#they don't have a penny to their names- what are they gonna do???
sailorstarlesbian · 2 years
jesus christ some fucker hacked my instagram this morning to post about elon musk for some fucking reason. spent like 30 minutes trying to get him from my emails
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ilythena · 6 months
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★SUM the day summer ended, and best friends move away.
Fem!reader, horribly written angst but like it's barely angst, ends fluffy cause I couldn't do it guys I am not the strongest soldier!, childhood friends to lovers, Quinn is the best comforter ever, idk how to explain it but you two are so so so so in love!!!!!!
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"You don't understand, l'm just so nervous she won't fit in with the other kids."
Your mother leans over the kitchen counter with the phone tucked in between her shoulder and her ear, talking to her sister. Setting her keys down with a sigh, she finally sits down—nerves racking through her entire body.
"She'll be fine, y/n's never been the type of girl to be shy!" Your aunt comforts, and she tosses her head back with a groan.
You're walking down the hallways of a brand new kindergarten, taking small looks around the place to stare at the yellow walls and the colorful designs on classroom doors.
The lady you're currently walking hand in hand with slows down at a door with clouds on it and opens it slowly, ushering you inside quietly in order to not drag the attention of all the children to you.
"Okay y/n" she coos "this is your class, your teacher is over there, her name is Mrs. Penny and she's super nice." She whispers and points to a lady with ginger hair who’s currently attending to a young boy who's coloring.
"I have to go honey, make yourself comfortable!" As the lady leaves, the teacher turns her head and sees you standing there awkwardly, fiddling with your oversized backpack straps.
"Oh! Come here honey! Are you the new student?" You nod as you walk over and sit in the seat next to her. "What's your name?" "Y/n!" You shout, a little too loudly as everyone looks at you.
"Oh, inside voice sweetheart." She giggles and you shy away with a smile "nice to meet you..." "it's nice to meet you, this is Jack. We're discussing shapes right now with this worksheet, do you wanna try and do it with him?"
The boy looks at you with a small smile and you nod in response to her question. She leaves you two alone and you're at the table with him.
"y/n, Is this one a square?" "It's a circle.." "oh."
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"Jack, do you remember how we met?" "Honestly, nah."
You plop down onto Jack's bed with a laugh, and take out your folder that was given to everyone in your class earlier today. "We're picking classes tomorrow, right?" He says as he enters the room after you, and a yep with a pop of the p comes out from your mouth.
"What classes are you gonna pick? I wanted to do cooking, oh! And maybe try out the tennis team?" You say, taking out the sheet of electives and a pen so you could circle which ones you would like "I don't know... I'll choose whatever you choose." He shrugs and throws his bag down onto the floor, sitting on the other side of the bed.
"Well, you know the girl who lives across from me, right? She said that we should do something that isn't too hard, since we're gonna be freshman next year." You circle a few classes that sound simple, and when you show the paper to Jack, he nods in agreement.
"Just stick by me! We'll do it together so that way it'll be easier." You say with a smile, and Jack can feel all the air leave his lungs as you move your hair out of your face. You two have been friends for years now, sticking by each other in basically everything.
Years ago when you first moved into the neighborhood, Your mother was pleasantly surprised when you had came home from school that evening, going on and on about how you had made a new friend on your first day. Soon you and Jack found out that you two didn't live that far away from each other, and your mothers had scheduled a play date for the two of you immediately.
Your family quickly became close with Jack's, and it was like you became their sister in the following years. Ellen and Jim weren't even surprised to see you randomly in their house anymore.
Though, behind closed doors when you were in the comfort of your own home, Luke and especially Quinn loved to tease Jack about his growing crush on you. Jack claims went from ‘it isn’t true!’ to ‘it’ll pass soon! It’s just a little crush!’, but as the days went on and the more he was around you, it was like he could never get enough of you.
At the beginning of the year, you dyed your hair and did a different style that you absolutely fucked up, and even then Jack still thought you were pretty. You've always been pretty to him, but now as your hair grew out and your features started to mature, you were beginning to become seriously beautiful.
Staring, he began to get a little nervous at the sight of you. The sunset from his window enhancing your features to him and it's like time stopped.
"Jack? I think your mom is calling us downstairs for something" you say, and it snaps him out of his trance. "Oh, sure, um, let's go." He says as he suddenly bolts through the door and leaves you confused as you follow him down the steps.
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"Can you believe this is it?" You breathe out as the two of you sit on the dock at his lake house, watching the sun go down side by side while everyone else is still inside the house.
“...no." He hesitates, subtly feeling the wood beneath his fingers—trying to ground himself as he steals a glance at you.
Silence is the only thing with you two. Nothing more than the sound of the water moving and distant chatter of both your family and Jack's in the distance, assembling dinner together.
“I can still vividly remember me and you picking out our classes for high school, and now I’m getting ready to go off to college. It all happened so fast.” You say, your breathing slowing down and tapping your fingers against the dock.
"I'm so proud of you, Jack. Getting into the NHL is fucking crazy." You softly say, turning your head to look at him and he nervously keens into himself at your praise.
"Thanks. You did really well too, getting into Harvard is really hard." He mumbles and you giggle. "Yeah… Well, let's get inside and enjoy the rest of the day, right? It's my last day here before I go away." You gently bring yourself up and reach a hand down to him to help him up as well.
The two of you walk inside and you're immediately wrapped up in a conversation with your mom and Ellen, in which Jack stares at the two of you when he plops down onto the couch with a heavy sigh and Quinn can feel the sadness radiating off of him.
"Why is he so sad?" Luke whispers to Quinn, and he rolls his eyes at his younger brother's lack of awareness. "He's upset because y/n is leaving tomorrow." He replies and walks over to the couch Jack is sitting on so he can take the seat next to him.
"Y'know, you look absolutely miserable." Quinn jokes and Jack cracks a small smile but it fades just as quickly as it came. Quinn sighs and nudges his brother, Jack finally looks at him.
"If you're that sad about it, why not tell her how you feel? It seems like everyone knows you two love each other except y'all" he says and Jack throws his head back with a groan.
"Not that easy. If I tell her and she doesn't like me back then what? We pretend nothing happens and I'm just hopelessly in love with her?" "You'd be hopelessly in love whether you tell her and she doesn't like you back or you never tell her at all." Quinn replies and Jack huffs and goes up to his room.
You can see him storm upstairs in the corner of your eye and look at Quinn. "What's up with him?" You mouth and the only thing you can make out is "no idea."
Before he knew it, the night had passed and faded into the morning. And Jack really thought he was prepared for everything, but he quickly realized he wasn't when he saw you packing your stuff into the trunk of your car.
The sun isn't even out yet and you're already about to leave him all alone. He runs out with his shirt about to fall off his shoulders and his hair all messy. You'd laugh at his disheveled state if you weren't about to cry.
He breathes out heavily when you grab him tightly in a hug, Tears staining his shirt as you begin to rock him back and forth. "I'm gonna miss you so much, J." Your voice breaks and Jack's heart can't take anymore as he embraces you.
"Not more than I'm gonna miss you." He mumbles and tucks his head into your neck as your mom packs your final suitcase into the car.
"Y/n, honey, I know it's hard but we have to go." Your mother speaks softly, knowing if she was any louder you'd burst into tears. You slowly let go of Jack and give Luke and Quinn hugs as well before going right back to Jack.
"Promise to stay in touch, okay?" He whispers into the air, heart heavy when you nod a yes to his statement. You pull away for a final time before getting into the passenger side of the car and stare at all the Hughes brothers as your mom begins to pull out the driveway.
They wave goodbye sadly and watch as you drive away, Jack immediately running back to his room and sobbing when he reaches it.
Unbeknownst to him, Quinn was hot on his tail and barely stopped the door from slamming as he watched his younger brother cry uncontrollably into his pillow.
"Jack, it's gonna be okay-" "it's over! I lost my chance because I was too scared to say anything!" Jack wailed, "it's never over. Y/N cares about you too much to just let distance ruin the two of you like that. You both will find your way back to each other one day, just not today." Quinn states with a soothing hand against Jack's back as he leans into his older brother.
Eventually, their parents find the two boys together and join them with comforting Jack, watching as the sun finally rises.
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It's been two years since you've left for college, and though you've kept in touch well with the Hughes family, it was obvious something was missing when you spoke to Jack.
Your mother convinced you to come home for the winter, and here you were again seeing everyone for the first time since you've been gone.
Ellen and Jim were over the moon to see you again, questioning you about your studies and how you're doing with being so far away.
Jack spots you talking to his parents and awkwardly smiles at you.
"So... how've you been?" "Good. Made some new friends, it's been pretty good." It's as if you two never knew each other and are just meeting for the first time ever. As everyone seems to go inside because it's too cold you two stay there looking at each other.
"Jack, what happened to us? Why is it so different all of a sudden? Did I do something?" You whisper and Jack can feel his nerves spike up
"No! You didn't do anything! It's just... I don't know. It's been tough for me. NHL is a real kick in the ass." He mumbles and you tilt your head at him.
"I know that's not the real reason, but I won't press you." You say as you reach out to gently hug him, and he freezes for a moment before hugging you back with a stable grip.
He’s silent as you hug him. Quietly enjoying your embrace before it’s coldly ripped away from him when you let him go and walk into the house without another word.
He slowly enters as well after a few minutes have gone by, and he’s immediately stopped by Luke and Quinn, who both have confused looks on their faces.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” “What was what?” “That.” Luke repeats, and Jack raises an eyebrow at the sudden questioning.
“You’ve been talking about how much you’ve missed y/n for the past two years, and now that she’s here you’re being all quiet and acting like you never even knew her? What was that?” Sighing at the explanation he was given, he moves the group of three into a more secluded corner near the door so nobody could hear their conversation.
“I don’t know! It’s just— I can’t explain it!” He whisper shouts. “I haven’t seen her in so long, and it’s like when she looks at me I just can’t move!”
“Well get it together! I was talking to her the other day and she was upset because she thought you didn’t like being around her anymore! You’re really going to blow any chance you have if you don’t fix your act!” Quinn whispers back, and Jack rolls his eyes at both of them.
“Listen, either you fix whatever you need to fix or we’ll fix it for you.” “Wha—“ Luke drags Quinn away from the corner and they join the wave of people in the kitchen, leaving Jack to stand there frustrated.
He finally joins everyone else and stands there awkwardly, watching you talk to his mother and throw your head back with a laugh.
After a while, Jack begins to blend in with the crowd. Sitting on the couch talking with his father, he’s interrupted by his mother and his two brothers behind her.
“Jack, do you mind taking y/n upstairs to the attic to show her where the old photos of everyone are? I asked Quinn and Luke but they said they didn’t remember where they were.” Jack’s eyes immediately dart to Quinn’s and he shoots him a wink with a smile a little too big for Jack’s liking.
“…sure” he mumbles and glances at you to follow him upstairs. You two silently walk up the steps and everything is the same as you remembered it before you had left.
Finally making it up at the attic, Jack doesn’t waste any time taking down the box and opening it to show you. Your vision is immediately captured by the one of you two as kids taking pictures together for the class yearbook.
“This one is cute.” You whisper and Jack nods. You flip through the book and see baby Quinn in a huge oversized sweater and you mentally take a note to tease Quinn for it.
Gasping at a picture that Jack is holding of himself, you gently snatch it away from him and look at the picture of him, luke, and Quinn fighting. “This one is cuter! Look at you all angry” he blushes in embarrassment at the picture.
“Well, look at this one of you in middle school. Your bangs look absolutely horrid!” He says and pulls out a framed photo of you two back in 8th grade, and you lean over to snatch it from him but he moves away too fast which causes you to topple over him with a laugh
“We’re not talking about me right now! Look at this photo of you holding luke! You look creeped out” “I did think he was pretty creepy as a newborn to be honest” “that’s no way to talk about your brother” you two laugh and move the photos around to discuss more
As time goes by and you suddenly reach the bottom of the box, it’s a photo of you and Jack cuddled together on the couch together with the light from the television shining on your faces. You hold it silently and Jack leans over your shoulder to look at it also.
“I’m sorry for making it weird earlier…” he says, and you hum while you gently put the photo down “know you didn’t mean to, it’s just been a while.”
...the real reason is because I missed you, y/n." He finally says and you turn your head to look at him. "I miss you so much I haven't been able to breathe properly whenever I think about you. And every day I regret not telling you that I actually really fucking like you. Like, a lot." He chuckles at the end and you're left looking up at him with doe eyes, your eyes darting between his eyes and his lips.
You barely register his lips pressed against yours until there's no more air left between you two, hands threading into his hair as he pulls you closer in the dusty attic.
"Jack, l've been waiting so long for that. I wouldn't have waited so long if I had known..." you whisper against him and he presses a gentle kiss onto your nose.
“We don’t have to wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?” He asks and you don’t hesitate to nod your head and pull him into another kiss.
"Quinn always told me that you'd come back to me one day." He jokes as you two pull away, foreheads pressed against each other with your hand playing with the hair on the back of his neck
"And I was right! Give me my credit!" He yells from the opening of the attic, startling you two and you can see his head peeking from the entrance
“Get out!” Jack screams and he laughs as he steps down.
“I hope you know that our mom and y/n’s mom were betting on you two getting together tonight! Better tell your mom to pay up, y/n!”
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© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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queenimmadolla · 7 months
hey vivi!! big fan of you🩷 since you’re doing drabbles, do you think you can write about penny going on her first date ? i can only imagine what eddie would be like lol. love you ❤️
𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (don't have to read but you'll want to) (𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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“I’m sorry???” Eddie croaked out over the phone, and your teeth dug into your lip to fight a smile off.
  “It’s innocent, Eds. They’re just seeing a movie together,” You mused and briefly placed the phone against your chest to listen for any cries throughout the house. Quiet. The baby was still asleep, thank god. You’d already raised two kids out of their baby phase of life, but this one was giving you and your husband a run for your money. Colic and Eddie’s genetics (dramatics) made for one hell of a Velcro Baby. Maple always had to be attached to one of her parents, or she was crying bloody murder and since Eddie was away for the next two days, it was you she needed to be on. You’d managed to sneak her successfully into her crib when she fell asleep—usually her big brown eyes flew open the second you bent over to lower her in since you were only ever allowed to be standing when holding Maple, per her demands—just before Eddie called (and you’d dove to stop that phone from ringing). He wasn’t impressed with your plans for the rest of the day, “I’ll be in the row behind her, with a baby hidden under my shirt and attached to my nipple, and Wayne if he doesn’t want to hang out with big Wayne. Don’t be dramatic.”
  Eddie scoffed so you rolled your eyes.
  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady.” Your back straightened from your lean on the counter, eyes scanning the living room for the camera he had to have hidden as he kept talking, “What are you gonna do when this punk puts the moves on my baby girl, huh?”
  “They’re ten years-old, Eddie. They’re gonna be sweating in their seats, I hardly doubt they’ll even hold hands.” 
  Eddie still didn’t like that. Really, there was no reason for Penny and whatever this kid’s name was to even be going to the movies. He’s sure the punk had a TV at home, and Penny had access to one, so they could just watch something separately in different homes, as in not together, and talk about it at school. Or not talk about it all. Not talk to each other at all. Yeah, Eddie liked that.
  “Tell her she can’t go.” He demanded, shooting a glare at the PA staring at him, eagerly waiting for him to get off the phone so he could usher him to his next interview. The hostility in his gaze was enough to make that very PA poof, disappeared into thin air.
  “I’m not telling her that.”
  “Fine, I’ll do it. Put her on the phone.” You didn’t bother hiding your smile anymore, grinning at his antics. He was such a dad and you loved it. Especially because you knew—what with him currently in New York—Penny would be at the movies with her little crush (and you, possibly your son, and your baby) whether Eddie liked it or not.
  You called for Penny down the hallway and you could hear her galloping down after your voice.
  “What?” She squawked out once she came to a halt at your side and like every other time she voiced that word in her flat tone with a hint of annoyance sprinkled in, you were reminded of the times your mother would reprimand you for being just as irritating.
  You lulled your wrist forward, tipping the phone to her as you raised a challenging brow, “Your dad wants to talk to you.”
  She quickly took the phone, holding it against the side of her head, hand pushing her hair out of her face before scratching her chin “Hi, daddy.”
  “Hi, sweet pea.” You could hear him croon and you shook your head in amusement. He was so fake. “What’cha up to today?”
  ”Nothing. OOH, Uncle Lucas patched my bike for me!” She recalled, thinking back to when the Uncle in question had followed through on his promise to repair her flat bicycle wheel before catching his flight back to Chicago in time for his practice. Penny would be watching his basketball game on TV tonight, after the movie. She cheered as loud as she could for him, but sometimes she cheered for his other teammate, Michael Jordan, too. All the time. She cheered for Michael all the time.
  “Of course he did, just had to steal my thunder. Mom says you’re gonna watch his game tonight.”
  “Yeah, here at home since you can’t take us. . .”
  “I said I’m sorry! I’ll take you to the Finals.”
  “If they win.” Penny mumbled and they both went silent before bursting out laughing. The Bulls wouldn’t be losing tonight.
  “Is that all you’re doing?” He asked, voice honey and sugar once he’d stopped laughing.
  “Pretty sure.”
  “Pretty sure? As in, not entirely positive?” Eddie’s voice broke as it went high and he cleared his throat, “Nothing you’re intentionally leaving out?”
  “What about your LITTLE DATE?! Penny, you’re too young, baby. What have we been talking about for years now, huh? Thought we agreed you’d wait until a couple of years into a marriage before you could start dating. You pinky swore. Wouldn’t you rather me go? You know how Maple is—do you want a baby crying in the background when you recall your first date for the rest of your life? And really, your mom is gonna be chaperoning, don't you wanna wait until I get back? What if this kid is one of those punks that tease you about your mom being hot? Wouldn’t you much rather have your cool, rockstar dad, instead of your hot mom, sitting menacingly—I mean—hold on don’t hang up, I meant ‘measuredly’—”
  Penny’s eyes flashed over to you in a ‘can you believe this?’ manner as you heard your husband blabber on like some grown up in Peanut’ s Special and she rolled her eyes. Eddie must have mumbled something else because you saw her stand up straight and glance around the house with a pout before she mumbled back into the receiver, “I didn’t roll my eyes. . .”
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divider ℗ cafekitsune ♡
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knight-of-flowerss · 1 month
Smut! MDNI! 18+!
Synopsis: Daughter of a famous boxer, a spoiled little princess, but also one who cares for her family. When your brother gets beaten to a pulp by an underground beast of a boxer, your father takes him under his wing. Now you have to deal with him.
Note: am I supposed to be writing three other fics atm? Yes. Yes I am. Did I write this in the spur of the moment cause it sounded like an amazing fic? Yes. Yes I did.😋 also I used Y/N twice (js a warning lol)
Tags: @thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @hardkiddonut
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Your bother was a boxer. A shit one but still a boxer. Your dad is one too, a legendary one. The great Duke Miller. Your brother, Scotty Miller, is due to be his 'prodigy', he's hoping.
Duke has high standards for Scotty, he wishes for him to be like how he was. But he's a screw up, he hates boxing and he'd rather play football rather than train.
Duke started him off in underground fights, trying to toughen him up. It'd been a few months and he'd gotten a bit better so Duke decided to put him in a match with one of the best fighters in that shitty, underground boxing world.
Benjicot 'Bloody Ben' Blackwood.
He's dangerous, always beating his opponents basically to a pulp. As soon as he stepped into that ring, he was an animal.
And that's what happened, he beat Scotty to a pulp, nearly killing him. You were furious, watching your brother get repeatedly punched as he lay their helplessly, brutality always did make the crowd go wild.
Scotty is taken away on a stretcher, to the hospital. Rage blinds you as you storm over to Benjicot's changing room, opening and slamming the door.
He's half dressed and you're seething with anger. Are you seriously going to stand up to this very violent boxer? Yes, yes you are apparently.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?! You nearly killed my fucking brother!" You shout at him. Ben turns around, only just now noticing you're here.
His eyes rake up and down your body, taking in the heels, short dress and perfectly manicured nails. His lips curl up into a smirk as he leans against the lockers, his arms crossing across his bare chest. "He was too weak. He deserved it."
Was your brother weak? Yes, yes he was. Are you going to let this man know that you agree with him? No. No the fuck you aren't. "Too weak?! So since he's too weak, you just thought you'd kill him?! Is that it?!"
He shrugs and his smirk widens. He pushes off the lockers and stands straight. "His own fucking fault. He shouldn't have signed up to fight me. You must be his little sister then?"
"Yeah! I am! And it wasn't him who signed up for the match! It was our dad! Just 'cause you think you're some big man doesn't mean you have to nearly kill him!" You screech, the sound echoing off the walls.
He approaches you slowly, stopping just in front of you, towering over you. He takes you in once more, his gaze raking over you. Taking you all in, a shiver going down his spine.
"Your daddy should know better than to throw your older brother to me. What's your name then?" You glare up at him as he smirks down at you. "My name's y/n, but I don't care about that. You're gonna pay for his hospital bills."
He hums, "y/n huh? Cute, like you." His smirk morphs into a teasing grin, "and pay his hospital bills? How are you going to make me do that, Darlin'?"
"You're gonna pay it with the money you won." He laughs at that, gripping your chin and tilting your head up. "Is that so? You think you can just waltz in here and demand money from me, huh? And what if I don't wanna give you a single penny, Darlin'? What then?"
You smack his hand away, "it doesn't matter if you don't want to! You nearly fucking killed him! It's the bare minimum!"
He laughs again, reaching out and tugging you towards him, his big, calloused hands gripping your hips. "How do I know you care about your older brother? How do I know you aren't just trying to swindle me out of my hard-earned cash?" He grins, a shit-eating grin.
You push him away, your manicured nails slightly digging into his bare chest, "Because I was the one who told him not to fight! I love my brother and you are the fucker who nearly killed him! You're gonna pay for it!"
He lets out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes at you. He leans forward, his arms coming up to box you in on a nearby locker. "And how are you going to stop me from walking away, huh? Sweet little thing like you. Who's gonna make me pay, huh?"
"I'm gonna make you pay. Or they are." You nod your head at the two men at the door, your body guards. They follow you practically everywhere since your dad is a legendary boxer back in his day and his brother being his 'prodigy son', that's what the press calls him, bar him being a shite boxer.
He follows your gaze over to the two bodyguards, eyeing them both up for a few seconds before a loud, barking laugh leaves his lips. His attention drifts back to you. "Yeah? You think those big guys are going to make me pay up, eh? Just because your daddy used to be this big, famous boxer doesn't mean your bodyguard’s intimidate me darlin'."
"Oh, so you think you can beat them black and blue like you did Scotty?" He laughs again, a barking sound that seems to echo. He grins down at you, his voice now taking on a lower, more serious tone.
"You think I’d let those two goons over there even touch me? I'd knock them both out with a single punch, then what're you gonna do darlin'?" His tongue darts out to lick at his lips before grinning.
"You won't knock them out." You spit out. He smirks, leaning in closer so your faces are mere inches apart. “You doubting my boxing skills? I'm offended, darlin'. You just saw what I can do. I'd beat those big guys into the ground, without even breaking a sweat."
You cross your arms over your chest, "Go on then."
He laughs again, a loud and arrogant sound, he pushes away from the wall, "You sure you want me to kick your goons arses? Won't you be embarrassed about my beating them so badly?" You give him a dirty look, looking him up and down, "Like you could."
He grins as he stops in front of your big bodyguards. He looks up at the two big men, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face as he gives them a cocky wave. "Hey there boys, fancy a little sparring session? Just a fun little warmup before I fight again tomorrow."
The bodyguards exchange a look before the first one cracks his knuckles, his eyes never leaving Ben. "Sure pal, why not?"
You stay a little behind, watching everything happen. One of the bodyguards swings a punch at Ben's face, but he ducks to the side at the last moment and it misses, he laughs as he straightens up and shakes his head. "Is that the best you've got? Seriously?"
The bodyguards both charge forward at the same time now, fists flying. But he's too quick, he dodges every punch, his movements smooth and agile. He laughs again and smirks at them. "You call yourselves bodyguards? You're about as strong as a wet noodle."
The bodyguards are getting frustrated now, one of them tries a kick aimed at his stomach, but he grabs the man's leg and swings him around, sending him flying into the other bodyguard and knocking them both to the ground. He stands over them, still laughing, his hands on his hips as he looks to you. "You still doubting me, darlin'?"
You glare at him, "You said you could knock them out, you haven't knocked them out yet." He laughs again as he looks down at the two men who are now both getting to their feet. He's having the time of his life. "I'm getting there sweetheart, I'm getting there. Just didn't want it to be too quick and easy."
The bodyguards charge at him again, but he's still too quick, he ducks and weaves through their punches, countering with jabs of his own. He's like lightning, moving around the room with dizzying speed.
The bodyguards are getting tired now, their movements slowing down as they wear themselves out. But he's nowhere near tired at all, he's enjoying himself too much. "Come on guys, is that all you got? This is embarrassing, honestly."
The bodyguards exchange a look, they're both exhausted now, their faces red, their breathing ragged. They're done for. But it doesn't even look like Benji has broken a sweat.
He grins as he steps over to them, towering over the two big men, his hands on his hips as he looks down at them. "Have you boys had enough yet?"
They both nod, still trying to catch their breaths. There is no way they could keep up with him. He laughs again, that same loud, barking sound, and turns to look back at you. "There, I told you I'd knock their asses to the ground. You doubt me again princess?"
"Are both of you fucking serious?! You're both fucking pathetic!-" You hear someone clearing their throat at the door, you turn to look at them. "Daddy..", Your father was at the door. A former legendary boxer, still big and hench, in his fifties, bordering sixties. He's still got his muscles and the brooding glare.
Benji's smirk slips a little, his eyes going wide at the sight of your father, the famous, legendary boxer, Duke Miller. This was not the man he wanted to meet right now. Well, he would love to meet him, but right now when he's knocking his daughter's bodyguard's on their arses? Nope. He slowly steps back and stands up straight, he's still taller than your dad, but that didn't matter, everyone knew that this man was not to be trifled with.
Your dad doesn't speak, merely looks him up and down and grumbles. "You're that Bloody Ben bloke arnt you, huh?" Benjicot swallows, his hands shifting from his hips to stuffing themselves into the pockets of his trousers. "Yes sir. That's me."
Your dad walks further into the room, taking in the sight of his two bodyguards sitting on the floor, before his steely gaze drifts back onto Ben, he looks him up and down for a few moments before grumbling again. "What're you doing talking to my daughter?"
Ben glances quickly at you before looking back at your father, trying to keep his cool, though he can feel himself starting to sweat under the pressure of being eyeballed by your dad. He shrugs his shoulders and responds with a slight stutter. "She uh, she came to see me, sir… after the fight."
Your dad narrows his eyes, the intense glare not faltering for a second as he steps further into the room, moving closer to Ben, his expression stern and intimidating. "Why'd she come to see you huh? You beat her brother good. What she want from you?"
Ben swallows again, his hands gripping a little tighter in his pockets, though his lips still quirk upwards into a cheeky half-smirk. He looks past your dad and meets your gaze for just a moment, before his eyes flicks back to your dad again. "She came to demand I pay hospital bills, sir."
Your dad scoffs a little at that, his eyes flickering over to you, before he fixes Ben with his hard stare again. "Hospital bills huh? Yeah she's a good kid, always making sure that brother of hers is okay. Always looking out for people." He steps closer still, his face so close to Ben that he's practically breathing down his neck, his voice dangerously low. "I take it you told her you ain’t paying?"
Ben swallows again, his gaze shifting to the floor, the smirk slipping from his face as he suddenly feels much smaller and insecure under your dad's gaze and proximity. He nods faintly once, not trusting himself to speak without stuttering right now.
Your dad chuckles slightly at that, a low and gruff sound, as he steps back and crosses his arms over his chest, still looking at Ben. "Is that right? You’re saying no to us, huh?” He raises an eyebrow as he waits for a response, the look on his face making it very clear he's not to be trifled with or defied.
Ben slowly raises his gaze, meeting your dad's eyes now, his bravado starting to return as he straightens up slightly and speaks up. "Yeah, I am. Why should I pay hospital bills for some guy who I beat up in a fight when it's literally our jobs."
Your dad keeps his brooding face on before bursting out in a boisterous chuckle, "Fair enough lad." You look at your dad with a shocked face, you can't believe he's not shouting at him by now.
Your dad chuckles again and shakes his head as he moves over to the two bodyguards, still sitting on the floor, and reaches down to pull the first one to his feet, who wobbles slightly but ultimately stands up on steady legs. He pats him on the shoulder before he nods to the second one, who stands up but still looks a little shaky. "You two go stand out in the hallway. Make sure we're undisturbed." They both nod and leave the room, glancing warily and warily at Ben as they do.
Ben watches them go, his eyes following the two bodyguards, before slowly drifting back to your dad, who is now standing in front of him again, his arms crossed over his giant chest and his feet planted firmly on the floor, like an intimidating sentinel.
Your dad glares at him for a few moments, his expression stern, before he slowly starts to speak again, his voice low and firm. "Let me tell you something, kid. You got a reputation for being tough, for winning fights and being a damn good boxer. But I'm not afraid of you. Don't think for a second that I wouldn't lay you out flat if I had to. Understand?"
Ben swallows again, his bravado shrinking down under your dad's harsh words and terrifying presence. His shoulders slumped slightly and he mutters. "Yes sir, I understand."
Your Dad nods, seemingly satisfied in knowing that he's got Ben feeling small and scared. He steps back, putting a little distance between them before speaking again, his voice a little less intimidating now, but no less firm and authoritative. "Good. Now, I'm going to talk with my daughter. Alone. You sit down. And you don't move a muscle till one of us tells you to, you hear?"
Ben nods again and mutters another 'yes sir' before he quickly turns and heads over to a chair in the corner of the room, sitting down on it quickly, like an obedient schoolboy.
Your dad makes a satisfied grunt as he watches Ben sit down, his gaze lingering on him for a few more moments, before he looks at you, jerking his head towards the door. "Pumpkin, come with me. We need to talk."
You nod and follow him out of the room, glancing back towards Ben one more time, he glances up and meets your eyes but looks away quickly, staring down at his hands awkwardly instead, looking like a scolded child sitting in the corner.
Once you're both out in the hallway, your dad speaks again. "What're you doing talking to that kid, Pumpkin?" You look up at your father, "He has to play Scottys bills daddy. Just because you think he's a good boxer and you wanna 'take him under your wing' doesn't mean he gets to beat up your son."
Your dad scoffs and mutters something under his breath as he shakes his head, still looking a mixture of annoyed at your insistence. "You're too soft, Pumpkin. Kid has skills, he's got potential. I think I can train him, mentor him, groom him. He could be something special."
"But.. but he hurt Scotty, daddy!" You plead with your father. Your dad sighs and looks at you, his gaze softening a little as he takes in your concern for your brother, though his tone remains firm. "It's just a couple of broken bones sweetheart. Scotty'll be fine. Kids get hurt in boxing. It's part of the game. You gotta toughen up a little, stop being so soft."
I pout. Am I a spoiled princess? Yes, yes I am. Do I get worried about my brother and my dad revolving around fights? Yes, yes I do. That's why I'm so adamant that this fucker pays.
Your dad chuckles slightly when he sees your pout, his expression softening even more. He has a soft spot for you, always has. "You're just like your momma. Always getting worked up at the slightest bit of injuries. She was soft just like you."
I nibble at my bottom lip slightly, "I miss momma. She would agree with me. It's not smart to take that.. savage… under your wing daddy."
Your dad sighs at that, his smile slipping as he's reminded of the past. He shakes his head slightly before he speaks, "Your momma would most likely not approve, you're right. But she's not here anymore. I'm the one looking out for you two now. And I say that kid has potential. I think it'd be a waste to let him carry on fighting in those crappy little underground clubs. I could help him become great, get him into professional fights."
You roll your eyes, done with this stupid conversation, "whatever, I'm gonna go visit Scotty." Your dad nods and pats you on the shoulder. "You do that sweet'eart. I'm gonna stay here and have a chat with that kid for a while. But you go see your brother, I'm sure he'd love a visit from you."
I walk away, going to the hired car for you to go to the hospital, leaving your dad.
Your dad watches you go, his expression soft for a moment before he turns back to the room, pausing outside the door to take a deep breath before he goes in.
Benji is still sitting in the chair, looking up when the door opens. He can see the intensity in your dad's eyes and suddenly feels a wave of nervousness again as your dad approaches him.
Your dad stands over him for a few seconds, not saying anything, just looking down at him. Ben tries to smile to cover up for his nervousness but it comes across as an awkward grimace on his face instead.
Your dad just grunts and motions to the chair next to Ben. "Move owa." Ben quickly scrambles to move a little further down the chair, and your dad sits down next to him, his legs spread out wide and his bulk taking up more than half the chair.
Your dad turns to look at him, his gaze hard and unwavering, it makes Ben shrink a little in the chair. "So, kid, I hear you beat my boy Scotty good huh?"
Ben swallows and nods faintly, his fingers gripping the arms of the chair slightly as he tries not to show how intimidated he feels right now by your dad.
Your dad lets out a gruff chuckle and shakes his head slightly. "You're a crazy bastard, I'll give you that. He's my kid and I love him, but Scotty never was the brightest or the toughest. I'm not surprised you managed to lay him flat like that."
Ben chuckles a little, relaxing slightly and feeling a little more confident. He likes how your dad is treating him casually, instead of like a kid, the way you had, even though he's older than you. "He was sloppy. Put up a pretty pathetic attempt of a fight. It was hard to even take it seriously, if I'm honest."
Your dad lets out another laugh at that, this one a little louder. "Yeah, Scotty's never been the best at fighting. He's always been a bit of a mummy's boy that one. Never been one for roughhousing. Was always more interested in playing sports than fighting."
Ben nods in agreement and relaxes further into the chair, starting to enjoy the conversation with your dad now, instead of feeling like he's being interrogated. He's smiling now, the same cocky smile he usually has. "Yeah, he spent more time on his football kick than on punch training, I could tell from his form as soon as the fight started."
Your dad chuckles again and nods. "Yeah yeah, that sounds like Scotty alright. Always a mamma's boy, that one. I've tried my damndest to get him to toughen up, to actually learn how to fight instead of relying on being quick or agile. But every time I tried to get him to come to the gym with me, all he wanted to do was kick a bloody ball."
Ben laughs at that, shaking his head at the thought of Scotty being anything but a fighter. "He's damn lucky he never came up against a proper fighter then or he'd be hurt a lot more than a couple of broken bones."
Your dad laughs loudly at that and shakes his head, seemingly amused by the thought of Scotty getting hurt worse than a few broken bones. "You are a real fighter son, a true one. But you're stuck in these shit-tip underground fights."
Your dad grins at that and claps a hand down on Ben's shoulder. "That's what I'm hoping to change. You got real skill kid, you've got natural talent. But you could be one of the greats if you let me train you. Help you reach your full potential."
Ben grins back at your dad, his eyes lighting up with excitement now. It was one thing to have your daughter come demanding him to give money. But having the famed former legend himself want to take him on as a mentee? That was an opportunity he was not about to refuse, even if it did mean he was stuck having to deal with your pestering.
Your dad grins as he sees the excitement and interest in Benjicot's gaze, and squeezes his shoulder. "So, what do you say kid? Will you join my private training regimen and let me help you reach the greatness I know you can achieve?"
Ben nods, not hesitating for a second at the offer. "Hell yeah I'll do it. Train with a legend? Who'd say No to that?"
Your dad grins even wider at that, laughing as he gives Ben a firm pat on the back. "That's the spirit kid. No time to spare. We start your regular training next week. Twice a week. I trust you'll be at the gym every time, no excuses. Understand?"
Ben nods again, feeling the firm slap on his back and trying not to wince as it hits his sore muscles. "I understand, sir, yeah. I'll make sure I show up. Every single session."
Your dad grins and leans back in the chair as he hears that, his hand still on Ben's shoulder. "Ah that's good news. I was hoping you'd say that. You'll stay at me mansion. Have a proper place to rest and eat before and after our training sessions. There's a gym there so that we're not driving back and forth to the boxing gyms too. You'll love it, kid."
Ben's eyes widen at that. A mansion?! That's some real top class treatment. He's never had anything close to that growing up, so he's shocked to say the least at the offer. Plus, living at a boxing legends mansion? And one as rich as your dad is? This was sounding better and better by the minute.
Your dad pats him on the shoulder again. "You'll have your own room, don't worry. Private room just for your use. Got plenty of space at the mansion, more than enough room for you to have your own space separate from our family."
Ben's mind is still boggling at the thought of having a room in your dads mansion. It's an insane deal from his point of view. Free training from one of the boxing greats and a place to live? It sounded like a dream come true. He smiles and nods again, still a little speechless.
Your dad smiles as he sees the look of disbelief on Ben's face, and can't help but laugh at his surprise. "I take it you're shocked by that, yeah? Surprised I'm giving you such special treatment and a place to live?"
Benji nods, his lips curving up into a smile despite himself. "Hell yeah, I'm surprised. I was expecting a few training sessions, but now you're telling me I'm living with you at your mansion. You don't have to do all that for me, you know. I don't deserve it."
Your dad laughs and shakes his head, waving away Benji's words. "Nonsense, kid. You've got talent. Serious talent. I'm damn near certain I can turn you into a world class fighter. It'd be a waste not to give you the best training and support to reach your full potential. I'm going to make you a damn legend."
Ben's smile somehow gets even wider at the praise and support. It feels damn good to be treated as something other than just a dumb boxer and instead, someone with actual potential. "Yeah, damn right you are. I'm gonna be the best damn fighter you've ever trained. Make you proud of having taken me on like this."
Your dad smirks and pats Benji's shoulder again, giving it a firm squeeze now. "That's what I like to hear. You have the skills, kid, I've got a lot of confidence that you're goin' places. I'm not taking on just any old guy to train. You're something special. I can see it. You're gonna have the skills and the talent to become a damn champion one day if I keep working with you."
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It'd been a few months since Benjicot moved in. As you can already tell, it was a shit show. Let's just say a glass got launched in the direction of Benjicot from you, snarky comments from an injured Scotty and Rom, your little brother, silently eating while he watches and does his GCSE revision.
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At every opportunity, you make his life hell. Well, inconveniencing him. Moving his boxing gloves or wrap, putting his clothes in random places, changing out his protein powder for flour. Other things too, just to piss him off, a little inconvenience in his day.
You were also rude, giving him dirty glances, mean comments, rolling your eyes at every word.
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After seven months of Benjicot living with them and training with your father and brother, your birthday comes up. Nineteen. You always had wild, big parties on your birthday, this is no difference.
You're going for classy. Golds, silvers, fancy glass carved cups. It was gonna be huge.
Guests pile in, champagne getting passed around to each. After all the guests arrive, they get to mingle for a while and put the presents on the large, over-piled table.
Soon enough, you make your grand entrance. Walking down the very large staircase, clad in a black dress, short skirt at the front with a long trailing back, sliding against the floors and stairs. Your hair is lightly curled and your makeup done up. You looked almost feline.
Benjicot's standing with your brothers, watching your walk down the stairs, like a model. Long legs going down each step with cute Louis Vuitton heels.
Stepping off the stairs, people come up and wish you happy birthday. You grab a glass of champagne, sipping on it as you make your way around, mingling with friends and family.
After a while, you're a bit tipsy, taking shots with your friends and dancing on the dance floor. You stumble outside, walking to a small bench in the very large back garden, grabbing a breath of fresh air.
Ben wanders into the back garden to grab some fresh air as well. He'd had a good time partying so far but he'd needed a short break. He spots you sitting on the bench and heads over to join you. He sits on the bench next to you and looks over at you. "You enjoying your birthday so far?"
You look at him as he sits down, rolling you eyes, just your luck. "Yeah. I am."
Ben just snickers softly at your reaction to him sitting next to you. You clearly weren't too happy to see him, which amused him. "Oh, come on. Don't act too thrilled to see me, I know you're really happy I'm here…"
Ben has a cocky smirk on his face as he pokes your side gently. He hadn't seen you all night, so you getting all annoyed at him for joining you on the bench was amusing. You sigh, rolling your eyes again as you put one knee ontop of the other, resting your elbows on them.
Benji's smirk grows at the sight of you rolling your eyes yet again. He'd clearly gotten under your skin already, and it was far too easy.He glances over at you and grins before he speaks up again. "Damn, you look like you're really enjoying yourself over there."
One of his eyebrows raise slightly as you reposition your legs. You were acting just as he had imagined you would, you'd clearly grown exasperated with him already, even though he'd been sitting next to you for only less than a few minutes. It was a little funny.
Benji snickers to himself. You were a hell of an easy to rile up. He could already tell he was annoying you, he was just testing your limits now. "Why the long face? We're at a birthday party… you're supposed to be having fun, birthday girl…"
"Yeah well, with the guy that battered me brother and is now me dads fucking favourite despite not being his son sitting next to me, no surprise I'm not in a good mood." You scoff.
Benjicot just smirks slightly at your response, you were clearly a little pissed off and he knew he was the cause of it. You were just so easy to rile up, all he had to do was sit next to you and you started losing your temper. He chuckles softly, tilting his head at you. "That's right… I'm the golden boy… and you're just a pain in my arse…"
He leans back against the bench and continues to smirk smugly as he glances over at you. You were glaring at him already, you must've been absolutely fuming by now, but that was exactly what he was wanting. You were very fun to wind up, he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
He couldn't help it, he was far too amused by your angered expression. He knew you were seething on the inside and he just felt like poking the bear some more. "Aw… look at your face. You're all pouty and angry… it's cute…"
You give him a disgusted look. "Just shut up. My head is banging and you’re talking too much."
Ben snickers as you give him that look. You acted so damn cute when you were annoyed, it was amusing to him. He almost couldn't resist the idea of making you even more pissed off. "Aww, is your little head hurting? Has all that dancing given you a migrane? Poor little thing…"
You glare at him. Then your mind got fuzzy, next thing you realise, your making out with him and his fingers are.. well.. inside you..
Ben's taken by surprise when you suddenly start making out with him, not that he's complaining of course… but he wasn't expecting you to kiss him out of the blue. He grins into the kiss, just going with it. He lets a finger trail along your skin before he slides his fingers between your legs.
Benjicot's enjoying this, clearly, and he's not about to stop kissing you and touching you any time soon… he knew you were a little angry before but now he had you kissing him and making out with him he just wants more.
Ben slides his tongue into your mouth, pressing himself closer to you as he starts to kiss you a little bit rougher. He's enjoying having you so close to him like this, and he can't help but want more.
You moan softly into his mouth, your legs parting more as his fingers rock inside you. Ben grins against your lips, feeling you part your legs even more for him. He loved seeing how much you wanted him, it was an ego boost. He pushes his fingers into you a bit deeper, enjoying the way you writhe for him.
Ben slides his tongue into your mouth again, trying to muffle all of those sweet sounds you make. He really was enjoying this a lot, and he wanted more… he felt his jeans start to tighten as you got a bit more handsy and started pulling his shirt up.
Benji pulls back from the kiss when he feels you start to tug at his shirt, grinning down at you. "You gonna take my shirt off, darlin'?" You moan and pant, pouting. "I.. I wanna feel you.. fuck Benji.."
Benjicot just chuckles softly, enjoying how eager you were right now. He wasn't used to you being so willing and submissive.. He grins down at you as he pulls off his shirt, revealing the lean, well-toned muscles underneath. He grins as he looks at you, just waiting to see what you would do next.
You tug him down to kiss you again, moving his hand to guide his fingers back inside you, your nails raking down his chest.
Ben grins as you pull him down to you, not even a little bit surprised that you're wanting to continue things. He moans as he starts kissing you again, and it doesn't take you long to guide his fingers back to where they had been before and he lets his fingers sink into you again. He lets out a soft groan as your hands wander down his chest.
He leans into you a bit more, enjoying the feeling of your hands running over his chest and body, and your lips on his. He's really enjoying this, and you feel so fucking good around his fingers, he's starting to strain in his jeans, and he knows he's going to need to ease the pressure and discomfort soon enough.
You grip onto his waist, your other hand in his hair as you tug on it and moan in his mouth.
Ben moans back into your mouth, loving how you're pulling his hair and gripping onto his hips, knowing how good his fingers are making you feel, how eager you are. He slides his other hand up your thigh, his hand moving higher and higher as he kisses you more roughly and you let out another quiet gasp.
His lips move from yours and start trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of hot, messy kisses against your throat as his hand on your thigh starts to push your dress up, wanting to get touch more of your skin.
He moans against your neck, his lips and teeth sucking and biting gently as he continues to kiss down your collarbone and shoulder, his hands are now grabbing your thighs, his fingers digging into your skin as he continues leaving hot, eager kisses all over your skin.
Your thighs tremble slightly, squeezing your eyes shut, biting your lip softly. The pleasure is becoming too much.
Benjicot can feel your thighs trembling in his hands and he grins against your skin, loving how you were reacting to his mouth and hands, he could tell you were getting more worked up. His lips and teeth travel back up to your neck and he starts kissing and biting at it again, leaving more marks over your skin.
"Fuck.. Ben.. 'm close.." You whimper out, trembling and writhing.
Ben feels a shiver down his spine as you let your breathless words, he can tell how close you are and he loves it, he keeps his lips against your neck, sucking and biting gently as his hands slide higher and higher up your legs. He's enjoying it too, his breathing is heavier and he's feeling a lot of pressure against his jeans, he's going to have to find a way to get some relief sooner or later.
"Oh fuck! Benji! 'M gonna cum!" He lets out a low and slightly strangled moan as he sucks a mark into your throat, feeling you getting closer and closer to release as his hands continue to move and wander over your legs. He's growing more and more desperate to have some sort of relief, it was starting to get really uncomfortable, feeling your skin against his and hearing you call out his name over and over again.
" 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum.." You mumble and babble, thighs shaking. He grins against your neck as he hears your breathless words, loving the sounds of you so close to cumming, he continues to suck and bite at your throat, his breathing heavier now and feeling more strained, he needs something soon.
Benji lets a hand wander up higher, finally letting his hand grip and squeeze your thigh, wanting to touch more of your skin and hold you even closer to him. He moans against your neck as he feels himself get even more pent up and frustrated in his jeans, and he's starting to get desperate for some kind of relief and friction.
You grip his arm, acrylic nails digging into his skin, your mouth drops open into an 'O' as your thighs tremble and you cum, the waves of pleasure crashing down.
He moans into your neck, feeling you come against his fingers and he can't help but let out a slightly shaky breath as you grip onto his arm and make all those sweet sounds.
His hips twitch forward, and he lets out another shaky moan as he feels himself get even more pent up, he's struggling to keep it together.
He pulls back from your neck and letting his forehead rest against yours, his breathing still a little laboured and his jeans feeling really damn tight.
"Mmm… Benji.." You moan breathlessly. He can't help but let a shiver run down his spine as you say his name again, all breathless and weak, he's really struggling to keep himself from just shoving you back against the bench and taking what he so badly wants.
He lets out a low moan as he looks down at you, his heart racing and his head spinning a little, he needs some kind of relief, and he's struggling to keep himself together as he looks down at you, all messed up and flushed and panting a little.
Now that was one hell of a birthday present.
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stuck-writing-sickos · 3 months
In Poor Taste [P5]
(Yandere × F! Reader)
[Warning: addiction, alcohol, ageism, sexism, misogyny, mention of bodily harm, religious trauma]
[A/N: its high time we show yuki some love 🫶]
[Series Link]
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You were never crazy about spoiled rich men. They couldn't stand being unremarkable.
"Bless me, father, for I have sinned."
Silence. The stuffy wood walls felt as if it was contracting.
"It's been five years since my last confession, and I accuse myself of the following sin."
No answer yet as per customary. Lukas tugged at his tight collar, anxious. His blunt fingernails reached inside the gap, letting a puff of air hit his chest dripping with sweat.
"I am lost, father."
"And why did you say that?"
"I have nothing special about me. I never really had to try hard to get what I want, and now... I don't know which path to take."
"You walk with God, my child."
Something within his chest inflated, leaving him gasping for air.
"Is that all there is, Father?"
"We are all nothing without Him. He will show you the way."
Lukas wanted to get out of the booth, but he couldn't. His body was frozen in place. Panic set in as he tried to squirm only to find his strength redundant.
"I don't see it, Father!", he tried to scream, but his voice came out weak, "I don't see it... I need to forge my own."
"And how do you plan to do that, when you are unspecial and lost?"
The priest's voice wasn't singular anymore. It dissolved into a chorus of many, thunderous and firm. Lukas heaved, choking on the taste of pennies. He felt a weight from the other side pressing against the confession window, closing the walls in.
The curtain cracked open. Lukas could only look as a hand reached in and grabbed his collar, harshly yanking him forward as if he was a ragdoll. His body was then unbound, light and fluid like water.
He gasped, his eyes fluttering open. Lukas felt the cold sweat on his neck. Between dream and reality, he almost remembered the bruised knuckle and the familiar fingers that pulled him awake.
Yuki figured the newbie was a quick learner, but he didn't think Lukas would pick up on your introversion that quickly.
It was ironic that this newcomer was already half of the foreign staff present in the end-of-year dinner that the foreign dept threw. The other half was you. Together you and him sat, tall and quiet. The cozy private restaurant lounge was bustling with chatters, but not one peep from this pair. Far off from the other side of the long table, Yuki could only steal glances at you who only nodded and smiled at any attempts at conversations that went your way. He was worried that Lukas might try something weird tonight what with alcohol so readily available, but so far he had seen nothing but a rather impressive effort at maintaining social norms. He assumed that ought to clear his mind, yet any time he found himself letting his guard down, he was sorely reminded of the punk rock clothing site. Some parts of him were starting to manifest doubt - was he the weird one for fixating? Was it some... American norms he failed to consider? After all, Australian culture could very well be less intense than its riveting cousin. Deciding at last that he was overthinking, he tried to keep up with the conversations around him.
If something bad were to happen, you'd say something, right?
"Say, Sakamoto", he jumped at Tahara's voice, surprised to see she had her attention on him now, "are you ever gonna get married?"
Instantly, eyes were on him. Yuki shifted, laughing nervously.
"Yeah", another voice chimed in, "You're 26, you're earning good money, you got your family's name. Women must be flocking to you."
That voice would be Hanao, quite possibly his least favorite senior. 33, begrudgingly married and completely removed from the concept of boundaries, he could only get worse with a pint in his hand.
"I have some unmarried cousins who would look great on you", Tahara piled onto the mess she herself caused, "Do you want a blind date with her?"
"Or look around the dept", Hanao exclaimed, his ugly habit of getting loud when he got drunk seeping in, "so many young, beautiful ladies are lining up for you!"
Yuki couldn't help but notice the discomfort on the faces of the "ladies" in question, their gaze downcasted or unsubtly turned away.
"Hanao, that's not fair to them", Yuki finally interfered, treading carefully so as not to trigger another terrible habit Hanao got up his sleeves when alcohol got into his system - getting angry, "they are not lining up for me, I'm sure."
"Nonsense", the older man dismissed, waving him off. Yuki's back felt cold as Hanao fully turned to his younger female colleagues who had gotten stiff and awkward, walled in by the long table and the crowd of coworker.
"Wouldn't you ladies want him? He's a bit dull and quiet, but he's a good kid. He is handsome, and his wallet is thick, too. I'm telling you, if you want a chance you better be quick."
The young women politely tried to move on from the topic, but it only fueled his insistence. Stressed out that Hanao was stuck on talking about marriage, Yuki finished his drink painstakingly fast. Hazy now, he landed the pint harshly.
"Excuse me... I should go for a smoke."
"Hey, what's the rush? Are you embarrassed?", Hanao asked, "It's okay Sakamoto, men only get finer with age! Sit down, I think Ms. Sasaki is interested, right?"
Yuki was already standing up with a cigarette in his mouth by the time Sasaki meekly protested. Something about "Mr. Hanao, you're so mean. He will hate me now!"
He looked at the girl. Yuki barely remembered any interaction they had with each other. Did they ever even talk? She was smiley, cheerful, and she had a sweet voice, but he didn't find anything reeling him in. In fact, the expectant look on her face as she tried to make eye contacts made Yuki queazy. Nervous and tense, he excused himself without even acknowledging her presence.
Sometimes, the body remembers things the mind tries to forget.
The smell of food followed him outside. Yuki hurried to a street corner, anxious for that first hit of nicotine to cool his head. Tipsy and disoriented, he was fumbling with the lighter when he saw you. He must had missed you slipping out of the party when Tahara and Hanao cornered him with their tedious talk of marriage. You were on your phone. Your thumbs were still hovering over the bright screen when you. Clearing his throat to make his presence know, Yuki was startled by the blank stare you gave his way.
"Everything okay?", he asked and walked over to stand by your side. Your eyes didn't follow his movement. You looked straight ahead, your face drained of any expression.
"Yes", you tried to sound casual, but your voice were light as air, "everything is fine."
He finally managed to light his cigarette. The first pull was long and crisp. His flexed shoulders dropped as he leaned against the wall and sigh, satisfied. From the corner of his eyes, he could see you tapping on your phone, your fingers typing up a storm. Something was wrong, he could tell, but he didn't want to push. Beside, he was just drunk enought to feel content keeping your company in silence.
It was by the second cigarette that you peeped: "can I have one, Sakamoto?"
That messed with his buzz. Propping himself upright, he turned over to face you.
You didn't respond. Instead, you stared at him with desperate eyes and quivering lips. Yuki watched your fingers curling up and flexing. A twinge in his chest made him drop the stern tone.
"What happened?"
You hung your head. Your quiet, exasperated voice was almost swallowed by the city's white noise: "please..."
He sighed and fished out one, seeing that it was no use persuading you. His hand hesitated as yours reached over, starved.
"You've quitted for 3 years. You were doing good."
You didn't say anything.
"Are you sure?" He asked for the last time, and the ache in his chest tugged again as he saw you nodding. He handed over the stick and watched helplessly as you stuck it between your teeth. As a last ditch effort, he tossed his lighter into the nearby dumpster.
"I'm sorry", he sighed and took another drag, puffing smoke out his nose, "you can call me a hypocrite, I deserve it. But I just can't-
He was cut off by your cool skin grazing his own as you took his cigarette right out of his mouth. Gently, you placed the burning end onto your unlit one and pulled until you've successfully kindled.
"I'm sorry", you choked, handing back what you'd stolen. He took it, slow and bewildered.
"It's okay. I'm worried, though. Did Lukas do something weird? You know you can tell me."
Your shoulders closed in. You couldn't look him in the eyes.
"No, not Lukas."
Lukas didn't like the hot, crawling excitement his body manifested when you were near. He couldn't focus. After the concert, he didn't want to face you. He tried to tell himself many things: you weren't any hotter than the girls he had back in college, you were too independent, you didn't bother to act feminine,... Didn't matter. You had something else that he wanted.
That was why no matter how tedious and stressful the dinner party was for him, someone who didn't know a lick of Japanese, he would rather sit in silence than to talk to you. You were quiet next to him, as if lost in thought. The entire day, he had noticed you spacing out and getting distracted. It was out of the ordinary for someone as put-together as you to keep saying "I'm sorry, I must have forgotten". The final straw was when you blankly sipped on your drink only to spill on your skirt. You didn't even react, only sighing and wiping it off with the tissue he handed over.
"Excuse me", your voice was monotone, "I'm going to the bathroom."
He didn't know who that was directed at. Only him, he assumed, since everyone else were lost in their own coversation. Seeing that your beer had splashed on the floor near where you sat, he reached over to wipe it off. His hand was nearby the phone you had forgotten when it buzzed, its screen lighting up.
"He is going through an episode again"
Lukas never thought of himself as someone who would snoop - after all, he never really cared for any women to reach that point - yet that text from your mother stirred up a morbid sense of curiosity. He watched the bright screen blinking again as another text popped up.
"Please... talk to your brother. He's threatening to do it again."
The screen door slid open, snapping him out of it. Quicking resuming his position, he smiled at you who were carefully finding your way back to your seat, side-stepping your coworkers. Your weary smile was poorly faked.
Lukas' heart beat fast. He was itching to ask you about what he saw, though he decided to hold it in. He didn't know how to begin the conversation without admitting that he had violated your privacy...that would warrant a strong reaction. Yet, within his curiosity, Lukas caught a glimpse of anticipation. How would you look at him, if you were to get mad? He tried to imagine you scowling, your jaw flexed and fists clenched. He wonder if you would curse him out. Maybe, you would even hit him.
God, he hoped you would.
Lost in a fantasy, he was grounded again when you softly excused yourself out "for some fresh air". Nobody paid any mind when you rushed off, your feet barely touching the ground.
Maybe now wouldn't be a good time to test out the validity of his craving. Lukas drew his attention to the rest of the party, trying to forget about it. He didn't understand a single thing, but Sakamoto's side was getting loud: he saw the guy bashfully trying to get through a coversation before excusing himself shortly thereafter with a cigarette in his mouth.
Anxiety bubbled in his guts as he sat alone and confused, bothered by the mental image of you and Sakamoto outside, bumping into each other. Would Sakamoto notice something was up with you? He might - the senior was sensible and keen-eyed. Lukas wasn't in love with small details, but he had seen the way the man covered for your lies on the spot. Short on breath, he caught his own fingers playing with the hem of his button-down shirt. Lukas tried to remind himself that whatever fixation he had on you should come to a stop, but amidst a feverish daze he couldn't resist the instinct to insert himself into your narrative. He didn't care if your mood would worsen. In fact, he hoped it would. He hoped you would take it out on him. Pulling himself up, he hurried after you.
By the restaurant entrance Lukas looked left and right, his heart racing. He didn't like that the reason he chose to be out was to interrupt your conversation, so he convinced himself that he was looking for something else, like a convenient store to get a pack of smoke. After all, he had a bad habit of craving them when he drank. Maybe, he could even look for Sakamoto and ask for one.
Lukas walked down the street, his eyes scanning faces of strangers. They didn't look his way, blurring past him like shadows. He wondered if he looked the same to you - a flash of color that breezed by, flat, voiceless, inconsequential. He didn't have time to let that thought eat him away when he caught Sakamoto's tall form leaning against a wall, half of his body hidden in an alleyway. Lukas took a long stride toward the man only in time for the buildings to move to the backend of his vision, revealing you who were giving a lit cigarette back.
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#24 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 with jack Hughes <33
I hope you don't mind I changed the dialongue request slightly because I didn't feel like making this a full blown fic. 😂😂
200 Followers Celebration Masterlist
"One more time please"
Even though both of you were suppose to packing for a little weekend getaway before the season started. Instead you found your clothes spiraled across the floor half sitting in the suitcase, while you and Jack were busy tangled in the sheets together.
It all started when you went to your underwear drawer to grab some bras and underwear to pack. But what you didn't account for was your boyfriend coming up behind you, distracting you.
"ooo baby pack the baby blue set I love that one on you." he says as he wraps his arms around you, making your back flesh with his chest.
"we both know if I pack what you want then we won't leave the hotel room." Trying to ignore Jack and pick out what you want for comfort and now what he wants.
"is that really such a bad thing?" he says in a deeper voice as he starts to leave little open mouth kisses on the sweet spot below your ear.
"do you not remember last time I listened to you and I needed all new underwear before we left Hawaii because you ripped all of mine." you reminded him.
It almost as if you can hear the smirk and gloating in his voice as he says "worth every fucking penny baby."
"okay if your not gonna pack the baby blue one. Can I have a fashion show with you wearing it please?" he begs.
A small laugh escapes your lips as you leave his arms going to your suitcase to continue to pack. "Jackey you already know what I look like in wearing that set."
"yeah but that doesn't mean I don't wanna see it again." he counter argues. Practically hearing him whine as he continues to beg, " please baby."
"or I have a better idea." you say in a slightly seductive voice.
"oh yeah." practically hearing the excitement radiating off of him.
"how about I show you what I am wearing today?" you offer.
"oh yeah and what's that?" he asks as he starts to close the distance between you both but you stretch your hand out to stop him form closing the distance completely.
"nothing." as you move your hand to lightly push Jack to sit on the edge of the bed. as he sits on the bed, his eyes wild with lust. Lifting up your arms, you take off your shirt to reveal that you are in fact not wearing a bra today.
Suddenly feeling self-consness at the fact that you let your impossive behavior dictate your decisions you attempt to cover your breasts. But Jack refuses to have any of that as he pulls your towards making you studdle his lap.
"no baby don't do that, I love just looking at you." As he removes your arms from your breasts. As he leaves feather kisses down your chest finally putting your nipple in his mouth and sucking gently.
"Jacky" as your hands for to his hair, lightly pulling his hair causing him to groan gently.
"yeah baby." he asks he makes a popping noise removing himself from your breast.
"please." begging for him to do something anything to help.
"how about we make a deal?"
"fine"you mumbnle, both of you knowing in this moment you would promise him anything if he stopped teasing the fuck out of you and did something.
"How about..." his fingertips leaving little ghost touches everywhere, from the valley of your breast, to your inner thighs, to the waistband of your thong, leaving you squirming mess. "I help you now, I'll eat you out until you forget your own name, only panting because you'd be too fucked out to do anymore if you bring that baby blue set I love so much this weekend." His lips every so slightly ghosting down the valley of your breast all the way down your stomach.
"fuck fine okay okay okay." You pracatically scream, even though you don't look up you know Jack has a devileish smirk on his lips.
"And then I'll be even kind, cause I know I'll wanna go again and I'll fuck you until you can't walk only waddling like a baby penguin for the next few days if you make one more deal babygirl." As he lightly kisses your clit over your panties.
"okay okay anything" you pant
"Let me pack all your underwear for the trip." His blue eyes darker now filled with lust as he watches your breath catch making your boobs slightly bounce.
"okay okay just fucking do something." sounding almost annoyed.
"what's the magic word." As his fingers hook into your thong to remove me.
"please Jackey please I need you."
"Of course baby all you had to do was ask." you can hear the cocky smirk in he is wearing in his face.
Not even having time to respond in a bratty way because Jack is munching on your pussy like it's his last meal.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 12 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley both know you need to have a conversation and define your relationship. Bradley is excited to get home to you and do just that... and then maybe take you to bed for the rest of the night. But when Meredith crashes the scene, and someone gets hurt, he has to change his plans.
Warnings: Smut, angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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After Bradley dropped Noah off early at daycare on Friday morning, he had an hour until he needed to be on base. He wanted to get to you as soon as he could, but he stopped to get your coffee on the way. 
It was funny, because the baristas really did know him by this point, and they knew what his regular order was. He was probably the only person in the history of the coffee shop who asked to write the names on the cups himself. So he scrawled Princess and peasant on the two cups and handed the marker back to the barista, making sure to leave a tip. 
He knew where you lived, because it was very close to Penny's house, and he wondered if you were going to let him inside your place. He parked behind your car and made his way up to the front door of the small cottage that needed a lot of work. It was smaller than his house, which had more than enough room for three people. Bradley juggled both coffee cups into one hand and knocked.
And when you answered the door in your scrubs, fresh from the shower, he knew he was gaping at you. But you were no better as your eyes went a little wide at the sight of him in his flight suit with the sleeves tied around his waist. 
"Morning, Princess," he crooned softly, and you were smiling up at him as he handed you your coffee. "Give me your keys, and I'll move Noah's carseat into your car."
"You want to come in first?" you asked, and Bradley slipped willingly inside your living space. Everything had a dreamlike quality; he hadn't quite been able to imagine what your place would be like. When he was your age, he had owned nothing and had no one. Strangely enough, you seemed similar to how he had been, but it didn't come with a sense of sadness. You seemed independent and smart, and as you slipped your hand into his and pulled him further inside, Bradley leaned down to kiss your cheek.
"I would give you a tour, but there's nothing really to see," you told him, shrugging as you looked between your small living room and your small kitchen. 
"You gonna show me your secret Skittles stash?" he asked, earning a laugh. 
"Absolutely not," you replied. "You seem like the type who would have no self control if you knew the location. You'd eat them all in one sitting."
"That's not true," he promised, running his thumb along the back of your hand. "I'd save you half and you know it." He loved that smug smile on your lips, couldn't get enough, really. Then he looked around a little more, inhaling your sweet scent. He eyed a hoodie with Greek letters hanging on one of the hooks next to the door. "Were you in a sorority?" he asked, running his fingers along the fabric. 
With a soft laugh, you shook your head. "Uh, no. That belongs to my ex, Greyson. I keep forgetting to take it over to his apartment and drop it off."
Bradley eyed your pretty face and glossy lips. He knew all about college guys and cute girls, and he didn't want you going anywhere near Greyson's place anymore. "I could drop it off for you, Princess."
You released his hand and let your palm come to rest against his abs while you casually sipped your coffee. "You jealous, Daddy?"
Bradley hauled you against his body with a soft yelp, setting his coffee down on the table followed by yours. "Why don't you show me your bedroom?"
You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and kissed him softly. "Won't you be late for work?"
"I don't care," he growled, letting his hands slide down your body until he was grabbing your ass and rubbing against you through the thin fabric of your scrubs. You were making soft sounds as you kissed him, and Bradley knew nothing except the desire to take care of you in every way.
"Okay, Daddy." You were leading him up the stairs, holding his hand and looking back at him as you led him into a room with a double bed and a dresser. Everything was tidy and it smelled so fucking good, Bradley was getting harder my the second. 
You looked at him expectantly as he started to untie your pants. Fuck. He was thinking about calling out of work and spending the day in your bed, showing you everything he could and would love to do to you. 
He licked his lips. "If we make this quick, I don't want you to think it's because I didn't want to spend hours with my face and cock buried inside you."
"Oh," you whimpered before you bit your lip. Bradley slipped his hand inside your underwear. You were soaking wet already, and so sensitive that you shook before him. 
He kissed your lips as he let his fingers glide through your silky wetness. Your hands were exploring his shoulders through his undershirt, and Bradley couldn't remember wanting anyone like this before. 
"Turn around, baby," he whispered, and you did just as you were told, bending over and bracing your hands on your bed. When he knelt behind you and yanked your pants and underwear down to your feet, he moaned at the gorgeous view he was treated to. 
"You okay?" you asked, since he had stopped touching you except to stroke your thighs with his thumbs. Bradley responded by nudging your legs a little further apart and kissing your pussy until his lips and mustache were all wet. You smelled and tasted so good. He wanted to smell like you for the rest of the day. You were whimpering softly, stuttering on his name, and as Bradley stood and unzipped his flight suit a few more inches, he basked in the genuinely needy noises you made.
You met his eyes over his shoulder, and he leaned down to kiss your cheek as he lined himself up with your tight pussy. "I just want to make you feel so good, Princess," he promised, pushing himself deep inside you with a groan. "You're too perfect for anything else."
"Bradley," you whined as he planted his hands next to yours on the bed. He covered your body with his larger one, wanting to protect you and make you feel like you belonged with him even while he fucked you. Maybe especially when he was fucking you.
"Princess," he whispered, kissing along the back of your neck and burying his nose in your hair. The slapping of his thighs against yours was filling the room, and Bradley had to bite his lip against the sensation of how damn tight you felt. He could cum now, he was certain of that, but he wanted to make everything good for you. "I want you to cum for me."
You took Bradley's right hand in yours and kissed his fingertips before guiding his hand so he was touching your clit. He groaned next to your ear and you turned to kiss the corner of his lips. "Touch me?" 
Bradley sucked on your neck while he spread you open and circled your clit with his middle finger. You were panting, exposing more of your neck for him to nibble on as you bucked back into his thrusts. But that first squeeze had him seeing stars as you keened. And then you got louder and louder until you were whining Daddy at full volume, back arched as you came for him.
When he finished a moment later, he let his hand drift up your body over your perfect skin until he was stroking you gently through your bra. "I can't wait to see you later tonight, Princess."
"Mmm," you sighed as he withdrew from your body. Then you stood and pulled your clothing back into place, and Bradley knew he would be thinking about your cum soaked underwear until he saw you later and got to do it all over again. 
"I think you earned your very own bag of Skittles," you whispered, running your hands along his chest and up to his shoulders. 
Bradley took your chin between his thumb and fingers. "I'm curious to know what you're going to give me after I spread you out on my bed later and really take my time."
Your eyes fluttered closed as he kissed you until you whimpered. 
"Shit, I need to go, Princess. Let me put the car seat in your car."
You took his hand and led him back downstairs, grabbing a bag of Skittles from a kitchen drawer and handing it to him while he looked at Greyson's hoodie again. "Thanks, baby. You know... I meant it. I can drop that off for you if you want me to." Simply the idea of letting your twenty three year old ex boyfriend know that you were currently getting fucked by him had Bradley grinning.
You pressed your lips together and tucked the Skittles into the pocket of Bradley's flight suit before saying, "That sounds like something a boyfriend would do."
He sucked in a breath, because you were fucking right. Flipping your ex the proverbial bird was boyfriend behavior, and he wanted to do it anyway. As it was, he already wanted you with him and Noah all the time. He knew he needed to talk to you about defining what was going on, because the app was off his phone now, and he'd been wanting you for weeks.
The expectant look in your eyes had him kissing your lips, and you had the audacity to lick his still damp mustache and moan. Would he get in trouble with Maverick if he stayed longer and had you again? But then his phone rang, and he discreetly silenced it as soon as he saw that it was Meredith.
"You and I are going to have a conversation later. Okay, Princess? Now where is your car key?"
Before you left for class, you bundled up Greyson's hoodie and shoved it into a shopping bag. You'd drop it by his place one day next week, so there was no sense in leaving it hanging around with your other things. 
Just seeing Noah's carseat in your backseat had you smiling. And that smile lasted all day while you were in class and filling out information for your clinical research work. You loved being the one who Bradley knew he could trust with his son. You loved spending time with Noah and making snacks for him. You had the All About the Letter N! coloring book tucked in your bag along with your textbooks, and after you took Noah to the park, you and he could color. And then Bradley would come home. And you and he could talk. And then hopefully you would be willingly spreading yourself out on his bed for the rest of the night.
With a soft moan, you pulled up the address of Noah's daycare in your phone's GPS and headed toward your car. It was only twenty minutes away. He would probably be hungry when you got there, which was fine, because you had some ants on logs in a cooler in your trunk just for him.
But the look on Noah's face when you were the one who arrived to pick him up made you smile so much, it hurt your face. "Did you have fun today?" you asked him as he climbed up into your arms and hugged you.
"Yeah! Did you bring a coloring book?"
"I sure did, Noah. And I brought you a snack. Do you want to go to the park and have your snack on a picnic table?"
As he nodded against your shoulder, you decided to just head right for the park in Bradley's neighborhood. You could change out of your scrubs later when you took Noah home for dinner. You brought something cute to change into, but Bradley wouldn't be home until closer to Noah's bedtime anyway. So you parked near the picnic tables, not too far from the playground equipment, and took the cooler out of your trunk before scooping Noah out of his carseat.
"Ready?" you asked, taking his tiny hand in yours as you slipped your sunglasses into place. "Let's have a snack first, and then we can go on the swings."
The playground was not crowded, but the kids that were there were running around, laughing and screaming with parents and grandparents. The picnic tables were empty, and you helped Noah climb up onto one of the benches and kissed his head.
"Have some ants," you told him, lining several carrots up on a napkin for him. You crunched into one as you settled onto the bench beside him. He ate the rest of them, leaving a mess of peanut butter on his face and hands, but you had wipes inside the cooler. 
"Were they good?" you asked, laughing as he looked inside the cooler for more as you wiped his cheek clean. "You want more?"
"Yes," he replied, turning toward you with wide eyes, looking so much like his dad that you had to laugh. You could probably cook nonstop for the two of them, and they would just keep eating. 
You kissed his forehead and scooped him up from the bench. You tucked your trash inside the cooler along with the ice pack and led him to the swings. "I'll make you more after dinner if you're still hungry."
"Of course, I promise!" you replied. The breeze was picking up a bit, but it was still a beautiful day. And as you pushed him higher and higher at his request, you smiled at the dad next to you as he chased a toddler around. You briefly thought about what you might be able to cook at Bradley's house, then you sighed realizing you should have grabbed his credit card for groceries just in case. 
You inadvertently made eye contact with a woman who was standing alone near the far end of the swings before looking away. She looked familiar, although you were also sure you'd never seen her before. After a few seconds, you could tell out of the corner of your eye that she hadn't moved, so you glanced her way again. She was looking intently at Noah, and you could feel goosebumps tingle along the back of your neck. 
The woman took out her phone, and you tried to slow the swing down and block her view of Noah, but then you felt apprehensive about turning your back toward her. The swings were too far away from your car. The picnic tables were blocking your path. 
"Let's go down the slide," you told Noah quickly, scooping him out of the swing as he complained and asked you to push him more. 
When you turned back to check, the woman had started to walk along the swings, closer to the slide as you helped Noah climb up. Suddenly you felt unsafe. The park was nearly empty. That guy with the toddler was gone now. Your heart rate picked up.   
You pushed Noah down the slide and then ran to help catch him at the bottom. And now the woman was creeping even closer with her phone out.  
"Again!" he chanted. With a deep breath, you walked him back to the ladder, helped him climb, and then made a quick decision. You had your phone and keys in your pocket, and you could leave the cooler behind. When you scooped him up at the bottom of the slide, you wrapped your arms around him and made a quick dash toward your car. 
It was a good distance away, and as soon as you started moving, you saw her moving too. She was rushing toward you now, but you had a clear shot at the parking lot. Your heart was thudding in your chest, and the feeling of panic that washed over you had you squeezing Noah closer. 
"What's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned as you ran as fast as you could with him in your arms. 
"It's okay," you gasped, glancing back to see that she was still right there. And now she was calling out to you. Ignoring what she was saying, you unlocked your car as you approached, nearly tripping on the curb as you flung your back door open. Your sunglasses slipped off, and you stepped on them, crunching them under your sneaker.
"Wait!" the woman called out. "It's okay!"
You shoved Noah a little roughly into his carseat, tightening the straps with one hand as you glanced over your shoulder and slammed the back door shut.
"Shit!" she called out, also nearly tripping over the curb. "I won't hurt him!" 
You needed to get in the car, but as you reached for your door, you tripped and landed on the pavement, and the searing pain that shot through your arm had you gasping. But you didn't have time to check yourself as this insane woman closed in on you.
"Stay the fuck away from me!" you screamed, realizing your pepper spray was sitting in your cup holder. You opened your door and climbed in, locking the doors and cranking the engine to life just as she approached Noah's window and cupped her hands to look inside your car. "You psycho!" you cried out, slamming your car into drive and peeling out of the parking lot.
You drove in the opposite direction of Bradley's house in case she tried to follow, but you didn't see anyone else pull out of the parking lot. When you glanced in your mirror at Noah, he looked like he was going to cry. 
"It's okay!" you tried to reassure him, but your own voice was shaking. "Let's sing." After you cleared your throat a few times, you led him in the dinosaur song that you and he made up last month, and that seemed to cheer him up and calm him down. 
You drove miles out of your way before you started to head back to Bradley's house. When you finally pulled into his driveway, you noticed that your right arm was scraped up and dripping blood, but at least Noah was safe. And as you carried him inside, firmly locking the door and leaning against it, you realized who that must have been.
Bradley was exhausted. He and Nat had been working with the simulation for hours. It was late, and he was starving, and he decided to skip the locker room and head right home. He wanted to see you and Noah, wanted to talk to you. If he didn't at least try to figure out what was happening with you, he was going to lose his mind. 
He wanted you. Noah already loved you. Of course, you'd be crazy to actually want to date Bradley, but he figured he should at least try. Test those waters with you. He couldn't ever remember being nervous that a woman might just want him around to hook up with. Although he supposed he could just keep doing that with you, if that's all you really wanted.
Bradley's stomach was growling as he tied his sleeves around his waist again. The sun had already set, and as he climbed into the Bronco, he scrolled through missed calls from Meredith and texted you. 
Be home soon.
You didn't respond, but his house wasn't too far from base, and you were probably playing with Noah. Maybe you'd be wearing your crown when he got back. Maybe you had made dinner. Maybe you'd kiss him when he got there. He found himself driving a little faster, smiling when your car in his driveway came into view.
But as soon as he unlocked the door and strolled into the kitchen, he knew something was wrong. Your back was tense, and you were coloring with your left hand. Noah was in his pajamas, and when he looked at Bradley his eyes lit up. But Bradley's gaze fell to your arm, and he rushed over to you. 
"What happened?" he asked, gently taking you by the wrist and examining you. "Tell me."
You looked at him, lips parted, but you remained silent for a beat. "I fell."
"You fell?" he asked, wondering why your voice sounded so strange.You looked tired and worried, but Noah was okay. And your arm looked like it would heal eventually. "Baby, tell me what happened." He was kneeling on the floor next to your seat, and you nodded slightly as he kissed your cheek.
"After Noah gets in bed," you whispered. "I'll tell you."
"Sure," Bradley replied, still worried as he scooped his son up and took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he got him tucked in bed, Bradley kissed his forehead. "Go right to sleep, bub. I love you."
Noah looked at him with wide eyes as he turned on the nightlight. Bradley rubbed his shoulder as his eyes finally started to drift closed, and then he was dashing back out to the kitchen. You were washing dishes with one good arm, and Bradley reached around you to take the plate out of your hand and turn the faucet off. 
"Hey, don't worry about that, Princess," he whispered, turning you gently to face him. "What happened?"
You finally met his eyes. He pressed his lips to yours, but you didn't return the kiss. Bradley pulled away and examined your arm again. He needed to get you cleaned up, get the dirt out of the wound. "Will you talk to me?" he asked.
You cleared your throat and asked, "What does Meredith look like?"
Bradley cocked his head a bit but described his ex to you. The look in your eyes was making him nervous as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "I have a picture of her," he told you, scrolling through a photo album. "She's in the first picture I ever took of Noah. So I saved it." When Bradley held his phone out for you, he saw you swallow hard before meeting his eyes again.
"I took Noah to the park," you whispered. "After I picked him up from daycare. And there was a woman there. She kept looking at Noah. Looked like she was trying to take his picture."
"Shit," Bradley gasped, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You nodded. "She made me nervous. Really upset me. So I grabbed Noah and ran for my car. After I got Noah in, I tripped and fell when I was trying to get the driver's door open. I guess I fucked up my arm pretty good. But I sped out of the parking lot away from her. Away from Meredith."
You had protected Noah. From his own mother. What the hell was Meredith doing?
Bradley pushed your hair back away from your face and examined your eyes. You looked upset but not like you were in shock. He let his fingers drift down to your neck and found your pulse was slightly elevated but not erratic. "I'm okay," you told him softly. "Promise."
He kissed your forehead, inhaling your scent. "Let me get your arm cleaned up, Princess." 
You sat on the edge of Bradley's bathtub as he knelt on the floor and very gently and patiently cleaned your arm. You watched silently as he used tweezers to remove bits of asphalt from your skin before guiding you back so he could rinse your arm.
"You would make a good nurse," you muttered, and he glanced up at you. 
"Well, that means a lot coming from you," he replied, kissing your fingers before he guided your arm back under the water. "I'm sure you would have done a better job if it wasn't your dominant arm."
You just shrugged as he carefully dried you off and wrapped your arm up in gauze. Neither of you were smiling. He stood and gently helped you to your feet as well, and you buried your face into his warm neck and chest, trying to hold back tears. Because you knew without a doubt that the conversation you and Bradley were supposed to have tonight wouldn't be happening now. 
"Princess," he whispered, and your eyes fluttered closed as his mustache brushed your cheek. "I need to call Meredith."
You nodded, inhaling the smell of sweat and jet fuel from his skin. You liked to think he had skipped the showers so he could rush home to see you. You liked to think he missed you as much as he missed Noah when you weren't around. You wanted to hold onto that.
"I understand," you promised, letting your fingers settle on his abs for a beat before you turned to leave the bathroom. You felt like crying as you sat on the couch and tried to clumsily put your shoes on. But Bradley helped you, looking up at you with a serious expression.
"Thank you."
"For what?" you asked. All you had managed to do was get hurt and turn into an emotional mess over knowing Meredith had been the one to scare you at the park. You felt like an idiot.
"Thank you for protecting Noah, Princess," he replied, rubbing soft circles in your calves through your scrubs. "You don't know what that means to me." 
It was hard to believe that earlier this morning, you and he had been fucking in your bedroom. You leaned forward to kiss him, and he reached up to pull you gently to the floor onto his lap. Very carefully, Bradley helped you wrap your arms around his neck, and he kissed you for a while. 
When he pressed his forehead to yours and stood with you in his arms, you cautiously asked him, "Will you call me?"
"Of course." 
Bradley walked you out to your car and retrieved Noah's carseat. Then he kissed you goodbye as he made you promise to text him when you got home. 
Bradley sat on his couch, running his fingers through his hair. Meredith was apparently hanging around his neighborhood. You got hurt. Noah could have been hurt. Bradley needed to figure this out.
As soon as your text came through, he sighed.
Babysitter: I'm safe at home. I miss you already. You and Noah.
Instead of responding to you like he wanted to, Bradley squared his shoulders and looked at his missed calls. When he tapped on Meredith's name, she answered almost immediately, and Bradley's anger flared inside him.
"Well," she said with a laugh, "I figured I had your attention now. Thank you so much for calling me back, Bradley."
"Meredith," he muttered through clenched teeth. "What do you want?"
"I just want to talk to you. In person. I'll come by in the morning."
She's going to come by in the morning!! Ahhh! Enjoy your babysitter fic which you help me write, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
okay but. imagine cowboy!reader is actually very educated. pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, BLM, acab. very big speaker and doesn't take shit. BUT everyone thinks he isn't gonna educated and such until they're on a case dealing with like a trans kid and he's the first one to step up and comfort the kid and such. man im in the rabbit hole.
Allergies (Not Really)
No no no no no but the way I've started one where something of this theme happens (I don't want to give too much away aha)
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: transphobia, sad reader :( (i teared up a little ngl - it's not sad, he's just sad), guns, bullet wound, fighting, briefly mentions some murders to set the scene a bit, someone calls reader a redneck
Also I just want to say that the relationship between Mia and (Y/N) is completely platonic, maybe familial (a bit older brother-y or fatherly) not anything else. Just because I'm panicking because they spend a lot of time joking about and I wanna make that clear.
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax
Your blood boils when you hear the case, an unsub has been targeting young families (parents and three kids all under the age of sixteen). The last family had a survivor, a twelve-year-old transgender girl named Mia, who was currently in the hospital being treated for a variety of injuries.
Your jaw clenches as you read the hospital report, whilst it wasn't too long (thankfully), you knew she would still have a lot to work through mentally.
"You alright over there, Eastwood?" Morgan asks.
"Just angers me, is all," You answer, not feeling the need to elaborate, feeling the source of your anger being fairly self-explanatory. You miss the concerned look Rossi and Hotch share. 
A few hours later, the jet landed, once everyone was situated at the police station, you turned to the team.
"I'm gonna head to the hospital, make sure Mia's okay," You said.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Rossi’s the one that says it, but you can see everyone's thinking the same thing. 
"Wha- Why wouldn't it be?... Oh I see," You say as the penny finally drops and it clicks, "Y'all think 'cause I'm from the South I'm against her bein' herself?" You sigh softly, rubbing the back of your neck, "Have I not proved myself yet?"
No one says anything for a moment, shocked by the hurt that flashes in your eyes, before they can, you pick your hat back up, settling it on your head, "I'm headin' to the hospital,” You mumble, leaving the room before anyone can say anything.
When you leave the room, you rub your eyes with the back of your hand. 'Not crying,' You try and convince yourself, 'allergies.' You trying to ignore the fact you know, 100%, that you don't have any allergies. 
You get into one of the SUV's and begin making your way to the hospital, ignoring your phone as it lit up with various concerned messages.
The receptionist was a nice woman and was quick to show you to Mia's room (after staring at you hungrily for a few minutes). You gave a small knock before walking in.
"Are you here to tell me I'm too young to know myself as well?" 
You furrow your eyebrows, "No, who told you that?" 
"One of the nurses," She answers with a shrug. 
"You know which one?" 
"The guy with brown hair," She shrugs as she answers, "It's fine though, happens all the time." 
"I personally don't think y'all are too young to realise who you are," You said with a shrug, "I think anyone who thinks that is trynna hide their bias by invalidatin' your identity."
Mia looks at you for a moment, "I like you." She states, "I thought you were going to be against it." 
"I've been gettin' that a lot today, it would seem," You mumble before your head snaps to the door, relaxing when it's just JJ. "Anyway, I'm (Y/N), this is my colleague, Agent Jareau. Mia, you a'right if we ask you a few questions?" 
"Could you run us through what happened that night?"
"Mum and dad were cooking. We were all sitting at the table doing our homework, and someone knocked on the door." Mia began, "They asked me to open the door, and he grabbed me and put a gun to my head. He shot my dad, then-"
You gave her a small, encouraging smile, "You're doin' great,"
"Did you get a look at the person that did this?" JJ asked, when Mia nodded, she continued, "What did they look like?"
Your eyes widen in worry as the heart machine next to Mia picks up, as does her breathing. You pull yourself together and turn your attention to her, "Mia? Mia, hey," Your voice is soft as you kneel next to her, "You need to take some deep breaths for me sweetheart,"
You nod at her, "Yes, yes you can," You encourage, "Deep breaths, in, one, two, three, four, five, and out. That was good, keep going," 
It takes a moment, but her breathing evens out and she appeared to be less anxious, "There we go," You grin, "Told ya," 
"Okay, Texas," Your jaw drops slightly, the joke catching you off guard. 
"That's not fair, I can't even say anythin' back without bullin' a child," 
"Ha ha." She responds, you throw your hands up in the air, smiling when she laughs at you. 
JJ rolls her eyes slightly at you with a small smile as the doctor walks in with a few nurses for a routine checkup. Your eyebrows furrow when you see a male nurse with brown hair. Your eyes flick to the name badge, 'Darren', assuming this is the same nurse, you make a mental note of his name.
"We'll be just outside, a'right?"
Her hand shoots out, clinging onto your sleeve, "No! Don't leave!" She looks at you slightly hesitantly, "Please?"
"Hey, hey, it's a'right, I'll stay here," You answer, eyes flicking down to her for a moment before turning to JJ.
"Hotch wants me to go with Morgan to the scene," JJ said, "You good here? I'll let him know,"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good here and thanks," You give a small smile.
When the doctor and nurses left, you turned to Mia, "That nurse you mentioned earlier? The brown-haired one? Was he in the room just now?" 
Mia nodded, "Yeah,"
"Had a name badge on, name Darren?" Mia nodded once more. "Alright, I'll be back in a moment,"
"Where are you going?"
"I just want a quick word with this Darren fella," You shrug, seeing the look on Mia's face you roll your eyes slightly, "Don't you worry your little head about it, I'm not gonna hurt him or anythin'."
"Okay..." She said.
"Is that a'right?"
Mia shrugged, "Sure." You nodded before exiting the room.
Furrowing your eyes when you came face to face with Rossi, "Howdy, I'm just popping out for a few," You said. 
Rossi nodded, walking into the room after you had left. "I'm Agent Rossi," He said, "I work with (Y/N),"
"The cowboy?"
"Yeah, the cowboy," Rossi huffs a small laugh as he sits in his seat. "Have the staff here been treating you okay?"
Mia shrugs, "Yeah," She answers, "There was one nurse but I think Texas has gone to sort him out or something. He might beat him up."
Rossi smiles slightly, "Texas?" 
"Yeah, the cowboy," She said, "I think he's frustrated that everyone keeps assuming he's going to be against me being trans... I'd be frustrated too, I think," She added after a moment's thought. 
You leave Mia, now feeling slightly better that Rossi will be there whilst you're gone. Spotting your target, you speed up.
"Excuse me! Nurse?" The man turns towards you, Darren. "I just wanted to have a word with you about Mia?"
You watch as Darren shifts uncomfortably. "Yes?"
"I just wanted to say that perhaps telling someone they're too young to understand 'emselves probably doesn't make 'em feel a whole lotta good about 'emselves."
Darren looks you up and down slightly as he takes a few steps towards you. "And what exactly do you know?" He scoffs, "I'm surprised a redneck such as yourself can read and write."
"That's some nice deflection there," You said sarcastically, trying not to let it show how much the stereotypes flung into your face hurt. "Just... don't be a dick. If you don't understand somethin', look it up. I'm sure you can read. So perhaps do your research before you project onto a twelve year old girl." With that, you give a forced smile before turning on your heels and head back to Mia's room.
"Welp, that outta have done it," You give a lopsided grin, "A'right Rossi?" 
"I'm fine Kid, you okay?" 
"Yes sir," You answered, "I might grab myself a drink, y'all want anything?"
Mia laughs, "Y'all?"
"Rossi, Imma need your assistance, I'm getting bullied by a twelve year old," 
"Sorry, Kiddo, can't help you there." He chuckled, "I will ask that you grab me a coffee though."
"Coming right up!" 
Hours later, she's sat up on the bed whilst you're sat on a chair (a rather uncomfortable one) next to the bed, Rossi having left an hour ago, both of your gazes focused on a small, empty glass bottle that stood on the overbed tables. Each armed with a small piece of string as a makeshift lasso. 
"You're not a very good cowboy, are you?" Mia observes as you miss once more. 
"Hey, I haven't done this in a while," 
"How longs a while? Never?" She asked, throwing the lasso perfectly once more. 
"I'll have you know its been, okay so it's been like ten years, a'right? You were two last time I had to lasso something," 
"Wow, you're old." 
"I had no idea twelve year olds were so mean, you're about to make a grown man cry,"
Mia gave a laugh, you quickly joining in. You flung the lasso half-heartedly, eyes widening as it hit its target perfectly. "Yeehaw!" 
"Yeehaw? Seriously? You're so lame." You jaw dropped once more. You both jumped as gunshots echoed throughout the hospital, you sat up straight, immediately turning to Mia.
"Mia, I need you to take this," You handed your phone over to her, "The pass code is 1999, okay? You need to phone Hotch. Lock the door behind me, go into the bathroom and lock that door too, okay?"
Mia looked up at you with wide, scared eyes, "Are you gonna be okay?"
"I'm gonna be absolutely fine, a'right?" When she nodded, you gave her a smile, "Don't open this door until I tell you to, or Hotch phones and says to okay?" 
You shut the door, not moving until you heard it lock in place. When you heard the soft click, you nodded to yourself as you began to make your way towards sound.
Seeing a nurse, you jogged up to her, "Ma'am, try and get everyone into their rooms, tell them not to come out, okay?" The nurse nods and runs off. You continue cautiously towards the sound of gunshots, revolver clutched in your hands.
When you find him, he's holding a person close to his chest, what with that and the people running past you, you don't have a clear shot. You meeting eyes with the wide yes of the hostage against his chest, you look at her, giving a small nod as you inch closer. 
When the moment's right, she ducks her head, pulls her elbow back, before slamming it into the guy's ribs. As he curls over, she wiggles out of her grasp, joining the others in fleeing. With a sigh, you brace yourself before charging at the man, tackling him to the floor.
It takes a moment for the unsub to recover, in that time you've delivered a few blows to his face, both of your guns falling during the tackle. He's quick to flip you over, he aims for the torso first, delivering a handful of well-aimed punches. Next, he takes a fist of your hair, slamming your head into the floor. Once, twice, three times before you get the momentum needed to push him off you.
You staggered up, paying no mind to the pain in your head throbbing in beat with your pulse, the blood on the side of you head that's slowly dripping into your eye, or the ache that's spread through your abdomen. You had to either distract this guy until the team got here or knock him out. Either way, you weren't about to let yourself pass out and let this bastard hurt Mia.
As you're breathing deeply through the pain, the unsub has stood, he (however) is not as chivalrous, so he takes the moment make his way over to you. He grabs your shoulders as he pulls his knee to your groin, pushing you to the floor as you double over in pain. Happy with having the advantage, he continues to aim cheap blows to your sides.
Despite this, you stumble up once more, you keeping your left arm wrapped close to your ribs on your right. They were definitely bruised as a minimum. You duck the punch sent your way, wincing slightly as it pulls on your arm and ribs. Both of your eyes lock on the gun at the same time as the pair of you dive for it. He reaches it first, gripping it tightly in his hands as you immediately go for it, to loosen his grip, anything you can think of.
There's a bang and you grunt as a bullet enters the top of your left arm, adding insult to injury. Okay, so disarming him didn't really work.
"FBI!" You sigh in relief as the unsub is pulled away from you, letting your head fall against the cold floor with your eyes closed - trying to get a grip on the pain. You listen as they cuff the bastard before dragging him out of the hospital. You let your eyes flutter open as you begin to push yourself off of the floor. 
"I'm fine," You mumbled, shrugging Hotch's hands off you, "I'm fine, check on Mia."
"Morgan, stay with (Y/N)."
When Hotch is gone, you turn to Morgan, "I'm fine, go help Hotch."
"Sorry, got my order," Morgan said with a shrug. You don't answer, as much as you don't want to admit it, the pain was really starting you affect your headspace. You felt like you couldn't think. "Come on, let's get you checked out." 
You shook your head, "No, I need to check on Mia first," You mumbled, giving a low groan as you pushed yourself up. 
"Alright, lead the way," Morgan said. You don't answer, simply forcing one foot in front of the other until you're back at Mia's room.
"Is he okay?!" You hear Mia's question through the door.
"He's okay," You hear Hotch reassuring her.
"Then where is he?! He said he'd be here as soon as he could!" Mia's panic causes your eyebrows to furrow, "Oh god, he's dead, isn't he?"
You push the door open, trying to look as put together as possible for Mia, not wanting her to panic. "I'm very much alive, thank you very much," You say.
"I thought he killed you!" She exclaims, rushing towards you. You groan when Mia flings her arms around you, burying her head in your chest and she immediately steps back, seeing the blood her eyes widen. "Holy shit he shot you?!"
"Hey, language," 
"Sorry Texas," She grins, and you roll your eyes. 
"Texas?" Morgan grins, "Oh, that is so sticking around,"
You groan slightly, "Seriously?"
You turn to Mia, "Thanks kid," You say sarcastically.
"No problem, old man." Your jaw drops once more.
"I don't know if my ego can take all these insults," 
"I don't know what y'all are talkin' about I would never do such a thing to y'all," She says, trying her best to do an impersonation, giggling slightly at the look of disbelief on your face. 
"That- Now that was just a bridge too far-" You barely get the sentence out before you're huffing a laugh (and then wincing because of said laugh).
"Alright, come on, Texas," Derek smirks, placing a hand on your shoulder, "Let's go get you checked out."
You weren’t too injured (thankfully), minus the bullet wound, it was mostly just bruises. Eventually, you were all stitched up and laid in a hospital bed - which you hated, but Hotch had glared at you when you went to protest. 
A soft knock echoed through the door before it opened, a blonde woman poking her head round. You frowned slightly, not recognising her.
"Hi, I'm Mia's aunt," The woman says and you straighten up (ignoring the discomfort).
"Ma'am," You said with a nod.
"I just wanted to say thank you," 
"What for?" You furrowed your eyebrows as she raised hers, motioning to your current state. "Ma'am I was just doing my job."
"Well, either way, thank you." 
You give a small smile, "No worries, Ma'am."
“I’m going to be her guardian now that-” Mia’s aunt paused, taking a deep breath to compose herself before she continued, “After everything and I really appreciate what you did for her.”
You give her a small smile, “Of course, Ma’am.”
She gives you one last smile as she leaves the room, “Oh, agent?” You look at her, “Is it alright if I bring Mia in? We’re about to head off and she wanted to say goodbye.”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah, of course,” 
When the door closes, you push yourself the best you can, the door opens a few minutes later and Mia walks in.
“How y’all healin’?”
“First, I wouldn’t say y’all if it’s just one person,” You said, rolling your eyes, “Second, I’m doin’ a’right,”
“You missed like seven letters in that sentence,” She laughs, you huff a small laugh, forcing a wince down.
“It’s an art form,” You reply. "Your aunt seems nice,"
“She is, I’m going to live with her,” Mia says, smiling, “She lives in California. I can’t wait, apparently my uncle’s been getting a room ready for me,”
“That’s great,” You smiled. "How are you feeling in yourself?" 
"I'm okay," Mia said with a shrug, "I know it's going to be a while until I'm back to one hundred percent, but I'm willing to put in the work."
"Smart kid," You said, "You'll be okay." 
"Oh, Aunty Meg you should have been there earlier! Texas was all like 'how are y'all doin'?' And he made lassos but he was absolutely useless with one and the last time he used one was when I was two and…"
Mia's voice faded as you looked at the hat on the table for a moment, lightly taking it in your own hands, brushing over the material lightly with the pad of your thumb. It was one of your favourite hats. You looked up, seeing the grin on Mia's face as she did her best cowboy impressions, you smiled. "Hey, I think you'll find, every southerner - impersonator or not - needs their very own hat," You said, reaching over to place it on her head. "Perfect, a true southerner!"
"Well I'll be damned!" Mia exclaimed, tilting the hat slightly. 
"Come on, we need to make a move," Mia's aunt said. "I think Uncle Jack's getting restless waiting for us,"
Mia nodded, reaching up and taking the hat off before handing it over to you. You shook your head. 
"Nah, you keep it kiddo, I've got hundreds." You give her a smile. 
Mia walked forward, clinging onto you as she buried her head in your chest, you ignored the dull ache that flared up in your chest as you hugged her back, "I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll miss you too, kiddo," You say, lifting one hand to wipe at your eyes. 
"Are you crying?" Mia asked softly. 
"No." You answered, "I've got allergies."
You wait for Mia to let go before you do, you gave her a small smile, "See you later, a'right?" She nodded, quickly wiping her eyes. 
"See you later Texas," 
The door shut quietly behind the two of them and you were enveloped once more in silence.
Whilst everyone was wrapping up the case, you were sitting in a hospital bed, bored out of your skull. With a sigh, you pushed yourself up, sneaking past the nurses and doctors as you made your way outside, wanting some fresh air. 
You sat yourself down opposite the hospital in the grass, letting yourself pluck a blade of grass from the ground, running it through your fingers as you lost yourself in your thoughts. 
You kept your eyes trained on the grass as Hotch sat down next to you. The pair of you sitting in silence for a moment. “Are you alright?”
“‘M fine, sir,” The answer rolls off your tongue. “Nothing to worry about,”
“If you want to get something off your chest, you can always talk to me,” 
“I know, Hotch,” You said, “I just… struggle with the whole talkin’ about how you’re feelin’,”
Hotch nods in understanding, for someone who doesn’t talk about it, you sure do end up giving a lot away. You both sit in silence.
"I know people think I'm stupid," You mumble, staring intently at the blade of grass between your fingers as you spoke, "I know I have that Southern drawl," You exaggerate your accent slightly before continuing, "That I don't exactly talk like y'all. I know some just see me as some redneck, but I can hold my own. I ain't stupid. And I certainly ain't no bigot."
"I know, we all know that." Hotch replies.
"But you didn't." You pointed out before sighing, "Whatever, it doesn't matter..."
"We were concerned because there was no way could have known."
"You could've just trusted me," You said, “I have, in no way, given any of y’all a reason to believe that I am against anyone in that community. And I get it, I do, it just… stings, is all.”
Hotch doesn’t speak, unsure of what to actually say. Because he did jump to conclusions, they all did.
"I think if she didn't have any family I would have adopted her, or at least tried to, anway," Your eyebrows are furrowed, gaze deepening at the blade of grass as you tore it apart in your hands. "But, hey, she's happy, that's the main thing and her aunt seems like a lovely woman."
With that, you push yourself off of the grass, ignoring the ache that shoots through your body. Leaving Hotch sat on the curb with a frown as you limped back into the hospital for one final check-up before your flight.
You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, “Fuckin’ allergies.”
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snapscube · 4 months
I feel like every couple months you get like a wave of people being weird about your name
Like, hombres, it's a name. We all have 'em. Be cool about it.
i sincerely do not know why people try to constantly get clever or practice their tight five when it comes to something as simple as referring to me by my name LMAO, it's not there for your entertainment! i don't think i have ever met someone who actively enjoys people joking about their name or trying to come up with their own rules for engaging with it, and yet i feel like every other person on the planet is always looking for excuses to do that to other people. like nicknames within a friend group or known usernames are one thing, if someone calls me "snapcube" i'm not gonna consider it a slight against me it's literally just an alias i chose for online interaction. but if i say pretty clearly "you can call me either penny or olivia i don't have a preference between the two" i don't know how that becomes "so you're saying we can combine them into something completely different" or "what if i called you peggy it sounds like penny" like bros. at the end of the day you can say whatever you want to me but i have gone on record a thousand times that i don't like Name Jokes or ppl trying to project their own ideas for my identity onto me, even if it's not malicious, so do not be surprised if you dont get an enthusiastic response or you just get blocked! just fair warning! it's exhausting at MINIMUM.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
I sincerely hope I’m sending this request correctly. I wanna ask for a pokemon request where reader has a full Unown team with the Paldea crew reaction(Arven, nemona, penny) and maybe the blueberry academy crew reaction. I love unowns they’re my funky little letter guys. Basically the reader is an Unown enthusiast who only ever has unowns and only ever used Unowns. They have all the forms but the six they use are just the ones they took with them to Paldea. They went through Paldea and became champion with a full Unown team. Same with the bb league. I just think it’d be funny to see everyone’s reactions to that. Their partner mon would be Unown O and the other five you could pick cuz Unown O is my favorite letter. And also if u could write the unowns being affectionate with the reader and vice versa. I just like seeing trainers bonding with their pokemon. Thank you and I enjoy your writing!
(Side note: Honestly if ScarVio was able to have unowns in it you’d bet your ass I’d do a full Unown run. I’ve done it for other games. Was disappointed and sad I couldn’t have any unowns in them, sword/shield too.)
I LOVE the Unowns omg. I got a plushie of V and I'm still trying to get shinies and alphas in PLA
My favorite is F because it looks like a little stick figure but I adore all of them very much <3
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Ever since discovering the Unown in Johto (Ruins of Alpha) and the two additional forms in Kanto (Tanoby Chambers), you found your calling as a trainer.
An Unown trainer, to be precise.
Unown O was the first one you caught, and has been your battle partner ever since!
You've become something of an enthusiast, asking researchers what they've discovered and documenting the Symbol Pokemon as you collected them.
You've caught so many that you actually encountered a shiny or two--each capture being a success.
Their existence, connection to Arceus, home dimension, and "secret power" when more than one are gathered were all fascinating to you and made you wanna learn more.
You even incorporated some of their designs into your outfit: like gloves and socks that had symbols printed on them, keychains and charms on your jewelry and/or backpack..etc.
All 28 Unown grew to love you, and the ones in your party are super affectionate when you bring them out.
Their favorite game is hide n' seek (taking after their "ancestors" from PLA) around your home, and you like to play along.
Ofc people are wary around Unown given their mysterious nature, but you vow to break that stigma by feeding them treats and letting them nuzzle up to you, showing others that they're just like any other Pokémon: companions who deserved as much love and affection as a Pikachu.
After parting ways with your friends in Kanto and Johto, you don't leave without gifting them an Unown that was the first letter in their name (for Blue you left him a Shiny Unown B...which he still brags about to this day).
You decided to move to Paldea to take your Pokémon training more seriously, attending school and showing off your Unown since they're not native to the region.
Your team consisted of O, as well as N, E, F, R, and M--referring to what all 28 are collectively called (One Form).
Despite knowing they can only use Hidden Power and nothing else (plus the drawbacks from having a psychic-only team), you defied all the odds when you took on not one but TWO championships and won.
And of course, the friends you've made during your journey all got to know the Unown personally.
At first, he thought your Unown team had more to it...until he realized that was ALL you brought to the battlefield.
Just funky letters that only knew one move.
"Oh come on, you're never gonna win with a team like that-"
And then you go and beat him with a team like that, and it shuts him up.
But Arven just rolls his eyes to the sky, making the excuse that he's not used to battling, and moves on.
As you get closer to him, though, and help him take down the Titan Pokémon around Paldea, he warms up to your team and admits they're kinda cool.
He'll only shoo them away if he's making a sandwich, not wanting to be crowded (but tbh he can tolerate Unown O's presence more than your 'raidon's).
You presented him with picks inspired by the designs of some Unown (I, K, T, Y, and !) to hold the ingredients together, and he's thoroughly impressed by your dedication to the craft.
You joked about selling them if you ever went into the art of culinary--yet Arven tells you to seriously consider it.
After the fight with the AI Professor in Area Zero, he sees your entire team pop out of their pokeballs, clearly stressed from being locked inside due to the Paradise Protection Protocol.
You never did a battle without them and were afraid they couldn't protect you, but you reassured them you were okay, letting them stay out during the journey home.
Only then does he realize that sure, they're weird little guys that don't seem all-that powerful, but you treasure them all the same.
While she was confused about you not using the Paldea starter the Director offered you..she's HYPED when your real team comes out to play during your first match together: One made entirely of Unown, a Pokémon not even native to Paldea.
She may have read about them in some textbook unrelated to battling and glossed over them.
But to see them in battle left her extremely impressed and asking you dozens of questions afterwards.
They could just change their type when attacking??? She read about Arceus supposedly having that power, but it's awesome that these little letters/symbols can, too!
Despite thinking you'll bore her by having no strategy except "use hidden power", Nemona NEVER wants you to feel discouraged!
She wants to battle your team every time.
As you fight your way through the Pokémon League and all the way up to the Elite Four, she's rooting for you 100%, praising your Unown for overcoming even the toughest terastalized foes.
Knowing your party members, they LOVE praise and are very friendly towards her and her own Pokémon.
If any of them have timid/lonely natures..her words give them a big confidence boost.
And it reflects in their reaction times and how often they'll heal their own status conditions or tank OH-KO hits.
She says you're helping them get stronger every day, but you give her lots of credit, too, for helping you get this far.
While dealing with Team Star, Giacomo's dark team put your Unown through a world of hurt...
Penny had been watching the battle, worried that he was going to be the reason you failed to squander the organization.
Yet by some miracle, your team came out on top!
Only then does she realize you were more than capable of taking down all the bases.
Unown P comes out to greet her while you've doing an LP exchange, and it scared her pretty badly.
Especially as it just...stares. Occasionally blinking once or twice as she tries talking to you.
Conversations are hard enough for her already, and staring doesn't help matters, so she gets ready to leave-
But then its tune changes when you pat it on the head(?) and it trills happily, snuggling up to you.
Penny had to do a double-take, wondering how it managed to look so cute..but she dismisses your concerns when you asked why she made that face.
Later, after revealing she's the leader and becoming your friend thereafter...she still gets anxious around the Unown from time-to-time, but eventually warms up to their presence.
You don't treat them any differently despite their mysterious nature.
If anything, you care for them just like anyone would a cute Eevee: by spoiling them with love, treats, and sweet words of encouragement.
Penny felt like a hypocrite for being scared of them, considering people used to be scared of Team Star--yet they aren't as evil as everyone made them out to be.
They used to be lonely and misunderstood, just like the Unown were before you found them.
BB Academy
When you showed off your team for the first time, Kieran was stunned.. remembering the things he read about them but didn't know they could actually be caught.
All he says when you show him Unown K is "wowzers".
And the journal entries you've logged turned his eyes into stars.
You show him all the photographs of ruins and Unown blending in during your trips to the signboards, rambling about what you've seen and discovered.
He loves listening to your tales..and wishes he could see those places with you.
But what he didn't like, however, was whenever you two had a battle in which your Unown only needed one command to win. You didn't have to try at all.
Even with his team's most supereffective attacks..speed and dumb luck were on your side, crushing his confidence and making him jealous.
It doesn't help when you still decided to keep Ogerpon despite you saying you only ever used Unown.
It wasn't fair.
And ofc by Indigo Disk, Kieran wants nothing more than to destroy your team, insulting them under his breath when he thinks you can't hear him.
You just scowl and cover their nonexistent-ears while they nuzzle up to you--although deep down, you knew he didn't mean those words.
He's just pissed off that he lost sleep and his appetite over training his team, giving them the best moves and items to utilize on the battlefield..only for you to sweep the BB League with a simple command.
He managed to OH-KO one Unown with Incineroar's Darkest Lariat..and that sinister grin you saw on his face was most unnerving.
But you still claimed victory over him and he takes the loss hard.
Down in Area Zero, he's convinced that the "Hidden Treasure" Terapagos can take down your "Hidden Power" team..
But after seeing them form a shield (similar to the crystal one in the Spell of Unown movie) that protects him when the legendary goes rogue..it changed his perspective.
Only then he understood why they were so powerful.
As the Unovian Pokedex said: Alone, nothing happens..but together, Unown are strong and invoke a great power.
When the dust settles, O floats into Kieran's hands, healing the pain in his wrist caused by Terapagos breaking the masterball.
He felt so so guilty for the name-calling and his desires to hurt them. Yet they've all forgiven him.
In a way, Unown remind you of him: small and unassuming, at first glance..but full of great power that's waiting to shine.
During Mochi Mayhem, K stays by his side while he holds off the possessed townspeople and you capture Pecharunt, growing quite attached to him.
And after coming back to the academy, you decide to trade him that Unown, hoping he incorporates it into one of his teams. Be it casual or competitive.
Back in Kitakami, she laughed at your "puny"-looking letter Pokémon, thinking them to be weak as she sics Poochyena and Polteageist on them.
While their dark/ghost moves hit the Unown hard, it's Unown O who takes them down with critical hits..and Carmine got LIVID.
She impressed you're sticking with a team that appeared in ancient texts, although that doesn't dissuade her from teasing you about them for a while.
Ngl you nerding out over Unown facts and studies you've recorded reminds her of Kieran infodumping about Ogerpon.
Your Unown just glare at her, and you gotta call them back to your side before they try attacking her outside a battle.
However as time goes on and she warms up to you, meets Ogerpon, etc..she grows to like them more, too.
Eventually she's cheering them on as they take down the Loyal Three and tank their poison attacks.
By Indigo Disk's events, she comes around to genuinely smile at their presence.
Although she had concerns Kieran's new team would be too overwhelming for them...
Yet your team of hieroglyphics won anyways.
And down in Area Zero's underdepths, they invoked a great power to shield the siblings from Terapagos' attacks, protecting the two people who once hated and mocked them with all they had.
As they both break down in tears, some Unown come out of their pokeballs to comfort them, and O stays on your shoulder as you exit the cavern together.
A few photobomb the selfie you take with the twins back at the academy (as well as Kitakami's festival), but it's alright.
Carmine will allow it because you treasured them and they DID save her and her brother's skin.
While you did struggle during his trial (due to his "Terarium Pokemon-only" rule), the actual battle caught him by surprise when your Unown swept the floor, taking down his dragons.
How Unown F was able to withstand an Electro Shot was beyond him, but it was sturdy enough to finish the fight with a Fairy-based Hidden Power.
After winning, you both take a selfie in commemoration, with you passing F to Drayton like "can we get an F in the chat" and him humbly accepting it.
It was all in good fun, and looking back on it in your scrapbook made you laugh.
But what you didn't feel good about was him rubbing your victory in Kieran's face after you win the championship, further shattering the kid who nearly keeled over trying to make the perfect team to beat you..only for some "letters" to kick him down into the dirt.
"Wow, that's tough..now are you gonna take the F or L, ex-champ?"
He forgot this kid doesn't understand much internet lingo, but Unown F and Unown L didn't appreciate his jokes, and neither did you.
But after the events in Area Zero, you let it go, eventually deciding to trade him Unown D as your way of thanking him for helping you get close enough to knock sense back into Kieran.
Let's face it, he's gonna be staring at your Unown like a Magikarp out of water and ask how they eat..
Or if they eat at all for that matter.
Their eyes just blink and poof, their share of the meal is already gone.
He knows they're psychic Pokémon, but still...
His favorite ones are definitely C (bc of his name) and S (for Spicy), though he's eager to see how your team fairs in battle when you clear his trial.
You warn him it might be "boring" but he acts like you insulted his cooking and begs you not to say that again.
"Every Pokémon battle gets me fired up!!!!! Don't downplay yourself!!!"
Even when your Unown easily douse his Pokémon's flames with Water-based Hidden Power (and Fire for his Exeggcutor), he still had a blast battling you, realizing those little letters are full of vigor and surprises!
He's eager to see what supereffective type they're gonna use next.
When you eventually decide to trade, you contemplate giving him an extra Unown F you had..or a C.
But you settle for the latter, and Crispin promises to feed the little guy well!
Unown are small, simple, and make trilling noises...all checking off her criteria of "cute" Pokémon!
Although knowing they're connected to Arceus--the literal god of all 'mons--is an unnerving fact, she agrees that they're adorable and deserve to be treated as such.
She gets to learn your team's different natures, and likes how you're trying to convince people that they're not as scary as the old legends present them.
They love nuzzling up to you, resting on your shoulder and/or head, twirling around, and playing with the local Minior.
That being said..Lacey gets shocked at the punch they pack during battle, with them using Poison or Steel-based Hidden Power to take down her fairies.
It's always the most unsuspecting Pokémon who are the most powerful.
Even if you worry about the battle being boring since all you can give out is one command, she's gonna turn your pessimistic thinking around!
Unown F is her favorite since it's looks like a stick figure, but Unown L is also pretty neat..yet she wonders why Unown ? and Unown ! look tired all the time...
When you trade her a letter/symbol, she's thrilled to welcome yet another cute Pokémon onto her team!
Considering their affiliations with ruins and Arceus, the existence of Unown have always piqued her interest.
And you so-happened to be a walking encyclopedia of anything related to the Symbol Pokémon, given the journals you've written on their mannerisms.
Amarys likes reading them over, and thinks a quiz involving the Unown Alphabet would be good to have at BB Academy.
On the other hand, after your battle to climb the League rankings, she wonders if you've ever used other Pokémon..only to find out that you never did.
All you know are Unowns.
She won't force you to change your team members, seeing as they were able to beat ALL of the league members--including Kieran.
But she suggests you had one Unown use Hidden Power on its battle partner, who could hold onto a Weakness Policy.
Yet you're adamant, saying "why would I want one Unown to hurt the other just for a temporary attack boost? :((("
Your team members are besties, your cuddle buddies..how could you do that to them???
Amarys is genuinely touched by how much you care for your Unowns, and vice versa.
Speaking of which, Unown A started hanging around her more often..and she cautiously tries to pet it, surprised by its happy trills, but otherwise acts nonchalant.
When you both decide to trade, you give her that Unown and she promises to look after it.
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 8 months
[TWST AU]: An MC/Yuu who knows how to serve a smile, and sensing everyone’s deepest fears…
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, the MC/Yuu here is more on the deranged life form that can shape-shift into anyone, cause horrific illusions and devours its feared victims.
[Gender Neutral!Pennywise the Dancing Clown!MC/Yuu]
[(A/N)]: Oh my god. This banger of a song was a great inspiration for this AU. If you’re a fan of horror and a metal head, check out Ice Nine Kills. The band creates great music retelling horror classics and novels through the lyrics.
[(A/N #2)]: I know it's not October or near Halloween, but whatever. I don't think the story was taken place during October.
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[Ice Nine Kills - IT Is The End ft. Peter Wasilewski & Buddy Schaub]
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"On a pouring day, Night Raven College had their classes canceled for the day due to a heavy rain storm. Kalim Al Asim, the Dorm Leader of Scarabia was rushing back to his dorm with only a yellow raincoat on him to protect himself from the fallen drops. He was rushing back because he doesn't want to worry Jamil for staying out late. As he hurries on his trail, a voice catches his attention, leading back to a sewer drain."
"Hello? Anyone? I'm stuck down here."
"Kalim had been warned by Jamil and his family to not trust the noises he encounters when being alone himself and never follow through."
"Though, he followed the eerily calm voice and he peeked down at the drain, something came to view..."
IT!MC/Yuu: *Appears in the storm drain*
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Kalim: *Gasps and backs up*
IT!MC/Yuu: Please call the DWP. I’m stuck in here.
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[Headmaster Crowley's office]
IT!MC/Yuu: After 27 years of being dormant back in Derry, Maine and being defeated by adults who roasted me, I’m now stuck in a world where kids have magic. Worst of all, I'm a teen myself!
Crowley: Now now, child. There is no need to have such anger.
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shape-shifts into a grotesque spider-like creature* I’m gonna rip your limbs apart and devour your flesh!
Crowley: *Hides behind Crewel* They’re not an ordinary student.
Crewel: *Sighs* No, really? I never recall a monstrous spider clown registering for Night Raven College.
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Ace: You can't eat regular food?
IT!MC/Yuu: I can. Just prefer a certain type of food.
Deuce: I don't think they serve that kind.
IT!MC/Yuu: It's fine. I still can drink.
Jack: Aren't you underaged?
IT!MC/Yuu: My boy, I'm way passed the drinking age limit before you were born.
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IT!MC/Yuu: Oh my god. This child…I cannot sense any fear. I can’t even taste any to begin with.
Cheka: *Giggles* You’re a funny clown. What’s your name?
IT!MC/Yuu: …MC/Yuu. You can call me Penny. Where are your parents, little child?
Cheka: I’m here to visit Ojima!
IT!MC/Yuu: Where are they?
[After hours of searching]
[Savanaclaw Dorm]
[Leona's room]
Leona: *Sleeping in his room*
IT!MC/Yuu: Leona~
Leona: Huh?
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shows him a face*
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Leona: *Jumps out of bed* What was that?!
IT!MC/Yuu: Leona, your nephew was looking for you and... *Covers Cheka's ears* I'm not good with children, if you know what I mean.
Cheka: Ojima! Penny gave me an animal balloon.
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[During the Stage in Playful Land ~Dancing Puppets and the Fantastical Theme Park~]
Grim: Why do I need to wear this stupid rain jacket? It smells weird.
IT!MC/Yuu: You’re part of my show. We have to give these folks some entertainment. Just act like an innocent little kid named Georgie.
Grim: Whose Georgie-
[Then the show starts.]
Allow me to introduce myself
They call me the dancing clown
And you must be Georgie
Did you hear my circus was in town?
It seems I have your boat here
The storm blew her off track
Just reach your hands down here and take it
If you really want it back
Oh, Georgie
You can trust me, sweet child
Step right this way
I'm at your service with a smile
Believe me
IT's nothing to fear
When I feast on your flesh
You'll see that we all float down...
Pick through the past you'll see
I'm living history
Come one come all
'Cause I'm starved for the kill
Prey on the pure at heart
Feed on their body parts
I've got some big fucking shoes to fill
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Devastation as the dead lights defuse
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Face down in the fountain of youth
Just like Georgie
IT's all out of hand
So join me
Catch me at the big top
Buried underground
You know I'm not clowning around
Even with a smile
From ear to fucking ear
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
A carnival of carnage
That much you assume
But it's more than just a costume and red balloons
IT's coming back around every 27 years
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
So let go
You know what makes me smile?
Devoured juveniles
Their innards tangled in my twisted grin
Chuckled so hard I choked
Call it an inside joke
They say that laughter's the best medicine
Follow me and I'll show you the truth
Face down in the fountain of youth
Just like Georgie
IT's all out of hand
So join me
Catch me at the big top
Buried underground
You know I'm not clowning around
Even with a smile
From ear to fucking ear
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
A carnival of carnage
That much you assume
But it's more than just a costume and red balloons
IT's coming back around every 27 years
IT's everything you know
IT's everything you fear
So let go
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
IT is the end
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
We all float down here
IT's come again
Believe IT or not
You'll all disappear
IT cannot be fought
We all float down here
Fellow Honest & Gidel: *Holding each other, shaking in fear*
IT!MC/Yuu: You scared of a little clown~? *Grins sinisterly*
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Malleus: I must say, you're truly are fearful for many.
IT!MC/Yuu: And you don't find me terrifying?
Malleus: I have not.
IT!MC/Yuu: ...You know, I can sense your fear is not having to make any friends outside of your domain because they seem to be frightened by your presence. And it has something to deal with your late mother.
Malleus: *Glares at them* In what sense are you speaking of? What knowledge you have of my family?
IT!MC/Yuu: *Shrugs* All I'm saying you should speak with your guardian. I'm just a clown from another world.
[Shit. IT!MC/Yuu entered the trope of "Enemies-to-Friends".]
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 8 months
Womanizer ft. Geto
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womanizer!Geto is very much aware of how fine he is. Struts through the school with his head and nose way to fuckin high in the air. You think the hungry way the girls look at him might actually feed his energy, he seems to literally level up from it and its absolutely ridiculous. But don't think he doesn't notice how your burning gaze rake over him before you pretend it has no effect on you.
womanizer!Geto even though he's hella cocky, still has a soft heart; just doesn't want anyone to about it. Whether it's of monetary value or not, he'll help any way he can. Suguru might be sex on a stick and confident as fuck but he isn't heartless. Only Saturo knows this side of him.. Till one night when he tried to play match maker and end up spilling the beans to you.
womanizer!Geto isn't just a pretty face, so doesn't like his girls brainless. Unless its cause of his cock ofcourse. He doesn't keep em long but expects to get a bit familiar before he tries to hit. Doesn't think anyone not pursuing a higher knowledge is really worth his time. Interesting lil fact: of all the years Suguru's known you, he swiftly peeps how intelligent you are and always been.
womanizer!Geto obviously loves attention from the ladies. Like waaay too much. Turns you off matter fact. And he notices. Which is weird. Cause he usually only notices when women throw themselves at his feet. "Goin to Geto's party inna few weeks? Come on, hang with us? Could use another pretty face there." Suguru over hears Satoru ask you after class. "Hmmm.. Maybe. Though I think you two horny sluts have enough eye candy on the menu." You answer with a eye roll. "Me? We? Sluts?" He feigns ignorance as you shake your head laughing. Meanwhile, Suguru wonders when in the world has he ever thought bein called a slut was arousing cause.. His dicks startin to chub.
womanizer!Geto isnt really into easy women. Most of the cute lil thangs from school put out just watchin that talented tongue swipe across his bottom lip. Knows he doesn't have to do much work and sometimes that puts him off. He doesn't even like to talk with a woman if he doesn't think he's gonna hit but nothin gets his dick softer than a girl that open her legs to him before she even knows his name. Funny though.. Suguru notices you don't date. At all. Kinda wonders what it would take to get a chance with your pretty ass. So he asks you one day while you guys practice sparring. "Y/n, how long have we known each other?" Straightening from your fighting stance, absolutely befuddled as you answer. "Bout 5+ years, as you already know. Why?" Suguru steps closer, trailing his index finger down your cheek. "Cause I wanna know why in the 5 years that you've known me, you've never given me a chance." You tsk at him. Is he serious? "Boy, ya dick been in every one under the sun." You're response throws him off, makes him chuckle as he thinks about your words. You ain't lyin. He uses protection though.
womanizer!Geto has always had a high sex drive. Except lately. He just doesn't know why he can't get it up when he's not thinkin about you. Hasn't been interested in any of his usual conquests lately. To add to the madness, jerking offs become a pain in the ass if he doesnt let you swim into his thoughts. So he sulks and pouts about it in class one day- till he sees heading to your seat. Suguru's dark eyes are glued to how your tits slightly jiggle in your robe as you walk. Man, would bet every single penny he had that you're fuckin gorgeous everywhere. "Hi, y/n" "Hey, Sugu! Wassup?" Oh shit.. No, no, no, no.. Cute way you say his name, moist pretty plump lips, and that fuckin body.. His dick. His dick is definitely what's up right now.
womanizer!Geto usually has a harem of cute girls following him around like puppies. Not the night of his party, he trails after you like one instead. "Come on y/n, just gimme a chance." He a bit tipsy so you continuously evade him. You're soakin wet from dodging Suguru's advances, his nasty words and exploring fingers. So you head into the kitchen to poor yourself a drink and gets some space. Unfortunately for you he meets you there and you groan at his persistence. "Geto, quit it. You're just horny. And there's plenty of fuck toys round here for you to play with. So beat it." You grumble. Suguru whines at your rejection, cornering you as you try to side step him. "Don't like when you're mean to me. Or when you call me that." He lies through his teeth. Only one of those two sentences are true. "Fine, Sugu. Happy? Now go find one of your playthings. Fuckin manwhore." Okay now hes perplexed, your mean words having the same effect when you called him a slut. Suguru thinks you should know since it's your fault. He pins you to the counter, pressing his hard dick into you. You gasp, fingers gripping into the sides of his shirt, havin to fight not to let your eyes flutter shut at his bulge pressuring your tingly clit. "Can't, y/n. Dick never gets hard for them anymore. Have fucked in weeks. Can't even cum without you on my mind. Help me out, baby pleeaase." You've never seen him so desperate, pawing at your backside as he sticks his face in your neck. Won't stop dry humping and licking you as he inhales your scent. "Sugu-" He cuts you off, pleas wearing you down real quick. "Promise I can make you feels so good. Know how to make that lil kitty purr, baby. Lemme show you?" You're eyes trail off over his shoulder as you think about it. Fuck, why not? He's the most wanted attraction in town, how could not get a ride too? You accidently catch Saturo's gaze. Grin wide when he does a peace sign, sticking his tongue between the two fingers and wiggling it. He points at Suguru and gives you a thumbs up, signalling how good his BFF's pussy eating skills are. Shit, that seals the deal; you def need a demonstration. "Fine, Sugu." You feign irritation, pushin him back and pullin him towards his bedroom. "Better not disappoint me. Not gonna get another chance, playboy." Promises of your pleasure spill from Suguru's lips as you drag him by his t-shirt, him secretly hoping you'll continue your lil mean act while riding his cock.
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honeyjars-sims · 17 days
Drag Superstar Episode 1: Dollar Store Drag
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[The queens enter the workroom]
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David/Valerie: [in a confessional] My name is Valerie Galloway and I'm from the House of Galloway. I’ve been doing drag since before some of these queens learned to tie their shoes. I took some time off while my kids were younger, but it didn’t slow me down. I’m like wine, I get better with age!
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Michael B./Jacqueline: [screaming] That’s my sister! 
David/Valerie: [hugging Jacqueline] I knew you weren’t going on a cruise!
Michael B./Jacqueline: I’m so happy to see you here! It’s just too bad I’m gonna have to send you home. No, I’m just joking. Watch your back, though! [laughs]
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David/Valerie: [in a confessional] I’m so excited that my drag sister Jacqueline is here! The only thing better than one Galloway is two Galloways!
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Diamond: [enters the work room and greets the queens out of drag] Well, hellooooooooooo my queens! Welcome to Drag Superstar. You’ve all been chosen because you have something special that sets you apart from the rest. It’s your time to show the world what you’ve got–but only one of you will earn the title of Drag Superstar.
Every week you will be given a challenge that demonstrates skills a drag queen needs to achieve success. You will be judged on the main stage where I will decide who met the criteria the best. Whoever does the worst will be sent home.
Your first challenge is to create a futuristic runway look using items from the dollar store. Stars, start shining!
[Diamond leaves and the queens change out of their drag looks and into their everyday looks. They get to work on their outfits for the challenge]
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Darren/Velvet: Who here knows how to sew?
David/Valerie: I know my way around a sewing machine.
Michael D./Lady Astrid: I have experience with costuming from my theater background.
Kyle/Kylee: I’ve never used a sewing machine.
[Everyone gasps]
Michael B./Jacqueline: How do you make it on to this show without knowing how to sew?
Bridget/Vapore: At least tell me you can use a glue gun!
Kyle/Kylee: I don’t need to sew, I just buy my clothes.
Eva/Vixen: Well, someone has to go home first!
[The queens complete their looks and are ready to present them on the main stage for judging.]
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Diamond: Thank you, queens! It's time to hear from the judges. Penny, a penny for your thoughts?
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Penny: Everyone looks wonderful! Lady Astrid, your look is my favorite! The garment is constructed beautifully and the glittery beard is the perfect finishing touch.
Izzy: I agree about the garment, but I don't get the beard at all!
Diego: I'm with Penny on this one--I love how you played with gender here. If we're critiquing, I'd say Kylee's look is pretty but she's just not giving at the level of the other queens.
Diamond: Thank you, judges. Based on your futuristic looks, I've made some decisions. Darla, Jacqueline, Valerie, Vapore, Velvet, and Vixen, you are all safe to shine another day.
Lady Astrid, you are the winner of this week's challenge!
Kylee, I'm sorry, but it's not your time to shine. You will be leaving the competition tonight.
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luvyeni · 2 years
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PAIRINGS. highfae!minchan x peasant!reader
WC. 7.2k
WARNINGS. softdom!chan, meandom!minho, pwp, hate sex, mxmxf, oral (f & m receiving), praise kink, degradation, multiple sex scenes (3), double penetration, dumbification, clit play, nipple/boob play, poly relationship (cause it's minchan and i can't decide)
SYNOPSIS. After killing a close friend of theirs, chan of spring court invites you to stay in the castle to avoid being killed by the other faeries of spring court. Here you meet his brother lee know of spring court, and as much as he wants to hate you, he is drawn to you... too bad chan is too.
AUTHORS NOTE. Welcome to the first installment, did not except people to actually want this, but now i'm excited for the rest of them!
TAGLIST. @kosmoreads @hipsdofangirl @imhyvnjin @lovemepie67 @chvnnie @hgema @candiecans @my-name-is-namename @yourhwngness @midsoulz @jessyrdn @cutielittlepie @intomysoul-555 @cxentrxcks @yurippiefelix @missrobyn81 @stayinthemirohwoo @3retcha @lifeissteph @skzfelixlove @reiheis @chereshnyya @levantea @why-am-i-sad @blankdyean @kunstistliebchen @userbangchan @fairywriter-oracle @elmi-chan @compersian @mal-lunar-28 @n4tiii @ddazed-lhs @felixcharmerera @ch4nniebang @hyunibinnie
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You were aware of the dangers of being on the borders separating the mortal realm, your realm from prythian, faerie realm. You knew your bow and arrow wasn't going to stop the faeries from the other side from ripping you to shreds if they caught you just for their entertainment.
However going home empty-handed, and seeing the look of hunger on your siblings and father's faces overthrew all of your worries— that's why even though you knew the wolf wasn't an ordinary wolf, it didn't stop you from putting one of your arrows in it's back—and another in its eye.
Watching your family stuff their faces with the cooked meat, and the pretty penny you made on the skin of the beast— you felt satisfied.
Unfortunately, you are also aware of karma...
Which is why it didn't surprise you when a handsome faerie showed up at your door, ready to kill your entire family.
"Please, I beg, please have mercy on my daughter." your father pleaded, on his knees with the angry man.
"She didn't have mercy when she killed one of my men in cold blood —why should I show her any mercy?" he didn't even bother to give your father eye contact, his eyes stayed on you.
"Please." you stepped in front of your family. "please, they've done nothing, it was me who killed the faerie, not them, don't kill them please." you pleaded.
Chan watched the tears build up in your eyes, and for some reason, he felt bad, he could see your family was struggling, and he could understand why you did what you did.
He also knew the other faeries of spring court wouldn't let this go, if they found out he let you go, alive- much less without any punishment, they'd come looking for you and kill you and your family, without a second thought.
Especially lee know...
"Fine, I won't kill you, in exchange for my friends' life, i'll take yours." his voice spoke with such power, you wondered who he worked for. "What do you mean?"
"You are to come to live in spring court, for eternity- or until whenever people like you, mortals die."
You couldn't leave your family, they'd die without you, literally. "I- i'm not giving you much of a choice, you either come live in spring court or I let the faeries come kill you and your family."
"And trust me, they will come."
That's how you found yourself walking with the handsome man, back to the borders where the whole fiasco took place. "I'm gonna transport us there." He finally said a word after not speaking since you guys left the house.
"What part of the spring court wants you dead don't you get?" you grumbled under your breath. "well if you're gonna put it that way."
He held his hand, signaling for you to take it. you hesitated, staring at his hand in confusion. he scoffed, taking it.
"If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead." before you could even blink, you were standing in the corridor of a beautiful castle.
"whoa." you stumbled a bit, confused as to how you got here that fast. "that was so cool, how did you do that?" you swore you could see him smile just a bit, before he coughed, bringing the mood back to a harsh one. "faeries are a species of many abilities." you nodded.
"Come, let me show you around."
You followed behind him, as he pointed out different rooms and things throughout the main part of the castle. "you aren't a prisoner here." he spoke as you walked around the left wing. "well you didn't give me much of choice, I couldn't let my family die from my mistake."
iI bought you here because this castle is much safer than you being out there." you scoffed. "I mean that, plus, I know what you do for your family." he was now looking you in the eyes. "I didn't leave them helpless, your family will be taken care of, you don't have to worry about them." he looked sincere. "promise?"
"I promise, we all aren't monsters." he walked away silently, and you followed behind him, feeling a little bit better than before.
"As I said before, you aren't a prisoner here, you are free to go wherever you please here in spring court, but if I were to give you any advice, you shouldn't step foot off the castle grounds, unless you are with someone, you can easily end up in another court, and of that happens then im not sure I can help you then," he explained.
"Got it." you reassured. "trust me I won't leave."
"That's good."
"__, that's my name if you were wondering." you realized you didn't even know the handsome man's name.
"My name is christopher, but everyone calls me chan, __, that's a beautiful name."
"Thank you."
He was about to say something when an older woman appeared from around the corner. "Where have you been? he's been looking around for you all day." she didn't acknowledge you until he looked at her and then at you—putting two and two together, she quickly figured it out.
"This is her? why the hell is she still breathing?" the anger in her eyes made you stand behind chan in fear. "she will be staying here, you or anybody else in this castle are to leave her be." the lady looked almost scared.
"Understood?" the woman bowed. "understood, but you know he won't like this." chan rolled his eyes in annoyance. "well then let him be upset, he isn't the only high lord in spring court, he makes his decisions and i make mines."
High lord? he was a high lord?
"You're a high lord? he nodded. "there are two high lords in spring court, now please get __ ready for dinner, my sister has many dresses, i'm sure she won't mind if she borrows one."
You were scared, this was the first time you'd be left alone without chan, and quite frankly, the lady scared you.
Picking up on your behavior, he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder before speaking, "it's okay, she looks scary, but she won't hurt you." you looked at the lady, who was already staring at you. "i won't hurt you, i promise, let's go, by the looks of it, we have much to do." she took you by your arm, dragging you away.
You turned back to see if chan was still looking, and sure enough, he was, staring right into your eyes as he'd done before.
When chan said to get you ready for dinner, you didn't know he meant you'd have 3 people washing your hair and body, and then another 3 helping you put on your clothes, and doing your hair.
"Thank you." you bowed to the staff who helped you before the woman returned to take you to your room. "this is your room, i'm sure chan will see to it that you'll have a full wardrobe by tomorrow."
You walked around the huge room, eyes wide in amazement, "you could fit my entire cottage in here." you sat down on the soft bed. "oh my god, i don't think i've felt a bed this soft in my life." you felt the fabric move smoothly through your fingers.
"Trust me, my dear, you could fit your cottage in here twice." the woman deadpanned. "it's beautiful, but it isn't home." you wondered how your family was doing.
What were they doing? what did he do to them?
"Your family is fine, knowing him they'll never want for anything for as long as they live." the woman read your thoughts.
"I hope so, they aren't exactly the hunting type." the woman was now looking at you. "what is it?"
"If you have any thoughts of escaping, leave them in this room when you exit, it's dangerous out there, don't go and do something stupid" her tone was the same, but you could see the sincerity in her eyed.
"I won't, i promise- wait! what's your name?" you questioned. "everyone in the castle calls me mrs.park."
The woman nodded, walking towards the door. "someone will be in to get you for dinner shortly, just wait here." with that, the lady left you alone in the big room.
"It's not safe for her here, he's not gonna like this." chan looked up from whatever he was doing. "what if he hurts her?" mrs. park worried for the girl.
"c'mon mrs. park, you of all people should know he wouldn't do that, you helped raised him, lee know isn't like that, he wouldn't do that." chan stood up for his friend, sure lee know often came off as cold-hearted, but he wasn't a murder.
"He wouldn't do what." the man of the hour walked through the door, took his jacket off, handing it to the maid who waited for him at the table. "did you kill the mortal who killed jaebum?"
Chan's eyes shifted over to mrs. park, who didn't just gave him a look back. "i'll go get the guest, dinner will be out in a moment." she walked out, not wanting to be there when chan broke the news.
"Guest? did you invite that pretty faerie over—gonna let me have a turn at her again?" chan rolled his eyes at his friend's response before he straightened back up.
"Well, who is it?"
Chan breathed in, and breathed out, before speaking, "the mortal who kill jaebum." it was dead silent, so silent that you could hear the sound of lee know grinding his teeth in anger.
"Look lee kn- my lords." mrs. park let your presence be known. "she's here." you stared at chan then at the mystery man, who looked at you with murder in his eyes.
"__, you look nice, please come sit." he pointed to the seat the in between them both, him at one end and the man at the other. "thanks." the man maintained his deadly stare until you sat down at the table.
"Dinner will be out momentarily."
It was silence, not comfortable, but scary bone-chilling silence... that was until the man spoke up, well he chuckled, and that scared you even more. "
"Lee know." chan spoke. "No chan i get it, she's pretty for a mortal and comes from a poor family, i know you love a damsel in distress, but don't you think this is a bit much?" he spoke about you like you were in the room.
As much as you wanted to hate him and the way he treated you, it kind of made you feel things...
"I couldn't just kill her." chan said. "I could." He stood up, making his way over to you. "lee know!" chan got up standing in between the both of you. "calm down."
"Calm down? you want me to calm down." he turned to you. "did you enjoy killing him? i bet you told all your friends about how you killed a innocent faerie? bet you and your family laughed as you skinned him alive, i hope you got your money's worth." he was hurt, you could see it in his eyes.
"I-i'm sorry." you bowed your head in shame. "i know what i did was wrong, but in the moment all i could think about was my family, they would've starved, i know it doesn't make up for it, i deserve whatever happens to me." it was silent just for a moment, before the servants began to bring out food.
"Lee know, let's just talk about this, you know you would've done the same if you were in her position, i couldn't let her stay in the mortal world, the faeries would kill her." chan tried to be the voice of reason, but lee know wasn't letting it happen.
"Let them, i hope she feels every single bit of pain." he spat, angrily walking out the room. Chan turned to you, with sorry eyes.
"He didn't mean it, he's just hurt."
"Yes he did, and he's not wrong, i deserve it." you felt the tears wield up in your eyes. "__— i'm not hungry." you stood up from the seat. "thank you though." you took off to your room before he could see you cry.
"I told you it wouldn't work." mrs. park stood in the door. "i'll go check on her." she walked away, leaving a conflicted bangchan, and a table full of uneaten food.
After crying and mrs.park consoling you, bringing you different snacks and things to cheer you up, you ended up falling asleep, although you didn't get much sleep out of fear that lee know would come in and kill you.
"__, can i come in?" chan's voice spoke from the other side of the door. "sure." he opened the door once he heard your small voice, walking in. "I was just looking at the flowers outside." "you can go outside and see them if you want to." you nodded.
"Maybe a little later."
"Have you eaten breakfast?" he questioned. "yes, mrs.park bought some this morning." he nodded. "__, what's wrong?" are you still scared of lee know?" he could sense something was wrong the moment he walked into the room.
"Just a little." you laughed embarrassed. "he has every right to hate me though, i understand, i killed his friend, both of you should hate me, i'd hate me too." he didn't know what he was thinking, he just grabbed your hand, looking you in the eyes.
"I understand why you did what you did, lee know will understand soon too." his eyes flickered down to your lips just for a moment, then back up to your eyes.
"He's not gonna hurt you, he's harmless, im not gonna hurt you." he cupped your cheek, swiping his thumb across your cheek. "chan?" he slowly leaned in.
"you're so beautiful __, i just want to be around you for some reason, i can't help it, maybe i'm going crazy." he was about to kiss you when a from mrs.park cough broke you apart.
"You're needed my lord." he turned to you. "You're free to do what you want, i'll see you later." he turned to walking out of the room, following mrs.park.
You sat down on the bed, flustered out of your mind, he was so gentle with you, he melted all of your worried away.
"Ah!" you jumped up, slapping yourself in the face. "maybe i do need to take that walk in the garden." you stood up, smoothing your dress out."yes, that will make me feel better, a walk."
You didn't get to talk to chan that much, he had high fae work to do, but whenever he would pass you in the garden he would smile or wave, making your heart flutter.
Fortunately, you didn't see lee know that much either, even when you did, you ran the other way, avoiding him at all cost.
You thought you were safe from lee know, but then you got hungry late a night, so slipping on your shoes, you made your way to the kitchen, hoping the cooks left some cookies or something out on the table, you were met with the scowling boys face instead.
You turned to walk away, but you were roughly pushed up against the wall. "You don't seem that scared of me?" he whispered in your ear. "you are scared that i won't snap your neck right now? leave you dead for the maids to clean you up?"
"please let me go." you whimpered. "I should want to kill you right now, i should want you dead." he ignored your pleas.
"why don't i?" lee know was losing his mind, why did he want you so bad, why was his head full of hate, but his heart was yearning for you. "You killed my friend, but why do i still want you?" he rested his forehead against yours.
"Lee know." you spoke lowly, cheeks heating up, much like your encounter with bangchan earlier. "shut up." he roughly let you go, walking away, you finally let out a sigh of relief.
They both made you feel a certain way; they both had your stomach doing flips. you wanted both of them...
It's been a few weeks since your almost kiss with chan, and the whatever happened in the kitchen with lee know, and it hasn't really been easy.
There was chan, he was sweet and attentive towards you, spending time with you whenever he had time to, giving you gifts, and holding your hand.
But then lee know was the opposite, he wasn't horrible, but he also didn't have nice things to say to you when he did acknowledge you- other times, he'd just talk to chan about you, in front of you, like you weren't there, and you didn't even care when he'd pinned you up against the wall, just to tell you how much he wished chan would've let you stay with your family so he wouldn't feel the things the did.
"Seems like you feel something for both of them, and they've both taken a liking to you also." mrs.park tightened the string on your dress.
"Please chan could have any faerie he wanted— and if you think someone wishing they had the hate in their heart to snap your neck flirting, then i think you need to meet new faerie men mrs.park." you smiled.
"Hello." chan knocked on the door, with a smile. "my lord? are you not supposed to be busy right now?" mrs.park scolded the boy. "i know, i know, but i got a few hours off." he looked like a little kid trying to explain to his mother. "why?"
"So i can walk with __ in the garden." you were shocked. "w-with me?" he nodded. "if you don't mind, i would love to." you turned to mrs.park. "we were supposed to bake cookies today, but fine, go on your little walk, i'll be here later." you hugged her, before following chan out the door.
"These flowers are so pretty here." chan watched with a fond smile, as you bent down, touching and smelling the different flowers, sighing in content. "They smell good too."
"I guess you haven't seen many flowers." you shook your head in agreement. "In the mortal realm you'd be lucky to even see a patch of green grass." he smiled with pity. "I didn't know it was that bad over there." you shrugged. "It's not all bad, i mean at least i didn't have faeries wanting to rip my head off." he frowned.
"Don't be so morbid, they don't all want to rip your head off." you stared at him. "yeah, that makes me-hmph!" you were taken a back by him covering your mouth. "don't say a word." he pulled you behind, just as a group of faeries walked up to him. "don't be alarmed, it's just a glamour, they won't be able to see you." he explained quickly before turning to two faeries in front of them.
"Channie." the pretty blonde faerie spoke, her voice like honey. But you were confused, it was like they couldn't see you, they didn't even acknowledge you.
"Where have you been my lord why haven't you called?" chan coughed, well aware of your presence. "well- i-i've been busy, yeah busy." the pretty brunette girl pouted.
"With the mortal, no doubt, she's gonna die here." her tone more harsh, when news broke out that chan hadn't killed you, but in fact invited you to the castle, the whole of spring court was in a uproar... they in fact didn't take it well.
"She'll eventually get curious, and venture out of the castle, and I know i'll be at the front gate ready to tear her limb from limb." the girls bitterly walked away.
Chan sighed, turning to you, "i am so sorry." he grabbed your hand. "it's fine." you took your hand away. "i'm gonna go back to my room now." you whispered. "but our walk?" he didn't want it to be over. "they're gone now, it's okay."
"Chan stop saying it's okay when it's not, it's not safe for me here why won't you understand that." you were tired of hearing that. "look what just happened, you just had to make me invisible so they won't kill me, i'll never be able to go home, i'll be stuck here forever, in my stupid room." you spat, bitterly.
"__, please- just let me go back to my room." you turned to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist, turning you around, slamming his lips into yours.
"c-chan." you tried to pull away, but instead of responding he just transported you both to your room. "i told you i won't let anyone hurt you." his voice low as he kissed your neck.
"Why won't you believe me?" he stopped, staring at you with lust in his eyes. he didn't let you finish, kissing you once more.
He held you one hand on your lower back, reaching up to untie the dress. "you're safe with me." he whispered, slowly removing your dress, stripping you naked. "i promise." he backed you up, until you fell on the bed, climbing on top of stopping right at your heat.
"C-chan." you were so conflicted; sad, confused, angry, most importantly...you were extremely horny. "tell me you want it, tell me want this." he kissed the inside of your thighs.
"I-i w-want you." he smiled up at you, giving your clit a kiss, before he licked your folds, holding your legs open, giving you everything he could give. "fuck chan!" you moaned out.
His nose bumps against your clit, making your body flinch. chan moaned against your cunt, tongue focused on prodding at your expectant hole. You moaned, reaching your hand to grab fistfuls of his hair, pushing his head. "so sweet, you taste so good."
You let out another mewl of pleasure when he decided to add a finger to the mix, switching between fingering you and eating you out. "you're clenching hard around my finger." he hovered over you, kissing your neck.
"chan fuck— i'm gonna cum." you whined, rolloing your hips against chan. "yeah? gonna cum for me?" you nodded, moaning. "please."
"cum for me." he added another finger, speeding up his pace, and that's all you needed for the knot in your stomach to snap, and you came, clenching around his fingers fingers.
"did that feel good?" he pulled his fingers out, unbuckling his pants. "really good." you smiled, still in a daze. chan got rid of pants and his under, lining his hard cock at your entrance. "is this okay?" you nodded, whining.
"chan please, i want- my god " he slowly fucked into your wet hole, letting out a moan himself. "you feel so good fuck ." he tried to control himself, wanting to take it slow with you. "so wet." he leaned down, leaving kisses on your neck.
"chan, i want more." you wrapped your legs around his waist, feet digging into his back. "shit, you're killing me." his pace began to to pick up, his thrust more powerful.
"i'm addicted to you, i don't know what to do, i cant get enough of you, fuck." he was saying anything, but he didn't care, it was like he couldn't even use his brain.
"Chan, i-i can't hold it, im gonna cum, fuck! " you warned, clenching hard around him hard, cumming, triggering his own orgasm, he pulled out of you right before his cum shot out of his cock, landing on your stomach. "shit." he breathed in and out heavily, letting you calm down before he pulled out of you slowly.
"Did you like it?" you nodded, eyes fluttering tiredly. "i'll go get something to clean you up." he climbed out of the bed, putting his clothes back on, leaving to the bathroom to get a warm rag.
"Let's get you cleaned up." he returned back to the room, but much to his surprise, you were already fast asleep. he quickly but gently cleaned you up, before climbing into the bed with you, pulling the blanket over your bodies, pulling you close. "sleep tight love." he smiled, turning the lights off.
You had awoken the next morning to the sun shining in your face. groaning, rubbing your eyes, "what's going on."
"good morning." mrs.park stood in front of you. "chan had business to take care of in night court and he won't be back until tomorrow afternoon—he told me to tell you how deeply sorry he is." you frowned just a little bit, wishing you could've talked about what happened. "thank you."
"I see you two had much fun yesterday evening, you never made it to dinner." you looked at your current state, ears burning in embarrassment. "i- relax, it's nothing i haven't seen before." you nodded. "now get up, it's time for breakfast." the woman turned to leave the room, leaving you naked in the bed, thinking about the night before.
the day went by slowly; you had painted, taken a walk, and even took a very long nap, and eaten dinner. By time evening did come you had officially done everything you could do.
You couldn't sleep, and the sun had set, meaning you could take a walk in the garden, and mrs.park couldn't accompany you to anything, because she had long went home to her family, so you were left to roam the castle alone, which is what you did.
Looking at the different paintings around the place, just walking in silence and peace... sadly, that didn't last long, because you crashed right into a body. "Why are you on this side of the wing?" you mentally cursed at yourself hearing lee knows voice.
"I told you to stay out of my sight."
"I'm on my way back to my room there's no need to be rude." your eyes widened, trying to figure out where you got that confidence from.
He laughed bittrtly, "you fuck the high lord and suddenly got a surge of confidence." he scoffed, before backing you slowly up against the wall, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "he isn't hear right now, there's nothing stop me from snapping your neck." he spat, backing up. "stay outta my wing." he went to walk away.
You felt all the anger bubbling inside you, and without a thought you shouted at him. "kill me then." he stopped, turning to you. "what?" "
I said kill me then, do it." he walked towards you again. "you don't get to do this, i know what i did was wrong, but you don't get to fuck with my head anymore— surpressing your feelings- shut up -or whatever you have for me, whether you hate me or not by installing fear in me, just because you get off on it, it's none of your business who i fuck, so either kill me or leave me the fuck alone." he grabbed your throat, pushing agaisnt the wall.
You let out a moan in pain, "let me go!" he tightened his grip just a bit, his breathing heavy. "i said shut up." his eyes were dark with both anger and lust.
"lee know-" he slammed his lips against yours, teeth knocking against yours, it was a messy kiss. completely different from chan.
"You just had to keep talking, hm— you just had to get me like this, you couldn't just stay out of my sight." his tone made your mind fuzzy. "l-lee know, please." you whined. "that's all you can say?" he released your neck, letting you finally breath, but that didn't last long before he grabbed your wrist, dragging you into a room you could only assume was him.
"You won't stay out of my way—you won't shut up? " he gripped your shoulder, pushing down to your knees. "fine, i'll put it to use." he pulled his pajama pants down, looking down at your pleading eyes, scoffing at how you looked at him with lust in your eyes, even he was treating you so rough. "suck me off." he pulled his cock out.
You grabbed it, gulping as his size, a little bit smaller than chan, but thicker. "don't just stare at it suck it." he guided it to your lips, pushing past your teeth. "shit." he closed his eyes, sighing as he guided his cock into your mouth.
You bobbed your head up and down, jerking off the inches that couldn't for. "i didn't say jerk me off, i said suck." he swatted your hands away. "let me do it." he pushed your head all the way down, groaning when you swallowed around his cock. "fuck, just like that."
"Your mouth feels good— shit, i'm gonna fuck your face." he gathered all your hair together, forming a makeshift ponytail.
"Tap my thigh if it's too much."
He pulled out half way, before he began to move his hips, fucking your throat, the lewd noises coming from you egged him to go faster. "s-shit, if you keep swallowing around me like that, im gonna cum in your little throat." he continued his abused against your throat.
"Fuck fuck fuck, so fucking nasty, making a mess like this on my cock— im cumming, shit!" he held you down, nose pressed against his hip bone, cumming down your throat.
He let you go, letting you breathe and cough for a quick moment— before he grabbed your arm, pulling up, dragging you over to his bed. "ass up." he pushed you down on the bed. "now!"
he got rid of all his clothes, getting behind you. "fucking your throat got you this wet." he slapped your ass , making you yelp in pleasure. "slut." he lined his cock with your entrance, fucking into you without warning. "lee know fuck!" he slapped your ass, thrusting into you.
"Making such a fucking mess on my cock, did you cream like this for chan, huh? just go around fucking everybody, you'd fuck a faerie if you could." you couldn't speak, he was much rougher than chan, and his words were much more degrading, but it still gave you the same amount of pleasure.
He grabbed your hair, pulling you back. "I'm talking to you, fucking speak!" you screamed as he fucked jnto you harder. "yes!"
"I knew you would, you let chan fuck you open, then me, you enjoy this—you talk about me getting off on fucking with you, but you get off on two guys being in love with you, obsessing over you, wanting you." he wasn't wrong, but hearing it come out of his mouth, had your head spinning a you came.
"Lee know, im cumming!" his movements began to falter. "shit." he pulled out cumming on your back, as your arms finally gave out and you fell on the bed, exhausted.
He didn't say a word, getting off the bed to get something to clean you off, getting in the bed next to your sleep worn out body. "i don't hate you idiot."
When you woke up, you were no longer in lee knows room, but your room, and everything that happened came flooding back to you; you and lee know, you and chan... chan.
He was supposed to come home today, knowing him, he'd want to talk about what happened with him and you, and you couldn't have this talk, knowing you had feelings for lee know also.
"shit." you pulled the covers over your head in shame, but mrs.park interrupted your shaming by pulling the covers back. "great you're fully clothed today."
"Mrs.park, i messed up." the lady stared at you. "You didn't mess up, you had intercourse with both the high lords because you are in love with both of them." she said matter of factly. "i told you this would happen, now get up, we have to get you dressed, breakfast is ready." you groaned, pulling the covers back over your head.
After breakfast, you were heading back to your room, when you ran into lee know, not ready to face him, you quickly b-lined it to your room, closing and locking the door. "open the door, let's talk about this." you heard lee know's voice.
"I'm not feeling well, i'm gonna take a nap." lee know knew you were lying, he knew you just didn't want to talk about what happened.
"Fine." he was about to use his powers to open it, when he was called away for his high lord duties. "well talk later." you heard his feet retreat down the hall, you sighed in relief.
Biting your lips, you knew chan would be here any second, and you still didn't want to talk about it. "he's here, and he is calling for you." mrs.park opened the door with her powers. "let's go." she pulled you out of bed, dragging you down to the common area, to where chan waited with a smile and flowers.
"__." he handed you the flowers. "i'm sorry i had to go, i had matters to go take care of some involving my sister and night court." you nodded, and he noticed your hesitancy.
"You okay?"
You nodded smiling, "yes, thank you for the flowers, i'm just a bit tired, haven't been feeling well." he frowned. "do you need a doctor, i can you one." you quickly stopped him. "i'm fine, just gonna get some rest." you quickly shuffled away, leaving a confused chan.
And that's what you did for the next three days with the both of them— whenever you saw them in the hallways or ran into in the kitchen or garden, you quickly ran away to your room.
Chan also noticed how lee know began asking for you, asking mrs.park are you okay, or asking the cook if you had eaten; he wasn't dumb, he was aware of his friends feelings for you, he knew the moment lee know laid eyes on you he had feelings for you, much like he did.
Is that why you were avoiding him? did you have sex with lee know? did you have feelings for lee know and him? he needed to talk to lee know.
"Did you and __ have sex? is that why she's avoiding us?" chan interrupted whatever the man was doing. "hello to you too." lee know excused the staff. "why do you ask such questions?"
"Cut the shit lee know." lee know seen how serious he was being, sighing, "yes, we have sex." chan wasn't upset though, more so confused. "are you mad?" lee know questioned. "i know we both have feelings for her, but i'm willing to back off- that's not it." chan interrupted the boy.
"Then what is it?"
"Why is she avoiding us?"
"Because she's scared, she can't control her emotions." mrs.park stood in the door way. "She's scared of hurting one of you, so she's avoiding both of you." she deadpanned. "dinner is ready." she walked out the room.
You didn't join dinner either, but the boys didn't mind, they had other things to talk about...
"I like her, you like her; she obviously likes both of us." lee know said like he'd been thinking hard about it. "i don't think it's a bad idea." chan thought about it for a second. "you're basically agreeing to a poly relationship, you know that right?" lee know shrugged.
"I don't want to lose her, you don't want to lose her, she is stressing herself over this, all we need is her consent."
"Now how do we do that, when she doesn't even want to come out of her room?" lee know chuckled. "she likes to roam the castle at night time."
You waited until you were sure the castle was silent, before slipping your shoes on, walking out of your room for your nightly walk around the castle, also first time leaving your room the whole day.
You barely had time to to wonder before you were caught.
"You're avoiding us baby." chan snuck up behind you. "why?" you could feel him breathing down your neck. "i-i'm not avoiding you." you turned around, facing him.
"Really?" you now felt lee know breathing down your neck—you were sandwiched in between both of them. "because it seems like you have."
"I just haven't been feeling well." you tried to lie, but both boys knew the real reason. "hyung, she thinks we're stupid." lee know smirked, you couldn't see it, but you could feel it.
"No she doesn't, she's a bit confused, aren't you baby?" chan cupped your cheek, you knew you weren't getting away this time. "im not mad that you had sex with lee know baby, i'm not dumb, i know about your feelings towards him."
"you're not mad?" he smiled. "no, i don't mind it at all, he can have you too, as long as your happy that's all that matters.."
Your head was spinning so much, you hadn't noticed lee know's hands creeping up on your waist, pulling you flush against him, making you gasp. "i don't enjoy being ignored though." his tone much more darker. "if you're gonna be with me, you're gonna learn when i give you a order you do it."
"Is that what you want baby, do you want both of us?" you were full of many emotions, you thought you were dreaming.
"Answer him." lee know shook your body a little.
"I-i do, i want you both." and with that, chan leaned in his pillow soft lips on yours. "This is kind of hot." lee know left little kisses on your neck, now all three of you were making out in the hallway.
"Let's move this to your room." they guided you to your bed, both of their hands never leaving your body; chan's soft touch, mixed with lee knows rough one... it was mix that made your body melt.
"Let's get you out of this." chan removed your nightgown, naked body on display for both of them. "gorgeous, baby."
"I wanna taste, i didn't get a chance last time." lee know pushed your body on the bed. "lee know, be gentle." the younger boy rolled his eyes. "she likes this hyung, she like being treated like a rag doll." he spreaded your legs, placing his body right in between. "told you, she's wet, she enjoys this shit." he dived him, much more rougher than chan was.
Chan flicked one of your nipples. "you're so beautiful baby." he bought his mouth to one of your boobs, sucking on it.
"Oh my god." both of the stimulations sending you on a whirlwind of pleasure.
After giving both of your sensitive breast attention, he stood up unbuckling his pants, pulling his hard cock out, pressing his tip against your lips. "be a good girl and suck me off baby." he guided his cock in and out of your mouth slowly, sighing in content. "fuck yes." he threw his head back.
meanwhile, lee knows assault on your pussy with his tongue turned into an assult with his fingers and tongue, had your eyes crossing. "such a pretty cunt, your little pussy was clentching around nothing, so i filled it with my fingers."
Your moans went straight around chans cock as he continued slowly fucking your mouth. "Baby, im gonna cum, you gonna swallow my cum like a good girl?" you hummed around him, setting his orgasm off, and he came into your mouth with a loud grunt. "fuck, princess you did such a good job."
Knowing you were about to cum, lee know began to speed his pace us, rubbing circles against your clit. "cum for me, be a good slut and cum." his degrading words setting you off, screaming his name as you came on his fingers.
He pulled his fingers out of you, placing them in his mouth. "mmh, taste so fucking good." he pushed his fingers into your mouth. "suck."
"How are you doing baby, you good?" chan checked in on you. "i-i'm fine, channie, i want more." you mewled, eyes glossed over.
"Of course she does, probably all that's on her mind mind." lee know flicked your sensitive bud.
"How do you want it baby? you want us both at the same time or one at a time?"
"s-same t-time."
"You think your cute little cunt is gonna take both of us?" lee know lewd words make you whine. "i-i can take it." you sounded so pathetic, but you didn't care.
Chan layed on the bed, pulling your body on top of him. "i'm gonna go first, okay." he grabbed the base of his cock, sliding inside of you. "fuck baby, you're so fucking wet—fuck lee know, hurry up before i cum." he groaned.
"Look at you fucking dripping." he slapped your ass, grabbing the base of his cock, you weren't sure when he took his clothes out, but you were to high on them both to care.
He lined his cock up with your entrance, pushing himself inside, you screamed at the burning stretch, it hurt, but it felt so good. "fuck you're so fucking tight." they both waited for you to be ready before they moved.
"p-please move." they moved their hips, when chan thrusted out of you, lee know thrusted into you so you were never not full of them.
They were completely different from each other, chan was much more soft, thrusting into you softly rubbing your hips. "you're doing so well taking us both like this baby, fuck you're so warm." he praised, leaving little kisses.
Meanwhile, lee know was much more rough, his thrust were much more sharp. "fucking slut, letting us both fuck you open like this, so nasty, gonna let us both fuck you full."
The mixture between the praising and degrading made you a babbling mess. "n-nothing up there, hyung i think we fucked her dumb." both of them began to thrust sloppily into you. "it's okay baby, just let it go, we got you, you can cum." your mouth went slack as you came, hard around both of them.
"shit" chan was the first to pull out of you, cum painting his abs, he held you as lee know thrusted a few more times, before he pulled out cumming on your back, like he had done the night before.
The room was silent, besides the heavy breathing of all three of you. "she fucking squirted." was the last words you heard before you past out from exhaustion.
The boys didn't leave you the entire night, chan held your sleeping body, cleaning you off, careful not wake you; while lee know got some fresh sheets, putting them on your bed. after your bath chan carried you back to the room, laying you on the bed, cuddling against you.
"You staying?" he asked the other boy. "fine, stay on your side though." he climbed into bed with the both of you.
It was silent, they both listened to your light snoring, before chan spoke up. "what do we do? about the other faeries? we can't keep her locked inside the castle."
"We tell them to back off, if they have a problem with it, they can come talk to us about it, we know they won't do it if they don't want their head ripped off by me." chan chuckled softly at the boy, before looking down at your sleeping body.
"Whatever happens, we'll work it out."
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Summer Love // Bradley Bradshaw
Summary: Falling in love with the Hard Decks new barkeep wasn’t on Bradley Bradshaws 2023 bingo. What else wasn’t on that bingo card was that the barkeep was a Floyd…..
Warnings. Porn with a plot. Bradley Bradshaw x Reader. (Nickname Pip) Mentions of near sexual assault/harassment. SMUT!
Word Count: 6.6k
Author Note: Okay so I know I said I was taking a little break to recharge my batteries but this was my attempt at a little break. Here’s a Rooster one-shot.
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“Barkeep!” Bradley beamed as he entered the Hard Deck, his eyes immediately on you from the second he stepped through the threshold. “My oh my aren’t you a sight for sore eyes—“ It wasn't hard to tell Bradley Bradshaw was smitten for the new bar hire. Penny had easily picked up on the aviator's demeanour change from the moment he realised you were going to be a permanent fixture around the Hard Deck. “How you doing this fine Friday afternoon?” 
“I haven’t had enough sleep to deal with this this afternoon—“ Bob groaned as he followed Rooster's path. Both aviators making strides in your direction. Coming to sit at the bar, both men made you the centre of their universe for two very different reasons. “I’ll have a coke thanks Pip.” Bob smiled softly as he took his glasses off to clean the lens. Nodding you turned your attention to Rooster, raising a brow as you flipped your bar towel over your shoulder.
“Draft please Pip—“ Rooster ordered his usual, fishing out his wallet from his back pocket. Handing over his card as he leaned on the bar. “Before I walk out on my tab again.” It had happened a few too many times, Bradley Bradshaw the life of the party—would sink back a few too many beers and leave slung over the shoulders of his colleagues and friends. He’d always make the walk of shame the next day however—tail between his legs as he’d cautiously tap his card on the bar, gaining your utmost attention with a cheshire cat smile and a guilty look lingering in his eyes. 
You took the card with a tight smirk, placing it into your back pocket before opening up a tab in Bradley’s name before fetching Bob a glass of ice—hitting the nozzle of the soda gun on the lip of the glass for a brief second before pouring the syrup and soda water mixture right into the glass. 
“You boys gonna give me any trouble tonight?” Raising your eyebrow, as you turned your attention back to Rooster now that Bob had his coke. Roosters only reaction was to lean a little further on the bar. Watching as you poured his glass from the tap. Holding it at a forty five degree angle so it didn't gain a head the size of his own ego. 
“No ma’am, no trouble here.” Rooster winked as he mimicked your smirk, accepting the beer you cautiously slid along the bar. “Thanks Pip.” It hadn’t taken you long to settle into Fightertown, you’d asked Bob if you could come and stay with him for a few months until you found your feet again after what seemingly felt like you hit rock fucking bottom. You’d fallen out of love with your profession, journalism. You broke up with your long term boyfriend Ben after he’d got wind of your sudden desire for a sea change and possible career move. You just needed a new start, a new home, a new life. 
Bartending had always been something you were good at, although you didn't drink–much like your older, half-brother Robert. 
“You uh, are you doing anything this Sunday?” Rooster asked softly as he looked up at you, taking a small sip of his beer as Bob choked on his coke. You just shook your head no. Not one to talk all that much. Eyeing off the foam that had settled into Rooster's moustache from the foam cap of his beer. 
“If you’re gonna flirt with my sister, please don’t do it in front of me.” Bob snarled as he shook his head in disbelief. These fucking guys honestly. Rooster playfully held his hands up in surrender. Scoffing at the accusations made by the seemingly well reserved weapons systems officer. 
“I don't think I like what you’re insinuating Bob.” Rooster fired back with a wild shit eating grin as you chuckled softly to yourself, wiping down the bar with your rag as you watched the two interact. The bar was barely open. The only two patrons to have arrived, having got off early on this fine Friday afternoon. “I'm not flirting, am I Pip?” Rooster asked as you raised your eyebrows. Scoffing slightly as you bit your bottom lip momentarily. 
“Well if you're trying you don’t seem to be doing all that well.” Rooster held a hand over his heart as he stared at you with hazel eyes. Deep browns and shades of greens swirling as he faked a hurt that cut deep into his heartstrings—forcing a laugh so pure from your soul it left Rooster wanting more of you always. 
“You two make me sick—“ Bob rolled his eyes as he hopped off the barstool, heading over to the pool table. Rounding up bar tables and stools that he knew his fellow aviators would soon fill. Leaving you and Rooster to devote all your attention to one another. Bob would joke and tease and taunt you about your blooming romance with Rooster, but if there was anyone Robert Floyd would trust with his sister? It was Bradley Bradshaw. He had noticed early on in your impromptu over-extended stay that Rooster had developed an affinity for you. The usually reserved fighter pilot had no chill when it came to his advances with you. 
“So Sunday?” Rooster was quick on the draw as he saw more and more people flood into the Hard Deck, knowing his time with you was fleeting at best. That your attention would be scattered for the better half of the evening working the bar and bussing tables. 
“What did you have in mind, Flyboy?” You beamed his way with a glint in your eyes. Those fuck me eyes Rooster could hardly resist. You weren't not interested, if anything you were incredibly interested in Bradley–but you were a little hesitant to fall in love when you weren't even sure if North Island was the place for you and to make mattress all the more difficult while you were trying to find yourself, falling in love with a naval aviator didn't really make the situation any easier to navigate. He could be shipped off or deployed anywhere at any minute. Another detachment could rear its ugly head and god knows for how long he’d be gone? 
But with all that in the back of your mind it was still hard to resist the charming ways of Bradley Bradshaw when he was hopping off his barstool, making strides around the bar to stand beside you. 
“Penny doesn’t like it when you come behind the bar Bradshaw–” You tried to hide your ever present smile as you continued cleaning the bar. “You’re gonna make me ring that bloody bell, aren't you?” 
“You, me, dinner at that restaurant in town that does that really nice sweet potato gnocchi.” Ignoring your reluctance to have him behind the bar with you, Rooster pressed on. Trapping you between him and the bar– strong arms on either side of you as he gently kissed your neck. 
There wasn’t exactly a word to describe what you had with Rooster. The two of you had been talking, flirting, sneaking around and getting to know one another. But you were still very much an enigma to him. Rooster only knew a handful of things about you. One, that you were Bob's younger, half sister. Two, that you smelt of vanilla and bourbon. Three, that you weren't hard to get, but hard to earn–which made you all the more worth it. Four, that Pip wasn’t your real name–it was a nickname of sorts. A callsign if you will. But you just preferred Pip. 
“You really wanna take me to dinner?” The way you said it made Roosters' hearts ache. Of course he did? Why would he not want to take you to dinner? It's not like he hadnt asked you a million times before. “Like you actually wanna take me to dinner?” Turning around in between his arms to face him, Bradley stepped back a little to give you some space as you leaned back against the bar crossing your arms. 
“If you’ll finally give me a chance to?” Bradley smirked as he watched your eyes trail from his eyes down to his lips, lingering a little further down to the collar of his T-shirt. Sticking a few fingers inside the collar to scratch at his collarbone. “Eyes up here Pip.” Reaching over to grab the schooner you'd poured him, Bradley took a sip of his beer as you rolled your eyes. Pushing off the bar before turning on your heels to attend to the other thirsty patrons who started taking up the other barstools.  
“Get out from behind my bar–” 
“I'll pick you up at six o’clock?” It had become an unintentional stand-off, you eyeing off Rooster as he did so you. Patrons were starting to floor the Hard Deck every passing second and you knew if you let this charade go any longer you were going to have to deal with a very unimpressed crowd waiting on their amber beverages. “Or whatever time you like?” Shrugging with a wild smirk, Rooster waited for your response. He knew he was wheezing his way into the cracks that had started to form in your tougher than most exterior. He’d find a way in, if he just gave you time. 
“What can I get you Dave?” You asked the man who'd come up and sat at the bar. A regular older gentleman who worked in the technicians block at Miramar. 
“Just a Budwiser thanks Pip–on tap if you've fixed up the keg.” Nodding, you tried to hide your smirk as Rooster came to stand beside you, pouring his own beer from the tap after having finished the first one you’d poured him. “I never said yes to your little date idea, and don’t touch my taps Bradshaw Pennys gonna kill you.” 
“Well unlike every other time–” Bumping your hip with his Rooster kept his gaze down, trained on the beer he was pouring himself. “You didn't immediately shut me down so I think we’re starting to make a little progress here.” You could feel the heat in your cheeks rising, smitten. Completely sitten. “And I never called it a date.” Rooster smirked as he felt the heat in his own cheeks rising from the back and forth flirting. He loved it, he’d always enjoyed a good game of chase. “You are far too much like your brother Pip, always making assumptions.” Bradley was quick as he placed a kiss on your cheek before you even registered what he was doing. That's all you really had, small fleeting moments that meant the whole damn world to you. 
“Get out from behind my bar before I ring that bloody bell on you, Bradshaw.” Bumping Roosters hip with your own once again you grinned ear to ear. Turning to face him with barely any space between you. “I'm not kidding–” You interrupted your moment with Rooster to hand Dave over his beer. “Eight fifty thanks Dave.” It had become a common occurrence for most of the regulars to see Bradley Bradshaw behind the bar making a nuisance of himself. Dave in particular saw a lot of Nick Bradshaw in the way Bradley danced around you like a fly on a hot summer's day. The apple hadnt fallen far from the tree at all. Handling over the ten dollar bill, Dave just took in the sight that was playing out before him like a poorly put together romance novel, Rooster Bradsahw had it bad and everyone could tell. 
“Neither am I–” With a hand on your hip pulling you into his, Bradleys eyes trailed down to your lips. He wasn't going to, not like this. Not when there were people waiting to be served. Not when Dave the engineer's assistant was sitting right in front of you. But it was fun to think about. His lips on yours, he’d only been blessed with that feeling, that sensation a handful of times. “Go to dinner with me–” 
“If I say yes will you let me do my job for the rest of the night?” You spoke through gritted teeth, pretending to be annoyed as you handed the older gentleman his change from the till as Rooster trailed behind you like a lost puppy as you went to take the next order. Fixing the bow of your barmaids apron as you walked away from him across to the other side of the bar. 
“Great so It's a date.” He’d tricked you, sending you a shit eating grin before ducking back under the bar. “Sunday night at six o’clock.” Rooster beamed, that cherishe like smile had crept back across his face as he stood for a moment just admiring you. “You know where to find me!” Raising his beer as you stood in disbelief at how well Rooster had played you. He wasn't wrong though, you always knew where to find him, and he’d always be there for you when you needed him. A few weeks ago, you were convinced Rooster had saved your life. You never spoke about it, never brought it up and neither did he. Probably for two very separate reasons, but regardless it happened and you were still processing the whole ordeal. 
“Bradley–” The way you said his name as your legs fell either side of his hips had Roosters head spinning. Sitting on top of the bar after closing, Rooster had his hands on either side of your face. Pulling you into him as your tongue danced with his. “Take me home?” If he wasn't hard before he was most definitely hard now. Nodding as he let his forehead rest against yours. Licking his lips as the taste of your chapstick lingered on his. 
“I'll take these bins out for you and we’ll go?” Penny had left you to shut up shop for the night. It had been rather quiet. Rooster hung back originally just to talk to you. Spend as much time with you as he possibly could. Stepping away as he helped you off the bar, Rooster grabbed the garbage bags and kissed your forehead. His hand on the back of your head keeping you pressed against his lips until he was satisfied and let go. “Don't go anywhere.”
You watched as Bradley disappeared out the back, deciding to wipe down the bar just one more time before you started turning off the lights. Going about your regular routine whenever you closed up the bar. 
“You've got time for one more beer, don't you sweetheart?” There were three of them. Since when were you stupid enough to not lock the front doors? Oh yeah– that's right, the one time you decided to let your inhibitions get the better of you and got a little too hot with Bradley Bradshaw. “Or did we miss the fun?” You weren't too sure what he was insinuating, had he seen you with Bradley? Kissing on the bar. 
“It's a few hours past last call, sorry gentlemen, can't help you tonight.” You tried ushering them out back towards the direction of the front doors. But they didn't budge. If anything they were delighted that you'd come closer. Lessening the distance between them and you. “I'm serious fellas, the bars closed.” 
“I'm sure Penny wouldn't like knowing her Bartenders are screwing around with top paying patrons now would she?” One of them hissed as he stepped a little closer. 
“Is that a threat?” You could recognise a threat from a mile away. You didn’t play dumb, you just fucked dumb, except for Braldey–he was far from dumb. Watching as the three men stepped a little closer to where you stood in absolute shock. You could hold your own, but you weren't that stupid enough to know three against one wasn't a fair fight. Your body just froze. 
“You tell me, pretty girl–” They'd surrounded you, curling you like hawkes just waiting for their prey to die. “Now are you gonna get that beer or are we gonna see just how pretty you look bent over that bar instead of propped up on it?” Caressing the side of your cheek slowly, the man hummed as he coaxed a response from you. 
“I only got draft on tap or cider–” Whenever you were scared or protecting yourself or those you loved, your southern drawl seemed to be more prominent, Much like Bob’s. “What’ll you have?” 
“That's more like it, isn't it boys.” They all laughed as you shakingly took a step back into one of them, their hands coming to grip your forearms tightly. “But I still think we’d rather see you up on that bar.” Your eyes never left the mans as you clenched your jaw. His hand running up the inner part of your thing before landing near the zip of your jeans. “I know your type, you’ll fuck anything that’ll have you–wont you?” 
“Everything alright out here Pip?” God you'd never been more relieved to hear Bradleys voice. Exhaling a sigh of relief as you craned your head to see where he was standing. By the back door with Penny’s double barrel rifle up and pointing in the direction of the guys who'd surrounded you. “If she doesn't give me an answer in two seconds I’m taking it as a no–” 
“We’re just having a little fun aren't we boys?” Rooster wasn't having a bar of it, cocking the rifle as a warning. 
“It's been more than two seconds and I still don't have an answer–” There was nothing but red in Roosters ledger right now. Stepping out of the shadows as he came closer and closer to you with meaningful strides. Never lowing his weapon. “Leave, before I decide your worth doing time over.” The silence was deafening as Rooster stepped in front of you as all three men backed out of the bar, not one turning their backs on Rooster. “Cops will met em on their way up the road, would’ve been back sooner but I heard what was going on and took pictures of their plates.” Rooster explained as he waited for the three men to pile into the truck out the front that hadn’t been there when you were closing up earlier. Once Rooster was one hundred percent satisfied they were gone? That’s when he turned to you. Placing the gun onto the bar as you crumbled into a heap in his arms. Shaking and crying uncontrollably. 
“Shhh, I got you, I’ve got you Y/n.” No callsigns. No nicknames. It was you and Bradley. Holding you in his protectively arms as you cried your heart out on the floor of the Hard Deck. Rooster never ended up taking you back to his—he took you home. Where Bob thanked Rooster with his life for keeping his sister safe. 
Rooster  knew this was going to set the timeline of his progress with you back ten fold–but he didn't mind all that much. Rooster was just glad you were safe, that you were okay and that in time he could love you like you deserved to be loved. 
It was easy to get through a busy shift when everytime you looked up, you met Bradleys gaze. He was always watching from afar. Somewhat protective but respectful of your personal space and boundaries all at the same time. 
“So what's got you all smiles tonight Pip?” Hangman asked as you came around with an empty bar tray to collect the empty glasses. Penny knew you used it as an excuse to get out from behind the bar and talk to the patrons. One specific aviator in particular. “You’d think by now your cheek would be cramping?” Jake Seresin was a good person, you could tell that much just by the way he looked after his mates. 
“If you must know.” You cooed as you took his empty glass and placed it amongst the others you'd already collected. “I have a date this Sunday.” Bradley could hear your conversation as clear as day, but he wasn't going to interrupt. He’d wait till you came a little closer to grab your wholehearted attention. Continuing his own conversation with Payback about the new admiral. 
“A date huh? With Bradshaw?” Jake teased as he smirked at you, looking you up and down. “Let me guess, a pity date.” 
“More like a get me off my back kinda date but still–” As you shrugged your shoulders at Jake, you turned on your heels, reaching over Bradly to grab his empty glass from the tabletop he sat by. “Excuse me Lieutenant Bradshaw, I just need to get the empties.” You knew Rooster hated it when you called him Lieutenant Bradshaw. That was reserved for work and work only, not pleasure, not play. He poked his tongue into the inner part of his cheek as he shook his head and met your gaze. 
“Not funny.” 
“Sorry Lieutenant–” You cooed, brushing up against his crotch as you leaned in to whisper in his ear, standing between Bradleys legs as his hand lingered on your hip, needing at the flesh as your words affected him more than he would have liked to admit. “It won't happen again.” 
“Oi!” Bob hissed when he turned around to see the interaction unfolding. “This is a PG rated establishment–” At this rate, You and Rooster were going to get nowhere if Bob kept up his protective older brother shtick. “Separate please, none of that.” You didn't budge, you simply ignored your brother's request as Rooster dug his fingertips into your flesh a little more. Not wanting you to move from your place as you held the tray of empty glasses. 
“I'm going on my break in fifteen minutes.” You explained. “Why don't you meet me out the back near the festoon lights?” It was as suggestive as you could make it, hoping Bradley would catch on to what you were insinuating. It wouldn't be the first time and it surely wouldn't be the last time you two would sneak away for a quick rondavoo in the back of the Bronco–but it had been a minute since the last time. If he thought about it for a little while, Rooster was sure you both haven't gotten together since that dreaded night with the three guys. 
“Oh fuck–” Rooster felt like a teenager again when his cheeks begun to blush a rose hume at your words, his jeans feeling all the more tighter as he thought about the possibility of seeing you ride him again. “Okay, yeah, ill uh–i'll be there.” He nodded in quick heist as the flush of his skin started to creep up his neck. God it did things to you knowing how easily you melted the stoic Naval Aviator into a puddle. “But quit calling me Lieutenant Bradshaw, it aint funny sweetheart.” 
“Really?” You pressed as you pushed away from Rooster, he looked ready to jump your bones then and there. “What would you rather me call you?” Again, you were being far too suggestive for such a public place. He’d missed this. Smirking down at you as you stepped back biting your bottom lip. “See you in fifteen, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” 
Much to your delight, Rooster kept his promise almost to the minute. Meeting you out the back at one of the table and chair sets that were illuminated by strung up festoon lights. Sitting on top of the table, you waved his way as he made strides your way, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. The Hawaiian shirt he wore looked oh so stupid but in the best possible way. Only Braldey Bradshaw could pull off a Hawaiina shirt all year round. 
“I'm a little disappointed you aren't already naked.” You joked as Rooster finally made his way over to you, jumping up beside you with a huff. 
“Didn't wanna get done for public indecency by brother of the year.” Rooster was far too quick to tease back as you giggled softly and shook your head in defeat. It was nice to know Bob had your back, it truly was–but he was relentless. “So what's this about huh? Won't go on a date with me to save your life but you’ll happily have your way with me in the back of my Bronco?” 
“I don't ever remember mentioning having my way with you in the back of your Bronco–” Much like Rooster had done to you with his plane to get you to go out on a real date with him, you had set him up. “You’re far too much like my brother, always making assumptions.” 
“Oh–” Bradley puffed his chest a little as he got down from the table, pulling your legs closer to the edge as he stood between them. “So you’re telling me you don’t wanna just sneak away for a moment or two and–” You didn't let Rooster finish his sentence before you were laughing and biting your bottom lip.
“You'd only need a moment or two wouldn't you.” Bradley had never had this problem before, he wasn't ashamed of his stamina. Usually he could last for at least an hour if the sex was good, he could pace himself and edge his orgasm to the point where he could ride the high out for as long as he wanted–but with you? It had been a whole nother story. A few minutes was all it took for him to be spent. “Kinda don't need any more than five minutes.” You taunted, lifting your arm up to look at your wrist as if there was a watch wrapped around it. There wasn't. “So that leaves me with a solid ten minutes to kinda just dick around on my break.”
The first time you'd snuck away it was to the bathroom in the back of the Hard Deck. You thought for sure someone would catch you if you were gone for too long. Scared Bob would notice both you and Rooster were nowhere to be found. Bradley though, well he didn't make that a problem at all. He was done in about five minutes. 
“I'll have you know that my condition is solely a problem caused by you, Pip–because although I spend most of my day thinking about you.” Leaning in, Bradley kissed you softly, pulling back seconds after as he continued showering you with endearment. “And how beautiful you are.” Again, he leaned in to kiss you, this time for a little longer, a little more passion filled. “And what I would do for just a slither of your attention.” It was this time that Bradley cupped your cheeks as he deepened the kiss he gave you, pulling you against his lips as his tongue danced with yours. Soft moans escaping as you worked to unbuckle his belt, looping it from his waist. “You still catch me off guard every time we’re together and I don’t think ill ever get over just how fucking good it feels to be with you.” 
“Bronco–now.” You mumbled as you wiped your lips on your forearm. Rooster just smirked as he picked you up, a giggling mess as he rancid around the corner in the dark to where he’d parked his Bronco. “Bradley!” You squealed as he ran, carrying you in strong arms around the corner as you wrapped your legs around his waist and held onto the back of his neck. 
“Shhh–” Before you could protest any further, Your back was hitting the paintjob of Bradleys Bronco. His lips were on yours in a fever dream kiss as he worked to fish his keys from his pocket. “Just go with it.” So you did. You kissed Rooster back with as much need and as much lust as he was kissing you with. Devouring one another as Bradley held you up with all his might against the side of his Bronco. 
It wasn't long before you were climbing into the back seat, a giddy mess of adrenaline and need as you felt Roosters eyes on your ass as he followed you in. shutting the door behind himself before, like teenage dirtbags, you both rid yourself of any articles of clothing that just didn't seem practical for the aforementioned activities. 
“Okay, okay so–” To no surprise of your own, Bradley was already a flushed mess. “How do you wanna do this?” He asked softly with big eyes and a soft smirk. It had been a minute and he just wanted you to lead the way–he’d follow. Do whatever you wanted to do. “Do you wanna maybe–” Again, you didn't let Bradley finish before you were taking his lips hostage with yours. Pulling him down on top of you as you laid back on the seat. Your rip tight around his neck. “Fuck–” 
“Missed you, Missed this–” It wasn't that Braldey had inherently gone anywhere, but this was just something that had been off the cards for the last few months since the incident. Rooster respected you far too much to ever push your boundaries or climb the walls you put up. So he waited for you to make the first move. 
“Missed you so much–” Travelling the expanse from your jaw down the valley of your chest and down your torso, Bradley left goosebumps wherever his lips melted against your skin. “So fucking pretty Pip–” Sinking down between your legs to meet your core, dripping and needy for his touch. “Since you think it's hilarious that I can't last more than a few minutes, let's see how long it takes you, yeah?” He’d made it a challenge, to see how long you’d last and you thought for sure it would take you a while. But as soon as Braldey pressed his tongue against your sensitive bundle of nerves and spread your legs as far as he could get them? You knew it wouldn't take long at all. 
“Holy shit–” Your back arched off the seats as Bradley ate you out. His tongue lapping away as his fingertips danced at your entrance. “Ohh fuck!” There was a brief moment where you forgot how to breathe, that's how good it felt. The way Rooster was eating your pussy felt like he’d been starved for months, lapping and sucking and coaxing his fingers against your velvet walls. Two digits slipped in easily as your nectar pooled like it did at the base of a waterfall. All for him, all because of him. “Ohhh fuck Roos, yes!” 
“Such a pretty cunt.” There had been many nights where Bradley Bradshaw jerked himself off to the thought of you, so much so the bottle of unscented moisturiser had become a permanent fixture on his bedside table. His fist would never compare to the satisfaction you gave him though. The feeling of being with you in any aspect, from the nights where you’d close up early and share a pizza down by the beach to the mornings where you’d meet up at Bradleys place and go for a run, was unparalleled. “So wet so easily Pip–” 
“Say my real name.” You moaned as you fell deeper and deeper into the vortex Bradley was shoving you towards. “Bradley, say my name.” God it felt so good, the pressure in your lower abdomen was coming to a boiling point, the tips of your toes tingled with pins and needles, crinkling your nose as your breathing laps and got deeper every passing second. “Oh god oh god oh god oh god–” 
“I got you Y/n, I got you–” Bradley knew you were verging on the edge of your orgasm, he wasn't going to say anything now–but he couldn't help but to smirk against your pussy as he worked you over, pumping his two digits in and out. Your juices slicked him up so good it had started to drip down his wrist. “I got you baby cum for me.” It was otherworldly every time you were with Rooster. He knew just what to do and when to send you over the edge. It was a tell tale sign though whenever you gripped his dirty blonde locks with your first, pulling harshly as you shifted your hips against his face. “Cum on my face Y/n please baby, then ill fuck you so good you’ll be hobbling behind that bar of yours.” 
“Ahhhhh!!” You felt it bubbling, there was no turning back now. “Bradley i'm cumming i’m cumming i’m cumming i’m cumming ahhhh–!” Bradley didn't stop, he never stopped pumping his fingers inside you, he never stopped sucking at your swollen clit. “Ohhh fuck!” It was pure ecstasy, a euphoria only Bradley could provide you with. Your body stiffened as your orgasm washed over you like a damn titlewave. “Ohhhhhhhh–ffuuggghhhh—!” 
“Fucking christ Y/n yes baby look at you.” Rooster cooed as you soaked his face, squirting a little as he hit the squishy wall of your cunt over and over again, coaxing the liquid from you like a pro. It felt too good to not ride out the high to its full capacity. Revelling in every second of your high. “Did so good for me.” Bradley was quick to wipe his mouth on the back of his forearm as he came up to meet you. Kissing your lips softly, he moaned at the thought of you tasting yourself on his tongue. 
“I still have eight minutes left on my break.” You sighed as you looked up at Rooster. “You got enough in the tank to waste two minutes?” 
“What the hell question is that?” It made you laugh at just how ready Bradley was. “Absolutely I do, hop on beautiful.” Within the blink of any eye, Bradley had switched up the positions you were in. A few seconds ago you had been lying on your back with him hovering on top of you. Now? You were straddling his lap as he sat back against the middle seat of his Bronco. “You know you’re the most beautiful woman i've ever met right?” Bradleys complement didn't go unnoticed, it had you breaking out into a bashful smile so bright he swore you could have seen it from space. “And you aren't just another girl.” He cooed, cupping your face as he pulled you down for a kiss. “And this isn't just some summer love for me.” He explained as you shifted in his lap, guiding the head of his cock past your slick folds and into you slowly, sinking down–taking him inch by inch. “I think I'm truly falling in love with you–” 
“I think I'm truly falling in love with you too, Roo.” It would be a conversation tabled for a later day, because the moment you started moving up and down the length of Roosters cock? It was fake over for him. Moaning against your lips as you kissed him. Bouncing up and down to a rhythm of your choice, slowly, coaxing him to write where you wanted him. 
“Ohhhh fuck—yes, Y/n fuck you feel so good baby.” Roosters hands gripped at your hips, helping to guide you up and down his slicked up length as you worked your way down his jaw. Kissing over his scars—sending shivers down his spine as you did so. You’d been the only woman to ever do that, he had a girlfriend once who brought him concealer. But you? You kissed at the scar tissue like it was some imperfect perfection. “Holy shit—feels so fucking good!” 
“You're gonna come already Bradshaw?” You just wanted to tease him a little. “Ahh! But it feels so good, never wanna stop riding your cock.” Rooster let his head fall back against the glass of his Bronco. Squinting his eyes tight as he tried to hold out for as long as he possibly could. With you though? It was damn near impossible to. You just felt too good. 
“I’m good—“ Bradley lied, you knew he did. “Keep fucking me like this though and I’m not gonna last.” You knew he was barreling towards his high. There was a tight sensation pooling at the base of his shift as his balls tightened and breathing hitched. He’d gone a bright shade of crimson, his skin blotchy and hot to the touch. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—holy shit just keep fucking me Pip keep fucking me baby feels so fucking good.” Babbling, Bradley had given himself over to the feeling you brought him. Your touch, your warmth, your ability to have him coming undone at the scene was like a personalised siren song you sung out just for him. “Where can I cum!?” 
“You can cum inside me Bradley, come on baby—cum for me.” Bradley had a fair few inches to carry around. It always felt good with him buried inside you, but with only a few minutes left in your break—the two of you would have to find a lengthier time to be intimate. “You wanna cum for me? Fill me to the brim with your cum Lieutenant Bradshaw—“ There it was, that was it—your point proven, the second that rank left your mouth Rooster was pulling you flush against his chest with your arms strung behind your back. Fucking up and fast and deep and mercilessly into your dripping fucked out cunt. “Aaahhhhh! Fuck! Yes yesss!” You cried out, it felt way too good. “Bradley!”
“I told you not to call me that didn’t I?” He was done for, he was a goner—completely head over heels in love with you as he came hard and fast and without shame. “Ooohhhh fuck! Ooohhh yes, ooohhhhh god—“ flooding your cunt with the biggest load he’d ever given. “Ohh my god, that was—“ 
“The very definition of a quickie.” You finished Rooster's sentence as hot air steamed the windows of his Broco like that one scene in Titanic. “But I’m not complaining.” 
“You wanna come back to mine after you finish work?” He asked as you sat up, his cock still inside you as he softened, deciding you had a minute or two still left to spare. 
“Maybe—“ You smiled softly. “Depends on how busy the rest of the night is.” You knew Bradley hadn’t meant it in a way where he was implying another round. But you knew he would clear that up. 
“I didn’t mean it like, another round—-“ Ah, yep there it was. “I just meant maybe we could just spend whatever ends up being the rest of your night together, a pre date for our real date if you will.” He beamed, leaning in to kiss you one final time before you dismounted to sit beside him. Both naked. Both spent. “And before you say you have to work tomorrow? I already asked Penny, you don’t have work tomorrow.”
“And what if I had plans of my own?” You cooed, looking over your shoulder at Rooster as you pulled your shirt back over your head. 
“Cancel them.” He was as serious as a heart attack. “Spend the weekend with me gorgeous?” Rooster just wanted to be by your side always. “I know you’re reluctant, but—like I said, this isn’t summer love for me, so I’m gonna keep chasing you until you either give up or tell me to stop wasting my time.” 
“Well I hope that your cardiovascular health is a lot better than your sexual stamina Bradshaw.” You teased as you buckled your jeans up. “Because I’m quite enjoying being chased.” 
“Keep running than Pip.” Bradley smiled as he watched you open the door of his Bronco, sliding out as if mother happened. “Because I’ll catch you.” 
“Only in your wet dreams Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You taunted as you leaned in just one more time to place a kiss against Roosters lips. Savouring the feeling before pulling away. “But yes, I’ll come back to yours after work.” 
“So it’s a pre date for our date?” You couldn’t help but to laugh. Shaking your head softly as you nodded in agreement. 
“Yes, a pre-date for our date.” 
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mallowmaenad · 4 months
Professor X: So what is your power?
Me: I can make it so people are identified by a specific trait when recalled in a story about events I'm present in.
Guy Who Smells Like Plain Candle Wax: What does that even- d-do I really...?
Me: Kinda.
Guy Who Smells Like Plain Candle Wax: Well, I don't see how that could help us here at the institute for gifted youngsters.
Sabertooth: MYAR! Xavier!!! I am here to assassinate you!
Guy Who Smells Like Plain Candle Wax: My X-Men! To me!
Me: Not so fast, behold my ultimate power!
Guy Who Tells Homeless People He doesn't Have any Money Even When His Pockets are Full Of Spare Change: HAHA! what did you even try to accom- uh. Oh c'mon.
Guy Who Smells Like Plain Candle Wax: Really? Not even a penny? What does anyone even use change for nowadays?
Guy Who Tells Homeless People He doesn't Have any Money Even When His Pockets are Full Of Spare Change: It's just that I need it for the laundromat and I mean like, they're probably gonna spend it on drugs anyways.
Thick And Well-Hung Gurl Who Is A Perfect Canidate For The X-Men: That's not cool dude. Not fuckin cool.
Guy Who Smells Like Plain Candle Wax: Can you please make these names less verbose?
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