#there may be smut
miabellaholtz · 1 year
Rayamaari Christmas fic anyone? It may be a bit late but better late than never! I hope that all of you enjoy! 
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
The Queen's Gambit- Chapter 5
A03, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multi Chapter AU: Rhaenyra is now 18 and eager to prove herself. Having never been forced to marry Rhea Royce, Daemon has matured and given up his gallivanting through the Street of Silk. Queen Aemma survives her final birth but the baby does not.
Queen Aemma knows of Daemon’s devotion to Rhaenyra. She also knows that this devotion is not unrequited. Aemma goes to Viserys with a proposition: one that will ensure the future and legacy of House Targaryen.
Aemma had a trunk of her daughter’s clothing sent away to Dragonstone. There was no telling how long it would take her husband to send the Hightowers back to Oldtown after the news of Daemon and Rhaenyra’s elopement came to King’s Landing.
Aemma was trusting the safety of her daughter to Daemon. It was an easy choice to make, especially seeing her daughter’s misery the past few days. Misery because of her husband’s wish to separate Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Still, Aemma gathered her strength to say goodbye to her child. Rhaenyra would not know it was a goodbye.
Rhaenyra was pacing her chambers when Aemma arrived. “You seem troubled, my dear.”
“Not troubled, Mother. In truth, I am excited. Will you keep a secret?”
“You can trust me, sweetling.”
“I am going into the city tonight, with Uncle Daemon.” Rhaenyra said, her eyes glimmering.
Aemma smiled. Everything was in place. “You deserve a chance to see the people you will one day rule.”
“You are not angry or worried?”
“A mother always worries for her children, but I know you will be safe with Daemon. I trust you both.”
“If only Father would extend us the same courtesy,” Rhaenyra said ruefully.
“Your father will be made to see sense,” Aemma said, kissing her forehead. “Be safe, my darling. And enjoy your taste of freedom.”
Rhaenyra threw her arms around her mother. “Thank you,” she whispered.
A few hours later, Ser Erryk came to the door with a wrapped bundle. “A gift for the Princess.”
“Thank you, Ser Erryk,” Rhaenyra said. At least one of her father’s Kingsguard was sensible.
Rhaenyra changed into the rough spun garments, and tucked her conspicuous silver locks into the cap. She surveyed her appearance in the mirror. She looked like a boy rather than the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
A thrill of anticipation raced up her spine as she followed Daemon’s written instructions and found the secret passage. He was waiting for her at its end, wearing a thick cloak that concealed his identity as a prince of the realm.
Daemon took her hand and kissed it. “You are still beautiful, my little dragon. Stay close to me. There are many unsavory men and women in the capital.” His voice was rough, even while speaking the beloved tones of High Valyrian.
Rhaenyra grasped his hand. Where he led, she would gladly follow.
The streets of King’s Landing were alive with activity. A strange miasma of scents filled the air; perfume, unwashed bodies, fire, and spices. It was intoxicating. Rhaenyra swayed slightly from the overpowering aroma. She was steadied by Daemon’s hand at the small of her back. A frisson of something heretofore unknown raced through her body and straight to her center.
Daemon led her down the narrow streets through the throngs of people. She held on tightly, knowing that she would be in trouble if they became separated. He handed her a flask, and she drank deep. She nearly choked on the blackberry wine, but she swallowed and her belly filled with the fire of strong drink.
Daemon smiled down at her, and Rhaenyra wondered when he might kiss her again. Surely that was how he meant to end the evening.
“Would you like to know your death, child?” An old hag with matted hair stepped in front of her. Rhaenyra was grateful when Daemon pushed the woman out of the way.
They soon reached a troupe of performing mummers. The story was that of her future succession. She listened with disgust as they proclaimed in rhyming verse that she was an unworthy heir. “Slander,” she called as the crowd cheered, encouraging the insults of the mummers.
Daemon dragged her away, his voice low. “Calm yourself, my little dragon. There are many of the smallfolk who believe that a man should sit the Iron Throne.”
“Their wants mean nothing to me.”
“They should if you are to one day rule them. Have patience. One day you will prove them wrong.” Rhaenyra was touched by his faith in her, and she knew that he meant it. Daemon was not a man who offered false praise.
“One day,” she agreed, “but for one night I wish to be free of the burdens of my inheritance.”
They continued their journey through the city. When they came across a cart bearing fruit, she grabbed an apple without thinking.
A rough voice called, “Four coppers, boy. In King’s Landing we pay for our pleasures.”
Having no money, Rhaenyra’s instincts told her to run. She heard the shouts of the vendor behind her. She had lost Daemon in the scuffle but had faith he would find her.
Not watching where she was running, she ran headlong into a man of the Kingsguard. “And what are you running from, boy?” A gruff voice asked.
“Ser Harwin?”
Harwin Strong looked down at her. “Princess?”
“Don’t,” Rhaenyra said, urging him to keep her secret.
Harwin looked over her shoulder. Rhaenyra turned and felt a surge of relief. Daemon had found her.
“Take care, boy,” Ser Harwin said. “Next time you may not be so lucky.” The knight brushed past them.
Daemon whispered in her ear, “Strong is wiser than most. Come, now. There is more to be seen.”
Daemon led her into a large stone building. Rhaenyra was startled to see that it was filled with naked men and women. A few young and scantily clad girls carried trays with goblets of wine for the patrons. Daemon took one and drank before handing it to Rhaenyra. This was fine Arbor Gold, and it warmed her insides.
“What is this place?” Rhaenyra asked.
Daemon did not answer her in High Valyrian. “It is where people come to take what they want, Princess,” he said in a raised voice.
Rhaenyra noticed several of the patrons turned to look. Daemon removed her cap, allowing her silver hair to spill over her shoulders. He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. Then in his carrying voice he said, “You see, Princess, your marriage to the Hightower boy will be duty, but fucking is a pleasure. Your betrothal should not stop you from taking what you want, what we both want.” Then he was kissing her again, his deft fingers working the laces of her shirt and pushing the fabric aside to bear her breasts.
She understood what he was doing. Rumors would spread like wildfire that Daemon had seduced her. If Otto Hightower was wise, he would not wed his son to a ruined woman, even if she was going to be queen.
“Uncle, we must make it convincing,” she said. She threw back the hood of his cloak and ran her fingers through his long hair. He kissed her roughly, and she moaned. One hand wandered to her breast, lightly stroking the nipple with his thumb. A jolt of sensation. Heat pooled between her thighs.
Daemon swallowed her moan with another kiss before saying, this time in High Valyrian, “This is real, my little dragon. I want you.”
And she suddenly took control, responding to his passion with equal fervor. She pressed him against the rough stone wall and explored his body with her hands, pushing aside his clothing.
He was beautiful.
In the flickering candlelight she could see some of his battle scars, puckering his otherwise unblemished skin.  She kissed each of them in turn and was rewarded by a moan of pleasure from Daemon. It gratified her to elicit such a response from the man she loved. This man who had spent much of his youth whoring his way through the Seven Kingdoms, yet he was holding her and caressing her as though she was precious.
One of his strong hands wandered lower and caressed her hips beneath her small clothes. She pressed herself into his hand. But then he pulled away. “I will not fuck you in a pleasure house, my little dragon. You deserve a better first experience.”
“Then take me somewhere else, away from prying eyes.”
In the common tongue, he spoke again, loudly. “As you wish, Princess. To Dragonstone then.”
Daemon placed the cap back on her head and laced up her shirt. He drew his hood to conceal his noble Targaryen features.
“Are we truly going to Dragonstone?”
“Yes, Princess. We are going to our ancestral seat.”
“And there you will make me your wife?” Rhaenyra asked, her heart practically leaping out of her chest.
“If you wish it, my little dragon. I am yours to command.”
In answer, Rhaenyra kissed him, long and deep and glorious.
When she pulled away he was smiling. “There will be time enough for that later, my love. We must make haste if we are to escape the capital.”
My love. He had never called her that before, but she knew it to be true. She followed him to the dragon pit.
The dragon keepers did not seem surprised to see them. Syrax and Caraxes were already saddled and unchained. Daemon gave them a heavy bag of gold from his pocket. “For your service and loyalty,” he told them.
Syrax and Caraxes landed at Dragonstone just as the colors of early dawn were streaking the sky.
The castellan awaited them, as though he too had been expecting them. “Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, you are most welcome. Your chambers have been prepared. The princess’s possessions arrived in good time.”
“Thank you,” Daemon said. “We are not to be disturbed by anyone. I will summon a servant when we are in need of something.”
The castellan bowed.
“Tongues will wag,” Rhaenyra said.
“And word will be spread throughout King’s Landing that I seduced you and took your virtue. I do not want the rumors to be false.”
A thrill of delight pulsed through Rhaenyra’s body. “Did you make the arrangements yourself?”
Daemon shook his head. “Your mother left nothing to chance, my love. She only wishes for your happiness.”
Her mother. In hindsight the revelation was not surprising. Her mother had encouraged her to enjoy her freedom, and entrusted her safe keeping to Daemon, who would soon be her husband. But she had no desire to wait to consummate their love until they recited their vows and bound their blood. In that regard, she and Daemon were of one mind.
He barred the door of her chambers the moment after they arrived.
He wasted no time in pressing her into the bed, kissing her with reverence. Rhaenyra responded in kind. Her hands explored his torso through his clothing, and soon she was removing his shirt, greedy and eager to feel his flesh against hers. She ran her hands along the newly exposed flesh as Daemon kissed the slender column of her neck, biting, and licking, sending shivers of sensation through her that only made her crave him more.
Her hand slipped under his smallclothes and caressed his buttocks, earning a guttural moan from her lover. Lover. She liked the sound of the appellation.
“Rhaenyra,” he said, uttering her name as though it was a prayer. He claimed her lips again, his hands moving rapidly to rid her of clothing. In time she was naked and pressed against his warm body. She felt his hard length pressing against her thigh.
“Make me your wife,” she urged, lifting her hips to meet his.
“As you command, Princess.”
He pushed into her, gloriously stretching her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and begged him to continue. Daemon was happy to oblige, taking her tenderly, caressing her as he did so, and murmuring endearments into her flesh.
Rhaenyra’s body was on fire, and her pleasure increased with every stroke, building and building to a pinnacle. Her release hit her as a wave crashes against the shore. She clung to Daemon and cried out his name.
A moment later, she felt him spill his seed into her, and a hope for a child to come of their coupling was entertained. The prospect was enthralling.
Daemon seemed reluctant to pull away, but he rolled them so that he was not crushing her into the soft feather mattress. He kissed her forehead and held her close. “You are mine, little dragon. Now and forever. And I am yours. I always have been.”
This, Rhaenyra thought, is utter bliss. In the circle of Daemon’s arms, she finally found peace.
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greatstormcat · 19 days
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Thinking about being someone the taskforce boys because very close to, but you don’t work directly with them. Perhaps a medic that they gravitate towards after missions and training incidents. After a a few months you find that the dating pool dries up, anyone you think would be a good candidate for a date starts to flake on you with no notice. Even just trying to get a one night stand becomes harder and harder. Prospective partners just seem to… run scared, even when you seem to be getting on so well.
Sometimes, when a date is agreed, you’ll end up having to cancel because work gets in the way, such as Gaz needs your attention after Soap landed a punch during sparring practice. Once Ghost was having a flare up of his shoulder injury and no one else in the med bay wanted to cover for you because that big bastard was in a bad mood and intimidating everyone. Funnily enough he was perfectly sweet once you appeared and you spent a few hours strapping the injury and chatting.
This goes on the months, the longest dry spell of your life, and the frustration is painted on your face everyday. If you don’t get laid soon you feel you are going to lose your mind. The constant let down was enough to make you weep in your lowest moments. Coupled with the increasing amount of time you were spending around the Taskforce, huge slabs of muscle and menace, you were on a hair trigger.
You’d promised yourself not to turn to them though, they didn’t need some groupie chasing them around, not another one anyway. There were plenty of people on base throwing themselves at Soap and Gaz, and watching them get turned away was painful. Even Price and Ghost had their own fan clubs, but no one was bold enough to be as open about trying to get into their bunks. What chance would you stand with them when they turned away men and women you couldn’t begin to compare yourself to? Enter to stay friends with them.
In the end, you found out about a private club in town that promised anonymous sex in a safe and controlled location. You made your mind up and filled out the application. A few weeks later you find yourself in one of their cubicles, naked, and staring at the padded bench that joins the wall. At the end of it, a large hole with a curtain stares back at you. All you had to do was lie down on the bench and put your lower half through the hole. On the other side, someone would… join you. Or several someones. You’d signed up for multiple partners, maybe doing the form drunk wasn’t wise.
Swallowing your nerves, you take a deep breath and get onto the bench, shuffling down so your feet and hips slotted through the gap. Almost immediately warm, large hands grip your ankles and guide them into stirrups gently. You barely hide the jolt of shock and the accompanying squeak of shock, and the pair of hands run over your knees and shins slowly, comfortingly. It’s an oddly tender gesture for someone who doesn’t know who is the other side of the wall.
Then your eyes roll back into your skull as hot breath fans across your pussy. Finally, you sigh in relief as a tongue licks a light strip along the seam of your pussy. Once the mystery man begin to lick and suck expertly at your clit, making your toes curl and you breath coming in urgent gasps, you barely register the scratch of beard against your delicate skin or notice there’s more than one set of rough hands on your legs.
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atsuwumus · 17 days
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 the boys who fuck tenderly. the ones who hike up your legs under his arms, almost folding you in half. the ones who rest their foreheads against yours, forcing you to keep your teary gaze on them. who swallow your cries and whimpers and moans with soft kisses and encouraging little 'uh huhs'. who knows they're splitting you in half but the way you're scratching at their shoulders and squeezing round their cocks, the way your lips tremble and toes curl, they can't stop. the ones who fuck you slow and deep until you feel like you're going to cave into yourself. "I've got you, sweet girl, I've got you". the ones who wind their hands into yours, who kiss away your tears and coax just one more orgasm out of you.
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torrancefavgirl · 3 months
Warnings: smut obviously, language
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He's a switch but more dom/top leaning cause he just wants to take care of you
Please scratch his chest and back he'll go insane
Also loves getting his hair pulled
Instant way to turn him on: kiss his neck
You can tell when he's turned on cause he can't keep a poker face to save his life
Bedroom eyes 24/7 without trying his eyes are just captivating
Constantly thinking about you under him or above him cause he's obsessed with you
Will go feral if you say his name everytime
Please moan its such an ego boost for him
Gets off on your pleasure
He'll praise the shit out of you👏
Praise him or tell him he looks good on top of you and he'll cum
Putting you on the kitchen counter to make out all the time
Yep, you've fucked in the kitchen multiple times before
Will make out with you even if his/your parents are in the room next to you
Loves seeing you undress even if it's not gonna go anywhere
An absolute God, whether it's his skill or how he looks when fucking you, it's insane
Walks out the shower with just a towel/boxers on to make you lose your mind
Wears his sweatpants LOW on his hips like you can see his v line and a little hair peeking out
Service top always
His scars make him look ×10 hotter which you didn't think was possible
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lovedazai · 1 month
WORST BEHAVIOR . . . dazai gets turned on watching you fight and just can’t help himself.
ft. pm!dazai + f!reader, pm!reader, possessive behavior, physical fighting, dazai is a little pervy, one use of ‘good girl’, semi-public & unprotected sex, choking (m!receiving), 2.5k w.c…mdni !!
p.s.! ⊹ ࣪ ˖ i know i’ve been promising this one for a while :< thank you for being patient with me !!
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dazai already knows you indulge him; you let him get away with more than anyone else ever would. even outside of work, when he’s stripped of the authority that comes from being the youngest port mafia executive, the unspoken next in line for the throne of yokohama’s underworld, you always give into his whines of five more minutes or just one more kiss, i swear.
if you asked him, it was your own fault that he liked you so much; you were addicting. if the port mafia was a black hole where all light escaped, you were a twinkling star, falling from the sky right into dazai’s blood-soaked hands, and he loves you more than he ever thought he could. you weren’t quite an executive yet, but you were good at what you didー fighting.
there were only a few things in his meaningless life that made him less than bored: drinking with odasaku after work, harassing chuuya to tears, and watching you train, or better yet, getting to see you on a mission. his favorite part was that you always looked so, so hot while you were doing it.
he tries to act surprised when you’re both sent to take care of some low-level group, threatening to leak information that they definitely didn’t have. he didn’t really have to come with you on this assignment, it was below his level as an executive, after all, but he went through all of the trouble of leaking the address to one of the mafia’s “hideouts”, ensuring they’d show up at the dingy warehouse. it looms before the two of you, weathered from the salty air of the port, glass windows splintered and broken.
his coat flutters behind him with every giddy step, happily following after you and your little black skirt; maybe if he was lucky enough, he’d get a peek beneath it.
“are you sure you don’t have somewhere else to be right now?” you turn to look over your shoulder, reaching your hand out for him and intertwining your fingers loosely.
“there’s nowhere else i’d rather be.” he swings your arms between the two of you loosely. you only drop his hand to pull the rusty door open, greeted by three men, all expectantly waiting for you.
“my, my,” he whispers against the curve of your ear. “looks like we’ve been caught.”
“what do we have here? a little girl…” one of the men grins, looking at you in a way that made dazai want to kill him himself. the way his eyes drag up your body stirs an instinct to pull you behind him. “…and her guard dog?”
of course, he’d never put you in any real danger. this group was pathetic, and even at three to one, they didn’t stand a chance against you. dazai can predict all of their moves flawlessly anyway, and you have a implicit understanding that he never gives you more than he knows you can handle. his gun remains heavy against his side, always within his reachー just in case.
his fingers instinctively twitch towards the grip as one of the men reaches to grab you, but you don’t let him, seizing him by the forearm, leg sweeping him from behind and tossing him onto the ground. he falls to the concrete with a groan, looking up at you with a dazed scowl. the heel of your foot connects with his jaw before he can make another move, and he falls still against the ground.
one of the other men comes from the side, but you’re still too quick, catching him out of the corner of your eye and dodging with ease. you hit him hard enough for him to stumble, and you take the opportunity to grab him by the throat, knocking him backward. dazai’s eyes widen, the hair rising against the bandages wrapped around his arms and neck; he was almost jealous. the man chokes as you slam his back against the wall hard enough for his eyes to roll back and his body to crumple to the ground.
there’s only one man left, and your lip splits when his fist connects with your face. dazai’s eyes narrow, and the man’s glaze over in frustration as you recover quick enough to dodge his next hit, crouching low. you curl your leg around his waist from behind, pulling him down to the ground by the back of his shirt until he’s pinned beneath you.
you’re quick to get up, and when you’re far enough away for dazai’s comfort, he aims his gun and fires once, twice, then again before the man falls still.
the only thing heavier than dazai’s presence is his gaze, and you feel it prickle against your skin like the sharp edge of a knife from where he’s still standing in the doorway. when you meet his eyes, they’re red and glowing, and locked onto you.
he walks towards you, only the heavy sound of his shoes against the cement and your quiet breaths filling the warehouse. you swipe your thumb across your lip, breaking his gaze to look at the blood smeared into the crevices of your fingertip before dazai grabs your chin, tilting it upward. his tongue is warm as it traces along the cut before he presses it past your lips. your noise of surprise is muffled as he kisses you, the taste of your own blood permeating your mouth.
he walks you backward until the back of your heels hit the edge of the cold, concrete wall. his mouth never leaves yours, tracing the roof of your mouth and the edge of your teeth as if he doesn’t already have every part of you committed to memory. his cock strains against the fabric of his trousers, poking against your thigh as he presses himself flush against you.
“dazai,” you try to warn, but it isn’t very convincing, breathed out like a hymn; god, his name has never sounded so sweet. he sings your name back with a smile, groping you through your shirt with one hand as the other unbuckles his belt. he slides his fingers down your stomach until he pulls your shirt out from where it’s tucked into your waistband, flipping the hem of your skirt upward to expose those cute little panties. “we’re still…we’re here. in a dirty warehouse.”
“what’s wrong? there’s no one else around. you made sure of that, didn’t you?” he cups your chin between his fingers again and turns your head towards the enemies, bloodied and unconscious, chests heaving shallowly. he presses a kiss to your jaw, trailing up until his lips rest against the curve of your ear. “did you already forget? when their bloodstains haven’t even set into your clothes yet? i didn’t know you could be so cold.”
he unbuttons your shirt with the flick of his thumb, just enough to expose the curve of your tits, sitting oh so prettily in your bra. he skims his fingers against your panties, stroking the soft fabric where your most sensitive spot is covered. he pulls them aside, giggling against your ear when you’re already wet as he slips his middle and pointer fingers inside of you. your frown falters as he curls them with expert precision, eyelids fluttering in bliss as something achingly sweet ignites in your stomach.
“you know what i was thinking while i was watching you?” he drops his voice low, watching the way you sink your teeth into your bottom lip when he finds your clit, grinding the heel of his palm against it in pressured circles. “‘i wonder how it’d feel for her to choke me like that…to wrap these pretty little fingers around my neck and squeeze’.”
the lingering adrenaline of a fight and dazai’s body pressed so close to yours makes you feel dizzy. you part your lips to reply, but his hand is back on your jaw before you can respond, brushing his mouth over yours teasingly.
“do you have any idea what you do to me?” the pad of his thumb is cold against your warm cheek. he strokes himself with the slick collected on his fingers, pressing into you with the tip of his cock. his bangs fall over his eyes as he hangs his head and watches you stretch around the shape of him, disappearing inside your warm cunt inch by inch.
your nails dig into his arms, feeling his lithe muscles tense through the expensive fabric of his coat. he pries your hands off, fingers wrapping around your wrists as he pins them against the wall, holding them in place with one hand. his grin bites against your neck as you throw your head back and arch your hips instinctively.
“my good girl,” he breathes, sucking the skin beneath your ear between his teeth, soothing it with a kiss when you whine. “my sweet, perfect girl.”
“mhm,” you exhale, your own breath getting caught in your throat. your back is pressed against the cool cement behind you, with dazai’s firm chest flush against your front. the broken window above you pools sunlight over your half-dressed bodies. “yours.”
you feel his uneven breathing against your skin as he presses his lips against your jaw. his cock rubs against you deliciously, velvet walls fluttering and clinging to him each time he pulls his hips back. it’s so easy to melt into him like this, with the security of his hands against your skin, his soft hair tickling your neck, and his cock filling you perfectly, like you were made for him to take.
he lifts your leg, fingers squeezing the plush of your thigh and supporting your weight. he thrusts inside you at a new angle, hitting the slightest bit deeper, but it’s just enough to make you gasp as your belly flutters and your knees nearly buckle beneath his palm as he holds you up. your hands clench around nothing, nails digging into your palms in a desperate need to hold onto something.
“the way you threw that man and pinned him to the ground,” he whispers. “would you do that to me?”
“no,” you’re breathless, words lost on you as your mind clouds over with pleasure. his hips grind against yours, the head of his cock kissing the deepest part of you as your eyes roll backward. “i don’tー i’d never hurt you.”
“but i’d let you,” he rasps. “you could do whatever you want to me.”
he lets go of your wrists, and you bend your leg around his waist, trying to press him even deeper. you balance on your tip toes as he thrusts into you harshly, curling your arms around his shoulders, as if his cock nestled inside you wasn’t close enough; it was never enough when it came to dazai.
“fuck,” your voice is breathy and broken, and it echoes throughout the gutted warehouse. the heat building in your stomach is already overwhelming, rushing to your head until you feel drunk on it. your muscles are taut, toes curled as you feel him throb inside you, his hips stuttering. “osamu.”
his grip on you tightens, and he whines; it’s just barely audible, and you would’ve missed it if he wasn’t right next to your ear. your eyes are hazy, half open as you look at him through your lashes as he watches the way your tits bounce against the fabric of your bra in time with his movements.
your hand trembles as you lift it, closing your fingers loosely around his neck and pulling his gaze back to yours. you can’t help but grin, lips curving up into a drunken smile as you watch his cheeks flush a pretty pink and his eyebrows furrow in pleasure. dazai rarely expresses his emotions so openly, and you commit it to memory as best you can through the fuzzy feelings of bliss blurring the edges of your mind. he lets out the prettiest noise, something between a moan and a cry vibrating against your palm, his cock throbbing inside you as you squeeze his bandaged neck.
his thrusts grow sporadic, breathy moans growing in volume. his nails dig into your hips, and you rub your clit desperately, quivering in his grip as you feel him stall and cum, warm and deep inside you.
everything fades to static as the sweetness in your belly burns brighter and brighter until it finally explodes into white, hot, sparkling pieces that pierce your vision. dazai pants and hangs his head, but his eyes snap to yours as you mumble something close to “cummingー”, always so desperate to take in the pretty way you fall apart for him, because of him.
he whimpers when you draw your hand from his throat to his face, brushing his bangs away from his eyes. you cup his cheek, smoothing your thumb against the tape holding his small patch of gauze in place as you breathe in one another.
your legs ache, tensed muscles finally relaxing as you lower your foot back to the ground unsteadily. your head falls against the wall with a final sigh, chest heaving. dazai is beaming at you when you peek your eyes open after a few moments, looking irritatingly adorable with his messy hair and crooked tie.
“i can’t believe we did that here,” you glance towards the pieces of shattered glass that litter the ground.
“you loved it,” he smiles, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. “you love me〜”
he pulls out of you carefully, snapping your underwear back into place. you grip his tie, wrapping it around your hand and pulling him in to press your mouth to his before straightening it and sliding the knot back into place.
he pouts as he watches you start to button your shirt back up, squeezing your waist softly.
“can’t you leave some open?”
your glare is weak, and he meets it with a smile. he slides his coat off his shoulders, draping it over your own to hide your wrinkled clothes.
“i’ll call a car to get us,” he hums, slipping his hand into your own as he guides you outside the warehouse. “i’ll even give you the rest of the day off for a good performance!”
you rest your head on his shoulder, sleepy and sated. the breeze is cool on your warm skin, carrying the scent of the sea as it gently brushes through your hair.
“you know,” he starts, typing away at his phone, still as happy as ever. “you still owe me lunch from losing that bet last week.”
he has another tease on the tip of his tongue, but he falters when he sees the red splotch of blood staining your pouted lips. he slips his hand beneath your chin and tilts your face towards him. he frowns at the cut, visible eye narrowing as he brushes his thumb against the corner of your mouth.
you wrap your hand around his wrist loosely, pulling it back to press your lips to his palmー i’m okay. he sees one of the mafia’s black cars pulling in from the corner of his eye, and presses a lingering kiss to your foreheadー i know. he pulls the lapels of his jacket tighter around your shoulders before he slips his hand back into yours, and when he walks you to the car, his coat flutters behind you.
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imsadandindespair · 6 months
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Sibling angst, my precious
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love-me-satoru · 2 months
Imagine laying in bed next to your lover but they’re asleep. And you’re wide awake literally so horny you can feel yourself dripping through your sleep shorts. Not being able to handle it anymore you pull out your trusted toy from your bedside table. Slowly pulling off your shorts trying to not make a lot of noise or movement. Throwing the shared covers off of you. You slowly start to tease yourself. Soft moans falling from your mouth, covering your mouth with your free hand trying to slience yourself just to not wake up your lover next to you. After teasing yourself for a bit you decided to sink the toy deep inside of you moaning out then immediately throwing your hand back over your mouth when you felt them slightly tussle the bed. When you were confident they were sleeping you continued with fucking yourself. So focused on tying to keep your noises at bay you didn’t really pick up the fact that you were really fucking yourself eyes closed moans muffled against your hand when you felt their hand wrap around your wrist. “What are you doing baby?” they said voice relativly deep from being asleep. “Nothing..” “Mhm..” Your lover pulls your toy completely out of you pulling a moan from you and dives straight into your pussy sucking up all of your juices. “Oh fuck!” "You close baby?" "Yes!" “Good. Cum for me” And oh boy you do. Squirming all over the bed cumming hard against their tounge. You literally passed out before they came back to clean you up.
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three-fold-symmetry · 11 months
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Day 3 of @subcodyweek - Prompt: Praise kink
They didn't train him for this on Kamino.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 6 months
Sehnsucht (M)
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You and Wonwoo have been rivals since your first of University, and despite it being your final year, that rivalry doesn't seem like it's going anywhere soon when you both end up in German 101.
Tags: dub con, academic rivals to fucking academic rivals, mean!woo, both are super smart, german- BECAUSE OKAY IM IN GERMAN RN AND I WAS LIKE WHAT IF I ADD A LITTLE BIT OF GERMAN AND THEN I ADDED A FUCKING LOT SO language kink 😊, a HUGE abuse of the german language, ALSO IM IN GERMAN 101 SO GOOGLE WAS MY BEST FRIEND SO IM SORRY IF ANY OF IT IS WRONG I DONT UNDERSTAND VERB PLACEMENT, okay, Wonwoo is genuinely mean okay? Keep in mind, creampie, public sex because we know I love it, wonwoo rawdogs it, lots of teasing, brats all around, rough sex?
I did end up with my own German consultant, thank you @hyunjins-dimples and I did ignore some of their german language advice because I just did, anyways I will be ignoring any and all german language critiscism from anyone other than my beautiful, perfect, amazing, german friend tyvm : )
“Alright, and when you conjugate the verb komme, as in to come, where would you place the verb?” Your professor asked. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought as his gaze crossed over the class. “As in a sentence like. I go to Germany?”
You thought over your answer in your head, clearly for too long as suddenly your professors’ eyes were across the room.
“Uh, Wonwoo?”
“Ich komme nach Deutschland.”
“Good!” Your professor said with a nod. You could feel a gaze land on you, and you didn’t have to look over to know that a smug look was being shot at you. You rolled your eyes and pressed your cheek into your hand. “In some sentences there are two verbs. Does anyone know what we would do if we had kommen and an in the same sentence. As in to say something about August?”
Your hand shot up before you could think about it. Your professor nodded at you, and you tried to cooly answer.
“Ich an komme im August?” You murmured, unable to keep the question out of your voice. You knew you had made a mistake when you heard a stifled chuckle from the other side of the classroom. And your professor’s eyes drifted to the side, his mouth falling open as he tried to find a nice way to say that you were wrong.
“Right well, if you said that it wouldn’t be quite right.”
You pressed your eyes closed in frustration as Wonwoo spoke without even raising his hand.
“It would be Ich komme im August an,” he said, and there was no doubt in his voice that he was right.
“Richtig, gut,” your professor praised lightly, before continuing to tell you all the nuances of where the verb was placed in sentences and when it should be where. You felt your fingers clasp at your apple pencil tighter and this time you looked over at the gaze across the room.
You glared at Wonwoo, wishing he wasn’t so good at this.
You had been fighting in classes with Wonwoo since your freshmen year of college. You weren’t sure how come your classes always collided so much. After all, he was an English major, and you were in Zoology. It didn’t make sense for you two to meet in so many classes, past of course, gen eds but regardless you saw Wonwoo practically everywhere that you went.
It was so frustrating. You hadn’t known him in high school and in high school you had been the valedictorian. You were in the honors college, and you already had plans on where exactly you were going to go for your Bachelors. So, when you sat down for your first Chemistry class, buzzing with the excitement of knowing exactly what you were going to say. You were a bit annoyed to find that somebody else was raising their hand just a millisecond faster than you were.
Your very first day in Chemistry ended up being a fierce race between you and this Wonwoo on who could answer the fastest, and you were both very good at Chemistry.
In every class that you two were in whether it be Chemistry, Biology, Writing, or gender studies and attitudes of the world, you and Wonwoo were sat down after about the second week with your professor, encouraged to let other students answer questions in class.
Sometimes you two just immediately turned to each other and whispered the answer at one another with sharp gazes.
So, you were a bit pissed when you sat down for German 101 at the beginning of your last semester and stupid Wonwoo was in your class.
How could you have possibly had at least one class with him every single semester at this university? Would it go on to grad school? Would you two be stuck at an internship together? God forbid you two visit Germany at the same time.
You shivered at the mere thought.
What was an English major even doing taking German? For goodness sake, you only chose the class because you thought it would be the last class he would be in.
And to add onto that, why the fuck was he so good at German?
It was German 101. Literally elementary German and sentence structure in German was confusing as hell so why was he finding it so easy.
You tried not to scowl too hard as you thought about it, wondering what gave him the right to just be good at everything he did. You would have to stay even later at the library tonight if you were going to manage to keep up with him.
After class, as you packed your things, you made a point to brush past Wonwoo, ‘accidentally’ bumping your shoulder into his. You never knew why you did that really. He was practically immovable.
You wondered if it was possible for him to study and workout at the same time.
Maybe he just didn’t work.
But you did and you worked quite a bit. Which meant jam sessions where you tried to force the material that you didn’t know down your throat in only a manner of hours.
Which meant you were at the library late a lot.
Not that, that was the only place that you ran into the asshole.
“You must be a bit desperate to even be studying at lunch time,” Wonwoo commented. You looked up from your little hole in the dining room- The one spot in the whole cafeteria that you felt completely comfortable in. Tucked in a corner where no one could see you.
You couldn’t hear the buzz of the students around you in this little corner booth, and you had every opportunity to just pull your legs up on the seat, and enjoy the world around you.
“What are you doing over here?” You hissed, instead of arguing the desperate allegations. You definitely were desperate, to be studying while you were eating lunch, and there was no point in arguing that.
Unfortunately for you, Wonwoo was a good study. And that meant that he had been able to study you over the years, along with all of his other assignments. Frustratingly enough, he always knew when you were lying. So, there was no point in trying to pretend like you weren’t.
“I just came to eat as well,” he stated.
He took a seat right next to you, forcing your feet to the floor. He didn’t have any food with him, and you wondered why that was until he reached around you and plucked one of the fries off of your plate.
“What are you even studying?” He asked you. You rolled your eyes. Advanced biology.
“Nothing you would know,” you grumbled. He took a single glance at your screen, and mumbled the answer to the question that you felt like you had been thinking about for hours. You tried to keep your anger to a minimum. “Well, duh, that’s easy.”
How did he know that?
“If it’s so easy, why have you been here all day?” Wonwoo pressed. He didn’t even have his own things with him.
“Have you been stalking me?” You blurted, noting that it did sound a little shrill.
“No… I could just hear you trying to think from across campus.”
You started to spew insults at Wonwoo because, well, how else were you supposed to respond to him? But they fell on deaf ears. Wonwoo simply plucked a few more of your fries from your plate, and then walked away as if the conversation had ended ages ago.
You got your chance for proper payback a few weeks later.
When you saw that there was going to be a mandatory lecture for English majors by James Franco… Well, you just knew you had to be there. A study on english composition and how it is seen in history and therefore portrayed in film. You had been studying english and film in your free time for almost your whole life.
For you, it was a pipe dream… Which meant that if there was anything that you were going to show up Wonwoo in…
You excitedly sat next to him in the lecture hall, shooting him a bright smile despite the early hour.
“Coffee?” You offered him. Wonwoo looked exhausted, you’d heard there was a mandatory frat party the night before. Poor guy was probably up all night.
He gave you a suspicious expression while he looked at the cup, but he seemed to remember quickly that he was a bit too tired to say no to it. He took the cup and took a swig from it.
“Poison?” He asked you, even though you both knew you had ordered him his favorite kind.
“I’m thinking of a much slower death,” you replied lightly. You tapped the desk in front of you. “Aren’t you excited? James Franco… Wow, imagine that… One of the only notable PhD holders in English and he’s an actor.”
You seemed to think over your words.
“It’s almost as if being an English major is just a hussle for most people… Must be an easy way to get a doctorate.”
You kept your voice airy.
“How does that sound, Doctor Jeon Wonwoo?”
It was all meant to strike a chord in him but something about using such a high title with him made your mouth go dry. Wonwoo’s eyes darkened a bit, and you knew that he wanted to press the way that you had addressed him. You didn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Well,” you said quickly. “I hope you’re ready for this lecture. I would hate for your head to hurt too much to enjoy it.”
Wonwoo grumbled.
“You talk too damn much.”
It was always like that with Wonwoo, a constant game of pushing and pulling and before you knew it your first test was coming up in German. You weren’t sure how things were going to go with it, but you did know that between all of your other classes you hadn’t had much of a chance to study for German.
And that meant cramming.
And cramming on a normal day was a lot and on days especially like this one. It left you feeling very delirious.
“Ich bin nicht klug…” You mumbled to yourself, not only furrowing your eyebrows at the fact that you were pretty sure you said it wrong, but also trying to figure out when the fuck you were supposed to use not, and how the fuck you added it to a sentence.
“Richtig,” a voice mumbled, dragging you away from the quizlet open on your tablet. “Du bist nicht klug.”
You glared at Wonwoo.
“I don’t need you to tell me I’m not smart. I was just talking,” you grumbled at him. He hummed, placing a hand in your little cubicle, leaning over your head to look at your quizlet.
“Well, it’s true,” Wonwoo commented. “Du bist sehr schlecht im Gebrauch von Verben im Deutschen.” You were frustrated to find that no matter how hard you thought about it, you had no clue what he had just said. Not that he even gave you time to process. “Oh, es tut mir leid. I said that you are very bad at verb usage in German.”
You elbowed Wonwoo as you wheeled your chair to the side, trying to get out from under him. He let his back press against the divider to your left, so you got to your feet.
“Why the fuck are you so good at German anyways?” You blurted. “Why the fuck does an English major need to know German?”
Wonwoo shrugged.
“Just thought it would be fun to take.”
You were furious. German was the only thing that you weren’t able to keep up with Wonwoo in.
You two had been matching rivals in Chemistry and your gender studies class. You had smoked him in Biology, but he had never been able to beat you in a class before. Even in writing you both ended up with the same exact grade on every assignment. So why German?
Why was he so good at German?
“You know you’re disrupting my studying,” you grumbled, a bit annoyed by his interruption. You slid your tablet to the side, and picked up your water bottle, taking a sip. As you did Wonwoo held out his hand, clearly expecting you to share your water with him.
You rolled your eyes at his audacity.
You handed him your water bottle. 
“Do you need help studying?” Wonwoo asked, and it would seem genuine if it weren’t for that condescending look in his eyes. “I bet even after hours of studying you don’t know how to form a sentence.”
You knew enough German to say: “Ich hasse dich.” Because you had learned the phrase, I hate you specifically to say it to Wonwoo.
He stepped a bit closer to you.
“You could also say Dich hasse ich,” Wonwoo clarified. “It’s interchangeable in that sentence.”
You two stared at one another, and it was only then that you realized exactly how close you two were to one another. Your eyes flickered across his perfect face. Smooth, glassy skin, gorgeous dark eyes framed in glasses that should make him look like a nerd but instead just made him more handsome, and pretty pink lips that you just wanted to-
You felt your cheeks redden and you knew you had to act fast. You reached forward, grabbing the frames from off his face.
“Are you ever embarrassed by the fact that your genes are so awful you have to wear glasses?” You mumbled, trying to hide your moment of weakness. You two were so close to one another that you could barely even hold his glasses up between the two of you without your knuckles brushing his chest. You raised his glasses to your face, sliding them up your nose.
You frowned.
“God your sight is awful. You reall-”
Before you could finish your sentence Wonwoo had grabbed your wrist and holy shit he was a lot stronger than you had imagined he would be.
He gestured towards your skirt, which barely even fell halfway past your thighs.
“Are you ever embarrassed to walk around like some sort of conceited slut?”
Your mouth dropped open, and you knew that you should be angry and push Wonwoo away and yell at him because you had both taken the same gender studies class and you knew that he knew better than to talk to anyone that way, and you knew that he was respectable to people of all genders, but instead you just stood there, shocked.
There was a tightness in the pit of your stomach, and your hand fell to your side, gripping at the edge of your desk. You struggled to find something to say back, and your hesitance made Wonwoo’s expression which, by the way, had turned to shock as soon as the words left his mouth, to confusion.
“Bist du dumm?” He mumbled, and the question went right over your head. You suddenly weren’t able to think about anything. He flicked your forehead lightly. “I said are you dumb? Don’t you know you’re supposed to argue it when someone says something derogatory like that to you?”
His voice was veiled a bit in concern. Like he was worried that people were walking around calling you a slut to your face and you weren’t saying anything about it.
… You certainly hoped that Wonwoo never found out about your book preferences. Maybe you should try and hide Haunting Adaline from your bookshelves on Goodreads.
“I was just caught off guard,” you mumbled. “I thought you were more intelligent than needing to resort to such derogatory terms.”
Bold-faced lie. Your face was red. Why were you growing so warm at the implication. Why were you thinking about the fact that nobody was ever in this corner of the library this late at night. Why were you thinking about the window that was right in front of you two looking out on the water fountain outside of the library? Why were you thinking about the absence of cameras on this floor? And most importantly why were you wondering what Wonwoo’s hands would be like with your skirt bunched into it?
You two stared at one another, and Wonwoo took a step closer (you were surprised that was even possible) his gaze becoming a bit sharper.
“Es gef��llt dir…” You like it.
“Nein…” You mumbled back. Wonwoo’s hand came up to your chin, his thumb brushing it at first, making your chin tilt up a bit, encouraging the touch. When you did that Wonwoo clasped his fingers on your chin, holding it where you presumed, he wanted it.
“Yes, you do,” he said in awe. He leaned forward, his eyes flickering down to your lips.
“You look hot in my glasses,” he mumbled.
You made a noise that was not a response. 
His lips ghosted yours.
“Keep them on.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. At first, it was hesitant. He was a bit unsure of if he wanted to actually kiss you, or if you actually wanted to kiss him. That was a fair thought of him to have because you were unsure if you even wanted to kiss him, until his lips were on yours and then your arms were wrapping around him, the palm of your hand pressing on his neck so that he was forced closer to you.
One of Wonwoo’s hands came up to your hair, and he pulled you back by your ponytail. You hissed at the action, but the way that it sent a coil of heat through your body was enough to stop you from complaining.
“Ich will dich ficken,” Wonwoo mumbled, as your lips parted. Your eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“You want to…” You trailed off, your fingers balling into his shirt. You didn’t know that verb, you were sure your professor hadn’t covered it.
“Fuck.” Wonwoo twisted your body so that you were pressed against the edge of the desk, and his pelvis was pressed to yours. “I want to fuck you so bad.”
Your breath hitched in your throat.
“So? Are you going to be fucking good and let me take you?”
You were already nodding when the word good left his lips. So, when he finished the question, you were nodding rapidly.
“Yes,” you mumbled. “Oh god please take me Wonwoo.”
A smirk flickered across his lips.
“In German.”
Frustration bubbled up in your body…. Or was that arousal?
“Uh… Ja… ich will dich ficken… Too?”
That must have been good enough because the next thing you knew, Wonwoo’s lips were on yours again and he was hiking you up onto the desk, pushing your skirt up to your waist with ease.
“You don’t even have shorts under this,” he mumbled against your lips as his hand ran over your thigh. He slapped you there, hard. You yelped and your fingers tightened in his shirt. “Du bist ein Depp…" 
You vaguely registered he was calling you an idiot, but before you could respond he was sliding down your body, his fingers on your sides making you shiver despite being over your shirt. He got to his knees in front of you and took the hem of your underwear with his fingers.
“Let me get this off of you your highness,” he said mockingly. Your body grew even hotter, and you leaned back on your hands, lifting your legs a bit so he could easily pull your underwear off of you. You could feel a string of wetness drawing from your pussy as he pulled your underwear off and you wanted to hide your face in embarrassment at the truth of just how much Wonwoo had turned you on. You pressed your lips together tightly.
“God you’re fucking soaked,” Wonwoo mumbled. He slapped your thighs apart again, and you obediently spread them for him. “You want me to treat you like mein kleines Schwanzluder?”
You had no clue what he was saying, and your silence in response made him pinch your inner thigh. You bit down into your fist.
“Are you really that bad at German?” He asked you. “If you can’t even respond to a question as simple as, do you want me to treat you like my little cock slut than I don’t know how you are going to pass the final.”
“Ja,” you blurted, scrambling to drag any German you knew out of your mind. “Bitte.” Please. “Ich bin dein…” You hesitated on the last word. I am your…
“Schwanzluder,” Wonwoo said softly, his eyes focusing on you. “Cock slut.”
“Schwanzluder,” you repeated, your voice barely there. Wonwoo hummed.
“Bad pronunciation,” he mumbled. “But then again, you’re also bad at that.”
You went to protest him because you thought that your German pronunciation was pretty good, but then you thought of something better to argue with him about:
“Are you even going to be able to do anything down there?” You asked him tauntingly. “You probably wouldn’t be able to find a clit even with your glasses o-” Before you could finish, Wonwoo was shoving something wet and salty into your mouth, Your eyes widened in surprise when you realized you recognized the feeling of the cloth of your wet underwear from when you had done this to yourself while masturbating in the past. Your face burned in shame at the way that this only turned you on more.
“Halt die Schnauze…”
You didn’t have to know German to know that he was telling you to shut up.
Wonwoo’s hands pressed at the insides of your thighs, high enough that he was able to feel the dampness that had soaked through the thin cloth of your underwear. He massaged his thumbs into your thighs, and beneath the blurriness of Wonwoo’s glasses you could see him smile slightly. His hands slid further up your thighs and one of his thumbs prodded at your folds, dragging them to the side so that he could see your wet pussy even better.
“Fuck…” He mumbled. “You’re wet like a bitch in heat.”  You let your head fall back and hit the glass of the window behind your head. You couldn’t deny what he was saying, as badly as you wanted to. He had eyes, and even though his glasses weren’t on… He could certainly feel how wet you were beneath his fingers.
His thumb plunged into you suddenly, feeling thick and short as he delved inside of you. His fingers brushed your clit and you whined against the cloth in your mouth, your eyes falling shut. He pulled his thumb out of you after a few moments, seeming to be in thought, and then he was suddenly pressing two fingers at your entrance.
It was a lot… Especially for someone who had not been prepped, and he seemed to figure out with the way that the stretch felt around his fingers. He retracted and then pushed a single finger inside of you. The feeling was intoxicating. Even though you had felt yourself that you were not stretched enough for two you felt like you needed it.
It wasn’t long until you were begging for more as desperately as you could from behind your gag. Your fingers were gripping desperately at the desk, and it had Wonwoo chiding as he finally eased a second finger into you.
“Du bist erbärmlich…” He mumbled and you had no fucking clue what he had said but it sounded so hot with the little twinge of accent in his voice. You rolled your hips down onto his fingers, and the action made Wonwoo press a hand to your pelvis. “Hör auf.”
Again you whined, but your body stilled under his command. The pressure of him pushing down on you pushed his fingers even further inside of you and if you thought that was hard to handle, you couldn’t imagine what it would be like with his dick inside of you.
As if to read your thoughts, Wonwoo leaned forward, his hot breath teasing your clit.
“Oh Engel… I’m going to fucking destroy you,” he mumbled. He leaned forward, and he began to suck on your clit. His tongue flicking over it as a way to distract you as he stuffed a third finger into you.
The burn was amazing, and the distraction of his wet tongue on your clit was so welcoming that you about came just from that.
You had always wanted Wonwoo to just shut up. Thought that there was no use at all for his mouth.
But here he was… Proving that he had at least one very good use for his mouth. You tried to fight the urge to move under him, going as far as to slap the palm of your hand against the desk you were being eaten out on, but as soon as his mouth completely replaced his fingers, and you felt your wetness on your thigh, you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling down against him.
Somehow his hot mouth felt just as good as his fingers did, and they were making your core burn in a way that was fucking painful. You needed his cock in you right now.
Wonwoo moaned against your cunt- The first indicator that he was enjoying this just as much as you were, and he suddenly pulled away from you. His fingers dipped into you again but only briefly.
“Bend over,” Wonwoo murmured, twisting your body so that your ass was against his bare wet dick. You could feel it poking at your ass and you quickly bent over, placing the palms of your hands to the window.
“Not good enough,” Wonwoo mumbled. He pressed his hand to the small of your back, forcing your ass up more, and with his other hand his fingers knotted in your hair and he shoved your face into the window. “That’s better…”
He trailed off as he moved the hand not in your hair to (you assumed) take hold of his cock. You stayed there for seconds that felt like hours, skirt bunched around your waist, ass out for Wonwoo, your rival, and your face smashed up against the window just enough to see that there were people walking outside, presumably to their dorms.
Frustration began to bubble inside you, which expressed itself in small tears in the corners of your eyes.
“Ich möchte hören, wie Du darum bettelst.”
The german made you let out a sob of frustration as it was paired with Wonwoo sliding the tip of his cock between your soaked and already abused folds.
“Wonwoo, I don’t fucking know what you’re saying,” you cried out. You bucked your hips, trying to force his cock into you which worked except it didn’t because just his tip slipped inside of you.
God you felt like you were going to go feral at the feeling of his bare cock inside of you, you were already thinking about him pumping you full of cum…
“Guess you better figure out what I’m saying.”
Your mind raced, trying to figure out what Wonwoo could have possibly been telling you to do. You didn’t really recognize any of the words… Ich… I… hören… hear…? Will… want-
“Bitte, bitte, bitte,” you pleaded desperately. “I want your cock so badly… treat me like your own schwandluger or… Whatever it was- Please Wonwoo, I’m beggi-”
Before you could finish speaking Wonwoo was shoving himself into you. Your fists lightly hit the window at the feeling, so relieved to finally have him inside of you. You understood now why he had deemed only fingering you on three fingers as a punishment. You felt like you were being split open on his cock, and he had decided that he was going to go easy on you.
“You’re so small like this,” Wonwoo mumbled. “I mean look at you, unable to move under me… Someone you despise… How’s it feel to not only be physically overpowered but also to be intelligently inferior to me?”
Humiliation boiled through your veins, and each hard thrust of his cock sent him deeper into you than the time before.
“Genau so mag ich dich…” Wonwoo mumbled, a hint of admiration in his voice. He tugged you up by your hair, arching your back. His arm wrapped around your body, right under your breasts, pushing them up as he brought his face right up next to yours.
He stared at you, his eyes squinting as he took in your already fucked out expression. He watched you bounce for a few seconds, each thrust drawing out a loud and desperate cry from you. Then, finally, he leaned forward and kissed you again.
This kiss was just as hot and heavy as the way he was fucking you, and you really ended up just screaming out in his mouth with every single thrust.
“You may not be good at German, but you are damn good at taking my cock,” he hissed out. “So, it turns out you are useful.”
He suddenly pushed you back down onto the table, smashing your face onto the cold surface.
“So why don’t you be a good cumdump and take all of my cum?”
You hadn’t even realized how much the pressure of needing to come had been building up in you until you felt the first warm spurt of cum fill your cunt.
There were a million reasons why you shouldn’t be excited by the fact that not only was Wonwoo fucking you raw but he was coming inside of you but all you could remember was how hot Wonwoo sounded when he was speaking to you in German, and how much you liked him controlling you as you began to come as well.
Your whole body shook as Wonwoo fucked you full of his cum, and he continued to fuck you until your body had stopped shaking. His fingers released in your hair, and the sound of both of you panting filled the air. You two were completely still for minutes that felt like hours, before finally you peeled yourself off the table.
You stared at Wonwoo, who was staring right back at you.
“Take your fucking glasses back,” you mumbled. He smiled at you, dragging them off of your face.
“Happily,” he replied. He ran his fingers through his hair, and he almost looked completely the same as he had when he first started to fuck you. “You know what the best part about this is?”
You stared at Wonwoo, the humiliation burning on your face.
“What is the best part?” You asked him, your voice low.
“You have barely studied,” he said, and his voice was heightened in amusement. “Good luck on the test tomorrow.”
His eyes swept over your body, clearly noting the fact that you were in no shape to study anymore. He gestured towards his phone- the time- reminding you that your class was so early that you wouldn’t even be able to study before it if you went to bed now.
Your mind raced with the implications.
“Get home safely y/n,” Wonwoo said, his voice light. You went to protest, but before you could he had pushed his fingers deep inside of you. Your fingers clutched the desk, immediately remembering who had been fucking you not long before. Who you had been begging to dominate you just moments ago.
He pulled his fingers out of you and sucked them into his mouth with a smile.
“Maybe we’ll do this again.”
And then he was gone. Your blood was boiling, from satisfaction, humiliation, and pure anger at Wonwoo for having fucked you so that you would do bad on the test tomorrow, but one thing proved true between all of it. For him to think about fucking you to sabotage you, there had to be an initial wish to fuck you to begin with.
And if that were the case then… Well, you could certainly use this to your advantage…
May the games begin.
@starlight-night0, @alltheshineofthestars-blog, @park-hera-gi, @melodicrabbit, @jeanjacketjesus, @sparklyshuji, @woo8hao, @toruro, @wonudazed, @kkakkameori
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bakubunny · 5 months
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f!reader | thinkin abt this hc, but katsuki is roommates with denki. katsuki is pretty sure he’s heard denki’s girl cum more and harder than any girl he’s ever been with in his life. he’d never want to say it, but he’s questioning his sexual abilities with every passing orgasm, and he audibly witnesses a lot of them. sure, you always cum when he’s intimate with you - at least twice every time, he makes sure of it. but he’s never turned you into a complete mess like denki’s girl is every time they fuck or whatever it is they do.
so one day, katsuki finally bucks up the courage to say something to his best friend and admits he might want to do better with you in bed. denki is a little surprised and embarrassed; he never expected katsuki to be the one asking him for sex advice. he’d just taken the time to figure out what works for him and assumed that if anything, the roles might be reversed.
they talk, denki shares a little bit of what he does and eventually asks katsuki, “dude, when was the last time you slowed down and took your time?”
denki realizes the answer is probably never when katsuki spits back a defensive, “whadda ya mean?”
so he explains in more detail. katsuki takes mental notes.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆
the next time katsuki’s got you in his bed, something is different. he’s a little too soft and a little too slow for your preference as he goes in for a kiss, so you pull him deeper. but he’s still got a measured pace, the way his hands are firm and trace your body like he means it. with him, sex is overwhelming and all consuming. it’s hard and fast and raw. but not today.
there’s a hint of impatience in his movements, but he stops himself; he spends extra time caressing your face, in the crook of your neck, mapping out every little spot that makes your breath catch just a hair or your fingers curl a little tighter and committing it better to memory. then his tongue is in your mouth, and he’s groping you over your clothes. a small whimper leaves your lips as you try to shift and get your legs around his waist, but he doesn’t let you.
realization hits when katsuki stops to look you in the eye. your cheeks are flushed hard, and it’s almost difficult to look back with how much heat is radiating between your legs. usually by now he’s got you half naked and grinding, or his hand is deep in your cunt. a twinkle lights his eyes, a boyish grin on his face. you pull him into you, pushing your face into his neck with a shyness you hadn’t felt with him in a long time.
you shake your head and kiss his neck, taking in the warmth of his skin and the way he sighs into your touch.
“need somethin?” he teases. his hand runs down your torso to grip your hip. the same hand slides under the fabric of your shirt to caress your side.
“no,” you reply quietly. “you’re usually a bit more… fast paced. that’s all.”
his lips are grazing your neck, his tone low and playful. “yeah. i’m tryin somethin new. got a problem with it?”
he’s kissing you neck again before you can respond, sucking and licking faint marks into a tender spot on your skin.
your breath catches. “n-no, not at all.”
“good.” katsuki puts his muscular thigh between your own and presses it to the damp heat of your cotton shorts.
a small whimper escapes your throat.
“now be a good girl n' grind on me, princess.”
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torrancefavgirl · 3 months
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If you finish fast, he'll be so cocky and so proud of himself
Thinks you're an actual goddess/god like he legitimately thinks olympus is missing someone up there🤭
If you have tattoos, he will kiss every single tattoo every time you guys have sex
His bed head makes him look like he's been in a sex marathon all night with you cause it looks so fucking good
He's so unintentionally sexy, like he actually doesn't fucking try and it makes you wanna die (ohhh bars🤭)
The sight of him coming out of the water whether it's the pool or ocean or lake. His hair is wet and his swim trunks are stuck to his body and his bulge and he's sliking his hair back ahhhhhhh🤤🫠
Him sweating while sparring or when he rarely works out is an actual divine scene
Him driving or reversing and he puts his hand on the back of the passenger seat my lord
Has the dirtiest mind ever. Like he's absolutely obsessed with you.
Fucking sailor mouth. He'll curse so much during it✨️ holy shit
The breathless fuck he always let's out while he's trying to keep himself together and not finish early (I'm actually like Cumming ☺️)
Will groan when you tighten around him. Also when he starts going faster/harder
As long as you're okay with it and know your safe word, he'll love to just pound you cause it feels euphoric to him he thinks he made it to elysium early
You have him on his knees all day everyday
On the topic of him being on his knees, he will go on his knees to eat you out and kiss/nuzzle your stomach
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blackthunder137 · 9 days
⋆.˚✮˚.⋆imagine theo asking you to ride his cock- smut
you wore a skirt and a petite tank top to one of the annual parties that the slytherins organize. when you showed all dressed up, you instantly caught theo's attention. god, he would be lying if he said he wasn't turned on by just looking at you. his gaze was on you the whole time. you made your way towards your friends who were obviously drinking recklessly, and you joined them. later, when you were on the dance floor swaying to the music, you could see from the corner of your eye, theo adjusting his pants while looking at you. he had enough, his cock was nearly going to explode if he had to endure watching you dance for another hour. he stood up, walked stealthily towards the dance floor, his movement swift and precise. he grabbed your wrist and took you to his dorm. he locked the door behind him and cut straight to the chase. he grabbed your face roughly and kissed you. you couldn't so much as take a breath when he undid your dress except that little skirt of yours which he said "made you look like his whore." he finished undressing himself and made his towards his bed, afterwhich his gaze fell to your entire body, taking you in like he was going to completely devour you. he then commanded, his voice hoarse, "sit on my cock, sweetheart." after you slowly sit on his cock, adjusting yourself to his length. he would simply lay back, his hands behind his head and say "ride my cock, sweetheart." and while you're riding him, he would say things like, "so pretty, so mine.", "you wore this pretty little skirt so that you could get fucked in later, didn't you, sweetheart?", "mhmm, just like that ride my cock like a good fucking slut."
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juanarc-thethird · 27 days
Learn to lock the door!
Blake: *Enters Jaune's room* Hey Jaune, have you seen my... book?
Jaune is naked, with his cock deep inside a girl on all fours who looks just like Blake. But seconds later she transforms back into Emerald.
Jaune: We can explain.
Blake: *Horny* Fuck that, I'm in.
Moments later
Ruby: Hey Jaune have you seen... Blake?
Blake is on top of Jaune, balls deep, while Emerald is putting on her clothes so she can leave.
Jaune: Is not what it looks like!
Ruby: I don't care what it looks like, I'm in!
Moments later
Weiss: Hey Jaune, did you...
Ruby is fucked from behind by Jaune while he holds her by the neck with a bit of pressure. While Blake is fully dressed putting on her shoes.
Jaune: *red* Blake is a bad influence!!
Weiss: I'm next.
Moments later
Yang: Jaune, did you eat my…!
Jaune has Weiss in a Mating Press and hitting her little pussy hard like a piñata with his big cock. Ruby, on the other side, is dressed, recording what is happening.
Jaune: Your sister dared me to do it!!!
Yang: And I have another one for you~
Moments later
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's time for our tra- Eh?!!
Yang is on all fours while Jaune fucks her from behind while he pulls her hair. In the corner of the bed, Weiss is putting on makeup again to look presentable.
Jaune: She is came to me first!
Yang: *Giggles* Yes I did~
Pyrrha: Your form is wrong, let me help you.
Moments later
Nora: Jaune, have you seen- HOLY MOLLY!!!
Pyrrha has Jaune lying on his back and pressed against the bed without him being able to move, while she bounces on his cock like an animal in heat. On the other side Yang is sitting on a couch, watching what's happening while she touches herself.
Jaune: Help! My pelvis can't take it anymore!
Nora: Oh I give you a hand~
Moments later
Neon: What's up with the noise? Are you guys having a par-TYYYYY!!!!! *Shock*
Nora has Jaune against the wall while she fucks him using her big ass. Jaune can only hold onto her hips. Pyrrha, on the other side, is brushing her hair.
Jaune: This is not a party!!
Neon: *Takes a pic on her phone* It is now~
Moments later
Reese: Neon, are you here? What do you- HOLY SHIT!!
Jaune is sitting on the bed with his back leaning against the wall while Neon moves her hips slowly and sensually while they fuck. Nora is still naked talking to someone on her phone.
Jaune: Reese, what are you doing here?!!
Reese: *Smug* Duh, I came for the party~
Moments later
Arslan: *Ready to fight* Reese, I'm here! Why do you need... *Wide eye* Backup?
Reese is on her tiptoes leaning against the wall while Jaune fucks her intensely. Neon meanwhile is taking selfies with them two in the back.
Jaune: Wait, this is 100% completely consensual!
Arslan: In that case, I also consent.
Moments later
Velvet: Jaune? Nora told me to come see y-y-y-WHY?!! *Angry*
Arslan is hanging onto Jaune with her arms around his neck and her legs hanging in Jaune's arms, supporting her ass while he fucks her. Reese, meanwhile, is on a video call with someone showing how Arslan is getting fucked.
Jaune: Velvet?! Why are you angry?!
Velvet: I gave ya all the bloody signs 'n ya fucked her?! That Dick is mine!
Moments later
Coco: Hey Jaune, is Velvet here? She said she was going- HOLY FUCK!!!
Velvet is being bred with her legs hooked around Jaune, who is on top of her fucking her like there is no tomorrow with cum coming out of her. Arslan meanwhile is putting her bandages on her arms and hands.
Jaune: It was her idea! I swear!
Coco: Whatever her idea is, I want it too~
Moments later
May: Jaune? Nora told me to come her of- *GASP!!!* I-I-I!
Coco looks a mess, her makeup ruined, her hair messy, all thanks to Jaune. He is fucking her with her on top of him, close to his body, while his cock is hitting her insides in all the right places, giving her great pleasure. Taking this opportunity, Velvet uses her camera to take photos of all of Coco's lewd expressions.
Jaune: Wait! Please don't scream!
May: *Red* I WON'T LOSE!!
Moments later
Penny: *Smiling* Hello friend Jaune! I came here to get fuck!
May is bouncing on Jaune's lap while he sucks on the nipples of her huge tits. Coco, meanwhile, is taking some selfies, liking the new look.
Jaune: You what?!!
Penny: *She removes her clothes* I'm sex ready!!!
Moments later
Ciel: Penny, I know you are here! General Ironwood is calling- WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Penny is on all fours with her hand pressed against the bed while Jaune puts all his weight to fuck her from behind. Meanwhile, May is sleeping next to them in the bed covered with a sheet.
Jaune: Please don't tell Ironwood!
Ciel: If you convince me, maybe I won't do it~ *She licks her lips*
Moments later
Ciel is curled up with a pillow while lying on her side with her ass on the edge of the bed where Jaune is fucking her hard. Penny is currently on a video call with Ruby talking about her recent experience.
Jaune: *Panic* Prof. Goodwitch! It's not what it looks like?!
Jaune saying her name made the two girls panic as well.
Glynda: You girls get dressed and go to your rooms immediately!
The two girls do what they are told and run out of the room.
Glynda: And your Mr. Arc…
Jaune: *Worry* YES!!
*Click* Suddenly the sound of the door being locked is heard.
Jaune: Prof. Goodwitch?
Glynda: Now you're all mine~💕
Moments later
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ickie · 27 days
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader song: blow - beyonce summary: charles & his oral fixation - he just wants to make you feel good, okay ? warnings: 18+ mdni !! oral (fem rec.), charles being a slut for you :) horribly written smut because apparently idk how to write smut anymore notes: requested for my blurb weekend ! wanna join in on my blurb weekend !? click/tap here to learn more !
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your fingers gripped at the once pristine bed sheets, eyes screwed shut as a broken moan passed parted lips. evereything was becoming too much, but god did it feel so good. you couldn't even bring yourself to look down at your boyfriend, knowing that he was enjoying himself too much between your thighs - evident by the fact that he was on the verge of bringing you to your third orgasm, just by his mouth.
"charlie-" a gasp as his finger entered into you broke your plea, teeth tugging on your bottom lip as you attempted to quiet yourself.
"you look so pretty for me, mon ange." charles chuckled from his place on the bed, and if you had opened your eyes you would've seen just how debauched he looked. his hair was a mess, sticking up in different places from where your hands had laid purchase when he had first began teasing you. his lips were a pretty shade of red, and his chin had traces of your wetness on it.
his tongue licked at your clit before he sucked, adding a second finger in at the same time, his fingers moving at a pace that had you absolutely wrecked.
"'m gonna cum, charlie... i, oh my god." your back arched, feeling your stomach tighten as you clenched around his fingers. your eyes opened as your orgasm washed over you, looking down at your boyfriend as he smirked against you.
it felt like your orgasm lasted ages. your stomach was twitching slightly as charles pulled away from you, a pleased expression written on his face. "i told you i missed you, mon ange. sometimes i feel like you think i lie." he teased, moving to be next to you.
"i don't think you lie," you grumbled, your head resting on his chest as one of his hands smoothed through your hair. "i just forget..." a giggle passed your lips, eyes feeling exeptionally heavy.
"nap time and then it will all be about you." you promise, sealing it with a kiss before getting comfortable against charles' chest, letting his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
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mommypieck · 9 months
⌗︙・scissoring with mai ⸜⸜・
mai is like a sly cat, crawling into your bed during girls sleepover.
"i know you want me as much as i want you." she purrs into your ear, licking at your neck. she kisses down your neck and collarbones, pulling your body in her lap. she kisses, swirling her tongue against yours. spit drops from your mouth down to your boobs, the little nightgown wasn't the best idea. and mai sees the problem. she pulls it off your body, moaning when he sees your boobs. she licks at them, sucking the nipple into her mouth. her hands travel down to your panties and she swiftly takes them off, leaving you bare in front of her. mai licks her fingers before pressing them down to your pussy, rubbing it in fast circles. she can't stand this teasing any more. she quickly undresses herself too, pulling your legs over hers. you both moan in ecstasy when your pussies touch. she humps against you, rubbing her wet pussy over yours. your clit catches against her in the best way, making you both get ever wetter. the quite room is filled with filthy smacks of your pussies accompanied by your moans.
"im gonna cum." she moans, closing her eyes. it almost hurts how much she needs to let go. she rubs against you harder, making you both cum at the same time.
"we made such a mess." she giggles. sometimes it's good to have such a slut for a friend.
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