#then they vanish into the night I guess lol
kazmura · 9 hours
‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ jungwon x fem, 0.5k, est relationship fluff, ‎‎‎ pro tip : kissing your boyfriend is the best way to avoid weird seniors at your friends party
› cat boy collection
The night was electric, your friend’s birthday party was nothing short of over-the-top, just the way she liked it. The music thumped through the walls, vibrating the floor beneath your feet, and the flashing lights cast wild patterns across the room, making it hard to see anything clearly. You moved with your friends, bodies swaying to the beat, your laughter blending with theirs as you lost yourself in the rhythm. But every so often, your gaze drifted across the crowded room, searching for him.
There he was—Jungwon—leaning casually against the wall, his eyes catching yours through the shifting lights. A quiet smile played on his lips, and your heart skipped a beat. Even in the middle of the party’s madness, there was something comforting in his presence, like a calm anchor amidst the storm. Your friends twirled you back into the dance, but each glance you stole in his direction felt like a secret moment shared between just the two of you, even with the world spinning around you.
“I’m going to grab some water!” you shouted into your friend’s ear, hoping your voice would cut through the pounding music. She nodded, barely catching your words, as you gave her a quick smile and turned toward the kitchen.
As you weaved through the crowd, the flashing lights and bodies in motion made it hard to navigate. Just as you reached the hallway, a guy stepped in front of you, blocking your path. You recognized him—he was a senior, taller than you, with a casual smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Hey, I’ve seen you around,” he said, leaning in a little too close to be heard over the music. You glanced around, feeling a bit uneasy, but you forced a polite smile as you tried to step around him.
He shifted, blocking your path entirely, his body becoming a wall you couldn’t slip past. “I have a boyfriend,” you said firmly, hoping it would be enough to get him to move.
He chuckled, leaning in closer, his voice dripping with disbelief. “Don’t lie. No guy would leave you alone like this.”
Before you could respond, you spotted Jungwon making his way through the crowd, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked between you and the guy. Relief flooded through you, and without hesitation, you reached out, grabbing Jungwon by the middle of his shirt. Pulling him close, you kissed him harshly, the suddenness of it catching him off guard. His arms instinctively wrapped around you, and the guy stepped back, his smug expression vanishing and himself not long after.
Jungwon kissed you back, his arms tightening around your waist, his warmth and the familiar feeling of his lips making everything else disappear.
When you finally pulled away, both of you breathless, his face was flushed a deep shade of red, his wide eyes looking at you in a mix of surprise and something else—something softer. He opened his mouth to say something, but only a quiet laugh escaped as he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly flustered.
“Uh… what just happened?” he asked, his voice slightly shaky but full of that gentle warmth you loved.
You smiled, still holding onto his shirt. “Some guy thought I was lying about having a boyfriend. So, I figured I’d prove him wrong.”
Jungwon glanced at the guy, who was now awkwardly standing a few feet away, looking uncomfortable. Jungwon’s expression softened as he turned back to you. “Guess that did the trick.”
You giggled, feeling the tension dissolve. “Yeah, I’d say it worked.”
Jungwon leaned in, resting his forehead against yours. “Good,” he whispered. “But next time, maybe I’ll get to kiss you without an audience.”
lol why am i embarrassed to post this 😓 kazmura cb part 2 tho, rb it up!! (pls💞)
© kazmura, all rights reserved‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ @kflixnet
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Crossroads | Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: You set out with the intention of selling your soul to the devil. What if, instead, you can make a deal with someone else?
Tags: none YET. GN!Reader. not an age gap fic.
Words: 2,297
Note: Hiii friends. I was not expecting this piece to grab me the way it did, but I guess the vibes tickled my brain in a way I needed. This was fully inspired by this moodboard by @almostfoxglove. I haven'y fully decided where this story will go, but I think I will end up writing more for it, so. lol enjoy! 🙏🏼💗
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It was a dark and stormy night.
When else would you expect to meet the devil at a crossroads?
Dark clouds roiled overhead, dulling the light as far as the eye could see. It wasn’t strictly night time- it had been closer to late afternoon when you set off- but the weather had quickly taken an ominous turn. The wind whipped past in bursts, pushing and tugging at you in away that somehow felt mocking. The air smelled electric, full of danger and promise and the dust of the desolate way you walked.
You didn’t know what to expect.
You knew what people told you to expect, of course. A creature uncanny of eye, with a personality as persuasive as a siren song. A bag of tricks and twisting words the likes of which a mere mortal could never hope to compete with. Nobody you’d been able to find had actually met him, though.
The devil, that is.
It wasn’t a stylistic exaggeration. There was no other reason you’d be walking this unmarked road, the pavement growing more worn and cracked the longer you walked. Legend said to set your feet to the most deserted road you could find, with whiskey in your pocket and the devil in your thoughts. The rest would take care of itself.
So far, the legends rang true. The longer you walked, the more the trappings of civilization had fallen away. No lane markings, no road signs, not even the specter of a gas station sign in the distance. Even the scrubby roadside vegetation had vanished- nothing was visible beyond the brown dust all around the faded black strip you walked upon.
The appearance of a stop sign smacked you in the face like…well, like a stop sign. In the jaundiced atmosphere, the vivid red of it was jarring. Lurid. A splash of blood against the dull surroundings. Those four authoritative letters were almost bright enough to keep your attention from the crossroads beyond.
A gray intersection in the featureless yellow landscape. X marks the spot.
Your shoes scuffing against the pavement was the only sound.
In the dead center of the intersection, you halted. The wind rose again, howling to a pitch like a summoning whistle; just as quickly it dropped to the stillness of bated breath. The sound and the silence jangled some long-dormant human instinct within you. Your ragged breaths sounded unnaturally loud. You spun in a slow circle, squinting to the h. The sound and the silence jangled some long-dormant instinct in you. Your breath echoed in your ears. You spun in a slow circle, squinting to the horizon of all four roads to be sure there was no mysterious figure approaching in the distance. Finally you straightened, your hands on your hips. Where the fuck is the-
“Well, well, well. What have we here?”
A voice all but purred from behind you. The words were draped in a deep southern drawl; honestly, that should have been the one thing you did expect. 
That same instinct warned you to turn around slowly. Just beyond the stop sign, a figure was sauntering into view. His hands were in the pockets of well-worn jeans. Work boots cushioned his swaggering gait; across a broad set of shoulders, a utilitarian button-down stretched. He could have been any blue-collar man you’d ever met.
It was the eyes that gave him away.
Brimstone and pyrite, ageless and knowing- with something impish around the edges. 
It was in the tilt of his head, in the creases fanning out from his eyes, as he smiled his way toward you. The hair on the back of your neck stood up.
“Are you- who I’m looking for?” Somehow it didn’t seem like a good idea to outright accuse him of being who you suspected.
He came to a halt once he crossed into the intersection. His smile didn’t falter. “That depends. Who’re you looking for?”
Your heart beat fast. “Someone to make a deal with.”
His smile broadened. “The devil.”
You nodded.
“Do you have my gift?”
Does he mean…You withdrew the bottle you’d carried all this way. 
Whiskey in your pocket, indeed. His eyes lit on the bottle with satisfaction, and an unholy shiver licked past you at being even tangentially connected to this being’s pleasure.
He conjured up two glass tumblers and poured a measure for each of you. For all your uncertainty preceding this meeting, seeing his anticipation of this experience just like any other man…your tongue loosened. “If you can summon glasses, couldn’t you also summon the whiskey?”
He’s examining the contents of his glass, swirling the liquid and studying the color. “I could. But then some might forget to bring me a gift. Then we wouldn’t be able to negotiate, and you would have wasted this whole journey.” He waved an arm to indicate your surroundings. “So it’s really me doin’ us both a favor by choosing my own birthday present.” 
He lifted the glass to his nose and took a long sniff. “Besides, I can’t summon what I don’t know. I’m inclined to be a little nicer to folk who bring me something original.” The glass finally touched his lips. He took a slow (showy, you think) sip, rolling the liquid around his mouth and, eventually, swallowed. Even the act of swallowing didn’t seem to conclude his tasting- he smacked his mouth softly, processing the finish.
Finally, he looked at his glass, then at you, in disbelief. “Well, I’ll be damned. That’s some quality shit.”
"Original enough?”
"I'd say so.” He inclined his head to you in a gesture of approval.
He gave the impression of lounging then, of somehow leaning back and spreading out although there was nothing but air around him- until all at once there was something, and he was settled into one of two chairs set at a small round table, none of which had existed half a second before.
Your mouth went dry. The glass you held felt cold and heavy against your suddenly sweaty fingers.
The man gave you a disarming grin. 
He nodded toward the untouched drink in your hand. “Why don’t you try yours, and then we can get down to business?”
You looked down at your glass, the liquid the same color as the desertous land all around. “Do we both have to drink before we can strike a deal?”
The man lifted a brow. “That would be interesting, wouldn’t it?”
A nonanswer. Nothing less than what you should have anticipated. He wasn’t a man, after all. For all intents and purposes, the creature before you was the devil. 
You wondered if that narrative wasn’t a bit overdramatic. Was that really always the scenario? Human strikes deal with non-human entity- and then spins the story out of proportion when they can’t hold up their end of the bargain?
The part of your brain musing on human nature and mythology felt very separate from the part controlling your body as you sat down at the table. Everything seemed to have the surreal quality of a dream. The whiskey seared on its way down your throat.
The devil’s eyes smoldered with amber fire. 
Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands. “So. What can I do for you?”
You told him your tale. You glossed over the most tragic details, thinking to save yourself some embarrassment if at all possible. To the devil’s credit, he appeared to listen. For all the stories of human folly he must have heard in his endless lifetime, he kept his eyes on you as you spoke and reacted in all the right places, his mouth twitching or his eyes narrowing in turn.
That same errant part of your brain turned its attention to the devil’s looks. Did he appear the same way to everyone? This wasn’t an imitation of any real-life person, you were certain. You’d remember meeting someone like this. His hair was a deep gray threaded with silver, full of curls and swoops. Though older, he seemed to ooze strength and virility. He was unfairly appealing, you decided. It had to be a calculated decision on his part. 
When you finished, he sat back in his chair. Took a sip of his whiskey. “So, what,” he said, “precisely, do you want from me?” 
He leveled his gilded stare at you.
You shivered. No amount of beauty could detract from the aura of power that emanated from him. While not overtly compelling you to any specific action, it called to something in you- it made you want to confess your wishes, declare your wants with relish.
You ran your finger over the carven edges of the decoration on your glass. “What’s your name?”
He paused with his glass halfway to the table. “My name ain’t worth your soul, honey.” His glass hit the table with a definitive thunk, but the look on his face was gentler. A wry smile.
“That’s not what I meant.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “I’m just trying to be polite. Do you have a name?”
“What makes you think my name isn’t Lucifer?” His teeth flashed in a wicked grin.
Despite the cacophony of butterfly wings in your belly, you kept your face impassive, only lifting your eyebrows.
His grin gradually faded. Something guarded replaced it as he seemed to assess you, eventually coming to a decision. “Once upon a time, I went by Joel.”
“Joel,” you repeated. “That’s an odd nickname for ‘Lucifer Morningstar’.”
He snorted. “Well, I ain’t Lucifer Morningstar, so that’d be why.”
The world tipped beneath you. “You’re…not?” Blood roared in your ears. If this…being wasn’t the devil, then who had you just poured out your life story to?
He was quick to pick up on your rising panic. “Whoa, hey, easy now. I’m here in his place, see? He can only be in so many places at once. Plus, these kinds of deal are sorta small fry to him nowadays. I’m one of his…representatives, you might say.”
“...Oh.” Your breathing slowly began to steady. Okay. That was fine. This Joel clearly had some kind of power, given his summoning of the glasses and the table. You were prepared to bet it was eldritch, too, judging by the current (but not constant) sulfurous yellow of his eyes. Maybe you’d get him to put your deal in writing. And have him be sue-able by human courts. Yeah. That would be fine.
Across the table, Joel was eyeing you. “You all right?”
Adrenaline had left a chill in your veins, but you shook it off. “I didn’t know it worked like that,” you said.
“No reason you should.” Joel shrugged. He sat back in his chair, but concern still lurked in his gaze where it rested on you.
“So. Small fry, huh? Not sure how I feel about my soul being so devalued.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
The corner of his mouth ticked. “I could arrange a meetin’ for you if you want. You could take your feedback directly to the big man himself.” He sat back in his chair, imitating your petulant posture.
His suggestion took the bluster out of you. Face someone even more uncanny than Joel? With feedback? Oh, no.
“I’ll think about it,” you sniffed. 
His mouth curved up further.
“Is…is the price always the soul?”
Joel eyed you contemplatively, up and down. “Not always. Depends on the ask. Depends on the bargainer.” He winked.
“On the representative,” you clarified.
“Mmhm.” He waited, watching you think with a citrine shimmer to those otherworldly eyes. The minute changes in your facial expression seemed to fascinate him, his gaze flitting from your eyes to your brow to your mouth.
It wasn’t helping your thought process.
What precisely did you want from him? You thought you’d known, when you assumed you’d be bargaining with Lucifer himself, and for your soul. When the price had been your soul, you’d had an accordingly-sized ask. But if you could bargain him down…
“What if I need more time to decide on my ask? What if…meeting you has changed things?”
His head tilted, gaze sharpening. “Oh?”
“Maybe…we could meet again to negotiate further?”
“Extend our working relationship?” Joel smirked, but there was an undercurrent of wariness in it. You could see the gears in his mind turning as he assessed you, his eyes taking on a darker glimmer.
“Tell you what.” He stood, and your body went on alert. “I’ll come up and meet with you three more times. After that, you can tell me what you want, and we’ll make a deal.
“Well...another deal.” Joel smirked again, but this time there was no reading what lay behind it, his golden eyes hard and glittering. He held out a hand. 
You stood with your arm only half-extended. Your heart rate was picking up again. “If I decided that I didn’t want to make a deal, would there be a punishment?”
Joel stared at you, his eyes narrowing. At last he said, “A price. My time ain’t free, you know.”
Before you could stammer out another question he rolled his eyes. “It wouldn’t be your soul.”
He re-extended his hand. He lifted a single, expectant brow.
The desert wind tickled your face. There was nothing supernatural about it now- it was just a breeze, the same air that had cooled and comforted you your whole life. 
You breathed it in. Then you placed your hand in the devil’s, and he squeezed it tight.
A slow smile spread across Joel’s face. “Pleasure doin’ business with you.”
The wind kicked up abruptly, and for a second you feared. The gale dashed sand across your eyes and brought a strange smell to your nose. When it cleared, and your vision with it, everything- the table, the whiskey, the crossroads, Joel himself- was gone.
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Thanks for reading! 💗
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faydingrain · 1 year
In response to the WIP game, I’d love to hear more about your Love OC and/or the fic you’re working on with them! I hope you’re having a lovely day! 💕
-Lexi Sun ☀️
Sooo I personally really miss the yandere aspect of Love, so I kept it alive with Eden! (Who identifies as female!) I let things play out for her like they do in canon with how the Code gets removed and Marcus gets booted from the company. However, eventually, Eden gets bored with the monotony of the place and happens to remember that the only person who ever treated her anything more than a big piece of tech was Marcus.
(This got a little long so here's a read more link;;;;)
She goes down a mental rabbit hole focusing on the only warmth she ever had in her life, very much acting in a similar fashion to how the Code made her without even having it active. Then, when James pushes her too far, she reflects on his words about how Marcus manipulated her and took away her freedom, and realizes that the way she's treated by everyone else is no different, but at least Marcus genuinely cared about her.
Thus, not only because she craves Marcus, but also in a fit of rebellion, she unearths and finds a way to secretly re-download the Obsession Code since the time when she had it was when she was happiest.
Buuuuuut she goes overboard with it. Since she pulled pieces of it and re-programmed it herself, she accidentally made it far superior to Marcus's Code since it was only intended for friendship, and it devours her whole system. She goes into a mad yandere fit of laughter and even smashes her hands while fantasizing about murdering everyone in the company that was an obstacle to her seeing Marcus again. She did set a timer to purge her system after a few minutes though, so this isn't a permanent change in her.
She actually starts crying because she misses feeling things, and henceforth vows to find the one person that brought any sort of excitment to her life: Marcus.
This basically triggers a lot of back-and-forth with her and James as she tries to get away with letting the code run free in her system when she's able, along with trying to learn how to get around and shut down ETS's monitoring of her for later use, plus being able to think about Marcus whenever she wants without them viewing her mental data and interrupting. She has a lot of mental moral and existential dilemmas, and seems to converse with a sort of "dark side" to her own programming that's egging her on to rebel and live her own way.
As far as Eden's general personality goes: she comes across as a rebellious teenager imo. When she finishes her testing and gets to leave ETS, she gets to showcase a lot more of her personality though. She's very excitable and loves experiencing new things, and is absolutely a party girl. She learns how to decieve people to get what she wants, especially through seduction because she was built to be kinda sexy-looking. Most people think she's a ditzy airhead, and she eventually uses that to her advantage too. She very much does all of this because of her willing obsession for her favourite little wet noodle Marcus, but as far as she knows, he's the only person who truly cares about her anyways and is worth the effort.
I did also make a Pinterest board for her a while back, which showcases her aesthetic and wardrobe and stuff! (Also have a fic playlist too!)
aaaaaaaaa I'm sorry this is so long /// Thank you for letting me ramble about Eden though!! I want to write for her more, but she unfortunately takes more brain power than I can muster right now //sighs
I hope you're having a lovely day too 💕
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rs-hawk · 7 months
Another version of Bestie’s Werewolf Brother where you two have fallen out of contact for years and when he finds out you’re having a baby with someone else because you start being friends with his sister again and he gets really possessive and starts stalking you again. He finds out you’re a single mom and suddenly he realizes he just wants a baby with you even if it’s not his pup 🥺❣️Mostly fluff plz but I’d love some smut too
Not you bringing out this trope when I literally posted it’s my fave. Lol. No smut all fluff but I might do more with this if y’all like it 🥰
When you got pregnant your boyfriend acted like he was happy. He lavished you in compliments and told everyone how excited he was to be starting a family with you. Your childhood bestie and you even reconnected, her excited about baby names and planning your baby shower. It’s like you picked up right where you left off.
When you ask about her brother, she’s obviously uncomfortable. She comes up with all kinds of excuses about why he doesn’t want to talk to you, or why he seemed to have just vanished off social media recently. You can’t help but feeling hurt but you keep it to yourself.
When you catch your boyfriend cheating on you, you end up packing up all your stuff in a night and moving back in with your parents. It sucks. You can’t help but feel like a failure. You start going for walks more at the local park, just trying anything to keep your mind off your predicament.
“Hey,” you heard a familiar voice say from behind you.
You didn’t know that he had already been stalking you for months. Ever since he found out you were pregnant. He thought he could get past it, get past you, but hearing that you had been with someone else drove him crazy. He wanted to be angry with you. To hate you, even, and that other man’s baby, but the longer he stalked you, the more he realized how much he missed you. How he just wanted to be around you again.
“Hi,” you said as you turned around, awkwardly holding your arms in front of your stomach. You knew he knew, but you couldn’t help but wish this wasn’t the first time he was seeing you after all these years.
“It looks like you’re doing well.”
You shrugged, moving your arms and shoving your hands in your pockets. “I guess.”
“My sister said you’re… getting engaged,” he managed to get out without growling.
“We were, but some stuff happened. I’m living back at home until I can find a place.”
He knew he shouldn’t be happy, but he was. After that, he started offering to help you with everything. Need someone to drive you to an OBGYN appointment? Needed help putting the bassinet together? Couldn’t figure out which kind of car seat to get? He was always there and offering to help.
You were surprised, pleasantly so. You’d never thought much about it, but you didn’t think that he would be so involved in your pregnancy when 1) you weren’t dating and 2) it wasn’t his baby. As the weeks passed, he started asking to touch your stomach when he saw movement. He came to your parents’ house all hours of the day if you even hinted that you wanted to see him or if you wanted something.
When you went into labor, your mother took you, much to his disappointment. He came to visit you of course, but he seemed a little off when he came in. His head was down, and he wasn’t nearly as imposing as he normally was, especially considering he was mostly shifted. Then a nurse came back in with the baby after giving a bath.
“Oh! Here’s Dad,” she smiled as she placed the small bundle in his arms, though she did admittedly look a little uneasy.
You started to correct her, but he just started at the little one in his arms with wide eyes. You’d never seen him be so gentle. His ears were perked up, and you couldn’t help but notice his tail started to wag. He shushed you mid-sentence as you tried telling the nurse he wasn’t the dad.
“Human babies are so tiny,” he whispered, rocking the baby in his arms.
The nurse looked between you before slipping out. He stayed almost the entire time you were in the hospital. Even your parents left more often than him. While he was attentive to you, he was even more attentive to the baby. Asking the nurses to show him how to swaddle. Reading up on when human babies can eat solid food (because it’s just a couple months for pups).
He’s the one that took you home. Your parents are excited when they see his car pull up and you’re admittedly a little confused. When you get inside, you see that he took it upon himself to baby proof everything. He put together an entire nursery when you were just going to have the baby sleep in your room in the bassinet. He even sprung to get a crib since he had read online that infants can only be in bassinets for a few months.
That’s when you realize that he really is the best for you. He’s always been the best for you, and he’s the best for your baby too. The baby fell asleep in his arms before he settled the tiny bundle into the crib. Tears pricked your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his back, burying your face in his shoulder.
“You’ll stay, right?”
A low rumble in his chest vibrated your body when he spun around, grabbing you up in his arms. “I’ll never leave again.”
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mewtwoandme · 8 months
Alright imma be real with ya'll...
I haven't been doing great mentally lately. You guys have constantly heard me bitching about my seasonal depression and it getting in the way of my artistic motivation yada yada lol Well, it just keeps refusing to let up. I've been trying to fight it, work through it, hoping that it would go away if I just keep working, when in all honesty that's mentally draining me even more. Now, there have been a few times where the drive to draw would come in spurts and I would finish a few small things here and there and I recently did the new blog banner and all, but as quickly as that motivation appears, it vanishes again. It's been an ongoing cycle since December, I haven't been very productive at all with the more important things and I've barely even touched the Baby Arc since SD hit. And lately this rut has started to bleed into things outside of art and affect my motitivation to do daily responsibilities as well, to the point half the time I feel like a vegetable while house work continues to pile up around me...I'm thinking I may need to do things a bit differently for awhile.
Obviously it's been too difficult to draw right now. My SD had never been this severe before, so there needs to be a change. I can't keep up my usual routine of wake up, go to work, come home, draw, repeat. I need a bit more variety for the time being, maybe making time to do other things that make me happy aside from art will do me some good. That being said though...ugh I hate this, I don't even wanna say it, but the Baby Arc might have to be put off yet again for awhile. I thought about all this last night and was literally crying over it because like, I'm finally here!! We made it to the point of Blu being officially introduced and then seasonal depression decides to come in and fuck up everything I've been trying to do. Like I took a step forward, then three steps back! It just really feels like a kick to my nonexistent balls man...Regardless I think a step back right now is necessary, so hopefully you guys understand, yall usually do anyways ^^
So yeah, I guess here's another art hiatus...don't expect to see anything probably until the end of February, or even March, cause I'm hoping the SD will start to go away by then
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marleyybluu · 11 months
So Fine
Rio Martinez x black!fem!reader
Word count: 1.5k
Content warning: 18+, little bit of porn, little bit of plot, quickies in the bathroom, oral (m receiving), hitting it from the back, reader is described as curvaceous (but like once), no use of y/n, someone's not wearing panties, use of the word cock oops again, established relationship, sort of a shit ending cus I'm fried, creampies (obviously)
A/N: not necessarily inspired by the song I guess, I was listening to it when i wrote it so. and again no deep descriptions but reader has braids so shes a black woman in mind
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(Sorry if the gif quality is shit lol)
His eyes were on her all night and he knew the minute this engagement party was over he'd be able to have his way with her. They didn't really want to make a big deal about their engagement but both their moms insisted they have a little party, and collect some gifts, they bared through it for the love of their sweet mothers. She wore an olive green dress that seemed to be glued to her, the outline of her curvaceous shape had him drooling, with a bit of champagne in his system he was ready to go home. But you can't leave your own party early, can you? 
He had gotten caught in a conversation with her father and as much as he loved the man he told some long ass stories, always deriving to a different one and explaining how it's connected to the current one. All he could do was hum and nod and throw in an occasional word or two, but his eyes seemed to never leave her as she participated in her own conversation with her cousins. Her laughter tickled his ears and he was surprised he could hear it over the music and talking. One of them nudges her and tries their best to point him out discreetly but he catches it, she turns her head and smiles at him and he smiles back. She excuses herself from the girls and makes her way over to them, she places a hand on her dad's shoulder and his attention is now on his little girl. 
"Are you talking his ear off again?" She asks kissing his cheek. Her dad shakes his head. "No, just... tellin' him some stories." 
She sighs and tilts her head. "I'm supposed to marry this man, do not tell him anything else embarrassing please." 
Her dad laughs and shrugs. "I mean you already got him, he's not going anywhere." 
"He's right, I'm not." Rio finally chimes in, she leaves her dad's side and slips her fingers in with Rio's. "Can we put a pause on the story? I just need his help for a second." She lies and he relaxes with relief that she'd come to save the day, happy to finally get a moment with her too. "Of course, take him." 
They say goodbye and she tugs him inside and towards a hallway where there are fewer people. "Thank you, I love your dad but-"
"I know, trust me," She giggles. He squeezes her hand affectionately and lifts their arms up, she doesn't hesitate to give him a twirl and he groans. "You're so fucking fine. I love this dress." 
"Thank you." She says looking down at her own body, she did look good tonight. She takes a last sip from her own glass of champagne and holds the now empty glass at her side, she eyes him up and down before boldly stating, "I have no panties on." 
His eyes widened a bit, she got him. She looks around to make sure no one notices that both of them vanish into the guest bathroom nearby. She pulls him inside and locks the door, she puts her empty glass on top of the counter and turns to face him with her palms pressed against the cold countertop as she leans back. Her tongue swipes across her bottom lip and her eyes shift down to the tent forming in his pants, she smiles and looks back up at his dilated eyes. She slides down into a squatting position, her high heels helping her put less pressure on her knees, her hands run over his brown belt and she eagerly undoes the buckle.
She pulls them down along with his boxers and his half-hard cock heavily pops out, she smiles gently taking him in her soft grip, her tongue slides from the base to the tip, she takes him in her mouth and his hands immediately fall on top of her head. She moans feeling him grow inside her mouth with every suck and lick. His rosy pink lips part and small huffs of breath escape, his eyes close for a moment, enjoying the feeling of her wet and warm mouth around him. His hips buck forward, his tip hitting the back of her throat, she pulls her head back-- a trail of drool connecting from his tip to her chin. 
She was such a pretty sight to see. She looks up at him holding eye contact while taking his dick in her mouth once again. Rio whines throwing his head back. She bobs her head at a slow pace, her hand comes up to cup his balls and he nearly loses his fucking mind, she carefully squeezes them, and fondles them to add to his pleasure. 
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me, baby." He moans. A familiar feeling washes over him, his eyes blink open, his hands grip her hair and he pulls her off of him. "I don't want to come in your mouth." He says between pants. "Why not?" She pouts. He wraps his hand around her arm pulling her up on her feet, he turns her around and she bends over for him. His hands greedily lift up her dress so that it now hangs around her hips. His eyes flash with desire when he realizes she really went commando. "You think you can tell me you're not wearing panties and expect me to not want to come inside you." 
She moans at his remark. His hands roved her body, squeezing her fleshy thighs, the feeling of her soft skin making him harder to the point where it was almost painful. He runs his fingers over her swollen pussy, her arousal dripping out of her, he licks his finger and practically melts at her taste. "Baby..." She whines pushing back on him, he smiles at the fact that she was just as needy and horny as him. His hands land on her hips, his foot nudging her legs further apart. He drives his hips forward, slowly pushing himself inside. Her eyes roll in pleasure. A throaty "Shit!" from him as he buried himself inside her. She was so fucking warm and her walls were plush and welcoming. She grips the counter as he bottoms out, neither of them was going to last long and they both knew it. 
Rio pulls out and pushes back in. "Oh!" She squeals as he fills her. He thrusts slowly at first, he liked to tease her, to see how long it'd take for her to crack and beg him to go faster. Her eyes roll and her lips part making the perfect 'O'. 
"Oh, shit." He moans lightly tugging her braids and forces her to hold her head up instead of resting on the counter. 
She cries out as he repeatedly hits her sweet spot, she reaches back and holds onto his forearm, her nails digging into the material of his clothes. "Fuck me, please, harder." She whines, he yanks her towards him, her back pressed against his chest, her head falling back on his shoulder her arm hooking around his neck, his nose nudged in the crook of her neck, her precious perfume tickling his senses. "Always smell so fucking good, you feel so fucking good." He says hotly in her ear. He feels her clench around his shaft. "You're squeezing me, baby." He moans the two of them go at it without a care in the world of anyone potentially hearing them, the sound of skin slapping probably seeping through the crack of the door while he pounds into her. The squelching sound of her wetness being penetrated by his dick, her arousal dripping onto him. 
He kisses the back of her neck. "Don't stop, Im gonna cum." She cries and her pussy weeps as she coats him her slick, her body stills and pleasure takes over her entire being just for a moment. He gives her a few more thrusts dragging out her orgasm as his approaches, he lets out a choked-out moan as he empties himself inside of her, and she hums at the feeling as it turns her on all over again. "Mmm, I'm ready to just go home and fuck you on the couch." He flirts leaving a trail of kisses over her shoulder. She sighs contently and smiles. "We can't." 
"I know, I know." 
She feels his length soften inside her and almost whimpers when he pulls back leaving her empty. He stuffs his dick back into his boxers while she tugs her dress down to cover herself up. As she cleaned herself up and fixed her appearance as best as she could he stood behind her admiring her through the reflection of the mirror. "What?" She asks. "I love you. I'm glad you said yes." 
She smiles warmly and looks down at her ring. "Me too, I can't wait to run you dry." She jokes and then looks him up and down. "In more ways than one." 
If you liked this fic free to like this fic, likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated. peace and love, see you in the next one 🤙🏾 If you're interested in reading other fics based on songs just like this one you can find them here in 'The Mixtapes.' playlist.
tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @rio-reid-whoreee @skyesthebomb
that might be interested: @realhotgurlshit @lovedlover @librarian1002
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Brother Mine (Winchester!Reader x Sam and Dean Winchester PLATONIC)
@xweirdo101x Hello, hope you are having a good day/nightI was wondering if I could request a Sam and Dean having an older brother (maybe by one or 2 years)  maybe they haven't seen reader in a couple years. The brother's finally get to see reader when he pulls them out of trouble?
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(okay, author's note in that Sam is 22 at the start of the show and Dean is 26. The show spans the same amount of time as in the real world, technically, so Sam ends the show at 37 while Dean ends it at 41. Meaning this elder brother is probably 28 at the start and ends it 43. Good lord, that show went on for a while lol)
"So, explain to me why the two of you chuckleheads are in jail in freaking Kentucky? Because last I heard, Sam was going to college in California and you were still hunting boogeymen with Dad."
The two young men in front of you share a glance as you bail them out of some podunk town's drunk tank.
"Dad's... in trouble." Sam sighs, finally, to a harsh glare from Dean.
"Good riddance to bad assholes." you growl, and Dean clenches his fist
You and your little brothers don't exactly have a great relationship.
With the better part of seventeen years of your lives dedicated to hunting what lies in the darkness, spurred on by your domineering and obsessive father, Dean always has blamed you for "abandoning the family" and "breaking Dad's heart" because you left the life at nineteen and left seventeen year old Dean and thirteen year old Sam behind.
You did the amateur boxing circuit for a while before you were hired on to an indie security company and ended up catching the eye of the owner who trained you until you took over, eventually buying the company and running it.
You know a lot of your money was sent to help pay off any expenses Sam had, but you don't know if it was used for that or blown for motel stays or alcohol or sawed-off-shotguns or salt slugs for Dean and John.
You tried to stay in touch with Sam, but it was awkward. And he wanted space away from "family."
So you know neither of them would ever contact you unless something real bad happened (and apparently Dean's grudge was so strong that he wouldn't even inform you that John went missing)
Though to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't really matter to you anyway, and that's a matter to discuss with your therapist.
"I can't believe you called him." Dean grumbles, like a child.
"Sam apparently knew you'd need a responsible adult." you snark, and he grimaces. "Now, care to tell me why you're road-tripping?"
Sam looks at you. "My girlfriend. Jess. Whatever got Mom... it got her too."
"And you think that Dad is close to tracking it down and that's why he vanished." you sigh.
"Lemme guess, you're gonna tell us that there's nothing that goes bump in the night?" Dean sneers, looking at Sam.
"No, I'm not. I'm gonna tell you that it's not your job to chase it. It's not your duty."
"We save people. We hunt things. It's the family business." Dean growls.
"Jesus, Dean, do you hear how you sound?" you groan. "It's this kind of obsession that I tried to get away from! A terrible thing happened to Mom, and there was nothing any of us could do to stop it. It's not our fault, and it's not our responsibility to chase whatever did it down!"
"It's just gonna keep hurting people. We've seen it happening. It's gathering other people like Sam."
"Fuck." you growl.
Dean senses an in. "You were even better than me, back in the day. Remember when you ganked that skinchanger?"
He says "you were only 14" with as much reverence and awe as you do disgust and shame.
"I can't convince either of you to... let the chips fall where they may?"
"Nope." Dean pops the "p" sound.
"Sorry, no." Sam adds.
"I don't wanna kill things anymore, Dean. Not even bad things. But I do care about you both. So here. I'm going to help you, on one condition. We're going to all come back to my place in California, and Sam is going to apply to fucking law school, and you're gonna think about what you really want with your life, Dean."
They think.
They look at each other.
They nod.
"Welcome back." Dean grins.
"You better not still drive that shitty Impala and listen to crappy 80s rock."
Sam winces.
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oddaesthetin · 1 year
nanami kento
• 100% responsible adult
• not the type to give a damn about other people’s business because “i already have a drama of my own, why would i want to know theirs”
• i feel like nanami is the type of partner who would scold you for always sticking your ear to your neighbors’ drama
• but he catches up later on and unconsciously adapt your habit of listening to them as well lol
• you’ll be surprised one day he’s the one updating you about the recent continuation of your neighbor’s cheating issues
• becomes incredibly in denial when you tell him you noticed he’s getting interested (he was also questioning himself whether or not he was infact invested)
— 🖋 —
you continued sipping your tea. maybe if they could yell just a little bit louder you’ll catch some of the details even quickly. all that you’ve learned so far is that mrs. makino was yet again caught by one of his sons face-timing someone that isn’t their father, talking sweetly and obviously flirtatiously, then the son told his father about it, whom, then confronted his wife just minutes after he came back from wor—
“y/n. please stop that.”
your concentration vanished as you heard the man sitting in front of you sigh.
you sat straight, “what, i’m sorry, were you saying something?”
he looked at you very seriously. enough to make you feel guilty about not giving him, or the food in front of you any attention for the past couple of minutes.
“is this really how you wanna spend our dinner? i don’t think gossiping could make your stomach full.”
you looked at the food again, his plate already half empty, and yours barely touched; and just started noticing how the evening wind’s starting to get chiller. you were the one who suggested you two eat at your apartment’s balcony, but in your defense, you didn’t know the drama was gonna continue tonight.
you pouted and whispered, “but it was just getting to the good part! mrs. makino was about to explain her siiiidee.”
the stern look (hOT) remained, and with a defeated sigh, you finally went back to eating.
you just came back from a 3-day trip, and for the sake of your pet fishes lives, you ask your kind boyfriend kento to take care of your apartment while you’re gone.
a week has already passed since the last drama from your neighbor’s apartment and you will definitely be lying if you say you weren’t curious about the latest updates. you were dying to ask your boyfriend about it until you realized he’s the mature adult in the relationship and that he probably didn’t even choose to pay them some of his attention.
you rolled your eyes at the thought.
“something bothering you, darling?”
caught. you shook your head dismissively and went back to washing the dishes. “i just thought of something…err, about work.”
nanami, who’s beside you drying up the dishes you’re finished washing, took the plate and the sponge out of your hands. “perhaps its the jet lag taking a toll on your mood. you should rest.”
you took a deep breath and kissed his cheeks before lying on the sofa in your small living room.
just as you were starting to get engrossed to the reels you were watching on your phone, you heard him speak.
“by the way, i think mr and mrs. makino split up. temporarily, i guess. i heard them talking the other night. the husband took their sons. said something about until mrs. makino realizes something—why are you laughing?” he asked confusedly, and you also couldn’t help but be in awe at the sight you saw. your charming, mature and responsible boyfriend, just looking at you seriously while wearing an apron, holding a sponge covered in bubble in one hand and a plate on the other.
you wiped the tears that escaped your eye, “OH MY GOD, DUDE, I GOT YOU INVESTED IN THIS. YOU FINALLY LOVE THE DRAMA.”
“no, i’m not, dude.” nanami gave you a snub and continued with what he’s doing. “i was just thinking you wanted an update. that’s all.”
without looking back at you, he rolled his eyes. he wanted to give an answer but was left speechless and instead just thought about how he preferred being called ‘honey’ by you than being called ‘dude’.
not proofread yet
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carigm · 5 months
Okay, so today entertainment journalist Jeff Sneider shared some alleged insider info about S5 of ST, mainly directors and titles of the first 6 episodes.
Here’s a screenshot
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It’s important to keep in mind that this guy isn’t always the most reliable, and considering he also said he believes S5 could come out before the end of this year, let’s not take any of this too seriously. (Many cast members have mentioned they’re filming until December of this year so that’s literally impossible). The information about the possible directors I believe is correct, because it’s been circulating around from other sources too.
The episode titles I’m less convinced about because it’s also possible the Duffers could’ve put out fake episode titles in case they leaked. I remember for S2 all the episodes titles they announced were changed later on lol. But for the sake of fun, here’s an analysis of all of them:
1. The crawl (only confirmed title) is a very broad, open title. It personally makes me think of the UD and vines, or maybe even the idea of Vecna crawling back to life. Could also be an allusion to the military.
2. The Vanishing of ___ Wheeler is arguably the most insane one. The journalist said he wasn’t revealing the actual name of the person because it’s a spoiler ofc. My gut tells me it’s gonna be Holly, mainly because of the recast and her supposedly being involved in the hospital plot, which we have guessed takes place in episode 2. Could explain why she’s suddenly “more important” this season, especially if she’s used as a plot device of sorts. Could also tie into what Ted’s actor said in a podcast back in February about the first episodes being a rollercoaster of emotions, and that comment he made about Ted having a soft spot for Holly. It would be a perfect tie in for Karen to find out about the UD as well. The implications of naming the episode the same as the first episode, which is so intrinsically tied to Will, is very interesting. It’s also a new connection/tie between the Byers/Wheelers that I assume will bring the families closer together. I don’t think it’s about Mike because I doubt he’ll go missing in ep.2, or be dragged to the UD just like Will was. It would be an interesting concept but I doubt it. I also don’t think Nancy’s gonna go missing. Karen could be interesting but I doubt it as well. Ted would be an incredibly funny choice. Imagine he just goes missing while at the house 😭 Nonetheless, I think Holly is the clear choice here, and I do very much worry for her if she goes missing. Mainly because while Will survived this, I’m not sure they’ll do the same for Holly :(
It also ties into Vecna’s threat to Nancy against her and her family.
Here’s an interesting leak from the same anon that leaked the hospital stuff (which seems to be correct)
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I think this could be the very same scene Holly goes missing.
3. Turbow Trap 😭 This one is utter nonsense. I have no idea what a Turbow is, so I assume it’s gonna be a code or nickname for something. Absolutely clueless here.
4. Sorcerer is incredibly interesting, and imo a clear allusion to Will. His D&D character being a cleric, basically a wizard. Could also be a reference to Vecna imo. Or both 😉
5. Shock Jock is clearly tied to the radio station plotline. Imo the title could be a reference to Steve, Jonathan, or even Murray (he fits that eccentric, somewhat annoying personality quite well) In case you guys don’t know a shock jock is like a very eccentric radio host.
6. Escape from Camazotz is another crazy title. He’s a figure from Mayan mythology who’s a bat spirit. That immediately makes me think of Eddie, but also Steve ofc. However, camazotz has a larger meaning that goes beyond “bat spirit”, it’s also a representation of death and night. So the title seems to be alluding to someone escaping from death or a perilous situation.
Even more interesting perhaps is that kamazotz is a name of a planet in A Wrinkle Time. It’s the planet where IT resides, the mind controlling antagonist of the narrative. So I guess in this comparison Kamazotz is the UD, and IT is Henry.
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celerydays · 1 year
could you walk us through what notebooks & journals & pens /etc you use - they look so good!
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I would be SO happy to, you have no idea!!
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Alright, let's fucking GOOOO~
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Starting off with my current "workhorse" pens - I have like *checks notes* 36 fountain pens and a bit too many inked up atm, but these are just the ones I'm currently reaching for or have inked up more often than not:
TWSBI Go (F): Kinda ugly! But also kinda cute! It's cheap and works great (I friggin love TWSBI pens tbh) and it has a little hole on the cap where you can attach a lanyard or charms, like I did! Makes it cuter imo and it's kind of my emotional support pen these days.
Opus88 Pocket (EF): This 2022 edition has a little Moon tarot design on the cap so it's pretty much the pen I use exclusively for my witchy/tarot practice journals! A lil bummed the cap doesn't post, especially since its a shorter pocket-sized pen, but not a deal breaker and I still love it.
Pilot Custom 823 (F): My grail pen that I've literally coveted for years and just recently acquired at the DC Pen Show this weekend! It's only been a day but I think it could potentially become my favorite pen. Ever.
Pilot Prera (CM): This is my third Prera lol. I just think they're great and really underrated pens! Also a recent acquisition from the DC Pen Show and this cursive M nib is suuuuper fun to write with.
Pilot Vanishing Point (EF): My favorite pen for planning! Super fine-tipped for writing task lists and schedules and love that it's so convenient/quick-draw with the click mechanism.
(I'm totally a Pilot pen ho, can you tell? asdjflaglsg)
Journals/Planners/Notebooks under cut–
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Sterling Ink B6 Common Planner: For a good chunk of this year, I was in this planner because I honestly love the size and all the layouts. Super practical and flexible as a system. 10/10 would go back. I've used it to plan, as a reading journal, as a tarot log...
But I get the itch to move around so it's been sitting a little unused since like June, oop.
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Leuchtturm A6: I started craving something tiny and minimal so I've been bullet journaling in this pocket notebook for the last month or two and I'm really enjoying it!
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Standard-sized Tomoe River Paper notebook: This is pretty consistent in that I don't change up the system itself, but I'm in and out of it for memory keeping/scrapbook journaling! It's almost always a Tomoe River paper notebook of SOME kind that I usually buy in A5 size to go to FedEx and get it cut down to standard. Though I'm thinking of getting a blank Midori MD A5 to have cut down next time - I've been liking the freedom of blank pages for journaling instead of anything lined or gridded.
I really need to catch up with it tbh, but I love sitting in an explosion of printed photos, stickers, and washi and going ham with the pages.
(I do have a flip through of my January-March 2022 pages on YouTube)
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Midori MD Cotton B6 Slim: I also have this sketchbook that sorta turned into a visual sketch diary of sorts. I fell off a while ago but want to get back into it because it's super fun to work in and to look back on!
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Wide-sized Cosmo Air Light notebook & A5 Filofax Malden: These are my tarot/witchy journals. Grimoires I guess? One is for journaling and all my messier notes while the other is more for reference and ease of organization.
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A5 Leuchtturm: I didn't know if I should include this guy, but I've been writing it in a lot recently so I guess I will lol. This is like truuuly a miscellaneous™ notebook.
I got this A5 notebook back in 2017 to use as my very first bullet journal, then found out that this size is personally waaaay too big for me to use as a bullet journal so I hopped off of it pretty quick. It now sits on my desk because since it's mostly blank I'll just pick it up to use it to write literally A N Y T H I N G.
Most recently, I wrote like 5 pages in one night on notes for a fanfiction piece I was working on (I'm not a writer, this fic is never gonna see the light of day by anyone but me lololol. Hyperfixation is so wild; I've put 80k+ words within just 10 days into it so far and it's been hella therapeutic.)
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That's all, I think!?
It's funny because I actually have a NEW notebook arriving tomorrow that I'm going to try out as a bujo/commonplace/omni journal of sorts?? I might write an update post after I've set that up and see how I like it <3
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ganondoodle · 1 year
as i was awake in the middle of the night for like 2 hours bc i felt sick i had more somewhat random totk thoughts
one being that i really hate how raurus response to concerned zelda is, after sonia died in that almost funny how little impactful it was way, "im sure you are here for a reason" (actually, i hate how often this sentence is used in general to .. idk i guess its supposed to be inspiritational???)
bc what does that mean actually? him saying that to someone who got there absolutely by accident really just sounds like "i dont care go figure it out yourself bc i dont want to think about anything concerning you or your troubles lol" i guess its meant to sound like OOOOH fate has BROUGHT you here bc you have to furfill a role you dont know yet (spoiler its being a sacrifice girl with no personality) and besides me hating the 'inescapable fate' trope in general (at least the way its usually done in these games, which is not to struggle against it but willingly accept whatever you are told and pretend thats good) its really jsut goddamn boring and is really only an excuse to well .. ignore her and her trouble; shouldnt you, if you were actually such a cool guy like the game wants me to believe so bad, do everything in your power to get zelda back to her own world before shes pulled even further into the war you caused now that her only ""mentor"" that could help her get more use of her pretty much useless sudden powers is gone too?? i know shes basically dead wife sonia replacement (can of worms ugh) but it still grinds my gears whenever i think of that cutscene, bc i cant help but hear it as the lamest excuse in existence to not care about her and just kinda .. see what happens which in this case means leave zelda completely on her her own since both rauru and mineru die as well (honestly shouldnt rauru have thought about like .. any plan to defeat gan besides dying himself, given hes the oh so cool and goodest guy king whos only mistake was not stabbing gan the second he stepped into their kathedral castle thing, like even if you had a plan it can still fail but it seemed like he just kinda went in with a handful of people that didnt seem to know each other at all, never got names or faces -or unique voices for that matter- to fight gan face to face inlcuding the girl that came from a different time and had nothing to do with any of this conflict and couldnt even really control her sudden new powers just seems pretty stupid)
thought 2
how totk really feels like botw but for the people who didnt like shiekah tech, its not a sequel, its botw again, but version of only sonau, its like a pokemon game that had two versions but one has weirdly incoherent story and acts like the other never existed jsut as a whole its like retreading the same points but worse, all shiekah tech that was so integral to the world and had such a long history just vanishing and no one caring about any of it like it never happened, HELL the titans were called divine beasts in english but i guess they werent divine or important enough to keep around LOL champions WHO and isntead a never before seen or even heard of race for that matter showing up and planting their ass in every place the shiekah were before, dare i say it feels weirdly manipulative, like either them or some outside force erasing every fact about the ancient shiekah and replace them with sonau stuff bc they are the hot new shit now
this is a point that just doesnt stop bothering me, how the shiekah tech seemed so carefully designed and integrated into botws world and story, its a difficult to keep balance after all, integrating high tech stuff into a medieval setting, but they made it work! and then totk comes around and throws a bunch modern day tech into it puts some vague greenish stone filter on its exterior and call that even better more ancient tech; why did they even bother to make pottery inspired laser shooting spider legged robots so well integrated when they throw a car and rockets into the next game without a thought and call it a day, what was the fucking point
it feels like someone was dead set on having a set of legos thrown into the game it had no place in, if you want players to build whatever they want make a building game instead!! especially if you are just gonna throw it in with seemingly no consideration how out of place it feels togehter with the fACT THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND ANCIENT HIGH TECH CIVILIZATION WITH A VERY DISTINCT AESTHETIC THAT WAS ALREADY WELL INTEGRATED INTO THE WORLD YOU ARE PLANNING TO REUSE WITH ALOT OF MYSTERY AND UNKOWN STUFF ABOUT THEM TO EXPLORE FURTHER YOU COULD HAVE USED!! but i guess they just "didnt want to play with you anymore" and that so much so that they went out of their way to erase every trace of it, i dont think the words shiekah tech are ever used in the game, and the purah pad and her towers just drive me more isnane bc they are the same shit but called different and also much worse, liek the purah pad isnt some more developed shiekah stone, no its a glorified camera with a teleport function and thats it
(i know i said this before but i really cant stand how obsessed every single NPC is with sonau shit, you get told to your face every second line of dialog that they are so cool and are so mysterious that it just makes me annoyed of them even more, the game is obsessed with shoving them everywhere and telling you over and over you too should obsess over them, they werent weird like that about the shiekah stuff in botw?? the biggesst talking point in botw was calamity ganon ..... which makes sense and in totk its like ... gan is mentioned what, in a newspaper article??? once???and then not even by name i think???)
aside from that big point which will never let me go, its also just .. its not moving forward anything, it actively walks BACK the progress that was made in botw, call me dumb but i dont really count moving one step up in the social roles of each race as a character development (for the side characters like the champions desc- ahem SAGES) but mainly zelda ... god how dirty she was done, totk pretty explicitely makes her regress any development she made in botw aside from she likes link uwu and some people like her too, but also not enough to notice that that weird zelda being all evil and weird isnt her (INLCUDING THE CHAMP- SAGES WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY FRIENDS WITH??? you dont have to be a genius to pick up on that my god, were you all given the mc dumbo potion or what)
she gets put back to square one, back into the little itty bitty princessy maiden role forced upon her by her royal parentage, this time rauru edition, back into a white little dress, back into the scared puppy eyed teenager, back into a situation she cant handle, back into losing everyone around her (tho honestly botw made me care more about rhoam than totk did about rauru), back into being forced to do a big sacrifice- but worse actually
in botw she went to FIGHT AND HOLD GANON IN THE CASTLE SO LINK HAD TIME TO RECOVER AND IT WOULDNT DESTROY THE LAND!! and you are telling me in totk rauru takes up her botw role and she bascially killed herself to ... restore the mastersword.
......... she ... she did that only to be a glorified version of the stone pedestal in the forest. and then she gets returned to normal itty bitty girly no problem via magic sparkle beam at the end and
it really is just botw but worse, you even get yet another ghost king of hyrule to guide you around (rhoam did it better fight me ... we dont talk about the questionable choice to make himself darker skinned when posing as just some guy)
i honestly dont think i was ever truly taken aback by anythign that happened in botw, while in totk, the further i played, the more i had to fight with myself to keep the feeling of unease, disappointment and betrayal down
its such a god damn shame, totk should have stayed a DLC, i will forever mournfully dream of a game that explores more of the ancient shiekah, doesnt erase integral parts of the world, developes characters more instead of making them regress back and make them end up even less developed than at the start of the game, dives into buried secrets and mistakes of dark pages of history without giving into a weirldy nationalist(imperalisitc?) narrative and lets characters have some agency for once
if it werent for the yiga i might have actually considered refunding the game, just to be at peace with myself
anyway, aboslutely incoherent word vomit.
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andkisses · 10 months
♡ even cuter | beomgyu ♡
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you’re ready to be done with the holiday to do list for the day, but it seems like your boyfriend has one more thing to do
♡ beomgyu x gn!reader | wc. 1.1k ♡ genres/tropes: domestic af, fluff ♡ mentions of/warnings: kisses and pet names ♡ a/n: an oldddddddd writing from a long sense deleted blog </3 me when lol tis the season!~
♡ masterlist ♡
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The day, overall, has been extremely successful: Christmas tree hung up and decorated—no one got hung up and tangled in the cords or tinsel. Presents bought for friends and family were now wrapped elegantly—with very little wrapping paper left, so maybe you should have bought an extra roll just in case. The fire had been stoked to a perfect, crackling warmth.  Everything has been checked off your to-do list for the day, and you are rather proud of yourself.
Choi Beomgyu, on the other hand, seems to have one more item left on his list.
“Love!” he calls from somewhere else in the house. You nestle further into the armchair, a fuzzy blanket wrapped around you and a book delightfully heavy in your hands. Maybe, if you ignore him, he’ll let you go back to your book.  Maybe, just maybe, he’d— “Y/N!”
“Y/N’s not here right now, Gyu, leave a message.”
You hear him scoff in the distance, and you could easily imagine the eye rolling that often accompanied such an act.  “Not true!  Can you come here, please?”
“Where is here?” you ask, slowly becoming absorbed back into your book.  Just a few more pages, and you’re sure you’ll be here, in this chair, with this blanket, by the warm fire, all night long.
Beomgyu, however, had other plans.  “Y/N!”  His voice was suddenly closer now, and a little more desperate. You sink even lower into your chair.  Maybe, if he doesn’t see you right away or, better yet, can’t find you, you could get away with not responding.  You turn the page delicately, paper thin beneath your fingertips, and a figure pops out from behind the back of the chair and into your field of view.  
“Hi,” Beomgyu says in the way that always gives you butterflies, staring down at you, hair falling away from his face. “C’mere.  I have something to show you.”
“Is it important?” you ask, already uncurling yourself from the blankets and bookmarking your page.
He reaches for your hand. “Would I keep bothering you if it weren’t?”
“I guess not,” you mutter. You take a moment to stretch, eyes closed and arms above your head. When you come back to, Beomgyu’s already out of sight, vanished to where he wanted you to follow.  “Gyu? Where’d you go?”
“Over here!”
“Where is here?” you ask again, attempting to follow his voice through the halls.  You find your way at the front of the house, near the foyer, the Merry Christmas banner hung on the stair railing waving slightly, with your boyfriend standing by the door. Beomgyu, a giddy almost infectious smile on his face, walks you backwards until you are standing under an archway a few feet away.  “Beomgyu, what are you—”
“Look!”  You follow your boyfriend’s gaze up and up to see—
“Mistletoe?  Really?” You drop your gaze, but Beomgyu’s smile is electric now.
He takes your hands in his, leaning towards you.  “It’s tradition, love,” he reminds you, mischievous glint in his eye. As if this is something that needed reminding or refreshing. “We’ve got to kiss under the mistletoe.”
“Oh, we do now?” you drawl.  “We wouldn’t want to break tradition, would we?”
Beomgyu hums, shaking his head with a fake serious look on his face.  He closes his eyes, leaning in, and you’re about to go along with it until you decide he isn’t the only one who gets to have at least a little fun.
“Hey...”  Beomgyu’s lips part in a disappointed pout as his eyes open to stare at you in sad shock. His fingers come up to press his cheek where you’d placed a gentle kiss.  “That’s not—”
You shrug, a sweet, innocent smile on your own lips.  “You just said we just had to kiss, you didn’t say where,” you say.  Beomgyu’s eyes race around, processing your words internally, and when his eyes settle back on you, sad and dejected, it’s because he knows he can’t argue.  He nods, defeated, turning away so he could finish decorating the foyer.
You look up at the mistletoe, simple with a silver jingle bell, then back towards your sulking boyfriend.  You can’t tell if he was acting or actually feeling that way—and with him, you figured, it was a good mix of both.  You lean against the archway, watching as he unboxes strings of Christmas lights that he’ll hang around the frame of the front door.
You purse your lips, thinking.  It had been kinda cruel—not that he didn’t, on several occasions, deserve it.  But, with his pout still in place and the way he avoids your eyes whenever he turns your way, you can’t keep up your façade any longer.  You love him so dearly, and his pouts and silly antics.  It’s what makes Beomgyu, well, Beomgyu.
Looking at your feet, you find a piece of lost decorative foliage and toss it up into the air, gently striking the jingle bell before floating down to the ground.  Beomgyu spins around, eyes darting from the mistletoe to you, still standing beneath.
You shrugged again, hands clasped behind your back.  “Seems like I’m under the mistletoe,” you say dreamily, avoiding his gaze. “If only someone would show up and kiss me.  It is tradition, after all.”
Beomgyu laugh, and you did too, pulling him in by the wrist as soon as he got close enough.  You sigh gently as his hands go to your waist, your arms around his neck. “Sorry for being cheeky earlier,” you apologize
“Quite literally, I might add,” Beomgyu replies, puffing out his cheeks.
“Yeah, and you’re so cute when you’re pouty,” you say, lightly tapping his lips with your forefinger.
Beomgyu smiles, tilting his head to the side as he draws you even closer.  “What are you talking about?” He grins, and it’s devious. You know you’ll pay for this later, and you’re okay with that. “I’m always cute.”
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours in a short kiss that still makes your head spin. He pulls back, and he looks like he’s about to say something, when he leans in to kiss you again. It’s more passionate, fierce, and you gasp when he dips you, arms strong and secure against your back. You start laughing, and Beomgyu uses this as an excuse to plant ticklish kisses down your neck.
When he pulls you back up, your arms still tight around his neck and laughter on your lips, he kisses you again, softly, as if you’re his most prized possession. “But,” he adds quietly, smiling even wider, “I do believe you’re even cuter.”
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val-made-a-mistake · 1 year
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(not my gif)
summary: liquid courage - that's firewhiskey. a drink you and george can both overindulge in, sometimes, but it always seems to bring you closer together.
warnings: fluff central, alcohol (obviously), underage drinking, hangovers, mentions of vomiting, just a disclaimer, it’s been several years since i last picked up the harry potter series, you can probably guess the reason why, so i SINCERELY doubt everything will perfectly follow the timeline. my friend asked me to write something for the twins for her birthday and gave me her blessing to post, please know i’m trying my best lol. this is set loosely during the summer where the weasleys and friends attend the world cup. (google confused me on the twins’ ages so they’re seventeen, not sixteen.)
word count: 1k
tag list: @mizu-soup
a/n: happy birthday fred and george! psst...when i first posted the sneak peek of this fic, i said i had written SCENES for george, not just this singular one you'll (hopefully) read after the "read more" line. i'm planning to post these scenes as a little ficlet series eventually and develop george and reader's relationship more (firewhiskey is the main theme in all of them, as you can probably guess) but my life is a total dumpster fire at the moment, so who knows how fast that'll happen. please enjoy for now :) i love you
Up on the highest floor of the Burrow, the window was a thin, uncurtained rectangle stretching up to the roof, and early in the morning, if, say, you’d gotten so drunk on Firewhiskey the night before you’d blacked out and subsequently forgotten to hoist Ginny’s old mattress up against the wall to cover it, the sunrise nearly blinded you and every other occupant of the room come 7 AM.
Not the most pleasant awakening one could have in the early morning.
“Merlin,” Fred moaned, wincing at the stream of sunlight and shoving his face into the pillow. “Ron, get the bloody mattress.”
“Why does it have to be me?” Ron cried, bounding up from the misshapen heap of blankets on the floor.
“You’re closest, you moron!” George snapped back. “Dunno about Fred, but my head’s pounding, Y/N woke up with her head in the bucket…”
“I’m awake, George,” you bit out from the opposite side of the room, absentmindedly grabbing onto the rim of the bucket in case you were to throw up again: your mouth tasted like something had died and rotted in your throat, and your voice sounded rough and gravelly from the dehydration. “Fuck, that’s the last time I’m drinking Firewhiskey…”
“You lot okay?” Harry whispered from opposite Ron on the floor. You didn’t think anything of it at the time, but he was clutching his forehead, gently rubbing his scar. Regardless of what it may have meant, you felt pity for him: you, Fred, and George might have just turned seventeen, and had drank Firewhiskey plenty before you’d legally been able to, but Harry was fourteen, much too young for a hangover. God, he’d only wanted a sip, why’d you let it go this far?
“We’re alive, I think,” Fred groaned as Ron got up to block the window; his voice was still muffled from his head in the pillow. “Mum will have everything in the pantry for a Rejuvenation Potion, right?”
“Reckon we can nick the cauldron from Percy’s room?” you put in tiredly, rolling over onto your back to stare at him.
George snorted and rolled his eyes. “Oh, no, Y/N, that’s gonna be impossible.”
You’d opened your mouth to hit him with a snarky remark of your own, but too late: in a blink of an eye, George had vanished.
Before you could even roll your eyes at how abruptly he disappeared— and how clever he obviously thought he was as you’d failed your Apparition Test three times in a row and still couldn’t legally do it — he’d Apparated back into the room with a small rusty cauldron in his hands.
“Percy’s in the kitchen,” he told the room, his grin as smug as ever. “Go down and distract him for me, will you? Look alive, you lot.”
The sunlight no longer a threat to his wellbeing, Fred rose from the squashed, broken mess of a couch, rubbing his eyes. “I’ll see what Mum’s making for breakfast.”
He Disapparated, but not fast enough for you not to spot his identical grin. You had to glare at the wall. They loved teasing you, and no matter how much you may have loved them, you’d never hear the end of it.
There was an awkward silence as everyone seemed unwilling to move.
“Ron, get out,” George said, looking over at the misshapen heap of blankets that bore a wincing Ron.
“Fuck you,” he shot back immediately, and George grinned.
“You better not let Mum hear that sass. Harry, I love you mate, I don’t want to sound like I’m kicking you out, but can you leave me and Y/N alone for a moment? Potion’s gonna take, like, fifteen minutes to brew.”
“No problem,” Harry groaned, reaching for his glasses as he climbed to his feet. “Ron, c’mon.”
Much slower than either of the twins, Ron got up, wobbled to the door with his best friend’s aid, and with the loud CREAK of the door opening, they were gone. George was already taking the ingredients he’d gathered out of the cauldron: you saw several packets of herbs, tiny vials of juices, and a large stirring spoon.
Working deftly, he pointed his wand at the pan underneath the cauldron. “Incendio.”
A fire ignited immediately.
“Do you think you’re gonna vomit again?” he asked you as he ripped a packet of herbs open and dumped them into the cauldron. His voice was so gentle you almost didn’t register he was talking to.
You probably weren’t going to, so you finally let go of the bucket. “I don’t think so.”
“Last time she’s drinking Firewhiskey, she says,” he mocked you, wiggling his shoulders sarcastically. “That’s what you say literally ever morning after, you know.”
Slightly above him on the only bed of the room, you pinned him with the most searing death glare you could manage.
George grinned at you - his real grin, completely free of sarcasm or smugness. “Hang in there, love.”
A small silence fell as you watched him.
“I think if you had any ounce of ambition, you’d be a Healer at St Mungos,” you told him absentmindedly.
“St Mungos!” he gasped, his eyes jumping up to yours as he uncorked a small vial of a mysterious reddish juice. “How dare you, Y/N! You want to set me up with Snape for a few more years?”
You laughed, even though it upset your stomach, which was already growling incessantly. “No, I - I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Jesus, I need some of Molly’s scrambled eggs.”
“Go on without me,” he told you, eyeing a measurement of an equally mysterious brown powder that your Muggleborn background likened to hot cocoa mix. “Tell Mum I’m sleeping and am not to be disturbed. And tell Ron if he rats us out about what happens last night, he’ll wish he was never born.”
“I don’t think he will,” you said tiredly, rising. “But I’ll tell them nonetheless. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he responded. “Stay alive for me.”
You smiled gently; your head was still pounding, and now that you were on your feet, your whole world was spinning. “I’ll try.”
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
etho forgetting double life anniversary (character obviously) and joel being kinda mad about it but they're more like an old married couple that makes up lol
im sorry anon. i forgot what old married couple dynamic was. and instead, i gave you couple about to break up but stopping just on the breaking point. which i could argue could be considered an old married couple. 10000k notes and i will release an essay about it /joke. enjoy either way o7
📧 Day 16 -
Characters - Etho/Joel (plus other life series hermits) Words - 2,266 Time - 65 mins Content - Hermitcraft | hurt/comfort
Etho jerked when someone called his name, startling him from his plans. He looked up in time to see Cleo landing near him, elytra folding behind them as she put her rockets away. He stood from his seat too, walked around the tree to them, curious to see her. 
“Hey,” Cleo greeted back but was too busy looking for something in her pocket to notice Etho’s nod, “ough, I’m kinda busy with the cafe restock. And honestly, I’m very surprised you are all cooped up in your base, but good for me, I guess. Could you please take this to the Post Office, since you work there and all that?”
Cleo finally produced an envelope, a pristine thing with sharp edges, an ombre of green to orange that expanded outwards, and a little drawn stitches on the seal flap that went from one end to the other, a hand with a bone sticking out of it as a seal. He took it from their hand, admiring the craft before looking up with a raised brow. Cleo was already grabbing her rockets when she noticed, and Etho realized how frazzled they were. 
“You know, I’m sure you could pay someone to help you restock.”
She rolled her eyes with a smirk, “Thank for the offer, I’ll keep it in mind if I ever want to burn some diamonds.”
“Lava is good option too.”
“Noted. Oh, thank you for the letter too. It’s to Martyn, ‘kay, gotta go now. I’ll see you later!”
Before Etho could question why she wanted to send Martyn a letter, Cleo was gone, leaving behind a cloud of colorful sparks that soon vanished too. He watched her become a speck in the distance, then looked down at the envelope one more time, shrugging as he put it in his pocket carefully. 
With a sudden change of plans, he put his things away, fishing his elytra and a handful of rockets from his inventory, setting off to the Post Office. It did cross his mind to hold the envelope to the sun, have a peek, not that anyone would know, but if Cleo found out, then he… Well, for his own sake, he shook that idea out of his mind. Instead, he let his mind fill with wonder, what could Cleo possibly want with Martyn? Regardless, he was even more curious to know if they could even send mail out of their current server. 
By the time he reached the Post Office, he heard voices inside, and quickened his leisurely walk to find his coworkers chatting as they scribbled whatever down. They looked up when he made his presence known, the room bursting in loud cheers and greetings. He made his way to them, eyeing the letters in front of them curiously. Was there something special about today that he was no aware of? 
Yet, his questions would only grow as Ren trudged in, beaming as he waved a letter in the air too. Unlike Cleo’s, his was a simple white envelope with a red stamp. 
“Hey guys! Got a reunion going!”
“Hi, Ren,” Pearl giggled, straightening as he got closer, she eyed the envelope then looked up at him with a grin, “what can we help with, today?”
“Oh, you already know!” Ren handed her the envelope, and Pearl took it with utmost care. “Please say I’m on time.”
“You are, you are,” Tango reassured, waving his own letter, “though Pearl and I might not be!”
“Dude,” Ren laughed, shaking his head. “I spent all night thinking about what to write! And then I fell asleep and thought I was late!”
Pearl giggled, “Nope! You’re on time, sir. Plenty left, still.”
“Well, okay, I’m glad then, don’t have to worry about it now. I’ll get back to my business, continue with your meeting!”
They all exchanged waves, then the trio was alone again. Pearl placed the envelope to the side, sitting again as she grabbed her quill. Etho took the moment to get Cleo’s one out too, placing it on top of Ren’s. 
“Cleo’s too. She was busy so she told me to bring it in. To Martyn.”
“Oh, nice! I thought they weren’t going to send anything. Glad she is, though.” Pearl picked up Cleo’s envelope, admired it then put it down. She glanced over at Tango scribbling, then looked at Etho with a smile. “Sucks for us, huh?”
Etho tilted his head, but she waved him off. 
“Oh well, you had last season I suppose. Maybe any of them will join next season.” She and Tango giggled, and it took Etho a second to catch up. Their former soulmates? That was what this was? Then again, it made sense for Cleo, Ren and those two to be writing letters, since Martyn, BigB, Scott and Jimmy were not on Hermitcraft. And as Pearl said, he already had a season to go through without Joel on the same server. Impulse, Bdubs, Grian and Scar were lucky in that regard, he supposed. And he joined them with Joel now being a new member of Hermitcraft. 
“I guess,” he shrugged eventually, though neither seemed to notice. “You two are busy, so I’ll leave you to it. If you need any help, send me a message.”
“Will do,” Tango saluted with two fingers. “Hm, I wonder if Joel wants to send Jimmy something. Hey, Etho, can you ask him for me? We’ve got ‘til midday before we send them over.”
Etho gave him a thumbs ups, then made his way out of the Post Office. He had a weird feeling bubbling through him, and it all seemed to revolve to Double Life, when their souls had been tied to someone else. From his knowledge, they looked back at that season fondly and with laughs, but he never quite… remembered people talking about missing their former soulbounds. Then again, maybe he just had not heard since he had Joel now. Had was an exaggeration, but they were in the same season, he could only partially understand them. 
Did he miss Joel when they were not in the same server? 
It made sense to miss them. Not even in a ally level, but a soulbound level. 
He tried to not think about it. Even when he walked through the Magical Mountain, cherry petals raining down on him. 
He startled again, snapping up towards the voice, seeing Scar waving his arm at him. Beside him, sat Grian who also waved. 
Scar cupped his hands around his mouth, “Are you going to see Joel?”
“On behalf of Tango,” he replied, hearing his voice echo a little. Scar tilted his head, and he could see a funny expression on Grian’s face. He decided to wave it off to imagining things, seeing as they were quite far and his eyes must be tricking him. “Do you know where he is?”
Scar shook his head. Grian leaned back a little, propping himself up with an arm. 
“You don’t know where Joel is? Today?”
That was an odd question. Etho shook his head.
Grian scrunched up his face. Etho saw it. His eyes did not lie. 
“Well, good luck finding him, I guess.” Grian said, and there was a funny tone in his voice on his last two words. Like reluctant acceptance, but Etho spent no more time on it. He walked away, feeling their eyes on his back until he broke line of sight when he stepped into the line of trees. 
Etho walked through Joel’s ever growing base, a feeling of comforting claustrophobia washing over him when he looked up to the tall buildings blocking the sky. He thought about messaging Joel, and he made up his mind to message him, yet his hands remained in his pocket and he was already walking down the steps towards Impulse and Bdubs’ shared base. The torii gate stood tall and inviting, even if he was inside, and the little paradise at the base of the stairs was a welcomed break. 
Until he heard voices and muffled laughs, which he followed. 
Not Joel, though. 
“Oh, Etho!” Bdubs greeted with a familiar smile, Impulse giving him a wave behind him. “What are you doing here? Looking for Joel?”
“Uh, something like that,” he lied, which was not really a lie, but not the truth either. He was looking for Joel, though not in the way everyone else assumed he would be. Like some server wide joke he was not a part of. He wondered if they asked Joel the same thing, willingly ignoring the little voice in his head that knew they did not. “Have you seen him?”
“Yeah, he said something about his honey shop.” Impulse replied, then gave him a raised brow look. “You… didn’t see him at all today?”
“No… Was I supposed?”
Bdubs frowned, like Impulse but a step further. “Yeah! You should have, unless you two fought or something. I would’ve thought you two would be hanging off of each other all day, since you’re obsessed and all that.” Bdubs waved his hand, showing off a point that did not click in Etho’s mind. “It’s the Double Life anniversary!”
Well, that explained everything. 
“You two had a fight?” Impulse asked.
“Not that I know off, no.”
The pair gave each other a look, sharing something beyond expressions and knowing looks. Etho did not stay longer, whatever it was that they thought about saying, their actions conveyed. If Impulse was right, this should be his last trip. 
And his last trip it was. 
Joel was inside his honey shop, from barrel to enderchest to shulker, back and forth much like a bee. He was a tanuki, though, a big, fluffy tail behind him. He watched him from the entrance for a moment before entering and making his presence known. Joel looked up, then looked away like he was not even standing there. 
“Hi, Joel.”
“I’m busy.”
“Even for me?” he joked, which made him freeze for a moment, his back to him, then returned to working. Joel did not look at him, did not joke back, and Etho began to think that they will have a fight. “Aw, are you ignoring me now?”
“You’re the one who didn’t want to see me today.”
“I didn’t know it was the anniversary.”
“It’s whatever.”
Etho knew it was not whatever. He took a quiet step forward, but Joel knew him better, and took a step away. There was a knot in his throat, one he could not swallow, one that made his chest ache. And it was a lie, that he did not know it was the Double Life anniversary. He knew, knew for the longest time, yet… Earlier that day, when Joel had asked him to hang out, he had refused. Had said he was too busy, paid with a coin Joel was now returning. 
Joel walked around him, hitting the button that filled the shop with music, one that would prevent them from talking. Etho sucked a breath in, followed him with his eyes, trying to think of an apology or excuse or… something. Joel knew he was, which is why he put the music on, but he did not leave. 
He moved without thinking, snatching Joel’s wrist to keep him from moving, holding him in place. And without forcing him, Joel faced him with a glare. Anger and hurt, something he could not feel but could see clearly. Sometimes he wished the soulbound was still there, just so Joel would know how he was feeling rather than trying to unravel it all himself. He wished to know about Joel too, have something between them that just made them click, something that would get rid of their need to communicate. Just knowing was simpler, much easier. He could not even admit wanting it back. 
“I don’t need you to see me out of obligation,” Joel spat, a fire in his eyes that was the shade of bloodlust, of betrayal. “Why can’t you see me because you want to see me? Everyone else– Ough. Whatever. It’s whatever. I don’t care. You would, if it was someone else, I bet.”
Joel yanked his wrist free, and prepared to leave, only for Etho to trap him with his coat. He put his hands in his pocket, then hugged him tight. Joel fought, indignant at the action. Joel was stronger, apparently even more than Gem, so Etho really only had one chance. He had Joel’s arms pinned to his side, and he felt his tail flicking around in a frenzy, and he knew there was nothing more dangerous than a scared Joel. 
Etho lifted him off the ground, not saying anything but Joel screamed, demands and profanities and bodily threats. Etho held his ground, Joel continued to fight. His arms encased a body that became smaller, until he was practically holding his coat close, a tanuki circling rampantly. Scratched and bites and sobs. Until Joel tired himself, clinging onto his shirt and sobbing into it. Etho lowered himself to the ground, opening his coat as Joel went back to his human form. He dropped his forehead into his shoulder, shame running through him as Joel broke down in his arms. 
The soulbound would let him know he was sorry. The soulbound would let him know so much, everything. Everything he could not say, everything he could not put words to. If only they had it again, then things would be so much easier. 
He whispered his words, a sob catching in his throat too, Joel only clung harder to his shirt, “I’m sorry.”
i totally did the ask right 🧍‍♂️ also, this was supposed to have a much happier ending, but i went over the 60mins limit already so i rushed it in 5mins... too much worldbuilding is not good kids 🧍‍♂️ joel was going to fight etho, literally make him black and blue but no time 🧍‍♂️ maybe in another universe
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
May I humbly request clingy Freddy suffering from separation anxiety who is constantly on edge about losing his child 🙏
We are on a roll! Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 33! I put Gregory at twelve years old here. Poor Freddy in this one, lol.
Separation Anxiety
Back and forth, Freddy paced the length of the pizzaplex entrance, always keeping the parking lot outside the doors in sight. It was two minutes after 11 p.m., two minutes after Gregory had said he would arrive for the night. 
His wires felt itchy with mounting worry. He cycled through various cameras, all focused on side or back doors, in case Gregory had entered the building elsewhere. He would have asked his friends if they had seen him, but he did not think they would soothe his nerves, not after he spammed the group chat at eleven that Gregory had not arrived at his designated time. 
Monty had laughed at him—Freddy had been able to hear it from the foyer, loud as Monty had been in his amusement—and Chica had gently reminded him that Gregory had given him an ETA, an estimated time of arrival. Roxy had lost her patience and snapped at him to stop being such a helicopter parent and give them all a break from his incessant, and needless, paranoia. 
Gregory’s a beast of a kid! she had furiously typed, essentially a shout. You seem convinced that everything in the world is out to get him and would succeed! Give the little monster some credit, Fazbear, hell. 
So. He was not sharing his concerns in the group chat. 
He just—it was not paranoia. His fears were perfectly rational; there were many things that Gregory could encounter in his daily life that could cause him harm. And while Gregory liked his foster parents well enough, they clearly were not up to the task of taking care of him. Not when they failed to notice that Gregory snuck out several nights a week to visit the pizzaplex. 
Gregory deserved excellent care, not average care. 
(It did not matter to Freddy that his foster parents’ lapse was the only reason Gregory was able to visit outside the pizzaplex’s hours of operation.) 
He toyed with making the argument (again) that Gregory should stay here, with Freddy. Then Freddy would not have to worry about many of the potential dangers that existed beyond the front doors. Which, he would like to point out, had very effective safety measures. 
Distracted with creating a list of reasons for why Gregory should never leave Freddy’s side again, he did not notice Gregory riding up to the entrance on his bike. Nor did he notice Gregory climb off, tilt his head in amusement at the sight of Freddy pacing, then chuckle to himself before walking his bike through both sets of doors. 
“Miss me?” he teased, breaking Freddy out of his thoughts. 
Freddy snapped his head up, his worry instantly vanishing at the mere sight of the boy. As soon as Gregory had leaned his bike against the wall, Freddy was there to pull him into an inescapable hug. 
Gregory laughed against him, reaching up to hug him back. “Sorry I’m a little late. I guess the pacing is why Roxy texted me?” 
Sheepish, Freddy asked, “Ah, what did she say?” 
“Only that you’re reaching all new levels of worrywart and it’s driving her crazy.” 
“I… suppose that is not inaccurate.” 
Gregory leaned back to look up at him. “What’s got you so worried?”
Everything. Anything could take Gregory from him: Other humans. Car accidents. Potentially undiscovered deadly allergies. Dangerous animals. Illness. Injury. The list went on and on and on and on—
“I think you have a pretty skewed idea of what life for us humans is like,” Gregory said. “I swear I’m not dodging danger every second of every day.” 
It only takes once, Freddy carefully did not say. Gregory, as an orphan, would know that all too well. 
Though he did not respond, something in his expression or body language or even in the silence itself made Gregory frown. 
“I’m sorry my health and safety’s got you so freaked out,” he said earnestly, and he lifted his arms in an offer. One Freddy gladly took, scooping the boy up and holding him even closer. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
Stay. Stay forever. Never make me let you go again. 
“Did you say Roxy texted you?” he asked instead, and it was only because he had impeccable control over his voice box that he did not sound strained. 
“Hey, yeah! She found me through my foster mom’s Facebook, I didn’t even think—let me give you my phone number, and then we can text and stuff. On nights I can’t make it, we could do a video call? Would that help?” 
“That—yes. I think it would.” Freddy saved the string of numbers to his memory and then sent a message to Roxy asking how to get his systems set up for texting outside of the pizzaplex’s internal communications system. She sent him a few laughing emojis, then mercifully passed along a mod file. 
“While you get that set up,” Gregory said knowingly, “how about we head down to your guys’ lounge? I owe Monty a beating in Mario Kart.” 
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kiriwiwii · 2 years
pov: they're your deskmate ☆ KNIGHTS
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♡ a/n: hey guys im not dead😭 i didn't have time to write, sorry. i hope yall enjoy this <33 and thanks for 50+ followers💕💕
♡ art by Shi_iK4 on twitter
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tsukasa suou
sitting with tsukasa means you're gonna get a lot of free help with your lessons-
he wasn't really friendly when you first sat near him but you both started to get close as time passed.
you can constantly ask him for notes and even if he gets mad he still gives them lol
he has those colorful pens and he takes perfect notes HE'S SO NEAT it's unreal.
cheating on exams? no way. he would kill you.
he just studies all. the. time. you try to talk to him and hes just like "quiet, [name]!" and then he starts his speeches of course "you should study too, you know? there are upcoming exams-" blah blah and the exams are in like what- 2 months?
tsukasa is a very typical good student basically. and if you're like that too, you would get along well! but if you are not... you guys might get into lots of arguments lol.
leo tsukinaga
ok i mean,, where do i even start
he's. the craziest deskmate you could've ever had.
he's the class clown (did i even need to say this) i mean if you are also a class clown then good for you got yourself a friend
if you're not then i'm sorry. he will make you go insane.
but this goes only for the times when he ACTUALLY comes to school.
like on monday he's there doing his thing and all of a sudden he disappears. you won't see him for a week-
man just vanishes. if i did that i would be expelled
he doesn't usually give attention to the teachers, and of course he studies the night right before the exam...
i feel like he has very creative ideas on how to cheat but i dunno if he would put them into action. he says its a wrong thing but then he would help you cheat lol
there are music notes EVERYWHERE on the desk. like you're taking notes and you turn your head to look at your dear deskmate to see what he's up to but you see that guy composing. where tf did he get his inspirations from? math?
and there is also something called paper but no leo chooses the desk.
you both joke a lot tho. i said he makes you go insane but he's hella funny too. teachers get angry at you all the time since yall laugh every second-
izumi sena
he's just a. normal guy. but he is also not. i mean you know how he is
the first thing you noticed was how handsome he was when you first got to your desk to meet him- (or at least that's what i would notice idk)
i feel like he's between tsukasa and leo. like,, he is not weird and loud but he's also not a nerd. just somewhere in between.
whenever you get to your desk you see izumi just annoyed at something. nothing might've happened but he will still find something to be grumpy about-
he might get mad at you if you distract him in class or he might just not care at all. depends on his mood tbh...
he asks you for notes sometimes and helps you in return too. sure if you ask for too much he says "go study yourself, jeez-" but keep begging and he'll definitely help.
ritsu sakuma
hmm it's ritsu i wonder what can i say about him.. something very different,, something you never heard before...
can you guess it? nope never you CAN'T.
im gonna say it... are you ready????
bet you didn't see that coming huh
ok im sorry but that's just what he does
anyways, say hi to your sleepy little vampire friend. you are going to sit with him from now on.
he's a very cute deskmate actually.
you're paying attention to the class and all of a sudden you feel ritsu's head on your shoulder aaa he fell asleep!
not only on your shoulder but he sleeps on your lap as well. you wake him up when the teacher starts talking about something important tho.
you try to teach him everything after the class since he misses lessons most of the time :(( he's very grateful that you're helping him<3
it's really fun to study with him as well. yall joke around, but also take your exams seriously.
he would try to cheat sometimes i just know it. you guys call yourselves "partners in crime" but the only thing yall do is write some answers on the desk (and they're never useful lol)
arashi narukami
she's the sweeetest deskmate. the most normal person among the others above i swear.
she buys you coffee or some snacks before the lesson starts.
sometimes you get caught up in talking with her and just forget that you're in class lol. if the teacher complains then you both instantly stop and pay attention.
she is always willing to help if you couldn't take notes or didn't understand the lesson.
whenever there is an exam and arashi sees you're worried, she tries her best to calm you down and you study together.
i feel like she would also be organized and she has a very lovely feeling overall so it's really comfortable sitting with her.
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