#then he gets sent do Purgatory but it honestly feels like hell
pomieszanesny · 10 months
Bro... q!Roier...
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It Fucks with me that straight up
Purgatory hall, the new characters and basically people in Mc//ourlives don’t know what Belphie did in chapter 16 and esp in Nightbringer, like we 100% habe trauma and like straight up makes me wanna write angst but I’m Shitty with it and always fuck it up
So I’m just….gonna ramble under cut about it? //spoilers for both games I suppose!
So to start, there’s several instances of the brothers (and in one occasion Barbatos and Diavolo separately) get aggressive towards reader and I like imagine they must have some kinda PTSD since they’ve literally died and honestly I self project and I act nothing like Mc…I’d be in fucking tears miserable over the fact I just got warped in the past without anyone but my mentor
Like I cant see my family, friends or PETS for who knows how long???
Just imagine how it would feel….
You’re already living in a worn down old building since the moment you’ve arrived in the past, where else can you go?? The brothers aren’t friendly, you have not a cent to your name, just what’s on your person the second you’re dropped off and left. You WANT to think things will be ok, Solomon is here to help you so at least you’re not alone but…
You will die eventually, what if this takes too long, and you die here? Will anyone from your timeline ever find out?
Would you family know? Your friends?
Solomon keeps reassuring you that it’s fine, but he’s a sorcerer who’s immune to everything…his own stupidity gave him immortality…maybe if you’re unlucky enough he’d make you immortal and you’d…wait till you could see the brothers ‘normally’ again. Well them and everyone else.
As time goes on you ultimately are forced to continue to try to re friend them. Solomon is equal parts helpful as he is a problem, but it all seems to work out.
Until they find out your human. Why does it matter? You never said you were a demon! You TOLD THEM YOU WERE HUMAN. They laughed it off…why is it your fault…your not like them?
Belphegore was the aggressor, just like before. You don’t know if he was going to hurt you and you didn’t want to find out. You saw his hand reaching towards you, almost like they were going for your throat…
“Not again!”
You screamed as you collapsed on the ground, hand instinctively going to protect your neck. You’re gasping for air even though you haven’t been touched yet, you’re terrified. Is this really it? Is he really going to kill you again? Did you really think…this would end well, Solomon? Diavolo? Barbatos?…Anyone?
Now you are where you are, trembling and in tears on the ground. But you didn’t feel anyone grab you, you did however feel like someone walked in front of you. To your relief, Solomon had come to your rescue…
You wanted to appreciate it, but all you wanted to do was go home now.
You let out a broken sob, you honestly didn’t care anymore if they saw you like this. You have been through hell and back for these idiots and yet, you still love them so much, so much so that all you want to do is see them again, but the version of them you know.
You love them, they are worth it, but why do you have to suffer for it? Your time in the human world after Devildom…nothing bad happened…maybe…you’re the problem?
With your mind spiraling, you don’t even hear everyone shouting, you don’t hear your name, you don’t hear who says it.
All you can do is cry and hope whoever sent you here shows mercy and let’s you go home.
(Ok now it’s done sorry)
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meiga-s · 1 year
i said your name in an empty room
obey me! nightbringer
gn reader/everyone
ao3 link
a look during the present, from the moment you disappeared, to what you've left behind.
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You disappear during the night. 
None notices until it’s breakfast time at the House of Lamentation; it was like your disappearance had been carefully planned.
You’re not in your room. If this was any other day, Mammon would think you could’ve teleported back to the Human Realm for any stupid reason: you forgot some books you wanted to bring to Satan or Asmo’s new make-up kit, Levi’s new game went on sale and you decided to go and get a physical edition for him… Something, anything. Perhaps you went out early because you wanted to hang out with the Purgatory Hall group before class. Maybe you wanted to bake with Luke. Perhaps you wanted to take a look at the Student Council reports to help get a load off Lucifer, Barbatos and Diavolo. It could be anything with you, honestly. You were like a whirlwind: always running back and forth with a grin or a smirk on your face, never stopping and always laughing and always… always working hard for the sake of your loved ones.
You love all of them. And they all love you in return. Mammon knows this, he is no fool, despite his theatrics and penchant of getting into trouble.
Which is why the Avatar of Greed immediately notices something is wrong when you’re not in your room when he comes to get you for breakfast. He shoots you a message. It doesn’t deliver.
You’re a very capable sorcerer, he knows that—they all know that, but something in his gut is yelling at him that something is very wrong and that this isn’t like any other time you fucked off to do whatever in the Devildom, so he loses no time and sprints to find Lucifer, almost crashing into a complaining Asmodeus in the process. 
He slams the door to Lucifer’s studio open, and before the older demon can even open his mouth to reprimand him, Mammon whispers in a trembling voice the words that send the whole House of Lamentation spiraling down into chaos.
“I can’t feel the pact.”
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Lucifer feels the moment his legs almost give out when he tries to reach out for your pact with him and he feels… nothing , at first. He tries again, and again and again, grasping in the darkness at any sign that you’re not gone. Gone forever? Lucifer asks himself in his mind and he very nearly slams his head against the wall to make those thoughts disappear with a self-induced headache. No, no. I cannot think like that. Focus. Focus!
If you’d been in danger you would’ve told him, right? Of course you’d have—there were never any important secrets between you two. You had a playful streak, sure, but you hated worrying him—you hated worrying your family. He knows you love him—he knows you love them. You wouldn’t disappear where they can’t reach you without previous notice.
The Avatar of Pride tries again to reach for his other half… but you do not answer. 
Lucifer grits his teeth, steadies himself and tries once more—
Where your pact has always been a steady, strong connection, now it’s just a tiny sliver thread he can’t follow.
Still, that fragile thread binds you together, and Hell will freeze over before Lucifer lets go of it.
“Where did you go, my dear…?” The Avatar of Pride asks, but you still do not answer.
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They turn the House of Lamentation upside down, but they find nothing. Your bags are still in your room, untouched, and so is your uniform for the day. The book you were reading with Satan is still safely tucked and bookmarked and your console is still charging over your desk. Your wallet is also there, nestled inside the bag you had prepared for today’s class. They have no hints to give Diavolo or Barbatos of your possible whereabouts.
Your D.D.D. is gone. It’s the only thing they can’t find. Asmodeus tries to call several times, but it’s always sent to your voicemail. Nor Lucifer nor Mammon have the heart to tell him to stop calling and they let the Avatar of Lust cling to them when he breaks down in tears with a broken heart.
Satan very nearly tears the living room down, snarling they all go to Diavolo once again to demand he sends out another search party as fast as he can. Any second you’re away is a second you’re probably in danger, and he can’t stand it. The Avatar of Wrath doesn’t calm down, not until Belphegor walks up to him and softly says that you wouldn’t like him destroying the house in your absence.
Satan grits his teeth so hard it hurts his jaw and stomps outside, nearly slamming the door off its hinges. Asmodeus flinches and Lucifer gently pats his shoulder with a sigh. Beelzebub wrings his hands together and Belphegor looks down at the spot where Satan had just been and sighs.
You wouldn’t like coming back to this, Belphegor thinks. They all look like a mess. 
Leviathan is running himself ragged hunched over his laptop making posts left and right to try and see if anyone has seen you. His eyes are red from staring at the screen for hours and he looks like a zombie. At one point, Asmodeus slides away from Lucifer and Mammon and sits next to Leviathan, suggesting they use his influencer account to try and reach out to more people. They get to it, but the Avatar of Envy is tired and can’t stop shaking.
But Leviathan loves you, so he won’t stop working and reaching out for you. For the last ten hours (or twenty?), the only sound in the living room has been the clacking of his keyboard. He’s spent fifty hours binging anime in the past, but that’s nothing compared to what he would spend looking for you if it meant bringing you home safely. Lucifer will have to knock him out to get him away from the computer at this rate.
A thundering noise startles all of them, followed by a flash of green light coming from their windows and the sight of a shadow of a tree falling on their backyard.
“Can someone please,” Lucifer mumbles, burying his face in his hands, “go tell Satan that our trees are not to blame?”
None moves, not even as they hear muffled sobs of your name coming from their backyard.
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Belphegor and Beelzebub join Mephistopheles in his rounds questioning every living being in RAD and preparing the “missing person” reports. They couldn’t join any of Diavolo’s search parties, but at least they can do this. Belphegor hunts down every member of every club you’ve belonged to, while Beelzebub gets in contact with his teammates in all of his sport clubs and asks them to keep an eye out. Thirteen lets everyone know, very kindly, that any attempt to trick them for the sake of trying to get a reward will suffer the consequences of an angry Reaper.
You are loved, both the Avatar of Sloth and the Avatar of Gluttony can see it. It cheers them up a little, to know you’re in good hands all around, and they can almost hear you telling them to never give up hope nor trust on the people around them.
Belphegor hasn’t been sleeping and Beelzebub hasn’t been eating, but they keep combing the streets of the Devildom, not once stopping to take a break.
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Simeon is trying to stay positive for Luke’s sake, but even he can’t always keep a smile on his face, nor does he want to lie to Luke about how he feels, especially after having to hide his new status as a human for so long. Luke isn’t allowed to go search for you on his own, nor join any dangerous search parties either, so the younger angel vents his frustration with baking goods for the search parties and the brothers to try and keep them in high spirits.
The first night after your sudden disappearance Luke stayed in Simeon’s room. He hasn’t left since. Simeon needs it, too, despite hiding his true feelings to the whole world. Everyone’s so hurt, and he doesn’t want to pile up more distress on his friends. He’ll stay, he’ll help and he’ll be smiling all the way until his face hurts. And when you return, he’ll receive you with a smile.
“An angel chooses one human to protect for all time.”
Perhaps, if he was still an angel…
…No, you wouldn’t like him thinking like that. You’re going to come back. You adore Luke too much to leave him devastated like that. You two are almost like siblings at this point, and Simeon knows your heart enough to know you’d tear sky and ground to keep Luke safe from harm, so you have to come back.
Simeon tells that to himself every night as prays for Luke to stay strong and never lose hope.
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Barbatos looks, but he finds nothing . Your future, present and past are shrouded from him and he doesn’t understand . How is this happening? Who’s hiding you from him? Why ? Barbatos' face must have shown his own distress, because Lord Diavolo is shooting him a very worried look.
The Young Master hasn’t been sleeping or eating properly between tending to his duties and looking for you. Neither has Barbatos himself. He can almost hear you scolding him to take a rest before he collapses on his feet, but Barbatos is very resilient. And also very stubborn, your voice sing-songs in his head. Barbatos winces and gives his Lord a sad look before he shakes his head.
“No luck, huh…” Diavolo mutters, running his fingers through his hair. Any other time, Barbatos would’ve scolded him about ruining his image, but not now. The demon’s mind is a mess, and Barbatos doesn’t like this mess. He prefers the mess you caused in his mind when you were close instead.
Barbatos needs to keep it together for his lord’s sake, which usually is a piece of cake for him. The butler can almost feel you, just like when he was about to collapse during the whole dark crevasse fiasco, grabbing his shoulders and telling him very firmly to pull yourself together, Barbatos!
Barbatos takes a deep breath, then another, and looks firmly into Lord Diavolo’s eyes. 
“We will find a way, Young Master.”
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Diavolo smiles sadly as Barbatos leaves the room to rest. He's the main pillar of the Devildom, and so he must stay strong. 
You’d hate it if he didn’t, he knows this, so Diavolo pulls himself out of bed every morning with the thought of keeping the Devildom in top shape for your return while never giving up your search. He can do it. He’s cut off on sleeping, eating and leisure time the first moment Lucifer had barged in with the news. Barbatos can’t say shit to him, for he’s done the same.
What a pair. If you were here, you’d have strapped them both to a couch to take a break. And they’d let you, if only to be able to tease you back to see your usually assured self crumble into a bumbling, blushing mess.
Diavolo almost laughs at the mental image, feeling his body a little lighter. Hells, he misses you dearly.
But he cannot give up. He will not give up. Lucifer, his brothers, the Hall of Purgatory, Barbatos… they’re all counting on each other to bring you home.
And bring you home he will, even if it’s the last thing he does.
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Solomon has no time to lose.
He’s found you—the link is weak, but it’s there . He’s afraid if he waits too long it’ll disappear and he’ll lose your trail forever. If he wants to get to you, he must follow the trail this strange magic has left, and he has to do it fast. He has no time to call for anyone else, not even Lucifer. He’ll deal with his outrage later, when he brings you back to all your loved ones.
The link falls through time. Well, this is unexpected. And bad.
Solomon doesn’t hesitate, though. He’s a great sorcerer, and so are you (he’s chosen you to be his apprentice, after all), but this is unfamiliar to you and while Solomon might be many things, heartless he is not. 
You hold half of his heart, after all, and he really doesn’t want it to be lost in time. Not like this.
Solomon thinks of the first time his heart beat again for someone after so long, closes his eyes and takes the plunge to you through time and space.
He will find you and help you come back, no matter what.
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
so finally powered thru the rest of S11 and have like a billion thoughts, phew. I can see why a lot of people think the show should have stopped here, because despite how Carver’s era is talked about as so grim, it ends on an uplifting, even oddly optimistic note: the world is saved not through death or sacrifice but reconciliation, with Chuck and Amara as family again and Amara resurrecting Mary, reuniting Dean (and implicitly Sam) with their lost mother. 
I’ve often struggled w/ the fandom framing I’ve seen of Carver’s seasons being “Sam and Dean working thru their issues” because it didn’t always feel that way with the writing, but it does seem to be what Carver intended his seasons to be: that Sam and Dean would go through a lot of shit, hurt each other, hurt the world, but ultimately end up in a better place by the end. I think the problem is Carver and his writers aren’t good at showing those changes within relationships, the healing and reconciliation that would need to happen after familial harms, and that he took Sam and Dean (particularly Dean) to some dark places that people felt like the characters couldn’t easily come back from.
other people have talked about this as well, but there’s an oddness in that S11 is seemingly saying “Sam and Dean need to change/let each other go for the sake of the world” but then has Dean sacrificing himself for Sam as late as 11x17 and then trying to sacrifice himself to protect Sam and world in the finale. Sam and Dean’s inability to let each other go led to a lot of horrible stuff—Sam and Dean choosing each other over closing the gates of Hell and freeing the world from demons, Dean tricking Sam into possession, Sam (and Cas) indirectly getting Charlie killed & then having Rowena kill Oscar to save Dean from the Mark—with a big Point being that Sam & Dean need to stop prioritizing themselves over what’s good for the world. so Sam “lets” Dean go off to kill Amara, even though doing so will kill Dean. but Dean... does he “let” Sam go in sacrificing himself? kind of. but he’s also sacrificing himself to protect Sam and the world, and that’s not something new for Dean. that’s a role he’s played (and been forced to play) his entire life. so what’s the change? if Sam needs to “let Dean go,” then what does Dean need to do?
at least from how the finale frames it, Dean’s changes don’t actually come from “letting Sam go” but from letting go of his familial resentments/his desire for revenge, just as he counsels Amara to do. Amara’s resentments echo Dean’s feelings in S8, in his being hurt that Sam didn’t look for him in Purgatory (just as Amara resents Chuck for locking her away for years), and in S9 and S10, with Dean’s focus on taking the Mark and getting revenge in killing Abaddon, which spiraled out into a very bad situation for everyone (just as Amara is obsessed with getting her revenge on Chuck, which ends up very bad for everyone). There’s talk of betrayal (”Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl?” “My brother betrayed me. He locked me away for billions of years. He sent you to execute me.”), and Purgatory actually comes up in S11, when it hasn’t been mentioned for a while, with Sam saying he still feels guilty for not looking for Dean and Dean explicitly saying he forgives him/doesn’t resent Sam for that any longer. the show frames Dean letting go of his resentments—as he tells Amara, revenge feels good “for about 5 minutes” and then turns sour—as what allows him to talk honestly and help Amara let go of her resentments and reconcile with Chuck, which leads to a happy ending and the world being saved.
when I first watched 11x23, I had this question in the back of my mind, and I still have it even the second time around: why didn’t the writers have Sam and Dean go together to confront Amara? the 2 siblings who’ve ‘worked through their issues’ helping 2 siblings reconcile w/ each other seems like a pretty obvious ending. I guess it’s because Sam represents the idea of “letting go” of the family versus Dean representing family togetherness. (it actually echoes the series finale, doesn’t it, with Sam “letting” Dean go in his death, living his life, and then reuniting with Dean in Heaven, the family together once again.)
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greycaelum · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series)
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[Word count: 3.5k.]
[Notes: Thank you so much! This is a wonderful 'ask' that also got me thinking and totally into your idea. It might be a little late because I was writing 4L&5S Series when this came and I rush research how people get hitched in Japan and few more details I'm melting to add. I hope you guys like this—a friend of mine sent the photo above days ago—'twas definitely an inspiration while writing this one.
• Yama— King of Hell in Buddhist Mythology, judges the dead, presides over purgatory/hell, and the cycle of rebirth.
• Niwaka Corporation— a high-class jewerly brand that was born in the ancient city of Kyoto with a history of over 1200 years.
• Marriage in Japan consist of Marriage Registration Form or kon-in-todoke with two witnesses  submitted to the city/local ward office and few days the Declaration of Marriage or Kon-in Todoke Juri Shomei-sho will be sent to you. You're married then, congrats~
• Pomp wedding ceremony can follow afterwards depending on when and where you wanna held it.]
[Songs used: My Only One by Sebastian Yatra ft. Isabela Moner]
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• I can see Satoru drawn to a sweet but firm lady. A woman who can indulge him with his random whims but has a firm foundation in morals and can honestly address him when he's going overboard.
• If you're with Satoru and seriously into him you need to know you're in for a long time relationship because I can see him as a type that wants stability in terms of emotion and understanding.
• Satoru isn't the one to be faithful to a certain woman—
• Until you came barging in his life, as simple as ABC Gojo Satoru is absolutely, blisteringly, captivated by you.
• Relationship with Satoru will teach you to appreciate time. His time with you, the time in your relationship and time with yourself.
• One of the harshest and valuable lesson you'll learn in a relationship with Gojo Satoru is that—You need to learn how to be honest with yourself and to Satoru. Are you feed up of his lack of time? Are you feeling unnecessary? Are you not happy anymore? You have to be honest because no matter how much observant he can be, the reality that Satoru isn't exposed to dealing with raw emotions is a steep ladder in the relationship.
• Confident as he is, Satoru would be a man who still needs your reassurance, because he's still human.
• Proposal with Satoru is the same as planning but ad-libbing in the end. Because let's be honest, Satoru is as random as the weather in London.
• You'd definitely do the Shinto-style wedding to shut up the Gojo clan but if you want another western style wedding no worries Satoru wouldn't say no to an opportunity of collecting a double 'double honeymoon' from you in exchange for few measly amount of million yen to spend. He might even ask you to 'elope' with him and get married away from traditions and all. Coz we all know he's not a man of tradition.
Engagement: 婚約 (Kon'yaku)
"Y/n, did Satoru propose to you?"
The tapioca pearl you're sipping went down the wrong pipe erupting violent coughing from you.
"Gomen," Shoko soothe your back until you calmed down and glared at the brunette doctor.
"So?" She insisted.
"No, Satoru haven't. Did he bribe you into asking me those 'confirmational questions'?" You eyed your friend who held her hand in surrender and shake her head.
"Just curious. It's been how many years and you two are basically an old couple now."
That got you thinking too. Well you and the lovable annoying menace are staying strong and healthy over the years of demanding and rough path. Gojo clan being hard and opinionated about you with their Clan Leader, the dark industry of Jujutsu Society and the fact how one action from your beloved could alter the balance of the bad and good.
Loving Satoru is as simple as breathing oxygen yet as complicated as the circulation of blood.
"It will come when it come. Besides who said only guys can propose?" You grinned imagining a blushing Satoru with you doing the deed.
Yep, there's no way he would say 'no' to your proposal.
Satoru came home to your apartment, the man is literally boarding in your house despite having his own penthouse. He doesn't really mind, wherever you are is where his home is.
"Honey, your handsomest, cutest, strongest, love of your life is home!"
He waited for you barrelling to him as always when he's home. That said his face lit up at your figure in his shirt reaching your mid-tights, hair tied messily and barefooted walking up to him with the small pout on your adorable lips.
"Welcome home you rascal, you're dead this time." You growled but still hugging his large frame, next thing is your feet dangling mid air and Satoru scoop you in his arms marching in the house with a grin.
"What did I do?"
"The. Fucking. Plates."
"What about the plates?" Innocently he asked at your accusing face clearly the man is laughing internally while ruffling your feathers.
"Don't act innocent here Mister. I told you many times not to put them in the highest shelf!"
"Oh... My bad honey, next time I'll put them lowest shelf, wouldn't want that tiny feet of yours aching from reaching the tall cabinet now would we?" He grinned at your fuming face struggling in his arms to pull his ear.
One thing, Satoru never uses Infinity around you. He lets himself be limit less around you and within your reach even if you punch, pinch or pounce on him he's game on with you.
Satoru appreciates the warm meals you prepare. He teases you when you mess up sometimes but Satoru never fails to thank you for the meals you prepare for him so he wouldn't go hungry before going or coming home from work.
Living like this for someone like him is enough. He should be contented because he can't have too much, but Satoru is human and humans are greedy.
On the bed when you two aren't busy you'd find yourself in deep talks with Satoru, this is where you learn more of how wide his perception and deep is his principles than the usual rambunctious whimsical persona he is to the eyes of public.
Just like now, your head above his bare chest, legs tangled and Satoru's fingers threading the tresses of your hair.
"Y/n can you see yourself growing old in this society?" Satoru meet your confused eyes.
"Honestly? I don't know. But I can see myself growing old with you." You stare at his widened eyes.
Do you understand there's more than just marrying him? He has to tell you, Gojo Satoru is already half buried with all that's weighing and burdening him as a sorcerer. He don't want to bury you half dead with him without you understanding of how difficult it would be for you and him. He love you enough to let you go if you will it.
Hypocritical as it may sound but he'd rather set himself aside than see you unhappy and wilt away in this rotten world he's living. He's ready to let go of his salvation— that is you—with one word from your mouth.
"You'd be pulled into my world, even if we want to get out we'll never escape. We'll always be under unnerving gazes. Our marriage isn't a happy ever after Y/n. We'd fight, compromise time. There would be day that you can't be my priority, cold bed and no replies, days turning to week—"
You let him ramble his insecurities out. Let him be, there are the times the best assurance is silence.
"Our future family might not be your dream family. And our children, they will have to live in this world."
You smiled at him. Did he realize he just openly told you he's thinking of babies even before he could propose? Silly. Tracing the lips that babbled things you knew ever since. Propping your elbows you threw you legs to the other side and straddle him.
His hand found you bottom, steadying you above his abdomen and wait what you'll do. Your lips descended above his forehead—littering feathery kisses to his closed eyes, the tip of his perfectly angled nose, and the sharp jaws of his. You stare at his softening iridescent blue eyes bare of the glasses and bandages.
"I won't ask more than what you can give. Because my love for you isn't limited to my ideals... You're more than a dream Satoru you're an unexpected reality. And I don't love you to fulfill my dreams. I love you because I can see myself build a life with you. Dreams are fleeting but fantasy, life is forever and real, can you see the difference My Love?"
You've finally done it.
Satoru swallowed a breath. How you take his breath away with your words runs addicting goosebumps to his spine.
Satoru wants to splurge.
To splurge for your engagement ring because he was too absorbed taking in your words he totally forgot to asked if you'll really marry him, good thing coz he didn't have a ring prepare yet.
But the problem here, he can't choose. He want something sentimental and with deep meaning, he can just make it out customized but he's stumped with what idea of ring he wants. He's been browsing what kind of gem he wants for you, pearls to diamonds to sapphires but he can't pinpoint that 'this is the one' feeling with all the glittering stones in the brochure.
His phone ring with his pet name for you on the screen.
"Love?" Your voice on the other line.
"Miss me Honey?"
"Are you free tonight? Come over later, 'kay? Bye take care, I love you!"
He didn't even got to answer your I love you back, you already drop the call.
In the end he went out of the top jewellery shop in Tokyo empty handed.
Begrudgingly he wish time would pass quickly to night and he appeared before your apartment taking off his shoes he could already see you sitting on the sofa fidgeting.
"What are you doing Baby?"
He chuckled at your small jump from his voice. His heart settled seeing the ever beautiful soft smile graze your lips and jump into his waiting arms.
"Just a rain check you don't care about patriarchy right?"
He frown a little confused but nod. Strength isn't measured by gender, fuck the traditional rules and their narrow-mindedness.
"Good," you grinned and let go of him, reaching for your back pocket you stood in front of him with a box.
Satoru blink and almost want to pinch you for taking too long to open it.
"Since our relationship here is already defying lots or rules and regulations. Would yo—"
Oh no~
Satoru fling his body forward dragging you with him, knocking you back to the sofa cutting your words. His lips found the skin above your beating heart, delicately he kissed it with adoration and remove his bandaged staring at you with his vivid electric blue eyes.
"Marry me Y/n, it won't be sun and smiles but I'll try my best. Marry me because you'll never find someone who can love you like I can. Marry me and even Yama cannot separate me from you."
"Hey, that's my lines you line stealer!" You laughed. Stroking this hair.
"Marry me." Satoru said, searing you with his eyes.
"Where's the ring?" You could careless about the piece of metal but you also prepared for this until Satoru himself decided to crash your proposal.
"Shit," he muttered evading your eyes scratching the back of his head.
"Don't tell me you ruined my proposal and you forgot to bring your own ring?" You look at him who chuckled with sheepish smile.
Dumbass. You sighed and look at him hopelessly smiling.
"I'll marry you."
At your words he broke into a wide smile, eyes sparkling and tint of rose shade blossomed on his cheeks like a whipped teenager receiving his confession from his crush, it's just that you're not his crush—you'll be his wife.
"Oh by the way, I got you a ring. Unlike someone who proposed without ado," you hummed handing him the box.
"I could buy Niwaka Corporation for you." He rolled his eyes made a 'give me, give me' hands and giddily opened the box like a kid in Christmas.
Popping it open Satoru look at you with complex emotions. Fighting if should he smile or frown? Should he take this seriously or reassess your fashion taste? But he assures you he loves you flaws and all. It's just that... Are you seriously giving him this ring?
Plucking out the 'ring' he look at you again and back to it. Mind you it's a bit sticky in his fingers.
A candy pop ring with a huge candy on the center, so big like a pacifier.
"Let me guess, a candy ring because if I eat this it will stay inside me." He smelled the confectionary and found it close to barley scent.
"As expected, you're so bright, see my love for you will be turned to glucose and circulate in your blood all over your body to give you energy!" You clapped awarding his pouting lips a kiss. It was just a spur of moment idea you thought and executed.
"I'm so lucky to marry such smart lady~" shaking his head he shove the candy ring to his tongue and lean to kiss you probing your lower lip for entrance pushing the sugary treat to your tongue sharing the 'engagement ring'—after all sharing is caring is a step to healthy marriage.
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Wedding: 結婚式 (Kekkonshiki)
• Satoru and you didn't really extended the engagement any longer, nobody even knew you two were officially engaged til Satoru asked you if you want to register the marriage to the city office, Shoko and Principal Yaga signed as the witnesses to process the papers.
Yaga turn to his student and pat the young man's back. "Congratulations son."
"There's no refund or replacement, are you sure about him?" Shoko asked making you laugh and Satoru pouting.
• Satoru would be the type that stares at you in awe walking down the aisle, that the breathtaking lady walking down the aisle is gonna be his wife, the one he's vowing to spend his life starting today until his soul fades. He won't cry—or so he would like to believe—
• Just elope with him. Trust Satoru to get things done, especially if honeymoon is on the line.
• He wants to take you away, indulge him. It's not everyday he snatch and take you to a picturesque chapel and get married just the two of you.
Are you perhaps a tad unhappy he just snatch you away like this, without preparation without guest and pomp decoration? Satoru didn't mean to make you feel not special in the most memorable day. Fuck did he just took the first wrong step in marriage?
His thoughts stop at the door of the chapel stood you in a simple white wedding gown and bouquet of lilies, smiling.
Kami, you look so beautiful he could barely breathe.
You're happy like this, right? You're not disappointed with his selfishness to have you as intimate and close off away from others like this? You're happy to be with him, right?
He's sorry for letting the dream invitations you designed, the six-tiered cake he imagined, and the uchikake you and Satoru designed together not be present today. Kamis forbid but Satoru's not ashamed to present you as his wife, you know how he keeps reminding his workmates and students he's getting married to you, everyday just to annoy and present his soon to be wife to them. But if he let those people come in your wedding he's unhappy it won't be a wedding centered between you two but on shallow congratulations and gazes from people you hardly know and he doesn't care about.
You smiled at him, in his black tux he never fitted as perfectly as he does today.
Satoru frowned at your glistening watery eyes. Forgetting that his eyes are adorned with unshed tears.
'Please don't cry Baby, Are you upset? Tell me I'll fix it, anything for you.'
Your eyes crinkled in a smile staring at him fading his worries as he watch you taking your time on the aisle. This is just the two of you, no need to hurry for guests or worry about fumbling your words because he got you.
The reality started to hit in to Satoru like an overflowing dam. The woman walking towards him is the love of his life, his wife, the mother of his children, pieces of future flash before him all of them have you and the family he promises to build with you. The warm meals and snuggles, the petty fights and make up moments, and if ever and something he'll fight tooth and nail is the image of your wrinkled hand and his, worn out by passage of time but still holding each other just like he promised that's it's you and him in this lifetime.
He remove his glasses and his hand found his eyes no matter how he tries to fight of the tears from falling he can't. He trusts the security you provide that it's okay for him to be human and feel emotion. He doesn't need to care that a single action from him will affect the balance of the world. Because at this moment it's just you and him.
With you. Because from now on he's not alone anymore. You're gonna be his better half. Part of his soul and the extension of his life. He won't have to worry dying alone in regret because there's someone who's waiting for him to come home. Someone he can share whatever he have, tears or joy.
You are a reason for him to live.
You stood in front of him cupping his tear stained face.
"W-why are you crying."
He breathe in, clearing his spasming heart and flash you a smile and in shaky voice he said.
"I never thought I'm allowed to be this happy."
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• After Satoru announced he's married with you, the Gojo Clan cannot intervene anymore, not that Satoru will listen to their 'tradition' and 'ethics' and all.
• But he'd push a Shinto wedding with you, and all the things you planned with him, you deserve that celebration and all he cares is to see you happy with him.
He didn't wear his glasses today. You insisted he wear them to prevent his eyes from hurting but Satoru is a stubborn man, indulge him.
Earlier at the photoshoot with your shiromuku he can't keep himself from squeezing your hand over and over. When he write his name  to the pledge and saw your signature with his surname, kami help him he's melting inside.
Gojo Satoru & Gojo Y/n
During the duration of the ceremony he almost can't keep his hand to himself wanting so much to hold your hand. Whoever says Gojo Satoru has patience is a fool.
He's a non-alcohol, you're a witness to that but today he cannot evade drinking sake. The san-san-ku-do where the bride and groom must take three sips from three cups. But it's a small price to pay in exchange for you.
Satoru read out the pledge he signed with you.
"As we marry
No matter what the health situation is
We will love, respect,
Console and help
Each other
Until death
Protecting fidelity
We swear."
After is the offering to the kamis, the exchanging of ring which Satoru prepared a proper ring for you this time. He insists making you three of of them.
He can't find the perfect ring so he designed it himself. Eternity ring encasing his own curse energy—just like how curse tools are imbued with curse energy for non-sorcerers to use—his reminder and pledge to you that you're an extension of his Infinity.
The chief priests announcing the toast of family and relatives as sign of support. A high five to the Gojo clan at the word 'support'.
Finally! The freaking 45 minutes ordeal is done and Satoru snatched you away before the well-wishers mob his wife away from him.
His wife. Wife! His. Wife~
Cue for Satoru to giggle and melt like a puddle of goo in your hands.
Satoru ordered all the attendants to stay away from you and him for an hour. Inside the vacant drawing room he hugged you so tight and stayed like that. He's been very patient this day.
"Shhh," he shushed you, still stuck in the spaces of your neck as he remove the heavy headdress.
He's gonna fire those people for making you wear something that could practically break your neck!
The next words from your lips was the last straw to his strand of self control.
"I love you."
"Hmm." His throat constricted, closing his eyes and drop to the tatami mat.
"What is it?" You sat down patting your lap he succumbed to you hold letting his head rest above your tights and stare at your eyes.
"I'm faithfully yours, wife."
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All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby
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oviids · 4 years
pls share some of your spn fic recs 🥺🥺
ok, a few things first:
followers and mutuals who do not have supernatural brainworms, kindly avert your eyes
i don’t normally rec or even read much fanfic any more but this is a CRISIS ok (cont.)
there is so. much. content for deancas out there and i have incredibly high standards, several ancient ao3 bookmarks, can speedread, and want to spare you guys the experience of wading through it all.
i also have a section for spn femslash since I was pretty into that back in the day (sadly a lot less fan content for this :/)
I don’t really like au’s or pure smut (I honestly usually just skim or skip those scenes) so if you’re mainly looking for that kind of thing this probably won’t be very helpful to you. jsyk.
i’m not great at describing stuff but i’ll do my best, i’ll also try and add tw’s when neccesary.
i wil try and keep updating this with any other decent fics i find, feel free to rec stuff too since i’m like 7 years behind.(edit 1/25/21) this is getting looooong so i’m going to start making another list on my spn blog rather than update this one
(edit 1/3/21) since this has gotten pretty long i’ve added rating/approximate word counts and marked my particular favorites with an asterisk.
Dean/Cas fic:
So Says The Sword*** - explicit/85k. FUCK its good...au/time travel where dean is not pulled out of hell by cas and says yes to becoming the michael sword. honestly could serve as an alternative to actually watching the show, if you want to get into dean/cas without actually doing that to yourself.
Fata morgana.*  - teen/6k, pst s9 finale. very bela centric and i love it, she finds cas looking for dean in hell.
Redemption Road -misc/600+k. an incredibly long fic from a collaborative writing group back in the day. canon divergent from the end of s6 on, has a cool take on godstiel and the leviathans, as well as the lovecratian mythos connection. ngl when i reread it i only made it about 28% in but imo the casual reader can actually stop around there, the rest concerns a lovecraftian apocalypse that is still good (i think i don’t remember it very well) but not required to enjoy the first half. if you prefer i have an ebook version i can send you on gdrive.
Someone Who's Feeling For Me* - mature/45k, s12. they run into lisa braeden and dean thinks cas is into her while cas thinks dean still likes her. treats lisa way better than the show ever did and the miscommunication is pretty funny rather than annoying.
a turn of the earth - mature/95k. time travel fic where cas from s10 keeps showing up in deans life from a few years before s1 to right before the hellhounds take his soul.  slow burn, good character study, and at one point cas punches the dad in the face and it rules.
On the Wings of War - teen/85k, canon divergent s5. dean accidentally becomes the Horseman of War. plays fun, fast and loose with biblical lore, michael has some rights.
Named - mature/95k, alternate s5. EXTREMELY blasphemous in a fun sexy way. manages to predict metatron almost to a T. there’s one major character death and its literally jesus christ, everyone is very sad about it and it sets the rest of the story rolling. an alternate interpretation of cas’ mission to raise dean from hell which had me on the floor. ngl its kind of misogynistic at points, but its from 2010 and tracks with late oughts-2010 spn (sorry anna the author did you dirty here:/).
The Girlfriend Experience - explicit/15k. uhhh i don’t normally rec or even read smutty stuff unless someone i know is specifically asking for it but this has stuff like sam trying to be a good ally and dean thinking holding hands with cas is ‘kinda gay :/’ minutes after having gay sex with him.
i crippled your heart a hundred times - explicit/19k, s8. cas confesses his feelings and dean spends a long time getting his head out of his ass about it. truly hits different after the actual confession, despite being written six years early it feels like its actually what could have gone down more or less if the writers weren’t talentless demons who hate us.
My Roots Take Flight** - mature/125k. reverse au where cas is a hunter and dean’s an angel...OR IS IT???? an alternate retelling of s4. tw for briefly being set in a psychiatric hospital/the hospital being mentioned somewhat frequently throughout the fic, plus more references to torture in hell and heaven than usual.
The One Thing You Can't Lose* - teen/4k.you know those posts about how cas is a super-strong super-tough ancient warrior but he just lets dean tug him around because he likes it? thats it thats the fic.
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built - teen/14k, post s8′s ‘goodbye stranger.’ cas is on the run with the angel tablet but keeps in touch with sam and dean by text, he and dean still manage to be terrible at Actual communication.
Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day - mature/30k, post s11. a monster that takes the appearance of your soulmate leads to some wild miscommunications and dealing with years of repression, also dean gets to see cas’ true form which is always cool. tw for non-graphic mentions of underage sexual assault/sex work.
Down to Agincourt - mature/explicit/900++++k, endverse continuation. endverse!cas survives his encounter with lucifer and discovers another time-displaced dean from s7. i’ve only read the two of four parts but its really good, veeeeery slow burn, has a lot of fun oc’s and takes a rather surprising but (imo) entertaining and intriguing turn into Hellenic history and mythology. usual tw’s for endverse/endverse!cas but nothing graphic, it’s actually pretty light-hearted (relatively speaking of course).
Nothing Equals the Splendor** - explicit/8k, THEE finale fix it fic you’ve been waiting for! posits that the entire final episode was just a (very bad and lame) djinn’s vision.
like moses and batman and james dean - explicit/31k, post s8. explores dean’s trauma and internalized homophoba from his technically canon experience with sex work and its impact on his relationship with cas. the sex work itself isn’t really shown in any detail but it’s still a relatively heavy fic.
Crazy Diamonds - explicit/25k, s4/alternate s14. fresh-out-of-hell dean and dean from 10 years in the future are displaced from time and sent to each other’s present.
where the weeds take root - explicit/30k. au where the men of letters kick them out of the bunker and they accidentally move out into the country, get over their codependence and semi retire. featuring chicken coop building, sam volunteering at a dog shelter, gardening, and blissfully mundane domesticity.
No Resting Place - teen/6k. djinn dream fic, switches back and forth between cas’ dream of being married to dean and retired from hunting to the aftermath when he wakes up. tw for brief mention of suicide since, y’know, djinn dream.
any port in a storm - mature/52k. post s8 finale. cas and dean have to pose as a couple going through a rough patch for a case and actually deal with their emotional baggage, cas struggles with being human and metatron is up to stuff.
all this and heaven too* - explicit/7k. in the author’s own words ‘...a love letter to every trans person who ever projected onto Dean Winchester.’ absolutely unzipped me emotionally and theologically, its just. so good. tw for very brief mentions of internalized transphobia/dysphoria.
Because it is* - mature/6k, finale fix it. killing chuck does not bring back anyone back and the winchesters spend a very long time dealing with what they’ve lost, cas and dean SOMEHOW still manage to have signifigant communication issues even after the confession. tw for suicidal thoughts/brief attempt.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit* - teen/4k, s6. when cas fell for dean it automatically soulbonded/angel married them, shenanigans ensue when dean finds out during the angel’s civil war. funny and actually written back when s6 was airing so cas is still (or at least pretending to be) kind of an OP asshole which is fun.
Rinse, Repeat - teen/3k, s8. angsty character study of cas as he’s reprogrammed and trained to kill dean. not really dean/cas since its just cas’ pov of canon events but its beautifully written and ends with him snapping out of it through the power of love (also now a canon event!).
Emergence - explicit/59k, canon divergent after s11. dean meets a hunter he only recognizes as their friend claire novak’s missing father, but soon realizes he might be the answer behind the mysterious void in his memories and feelings (aka everyone’s memories of cas are completely wiped away for three years).
Cuckoo And Nest - explicit/10k, early established relationship/character study, cas tries to figure out how he fits into dean’s life and space in the bunker.
Build a Home* - teen/20k, canon divergent s12. sam and eileen are cute and turn the bunker into men of letters/hunters hq and everyone but cas moves in, mutual miscommunication issues and pining ensues.
Down in the River - teen/5k, early s8, cas prays to dean in purgatory while sam and dean try to figure out a way to get him out.
Teaching Poetry to Fish* - mature/52k, ?? BC through the entire series/canon divergent s14 and 15. retelling of crucial scenes throughout the shows timeline from cas’ pov, feat. actual fish and poetry.
the minor fall, the major lift - gen/4k, post confession/finale fixit. dean goes into the empty to save cas and runs into several old friends (and enemies).
With the Kisses of His Mouth* - teen/3k, gen later seasons. dean and cas keep kissing by accident.
Remaining Grace - explicit/109k, alternate s6. au where cas asks dean for help with raphael and dean, of course, does. tw for temporary major character death/semi-graphic depictions of alcohol withdrawal.
The face of heaven.* - teen/10k, au, dean is a regular guy and cas is a fallen star (think ‘stardust’, kinda).
Stories Are Made of Mistakes*  - teen/5k. newly human cas has trouble getting used to a human body and humanity in general, but still figures out that he and dean are A Thing before dean does.
Hurry Up And Wait - mature/21k, canon divergent s12. a fairyland and quite possibly LOTR related case comes up and dean goes full fanboy, mary is introduced to the wonders of the peter jackson adaptions, many references and comparisons (including between cas and dean’s ‘friendship’ and arwen/aragon). also charle is still alive and has just been doing fairy stuff this whole time.
There Are Many Things - explicit/28k, s9. cas is extremely lonely/touch-starved and trying to figure out this whole human thing, as well as where he and dean stand after being kicked out of the bunker.
It's A Long Life to Always Be Longing - teen/40k, post s11 finale. amara helps dean by putting him in a magical coma so he can finally get some much needed rest and show him possible futures for him, sam and cas. meanwhile sam and cas go on a roadtrip (or several) to find componets for a spell to wake dean up. really good sam and cas friendship, they actually talk about their shared lucifer trauma and stuff.
Non-Photo Blue - gen/2k, s4/5/alternate s5. fifty moments from cas’ memories of dean.
Tall Grass - explicit/57k, canon divergent post series. cas becomes the ultimate plant dad. feat the wayward sisters gang, cathartic character growth, fun oc’s, domesticity, and lots of actual botanical info-dumping.
on vessels - no rating/gen/2k. established dean/cas, cas tells dean about how he used to imagine what it would be like to have him as his vessel.
search for tomorrow on every shore* - teen/11k, post-finale (extremely derogatory). some angels in jack’s new heaven act out and dean gets temporarily resurrected in 2003 and runs into his younger self.
Architecture of the Minotaur’s Heart - explicit/45k, very canon divergent post s1. dean’s new house seems to have a life and mind of its own, while in his dreams he sees glimpses of a world and apocalypse that never came to be and an angel that looks strangely like his mysterious neighbor, cas. loosely inspired by the book house of leaves (which i highly recommend for fans of weird horror).
The Distance Of The Setting Sun - explicit/17k, post s5. established dean/cas relationship, team free will finally takes advantage of cas’ abilities to go on vacation around the world.
diamond star halo - teen/5k, s11. dean lets cas use him as a temporary vessel while he recovers from rowena’s spell, sam is a long-suffering third-wheel.
Make Known** - teen/16k, s6/7. dean struggles to understand how cas could have become his enemy and whether he ever truly knew him in the first place.
blunt little instrument* - mature/1.4k, post finale. dean finally confronts his father in heaven, very cathartic.
my heart a compass*** - teen/10k, post confession. the empty forces cas to re-experience his most regretted moments while dean tries to snap him out of it and bring him home.
A Crash Course in Someone Else's History - teen/11k, s6. cas from the very start of s4 is brought forward in time by s6!cas to distract the brothers from his and crowley’s plans.
The Cuckoo Father - mature/8k, s7 au. the woman who found cas in the river post-leviathans does not marry him bc he was sent to her by god or whatever, but actually identifies him as jimmy novak and sends him back to claire and amelia.
The Dead Dean Clause* - teen/5k, post alt s5 ending. team free will celebrates surviving taking down lucifer by getting blitzed, cas lies to a cop and gets an impromptu driving lesson. title/description sound dark i know but it’s actually very funny and light.
Suck It, Judy Garland - mature/20k, s12 (after the ‘i love you...i love all of you’ episode). cas and sam have to pretend to be a couple for a case and dean is NOT happy about it.
By Daylight and In Dream - teen/16k, s5. pre-dean/cas, dean invites cas to use his dreams to hide from the other angels. tw for very brief mention of a memory/dream of alastair sexually assaulting dean.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven - mature/22k, post-canon. an actually happy (if sometimes bittersweet) heaven endgame written several years ago, though some details are rather eerily similar to the show’s ending.
heaven is a place on earth* - teen/2k. dean’s pov of some of the times cas left him behind throughout the show, and one alternate ending where he finally gets to stay.
I Cleanse The Mirror - teen/20k, alternate s6. dean’s body is stolen by an ancient elemental and his soul has to hitch a ride in cas’ vessel.
an exploration of gender; angelic*** - mature/4k. *oscar isaac voice* lets get into angel gender politics!! aka cas is trans.
Zenith - explicit/33k, s9. after 9x06 an angry witch curses cas with the ability to see supernatural beings and human souls.
La cucina. - gen/3k, alt s9. dean goes wild helping a newly-human cas find out what kinds of food he likes, or the early s9 domesticity we deserved!
Dean Winchester, Cocksucker at Rest***** - teen/7k, post-finale. john and mary finally come over for dinner and john reacts to dean/cas in a rather predictable fashion. SOOOOOOOOO good omg, its so funny and a little sad and very very cathartic. part of a series that has a few other really good short fics.
The Way You Didn't Go - teen/5k, s15. coda to 15.09, dean has nightmares about the moc!cas timeline.
On Drowning - teen/28k. dean saves cas after he nearly drowns, they both try and deal with the physical/mental fallout (aka the fic where thee iconic “you only touch me when you think I’m dead or dying” originates). tw for realistic depictions of drowning/triage/misc medical information.
The Thirty-Six Questions That Lead to Love* - mature/13k. claire has dean and cas pretend to be her gay dads for a case and they play the titular 36 question game, get mistaken for swingers, and birdwatch, among other things.
Assorted F/F stuff:
Deep Breaths* - mary/ellen, au where mary said no to azazel’s deal and let john stay dead, still becomes a milf.
Like Rebel Diamonds - krissy/claire, they become hunter gf’s on the hunt for cas to kick his ass for taking jimmy. not-so-stealth dean/cas as well.
To Ash and Bone - anna/ruby, same author as the previous fic (p much all of her stuff is good from what i recall). au where ruby is a witch and helps anna when she’s cursed.
Holy Clockwork Angels - jo/ruby, STEAMPUNK au with very cool worldbuiilding.
At Day's End - jo/anna (my fucking KINGDOM for more jo/anna content, the dean/cas parallels are allllll there), au where they are both at the camp in the endverse and gfs.
these posts - ok so not actually a fic but i’m now obsessed with this hannah/meg dynamic.
Tagelied - mary/ellen, the true story of how ellen got into hunting before angels interfered.
Hell's Bells** - meg/abaddon, alternate s8/9 where meg survives crowley’s attack with sam’s help and teams up with abaddon (who she has a sk year old crush on) to take back hell.
The Ecstasy of the Rose - anna/ruby, anna travels back in time to escape heaven and becomes a signifigant part of ruby’s old human life.
Angel Underground - anna/jo, kind of an urban fantasy au with a very intriguing premise (sadly its very short, i’d love to see more if this ‘verse).
Clover, Flame - billie/mary, billie was always the reaper that showed up to take mary after her death(s) over the years.
Drag Me To Heaven - anna/ruby, a variant on the ‘last night on earth’ thing with dean.
Come Home* - jo/anna, canon-divergent au where anna is the new waitress at the roadhouse and helps jo set up a (probably not really) haunted house for halloween.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
inspired by @thecourtofthedamned​ - feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
A threat to one of us is a threat to us both." 
"Here we go again."
We don’t need a reason to torment mortal boys.” 
"Let's go to Hell and get my boyfriend back."
"Claim the throne." 
Penny dreadful for your thoughts, cousin?”
"If you want the crown, you're going to have to prove yourself worthy of it." 
You wouldn’t hurt a fly. That’s why I love you.”
There’s nothing we can’t handle. As long as we’re being honest with each other.”
Had to fight off a giant squid for it, but anything for you.”
I just… I wanna forget, whoever or whatever that was… and just be here… with you right now. Is that okay?”
Because I love you, and I trust you to do the right thing, and to tell me the truth. In fact, I trust you more than I do anyone else right now.
I love you. I’ll always love you.
There’s no flying in my life without you,”
Of course not. Take us to the children.”
I never really thought of you as a cat person, but… okay.”
He hasn’t defiled you, has he?” 
You’re suggesting a witch hunt? “
My grimoire is your grimoire.”
If you say another thing about my mother or father to anyone ever again… I’ll choke you to death on your own blood.” 
You can’t keep killing me. “
Aunties! We have a big problem! “
Oh. I was right. That is a blood curse. Oh, it’s lingering. So, untreated, that is gonna eat slowly away at your health, your will, and your sanity.”
Well, um, who doesn’t enjoy a good scare every now and again?”
"I can choose to be afraid of my powers, or I can use them." 
"Hell's under new management now."
You’re a rebel. That’s how I like my witches.”
"Embrace your destiny." 
Alright then. Get me a bit of her hair and I’ll make all her teeth fall out.
"This is uncharted territory." 
"It can't be all Hell all the time."
"Being queen of Hell isn't a summer job." 
"Resurrection of witches."
The power to warp reality itself." 
"That's my girl." 
"In the town of Greendale, where it always feels like Halloween..."
"Honestly, first purgatory, now Hell. What's next? Heaven?"
"I feel I must warn you, this is who I am." 
A witch’s dark baptism is our most sacred unholy sacrament.”
Who’s talking about witches? Give me their names and I’ll make sure they stop talking about anything. Permanently. It’s just terrible when teenagers slip into comas, isn’t it?”
Satan in hell, what am I wearing?”
So he tricked my father and used my mother? And now he expects me to fall in line? Well, I say not today, Satan.”
Ghastly water. Basically water you get from wiping down corpses.”
Mephistopheles save us from the melodramatics of a teenage witch.”
If you could get past security by yourself, and that’s a big if, you’d never be able to find your way around. It’s like a maze down there.”
A map? To what? This isn’t The Goonies.” 
Could you draw me a map? “
to be clear, I have a boyfriend.”
Word travels fast amongst the damned, it seems.”
All contact sports. Then, it’s the movies and Chinese food.”
We’re talking about murder here!”
Ritual sacrifice. It’s slightly different.”
Great! So I’m supposed to spoil the girl who harrowed me.
Preferably with figs and wild berries to sweeten her meat before the feast.”
Oh, come on, cuz. It is a little funny – Prudence getting her just desserts by literally becoming the dessert.
Boys. Lots and lots of mortal boys. To torment. And seduce. Or both. “
Maybe you’ll find the meaning of life at the highschool.”
Oh, you had me at boys to torment.”
sleep like the dead.”
I like the ghosts in it.”
Well, Christmas is the best time for ghost stories.”
Seriously, what is it with witches and cannibalism?”
Everything. I mean, we’re not even officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and yet tomorrow, we have to take part in some crazy bacchanal.”
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m terrified.”
Yeah, right. I caught you in the attic with my cousin having an orgy.”
I’d like to lodge a formal complaint”
He sent me to help you get ready for the ball, like a satanic fairy godmother, I suppose.”
Call me daddy.”
How’d your reformation go over?
You know, shockingly, the kings of hell didn’t embrace my ideas with the gusto I was hoping for.
Ooh, blimey, what would I wear? “
I’m a hobgoblin.”
That is not how public school works.”
You knew? You knew the entire time and you didn’t say a word?”
Earlier, I was an ass. I freaked out, which is okay, but I should have said, “I love you, and I’m here for you, all of you, witch, Sentinel, co-president.”
Let’s say… I wanna be at your side, on the right side of history.” 
 Puritanical masculinity? And principal Hawthorne is the most intolerant, the most buffoonish, the most misogynist of all.”
But I want both. I want freedom and power. “
He’s a man, isn’t he?”
No one should get to decide what we can and can’t read.
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zoid-i-guess · 3 years
First fanfic/post on here so I have no idea what I am doing
Castiel x gn!ex-angel!reader
I feel like angels would get sent to purgatory or the empty but this one you get sent to hell because the plot in my brain said so. Castiel is going to be portrayed by Jimmy since that's how we see Cas in the majority of the show
Please excuse whatever spelling mistakes I have, thank you
Icy Fingers
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A/n = angel name
What feels like, yesterday I was happily frolicking in heaven with my lover Castiel right by my side. Now I was never an outstanding angel like the rest. I was always fascinated with humans and although they lived such short lives in comparison to us angels who could exist for eons at a time and it would feel like no time has passed and how many humans die with many regrets, some more than others. I wanted to know what it felt like, to have emotions, to feel things that us angels were forbidden from. I believe it was thanks to that I was one of the first angels to realize that god wasn’t planning on coming back and once I realized that I slacked on my work even more, not like there was a point in doing it, there’s no one to ‘impress’ anymore. I spent most of my time gazing down on the humans and if I can get away with it, walking among them using the name y/n and eventually I felt ‘happy’ I mean you could always find me smiling and I would be ‘sad’ when I would have to leave. I only wish other angels could understand the beauty of humans who despite die with regrets, live such short lives, most filled with sin, are deep down very beautiful, unique, and kind.
A ghost smile appears on my face as I turn my neck upwards to stare into the never ending darkness. I look back on the day I taught Castiel what ‘love’ meant. A sad look also creeps into my eyes as I remember that that is also the day my ‘sins’ had caught up to me.
~flash back~
Castiel never liked my lifestyle but never ‘tattled’ on me to the other angels either so I guessed we were okay. Eventually we were hanging out in his favorite heaven and he got curious enough to ask “what was it that made me interested in the humans in the first place?”
I responded the only way I knew how, honestly “Well I guess what got me started was their devotion to god and how it was never so different from us angels. I mean look at us we’ve never met the man either yet we still do whatever he says the only difference is we know he exists.” I paused to give a light chuckle at my own remark. “Although I personally believe that some of us also have our doubts because we’ve never seen god ourselves so I can now understand why some humans doubt his existence.” Castiel stayed silent through my explanation, boring holes through my lips taking in every word. As he waited for me to continue he clasped his hands together thoughtfully trying his best to understand my words. “I think that is when I first walked among them of my own free will. That is also when I learned they did out of love different from us angels who do it because we have to-“
Castiel interrupted my slight rant with a question “what is love?” He spoke with his deep monotone voice, his head slightly jerking away from mine feeling as if he would get into trouble if he asked any question, especially this question. If Castiel was human his hands would be so sweaty from the anxiety he gets from asking a simple (not so simple) question.
“Well there are many types of love, there’s brotherly love, there’s when you love a person as a friend, motherly, romantic…” my words are starting to trail off but I am snapped back into reality as my (e/c) eyes meet Castiel’s deep ocean blue ones. “They all feel different, motherly love according to humans feels like you have to protect them, you would give up your life for them. Brotherly love feels like you can poke fun at them but would fight for them if they got hurt, it’s a bit different from how we angels ‘care’ for each other.”
“How so?” Castiel asked once again, slowly getting more curious as he got more comfortable, Castiel’s shoulders slowly started to relax and his hands slowly unclenched with his jaw as you answered.
“Well, at least to me we don’t truly care for eachother. Heaven is run more like a ‘chain’ rather than a ‘family business’ if I were to refer to heaven in business terms. We are there for each other as employees rather than siblings, like we’re ‘supposed to’ be. We want everything to be perfect for the ‘upper management’ and are never truly there for one another. Gabriel was probably the closest example of 'brotherly love' since he just wanted angels to stop constantly fighting." I paused trying to read Castiel's body language. Castiel's mind seemed to be wandering trying to wrap around my words. I think my example of Gabriel as 'brotherly love' helped with that.
"What about the 'romantic love' you mentioned earlier?" Castiel asked, never truly looking you in the eyes keeping his oceanic eyes down.
"There are many signs that you love someone romantically for example: your palms get sweaty, sometimes you shift your weight, they always seem to be on your mind, in some extreme cases you would gladly give up your life for them, you stutter around the person you like romantically, your pupils dilate and many more." I stop my sentence again since now that I am saying many of these things out loud I realize something, this is how I feel towards Castiel. Suddenly I do something that clearly did not come from a sane mindset overcome by this newfound realization. I take Castiel's hand into mine and feel his icy hands intertwining with my slightly warmer hands.
"A/n" Castiel whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him, shifting his head he was staring at our laced fingers. Quickly I let go of his hand and apologized.
"A-ah sorry Castiel" I let go of his hand letting it rub the back of my neck and eventually let it rest back at my side. "I'm sorry" I apologized again this time muttering the words. I stood up quickly wanting the awkwardness in the  air to disappear. "I best be going now," I gave him a faint smile with an awkward wave turning my back to him.
"Wait a/n" Castiel said, making me stop in my tracks. I could hear his trenchcoat rustling at his sudden movement of standing up. "I think I like you… romantically" I turned back to face Castiel letting me see the desperation in his eyes. As soon as I saw his eyes I ran as fast as I could towards him engulfing him in a hug burying my head in his chest, letting a tear drop out of happiness.
"I feel the same way Cas" I say letting his nickname drop but I sadly had to let go of him as I heard the familiar flap of Naomi's wings along with her goons of course. "And what do you want?" I sneered at the angels in front of us already knowing what they came for quickly standing in front of Castiel protectively hoping that she didn't see what just conspired and decide to drag Castiel down with you.
"That is not a very kind way to greet your superior a/n" Naomi sneered back at me. "Although I'm sure you know why I'm here a/n" She said crossing her arms growing impatient. "Your time has run out" she stated.
I sighed knowing that there was nothing I could do now, I knew my fate since the moment I stepped foot on earth and began walking among the humans trying to understand them. "I know". What else could I say? I walked towards them peacefully fully accepting my fate. As I turned around letting two of Naomi's goons grab my shoulders tightly making sure I did not run away my mouth three words to Castiel. 'I. Love. You.' and smiled sadly at him letting a tear of sadness roll down my s/c cheek and we quickly took off to my banishment to hell. I was not around to see Castiel dropped to his knees and let out a cry of frustration and sadness and what are the words "and I you".
~flashback ends~
Tears start to roll down my face as I remember the last day with my lover Castiel as a knife slices open my stomach, the knife wielded by the fallen righteous man Dean Winchester. He doesn't flinch as my blood sprays in his face. I quickly stop my tears deciding never to show weakness as long as I'm in enemy territory. A part of me knew that my lack of emotion was to try and lessen the famous Winchester's guilt.
Many torturers were sent my way in my years of hell at this point the pain they inflicted did not bother me. It didn't hurt as much as it did annoy me much like a mosquito bite. The only pain that was my own came from my only regret, not confessing to Castiel sooner. I missed him dearly, his rare smiles, his bright blue eyes, his icy fingers, and how could I forget his density. Tilting my head down I stare at Dean Winchester's dulled green eyes. My heart aches for him as I can tell he's been through so much and will sadly go through so much more. Unconsciously I lift my hand and touch Dean's blood splattered face knocking him out of his trance just in time for an alarm to go off.
Angels have broken into hell.
I wasn't surprised at the face that angels had broken into heaven, I knew they wouldn't leave Michel's sword down here. What I didn't know is that Castiel would be the one to grip him tight and raise him from predation. As Castiel gripped Dean's shoulder my eyes locked with his and I knew he was surprised to see me. Castiel stares at me with wide eyes before he snaps back into reality and grabs me by the waist leaving a small imprint on my stomach from his burning hand. "Cas-" I begin to say but suddenly I felt icy fingers grab my waist and helped me inch through the darkness of hell. "Cas" I try to say again but Castiel looked exhausted from battling demons in order to free the trapped Winchester and to add on to his plate you got me who wasn't a part of the plan. Suddenly I felt tired and unconsciously leaned into Castiel and decided to close my eyes and finally got some rest after many years of torture.
When I woke up I was in the middle of a graveyard. I flop over to one side to try and get my bearings. I examine myself, I have s/c skin, h/l and h/c hair, my soul was sent to my last vessel which ment Castiel, not only saved my old vessel but modified it so that I would have the same one if I ever came back. I snap back into reality and I see a hand shoot up from the ground and I get surprised from well… a hand shooting up the ground I try to scatter to my feet but that failed so I ended up tripping over my own two feet and tumbling onto my butt. After the initial shock I do my best to help the buried Winchester. As Dean raised to the surface and it was his turn to come to his senses he regretted not having his demon blade or any holy water to test me.
“If you wanna do your little exorcising chant to make sure I’m not a demon go ahead I’ll just wait until you’re done, not like it’s going to take a long time. Names y/n by the way” remembering to introduce myself with my ‘human’ name that I used long ago.
Dean wasted no time having just come from a place infested with demons corner to corner. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te." Dean recited and after he saw no black smoke coming out of my mouth he let out a relieved sigh. “Dean Winchester'' he introduced himself. “Although…” he gave an awkward chuckle. “You probably already knew that,” Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck, remembering the years he had tortured you. All he could muster to say was a muttered “Sorry” as he finally got a chance to look around him only to see all the trees around his grave site blown away. Instinctively I put my hands up to say I didn’t do it. “What in the world could have caused this?” Dean asked, his eyes widening at the sight.
“I have no idea” I lied as I stood up on my feet.
“And you” Dean pointed his index finger at me. Well it’s true what they say no matter how kind you are to a Winchester they will always treat you with hostility. “What are you? And how did you end up here?”
“As I said b-before I am y/n I had only been hunting 6 months before coming across a case?” I seemingly questioned my words lying through my teeth. “It involved what I learned to be hellhounds if I remember correctly” I continued to lie. “I’m sorry I can’t remember much of the day before ending up there” I said referring to hell before continuing on with the lie. “The last thing I remember is excruciating pain as the hellhound ripped me apart” I said (fake) tearing up making up a fairly believable lie on the spot. “I’m sorry”
“Hey it’s okay why don’t we try and find the nearest store so we can get some grub.” Dean tried to coax me to stop ‘crying’.
“That sounds good”
After walking for seemingly forever we found an abandoned gas station with normal human necessities, food, water, etc. Dean went straight for the water and pie and I of course followed suit trying my best to act like a human. As I twisted off the cap to a water bottle from the fridge and put the water to my lips the taste was overwhelming. I tasted all the chemicals and minerals and it took everything I had not to spit it out. I forced the water down my throat taking in all the tastes, I really had no idea how humans could stand such tastes. My eyes followed Dean to know what to do next, I reasoned with myself that it was because I haven’t been on earth in so long I had forgotten many of the mannerisms and even if I did remember they would probably be very outdated.
Suddenly I could hear Castiel’s voice saying “Dean Winchester, my name is Castiel and I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from predation” sounding like a high pitched scream to the eldest Winchester he covered his ears. I saw that the glass began shaking, about to break. I ran towards Dean doing my best to protect him from the collapsing glass, after all I couldn’t just let a human be injured on my watch. A loud screech was heard once again this theme with a message for me. “A/n” he began “well I suppose you would be going by y/n now. I am coming soon, please just wait a little longer. I love you.” At my lover's words I let out a small smile not being able to wait although the smile was quickly wiped off my face as I remembered where I was and unshielded Dean. Before Dean could come to his senses I quickly took out any big and obvious glass shards so that nothing seemed off to Dean.
“You alright?” Dean questioned, caring about someone else for once. I nodded my head hesitantly, easily faking my emotions. “Alright you stay here and I will go call an old family friend maybe he knows what the hell is going on”
~time skip to the warehouse scene when they officially meet Castiel because I'm lazy~
Thanks to the time in hell plus traveling around with him for the time being Dean now saw me as a younger sibling and of course not spending as much time with me as Dean had Sam (who was currently working with a demon whom he had slept with might I add) and Bobby were still cautious around me. Of course when I met Bobby he did their little Hunter's test on me which I passed with flying colors and did my best to earn his trust in the short time that I've known him. It was thanks to Dean that I was allowed into the warehouse where they were summoning Castiel as he had convinced Bobby that I had just as much of a right to know what saved me from hell as he did. I knew that their wardings would have no effect on Castiel since I was allowed into the warehouse. Cas stormed into the warehouse using his grace to swing open the doors easily walking surprising Bobby and Dean who were shooting at him.
"Who are you?" Dean questioned
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition" Castiel retorted.
"Thanks for that," Dean said while picking up the demon blade.
Dean charged at Castiel with his demon blade in hand. Of course in the moment I wanted to protect my lover but I knew he wouldn't die from a stupid demon knife. As Dean plunged the knife into Castiel he was shocked for the second time when he didn't see Castiel flashing orange and collapsing. Castiel took out the demon blade like it was nothing.Bobby tried to hit him from behind but Castiel simply stopped the weapon's momentum and put two fingers to his head to knock him out. Dean looked sacred as his eyes darted between Castiel and Bobby.
"Dean" Cas turned his head to face me "y/n, we need to talk"
Dean ran over to Bobby to make sure he was still alive while Cas started to inspect a book out of curiosity.
"Your friend is still alive," Castiel stated while flipping through a book.
"Who are you?" Dean questioned again swinging his head away from the fainted Bobby to look at the angel in a trenchcoat.
"Yeah I figured that much" Dean added sarcastically "What are you?" Dean asked quickly, his eyes never wavering from Castiel who was still inspecting the book.
"I am an angel of the lord" Castiel said, turning his head away from the book to look at Dean then myself. Castiel mentally questioned if I had told him anything as to which I shook my head.
"Get the hell out of here" Dean said in disbelief. "There's no such thing" Dean stood up trying to size up the angel.
"This is your problem Dean" Castiel paused "you have no faith"
"Y/n don't you have anything to say about this!" Dean screamed at me as I had been quiet throughout the whole ordeal.
"Well my personal belief is that everything has to have an opposite so if demons and hellhounds exist why can't angels" I said calmly shrugging my shoulders trying to calm Dean. After I said this Castiel showed the shadow of his wings.
Dean seemed to believe Castiel now "well some angel you are, you burned out that poor woman's eyes" Dean said referring to Pamala (?) Who looked at Castiel's true form and had her eyes burnt out.
"In my defense I did try and warn her not to spy on my true form" Castiel turned his body to face Dean "my true form can be" he paused for a second trying to think of the word "overwhelming to humans, so can my true voice, but you already knew that" Castiel moved his arms not really knowing what to do with them
"Back at the gas station, that was you?" Castiel could only nod his head in confirmation. "Buddy next time lower the volume"
"I could hear him just fine though" they both turned they're heads to me, Dean in surprise and Castiel out of politeness.
"I apologize Dean that was my mistake" Castiel apologized turning back to Dean "I thought you were like y/n over hear who could hear it but I was wrong"
"What visage are you in now? Holy tax accountant?"
"This is…" Castiel gestured to his body "this is a vessel"
"So what now you're possessing some poor guy?"
"Dean, that's impossible since angels can only gain a vessel by gaining the person's permission" I stepped in.
"And how do you know this?" Dean whipped his head towards me.
"I'm sorry that I've hidden it but I am also an angel. Well maybe closer to an ex-angel"
"Ex-angel?" Dean questioned
"Well you see I was angel just like the rest of them following god's every word but the more time I spent on earth the more I strayed from the 'right path' and eventually was sent down to hell as punishment of course until Castiel swooped us up" I explained very simply skipping over the fact that me Castiel are lovers. "So I highly doubt that angels would still accept me as one of them so…ex-ange. Don't get me wrong I still got the same tricks as that guy over there" I said shoving my thumb in Castiel's direction.
Dean was internally questioning whether or not he should trust me at the moment and it was clear on his face. ''Then why would Castiel save you?"
Me and Cas shared a look at Dean's question basically asking each other 'should we tell him?'. Castiel gave a curt nod saying we should. I sighed and put my hand on my head thinking of the simplest way to explain to Dean but Cas beat me to it. "We're lovers," Cas stated, simply deepening his voice.
"My true name is a/n, y/n is the name I use when I'm walking down on earth as an extra precaution" I explained.
"So basically everything you've told me up till now has been a lie!?" Dean screamed at me.
"I am sorry Dean" I bowed my head and apologized. "If you want me too I will go off with Castiel for the time being and reappear when you pray for either one of us" I felt horrible lying to him but he would've treated me like Castiel if he knew so it was out of self preservation.
"Fine" Dean agreed.
"Until next time Dean" I bowed and flew off with Castiel by my side once again.
It took a lot of time but I eventually regained the majority of the Winchester's trust. The angels found out that I had escaped hell when they all fell from heaven but they were too wrapped up in finding vessels, adjusting to life and their own political affairs to really care. When we had a free moment Castiel and I decided to have a human wedding. Cas of course never took off the trenchcoat which I didn't mind as he looked good in it. We never really had kids of our own but we've basically adopted Kelly's nephilim Jack. I know I could never replace Jack's mom but I wanted to be there for him.
Sorry if the ending wasn't that good, when I started writing I didn't know how I was going to end it and alternative endings I thought of just didn't feel like endings so you get that piece of crap ending. I also could have made a book out of this (just saying) so that's another reason it could be so bad.
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
Kita Shinsuke : Matchmaker
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☽ suna x reader ; 2.6k words
☞ characters mentioned : kita shinsuke, aran ojiro, atsumu miya, osamu miya
☽ fluff, he takes care of you when ur sick ! even tho he’s a menace, kita being an angel
☽ a slight mention of adult themes (its a teasing joke)
☽ notes : hiii i wrote this for a friend and i figured id add it here teehee :))
hey Jesus, i know we don’t talk much but...fuck you. i feel like literal dog shit
You groaned as you shoved yet another tissue in your nose. You were sick, and God forbid it wasn’t the worst cold you’d ever had.
This morning you had pulled on your uniform in a haze; honestly it's a miracle you even made it to school. Aran had stopped you in the hallway when you arrived, putting a hand on your shoulder and placing the back of his palm against your forehead.
He immediately got out his phone and texted someone-presumably Kita, since he was the one most qualified to handle this. The captain had dealt with him and Atsumu both when they were sick so he could surely help you and get you to go the hell home.
You had pushed weakly at Kita when he ushered you towards the entrance of the building, assuring that you were a-o-kay. You ended up making friends with a nearby trashcan and emptying your guts right after the claim. Kita had held your hair back and rubbed your shoulders reassuringly. Afterwards, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick message to someone. Who? You didn’t know.
Kita had made sure to get you home in one piece. He tucked you into bed, placed a cold rag onto your head, and you think you heard him say something about bringing you soup later. Sleep crept up on you quickly and you were out before he even stepped out the door.
Now you were unfortunately awake, cursing whatever God could hear. This was absolutely awful. A dull throb ran through your skull insistently, mucus clotted your nose and throat, making your breaths uneven and raspy. You wanted to quench the ache in your throat but even the idea of sitting up seemed to drain too much energy, so you laid there in pain.
You assumed it was mid-afternoon. Kita had drawn the curtains above the window closed, leaving the room dark. You were especially grateful for this, for you knew any light would make your eyes hurt.
Your phone lay unchecked on the table face-down. The fear of worsening your headache is what caused it to stay there. Whoever wanted to talk would have to wait. You switched out the tissue in your nose for a fresh one, groaning again.
You wanted to take a shower so bad. You hated getting sick because you felt disgusting and knew you looked it too. Embarrassment bloomed when the events from this morning played in your mind.
Aran’s gonna joke about that for weeks.
A soft knock from the door drew you away from your thoughts. That’s probably Kita. A hoarse “come in” fell from your chapped lips and you internally cringed at how awful you sounded, even if it was just your childhood friend.
“You look like shit.”
That was not Kita.
“Suna? what the fuck?”
“Shut Up. You’re going to hurt your throat worse.”
Is this what I get for saying fuck you? I apologize so much anything but this please
“You’ve gone through two boxes of tissues already? Kita wasn’t lying, damn.”
You turned your head away from Suna’s voice, attempting to cover your sick-stricken face. Out of all people. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Suna- the two of you actually got along (if you count bickering back and forth all the time getting along). The problem was you happened to have a humongous crush on him.
The wing spiker had gotten on your nerves at first- smirks hidden behind a hand, foot sticking out to trip you in the hallway, drawing on your notes- he was almost unbearable. But as the both of you got older, you started returning his remarks, nudging him lightly into lockers, laughing at the twins together and sharing footage of their stupid fights.
Your crush had crept up on you almost unknowingly until one day he slung an arm over your shoulder and shot you one of his signature smirks and you were gone. It was infuriating, to say the least.
“Earth to y/n, hello y/n.”
“Ah-ah, no speaking, remember?” You shot him a glare, receiving that smirk yet again. You cursed at the butterflies swarming your stomach.
“You’re shivering.”
It was a simple comment. You realized after a beat that he was right and pulled the blanket farther up your body. He sat down the bag he held in his hand and made his way over to your bed. You squirmed in protest, trying to scooch away from his outstretched hand. Your actions caused Suna’s brows to furrow, a small line creasing on his forehead.
“I’m just going to check if you still have a fever,” he whispered, moving forward despite your futile attempts at moving away. You gave in, allowing him to gently place his hand on your forehead.
He wasn’t terribly close, he had been closer to you before this, but this felt different. More intimate.
“You’re burning up,” he said, leaning back with a sigh. “Sit tight, I’ll start a bath for you.”
You tried to keep your swarming thoughts at bay with no luck. Your crush, Suna Rintaro, is drawing a bath for you. A bath. He’s taking care of you.
Why is he being so nice? This has to be a set up, or Kita probably forced him. There’s no other way he would willingly be doing this...is there? You shut down the thought as quickly as it came. No sense in getting flustered over nothing. No need to fuel your growing crush.
You weren’t fit to complain anyways. The exact thing you wanted is being done right now, so you did as you were told, slightly sitting up to fetch yet another tissue. The pounding in your head still hadn’t ceased and a sudden cough racked your body. You wanted to cry- and you didn’t cry often. But you felt horrible.
“Hey, you okay?”
Apparently you hadn’t held up your facade well enough because a look of concern washed over Suna’s face the instant he stepped back into the room. You shook your head lightly in response to his question, feeling tears welling up behind your eyelids in spite of your attempts to keep them at bay.
The last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of Suna. It was practically a death wish. You could imagine the jokes and poking laughter he would send your way over the next few weeks, and it made you feel even worse.
“Hey, hey now, look at me.”
The words were whispered closer to you than you anticipated. Suna had sat down on the edge of your bed while you were caught up in your thoughts, that same line present between his brows. You fought the urge to touch it, facing away from him again and reaching up to wipe your eyes.
“I’m fine.” That instigated a scoff.
“No you’re not. Now c’mon, let’s get you into the bath. You’ll feel better.”
Right. A bath. Despite the fact that Suna’s presence was wearing you thin, a bath sounded great. The only problem was, you knew you were too weak to walk to your bathroom across the hall. It took so much energy to even sit up, much less actually get on your feet.
Suna must have sensed something was wrong because in mere seconds he was lifting the heavy blanket off of your body and moving closer. Your breath hitched when he moved one strong arm under your back and another under your knees, eyes concentrated.
“Put your arm around my neck,” Suna murmured. You failed to notice the blush that had lifted to his ears because your own was blossoming on your face, making your already warm cheeks heat up even more.
This is purgatory.
You did as he said, lightly wrapping your arm up his shoulder and around his neck. He picked you up in one smooth motion, shocking you. You knew he worked out because of volleyball, but jesus christ. Your head throbbed in protest to the movement, and you winced involuntarily.
“Sorry, shouldn’t have moved so fast.”
Your heart was beating frantically in your chest from the proximity. You were so close you could see the long eyelashes that framed his eyes, light traces of black eyeliner around the corners. You saved that in the back of your mind to ask about later.
Suna carried you into the bathroom and placed you gently on the counter. You pushed away the noise of protest that you wanted to let out from the loss of contact. No need to embarrass yourself even more.
“I’ll get you some clothes and leave them outside, take as long as you want.”
You murmured a small thank you as you watched him move towards the door. You hated that you missed him already.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here the whole time.”
“Like I care.”
“Yea, okay princess.”
You glared at him as he closed the door behind him with a small chuckle. Princess. You fumed at the reaction you had to the pet name.
This is horrible. I’m horrible. I’ll just blame it on him. Him and that stupidly hot smirk.
The bath became increasingly inviting as you sat, eventually leading you to strip of your dirty clothes and step into the warm water. It felt amazing. After a few minutes you felt your eyes begin to droop, the steam luring you to sleep.
You didn’t know how long you had slept but judging by the temperature of the water, at least 15 minutes, maybe longer. The water hadn’t cooled completely but had lost its comfortable warmth. Begrudgingly you stepped out of the water and dried off.
You wrapped the towel around yourself and padded towards the door, opening it to retrieve the clothes Suna said he left for you. Just like he said, a small stack of clothes laid on the floor. You grabbed them and faced back towards the sink, wincing at your reflection in the mirror.
You really did look awful. Embarrassment settled into your bones again as you unfolded the clothes to put them on. A small part of your brain pointed out that they were big, too big to be your clothes, but a fit of coughs cut off your train of thought.
A knock came from the door. “Y/n? You okay?”
“Ye-“ Another cough broke off your sentence.
“Knock twice if you’re dressed.”
A small smile crept up on your face at the thought of Suna being considerate. You knocked on the door twice signaling him that it was okay for him to come in. A moment later it opened. Suna was holding what seemed to be a cup of tea in his hands and you reached for it with a sigh.
“Lavender, right?” You halted in your movements.
“Yea...how did you-“
“I pay attention.”
Your face flushed. His gaze never faltered from your face. How did he say that so casually?
“You look good in my clothes.”
So that’s why they were big. You looked in the mirror again, eyes locking in on the large “Inarizaki Volleyball” plastered on the front of the black material.
“Should wear ‘em more often.”
“Shut- shut up.”
“Mhm, okay. Feelin’ better?” You nodded.
“A little. Still feel like shit.”
“Look it, too.”
“Thanks, asshole.”
A light chuckle escaped him and he moved closer towards you. Something felt different. You noticed his eyes linger on you longer, many lapses of silence filled the spaces where playful arguing usually was.
“Cap texted me and asked to bring you soup, he had to do some more shit before he came over.”
“What do you mean, hm?”
You didn’t get it. Why of all people would Kita send Suna to tend to you? What about Aran? Osamu? Hell, even Atsumu would have been higher on the list than Suna. Maybe…
“That bastard.”
“Woah now, what did Cap do to you?”
Kita was one of the only people who knew about your crush. Of course he would pull some strings to get Suna to come over. That little-
“Hey now pretty thing, don’t frown too much. You’ll get wrinkles.”
It was then you noticed a light touch on your forehead, right in between your eyebrows. Suna was rubbing the space there, just like you had wanted to do to him.
You hoped Suna couldn’t tell how fast your heart was beating or just how much you knew you were blushing.
After a moment of silence Suna still hadn’t removed the touch on your face. He met your eyes, slowly moving to cup your cheek.
“Why are you here, Rin?” His thumb stroked your cheek with a feather-like graze and you swore you saw his eyes flit downwards to your lips. “To take care of you, of course.”
“You’re going to catch my cold.”
“You’ll just have to pay me back later, yeah?”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, the corners of his mouth edging upwards.
what the fuck did i do to deserve this?
You pushed his hand away and looked away from his gaze. You could manage standing from afar and pining, sure, but what you couldn’t deal with was Suna messing around with you like this. You ignored the ache in your chest, choosing to cover it up by reaching for another tissue.
“Y/n.” You ignored him.
“Y/n, look at me.” You braced your arms on the bathroom sink with a sigh.
“What, Suna.”
“Rin. It’s Rin, to you.” You scoffed.
“Why am I any different than anyone else?”
You turned to face him again, confusion and slight annoyance bubbling under your skin. “Because what?” Suna groaned and ran a hand over his face. “You’re so oblivious.”
Okay, now you were annoyed.
“Oblivious? How am I oblivious?”
“Because you haven’t realized how different you are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you fucking messing with me Suna? Look, I’m in no mood for your stupid games-“
“Would you shut up for one second and think.”
You leaned back against the sink with a cough, wincing as another throb of pain shot through your head. Any traces of anger or annoyance vanished from Suna’s face in an instant. He left the bathroom and you heard him rustling through the bag he left in your room. He returned with a bottle of pills and an ice pack.
“Here. Take these.” You took the small pills from his outstretched hand and washed them down with the now lukewarm tea. “Have you thought about it?” You rolled your eyes dramatically, placing your hand under your chin to mock a thinking position. “No, I don’t think I have.” He rolled his eyes in return. “Fine. Would I be doing this for anyone else? Hm?”
It’s a good point. One you didn’t bother thinking about. Sure, maybe he would do it for his teammates, but that was a hard maybe. He just wasn’t the caretaker type, much less with someone he wasn’t close with. You realized the implication behind his words in an instant.
“You...you like me?”
“‘Bout time you figured that out, sweetheart.”
All of the moments between you two passed through your mind in a frenzy, and you started to laugh. It was hysterical, really. All this time you just knew Suna could never like you back.
i take it back. thank you. sorry for saying fuck you
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” He scoffed, “And risk losing my appearance? Hell no,” he said, sending you that damn smirk again.
“You are a menace, Rintaro.”
“Yea, but I’m your menace. You’re stuck with me.”
“That’s horrifying.”
“Oh shush, ya love me.”
“Yea, yea. Now, get me back in my bed. I need to sleep.”
“Inviting me to bed already? Wow y/n.”
“I hate you.” He reached over and pecked your cheek.
“Hate you, too.”
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thetrap · 4 years
why i think deancas just might go canon
i’ve been wanting to write this for a bit, but i haven’t really had the time until now. basically this is just a super unorganized collection of thoughts i have on why i think that dean and castiel actually have a fairly decent shot of becoming canon (and by decent shot i mean like.....a solid 5% chance. and that’s being generous). this is based off of the show itself (obviously), quotes from andrew dabb, and other things.
1. andrew dabb is deancas positive
i made a post a while back that never made it out of the drafts, but it was basically a summation of all the good deancas shit dabb has given us as a writer. here are the bullet points:
- the hug/"i'm not leaving here without you!" moment in purgatory (8x02) 
- "don't lose it over one man"
- "he's in love.....with humanity"
- cas/colette parallel ("dean. stop.") in 10x22
- just the fight scene from the prisoner in general like......wow
- sam/jess and dean/cas parallel in 12x23
- "we've lost everything......and now, you're gonna bring him back" + dean's just generally overwhelming grief in 13x01
- "and how is it that you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.....you know, everything"
and these are just the big moments.
also notable is the fact that an activist sent dabb (and some of the other producers of spn i think) a book about dean and cas and why the fans want it/why it would be a good thing for the show. a few years later, meghan fitzmartin (who wrote the most recent episode!) was hired as dabb’s assistant, went into his office and posted a tweet a with pictures of the book, saying something along the lines of “doing some reading for work!”
the fact that dabb actually kept a fanmade deancas book for years.....the fact that he’s consistently written episodes with really strong subtext for years.....the fact that the dean and castiel romantic tension has only picked up since he took over as showrunner (mixtape, lily sunder, cas’s death, dean’s grief arc, the entirety of season fifteen, etc.)......idk i just think it’s really interesting that there has been such a marked shift since he was put in charge.
2. the mixtape
i know this was a few seasons ago, but it’s still relevant because like. a mixtape is not platonic. this scene was not platonic. full-stop.
and it’s not even the act by itself; it’s also the dialogue!! “it was a gift. you keep those.” this is more than likely a direct callback to aragorn and arwen in lord of the rings (that’s the first thing i thought of, at least).
the fact that dabb let this slide, like......he knows what this looks like. berens and glynn, who wrote this episode, know what it looks like. they knew precisely how this would be perceived, and then wrote and aired the scene anyways.
and that’s not even getting into the camerawork. like what?? was this shot???
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yeah so. definitely not platonic.
3. the trap
honestly i thought about just posting this part of this overlong essay thing, because to me, this is the episode where i went okay, so this might actually happen.
there are SO many things in this episode that made me go insane the first time i watched it (”i left, but you didn’t stop me”) but the thing that stuck out to me the most was dean’s reaction to castiel saying, “you don’t have to say it. i heard your prayer,” when dean tries to tell him something.
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like?????? he does not look relieved!! nor does he look particularly happy!!
hell, if you go back and watch the video you can literally see him swallow his words down like....jensen ackles is the master of micro expressions and that shit is Not Accidental. this moment 100% gives the vibe that there is something that is not being said. the camera following dean as he gives cas a lingering look is really interesting too.
3. dabb’s comments about dean and cas in season 15
this part is actually sort of related to the point above, since a lot of dabb’s comments are in reference to “the trap.” here are some interesting ones that i want to point out:
But the Leviathan won’t be the focal point of the purgatory story. Rather, it’s about what Dean and Castiel are going through. “They’re not going to resolve the emotional stuff, but it allows them to redefine their friendship a little bit in light of what’s happened especially earlier this season,” Dabb says. (x)
the key thing here is that dabb said that, in 15x09, dean and cas are “not going to resolve the emotional stuff.”
now. i don’t know about you, but dean falling to his knees, praying to cas and weeping feels a lot like emotional resolution to me. like, sure, things will probably be awkward between them for a while, but surely this is the peak moment of their emotional vulnerability with each other, right? surely this is the moment where they’ve resolved the issue between them? like how the fuck does it get more intensely emotional than this??
yet dabb seems to be implying that it will, which leaves us with the million dollar question: what is left about dean and cas’ relationship to resolve?
keep in mind that as of 15x16, there hasn’t been much forward movement on that front; that is, we’ve had some cute moments between them, but in terms of serious conversation about their relationship, there’s been basically nothing. so we can assume that this development, whatever it is, will occur in 15x18, since dean and cas will be separated for most of 15x17, as cas will be off with sam.
aka the episode where cas will likely get yanked away by the empty. aka the episode with the teary (!!!) conversation we saw in the promo between dean and cas.
also notable from the above quote is dabb saying that dean and cas are redefining their friendship. like....redefining how? to what?? that wording is just really interesting to me.
another quote from dabb re “the trap”:
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it forces them to “start that process.” indicating yet again that the prayer scene between dean and cas is not the moment where whatever is between them is resolved. yet, from where we are right now, dean and cas seem mostly fine. which means that whatever they have yet to work out doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with their fight.
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a really significant chunk of what happens to dean in 15x09 is him confronting his issues with cas. don’t get me wrong - there are other important things that happen in the episode - but the fact that an episode where so much time/emotional energy is given to dean and cas’ dynamic is considered a turning point for dean is very notable and, to me, speaks to the importance of their relationship for the rest of the season.
4. dean/cas and sam/eileen being set up as units
i’m of the opinion that sam and dean will (by choice) go their separate ways at the end of the show. i think this for a variety of reasons that i wrote about here, and to add onto this, i think that dean/cas and sam/eileen are, in a way, being set up as two units.
this theory comes from two points:
1. the fact that eileen got brought back at all
this isn’t to say that eileen isn’t an interesting character all on her own/outside of her romance with sam, but the fact that they brought her back and then proceeded to set her up in this romance feels really significant to me. what’s especially interesting is how, even after she leaves in 15x09, we get a continuation of their romance in 15x14. i don’t necessarily think that she’s sam’s endgame in the sense that the final episode will show sam going to her or whatever, but i do think that part of the reason she was brought back was so that sam would have someone who he loves/someone he could potentially build a life with after he and dean defeat chuck.
2. the way the two couples were portrayed in “the trap”
like....just watch the future scenes in the bunker. there’s very much a sense that these are two couples living together. and “ever since the mark made cas go crazy, ever since i had to bury him in a ma’lak box.” note the use of i, not we. and then dean/cas and sam/eileen are directly paralleled when dean tells sam he needs to give it up after eileen’s death, comparing it to how dean has given it up after having to bury cas in the ma’lak box.
5. dean does not do Well without cas
this is probably an understatement. there have been a couple of notable instances in this season where the viewer is given a glimpse of what happens to dean when cas dies/is in danger of death/is separated from dean (in case the whole ass widower arc in s13 wasn’t enough).
two of these are from “the trap”:
1. dean freaking out/crying/praying when he’s separated from cas in purgatory
2. dean giving up on life/hunting after burying cas in the ma’lak box in the future world
3. dean’s reaction to cas temporarily going to the empty in 15x13
the one i want to spend the most time on is number two, in large part because sam was witness to it and i think that this might get brought up in 15x17.
part of my spec for that episode is that cas will tell sam about his deal/sam will find out somehow, and in reaction sam might tell cas about how dean reacted to his death in s13 - a conversation that was notably absent from the show when cas finally returned in 13x05. i also think that he might mention no. 2 above, basically telling cas that if he dies, dean is done. that he won’t be able to handle it/move past it. the show has been telling us this over and over for a while now, and it’s only been emphasized more in season 15. i think that 15x17 is the episode where this will finally be verbally expressed.
to me, all of this emphasis on dean giving up when cas is gone isn’t for nothing. in my opinion, it’s being done very purposefully to set up an endgame where dean and cas are together in some sense of the word. and a lot of what i’ve said above is what makes me think it’ll be a Romantic together.
5. bobo berens’ three part deancas saga
so we all know that berens is pretty much spn’s foremost deancas warrior, and what i want to point out here is how this season has been utilizing him as a writer.
this season, berens has three solo episodes (he wrote “galaxy brain” with meredith glynn):
1. the rupture
2. the trap
3. despair (formerly known as “the truth”)
so far, these first two episodes have had major deancas moments. you could even label them as:
1. the rupture (the breakup)
2. the trap (the reconciliation)
3. depair (???)
keep in mind also that berens wrote 14x18, where the dean and cas sort of had a preliminary breakup. he’s been in charge of this arc for a while, and the fact that so much of his writing this season has been deancas focused.......i don’t know, i just think it’s significant in part because, while berens has always been deancas positive, he also writes plenty of episodes that aren’t focused on dean and cas. but now, in the final season, the dean and cas emotional arc has been handed to him, and it’s been the primary focus on his writing.
(sidenote: berens was promoted to executive producer for this final season)
to me, this is all leading to a big moment between dean and cas in 15x18 - and the fact that it was at one point called “the truth,” only to be switched back to despair - makes me think that there will be some sort of confession involved. my money is on cas being the one to say it (especially since this would line up with the leak), especially given the glimpse we saw of (what might be) this moment in the promo. which leads me to...
6. cas does not cry
i saved this for last because the promo where we see teary-eyed cas is actually what pulled me back into this shitshow.
cas does not cry. like. ever. he got a little teary in 15x15, when jack told him of his plan to sacrifice himself, but we have never - never - seen him shed actual tears. and in the promo, particularly that shot where cas says “you have fought for this whole world,” it 100% looks like cas is about to cry cry.
cas has seen his son die. he has seen dean die. he died himself, over and over and over. and we have never seen him cry.
yet for some reason, in this moment of vulnerability with dean, he’s crying. i find it highly unlikely that cas would cry because of his impending death, for a number of reasons (for one, he wouldn’t want to upset dean more than he has to). so, assuming he’s not crying because of his own death, then what is making cas so emotional that he is genuinely crying for the first time in the twelve seasons he has been on the show?
my guys.....i can only think of one thing.
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Hi hi! Was hoping for some hurt comfort- Maybe the brothers with an MC who doesn't have a family in the human world? Basically they're really upset and terrified to leave because they finally have a family who loves and accepts them, and now it's being taken away from them? They want to stay and are willing to do whatever it takes to stay because they're finally happy? I get if this is too heavy- remember to stay hydrated and eat- and if ya have meds take 'em-
It's 👏 not 👏 heavy 👏 at all👏
In fact that it'a preciselly my own MC's reason for wanting to stay in the Devildom!
Because of that, what I just wrote strays a bit from the usual seeing I have used my own MC for it.
This took me a while and honestly I was first thinking of not doing this request, but I wanted to write something for it so bad.
So I hope you enjoy this!
I wrote it while having DARK's version of What a Wonderful World playing on repeat with the ocasional We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn!
We'll Meet Again
And at last the day has come.
It was innevitable, Yukihime knew.
Right from the moment she first stepped in the grounds of hell under the stare of many powerful demons and was told she was now their new exchange student, albeit against her will, she knew, she knew it all would end at some point.
She knew that, under 365 days, she would be back once again to the human world.
Back to a house with too many empty bedrooms, back to playing pretend, back to visiting graves on holidays, to cursing God on daily basis.
I don't want to go back... she thought once again.
Had she ever?
She didn't want to when Mammon grumbled to himself while scorting her to the House of Lamentation on the first day, she didn't want to when she had to summon Asmodeus to flirt with a giant snake, she didn't want to when she felt her ribs crushing and the hot blood rise in her throat as her lungs were punctured in Belphie's hold, and she sure as hell didn't want to now, specially when she has finally started to feel what is like to have a family again.
Yukihime couldn't help but fall into her old habit of cursing God when she found herself walking inside the counsil room, the first place she has stepped on when she first arrived, and the last place she would step on before being sent back home.
Yukihime scoffed at the word in her mind.
At least everyone is present this time. The ravenette hit herself mentally at the thought as her heart grew heavier when she looked around the room, several different hues of expectant eyes meeting back her own lavender colored gaze.
She could barely feel the time pass, or did she feel like it was going too fast? As she watched as Luke, Simeon and Solomon chit chatted with the demon brothers, Yukihime could swear time was both going fast foward and in slow motion. But that was probably just consequence of the constant flush of blood being sent to her brain as the beats of her heart grew both stronger and more strained.
I don't want to go back... It was all she could hear herself plead.
"Take care, Yukihime."
"Till next time!"
"I hope we can get together again sometime up in the human world"
Three voices she could reconize spoke to her. Simeon, Luke and Solomon.
Yukihime's blood ran cold as she realized it was already time for them to go.
"Take care, all of you guys!" She felt herself turn on the autopilot as the smile on her face betrayed the hands she firmly kept clenched together as an attempt to ground herself just enough.
She didn't even have time to process the Purgatory Hall residents desappearing before the demon lord turned his attention to her figure.
"...Well then, that brings us to you, Yukihime"
Ah, how she wanted to get mad at the one responsable for bringing her to hell in the first place.
"To be completely honest," he started, furrowing his brows in a serious face Yukihime believed she would never grown used to "I felt worried whether I'd made the right choice inviting a regular human here." His demanor once again shifted back to his usual easy going atmosphere "but as it turned out, I was worried over nothing"
Yukihime slowly felt herself getting a better grasp on reality as a firm hand belonging to no one else but the man in front of her came to rest on top of her shoulder.
"You've brought change to the Devildom, to RAD, and most importantly to each one of us. I truly appreciate everything you have done, thank you, Yukihime."
His words ressonated in her heart. Along with all the joy and sadness she has come to experience the past year, along with all of her dread of never getting a chance to come back, along with all of her thoughts on how if this was how soldiers being discharged felt like.
"Thank you for inviting me."
And she meaned it.
"Make sure you don't go doin' anythin' crazy in the human world, got it?"
Even through all the messes she had to deal with.
"...Listen, I am not going to erase out saved data for the game we were working on beating together, okay?"
Even through all the trials and errors.
"Take care of yourself okay?"
"Bye bye, my sweet little kitten."
Even through all the dangers.
"Remember to eat when you're hungry okay?"
Even through the memories and the sorrow.
"I wanted to spend more time with you."
Even through the pain.
"I'll never forget this year I've spent with you."
She really meaned it.
"The Devildom will always be here for you, always."
And in a blink of an eye, she was back.
Back to where it all started, back to the same balcony she secluded herself to so long ago when the loneliness was too much to bare, back to the same sunset over the horizon.
No... Yukihime though, shaky hands holding onto the same cold rails she often found comfort on for support.
Their coldness didn't feel as comforting anymore.
She took a closer look at the sun. The small curve of light just barelly peaking through the baby blue sky in soft rays sunshine.
It was a sunrise.
Like a broken dam, Yukihime's airways opened as she let out loud hiccup. Frantic pale hands tried to unsuccessfully muffle the watery sounds that kept on scaping her mouth in desparation.
Losing the last bits of strenght on her legs, the ravenette sank to her knees.
The irony of it all be dammed.
Dammed be the sun that screamed new begginings, dammed be the house she spent a full year away from yet still carried so many memories, dammed be the tears that refused to scape her tearducts even when she wanted to do nothing but weep.
A vibration coming from her coat's pocket startled her.
With rushed yet almost hesitant movements, the ravenette hastly reached her hand to grab onto the device she has come to familiarize herself with.
Too paralized to do anything but, the girl stared at the lock screen of her D.D.D., the thing resonsable for the vibration being a single text message:
"Did you arrive okay?"
As she has come to expect, it didn't take long for another one to pop in.
"Ya alive right?"
And another.
"Make sure to get some rest and eat something"
And another.
"Lord of Shadows to Henry, respond if you're okay, over."
And another.
"Give me a call once you can!"
And another.
"Did you arrive in a one piece?"
And another.
"I already miss you."
Oh, God be dammed.
Lavender eyes lifted their gaze from the phone like device to stare once again into the now halfway from fully rising sun.
And she breathed...
And out...
A challenging smirk slowly took it's place on her lips as she let's out an almost mocking chuckle.
She, at last, has come to a conclusion.
New begginings be dammed.
This was just the end of the prologue.
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Business Vs. Pleasure Pt. 2
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing Lucifer/ MC 
Type: Angst 
Pt. 1 Here
Warning: Swearing 
*****The next Morning***** 
You wake up slowly, a massive headache forming from all the crying last night. You felt like you had been hit by a truck. You locate your DDD to see tons of messages from the night before when the brothers found out you went home sick and Belphie telling them that you were sleeping and to leave you alone. Almost all the brothers personally texted you to make sure you were okay. Lucifer called you a bunch of times too. There was a lot of commotion in the group chat as well.  
House of Lamentation Chat.
Lucifer: Y/n wake up, breakfast 
Beel: Lucifer she wasn’t feeling good last night let her sleep 
Asmo: Y/n what happened? Are you up 
Belphie: Clearly not or she would have responded by now.
Mammon: I’m going to wake her up, it's almost afternoon
Lucifer: Mammon I will hang you upside down if you disturb her 
Y/n: I’m up guys, why are you screaming Mammon
Lucifer: hey sweetheart how are you feeling 
Y/n: Like I got hit by a truck, my head is pounding 
Beel: Want me to make you anything?
Lucifer: Take it easy Y/n don’t push yourself to much 
Satan: Lunch will be ready in a couple hours if you feel hungry
Y/n :I’m not hungry right now, maybe I’ll come down for lunch
After confirming you were okay you crawled to the shower and started it. While waiting for the water to warm up you look in the mirror and notice your mark missing on your neck. You shake your head before calling Jack. As soon as he picked up he knew something was wrong, I told him everything that happened last night and he just sighed heavily. He talked to me and offered to make me a new dress so that I didn’t have any memories. I gladly accepted and  sent him pictures from last night that Asmo had taken of me dancing with the brothers. He got me laughing like he always does and encouraged me to keep my head up. I hung up with him and took a shower feeling better now that my emotions were straightened out. I threw on a comfy outfit ( your choice) and noticed that Satan had announced lunch was ready. I walked out of my room and went to the table slipping in the free spot between Asmo and Beel. Lucifer looked up at me and shot me a smile. I attempt a smile back, but it comes out strained. I drop my head in my hands. 
“Y/n would you mind going on a date with me tonight?” Lucifer asked, bringing me out of my daze. I struggle to think of an excuse, not ready to face him.
“She can't, we had a meeting with Simeon and Luke” Beel cut in quickly. I sigh and look to Lucifer.
“Beel is right, I have to head over to Purgatory hall.” I muster my best apologetic smile to Lucifer. 
“Don’t forget we have a spa night planned” Asmo sings to me leaning over and cupping my cheek. “ It will help you relax since you aren’t feeling well” I nodded at him, feeling a little upset that I have to keep smiling.  I stood up from my Lunch and took my plate to the kitchen. 
“You barely ate Sweetheart. Are you sure you don’t want more?” Lucifer asks, catching me as I walk by. I look at him and shook my head, being with him was hurting too much. Beel and Belphie stand up. 
“Ready Y/n we should head over soon if we want to get done before dinner” Beel tells me and I nod. We rinse our plates and Belphie whispers to me
“Let me know if you need anything okay?” I nod back and Belphie heads towards the attic while Beel and I head out of the house. 
“You okay?” Beel asks once we are away from the hall. I shake my head and feel tears start to form. 
“ I have no idea how I am going to make the next 6 months, all I see when I look at him is him pounding a Succubus. It won’t go away.” I said the last few words in a whisper, tears threatening to fall. 
“Wait, why do you see that?” I hear Satan behind us, he was walking behind us to Purgatory hall. I gasp and Beel throws eyebrows at Satan. 
“What are you doing following us?” Beel asks and now its Satan’s turn to raise his eyebrows at us. 
“Solomon and I have to work on a project, so I am going over.” Satan explains. We travel the rest of the way in silence until we walk into Purgatory hall. Simeon and Luke greet us. 
“Y/n how are you feeling, are you okay, did you talk to him?” Luke fires questions at me as he hugs me looking worried. I shake my head and sigh, Simeon takes my coat and Satan looks even more confused. Solomon comes in. 
"Y/n why did Jack call me threatening murder and wanted me to go check on you?" Solomon looked concerned and I look at him sadly, trying not to cry right here.
“Y/n were you really sick last night or did something happen at the dance?” Satan questions me hanging up his coat and glaring at me. 
“Perhaps we should talk about this over something to drink in the living room.” Simeon offers you shoot him a grateful smile and nod. We go to the living room and Simeon and Luke sit with me on a couch while Satan and Beel sit on the other couch. Solomon comes in with some tea and cookies for us and sits in a chair.
“What happened last night Y/n”  Solomon breaks the silence first. Luke takes my hand and rubs circles into it calming me. Taking a sip of my tea I look up and meet everyone's eyes.
“Beel and I went looking for Lucifer last night during the party and found him doing some things with a couple of Succubi. I have some evidence and left without me seeing him. I ran into these two and they stayed with me until Beel and Belphie took me home. My mark kept burning last night too, but when I woke up this morning it was gone.” I explained, my voice starting to crack again. I couldn’t control the tears starting to fall down my face. My neck felt strange without the usual buzz from Lucifer’s mark. Usually when I touched it I could feel his warmth and heartbeat, but now my skin was cool to the touch and was like any other piece of skin. Simeon placed his arms around me and served as my anchor until I could control my emotions. Satan and Solomon looked at me shocked. 
“Y/n are you sure your mark is gone?” Satan asked wide eyed, I nodded and pulled down the shoulder of my shirt showing that the mark was missing. Satan shook his head and swore. He was shaking  trying not to switch to his demon form,  a battle he quickly lost. He got up and was shaking in fury. You get up and wrap your arms around him.
“Satan please calm down, it was my fault for believing him” I quickly try to calm him down and Simeon walks over and places a hand on Satan’s shoulder helping calm him down. Satan calms down slowly and sits back down, fury still prominent in his eyes. You know he cares about you and has proven to be insanely protective of you in the past. You and Simeon sat back down on the couch with Luke.
“How are you feeling now?” he asks, looking worried at me. 
“Drained and betrayed” I replied honestly,Satan looked at me sadly. “It's going to hurt more than normal for some time, your body is also dealing with losing his mark so you will be a lot more tired than usual.” Satan explained, he sighed heavily. “I’m so sorry Y/n, I can’t believe he did this, I wish there is a way to help.” Solomon just sat there and watched what unfolded with sympathetic eyes. After talking for a little bit longer, Solomon and Satan went off to work on their project and you watched movies with Beel, Simeon and Luke. 
Suddenly your phone starts to blow up with texts from Lucifer.
Luci: Sweetheart are you feeling okay?
Y/n: I’m fine
Luci: Are you sure, something in our bond doesn’t feel right
Luci: What are you doing?
Y/n: We are studying with the angels 
Luci: Why not study with Mammon or me?
Y/n:Simeon  wanted to study with me and Luke made sweets 
so Beel tagged along
Y/n: now excuse me I have work to do
Luci: Do not take that tone with me Y/n 
Y/n: I have stuff to do Lucifer
Luci: Y/N!
Luci: We will talk when you get home 
Y/n: Goodbye Lucifer 
Luci: I love you Y/n 
Y/n: …
5 missed calls from Luci
“Everything okay?” Beel whispered and I shook my head leaning on his shoulder.
“I may have just told Lucifer off, there is going to be hell to pay later” I reply, he groans and took my DDD reading the messages. He shuts off my DDD when Lucifer doesn't stop calling me. We continue to watch movies until Satan comes down from Solomon’s room. 
“I’ve held off Lucifer for as long as possible. We need to go home” Satan informed us. I growl and stand up, Beel stands up a little slower. 
“ If you need a place to get away Y/n you can always stay with us. “ Simeon offered and Luke nodded giving me a hug. I nod at them gratefully
“ I’ll keep that in mind, but for now I am going to  confront a cheater” I told them, putting on my coat and walking out of the dorm with Satan and Beel. While on the way home I filled Satan in on my fight and he snorted at Lucifer getting possessive. 
We walked into the house and it was eerily quiet. I walked into my room with Satan and Beel to see Lucifer sitting on my bed. 
“Beel, Satan please leave.” Lucifer commands rising from my bed. Both brothers look at me and I nod, they turn around and walk out of my room shutting the door. I sigh and look at Lucifer. He closes the gap and grabs my shoulders. 
“How dare you talk to me like that” He growls out, I glare at him and slowly feel anger built up. 
“How dare you cheat on me and act like everything is okay the next day?” I growl back, I saw him visibly tense. 
“ What did you say?” he asks again. I look him dead in the face. 
“You heard me Lucifer” He pinned me against the wall. 
“ DO NOT TALK LIKE THAT!!! I WOULD NEVER” He yells at me. My door flies open and the other brothers come in. 
“Lucifer let her go,” Beel said warningly, and Satan is pissed. Luci released me. 
“I SAW YOU LUCIFER. IT WASN’T ONE BITCH BUT TWO” I yelled back letting my anger finally go. I didn’t care that the other brothers had entered not knowing what was going on. 
“YOU SAW NOTHING!” Lucifer grabbed you again. 
“ I FUCKING SAW YOU, YOU WERE FUCKING ONE BITCH AND KISSING ANOTHER” I yank myself out of his grasp, tears finally spilling over. Lucifer looked at you shocked. 
“What are you talking about human?” Mammon asked me. He and Levi looked so confused, I sigh and decide to tell them what happened. 
“Last night I saw Lucifer cheating on me with 2 succubi.” I filled them in. 
“ Y/n dear that doesn’t sound like Lucifer”  Asmo was quick to defend Lucifer breaking my heart a little. Mammon and Levi quickly agree with him, clearly not believing me. Lucifer smirked at me. 
“Enough Y/n, you need to calm down and tell the truth. You have been cheating on me with Beel.” Lucifer crossed his arms and the brothers all looked at me. I snapped, seeing red and realizing that he was enjoying himself. 
“I have done no such thing” I defend, Lucifer’s eyes go narrow and he transforms into his demon form. He goes to hit me but Beel blocks the hit. Belphie and  Satan transform into their demon form and stand protectively  in front of me. Belphie wraps his arms around me. The other brothers look in shock. Lucifer looked shocked that they would stand up for me. 
“I was there last night Lucifer, I saw you cheating on her. I don’t know why you did it and I don’t care, but you do not hurt her because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.” Beel told him as he released his hand and Lucifer backed up. 
“ Wait, Lucifer is this true?” Asmo asked in doubt, the fact that the twins and Satan are defending you is making them rethink. I decide to tell Lucifer about my mark and then escape to the library before things escalate more.
“You told me you felt something was wrong with our bond, well it's true, funny you just did not realize it.  My mark is fucking gone because you of you. But now i know what it means when my mark burns, you have never been faithful.” I pulled down my shirt revealing the healed spot. Lucifer’s eyes widened and he sits on my bed, clearly dazed by the fact my mark had left and that I found out his secret. I turned and left my room with Satan and the twins. 
I fled to the library and Satan put up his hexes so that no one could enter and made the library soundproof. I sent the group the video of Lucifer cheating just to make sure everyone knows and turned off my DDD. I tried to keep the tears at bay, but eventually they spilled over. The twins pulled me into one of the library nooks and let me cry. Satan looked at me sadly and sat in the nook with us. Beel pulled me onto his lap, Belphie was on one side and Satan as on the other. Satan started to read poems to me and Belphie started to play with my hair. The boys held me until I fell asleep. 
 These three boys and the angels become my anchors the next 6 months, as I heal and finish the exchange program. Luci tried multiple times to get back with me, but I held my ground against his advances. Even Lord Diavolo told him to give up. I had learned my lesson, never mix business and pleasure, even though the lesson came too late. 
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finaledenialist · 4 years
Okay, your tags on The Empty Post have showed up in my notes and I have to ask. Tell me more. Tell me it all. All of the feelings and thoughts about that scene because what I’ve seen so far? Absolute perfection and I agree wholeheartedly.
Thank you! Okay I basically unloaded most of my thoughts in my tags here but let’s go through this one more time. I may add: this was already said a thousand times by better meta writers than me 3 years ago when season 13 was actually airing. And I will ramble a little about Purgatory, too. Now with that out of the way: 
The Empty. Canonically it is a being, a living immortal being that rules the place or an ‘anti-place’ where angels and demons go are sent to when they die to dream of their regrets forever (this sounds awful and like a punishment for dying despite being immortal, for getting themselves killed or something). Also: the Empty was there before Creation, the Nothingness before Darkness and before Light. 
Okay. But let’s see what other things the Empty represents: lack of anything. Complete nothingness that Cas got sucked into (by Lucifer but also by helping the Winchesters). Now we know that Cas‘I am afraid I might kill myself’tiel had his issues, right (I still can’t believe that we are praising 8x08 thee Hunteri Heroici for being a filler episode with Cas - which is awesome, don’t get me wrong - but we all keep forgetting what he actually did say to Dean there!!! Dean says: are you afraid the angels will kill you if you show up in Heaven? And Cas looks straight into his eyes and says: After all I’ve done, when I see Heaven, I am afraid I might kill myself).
Please remember that it’s not only Dean, Mr. ‘Purgatory was pure’. Cas, after all he did in season 6, after his death in s7, after coming back and being literally haunted by everything he’s done, must have felt that Purgatory was liberating, too. It was some kind of an Alternative Universe where he didn’t have to face the consequences of his actions. He was free of them. It was literally his escape AND additionally it was (well, according to good old christian lore, maybe not specifically spn lore) a place where you are supposed to atone for your sins so there must have been the feeling of atoning, of making things right without actually doing anything specific, where having to survive and not get eaten by the Leviathans was his main problem (= surviving was just enough, nothing was asked of him), which, compared to all he’s done, wasn’t that hard or difficult. He found himself running away from Leviathans which could mirror running away from consequences of his actions - but it was Purgatory, it was at the same time atoning for what he did. It was EASY.
Cas basically confirms that he officially stayed in Purgatory because he didn’t think he deserved to go back to Earth and that is true but what he doesn’t say is: ‘Purgatory was pure and easy and kill or be killed and no other worries than that, no thinking, no real responsibilities which actually was a nice escape from the real world after all I did and been through in the past 3 years’. He wanted out, he wanted an easy choice. Okay, maybe he wasn’t actively looking for an easy way out but when it presented itself - when they appeared in Purgatory - he took it like a gift. We’re talking about a character who spent all his life following orders, who finally broke free and found himself completely lost in the freedom of choices, directionless and maybe wanted an escape. He must have felt overwhelmed but all this freedom (which he basically confirms in 6x20 freedom is a length of rope and god wants you to hang yourself with it). I COMPLETELY understand that choice to escape. 
So in seasons 8-12 Cas has a lot of stuff going on in his head, he gets lobotomized for most of season 8, he is hurt and tortured and treated like shit for most of season 9 and 10 and he ultimately gives himself up to Lucifer in s11 and then he almost dies in 12x12 and he never really got to talk about all of this or work this things out with anyone because Sam or Dean are not really the most talkative guys and Dean in 10x09 basically tells Cas to ‘let it go and not think about it’ which is a shitty advice to someone who suffers from some mental issues if I am being honest (this is like. ur depressed? oh go for a run and smile and stop being sad!!! kind of advice if you ask me). So these issues only grow and grow and start eating him up and please remember that at the very same time Cas is falling in love. I said it previously but I think the moment he realizes what he really feels is 12x12 when he is dying. In that moment he is able to name this feeling but it’s of course covered by: ‘I love you. I love all of you’. 
Now in season 12 he finally gets a proper arc with Kelly (god bless her, honestly, she and Cas had one of the most healthy relationships ever portrayed on tv and it wasn’t even romantic, I could go off about this but it’s getting really long anyway). So he kind of is on his way to find a purpose again - Dean is saved (from hell, from Michael, from the Mark), so he focuses on Kelly and unborn Jack and maybe in his relationship with her he rediscovers love (not necessarily romantic but he sees how she loves Jack) and he does all he can to protect her from basically everyone including the Winchesters. And he promises he will take care of Jack and then. Then he is killed by Lucifer (shattered at the altar of Winchester because he gets involved in the Apocalypse World because of them while having built something for himself with Kelly and Jack BUT still not having properly processed all his previous trauma). 
Okay, so fast forward: Cas is woken up by Jack in the Empty. He is of course confused and stuff (we still don’t know what was he dreaming about all this time he spent there now that we know this is a place where angels and demons dream about their mistakes and regrets <- fanfiction gap #1). He wakes up, he is ‘greeted’ by the Empty and one of the first things he says is that he has to go back because Sam and Dean need him. 
This is his first, automatic thought - I (probably) don’t want to go back, but Sam and Dean need me so I have to, I don’t want to go back for myself because I never wanted to since Purgatory but I know I have to. He doesn’t even think about Jack in this moment. I... maybe it is a stretch but I sense a kind of fear in these words. It’s like he thinks: ‘if I had the chance to come back and chose not to come back from selfish reasons then if the Winchesters ever find out about this they will be angry at me’. But I might be reading too much into this, but on the other hand Jesus fucking Christ this is precisely what happened in Purgatory. He chose to stay although he had a chance to return and the effect was Dean being mad at him. Talk about trauma--
Then the Empty (who was in Cas’ mind) voices his biggest fears: 
'I know who you love, I know what you fear. There is nothing for you back there. Wouldn't you rather be a fond memory than a constant festering disappointment?'
There is a lot to unpack here because this is the Empty’s (who, as stated at the beginning can be read as a manifestation of not only death but also Cas’ depression and self-worth issues) reaction to Cas saying that Sam and Dean need him. She says: uh oh you’re wrong<3 I know who you love, what you fear, the is nothing there for you, sweetie. Essentially: they don’t need you. No one needs you or wants you there. They are better off without you. Wouldn’t you rather be a fond memory (of actually being useful as in: saving Dean from hell, helping to stop the Apocalypse, helping to fight the Leviathans) than a disappointment (failing powers, makes mistake after a mistake, chooses to protect the unborn Antichrist rather than killing him before he’s born - and not to make this whole thing worse but this is what Dean has the audacity to say to Cas in 15x03: why if something goes wrong it always seem to be you).
I will now allow myself for some privacy, because I am a person who dealt with these kind of thoughts in my head for years, these are straight up suicidal thoughts: no one needs you, no one wants you, you are a disappointment and if you die you will be fondly remembered, everyone is better off without you. And we know Cas was suicidal because he literally tells us in 8x08 and we have no proof that he somehow got rid of these thoughts, ever. If anything, they were always there, present, if not growing. Thoughts like that don’t just disappear. Please remember one more time what was happening to Cas in seasons 8-11. He wasn’t healing. He was getting worse, while all this time managing to keep his head above water for someone else, while the guilt was rising and rising. 
If the Empty represents all his issues: depression, suicidal thoughts, guilt, self-hate, lack of self-worth, and what she offers is: eternal sleep. Maybe not entirely peaceful sleep, but sleep nevertheless, no consequences, no facing your fears, no dealing with anything, an escape, sleep - 
And she prompts him to stop fighting, to go back to sleep because there is nothing to fight for (now the symbolism of him being waken up by JACK who was his new found purpose just before he got killed), but she makes a mistake to confront his thoughts and fears with him. She makes a mistake of taking a ‘physical’ form, putting on his face and voice his fears. And Cas is a warrior and he kind of hates himself, so his instinct was to fight. Of course it was easier not to think about all of these stuff at all, to push it back, to try to forget. But once he was forced to face all of these? He fought back. AND HE WON!!!!! 
WHAT A MESSAGE TO SEND RIGHT?!!! You might have all these issues and not want to face them because you feel you will crush under them but look: when you are forced to face them it turns out you are somehow way stronger than them!!! The moment you choose to fight you already won, you are already saved!!! Because ultimately these are your thoughts and this is your mind and you control it, no one else! The moment you decide, you choose, to take control: you win. You are saved because you chose to save yourself because you decided you are worth saving. And the Empty (and everything she represents) immediately gets angry and lets him go, ultimately annoyed because he dared to defy her and she just can’t win with someone who decides he wants to be free. WHAT. 👏🏻  A.  👏🏻 WONDERFUL. 👏🏻  MESSAGE.  👏🏻
So... Having said all that. There is only one thing left: I have NO IDEA. NO IDEA. HOW HE FOUND THE STRENGTH. TO STAND UP AND SAY THIS:
I'm already saved. You can prance and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I'm awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for... ever. For eternity.
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
Nightmarish Trip
TW// Drugs, Angst, Suggestive Mentions, Death, Alcohol Pls do not read if you're easily upset over things like this. Viewer discretion is advised.
It was a hot night out in Nevada. In the bunker, Dallas remained to himself while Roxxie and the rest of the crew were out gathering supplies. The gang knew Dallas wasn’t feeling so well and ushered him to stay put and rest. Dallas however wasn’t pleased with this outcome. He oh so desperately hated being alone… With a heart aching sigh, Dallas decided to sit up and reach under his bed. He pulled out a familiar glass object. Staring down at the pipe, Dallas pulls out a lighter. It probably wasn’t the best thing for him to do, but hey, whatever it took for him to feel less shitty, right? With a few puffs, Dallas set it down on the nightstand next to him and laid back. The demon’s eyelids grew slightly heavy as he watched the world around him spin and change. He felt a bit sick to his stomach. Probably should’ve checked what he was smoking first… He reached his hand up to try and touch the swirling objects around him. They grew bright in color and Dallas’ hand plummeted down to his side as his eyes closed. When he woke up, he was sitting outside. Things seemed strange though. The area he was in… This wasn’t Nevada. The sidewalk he sat on was paved with a reddish-gray color and the skies were more orange-red then they were a deep, dark red. That’s when Dallas realized something. This wasn’t Nevada. This was Hell. He looked down at his feet, seeing the puddle underneath them. It rippled, showing himself in a normal red flannel shirt and jeans. The golden hoop clip-on rings on his horns shimmered in the Hellish lighting. “I-I haven’t seen this shitty outfit in forever…” He mumbled. The puddle rippled more and slowly, he saw two figures behind him. Defensively, Dallas reeled around, only to find a demon with long pink hair and a pink dress, and another demon with black hair and only black jeans. The incubus blinked a few times, staring. “R-Rocks? Diesel??” The pink haired demon smiled and walked closer, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You got us, yeah?” The muscular one spoke up. “Yeah! Forget what that asshole told you. Honestly, You deserve way better than him…” “Him?” He gently took Roxxie’s hand off his shoulder. “Okay, who the fuck is him?? What are you two talking about?” Just then, Dallas was suddenly reeled back by his arms and forced against the wall, shutting his eyes from the impact.. When he opened his eyes, they grew almost as big as tennis balls at the figure before him. The man had a snake-like tail and a devilish grin. He wore a stained white tank top and ripped jeans and held a bottle of alcohol in his hand. “S...Stripes…” Dallas shook his head. No, no no no, he needed out of here. Now! Dallas tried to run, but was grabbed and pulled back. “Augh- fuck! Let go, jackass!” He kicked at him, growling loudly. “Babe…” He spoke calmly, making Dallas shut his eyes tightly. He knew what he was gonna say next. “Fuck, don’t say it. Don’t say it…” He whispered. His blood boiled for just remembering this moment. “I think maybe we should split. You just aren't what I need in my life. I need a better ma…"
Dallas went to turn and slap him, but when he did, he saw Stripes lying on the floor. A chunk of his neck was ripped off and Dallas tasted copper in his mouth and felt a hot liquid dripping down his chin. He looked down at his bloodied lips and his eyes widened as parts of his ex’s flesh were in his mouth. Dallas spat it out, wiping his lips. He felt his body seething with rage, but he couldn’t force himself to attack anymore. Dallas heard sirens similar to screams outside of the house. Everything became hazy and changed around him once more. He came to, staring at his hands. They were handcuffed together and he saw that he was in an orange jumpsuit. He heard talk all around him and looked around. He was in a filled courtroom and he noticed Roxxie and Diesel in handcuffs as well. The bangs of the gavel ringed his ears and made him flinch. “Order! Order!!” Dallas looked up at the judge. Sitting in the witness stand next to the judge was the bitten and beaten corpse of Stripe. He just stood there, staring at Dallas. “Dallas Haze…” The judge’s voice made Dallas glance up at them fearfully. “You have created some terrible crimes, but none can overcome this… Murdering a man of our satanic forces here in Styx City.” “D-Demons can’t die, jackass… He should’ve came back by now! I was framed for him goin' missin'!!” “He had been missing for months now… Who knows what you did with his corpse, you sick bastard…” “I didn’t do shit-!” “ENOUGH!” Dallas flinched as a high-piercing sound rang in the incubus’ ears. “As punishment for your sinful acts, we, the court, have found that even Hell isn’t a fitting punishment… You and your little friend group here will be shot and sent to purgatory, where you will NEVER reunite again!” He slammed his gavel and Roxxie and Diesel panicked. “Dallas!” Roxxie screamed out, trying to run. She was grabbed by the guards and was dragged back. Diesel roared and kicked, hissing and struggling as the guards had mercilessly beaten him until he was unconscious to drag back. “Diesel! Roxxie!” He ran to try and help them, but was jumped and pinned down by the other guards. With a swift, hard punch to the face, Dallas woke up in the interrogation room. Before him was a woman with candy red skin and had a bow on her head. It was Halt… But- how? She was always stuck in the same body as Sloh and Goh… She looked at him with a saddened look on her face. “Dallas… At least tell us where the body is... “ “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! I left his ass at the house!” She shook her head. “You know that ain’t true…” “I’m not lying, dammit!” Dallas barked. “Someone else got him ‘cuz it isn’t me!” Halt’s voice echoed within the cold, dark walls. “We gave you a chance, Dallas… You ruined everything for yourself.” The lightbulb above them blew out and Dallas’ vision returned with him being forced onto the ground with his hands tied to his back. He turned around to see the face of a familiar green demon staring down at him with a shotgun pointed at him. “G-Goh!?” He struggled, trying to break free. His body then suddenly froze as he stared up at the barrel of the weapon. With a roar and distorted voice, Goh snarls. “You dug your grave…” He cocked his gun.
“N O W L A Y I N I T …!!!” With a loud shot being fired, Dallas felt something heavy hit his face. With free hands, he brushed away what had been dirt. He frantically looked around and saw that he was in a deep, open grave. “Wh… Wha- Augh-!” Trying to stand, he was thrown back down by another pile of heavy dirt. He looked up and saw Sloh staring down at him coldly with a dirt-covered shovel in their hands. It was raining and storming now… “Sloh-!” He coughed up dirt that had fallen into his mouth. “No- Nonono this can’t be it…! No-!” He moved the dirt aside and tried to crawl up, scratching at the walls around him to try and escape. “Sloh, don’t…! I don’t deserve this…! I didn’t do anything…!” Sloh looked down at him. One singular yellow eye glowed in the night as a crack of lightning flashed behind them, showing the shadows of the figure’s body. With a cold and monotone voice, they spoke. “This is your fate, Dallas… You were a dead man from the start… You…” They pointed beside his grave, staring at the two other graves he had already buried. “And your friends…” Dallas’ eyes widened at that statement. Tears streamed down his face in horror. He wanted to scream, but he had no words. He stared in shock and his dirty body shook. His body was so cold... He felt so sick… Sloh had no remorse as they shoveled more and more dirt onto him as he screamed and pleaded and desperately tried to crawl out. The dirt covered his view and he was in total darkness. He felt his heart drop and heard it beating slower and slower. Finally, the beating stopped and there was total silence…
At the end of a dark tunnel, a light showed. Dallas’ feet felt like he was walking through wet concrete. He slowly walked towards the light and he could see that the bright white light engulfed his vision. Before him, he saw a familiar figure in a white lab coat standing facing away in the distance. Dallas felt all his stress slowly fade as Jeb stood there, staring off into the distance. “H-Holy shit… J-Jeb…!” He rushed after him, reaching a hand out. “Jeb- I don’t know what’s going on… We need to get the fuck out of here!”
The demon exclaimed, getting about a few feet closer before realizing something was wrong. “Jeb? Jebediah, come on! Christoff!” Jeb’s back suddenly arched all the way back with a sickening cracking noise. His usual red eyes dripping a black substance, as was his nose and mouth. Slowly, the skin on his face melted off, revealing a red skeleton. Just like he had found him ages ago during the war. “Sh-Shit…!!” Dallas backed away, terrified. “Goddammit, get me out of here…!!” He screamed, running away from the mangled figure. His heart raced as black fire spurted out of Jeb’s mouth. Dallas ran as shadows began filling the room he was in. He hit a wall and started to pound his fists against it. “Let me out…!” They got closer.
“Let me out…!”
And closer...
“LET ME OU-…!!!” Dallas’ scream was cut off as the shadows engulfed his entire body, leaving him in darkness once again. … ... ... With a familiar voice, and deep chuckle, dread filled his mind. “͔͇͚́Y͎̘̺͇̙o͈͙̘̞u͍̮̝̪’̸̞͔͍ṛ̨̱̟̪e̡̝̩ ͎͉̩̟̯̗̗ ̵̪͎̳̗ ͏N̴̺̻̗̭̼̬̬O͖̳̫̥̹̻̮T̲͔H̦I̴̯̳̠̮̼̺N҉̭̩͓̬G̹͖̬̝̝ ̹̜̹̟͖ ͉̤̕ ̖t̼o̷̘͙ ̛m̷̜̯̘e̠̪͍̤, ̩͕̜̘͎̫D͖̱̞̥a̡̬̪ḽ̛̬̘̱̮ͅl͎̼͙̖͔͇a̱̳̠̼̺̹̙͞s̀…̩͇̹̙̫̮͜”̨̯̬͉ͅͅ Dallas shot up with a gasp. Clutching his chest, he felt his heart nearly beat out of it. He looked around frantically with a throbbing headache. He was inside of his bedroom, half dressed with only black pajama bottoms on. He panted and shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He slowly glanced at the glass bong on his nightstand. A loud shattering sound was heard a few seconds later as the bong made contact with the wall near the door, breaking it instantly with the sheer force of the throw. He breathed heavily, staring down at the broken glass with anger. His hands shaking at the sight as he tried to process what had just happened… He closed his eyes and felt tears slowly running down his face. His head and body throbbed with pain and stress. Dallas pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face in his knees. Dallas wasn’t much of a prayer, but God. He prayed that Roxxie and the gang were safe out there in the hellish lands of Nevada.
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Elegy (1/6)
What follows is a story of Miss Argentina and Beetlejuice and how their own personal issues keep them locked in their own private hells. Contains smut and angst. It was done as a rp between @clairjohnson and myself. NSFW. Beetlejuice/Miss Argentina. Beej is a combination of movie and musical; Miss Argentina has contains hcs (such as her name and circumstances). Also contains minor mentions of OC Dante’s Inferno employees.  (Tagging people who have asked in the past. If you’d like to be tagged, hmu. If you’d like to be untagged, hmu.   @turtlepated @thewolfisapartofmysoul @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @janitor-boy @beejiesbitch @angelicspaceprince) Enjoy!
He’d married, been murdered, vanquished the evil that was Juno – he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her again anytime soon – said some weird heartfelt goodbyes to people he just terrorized, and was carried off by his clones in the smallest, most subdued mosh pit style ever, for an exit that was worthy of some kind of award, just for the theatrics of it. 
The second he was through the swirling mists of the doorway that separated the living from the Netherworld, he turned on his own clones and attacked them remorselessly, using claws and teeth to tear them apart, growling like he’d lost his mind and spitting like he was rabid. 
None of the clones attempted to fight back or escape. They were part of him, and he was so fucking angry – it made him angrier that they just took their destruction passively, his destruction, a destruction of self that made his hands drip with gore, his mouth taste like clotted blood, and his clothing, the tuxedo conjured specifically for something positive in his fucking waste of a life, a deeper color. 
He hated this fucking suit. 
He was too exhausted by the end of his rampage to flick it away, however. Stepping over the piles of meat that had been clones, he wiped his hands down his front and winced as they brushed over the new ventilation that goddamn teenager graced him with. He kicked the door to the waiting room hard enough that it bounced off the interior wall of purgatory, startling the assholes sitting around waiting for their stupid numbers to be called.
It had been another slow day in the waiting room. Not that Miss Argentina had any way to count “days” – time had little meaning in death – but her job was as uneventful now as it had been several hundred new arrivals ago. Staring down at her clipboard Maria crossed out the name of the last soul she’d sent back to meet their case worker. Juno was surprisingly absent at the moment, but the receptionist wasn’t too concerned. Her boss was a work-alcoholic and honestly, what else did Juno have to do? She’d be back soon. 
In a practiced motion, one she’d done a million times, Maria stood and slid open the dividing screen to the waiting room. 
“Number 5,678 Mr. Hen – “ 
The rest of the name caught in her throat when the door to the left of her was blown open, rattling on hinges that threatened to give. A split second of panic washed over her, an emotion really only needed for the living, before she saw who it was.
“Mr. Hendrix,” she finished, moving her gaze from the fuming poltergeist to the sorry looking dead man standing up from his seat. “Your caseworker is waiting for you – please step through those doors.” 
Maria placed her clipboard back on the desk then leaned out the window a little further, giving the older, bloodied man a deeper once over. “Back so soon, Mr. Betelgeuse? Should I pull you a number?”
"Fuck this place and fuck the numbers!" he spit, literally spit, making the ghost sitting nearest in his line of fire wipe his face as he hoisted himself up – some kind of heart attack took him, no doubt, from the lack of obvious trauma and the effort he took to get out of the molded plastic chair – and hurried as fast as he could out of range. 
He could take that chair and beat down every wall in this place. He could tear apart every single soul in this forsaken pit. He could bypass the eons of fucking waiting and just march right down the hall to the Lost Souls' Room –
– scary thing was, that option held some real fucking appeal at the moment. 
Beetlejuice glared at each and every dead person cowering in place. Fucking losers. Just like the fucking Maitlands, but worse, because they followed the goddamn directions in the fucking Handbook and were now stuck here. 
But what did that say about him? the voice in the crate in the back of his mind whispered. You tried, and you still ended up right.here.with.them. 
Beetlejuice grabbed the side of his head, mindless of the residual tackiness on his hand, and gave his hair a yank. Sometimes that dislodged the voice enough to make it shut up. 
His gaze fell on the beauty queen behind the partition. He couldn't tell if she was politely waiting for his tantrum to subside, or if she was being indifferently patient, having seen it all before.
Maria wondered, absently, where all the blood had come from. She noticed the gaping hole in his chest and assumed it might all be his – but it was always hard to tell with Betelgeuse. His brand of “bio-exorcising” wasn’t the cleanest. However, based on his outfit, she doubted his day job was what sent him back here. The fool had tried to get married again. 
Fixing him with a cool, pleasant smile, Maria yanked a number from the ticket dispenser and held it up. “I’ll just pull one for you, then. You know the rules – no number, no getting to see Juno.” 
The beauty queen leaned further out of the window and rested her chin in the palm of her hand – her clipboard and list forgotten for the moment. Red tuxedo – a classic for him. How many times had she seen him in it? She could remember at least four, and she guessed he’d worn it twice as many times before she’d crossed over. Betelgeuse never told her how old he was, but after working with him for over three decades, it was clear he had a few hundred years under his belt. 
When was he going to stop pulling this stunt? It never worked. Always ended up with him down in the waiting room – back here with her. Maria bristled, both angry and jealous that he got to leave this hell and go gallivanting top side as he pleased. Her smile tightened and she narrowed her eyes at him. 
“You never invite me to your weddings,” Maria said casually, lifting the hand from her chin to examine the ruby manicure. “Any good plans for your honeymoon?” 
She flicked her gaze up to catch his reaction.
The bitterness and pure rage inside him managed to ratchet up another notch with the receptionist's detached apathy to his situation as she offered the ticket out to him.
Anyone else, and he'd have taken that hand off at the wrist; he could feel his teeth lengthen in anticipation of it. As it were, he snatched the paper away with enough force to tear it. He crumpled it in his fist and shoved it into a pocket without looking at it, casting his glance around the room again at all the lesser assholes who were pointedly trying not to look at him and become the focus of his ire. 
Maria's words, her barbed little query spoken in her light accent, just poured salt into the gaping hole in his chest. 
"Fuck you," he roared. His voice cracked.
Maria was used to seeing Betelgeuse angry. She was also used to seeing him happy – manically so. The man had a way of taking emotions to the extreme. She was not, however, used to hearing the crack in his voice. The next biting remark died on her tongue and she peered up from her nails, her brow furrowing. 
“Oh, don’t look so upset.” She tutted, but there was less sarcasm behind it. “You have all the time in the world to try again, don’t you? It’s not like you’re stuck here (like she was). Not for long, anyway.” 
Had this time been different from his other attempts? The pain in his expression suggested so. If he kept this up she may just bring him around back to avoid disturbing the waiting ghosts. Maria didn’t like bending the rules, but for the good of her job she’d bend them. That’s what she told herself at least. For the job.
try again 
not like you're stuck here 
Her words meant to comfort stung, jamming themselves like smaller spears into his chest. She was partially right. It wasn't like he was stuck here, so long as he could convince some dumb sucker to fulfill the terms of the contract. Finding the right dumb sucker was what took the time and energy. 
That led to the whole "try again" debacle. What was the point? He'd never succeed; despite the seemingly impressive power he had in the upper world, it was useless. He was useless, like everything was smoke and mirrors and the one being fooled was him. 
He realized he had his fists clenched so hard he was shaking. The ghosts surrounding him in the mismatched furniture, patiently waiting their turn, still did their damnedest to pretend they heard and saw nothing. 
"No one is like me!" he'd shrieked in the Maitlands' faces. 
The stupid deads sitting here proved it. He had half a mind to grab the nearest one and rip him apart like he'd treated his clones, just to continue to give his rage an outlet, but on top of everything else he didn't want to deal with the consequences of that. Maria was still watching him, as if she expected him to do something of the sort, like she was steeling herself to have to intervene and de-escalate him, even though he knew it wasn't anywhere near part of her job.
The shaking of his fists drew her gaze down – would he really be so brash as to tear through the souls waiting? Not that he could actually kill anyone, but it would make them have to get a new place in line . . . and the paperwork involved would be a headache. 
Maria lifted her Miss Argentina sash over her head and draped it on the back of her chair. Quietly, but quickly, she moved around her desk and out the side door that led to the waiting room. Like approaching a wild animal you didn’t want to startle, Maria crept forward. Delicately, she placed her fingers on the side of his arm to get his attention, keeping her back straight and her expression calm. 
“How about you come wait in the back, Mr. Betelgeuse.” 
Her voice was smooth. She had started adding in the “Mr.” when he’d gone rogue and stopped working for Juno. The days of familiarity, of her calling him “Beej”, were long gone. Maria still kept a certain level of fondness for the poltergeist, though she’d never admit it aloud.
The roots of his hair were probably the color of this fucking suit. 
When Maria physically approached and laid a manicured hand on his arm, he almost spun on her. When the pressure on his arm increased, aided by her nails digging in so hard he could feel them through the layers of fabric, he forced himself to relent. 
"Fine," he agreed bitterly.
She’d felt him tense at her touch, and Maria briefly considered she’d made a grave mistake approaching him, until his muscles relaxed – slightly – under her fingers. Thank goodness. 
Keeping her hand on his arm the receptionist guided him to the office door. She peered out to catch the relief on the newly dead faces before shutting it behind her. 
“Take a seat.” She gestured to the chair next to her desk and sat back down on her own. She wanted to stay disinterested, wanted to keep things professional, but she couldn’t.
“So.” Maria pulled some papers together and tapped them on her desk until they were even. “Is most of that blood yours? I haven’t seen you looking so . . . out of sorts in quite some time.”
 The beauty queen looked at him from the corner of her eye, pretending to keep most of her attention on the work in front of her.
He sat where indicated, in the hard straight back chair beside her desk. If he wanted, he could look up and see the filing cabinets, the paths in the rug worn through to the subfloor underneath, the endless stacks of paper, and the hallway where the caseworker's offices were. 
He didn't want to. He could walk through the place blindfolded. Nothing changed in the Netherworld; it was all slog and dismay. And they thought he was crazy for wanting back out?! 
A cigarette appeared in his hand. Sticking it between his lips he glanced up at her question and statement. 
"Yeah. The blood's mine. First from that goddamn teenager and second – " He broke off there and used lighting the cigarette as an excuse not to finish and admit he'd torn apart his own clones in a fit of rage. " – never mind. Nothing matters. It's the same shit for eternity."
Maria watched, with pointed interest, as he brought the cigarette up to his mouth. Well, at least the blood was his. Less mess for Juno to clean up later. 
“Thanks.” She drawled sardonically, bringing her own cigarette into existence. “I’d love one.” 
As she took a drag, Maria let his remark sit in silence for a few moments, unsure of how to respond. Most of the dead seemed to be having an on-going crisis – and if Beej had been feeling the same, he’d never let on. 
“You’ve always been one for the dramatics. But never nihilism.” She paused, “ – also, did you just say teenager? You know what – I don’t want to know.” 
She threw her hand up at that, waving the question off. He was a scumbag, to be sure, but the thought of him being that scummy was not an idea she wanted to entertain.
He'd have felt bad about not offering her a smoke if he was in a different state of mind. As it were, it didn't even register until she pointed it out. Even then he couldn't quite bring himself to care. It was easy, however, to fill in the blanks she left out. 
"It was a fuckin' green card thing," he growled. "Most teens – especially gothy ones who think their existence is the worst of anyone, ever – are dumb as shit. Easy to manipulate. Except this one was too damn clever for her own good. She used – " 
It was on the tip of his tongue to admit his naked, desperate desire to be accepted was used effectively against him, but that made sour bile rise in the back of his throat and he had to swallow it down again. 
" – ugly art to impale me," he corrected after only a brief hesitation. He took a deep drag, and was dismayed to see that some smoke drifted out the hole in his chest. That kid must've punctured a lung. He sighed as he pulled at his shirt to try and cover it. 
From the corner of his eye he watched her watch him. He didn't want her pity. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew he didn't want her pity.
Maria felt herself relax at his growled response – pleased to hear he was still a normal scumbag of the con-man variety. She couldn’t hide the twitch of her lips into a smile when he admitted how he kicked the bucket this time around. She’d seen a lot of dumb ways to die, but ugly art was a first. Chuckling through a drag, she eyed the smoke coming out of his chest, causing her lips to curl even further upward. 
As good as it was to have him talking, the anger radiating off him was still obvious. She could practically feel it on her skin. Whenever he got out of hand Juno was usually around to deal with him – but not this time. She was still surprisingly absent. Fortunately, Maria had worked here long enough to know what her boss’s trump card was. 
“Juno’s been away from the office today.” she started, putting out her cigarette in the glass tray on her desk. “And you look like you’re in the need of a distraction after . . . your little accident.” 
The receptionist spun her chair to face him, one slender bare leg crossed over the other, and raised a brow at the bloodied ghost. 
“How does a drink or two at Dante’s sound? On Juno’s tab, of course.” 
She smiled, scarlet lips parting to show off her straight white smile. In many ways the two were opposites. Beej was unapologetically himself, moss and all, while Miss Argentina went to great lengths to appear perfect. Even though she had let some of that anxiety go in death, bad habits were hard to break. 
“I’ll join you – if you don’t mind. I could use some time out of the office.”
In an effort to appear disinterested in the state of both his clothing and the new hole he was going to have to figure out how to close, Beetlejuice kept his eyes on the paperwork she'd straightened. A kid's profile, from the looks of it. One perk about working as Juno's assistant way back when was helping the kids when they came through –
He glanced up sharply when Maria mentioned Dante's. Actually suggesting it, and accompanying him to it. He would've thought that the beauty queen would pretend that place never existed, although he knew she must have been both scouted and offered a job there. 
"On Juno's tab? A drink or five sounds great." 
Some time that old hag was going to show up again, slathered in Sandworm spit and gastric juices, and he'd much rather not be found here if possible. He stood up abruptly, making the wooden chair squeal against the floor. 
"Fine. I'll let you take me out."
“Only drinks, Mr. Betelgeuse. I’m not paying for any other services.” 
Miss Argentina hadn’t had a chance to be out in quite some time. With an eternity stretching out in front of you, there was little rush to do much of anything other than your assigned job. Peering down at her burgundy gown, she also realized she hadn’t changed her outfit in years – wearing the same dress to two different parties used to be a mortifying thought when she was alive. 
How things change. The beauty queen stood, and with a few moments of concentration, changed into a red cocktail dress. Her French curled hair now in tight waves around her shoulders. It felt nice. A little like being alive, even. Even if it was just to go out and watch this man get drunk off his ass. But she understood his desire to live again – didn’t all ghosts wish they could be top side? He was certainly the most tenacious about getting there. 
“All right, ready when you are,” she said while smoothing down her new outfit. She turned from the older man and started towards the office exit, throwing a ‘are you coming?’ glance over her shoulder at him.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from her hands smoothing down the fabric of her choice of dress. With his cigarette still caught between two fingers, he ran his thumb over his lower lip, thinking about the differences between the dead and the breathers changing clothing – the breathers had to take it off and put it back on, versus simply willing a new outfit into existence. 
Of course the dead could be titillatingly mundane, if they chose. It was too bad this was the never-closed office, and there was a waiting room full of ghosts on the other side of the glass partition –  
At her invitation and with a sigh, Beetlejuice stepped off the road that daydream was headed. He'd lost the chance with her a long time ago. 
He flicked his still lit cigarette into the ether and decided if she was going to be dolled up, it wouldn't be right for him to accompany her in what he was wearing. Between one step towards the door and the next, his blood-soaked tux became his favorite striped suit. He left the hole in his torso under his shirt. 
"Lead the way, muñeca." tbc . . .
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Also I’m still kind of confused what happened to Jack. When he said he wasn’t going to live in the bunker anymore and be hands off did he just mean he’s going to be living in heaven now? Can Cas actually see/talk to him or is he literally a raindrop?
Hi there! I’ll share how I’ve always kinda seen Chuck as a character going back years, even before s11, because I think my personal interpretation on Jack actually relies on having thought this about Chuck... and obviously I don’t know if the show ever even considered what I’m about to write here but this interpretation is there in canon for loons like me who think way too much about the functional metaphysics and metaphors of the show who actually enjoy seeing it there. :)
So I’ve been writing since after the s10 finale dropped about what the Darkness actually was... a destructive force, yes, but only in opposition to the creative force, or “light.” At the time I defended this read with my Armchair Scientist™ (i.e. I have no formal training in it, but to the best of my understanding this holds water) knowledge of astrophysics. This is how our universe functions. There’s light and stars and matter and elements that we can perceive, and yet that doesn’t account for why the universe functions the way it does unless there’s some unseen, additional force at work and powering all of it, as well. In astrophysics, this is referred to as “dark matter” and “dark energy.” And it’s as essential to the function of our entire universe as the stuff we can see, but its existence is only theoretical because we can perceive gaps where stuff should be based on everything else we are able to observe.
Gosh I hope that makes sense. >.>
so in the simplest metaphorical terms in the construct of the Supernatural universe, Chuck-as-Light and Amara-as-Darkness. but when Chuck locked her away at the beginning of creation, and tried to make his universe “work” without that dark force to support the rest of it, the universe kept trying to force balance on itself in increasingly complex ways as the story and the construct of the universe continued to evolve from only half the original elements required for that balance to truly function. I don’t think, and never have thought of Chuck and Amara as “people.” Or even “people adjacent.” They’re personifications of these two basic yet opposing forces.
So what does that mean in-story? That Chuck didn’t start at this beginning of his own story, at the moment of creation of the universe, as a “writer.” Like everything else about him, I think he himself as an Avatar of his own creation evolved as his creation did. When life emerged, without the Essential Force of Destruction (because he’d locked that up with the Darkness), he had to become that force in his own creation. Each time he encountered a new spontaneous detail that evolved in his creation, he also needed to manifest the parts of it that would’ve been naturally countered by the missing forces from his own creation. By the very nature of HOW he created all of this, he had to become destruction. And he’s never been very good at that part, because it’s not what he’s literally made of.
Chuck-- aka the generative force-- by necessity became a duality himself, and in doing so he became more and more essentially woven through the entirety of his creation until he actually manifested AS Chuck, “gave himself the ability to play music,” even. But like, the more of himself he needed to invest in keeping the entire universe in balance, the more he began to congeal into a more concrete entity, like the act of creation by necessity pulled his power out of the fabric of creation in some ways, and forced it into the unseen mesh of destruction in others. And from that duality, and from interacting with his own creation, The Force of Light and Creation that we label “God” evolved into Chuck the Author, because metaphors.
And I’ve reached the point of this essay where I have officially started to feel deranged because I don’t have the right words to express how this makes sense inside my own head. It’s like trying to write a literal description of what achieving Nirvana feels like, you know? We’re fully in “what is the sound of one hand clapping” territory, and apologies if I just sound like a crackpot at this point, but I honestly don’t have better words for this. It’s not really a compatible-with-words thing.
Okay, that said, when Amara was brought into the story, this was her journey of understanding the creation Chuck made without her, and her finding value and worth in it herself while also seeing the points at which she should’ve been there to crate the balance Chuck had to force on the universe in her absence. She’d initially seen it as “failure,” but now she truly seems to understand and love this creation and has been actively trying to find a way to fit herself into it. And metaphorically, that has been healing the parts of the universe that should have been hers all along.
I love her final appeal to Chuck before he crushed her with one final manipulation into capitulating to his will, in 15.17:
AMARA: It's not too late, brother. You can still choose this world, us. It doesn't have to end like this. I--
CHUCK: Amara. Shut up.
She really wanted them to achieve the true balance that SHOULD’ve permeated creation in the first place. In that same episode, we have Adam’s test for Jack, in which Jack “sees” this fundamental imbalance and Adam metaphorically “names” it:
ADAM: That's your choice?
JACK: Yes. [Adam looks slightly disappointed, but Jack goes on] And the others. All of them. They're just rocks but their existence makes them divine. Because God is in everything.
ADAM: [he sighs with relief and smiles at Jack] Right on. At least, he should be.
Chuck... wasn’t in all things, even though that’s how the universe-in-true-balance SHOULD have functioned, if half the force of it hadn’t been cut off and shunted to the side. In trying to be all things to the entirety of creation, Chuck... failed at this basic level without the balance he should’ve had with Amara. Not as people, not even as “personifications” or “avatars” or “incarnations” of these concepts, but as the concepts themselves.
He broke his own creation by asserting his will on it in the first place, because as the force of creation, he should’ve never had a will to begin with.
And then we have Jack, who has been through experiences since his birth that have “split” him into each of these fundamental elements-- or at least into smaller-scale versions of these fundamental elements. He experienced balance at birth-- divine creative and destructive force held together through human love. But he was “split” into “grace and a human soul” and was forced to experience each of these states independently of one another. But he couldn’t truly exist without being reunited into his Whole Self. After the metaphorical spiritual journey that Billie sent him on after his own apparent “death” at Chuck’s hands in 14.20, he began a process of rebuilding himself and achieving a sort of “enlightenment” that culminated in an act of pure creation, and he began “absorbing” the power to contain the fully balanced unification of all the forces necessary to truly heal creation.
Jack became a crucible for this unification to exist in.
It reminds me of Chuck trying to force Dean into this role in s11, labeling him “the firewall between light and dark,” because that’s just.. not something a human being should even have to consider being. That was Chuck trying to force his narrative on Dean to avoid accepting the responsibility for capitulating and letting go of his story for himself. But Jack... wasn’t just a cute lil 3 year old human. His very creation was an act of defiance against the original creator, and like Kelly always professed, he would be the force to raise the universe up to its full potential.
I still feel disappointed that we didn’t have a final scene of Jack going to her in Heaven before he tore all the walls down, and telling her that it was all worth it, that they won and the universe was healed because of her, because she loved him and believed in him, and then saw the walls in Heaven fall (because the walls in Heaven were always Chuck’s power construct that only ever existed because of his need to fill the power gaps in his own creation through forcing angels and human souls into powering his narrative for him). 
But back to the point... I feel like as a “fully reunited” balance of the univrse-- Light and Darkness contained in the crucible of Pure Human Love that Jack represented, I don’t think “Jack” ceased to exist, but that as a being he’s... dissipated himself throughout ALL of creation-- heaven, hell, purgatory, earth... and even restored the Empty to its state of blissful slumber. Of course he wouldn’t have left Cas there, he would’ve visited him too and given him a choice, because this has always been about choice. Cas sacrificed himself DIRECTLY FOR JACK to have been able to achieve this victory in the first place. I cannot conceive of a version of events that would’ve relegated Cas to eternal oblivion.
And again, steering this bus back onto the road.... sorry for all the detours, I swear I am getting to the point here...
I think what we’re left with as an understanding of Jack is that he and his love and power are everywhere in creation now, in the stones were God’s love should have been but wasn’t anymore, in all of it if you’re actually looking for it.
I don’t think the narrative actually precludes Jack from manifesting as the guy we love, but I don’t know that it’s even important to the structure of the universe that he ever would.
As a character we love and feel for, though, I don’t think there’s anything stopping him from peacefully wandering the fields of the Paradise Heaven he built for the people he loves the most and sharing in their pure human joy at their reunion.
Does this make sense? Or is this... just... wackadoodle logic I’ve laid over top of all this nonsense...? It does make me feel better to think of it all this way. And it’s why I have been pretty sure since s13 that Jack would be the one character who did not “survive the series,” because this was literally the role he was born to fill in the universe, on a cosmic scale. Healing it out of love, for everyone who loved him. He brought humanity and balance to the universe as the guiding principles, and cancelled Chuck’s original story.
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