#they make my heart do the ouchie
cry-ptidd · 5 months
Alucard is a boydad but vladcard is a total girldad. I can't explain it but that's the vibes they're giving off,,,,,
Peak characterization my dear anon
Alucard is a boydad stuck with a daughter
(it doesn't change at how he'd treat her if she was a son she still suffers either way)
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"Shut up"
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Fatherly disappointment followed by resignation (also him calling her an idiot for a minute straight)
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And ofc. These gems
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Peak boydad. He calls her 'sport'
Peak girldad Vlad
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He brags about her all the time. You never hear the end of it.
"Yeah, your kid went to Harvard? Cute. My daughter tho--"
He brings her everywhere, and is always there when she's struggling (somehow predicts it). A guy comes within a 20 mile radius of her and he whips out the shotgun. He cuts up apples and places it on her desk without a word and he compliments her hair and outfits and he let her paint his nails when she was little. The first person who made fun of him for having poorly painted sparkly nails got stabbed in the kidney.
Also, he already has a dad laugh.
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Overall, maybe Hellsing is actually about Boydad Alucard's journey to becoming a girldad
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karmicpunishment · 2 months
ranking hunting dogs by how well i think they can cook
tachihara. this might be a controversial rating but I do think the boy can cook. i mean with his ability he could multi-task a lot of the process at once. i don't think he's like a gourmet chef or anything but he's got a decent amount of recipes under his belt, and let's be honest, he totally had to learn to fend for himself cooking-wise. it was either learn or starve. whenever he spends time in the hunting dog base after a long time away he makes everyone a meal.
jouno. if he's in a kitchen that has the proper accessibility aides he's an even better cook than tachihara, but he struggles in unfamiliar spaces (understandably). he enjoys a lot of the technical processes of cooking and cares a lot about what goes into his food.
tecchou. okay hear me out here. tecchou is a perfectly fine chef in terms of the actual cooking. he can make rice and cook meat and chop vegetables, etc. he just has absolute dogshit taste in pairings and seasonings (as seen in canon). makes the most diabolical pairings.
fukuchi. this guy got shipped out to war at 18 and hasn't looked back since. too worried about the end of the world to learn how to cook rice. and he keeps accidentally chopping cutting boards into pieces with his ability.
teruko. love her to death, absolutely cannot cook to save her life. girl has never lived a life outside of being a soldier. she never saw the point in learning how to cook. tachihara offers to teach her a little and she nearly burns down their command center (she's secretly a little glad, she wants to keep eating his cooking). she is limited to only microwave use.
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vvenushalo · 5 months
why does ordering doordash feel like i just called a hit upon myself
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gloryy-vs · 2 years
can i request a drabble of neteyam or lo’ak seeing their crush being motherly to tuk and realising, they like them?
|| YES. YESYESYES. I’ll do both Neteyam for now and set Lo’ak for tmrw! Promise! Not proof read all the way please don’t kill me.
neteyam x reader , tuk
F L U F F , SFW , tuk being tuk
His eyes followed every movement you made, from a good distance of course. You played around with Tuk, pretending to be a big monster, and she, a brave little warrior. “Rahhhh!” You growled, forming your hands into makeshift claws. Tuk hissed, using her stick to pretend to stab you, jumping around in victory as you fell. You made it as dramatic as possible before laughing and getting up. Tuk continued to jump around, getting far too close to a tree and running right into it. She toppled over, confused as to what happened. You crawled over to her, lifting her up into your arms and cooing in her ear.
Neteyam sat up in the hammock, intrigued as to how quickly you reacted. You were such a caring individual, especially with his younger sibling. It was admirable and made his heart swell with the feelings he already had for you. You continued to hold Tuk, asking if she was okay. “No ouchies right? Everything okay?” The young Na’vi nodded, playing with the braids and beads in your hair lazily. Poor girl was more tired than hurt. You kept her in your arms, making your way over to a flushed Neteyam.
“What’s got you all shocked and bothered?” You said, placing Tuk in the hammock next to him. Sitting down next to him, he looked over at you. “Nothing, just. You’re good with kids, I mean like, my sister.” He seemed to have trouble forming his sentence, still admiring how mother-like you were. “You’re cute when you stutter.” You said teasingly, and he was still lost in thought while looking into your doe eyes. He was determined to make this more than just a simple crush. Neteyam was now set on making you his mate. A perfect mate, and a perfect mother to his children.
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bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
One Whole, Became Two
Note || this took me so long to write, but I love this stupid idiot platonically. Chapter three my sleep-deprived folks 👍🏻
WC || 3,312
<(part 1)><(previous part)><(you are here)>
Sypnosis || you bring back a dear old dead heart to a wounded dog.
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If someone ever told you that you would’ve come back to a desolate factory full of death and damnation you would tell them that in what world in which would that happen? You never would’ve heeded their words.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You hated being wrong.
Yet, many things may have happened, some of which allowed you to get in some exercise… you also gained some new friends. They are very near and dear to you, despite the small numbers you retain in your ragtag group of allies. You preferred the terminology friends, you’ve gotten close with Kissy Missy and Poppy, even DogDay too!
Speaking of which, this accursed Playcare was still a little too dark for your liking. You needed more power, more light to go the right way necessary. A light chuckle breaks you out of your thoughts, “A-angel, do you need some help?” DogDay inquired, watching as you had tried to remember which way he had pointed to the medical station.
You shook your head egregiously, trying to affirm your belief as you spoke, “I got it… I swear I know which way it is!” Your shoulders slumped as you let out a defeated sigh, having to hate asking him for help.
Asking for help wasn’t necessarily your most favorite thing in the world, in for the most of miniscule of things. You thought it was ridiculous, insipid to do, in no way would you ever ask for said help unless you really were struggling.
Apparently as of right now, these were one of those moments that you were truly struggling, and it was with directions as well. You couldn’t be any more ashamed, “Could you m-maybe tell me where it was again?”
DogDay let out an amused bark, not merely in making fun of you. He thought you were just cute, the way you were embarrassed, though DogDay will never actually admit this feeling to you. “Okay, Angel, you see that sign over there? It points to the direction of the medical station.” Your large companion points to the sign in question, you sorely cannot miss it no way, his paw was big. Actually, it’s nearly the size of your head.
“Ah, focus!”
The pathway was riddled with broken cobblestone and dirt, but do-able to make your way through. You just hated broken paths, no trouble still.
You nod to let him know you saw it, walking over to the sign that was now a few pacings away from you. The silence had now settled in place for the lack of conversation, it was seemingly getting awkward enough as is. Suddenly, a new voice interjects on the radio of your walkie-talkie.
“Oh there you are! I wasn’t able to connect to you on that side of the dome!” His light voice carried an undercurrent of worry. “No ouchies or lost body parts?”
DogDay raised a brow as you two had continued making your way to the medical station. You nodded your head curtly, as if angling your head to signify you’d explain the kid on the radio at a later time. You spoke out in reply, knowing full well you weren’t in any real danger at the moment, “I’m uh, I’m fine Ollie. Just taking care of a friend, they got hurt… real bad.” A wince left your throat at the tone you carried within your words, you didn’t expect that.
A thought rushed into your head, “Why’d I word it like that? I guess I’m just worried about revealing DogDay to Ollie just yet.” DogDay patted your leg as to reassure you, eyes gleaming as if they were smiling down upon you. 
“Alright, you can introduce me later,” Ollie paused, as if he were hesitating to get the words out of his mouth. As if something was holding him back from doing so, “Take care of them first then I’ll tell you what to do next. See you!”
Then, the radio was now silent. You let out a breath you held in your lungs, sometimes forgetting to breathe reminds you to even breathe manually. An odd habit but nobody will nitpick that for the life of all there is to know and exist. 
An abrupt cough shocked you out of your thoughts, you immediately became concerned for DogDay who had been patiently waiting for your dilemma and conversation to end. You knelt down and checked over his body, “No need to worry.” You lodged his resistance in the back of your head, looking for any external wounds beside the most obvious ones. 
“I shouldn’t have stopped.” You murmur, gently picking him up. There was no way you’d let him drag himself along the floor, not until he was in a better state.
“We’re alright Angel,” DogDay sputtered, you were unimpressed, not phased by his words. “Really… but who was that if I may ask?” 
Steadily, you continued walking–the stupid medical station finally in reach. “Ollie, apparently sometime after I dropped down here he told me he was an ally of Poppy.” You then trailed off, not sure if you wanted to mansplain the entirety of the story down right to when you came across DogDay. Sighing, you begrudgingly open the door to the station.
The room was messy, akin to the state of many other locations in Playcare. But in your modest opinion, you truly did not care about that. You just really needed to fix up DogDay, and he was the focal point of your attention right now. “Angel, you seemed to be incredibly bothered.” 
DogDay shifted on the weight of his body as you began setting him down, if you were being truthful, you couldn’t refute that very fact. Yet you felt too angry to get the words across, “I know, I.. I guess this stupid factory just has me all on edge.”
Then a silence settled into place, as neither of you were unsure of what to say next. Everything and nothing was happening all at the same time. You walked over the ruined carpet, it looked as if it was made in the 1980’s. Some doors seemed to be torn off of it’s hinges, but at least the supplies were barely stolen. There was enough to treat DogDay properly, as much as you can manage within your knowledge anyway.
The hard part would be treating DogDay, (as you unfortunately didn’t have enough knowledge medically) and getting him his legs back so he could walk on his own as well. 
Gently, you opened a door to a closet, full of bandages and gauze. 
“Perfect timing, guess I didn’t need to look that hard.” You thought to yourself, your hands already grabbing the bandages and gauze. A small smile graced your cracked lips, carrying a genuine air with you, “Hey, DogDay I found some supplies. Looks like they left this place pretty untouched.” You waved at him, holding the aforementioned supplies in hand. 
DogDay perked up from where he had been looking at some stray medical papers, most likely files of every patient to come in and out of the station. “Oh!.. Thank you greatly. You really are an angel my friend.” You become bashful at his words, an embarrassed chuckle leaving you as you scratched the back of your head. Standing up you walk back over to the large dog, motioning for DogDay to position himself to where you can get to all the spots correctly.
You sighed, having to take a moment in order to set yourself into focus, this was important. You didn’t want to screw up something so crucial to DogDay’s health, “Ok, This might hurt a little so bear with me.” You warn, crouching down as you laid out the supplies.
“I have no doubt you will do fine!” DogDay encouraged you, settling down to be calmer for you. Fine, yes you can do fine. Okay well enough maybe, you just need to be careful!
Why was this so difficult?
“Stupid brain, Stop giving me all these thoughts!” You groan lowly, setting into place to mend his more major wounds with a contemporary suture. First off, you needed to clean the suture, to which you had quickly done. 
You gently pressed a wet rag to the most prominent area, cleaning it out of any debris that might be left behind in the wound. DogDay was simply listening and quiet upon your actions, clearly a little too impressed for your liking. You swabbed the wound with water then threw away the rag a few meters from you, you internally winced at that. 
Injuries are a major case for you ever since you stepped foot into this factory, you just never expected to be having to treat another person (or toy for that matter). 
“Angel?” You let out a hum in reply, suturing the wound as he spoke. “You seem… incredibly bothered, maybe you should try to talk about it.” DogDay shifted slightly, wincing a little as he had done so. Concern washes over your expression as you went to hold him, he held out a hand to reassure you he was fine.
You sat back on the heel of your foot as you thought about it for a moment, your brows knitted together. It was practically hurting your head, giving you a headache to be thinkin about every little thing that was running through your head.
Your lips pressed together in a thin line, unsure of whether or not to air your concerns. But it seems you weren’t gonna have any other chance to talk about it then right now, you just didn’t wanna dump everything on DogDay all at once. 
Practically would seem like a lot. Far too much to say and too little to be sure of. 
“I guess I’m just concerned over whether or not I really can trust Poppy,” You signal, having a habit of talking with your hands. “And this, Prototype guy… didn’t you say CatNap worships this thing like a god?”
He nods, “Yes, I didn’t join the Prototype. Which is why he had deemed me a heretic.” You frown at his words, nobody deserves that type of treatment. Making it even worse, you would assume the two used to be very good friends. 
“Oh dear,” You echo, recoiling suddenly in embarrassment for voicing something you didn’t realize slipped out of your mouth. DogDay laughs at this, waving his hand as he sits himself upright so as to not slip onto his back, “You are very much correct Angel.” He nods, “If anything, he’s no longer the old CatNap I’ve come to know him as.”
You shrug, a little unsure of the situation right now. Then a thought you finally needed ran across your mind, “Hey, would you happen to remember where your legs are or if… any spare ones laying around anywhere?” You motion around the room as you spoke, voice trailing off as you sat back, and awaiting DogDay’s response. He appeared to be deep in thought, clearly thinking about your question.
“I believe they have some spares in a storage room at this station,” DogDay gestures at the specific door he thought of in mind. “But Angel, I might be wrong. Don’t trouble yourself for my sake beyond this.” His voice strains, as if pleading. 
You chewed your lips, nodding your head once more as you headed to the door of origin. You quietly crept into the room, seeing how dark and dank it was. Slowly but surely your eyes had adjusted to the light. 
“Now, where are you… stupid legs.” You mutter, taking notice of some poppy gas that laid in wait in the corner, not to mention how badly scratched this room was in particular. Probably the work of CatNap or some other toy. On instinct, your legs drove you forward as you stepped into the gas with a gas mask inset upon your face. You certainly didn’t feel like dying from the gas, or passing out for that matter.
You had a debt to pay.
Your eyes wandered aimlessly as you palmed around for the supposed legs, feeling around for each and every inch possible that you might miss. 
Suddenly you felt a fuzzy feeling run up across your arm, you jostled in surprise, a happy squeak leaving your throat when you pick up the legs. “Thank you, sweet baby jesus.” You huff in reprise, feeling accomplished at the place of convenience.
If you could laugh right now, it would be possible, heaven sure as hell wasn’t a place for angels anymore. Not even you, but you still had to follow through, you came here in the first place anyway.
A small sigh left your esophagus as you turned, walking back through as you made careful note not to trip walking back too. 
Something had your mind occupied, demons infested this place. Elliot Ludwig had created this place, and if he so proclaims to want to bring joy to thousands upon thousands of children around the world then why would he permit the experiments. All those children and the elderly… your heart couldn’t help but ache at the mere thought. 
You shake your head to get your mind out of the unilluminated gutter, DogDay lit up upon seeing you in his sights once more. “Angel, you are alright.” He mentions, paw held to his chest as if he were breathing a sigh of relief.  
Your nose was scrunched as you gutted a snort, “You say that like it’s so surprising DogDay.” DogDay shrugs, as if he was now expressing the vulnerability of being embarrassed at the prospect of his own words. 
“Ah I’m just joking with you,” You wave him off, DogDay remains silent at this, not having any thought at what to say back to you. You were right though, he shouldn’t be doubting you for what even anyone in particular is worth. Being freed for what feels like the first time in forever had been leaving him with brand new thoughts, even though he had been thinking and left well alone for nearly over a decade now.
One door closes, infinite more are open. One must beware the foreign class, otherwise you may as well see yourself dead. 
“I truly do apologize for Poppy’s actions… we all mean well.” DogDay begins, trailing off into nearly an inconceivable silence. You set down the legs, to which DogDay is delighted at this brand new aspect, yet still left without room to be uncouth. You didn’t speak at all, pressing between the fine line of the truth and his own words. 
“We must, break the circle.”
“You all are chained, if whatever happened all those years ago were true…” You sigh, rubbing the nape of your neck as you find yourself in an air of awkwardness. “Then I am also at fault for the way you guys are right now.” 
DogDay’s brows drew together, upset that you feel guilty for the entirety of this fortnight. At least it had felt that way for you, you sincerely had lost track of time since your watch had gotten destroyed. You tried keeping up with the time on the clocks you pass by, but you just generally had lost the energy and motion in doing so.
“Hmn.” He muttered to himself, then got up to hug you, which had clearly surprised you as you felt yourself being enveloped and wrapped in a very fluffy hug. You sigh and decompress after a few moments, the shock finally leaving your body.
“Thanks… DogDay,” You motion, patting the fluff resting upon his chest. “I actually really needed that, hugs are a rarity.” You admit, blush burning on your cheeks as you look away from him in a manner of speaking. You hear a chuckle interrupted by a cough, “Don’t thank me, you seemed to really need it Angel. Being exhausted is one thing, but no hugs?”
DogDay drew a paw to his chest as he spoke dramatically, “That is absolutely unacceptable!” Your hand crossed over your mouth, trying to stifle a laugh at what a drama king DogDay was posing as at this very moment. 
“You kinda remind me of someone I know.” You motion, then sat on the heels of your feet as you immediately went back to work in fixing up DogDay. 
“How so?” 
“You're pretty bright, act like a drama king sometimes and you even can be a little mean…” You wag a finger as you see him begin to protest at the mean comment, “I don’t mean like in a rude manner, just like in a brotherly way. You kind of act like a big brother sometimes.” You shrug with a hint of finality, fixing up his other injuries and repairing them with a gentle hand, even if the suture seemed to betray the tremble displayed. 
After silence had continuously settled in once again, you sigh, angling at the fact on what to do in order to mend DogDay’s very obvious injury with his lack of legs attached at the bottom of his torso. For a moment, you meander with the decision.
“Right, I’m gonna try my best to reattach them to you.” You spoke with a benign tone, more so displaying your own distrust of yourself. You hated that, you practically hated everything so why is this any different.
You just have to do it scared. 
Familiarity reigns over your heart as you see his large paw lay over your own hand, you sigh, sensations shuddering your body as you keep yourself calm. You silently thank DogDay as you gesture that you were okay now, you can be fine on your own.
You push the legs to his upper half, just barely enough that it would appear as if the legs were there and back again already. Your hand wanders over to the middle line, your eyes glaze over with forlorn worry taking your very worried brain. You sigh as you begin stitching, taking careful caution as you notice him flinching quite a few times throughout the process. At a leisurely pace, you notice by the influence you had made by taking care of him how much better he looks physically. 
Soon enough, you manage to completely stitch his legs back to right where they belong. “Well done, I knew you could do it Angel!.” DogDay shook with excitement, reassuringly glad at the prospect of being able to actually walk again. You swear you could collapse at the relief, you hold out a finger before you let him get excited any further, “I still need to bandage it all together, extra precaution if you catch my drift.”
Your large dog companion nods in understanding, shifting about so his body parts don't get sore from sitting in one place for too long. 
From before, grace was high in patriarchy, now then you were sure it was something high to fall from. You could climb to the top (bottom to be literal) and rip the Prototype off of his high horse, and free all the surviving toys. 
You shook your head, trying to calm yourself at the buzzing excitement that had resonated deep-seated into your heart. You quickly went to work on bandaging the middle line of his torso, carefully curating it enough so the bandages would cover the stitches completely. 
“There, now we are done and good to go!” You look up at DogDay, offering him a soft smile. “Angel really… thank you so much.” He gestures for you to come closer, so you oblige and go in, suddenly you feel yourself being hugged by unabashed warmth. You yelped as air bloomed across your skin, seeing as you are now in the air quite a few feet off the ground.
DogDay really was hugging you with the whole of his heart, so you melt into his touch, relenting as you found defeat–yet also peace with your furry friend.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
Headcanon with TF141 & König with Fem! Reader who had amnesia after loss blood from battlefield and how would the mens react. Pls!
Oof ouchie owie my heart 😭 this is so mean I love it 😭😭😭😭 (I’m not crying YOU’RE crying)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
When the nurse told him you suffered amnesia due to the severity of your injuries, he didn’t want to believe it. He refused. Even though they told him it could last a few minutes to several weeks or months, he didn’t want to believe it.
So he went to visit you, sat beside your bed, balaclava twisting nervously in his hands as he watched you sleep. He eventually dozed off, arms crossed over his chest, head resting back against the wall. He woke up to a soft prodding at his shoulder,
“Excuse me, are you the nurse?” You’d asked, throat hoarse and exhaustion evident.
“Who do you think I am?” He asked, his heart beat so hard in his throat, his stomach churning and heavy, he felt violently ill
“I… don’t know to be honest. I’m not sure why or how I got here.” Your voice was small and uncertain and fuck he wanted to cry. His eyes burned and his throat threatened to shut.
What should he do? Tell you what happened and risk further trauma? He’s the reason you were out here in the first place. What’s the right thing to do? What would you do in his position?
“Sir? I’m sorry, I’m just really thirsty. I’m sorry to bug you.”
“Don’t sweat it, here, have my water.” He uncapped his water bottle and got up to bring it to your lips, you took it from his hands before he could tip it back,
“I’ve got it, thank you.” You said with a weak chuckle. At least that’s still the same. He watched you drink your water, weighing his options in his head. If the roles were reversed, you’d be honest with him. Gentle, but firm. Even if it pained you, you’d tell him the truth.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?”
He was a both a coward and glutton for pain.
“You can call me Ghost, for now.”
He still wasn’t sure if he’d tell you about all the nights spent together, all the mornings you had breakfast in the mess hall together, your apartment that you shared, the tattoo he has under his collarbone of your callsign or the matching one you got of a skull on your hip. This could be his chance to spare you the pain of sticking around him any longer.
But he’s selfish, in that sense. He’s had you, he can’t lose you now.
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s devastated. He’s absolutely heartbroken, there’s no way this is happening. He’s convinced it’s not real. It’s a bad dream and he’ll wake up in your arms and it’ll be gone. How he wishes that was true.
He comes into your room, the nurses words echoing in his head, triggering his tinnitus, making him nauseous. His legs are horribly unsteady and his hands have never shook this hard. He feels like such a fool for being so fucking weak in front of you like this.
This isn’t about him, it’s about you. It’s all about you, it’s about setting things right with you, it’s about bringing you back to him. It’s all about you.
He sat beside your bed and waited for you to wake up, and when you did you smiled so wide when you looked at him, that he honestly believed the nurses were wrong
“This might be wildly inappropriate, but you have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”
God how he wished the nurses were wrong.
“Could say the same for you, love.” He swallowed the lump in his throat and stamped out the ache in his chest
“Love?” You blinked in confusion, “are you my- oh god, I’m sorry, I… I don’t remember.”
“It’s alright, the nurses said it could happen. You’ve been through a lot.”
“If I’m here then, yeah, seems like.” You chuckled dryly,
“I’m Johnny.” He held his hand out to yours, you took it and couldn’t help how soothing his palm felt against yours as you introduced yourself shyly.
He could be strong. For you. He’d do anything for you, whether you wound up remembering or not, it didn’t matter. He’d do anything.
John Price:
He’s shell shocked. Please god no. Not you. Please sweet fucking Christ, not you. He doesn’t go to see you right away, he sits in his office quietly. He’s sitting in the dark, replaying the events that led up to this over and over in his head like a fucked movie on loop.
He snaps. He’s flinging everything off his desk, it’s all flying to the floor, he’s screaming, crying, raging. The team hears it and they all run to his office, Ghost is the only one to successfully hold him back. He eventually gives up and starts sobbing. Perception be damned.
He’s clutching onto Simon like his life depends on it, Soap and Gaz quietly start picking stuff up off the floor,
“Come on, mate, she needs you. Clean up and go.” He’s not stupid. He’s seen you two, seen the way you are with one another. It’s the best kept secret of the 141.
“I know. Fuck, I know.”
He hesitantly walks to your room, his heart pounding a mile a minute, he hears you talking to the nurse and you sound a little hoarse but it also sounds like you’re drinking water. He waits until you’re done talking and walks in, he steps aside to let the nurse walk out and sits beside you,
“How’re you feelin’?”
“Not great but the pain meds help.” You laughed weakly, “and you must be?”
“Just John.” He sighed, slowly taking one of your small hands in his, giving you every opportunity to withdraw, “Your John.”
He’s a patient man. He can wait.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
He’s in tears before the nurse even has a chance to walk away, Price has a hand on his shoulder, squeezing in an attempt to keep him grounded
“None of that, Gaz, just go see her. Somewhere in her heart, she’ll be happy to see you.” His words were reassuring and it helped give him the boost he needed to go and see you.
So he did, with an arm full of flowers, your favorite snack and candies, and fruits of course. He came in and set them down at the table quietly, watching you watch him as he did so. He took a deep shaky breath and pulled the chair up to the bed.
“Is that all for me?” You asked with a shy smile, even under the unflattering glow of the fluorescent lights above you, you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen,
“Yup. I thought if I’d brought you the things you like, it might help you recover your memory.” He swallowed his tears, swallowed the lump in the throat, he’d set it all aside because there’s work to be done.
“I take it you and I are quite close then?”
“As close as two people can get, without being related.”
“Hm. That makes me happy, you seem really sweet…?”
“Kyle. Or Gaz. But you’ve always called me by my name.”
His heart skipped a beat when you tried his name out, getting a feel for it on your tongue, and then you smiled softly at him.
It’ll be hard work but fuck you’re so worth it.
He feels violently ill. He’s nauseous through and through, he’s in shock, he’s grieving, he’s mourning, he’s furious, he’s appalled, he’s miserable
It’s all playing over and over and over and over again, the exact moments that led up to this. You trusted him and let you down. He fucking let you down. He ruined it. He ruined the one good thing he had going for him in this shithole. It’s gone it’s all fucking gone. And it’s all his fault.
All of that was repeating in his head as he punched a hole in the tile in the bathrooms, it repeated when he’d try to sleep until you woke up, it repeated while he’d wait for you, it repeated until there was nothing but self-inflicted venom pumping in his system, circulating mercilessly
And then you woke up. He’d at least had the presence of mind to take his veil off so he wouldn’t startle you, but in his vitriol he forgot something,
“You’ve got a little something on your uh… all of that.” You sleepily laughed, pointing at your eyes,
“Ah yes, that’s intentional.”
“Why?” You blinked in confusion, weakly trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes,
“Helps keep me concealed when I wear this.” He lifted the veil in his hands for you to see,
“I imagine it’s hard to do with your size.”
“It can be but I’m quite determined.”
“You seem upset, I take it you and I are close and the nurses told you?”
He gently took your small hand in his, his eyes watering, lower lip starting to quiver,
“Oh schatz, you have no idea.” His voice shook and your heart broke for him, his accent brought you peace even if you couldn’t exactly remember why, you could still put the pieces together. You don’t know why, but you wanted to be strong for him,
“Then give me an idea.”
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astarioffsimpmain · 5 months
Halloween with Halsin
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Halsin x F!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy (not accidental)
Synopsis: You and Halsin oversee the now adopted children from Baldur's Gate as they carve gourd lanterns in preparation for Liar's Night
Author's Note: Happy Half-o-ween part 2! 🎃
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Little faces lit up with joy and recognition as you and Halsin wheeled the cart of gourds up to the clearing. "We're celebrating Liar's Night!" A young tiefling boy cried out, jumping up and down in his place. 
"We are!" You replied, and laughed as a myriad of cheers and whoops broke out in response. "Daddy Halsin and I thought you all might want to carve your own gourd lanterns this year, but remember to save those gooey insides and put them in your bucket. We're baking pumpkin bread with it in a few days." Your smile only grew, watching the children gather around to pick out their pumpkins, sharing and swapping much more graciously than many adults you knew.  You sighed and allowed your eyes to fall closed in contentment when you felt your lover's arms encircle you in his warmth. 
"You do so well with them, my heart." He murmured, his lips tickling the crown of your head.
"They make that easy." You replied, then twisted in his arms to allow your own lips access to his cheek, his neck, and his shoulder. You dropped chaste but tender kisses on his sweat-dampened skin before tucking your nose into the crook of his neck. "You make it even easier." He chuckled in your ear and tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you as close as possible. 
"As do you, sweet one. As do you." 
"Daddy Halsin, this one has an ouchie." A young human girl toddled over with a small pumpkin that sported a heavy bruising on one side. The Druid released you with a smile and a wink and bent down to the little girl, taking the gourd and inspecting the aforementioned injury. 
"It seems that it does, little one. Everything in nature will be marked up over time, but that does not mean it is worthless. Let's carve the face right here across this bruise and make it unique and beautiful. Yes?" The little girl nodded, a small smile on her lips, and reached up to drag her little fingers over the scars on Halsin's face before running back to join the other children. 
"She would make a remarkable druid." You noted with a twinkle in your eye as Halsin returned to you. 
"She would. And should she choose to walk that path, I would be honored to guide her." He replied, his eyes soft and warm, trained on the children of every race that you and he had chosen to raise. You gazed around the former Shadow-cursed land with an insurmountable pride in your chest. When you and your lover had departed Baldur's Gate, you had taken with you not only the many orphaned children left from the dearth and tyranny, but the homeless adults as well. You had traveled back to the place Thaniel and Oliver called home, and made a place there for them all. 
And because of Halsin, along with the great help of Jaheira and her Harpers, they had flourished into a thriving and beautiful community. Adults had adopted and taken in children, and no one lived without food or a place to sleep when the rain inevitably fell. This extended to you and Halsin, who lived in a small cottage overlooking the field of vegetables and fruits Halsin grew and, with your help, harvested and used in dishes for anyone who wanted them. Your house was a popular destination for all, adults and children alike, and you had grown used to hosting people from the village many a night each week. 
You had been brimming with excitement for this moment for months. You were the one who had convinced Halsin to celebrate Liar's Night. It was one of the fondest memories you carried from living in Baldur's Gate, and these children having been from there, you knew would recognize it. It was when you reasoned that the children most likely had never been able to participate due to their inability to purchase the supplies for a protective gourd lantern - let alone have a home to protect - that Halsin had relented. "I truly find myself unable to say no to you, my heart." He had raked a hand down his face, but you knew he would enjoy the experience once the time came. 
You were pleased to see how right you were as the large Druid began a self-imposed patrol through the sea of children and their carving work, pausing to help any child that requested it. You chuckled and did the same for the other half, working together until each child held an empty pumpkin with a face carved into the side. "Remember to have your parents or older siblings light the candles!" You called as little legs carried each one of them back to the warmth of their homes. Once you and Halsin had gathered all the buckets containing pumpkin seeds and fillings and pooled them into a sealed container to save for later, the Druid took your small hand in his much larger one and led you back home. 
"You beautiful, wonderful woman." He was muttering lowly in your ear the moment the cottage door closed behind you. His hands found purchase on your hips and he nuzzled into you, breathing in your scent as he explored your form with his palms. 
"I told you that you would enjoy it." You giggled as he glided the tips of his fingers up your spine, causing you to arch up into him. 
"That you did, my heart, and you were right, as you so often are. I love you so deeply that Silvanus himself must feel it beat through my aching heart. He must know by now that half of my prayers are to him and half of them are to you. I have never felt an ardor so great in my 365 years of life." 
"Halsin, I hope you know by now that I feel much the same way, and while I cannot possibly contend with your declarations of poetry, I can give you this." You said softly, taking his hand into your own once again and pressing it to your abdomen. 
His eyes lit up in hopeful recognition, disbelief coloring his handsome features. "My heart, do you mean-?" He paused, as if he was too afraid to voice it aloud. 
"You're to be a father, Halsin." You smiled, your eyes misting over with tears full of adoration for the man that had become your life partner. And you laughed; a beautiful, breathless thing, as you watched tears cloud his eyes to mirror your own. 
"By Silvanus's blessing, I could have asked for no better news!" He boomed, lifting you into his arms to swing you around. Your joined laughter and elation filled the little cottage as the two of you rediscovered one another again and again, falling in love as though it were the first time. 
A blessed Leaffall, indeed. 
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Tagging Darlings: @knightofmight01
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cindol · 7 months
͘ ࣭⸰ ! PAPA TO THE RESCUE ! ͘ ࣭⸰
characters included : ken ryuguji, wakasa imaushi, benkei,shinchiro sano x fem reader
﹒.ᐟ 𐚁 cw— fluff, draken is 27, wakasa,benkei and shin are in early 30s, wakasa is a gym trainer, draken and shinchiro are bike shop owner, boo’s boo’s and ouchies just mean cuts or bruises, shin curses around his kid like once without noticing, all the black dragon men have a funny gag of being afraid of their wife(reader),
synopsis— Tokyo rev men cleaning up bruises and cuts with their baby girls.
a / n : all the men are girl dads because I said so
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| KEN RYUGUJI ( aka draken )
immediately to the rescue while he sees his daughter trip over a silver wrench. He’s fixing a tire on his motorcycle but when he sees her go quiet then cry he lets out a quiet “shit shit.” and drops the tire and whatever tool he has to run over and pick her up.”you okay? That was a big fall huh?”
still sulking and crying his daughter nodded.“knee hurts..” he looked down to see her small knee, it wasn’t a big cut just a small slit that needed some care but still a huge deal to the six year old.“well i think daddy will make it all better.”
the small girl had a grimace look on her chubby face.“but mama always helps with my cuts..” having draken clean her boo’s boo’s instead of you would be a weird change but draken would try anyways.
“Well nothing wrong with change right? ‘member what Ms. Winters said?” He reminded her making his little girl hum.“change is good.”
He did a simple nod and sat her down on the stool he was originally sitting on.“now I’m sure I got some bandages around this garage, just sit here.”
Searching through and through he eventually found bandages and turned to her. She still had a worrying look.”
exhaling he walked over getting on his knees and placing a hand on her knee.“I promise I’ll try my best to do it just as mommy does, cross my heart.”
the small child pretended was pondering but hesitantly nodded, with her permission he put the bandage over. He though he was done until she was frowning making him confused.”I miss something?”
she pointed down to the bandage on her knee.”mama always gives me a kiss to make it all better.”
He chuckled, of course there was something extra. He placed a small kiss to her knee looking up with a toothy grin.”that better?” there was now a happy smile on her chubby cheeks.
“Now let’s go to mama, can smell her cooking something up from here.”
He isn’t very surprised when he sees his son trip over something once again, he’s use to his little girl being a wild one who likes getting into things and just being unaware of her actions. Still she was a four year old child so he stops when he trips over one of waksa’s weights then cries sitting on the floor. Putting down whatever medium sized weight he was lifting and getting off the couch to pick up his fumbling son.
he picked her up letting out a breath of air just at her snot nosed face and big eyes filled with tears. “what am I gonna do with you kid huh?”
The same lilac eyes he had stared back at him squinting with a wobbling look.“got a ouchy on my leg..”
Looking down at her chubby leg there was a bruise and small cut, nothing major but still needed good care even for his little tomboy.“did you huh?” He scratched his head pausing.“your mama ain’t around? Usually she’s good at this kinda thing kid but she’s doing her grocery shopping.”
“Let’s figure this out ourselves.“That immediately made his tomboy daughter shake her head back and forth profusely when he put her down.“nuh uh! mama usually helps heal my ouchies! You’ll just make ‘em all bad and icky.”
a puzzled look was on wakasa’s face.“bruises and cuts are bad in general, ain’t no way for me to make them more nasty kid.” he paused.“Now cmon, can’t wait for your mom to just get here all day, about time I learned how to do this.”
While the two walked to the kitchen which wasn’t far his tomboy child had a questioning look.“about time? You’re just now doing like bandage stuff?!” she said in a shocked tiny voice
wakasa just waved her off while walking and then stopping when they were now in the kitchen.“relax relax kiddo, your mom’s always bandaged me up when we were young but it’s time for pop’s to learn how to clean himself up and you.”
with his daughter sitting at a table that was slid out from the diner table he searched through the kitchen drawers for the aid kit then slapped it straight on the dining table.“mama might not want nastiness on the table!” she exclaimed but still Wakasa waved it off with a smile.“then how about we keep it a secret? Your mama won’t even know”
she whirred.“promise?”
he nodded.“pinky promise, on my heart.” Hearing his confirmation she shook pinkies with him.”now you gonna let me try to clean this bruise you were having a frenzy over?” she nodded putting her leg out.
you eventually found out wakasa put the aid kit on the clean dining table when coming home from grocery shopping.
| KEIZO ARASHI (aka benkei)
Knew it was coming when he was playing with his daughter in the backyard. He was too over protective over his ten year old but it was bound to happen, she was just too active for her own good but that didn’t stop him from rushing over when she fell.
She was just there on her stomach after tripping on a medium sized rock and tree branch. He kneeled down to her helping her on her feet with obvious concern in his eyes.“you alright there? that was a huge fall.” His eyes were just tracing her face, there was no sign of her needing an emergency but still he worried.
It just made her snicker dusting herself off.“I’m okay daddy, just like some stupid scratches.” Looking down her leg had some reddish bruise, not very obvious and something to worry about but it still needed taking care of to benkei.
a immediate groan came out from his darling daughter when she saw his subtle face expression, they weren’t very expressive but she saw what was going through his mind.“dad I’m not some icky four year old! Whatever bruise I got will heal on its own, I’m strong like you remember?” she joked making benkei huff.
“I’m not no whimp girl, just don’t need your mom tearing me in a new one.” it was funny how even a big man like benkei had some fear over her mother.
With both of them now in the bathroom his daughter sat on top of the seat of the toilet spinning around until benkei found the aid kit and opened it up, next he grabbed a near by clean rag and wet it up and clean it to then put a bandage on.
Doesn’t overreact but makes a small ‘ooh…’ hissing noise at how his daughter falls over one of the tires he was replacing on his jeep. She went face down right onto the cold floor of his bike shop.
When she doesn’t respond he thinks everything is okay till a soft cry is heard making him drop his cigarette then stomp it out before running over.“ah shit shit, you alright there sweetheart?” she makes a gentle shake of the head that was a no.
when picking her up she had a bit of dirt on her face probably from the tire, well her clean white shirt you put on her before was very dirty actually, he knew he was gonna get quite the mouthful from you over it.
With him kneeling and his daughter standing before him some sniffing was heard from her.“stupid tire got in my way!” Her small foot wanted to kick at it in childish anger making shin scratch his neck at that chuckling a bit.“Ah my bad honey, maybe daddy should watch out just tossing things around here huh?”
The small seven year old nodded with a pout on her lips.“my shirt got all dirty and my face is dirty daddy! Need to find mama so she can clean me up.”
that made shin gulp and pull at the neck part of his shirt. You would most definitely have a few words for him for having your daughter’s fresh clean shirt from the dryer get dirty.“ah no no, I think mama is probably enjoying her nice day at the house without us yeah? I think the two of us can figure this out ourselves.”
the little girl wanted to hesitate but she trusted her papa, even if his style of cleaning might be different from her dad. She gladly took the hand of her father for him to take her to the bike shop’s bathroom to clean her face.
you ended up finding out anyways.
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buntobeans · 3 months
spilled ice cream is a great wingman - venture x brother’s best friend reader
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Nsfw utc. this is FILTHY FILTHY!!!!
Thanx venture’s burrow for this image..
amab sloan 
afab reader but is referred to with gender neutral terms (or at least as gender neutral as spanish gets)
you guys are both adults, just to clear up if anything seems uncomfy! i envision Sloan to be around 23 and you’re 21 :))
this is FILTH
wrote this on a plane sorry if it’s delulu or uncomfy or grossly described. I think I’m also sick.. also barely edited SORRRYYY also there’s like a severe lack of lube here sad face wahhh wahh ouchie 
More italics needed but.. WOMP WOMP!!!!!
i spent way too much time on this
i’ve taken like two classes of Spanish but hoopefully I’ve got it right.. I used the masculine form for some words because I wasn’t sure if I should just make a female reader but— hey anyone can read, regardless of their bits n bobs— let the punana in your heart be your guide <3
How the hell did you get here? 
Your thighs twitched as you struggled to clamp them shut, but the assured little hushes of Sloan’s voice and their large fingers prying your legs apart strayed you away from doing so. 
You opened your mouth and closed it, akin to a fish out of water. Forgetting what you were going to say, your words died on your tongue, shifting into small little whimpers as Sloan rolled their thumb over your swollen clit. 
“Doing so good, cariño.” They murmured, tenderly kissing your earlobe. “Mierda. Always dreamed of seein’ you like this.”
“Sloan!” You bounded up to your brother’s best friend as they plopped down the couch of your living room. 
“Hey!” They gave you that gorgeous, million dollar grin with their chipped tooth that you’d grown to find so attractive. Sloan instinctually opened their arms for you to leap into, giving you a small affectionate hug. “¿Qué onda? How’s it hangin’?”
“It’s good!” You cheerily piped. Your brother groaned at the sight of you unceremoniously interrupting his time with his best friend, but you ignored it— perhaps you stuck out a tongue at him and gave him a little side eye, but in Sloan’s eyes, you weren’t doing anything wrong! They’d defend you!
Your brother’s best friend. Sloan Cameron. The two had been friends for a while, so it was common for them to come over to your house to chill with your brother. Naturally, you found yourself acquainted with them, popping in to occasionally annoy your brother or include yourself in their conversations. While your brother was most irked by it, Sloan didn’t seem to mind in the slightest, instead treating you like a little sibling, often fondly smiling at you and ruffling your hair. 
Oh, how you longed for those eyes to gaze at you with a different kind of affection. 
You had the biggest crush on your brother’s best friend. You couldn’t help it— Sloan was so darn attractive with their messy brown hair and skin decorated in the occasional freckle, large frame walking around your house in shirts with the sleeves sloppily cut off, highlighting their muscle, and baggy cargo pants. You soaked up all the attention they’d give you like a sponge, eagerly awaiting them to come over to your house and hang out with your brother so you could brush your fingers with their larger ones while handing them snacks under the guise of showing them hospitality. 
But they never seemed to notice. So you kept your pining for sweet Sloan a secret, tucked away in the corners of your heart for your silly little crush to never come to fruition. 
“I’m going to the store to get some beer,” your brother announced, grabbing his keys and slipping on his shoes. “Need anything?”
“Hook me up with some ice cream!” Sloan yelled as your brother opened the door. 
Your brother left the house and it was eerily quiet, Sloan and you being the only presences in the home. You pulled yourself out of Sloan’s arms, suddenly flustered by the proximity— but, of course, missing their warmth. 
“We have ice cream. I bought some recently.” You piped up, hopping off the couch to skitter to the kitchen. 
Over your dead body would you admit you’d bought the ice cream with Sloan in mind. 
“Ooh, sweet! Haha. Pun intended. What flavor?” Sloan asked, eyeing you as you opened the freezer. They let out a little breath as they watched you bend over to find the sweet treat.
“Vanilla.” You answered, taking out the tub of ice cream, opening it, and sticking a spoon in it. It wasn’t like you’d documented Sloan’s favorite flavor in the archives of your mind… not at all. 
You eagerly took the tub and ran over to Sloan on the couch.
“It might be a little bit melted because it sat out but—“
You let out a yelp as you stumbled, the ice cream going flying. Panic set in as you realized you were falling. 
“Whoa, whoa! Hey there.” Sloan’s arms wrapped around you.
You swore all the oxygen left your body. Their arms were so big, so warm— you gulped, not daring to meet their eyes in fear of the chipped shit-eating grin they might be wearing on their stupidly gorgeous face. 
What you did look at, however, was their shirt. 
A mess of ice cream coated their body, and you internally screamed. 
Mortified, your heart dropped. “Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry— I didn’t mean to drop it at all oh no no—“ Hot tears of frustration pooled in your eyes as your lips tugged into a frown. 
“Hey, hey!” Their voice cut you out of your rant and meltdown-in-progress. “It’s okay. Everything’s fine. It’s just a little ice cream.”
That was a TOTAL lie. They were practically drenched in vanilla. 
You wailed in embarrassment. 
“Ay, está bien. Don’t worry! I can just take it off.”
You gulped. You punched yourself in your mind for the lewd thoughts running rampant in your brain, searching for anything to distract yourself with, anything to reply with—
“Y-Yeah?” Fuck. You stuttered. “If you give it to me I can wash it—“
Stupid! Stupid! You were totally feeding into this! Thoughts of Sloan shirtless attacked your mind, and suddenly the room was way hotter than you’d recalled a minute ago. 
Sloan chuckled and your soul left your body as you watched them peel their shirt off, showcasing their toned body. They made a show of it, too, confidently lifting their shirt off their body. Holy fuck. Their body was no joke. Accompanied with a bit of chub, they proudly displayed a set of prominent abs. Tattoos of runes, sigils, and ancient gibberish you couldn’t understand (or maybe your head was too clouded to read) were scattered across their body. Their bellybutton had a little piercing and a line of hair trailed down their chest to a place you quickly looked away from before your eyes could meet. 
“Like what you see?” They chuckled. You cursed yourself internally. You were practically drooling over them! 
“No— I mean yes— I mean—“ You were so close to slamming your head against the wall. 
They handed you their shirt and you shakily took it, nervously clutching it like a lifeline to ground you to your surroundings. Thank GOD you were washing it, because you were practically sweating buckets into the fabric from your clammy hands. 
“So..? You gonna get off my lap, or..?”
Oh, just kill me already, you thought. Bury me alive and don’t let anybody see my body. Especially my brother. He’d probably laugh his ass off. 
You mustered the courage to stare at Sloan. They were so close to you, almost brushing their nose with you and—
“There’s something.. poking me..?”
It was Sloan’s turn to be flustered. Heat rose to their cheeks as they gazed down, met with their little “problem”. 
“Dios mio,” they gasped. “Don’t pay any attention to that. Lo siento, I am sooo soo sorry—“
You gulped. Was this really happening? No, but— what the hell? Had Sloan really gotten turned on from you sitting in their lap?
Gods. And they were big. Their hardness pressing against you— it wasn’t a joke. You struggled to pick up the pieces of your mind as thoughts flitted about— what would it feel like— what would it be like inside you—
“..Do you need help with that?” You squeaked out before you could even register the words in your mind. 
Oh, you’ve really done it now. 
Sloan stared at you with wide eyes, cheeks heated. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sor—“
“You mean that?”
Your hands unconsciously curled further into their shirt. You wanted so desperately for a distraction, to leave this awkward situation, but a tinge of hope and an indescribable pull left you staring helplessly into their eyes. 
You nodded. A small nod, but a nod nonetheless. 
“…You don’t want this.” Sloan laughed nervously. So you weren’t the only horribly mortified one here. It was almost relieving. Almost. “Do you..?”
Fuck it. 
“..I like you. I want this with you. I always have. I mean, I want not just this.. I want you as a whole, I want Sloan Cameron—“ You squeezed your eyes shut as you spoke, too afraid to see their expression. Every moment they didn’t respond to you felt like a century. Your heart dropped with each passing second, wholly terrified of their response. 
“..Que lindo..” They softly murmured. Their hand reached under your shirt to gently stroke your hip with their thumb, and you shuddered at the sensation. Their hand was big. And warm. You’d spent too much time staring at it, wondering how it would truly feel against you. 
“I’ve always thought you were cute.” They finally said. You opened an eye to peek at them. They were looking away, expression unreadable. “Your excited little smile.. the way you always greet me whenever I come here..” They chuckled anxiously. “Heck, it’d be a lie to say I just come here to hang out with your brother.” They were flustered. You could see it. It was your first time seeing this expression on Sloan, but you prayed to whatever deity that existed that it wouldn’t be the last. You held your breath, hanging onto their every word. “Why do you think I choose your house to hang out with him..? I like.. seeing you.. ah,
demonios, I can’t do this at all..”
Their shirt dropped from your grasp and onto the couch as you stared at them, agape. Were you dreaming?
“So.. are you gonna get off my lap, or are we gonna.. canoodle? Ah, that was stupid of me.. idiot Sloan.. who even says canoodle..” You laughed with a mix of bewilderment and adoration as Sloan spoke, wiggling their eyebrows at you. 
Before you knew it, you were kissing them. Kissing them like there was no tomorrow. Savoring their lips. Like this would be the last time you’d ever experience their lips at all. Oh, but you knew it wouldn’t be. You knew you’d have so many more moments like this with them. 
Sloan’s hands roamed aimlessly over your body, slipping under your shirt. You let out a soft whimper at the sensation, noting the way goosebumps appeared on Sloan’s skin at the sound and the way they were touching you got more possessive; the way they were touching you got greedier. 
“Sloan.” A kiss. “My room is much—“ Another one, this time they missed, landing their lips on the corner of yours. “—Comfier than this—“ You threw your head back like a drowning person gasping for air. 
Sloan’s brain was too fuzzy to fully comprehend your words, but they seemed to understand the notion, hoisting you up in their arms by your thighs. You let out a yelp at the sudden sensation of being lifted off the ground. Their discarded shirt covered in ice cream that was probably melted by now (with the help of your ever-growing body heat) was long forgotten on the couch as Sloan mapped a course to your room, their lips never leaving your face. 
“Abre la boca.” They ordered. You looked up at them, dazed eyes confused by the sudden Spanish. “Ah.. I mean, open your mouth.” You obediently complied, allowing them to greedily shove their tongue into your mouth. You surely would’ve fallen if it weren’t for their big arms keeping you up. 
Their energetic tongue seemed to have a will of its own, messily dancing with yours, rolling over your teeth and mixing their saliva with yours. It was like they were trying to explore every inch of your mouth, charting all the places that had never been reached by anyone else. It was unlike anything you’d ever experienced— if there was one thing you knew for sure tonight, it was that Sloan Cameron’s tongue game was insane. 
You only understood you were in your room when the sheets hit your back, Sloan atop of you. Their kissing never ceased; your mouth was starting to cramp, but hell, your mind was full of joyful delirium. You’d kiss them for eternity if you could. 
You whined as their chipped tooth caught on your lip, the slight stinging sensation surprisingly pleasant. Sloan apologetically sucked on your lip, leaning back to stare at you. 
Your lips were a mess. Drool leaked everywhere, and they weren’t too sure if it was from you or them— maybe both— but they were too aroused to care. You made them feel like a horny teen all over again. You, splayed out on your bed, legs quivering, shirt slightly riding up from the sensation of being practically thrown down by Sloan; you looked like a cute little  present, one Sloan was itching to unwrap. 
“Can I take this off?” Sloan was too impatient for you to answer the question that they themself had asked, fingers eagerly working to strip you of your clothes. You would’ve laughed at their eagerness if it wasn’t for the burning need you felt for them in the moment, instead opting to gaze up at them dumbly. 
Sloan sucked in a breath as they gazed at your shirtless figure. You were even more stunning than they’d imagined. Those nights of rubbing one out to the thoughts of their best friend’s cute sibling faded away as they registered that you were truly real and there, under them. 
They wanted to ravish you. 
They nearly whined, large fingers palming your bra-clad breasts. With shaky hands, they clumsily took your bra off. It took Sloan longer than it should have, them constantly kissing you like they couldn’t be away from your lips for two seconds and them fumbling with the bra strap and trying to stop themself from ripping it off entirely. But damn, if it wasn’t worth it. You looked absolutely beautiful. Sloan’s eyes roved over your body like a hawk to its prey. You shivered, entertaining the possibility of being swallowed up by them. 
Their cock pulsed with need at the sight of your bare chest, aching to be relieved. It was almost painful, but Sloan was determined to make this pleasant for you, even in their lust-clouded haze. 
“Mierda. So pretty.. I want you. I need you.” They moved their mouth down to greedily attack your breasts, rolling their tongue around your left nipple. They occupied the other with their hand, alternating between gently scratching the bud, flicking it with their thumb and forefinger, and cupping your breast. You squirmed in their hold and they let out a gentle hum of comfort to try and still your movements, which, admittedly, did nothing but make you wetter than you already were. 
“Sloan..” They momentarily stopped their ministrations to soak up that heavenly noise, but quickly resumed when you let out a whine of protest. 
“Mm?” They mumbled against your breast, stopping their sucking and tongue-prodding to dot kisses down your stomach. “What is it, cariño?”
You shakily sighed, fingers tangling in their hair as you watched them with glazed eyes. 
“‘S not enough, I need more.” You protested softly. Sloan’s eyes softened at the sensation. A hint of their teasing nature sparked up and they thought about making you wait for the reprieve you so desperately desired, but they squashed the whim, deciding instead there was plenty of time for that later. Later, when you two were more prepared.
They pulled away from you and groping your tits and you groaned with disappointment, to which they chuckled softly at. 
“C’mere.” They shifted on the bed so they were laying down. “Take your pants off.”
That sounded appealing. You gulped, scooting over to them, and obediently stripped yourself to your panties, to which Sloan let out a low whistle at. 
Your panties were so cute. Did you doll yourself up in the hopes they’d see you like this and fuck you silly? Sloan sighed dreamily at the thought. 
They pulled you onto their lap with ease, and you prayed that your wetness wasn’t soaking through your underwear and onto them. You bit your lip as Sloan hooked their fingers in your panties, slowly pulling them down. They let out a breathy sigh as they stared at the wetness coating your panties. It was them that you were so drenched for. Them. Sloan Cameron. 
Fuck, they were so lucky. You were just the cutest. 
“On my face.” They said softly, staring at you with love. 
“What?” You sputtered. Sloan tossed your panties aside (as much as they enjoyed them) to who-knows-where in your bedroom, occupying their hands with grabbing your thighs. They marveled at the sensation, squeezing gently.
“On my face.” They repeated. “Sit on it.” 
You stared at them incredulously. “You want me to sit on your face? But what if I’m too heavy?”
They chuckled, the sound rippling through your body. 
“I think I have more than enough strength to handle you sitting on my face.” They said, a bit cockily. You gulped at their brazenness, casting a gaze to the muscles you’d been ogling over earlier. 
The offer did seem tempting…
“But what if you, I don’t know, lose air? What if I suffocate you?” 
“Suffocating between your thighs sounds like an honorable death.” They flashed that chipped tooth grin at you that you had grown to adore so much. “Sloan Cameron— died because they were too devoted to eating some pussy.” You snorted at their inability to stay serious even when extremely horny, knowing arguing with them was useless. 
You shakily clambered atop them. They licked their lips as your sopping wet cunt entered their vision. You hovered over their face apprehensively, but Sloan wasn’t having any of it— you squeaked as they pulled you down onto their face. 
You felt your brain turning to mush as you felt Sloan’s face between your legs. Their nose brushed your clit just perfectly, tingling your spine; it was like their face was made for you to sit on— a.. rather odd way of saying you were meant for each other. You gripped their hair in an attempt to steady yourself, but all hopes of regaining some sense of clarity were dashed as you felt them inhale you. 
“You smell so good,” they moaned out. “I wanna taste you, I wanna taste you.. amor, oh, mi amor..”
You let out a keen as they ran their tongue along your folds, lapping up your wetness. They sighed like they were in heaven at its taste; You were everything they imagined and more, so much more. 
You squealed as they traced your tongue around your entrance prodded their tongue at it. 
“C’mon.” They shakily breathed out. “Move for me. You can do it.”
You gulped, knowing nothing but the feeling of their mouth buried in your cunt. The vestiges of embarrassment faded away as you first grinded on their face, replaced by a wave of overwhelming white-hot pleasure. 
It was too quick, how you lost yourself in the sensations of their mouth. You let out soft sobs of ecstasy as Sloan ate you out like a starved human. They made no move to stop you from tugging on their hair as you ground yourself against their face, basking in your enjoyment and rather enjoying the pain. 
“Sloan, oh, oh, I’m so clo—“
“I’m home! I brought your dumb ice cream!” Yelled the familiar voice of your brother. You immediately snapped out of your lusty trance, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. You stared at Sloan like you’d been caught stealing from a cookie jar— they looked back with the same ‘oh shit’ gaze. 
Your brother made his presence known in the living room, setting down the spoils from his trip to the grocery store with a loud, annoyed grunt.
“Where are you two?! Why the hell is Sloan’s shirt on the couch..? And is that ice cream??”
Fuck. You’d forgotten the shirt. 
Sloan looked up at you. You looked back, face full of embarrassment, looking to them for help. 
“Say something!” They urged you. 
“What do I even say??”
“I don’t know!” They whisper-yelled, panic palpable. 
You groaned in annoyance. It took every inch of your willpower not to squeeze their face from where it was with your thighs, but they’d probably enjoy that. 
“Sloan went home!!” You yelled quickly, trying to sound normal— as if you hadn’t just been given the best damn head of your life. 
“Without their shirt?” Your brother yelled back. 
You looked at them for an answer. They pursed their lips and creased their eyebrows at you to as if to say “I don’t know!”, but all it did was send ripples of ecstasy through your body. You managed to silence a moan at the sensation of their pursed lips on you, and their eyes tinged with a rekindled fire. 
“T-Turns out we had ice cream!!” You yelled back. “They spilled it and just went home without it! Th-they said they were tired!”
Your brother groaned in annoyance, mumbling a “That sounds like something Sloan would do”. You sighed in relief, though it was short lived as Sloan’s lips closed around your clit. Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head and you had to stifle the loudest whine— with limited success, as it came out like a little grunt. You slapped them from where you were, though it was light, your head too consumed with pleasure to truly do any damage. 
“Keep moving,” Sloan murmured against you. You moaned softly at their breath against the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Are you crazy?” You whimpered. 
They raised an eyebrow at you, as if asking you to really answer that question. Yes. Yes, Sloan Cameron was batshit insane. And yes. You loved them. And the idea was turning you on far too much for you to admit.
You slowly continued rolling your hips across their face, gasping quietly at the sensation. 
“Yo, are you sick up there?! You sound awful! Like, more than usual!” Your brother yelled. You cursed under your breath. Of all the times your brother had to show a semblance of care (even if it was backhanded), why now?
You gripped Sloan’s hair tighter, trembling with each roll of your hips. Drool fell from your mouth and onto the bed. 
“Yeah, I’m fine! I’m- uh- I’m naked-!” You screamed. You cursed softly under your breath. Your tone was far too shaky to even sound believable. 
Sloan giggled against your skin. You squealed, kicking what you could of their body lightly with your foot. They let out a quiet “oomph”, which did little to help you, as it blew air against your swollen clit. You threw your head forward, nearly burying your face in the bed. You really dug yourself a hole with anything you did. 
“Ew!” Your brother blanched from the living room. “So I bought all this beer for nothing?” 
Please leave, please leave, please leave-
“I’m not gonna waste this. And I definitely don’t wanna see you naked! I’m gonna go to a friend’s house and drink this!!” You sighed in extreme relief. “I’ll probably stay over! Don’t burn down the house! And clean up that shirt and fucking ice cream!” Even better. He’d be gone the whole night. You felt almost giddy at the thought. 
You halted your movements, which Sloan pouted at, until you heard the door click shut. You almost burst into tears in relief. 
“Thank goodne—“ You trailed off into a loud yelp as Sloan flattened their tongue against your clit. Any possible words escaped you, torn from your mind as Sloan endlessly abused the sensitive bud. 
Their hands squeezed your thighs, nails gently scratching small marks into it, heightening your pleasure. 
“Close— I think ‘m— Sloan— Sloan!!” You shrieked, clenching their hair and tugging. They moaned into you at the feeling, speeding up their movements to help you reach your peak. You assisted, grinding faster against their face, your imminent release the only thing in your mind. 
You cried as you felt yourself cum, digging your heels into the sheets. Your whole body seized up in the most intense orgasm you’d ever experienced, and you collapsed on them, exhausted. Your thighs ached, but you couldn’t imagine how Sloan felt. 
..actually, you could. They were beaming, licking off the traces off wetness you’d left on their face like it was fine dining. You were thoroughly embarrassed by the picture, but it was so addicting to stare at. 
You panted softly, burrowing your face in their neck. You could feel yourself sweating, the heat in your body doing little in terms of leaving. 
“Way too good.. What ab’t you?” You murmured into their neck. They blinked, as if the thought hadn’t even crossed their mind. 
“What about me?” They looked just like a clueless puppy. You wrapped your arms around their waist, absentmindedly squeezing their stomach. 
“This whole thing started ‘cuz you were hard.” You mumbled, gently raking your nails across their body. 
They groaned in embarrassment. “Oh, right.. umm.. don’t worry about it.”
You pouted up at them. They cooed internally at the sight; you were just the cutest!
“No. You pleased me.. I should please you back..”
They sighed with a soft little chuckle. “I pleased you, and by pleasing you, I was pleased. Wait, does that even make any sense?” They hummed, thinking. 
You still weren’t satisfied, fingers tugging at the band of their pants. Sloan gulped nervously, feeling heat spread through their body again. Their large, clammy hands covered yours, dwarfing them. 
“Honestly, cariño, you really don’t have to—“
“But what if I wanna?” You asked softly. 
Sloan let out a sigh. 
“I can’t argue with that.”
You eagerly slipped their pants down along with their boxers decorated with assortments of puppies on them, admiring their built legs. You traced the trail of hair from the bellybutton piercing on their stomach down to where their pubes peeked out. You mewled softly, taking in the sight of them. 
Your eyes trailed down. 
“Oh.” You mumbled. 
Sloan laughed nervously. Was that a good “Oh” or a bad “Oh”?
You were taken aback. By no means was it not long, but what you were impressed by was.. the girth. Sloan’s cock was thick. You gulped at the size, but were determined not to let yourself be intimidated. 
You spat in your hand, slowly wrapping a hand around them. Awed by the way one hand barely fit around their length, you slowly pumped your hand. It was like you were entranced. 
Sloan was weak. They were on the verge of crumbling. You looked so adorable, so fucking innocent, staring at their cock oozing precum with fascination, quickly looking up at them with each stroke to gage their reaction. You were so, so, eager to please them, and they felt like they were going to cum embarrassingly quick. 
They felt like they were in some porn— except nothing they were feeling was an act— you were really there, with them, their skin was on fire, oh, they loved you so much. Oh, they felt depraved. Your hand on them was bliss. Pure bliss. 
When you licked the tip of their cock, they almost came immediately. They cursed and willed themself to hold out a little longer. 
You were thoroughly enjoying their reactions; Every shake, every shiver, every keen was addicting to you. You wanted to draw more from Sloan, discover more, feel more. With them. 
You gave a vein a little kitten lick and they pulled on your hair. You gasped in surprise, sending more of their length down your throat. You gagged on it, hot tears forming in your eyes, but oh, seeing them keel over was so worth it. 
You absentmindedly cupped their balls, giving them a soft squeeze. Sloan grunted. They were so, so close. 
“Mierda, mierda.. te quiero, ah..”
You understood the gist of what they were saying, and let out a muffled “wuvvvyoutoo” against their cock, to which they finally threw their head back with a loud groan. 
They came. Hard. 
You gulped down a bit, pondering the salty taste. You pulled back, the rest coating your mouth. Sloan looked at you.
You were absolutely filthy, their cum coating your face. They reached out a thumb to wipe your mouth, but you licked it off your lips, just like they’d done when they ate you out. 
Sloan gulped. 
Yeah, you would never be their best friend’s sibling again. 
Just you. 
You plopped into their lap, too exhausted to say anything. They sighed, absolutely lovesick, caging you in their arms. They peppered your face with much more innocent kisses.
“I love you.” They mumbled softly.
“Mm.” You tiredly leaned into them, finding entertainment in tracing your hands along their tattoos. “..love you too..”
They smiled softly, nuzzling into your neck. 
Sloan was whipped. 
so like i kinda fell off at the end 😺 but yeah this is FILTH! if you read this far you’re a SINNER!!! A FREAK!!
plsplspls tell me if it’s not as gender neutral as it can b and if I can fix anything with sloan or you !! love you mwah 
sighs I need to write sloan putting it in and becoming absolutlyelyl pathetic
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sofs16 · 9 months
let you break my heart again— 1
series link | next part
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yn yln, a middle class american girl who moved to monaco, has done nothing but love charles leclerc, her next door neighbor. yn being practically family to the leclerc’s.
since the moment she was old enough to acknowledge those butterflies in her stomach, it was all coming together in her innocent mind that she was in love.
going together to school every morning with the other 2 leclercs and yn’s older sister, kylie, it was always the giggles of charles and yn that made the 2 older siblings look knowingly at each other. with arthur too young to understand the chemistry between the two.
it was a thursday school night in 2008 when charles kissed yn on the cheek quickly with a rushed “ciao!” before he going to his house to make it to dinner after their hangout.
yn stood still at the front door, her cheek in her hand.
charles always did a kiss on the cheek but it had never felt so… different to yn.
she rushed up the stairs to do her special knock on her older sister’s room. “come in, yn” her sister muttered, buried under the blankets as her 11 year old sister stood in the hallway with tears.
kylie sat up her bed as soon as she saw the bloodshot eyes of her little sister. “what happened? who am i punching?” her sister sobbed into her chest. “i- i don’t know” she hiccuped. “it feels ouchy” she added “what does?” her sister pulled away and examined her
“charles” she whispered her best friend’s name. “did he hurt you? what did he-“ “no! i- he kissed me on the cheek. that’s normal, i know, but i— i don’t know” yn mumbled, embarrassed at her lack of understanding her feelings.
“oh” her sister sighed, combing through her hair. “is it possible… you may have a tiny crush on charles?” her sister asked and everything went silent.
her friends all had a crush on him. she didn’t understand it at the time. but, hello! he is her best friend, she didn’t think she could like charles that way.
In a way, it made sense. though she always shrugged it off when it was brought up. charles had been karting for 3 years already, making him one of the guys all the girls in your year crushed on.
“yn, you’re sooo lucky you’re close to charles!”
“if i was his best friend i’d hang out with him all the time”
“yn, isn’t charles cute?”
it seemed appalling to her that she was feeling this way. “no way.” she whispered. of course her sister wasn’t buying it, but she decided to nod along. “wanna just watch that harry potter movie you love? and talk about it some other time?” her sister reached over to the remote, turning the tv on but all yn could think about was how charles loved harry potter.
the next day in school, charles smiled and waved at yn, like the usual. but this time, yn’s heart was pulling little strings, making it 16 times heavier with love.
she didn’t know it yet, but she was in love.
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 11 others
yn_yln_16 Happiest birthday, Charlie! I am grateful you’re in my life.❤️
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charles_leclerc Je aime, Y/n/n! You are next! october 16, 2009
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liked by yn_jenner_16, and 32 others
charles_leclerc Joyeux anniversaire yn_yln_16! Thank you for being the bestest friend I could ever ask for! view all 7 comments
yn_yln_16 Merci beaucoup, Charlie ❤️ november 3, 2009
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tagged: charles_leclerc, lorenzotl, arthur_leclerc, and leclerc_pascale liked by charles_leclerc, and 21 others
yn_yln_16 Throwback post for my favorite boys
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leclerc_pascale 😍
charles_leclerc Cute, cherie!
july 3, 2010
YN • 2012 • 14:03
another friday afternoon you once again headed straight to your sister’s room.
since that night when you were 11, there were many many nights behind closed doors where you would cry to you sister who didn’t need to ask why.
but recently, you haven’t bothered to cry. with no idea didn’t know how to cope with it. ”he’s dating lacy” the name of your best friend ex- best friend rolled off your tongue bitterly.
now at 15, your crush for charles has you bursting with pain the more. more girls fawning over him and he loved the attention.
lacy was everything you wish you could be. but most of all, you wished you were her because charles liked her.
you swallowed the lump in your throat as you saw them giggling down the hall, fingers interlaced. you rushed the the bathroom, quietly banging your head against the stall to suck it up.
you never did have the courage to confess to charles. it was your fault.
“it’s okay, i’ll always be here” your sister hushed you to sleep. even if she had been building her own business, she always had time for you.
“can you wake me up before 8? he’s coming over” you mumbled “i know, it’s friday”
every other friday at 8pm you and charles always binge watched some random movies, occasionally doing homework while watching.
he’s been racing more and that means you see less of him. these friday's were the most you both got to each other. you had bought some snacks 2 days ago with his mom’s weekly grocery run, picking precisely all his favorite snacks.
you bounced your leg up and down while a pillow was resting on it, dialing charles.
“hey charlie! i just heated the popcorn, where are you? it’s going to get cold… love you”
“Hey, charlie! I know I just called but are you still coming over? Love you!”
“hey charles. Are we still on for harry potter night?” you rang him for the 3rd time this hour, receiving yet another voice mail.
“y/n/n, where’s charles?” your sister was tiptoeing to the kitchen but realized you had no one beside you.
you shrugged with a frown. “did he say where he was?” she sat down beside you as you shook your head. “i’ve been waiting for an hour. left 5 voice mails” you mumbled, clutching the pillow closer to you.
silence filled the room
“yn, stop waiting for him.” your sister whispered. you inhaled as you could tell it was a two pointed comment.
only a handful of times your sister brought this up, you to move on. you would always argue it was too hard and you couldn’t do it. but you just didn’t allow yourself to.
you cared a little too much for charles and it made your stomach turn at the thought.
you let yourself believe all the friendly things he did meant more to him, as much as they did to you. the tucking your hair behind your ear, the little nicknames, the cuddling on movie nights, and much more.
you also let yourself forget he always refers to you as his ‘best friend’.
“i’ve held been there for you for the last 4 years but you are hurting yourself by waiting for him when there are so many boys who would kill to have even one drop of love you give to charles” you bit your lip, looking away to stop the tears, that were pooling in your eyes, from falling.
“i love him so much” you whispered, glossy eyes. “i know…” she embraces you “we all do”
with a heavy heart, you packed up all the stupid snacks you had gotten, switched the tv off, and locked the door.
Charlie ❤️
Y/n/n I am so sorry. I was out with Lacy and the others and I lost track of time. Can we reschedule? :)
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Pascale knew from the start regarding your feelings for her middle child. as soon as you fumbled your words, turned tomato red at charles, and kept fixing your hair when he left the room, she knew.
that’s why she found it most interesting when charles came to her for help while she was trimming his hair. “Maman, s’il te plaît please! She is ignoring me and I do not know what to do” Charles groans in frustration. He hasn’t heard from you in 4 days and even in school.
“My Charles, je ne comprends pas i don’t understand. Why did you stand her up in the first place? That girl has been running around the grocery all week for your favorite foods” His maman shook her head in disapproval while trimming his hair.
“It is not like I meant to do it! I do not know how to say sorry in more than 4 languages, Maman!”
“Sometimes actions are more than words, Charles”
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you sighed getting to school, another day to ignore charles and your feelings for him. you opened your locker to find a bouquet of flowers sitting on top of your books.
instinctively, you looked around the hall to who could have put it, but you already had an idea of who. only one person knew your lock combination.
you read the note attached.
Dearest y/n/n,
I know what I did was wrong and I can not tell you how sorry I am so these are flowers for you.
You are my best friend and I am mad at myself for putting other people before us. I promise to always be there for you more.
If you will forgive me, which I hope you do, come to my house at 8 ! :)
I know this letter is not enough but we can talk about it if you come.
Yours, Charlie
before your overthinking started, you were already planning which pajamas to wear. but the thought did start to sink in once the bell rang.
did you really forgive him? were you ready to go back to plastering on a fake smile instead of ignoring him?
though charles was your best friend and you truly don’t want to lose him at all, the short period of time you spent without him pestering your emotions, was the most calm in the last few years.
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you took a deep breath before knocking on the door. “hi”
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liked by lacy_1998, yn_yln_16, and 98 others
charles_leclerc Back from the first race ever in Kz in La Conca!
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lacy_1998 Hottie 😍
yn_yln_16 Most talented driver ❤️ WDC incoming!
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liked by yn_yln_16, lacy_1998, and 102 others charles_leclerc 3rd at the last round of the European Championship in Genk!
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lacy_1998 Next time 1st! yn_yln_16 Proudest of you! Another one for the shelf ❤️
leclerc_pascale ❤️
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#SOF : decided to make it a series 🫠 hope you enjoy and let me know your thoughts or if you want more parts haha
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kooberryfields4ever · 9 months
Hey I hope ur doing great! Can I have a jungkook fluff or anything where they have done the deed for the last time before he enlists for military n they have some sweet yet an emotional convo n him suggesting he will marry her after he comes back n asks her to wait etc. Basically them getting teary eyed n also joking abt stuff like the adorable munchkins they are! N also its cold out there I hope u take care of urself hun n keep urself warm <3
AHHhhsfhhdsghs i went so ham on this ask bc i think i speak for all JUNGKOOKNATORS when i say my heart HURTSSSSSSSSS😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 i've had a countdown set for his return home so ...... 537 days left ... :(( GOD i can just imagine this scenario so well like he's so emotionally aware and intelligent and so so romantic....... like defos the type for a random proposal bc he is just so in love with u in the moment nothing else matters...... TYSM FOR REQUESTING !!! i hope u enjoy <33
pairing: jungkook x reader
wc: 685
content warnings: ouchie heart pain, enlistment, jungkook AND yn cry, it's sad, fluff <3
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“You’re sweaty…” you murmur into Jungkook’s chest, unwilling to let go despite how gross it feels. Jungkook pulls you closer, nuzzling his face into your hair with a chuckle. There’s a moment of silence as you trace a finger along his pec, breathing quietly into his chest while he presses gentle kisses into your hair.
“I don’t want you to leave,” it comes out quietly, and you feel Jungkook exhale deeply before acknowledging you with an equally quiet “I know.” You sigh, lifting your head up to meet his eyes as he readjusts his arm under his head to look down at you. His gaze is soft, the subtle lines of heartache taint his wrinkles and it’s impossible to look away.
“If I could stay, I would. You know that, baby,” he continues, eyes never leaving yours. You listen intently. He brings his free hand up to stroke your head gently, coaxing you to lay back on his chest while he speaks. “You’ll be good, though, I know you will.” He leans his head back; you feel him shift beneath you as his fingers stroke up and down your back. You remain silent, chewing your lip as your fingers lay still against his chest. “Baby?” He questions, hand gripping your waist.
You hadn’t even realised you were crying until a hitched breath leaves you and you bury yourself further into him. Jungkook holds you tighter, sitting up and pulling you with him until you’re halfway in his lap. Your head falls into his shoulder, sniffling. He kisses your head again.
“Baby, come on, talk to me…”
“You’re l-leaving me, f-for so long,” you choke out, sobbing into his shoulder and all Jungkook can do is hold you closer, stroke your hair and kiss your skin. Guilt clouds his thoughts, all he wants to do is stay with you and protect you, knowing that his leaving is causing you so much pain makes his heart hurt. You cry in his arms for so long, saying nothing, just holding him while he touches you sweetly.
When you finally lift your head up to look into his eyes, you see his are red with tears too. In your sadness, you had neglected his feelings and he had let you. You cup his face, leaning your forehead against his tenderly as your thumb wipes at the tears dribbling down his cheeks. There are no words that could tend to the Jungkook sized hole in your heart, nor the you sized hole in his. You connect your lips, and the worry seems to drift away when Jungkook kisses you back sweetly. There’s no tongue, just the movement of your lips and the salty combination of both your tears; it doesn’t bother you, though, you want Jungkook wholly, in every way you can, and if kissing away his tears is how you’ll get there then so be it.
“Marry me,” Jungkook groans softly against your lips, breaking the silence as he tries to pull you impossibly closer. It should catch you off guard, but instead you kiss him deeper, nodding gently.
“I’m serious, y/n, marry me,” he pleads, pulling back finally with bated breaths. “Wait for me, be patient and wait and I’ll come back with a ring and marry you, I swear it.”
“Jungkook,” your eyes soften, tears threatening to spill once again as you heed his plea, “I’d wait forever.”
The smile on his face sends you reeling, all toothy and sweet and delicate and all for you. He takes your hand, interlacing your fingers as his thumb strokes softly over your knuckles, diving back into your lips with all the fervour of a man starved.
“I love you so much, you know that?” He assures you, gripping your hand tighter in an unspoken promise, “I’ll be back so soon, my precious girl… And you’ll be right here, yeah? Waiting for me, being patient?”
“Always, I’ll always be here, never gonna leave…”
His free hand slides up your face, touching you so delicately. His thumb traces your cheek gently. Eighteen months to go.
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a/n 🗒️ . . . this was so fun to write !!!! i defos want to work on more asks in the future cos making ur ideas come to life (hopefully) makes me feel so good ...... i hope u guys enjoyed this !!!! don't hesitate to send more requests :3 i love writing fluff as well !!!!!!
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
tolerate it
Description: listen to the song by taylor, that’ll tell ya
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Warnings: it’s just angst lolll, hotch is kind of a dick, age gap relationship (hotch in his early forties, reader in mid twenties)
Word Count: 2k
a/n: based on the song obvi, but also this post from @greg-montgomery bc that idea had been rattling in my brain and ouchie but i’m glad other people had the same thought 👹
also: jack doesn’t exist in this universe for the sake of my brain
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Befriending an FBI agent didn’t seem like a plausible next step when I decided to take a job as a barista. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was luck, though whether it was good or bad was hard to decipher.
It started out good.
We sat across from one another after my shift was over. I wouldn’t tell him that hanging out at my job after I was done wasn’t my number one choice purely for the fact that he smiled soft and sweet when he asked. We needed to talk anyways.
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea, to be honest,” he mentioned, a shy smile on his face.
“Why is that, do you think?” I questioned.
“I have… A past. There’s been so much that’s happened to myself and my family. I have a demanding job. Dating, even the concept of it, has been hard since—“
He stopped, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he looked down at the drink in his hands. I could tell something heavy was weighing on him, and it hurt to see him looking so down. Granted, we hadn’t known one another for long, but he’d become a close friend. I knew some of his tells, at least.
He looked back up at me, finding nothing but sincerity when he saw me looking back at him.
“My wife, uh, she,” he paused, clearing his throat. “She didn’t just… pass away. She was killed. It was by someone my team was hunting down, and it was hard. I haven’t been looking to date since then.”
I nodded. “I understand, and I don’t want to pressure you. But, if you decide that you do feel ready, I’ll be here.”
He smiled, taking one of my hands from across the table. I swallowed down butterflies, trying to ignore the softened look on his face when he watched me.
“You deserve better. You should be with someone less busy. Younger.”
“I don’t mind a busy working schedule, and everyone has baggage. If you don’t want this, that’s okay. But I do,” I confessed, noting the blush on his cheeks as I spoke. “It’s all about communication, isn’t it? Making sure that if things are hard or messy or frustrating that you talk it out?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I just—“
“Hey,” I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. Again, if you change your mind, I’ll be here.”
He let out a breath. “Thank you.”
I watched him for a while in the silence. He still had that cute frown on his face.
“I think the problem now is that I don’t want to wait,” he said at last.
I smiled back at him, taking his hand as he pulled me out of the little cafe.
Things started out so well. He’d give me a shy smile every time he showed up at my door to take me out somewhere. He’d call each time he was able to on cases. His sweet demeanor and hidden soft heart stole me over.
It was an easy ‘yes’ when he asked me to move in.
It was easy being with him for so long. But things always change. Sometimes for the worse.
A kiss hello and goodnight became the only times I’d feel his lips on mine. He’d work on what he needed to, sure to tell me any time I asked about what he was doing that I wouldn’t understand it.
I’d stand around, waiting for a drop of attention like a kicked dog. It never mattered. Conversations always turned into short arguments shut down by his cool, even-toned voice telling me I was overreacting. Who was I to think that I knew anything?
“You’re throwing a tantrum,” he huffed, annoyed.
I paused, staring at him in confusion. He stared back at me blankly. Of course he couldn’t be bothered to show any kind of emotion outside of a snap in his voice.
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t have time for this,” he said, shaking his head.
He continued packing his thing to head to the bureau, and I once again stood alone, watching him. A mere inconvenience in his morning routine.
“If this is all in my head, just tell me,” I said quickly. “But it feels like you’re intentionally ignoring me. Like I’m some kind of child to you.”
He stared at me for a moment, his face indecipherable.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“You didn’t ask me a question. If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask.”
He left after that, leaving me speechless in the living room, staring at the door of the apartment. I busied myself all day, trying not to think about it. Days when I was at work while he was felt fine enough. Not good, but fine.
Days when I was alone while he was out working though… I felt like a kid waiting for a parent to return.
I was in the kitchen with a glass of wine when he finally got home. He silently walked around the space. I’m sure he took off his jacket. Undid his tie. Set down his things and locked up the gun. Usual routine that I had no part in and probably never would.
He finally walked into the kitchen behind me, not bothering to say a word as he got a glass of water. Of course, I’d be the first to speak up.
“Are we going to talk about today?”
I turned, finally looking at him. He sipped at the glass of water, simply raising his brows in question. I furrowed mine in response, sick of him trying to shove away any semblance of communication.
“What about it?” he asked.
“What about it? We were kind of in the middle of talking when you left.”
“And we finished it.”
“No, we didn’t.”
He sighed hard. Quiet again. Brooding and stoic Aaron Hotchner. Never having time for anyone’s bullshit.
I wouldn’t have guessed my feelings were more shit on the pile to him. Guess I should’ve known better.
I looked at the plates that remained in the drying rack. Pretty and clean. I’d spent all afternoon doing the dishes, making sure they’d sparkle. If I couldn’t catch his eye anymore, maybe if he saw his own reflection in the plates, he’d realize I did something for him. It might remind him I was still here. In fact, the silverware was even cleaned and polished until they absolutely gleamed. I could probably blind myself with a spoon if I angled it from the sun just right. And I’d do it if he asked me to. Just to see him smile at me as I blinked back at him, trying to see correctly again. Three hours I’d spent on such a small task. Three hours while he sat in his office. I didn’t even know what he did in there, but I knew he’d been finished with what he actually needed to do for the day. I hoped that he might at least come home to see if I was still in the apartment. Would he even miss me if I had decided to leave? I didn’t know. I knew I could at least make him miss having clean dishes.
I moved swiftly, reaching for one of the plates. I held it in my hands, letting the weight of it weigh me down a little. I noticed how the kitchen light bounced off of the surface. Then, I looked at him.
He still had that stupid frown on his face.
Usually a moment like this would require that the person holding the glass wasn’t thinking straight. An accidental drop, leading to scary, sharp edges of glass all over the floor. Shock. Maybe embarrassment. A jump backwards. I did none of the above when I tossed down the plate onto the kitchen tile. It hit the ground with force, sending shards all across the floor in between us. The pieces shone up at his bewildered face as a taunt. They sparkled in my direction like a gleam of light in playful eyes that were daring me to do it again. And it was fucking cathartic.
I took another, ignoring the call of my name trying to stop me, and slammed it on the ground right on top of the remains of the first.
“Stop,” he said, voice raising just below a full yell.
I smiled to myself, holding the third of four in my hands. I couldn’t stop staring at the wreckage I’d already caused, but I let my eyes wandered in his direction.
“You want a tantrum?” I asked, holding the third plate just above my head. “I’ll give you a tantrum. What was it that you said to me? Uh… Oh! Right: ‘all you had to do was ask’.”
I let the plate drop, debris flying all around my feet, thought none of it was sharp enough to do harm. Maybe that was a part of the fun. The plates were thick and heavy. They weren’t made to break. But when they did, it was loud and hard and didn’t hurt me one bit. In any sense of the word.
As I reached for the final plate in the rack, he started circling to get behind me. He grabbed my arm, trying to stop me from letting it hit the floor. He turned me towards him.
“Stop. You’re acting like a child.”
I merely nodded. “That’s the problem, isn’t it? Fuck off, Aaron.”
I whipped my hand hard enough to send the final plate flying. I wrenched myself from his grip after I heard the satisfying crash, stalking past him and out of the kitchen.
He stomped off after me, catching me as I started putting a few things in my bag in the bedroom.
“What are you doing?”
I laughed humorlessly. “Right. Like you care.”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.”
Silence again.
“You’re everything to me, Aaron,” I said, staring straight back at him. “You were everything and your feelings were everything and what am I to you? Huh?”
“You’re my girlfriend.”
“And that’s it? Just a commodity. Someone who sits all nice and quiet when you get home so that you don’t feel completely alone. Someone who’ll light the candles and wash the dishes and try over and over again to love you. All for nothing.”
“That’s not fair.”
“It’s more than fair.”
“You’re acting so—“ he stopped himself, voice raising again.
“So what, Aaron? Immature?”
“That’s not—“
“Sorry, I totally forgot about the age difference. It’s not like you remind me every single time we get into any kind of argument,” I argued back, venom in my voice. “You’re so much older and wiser. You must always know better.”
He scoffed. I stayed for a moment, still squared up emotionally. I finally went back to packing a few things when I realized he wasn’t responding to me. He watched quietly as I went, fists balled up at his sides, almost convincing me that he actually cared.
He called my name again, this time much more quietly. I ignored him, zipping up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. He said it again, a little louder.
“What?” I snapped.
“Where are you going?”
I shook my head. “I don’t know. Maybe my sister’s place.”
He sighed. “Are you coming home?”
I paused, looking at him as I stood in the doorway. He dropped his shoulders, finally letting his guard down.
“I don’t know. What happens if I don’t? If I were to pick up and leave and never look back?” I asked, steeling my face again. “I don’t think it’d make much of a difference to you.”
“Yes, it would.”
“Then figure out if you really want me in your life. Then I’ll give you an answer. Until then, I’m done giving everything to you all for me to turn up completely drained.”
“I love you,” he said, trying to convince himself just as much as he tried convincing me.
I nodded, heading for the door. I was done trying to convince myself I didn’t need him. I didn’t need empty words anymore. I had the truth: I found it in a neatly packed bag and a pile of broken dishes on the kitchen floor.
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bornagainmurdock · 3 months
coming back from space (sub!reader version)
author's note: pillow fort as aftercare is ult soft dom behavior
contents: 18+ ONLY, suggestive but ultimately fluffy, matt murdock x reader, gender neutral reader, sub!reader, aftercare, pillow fort, use of 'pet' & 'sir,' mentions of spanking, impact play, voice kink, degradation
work count: 1.4K
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Matt was an intense person: in his Daredevil activites, at work at the law firm, and most of all when you two had kinky times. He was determined and focused, and could do anything with an immense amount of passion. Tonight Matt had ruined you. And now it was time to pick up the pieces, bring you back from subspace to reality.
While Matt was incredibly intense, he was also so gentle and kind. He knew how hard it was for your brain to come back, and so, Matt was slow, touching you only when he knew you could handle new sensory input. Matt was gentle, and most importantly, Matt was a secret cuddle bug.
"Come here, love. Hmm, can I touch you?" Matt spoke softly, barely a hum.
You were lying on the bed, still messy, still a mess, face down panting into the mattress after the last few hours activities. You didn't remember when the scene ended. You were sure you had blacked out at some point, having cum one too many times to remember anything but Matt's name.
Matt was good at sending you into subspace, his touch and his words were addicting. All he had to say was that one word and you were gone.
"Pet, come back to me."
The brain fuzz continued, sound still muted and uneven, coarsing through your brain before you're able to process anything Matt says. Your vision was also fuzzy and unclear, Matt's body moving through the air-goo.
"I'm right here, baby. You're safe. Took a lot out of you today, hmm?" He had a proud smile across his face, sitting on the edge of the bed keeping his physical space to allow you to breathe.
His words sounded angelic, lighting up inside your head and sendign chills through your whole body. Your muscles twitched under your skin, reminding you of everything.
You played through the previous events in your head, stopping at all your favorite parts to relive it. You began a smile, finding it hard to make even the smallest movements.
"Matt, hold me?" You were quite, finding the courage to break the silence.
He reached a hand over towards you, sinking his fingers into the sheets to steady himself to sit closer. He helped contort your body towards his; Matt's hands gripping at your skin softly to not irritate it anymore than it already was.
He lifted your head to set it on his thigh, brushing strands of your hair out of your face and then when his mission was complete, stroking your cheek. His hands were red and hot.
"There you go, love. How do you feel?" He was still quite, trying his best to wake your body and brain back up.
"Feels like I'm floating."
"I could've told you that. Are you hurt? Like bad hurt?" Matt listened to your heart, scanning your body audibly to see where you were uncomfortable. "Is it your hips? Can I help?"
"When did you learn to read minds?" You nuzzled farther into Matt's skin, breathing in his scent to remain calm and subdued.
"Can hear it in the way you're twitching. Do you need anything?"
"Heat pack I think. Maybe some lotion for my ass and thighs." You said.
Matt giggled at your words, reaching over to the side table for the tub of unscented lotion you loved.
"Bring that ass over." He spoke, unscrewing the lid.
"Not the first time I've heard that sentence tonight." You rolled your eyes.
Matt tapped a light spank across your ass again, feeling your skin heat up against his touch. After resting there for a second, he grabbed a glob of lotion and began to spread thick layers over your skin immediately cooling the burn.
"Ahh! Matt ouchie!" You winced and wriggled.
"I'm sorry baby. It'll feel better soon." He pressed the lotion lightly into your skin once the first layer was applied. "You're just so cute when you're in fun pain."
"You're a pain." You joked.
"You weren't saying that a few minutes ago. I think you were saying, 'Oh sir please hit me harder'." Matt's voiced raised a bit when he mocked you.
"Not fair," you pouted, "you liked it."
"You're right. Sir did like it." Matt smirked with his words.
"Matttty." You whimpered.
He slapped your ass one more time for good measure, laughing as his hand came down.
"Okay, let's get you cozy. How do you feel about a pillow fort and some movies tonight while you recover from that spanking, hmm?" Matt rescrewed the lotion lid on and placed it back in its spot on the table.
"I think you making a pillow fort is an occupational hazard."
"You think you're so funny, hmm? Good thing I already made the fort." He said standing up from the bed and holding a hand out to you. "Let's get you dressed first. My shirt and boxers?"
"Yes, please." You smiled, looking up at Matt and taking his hand.
"Please what?" He inquired.
"Yes please, sir." You corrected yourself. "You're goofin. I thought you were supposed to get me back to reality, not make me stay here in fuzzworld."
"Why's that? Can't my baby be a subby mess for me all night?" He teased, knowing just how much of an effect his words had on you.
"Subbbyyyy." You slurred.
"Mmhm. Let's go to the fort." He helped you stand, carrying most of your weight as you walked over the closet to put his clothes on you.
"Leg up," Matt whispered, helping you dress. "Good pet."
Once you were covered again, Matt helped you walk to the living room, now a large pillow fort with perfect view of the TV.
"Oh Matty! When did you make this!?" You hadn't expected something so elaborate.
"While you were passed out after the what— fifth, sixth time cumming. I wanted you to get some rest after I pushed your body to the extreme, so I got busy building this." He smiled softly. "Let's get in!"
Matt crawled behind you and waited for you to get settled before shifting behind you, letting you lean back on him and cuddle.
He held you there for what felt like hours but must have only been a few minutes, his breathing leading your own sinking your body further into him.
This was heaven. This was paradise. You chests rising and falling together, Matt's hands holding you against him.
"What did you like most about the scene today?" Matt always liked to check in reletively soon after the scene while you were lucid, able to remember details and the intensity of it.
"Liked it all. Liked your hands all over my body, and how intense it felt. Liked when you were possessive and corrected me when I forgot to call you 'Sir.' Liked it when you," you were breathless trying to say each and every thing that happened, "when you, were mean to me a little bit. But just a little bit. Think I might cry if you were meaner."
"I liked touching you and being possessive and a little bit mean, too. I really liked watching you react to my words and redirection. You were like putty in my hands. I'm sure I could've gotten you to say whatever I wanted you to if I tried hard enough." Matt was sincere, focusing on every way your body moved and squirmed underneath him. "What do you think about the pillow fort?"
"Think it's the best thing ever. Matty best boyfriend ever!"
"I love you," He was smiling, pressing kisses all over your face before stopping to smile at you.
"I think I was also promised a movie." You spoke into Matt's skin.
"You're right. What do you want to watch? Movie? TV show? That ten hour long aquarium video I always catch you watching." He giggled.
"It's just so relaxing! But no, I want to watch a movie. Can we watch Wreck-It Ralph?" You pouted, looking at his smile.
"That sounds like a great idea. Can you pull it up?" He handed you the remote and you turned it on, finding it in your most recents.
You hit play on the movie and Matt placed a kiss on the top of your head.
The movie started after opening frames flashed in front of you, "My name's Ralph, and I'm a bad guy."
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turcott3 · 5 months
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main thing
kirby dach x fem! reader
warnings?: mild smut at the beginning, disgustingly tooth rottingly sweet fluff and cursing (i wrote this for myself and my delusions tbh)
~all i wanna do is spend my time with you, even when the learnings done and nothings new~
positions fics masterlist
“oh fuck.” you moan out. you could feel his bright blue eyes piercing your body as your eyes squeezed shut, an orgasm quickly approaching.
“so so good for me baby.” he coos as you collapse over his chest, feeling weak and shaky as your orgasm jolts through your body, hips stuttering as he coated your walls with his own high. you laid on his chest as you both breathed heavily.
“i love you so fucking much.” you say between breaths, pressing a sweet kiss to his jaw.
“i love you more.” he replies, delicately wrapping his arms around your weak body. you laid there for a moment inhaling his sweet scent with your eyes shut.
“baby, you gotta get up.” he giggles brushing your hair out of your face as you sat up slowly. you get up off of him, collecting his discarded shirt and pulling it on over your freshly-fucked body. it was moments like these that you felt the most beautiful. you learned very quickly that post sex glow is very real if you're with the right person.
you slid on your underwear and pulled the lazy brunette out of bed, forcing him to put sweatpants on and tugging him into the kitchen.
"y/n it's 11 pm."
"and i want a bowl of cereal with my boyfriend? i dont see the issue." you giggle as you pull the bowls out of the cabinet.
"fair." he replies emerging from the pantry with the box. this was your average night. you always see couples going out together and partying, which was fun in the beginning but you both quickly learned that both of you preferred staying home with each other. you were home bodies.
“hey baby.” he muffled with his mouth full.
“yeah.” you replied after you swallowed.
“you need your back rubs tonight? you didn’t get em last night.” he says finishing his bite.
“oh, you don’t have to it’s okay.” you reply, heart melting at the gesture. when you were younger, you dislodged a disk in your back during your solo. it had bothered you ever since. occasionally causing you intense pain and somehow, every show week you had he remembered. he’s spent the whole season out with and injury which was both a blessing and a curse. you loved that he was always at your beck and call but it broke your heart knowing that he had to miss an entire season of the one thing he’s most passionate about.
“you don’t seem relaxed, you seem stiff.” he replies which was the truth but most times it felt ,to you, like a burden on him.
“kirbs, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” you reply running your finger through his soft curls.
“no i do want to. i want to make sure you sleep so good tonight. you have a big show coming up baby. i can’t wait to see you look so fucking beautiful on that stage.” he smiles, kissing your cheek sweetly.
“okay.” you smile at the gesture, putting the bowls into the sink. you laid flat on your mattress, pulling the shirt up to your shoulders as his warm hands worked out the tightness of your muscles. you sighed as the pressure was lifted from your back and into thin air. you frowned as his hands left your back for the last time.
“feel better pretty girl?” he says lowly close to your ear and you hum in approval as he presses a soft kiss to your back. a ritual the two of you shared, kissing your “ouchies” better.
it could be all in your head, but it felt like the pressure of his kiss always solved your pain. physical, or emotional.
“thank you baby.” you smile sitting up as a relief washed over your body.
“of course.” he smiles back, kissing you sweetly on the lips. only a smile and a giggle breaking it apart.
“you ready for bed sleepy girl, you got a big rehearsal tomorrow.” he says as you tuck yourself into bed.
“oh definitely.” you yawn out as he joins you in bed. you roll over facing the boy who was already admiring you.
“sorry for staring.” he giggles.
“oh never apologize for that, i’m just as guilty.” you giggle as he pulls you to his chest snuggly.
“you’re just so gorgeous, my beautiful baby.” he whispers into your hair.
“stop.” you giggle turning red.
“what? am i not about to gloat about how lucky i am to be with someone as beautiful and talented and sweet and,”
“kirby.” you say sternly leaning up to his cheesy smile.
“what?” he giggles.
“not too much, you know me and compliments.”
“baby i already told you, you just need to say thank you, you do not have to compliment me back. just let me admire my gorgeous girlfriend.” he replies kissing you on the forehead as he speaks.
“thank you.” you smile.
“of course, you deserve it all baby,” he says placing his chin on the top of your head.
“goodnight my love.” he whispers
“goodnight handsome.” you giggle, pressing a short, sweet kiss to his lips.
the pet names practically made you sick to your stomach with sweetness but with time you grew to love them. you felt so lucky to have been chosen by a man like him. so effortlessly loving and generous.
“i love you.” he whispers, reaching to pull the lamp chain.
“i love you.” you reply as your eyes grow heavy at the sound of his heart thumping calmly in his chest.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
One thing that i love about Diavolo's character is the great Angst potential he has. He lived a life of privilege and luxury while growing up. But he had grown up sheltered within the walls of the palace as an only child. The demon king, his Dad, not only "left" him when he was young cuz he lost interest in ruling and instead decided to "slumber" at the bottom of the Devildom, i'm convinced that he blamed Diavolo for the loss of his Mother, since it's stated that she died after giving birth to him. So Diavolo didn't had the mentor that he needed when he was young until he met Barbatos. He doesn't show it, but he's lonely on the inside. He can't show this side to anyone since he's the future ruler of devildom. I can imagine, every day, he would gaze out of his window at the bustling streets below, filled with commoners going about their daily lives. Burdened with the weight of responsibility. He knew that one day, he would have to rule over his people and make decisions that would impact their lives.
Now imagine placing MC into the picture, and this is something that i haven't seen the fandom talk about, i believe that Diavolo and MC can't just date normally like how you would with the brothers. Firstly, he's a Demon Prince, and MC most likely is a human commoner. Their union would most likely be forbidden by the laws (council of demons) of both their worlds, and any offspring they might have would be shunned by both demons and humans alike. (It's even Canon in the original game that humans and demons can't get married).
So, despite the pain in his heart, Diavolo knew that he had to let Mc go. He couldn't bear to see them with another, but he also couldn't bear to see them unhappy because of him. He once said that he wants to put Mc in a cage and keep them for himself in one of his cards, but he decides against it because he knows it's not right.
So imagine, he didn't want to feel those things he felt, but no matter how hard he fought against them, his feelings for Mc just grew stronger. With a heavy heart, he knew that he would always be there for Them, watching over them and protecting them from afar. He watched in silence as Mc found love with another human, a kind and gentle soul who treated them with the love and respect they deserved. And so, restless Diavolo would watch the stars shining brightly in the night sky on his balcony as he whispered a silent prayer for the human he loved, his heart heavy with the weight of their forbidden love. And as he thought of Mc, a single tear rolled down his cheek, a silent testament to the love that would always remain between them.
What do you think??
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Damn, anon. Are you trying to break my heart????
Poor Dia! I'm pretty sure in the og he says that his father did blame him (or like... had issues with him because he reminded him of his mom or something along those lines). And he also talks about how he didn't really have anyone until Barb showed up.
I also think that the way he often expresses jealousy of the brothers having fun or being chaotic indicates that he wishes he had something similar. Likely because he's lonely.
But oh man, just having MC show up, but it makes it worse because he has to let them go?!? Watch them marry someone else??? Oh, the angst! The suffering!!
I mean, if MC stayed mortal, he'd have to deal with them dying eventually anyway, but at least he could potentially have memories of a life together with them. But in this scenario, all he has is the knowledge that MC was happy without him.
Anyway, I think you've got a really interesting set up here! And yeah, if you're going for angst, this scenario definitely delivers! Ouchies though 😭
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
can i please have a ghost x male reader fic based on bad habit by steve lacy. yeah. yueah. go on. fuck youj. fuck you you son of a fucking bitch,,. PENDEJO. ПИДОР СДОХНИ МАТЬ ТВОЮ ЕБАЛ ДЕДУШКУ НА ХУЮ ВЕРТЕЛ БАБУШКУ В ЖОПУ ЕБАЛ ВСЮ СЕМЬЮ В СТРАТОСФЕРУ ЗАПУСТИЛ СИЛОЙ СВОЕГО ХУЯ УЕБАН ТЫ БЕЗМОЗГЛЫЙ В ДЕТСТВЕ ГВОЗДИ ЗАБИВАЛИ БАШКОЙ ТВОЕЙ ЕБАНОЙ ЧТОБ ТЫ УМЕР
Never Gave Me Time of Day, My Dear - Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" Mactavish (implied) + Male! Sergeant! Reader
Very important side note about the request itself, everything said was a joke and wasn't genuinely meant as an insult to me. If anyone thinks it's okay to send me threats, insults, or slurs in my inbox that isn't my friend and expresses it as a joke will be blocked immediately
ehehe, I had too much fun with this, it's not super sad but it's just kind of...ouchie, anyways, enjoy more Bad Habit fics, I love making people cry <3
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Leaving his room in the barracks, (y/n) wasn’t paying attention to the world around him, too emotionally distraught. Of course, it was stupid of him to fall for his lieutenant, but he couldn’t help it, he was stern on and off the field, but was kind with (y/n), patient, and helpful with him too. Heading straight for one of the training rooms he put in his earbuds and played a random playlist, Bad Habit by Steve Lacy starting to play as he pulled the dummy out of the corner. Getting into a fighting stance (y/n) started to throw hits at the training dummy, the lyrics blasting in his ears as images of Ghost and Soap being cuddled up in the common room flooded his mind. “I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, could've made a move. If I knew I'd be with you, is it too late to pursue?” As the song continued to play, (y/n) could feel tears fill his eyes while things started to piece together in his head. All the times that Ghost would show up late to training and seem more flustered and sloppy during sparring…him leaving the common room the moment Soap would show up and barely even wave at him. 
“I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it, thought you were too good for me, my dear. Never gave me time of day, my dear. It's okay, things happen for reasons that I think are sure, yeah.” The tears gathering in his eyes started to spill as he kept punching and kicking at the dummy, his movements sloppy and fueled by anger and sadness. Was Ghost leading him on, on purpose? Was it a mistake or did the lieutenant mean to play with (y/n)’s heart like that? 
“I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me, I wish I knew, I wish I knew oh, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, Yeah, I wish I knew you wanted me, oh. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. Please say to me, please, just say to me. If you still want it I wish you wouldn't play with me, I wanna know, I wanna know.” His knuckles were surely bruised and splitting at this point but he couldn’t care less, only needing to get his anger out one way or another…(y/n) didn’t even know if it was anger at himself or anger at Ghost for leading him on.
“Can I bite your tongue like my bad habit? Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it? No, you're not too good for me, my dear, funny you come back to me, my dear. It's okay, things happen for reasons that I can't ignore, yeah. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me, oh.” Ghost stood in the doorway of the training room, hoping to come see (y/n) and train with him, but seeing the sergeant in such a distraught Ghost frowned behind his balaclava and left. He’d never seen (y/n) so…upset, so emotionally driven to go as far as hurting himself to relieve the anger. 
“You can't surprise a Gemini, I wish I knew. I'm everywhere, I'm cross-eyed, and, I wish I knew you wanted me. Now that you're back, I can't decide, I wish I knew. If I decide if you're invited, I wish I knew you wanted me. You always knew the way to wow me. Fuck around, get tongue-tied, and I turn it on, I make it rowdy. Then carry on, but I'm not hidin', You grabbin' me hard 'cause you know what you found. It's biscuits, it's gravy, babe.” (y/n) hadn't even known that Ghost had been in the training room, too focused on getting rid of the sinking feeling of his heart breaking…he really was a fool, a fool for falling in love with someone who was taken…someone he could never have.
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