#these are their children your honour
Ok all of Gai’s students got something from Gai and something from Kakashi.
Lee got Gai’s fighting style and youth, and Kakashi’s love fir photography (well sukea’s love for photography but still!)
Tenten got Gai’s determination and Kakashi’s beautiful love of twirling anything and everything she can get her hands on.
Neji got Gai’s fondness for a good healthy rivalry (with a good distance between the type of rivalry Gai and Kakashi have, and the type of rivalry he is willing to have) and Kakashi’s love of books (not romance in particular though he’s not adverse. He actually prefers history books and got his first non-hyuga history book from Kakashi and never gave it back XD)
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brucie-baby · 1 month
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the fact that alfred was the one to put up jason's memorial is so important to me
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Michael knows FNAF Moon is a lawsuit waiting to happen
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the-gom-jabbar · 11 months
Paul really said "call me lil desert mouse" and went out and commited holy genocide looking like a kitten caught in the rain
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grishaxverse · 1 year
they’re already giving “you drool when you sleep”
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ynbabe · 6 months
I need lance and Logan to form an ‘they hate me for no reason’ alliance asap actually
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topnotchquark · 7 months
Nico saying that Lewis gives his daughters boxes of presents every Christmas just got caught in my mind.
Imagine you were a mixed race boy born in Hertfordshire, different from everyone else around you. Bullied in school, being raised by your father to compete in a sport where money is very much of essence and you and your family do not have a lot of it. And then you meet this other boy who comes from the kind of life you dream to live one day. You're friends and fierce competitors. You find solace in each other. You visit Monaco for the first time with your friend, dreaming up the life you will have when you make it, when you beat out of the mould that the world thought it could capture you in.
And then you two grow through the ranks and you're at the pinnacle of your sport and you have what it takes to win and the world recognises that you can win. And you win. You win with your friend and fiercest competitor by your side fighting with you for those wins, and this fighting ruins something something that was valuable to both of you when you were still innocent and unsullied by life.
But despite everything that went into the doing and undoing of this relationship, you still realise that this person you once called a friend has a life and family beyond your bitter dynamic. He has children, and children need love and affection and good memories. And you're a better man now so you understand that. So you make sure the kids get gifts on Christmas. And you make sure of it every year. Afterall, if you met someone you loved deeply when you were both kids, wouldn't you feel a pang of nostalgia when they had kids. Wouldn't you try to extend the warmth that you couldn't find for your friend to his children. Afterall, whatever happens during childhood basically remains with you forever.
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notfeelingthyaster · 2 months
lestat and armand and their ipads playing either baby shark (for armand) or just dance (so lestat can burn energy) for hours and hours as louis and daniel go do Adult Stuff™
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bimoonphases · 6 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 17 - prompt 17: Beast [word count 481]
Since they had had children, Remus had been even more careful on the Full Moons. The Wolfsbane Potion meant he only transformed but retained his human mind, so he wasn’t dangerous anymore, but you never knew. What if despite everything the most well-versed people in Potions said, the beast was still there, somewhere inside of him, and ended up attacking his own children? So he had built a wooden shed at the back of the garden, a cozy reading nook every day of the month, and the wolf’s hiding place on the Fulls. He curled up in there, either on the carpet or sometimes on the old sofa and waited for the sun to rise again. Sirius spent the night with him, despite Remus insisting there was no need. But every time he said this Sirius pointed out there had been twelve years’ worth of Full Moons where he hadn’t been able to be at his husband’s side so now he was stuck with him until his last breath. He just went back inside the house to check on the kids when Mary couldn’t come and babysit them through the night.
That night was a stormy one, and Sirius had left the shed some minutes before to go and see if the children weren’t too frightened by the thunder. Remus had stretched his wolf form on the carpet, yawned, and put his muzzle back on his paws. Thunder echoed around him once again, and the door to the shed was pushed open. But it wasn’t Sirius’s scent that hit the wolf’s nose, and a jolt of pure panic traversed Remus’s veins. The door was pushed open a bit more with all the strength of a three-year old and Remus saw his daughter, barefoot in her pyjamas, her cloud-shaped plushie clutched in her arms, walk into the shed. Remus didn’t move, glad to detect no attacking instinct surging in his veins, still terrified he would scare his daughter off into the night.
“Thunder,” Estelle whined in her tiny voice, looking around,
Remus opened his mouth to answer before remembering he couldn’t talk in his wolf form. But then Estelle turned around and looked directly at him, and Remus froze. He flattened himself on the carpet, muzzle between his paws, mouth closed so she wouldn’t see the wolf’s sharp teeth, wishing Sirius would hurry back.
“Thunder,” Estelle repeated, walking towards him, her voice quivering. “Daddy, thunder.”
Remus’s heart dropped and soared at the same time as his daughter sat down close to him, soon hiding her face in his fur. Delicately, he moved to circle around her with his body, his tail coming to cover her feet.
When Sirius ran back to the shed some time later, frantic because Anwell had fallen back asleep but he couldn’t find Estelle anywhere, he saw both the wolf and his daughter fast asleep on the carpet.
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buttercup-barf · 5 months
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Drive your friends home, fellas.
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teddytheartist · 8 months
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parkner beign soft is just my dopamine hit of the week
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llamaalpacca · 3 months
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teachers in love
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beef-unknwn · 2 months
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Did someone say mean girl outfit swap?
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wayward-wren · 3 months
*deep breath*
Take your kids to church take your kids to church take your children to church take your kids to church raise your children with a view of the church as their family take your kids to church.
If you are a Christian and you don't take your kids to church you are not raising them as is your duty as a parent.
And I KNOW sometimes its hard to do and churches aren't perfect and it is better to wait and find a good church than to go to an abusive or non-biblical church. But OOOOOH MY GOSH if you are able to take your children to a suitable church and don't shame on you.
Your children are going to grow up with no priority to their faith. They are going to not care about God. They are going to drift further and further away from your faith. You are leading them to ruin.
Take your children to church and point them towards God every single day
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itmakesssenseincontext · 11 months
Best thing about an Ezra Shin friendship is that they just get each other on a level no one else understands. She'll say something incomprehensible and Ezra will respond with 'big mood' or he'll do something weird and Shin will just nod and say 'save me some'
Sabine and Ahsoka are horrified
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qismet · 1 month
me n my hoard of jjk + bsd ocs
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