look down and Jesus Christ it was half.
From this angle you must’ve been your tightest. At least you knew it made everything feel bigger, or was it just so close to your sweet spot that your body spawned back a bit, bucking into his release. “Hm?” He gave you a smile, “What was that just now? Did you just try to fuck me back?” He comes faces to face with you as he’s still releasing, giving you an awful smirk before kissing you again.
He was large alright, but not like the men in their 30’s. You swear after a certain age their dicks start to gain weight. The quiet one gently shoves Yuta’s upper body off yours so he could flip you, having you face his hard on directly. His dark haired friend loves the sight and says, “Suck him off, whore.” He pushes his hips fully into yours, connecting you three. He’d pushed your head down, having you throat his friend so far,your entire face was smothered by his hot skin.
He pulls you up and hisses, his whole body lightly twitching. Yuta groans, pushing your head back down on him as he rammed into you from behind. He was the only one moving all of you, creating a rough motion to pleasure everyone at the same time. If it were under different circumstances this would be so fun and hot, but you’ve read about the last few chapters, thank god it’s a fantasy. “This is just a fantasy.”
Your loud moans vibrate around his cock, driving him wild. His grip on your hair tightening as each fit drove you back into him. The other one grabs at your legs, pulling out and flipping you over, fully letting his partner come into you. God it was a sight, but the dark haired man didn’t flip you over just for that.
- then toge leaves to stand watch outside and god you were actually scared of yuta.
- he was as cruel as toji but disconnected as choso, there wasn’t even a reason for this he just knew he could so he did. He was merciless, you felt like you were about to pass out multiple times until he hit you back to life.
- he started to get mad that this was the best he’s ever had and now doesn’t want to share. He doesn’t want you off on your own because stuff like this happens.
- He gets mad at you for being so much better than he thought/better than his girlfriend. His gf doesn’t help him forget about you either. You were drilled into his head before he even met her, which definitely drove her crazy.
- And where were you this whole time (it’s rhetorical he’s been with you the whole time.)
- He blames you for this happening and now that he’s gotta breed you to make you his. He doesn’t care about the plan, he doesn’t care about anything else, you were in his grasp and he was never going to let it be so close again. He wanted you and was going to ruin everything for all 3 clans if it meant you two could finally run away together.
- he cuts in you and bites you and hits you a few times and you cry and he looks disgusted and leaves. Again he’s only known the idea of you. He’s used to seeing glimpses, staring from a far, hoping to hear lips of your voice, your laugh, even to start setting up cameras in places he knew you’d frequent. But as of right now, you’re his and he has work to do. He’s gotta make sure this stays his.
- leaving you with Nanami who starts cleaning you. (Next chapter?)
- Gojo’s hospitality is sure shit, he tells Shoko and others that if he didn’t order it then they’re not to help you. You didn’t think anyone here could have a heart, well with this line of business it was going to end up awful anyway, but you really couldn’t have told that this blond stoic, even scary looking man was the gentlest person who’ve known this entire few months of hell.
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distant-velleity · 10 months
okay i'm not gonna do the full formatting thing but basically this was a prompt fill i did for twstober, for the prompt "save," and i'm posting it now bc i want to talk abt chrysos lol
it's based off the idea that in my version of book 4, he's part of the plan to expose jamil, helping to deceive him through use of his signature spell... which generates a lot of blot... hahaha. i promise he wont overblot yet. anyway. i can talk about all that in another post, but for now, enjoy :)
This can’t keep going on.
That’s the mantra in Chrysos’ head, furious and bitter, that’s been going through his head the whole time. Whatever Jamil’s pulling (is something Chrysos wishes he could do against the royal family sometimes) needs to be stopped, but their efforts so far have been relatively fruitless.
Maybe it’s time for him to pull out his signature spell again. No, not maybe—he can pull it off again, he has to. If it can catch Jamil off-guard once, another aspect of it can do that again.
Chrysos steels himself as the Phantom behind Jamil winds back a robed limb to strike him. He hears panicked yells from around him, but focuses on only his magic while the Phantom swings at him—
Think of the hunger and thirst that can only truly be discovered on land. Think of the golden dust that robs people of everything. Think of the scorching sun that dries up everything under its light!
—and points his magic pen forward, reciting, “When crops wilt and seas dry up, all that is left is the ever-consuming sand. 「All or Nothing: King’s Roar」 !”
The Phantom’s entire arm turns to sand, fine grains of it, causing both it and Jamil to cry out in agony. Azul, Jade, and Floyd take advantage of this opportunity to fire more synchronized spells at it.
Chrysos’ shoulders sag in relief, before the exhaustion and nausea of replicating such a powerful signature spell hits him. He staggers backwards, vision failing him momentarily, and doesn’t even notice the ball of potent, violent fire magic flying straight at him.
Someone tackles him out of the way, sending them both rolling a few meters away. Chrysos gasps and fumbles to stop them, before realizing it’s Santiago who just inelegantly saved him from uncertain death.
“Stupid fish,” Santiago pants, peeling himself off of Chrysos, “I had to run all that way to save you, y’know? And—look at your magic pen!”
Chrysos looks down at his pen, clutched in his hand like a lifeline. His heart almost stops when he sees the inky blackness clouding up more than half of the lavender gem at its end.
What the hell?!
“It’s fine,” he rasps through a dry throat, forcing himself to stand up. Then he corrects himself. “I… thought it was fine.”
Santiago is oddly incensed, though. ��No, it isn’t, you idiot. Stop using your signature spell! We don’t need another Overblot.”
Something tells Chrysos that’s not all there is to it; that something being the unexpected, unfamiliar concern and anger in Santiago’s eyes.
“Okay, okay, just—I’m fine now. I get it,” Chrysos insists, the words spilling out quickly. “I won’t use it anymore.”
Santiago purses his lips, brows furrowed, and reluctantly nods. He then turns around to rejoin the battle, oddly enough to the Octavinelle student.
Why isn’t he asking for anything in return? Chrysos wonders. I owe him now, but… Could it be… No, I’m sure it’s just urgency.
“Thank you. For saving me,” he adds quickly, before Santiago is out of earshot. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Santiago replies, tone sounding off. “Just… don’t die.”
Ah. Is he… seriously that worried? About me?
Unsure what to do about this revelation, Chrysos huffs a laugh. “I can manage that. You don’t need to ask.”
“I’m not asking,” retorts Santiago, although he seems relieved nonetheless.
They dive back into the fight together.
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i-amyou · 8 months
hi bb, i hope you’re doing well. it’s an long ask, about my views 🧎🏻‍♀️.
I’ve not been here on tumblr for two three days and i’ve been actually “watching” myself, and my thoughts. I have few worries come up like “oh will this happen” or just assuming the worst, when i take a step back i realize all this is just me (“ ”) experiencing “ ”. how could any possible ‘outside force’ do something to me? When it’s all me. I watch my thoughts, then see limiting things like “that isn’t possible” “that can’t happen” “what if it doesn’t change” “it’s taking time” “i’ve not done anything” “it’s not here” etc these tell me, how much i limit myself, i think there’s an outside force to all this. That “i can’t” do things obviously this human can’t. But i’m not this seeming human. I even place things like it’s hard to get into, it’s very difficult to get that, it’s hard, it’s difficult, that may not happen etc. Everything is neutral, we give it names “good” “bad” “suffering”.
whenever i get the feel i need “to do” i just let go of that thought bc one, i’m lazy as hell, two; there’s nothing to do. i get these random urges of frustration that i’m not doing enough? i’m not doing anything. i just get to the knowing, that it’s all illusory, like how i freak out when i go outside and think i misplaced my phone when i actuality i never took it out of my bag 👍. i know it’s in my bag yet thoughts are like i’m pretty sure i left in the taxi, i left it in the restaurant etc it’s the same way, i know yet let this seeming human freak out 👩🏻 bc rather than telling myself i’m not this limited human etc backfires. i also catch myself after waking up “nothing changed” but it’s just me hvaing this idea of continuity, i always before going to sleep think maybe just maybe i’ll wake up as this seeming human and have 100 back up plans. I think this is limiting as well (please let me know!)
also when things get too hard, too tiring, too overwhelming, i just go silent. that silence wraps around me like a warm blanket, it’s like the how the world is on fire but i could care less it’s not me, it’s all an illusion, i just let it, and i fall into the deep silence. it’s so comforting, sometimes i just want to be in that state and not be a seeming human at all 🧍🏻‍♀️.
thank you! if anything is wrong let me know!
~the whiny and complaining anon (i sent like an ask two days ago i guess)
Thankyou for sharing this anon, I'm happy you're taking things on your hands. The only pointer I'd like to add is;
What's a limiting thought, if you don't label it as one? Is it real or just another made up concept? What can stop you from experiencing what you want? 👁
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algolagniaa · 1 month
having a disordered personality is the fucking worst. I’m “cured” I guess in that I don’t act crazy anymore and haven’t in a long time but I live in hell every day. I genuinely think if a lot of people had to live in my head they would kill themselves, because I’m a beautiful insanely smart tenacious capable compassionate woman who is well liked and has a lot to be proud of and I KNOW that, but I can’t make myself believe it emotionally. in my head everyone is my enemy, even the people I’m closest to only tolerate me and will leave me forever if I’m not perfect, I’m one mistake away from fucking up everything I try and I have to be perfect because no one will be there to catch me if I fall. my job has been making me so anxious since I got certified and I wasn’t sure why because yeah I get bitten and get my hair pulled a lot but since when am I afraid of physical pain? but it’s not actually the physical pain that bothers me bc all my nightmares about my job (of which I have a lot) are about the kids not liking me and/or getting fired. and I’ve been told I’m doing a really good job but that doesn’t matter bc I don’t feel like I’m in control of what happens at my job at all. and I’m literally So mean to myself in my head all the time and you guys know I can be REALLY mean when I put my mind to it especially if I know the person well. honestly most of you other than mayyyyyybe Oscar haven’t even seen a fraction of how mean I can be, and I know myself the best so I’m sooooo much worse to myself. and it makes no sense because I like myself!! but I like myself the way I like book characters, like I think I would fucking kill it as a book character in really most genres but I don’t think I’m well adapted to real life or well suited to the like actual material things that matter in actual life and not in books. and I’m not going to go into all the things in my life that have led me to believe that bc that’s pointless but there’s a lot of evidence I could use to back my statement up. and if I’m not good at life it doesn’t matter how great I am otherwise. and I think on some level I’m afraid to just let myself enjoy all the good things I have and not worry about losing them bc what if then I do lose them and I’m caught off guard by it. always better to not get complacent. and no one would get this about me bc they think I don’t care what people think about me bc it seems like I don’t, but I actually NEED people’s approval and it only seems like I don’t care bc I’m just that bad at acting like a normal person + even if I did get the act down perfectly I still wouldn’t want to bc then people wouldn’t like ME they’d like what I was pretending to be. but I’m really lonely all the time and never feel like I’m good enough or that people like me and when people don’t like me or even just don’t like me enough it feels like I got punched in the not fun way. and it gets very taxing to live like this. and I think if someone who didn’t have my numerous virtues had to live like this they just wouldn’t be able to hack it.
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also do u think it’s plausible that Tom riddle would’ve turned out better or worse if Dumbles adopted him ? i Wanna write that as a short fic but i wanna know what u would think About it first lol. not the fic itself I Am writing that regardless but the premise. (In mine he’s going to kill dumbles but other than that he actually has a solid chance at a future bc u kno he’s the Son of a Respected Man dootdoot nepotism for the win Bestie, so I don’t think he’d go bananas and end the wizarding world as we know it.)
Apologies for my poor grammar and spellings, I don’t have glasses on rn so it could be really bad.
Also really sorry if u have answered this previously I don’t think so but I’m also Very Behind on ur metas I’m sorry :( I took a break from tumblr forgetting that involves taking s break from reading u and (I forgot how to spell the vinelle? Vennelle? idk I always mix the letters up and read neville regardless,, uh the irl is the-real-vinelle if u put the correct spelling in, lol, I’m sorry abt that too) and now I gotta backread
Worse is a strong word but certainly not better.
Caveat the First
You make a note of it yourself, but I feel like I should reiterate.
Write the fic you want to write.
It really doesn't matter what I say here and that you're even asking me, before you write anything down, because you're curious has me a bit leery.
There's a very good chance I will tell you... not what you want to write. Which is fine, but certainly something to keep in mind that you should write what you want to write and not what I write below.
Don't take this too personally, basically
Caveat the Second
Dumbledore didn't do this and would never do this.
Dumbledore despises Tom Riddle, and he despises him from the very moment he meets him (which is very impressive as in that first meeting Tom doesn't really do anything, seriously, go reread that section it's... Dumbledore should not be around children).
And while he has an agenda with Harry, I'm inclined to believe that he believes what he's saying (otherwise he wouldn't use these ridiculous examples he's stored up).
Dumbledore fully believes that Tom Riddle is a doomed child because of his genetics, that his family is predisposed to mental illness (and this is a shameful thing caused by dark magic), and that his impoverished muggle upbringing reflects poorly on him (well, it's not so much that he's poor and muggle, but that Dumbledore seems to expect his muggle peasants to act like they belong in a Tolstoy novel where they're wise and generous beings, where Tom's a suspicious brat who hoards things and doesn't trust strangers who light his wardrobes on fire).
Notice that, rather than extend any helping hand, Dumbledore's instinct is to terrorize and threaten an eleven-year-old boy and then proceed to sabotage any career prospects he has as Tom continues through his schooling.
Dumbledore would make sure that Tom was never adopted by any wizarding family.
But Alright, Let's Go Down this Hell Hole Together
Well, now Tom gets to live with the motherfucker who seeks to psychologically terrorize him and is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Tom will be kept a constant eye on, but not even that, traps will be set up throughout the house intended to tempt Tom into reading this or that forbidden book only for Dumbledore to then catch him and reaffirm that Tom has something wrong with him.
And how noble Dumbledore is, taking him on, as Dumbledore is saving this boy from perdition and uh... his genetic disposition to be a dark wizard.
Tom will be told every day of his life that something is wrong with him, that his going to Slytherin is only an affirmation of that, and Dumbledore will be constantly trying to mold his behavior through suggesting friends, reading material, how Tom should act in public and private, etc.
And Dumbledore will still sabotage any chance at a career Tom will ever have. He'll prevent him from getting any work save for those Dumbledore would deem humbling and appropriate (hello flower salesman in Diagon Alley).
I have no doubt that Tom will have no choice but to simply leave the country and cut all ties altogether. As he will have no future in England and staying near Dumbledore is just asking to be involved in constant psychological warfare.
A miserable time would be had by all
On the Meta Thing
Don't worry about it, this blog is out of control. I'm kind of shocked any one does actually keep up.
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su8arandspite · 4 months
on today’s oc hyperfixation we have:
high school freshmen, katy sullivan
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the time between the events of summer 1985 and march ‘86 is… difficult. an adjustment period might be the best way to describe it
bc what do you do when the only two people in the whole world who can truly understand you are on the other side of the country? like, yeah, max is her best friend too (mike, dustin, lucas ofc) but her bond with will is different and el? el is the only person who understands what it’s like to have powers she can’t control and when things start to change she’s worried shitless
like okay yeah she’s had the pyrokenesis thing for going on a year now and she has a hold on that but now she’s having visions? or are they dreams? she isn’t sure, but she also knows better than to have that conversation over the phone. and here’s the thing: max is having a hard enough time with her grief as is, and the last thing katy wants to do is burden her friends. so, she just… buries it (is it genetic? yea, we think so. exhibit a: mrs. debbie sullivan, exhibit b: beth sullivan exibit
her time is split between max and the boys, but increasingly so max has been blowing her off and shutting her out. and there’s only so far she can reach for her before it’s up to max to accept it
she is the only girl in hellfire club. and as a tomboy whose only real friends were boys until she met elmax, well, that’s no challenge
katy is a tomboy but she has also come more into her own and found her own sense of style (with the help of her older sister ofc) and let me tell you, bby girl loves a thrift store. dresses like stevie nicks
“kathy, don’t you think those sleeves are a little too flammable for you?” “god, Beth, it’s called fashion! you of all people should know that” “ok but if it catches on fire, i’m not buying you a new one” (spoiler alert: she did)
she is not afraid of eddie munson and i’ll tell you right now, she will go toe to toe with him–no hesitation, if he’s being a dick
especially in that lunch room scene s4 e1. because lucas has been her friend since the dawn of time and eddie? who the fuck does he think he is? lsorry but she is simply afraid of No Man after a year trapped in the ud. especially one defeated by the anerican public school system (a/n: eddie, i love you, these are katy’s words not mine)
she is front row at all of lucas’s basketball games, even if she hates organized sports. because she loves her friends and being away from them for as long as she was, nothing can detract from that now. so if it’s a championship game? yeah, sorry, eddie, but she will watch lucas warm that bench come hell(fire) or high water. he can suck her dick, honestly (and she told him as much)
wait til you see what happens when she finds hellfire club in that parking lot after they stood lucas up
if she hears One More Time how susie is fucking amazing she is going to set dustin’s stupid hat on fire bc !!! who is this bitch really and it’s not like she still has a crush on her best friend or anything bc that’d be weird… right?
she’s a huge fuckin nerd (affectionate) and apparently being behind an entire academic year was not going to stop her from making it high school with her friends. good thing she decided not to skip the first grade when they asked her to
and so what if she’s been forced to attend counseling sessions where she has to pretend she spent a year in some loser weirdo’s basement and not a cold, fucked-up version of hawkins?? miss kelly can fuck off bc she’s fine!! she is! she just doesn’t like the lying and smiling at this adult who doesn’t know anything
bonus note: she will complain about how disgustingly affectionate stethany are, but she loves it every time she wanders into her living room and they’re having a movie night, cuddled up on the couch bc beth is happy and it’s normal and steve lets her rent out r-rated movies and steal from the candy stock at family video
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b-ritney · 2 years
Piece of Your Action, Part 2
Oh, I want you, I need you I want you to be mine tonight You need me, you bleed me Use you up, throw you away
You're fire, taking me higher Don't burn me, don't let me down You need me now, I'll teach you how Come on, let's go all the way!
SMUT +18
Warnings: Choking, touch denial, light spanking, blow job, spit, oral , hair pulling, light degradation (nothing major), and sarcastic praise, (Bc Billy can't say SHIT genuinely.), size kink, vibrator, I'll work in aftercare... somehow.
Summary: After your altercation with Carol you take Billy up on his offer to show you, "a good time." Who knew he was just as insane as you are.
“What was it you said about showing me a good time?”
Billy had nothing.. he was trying to distract you from the fact he was hard as a rock, by mirroring your devilish smile. Watching you beat the hell out of that bitch made him wanna take you in the middle of the hallway. Although he was honestly a little frightened .. you would feel the same way about him, that you do Carol, if you really knew who he was. Right?
“Uh, yeah,” he adjusted himself making you laugh sarcastically, “I think I could treat you to an evening you won’t forget.”
“You have no shame do you?
“You think your slick huh? You aren’t any different than the other wanna be tough guy in this town. You just drive a better car.”
“You wanna test that theory?”
“Are you sure you can handle me?”
“Babe, you have no idea how many ways I could handle you.”
“Do you wanna test that theory?” You countered putting your hands on your hips.
“I like ‘um a little spunky, it’s more rewarding by the end when your so exhausted you can’t speak.” He leaned in closer to your ear.
“Brave of you to assume I'll make a sound in the first place, you don’t know what you're getting yourself into.”
“Care to show me what I’m missing?“
You scanned his body on more time, sizing him up. Walking around him to see every angle. “I’ll take you for a test drive, but don’t act like you're doing me a favor.”
Billy let out a menacing laugh dropping his head. “Where to then?”
“I don’t care, I won’t be sticking around either way I’ve got other plans.” You said dusting off your pants.
“You cut deep." He feigned offense. "My house then, my sister will be gone long enough, besides, when you finally break, the neighbors are gonna wish they were gone too."
You raised your eyebrows in slight shock, was this guy for real? "Lead the way then."
"So tell me, why do you act the way you do?" Billy asked catching your eyes, aviators slid down his nose as you flew through the backroads to his house.
"Like you care."
"Normally I wouldn't but pretty girls like you don't go around creating chaos unless they've been hurt."
"No shame," you repeated again shaking your head and smiling. "I- I figure if you lay it all out on the table, you leave little room for speculation. It saves you time and heartache, if people know the real you, you don't have to work as hard to weed out the ones who don't deserve your time... because they won't even approach you to begin with."
"But you haven't always been this way."
"How would you know? Didn't you just move here this year?"
"I just know and yes I did."
"I know why you followed me out of class."
"Do you?"
"Of course I do, you don't think I know what people say about me?
"Did you really fuck a cop?
"I blew him."
Billy whipped his head around, and you busted out laughing, "Enough with the romance Hargrove, we're both in this for the same thing."
"which is?"
"To see if you can back up your big talk."
Billy opened the front door and let you in, locking it behind you; you didn't even have a chance to get your boots off before he had you pinned against the wall by your throat.
"No romance right?" he said cocking his head to the side.
"Take off your jacket." he brought you forward hand still firmly wrapped around your neck, as you slid the jacket down your shoulders. "If you're so confident, I don't wanna hear a sound, understand?"
"No problem." You spat back in his face.
He released his grip and knelt in front of you yanking your pants down to your knees in one move. Your heart began to race, the look on his face was.. hungry. He dove in with no warning, sucking harshly on your clit as you fought against the universe to stay strong. He spread your legs wider holding onto the back of your thighs, he lapped at your pussy like a dehydrated hound. You kept your mouth shut despite the scream just waiting to explode from your throat. He nuzzled his head farther into your mound forcing his tongue past your fluttering entrance. You. grabbed a fist full of his hair as your legs began to shake. Just when you were about to cum he stopped. The pulsing of your cunt and your flushed complexion were the only signs you gave him, "tired already?" you teased, trying to remain equal.
"Cumming already?" he challenged, leaving you speechless for the first time that night. He grabbed your arm and whipped you into the kitchen table lifting you to sit on the edge, and pushing you to lay back on the hard surface. He swiftly took your boots and pants the rest of the way off leaving you in nothing but your white socks, grey tank top, and accessories. "No bra? You little minx." You opened your mouth to say something but he cut in again, "Save your breath doll, you're gonna need it." He slapped your pussy making you fall back against the table. He rubbed it up and down a few times before pushing in his middle and pointer finger, you arched your back of the table as he watched you writhe around beneath him. He's slept with some pretty hard women but not even the toughest ones managed to hold out this long, you're successfully challenging his abilities, and it's aggravating him beyond belief. He pumps them faster and faster adding another finger and rubbing your clit with his thumb, Billy was breathing heavier than you, he was pissed now, leaning down to suck on your clit again, desperate to hear you take even a sharp breath. He continued his brutal pace with his fingers, violently shaking his tongue against you, laughing maniacally as you twisted beneath him running from the overwhelming sensation, but still not making a sound.
"Impressive," he said, his lips and chin glistening with your juices as he admired your fucked out face and dripping pussy.
Your mind was reeling, you had to regain control, you sat upright grabbing him by the collar of his t-shirt, bringing him just shy of meeting your lips, this was your leverage, "I'll work half as hard and you'll be calling my name." he leaned in closer like he was going to kiss you, "No romance right? he looked shocked, you used his moment of vulnerability to shove him down into the chair behind him. He caught his breath and watched as you pried his tight jeans from his legs, hastily removing his boxers. He was like nothing you'd ever seen, absolutely fucking massive. You had to move quickly before he could tease you for staring. Spitting on your hand you viciously pumped it up and down his thick shaft, he covered his face with his hand as his head fell back. Men are so easy, you kitten licked from the base to the tip taking him in your mouth as far as you could go. Just to come all the way up and force yourself back down to take all of him until you gagged. Billy's hips bucked into you, he couldn't even think well enough to hold your hair, he was conceding and you'd barely done anything yet. You dragged your nails down his thighs as you bobbed your head in a steady rhythm Billy tried with everything he had to keep the pleasure inside but he couldn't he erupted with noises so obscene it made your legs tighten together. He was so close but you pulled back getting to your feet, laughing above him victoriously. "I win." you giggled.
"Games not over yet babe."
"Just accept you've met your match."
He pulled you into his lap pushing you down onto his throbbing cock, giving you no time to adjust to his size, you let out a sinful moan as you wrapped tightly around him, wanting so bad in that moment to lace your fingers in his hair and kiss him... but no romance... and you weren't about to lose the rest of your advantage. He laughed beneath you, "see we're even."
You couldn't answer it just hurt so good, you sunk your teeth into his shoulder as tears rolled down your face. He began to fuck up into you but you wouldn't allow him to set the pace, both of you fighting for dominance like fucking lions, moving your hips in sync with his, making you cry out, throwing your head back, you started to bounce on your own, he took the opportunity to lift your tank top above your chest and take your nipples between his teeth and fingers, licking and nibbling each one raw. "Fuck!" you whined your head lulling forward into his shoulder.
He picked you up in his arms his cock still buried deep inside you and carried you to his bed laying you on your back fucking you as fast and deep as he could, taking one of your hands into his and pressing it into your lower stomach and the other for stability next to your head. The sensation in your belly was deliciously wicked, you could feel the presence of his cock moving ferociously inside of you in and out until you sobbed. He pulled a vibrator from under his mattress and clicked the buttons until it was at its highest setting, spitting on it, and pressing it firmly into your clit. This must have been what he meant when he said your neighbors would wish they were gone. you quite literally screamed in rapture. He kept his pace as he wrapped your shaky hands around the handle, "Your gonna hold that there until you come." You couldn't speak, yet your mouth was wide open, you could barely hold your head up let alone hold a toy. "I-I can't" you said whispered.
"You can and you will."
"I-I ahh BILLY!" He somehow drove deeper into you lifting your legs to his hips, your muscles contracting so tightly you crunched forward, "Come on, come on my cock." He said through gritted teeth. You dropped the toy as your metaphysical being flew from your fucking body, you shook uncontrollably, he quickly snatched up the toy and held it against your clit whispering praises into your ear as the aftershocks ripped through you like lightning. He pulled out cumming on your stomach in warm spurts that made you feel so exquisitely dirty. He dropped to his knees and kissed and sucked on your pussy until you begged him to stop, cleaning up the mess you both made.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked
"Please." you whimpered, he kissed you deeply making up for all the things he said before, brushing your hair from your sweaty face. Then in true arrogant, fashion, he ran his fingers through his release making you suck it from his fingers. He walked away for only a few minutes to get you a towel and something to drink but when he came back you were gone, he walked into the kitchen and there you were with your clothes back on fixing your hair like you didn't just get freshly RAILED. He dropped the towel, "You can't be serious?" he said dumbfounded. " I told you babe, I have other plans, better luck next time though, you were decent in the sack, maybe next time you can make me come without mechanical help." You smiled and waved sarcastically before unlocking the door and turning the handle, walking out towards the headlights and blasting speakers waiting for you in the driveway.
"Damn, she's fucking crazy...I love her."
I prob won't write for a few days bc I'm going on a short vaca for fall break, and I have a journalistic essay to write, but i'll be back enjoy!
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feartheoldblog · 2 years
• Valtr and Yamamura have a lovely suburban home, a fairly healthy marriage and a pet fish. They had a spare bedroom so I decided to put Brador in. He started pissing everywhere and I ended up locking him in his room for like 90% of the time. I felt a little bit bad so I made Henryk and Simon and let them live in the basement so he had friends that did not randomly fuck on the living room sofa (wicked whims woes sorry). Henryk and Simon decided to start fucking so now Brador is back to square one 👍
• Originally I had 8 BB characters living in a house together. They are all now in separate homes (you can imagine how it went).
• Gilbert the Sick Man is a total cunt. He literally has the good trait as well as other nice traits but he’s got beef with half the town. He’s also why I had to separate the house. He basically pissed off Maria by insulting her, she got angry, Gehrman tried to comfort her, she got angry at him, then Gehrman got sad and Micolash got angry at him and they ended up fist fighting next to the barbecue and are now total enemies.
• Micolash lived alone in a house but I let him adopt a baby and now he is married to the babysitter (and tried to flirt with the new babysitter, their marriage is in shambles- he does not have the romantic trait)
• Gehrman (Micolash’s worst enemy) showed up at his wedding as a caterer and set the kitchen on fire
• Gilbert hated everyone so he lived alone, then decided he liked Vicar Amelia so now they’re living together. However, he fancies Smough but Smough finds him extremely unattractive. Ranni wanted to shag him but refused romance from him……… it’s complicated
• Iosefka has shagged like 60% of the town’s population. I support her in her endeavours 👍
• Radahn and Artorias are married and look after the two accidental babies that have been created. The best dads in the entire place 10/10
• Quelaag got knocked up by a random sim (one of the Rahrtorias kids) so I got werewolf Brador to kill him but I didn’t have the kill mod enabled so he basically just turned Quelaag’s baby daddy into a werewolf (and got his ass beat)
• I can’t remember who the other baby’s mother was but it’s being looked after any way ig
• Gascoigne got sad bc he had the family trait but no family so I made him adopt kids but he neglected them and Alfred had to look after them
• Logarius lives in a house with Godfrey and they both hit the gym together
• The Doll and Chapel Dweller are best friends <333
• I decided to be evil and make Arianna and Adella live together but they’ve ended up being best friends despite their opposing traits????
• Lucatiel and Emerald Herald are girlfriends- they would be married by now but they keep arguing sometimes so their relationship does not improve it is merely maintained
• Smough, Ornstein and Solaire all live together happily in the mansion of that one goth family i evicted
• Me and my partner’s BB OCs are chill as hell, married and do nothing wrong. Literally the only normal people
• Pate and Creighton live together and kinda despise each other but it’s fine
• Juno, Diallos, D, Corhyn and Rogier all live together but I stopped playing Sims because my mental health improved so I never got to see what would happen with them
• I forgot that Djura and Henryk were married with kids but Djura needs to move in with Brador so I’m gonna make them divorce and Henryk can live alone with the children
• Everyone that can give birth has been put on birth control. I learned my lesson 👍
• Also everyone wants Gascoigne carnally. Man cannot catch a break.
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written-in-starlight · 11 months
So, long ass plane rides means getting bored and watching questionable movies, right?
The other day, @73kittens and I were bored and decided to watch a movie called Mummies. And within 30 seconds we were absolutely tearing it apart. Yes it’s a kids movie. Yes I’m gonna judge the hell outta it.
So, without further ado, enjoy this summary/review of the movie where we kept needing to pause bc we were so confused or laughing too hard.
Plot tldr before we begin: mummies living in a secret mummy city, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, an important ring is stolen and shenanigans ensue to get it back.
So the movie opens with a chariot race cause our main dude, Thut, is a charioteer. Immediately I paused and turned to @carlscookies and went “that’s not accurate is it?” The answer is no! It was a Greek styled chariot race! Taking place in Ancient Egypt! So we’re off to a great start in the historical accuracy category lol (Side note, the first time I saw his name spelled (no subtitles), I thought his name was thot lol)
After that is some tomb raider stuff. Oh and magic bullshit, where we get introduced to the concept of a mummy city. “It’s a wannabe Atlantis, set in modern day, with a vaguely mummy aesthetic” - kitten #42
So we catch up with Thut, who is famous for his chariot shenanigans, has what I think is PTSD from the accident shown in the first scene, and is getting flirted with by all the lovely ladies, leading to the lovely exchange: “Why haven’t you settled down yet?” “Cause marriage is forever, and mummies live forever.”
Remember that last bit, it’ll become relevant many times over.
So next historical inaccuracy is the produce. Aka they had lettuce and tomatoes and onions. At which point we paused and made our fourth (Brendan get a tumblr so I can tag you) who had wifi look up the main produce of ancient egypt
Spoiler alert: not lettuce and tomatoes and onions.
And this is all before we meet our lovely female lead, a princess whose name I cannot remember. She’s snuck out of her palace, and despite it feeling like she’s done this before, she still has trouble sneaking back in. “It seemed like the kind of thing she does all the time and yet this is her first time sneaking out despite the fact that she’s been a mummy for two thousand years” -kitten #37
After she gets back in, she fights with her dad the pharaoh. He wants her to get engaged, she just wants to be a singer. Singing is not for princesses apparently, and she has to get engaged/married before her dad steps down as pharaoh. Side note, why does her dad have to step down as pharaoh? It’s been established they live forever, can’t he just be pharaoh forever?? I’m so confused???
Fun quotes from this bit: “The 2000s are basically the new 1000s” “I need at least a hundred more years before I can think about engagement”
Phoenixes appear to choose a fiancé for the princess. And I immediately thought “fire and mummies do not mix”
Anyhoot, phoenix gets shot down by Thut’s little brother (henceforth known as demon child) and “chooses” Thut to be the fiancé. And his immediate response is “I’m allergic to marriage!” “I love how the lady’s immediate response to you hearing that if he backs out, his eyes and tongue get cut out that it’s only an eternity” -kitten #32
So you have two willfully single people who absolutely hate the idea of marriage but refuse to back down, so they end up yelling stuff like “Yeah, well I can’t wait to love you forever and hold you and cherish you!” In very angry voices lol
When Thut leaves the palace, the demon child goes “I was afraid they were gonna execute you!” Which. What is death in this universe??? They live forever but the pharaoh has decided to step down as pharaoh and mummies can be executed?????? Do mummies age or do children stay children forever??????? I need answers movie
(Spoiler alert: we get none :/ )
(We also got on a tangent while writing this about “what do mummies do to “start a family”???” “When their parents get to the mummy afterlife, do you transfer that child to their biological parents or is it just first come, first served?” - kitten #4 “They could just have the little brother as their surrogate child. Wait a second, where are his parents????” - kitten #14)
So when the engagement happened Thut got a very important ring that he can not lose. You probably know where we’re going with this. He goes and puts it in a very safe place where nothing can happen to it.
And then tomb raiders break in and steal the ring. Surprise surprise. What is a surprise is that, when Thut discovers the theft, he immediately goes “This could only be the work of livings!” Which, I’m sorry, does this happen often???? “Maybe it does, maybe that’s why they know English!” -kitten #66 (the devil’s advocate kitten)
This is also when we learn that the secret mummy city was created to protect mummies from the living. Leading to the only obvious conclusion: the mummy city was created to stop the British from eating them (true facts, look it up)
But also: were they sentient before the city was made? Did they just hang out in their tombs, lonely forever except for those who got buried with all of their slaves? Is this why mummies sleep, cause otherwise they’d get bored? I just keep getting more questions and so very little answers. “How do they know that it’s there? How would they get the word out that there’s a mummy city? Are they telepathic? No cause then they’d know why he doesn’t wanna get married. How do they know where the other mummies are buried?” -kitten #50
At this point I basically stopped taking notes (though we did keep pausing to ask many of the same questions), so time to skim through the rest of the movie real fast
Thut and demon child go to the land of the living to get the ring back, princess follows, shenanigans happen, they end up in modern day London, hijack a production of Aida (that hurt my frickin soul because I’ve done that show), princess becomes a pop star (yay for her, but omg the song and its name were so boring), gets kidnapped by tomb raider, Thut also gets kidnapped when trying to save her, demon child saves them both and gets the ring back, and they go back to Egypt and the mummy city yaaaay
Except there’s still a solid half hour in the movie. It ain’t over yet lol
But imma spin off on a tangent for a moment about princess and her pop star life. Because the movie has us on the fence for a while about whether or not she’s gonna go back to the mummy city. Which in any other movie, is a fair dilemma. Except she’s dead. And I feel there’s some sort of ethical implications for a mummy trying to live the life of a typical teenage pop star. Also. Ma’am get better tunes lmao
Alrighty, tangent done, time to skim the last bit
Thut and princess have finally realized they like each other, which means we’re in the miscommunication part of the enemies-to-lovers trope. So they go their separate ways, both miserable but thinking the other doesn’t love them, until the tomb raiders break into the mummy city. They work together to save the city and the pharaoh, Thut has a dramatic “I love you” moment before sacrificing himself to take out the tomb raiders (and once again raising the question can mummies die????) except this is a kid's movie so of course he survives and they get married and princess gets to sing so wahoo happy endings all around.
And an insane amount of bafflement in row 32 of that plane lol
Now, is this a bad movie? In the context of it being a kid's movie, it's not terrible. It's a fun little adventure if you can turn your brain off and just accept the story for what it is.
But for those of us with more brain power than your average male orange cat, the worldbuilding holes lurking just under the veneer of plot are large enough to fuckin cave dive in, such as:
the aforementioned "What is death in this universe?????"
Why do mummies need to sleep/eat?
Where tf do they get the food from, since they're underground and (presumably) can't grow it themselves
How did they build the mummy city? (Slave mummies? probably slave mummies) How are other mummies supposed to find it/get there once they're buried?
Why does the pharaoh have to step down if he lives forever? What about the other pharaohs? Are there multiple mummy cities for each or do they each just rule a portion of the one city?
Do children age? (Probably not) How does custody of children mummies work? Where are the demon child's parents???
Is magic a thing in this universe? Cause that would answer several questions, but honestly I saw about 0 evidence for magic other than, ya know, living mummies. Which just says necromancy, not other types of magic.
Movie you are way too shallow to be playing with the idea of "Immortal (dead) girl trying to live a normal teenage life"
But hey, at least it was some sort of entertaining for the like 2 hours we spent watching it and the multiple times we kept remembering it and getting into debates afterwards lol
Tldr: Don't watch kid's movies as an adult unless you're ready to just be constantly questioning everything. And/or you're a parent and therefore have to watch along with your kiddo lol
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