#then its like a joke cause he only has like a day or two saved cause Grif took most of them from before so he's like
vanlegion · 1 month
I think at this point I have to pretty much regard season 19 as the truest form of 'Crack Taken Seriously' which. . . huwa, I could do (but damn it would be a struggle...)
But only if you believe in the narrative *NOT* shown.
There's an After for these guys. But I think that's kind of up to us? (. . . Yeah I'm already writing the AFTER fic. Fuck me.) So unless some miracle happens and either the IP gets bought up and the crew gets to do some little shorts like what the Crwby is doing ... Or Geoff and Gus ever pull off what Alexander Siddig and Andrew Robinson did for the Star Trek DS9 Bashir/Garak community. I guess we just make our own canon at this point.
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topguncortez · 6 months
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Are You With Me | | Chapter 3
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synopsis: Jake and Y/N fight over the hospital bill and whether its a good idea to keep the kids on Jake's insurance or night. Jake still has issues with Miles. Ella makes a decision in the course of her treatment.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: medical inaccuracies, divorce, fighting, cursing, childhood cancer, mentions of childhood death
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Jake had made a joke once that Eli was the cheapest baby they had. Said joke had earned him a glare that was fierce enough to send a shiver down his spine. Y/N had mastered the “mom eye” after having two kids.
But, even though Jake’s joke was done in poor timing, he was right. Having a baby, although not planned one bit, at home had saved them quite a bit of money. Jake had always found it comical that he was the best of the best. The 1% of the 1% and had some of the worst health care coverage in the whole United States.
“I feel like I need to take a loan out to pay these,” Jake rubbed his forehead, slipping his glasses off his face.
It was one of the rare moments that Jake and Y/N were both at the house. Y/N spent the day with Ella while Jake was at work and Alex was at school. Between Penny and Y/N’s mother Clara, they watched Eli for a couple of hours. Jake would then come to the hospital at night, staying with Ella while Y/N went home and made dinner and got the boys to bed. The Daggers had created a weekend schedule, each of them taking a saturday or sunday to stay with Ella so Jake and Y/N could both go home and recharge.
Though being at home was more stressful than watching their four year old getting pumped with toxins.
“Is that the bill?” Y/N asked as she walked into the kitchen after putting the boys down. She filled the tea kettle and set it on the burner, before pouring Jake a drink and taking it to him
“The first one, yeah,” Jake wiped a hand down his face, “Thanks,” He mumbled taking the rocks glass from her, “The ER visit cost thirty-three hundred dollars and insurance is only covering three hundred of it. The estimated total cost of care is around sixty-one thousand dollars.”
“Well,” Y/N swallowed, “I can always put Ella on my insurance. I get good-”
“No,” Jake sneered, “We agreed when we… we agreed when we divorced I would put the kids on my insurance plan because it’s cheaper.”
“Yes, but if this means compromising Ella’s care-“
“It’s not compromising anything!” Jake snapped causing Y/N to jump a bit in her seat. He scrubbed a hand down his face, “You got the kids and the house and everything else in the divorce. Let me help do this.”
Y/N nodded her head, “Fine,” She sighed, “We still have the rainy day fund.”
“Still not even going to make a dent in the payments,” Jake leaned back in his chair, “I’m tired of talking about this. How was Ella today?”
“Same as always,” Y/N shrugged, “Was fine in the morning before chemo, napped all afternoon and then threw up everything she ate. Her hair is becoming more of an issue for her… it’s becoming more noticeable.”
Ella’s hair had started to fall out as the weeks of chemo continued on. Jake and Y/N didn’t have the heart to shave it or cut it before Ella started therapy, wanting her to have the ability to make that decision for herself. But as the treatments went on, Ella’s confidence began to fade with each clump of hair that fell.
“Maybe we should just shave it,” Jake suggested as the tea kettle rang.
Y/N poured herself a mug, “No. She’s already losing so much autonomy over her own body. She should be the one who decides on her hair.”
“I hate to see her like that.”
“We all do,” Y/N took a sip of her tea, “But she was happy that Rooster and Dragon got to stay with her. Dragon mentioned something about watching Dateline.”
Jake chuckled, “Going to teach our four year old how to commit murder and get away with it.”
“She’s been stealing cookies and getting things she wants outta you since she was born.”
Jake couldn’t help it, he was a sucker for those big green eyes.
Silence fell over the two of them. It was moments like these where things almost felt normal between Jake and Y/N. Like the past two years had been a fever dream. That they had never spent a day apart. But then reality settled back in, and the awkwardness filled the air.
“I’m going to bed,” Y/N said, clearing her throat, “I put clean towels back in the guest room.”
“Thank you,” Jake nodded his head, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Jake.”
— — —
When Ella was born, she had a full head of dark curly hair. Y/N knew that she was going to have hair from all the heartburn she had experienced through the whole nine months. In fact, that was the first thing the doctor had called out in the middle of delivering the Seresin girl.
“oh gosh! she’s got a full head of hair!”
Y/N had always dreamed of having a little girl with gorgeous long hair, and she had been lucky to get just that. She couldn’t wait until Ella was old enough to sit up and her hair long enough that she could braid it and style it. Ella always had perfectly done hair when Y/N dropped her off for daycare. Ella liked to show off her matching bows or the intricate braid that her mother did to her classmates and teacher.
Miles had told them one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy was the loss of hair. Y/N thought maybe, just maybe, Ella wouldn’t lose her hair. They had gotten through the first week of treatment without any hair loss. But then week two rolled around, and it was the worst week of Ella Seresin’s life.
“Mommy! My hair!” Ella cried as she stood fresh out of the shower, with a clump of hair in her hands. Y/N did all she could to try and soothe her child as she pulled on the ends of her hair, more stands coming out.
“I know, baby,” Y/N fought back tears, “I know. It’ll be okay.”
For weeks, Y/N and Jake watched as Ella’s hair grew thinner and thinner. They switched from using a brush to using a wide tooth comb, hoping to save some of the frail strands of hair on her head. Ella knew that most kids on the floor didn’t have hair or wore fake hair. She knew that eventually, she would look like them.
“Do you want strawberry or cherry jello for lunch?” Y/N asked as she looked over the hospitals menu choices for today. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was because of stress but the hospital food wasn’t actually that bad. Plus, Val had kept Ella’s room stacked with snacks.
“Mommy,” Ella said.
“Yes, baby?” Y/N asked, putting the menu down and looking at her daughter, “What’s up, buttercup?”
“I want to cut my hair.”
“What?” Y/N was taken aback by her daughter’s words. Ella was wise beyond her years but this shocked Y/N to hear.
“I want to cut my hair. It keeps falling,” Ella said, touching her thinning hair.
Y/N nodded her head, “Of course, baby. We’ll do it tonight, when dad gets here. That sounds okay?” Ella nodded her head, a bright smile on her face, “Now, how about that jello.”
A couple of hours later, Jake was walking down the familiar bright colored walls of the children’s cancer ward. He always found it ironic that such a dark place was painted so brightly. Ella had only been there two months and already she had new neighbors on either side of her room. The cries of the parents haunted Jake at night and the images of little bodies being moved with sheets over their heads was enough to bring Jake to a panic. However, every time Jake walked closer to Ella’s door he was met with the beautiful sound of laughter. 
A smile graced Jake’s lips as he heard Ella’s laugh and that familiar snort that always made her laugh harder. But the moment he opened the door, his smile dropped. 
“Doctor Miles.” 
“Daddy!” Ella cheered and sat up in her bed, reaching out for her father. 
Jake walked over to her, greeting her with a hug and kissing her forehead, “How are you, bug?” 
“I’m good,” Ella nodded her head, laying back in her bed, “Doctor Miles is playing Bluey with me.” 
“I see that,” Jake looked over at Miles who was standing in the corner of the room now, “Where is Mommy?” 
“Sent her for a snack,” Miles answered, “She’s looking like the walking dead.” 
“Can we refrain from making death jokes?” Miles held back from rolling his eyes, “I’m here now, so you can go.” 
“I said I would wait here with Ella until-” 
“I’m her father and I say-” 
“You say nothing,” Y/N said, appearing in the doorway, “Thank you, Miles.” 
Miles nodded his head, “No problem, Y/N. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ella, good job today.” He held his hand out for the little girl to give him a high five. 
Y/N waited a moment until Miles was out of the room before looking at Jake, “Really?” 
Jake just shrugged, “I had it under control.” 
“I’m sure,” Y/N sighed, walking over to Ella’s bed. The little girl curled up next to her mother almost instantly, “Do you want to tell your daddy what you want to do today?” Ella nodded her head and then looked at Jake. 
“I want to cut my hair.” 
Jake’s eyes widened as he looked from Ella to Y/N, “You do?” Ella nodded her head again. 
“The nurses brought some clippers and stuff earlier. I-I’ve never cut anyone’s hair so I-”
“I got it,” Jake answered, “I was cuttin’ boys’ hair in the bay at boot camp.” 
 “Okay,” Y/N said, feeling the familiar burn of tears in her eyes, “You ready, Elles?” 
“Yes!” Ella said, a bright smile on her face. 
Both Y/N and Jake walked with Ella to the bathroom where a nurse had brung in clippers, scissors, a razor, shaving cream and a step stool. Ella stepped up on the stool, looking at herself in the mirror that was covered with pink and purple flowers. Y/N leaned against the doorway, watching as Jake got everything set up, occasionally making funny faces in the mirror to make Ella laugh. 
“Gonna start now, are you sure this is what you want?” Jake asked his daughter. Ella nodded her head, “Okay. Here we go.” Both Y/N and Jake took a deep breath as he grabbed a lock of Ella’s hair and lifted the scissors. The sound of the shears closing together made the loudest sound Y/N had ever heard as a lock of brown went tumbling down to the ground. 
“You cut it!” Ella gasped. Jake’s heart pounded in his chest, then it relaxed as her giggles filled the room, “Do it again!” 
Jake looked at his wife through the mirror, seeing her red eyes but the smallest smile on her face, “Let’s keep going.” 
After every snip of the scissors, Ella giggled which made the whole situation somewhat better. Eventually Jake got to the point where he had to use the clippers. He gently moved them over her head, watching as the final pieces of hair fell from her head. 
“What do you think?” Jake asked, as he set the razor down in the sink. It was quiet for a moment as Ella looked herself over in the mirror. 
“My head is cold,” She said. 
Y/N chuckled as she stepped into the bathroom, walking up behind her daughter, “We’ll get you a hat or two or-” 
“Three!” Ella held up three fingers. Ella turned to face her mom, “Momma, don’t cry.” 
“I’m sorry, baby,” Y/N said, as Ella wiped a finger away from her cheek, “How about we take a shower and then watch a disney movie?” 
“Princess and The Frog! Daddy! Will you stay?” 
Y/N looked at Jake, who was cleaning up the hair around the bathroom, “Yeah. Of course. Let me finish cleaning this up, and I'll sneak down to the nurses lounge to make popcorn.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N said, sincerity in her voice, “Let’s get cleaned up, Elles.” 
A strange feeling settled over Jake’s chest as he watched his wife and daughter. A strange feeling that maybe, just maybe. . . things will be alright.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : (first part of) sfw alphabet with miles !!
↳ authors note : could contain astv spoilers ?? i think i'll do another alphabet w a spiderverse character soon when i finish this!! ive been working on a hobie fic but his british is killing me PLZ save me im SOBBING its being delayed just cause hes british thats crazy
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— ❥ Affection - is he the affectionate type?
☆☆ I think Miles is really affectionate with his partner, holding hands and all of that. Tries to be a romantic (and fails sometimes cause hes far too silly for that) but he's doing his best!! Affection is definitely very important to him so :)
— ❥ BEGINNER - is he new 2 relationships?
☆☆ Definitely, you'd be his first love and so he tries his best with you. He'll make sure to take you out on good dates, meet your parents, make like thousands drawings of you in his sketchbook and just generally try to hide the nerves of being in a relationship. Of course, Miles isn't perfect, but you understand that and just accept him nevertheless.
— ❥ CUDDLING - does he like 2 cuddle ?? how does he like 2 cuddle :)) ??
☆☆ Cuddling is a need, it is a requirement. He will demand cuddling at least once every day just so he feels something in his cold and empty soul. (he's being sarcastic, please cuddle him hes so sad when you don't)
— ❥ Domestic - does he wanna settle some day ?? how good is he at household chores ??
☆☆ Miles is a teenager, that kind of thing has yet to cross his mind or atleast think of it super seriously. But he would love to move in with you at some point, make you breakfast in bed and stuff like that. He definitely used to help his mom when he was younger, just gives off the vibe :))
— ❥ Ending - how n why would he end things with you ??
☆☆ The only thing that would push Miles that far is for your own safety. When he dates someone, he doesn't wanna do it just because you two like each other, he dates to stay together and not for a fleeting feeling that'll come to pass. But it hurts him more to leave someone he still loves, but knows its for your safety <\3
— ❥ Fiance(e) - marriage? commitment?
☆☆ I mean, same reason with the letter D, he's a teenager so that thing doesn't really cross his mind. He does like to joke around that he'll propose to you with a bagel or something.. (uh oh)
— ❥ Gentle - is he gentle physically and emotionally ??
☆☆ He tries his best to be. He understands how a lot of things can be overwhelming and hard to understand, so whether you need his emotional or physical help he's always willing to give it. He'll give you words of affirmation or hold you till you feel better. :)
— ❥ Hugs - does he like em ?? does he hate em??
☆☆ Miles LOVES it when you hug him, especially when you initiate it first. He'll sometimes pick you up and do a little spin because it makes him that happy T_T♡ Please hug him, he needs it badly after everything
— ❥ I love you - how long did it take for him to say it ?? does he say it often ??
☆☆ Miles took his time when it came to finally saying 'I love you'. He wanted to make sure that he'd mean it, and will continue to mean it while you guys are together. When it comes to saying I love you, he wants it to be in appropriate times and places but he usually says it when hes sleepy and just has no filter at all.
— ❥ Jealousy - does he get jealous often ??
☆☆ Yes and Miles makes it very obvious. You find it amusing every time he'll pull you by your waist towards him so he can hold you by his side. He'll urge you to continue your conversation, but the person you're speaking to can tell he is one minor inconvenience away to picking you up and just running off. (he'll only ever act like this if the person has clear intentions that were NOT approved of by him)
— ❥ Kissing - does he like kissing ?? how does he like 2 kiss ??
☆☆ He does the upside down kiss at like any given moment while he's on patrol. HE LOVES DOING IT he thinks its the most silly thing ever and the way the first time he tried it, his web snapped and he fell before he could kiss is ENGRAVED in your memory. Of course, he'll enjoy smaller kisses like on the nose or on his forehead cause it makes him feel soso soft.
— ❥ Little Ones - is he good with kidz ?!
☆☆ HES AWFUL. have you seen the scene with him and Mayday?! He has never held a child a day in his life, he will call an infant baby 'bro' or something and try to take it skateboarding. He will try if you have younger siblings, it's like training to get into the family; if you can handle the little menaces you are welcomed <3.
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hearts4youz · 9 months
The Captains Daughter -Chapter 3-
A/N Sorry for the longer wait!!! chapters 4 and 5 are ready to go and will be out this week/weekend as well!! hope yall are doing great and enjoy this chapter! its a bit of a slow one, the next few are too but I promise it will get better!!
Word count: 1.1k
Reader pov:
*Beep beep*
*Beep beep*
4:45 AM, your alarm was blaring. You let out an ungodly noise as you stretched your still sleeping muscles, reaching over to shut it off. Breakfast started in 15 mins, reporting was mandatory. You used the restroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face with your standard issue bar of soap, which to be honest, didn't do much for skincare. It was more for sterilization than anything.
You combed your hair back into a low ponytail. Luckily the uniform regulations were much more relaxed here than your old base. Your hair only needed to be tied back in some form if it was past chin length, instead of the required sleek low bun most other military organizations required.
Putting on your uniform and double knotting your shoes, you opened your door and began walking to the mess. Almost running face first into a man with a mustache. You looked up to apologize and realized it was your father.
"Watch where you're going fatass," You joked. (A/N- please tell me yall got the mean girls reference.)
Your dad laughed, your footsteps fell in sync and the two of you walked to breakfast together.
"How was your first day of training with your Lieutenant?"
"I don't think I'm up to his standards," you confessed. Remembering Ghost's disapointment with you the day before
"Ah yeah, Ghost is tough to please. Don’t stress about it kid, if he’s mean to you it usually means he likes you,” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “he doesn’t even think I belong here, he kicked my ass when we sparred.”
“Ghost is a great soldier, he’s incredibly strong and has seen a lot of hand to hand combat. He can be blunt, but it’s cause he wants to make you better, not boost your confidence,” your dad tries reassuring you.
“Thank you dad, but something tells me him and I won’t get along too well," your opinion unchanged.
He sighs, the two you enter the mess hall and fall into line.
"Speak of the devil," your dad says, lightly elbowing you.
you turned around to see Ghost and Soap had gotten in line behind you.
"Captain!" Soap exclaimed, with just a tad too much energy for 5 in the morning."
You looked up at him and grinned. He had shaved his face, which appeared to have shaved a decade off of his life.
"MacTavish!" Your father clapped him on the back. "You don't look a day over twelve," he teased.
The four of you laughed, the first time you've seen your lieutenant do anything of the sort.
Ghost caught your quizzical expression and quickly stopped, expression reducing to the same stone faced soldier you were growing familiar with.
"Ghost?" Soap wondered why he stopped laughing.
Soaps gaze switched from him to you.
"Oh," was all that came out of his mouth
You were confused, why wouldn't Ghost laugh around you?
Why did soap seem to instantly know why?
Ghost pov:
I was not about to let Y/N see my "human" side, maybe once she proves she can handle herself. I think as I fork bacon onto my tray.
I dared to steal a glance at her, she was back to talking and laughing with Soap and Price. It is odd seeing someone act so informal around him. I know he is her father and all, but everyone else acts so reverent towards him.
I am due to continue her training at 4:00 this afternoon. Dread fills my veins. I hate the thought of being in charge of the training that is designed to save someones life. What if I fail to teach her something that she needs in a dire situation? What if I am too soft on her and she remains weaker than her opponents.
No, that won't happen.
You will be hard on her, you will show no remorse, you won't feel bad. She is not your friend, she is your sergeant. I repeat this to myself in my head as we gather our trays and walk to the table. I ate in silence, paying little attention to the conversation. Gaz and Alejandro had joined us at this point. I stared down at the plate in front of me. The bacon here is nasty.
I wanted to leave. I hated it with Y/N here.
Its not that I don't like her, well actually maybe that is partially why.
But, when I look at her, its like seeing a child. Something that needs to be looked after, someone with a lot to learn, someone who isn't ready to face the world.
I stood up to leave without a word. I head towards the gym to get in a quick lift before the morning briefing.
Soap had followed me
"Fucking hell" I said under my breath.
"You cant be a jackass to her forever," Johnny said, jogging to catch up with me.
"Until I can safely befriend her without having to worry about having to identify her body a week later I will be," I huffed.
"Simon, I know it hit you like a truck when Henry Jones, and Bill Anderson died, I know how you get when you hear about the death of anyone," he tried to reason.
"I know you always think it's your fault when something goes wrong. I know you want to protect everyone, and I know you don't mean to be an asshole." I looked at him from the corner of my eye.
"But not everyone else knows that," he continued. "Your colleagues are afraid of you. They think you're heartless. I know you aren't, the rest of the squad knows you aren't, well except Y/N.
Him and I walked the rest of the way in silence. I contemplated his words.
Your colleagues are afraid of you
"I don't want her to be afraid."
"Hm?" Soap turned his head
"Y/N, I don't want her to be afraid of me," I confirmed
"The mask sure isn't helping," Soap joked to break the tension. "Actually, keep it on- whats underneath is worse," he snickered.
"You bastard, I'm not ugly," I cracked a smile from beneath said mask.
Johnny has seen my face once, on a mission. I was sucker punched and it cracked.
"What does she think of me?" I say, curiosity besting me.
"She thinks you're a total dick."
"You can fix that though," Soap said "It's pretty simple, maybe instead of beating the shit out of her to start training, you could ask how her day is going." He sarcastically adds
I roll my eyes, "I'm capable of friendship."
Soap laughs, "I'll put in a good word for you LT."
Smiling and shaking my head, I walk away.
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hanzajesthanza · 9 months
regis didn’t die because “he got drunk,” he died because he abandoned his principles.
regis swearing at stygga and vowing to “fuck this castle up” is not only disturbing for what it is, and who he is, but also because of who he is in the company.
it truly is the “i’m a healer, but…” meme, because regis is the voice of reason, moderation, and logic, advising geralt away from hasty decisions. he’s a self-reported coward and afraid of violence, and you know, he’s the doctor.
it’s not just his abandonment of his principle to not drink, but the abandonment of ALL of his principles—patience, rationality, goodwill, optimism—is what kills him.
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this discarding of principles happens in the scene where he returns to the rest of the company and sees milva’s dead body, where he says he feels such strength to fuck up this entire castle.
this hasty, violent cursing of his comes before the scene with vilgefortz—it foreshadows his death owing to his hasty, violent attack of vilgefortz. it didn’t just come out of nowhere that he made a terrible decision. (i mean, his first terrible decision was to follow geralt in the first place but, eh.)
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it’s not just because “he had been drinking”—the drinking is more of a side effect rather than a cause... (and “one should treat the cause, and not its symptoms…”)
since, to our knowledge, he had one drink before returning to see milva dead, and during that time seemed to be, more or less, regis as he was—he even cracks jokes to ciri before he realizes, ‘wait, maybe i scared her’—it is when he returns and has seen, is processing, milva dead, that he makes this suspiciously unhinged, out of character statement about “i feel such strength inside me,” “i could fuck up this entire castle.”
sure, he could have had a couple more drinks between these two scenes that sapkowski did just not deign to write of, but even if he had been totally plastered, i don’t think that that solely is what causes his downfall, his out of character viciousness and hastiness. remember that alcoholism is an addiction, and addictions re-emerge when one is faced with despair, loss, grief… and hopelessness. (and with blood already on his lips from the laboratory, it became that much easier to give in when having to confront this tragedy—the coping mechanism was already right back in his hands)
the hopelessness of losing milva at the portico of stygga castle broke them all, before they even went inside. and this death broke regis as we knew him, as the company’s optimist.
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seeing milva dead was the death of his principles, his virtues, what he worked so hard for such a long time to hold himself to. because these principles became as worthless as his surgeon’s tools—in this citadel of death, there’s nothing you can do to save life, to preserve it, as he had done prior:
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after her miscarriage, although they stayed in the lyrian-rivian corps of meve for five or six days, they had deserted—and deserted the barber-surgeons in that corps—in less than a week. consider then that it became once again, regis’ responsibility, as the company’s barber-surgeon and sole healer, to care for milva as she recuperated.
though dandelion notes she did so quickly as she was a hale and strong woman and her troubles were mostly emotional, one must consider the responsibility that not only a friend feels for his friend’s life, but how a doctor feels for his patient’s life.
and how he feels when that life heals slowly, recuperates with difficulty, suffers more (broken ribs) but continues to heal under care, finally becomes strong again and, like her namesake, a bird, released with pride into the air—only to be shot down immediately, glassy-eyed in her own blood.
milva for regis was a symbol of preserving life (indeed, an interesting symbol, as she suffers miscarriage). and between them, it was also, of course, a complete inversion of the mythology surrounding vampires and pregnant women.
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but at stygga, she dies so immediately, so violently:
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… and from something… something as inconsequential as any old bit of wood…
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what kind of cruelty is it for life to be ripped away so quickly, by something so small, with no chance of saving? of healing?
but it’s nothing, because this is stygga castle. where healing becomes unusable. useless.
so regis leaves his healing at the doorstep—literally, upon the portico, where milva’s body was dragged back to by geralt and cahir, bleeding out in a dark pool.
and along with healing… his patience, moderation, mercy, kindness, wisdom… all of his virtues.
their virtues. the company’s virtues. since regis embodied this rationalist and optimist side of the company, when he abandons these principles of his, the entire company loses them;
because now, there is no one to advise them to “proceed slowly and with due prudence.” now, there is no one to placatingly say, “come, come, let there be concord.” now, there is no one to say, “of course we can, it is simply a matter of invention and positive thinking!”
the voice of reason has left us, he flew off on bat’s wings without a murmur or a whistle. now the voice only says — “i will fuck up this entire castle.”
i don’t think at stygga, in this scene and the one with vilgefortz, we’re seeing just a “regis, but drunk”. it’s deeper than that… because it’s not just his sobriety he broke, he broke everything—broken and shattered, like the collection of glass vials and flasks he shattered in his dramatic entrance to vilgefortz’s laboratory, exploding, bursting one after another. and from this erupts a hellish inferno of corpse-blue flames.
it’s not just “regis, but drunk” it’s “regis, but without patience, wisdom, kindness… etc…”
that’s why he’s so unlike the regis we’ve come to know during the series, why he at stygga becomes so unrecognizable to the readers—because he’s thrown away all of his beloved virtues that he strived to embody. and because “everybody has their good points, to even out the vices,” he became unbalanced, with his vices leading him. namely, his hubris, which often came out in a much more modest way during the rest of the saga—in a scholarly and lecturing tone of voice—but at stygga, comes out as an arrogant threat that he and he alone can and will fuck up this entire castle, an overconfident leap at vilgefortz’s throat.
and in my interpretation, it’s also not accurate to look at it like “this was actually the true regis,” “this was regis underneath it all,” because it’s not “how he was back then,” it’s not like he went back in time to be his past self. it’s not a reverting.
it’s more like coming full circle, for it’s milva’s death which triggers him to discard his principles, and he only got to know milva through his upholding of these principles. his actions towards her (namely his midwifery) showcase some of the best of what he became, owing to these principles of his.
and her presence, or rather the loss of her, makes him realize that all of his goodness is in vain and will be of no help here. and that is when a great hopelessness consumes him, and he throws out his goodness with a cold clatter to the ground—what use was any of this, after all? i cannot save her with medicine, i cannot save her with my principles, it all turned out to be useless.
and we’ve seen something like this already in the saga—it’s much like when ciri is in the korath desert and begins to think, everyone has abandoned me, the morality and ethics they taught me are utterly useless. and it takes her being in korath for her to get there, to break her spirit. the seed of this may have been planted in her at cintra, but her contempt didn’t fully erupt until after she had tasted the love, mercy, and kindness of geralt and yennefer’s parentage and saving of her—and then was suddenly deprived of it.
similarly, regis had a terrible youth, and yes, when he’s giving up his principles here, he’s returning to a similar state—but it’s not the same as if he had never experienced the entire arc following his rebirth into human life. it’s not a return to his youth, it’s more like… hm… a mid-life crisis? hah…
a metaphor of day and night is apt!
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he’s not “reverting” at stygga—it’s like how dawn and dusk, though they are at similar light levels, are not the same thing, because they have the entire daytime inbetween them!
the sun sets with his discarding of principles, and we return to night… a cold, sinister, menacing, darkness. back to the realm of the vampire, not the human:
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because he, the company, is suddenly deprived of their archer, who, just remember, they worked so hard to save on the battle of the bridge, milva, whom regis rushed towards and carried on his back, staying with her during her miscarriage.
and now, she’s utterly dead in such a violent manner, and actually, the arrow pierced her lower abdomen, possibly where her womb would be: “struck [her] low in the belly (…) having shattered her pelvis (…)” for the ultimate symbolism for her character.
and suddenly with her death, regis realizes how useless he is, to them, here, as a surgeon. he cannot save milva now like he did under the bridge. he can’t help, save any of them. he’s powerless.
and if not a surgeon, their surgeon, who is he?
and if not wise, patient, cautious, kind, gentle? if not always knowing what to do, ‘in his infinite wisdom,’ in his ‘omniscience’? if not humanity? what is left of emiel regis? what is left?
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licorice-tea · 6 months
I’m A Ghost Of You, You’re A Ghost Of Me Pt. 2
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader, platonic Straw Hat Pirates & reader
Content: slow burn, canon typical violence (nobody actually gets hurt), throwing darts (just for fun), mentions of a g*n (no shooting), reader shoots an arrow from a bow (no one is harmed), reader has special skills typical of a one piece character, bars, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: This one is kind of long and there isn’t much reader x zoro in it, we’re still building up to that lol. There is a mention of him and his relationship to the reader at the end of this chapter though! Oh, and since Usopp is a sniper, but so is y/n (just different weapons) I’ve made it so Usopp’s thing/weapon of choice is his inventions instead! It won’t change the story much at all, but I didn’t want to make it so there are 2 people with the same fighting style on the crew once the reader joins. One last thing- this takes place after the crew has taken down Arlong Park- their next destination is Reverse Mountain, but they just so happened to meet the reader on an island first.
Part 1 • Part 3
Monkey D. Luffy had charmed you from the moment you met him- and vice versa. The two of you, though you had very different backgrounds and aspirations, were both young, free souls with big dreams. He had just begun assembling his crew that would ultimately help him achieve his goal of becoming King of the Pirates. So far, the future king had recruited a swordsman and a navigator. Or at least, that’s what he told you when he found you; in a bar on one of the smaller islands of the East Blue.
It was a quiet day, and the bar was empty save for you and the bartender. You weren’t much of a drinker, but the heat was intense and the bar offered shade and a place to relax. So while the few patrons of the bar drank, you took to playing darts. Alone.
You hold the dart in your right hand with your left arm outstretched as if to focus your aim; poised to throw. Then after a few back and forth movements of your hand- as if to determine the path the dart would take once you let it go- you exhale softly and do just that. The dart flies in a near straight line, only falling slightly at the end of its arc to hit the dead center of the dart board.
With a small smile you hum to yourself and pick up another dart from a box nearby. You don’t even really aim this time though, just steady your hand and repeat those back and forth motions before throwing. This time, you use more force, and the second dart splits the first.
One of the few others in the bar, a tall and burly man in a marine uniform, approaches you after the 4th dart has split 3 others. He puts an arm on your shoulder, and gives you a scrutinizing sort of look as he sizes you up.
“You shoot, kid?”
“Yeah, a bow.”
“Ever thought about being a marine?”
You shrug off his hand, “No, thank you.”
He steps closer, “Oh, so you think you’re too good for us? Wont take orders cause you’re the best, right?” You can smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Sure, something like that.” You respond sarcastically while taking a step back. You’re not one to go looking for a fight, but he’s clearly trying to challenge or test you. Sigh, marines and their pride.
He huffs, then turns to leave and spits in the spittoon by the bar doors. The marine looks back over his shoulder and points at you. “Meet me outside when you’re ready to put your money where your mouth is, kid.”
You simply roll your eyes and take a seat at the bar, as you’re no longer in the mood for playing darts. The bartend comes around to your side to take your order.
“A shirley temple, please.”
He gives you a deadpan look, and when you don’t quirk a smile or admit to it being a joke, he full on laughs at you.
“You’re gonna run from that marine on nothing but a shirley temple, huh kid?”
“Excuse me?”
“He’s still waiting for you outside, no doubt about it. I hope you’re fast.”
You frown and rest your head in your chin, thinking of how you were going to get out of this mess.
Sometime between your confrontation with the drunk marine and your conversation with the bartend, a new group came in. You hadn’t noticed earlier, but you did now as they were clearly watching you. They must have been listening to everything go down, too, based on their expressions.
The bartend leaves your end to go take this new groups orders before eventually coming back to make your drink.
“…I’m not running from anything.” is the answer you settle on as he slides you the bright red shirley temple.
“Sure thing.”
You pull out a few berries from your pocket, but before you can slide them over he waves you off.
The bartend nods his chin to the new group of people, who you realize are still not so subtly staring and talking about you. “Those guys paid for your drink.”
They sure are an interesting bunch. There’s a boy with a straw hat, a girl with orange hair, one man with curly brows and another with a long nose. And they’re just looking at you, mostly (with the exception of the blonde with curly eyebrows, who is giggling with literal hearts in his eyes.)
You nod to the group as a way of saying “thanks”, but you’re not sure if you should approach them… Fortunately, the boy with the straw hat makes that decision for you when he gets up and comes to stand by you.
“Hi?” You offer a friendly smile, but it’s nothing compared to his huge grin.
“My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I’m gonna be King of The Pirates!”
All you do is hum in acceptance of his grand statement, “Well, I’m l/n y/n.” You extend a hand to shake, “Nice to meet you.”
“You’ve gotta go fight that marine!” the boy exclaims. He holds his hands in fists, completely ignoring your handshake in favor of making punching motions.
“I- No, I can’t.”
“Why not? You can beat him- I saw you throwing darts!”
“Well, sure, but I don’t want my bounty going up or anything… I’m not looking for trouble, really.” You laugh nervously.
“Psh! He insulted your bravery! And having a bounty is coo-“ He’s cut off by the girl with orange hair who slaps a hand over his mouth.
“Sorry about him. I’m Nami… and you’re some kind of sharpshooter, right?”
You nod as you look between the two of them, then at the rest of their friends who were sitting on the other end of the bar but are now also making their way over.
“Well, y/n was it? I think what Luffy was trying to say-“ she then glares at Luffy, “before he almost outed us as pirates when a marine is outside- is that he’d really like to see more of what you can do.”
“Um… why? I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I just-“
“I want you to join my crew!”
You blink, shocked. “And why would you need me?” you say with a somewhat surprised laugh.
“I want a sharpshooter on my crew, and you have the best aim I’ve ever seen!” He says everything with such excitement, and you like it.
“Really? I’m a good shot, I don’t know about the best…” you giggle. “I’m not even a sharpshooter, I’m a painter; I just do this for fun.”
As you had explained: you didn’t really consider yourself a full blown archer. More like an artist who happened to have a talent for archery, and would use a bow and arrow as a means of protection. It was how you survived; not your dream.
Of course, being an artist whose work is known all throughout the world is a grand and respectable dream all on its own. You knew that- even if others had labeled you foolish or unserious for your passion. Sure, art wasn’t something dangerous that could earn you tons of glory, or even a career with a guarantee of money. But, that didn’t matter to you, because it was what you loved most in life. And, you had become enamored with the idea of beauty for beauty’s sake through many arguments with your parents over the purpose and need for art (beyond being a hobby.) You still doubted yourself occasionally, but the backlash somehow made it easier to believe in yourself when your confidence ran low.
That was over a year ago now, and you’d been making a name for yourself as a painter. You liked to travel between islands to find inspiration in a variety of places and people, but you got by just fine with the berries from selling your work. It was nice, having the freedom to do what you loved most… but this was your chance to follow your dream to someday be a master of the arts. And you felt in some odd way, that this small crew led by a boy no older than yourself; they were a part of that future.
“Ohhh, so that’s your dream then? Perfect! All of the Straw Hat Pirates have dreams!”
“The Straw Hat Pirates? So, you’re the captain then?” You can’t help but smile up at the boy with the Straw Hat. And it makes close to no sense at all, but you have a really good feeling about him- about all of them.
“Yep! Join us, cmon!”
“I… Um…” It’s not like you were really tied down at all. And how often did you meet people like these, who made you feel safe and appreciated even though you had just met?
Well, you did remember one time. But that was over a year ago, and you hadn’t heard from him since.
Nami shakes her head at Luffy once again, “Give them some time to think, would you! Not everyone can just run off with a pirate crew.”
Then, one of the other two crew members who had joined in on the conversation speaks up. “So… are you going to go fight that marine?” says the man with the long nose. “Oh, I’m Usopp by the way.” He gives a friendly wave.
The blonde responds for you; “They don’t have to do anything they don’t want to.” His eyes return from Usopp to you, and the hearts seem to reappear. “And I’m Sanji, it’s really a pleasure to meet you!” He takes one of your hands and shakes it with both of his.
You giggle and shake your head. “No, it’s ok.” You drain the last bit of your shirley temple, then stand up from your barstool. “I’ll do it.”
There are mixed reactions after the initial surprise from the whole crew- minus Luffy, he seems like he knew you would. But once the rest lose their shocked expressions Nami and Usopp both try to talk you out of it while Sanji cheers you on. Luffy simply crosses his arms and nods with a grin, and they all follow you out of the bar.
“But- but wait! You really don’t have to, this will just cause trouble!” Usopp tries to reason with you.
You shake your head, “It’s ok, he’s probably not even here anymore.”
And sure enough when you walk out onto the street, it’s nearly empty. No marines in sight- until you hear him.
“Hey, kid!” The voice comes from further down the street behind you, and you and all the Straw Hat Pirates turn to see who it belong to. Sure enough, there’s the marine- he seems to have sobered up a little, or enough that he’s not slurring his words or stumbling anymore.
As if this were some old western movie, you rest a hand on the bow slung over your shoulder. “Nevermind then. Can you give me a little space guys?” The Straw Hats back away and watch as the marine hurries toward you, stopping about 10 paces away.
“Here to defend your honor, huh?”
“No, that’s silly. I’m here because you interrupted my game of darts.”
He scowls and draws his own weapon- a standard marine issued firearm, by the looks of it.
Before he can even load it or cock it or- whatever they do with guns, how would you know? You draw your bow and knock back a single arrow, but with great force. It hits the barrel of the gun, fully bending it away from the direction your arrow hit it.
The marine, the Straw Hats, and even yourself (though you felt too confident to look surprised) were shocked. For a single arrow to dent the barrel of a gun? Well, you must be one hell of an archer. Yet it was “just a hobby” as you told your new crewmates, and so they were all excited to see the prowess you would exemplify over your actual dream.
He takes two cautionary steps backwards first, then the marine turns and full on sprints away. The Straw Hats all laugh, cheer, and pat you on the back while asking how in the world you did that. You weren’t entirely sure yourself, but were still content with the outcome of the day.
“So now you’ll be part of my crew, right?”
“Yes!” You laugh, “I’d love to.”
You explain to your new crew, or nakama as Luffy calls you, that you just have to go get your bag from the inn you’re currently staying in. The five of you meet back at the docks of the island just a few minutes before sunset, and they show you to their boat; the Going Merry.
But before any of you can begin to board the vessel, Luffy stops and exclaims, “Aw man, where’s Zoro?”
You whip your head around to face Luffy. Did he say Zoro? As in, Roronoa Zoro- the bounty hunter who’d led you get away a year ago to follow your dream? The man you still felt you owed your future to, for what he had done for you…
“Probably lost. Again.” Usopp sighs.
“Sorry, did you say Zoro?”
“Yep, he’s our swordsman!”
You have no words, so you just hum in response. What were the chances of joining the same crew as your… savior? Ally? Friend? The definition of your relationship was not at all set in stone, so you can only rely on what is tangible for now; the growing smile on your lips, and the faster beating of your heart.
Maybe you would get the chance to repay him after all.
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hazel-islivingtrash · 30 days
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from JJK? What do you think are Gojo and Geto’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Also, what are your fav stsg moments? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Oh man this is such a loaded question 😭 Sorry it took me a while to get to this, I had to take some time to think about it. I’ve never really been asked these before so it was interesting to think about!
I think Gojo’s personality strengths lie in the fact that when he cares deeply for others, he will do everything in his ability to keep them safe. We can see this when he runs himself into the ground trying to keep Riko safe while they’re on vacation to when he puts his own life on the line to help his students and keep them away from the higher ups’ grasp as best as he can.
His weaknesses though I think come from his complex of “being the strongest” leading to him to struggle under that title. I believe he finds it hard to disconnect himself from that title, and the only person that truly saw him for him was Geto, so when he defected it only made things worse for him. After Geto left, leaving with his famous parting words “Are you Gojo Satoru because you’re the strongest, or are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru.” it probably only perpetuated the problem in his head, especially after he failed to save Riko. If he truly was the strongest, how are all of these people that he cares for leaving him? 
When it comes to Geto, it’s a bit tricker to decipher his strengths and weaknesses. I think his strengths definitely come from his moral compass, as skewed as that becomes after he defects. When he truly believes in something, like he said, he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He attacks Jujutsu High in an attempt to chase his goal, but doesn’t kill Inumaki and the others when they come to stop him since they are young sorcerers and would only be beneficial to his cause in the long run if he was able to turn them over to his side.
But, I think a really prominent weakness of his also comes from that moral compass, and the blindness it causes him. Initially, he’s very for protecting the weak and non-sorcerers of society, but when that is slowly chipped away at, he’s left lost and wondering, leading to him having that mental break when he finds the twins. He put his belief so strongly into protecting the weak, yet the “weak” turned around and did that to two children. He puts his faith in this new belief that non-jujutsu sorcerers are a stain on society and should be cleansed from the earth which ultimately leads to his downfall.
Their dynamic makes me cry so much, it’s tragic. I feel like they see the real person behind the powers and cursed techniques in one another. Yes, they play jokes and annoy the other (mainly Gojo to Geto) but at the end of the day they still care deeply for each other. That even goes through Geto leaving. There’s no way in my opinion that Gojo COULDN’T kill him in the 10 years he was gone, I feel like he couldn’t bring himself to do so. If Geto didn’t declare war and try to take Rika, I feel like he could have gone on much longer without Gojo ending him. Gojo still has some trust in Geto even after everything, and I think that speaks volumes into how deep their connection runs.
To that point, a favorite stsg moment of mine has to be when Geto’s body instinctively fights back against Kenjaku (the first body to ever do so) to protect Gojo. While yes, I wish it was actually him doing that, the fact that his body did that on its own is incredible. Some of my other favorite moments include: the beach scene, when Geto is confronting and checking in on Gojo after he hadn’t dropped his technique, but Gojo assures him it’s fine because he was there too; Geto just calling Satoru’s name (the way he says it is to die for); and do I even need to say the end scene at the end of JJk zero gets me everytime? Because it does. There's more but those are the standout ones to me :))
But yeah! Hopefully I answered everything :) lmk if you want me to explain anything better ❤️❤️ Thank you for your questions!!
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Gabriel As Your Garudian Angel
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~ first of all its the first and almost only thing he has ever tooken seriously
~when he found out he didn't really care. Michael and Lucifer were desened to inhabit the Winchesters bodies and he got the boring job of being Bobby Singer's Nieces.
~when he first met you he immediately took the roll. He Loved your personality and stuck around.
~you were a kid when you first met so you just thought he was an imaginary friend.
~he hung around in your toddler years but slowly stopped showing up when you befriend Sam and dean
~he felt like you didn't need him anymore so he protected you from a far
~after awhile you forget the angel and figured the boy with golden wings was an imaginary friend.
~you didn't have encounter intill years. You were an adult and a hunter.
~your first case involving him he was just know as the trickster. He left you untouched but screwed with Sam and Dean.
~that pattern continued when with the mystery spot Fiasco. Gabe knew how much you cared for Dean so he didn't put you in the time loop with Sam.
~that same time period he didn't bring Dean back till you asked.
~during his TV land joke he purposely put you and the boys in shows you liked. Like Dr. Sex MD was based off Greys anatomy(a show you liked)
~after that you confronted him while he was in the holy fire.
~ “I'm always left untoched during your practical jokes, why is that?”
~“you don't remember me? I'm hurt Sugar”
~for some reason you showed murcy on him and convinced the boys to let him go.
~“I always thought you were my imaginary friend”
~“I stopped hanging around because you had the boys... I guess I thought you didn't need me anymore so I protected you from a far”
~after that he wouldn't leave you alone. It annoyed the hell out of the boys but you brushed it off.
~he'd always wake you up with his favorite song heat of the moment. Or he'd wake you up like an alarm that was set on radio mode.
~“Gooooodd Morning miss. Y/n Singer. It's a beautiful day in Lawrence Kansas. The weather is gonna be sunny and dry. But better get ready because the forecast predicts a pesky Windego on the loose. I'm your host Gabriel the Trickster”
~you guys grew close and your friendship kinda turned romantic to both of your fright.
~guardian angels aren't supposed to fall in love with their person. It was just the rules.
~then again when did gabe ever follow the rules.
~after yours and Dean's failed atempt to a relationship gabe flew in.
~it started off casual. You slept together once or twice but Never confermed anything.
~not wanting that in a relationship you told him how you felt.
~“everyday I'd wake up to your stupid music and your stupid voice. I feel in love deeper and deeper with you”
~you kept it on the down low afraid of how the boys would react. But after one of his tricks it came out, but it also caused Sam to break his arm.
~that was the biggest flaw in your relationship. His ability to not care that he screws with your Family.
~“I'm tired of you hurting them all the time. We're a team. If you hurt them, you hurt me...some guardian angel you are”
~that hurt the both of you but it proved you two were ment to stay friends. It also made you realize the whole relationship was something you guys wanted to do because it was going against the rules.
~he reminded faithful to his Job and his friendship to you. He even helped you fix your relationship with Dean(which is who you belong with).
~the first time you watched him died hurt worse than any wound you got on the job. He lied there lifeless after saving you from Lucifer.
~the boys didn't know how to comfort you. It felt like part of you was missing.
~after you found out Asmodeus had captured and torchored gabe you were beyond furious.
~gabe was beyond scared when he was in the bunker but he trusted you. It was your turn to protect him.
~you where the one to convince him to take his grace and heal himself.
~“I need you gabe, I can't lose you again”
~ he stayed around again and even helped you look after Jack who you took under your wing. He took the role of an uncle oddly seriously.
~then came your time in purgatory. You were determined to get jack back and gabe wasn't gonna let you go alone. Even if you had your boyfriend Dean. And by the laws of heaven he had no choice.
~that wasn't his mind set. You were and always be his best friend. There ain't no him with out you.
~he never left your side during your time in purgatory. It angered Dean but gabe could care less. It was unnatural for him because you'd think he'd take it to his advantage but he didn't.
~during that time Lucifer teased the both of you. It infuriated gabe and he did his best to keep distance between the both of you.
~“lay one hand on her it'll be the last thing you ever do”
~during the cold nights you lied awake next to gabe wrapped in his leather jacket.
~when it was time for you to leave gabe didn't make it back. And he was gone for real this time.
~it took all Sam's power to pull you back as you screamed and cried his name.
~while everyone celebrated there return home you stayed in your room in the bunker crying in his leather jacket he left with you.
~the pockets of the jacket were filled with candy wrappers(you never took them out).
~What hurt the worst was there was a gold feather in the pocket as well. His feather.
~you wore it on a necklace and psychologically it made you feel safer.
~after he died your post hunt injuries hurt worse and they were more often. That proved gabe did his job well.
~Dean didn't know how to help you. He comforted you when you cried but Castile was the only one that willingly talked to you about it.
~“he really did care about you... In fact him being your guardian angel was the only thing he ever took seriously.”
~Cas later tried to take the job because he thought gabe would want that but her couldn't.
~you only get one gaurdian angel and gabe was the best and only one.
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mysterialistic · 9 months
This Link Click original song is literally Lu Guang!
So I've been analyzing the Link Click original songs from season 2 (cause I'm searching for clues lmao), and I discovered that "Flash" is literally Lu Guang.
Analysis here:
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"There's no chance to rewrite, our story ended long ago". This is totally LG, he did said that this was his last attempt to save CXS. His story with CXS ended way too long ago with the passing of the latter.
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"Just a loop", yes, LG time loop confirmed. "Should I do this now till the end?" LG not giving up on going back in time to save CXS.
And now my favorite part: "You're the reason I live, but you don't remember me".
GUYS, THIS IS TOTALLY LG?!? Remember how the director said that when CXS meet LG he felt that he had meet him before, you know, like a weird melancholic feeling? Well, obviously LG remembers him but CXS, his reason to live, doesn't. God, I love this.
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I also like the first two lines in here: "Oh, can I be with you? It feels like comedy."
LG has dived back in time so many times to save CXS, just to be with him, but he hasn't made it and it's starting to feel like a bad comedy, a joke.
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Now we're getting to the best part: "gotta get the power to rewrite. I just wanna deny, I just wanna rewrite".
I think this is very clear. LG getting CXS's power to go back in time, the power to REWRITE. He wants to deny what happened, he only wants to rewrite the tragic events, aka CXS dying.
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"What a wonderous nightmare" aka CXS death.
"Resist the lifeless scenario. Become the person, the person I wished for that day". LG fighting against fate, against that lifeless scenario that he despises so much. He wants to become the person we wished for that day, aka the person who saved CXS.
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"Notice the regret engraved so hard. Crying, don't let me go anywhere". This sounds like LG regretting going back in time to change fate and destroy the time line, he know it's wrong, but he can't stop and he's begging to be stopped because he can't stop himself.
"Babe you don't see me. Your shadow that only I got, that only I got". He goes back in time and CXS doesn't see him, he doesn't remember him, only LG has a shadow of his past and that's its, but it's enough.
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"Flame out, I don't care about it anymore. Now I can fly, only I can fly". This is LG probably accepting that he wants to change the past and he doesn't care anymore about the consequences since he obtained the power to do it and only he can do it.
"You're just making sure I'm alone, but I have the power, it was undercover". This sound liks LG talking to fate, going against it on his own but knowing that he has the power, the hidden the power to go back in time and fight against fate.
So this is just me making a crazy analysis of the lyrics lmao. I'll also do one for "Keep in mind" because it's SOOO LG time traveler coded.
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scummy-writes · 5 months
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Anniversaries - A Solo Arthur Fanfic
Rating: General
Pairing: Arthur/Reader
Words: 1,752
Tags: Character (Reader) death, Reader has she/her pronouns, Angst, Coping, Grief
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Music boxes seemed to be curious things, somehow managing to play a few notes of their songs at random hours in the night. It had been more than once that the music box Arthur had gifted her interrupted his writings, its metallic twings pulling his thoughts away during breaks, a frown being shot its way. During the times she was around to catch him in the act, she would titter sweetly and mention how it just needed to go through a round of its tune, then it would stop eagerly trying to catch their attention.
He didn’t understand why she personified it, concluded in the end that it had to do with its likeness of Vic, but her same joke played out so often that it became a small custom between the two of them. A random ting in the night, and the box was promptly wound. And to Arthur’s surprise, it seemed to work. One play, and they wouldn’t hear another peep for weeks.
Truly, Arthur couldn’t despise the gift. Every time its tune rang out, he’d remember a memory shared between them, especially of the night he had given it to her. Often enough, she’d bring it up as they’d listen together, throwing in a teasing comment about how he stuttered through reason after reason as to why he had bought it for her. She’d fondly recall how cute she had thought him to be then, completely changing the impression she had of him, realizing he was much more than just an irresponsible flirt. If he was lucky, and his pout gained enough empathy, she’d laugh and grant him a kiss for her ‘harsh’ words.
In return, he’d tell her what exactly had caused him to stutter that night. The fear that he had read her interest in the music box wrong, that the gift would be nothing more than a burden-- or worse, an ill reminder of why she had been wary of him in the first place. How all of his worries vanished the moment she smiled. His voice would lower then, admitting that was when he had fallen for her. 
Once, years later when its tune began to slow no matter how firmly she wound it, Isaac agreed to take a look at it, quietly excited to pop it open. She had happily turned it over in his care with just one simple request; don’t fix whatever caused it to play by itself. 
Afterward, when the box was back in their care with renewed vigor, Arthur would tease her for managing to make Isaac look so perplexed. Though in the quiet following that night, as its song rang out again, he’d privately admit to himself he had wanted the same. Just to have another moment where she smiled, joked about the box’s excitement to sing for them, and wind it up again.
And now, decades long after hundreds of those moments, Arthur’s longing for her chuckle still remained when the box quietly twinkled from the vanity in the corner of his room. Its notes weren’t as crisp as they used to be, and by now, Arthur couldn’t remember the last time he had properly wound it up to let it sing. Most of the time it sat forgotten through the years, Arthur barely passing it a glance save for the nights he hadn’t sobered up before coming home, his drunken stumbling causing it to wearily attempt to creak out its tune.
This time, it stole his attention when he lazily tossed his jacket towards that corner of the room, exhaustion from the day leaving him apathetic towards the state of his surroundings until a quiet twing rang out. Briefly, he had assumed he imagined it. Until remembering that more than his bed and writing desk occupied the room. 
Another note chimed, muffled under the fabric that had been hastily draped over the vanity’s mirror one day. Arthur could have ignored it, truly he could have. There was still time to pretend it didn’t exist. Just to turn and grab his wallet, spend the rest of the night in some bar again if sleep didn’t plan to take him first. But instead, he stalled, only walking over with the excuse that Theo wasn’t around to drink with yet. With a deep inhale, he grabbed the flimsy blanket covering the vanity and tugged, letting it slide down onto the floor as he took in the sight of the music box.
He gently traced the rim of its base, eyeing the design and how it uncannily remained the same after all this time. His gaze flicked upwards, meeting the mirror that rested behind it, raking his eyes over his own features. Features that seemed so young and yet so worn the longer he studied. It seemed that he shared some traits with the trinket, and he couldn’t help but scoff at the thought.
With a few tapping thoughts against the wood, his fingers finally reached for the discolored key that rested in its back, gingerly turning it with fear of its creaks. Just as the thought of its gears being too rusted to work enters his mind, the familiar tune began to play. Albeit slow at first, but after the first few twinkles, it sang as if it had just been assembled earlier that evening.
His fingers dropped, palm resting against the vanity as he patiently listened, remembering the late nights he had done this in the past. Became its audience for the night, quietly waiting for its energy to run out so he could go back to whatever it was he was doing. A memory of an old habit that unwillingly brought more along the way. Faint memories of how she would lean against him while they listened, still riddled with sleep and liable to use him as a temporary pillow.
His eyes settled on the dot that rested on the decorative dog’s chin, mimicking the one him and his late pet had shared. He could still remember her quiet smile when she presented it to him, a few weeks after they had put Vic to rest. She had apparently borrowed some of Vincent’s supplies to match the plaster dog’s patterns with his, in an attempt for a kind reminder. 
At the time, Arthur had set it aside and pressed a kiss against her temple in quiet thanks. Recalling that night, he now wished he had been more verbal with his affections, along with countless instances that popped in mind. You would have thought that given the numerous stories he had penned, he could have mustered up the ability, yet…
“Bugger me,” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Every day felt as though he was in limbo, stuck in the few sober moments between his next drink and rough, nightmare riddled, mornings. It felt like he couldn’t go a moment without some despairing thought, and he scoffed. “Gods always been a right bastard, hasn’t he?”
It seemed like any time he had been blessed with happiness, the consequences struck twice as hard, leaving him consistently barely held together. Writing had been an escape in the past, but now every story he attempted to pen ended up becoming retellings of his moments with her, Letters he could never send, or just ink blots muddled with his frustration from never escaping the past.
There was barely a day where he could go without remembering the way her breathing had become a quiet rasp, her eyes exhausted and worn. It had been so hard to even look at her, so small and frail, pale as the sheets surrounding her.  Arthur never wanted his last memories with her to settle into his mind like all the other deaths he had witnessed. Remembering her last soft smile, in the midst of memories from the war-- from the children he couldn’t save?
She had squeezed his hand then. Rather, attempted to, her grip akin to a child’s as his name left her lips. Slow words of her love poured out as the air in her lungs did.
He wished he could say that he did his best to hold it together in front of her, that he let her final moments remain peaceful.
His own lungs choke out a stuttering exhale as his eyes refocus on his reflection, seeing the same face that starred in his nightmares. Even after a hundred years of this body's youthful appearance of his failed years as a doctor, his mind still couldn't grasp that he wasn't locked inside those flashbacks.
With a vice grip digging nails into his chest, Arthur fumbles for the blanket, tossing it over the vanity once more as he attempted to regain his breath. There’s a clatter, leaving nothing to the imagination as the music box meets the wood of the vanity, a few twinklings playing out after a thick cracking. 
He attempts to inhale, to release a breath he’s holding against his will, before he’s out the door, feet moving faster than his thoughts. All he can think of is-
“Theo,” Arthur’s voice is weighed down as he opens Theo’s bedroom door, the dealer in question barely even lifting a brow at the intrusion. “L-let’s get out of the mansion for a bit.”
There’s a moment of silence, save for Arthur’s panting, as Theo glances back at the papers on his desk. 
“Can you give me a moment?” He looks up at him, noting the grip on the doorframe, the sweat soaking Arthur’s brow. He sets his pen down, getting up from his seat without any further questions. “... Let me grab my coat.”
It isn’t long until they’re settled into Theo’s car, Arthur’s unfocused gaze drifting out the window. Theo’s known for years now that words do little to nothing for him, not when he’s already this deep into whatever bog his mind had conjured up. If it were any other day, Theo wouldn’t be driving them into town. Instead, he’d be shoving Arthur in front of some last-minute distraction, until the man was actually paying attention to his surroundings, actually seeing that he had someone to talk to.
But today, he’ll grant Arthur another dip into his old habit of finding relief in the bottom of a glass, knowing that tomorrow, with his schedule already cleared in advance, that he’ll force him into staying sober again with talk of better times, with reminders of the promise Arthur had sworn to her and, later on, Theo. An unintentional yearly tradition of theirs.
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This fanfic is actually nearly four years old! I remember dropping this WIP at the time because I was worried it wasn't clear or. good. but I was reminded of it today, so i went back and dusted it off, and rather enjoyed it really. I fixed some minor mistakes and here it is, a blast from the past (for me) finally posted. Hopefully this may encourage some of you to go back and look for hidden treasures in your wip hoards!
I actually rather enjoy this one, and that's not often something I feel like I can say. The ending is a bit blunt, but I think it's apt enough. I hope you guys enjoy it as well!
As an extra, there was a specific song I know I listened to while writing this, due to the themes of the fic and the music box being repeatedly mentioned. You can listen to it here, it's a vocaloid song called Music Box of Time.
Taglist (Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!): @yarnnerdally @katriniac @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bakaneko-chan @skoetiepoetie @bestbryn @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lokis-laugh @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys @drachonia @fang-and-feather
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
Hey i read ur gray dying hcs. Can you make some for jamie too?? Thanks!!
(and maybe avery could be after)
people's reaction to jameson's death head canons
avery: she would be absolutely destroyed. she would not get out of bed and seriously consider offing herself (its up to you if she actually does off herself). it would get so bad alisa and the others would have to intervene and get her professional help. she would only get out of bed to visit his grave. i also hc that he'd have a pre-written letter for her if he ever died that he gave to alisa (he told her to give it to avery when he died). she would reread that letter over and over again until her eyes became blurred with tears. she'd also get really mad at the world for ripping all of the people she loves away from her. she'd stop working, eating, drinking, showering, etc. basically, she'd be so wrecked she wouldn't be able to handle anything.
grayson: he'd try to keep everyone together but would fail miserably bc he's also falling apart at the seams. he'd work to try to distract himself but nothing ever took jamie's death off of his mind. he'd visit his grave everyday regretting everything that happened with emily bc of what it did to his relationship with jamie. i think he'd also find a way to blame himself. he'd apologize to jamie every single time he visited his grave for not being the best brother. he'd end up hiring someone to do his work for him bc he just wouldn't be able to do it. yk what emily's death did to him but this would be 1391938 times worse. he'd be crying 24/7 and he'd also wonder if life was worth living (like avery). he would think he deserved to die instead of jamie.
xander: basically the same thing i put in my 'how would people react if grayson died post'. he'd crack is usual jokes in hopes of getting people to laugh and loosen up all while dying on the inside. he'd occasionally slip up and forget jamie was still alive. he'd be working on smth and would think 'huh let me ask jamie what he thinks about this' just to then realize jamie's gone. he'd also visit his grave to leave little gadgets and notes there/talk to him. i think the grief would hit him so hard he wouldn't be able to work on his inventions and experiments anymore. he'd just sit in his lab, dissociating, thinking about jamie and how shitty his life is now that he's gone. he'd check up on everyone, especially avery cause, like i said, she's not getting out of bed.
nash: pretty much the same thing i said in my grayson post. would also try to keep the family going but would also fail miserably. he wouldn't let anyone see him fall apart except for libby. he'd, in a way, think he failed at keeping his brother safe, and, that he didn't do the one thing he was supposed to do as jamie's older brother. he'd become extra protective of his two remaining siblings and avery. he visits jamie's grave balling his eyes trying to think of a way he could've saved jamie. unlike avery, he'd have to get out of bed. staying in bed makes him feel even worse so he gets up and either checks on the others or works. i can also imagine him feeling so depressed he's just numb to everything except anything that concerns jamie or his family. he wouldn't care about the things he cared about before and would just lose it.
libby: the one who's actually keeping everyone together. she's making sure everyone is fed, bathed, etc and makes sure everyone has someone to talk to or cry to. meanwhile, she'd be grieving too. even though she's not as close to jamie, his death would still hit her hard. her baking would get completely out of hand. sm that people had to make an intervention bc they couldn't eat all of the cupcakes. she'd bring the cupcakes to jamie's grave (like i said in my grayson post). she'd start crying at any time of the day when she sees smth that reminds her of him (this is basically the exact same thing i wrote in my grayson post but i wanted to include her cause she's the best. i just think she'd react the same to all of the brother's deaths (except nash))
not proof read so sorry if there are grammar mistakes or smth doesn't make sense.
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amazingmsme · 8 months
Under the Table
AN: Was worried I might not finish since I was leaving my nana’s house today, but I was able to get it done pretty early! Here’s day 8 with the Shelby sibs ganging up on Tommy!
Perhaps the only time the Shelby family behaved like a normal, proper one was when they sat down for dinner. The sound of silverware clanking and scraping against plates could barely be heard over soft chatter. Talks of what they did that day, requests to pass the potatoes, and compliments on a delicious meal well made. You didn't make a scene at dinner, unless you wanted to face the wrath of Aunt Polly. Dinner was when they all behaved like civilized people and held conversation. Everyone knew that, especially Ada. Thomas shot her a glare, which she returned with an innocent grin.
He felt another squeeze on his knees and swore under his breath just as he hit the underside of the table. A loud bang startled everyone, jostling plates and causing glasses to slosh precariously. Polly gave a stern and unamused look from across the table, arching a brow.
"Everything alright Tommy?" she asked, though it was clear it didn't come from a place of concern. He gave a curt nod, staring intently at his plate.
"Yes, everything's fine."
"You sure? 'Cause that's about the fifth time I've had to catch my glass before you knock it over," she said accusingly. "So what's got you so damn fidgety?"
"I assure you, I'm fine," he insisted, making Ada stifle a laugh. Tommy fixed her with a look as Polly shifted her attention. Ada beamed from ear to ear as she scribbled her nails over her brother's kneecap, making him spasm and fight back a laugh. Unfortunately for him, his family was accustomed to the sight and slowly put two and two together.
"And you? Mind sharing what's so damn funny?" she asked, cocking her head expectantly. Arthur bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, glancing at Tommy across the table.
"What, I can't be in a good mood?" she asked, leaning forward not so subtly and latching onto both of his knees. Thomas couldn't hold back the bark of laughter as he curled up, kicking the table so hard it hopped off the ground. Arthur stopped his and Polly's plates from sliding off. She was trying hard not to appear amused.
"Not if it's going to ruin our dinner," she said curtly.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with me. Tommy's the one flailin' about!" What had been one off squeezes turned into relentless ones, and he found himself sinking down in his chair as loud hysterical laughs echoed through the room.
Everyone was amused, eyes fixed on the scene before them. Arthur at this point was laughing along and managed to catch one of his brother's kicking legs. Tommy's eyes went wide and his chuckles kicked up a notch, morphing into nervous giggles as he tried in vain to stop him from taking off his shoes.
"NO! Arthur, Ihihi'll kill you!" he threatened, even holding his butter knife in a defensive position to add weight to his words, but it still wasn't enough to negate the effects of his rarely heard laughter.
"Well there's a sight you don't see everyday," Finn joked, a wide grin in his face as he watched from across the table. "Ada, don't forget to go for his ribs!"
"Nohoho, dohon't you dahahare!" he growled through gritted teeth, desperate to hold back but breathless snickers continued to push through the barricade of his teeth. He looked to Polly with pleading eyes. She was the only voice of reason in this madhouse, and the only one who wouldn't outright turn on him.
She knew she should put an end to this, to save Thomas from the wrath of his siblings and turn their attention back to their food, where it should be. But it's been so long since she's seen them all get along like this. And when was the last time she'd seen Tommy actually laugh and enjoy himself. So she really couldn't stop the fond smile that found its way on her face, or the warm feeling growing in her chest.
"Pohoholly! M-make thehem stohohohop!" he pleaded, but she saw something sparkling in his eyes and she knew: he was having fun.
"If you make him flip the table, you're all cleaning up." He scoffed indignantly at that response before chuckles and snorts overtook him once more.
"Except you Thomas,  I'm sure this is already punishment enough," she teased, shooting him a wink from across the table. She grabbed her plate and glass of water and left them to their devices.
And when she heard a telltale crash followed by Tommy's smug voice, "That's what you fucking get!" she just smiled to herself. She peeked in through the doorway to see Arthur, Ada and Finn picking up scraps of food and china from the floor. Thomas stood in the corner, brushing himself off and glaring at the lot of them, fighting off his grin.
"So, was it worth it?" she asked.
"No," Tommy answered the same time the rest answered with an enthusiastic yes.
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After days of writing, editing and rewriting here are my headcanons about Screwllum! You might remember seeing this post which I'll be both elaborating on while making it make more sense. Breaking the cut is heavily recommended due to the post length.
This post includes but isn't limited to my headcanons, speculation for backstory and more. I'm info dumping about my special interest without any shame
Word count: 1,567
Trigger warnings: war, weaponry, death.
Fandom: Honkai star rail
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I'm only including this to make sure anyone who reads this understands what I'm talking about
Emotional core - The codes and primary processors and similar equipment that allows Screwllumites to feel emotions.
Black box - I'm using Black Box in the terms of the metaphor here and a physical object that works similar to what's seen on air crafts.
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Internals & codes
Screwllum’s code and presses are vastly different from Screwllumites. While all modern (primarily post Rubert I) were created with emotional cores based off Screwllum’s own, those before or during Rubert I era had a different version that is capable of such things but not naturally made to do those functions.
Due to how long Screwllum has been around it's vastly contributed as to why Screwllum and the Screwllumites are different internally. Screwllum himself runs on the older design even with having updated his outer appearance over the era’s. Fundamentally if you taken Screwllum apart and compared it to an modern day Screwllumite you would have two very different designs and codes even though outwardly the appearance is similar.
The emotional core is something even those who have claimed the ranks of Punklorde can't break, and hasn't been explained by Screwllum himself or any Screwllumite. It's believed to be an integrated aspect of their complex artificial intelligence or a specialty made part and/or device. While other inorganic life forms don't require this it's believed to be created in those that do become emotional (primarily for the cases of robots and artificial intelligence systems).
The black box and memory drive is something special to Screwllum himself. A gift of sorts from Nous which allows him to be alive for as long as he has while keeping his memories and similar things. The Monarch if his physical body is destroyed or worse his codes and AI are hacked into and taken over works as an failsafe to both keep data from before the attack. Due to this unlike the Screwllumites who can lose minor memory and if their important chips and whatnot are broken beyond repair can be classified as dead, Screwllum can be brought back indefinitely.
It does have its drawbacks, corrupted data that can cause issues in the long-term can be saved. To counteract this Screwllum currently has two black boxes, one that would bring him back in a state one wouldn't notice the missing data and the one he currently uses. The data added to the first black box is checked by Screwllum to make sure any data being added has no risk of corruption.
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Primary headcanons
Screwllum can and does speak multiple languages as needed, all he needs is recorded information on whatever language then his AI model does the rest. On first use of new languages he hasn't used in the past can sound slightly wrong but it doesn't take him long to adjust the needed components to be able to both speak those languages fluently and without issue.
Screwllum isn't his original name, the data on the original was lost amber eras’s ago and isn't something he minds. He holds very little memory before Rubert I started the war on all organic lifeforms.
Technically, mechanical aristocrat Is an very old term due to it being Screwllum’s original model name. The term is still used on planet Screwllum which is rather amusing to him.
Screwllita more or less acts like Screwllum’s scheduler when she isn't in the hair salon. You best believe she can and does get away with joking around with Screwllum, maybe even making him try on different hats to spice things up. This isn't to say Screwllum doesn't do it himself, she just likes to remind him! The two are friends and you can pry that from my cold dead hands—
It's very rare to see Screwllum without gloves. While he isn't self conscious of his appearance, he knows organic lifeforms wouldn't enjoy how cold his hands are and how delicate the joints of his fingers are. He tends to get nervous when needing to shake hands with people who aren't accustomed or used to interacting with inorganic life forms like himself without his gloves on due to it.
Dancing, it's something Screwllum enjoys just as much as butterflies. Sadly he hasn't found any partners to dance with outside of Screwllita or a very believable hologram. When he does get to dance he's very content even if his partners aren't the most skilled.
Screwllum keeps a butterfly garden inside an enclosure on his planet. He adores all the butterflies he keeps and takes great pride in it, if stressed he tends to take breaks to visit it if he's home.
Love is a complicated emotion Screwllum doesn't fully understand even with how advanced his Emotional core is. He is more accustomed to platonic love, the Screwllumites are his family he loves them in that way but true romantic feelings for another lifeform is something to his knowledge he's never felt. He never can fully wrap his head around how other Screwllumites can start romantic relationships and start families while the base idea itself to him is something he fundamentally doesn't understand.
That isn't to say Screwllum is incapable, he certainly is but just doesn't know is all. He doesn't have much free time anymore to spend on developing his own emotional core like he used to. That isn't actively an issue even though it does leave him at times confused with overly complex feelings that he doesn't deal with frequently.
The mechanical sun is still something Screwllum is worried about failing. While the machine has worked for decades without fail and only requiring minimal maintenance still has the small chance of failing. To see his people suffer due to his own failure is a haunting feeling to him, even so he takes comfort in its calculations. Calculations one could say are the start and continuance of life for Screwllumite's.
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While Screwllum doesn't enjoy fighting he is more than capable of defending himself! Screwllum primarily uses either a sword stick or Rapier. Most wouldn't know that the cane he can be seen with at times, primarily places fighting might break out is actually a weapon which is a functional cane. While holding the revolution against Rubert I Screwllum was frequently seen with a Rapier, a weapon he was very skilled with. While he much rather solves issues with words, sometimes force is the only way, be it a pesky line of code that just won't run or a fellow inorganic life form that wishes to kill what he stands to protect.
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My ideas for his backstory
My ideas here are heavily just me thinking of what might have happened! Please don't take this or anything here as true to canon. I adore giving more depth to characters when they don't have much. One should also note this would be happening towards the middle of the second war, for Screwllum had been around unaffected before and during the first and star of the second Mechanical Emperor's war.
Screwllum’s original use was to be a diplomat on behalf of an royal family not from Planet Screwllum though Screwllum holds no memory of this. How he ended up on this random planet will always be unknown in my interpretation. The events beforehand are lost to time and damages to Screwllum’s physical form and internal hardware. The skills he had from it ran over into what he is today even if he doesn't remember.
The first true memory Screwllum holds is of him waking up in a forest on a planet that he doesn't remember. His systems had been offline for over 8760 system hours, his physical body had been damaged while moss had calmed its home on him. The second thing he saw were butterflies, many butterflies he came to notice had been resting on him until he moved. He only noticed the organic lifeform standing a few feet away once he started to take in wherever he was. While he couldn't recall what happened to cause the system shutdown for such a long period of time his Artificial intelligence started to, for the first time, read the codes for fascination and confusion.
The Robotic aristocrat spent three years with Farlan. An organic lifeform that had found him and powered his systems back on. With his previous data missing and codes running that his system originally seen as errors the two started a routine. Screwllum helped the older man while being taught about what he was feeling. To memory Farlan is his first friend, the first individual that wasn't frightened by him and rather interested in his natural curiosity. In this time he established what happiness felt like, confusion, excitement, desire and so much more. Butterflies were abundant there, at that small cabin in those thick woods.
Screwllum would first feel anger, sadness and loss with Farlan. Hearing what Rubert I was trying to destroy angered him yet saddened him knowing so many have been hurt over a war that shouldn't be happening. He would see loss first hand with Farlan. Screwllum would return to find that Farlan died of natural causes; it was the first time Screwllum regretted following his own protocols. Taking the deceased’s hat then burying him he set for planet Screwllum or wherever he could get to first that hadn't been affected by Rubert I to start a rebellion.
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happypeaceperson · 1 year
Part of your world: Chapter 2
- Prince Eric x Male Reader
Chapter 1: Here
Chapter 3: Here
There's still not much Eric and reader interaction in this one but the next part will have a lot so I'll be sure to get the next part out as soon as I can!! Hope you guys enjoy this part!!
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You turned to see who was speaking to you, instead you only saw a faint outline of someone hiding in the shadows. "Who-" You pause for a second. "Who's there?" You question. Could it be the sea witch Sebastian mentioned? You swam back a little, not wanting to be too close in case the strange figure decided to jump out at you. 
"You came in here not knowing who I am?" The voice asked, it sounded feminine. 
"You're the sea witch" You said in a slightly questioning tone.
"Witch?" The voice said, confused about the title. The figure began to emerge from the shadows. You watched as tentacles stuck to the walls and a face finally came into view. "Nono, I'm your auntie, Ursula." 
"Aunt?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "Your who father told us about." You observed her for a moment. "You don't seem anything like he described you as" 
"Is that right? You know, me and him never got along" Ursula jokes. A silence set over you two for a moment. You felt uncomfortable. "I know why you're here" She says, breaking the silence. 
"I'm not sure I do though" You say, still feeling a little uneasy. 
"You want to go up there" She points above her. "Up to the above world. You and your sister always dreamed of that, right? Well, I can help you with that." Ursula states as she begins to swim around you. 
"You can?" You ask, watching as Ursula stops swimming in front of you, a bit too close for your own comfort. 
"I can help you become human." Her smirk returns. "So here's the deal." Ursula begins swimming towards her cauldron. "I'll whip up a little potion to make you human for 3 days." She starts grabbing supplies from a shelf that sat on the wall behind the cauldron. She continues. "Before the sun sets on the third day, you and that prince you saved must share a kiss." 
You feel your stomach twist. How did she know about him? You look away from her as she continues to speak "But if you don't" She shoots her tentacles out, grabbing onto you, pulling you towards her. "You will turn back into a merman and then you belong to me" Your head shoots back up to look at her. "We got a deal?" She asks. 
"I-I don't know" You inhale softly, wondering what you should do. 
"It only requires one small price, a scale picked from your tail and your voice." She tries convincing you. 
"My voice?" You question, confused on what she means. 
"Well, You know, your voice. I can't have you enchanting the prince with that singing you people have." You never used your voice in that way. Singing never interested you but you understood what she meant. Ariel has always said that enchanting someone with your voice never leads to a good ending." You don't have to worry, I'll keep your voice safe right here." She says, tapping her shell necklace. 
"Fine, I'll do it" You agree, reluctantly. 
"Perfect!" She shouts out. You watch as she throws the ingredients, that she took from the shelf, into the cauldron. A strange mist starts to pour over the sides. She points back to your tail. "The scale,please." You inhale again before pulling a scale from your tail. You wince in pain before handing her the scale. She swipes it from your hand, a strange smirk growing over face. She throws it down into the mixture causing an explosion. You watch as a mist now flows around you, different colours emanating from it. "Now sing!" She calls out to you. 
You begin to sing when you begin to feel a strange feeling in your throat. You watch as a golden light floats from your mouth. You stop singing, finding yourself unable to even speak anymore. The golden light floats from you over into Ursulas necklace. You begin to feel a strange sensation below your waste. You look down to notice your tail dispersing as a pair of legs appear in its place. Suddenly you feel yourself struggling to breathe. You realise now that you're human you couldn't breath under the water. You began to panic, swimming up out of Ursula's cave and towards the surface.
Sebastian notices you swimming out of the top of the cave and decides to follow you up. When you emerge from the water you gasp for air. You move your arms on the surface of the water and kick your legs back and forth to stay afloat. You notice Sebastian emerge beside you. You look down at him. "Oh y/n." He says looking at you with pity "Well come on boy, it's either sink or swim." You start swimming towards the land. 
"Come on you got this" Sebastian says encouragingly. You were struggling to swim but you weren't going to give up. Your swimming was cut short as you felt yourself get lifted out of the water. You felt you body land on a hard surface. You felt around noticing that there was seaweed covering you. You felt a hand pulling at the seaweed that covered you. 
"Lord have mercy" You heard an unknown voice say. You look up at him. The man helped clear more seaweed off you, suddenly noticing you had no clothes on. "Wait here, I'll go get something to cover you up." You watched as he left to enter the boat, quietly mumbling to himself.
You move the seaweed from your feet, looking down at your new legs. You decided to try and stand. You could barely stand for a second before falling back down. You heard Sebastian's voice complaining as he crawled out from under the seaweed. You also picked up on the sound of a bird. You assumed it was scuttle, a friend that you and Ariel had made a while back. You watch as your assumption was right as scuttle lands in front of you. 
"Hey Y/n" She greets you. "What the hell are you doing up on a boat?" She questions. All you could do was smile. "Silent treatment huh?" Scuttle begins to climb up your legs. "Something about you seems different, I just can't put a pin on it" She says, rambling to herself about what it could be. 
"He has legs you dumb bird" Sebastian calls out, annoyed at how oblivious scuttle was being. 
"Wow you do" Scuttle says in awe as she finally finds out the difference. 
Before they could continue, the man came back out from the ship. He swatted scuttle away from you with a piece of cloth. 
"Here you go" He says as he begins wrapping the cloth around you to cover you up. "This will have to do for now. I'll bring you to the castle, they'll know what to do with you." The man suggests.
The trip from the boat to the castle was amazing. When you reached the land the man helped you off the boat, guiding you towards an empty carriage. He told the person who owned the carriage what had happened and ordered them to bring you to the castle. You sat in the back and looked around at the beautiful view. 
You finally arrived at the castle and were greeted by a woman. "I was told to bring him straight here, apparently a fisherman found him in the sea alone" The man explained to the women. 
"Oh you poor thing. Come here let me help you inside." The woman walks up to you, helping you out the cart. "You must be freezing." She says with empathy. "Wait here." She sits you down at the fire before leaving. You turn to face it, this was your first time seeing fire up close. You reach your hand towards it, instantly pulling back as the heat burns your finger. The woman returns to you. "Come, follow me." She helps guide you up towards a room. You trip on one of the steps going up to the room. "Woah, one step at a time" She says as she helps you up the stairs. She turns to another woman "Go find him some clothes." 
You had been placed in a bath while the woman began to make the bed that you were going to be staying in. Someone else enters the room holding the clothes that she was told to get for you. "He can't speak at all?" She asks, placing the clothes on the end of the bed. 
"I mean, can you blame him? After all he's been through." The woman responds, looking at you. "It's a blessing he's not worse." 
"Such a far away look in his eye" The other woman states. 
"Well with a soap and a scrub he'll be good as knew." The woman goes to grab a brush and a bar of soap. "There ya go, smells nice doesn't it?" She says, handing you the bar of soap. You weren't sure what it was, but you assumed it was food, so you decided to take a bite from it. "Oh nono, you poor boy, you must be starving." She turns to face the other woman that was in the room. "Quickly go get him some food, before he tries to eat the scrub brush." She jokes, raising the brush. The other woman nods before leaving the room. "Right lets get that seaweed stink off you" She says as she begins washing you down.
After the bath you dry yourself off with the towel provided and the woman tells you to put on the clothes that they provided. "Can't believe it, two shipwrecks in one week." The woman says to the other girl as they finish setting up the room. 
"And prince Eric is still looking  for whoever saved him, saying he won't rest till he finds them." You turn your head to face the two women as you finish buttoning up the shirt. The name sounded familiar to you. Eric. That was the name of the man you had saved from the shipwreck. The two women noticed your sudden interest in the conversation. 
One of them smirks as she looks at you. She turns to the girl. "Stay right there, I'll go get the prince." She says as she runs out of the room. A smile grows across your face, you're finally going to get to meet him. 
You watch as the doors swing open and the woman re-enters with another man and Eric. Your eyes are glued onto Eric, his being the same for you. You try to speak, forgetting about the deal with Ursula. "I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you." The prince says, his eyes still fixated on you. "What's your name?" He asks. 
"He doesn't speak sir." The woman responds. You watch as Eric finally breaks eye contact to look at the women. 
"Oh" He whispers to himself. He pauses for a second before turning back towards you. "Well I'm glad you made it to us, do you have a place to stay? Any family?" You shake your head slightly. "You're welcome to stay here then. For as long as you like." He turns to face the woman again. "Make sure he has anything he needs." He takes a final glance at you before turning to face the man who had entered with him. He shook his head. He knew the person who had saved him spoke, he remembers hearing them say his name. He knew you weren't the one that saved him. Atleast, that's the conclusion he came to. 
You watch as Eric leaves the room, followed by everyone else. "We should let you get some rest." The woman says as she closes the doors behind her. You found yourself standing in the room, alone. You walk towards the balcony, sitting down on the seat and looking out at the view of the sea.
You heard a voice coming from the side, you glance down to see Sebastian climbing up some vines before finally reaching the top. "I hope you appreciate the troubles I go through for you." He says pointing towards you. You turn your back to him. "Oh don't turn your back to me. What were you thinking, giving up your merman gift for some legs?" He says. "Now if only we could get that witch to give them back then you can go back home and just be-" You turn your head at him giving him a look to imply that's not what you want to do. "And just be miserable for the rest of your life." He adds, finishing the sentence that he left hanging. You turn back to face the room. "Oh my what a soft shell I'm turning out to be. Alright I'll try to help ya" He says, giving in.
You turn to face him again, this time a smile plastered on your face. He continues. "But we've got to be bold, act quickly and don't forget about that kiss." You weren't sure what he meant by *the kiss* so you pick him up and kiss him. "Ah, no no, not me the prince, you've got to kiss the prince. Don't you remember? You've only got three days to-" He cuts his sentence short again, this time noticing a confused look on your face. "Oh no" He realises why you don't remember the kiss. "She's put a spell on you. You can't remember can you?" You look away from him, yawning, not interested in what he's saying anymore. "Oh no. Well, we've got no time to lose, we just got to find a way to get the two of you together." He turns back to face you. He sighs seeing you fast asleep. "You are hopeless child. Completely hopeless." 
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intercoursefluids · 7 months
Be My First Be My Last Chapter 13
Chloe sighed, adjusting the sunglasses she was wearing. The school lights were hurting her eyes today, she had spent too long pouring over the details of Marinette’s case file.
It was mostly empty, full of dead ends and half plausible leads. No one could find her; it was like she disappeared.
Chloe would have felt awful about Marinette’s disappearance regardless of the circumstances, but it was even worse because she was there.
She had been there when they took them, she was there when they all woke up in an unknown location, she was there when Mari had impersonated Kagami.
She had been there when Mari had gambled her life away to save theirs.
And she couldn’t even help find her.
They had been knocked out before they had even reached the front door, only waking up underneath a bridge where the Couffaines spotted them from their houseboat.
They had no idea where they had been, if it were in Paris, France, or if they had still been on the same continent when they were taken.
She had never felt so useless.
Months had passed since Marinette had gone missing, months without the slightest hint at where she had gone.
Sabrina had told her that the police station was starting to consider her a lost cause. Well, she didn’t say lost cause but cold case held pretty much the same meaning.
The only reason she hadn’t been presumed dead yet was because of her and Kagami’s testimonies of what happened.
Officer Raincomprix figured that if they wanted her alive enough that she could save all three of the girls by threat of suicide, they wouldn’t hurt, or at least, they wouldn’t kill her.
It had been a small comfort, the only comfort that Marinette’s parents had been given really.
All they had was their belief that she was still alive, nothing more and nothing less.
Chloe looked up from her desk as Alya and Nino walked in, talking loudly about their plans for the day.
“Okay, you run home and grab your mixtape, I’ll get the videos and photos ready and we meet back here and combine the two. Think they’ll like it?” Alya asked, glancing up from her phone to her boyfriend.
Nino nodded, wrapping an arm around her.
“I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. We can’t find her, but maybe we can show the Dupain-Cheng’s that no one has forgotten about her, y’know?” Nino said, pressing a kiss to Alya’s cheek.
Chloe squinted at the two from behind her sunglasses, wondering what they were planning.
She was just about to go over to them when her least favorite classmate walked in, Lila.
“Hey guys! What are you talking about?” She asked, worming her way into their conversation. Chloe couldn’t help wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“Oh! Lila we’re putting together a collection of videos and pictures that everyone has of Marinette for her parents. Do you have anything you want to add?” Alya asked, turning to face the other girl excitedly.
Lila didn’t say anything, narrowing her eyes at the girl in front of her.
“Alya.” She said sharply. “Why would I have anything save of my bully?” She said with emphasis, her eyes flashing as she stared at Alya.
Alya hesitated, tripping over her words before narrowing her eyes as well, her green eyes shining defiantly.
“You’re so right, girl. Why on earth are we even doing this? I mean, yeah, I feel sorry for her parents and all, but you have to admit… Karma always has its way.” She finished, leaning in like she was sharing a joke with Lila.
Nino looked shocked, grabbing Alya’s and pulling her attention away from Lila.
“Alya!” He shouted. “I mean, I know you two hadn’t been on the best of terms before she disappeared but come on! She’s missing.” He insisted, shaking her arm like he was trying to wake her up.
Alya tugged her arm out of his grasp just as Lila rounded on him.
“No one is implying that she deserves any of this Nino,” She said with a honeyed tone. “It’s just that, I mean… I can’t really bring myself to miss her, y’know? Not after everything she did to me…” She finished shyly, glancing up at him.
Nino hesitated, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He cast a glance up at Chloe, his green eyes meeting hers before he looked back to Lila.
Chloe wasn’t sure what he said next, having stopped listening the moment their eyes met.
She wasn’t entirely sure about Alya, she hadn’t known her as long, but Chloe had known Nino for years. She could have sworn he had brown eyes, not green…
Chloe took off her sunglasses, staring intently at the three of them.
Alya’s eyes, which she could have sworn were green just a moment ago, were brown again. A glance at Nino showed the same results, their eyes were both back to brown.
Chloe shook her head, sure that she was just imagining things when another thought struck her.
How would she have even been able to tell what colour they were behind her sunglasses? They would have to be glowing for her to tell.
Biting her lip, Chloe raised her glasses again, not putting them on but only looking through one lens with her other eye closed.
Their eyes were still green, a glowing bright green that matched the colour of Lila’s eyes.
When Chloe opened her other eye, free of her sunglass’s lens, their eyes were normal.
Chloe quickly put her sunglasses back on, observing everyone that interacted with the three near the door.
Throughout the day, Chloe wrote down what she noticed in her notes app.
She couldn’t see any difference without her sunglasses.
The eyes always glowed green, regardless of the pervious eye colour.
Their eyes only glowed around Lila.
When their eyes started to glow they would immediately agree with whatever Lila was saying.
Chloe had a theory, but she needed to perform one final test before she shared her thoughts.
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melancholysway · 1 year
hi!! i ummm wanna make a request for tk7 leo falling for a silly reader?? you know that kind of person who's doing silly things to the point of exasperation? but only leo thinks that way, everybody else is "meh" (originally i was thinking about donnie, but i think leo fits more in this... idk) anyway! have a good day!!!
hi! I hope this is what you were looking for or some degree of it! I tried a lot with this one lol
i also hc 2007 lovessssss dark humor idk why but its very fitting
TMNT Imagines: 2007!Leonardo x Reader: Comedic Genius
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If its someone in this entire tmnt movie who needs to laugh- ITS LEONARDO
Because that man is so serious it irks me 
Yes he has his lil laugh here and there but no
So  a funny s/o is something he needs
It’s an absolute must
You click with Mikey a lot, constantly joking around with each other and fucking around with Raph to the point where you had to hide from him for a few 
In the beginning, everyone seriously thought MIKEY would be in a relationship first, with the way you bounced off each other so well
But let’s be honest, there can only be one extremely funny person in the relationship before you both tire yourselves out
Plus, you never actually see Mikey like that. He’s a fun annoying little brother to you
Now, you had your eyes on Leo
Who, in the beginning, did not have his eyes on you. 
When he first meets you, he’s kind, because that’s the kind of turtle he is
It’s actually Leonardo that saves you in the beginning- as he decides to divide and conquer patrol that particular night, and he (just in the knick of time,) saves you from being cornered by a few gang members demanding money
He doesn’t reveal himself, but you’re joking about the situation and he can’t help but ask how you can be so unserious in such a serious situation
“I must really be the main character, huh?”
You’re right. You ARE the main character. 
You make Leo chuckle for the first time, and when the rest of his brothers find him, Mikey can’t help but befriend you.
It’s not everyday they become friends with such an accepting human, and if you were being honest, you’ve seen uglier things in New York City. 
Big turtles were nothing
You develop a crush on Leo after a couple of months of being friends with the turtles. It may be that you became attracted to his endearing savior complex, or that he was seriously cheesy, or that his dad jokes were absolute shit that only made Splinter laugh a few times here and there, but whatever it was you fell for it.
You keep this crush on the DL, not even telling your good friend Mikey- Lord knows that boy has a big ass mouth
Anyway, Leonardo.
He’s not so good at being funny? It’s not really his thing
He’s honestly not sure, he thinks that he’s changed ever since coming back from his training. 
Because a lot of the jokes you say don’t really phase him. If anything, he finds it slightly…irritating?
He’s endured Donnie’s strategically timed sarcasm, Raph’s dark humor, and Mikey’s shenanigans for years, but after all this time, he doesn’t really know where he lies on the funny scale.
Maybe it’s because he’s not that funny himself, but like Mikey and sometimes Donnie, your joke timing can be really…bad. 
Like a “read the room” type of bad. 
Mikey for one, loves your sense of humor. Donnie is unfazed most of the time, but throws in a laugh here and there. Raph is into some dark humor, so honestly, light humor or jokes don’t really hit his funny bone.
A lot of your shenanigans happen with Mikey, actually. It starts with pranking Raph, which does in fact make Leo laugh a bit. When you put his red masks in the dryer with white sheets, causing his masks to become pink. Or when you replace his protein powder with flour. Yeah, you make his life slightly miserable in those moments.
Leo endures your jokes, antics, anything that you do for a while. Until he…starts to become slightly dependent on it?
Like, he can’t go a day or two without you coming down to the lair with a new gimmick or one-liner to tell (although Raphael takes the cake for having the best one-liners,)
He thinks you have a crush on Mikey, until he makes a striking realization thanks to Donnie
“You do realize Y/n’s joking around so much to try and make you laugh or impress you, right?”
“No? Next time they make a joke, see who the first person they look at right after.”
So, he does. And he realizes it’s him. You look at Leo for some sort of satisfaction or approval if you make him chuckle or even crack a smile. It’s not often, but when it happens, it’s seriously rewarding.
So, he tries to lighten up. Stop becoming irritated from the fact that you want to impress him with your humor
Wait, you want to impress him.
You like him
He comes to that realization when meditating one day. He’s thinking about what Donnie said and your mannerisms and how you blush when he talks to you and-
He just had to make sure. He’s never had anyone have romantic feelings for him before. He confides in Mikey. Big mistake.
“I don’t know but I can find out dude!” Mikey says despite Leo’s protests. He wants it to be on the DL.
It’s most definitely not on the DL. Mikey straight up asks you one day. 
“So like, are you in love with Leo?” 
He reports back to Leo that yes, you like him. The way you stumbled on your words from the sudden question, to the way you didn’t shoot down the idea and say ‘no.’ You like him
He admires you, appreciates you more. You actually like Leo- a mutant turtle. 
So he falls for you. He finds your jokes funny, the countless Raph pranks, your unique laugh- everything. 
“Mikey, why’d you ask me that? The Leo thing.” Although a few weeks back, Mikey remembers clear as day. 
“Oh! Because Leo asked me to.” Lie…kind of. He didn’t actually ask Mikey…but he did insinuate that he wanted to find out. 
Mikey also cannot keep his mouth shut. 
You just look at your friend dumbfounded, wondering why Leo wanted to know. Until he walks by and glances at you, smiling. 
“I think he likes you.” Mikey whispers (attempts to whisper)
So, you muster up the courage one day, and corner him. Like a little mouse in the dojo (no offense Splinter)
“Hey! Um…do you like, like me or something? I’m just asking…for scientific purposes.”
Leo is taken aback. He didn’t actually think you would straight up ask him if he had feelings for you. But, he likes it. He likes that you had enough courage to ask. It’s admirable. 
“I mean more than-” “More than friends, Y/n.”
“What is it? Is it my elite humor perhaps? Huh? Huhhhh?? Don’t be shy, tell me!”
“A little bit of everything, actually.” 
He likes you for you. How silly you can be. How you became good friends with his little brother, making Mikey’s life a lot more comical. How you always come down to the Lair and spend time with them, trying to make them laugh. The Raph pranks. Oh my goodness, Leo loves the Raph pranks (don’t tell Raph this btw) How cute you are. It’s everything. 
“Is this the part where we kiss like in a low-budget Hallmark movie?” You muse, and it makes Leo chuckle. “I think it is, Y/n.” Leo’s never kissed anyone before, so this is his first. But it can’t be that hard. It’s in human nature to know how to kiss, it’s natural. So, he leans in while you do the same, finally connecting your lips in a soft kiss. 
You love it. Leo loves it. Mikey’s cheering in the back after stalking for a few, ready to tell the others and start joking and making kissy noises while he does. 
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