#there's a certain headspace you gotta be in to answer a question like this- and I don't think I answered it ENOUGH
br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 1 month
Stranger, as usual, stared into Blackspace’s comforting darkness. He was alone. That wasn’t odd.. He always seemed to find himself alone, no matter what happened. 
He was considering visiting Headspace. Perhaps, just perhaps, his new friends might wish to spend time with him.
Who was he kidding. No, they wouldn’t.
Kel and Mari were too kind to admit it, but they were unnerved by him. Aubrey and Hero didn’t even try to hide their horror. Omori simply hated him.
Actually, Basil quite liked him. And he quite liked Basil.
..Yes. That is what he would do. He would go find Basil. That sounded like a lovely idea.
The colors of Headspace were giving Stranger a serious headache, He couldn’t find anyone. He was currently peering around a tree-trunk at Mari, watching her sitting at her picnic blanket and humming some oddly nostalgic tune. 
She must get lonely sometimes. He was certain of it.
He heard voices approaching from behind him.
“Hey, look!! There’s Mari!!” Basil’s voice called.
Aubrey let out an annoyingly high-pitched squeal.
Stranger watched as 4 kids ran by and joined Mari at her picnic blanket, none taking notice of him.
…There were 5 children in-
Stranger felt a hand on his shoulder before he could dematerialize, and he whipped around.
Omori stood there.
They stared at each other for a moment. Stranger was paralyzed with shock for a few seconds, and then he regained his composure.
“Ah!! Omori. Lovely weather, isn’t it?” Stranger said, his excuse of a question spoken with the intention of Omori leaving him the hell alone for once-
He mentally facepalmed as he watched Omori roll his eyes. Why had he said that? That was the oldest trick in the-
“It is nice weather, sure.” Omori huffed, the hint of a smirk on his lips.
Stranger peered at him curiously. What was Omori trying to do here? “Are you having fun with your friends, Dreamer?” He inquired, raising an eyebrow.
“...Yep. Yeah. We’re having loads of-...” Omori paused. “...What did you just call me?”
Stranger took a moment to process the question.
“...My apologies, Omori.” He corrected.
Omori nodded, and they went back into their staring contest.
“What have you all been up to today?” Stranger said, not breaking his gaze.
“We visited Captain Spaceboy.” Omori said simply.
His stare was getting a bit unnerving, but Stranger held it with the same intensity.
“Come sit down, you idiot.” Omori said, tugging on Stranger’s wrist before he had the chance to protest.
Omori firmly sat down on the picnic blanket, tugging Stranger down with him.
Aubrey shrieked briefly and tugged an absolutely clueless Basil in front of her, as if he was a shield.
“Aubrey, what-?” Basil questioned.
“Oh!! Hi, Stranger!!” The ocean-haired boy greeted cheerfully. “Are you doing alright?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Yes, fine, thank you.” Stranger replied. “You seem to be doing well yourself. Having a nice day?” He added.
“Mhm!! Spaceboy bought me a Sno-Cone~” Basil answered in a sing-songy tone.
“BASILLLLL…stop yammering… we get it, we GET IT!! Captain Spaceboy likes you the best, ya don’t gotta rub it in, ya know!!” Kel cried with a pout on his face.
Basil’s face burned red with embarrassment. Before he could say anything, however, Aubrey exploded.
“Kel!! Don’t be mean to Basil!! He’s been through a lot recently, and plus, Spaceboy has a right to favorites!! If I had to choose, I’d say Basil was my favorite too!!” She yelled.
Stranger caught Omori rolling his eyes. He let out a huff of amusement- they both knew Aubrey’s words were complete and utter BS.
“No you wouldn’t!! Your favorite is Omori, you big fat liar!!” Kel retorted. Aubrey stuck her tongue out.
“Oh, you- ugh!! Can it, Kel!!” She said, punching him in the arm.
Hero sighed.
“You two… be quiet for once, will you-? You’re gonna end up scaring our shadowy friend off.” He said, not directly speaking Stranger’s name.
Stranger had never felt pain before, but there was a pang in his chest, and he was sure that’s what it was.
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daredevil fam celebrating teen!intern!reader's birthday! (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 906
request: yes / no
original request: “HIII FAVORITE AUTHOR OMG ok soo my birthday is comin up on the 19th and i was just wondering how the daredevil fam would help celebrate w a teen!reader -- intern or adopted kid, whichever you’re feelin. and there’s literally no rush! i’m just excited that my birthday’s coming up :) “
dynamic: daredevil fam (nelson murdock & page) x teen!intern!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, josie, marv LMAO
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! omg i hope u have the best day ever!! this request was SO FUN to write & i rly loved thinking up how the fam would help celebrate!! i used a more professional looking pic bc i think these headcanons may be my most chaotic LMAO 🫶
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
ok so the way they found out it was ur birthday is lowkey stalker-ish
maybe not full stalker but it’s not like it was out in the open.
a certain… ahem…. fogwell foggy foghorn fogster fog jr 
i forgot his full name this is embarrassing so let’s pretend i said that on purpose as a joke!!
haha hehe omg mae ur so funny
why thank you!!
anyways he was looking in ur file that ur school had given nelson murdock & page so that u could legally work there
and he saw that ur birthday was in two days!!!
two days!!!
so he was in full panic mode
below are real (YEAH, REAL!!) texts he sent to karen & matt
i gotta prepare myself yknow i gotta get in that foggy texting headspace
ok i'm ready
“OMG (oh my gosh) 😱😱😱😱!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y/n’s birthday is in TWO DAYS 🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨we have to do something for them!!!!!! like maybe get a gift 🎁or some cake 🍰🧁🎂? they would like that, right? of course they would, who doesn’t like cake 🤩🤩🤩🤩?? well, except for you matt 😡😡i judge you for that. JK (just kidding) LOL (laughing out loud)... or am i🤔🤔?? anyway we need to be READY!!!”
imagine matt’s text to speech reading that
like it would be saying “exclamation point” until the end of time LMAO
(laughing my ass off)
also i do think matt prob doesn’t like cake
he prob would want one of those meatloaf cakes for his birthday like the ones that ppl “frost” with mashed potatoes? they seem like his vibe
ok anyways so you were kinda suspicious when you got to the firm the next day
you had a lot of stuff to file so you were trying to get down to it
but then they all kept coming over and asking questions
“hey, y/n. what’s your favorite color?”
“[your fave color].” you answered
and karen nodded but she took out her phone and made a note so you were like “hm”
but you thought nothing of it
and then matt came over 
and he was like “what’s something you like”
and you were like “...”
and he said “well?”
and you were like “just… anything?”
“uh… i like watching baseball. and … cats.”
“ok, baseball and cats. perfect.”
and then he smiles as he walked away because he understood that he just unintentionally made the perfect pun
so that was kind of funny
and kind of sweet bc like maybe they were trying to connect w u more!
but then u saw foggy taking a picture of u filing
“foggy, what the hell are you doing??”
you knew they didn’t like you swearing in the office but y’all desperate times call for desperate measures
“uh.. i’m… taking a selfie.”
“yeah? let me see.”
so he tried to hide it from you
but it was very clearly a photo of you!!!
“foggy --”
“y/n. it’s a new filter. don’t worry. it only LOOKS like you. it’s actually me.”
so you went to bed that night kinda nervous
like were they going to kill u or something??
did u need a witness??
oh well
anyway so the next day was ur birthday!!
happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy birthday y/n happy birthday to u
that was from me to u reader, but ik u wanna know what matt and foggy & karen say so i’ll go do that
you were lowkey scared to go in the office
bc again, they were all acting weird 
u heard foggy whisper “go”
and then nothing
and you heard foggy curse and karen was like
“we told you these confetti poppers were expired!!”
regardless, they all were like “SURPRISE!!!”
and you were totally floored
bc this was like so nice
& u never expected for them to do anything for ur birthday
really really nice seats to a baseball game!!
not that it mattered for matt where u sat 💀 
and yeah they were gonna go with you 
which was so cute like aww
bc lets be honest she would be the best baker
and she piped these like little cats on them!!!
they were so cute
except for the fact that they weren’t in the fridge so they were kind of half melted
but you loved them so much it literally didn’t matter
if you didn’t suspect that this internship was the best thing to ever happen to you before, you definitely had it confirmed now.
ok last little anecdote so i don’t end on such a cheesy note
after u did some filing
ok it was ur birthday but that didn’t mean u got out of work
the fam took u to josie’s and foggy told her it was ur birthday
and she was like “happy birthday kid.”
and then she looked him straight in the eye and was like “you’re not getting food for free because of that.”
but guess what?
everyone in the bar was pretty jolly bc its a bar guys ppl drink
anyway so they sang happy birthday to u!!
ur fave old man marv (who u had that wing eating contest with once) led the singing
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 13 reasons why Dark is the best character
I need to make a follow up to that "Blue's 13th reason comic" lmfao.
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Dark is just a master at obliterating people I love him.
Vaati still has a lingering piece of Zelda's soul from Minish Cap...Makes his seemingly infinite life make more sense. Also why he survived a blast from our current Zelda.
And again: Dark isn't saying this from a place of "This is what Dark Link thinks of Vaati"
He's just saying what Vaati FEELS about himself already. X'D
Vaati is insecure as HELL.
What Dark ACTUALLY feels: He finds Vaati sporadically interesting but overwelmingly boring as hell.
"I wonder what Vio's up too..." Dark you simping freak
and as if on que his hair gets more purple as he ponders if he should make it such. XDDDD
Vaati's gotta come to terms with the idea he made a huge mistake with this curse.
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Vaati, please stop physically abusing Dark.
Dark might have ACTUALLY gotten angry at Vaati with that 2nd panel.
Dark can just...poof. Assumably into the headspace.
Vaati reveals a horrifying truth about Dark: He's not SUPOSED to be able to read HIS OWN emotions. But can.
Mistakes were made. UwU
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...Uh Dark...Having a moment of self reflection?
Like it's pretty obvious he's speaking how he feels about himself to some degree through Vio's emotions.
Dark also casually forgets he has all the context he could ever want via everyone's emotions he can read's memories...
He's talking to Vio here without directly speaking to him which is...funny.
It's funny he continues to label Vio as "Smart" and wishes Vio would give him answers to things.
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Dark cuts himself off before he expresses how he feels about Vaati's behavior. Most of what you glen about Dark's feelings on stuff is through context clues.
On some level he WANTS Vaati to be happy but he just can't achieve it and it's making Dark feel...a certain type of way, considering he calls Vaati "Annoying" it seems Dark is feeling annoyed and exasperated with Vaati at this point.
He even compares Vaati to Blue but justifies Blue's anger with "At least he can't control it".
And then he ponders on who's having those thoughts about Blue. XD
It must be very confusing to be an entity constantly scanning and feeling other's emotions to fully understand your own.
His reaction to Green is very funny because he's 100% copying how Blue responded to Green's behavior towards him...Also we know Vio and Green are CLOSE so his response to blush at the deeper thinking about Green isn't surprising. XD
Him whining and kicking that he "Wants to get hugs in bed too" is a direct reference to Green comforting Vio after the Shadow Link debacle while in bed together lmfao. Who's position he wants to be in exactly, Green or Vio's is left open.
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I swear the further we got into this comic the more people got utterly confused by Dark's character.
He's complicated.
I think a question to ask: Why is Dark eating flowers?
For a few reasons: Him eating the flower here is meant to be funny, it's such a bad choice that results in him coughing up pollen and crying.
Alt answer: Flowers are beautiful symbols of innocence, purity.
And our villain for the evening is EATING them. literally consuming, destroying and in general just not caring about them. XD
Him eating something he's not supposed to also just shows he doesn't have the understanding some of the other characters do.
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He remembers he has smth to do.
He mildly wonders if Shadow and Vio are gonna kiss and then gets...angry...at the hug that's happening.
Sitting back down and sighing.
Which, his breath is still got pollen in it. XD
Our boy got jealousy DLC.
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The cloak Shadow is wearing to shield himself from the sun has a Greudo pattern on it.
You can either take this as a flashback to him looking around the area he dropped Green in or a Gannon memory take your pick.
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"Shadow, your Gannon is showing." sums up this entire page.
Dark's also sitting over there, seething. Lmfao. You can tell he's pissed.
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Okay reason the flashback was shown to Vio not saying sorry:
Makes his apology mean way more here with context.
Rewriting Shadow's death meant a few things:
I could make it feel more "unfinished" because...The sequel is right here lmfao.
It wraps up in a nice pretty bow because: Holy shit we have two volumes and we can't make the audience feel TOO bad lmfao. We got Gannon to fight still.
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Lol Vio's so emotionally constipated.
Fun note about Vio: he hasn't cried at all in this comic despite getting very close. XD
in OG FS He only cried when he got his foot almost broke. I just like to think it's hard to get him to cry.
Shadow was not expecting an apology.
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Hah. He was mad at the fire temple...OBVIOUSLY after the attempted murder lmao. But he's over it Vio. Totally. It doesn't bother him at allllllll-
Shadow's question's a fair one to ask lol.
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Things to note: Vio's method of "I can only rely on myself" lined up with Link's original ideals at the start of the manga TILL he literally couldn't do it by himself anymore.
Which...Was interrupted because of stupid reasons lol.
I really wish Vio's plan of working alone and how that ultimately FAILED was centered on Vio's fucking up. But he was messed up by TINGLE. And Vio's response to him being ANGER. Impatience isn't exactly a character trait Vio needed to grapple with before that point, and ironically: Someone ELSE fucked up Vio's plan.
Which still feeds back into "Other people fuck up what I'm doing"
Which had nothing to do with Vio's arc of learning he can't work alone. Vio would have killed Vaati and Shadow if TINGLE hasn't shown up. Like...Idk I wish somehow Vio would have messed up revealing he needs the other 3.
Idk how to describe Tingle being the thing that fucks up Vio's plan feeling cheap to me. Like I can't quite articulate why that annoys me to the degree I'd like to. It feels so "Comedic" and out of place for what the tone and vibe we were going for, doesn't feed back into his arc of learning to work with others, (Vio is the MOST stubborn in this area story wise.)
Anyway back to FSR and the dialogue in it:
Vio just vents his frustrations working with the other 3.
Vio's "I'll give us a 50/50 chance" is a sign of his pessimism (At least in the translation lol.)
He just wanted to save Zelda, which is a goal they all inherently shared and was the thing that brought all four together.
...Zelda's fine...so they don't HAVE THAT anymore as a motivator lol. Like in general they don't have a REASON to be the four heroes and not just Link right now. So their unifying goal doesn't exist at present.
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Haha okay we as humans who DON'T split into four people wouldn't understand this struggle...But
"Who the hell is Vio actually" is a reasonable question.
I stand by he's a character you gotta make a LOT of assumtions about.
He lies most of the manga or just doesn't state how he feels.
The four being so removed from Link after their journey as people is smth else I like the idea of.
Like at what point do they stop being Link and their new personalities begin? How much of Link is in all of them?
For Vio I surmise: Not much.
Art wise: Vio's bug eyes were a request to keep in from @james-p-sullivan who reads these in advanced often. XD
In the 3rd panel: You can actually see Dark's hand on Vio's shoulder hehehe.
Freakin' the goopy ass face is representivie of a few things:
Vio's identity is literally suphocating and non existent at the same time.
But also, the identity of Link weighs so heavily on him and he cannot escape that he doesn't line up with it.
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...This panel lines up REALLY WELL with what Shadow saw Vio as in the mirror.
They reflect on this moment in a very similar way considering all the context they BOTH have.
Vio would have KILLED HIM there.
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Anyways, Shadow laughing his ass of at Vio being genuine was smth I was gonna implement way earlier in the conversation.
I don't see it as Shadow being mean on purpose. Their entire situation is ludicrous and insane.
They're both stressed out and emotional.
Shadow cracked in the way of laughing.
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Lol Shadow could never be sure Vio just wasn't being cruel to him. Ouch.
Tho considering his relationships with Vaati and Gannon: He's used to being treated this way.
Hehehehe. Song quote go BRRRR.
It's from:
Because I defy you to listen to that and not hear Shadow singing to Vio.
If you're curious:
Band wise I associate FSR with songs from Artic Monkeys, IDKHOW, The Hoosiers, Conan Gray, Gorllaz, and Hozier just to name a few.
Dark Link specifically here's some recommendations:
Christmas Kids, Haunted House, and Digital silence.
Anyway, Shadow's promise. It's nice.
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Shadow's comment about hurling them both in lava is so awful but it gets Vio to make THAT FACE.
That face is hilarious.
Shadow just wants to move on, to his detriment lol.
Buddy there's a lot you guys still need to work on.
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Vio you're gonna get kisses.
His response here to just vigorously pat Shadow's face is hilarious.
Vio...gasps...Acknowledges his mistakes.
Not so subtly admits he was running from his issues by being Link for so long...which just caused MORE issues...
Shadow comforting him is just nice. I like them.
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Hah. He still wants to be Link...
Smth to consider: It's not like Shadow could TELL Link there was no Gannon in that sword lol.
The Master sword being brought up is just funny. Because the CHANCE they had to pull a different sword and not free Vaati was an option...Lol.
Shadow's obvious nervous face at the idea of the Master Sword is pretty telling imo.
Shadow asking what Link/Vio would do after they're whole again just to conform:
Yes Vio 100% still wants to be Link rn. He just accepts putting off splitting was a bad idea.
Hey he's learning.
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Vio acknowledges trying to just shove the sword back at this point is stupid as hell, also that he needs to apologize to the other 3.
Shadow being in Vio's court for his emotional turmoil is just nice. Vio can actually rely on him, and as we've pointed out they have similarities.
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Hehehe...He's BOTHERED.
Vio hasn't been alone, like TRUELY ALONE in 7 years so his hesitance to let Shadow leave for a sec makes sense.
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Huh so he DOES remember he has the triforce of power and just isn't saying anything...Alright.
He's got a friend waiting for him outside.
Idk what he EXPECTED this night to be like but, considering how fucked everything has been who really knew how this would all go.
I just wanna point out how fun dialogue wise Dark can be.
Bro just starts this conversation in a way that makes no sense.
Like, no introduction no sense of them not knowing each other is given cause HE knows who Shadow Link is.
Shadow Link has no fucking clue who Dark is and has never seen him before but Dark knows Shadow pretty well at this point so doesn't really act like they've never met.
Also: Dark sat outside picking flowers because Vaati's vague instructions of "Go away" wasn't very specific.
Dark continuing to eat flowers despite choking on pollen shows he really just does not care about his own safetey lmfao.
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Reasonably: Shadow's fucking flabbergasted by this weirdo.
One of my favorite visual details is how Dark put a flower in his hair which I'll get more into in a moment.
Dark continues to let his actual personality slip a little through his dialogue: he says Shadow Link "has so much" but "So much" in comparason to who?
Reasonable answer: It's Dark.
Showing Dark's jealous of what Shadow's obtained in terms of life/character development.
Dark's already becoming unsatisfied with his life and situation it seems seeing what Shadow and the Links have.
Dialogue wise: Dark says a LOT here that he REASONABLY shouldn't know if he were normal so from Shadow's perspective here's things Dark shouldn't know but does:
He states he knows Shadow Link is "The Demon King" and considers Shadow a liar for not saying anything about it.
He seems to have further knowledge on the dynamics between everyone with how he describes Shadow "Taking" Vio from everyone.
Shadow instantly recognizes this guy as a demon, which is all he knows about this dude at the moment. The imbalance of information is staggering.
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Okay visual motif to keep in mind: Dark's physically mimicking Shadow Link in these pages.
His hair turns a diffrent shade of Purple, one matching Shadow's way more than Vio's.
Vio's being more blue undertoned and Shadow's being red undertoned respectively.
Smth I've stated about Dark before: His teeth are flat typically but they are sharp in panels 1-2 here.
Talk about the flower time:
Dark looked very cute and sweet with the flower in his hair, but it drops off his head the second he states with full certainty Shadow Link is NOT fine.
Dark's childish mocking of Shadow's insistence everything's fine really cements the dude as seeing through everyone.
Dark's creepypasta expressions seem to jar Shadow cause he takes a step back from him lmao.
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Smth I've seen people bring up "Is Dark making creepy faces on purpose or is that just his face"
Is a hilarious question to me to think about.
Personally: I just think it makes him more visually distinct from the others. In a comic where everyone's a Link and therefor have very similar faces having a character who has no bounds to how "unattractive" their face can look is really fun. Shadow gets to do this as well but to a lesser degree I feel.
Design notes for Dark's creepy expressions:
Mouth needs to be waaaaay to wide if he smiles. Teeth typically need to be human with too much detail. Human teeth are uncanny and uncomfortable to most. A similar creepy vibe can be used if his teeth are just, not there. Pitch black mouth looks creepy depending on how you use it. Pupils: Blown the fuck out. The white being in the center gives a "Camera" look that personally creeps me out lmao.
His features in general can just contort in a way that are unnatural. His eyes going way to large, squinting like in panel 4 here being weirdly squished.
My personal brand of Dark Link face horror: Uncanny valley.
Back to the comic itself:
Dark laughing at Shadow questioning who he is is pretty funny since you can almost assume Dark assumes Shadow knows who he is already since he doesn't answer the question.
Dark often talks like the person he's talking too isn't even responding or their responses don't matter.
Since he doesn't bother letting Shadow respond to HIS question "Why'd you lie"
instead making up his own idea why Shadow isn't telling the truth which...isn't fully off. XD
Dark's assumption Shadow wants people to like him is pretty on the money.
Visual wise:
Dark hugs himself here and then makes a face very reminiscent of the one Shadow made after he flung that sword at Blue.
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Dark lets his jealousy slip once again. He says "other people" but you know he's talking about himself when he says "Other people want to hang out with Vio too"
Shadow takes great offence to him stating very plainly "I like him too you know..."
Shadow tries to stay focused but considering this entire nonsensical interaction it's hard to pick what to focus on XDDD
Dark not so subtly eats a flower while staring directly at Shadow Link while blushing.
What I intended from these two panels is that Dark is gauging Shadow's response to him eating the flower since Vaati responded very poorly to him doing that lmfao.
Shadow doesn't respond at all to him eating the flower (Likely not knowing what the fuck you do with those either X'D)
Smth to note: Dark Link doesn't look QUITE like Link. He's different enough for Shadow to just say he "Kind of" looks like Link. This is a comic with same face syndrome everywhere so if you're thinking from an IRL situation:
If they were live actors Dark would be played by a completely different actor than Link if you catch my drift. Vaguely look alike but not quite.
Since Shadow's not responding to his crap, Dark switches to focusing on his hands. Which he changes his nails to match Shadow Link's.
Shadow's figured Dark out at this point, asking point blank if Dark was the entity Vio spoke too.
At the time Shadow assumed Vio wasn't talking to anyone/anything in particular but since Dark's made his presence known the ability to assume is there.
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Okay I don't remember if I've gone into this on tumblr at all:
Dark tends to use honorifics to fuck with people.
If you've ever wondered why he sometimes calls Vaati "Master" it's because that's what Vaati called Elzo.
Here, he's calling Shadow Link "Your highness" and "King" because he knows it bothers the absolute fuck out of him.
Because despite being mostly blank slate: Dark has a personality and it shines through in how he has no TRUE respect for ANYONE.
Sticking his tongue out while making THAT FACE at Shadows prodding about Vio.
Dark continues to let his true personality show: HE LAZY.
Okay not really, but he doesn't WANT to be doing work right now and chastises Shadow for not doing his job while Dark has to work. Showing he's jealous of Shadow's ability just to do fuck all.
Dark visually circling Shadow Link like an orca matches with how he's the meanest most sadistic behavioral wise fucker in the comic at the moment. He even matches orcas in color scheme sooo-
Motifs motifs: Dark touches people way to much lmao. He has no personal space boundaries.
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This whole interaction makes me laugh because it's so silly.
Dark just, hugs Shadow Link no warning and Shadow has no idea how to begin responding to that shit.
He always initiated hugs and physical touch in the flashbacks with Vio, to an extent, that's STILL how it is. So Dark initiating hugs while saying incredibly mind fuck shit is just the kind of dichotomy between Dark's words and actions that make him a fun character.
Smth to note: The "ineffectual" line Dark's referring too is smth the ORIGINAL PIG GANNON said. Not Shadow Link. Dark seems to think they are 100% the same person with no separation.
Which either implies Dark would act this way around Gannon, or just knows he can mostly get away with this behavior around Shadow Link due to what he's seen of him.
His line about Shadow "Wearing the skin of Link" really pisses Shadow off since: This is just Shadow's identity lmfao.
Dark is objectively wrong in his assumptions as Shadow lived his whole life assuming he WAS just Link's shadow.
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More mimic fuckery:
Shadow's pissed off so Dark mimics his pissed off nature.
The punch was so ineffective that Shadow's not even sure if it hurt by the "?!?" after his "OW!" XD
He threw that punch by the way BECAUSE Shadow pushed him. Dark just made him hurt the same way he hurt him.
Dark throws a temper tantrum and the aftermath of said temper tantrum is one of my favorite shows of his character so stay tuned for that.
Freakin' reached the image limit on this post.
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gossipsnake · 2 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: The Pines PARTIES:  Anita (@gossipsnake) and Inge (@nightmaretist) SUMMARY: Anita & Inge Find an Egg! CONTENT: child death tw (references to death of an adult child), pheromone influence, discussions of motherhood
Something had changed between Anita and her. Or, at least, Inge assumed it had. If there was an occurrence to change a casual friendship (with added benefits), it would be saving someone’s life from hypothermia while they were a ginormous snake. It wasn’t an unwelcome change, though. There was something nice about the deepening of this particular relationship.
So they were passing through the woods near Anita’s home, hiking the way humans might and divulging in the latest rumors. Perhaps not much had changed after all. “This Max —” She bristled still, at the sound of that banshee’s name, but she sounded amused too, “She looked like a freshman and thought she’d kill me. It was … almost endearing, you know? Like an angry toddler.” She scrunched her face up in demonstration.
When the pair turned a corner Inge’s eyes fell on an unusual sight. Which was, of course, quite usual in a town like Wicked’s Rest. Things didn’t tend to be usual. There was a great chance the trees were watching them and there was some kind of fae monster lurking in their branches — and she liked that. But this was something else. This caught her attention like nothing else. “Is that … an egg?”
Metzli and Cass, they had both seemed to want to talk about the occurrence this past winter in the woods. It wasn’t that Anita didn’t like talking about it (to a certain extent) but it did make her feel her own mortality more than she would like. She wasn’t like Metzli, or Leila, or Inge for that matter. She wasn’t immortal. But Inge hadn’t brought it up much, not explicitly. Anita could tell that things had shifted between the pair, however. They spent more time together neither at work nor naked (though they still did both of those things), and it was really quite enjoyable. 
“I’ve gotta admit, as annoying as that Max sounds, I’m kind of glad to hear I wasn’t the only one up to my ears in banshee bullshit.” Anita had told her a fair bit of what had gone on in Ireland but not quite everything. There were certain things that didn’t feel like her palace to tell. Was this growth? Like that meme from that HBO show? 
Anita was so caught up in her moment of self congratulations that she hadn’t really noticed anything strange until she heard the question, and she instinctively began to answer it before she even laid her eyes on the thing, “It wouldn’t be uncommon, this is prime bird egg laying season honestly…” she trailed off as her eyes landed on the egg in question and quickly corrected herself. “Okay, that didn’t come from any normal bird.” Almost immediately, she took a few steps closer to get a better look at the thing. 
Though her confrontation with Max had irked her, it would serve to be a story worth repeating down the line. Inge hadn’t encountered a lot of banshees in her days, after all, and it was somehow refreshing that it hadn’t been a slayer (or other type of hunter) who’d wanted to kill her for once. She would very much prefer it if no one wanted to kill her, but to get hung up on wanting such things was childish. 
“Banshee bullshit,” she repeated, “That rolls off the tongue nicely. I am still a little offended that Siobhan didn’t think to invite me, you know. I thought we had something special.” She wasn’t sure if she would have gone. She hated Siobhan. She was glad Siobhan was back, though, but only because all their other colleagues – save Anita – were dull and incapable of challenging her. “With Dolan back we’ll have plenty of banshee bullshit to come, though, but just her brand.” She hated her so much, which was why there was a hint of fondness in her voice.
There was not a lot of time to overthink her feelings about the banshee who’d left her on a wall, though. The egg was taking up most of her headspace. It smelled … strange. Earthy and musky, like a perfume she might have whiffed off someone else. Was Anita wearing a different scent? She followed the other, stepping closer to the egg. “It’s beautiful.” A branch snapped and she whipped around as if scared something would come hurt the egg. “It’s … it’s all alone, out in the open … that’s bad parenting.” 
It was no secret that Inge and Siobhan were not exactly fond of one another. But they were without a doubt Anita’s most enjoyable co-workers. While that wasn't necessarily because they were her only known non-human co-workers it certainly didn’t hurt. Though there was something about the organic chemistry professor that gave distinctly non-human energy, Anita had yet to crack that case yet. “I’m sure there will be all kinds of new and exciting bullshit to deal with when the new semester starts, banshee bullshit and others.” 
Despite being a reptile, Anita was never actually an egg herself. Rattlesnakes, like a few other species of snakes, give live birth to their young. She felt much more kinship, however, to species who laid eggs than those who didn’t. “Very bad parenting…” she repeated in agreement as she carefully looked around, wondering if there was any sign of the mother nearby. All that she saw around them was open forest and a few large predator birds flying overhead. Anita knew these woods - they were not kind. 
The smell of the egg was so distinct that, and at first, Anita was worried it was rotten. Abandoned by a mother who perhaps knew it was never going to hatch. As she moved close towards it the egg seemed to shift. “It’s hardly even in a proper nest. I wonder if its mother was eaten by something out here. Or, maybe it got separated from her somehow.” Nobody had ever accused Anita of having a maternal instinct before, but all she wanted to do was scoop this egg up and find a nice warm incubator for it. She looked over at Inge, about to say something when the egg seemed to move again. “Whatever kind of egg this is, that little guy is a fighter. I don’t want to leave it out here unprotected but I’m worried trying to move it might hurt it.” 
Inge had never thought much of eggs. Eggs were simply food — they were part of Sunday breakfast when she’d been a mortal, boiled at the exact right level of hardness for Hendrik. They went into her quiches and the sweet things she baked. She’d had chickens, with her once-husband — a trio of clucking hens that he’d gotten from the farm he worked at. She’d search for their eggs each morning and sometimes they were warm to the touch, and she incorporated them in food or gave them to her parents.
But those eggs? What did those eggs matter? Those small, insignificant chicken eggs, that were naturally overshadowed by the egg in front of her. Now this was an egg. This egg had something to achieve besides being cracked above a bowl or boiled in water. Inge moved closer, its scent working itself into her nostrils and finding its home there. “Who would do such a thing … to leave an egg so beautiful? A child so innocent, so in need of protecting …” 
She swallowed thickly, wondering if Anita was right. Maybe its mother had died. Her mind trailed off for a moment, thinking about how she had died when her daughter had been young — but then it was quickly pulled back to the egg. She was able to lift her gaze from the egg after a moment to look at Anita. “We — well, it’s clear, isn’t it? We cannot abandon it in the wild like this.” She crouched down, placed a hand on the shell. It was warm. “It’s a fighter, and it should be looked after. And we’re … well, the perfect pair, aren’t we?” She could look over the darling egg from the astral at night and Anita was a fierce protector. “It’s beautiful, truly.”
It was reassuring that Inge seemed to feel the same way as Anita about this egg. Maybe that should have been concerning, but all she felt was relief in knowing that the two of them wanted to protect this precious egg together. Thinking of how Inge had helped her out of that dicey situation this past winter, getting help, keeping her alive  -  Anita nodded genuinely at the question, “Yes. We are the perfect pair.” Her attention quickly returned to the egg, as Anita took her phone out to take a few photographs of it. It was so beautiful and she had never seen anything like it before. It was like she suddenly understood why parents posted so many photos of their children online. 
“You’re very lucky we found you, sweet egg,” Anita said softly, “if humans had come across you they probably would have tried to make an omelet out of you. Humans are quite awful.” Just then the egg twitched again, or rather, the creature inside of the egg twitched. Anita grinned, “I think they agree.”  The egg didn’t stop twitching though. “Do you think it’s about to…” she trailed off slightly, almost astonished at how fantastic their timing seemed to be. The smell seemed to be getting a bit stronger and Anita frowned a bit as she looked at the “nest” that this little babe was laying in. “We need something softer for it, if it’s going to hatch here. I have some clothes in my bag,” she said as she took her backpack off. A lamia, or any smart shifter, never left home without a change of clothes on them. 
She had shed any maternal instinct like Anita had shed her skin, had thought herself rid of it now that her adult daughter had been dead and buried for over a decade. It had never fit her well anyway, that role. She had made a better aunt to her nieces and nephews, made a better mentor than a mother. But today, here and now, Inge knew suddenly that she had been an absolute fool to try and rid herself of this duty. She was a mother, and she needed to use her maternal skills to take care of this abandoned babe, this poor, lost little soul. She would nurture it. It was the very thing she was born for.
She nodded, “You are so very lucky. We understand you.” The egg was twitching and Inge looked at it with interest, but also with worry. It was beautiful, it was doing so good — “It might be,” she said. “But you’re right, this is no place to come to earth.” She had no extra clothes on her, and just wore what she was wearing. It wasn’t like temperatures bothered her much any more. She still worked on undoing her jacket and then the top she was wearing, standing only in her bra. It didn’t matter — the egg needed the softness. “We’ll take care of you.” She started to surround it with her own clothes, then looked at Anita. “I have nowhere I need to be.” She had multiple appointments, but she could forgo those. She already had.
Anita had seen many creatures be born. She had even seen many eggs hatch, incubated many of the snakes that lived at home with her. But never had she felt so immediately protective of an unknown creature before. As she bundled up the t-shirt and leggings that she had pulled from her bag she was so caught up in making sure that whatever was about to hatch from this egg had a soft landing spot that she hardly even made note of Inge’s half-undressed state. Hardly, she was a true MILF now but she wasn’t blind. “Classes are out for the summer, I don’t have anywhere I need to be for quite some time.” 
It was mostly true. People would worry if she disappeared for a while, wouldn’t they? Metzli would. At least a person would worry. But Anita had worries of her own to consider, worries about this precious life that she and Inge were about to foster into the world. More movement was coming from the egg now and far more rapidly until eventually, finally, the first small crack in its shell occurred. “Oh!” Anita said with a wide grin, looking over at her newfound partner in all of this. “That was impressive. A little fighter in there. She’ll fit right in with you and I.” She said with a playful nudge, the smile never leaving her face as she scanned the forest around them, making sure there were no outside threats incoming. 
All the worries she’d been occupied with were melting away, replaced with the nurturing care she felt for the sweet egg. The only way she could be made to think of those concerns was in the context of that egg — what if her demons were to catch up not only with her, but with this darling thing, too? Inge crouched down at the egg, nodding at what Anita was saying, “Same here. And whatever I do have, I can set aside. This is … oh, egg. No appointments matter in the face of you, I think.” 
Her eyes met Anita’s at the same time, a kind of glee shared between the pair that was new. She may have brought life into this world before, but this was different — this was done without her body tearing open, without her sweat and tears. And Anita was a better partner, was she not, than Hendrik had ever been in parenthood? Because Inge did recognize what was happening for what it was — a parental instinct, a need to take a young thing under her wing. “Very impressive,” she said, putting an arm around Anita as she pulled her towards her and looked at the egg. Its shell broke a little more and a round head poked out. “Oh …” Her eyes shone, her hand pressed against her mouth. “Oh — she’s … a beauty, Neets.”
Anita was no stranger to the feeling of intoxication. She often lived her life seeking it out, in fact. Not just in the form of her favored tequila but in the intoxication that could be found through an array of thrilling activities. Each type of intoxication, that brought on by killing, by lust, by adventure, by defiance, were all unique. As she was crouched down beside Inge as this sweet darling egg began to hatch Anita felt an intoxication unlike any she had experienced before. With Inge’s arm wrapped around her, there was a feeling of security as the beautiful babe shed its literal shell to be welcomed into the world protected by the two women. “Si… she really is.” Her eyes darted between the mare and the egg, equally intoxicated by how the creature was hatching and Inge’s reaction to it. “ Just like her mami’s,” Anita beamed. Practically, scientifically, Anita knew that there was no genetic relation between them and their egg but that didn’t stop the swell of pride she felt. 
The creature, their sweet egg hatchling, didn’t look reptilian. It wasn’t really a surprise to Anita since the egg itself hadn’t seemed particularly reptilian. While it would have been incredible to stumble upon a lamia egg in the wild she knew that wasn’t what had happened. She mirrored Inge’s gesture, and wrapped her own arm around her, as she used her other hand to take a few pictures (and maybe a video or two) of the egg’s hatching. “I’m glad we found her together,” she said, resting her head on Inge’s shoulder as she put her phone away to admire the egg more without the distraction of the screen. “It’ll be nice figuring all of this stuff out together, how to take care of another person. A very small vulnerable person at that.” 
Anita said what Inge felt. She bestowed the title of mother on both of them and the mare did not shy away from it this time, did not consider all the anguish and trouble that came with that part of her identity. Why would she ever denounce motherhood, after all? Why had she ever despised this feeling of responsibility? As she looked down on the egg, she knew she would give anything and all for it. “Just like her mums indeed,” she said, cocking her head to the side so she could see her hatchling child from a different angle. “Please share those pictures with me. We’ll have to take many — infants grow so very fast.” She leaned her own head against Anita’s, hand rubbing small circles on the other’s shoulder.
She nodded at her words. Her mind ventured to Vera once more, for a moment, and when she had been an infant. The nappies and the breastfeeding and the sweet smell of her and her laughter — all of it seemed to pale in comparison to her new child. Perhaps this was what she’d needed, as a mother: a different child. “I’ll teach you,” she said, “How to be a mother.” Anita didn’t know of her late daughter, but Inge didn’t remember why it should be something kept quiet. It was important they were honest with each other, for the wellbeing of their child. “I’ve done it before. It’s hard work, but for her? It’s all more than worth it, don’t you think? We —” She sighed. “Will be amazing parents.”
A symphony of questions flooded Anita’s mind at the unexpected admission that Inge had done this, motherhood, before. It hadn’t even been something that she had considered a possibility, despite knowing the other had been alive far longer than she had. Sometimes she forgot that people existed outside the context in which she knew them. There wasn’t time to dive into all of the questions she had about this past child of Inge’s though, because the child in front of them kept working so diligently to break away pieces of its shell. “I’m glad to have you as a teacher.” 
Thinking of her own lack of experience as a mother; thinking about her relationship to her own mother, Anita felt a small pang of fear wash over her. Their baby was becoming exposed to the harsh realities of the world and she couldn’t help but wonder if, even with Inge’s help, she had what it took. “I’ve not done it before, obviously. But I’ve seen it done. You can learn a lot from observation. I may not know exactly what to do … but I think I have a sense of what not to do.” She inhaled a quick, sharp breath, before nodding in agreement. “We’ll be amazing parents.” 
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
39, 40, 43
& hellooooooo how are you bby? i asked many questions because i LOVE hearing about your writing process and all the tidbits you share
Aw, thank you bby! I love answering questions about my writing, it's so much fun. Please feel free to send more!
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
Um...no, actually. My writing and my writing process is all me
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Oh yeah. I mainly tend to reread my own fanfics but there are some that I go back to like ALL the time. There's one fic for the CSI: Miami fandom that I've visited like...120 times? I mean, there are like 22 chapters so like, majority of the visits comes from like reading each chapter but like...still
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
Ooo...see now this is hard...I've gotten a lot of really good prompts when I used to take prompts...so it's hard to choose. So I'll just give you a few of my faves.
The Moon Shines Bright Over the Woodlands - Elven au
Eye for an Eye - Mafia au
My Everything - hurt/comfort
Chen Yuzhi is MINE - Possessive/Jealous Jiang Yuelou
"Z" for Zhan - Assassin au
Blood In, Blood Out - Mafia au
Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is - Mafia au
Wait, We're Married?! - first ever Devil Judge au
questions for fic writers | send me asks
And then you had tagged me in the "Fanfic Author Asks" so I will answer your question here
42. How do you get over writer's block?
Ah, now this a good question...the only time I ever really had "writer's block" was when I was in a really bad mental headspace. And what I did then was I had gone home to see my family then for like a short vacation (I also had a job interview back home so it like kinda worked out) but I basically like just unplugged/relaxed/spent time with family (and we had all gotten covid at the time so we REALLY spent time together). But yeah, just unplug, go for a walk, get some sun, eat something, hug a friend/family member...just do not think about your work/fic. And I know that's gonna be hard because it's going to be like a looming, negative nagging shadow in the back of your mind, but you gotta beat it off with a stick and just let yourself relax.
Because with me, when I was fighting with my fic Monster Like Me, I basically worked on it for SO LONG and put so much pressure on myself for the fic to be GOOD that I basically sabotaged myself (and ended up deleting the outline/draft to give myself a completely new slate). Sometimes you gotta just step away and breathe.
But also, there's this thing I've seen going around tumblr that's like "if you have writer/art block for longer than a certain period of time, you should probably see a doctor because you're depressed" so like...yeah. If writer's block persists longer than normal for you (if you ever get writer's/art block)...maybe go see a professional if you can't get excited about your work. Or go read someone else's work. Maybe that'll bounce you back. Either way, taking a step back from your own work and letting yourself breathe and think will do a lot better than you sitting and staring at your screen forcing your story to work. Force never works with fics. Ever. I've learned the hard way. If they don't wanna work, they won't.
Fanfic Author Asks |send me asks
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snobgoblin · 1 year
Important question: What do you think Ace would be like as a Dad™️? Not like a father-figure, even though that’s obviously valid as a form of relationship like I’m not saying that’s less legit, but I just mean he’s got a kid or kids somehow by someone that he’s gotta be present for? Idk I’m like neck-deep in psycho developmental studying once again and I’m curious about so many aspects of this for him. Would he be a shouldn’t-be-a-parent, or a surprisingly-good-at-parenting type? Would he ever want that, not want it at all, or not care? Would he get along better with his kid at a certain age range? Does that child ever see their father’s real eyes? Stuff like that (I know I have unanswered stuff from you and you’re probably not in the headspace for this q rn so certainly take your time answering)
ohhhh hey this is a really good one sorry it took so long to answer I had to think about it for a few days bc the immediate answer isn't obvious
I think, my final answer would have to be, he would be a good parent, but not a traditional one? he's good with kids in a mischievous uncle way, if Buttercup is anything to go off of. but I definitely think he would get along with older kids way better, and I think Autumn's right on this I think if he were to adopt he would adopt a teen
I don't think he could be trusted on his own not because he'd be intentionally mean or anything, it's just that he's had a record of being mean to kids, and a history of being irritable, and I think he'd wanna distance himself for fear of snapping at them and doing something cruel. I think teens would be much more in his comfort zone. and I think he'd do pretty alright, he wouldn't know exactly how to give them I guess a "normal" life? because he never had one but he'd try to be their friend I guess and I guess making sure your kid feels loved is one of the most important things you can do. I dunno does this make sense? this was a toughie anyone's free to add on
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TumblrFrostbite's AU Question: If Harvey Dent NEVER had his face scarred, no thanks to unfortunate circumstances, how different would Harvey's life be if he's still a district attorney and ally of Batman and Gordon now? Note: This scenario could take place in any DC canon. ANY DC canon.
Ok. This is literally the first ask I ever got on this blog, and there’s a reason it took me so long to answer. This is like, a huge question. So apologies for putting it off so long, and I hope this answer satisfies, @frostbite883.
Note: there are a couple of my own assumptions in here, but don’t let that detract from the main point.Note Note: im on mobile and can’t create a cut off, so long text incoming.
Harvey Dent before getting scarred was a tenacious dumbass. He was the DA, and he did his very best to clean up the crime in Gotham, despite being threatened with bodily harm multiple times. This is the dude that purposefully snapped photos of known Mob people’s license plates, despite being warned Not To Do That by the Gotham crime families. Fuckin wild man.
He was like. Batman If Batman operated in the daytime and lawfully. As DA, he had a high conviction rate cause this guy!! Had!! Evidence!!! He was against wrongful convictions and he did his gosh dang best to keep criminals behind bars, and the innocent on the streets.
A regular rising star! He was insanely popular (amongst the normal, non criminal people), and he was a very good friend of Bruce Wayne. The world was his oyster. Then he got scarred and it all went to shit.
But suppose he didn’t get scarred? Suppose he didn’t have that mental break? Well let’s discuss.
Firstly, I don’t think he’d like. Immediately ascend to position of mayor or something like that. He’s a popular dude, but I genuinely believe that he would want to stay in law, where he could measure his own impact in the city. Conviction rates and evidence? That’s all tangible.
Harvey is a tangible dude for sure, let’s be real. Part of the character’s appeal is his intensely held beliefs of right and wrong. As his darker inclinations are not given a Literal Face like in canon, I think it’s fair to say that he’d still have a bit of an internal crisis morals wise.
The interesting thing about Two Face was that he wasn’t an alien. He wasn’t some dark force. He was Harvey, the parts of Harvey that he always tried to suppress. Just because Harvey wasn’t scarred doesn’t mean that Two Face wasn’t lurking beneath the surface.
So let’s break this down:1. Harvey Dent has a high profile, high pressure job. It’s hard for him to ‘turn off’ work mode- we know this because people close to him are constantly telling him to tone it down and take a dang break.2. We also know that the Sal Maroni case (where he was scarred in canon) was an especially important one. He would have been more stressed than usual.3. In this hypothetical scenario, we’re gonna say Maroni still attempted to throw acid on him. We’re also gonna say he’s either a terrible shot or Harv was just able to dodge the shit out of that.4. Either way, there was still an attempt on Harvey’s life. He’s already in the public eye (which can be stressful for anyone- Harvey included), and now that his case has been partially derailed by the shit show that is him almost dying. Not to mention the fact that he’s already under a lot of pressure to do well due to his position as a rising star who’s yet to have a scandal. That’s. Really overwhelming.5. Two Face’s appearance in canon is directly linked to Harvey’s own mental weakness (read: stressed as fuuuck), but he only got as much power as he did because he was physically there, a literal manifestation.
But for this AU, he’s not scarred. So let’s analyse this new behavior:1. He’d be irritable following the attack. Two Face is repressed emotion, and while he remains safely locked away his influence would still be felt. Harvey would probably be grappling between keeping up his public ‘golden boy’ persona, and dealing with an onslaught of negative emotions that of fucking course he’s feeling! Dude probably has some form of PTSD and I’m not even getting into that!2. His relationships with the people in his life would be strained. He and his wife (I don’t think they’re fighting or anything) are talking less, he’s isolating himself. He and Bruce are still friends, but Harvey would try to keep Bruce from worrying by over compensating how 'fine’ he feels. 3. He’d be reckless too. From the very beginning this man has been reckless but this takes it to a new level. His sense of self preservation is all over the place. He’s paranoid (that people will realize that he’s not as ok as he shows himself to be), but he’s taking tremendous risks all the time. His conviction rate goes up, as does his tendency to courtroom drama. Two Face was always the one with an eye for the ridiculous, and I think this seeps into this Harvey.
Eventually Bruce and the others close in his life are gonna meet up and be like: 'yo Harv’s acting bananas’. It’s intervention time.
So Bruce, Harv’s wife, Gordon, and some of the people in Harvey’s office trap him one day and there’s a huge intervention. Everyone can tell that Harv’s been off since the failed acid attack, and they’re worried as shit. Harvey would try to deflect and deny, but that wouldn’t last long.
The dude likely breaks down, and there’s a big group hug or some shit, and they all get Harvey to promise that he’ll go to therapy to deal with all of these things he’s feeling. And to to therapy he does! Cause his friends and family aren’t dicks and there’s no mental health stigma!
And then shit starts to look up. Harvey goes to see a therapist twice a week for a few months (and then once a week for longer after), and he learns healthy coping mechanisms. Two Face (or rather the emotions associated with him) are not repressed, but they’re dealt with in a manner that is healthy mentally.
Harvey starts to keep a journal or something so that he has an outlet for his emotions, he talks things through with people he trusts, he tones down some of his nonsense at the office and in court, and he works with Gorden and Batman when he has the time.
That’s another thing he works on- he has to learn not to overwork himself. He keeps a schedule. One day a week he forces himself not to do anything case related. Usually he spends it with his family or Bruce. Beyond that, he keeps the amount of cases he takes down to a sane level.
All of these things make for a healthier, happier, and more productive Harvey Dent. But Harvey does keep up his old tricks. He’s still after the crime families in Gotham, and he’s still dedicated to improving life in the city. He is by no means not a threat to the evil in the city.
Working with Gordon and Batman, the trio’s success rate for exposing and dealing with extreme criminals raises exponentially.
Maybe I’ll write something on the politics of that in another post, but I’m keeping this Harvey centered.
Tl;dr: Harvey Dent may avoid scarring, but Two Face is more than the scars. He’d have to go through therapy before reaching his full potential, especially after a life threatening even like an acid attack.
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marigoldwitch · 5 years
Create your own spells by asking yourself these questions:
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♡ What is the purpose of this spell?
Blessing? Protection? Banish? Manifesting? Love? Health? Money? Luck? Sleep? Dreams? Psychic abilities? Employment / Career? Beauty? Motivation? Happiness? Courage? Purifying? Vision? Energy? Growth? etc.
Yea, there’s a ton of situations that you can use a spell for and knowing what exactly it is you want to achieve will make it easier when go through the rest of the questions.
I have found being specific works best for me. But you might find vagueness to be more appealing and ideal for your particular situation. 
♡ Am I intending to alter/manipulate the physical world/something outside of me? or is this spell intended to alter me mentally and emotionally?
Basically you’re determining if it’s an “outside force” or and “inner issue.” For example if you want to something like a new job, an A on a paper, clear skin, a new home.. whatever it is.. you gotta ask yourself if you’re the issue? What has been stopping you from achieving these goals? Is it your poor time management, your poor money management or your lack of motivation? If it’s any of these reasons you want to consider focusing your intentions on changing within. 
If you’re doing all the mundane things and you’re still not able to achieve whatever it is you’re trying to achieve, you’ll want to focus on magic that will manipulate and alter your reality/the physical word. So you want to move out but every apartment you find that you love, someone else swoops in and gets it before you can. You can do a luck spell specifically focusing on your intentions to move out. You’re working magic to manipulate your reality, rather than your inner self.
♡ What do I have available or on hand that I can use for this spell?
This is so important because you don’t want to write/create an elaborate spell that you can’t even use because you can’t get ahold of what you need for it. Common herbs, crystals/stones, tools etc. are just as useful as those harder to get ones. Something being harder for you to obtain doesn’t mean it works any better than what you already have.
And also take into consideration what is actually useful for the spell. Don’t just add random shit because it sounds right. Do. Your. Research. Examine your past workings and see what did and didn’t work for you too. Common/well known uses for certain tools and ingredients and great but it truly is different for everyone and you should always keep a record of what worked and what didn’t work for you. 
♡ What method do I want to use?
Are you more comfortable creating a spell jar? Maybe you prefer candle magic? or maybe sigil magic? You gotta ask yourself what you think will work best for this specific situation. Sometimes if you’re doing a spell to alter yourself (as in, inner work) having a physical representation of a spell can be helpful to see everyday (like a charm, bottle, box, etc.). If you’re working a spell to alter or manipulate something outside of you, maybe it’s best you do a “set and forget” type spell (sigil, teas, potions etc).
♡ Is timing important to me?
Is it important that you do it at a certain time of the day/night? Is it important that you do it on a certain day? During a certain moon phase or some other astrological event? Take into consideration if this is something that you think can help your spell. Sometimes it’s helpful to do a spell during a certain phase of the moon and sometimes it’s pointless and adds nothing to the spell or it’s potency. You gotta determine if this is an important factor to you or not.
♡ Is the spell time sensitive?
Now you’re asking yourself if you need to achieve your goal in a specific time frame and/or is this an ongoing spell that needs to be effective for a long period of time? 
♡ Am I in the right headspace and/or have enough effort to do this spell?
Most important question... Are you mentally and emotionally prepared to do this spell? Spells can be energy drainers. So making sure that you’ve got enough energy is super important. So answer this question honestly. If your spell isn’t time sensitive and/or doesn’t need to be done now, you can plan out your spell so you know you’ll have the proper energy. Also, if you know you’re someone who naturally doesn’t have the energy, most of the time, to do spell work then that’s when timing your spells can be helpful. Using solar, lunar, astrological energies can be very helpful. 
I hope you’ve found this to be helpful in your journey, on your path and with your magical workings. Spell casting is fun but also tiring and should be taken seriously if you’re serious about wanting results out of it.
Please consider supporting the blog and “buying me a coffee” over on my ko-fi page. You can also follow me on Insta and Youtube. Thanks for reading ♡
coffee // insta // yt
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wanderinginksplot · 4 years
Loved your Hondo and Aurra one, can you write something with cad bane being enamored by a new bounty Hunter or something of the like?
Okay, so this ended up almost a thousand words longer than I meant it to be! Still, I hope you enjoy!
The Bounty
Bane hated Coruscant. The whole cursed planet was a city and the teeming life made the reptile in him want to get as far away as he could and just curl up in the sun. But bounty hunters - even the best ones in the galaxy - had to work sometimes, and the Triple Zero had more prime targets than any other planet.
He was walking down a side street on one of the mid-levels in search of his current bounty. Despite Todo’s fretting, he and the droid were safer here than anywhere above or below. He had to give his target credit: they knew how to hide. The level was high enough that there was no need to watch your back just so no one would stab it, but disreputable enough that someone hiding from the authorities wouldn’t stand out.
Still, Bane was in a foul mood, and it was only getting worse as he continued to be unable to find his target. After he circled the same filthy block for the fourth time, Bane let out a blistering curse.
“Are you Cad Bane?” 
He whirled, hands resting on the butts of his blaster pistols as he cursed himself. How long had it been since someone had managed to sneak up on him? Too long to start making stupid mistakes now. 
“Who’s askin’?” he growled, scanning the dark alleyway. His red, slit-pupiled eyes adjusted better to the gloom than those of most other species, but even he had trouble picking out the speaker until they moved.
As the shadowed form stepped closer, Bane noted with some distaste that it was a human female. Duros had invented hyperdrives and had settled all across the galaxy, but it was the humans who were the most prevalent species. Nothing in the universe was fair.
This particular human looked to be nothing special. Her hair hung in limp strands - probably due to the humidity from the steam vents several buildings away - and her clothes looked like they had seen days in levels a lot lower than this one.
“I have some information for you,” she said, her voice pleasantly low and pitched to avoid being overheard.
“I’m sure,” Bane snorted.
“It’s good information,” she assured. “Worth a credit or two?”
“Dat’s not how dis works, girlie,” he said with a menacing chuckle, drawing one of the blasters and aiming in less time than it took to breathe. “Tell me da information an’ I’ll decide what it’s worth.”
She looked frightened, but nodded. “Th- There’s another bounty hunter after your target. I was sent to warn you that the guild gave out t-two biometric fobs.”
“Who sent ya tah warn me?” Bane demanded, absolutely livid. First, he was ousted as the Fett brat's godfather, and now the guild had issued another fob for his target? Ridiculous and insulting. Maybe that's why he was pressing the human female so hard, and why he hadn't put his blaster away yet. 
“I don’t know, I swear!” she answered quickly. “He just pointed you out to me, gave me some credits, and told me what to tell you. Please don’t kill me!” She fell to her knees with the plea. Her actual skragging knees. 
Bane shot her a disgusted look and holstered his blaster. In a few steps, he was at her side and tugged her roughly to her feet. She was heavier than she looked, but he had no problem getting her to stand - or keeping her close, even when she had started to struggle in an effort to get away from him. 
"Are ya lyin' tah me, girl?" She shook her head frantically, but he noted with a spike of deep-buried interest that she had glanced at his mouth. It wasn't uncommon for people to mix up fear and interest, especially on a lower level of Coruscant. 
Bane knew he had nothing to fear from this small human. He could read her every thought in her wide eyes and the expressions on her honest face. There was no reason not to have a little fun.
He pulled her closer, so close that the brim of his hat brushed her forehead as he continued, "So ya just thought to trick some extra credits outta me?"
"Uh, Master?" Todo chirped irritatingly.
"Shut up, droid," Bane snapped irritably as her gaze slid over to the techno-service droid instead of being fixed on Bane's own red eyes. He missed their weight, their heat. "D'ya know what I do tah people who try tah trick me?"
And there it was, her gaze flirted to his mouth again and lingered, just for a moment. 
"How ‘bout ya earn those credits a different way?" 
Offense crossed her face. "I'm not a-"
He lunged in for a kiss before she could tell him what she wasn't. 
Duros didn't put much stock in kissing as an expression of anything, but it was the best way Bane knew of getting humans in the right headspace for more… inter-species recreation. 
"Master," Todo said urgently and Bane fought a sigh. He hated the droid sometimes, but it was right. He had a target to find and now, there was a deadline.
He nipped at the human's lower lip with his sharp teeth and pulled away. "I've gotta go take care-a dis. See ya around."
She blinked up at him, looking rumpled and more than a bit confused. "But-"
"Shut up, droid," Bane snapped. "Can't ya see I'm goin'?"
When he turned back, the female was leaving. Bane spared a single thought for her, wishing momentarily that he had gotten her name, but he had bigger things to focus on. He had to find his bounty, cause some pain to the guild member who had issued a second fob, and figure out why he couldn't feel the vibroblade in his boot.
Bane patted himself down and found that he was missing the pouch with his credits, the vibroblade from his boot, and the tracking fob. 
"Master," Todo said again. "I've been trying to tell you: that girl was stealing from you!"
Bane hissed, whipping around to fix his gaze on the female. She was just rounding the corner of a building and saw him looking her way. Rather than the fearful look she had worn through their interaction, she grinned and sent a triumphant wink his way.
"Next time, just tell me!" Bane snapped, running after her. "Now I gotta track an unknown through da planet!"
"I traced the water from her hair while you were… occupied," Todo volunteered. "I believe she came from the steam vents three blocks west."
Bane changed directions and picked up speed, Todo soaring through the air beside him giving directions. At a certain point, he slowed, “I cannot go further. The steam will short out my circuits.”
“Fine, just wait dere,” Bane ordered over his shoulder. “Dis won’t take long.”
When Bane got to the steam vents, he immediately recognized the female's silhouette standing next to a nondescript, illegally parked ship. She was facing the opposite direction, speaking into a comlink hidden under her grimy sleeve. 
"Well, keep me updated," she said, clearly disappointed with the person on the other end of the line.
Bane was on her before she could lower her arm, twisting her around. However, her reflexes were better than he had expected, and she turned and kicked him away in the same moment. Still, Bane hadn’t lived this long being taken by surprise. He grabbed her shoulders as he was pushed back, and levered her along with him. In the end, his balance was caught by a wall, and his grip pulled her against him until there was not an inch of space between their bodies. 
"Gimme one good reason I shouldn't blast ya to pieces right now," he snarled in her face, one blaster already drawn and pressed to her temple.
Though this was a lot less friendly than the last time they had been so close, she wore a crooked little smile. “Because I can give back everything I took?”
“Yeah? An’ how is dat gonna make up fer da fact dat ya thought it’d be smart tah steal from me?”
The smile widened and took on a saucy look. “I think I more than made up for it back there. And there’s more where that came from. But first! Credits, fob…”
She hesitated before handing over the vibroblade. “I really like the knife. Any chance I could keep it?”
“I could shoot ya right now an’ no one would blink - least of all, me,” Bane hissed.
She pouted a bit, but passed the blade back. “Now, where were we?” she purred, moving as if to slide her hands up Bane’s arms.
Bane knocked her hands away and her comlink went off. She hit the button that allowed it to transmit, and Bane was less than thrilled, “I didn’t tell ya tah answer that.”
“We’re clear,” the comlink said.
“Who’s clear-a what?” he asked suspiciously, the end of the question muffled by the human female’s lips meeting his mouth once more. He obliged her, taking control of the kiss with a hand in her hair, holstering his blaster so he could use the other to angle her jaw.
“Bane,” she moaned at the contact.
Bane broke the kiss and tried not to pant as he said, “Ya got me at a disadvantage, darlin’. Ya know my name, but I never caught yers.”
“Oche,” she told him, giving a mischievous little smirk. “And that’s not the only thing you didn’t catch, bounty hunter.”
He was already furious by the time he tried to reach for her and found his wrists caught in magnetic binders, attached to the wall behind him. 
“Well, that was lovely,” Oche said chipperly. “I do wish I could stay longer. I would love to see if all the rumors about you are true.”
Her gaze drifted downward and Bane growled at her, knowing full well what she would find if she looked too closely.
“Anyway, looks like we’re both done here.” 
As she began to root through his jacket, Bane glowered. “So, ya were tryin’ tah steal my bounty all along.”
“Not really,” Oche said after a thoughtful pause. “It’s more like… a partnership. You found the guy, I got the fob, and Embo got the bounty.”
Embo. Bane should have guessed that the Kyuzo would be one to steal a bounty. He had already tried to steal Bane’s signature wide-hat style. Aloud, he just said, “And when am I gonna get my share-a da payment fer this little partnership?”
“Well, your portion was done on more of a volunteer basis,” she hedged.
Before Bane could tell her how little he cared about volunteering anything, she said, “I’m taking some of your credits, the fob, and the vibroknife. I really did like it.”
As she stepped away, Oche added, “Embo said to tell you thanks for the bounty. He didn’t know if he could find them alone, but you were a big help. And don’t worry, those cuffs will come off as soon as my ship leaves the atmosphere.
With that, she scampered off, climbed into her ship, and blew him a kiss goodbye through the viewport. Bane bared his pointed teeth at her in return.
Oche was right, though: the binders fell off only minutes after her ship had risen through the air. Bane spent only a moment glaring at the sky before he walked back in the direction of his own ship, lost in thought. 
Fett had Wesell, Embo had Oche, even Ohnaka had Sing. Was he the only bounty hunter left in the galaxy who still worked solo? Where was his apprentice?
“Master!” Todo cried, hovering beside the Duros’s face. “Did you find her? Did you get the target?”
“Oh, I gotta target, all right,” Bane said darkly. “An’ I’m not gonna stop ‘til I get ‘er.”
He would find Embo and Oche, he would get his money for the target he had found, and then… Bane and Oche would finish what they had started. 
Whether it would be finished with blasters or something more primal, he wasn’t certain, but it would be finished either way.
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tehrevving · 3 years
Weird question once again, but what do you do when you wanna write a fanfic on Bdsm but none or the characters you like would be interested in that? Like canonly they're vanilla or it's just not their thing? Look for another character or something? Sorry for this. Pls ignore me if you don't wanna answer.
That’s the best part about fanfic though Anon. It doesn’t really matter what the characters might be canonically into because you can just write whatever you want anyway lol.
In general though, I agree that sometimes it can be difficult to put a submissive character in a dominant role or the other way around. Sometimes you’ve just gotta think of the perfect scenario that might put a character in the right headspace to act a certain way. And that can be really tricky.
If you’re really struggling though, then it might be a good idea to pick some other characters, even if you just use it for practice and while you flesh out your ideas more. Writing new things can be really daunting, so sometimes it’s a good idea to practice with something more comfortable first.
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leemotionalwreck · 4 years
Of Black Chats and Fallen Angels (chapter 2)
Read it here on AO3!
Chapter 1 | You are here | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Tikki rolled her eyes for what had to be the millionth time that afternoon as Marinette flopped back on her bed. She had spent every moment-- from the moment Adrien drove away to the second she shut her trap door-- ranting about ‘how could he possibly think offering me an umbrella could win me over’ and ‘why was he looking at me with that stupid smile on his face’ and on and on and on. As much as Tikki adored her holder, she could be exhausting with her overthinking and lack of, for lack of a better term, ‘chill’.
“Marinette,” Tikki chided.
Marinette hadn’t heard a thing as she walked over to a project she had started earlier that week. It was white nylon off-the-shoulder number with numerous belts and buttons that shouldn’t have worked as well as they did together, with a hem that stopped mid-thigh. She fussed over the neckline and Tikki worried that she would pick up a needle. Or worse-- decide to change something. 
“Marinette… ” Tikki warned.
Nothing good ever came from a ranting, angry, Marinette; especially when said Marinette decided to start sewing. Tikki had witnessed far too many meltdowns just hours after an angry sewing session and decided it was best (and safest for the sanity of all involved) if working on any project, school, or otherwise was best reserved for a time when her holder was more stable. 
Much to Tikki’s relief, Marinette walked away from the dress, fiddling with the ends of her hair instead. 
“-And don’t even get me started on the way he showed off his stupid limo.” The girl huffed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I mean who even does that!? Ugh, and the way he-”
“MARINETTE!” Tikki interjected. 
“Huh?” She said as if Tikki calling her name had brought her out of some sort of trance.
“You’ve gotta stop overthinking this,” Tikki sighed. “I know you don’t like him, but isn’t there a possibility that he was just trying to be helpful? People do that type of stuff, you know.”
She shot Tikki an exasperated look. “Then explain the whole gum incident.”
How? Tikki thought as she brought her tiny hands up to her face. How can she possibly be the most intelligent while also being the densest holder I’ve had in a millennium? 
Tikki took a deep breath as she prepared to explain the situation for the millionth time. Marinette was going owe her so many cookies later
Marinette was confused as hell, but that was nothing new. What was new was the source of her confusion. Oftentimes, when Marinette had a hunch or a gut feeling, she listened and that was it-- but this was different.
There was something unusual about Adrien Agreste. That was what Marinette knew. She also knew that she should not, and didn’t, trust Adrien Agreste. She knew that she had no real reason not to trust Adrien Agreste, as he had done nothing to her. 
Marinette knew that she was, at the very least, physically attracted to Adrien Agreste. 
Well, she didn’t know it-- not yet at least. And maybe that was why she had been ranting to Tikki for the past three hours-- getting an extensive lecture/explanation in return. Being a teenage superhero who fought evil purple butterflies with a punning leather catboy for a partner, there had to be some shred of normalcy in her life. If obsessing over the minute details of a five-minute interaction with a guy she didn’t like was her normal, then so be it. Besides, it wasn’t like she had anything better to do. 
“Marinette” Tikki sounded like she wanted to drown herself in cookie batter. “I’m going to find something to eat. I’ll get back to you when you’ve calmed down a little”
Or that’s what she thought until something outside her window caught her eye--
An akuma. 
Damnit. Marinette knew she wasn’t exactly in the best headspace for fighting, but it wasn’t like she could coordinate certain dates with Hawkmoth. She chuckled aloud as a mental image of her, Chat, and Hawkmoth meeting at a round table popped into her head. 
“Ahem” came a noise from across the room. 
Marinette looked over at Tikki and nodded, transforming. She couldn’t help but wish for the absurd scenario as she soared above the buildings of Paris.
“What’s the damage so far?” Ladybug asked as she landed right in sync on top of a building next to a running Chat Noir.
The past few months Chat Noir had been around, everything felt lighter. While Hawkmoth had most definitely been getting more intense, it seemed as if it didn’t matter as long as her partner was around. He was able to sense what needed to be done without asking or meticulously planning ahead, along with the fact that he was good with the press. While not as important, Ladybug treasured the fact that she didn’t have to worry about answering questions that required vague answers. 
They had become best friends as well. Despite not knowing the other’s identity, they knew each other inside and out. Ladybug couldn’t help but smile as she thought about the countless nights they had spent perched atop the Eiffel Tower, discussing everything from school to Hawkmoths identity to how different their lives would have been having never met. Or if one of them had been someone else. 
But there was something strange about him that she couldn’t figure out. Sure, there was the standard strangeness you would expect from a punning leather catboy, but there was something else as well. She saw it in the way he seemed to float a second longer than he should have whenever he was using his staff, or in the way his gaze lingered on shimmering patches of stars in the sky. How she had sometimes seen him whispering to the sun or moon… almost like a prayer. 
Ladybug eventually noticed that she and Chat had stopped running; he was calling her name, concerned. 
“You there M’lady?” 
She shook her head and smiled. “Yeah, sorry. So what are we looking at today?”
“Chemist from PSL Research University,” Chat began. “A coworker refused to take proper precautions before testing, which ended up hurting a couple of other chemists and about 4 interns.”
Ladybug sighed. “These are the worst kind.”
Chat nodded. “Right reason, wrong reaction.”
“Let’s get this over with?”
“Ready when you are bugaboo.”
“Goddamnit,” Chat seethed as he and Ladybug ran into the sewers for a third transformation. 
Ladybug grumbled from around the corner. “I’m starting to lose sympathy for this guy.” She fed Tikki, and a pink light flashed just a second after Chat’s. “Ready to go?” 
“Just a minute.” He said before she got the chance to come around.
She fiddled with her yo-yo while she tried her best to think of a plan. So far, they had tried the lab coat, safety goggles, and ID. What more was there? 
The akuma’s design was simple enough. A pitch-black lab coat and neon yellow safety goggles-- really, Hawkmoth?-- along with their ID and a belt that held several different colored vials. Their hair stood up in an Einstein-like fashion, wild locks jutting out from all sections of their head, along with some sort of chemical that fizzed everywhere they stepped. How was that even possible?
Ladybug grimaced as she heard The Alchemist shouting from outside. “Grow a pair and show your damn faces! Why can’t Paris’ so-called heroes protect their city?” They were silent for a moment and Ladybug knew Hawkmoth must have been speaking to the victim. “Forget you both. I’ll get your miraculous and take care of this place myself. They don’t need you.”
The akuma-- or The Alchemist, as they named themselves-- had spent the better part of two hours spraying people with a liquid that kept them safe… while also making them invincible. Why the hell anyone, even an akuma, thought that would be a good idea was beyond her. 
With their newfound invincibility, people lost all inhibitions. 
In her three years of being Ladybug, the heroine had never seen havoc wreaked upon Paris like this. The streets were pure chaos as it seemed that the city’s lowest and most evil had come out of hiding. Looting, rioting, and arson could be seen anywhere you looked. She knew the screams from that night would haunt her forever, and she was sure she had seen a dead body or two somewhere. There had to be some other factor here. How could the city she had worked so hard to protect possibly be this self-destructive?
Marinette was afraid and stressed beyond belief. They had never faced anything as intense as this, what if they couldn’t fix it, what if Hawkmoth finally--
Momentarily pulling herself out of her thoughts, Ladybug heard a murmuring from around the corner. It was Chat Noir, but what was he doing?
“All I’m asking is that you help us out,” Chat muttered. “Just this once, then I’ll leave you alone, I swear.”
Was he-- 
Was he praying?
“Thank’s in advance I guess. If not, screw you.”
Before Ladybug got the chance to say anything, Chat came around the corner with a grim look on his face. 
“Let’s get this over with,” He said. 
And they did. 
After three transformations, plans A through S, and several words Master Fu definitely wouldn’t have approved of, The Alchemist had finally been de-evilized. Once they left the sewers, Ladybug called upon her lucky charm once again and received a canister of liquid nitrogen and a test tube. Scooping a small amount of the fizzing chemical and freezing it, the substance froze in the form of a butterfly, then smashing it and fixing the damaged caused. Ladybug took a shaky breath before making her way towards Chat and the victim.
Horrified at the destruction his abilities had caused, the victim, Dr. Marcel Roux, apologized-- close to tears. Calming him down took a while, but after reassurance, they managed to find him a safe ride home. 
Despite the ladybugs fixing everything, Ladybug and Chat Noir both had a sinking feeling that some people weren’t returning home that night.
Wishing both him and the driver a good night, she and Chat sat atop the Eifel Tower, exhausted. Being home was most likely the smartest and safest option, but after what they had seen that night neither of them wanted to be alone with their thoughts that night. 
“Chat,” she began. 
“Hmm,” came a noise. Ladybug turned to him to see that he was against one of the support beams. The moonlight hit his face, and Ladybug wondered how someone could look that angelic any time of day.
“You never told me you were religious.”
His eyes snapped open and his gaze was locked with hers. “What do you mean?” 
“Earlier,” she began. “While we were in the sewers, I heard you praying. Kind of a rude one but a prayer still.”
He snorted. “I wouldn’t exactly call myself religious. I don’t go to church or practice any religion, and I definitely don’t have any sort of relationship with the man upstairs,” Ladybug noticed that he seemed to give the sky some sort of look. Almost imperceptible, but he looked as if he was angry. “But I figure when you’re that low, a little wish can’t hurt.”
She hummed in response, then yawned as she looked over the city.
“I had no idea they were capable of something like that,” she said.
Her partner gave a grim chuckle in response. “Give someone enough power, they’ll do plenty of shit you weren’t expecting.”
Marinette knew he had a point, but there was a nagging feeling in her gut that something really wasn’t right. Of course she didn’t know the people of Paris that well. She had only been a hero for a short time, but to go from hopeful and faithful to complete anarchists was drastic and unlikely. 
Chat glanced over at her, seeing the gears in her mind turning and the worry on her face. He reached over and placed a hand on her knee.
“Tonight was weird, yeah. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified too. It's horrifying seeing the city we fight so hard to protect turn on itself like that--"
"You're really not helping, you know."
"That's ‘cause you didn't let me finish," She snorted and gestured for him to continue. "Sure, all that's true, but we have each other, and that's honestly all that matters."
She rolled her eyes at him as she stood, leaning on his staff for support. "You suck at pep talks."
He grinned and squatted back down to her level. "My point is, bugaboo, that no matter what happens, I’ll be here to get through it with you. The world could be ending, and it would be ok as long as you're next to me."
She knew she was blushing and turned away as he chuckled. 
"I should get home, Chat." She smiled at his wounded dog expression. "Some of us have curfews you know."
Chat Noir grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Until we meet again My Lady." He turned away from her and vaulted off the Eifel. She watched him freefall and he spun in mid-air to face her, winking and giving her a two-finger salute.
He eventually disappeared behind buildings in the distance. Ladybug swung away, grinning stupidly at her partners' antics. While Chat had done his best to reassure her, doubt seeped into her mind. It didn't seem normal for the people of Paris to have that sort of reaction. 
What also wasn’t normal was the pair of glowing red eyes watching her from down below as she made her way home. 
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Winteriron fic recs
This is a fic rec list of some of my favorite Bucky/Tony fanfiction!
They are organized and numbered in order from shortest to longest (1k-167k). There is a collective total of 36 fics on this list.
All are located on ao3 (Archive of our Own).
The word count is listed underneath the title. (for example, 14k is the same as fourteen thousand words).
I have tried my best to avoid any stories with Major Character Death or an Unhappy Ending. So you don't need to worry about those here!
If they have a little star (*) that means they are some of the more memorable ones that I have read.
1~killer love
“Nice to finally meet you in person," Bucky said. "If you’re anything like you were over text, I think we’ll get along just fine.”
“More or less,” Tony shrugged playfully. “Just with a little more murder.”
Something dark passed over Bucky’s face, there and gone in an instant. “Murder?” he asked.
“I’m a mystery writer,” Tony explained, hands waving. “That’s why my search history was so bizarre, you know? Gotta do my research and all that. What do you do?”
“I work in forensics,” Bucky replied after a beat.
Tony breathed out a sigh of relief. “Oh, good,” he said. “For a second there, I thought you were a serial killer or something.”
2~Like me better
For almost a fraction of a second, Tony thinks this is it – Barnes isn’t attractive anymore, he’s not some badass bad boy; he’s a giant squishy nerd – he isn’t hot. I don’t want to take his pants off with my teeth, I don’t want to lick my way down his body and I don’t want him hoisting me up and fucking me against a wall – no, sir, I – am a giant fucking liar.
3~suicidal stolen art
Tony was going to kill Bucky Barnes. Tony was going to cut the other thief’s flesh arm off and beat him with it. It was bad enough that they were both running jobs in the same building, but they had to be going for the same necklace, too.
Really, the universe hated Tony. He stared at the ceiling, sending up a very nasty prayer in case someone was listening, then turned back to the job at hand.
4~Bad Days
Bucky likes Tony, but is too scared to tell him. What he doesn't know is that every time he has a "winter soldier" moment, he is constantly protecting tony and not letting anyone near him, so tony already knows that Bucky likes him ("genius, remember?"). Bucky finally gets up the courage to talk to Tony, only for Tony to tell him what's been going on and he's been waiting for Bucky to be comfortable enough to actually tell him.
5~Bad Scoping Mechanisms
Like, the general public hates Tony Stark for having been a weapons manufacturer but actually he was pretty popular while he was still in the weapons industry so one wonders, who would have been a fan of Stark Industries before Afghanistan? Military, alphabet agencies, private security, hitmen and assassins? ...Hydra assassins?
-In which the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes, is an avid fan of Tony Stark for reasons.-
6~Sometimes Life Happens
https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/4376774 Prompt: Imagine Tony and Bucky where Bucky works for the Russian mob and he hijacks Tony's car with Tony still in it to run from the cops. Tony wants to be mad, but really, he was sort of bored anyways and hang on, this guy's deadly, hot, and he has an awesome f*cking arm. Maybe this hostage thing isn't so bad after all.
Tony hadn’t necessarily been looking for further proof of his maladjusted—one might even argue self-destructive—approach to problems, but sometimes life happened, and you didn’t have any choice but to take a long, hard look at yourself. Sometimes, you’re sitting in your car, staring into your recently emptied coffee cup, contemplating whether or not you really want to do this whole “leading a responsible life” thing anymore, and a guy with a gun slides into your passenger seat. Sometimes, that’s just the way your Monday goes.
7~Tell Me Your Name, I Need To Know
Tony is overworked and underappreciated, always pushing his limits and not taking care of himself well; but someone decides to take care of Tony for a change.
Tony just wishes he knew who it was.
8~Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream 
3k https://archiveofourown.org/works/17322914 Bucky accidentally crashes a blind date and he's not all that sorry about it.
9~Arm(s) Dealer
Just Tony being totally oblivious of Bucky being his fanboy and Bucky trying to 'play it cool' and kind of failing at it and coming across as kind of a weirdo.
-In which Tony slowly but surely realizes Bucky is his biggest fan. Slowly though.-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10543758 The day Bucky realizes that the Winter Soldier is in love with Tony Stark, he nearly brains himself on the doorway between his room and the rest of Stevie’s floor.
Because that’s the thing, he’s somehow not noticed, despite sharing a headspace with him. It’s been a team-wide question since Bucky came in from the cold as to why the Soldier spends so much time with Stark, and even Bucky’s been unable to answer, though now he’s just unwilling. The Soldier is in love with Stark. He’s the sun, the Soldier thinks. How the hell is this Bucky’s life?
11~How to Survive a Haunted House
“Lord save me from crazy white boys,” were probably going to be Rhodey’s last words. He didn’t care what his friend said; this place was haunted, and they were both gonna end up dead because Tony was too taken in by the ample closet space.
A fanfiction based on a popular twitter thread.
12~How to get away with (murder) Tony*
https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/13516308 All Bucky wants is five minutes alone with Tony - is that really too much to ask? Yes, it is, at least according to the rest of the Avengers that made it their mission to never leave him alone with the engineer for whatever reason. So if he ever wants to make his moves, he's going to have to employ every single one of his assassin training techniques and more. And he better do it fast, before the annoyed Winter Soldier takes over and just kills the meddling fools. Naturally, Tony is completely oblivious to the entire situation until a mysterious note leads him to the most unlikely of places - McDonald's.
13~forgiveness (can you imagine)
bucky gets called back to the states so the man whose parents he killed can help him fix what has been unmade
he never expected tony stark's massive capacity for forgiveness to remake him
14~Not a Competition
Steve Rogers has been trying to force himself back into Tony's life, despite the fact that Tony no longer wants him there. Bucky makes some mistakes but tries his best to keep Tony safe and away from Steve's unwanted advances.
Features clear communication between Bucky and Tony, Tony learning about healthy relationships, a realistic approach to jealousy, and a potential bash down of Captain America.
15~These Sleepless Nights of Ours
It's another sleepless night and no one is around to keep Tony company. That is until he wanders into the Compound gardens and finds an insomniac Winter Soldier in desperate need of a hug.
16~Today's Forecast*
Loneliness had followed Tony Stark his entire life, so they were on pretty good terms. Ignoring those empty places inside of himself was easier once the day was in full swing, but the mornings had a way of slipping a knife between his ribs and getting him right in the heart.
The last place Tony expected to find the cure for his condition was on TV, but now watching the morning weather report has become the highlight of his day. Well, it was less the weather, and more the weatherman. One look at Bucky Barnes making some adorably lame joke about umbrellas, all lopsided smile and sparkling eyes, and Tony was in love.
17~This Ship (Ain't Never Ginna Sink)*
HYDRA kidnaps Tony Stark. What happens next should be obvious—the torture, the snark, the dramatic rescue. You know, the usual. Except.
Except Bix—the newest self-proclaimed faceless HYDRA goon—really ships WinterIron.
Or: Why faceless HYDRA goons aren’t allowed to have a Tumblr account.
18~The Gift Of Care
Freshly back to the States, James Barnes has a lot to learn about his new world, so he watches and learns and finds himself slowly falling for one Tony Stark, who always appears miserable when he has to spend time at the Compound with his former teammates, but who still takes the time to treat James with kindness.
James sets out on a mission to take care of Tony, make Tony’s life easier in whatever small ways he can. An unfortunate misunderstanding nearly ruins that, but in the end, James still reaps the rewards of his secret good deeds.
19~The Art of Petty Theft
All Tony needs right now is a good night’s sleep, but with nightmares nipping at his heels, he can’t do it without his sweatshirt— Rhodey’s sweatshirt, technically, that had become Tony’s long ago, back in their MIT days. The sweatshirt had kept him warm, cozy, and safe through many bad nights, but now it’s missing and when Tony finds out which one of his teammates is a no-good clothes thief, oh, they were going to have words.
20~Merry Kissmas
In which all Bucky wants for Christmas is a certain genius superhero, and for the rest of their teammates to stop hanging mistletoe and kissing said genius, thank you very much.
21~The Voice Inside My Head
The Soldier is overly protective of Tony after the rogue Avengers come back, forcing his way out when the slightest thing happens to him, so it's a problem when Steve doesn't know when to stop.
22~Whatever you say darling
Tony has been trying to woo Bucky for about a year now. He flirts, he builds him things, he kisses him on the cheek after movie nights and does almost everything he can think of to convince the guy that he really wants to date him. Bucky is strangely steadfast in his answer though: No, they can't date. After an explosive argument about the issue, Tony leaves the Tower for Malibu, making the team wary of a moody Bucky. When he comes back after two weeks, things are a bit...different.
Tony is actually doing exactly what Bucky asks. And it is creeping the team out while making Bucky go crazy.
23~Phase Change
The man who used to be both Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier but now neither has to figure out who he is and what he wants, with a little prodding from Tony along the way.
24~by any other name
He hates 'Bucky', hates the man, hates the way it makes his skin crawl and his chest ache.
Hates hearing that name thrown around so cavalier. Hates the image it evokes.
But he can't do anything about it. His tongue is leaden, his tongue sour with disgust, and he's unable to push out the words.
Until Tony Stark rages a one-man war against 'Bucky Barnes'.
Or, the 5 times Tony rejected 'Bucky’ and the 1 time James did.
25~Let It Grow 
When Tony steps inside a random flower shop on pure impulse, he doesn't expect to find himself face to face with the hottest florist he has ever seen. Sure, the guy is also the snarkiest florist he has ever seen, but Tony wouldn't consider that a bad thing. Bucky is clever, funny, and can keep up with Tony's banter better than most, and maybe Tony becomes a little bit infatuated with the man, right then and there.
And maybe Tony ends up going back to that same flower shop, time and time again, just to talk to Bucky. That's not weird at all.
He can always pretend it's for the flowers.
26~Speed Dating (Isn't Supposed to Happen in Cars)*
11k https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/19388686 Tony's temporarily broke due to a scandal at Stark Industries, and with no one willing to hire him, he's got to get creative in how to get by. When he reads about a solar-powered car race that pays out in the millions, he knows he can win it. He just needs a car, all the parts, a racing team, a sponsor, a driver, and like a gajillion other things he does not have. What he does have is: one whole month, an Air Force pilot, an heiress, two enthusiastic teenagers, a discredited science teacher, three ex-cons, a high-tech robot disguised as a Roomba, and a wicked crush on the guy from YouTube. Seriously, how can he lose?
27~And Time Again
When Bucky starts acting strange — well, stranger than usual — Tony notices right away. Their friendship might still be new, but he likes to think that he's gotten to know Bucky pretty well by then. The problem is that Bucky doesn't want to tell Tony what's wrong, even when he asks. He dodges Tony's questions, saying everything is fine.
But the way Bucky keeps looking at Tony — as if he expects him to disappear the moment he turns his back — says otherwise.
And Tony is determined to get to the bottom of what's really going on.
28~Spring is Coming
When Tony returns to Earth, he finds out that Bucky Barnes died in the Decimation.
The Winter Soldier, however, did not.
29~Weekly love
Steve flicks him off and Bucky shuts his mouth. “Anyway, so what about Monday?”
Sam leans his hip on the table. “It’s about Stark.”
Bucky almost snorts at that. At MIT almost everything comes back to Tony Stark one way or the other.
Sam stares at him and Bucky clears his throat only then Sam continues.
“Every Monday Stark agrees to go out with the first person who asks him out.” Then he adds, “for a week.”
Bucky makes a face at that, mumbling ‘damn playboy’ under his nose.
Steve shakes his head at his antics. “Unless they have no chance to ask him out then they have to wait another week to try.”
“Mondays are exclusive, any other day and Stark will turn them down harshly.”
“Yep.” Steve nods then stretches, his eyes become a bit distant. “And at the end of the week, he will break up with that person saying: I couldn’t fall in love with you. Let’s break up.”
When Loki smirked at Rogers in the middle of a battle and told him he would give Rogers what he wanted most in the world, the mind of his old friend back, Tony had a very bad feeling.
When Tony tried to urge the homeless guy sleeping on the steps of the Tower’s loading dock to move, he never expected that he'd found Hydra’s pet assassin—James "Bucky" Barnes.
Now, after months of keeping his presence a secret from the Avengers and helping Barnes learn to cope with both his returning memories and the modern world, Hydra is back for their favorite toy and Tony must call in old friends to save the life of the man he just might have come to care for a little too much.
32~Hate Me
There were moments where Bucky wondered what could have made Iron Man, possibly his best friend here in the future, sarcastic and gentle and funny and caring, hate Tony Stark so much. Moments where he wondered what Tony Stark, who could manage to be kind and generous to the assassin who had murdered his parents, could have done to Iron Man. But he never dared to ask, afraid of the answer.
33~Fractures (Filled With Liquid Gold)
Ultron happened. The Avengers left.
Tony is fine with being alone again. He always worked better as a Lone Wolf than a team player anyway. He's not sleeping or eating or resting or... living, but it's fine. It's good. It's okay.
And then there's James.
34~Far from Heaven*
Bucky Barnes falls asleep with the man he loves in his arms. In their bed, in their home, safe and sound.
He wakes up in the cold room of the cryostasis chamber in Wakanda to the worried faces of his former best friend and King T'Challa.
Everything that happened in the past six months— his pardon, his recovery, Tony's forgiveness, falling in love— he's told it was nothing more than a fevered dream, conjured up by a broken mind in cryostasis sleep.
The second chance at life he worked so hard to embrace. A newfound family and a place to call home. Tony, the love of his life and his whole world. All gone in a blink.
Bucky Barnes breaks.
35~Dig No Graves
142k WIP
"I'm here to kill you, Terminator," Tony said slowly, "does that compute?"
The soldier looked up at him with wide blue eyes and no expression. "Okay."
Tony froze. "Okay," he echoed. "I tell you I came here to kill you and your response is 'okay'?"
"I am being decommissioned," the soldier said, and for one horrible moment, Tony thought he actually seemed relieved. "I understand. I will comply."
(Or; Tony learns the Winter Soldier killed his parents and goes on a search for revenge, but ends up learning how to heal instead)
36~Such Sweet Revenge*
When the Rogues are back in the States after being pardoned, the New Avengers want nothing to do with them and as far as Tony is concerned, if he never speaks to them again, it'll be too soon. After all, he didn't spend the last year putting himself (and his family) back together only for his former co-workers to ruin all of his hard work.
But then he gets a hand-written letter from the Winter Soldier himself, apologizing for the events that transpired and an off-handed comment from Rhodey about Rogers failing to take care of an obviously miserable Bucky Barnes sets in motion Tony's new, oh-so-evil plan to get some payback.
After all, what better revenge than to steal the Winter Soldier away from his best friend?
The only problem: Tony sucks at being vengeful, but apparently he's an expert at inadvertently falling in love.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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The Ethereal Gates of Wisdom
These past few days have been a bit of an unusual adventure. It’s one of those things I’ve been putting off for a while until the opportunity’s right. Traveling to the Ethereal Gates of Wisdom is no easy feat so it’s important to have a strategy on how to get there without getting lost.
According to Jamie, most people give up halfway because it takes too long to get there. That’s why they said only those who truly seek answers are the ones who make it to the Gates. Jamie gave me the key years ago and since then that adventure has been sitting on the back burner until a couple days ago.
The reason why I finally decided to visit the Gates is for Daisy Jane. Now that she’s been living at the campsite for a couple weeks, she’s been doing a lot of soul searching and reevaluation. The past year hasn’t been good to her so I’m glad that she’s finally found a light at the end of a long and seemingly endless tunnel.
A change of scenery can do wonders for your mind, especially if you’ve been stagnating for a while. That’s why Daisy Jane left Rosevine - because the place she once called home was suffocating her instead of letting her bloom and grow.. That’s how I felt too, as well as other friends like Emmaline, Minnie, and Robin. 
It’s not that we don’t like Rosevine, it’s just that we outgrew our little hometown. Our roots are still in Rosevine, but we’ve branched out to other places. Like flowers on a tree, we are carried away by the wind, floating and fluttering as we find our way in this vast universe. Some take root, others continue to fly freely.
Ever since Daisy Jane joined me at the camp, she’s been on a creative roll. For the past several months she was suffering the absolute worst art block along with a bunch of other problems that wore her down. After leaving home, she traveled for a bit before settling in Neptunia. The village, while it was nice, didn’t do much for her. So that’s why I suggested she move in the cabin and since then she’s made it her home.
For a while Daisy Jane has been considering opening a shop where she sells handmade crafts and stationery. I think she’s the kind of person who can pull that off because not only she’s super artsy, but she’s also organized and has the self discipline to run her own business. Unfortunately her family’s the main reason why she hasn’t started a shop yet as they don’t think it’s viable. As long as she was living under the same roof as them and not working a “real” job with income, an online business was out of the question.
Now that she’s out on her own with no parents or siblings to hound her as well as having her own space and income, Daisy Jane feels like she’s in the right headspace to design products for her potential shop. She’s been on a roll designing sticker sheets, which will be her main thing before branching out to other products like notebooks and enamel pins. Since she loves drawing florals and ephemera, Daisy Jane plans to call her store Happy Floral Mail, which I think is very fitting.
I’m not being biased, I would definitely buy Daisy Jane’s stickers. After all, she’s one of many artists I find inspiration from so why wouldn’t I want to support her?
Apparently a while ago Daisy Jane told her sister about her ideas regarding opening a shop as Mae’s in college studying digital media so she’s an expert on various programs. Mae’s a smart kid who means well but sometimes she can be a bit too much. 
Basically if Daisy Jane decided to co-run her shop with Mae, it would have failed before it even launched. The biggest issue would be creative differences because they’re basically opposites in terms of everything. It’s like telling an artist who likes to draw flowers that they have to draw cars because that’s what’s trending and if you disagree then you’re being ungrateful because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. 
So it’s that, plus the fact that Mae can be weirdly controlling and nosy at times. Like she’s strangely obsessed with who Daisy Jane keeps in contact with. Apparently if Daisy Jane isn’t constantly video chatting or talking on the phone or talking about socializing with someone, then she doesn’t have friends according to Mae logic. I get that Mae’s the kind of person who talks about everything - even when it’s not in her place - but she really needs to learn how to let people be.
Another thing about Mae which is pretty recent is how she sees most of Daisy Jane’s friends like me and Emmaline. Once upon a time Mae used to look up to Emmaline because she thought she was cool as she was always going on magical adventures. Now she kinda looks down on Emmaline because she doesn’t meet her definition of success. As in Emmaline never went to school so she has no degrees as well as no job or career (freelancing and odd jobs don’t count) so in Mae’s eyes, Emmaline’s a layabout.
Having grown up with Emmaline, calling her a layabout is such a misunderstanding. Being half elemental, Emmaline’s upbringing is far from ordinary. She spent her whole childhood and adolescence trying to bring her two worlds together, often putting herself in a position no one should be forced in and although she helped a lot of people, it had a detrimental effect on her mental health. Considering how Emmaline pretty much spent a good part of her life playing either peacemaker, therapist, fleeing war criminal, and diplomat - and is now finally finding footing by traveling the universe and enjoying life - to call her a layabout is an insult.
And yes, this is in response to a vague post Mae made in regards to not being on Emmaline and Minnie’s guest list for their wedding. Daisy Jane shared it to us and we all rolled our eyes collectively because yikes Mae. Like first of all, it wasn’t anything personal, it’s just that the wedding will take place while she’s studying abroad so there’s no way she was going to make it. Also, Emmaline and Minnie aren’t as close to her as they are to Daisy Jane so there’s really no reason why she should be offended at not being invited.
I’m curious as to what Mae would vague about me when she finds out where Daisy Jane’s been living. Don’t get me wrong, Mae’s a very capable girl who’s gonna be super successful but she really needs to get off her high horse. It’s understandable that she has a chip on her shoulder that pushes her to be hard working but as she’s gotten older she seems to have fallen into the mindset that if you’re not working your ass off, then you’re not worthy.
Anyway, now that Daisy Jane’s found her footing in terms of her creative spark returning and getting away from those holding her back, she feels like she’s ready to take a leap of faith. She says she still has a long way to go before opening a shop but the timing feels right. That’s why I decided to take her to the Gates - to give her the extra push she needs to bring herself one step closer to making her dream a reality.
First, we headed to the Witches Woods to retrieve the ruby key, which will lead us to a portal. Since it’s not too far from Camellia, Theda tagged along to guide us through the woods as she’s somewhat familiar with certain parts of it. The trails can be long and confusing so it’s good to have a navigator help us out. 
The deeper in the woods we go, the more dangerous it gets. The trees act as a defense system so if you’re not careful, you might get pelted by poison fruit or clawed by sharp branches. Plus there’s hostile creatures to watch out for as well, especially the giant spiders that usually come out of nowhere. Despite the seemingly harsh environment, the witches we came across are friendly and some were able to help point us in the right direction when the trees played tricks on us.
After the woods came the Floating Freeway, a well known highway for traveling through dimensions. There, Celinda joined in on the adventure as she can easily weave in and out of places easily with her powers. With her help, navigating the crowded freeway will take about half the time. 
From there, we headed to the Scattering Skies where we have to travel by magic carpet. It’s a rough ride as the winds are unpredictable so it’s important to have a pilot who’s just as reckless - meaning Celinda. And there’s also swinging swords with sharp edges floating freely about so we gotta worry about that too. Getting through the Skies and retrieving the jade key in one piece is no easy feat so if that isn’t enough to discourage you from going to the Gates, then that says a lot about your character in my opinion.
At the crossing, the jade key led us to another portal, taking us to the Floundering Forests, where we met up with Lenie. She and her parents have been exploring the forest for the past few weeks so they’re somewhat familiar with the trails. Lenie always wanted to see the Gates so it was the perfect opportunity! 
The thing about the Floundering Forests is that we need to arm ourselves with magic wands. Some areas have been overtaken by city folks who want to build factories so they’ll attack anything that moves. They’re also not the kind of people you want to get on the wrong side of so a basic sleep spell will do the trick to slip past them. Also, this forest tends to play tricks on you too so it’s important to keep track of where you’re going.
After finding the carnelian key, we headed to the Layering Lagoon, navigating by submarine piloted by Lenie. Through there, we locate the ruins of Castellana, which will lead us to the Gates. Lenie drove the sub, Celinda and I distracted lagoon monsters, Theda helped navigate, and Daisy Jane supervised everyone.
It really takes a team to get to the Gates of Ethereal Wisdom! There’s no way anyone can make it on a solo adventure, especially when confronting the currents and inhabitants of the Layering Lagoon. 
By my calculations, it took us about three days - starting from Witches Woods - to get to the Gates. If Theda, Celinda, and Lenie hadn’t tagged along I guess it’ll take me and Daisy Jane at least twice as long. It was a long trip, but it was totally worth it!
Stepping into the Ethereal Gates of Wisdom is like walking straight into a void. First you feel like you’re falling, then slowly you realize that you’re actually floating. You feel weightless like a leaf in the wind, floating freely without a care in the world. For a second I forgot that I had a physical form - and that was a trippy experience. A bit disoriented, very much exhilarated, small and alone yet wide and full - all of it crashing in on you.
I still can’t put into words how exactly I feel after stepping out of the Gates. I feel certain yet uncertain at the same time - like I have a better idea of what I want but I also realize how little I actually know about things. Something’s changed, that I know for sure, but whatever it is, I can’t quite put my finger on it yet.
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5-crofters-jams · 6 years
Logic is Cold and Unfeeling: Chapter 2
Word count: 1,168
Pairings: None
Warnings: Robot Logan
Genre: Angst
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Summary: Patton comes to the realization that Logan is indeed a robot. Like, a robot robot. Their interactions go about as well as you’d expect.
Patton was taken slightly aback upon seeing Logan turn around, if only because he wasn’t expecting it. He wasn’t in puppet form, but he definitely wasn’t human. It was a sort of halfway point, and honestly, it looked pretty cool!
“Neat design, Lo!” he complimented, his momentary confusion giving way to a cheery grin. “I really gotta hand it to you for getting out of puppet form!”
Logan didn’t respond, instead turning around and walking over to the armchair in the corner of his room. Patton trailed after him, still smiling. “Looks like you really shifted the design into second gear!”
“I do not contain any gears.”
“Dad joke,” Patton clarified, shooting him a singular finger gun like the ones he’d seen Virgil do.  
Logan didn’t respond, instead plucking a book from the bookshelf and adding it to the pile on the chair. Curious, Patton picked it up.
“Making of Doctor Who,” he read aloud. “What’s this pile for?”
“Disposal,” Logan replied simply.
The look of confusion returned to Patton's face. “Disposal? What do you mean by that?”
Logan continued his task as he answered, “The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines disposal as “the act or process of disposing.” This is the definition I utilized in the sentence you requested clarification on.”
Patton’s expression began to shift into one of slight concern. “Wait, you're going to get rid of all these?” He began to sift through the pile. The further he dug, the larger the feeling of unease in his stomach grew. Logan was normally so possessive of his books, priding himself on the knowledge he’d learned from them over the years. He’d had some of these since Thomas was a kid, and now he was just going to… throw them away? “Well, if you really don't want them anymore, maybe I could take some of these to give to the oth…” He trailed off, a certain book catching his attention. He picked up The Fabric of the Cosmos, frowning as he held it up for Logan to see. “Hey, Logan? I think you might have put this one in here by mistake-”
“I do not make mistakes,” Logan stated. His tone wasn't hostile or biting, like it had been when he was defending himself in today's video. It was more monotone than anything, which fit with the whole robot theme, Patton guessed, but was still kinda unnerving. “Not anymore.” He plucked the book from Patton's hands, placing it back on the pile.
Patton furrowed his brows. “Aw, Lo-”
“Logic,” he cut him off.
Now Patton was even more confused, if that was possible.“Huh?”
“I would like to be referred to as simply Logic from now on.”
“Oh.” Patton hadn't meant to express it, but an edge of disappointment joined his surprise. Oh, he couldn't be disappointed! It was his decision to make, and if that's what he wanted, Patton would accept it without question, of course!
Well, without question aloud, at least.
“Sure thing! Are nicknames still alright?”
“I will accept shortened versions of my current name.” He didn't look at Patton as he spoke, just kept doing his task like a well-oiled-
Wait a minute.
Patton's frown deepened.
Logan- Logic had been acting off the entire time, but he couldn't quite put his finger on how until now. The blank stares, the monotone, the lack of sentiment towards his books…
He didn't just look like a robot.
“Hey, uh, Logic? Are you feeling alright?”
A pause.
“Error 404. “Feelings” not found.”
Patton’s stomach sank into his grey cat-faced slippers.
He had turned himself into one.
Patton blinked, trying to process this. “Feelings not… found? Now, I may not know much about computers, but I do know about you.” He summoned a jar of Crofter’s, Logan’s Berry Crofter’s, to demonstrate. “Remember how excited you were when this was revealed? Well, those were some feelings right there!” He offered the jar to Logic.
The side in question turned around, but made no move to accept the jam. “I no longer possess the faculties to eat. It is not required for my function.”
A defeated
was all that Patton could manage. He cradled the jam close to his heart like a baby.
“So… I guess that means you’re not going to be joining us for dinner?”
“No.” Logic replied. He moved to pick up a portion of the books, but Patton instinctively intercepted him.
“No!” He cried. “These books are a part of Thomas, you can’t just get rid of them!”
Logic shoved Patton away. “Thomas will retain what is necessary for his functionality.”
“Functionality- Lo, Thomas is a person, and he doesn’t have a specific “function” more than any person does.” He tried to remind him gently, but being pushed aside with a metal arm had hurt in more ways than one.
“As his Logic,” the other side continued, completely glossing over Patton’s words, “it is my job to filter out any distractions. These,” he gestured stiffly to the books, “are distractions, and do not belong in a logical headspace.”
“Well… If they don’t belong here, can we store them somewhere else?” Patton offered. “Roman has plenty of room in the Imagination-”
Logic fixed him with a steely gaze, causing him to freeze. He didn’t know why, he shouldn’t be afraid of Logan, of all people!
But… was this still Logan?
“Are you implying I am performing my function incorrectly?”
“No! No, I just think-”
“I am never wrong, Patton.”
A shiver ran down Patton’s spine. “Lo, all I’m saying is-”
“You are a distraction.”
Those words pierced straight through Patton’s heart.
Was that what Logan really thought of him?
He could feel tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
A distraction.
No, no, he wasn’t in his right state of mind, that couldn’t be true! Because even though they may not always see eye-to-eye, Logan cared for him!
Patton clenched one of the sleeves of his cat hoodie in his fist.
He did, didn’t he?
At first, Patton though the sinking feeling he was experiencing was purely emotional, but he quickly realized that Logan was forcibly sinking him out of the room. “Wait, Logan, let's-”
“Oh, right, gosh, sorry about that, Logic, can we just talk...” The words died on the tip of his tongue as Logic turned away from him again, picking up the stack of books on the chair. “H-hey, wait just a second-” it was too late, Logic wasn’t listening and Patton was halfway through the floor. “Come on, there’s gotta be something…” his pleas fell on deaf ears. Logic was walking away, taking the books with him.
A singular book dropped from the stack. Patton managed to raise one of his arms, stretching it just a liiiittle bit so he could grab hold of it, swapping it out for the once precious jar of jam he had been holding previously.
The worn cover of A Study In Scarlet was the last thing Patton saw before sinking out of Logic’s room completely.
Tag list: @thatcacidork @thats-so-crash @c0re0psis
(If there’s a problem with the tag list or you’d like to be added to it or removed from it, let me know!)
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The Forgotten Wife - Part 6
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The Forgotten Wife Master List
A/N: Okay, I know… it’s been 87 years and I am sorry. For those who may not know I have been having some rather serious health issues since May, I have had 2 rather serious surgeries among other things. I am doing much better now and I am writing again. Yes I have written other things between my last update and now but this story takes a certain headspace that I have to be in to write it. To be quite honest I haven’t been able to get myself in that frame of mind to write this… but I am gonna give it a whirl. I apologize if this chapter is shorter or not of the same quality as previous ones but I hope that will change as I push forward on this story because I love this story very much and I appreciate all the lovely comments and each and every kudos on AO3 and like on Tumblr. I can’t express how much the comments and such really helped get me back motivated to work on this, so please if you enjoy this story and are inclined leave me a comment. I do my best to get back to each one, even if it’s just a thank you <3 
Part 6 on AO3
Tag list: @ask-kakashihatake , @aubageddon91 , @ collette04 , @toxic-ink , @alyisdead , @neganismyobsession , @haleyea , @mytreasures4eternity47 , @rasax45  , @make-things-beautiful2 , @magnoliagordo815 , @lilymdonaldson
When Simon had parted ways with you and Sherry she wasted little time getting into the thick of things. Her hand gripped your arm tightly, almost to the point that it hurt, as she pulled you away from the direction that you had honestly expected her to want to move towards. Deacon was already racing off, on a euphoric high thanks to the ice cream he was trying to eat like a savage little monster. His face coated in pale pink from the strawberries . You wanted to call after him but Sherry started rambling. “Things are starting to get really fucking complicated with the wives.” Her voice had this air of frantic fear as she spoke, her hand still gripping your arm tightly.
As you tried not to think too long or too hard on what that meant you glanced over your shoulder and watched nervously as Dwight and Simon started to have their weighted conversation. “Things are always fucking complicated with the wives Sherry… that’s what happens when you blackmail women into marrying you.” You snap as you manage to pray Sherry’s tight grip from your arm as your eyes search the area for Deacon. He is getting too close to fence. Your heart raced for a moment. “Deacon! Get away from that fence right now… come over here…” You command as you point to the spot between where you and Sherry were standing.
As Sherry was about to answer, Deacon started to reluctantly waddle back towards you taking just a brief pause to look at the boys. As if he was contemplating where would truly be his better option to go towards at this point. “Deacon!” Sherry shouted in a very mother’s tone, “Move it young man! You best start listing to your mama!” She scolded sternly as she clapped her hands to get Deacon’s attention. The little boy scurried over to you and a frantic pace, he nearly lost the mound of ice cream that was quickly melting all over the cone held between his tiny hands. Sherry turned back to you once Deacon was safely between the two of you before she finally was able to continue. “Amber and Frankie have it in their heads that the only way things are going to change is if Negan dies…” Sherry said in a hushed tone as she reached down and covered Deacon’s ears so he wouldn’t fully comprehend what was being said.
Your face is painted in a look of disbelief as you push he hands away from your son’s head and you tut softly. “Amber has been saying that since I was married to him… she never does anything about it.” Deacon peers around you as you and Sherry continue, eyeing Simon and Dwight across the yard. “and if you think they are actually serious why are telling me? Wouldn’t you tell the fucking big bad bossman?” You raise a questioning eyebrow as you reach blindly to your side and gentle urge Deacon to bring his attention back towards you and Sherry. “Dekes… you gotta stay here bubs.” You say to your son as your tussle his hair. He let out a little groan before taking a few steps away from you and plopping down on the ground to continue eating his quickly melting sweet treat.
Sherry’s eyes darted over to where the men were standing, very deep in what looked like a rather serious conversation. A nervous sigh escaped her lips as her arm draped over your shoulder pulling you into a side hug, not because she wanted to be affectionate but because she needed no one else to hear what she had to say. “Maybe they are right (y/n),” She said softly and almost instantly you started shaking your head. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it?”
You let out a frustrated huff and shrug Sherry’s arm off your shoulder as you take a step towards where Deacon was sitting finishing his ice cream. “Yeah, so… I didn’t do anything about it. It’s one thing to have a fantasy, to say something out of frustration and anger but it is another thing to actually go about planning a man’s murder. Not to mention the one they want to kill is my son’s father, who happens to actually be in his life these days. Do you realize that if anything happened to Negan, Deacon would be devastated.” You said emphatically as you looked at your dearest friend with a great deal of suspicion as you stood before her arms crossed in front of your chest. Standing between her and Deacon.
Sherry scoffed and let out a dark, soft chuckle. “You would be the one to know all about plotting and planning a murder… wouldn’t you.” There was a defensive attitude that Sherry took with you and she said that made your stomach twist and you almost felt sick hearing her take such a tone with you. Though you had in fact gone about, very methodically, a plan to discover who was the trigger man on your brother’s murder and then kill them it never got beyond the planning stages. You had never gone through with your intentions, in part because Sherry convinced you not to.
Something in her was changing, breaking and you could see it. “I didn’t actually do anything Sherry…” Your voice shook a little as the well of shame and guilt for you actions started to bubble up again. You glanced over at Deacon who was noticing the tense tones and heated langue. He scooted away and looked longingly over at Simon and Dwight, his little hazel eyes trying to search for a reason to go against his mother’s wishes and get away from the argument that was taking place.
Sherry paced back and forth, only taking a few steps each time before she would spin around on her heel, eyes glancing over each time at Dwight as your stood in an uncomfortable silence. You knew that she would have never thought of discussing such a thing before all this. Sherry was the calm one, the wise one, the one who talked everyone down from their stupid ideas. After another tense few minutes Sherry stopped pacing and stood facing away from you looking over at Simon and Dwight who were too deep in their own conversation to see the growing tension between you and her.
“I just don’t want this anymore (y/n)” She said mournfully and you couldn’t help but get a pang of sympathy in her chest as she spoke. “He isn’t like physically cruel. He doesn’t hit us or hurt any of us… we know the deal so nothing is forced. But the mind fuckery…” Sherry’s voice cracked as she choked back tears. “It’s the head games. The holding our families over our head… our husbands… the people we actually love.” You took a few steps away from Deacon, taking your attention full away from him as you closed the gap between Sherry and wrapped your arms around her.
As you took a deep breath you reached up and brushed the tears away from her cheeks. “It sucks right?” you said in a very dead pan voice with a half hearted smirk. Sherry let out a slightly uncomfortable laugh of her own as she tossed her head back for a moment before nodded.
“So much!” She exclaimed and you both laughed in your shared misery. You never wanted Sherry to experience the side of Negan that most of the wives knew all too well. While your particular brand of head games ala Negan was not cruel in the same way that Sherry, Amber and on some level Frankie, were experiencing. It was uniquely soul destroying. You saw a rare side of Negan, an almost tender side when he would imagine that you were Lucille. He really loved that women you thought bitterly for a moment before turning your attention back to Sherry.
As your hands slipped away from her face you took a hold of her hands and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Listen, everything works out in the end. That’s what you told me for all those years.” Sherry scoffed softly and shook her head.
“It worked out so well for you.” Her voice was thick with your usual sarcasm. It was an odd feeling for you to be on the receiving end of the sarcastic comments for a change. You chuckle and shook your head. As you were doing so, you caught a glimpse of Deacon wondering off back towards the fence where the dead were chained.
You hardly brought him in the part of the compound because unlike many children, Deacon had no fear of the dead. He found them amusing and even comical. Your heart began to race as you watched him inch closer and closer to the fence with each step. Dropping Sherry’s hands as you spun around on your heal and raced after the toddler who was boldly walking right up to one of the walkers chained to the fence. “Deacon!” you bellow as you raced towards the fence.
Sherry let out a shrill shriek as she too noticed Deacon nearing the walkers. “Bubba!” She called trying to get his attention but Deacon was too enthralled with the snarls of the walker.
As you closed the gap between you and your son, your hand out stretched, reaching desperately towards Deacon. As your fingers wrapped his arm as you scooped him up and pressed him close to your chest. “What have I said? What have I said?” You repeat softly as you kiss the top of his head. Sherry raced up behind you and let out a long sigh of relief as she saw that Deacon was safe.
Having seen the commotion, Dwight and Simon came rushing over. “Is he okay?” managed to ask first even through Simon was about to ask the same thing. Sherry smiled softly nodding towards them as you were still checking over every inch of exposed skin to make sure he was unharmed.
“You are in big trouble Deacon..” You scold softly as you smooth down his dark locks. Deacon pouted, not fully understanding why he was in trouble or the depth of danger that the dead posed. “You are never to go near those things…”
“Grrrr” Deacon mimicked the sound of dead as he pointed towards them. “Funny mama…” He tried to explain. You took a long steady breath trying to calm the urge to yell at your son. He was little and you had kept him so sheltered it was no wonder he found the dead so entertaining.
Before you could even mange to gather your thoughts Simon walked over and leaned in to do his best to explain the situation. “No, buddy..” Simon started as he placed a hand on his little shoulder and pointed towards the fence. “They are bad, mean… they will hurt you and while I know you are a big, tough guy… you still have a lot of growing up to do before you can learn how to be able to be around those things and be safe.” Deacon’s dark eyes focused intently on Simon as he spoke. You were grateful for him stepping in. There was nothing that you could have come up with so quickly that would have gotten through to Deacon as much as what Simon has said.
Deacon lifted his chubby, little hand and pointed towards the fence trying to understand. “Bad?” he asked first looking to you, then over to Sherry who was standing just behind you. His eyes darted over to Dwight who nodded and finally he looked at Simon. “Grrr bad?” He asked again.
“Yes baby…” You answer quickly before the other began to echo the same thing. Deacon seemed to grasp the concept though you wondered how much he really understood. You glanced over your shoulder for a moment and caught a glimpse of a brief look between your old friends and there was a twinge of pain deep within your chest. Everything about this world is backwards and wrong. Your mind reminds you before you glance back over at Simon who was also eyeing Dwight and Sherry. “I should get him to Negan…” You mentioned softly to Simon as you shifted Deacon in your arms.
“I’ll come with.” Simon suggests but you shake your head quickly knowing all too well the otherwise uneventful exchange would only be made far tenser by Simon’s presence. The one thing you realized that as long as Negan didn’t have to see you with Simon, things between them were relatively calm and almost pleasant.
“You know it’s better if it’s just me, I won’t be long…” You attempt to reassure Simon as you lean in and give him a brief kiss and a soft smile before turn back to Sherry who was talking very softly with Dwight. You give them both a little wave and Sherry blows Deacon a kiss before promising to check on him and daddy a little later. It did make you feel far better about leaving Deacon overnight with Negan knowing that Sherry was likely going to be there for most of it. There is a small upside. You muse silently as you walk with Deacon in your arms back into the building.
Once you reached the all too familiar site of Negan’s door you set Deacon down before you reached out and gave a soft knock on the door. A few moments pass before the door creaks open and Negan greets Deacon with a warm smile. “There’s my guy..” He exclaimed as he leaned down and scooped Deacon up.
“Daddy…” Deacon chirped happily as he wrapped his arms around his father’s neck. “Daddy! Grrrr is bad… mama got mad.” The little boy tried explain to his father rather enthusiastically but Negan only gave you a very worried and confused looked.
“Mama, care to translate what our son is trying to say?” Negan asked as he raised a questioning eyebrow as he stepped aside and ushered you into his room.
Reluctantly you obliged him and let out a long, heavy sigh as you started to explain. “I had Deacon outside, he was playing after having a little treat… and he thought that the biters were funny…” You stepped inside, your eyes focused intently on Negan’s face as he looked down at your son with a stern, disapproving look.
“Is that so?” Negan asked the toddler and Deacon looked away from his father obviously pretending that he didn’t hear the question.
“Deacon, your daddy asked you a question.” You remind the young child gently before Deacon looked back at his father and nodded his head. Negan let out a long sigh as he shifted Deacon in his arms.
There was part of you that was very worried that he would take a stern route, or a scare tactic but when he spoke, he shocked you in the best possible way. “First things first young man, you always have to listen to your mama, I know she probably told you to stay close and you didn’t listen. You can’t just go wandering off, there are monsters and bad people out and you have a lot of people to keep them away but you have to stay with the grownups. Those biters are very dangerous, you can’t go anywhere near them… understand me.” Deacon nodded quickly. Negan looked over at you for a brief moment before he returned his focus back to Deacon. “Mama loves you, I love you… we don’t want anything to happen to you.” He gave Deacon a quick kiss on the cheek before setting him down and patting him on the bum. “Go play buddy.”
“Okay Daddy…” Deacon said with a quick nod as he tootled over to his toys letting you and Negan have brief moment.
Negan crossed his arms in front of his chest as he let out a long drawn out sigh. “So is that where Sherry went? With you…” You nod not really wanting to speak to him more than you had to and Negan chuckled softly as his hand reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. “He so gets the ‘nod of I don’t want to speak to you’ from you.”
“Well, would you like me to list some of the lovely traits our son shares with you?” you retorted with a smirk playing on your lips. You were trying to get a little playful rise out of Negan and it worked like a charm.
He smirked and gestured towards his face. “He got my devilish good looks, my charismatic charm… I mean… all the best parts.” He was teasing you, playing into the opening you left him and you smiled softly trying to stifle a laugh. “What, (y/n), tell me I am wrong.”
With that statement you let out an audible chuckle as you tilted you head back. “Oh you are very wrong.” You laugh as you look back Negan as you smirk. “He has your temper, your flare for the dramatic… has your ability to drive me up a wall with worry…” With your last statement Negan’s expression shifted and softened. He was rather taken a back that you admitted that you worried about him.
His lips parted for a moment as he attempted to find words. “You.. worry… about me?” Negan asked in a low voice.
Your cheeks flush and you give him another little nod which coaxes a soft chuckle from Negan. “I always worried when you went out, even through everything I did care about you for some God forsaken reason.” You pause for a moment and shift your weight on your heals as you decide whether or not you wanted to continue with your confession. You took a long deep breath as you cast your eyes to the floor. “I still worry about you Negan. The more time Deacon spends with you, the bigger part of his life you become the more I worry what will happen to him if something happens to you.” You lifted your gaze just in time to see Negan’s face shift to a grim expression.
He glanced over at Deacon playing happily and let out a sigh before turning back to you with a forced, all be it charming, smile playing on his lips. “Nothing will happen to me darling.” You tried not to smile when he called you ‘darling’ but there was something about the way the word rolled off his lips that took you back to a time when he had a hold over you. “I waited a hell of long time. Go through the end of the fucking world to have that boy… I want to see him grow up.” His words were so sincere that it touched you in a way you didn’t think that Negan could touch you anymore. It stirred something long forgotten with in you.
“I want that too…” You mumble trying hard not to show the old feelings that were bubbling just below the surface, but Negan was nothing if not an observant man. Though he didn’t respond with words, a slightly victorious smirk played on his lips as he gazed at you. His gaze made your cheeks flush slightly, which made his smirk only grow more.
The flush of your cheeks finally pushed him to make note of it. “Ya know, if I didn’t know better I would almost think that you like me…” Negan teased and your cheeks only flushed more as you shook your head. He took a step forward, closing the gap between the two of you as he leaned in asked in a low voice. “Do you still like me?” He asked sheepishly.
You shook your head unable to utter the words because it would have been a lie. Swallowing hard as you look up at Negan and whisper, “I’m with Simon.” Which caused Negan to stifle a laugh.
“I have no fucking clue why.” Negan retorted quickly and sharply. “I am not saying you have to be with me, but you deserve someone far better than that ticking time bomb.” There was a tone of genuine concern in his voice as he spoke. Before there was always something vicious and inflammatory about how he would bring up Simon with you, but this time it was gentler.
You wanted to push back and defend Simon because he was so much more than Negan was giving him credit for but you didn’t want to have a fight when things were going so well. “I am well aware of his history, as I was of yours…” you finally decide to say knowing that it was good way to say your peace with out pushing any buttons.
Negan smirked as he loomed over you. “He is good to the squirt.” You nod and chuckles again. “I am just going to say… you are more than welcome to come back to Daddy,” Negan said with a devious smirk. ”when you get tired of him… because it’s only a matter of time before he fucks up and so help me if he gets our son or you caught up in his inevitable bull shit. I am gonna kill him.” You scoff slightly and roll your eyes as Negan’s hand reaches out and grips your hip pulling you closer to him.  “Why are you with him? Honest answer, darling.”
It was more that you didn’t want to insight him that you actually answered truthfully when everything in you was telling you to lie through your teeth. “He only wants me… if you would have only wanted me… maybe I would have come back and given you a second chance for Deacon’s sake.” You had more honest conversations with Negan during these exchanges over the last week than you had in time you were one of his wives. Negan took a step back and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he processed what you had said. “I cared about you a lot once upon a time, Negan. But I don’t want to be one of many. I want to be someone’s one and only. I want to be cherished and Simon for all his faults ticks all those boxes… and he is good with Deacon.”
 Negan let out a long sigh as he scratched the several days of scruff on his chin. “I am helping those women… I take care of them.”
“You fuck them and pay them with chocolate, booze, and some faint vail of safety. Not a one of them would have actually wanted to be with you if they weren’t desperate.” You snap quickly when he started trying to defend his stable of wives. “I was the closest thing to someone who wanted to be with you because they liked you…” With the old feelings you had for him bubbling to surface the reminders of how deeply he had wounded you stung deeper.
Negan reached out and touched your arm as he spoke. “(y/n), I wish I had gotten over my issues then… maybe I would have shown you what kind of husband I could have been.” You let out a long and heavy sigh as you pushed his hand off your arm.
“Just worry about being a good father.” You gesture towards the door and give a quick, awkward smile. “I should get going, I told Simon I wouldn’t be long…” Negan gave a short nod and you shook your head as you started to walk out of the room and head back out to track down Simon and Dwight.
Once you were out of the room Negan turn to Deacon and smiled at his son who was beaming up at him. “I think Daddy may have more of a foot in the door than we thought my boy… “ He mused victoriously as he flopped down on the couch next to Deacon as he played with his toys at his father’s feet. “We are going to be family, you… me and Mama… one way or another.”
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
What is your absolute favorite kind of chaeacter to write? Do you prefer a certain hender? Age group? And if you feel so inclined, I'd love to hear why.
Oh wow, I've never actually thought about any of that before. I'm still fairly new to writing (I only started writing for the first time last November, 2021), and haven't written enough different types of characters to really know which kind I prefer writing.
Honestly, how fun a character is for me to write, depends largely on what situation they've been put, and what other characters they interact with. Sans bantering with Papyrus, or being lovey dovey with Frisk, will always be more fun for me to write about, than if he were arguing with Chara, or talking with a stranger, for example. And I'll always enjoy writing about a character being a doting parent to their child, no matter who they are.
But if I had to give a proper answer, I'd say that my absolute favourite kind of character to write, would have to be one whose idea of what's "normal" is so abnormal to most people, that they never react to anything the way you'd expect them to (if that makes sense).
My best example would be my reader character from my fic "Good Girl Needs Kiss". Because she's a witch, who's very rarely interacted with people before, she has an odd way of seeing the world. Things most people would consider weird are, to her, perfectly normal, and things many would consider to be normal are, to her, fascinating and bizarre. If someone were to give her a flower, for example, her first thought would be how to use it in a magical potion. Her second thought would be to eat it. It would never occur to her that it was meant to be decorative. Any romantic connotations or intentions would, equally, be totally lost on her, unless specifically pointed out.
I absolutely loved writing her, because even just writing her thoughts made me constantly giggle aloud. She's so hilarious to me, that I can't help cracking up while thinking about how she'd react to something or someone, and how other characters around her would react to her. I love fluff and I love humour, so I love writing characters I find funny.
As for genders, I prefer writing female characters, solely because I, myself, am female, and so I find it easier to put myself in the headspace of a woman, rather than any other gender. It's why most of the characters whose personality and gender are left ambiguous (ie. Frisk and Chara) are women in my fics (that and because babies! They gotta have them babies! :3)
I don't have a specific age group I prefer writing, beyond just "adult". It's been a while since I've been a kid, and even when I was one, I didn't behave or think like any of the kids around me, and the only child I regularly interact with is my 3yo niece (who is very precocious), so I'm not sure how a "normal" kid is supposed to act like. I just write children how I want them to be, rather than what they might actually be like.
I hope I've managed to answer all of your questions properly. And thank you very much for asking them! I'd never given any of these any real thought before, so it was interesting having to seriously ponder them.
If anyone has any questions you'd like to ask me, about myself or my works, I'd love to hear them! (and unless they make me too uncomfortable, I'll definitely answer them)
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