#they share one brain cell that bounces between them
mud-castle · 2 years
I really gotta stop drawing cats who appear past the first arc in eos au.
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You know sometimes i like using my tumblr as like a brain rot bank? Like a time capsule for thoughts and opinion that cater to no one but everyone is welcome to enjoy and partake. And today i'll be doing just that because i have finally finished The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. If you've been following me for a while you know that this is lowkey monumental because (a) it means that i have officially played all Ace Attorney games, and (b) i have been struggling to finish these two games since their bundled release three years ago. So, i just wanted to share some general thoughts, some tier lists, and feel free to let me know what you think if you read what i have to say!
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Ok so, my main takeaway from playing the two games is that... Dr Courtney Sithe is a bad bitch deserving of the same praise as Franziska, Lana Skye, Justine Courtney, Dee Vasquez and Calisto Yew. I genuinely love her so much. Miss Buttplug Hair got her PhD in being a girlboss and i'm so upset she was only in one case. For such a cool character with an amazing design, she was criminally underdeveloped. Same goes for my other fav, Rei Membani. Soon as it was mentioned that Professor Mikotoba and Judge Jigoku were on their way to the UK, i was one hundred percent sure she'd accompany them, and i was ultimately disappointed. To have her right next to Susato on the game's cover art and give her such an amazing takedown of Raiten Menimemo... and then just not have her be anywhere else was such a shame. I need more Dr Sithe and Rei !
The rest of the games' characters were a bit of a mixed bag with some obvious (and some unexpected) stand-outs. Here's my tier list:
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The biggest surprise that came when i was making this is how high i placed Herlock. I started off hating him so much and then he just suddenly grew on me so quickly, i hadn't even noticed. One of my favourites for sure.
I think we can all collectively agree that we have, at some point in our lives, embodied Pop Windibank... poor guy...
I don't know what Kazuma's deal is. He starts off as Ryunosuke's Mia Fey before um... just becoming a jerk? Why does he have beef with his best friend who was literally mourning him for almost a year? Can't lie though, the bitch looks hot in his white uniform.
Some of the jurors made a bigger impression than actual characters/ witnesses, just by having cool designs. Mainly the green lady, who rightfully earned her spot in the third tier after i found out she's supposed to be a reincarnation of the teacher from PLvsPW !
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Eggert Benedict or whatever the fuck that rich breakdancing asshole is called, cannot be a final villain i'm sorry. Seriously, what were they thinking?
The two redheads are such a shameless rip-off of the Skulkins. Two ruffians taking the witness stand for the game's climax AGAIN !? And during the credits, they pose in their prison cell with "Gossip" in the middle the exact same way Eggert and the Skulkins did in the credits of Adventures, like no thank you.
I love how my overall bottom 3 are an annoying str*ight couple and a child.
If Stronghart wasn't in the second (very coveted) tier, he'd be in the bottom of 'like !' because he was ok. It's blatantly obvious he's the big bad from the second he's introduced but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, i need him and Damon Gant to have a fat titty bounce-off.
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Moving on to criticisms, i can't help but feel like the fact that Shu Takumi decided to split his original script into two games only served to hurt the entire project. Because, for starters, each game has a different feel and the two don't match. Adventures is reminiscent of PLvsPW, Takumi's whimsical and eccentric love letter to the UK that hinges heavily on exposition. Resolve, on the other hand, is a bit of a mix between its predecessor and traditional Ace Attorney, its cases focusing more on driving the narrative to its conclusion rather than experimenting on the classic formula (as with the first game). It also echoes aspects of the first Investigations, bringing in diplomatic immunity, international relations, "tracking down and going against the head of the evil organisation" (the Reaper storyline is very similar to the Yatagarasu one). Personally the two vibes don't mesh, even when Resolve tries to latch onto Adventures with Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro, for example.
Then, the pacing in both games is all over the place. Adventures is just so unreasonably and unashamedly long-winded and slow, it's the reason it took me literally three years to get into it. The game repeats the same lines of dialogue again and again until they're made painfully clear, subsequently making the player (or at least me) feel like an idiot who needs to read the same thing 13 times in order to get it. This, coupled with the fact that actual gameplay was almost nowhere to be seen and that progression in the courtroom almost always relied on not pointing out inconsistencies but pressing the witnesses adjacent to the one testifying, made the game such a slog to get through. And once the game started to pick up, it was over before i even knew it and in a very unceremonious fashion no less. In comparison, Resolve is very streamlined, albeit a bit too fast-paced. With the exception of Memoirs, which felt like shameless filler, it's clear that they wanted to waste zero time and crammed so much stuff into the episodes, to the point where it became difficult to keep track of everything going on. Because, keep in mind, the second game was tasked with tying up all the loose threads from the first one.
This leads to my final criticism regarding the split: inconsistencies and unresolved mysteries. I think it reads as careless writing when questions keep sprouting everywhere and their answers are reserved for the final two episodes of the second game. Even Unspeakable, a final case, introduces mysteries tied to the overarching narrative just for them to be shelved until Twisted Karma, leaving the player with a sense of dissatisfaction when the game ends. Not only is it frustrating to keep track of all the unsolved mysteries, a chore which good writing would not expect from the player, but it also has you questioning whether or not some of them will get answered at all. Why was the selection of jurors obviously rigged? Why did Van Zieks stop appearing in court five years prior? Where did he lose his gun in Twisted Karma? Why didn't Stronghart assassinate Madame Tusspells as well? Why is Kazuma fully exonerated after admitting to his involvement in the assassin exchange? I grouped the unresolved mysteries with inconsistencies as one problem because the latter is a result of the former. The majority of mysteries spills over from the first game to the second, giving way to different phrasing, details getting glossed over and the plot's consequences getting ignored. There's a very apparent shift in Gregson's character, for example, going from uncooperative and rigid in Adventures to more forgiving and helpful in Resolve, all the while his misconduct from Unspeakable is seemingly forgotten and met with zero ramifications. There's also the government's secret message about the assassin exchange Herlock deciphered at the end of the first game, which sets up the second game nicely but then doesn't get mentioned until the very last day in court. Like, come on now. It feels like Resolve continues Adventures' story without wanting to acknowledge it because, in the grand scheme of things, McGilded and Eggert Benedict seem to not matter at all. And then there's Memoirs, which... Inconsistency City, honestly. This episode's lack of impact on the overall story allowed it to be literally anything else. It's such a bizarre choice to have it be something which only achieves in taking away from the first Clouded Kokoro case! Like ok, i can get behind it being a case no one wanted to talk about so it didn't make the first game. I can turn a blind eye to the inconsistent character development and timeline, whatever. But it absolutely drives me nuts that, for an Ace Attorney game where the murders are explained in full detail, they couldn't stay consistent with the direction Olive Green was walking in. Hate. Loathe. Get it away from me.
That pretty much covers it in terms of complaints, because otherwise i enjoyed my playthrough quite a bit actually. I know i've just spent like 3 mega-sized paragraphs complaining but the games have great elements as well. The Deduction dances are easily the best thing about the gameplay, especially when you didn't see them coming. They were so much fun to play, very animated and cartoony with amazing banter, and effortlessly accelerated the investigation segments. Equally, i loved Judicial Findings. Undoubtedly my favourite part of the courtroom sections and a welcome change of pace. I tended to stall a lot because the jury's music fucks so hard. While on the topic of what i liked, Ryunosuke and Susato's chemistry rivals what Phoenix and Maya have going on. Susato leaving at the end of Adventures was a genuinely effective point in the plot, even though i knew she'd be back.
Now, let's take a closer look at the episodes. Here's my overall tier list of all Ace Attorney cases, the Great Ace Attorney ones being highlighted in yellow:
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Blossoming Attorney gobbled the rest of the girls right up (a court-only episode, no less). They gave us Susato gameplay, what more can you ask for? An amazing case. Gay Women in STEM !!
Return kinda strikes a nice balance between the different feels of the two games i mentioned before. You've got exposition and world-building with the whole Great Exhibition, turn of the century mad science thing, but also classic Ace Attorney with tracking down Drebber (very Matt Engarde's apartment) and Madame Tusspells as just some witness (very Lisa Basil). A very fun case right before the clusterfuck of mysteries ensues. Also, Dr Courtney Sithe !!!!! Girl you're such a star and you don't even know it spit in my mouth
Was tempted to put Unspeakable in the second tier but i think it's earned its high placement on its own merit and not because of personal bias. It's a great case. Maybe not for a final one, but it's still great. It tries its hardest to tie up some loose ends before the game ends and that's worth something.
Resolve of Ryunosuke is objectively better than Twisted because i could not give less of a fuck about the purple guy's headache and Espella Cantabella selling firecrackers, but they're both very much one single package. Extra points to Resolve of Ryunosuke though for having its villain sit at the judge's seat. That was neat.
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The two Clouded Kokoros are giving stinky Bri ish culture with the whole apartment building background, like Ribena, bad teeth, rusty Union Jack, horseshit breath at the pub, you awrite luv? Slander, i'm sorry.
Slightly unrelated but when i was making this tier list it became so obvious that Investigations 2 is the crown jewel of the franchise. Like it has two cases in the top 5, how can you even argue against that?
Arriving to a conclusion, i'd say both games belong on the same level as Apollo Justice: a blend of good and bad. My experience playing the Ace Attorney franchise has followed this trend of attaching each game to a pivotal moment in my life. I finished the first game while i was still a soldier, Justice for All during my first year at university, Dual Destinies during Covid lockdown, Investigations while helping my parents set up their shop one summer. So i know i'll look back at playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles right after handing my dissertation very fondly. In other words, despite not quite sticking the landing, it's left a very pleasant aftertaste. Thank you for reading!
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Chainsaw Man 135: Sentimental Drive
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So, part two is about Asa, and Fujimoto is well aware of the fact that she's been neglected in these last few chapters. Thanks to that, not only do we return to Asa and Yoru, Fujimoto cranks their characters up to 10 to churn out all sorts of hilarious, weird, and even cringey (in a good way) moments. Hell, you might even say Fujimoto manages to get all the way to 11 with this chapter that refocuses our vision on the impending doom of the foretold prophecy (and a little more teasing with Denji).
Let's get down to brass tacks here, Asa and Yoru are funny as hell, no two ways about it. It's not in their sense of humor or comedic timing, it's their very cores as characters and the relationship between the two of them. Just in the way they bounce of off each other they produce a humor that could only ever arise naturally.
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Though of course, Fujimoto's flair does help a little bit as he decides to have Asa recite a whole poem about Chainsaw Man saving her. You really do have to give Fujimoto credit for Asa's character though, as she does fall in love at first sight with any guy/person/devil that's nice to her.
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Okay, last bit of funny here I promise. So we know that Asa and Yoru do share brain cells in the literal sense, but they also appear to do so in the figurative sense when big sister Fami appears in front of the pair. Striking similar defensive poses after registering that Fami appears is just so funny considering how opposite the two are typically.
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Anyways, lots more humor ensues with Fami rummaging through Asa's fridge while chatting about Chainsaw Man, and she exposes some really interesting things. The first being that she wants to separate Denji and Pochita, to rid the world of "Red" (Denji) Chainsaw Man, and bring back "Black" (Pochita) Chainsaw Man, and allow Yoru to kill that Black Chainsaw Man. It's a really interesting idea, because well, Fami isn't exactly one to lay all her cards on the table, so it makes you wonder what she gains from the separation of Denji and Pochita, and what role Black Chainsaw Man has in the impending doom foretold by the prophecy.
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While that's more of an open question and curiosity, this next piece isn't. I love this symbolism of Asa and Yoru melding into a single entity/person here. How their goals align and they see a future together finally after the intense struggles that clearly separated them during the Falling Devil fight. Really really interesting piece that makes me curious to see where the lines blur between the two characters moving forward. Also just a little detail, it's cool that Yoru is the foreground character that "dominates" the idea of Asa+Yoru, as Asa is a far more passive person.
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And last but not least, lets kick Denji while he's even more down, don't we? I love it, it's really great to allow him to "bow out" earlier, only to basically spit on his name in nearly every capacity.
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It's really great to see all the girls in this chapter think of Denji and Chainsaw Man as completely separate entities, because it absolutely drives home the identity crisis he's had in the last few chapters. How impossible it is to remove Chainsaw Man from Denji, how much one is the other. I think it's made even more ironic by the fact that it's the natural continuation of Makima, where she viewed Denji only as Chainsaw Man. Now, with the War and Famine Devils, they're trying to force Denji to only become Denji, and separate out Chainsaw Man. To quite literally, like Makima did, rip out his heart. The writing's sorta on the wall, and it's saying that Fujimoto is too damn good with these characters when he wants to explore them.
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
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Ah yes, that is definitely his tiny baby as they both now must share the singular brain cell between the both of them, Rocc Devourer shall live again
Baby might have taken the one brain cell
And it’s bouncing around in jr’s head like a DVD player logo
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misteria247 · 2 years
I just realized that in the 2012 series whenever Donnie and Mikey team up, Donnie's intelligence goes out the window like???
Instant sharing a single brain cell between them. They're either fighting for custody for it or they're bouncing it around between them. There is no in between.
Like they're absolutely horrible influences on one another and are the very definition of-
"Leo and Raph aren't looking time to do some unhinged shenanigans and commit ruthless chaos."
And honestly I love it.
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Mirai Yuhara and Scarabia
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Kalim Al-Asim
Between the two of them, there is one brain cell
They both share it
half of it
When they see each other
it's nothing but squeals and dumb ideas
Jamil suffers ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨
Please send help
They have the stupidest nicknames for each other
will make up a new one everyday
Kalim: "Starbaby!" Mirai: "Starbaby?" Kalim: "Cus your freckles and blonde hair!" Mirai: "Then you're 'Cookieface!'" Kalim: "Cookieface?" (⌒▽⌒)♡ Mirai: "Cus you remind me of a cookie! You're sweet, you're face is little and round, and your hair is the icing." Kalim: (♡°▽°♡) Mirai: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Jamil: (눈_눈)
Stupid ideas
Like trying to use the carpet to sand board
or to go sand sledding
Ideas like sleepovers full of candy
which results to the two of the bouncing off the walls like little gremlins all night
No thoughts, head empty
Kalim Al-Asim - Dating Mirai Yuhara
I can't see Mimi with Kalim
maybe Female Mirai
but def not Mirai as he is
hes too twisted for our ball of light magic
but I like Kalim too much not to make one
But nothing changes between the two of them
you wouldn't even know they were dating
they don't even know
I feel Mirai would be aware of the crush, but wouldn't act
Kalim on the other hand isn't aware
he just thinks he's being really really nice to Mirai bc they are friends
But when they do figure it out
Nothing changes!
Maybe there is more hugging
and kissing is def added
but they still are just as ushy gushy
and they still share that brain cell
Jamil Viper
He does not like Mirai
they are nowhere near friends
especially after his overblot
like how did an idiot like Mirai foil his plans?!
Mirai reminds him Kalim in ways and he hates it
It's the stupidity, the air headed nature they both have
Mirai: "You think if I jumped from here, I'd survive? (¯ . ¯٥) Kalim: I don't know. Wanna try? I'll catch you with my magic carpet if it's too high." (≧◡≦) ♡ Mirai: Alright let's do it! Jamil: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! (╬`益´)
Jamil hates dealing with Mirai's antics
But he also can't help to be thankful when Mirai reads the room
When Jamil's stressed, Mirai helps out with Jamil's chores
Need to head to the store? Mirai's got him.
Need a nap? He'll distract Kailm for an hour or two
Impromptu party? Mirai will help setup.
Mirai's got Jamil's back
Two in one day! Let's gooooooooo! ☆ ~('▽^人) I honestly love Kalim and Jamil. Their dynamic is one of the most complex in the game. On a side note, Kalim honestly reminds me of a cookie, and in this case an Oatmeal cream pie. He's just so cute and his face is round and his hair reminds me of the cream icing in the middle. And he's just so sweet and lovable, like a cookie lololol! And no, I don't think Kalim is a complete idiot, but he is a bit of an air head, and I feel Kalim paired with Mirai is just nightmare fuel for Jamil lololol
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
How would the Naruto idiot friend group survive or how long they’d last during no nut november I wonder 🤔💭
i actually have a moot that did a similar kind of post, here's the link. it was a really fun read, so check it out if you feel like it!!
i know it's not a group of idiots necessarily, but i chose kiba and naruto simply because i think they have the most potential to share custody of a single brain cell (and because they're my faves, lol.) it's all under the cut, because it's obv nsfw.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: just two horny morons suffering because of NNN 🧡 fem!reader, 18+ mdni
𝘄𝗰: 900+ words
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Don’t get me wrong, the man is determined to last – and is loud about it, too – but as soon as it comes to actually committing to NNN, Kiba is all bark and no bite. He lasts not even two full days before his hand winds up in his pants, which, if you take his sky-high libido into consideration, is pretty good actually.
His ego makes him act all smug and proud the first night; he’s messing around in the group chat, talking about how good that first nut on the 1st of December is going to feel, and yet by the second night he’s already growing agitated and snippy because he’s used to jerking one out before bed or early in the morning when he wakes up with a literal coke can in his sweatpants.
He’s so pent-up that he even dreams some whacky-ass scenario with you between his legs, his best friend; drooling and sucking the literal life out of him with that cutesy mouth that always likes to talk shit whenever he teases you, and for some odd reason: it’s enough to make him admit defeat.
He wakes up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat like he’s just had a nightmare despite that it was the literal opposite, and with the image of your cute face covered in his cum still somewhere in the back of his mind. He can still feel your hands on his thighs, the weight of your slick tongue on his dick. So he says ‘Fuck it.’ and opens up Pornhub on his phone. He taps the first video that catches his eye and finishes at the initial blowjob part not even five minutes in whilst his mind insists on replaying that goddamn scenario with you instead. 
The amount of cum he’s managed to produce just because he hasn’t touched himself in two days is unholy. Or it might be because you’re someone who he’s just now realized that he wants so, so badly. Who knows.
He sleeps like a baby afterwards, despite that the post-nut clarity chews on his pride a little. The confused feelings he harbours for you don’t help either. And when he wakes up in the morning, still grumpy but now at least without the persistent ache in his balls from being so horny all the time, all he does is jack off again because it’s literally pointless now and he might as well try to feel good about being a lovestruck loser.
The others know he’s failed the moment he’s actually quiet in the group chat. He doesn’t tell them about the reason as to why, though. Just slaps that ‘seen’ like the sensitive cancer sign that he is, and texts you instead.
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Naruto lasts surprisingly longer than he initially thought he would, despite that he took the entire thing as a joke at first. Still, he’s determination incarnate and competitive – as most young men his age are – and he’s going strong for about a week or two just to prove a point that consequently doesn’t even hold any meaning in the end. 
And it shows. Not being able to spill his load makes him impatient. He’s always jittery; bouncing his knee whilst sitting on the couch in your living room while you watch movies and a suggestive scene pops up, staring at you from the corner of his eye for just a little bit too long all the time. After all, Naruto is already touchy and needy on the norm, especially around you, so not being able to stuff his dick inside your warm cunt and bully it to his heart’s content is simply annoying.
What do I even get out of this? Is it worth it? What’s the fuckin’ point, really? – These questions are the only thing he thinks about lately.
However, despite the lack of intimacy during November, his evident struggle is awfully amusing to you. So you egg him on, acting all sweet and coy whilst executing your plans that would lead to his demise like some evil mastermind in the making.
You wear those pretty dresses that show off the tops of your thighs whenever you step onto your tippy-toes and wrap your arms around your tortured boyfriend’s neck. Press your chest to his own real tight, so that he can surely feel your soft tits squish against him, especially late in the evening when you’re both just chilling at home and you’re not wearing a bra underneath the tiny shirts you all of a sudden like putting on around him.
It’s all fun and games – for you, of course. Still, Naruto doesn’t yield all that easily. He just refuses to give.
However, two weeks are certainly a lot for a man with a sex drive so high that it reaches past the clouds. Every little thing, may it be intentional or not, is like a trigger inside that horny pea-brain of his. And because of it, it takes you literally nothing more than bending over in your tight gym shorts for his willpower to finally crack.
You’re in the kitchen, searching for a freaking pot to cook dinner in and not attempting to appear enticing at all for once, and yet the moment his warm hand traces the curve of your ass over the smooth spandex, it’s game over.
Soldier down, his dick ends up buried deep inside your pussy before you can even lay eyes on the stupid pot.
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
car etc update
I have driven so many cars. I'll witter on about them behind the cut but first I have to share a brief story of Reno the cat.
This morning Reno the cat was out by the greenhouse as I came in to stop at the house for breakfast. He was staring nobly off into the distance, no brain cell in his head whatsoever, just wind whistling between his ears.
A bit later, I'd had breakfast and was getting myself together to do some work today (which I promise I'm doing I'm just taking a Tumblr break, the first this week basically, so there), and I saw him sitting on the shelf at the porch window, staring in. Ah, I thought, he wants to come inside, because that is often how he signals that. So I went over to the door, and opened it.
He saw me and meowed excitedly, and clumsily made his way down off the shelf, which he doesn't know how to do gracefully. I stood waiting with the door open because this is the only thing one can really do, or Reno will get too confused to come in.
As he made it to the door, his sister Whiskey had clearly had enough; she also likes to go in and out the door and needs it held open a long time so she can stare through it and make her decision. The two of them share a brain cell and she usually has it. it's not a very bright brain cell. She shot out the door precisely as he was about to come in it.
This distracted him so much he turned around and followed her, which made her hiss at him and run away, and he could not help but chase her. I yelled his name and he stopped and then saw me and remembered he had wanted to come in the door. I called his name and he finally came in the door. I let go of the door, which has one of those pneumatic soft-closer thingies on it, so it mostly shut behind him but then bounced back open to hiss shut softer.
As it bounced back open, he turned and ran back out the door.
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[image description: the garden, through the large metal mesh of the deer fence, in a sea of dewy green grass and plants with some distant trees in the background, and in the foreground is a cinder block counterweighting the planting bench canopy to keep the wind from catching it, and a white cat litter bucket in the mid-ground (presumably with transplanting supplies in it); just beyond the legs of the planting bench, Reno the cat, who is gray and white, is sitting upright looking the other way, ears cocked forward as he gazes out over the garden.]
Anyway, cars--
I have now test-driven a Honda HR-V, a Subaru Forester, a Jeep Compass, a Jeep Renegade, a Nissan Kicks, a Volkswagen Taos, a Mazda CX-30 and a Mazda CX-5. And then I also drove a Subaru Outback, a 2020 Limited trim package that's now crossed the US several times and has had a young man intermittently living in it for some time, and said young man (who works here) was excited to tell me all about it and show me the Steering Assist which I can't deny would be pretty sweet if I was driving across the entire country.
Of those, the only interesting ones were the Subaru Forester and the Jeep Renegade. The Renegade is a Fiat really, made in Italy, and the thing I liked about it was super dumb-- it's so boxy and upright that the driver's seat is intensely vertical, your legs are really under you and you're sitting up high but with plenty of headspace, so it's sort of vaugely like a Wrangler only not quite so punishingly uncomfortable to handle, and it looks like a fucking Lego toy car but I tell you what I bet that four wheel drive is pretty sweet. Also 9.7 inches of ground clearance, hard to argue with.
The others were all fine, really, and the Mazda CX-5 downright pleasant-- good balance of cargo and headspace with reasonable fuel economy, good adjustability, friendly technology though a lot of that is probably just that Dude has been driving a Mazda since 2016 or so and as the passenger I've had to learn to navigate the technology. (M-L was excited that the star button might take you to space-- no, it's radio favorites-- and the paper airplane might be messages? no, it's navigation.)
I have a terrible feeling that for all my diligence and research I'm still going to wind up back in a fucking Subaru. I did get the scoop on the local dealership, a friend of M-Ls has a 4-year old Forester that she loves from that dealership which she hates despite it having almost the same last name as her. (One letter different. You'd think you could leverage that into them being nice to you. Guess not.)
I'm taking the Amtrak this weekend out to Rochester and it's going to be incredibly complicated to get back home. I looked at my schedule-- I'd been vaguely thinking I had two weeks off in a row coming up but i do not so either I'm going to take the Amtrak a whole lot over the next month and a half or I'd better just buy a fucking car. Blargh.
I haven't tried Kia or Hyundai and I missed Toyota because the Nissan guy wasted so much of my time (he was very clearly waiting for a specific car to come back from being test driven but not saying so, and finally M-L was like "genuinely we do not care what color" so he was like ok and went and got the one of the two other ones and then was like "there's no gas in this we gotta go get gas" arghhh anyway) that the Toyota dealership closed. I also have a dodge hornet on the list but they were all in the shop, which is weird. ("Naw there's some check engine light issue they all need a software reset over," said the guy, and i was like what does that mean and will that happen after i buy them, but he was like "don't worry about it" and we drove jeeps instead so okay?) And there's a couple of chevys and a ford and i'm really tired.
I've actually liked most of the sales people so that's been fun. We did genuinely shock the Mazda salesman when I admitted to being 44. "I was thinking you were young enough to be my daughter," he said, "but that's how old I am."
None of them have been able to figure out that M-L and I are sisters. M-L reports that occasionally I'll mention my partner having made me a spreadsheet, or that my partner drives a Mazda, and I often will use he pronouns for him, and she's like "I can feel them not looking at me because they'd all assumed I was the wife" which is hilarious. I mean for context we are very, very similar in appearance, similar coloring, similar size and shape, we really do resemble one another, but we have slightly different cheekbones/jaws/face shapes, so we're not identical or anything; we just have an obvious family resemblance. I guess it's not super normal to go car shopping with a sibling but I don't understand why it's so unexpected. As the like, bonus level, often we'll tell stories about Our Mom or Our Dad and we're clearly both telling the story? So I feel like it shouldn't be such a shock.
I'll be mildly annoyed if I wind up just buying the second goddamned car i test drove but on the other hand at least i'll know I bought it on purpose.
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Caspar von Bergliez & Shez (fire emblem warriors: three hopes) Yukiko Amagi & Chie Satonaka aka Yukichie (persona 4)
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reminder to check out the propaganda before voting, it is under the cut
Caspar & Shez
they share one brain cell that bounces back and forth between them like a tennis ball during a rally
Literally only one character from the Investigation Team has more than one Braincell and it's neither of these two. Maybe other characters from that game would fit more but like. These two are girlfriends who are dumbasses together
First i will drop this, second. They made Kanji scream because they thought they were going to kill an innocent child with their cooking
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captain-hen · 6 months
I like to think that Buck and Eddie share the same brain cell while they're in the field which is why they work so well together. And the moment those turnouts come off they have to go back to passing that brain cell back and forth between them, and occasionally it will bounce just right so they can be on the same wavelength but other than that they somehow manage to constantly miscommunicate past each other
(also agree that a lot of people blame Eddie for not noticing things while blatantly ignoring that Buck is like, the most oblivious out of the two of them in so many situations, even ones that aren't between them)
hi gary! and, yeah, they're very attuned to each other on the job, but that doesn't mean it necessarily transfers over into their personal lives—especially if you consider the boatload of issues with intimacy, abandonment and rejection they have between them; their fucked up ways of viewing themselves and what love is supposed to look like, etc...it's bound to result in major miscommunication. they can't actually read each other's mind and that's not how realistic relationships work, anyway
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softspiderling · 19 days
To anon who wondered how Harry would react- well, Tom knows about Brokeback Winterfell. Which means Harry 100% knows about it, and they both probably googled some fics or fanart after another wild party night just for shts and giggles. I can also totally see Tom sipping beer while Harry is puffing his vape and them both simultaneously going, oooh, what if we kept posting shirtless pics to make them even madder? (Cause those two share one semi-functioning brain cell that bounces between their heads and creates an echo)
wait does he???
they do share one brain cell😭😭😭😭😭
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handfulofmuses · 22 days
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Skunk shenanigans 3.0 aka the rest of everything they have to offer so far:
Question: Rough and Tumble vs (80's cartoon) Bebop and Rocksteady. Discuss.
Flynn: It would be a comedy of errors, it would be delightful. Each one of them trying to upstage the other, forgetting why they are fighting to begin with and kind of get distracted by that fact and what were they even setting out to do to begin with? They don’t even remember. They tore up a city block and it’s like …. why? Anything that could go wrong will go wrong and it would be delightful.
Question: So, Rough and Tumble have already met Zavok and I think their interactions were pretty interesting. So, what would the skunk bros reaction be to the rest of the D6? Can they keep with the Zeti?
Flynn: It’s more like can the zeti keep up with them.
Kyle, laughing: They just get exhausted by their constant obnoxiousness.
Flynn: Oh yeah. Like, Zik would have no patience for their idiocy. They’d be picking on Zor way too much, they would be raiding the kitchen and pissing off Zomom. They would be picking fights with Zazz all the time which would make HIM happy. And then Zeena, they would be kinda into her and then fight over her and she wouldn’t want either of them and they would hate her and they get distracted by something else and go off somewhere.
Flynn: And Zavok would wonder why he would bring them along, did he bring them along? Did they just follow him, he cannot remember.
Kyle, laughing: Well …. knowing them, they probably just followed him.
Flynn: That should be like a one off or something. Rough and Tumble come to Lost Hex and just inadvertently accidentally stopped the next invasion by the deadly six.
Flynn: Just by being such nuisances.
I came again, sorry to be humble but I thought of another question for Rough and Tumble. How memey or trendy are they?
Flynn: They are the type of guys who once they catch onto the meme it is already a little stale. And they ride it until it’s well past its expiration date.
Kyle: Oh. So me and you. -laughing-
Flynn: Mhm. MHMHM. MHMHM.
Kyle: Ah no we were at the forefront of big oof man -laughing-
Flynn: oh god
Question: Quick! The IDW Sonic cast are playing a match of Team Fortress 2 in 2Fort on their PCs! Tangle, Whisper and Jewel on team blue, the bash brothers Rough and Tumble, Starline, Kit and Surge in team red. Think they'll do the objective and work together as proper classes, or will they muck up and have everything end in "Failure!"
Flynn: It’s gonna be a mess, that’s for sure. I mean, Tangle’s gonna go-
Kyle: Why are there so many people on team red compared to team blue I mean I guess Rough and Tumble only count as one because they only have one brain cell to share between the two of them and I guess Kit and Surge are a package deal it’s kinda required okay fine nevermind i found it out
Flynn: You got Tangle playing scout and Jewel playing medic but she can barely keep up with Tangle as she is flipping around the map. That’s the worst possible thing you can do expect Whisper’s sniper and nobody can get across the bridge or into the base
Kyle: -Laughing-
Flynn: Surge and Kit have the exact same thing she is playing scout he is playing medic so they just keep bouncing into Tangle and Jewel and not getting anywhere or doing anything productive
Flynn: Rough and Tumble are constantly swapping between Demoman and soldier, arguing over which one is better and blowing each other up, launching each other off of the map
Flynn: And Starline built his base and he refuses to move. If he moves somebody might blow it up he has to be there to maintain it. No one can get to the intelligence he’s FINE you go do your job he’s doing his.
Kyle: -LAUGHTER- He is just sitting there strumming that acoustic guitar. This is like the most terrible game of Team Fortress 2.
Flynn: It works by saying it’s a highlander match where there is only one of each class. So Rough and Tumble are arguing over who plays heavy and they never actually get into the match.
Kyle: Wait are they arguing over who plays heavy or soldier or demo man? Or all three?
Flynn: It kinda goes in the circle.
Kyle: Right.
Flynn: “FINE YOU CAN PLAY HEAVY I’M GONNA MOVE OVER TO SOLDIER” “wait why are you on this side” “because he can shoot and he can rocket jump well” “well then I WANT to be him” “YOU WERE GOING TO BE HEAVY” “I DONT WANNA BE HEAVY NO MORE” and so on and so forth
Question: Rough and Tumble find Erazor Djinn’s lamp and he has to grant them three wishes. What do they wish for?
Flynn: -laughing-
Kyle: -laughs along-
Kyle: They just argue over who gets the wishes, don’t they?
Flynn: Rough wishes for unlimited wishes. Tumble wishes for more wishes than Rough had and they fight over it and at some point they managed to rub the lamp all screaming “WELL I WISH NOBODY GOT NO WISHES”
Kyle: Mhm. And they wouldn’t get any wishes ultimately is what you are saying.
Flynn: Yeah.
Kyle: Good. -laughs-
Question: What would happen if Rough and Tumble went into the haunted house from Night of the Werehog? The one with the ghost girl and two ghost photographers.
Flynn: -amused laughter-
Flynn: There would be a great deal of screaming and running into things Because the ghost girl cracks up at people being terrified. And the two other ghosts who just live to serve love to frighten people take photographs. Rough and Tumble would spend the entire night running from these ghosts, running into walls, getting turned around, not escaping, flash bulb in the face repeatedly and it’s a good thing Law is already a ghost otherwise she would laugh herself to death.
Question: what would Rough and Tumble do on Valentine’s Day? I assume they would look for pretty girls, flirt with them in a rude, obnoxious way, get rejected over and over, and blame it on bad luck and say “Whatever. Their loss.”. What do you think?
Flynn: I think you are right for the money expect for the “whatever” part. Because after they spend most of the day getting rejected, they ruin it for everyone else. Outdoor cafes? Stink bomber.
Flynn: Any kind of delivery van full of flowers? It’s getting upended.
Flynn: Romantic walks in the park? No sorry you are getting thrown off the bridge and into the river.
Kyle: Sounds good to me. Just absolute insanity. Just complete conquest from them over anybody else.
Flynn: Well, you broke their hearts. They really did crumble. So your day is gonna be ruined by Rough and Tumble.
Kyle:-laughing- Oh NOOO! OH NOOO! Now I kinda feel bad for them.
Question: Did Rough and Tumble ever steal a rhyming dictionary as mentioned in the beginning of the Zombot arc? I need to know if mine is in danger of being stolen from them.
Flynn: -laughs-
Kyle: It’s a big problem.
Flynn: I feel like there was actually a line about them having one but unfortunately it got cut for some reason, I can’t remember the details as to why.
Flynn: But yes, they absolutely have a rhyming dictionary. They have a thesaurus and it usually gets destroyed in an argument how to complete their signature rhyme and they have to steal another one. So yes yours is absolutely in danger. Be on the lookout for very angry skunks, looking for literature.
Question: Rough and Tumble are cool and funny, how do you think they would react to their fanbase?
Flynn: First they would be surprised that they have a fanbase. That people pay attention to them in a positive way at all. And they wouldn*t necessarily know how to handle that. At first. And then they would just revel in it. Entirely too much. They like, coast on that to all the unhealthy degrees try to grift their fanbase. Like, they - is cafe press still a thing? They be turning out their own merch left and right and selfies just plastered on clocks and socks and whatnot
Kyle: And live streaming Q & A on instragram.
Flynn: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Question: I know Rough and Tumble are a duo, but who would you throw on their team to make it a trio even if it was only temporary, and what would their team name be? There’s something so fascinating about sticking to a hard number, in this case 3, and matching who fits which type and what the team name is.
Flynn: That is the hard thing. Their entire gimmick is that they are a duo so anyone who comes in would be a third wheel. And it’s just the question of who would be the funniest third wheel to have at any given time. And who fits into their rhyming scheme the easiest. I will admit, in bad guys, I cracked myself up with them trying to create rhyme that included the entire team and everyone is just kind of rolling their eyes “why are we even with these people in that car” Rough was “THIS WAS INSPIRED COME ON” they are trying so hard to be team players and good boys
Kyle: They’re not bad. They just like to cause destruction and mayhem.
Question: I know Rough and Tumble are afraid of curses and Mummies, but do they have a huge fear of other paranormal activities like ghosts, monsters and other strange Inexplicable things?
Flynn: Of course not. They are MANLY men they ain’t scared of nothing they don’t fear no ghost or mummies and - what was that? What was that sound why is that door - that door was not open before ITS THE THING AT THE CLOSET RUN.
Flynn: Yeah, they are absolutely Scooby Doo and Shaggy level of jumpy at the paranormal.
Flynn: Now which one of them says zoinks I leave up to you.
Question: When they get the ball, they won't fumble! It's Football time, with Rough and Tumble! Rough and Tumble learn how much money the average United Federation Football player makes and decide to make their own team. First, they have to kidnap-… I mean, DRAFT team members! As many or as few as you'd like, as they probably wouldn't know how many members make up an official team anyway. And thus, The Seaside City Skunks are born and make it into the league (somehow)! How does it go? Who do they try to draft? Do they make it to the Superbowl (legality be darned)? Does Seaside City file a lawsuit for using their name without permission? WHO IS THEIR MASCOT??
Flynn: Yeah so Seaside City actually has a team. It’s just they are like bottom tier. super lame, they have the bare minimum number of players to constitute a team but all of them kinda phone it in cause they know that they are just there to fill out the season so Rough and Tumble take it over no problem.
Flynn: But they realize real quick that they ARE the team at this point so they decide recruit more and they are sitting there thinking: Who can we get thats like fast and and strong and enjoys hurting people?
Flynn: “was that one…there was that one guy we worked with…” “YEAH TOTALLY”
Flynn: So they go to the Lost Hex
Flynn: They recruit the deadly six.
Flynn: And initially they are like -KYLE KEEPS LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND-
Flynn: “What’s wrong with you guys”
Flynn: And Zavok is like: this is stupid enough to actually have my interest. Let’s see this through. And sure enough they work well enough together just to defeat the enemy and they steamroll everyone else in the league.
Kyle: -laughing- Yeah. So it’s Space Jam.
Kyle: -can’t stop laughing- Do they hire anybody else? Or is it just those eight?
Flynn: Those eight? That’s all you really need.
Question: Rough and Tumble meet Team Rocket. What happens, and how peeved do each team get that those other guys have clearly stolen their motto gimmick?
Flynn: -laughs-
Flynn: There was this episode where Jessie and James go into a motto off with their rivals, basically shouting at each other trying to overrule the other. I imagine something like that with Rough and Tumble.
Flynn: But ultimately, they would lose out because they don’t have a Meowth. Like, that’s just the cherry on top.
Flynn: And they are just “we don’t have a hyp man to end our little spiel wow these guys are good”
Flynn: Meanwhile Jessie and James are having a team huddle going. “They can actually change their slogan on the fly? We have to stick to a script! They are so versatile we really need to think varying things!”
Flynn: And that’s how Rough and Tumble joins Team Rocket.
Question: - Seeking employment, Rough & Tumble are hired by none other than DuckTales 2017's Flintheart Glomgold! Their mission? Just help him bust up Scrooge's mansion and take all his stuff! How do they lose to the McDuck Family, and how long before R&T get fed up with Glomgold's heart of flint?
Flynn: -laughs-
Kyle: -laughs-
Flynn, laughing: What an episode.
Kyle: Yeah.
Flynn: I mean first sure, they would be on board. All they have to do is bust up some rich guys place and take whatever they want, easy peasy.
Flynn: Huey has some kind of junior woodchuck guide book way of laying traps through the manor to catch one of them.
Flynn: Louie just cons the other. He’s like “hey you taking our stuff?” “Yeah what are ya gonna do about it?” “oh nothing you can take the cheap stuff” looking at this solid gold “this is cheap???” “yeah you want the real stuff? come with me” and is leading him through the manor through trap after trap “keep coming the real stuff is down this way” leads him to the back exist “well here you thanks for the tour” “WAIT A MINUTE” and you know the third or fourth time they manage to get expelled from the manor, Glomgold is completely done with their antics “IM NOT EVEN GONNA INCLUDE MY NAME IN YOUR INTRO ANYMORE”
Flynn: They are crawling back into the manor out of spite and Scrooge is like “what do you even want in here look I give you each five dollars just to make Glomgold’s day worse”
Flynn: Webby kicks them out at some point.
Flynn: Dewey got his own subplot and is oblivious to the entire ordeal.
Question: Tail swap! Tumble gets Tangle's tail while Tangle gets Tumble's… lack of a tail. How do they handle this?
Flynn: Tangle is perfectly fine, what are you talking about? She does not need a tail for balance - whoops. No, she meant to trip. Oh, she is dizzy. She will be fine, she can get used to this. One less thing to worry about no more brushing she will be fine JEWEL HELP
Flynn: Meanwhile, Tumble is having the time of his life. (Singing voice) “Floof, glorious floof! Tail goes on for miles now~ Here jump roof to roof!” he is doing cartwheels, gymnastic dance displays, he has not moved from a 5 radius he is just revving in it.
Kyle: Wraps it around himself like a scarf. Then accidentally chokes himself.
Flynn: And when they come to take it back he remembers oh wait, it can punch too. And he becomes one of the most formidable multi-med fighter you have ever seen.
Question: How would they react if someone asks for a picture and an autograph?
Flynn: They demand you pay them. After you do, they sign the autograph, mug you, and steal the autograph!
Kyle: I was thinkin' they would just end up just arguing with each other over who has the better signature, or something like that, y'know? Kyle: And they just get into a fight, and, y'know, would end up… your picture would be destroyed. You'd have no autograph, but they would still abscond with your money, because of course they would!
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
Tuna Sprite & Relationship Chart
Finally got around to making a sprite and doing one of those charts! BIG BIG thx to @/alchemivich for having so many great assets available! <3
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I'm not entirely sure how platonic works, but I'm assuming best friends type of thing? Explanations of a few relationships below!
Vil & Tuna: Vil can't stand Tuna's atrocious fashion sense and sometimes fears it even. When he doesn't have to deal with Tuna's dumb outfits Vil is fairly friendly. Tuna respects Vil, but doesn't keep up with him enough to be friends.
Rook & Tuna: They sometimes share the same brain cell. They are classmates and Rook is one of Tunas fav people. Tuna loves hearing Rooks rambles and follows him around sometimes when he is stalking looking out for other students. Tuna is very curious and Rooks habits only fuels their curiosity.
Epel & Tuna: Tuna doesn't like Epel much. Tuna isn't usually one to judge, but Epels closed minded/ old fashion thinking was a huge deterrent to Tuna. They don't really know each other either, so Tuna can't entierly dislike Epel, but until they HAVE to get to know each other Tuna is staying their distance.
Kalim & Tuna: Best friends. Their hyper happy go lucky natures bounce off of each other to create the ultra sunshine pair. This duo can be very irresponsible and can get caught up in their excitement. At the end of the day though, Tuna will make sure to protect Kalim from harm!
Jamil & Tuna: Tuna once chased Jamil with a big bug, because they found out what Jamil did during winter break. Kalim is one of Tunas fav people, so they had to get revenge for him!!! Now it is mutual disliking between Jamil and Tuna, but if they make amends they could be a great duo.
Azul & Tuna: They are friends by eel relation. Tuna also works in the lounge and as a back up for most physical altercations. Tuna hasn't made a big deal with Azul before, but has made dumb deals. Things like letting Azul borrow tunas UM and in exchange Tuna gets to be 7ft tall until they get it back. Just silly things. Sometimes Azul wonders if Tuna is extremely foolish or has some secret plan.
Floyd & Tuna: Tuna has a big fat crush, but can't tell if they just really enjoy being friends with Floyd or actually likes him. They hangout a lot and will cause a commotion more often then not. Floyd hasn't realized Tunas feelings... yet.
Jade & Tuna: Same club buddies. Tuna likes to exchange info dumps with Jade and thinks they're neat! They will sometimes have verbal battles trying to outsmart the other. However, they don't interact much outside of work or club.
Lilia & Tuna: Another pair of tricksters! They play video games together and will prank students together at times. Somehow became cooking buddies too. They are on the same level of disaster cooking, not to mention Tuna will eat anything and everything they make. Something about "It's a unique experience every time!"
Leona & Tuna: They are classmates! Tuna likes to annoy Leona cause it's funny. Leona in turn doesn't like Tuna much, but thinks of them as an annoying younger sibling.
If you got this far; thanks for reading & learning more about Tuna! ^v^
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Just curious do you think Yanfei x Heizou could work as couple?
heizou is a little shit (affectionate) and i think yanfei would be great at putting up with that. she would go along with his shenanigans most of the time—she doesn’t mind bending the rules, but if he straight up breaks the law during investigations she’ll probably keep him in line. kujou sara would love her LMAO
and even though she can be level-headed and knows how to rein him in, heizou’s flirting would most definitely get to her sometimes :) like if it catches her off guard her cheeks will turn the color of her hair and she shuts down JSBDJFHD
but i think she’d also flirt back with him when she has her wits about her since she is also a menace. and when they are both being menaces it’s terrifying for whatever criminal they’re after or investigating because they share one brain cell and it’s bouncing back and forth between them, but like it works because they’re in sync and know what the other is thinking. interrogations with these two would be incredible to watch
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misteria247 · 1 year
Ya know I love the A Team but like I also love the B Team too like.
If A Team compliment one another well then B Team is the same way.
Donnie who's all brain and logic, and Mikey who's all heart and nonsense, they're the complete opposites of one another in every way yet that's what makes them work so well with one another. They influence each other in both the best and worst ways.
Donnie influences Mikey to do things more logically than to just wing it and to take his heart out of certain situations when he can't be emotionally vulnerable to an enemy. While Mikey influences Donnie to let loose more and go with his heart rather than his head in situations that call for more emotional vulnerability. They balance each other out and help each other in moments where the other is struggling in as well as offer comfort when it's needed.
Not to mention that they're both hell on wheels when together because they're the younger siblings of the family. They're the babies of the clan, which means that they're gonna be chaotic as all hell. I'm talking sharing or bouncing a brain cell between them kind of chaos.
I just, ugh I love their relationship so much.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
"Watch what you say around the kid!" With MoxYuta please 🤍
Her Yuta
Thank you for the opportunity to write kidfic!!!!!
Welcome to the BCC polycule Renee is the only one with a brain and the extra brain cells bounce between the lads.
Yuta's half asleep after the match with Lee, but at least he's not covered in blood this time. He's prepared to curl up on the floor, probably using all three of his Blackpool hoodies as blankets, when he opens the door and pauses.
Nora's sitting on the ground in the middle of a pile of what used to be Yuta's clean luggage. It's covered in cookie crumbs.
Yuta looks over at Mox. "Um," he says. "Dude?"
"Yeah?" Mox says, grabbing some of Nora's cars and setting them up. He's on his stomach, legs kicking up as he sets the cars on top of a pile of clothes. Nora claps as the cars roll down the sleeve of a hoodie and right into Mox's hands. He makes a gobbling noise, face down in what are probably Yuta's favorite jeans.
"Daddy, not food! Car!" Nora laughs. She picks up another cookie from somewhere deep within some of Yuta's clothes, the crumbs tumbling down.
"Oh, you gotta be fuckin' kidding me," Yuta grumbles.
"Hey!" Mox says. "Watch what you say around the kid!"
Nora looks up, confused. "Daddy? Yuta say bad?" She frowns. "Fuckin?"
Mox glares at him.
"I didn't say that," Yuta says, feeling the panic build. Why'd Mox have to bring his kid today? Why's Renee got to be out doing interviews? "I said, uh. Duck. Like, quack quack?"
"Qua-qua," Nora says, agreeing. "Car? Car Yoo-dah?" She smiles up at him, chubby toddler cheeks pink and cute and -
"Alright, yeah." Yuta sits down and folds up a few off his tee shirts and a pair of jeans to make a slope. "Look, Nora, if you put the car all the way up here, it'll go fast!"
"Fass car!" Nora says, clapping her tiny hands. She puts the car at the top of the pile and it zooms down so fast Mox doesn't have a chance to move. The little blue pick up truck bonks into his nose.
"Ow!" Mox says, rubbing at his nose.
Yuta rolls his eyes. "Here, I'll kiss it better." He leans in and kisses Mox's nose.
"You're a sap," Mox says, but he's smiling.
"Daddy, I kiss, too," Nora says. She comes over and plants a wet one all over Mox's nose. Yuta starts laughing so hard he gives himself a stomach ache. Nora starts laughing too, and she tumbles on top of Yuta, burying her face into his chest, little hands wrapped in his hoodie. "Yuta silly!" she says through giggles, nuzzling into him.
"I'm not good with kids," Mox says in a weird voice. "I don't think she should come to our locker room."
"Is that supposed to be me?" Yuta asks, tickling Nora as Nora tickles him back. "I never said any of that."
"You did. This morning." Mox grabs Nora who squeals with delight. "You love your Yuta, don't you?" Mox says, peppering kisses all over Nora's smiling face.
"My Yuta," she says, resting her head on Mox's shoulder. She beams at Yuta, and he feels like he might be bursting.
"Our Yuta," Mox corrects, booping Nora on the nose. "You gotta share with me and everybody else."
"My Yuta," Nora says again, more authoritative than Yuta's heard any two year old be.
As Yuta stands and Nora reaches for him, he thinks he may just be officially her Yuta.
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