#there ship name should be lung cancer
twig-the-edgelord · 7 months
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More backgrounds :3
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes part 4 e16-20
a vip (self declared)
thinks they should let the aliens eat explosives
the tentacle in the rocket silo is the scariest thing he's ever seen
incorrect Nietzsche quote (deeper sleep fans rise up)
drummers = monsters
thinks Nietzsche could have been in a band once
whistling FOUR. Five????
hang glider fan
rnd would get a big bonus at some point if the military state becomes the reality
finds the zombies worse than online degrees
whistling FIVE. likes Mario.
whistling SIX also Mario, different song
"future wife" duuuude I don't think youre getting a wife
the sewers are not buries treasure location
his ideal mansion will involve visitors being shot as soon as they knock
star wars reference Again
woodshop in high school almost ended in his expulsion
would eat the aliens
has considered spitting on giant machines twice now
wind knocked out of him by the fan to ceiling impact
wasn't expecting to fly today
respects deaths in rocket testing
sad when oxygen isn't oxycodone
likes pushing buttons
wants to level a lawsuit against black mesa
wants to vacation somewhere tropical
wants to ride a sea turtle to menace cruise ships
would name his sea turtle a "nice gender-neutral name" like Flippy or Whiskers
doesn't consider most reptiles dangerous
has always wanted a robot army. the robot coolness strikes again
not good at parkour
grappling hook mentioned Again. he wants one! or a harpoon!
compares himself to a monkey and hates on earth gravity in the same breath
purportedly Not an adrenaline junkie
shaking after crossing the Blast Pit grating jumps.
vaguely implies he's going crazy
SNOT MONSTER moans are what he'll be thinking about tonight
ordering a grappling hook once he's out
would jump extreme heights into water for big splash
He's sun wukong? A monkey god?
simian skills o7
half life mention title drop woooo
"nyyyyeeeeeewww" :D
whistle count SEVEN
admits that stuff here (falling mostly) is scary
"life sucks sober" YOU HAD. TWO SHOTS OF VODKA ON AN EMPTY STOMACH THIS MORNING. admittedly not a ton i retract my objection he's probably got a high tolerance
sometimes goes down the wrong corridor
cuts off a thought to yell "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D"
wants a giant metal spider fortress
the dial....
stresses to a dial that he has a DOCTOR'S DEGREE
compares black mesa to a giant beast
would LOVE a massive tomb. pyramid for him please
"it's me" sick FNAF refe
pain is a constant yes
doesn't consider himself afraid of heights
actually yeah tentacle sounds (loud metal noises) being unpleasant is a consistent trait here. Loud noises bad. (This, beeping of eye scanners, gunshot in the vent)
reel to reel computers..... PUNCH CARDS
first title card leadup! techno hell room
bad smelllllllll
has made hella strong pillow forts with plaster of paris. pissed his mother off doing so
worn condition grenades are probably not as safe as you hope
he sounds so excited at the idea of going somewhere possibly not terrible
admits if a giant monster that the rocket didn't kill looked all angry at him he'd curl up and cry
bad smell TWO
References his cannonball drop statement from earlier
cons: starving to death alone, pros: could be fun. He does it. Sir. I know he's not okay by now but DUDE PLEASE. STOP WILLINGLY CURLING UP TO DIE
shit lung capacity. I've swam further without breathing in more time and been okay. Lllllll
concerned at the green sludge river
cancer mentioned third time
mmmmm radiation,,,,,
liked Austria
turnwheel Used
used to pass people in tube slides as a kid. Would sometimes get wedged in
knees starting to hold up a bit better
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popwasabi · 4 years
“Who are you?” The scene that defines Chadwick Boseman’s legacy
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Yesterday, the world lost a bright and promising, burgeoning talent in Chadwick Boseman.
I had wondered privately for a while if something was wrong with him, as others had as well online, as he appeared increasingly sicker with each interview he gave over the last two years. I thought maybe I had been looking too much into it, not wanting to jump to conclusions about who he was but now gravely we all know why.
The much too young star of films such as “42,” “Marshall,” and of course, “Black Panther” had been fighting a largely private battle with colon cancer for four years.
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It was devastating hearing this news yesterday, the man who undeniably left behind a legacy of playing prominent black heroes, both historical and fictional, passed away just as he was starting to truly hit it big. When you begin to realize the man was dealing with cancer as he performed physically demanding roles in the MCU you begin to see the character and determination of a man unwilling to quit in the face of true adversity.
But he clearly wasn’t just doing it for himself when he continued making and promoting NINE more movies despite his diagnosis, afterall no one would’ve blamed the guy for taking it easy these past four years. He’s had many scenes that define his legacy over his all too short career but I feel it can really be summed up in one particular moment from by far his most famous film; “Black Panther.”
Those who know me or have read my work know that I have a fairly cynical relationship with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While I would not say most of them are “bad” per se, I would say a ton of them are largely interchangeable action comedies with pretty straightforward messages about good vs evil for general audiences. They are largely popcorn escapism and though there is nothing technically wrong with that, I was starved for an MCU film that was sincere about its story finally and had something real to say.
Enter “Black Panther” in early 2018.
“Black Panther” was everything I had long been waiting for in the MCU; a film with a real sense of vision and theme, a killer soundtrack, great supporting characters, a complicated and nuanced villain, and a story that didn’t feel the need to add a joke after every single scene like more typical MCU movies. The tip of that spear of course was Chadwick, who had already proved to be a great Black Panther in one of the few other sincere Marvel flicks “Civil War.” His natural charisma, physicality, and dramatic presence in this role made him a huge standout in frankly the best ensemble cast of any superhero movie ever.
The scene that truly sums up not just the mark “Black Panther” left on Hollywood but Chadwick’s own legacy comes at the very end though (the first of three, of course. It’s an MCU movie, afterall).
T’Challa has defeated his usurper cousin Erik Killmonger, his rule restored in Wakanda but clearly a changed man from the story’s beginning as he reckons with the complicated legacy of his father. He travels to Oakland, the birthplace of Killmonger, with his sister Shuri who he explains the crime committed by their father in this place and how it set off the events of the story. He turns to Shuri, tells her that he has decided to help this afflicted community by creating a Wakandan outreach center for the youth to give them a new hope in life. As he says this he decloaks their ship nearby, surprising the youth already in the area who are immediately in awe of it. One of the kids turns to T’Challa, smiling, a sense of inspiration and intrigue brewing inside, and asks “Who are you?” to which the young King simply smiles, then the credits roll.
It’s a simple scene but it truly speaks to the impact left behind by Chadwick and the importance of representation. 
“Black Panther” is hardly the first starring vehicle for a black man, it’s not even the first black super hero movie but what it made it different is it was the first blockbuster to truly lean unapologetically into its African identity to focus on the inspiration of a story centered around that culture. It showed Hollywood that an action blockbuster not just centered on a black star but centered on African culture had vast widespread appeal.
White kids will never have a shortage of white superheroes to grow up with on the big screen; a diverse palette of Supermans, Spider-mans, Captain Americas, and shit we’re even getting our sixth new Batman actor since 1989 soon. But Chadwick gave black kids their first real Superman of their own. 
In the years since this came out, I have seen the influence, at times, firsthand among the youth. I work part-time as a kids martial arts instructor and each Halloween party we’ve held I’ve seen a few more T’Challas among the costumes represented. When I ask kids, black, white, or Asian, what their favorite superhero is, it always warms my heart to see a kid light up when they say “BLACK PANTHER!”
(Seriously, cute AF)
This goes beyond just my anecdotal observations of course; the film grossed a billion dollars, and there are countless videos online of kids yelling “Wakanda forever!” at the top of their lungs while rocking a Black Panther suit or reciting one of the movie’s memorable lines. It’s beautiful because it speaks to that last scene’s key message; inspiration.
Growing up myself, as a half Asian American, there weren’t a ton of role models who looked like me to take inspiration from. I didn’t really understand how much this could affect me until I finally did start seeing people like myself occupy positions of influence. I didn’t start caring for baseball until I saw a slugger named Hideki Matsui smash a couple dingers in a Yankees’ uniform in the early 2000s. I didn’t care much for martial arts, outside my very early youth, until I witnessed a half Japanese Brazilian named Lyoto Machida KO Thiago Silva at UFC 94 in 2009. I didn’t care much for soccer until a striker named Keisuke Honda played out of his mind in the early rounds of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Sometimes you gotta see something happen in order to believe and be inspired by it and it’s easier to visualize it when you see someone who looks like you do it. That’s what representation means and why it’s important.
It’s easy for white America to dismiss the need for representation in media when theirs is so saturated in the culture everyday. Cries of “wHaT aBoUt wHiTe HiStORy mOnTH?!” delivered unironically while their history is proudly given front seat consideration in all forms of media, film, and influence every day. This is why it drives me so crazy when a white person tells me “representation isn’t important” because apparently, they “don’t need it.”
Well motherfucker, of course you don’t need it. You fucking got yours already!
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(What every non-white person wants to say when confronted with this tired, out of touch argument...)
“Black Panther” delivered a superhero that not only black children could be proud of and love but someone they could draw inspiration from. Kids are going to want to become film directors cause of this movie, actors, stuntmen, martial artists, scientists, engineers, and so many other different things that the world of Wakanda proudly showcases and it’s all thanks to Chadwick’s leading man performance that made it possible.
Some jokes I’ve heard frequently on the internet is that Chadwick was on somewhat of a quest to play every major black role in story-telling history, what with performances as Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, James Brown, and of course Black Panther. But I think his 2018 speech at his Alma Mater of Howard really explains why he kept looking to play these major positive black roles.
(I encourage you to listen to the whole thing but the part that’s important here begins at 21:55)
Hollywood likes to pigeon hole certain demographics of people (aka non-white) to play stereotypical roles forever until they are proven to be lucrative in different ways (Qualified Immunity of film-making if you will…). Black people largely could mostly play thugs and drug dealers, Latinx can only be gang bosses and poor servants and gardeners, Asians are either kung fu masters or some other offensive perpetual foreigner. And in worst cases no role at all, instead whitewashed for general audiences (aka white folk). 
Chadwick took a stand that the color of his skin did not define who Hollywood narrowly believed he could perform as and set out to play characters and people who could inspire a new generation of African Americans and show the rest of the country that they were more than a stereotype.
When that young kid in that final scene asks, “Who are you?” and T’Challa smiles its because he knows he’s already changing hearts and minds for the future, just as Chadwick did playing this truly inspirational role.
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“Black Panther” is not a perfect movie. I could discuss the ways it could’ve been better and even, less problematic in parts on a different day, but the legacy it leaves behind is one that’s undeniably positive and Chadwick was able to make that a reality. Perhaps he understood that if the world knew his diagnosis it would blunt the impact of “Black Panther’s” release, that if little kids and African Americans alike knew their superhero was already dying it would mar the film’s positivity and influence. I can’t speak for the dead obviously, and in no way am I saying one should just push through a cancer diagnosis and keep it secret, but I can see Chadwick understanding what it would mean for the audience if they just believed for as long as possible that they would have their king of Wakanda forever.
As Robert Downey Jr. said on social media last night “He leveled the playing field while fighting for his life.”
Though I will never know him personally, by most measures Chadwick seemed to be exactly the kind of hero he showed up to be on the big screen and his legacy will ultimately be that of one who looked to inspire others, particularly the next generation until his final breath. If that doesn’t make him a hero, I don’t know what does.
Rest in power, King. Wakanda Forever…
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(Via BossLogic)
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
hello ms. polynya! if you are still taking drabble requests and are in the mood for it, I would love to see more of the mall AU (yes, THAT mall AU lmao). bonus points for more omnidirectional horny teenage pining, because that first mall AU drabble nearly made me cry laughing and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. p.s. re: that fanfic author meme—my favorite story of yours is hold on, hold on! closely followed by call me back when the war is over :)
mall au anon again, realizing I forgot to send like half of what I wanted to request because I got too excited (durr hurr): would love the ensemble cast/lieutenant goon squad because I really enjoy how you riff off of these characters, and/or renji and izuru being dumb friends and also wrangling their Big Crushes. no pressure to fill this though, thanks for being wonderful and generous 💖
I saved this one ‘til last so I would have something to look forward to. I love the Mall Goths AU, it is my greatest pleasure in life to write a bunch of undead shonen badasses as dorky teens trying to ask their crushes to prom.
Thank you to @alopexplasma, who came up with the name of Renji's car. I compulsively write Renji driving a Camaro in every AU I can conceivably shoehorn it into, and somehow, the incredibly obvious name never occurred to me. I am a moron.
Read on ao3 or ff.net
(if you haven’t read the original, read Ch 7 first, either site will do)
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Renji folded his hands on his knees and leaned forward, regarding Izuru very, very seriously. “Look, as you know, I don’t have any money, or... connections, or… well, anything, really, but you know that if you got cancer or were in a car wreck or something, any organs that I have two of, like kidneys or lungs? One of them would be yours, man. Bone marrow? I have so much bone marrow, and you can have as much of it as you want.”
“You know,” Momo pointed out, setting two paper cups down on the table, “if you marry Rukia someday, you will be absolutely rolling in it. I brought you coffee.”
“I assume she would want a pre-nup,” Renji replied very philosophically. “Which I respect.”
Izuru rolled his eyes and picked up his coffee. Just before taking a sip, he remembered. “Is this just the sludge that collects at the bottom of the airpot again?”
“Could be,” Momo tried to sound innocent.
“Oh, boy, my favorite!” Renji announced. “It’s so good, you just have to put, like, six creamers in. You want some creamers, Izuru?”
“I’ll pass,” Izuru said, pushing the coffee away. “Why can’t we do this in the game store, again?”
“Because Rukia hangs out at the game store!”
Instead, they were in the Barnes and Noble, where Momo worked in the cafe. Nothing personal to Momo, but Izuru hated the Barnes and Noble. It felt so bland and corporate, and smelled like new carpet, and he always felt like he should buy something if he was going to hang out there (not that he ever did). Besides, the couch was comfier at the game store.
“Just do this for him,” Momo implored, while Renji dug through the creamers, trying to find six that matched.
“It’s not that I don’t want to do it,” Izuru explained. “It’s that I think it’s a bad idea. You have been friends with Rukia since, what, fifth grade?”
“Third grade.”
“Third grade. Right. You sit next to her in class. You eat lunch with her. You talk to her all the time. Just say, ‘hey, Rukia, I really like you, will you go to prom with me?’ There’s no way she can look into your dumb puppy eyes and say no. Tell him, Momo.”
“Izuru’s certainly right about the puppy eyes.”
Renji sighed. “You don’t know Rukia like I do. Her family doesn’t do affection at all, and talking about feelings really scares her. If I ask her point blank like that, she’ll get defensive, and she won’t speak to me for a month, and she won’t go to prom at all, and then I’ll have to third-wheel Ikkaku and Yumichika.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Izuru pointed out. “You could…” he waved a hand vaguely. “You could take Momo.”
Momo shook her head. “Nanao and the Kotetsu sisters and I agreed to go together as gal pals,” she explained. “You could be a gal pal with us, I suppose, but only if you’re willing to coordinate outfits. You do look good in aqua.”
“Thanks,” Renji replied glumly. “Hey, I thought Rangiku was in your group, too?”
“Oh, she got a date.”
Izuru sniffed, pretending to be disinterested. If Shuuhei had finally gotten up the courage to ask Rangiku, then good for him.
“That upperclassman with the silver hair, Gin, asked her. He seems a little creepy to me, but she really likes him, and he’s friends with Aizen-sempai, so he must be a decent guy.”
Kira’s hands tightened on his knees. “She’s not going with Shuuhei?”
Renji gave him a look.
“Shuuhei says prom is lame and he’s not going,” Momo shrugged.
“I see,” Izuru frowned. “I mean, he’s not wrong.”
“He is wrong!” Renji protested. “Prom rocks. You wear fancy outfits and buy flowers for the person you like and there’s some insane theme, like Arabian Nights or Haunted Halloween Castle. You slow dance to ‘Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing’ by Aerosmith, and when it’s over you go get pancakes. What part of that isn’t awesome?”
“This year’s theme is ‘Lifetimes Past,’” Momo dryly informed him.
“Exactly. In any case, I have dreamed of taking Rukia to prom for years, are you going to help me write her a love letter or not?”
Izuru groaned. “I don’t know why Rukia gets such crummy grades, because she’s actually very smart. She is definitely going to be able to tell that you didn’t write this.”
“I know that! You think I don’t know how smart she is? Look, I just want you to write it all nice in Kira-speak, and then I’ll translate it into dumbass. Just help me get my thoughts together. You know I don’t word good, but I really think that writing it out and giving her a chance to process it on her own is the best way to go about this.”
Momo turned sad eyes on Izuru, not that his resolve wasn’t already crumbling. Abarai was a goon and a bonehead, but his devotion to his long-time best friend was tooth-rottingly sweet. Izuru would feel like a villain in a Christmas special if he said no.
“Fine. Fine. But I want you to help me get the Festiva running again and I get to approve whatever it is you’re planning on wearing to prom. It better have sleeves, for one thing.”
“Deal!” Renji replied, his face splitting into a huge grin.
Izuru turned to a clean page in his writing notebook and licked the tip of his pen. “Dear Rukia,” he narrated.
“No! Don’t put her name!”
“Don’t put her name?”
“No names. I have seen a lot of teen movies, and notes like these always end up in the wrong hands. Rukia would die if something like that happened. Or if her brother found it, he would straight up murder me and then I wouldn’t get to go to prom.”
Izuru blinked at him. “Fine. No names.” He tapped his pen against the page. “ ‘We have been friends for a long time, and I feel that the time has come for me to make a clean breast of it. You are the most important person in my life. I am utterly besotten--”
“Er, hey, um, Izuru.” The tips of Renji’s ears were very pink. “Not to say that this isn’t, um, true, but I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Do you want to go to prom? JUST AS FRIENDS’ Maybe that part could be all in caps? or underlined? We could put in some little boxes that she could just check off ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and hand it back to me?”
Izuru raised one eyebrow. “But you don’t want to go ‘just as friends.’”
“Well, that’s true, yes, but this is Rukia we’re talking about, so you kinda have to ease her into things.”
Izuru regarded Renji with lidded eyes. “You can’t even ask her to prom as friends? You’re such a coward.”
“I’m not a coward,” Renji returned, but his voice was very small.
“You’re sixteen and I do not like to throw the word ‘love’ around, but it’s very obvious that you love Rukia, and I refuse to help you ask her to the prom as friends. You don’t have to admit everything, but you have to admit something. It’s go big or go home.”
“Okay,” Renji grumbled.
“I think he’s right,” Momo said, patting Renji’s hand. “She must wonder how you feel about her from time to time. If you insist on framing it ‘as friends’, she may actually view that as a rejection of the possibility of anything romantic ever happening between the two of you.”
Renji wrinkled his nose, but didn’t say anything.
“Ahem,” Izuru cleared his throat. “Let’s put in some compliments. What are some things you like about Rukia?”
“Things he liked about Rukia” was one of Renji’s very favorite subjects, and he perked up right away. “She’s cool,” he announced. “She’s cool as hell. Write that down.”
“I think you’re cool as hell,” Izuru wrote down reluctantly. This is not your love letter, he reminded himself. No one is even going to know you had anything to do with this.
“Your hair smells really good and you’re the most creative person I know,” Renji dictated. “You have incredibly sexy biceps.”
“What? She does!”
“Fine, fine. That’s probably enough compliments, we need to keep this to one page. Um, what do you regard as your primary ‘ship symbolism?”
“My what now?”
“You know. When you think about Rukia and yourself, what metaphor springs to mind? Sun and moon? Sea and sky? King and lionheart?”
Renji looked utterly perplexed.
“Momo, help me out. How do you see you and Aizen-sempai?” “Doctor and Companion,” Momo answered immediately.
Izuru made a face. “Right.”
Renji’s face was screwed up in hard thought. Izuru could practically smell circuitry frying. “Rukia is like… a star?” he finally hazarded.
“A star is good!” Momo encouraged.
“And you are…?” Izuru prompted. “The moon? The sky? A different star?”
“A Camaro?” Renji guessed. “I’m loud and I have a powerful engine.”
“How are you even in AP Literature?” Izuru groaned.
“Well, what’s your dominant simile or whatever with Shuuhei?” Renji demanded.
“Poet and warrior,” Izuru snapped back testily.
“Which one of you is the warrior?” Momo asked, wrinkling her nose. “I mean, you both work on the school newspaper.”
“Shuuhei takes tae kwon do!” Izuru insisted.
“Well, why don’t you just write in whatever you’re gonna say for the poet-warrior thing, since you’ve obviously already put a lotta thought into it,” Renji suggested. “I’ll polish up my star/sportscar metaphor and drop it in when I copy it over.”
Izuru did not like leaving the keystone of a love confession in the hands of a man who thought manual transmissions were romantic, but he had to go on shift down at the food court in half an hour. He had to keep this moving. “Fine,” he bit off. “‘You are my muse. Your strength of body and spirit inspire poetry in me. My soul sings when I am with you. If only I had your bravery, this admission would be much easier. Instead, I am sending you this shy missive to ask, from the depths of my tender heart: Will you go to the prom with me?’ Done.”
“Oh, that was so romantic,” Momo sighed. “Izuru, you should write a romance novel.”
“Never,” Izuru replied.
Renji was making a Renji face.
“You hate it.”
“It was just… pretty flowery.”
“Rewrite it however you want. ‘My soul revs at 5000 rpm for you, right before I drop my rusty bumper in your brother’s driveway again.’”
“Don’t trash talk Zabimaro!”
“I would never trash talk Zabimaro, I was trash talking the metaphorical Camaro that is your love for Rukia.” Izuru ripped the page out of his notebook and handed it over. “Here you go. I gotta go to work. Beef n’ Cheddars don’t assemble themselves.”
Renji studied the page for a moment. “Thanks, Izuru. You won’t regret this.”
“I already regret it. Good luck. I still think you should just talk to her.”
“Well, I think you should ask Shuuhei!” Renji barked out suddenly. “I know you want to! You can go to Denny’s with us afterward!”
Izuru flashed him a pitying look. “Thank you for your concern, but I happen to share the opinion that prom is lame and I have no plans to attend.”
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When Izuru walked into the gaming store the next day, Ikkaku and Iba were sitting at the front table, assembling decks of Magic cards.
“The girls took over the back,” Ikkaku grumbled bitterly as he contemplated a Thicket Basilisk.
“Is Renji here?” Izuru asked. “He said he was coming today.”
“Haven’t seen him,” Iba grunted. “Your friend Hinamori is, though.”
Izuru had been trying to maintain his usual heavy veneer of Not Caring About Abarai’s Wretched Love Life, but secretly, he was dying to know how the note had gone over. Renji had said he was going to give it to Rukia after school, and then ghost off to soccer practice so she had time to think it over. Izuru thought this was the dumbest idea he had ever heard, apart from every other plan Renji had ever had.
There certainly was a lot of giggling coming from the back of the store. Rangiku was holding court on the couch, Momo and Rukia on either side of her. On the coffee table, half a dozen magazines featuring girls in sparkly dresses were scattered among the usual copies of Dragon and Wizard.
“I can’t decide if I want to go for a one-shoulder gown, or something completely strapless,” Rangiku was sighing. “Rukia, you have good shoulders, what are you thinking?”
Rukia mumbled something about lacking the necessary structural support for a sleeveless gown.
“You’d be surprised! It just needs to fit tightly enough!”
“You should come shopping with us on Saturday, Rukia!” Momo offered brightly. “You really don’t know what’s going to look good until you try it on.”
“Oh…” Rukia stammered. “My brother said he would buy me a dress. He said it’s important that I reflect well on the family.”
“Fortunately, your brother has killer taste,” Rangiku shrugged. “I would let him buy me all the dresses he wanted to.” She smiled her bright, friendly smile. “You could still come shopping, though, get some ideas of what you like! We could take some pictures to show him. I’m sure he takes input.”
Izuru had met Rukia’s brother. The man most certainly did not take input.
“Plus, it’ll just be fun to have you along!” Momo encouraged. “You have a great sense of style, I’d love to have your opinions!”
The portents looked auspicious, but Izuru needed positive confirmation. “Are you planning to go to the prom, Rukia?” he asked, flinging himself down in the ancient, creaky recliner. “I would have thought you were too cool for that.”
Two pink spots appeared on Rukia’s cheeks. “Yeah, I’m going, I guess.”
“You are not going to believe this, Izuru!” Rangiku gasped breathlessly. “But our Renji asked her to go with him!”
“Surely not!” Izuru scoffed, a pleasant feeling of satisfaction filling his chest.
“It’s just as friends!” Rukia protested. “And of course I don’t care about prom, but it means a lot to him, so…” she made a frustrated shrug.
Izuru shot a glare of horrified disbelief at Momo, who shrugged helplessly.
As if on cue, Renji’s mop of bright red hair poked around the edge of the Warhammer display. The couch backed to the front of the store, so Izuru could see him, but the girls couldn’t. Renji pointed emphatically at Rukia, and then stuck out his tongue victoriously, making a “hang loose” sign with his hand.
“I need to talk to you!” Izuru announced loudly, jumping up, grabbing Renji by front of his shirt, and hauling him into the aisle with all the ceramic dragon figurines. “You moron!” he hissed.
“I just did what you said!” Renji defended, holding up his hands.
“No, you didn’t! Did you even give her the note?”
“I did not. I thought about it, and I decided you were right. I talked to her with my actual voice. I told her I really wanted to go to prom with her, and she made a real cute face and then she said yes. Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without your help.”
Izuru squeezed his eyes shut. “But you’re going as friends.”
“Yeah, well, we are friends, and I’m okay with that. You know, it was the right move, anyway. The reason I was late is because her brother cornered me after work and lectured me for half an hour.”
“Byakuya went into the Foot Locker?” Izuru frowned, trying to picture it.
“Of course not. He would never go into a Foot Locker. He waited outside.”
Izuru admittedly hadn’t taken Rukia’s intense, overprotective brother into account, back when they were writing the note, even though he remembered Renji bringing it up. “Well, I’m glad you’re still alive.”
“Yeah, me too. I offered to wax his car, just immediately. That knocked him off his game a little.” Renji made a thoughtful face. “He, uh… was appreciative, actually. I guess Rukia’s been wanting to go to prom and pretending she doesn’t, and he thought I picked up on it and asked her because I’m a good friend.”
Izuru stared at Renji blankly. “What?”
Renji shook his head. “I can’t explain it. Kuchiki brains are weird. Anyway, he said I don’t have to wax his car, but he wants me to come over to dinner so he can pre-screen my table manners and I have to meet their scary grandfather.” Renji scratched his head. “I wonder if the old man has a car I could wax.”
Izuru let out a big sigh. “Well, I’m glad it worked out. Sort of. Even if you wasted a very good love letter that I worked very hard on.”
“You spent ten minutes on it, tops, and it did not go to waste.”
Izuru frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t you feel like… like it helps to talk that stuff out? To put your feelings into words and write them down and look at them? I mean, I know it helped me, I was just thinking that maybe…”
“Give it up, Abarai,” Izuru mumbled. Whenever anything remotely good happened to Renji, he got really optimistic that all his friends could repeat his successes. When Izuru was in the right mood, it struck him as sort of sweet, but right now, it was just irritating.
Renji stuffed his hands in his pockets and huffed. “Look. Talking to Rukia was… it was easier than I thought. T’be honest, I pretty much expected her to turn me down cold.” He gave a wistful little smile. “We’ll just see how it goes, y’know? Might even be able to work up the nerve to ask her for a slow dance.”
Izuru shook his head. “You’re hopeless, Abarai.”
“Yeah, well, takes one to know one.”
“We are not the same,” Izuru informed him pointedly. “I am a dreamer who pines for that which is out of his reach. You’re just a dumbass who can’t grab at the thing an inch in front of him.”
Renji gave one of his big, open shrugs. “Say what you want about me, but I have grabbed. It’s hard to judge distance when you’re too close to it. I’m just saying that I don’t think your dreamy moon poet is as far off as you think.”
“Why do you always listen to me exactly enough to misunderstand everything I say?” Izuru griped.
“I am a dumbass, you had me there.” He stood up straighter. “But Rukia is not a dumbass and I would like to go say hello to her before she thinks we’re making out back here in the sparkly dragon grotto like Ikkaku and Yumichika.”
“I heard that!” Ikkaku’s voice echoed through the store.
“Matsumoto is trying to convince her to get a strapless dress,” Izuru explained.
“Really? I’m in favor of that,” Renji grinned, his eyebrows raising. “She’s got the shoulders for it.”
“Go,” Izuru sighed, slapping his friend on the back.
As Izuru turned to follow Renji to the back sitting area, he saw Shuuhei hovering in the store’s main aisle. He was wearing a Tool t-shirt over a ratty grey henley with the elbows blown out. His hair looked like he put a bunch of gel in it and then immediately gone to a gymnastics class. There was a ‘69’ sharpied on his cheek. As usually, Izuru couldn’t believe how cool the guy was.
“Uh, hey, Izuru,” Shuuhei said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
“Hey,” Izuru replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “Wondered if you were in today.”
Usually, Shuuhei would reply with some joke about his loud co-worker, Mashiro, but instead, his fingers curled and uncurled around a piece of paper he was holding.
Hmm, Izuru thought absently. Shuuhei must use the same kind of notebook that I do.
Shuuhei’s eyes darted to the side, and then back to Izuru. “Hey, um, someone slipped a note in my locker today, but they didn’t sign it. I don’t, uh, want to be forward or anything, but I think… this might be your handwriting?”
The floor dropped away from Izuru’s feet. He was had been transported to the Elemental Plane of Mortification. His corporeal body had ceased to exist.
Suddenly, behind Shuuhei’s back, Renji and Momo appeared in the doorway to the back room, flashing huge grins and four enthusiastic thumbs up.
Izuru was going to kill them.
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scared-aquarius · 5 years
signs as haunted places in Texas
(This post is part of a series where I assign haunted places from each state to the signs)
Aries: Highway 281, between Johnson City and Blanco TX- On August 24, 1885 in Blanco County, Al Lackey went on a murderous rampage, killing six of his family members including his mother, father, brother, daughter, niece and sister-in-law with a shotgun. After slaying these six, he went home and attempted to murder his wife and baby with a knife, however, the wife ran and after his attempt to chase her down failed, he cut his own throat. This did not kill him, however, and he wrapped his wound with a bandana. On horseback, he rode towards town, finding his neighbor who, unaware of the murders just committed, rode alongside him. He noticed the red bandana and thought it was simply red in color, not blood-soaked. During the ride, Lackey lunged at the man, cutting him several times but he, too, managed to escape. The sheriff eventually caught Lackey and after being tended to by physicians was brought to jail. On August 26, two days after his rampage, a mob of 50-60 people marched down to the jail and broke him out, demanding he pay for his crimes. They rode until they found a tree at a halfway-point between Blanco and Johnson City, which supposedly runs parallel to the current Highway 281, and hanged Lackey. The rope they used was thinner than rope normally used for hangings which prolonged the strangulation. The rope also dug deep into the laceration that was already present in his throat which caused him to bleed heavily onto his shirt. The sheriff found the body the next day and, with none of his surviving family members willing to claim him, he was buried in a pauper’s grave somewhere in Blanco. To this day, people report seeing a man with a red bandana and bearing Lackey’s physical description hitchhiking between Johnson City and Blanco, especially at late hours. Those who have stopped to help him claim he was holding a knife. Truckers and locals claim to not like driving down the road at night and they know not to pick up any hitchhikers on that stretch between Johnson City and Blanco. And now you do, too.
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Taurus: Spaghetti Warehouse, Houston TX- Built around the turn of the 20th century, the building, originally called the Desel-Boettcher warehouse, started out housing fur pelts and then some years later it was owned by a pharmaceutical company. It was not until 1973 that it became the Spaghetti Warehouse. A former employee of the pharmacy involved in a freak accident as well as his wife are said to haunt the restaurant. The employee was said to be very busy one night and grabbed a stack of paperwork off his desk as he was rushing to get home. As he headed back to the elevator, he was not paying attention and walked into what he thought was the elevator but was actually an open elevator shaft. Having not returned home, his wife hurried to the warehouse looking for him only to find his body crumpled at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Traumatized and brokenhearted, she too tragically passed away only one year later. Today, their spirits are said to occupy the second floor of the warehouse. The restaurant is riddled with activity according to staff members, particularly during late-night hours, including full-bodied apparitions, bottles of wine inexplicably falling off shelves, disembodied voices calling employees’ names, guest’s hair being tugged on and shoulders being tapped. The wife is also said to rearrange furniture and make a mess of organized dishes and silverware. Guests have reported feeling ill or tingly as soon as reaching the second floor. Another spirit said to haunt the building is a former frequent guest. A man in his mid-fifties who was struck by a car outside the restaurant can sometimes be seen by employees, seated in the restaurant one moment and then gone the next.
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Gemini: Miss Molly’s Hotel, Fort Worth TX- The building itself was built in 1910, serving as a hotel called The Palace Rooms for those who traveled by the new railroad. During Prohibition, it’s named changed to the Oasis and served as a speakeasy. By the 1940s, it was called The Gayette Hotel and acted as a bordello that mostly served cowboys and locals. This was a dark period for the building as many ill-spoken deeds and rumors of some of the prostitutes meeting unfortunate ends circulated. Eventually, under new management, the building stopped serving as a bordello and was split with the first floor serving as the Star Cafe and the second floor serving as a hotel- Miss Molly’s Hotel. Many of the ghosts who haunt the hotel are thought to be those who were present during its time as a bordello. Full-bodied apparitions have been seen, for example, that of a young girl around the age of nine has been seen in the former owner’s rooms. No one knows exactly who she is but she is believed to be a former tenant. One hotel guest claimed to wake up in the middle of the night with a pale blonde woman sitting at the edge of his bed. She is believed to be the ghost of a former working girl. There is also a tipping ghost who is said to leave coins in recently cleaned rooms. One cleaning lady even quit because she was frightened by this entity and did not want to risk having it attach itself to her. Throughout the hotel, unexplainable shadows and cold spots are frequently encountered. Strange smells are also present, with some being described as toilet water while others are described as smelling like women's perfume, perhaps from the hotel’s time as a bordello. Some of the hotel’s mischievous entities are also known to move guest’s belongings, play with their lights at night and make loud bangs in their room.
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Cancer: Littlefield House, Austin TX- Located on the campus of the University of Texas, the Victorian-style home was built for Civil War veteran and businessman George Littlefield and his wife, Alice, in 1893. Throughout their life, they donated a lot of their money to the school and therefore became special figures for the college. It is said that for a long period of time, Alice had been locked in the attic to keep her safe from Union soldiers during the war. Because of this, Alice developed a severe mental illness and was constantly afraid she would be kidnapped or murdered. She was prone to nervous fits of hysteria, sometimes having to be restrained. Despite being told she should be admitted to a sanatorium, her husband instead kept her home and hired three nurses. After George’s death in 1920, Alice was devastated, but over time her mental state improved. She was able to become more social again and would host parties at the home but was rarely ever seen outside again. When Alice died in 1935, she left the house to the university where it is now used to hold classes on the first floor and house offices on the second. However, some believed that Alice never left and is trying to reclaim her home. Shortly after her death, full-bodied apparitions were seen throughout the house, colds spots were frequently felt and sounds of running, screams of fright and other eerie noises could be heard coming from the second floor and staircase nightly. Things are also said to be misplaced often as if Alice is trying to put her home back to the way it was before her death. Many students claim to hear her play the piano in her upstairs bedroom and her face can sometimes be seen peering out the window. While it may seem unsettling, many students refer to her as Aunt Alice and see her as a comforting and benevolent spirit.
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Leo: Hotel Galvez, Galveston TX- The Galvez Hotel opened its doors in 1911 and is still in operation today. During WWII, however, the building was occupied by the US Coast Guard and no rooms were rented out to visitors. Over the years, many famous people had been guests there, including Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hughes, Frank Sinatra, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the mid-50s is when tragedy struck at the hotel. A woman in her mid-20s named Audra was planning on getting married to her fiancé, a mariner who sailed in and out of the Port of Galveston. She stayed in room 505 while she waited for his return back from sea. One day, after a terrible storm, his ship did not arrive when it was due in port. Audra heard that the ship had gone down and that there were no survivors. Stricken with grief, she hung herself. Not even a week had passed when her fiancé came back, having survived the sinking of the ship, only to find that she had taken her own life. Staff and guests alike have reported hearing Audra running up and down the hallways looking for her husband-to-be as well as hearing crying and doors slamming shut in the middle of the night. Strange smells and visions of orbs are also reported throughout the hotel. Staff have also reported seeing a young girl bouncing a ball in the lower level of the hotel and the housekeeping staff say that there is the ghost of a man who stands in the corner of the laundry room. There are also reports in the lobby and restaurant such as candles blowing out on their own and dishes moving and breaking. Heavy breathing and children’s laughter are said to be heard in some of the hotel bathrooms. After Hurricane Ike in 2008, some staff had to stay at the hotel while their homes were being repaired and many claimed to see a woman in an old maid’s uniform accompanied by a man walk through a guest room and disappear. 
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Virgo: El Paso High School, El Paso TX- This high school has been in use since it’s opening in 1916. In 1922-23, its name was changed to Sam Houston High School at the bidding of a local chapter of the KKK but was quickly changed back after community outrage. During both World Wars, the basement of the school worked as an overflow morgue, taking in bodies of soldiers as well as Spanish Flu victims. Throughout the years, students and faculty exploring the basement have discovered classrooms from the early 20th century in seemingly untouched condition yet blocked off, with no reason given by the school administration for the hasty remodeling. There are also reports of slamming doors and “spectral pep rallies and games” occurring in the gym, only to discover the gym is empty upon further inspection. A teacher at the high school once reported seeing a girl in an old blue dress at the end of a hallway one night and instructed her to go home as it was late. He claims that when approaching her, she turned around, gave him a sorrowful look and then slowly vanished before his eyes. Another ghost girl is also said to be seen throughout the school, her identity being tied to that of a student from the 80s who slit her wrists and then jumped off a balcony which is now walled off along with the hallway and stairwell leading to it. Despite this, multiple people have claimed to still see a girl standing on that balcony. A famous class picture of the 1985 graduating class may capture this ghost girl as her face is considerably more blurry than the rest and no one can seem to identify her.
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Libra: The White Sanitarium, Wichita Falls TX- Built in 1926, this sanitarium was made for those who were mentally insane. The founder, Frank S. White, wanted to create a place where instead of being locked in cells, the patients were free to roam and live a non-institutional lifestyle. He wanted it to be a home, not a prison. He only operated the sanitarium for about 5 years, though, as he himself had fallen ill. By the 1950s, the building was flooded and badly damaged so it was abandoned and sat vacant for another 50 years. It is believed that some patients never left, perhaps due to the now-banned medical practices on the mentally ill of the past which left patients permanently injured or worse. Those who have visited the site since it’s foreclosure have claimed to see glowing ends of cigarettes as well as full-bodied apparitions of patients in hospital gowns. There is also said to be a lady in white who roams the halls and looks out the windows of the abandoned building. Reports of children’s voices are heard and lights are said to sometimes be seen coming from the sanitarium even though there is no running electricity there. There is also a group of men who are known to be seen on the property playing a game of poker every now and then. Visitors have said they feel strange cold spots and feel a general “heaviness” in the air. People who claim to be skeptics have said their beliefs are shaken after visiting there as they cannot explain their experiences. Today, the building has been remodeled and transformed into apartment units.
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Scorpio: The Jefferson Hotel, Jefferson TX- In 1851, the building was built originally as a warehouse to support the booming cotton industry. It is unclear whether the building became a hotel, with some speculating it was during the 1870s and others saying it was as late as 1900. As a hotel, it also served as a brothel as well as a speakeasy during the prohibition era under the name “The Crystal Palace”. The ghostly activity in the building is so frequent that the staff keeps a “book of the dead” at the front desk, with years of recorded activity and experiences within it and new encounters being written by guests to this day. There are at least five different known entities within the hotel’s walls. The first is a tall man wearing boots and a long coat who can frequently be seen by both staff and guests. The identity of the man is unknown. While he has never proven to be malevolent, guests find him incredibly unsettling as many times he can be seen sitting or standing in their rooms at night. The apparition is so solid and recurrent, some guests have claimed they had followed him down hallways thinking he was another guest only to turn a corner and see him vanish. The second known entity is a beautiful woman nicknamed Libby. Her exact identity is unknown, however, staff can agree that she is either the spirit of a woman named Elizabeth or Lydia. Both women were pregnant and stood up on their wedding day and subsequently both hung themselves from the hotel bed’s tall headboard. These suicides happened 50 years apart. Libby’s appearance is what points to either of these women being the spirit as she is said to wear a bridal gown and have golden blonde hair. She seems to appear in front of male guests traveling alone most frequently. While she doesn’t haunt a specific room, she seems to be attached to a bed which has moved to different rooms over the years, specifically room 12,14 and 19. Room 19 also houses another ghost, that of a teenage girl who was stabbed to death by a client during the hotel’s brothel years and left in the bathtub. She is said to appear in the mist when people are showering and writes messages, pleas for help and sometimes warmings, on the bathroom mirror. She is known as Judy as the name has been seen among her scribbles. The last two known entities are those of a young boy and girl around age 7 in 19th century period clothing who can frequently be seen chasing each other and can be heard laughing. They are thought to be casualties of the cotton warehouse. Despite their laborious lives and sad deaths, they are known to have fun by pulling pranks on guests by moving small items and turning lights on and off.
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Sagittarius: USS Lexington, Corpus Christi TX- Nicknamed “The Blue Ghost”, the USS Lexington is an aircraft carrier built for the US Navy during WW2 in 1942. The ship got the nickname “The Blue Ghost” because of her tendency to reappear after reportedly being sunk, as well as her dark blue color for camouflage purposes. It was decommissioned in 1991 and is now docked, serving as a naval museum. Many spirits of soldiers are said to roam the decks of the ship. During WW2, a Japanese plane struck the ship near the engine room, killing many. Some employees of the museum claim to see figures frantically running as if trying to get to position to defend and maintain their ship. A security guard says that running footsteps can be heard frequently, especially in the early hours of the morning. Disembodied voices and screams are also heard and both staff and guests report being touched. A known ghost on the ship is a man in a sailor uniform who helps guests find their way back to the deck. Another who resides in the engine room is said to give lectures on how the turbines work before vanishing into thin air. Charles Reustle, a director at the museum who has worked on the ship for 26 years, is a skeptic but has had his own fair share of strange experiences. He claims that over a course of a few weeks, he kept losing his pen cap. After the sixth time, he turned his room over but still could not find it. The next morning, he found all six caps lined up on his desk. He believes a spirit may have been playing a prank on him. With the museum receiving hundreds of reports of supernatural activity a year, the executive director of the museum, Steve Banta, says that there are too many accounts that “there has to be something to it”.
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Capricorn: Yorktown Memorial Hospital, Yorktown TX- This hospital opened its doors in 1951 and was run by the Felician Sisters, a group of nuns who kept the hospital open until 1986. The building was named in honor of those lost their lives in WWII. Under the care of the nuns, 500 patients died within the first 6 years the hospital was open. It reopened as a drug rehabilitation center but then closed again for good in 1992. Roughly 2000 people have died within the walls of the hospital and is known to be one of the most haunted hospitals in Texas. One employee by the name of Dr. Leon Norweirski was responsible for multiple deaths- he became known for his fatal mistakes during operations. In one patient’s case, he accidentally cut a patient’s throat while operating on his thyroid. This doctor’s mistakes may be a reason why the hospital is so active. There is a ghost of an eight-year-old girl named Stacy known to roam her old room on the first floor, basement hallways, and sometimes is seen in the library. Her favorite book to read during her life was “The Poky Little Puppy” which supposedly was given to her by none other than Dr. Leon Norweirski. She is known to be a playful spirit and supposedly will roll a ball if you ask her to. A few nuns seem to have stuck around as well, although some of them are known to be violent. Visitors have claimed to be scratched, choked, rushed at, and people with tattoos, piercings or other body modifications seem to be especially targeted. Another spirit is that of a man named Doug Richards. He was a heavy equipment mechanic who died there in 1973 and not much is known of his ghost but people say you know it’s him by his tall appearance and his white t-shirt and blue jeans outfit. During its time as a rehab center, a man who some call TJ came during late hours seeking help. When he rang the back-door bell, no one answered- whether the doorbell stopped working or the nurse on duty had fallen asleep, TJ didn’t get help fast enough and his body was found on the steps the next morning. His apparition can be seen today wandering the hall near the back door. Lastly, blood is still visible on the walls of the boiler room from a double murder that occurred after a stabbing due to a love triangle between a female employee, a co-worker and a patient. The hospital is also home to other less well-known entities and strange anomalies such as shadow people, full bodied-apparitions and top-notch EVPS. It is also said that disembodied voices and screams can be heard coming from the delivery ward.
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Aquarius: Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington TX- After a trip to Disneyland in 1959, real estate developer Angus G. Wynne Jr. decided he wanted to build a rival theme park in his own state. Opening in 1961, the park was a huge success. By the 1970s, Six Flags Over Texas had expanded and added new rides and phased out old ones and by the 80s it was operating almost year-round. It had become one of the nation’s fastest-growing theme parks. However, despite its years of success, it still has its fair share of dark times and mishaps. On August 8, 1968, the park experienced its first ride-related death. Ride Operator John Raymond Nelson was only a high school senior when he accidentally lost his balance while unloading passengers on the El Sombrero. He fell into the pit beneath the ride and was rushed to Arlington Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. In 1999, a 29-year-old woman drowned on a river rafting ride after her raft unexpectedly deflated and flipped. She was trapped underneath and drowned in 2-3 feet of water. A 64-year-old woman also drowned in 2011 after being found unresponsive in the lazy river. She was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. Lastly, in 2013, a 52-year-old woman fell to her death while riding the New Texas Giant roller coaster after her seat restraint malfunctioned. Because of its history of death, it’s unsurprising that the park is known to be haunted. Ghost sightings have been reported all throughout the park as well as cold spots and sensations of being touched. While most paranormal activity is sporadic, there is one ghost known as Annie who is said to haunt a yellow house by the New Giant Texas roller coaster entrance as well as a candy store within the park. Believed to have passed in the early 1900s after drowning in nearby Johnson’s Creek, her spirit is said to be friendly and a bit mischievous. Lights in the yellow house are known to turn off and on with no one around, curtains open and close and doors slam shut unexpectedly. According to employees, doors also seem to not remain locked. She can also sometimes be seen by guests walking along the tracks in the Mine Train attraction.
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Pisces: Frio River, Rio Frio TX- In the early 1900s, a woman named Maria Juanez was murdered by her brother-in-law, Gregorio, on the banks of the Frio River. Gregorio had fallen in love with her and after confessing this to her, she rejected him- she was already in love with a man named Anselmo. Often, Maria and Anselmo would meet down by the river bank at night. On one of these nights, while waiting for Anselmo, Gregorio decided to confront Maria to profess his love. After the rejection, he shot her with a pistol out of rage. Upon realizing what he had done, he hid underneath a large pile of hay in a barn until the next morning when he was found by angry townsfolk. Gregorio was tried for the murder of Maria Juanez and was found guilty, spending the rest of his life in prison. Maria had always dreamed of marrying Anselmo and having children of her own as she had loved caring for her sister’s children, however, that dream never became a reality. Instead, she was buried in a wedding dress along the Frio River, where some say she still roams to this day. She is said to be a very kind spirit, helping lost children, comforting them, or sitting at the edge of their bed at night to protect them. People who claim to have seen her say she is dressed in all white, being nicknamed “The White Lady”, and sometimes she is seen walking down the middle of the river in a mist or fog-like form. One man who cannot swim even claims that Maria saved him from falling into the river. He reported that as he fell back after slipping on a rock, he felt an unseen force push him back to an upright position.
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New Jersey
Let me know what state I should research next...)
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medic275 · 4 years
*The Silent Virus*
CornaVirus or (COVID-19) is a Globally fast spreading Virus from just close contact can be transfers onto clothing even footwear i.e brush pasted someone else that could of been potentially touch anyone or lent against an item or door way e.g. (you get the idea) or touching “Anything” that could be contaminate from other Users,  any type of surface, 
you can Not see it, you can Not feel it, you can Not smell it, 
you can only believe what is being Told by National Health services. 
So let me take back to January 2020 before any of this began - just after Christmas we celebrated the New Year 2020 as we always do see it in make revolutions i.e save money - buy a new car - buy/rent own property - getting married - travelings - fitness goals - Etc. As we go through this month things are relatively the same as the year before nothing has offically change still going to work shopping taking the children to school running meeting friends for coffee and the general day to day things, Now the world can only change a day a time and live by the 24hour rule you can not see or predict the future as much as we liked to, and win the Lottery with the Winning Numbers. Untold to the world public no one really knew that there was a virus brewing but why? Simple Answer - Because we had No knowledge of it which start back in 2019  In china.
Back in December 2019 was when this first “Out Broke” in Wuhan China is Started to Spread Through out China with this Onset and spread people withing china were quickly being affect without knowing they were to begin with - eventually this lead to Lock down cancellation of planes trains automobiles and ships/ferries, Sine 31-01-2020 UK saw its first two cases but unaware of an actual virus Silently Spreading with other countries going into lock down and cases increasing the UK followed with cases and health warning however by end of February saw a PANDEMIC OUTBREAK within the UK and the general public feared for the worst and no one had an idea of what is to come, everyone rushed out and started to panic buy but why? there was no hard evidences but social exploited this and showed other counties stock piling and for unknown reason - “Toilet Paper was more important than anything”people actually fought for it in-store. - further explanation in post.
COVID-19 has two types of name.
CornaVirus  2019 (COVID-19) Is an Infectious Disease that is a family of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have made the jump to humans (How did it make this Jump?) Now is currently suspected made the jump from Snakes but this is unclear with a lack of information and unclear whether or not this type of animal can be infected by this type of disease? 
how other type such as rats and bats are the main point of view in this current disease it is believed to have come from bats in general however
“In rare cases, coronaviruses in animals can evolve to infect people and then spread between people. This was the case”
In the new study, published today (Jan. 22) in the Journal of Medical Virology, the authors found that 2019-nCoV appears to be a mix, or recombination, of two coronaviruses — one that is known to infect bats and another coronavirus of unknown origin.
CornaVirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) -  is the strain of virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). It is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus which infects the epithelial cells within the lungs. The virus enters the host cell by binding to the ACE2 receptor.  -  A bat-borne virus is any virus whose primary reservoir is any species of bat. The viruses include coronaviruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. 
So what is “Covid-19″ - its an Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Anyone can & more than likely with contract Covid-19 Symptoms first persisted as Flu Like Symptoms and knowning the difference between The Flu and Covid-19 was difficult at first, but with that said 3 Main Symptoms are:
 **Cough      TEMP 37.8   Shortness Of Breath**
But this is still hard to know whether or not its Covid-19 Related as these symptoms range over 100′s other of Medical Problems.  Now that said with all 3 of these Main Symptoms together all “Risk” Factors will be taken into consideration at Onset Time i.e Acute New Persistant cough with Temp increase and Shortness of breath Acute ( RED FLAGS)  Now anyone Can and more than likely will contract covid-19 with the chance of being a carry BUT not having any symptoms.
However - It is more serve in people with have had an organ transplantare having certain types of cancer treatment have blood or bone marrow cancer, such as leukaemiahave a severe lung condition, such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthmahave a condition that makes you much more likely to get infectionsare taking medicine that weakens your immune systemare pregnant and have a serious heart condition. anyone over 65. 
So Now we are in March - So Stores and local corner shops are being fully Raided and shelves are being bleed dry of products that everyday normal shopping went from casual of what you needed and top ups to full on Fallout War type shelf stripping and selfishness with the world public, it got so serious that stores are having to limit people to shopping and amount of products you buy can of e.g x2 toilet roll or x3 of each product, but a lot of people saw this as an advantage and ROCKETED prices of a simple 4 pack of toilet paper from a casual 2.49 to 6.99 and so on, people started buy as much hand sanitize also and hand soap essential items and try to make a quick buck even market traders so an opening and at the current time people where actually BUYING THIS from Rough traders/people working in corner shops.
as fast as Stores were being replenished they where being stripped, now we have RESTRICTION in place to help the public and stores, there is enough for everyone even though its not much better now the POPULATION DEMAND increased so rapidly stores can not get products quick enough to the stores replenish it fully with out it being stripped bare with in hours of restocking.
Public Places - food restaurants most shops has closed until further notice to help tackle covid-19 as well as reduce groupings government have put in policy's and laws as well as being in lock-down it had a massive knock on effect not just for the general public but traders stores Etc. 
We have seen this virus “Exploded” through out March Hospital has become Stressed and Capacity has been Maxed out - not with just Covid-19 but general public requiring hospital admission Now Hospital are having to bulild/make Temporary Hospitals to deal with demand of Covid-19 Isolation Zone made up Quarantine areas made up as well as keeping a Flowing A&E department for the NoN related COVID19 patients, Cases are rocketing as well as deaths, Nurses Drs HCA Receptionist Ambulance Crews are all feeling the FULL force of this everyone is look at the NHS to save them ambulance crews running around providing Essential care to Everyone with limited PPE available to them this is also including Hospital and other Medical Support Service i.e Red Cross, (Before you slate about other emergency services “Read On” ) 
The rest of the world are doing what they can for their own countries also, China has been Disinfecting the whole city other places are there all in cleaning streets public places building etc but its still “NOT” over for them yet Italy has one of the Highest Death Tolls on the Planet.
So what does the UK have in place to protect the Public well, 
Being Told to Wash our Hands for 20seconds use Hand Sanitiser Not touch to our faces keep well cleaned and take protective measure where necessary i.e people wearing gloves and mask (far point) but go touching door ways or windows or smoking you are just contaminating yourself  and leaving this protentional virus to become in contact with outer gloves and then your touching your clothing's car wallet money face etc leading on this removal of the gloves and washing your hands Unknown to yourself you actually Contaminated
20seconds HANDWASHING Keep your selfs to your self Dont Spread 
Social 2meters (6feet) Dont let this Catch you out.
When are people allowed to leave their homes?
Shopping for "basic necessities", as infrequently as possible. People should use delivery services, where they can
Medical reasons, to provide care, or to help a vulnerable person
Travelling to and from work, but only if it is "absolutely necessary"
People should not meet friends or family members who do not live with them.
What other new measures are there?
Shops selling "non-essential goods" including clothes and electronics stores will be closed immediately
Libraries, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and places of worship will also close
Gatherings of more than two people (excluding people who live together) will be banned
There will be no weddings or baptisms but funerals will be allowed
Parks will remain open but people are only to go out to exercise once a day
But yet Some of the general public are still struggling with this and Social distancing, they not doing to annoy you or just for fun and games, the start of this was so to speak oh it just Advance flu be alright - To - well you cant see you friends or family because you have to self isolate cant hug your children or partners or family member Medical Professions are having to make heart breaking choice to not be able to see their family or children breaking promises and hearts because the World Public need their help!! and yet some people our having 20+ gatherings and parties bbq’s well let me reflect some SERIOUS point of view.
We are Now Entering April and we haven't even Reached the Peak of the Virus Problem we have only just started to understand its “DNA & Structure” of  how it works and what we need in place and how we can help treat this but yet there is NO Cure or Vaccine at this current moment in time is still 12-18 Months away if not Longer - For all the “Covid-Idiots” out there that don’t understand the complete Hidden Danger this **Silent but Violent Virus** will get you and it could Potentially Kill you or your loved ones, Harsher Words are now need - but its not your Sheer Lack of Intelligence or Sheer Lack of Respect that your Putting More pressure on a health system that already under “EXTREME” pressure but putting Health Profession live at risk once again - But your Sheer Lack of Thinking and Commonsense to this approach if you said to be it does exist and you don’t care its just a conspiracy .. my Question to you is - You want your family or friends to die? Everyone has mothers or father they adore dont care how Tough you think you are NO one is a big Man want to out live your children, do you want to have to watch you children loved ones be take away and you can not go with them to hospital you can be with them because is the virus they will be in Isolation all by them self’s scared upset worried fearing the out most Worst thoughts!!.
Think about it do you want this to affect your family?  Let just go back to about people having gathering or family outings you are putting other emergency services at risk the police are having to deal with theses gathering or your Lack of common sense to Social Distancing as well as Isolation or STAYING AT HOME / Police are having to responde to more Unexpected deaths also due to Covid-19 Etc, The fire service are also doing there part with in assisting in medical emergencies where possible i.e patient extraction, or medical help as closest first responder if safe to do so as well as dealing with there own Action protocols.
Let me tell you a story about what happens with these type of symptoms - lets say you have asthma or someone in the family does,  If they potentially contract this in anyways, it will Seriously Affect Their repository system, and the following will or can happen 
*Pre Hospital Assessment - Pre Hospital Care - Pre Hospital Alert - 
Rapid Blue light Transfer - Immediate Isolation - Providentially Intubated and Transferred To An ICU unit -
 even with Isolation they will be alone 100′s of people around lots going on its a very scary place to be especially for a grown adult Nobody want to DIE!! Even if your not intubated you will still be placed into Isolation area and no one is allowed in to see you with hospitals restricting the amount of people allowed in or to be with family members is going to be Hell on people ripping their hair out not knowing what is really happening until the hospital calls - Reality is kicking in here and its KICKING Hard - so all you Covid-Idiots out there start listening up and listen Good & Hard!!
Going around liking poles products toilet seats public space “Clap Clap Clap” You name is being currently reserved for ICU or Mr Reapers Scythe *Stop being Morons* you are affecting the general public and people already with A)Health Conditions & B) Mental heath or anxiety conditions - Its quite funny really saw a few young lads the other day joking laughing about Covid-19 & giving small Abuse to medical service Simple question to them Would you be laughing if your friends or yourself contracted this virus and could potentially die? Safe to say they quickly apologised and thought about their actions!! Now back to all you NON common senseless Idiotic people - do you want the said above?^^^ 
Dont put yourself or others at risk listen to the Government these rules and restriction are to protect you and everyone else. 
Stay at Home Social Distancing Self Isolation Isolation what is so hard to under stand about this? People moan and moan i rather be at home rather spend time with the family or in the garden so on and NOW you can you all moaning AGAIN there is NO winning with the world or population, The Silent Virus is only beginning and we have only seen a True full on Month of this and its not going to settle so let me take you other to the next phase of the up coming months!
**The Perfect Storm**
Covid-19 is only just Starting in the United Kingdom the Case are rising Fast the Death Toll is increasing Daily Recover Rate will hopefully rise but we haven't even Scratched the tip of the surface with this Virus if you thin March was a Rough month you best Buckle up place that overhead buckle be we are still climbing this roller-coaster and once we the United Kingdom reach the top of this Virus its going the Rougher Than HELL it self! 
So the Perfect Storm 
Before a full on storm with always get a little taste of what is coming - its Calm Beautiful before we see the eye of the storm and that when the day turns to Night and Night becomes Deathly scary Take Note of this - 
This Virus is at its calm Measures of spreading and still spreading its been calm and now we are entering the eye of this Virus - its starting to show what is capable off and what it does do once you contract it and how alot of people will not survive when we hit the Peak of this 
** The Perfect Virus Storm is going to Hit us all & Wipe every of their feet **
Cases ^^^^^ Death Rate ^^^^^^^^^^^ Recovery ^^< 
Remember we still have a long way to go before a Vaccine is Found please do you part by staying in Isolating only going when needed or necessary 
This Isnt fun & games peoples lives Matter and are at risk!! 
Think bout it!! Protect yourself and others!! 
From my own Thoughts & POV This is starting to become a lot more realer and everyone is Scared Anxious Worried Nobody wants to die we all have something to live for and want from life! Life is a very Precious thing Once its gone its Gone and it can be taken away in a Blink of an eye Timing is more Precious & Cherish-able. 
Dont want Medical Intervention want to try steering clear of all this Covid-19 concern listen to the government!! Because this is about to get more Real than anyone can imagine .
Don’t Regret or have the words of *IF ONLY* 
This will be last thing you will ever think & say.....
- Live - Breath - Love -
This is my Words No One Else - “Green Uniformed”
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Hi! (For the ships) My name is Rachel and I'm a Pisces! My dream date is going and taking a hiking trail somewhere beautiful, taking pictures, and then stargazing to end off the day while some beautiful songs play :) a few random facts about me is that I can read people like a book. Though I get annoyed quickly, I always apologize after because I feel bad, what I'm trying to say is a have a very soft, kind heart. Also, I love trying new things :)) I have curly blond hair too. Thank you so much!
I ship you with Brian! He’s sensitive and intuitive and a nature-loving soul, just like you are. (Pisces and Cancers are very compatible!) For your first date, he arranges to take you on a hike...but he is INSISTANT that you have to go at a very specific date and time. You’re thinking “what is this pushy poodle-man up to?” But you give him the benefit of the doubt because hello, he’s Brian freaking May. So you meet him for the hike and it is MAGICAL, a trek through the wilderness as dusk creeps into the sky, and at the end of the trail you come to a scenic overlook. Brian checks his watch and tells you to look up. You peer into the stars, and as you watch, a small meteor shower sends bolts of shining white light through the darkness. You gasp in wonder as Bri wraps his arms around your waist and whispers: “I thought you’d like that.” 🌠
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I ship you with Ben! You were sunbathing peacefully by the lakeside when you heard an earth-shatteringly gorgeous husky voice cry out in pain. You sat up and whipped off your sunglasses to see Ben hopping on one foot; a crawfish was dangling from the other, holding a vicious grip on his big toe. You lunge into action and skillfully pry the crawfish off of him and throw it back into the lake. Ben laughs, totally embarrassed, but also floored by your quick thinking and how freaking adorable you are. He says: “Hey I think I should walk off this clearly life-threatening injury, want to come with so you can wrestle a bear or something if I run into trouble again?” You two hike all the way around the lake, and when you sit down to rest Ben takes out his phone and plays a FIRE playlist from his Spotify. You are now the most precious couple ever. He thinks it’s cute to call you Goldilocks. (You pretend to hate it, but you totally don’t.)  
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polandspringz · 5 years
Sourgrass- RWBY OC Fic
So I’ve written for Midnight Tea a bunch of times (Euca x Eclipse) but I was talking to Cora about Clover and we thought up this angst scenario together between Sourgrass, the new ship name for Clover x Eclipse. I worked really hard on this, so hope you enjoy it!
Rain had been streaking through the foliage until an hour ago, leaving the grass damp and the dirt muddy as Eclipse sprinted through the brush of the unfamiliar woods. Brown splotches and green stains streaked and speckled her white dress, as the clouds above began to open up across the silver and navy sky. The battle had gone bad, a clear day and a perfect plan foiled by the weather, giving the Grimm the upper hand against CELE as they slipped and fell on the battlefield, misfired and tripped over one another. Most of their missions they carried out at night because it gave them the upper hand when Eclipse could activate her semblance, but the moment the sky opened up and heaven rained down on them, everything had gone to shit.
Hence, why Eclipse was currently racing towards a valley, following the sloppy muddy prints of their leader who had fled the scene after the clearing exploded from one large Grimm’s appearance and their supervisor stepped in to save the day. Euca and Lav had been left behind with the latter sleeping in the faunus’ lap, knocked out early on and then had her ribs stepped on and cracked in the chaos of all the sudden enemies. Nothing hurt more than the way that Clover, who was still standing despite having the most bruising and cuts out of all of them, cast one look at the three of them in a heap on the ground and ran, an unreadable, wide-eyed expression blooming across her face before her skin and then her red hair blended into the fog of the rain and faded into the forest.
Normally Euca would be the one to go after people. She had done so for Eclipse so many times, chasing her down and cornering her until she coughed up her feelings or got her to call Bram so she could speak to someone she was more comfortable with- and Eclipse would be lying if after Clover vanished she didn’t immediately look to her friend for help. However, Euca wasn’t wearing her trademark grin or did her voice ring out any words of reassurance. Her eyes were weary and narrowed, her jaw set and her mouth soured by a frown as blood trickled down her forehead and she nursed the broken horn with one hand that wasn’t cradling Lav against her thighs. Eclipse had arguably fared the best out of the fight despite her confusion the moment the moon was covered up and she was rendered useless, she felt guilty knowing that her teammates had likely protected and covered for her in her time of helplessness, and that made her even more determined to suddenly be useful.
So, without any words from Euca, any sort of encouraging or declarative word like telling her to “go”, Eclipse simply went. 
She picked her feet up and forced her way out of the mud, the teacher falling beside her old place on the ground and taking her spot up next to the remnants of her team. She followed Clover’s fading form and ran.
It had been almost forty minutes now, and Eclipse still hadn’t found her. She could see places that had been plowed down, where the grass had been stomped on or the dirt in its damp, weak state had been kicked up. She knew she was on the right track, but at the same time, she wondered if Clover was using her semblance to improve her odds of getting lost. Eclipse’s twisted ankle had begun to scream at her long ago, but she simply ran even faster, leapt over the pain as she forced herself towards wherever Clover could be. As she charged through the trees, she could see the forest begin to dwindle up ahead.
She skidded to a stop as her body exited suddenly into a meadow, a large sprawling valley of flowers that went on for miles. Smokey, charcoal cancerous clouds continued to float and bounce around the sky, but Eclipse could now see just a little bit more of the moon. It comforted her as she glanced up at it’s roundness through the cracks, and then followed its shimmer down to the center of the flowerbed, where a little way down a hill and onto the next flat plain, she could see Clover, standing beneath the opening sky.
Eclipse took slow, careful steps forward. The moonlight helped several species of flora open up and begin to glow to line her path, but she was lucky that her semblance would hold off for a little longer. She tucked the Imperial Regalia into her waterlogged skirt and couldn’t help but imagine that as her hands floated out to the sides that she was glowing and some of her shimmer was raining down to give the flowers their own special glow. Some glowed purple, bright blue, pink and white. She hoped that once she reached Clover, she would glow too. 
“Clover! Thank goodness,” Eclipse said as she forced herself to move faster. The girl in question whipped around, “We were so worried when you ran off suddenly! The huntsmen took care of all the Grimm, so it's safe to regroup. We should head back so-”
“Go back without me.”
“What?” Eclipse blinked twice, some rain that clung to her eyelashes and hair jumping off as she shook her head in confusion, “Clover, are you okay?”
She took two more steps forward, reaching out, but Clover flinched and crossed her arms, beginning to fold in on herself and away from Eclipse, “You heard me. Go away.”
“I can’t do that! You took so much damage during the fight!” The words sounded fake on her tongue. She knew that Clover was standoffish, and afraid of causing a bigger rift between the two of them, Eclipse always chose to give her enough space. Whenever CELE had a spat or something, Clover always came back eventually, and Eclipse never had to do anything to intervene. If she walked away now, Clover would likely find her way back to the camp just in time for them to leave. 
The words were fake, but her thoughts burned her from the inside and as Eclipse’s eyes roamed over Clover’s various injuries, she was disgusted with the part of herself that would even consider abandoning a teammate- someone who had done so much for her after everything and despite everything- just to avoid the awkwardness. 
“You hit your head too, right? I would leave you be, but I don’t want you getting lost or passing out when you do try and find your way back.”
Swallowing her feelings, Eclipse reached towards Clover, missing just as the other girl dodged out of the way. She sidestepped the hand and the movement of her feet caused her to face Eclipse again, and even in her pitiful, hunched over state, she managed to glare daggers at the girl.
“Don’t you get it?” She tried to snap, but it lost it’s usually bite amongst the bleak sky, “I’m not going back.”
This was what Eclipse had been dreading. She could already see the rest of the conversation playing out in her head, but still, she held out some hope.
“What are you talking about? You have to come back! It’ll look bad on the teachers if they lost a student while on a mission.”
“So you only care about the teachers?”
“N-no! That’s not what I meant! But, we can’t be team CELE if you aren’t with us!”
“Yes, you can. There are tons of students with a name starting with ‘C’. We don’t even keep the teams after graduation, so they’ll probably just keep the three of you together and mark you as advanced. You should be thankful, everyone at the school will think you’re so cool,” She stalked off.
Eclipse bit her lip, fists balling up before she ran after the girl, “Clover, please, wait! Why do you want to leave?”
“Just go away!”
“I won’t! Euca trusted me to bring you back!”
“Oh, it was Euca who wanted you to go after me. I see. Hah,” she threw her head back and let out a dry laugh, continuing to walk off as she dug her nails into her biceps and curled further in on herself. Eclipse could see a trail of dried blood scabbing on the back of her thigh. Her stomach twisted up inside.
“No! Euca didn’t say anything to me! But I know everyone wants you to come back! Euca’s your partner! She needs you. And think about Lavender? What will she say when she wakes up and finds out you went missing?”
“I didn’t go missing, Eclipse. You can tell them I left because it was too much trouble.”
She was running out of words and yet her mouth wouldn’t stop overflowing. She felt like she was drowning, “Please, Clover. Don’t do this. It’s the blood loss talking. Just, please, come back to camp with me. I…” She glanced at Clover arm, which had fallen limp at her side, likely too weak to lift now that the adrenaline was wearing off and the bruises were setting in. With no other solutions in mind, Eclipse lunged for her hand.
“What the fuck? Let go of me!” The girl suddenly whipped around and yanked her hand back. Eclipse held on even as she was knocked around by the flailing, “Eclipse, let go of me!”
“No! You’re obviously hurt and delusional! I’m not letting you run off like this! Just stop being stubborn and come back with me!”
With all the strength she could muster, Eclipse began dragging Clover back the way they had come. Clover fought every inch and they had only made it back to the spot where they had first started talking when Clover managed to wrangle her wrist and her fingers out of Eclipse’s claw like grip thanks to the sweat of their struggle. She took off running back the way she came, and in a split decision of frustrating, Eclipse drew the Imperial Regalia from her skirt and tossed the ring towards Clover.
“Sorry about this,” she muttered as the ring curved and the chain looped twice around Clover’s ankles, sending her slamming face first into the ground. She started to roll down the hill but Eclipse grabbed the middle of the chain and tugged, bundling it up so she could reel it and her in as she pinned Clover to the ground.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Get off of me you crazy bitch-” 
“No, I won’t! I’m sorry but I’m not going to let you run off somewhere to die! We’re probably drawing Grimm here as we speak and I am not letting them tear you apart while everyone else and I are back at Beacon knowing you’re out here somewhere in pain! Please, just let me-”
Throughout Eclipse’s speech, Clover had jerked around and struggled wildly beneath the girl, but she managed to free one leg from the binding and placing it square against Eclipse’s chest, she kicked with all her might.
“Get the fuck off of me!” She screamed as Eclipse went flying back, Clover sat up on her knees, clutching her one arm still and panted as she shouted, “Don’t fucking touch me! Don’t fucking come near me!”
“Fine then!” Eclipse deftly swung the ring once more, this time getting Clover’s wrist as she pushed herself up and wiped the mud off her cheek. Her hair was falling loose and hanging wildly around her shoulders. She shimmed back a bit until the chain was taut, and then reached forward so it dropped so Clover wasn’t in pain, “We’ll talk from here.”
“What’s wrong with you?! Just let me go!”
“I’m not going to let you go Clover?! Don’t you understand? We all need you! Without you, we would’ve-”
“Without me you guys wouldn’t be hurt!” The ginger finally confessed in a shout.
“What… What are you talking about?”
“Listen to me Eclipse, because I will tell you this and then you will let go of me and I will be gone, and that will be it. I’m done here. Tonight, we thought we had this mission in the bag because we had timed everything so it all hinged on my semblance increasing our odds of our plan going perfectly. Nothing was supposed to fail,” she let out a dry laugh, “but obviously it did.”
“But this is the first time that we’ve had a problem! This was a harder mission, it’s not your fault-”
“It is! Don’t you see? Every mission we’ve done, we’ve developed a pattern. We plan so right at the battle’s start my luck kicks in and we win.”
“And it’s been working-”
“It didn’t work tonight you idiot! Can’t you see that?”
Eclipse dropped the blade and the chain of the Imperial Regalia to the ground. Surprisingly, Clover didn’t run.
“It didn’t work and we almost died! The teachers warned us about relying too heavily on our semblances, and we didn’t listen! Tonight just showed how weak we all are!”
“But that’s still not your fault!”
“Yes, it is! If I hadn’t suggested relying on my semblance in the first place, then none of you would be this weak! Euca wouldn’t have almost lost her horns! Lavender wouldn’t be comatose! Don’t you see?! Don’t you understand?!”
Clover let out a sob as her nails pried the chains off her wrist before she threw it in a heap on the ground with all her remaining strength. Defeatedly she looked up and with tears streaming down her face, she crumpled.
“I’m a useless leader. I’ve put the rest of you in danger. You don’t need me.”
Eclipse found her feet sliding to find leverage against the wet earth as she scrambled to her feet again, it was like she was first running after Clover again, her body filling with strength as she rushed to the girl who fell backwards onto the earth, balling up as she shuddered and cried softly into her fists. As Eclipse stood over her, she noticed more light begin to fill the field.
“Oh,” she gasped, glancing up at the now perfect moon against the clear black sky before she stared at her hands, now filling with that bright white light she was all too familiar with. Clover’s arms were dirty, and Eclipse actually had to shove aside her memories of medical training screaming about infection that needed to be cleaned to give herself a moment to think. Thankfully, Clover’s hands were pressed up against her eyes as she sobbed, and her back was facing the other, so even as Eclipse continued to grow brighter and brighter, she still had some time before she had to worry about blinding the girl.
Her hair was frizzing and bloodied, but there were two nasty gashes that had sliced across her stomach and collarbone, skipping a few banged up sections of skin before the claw had dug its continued path into her shoulder and the part of her arm she kept holding onto. It was still bleeding badly. All of their fighting and moving around probably hadn’t helped that.
Eclipse tucked her skirt underneath herself and knelt down, resting her hands in her lap. Exhaustion was overtaking her now too, and she could feel her eyes glazing over as she thought back to how those claw marks could’ve been her face if Clover hadn’t jumped in between her and the Grimm. She had done that so many times, and had so many scratches to show for it. 
“And what do I have…?” Eclipse breathed out, barely a whisper as she settled for slowly taking the small medical pack out of her skirt and setting it on the ground beside them. Carefully, as to not jostle the chain of the weapon on the ground and spook Clover, Eclipse loomed over her, her hands hovering as she spoke calmly.
“Don’t open your eyes. My semblance activated and I… I’m too tired frankly to try and dial it down right now. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable again and touch your eyes, but I would really like to at the very least bandage you up before you go running off. Please, let me do that much. Okay?”
Clover didn’t move, but her shuddering subsided. Eclipse waited another moment silently, but when she didn’t receive response nor confirmation. She let her hand trickle down to gently settle on the bony side of Clover’s arm, her fingers resting on the flat side before she meticulously moved her way up to the wrist before she folded her hand around it and gingerly pried one arm away. Unlatching the medical kit with one hand, something she probably should have done in advance, she fished out some disinfectant and a clean cotton pad, but it didn’t matter since her dirty fingers were surely going to destroy any of the sanitation. She could still try at least though, she thought as she dumped the contents of the bottle once onto the cuts.
It was all she had been doing since she left the circus, afterall.
 Clover’s body flinched at the cold liquid, and Eclipse noted absentmindedly that she didn’t pass out like she had feared. She rubbed the pad along each of the cuts, paying particular attention to the deeper ones. She mentally divided up how much gauze she had and decided to use the bare minimum only around the largest gash, tying it off before she set the arm aside on top of Clover’s side. She reached for the next arm.
She worked in silence, barely paying attention to the splotches of shimmer that was settling along Clover with each area of skin she touched. Even small spots where the pads of her fingers had touched down for the slightest moment were illuminated in the glowing white light. Once both arms were finished, Eclipse managed to negotiate with Clover and help maneuver her upright so she was sitting across from her. Folding her legs, Clover kept her eyes shut as Eclipse very carefully explained that she wanted to clean up the big gashes on her abdomen.
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can leave the medkit with you so you can fix yourself up later. I’m sorry that you feel this way, I… I just wish I had known about it sooner before everything came to a head here.”
“I didn’t feel this way until today. Until I failed,” she stated, although the casualness and perhaps the sadness of her dry statement was lost by the way her face was scrunched up to keep her eyes closed, “And… thanks.”
“If you would like to know though-”
“I wouldn’t. Thanks,” Clover was obviously done and very serious about running away, but Eclipse chose to ignore it and say her piece.
“I’m… thankful that even when things went south, you didn’t run until the end. You stayed with us and fought.”
“Well, I didn’t quite realize that my luck had run out until Lav passed out.”
“Even still, you protected us. When Euca went down, you kept standing tall. When I was about to get slapped by that big guy, you took the hit for me. I know I showed prowess here but… up against them, I have a really bad weapon. Don’t blame everything tonight on your semblance. There’s only so much luck can help with.”
There was another beat of silence as Eclipse took her time closing up the kit. 
“Besides, if anyone was useless tonight, it was me.”
Clover’s hand twitched. She probably wanted to hurry about and flee, and would do so with or without the kit. Eclipse hoped she would hold out and listen a little bit longer.
“I know you don’t want to hear me have a pity party, but ever since our first battle, heck, ever since the shit I pulled during the Vytal Festival, I have been feeling like the weakest link of the team. I keep trying to prove myself and failing, or going about it in all the wrong ways. Yet, you keep covering for me and bringing me back. When I went missing for a few days, I know you didn’t notice right away, but I don’t blame you for that. It’s just how you are, Clover,” she chuckled, “And I love that, and… I know you’re tired tonight of this and everything but… you made sure I was welcomed back and okay the moment you did realize when I returned. You’ve helped me through so much even though I’ve caused nothing but trouble… so I want you to know that…”
She sucked in a breath, her voice growing shakey as she tried not to cry.
“...When you decide to return, I will always be waiting with open arms. I’ll miss you, and it’ll be hard as three person team and I’ll miss you every moment of it but whenever you feel like coming back to us-” to me, Eclipse really wanted to scream. She had grabbed ahold of Clover’s hand during her speech and was holding it against her forehead now, squeezing it tightly as she shut her eyes, “I’ll be waiting.”
Eclipse took another moment to compose herself before she lowered their hands. She held Clover’s in her lap atop her skirt while she picked up the kit and transferred it into her hand.
“I know you’ll be back, but I’m fine with giving you time. Thank you for everything up until now. My semblance doesn’t seem to be dimming down anytime soon though, so if you could either turn around before opening your eyes or give me five minutes to get a good distance away-”
Clover dropped the kit and fumbled for Eclipse’s hand taking it and pressing it over her own eyes for a second before she pulled back, blinking now with a smudge of white moon colored paint glittering across her face. Her eyes had turned to the colors of pearls, but she could see Eclipse now and see her startled, expression was blotchy with a gray flush instead of the usual red or pink she would see when she found her sobbing in their dorm. Clover felt a rush of words bubbling up in her throat and before she could think twice, she was intertwining her fingers with Eclipse’s and muttering out-
“I’ll go back with you. Euca won’t let them take Lav to the hospital until we both show up, right?”
It took Eclipse another beat before a smile spread across her face, and her shoulders shook with laughter but then they relaxed and the glow from her skin faded as her body and heart at last rested, “Yeah, that’s just how she is.”
“I know you’re ankle’s bad but… I don’t think I can walk anymore. I’m too tired.”
“I can carry you, if you want?” 
Clover thought about arguing that it would be easier just to call Euca’s scroll and have the airship come fetch them, but instead she merely slumped forward against Eclipse and decided just this once that she would let herself go.
“Okay,” she mumbled as she pressed her face into the other’s shoulder. There was some rustling around and the sound of chains as Eclipse gathered up her weapon and the kit, but then she felt herself being lifted and the light behind her eyelids dwindled as Eclipse’s hair fell freely down her back completely and created a curtain around her face. Slowly, the two made their way back, and Clover decided to stave off the rest of a much needed talk with her team (and especially Eclipse) about self-worth, for later.
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cecke8 · 6 years
Shipping Containers and Cigarettes
So I was writing a request and it morphed into something else. The request is halfway finished though so it’s all good. Should be finished in the next day or two. Enjoy!
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“Jamia, you and Troy will be all over each other and I’ll just be… there,” you argued. You didn’t even like the circus. There were too many people.
“Ugh y/n, stop being such an overdramatic introvert. I promise Troy and I will behave!”
“Yeah yeah, sure.”
You see, although you and Jamia had been friends for years, you were two very different people.  Jamia was all about pastel colours, flowers and organic products. She was a vegetarian for god sake! You on the other hand really like the colour red as it coordinated magnificently with black and very partial to steak. 
The night of the had circus came and you were dragged along with many criticisms of dress choice from Jamia.
“Really y/n? That red flannel and practically black everything else?” 
“It’s my favourite flanny,” you said defensively, adjusting your burgundy beanie.  Jamia rolled her eyes and skipped off with Troy, dragging you along. You huffed, watching your breath mist into a cloud.
Buying tickets, not surprisingly, was difficult, and not just because of the crowds. Jamia seemed to have forgotten you were there and walked off after ordering two tickets… she had said she’d pay. “Her treat,” she’d said. 
You riffled through your pockets, pulling the appropriate amount of cash and handing it to the boy in the booth being supervised by a burly looking man behind him. Looking up, you were met with two very brown eyes, one of which had a dark, yellowing bruise surrounding it. What caught your eyes next was the vivid red hair.
“What will it be miss?” the boy asked with forced enthusiasm
“Just one please,” you sighed glancing over at Jamia and Troy.
“You’re with them huh,” the boy stated, a small, one-sided smile of sympathy changing his features.
“Sure was,” you glanced over at the pair, “I should’ve brought a crowbar.” You said, rolling your eyes.
He sniggered at your remark, excepting the cash you handed him and prepared the change.
“A crowbar and spray bottle.” you nodded as the two got more heated.
The boy laughed suddenly, his mood seems to change very quickly. You smiled in response until he was hit on the back of the head by the man.
“Focus kid. You’re holding up the line.”
“Sorry, sir.” He said, rubbing the back of the head. “Enjoy the show.” He smiled sheepishly.
The show was alright, but it didn’t change your mind about disliking circuses. Especially this one. It was as if there was tension between the performers.
You’d had enough of the show and certainly enough of Jamia and Troy doing things you wished they would leave until you weren’t around. Rolling your eyes, you left your seat without a word and stumbled around and over peoples feet. Weaving yourself through the crowd, you finally got to the opening of the tent and out of the swarms of people. You breathed in, appreciating the smell of dust and hay over human odour any day. 
Slowly you sauntered away from the tent, the bright, yellow light from the numerous floodlights lighting the way. It was dim but sufficient. The further from the tent and the crowds you got, the more relaxed you became.  People really did put you on edge, but your secret habit would fix that easily: a cigarette or two. Yes a dirty habit, you know, but your older cousin had introduced it to you and your parents seemed to have a silent agreement that as long as it wasn’t in the house and wasn’t obvious chaining, it was fine… sort of. 
You realised you were approaching a set of large, empty dumpsters and shipping containers. Not the small, wheelie bins, but the huge truck towed dumpsters. Surprisingly they were empty and void of any foul odour while being gradually stacked on top of each other creating the perfect place to feel safe and out of the way. You shrugged and began to scale the steel, cubic mountain. It was easy at first, your combat boots hooked in between the bars and handles on the dumpsters with ease. Things got a little more difficult however as you jumped on top of the first shipping container. You stood there, looking up at the top of the final container, weighing up your options. For some, it’d be an easy decision, but you’d never been known for making things easy for yourself. You panted, your breath visible in small clouds, rubbing your hands together and wishing you had of worn your gloves or at least fingerless ones. Placing your hands on your hips you prepped yourself to do a run-up and try and grip onto the top of the shipping container. The length of one should be a big enough run-up, right?
As you set yourself into a stance on the edge of the congregated iron, you thought you heard something behind you. Something that sounded a lot like a boot scuffing metal. Shrugging it off you began to run and launch yourself at the higher shipping container.
Score! You’d been able to catch hold of the bar up top, now for the hard part: pulling up.  Your combat boots had been great… up until now. You just couldn’t get a grip and you were beginning to lose feeling in your numbing fingers from the cold metal. Okay, maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.
Once again, you thought you could hear banging on metal as if someone else was climbing up too.  Which, to be honest, could be really good, or really bad. Looking down, you saw that if you decided to let go, you’d have to swing to the left. Half your body was in line with the ground, and a drop like that would definitely break an ankle at least.
After three more hopeless attempts at lifting yourself up, you decided to cut your losses and drop. Hopefully, it would be okay… but knowing your luck.
One. Two. Three! You let go and swung to the left. With a loud thud, you landed on the container. Just as you began to grin and think about a well-earned cigarette, you began to lose balance and tip to the side.
“Shit!” You yelled as you lost balance completely and toppled over the side. Suddenly a hand gripped you hoodie and wrenched you backwards, causing you to land on top of your unknown saviour.  
With heavy breaths passing your ear, you hastily rolled off of the unknown person and panted yourself. That was close.
“Ya’ know, if you’d gone the other side, there’s a crate to get you up easier,” said the person matter-of-factly. Wait, you knew that voice!  You whipped your head up to see the red-headed boy from the ticket booth, grinning and sporting a busted lip and blood stains on his shirt and under his nose.
“Oh, hey! It’s you,” you exclaimed, surprised by the slight clenching in your stomach as you wondered what happened to him.
“Hey, it’s me,” he smiled jumping onto his feet. If it were someone less observant, they wouldn’t have noticed his jaw tense as his hand flickered to his side as if to cradle it. He grinned, maybe trying to play cool?
You laughed and a took the gloved hand he offered you - it was fingerless.
“Uh, thanks. And thank you for saving me a broken leg. It’s greatly appreciated,” you said, grabbing your beanie that had fallen by your feet and placing it back over your straightened brown hair.
“Yeah well, I figured it would be,” he grinned. 
He seemed shy and a little quiet, but it seemed to cover something underneath. You could see it in his movements, they were restrictive, kept down to a minimum. There was a look behind his eyes that pulled you in instantly.
“I didn’t catch your name,” you said suddenly.
“Oh. You didn’t wanna just keep calling me ‘you’?” He asked cheekily.
“No smartass,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“Jerome. Jerome Valeska. You?”
“Y/n y/l/n.”
“Well then miss y/l/n, what are you doing up here anyway?” He asked, nodding towards the stacked metal box behind you.
“Well Mr Valeska, can I be honest?” Jerome nodded. “I really don’t like circuses. I dunno why, I just don’t.”
“Welp, I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t like circuses much either,” Jerome sighed.
“What? But you live in one,” You asked confused.
“Uhuh, but that doesn’t mean jack shit. I was born into one so there’s not much I can do about it. For now anyway.” Jerome furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought before his head shot up, eyebrows raised, “Why did you come then? If you don’t like them?”
“The only reason I came was to shut my friend up because she wanted me to come, despite her already taking her boyfriend.” You answered, wringing your hands together and scrunching your nose.
“The two who needed the crowbar and a spray-bottle right?”
“Yeah, they’re the ones,” you laughed. 
“That’s the only reason you came up here?” Jerome asked, clearly surprised that you’d walk all this way.
“Yeah,” you laughed, “Yeah. Well, that… and I needed a smoke.”
“Well then, that makes two of us. Twinning!” Jerome grinned, swinging back on his heels.
“You smoke?” You asked incredulously.
“No, of course not. Filthy habit,” the ginger winked as he grabbed a box of cigarettes out of his coat pocket. It was a heavy, khaki coloured coat with many pockets and tears here and there. Dirt stains littered the sleeves and back while small spots of what seemed like blood on the front.  
He lit his cancer stick and offered you his lighter when he saw that you already had a smoke between your lips. You leant your head forward, and for a moment, you made eye contact with the strange ginger-haired boy. Once you cigarette caught alight, you took a heavy drag, nicotine filling your lungs, calming you after your little ordeal and broke the gaze.  
“So” started Jerome, squinting at the smoke wafting to his eyes, “you still wanna get up there?” He said motioning towards the last shipping container.
“Well despite having a near to death experience, I want to even more,” You said grinning broadly.
“Ooh, my kinda girl.” Jerome offered another wink making you grin.
“C’mon,” He said grabbing your hand, “I can tell you like a little danger.” 
Jerome took you round to the side of the crate and started edging along as if he was on the edge of a cliff.
“C’mon. Or did you get a little scared?” He grinned, cigarette hanging between his lips. You took one final drag of your half-finished smoke and threw it onto the ground before following the boy, hugging the side of the shipping container. 
You were both giggling like crazy and finally reached the other side of the container revealing the crate Jerome spoke about. The ginger offered you his hand, smiling encouragingly and you took it. Despite your previous morals, you took his hand and let him hoist you up and eventually push to the top. 
“Now how are you going to get up?” You laughed.
“Oh trust me, I know what I’m doing, this ain’t my first rodeo,” He laughed short staccato laughs that really began to show his natural demeanour.
“Alright then. Show me.”
He giggled and then moved the crate back from the side of the container and stepped back. It took you a split second after he started running to realise what he was doing.
He ran at the crate, jumped onto it, launched off and grabbed onto the top of the shipping container, cigarette still in his mouth. He hoisted himself up and laid on his back, taking a big drag from the cancer stick, blowing out the smoke heavily.
“Do you usually get up like that?”
“Ha! Fuck no. I was showing off and praying to hell I wouldn’t stuff up.” He winced as he rearranged himself, you lied down next to him.
“Pray to hell? Isn’t it pray to God?” You asked.
“Yeah well… I don’t really believe in a God,” He said with a shrug before flicking the cigarette butt away.
“But you’ll believe in a hell?” You asked slowly.
“I practically live in one so it makes hell easier to believe than a God.”
“Jerome… what do you mean exactly?” Was it a good idea to ask? Probably not. Did you need to know? Absolutely.
“Let’s just say I don’t deliberately go around trying to pick fights.” He said quietly, his jaw tense as he folded his hands behind his head.
“Jerome, who did this?” 
Was he getting beaten up from everyone here? Is that what it was?
“Oh, a couple people,” Jerome replied nonchalantly. 
“Jerome, I know we’ve known each other for, what, forty minutes? But you can talk to me okay?” You went out on a limb and touched his arm, and he flinched. He actually flinched away from your touch… before relaxing into it.
“Okay, it’s mainly one person, just don’t tell anyone okay? I don’t need any shit from the circus. I get enough,” He said frantically. 
“Jerome, hey it’s okay. You can trust me.”
“It’s… my mum.” He said slowly, avoiding eye contact.
“Your mum does this to you!?” You asked, shocked. How could a mother beat her own kid?
“Yeah.” He shrugged, sitting up.
“Jerome that’s not right. You need to tell someone!”
“I said no y/n, okay?” He yell-whispered, “I don’t need any more shit. I said that!” He began to use his hands a lot, his eyes becoming enraged and wounded at the same time. “The bitch does enough to me alone let alone the guys she gets to help when she’s whoring around. Half the circus thinks I’m a freak. I’m fucking broken already. I think my rib might be cracked, I’ve bitten part of my tongue off and am currently sporting yet another black eye. And that’s from tonight alone!” He was scared you know.  He stood abruptly and yelled “I don’t know about you y/n, but that fucking bitch fucking has it coming. Whether from me or… no. Just from me. She has it coming from me! I dunno when, but I can feel that I am ready to snap.” He fell to his knees, head in his hands. “If I don’t get out soon, I’m gonna lose it.” He began to laugh. Silent, choked laughs. “Maybe I already have.”
Slowly, carefully, you edged yourself closer towards him and wrapped your arms around him.
“I’m gonna get you out of here Jerome. I’m going to help.” You nodded.
Eventually, your cell-phone began ringing. 
“What the hell y/n. Where are you? We’ve been waiting for you for the past, like, fifteen minutes. Where’d you even go? You know what, it’s okay. Just get your butt here ‘kay? Awesome. Bye.”
You blinked as Jamia hung up. She didn’t even say hi.
“She seems nice,” said Jerome. “Guess you have to go now huh?” 
“Yeah…” you looked down at your hands. “You know what, I’m going to come back tomorrow and am going to keep coming back until you leave town. Yeah?”
“And what about after then? What’re you gonna do then huh?” He asked, losing his cool and swagger, his hands shaking again.
“Then we’re gonna keep in touch. Sound good? But we’ll work that out when that gets closer.”
“Yeah. Okidoki.” He said, grinning.
“Okidoki.” You replied smiling. You liked that word. It was short, sweet and it looked weird when spelt. Not to mention it sounded adorable coming out of Jerome’s mouth.
He walked you back to the car, talking happily and avoiding unhappy topics. 
“See you tomorrow Jerome.”
“See you tomorrow sweet cheeks.”
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Ace! We’re excited to have you and Mercedes Jones in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Ace + She/Her/It Age: 32 Timezone: CST Ships: Mercedes/Success, Mercedes/Chem Anti-Ships:Mercedes/Being Ignored
Full Name: Mercedes Carmen Jones Face Claim: Amber PaTrice Riley Age/Birthday: 25 / August 19th Occupation: Background singer, actress in The Untitled Abrams Project. Personality: empathetic, passionate, honest, stubborn, ambitious, insecure, kind, diligent Hometown: Chicago, IL
Bio: The Jones Family was that of picture perfection. Richard and Amelia Jones wed while in their last year of Medical and Law school respectively. They’d had a long romance prior, having grown up as neighbors their entire childhoods. They’d loved one another for as long as they could remember and when Richard proposed at their high school graduation Amelia cried and turned him down. She said they needed to wait. They needed time to grow up a little. The young man had been hurt and didn’t talk to his love for nearly a week after, which was as much torturous for him as he intended it to be for her. When they were finally reunited Amelia cried again and slapped his arms before jumping into them. From that moment on they’d never gone more than a day without speaking to one another. They attended Morehouse and Spelman colleges in Atlanta Georgia then moved to Washington DC to further their educations together at Howard University, which they and their families where more than proud of. And when Amelia got an offer at a prestigious Law Firm, the newlyweds packed up and moved once again
Richard and Amelia waited a while to start a family, wanting to be settled in their careers, much to the dismay of their own parents. But It gave them time, the time they needed to grow into their marriage, grow into a mature love that was more than just fun and heart eyes. A love they were willing to fight for and work at. It wasn’t until about 7 years into their marriage that their first child was born, Daniel, another two years later Matthew appeared and just three more brought the one and only official star of the family, Mercedes Carmen Jones.
Amelia used to tell young Mercedes she was born under a starry night; that there were more stars in that sky than she’d ever seen. It made the little girl feel special. God put all those stars in the sky that night because it was her destiny to shine bright. And she believed that with her whole heart. Mercedes started singing before she could speak and it pleased her mother to no end. Amelia loved music deeply, and though she never had the desire or talent to pursue it, shared that great love with her only daughter.
Mercedes lived a pretty charmed life for most of her childhood. She was doted on by her parents and older brothers, lived in a beautiful home in an upper middle class neighborhood, she was a favorite in the children’s church choir, and was always surrounded by love and encouragement. It wasn’t until her middle school years that she was met with the unfortunate realization that this world could be a very cruel place.
Inheriting her mother’s love of music created a special unbreakable bond between the two, and the further nourishment of Mercedes undeniable talent was certainly one of Amelia’s favorite pastimes. Mercedes let her entire family know how serious she was about her future as a performer at the tender age of 4.  At first there were just lessons, all kinds, singing, dance, acting, piano. Then came the auditions. Around age 7 is when Mercedes actively went out for local auditions. She honestly loved the process. Everyone was so nice and they smiled so bright whenever she sang. It filled her with an unspeakable joy. There was many a role she didn’t get, but her mother always explained that everything wasn’t meant for everyone, but all the things God had in store for her were beyond her wildest imagination, as long as she worked hard and lived every moment. And work hard she did! The little diva became a perfectionist about her craft.
The year Mercedes began to doubt everything was the year she stopped auditioning. When the young girl was 11 years old she went out for a local musical theater role. It was a pretty prominent part and Mercedes had worked on it for weeks. When she was told a polite thanks but no thanks, she was disappointed but grateful at least to be given a smaller less noteworthy role, even though she made it a point to tell her mother, she definitely deserved the bigger part. Next time! That enthusiasm waned when she stumbled upon the notes one of the casting directors had tossed out. Apparently she needed to go on a diet and wasn’t the right… complexion for the role. She didn’t tell anyone what she found, no matter how much her mother prodded her about why she didn’t want to go out for auditions anymore. She never let it slip.
Mercedes spent the rest of her middle school years as a regular kid. She had lots of friends, was a straight A student and sang in the school and church choirs. She missed auditioning but her insecurities continued to get the better of her, but all things considered she was a really happy kid. Very happy, until life dealt her the blow the knocked all of the wind out of her lungs. Mercedes’ mother was sick, really sick. Her parents sat her and her brothers down about a week into her first year of high school to break the news to them all. Breast Cancer. Her world was officially turned upside down. Mercedes was scared out of her mind.
Richard and Amelia did their best to make life as normal for their children as possible, they wouldn’t let Daniel come home from Howard, and Matthew and Mercedes were expected to go about life per usual. That became increasingly difficult as Chemo began to take its toll on Amelia. Mercedes life became about taking care of her mother, which seemed crazy to her because her mother was literally Superwoman. She didn’t mind though, she wanted to be there, she wanted to pitch in. Amelia wasn’t just her mother after all, she was also her best friend. The one thing her mother wouldn’t allow her to give up was her music. ‘Music wasn’t taking a backseat to that damned disease’, her mother’s words. So she sang, went to school, and helped take care of her mother for two years. She’d always been close with both of her parents but the ordeal definitely brought her and her father much closer. Near the end there, Mercedes almost completely lost herself. It had broken her down to see her mother so broken down.
Two years after the diagnosis Amelia Jones was in remission, and the Jones family rejoiced. Their prayers had finally been answered, but they were all changed forever. As Amelia gathered her strength, she made it her mission to get Mercedes back on the path she knew in her bones her little girl still wanted to be on. Mercedes passion had never wavered but her confidence took a hard hit and when Amelia finally found out why, the woman had beat cancer she could get a secret out of her 16 year old, the new mission was to find that casting director and kill him after helping Mercedes find her way again.
Mercedes had her mother back, life was good and she should have been happy, and she was, but not completely satisfied. She knew the choirs weren’t enough. She needed to pursue her dreams she needed it like air. Mercedes was revitalized and with her families continued encouragement she went hard. Resuming classes and auditions, snagging roles left and right. She booked actual singing gigs and became an official force in the Chi. Her social life had taken somewhat of a backseat, which was fine with her because she was on that stage tearing it up and making people happy, and that along with her family was all she needed, until Chase. Turns out she needed time with Chase too. The beautiful tattooed covered persistent “bad girl” annoyed the hell out of Mercedes, but there was something about the other woman that drew her in. Oh and Surprise to her… she liked girls. Well that was something she’d have to deal with later.
After a painstakingly long conversation about how she was breaking the HBCU family tradition with her father, Mercedes set her sites on NYC. Chicago began to seem limited as far as chasing her dreams was concerned and New York was so much more about substance than a place like LA which seemed so superficial from the outside. Mercedes studied Music at Barnard College of Columbia University. Balancing her studies along with trying to find professional gigs proved to be more work than Mercedes anticipated but she was nothing if she wasn’t hardworking. She Learned so much at Columbia and once she graduated the worked rolled in continuously, but she’s still waiting for that big break project.
Pets: N/A
Relationships: [ Only for OC applicants and Canon/Semi-canon characters not currently part of the Masterlist. Both OCs and Canon/Semi-canons not currently on the Masterlist must fill a wanted connection. Please provide brief headcanons for possible roommates and/or groups. ]
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
The Mercedes Jones /@DreamGirl_Cedes/Beyonce’s New Protege, even if she doesn’t know it yet. Aretha, Whitney, and Mariah - In that order. Give me a microphone and a stage and everything is right in the world. Mama’s girl.
Five latest tweets:
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Chiiiiile, If I don’t get a good 8 tonight tomorrow somebody is feeling the wrath
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Lord knows I asked for this life, but did I need all this stress on top. Yoga Anyone?
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Performing tonight at the Village Underground, be there or be missing out on a great night
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Feeling like a PYT tonight [https://66.media.tumblr.com/13d58524efc5dbda806a9b04a232f35e/tumblr_pn57j7fQ5j1ulewqf_540.jpg]
@DreamGirl_Cedes: When the plus size department is lacking you gotta break out the needle and thread #SheASeamstressToo
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Hi can you do promt 26 "I'm dying"? I love your other works a lot by the way.
flowers bloom until they rot
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So anon wasn’t specific with what ship they wanted, so I went with Supercorp! (That is the name of this blog!) Just remember anon, if you aren’t happy with this you can always make another request! -Admin Lily
“I’m dying.”
Lena didn’t sugarcoat things. She was a scientist and a businesswoman, always focusing on facts and statistics. Not to say that she never felt emotions, but in this case it was better to be concentrated than emotional.
Kara was flabbergasted. She couldn’t believe her ears. 
“What?” she asks, slightly shaking. 
Lena sighs, “I have lung cancer.”
“Lung… cancer?” Kara’s head is racing. Lena couldn’t be dying. She was young and healthy and… indestructible! There was no comprehending it. 
“Yes, more specifically small cell lung cancer,” Lena sighs again. 
“Well,” Kara gulped, “how… long do you have?” Lena stared into her girlfriend’s eyes.
“A year, at the most.”
“A… year?” Kara couldn’t cry, she wouldn’t cry. Lena was standing here strong and unafraid while she was acting like a child. A year wasn’t that long though… and that was at the most. Kara sits down, putting her head in her hands.
“How did you find out? Why now?” the blond asks. 
“I…” Lena sits and continues, “started coughing up blood yesterday.”
Kara widens her eyes. “And you didn’t think to mention this yesterday!” 
Yesterday had been… oh god…
“It was our one year anniversary. I didn’t want to mess that up,” Lena admits and holds Kara’s hand. She laughs humorlessly.
“I suppose you could have told me on our anniversary,” Kara looks up with tears in her eyes. “That would have been romantic, right?” 
Lena pulls her girlfriend in for a hug. “Oh honey… I’m so sorry.”  “I.. just wanted more time,” Kara murmurs against her back.
“I know sweetheart, I know…” Lena was crying as well. She didn’t want to leave this beautiful woman. She didn’t want to think of a day where she couldn’t see that cheerful smile or those beautiful blue eyes shining at her. She wasn’t ready to give that up!
“What’s the shortest amount of time…” Kara couldn’t end the sentence. She didn’t know how. She didn’t know how to confront her lover’s sure demise. 
Lena couldn’t look at her. “Two months without treatment. Six months with it, but it all varies from case to case.”
“So it could be less…” Lena nods miserably in confirmation. 
“We should take you to the DEO!” Kara suddenly perks up. “They might have something that could-”
“Kara, honey,” Lena stops her. “I own a hospital. I’ve looked into cancer research myself… I seriously doubt even the most secret government agency is hiding the cure for cancer somewhere in an underground vault.” Kara’s eyes start watering again. 
“I just wish this was something I could. I mean, I’m Supergirl! That means I am strong and can fight off danger and protect my loved ones.” The blonde sobs, “but I can’t!”
Lena feels her heart clench for the sorrowful girl because wasn’t that true? Lena and Kara had survived so many life threatening situations… and now she was going to die. Not because there was a maniac who wanted her company, not because someone wanted to get revenge on Supergirl, but because she had cancer. Something she couldn’t bargain with nor her girlfriend could fight, It all just seemed so hopeless. 
So they sat there all night, crying into each other’s arms, knowing reassurances wouldn’t work because it wasn’t okay. It would never be okay again. 
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galaxialdarktale · 2 years
okay, so i know i've been flakey as hell the last few months. i honest to god have an explanation (i was forced to go to therapy to sort out my shit, thank my fiancee for my return). so here's what's been going on (under cut):
tldr; i'm back babey. reasons for long hiatus kinda thing under cut and i'm super excited to be back! i have a couple of posts, writing!!!!, planned that i want up by the end of the month - one, ideally, in the next couple of days. just needs a couple of edits :)
read the tags and the following line carefully before you click on keep reading. trigger warnings: schizophrenia, abuse, death
schizophrenia is genetic, i already knew that and that i had gotten it from my father. however, it wasn't very.... active, let's say. starting in april, it got bad. im trying my best to get the proper medication now (which is going to be hard since they lost my medical records and "don't want to tarnish your [my] records with such a harsh diagnosis! you have so much potential, so much yet going for you, and that would stop all of that!" (ableist motherfuckers i stg)) but i'm managing.
i was hella burnt out. on the rebound now, but part of my attempted rebound was switching majors from creative writing to game programming, delaying my graduation from dec 2022 to march 2026 (when i honestly just want to drop out). i took a term off and started it up, only to once again have to drop the same class again because i felt like was suffocating and drowning in the pressure at the same time. so i'm switching to gen studies, taking the 2 classes that i have to take to get the gen studies degree, and the 8 elective courses of my choosing, though that may not start up until january. i'm taking a lot of time off from school to even decide if i want to start back up.
i haven't been writing in a long, long time. i'll occasionally open up word, scrivener, milanote, or what have you and write maybe a sentence or a name down, but that's as far as it's gotten lately. until last night. i actually worked on a species idea for heelsum intro post actually coming soon since i have adobe for year im going all out basically it was just bad writer's block fueled by depression and the schizophrenia :)
technoblade. his death hit me hard. within the last year, my family dog, who i got when she was a puppy in 2009, died of the same cancer that alex had. then, in january, my fiancee's sibling died of cancer - small cell lung cancer, but cancer nonetheless. i hadn't started grieving my dog or my sibling-in-law yet and when i watched that video, it all clicked. three people i held dear, the same disease, all within less than a year. i was down and out for a while. (i bought $161 of techno merch to make myself feel better, it didn't work but it'll ship later this month ayyyy)
if you've made it this far, this is your last chance to back out because this is where it gets really bad, gays. so trigger warning for abuse. turn back now if you need to. last month, an alter of mine got yelled at for eating food - which is normal in my house. yelling at us for eating, i mean. we get yelled at for everything. this alter then went to ask our father if he could maybe not yell at us for eating because we already have an eating disorder so yeah please don't and got hit for it. we had a bruise on our face for a month. i'm actually one the alters that formed from that (hi, my name's layla!) for those concerned, we have a plan in place. we currently still have to stay in that house with them, we don't have a choice, but with our plan going as well as it has been and with the help of all our friends, we should be out of there within a couple of years (would be sooner, but passports are still slow). if you wish to help for some reason, my dms are open and i would greatly appreciate it, even if that help is even just offering to talk.
now that's it. that's everything that's been going on. to all my friends on here, everyone i used to talk to, if i can message you, start up conversation again... i know it's been a while, but i miss talking to you guys. if you'll let me, i'd like to still be friends. i won't @ any of you as i don't want to put pressure on you, but if you see this, dms are always open (as are asks).
glad to be back, gays.
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Mixed Sweet Apple Seeds Organic Edible Fruit Tree B10 Spark your apple-tite with these delicious apple blends. The Apple Tree has fragrant flowers and it attracts bees, birds, and butterflies. These apple seeds are the producer of delicious crisp juicy apples. The trees can be pruned to a small size for easier picking. Besides being tasty and a wonderful pre-packaged healthy snack, apples have many health benefits. We've all heard the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," and it's true. Apples benefit neurological function, help lower cholesterol, and help decrease the risk of colon, lung, and prostate cancer. Apples are also high in fiber and antioxidants Name : Apple - Malus Domestica Growth period:70-80 days Seeding temperature :(65-77 temperature) The growth temperature :(65-77 temperature) Sowing to watch; (70 days) PLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost BLOOM TIME: Spring HARDINESS ZONE: 3 - 10 PLANT HEIGHT: 15 - 20' LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Sun - Part Shade SOIL & WATER PREFERENCES: Average High rate germination tips: Place the seeds in a sealable plastic bag with a wet paper towel. Label and date the plastic bag and put the seeds in the refrigerator for 1-4 months. This refrigeration process mimics what would happen in the wild if the seed was overwintered in the soil. Check the seeds periodically and keep them just moist. After 1-four months you can plant the seeds in a small pot in sterile potting soil 1 inch (2.5 cm.) deep. Place only one seed per pot. Put the pot(s) in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist. The seeds should germinate and produce green growth in three months. How to Grow Apple From Seeds - How to Do it Some home growers buy young trees from nurseries and plant them outside, while other gardeners prefer to grow trees from seed. Growing trees from seed can offer both rewards and unique challenges. By planting according to a well-designed method, you can watch your apple trees grow from raw seeds to sprouts. Instructions 1. Place the seeds inside moist media (peat moss, vermiculite, sand) in a container, and place the container in your refrigerator. This stratification, or cold treatment, of your seeds is essential to germination. As long as a consistent temperature of 70-80 F degrees Fahrenheit is maintained inside the refrigerator, the seeds should be cold treated in three to four months. 2. Place the cold-treated seeds inside a pot or other container filled with potting media. Make sure the potting media is loose and well-drained. 3. Cover the container in black plastic, and poke a few holes through the top of the plastic. Apple seeds and many other fruit trees need high relative humidity and good air circulation to germinate properly; covering the container in black plastic with holes provides both conditions. Depending on cultivar selection and on many other natural factors, germination and sprouting may take place in a few days to a few months. We can not guarantee which variety from 2500+ types you will get in your packet since they are all randomly mixed and packed. Also, it is based on their seasonal availability of them. Varieties may include in this mix: Paradise Apple Seeds (Malus Domestica), Cripps Pink / Pink Lady, Empire, Fuji (sweetest), Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp (crispiest), McIntosh, Red Delicious, Braeburn, Jonagold, Bardsey Island Apple, SweeTango®, Piñata®, Kiku, Ambrosia, Autumn Glory, Cameo, Crimson Delight, Evercrisp, Hunnyz, Jazz, Jonagold, Juici, Kanzi, Koru, Lady Alice, Opal, Pacific Rose, Rave, Rockit, Rome, Rosalynn, Smitten, Sugarfree, Sweetango, Sweetie and much more FREE GIFT when you order 5 items or more. Free gift is full of surprise seeds which may include single or mixed varieties. Note: No tracking # will be provided to make the shipping cost-effective for us and free for you. Returns & exchanges Not accepted. But please contact me if you have problems with your order http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/mixed-sweet-apple-seeds-organic-edible-fruit-tree-b10-1
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syxjaewon · 6 years
the first time it happens, the two of them are surrounded by adversaries, their focused gazes and burning gun barrels firing, the explosive powder still already ringing in the air from the way the captain and his mercenary have ravaged through the slave ship like twin hurricanes, their bullets finding targets much more often than their enemies, thanks to the two of them having become in-sync enough with each other to thwart the bulk of the damage. they lay waste to the vessel, the two of them granting no mercy, no leniency, no grace for those who would bind the poor and weak of persephone’s underbelly and carter them off to the highest bidder; the captain and his merc hold no hesitation in their firepower.
the job is almost finished, almost completed, a duty they both commit to free of any charge, when jaewon looses it, drops control of himself, either mis-stepping or mis-aligning with the universe, the whole galaxy around him flipping out of place violently, the darkness closing in on his vision. no bullet had struck him but he drops down anyway, his eyes rolling back, long limbs falling useless to the ground, and he’s not sure how long he dips out of reality, but it feels like only a second. he wakes up to harper screaming his name while desperately fighting off multiple assailants from three different angles, and she furious of course but he can’t explain things to her, not now, not yet, bad timing. he shakes himself awake and catapults his mind back into the problem at hand.
they win of course and later when harper asks him what the hell that was all about, he acts sheepish and shrugs it off, shaking his head. “i think something hit my head before i could dodge. how long did i duck out for?”
her expression is muted, clinging to her sense of mystery and control, something he himself is only grasping at for the moment, so he can’t read her entirely but he’s sure she doesn’t believe him. “only a few minutes,” she answers him anyway, despite the small muscles in her eyebrows that tug them together slightly, only vaguely letting on to her concern, before she masks it again with her usual flippant, flirtatious banter. “but hey, if you’re a good boy maybe i won’t tell the others how you fainted in the middle of a fight.” a cocky grin spreads across her lips, his hip jutting out with an attitude and once again jaewon forces himself to get a grip and resume his usual positioning for their banter.
the next time it happens, they are more or less alone, albeit on serenity in the evening, loading a carton of food goods into the wall of the cargo bay, random bouts of chatter and conversation shifting between them, the way it always does. sometimes she’s helpful and then other times she’s more interested in goofing around, but he’s glad she’s here nevertheless, given that most the other crew are off eating dinner and there’s no way jaewon could move this crate on his own.
“don’t you ever just relax?” she teases him.
“i do. and then you all come in and ruin it about a minute later.” he rolls his eyes and ignores the way she laughs, the way she knows he’s not really annoyed, the way they both know the exact second yang jaewon stops moving, he’ll be dead; there’s just no slowing down for someone who churns like the heart of a sun, someone who drives forward faster than any ship in the verse, faster than comets through the skies.
ahh, but everything has to come to a halt sooner or later, and when the blackness closes down over jaewon once again, this time it feels so much worse, something dreadful and fearful and cold– a raw and empty sort of cold, the kind that freezes in an instant with a single touch– invading the core of him, just before consciousness leaves. his eyes flicker to harper’s face as she turns, time slowing to a grind as he watches her features crush and wrinkle, worried as he falls, asking him a question he can’t answer. he’s out before he hits the ground.
when gold eyes flicker open once again, he’s in the medbay and strangely enough he already knows what the doctor tells him, the two of them in private, hushed voices because jaewon can’t bare the knowledge leaking out any further than a meter radius around them. he can see harper through the glass door, the only person standing out there which probably means she hasn’t told the rest of the crew yet what’s happened, and he supposes he should be grateful, despite the fact that he knows he’s not getting out of this one with another excuse; her eyes are shining and focused, a determination on her face that jaewon knows there’s just no point trying to resist.
as soon as the doctor steps away from him, harper hits the button and the door opens, stepping inside despite the sigh coming from serenity’s medical staff. “i told you he needs to rest, harper, you need to wait–”
“no, it’s alright,” jaewon contradicts, straining against a blooming headache to sit up and meet her gaze, feeling somewhat stripped without his coat suddenly, which he assumes they’d had to pull off him to get a stick in his veins. he’s gone through something like this before.
“so what is it?” she demands, her voice deceptively lighthearted, a funny little smile between her pursed lips like a knife, her head tilting slightly, her arms crossing with a shrug. “not getting enough sleep? low blood pressure? so blinded by my beauty you keep fainting?”
the word falls from his lips like a bomb, the radiating explosions echoing through both their chests because even though jaewon has known about this for a hot minute now, he hasn’t said it out loud yet, hasn’t admitted it to any of his crew, to his ship, to his skies, to his own lungs and ears. it feels too real now, too solid, too unshakeable, too weak, and he hates it and he hates his own body and he hates that he’s somehow not strong enough to fend off every disease or toxin.
he tries not to swallow thickly or let his voice shake as he continues, despite the growing seriousness in harper’s eyes. “a tumor, to be precise. logged… somewhere in my head, like a bullet.”
“oh my god, yang…”
he breaks eye-contact, steels himself against any rising of emotion, because he is vallurian, because he is desert storms and mountain ranges and he does not break, not for anything. “i’ve still got a while, i think.”
“we need to get you to a proper hospital.”
“honestly i think i’d rather die.”
“honestly you really might.” now he sees it in her, now he sees the cracks, the breakage, his eyes boring into hers and hers boring into his, only hers are reddening, her hands in fists gripping onto herself for lack of anything else to grab, the muscles in her neck straining. he watches her, watches someone with whom death still has an affect on, someone who can still cry, still love, still allow herself that sense of coming undone, even just a little bit.
might. maybe. perhaps. possibly. as though the chances of his impending descent into hell, his rejoining with the ghosts who constantly howl against him, is somewhat less than certain. as though he has a shot at another six months after the next set, as though the alliance would help someone like him, as though he has enough money to pay for a hospital visit, the drugs, the screenings, the tests, the treatments, as though yang jaewon would ever allow himself to die anywhere other than split between stars and suns and supernovas. “might. yeah.”
2. My muse tells yours that they have a terminal illness.
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kayla1993-world · 3 years
This rural Alberta county has a first-dose vaccination rate of only 45%. Here's why
In the small Alberta hamlet of Skiff, Cade Hollingsworth and two of his co-workers are lying on the ground next to a grain elevator, watching the clouds go by.
They're waiting for a truck to be loaded up at the farmyard just across the coulee to the north. That will take as long as it takes — they're on farmer time.
Hollingsworth works for Forty Mile Rail, a short line railway that runs between the village of Foremost and Stirling, Alta. When the grain cars finally arrive, the trio will load it up before it gets shipped to the coast.
Just a little more than 25 kilometres up the road is Hollingworth's hometown, Foremost, a community with a population of just over 500. Hollingsworth graduated with 15 students in his Grade 12 class.
"Everybody's friends. Everybody knows everybody, which can be good and bad," he said. "I think the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child,' actually is very true in the village of Foremost."
Hollingsworth says he knows he's one of the lucky ones in the world -- he's kept his job throughout the pandemic. The fact that things seem unchanged might be why his county is seeing such low vaccination rates compared to the rest of the province, Hollingsworth figures.
"Nothing changed as dramatically as I can imagine it would have in one of the bigger centres, like Calgary or Edmonton," he said. As of Friday, only 45 percent of residents in Forty Mile County over the age of 12 have received their first jab, far below the provincial average of 82 percent.
"I guess [people in urban centres] probably think of us like country hicks that don't know what's going on," Hollingsworth said. "But from what we see, what is the point, I guess? Our lives didn't change."
Health officials say the remoteness of communities like those in Forty Mile County doesn't insulate them from the spread of COVID-19 and its potentially deadly effects.
As of Friday, the county had an active case rate of 733 per population of 100k, higher than the provincial active case rate of 456 per 100,000.
"The delta variant of COVID-19 doesn't spare anyone," said Dr. Vivien Suttorp, medical officer for health for Alberta's south zone. And the province's recent implementation of a vaccine passport system has made the issue of vaccination a lot harder to ignore for residents in Forty Mile.
Businesses and venues are allowed to operate without capacity limits and other public health measures if they require proof of vaccination or a negative test result from those who enter.
Up the road from Hollingsworth and his colleagues waiting for the truck to arrive, the community of Foremost is split on the issue. Many express feelings of distrust when it comes to government and health officials. Others say they feel mass media has sensationalized the pandemic. Meanwhile, some say their neighbours have bought into conspiracy theories they've read on social media.
Given that only 38.4 percent of residents here over the age of 12 are doubly vaccinated, the reality is that businesses implementing this program could stand to lose more than half their customers if the passport doesn't convince them to get the jab.
"To me, it's unfair," said Joanne Schmidt, owner of the Main Street Cafe. "I don't think I should have the right to say, "You have to be vaccinated to come into my business.'"
Schmidt isn't adopting Alberta's restrictions exemption program at her cafe at this time, instead opting to do take-out only. Part of that, she says, is because some of her staff haven't been vaccinated.
Crystal Jahn, a waitress there, says she doesn't trust how quickly the vaccines were developed and is distrustful of both the provincial and federal governments.
"I like to say that [Premier Jason] Kenney is a liberal dressed as a conservative," Jahn says. "He's a hypocrite, you know, saying he is going to do one thing and then veer off completely to the left."
Kenney's handling of the fourth wave of the pandemic in Alberta has been under fire in recent weeks, leading political scientists to speculate it may have hurt the federal Conservatives on election night.
Schmidt says she's unsure how her decision might affect her business moving forward. Work crews who used to come in for supper and beers won't be able to do so now that Main Street has gone to takeout only.
"But I don't think most of them have their vaccine, either, so they couldn't come in anyway," she said. A common refrain among residents is that to live in Foremost is to be part of one big family. If there's ever a crisis or tragedy in the community, residents pull together to lend a hand.
But since the pandemic hit, many say there's been a noticeable split in the population between the "vaxxers and the anti-vaxxers. You know, you've got the groups that think COVID-19 is a dark web conspiracy theory," said Foremost Mayor Lorne Buis.
"Well, you're going to read what you're going to read on the Internet. If you're not fluent enough to check the facts out that you're reading further … that's on you."
Part of the issue, Buis says, is the rumour mill that can sometimes bubble up in small towns.
"In my mind, it's misinformation. They read something, and that's the honest to God truth. They haven't looked it up to make sure it's true," he said.
"One guy says something. I tell friends and they tell friends and they tell friends... Well, by the time it gets to the second set of pals, it's nowhere close to the original story, right?"
Forty Mile County says it has been supportive of AHS in setting up vaccination clinics and in disseminating information on social media and online about the benefits of vaccination.
Stewart Payne, the county's director of emergency services, says it's unclear why the county ranks close to the bottom of vaccination uptake provincially.
"There's been no surveys. There's been no studies," he said. Suttorp, the medical officer officer of health, says though the vaccination rates for Forty Mile County are very low, it's key to look at the total number of unvaccinated people in southern Alberta.
People travel, shop and visit the doctor in other communities, Suttorp says, so it's important to recognize that very few human beings are islands unto themselves.
Suttorp says when it comes to small communities in southern Alberta, immunization rates for COVID-19 mirror the uptake for childhood vaccines.
"It is the communities with low immunization rates where we have vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks — you had measles, mumps, whooping cough," she said.
"The communities where we have more children immunized, in the schools where we have children fully immunized, we don't see the disease transmission in those communities.
"So the difference, or the heterogeneity between communities, is significant in southern Alberta."
For some business owners trying to follow the COVID-19 rules and keep their heads above water, the frequent implementations and pullbacks of restrictions in the province are frustrating.
At Bobby's Bar and Restaurant, owner Charlene Rosse says she's tried to do everything she can to keep her community safe, including requiring masks, hand sanitizing and checking vaccine passports at the door.
The bar is usually like the sitcom Cheers, she says, even though the arguments taking place around Forty Mile County about COVID-19 and vaccines have begun to flare up in her bar, too. She's had to "kibosh the COVID talk" in recent months when it gets heated.
Tonight, the regulars have started to file in. Rosse knows them by name and is run off her feet by drink orders, cracking open cans of Bud Light and Kokanee.
Rosse took over running the place in June after the bar's longtime owner, Robert "Bobby" Prest, passed away from lung cancer.
"He had a heart of gold. Most people loved him," Rosse said. Rosse worked with Prest for 25 years, and she says he became like a stepfather to her. The bar meant everything to Prest, Rosse says, so it's important to her to keep it alive.
Right above the bar at Bobby's, just steps away from a decoration that reads "it's best to let Bob win at crib," is a photo of the eponymous owner. Right before his death, Prest recorded a video expressing his concerns that COVID-19 was killing small business.
"Bob built this right from the ground up, this place. I don't want to let it go down," Rosse said. "That kinda wants me to fight to keep it going even harder, for him."
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xcanadianxredheadx · 6 years
Massive Update: June 13-July 9th 2018
Jun 13, 2018, 4:32:53 AM So on June 12th I turned 31.
The following story was an event that made my day absolutely terrible and made me emotionally unstable and unable to leave the house, so it made for a very shitty birthday due to what happened.
Around Midnight, just as the 12th hit, my dad revealed to me (over Facebook Messenger..) that my stepmom has cancer that has spread to her lungs but from where they do not know. His exact words were : "Oh and bad time to tell you this but [stepmom's name] has cancer, we just found out today."
I started crying when I read this, and he continued to tell me that they need to find out where it is so it can be treated and that she has appointments all week, along with my nephew not knowing about it. I shut my phone off after this and fully broke down to the point where I was still crying as I fell asleep.
Fast forward to 11:22am :
After hearing the news that my stepmom had cancer, my mood went straight to hell, and I messaged my dad over Facebook Messenger. Following are the texts that were exchanged:
Me: Not really wanting to do anything for my birthday today. There's nothing I can think of that I want to do so I'm just going to stay at home today and relax.
Dad: you don't want to come down for pizza or anything?
Me: You guys could always come up here. I don't really have the mental energy to leave the house today.
Dad: if want want to sit at home and stew in your shit what ever we have to babysit some kids later Happy BIRTHDAY
Me: ....that was not nice, dad
Dad: Well what do you except we try and do something nice and you don't want to you are talking to [stepmoms kids] years ago (I think he was comparing me to them? I don't know...dad is confusing when he types.)
if you want to come down fine if not dont.
THEN he posted after I posted a status of "Not really wanting to out today despite it being my birthday" I just want to stay at home today and game."
Dad: we did invite you out but you don't so I will eat the cake my self.
Keep in mind, I had already broken down that day, and was already unstable. After all this happened, I broke down a lot, I lost count of how many breakdowns I had yesterday, and I slept a lot as well, I was so unstable and upset that I couldn't really leave my bed, I didn't eat until at least 10pm or so, and that was just Crunchy Fajita TAKIS and Peach Peace Tea.
I'm still very bitter over it now and I'm just sick and tired of being treated like shit and made to feel like whatever decision that contradicts my parents' is wrong.
I hate it...I absolutely hate it and I feel like I'm the bad guy even when I know I'm not and it's just fucking ridiculous how toxic things have gotten.
Like..how can he justify any of this and his attitude towards everything? It's sickening.
I'm lucky I have friends and my girlfriend. I leaned on them heavily today for support, because I really needed it, and I still do. I am very bitter, upset, and angry. I'm not crying anymore, I'm just at the point where I don't think I can cry unless something tips me over emotion-wise.
That was a fucking awesome birthday =_=
Jun 25, 2018, 4:55:57 PM So the past couple of weeks have been hell. My dad was an ass on my birthday and that made my depression flare along with my anxiety. Unluckily for me it has affected how I work. I also haven't eaten since saturday because I have like....no food in the house and I've been surviving off of sleep and iced tea. I am an unstable, emotional mess and even my manager is worried and suggested I go to a counselor soon.
Welcome to my fucked up life.
July 1st So, starting later on today (sunday) i'm going to visit my cousin and aunt who I haven't seen in a while. It'll be nice to visit them for a couple of days, then I'll be coming home after that and I think it'll be nice to just be around family members that actually care and worry about me. Last Tuesday I went to see Jurassic World and it was pretty awesome. I'm still having my bad days here and there but...maybe this is the universe's way of telling me things are going to be okay? I'm not sure, I don't want to get my hopes up too high after all but...I'm starting to genuinely feel like things are working out just a little.
July 7th So, first of all, I want to say that my Manager is the sweetest, most thoughtful person I have ever worked with. Earlier today at work she and I were talking about the backpacks and talking about which ones we liked, when she mentioned there was only 3 Captain America backpacks still in the back as she knows my love of the Marvel Universe.
I was a bit surprised that we had actually gotten something like that in, and she offered to let me see one, to which I agreed. When she came out with the backpack, I was over the moon with how awesome it was. It had a lined fleece back that could hold your laptop/tablet/whatever, then 8 other pockets with various uses, and when she noticed how much I loved it, she bought it for me as a surprise late birthday gift and it just made me insanely happy.
The backpack, by the way, was originally $169 but with the 50% off and an employee discount, it came out to $66. It's a beautiful, heavy duty backpack with a canvas-type bottom so it's got a lot of durability and I'm over the moon about it. I'm going to be using it a lot and it just...oh man it made my day :D The back is even embroidered!
So yeah, it was a good day n_n
I also worked shipping today, which was really relaxing.
July 9th Yes, it's my stepmom's birthday, she's 63 today and I would have gone down there if it hadn't been for the shitstorm my dad created when he treated me like shit on my birthday. I still haven't forgiven him for it and I don't think I will anytime soon. Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he really think I'm just going to let that go? No. I'm not. Not anytime soon and certainly not within less than a month of when it happened. I understand he's most likely stressed and stuff over the news he got that day...thing is, that doesn't give him an excuse to treat me like shit and make me stressed out as well. Not to mention the news should NEVER be told over a goddamn MESSAGING SERVICE. He's less than a 5 minute drive from me (about a half hour walk) so...why the hell couldn't he just come and tell me after my birthday or something?!
Sorry...getting caught up in the grudge I'm holding.
Anyway, this has stressed me out a bit and I've shut my phone off for now until he gives up. I can't handle him right now, and I shouldn't have to if I don't want to.
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