#there’s an Actual Explanation for why i am the way i am y’know? + i think having some sort of answer would be very relieving + helpful
amuyyi · 4 months
y/n + her plants .
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synopsis; just 3 little drabbles of y/n being the only extrovert and obsessed with plants.
trope; le sserafim x 6th member!reader, platonic , just silly poorly written stuff
wc; 2.0k
cw; none
a/n; im ngl this is just a self indulgent self insert of the author. i love female friendships! also i was half asleep writing this, but i really like the 2nd clip idk it makes me giggle a little :3 i had planned to write more, but i got tired soooo... also did not spellcheck at the end zzz please read my other works if u actually want decently written stuff
Clip 1: 
It was your turn to turn in a vlog for the week, and you decided to utilize this time to do a room tour. You grin into the camera as you make your way to you and Yunjin’s shared bedroom, opening the door and showing the interior to the camera. It was a spacious room, with posters and photographs plastered all along the walls alongside other decor such as string lights, unique shaped mirrors, and endless figurines and trinkets lined on the shelves. One of the most prominent features of the room though was the amount of pure green all throughout. There were plants quite literally everywhere. On the windowsill, hanging off the ceiling, held up on the wall, on the floor, the tables, the shelves. It felt like just about any free space was touched by mother nature herself.
You grin sheepishly as you explain, “Not many people know this– well I guess now many people will know this, but I am a super big plant person!”
The camera slowly pans over all of the plants as well as some of Yunjin’s belongings, including her guitar, glasses, and some smiski’s you two co-parent. “Thankfully Yunjin doesn’t mind me hogging up some space for my babies, and I pay her back in smiski figurines!!” Grabbing hold of a little green man on the table that was struggling to put on a sweater, you shove its face into the camera as you giggle, “I think this one's my favorite, me and Yunjin are still trying to come up with a name for him.”
You look around, trying to figure out which plant to showcase first before you catch sight of one particular plant you enjoy. “Oh! I want to show you guys my favorite pot…” The camera pans to a comically large and rather beat up leather boot, which humbly held home to a mini monstera within its space. 
“It was a random shoe I found near a river during filming one time. Viney here seems to enjoy it,” You grin, accidentally letting it slip that you name every single one of your plants as well as touch random garbage you find outside before you showcase another “pot,”  being a mug that had the words “Live Laugh Love” plastered boldly on the side as you snicker, “this one just makes me laugh. Jen hates it, but I don’t think she can recognize the beauty in irony.”
You let out a sigh as you make your way towards your bed, plopping down onto it as you speak. “Y’know, I personally believe I’m a great candidate to collaborate on a show with Chuu, Tsuki, and Yuqi sunbaenim,” the ramble starts, completely derailing from the original topic of plants as you speak. Your tone is lighthearted and playful, but you’re being completely serious as you continue, “I want to do a bunch of random jobs and harass random people on the street!! I’m perfectly capable of doing that! I’d do that even if I wasn’t getting paid!” 
You start to laugh, realizing how ridiculous you started to sound, but you didn’t care, you pressed the topic on. “If I weren't an idol I’d make a great farmer! Why haven’t I gotten invited to be a farmer with Chuu sunbaenim??” An endless string of various other jobs as well as explanations behind why you would qualify for every one of them begins to spew out of your mouth. You were always a major talker, and quite literally had no filter nor shame when it came to what you had to say. More often than not, you were leading conversations at social events if Chaewon hadn’t already beat you to it– and having alone time with your own thoughts and a camera to record it all was a recipe for disaster.
At the end of your rant, you find yourself slightly winded before making direct eye contact with the camera, pointing your finger directly into it as you announce, “If any TV company is out there watching this right now, this is my application to be a guest on one of your shows! Any job will do, I’ll do it! But just know I’ll leave you farmers in the dust if you put me out in the fields. Watch your back.”
As a last “threat” to broadcasters all around the world, you threateningly do a “I’m watching you” gesture with your hand before placing your hand over the camera, ending the vlog.
Clip 2:
Eunchae spins around the dorm building, giving the viewers on the livestream a living room tour as she looks around, coming up with random things to showcase on the spot. So far, she’s shown off the inside of the fridge, their oven, and underneath the couch. The young girl’s eyebrows furrow as she contemplates what to show fearnots next, her eyes landing on your precious arrangement of houseplants that you lovingly arranged in front of the balcony door. Eunchae clears her throat dramatically as she turns the camera towards your plants, squatting down next to them as she makes sure the audience can see both her and them within the frame.
“As you guys can see here, we have y/n’s plants… She's COVERED the apartment full of them, Chaewon unnie has to scold her every time she brings one home.” She giggles into the camera before shaking her head, “I’m convinced she loves those things more than us…” 
Faint rustling could be heard within the background, and Eunchae turns her head, opening her mouth as if to call out to whoever was home, but she pauses.An imaginary light bulb goes off in her head as Eunchae gasps, looking straight into the camera as she grins mischievously. “I have an idea… Watch this!” She scrambles onto the floor, laying flat on her stomach on top of the floor tile as she props her phone up against the wall hidden behind a stool. The camera perfectly showcases the plants, the living room, and the curtains covering the screen door. 
[ynniez] – oh no… [huhjin001] – this is going to be good [2ningz] - 🥸🥸🥸
The giggles can't seem to stop as Eunchae hops onto her feet and immediately dashes behind the curtains, pressing her finger up to her lips towards the camera in a “shh…!” motion before she disappears. 
“Eunchae?” your voice rings out as you return to your living quarters, grocery bags in hand as the camera perfectly captures your entrance. You don’t think much of the silence that follows as you place the bags down, making your way over to your plants with a grin.
 “Hello my lovelies~” You say to your plants, squatting down to examine them individually before grabbing hold of the watering can nearby. As you lift up the can, Eunchae suddenly bursts through the curtains, exclaiming “BOO!” as loud as possible, resulting in you screaming at a decibel twice as high. 
Unfortunately for the maknae, she had failed to foresee the possibility of you watering your plants at this exact moment– resulting in you blindly chucking 90% of the water inside the can towards the culprit in a panic. Eunchae stands there frozen, oversized sweatshirt and hair absolutely soaked with her mouth agape as she stares at you in complete shock. 
“What THE FU– EUNCHAE??” You yell out, watching the younger girl simply freeze in front of you like a wet cat. You switch to English for just one moment, simply saying, “Girl…” as you clutch your hand over your heart, trying to steady the rapid beating.
Eunchae’s shocked expression shifts into one of glee as her mouth still remains open, now smiling as her body rotates to where the phone hid, silently pointing in the general direction of the camera as she tries not to burst out into laughter on the spot.
You stare at her in complete confusion before following her finger, eyes finally landing on the livestream as your eyes widen, suddenly feeling very exposed in her own home. “No way you just got all of that on camera…”
Eunchae finally allows the laughter to flow, as she suddenly spreads her arms out, inching her way towards you. “You did this to me, unnie!!!” She roars, making attempts to trap you in a hug as you scream, running offscreen as the live abruptly ends.
Clip 3:
You’re seen with your face comically close to the camera, a habit that soon became a signature of your livestreams as you watch the viewers and comments roll in. You glaze over them before flipping the camera around, showing Sakura within the kitchen, wearing a pink apron and plastic gloves as she cuts up some vegetables. “Hi everyone!! Today, Kkura unnie and I are making omelets for the girls with microgreens I’ve grown MYSELF in OUR apartment!!” You loudly exclaim, shoving the camera close to the cutting board as Sakura rolls her eyes, chuckling at the sight as you eventually point the camera elsewhere.
“You did a very good job growing these y/n-nnie. They look great.” The comment from the older girl made you shy, and you flip the camera back to your face as you place a hand on your cheek, “hehe, thank you Kkura-unnie~” you coo, shifting your gaze back to the viewers before sighing.
“I grew all kinds of stuff in here, like basil, arugula, cilantro, kale…” You trail off, counting the number of edible plants you’ve grown on your finger before continuing, “but I could make so much more if I had a full blown garden!!” You whine, and Sakura could be seen in the background rolling her eyes, playfully commenting, “not this again…”
You dramatically lean on Sakura’s back with your own despite her already being hunched over while chopping as you sigh even louder this time, “I’m serious unnie!! The stuff I could grow for you guys.. You would have a whole salad in one place!!”
Leaving the older member to her task, you place the camera down before grabbing some eggs and cracking them into a bowl, impressively doing so with only one hand each as the comments complimented your skill.
[makna33] – master chef y/n?? [nay00n1] – girl what cant u do…
A laugh escapes your lips as you beat the eggs, “guys, its not that impressive. Besides, I don’t cook nearly as often or as well as Kkura-unnie.” The compliment garners a small smile from the other girl seen in the corner of the screen as you continue on, “anyways, if I had my own garden in the building, I would graft the best tomatoes ever… I’d be real life Frankenstien creating the perfect tomato!” You start, knowing that most likely nobody would actually care for your facts, but you shared anyways, this was YOUR live after all.
“Oh! We’re also using my basil today in one of the omelets. Guys, if you’re ever growing your own basil at home, make sure to pinch off the flowers! It makes it tastier!!” You point the chopsticks you used to whisk the egg at your phone camera, and some of the yolk is thrown onto the screen as your eyes widen, looking back at Sakura to make sure she didn't see what you just did. 
You quickly wipe off the gunk before returning to your kitchen duties as if nothing happened, “These eggs are gonna be so good… Though, I did have a pretty bad mealybug problem with the greens at some point… Do you guys know what those are? They’re like these little white dusty bugs that suck the sap out of your plants if you don’t do anything about them. I had SO MANY. But I refused to give up on em and now they're critter free!”
“Yah! Y/n! Don’t talk about the bugs in your plants!! The girls won’t want to eat it then!” Sakura scolds, playfully kicking your side with her leg as she focuses on frying the eggs.
You giggle as you look into the camera, “oops– don’t tell them that there used to be bugs in their food.” 
The sound of Kazuha and Chaewon’s shrill voice rings out in the live, and you immediately slam your phone down, giving the viewers a black screen before the live ends.
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rallamajoop · 7 months
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On Mia Winters, misogyny, and abuse
As should be pretty obvious by now, I love Mia Winters. I honestly think she’s one of the most compelling characters in this whole damn franchise.
But let me make clear: you don’t have to love her. Mia’s canonically done a lot of shady shit in her time, and her relationship with Ethan has real problems. There are perfectly viable interpretations where the only thing really holding it together is his own denial. Only I never seem to get to read any of those takes, because the most common characterisations Mia gets in fic are an irredeemable monster, or a cardboard cutout who exists only to be written out as quickly as possible. And to write Mia out to that degree doesn’t just do her character a disservice, it does Ethan a disservice, and a big one.
The amount of Mia-bashing I see out there in this fandom turns my stomach. It’s not just the slash fans who’d rather ship Ethan with another dude. I have seen Mia loudly bashed in tags on het or gen fic in which she does not even appear. I have seen male fans reviewing these games on youtube who treat her the exact same way. But it’s never more frustrating than when that hate comes from the same fans who’ll turn around and talk about characters like Chris or even Lady Dimitrescu (she who canonically abuses her and murders her servants, and, y’know, eats people without a shred of remorse) like they’re perfectly forgivable and have done no real wrong. And don’t get me wrong: I love Lady D, but I love her because she’s magnificently evil. Mia? Mia’s a whole lot more complicated.
But to really explain why this hate makes me so uncomfortable, I’m going to have to start with the start of Resident Evil 7, and Mia’s very first scenes in this whole franchise.
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Let me quickly summarise the opening of that game. A man whose wife disappeared without explanation suddenly gets a message about her whereabouts. He travels to an isolated location, breaks in, and finds her. She denies ever sending him that message, and seems incredibly distressed that he’s there at all. They fight. It ends with him sinking an axe into her neck and shooting her several times with a handgun. But see, he didn’t do anything wrong! It was all self-defence! She started it! She was acting crazy!
If you didn’t spot it, the whole opening of RE7 reads uncomfortably like a story about a woman escaping an abusive relationship, then being tracked down and murdered by her ex.
Obviously, I am not here to tell you Ethan’s abusive. He’s not, we’ve got no reason to imagine he is. He was legitimately acting in self-defence.
But the fact the first thing Ethan has to do in this game is find the balls to kill his own wife ‒ that a whole new era of Resi games has opened with a sequence so easily read as a sympathetic justification for how a man might perfectly innocently track down his missing spouse and "have" to kill her – that made those opening minutes into by far the most uncomfortable part of this whole franchise for me. Shit like this really happens. I mean it, I will track down the fucking statistics on women who are murdered after trying to leave an abusive partner if I have to.
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What happens to ‘Mia’ in the opening to RE8 isn’t much better: it's as textbook a fridging as any I’ve ever seen. Yes, it’s a fridging that gets retconned away later when she turns up alive, but the fact that’s even possible speaks to just how awful and confusing her death is. The game opens with Mia’s violent murder at the hands of this series’ longest running ‘hero’, and the event is framed entirely in terms of how awful it is for her husband. That's as frigid as a fridging gets.
The eventual reveal that the real Mia was just trapped alone in a cell being experimented on by a madwoman for god knows how long doesn’t actually make it better. The horror Mia goes through in both these games is a footnote, barely explored.
I bring these events up not to condemn the RE franchise, not to say that including these sequences was unconscionable, or that violence against women can never be shown in a horror title. A quick glance at my tumblr should demonstrate how much I adore these games. Tropes like fridging become problems only because they’re so ubiquitous they can come to define almost the only roles women get to play, not because any individual example is necessarily grounds for outrage. If anything, there’s just as much to analyse in all the hate thrown at characters like Ethan Winters (or his predecessor, Jonathan Harker) as a archtypical examples of sexism against men – backlash against the very idea of a male character in the disempowered role of horror victim, usually reserved for women.
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But with this context in mind, my god is it uncomfortable to see people talk about Mia as irredeemable monster who deserves to suffer more. People who will valorise the likes of Chris Redfield, who didn’t even bother to stop to tell Ethan that’s not Mia, yet talk about Mia like being shot to death in her own living room was only what she deserved. That is just a whole load of yikes.
And given that both games open with Mia being violently killed by a male protagonist (twice in RE7, with the player in control), it sure is convenient how so many people have managed to ‘find’ the evidence that proves she’s the real villain. You don’t have to think too hard about Chris Redfield as a violent maniac or Ethan Winters being forced to kill his own wife if it’s okay to inflict violence on this woman. “Yes, but she shouldn’t have done [X]…” or even “But what if she’s the real abuser” is a narrative that gets thrown at real women in abusive relationships all the time – especially when the man is a friend of whoever’s casting judgement, or even a celebrity. Real world examples of this shit in the wild run the gamut from wild fan-takes on The Shining ‘proving’ that actually the abused wife was the ‘real’ abuser all along, right up to the ongoing hate campaign against Amber Heard. People don’t want to have to think badly of someone they admire, and will take any excuse to shift the blame. The stakes are infinitely lower when we’re talking about fictional characters, but the same pattern plays out.
And look, I do get it. It’s easy to go into these games and come out with a negative opinion of Mia. She’s the one who lures you into danger in RE7, acts all innocent, and then comes at Ethan with a chainsaw – and when you finally find out her big secret at the end, it turns out she was working for the people who created Eveline from the start! You’re really not given a lot of reasons to invest in Ethan and Mia’s relationship before she’s suddenly coming at him with a knife, and the fact she never does get to come clean to him in canon leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
It’s really easy to go into RE8, note all the glaring signs that Ethan’s relationship with Mia isn’t healthy, and draw your own conclusions about a woman we don’t hardly even see again for most of the runtime of the game. Half this goddamn fandom still seems to think Heisenberg is actually a lycan, ffs – most of what people think they know about Mia is more meme than fact, and the rest is pretty surface level. Basic media literacy is not exactly high out there in the tumblrweeds (let alone the rest of the internet).
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But as for the idea that Mia’s responsible for all the horrors Ethan went through, people seem to forget that Mia herself went through so much worse. Ethan spent a day in the Bakers’ property, and a day in the village. Mia spent years trapped in the Bakers’ property, and days at least imprisoned in Miranda’s lab, knowing exactly how much danger her family were in, helpless to save them. She’s no innocent herself, but ye gods has she already suffered for her crimes.
So with all that out of the way, well, what’s the actual ‘evidence’ that Mia herself was abusive? No-one's coming into this one without some bias, but let’s at least give it a fair shake.
Right upfront, I want to recognise that in both fiction and reality, women can be abusers, and men can be victims. Abuse in heterosexual relationships is far more likely to occur with the man as the abuser, but the reverse does happen, and the fact culture at large can be so eager to cast the woman as the villain doesn’t make it any easier for the real male victims of abuse to get recognition and help. Society as a whole is still just really shitty about enabling or excusing real abuse.
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But the idea that Mia was abusive has very little to back it up. Whatever you make of “her” interactions with Ethan at the start of the game, the fact remains: that’s not Mia, and the fact she’s acting so strangely is meant to be our clue that something much bigger than a little marital strife is going on here. Knowing all this doesn’t really make the scene where she’s violently executed less disturbing, but you can’t miss the hints we don’t yet know the full story.
So the question becomes, is there any evidence that the real Mia was abusive? I’ve dug into this one a bit before in my post about trying to figure out the timeline of exactly when Mia was replaced, but there are no definitive answers as to how long Miranda's been living in their house. To summarise a long post (and a surprisingly lively timeline of events from the days before the game begins): the most likely intent seems to be that Miranda’s been posing as Mia for less than a week, though a lot of the vibes of the scene give me the impression it’s been several weeks at least. Ultimately, that’s going to come down to your own interpretation.
The Mia mentioned in Ethan’s diary who blew up at him at the hospital could be the real Mia, but more likely isn’t: you can’t really use her to argue anything definitive, one way or another. The Mia from the flashback where Ethan gets the call from Rose’s doctor is the real Mia, but if you think getting upset when your husband brushes off your obvious distress over your daughter’s health makes you abusive, then nothing I say here is going to convince you otherwise.
The only ‘real’ evidence that Mia might be a problem is one line you might hear from Ethan while taking Rose to bed, and it is admittedly a red flag: your mother’s scary when she’s angry.
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And to anyone whose whole hatred of Mia has been built backwards from this one line – especially anyone who’s grown up in a dysfunctional household themselves – hell, I get it. It is one really yikes thing for Ethan to say about his wife.
But in Mia’s defence, I can only point out that, well, yes, canonically, she is scary when she’s angry.
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Oh, did I say angry? I meant fucking possessed.
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And if Ethan’s bringing up the spectre of that time, even subconsciously, maybe that should be an even bigger clue that the Mia in this house right now isn’t Mia.
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But what really shows this line for what it is is that we’ve seen the real Mia angry. We’ve seen her cold fury at Eveline, daring to go right back to asking ‘can we be a family now?’ within hours forcing Mia to assault her own husband with a chainsaw. We’ve seen her frustration at Ethan’s own denial, and we’ve seen her stalk out of the room when he blows off an important conversation for a call from work. We’ve seen her advance on Chris after he shut her down, demanding, Where is my husband? Where is my daughter?!
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We have never seen her angry without real justification. Her anger is neither violent nor disproportionate. It’s consistently purposeful, focused, and contained. There is nothing scary about the real Mia’s anger, unless you’re threatened by the very idea she might have something valid to be angry about.
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There is evidence of tension in the Winters’ marriage from before Miranda’s arrival, but it takes a very different form – most evident in the flashback scene where Ethan receives the call from Rose’s doctor. Far from Miranda’s brusque, dismissive copy of her, the real Mia is anxious and depressed, scared of what Rose’s results might reveal. Here, Ethan’s the one brushing her concerns aside (“We talked about this […] Rose is fine!”) He recognises there seems to be something Mia’s not telling him, says they should talk about it, but then immediately brushes the conversation off when he gets a call from work, while Mia storms out of the room.
You can certainly read Mia as a hypocrite here, getting angry at Ethan for not knowing things she’s deliberately kept from him. But it’s Ethan who decides a call from work is more important than a conversation with his wife – someone who is obviously distressed, canonically still on a regime of drugs after the traumatic events of RE7, very likely suffering PTSD along with Ethan, and maybe even some form of postpartum depression. We don’t know anything about Ethan’s work, so there’s no point in speculating about how much he ‘needs’ to take that call. Mia’s no clear villain here – quite the opposite.
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Personally, I tend towards taking this scene as evidence that Mia has tried to talk to Ethan about what really happened to him, but hasn’t managed to get him to face the truth. For all that Ethan supposedly wants to talk about the past, it’s a defining plot point that he’s badly in denial himself.
Or they could both be at some fault here: Ethan unwilling to face the truth, while Mia is reluctant to force him to face something she knows will hurt him and bring him distress. Even when Mia says outright that she ‘tried to keep this a secret, but…’ to Chris at the end of the game, the implication is as much that she’s tried to keep it a secret from people like Chris, who might decide Ethan is dangerous. She’s lied to protect him before, and if she’s still lying to him about her past with the Connections, then the fact that knowing the truth will hurt Ethan is obviously among her reasons. Protecting Ethan has always been among Mia’s top priorities ‒ even at her own expense.
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The only other real hints we get about Mia’s inner life come from the glimpses of her we get in Donna’s domain. But I’m hesitant to read too much into these, given how unclear it is how much is just a manifestation of Ethan’s own anxieties. If anything, the ‘Mia’ in these scenes almost seems to have some far worse secret than simply having not told Ethan something he really ought to have put together on his own, and I’d kind of love to see that explored too – at least as long as that goes somewhere more interesting than round umpteen of ‘and that’s why Mia sucks’.
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But my point here isn’t that you have to read any of these scenes the same way I do. I do think it’s important to recognise that nothing written for a game like RE is truly character-driven; scenes exist to serve the plot far more than to reflect consistent character motivations or hold up to fridge logic (which, let’s face it, is the real reason for most of Chris’ horrific behaviour in this game, let alone anyone else’s). The result is rarely super consistent, and leaves ample space for multiple interpretations of anyone’s motivations. Regardless, the idea there’s any hard evidence that Ethan and Mia’s relationship is dysfunctional, or that whatever’s wrong is Mia’s fault alone, is going to be incredibly hard to justify.
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Any assertion that Ethan and Mia are somehow on the verge of divorce also needs to be weighed against the masses of evidence of how much they love each other – the number of times Mia has said she loves Ethan, up to and including (yes, I’m bringing this up again) how ready she is to die for him in RE7. Her speech to Chris at the end of RE8 states explicitly that being together with Ethan and Rose is the only thing that matters to her. “Mia, I’m sorry, I love you,” are some of the last words Ethan ever speaks – and I can’t help but read into how the moment he finally pushes Rose into Chris’ arms so they can get away with him weighing them down is right after he learns that Mia is alive, and thus implicitly that Rose won’t be alone if Ethan doesn’t make it. And good god does that scene break my heart every time.
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It’s worth recognising that the fact Ethan and Mia love each other doesn’t inherently mean their relationship is healthy, or that you have to love them together as much as I do. Like I said up top, you don’t have to like Mia, and you don’t have to justify not liking her if you don’t. I would genuinely like to see fics where Mia and Ethan’s supposedly-necessary break up feels in character. Where Ethan loves her but just can’t deal with the resentment and the fallout over all the lies she told him, where he's been clinging to his 'happy ending' with Mia after surviving the Bakers so hard he can't face the fact things just aren't working, or where he’s having to face that their relationship only ever really worked because she was away so much. It will break my heart, but fiction is allowed to do that.
But god, it would be nice if people could just take the bashing below an eleven around this place. The number of times I’ve had to sigh and back-button out of reading something, because yet another author has decided to project their own hatred for Mia onto the husband who’s still reeling from watching her being violently murdered in front of him… it gets fucking old, y’know?
I would really like to think that in the year of our lord 2024, fandom would be a bit past this thing where they bash the canonical female love interest in the name of shipping the hero with another dude. People will bend over backwards to try and cast Heisenberg and Chris as guys who really care about consent and worry about Ethan getting hurt, because heaven forbid anyone be caught shipping something slightly problematic. And yet misogyny still somehow gets a pass.
You do not have to love Mia. You don’t even have to like her. But ye gods, the hate she gets is baseless and absurd.
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Hasn't this poor woman suffered enough?
(And on that note, I promise I am finally done soapboxing in defence of Mia Winters, thank you for bearing with me for this long.)
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toomiieimagiines · 2 months
Akito kissing hcs
EEEEK! i actually am a fan of akito!!^_^ i think he’s very handsome! tell me what you think about these banners! i’m loving it unfortunately… makes it so much easier to make ‘em! obligatory sorry for OOCness, i don’t read the story’s half as much as i should!^_^” (omg also i wrote this while drinking a diet baja blast OMGGGG it’s so good)
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Akito Shinonome kissing hc’s + more!!
He’s such a bully!
He knows how much you love kissing him, and uses it against you…
He can be seriously unbelievable…
Like he will give you the bestest kiss and than just…. leave you there
Will give a super super mean oblivious laugh when you ask him where he’s going…
“Huhhh? I thought we were finished, I have rehearsal, y’know..”
Messes with you cuz he knows it’ll make you so so frustrated:(
He’s really not trying to be mean!! He just loves you so much, and thinks that your angry face is really cute…
I wish I could say his lips aren’t chapped…
Literally LAYERS on chapstick too. He doesn’t know why it never works, and refuses to use the heavy duty ones because they “taste bad”
Tastes citrusy, he refuses to admit that he puts chapstick on
Will sometimes also taste like coffee (He likes it sweet, please don’t make fun of him. He really did try to be a bad boy and drink it black, he almost threw up.)
Is kinda rough if he’s had a bad day…
Bit your lip a little too hard one day and it started bleeding… He felt really bad…
Can and WILL grab you by the waist though… He’s not heartless! He can be a gentleman!
He is NOT above the occasional cheek cup if he’s feeling nice!
Talks smack and all, but one time he followed your kiss when you tried to break apart…
He was really embarrassed… needed a couple hours to stare at the wall
He knew then that every dynamic he thought you two had was a lie….
another mini fic!! >_< sorry if my posts have been feeling short, none of the asks i’ve answered have sparked me with enough inspiration for something long…^_^|||~ reminder you don’t have to only send pjsk asks! i’m in almost every fandom… =_=
Sometimes you wonder if your boyfriend enjoys watching you suffer, and it may sound weird to say it out loud, but you’re truly starting to believe he’s a sadist! What other explanation could there be for something this cruel?! It’s been about half an hour since you’ve given up, but you can’t stop thinking about it.
“Babe,” he chuckles, relishing in your frustrated expression. “Quit pouting, you’re being quiet.”
“‘M not pouting,” You defend. Spoiler alert, you WERE pouting, but you can’t help it! You’ve tried to go in for a kiss three times already, and he’s ‘coincidentally’ not noticed. He has to notice! There’s no way he’s hasn’t!
“Sure…” He laughs again, and that royally pissed you off. Just that boyish grin was enough to make you faint for a million years! How dare he do this to you?! You let out a noise of annoyance.
“I’m gonna get you, even if it kills me!” You let go of his hand, deciding to stuff yours in your - well technically his, since you’re wearing his jacket- pockets. This makes his eye twitch.
“What are you even talking about?” He snatches your hand back out of your pocket, and you can’t help but laugh - despite the frustration. He obviously can’t stomach the taste of his own medicine, so you pull your hand away again - much to his displeasure. “Quit doin’ that!” He stops walking, deciding to grab both of your hands.
“Doing what??” You play dumb, mocking his original cockiness as you pull your hands away.
“Doing that! Hold my han-“ He stops, realizing what’s happening, “you’re petty. You’re REALLY petty. I did that like 30 minutes ago!”
“If you let me kiss you I’ll hold your hand again.” You offer, shrugging with fake indifference. He sighs, he feels like a dog begging for a bone. He shouldn’t have teased you…
“You make me act like a total chump, I don’t like it.” He grumbles, leaning down slightly to give you better access, you intertwine your hands. HA! You won.
You close the gap, feeling his lips against yours. They’re slightly chapped, tasting of a fruit you can’t quite put your finger on. Your heart immediately settled, enjoying the warm feeling of your boyfriend. It feels like you’re mad for eachother, the shape of his lips molding into yours perfectly. The two of you stayed there for a while, before you realized a full out makeout session in public isn’t the best look for either of you. But as you tried to pull away, you found a stumbling Akito following the kiss, almost falling on top of you. His eyes shoot open once he realized what he just did
“I-“ His face is red when he looks away, you snicker. “I didn’t mean to do that!”
“You love me!~” You say in a sing-song tone, teasing him.
“I-“ He sighs, sounding defeated. “I do!…”
He was spacey for the rest of your walk home, staring down at the pavement. All he could think of is how weak he is to you.
‘God, I’m totally whipped!’
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@anininas I’ll answer your ask (which TOOOOOOTALLY isn’t almost a month old NOPE) here to keep things organised but I. Dived into a little bit of a rabbit hole with this one and debated posting about it for a bit cuz I realised WAY TOO LATE Oh. You probably mean like. Fantasy cowboys not real-world cowboys HXNSHENDJDJ but let me ramble anyways!!!!
So the origin of ‘cowboys’ as a concept comes from Mexico but more specifically when the Spanish colonised Mexico they brought with them a bunch of cattle that obviously needed to be hearded so over time the Vaquero tradition of horse-mounted herding evolved from there, which is more or less how we’ve gotten the modern idea of stereotypical rootin-tootin cowboys. That’s obviously like a VEEEEEEEEEEERY watered down explanation and I would REEEALLY recommend you go researching the topic yourself if you’re interested cuz I am FAR from a historian HXBDBDNDNXN [Heres the Wikipedia article (I know) if you need a starting point: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaquero just keep in mind it’s also pretty bare-bones too]
But it’s why you’ll often see a similar floral pattern on Luis’ jacket on Western saddles
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It’s a kind of leather carving that was APPARENTLY inspired by old medieval Spanish saddles, which would make sense cuz Y’know,,,,, it was Spain that colonised Mexico BCNDNNDS
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I’m gonna make a post specifically about this and the designs on Luis’ jacket later so hold onto that thought BUT ANYWAYS. IF WE’RE TALKING LIKE. FANTASY COWOYS. FICTIONAL NO-CONSEQUENCES COWBOYS I HAVE A LOT TO SAY
I imagine even in canon Luis PROOOOBABLY knows how to ride horses. I don’t think we actually SEEE any horses in Valdelobos but it’s a mountain terrain village with the nearest town being god knows how far away so I don’t think it’d be totally unreasonable to assume Luis knows how to ride a horse which is PERFECT FOR US cuz then we don’t have to wonder how he learnt in a theoretical cowboy au
I can also imagine Luis- now hear me out- being more of a dressage rider than a cattle herder. Have you ever seen those funny videos of the horses at the olympics doing a silly dance to rave music???? That’s dressage, which originated vaaaaguely around Spain and France during the medieval period and people SAY it was to evade attacks during battle but like. How true that actually is is up for debate BCNDBENSJJ
But dressage is a lot like dancing. Which Luis. Obviously knows how to do BXNSHNSS so in MY HEAD they make a perfect duo- which makes the mental image of Luis becoming some kind of outlaw similar to canon VERY funny BCNDHSNSJ like I don’t think it’s be very hard to spot the man on his dancing horse Y’know but I digress. I can imagine he probably got taught how to ride by his Grandfather and then got taught how to be a rough-and-tough cowboy by Leon even with his pretty boy fancy horse which IF WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HORSES
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Andalusians were bred in Andalusia, Spain (duh) and are used in dressage and showings A LOT. Like go to any big regional tournament and you’ll probably find at least one amongst the crowd. I have no clue realistically how popular they’d be in 18th century America if they were there at all even, but I literally can’t think of a better horse for Luis
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Silver Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 1
"If it could be cured, I would rid myself of it"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Alchemy Workshop]
Crewel: ―Asim and Silver, from Class 2-A!
Crewel: Do you understand why I only kept the two of you here after school?
Silver: Because I fell asleep during the test…
Kalim: Is it 'cause I broke 5 beakers during today's Potionology class?
Crewel: That's correct. The two of you are bad boys for constantly falling asleep, and destroying equipment...
Crewel: Therefore, I shall have to punish the both of you.
Silver: Punish… In the form of a supplementary class?
Crewel: That's right. Your remedial task will be to "concoct a sleeping potion"! Is that not the ideal assignment for someone who likes to sleep as much as you?
Crewel: I will not give you a passing grade in Potionology until you successfully craft one!
Kalim/Silver: Eh…!
Crewel: If you have problems with that, then you should reflect on your actions and do your assignments properly. THAT’LL DO!!
Silver: It would be an embarrassment indeed if I were to fail a class, especially as one of Malleus-sama's attendants.
Silver: I will need to make sure to perfectly concoct the sleeping potion.
Silver: Kalim, I plan to stay right here and craft it, but what will you do?
Kalim: Me too. It definitely won't look cool if a Dorm Leader fails a course, so.
Silver: Alright. Then, let us begin. What page was the instructions on, again…?
Kalim: Wait, Silver! It'll go a lot faster if we ask Jamil to explain it, instead of flipping through the textbook.
Kalim: If you just keep trying to read all that small print, you'll probably end up falling asleep again.
Kalim: I also start to feel sleepy whenever I'm listening to complicated stuff, so I feel you.
Silver: Well, I'm actually not falling asleep because the class is difficult.
Kalim: You don't have to hide it. 'Sides, Jamil's really good at making potions, as well as teaching!
Kalim: If we have him teach us, then we'll totally be able to get this sleeping potion done easy. Just hold on, I'll be right back!
Silver: Ah, wait! …He left before I could stop him.
Silver: …But, does he really think that I start to feel drowsy because of my studies…?
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Jamil: …So, you two want me to help with your supplemental lesson… Hm.
Silver: Sorry, I tried to stop him…
Kalim: Will you help us?
Jamil: It's a little too late to back down now, after you dragged me all the way down here to the potionology lab.
Jamil: I'll help you out for now. As a Vice Dorm Leader, I'd like my Dorm Leader to not fail his class, if I can help it.
Jamil: Looks like you have all your lab equipment. Okay, so go ahead and start concocting the sleeping potion now.
Jamil: I'll let you know if you've made any mistakes.
Kalim/Silver: Yeah! / Alright.
Silver: First, we measure out 5 grams of "duskweed"… Good, there we go.
Kalim: Then we throw it in with the bay laurel seeds and mix mix mix!
Jamil: Wait, Kalim! You're being too rough. Do it just like the instructions say.
Jamil: Be delicate, careful, and precise when mixing. That should be the fundamentals of potionology!
Kalim: But Crewel-sensei throws his potions together like this, y’know?
Jamil: He is the Potionology professor, here at Night Raven College. Don't try to equate yourself to him, especially when you're on the verge of failing.
Jamil: Students like us who haven't even mastered the basics should take our time and be more careful.
Jamil: That means you, too, Silver.
Silver: …Zzz.
Jamil: H-He's asleep!? Under these conditions!?
Kalim: Maybe your explanation was too long? Ahahah!
Silver: …Ah! Did I fall asleep again…?
Jamil: Yeah. While leaving me in the lurch trying to teach you.
Silver: Sorry… For as long as I can remember, I've always had these sudden bouts of drowsiness that I can't fight…
Kalim: Yeah, yeah. I get sleepy when I gotta study, too.
Silver: No, but it isn't just when I am studying, or listening to complex conversations.
Silver: It is because that I do not know what causes this drowsiness that I am constantly encountering hardships such as this.
Silver: Even doctors have given up on me, so I don't believe it's an illness… It must be that my own laziness is causing my drowsiness!!
Jamil: As in, you're unconsciously being lazy?
Silver: That can be the only conclusion. …However, if it could be cured, I would rid myself of it.
Kalim: I just thought of something good! Let's make a waking potion now!
Jamil: Here you go again with another unnecessary thing… What about your assignment?
Kalim: Don'tcha think we should try to stay awake to focus on our assignment, anyway?
Kalim: So, like, whenever I have to go to a ceremony, or a Dorm Leader meeting…
Kalim: Jamil usually makes me a waking potion!
Silver: Can we…!? I do not know how well the potion will work with my condition, but if we can, I would like to try.
Kalim: Alright, now that that's decided, let's get going! I think we can get most of the ingredients from the Botanical Garden!
Silver: Kalim, I owe you a debt of gratitude… Let us head there quickly and gather the materials!
Kalim: Yeah!
[runs off]
Jamil: Hey! The Botanical Garden doesn't have everything you need, you know!
Jamil: …I mean, wait, you're getting way off track…!
Jamil: The potion you guys have to make is a sleeping potion, not a waking one!!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @dida-books.
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lutiaslayton · 2 years
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I used a different save on my HD UK mobile version of Curious Village in order to speedrun through it, solve as little puzzles as possible, and then see Granny Riddleton as early as I could. I wanted to get the puzzle lore. AND BOY DID I GET PUZZLE LORE OH MY GOD.
I cannot believe my shitpost guess was actually right on the money (or at least close enough) and I did not even have this scene in mind to just, y’know, ACTUALLY CEMENT IT AS CANON.
I am shook
(PS: The last image with the bottles was a screenshot I took from a random playthrough on Youtube, because apparently in the mobile version they replaced the cute bottle lore with a list >:c)
ANYWAY I cannot wait to get there in the actual playthrough, this is going to be a TREAT to study the Japanese and US versions to compare with.
Quick run-through of what these screenshots teach us:
Vines growing on a house is apparently not normal (or rather, letting the vines grow is unusual). In my shitpost theory, the explanation was that since puzzles are made of random stuff such as dust, dead leaves etc, unclean and/or untidy places are more likely to have puzzles appear naturally.
Puzzles can literally either appear out of the blue or move of their own accord. “I could’ve sworn there was nothing there a minute ago” means that either the puzzle just poofed into existence while Luke was not looking, or the puzzle just moved on its own and decided to settle itself within the door’s lock. By the way, did I forget to say that this is a SLIDING BLOCK PUZZLE? That APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE?
Layton being unfazed by Granny Riddleton being clairvoyant shows that the distinction between what is normal and what is not in this world is VERY skewed compared to our world’s vision of normal. Clark and Luke being able to talk to animals? Unusual, but eh, relatively mundane. Granny Riddleton saying that there are many fortune-tellers with actual powers over there, but that having power over puzzles is a lot more impressive than predicting the future? Yeah, checks out. An ancient civilisation capable of actual magic, prehistoric manatees, puzzles being eldritch abominations you can find at any corner? Pfsh, classic. But NOW, an entire village populated only with robots? Unheard of.
(Little theory edit: Calling it now. Fortune-tellers who can “see a few days into the future” were somehow able to subconsciously or somewhat consciously communicate with the Illusory Forest and lost all their powers after the end of Azran Legacy. It was less than a year before CV so it would still be relevant for Granny Riddleton to mention it.)
(Another point that was brought by the lovely @alto-tenure​ on Discord: Perhaps the actual reason why Layton and Luke are so surprised about the St. Mystere inhabitants being robots and having so many puzzles around is because (direct quote) A. “Most of the puzzles in the shack wouldn’t be hidden puzzles, they would be puzzles given by the NPCs. Maybe that’s the reason a village of puzzle robots is so unbelievable—the idea that someone could replicate the puzzle generation process…”, and (direct quote again) B. “Given our current concept of what puzzles are, they are very much something that more pop up around people than get made. And in-universe, they wouldn’t really have a clue about what makes a puzzle, just that they exist. So the fact that Bruno managed to figure out how to get his robots to make puzzles—or at least facilitate the process—would be very difficult to believe.”)
(And yet another point brought this time by @multiversal-madness​, on Discord as well: “What if puzzles can just, stick themselves to paper. Like the paper is not just part of the puzzle, but they can just choose to rest on the paper. I said it as a joke earlier but they do seem pretty content to just sit in Hershel’s puzzle index, and at Granny Riddleton’s, there are wrapped bits of paper in the bottles. Imagine if they don’t only sell/make puzzle compartment things, but journal/notebook things where puzzles can sit on their own pages. Granny Riddleton just goes the extra mile and gets them not only their own sheet of paper, but their own bottles and puts those bottles in their own little puzzle house lol” —— To which, I personally replied that this was the idea I had specifically for Curious Village’s first puzzle! The map puzzle was pretty much a puzzle resting on the map itself, and going “solve me if you want me to move and let you see the actual map.”)
Puzzles are self-conscious enough to take decisions such as agreeing to stay with her or not. They also live in a little house, as if they could have their own little life too. Also, we should knock on the door before visiting, it would be rude to intrude and disturb them uninvited.
Granny Riddleton keeps other stuff as well aside from our puzzles. Either they are other puzzles, or other things altogether (which are probably just as weird).
She also keeps the puzzles (at least Layton and Luke’s puzzles) inside of jars. One per jar exclusively, because do you remember what I said about keeping multiple puzzles in the same confined space?
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Shitpost only edit: I love the fact that tumblr cuts my post at exactly the right position for its "View Post" button to act as a swear word bleep sound. This kind of coincidence is peak comedy to me.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
smallidarity emp2 wip clip cause ao3 is down - "Best Buds Forever"
It's such a cute simple little fic. It should be rated T. Everyone on emp2 sees that fucking insane "best buds" mural and said "ooookay then". It's just two conversations and Joel fuming.
(I also have a 2k modern Flower Husbands wip clip up and a "smallidarity back on empires without grian" post-lim life fic. and a modern SmallEtho fic that is "joel fretting cause he doesn't have a label for his relationship with Etho")
"Best Buds Forever"
“What do you mean, he’s not my bloomin’ bo – it’s a joke, alright? Scott shut up! We’re not even really ‘best buds’, are we? It just got boring, y’know, fighting all the time. Repetitive. Too much bloody time and effort.” Joel crossed his arms and frowned at the laughing man.
Scott composed himself enough to wheeze out “And how long did you spend on the mural?”
“Shut up! That’s-” Joel hesitated. “That’s... it’s a joke. He took down everything else so I had to give him something he couldn’t, because it looked. Friendly.”
“The monument to the strength of your relationship.” Scott said smugly, though still out of breath.
“No it’s not–we were going really hard on the enemies thing, so when he stopped that, we couldn’t just be neutral or something boring. So maybe we went a little hard on saying we were besties or whatever, but it’s a joke, We’re not even really friends, are we—Scott bloody stop it! Shut up!I am going to bloody kill you, pull yourself together, stop laughing!”
“Joel, I’m sorry, this is just the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.” Scott still had an annoying wide smile on his face. 
Joel scowled. “Glad it’s funny for someone. No, I’m not, actually. This is stupid and annoying and you— you smell. Get out of here.”
He turned away from Scott, but didn’t leave. Neither did Scott, though he did pull himself up into a sitting position. He took several deep breaths and adjusted his hat. 
When Scott spoke again, his voice was softer. “Joel… you’re serious, aren’t you.”
Joel’s explosive answer might have scared some, but Scott was more than used to his outbursts. “Yes I am bloody serious! When did you become such an absolute idiot!”
Joel had been having a perfectly reasonable day working on his base, focusing on the precision he needed for his builds. He liked building, it helped him not think about… things. Normally he enjoyed visits from Scott, but today he had come in full of even more smugness than usual. Joel hoped it meant he and Scott could make fun of someone, not that Scott was going to inflict his… Scottness on Joel. 
Scott had seen the… admittedly large mural Joel had built in Tumble Town. Joel had known people would see it, but he had to admit he hadn’t thought much about what they'd think. It was for Jimmy, after all, not the rest of them. Why would he care what they thought? 
The explanation Scott offered for his visit was to inform Joel that everyone knew about the mural and had “gotten the message” and he “didn’t need to worry”.
“Worry? What are you talking about?”
“You’ve made your claim, very clearly, and we’ll respect that.” Scott’s voice had a genuine undertone to it, making light of it all but being.. serious?
“My what? This is because of the sign? No, Jimmy can have as many buds, or whatever, he wants. It’s just a joke.”
Scott raised an eyebrow and looked at Joel in a way he very much did not appreciate. “Suuuure it is.” Joel glared at Scott and didn’t say anything, so he moved on. 
“Everyone else had ample time to actually make a move. If you’re going to be monogamous about it, we’ll stay off your man.” Scott’s silly mismatched eyes were positively twinkling and it made Joel very angry.
“My what???”
It had progressed from there, until Scott was on the ground in near hysterics.
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safyresky · 3 months
Happy June 13th on July 2nd, apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Year Six
Just managing to avoid detection, Jacqueline escapes! Only to find herself face to face with a very shocked and concerned Blaise and Winter. Preferring to avoid explanations, Jacqueline hides in the Pole in the hopes of working with Bernard to somehow put a stop to Jack's plans…
I'm getting very bad at going by this particular ah, aesthetic, aren't I?
Anyway! Frostmas Y6 is now up on ao3, freshly swept and tweaked here and there! It's all neat and tidy and up to SafyreSky Industries 2024 Standards so that's lovely! Check out Year 6: 2024 Edition HERE on ao3 and, yes, ff.net has been updated to match :)
What's 🆕 NEW 🆕 for Year Six?!?!
Word count has swung up: went from 16k to 21k. All I did was add a bit more dialogue lmao, WHOOPS!
Once again YEETING any instances of third person POV! It's all Jacquie baybe
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hehehe. ANYWAY
Made the motivations STRONGER; upped Jacqueline's "ANNOY JACK" mode to MAX HIGH HEAT BABY!
Also refined the B-Man/Jacquie chat where he's like "hey man what are friends for" and she's like "😲😲😲 we're FRIENDS?!?!?"
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(this may or may not be one of my fave memes lmao)
And I think that about covers it NO WAIT I LIED! A Year Six BTS HERE.
(As a heads up it IS a little bit (a lot) personal—a literal diary entry prefaces the post because there was a nasty gap between Y5 and Y6 bc of some personal shit? So heads up! I did make it VERY clear where personal shit ends and BTS begins so you can skip the Dani rambles and get right to the BTS rambles :)
Frostmas? You are saying. This thing again? Aren't you the Crystal Springs person? What's Frostmas? I am SO glad you asked. Let me share the summary!
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Intrigued? Take it from the top: [ao3 | ff dot net]
And here's a Year Six snippet for you, chosen with utmost care (MAXIMUM ANGST) in mind :)
"You know, I really didn’t think you’d do it!”
“Do what?!”
“Freeze that elf! I never even thought you’d agree to it! And when you did I thought wow, she’s really ready to go far for this whole fake freeze thing,” he laughed. “And then! You actually did it?! A little extra, but, I’m a fan of the style that went into it. You took the ice sculpture thing and, and ran with it!”
“Then why keep me here too? What, you still think I’d go to the Council with everything? That I’d stop this?”
“Uh, duh. What do you think I am, stupid?”
I opened my mouth to reply in the affirmative.
“It was rhetorical. Don’t answer that.”
I shut my mouth and pulled a face.
“Besides! I’ll need your help getting all this ready! What with your easy access to our shared heritage. It’ll take AGES if I attempted to do this on my own. Between decorating and the airport—"
I could barely focus as he began listing everything he needed my help doing, and continued walking. I could feel the beginnings of a sprite sleep clawing its way to my eyes as I stifled a yawn, trying to keep my two feet moving forward as I followed Jack down the corridor.
“—and I simply cannot do this all in time if you're out and about all willy-nilly. Also, just in case you're that good.”
“That good?”
“Y’know, actually faking it! Willing to go the distance to keep this up! Then the moment I let you go you’d run to the Council and we can’t have that.”
“Okay so, let’s say, theoretically, I WAS faking it. How would all that—” I gestured back towards the steps, where ice-Mason still sat beyond the walls and halls and twists and turns— “Convince you otherwise?”
“Because it’s exactly what I would’ve done.” The full impact of what he said hit as he turned around, surveying me with an unreadable look. “And you did it.”
I came to a grounding stop, my heart falling in my chest.
Jack chuckled quietly to himself. “Exactly. Now, I’ve got tons to do! We will chit chat later, Jacqueline—I’ll make sure your rooms are done up for your stay. Ciao!”
And, shooting me a smile and double finger guns he disappeared, leaving me alone in the corridor as the crushing weight of what I had just done—and what I had agreed to do—came falling down on me.
I stood in the hallway, motionless. The sounds of the chaos of the Workshop dulled before disappearing completely, nothing but a white noise as the world faded out from me and I realized that yes, Jack would've done it.
And I had done it.
I was turning into Jack.
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Check out Year Six HERE. ENJOY! 😘😘
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kenziedrawz · 3 months
give the akira wing au lore (please)
oh absolutely. In fact, I'll just give you all the fic outline since I don't know when I am going to actually write it.
the fic outline will be under the cut. it also includes a bit of lore explanation as well so...
but, timeline wise this does take place post near future. And in an alternate timeline of Near-ish Future where Hoshi's group didn't pick to investigate the temple/lake/statue. Quick warning for mentions of human experimentation as well.
also, another disclaimer but this au is subject to change at any time. As it's not as entirely fleshed out as I want it to be. I just wanted to give my boy(akira) wings. So this au may change plotwise in future.
[ Essentially, Akira has (secret, he doesn't know about them) wings due to getting kidnapped at fourteen-fifteen by the conspirators (something about being a potential vessel for Odeo or somethin, idk it’s not touched that much on) and experimented on. Yes Lawless did kick a lot of ass to save him, but that’s not entirely important. This is just backstory lmao. 
The actual fic portion opens up with Akira bitching about school and backpain(/hj).
And yes, he is in class while sulking, hence why Hoshi( still using the last name Asagiri) does come up and ask if he’s okay because Akira’s discomfort could be noticed from the fucking moon. Provide a bit of exposition here. Since this technically takes place in Near-ish Future it’s around a few months after the whole Odeo thing, at least over half a year since then. And during that time Akira had to start high school, which kinda sucks.
And, there’s also fuckass history project. Which is essentially picking a place in Nippori and investigating its history, Akira is silently thanking the gods that his group- which includes Hoshi btw- didn’t pick the temple(Lake of Unity) or Tsukuba Labs. You can automatically guess why he does not want to go to either of those places.
Back to the present, Hoshi points out that Akira’s been slouching a lot more lately and the fact that he seems more surly, Akira briefly mentally notes that someone would have had to actively pay attention to him to notice that, but Hoshi’s weird anyways so he brushes it off… For now, as there’s still the fact that Hoshi is just pretty weird in general under the surface.
It’s not like anyone other that Akira noticed it, considering he can (somewhat) read the other’s thoughts (it’s almost like something’s blocking him out)
Eventually, they wind up going to the nurses office- but the nurse is on vacation, or out, either way there is no nurse and instead of- y’know, just leaving. Hoshi decides ‘fuck it, we ball’ and essentially decides to at the very least, check Akira out to make sure nothing’s really fucked up. Cue a bit of banter and eventually Akira’s getting his back examined, yay!
So it turns out there’s two pretty large bumps near Akira’s shoulders, which is… probably not good since they practically are almost the length of his entire back. Now, Hoshi’s no medical professional, but he can tell there’s definitely something wrong here. Maybe even something of the supernatural variety. Which is pretty weird of an assumption to make in Akira’s opinion.
But, curiosity does take over, and he does touch one of them.
They feel weird, and Akira flinches at the touch. Odd. it’s as if there’s something moving under them.
And since Akira’s been peering into Hoshi’s thoughts for this, he freaks out a bit because what the fuck do you mean theres something under his skin Hoshi- Hoshi notices Akira beginning to silently, y’know, freak out and does attempt to reassure him- it works to a degree.
And then he gets an idea, which is essentially cutting open the bumps, which seem to be whatever is moving under Akira’s skin covered by layers of skin. Like something had grown underneath it. You can use this as a chance to maybe write body horror by the way. But, either way he asks Akira to trust him after he takes a quick search around the medical office and finds a scalpel and a local anesthetic. Akira, after a bit of deliberation, agrees.
So now we’re at the part where Hoshi cuts Akira’s back bumps open. But before doing so he lets Akira take one of his hands, asking him to squeeze it if it feels uncomfortable. And then it actually begins. Hoshi is careful to not, y’know, fuck up and hurt Akira because he’s under the anesthetic and won’t really feel it, but he gets the first thing loose. And there’s a pause.
Akira feels the urge to move, But Hoshi warns to not move ‘them’ until he’s done.
And so Hoshi continues, and the other thing is free. Thus, finally letting Akira move and- Oh, they’re wings.
Oh, they’re wings. Cue realization that this is what the conspirators had done to him at the lab around two-ish years ago. Which is, uh, not fun. He’d thought they just fucked with his mind because he had psychic powers, not this. 
But also, how the fuck did Hoshi get the idea that it might be like this?
As it turns out, Akira might not be the only one who’s gone under human experimentation in the past. But there’s more important manners to deal with now.
Such as how the fuck they’re gonna get Akira to brightsparks, or somewhere that isn’t school while hiding the fact he has wings.]
and that's all i have in the fic outline 👍 be aware that it may change as I work on the au more.
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timaeusterrored · 2 years
(More post space station bc I can)
Kerry wasn’t allowed to move. Well okay that was dramatic, he could, but V reacted to him leaving his eye sight. He’d tense up, grab his arm, or watch him to make sure he wasn’t going far. It was getting to a point where Kerry was just making phone calls in the bedroom, but made sure they didn’t escalate as to not wake V up or alert him.
V was like a ghost in his apartment, he barely left bed. Which Vik said was normal since V was probably overwhelmed and trying to adjust to several different things at once. One of which was losing Johnny, oh yes, Kerry caught him on several occasions looking around the room as if looking for him before settling back in. Kerry knew the pain of losing Johnny all too well.
But as much as he loved V, and was so fucking happy he was back and alive, he was going fucking insane with the silence. Staying in was no big deal, Kerry didn’t mind that. But he couldn’t stand V not talking, not moving, like he was gone even though he was here, so he did what anyone would do. He invited Judy over, because holy fuck he needed someone to talk too and someone who was close enough to V to possibly get him to say something.
V’s head was rested in his lap, his eyes closed. Kerry could never tell if he was actually sleeping. Not that it really mattered. He looked up when he heard Judy walking up the stairs, waving silently at her. She waved back, then mouthed, ‘Is he asleep?’ Kerry nodded but waved her in anyway.
She toed out of her shoes and stepped into the bathroom for a moment, before coming out in comfortable clothes, putting her bag next to her shoes. She slowly climbed into the bed, sitting at the foot of it. Kerry was surprised that V didn’t wake up, or even open his eyes. When he looked back up, Judy was giving him a knowing look.
“Y’know.. when he said he was sleeping with Kerry Eurodyne.. I thought he was joking.” She said softly, making Kerry snort. He could see that, especially with the state V had been in by the time the two met. Just another hallucination, maybe a Johnny memory confused for his own.
“When I realized it was true.. I got worried.” Kerry could also understand that. It didn’t take a genius to know Kerry wasn’t exactly the best person or partner. “I didn’t trust you at first, even when we first met.. but he was so happy, and the way he talked about you.. I never said anything.” Kerry looked back down at V, who was sound asleep, face half hidden in his thigh.
“And now?” Kerry asked, he never thought he’d want anyone to like him this much. But Judy was V’s best friend, and Kerry knew she was one of V’s important people.
“Now? Well, you paid a shit ton of money to get him out of an Arasaka Space Station, you’re pushing back concert dates and album releases to stay with him, you haven’t left here at all, to stay with him. And you’re looking down at him like someone is gonna take him again, which they aren’t.” She pointed out, and yeah okay maybe Kerry has had nightmares of someone taking V away again, but that was besides the point. “I know he scared the shit out of all of us.. pissed us off.. I thought after he went missing.. you’d move on, forget about him and us. And you’re here now.. hell even Vik likes you now!”
Kerry was speechless. He had been fucking pissed when V just went missing with no explanation, sent him awful things out of anger, but he could never forget V. Or Judy, or River and Panam. He knew why Judy would say such a thing but he was lost for V, and thought he’d never recover.
“And Vik said he doesn’t like you going far from him. So I’d say you’re good to keep around.” Kerry chuckled again, feeling V shift once more and nuzzle into his thigh.
“I was so fucking scared… I still am.. I have nightmares of ‘Saka taking him away again, doing god knows what to him. He sounded so fucking scared, Jude.. when he called me again. Part of me never wants to let him go, just keep him here where he’s safe with me..” Judy had seen him pull a gun with zero hesitation on the doctors who tried to touch V once he was out. How he was full on ready to shoot anyone that tried to take V away again.
“You love him?” Judy asked suddenly, and Kerry honestly hadn’t thought about until now.
“I do…” he whispered, feeling a love he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
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sadlybeans · 2 years
prince of the noldor, certified chaos incarnate
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I am 🎶 way too lazy 🎶 to draw detailed things 🎶 so I just drew this 🎶 in a comic style 🎶
✨ Headcanons ✨
Suffers from chronic baby face. Is often mistaken to be Curvo or Tyelpe by people who don’t know him.
Short hair. Convenient for working in the forges, excellent defence against rowdy children.
Brown skin like Finwë, but looks like a miniature of Míriel.
S h o r t
(Y’know, the average noldo is about a head shorter than Nelyo -commonly used as a measure unit. Well, Náro is the height of an average sinda, which makes him about two heads shorter)
(I cannot emphasise enough how short he is. The only person in the family of his height is Káno)
Hates (wearing) jewellery. Will not use earrings, rings, bracelets or necklaces, but can be convinced to wear a circlet.
✨some more headcanons that have nothing to do with his appearance✨ that are also placed in my personal AU and therefore might be conflicting with canon but i don’t care because i’ve run out of fucks to give, it’s eight am and i haven’t slept in twelve hours
Speaks tons of languages. Will use all of them at once when excited or angry (Nerdanel is never amused by this).
Cannot be trusted to write formal letters and documents. Partially because of the above fact, but mostly because he is the equivalent of a kinder aged child and should not be given important stuff.
Discipline the children? HA. No, he’s sitting down in the corner with them because he’s an enabler and could never say no to a cute pouty face.
Helicopter parent.
Actually allows the kids to socialise with their cousins. What do you mean? Of course he isn’t doing it to have his gaggle of little monsters corrupt Ñolvo and Arvo’s well behaved kids, why would he do that.
Cried for a week straight when he found out Káno was making heart eyes at Findo.
Then he spent a fortnight locked up in his forge and came back with a set of two identical daggers he gave Káno without explanation.
Constantly asks Tyelpe to spy on Nelyo and Finno because goddammit he wants more grandchildren.
Gets drunk easily.
He’s the type of drunk who cries for everything.
He will also constantly ask for Nerdanel like an excited puppy.
Overgrown cat behaviour. And no, he does this sober.
Extended family dinners with half siblings? Will -naturally- push Ñolvo’s cup/utensils to the floor ‘by accident’. Blackmailed by Finwë to stay in Arvo’s house overnight? Slams doors, pushes furniture around, drops shit on the floor. In the middle of the night of course.
Takes the slightest casual comment about a new craft/art that someone is doing as a challenge to do it bigger and better.
Nerdanel can’t sew for shit. Náro embroiders cute little details in the boys’ clothing.
Can’t paint or draw for shit. His sketches and plans for his work are incomprehensible and look like they were drawn by a toddler with Parkinson’s desease. Only the Valar know how the fuck he manages to create exquisite beauty out of that.
Handwriting is damn illegible. He can actually manage something presentable if necessary but he rarely gives enough fucks to do that.
Ambidextrous but instead of being proficient writing with both hands he can’t write with either.
ok i’m tired so i may write more later
wait one more
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First Impressions part 6
They’re still here, huh.....Wonder how long before they qualify again, pfffff.....
Choir and drums!? OK, I’m interested! O__O
Other songs are doing similar to this, but I’m still liking it so far!
I wish I had more to say about this......um, the chorus is nice and big
This is probably the best entry Georgia’s sent since......geez, “Keep The Faith”? I’m not blown away, but I’m impressed! They’re trying for sure! O__O  What a GRAND song! Potential grower!
Better than last year?: Yes, but not by a LOT cuz of how memorable Circus Mircus were
San Marino
Another rock song!? That’s two in a row from them!
Do I like it more than the Slovenian song tho....? Let’s see.....
I like the vocals.....and it’s bouncy.....
Y’know what? I’d say it’s pretty close....I’m gonna have to listen to them back-to-back XD
This is fun! Nothing more to say! It’s yet another song with energy and a nice beat! The best kind of rock
Ooooooh, nice ending. Good departure from the abrupt ones XD
Uhhhh....yeah, good, solid song from San Marino! Dunno how well it’ll go over, but I liked it
Better than last year?: Definitely yes. The much better song, altho “Stripper” had fun staging. Will this one? We’ll see.....It seems this song’s more serious
Um.......what the heck is that title?
I’m expecting an explanation quickly. You don’t title your song something like that for no reason
This is a CONCEPT
Y’know what? I’ll stop typing and listen. Entertain me
*a bit later* What am I listening to? XD
This is something you CANNOT prepare for- This is the “Eat Your Veggies” of the year-
I-it’s fun, but um......WHY XD
It’s....memorable, that’s for sure! O__O
No but seriously, I’ve read Edgar Allen Poe’s work in middle school and it hurt my brain just as much as this song did, so......i-it tracks.....I guess....?
.......S-seriously, what
Better than last year?: NO!
Right away, this sounds like......an Albanian entry
OK, it’s getting more interesting
It’s less out there than last year’s, but I like it more. It’s got more actual singing
I wouldn’t say I love it, but it’s a potential grower that I definitely like right now. It just.....sounds a BIT like I’d expect from Albania, but a BIT stronger
Better than last year?: Yes
A Eurovision entry named “Stay”? You got a BIG act to follow for me....
More Lithuanian? Cool! .....Nevermind, it’s in English
Another ballad, huh?
“My heart is bleeding....I need your healing...” OK, maybe there’s something for me here-
OK, it picked up! I like this now! If I had to say, I’d call this comparatively toward the bottom of my ranking with how strong the competition is tho
But the lyrics are good.....and I like the drum part....It’s not bad
I need to be healed.....I need your healing.....
(Gosh, multiple of my interests are being pandered to this contest....Strange...)
Better than last year?: About the same....? Maaaaybe a slight no....?
Finally....the rulers of Why Are You Still Here
......These lyrics sound like clickbait in song form- *shot*
OK, it was just the first verse XD
It’s over!? NOOOOOOOO-
I have no idea WHAT THE HECK I just listened to, I just know that it was INCREDIBLE.....a-and I need to listen to it again but I can’t-
OK, this is just NARROWLY my new favorite, neck-and-neck with Finland, I’m gonna need to listen to both of them more to make my decision
But even tho both songs b-blindsided me in the best way, th-this one got the bigger r-REACTION outta me, so I’m gonna give it the s-slight edge
H-holy c-crap.....on a stick, what the HECK......@___@
Better than last year? YES!!!!!! (Altho they were still really good last year)
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storiesofstratos · 1 year
Chapter 11: Part of the Group
After an unexpected witness discovers Daniel's secret, our heroes make their negotiations...
The air was a bit tense. I watched as Nico nodded over at Jack, and he let Leah go. For what felt like an eternity, the only noise came from the birds, and the wind, rustling the leaves in the treetops. I’d always secretly hoped I could just go about my life without having to reveal my powers to anyone, but I guess we don’t always get what we want, do we?
…Why wasn’t anyone saying anything? Not even Leah… which was extra weird. You’d think she’d have something to say after being grabbed like that, right?
I finally broke the silence.
“So…” Nobody looked at me. Jack and Nico kept their eyes trained on Leah, and Leah was watching them. Great…
“Okay, so, I think there’s… a bit of an explanation to be had here… Leah!” I finally got her to turn her attention to me. Okay, this was… progress? “I am… really, really sorry about all that. I think, um… I think we got off on the wrong foot, a little bit.”
“...You think?”
“Anywayyy… As much as I don’t agree with the method. I would… really, REALLY appreciate it, if you could keep what you saw here today between us. Please?”
Jack folded his arms over his chest, “Why were you even out here anyway? We were just going out on a walk, did you follow us?”
Leah pulled something out of her pocket: a cell phone. “Daniel dropped his phone while you guys were on your way out. I just figured I’d catch up with you and give it back, but… by the time I did, you were already on your way back. I saw Daniel fall, and then I saw… y’know, all that.” She raised her hands up, holding my phone. “Look, I promise not to tell anyone. No jokes, no nothing. It… seems like you have a good reason for keeping it secret.”
She stepped forward, putting a hand on my shoulder and putting my phone back in my hand. I didn’t even notice I had dropped it… “Uh… thanks.”
I saw Jack nudge Nico from over Leah’s shoulder, and whisper something, Nico nodding along. “Hey you two, we’re gonna go on up ahead,” Nico said, immediately grabbing Jack, and leaving me alone with Leah. Those bastards…
“Thanks for bringing me my…” I paused when I looked into my contacts and saw someone new… Leah? But how did she…
I looked up to see her smiling at me. But, a smile that was trying to appear innocent rather than one that actually was innocent. “You’re welcome.” Was that for the phone or… her number? Were my hands starting to get sweaty?
Things were quiet for a while as we walked back to camp. I knew what Jack and Nico were trying to do, but, what was I supposed to say to her? How was I supposed to navigate this situation?
“So…” Leah broke the silence, “What were you guys talking about? Somethin about your sister…? I mean, if it’s too much to talk about, you don’t have to tell me or anything. I’m not going to force you, or anything.”
I shook my head. “No, no it’s okay. It was about a year ago. I took my sister, Maria, out for her birthday. It happened really fast, but there was this guy… it was like he just emerged straight out of the shadows, I could barely see his face. He grabbed her. I couldn’t stop him… I have to find her.”
“But… everyone else thinks she’s… dead?”
I nodded, “But I can’t accept that… it’s selfish, and stupid, sure, but, I can’t accept that I just… stood by and let her get killed. So… I’m looking for her. I think I finally have a lead, but, there’s a lot of what if’s in the air right now…”
“I see…” I could tell Leah needed some time to process this information. I didn’t blame her. She probably thought I was crazy, or maybe suicidal… or, maybe both? Either way… this probably ruined just about any chance I had with her. Which, was fine, it’s not like I would want her to get mixed up in all of my stuff. “Well… I wish you the best of luck, Daniel. Try to be safe, at least?”
“Huh??” Jack’s voice suddenly erupted. Where the hell did they come from?? “What do you mean?”
“Yeah!” Nico appeared, were they watching us?? “You’re comin with us, y’know.”
“Wh- Me?? Why me??” Leah was clearly dumbfounded.
“You know Danny’s secret,” Nico pointed a finger at her, “We gotta make sure you don’t tell anyone. Gotta keep an eye on you.”
“But I already said I wasn’t gonna tell!”
“Look, it’s nothing personal. But we can’t trust you,” Jack pushed his glasses up, “So, we’ve made the executive decision.. To induct you into our group.”
“Do I not get a say in this?”
“Nope!” Nico was beaming. “As of right now, you’re a part of team…”
“...We don’t have a team name,” Jack poorly filled in the blanks, “But you’re a part of our group now. We go out for pizza after school on Mondays, and we go to the arcade on Thursdays.”
I was only just now realizing that we definitely had a routine. I looked over at Leah, praying I wasn’t about to see my chances actively slipping away by the minute. But, surprisingly, she seemed to be thinking about something… hopefully something good.
“Oh, Okay, fine fine.” Leah sighed, “I GUESS I can do that…”
Nico nudged me as she spoke. Was this their plan from the start? I was regretting ever mentioning Leah right now.
“Great! Now c’mon you two, let’s get back to camp before they start dinner! I’m starved!” And Nico was off, dragging Jack along with her.
I just sighed, “I’m really sorry about that… You don’t really have to hang out with us, if you don’t want to.”
Leah simply smiled, and nudged me gently, brushing her shoulder against mine. “Nah… it does sound like fun.” I looked up at her… she was uh… walking a bit closer to me than before. What was… “I mean, helping a superhero? Sounds like a good time, I’d say.”
I could FEEL the heat in my cheeks. This was bad. “Uh, yeah! I mean… yeah, that, sounds pretty cool… I mean, y’know, having you around. I don’t mind like, hanging out with you, or anything like that.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” She spoke in a teasing voice. Was that good? Were things going well? Gah, why was talking to girls so damn hard? “I feel so welcomed to the group.” She nudged me once more. “Come on. Let’s get going before all the food’s gone… Don’t suppose you could use your speed to get us there faster, could you?”
“I mean… only if you’re comfortable being carried.”
“Ha… maybe another time then.”
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Congratulations on finishing the David video ! I hope that my well wishes helped you through the process ...Now how long is that therapy bill--
Well thank you! Indeed, those well wishes and those of everyone else sure did help.
Oh, so you wanna know the therapy bill? As in, everything that drove me insane while making it? Here you go!
CW this may come off as a bit of a vent post at times but it’s not actually serious. I’m perfectly fine. I’m perfectly fine. I’m perfectly-
>David as a character being really complicated. This son of a bitch has been my main source of stress over the course of- how long have I been working on this again? I don’t even want to think about it.
>I thank the gods I already had some editing experience because it would have been hell to edit this otherwise. It was still hell, but at least I knew my way around it a bit.
>However, I was rusty at the start, so the editing style fluctuates somewhat noticeably through the video. This isn’t really bothersome for viewers I think, but it annoys me conceptually.
>The audio at the start of the video is bad and I am not fixing it at this point, you all are just gonna have to deal with it. It isn’t unbearable, and it gets way better, but y’know.
>Also I had to get over some performance anxiety that I just don’t like my voice too much if you can just imagine Min’s voice instead of mine that’d be great-
>Numerals, footnotes, tally 5, all the things that drove me insane before I started making the video.
>Altdrdt was also a small heart attack because what if something about it changes something about the MV- Thankfully nothing can really be connected, so we’re fine.
>Speaking of small heart attacks, the editing software I used (Lightworks free edition) occasionally crashes for no apparent reason, and while I always knew it wasn’t a problem, I did always worry I would lose a lot of progress whenever it happened, so you know, stress.
>Footnote 11. Fuck that one in particular.
>Footnote 8’s non-existence too. At this point I really hope it just doesn’t exist so I don’t have to adjust the explanation I gave for it.
>The world of abnormal sentiment dances. Why is that code so fucking unsolvable tally 5 got solved in like 48 hours-
>”Original”. I don’t feel like color-coding it here, but you know what I’m talking about probably.
>Actually color theory in general. It’s a really good theory, but I have to mention it literally all the time and it drove me insane.
>Language theory too. Why does this MV require knowledge in Japanese I am so done.
>The pronoun “wagahai.” Between this and the Milgram Mikoto “boku/ore” thing I am going to become an expert in Japanese first person pronouns.
>The nursery rhyme “Goodbye triangle, come again square,” and how it’s changed for LGI. I didn’t read into it took much, but just finding it was enough of a headache.
>The line where Xander says David is “just as human as the rest of us.” And y’know, “No Longer Human” and all that. Stop trying to get me to ship Xanvid because it’s gonna work eventually. (It already is).
>Everything is a fucking Hamlet reference. There are eight in total. Sometimes you’ll see a line that’s literally a sentence long, you google it and oops! It’s fucking Hamlet again! “I did love you once, you should not have believed me”, “call the noblest to the audience”, “the purpose of playing is as twere to hold a mirror up to nature,” etc. In fact, there’s a chance you don’t even know what that last one is, because it’s almost fucking translucent in the “clown clown let’s go off and engage in self-delusion” scene.
>Speaking of difficult-to-notice things, the arrow pointing at the Mai portrait in like one frame of the “God is dead” thing. It was pointed out to me after I edited the explanation of that numeral, which is just hilarious, isn’t it?
>I accidentally fell down the LGI rabbit hole while researching too. I ended up falling in love with the character, Ayaka Tsujima, mostly out of Stockholm syndrome, and all the songs are extreme bangers. None of them are on Spotify and I want to cry.
>”Even if you cry, make noise, …” First chorus.
“Even if you cry, make noise, …” Second chorus.
“Even if we cry, make noise, …” Third chorus.
Why is it different? I have an answer in the video, but it sure dealt 12d4 psychic damage when I realized that!
(Is that how psychic damage works? I don’t know I’ve never really been into tabletop RPG.)
>Could J and Whit stop making themselves look like the masterminds please? Veronika too but I don’t think that can really be stopped.
>Xander’s missing eyepatch in the one scene, and the theories which came from it.
>All the lyrics and all the background text augh. It’s so much.
>Why is Min only mentioned like once and very briefly I wanted to gush about her for at least half the video but I could only talk about her for like a minute at most I am so mad.
>The tunnel scene, the tunnel scene. There are so many literary references and none of them really seem related and I don’t think anyone understands my struggle.
>Fucking “””Diana””” in that one scene. How is a character we have three frames of driving me so insane?
>Did you know Socrates, the philosopher, was very Shidou Kirisaki-coded? I learnt that while researching for this video!
… I don’t know how we got there, but it is referenced in a visual gag in the video.
>The David MV was sorta my gateway into Milgram, so you can probably count that as part of the brainrot it inflicted on me as well.
>The amount of times I would google some author or book and the first search result was fucking Bungou Stray Dogs. It wasn’t a big deal but it always amused me.
I could probably continue, but that’s enough for now. Yeah I’m about to single-handedly make a therapist’s entire career.
Anyways, take care! Because I sure need to!
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noblechaton · 2 years
soooo I sorta rambled about my coming out as trans the other day elsewhere for national coming out day and kinda feel like rambling here too so uh. anyway
for the longest time I’d sort of intentionally obscured my gender and let people refer to me as they saw fit and for a time I’d told myself everything from it maintaining some ~mystery~ to being outright afraid of losing friends over it but for just about as long I’d sorta. hated being referred to in a masculine sense but then I also hated that bc I. had to be masculine. y’know? that’s how I was raised 
and that’s right bc why wouldn’t it be right? sure I still feel all....weird but like I was raised that way and can’t be the other way bc I am the way I am and that’s how I was raised and like
how could that be wrong?
why do I feel wrong? 
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so it just sorta sat there in my brain and in my heart for most of my life in some cage I’d refuse to acknowledge just like that. like I couldn’t possibly be that way bc I was the other way and it couldn’t be wrong
I talked about this in my coming out post way back when now but I’ve felt like this since kindergarten - that I was different, that I was wrong somehow and I just didn’t know how for a long time bc I didn’t really have a frame of reference or anything for this sorta stuff but then when that stopped being an issue and I had more space to learn and explore myself I still sort of intentionally didn’t and only went as far as my sexuality which I confronted more head on and confidently for some reason
bc again. how could it be wrong? but then why have I felt for my entire life that I was wrong? it made me angry whenever I’d even briefly considered the notion - that I was stupid or greedy or something for even thinking like that
and now I can sorta realize that all of that - from intentionally obscuring myself to not allowing myself the ability to broach the subject - was bc I hated myself. I hated myself for not being what they’d raised me as while hating myself for feeling as if I couldn’t be the other way, the way that some friends saw me as, despite that being the most comfortable for me - and they made me so happy when they’d refer to me in a feminine way entirely by accident
yet I never commented on it or encouraged it bc. it couldn’t be right. that wasn’t right. right?
and like. the more it seeped out and the more I found myself sitting on it over the last few years especially. for a while it scared me. it horrified me that maybe those feelings I’d had since kindergarten were actually valid and that maybe this super obvious explanation was actually right the entire time and oh my god am I trans? am I trans? how can I be trans? no I’m not. I’m not trans I can’t be trans
that’s. kinda how it felt in my head when it all really clicked which was just a few weeks before I’d actually more publically came out. I panicked and felt so anxious and scared and angry again like I had been so many times thru the years and yet with a few minutes and some music I’d sorta calmed down and just breathed. I don’t know why but that late night I settled down and sat at my glowing monitor, the only light in my room, and just breathed and thought and when it felt right I finally let myself just. accept. 
I cried. I’m kinda crying now lmao. I fought myself for my entire life but for some reason that night I just. stopped fighting. I let it sit and let myself think. I thought of how happy it made me when I was referred to in a more feminine sense and how much joy I felt in having my nails done or my bushy eyebrows complimented. even the lil things like silly pet names over the years that were far from masculine rushed back along my thoughts and I just. sat there crying and accepting until I managed to smile again. then a few weeks later I swapped my pick and y’all picked up on it hard and fast lmao
it’s still...hard. knowing that I’m different in this way and yet sorta having to stay in the way my family raised me since none of them know yet and honestly I don’t think they ever will. and so I’m not as outward about it as I’d like - my nails are long but I dunno when I’ll paint them, I can’t dress as I’d wish or carry myself like I’d want and hrt is a far off fantasy for my broke ass and there’s still that lingering doubt y’know? that thought that I’m doing this wrong and that I’m a fake somehow
but sometimes I’ll catch myself in a reflection real briefly and I’ll see my eyelashes and my brows and my eyes - still wear masks lol - and I’ll see myself in this more feminine light and it’ll make me feel so happy. and my friends - the people most important to me - accepted me without hesitation and sure they slip up sometimes but. they accepted me. 
I accepted me
and....I’m proud of that. even if it took me a while and even if it’s still super private and not entirely how I want it to be
I’m proud that I finally feel comfortable in who I am
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silverseadragon · 22 days
I don't know how to title this, but this is my first fanfition, so pls be nice
yeah this is my first fan fiction, and it is very smutty so if you don't like that sort of stuff don't read it. the ship is Matt sturniolo/female reader. for context you and Matt are enemies because one of his past girlfriends was a bitch to you and got him to hate you. you annoy him constantly, but you really like him and don't know how to show it. the story starts when your family invited him and his family to a cookout-type thing in your backyard./also I'm pretty busy with school so I don't know if I'll ever post again :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Hey” you say
Matt glances at you, then looks away “hey”
“Why did you have to come here? Your brothers are okay, I guess, but whole personality is just annoying”
He turns to you, rolling his eyes. “Oh, so I'm annoying? And why’s that?”
“Because you’re you. Do I really need more of an explanation?”
He crosses his arms, his attitude changing from calm to a little snappy. “No. Guess not. You think you’re so amazing, huh? Miss perfect.”
“Of course I’m perfect. I’m a girl” you say jokingly, but he isn't up for jokes right now.
“Right. Perfect? Hardly.” he says scoffingly, while rolling his eyes.
“And little miss perfect shouldn’t be talking with you” You say, acting like a queen.
“Little miss perfect?” he asks, slightly amused. “That’s a new nickname.”
“Whatever. I’m going inside.”you say, slightly sick of him acting all ‘oh, I’m the victim, whatever will I do now??’
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way in” he says while smirking.
“Maybe you think I’ll do that ‘cause it’s happened to you” you say, as a joke, but he isn’t taking any of that today.
The smirk melts off his face, turning into a glare. “Shut up.” he says.
“I think that just about proves my point” you say, taking note that he didn’t deny it.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes again, might I add, and says “no, it doesn’t”
“Yes it does. Now, if you’re so desperate to continue talking to me, just come inside with me.” he hesitates, thinking about declining, but apparently decides against it, and follows you inside. “Wow, you’re really clingy, aren’t you?” you say.
He scoffs, “I’m not clingy, I’m just bored.”
“And what do you think I can seriously do about that?”
He shrugs. “Dunno. Maybe you’ll entertain me. I’m hoping you’ll try to annoy me so I can annoy you back.”
“Oh wonderful” you say, sounding very unenthusiastic.
 He says “you seem very thrilled about that” He grins, and you think his smile is so adorable… No. don’t think about those things. 
“I truly am. After all, you are my favorite person in the world” you say, sounding sarcastic. At Least you hope you sound sarcastic.
“Y’know, i’ve always loved your sarcastic attitude” matching your sarcastic tone, and you internally sigh out of relief that he didn’t notice anything.
“Then maybe we’re meant for each other” wait. What. you didn’t mean to actually say that out loud.
He makes a face “Please. In what universe would that be true?”
“In your tiny little close-minded dreams”, you say, trying to seem normal about it.
“Oh shut up.” he scoffs, but he doesn’t deny it.
“I happen to notice you didn’t deny it. What’s wrong? You a little hard over me, if ya know what i mean?” you say, smirking at him.
He looks away, his face reddening in embarrassment “N-shut up! I’m not!”
“Are you sure about that, dear?” you respond
“Yes I am! I don’t like you even a little!” he says quickly, still refusing to look at you.
“Oh come on, I know you like the pet names.”
“No I don't. They’re cheesy. and stupid…” he muttered, looking back at you, his face a soft shade of pink.
“Ha. you’re blushing” you say
He groans. “No I'm not!” he protests, but you can clearly tell he is.
He lets out another frustrated noise “Oh my god. Will you please just shut up?”
“No. It's my job to annoy you.”
“More like it’s your life’s purpose to annoy me. But you’re doing a pretty terrible job at it right now.”
“Am I?”
his face starts to turn red again at your words, but he scoffs “I didn’t need to know that. And you’re seriously a terrible flirter, you’re as subtle as a brick to the face.”
“Maybe you’re just impossible to flirt with.” you reply
“Maybe you’re just bad at flirting with me…” he mumbles, his face a bit pinker from your compliments disguised as insults
“I’m better at flirting than you can imagine” you say coldly
“Really? Prove it then.” he challenged, raising a brow, a hint of playful curiosity in his voice
“Okay, darling. but maybe you should try first. after all, I have great skill that maybe I shouldn't weaponize yet”
he sighs, running his fingers through his hair as he tries to think of something to say “Alright. I’ll try first. Uh….” he stares at you for a moment “You look… really nice today. Yeah. That was my attempt.” he says, knowing that it was a terrible attempt
“Is that really the best you can do? no wonder you pulled that horrid girl”
he facepalmed, embarrassed at his terrible attempt “Alright alright. Maybe I’m not the best at this. But there’s no way you could be any better. It’s impossible for you to top me.”
“Okay, okay. I'm gonna be honest, yes, I'm not great at this, but I'm better than you.”
“We’ll see. I’m honestly doubting you.” he leans back on the wall, waiting for you to speak
“okay.”you brush a strand of his hair out of his face, then say in a soft voice “you're gorgeous. Your dark eyes really compliment your hair. Are your eyes brown or black?”
he didn’t expect your sudden compliment, his face now reddening at your words. When you brush the strand of hair away from his face, he tenses but he tries to hide it. He’s even more flustered when he hears you ask your question about his eye color “It’s… b-brown. Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering. they are really pretty, and sometimes I think I notice some amber in there, but it's usually so dark I can't tell.”
he swallows, his heart rate starting to speed up as you continue to compliment his appearance. He tries to ignore the feeling, trying to not get too flustered by your words, and he clears his throat. Although, it’s getting harder and harder to hide it “You, uh.. You really like my eyes, huh?”
“Of course. your hair... It's very thick and luscious. your cheeks turn a lovely rose color when you blush, too. your lips are perfect, so small and precious.”
He's practically dying inside by now, but he tries to keep his cool, although he’s finding it harder and harder to do so. He’s never had anyone, especially someone like you, shower him with so many compliments at once “I…” he stops himself from speaking, not sure what to say. He’s never been so flustered in his life and it’s painfully obvious now. He lets out a shaky sigh, looking away from you, the pink on his face growing more intense
“you're really easy to fluster, aren't you?”
he groans, frustrated that he can’t keep it together. His cheeks now burning intensely as you continue to point out how flustered he is “St-Shut up! I’m not…” he mumbled, refusing to look in your direction
“Look at me, darling”
he hesitates, his heart practically hammering in his chest. After a few seconds, he reluctantly looks in your direction, his face now bright red
you cup his jaw in one of your hands, and run your thumb over his lips
he tenses for a moment, but he doesn’t pull away. He swallows, feeling himself start to get a bit dizzy from your touch as you run your thumb gently over his lips. He glances up at you, a bit nervous, and he feels his face getting hotter
you slowly lean in, and lightly kiss him before pulling away
he lets out a small gasp when he feels your lips brush against his. His head starts to spin as he feels your breath on his skin, and after you pull away, he struggles to say anything, his brain not even being able to form words. At this point, he’s a flustered mess, his mind racing and heart pounding
“Hm. can you even think right now, sugar?” you say.
he shakes his head, his heart racing at a mile a minute. His brain was completely out of whack, his mind fuzzy, the only thing he could focus on was the fact that you had just kissed him “N-no…” he muttered quietly, his face completely red
“That’s cute.”
he huffs, even though he knows you’re right. He glances away from you, his face redder than a tomato “Don’t call me cute, darling…”
“But you know you are.”
he sighs. He doesn’t deny it, knowing that you’re completely right. His heart rate slowly returns to a steady pace, but he still looks pretty flustered “Whatever. You’re the cute one, not me.”
“I thought you hated me?”
he huffs again, still refusing to look in your direction “Just because I hate you doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re cute, darling.”
“Do you hate me though, or are you just afraid to admit you like me?”
He thinks about it for a few seconds. He hates to admit it, but you’re right. He sighs, hesitating before speaking “I… I don’t hate you, I’ll admit that. But I’m still not over the fact that you annoyed the hell outta me for months.”
“That is my job”
“It’s a damn annoying job, I’ll give you that.” he says bitterly, still refusing to look at you
“But did you know…” you say slowly, hesitantly
he finally looks at you, crossing his arms over his chest “Did I know what?”
“Did you know I did that so I could have an excuse to talk to you?”
hearing your question makes his heart skip a beat, but he tries to play it cool, raising a brow “Wait… so you annoyed me… on purpose… just to speak to me?”
“Of course. I specialize in annoying people, but I just wanted to annoy you so you would notice me, talk to me, look at me.”
he hesitates, a bit taken back by your confession “You’re telling me this whole time you’ve been annoying me… you were just trying to get my attention?”
“Heh. guess I’m the clingy one”
he laughs, finding it funny that the tables had suddenly turned “Looks like it. Who’d have guessed that you would be the one chasing after me?”
“Every girl chases after you. I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner”
he rolls his eyes “Don’t flatter me. It’s not every girl. And I don’t go looking for who’s interested in me.”
“I don’t think that’s entirely true, honey…”
he sighs, rolling his eyes “Ugh, quit calling me pet names.”
“Oh you like it and I can tell”
he tries to hide his blush again, feeling his face starting to get warm “Sh-shut up. I do not like it.”
“You so like it. You..”
he groans, looking away and mumbling something under his breath. He’s refusing to admit that you’re right, but you can tell by the redness of face that he does like it
“You like me” you say
he stays silent for a few seconds before sighing, giving in “Damn it. Fine, I do like you. Alright? I like your annoying ass and I’ve been in denial this whole time.”
“You just need to notice things around you, open your eyes to truly see the world.”
he huffs, looking at you as he crosses his arms over his chest again “Oh really? And what else am I not noticing that I’ve been overlooking?”
“I love you, your brothers have been through 2 more girlfriends than you knew about, your old girlfriend fucked up your life, your girlfriend before that one was cheating on you with Chris, he knew, but he didn't care, and didn't tell you because he thought she was hot and he wanted to be with her.”
his eyes widened at everything you say, completely caught off guard “Excuse me WHAT?!” he was shocked, processing all the new information you just dumped on him
“many people also think you're gay, and they think you're dating your friend Colby”
he sighs, facepalming at your words “Why do people keep thinking I’m gay? It’s annoying.” he groans “And I’m not dating Colby. We’re just friends.”
“People apparently think you guys are… more than friends”
he groans again, completely frustrated “Ugh, we’re not-“ he suddenly cuts himself off, an idea popping into his head
he smirks, a hint of mischief in his expression “Darling, do you mind me asking you a favor?”
“Depends on what it is…” you say smiling
he steps a little closer, a sly grin playing on his lips as he looks at you “If people think I’m dating Colby, I have an idea that’ll prove I’m not.”
“And it is…?”
he takes another step closer, his smirk still on his face as he moves his face closer to yours, now whispering to make sure no one else can hear what he’s saying “Can I prove it to them by dating you instead?”
“I was wondering how long it would take you to ask.” you wrap your arms around his waist, and pull him into a kiss. you stay like that until you have to pull back to breathe.
he melts into the kiss, his heart racing as his arms instinctively wrap around your shoulders to pull you closer. He’s completely lost in the sensation, and when you finally pull away to catch your breath, he’s dazed. He looks at you, a light blush on his face and his heart pounding in his chest
“Do you... want to go upstairs to my room? for a bit more... privacy” you ask
he nods “Yeah, yeah… let’s go to your room.” he looks away for a moment, swallowing before speaking “Just… be gentle, please?”
we walk up the stairs, and when we get inside my room, you lock the door and turn to him, a slight smile playing on your face, waiting for him to say something
he looks at you as you lock the door, still slightly nervous. He slowly walks over and sits on your bed, swallowing as the realization of what’s about to happen sets in. His heart is racing yet again, and after a few seconds, he finally speaks “Promise me you’ll be gentle, no matter what..”
“Of course.” I go over to him, and kiss him, deepening it quickly. you straddle his hips now, and hovering your hand over his belt, you ask “can I... take this off?”
he nods, his head spinning as he feels your hand hover over his belt. When you ask your question, his face gets a bit redder “Y-yeah.. go ahead, you can take it off..”
I take off his belt, and unzip his pants “you sure you're okay with this? if you aren't, we can stop”
he nods as he watches you take off his belt. His heart is beating anxiously, and seeing you unzip his pants causes his breathing to get a bit shaky. He tries to control himself as he replies “I’m fine, I’m okay.. you can keep going. Just go slow, alright?”
“alright.“you pull down his pants, and you can see the bulge in his underpants, pressing clearly against the fabric
he swallows again, visibly flustered from your touch. His face reddens even more as he notices your eyes trailing down to the bulge in his boxers and he looks away, embarrassed “D-don’t stare at it so much..”
you pull down his boxers, and gasp as his large cock springs out, flush against his shirt
He also lets out a small gasp, getting even more flustered. He feels himself start to get turned on from your reaction, and he looks away again, feeling very exposed “Damn it… don’t stare at it so much…” he says again, his face reddening even more
“but... it's so large...and beautiful” you say, your voice quiet and raspy
his cheeks burn hotter, surprised by your words. He swallows, looking away as his face reddens even more. He lets out a sigh “God, you’re embarrassing me…”
you lean down, and press a kiss to his flushed tip
he lets out a surprised gasp, a jolt of pleasure shooting through his body. He grips the sheets, his face scarlet as he struggles to say anything “Jesus Christ… you’re doing it again… being too forward…”
“you like it, don't lie” you lick up the side of his cock, and then slowly slip just the tip into your mouth
a small moan slips out of his mouth, and he bites his lip, holding back any other sounds that want to come out. He watches you, his heart racing as he struggles to speak “God, you’re-“ he cuts himself off, letting out a soft gasp
you swirl your tongue around the tip, then slowly bring as much as you can of him into your mouth without going into your throat yet
Another, slightly louder moan slips out, and he leans his head back again. The pleasure is getting to him, and he reaches down with one hand and gently intertwines it with your hair “God, you’re amazing, darling… no one’s ever… done this to me before..”
“remember, we can't be too loud... everyone's outside, and they won't hear, but... still”
he nods in agreement, his breathing getting a bit shaky as the thought of getting caught crosses his mind “I-I know, I know… I just… I can’t help it. You make me feel so good-“
you slowly bring him down into your throat before bobbing your head up and down along his dick
he lets out another moan, the pleasure almost too much to bear. He suddenly releases, his legs shaking, as the thick, warm liquid drips down your throat. you’re quick to swallow it
the way you swallow and move your throat makes him moan again, his eyes closing as a wave of pleasure washes over him. His breathing is getting shaky, and he lets out a quiet gasp “God… you’re so… perfect… you’re amazing at this… I don’t… I never want this to end…”
You pull out, your pupils large, with a bridge of saliva connecting your mouth to his dick
he lets out a small whine when you pull out, but the sight of your lips connected to his member by a thin thread of saliva was too much. He’s still trying to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling with every shaky inhale and exhale “You’re… too good at that… and you’re going to be the death of me, you know”
“Take off your shirt?” you ask
he hesitates for a moment before nodding, agreeing to your request. He grabs his shirt with both hands and pulls it off of him, throwing it to the side, now completely naked. He’s blushing and more flustered than ever, but he’s doing his best to not make a fool of himself “There, now what?”
you also pull off your shirt and jeans, now just left in your bra and panties. he glances down, his eyes trailing across your body. He swallows, taking in the view and watching you remove your clothes. He can’t help but stare, and his face gets hotter when he finally speaks “You look… gorgeous…”
You say nothing, just smile at him, unclipping your bra and letting it fall to the floor before you start to remove your panties
he swallows again, watching intently as your bra and panties hit the ground. His eyes widen in surprise, and he’s at a loss for words, completely speechless. Seeing you completely naked in front of him makes his heart race even faster, his cock at full attention to the beautiful naked lady in front of him. He feels his face start to burn again “Jesus… you’re stunning, absolutely stunning…”
“​​I'm nothing compared to you, dear” you walk over, and get onto the bed next to him. You motion for him to lay on his back.
he swallows, still in awe of your beauty. He hesitates for a moment before nodding, knowing exactly what you want. He lies back on the bed, his heart beating louder than a drum in his ears, as his back is pressed into the mattress by you.
You hover yourself above his dick before slowly sinking onto it, a quiet moan escaping your mouth as you take the entirety of him inside you
you slowly bounce up and down on his dick, and he starts to cum inside you, whimpering slightly while he does so. You feel the slimy ropes of cum hit the inside of your womb, and you feel just so joyful right now.
He pulls out of you, and you lay there on the bed, his cum leaking out of your hole.he lets you rest for a bit before he goes over to top you. He presses his tip against your entrance, slowly pushing in. He rests inside you for a minute, then starts to move. You can feel his sack slap against your ass every time he pushes in, and as he hits that one spot, you yelp. 
He smiles when he realizes he found the sweet spot, and continues to slam himself into you, hitting you in that spot every time. You know you aren't going to be able to walk tomorrow, but you just let him keep going because it feels so goddamn good. For the second time that day he cums inside, but he doesn’t pull out. He keeps going, hard.
He keeps going until you think you’re going to pass out from exhaustion. He has now came inside you six times, and you feel like you’re going to burst. The imprint on your stomach from being so full is very obvious, and it shifts slightly every time he moves.
He finally pulls out, and rivers of cum pour out of you, and he collects some on his fingers and licks them clean. You rest there, breathing hard, as he cleans himself up, dresses himself, and gets to work with you. He wipes away all traces of cum on you, and dresses you up. As you are still too exhausted to do anything, he strips the bed of the dirty sheets, and piles them in the corner, to take down to the laundry room later.
Finally, you open your eyes, and rasp something unintelligible, and he says “welcome back, darling”, walks over to you, and kisses you. You melt into his grasp.
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