#they are non binary and their kid call them mom
pollyna · 2 years
Navy regs are in books that quote books that quote books. Ron has all of them somewhere in the house, with Tom's precise handwriting pointing out all the spelling issues and doing the theoretical maths his degree didn't help him to understand. In a less neat calligraphy, in some pages, Nick's notes are mixed with doodles and his own notes. Of Annapolis he will forever remember the heat and the hours in class, before their callsigns, when Nick used to make him late because he had to kiss him one minute more and Tom had the most convenient, and convicing, excuse for them.
(Maybe he could find some of those books and show them to Bradley the next time he's going to come around. He could probably appreciate them? Or maybe he should ask Maverick?)
Regs say no tattoo, but regs say a lot of shit Ice used to correct back then and that he corrected during the years. Regs say no tattoos, and Tom said they were stupid, so Ron got his first, then his second, and half of his right sleeve. The only people who know of them are his friends, his doctors, his mirror and his tattoo artist. Having to wear a shirt all day, and a jacket for most of it, has its advantages, even if he fucking hates being an admiral most of the time. But it's almost time; another couple of years, and he's going to retire and never again put a foot on a Navy base.
The studio isn't the biggest in town, but Ron knows the artist and their dad, and they are both the best for what he needs. He's so focused on the piece of paper between his hands that he almost misses two young women saluting him, with a half-panicked Adrmial Kerner, sir!
At ease, Lieutenants, glad to see someone knows where to get good ones. He smiles because he knows they shouldn't be there, but he shouldn't be either, so it's not really a problem. He's going to add something when something, someone, hugs his leg and has all his attention. Oh, who do we have here? George? You're so big now, boy! he picks up the kid. Mom is waiting for you! he points towards one of the rooms, and, in less than five steps he takes, George tells him all he can fit in, and it's a lot.
(Ron finds himself wondering if Bradley was the same at that age.)
So you're already back for the next piece, uhuh? a voice asks. You know, I can't live without you, hon, he answers, laughing loudly. They laugh with him, but it dies when he passes them the piece of paper. I'm so sorry, Ron, they murmur, and he finds himself smiling lightly, trying not to cry again, thank you Carly.
He takes off his jacket and then his shirt, and his right arm is colorful but not whole. Are you ready, big guy? they smile, dipping the tattoo gun in the red ink as ready as I was the first time he answers. Carly draws and talks, asking questions about the kid (he's a man now and he's almost as tall as me), about the kids (if they destroyed the base while I was gone, at least they're going to let me retire), about Tom and there, Ron has to take a breath because it fucking hurts. He doesn't know if it's the point they're working on or missing Tom or both, but he has to ask Carly to stop for a minute. (He was-the last few days were the hardest. Did you know he used to write mathematical formulas when he was bored during lessons? He and Nick were good friends, Tom was the reason behind the Mother Goose. I miss him. I miss them all Carly). Almost five hours have passed by the time it's done, and by that point they're humming random songs and listening to the description of the rock George found outside his school that same morning. All done, Admiral. You already know what you have to do, right? I'd like to see you next week to check on some of the edges around the elbow, but it's already looking pretty great. Ron barely hears her because he's so intent on looking at his arm, where now Tom's name is adorning his arm, just inches away from Nick and Carole's. Yeah, yeah whenever you want Carl'.
(It's seven in the evening and the cemetery is empty. The bouquet is a happy one, and his shirt leaves are already up. It's done, I finally finished it. He starts and you're here all together now. I miss both of you. I hope Tom's there too. I hope you're all okay now.)
The regs say no tattoos, and Tom said fuck 'em all, and now they are all there while he flies and teaches and lives another day, under his uniform and out in the open.
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Y'know, there's this gripe I've had for years that really frustrates me, and it has to do with Love, Simon and people joking about it and calling it too-pg and designed-for-straight-people and all the like. (A similar thing has happened to Heartstopper, but that's another conversation.)
I saw Love, Simon in theaters when it came out my senior year in high school. I saw it three times, once with my friends/parents on opening night, once with my brother over spring break, and once with my grandparents.
On opening night, the air in the room was electric. It was palpable. Half the heads in there were dyed various colors. Queer kids were holding hands. We were all crying and laughing and cheering as a group. My friends grabbed my hands at the part where Simon was outed and didn't let go until his parents were saying that they accepted him. My friend came out to me as non-binary. Another person in our group admitted that she had feelings for girls. It was incredible. I left shaking. This was the first mainstream queer romance movie that had ever been produced by one of the main five studios, and I know that sounds like another "first queer character from Disney" bit but you have to understand that even in 2018 this was groundbreaking. Getting to have a sweet queer rom-com where the main character was told that he got "to breathe now" after coming out meant so much to me and my friends.
But also, from a designed-for-straight-people POV (which, to be frank, it was written by a bisexual author and directed by a gay man, this was not designed for straight audiences), why is it a bad thing that it appealed to the widest possible audience? That it could make my parents and grandparents see things in a new light? My stepdad wasn't at all interested in rom-coms but he saw it with me because it was something I cared about and he hugged me when we came out of the theater. My very Catholic grandparents watched it with me and though my grandpa said he still didn't quite understand the whole 'gay thing,' all he wanted was for me to be happy and to have a happy ending like Simon did. My Nana actually cried when Simon came out and squeeze my hand when his mother told him he could breathe.
And when Martin blackmailed Simon, my mom, badass ally that she is, literally hissed "Dropkick him. Dropkick him in the balls" leading to multiple queer kids in the audience to laugh or smile. Having my parents there- the only parents, by the way, out of my group of queer and questioning friends- made multiple people realize that supportive adults were out there. That parents like those in Love, Simon do exist in real life.
When people complain about Heartstopper not being realistic or Love, Simon being too cutesy, I remember seeing Love, Simon on opening night. I remember my friend coming out and my stepdad hugging me and my mom defending us through this character. I remember the cheers that went through the audience when Bram and Simon kissed and the chatter in the foyer after the movie was over and the way that this movie made me understand that happy endings do exist.
Queer kids need happy endings. Straight people need entry points to becoming allies. Both of these things can come together in beautiful ways. They can find out about more queer culture later, but for now, let them have this. Let them all have a glimpse at a better, happier world. Let them have queer joy.
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everythingisliminal · 5 months
I did it. I called my parents, told them they need to use they/them for me for us to have a healthy relationship, and it worked.
My dad said his love for me is unconditional and he's invested in getting this right. My mom asked in a strained tone how this affects my relationship with my husband, how she's supposed to refer to me with people in her life, etc. (best case scenario given how abysmal this convo went with her a year ago). And we ended it all with our life updates and "I love you"s.
Since it took a lot of research to find articles more suited to adult children coming out as trans/nonbinary, here's the list of (primarily non-aggressive) resources on terms and mindset I texted them in case they can help anyone else:
Itchy sweaters: An ally’s guide to understanding late-in-life pronoun and gender changes (new pronouns = softer sweater metaphor)
Your adult child just came out as non-binary. Now what? (terminology)
The Wonderful World of Gender: What It Means to Be Nonbinary (terminology)
What Does It Mean to Misgender Someone? (terminology)
8 Things I’ve Learned Parenting a Non-Binary Kid That Might Help You (acknowledges parent's emotional response)
"I know I was quiet in today's conversation but you are my child and I love you and support you. I want nothing but happiness and a healthy life for you!!!😉😀"
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uwukillmenowowo · 3 months
Hello sorry if this is a bad time but I have a request, I saw that you write for Cookie run Kingdom and I was wondering if you could write a new where the reader is Elder Faerie Cookie's child, you can choose if their biological or not, but the reader is also the reincarnation of someone the beast cookies cared about, I just thought that dynamic would be interesting, but if you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight😊.
You have a good day/night too!
( >︠ ω ︡<)/
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(Parent! Elder Fairie Cookie X Reader X Parental! Beast Cookies)
(Slight White Lily X Reader)
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Reader will be Non-binary
The story will start with how you met the beast cookies
Then it will show how they created their parental bond with Elder Fairie
For the Beasts, I made up new names for their past selves before they became corrupted.
Reader was one of the most optimistic [Flavor] cookies one would meet.
The kind to give out flowers to make cookies' day better, presenting a beautiful frosty white smile to every cookie they walked by.
Practically every cookie that passed by them was filled with joy.
Oh shit I think this is my longest post-
..... I think I forgot something here but I can't remember what it is...
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It started.... one too many eons ago. During times when they weren't who they used to be.
Warning! Mentions of Death!
{Third POV}
[Reader] wowed at the structure before them. The library that was said to be built was finally finished. They walked into the library and awed at all the books there. However, the building was empty.
"Good afternoon young one." The young cookie flinched and turned around, to see a cookie with blue eyes and golden brown dough. But what caught the attention of the young cookie was the beautiful gem that was displayed on his collar. "H-Hello" [Reader] answered nervously. "Did you come for a specific book?" The older cookie asked. To that, [Reader] nodded.
"Excellent! What kind?" He asked. [Reader] chuckled and rubbed their arm. "Uhhh... The-Thea-tri-cal." [Reader] answered with hesitation, due to them being young and unknowledgeable. "Do you mean Theatrical? Ones about shows and plays?" The blue eyed cookie asked with a smile. [Reader] nodded excitedly, explaining that they've heard some other cookies talking about it and was curious.
"That would be this way." The librarian started to lead the way towards the children's section, searching for the "puppet shows" books. "So, what's your name little cookie? Shouldn't you be with your parents?" [Reader] laughed as they found a book they liked. "My name is [Reader] Cookie. You can call me [Reader]. Dad crumbled and mom followed after. How about you, mister?" The little cookie answered as if it was a normal thing to say aloud.
The librarian gasped and held their hand to their mouth before taking in a deep breath and sat beside [Reader]. "Oh My Witches... My name is Blueberry Milk Cookie. Feel free to call me Blueberry Milk." [Reader] smiled and nodded before they started to read. blueberry Milk Cookie gave a sad look towards [Reader]. 'They're... all alone' He thought as he turned his gaze to the book that [Reader] was holding. "How old are you? You seem to understand this book really well." He asked.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm six." It was like a punch to the gut to Blueberry Milk Cookie. "[Reader], if you need anything, you can come to me okay?" The librarian offered, wanting to help the child before him. "Okay." [Reader] responded. [Reader] and Blueberry Milk spent hours together, until [Reader] decided to leave.
After leaving the Library, [Reader] started running, only to bump into multiple cookies. "Oh- Sorry about-" "Watch it, Kid!" The young cookie went wide eyed as the older cookies glared at them. "I-I didn't mean to- I was just- AHH!" The younger cookie screamed as the older cookies grabbed them by their shirt collar.
"What's going on here?" The older cookies let go of [Reader], causing them to fall on their butt as they watched the exchange. "Strawberry Sugar Cookie!" They exclaimed happily. [Reader] scooted back in worry. After all, all they saw was pink. The owner of that pink wore a crown as well, as if they were the current King or Queen of the kingdom.
"Oh my! Who is this?" [Reader] yelped as they were suddenly picked up by the cookie they were just worried about. Pink robes, wings and a halo, but like with Blueberry Milk Cookie, what drawn [Reader] to this cookie, was the heart shaped gem that was in the crown the the cookie who picked them up. "Oh goodness! You're hurt, worry not, I have a friend who will fix your dough!" They smiled before suddenly taking flight.
"WAAHHH!" [Reader] screamed and tightly held onto the pink robed cookie. "Is everything alright?" Strawberry Sugar asked. [Reader] just shrugged and looked down, only to regret it and unconsciously nuzzle into the crook of her neck in fear. "Oh dear, not a fan of heights? What's your name?" [Reader] told her their name and Strawberry Sugar responded happily. "Well it's nice to meet you [Reader]! My name is Strawberry Sugar Cookie." [Reader] almost felt that Strawberry Sugar's happiness was infectious and smiled.
After a joyful conversation to take [Reader]'s mind off the height they were flying at, they reached a temple. A temple so grand that [Reader] has never seen anything like it. But something else, was that there was an enormous line. "So many people!" [Reader] stood close to Strawberry Sugar.
1: To not get lost
2: Everyone was too loud and [Reader] didn't like it
[Reader] followed Strawberry Sugar as they practically cut through the line. Of course, other people objected and tried to cut as well but the guards blocked them. Some guards tried to "protect" Strawberry Sugar by grabbing [Reader] away from them. But after Strawberry Sugar explained that you two went to visit "Her" together, they let you go.
You walked up stairs and stairs, passing halls, and beautiful depictions along stained glass. "So... Who is Her?" The small cookie asked with a tilt of their head. "Oh? I haven't told you? We're gonna fix that little wounds of yours little one. The one going to do that~" With a dramatic pause, Strawberry Sugar pulled a curtain, revealing a figure dressed in white. "Is Wheat Flour Cookie!"
"Strawberry Sugar... What have I told you about our volume in my temple?" Strawberry Sugar flinched and pouted, taking a few steps back. You awed at the white dressed cookie that was sitting before you. "G-Good afternoon Ma'am." [Reader] responded politely with a bow.
Strawberry Sugar and Wheat Flour talked about why her and [Reader] were here. Soon after, Strawberry Sugar left [Reader] alone with the healer.
"So... Enlighten me, what happened young cookie?"
{Second POV}
You kneeled and sat on your knees just like Wheat Flour Cookie. "Umm..." You hesitated, not knowing where to start. "How about we start from the beginning. What did you do today?" You hummed as you started recalling your day. The cookies talking about that play, meeting Blueberry Milk Cookie, reading, running into two older male cookies and getting threatened, meeting Strawberry Sugar Cookie, flying to the temple, and then right now.
Wheat Flour nodded and took your small dough hands into her own before giving some advice. Telling you to simply ignore those who wish harm upon you and that you should continue to find joy and hope in your life. Suddenly, with a white and golden glow, all the wounds you previously had were healed.
You were in awe and Wheat Flour told you to sit beside her as she tended to other cookies. You just nodded and sat beside her. Those next few hours were spent helping Wheat Flour with the other cookies.
You had fun and when you left you saw Strawberry Sugar Cookie just laying down, sleeping. You were in shock. 'Did she wait for me?' You thought and smiled before gently shaking her awake. "Oh... all done?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes. You nodded and she smiled. "Good. A little birdie told me that you met Blueberry Milk Cookie before this. Is that right?" You nodded and her eyes sparkled. "Wonderful! You know, Him, me and Wheat Flour are really good friends."
You wowed. They were friends? You had no clue. "Would you like to meet the other two?" She asked with a tilt of her head. You nodded eagerly. The cookies you've met so far were some of the nicest people you've met. You were.... happy.
Strawberry Sugar pulled you close to her before jumping and flying off one of the many cliffs. You screamed again, but instead of fear, it was in excitement. Strawberry Sugar would do cool flips and tricks with you tightly holding on. It was so much fun, just flying above Crispia.
"And here!" Strawberry Sugar said as you two landed. "It's so hot!" You sweatdropped and fanned yourself with your hand. "Ahah~! Yeah- Crushed Spice Cookie and Sea Salt Cookie like warm areas." You hummed at the explanation and you kicked your feet in the sand, not used to being so close to the water. "Heheh~ Do you like the sand?" Strawberry Sugar asked as she followed behind you.
You nodded, digging your feet into the sand before the waves suddenly washed onto the shore, splashing onto your clothes and your dough. You flinched and accidentally fell into the water and Strawberry Sugar laughed before helping you up. "Oh dear! how clumsy!" She picked you up and dusted the sand off your clothes. You chuckled as she pat you head and started leading you towards somewhere.
"So... Salt and Spice? What are they like?" You asked. Strawberry Sugar hummed in thought. "Crushed Spice is... really competitive. And Sea Salt is pretty... reserved?" Strawberry Sugar shrugged. "I haven't seen them in a while so I can't remember at the top of my head."
After a few more minutes of walking you found yourself in front of a nice house. Strawberry Sugar, noticing the look you were giving, said, "It's bigger on the inside. They both don't like cramped spaces." You asked if they lived together and she nodded, saying how those two acted like brothers.
Strawberry Sugar barged in and you followed. You felt bad for entering uninvited but it is what it is. You continued to follow Strawberry Sugar since you didn't want to get lost. Once she stopped walking, you looked in front to see two cookies with... really funny bedheads. You can't really blame them though, you left Wheat Flour's temple at dusk and Strawberry Sugar and you decided to fly the whole night. So when you got there it was only dawn.
The red one looked angry while the lavender one just looked extremely tired. The more angry one, you guess was Crushed Spice. He just walked up to Strawberry Sugar before grabbing her by her collar and dragging her. Strawberry Sugar tried protesting but then just crossed her arms and pouted.
You didn't know how to feel since you were just left alone with Sea Salt Cookie. It was silent as you two just stood there. until Sea Salt asked if you wanted a snack. You nodded and walked with the lavender cookie into the kitchen. He asked what kind of snack you wanted and you said you were fine with anything since you were a guest.
He just nodded before pouring you a bowl of cereal. You took it, thanked him and sat at the table to eat. It was comfortable silence for you two... Until you heard screaming and shouting from Strawberry Sugar and Crushed Spice. You gave a worried looked to Sea Salt but he just chuckled and told you that it's fine and that they do that all the time. You just nodded slowly, eating you food but stopping halfway once you saw Strawberry Sugar seemingly running for her dough from a flaring Crushed Spice.
As much as you were worried, you found it extremely fun.
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Ever since those two days, you've been... seeing them more often.
Blueberry Milk Cookie would sit beside you when you visited the library and read to you
Strawberry Sugar Cookie would practically fly you anywhere you wanted
Wheat Flour Cookie would send you letters with different incenses... Sometimes even first aid kits...
Crushed Spice Cookie is technically your babysitter whenever Strawberry Sugar can't. At first you thought he doesn't like you but he's really soft with you... Even though he makes you do exercises with him...
Finally, Sea Salt Cookie. He's pretty chill. You two would just take naps most of the time. His room is just the right temperature to sleep forever.
The five of them acted like the parents you never had. It made you happy.
Everything went well...
Until it didn't...
That fated day their souls turned black.
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You went to visit Wheat Flour Cookie because it was the anniversary you met everyone. You already gave your gifts to the others, Wheat Flour waas last because you knew how busy she was.
Now normally you'd wait in line with everyone else but today since you were just going to go in and out, you decided to use your "VIP Card" that she gave you. But others got pissed. They were jealous and confused. Why would you, a small cookie that looked like the happiest cookie they could be, want to go see Wheat Flour Cookie?
No cookie acted until a middle aged cookie did. They ran out of line and grabbed you by the shoulder. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" You just blinked twice and gave them a smile, holding up the gift you were going to give. "I'm going to give this to Wheat Flour Cookie." The smile you gave just pissed them off as they asked why you weren't going o line up. You told them the reason, that you wouldn't take a long time and that you had a VIP card.
The cookie just stared down at the card before smirking. "Say.. Can I.. Borrow that for a bit?" You were about to lend it but you remembered what Wheat Flour said. "Sorry. I would but Wheat Flour said that this was only mine. It has my name." You flipped the card, showing your name. "[Reader] Cookie..." The cookie before you glared at the card before looking back at the line. "Can I... come with you then?"
You didn't see a problem with that so you nodded. Other cookies who saw the exchange, started to run out of the line to talk with you. Until a massive group started to run over to you so that they could talk to Wheat Flour cookie before everyone else. You held the gift close to your chest and sucked in your breath as the other cookies started yelling excuses, causing the guard cookies to have trouble keeping people in line.
"My family is sick!"
"My family is poor!"
"My daughter-"
"My Son-"
"My Father-"
"My Mother-"
"My Brother-"
"My Sister-"
The excuses kept coming as you tried to get away. No cookie admitted that they wanted everything for themselves. You didn't know how to answer any of it. You didn't have the power to choose one over the other. Until finally, a cookie, desperate enough, grabbed the sword off one of the guard cookies and stabbed you from behind.
You screamed in pain, dropping the gift you brought and coughed. Chaos erupted after that. Cookies started attacking each other left and right. One of the guard cookies, picked you up before running to where Wheat Flour was.
"MY LADY!" They yelled, barging through the door. Wheat Flour, who was just waiting for the next cookie to come in, was in complete shock as she saw you looking pale and panting heavily. "W-What happened?!" She asked as the guard placed you before her. "A fight broke out in front of the temple." They explained, saluting. Wheat Flour, using her magic to look at what was happening was in shock. This has never happened before.
"Call the others. I cannot handle this myself, considering the amount of Cookies there are." The guard nodded and left, leaving you in the arms of Wheat Flour. She tried her best to heal you but it was barely effective. The wound was too deep and you lost too much. Wheat Flour started panicking. She gently patted your cheeks, trying to get you to stay awake but it wasn't working.
"No- no no no no no-! Come now- Don't- Don't do this to me-" Wheat Flour panted as tears reached her eyes. In that very moment, the others came in. "Wheat Flour! What's going ooAAAAAHHHh!" Strawberry Sugar Cookie screamed as she saw the state you were in. She raced over to where you were, already bursting into tears. "What happened?!? Who did this!!?" Strawberry Sugar took you into her arms, holding you tight, trying to see if you were still breathing.
Desperate banging and screaming could be heard on the other side of the temple doors. "We'll keep the cookies at bay! Take care of [Reader]!" Crushed Spice Cookie snarled as Blueberry Milk and Sea Salt followed.
Wheat Flour and Strawberry Sugar tried to use their magic to heal you but it barely worked. Strawberry Sugar started to hyperventilate as Wheat Flour's hand started shaking. They both saw your breathing get slower and slower until it became nonexistent... and finally... they snapped.
Outside, Blueberry Milk, Crushed Spice, and Sea Salt tried their best to not hurt any of the other cookies. But it all went out the window when they heard Strawberry Sugar's scream. They've never heard her scream like that before. But what shocked them was that she flew up, just above the temple, and used her magic to blast the cookies away, killing them.
Cookies who saw that started running off. But they weren't able to get far because Wheat Flour was there to stop them. Both girls made cookies crumble and the others didn't know what to do... When they caught sight of the temple, they caught a clear sight of your crumbled body, clearly unmoving. Blueberry Milk covered his mouth while Sea Salt gasped as his legs shook. Crushed Spice gritted his teether before all he saw was blood red. He grabbed the sword he once used against enemies and used it against his fellow cookies.
That one, anger-filled strike, caused one of Wheat Flour's mountains to split in two. With that, Blueberry Milk and Sea Salt followed, using their own powers to use against the other cookies.
After all the cookies have crumbled, the gang became enraged. They were blinded by their hatred and grief that they went all around Crispia, crumbling any cookie they saw. This went on for years...
Until the Witches caught notice. they sealed the enraged Cookies in the remote continent of Beast Yeast. Before they saw your crumbled body. They felt it all. The pain and regret you held in your heart. You were too young to experience all that.
The Witches decided to place your soul in a newly baked body before they placed you before the Fairie Kingdom. Elder Fairie cookie found and he received a prophecy from the Witches.
The Witches explained how they entrusted some of the Beast's powers to the child so that the beasts cannot reclaim their full power because they know that the Beasts wouldn't harm the child. Elder Fairie understood and took in the child as his own. Not only so that the child could help quell the beasts from destroying the Fairie Kingdom but so that he could help the child control their powers when they're older.
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Years passed and [Reader] was now a teenager [Even though they're like- Hundreds of years old by now]. They were doing their daily chores. When suddenly, he saw Silverbell cookie with someone they've never seen before. She had white hair and a floral green dress. "Ah! Your Highness! What timing." You nodded. "Silverbell Cookie. Who is this?" You asked as you fixed your clothes. "Oh, this is White Lily Cookie. She saved me while I was wounded."
You gave a sympathetic gaze to Silverbell and you bowed your head to White Lily. "Oh goodness! Thank you for helping him. Silverbell Cookie can be very... frail." You chuckled as Silverbell gave you a pout.
"Oh! You must be Elder Fairie Cookie that I've been hearing about then? You're much younger than I expected." White Lily gave you a smile and you laughed bashfully. "Ahahah! Actually no! That's my father. My name is [Reader] Cookie." White Lily gasped and rubbed the back of her neck, apologizing. You told her that everything was fine and you offered to introduce her to your father. She accepted happily and you dismissed Silverbell before leading her through the kingdom.
Seeing White Lily's awestruck gaze, you found yourself staring at her a little too long that you tripped over your feet. "Oh goodness! Here, let me help you." You felt your dough heat up as you took her hand and stood up. "Thank you..." You replied bashfully before continuing to lead her through the Kingdom. For some reason... Her smile reminded you of someone. You... can't remember where though.
When you introduced her to Elder Fairie, he was shocked. A cookie from a different continent... here? Interacting with his child- UUHHH- WHAT'S WITH THAT SMILE YOU'RE GIVING HER???
Elder Fairie looked between you two but kept his calm. You told him everything that Silverbell told you and Elder Fairie nodded. He just asked you to tour her around and you walked away with her happily.
'My child- With a girl???' Elder Fairie looked looked around desperately trying to find an excuse as to pry you away from White Lily. 'They're too young still! I never even let them out of the kingdom! Suddenly there's a girl they look fond of???' Elder Fairie went to his chambers to think.
Meanwhile, you were showing White Lily every crevice of the kingdom, loving how fascinated she was with everything you showed her. But then you shivered 'Why do I feel like I'm going to get punished for some reason..?' you thought in confusion before shaking it off, turning your attention back to White Lily.
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"AAAGH! The seal is cracking!!"
"Your Majesty! Are you hurt?!"
"No, I'm unharmed! [Reader], are you alright?"
"I'm okay..."
The seal... you've heard about it from your father. You were told that ancient beings laid dormant in the silver tree. Beings that turned to beasts and wrecked havoc in the olden days. Your father told you how each beast had a soul jam. however, once the beasts were trapped, their soul jam was lost and given to other cookies. One of them being White Lily Cookie. You were worried for her safety but if she holds ancient powers then your fears are quelled.
"And evil will that has focused all its rage on breaking free from confinement. It must have angered the Beasts greatly now that each Soul Jam has found its rightful owner. Yes... they sensed that unless they escape now... they might never be granted another chance in the future. All their might now serves one single purpose- destroying the hated seal."
"Everyone, we must stand our ground. Our place now is by the Guardian of the Seal!" White Lily claimed as she stood beside you. "We shall protect His Majesty or crumble! For if the Guardian falls, there is no way to stop the Beasts from escaping." You helped White Lily motivate the other guards as you all raced to the silver tree. To see a major split.
"The seal has already split so wide..." White Lily gasped. You took her hand into yours. Telling her that it was all going to be okay, then gave her a reassuring nod. She smiled and then raised her staff. "Everyone, fight with me!"
Shadowy beings crawled out of the seal as cookies started fighting. White Lily started charging a powerful attack as someone started to protect the spellcaster. Which just so happened to be you.
"𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎… 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎…"
You gasped as a voice suddenly played through you head. "Hello..?" You whispered as you continued to protect White Lily.
"𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎…… [𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]..?"
You tensed up. as the voice said your name. "How do you know me..?" You bit the inside of your cheek but before the voice answered, White Lily's attack hit. Blocking the beasts and preventing the voice from talking with you.
You furrowed your brows, your curiosity is now peaked and you wanted to know how the voice knew you.
However, we all know the saying,
"Curiosity Killed the Cat"
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Okay- I'm tired now-
Like for a part 2
( ─ . ─ )✌
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ad-astrah · 21 days
Finally Watched Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket (Twice) and I Gotta Get My Feelings Out Somewhere, Somehow (Part I)
Feel free to light up my DMs to chat about it!
And now, for my personal highlights/live reactions:
immediately I'm drawn in by Nick Lang's silly narrator voice and the way he warns us of what's coming. Especially the "muRrrDder!"
Jeff Blim cut his hair. JEFF BLIM CUT HIS HAIR. Not that I didn't like the long locks, but something about his Aladdin Era short hair gets me, man.
Jeff Blim literally getting to own the stage like the man was born to
Jeff Blim's slutty bard getup with the artfully messy hair and the heavy guyliner. That sinful bastard.
"Let's go." I'll follow you anyway, slutty bard.
Okay 80s rock jam! Hell yes.
idk why but I just love the line "There are tales in those walls, are they true or are they tall?"
THIS SET, THO. 80s vibes. Muppets vibes. Princess Bride vibes. Spooky, ethereal fairytale vibes. I love it! Props to the team who designed and built it.
prance, slutty bard boy, prance around that stage.
Jesus Fuck, I've only seen Joey's puppet but I'm already SOLD. Nick and Matt Lang and whoever else had a hand in making these puppets fucking OUTDID themselves! Did they use the Black Book and resurrect Jim Henson?
Throughout the show, the muppet vibes just absolutely amaze and delight me. Makes me feel like a little kid, spellbound by this fairytale. Except it's much darker, more gruesome, way more explicit, and extremely horny.
Oh look, it's Joey's Jingle/Jangle (whichever elf he was) voice from Black Friday.
Love me some o' dat non-binary representation from Ragweed. Starkid once again screaming GAY RIGHTS bitches.
I'm getting some of Jeff's Aragog from AVPS in this Narrator. Anyone else?
Stupid STUPID butcher!
Jon Matteson's accent. *giggles madly*
Angela IMMEDIATELY having to pause for applause before she finishes her first freaking line. The queen deserves it all, though.
The foreshadowing of the Stepmother cutting off Ella's feet. O_O
"It's furryyyyy and fouuuuul and full o' maGOTTTSSaaaaaggghhhh!"
Angela doing the little spinny finger thing in a guy's face to fluster them just like Max did to her character in Nerdy Prudes. I love these physical running gags. My fave being the Smoke Club, though.
OIIIINK oinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoink
Sir Preston asking for help from the audience. His "ELLAaaaaa....nooooo....."
The lighting in this entire show is SO COOL.
Again, Jeff just louging like a whore about the set like its his bitch. I live for it.
James' COSTUME. He looks SO FUCKING GOOD. Props to the costume folks...and to James' rockin' genes.
"But nothing compares to the juice and the hairs..." Oh no. Ohhhhh no I see where this is going. Don't say it, James, don't-- omg he said it.
er ee er ee er ee *window rolling down*
I thought the Prince drawing bewbies on the frosty window was funny already, and then he goes WAH WAH WAH and pretends to pinch them and I fucking lost it.
The Prince checkin' out DAT AZZZZZZ XD
"I'd wager she's wetter now than when I first found her bobbing in the river." OH MY GOD. PRINCE. THAT'S HER NOT-MOM.
If his highness has had every STD and beaten it, that's so fucked up but also damn, that boy's immune system is killin' it. Literally.
"Poor mad EllaAH"
"This is one thirsty FUCKING house." For real, omg.
"The offer stands firm. Come calling if you are!" *screams*
Jeff miming being crew and pulling the ropes for the curtains.
*audience member sneezes* "Bless you."
Angela's diction is next fucking level. PUNY. PINK. KIND.
The epic troll reveal! The puppets are SO GOOD.
This bayou boogie song of Ella's is an absolute KILLER BOP. Holy shit. And it's SO perfect for Bryce's funky, sassy voice.
Speaking of which, BRYCE'S VOCALS. I'm gonna scream about them for forever and ever and ever. I love her voice SO FUCKING MUCH. I could listen to nothing else for the rest of my days and die a happy little gay.
"ohhhh woah woah waohhh" *flips the bird* She's such a queen for that.
"It needs oregano" WORK BITCH
Bryce's stage presence is fucking INSANE. I dunno how she's not on Broadway, but thank goodness we got her!
GOD I love this absolutely depraved, horny little bastard of a prince.
It's amazing Tadeus hasn't murdered the prince yet. The man deserves a medal for the literal shit he's put up with.
Bugette?! I thought you choked on shit died and were consumed by the Hive Queen?
Rancilda being a typical troll and loving lurking under bridges and telling riddles.
Schuyler Sister vibes from the song with Justine and Lucy. So cute.
Justine and Lucy are SUCH real ones for IMMEDIATELY believing Ella about her family being trolls and for saying "fuck the ball, we're leaving NOW."
Shake dat ass, Mariah!
Lauren's physical comedy as Rancilda is NEXT LEVEL. I'm wheezing over here!
iSNn'tT it A BiiIItTcH?!
I LOOK GOOD IN THIS. What an absolute fucking BANGER. This song is gonna play in my head on repeat for the next decade. What a next level villain song.
Also this gives me some strongass Joan Jett vibes. "I love wearin' the skin of dead girls rock 'n' roll!"
and I hEEeaARr yoU'Re RiiiCCHhH
Seriously, is this the next Top Chart breakup revenge song? It should be.
"I really LIKE that song!" XD Putrice. I love how much of an absolute BIMBO she is.
Rancilda singing the song again. "SHUT UP STUPID BITCH, THE SONG'S OVER." "Okaaaaiiii"
Matt Dahan's ability to riff off the main songs and create motifs is otherworldly.
General MacNamara? Is that you?! Oh wait, nope. Still my slutty, slutty bard.
I LOOOOOOOVE this badass electric guitar intro, holy shit.
Kim Whalen, the queen, getting the bitchin' entrance she deserves.
Starkid is so, so good at their sound design to help immerse you in a scene without blowing a big budget or doing anything elaborate.
...Kim. My girl. Your arms must be tired.
She's just standing there, but Kim's stage presence is still so strong.
I can't get over how Jon's Sir Hops-A-Lot's voice is just a small...ahem. Hop, skip, and a jump away from Wiggly's.
JOEY. THAT ACCENT. You ABSOLUTE genius idiot. I love you for this stupidass voice.
Joey's bowl cut makes me giggle like mad.
I love these two puppets SO much.
The call and response bit with Ella and the Goddess reminds me of Hamilton when Washington is dictating his Farewell Address. I know it's gotta be in other musicals, too, but that's the clearest comparison for this nerd at the moment.
Jeff sneaking in the "castle on a hill" song reference in this song.
Kim and Bryce dueting together is just Power incarnate. Holy cow. It's so good.
"You shall be as radiant and terrible as I." Ooooooh. Yes. Gimme.
The Narrator sneaking out from amidst the ensemble to finish off the song was really neat.
That fading spotlight before curtain for intermission with just Ella's face in view is so beautiful and haunting. What an epic close to Act I.
Also, it seems like this was also a strategic way to imply Ella's outfit being transformed there on stage during the song without actually having to do the tricky costume designing quick-change theater miracles of an ACTUAL outfit transformation. Which is really brilliant. Leave the audience to wonder until post-intermission about what Ella's starlight dress will look like.
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
New Arcana Swap
(tag for now is Transboy Haru I need a new name for this I know)
Anyways. It's been like 2 hours here's everything I have so far
So it's a Fool Haru au, but as a trans guy. He's been transitioning since the year before he started high school, and he's had top surgery. Now he's in his final year, and he's being shipped out to Tokyo after a summer in Juvi, all for something he didn't do
Toranosuke Yoshida as the Hierophant with Goro as the Hermit too it's. This ex politician who has been adopting these kids who's rich and important parents abandon them
Emperor Makoto. And then with Makoto, she's been "staying" with Kobayakawa as a pupil and StuCo Prez, and once he's confessed, she reaches out to her sister and returns home to live with Hanged Man Sae. She's sorta non-binary genderfluid? She doesn't have a term coined yet. But pronouns vary each day
Makoto: thanks, so much. For saving me, for helping me find my sister again, for accepting who I am, and- and for loving me,
Haru: oh, Mako dearest,
Makoto, crying: d-dont look at me like that, Loverboy. Just- let's hurry, the others are waiting
(in case you couldn't tell yet, this is Okujima)
Haru: hey why are you so close with that pharmacist?
Yoshida: oh, cause. I take pills?
It's cause Goro's on anti-psychotics lmao
It's how he so easily got Haru in with the counsellor Death Maruki
Maruki: yep, I see your files are completely true. So, I'll get you set up with your old regime of hormones
Haru: just like that?
Maruki: yep, but I also have to give you anger management sessions. Your parole demands it
Haru: ...I understand. Just, thank you. For understanding who I am
Chariot Shiho and Lovers Futaba, and the Temperance is Kanji-
Cause his husband is the Judgement and their wife is Fortune-
Moon Joker, Magician Ryuji (he's a lil lizard), Star Ann, Empress, uh, Yusuke?
Shiho a recovering amputee. She got in an accident that ended her volleyball career, but she's trying to not get too depressed about it
She cost them the national title. She ends up starting her training again to aim for the Paralympics, and manages the school team
Shiho: hey, why was Shit Head calling you a girl?
Haru: I, I'm trans,
Shiho: THAT BASTARD! Urgh, I'm so sorry, I know a teacher who'll help report that bullshit. I'm Shiho Suzui, school cripple. Nice to meet you, transfer boy
Haru: thanks, I'm Haru Yoshida. Thanks for not, freaking out on ke
Ryuji's a little bearded dragon in the real world
And MORGANA! He's like, Shinya's age? Human
He's playing the hero, trying to take down the Yakuza that ruined his family and left him alone, but he's young and scared, and the group saves him and he moves in with Yoshida too and he's like Haru's little brother
Goro: you're getting soft, old man.
Yoshida: maybe I am. Or maybe, I'm finally doing what I was meant to all along
He runs a homey beef bowl shop and Haru helps out, and Morgana sits at the counter slurping his noodles and Goro studies away in the back booth. Little family of three brothers
Goro: thanks for changing my heart, I guess
Futaba: no problem, man
Goro: ...I, feel like I need to tell you all. My mom was schizophrenic, and I've been being treated for it since Yoshida took me in. I, I'm gonna get myeds adjusted too. So I can be reliable for you all as navigator
Shiho: whatever you need to be yourself, and to be healthy
Haru: and if you end up like that again, we'll race back in and save you
It's shown in how his palace would change every other day. Like if you wait too long the infiltration route changes
Once he's doing better again, he gets back into school, and ends up in the other third year class with Makoto
Goro: your partner is a pain in my ass. They're making it hard to get that #1 spot
Haru: isn't my love so smart?
Goro: fucking gross. Bleh. I'm going to go watch a documentary on serial killers.
Toranosuke and his three sons, such a proud dad
Haru doesn't leave Tokyo at the end of the year. He gets formally adopted, and moves from the attic to the proper Yoshida house
Naoto: so. You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves?
Haru: ...what's it matter how I answer? They got their signed confession.
Naoto: I knew it, there was no way they'd have gotten a genuine one so quickly... Those bastards... Well, hopefully our chat can clear things up. Tell me, why'd you do it? How? The more I know, the better I can help you out
Naoto recognizes the boy from his husband's class roster, from his chats about the transfer boy that seemed to affect everyone around him
Naoto: so. Your dad kicked you out?
Haru: yes. Not for being a boy, he accepted that part of me. No, I caught on about some of his shadier business deals. So, he framed me for assault, disowned me. I got lucky, that Mr Yoshida agreed to house me, otherwise I would have probably ended up back in Juvi,
Okay. More
Shiho with her slight hobble cause of her prosthetic, and when she just *can't* wear it, she's on crutches, Like at the beach
She wears her leg to the beach, but takes it off when Makoto and Morgana egg her into running out to the water with them. Makoto loads her onto their back until they reach the water and then it's just. Splashing and fun
Goro's reading a book while Ryuji lies on a towel in the sun, soaking in the heat. Haru and Futaba are munching on popsicles and watching the others
Two Jokers
Moon is Akira, and Ren was in Shiho's role
They're Futaba's foster brothers. So that's why Futaba really wants to join up. To avenge Ren. And it's why Akira helps out
Futaba: hey, so Ren's awake. He's going to need physical therapy, but he's keeping all his parts. He's, also going to testify. He won't be returning to Shujin,
Akira: he's going to finish at Kosei. It'll be a better fit for him
Makoto, fluid, having more they or he days but still having she days. Masc she days, but still
Coloured bandanas around their upper arm for their different days. Now embracing their baby punk side
And smiling so much more, back home with their sister and able to be themselves with support, and having friends and a sweet boyfriend
Hifumi for the Faith and. Justice Kasumi and Sumire TRSUT ME
Haru: hey!
Makoto, wearing a dark red bandana: hey Loverboy, can I get a kiss?
Haru: course, love. How's my girl today?
Makoto: feeling great, Sis and I are going out tonight. She said you're welcome to join if you want? And then maybe come over after later to "study"?
Haru: how can I say no to you?
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blues824 · 1 year
A Fem!Reader with a Werecat (transforming from human to overly large house-cat to monstrous cat beast) Quirk isekaied from BNHA into The Remarried Empress where she's adopted as a pet cat for the Empress.
She's just thought to be a highly intelligent cat who's bigger than most cats (including Maine Coons) until she manages to transform back to her human state. She's gorgeous (as all readers are; the beautiful ladies/gents/non-binary royalty they are!) and aching to go back home to her husband (Shouta Aizawa) and her kids (Class 1-A, Hitoshi, and Eri).
Sovieshu is interested in her becoming his mistress but she's not interested (because she's married, obviously), she avoids him and Rashta excessively, she forms a deep bond with Navier and Heinrey, Kosair may have feelings for her but she gently turns him down as she only loves her husband.
She cares for her new friends but she has her life back home and just wants to be back in her husband's arms.
(And if, one day, Shouta (and the kids) manages to find her and take her into his arms to take her home after she says her farewells to her friends, she'll be the happiest she's ever been since she got there)
Preface: Y/N Aizawa has a quirk that allows her to turn into a cat, and depending on the threat level she can either turn into a typical house cat or a monstrous cat beast. She is married to Shota Aizawa. One day, she was facing a villain, and she was isekai’d to the world of the Remarried Empress.
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He was a bit concerned when he heard that his wife had rescued a cat that had been roaming about the palace, but he assumed that it might have been a stray. From what she had told him, the cat was okay, just a bit spooked for some unknown reason.
However, your identity was eventually revealed. You were a very gorgeous woman with cat ears and a tail, and Sovieshu felt his heart beating fast. You know that song that has the line that goes she looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen? Yeah, Alexa, play that song.
For days and days, weeks and weeks, he has been trying to woo you. Bro wasn’t loyal, so that surely meant you didn’t have to be loyal either. However you were adamant on remaining faithful to your husband and your ‘children’ back in your world. During a time where he backed off a little, you showed him pictures of Class 1-A, Shinso and Eri. He was jealous when you said that your husband and you cared for them as though they were your own.
It eventually got to the point where you were very close to scratching Sovieshu because his advances were getting annoying. He didn’t care about you being a married woman, though. Hell, he was a married man and he had a mistress and pursuing you was the cherry on top to his complicated love life.
Once the portal opened up for you to get home, your husband made it through first. You let out a scream before jumping into his arms and giving him a long kiss. Your students, Shinso, and Eri let out cheers at recovering their teacher/mom, but Sovieshu was absolutely heartbroken. He knew that alcohol would be his best friend that night.
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She was quite curious when she heard about Her Imperial Majesty taking in and rescuing a cat that she had found in her garden. Since Navier wasn’t particularly fond of conversing with her over such trivial matters like cats, she could only get updates from Sovieshu.
But when you were revealed to be a human with the power to turn into a cat, she was at first amazed. However, she looked at the man that she called her lover, only to see heart eyes instead of normal eyes. He was smitten with you and not with her. Then she was angry and upset because the supposed love of her life was looking at another woman (this is the story of the La Llarona, people).
You did your best to avoid her, but sometimes it was inevitable. She eavesdropped on one of your conversations with Her Imperial Majesty, and you were showing printed out pictures that you carried in your bag of your students and your son and daughter, and eventually your husband. She was definitely jealous that you led such a happy life and she couldn’t.
Rashta even tried copying you instead, because obviously there was something about you that lured Sovieshu in. It might just be your cat ears and tail, but you acted much differently than both her and Navier. You were sarcastic to the point where it could come off as mean (to be fair, that was specifically targeted towards her and the Emperor, but anyways), and you had a few selected favorites when it came to people. The young mistress did not have the confidence to pull it off, unfortunately.
When your husband finally got the person who teleported you here to re-open the portal, she was genuinely questioning your taste in men. She wouldn’t exactly describe your husband as handsome as you had said he was, but the pure joy that was in not just your eyes but also his was something that Rashta could only imagine.
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She was under the impression that you were a normal cat, so she took you to her chambers to get you properly cleaned and tidied up. After all, a cat of the Empress should look no less than presentable. But, before she gave you to one of her handmaidens, you revealed yourself to be not a mere cat, but a woman who could turn into a cat (take a shot for every time I say ‘cat’).
You, however, told her about your desire to make it back to your own home to be able to see your family again. She asked about them, and you gladly pulled out some pictures (something she was unfamiliar with as photography wasn’t around yet) to show her your students, Shinso, Eri, and your husband. There was a sad glint in her eyes when you explained that your husband loved you as you loved him, and you knew that there was something wrong with her marriage.
As a result of this discovery, you leaned your head into her lap. Your ears folded down, and she started rubbing your head as you started transforming back into a cat. Suddenly, you heard a few caws at the window, and Navier had to hold you back from going to attack Queen (AKA Heinrey). It made the Empress laugh at the irony of the situation, but she made sure that the bird made it out okay.
Unfortunately, once you revealed your true identity, it caused you to gather some rather undesired attention… from her husband. She couldn’t blame you, as you did nothing wrong. But Sovieshu was definitely in the wrong because his advances were unwanted by you. You were remaining faithful, and Navier did her best to support you in that. She’s even smacked his face for you to escape.
Once the portal opened, you kissed your husband with such passion that it caused everyone in the room to blush. However, you pulled away before you ran out of air and immediately picked Eri up in your arms and placed a kiss upon her forehead. The Empress took the small girl from your arms and had an adorable little time with her as you went to place a kiss on the foreheads of Shinso and the rest of Class 1-A. It did not go unnoticed that you called them your litter.
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Your first meeting is rather a funny story. It was the night that Navier took you in, he just so happened to fly into the window. You tried to eat him, and he is now traumatized. It wasn’t until you both were ushered out of the room that you both agreed to meet up in the garden. There, you both revealed your true selves (obviously, you gave him time to get dressed, which was kind of embarrassing).
From that point, you acted as his wing-woman (that is most definitely a pun). You’ve shown him pictures from your family and how you needed to get back to them; so as long as you help him by wooing Her Imperial Majesty, you could count on him to try and find your way back (and unlike a familiar bird-man from Twisted Wonderland, this bird-man actually tries).
If I’m being honest, you are the only woman aside from Navier that he genuinely appreciates, and that’s a pretty high honor. I mean, have you seen how this man treats Rashta? Speaking of, you confide in him that you’re trying to avoid her and Sovieshu because the former is trying to copy you and the latter is trying to get you to become his mistress even though you were happily married to your husband back home.
He is definitely a dear friend of yours. You even treat him as though he were one of your 22 (now technically 23) ‘kittens’. Mans considers you a motherly figure in his life because you always make sure he’s okay and he can go to you if he wants to go on a lovesick rant about the love of his life.
When it was finally time for you to return home, he was kind of sad because he was going to miss you. However, he saw the love in you and your husband’s eyes when you both saw each other at last. He knew that if he wanted to truly cherish Navier, he needed to look at her like that every single day he wakes, and he’s ready for that kind of commitment. 
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He had the chance to meet you during his surprise visit to his sister, and he was immediately in love. You were beautiful, you had cat ears and a tail, and you could shoot back witty remarks as though it was nothing. Plus, you really cared for his younger sister, so this man was heart-eyes for you.
For months, this man was so down bad for you, and you knew it. It’s like that situation where your guy best friend has a crush on you and you know it, but you pray to any god or goddess there is that he finds someone better. It’s not that you didn’t like him, it’s just that you liked him only as a friend. Also, you were happily married to the love of your life, Shota Aizawa.
So, one day, you decided that it was time to let him down easily. You pulled him into the garden and sat next to him on a bench. Out of your bag, you brought out a few pictures. Kosair flipped through each one, and saw that it was of your life back in your world. As he neared the end, his heart absolutely shattered.
There was a photo of you braiding Eri’s hair, and on the back it said ‘New Kitten!!!’ You said that she had gone through such a tough past, and you were glad you were able to rescue her. Then there was a picture of you and a boy that looked to be around the age of 16 hugging each other, and on the back it said ‘Shinso got accepted into the Hero Course!’ There were a multitude of pictures with you and a bunch of teenagers who looked like your students.
But, then, he got to the last few pictures. It was a few romantic-looking pictures: wine glasses clinking, a headless photo of two people (you being one of them) dancing, etc. But, there finally was a picture of you and another man kissing each other. Kosair went paler than he ever had before. You, with a joyful tone in your voice, explained that the man was your husband, and you showed him your ring-finger which, lo and behold, had a ring on it. Well, he stood up and left, and you knew that you had definitely hurt his feelings. Was this really the best way to do this?
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cherryroselock22 · 10 days
Go ahead and freely use this ask to infodump on your Pokemon SWSH sexuality, gender, or other headcanons :3
Hehe Hop: -Hc name is Hop Arce Laventon, Arce is his father's last name -Speaks both spanish and english, could not help making him a lil hispanic -Youngest of his friend group, he's 15 and a few months younger than Gloria and Victor -Looks more like his mother, also has a name very similar to hers (I hc their mother's name as Hope) -I hc he goes by any pronouns but mainly uses He/him. He's non binary to me, a little butch, overall pretty comfortable in his own body. I think he'd get more social gender dysphoria (being misgendered, not called by the right name, etc) rather than body dysphoria -I also like to hc him as an asexual Biromantic, no preference -He and Gloria are very close, considered platonic soulmates. They camped together all the time during the gym challenge. They met when they were kids, around 4? Leon introduced them. Hop didn't have any friends as a kid, he also struggled to speak and spent most of his time playin with Leon or just playing alone, it worried him a lil so he tried to introduce him to some of the kids in postwick. When his mom was out, Hop often stayed at Gloria's and Victor's home. -Hc that he got scorbunny. When Gloria was picking, he was silently hoping she wouldn't pick it. Hop wanted scorbunny not just because of Milo, also because fire types are the rarer type between fire, water and grass -Salty over Marnie and Bede getting growth spurts and getting taller than him. He's the second shortest of the group
-Likes to bully Leon a little
-Holds grudges and remembers them. He still has a grudge over Raihan grabbing his wooloo plush and holding it over his head like 10 years ago, main reason he doesn’t like him today.
-I also think that when he gets angry (actually angry), he acts passive aggressive instead of yelling. He does this with a smile on Gloria: -Hc name is Gloria Knight -Shortest of the group (5'2) -Younger than Vic by 30 minutes, both are 15 -During the gym challenge, loved to run off and bite more than she could chew by fighting pokemon way above her team's level. When she got hurt, Hop was usually the one to patch her up, she'd get scolded but always try again -Got through the gym challenges rather easily, the only one she struggled with was Gordie's, she's rather impatient and found the whole mechanic annoying. She still does not shut up about this -Ended up becoming Champion. She has Zacian as her legendary, though she tries not to lean to much on it during her battles. She absolutely steals the cape idea from Leon, he's salty over it
-I think that personality wise, she’d be very chaotic and energetic, jumping from one place to the other. She’s also the impatient one of the group. -She loves to gossip, she's also obsessed with love stories, ironically enough. She's nosy with everyones lives except Victor, -Overprotective of her friends. After Hop lost to Bede in the gym challenge, Gloria death glared at Bede up until the 5th gym, when she joined her when she was camping (Gloria was not invited) and kind of passively-aggressively asked what Bede's deal was.
-Pushed Victor off a small cliff just to see what would happen, he has a small scar on his leg. She also likes to playfully bully him. I hc her as aromantic and ace, she loves love stories but does not want one of her one. She figured this out after Hop's mom kept teasing about the possibility of Gloria n Hop being a couple and they decided to (awkwardly) give it a go. I don't think she'd care much about gender, or even view it as an important concept tbh. She's just Gloria. I think she'd go by She/He pronouns My Hc team for her: Inteleon (starter, she chose sobble) Braviary Runegirus Magnezone Haxarous Victor: -Hc name is Victor Knight -Second tallest -Definitely the more anxious of the twins, unlike Gloria, who tends to run head first into danger, he prefers to be cautious. -Is somehow the luckiest of the group, he finds rare pokemon all the time, he's found a few shines too, he's only caught one though. He also found a dreepy sleeping in his hat when Leon was stayin over at the start of the game, he might have accidentally stolen one of Leon's dragapult's dreepys lol -Has a shiny cinccino he babies, he spends around 30 minutes every morning brushing it's hair. Refuses to let Gloria battle with it because he knows she would not take care of it's fur. His cinccino loves to play with Marnie's morpeko -He falls in love with every pretty face he sees. He was gushing about gym challengers all throughout the gym challenge and Gloria was tired of it. He's probably had a small crush on Marnie, Bede and Hop at least once -I like to think he likes to help his mom out with her garden, as well as helpin with her flower shop. -Gloria likes to mess with him by refering to him as her little brother. Gloria and Victor bicker a lot -He goes through the Crown of Tundra dlc, and he's the one who catches Calyrex. He also catches the galarian legendary birds (with some help). After this, he decides he wants to stay at freezington to study the tundra and why the birds decided to stay there, he stays there for years. (Gloria is definitely not emotional) -Got a few scars from his time at the tundra. He also visits once a year, he uses that week to catch up with Gloria, Hop, Marnie and Bede.
I have no interesting gender headcannons for him sorrry, he's a he/him although he doesn't mind what he's called. I do think he's pansexual, maybe a lil polyamorous
My hc team for him:
Rillaboom (starter) Dragapult Cinccino Salazzle Gastrodon
Hc name is Marnie Cameron -Going with gender headcannon first cause of pronouns. I hc Marnie as a transmasc bigender, he/him. He doesn't really care much about how he dresses; he doesn't get much dysphoria either. I also think he'd be bi -Second oldest, he's 16
-Sonia used to babysit him when he was younger when Piers was busy. Marnie goes to bother her sometimes when he's bored
-Definitely a foodie, loves to eat, he'll often drag Victor, Bede, Hop or Gloria to a new food place just to check it out. Somehow appears out of nowhere when one of them is making curry
-Plays guitar, he has a red electric guitar, looks like a flying V. He doesn’t let anyone grab it
-Has nicknames for almost everyone. (Hop = Hoppip, Bede = Cotton, Victor = Vic, Vicky, Gloria = Glo, Champ)
-Has accidentally stolen clothes from the rivals. He has two of Hop’s shirts, one of Gloria’s skirts and one of Vic’s hats.
-Sends his morpeko to steal Bede’s food when they eat together. He also likes to bully Bede, jokes that being blonde is a sign there’s something deeply evil going on
-Closer to Victor and Hop. Also likes to bother Victor by messing with his hat and pullin it down to cover his eyes -Lives with Piers, mother is out of the picture. Bede: The hc name I use for Bede is usually Bede Hibaru cause that's the last name i hc his bio parents to have. I use Bede Poisonmaker (Oleana) or Bede Roseary (Rose) sometimes though Gender hccc, I think Bede is transfem, He/She, doesn't really care what pronouns you call him as long as you don't refer to him as a guy. Gets a lot of body gender dysphoria. I also think she'd be sapphic -Oldest, 16 and a few months older than Marnie -Born in Kitakami, lived with parents for a few years before bein abandoned. He only has foggy memories of his parents, he doesn't care much about them, she does remember their pokemon though -Closest to Gloria overall, she's the one who helped her with the Rose stuff. She's also the one who makes sure Bede gets out sometimes and doesn't stay all her time at the gym. Gloria loves to take him shopping. They get matching earrings when they're older -Bickers with his hatterenne a lot. Has a few bite marks because his mawile chews on his arm, he got used to it. He also has a few scars on his hands from when she was looking for wishing stars -Raihan keeps bothering him (I think Raihan is very chatty and likes to get to know new gym leaders) -Hop's dubwool hates him, Bede has gotten stuck in a tree cause it would not stop trying to tackle him
-Dislikes bitter stuff, loves sweets. Hates coffee in specific. Sometimes he’ll dump spoons of sugar into his drink. She loves to go to random cafés.
Sonia: Hc name is Sonia Sparks -Raised in Spikemuth, dad is from there. Lived there up until she was 12, she then went to live with her grandma -Childhood friends with Piers, when Sonia went to live in Postwick they lost touch, met again in the gym challenge -Had trouble defeating Kabu back during the gym challenge, almost quit, her ninetales comes from his challenge. She quit after the 4th gym
-Disastrous love life. Dated Leon before her transition as kids, broke up after she quit the gym challenge. Was in a relationship with Nessa before deciding they were better off as friends
-Takes naps during the afternoon and stays up late (usually until 2 or 3 am). Definitely not a morning person, very grumpy if woken up. Wakes up late too.
-Loves to drink coffee, has a yamper mug. She saved up for a coffee machine in her kitchen.
-Her n Raihan sometimes share clothes since they have the same body shape.
-Goes on a girl’s night with Nessa (n sometimes Raihan) every month. Leon is not allowed to accompany anymore.
-A few months younger than Leon, both are 25.
-Was very mean as a kid (I like to imagine she was exactly like Bede as a kid). She was very angry too.
-Used to be taller than Leon during the gym challenge. He had a growth spurt after becoming champion.
-I hc Sonia as a trans girl (she/her), realized a few days before she quit the gym challenge. I also think she’s a lesbian.
-Has a ninetales, rotom, yamper and (gigantamax) butterfree. There’s also a few pokemon she keeps in the lab to study, Victor gifted a dreepy to the lab
Hc name is Raihan Everfrost
-Used to be very shy as a kid, clung to Sonia all the time. Didn’t speak that much either. Sometimes hid behind Leon, even though he was taller.
-Raised in freezington, used to wearing warm clothes, so when he visited the mainland he was shocked by the weather. Had an orange scarf gifted to him by his dad. Adoptive dad is the mayor of freezington. Even after moving to Hammerlock, he still visits his dad at least once every 5 months, texts him often.
-Raihan found Leon in freezington a few months before the gym challenge when Leon got lost and somehow ended up in freezington. Raihan met Sonia when she came to pick Leon up.
-Leon was the one who suggested Raihan try the gym challenge.
-Raihan’s vision isn’t the best, his duraludon helped him with navigation back at freezington and during the challenge. After becoming a gym leader, he got contacts to help him see better (still not a perfect vision) but they’re uncomfortable if worn for a long time so he only uses them in public. His contacts also make his eyes seem very blue, his natural ones are a grey-ish color.
-Very social person, doesn’t like being alone, he also feels lonely easily. He visits Sonia and Leon when he can, usually when they’re working. If Gordie’s free he also visits him.
-Has scars from when he got too close to some of the pokemon in freezington, the more recent ones are from accidents during battles. His duraludon also likes to bite. He also has a scar from when Leon’s charizard bit him.
-Has a small pokemon daycare at the gym where he takes care of injured pokemon, usually has a few dragon types.
-While visiting his dad he found an abandoned pokemon egg. He refused to let it out of his sight until it hatched. A shiny snom hatched from the egg and he brings it everywhere. The snom likes to shoot icicles at him when it wants attention.
-Very common Raihan hc but I like to think he has fangs
-A year older than Sonia and Leon (26)
-My hc is that Raihan’s genderfluid, usually doesn’t mind pronouns but on days where he does, he wears colored bracelets that Sonia made for him. Goes by He/She. He’s also a disaster bi in my mind.
-Hc name is Leonel Arce Laventon
-His fashion sense are just t-shirts, snapbacks and jeans. Maybe a jacket or two. Has an unhealthy amount of snapbacks, at least 40 different designs. Raihan is getting a little worried.
-Lives in Wyndon, his apartment is there. Hop goes to visit him sometimes. -His first name is Leonel (which is what he's called in the spanish version of swsh, fun fact) he just doesn't bother by telling people. Raihan only found out years after knowing Leon. Sonia always knew.
-His hair is naturally black; he just dyes it purple so that he can match Hop. Also reminds him less of his dad
-Takes at least 15 minutes in the morning to comb through his hair, it gets tangled easily.
-Has very good eyesight, as long as he isn’t too close. He’s a bit far sighted. He does have glasses for this but he doesn’t like wearing them.
-Lightweight drinker, gets drunk easily. In contrast, Sonia has a high tolerance.
-Doesn’t like talking about his dad, gets quiet whenever he’s mentioned. He also looks a lot like him, which is the main reason why Leon made some changes to his appearance after he left.
-Wants the best for Hop, but sometimes he’s a little overbearing. He always thinks he could do better.
-Almost got lost in the slumbering weald as a kid because Hop convinced him to go in. Hop has also told him many lies as kids, some he still believes today. It doesn’t help that Sonia did the same during the gym challenge
-Like Sonia, has a disastrous love life, most of the time he doesn’t act
-Honestly, I don’t have a set gender hc for Leon, it’s just. I don’t know. I mostly go with the hc that he goes by any pronouns and doesn’t really care for gender. I do think he’s some flavor of trans. He’s also a disaster gay in my mind, falls for every pretty boy he sees.
TY FOR THE ASK!! i'm goin to add some hc doodles in the reblogs cause it will not let me ‹/3
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spopsalt · 8 months
Going into detail about EVERYTHING I hate about spop
This was the winner of the poll! Keep in mind these are in no particular order! I hope you enjoy it! This VERY long post so be warned!
The representation it's so bad, a lot of it is just stereotypes. Bow being the black best friend, Mermista being the sassy black woman, Catra being the angry Hispanic woman, and the only autistic character being put ON A LEASH!? The only non-binary character being a fucking LIZARD!?
Catradora. It is awful. It is so bad. It's so romantized despite being in a KID'S SHOW! That's what I hate most about it. Little kids will see this and believe this is how they should treat the person they love, or this is how someone who loves them treats them. It's just bad. Really bad.
How they ignore everyone's trauma. Some characters have some really interesting trauma that could be explored, but they just get ignored for abusive catgirl! Seriously, some of the trauma could be legitimentally interest, like Micah, how did he feel about not being able to say goodbye to his wife? About being in beast island for years? Haha no you idiots, he has no trauma! He's just a goofy dad haha! How about Glimmer who also didn't get to say goodbye to her mom, who sacrificed herself so everyone else can live? Who was crushing under the pressure of being queen! Who had everyone around her ignore her mom's death? Who got manipulated by Shadow Weaver when she was vulnerable? Haha! No, she has no trauma! Angella, always feels a lingering guilt about her husband, who believes her husband is dead. Haha! Nope! No trauma! (I used three examples but there is so much more)
Seahawk. That's it.
The way they treat war, they've treated it as a joke, a game, and a backdrop, they don't show how it affects people, we couldn't of gotten to see citizens stories of how their lives were affected? Nope!
The amount of filler. White Out and Mermesteries, have no point other than being annoying filler, they don't have any meaning to the plot, and to make it worse they just drag on and on.
The wasted potential. This is so annoying. It has so much potential, if it was given to competent writers, it could've been so good, maybe even a masterpiece, but it's just so...bad.
The "jokes" I'm being nice by calling them jokes. They are more like awkward moments that beg you to laugh. Haha Kyle, a poor innocent kid gets bullied for the 35455467568th time please laugh! Haha! Bow's voice cracks for the 967986786897th time! Laugh again!
Seamista, Mermista looks like a teenager, and Seahawk looks like he's an adult. Mermista clearly doesn't like Seahawk, Seahawk just kept invading her boundaries and eventually, they got together. Seriously what the fuck?
Worldbuilding, it is so bad at it. We never see any citizens or get a feel for how the world looks, the only difference is cosmetic
Catra's redemption arc. Just in general. it was so rushed.
The needless ships in season 5, they are so rushed and have no purpose to the plot.
The princesses are so boring and one note, for them being the title, they don't do much.
The character arcs, or lack thereof, the ones we do get are boring and one note.
The pacing is just so bad, it's either too slow or too fast.
Season 5. It's self explanatory.
That's about all I could think of at the moment! Let me know what you think!
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xxc0mp4ctd1scxx · 9 months
I wish that who uses only "she/her" or "he/him" referring to Mizu kinda get the drip that Mizu isn't neither a man nor a woman.
That whoever is using only one of these pronouns is actually seeing that Mizu is kinda beyond gender shit, and any other category.
So when using those are all in a genderqueer/genderfuck way. When calling them girlfriend or man or bf is in an ironic way.
I really wish I'm not seeing people thinking Mizu is a woman just bc they are AFAB or bc "this trope is ant-women" terf's shit. Cuz I guarantee that Mulan (1998) and Blue Eye Samurai (2023) aren't being feminist in a simple "We Can Do It, too" way, but rather "See, gender roles are stupid and fuck you if you think that genderqueer people don't exist and people are only MAN or WOMAN."
Man, I really hate when people look at a genderqueer story and think only in binary. Adult Mizu could have been a woman if they really were one, cuz the point of they being perseved as a boy was only to be more difficult to find them as a kid, when their mom couldn't protect them with her hands or power, cuz she had none.
I think that when they were in the wife role, they weren't really performing it as a woman, but more like a duty commonly attributed to wife (more like my father being the cook in the house and a really good caretaker who is really considering and cute, and also being the dad figure, when my mom is in the finances business of the house and isn't the best caretaker of all times...) and for they mom respect and consideration, cuz they loved her and wanted to show their love, retributing by marry that guy.
But they were rejected by their mom and their husband, when being their own singular self. When showing they weren't the wife, neither the woman people thought they should be.
Yes, they suit a masc appearance and mannerisms, but it seem dehonest to call them a man. They really don't perform a man image.
Just like non binary transmasc or butches... We aren't really men just bc we are mascs. And we aren't really, by the book, women, solely by the fact we are AFAB.
Why? Cuz it is just like that. Gender isn't the binary we were thought and I wish everyone a really good search and thinking on genderqueer thesis and documents, already documented discussions and a read on "Butch Blues", a watch on "Tomboy", etc.
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
Can you do some fluffy Chris x non-binary!reader where the reader is a 19-20 year old camper on the island, please? ^v^
Sorry If you’re getting too many requests and this is annoying! :(
It’s okay, my love! Your request wasn’t annoying at all, and though I’ve had to temporarily close my asks, you don’t have to worry about it! In the end, I chose to receive them under my own awareness, but I appreciate all the concern!❤️Enjoy!!
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The host wasn’t shy with favourites.
Hence why you were summoned by him on the beach, at a time where everyone else was too tired to strategise.
You arrive, finding the ambient to be carefully idyllic with the swish of the sea and Chris sitting at ease.
His face was dark orange in certain angles from the effulgence of the campfire he crafted not too long ago. Though that was the only source of light in the wildlife nighttime, you can see his eyebrows tilting at your appearance,“Why are you wearing a hoodie?”
“It’s Canada, Chris.” you gently rub your shoulders,“That campfire isn’t enough to warm the entire air.”
“Fair enough.” he reaches over in his sitting position for an opened bag between his feet,“I had some leftover marshmallows. Thought it’d be nice to toast them together.”
You come to sit down next to him on the log, noticing two conveniently thin sticks on his other side,“I’d like that.”
He squeezes a marshmallow from the packet onto the top of a twig and handed it to you. He repeats the same with the other twig and sticks it out lightly above the flames and snuggles against your shoulder,“Talk to me. Remind me how it’s like to be two decades old again.”
“You’re such a funny man, Chris.” you rub your hand on his thigh as you slowly spin your stick with the other,”For one, I finished college, the funniest years of my life. My first year, I didn’t take anything seriously and neither did my friend. During our class tests, we would share an earbud on one of our ipod players and we would leave more than half of the paper blank.” your lips widened upwards as your mind relives the glassy experience of reckless youth.
“Terrible, dude.” clear Chris didn’t feel the same,“I couldn’t care less about academics, but ranking lowest of the low on purpose? You better not be thinking about doing the same here.’
“That’s what my mom was saying after parents evening. So, thanks to her wise words, I graduated, two years before my friend, who’s in catchup school right now.” a laugh forced its way out of your dry mouth after you finished narrating.
“Right now?” he blinked consciously,“An evening class?”
You drew your tanned treat out the smoke for a bite, confirming,“It only seems late because we have no energy left after putting up with your challenges all day and you call it night the minute it’s dark. You ruined our perception of time.”
“Sure did.” his teeth takes a proud dive into his toasted squishy,“Someone’s gotta teach you kids that staying up late isn’t good for your well-being.”
Says him who made the entire second challenge about just that!,“We’re not kids, Chris! We’re adults. We can drink, vote, smoke, fuck. Do all that you can.” the kind of contestants he was dealing with. You hoped that would put things into a new perspective for him.
“Yeah yeah, secure yourself something that pays you at least six figures a month, then come back to me.” he rolls his eyes, fishing another marshmallow out in the fiery centre,“Soooo? Where are your plans for that? You going to work after this? Uni? Apprenticeship?”
You silently shiver.
Only the crackling of the campfire occupied the air.
“Uh, dude?” he waves his hand in front of your wordless face,“Helloooo? (Y/N)?”
Chris didn’t appreciate that,“If you didn’t know, it’s kinda a poor show of manners to not reply when people are speaking to you.”
“I know...” you thought the silence was a better answer,“Sorry.”
“Are you saying that because you have nothing to tell me?”
You nod.
“Oh. Wow.” he wasn’t actually expecting that,“Really though? Like you’ve never thought about what you wanted to do after you left school? Not even when you were younger?”
“Nunca. I had other things to worry about.” feeling awkward, you removed your shoes to allow your bare feet to explore the grains of the sticky sand.
“Well! It seems like another inexperienced troubled thing has stumbled across my path, still not knowing what they wanna do with their lives even if they are too old to go back to elementary.” Chris’ time as an actor paid off in his voice at the pretend moment of theatre,“Why don’t you work for me?”
“And end up paralysed for the rest of my life?” you sneer at his suggestion,“No thanks.”
“Don’t be so down, (Y/N)!” he exclaims, pinching your cheek,“Am I that bad that the first job you assume I’ll give you is internship? Heck no! You can be my assistant, secretary, something. Whatever the title is, it’s not really important, but it won’t be internship. Genuine!”
“I don’t know...” hesitation dresses your tone,“Wouldn’t this be obvious to the other contestants that there’s some favouritism if I worked with you after the show? I don’t want them to ridicule me.”
Laughter from Chris in this context was...a reaction you didn’t wholly list out,“Why do you care about what a bunch of lifelong jobless people think? Besides, it’s in the contract, you’re legally obliged to do any role I may ask of you. I’m the one in charge here.”
You quickly remember Chris by his job. The host. The host with the most.
An accepting exhale longs out between your lips,“I guess you’ve decided my fate then, Mr McLean.”
“Practicing formalities already? Hm.” he dramatically puts a finger to his chin, a smirk tapping on his face,“I think I’m liking this employer and employee relationship between us.”
“Gross!” you guffaw, shoving him jokingly on the shoulder, already having his title shattered in your brain,“We’ll have plenty of time for that once I’m in a suit.”
“Who said I want you in one when it happens?” your eyelids disappear. He did not just say that,“We’re on an Island for God’s sake! I’ll allow you to wear something more casual.”
Oh my God, he’s good.
Oh my God.
“W-We’ll see...” you stuff your stutter with another soft goodie, way before it could get golden.
“You bet I will.” Chris had winked at you there, similar to the flash of the campfire, melting your marshmallow as he did your heart.
Cheesy, but it’s the truth. Your life’s barely started and it’s been signed away to an anticipating celebrity.
Ha! When you’ve already won him over, who needs a hundred thousand dollars?
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Round 2, Match 58: Eda Clawthorne vs. Gavroche
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Submitted kids:
Eda Clawthorne: Luz Noceda, King Clawthorne, Hunter, Edric Blight, and debatably, Amity Blight, Willow Park, and Gus Porter
Gavroche: Gavroche's unnamed brothers, but Gavroche was abandoned when very young and he doesn't know they're related to him
Propaganda under the cut!
Eda Clawthorne:
1. “First of all, Eda wasn't granted a lot of good things: She was cursed (by someone she loved) with an ever worsening illness, she was outcasted and prosecuted from society for not blindly following the rules and conforming. Lots of baggage and trauma. Still when Luz stumbled into human world, she took her in. She taught her magic and how to navigate this world.
She gave her advice and hugged her and reprimanded her. She wasn't an adoptive mom from the start, she grew into the role. She made mistakes, but she was willing to listen to Luz and overthink her behavior. Think of the beginning, when Luz wanted to go to school and Eda didn't want her. In the end she let her go and gave her her full support. She genuinely cared for her even when she was new in her life, and rescued her out of a lot of sticky situations, never left her behind, always ready to risk her life for those she loved.
Also King- She adopted him out of a cave and cared for him like a child even before Luz came. And the cared A LOT. For example, when his crown was took from him, she went on a dangerous mission (plus luz she just met and ""used"" for that) to retrieve it. Turns out, it was a ""burger king"" crown, but she did all that because see knew that was important to him. And even though she fears loosing him so much, she still helps him in his search for his real sad.
In conclusion: Outcast who still uses all her resources to give their kids a happy life, an education and a future. She fully supports them (but like a mother also draws a line here and there). She visits school meetings and does paperwork for Luz, she reads stories for them to fall asleep, she goes to Luz' prom, she hides her pain to be strong for them.”
2. “Eda Clawthorne always said she was a terrible influence and took the word “maternal” as an insult. She then proceeded to accidently adopt a sentient demon beast thing, raise him, adopt some human that tripped into her dimension, mentor her, all while being on the run from the tyrannical government. She canonically adopts King in the second season and King and Luz call each other siblings. She also calls them “her kids.” Eda attempts to sacrifice herself for them at many times and tries her best to keep them safe, and is really sad about the fact that they’ll one day leave her to go back to their own families. She puts away her own biases against the school system so that Luz can lead magic. The maternal instincts basically kick her out of nowhere and she goes from a badass, absolute menace to society to badass, absolute menace to society who happens to have two chaos gremlins.”
3. “Her being an adoptive parent wasn't even on her plan, she just likes to defy the government. Oops, now we're a family. Fuck you Emperor Belos!”
4. “This champion of a woman, this legend of a lady, continuously and effortlessly picks up children to care for as if her own. Before the events of the main storyline, she has already adopted the *King of Demons* himself. She takes Luz under her wing (ha), much like she takes in numerous other children with the intent of letting them prosper and grow away from responsibilities and duties placed on them by their previous parental figures. She is thirty and flirty and DANG she is a good mother. She casually picks up three more children whilst aiding in a rebellion with the (NON-BINARY) love of her life. Upon meeting the wonderful biological mother of Luz (Camila Noceda), you can see her VISIBLY SWEATING with the insurmountable pressure she feels to make a good first impression after a whopping three seasons of having raised Camila's kid herself. She cares very deeply for these kids and the people they love, and thus I argue she is one of the best serial adopters in history, if not THE best ever. boom mic drop the crowd goes wild”
(Mod note: Full propaganda list coming soon!)
“Gavroche's a child himself but cares about the other two like a parent is supposed to : "I'm off to the elephant with my kids. On the supposition that you should need me some night, you'll find me there. I live on the second floor. There is no doorman. You should ask for Monsieur Gavroche." (The elephant is a hollow sculpture where they sleep)”
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airborneice · 1 year
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hey look it’s my blorbos
YAY the first time I’ve completed art in time for pride month!! here’s some of the chars from the sketchbook kid AU celebrating with the most boring backgrounds ever 🌈 I’m gonna ramble under the cut, you know the drill
sooo I think I’ve already mentioned that Mattie is trans, but fyi Kaisa is in this universe as well!!
tbh I actually didn’t have this idea for them both to start with, it just kinda happened that way and ngl I just…I love the idea of Mattie having someone close to her right from the start who just gets it, and that Kaisa gets to have that shared experience with her. I think before Mattie was born Kaisa would have initially had some worries deep down about if the kid took after her too much (in terms of her not great experiences with magic and self-doubt, being a bit of an awkward mess (affectionate) ) but instead she gets to see Mattie taking after her in a whole bunch of ways and just thriving 🥺 and she gets to be a source of support and understanding that maybe she didn’t have herself when she was younger. anyway these witches are trans and I care them so much you guys 🥺
aaaand hey look I drew Harvey’s parents for once! btw in my headcanons for this AU Harvey’s parent on the left of him is non-binary and goes with any pronouns but mainly they/them! Harvey calls them Ren (short for parent). also I have names for these two now!! I’ve been calling Harvey’s parent Lin (left) (partly bc it means ‘forest’... like have you SEEN this couple’s living room wall, they are plant obsessed and I’m keeping it) and his mom is Nia (right). congrats on breaking the hilda curse of adults not having names guys 😌
and, ok, realistically I don’t think Arwen has fully come out or anything at the time of my comics but I wanted to include her anyway - and before anyone comes at me about how kids can’t be gay or whatever I’ll remind you that no one seems to have this problem with kids in other cartoons getting obligatory het crushes all the time, and in my own experience some people just figure themselves out a lot sooner than others (personally I didn’t find the right label til I was 20 but looking back the signs were there since I was 11 lol). anyway Arwen is quite introspective and searching as a person, so I think she’s got this a little bit figured out by now, even if she’ll probably be keeping it to herself for a while. there’s no way she’s talking about her thoughts on romance if Mattie’s in the vicinity
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autisticrobotguy · 3 months
Ok so im going to go off about my transformers au called transformers severed (I'm still working on a name)
What if cybertronians were natural living creatures with flesh and blood but there flesh was matillc, capable of sexual reproduction and what if the cybertronian war happened 8 million years before it happened and the war has led to the near extinction of There race with only 5000 cybertronians (including eggs and hatchlings) left after. optimus prime teleported the the cybertronians to earth most of them landing in the PNW of america
Things about this au
I have gender bent a bunch of characters most notably motor master, dead end, drag strip, sky warp
The prime family
Alpha trion(op's dad) theta prime (op's mom) optimus prime (him self) elita one (op's wife) arcee, bumblebee, mirage (adopted kids)
Life cycle
Egg(laid by the female) hatchling (0-2000 years) sparkling (2000-10000 years) protoform (10000-18000 years) forged (18000-forever years)
The mercenaries are a full faction with their own soldiers and ships (space and romantic)
Titans are not born they are built that's why they're very monotone and lack emotion
Cybertronians for 60%male 40%female (there are quite a few non binary and lgbtq characters in the au)
Ok I have a lot more but and if you have any ideas or questions about or for my au please tell
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livingfast04 · 1 year
In the Monster AU:
How much control does Steve have over his appearance?
Does he actually have brown eyes, or did he pick them because they're the most common?
Did he try on features from TV and other kids trying to find out which ones he likes best?
Did his parents help guide him in picking his faces? Like did they put little Steve in the counter of in front of their massive bathroom mirror and coach him "Okay honey, your nose should be a little bit longer. Do you see how Daddy has a bump at the end of his 'Outside Face' nose? Try and put one on the end of yours."
Can Steve change his gender? And if so does he see himself as non-binary?
If Steve changes his appearance enough, does he want to be called by a completely different name? For example, if he comes down the stairs one morning as a covered in freckles redhead with a gap in his teeth, is that the signal that he's actually Charlie today and not Steve?
Hullo!! Steve's got a pretty good grasp on his appearance! Shapeshifters don't let their kids out of the house (backyard is apart of the house, close family homes- things like that) until they can control it! It's both to protect the kid and to protect the secret!
He does actually have brown eyes!! I don't really know how to explain it- but at one point yes, shapeshifters where an eldritch horror- but then marrying, having kids with Humans- either under "disguise", or the human knowing. They adopted human traits into their "shapeless form" So Steve's parents have generational traits! That just get passed down! So, Steve looks far more like his Mom, Brown eyes, beauty marks, and freckles! The color of brown hair, Steve gets from his Dad!
His parents did sort of half to coach him to "find his face" some traits don't get passed down, so they have to pick and choose genetics for their kids to get. So your little dialogue piece is mostly correct!
Steve can change his gender! The plan is/was to make him Non-binary, (because I make it a mission to commit theft of all my comfort character's genders at least once.) I'm still working that portion into the fic fully! But! Steve's Dad does refer to him as "his child" instead of his son when they come back to the house and they run the Party off. So it's already out there??
If Steve changes his appearance he wouldn't go by another name. He's still Steve. Sure for the sake of confusing the hell out of people, or getting away with a crime- maybe then? but He's still Steve, not matter what shape he happens to be, no matter what he looks like. He wouldn't be another person just because he looks different.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
hello, i would like to request a one-shot of Larissa's kid coming out as transmasc and sort of explaining to her what it is (in my case I am trans and some what a man,but most of the time just nb) and she accepting them and just fluff, if possible reader could use they/he pronouns
Love You All The Same
Larissa Weems & transmasc!reader
Authors Note: I've had a few requests to write something similar. I've been a little nervous to write this because I want to be responsive to the transmasc experience. I hope I did this justice <3
I used the prompt from anon to write the intersections of the reader and my own personal conversations with my nonbinary partner to write this. And a huge thank you to my sweet @booitsrue for helping me write this.
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"No... Mom. It's not quite like that..." Your mother sat on the couch with you. Her leg was tucked under the other and she leaned against the back of the couch, her head propped up on her hand. You could tell that she was trying hard to understand your gender as she nodded and looked at you with serious intent, "I identify more with masculinity than femininity and for me, most of the time I'm non-binary with a preference for masculinity."
"Okay..." She was nodding, her eyes staring off into space as she considered your words, "And... and your pronouns would be they/them, right?"
"No, no, I use he and they." You gesture with your hands as you speak, allowing them to help you get your point across.
"Okay... So he/they?"
"Well, yes, but I prefer they/he. So I am non-binary and a masc person, but have a preference for non binary pronouns." You go into a little more depth with her and you can see the flash in her eyes when everything seems to click for her.
"Oh- I see. I see! So... when I call you sweetie or dear... will- does that make you feel bad? Would you like me to change those pet names? I don't want-" Larissa cut herself off, nervous that her questions would sound out-of-touch or ignorant, "What would you like me to call you?"
"Your pet names are okay, mom." You were happy with the questions she was asking as it seemed like she was really thinking about the way she thought of you.
"Would you like to go to Burlington and get new clothes or things that you need...what else would make it easier-? Or- ???"
"Well, clothes is just part of it..." You glance down to the blanket covering your legs, nervous for her reaction to some of the changes to come, "I would also want to discuss getting a haircut, and having my name at school changed to a nickname, or preferred name... hormones... and all that can come a little later. I think- I think I still have to settle into all of these new things..."
"I see..." Larissa was silent for a moment after she spoke, mulling over how she could help you with these changes, "...So would I call you my son-? Or my child? Both??"
You stop and think for a moment, looking back up at your mother and smiling at how concerned she was to learn all of this new information, "Son, son works."
She reaches out, pressing a hand to your cheek, "Thank you for talking with me about this."
"Yeah.. Of course." You lean your face into her hand, happy for the contact and comfort from her.
"I love you all the same... if not more." Her nose scrunched with her last three words, emphasizing how much she loved you. Then she pulled you into her, offering you a bone-crushing hug with kisses scattered all over your face and head.
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