#they see a lot of potential in me and think i'd b a good fit 4 several positions so.  YIPPIEEEEE
saintlesbian · 1 year
hiiiii i just had a really good job interview this morning so i am in a GREAT mood 2day ^_^ and now im really in the mood to draw so. I’m thinking i might stream l8r
also i wanted to do a 48 hour zine challenge so. im makin a lil sprina fanzine 4 fun lol... here’s a sketch i did 4 tha cover so far
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A Lack of Engagement Pt. 8: Save The Date
[Previous Part: Here. The final installment in the ALOE series. I am first and foremost a delighter in chaos. This is what happens when you let me write while ill.] Below the cut.
While the groundskeeper drags the lake closest to the docks for any signs of the giant dick that started this whole mess, Rain and Dew spend their afternoon digging holes and carefully planting the blueberry bushes Bea had entrusted to them.
It's a tedious job, especially since neither of them knows how best to approach the situation; Whether it's better to dig all the holes first, or simply dig them one at a time, but either way the task is distracting enough for the two of them to spend most of it working in near silence.
Rain digs the holes and Dew sets the plants into the ground, carefully covering the roots, his nails slowly becoming encrusted in soil.
They wind up making a loose circle, spacing the bushes out with room to grow, and by the time they finish and take a moment to stand back and admire their hard work, Bea's approaching them once more.
"Hm, good job." she nods approvingly, placing her hands on her hips, "I appreciate the help."
Rain smiles, then looks past the woman towards the docks, "How did the search go...?"
Bea scratches her fingers through the short hair on top of her head, glancing back over at the water herself.
"Well, there's definitely something in the water over there," she says, "but that's the thing; There's a LOT of things in the water by the docks."
She gestures for them to follow her, and they all find themselves standing on the edge of the dock, staring out over the water.
"The water here is relatively clear, so you can see the bottom pretty easily." she explains, "I didn't have to search long to find an abnormality, but..."
She points to several odd shapes in the silt below, "It's kind of a mess down there."
Rain frowns, the groundskeeper is right, there's all kind of debris in the water by the docks, and none of it really looks like what they're searching for.
"You said the statue you were looking for was made of metal, so I thought I could just sink a magnet on a line and see what it stuck to, but, then again, there's so much garbage down there... and I think y'all said the blasted thing was made of bronze, yeah?" She asks, and the pair nods, "Yeah, see, you can't use a magnet to find bronze, because the shit's not magnetic, well, not unless it has nickel mixed in-"
Bea cuts her rambling short and shakes her head.
"Anyway, point is, short of diving in there and having a look around, I can't really go in there and shift things around much more. Taking a net to the lighter debris is one thing, but I can't be hauling up anything heavy and potentially waterlogged manually." she sighs, "Personally, I'd have the Creature From The Black Lagoon over there-" she gestures loosely at Rain, "-take a dive and see if anything fits the bill."
"We appreciate the help either way, Bea." Rain says, "Sorry to take up so much of your time."
Bea shrugs, "Ehn, it's whatever. Besides, if I had known earlier how messy this area was, I'd have probably come out here sooner and organized a group to help sort out all of this..."
She places her hands on her hips.
"I'm going to talk to Copia about getting some machinery in so we can remove some of the larger bits from the water, but it'll probably take a while for that to happen, so..."
Rain hums.
"We'll figure something out in the meantime, go have your fun with Mountain already." he does a light shooing motion, "Just shout if he actually tries to kill you."
"Aw, so kind of you to think I'd have the time to scream if he really wanted me dead." Bea places a hand on her chest, "But yeah, I better get going, or he'll be upset... I did promise I'd let him make dinner afterwards..."
As Bea leaves with a bit of a skip to her step, Dew can't help but turn to look at Rain and mouth a simple, "What the fuck?"
"So a plan B is in order." Rain announces after surfacing for the fifth time, "I've found two car fenders, a large rock that looks like a penis, but was definitely a rock, and, like, three shopping carts at this point."
Dew kicks his feet in the water, "We have to order a giant purple dildo and send it to Limbo via express shipping?"
Rain pulls himself up onto the dock, "We have to order a giant purple dildo and send it to Limbo via express shipping."
"Man..." Dew flops backwards, sighing, "I was kind of hoping we'd find the dick, I kind of wanted to see that ridiculous thing again..."
"I mean, yeah, it was pretty funny to look at." Rain agrees, laying down next to him, "...Dew?"
"Yeah, Rainy?"
"Why do you think that dick showed up here in the first place?" he asks, turning his head to face Dew, who is already looking at him when he glances over, "Like, the sudden rumors, it just appearing and disappearing and all of that... It just feels... odd, you know?"
"Mn." the other ghoul thinks for a moment, "Well, strange things happen here all the time, it's just the nature of things, I suppose... I don't want to dismiss it's... oddness, but, I guess I've bore witness to a lot of weird shit over the years so this didn't really register high on the list."
"But it is weird, right?" Rain wonders aloud, "Touching that statue, winding up in that other... dimension? World? Whatever that was... and then traveling to Limbo, getting out of there so easily because we could bargain with the Toll Man... Hell, even Bea being willing to help us search the lake... it all feels too convenient to be real."
Dew reaches over and trails his fingers down Rain's side making him twitch slightly before letting out a yelp as Dew pinches his sensitive skin.
"Ow! Hey-"
"Well, we can rule out the idea that this isn't real or a dream." he chirps innocently, "But I get what you mean. It's like someone is guiding us somehow, and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that."
"Who do you think it is?" Rain asks, "Guiding us?"
"Honestly? It could be anyone." Dew says, sitting up again, "You said you heard the rumors about the dick from eavesdropping on the siblings, right?"
Rain nods.
"Well, the siblings all study the arcane arts, at least the ones living here in the abbey do. It wouldn't be hard for a couple of them to concoct some weird multi-dimensional, teleporting penis... no matter how fucking weird that sounds now that I'm saying it." he turns to look at the abbey in the distance, "Point is, whoever made it probably just wanted to test out the statue on some poor saps curious enough the try it out... Or ministry actually shelled out cash for a giant metal dick statue, but that doesn't feel like a Copia purchase to be honest."
"Definitely more of Terzo purchase," Rain chimes in, "or Ome-"
"Omega!" Dew gasps, "Why didn't I think to ask him before??"
"Omega manages the arts department! It's... kind of a holdover position from when Terzo was still around and they'd do 'still life nights' that were just an excuse to fuck each other covered in paint, but he's basically in charge of deciding what pieces go on display and which ones get vetoed or shipped elsewhere for viewing." Dew explains, "He'd know if the dick is still in the collection if it's not in the lake!"
"...Can we go back to the having sex covered in paint part?"
"What?" Rain pouts, "I'm a connoisseur of the arts myself... Also was that one of the instances where you and them..."
He brings two of his fingers together, then, after some thought, tries the same motion but with three instead.
"...I will admit that Terzo did occasionally school me on my... brushstrokes."
Rain whistles and Dew kicks him in the side lightly.
"C'mon, ya perv, let's go see Omega."
"...A giant metal dick?" Omega's mouth hangs open as he processes what Dew has said, "No... I don't think we have one of those. We do have a rather large, um, Georgia O'Keefe style statue that has a similar story to it, but it involved rubbing the clit and some people had a bit of a hard time finding the right spot to-Anyway. No, no large metal dicks."
"Aw, fiddlesticks." Dew snaps his fingers, "...Any idea where we can find the pussy statue by any chance?"
Omega eyes him wearily.
"No dice, huh?"
The older ghoul nods.
"Circling back," Omega says, waving his hand about dismissively, "you said you two held hands in front of this dick statue, rubbed it, wound up in another universe where you were married, then traveled through Limbo, came back here, had the groundskeeper -who is currently getting railed by Mountain, a detail I didn't need to know- search the lake and came up empty... which lead you to here, am I correct?"
Rain and Dew nod.
"Yeah, that's basically everything."
Omega leans back in his office chair, bringing his hands up in a prayerlike gesture.
"Boys, have you been eating out of Lucifer's cabbage patch...?"
"Lucifer's... Are you asking if we're high??" Dew balks, "Omega, it's a Monday! I'd at least wait until Tuesday-"
"Professionally, no..."
Rain clears his throat, "We're being serious, Omega. We experienced something really weird, and now we're kind of... It lead to some... emotions. So we just... we want to confirm that it, ya know, actually happened, and also we kind of sort of promised a ten foot tall demon in Limbo that we'd send him back something he could ride, and the giant metal dick that started all of this seemed like the obvious choice."
"Ten foot tall demon in Limbo..." Omega looks between Rain and Dew, "...Dewcifer Maurice Drop, if you're telling the truth, did you-"
"Fuck the Toll Man again? No, not this time."
Rain throws his hands in the air, "He knows about that, but you never told me-"
Omega holds up his hand, "As a medical professional and a man of science, I needed to know how-"
Dew slaps his hands down on the desk.
"He can shrink down!"
As the sun finally begins to dip below the horizon, Dew, still reeling from their conversation with Omega, lets out a sigh as he and Rain fall onto the couch in the ghouls' common room.
"Well... we're back at square one." he says, letting his body sag into the cushions, "...Can you get me my laptop?"
"Gonna order the dildo for the Toll Man?" Rain asks, "You sure you don't want to wait and see if the metal dick doesn't show up somewhere?"
"Nah, let's just... We're the only people that seem to know that thing exists. I'm tired, and I have a giftcard that expires soon, so... Two birds, one stone. Laptop, please." he shrugs, "Oh, and my reading glasses!"
"Aye, aye, Captain." Rain salutes him and Dew rolls his eyes, smiling softly as the other walks away.
As soon as Rain returns, Dew opens up his laptop and clicks on a pinned link below his search bar.
"...You just have this site on quick access?" Rain's eyes grow wide as he takes in a barrage of colorful sex toys in some... unconventional shapes and sizes, "On your unlocked laptop no less?"
"If anyone opens my laptop without my permission and the worst they see is a bunch of penises than I think it's fine." Dew says, pushing up his reading glasses as he scrolls through their options, "This isn't even my main computer... Anyway, let me know if you see anything you want."
"...You're gonna buy me a dildo?"
"Or a vibe or one of those stroker things, whatever your perverted heart desires, I'm feeling strangely generous."
After a bit of searching, and spending way too long customizing not one, but two absurdly large sex toys, Dew carefully inputs the details on the gift card and confirms his purchases...
...Just in time for Swiss to walk in dragging a certain metal dick in what is effectively the ghouls' front door.
"You guys will NOT believe what I found-"
Rain and Dew exchanges looks.
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calypsolemon · 9 months
I'm curious, wdyt about Imperium now that s1 is over? I asked a similar question when part 1 aired, but I wanna see if you've changed your mind. Ik a critique you held was that Ninjago never seems to go too far with exploring anything like this (and with MotM I recall you mentioned smth ab not liking the "one bad king" thing, so I'm also asking b/c recently Doc did confirm Imperium was still a bad place before Beatrix, it's just she made it worse) so do you like how they handled Imperium? Or do you think there was more they could've done?
I have my own minor nitpicks but overall I feel like it subverts a lot of other media (and also previous installments of Ninjago) by having Imperium's totalitarian/fascist nature be a more deep-rooted issue than just one evil ruler. (Also love how they didn't just have every single person turn on the Empress, and Sora's parents remained scummy. It's more realistic lol, and if anything MORE people should've been pro-Empress I feel.)
Well I don't know if I'd say my opinion has "changed" so much as "evolved now that we actually have the full context of the season," since last time I answered an ask about this it was when we only had half of it.
To be honest I would still stand by my assessment that ninjago never really goes too far irt digging into like harmful social structures and whatever, and I don't really expect it to. It's just not that kind of show, and that's fine. I also stand by my criticism that it should have been... a little harder for Sora to become disillusioned with Imperium to the extent that she did? But I will give with further context it makes a lot of sense that she empathized with a caged creature being tormented quickly, since we now understand her parents really did not ever care for her beyond her use as a way to gain prestige.
That being said, I think overall Imperium improved LEAPS and bounds over Shintaro. Mainly because, as you said, its clearly been bad for a long time because of a longstanding, corrupt ruling class, rather as the result of one shitty ruler. If anything, I kind of admire it for letting me be right about Beatrix not seeming very fit for her position, and in fact I think thats one of the more interesting aspects of the season and what it has to say about Imperium's philosophy; A society that functions in such a cultlike, controlling fashion will inevitably breed deeply jealous, prone-to-violence, but ultimately ignorant people who will fumble the power they hold in disastrous ways. Beatrix's betrayal of her family to gain hold of the throne basically doomed Imperium to crumble the moment anyone was willing and able to push back.
It is also definitely good that there's not a universal acceptance of the loss of Imperium, especially considering the distrust sewn was more towards Beatrix than towards Imperium as a whole. (If I'm honest, I think the "beatrix spills everything live on camera" bit was a little goofy even if its the most efficient way to get a big turnaround in the general populace, but what is ninjago if not goofy). Realistically I think there would be a significant chunk of Imperium citizens who would disown Beatrix but still regard their past emperor in a godlike fashion, and attempt to rebuild the society as it was at some past point. I don't really know that the show will continue to explore much else about Imperium and potential pushback against change but the fact that I'm unsure rather than POSITIVE it will never get back to it is a big plus for me (thank GOD for DR actually having cross-season plotlines!!!!).
Overall I like most of what they did, its not prestige television but its the best ninjago's ever been with social commentary and that pleases the cal.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
I sent a very similar ask to bird-inacage, so sorry if you see this twice. But I have been looking for someone to flail at this about and I thought of you both because I like your SandRay takes! I was thinking about the two clips from next week's preview and also the fight in Sand's apartment from the trailer and I have a theory for how I would like it to go down. What I am hoping will happen (but I am doubtful because when has this show ever given Ray and Sand the least painful option?) is: After Sand shuts down Ray's friendship request after he and Mew enter their boyfriend era, and then Ray has his little jealous fit at the party, Ray goes to Sand's place to try to talk him into maintaining their current dynamic with the intention of keeping Sand on the hook, because the way Sand treats him makes him feel good. Maybe he even whips out that "If you're my friend you must take care of me in every way" line again? Sand finally draws a line with the "Do you think I have no dignity?" line from the OST and lays out that he wants a boyfriend or nothing. Which leads to Ray having another jealousy/entitlement-fuelled meltdown and hitting back that he doesn't want to be Sand's boyfriend and his life is going down the toilet since he met Sand anyway and honestly probably calls him a whore again because he is currently committed to being The Worst. Anyway, as painful as that would be, I hope it happens before Mew inevitably drops him, because it would give us a) Sand having a backbone, which I have missed and b) a nice ironic foundation for when Sand's ex eventually shows up and Ray gets to have a full-bore jealous meltdown over it and hopefully actually take a good hard look at his feelings and choices for once.
Hi! Thank you for the compliment--being at all compared to @bird-inacage is an enormous compliment in and of itself :)
As far as your theory goes: yes, I definitely think the SandRay apartment fight will be easier to move past the sooner it happens. I'm kind of at odds with myself, because while I find Ray's possessiveness of Sand very toxic, it also makes for a lot of juicy drama AND the potential for him to finally come to terms with why he feels so possessive at all. At the same time, I desperately need Sand to put his foot down like you said. It seems like Sand has been fighting for Ray this entire time, but I want Ray to fight for Sand.
What this all boils down to is whether or not Ray sees Sand as more than a distraction. I'd argue that he does, based on all of the development we have seen between the two of them thus far that goes beyond Sand's caretaking behavior. There's a foundation there, and I think that's easy to overlook with this whole RayMew cloud hanging over us. In other words: it's easy to believe Ray doesn't care about Sand now that he has Mew, but beneath all of his arrogance and selfishness, I think Ray does care. And I'm gonna go with that until I'm proven wrong, for my own sanity, haha.
Your theory makes me wonder where the last bathtub scene fits in?:
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Because they appear to be in an okay-place here, holding hands and all, so I wonder if we'll see that before the big apartment fight? Hopefully it comes after. And the 'I won't let you walk away' scene at the school...I go back and forth between thinking that scene comes before the apartment fight or after.
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All in all, I really like that theory and think we could see a sequence of events that follows that pretty closely, though knowing the writers they will give us maximum heartbreak. We are not safe from part 4/4--everything bad seems to go down there. Ray will likely run after Sand next ep as soon as he thinks his hold on Sand is slipping, but that'll only lead to more arguments between them. It's the perfect opportunity to Sand to stand up for himself like he did in Ep4.
Finally, what's the deal with Ray calling Sand a whore anyway? I understand it's a dirty insult, but it's ironic coming from him, who offered to pay Sand to sleep with him (which he very clearly refused) and has been the one instigating their sexual relationship ever since. But maybe that's the point.
Anyways, I love reading theories, particularly hopeful ones (I need some of that right now lol), so thank you for thinking of me! :)
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OPLA episode 3 - first impressions
Yeah, the fangirl in me is still screeching. SPOILERS AHEAD.
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Again, the Romance Dawn Trio never ceases to amaze me with their mutually bickering attitude. While you can tell that Zoro is generally wary of Nami and they're both not exactly trusting each other - they still are pretty similar in terms of agreeing on plans. And in regards to facepalming over Luffy. Our boy is still rocking the main-character-card of giving encouraging speeches, all smiles, optimistic and oblivious - and the other two are basically just reacting along with the audience. It's pretty great. The cringe is real, it's self-aware and I am enjoying every second of it.
I'm gonna repeat my question from the last episode - why is every single encounter between Zoro and his (potential) opponents so incredibly... homoerotic? Not that I am complaining, I actually enjoy that framing VERY much, but I did not expect it to be so obvious. The subtext very much sounded like he was referring to a gay bar and I found that hilarious (whoever it was that said Luffy represents "aroace", Nami "lesbian", Usopp "straight" and Zoro "gay" was truly onto something. "You're asking the wrong guy", YOU DON'T SAY). Also, the glances he gives Luffy ALL THROUGHOUT the episode speak for themselves too. Boys are getting closer........
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Luffy in general reacts like a puppy to literally everyone, Nami, Zoro, Usopp alike.
I still absolutely ADORE the fashion scene, it was so silly and yet so in-character for everyone; Nami being so done with everything (and never picking oversexualized dresses, I mean, yes, we know she is covering up her arm, but STILL, you go, girl!), Luffy just being "Wear whatever you like, you will always be Nami to me", oblivious, Zoro being an edgy b*tch and STILL picking what Nami chose for him, even though it wasn't even black. Amazing.
The little nod towards Nami's backstory was nicely done; she's obviously (and understandably) holding grudges against people who have money, harbouring her prejudices due to her experiences with a lot of bitterness ("Rich people don't think like we do!"), saying that materialistic things don't have meaning beyond making them feel important... And then her face crumbles when she hears that the dress she eventually chose belonged to Kaya's late mother. You can see how everything falls apart - and she IMMEDIATELY gets nicer towards Kaya. I think that was beautifully done. And the bonding between them was overall very sweet, all of it was a direct mirror. And a bit gay too.
The Go scene was unexpected, but very nicely done. The metaphor of playing to succeed vs. playing not to lose is a very important one and it makes me happy that they spend so much time developing the relationship between Garp and Koby while showing his development. And generally, just... Man, I adore that kid. He deserves good things.
Usopp is overall well portrayed, I'd argue that they could have exaggerated him even more, but his overall demeanour is fitting for him. Unfortunately, he did not get too much focus yet, but his motivations and general character beats are coming off nicely and I really felt those tears in the end. :'(
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mikodrawnnarratives · 9 months
Now that I've released the fic, I figured might as well post this little snippet of me blurping out some writing to figure out how I was going to write Nova and Evie's dynamic and where they'd be similar and different
It's heavily my headcanons and my interpretations of the text we've been given of Maggie and how the two of them interact in canon vs how they eventually interacted in my fic
Was trying to figure out mainly how to get Nova from point A to point B in terms of sympathizing with Maggie, while keeping Maggie as best in character as I could while simultaneously adding characterization I felt would fit
I'll stress that these are BLURBS and since I haven't edited this, it isn't always adjectives and descriptors I'd say fit the best. Lots of keeping things black and white rather than morally gray. Not necessarily because their situation is black and white, but more I was jotting my thoughts down and how I'd make things work
Not everything perfectly aligns with the end fic, but might be interesting addition to read for anyone interested
ig character study? But not polished and edited cleanly:
Nova wanted what she thought was best but stayed on the wrong side
She always thought it was the good side
Evie focused on herself, sticking to the side of good
She always thought the renegades were flawed
Nova defended her close ones till the end. Had a hard time accepting new friends
Evie brushed everyone away. And when the only one that mattered died, she crumpled.
Evie stuck to the side of good since there was some inspiration to do some good. Full in the gaps of her past, pretending to be selfless. Callum was the true selfless one. He saw how Evie was tired of having hope that she'll connect back to her roots.
He encouraged a new purpose for her and she ignored it
And now she can only do what she thinks is best. Stop pretending.
Nova and Evie lost the person that knew them best
Both were on the wrong side.
Both have been hurting
Nova felt like her past actions were a permanent mark on the renegades if she joined.
She wanted to leave but keep in touch. Do good but isolate herself
After all she's done for the person that ruined her life.
But that person also saved her life and knew her best
She could have been to her family's funeral if she hadn't gone with Ace. Made sure her sister's body was found and given a proper send off
She should have noticed the intentions of other anarchists and prevented bloodshed
She should fully pay for her actions. She's failed to avenge her family
But people wanted Nova around. They loved her.
Nova's heart was in the right place and now she can make a change with the support she needs
Evie has been "selfish" in order to survive. She's been alone. She had to give up hope for someone else to come in and name her
Joining the Renegades could have been the Anarchists without Callum who saw her potential
She thought she could try history/artifacts. Look for herself to fix herself
She didn't focus on others
Callum knew her more than anyone. He was selfless. She was not.
Now he's dead. Evie doesn't believe she can be selfless, so may as well fit into the category she belongs. 
And at the very least she can uphold her choice with the realization that the renegades are more corrupt than she thought. No one was as selfless as Callum. They should admit it like she did.
She's been making an effort to isolate herself for so long to protect herself
She's only eleven [Edit: This changed when I figured out timeline stuff. She turns thirteen in the fic]. She hasn't healed. She hasn't had a real family. Ironically something Nova had with the Anarchists
Nova and Evie are two sides of the same coin. Noble intentions on the side of evil and Selfish intentions on the side of good
The bad died for Nova to realize to join the "good"
The good died for Evie to split to the "bad"
Evie hates herself
Nova hates herself
Evie is thirteen years old
Nova's eighteen 
Nova can't fully relate to Evie. But she does see herself in Evie when she talks about the hypocrisy in the renegades. Feeling hurt
But when Evie talks about aligning herself to the side she fits. Nova remembers her discussion with Leroy.
With support, Evie could reach out again. Callum saw potential in Evie. Evie wants to connect again. 
With support, Nova got friends. On a path to actual happiness and resolution to avenging her family.
Nova sees a hurting girl, mad at the world for what it's done.  
Maggie doesn't believe she [Nova] gets it. She had family in the anarchists
Nova talks about the disconnect she felt too. Even now she can't get everything back, her sister's corpse never found
Maggie listens for once
Nova continues about how she's been selfish in her deceit, not so different from Maggie except Maggie's only cunning was her sticky fingers. Maggie was clear she didn't want people to get close while Nova manipulated the situation
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7, 16, and 20 for the meta writer asks!
First off, please know my initial response to this was HNRGH. I love meta-talk, baybee.
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
I use a lot of lists in my writing, particularly when characters are thinking things through. This is because I personally do this while thinking. Josefin helped point this out to me - we were editing a chapter I'd written for our project and she pointed out there were three lists in eight pages. Whoops.
I also think a hallmark of mine is writing around the point. I need to go from A to B, I'm reminded of C as I write A so it goes A - long digression to C - back to B.
Recently I've also caught myself finishing a story with enforced outsider perspectives - articles about the final event, blurbs of a book written after they get back together - so I want to stick to in-the-moment storytelling for my next one.
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
I'm trying to write longer form. Typically my fics are like 5 pages a chapter, longer if it's a oneshot, but my latest one is hovering at 50 pages and we've just started chapter 4 (potentially - i want to chop it up after the writing to see how it fits best).
I've also gone a little more serious with it! Comedy is fun to write, but I've not felt up to writing a caper in a little while (wedding planning as we hurtle towards the last few months of prep is STEPPING UP) so it's kind of a relief to write this story and go 'y'know, gold vs clear plinths for aisle florals is not as big of a deal as (plot of story)'.
(I really hate the clear plinths. Not the vibe.)
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
In Ghosted one of the things I was really proud of was how Alex went through his own personal five stages. If the classic ones are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, he first denied it was even possible for him to come back; got furious (mainly wirh Zahra) when he thought she'd lied, bargained with Henry's prone body, got depressed about it, and then accepted both seeing his family and that he was definitely going to become alive again.
I've always been morbid and really fascinated by death so please expect more gloomy goodness.
In Red, White and Royal Ballet I had lots of fun with the ballet references. Alex's fear of the character parts, which get pulled out of a hat but you're not there for their feats of dancing - look at the clog dance from La Fille mal gardée and you'll see technical skill but none of the showstopping jumps he wants to do as the leading men.
Ballet is also a very -ist institution. Alex doesn't 'look the part' of the prince. You know who 100% does? Henry, and there's symbolism in how he rejected a place with his grandmother after seeing how it hurt Bea - an abdication of sorts.
There's also the fact that Alex performs quite a lot in tragic ballets before Henry comes along! Giselle, La Bayadère, Mayerling are all cryfests with a lot of death. It's why it's important there's no deaths at the end!
Thank you for the asks very much, I had a lovely time answering :)
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quirkwizard · 3 years
This may be a complicated ask, so there's no need to fill it, but if you had to rank 1-B's Quirks from what you want most, to least, what would be your list?
Why thank you for your consideration. Rest assured, this wasn't too much of an issue.
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Cemedine: Not only is this a pretty weak Quirk, in that it is good at what it does and not much else, but what really kills it for me is the mutation. I wouldn't want my head to be replaced by whatever Bendo has going it.
Gyrate: I do think that this Quirk has a lot of potential in the right hands, especially with the right mindset and equipment. I also think that I wouldn't be that person since I would prefer to be more hands off in a fight and this Quirk offers little else.
Mushroom: I can't see a lot of ways for me to use this Quirk. Could I cover people with poisonous mushrooms or fill my opponent's lungs with spores? Sure, but since I'm not a sociopath, I wouldn't be exactly want to subject other people to that.
Weld: A neat power, but too hands on for my tastes. It could have some neat uses, but it would require me to get into the thick of things without much in the way of protection. Then again, I could always make cool works of art by welding metal together.
Razor Sharp: Not only is this Quirk mostly good for combat, but it's going to be really hard to not hurt someone with a power like this. I don't want to be responsible for accidently carving up my enemy like a turkey. Maybe I could be a rescue hero with it or something.
Solid Air: Just seems more annoying to deal with then it is worth. Sure, making stuff out of your own breath is a cool power, but it seems too inconvenient with the drawbacks and lackluster in application that there isn't much to gain from it.
Scales: A very meh Quirk for me. It's got some decent range and defense, which I do like in what it offers me as a fighter, but it doesn't offer much else. Once again, this is a Quirk exclusively good for combat. It's nothing to write home about in any way.
Horn Cannon: While I do really like this Quirk and do think that I could make it work, I wouldn't want to deal with the day to day hassle of having it. Like I'm someone who is already just barely missing light fixtures, having giant horns would make this a nightmare.
Softening: Again, like "Horn Cannon", I enjoy this Quirk, but I don't think I'd be a good fit for it. "Softening" is a Quirk that desperately needed someone like Juzo to make it work. Someone's who's really quick on their feat and a strong sense of leadership.
Big Fist: It's sort of in the same boat as "Gyrate", but it has more uses outside of close quarters combat, like using it to move debris or throw things at people. Plus I really like the mental image of just picking up a whole person like a ragdoll.
Comic: A difficult one for me to pin down since we're only shown bits of it. It seems like it'd have some fun applications and the drawback doesn't seem to back, but we don't know the limits of the power. So I'm just going to put it in the middle of all of this.
Twin Impact: While a very combat focused Quirk, I do think this offers a lot more uses that would be fun to play around with. There could be plenty of fun ways to expand on it's uses just by trapping objects with an impact or throwing multiple objects at people.
Steel: While a pretty simple combat Quirk, it's ranked higher because it can actually protect me in combat and has drawbacks that I could more easily deal with compared to the other ones. Just got to pull a Popeye each morning and eat my spinach and I am good to go.
Vines: Another Quirk that would offer me a lot, both in terms of how I want to fight in combat and how much it could help with small stuff. It has some of the same issues as "Horn Cannon" in terms of day to day issues, but I think they'd be easier to handle.
Copy: While this isn't exactly a Quirk I would want, I do think I could be really good with it. Not only because I think about all the minute and detail of how Quirks can be used, but I think I could pull off Monoma's usually scheme of annoying people into his range.
Black: For one, this fits what I think I would be as a fighter, being a hands off support fighter then a main combatant. I could have a lot of fun coming up with weird ways to trip people up or come up with bizarre day to day convivences with a power like this.
Beast: Unlike a lot of the other combat Quirks, this varies a lot what I could do in combat and gives me some extra uses outside of it with the enhanced senses. What's more is that I really feel like I could handle the drawback of being too excitable.
Size: Even though we don't know much about how it works, I would easily want a Quirk like this. Again, it leans more heavily into support and non-combative roles. And being able to almost anything I want into the pocket version of it would certainly be amazing in terms of utility.
Lizard Tail Splitter: While I could just be favoritism talking, as this is one of my favorite Quirks to come out of 1-B, I think that the sheer versatility of this Quirk would make anyone want it. It could do pretty well in almost any role. And being able to regenerate on top of all is certainly a great bonus.
Poltergeist: An easy winner for me. Having the power to move objects with your mind is such a fun power and would offer so much to me as it's user. Whether in be in life or death situations or day to day dealings, I struggle of ways to think about how a Quirk like this can't be used.
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Rune translations and Bottom theories (I did my best!) (: It's long! I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG!!!! You've been warned. (Potential TWs below the cut) yeah Hyoga doesn't have a good time here.
I should probably start calling Hyoga "Hyouga" instead since I'm pretty sure it's spelled with a 'U'... but I probably won't. Apologies.
Bottom English translation by Tackmyn Y! (I can't speak Japanese, again, apologies, though I was able to make my own version of Autophagy)
Potential TWs (I dont want to harm anyone by going on this rant): Autophagy (medical terms), nightmares, demons tormenting a guy, Hyoga being unhealthy in more ways than one, mentions of death/murder, self esteem issues, mentions of destructive behavior, manipulation, violence.
Yeah, my boy Hyoga ain't having a good time in this theory.
I feel the need to clarify that this is all speculation. So uh. Everything here is just what I've been thinking about since I hopped into this rabbit hole.
Sinfan (I'm not sure what order they go in, it's quite hard to tell):
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"Something with shape"]
I'm not fully sure what "something with shape" means, but there's a possibility that Sinfan could be referring to Hyoga, (a doll/wax figure) or maybe that Sinfan needs something with a shape to be able to exist. Sinfan could need a vessel to stay on the mortal plain and go undetected while staying alive.
Sinfan needs a vessel. And with that thought, it launches into indecipherable theory crafting.
Hyoga summoned Sinfan when he was 12 years old. Thinking he found a vessel, he called upon Pabometh, another grey demon, to help torment Hyoga so the two could get their wish.
Hyoga, at the time, is young, dumb and susceptible to manipulation, meaning it could be easy for Sinfan to grasp the situation with an iron grip which follows Hyoga into adulthood.
"Revival" could also be referring to "Rebirth," symbolized by a butterfly. It could also mean that Sinfan/Pabo has the powers to revive people. Maybe as a last resort if they need it.
In Hiiragi Kirai's album trailer on Youtube, Hyoga shows up in a scene with 'D' and 'B' in calligraphy on each cheek. They could mean "Death" and "Birth" respectively.
Lines from Autophagy:
"I just wants a peaceful life." Likely means Hyoga wants the demons gone so he can live how he wants to. (Who wouldn't?)
"The voice inside my head? Huh... how odd." Also implies that the demons are still with him.
"My body pulses, memories from my past bringing pain." Means that in Autophagy, Hyoga remembers his past, but it hurts him.
""You can't avoid it in life, so it's best to just deal with it." You say, but you dont seem bothered." Is most likely Sinfan talking to Hyoga. It could also mean that Hyoga can't avoid the demons, so he should just deal with it.
"I can't stop now, so pretend nothing happened!" Could be Hyoga trying to ignore the demons, or maybe he did something he shouldn't have. (Always knew those were prison tattoos...)
"I want to wash my skull out! I want to say bye bye! But yet I didn't do it..." Could mean that the demons are still with him in Autophagy and likely still tormenting him.
"I won't stop, I can't look back." Might mean Hyoga is trying to move on, but with the demons still in his head, he can't, so the "Let me forget!" after the instrument solo might be him wishing that he never remembered in the first place and trying to get the demons to take them away again.
"Just stay away from me!" Could be Hyoga distancing himself from everyone he knows, or trying to get the demons to go away.
"Hello! HAHAHAHA Hello! HAHAHAHAHA!" Might be Hyoga as he slowly loses his remaining sanity due to constant tormenting and pressure from the demons.
"A A A A- 'Allo/Allow/Arrow" could all imply different things, so I'll give a short on all of them.
"'Allo!" Is just an abbreviation of "Hello."
"Arrow!" -According to a quick google search- is a common symbolism for peace and philosophical ideas, and used for protection and hunting. It could mean that Hyoga just wants peace and quiet, which is enforced by "I just want a peaceful life." in the beginning.
"Allow!" Could mean that the demons are trying even harder to bend him to their will and take him over as a vessel. They want Hyoga to allow them to posses him so they can do whatever they please.
Pabo only has 2 that I can see:
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"Save (?)ime"]
It might be "time" but I couldn't make out the rune symbol there.
"Nightmare" hardens my thought that Bottom is just a massive nightmare set up by the demons to torment Hyoga, that the song is sung from the perspective of one of the demons (likely Pabo), and that Young Hyoga(tm) in the video is Pabometh playing the part of his repressed/forgotten memories.
This is all assuming the song is, infact, sung by the demons.
Lines from Bottom:
"You're keeping me alive! Today, today, you're killing me!" Could go both ways (Pabo/Sinfan and Hyoga) For Pabo it could just be another variation of the next line I'm about to talk about.
For Hyoga it could mean that he wouldn't be able to function if he didn't have the demons (Sinfan might posses him to make him fit in so nobody notices, keep him from dying from mortal wounds, and he's lived with them so long he might not know what to do without them), but with them he's slowly tearing himself apart from the inside out due to their constant tormenting. Metaphorically or literally is anyone's guess at the moment.
"Autophagy" (his songs name) is a medical term for "self eat" which normally happens when your body is starved, so it eats it's own cells to survive as long as it can. It can also correlate to certain diseases. Autophagy in these terms might also be referring to emotions. It's possible he's been stewing in any sort of negative emotions to cause such effects. (I.E: Guilt, fear, self worth issues,) which could make his resolve weaker, making it easier for Pabo and Sinfan to torment him/possess him. The longer it goes on, the closer he could be to self destructing.
"A wax figure/a doll is keeping me alive/killing me." Is more related to the demons in my eyes. "Wax figure/a doll" is likely referring to Hyoga. Hyoga could be their only tie to the mortal realm, (Sinfan being more prominent because he was summoned first, and by Hyoga himself.)
It could also mean that they need to inhabit his mind/body in order to survive and make it easier to torment Hyoga. If they both are in Hyoga's mind 24/7 while he suffers from nightmares (which cause lack of sleep, keeping his body in a perpetually weak state), no self worth, and a fragile mental state ("I wanna keep you out of my fragile mind!") while he tears himself apart, it would mean it would be harder to stay with him without something happening.
Due to that, it's likely that the very thing keeping them alive and in the mortal realm is also killing them at the same time.
It may be worth mentioning that a line in Bottom is "You think you're a god to me?" while 9lore translated Rinen's (Möbius') tattoo on his chest, which reads "Be still and know that I am god." It could a a coincidence, but I thought I'd mention it just in case (:
Throughout the entire song the demons are mocking and belittling Hyoga. (I.E: "Defying all logic, you're nothing but evil." "You're so stupid! You scumbag, scumbag, scumbag!") Most of the angry rant type of thing happens when Young Hyoga (tm) is on-screen. (It could be a tactic to make Hyoga not want to remember/manipulate his memories/tear down his resolve even more/or just plain upset him.)
"I mean, who, who, who are you?" It's been made clear that for the longest time (according to WOOMA) Hyoga didn't even remember his own name. "Who are you?" might be Pabo trying to get into Hyoga's head and make him question his own sanity.
"What the hell are you to me?" Implies that Pabo also want Hyoga to question why Pabo is here. Sinfan was summoned by Hyoga, but Pabometh was likely summoned by Sinfan to help tear down Hyoga. That means the two don't have much history, and Hyoga most likely doesn't know why Pabo is here for awhile.
It's "you to me" instead of "me to you" so Pabo could also be trying to get Hyoga to try and notice him in a positive way so that the nightmares stop. I'll expand on that some more a few (a lot) of paragraphs down.
"Inside my heart is- such a rage! Such a rage! So I'll grab you, grasp you, and crush you flat!" Is a line I find interesting. It also leads directing into another line; "The symptom of the unforgettable emotion is my burning intent to murder, which is absolutely right." Pabo would likely be talking about Hyoga, which implies that if he could, Pabo would murder Hyoga himself, but since the "wax figure" is needed to keep both him and his accomplice, Sinfan, alive, he can't.
It also implies that Pabo is extremely angry with Hyoga, for a reason I can't particularly pinpoint, except maybe for the fact that Hyoga's becoming more and more unstable and not safe for Pabo and Sinfan. The only problem is, it's Pabo and Sinfans fault he's like that. They're the ones that chose Hyoga as a vessel while simultaneously destroying him.
However, it's possible that Pabo's aim was to devoid Hyoga of anything and everything, (I.E: memories, emotions, etc. etc.) so that he was just that: a vessel. But with Hyoga being so destructive to himself, the whole plan could have gone awry and Pabo's only thought was how furious he was at Hyoga for messing up his chance to be in the mortal realm undetected for good, meaning he wishes he could destroy Hyoga and just get it over with so him and Sinfan could wait until someone else summoned them so they could take advantage of that.
""How deplorable you are! How deplorable you are!"" Is a line that has a chance of Hyoga himself having said it due to it having quotes on it. It also implies that he he could be fighting back, so his resolve might not crushed completely. However, a show of strength like that would likely just enrage Pabometh even more than he already is. It also doesn't help the positive impression he wants Pabo to have of him.
"You're involving yourself with me again like a clingy, clingy neighbor!" Sounds like Pabo, again, insulting Hyoga. If we go off of another part of this fever dream I've cooked up, (Hyoga not knowing what to do without the demons, but with them destroying himself), sounds like Pabo doesn't want to be with Hyoga anymore, going as far as hating him so much he's festering in it.
The "again" makes it sound like Hyoga's tried to communicate with them more than once, being unsuccessful each time. Hyoga could be trying to latch onto them, either to take them down with him or trying to get the nightmares to stop. Like I said, for a while Hyoga could have been trying to get positive attention and make Pabo like him.
"The low-end is going to manipulate me." Could be Pabo addressing that he knows what Hyoga was trying to do and calling him out for it.
"Brimming with momentary anger, rot away quickly, quickly, quickly!" Again, Pabo is talking about his burning hatred for Hyoga.
"I'm always losing! How, how dare you!" Implies that even with all the nightmares and torment, Hyoga has just enough willpower to keep Pabo from getting his wish, angering him even more.
And finally, a line from Autophagy:
"Oh, rise seeds of evil, bursting with malice!" Might be Hyoga finally giving into the demons and becoming their vessel if they take away his painful memories and stop hurting him.
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["-r Guide(A) N(?)E A(?)R"
"The ability to know wh-"
"Grant me the power to be strong in spirit-"
"Grant me the wisdom to understand-"]
With it over Pabo, it's possible that this was the one that summoned Pabo instead of Sinfan, although with it also under Hyoga, it could be Sinfan's. Who knows, it might also be boths.
In the ending scene with the pentagram, the colors of the other songs are visible, meaning that it's possible all of them are connected.
(I could go on for hours about the small loopholes that I think mean all the songs are connected in specific ways. Either way I know they're all from the same universe.)
With all their colors on it, it might mean they all have a demon of their own.
I'm still working slightly on the pentagram, I'll probably keep ya updated if I can find out what the rest of it says (:
If anyone can find the full version (preferably readable) of the pentagram, that'd be lovely (if it even exists)
(If you find more runes in "Bottom" or another Hiiragi song I'd be happy to see if I can translate it (: I'm not very good though, and I can't speak Japanese-)
English translation of Bottom used by: Tackmyn Y (I don't know where you are but you're a lifesaver)
Find any spelling errors, let me know! I'll see if I can fix 'em (:
If you read this far, what're you doing??
Have an absolutely amazing day!!! <3
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 5
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(Y/n)'s POV
I have weird dreams full of barnyard animals. Most of them wanted to kill me. The rest wanted food.
I must've woken up several times, but what I hear and see makes no sense, so I just pass out again. I remember lying in a soft bed and spoon-fed something that tasted like (Favorite/Food), only it's like pudding. The girl with curly blond hair hovers over me, smirking as she scrapes drips off my chin with the spoon.
When she sees my eyes open, she asks, "What will happen at the summer solstice?"
"What?" I manage to croak.
She looks around, as is afraid someone would overhear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"
"I'm sorry," I slur, "I don't . . ."
Somebody knocks on the door, and the girl quickly fills my mouth with the pudding.
. . .
The next time I wake up, the girl is gone.
A husky blond dude, like a surfer, stands in the corner of the bedroom keeping watch over me. He has blue eyes - at least a dozen of them - on his cheeks, his forehead, the backs of his hands.
When I come around for good, there is nothing weird about my surroundings, except they are nicer than I am used to. I am sitting in a deck chair next to Percy - who was looking at me with concern - on a huge porch, gazing across a meadow at green hills in the distance. The breeze smells like strawberries. There is a blanket over my legs, a pillow behind my neck. All that is great, but my mouth feels like a scorpion had been using it for a nest. My tongue is dry and nasty and every one of my teeth hurt.
On the table next to me is a tall drink. It looks like iced apple juice, with a green straw and a paper parasol sticks through a maraschino cherry.
My hand is so weak I almost drop the glass once I get my fingers around it.
"Careful," says a voice.
Grover is leaning against the porch railing, looking as though he hadn't slept in a week. Under one arm, he cradles a shoebox. He is wearing blue jeans, Converse hi-tops, and a bright orange t-shirt that says CAMP HALF-BLOOD.
"You two saved my life," Grover says. "I...well, the least I could do...I went back to the hill. I thought you might want this."
Reverently, he places the shoebox in Percy's lap.
Inside is a black-and-white bull's horn, the base jagged from being broken off, the tip splattered with dried blood.
It hadn't been a nightmare. My mother was gone.
"The Minotaur," Percy asks.
"Um, Percy, it isn't a good idea -" Grover gets cut off.
"That's what they call him in the Greek myths, isn't it?" Percy demands. "The Minotaur. Half man, half bull."
Grover shifts uncomfortably. "You two have been out for two days. How much do you remember?"
"Mom," I say softly. "Is she really . . ."
Grover looks down.
I stare across the meadow. There is a grove of trees, a winding stream, acres of strawberries spread out under the blue sky. The valley is surrounded by rolling hills, and the tallest one, directly in front of us, is the one with the huge pine tree on top. Even that looks beautiful in the sunlight.
My mother is gone . . .
Nothing should look beautiful. The whole world should be black and cold.
"I'm sorry," Grover sniffs. "I'm a failure. I'm - I'm the worst satyr in the world." He groans, stomping his food so hard it comes off. I mean, the Converse hi-top comes off. The inside is filled with Styrofoam, except for a hoof-shaped hole. "Oh, Styx!" he mumbles.
Thunder rolls across the clear sky.
Mom had really had been squeezed into nothingness, dissolved into yellow light.
Percy and I are alone. Orphans. We would have to live with . . . Smelly Gabe? No. I'd live on the streets first.
Grover is still sniffling.
Percy says, "It wasn't your fault."
"Yes, it was. I was supposed to protect you."
"Did our mother ask you to protect me?"
"No. But that's my job. I'm a keeper. At least . . . I was."
"But why . . ." Percy begins and I suddenly feel dizzy, my vision swimming.
"Don't strain yourself," Grover says. "Here."
He helps me hold my glass and puts the straw to my lips.
I recoil at the taste because I was expecting apple juice. It isn't that at all. It's chocolate-chip cookies. Liquid cookies. But not just any cookies - Mom's homemade blue chocolate-chip cookies, buttery and hot, with the chips still melting. Drinking it, my whole body feels warm and good, full of energy. My grief doesn't go away, but I feel as if Mom had just brushed her hand lovingly against my cheek, given me a cookie the way she used to when I was upset and told me everything was going to be okay.
Before I know it, I'd drained the glass. I stare into it, sure I'd just had a warm drink, but the ice cubes hadn't even melted.
"Was it good?" Grover asks.
I nod.
"What did it taste like?"
"Chocolate-chip cookies," I reply and Percy looks at me knowingly. "Mom's. Homemade."
He takes the empty glass from me gingerly, as if it's dynamite, and sets it back on the table. "Come on. Chiron and Mr. D are waiting.
3rd Person POV
The porch wraps all the way around the farmhouse.
Percy's legs feel wobbly, trying to walk that far, and (Y/n), though her legs feel like Jello, had moved to support her brother. Grover offers to carry the Minotaur horn, but Percy holds onto it. I'd paid for that souvenir the hard way. I'm not going to let it go.
As the trio comes around the opposite end of the house, (Y/n) catches her breath.
Percy's POV
We must be on the north shore of Long Island because on this side of the house, the valley marches all the way up to the water, which glitters about a mile in the distance. Between here and there, I simply can't process everything I'm seeing. The landscape is dotted with buildings that look like ancient Greek architecture—an open-air pavilion, an amphitheater, a circular arena—except that they all look brand new, their white marble columns sparkling in the sun. In a nearby sandpit, a dozen high school–age kids and satyrs play volleyball. Canoes glide across a small lake. Kids in bright orange T-shirts like Grover's are chasing each other around a cluster of cabins nestled in the woods. Some shoot targets at an archery range. Others ride horses down a wooded trail, and, unless I'm hallucinating, some of their horses have wings.
Down at the end of the porch, two men sit across from each other at a card table. The blond-haired girl who'd spoonfed (Y/n) is leaning on the porch rail next to them.
The man facing me is small, but porky. He has a red nose, big watery eyes, and curly hair so black it's almost poker. He looks like those painting of baby angles - cherubs. He looks like a cherub who'd turned middle-aged in a trailer park. He is wearing a tiger-patterned Hawaiian shirt, and he would fit right in at one of Gabe's poker parties, except I get the feeling that this guy could out-gamble even my step-father.
"That's Mr. D," Grover mutters to me and (Y/n). "He's the camp director. Be polite. That girl, that's Annabeth Chase. She's just a camper, but she's been here longer than just about anybody. And you already know Chiron . . . "
He points at the guy whose back is to me.
First, I realize he's sitting in the wheelchair. Then I recognize the tweed jacket, the thinning brown hair, and the scraggly beard.
"Mr. Brunner!" I cry.
The Latin teacher turns and smiles at me, then looks curiously at (Y/n), who is still supporting some of my weight. His eyes have that mischievous glint they sometimes got in class when he pulls a pop quiz and made all the multiple choice answers B.
"Ah, good, Percy," he says. "Now we have four for pinochle."
He offers me a chair to the right of Mr. D, who looks at me, then (Y/n), who is leaning against my chair, with bloodshot eyes, and heaves a great sigh. "Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to the glad to see you."
"Percy, why don't you introduce me?" Mr. Burnner says, sending a soft smile towards (Y/n).
"Oh, this is my twin sister, (Y/n)," Percy says.
(Y/n)'s POV
I smile and wave shyly.
"It's nice to meet you, sir," I say. "Percy's told me a lot about you. Even said you were his favorite teacher."
A warmer smile spreads across Mr. Brunner's face and then he turns. "Annabeth?" Mr. Brunner calls to the blond girl.
She comes forward and Mr. Brunner introduces us. "This young lady nursed you back to health, (Y/n). Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Percy and (Y/n)'s bunks? We'll be putting them in Cabin Eleven for now."
"Sure, Chiron," Annabeth replies.
She's probably about my age, maybe an inch or two taller, and a whole more athletic looking. With her deep tan and her curly blond hair, she is almost exactly when I think a stereotypical California girl would look like, except her eyes ruin the image. They are startling gray, like storm clouds; pretty, but intimidating, too, as if she's analyzing the best way to take me down in a fight.
She glances down at the Minotaur horn in Percy's hands then looks back up at me. She says, "You drool when you sleep." My cheeks take on a slight red tinge as she sprints off down the lawn, her blond hair flying behind her.
"So," Percy says, looking anxious to change the subject. "You, uh, work here, Mr. Brunner?"
"Not Mr. Brunner," not Mr. Brunner says. "I'm afraid that was a pseudonym. You may call me Chiron."
"Okay," Percy says, looking totally confused, then looking at the director. "And Mr. D . . . does that stand for something?"
Mr. D stops shuffling the cars. He looks at Percy like he'd just belched loudly. "Young man, names are powerful things. You don't just go around using them for no reason.
"Oh. Right. Sorry."
"I must say, Percy," Chiron - Brunner breaks in, "I'm glad to see you alive, and the chance to meet your sister. It's been a long time since I've made a house call to a potential camper. I'd hate to think I've wasted my time."
"House call?" I ask, interested.
"My year at Yancy Academy, to instruct Percy. We have satyrs at most schools, of course, keeping a lookout. But Grover alerted me as soon as he met him. He sensed he was something special, so I decided to come upstate. I convinced the other Latin teacher to...ah, take a leave of absence."
"You came to Yancy just to teach me?" Percy asks.
Chiron nods. "Honestly, I wasn't sure about you at first. We contacted your mother, let her know we were keeping an eye on you in case you were ready for Camp Half-Blood, and then we learned of Miss (Y/n), here." He nods to me. "But you still had so much to learn, Percy. Nevertheless, you made it here alive, and that's always the first test."
"Grover," Mr. D says impatiently, "are you playing or not?"
Percy's POV
"Yes, sir!" Grover trembles as he takes the fourth chair, though I didn't know why he should be so afraid of a pudgy little man in a tiger-print Hawaiian shirt.
"You do know how to play pinochle?" Mr. D eyes me suspiciously.
"I'm afraid not," I answer.
"I'm afraid not, sir," he corrects.
"Sir," I repeat, liking the camp director less and less.
"Well," he tells me, "it is, along with gladiator fighting and Pac-Man, one of the greatest games ever invented by humans. I would expect all civilized young men to know the rules"
"I'm sure the boy can learn," Chiron says.
"Please," I plead, "what is this place? What are we doing here? Mr. Brun— Chiron—why would you go to Yancy Academy just to teach me?"
Mr. D snorts. "I asked the same question."
The camp director deals the cards; Grover flinches every time one lands in his pile.
Chiron smiles at me sympathetically, the way he used to in Latin class, as if to let me know that no matter what my average was, I was his star student. He expected me to have the right answer.
"Percy," Chiron prompts. "Did your mother tell you nothing?"
"She said . . ." (Y/n) begins and I remember her sad eyes, looking out over the sea. "She told us she was afraid to send us here, even though our father had wanted her to. She said that once we were here, we probably couldn't leave. She wanted to keep us close to her."
"Typical," Mr. D says. "That's how they usually get killed. Young man, are you bidding or not?"
"What?" I ask.
He explains, impatiently, how you bid in pinochle, and so I did.
"I'm afraid there's too much to tell," Chiron says. "I'm afraid our usual orientation film won't be sufficient.
"Orientation film?" (Y/n) asks, quirking an eyebrow.
"No," Chiron decides. "Well, Percy, (Y/n). You know your friend Grover is a satyr. You know -" he points to the horn in the shoebox - "that you have killed the Minotaur. No small feat, either. What you may not know is that the great powers are at work. Gods - the forces you call the Greek gods - are very much alive."
I stare at the others around the table.
I wait for somebody to yell, Not! but all I get is Mr. D yelling, "Oh, a royal marriage. Trick! Trick!" He cackles as he tallies up his points.
"Mr. D," Grover asks timidly, "if you're not going to eat it, could I have your Diet Coke can?"
"Eh? Oh, all right."
Grover bites a huge shard out of the empty aluminum can and chews it.
"Wait," I tell Chiron as (Y/n) sits down on the edge of my chair. "You're telling me there's such a thing as God."
"Well, now," Chiron says. "God—capital G, God. That's a different matter altogether. We shan't deal with the metaphysical."
"Metaphysical? But you were just talking about—"
"Ah, gods, plural, as in, great beings that control the forces of nature and human endeavors: the immortal gods of Olympus. That's a smaller matter."
"Yes, quite. The gods we discussed in Latin class.
"Zeus," I say. "Hera. Apollo. You mean them."
And there it was again—distant thunder on a cloudless day.
"Young man," says Mr. D, "I would really be less casual about throwing those names around if I were you."
"But they're stories," I say. "They're—myths, to explain lightning and the seasons and stuff. They're what people believed before there was science."
"Science!" Mr. D scoff. "And tell me, Perseus Jackson"—I flinch when he says my real name, which I never told anybody—"what will people think of your 'science' two thousand years from now?" Mr. D continues. "Hmm? They will call it primitive mumbo jumbo. That's what. Oh, I love mortals—they have absolutely no sense of perspective. They think they've come so-o-o far. And have they, Chiron? Look at this boy and tell me."
"Percy," Chiron says, "you may choose to believe or not, but the fact is that immortal means immortal. Can you imagine that for a moment, never dying? Never fading? Existing, just as you are, for all time?"
"You mean, whether people believed in you or not," (Y/n) says.
"Exactly," Chiron agrees. "If you were a god, how would you like being called a myth, an old story to explain lightning? What if I told you Perseus and (Y/n) Jackson, that someday people would call you a myth, just created to explain how children can get over losing their mothers."
My heart pounds. He's trying to make me angry for some reason, but I wasn't going to let him. I say, "I wouldn't like it. But I don't believe in gods."
"Oh, you'd better," Mr. D murmurs. "Before one of them incinerates you."
Grover pleads, "P-please, sir. He's just lost his mother. He's in shock."
"A lucky thing, too," Mr. D grumbles, playing a card. "Bad enough I'm confined to this miserable job, working with boys who don't even believe!" He waves his hand and a goblet appears on the table, as if the sunlight had bent, momentarily, and woven the air into glass. The goblet fills itself with red wine.
"You're Dionysus," (Y/n) says and Mr. D looks at her. "The god of wine."
Mr. D nods then stares at me as I say, "You're a god."
"Yes, child."
"A god. You."
He turns to look at me straight on, and I see a kind of purplish fire in his eyes, a hint that this whiny, plump little man is only showing me the tiniest bit of his true nature. I see visions of grapevines choking unbelievers to death, drunken warriors insane with battle lust, sailors screaming as their hands turn to flippers, their faces elongating into dolphin snouts. I know that if I push him, Mr. D would show me worse things. He would plant a disease in my brain that would leave me wearing a straitjacket in a rubber room for the rest of my life.
"Would you like to test me, child?" he says quietly.
"No. No, sir."
The fire dies a little; he turns back to his card game. "I believe I win."
"Not quite, Mr. D," Chiron says. He sets down a straight, tallies the points, and says, "The game goes to me."
I think Mr. D is going to vaporize Chiron right out of his wheelchair, but he just sighs through his nose, as if he were used to being beaten by the Latin teacher. He gets up, and Grover rises, too.
"I'm tired," Mr. D says. "I believe I'll take a nap before the sing-along tonight. But first, Grover, we need to talk, again, about your less-than-perfect performance on this assignment."
Grover's face beads with sweat. "Y-yes, sir."
Mr. D turned to me. "Cabin eleven, Percy Jackson. And mind your manners." He sweeps into the farmhouse, Grover following miserably.
"Will Grover be okay?" I ask Chiron.
Chiron nods, though he looks a little troubled. "Old Dionysus isn't really mad. He just hates his job. He's been . . . ah, grounded, I guess you would say, and he can't stand waiting another century before he's allowed to go back to Olympus."
"Mount Olympus," I say. "You're telling me there is really a palace there?"
"Well now, there's Mount Olympus in Greece. And then there's the home of the gods, the convergence point of their powers, which did indeed used to be on Mount Olympus. It's still called Mount Olympus, out of respect to the old ways, but the palace moves, Percy, just as the gods do."
"You mean the Greek gods are here? Like...in America?"
"The what?"
"Western civilization?" (Y/n) guesses and Chiron nods for her to continue. "It started in Greece, then spread to Rome, right?"
"That's correct, Miss (Y/n)," Chiron says.
"And then they died?" I ask, looking between my Latin teacher and my sister.
"Died? No. Did the West die? The gods simply moved, to Germany, to France, to Spain, for a while. Wherever the flame was brightest, the gods were there. They spent several centuries in England. All you need to do is look at the architecture. People do not forget the gods. Every place they've ruled, for the last three thousand years, you can see them in paintings, in statues, on the most important buildings. And yes, Percy, of course, they are now in your United States. Look at your symbol, the eagle of Zeus. Look at the statue of Prometheus in Rockefeller Center, the Greek facades of your government buildings in Washington. I defy you to find any American city where the Olympians are not prominently displayed in multiple places. Like it or not—and believe me, plenty of people weren't very fond of Rome, either —America is now the heart of the flame. It is the great power of the West. And so Olympus is here. And we are here."
"Who are you, Chiron? Who . . . who am I? Who . . . who are we?"
Chiron smiles. He shifts his weight as if he was going to get up out of his wheelchair, but I know that was impossible. He's paralyzed from the waist down.
"Who are you?" he muses. "Well, that's the question we all want answered, isn't it? But for now, we should get you a bunk in cabin eleven. There will be new friends to meet. And plenty of time for lessons tomorrow. Besides, there will be s'mores at the campfire tonight, and I simply adore chocolate."
And then he does rise from his wheelchair. But there's something odd about the way he did it. His blanket falls away from his legs, but the legs don't move. His waist keeps getting longer, rising above his belt. At first, I think he's was wearing very long, white velvet underwear, but as he keeps rising out of the chair, taller than any man, I realize that the velvet underwear wasn't underwear; it was the front of an animal, muscle and sinew under coarse white fur. And the wheelchair isn't a chair. It was some kind of container, an enormous box on wheels, and it must've been magic, because there's no way it could've held all of him. A leg comes out, long and knobby-kneed, with a huge polished hoof. Then another front leg, then hindquarters, and then the box was empty, nothing but a metal shell with a couple of fake human legs attached.
I stare at the horse who had just sprung from the wheelchair: a huge white stallion. But where its neck should be was the upper body of my Latin teacher, smoothly grafted to the horse's trunk.
"You're a centaur!" (Y/n) says in awe, and Chiron's eyes sparkle with amusement as he nods.
"What a relief," the centaur says. "I'd been cooped up in there so long, my fetlocks had fallen asleep. Now, come, Percy and (Y/n) Jackson. Let's meet the other campers."
Word Count: 3702 words
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mystech-master · 3 years
My FGO Servant ideas/Servants I'd expect
These are some Servant ideas that I have had since I've already asked what you guys want.
I know that the Servant has to be someone that people know for the most part, since almost every Servant is someone that everyone knows with a few exceptions.
Some spoilers for other Fate works bellow
Yagyu Jubei, the One-Eyed Samurai. I feel like his NP will be some kind of Mystic Eye under his eyepatch or something. But if they want to go super Bullshut, I could imagine him being a Pseudo-Servant of Yvette L Lehrman.
Tchaikovsky, composer of 1812 Overture. The Orchestral song featuring CANNONS! I have already made a Reddit post about it here. I am trying not to just shove people in Caster
Angelica Ainsworth, holder of the Gilgamesh Class Card in Prisma Illya. I wonder how Archer/Caster Gil would react to her, or even Enkidu. I mean we know Kid Gil isn't fond of her.
Arachne, the Spider-Woman Weaver. Her Lance would simply be an enlarged sewing needle. She'd either be a sort of Spider- Centaur, or the Spider-Legs would be coming out of her legs. For some extra shit, she might be merged with the Japanese Spider-Yokai Jorogumo, or just reference it similar to how Galatea referenced the tsukumogami. Also, her being a woman made into a monster by Athena, Medusa might gain a new friend.
Sigma,>! Maiya Hisau's son from Fate/Strange Fake. Apparently the True Lancer of the True and False Holy Grail War!<. I really just want him in to see how he'd interact with the EMIYA family. ~~Someone give Shirou/EMIYA some guy friends!~~ Of course, we'll need to wait a long time for strange fate to finish to get him since the author doesn't like using f/sf characters for anything else atm.
Loki, god of mischief. Maybe being half-Jotunn can be a good enough justification to keep him as himself and not need to be a Pseudo. I like OSP's interpretation of a "genderfluid benevolent but mischievous Hearth Spirit who protects the home and family". Genderfluid would open up for one of Fate's many genderbends they love doing, but if they kept him male and make his character about all the kids he has, then imagine...Loki, who is a god of mischief and a dad.........Loki making dad jokes. Although I feel like they might go with the female Loki one since Fate loves Genderbends and IDk if Japan has an equivalent to dad jokes. The reason he'd be a Lancer is the spear of Mistletoe he gave to Höðr which then resulted in Baldr's death which is treated as the precursor to Ragnarok.
Jiraiya, the Gallant Ninja. It was either this, with him riding his summonable Toad (I mostly think of this video), Assassin b/c Ninja, Caster b/c of reasons covered in the video linked before and some similar videos by the same guy, and Saber with the Nakirimaru, or "wave cutting sword," used to exorcise the Snake Spirit from Orochimaru. I went with Rider so the Rock-Paper-Scissors match of Frog-Slug-Snake matches the classes of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru respectively.
Tsunade, the Slug Maiden. The reason is mentioned above in Jiraiya's segment.
TOHSAKA, Rin as a Counter Guardian. The closest we'll get to actual Rin on her own with no other god(dess) inhabiting her body as a servant. NP would be the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. Also, imagine Ishtar seeing the older Rin (her vessel)'s more developed body and getting pissed.
Orpheus, the musical son of Apollo. Considering one big part of his story was being so bummed about his wife dying that his music just depressed everyone, even the gods, with his bad vibes, I could imagine them making him into sort of an emo guitar player or some shit. But if that is too lame then giving his Lyre some Siren Song-esque powers might be something since during his adventures with the Argonauts, since when the sirens began to sing he "played music that was louder and more beautiful, drowning out the Sirens' bewitching songs."
Not too sure on the spirit, hopefully a Death God, but I want a Pseudo-Servant of Kairi Sisigou. I mean a Necromancer Mercenary, TELL ME that doesn't fit. Also the possible fun interactions he can have with Mordred again, and her family and new friends.
I mentioned above, Orochimaru, with him being a Pseudo-Servant in Souichirou Kuzuki. I just needed a snake-themed servant to put him in because I know everyone wants him as a pesudo so Medea can have her husband.
Kriemhild, wife of Siegfried. Either this or Avenger. Berserker would be the most fitting for my idea, but Avenger would also fit and most likely have cooler animations I bet. As the wiki says about her personality: "Kriemhild held a "deep‐rooted and blind love" for Siegfried, such that it's described as "passionate love that repays the murder of one’s loved one with twice the payback." Siegfried's death, rather than assuage the feud with Brunhild, caused Kriemhild to "burn with the flames of revenge."' NP being a more demonic/dark version of Balmung. I wanted her to be a sort of obsessive wife and mother to Siegfried and Sieg (I like to imagine them having a mentor-student to father-son dynamic), the family dynamics between the three would be fun to imagine.
Lycaon, the wolf king. He once tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf. He'd be a pseudo for Svin Glascheit. I just needed a wolf spirit to put Svin in. I mean everyone already is imagining Berserker-Jack the Ripper using Flat as a vessel.
Magni, son of Thor. Do I even need to explain who I am using as a vessel for this Spirit?
Pandora, the all-endowed first woman. At first, I was unsure about her class. Yes, the whole thing of Pandora's Box was made as a punishment for Prometheus stealing fire (I wonder how Fate would interpret this with the whole Age of Gods vs Age of Man thing), but as the wiki says "She was given knowledge by the gods that she had to wait until humanity perished so that she can finally open the box and release the world's true potential. Because of her immortality, Pandora suffered greatly as people unreasonably tried to kill the undying mud doll whenever they discovered she wasn't human. After so many years of suffering, Pandora began questioning on why she had to go through this for humans."
Captain Ahab, Captain of the Pequod. >!Implied to be one of Watcher's Shadows in fate/strange fake, so the reason he'd be unavailable is stated above!<. His NP would be his prosthetic leg made out of whalebone, which may give him some aquatic abilities. Or it might be the harpoon that he got tangled in which resulted in his death.
Tsukuyomi, the Shinto Moon God. Using Hakuno Kishinami as a vessel. I mean combining the Admin authority from the EXTELLA's Regalia which grants him kingship of the Moon Cell with Tsukuyomi's moon god authority would be pretty cool. I know a lot of people want a Dioscuri situation where we get both male and female Hakunos but I feel like it'd be one or the other. Of course, this is only if Hakuno NEEDS a god in him. I partially Headcanon that the reason BB made Jinako a MoonCancer was as a test run for when she does it to Hakuno.
Alter Ego
Ergo, The Man Who Devoured God. From The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi. " Because of the method of creation he has several gods within him after devouring their flesh. All three gods within him, one of which is Sun Wukong, have the shared themes of "water gods" and "hands"." Having 3 gods fits man other Alter Egos haveing 3 gods in them (Sakura Five, Ashiya Douman, and Sitonai).
>!U-Olga Marie, the Alien God. The Best chance we get of having Olga back. Similar reason for being summoned as Kiara.!<
Lemme know what you guys think of my ideas and if you'd add anything to them.
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
I'd like to ask the captain Kuro a question...
CAN I JOIN YOUR CREW?! Pretty please! I make good food ;D
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Captain Kuro Solaire : Hmm, ye want t' join, aye? We don't mind visitors or temporarily accords, alliance treaties. Joinin' the Crew, is quite a hefty commitment, it's not always sunshine n' rainbows. Being associated with me let alone spells danger if seen. Keeps me quite distant fer now from what I want th' most. Freedom always has its disadvantages and prices too, often, n' form of blood payment. Always someone that'll try stomping ye down, no matter how many steps, you ascend. I face many oppositions from all over th' Five and beyond, however, but I also have acquired, quite a collection of answers that bring me t' shore every-time no matter how grim it gets, or hopeless, I fall under. My sprouting crew r' a band of the wildest misfits, ye might ever encounter, if ever been rejected, discriminated, chewed out fer something, didn't feel like fit-in anywhere, then you'll probably however... thrive within my merry-company. We I assure you represent the freest ov' free and we're only getting started. We've afoot aboard my-vessel currently a handful cast, who b' diverse, all forging t' better themselves which is more than many aspire to achieve. Most are continent. They see no desire, to aim bigger. Having a dream, is a necessary requirement aboard, something that keeps you hungry. Cause trust me, if rations ever ran-low and you starve, you'll want to know how to starve. Ordinary also stays lingering within our sail though, not all skilled-fighters, we've pacifist, and people who couldn't ever harm another, no matter how much they tried, but they do want to help, they sustain, care-take, they cover qualities and things that others do-not possess. All factors are paramount. But their ambition's run higher than, them. A component to endure the worst of the worst situations, deadliest storms, droughts. Upon sea-travels there's little room to escape, it's not like sky-piracy, where they can conserve their fuel and go running away from the biggest shark, once we b' in that middle of the big blues, we're trout. We have t' think smarter than all others upon that day to stay afloat. Alongside deal with remaining when we take our shots, we fight power's that deem themselves governing of all seas, they'll kill, broach, enslave, do whatever they can to 'own' the seas, thinking they're entitled... While we're painted the mass-villainy, cause we wear-backbones. This Crew must carry all they can, they must be real, deal with issues, adapt, learn. Even I have so much left, I've failed admittedly many-times, but this Crew shaping now, its different. The fate's and wind b' ours. But the more who can cook, could certainly welcome it, I'll collectively let ye really decide if want to join, my First Crewmate, alongside Quartermaster would have to show you the ropes potentially or test yer gull. Otherwise, ye always welcome t' have a gander and tour a visit. Chasing relics, living thousands of life because of explorations, always running into dangerous battles with often things non-ordinary. Is how upon I carried many of these scars, it's all part of the trade, it takes devotion, dedication and carving your soul. Though, I can guide you. (( ~ Appreciate ask treasured anon, I be getting to more picking up people for joining Crew as PC's too, especially if right people fit in alongside, but there be many avenues still can be apart even if don't want to undertake a lot of the extreme arcs and ambitious things, they can also support, or eventually aid in a war-effort one-day that'll take place, where all resources matter, everything it's hyper stakes. Try to go a bit-bigger in anything I do. Soon have some Crew actual-grading, power-sheets, probably wanted bounties of the crew, lot of lore-indexes, all kinds of stuff sometime shortly which mainly what undertakes most my time alongside trying to get better a lot of other things and still deliver my writing chapters until they're done, which is so close, then I get more time! xD So I kind of swamped, but if you want to reach out in DM can and we can still plot out
things and get least it rolling and foothold. Can always get you sketched and inclusively in. Or we can plot around and just pre-establish and put all the details behind it all and figure out the exact placement. I plan on doing a lot of things though, not just squad and crew battles but some soft-hearted, fluff things, lot of screen collab's stuff, with stories that I can produce for others too, just a, lot, and lot of plans. Staying so active and constant is just how I feel the most-alive anymore. Always down to tell about more information on the Crew especially if does fit in the environment.
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janiedean · 4 years
I feel so frustrated, I mean.. I read so many bullsh*ts around and I'd like to know your opinion. I think that making a villain sympathetic through their backstory is not *insert bad action* apology. I'm so tired of people trying to make me feel guilty just because I think 100% of times a bad person is not born bad but turned into a monster because of a lot of reasons. It's dehumanizing to consider someone bad without taking into account their past. There's always a reason in the past, even if a villain looks like they're enjoying doing bad things. It's sad and something to be compassionate to that a person find enjoyable hurting others because something in their past made them reach the point where they think hurting others is acceptable or even the only way out
eh I... agree with you on all accounts but again this is... the ultimate reaping the sows of this idiotic attitude cool motive still murder in fandom everywhere lately which like, some times it could be a fair objection to... people not owning up to their favorite being actually an asshole (and even then it would be valid just if they’re harassing you), but most times it started like that and turned into AH IF YOU JUSTIFY BAD DUDE’S BACKSTORY OR EXPLAIN IT THEN YOU EXCUSE HIM, which like.... shows at least some things:
a complete lack of being able to analyze a story going outside the ‘good guys vs bad guys scheme’ which is why I really wish people stopped consuming only media aimed for ages from fourteen under because that’s not going to do anything to help you
refuse to consider the fact that what happens to anyone in life shapes them negatively or positively but negatively is... a... thing, thus falling back on the usual calvinist bullshit of either you’re good or you’re bad and the best thing you can do to redeem yourself is dying to help someone else, which again.... the world doesn’t work like that
a complete refusal of actually trying to understand how trauma and abuse works because like cool motive still murder for someone you don’t like 99,9% of the times translates in the good victim vs bad victim dynamic, which in turn basically translates into ‘if you’re an abuse victim/you have trauma but you don’t react in The Appropriate Way or don’t fit the Good Victim points then your trauma/abuse isn’t valid’, which like... sorry but all victims of trauma/abuse are valid in that sense and you can’t write off someone just because they didn’t react the way you think they should
(which then usually means that they treat fans of problematic character who might in their turn have trauma etc in the same way and like... lol no)
now, thing is, one thing is fiction and another is real life - in real life if someone hurts you and they’re a shit person and they have exceedingly good reasons to be but they’re still a shit person you don’t have to be in contact with them and if they don’t get their shit together even moreso (or if they try to and reach out for help you can accept to or not), but when it comes to fiction the point is: it’s up to the damned author.
like, one thing that people don’t get is that obviously fictional bad actions are not happening in real life and a narrative is usually built to either redeem the person committing them or not, but if they want to, then... that character will be redeemed and there’s like nothing the reader can object. now, like... I mean if this ask isn’t about b*n solo I’ll eat my hat but if it’s not let’s just take him as the poster child example for this entire bullshit trend: ofc if you kill your father irl you go to jail, but since star wars is a SPACE OPERA where real life world consequences don’t exist and patricide is a literary device since the history of ever (GREEK TRAGEDY FFS) to symbolize freeing yourself from your roots and needing to find yourself and so on, the act of ben killing han in itself means shit narratively beyond telling you that ben has ISSUES that made him go to the dark side and that he’s conflicted, and in the moment that someone is conflicted you already should see he’s a decent person or has the potential to be. now, ofc ben solo did an amount of exactly not kosher things and is a shit at declaring his feelings and has issues, but the point is: if the sw sequels (as bad as the overall narrative eventually was) wanted him to be conflicted and then do the right thing (reconciling himself with his parents ahahahahah HAN FORGAVE HIM LIKE.. XDD) then they want you to see him as a human being who made mistakes but then could still do the right thing. the fact that he died after bc they couldn’t commit to one damned side and do a sensed story doesn’t matter, but the concept of ‘he did x y and z fictionally so BAD’ is stupid bc x y and z never happened irl and you can choose to forgive a fictional character because he’s fictional, and a lot of people who are ‘’bad victims’’ or not poster children for trauma management actually do find hope in seeing characters like that getting another chance. because guess what, catharsis through fiction. like guys I realized I could actually not settle for someone out of fear of not ever finding anyone the moment I realized why I was into jb that much, someone else can find catharsis in bensolo being redeemed or whatever and people refusing to see it can’t engage with an adult-driven story (and not even for children bc a lot of media for children has bad guys who turn good).
and in that sense like.... I mean personally if I see a character like that I don’t even count them as villain bc I know they won’t eventually be (like I didn’t consider bensolo a bad guy since... ever) and for me villains are 95% of the time just people who are assholes without redeeming qualities that the author doesn’t care for redeeming even if they explain why they’re like that (see instances c. lannister for one I hate and randall flagg for one I actually love) so I have troubles like.... seeing them as bad guys (I mean the... supposed one from luke cage s2? for me went from vague villain to antagonist the moment they exposed his backstory lmao) and idg this mindset but personally I just hope fandom goes back on the ‘you do realize you can like antagonists without being a bad person for relating to them’ train because this entire mindset is just... fucking... tiring.
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alphabettcity · 3 years
loki finale ask (finally)
tbf i didn’t really go in blind because i am an internet addict. parts that were already spoiled for me include:
mobius doesnt know who loki is 😭
sylvie and loki kiss (why!) & she immediately transports him back to the tva. so presumably wasn't actually that romantic, just manipulative (still bad)
the multiverse gets created
kang is the one who remains
actually watching the episode taught me that:
kang created the tva is because he’s a genius egomaniac who wanted to keep himself safe from all the other genius egomaniac versions of himself (this totally works given his comic origins, he's dealt with many versions of himself, eg. immortus, but i have a lot more questions below)
sylki kiss was definitely not romantic. she tricked him so she could kill kang. (still not a good enough excuse smh)
my interpretation of their fight: neither loki nor sylvie, if they 100% knew that kang was telling the truth about the tva, would kill kang. sylvie told loki she was doing this because she thought he was lying. (not totally true to loki's characterization imo, i'd think that both loki and sylvie would rather deal with infinite kangs than give up on free will)
new mobius doesn't know who loki is not because the tva wiped his memories, but because this is a totally different version of mobius (unmined angst potential imo)
ravonna fights mobius, lets him live, and goes out in search of "free will", and may align with kang in the future, since ravonna in the comics is kang's wife. (curious to see what they do with her. i have Thoughts on her place in the whole religious allegory of the show i will explore in my wowki fanfic)
me overthinking things
if kang knows all why would he go through all this trouble to lead loki and sylvie here? he couldn't have done this in an easier, less heartbreaking way? his plan was so contrived :/
one question i've kinda pushed aside for the show is: what kind of time travel disruption would qualify for a nexus event? because technically any variation, no matter how small, should create a branch in the timeline, because 2 contradictory things can't happen in the same timeline at the same time. but now we might have a kind of answer: if kang founded the tva to avoid other versions of kang, he doesn't need to make sure there's 1 sacred timeline, he'd just need to make sure all the variations are so small that the infinite timelines are basically the same, so there's basically infinity copies of the same timeline in existence, thus averting multiversal war between egotistical kangs.
why was there that arbitrary barrier past which kang couldn't see? yeah, ✨suspense✨ and ✨plot✨, but it's arbitrary, and it really would've made no difference if he knew what happened to him. in fact i quite like the idea of kang walking into his own death.
thoughts that don't really fit on this list
the finale was awful. not just the sylki kiss & bad narrative choices or whatever. there was so much padding and exposition, jonathan majors's performance totally took me out of it (i doubt he's a bad actor, this episode didn't give him a good opportunity to shine), the writing was super slow and bad, this ep could have been slimmed down to like 15 minutes because not a lot actually happened.
natalie holt's music — both the titles (lokius!) and the actual tracks — slap so hard. probably the best soundtrack in the mcu other than black panther. she really gets the show
production & costume design of everything related to kang was amazing, felt very vast, old, and regal
sylvie is acutally a surprisingly well-realized woman character and i'm quite proud of the show for that. (unfortunately neither her nor b-15 are fully realized until they kiss each other which has not happened as of yet)
please watch this it has brought me great comfort
HIIII so happy u saw it <3
1. YEAH :’) that broke me .
2. IKR i am Not a Fan and yeah! it was a manipulative kiss so sylvie could get what she wants but there are so many other things they could’ve went with !!!!!
3 + 4. damn it sucks that u got spoiled for those but yeah that’s what new in the em c you !!
1. yep! i don’t know much about his comic origins but from what i know it seems pretty in character
2. exactly!!!!!! and yeah it’s not a good enough excuse they could’ve gone with anything else !!!!
3. yeah !! i think both options (killing kang and fighting other versions of him / ruling the timeline) seemed pretty loki HJSKD but i feel like he’s gone through lots of character development through the show and i thought they would both go with killing kang but i guess not dhdjjfjd
4. yep and it hurts . so much .
5. yeah that makes sense !! and yeah i’m curious to see what they do with her, she felt kind of vague and didn’t have enough good motives to be a villain, so yeah i’m curious to see where her character goes !!!
1. yeah his plan kinda backfired HJSJDJD but i guess it works for plot HJSKDKD
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that’s a lot of thinking to do but i think ur right !!
3. yeah ! i think that ✨suspense✨ was nice for a minute but him walking in to his own death seems way more fun
1. yeah it was really,,,,,,, boring ? idk i wasn’t really interested yknow? there was a lot of talky talky (ha mobius reference am i cool) so yeah this ep could’ve been a Lot better but it is what it is i guess
2. YES !!! everyday i was up and think about the opening of ep 5 (was it ep 5? i think it was yeah) but anyway i could listen to the soundtrack for HOURS
3. YEAHH they made him really interesting so i’m excited to see him again !!!
4. YES i think that’s why so many people love her bc she was really well written and she didn’t turn out to be the whole “woman helps man to get what he wants” trope !!!! she actually got what she was going for in the end so yeah !!!! also so true manifesting sylvie and hunter b 15 kiss next season
5. HAAHHAHAHH i love that tysm my day is blessed
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violentviolette · 5 years
So I was on your fandom blog and I saw that you believe Bakugou (at least in assuming) to have ASPD. Is wondering if you could expand on that? I personally see him as NPD but I'd love to hear your side of things
first off anon bless u for being on my fandom blog that takes courage cause it’s a wicked hot mess over there lol and secondly to everyone else yes im about to spend an embarrassing amount of effort overanalyzing an anime man, no u shouldn’t apply this logic to diagnosing real people u don’t know or urself, no its not that deep but yes u can fuck right off if u wanna cry about me headcanoning ur favs with “shitty” illnesses. eat my dick.
But now down to the good shit! So I actually think bakugou has comorbid aspd/npd. But for this since u said u already see him as having npd I’ll just focus on the aspd criteria but im totally down to talk more about npd as well if u wanna. (the rest is under a cut because frankly mobile users would have drawn and quartered me otherwise)
So first im gonna go thru the dsm v criteria that are required for diagnosis that bakugou fits/exhibits (leaving out the few things that don’t pertain to him just for length and also because not every person has to fit every single criteria to qualify)
1. Significant impairments in personality as manifested by
a. identity (self esteem derived from power, pleasure, or personal gain), self direction (goal setting based on personal gratification, absence of prosocial standards and culturally normal ethical behavior)
katsukis entire sense of self is built upon his ability to “win” and to always be number one and come out on top. He absolutely cant stand to be viewed as less than that because if so, his entire sense of self begins to crumble. Part of the reason he’s so antagonistic towards Izuku in the early chapters is the fact that Izuku challenges that identity. He (unintentionally and intentionally) challenges katsuki and wont give way to him (which is the right thing to do, but we see how “well” katsuki handles that). He also doesn’t have a good sense of “prosocial standards.” katsuki has created his own internal sense of morals and values, he’s decided whats worth his time and effort based on his own opinions and not on what society deems worthwhile behavior. He’s constantly getting admonished that his attitude “isn’t that of a hero” because his values are different than the ones of the society around him. But he doesn’t care, as long as he “wins” then everythings good. And its not until he stops “winning” and his behavior begins to get in the way of his goals does he begin to realize that he has a problem.
b. impairments in interpersonal functioning as manifested by lack of empathy (lack of concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others) and lack of intimacy (incapacity for mutually intimate relationships, use of dominance or intimidation to control others)
I could frankly write a whole essay about just this bit alone but I’ll try to condense my thoughts. So. Lets talk about katsukis lack of empathy. This boy wouldn’t know another person’s emotions if they walked up and punched him in the face. Which they do. On multiple occasions. But I digress. Katsuki is known for his shitty bedside manner, his lack of concern for the feelings of others is literally what cost him his provisional license, but aside from with Izuku (who we’ve established is a source of Baggage for katsuki and shouldn’t be counted among his normal behavior because at the start of the series they BOTH bring out the worst in one another and overcoming that is part of both of their character arcs and growth and a main theme of the damn story. Win and save. Save and win. Ahem. But again I digress) katsuki isn’t vindictive or cruel in an unnecessary way about other peoples emotions. He doesn’t use them against people, it just doesn’t occur to him that they exist. But as we see katsuki grow and begin to try and change his unhealthy behavior, we see that he’s not oblivious of others emotions in the same way todoroki is (who I headcanon as autistic along with izuku (who also has adhd), but that’s a whole nother post lol), he just doesn’t know what to do with them. He can handle things like kirishima feeling insecure, because he can logically talk to him about how strong he is to encourage and support him, but really struggles with more intimate and open forms of emotional support, like with Izuku.
He also struggles with forming prosocial bonds and friends. At the start of the series katsuki doesn’t have friends, he has lackeys he controls with intimidation and fear because he doesn’t know any other way to be. He has trust and intimacy issues and doesn’t like people getting too close to him because he feels displays of vulnerability are what makes someone weak (see those asocial morals and values we talked about earlier). After his time at UA, a few large helpings of some humble pie, and the diligent and hard work of a small group of fearless idiots (aka kaminari whose literally too prosocial for his own good and has zero self preservation instincts, and kirishima who has an endless supply of patience and understands empathy and other peoples emotions to a degree that’s baffling to me) he is able to start deconstructing that idea and realizing that u can be vulnerable and let people close to u and still be strong. That the mortifying ordeal of being known isn’t actually the worst things ever. Also that when confronted with people who aren’t actually afraid of him, he doesn’t know how else to deter them from getting close to him. The fact that none of the other kids in 1-A take katsukis shit and even go so far as to pick on him and mock him and call him out on his bullshit is a MAJOR turning point for his socialization skills.
2. pathological personality traits in the following catagories
a. antagonism, characterized by hostility (persistent and frequent angry feelings, anger or irritability in response to minor slights or insults, nasty mean vengeful behavior), callousness (lack of concern for the feelings and problems of others)
I mean. Do I even have to expand on this point? I feel like no
b. disinhibition, characterized by impulsivity (acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli, acting without a plan or consideration for outcomes, difficulty establishing and following plans), risk taking (lack of concern for ones limitations and denial of the reality of personal danger, engaging in potentially risky and self-damaging activities without regard for consequences)
this is a criteria where u have to adjust for the world these characters are living in. but even then, by hero standards, katsuki is still impulsive. His teachers are constantly admonishing him in the early series for charging headfirst into a situation, loosing himself to his emotions and anger, and letting things get the better of him because hes not taking the time to properly assess the situation, this also bleeds into katsukis inability to work with others or ask for help. He charges headfirst into a situation by himself, blows up anything in his way, and then asks questions later. His teammates are often left totally in the dark to his plans, motives, or other moves and have to just play catch up to him the entire time. In the deku vs. kacchan 1 fight we see this behavior come out in full force. He has no plan, he blows up half the building with zero regard for their goals, and leaves iida completely in the dark. Momo pointing this all out and dragging him for filth during the recap is another wakeup moment for him, having to confront the realities of his impulsive and negative behavior whereas before he was only praised for it.
so if we take a look at even just that, which is still about ¾ of the diagnostic criteria, I think u can see where this really starts to explain his personality. Katsuki is hot headed, angry, impulsive, stubborn, selfish, he gets in his own way more often than not, he struggles with prosocial behavior, making friends, and relating emotionally to others. He has a hard time comforting people and usually does so in a blunt and logical way, he isn’t great at sympathy and being soft, kind, or gentle with other people. It takes a considerable amount of effort for him to realize where his world view and his morals and goals are warped and doing him more harm than good, and he absolutely cant stand to be vulnerable or honest about his feelings with others. 
All those things, imo, as someone with aspd & npd, are what make me feel like hes a good character representation of what the complexities of living with these disorders is like. Katsuki isn’t inherently a bad person, and as we see him grow and change, we see the ways in which hes becoming better, but its still hard for him. And despite what a lot of fandom thinks, if u look at the canon, the main person katsuki hurts with his behavior is himself. And I think that’s really important because people with aspd & npd are so often catagorized as abusive villians whose only goal in life is to hurt others. Whereas with katsuki we see where these things and this kind of thinking gets in the way of his goals and ultimately hurts him. and thats what I think makes him the most relatable and makes his growth all the much more satisfying. Katsuki is both fundamentally the same and an entirely different person from when we first meet him. his personality didn’t magically completely change, hes not just a tsundere whose suddenly all mushy feely and hyper empathetic, he’s just learning how to deal with his emotions and the world and getting better at being a healthy person.
So yea, those are my thoughts! There was apparently a whole 1600 words of them so my apologies for writing u a literal dissertation on this lol I just really love this fucking character
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skriaki · 5 years
TOP 10 NINTENDO SWITCH GAMES 2019 - my arbitrary list!
Sometimes it's good to be proven wrong. I was pretty sceptical when the Switch was first announced, as it didn't seem too different from the Wii U's gamepad. Then I spent two years watching Nintendo enjoy a complete reversal of fortune, to the point of potentially amassing a more compelling library than Sony's or Microsoft's consoles. So that's how I quite suddenly found myself buying a Switch in October 2019, after having resisted the PS4 and Xbone for five whole years, and my free time has since been dominated by this little machine that defied the odds.
Some of Nintendo's business decisions can still seem inexplicable, but releasing a powerful handheld console that can also be docked with a TV at a moment's notice has proved to be an inspired idea, rather than the gimmick the Wii U's gamepad mostly turned out to be. And along with Nintendo's dependable series of top-notch exclusives, the Switch has enjoyed much better third-party support, which is how I ended up buying Dark Souls for the fourth bloody time just because the option to play it portably was too tempting to resist.
The Switch is the first console I've bought since the PS3 and for all Nintendo's quirks, there's a reason the Switch has dominated Christmas wishlists for three years running. Games like Super Mario Odyssey feel like full-size adventures that just happen to have a portable option, as opposed to handheld games you can also play on the big screen. This is the first year in a long while that I've actually played enough topical titles to justify a "games of the year" list, even if my recent Nintendo bias is pretty blatant.
So with that caveat in mind, and in no particular order, here's my entirely subjective list of the best Nintendo Switch games of 2019.
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Luigi's Mansion 3
This is a franchise I'd always been curious about and can finally have an opinion on. The process of going from floor to floor of the hotel hoovering up ghosts and solving puzzles is pretty straightforward, but Luigi's Mansion 3 has so much polish and personality crammed into the cartridge. Luigi is immediately lovable as a determined coward, and each level has a wildly different theme that's realised with extravagant audio and visual flair, so progress always feels rewarding. Though this isn't true horror by any means, there can be an unsettling atmosphere and some of the bosses are pretty freaky. I officially love this oddball franchise and am desperate for a chance to play the story again in co-op. Unquestionably a first-class exclusive.
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Doom (Switch port)
Not to be confused with the impressive Switch version of Doom 2016, this is the iconic Doom made cheap and accessible. While purists may take issue with some minor technical deviations, this is the first time I've got most of the way through Doom because the portability and *glorious* true dual-stick control makes this easily my favourite version. There's even a cheat menu for when I just want to mindlessly punch hell beasts. The main thing that ages Doom is its maze-like structure, but playing it casually experience alleviates that frustration somewhat. At a grand total of four pounds, this is a BFB (big fucking bargain).
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Untitled Goose Game
You know a game is good when the only asterisk I put on my recommendation is that it *may* be overpriced. Untitled Goose Game took the internet by storm this year because it's the quintessential indie game: cute, simple and with anti-authoritarian undertones. As a horrible goose, it's your mission to cause havoc in an unsuspecting English village, interacting with people and objects to cause chain reactions of chaos. Some of the puzzle solutions are maybe a bit obscure, but 90% of the time just messing around with everything in the area will lead to a solution. Untitled Goose Game makes up for its brevity with sheer comedic charm, feeling much better-designed than a "lul so random" affair like Goat Simulator. A honking good time.
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Terraria (Switch port)
I have spent literally hundreds of hours on the PC version of Terraria, so when I was broke after buying my Switch the new Terraria port was an obvious cost-effective choice. While the controls aren't as precise, the amount of time spent mining and sorting through loot makes this a great handheld experience. I can't comment on the multiplayer options but few games represent such a sheer value for money, as there's always a new cave to explore or a new boss to overcome. Time has been kind to this 2011 classic, grind notwithstanding.
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Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
While I personally enjoyed the original Yooka-Laylee, it was definitely flawed and I never seriously expected to see a sequel. But Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair launched quite abruptly and did a pretty spectacular job of upstaging its predecessor. All the previous game's half-baked feel has been replaced with clever design touches, like the equippable tonics which grant helpful abilities at the cost of a currency penalty. The titular Lair is actually the final level and available to throw yourself at right from the beginning, but beating it without first obtaining more hitpoints by completing other stages is incredibly hard, which is a great way to incentivize progress without denying more confident players the option of beating the game earlier if they can meet the challenge. Impossible Lair might be this year's biggest surprise, and despite a modest budget I think it's worthy of comparison to excellent 2D platformers like Rayman Legends. Just don't expect to defeat Capital B on your first attempt.
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A Hat In Time (Switch port)
I recently reviewed A Hat In Time but at the risk of repeating myself, it's one of the most charming games of the last few years and an incredibly impressive crowdfunded achievement. Mario's offerings may be a grander technical feat, but A Hat In Time is a fast and fabulous journey through a series of weird and wonderful worlds that all feel distinct in content and tone. It's very openly inspired by GameCube-era platformers like Mario Sunshine and Psychonauts and it easily scratches that itch. Simply one of the best original platformers of this generation, and I defy you not to love Hat Kid's cheeky antics.
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Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch port)
As someone who thinks the original Spyro trilogy holds up better than most early 3D games, I'd have actually preferred a simple port rather than a full remake, but The Reignited Trilogy is honestly impeccable. The updated visuals are gorgeous while maintaining the general style of those old, jaggy models, and very little of the gameplay or content has changed except for sensible updates like the ability to immediately warp between every level you've visited. Having full dual-analogue control is also an absolute godsend even for a PS1 veteran like me. Though Spyro may seem a bit basic these days when faced with modern platformer marvels, the Reignited Trilogy makes these old favourites accessible again at a generous price point.
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Ring Fit Adventure
Yes, I have a Wii kicking around in a box somewhere. No, Wii Fit never held my attention as anything more than a curiosity. Ring Fit Adventure, meanwhile, is limited only by my cholesterol-encrusted heart and dislike of excessive showering. This is an honest-to-goodness attempt at making an RPG out of a workout toy, and the amount of polish put into the game's presentation and hardware implementation is pretty remarkable. Levels involve jogging on the spot and squeezing the ring accessory to collect goodies and overcome obstacles, and periodically you'll engage in turn-based combat where you use a custom selection of exercise moves to deal damage. It's a fantastic idea pulled off much more elegantly than it sounds. The ring accessory unfortunately makes this quite an expensive game, so it'll take a lot of regular use to get your money's worth, but I can honestly (and surprisingly) say that exercise suddenly becomes more compelling when it's presented as a light RPG adventure with anthropomorphic gym equipment encouraging you to take breaks and drink plenty of water.
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Pokémon Sword/Shield
Disclaimer: I can only give my impressions from 25 hours of playing Pokémon Shield, so this is DEFINITELY not a full review. That being said, this is still an easy recommendation to existing Pokemaniacs and a good starting point for any new acolytes. While the core formula hasn't evolved (har har) much since the very first Pokemon, Sword and Shield still has a number of modern quality of life improvements that make previous generations show their age. I've had so much fun building a core crew of cute and/or badass 'mons in a weird Nintendo version of Britain, and the online features combine with a VASTLY improved random encounter system to make grinding far less of a concern. The wild area takes some getting used to, but it's satisfying to come back and capture the huge Onyx you had to run away from a few hours before. Even if Pokémon Sword/Shield has some technical blemishes and could have pushed the series further in some regards, it's still easy to see why this franchise has maintained such a beloved status for so long.
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Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-mars-tered (Switch port)
Along with Dark Souls, Red Faction was a game I never even knew I needed on the go, but now I've got it I can't imagine ever going back. A cult classic due to its amazing destruction physics, Red Faction sees you leading a proletariat revolution on Mars, literally tearing down corporate monuments to free the working class from systematic oppression. The open world is a bit claustrophobic and the shooting isn't exactly mind-blowing, but there's a reason I've beaten Red Faction every couple of years ever since its original 2009 release. The Switch port does the game justice and if you set the difficulty to easy then this is one of the best rage-venting experiences money can buy. So yes, I recommend getting your ass to Mars.
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