#these ao3 authors are crazy
eztilsolar · 2 years
Found an Ao3 fic that has 250+ chapters and is still being updated. I mean, damn. It started in 2017 and recently updated 2 days ago. I will try to finish it both because I like what it's about and it would also feel like an insult if I didn't.
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comradekatara · 12 days
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does anyone else think about the devastating implications of hama and kanna's relationship and go crazy or is that just me
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squorttle-pox · 3 months
A message from an AO3 author to fanfiction readers:
If you leave a comment on my work, then I love you.
If you go through my account leaving comments on all my works and every chapter that I update, then I love you.
You will never be annoying. You will never be the exception. I will never not love someone appreciating my work.
If you leave kudos, then I love you.
If you just read my fic, and don't interact, then I love you.
If you scroll past my works and never read them, then I STILL love you.
We are a community, we love each other.
Let's stop forgetting that.
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spencer-is-dead · 8 months
me, having an educated guess on my fanfic readers’ sleep schedules, waiting for them to wake up and comment on my newest fanfic chapter:
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roseblack12 · 4 months
Odysseus is known for telling stories and having an absurd amount of crazy shit happen to him. In conclusion modern Odysseus would be an AO3 Author.
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Day 14
I have received…indifferent news about the human‘s state, by which I mean, I cannot describe her current state, as I have not received any actually comprehensible further information.
Wrin has decided to pay the human a visit at the beginning of this cycle. After they returned, they sought me out to report back, despite not single word about my task being uttered in their proximity.
They leaned against the wall next to me without a word, so after a few moments, I spoke up: "How is she?"
"She seems alright, at least she‘s most definitely not about to die.", Wrin responded, taking a swig of the bottle in their gloved hand.
"Would you be more specific?", I requested.
"Well, I don‘t know, I asked her how she was doin‘ and she said she was 'peachy keen'."
My front pliers uttered a rattling sound. "And…what does that mean?"
"If I knew", Wrin said, taking another sip. "I haven‘t known her for that long either, and I don‘t know anything about humans. She does that weird thing sometimes though, when you‘re talking to her, and she says something that is true but kind of sounds like a lie? I dunno, might be that."
"Would you care to elaborate?", I repeated, slightly suspecting that Wrin was already too intoxicated to form coherent thoughts.
"Kind of like…y‘know, sometimes it‘s also the other way around, and she tells a lie, but kind of in a mocking tone? I don‘t really get it either. Must be a 'human' thing."
Telling lies mockingly? Perhaps Wrin was simply not eludicating well enough, but I would have to investigate this claim further. Perhaps I would pay the human a visit myself, if I was permitted.
Unfortunately, before I could act any further, another technician rather desperately retrieved me to assist in the main control center, as they were, apparently, understaffed for the circumstances we are currently situated in.
Resulting in this, I did not face the human at all during this cycle, but I have received news that she has been discharged from the medical quarters, while the medicals further analyze the test results they recorded.
Furthermore, we are set to enter Fendaar‘s athmosphere in 2-3 cycles, so we will be able to let the SIIR Noxos get mended properly and stock up on necessities.
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jichanxo · 17 days
sooooo... *twirls her hair* how many asks should i send until kuwagami art. jk as well. the real question will be: does it happen often that someone else’s art inspires you? in fandom spaces specifically
well you see it’s like a loyalty card program, every 10 asks or so you get a complimentary kuwagami
just kidding you can just breathe in my direction and I’ll be tempted to draw them. kuwagami blast! (you've caught me on a... just okay art day lol)
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(people still like kabedons, right?)
anyway for my actual answer: in terms of direct inspiration, it doesn't really happen much? the last two times i did art directly based on someone else's work is probably this one from this fic, and also that time i drew art of someone else's judgment au. oh! and there's that moriohpsycho art based on this comic! (filthyguts' work is so very. hgngngghh. very good.) nothing else really comes to mind, and when i think of the other things i've been into recently there hasn't been as much opportunity for that to happen...
flex and herds = strong fixation but lmao. almost nobody else made stuff about them. nobody is surprised umineko = surprisingly i don't read much umineko fanfiction? and in terms of illustration, i certainly picked up imagery and indirect inspiration but nothing concrete enough for me to give an example... now that i think about it, i did once draw andromalius from redaction/sunny, but that was years ago, and also mostly because i was acquainted with the writer. ...i don't have that artwork on hand right now death note = didn't really get involved with the fandom + i enjoyed my own ideas well enough! ...i can't recall if i drew long-hair-L art before or after seeing other artists do it. and as for everything else the same kind of reasoning applies. didn't really get involved with the fandom or wasn't really compelled to make art in response to stuff i saw, or i just don't remember anymore.
buuuuuuut if we're opening this up to just... pulling ideas from other people? then yeah, all the time, though that kind of goes without saying when you have a creative hobby. ...it's probably going to be hard to come up with examples of this since it's more ambiguous.
there's uhhhhhh... kuwana listens to nickelback which was a @/four-white-trees invention, wasn't it? (EDIT: and @/overdevelopedglasses!) (not tagging in this post so he doesn't feel obligated to read my big ass ask responses 💀) as of writing this, it's not posted but i did end up making kuwagami art based on a nickelback song so. yknow. there's that LMAO
for sawashiro and arakawa, i do sometimes go reference @/todayisafridaynight 's art to help me with my own. ("how did he draw this part of the suit? oh, like that huh? hmm" <- this kind of thing)
and um. i'm not trying to pander to you (at least not this time), but genuinely it's one of the few examples that come to mind at this moment. but when i was writing my first kuwagami fic, i could feel the influence of the ever-changing on my brain... was turning over some of your ideas there...
you remember this? (you even pointed it out in your comment on my fic, and i should've said something then, but whatever i'm saying it now)
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that was absolutely because of this
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(obligatory poke at anybody else reading this post that you can read passthroughtime's fic here.)
so, um. yeah. not really sure what else to add to that. pretty self evident i think. (i'm always talking about the ever-changing but i don't think i can overstate the impression it left on me at the time)
anyhow there aren't really any other examples off the top of my head! these are all recent examples so they're not so difficult to recall, but there are probably others i've forgotten...
#jitxt#started writing this unsure if i could give many examples and i ended up with more than i expected. nice!#sunny is a very good piece of umineko writing and i should reread it with the author's notes toggled on. and also read redaction#“shouldn't you have read redaction first” n-no. shut up! (besides i think renall said it was fine)#nobody remind me of that 20k note post that's just an uncredited screenshot of sunny. it'll piss me off#as cosmic balance i ought to shill sunny as much as possible#anyway uhhhhhh. the everchanging.#i am awful about receiving compliments (i never know how to respond aside from a rehearsed “thank you”) but i sure am great at giving them!#apologies if i'm laying it on too thick but#1. i am being truthful and#2. i figure it's reparations for all the time i spent as a lurker on the kuwagami ao3 tag#the explosion in my brain when i realised that “the nice person who leaves lots of tags on my kuwagami art”#and “the person who wrote that REALLY FUCKING GOOD FIC” were one and the same. crazy. and now we are mutuals ❤#it is a little funny thinking of when i'd read your and four-white-trees' work before meeting you#real life foreshadowing for me meeting you both....#i still have these discord messages of me telling a friend about both your works#basically: (reading an update to the everchanging) wow that was depressing (reading a joke in four-white-trees' fic) nevermind i'm good now#i ought to reread the everchanging and take detailed notes on all the parts i like#just so you know your impact on my brain lol#kuwana calling yagami a pretty boy and meaning it sincerely oh my GOD. rewired my brain
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captainkirkk · 10 months
If a fic author deletes their work, what’s your take on people who’ve previously downloaded the fics sharing their copies? I’m personally torn on it - I can understand both sides, but was wondering what others think.
This might be a controversial opinion, but I think it's fine to share downloaded copies of fics in certain situations. For example, if a friend mentions they have the fic and another friend asks them to email it to them. Or someone is desperately looking for their all time favourite fic that was deleted and asks for it on tumblr, I think it's okay for someone else to answer and offer to email it to them. I think, as authors, we need to accept that we give up a certain level of control when we publish a fic. Anyone can download it, even if we later delete the fic.
ALTHOUGH, I think posting it in a more public setting for other people to access (e.g., sending a link to a massive discord server) is probably a no-go?? Also, if the author has come out and explicitly asked people not to share downloads, then I'd say respect their wishes!!
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impommyyawl · 2 years
you know how in the movie heroes rising bakugou got ofa for a second? yeah well what if..hear me out now what if…YA KNOW
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scarletteye · 4 months
More crazy/obsessed/yandere Childe
Everybody seemed to enjoy the little post I made where I compared crazy Childe and crazy Scara. So here is another part from my fic that I wanted to use in the original post. He's crazy here, but I figured he was crazier in the "Don't you dare run" moment. Sheesh.
Once again, I just like using his actual name. Ajax mmm
Ornament of Heart, Chapter 16
Evening fell over Snezhnaya fairly quickly. You patiently waited until you saw his carriage arrive on the winding path, and then you rushed to the hallway, choosing to wait for him there along with the maids. You hadn’t done something like that ever since you returned from Fontaine, and as soon as Childe laid his eyes on you, his lips opened in surprise.
He didn’t expect to be greeted by you, but his shock soon morphed into a warm smile. He ignored the maids, choosing to walk over to your side first. “Mila, good evening,” he beamed. “How was your day?”
Your eyes narrowed at him; your jaw tightened as you observed the innocent glint in his eyes. He seemed to be in a good mood after work, so at least you didn’t have to feel bad about interrogating him. If he came home depressed, you would have never dared to question him. You resented him, but you didn’t want him to suffer. Avoiding his panic attacks had long become your problem.
“Weird, actually” you answered.
“Hm? What happened?”
“I wanted to go on a walk. But to my surprise, all the doors of the mansion were locked, and the maids wouldn’t let me out. Know anything about that?”
He raised one of his brows, tilting his head playfully as he gaged your serious expression. Your heart sank as Ajax’s lips twisted into a smirk. “A walk? In this snow?” he chuckled.
“I’m being serious,” you retaliated. “Why am I being locked indoors?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Ajax said. His tone was cheerful, borderline forced, as his eyes squished closed. This overly positive face of his was always the most difficult to argue with, and you were sure he knew that. “We just returned from a mission where we angered a few noblemen. It’s safer to keep the doors locked.”
“Isn’t the mansion guarded?”
“Of course,” he answered simply. “But I don’t want you to run off on your own.”
Your mouth opened in shock; all of your anger thawed as you gawked at Ajax and his overly cheerful façade. He cupped your face, handling you gently despite his hold on you seeming unbreakable. “I’d rather avoid that. Mila.”
“You- what are you saying?” you breathed out. “You’re actually locking me indoors? On purpose? What? Is this some kind of punishment-” you stopped talking as Ajax’s hold on your chin turned harsher. He practically pinched it, digging his fingers into your cheeks. Your heart staggered, reaching your throat in a fleet of panic.
“Mila. Am I wrong to believe that you don’t want to be around me right now?” he questioned. “Last time we were in such a predicament, you ran off on your own in Fontaine. If you can do that in a foreign, unfamiliar country, then I don’t see why my idea sounds far-fetched.”
He finally opened his eyes. Their deep blue hue struck you. Despite his tone being overly sweet, his eyes were completely dead. Lacking any empathy or cheerfulness that oozed from his voice. “You can’t go outside,” he repeated sweetly, pinching your chin with more vigor and leaning his face closer. As if he were cooing at a dog. Your breath hitched.
You jerked your face out of his hold, feeling pain linger on your skin. You took a step back. The maids were mute as they watched your exchange, and his Fatui servants pretended as if they weren’t listening, choosing to lower their heads instead.
Silence nested inside the hallway, and Ajax slowly lowered his hands to his sides. He seemed completely unapologetic as he delivered the news, and you found yourself frozen in his mercy. “If you think this will somehow make me warmer towards you-”
Ajax tilted his head at you, shutting you up as his eyes turned narrower. You were not given space to argue. This wasn’t the first time he used his Harbinger authority over you. He used this same type of tone on you right after proposing, when he practically told you that you didn’t have a choice. But he had never done something like this within the walls of your home.
“This is just until I asses that the air is clear,” he calmed you. “Give it one or two weeks until the dust from Fontaine settles, and if you give me good reasons to believe that you won’t walk out without warning, we can negotiate.”
Your jaw dropped. He didn’t even say that the doors were guaranteed to unlock. He said you will negotiate, meaning nothing was certain.
Cold sweat broke out on your nape, and your eyes turned big with horror. This was unexpected. Ajax never gave you reasons to believe that he would lock you indoors. He never acted so harsh with you. What changed? Did he know that you knew his true motives? Was he sick of your coldness?
“Ajax…” you blurted out. “You can’t be serious. Why are you doing this? Because I wandered outside on my own in Fontaine? That’s… that’s completely insane. Do you hear yourself?”
“The doors have been locked for a whole week, mila. Ever since we returned,” he said. “I fail to see why they would pose an issue to you now. Where were you even hoping to go in this blizzard?”
“What the hell? Can’t I take a walk in the garden? Don’t I deserve fresh air?”
“If you want fresh air, comrade…” he smiled; his lips stretched wide and he leaned down to your level, almost taunting you with his sickeningly sweet voice. “Step onto the balcony or sit by an open window.”
Your eyes turned wider, fully grasping Ajax’s words. All this time you spend ignoring him and treating him coldly, you never stopped to think how he might reciprocate. You thought you wouldn’t care if he got angry at you, but you didn’t expect his anger to turn into this.
Now you were more than aware that he controlled everything and everybody in this house. He had plenty of ways of making you regret your pettiness.
Isn't he so dreamy? lmaooo he really just said "You want air? Then open the window tf?"
Once again, you can find my fic on ao3!
I'll post my second fave crazy Scaramouche moment next. Or maybe more Childe content if you guys want. Lemme know!
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jeanniebug623 · 3 months
Where's my brain at? I don't know...somewhere with Spider in the beginning of Chapter 33 of SAS! 🕷️😙
The inspiration, lovies, the inspiration is flowing! 💙🐞
Quaritch stormed down through the hospital wing and shouldered open the door to his son’s recovery room. He stood there, staring at the boy. The boy couldn’t even be bothered to return the exchange, opting to stare out the window at what little of the starry sky wasn’t being tarnished by roving spotlights. 
“Spider...” Quaritch said through heavy breaths, “...what did you do?” 
Spider turned his head to look at his father. He was sitting in bed with his broken leg propped up on a foam block. Resting much more comfortably now that the external fixation device had been removed. His right leg was still swollen, but less of an amorphous blob with toes. He was wearing a loose hospital gown that he’d torn the embroidered ‘RDA’ logo off with a plastic fork after dinner one night. His stripes had faded; hair cleaned and braided back instead of wild and swinging with every motion. 
He stared at the recom, calm and stone-faced. Just like his father. 
Eventually, Spider spoke in a quiet monotone with the slightest perk of his eyebrow. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
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iamfujoshiwe · 13 days
Me, looking at this 499k+ words and 2k+ comments VegasPete fic in my waiting list : Wow what a monster. But the wordcount is too intimidating. Lets leave this for later.
I'll fill the graveyards, until I have you (499087 words) by LunaCanisLupus_22 Chapters: 17/? Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun/Original Character(s) Characters: Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Macau Theerapanyakun Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Imprisonment, Psychological Torture, Obsession, canon adjacent, Stalking, Anal Sex, battle of wills, Attempted Murder, Murder, Abusive Parents, two fucked up characters end up falling for each other, Dark, Eventual Happy Ending, or as happy as a mafia family can be, Competency Kink, Electrocution, Whipping, Beating, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Manipulation, Orgasm Control, Starvation, Verbal Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Possessive Behavior, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Power Dynamics, Strangulation, Restraints, eventually consensual but not safe or sane, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Cock Warming, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sex Toys, References to Sex Work, BDSM elements, highly analytical Pete, Sexual Tension, Gun Violence, Serious Injuries, Bottom Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Switching, Oral Sex, Anal Play, Mental Health Issues Summary: “I’m not going to give you information,” Pete volunteers to his bent over form. There’s no way to know exactly what’s in store for him but Pete feels the need to make that declaration. There’s a sharp zapping sound, and Vegas turns to face him then, revealing the jumper cables in his gloved hands which are connected to a car battery on the table behind him. The rest seems self-explanatory. “I don’t want information,” Vegas says, finally looking up at him from the cables. By then Vegas is already advancing on him, much too close for comfort. But Pete has already resigned himself at this point.   Or the one where Pete is very uncooperative at being tortured, Vegas gets a little too creative and falls for his own trap in the worst way possible.
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steddielations · 7 months
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aziraphalalala · 8 months
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You have 3 days to block me.
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yolowritter · 3 months
My return to ACOLL posting!
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to...well, it says so on the tin! For those unaware, I've been off Tumblr for a little while now, mostly to focus on writing and updating my biggest Miraculous fic to date! A Case of Ladybug Luck! Now, now, I know what you're gonna say. "I have no idea what you're talking about", so allow me to enlighten you! Have you ever wanted a fake death AU inspired by Nine Lives and Cut My Life to Pieces? Welp you've got it here! And yes I am shamelessly self-promoting instead of ranting, but I genuinely love how this AU is turning out and want to share with everybody! So...do you guys like angst? Becuse I do! And I like character drama too! So please, follow me to the fic where Marinette f*cking dies (allegedly), Adrien is a bigger furry than half of canon, Chloe gets a more realistic character arc, Lila is a psychopath, and everybody needs a therapist!
It is...uh, worth mentioning that this AU is...over 283,000 words long and...we're only half done. And yes, the reason I'm posting is because I want to rant about it! Expect snippets, discussions (anon asks are open btw) and also ranting about characters! Seriously the amount of psychoanalisis Gabriel has been through in this fic is downright criminal. For me. Because I have research to do! Listen the point is that I have twenty seven pages of character analysis notes in my drafts and those have to go *somewhere!*
In conclusion, I plan to rant about this AU. A lot. So if you could do me a favor and check it out at least to see if it's your cup of tea, I'd be really happy! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and frantically look for my most recent notes on Eminath! For- unrelated reasons! I'll see you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous!
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nailgunstigmata · 3 months
just randomly unearthed an unhinged memory so im sharing it because its also kinda funny. so basically when i was like 10 i used to write really bad fanfic on my parents ipad. like REALLY bad, very obviously written by some little kid, and for some reason i started a multi chapter fic about lady and the tramp?? i have no idea why i did that since i didnt even like the movie that much. so then randomly someone who was famous in the cats fandom (i was really into cats the musical for some reason. its weird that im not a furry honestly) asked me if they could do a MSTing of my fic and i was like sure :o) (has never heard that word before but an adult is talking to me so i smile and nod) so they basically write a running sitcom commentary over my fic which honestly was very harmless in hindsight but it absolutely SHATTERED tween me’s confidence. i commented on that persons fic like haha very funny!! i can take a joke!!! and then i never posted anything on that account ever again. that fic is forever stuck at 1/? 300 words. and i wonder if that person is haunted by what they did. did they wait for the next update just to make fun of that too and then it never came? did they have to carry the weight of what they did on their shoulders forever or did they never even notice? did it feel good to have that power?? anyways then i didnt do any creative writing for like ten years until the macden mental illness got too bad. and the funniest thing of all is the fact that their cats fanfic sucked balls. and they were in their twenties so they had NO excuse!!!
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