#there is so much hate and love in our family it's so overwhelming and mixed
delicatetaysversion · 5 months
crying 😃
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666writingcafe · 7 months
you're one of our top favorite obey me writers so we'd thought we'd just slide this in here-
I've recently been fixating on a loud hispanic / latinx MC, we're puerto rican, dominican, AND cuban, so we're just super loud and over the top. i personally would love to see how the brothers and dateables would react to that. idk if you're taking requests but that'd be super cool, and the mc doesn't have to speak spanish! But we picked up an accent from our families and we'd thought that would be sooo silly if mc had one too!
Peppermint Collective
(p.s: you don't have to do this if you don't want to, we just would love to see it :D)
First of all, I appreciate the compliment. I'm grateful that you guys like my writing.
I'm going to start with the brothers and see what you all think before doing the dateables (and Luke). Hopefully, what is presented below is close to what you guys were envisioning.
Obey Me x A Loud Hispanic MC With An Accent (Part One)
Lucifer initially isn't the biggest fan of MC because the last thing he wanted was a human version of Mammon. However, as he gets to know MC, he finds their behavior rather charming. At the very least, he knows that they can keep up with his brother's energy. As for MC's accent, he finds them easier to understand when they're relatively calm, for the more excited they get, the thicker the accent becomes. This has caused MC to become irritated at him on multiple occasions, because they don't want to have to repeat themselves a bunch of times.
Mammon and MC are basically besties. He's one of the only people that can understand MC no matter what, and he makes sure to rub that in everyone's face. Like, of course the Great Mammon can keep up with MC; he was their first, after all. The two of them have been caught having entire conversations with just looks and hand gestures, and that's because they're so expressive that they don't always need words to get their point across.
Levi doesn't really know what to think of MC. On the one hand, he can't stand it when they're with Mammon, because once one gets loud, the other matches their volume, making it pretty much impossible for him to focus on anything. On the other hand, he emphasizes with them, because he tends to be loud and over-the-top too, especially when it comes to his interests. However, his energetic peaks and valleys always seem to be the exact opposite of MC's, so it's a bit difficult for them to spend much time together without getting on each others' nerves.
Satan for the most part keeps his distance from MC. It's not that he doesn't like them; rather, it's that their energy overwhelms him, and he has to maintain a certain level of calmness in order to keep his sin under control. On the rare occasions that MC speaks in an "inside" voice, Satan can listen to them talk for hours. He loves their accent. If he could catch them during a calm moment, he would like to ask him to record themselves reading some of his favorite books aloud.
Asmo and MC spend a lot of time together, because these two love to gossip. They bounce off each other quite well, actually; they give the types of reactions the other is looking for. However, there have been times where Asmo struggles a bit to understand exactly what MC's saying. He gets the general gist in these moments, but sometimes they talk so quickly and loudly that the words sort of mush together in his ears and turn into slight gibberish. And he hates it, especially when Mammon starts bragging about his relationship with MC.
Beel is used to his brothers being loud and over the top, and he's learned to treat the whole thing as white noise. So, having one more voice added in the mix really doesn't make that much of a difference to him. However, this ability to block out noise has gotten him in a bit of trouble with MC, because he doesn't do the best job at listening to them. He does try to pay attention, but when MC's in one of their more exuberant moods and starts talking a mile a minute, the old habit kicks in as he starts thinking about things completely unrelated to whatever conversation they're trying to have with him.
One might expect Belphie to despise MC due to their noisiness, but that's not really the case. Sure, there have been times where MC has prevented him from going to sleep, and that irritates him. However, that doesn't stop him from being drawn to them. He's fascinated by how MC can remain so energetic during most of their waking hours. He's also the only other brother that can understand everything that MC says. He may not appear to be paying attention, but when asked to repeat what MC said, he does so perfectly. He's even gotten on other people's case about making MC repeat themselves, because he feels like they're not that hard to understand.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Hey love I hope your okay I thought of a little idea
Adhd reader and Christmas with Chris is chaos, and she gets overwhelmed with how everyone comes over and it’s just everything at once and chris sees this and takes her away from all of the and make sure she’s eaten and drunk water because I always forget and calms her down and it’s just sweet 🥹
Noisy Christmas
Chris Evans x Female Reader (ADHD Present)
Summary: Christmas with Chris and the family is always filled with fun, joy and love. Though you love to spend time with everyone, sometimes getting overstimulated and overwhelmed can put a pause to celebration, but your very sweet boyfriend will always come to the rescue
Warnings: non, overstimulated reader, hints of anxiety, ADHD symptoms, lots of fluffy soft Chris
A/N: thank you to my sweet bean for sending this request in, I love the idea! As someone who has very bad ADHD and gets easily overstimulated, this was very comforting to write I just hope I did it justice!
Word Count: 838
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 Christmas music mixed with cooking, loud chatter and lots of bodies surrounded the Evans family home. It was tradition for you and Chris to spend the holiday with his family, and Lisa was always the best host. You loved this time of year, with pretty lights, cuddles under duvets when the snow blows around the house, it was a magical time of the year. This time of year was beautiful but it often led to a little more of a struggle with your mental health, the dreary clouds, dark skies, it often left you feeling a little down and often a bit more sensitive to your surroundings. You’d been diagnosed with ADHD in high school, so it was nothing new to you when everything started to be too much, you were also blessed with the world’s best boyfriend. Always attentive, making sure you were comfortable wherever you both were, Chris truly was amazing. 
“Honey, can I get you another mug of hot chocolate?”
Lisa’s voice snapped you out of your haze and you blinked quickly before sending her a soft smile 
“I think I’m okay for now, thank you though”
She nodded placing a comforting hand on your arm before making her way back towards the kitchen as you turned yourself back to the chaos. Your fingers beginning to pick at the skin around your nails the louder everything got, the more you seemed to tense up, your breathing becoming a bit shallow.  In the midst of your uneasiness, Chris had made it over to you, sensing your discomfort from across the living room, knowing you and your brain all too well, he needed to get you to a quiet spot. 
“Hey pretty girl, can I steal you away really quick?”
Looking up at him you nodded, and he took you hand in his before leading you upstairs and into his old bedroom, the noise from downstairs finally tapering off, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, you sank down onto the mattress behind you.
“Here’s the deal baby, we’re going to hangout up here for a little, I brought my laptop, snacks and some water, but firstly I need to make sure you’re okay”
His hands held your face gently and his thumbs rubbed along your cheekbones gently, almost quietly urging you to talk to him
“It was just a lot, the music, the people, just got to be too much noise…”
He nodded listening to every word you said before you spoke up again 
“I don’t want you to think I hate spending Christmas with your family because I don’t, it just-it’s a lot and my head hurts”
“I don’t think that at all y/n, your comfort is important to me, truth be told I knew today was going to be a bit crazy, but I know you love my family and spending the holidays with them, it’s just a lot of noise when everyone is over, so I understand honey”
You nodded showing him a small smile as he got up beside you and pulled you into him, letting your tired body rest against his chest 
“I have my laptop up here, so you pick a movie and ill organize our snacks and drinks, most of the crowd will be gone in a couple hours and we can have a nice quiet dinner with my mom, she’s making your favourite too...”
At the sound of that you perked up a little bit and leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his lips, he always seemed to know exactly what you needed to come back to him and silence your brain. He helped you get under the blankets while he set up his computer, handing you some water which he made you take a couple sips of before jumping in beside you
“Thank you for always taking care of me, sometimes I feel like you know me better than I know myself”
Chris chuckled at this while his hand ran through your hair gently, your head on his chest as you paid attention to his heartbeat
“I love you pretty girl, I will always be here to support you in any way I can, you’re my favourite girl in the world, besides who else can I sneak off with to eat snacks and watch cheesy movies with?” 
You laughed knowing he loved the peace and quiet just as much as you did, his anxiety often playing up in social situations much like your ADHD
“I think you just wanted to get me alone and avoid your family…but I love you too, so much”
Christmas and the holidays weren’t always easy for you, but with Chris by your side, you knew everything would be okay. The sound of your laughter mixed together filling the tiny bedroom where you both hid away, it may have been a noisy Christmas, but in this moment, you settled into calm that had enveloped around you, more than happy to escape with you ever so caring boyfriend. 
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itstimetotheorize · 2 years
Melinda’s struggle
As the Hostage situation of chapter “69” is finally drawn to a close, we see Yor appear after relentlessly searching for her all throughout the town on foot. However, to our surprise, and to the surprise of Damian, Melinda also shows up to the scene not long after Yor arrived. 
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When Anya reads Melinda’s mind, she states Melinda's thoughts are on the same level as Yuri whenever he thinks about Yor, which is oftentimes an head flooded with an overwhelming amount of concern, love and admiration for Yor. Within Melinda’s mind, we see she loves Damian and genuinely did feel terrified over the hostage situation which had occurred, because had it not been resolved, Damian would have likely died.
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However, the moment Damian shifts to the topic of his father, something bizarre happens. Damian, though happy to see his mother so worried about him and actually make effort to come and see him, asks she not tell his father (Donovan) that he cried as he does not wish to worry him, but the moment he does... Melinda’s mind begins to shift back and forth between loving and hating Damien to an extreme degree. 
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Of all the questions we have about Melinda, why would she have such mixed feelings about Damian? Then again... it's not the first time we've seen her act this way. Back in chapter 66, as Yor tries to apologize for Anya punching Damian, Melinda's behavior shifts the moment she explains how Donovan only saw it as a pointless matter between two kids. 
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The other women say the Desmonds have a more hands off parenting philosophy...and yet...what if it had nothing to do with parenting?...what if...it had everything to do with Melinda’s relationship with Donovan?.
We don't know much about the relationship between Donovan and Melinda, but given she spends much of her time out and about with others doing various activities, then could it be Melinda  wasn't just hanging out with friends for the fun of it? ...but rather... to purposely avoid her family by doing as much as possible throughout the day?...maybe. As we know from the WISE reports, she never did anything that could provide insight to the Desmond family, the only thing they knew was that she was estranged from her husband and sons, but perhaps this estranged relationship she had with them was never the result of her being a bad parent and wife, no, what if maybe...just maybe...it was always her attempts to distance herself from a family and marriage she never wanted.
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Looking back, there was always one thing many of us had forgotten to consider until we remembered the circumstances surrounding Yor and Loid. Although Yor and Loid both agreed to marry each other for convenience, they actually gradually  began to realize they liked being with each other... and yet... all the while we watched their growing bond, many of us had forgotten one very crucial, very obvious detail... which is that marriages like theirs...might have never been the only ones, even more so...they may not all be happy ones. Where am I going with this? Well... what if maybe...just maybe....that’s exactly what happened to Melinda. Melinda married Donovan and yet...could it be Melinda ...never wanted to be married to Donovan?,... could it be she never wanted to be a Desmond?...maybe.
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The Desmond family is highly sought after by other families, but with such a pristine family like theirs, odds are, they made sure to only marry their children to others of equal status. After all, being a Desmond meant you had a reputation anyone would find impressive, but it was also a reputation you had to be careful in how to uphold.  All throughout the series, we see many children are motivated to befriend Damian so their parents could enter his fathers social circle.
  If Melinda’s family was among the masses who wanted to be involved with the Desmond’s simply because of their family name, then could it be Melinda and Donovan married, not out of love, and not necessarily out of convenience for each other... but for the convenience of both their families?...in other words...was Melinda forced into a marriage to Donovan in order to uphold her families expectations of being connected to the Desmond Family, just as so many others have tried to do?...honestly who's to say.
When Melinda talked to Damian in chapter 75, she didn't refer to Donovan as her husband, let alone as Damian's father, no, to Melinda, Donovan was simply “That Man”, indicating that despite being married to Donovan, Melinda never saw him as a loving husband, just someone in her life she had to learn to avoid. Now, if Melinda had truly been thrown into a loveless marriage with Donovan, then odds are...her life with him was a painful one to live as it now revolved around his word and never her own...and maybe...just maybe.. it became even worse the day she gave birth to his children... children she was quick to resent as she saw Donovan and the struggles of her life in them.
In chapter 75, Melinda’s mind began to fill with mixed feelings of both loving and hating Damian, the moment Damian brought up his father and showed concern for him over the hostage situation he was just in. Of course, Damian only assumed if his mother was worried about him, it meant his father was to. Sadly, given Melinda was the only one to show up...he likely wasn’t. Based on Melinda’s complex thought’s, its as if part of Melinda wants to be free to love Damian, but the other part can’t help but also resent him. So then...why did Melinda show up to comfort and worry about the child she resented?
Up to now, Melinda had never revealed herself to show her support and care for Damian. She didn’t show up to his school orientation, she never called him over the phone  and she did not appear at the school grounds during the imperial scholars mixer when Damian wanted to talk about how he achieved his first Stella star, regardless if Donovan met him or not. Of all the times Melinda did not show herself for Damian's sake, why did she now choose to appear and comfort Damian in chapter 75? Well, the only change we know of which happened to Melinda recently....was that she met Yor.
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In chapter 66, when Melinda questioned Yor about  Damian, Yor’s response in confirming what Melinda’s staff had told her, may not have just caused her to feel relieved in knowing her son was happy, rather...what if it was more than that? If Donovan is as truly heartless and unsympathetic as Loid says he is, and if  Melinda had truly held her children in the same regards as their father, then could it be hearing Yor talk about Damian, was enough to leave her wondering if perhaps Damian... was not at all like her husband?.
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If what we theorize is true, then this would mean meeting Yor made Melinda see Damian in a new light the moment she began to hear about how happy his life is at Eden academy, and how he befriended a young girl who, according to Damian himself back in chapter 9, was considered a commoner and not at all within the standards of the Desmond’s to befriend as he alone was entitled to be above all others and never be considered someone others should defy. A complete contrast to how Damian is now after having interacted with Anya for so long
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And so, in chapter 75, when Melinda met Damian after the hostage situation was resolved, for a moment, it was as if Melinda didn’t just look at Damian as her son...but a boy who was not affiliated with Donovan and the Desmond legacy. 
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However, as Melinda heard Damian show concern for his father, it was as if Melinda realized she had forgotten a very cruel and painful truth. Damian is her son, but... he is also proof of the ongoing misery in her life, and so long as Damian sees his father as someone he should strive to become and do whatever it takes to uphold the Desmond Legacy, Melinda will continue to see him not just as her son, but the son of Donovan, a son who will inevitably one day grow up to be just like his father. 
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And if she feels this way about Damian, then how does she feel about Demetrius? Demetrius is much older, but given his phone conversation with Damian in chapter 37, Demetrius also had a tendency to be cold and distant towards others, including his little brother. 
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Although this does beg the question, if Melinda views both of her children as nothing more than a curse and a reminder of her painful life as a Desmond, then...what will it take for Melinda to stop viewing Damian(and possibly Demetrius) as a curse and instead as just her son?... well...the answer to this may have always been presented to us from the start...Damian... must realize his father is not the man he envisioned him to be, and no matter what he does, let alone what happens to him, Donovan will never become the father he dreamed he would become if he were to uphold the Desmond name by becoming a scholar, all things which he came close to realizing back in chapter 37 but quickly let go the moment Donovan gave him an fraction of praise.
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If Damian were to truly realize his father was just as much of a monster Loid grew to understand, then perhaps his choice to separate himself from his fathers shadow and the entire Desmond legacy, may become the driving factor in Melinda not only shedding her resentment towards her children over a marriage she never wanted,...but also become her reason for possibly betraying Donovan when the  time comes for WISE and Loid to face Donovan.But hey...its just a theory...a SpyxFamily theory.
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spookysweettooth · 3 months
I'm posting the aspect of. Family next as I have yet to have time to work on the combo aspect of cataclysms! I have mostly been busy with many side projects and wanted to at least get another analysis out while I have a creative mind set, again all of these combos belong to @superxstarzz so please go and check out their blog! They are a amazing artist!!
The aspect that is up next is family!
The family aspect is a combo aspect of rage and blood! Now let's break rage and blood down into key words, emotions, and other things so we can understand them better!
Rage: negative, positive and neutral emotions. Mental stability, emotions in general, emotional issues, pessimistic, tough love, hard outer shell and distance, hate for lies, values the truth more than anything.
Blood: bonds, loyalty, friendship, relationships, Platonic, neutral and romantic feelings. Sometimes literal blood, kinship, leadership, therapist friend, fatherly/motherly/older sibling like energy, protective of people they care for.
Much like the space aspect I see the blood aspect having a motherly/fatherly/oldersibling like energy to it. Blood is the aspect dealing with the relationships of not only the player but of the people the player, to make this a little more detailed let's bring in karkat and only karkat because I don't know much about kankri lol
Karkat is our beta troll blood player, he is a knight player as well which tells us a lot about his session, while semi success it still lacked in the end.
Karkat being a blood player naturally made him feel like he needed to be the leader (he was in his own sense even if the rest of the trolls made fun of him for being a try hard and being up everyone's ass) he made himself the leader even though a leader in the eyes of the other trolls wasn't really needed or they just didn't give a shit. Karkat is somewhat protective of his group from what I remember, he is always there to give advice to the other players that need it as well as everyone usually flocks to him for advice n such weather they like it or not, he helps his friends by helping them with their bonds to his best ability. He uses his knight ability mixed with blood aspect to protect the others and build their bonds while maybe not with him but helps them build it with the others and he slowly builds a bond with himself if I'm. Correct
Now for rage, the only rage player I think I have a little info on is kurloz as he is a prince of rage I believe?
Kurloz is a prince of rage for the dancester trolls session which had failed if I'm correct? I think the only ones to God tier was areena and kankri I think correct me if I'm wrong.
Kurloz in the session before death and the dream bubbles had accidentally let out a screech of emotions and deafend mulin(? Can't remember how to spell her name) making her deaf, as a response of the destruction he cause to his matesprite (idk if that is cannon) he sews his mouth shut to join mulin in her now silence, he destroyed a piece of his lover with his negative emotions and then destroyed a piece of himself with the same emotions in hand.
Now onto the aspect of family.
Family: I can see the aspect of family being a balance or imbalance of emotions and relationships, a player of family can either have little to no emotions, a overwhelming amount of them where it's unbearable even for themselves, little to no relationships or many many many relationships. People who become hero's of family usually take on the patental/sibling like role in their own or their sessions lifespan as they are natural family bound people, they care to deeply or care not at all, as a hero of family you may be bound to also being the therapist friend as well, caring for others while you care for yourself, hero's of family value honesty and loyalty to a fault and are either enforced leaders or natural born leaders. Heros of family can also be over bearing with concern or worry for their friends and may even forget to care for themselves as they care for others much like a parent would a child.
Powers of the aspect of family
Words of encouragement: depending on class words of encouragement can be used to heal the mental health of a person or yourself in session or during strife, the stronger the encouragement the more powerful you become.
Human shield: depending on class you can make a shield out of yourself or the fallen side of the enemy to protect other people on your team or you yourself
Manipulate: being a person of family you can easily find a way to manipulate the minds of. Others so you can stay the main protection or provider of your team, coming up with ways for you to make your teams life easier can be to. Much of. A issue right?
Backfire: when someone finds out in your session that you lied about certain things you can manipulate the negative impact of emotions for the benefit of the team.
I hope this turned out okay, sorry cataclysms isn't the second aspect on the list I originally planned for it to be but I had this drafted up already and had no time today to really do cataclysms yet, I promise it will be soon tho! Please do enjoy everyone!
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Can you write about onceler (before all the money) x fem!reader girlfriend with family issues? She hates her family and is aways alone. Well i was listening Matilda from Harry Styles if this help you :)
hi!! i love it when people send me songs to listen to while writing <3 it actually helps a lot, so thank you! when i get requested and theres a song mentioned, i usually just make it the title because im lazy i hope thats okay hehe
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— matilda
onceler x female! reader with family issues
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note; song here if you wanna listen to it
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the sky was adorned with streaks of pink and orange as you found yourself trapped within the suffocating walls of your family's home, the tension hanging thick in the air. the echoes of arguments and bitter words reverberated through the hallways, leaving you feeling isolated and alone.
amidst the chaos, you yearned for an escape, a moment of respite from the turmoil that plagued your every interaction. seeking solace, you stepped outside onto the porch, the cool evening air brushing against your skin. sitting on the weathered wooden steps, you gazed out into the world, hoping to find a semblance of peace in the surrounding nature.
the silence of the evening was interrupted only by the distant sound of crickets and the rustling leaves. the weight of your family's expectations, their unyielding disapproval, settled heavily upon your shoulders, threatening to break your spirit.
feeling overwhelmed, you uttered a quiet sigh, your voice carrying a mix of frustration and sadness.
why am I always alone in this house, even when they're physically here?
as the words hung in the air, a soft breeze swept by, as if nature itself were attempting to offer solace. but it was onceler, your loving boyfriend, who would become your refuge from the storm.
in that moment of vulnerability, you realized that you couldn't bear the weight of it all alone. seeking comfort, you stood up and made your way to onceler's house. thankfully, his family happened to be away, leaving the house enveloped in a serene stillness.
as you arrived at his doorstep, uncertainty and hope mingled within you. you knocked softly, and the door creaked open, revealing a glimpse of onceler's whimsical haven.
onceler's eyes widened with concern as he took in your tear-stained face and trembling form.
"y/n? you... sure do look like you've been through.. a lot. come inside, we can talk about it."
you followed him into the house, finding solace in the familiar warmth that greeted you. the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the soft glow of candlelight filled the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.
you sank into the comfort of the couch, onceler sitting beside you, his gaze filled with empathy.
"tell me what happened. i'm here to listen. you don't have to go through this on your own."
and so, in the safety of onceler's presence, you poured out your heart, sharing the intricacies of your family's discord, the unfulfilled longing for acceptance and understanding. he listened intently, his touch offering reassurance and his words enveloping you.
onceler sighs, " i can't change your family, but i can be here for you, y/n. you don't have to pretend or fit into their mold. you're amazing just the way you are. we'll figure this out together, alright?"
you spent the evening talking and sharing with onceler, finding comfort in his presence and his genuine understanding. he made you laugh with his silly antics and playful jokes, providing a much-needed respite from the heaviness of your family burdens.
as the night grew darker, onceler wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
"you know, sometimes life throws us these curveballs, and it can feel like we're all alone in the chaos. but i want you to remember that you're not alone, sweetheart. i'm here for you, and we'll face whatever comes our way together."
you leaned into his embrace, feeling a glimmer of hope and strength rekindling within your heart.
"thanks...i don't know what i'd be without you." you say, digging your face into his chest.
onceler pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his touch filled with tenderness.
"no need to thank me, y/n. we're a team, and i'll always be by your side.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
The Celebrity Next Door: Chapter 17- Defending Love
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Chapter Summary: Y/N will do anything for her new family, even if it means cutting off those who won't support them.
Warnings: Angst, panic attack, sadness, super sad.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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"They're not your family." "The only reason Jensen is here is for his flavour of the month." "It won't last. You two won't last."
Every time someone doubted Jensen and I, those thoughts echoed in my head. I hated feeling this anxious and overwhelmed. Normally, I could handle my tough days, but now everything felt fragile.
My anxiety only amplified when I had something real to lose. Jensen and I had something strong and deep. Just the idea of messing it all up made me nervous and scared.
I had mixed feelings about ow Jensen affected me. I hated how much I loved him and how I felt like I was never good enough. Instead of being happy he chose me over everyone else, I kept feeling like I wasn't worth it.
I don't know how long I walked, but it was late. The city was lit up, but the sky was dark. I ended up at the park by the water, where I used to go to find some peace and quiet, surrounding myself with alone time. But now, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted Jensen with me. I really did, but the words that tortured my mind were still there constantly. It wasn't fair for him to do this, to be with somebody like me.
My phone buzzed over and over. I pulled it out, and sighed when I saw many missed messages-some from friends, some from family, and most from Jensen.
I knew I couldn't ignore him. He was probably at my parents house, worried sick, just like when I cut my foot and he wouldn't leave-he's always dramatic, but caring.
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It didn't take long before I heard him rushing toward me. He came running, out of breath and hugged me tightly to his chest.
I tried to keep it together. It was hard enough to have his conversation with him, and only became more difficult the more he comforted me. But I couldn't hold back anymore. Jensen's comforting smell and touch made me break down in tears. The sobs wracked through my body, it was painful and earth shattering, I felt like this feeling was going to kill me.
He held me close, kissing my head over and over, trying to pull me back to him. Eventually, my tears slowed and he lifted my chin to look at him, worried and loving.
"Jensen, we can't keep doing this." I asked, shaking my head.
He flinched, hurt by my words. "What? Move to Texas? I told you we can take it slow."
I pulled away and walked towards the river. "No, this. Us."
He looked heartbroken as he came closer, touching my arm gently. "Please.. Don't say that. I love you."
I turned to face him, feeling guilty and ashamed. "You think you love me, but maybe I just took advantage when you were vulnerable, I entered at a really tough time in your life."
He reached out to hold me again. "Please, honey, That's not true. You know how much I love you, I wanted this, I want you. Your mind is just beating you up, please you have to trust me."
I held back a sob and winced at the look on his face, so hurt and vulnerable. I wanted to hold him, to hug him tight but I knew it wasn't right-I wasn't right.
I put on a fake smile and gently pushed him back. "It's okay Jensen, we got caught up in the feeling of having somebody there, but I'm not right for you. This isn't right."
He stood there quietly as I walked away, my heart shattering as I felt like it might be really over. This was for the best... Right?
Jensen's arm wrapped around mine as he spun me to face him, his eyes filled with hurt and anger. "No. NO! You're wrong. I love you so much, but come on. You know us! Just for one moment, forget everything that's been said. Forget about my stupid titles or how our relationship started. When it's just us, you know how I feel about you. You know it's real. Please..."
I listened carefully as his words swirled in my mind. Closing my eyes, I visualized exactly what he meant. The moments in bed, the kisses, the tight embraces. The way he looked at me, as if I were a priceless work of art. His deep care, his unwavering fight for us. He was right. This was real. My doubts were tearing us apart, and I couldn't let that happen anymore.
Taking a step closer, I noticed him swallow hard, struggling to contain his emotions. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled, reaching for his hand. "Jensen, when I met you, I expected the stars and maybe some planets. I never imagined you'd give me the whole galaxy. You've given me everything. You are everything. I'm just scared you'll regret this or realize i'm too much, that I'm falling apart."
He pulled me close, his voice cracking, body trembling. "You are everything and more. You're too good for me, but here you are-mine. I could never regret this or walk away from you. You saved me."
I nodded, resting my head against his chest, finding comfort in his warmth. Wrapping my arms around him, I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Jensen."
He kissed my head deeply. "Don't apologize. I love you baby, forever."
"I love you too, Jensen."
He stood upright, wiping his tears with a smile. "Should we go back? You're family's probably worried."
I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, we should. I'm not ready, but we should."
"I've got your back, honey. You're not alone."
Not alone. Never again.
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Returning to the house filled me with dread. After talking with Jensen and calming down, I realized how wrong they really were. They didn't know me anymore, know us. I had changed, Jensen had changed me, and this family had changed me. If they couldn't support that, I was ready to say goodbye right then and there.
I held Jensen's hand tightly as we entered the home, instantly my family rushed towards me, one by one. Christina was first, tears streaking her cheeks. She had always been a sweetheart, craving love and acceptance. So when Stephanie and our parents yelled at one of us, she sided with them out of fear of rejection or being different. I could tell she was genuinely sorry as she hugged me tightly.
"I'm so so sorry."
Returning her hug, I sighed. "I know. But what you all said was harsh and untrue. Do you understand that?"
She nodded firmly, tears still flowing. "I do. We were out of line, completely."
My mom and dad approached Jensen and I, "We support whatever you two decide. We'll be there for you, okay?"
I nodded, wiping away a tear from my face. I glanced at Stephanie, scoffing internally. The thing I learned about Stephanie was that sometimes she could be a very bitter, opinionated and stubborn person. She always believed she was right, needing to be taught why her words or actions hurt others.
Turning away, I began to climb the stairs. "I forgive you guys, of course. You're my family. But Jensen is my family too. His kids are my family. I won't choose which family to be with."
Stephanie finally spoke up, anger in her voice. "Because you'll chose them?"
Glaring at her, I smirked. "Yes, I'll chose them. And unlike you, Stephanie, choosing them doesn't mean excluding those who want to be included. But those who don't support us or aren't a good influence on MY family? I won't hesitate to cut them out. Don't test me."
With that, I walked upstairs, heading to the children's room upstairs. Leaning against the doorway, I watched them play, engaged in their silly games and conversations, and I couldn't help but smile.
They might not be mine, but I was going to treat them like they were. I'd do anything for them, that's what family did.
And they were mine.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 18  coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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Regulus didn't mean to intervene. He was simply having a little bit of weed, on the patio outside. Careful not to be caught of course. Too much going on in his life as always. Too overwhelmed by all the people at the party. Seeing Sirius and having a mix of rage and pity. He looked so happy celebrating his boyfriend's birthday, with his friends, his new family. It was obvious that he had been slowly drifting away. Regulus had been changing lately. Or so Sirius thought.
Anyway... Regulus had to carry on with his plan to be able to save his brother, and also Walburga.
"So... I really wanted to speak with you, Mary"
Regulus recognized Pettigrew's voice. So he hid behind a pillar. The least he needed now was for Pettigrew to tell his brother he had been smoking. Regulus tried to wave the smell away.
"God, this vodka tastes like piss" Mary groaned.
"Have you ever tasted piss?"
"You have a general idea based of what it smells like"
Peter chuckled at that. They probably thought they were alone. And Regulus hated to be listening to their private conversation. But he didn't know what else to do.
"I think I am going to stop drinking just for drinking" Mary continued as she dropped her drink on a plant "See? I am a mature woman"
"What did that plant ever do to you?"
Regulus could hear the amusement in Peter's voice.
Mary snorted.
"So what did want to talk about?"
"Well... It is more of a question..."
Mary giggled.
There was a minute of silence after that. And Regulus rolled his eyes, because fuck it. He knew were this conversation was heading towards to.
"Do you think we are great together?" Peter finally asked. After a pause, Regulus thought they would already be snogging.
"As friends?" Mary asked carefully.
Peter took a deep breath.
"No Mary... You know what I am talking about..."
"No, Peter..."
Mary tried to stop him but he carried on.
"I mean we make sense together... Think about it..."
"No... No..."
"Yes  Mary. Yes!" Peter exclaimed "You know how I feel about you. Don't pretend you don't"
"We won't work"
"Why?? Because we are cliché? Because our friends are in couples already? Bullshit! Who cares?"
"It is not about that..."
"Mary, I love you..."
"No you don't..."
"Yes, I do!" Peter sounded desperate "How am I not supposed to feel this if we spend all the time together, you led me on..."
"No..." Mary answered "No, Peter. That's not..." she sighed "I care about you. I do... As a friend"
Regulus heard Peter sniffing and he knew he was crying. God, Regulus kind of felt sorry for him. From Sirius' friends, he was the least annoying.
"Of course... As a friend..." Peter spat.
"Peter... I am sorry..." And she did. She sounded genuinely sorry "Don't be sad..."
"You are probably rejecting me because I am not good enough..."
"No... No.. No... That's not true. I swear" Mary said "You are more than enough..."
"Peter, you are amazing. You are good. You are incredible... And any girl would so lucky to be with you. But... But that's not me..."
"I love you..."
"I am not meant for this sort of thing..." Mary tried desperately "I don't know why I can't love you the way you want me to, really.... I don't know..."
"I love you, Mary" Peter sniffed again "God, I played this whole movie inside my head... I am so stupid"
"You are not stupid!" Mary begged, and Regulus could hear her voice breaking "I think I am not meant for love"
Regulus had never been in a situation like this. He hadn't even come near to have a girlfriend. Not like Sirius who found everyone fascinating. Not like Sirius that went around heating many girls' ears, fooling with them, joking around. Perhaps Lupin had been his first serious relationship. Regulus saw the way they looked at each other. It was attractive. It almost made Regulus want that with someone.
But Regulus understood what Mary was saying now. How she wasn't meant for love. Regulus wasn't either. Perhaps it had been the fact that he hadn't met someone he fancied yet, but the mere idea of going out with someone made him want to die. It was fun reading about romance, as long as it involved someone else.
"That's bullshit, Mary" Peter carried on taking Regulus out of his thoughts "I am pretty sure if it were someone else asking you out, you would say yes"
"Like... Mulciber for example"
"I don't want anything to do with him"
"You went out on a date with him on Valentine's"
Mary was silent. Then she said in a whisper.
"That was a mistake"
But Peter was furious.
"If it were anyone else, you would say yes!" Peter cried again "But no, nobody wants dumb stupid Peter..."
"Peter, don't say that..."
"Come on, you dated James, you had a thing with Frank and then Mulciber....You even kissed Marlene's brother" Peter snorted "The real reason you don't want anything serious is because you want to fuck around with handsome boys... Not losers like me"
"Everyone is right" he said "You are a whore, Mary!"
Regulus flinched as he heard the slap. It must've hurt.
"I'm sorry..." Peter cried harder this time.
"Peter, I love you. You are the best friend someone could have"
"I am gonna go..."
"Leave me alone!"
Regulus heard Peter's steps drifting away and how she let out her breath and a few sobs. Regulus wished she would just go away and find comfort in some friend. Regulus had heard enough. And he hated people crying in front of him.
But Mary recomposed with a few sniffs and she said.
"I know you are here... I could smell the weed since we arrived"
Regulus closed his eyes in frustration. He wondered if he could escape. This was so embarrassing.
Shit. Regulus sighed as he came out of behind the pillar.
"How do you know it was me?"
Regulus tried to sound uninterested as always. Hands inside his pockets. Like he hadn't heard that intimate conversation of her.
"You and your weird friend are the ones who smoke weed around school"
Regulus nodded. Although he wanted to ask her if she could not tell Sirius. If Sirius didn't know already. He probably did.
"And I saw you hiding" Mary added.
Mary was looking intensely at him. Regulus hated to be stared, so he looked at the floor.
"You heard all of it, right?"
"I was just there..." he pointed at his previous hiding spot "Of course I did"
Mary nodded looking sad.
"I didn't mean to... But... But I didn't know what to do... And you were being loud"
Regulus wished his cheeks weren't on fire. It happened when he spoke with people he didn't know well.
But Mary wasn't listening. She began crying right there in front of him. Her shoulders were shaking. And she wiped her nose with her sleeve. Under her hoodie she was wearing a small dress.
Regulus didn't know what to do. He cursed his bad luck.
"Do you think I am a whore too?"
"I mean just because a girl doesn't have a stable boyfriend... Doesn't mean she is indeed a whore..." Mary was sobbing harder "And I really love snogging boys... And mooree...." sniff sniff "But Peter... Peter is special. I didn't want to lose him, you know?"
Anyone. Literally anyone would be a better help for Mary right now. Regulus knew he was supposed to hold her, and tell her everything was okay, and probably tell her she wasn’t a whore. But he really didn't want to. Crying women reminded him of Walburga in her worse moments.
Regulus observed awkwardly as Mary stabled herself. And she calmed down.
"Sorry..." she said, wiping her tears "You probably don't care about this at all"
"No... I... I mean I do..."
Regulus was pathetic.
Mary sighed.
"I should've said yes" Mary added "To Peter I mean. He would be a wonderful boyfriend. The best boyfriend someone could have"
"Do you actually want to say yes?" Regulus found himself asking "Do you actually love him?"
Mary twisted her mouth. Her makeup was all ruined.
"I love him as a friend" she said "I love him so much but not like that"
"So why would you say yes?"
"I feel comfortable and incredible with Peter. More than I had ever felt with any boy" she explained "He treats better than anyone. And Peter is perfect, you know?" she swallowed "Any girl would be lucky to date him. Why couldn't that lucky girl be me?"
Mary sighed.
"I think Peter would love me properly"
"But you won't love him" Regulus answered.
"Does it matter?"
"I think it does" Regulus said.
Mary snorted, and something like a smile appeared on her face.
"Have you ever felt like you have to be in love because people around you fall in love and they look so happy that you wonder: 'Why not me?' But then you won't feel it? With anyone?"
Mary had just described what Regulus felt all the time. Regulus found romance stupid. But there was something attractive to the way couples were. Most of songs talked about it. Everyone was looking for it. But it resulted so easy for others. And then Regulus just didn't like anyone. Everyone was too short, too tall, too talkative, too quiet, too happy, too depressed, too stupid, too intelligent... Perhaps none of them were the problem. The problem was Regulus.
"I have felt that, actually"
Mary looked at him in a curious way. Regulus couldn't avoid blushing.
"Have you fancied anyone, Regulus?"
Regulus was going to lie. But he didn't find a point anymore. Not with Mary.
"No" he said.
Mary nodded. She didn't make fun of him, or tell him 'Oh you will find someone eventually'.
"All..." Regulus hated the way he sounded so he cleared his throat "All those boys... That you..."
Mary raised an eyebrow. Regulus carried on.
"Have you fancied any of them?"
Mary wasn't offended by that question. Everyone thought she was an easy girl. The rumors had been worse last term for what happened with Longbottom. But Regulus didn't think she was easy. Or at least he didn't care.
"I've fancied them" Mary answered "For a nice conversation. For really good sex..."
Regulus blushed with that word. And Mary noticed because she smiled.
"But not really, you know?" Mary continued "Not in a romantic way. I've never been in love.... And I don't think I will"
"Me neither"
Regulus realized what he confessed after he said it. But it was true.
They both looked at each other. Mary smiled. And Regulus forced himself to smile as well.
"I thought I was the only one" Mary giggled.
"Me too"
"So..." Mary smiled "Don't mind me asking. Have you snogged any girl?"
"Any boy?"
"That's not for me" Regulus answered annoyed.
"Okay..." Mary said "That's fine"
"Do you think I am weird?"
Mary snorted.
"I like snogging and sex... You probably like weed" she shrugged "I mean we all have our things"
Regulus found himself smiling.
"You are actually very cool, Regulus" Mary said with a smile "Not just my friend's weird little brother"
Speaking of which...
"Would you mind not telling Sirius about this?"
"About you smoking weed?"
"And the other thing too"
Mary nodded, she smiled again.
"Thank you"
Mary was cool. Perhaps they had that in common. The not dating part. But Sirius was different. Ever since he started dating Lupin he thought romance was the best thing ever. And he would never understand Regulus. He had been teasing him with Pandora. And Panda was just his friend. He didn't get it.
"Would you share some of that split with me?" Mary smiled raising an eyebrow.
Regulus shook his head. But he smiled.
"I could smoke more"
He turned on his unfinished split and took a drag passing it to Mary.
"So weird..." she tutted as she had a drag "I remember when you were such a cute baby in your first year and you followed Sirius around..."
"Oh shut up!" Regulus rolled his eyes.
Mary laughed. And her laugh, Regulus concluded, was beautiful and contagious.
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repo-net · 2 years
Broken Families
Gloomy, red clouds devoured and covered the entirety of the dusk sky over Towa City. The atmosphere similar to that of a warzone wasn't helped by the smoky pollution in the air caused by factories and buildings spread over the city, and the metallic smell of blood wafting everywhere.
Completely emotionless to it was a blue boy on standby, pressing on what was a black earpiece closer to his head. The boy was sat on top of an enormous mechanical robot just towering over citizens and the smaller-sized houses around it. The robot resembled that of a guerilla soldier, with a brown and sandy color scheme, and topped off as it was armed with a sniper rifle.
He was in the middle of a conversation with someone on the other side, as he fidgeted around with the joysticks on the controller for his robot that was strapped around his neck. In a passive and soft voice, he'd speak.
"Do I have to do this? There's only a couple of demons in this part of town, I really doubt it's necessary for me to have to go here myself when we could just throw a few Monokumas here and call it a day. I'd rather be spending my time disciplining that new servant we captured..."
"Are you backing out, Nagisa? Don't tell me that you don't want to get rid of those horrible, demonic adults we all hate? Monaca thinks you're acting very strangely right now..."
"N-No, it's just... I feel like this is a waste of resources..."
His voice was full of mixed emotions, from a frugality that wishes he didn't have to be using precious bullets on a single household, to the annoyance that was having to deal with smelling the stench of dirtied air, or the small, locked away part of his heart that really just doesn't want to be involved with killing people.
"All the other Warriors of Hope are happily doing their job. Masaru's been super proud of his score, y'know... you're the one with the lowest points out of all of us by far. Monaca's just giving you a chance to play the game she loves so much, Nagisa. Don't you like playing games?"
... Did his behavior and repeated indifference to what they were doing not give any hints to her? He scratched his head at that.
"Not particularly..."
"You know what? Monaca'll tell you this; if you can rack up more points than anyone today, Monaca will give you a super, duper huge reward when you get back! The greatest of all! Don't you want to save the children of this world? You have the Monokuma Kid helmets with you, right? Then all Monaca asks is that you get rid of those disgusting demons, and turn any remaining kids to our side. And if you don't, well... I'll be very disappointed in you, Nagisa."
His heart froze and his mind turned blank at those last few words. She'll be let down? Because of his selfishness and laziness to not complete a simple task such as this? When he's done it plenty of times in the past already? How dare he. He was taking her for granted.
To think that she was generous enough to even give him an apparent 'reward' if he just played along with them for once... that feeling of refusal to disappoint his princess and be praised for his hard work overwhelmed any sort of resistance that his brain had for the current situation.
"No no no, okay! I understand... Alright, I'll handle this side of the city myself. I'm already here, anyways..."
"Wonderful! That's our ever reliable sage Nagisa to you! Always ready to do his job. When you come back, Monaca will prepare a biiiiig surprise for all of us! Okay? Good luck out there!"
With the sound of the signal in his earpiece cutting off, he took a moment to collect his surroundings and relax for a bit. A sigh left his body as he eyed down the streets that he watched from up high on his trusty mech.
In the corner of his eye, he spots it...
Two demons; one male, and one female. A trail of blood following them into an alleyway. Adult-sized. The woman was clinging and using the man's shoulder to even move. They seemed to be struggling... unable to even defend themselves.
A pitiful sight. But Nagisa knew only one thing left in his head; put them out of their misery.
Pressing the stick forward and having it's gun ready and aimed, he led it to the alleyway that the two adults had cornered themselves in. He realized quickly that the mech was too large to fit and move around properly in the area, so he begrudgingly took the backpack that had the Monokuma Kids helmet inside of it and put it on himself, then dropped down with the help of the cape on the mech's back, sliding down on it's side like it was a pole before falling safely.
Arming himself with a gun that fired injection needles rather than bullets (it was still more than enough to kill people while avoiding the damage the power of a regular bullet can do with it's recoil) in his hand, he followed the bloody trail, turning a few times, before finally encountering the nameless adults.
"It's okay, it's okay... it's going to be okay. We're almost there. Just please, hold on to me a little longer..."
Those were the words Nagisa walked in on as he arrived at the scene.
The man begged as he tried to comfort the woman holding on to his shoulder, who had a dry red leaking out of her mouth. He himself was on one knee, panting from exhaustion. Now that the blue-haired boy got a closer look at them, there was a sharp wound on his ripped shirt in the pattern of a claw. Survivors of a Monokuma attack, huh?
Eyes narrowing in both disgust and suspicion, Nagisa walked closer to them, aiming his weapon at the two adults, then speaking in a cold and sadistic voice.
"You two. Don't even think of escaping. This is the end of the road for you."
"Huh?! Who's there?"
The man finally broke his attention that he tried to focus completely on the expiring woman on him, before he looked at the boy that was standing in front of him. His expression was that of anger, fear, and hatred... this was...!
"You...! You're one of those kids that's been taking over this city and causing chaos everywhere, aren't you?! Why?! Do you even see what you're doing right now?! How could you do such horrible things...? My wife is on her last legs because of you!"
"Because of me? That's comedic. You adults only have yourselves to blame. Treating children horribly, using them for your own vices, taking out your frustrations on their innocent souls... you're only now being made to be paid back for everything you've done to us."
"To you?! What have we done to you?! We were just living our lives freely, until you cane along! Why did you have to hurt people like us?"
"You don't get it, do you? Adults... demons like you are the reason this city is unsafe. You're the reason children are afraid to live with people who were meant to protect them.
"Meant to... huh?! Why you...! Listen, just listen to me, kid. Your parents... you have parents too, right? Where are your parents right now?"
... That made Nagisa lower his gun just a little. His tone grew in disdain, practically spitting out his next words.
"They're not here."
"Well, if they were... they'd be ashamed to see their kid turn into such a horrible monster!"
Nagisa's brain pulsed.
"... Excuse me?"
Unconsciously, he took a step closer to the two adults.
"Just look at you... look at what you've turned into! You had such a bright future ahead of you! You could've done so much in your life! But you've thrown it away, and for what? To hurt people? And for why?"
The grip on his gun got stronger. Another step. Closer, and closer.
"Stop... talking. You don't know anything...!"
And yet, the man didn't shut himself up. And what was next, was enough to push Nagisa to the point he'd have no remorse for what was coming next.
"To think they expected so much from you, and yet-"
Yelling as he fired a lethal syringe into the man's heart, the adult screamed in an indescribable and seething pain. A dark red liquid started to flow out from where he had been hit.
Still not content with a shot that's already signed a death sentence for the two adults (the woman already seems to have gone down, her eyes were shut and her limbs had grown limp), Nagisa closed the distance between them and was about to personally beat up and cover his hands with their blood despite his usual opposition to getting so up close with his victims.
As he was going to do that though, whether it was out of survival instincts or adrenaline, the larger man caught him with a fist to his gut, and the young boy's frail and pale body recoiled in pain, collapsing to the ground as he tried to catch his breath.
"Haahh... Damn it, I need to get out of here... I need to get back to her...!"
Using the last of his strength, the adult man carried his wife's body on his back as he continued to bleed out as he dashed from the alleyway.
Nagisa caught a glimpse of them trying to escape, as he forced himself to get up despite the pain in his body from the earlier punch that got thrown at him. He was going to massacre them now, he thought. His bloodthirst and abhorrence towards adults had hit a high, and he was hellbent on making sure he personally made these demons felt hell.
Chasing after them, he slowly but surely caught up to them, witnessing them go into a house as he followed them.
The adult man desperately tried to lock the younger boy away, but all that accomplished was that he got pushed down with his lifeless wife with him along with the door after it got kicked by Nagisa, who now had his needle gun pointed right at the man's face.
"To think you'd be stupid enough to retreat to your own house... I suppose when a person is on their last legs, they won't think too rationally. This is the end for you, either way... that needle in your heart is much more than enough to get rid of you."
Grabbing the dying man by his collar, Nagisa put the gun right against the man's forehead, a callous grin on the child while a look of terror and acceptance was painted on the adult's expression.
"Any last words, then? Maybe you'd like to take back what you said earlier about my parents."
"I... you..."
Coughing out blood as he was slowly starting to pass away, Nagisa tilted his head, and put his finger on the trigger.
"Hmph. Well, I still have someone to come back to. Say hi to all the demons on the other side for me."
Just as he was about to finish the job, the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs shook him out of it, and both men turned their attention to a small, elementary school aged girl walking down the stairs, looking down in horror at the scene before her.
Nagisa's eyes widened in surprise, as the expression on her face told him the entire story. His face quickly turned pale as he saw the emotion that she showed, and it quickly translated into an ache in his heart growing at an infinite pace.
"... Dad?"
"... !"
Reaching out his arm, the father tried to move his body towards his daughter that was standing at the top of the stairs. But to no avail.
His world would fade, and in an instant, his body went numb and entered death's door, right next to his wife.
"Dad... Dad! Mom, too...! DAD!"
Rushing down the stairs and walking over to her departed parents' side, she tried everything - shaking them awake, pulling the needle away from the father's heart, trying to kiss the mother's head back to life. Just to try and make them come back.
Nagisa's eyebrows shifted in worry and a massive weight crushing his shoulders. Did he just kill this kid's parents...? One that clearly, very evidently, loved them, and parents that reciprocated that feeling?
Why did he feel... envious? Why did he feel... so regretful?
Yelling out in tears as she cried out for her family, Nagisa hesitantly took a step closer, reaching out his hand...
But took it back once he realized that she didn't want anything to do with him. When she finally realized his presence once again, all she gave him was a look of disgust and panic. Trying to get his words out, he spoke, his voice full of uncertainty.
"I-I... didn't know... they..."
"Get away from me... get away from us! Why did you take my parents away from me?!"
He had to answer her. Even with how much she would hate him for this, he had to.
"They were... demons."
"Demons?! DEMONS?! Mom and Dad... loved me! They did everything for me! Don't you dare, ever, ever call them demons! After what you did, you're the only demon here...! You're the demon! It's your fault! IT'S YOUR FAULT! GIVE ME MY FAMILY BACK!"
Too stunned and too full of culpability to answer back, his eyes closed. His world was spinning around him and his emotions and thoughts were an incoherent mess. He was blocking out the yelling and crying the now orphaned daughter directed at him, but as he tried to open his eyes and get the words out to apologize...
All that he saw was the smaller girl passed out in front of him, lying next to what remained of her family, embracing them tightly.
Nagisa didn't say another thing. His hands felt petrified, and he wanted to just... leave her alone. Maybe it'd make his conscience feel better.
But he had a job to do. No matter the pain, he'll grit his teeth and push through it. For her, he'd do anything. Just to make her acknowledge him... and tell him he did a good job.
That much... made every single painful act he had to do worth it. Because to him, she cared for him more than anyone... and that alone was enough.
Pulling out the Monokuma Kid's helmet from his backpack, he slowly moved towards the younger girl's body and positioned the gear above her head, then speaking to her, knowing full well she can't talk back.
"I'm... sorry about your parents. I wish... mine cared about me even half as much as yours did. I know it hurts to have to remember them, so consider this... an act of mercy. So long as this is on your head, you'll never have to feel that pain ever again."
A sigh.
Twisting and attaching it... he finally put the helmet on the girl.
That was the end of the mission.
So much happened... and he'd been reminded why he hated having to do things like this himself. He couldn't just shut himself off from emotion. He had to convince himself he was doing the right thing, because if he couldn't even do that? He'd be forced to see the reality of his actions. But that's the way it is. It has to be like this. He'll always tell himself that.
Every single time, he's reminded of things he never had. But when someone offers to give you the love and attention you've craved so much for in your life...
He was willing to destroy the love other people had just to get a taste of what that was like.
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lya-dustin · 2 years
Someone will remember us
Chapter 67
Cw: blood, implied sex, physical assult
Taglist: @stargaryenx @mercedesdecorazon
Gif by @gameofthronesdaily
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There is so much to say and so little time.
“I want to reaffirm my love for you.” He said as they lied there naked watching the stars.
“I think you already did that, love.” She said with a satisfied smile as she laid there with her head on his shoulder. “Although I wouldn’t mind it if we reaffirmed it again.”
Her body had changed, but he was not disgusted by it as she had feared he’d be.
He had worshipped her like he had done then, told her how beautiful she was, how he needed her, wanted her and would never stop loving her.
Gods, it had been so long since she had been intimate with him. She had wept from the stimulation and the overwhelming emotions of being with him.
I love you, she had whispered and whimpered as he said it back to her and showed her how much.
“I want to marry you in the Valyrian way, I want us bound together by blood and fire, so when I go, I know I belonged to you in every way that matters.” He tilts her chin upwards she sees how serious he is about it and know how much he wants her to say yes.
“Then marry me, bind our souls together so I may find you in our next life.”
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This is blasphemy.
He can hear his mother complaining as he takes the ceremonial knife, cuts her lip, and paints the fire glyph on his wife’s forehead.
“Hen lantoti ānogar, va sȳndroti vāedroma.”
Blood of two, joined as one.
They are naked, sitting by a fire as both recite the words ordinarily said by the one officiating.
Only the night, the fire and their blood stand witness to their union.
“Mēro perzot gīhoti, elēdroma iārza sīr.”
Ghostly flame, And song of shadows.
She takes the dagger, cuts his lip and with his blood paints the word for blood on his forehead as he did.
“Izulī ampā perzī, prūmī lanti sēteksi.”
Two hearts as embers, Forged in fourteen fires.
He cuts his palm and cuts hers as their blood mixed with the wine.
A shame he could not give her a proper wedding, with ceremonial clothes and their families there to share their joy.
Perhaps in their next life, he can give her all she deserves.
“Hen jenȳ māzīlarion, qēlossa ozūndesi.”
A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness.
She speaks and both tie the silk blue ribbon he keeps close to his heart as well as they can one handed.
He never thought the word would be literal in their case.
But, if this is the last time they are together, he begs the gods do not forget them even when the world does.
“Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo, Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi.”
The vow spoken through time, of darkness and light
The last vow is said in unison, and he can see tears in her eyes as they drink from the golden cup and seal their marriage with a kiss.
“We could leave now, take Aemon and go see the world and never come back.” She suggests once they consummate their marriage a second time.
He had told her about that dream, the one where they had run away and came back three years later.
She had wanted him to finish inside her despite how recent and how difficult Aemon’s birth had been.
“We can’t, ābrazȳrys. Your destiny is to be queen, mine is to die.” He said with a sigh.
“Don’t speak like that, if Vaemond somehow cheated death, maybe you can too.” She reminds him.
Vaemond had lived when everyone else had died.
An unfair trade if you asked him.
“I will die fighting or facing the Queen’s Justice, I am afraid there is no happy ending for us, my love.” He hates himself for reminding her of the cruel reality they lived in.
“Don’t say that, Aemond. At least, just not tonight.” His princess commands him and who is he to say no to her.
“Avy jorrāelan.” He said and apologized for his pessimism in the best way he knew how.
“Avy jorrāelan toli.” She whispered against his lips and pulled him over her once more.
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“How do you plan to explain a perfectly legitimate spare to your mother?” Daemon is the one to receive her at Maidenpool.
“That is none of your business, you may be my mother’s husband, but you are no kin of mine.” Aemma wiped the dried blood of her lip and forehead.
The cuts had been small, but in their passion the one on her lip had split open again making a mess.
He had taken back the bloody ribbon and she had given him the miniature of her and Aemon.
If I cannot find you again in this life, I will find you in the next, he had promised.
I forgive you; she had said, and he had kissed her goodbye.
He had tasted of blood, of wine and of her.
She will never forget the taste of his lips even when the world forgets him.
“You could have put us all at risk with your stupidity, stepdaughter. Who is to say he didn’t seduce for your secrets?” Daemon taunted thinking Aemond was the same as him.
“I asked him to meet me there, for all your claims about loving my mother, you forget others are afflicted by the same madness.” The princess answered incensed, angry tears flowing freely now. “He asked me to wed him in fire and blood , so when we reincarnate we can have the happiness denied to us in this life.
Is that what you wanted to know? That his destiny is to die by your hand as you die by his? That the two of you only came into this world so you could take each other out of it?
That we wanted one last happiness before he dies without having ever met his own son?”
“He killed your brother; he would have killed your grandmother if I had not been there. Were they of so little worth to you that you run to him the chance you get?” he dares to go there, as if his hands were not bloodier than Aemond’s.
She could tell him, scream to the four winds that Aemond had not meant to kill Lucerys, but no one would believe her.
“I could ask you the same question, you claim you loved Laena and yet you didn’t hesitate to kill her brother and fuck his wife before her coffin was at the bottom of the ocean!” Aemma threw back at him.
“He. Killed. Your. Brother.” Daemon, never known for his control, grabs Aemma by the neck.
She has never feared Daemon, she had never thought him capable of going against her knowing she is his wife’s daughter.
“You. Killed. Rhea. My. Father and Laena.” Aemma spat in his face and he tightened his hold on her throat.
He could kill her, he could claim some green spy had done it, blame Aemond even.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he releases her just as Nettles comes to see what had their dragons snapping at each other.
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“You were with her, weren’t you, your highness?” Criston asked as they broke their fast.
They were halfway to Harrenhal, no need to go faster, the distance was only a nineteen-day march.
Aemond had not bothered to hide the miniature portrait or the scab forming on his lip and palm.
Cole looks at the round miniature with a pang of regret before his face hardens as it always did when he lectured him.
“If I was, what is it to you?” Aemond had loved Criston like a father, never wanting to find out if Criston sees him as a son as a side effect of his obsession with mother or genuinely cares for him.
“Did it ever occur to you that it was a trap?” his mentor and leal servant asked him as if Aemond was the stupid boy who had just picked a fight he couldn’t win.
“I know my wife; I know her to her core; I can blindly put my life in her hands and know she won’t kill me because it isn’t in her to do such a thing.” Aemond answered, being far too poetic for his own liking.
Aemee used to tease him about that, said sex and wine made a bad poet out of him.
“No, she just makes you commit an act of heresy and damns you to the seventh hell with her.” Cole speaks as if they didn’t damn themselves there already.
“I wed her in the manner of my Targaryen ancestors, so that in the next life I can be with her and have the life my mother and grandfather denied me.” The prince defended his actions.
What did it matter now?
They were dead even before they marched here.
“You are not my father, Ser Criston. You do not get to tell me what I can or cannot do.” The prince warned reminding Cole his place.
Not once he had said those words, the relationship between Cole and Aemond was the closest both had to the one a father had for his son.
Cole had given up everything the day Rhaenyra raised him to Kingsguard.
He had squired for Cole when no one wanted to take a boy missing an eye as their apprentice.
He had loved the man more than his own blood father.
And now he had taken a knife and severed that bond between them.
“As you say, your highness,” Cole said coldly and left his tent.
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kailoraurelius · 2 years
Great now I gotta re-read your stories cause your hc post made me realize how much I miss and love them 😪 but on that note I am interested to know your favorite tropes or opinions on them other than the iconic “fake-dating AU”!
Enemies to lovers? Forbidden love? Teacher-cop AU? Im certain anything you think of will quite literally turn me into an emotional wreck
Omg I hope they still hold up on a reread! Lol
Oh man, my favorite tropes. I have so many and I have story ideas for every single one. Um. Strap in, this will be a long answer.
Enemies to lovers is a huge one. I really like variations of it too: enemies to lovers, but only one of them knows they're enemies. Enemies to lovers but they don't want to be enemies. Enemies to lovers with a healthy dose of unwilling allies. Just all so good. I love a really good antagonistic relationship that slowly gets pulled apart or turned on its head.
Forbidden love, yes, but usually with that princess and peasant dynamic. Like, we can't be together because of our station.
A very favored trope of mine is the runaway and her pretend reluctant protector. I love a good story where Chloe is on the run from whatever and finds or is sent to Beca, who helps but in a "ugh this is too much work" kinda way. But really Beca is going above and beyond behind the scenes to make sure Chloe is safe. And Chloe is just blasting down emotional walls until she finds that out.
I love a good au of almost any kind, but particularly a Fantasy AU. I've already mentioned it lol but the princess and her knight or the bandit and the miller's daughter. I love, love, LOVE some sword fighting and declarations of love on a battlefield. Pirates and mystical creatures and magic mixed with Beca's awkward, but fiercely protective and loyal nature from the movies. And Chloe’s desperate, overwhelming love for her friends. A perfect recipe. I want it to be just way too many chapters long, possibly never end.
One Has A Kid. I don't often seek out fics with this in it, but I do occasionally find one that is super good and I can't put down. I especially love when the kid's father was either absent or sucked in some way and so the mother is stunned when the new partner is just the opposite of all that. I find it fascinating watching people unlearn negative things. Like a mother who's used to the father of the child scolding the kid for breaking something, getting to see someone react calmly and casually to that. "You didn't mean to, it's okay. No, I'm not mad, it's alright." Obsessed with that dynamic and the way it can both build trust and distrust in the same instant, because it's like "oh that was nice" vs "why are you being so nice". So much fun to write.
Found Family. Find me immediately filling my plate with that at the Fanfic buffet any day.
I like a good hurt/comfort, but usually not if that's the whole fic. I just like it to be a part of it.
We love a "There's only one bed", of course.
And I'll end with a trope I don't think I've seen in a Bechloe work yet, but I would love to, so any recs are appreciated: the arranged marriage trope. Love me some Swan Princess vibes. Maybe they hate each other and grow to realize they actually hate the situation, not each other. Maybe they still hate each other after they're married and begrudgingly grow to respect one another, then like, then love desperately. Delicious. 10/10.
Oh man, this one was very fun to answer lol. My mind is really rolling through all the fics I wanna write 🤣 Thank you so much!!!
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letterstodreams · 6 months
Slices of Reality
We can experience life through our own slice of reality, a narrow, filtered view, colored lens, tunnel vision. In some ways, maybe it's nature sometimes, different personality types that naturally see a different range and color and lighting of life's experiences. In other ways, it may be our environment or choices, aware or accidental. Nature and nurture blend in many different mixes of individuals who can also change over time. We sometimes see superimposed images that cover everything with our own fixations and distorted deluded assumptions, impervious to seeing the light and truth. The beam in the eye of the one trying to remove the mote from the other's eye, from that Bible verse.
And so it feels like my family and I dwell in different slices of reality. it feels to me like some members of my family probably really feel entirely good, happy, and as though they are great people, kind, caring, upstanding citizens and members of their family. And everyone else sees them that way, or at least, as far as I know most may see them that way. Then again, for all I know, those people are really actual narcissists, who do a great job at fooling people with their charm and putting on the appearance of being a good person. Some narcissists can do such a good job at acting that even their own spouses and children can be confused and believe they are really great people, loving, sincere, model citizens and perfect family members, ideal people all around. Or so they say, and I have experienced this with my husband, at one time. At one time, I think I felt that way about my parents, too, though I still haven't figured out whether they're both true narcissists (but one is, I feel sure).
Anyway, even with people who create great disharmony and inflict all kinds of hate and wrongful judgment and division among their family, they may still be seen as good people by many. They may see themselves that way as well. And when I visit my family, I get the feeling as though they are living in an entirely different world from me, inside their heads. Everything that has shaped them to be the way they are, to feel the things they do, and see things as they see them, is foreign to my own world. It's not that we have nothing in common, but that the overlap is so small that it really hardly counts for much at all. Most of the time, even when I have things in common with them, it's like the right thing at the wrong time, or in the wrong amount. Our common interests even rub each other the wrong way and overwhelm each other, and lead to this sense of alienation for me.
For me, more so than for them, because I doubt if they really notice or care much about my own behavior towards them. I am mostly just a bystander, and onlooker, at their gatherings, quiet, barely able to speak or respond, inundated with their emotions and judgments and chatter and noise and hyperactivity. Flooded with their interests and conversations about which I feel little sense of understanding, and almost no sense of caring or pleasure. They seem to revolve around a constant fluster of energy and enthusiasm about things that leave me feeling hollow and lonely and bored and agitated inside.
On the other hand, the things my world revolves around are things that they seem oblivious towards, or filled with hate and deep scorn and dismissive towards. I also notice that they revolve around feelings of pride, superficiality, competitiveness, ambition, judgmentalness. In these attitudes, they often end up judging me and people like me, either directly or through implication.
They often make fools out of themselves with their sheer arrogance and superficial showing off. It's clear they're not as great and special as they think they are, and the things they compete over and obsess upon are shallow, greedy things. They veer away from the path of deeper humility, deeper self-expression, compassion, open-mindedness, playfulness, innocence, naturalness.
I guess all of this is pretty common in the modern day world of polarized politics and hate, and social media fakeness and competitive showing off of wealth and fake happiness, fake love, fake virtue. It's even common all throughout history, as evidenced in the Bible and Qu'ran and other spiritual and philosophical teachings. These contain many warnings against superficiality, hypocrisy, greed, trying to focus too much on impressing others. It's human nature, or culture, I guess, to create these problems.
But it seems to me that they are totally self-satisfied, happy, proud, content, and secure that they are living good lives, good people, superior and full of pleasure and peace in their lives. Yet they callously judge, exclude, and live lives of smallness, pettiness, unawareness, mean, cruel, judgmental and deluded. Their whole lives into old age can be spent in this way, with never a doubt nor a sense of dissatisfaction seeming to enter their minds, as they buzz around, high on their lively and shallow and self-important diversions.
I feel like I am full of ideas and perceptions that they can't see, but if they could see them, they also wouldn't want to see, and wouldn't feel drawn to care. They don't want to know, and slam shut their minds and hearts and the slightest hint of what they don't want to face or admit, and those they don't want to love or care about, including me. I, on the other hand, am left with this aching yearning inside, full of the search for meaning and answers, for caring and connection, for insight and expression and creativity. But since I can't find like minds to connect with over these things, I end up in great pain and confusion, overwhelm and loneliness. Because I'm more sensitive and self-aware, I'm continually trampled by insensitive, self-centered people who are blind to the deeper, more complex issues that they don't even care about.
They can manage to trample me, neglect, scorn me, judge me, all the while feeling like they are saints themselves, and barely even registering my existence. They spin on their happy, self-absorbed reels, which are constantly spewing offense and inconsideration, without even realizing or caring. It's like their needs are a very small, narrow scope of selfish and simple things, and mine are a big, complex array of sensitive, caring, and creative things, but also sometimes, painful, confused, needy things.
Their needs are easier and simpler to meet, and mine are difficult and rare to satisfy. I will always be seen as weak, strange and a failure by them because I can't just be happy, easy to please, can't just blend in with the world they live in. They feel happy themselves, so they think, why can't I just blend in with their clearly happy, wonderful lives? They think they've got it all figured out and whoever can't do what they do just isn't trying hard enough or doing it the right way.
The things is, it feels to me like this dynamic plays out all over the place, in varying degrees and in varying ways, all through society and culture and various social groups that I've tried to take part in. I feel like my needs and what I'm aware of and feel are so much more intricate, diverse and vast, than what many people experience or are aware of. Therefore I'm always stumbling, lagging behind, misunderstood, and unseen, suffering, staggering, weighed down with it all.
And people just don't get it, don't see me, or only see my suffering, awkwardness, loneliness, stumbling, sad and depressed and anxious overwhelm, social isolation, despair and disillusion, fumbling to articulate my ideas and feelings. They see all this and think that I'm the one who is lacking, failing, flawed. But what if it's just that their slice of reality is simpler, easier, more common, and that is why they find so many ready friends, easy satisfaction in life, happy self-confidence and feeling of virtue and superiority?
I see this again and again among different situations where I feel unseen, unheard, treated with unkindness and insensitivity and subtle scorn or heavy, clear scorn from others. I carry this burden of this complex, big slice of reality with boundaries and edges that flap and bleed into everything, because I care and see and sense too much and feel and know and try too much. It's not something to brag about, and I'm not trying to brag.
It's something to heal from, to continually heal myself from, to make sure I remember how to heal this pain by reminding myself that no, it's not me that's lacking and wrong and inferior, despite all their judgments and exclusions and scorning pity. The only truth and redemption that feels real and right here for me is that actually, my reality is bigger, deeper and more aware and caring. But the shame or sadness and burden is that it's very difficult to act in caring, functional ways with so much disconnect and isolation and cruelty that I get to sense and experience because of all of this. If we were to judge someone's life on the way they act from the outside, I look to be quite a failure, don't I? Hiding away, suffering, maybe eventually losing the fight if I'm not lucky. But I don't judge it that way either, though it's hard not to sometimes feel like a failure when I want there to be some kind of moral standard to live up to, and I don't know where to set the bar in this shifting seas of confusion and overwhelm where I seem to dwell by my very nature.
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riosongco · 8 months
Thoughts Before Going Into Labor
My pregnancy journey is coming to an end and my emotions are overflowing. I am frankly overwhelmed as D-day is nearing. I am feeling everything all at once and I feel the need to get it off my chest because I need to be calm and relaxed once the day comes.
9 months of carrying a child in your womb isn't a joke and while a lot of mothers just want it to end, I am not sure if I am on the same boat. I'm just not ready!
I don't know what scares me most — the pain of childbirth, the cost of raising a child in this economy, or the fact that the time has finally come...I am now responsible for another human being for the rest of my life. (P.S. I have obviously thought and considered all those things when I found out I was pregnant but nothing really prepares you for when the time comes!)
As an only child, I was naturally selfish. I only cared about myself. I never had to think about or take care of anyone else and when you grow up in a dysfunctional environment, you question what family really means and then a mix of doubts, fears, hopes, and longing fill your mind. On the bright side, it makes you aware of what to avoid, what to be, and what you want for your chosen family, should you wish to start one.
I never really dreamed of becoming a mother but I do know I wanted a family eventually and I promised myself that when the time comes, I'll be the parent I never had.
I guess that's where all the pressure roots from.
Will I be a good mother? Am I actually cut out to be one? Will our daughter be proud to have me in her life? Will I be able to give her the life she truly deserves?
I've never been this hard on myself — overthinking each night, already thinking a million steps ahead, waking up in the middle of my sleep cycle, writing every thought that goes in my head at 5 in the morning, and constantly crying, praying, and wishing for everything to fall into place.
Sometimes I question if I ever made the right decision, to bring our innocent child into this fucked up world. Yes, I hear you. I chose to have a child but I'm allowed to feel scared because I know how cruel the world can be and I don't want her to grow up in a toxic environment.
I know I could only do so much as a mother and it's extremely impossible to live a life without obstacles but I just want to protect our little girl from every heartbreak this world has to offer, the way I wished to be protected.
At this point, I am just scared and anxious for what's to come and well, also exhausted of staying strong.
It's a hard pill to swallow but each day just reminds me that most of the time, all we really have is ourselves. The people who are supposed to be there for us turn out to be such disappointments.
However, I remain grateful for everyone who showed up and helped me along the way. I must have done something right in this lifetime to find family among friends and colleagues.
To old friends I've reconnected with and to new ones I've gained along the way, thank you for sharing this journey with me and for checking in on me. I am truly thankful for all the love and support you have shown. Those kept me going.
The uncertainty is killing me inside. I hate that I don't have all the answers I want and need at this time. I don't know how things are gonna be moving forward. I know I won't be a perfect mom but as long as our child is proud to call me her mom and not wish me death then I'm all good.
Here's to a new chapter. To new beginnings, to life, and to love! x
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 47 – Quiet Before The Storm
I love cooking. That’s why one night, I decided to cook something for my roommates, which turned out to be an online recipe: steamed tomatoes with soybean curry and rice. It’s pretty simple. You boil the tomatoes for a few minutes and when they’re done, you stick a toothpick into them, throw them in ice water, then peel away the skin. My friends were eagerly waiting for me to finish, but the soybean curry turned out to be a bit trickier than expected.
‘Sorry, you’ll have to wait for a bit longer’ I said. But they understood and waited patiently as the aroma of the spices filled the room.
I often try out some family recipes or others I find online. I found that cooking calms my heart. It makes me remember Tem and that night clearly. Cut two onions and fry them. Mash the soybeans.
‘We’re best friends. I’ll accept every part of you.’ His words still often resonate in my head. Add curry and boil the rice.
Eating is the celebration of life. Mix them together, place tomatoes on top then serve.
The others were already eager to try my new dish, which I served as soon as it was ready. We all took a bite of it at the same time.
‘Your food is as good as ever’ Isamu said. ‘It’s just that the taste is a bit stronger than it should be. It’s making me thirsty. How much curry powder did you put in it?’
‘Oh, sorry… I’ll be more careful next time’ I replied.
I was surprised I over-seasoned the food. I could barely taste anything. Strangely, ever since that night, I began to lose my sense of taste. At first, I thought it might have been some sort of virus, but it didn’t go away even after trying medications. As we ate, we discussed the upcoming semester exams and the subject, which caused us the most difficulty. I, for instance, hate Geography with a fiery passion, since I struggle so much with capitals, river names and flags.
After dinner, we did the dishes and got ready for bed one by one. After brushing our teeth, we all ceremonially lined up with a glass of water to take our strength restraining pills.
‘Dang, I’m running out of my pills’ Isamu said.
‘I can give you some of mine until you can get more’ I offered. ‘I usually have some extra on me just in case.’
‘You keep those on yourself? That’s some impressive dedication and discipline.’
‘Of course, I do. I’d be able to tear off herbivore skin like tissue paper if I were to neglect taking them.’ I could read the shock on the others’ faces. ‘That’s why us bears need to stay aware of our monstrous strengths.’
I still think about Tem daily after going to bed. I usually lay there in silence on my back, thinking about how he closed the gap between us and how he made me happy. I also think about how I ate him. But I ate him consensually. That’s how he became my truest herbivore friend. It’s like how food ingredients don’t resist. The act was gentle, peaceful and therefore consensual. My memories must become more beautiful! As long as I never forget how Tem tasted, I’ll never yearn for my sense of taste!
The only one who can wither them is Legoshi. That retched grey wolf has been trying to find out the truth behind Tem’s death for months. I remember when he first mentioned the incident, I immediately looked down at my bag, but I also saw the blood that stuck to my hands. I tried my best to avoid giving myself away, and I succeeded for a long time. But I saw the determination in his eyes. I knew from the moment our eyes met that he wanted to expose everything and defile my friendship with Tem.
His threats still echo in my ears. But if that is how it’s going to be, then he’ll have to become my new friend. Oddly enough, after our fight in the communal bathroom, I started to feel tastes slightly. I could differentiate sweet, sour and salty. However, I wasn’t going to give in to the overwhelming sensation of that. I immediately started preparing my body for the duel. I stopped taking my pills. I even burned them all in the kitchen. After all, our friendship is going to be the fiercest one the world has ever seen. I wonder what a friendship with him would taste like.
I have to be careful though. The fact that I’m not taking my pills was almost given away this morning. While I was making omelets, I could hear the others talking about how I became larger – my muscles were rapidly growing after all. In fact, so rapidly, that I cracked an egg with bare hands without any force. I barely touched it when I realized the liquid sunshine flowing on my hand. I licked it off to avoid it going to waste and I must say, a raw egg tastes wonderful… I can’t wait to have a taste of Legoshi tomorrow!
New Year’s Eve finally arrived and it was time for my fight with Riz. To my surprise, the city was bustling with life. Everywhere I went, there were animals of all shapes and sizes in celebratory spirit. Then again, it might be normal. I have never left the school for the New Year’s celebrations. I usually spend the night with Jack at school, watching some show on the TV. It was nice of him to stay with me so I didn’t have to spend the winter break alone.
‘If I die tonight, Jack might be sad…’ I thought. ‘He might even cry…’
I didn’t even want to imagine Haru or Louis sad… I’ve met so many animals who I’ve grown to like during the school year: the guys in Room 701, the Drama Club members and there’s Gouhin, too. I’m so grateful for what he taught me. I’ve changed a lot, too, and the new, now permanent, scar on my eye symbolizes that.
There was only one problem. I had no idea how to approach the fight. I was hesitating between getting prepared to die and fighting to live. Either way, as I was walking to the bridge, the seconds and minutes were quickly passing by… Suddenly, I felt buzzing in my pocket. Haru was calling me.
‘Happy New Year, Legoshi!’ Haru screamed into the phone when I picked up.
‘Thank you, but it’s not the New Year yet’ I replied.
‘I know’ she chuckled. ‘You see, I have to spend New Year’s Eve with my family, so I wanted to call you while I still had the chance.’ I could hear Haru’s family in the background, cheering on a contestant in some sort of New Year’s quiz show. ‘Tonight’s a full moon! I’m sure the next year will be wonderful for you!’
‘Thank you, Haru.’
‘Anyways, I gotta go! Happy New Year again! We’ll talk soon!’
‘Happy New Year to you, too, Haru’ I said before I hung up.
‘If I live through this year, I’ll visit grandpa’ I thought. ‘I want to know how a Komodo dragon ended up falling in love with a grey wolf. I also want to tell him that I’m in love with a red deer and that I’m pretty much following his steps in screwing up the family tree… But I shouldn’t feel excited just yet! I have to live this day to the fullest, just as I have every day this year!’
After about 20 more minutes of running, I finally arrived to the bridge. Riz was already waiting for me.
‘Sorry to keep you waiting’ I said apologetically.
‘Don’t worry, you came here just in time’ he smiled, showing his sharp teeth. ‘You’re diligent even now, huh?’
‘Well, I’m the one who suggested the fight in the first place…’
I quickly scoped the surroundings for any trace of Louis, but I couldn’t see or smell him anywhere. I was a bit disappointed about that…
‘So, when are we starting?’ Riz asked. I looked at him in surprise. I didn’t quite think about that… ‘I’ve brought a starting gong with me, you just need to take notice of it…’
‘A gong?’ I asked in confusion. ‘You mean that thing that makes the bshhh sound?’
‘He won’t be making any more sounds, I’m afraid…’ Riz continued as he unzipped his coat. ‘You’re normally calm and collected, so I thought I should do something about it and try to make you lose your mind so you won’t hold back in our fight…’
As Riz pulled his coat apart, it suddenly hit me. The smell of blood. He revealed his white shirt and my senses turned out to be right. His stomach was covered in blood. And I knew exactly who it belonged to…
‘A Dall sheep’s body is really a lot to take in’ he said.
‘Pina…?’ I mumbled.
‘Now, let’s get started!’ he demanded.
Being face to face with Riz, I knew I had to turn things around to be the initiating party and make the next step if I didn’t want to die. But then, it all suddenly seemed to be easier said then done…
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Can I request for the four Lords with an s/o who is honestly good at reading the Lord's facial expressions, even if the Lords are trying to hide it- to which s/o can act accordingly if their lover had a bad day at a "family" meeting or something?
I can try!💖 I also love your Tumblr name💖 Outlaws for life
The Four Lords with an S/O Who Can Easily Read Their Facial Expressions
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She is the type to try and hide her facial expressions. For starters, Alcina doesn’t want to bother or worry you nor her daughters with any of her troubles. She just grabs a glass of wine to get over it.
-But she’s not the best at hiding her irritation no matter how hard she tries. There’s always a twitch in her brow or tension in her face, even when she forces a smile that her daughters believe.
-However, it’s easy for you to distinguish how much Heisenberg has managed to aggravate her whenever she comes back from a meeting. Her expression is always tense, she’s not smiling, and looks ready to kill anything that gets in her.
-At this point, you know if you ask, she would start to rant. But that’s exactly what she needs to do instead of bottling it all up. So, you open the rabbit hole and allow yourself to be her listener.
-That, and you go to retrieve her favorite wine. C’mon, Alcina can’t have dealt with Heisenberg and not have something to drink. 
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Out of all the lords, Donna is the hardest one to read. This is because she likes to keep her face under that veil due to the Cadou violating her. Still, you are able to read her body language like a champ.
-It might seem like not a lot of things get to Donna, but you are able to tell from her sluggish movements to slouching shoulders that something is bothering her. Now the mysterious was finding out what that is.
-Angie is the one who would reveal that, considering Donna doesn’t say much. After the doll rats her out, you would realize that a family meeting just got to overwhelming for her and Donna is emotionally drained.
-This is also when you remove her veil, with permission of course, to see her face clearly. Of course, she has the most vivid facial expressions when you can see them, being one of the most emotionally lords, so you can see how stressed she looks.
-It’s at this point where you move to make her some tea and enjoy some relaxation with her. Donna needs some time to decompress, so it’s either that or distracting herself with her dolls. But she prefers her time to be with you.
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Salvatore Moreau
-If anything, Moreau is a mix of both worlds. He wants to hide his facial expressions from you, but he is terrible at doing so. The only reason he would want to hide them was so that you wouldn’t be troubled with his problems.
-That said, you pretend not to notice for a bit because you don’t want to make our sensitive boy feel bad for having you see how downtrodden he appears. However, you soon can’t stand it, and intervene.
-Moreau pretends like nothing really gets to him, but he’s smarter than people think. Each family meeting is a reminder to him that he is not Mother Miranda’s favorite, and nothing can be done to change it. So, each time he comes home, he’s put through a cycle of depression.
-When you manage to confess that you see how he is feeling, the poor guy looks even more distraught and starts to explain that he’s fine, not wanting to be a burden. However, you read his facial expressions well.
-After reassuring him all is well, you have to act like a parent to their child and distract him with moving pictures. Meaning, you go to watch his favorite movie together to cheer him up, and pretending that it was your idea, not just because you wanted to make him feel better.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg hates and loves that you can read him so well. He hates it because when he’s feeling angered or stressed, he just wants to bottle it up and be left alone. But he also loves that you know him well enough that you can tell when the slightest thing bothers him.
-Still, that doesn’t stop him from hiding it. Heisenberg is used to wearing a facade of a smirk and cynical laughter, rarely showing his distraught face to anyone. That said, you notice not only the strain and tension in his face, but also his shoulders. And the way he interacts with objects like slamming doors. Out of all the lords, he is the hardest to read.
-And the worst part is confronting him. It’s taken years to build up a trustful and loving relationship with him, and the slightest thing could break that. He doesn’t like people seeing him emotional, even you. But sometimes, after a meeting with Miranda, you know you have to do something to make him feel better.
-Of course, trying to bring up the topic is a no go. Heisenberg will never talk about what’s bothering him and prying him open could result in collateral damage. So, you just have to play naivety and find ways to make him feel better without him knowing that was your plan.
-With Heisenberg, you really just have to distract. Sometimes it’s easy if all you have to do is hug him or cuddle him. He might just melt right into you and drop whatever he is doing. However, sometimes things have to get a bit friskier. Either way, you achieve your end result.
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littledanette · 2 years
Hello!! Yes so I have completely fallen in love with Wil and the whole Shannara series. I am shocked by the lack of fanfic on ao3/ff.net, especially regarding Wil in particular. There’s just so much material there imo. I am not fond of reader x character fics or smut, but I love backstory, h/c, soft fics, and character development fics. If these are not anything you write, I totally understand!! I just wanted to put in a request for anything along those lines, for what it’s worth :) Wil is just so sweet and caring, and he has so much courage! I love him. Thanks for your offer to take requests and for taking the time to read this!
Hello darling, and thank you for your message! 💜
I thought I’d start off with your request just to metaphorically test the waters with writing for our beloved Wil. 
Everyone, please bear in mind i saw both seasons of Shannara and am currently re-watching season 1, but since it’s a very complex world, forgive me if I still mess up a few details, write something non-canon, or mix up some canon facts. 
Anyway, here are a few random HC’s for our favorite half elf….
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He grew up mostly with his mother. He still worshipped his father like a hero, but we all know what a complicated character he was. And since Wil had no idea about his family’s history, when he was little he started thinking his father wasn’t around much / started drinking / got into trouble because he didn’t fully enjoy or want his family life. It hurt him to think that, but he still tried to make the best of the few precious moments he shared with his dad.
Because of his upbringing, Wil started to rely almost entirely on his mother. They had a very profound emotional bond, and we know her death left a scar in his heart that never really healed. 
Also thanks to his mother, Wil learned to respect and admire women, especially those with a strong spirit and a loving heart.
He has a very deep sense of protection towards the women he loves, but he also craves the motherly attention and love that was so brutally ripped away from him. 
He’s not as naive as he might seem - think of him at the beginning of Season 1. He just wants to search for the best in even the worst situation and he tries to see the good in everyone. He’s actually extremely anxious and afraid of what he doesn’t know, so he also tries to encourage himself by keeping an open mind and heart towards the world. 
He was quite lonely growing up because being a half elf meant that a lot of the other children weren’t very nice or welcoming to him. He got called names and made fun of, especially for his ears, which he became extremely self conscious about. But back then he was always too gentle to react or lash out, so he’d usually end up isolating himself instead of picking up a fight. He’d wander around exploring the little forest surrounding Shady Vale, or go visit his uncle, or stop by to watch the Healers work in their village quarters. He never really held a grudge towards the kids that were mean to him, but sometimes he did wish he had a friend he could talk to. 
He felt safe and at home in Shady Vale, but he secretly longed to leave it behind and go explore the world. He never allowed himself to fully embrace that pull towards the unknown…. Until he was forced to, by the events we all know. 
He is very empathic and often gets overwhelmed by his own emotions. This is why sometimes he’ll be too impulsive or make a ‘dumb’ decision. He hates himself when he messes things up, especially if someone else gets hurt (emotionally or otherwise) because of it. 
He doesn’t want to admit it but since the first moment Allannon first revealed the story of his father, the Elfstones and his destiny, Wil started feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. Sure, he was terrified and confused, but suddenly so many things about his life made sense to him, and feeling as though he had a higher purpose actually started bringing out his most authentic self. 
This also meant bringing out his courage. Wil has actually been brave his entire life, but he always assumed that just meant doing the right thing and caring about the people he loves. The quest for Safehold finally allows him to discover just how brave and daring he can actually be. 
On the downside, he can be quite moody and difficult to deal with when he’s in a bad mood. There’s a lot of unresolved anger and frustration buried deep inside him. The dark side of learning how to use the Elfstones meant having those feelings start to surface from time to time. It won’t happen often, but sometimes he’ll lash out unexpectedly, breaking something or taking his anger out using his sword against some unanimated object. 
His tendency to isolate is another one of his flaws. As much as he craves love and affection, he’s also extremely sensitive to whatever might make him feel unwanted or rejected. He’ll quite literally disappear from everyone if that happens until the feeling fades away. 
His favorite season is autumn. He loves the colours of the leaves and the crisp air, not to mention spending the chilly evenings outside by a campfire or looking at the stars. 
He’s loyal to the core. Once he knows he can trust you, he will always have your back and defend you with his life.
feel free to skip them if they’re not your cup of tea….
First things first, because I feel this needs to be said: he’s an amazing kisser. You can’t fool me, those lips were made to kiss and he knows it very well.
That’s also why he really, really loves giving kisses. It’s one of his favorite gestures of intimacy, whether it be passionate kisses that take your breath away or little loving kisses all across your face. 
He is extremely touch-starved. That’s obviously because he had to learn to live with loneliness at such a young age. He’s very shy at first, but once he starts feeling more comfortable around someone he’ll grow close to them very quickly and likes to express that with physical touch. After all he probably wouldn’t have wanted to be a Healer if touch didn’t resonate with him as his primary love language, right?
Speaking of that, he loves hugging the people he cares about. But he also wants to be held and reassured, especially when he’s feeling particularly alone. Sometimes falling asleep in his partner’s arms is the only way for him to finally relax and let his guard down. 
He falls in love very easily, but his emotions are also quite fleeting and sometimes very intense to deal with. 
His sex drive isn’t insanely high, but once he starts having feelings for someone he’ll crave being intimate with them even if it just means falling asleep with his arms around them, or holding hands while taking a walk, or spending time cuddling in peace while watching the sunset. 
He’s a romantic at heart, even though he can be quite awkward at first. He loves giving little presents, courting, and genuinely giving his attention and time to someone he cares about. 
He always dreamed of getting married young and have a family of his own, probably to subconsciously heal the family wounds he holds in his heart. 
His loyalty shows in his romantic relationships as well: although his emotions can sometimes be all over the place, once he choses a partner for good, there is nobody else in the world for him. 
He believes in soulmates.
He is extremely protective, sometimes becoming slightly too aggressive if he senses anyone or anything might be a threat or even a slight annoyance to his partner. 
Ironically enough, his weakness is - yup, you guessed it - his ears. Kisses, nips and little bites will immediately make his knees go weak and his restraints vanish into thin air. 
Remember how I said he’s initially shy and awkward? Yeah, that all goes out the window once he knows he can trust you as his partner and starts having feelings for you. He might not have the highest sex drive, but when he does get in the mood…. You’re always in for a very, very long and ecstatic night… A lover boy, indeed!
Hope you enjoyed these! 💋
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