#they just happen to be the most badass photos of me ever
radmisf1t · 2 years
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i have to be annoying and show off these pics im sorry
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 2 months
Thinking about trans girl Usopp who figures it out while she's sailing with the Straw Hats and transitions during or shortly after the timeskip (maybe Sanji calls in a favor from Ivankov?)
Thinking about Yassop seeing the Goddess Usopp bounty poster and just fucking convulsing on the floor because he's so torn between being proud of his badass sniper child, worried about the danger she's in, regretful that he's missed so much of her life (her?? She's a her now???) and rip roaring furious because this is One Piece and you know she somehow ended up titties-out for that picture.
The whiplash of thinking you have a son living a safe, quiet life on an island where nothing dangerous ever happens to suddenly all at once finding out that actually you have a daughter sailing with the most insane crew to ever cause chaos on the seas and also the entire damn world is going to see this specific photo of her, which you do not approve of.
Just. Please picture it with me. Yassop girldad speedrun.
He spends like twenty fucking minutes screaming incoherently and shoving the bounty poster into peoples faces and then decking them for looking at the bounty poster before the crew finally gets him to calm down enough to explain what's wrong. He says that's his kid and Shanks and the rest of the officers are all gathered around squinting at the poster like "Didn't you have a son?"
They're looking innocently they're just trying to find the family resemblance under all that blood but all Yassop can see is a pack of dirty old men ogling his baby girl so now he's back to choosing violence but also he's crying the whole time because Usopp looks just like her mother.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
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I'm gonna do things a little bit differently this time around, but I ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY thought that this chapter was a 10 OUT OF 10!!! 😆 So, let's get into it shall we?! 😎👍
First off, at the beginning of chapter, I was like...:
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"What is this man planning...? 🤔", while also just being happy to Andy for a quick second there...!! 😎 After that, we cut back to Fuuko and the gang talking with Tatiana, telling her that she doesn't have to join if she doesn't want to...! I also liked this part:
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I love Tatiana's "Thank you. Onionhead." for Chikara taking the perfect photo for her, it's so adorable...!! 😁 But then, on the next page, THIS HAPPENS...:
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And I was like:
"WHO DO DID THAT!?!" 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Then, I see the culprit...:
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Let me tell you something, I'VE HATED THIS MAN with a BURNING PASSION ever since HE STABBED FUUKO IN THE GODDAMN CHEST in the previous Loop!!! 😠 But, I had hope that Fuuko could possibly convince him to join the Union in this Loop...
I'm sorry, I haven't had this much hatred for a character since Ryo Asuka from Devilman: Crybaby...!! 😤 Is there still a possibility for Ruin to heel turn over to the Union's side? Most likely...! Will I be fine if he doesn't join the Union and get ABSOLUTELY CURB STOMPED BY THEM INSTEAD?!?! Most definitely...!! I'd totally be cool with either of these outcomes...!! 😁👍
But anyway, enough of me being possibly Ruin's number one hater, let's get back to the chapter...!! And I cannot believe that Kururu for some reason already looks like how she did in the previous Loop, now with an Union badge...?! 😕
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I don't know what exactly Tozuka is doing with Kururu, but I still hope that she gets more development in future...!! 🤞
Back to Fuuko vs. Ruin; THAT BASTARD injured Fuuko's eye, but of course she still looks BADASS!! 👌😎:
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But, even though this is HYPE AS FUCK, this looks to be exactly what UMA Soul wants...! Which means the Master Rules are about to be set free...!!! 😵
So yeah, this chapter FREAKING SLAPPED and I just had to share my absolute hatred for Ruin, thus why I did things a little differently this time around...!! 😄 I'm super excited for next week's chapter, so I'll see you all then...!! LATER!! 😎👍
In other news, my mom recently changed her lock screen on her phone to a picture of Andy and Fuuko because she became a fan of the series after we watched the anime back when the English dub was coming out!! 💗🤗💗 (She also made Spy X Family, my other favorite manga right now, her phone background...!! 😊) Okay, now I'm done!! BYE FOR REAL NOW!! 👋😉
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
Decided to do a little vent.
Honestly i hate how big of a deal fakers are for sysmeds, like i don't think they really exist?..
Like... No? Like, they're litterally not??
It's like fakeclaiming depression, autism, adhd, etc. Esp for young people and minors. and generally, pretty "childlike" escapists who are into cartoons and etc and not oversharing photos and irl life. People really assume that people who spend a lot of time on fiction really can't ever dissociate and don't want to escape reality... Somehow. Idk ableism aimed at young people is so unreal i hate it, because they're actually MOST vulnerable to all abuse, but get dismissed SO MUCH by everyone just because they don't share all shit happening to them.
I saw this soooo much for depression like "oh these kids are just faking and romanticize it blah blah" when they're litterally coping and express feelings through art... In a healthy way? Never understood it.
Ocdd isn't really so funny and normal, even accomodations aren't so great, to fake it, being system isn't instant +1000 followers as they think. If person wanted to roleplay - they may just make roleplay account. And like?.. Like fictives can't be into various roleplays and interacting more as original, because it's familiar for them, and safe in a way? We litterally have singlets in roleplaying community who are like "i actually always play characters that are litterally me because i can't really play as very different person", why fictives can't be like that too, and enjoy it? Just because some fictives don't, and now this is a standart for all?.. Roleplaying is quite badass healthy coping mechanism that helps to improve empathy and understanding of others.
Communications only become harder for singlet if they try to pass as disordered system, and it... Doesn't pay off??? At all??? Like????? The fakeclaimer's paranoia litterally doesn't do any good for any system, only make systems feel worse and ruminating about how their trauma must not be enough, imagined, and alters are just imaginery... They're formed to help, and you litterally may hurt systems by saying shit about them being imaginary, just as you may hurt adhd/depressive person by saying that they're just lazy and need to get over them, without any help, and medication are just placebo.
And faking real, horrifying disorder symptoms, actually takes A LOT of research and acting talant and skill, i would actually APPLAUSE to person who would play disordered system good and dedicate hard work to it. I would love to see actors and authors who are interested in research and can play various system characters, and conciously remember how memory in systems works, and don't get lost in it, and use meta-knowlegde for alters who don't have it. It may be easier to lose track when system live in one body, esp masking as singlet.
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Solid take.
Really, the whole hysteria around fakers is largely overblown. The idea of mass amounts of fakers have always been a scapegoat used by ableist doctors to dismiss people with DID, but numbers have never supported this, and much of what people claim are signs of faking are just normal human variation.
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mikedfaist · 2 months
I know you mentioned reader stumbling/tripping on stage, but how does mike deal with her getting seriously hurt? whether that be at a show, doing her own stunt on set (I’m working on a set rn and the scenes I’m doing are veryyyy stunt heavy so it made me think of this scenario) or just a silly accident?
It’s not uncommon for her to get hit with objects on stage, though thankfully, it’s mostly flowers, or plushies, or bras. This instance happened one summer, when someone threw a phone and it hit in her in the eye. Mike was not in attendance at this show, and she’s almost grateful he wasn’t. She was transported to the hospital and had to get stiches, but not before finishing the last song with blood all down her face. (The now iconic photo of her became the cover of Rolling Stone the following month labeling her one of the most badass woman in music, though she commented on it saying she wasn’t going to leave early when everyone paid money to see her, but she digresses.)
She called him from the ER, praying she would get to him before he heard from anyone else. (He was sleeping; it went to voicemail. She curses at the time zones).
An hour later, he wakes up and realizes what’s happened. He too curses himself, because of course this is the one show he doesn’t attend. He feels awful, and angry, and threatens to get on a plane to come see her, but she pushes him down.
“Just a few stitches—not losing an eye over this.”
“Okay, but you could have—”
“But I didn’t.”
When they are reunited a couple days later, her demeanor has changed, and she’s a lot less apathetic towards the entire ordeal. She’s sullen, and clings onto him in the entryway to his hotel.
“I need a break.” She’s tired, and her eye is nearly engulfed in purple and black. The world wouldn’t see her for nearly a year after this.
As for an injury on set, there’s a scene she does where she jumps out of a window, and it’s only like a 3 feet fall, and she nailed all of the rehearsals, so she wasn’t really worried, but during what ended up being the final take, she lands awkwardly and feels two separate pops in her ankle. She finishes the take, but the pain is borderline unbearable. Come to find out, she tore two ligaments, and had to be in a boot for several weeks. She was not thrilled, especially so, since she was attending a wedding with Mike only a couple weeks later, and, “This boot does not go with this dress.”
Luckly for her, that’s the worst injury she’s ever gotten. She did have to get stiches in her hand once when she punched a mirror that turned out to not be breakaway glass. There’s a whole thing about it in Watch Mojo’s Top 20 Actor Injuries You ACTUALLY See in the Movie. It also helped she got an Oscar for that role, and that scene is the most talked about.
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
TMA - Chapters 21-30: Andorra is a beautiful place
Here I am, once again, back with 10 more TMA chapters.
Things are starting to get very, VERY interesting.
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MAG 21 - Freefall
A statement all about skydiving and my mind flies to Ex Altiora. I’ll admit it: I kept wondering if the supernatural shit of this statement was related to this book in particular - or to any other book from my man Leutner.
But nope, today’s supernatural shit is something both weird and horrific at the same time: the sky itself, that ate a guy. The account is purposely left as vague as possible, with a clear emphasis on how difficult it is to describe the whole thing, but the image of the sky shifting and enveloping Robert is both beautiful and eldritch-esque. I really liked it.
And here we go again with the familiar names, this time it’s Simon Fairchild. Why is it so familiar? Why is every name so familiar?
But most importantly: how badass is he? Just think about this man, who decided to give Robert the scare of his life and not because he had something against him, but just because. And he did it, by saying the most harmless thing ever. He literally woke up and chose violence.
Also, what the heck happened in the end? Glad to know Martin is back, but what’s happening? Did he bring slugs with him? Worms? Jane Prentiss? Some other supernatural shit?
MAG 22 - Colony
Holy shit, it really was Jane Prentiss again.
I wondered if we would’ve seen more of her victims, but I never wanted Martin to be one of them! Well, it is kind of his own fault - I mean, his zealousness is admirable, but was it really necessary to go twice into that scary basement? And he even tried to take a photo, to prove to his boss that he was not insane! Martin needs a vacation away from all this shit.
And he survived for 13 fucking days, with Jane Prentiss (who is officially a trypophobic’s nightmare) knocking at his door every now and then and one trillion worms trying to find their way inside his house - and possibly inside him too. Disgusting, draining, terrifying, hats off to him for surviving. 
So the famous stomach problems were not real: it was Jane Prentiss doing shit with Martin’s phone. And she even has the balls to write something like “Okay, sheesh, keep him”. Kind of a boss, I’ll admit it.
O-oh, what is the “Archivist’s crimson fate”? Is it a sort of “curse” placed on the Head Archivists of this Institute? Maybe that’s why Gertrude Robinson died: the man from MAG 11 tried to warn her, but it was too late and the “curse” activated before she could escape it. But considering that there are supernatural shits everywhere, is the “crimson fate” a curse or just another supernatural shit?
(Don’t you DARE to tell me any spoilers)
One last thing: John has been very understanding, which proves he’s a nice guy after all. Even if he always tells shit about Martin, this time he gave him a place in the Archives, reassured him and told him he would hire extra security too. He trusted his words. Finally, Jon is becoming a better person XD
He also mentioned a statement from Jane Prentiss herself, so if I’m getting this series right, I guess MAG 23 will be about that statement.
MAG 23 - Schwartzwald
It wasn’t Jane Prentiss’ statement. Sad :(
But we got a statement given to Jonah Magnus - who I suppose is the founder of the Institute. Pretty cool.
Okay, so we have the tomb of this Johann von Württemberg guy, a man with no eyes, a disappeared coin, a mysterious book and a lot of eyes again. The book immediately made me think of my man Leutner, while the eyes are a constant reminder of MAG 11/all other MAGs before & after and I am 100% sure these eyes are part of some other supernatural shit we still have to see. Is it related to the “Archivist’s crimson fate”, maybe? Only time will tell.
Here we are, the most important part of the statement: Albrecht is ready to enter the mausoleum, even if a weird guy gave him a weirder warning. The tension builds, Albrecht is here, he lights his lantern… and then we have Martin, who is apparently walking around the Archives naked and I burst out laughing because I just had this wonderful image of Jon all focused on the statement, while Martin is chilling around wearing nothing but his boxers. Best way to build the tension and break it at the same time, 10/10, kudos to the author of this series for doing that, it was the funniest shit ever.
MY (WO)MAN MARY KEAY. Don’t be silly, Jon, of course it’s not a coincidence - there are no coincidences in this series. This woman is the mother of my man Gerard, I am 100% sure. And I love how the Keays have always been involved with supernatural shits, ever since their ancestor Albrecht. It kinda explains why Gerard is always around them. It’s not that he doesn’t have anything better to do: it's literally part of his DNA.
And it could also explain why he’s searching for Leutner’s books: maybe the one in Johann von Württemberg’s tomb really was a Leutner’s book and Gerard is searching for all others.
That's very, very interesting.
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MAG 24 - Strange Music
A weird calliope organ and some murderous clown dolls. Not the most exciting story ever but hey, at least there are a couple interesting things here:
We hear Sasha for the first time and she appears for the most useless speech ever. I hope she will be more useful in the future. And Jon is sarcastic with her too, which proves to me that he’s not an ass: just a typical British guy XD (my dear Brits, you had it coming XD Don’t take me seriously, we’re all bros here <3)
Someone “legitimate” took the calliope. And my mind flies to our favorite delivery company “Breekon and Hope Deliveries”.
The Circus of the Other. What the heck is the “Other”? My bet is another supernatural shit.
Holy shit the organ is in the Institute?! Was it the Breekon and Hope Deliveries to deliver it or did the Institute take it?
Is there something Elias knows for sure, or all he knows is that things are “maybe/probably somewhere”? This man is useless XD
Now that I think about it: Elias is the head of the Institute, right? So he bought it from some of Magnus’ successors, I suppose. Now, does he know about the “Archivist’s crimson fate”? If this “fate” is some sort of curse that takes all Head Archivists, it probably took more Head Archivists before Gertrude Robinson, right? And Elias never asked himself why all these Archivists were casually dying under his nose?
Or maybe I’m getting it all wrong and the “crimson fate” isn’t a curse that affects all Head Archivists. Well, then I have another unrelated question: how's it possible that the goddamn Head of the Institute knows nothing of his Institute? How involved is Elias in the Institute and its organization?
There are still many missing things and I can’t wait to connect them all.
MAG 25 - Growing Dark
The statement itself isn’t very interesting, just “guy finds some random shit in a dark creepy place”, but there are a few details that caught my attention.
First of all, here we are again with a closed eye. I suppose that the People’s Church of the Divine Host and these Hither Green Dissenters are all part of the same gang, considering they both share closed eyes as their symbol. Also, now there’s Alesund mentioned too. Is this the birthplace of the supernatural shit they all worship? And are closed and open eyes related to the same supernatural shit or they're two different shits?
We also have the exact date in which Gertrude Robinson died: May 15th, 2015. And this is a problem for me, because I don’t remember any date and I suck with dates in general, unless I have a scheme/timeline/whatever. So tell me: should I do a timeline?
Fuck, I’ll do it anyway.
MAG 26 - A Distortion
Holy shit. HOLY. SHIT.
*I think I’ve finally found my Michael. And it’s not Michael Getty, Michael Crew or Michael Whatever: it’s Michael the Supernatural Shit. And I love him. I mean, he is:
a chill guy, who buys flowers and drinks coffee
a poet, considering that when Sasha asked him what he is, he said: “How would a melody describe itself when asked?”. Best way to answer, he’s amazing, I’m in love
a cool boy who is creepy as fuck while not appearing creepy at all
probably the guy “with all the bones in his hands” mentioned in MAG 8
a good boyo who wants to help
*I wrote a timeline just in time, because as soon as I heard the name Timothy Hodge, I instantly remembered he was from MAG 6. The timeline is useful: I will keep updating it, then.
*Poor Martin is being stalked by the goddamn colony of silver worms. Martin, I think it's time for a vacation far away from all these supernatural shits. What about Andorra? Andorra is between the mountains, so good luck finding it. The population is less than 90k, so basically there are more people in my backyard than in the entire state. And it’s in the Pyrenees, so I’m pretty sure the nights are probably shorter than in Norway.
Think about it, Martin: no supernatural shits, no worms, long days. And spas. They have spas too.
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I dream this for Martin.
*Two statements ago I asked for Sasha to be more useful and here she is. She is useful indeed! Thank you for your service, Sasha: you finally gave me my Michael and you’ve probably saved Jon’s life. Great job.
But you know how you can save everyone's life even more? Move to Andorra. They also have traditions related to fire and burning things, just in case some worms find you. Listen to me and run away from all this shit.
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Andorra is a wonderful place.
MAG 27 - A Sturdy Lock
Another not-very-interesting story, just “supernatural shit knocks at my door during the night”. Also, it comes after that bomb that was MAG 26, so the backlash is even stronger. I mean, after all the shit Sasha told him, Jon thought it was a great idea to record another statement. Seriously?!
Andorra, Jon. Andorra is a nice place to live.
Also, who the heck is Sarah Carpenter? Is she important too? Should I remember her too?
Even more important, what does that mean that Mr. McKenzie’s bedroom door “does not have a keyhole or a lock”? Was his door just a wood panel? Did it have only a handle? I’m kinda confused by this, honestly, but maybe it’s just me not being able to visualize it.
MAG 28 - Skintight
The statement isn’t particularly captivating, but Sarah Baldwin peeling off her skin and putting it back is a bit creepy, I’ll accept it.
Also, since Jon said she was in some previous statements, I searched for her and here she was, among all the missing people mentioned in MAG 1: disappeared in August 2006, while this statement is from April 2016. So the girl here clearly isn’t Sarah Baldwin.
That kinda explains her weird words about trespassing: she (it?) was probably apologizing to another supernatural shit in the hospital for entering their territory. But if I’m right, that means every supernatural shit has a territory like mafia bosses and no one can invade them? Or maybe this applies to some supernatural shits and not others. Maybe there is a hierarchy or similar and the most powerful can do whatever they want and go whenever they want, while others control specific, limited territories. Can’t wait to find out.
MAG 29 - Cheating Death
Oh, that was interesting! So, according to this statement, when you win death, you become death. Until someone else wins, then they become the new death and you turn back into a human, but you’re immortal. Very cool, a good variation to the topic of defeating death/cheating death/immortality.
Once again, the series listens to me and provides an answer to my questions: I wanted to know more about Elias and here we find out he was a filing clerk when Gertrude Robinson was still alive.
Well, this explains why Elias never cared about other Head Archivists before Getrude: he was just a clerk. Maybe he wasn’t even hired yet, when there was someone before her.
This also explains why he doesn’t know a lot of things: he was just a clerk, after all.
Still, it’s very weird that he managed to go from filing clerk to goddamn head of the Institute in the span of nothing. What happened to the previous head of the Institute? Did they die too, along with all the previous staff members? How? And only Elias survived this unexplained massacre? That’s very, very suspicious. If I were Jon, I would ask Elias a couple of things.
But if I were Jon, I would’ve already moved away from all this shit, so I wouldn’t ask anything anyway.
MAG 30 - Killing Floor
I’ll quote Jon for this one: “Hmm. More meat. Interesting.”
Is meat part of another supernatural shit? Should I be scared by it? In this case, it kinda failed to do so. I mean, this isn't a bad statement… just a little meh. After all, it’s just an endless slaughterhouse featuring the Obligatory Dead Guy. Nothing truly amazing.
And it’s kinda sad, because we had MAG 26 and now this post ends not with a bang, but with a meh. Sad :(
But even more sad is that Jon, despite all of this, is still recording statements.
Listen to me, Jon. Andorra is a nice place to live.
In conclusion
So, that's my theory for now:
There are a lot of different supernatural shits in this world. Some are more powerful and can do whatever they want, others are “minor” and they control smaller territories.
The Magnus Institute contains the worst/more powerful supernatural shit of them all. The Lukas family took/found this shit in Norway and decided it was very cool - but a little hungry too, so let’s close it in the Institute and let’s use the Institute as a huge “feeder” to feed it.
This supernatural shit is what Jane Prentiss referred to as the “Archivist’s crimson fate”. Every Head Archivist is somehow “cursed” to become food for this thing. That’s what happened to Gertrude Robinson, that’s what happened to her staff and that’s what happened to the staff before them.
Elias somehow survived and either 1) he turned into a supporter of the Lukas family or 2) he’s used as bait to find more people to feed to the supernatural shit.
How much of this is right? How much is wrong? Only time will tell me :D
Speaking of Jonathan: my man, I’m a skeptical person too, so I understand that you’re skeptical. But you literally have silver worms everywhere, someone threatened you via Martin’s phone, the most reasonable member of your staff told you she met a supernatural shit in real life and the supernatural shit confirmed something bad will happen to you. And after all of this, you are still recording statements as if it’s nothing?! My man, that’s not being skeptical, that’s not having any self-preservation instinct at all! First Martin threw himself into a basement that screamed “DANGER HERE”, now you're ignoring all red flags, wow you’re perfect for each other…
Wait... wait... are you two the homoerotic couple? Are you two gonna fall in love? I’ll admit it, it would be very funny if it’s you two. But, again, only time will tell.
So let’s wait and see what will happen: will my theories be correct? Will Michael the Supernatural Shit become Best Boyo of the series? Will my man Leutner still wreak havoc all over the world? Will Gerard come back to deal with this shit like he always does? How many more iconic weirdos will I find in the next 10 episodes? Will Jane Prentiss still haunt these poor people?
And most importantly: when will Jon and his staff finally listen to me and move to a better place?
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(How about a coffee? ☕)
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crazypaperwasteland · 2 years
My Heart-Simon “Ghost” Riley Oneshot
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x Wife!Reader
Summary: When Grave’s captures Simon’s wife, he spirals into sorrow while he tries to come up with a plan to get her back. When he does, he realizes he wasn’t the only one hurting from their abrupt separation. 
Warnings: Angst (Just a bit), not proof read
A/N: I haven’t played the game yet, but I think like most people, I have developed an unhealthy obsession with this man. So if there are any inaccuracies, I’m sorry, just roll with it :)
Word Count: 1.2k
Simon’s POV-
I was going to kill Graves. I was going to kill him slowly, and brutally, if he so much as touched a hair on (Y/N)’s head. I’d seen the Shadows snag her after Graves revealed his true intentions. I went into panic mode for a full fifteen or so minutes before I finally managed to pull myself together. 
When Soap reconnected on me over the comms I was able to screw my head on straight and focus. Focus on getting him back. When I did though and we made it to Alejandro’s safe house, there was no mission. There was nothing to keep my mind busy and on track, there was just worry. 
(Y/N) was a pilot, one of the best, hence why Price put her on this task force. She had basic combat training, but it wasn’t enough to keep her safe from getting captured. 
While everyone was getting rest, the safehouse was very dark, very quiet. The only light came in through the window from the moonlight. People were piled in different corners of the room, some snoring softly. 
I sat down, against the wall, staring down at the picture in my hand. The tiny polaroid I kept in my pocket. I didn’t even notice Soap approaching me on light feet until he sat down next to me. “What are you thinkin’ about Lt?”
I didn’t say anything, just stared down at the picture. (Y/N)’s face lit up in a smile while holding her son, Tommy, close to her side, me in the back in my mask, ruffling his (h/c) hair while he swatted at me, laughing. 
Soap looked over, giving the photo a once over. He looked back at my mask, “I didn’t know that you and (Y/N) were so close.” I shrugged. What could I say to that? Me and (Y/N) have been married for three years? We’re in a relationship? Me and her have a son? “That your kid?”
I shook my head, “hers.” I could never take Tommy’s father’s place. Even though he didn’t remember him. 
Soap took a breath in through his nose, “we’ll get her back, Ghost.” I furrowed my brows as I studied that photo, (Y/N)’s face permanently burned into my mind. If I closed my eyes, it would still be there, a perfect picture of her in one of her happiest moments. 
“I don’t know Graves very well, I couldn’t say if he’s killed her or not.” I paused, “if he hasn’t yet, he still might.”
“He won’t, Lt.” Soap assured me, “she is one of the best pilots I have ever seen. If Graves can, he will do everything possible to get her on his side. He has planes, helicopters, fighter jets, he has all the weapons at his disposal, he just needs a pilot to use them.”
I wanted to believe that. What Soap said was true, logically, it made sense. But with my emotions now mixed in with everything, logic was thrown out the window. “I hope you’re right about that.”
“Don’t you know by now? I’m always right.” Soap nudged my shoulder with his, “(Y/N) is a badass, she won’t let anything happen to herself. You don’t have to worry, Lt. We’ll get her back.”
I closed my fist around the polaroid, leaning my head on my knees for a moment. I felt Soap’s hand on my arm, I tensed up at the touch. Shrugging him off, I stood up and stepped outside so I could think in peace. Not that I didn’t appreciate Soap trying to help, but crying in front of my subordinate was not on my bucket list. 
I needed to get (Y/N) back. I needed her to be alive; if she wasn’t, I couldn’t be sure if I would be able to go on living in a world where she wasn’t. I touched the ring hung around my neck alongside my dog tags. 
When we got everyone out of their cells at base, I scoured around the entirety of the base looking for (Y/N). When I found her in solitary, a couple of cells down from where Alejandro had been kept, she was shrouded in shadow. 
I walked in, hearing her breathing shakily. The light coming in through the door allowed me to see the toes of her boots in the darkest corner of the room. “Sweetheart…” I surged forward and kneeled down in front of her. She had her head buried in her knees, not allowing herself to look at me, her arms covered her ears, so as to not hear me. Or whoever she thought I was. “(Y/N),” I reached out cautiously and gripped her forearm gently, not even really grabbing it, sliding my fingers along it. “Look at me, sweet girl.”
Her arms retracted slowly and she peaked at me, then I saw her eyes widen in the dark before she lunged forward, throwing her arms around me. Shaking and sniffling. “Simon…”
“Yeah, I’m here now, it’s okay,” I whispered, I pulled up my mask for a moment and kissed the side of her head. I held her close to me, reveling in the feeling of her warmth. Her closeness. Both of which told me she was alive, maybe not entirely well, but alive. “You’re gonna be okay.”
I felt her tears hit my neck, soaking through the cloth of my mask. She was still shaking. “I wanna go home now.”
“I know,” I stroked my gloved fingers through her hair, rocking her back and forth, still sitting on the gross concrete of the floor. She was sitting in my lap, clinging to me like a lifeline. “We will soon, baby.” 
It was concerning to me how…broken she seemed. We’d been in bad spots before, held hostage before, but she’d usually bounce back quickly when she was out of danger. She would usually pull herself together and get back to work. But she was still shaking, still crying, still clutching me like I’d disappear. 
Her face was buried into my shoulder, “I thought you were dead, Si.” Oh. Oh shit. There was a wet patch on my neck, soaking straight through the mask. 
I’d spent this whole time thinking of her being dead. It never occurred to me that she may not have seen me get away like I saw her get taken. “Oh, no, sweetheart.” I held her closer, “no, I’m right here.” I grabbed her hand and placed it on the opposite side of my neck she rested her face in, pressing two of her fingers against my pulse point. “I’m still here.” I allowed her to feel my heartbeat, I steadied the shaking of her hand with my own. 
I was never going to let her go again. I gripped the backs of her thighs and stood up, she wrapped her legs around me and held on tighter to me. I brought her up to where everyone else was, some of them hugging, others laughing and celebrating our small victory against Graves. 
(Y/N) was still shaking slightly in my arms and still hadn’t looked up from my neck. Soap stared at us as I carried her, so did everyone else who noticed us. But I couldn’t find it in myself to care. I cradled the back of her head, massaging her scalp as I tried to find an empty room for her to calm down in. 
I was okay now. My mission was now to take down Graves, then Hassan, and get my wife, my heart, home to her son. 
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altrodent · 1 year
Pairing: Abner Krill x reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, slight NSFW, little make-outish, friends with benefits, lots of flirting from other characters (besides Abner), PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Summary: Abner was living a totally “normal” life… until he saw his best friend in a sundress. ❤️‍🔥
(PS: does this photo look small out of editing (like when it’s posted) or is it just me??)
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It was a rare occasion that The Suicide Squad would get to go on a badass mission to save the world. This wasn’t the first time, but the last mission of just tracking a small drug cartel wasn’t as fun as your current mission.
“Operation: Sun n’ Gun” Waller announced, the current mission list consisted of Harley Quinn, Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Ratcatcher 2, King Shark, Rick Flag, Polkadot man, and you! This was your first mission with everyone, except for Polka-dot man. As amazing as it was, you two had actually grown more together in prison, seeing as he was the only one able to get you to come out of hiding.
“Question-“ “No questions until I say so, Christopher. Your mission is to uncover a cult that plans on summoning some sort of Kathulu like demon from the ocean. As ridiculous as that sounds, I’m sure you’ve seen the human-sized weasel, so don’t think about the demon too much. Any questions?” Chris raises his hand, Waller ignores him and calls on Bloodsport, “How the hell are we gonna blend in, in a place like that?” He makes hand gestures towards himself, with the way everyone is dressed, he has a point. “We have that covered, and if we don’t have any more questions, we can get you all suited up and dropped down there.” She turns off the projector as we all make our way to a room, with in which eight people stand, each with a costume bag. They’re a thick white material so you don’t see what’s underneath “Jesus, do we really need to dress up?” Bloodsport groans, Waller taps your shoulder to give you the signal to let her through “It’s necessary if you don’t want me to eradicate you. Now, they will hand you the outfit, then your will get changed and head straight to the drop ship. Are we clear?” She eyes everyone, her eyes landing on your “You will need extra time, seeing as you will be distractor number one, understand?” Your brows furrow “Distra- what do you mean?” She sighs, “talk and walk, I’ll discuss it with you while you change. The rest of you, hurry up, and get dressed out.”
“So what’s this about me being distractor number one?” You step into a small dressing room, closing the curtain behind you. “As shocking as it may seem, the cult leader is obsessed with women, and with various amounts of research into his ‘type’ I felt as if you were the best candidate.” You open the bag “Is this a dress?” She leans against the changing room “I asked most of my men what they think women on the beach look most attractive in, and while I expected them to say ‘Skimpy Bikini’s’ or even nothing at all, the majority said Sundresses. Strange, but they know what would happen if they were to lie to me, so I trust their responses.” You exhale, loud enough for Waller to hear “I’ve done some fucked shit, but this is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done... or wore.” You turn it around looking at it from every angle, it isn’t even on you and you’re already concerned. “Look if anything happens, everyone else will be there to help… especially Abner Krill, he seems to have taken a liking to you.” You laugh a little bit “Feelings mutual.” You mumble to yourself, biting the inside of your lip just thinking about him, he’s cute, quiet, and as thrilling as you could ever imagine. He would sneak off and find you during free time, and if he feels like it, maybe gets a little touchy. But after two arms through the sleeves, the sundress is on “holy shit…” you step out, the only person left, looking more than perfect. You could almost see a slight smile forming at the corners of Wallers mouth “You’re ready. Hurry up and get on the drop ship. You have work to do.” You nod and quickly hurry to the ship. It’s fitting in all the right places, short in the most flattering way, and god damn you had to admit you looked hot.
“Woah.” “Holy shit!” “What happened to you?” You hop onto the drop-ship, everyone inside staring, even Colonel Flag of all people. Your face turns red from embarrassment, but there’s just something you can’t seem to not notice. Krill is sitting there, just looking at you. While he normally smiles once you spot him and then look away awkwardly, he is just staring. From shoulders, to thighs, he just can’t seem to get enough. You sit next to Abner, his eyes still scanning over your body. Cleo, Harley, and even King Shark still spewing compliments, “You look very nice in the dress!” “You’re so hot, OMG! We could be like- twins!” “PRETTY FLOWERS”, and you delivering them back. Peacemaker making inappropriate remarks, while Bloodsport just makes quick peaks with undeterminable facial expressions. You still turn back and see Abner, not looking at you. You gently graze your fingers over his hand, “Hey, you doing okay?” His head shoots up, as he was recovering from his daze. “Uh- yeah-“ he gazes finally meets yours and he offers you a soft smile. Peacemaker laughs way too loudly “He totally wants to bang!” Abner looks away, ashamed “Don’t worry Polka-man, I would too, trust me-“ you shoot Chris the most painful daggers, “What? It’s a compliment, ever heard em?” You grimace “Chris, I will shove this umbrella so far up your ass, I swear” Flag stammers into the conversation, “I will say you look very nice.” You smile, “Thank You, Colonel Flag.” He smiles back, Chris pouting in his seat.
The drop-ship lands and quickly lets you all off. “So we just have to stay on the beach all night and wait for the cult to arrive?” Flag asks Waller, “Yes, and remember if you deviate-“ “We lose our heads…” you all say in unison. “Well, we get to have a fun day in the sun before we uncover a cult.” Flag says, grabbing some of the luggage. “Did Waller provide these?” Cleo asks, “Nope, I just don’t want to be bored for however the hell long the cult takes.” Bloodsport and King Shark grab the rest of the stuff before everyone else goes ahead. “After you” Flag winks at you, you blush. You go ahead and catch up with Abner “Hey” he smiles at you, biting the inside of his lip. You lean your head against his shoulder “Hey, you feeling better?” He nods “Yeah, sorry… it’s just rare to see you out of orange. You look…” you can hear his breath hitch as he tries to avoid looking at you. “Stunning.” He says trying to hide an oncoming smile. Getting a random burst of confidence, you shoot back “Well you can look at me as much as you want before the mission really starts” you can hear Cleo “oooh” to her rat, Sebastian. He mumbles, “I’d like to do more than look.” You genuinely didn’t hear what he said, but it couldn’t have been that important… right?
After about 30 minutes of walking through the jungle, you reach the beach and set up. Immediately, you realize the only fault of the disguise… you can’t swim. There wasn’t a bathing suit or anything in there, so unless you want to strip, you can’t get in the beautiful, clear water. You pout, laying on your beach towel. Although you wouldn’t really care just swimming in your undergarments, Chris had to be creepy and say ‘he wouldn’t mind seeing that’, which earned him a slap across the face. After a minute of pouting someone sits next to you, casting a light shadow on you. You look up to see him, “Abner, you don’t have to stay up here. Go, swim and have fun.” He leans back on his hands “They’re doing their own thing. Besides, I don’t want you to be lonely.” You smile, as you sit up be at his eye-level. And with a burst of, what can only be assumed as lust, Abner’s hand quickly reaches to yours, and his hands wander mindlessly. “Abner-“ his face leans in close to yours “yes?” His breath clashing with your own, his hand finding its way to your thigh. “What about the others?” His lips inching towards yours “I don’t give a shit what they do anymore.” His open hand reaches for your face as his lips clash with yours, and you’re down for the count. Your lips melt into his, and his hand that was placed on your thigh makes its way up to your waist. He earns a pleased moan from you that echos between your mouths. You can’t hear the others whispers over the sounds of the waves, but like Abner said, you don’t give a shit what they do anymore. Your back reaches the towel and Abner quickly starts to slightly hover over you. Once he pulls away, he starts leaving kisses around your jaw and neck. He loves the way your legs squirm when he touches the right spots. Your arms slowly work their way up his caging arms. “Abner…” he hums as his lips make their way down your arm and to your thigh. Your arms retract to hide your blush ridden face, his lips slowly growing closer and closer to the inside of your sundress. Hands wandering, heat rising, situation escalating. He pulls away before he goes too far, and holds your head in his hands “If I see any of them looking at you the way only I’m supposed to, I’ll do something rash.” He says calmly. “I won’t let them.” You both slowly sit up, as he gently moves you to his lap. “You’ve been praising me this whole time Krill, and I haven’t gotten a chance to do the same for you.” You pout, he leans his forehead against his “Don’t worry about it, love. I like seeing you in this… and in this way.” His almost liquor laced words keep making you want to come back for more, but you have to resist as much as you don’t want to. “Yes, but I like seeing you like this too. I’ve never seen you in just shorts before… I must admit, it’s much better seeing you this close.” You tease, he smiles shyly. “Maybe after this mission, if Waller lets us go… we could have our own beach date?” You cup his face in your hands, “Abner Krill, are you asking me out on a date?” He averts his gaze, as if he didn’t just ravish you on the beach in front of others. “W-well, I mean if-“ you bring a finger to his lips “I’m just teasing, Abs, I would love to go on a date with you.” His gaze returned to you, seemingly melting with love. “Words can’t describe how much I cherish you, love.”
You lean in before someone touches your shoulder “Sorry, Krill, but the Cult leader arrived, and we need your lover girl to go for him.” He pouts, as Flag helps you up. “I’ll be safe, Abner. I have You after all” You send him a smile before straightening the dress out.
“So, I just go over there, hope he’s seduced by me and get intel?” Flag nods “yep.” You give him a confused look “But why me, and not Harley or Cleo?” He straightens his posture “Well, out of all of us, you’re exactly his type. And if I may say, you do look very nice, so it should work.” You grimace “I don’t even wanna know how you figured out his ‘type’ of woman.” He seethes “You really don’t but, you’re ready just walk past him.” You fix your hair, puff out your sundress, and you saunter your way past him. He isn’t attractive, to say the least. Hell, you probably would’ve gotten with TDK before him. He’s scrawny, but has some muscles. Hair is probably the best feature, but has a hideous open scar on his face. You don’t stare too long, but as soon as you look away, he whistles “Hey there, Pretty Kitty, c’mere!” You walk over to him, and he’s basically foaming at the mouth when you walk up to him. “Well, what brings a pretty thing like you to this here beach?” You fake giggle “I just like the way the sun feels on my skin… why, should I be here for something else?” He leans in closer to you, as if he wasn’t a tiny bit terrifying to begin with he was humongous, at least 6’11. “Why don’t you come sit with me, I want to get to know you better” he holds out a hand for you to take, the pungent smell of old beer on his tongue. You take his hand, scared to see what he might do next “I’d like that.” He smiles “Good girl.” You want to barf, if anyone was going to call you that it’d be Abner… but we’re not gonna talk about that. He guides you to sit on his lap “Don’t be shy, now, baby. I won’t bite… unless you want me to.” His tongue, abnormally reptile shaped, you begin to wonder if he’s even human himself. Still, you keep up the act, giggling and blushing at his creepily “flirty” passes. “Take me out to dinner first” you drape your arms around his shoulders, “I can do a lot of things on a first date, baby.” He winks at you. Barf, gross, Ew, no, thank you. “Oh really… could you show me?” He smiles with an evil grin “I’d show you but we’d have to go somewhere more discreet.” You sigh, luckily your radio is on, so flag understands his signal. “What would you show me?” He leans in close to your ear, his hot breath tingling the peach fuzz on your face, all you can think about right now is Abner, how you want him to save you from this god awful mission “Whatever you want me to show you.” You lean into him, trying not to break character “Oh, my…” he chuckles before standing up with you still in his arms. He makes his way to the forest before he gets shot down by Bloodsport… and Chris too. The screams of other beach visitors echoing in the air, the beach eventually being fully cleared. He looks up at me with some of his final breath, “You fucking- you set me up whore!” You take one of his nearby beer bottles and break it on his head “I did, and you enjoyed it too!” You take the rest of the bottle and stab it through his chest. “Fuck! That guy sucks!” Quickly you’re scooped into a pair of arms, arms extremely familiar. “I’m so glad you’re safe. He didn’t hurt you right?” Abner checks your face for wounds “I’m okay, Abbie, I’m okay.” He holds you for a second before looking behind you in horror “What’s wrong-?” You’re cut off by the distant sound of chanting and eventually a giants roar. “No fucking way-“
“Are you kidding me?!” Everyone groans “I thought they needed their leader??” You drag your face with your hands before Waller comes back on the comms “Apparently, what you just did, is make their leader the sacrifice. I was hoping the sacrifice was just going to be our lovely Agent here, but whatever. Kill the demon and the cult members.” You’re furious “I’m sorry, re-fucking-peat what you just said?” Cleo gasps “She was trying to sacrifice you!” You turn to Flag “Did you know about this?!” He puts his hands up “I swear to god, I didn’t, you know that!” You huff “I don’t give a shit, I’m killing all of them, and when I am done, you better pray to whatever gods you all believe in that I don’t come back and kill the rest of you.” You argue, walking away… before quickly coming back “Okay, maybe not by myself, but- just come on!”
Operation: Sun n’ Gun: Successful!
Flying back to the prison, ready to be released was the best feeling. Well besides laying on Abner, and him being the most comfortable thing in your life. After your releasing, you did go on the beach date. It was quiet, empty, and most importantly; romantic. Now it was just you two against the world, and you both loved every minute of it.
(A/N): I’ve been meaning to write him for a hot minute, and with the sundress season coming up I couldn’t get him and his slutty man face out of my head 🤭 Anywaysssss… I hope you enjoyed! 🩷
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Part One of Steve Disappearing
Eddie still remembers the last kiss he gave his husband. It was a soft thing. A promise. 
“I’ll be back for more later”, Steve had said, grinning. Cheeky. Eddie had appreciated it at the time. Steve was more experienced with this sort of stuff. If he was being this easy-going, then surely the job had to be an easy one, right? Just a quick in and out.
Eddie wishes he had gone too. Maybe if he did...
Sometimes he wished Steve didn’t go. There were plenty of resourceful and strong folks on their team. Sometimes Eddie would peek into Lucy’s room. He’d imagine what her life would’ve been like if neither father had returned. 
What if Eddie alone was the one that disappeared? Steve was like a professional dad. Even now, Eddie felt like he wasn’t doing enough. Like he wasn’t enough. Like Lucy would’ve been better off with someone else.
But those days she beamed at him when he made her favorite chocolate chip pancakes, or came home from school with a test she did well on, or pulled him excitedly to sit down for movie night....It was in those moments that he heard Steve’s voice, telling him he was more than enough.
Eddie had never ever EVER thought he’d have to tell his little girl about the real monsters of the world. But Steve had been gone for three years. And if they were going to hold a funeral, she deserved to know the real reason. She was about the same age as Dustin when he first found out about all of this. And his kid was way more badass than Dustin.
Lucy was about to rush out the door when he caught her.
“Hey, can we talk?”
“Can it be later dad? I really need to go see Noah.”
Eddie let out a sigh but he figured this could wait for a couple more hours. “Go on then. You know the drill.”
“Back before dark, call if I’m gonna be late, don’t talk to suits!”, she called out as she left the house.
Eddie smiled to himself. All the typical things a parent would tell their child. But he knew what lurked in the dark. He knew what a missed call could be and he knew even the nicest looking suits would shoot a kid if it meant covering up a failed telekinesis project. Well, failed in they never fully militarized El. She was very clearly a success in every other way.
Lucy went to Noah’s house, picture in her bookbag, and showed it to him.
“These are your dads?”
“Yeah, I think they were in a gang. Anyway, I think that’s what happened to my dad. Someone from a rival gang killed him.”
“They could just be in costume”, Noah said, pushing up his glasses. They sat in his living room, tv put on to something to make it look like they were watching while his mom did work in the kitchen.
Lucy looked uncertain now. “You think?”
“Why would they have gang photos? Wouldn’t you destroy the evidence?”
It didn’t make entire sense that they would have it. Or that they’d be looking at it where Lucy could find it on their own.
“Well, they were drinking. And you know what alcohol does. Anyway, this is officially a mystery. And we’ve gotta solve it.”
“Your....your dad’s murder?”
She stiffened when he said it like that, even though it had been exactly what she was envisioning. “Let’s call it his disappearance. I haven’t proven anything yet.”
“Did you ask your other dad?”
“He’s not gonna tell me anything.”
“Anyone else in your family?”
Lucy thought about her family. It wasn’t entirely traditional. Most people had a mom, dad, and then all the extras related by blood. Lucy didn’t know either of her grandparents. All of her aunts and uncles were family friends. And seeing as none of them talked about it, she knew she couldn’t get any answers from them.
There was one though. One who was removed enough that he might not tell her everything but he wouldn’t hide away either.
“I gotta call my Uncle Wayne.”
Eddie’s in the middle of deciding if they should get takeout or if he should cook, perusing delivery menus when the phone rings.
“Eddie, it’s Wayne.”
“And to what do I owe the honor?”, Eddie asked, trying to think of any special events coming up that he might’ve forgotten. They had just talked last week about the possibility of a fishing trip, maybe he was trying to finalize that?
“Just got off the phone with Lucy, wanted to get to you before she got home.”
“What’d she call for?”
“She was askin’ about Steve.”
Eddie felt his stomach drop. Just hearing that name still did things to him but for the wrong reasons now. In the time since Vecna, Eddie had given his uncle an abridged story. His bat bites were all the proof he needed but he also had the alibis of everyone else. So when Steve disappeared, Wayne got the rundown so it didn’t seem like Eddie was deluding himself.
“Sounds like she’s getting curious. I’m telling her today Wayne.”
“You sure she can handle it?”
Eddie thought about the time Lucy took a hard fall of her tricycle, got a gravel-filled gash on her arm and immediately got back onto her trike; the time she got into a fight with not one but two girls for picking on her; the time she decided at 5 that she was too old for stuffed animals and gave one each to her fathers so that they could sleep at night.
“That girl can handle anything.”
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merlions · 2 months
My godmother who I love and know via many stories but do not know personally very well (lives on the other side of the US from me) saw a photo my mom showed her of a blanket I made and loved it (aww) and requested I make her a blanket (badass) so she could pass it on to her kid etc (BADASS?????? YES) and gave my mom an object which was decorated with colors that she'd like the blanket made in (holy shit yes?????)
The guidelines for this that I have are based on what my mom thinks my godmother wants cause I guess she maybe said the blanket thing half as a joke thinking it'd be too much work to ask me to do? But like lol....what an honor to make an heirloom lmao ofc I'm doing that. So now it's a surprise ig? And my mom can't ask her questions? I'm a little confused on the details of that but she's gonna see if she can come up w an excuse soon to ask her as much as she can abt it without letting on or smth
Anyways the specs my mom said are that 1. it should look somewhat like the blanket I made (buncha granny squares in different patterns with a mandala in the center and Irish lace joining; granny squares should be one color each, central mandala should be all the other colors from the granny squares) and 2. Not super flower focused
So then she shows me the object which has all the colors and it's like this INTENSELY vibrant watercolor type thing that's just like a bunch of flowers, and there are like 25 colors???? Plus most are in like gradients bc watercolor???? I'm like???? My blanket had FOUR colors bc any more and it would have been just such a chaotic mess...I've showed my mom patterns and my own sketches of the only ways I can figure out how to do this and she keeps going "it's too busy" like.....yeah but idk how to get around that????? It either needs a repeating pattern (the same granny square design but diff colors) or a repeating color scheme or else WAY fewer colors idek how I would make a MANDALA w that many colors ?????
Idk why but I'm having like an existential crisis I keep trying to sleep and then rolling over and looking through ravelry or picking up my sketchbook but it's like....nothing is happening it's just the same cycling thru options that aren't gonna work lol
Anyways I also realized I don't even know what a heirloom-able blanket looks like. Like surely it shouldn't be too...crazy? Like "fashion is fleeting but style is forever" guidelines I'd think. Our only heirloom blanket style of thing is one of the first projects my aunt ever made and it's lovely but very clearly like. The very first blanket she ever made. So it's beloved partly for being quirky but I'm assuming that I shouldn't be aiming for that type of thing due to my circumstances of 20ish years doing fiber arts yknow?
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theflannelwizard · 1 year
@anonymous-tals requested headcanons about the Bluth siblings as kids, so here's some of that! It gets long, so I'm putting most of it under the cut.
They had family game nights. George started mandating them so he could get photos and publicize them as a happy family but the kids actually got really into it and kept playing board games together even once their parents ducked out.
Lindsay was George’s little princess, especially as a preteen and teenager. He wasn’t always the best at showing it in ways other than buying her things, but he loved that girl so much.
Oscar came by for every single one of Buster’s birthdays, and he brought little presents. He wasn’t nearly as good at remembering the other kids, but nobody read too deep into it. Blatant favoritism is normal in this family.
Speaking of birthdays, Michael and Lindsay always got the best birthday parties because they had to share. Also because they were George’s favorites, but the sharing was the excuse everyone actually said out loud.
GOB’s birthdays tended to go forgotten or ignored by his parents, but Buster has never once forgotten him, Lindsay was usually pretty good about at least being around and wishing him a good one, and Michael would organize little celebrations if Buster bugged him about it. Which he always did, and which Michael always got to feel like a hero for. 
I’m not getting into the whole “who pushed Mimi down the stairs” thing cause I know what canon was going for but I also just don’t think Buster would do that. However I DO think the whole “I’m just a boy so nothing will happen to me” was VERY ingrained in him from very early on cause when he was actually little Lucille couldn’t bring herself to ever be upset with him. She could mistreat him, sure, but always out of some twisted form of protective love. 
Because of this, Buster took the blame for a lot of shit his siblings fucked up. Lucille usually didn’t believe he did it, and it usually got shifted to GOB, but Michael and Lindsay at least got a few freebies by saying Buster did it and getting him to corroborate. 
GOB had frequent hyperfixations and the bees and magic special interests have been on and off since he was pretty young. Buster never found him annoying. Michael did but was good at more or less hiding it for the sake of being a good brother. Lindsay would tell him to shut up.
Buster also had frequent hyperfixations but his were on things like medieval farming and ancient Mesopotamia and learning a new language and other Scholarly Pursuits so he wasn’t treated like he was annoying, he was treated like he was a very intelligent young man with a bright future in academia. Or a loser and a nerd, depending on who you’re talking to.
One time, and I mean literally ONE TIME, Lindsay asked George if he had a favorite child and he sarcastically said “Of course I do. It’s GOB.” assuming everyone would get that he was dodging the question by answering a kid who was most definitely not his favorite. GOB didn’t get that he was being sarcastic and was the happiest boy alive for about twelve seconds before both of his parents started laughing so hard they cried. 
I need to stop being mean to GOB. Here’s something nice for him: he was surprisingly popular in school, and even though he never made any real friends he could usually get strangers to high five him in the halls. People chanted his name at lunch sometimes if he stood on a table to do his illusions. He got bad grades but people thought that was badass.
Buster would have full blown panic attacks at any grade lower than an A. Even an A minus would have him crying on the floor. This is projection but it’s also true.
Lindsay was homecoming court every year of high school and prom queen her senior year. GOB was prom king. Micheal and Buster were never anything like that.
Buster has always been GOB's biggest fan and would beg him to do illusions or tell bee stories or just be himself but with an audience of one. GOB pretended to think his little brother was lame but he secretly loved the attention and they still have that special bookend sibling bond. GOB was (and still kinda is) Buster's hero and Buster was (and still kinda is) GOB's baby brother. The fondness in the phrase "baby brother" is hard to explain to people who don't have a sibling with a 6+ year age gap but trust me, if anything happened to Buster in their childhood, GOB would be immediately up in arms.
I have a lot more thoughts, actually, but this is getting super long so I’ll stop here for now!
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tayfabe75 · 2 months
"End of era. I can't make retrospective statements. It's why I've been filming this documentary for 12 years. Every single time a statement ends, the idea to follow that with a retrospective statement, something that looks back, something that is celebratory of a previous thing, blargh, it makes me wanna crawl out of my skin, I hate it. I just wanna go forward. This is the only record where I do look back a little bit. I mean, I think the only time I specifically do it is in 'Guys'. 'The moment that we started a band, was the best thing that ever happened'. It's quite sad. It was also one for the homies, you know. I wanted to write a love song for friends. People don't have that very much. I love that idea. And even if it was the fact that going through the DNA of who we were, to make this record, there's so much reference to old emo core, or house music that we were growing up with. It feels like we went right back. We went and found all the old photos, you know, of where we came from, is almost how it felt to make this record. When I made this record, I was like, '[beep], this is the last 1975 record, for ages'. Not the last 1975 record, but this is definitely us stopping making music for a bit. There's essentially been lots of different album out, for this record. We live in a world of, you know, iTunes uploads six months before the record comes out. Someone's like, 'we needed a piece of artwork,' and I keep going, 'Okay, 'I'll give you our piece of artwork'. The artwork changed every week. The artwork now is basically the most minimal version, example, of what we've had, and it's all been based on texture, and the concept of wabi-sabi. The record's been about deconstruction. The record feels like it should be just in a paper bag. I wanted to steal The Durutti Column idea. The Durutti Column, one of my favorite bands of all time, they made one record, the vinyl cover was sandpaper, so it destroyed any record that it was next to. I mean, oh my God, how [beep] badass is that shit? That is so my vibe. I wish that I had of done it, but the thing is I love that idea so much that I couldn't have passed it off as my own. I grew up in punk and hardcore. The most punk person that I have ever met in my life is Greta Thunberg. She gave me a sense of hope, do you know what I mean? We're all kind of wallowing in nihilism, and what's the point? And when you meet her, she don't give you a pat on the back, I'll tell you that much, but she [beep] means what she's talking about. We were talking about the Sega Mega Drive startup sound of The 1975, and we were talking about how that happens every time, and we were like, 'What is the most modern version of that?' And then the conversation became, 'Well, what is the most modern thing? What is the most modern statement?' And it was Greta Thunberg, we realized, we get Greta Thunberg to sing it. 'We are facing a disaster of unspoken sufferings for enormous amounts of people'. That idea was obviously exciting, immediately. Using that platform is a great thing to do, and it's also creatively exciting. The moment she's deemed, she's one of the most important figures of our generation, but I really like the idea of formally encapsulating that in a piece of music that therefore exists in pop culture, in the way that music does, and goes on a record. You know, no one's gonna find a tweet about Greta Thunberg in the rubble, in a thousand years, do you know what I mean? But if in a thousand years they found that record, that would move somebody in a thousand years, who finds that in the rubble."
May 22, 2020: Matty explains The 1975's Notes on a Conditional Form album. (source)
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
so i have been writing my ideal version of season 14 in my head laying awake at night for weeks now and someone else needs to hear about it before i go insane. so.
concepts that would make miss ruby sunday ✨interesting and spicy✨ without going against the evidence we already have:
she is from the near future (2046 possibly?? i heard that year floating around in relation to robert ap gwillam)
she is from the further future, potentially WAY further, but was sent back in time by weeping angels hence her seemingly modern clothing. also this makes way for a weeping angels episode. you’re welcome.
she either has splinters like clara or there is a spatial genetic multiplicity thing going on (like with gwen cooper and gwyneth), and she exists in multiple time periods (eg, 60s and regency like we have seen in promo photos)
she is some kind of creation of jinkx monsoon’s character or “the duchess”. we don’t know anything about these characters but they are described as “the doctors most powerful enemy yet” and “beware the duchess”. i think creating a companion would be a pretty cool thing for a villain to do (and would probably end in utter tragedy, in the interest of fucking the doctor up, which is always fun)
she is a zygon, other alien or even a time lord who thinks she is human living on earth. i have thought about this and it’s my absolute favourite. there is potential for a queer / outsider allegory which is always great (i don’t belong here, i feel like i’m hiding, etc). she can still be from the modern era, but would have a unique perspective and presence on the show due to actually not being from earth. if a zygon, she would be able to shapeshift, a helpful and never-before-seen skill to have on adventures with loads of fun possibilities. and it would just make the whoniverse feel interconnected, not just retconning important world events with “time can be rewritten” but actually acknowledging that yeah, there are zygons living on earth! remember that? now that ive thought about it, i really want this option…
she is actually from the 1960s or the regency era, and we are seeing it out of sync and/or assuming based on promo stuff that her modern clothing is her everyday clothing and the historical stuff is just for funsies. i would love a 60s companion because a character from the time of the shows creation next to a black doctor?? what a fucking boss move it would be so awesome
she is mia tyler. im adding this because it’s popular, but people are really grasping at straws here in my opinion and i just… don’t like this idea? if mia tyler ever appears i want them to make it damn well clear, at least with foreshadowing and stuff. i’m going into season 14 wanting new and fresh and original. not supernatural nostalgia-bait soap opera shit. “I’M YOUR DAUGHTER FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE” gimme a break i don’t like this one
she’s a unit or torchwood agent. this could actually be real! i like this one it’s fun, we know there’s gonna be a unit episode including kate stewart, why not have her be involved? love me a badass spy lady, plus it could open up martha jones and spin-off opportunities so….
she’s a secret villain. very broad and vague i know, but it’s never happened before and the shock horror twist of it all would just be so awesome, especially because millie has a background in soap operas lmao
her timeline is funky in some way. maybe she’s like river song, maybe she’s like clara, maybe she’s stuck in a time loop or is from an alternate universe or there’s something very wrong about the events of her life that means timey wimey stuff ensues
she’s a time lord / gallifreyan and possibly a relative of the doctor. possibly linked to susan in some way, or an otherwise relative of the doctor’s. a secret sibling (again, millie gibson’s soap opera background!!), his child / susan’s parent, someone linked to the doctors daughter jenny, etc etc
she’s a time agent. the idea of time agents is really cool but woefully unexplored, we only ever meet jack and john and sure you can’t beat the wives but i want to see the full potential of them, there’s so much you could do
if you can think of any more, please do share in tags and comments i wanna know other ways i can get my hopes up way too high!! :))
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killian-whump · 1 year
I had a dream that Colin was working on a super secret project and only ever posted ONE behind-the-scenes photo of himself from the project - a picture of him just chilling in this ridiculously ornate pool. But then we heard nothing more about the project and he never said what it was.
Then I was watching this just-released Alice in Wonderland themed horror movie and I recognized the pool from Colin’s picture when the main characters went into some underground grotto and I was like “OH MY GOD, IT’S HAPPENING, SOMETHING’S HAPPENING, COLIN’S GONNA BE IN HERE SOMEWHERE!!”
And then this awesome river demon rose up out of the water and I was like, “Colin?!” Like, this dude was 100% badass and evil and clearly the big bad villain of the movie and I was like, “Are you Colin?!” because he didn’t LOOK like Colin, but then he kinda didn’t look like anybody human, cos his costume was totally badass and demonic and stuff.
Then he spoke, and it was this deep rumbly voice, but I could totally hear Colin in there. And I was like, “Colin!! It’s Colin!! OH MY GOD, I LOVE HIM!!” And I was like flailing around and cheering and so happy and the people watching the movie with me were like, “WTF, I don’t think you’re supposed to like this guy... What is wrong with you?” and meanwhile I’m, like, two seconds from starting a fan club for this river demon whose name I don’t even know yet and I’m like - *looks up in confusion, suddenly wearing a ridiculous DisneyBound style fangirl outfit devoted to this character that appeared 3 hot seconds ago on the screen* “Wha...? No, I love him!”
And that’s how I became known as the crazy girl who simps for a demonic river god character that everyone else had unanimously declared the Worst Guy Ever. And everyone else in the dream kept trying to convince me not to like this character and I was just like, “Nah, can’t help it, it’s Colin. I love him.”
“But he’s evil!” “I know! Colin must’ve loved playing him!” 🤗
“But he eats people!” “Yeah, but he’s so good at it!” 🤗
And then at some point we were IN the movie. So...
“But he’s trying to eat you!” “Colin would never hurt anybody for real!” 🤗
Then Megan McCarthy (commonly known as Melissa McCarthy, but apparently also known as Megan McCarthy in my dream world) showed up out of nowhere like, “Look. This is getting really ridiculous now. You’re about to get eaten by the most horrible river demon in the world and you’re going to your death like a schoolgirl on a field trip to a candy factory.”
“Cos it’s Colin!”
“It’s not Colin.”
“I don’t believe you! I know it’s Colin!”
“No, listen,” Megan told me. “I’m the one playing the river demon.”
“Not gonna believe you. I saw the behind-the-scenes photo of Colin on THIS set.”
Megan sighed. “Okay, look, Colin was only here on set because he was bringing me lunch.”
“Why would Colin be bringing you lunch?!”
And she went, “Well, he’s my boyfriend.”
Before I even had a chance to question this, the entire dream STOPPED like one of those record scratch moments and Colin poked his head in and went, “I’m married, Megan McCarthy.” Full name and everything. Serious business.
Megan didn’t miss a beat, though. “You can’t be my boyfriend if you’re married, Colin. That shit’s not cool.”
“I was never your boyfriend,” Colin said, but he was already being drowned out by Megan dramatically breaking up with him in front of everyone because he’s married and she didn’t know... and Colin was just like
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And he finally went, “Are you done?”
And Megan was like, “Yeah. Yeah, I think I’m done now. Sorry, Col.” Then she turned back to me and said, “So that’s it. That’s the big secret. I’m the river demon. It’s not Colin.”
I was all *suspicious Fry gif* at her, but then I finally said, “Well, I don’t really believe you, but... even if you’re telling the truth, the joke’s on you, ‘cos I’m a fan of yours, too.”
And then I got kicked out of my own dream.
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viridian-artist · 5 months
Hiya!! for the s/i ask game!!!
🖋️ Pen, 🎆Fireworks, ☄️Comet, and 🎨 Palette!! For any canon you'd like!!
Hiiii!! Since I asked you about you, Jessie, and James, I'll be doing the same with myself and Guzma!! There will be a few spoilers tossed in here and there as I mainly go off of what happens in Ultra Sun as well as the anime.
This will be a bit of a long post::
🖋️ Pen: Say a fact about your lore or yourself/self-insert. It can be absolutely anything! Short or long-winded!
I wasn't actually raised in Alola! I moved there from Galar with the help of my mom once I turned 20. Hau introduced himself to me first and was the one who gifted me my Litten (now Torracat), who I named Lechuga ("lettuce" in Spanish), as a gift welcoming me to the region.
I was never too interested in going on my own Pokémon journey, even as a child, but Hau (and his mom, plus additional encouragement from Kahuna Hala) invited me to join him on his. He introduced me to Professor Kukui, who in turn introduced me to Lillie (and Nebby). While tagging along on his Pokémon journey, I also decided to help Lillie out with Nebby.
This all leads up to how I finally met Guzma. His grunts had told him about me helping Hau out with his journey...and maybe stretched the truth a bit here and there. Finding it completely stupid that some foreigner is helping out the kahuna's grandson and the professor's assistant, he just had to come down to Melemele to see what was actually going on. It was actually one morning when Hau and Lillie were out on Route 2 (Lillie was accompanying him so he would be out there alone) that I was getting malasadas in Hau'oli City with Lechuga.
While I waited outside the shop for my order to be ready, he sort of pulled me between the alleyway area between the malasada shop and the photo club (which is the start of a running bit where Guzma, and sometimes his grunts passing on a message for him, drags me away from any ongoing conversation or activity) to "talk". He mainly asked more questions and didn't give me much time to answer most of them.
🎆Fireworks: Do you/your self-insert have any powers or abilities? If so, what are they, and how do they manifest?
No, not really? Unless you count using Z-Moves, which I don't really like all that much considering that I don't really battle often enough to use it. Kahuna Hala gave me the bracelet needed to use Z-Crystals, though it was Kiawe that gave me a Firium Z following an incident before Hau was supposed to complete his trial that he had me help with.
☄️Comet: What was a moment where you/your self-insert really shined? This can be a badass moment, a moment where you felt important to the overall lore, or just a really cool and important moment!
When Lusamine, Lillie's mother tries getting close to her again. I could see that Lillie was uncomfortable with it and was trying to set boundaries that her mother was ignoring. It was when she tried taking Nebby away from her that I stepped in.
It reminded me a lot of my childhood (which ultimately led to me moving from Galar to Alola), and I wanted Lillie to know that when I said I promised to keep her and Hau safe, that I meant it.
Lusamine initially saw me standing up for her daughter as disrespect, but after some time, she grew to realize that I only ever had Lillie's best interests in mind. She eventually thanked me for looking after Lillie, and the two of us do establish a somewhat close bond similar to mother-daughter.
🌈Rainbow: What was the happiest moment in your lore for you/your self-insert? Who all shared that happiness with you in canon?
I think it would have to be when Lechuga evolved into Torracat (and again in the future when he eventually evolves into Incineroar). I was never interested in going on the whole Pokémon journey growing up. My Scorbunny I had back in Galar was given to a family member without my consent when my dad realized that I didn't plan on joining my friends on their journeys. I never got to see them evolve and missed out on that specific achievement.
So, while I didn't plan on going on a journey in Alola, I would still train Lechuga when I could. It was in a random field along Route 2 that he evolved into Torracat. Hau and Lillie were with me, and we collectively booked it for Kukui's place to show him. This was also a huge achievement because Lechuga, in particular, was considered smaller than other Littens. Kukui believed that even with me training him, it would take a longer time for him to be able to evolve.
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cayslongliving · 7 months
A visual story of my journey as a swiftie, starting with going to the Speak Now World Tour on November 22, 2011 where Selena was a surprise guest, they sang ‘Who Says’ and after seeing Taylor perform ‘Haunted’ and going under a giant ass bell after angrily hitting it in a badass red dress, 11 year old Caleigh was HOOKED.
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Fast forward to one of my earliest posts on Instagram on Christmas 2012 after getting Taylor’s Wonderstruck perfume and then the Enchanted Wonderstruck (as shown above). Went to see Red Tour with neighbors a few months later in March 2013
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Fast forward to 1989 Tour Philly night 1 (6/12/15) and Metlife night two (bottom) (7/11/15) in the MOST insane fit ever (peep the cat galaxy leggings in top right💀💀) and the insane amount of purple lights (Taylor’s HYGTG tour fit inspired ofc just purple)
Yup. It was magical. I screamed my lungs out.
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Oh and Taylor looked at me, I died that day.
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Fast forward AGAIN to Rep tour metlife night 2 (7/21/2018) & 3 (7/22/2018)
AMAZING rain show ( as you can see by our fits in top left), surprise song was fearless which also happened to be the first tattoo I ever got just months prior🫶🏼
Boom boom boom, fast forward AGAIN, covid hit, no loverfest :/ but got folklore and evermore!! Rerecordings! Midnights! (There’s a photo limit so I am saving my remaining pics for eras tour of course). 2022, I survived The Great War of Ticketmaster, somehow bagged Denver Night 1 Eras Tour Tickets (7/14/2023), Taylor LIKED MY TIKTOK in Fall of 2022 (still dead from it) anddddd
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To the Eras Tour I went!!! RIGHT next to the stage, and the entire night I was convinced Taylor was trying to give me a heartattack with the EYE CONTACT SHE KEPT MAKING WITH ME
Like, MA’AM???? Now 23 years old and this woman still has my whole goddamn heart. Taylor, I will stay, we will stay, I love you to the moon and to saturn ALWAYS🫶🏼🫶🏼🤍
Words cannot explain how excited I am for The Tortured Poets Department. April 19 CANNOT come sooner enough, I will be prepared with plenty of wine, tissues, and maybe a cheese board because I am a sucker for a good charcuterie board😌
I love you @taylorswift ! I love you swifties, thank you for being the best fandom in the world, I love the friends I’ve made through being a swiftie and friends I know I will make in the future!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Sorry, Tay Talk😤🫡
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