#theres still one more thing in my ask box thats been there for so so long god
lesbianyosano · 1 year
what do you think bsd is trying to say about war? do you have any other thoughts about political themes present in the story?
oh i have,,, thoughts,, for sure. also these are more loose threads that have been floating around in my head more than a concrete thesis so sorry if they dont make much sense as a whole
one thing i think is crucial to discussing bsd as a political story is to look at which countries' authors asagiri choses to include in the story.
obviously the main cast is japanese, but the other prominent characters come from usa and russia, and if you also take in characters from the light novels or ones, who have been foreshadowed to be important (like agatha), france and the uk come to mind. those are all states with imperialist past/present, and while there are none morally pure countries this specific selection is still pretty intense all things considered. many of the authors included in bsd were also involved politically one way or another (most had been active during the first half of the 20th century, and wrote about war one way or another)
the imperialism isnt really touched upon, unfortunately so, but ( and maybe this is just me being hopeful) i like to think its less about asagiri not seeing it and more about him not wanting to open another sensitive topic in an already complicated work of fiction.
ultimately i'd say bsd is anti-war. that's the most prevailing political theme, and one that has been slowly revealing itself and becoming more prominent the further we go into the story. worth noting is how elements that could've (and maybe should have) been shown as explicitly political avoided this framing in earlier parts of the story (fukuzawa's old profession, kunikida's ideals), but ig there's still time for that. the anti-war sentiment ties back to a lot of the works that the abilities are named after, esp in the agency. no longer human, thou shalt not die, the makioka sisters (tanizaki's light snow) are all prime examples (and kunikida's ability could technically be put under this too depending on how you look at it, since his war journalism is what made him a prominent literary figure). even if some of the authors had some questionable opinion's irl, the parts that asagiri choses to include always come back to the horrors of war.
decay of angels is another thing, given it's named after mishima's last novel, one that he left to his publisher on the same day he started a coup trying to restore the emperor of japan and commited seppuku. there was a theory i saw a while back that said bram wasnt actually a doa member, and the 5th person is yet to be revealed, and it'd be really interesting if we got mishima in bsd but he's still to this day a pretty polarizing figure (understandably so) and im not sure if asagiri would want to take that step, since it'd be a point of no return in terms of explicit politics in the story. and he's been pretty timid with that i mean look at the way he handles police brutality (cops in yokohama being portrayed as incompetent yet ultimately good people, jouno going from prime example of someone knowingly abusing their power to apparently caring abt the innocents, and this is obv a different, more complicated topic so uhh idk maybe ill talk abt it some other time adgsfgagd). idk it just seems like he's afraid to really push the ideas forwards, keeps them palatable to the general public although idk if this is a concious choice or not. im willing to give asagiri the benefit of the doubt bc of how he handles fukuchi though. people hate him bc??? idk he's not a twink and he killed someone ig but personally i adore him, goofy aah guy imo. it'd be easy to write him off as just an autoritarian crazy guy who wants to take control of the world for unspecified "greater good" but the arguments he makes are generally pretty compelling! and not just to readers, we see atsushi questioning the way world works and government's role after listening to fukuchi explain himself. its fukuchi's methods that are questionable not the ultimate goal of state abolition. and we still dont really know what his ultimate reason for doing all this is, just that he claims it's not revenge on fukuzawa, so im curious how this is going to get handled.
and the last thing is the brief anticapitalism theme in the guild arc but again, its like asagiri gave up on it before it became too prominent. fitzgerald is the ultimate capitalist and we see this esp in relation to steinbeck, whose dislikes list finansists in the enligh translation and capitalists in the polish one (no idea what is listed in japanese exactly). but fitzgerald is ultimately sort of redemed, with his (and poe's) wealth treated as a gag rather than a human rights violation
those are all the things that have been ping ponging around in my head and i hope this is in any way at least a little bit understandable. there are some things here that deserve a post of their own but id have to reread at least the last few arcs to talk about them in depth.
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 months
how women on here are reacting to the boxing situation is the final straw for me with radblr tbh.
like imagine this scenario for a second: people are making false claims about you that you not only can easily disprove with a simple, uninvasive test, but you've ALREADY DONE said test in the past so you'd just need to ask them to publish the results. you can debunk these claims with the same amount of effort required to push a button.
but you don't. you have Literally The Easiest Option In The World to prove you're right and you don't do it.
and yet because women have created their own OC for this guy in their heads who is a female with androgen issues they'd rather defend their self-made blorbo as a way to peacock about how "yes all women" and/or "not racist" they are than do 2 seconds of research and critical thinking to realize "hey maybe this situation that fits literally all the criteria for the dude being a male, including the fact that he's been previously disqualified from competing in the women's league TWICE yet shows up for the Female Olympics anyway, means he's actually just a liar and cheater"
i'm open to having some sympathy for him if his parents (tried to*) raise him as a girl but like. he's a fucking adult. he took a sex test. he knows who he is now. he's making his own decisions. one of these decisions is choosing to hide who he is.
*idc how misogynistic his parents are in believing "no vagina??? but no penis. no penis = female. because female = non-male.", if they knew he had a male-specific dsd that coloured how they raised and treated him, even if they tried to hide it. the act itself of hiding it from him and trying not to raise him that way makes their treatment of him already inherently different from how they'd raise him if he were actually female.
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im going to try to go about this in the most respectful way possible.
i cant say i agree with everything youre saying here. theres still a lot of misinformation about this and i cant say a slatz tweet is very satisfying for me given the racist and homophobic things ive seen from her. but, if what you say is true, that this boxer is an intersex male who was assigned female at birth, i think its completely unfair to treat her entirely as a man. the community tends to regard itself as a place for intersex women too, those with this particular dsd were not spared misogyny just because they unknowingly had xy chromosomes. learning they are biologically male with a dsd doesnt mean they have a desire to completely restructure their lives and identity around being men, i think thats kind of insane to expect.
that being said, i think there needs to be a reevaluation of fairness in sports and how intersex people fall into it. what advantages or disadvantages do intersex women carrying a y chromosome have over those that dont? what male charactistics (bone density, for example) still exist in these women? do they pose a danger to other women in their sport? what about other intersex conditions? at what point does it become unfair? unfortunately it could lead to their exclusion, and if that happens will there be another place for them? theres a lot to consider and things will have to change as we learn more. its not really a black and white situation in my opinion.
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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lueurjun · 1 year
youtuber bf sunghoon
youtuber!sunghoon x reader! in which he is a world renowned youtube star with millions of subscribers but his favourite person will always steal the spotlight — requests are open officially now if you want something specific:)
honestly i see him being one of those youtubers that started posting when they were a kid and just grew a huge fan base from there
like hes been posting since he was like eleven and now hes 20 with over 15 million subs
yes. i’m giving him 15 million. he deserves more. subscribe to him rn
and you’re not on the youtube scene until the two of you start dating
but how you met is actually filmed
he was filming a vlog with his friends and they decided to film a basketball vid for heeseung’s channel
now sunghoon isn’t bad at basketball but he isn’t the best
so you can probably see where this is going
if not then… you were innocently passing by the court when the ball flung over the high gate and smacked you in the side of the head
you wanted death to welcome you
really you could’ve curled up in a ball
pain and embarrassment you didn’t know which was worse
“riki stop laughing- oh my god-”
you couldn’t really see that well but you managed to make out multiple figures on the court standing still just staring
one of them had their hands slapped over their mouth so you assumed that one was riki
someone was leaving the court but you couldn’t make out it it was one person or two because your vision was off
poor you just wanted a slushie to cool you down
you ended up walking away with bf tho so let’s be real… getting slapped in the head was worth it
“i’m so sorry- are you okay?”
“oh no. it’s fine. cant see but you know… it’s all good”
you little people pleaser you
the person takes your hand awkwardly to try and steady you
because that ball had knocked off your entire balance
thats so embarrassing for you im so sorry for doing this to you BUT ITS FOR THE PLOT! you’re gorgeous enough to get through it, your face card never declines bae just take it in stride
after a few moments your vision settled and you were finally able to focus on the boy
and boy was he fine
suddenly the embarrassment seemed worse than the pain
because a really hot guy just watched you get a ball to the head
“do i need to take you somewhere to get checked? you don’t have a concussion right? i didn’t kill you or anything?”
the only thing he killed was your ego
despite insisting that you’re fine, he convinces you to let him buy you a slushie as a makeup gift
cue the annoying wolf whistles when his friends see the two of you walking away together
sunghoon flips them off forgetting all about the video he was supposed to film for heeseung
and you best believe that long legged mf kept that part in the vid
anyways the two of you get a slushie together and he tells you all about his channel and eventually when it’s time for you to head home
he asks if he can see you again
and you’re just like *debby ryan meme* who me?
that was horrifyingly cringe i am so sorry
skipping past that, you are not about to turn this man down so you agree and a date is scheduled
moving on from how sunghoon was blessed with your existence, let’s get into your relationship — my favourite part;D
his fans absolutely adore you as they should
im your biggest fan tho don’t forget that pls
literally his stans beef with him asking if he can fight
no but fr can he because i’ll get my boxing gloves on rn
sorry sorry
videos with you always get a lot of views but there isn’t many of them since he does value privacy and is quite protective
theres like a video with you once every six months and then you’ll just make the odd appearance in the background
his friends LOVE having you in their videos tho bc you bring in them views bc everyone loves you so much
ultimately as much sunghoon would like to protect and shield you, he knows you are your own person and let’s you decide whether you want to be in their videos or not
most of the time you’re like sure because it’s fun
there’s definitely fan made compilations of sunghoon being an absolute simp for you
you literally sit and watch them before you go to sleep
ngl id do that too i don’t blame u
the video of you being knocked out by the ball is an iconic moment in his fandom
his friends bring it up any chance they get
“remember when sunghoon knocked all of the brain cells out of their head?”
“what brain cells? they had none to begin with.”
cue you throwing a pillow at the youngest for that comment
“you’re like 6! go learn how to read.”
ni-ki definitely sees you as an older sibling and as much as he teases you, he adores you
the boy literally threatens sunghoon whenever you aren’t around
“i swear if you mess up this relationship and make me a child of divorce, i will roundhouse kick you”
sunghoon just snorts but he knows he will never ever hurt you
because the idea of breaking your precious heart genuinely fills him with dread and nausea
also because me and ni-ki have a y/n protection squad going. we’ve got your back ml don’t worry
sometimes he films for hours and then goes straight to editing with no breaks so you always supply him with some water and snacks
that definitely convinces him to take a break because he just needs to kiss all over your face for being so darn amazing
you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him
isn’t sappy often but he has his moments where he’ll remind you of how much he genuinely loves and appreciates you
those little declarations always make you sob
and now i’m gonna sob because you’re both just so in love
definitely the internets favourite couple
now that’s over, excuse me whilst i go slide down a wall and cry of loneliness:)
small end note — had this in the drafts for a while and i’m not too keen on it but it took some time to do, so here we are. also thank you for all of your support recently! i’m very grateful and appreciate of you! much love! :)
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littledigits · 5 months
Not sure if this is going to makes sense..... but
How does one approach studying Timing and Spacing in animation ?
Like, how would you go about taking notes/
Or observing and studying Spacing and Timing of an animated scene mindfully, so you could apply it to your own work.
Do people just watch an scene they like on something like youtube, and go frame by frame, noting down how many frames have past between each keyframe as well as the spacing by thumbnailing them down ?
I'm honestly kinda overwhelmed, and frustrated cause I have a hard time nailing down the kind of timing I want (specificlly getting that 'snap' kinda feel)...
I don't like how 'floaty' or 'smooth(?)' things tend to turn out when i try to animate ;-;
IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. My friend I give you big support vibes cuz I had such a hard time understanding timing and spacing. It comes easier for some but not others and thats ok. I had to learn how to be boring with it before I got comfortable enough to experiment and I can still easily get stuck in my box. I would say that reference is a HUGE PART of making animation work. Over time you can build up your mental library and you may not need as much and just go off of your own thought process but thats something you build up to. And most people when they start will find things either can be jittery or too even, and thats just part of training your eye! Snappy animation can be tough too ! but thats why learning from it is GREAT. Gosh theres so much you can learn from frame by framing things - especially classic hand drawn stuff. So i 100% would recommend finding some ref of the style you want to emulate and just try it out and 100% -figure out how many frames in between , seeing just how much they manipulate the pose, anything really! Its not about getting it all right, its just about breaking it down and learning a few things at a time and going 'OH maybe ill try that out next time' I think you going ' hey this feels too floaty and isint the vibe' is you exactly describing what the problem is. Your in-betweens are probably very evenly spaced out- but thats a really common problem when people first start. But the solution is just as you said - REF. And in animation that is more of a part of the job then anything honestly, same with storyboard. and learning a lot from eachother. I FEEL YOU THOUGH. I was there too, and it took me longer then others to be able to get what I want. But you're on the right track , just dive in to doing that good good frame by frame and then trying it out yourself ! here are some links that you may find useful as well ! https://gingercatsneeze.tumblr.com/post/145037677357/1-ah-fai-was-a-chief-animator-for
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
a little for me! Future leo x Teen!reader(14-16)
gen: Platonic ofc, Found family and fluff
Idea: you know those peepaw multiverse where future leo got throw back to the past? yeah lets change that where instead of the turtles finding him, a teen reader found him in their yard, pass out and the reader just standing there wide eyes cuz theres a big turtle in their yard, now i know what your wondering wheres the reader's family? one word ✨Vacation~✨ anddd thats where the reader begin dragging him to the house to tend his wounds.
(you can add more plot, I really just want father figure peepaw ~^~)
Welcome Home
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Future!Leo + gn!reader
Warnings: angst, mention of blood and injuries, mentions of death, platonic fluff, swearing, found family if you squint
A/N: I honestly haven't read many F!Leo fics, if you could please recommend me some. :) I don't know if this feels rushed or not...
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Going back in time probably wasn't Leo's best idea, at first anyways. He wanted to see his family again. He knew it would hurt, but he wanted to know that Casey succeeded, to know that his family was still alive, still thriving, that Raph had beaten the pizza box record.
What he didn't expect was to end up in someone's backyard. A teenager came out of the house. Worrying and fussing, not caring that he was 6ft turtle man, that he had a prosthetic arm, or that it looks like he'd been through hell and back. No. All this kid cared about was if he was hurt.
"Who are you?" Leo hisses as you help him stand. You introduce yourself, in a way you reminded him of his family. You helped him inside and set him on your couch. "Where's your family?"
"Family?" You ask, going to the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit.
"Parents, siblings?" He asks, holding his side, sitting up a little better.
"Vacation." You said it so nonchalantly, like it was something you answered every day.
"And they left you here? Alone?" Leo presses. You begin to clean his wounds.
"Is there something wrong with that?" You dab some of the excess away.
"Did they make sure you had food? Water? Heating?" He grunts as you apply pressure to one of the wounds that had reopened.
"How did you end up in my backyard?"
"Don't change the subject."
"The answer isn't important."
"Yes it is. You're... What 15?" Leo groans, leaning forward so you can wrap up his plastron. "I have 2 younger brothers. I'd never leave them like this."
"Where are they?"
"Your brothers. Where are they?"
"Somewhere in the city. I was going to find them."
"Really?" He plopped back down against the soft cushion. You gave him a disapproving look. "Like this?"
"You'd be surprised."
"Uh huh..." You got up, taking the dirty things and threw them away. "I could call them... If you have their numbers. But then again... you are a turtle man."
"You think I don't have a cell phone because I'm a turtle?"
"No offense, but normal people would be terrified if a giant turtle man came in and asked about phone plans."
"I'll give you that..." Leo sighs, feeling comfortable around this odd teenager. "You said normal people... Are you not normal?"
"Normal is... in the eye of the beholder." You shrug.
"Are you a yo'kai?"
"A what?"
"A yo'kai. They're... Nevermind."
Leo dreamt of his time in the resistance. Of Mikey, specifically when he died, an orange bandana now gracing his katana.
You got him something to eat and drink, making sure he was comfortable and his wounds stayed closed. Soon you left the room and Leo drifted off to sleep.
"It'll take everything I have."
He thought about Raph, dying in his arms.
"This isn't your fault."
Raph's last words. He had tried so hard to push them down. Leo felt guilty for the Kraang invasion.
He dreamt about Donnie passing in the medbay.
"The world wasn't meant to be on some 16 year old's shoulders."
How could Donatello, of all people, forgive him? Tell him it's not his fault, tell him that it was okay.
Now he was here, in a time period where they're still alive, 6 years after the Kraang. He wanted to see them one last time. Just once Leo wanted to look upon the face of his brothers, his father, his sister. He wanted to hold them one last time.
Greif. Suffering. Wanting to go back and replace them. They deserved better, yet, he was the one to survive. Why?
Only to wake to a 15 year old, watching him.
"You talk a lot in your sleep." You say. "Who are they? The people you were talking about?"
"My brothers." Leo pants, the dream still fresh.
"They... died, didn't they..." You spoke softer, like you were afraid of upsetting him.
"Yes..." He breathed.
"May I ask... Why are you looking for them?"
"I'm from a different time, the me in this time is 22."
"Yeah right."
"Remember that freak accident 6 years ago? Aliens?"
"In my time period we didn't stop them, they took over the world. My... My brothers died fighting them."
"And you came back in time, to a different time period, because you miss them?"
"I am nothing without them."
"Why didn't you say so sooner? Let's go find them!"
You got him a big cloak to cover his 'turtleness' as you called it. You followed him through allies until you got to a sewer hole. He pulled it up, with a little help from you and dropped down.
"No offense, but this doesn't seem very homey to me." You jest.
"Let's hope that even in my advanced age, Donnie's system will still recognize me." Leo nudges you. "You on the other hand will probably be arrested."
"Tell them I'm a friend!"
You 2 continue down the tunnel, Leo pushed the hood off as you approached a door. He pushed it open and alarm bells started ringing.
"Fuck." Leo huffed. "Stay behind me. Donnie has a tendency to attack and ask question later."
Luckily Donnie wasn't the one who came to the door. It was Raph.
"Leo?" Raph lowered his Sai and reached out to him.
"Alright, who tripped the alarm!?" Leo could hear Donnie storming to the entrance. "Leo if you tripped the fucking alarm again-"
"Donnie... Raph..." Leo finally said, tears coming to his eyes. They looked so much better, healthier than the ones he grew up with. He wanted to hug them.
"Tello? Raph? What's..." Mikey walked up behind them. Donnie dropped his bo, shaking his head.
Finally tears fell. Leo fell to his knees, revealing you. It didn't seem to matter though as the other 3 turtles' eyes were still on the old man before you. Mikey rushed forward, pulling Leo into a hug.
"I'm so sorry." Leo hiccupped. "For everything."
Raph knelt down and pulled the 2 into a hug, his head on top of Leo's. Leo continued to apologize, for everything.
"It wasn't your fault." Raphael said. Donnie finally joined to mutants on the floor.
"The world was never supposed to be on one person's shoulders, especially not some kid's."
The words spoken on their death beds now had a new meaning. A weight lifted of Leo's shoulders, he squeezed his brothers, trying to engrain this moment into his brain.
"Who the hell is this kid?" All of you froze, looking up to see a young version of the old man you patch up. "Oh. I ruined a moment, didn't I?"
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this is a headmate positivity post because i can do what i want
i am genuinely SO PROUD of lloyd right now
a lot of you guys might know that we recently started up a system hot takes blog (steaming-system-takes for anyone who isnt familiar). a message we got in our ask box today was honestly leaning more towards a hate take than a hot take and was accusing another blog of "angry ranting" in a call out post about another hot takes blog (thats recently been deleted) while complaining that one of our submission rules on our blog was that we wouldnt post anything that had misinfo. essentially the anon was going on a tangent about how we should be posting sources to debunk misinfo instead of.. not spreading it?? i guess?? idk we still dont really get where the anon was coming from tbh (im obviously summarizing and paraphrasing but you can find the post in question on the sideblog if youre curious)
so we see this ask and theres a part at the end of it that was basically saying "be careful or youll be next" (which you should NEVER say to anyone, thats shitty) and our paranoia was starting to spike because, you guessed it, saying shit like that can trigger someones paranoia
heres where lloyd comes in. lloyd is one of our trauma holders. he saw the ask, noticed that we were getting paranoid, saw how fucking pissed i was about the whole thing, and decided to take it into his own hands. he sat there for maybe 45 minutes??? writing out a response to it as best as he could, explaining that the blog isnt made for debunking misinformation and that the person who made the original call out post had a right to be angry about it. even though we were dealing with both paranoia and my lash-out, he still managed to successfully confront it and as a result help us calm down about it
even with all that shit working against him, he was able to defend us. he was able to de-escalate everything and handle it maturely. and as a protector i couldnt be more proud of a non-protector headmate being able to stand up for us like that
i fucking love my headmates, man. theyre all so capable and theyre all sweethearts (at least the ones ive met so far). anyone who fucks with them is gonna get their shit rocked in the worst way possible istfg
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
OP your addtion about the Harbinger's reaction? Sent me wheezing to the moon 🤣🤣💀
I dont have any additions to Teyvat language yet (other anons have a more in depth explanations while mine is just shitposts wheEZE--) but I did have an idea for a Genshin AU.
I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about the blue alien people Avatar. Tribal people from another planet. (Also I just stumbled upon the forests of Sumeru while going through Chasm quests. The one that has giant mushrooms).
Imagine Genshin in the Avatar Au. Sumeru can be based on the first movie (It fits cause from what I can explore of Sumeru reminds me of the time I watched Avatar of the first time. Pure awe and wonder..) While the Water nation can be based on the 2nd movie, Hoyoverse hasnt released the name of the Water Country yet so we're just waiting. Mondstadt can be based on the upcoming 3rd (4th or 5th? Idk they had it lined up) movie that involves being high above the clouds. Kind of like the Jade palace or the Floating Abode in the serenitea pot.
Its all I could base for now since the other movies dont have that much info yet to be paired with Genshin's countries.
Bonus idea that randomnly popped into my head:
Still going with this Au but its sagau themed. Creator!Reader arrives to Teyvat and is considered as Eywa
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I just want u to know i feel b l e s s e d that u put this in MY ask box , when this coulda been a whole post of ur own 💖💖🙏🙏
WARNING: So i havent seen the new movie, just the og Avatar one, and i totally loved that concept about Eywa and how their world works so ill refresh myself but if theres any new lore from the 2nd movie i aint got it yet 💁 srry babs
^ except ur like the life itself bc ur god now
Thats why i put that there
This AU radiates that energy
So I accidentally posted this too early so keep refreshing or coming back bc if theres no "♡the beloveds♡" im still updating this then LMAO
So anon's a genius and i could listen to u talk about this all day
I fucking love combining world building or lore together
Esp like making one the AU or just the setting like u said with Avatar worlds as settings and same characters-
So they deffo use "Eywa" as a term for you instead of your name
Honestly, before when u were a mysterious af planet creature thing (lets say u get isekaied there i mean)
Nobody rlly knew if u even could take a mortal form or even thought of that as a concept
I feel like the younger generations immortals and Teyvat's current countries kinda think of you Eywa as more of a passive entity life force thing
Rather than the older immortals and creatures that had seen thru eons or over the course of a couple thousand years
That u were very aware and intelligent
Not that ur energy or aura didnt tell them that alone
So a little deeper into the Teyvat lore here but i dont see anybody else talking about it so I will
Originally, it was the Seven Sovriegns and you, and eventually Phanes and their Four Shades,
And they literally all quickly came to realize u literally made this planet and began to start the first traditions of worshipping you!
Like putting gifts or hand made goods at the base
(Ppl have also gotten a tradition from Morax/Rex Lapis and Guizhong and other adepti to leave birthday letters to offer you, which ties into what i say below⬇️)
Ya know,
Eywa the tree could even be a sort of source to the eyes of Teyvat of what you look like while u were playing the game
Like how Eywa's little jellyfish reach ppl in the forest and shit? I think?
So like i would imagine that whatever u make certain vessels or acolytes do most often, is what they think they should offer u :0
Claymore users give u gemstones and ores
Bow users give u hunted game like fowl, or the treasure from puzzles that required arrows (like those bursting blue balloons?)
Catalysts and Polearms give u all kinda of crazy shit lmao
Bc they can be used for a vareity of things
Bc of ur player status and abilities, people of Teyvat attribute a gain in power or talents or whatnot to you, Eywa
So say u actually physically there now, and u just wake up under the coolest sickest tree youve ever seen in ur life
Omg could u imagine????
Seeing Teyvat irl? But AVATAR WORLD IRL???!!!
You would stand there lookin around like a drunk fuck for like 20 minutes, maybe longer lmao
Its just so ✨️pretty✨️ here
Also the tree itself just feels like, the equivalent to ur bedroom basically but like specifically if it was hella comfy and like just the way u want it (all the decor is up, the floor is clean, u got like hot choco on ur desk, theres a candle burning, etc.)
Oh so since ur like weirdly connected to the land, like u know how theres a voice line abt walking in that glowing aranara part of Sumeru and ur steps light up?
I saw that too in the OG avatar movie
So i feel like u would have a map with ALLLLL the peoples on it and little icons
U can focus on just vision users or bosses or big nature things like Dragonspine
Oh so Eywa can control all animals and whatnot and so u as a mortal person can too
So anytime theres a threat u can deadass just become a pokemon trainer LMAO
Ok but think how badass it would be to just like,
Get the Primo Geovishap or Giant Bird Jadeplume Terror thingy to just leave their territory and wipeout some mfs
It would be fucking amazing
Unrelated to above bc im just spitting out ideas srry guys
but like
I feel like if u were a lifeforce sort of ancient eldritch god for the entire goddamn continent of Teyvat let alone the whole planet-
You would have to maintain said continent/planet
Like, make sure the Irminsul is growing okay, protect from mfs like Dottore,
Stop diasters if ur Eywa too, esp bc u can hear prayers now, and would hear ppl crying out to help them geez
while the prayers of the many kinda just glob together to form the major "feeling" of the prayer for most creatures,
Vision users, gods, ancient creatures u can get their exact sentences
Basically more magic = better heard to connect with u
Oh u know, i could even see it being even more manual or personal labor bc ur not like a tree connected to ur roots thruout the world technically
Like if volcanoes erupt in Natlan, the archon and gods there help and u r also wanted/needed in person for it to work
U would still be powerful, but yeah like say the tree was u just playing genshin before,
The game automatically regulated diasters and stuff other than what was supposed to happen in game
So kinda bouncing off that I read smwhere that the Na'vi dont actually view Eywa as like omnipotent or omniscient
(like the God™️ from the Christian bible for a example of what your not)
And also! Dont blame/attribute natural diasters, plagues, or other bad stuff on Eywa
So good for you whew 💦
Ur actually supposed to kinda just be the collective lifeforce or Teyvat/world and nature, and a defender and guide of life :0
Which kinda fits with the whole "upgrading characters" thing actually
Okay but I saw somewhere in SAGAU tag someone did another name instead of Creator to spice it up and its "All-Mother"
And interestingly, Eywa in Avatar is also called that and "Great Mother"!!
How fun :0
Also, the reason Eywa still got people with free-will is bc they kinda described the relationship to Eywa being something like a mother or parent
Maybe where name/titles came from ig?
Either way, ppl be calling u all types of nicknames u aint heard before lmao
I mean ur sacred, they dont just say ur name,
Nobody knows ur real name or what u call yourself
Just what they call u
Bc they couldnt communicate with u super well before, (the bday letters were the closest they got verbally, and even then they had to be addressed somewhat to ur first vessel the traveler to get thru/be seen)
Otherwise yeah u operating them lets say before on Earth you rlly felt like an eldritch nature deity 💀
Cause u guide them in battles, strengthen their talents and skills and bodies, and feed them food
If they were in battle like needing healing food, u help them heal by consuming it for them so they dont have to take a snack break in battle and
Let me tell u, these denizens of Teyvat who have to constantly deal with magic and monsters and abyss stuff, so a stroll outside ur house gets u in a fight...
...They are very grateful for that needless to say.
Plus i like to think u make fighting easier on them bc ur "guiding" their bodies
Anyway thats a long winded way to say, help me think of all the names Teyvat's given you lmao:
All-Mother / Great Mother
All-Father / Great Father
All-Parent? / Great Parent
Their Grace
Great Puppeteer
The Puppeteer
Soul of Teyvat
Greatest Soul
She aint long bc im not that creative and this idea has sm potential too😔
I would love to be Eywa sounds fun and powerful af and i dont get expected to be Jesus and they know i dont cause the natural diasters, like that sounds nice
Aight im no genius and this writing feels like im just rambling like a drunk guy sittin on the sidewalk mumbling to myself, i had to stop writing 💀
Like that energy specifically-
So lmk if yall got any other cool titles or names :0
I couldn't think of anymore :/
Also srry about the updating this post and making u check back in if u already read this before i put the taglist
(Me putting the taglist means im done editing/writing this dw if u seein this)
♡my beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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lilysaus · 1 year
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okay. this fucking picture made me so mad i went on a 15 minute rant to my sister while she was trying to read her book.
so ive been looking at a lot of pictures of posts on pinterest because thats just where i spend most of my time. most of these posts are on the topic of adhd. ive never been properly diagnosed, but reading through these posts has made me feel so welcomed and understood (more than my parents have made me feel, pretending that this is "all just a phase that ill get over soon because pretending to have adhd is just the thing right now") that i realized ON MY OWN that "hey maybe i do have adhd." well.
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i found this post while scrolling through pinterest, and it really sparked my anger.
i have a friend who was diagnosed with add before it was considered an "outdated" term and scrapped because apparently ALL FUCKING FORMS OF NEURODIVERGENCY THAT ARENT AUTISM ARE JUST "ADHD".
i read this post and it was what sparked my anger and my 15 minute rant to my sister. people who get degrees in this stuff, or counselors at schools, never really know what youre going through. all they know is that youre having some problems and they need to be solved.
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which brings me back to this picture. if you look up "is add still a thing" on google, this is the first picture to pop up. and just seeing the visual aids they put with it makes me furious enough to throw something or someone out a fifth story window. the little girl is fucking SMILING while thinking about the most common shit people think us neurodivergent folks think when distracted. first off, no. false. we dont just think of video games and candy. we think of the randomest shit possible, like how long can i sit here without blinking or what kind of funny shit can i draw on this one sheet of paper.
and ALSO.
you cant just categorize adhd as TWO SEPARATE THINGS and call it good. we dont fit under two umbrellas. theres too many of us. we each have our own figurative umbrellas that only we ourselves can fit under, no one else. thats the problem with neurotypicals. they fit the typical stereotype for humans: we try to understand everything by putting it in a box. those lists of "symptoms"? i match every single one. on both sides. so ha. take that SCIENTISTS. what am i? some kind of freak of nature because i dont fit under just ONE of your precious categories?
i also looked up what "inattentive" means and it made me angrier. according to oxford languages, "inattentive" means "not paying attention to something", which doesnt seem too bad, right? it fits some people perfectly with their symptoms, right? but its not the definition that bugs me. its the example sentence thats used. "a particularly dull and inattentive student". basically saying that if you dont pay attention well to something, youre dull and boring.
im sorry, what? sometimes i have trouble paying attention, sure, but you ask any of my friends and they can agree i am NOT boring in any way, shape, or form. non of them would describe me as "dull". inattentive? sure, but not dull. so to call it "inattentive" adhd, instead of just add, is stupid! my friend with ADD (not fucking adhd, stupid scientists) is one of the funniest, most entertaining people ive ever met. shes an incredible artist, super smart, and knows how to make anyone laugh. does that sound dull to you? does she have problems focusing sometimes? yes. does she struggle with doing something sometimes? yes. but dont the rest of us?
my point is, when i see things like this, it pisses me off. like, unless all of the scientists who agreed "add" is an outdated term have it themselves, i refuse to believe its outdated and i will continue to say that my friend has it. she was literally diagnosed by the doctor telling her "you have attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder without the hyperactivity." THATS JUST FUCKING ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER YOU DUMBASS!!!
anyway, i hope im not the only one who feels this way. i just felt it necessary to get this out there. maybe someday, people wont be so dumb and single minded. in my opinion, neurodivergent people are superior in intellect and creativity, but i guess until someone like that takes over the world and dropkicks neurotypicals into the stratosphere, we'll never know.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
i know csweekly is on hold now, but I still have to catch up on The Luchadora Tango Caper, so here it is!!
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Season 3 is maybe my least favorite season out of any of them, but I still love it, so I'm really excited to get into this!
Notes under the cut as always and please ignore the fact that I'm a month late on this thx
sometimes I think this whole series is Maelstrom just talking about shit for like 14 hours
cleo sympathizing with guys in skirts <3 she knows ur struggle boys
love how they slapped up a giant glowing green world map and copper sulfate burning chandeliers before they put in insulation or heat
brunt, girl, calm down. they were just doing their evil minion bagpipe job
british on british violence
that was such a cute nod when this season first dropped. haha theres been no sign of her all summer because of the hiatus you are so clever
they rlly thought they had something with the turn them against each other thing. i cant believe they thought they tvy7 rating would let shadowsan and carmen kill each other 🙄
"carmen is DEAD" (cheery tango music)
i mean it works because we know hes wrong and stupid but like
no offense but the tango dancers are animated in a way that is reminiscent of a kid manually moving their barbie dolls legs to make them walk
our girl <3
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tell me why dropping 200 feet onto the top of the metal detector was more sneaky than literally anything else she could have done
ok. yes. but the fact she is robbing it does not negate the fact that she will be on the news for breaking into a bank dsjfsdghfkdsa
1021 is the number on the box- could it mean something? in a strictly doylist sense. october 21st doesn't seem to have any significant holidays...I can't find anything, might just be a random number set.
good god the "i...have his eyes." hits me like a truck every time
gina pulled it out with the voice acting in this one
she WAS a very cute baby
"another" link girl what else has there been you should be ecstatic
ayyy its the character literally everyone except spintrap-stan and amaryllis solely remember for being voiced by dante basco
i love how snarky carmen immediately gets. if he knows her name and what she looks like, obviously he's an operative, so she gets to have a little fun in immediately declining him while still gaining valuable information, almost immediately, about who he is and what his talent will be
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everyone is very stretched today
this is not my favorite fight scene honestly (at least until flytrap gets here. dont even get me started on her fighting style im in love with it) because its literally just like ooh. he kicks. she dodges. wow. they really do try with the tango parallels but idk
wow!! other people can kick too??? who knew
she protected the face
cutely runs into oncoming traffic
those cars were not even slowing down girl they were just like HONK MOVE OR DIE
okay mini rant incoming i already did a post on this like a billion years ago but flytrap is one of my favorites because in my opinion she and paper star are the most dangerous villains we ever see in the show. let me. try to find that post actually
yeah here it is
flytrap is also so hot and has the same va as luz so she's just top tier. idk if the team put half the episode budget into celebrity voice actors and thats why we only got 5 episodes but you know what
love how carmen is literally stopping her attempts to get free to banter. girl. stop
shadowsan <3
love how they do not even bother showing the fight they just get their asses handed to them
why didnt they start in veracruz just asking
not the table
ok guys. you can stop with the tango thing now. its okay
that little conversation between ivy and shadowsan is so good
comrades??? sir its not the cold war
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article from 17 years ago, thank you for that easy to understand slang
carmen plot armored her way out of getting her skull smashed in on that train so hard that she made maelstrom stupid
its canon both in and outside of the show that color theory is so prevalent that any sort of red at all immediately signals carmen
the colors are so beautiful in this scene. carmen doesnt have her coat or jacket on, everythings just a little desaturated as she searches
not the finger guns and glasses wheeze hes such a loser i love him
love how all we get of julia this season is her being pissed off and then leaving
he was such an asshole for closing her laptop why did he do that 😭
has carmen just been ignoring vile missions for the last season of the year to research her mom or
girlie is so sad about everything
ah yes, the door, the thing you wish to have opened, the best place to lean your full body against after you knock,
i'M SOrry. did you NOT attend a school for THIEVES
HSDGGDG HEY. just broke into your house. im your long lost daughter
i love how she goes DONT TOUCH ANYTHING and then immediately drags her whole arm across the wall and cabinet
also her face when she sees the masks is perfect
okay be honest how many of you have replayed carmen saying maybe mommy at least once. who. raise your hands
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shes sooo buff
love how everyone is taking this so seriously and then carmen is just completely apathetic about anything thats going on
dont deadname lupe, carmen
her hair catching a gust of indoor wind for the sole purpose of making her look sick as hell in her intro card is so iconic
as ivy absolutely obliterating zack in the foreground is so fucking funny
she got that "EH EH EH." titter of "HEY NO. DONT YOU DO THAT" down scary well
devineaux strutting im sobbing. julia was doing SO well and then she got paired with devineaux AGAIN
that cab driver looks so concerned about the hulking texan in his backseat
remember when the trailer dropped and we thought those roses were for julia. good times
everyone narrowly avoiding each other as they pull in
you just know ivy smacked zack when he protested to decoy time hdsafhadsg
gotta say the "EH?" while getsuring to the trophies is fucking hilarious. obviously julia knows she wouldnt go after those but its so funny
i do love the way carmen just shrinks any time brunt appears. she is soooo traumatized
devineaux showcasing his braincells for a spilt second this episode
ah, so begins the not a good time mantra
devineaux getting absolutely decimated because he thinks coach brunt thinks hes handsome is so funny
the referee watching two apparent civilians enter the ring: 🙂
carmen is so funny here. she uncuffs herself and then just leaves devineaux to die like fuck his ass he can get smooshed
carmen getting increasingly mad at devineaux while she drags him places is my favorite part of the episode
also, either carmen got stronger or devineaux had a few bouts of crazed research where he didnt eat, but she can drag him easily now as opposed to when she was struggling back at the trap in poitiers
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they put this shot in the trailer and without context it just looked like carmen was standing there glaring at brunt menacingly
the cat burglar <3
worst fucking ref on the planet i love him
was carmen stopping to listen to julia's voice i would like to think so
ah the devineaux and cars gag. i mean, to be fair, it wasnt his fault this time
starts beatboxing
carmen really just dumped her whole life story on lupe thats so funny. girlie started the day preparing for a match, got her house broken into, and then ended the day learning about a global crime syndicate
they really ended s2 going THE NEXT SEASON WILL FOCUS ON CARMENS MOM and then started s3 going well actually um okay so
theres our transition sentence
lupe's yellow and blue palette btw!! cs color theory i love you
lupe is more of a mom than carlotta ever gets to be thats sad honestly
carmens little smile ough
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here is a shot that very succinctly illustrates the dynamics in the coming seasons. the three at the table stand strong- always have. roundy is basically a footnote no one cares about him and then brunt...brunt is sort of on the edge. this carries over all the way into s4 when malestrom tries to drown her
oh my god i forgot about the weird halloween thing the faculty has going on this season i love it
my analysis is right in time for spooky season >:) halloween IS nearly upon us!!!
OKAY well my thoughts on the luchadora tango caper...pretty good. honestly its kind of net zero information because we introduce the premise of finding carmens mom and then immediately abandon it but it sets up um....well....it sets up....what does it set up
anyway- not my favorite episode, even though lupe is fucking awesome. i think it suffers a little from deviating from that classic caper structure and jumping around, but it does its job as an introductory episode.
until we return, sayonara, mon amigos!
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Hiiii, will you write a part two of Stay away from
me, y/n? Pretty pleaseeeee
your Wish, my command
Stay away from me, y/n (2) | Regulus black x reader
Like the first one y/n is james's little sister, and an insecure reg black :( , a bit slow, and it's about y/n being reminded about him, (happy ending), fluff and angst
Y/N/N : your nickname
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You left him standing, going to your friends. You had go act like everything was fine. "Hi" You said, coming to the Gryffindor table.
"Hey! " James said. "Hey" You replied back. You sat besides James. "Everything alright? " Asked Remus. Remus, Remus was the most un-oblivius boy in the whole marauder. But you knew you had to reply with "yeah, I'm fine," And 'smiled'.
"Good were coming to the zonko's, you want anything? Or do you wanna come" Asked sirius. "No, I'm good" You said. "Uhm, I need to go to my dorm, uhm goodni, I mean, good morning! " You said going to the Slytherins common room.
You felt a wave of emotions coming through. You couldn't sob in the middle of the great Hall can you, anyone who does that is mental.
While going to the common room, you saw him with Pandora. She was a good friend, but you couldn't help but be jealous.
But it wasn't your place to be jealous was it? He did say 'I love you' but it's nonsense. The only person in the black family that'll like you is sirius, and he's your other brother basically.
Ofcourse you went to your room, and cried. Its as if you broke up with someone, but you Were not dating. It hurts more than that.
You curled up your covers and just try not to think about anything but thats when it hit you. You know he loves you, or so he said, and, you Love him. Why dont you just solve this? But it isnt that easy isnt it.
Having to go to his not-so-good-friend isnt a very good idea, but its theres no choice. Not now, you're not going to talk now.
"Geez y/n, are you alright? " Pandora asked, carrying a bixt. "What the-How did you? What? " You took off your covers.
"I asked some first year to open it for me, 'said I was meeting a friend" Pandora then said "well, Regulus wanted to give you something".
"No he doesn't" You sighed. "He does, here" The ravenclaw gave you the neatly tied dark green box.
You opened it, and the first thing you saw was a purple pygmy puff. And berties botts beans. And a letter. You opened it.
'Dear y/n,
I'm sorry that I, said such things and have been ignoring you. I haven't seen you anywhere. And I think James know, heck, the whole marauders know. They've been giving me.. Some stares. And I knew from that you've told them. I'm sorry.
I just want you to know that I was not avoiding you because of you. It was because of me. I have feelings for you, I like you. It's not like how sirius likes you. It's different.
I love laughing with you, in a different way from Peter. I love studying with you, in a different way from Remus. I love you in a different way from James. Everything about you is perfect too.
And if you want to talk, I'll be in the courtyard, meet me and 5
Love, R.A.B'
"Oh Reggie, wait, isn't it still 12? " You asked. "No, y/n, It's almost 5! " Pandora rushed you outside, carrying your pygmy puff.
You walked to the courtyard, and there he was. Sitting. "Reg? " You said. "Y/n, you came? " He said.
"Of course, I did, reg" You said. "Look, I'm sorry about everything I said and done, I swear none of it means anything" He said.
You stomach dropped. "It doesn't mean anything?, the I love you part was nothing? " You asked.
"Depends on how you want me to feel," Regulus looked at you. "Reg.. I love you, and my best hope is that you do too" You smiled, weakly.
"Y/n I love you" Said Regulus. "But what about your family? " You asked. "I'm going to do it like Sirius, I guess.. I'll be bad, get kicked out, and we can be together" He said. Bittersweet, mostly bitter.
"Reg, no, you can't leave your family" You backed out from him. "No, y/n, they're not my family, you are" Regulus said
And you probably know who stayed for the whole summer in you and James's house.
"Brother, I have 100% forgiven you for your doings" Said Sirius while hugging regulus. That moment is where Regulus's life became better.
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defiantdreemurrs · 1 year
i think part of the reason i appreciate armored core more than souls now is because i feel like im actually pretty good at armored core
ive been playing souls games for like 8 and a half years and while i feel like im pretty alright i still consistently feel not particularly good at the games when im outside of my comfort zone
versus armored core where ive only played for like 4 months but i feel like im actually pretty good at these games because of how much it activates my brain
i feel like i use a lot more of my brain playing armored core than when i play souls because theres *so* many things to keep track of and the intense stimulation is just enough to keep my ADHD occupied so i can focus on the things i need to focus on
its like that episode of my little pony where rainbow dash has trouble studying until twilight realizes how well she retains information while flying because the amount of information hitting her is stimulating enough to her brain that shes able to retain things
as opposed to other situations where theres not enough stimulation and its harder to focus on the things i *want* to focus on
i gotta keep track of enemy positions, my position, my AP, my energy, my ammunition, which weapons i have active, i gotta swing my lock box in the right directions, i gotta manage my boosting (less so in 6 but holy christ is it a lot to get used to at first esp when playing an aerial build in the early games), is this weapon the right one for this situation or am i not following my internal rhythms and instead just using weapons incredibly unstrategically, i gotta manage 6 individual fingers doing individual things and make sure theyre all working independent of each other
its so much to keep track of at any given moment and it can sometimes become *over* stimulating but armored core is one of the few series thats able to keep me fully 100% invested without any kind of background noise
and a lot of it is just building up internal rhythms, patterns, timings, and letting your subconscious brain handle those things so you can focus on the less predictable elements, like memorizing about how long you can boost for before needing to stop and refill your energy so you dont have to think about it as much and can instead devote more resources to aiming or weapon usage
or memorizing the patterns in which you use your weapons based on the situation (how long does each weapon take to reload, whats the most efficient way to manage damage output, in 6 now with the stagger mechanic you might have to ask which weapons are more efficient at building up ACS overload or more efficient at doing damage *after* reaching ACS overload)
these games are so intense on my brain in the best of ways and i love them so much
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
god this got so much longer than i intended im so sorry oof
i am admittedly very fascinated by kips gear design (so much so in fact that i straight up asked him if we could ever hear process or design notes about it lmao), so i had some of my own thoughts honestly
im gonna make this in chronological order cause its easier to explain the reasoning that way, so i hope it makes sense but
so we have to go back to the last of the superbad designs first
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i cannot for the life of me find a photo of the backside of the gear, but i literally rewatched arcade anarchy for research for this as thats one match i can name from the top of my head where he wears this, and it holds no relevancy (apart from the 'superbad' text on the ass) to what im gonna talk about later, so
but yeah.. i have no explanation for this design choice tbh lol. im pretty sure most of this was just "because he liked the colors and it looked cool", its mostly an aesthetic choice afaik. which, admittedly, it is. its really fucking pretty. the only thing i can say from the top of my head is the drip effect on the top of the tights, as that was in some previous superbad shorts, so thats a recycled thing (and will continue to be, so its good to point out here). likewise the non-matching kneepads, tho interestingly enough the side of the one with images changes as we move on, which. i'll talk about a bit later
i just wanted to point this one out cause it has some elements that keep on appearing later, and also cause its pretty. longboy supremacy 💜
moving onto the return/boxman gear
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the boxman gear holds up some of the old design choices - the different kneepads, the drip effect, at this point he also had mismatching kickpads which i found extremely interesting (especially after realizing this was a repeat design choice. like if you look at them, the right one has a light pattern on it but the left one doesnt. and then compare those to the superbad kickpads. same thing). and yeah the superbad text still remains on the ass, which i find kinda funky considering he literally right up to the reveal of this new look went around ripping into his old self so. hmm. tho this is a point im gonna bring up in the collective thoughts later, so put a pin on it
but. theres a few things i wanna focus on here. mainly the clearly toned down color scheme - the more wine red, black and white is clearly toned down from whatever that aesthetic mess was before. but it works, especially later with the colored hair. i dont know the significance of it apart from him just really liking those colors so he wanted to use them (which i believe he has mentioned off-hand before so im just pulling this from my memory idk), but im mentioning them now to talk about it later a bit more when we get to the current design
also the big head on the side. this is more relevant later, again, with how it changes from design to design, but its interesting to see that despite moving on from his "previous self", hes still carrying that image with him. sure its a bit more updated, but the base for the superbad is there and used for it. like i get it that its a logo thing, but still. it sure is a choice
and thennnnn the kneepads. cause this is where i feel like the interesting shit starts (before we move on to current look which is what really prompted this whole thought process). see, there used to be a kip head there. now its a question mark. which has been imagery he used a lot during the boxman era both before and after his return, even to the point where there was a question mark on the back of the box (with the word 'back', yes, but the question mark was still very much there. omnipresent, if you will, as was the boxman himself). it feels like a nod about forgetting, abandoning to your old self and searching for something new, searching for yourself again. to me this looks like a sign of 'who am i/who was i' type of deal, like its such a deliberate choice of where its put - and yes i know the knees change between this and the previous design, but i feel like the point still stands. even more so with the swapped knee tbh, being so lost trying to find yourself you make mistakes. i know this is a reach but bear with me lmao
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look at this. look at it. so i mentioned before that the different patterning on the kickpads, right? well its only on the right side. which is also the only side with the drip effect on it. and look at the kickpad. the pattern shows better in the ddt photo lighting, but what does that look like? its kinda like a blood splatter. and knowing at this point in time, for this character, kip was doing character studies and consuming media etc. about characters that were most often serial killers or otherwise similarly deranged... yeah baby this is a nod to that you cant tell me otherwise!!
and then some choices i just wanna mention cause i think they're interesting but i have no fucking idea what they mean or why they are there lmao. apart from the 'time changes us all' text on the right side, thats pretty obvious (and plays to everything else ive pointed out so far actually) as well as the fact that instead of a few selected fingers, he started taping almost all of them (wedding band my beloved). that one i know he has mentioned was an aesthetic choice cause he liked it (also it might have something to do with him previously having dislocated a finger mid match sssooooo)
but anyways
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i just really wanna talk about the lacing of the kickpad. yeah, just the one. cause i really dont know why, but im completely in love with the asymmetry of this design choice, its very similar to the one patterned kneepad. its also made into a more obvious one as time goes on i think, cause its barely visible in the return match at all in zero hour, but just few months down the line its fully visible and you can even see it in the promo pictures, the bow end of it just dangling about. i just honestly think its really cute, but also relevant to, again, the current design so im gonna talk about it more later
..and then i just offhand wanted to mention. this. cause i dont know what the fuck this is or why its a choice in this design but. it is. so here you go have fun lmao
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(like in speculation i had a quick thought that MAYBE its trying to match pennys new gears garter belt style, as its just about the same spot, and since they did kinda matching styled gear? but thats literally all i got. i got so distracted by this fucking thing and i have no idea what it is. i hate it now, thats all i know lmao) anyways, moving on! current design yay!!
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so what i find the most interesting here, compared to the two others, is lack of color. honestly i think the grayscale works wonderfully with the rest of the design choices as well as his current look, but seeing him go from the previously colored design to this just sparked a thought in me.. tho idk how much of that actually plays into this design choice, considering this was done before he started the transition more away from what the boxman had become with the 'underrated and over it' gimmick and hes moving towards a much more confident version of himself again (sex idol, anyone?), but hes trying to prove something here. less flash in design, more flash in character, if that makes sense. also, classic villain look, black and white and cheesy blond 80s hair. i love him
the drips are also to the minimum now for some reason, and the splat pattern on the kickpad is gone. which is sad cause i really loved that detail, but again, minimalism, more classical and clean look. it still works, but i miss it. i also just like it how all the text is easier to look now, while that font just has the creep vibes. this whole set up feels like a homage to old black and white horror movies tbh, now that i think about it which i absolutely would not put past him
whichhhhh leads us to the first big point i wanted to make with this one - the mask on the side that now entirely replaces the previous kip heads. he very briefly brought it up as part of the two episode stint they did in ddt in february this year with penny, and there was like a single photoshoot in aew with it
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and then it was never brought up again. which i believe is cause kip said once that he was waiting for a good opportunity and a longer storyline to bring it out for its full potential. which, sadly never happened as i believe he has now plans to move on from it (and possibly return to the box? we shall see, but thats what he said he wanted to do, so), but i find it interesting that its chosen as the new logo to replace the original kip head on the tights, but yet the box logo design remains on both the front and the back of the jacket (which i didnt bring up here as while i love the design, it holds no relevancy in these cases im talking about here, apart from this one) and the actual mask is never seen on screen
the second thing i wanna talk about is the text on the back. previous two designs have said 'superbad', this one says 'the gallery' - for uninformed, this was(/is?) the unofficial team name of kip, butcher, blade, bunny and penelope. although i believe they are more or less now coining the name 'deadly alliance', but since neither is official... anyways, i just wanna point it out that hes moving on from singling and acknowledging himself only, and moving more into team territory here, which is an interesting touch. especially for someone who can often be viewed as a mastermind behind the things he makes his little henchmen do. hmmm (i could talk about this alliance forever but im gonna spare you, let it just be known that i dont think they are on as equal standings within this group as they might let you believe or think themselves lmao. like kip is obviously leading this bunch of killers but thats a whole another tangent. its just an interesting thought in the relation to him now having a team name on the gear [especially when in the meantime both butcher and blade i believe just have their names SO])
and finally! the actual thing that made me wanna write this whole four fucking hours long operation!! the color splash details!!!
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these. the lacing. its the only colorful thing in these pants and it has sparkled so many thoughts in me god. like i obviously see how these were easy to recycle from the previous design (although they are different laces so. theres also that. which makes this an even more deliberate choice), and keeping the colors consistent by making the two similar pieces the same color. this also can be tied together to the horror movie theme still, as while we lack blood splatters overall, we do have these here. in red. which i feel like is an important detail
i do want to, however, talk about why i thought this was so important and what it sparked in me. now, this might be the part where im fucking reaching and reading too much into this, but.. in this transition towards something new and something else, few former pieces remain, although they change along the way. the kneepads are still similar, the pants are still pinstriped, the red laces are there, the kickpads are similar, minor changes to some of the designs, etc.. the basics are the same, but it swaps to new things over time, as we move on
whats the saying thats hes using as a catchphrase and a hashtag everywhere again?
embrace the change
so you see. hes embracing it. hes moving on. hes changing. little by little, things are different, but hes making the active role in accepting it and making them happen. hes still the same old underneath, just the perception to outside and how its viewed is different. the patterns change. the colors change. the names, the phrases, the looks. they all change, hes embracing it, but it all comes down to the same old, because thats the thing; even if youre moving on, you cant forget your roots. cause whats the other, a bit lesser known saying?
time doesnt heal; it changes you
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
Why do you like obito(like in what made his character interesting to you)?
Hi thanks for sending this ask :) hm so I'm really bad at collecting my thoughts and saying things clearly but I'll try. I wish I could write excellent meta like some ppl. Like it's all in my brain, but it's just a swirly blob of half thoughts. But ok here are some of my personal thoughts about obito and why I like him as a character.
There's a lot I like about obito… I think most of what I like is pretty common among fans. But I mean theres also things in his character and life that have always resonated with me personally. In my life i have dealt with a lot of trauma, injury, disability, loss, etc and i have kinda projected my experiences into my hc's of obito.. especially regarding his healing process post cave collapse and abuse from madara. I felt a lot of things i assume he would have felt after I also suffered a major injury, and after other traumatic things with major ramifications…
Almost his entire life was altered by, and almost nearly defined by his traumas. How he deals with his it, (or doesnt really) is so painful to watch, but to me his strength is commendable. I wonder sometimes if he would've given up if it hadn't been for his heart seal, if his strength of will would've withered away from neglect. But then, after kks removed the seal, it kind of proved (at that point in his journey at least) that he still believed in his goal of a better world, and he wasn't ready to give up. How much of his strength of will was his own? How mych was madaras influence? It's hard to say. What role do we play in creating our own identities, and how much control do we give others- or is taken away?
There's a lot of unknowns, a lot of grey when it comes to obito. Nothing is pretty or neat when it comes to him.
I am also SO fascinated by his relationship to love. I think on the surface he thinks he doesnt care, he has no love left to give. But i personally believe love is at the core of all his actions (like sasuke!! I am on the sasuke defense squad...) i mean yeah, his relationship with his emotions (love especially) is toxic and unhealthy no doubt... but ultimately what's important to me is that his love and joy were so so strong as a child- and so nearly destroyed- that he later clings so tightly to the little he has left. I think trauma can do this to us. It can make us jaded and resentful and hurt others, to try to make things better. But often what's at the core of all that is this desire for things to be better. For the suffering to go away.
Like ok. Obito wants to violently destroy the world that hurt him and his loved ones. And not just destroy it, but rather create a better world in its place. A world that promises no more pain ot suffering. That is telling. I think that others in his situation would gladly see the world rot into oblivion, and not feel bad about making it burn a little faster. But not obito. He wants to burn it all (perhaps as fast as possible!) in order to create a utopia. But here’s the kicker... it’s a utopia in which he will never find peace himself, where he will wonder alone for eternity. Oof.
I wont try to say if he was totally right or wrong/good or bad/selfless or selfish, just that i can empathize with his motives and his trauma. Most of all i dont think its fair to categorize him as either a villian or a hero. He exists outside of that binary and obviously exhibits traits of both which is a lot more interesting to me. I definitely like the duality/ficklness of his nature. He's hard to pin down, he doesn't fit in a box, he's kind AND he's cruel. Obito is good and bad and none of the above. He's multiple people all in one. Idk I just think he's neat.
I wish his journey in canon was cathartic for him but i dont know. It wasn't for me in the end chapters. Thats why i like au's :) (Side note, I think rin should have roundhouse kicked his ass when he saw her in the end. And thennnn they could hug and make up).
Hmm ok this was all over the place sorry I hope this makes sense. If u made it this for thanks for reading my unedited essay. I really like obito. Sending u love and joy.
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