#they're father is chief and the fact
kstarlitchaotics · 8 months
I know they're not really Zuko royalty but the ironic thing of Zuko calling the water tribe siblings peasants is something
He probably never knew afterwards huh especially if no one said Chief Hakoda
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Hot take: Laios wouldn't actually mind an arranged marriage. Obviously "reluctant royal being pressured into marriage" is very fun for shipping purposes. But I have harlequin blood, so bear with me. Join me on this journey of character theorizing/shipping nonsense that makes it abundantly clear I have a Scrivener document I'm neglecting.
Laios was promised to someone from a young age. He and Falin both were; it's probably how their parents ended up together. They both broke it off by leaving their village, but it didn't seem to be a factor in Laios's own decision. And when Marcille, presumably, asks about his hypothetical love life (bicorn chapter), he not only brings it up readily, but actually seems kind of flattered? lmao
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I love when smug Laios comes out. Underrated factor of Laios's personality for me is how much he enjoys being seen as cool. I think you'd expect Laios to be embarrassed or uneasy over this line of questioning, and the fact that he isn't is fun to me.
So when Yaad and his other old advisors bring up his need for a wife, Laios is ready to go along with it. Not necessarily thrilled by the prospect, but he was raised to think of marriage as a business arrangement you do because it's beneficial for your household/bloodline (as was often the case historically). He's already made the big step to claim a throne, and the idea of becoming village chief after his father seemed to have been vaguely in the back of his head all his life. Besides, if he has to do it anyway, I think he'd take comfort that there was a formalized process for an otherwise socially messy undertaking.
This dovetails neatly with my personal headcanon that Laios is gay but unaware of it. He comes from kind of a repressed culture- or at least I can imagine he does based on context clues- and has spent most of his life being ostracized in one way or another, feeling like he's on the outside of humanity. So he doesn't realize that his lack of attraction to women is unusual- he assumes that nobody really enjoys romance that much. It's not like his own parents married for love. It's just something people play up for stories, right?
It's all tangled up with his fraught desire for human connection and platonic companionship anyway. Meanwhile he's blithely unaware that the things he says about Toshiro are not normal bro things. Oh you'd totally marry Toshiro, Laios? Tell me more.
I see this in Marcille too. Firstly due to her unstable development, which has only recently allowed her to reach maturity (I headcanon her as somewhere between 20-22) and secondly due to her being a half-elf (infertile+a too-long lifespan), I think she has the expectation that she's simply not destined for love. The half-elf character she relates to in her favorite books says as much. So she, too, confuses a genuine lack of heterosexual attraction with the belief that this is just because of her half-elf status distancing her from it. Plus, she spent over a decade as a student/researcher in a nice little sheltered academic bubble, at an all-girls academy populated by adolescents. She's the most sheltered of all the characters: she's only spent the past year in the "real world", and she still focuses all her romantic attention on living vicariously through her favorite characters or her friends (except for Falin, conveniently!).
And Marcille would absolutely want to live vicariously through Laios and his future wife. She would not want him to go through a dispassionate formalized process: she wants her bestie to have a fairytale romance! What is the point of being a heroic king in a mythic castle if you can't even get a love story for the ages out of it?
This would result in a lot of Laios meeting with eligible bachelorettes at Marcille's urging, looking to Kabru for help the entire time and being grilled by Marcille afterwards about what he liked best about each girl. "She had nice, um, teeth?" They're both so close to getting it.
Kabru, meanwhile, is agitating for Yaad and the other advisors not lock the country into a hereditary monarchy, they have the chance to do something radical here, to break away from the systems that the elves and dwarves uphold. At the very least, let Laios marry for love, or formally adopt an heir and name them his successor if he wants, he's already sacrificed enough for the sake of Melini. Don't make him jump through these circus hoops for the chance of some trade agreements, we can get those without a royal marriage. And even if Laios was willing to go along with it, he does look at Kabru like he's his hero for sticking up for him.
The vague unhappiness Kabru feels at the idea of Laios being married off is easy for him to ignore. Kabru didn't actually get better at honoring or even recognizing his own wants just because he's moved past the dungeon. And Laios hasn't gotten the hint about his crush on Toshiro and is still 50/50 on saying casually shocking things, so when he remarks that he doesn't need a wife anyway when he has Kabru, he has no idea why that gets him the looks it does. After all, where he's from, men marry women to run their households, but Laios has castle staff for that, and Kabru is handling the rest?
That comment alone ticks one month off their collective gay awakening countdown.
Anyway. How many repressed gays in their twenties does it take to run a country?
Answer: Yaad can tell you.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
HTTYD 2 is ten years old today, it was my first exposure to the franchise and despite its many glaring flaws i can't help but love it and hold it so close to my heart.
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This scene is a great example of why.
I love it so much. It's a heart-wrenchingly beautiful reminder that as good as he is, Hiccup is not some perfect hero. He is still just a person, a flawed human being who has cracked under the pressure of his circumstances and is barely given time to grieve his fathers' death.
(I adore scenes like this — It humanizes characters so much more, and just adds to that layer of perceived realism.)
And you can see the regret on his face as soon as he says it. But in that moment he doesn't do anything about it; he's still processing Stoick's death, and he only snaps out of it when he sees Toothless is under the Bewilderbeast's control again and Valka has to hold him back from attempting to go after him.
What he said and did to Toothless there was a momentary lapse in judgment fueled by grief. And later, as he breaks Toothless out of the Alpha's control, you can see he feels terrible about it. About how, even if it was brief, he pushed away his best friend. And he loves Toothless so much.
The way he talks to him literally breaks me every time I rewatch it.
"It wasn't your fault, you'd never hurt him, you'd never hurt me."
"Please, you... are my best friend, bud. My best friend."
And when Toothless comes back he just looks so elated to see Hiccup.
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Though, Something that's even crazier to me is the fact all this takes place over less than a week. Once he gets toothless back and Drago is defeated, he is immediately made chief. And with the state berk is in, he is given presumably no time to properly mourn Stoick, or to fully adjust to the presence of his mother.
(though I feel his and Valka's relationship will never be what it could've been. He knows she chose not to come back, and that is a blow to their newly formed and fragile bond that, as much as they love each other, is not something she can ever fully make up for.)
But at least through everything, since the beginning, the one real constant he's had has been Toothless.
They're friendship was built off a mutual feeling of out-of-placeness, then unconditional trust and unwavering loyalty.
they love each other so much it makes me wanna throw up
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
One underdiscussed aspect of the bone-deep lack of mutual understanding during the nieyao stairs scene is that Nie Mingjue doesn't know - and can't know - what he's actually asking of Jin Guangyao. Not because he doesn't understand how his father treats him, or how tenuous his position is. But because he has no clue Xue Yang is a demonic cultivator.
Remember: Nie Mingjue is still alive, which means the position of chief cultivator doesn't exist yet and Jin Guangshan is facing heavy pushback for suggesting it. Most of that is coming from a fear that the Jin will try to become the next Wen. So having an outer disciple murder an entire clan and then not even punish him properly? This is a collosally bad move politically! You might as well be waving a red flag around yelling "I want to kill other sects with impunity!" There's a reason that years in the future, the moment Jin Guangyao becomes acting sect leader, he will immediately order Xue Yang's death (He doesn't actually die, either by accident or on purpose on jgy's part. But the point is that as far as the public is concerned he had Xue Yang executed.)
From Nie Mingjue's perspective, Jin Guangshan just shot himself in the foot politically for some random outer disciple. It's morally wrong, but it's also incredibly fucking stupid. In his eyes, he is asking Jin Guangyao to do the glaringly obvious right thing, even when exclusively looking at the Jins' self-interest. The thing that surely everyone else in the Jin also wants Jin Guangshan to do! Jin Guangyao can say that he has no influence on his father all he wants, but it is obvious how much work he does and so, as much as his father may not respect him, he clearly at least trusts Jin Guangyao's competence. Nie Mingjue has already tried shouting directly at Jin Guangshan during the trial and it seemed to work, but then Jin Guangshan went back on his decision like a complete idiot. So now Nie Mingjue is asking the guy who is famous for being good at rhetoric and convincing people to convince his donkey of a father to do the obviously correct thing with minimal downsides because again, to Nie Mingjue, this is all about some random outer disciple. It makes sense to ask this! It's a pretty reasonable request! Jin Guangshan can't possibly care that much.
Except of course he does. Because Xue Yang isn't some random outer disciple. He's the only good shot Jin Guangshan has at recreating the yin tiger tally. And Jin Guangshan reaaaaaally wants the yin tiger tally. So bad that he is fully willing to tank an ungodly amount of political goodwill to get it. Jin Guangyao is fully aware that not only will Jin Guangshan never kill Xue Yang, he isn't planning on keeping him locked up either. In fact, after Nie Mingjue is dead, he'll free Xue Yang and strongarm Chang Ping into denying the guilt of his family's murderer. Jin Guangshan cares a lot about keeping Xue Yang in his employ.
And Jin Guangyao knows this. But he can't tell Nie Mingjue that! Because then he'd have to admit they've been doing demonic cultivation. That the fucking ghost geneal is in their basement. That, oopsie, they actually also killed a whole other entire clan just a while ago after framing their sect leader for an assasination attempt and then used their bodies as fodder to make more fierce corpses. You know, in case one mass murder wasn't enough!
So obviously he's not gonna say that. Which means Nie Mingjue has no idea what he's demanding from Jin Guangyao, and therefore no idea why he absolutely can't fullfill that request.
I get why it's not mentioned very often because there are a lot of other problems which are both more obvious and more fun to talk about. (Who doesn't love a little overcomplicated trolley problem?) But I think it adds just another layer to the chasm between them in this scene. They're not just disagreeing, they're having completely different conversations.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
My Theory on Pachacamac and The Iblis Trigger
There is talk about how much they changed Pachacamac from a warmongering, power hungry tribal leader, to a goofy grandpa figure, but I think the truth of Pachacamac's nature might be somewhere between the two interpretations. Despite his friendliness, you can't forget he did lead a clan that wiped out the owls with a singleminded focus on capturing Sonic and reclaiming The Master Emerald. Pachacamac, now a ghost, has visited Knuckles to tell him he needs to expand his tribe. There are no other echidnas left, so he asks the sole survivor to take on an apprentice. "Show him our customs, teach him our traditions, and soon our tribe will grow once again."
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There is no acceptance or acknowledgement of the fact that the clan's current situation is the result of a bloody feud and the destruction of an entire race besides their own. There is also, unsettlingly, no acknowledgement of Tails, Sonic, or The Wachowskis as members of Knuckles' clan.
While there are questionable elements to Pachacamac's approach, his motivations are at least understandable. Knuckles is a minority– the last of his tribe and the only surviving member of his species, so of course his old chief wants to see their traditions and culture preserved.
Things only get really weird when Pachacamac takes hold of Wade– Knuckles' apprentice and the soon-to-be new addition to their clan–and rewrites history. Rather than the tale of a lone owl that the echidnas hunted down in a quest for power, the story is instead of an entire flock of owls that were the aggressors, killing off Knuckles' tribe and burning down his village for no reason other than for the sake of the slaughter.
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Similarly, Knuckles isn't described as a lost child left behind, but a fellow warrior who battled alongside his father until the bitter end.
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So, knowing that Pachacamac's version of events is wrought with lies leads to one very serious question: What is the true story of Knuckles' battle with Iblis? If there's one thing we know about The Echidna Clan, it's that they are fixated on raw power. They're a warrior-focused society where the best fighter gets the highest honor and the most privileges. They were the ones who crafted The Master Emerald from the seven chaos emeralds. They were the ones who tracked down Sonic when he was a child with the intention of obtaining his power, before Long Claw wiped them out in her final struggle.
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And who else do we know that was accidentally unleashed in a reckless pursuit of power?
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Iblis, the raw power of the sun god Solaris. Iblis, who was sealed away within a child using the power of the chaos emeralds.
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Now, there's no doubt that "The Flames of Disaster" in the SCU are very different from "The Flames of Disaster" in Sonic 06. In the movie universe the flames are merely a type of wieldable power rather than the name of an apocalyptic event. However... what better way to rewrite the fact that the echidna tribe nearly caused the end of the world and locked an immortal fire demon within an echidna child, than by pretending that The Flames of Disaster is just an inherent ability Knuckles unlocked through an epic battle?
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What if "The Flames of Disaster" wasn't a power he obtained through a magnificent fight, but a power he survived after it was thrusted upon him by his elders? ... What if one of the many, many reasons reasons his father didn't let him join the fight was out of fear of what would happen if he cried?
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
I've been having a lot of reverse!skk thoughts lately.
Setting up some context: Oda never died during the Mimic arc. Dazai still unravelled Mori's plan and now there's a huge rift between them. Dazai never trusted Mori completely, and now he barely does. Their dynamic had turned into a power play between them.
Oda's kids still died. Oda lives having survived his suicidal massacre but the weight of his loss and the blood on his hands weighs on him. He is no longer a pacifist. His dream for writing a novel is gone. Dazai has tried to help him, but he can barely help himself so he's kinda bad at it.
Ango's hanging out with the government now! No one trusts him :/
Chuuya leaves a few months after the Mimic incident. He comes across a set of documents proving Mori's involvement with the Arahabaki project as well as his personal tied with the military doctor that is Chuuya's real father. After failing to kill Mori for his betrayal, Chuuya is now a traitor. No one knows why he tried to suddenly kill the Boss, but the incident itself is whispered throughout the entirety of the Mafia. People point to Chuuya's origins in the Sheep as proof that he was a traitor all along, bidding his time.
Dazai doesn't know why. Its driving him crazy.
Chuuya thinks Dazai knew the entire time. They're a mess of zero communication.
Chuuya spends his time hiding out in different parts of the world (he's got friends in the UK so there's that!) He looks for his parents and finds them, only to leave them behind like he's done in canon. He's aware the Mafia is keeping tabs on them, but that's not the only reason why he left.
He gets a little reckless, beats up some bad guys. He doesn't know exactly what to do with his life, so he's kind of mess.
His little vigilante spree reaches Chief Taneda, who sends Ango to keep tabs on him and offer him a job. Can't have a former military experiment of infinite power running around without supervision.
Chuuya, uh, does not take the offer well (poor Ango).
Chief Taneda finally confronts him in person, says if he wants a job Taneda knows a guy who is not affiliated with the government and whom Chuuya might like (received almost as badly, but Chuuya considers it).
While Chuuya's mulling over this weird offer, he runs into a human trafficking organization that was in conflict with the Sheep back in the day. He's got an excuse to beat up more bad guys. Guess who he ends up running into (yes it's the Agency).
More specifically, it's Ranpo! They squabble, they team up, the works. Ranpo is like "Do you want a job" and Chuuya is like "That's sus but I'll think about it" (he does in fact want it)
Chuuya ends up meeting the other Agency members before he agrees (Ranpo 100% has nothing to do with that. Totally.) He likes them. He thinks they're all insane. He misses having people around who aren't there to double cross him. He takes the job.
Enterance Exam! I'm so sorry Kunikida.
Chuuya avoids the PM like the plague.
And then he meets Atsushi.
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aethon-recs · 9 months
Tomarrymort Dead Dove Recs, Part 2 🕊️
Thank you all for the wonderful reception to Part 1 of Tomarrymort Dead Dove recs! I was honestly blown away by the interest in this first list featuring Non-Con/Dub-Con recs. It was so incredibly heartening to see that the open-mindedness towards the taboo, the degenerate, the ‘problematic’ is not only alive and well, but thriving, in this ship, when it seems like it’s been reviled and sanitized out of other ships and communities and spaces within this fandom and elsewhere. But Tomarrymort readers seem to be a special breed 🤝 and I’m just so glad we can all be horny sickos together 🤍
For Part 2 of the Dead Dove rec list, the first half is comprised of incest fics, and the second half is chan (underage) fics. These aren’t all necessarily dark fic in terms of tone or plot (some fics are actually quite cozy); the dead dove label just serves as an indicator to take the tags seriously.
Please note there is potentially triggering and disturbing content in the rec list below (including in some of the summaries), so I will be placing all 25 of these recs below the cut. Keep in mind don’t like; don’t read, so feel free to scroll on by if either incest and/or chan is not a theme you would like to explore.
This list was made in collaboration with @danpuff-ao3’s Dead Dove Diaries Series. Check it out for other HP dead dove recs!
Tomarrymort Incest Recs
Fruit of the Forbidden Tree (part 1) / Forbidden Indulgence (part 2) / Forbidden Darkness (part 3) by @neurowriter14 (E, 19k, complete)
The true parentage of Harry Potter was unknown to everyone except for three people. None remain, but another figures it out.
Hold Me Down (Fuck Me Up) by @itsevanffs (E, 15k, WIP)
Tom Riddle, chief of police, first met his nephew Harry Potter handcuffed to his desk, lip cut and knuckles bleeding, a proud smile on his lips and challenge in his eyes.
I Could Send You to Hell, I Know You by @dividawrites (E, 7k, complete)
Nothing about Harry Potter intrigues Tom—he's average in everything, doesn't act out in class, doesn't do very much at all, in fact. When he finds out they're related, though, this changes at once. After all, there's something to be said for family traditions.
In The Dark by @itsevanffs (E, 64k, WIP)
Harry's mother remarries shortly after his father's death to James' half-brother, Thomas, much to Harry's confusion and disgust. First a duke, now a king, it seems that nothing will stand in his uncle's way when it comes to getting what he wants. Not Lily, not propriety, and most certainly not Harry himself.
Infinite by @duplicitywrites (E, 8k, complete)
Harry and his twin brother Tom have the same mark. The same soulmate. Whoever their soulmate is, wherever they may be, they will go to Tom. Tom, however, has other plans.
Little Bits by @lordmarvoloriddle (E, 10k, complete) 
Inspired by Cinderella. Only there's no prince, and surely no one is singing about their feelings, and Harry's life could be a lot worse than having three step-brothers and a father who didn't like him. He's going to be proven right.
Plains of oblivion by @milkandmoon-ao3 (E, 3k, complete) 
Trapped in the past with no way home, a disillusioned Harry executes a plan to make an ally of the rising Dark Lord and reshape history.
Say It Right (part 1) /  Say You'll Haunt Me (part 2) by @rightonthelimitt (E, 32k, complete)
After James Potter dies, his wife and son have it rough. Their lives change for good when they meet Tom Riddle four years later, but is it for the better?
Seventeen Years by RenderedReversed (T, 10k, complete)
Voldemort is a day old when he realizes he’s been reborn to muggle parents and that he has a twin brother. He is a year old when it sinks in who his twin could possibly be. Because his twin might, possibly, probably be Harry Potter.
Summer Break by anon (E, 5k, WIP) 
A story of a brother's love and duty and terrible obsession.
the dark passenger by @cindle-writes (E, 5k, complete)
Harry had lived 17 years as a horcrux, and Ginny was possessed by another one, so is it all that surprising that their middle child reminds them a little bit too much of another boy they once knew?
Tomarrymort Chan (Underage) Recs
Below Stairs by pauraque (E, 1k, complete)
Harry receives a visitor.
conversationalist by worn (E, 3k, complete)
As a boy who's known silence and solitude well, Harry finds himself quickly growing attached to Tom Riddle's diary and the way it has so much to talk with him about.
Creatures of the Dark we are by @hikarimeroperiddle (M, 20k, WIP)
Banished to his cupboard at age 4, Harry learns to listen only to the Voice in his head. Its teachings wrap all around Harry until no more than dark magic and devotion remains, along with visions of a wraith with red eyes.
Everything Green Is Gold by @cindle-writes (E, 27k, complete)
Prior to Hogwarts, Harry had stayed mostly invisible to the teachers and adults around him his whole life. But Tom Riddle, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looked at Harry like he was something to be wanted.
File A by @kushimanii (E, 7k, complete)
In a different universe, one where the prophecy was never heard and Voldemort won, Voldemort finds eight-year-old Harry Potter in the basement of Fenrir Greyback and takes him in.
he whistles and he runs by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 5k, complete)
"Tom," Harry murmured, ducking under a branch and nearly touching the top of Tom's diary with his lips, "I really don’t like this."
Hearthstone Abbey by @ramabear (E, 92k, WIP)
Harry follows Thomas Gaunt into his world much like he stepped onto Diagon Alley that first time, wide-eyed and full of wonder. He has no idea what exactly this world has in store for him, but he knows that with Thomas at his side, he is safe and happy for the first time in his whole life. 
Make a Wish by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 3k, complete)
Tom Riddle is wasting away in his hospital bed, far too young to succumb to such a terrible and mysterious illness. The only thing that gives him solace is the hope that football star Harry Potter might visit him in his final days.
Quam singulari by anon (E, 6k, complete)
Spermarche: the beginning of a boy's development of sperm; normally signifies a boy's beginning in sexual maturity and puberty.
shelter from the storm by @cindle-writes & @duplicitywrites (E, 7k, complete)
After being left behind by the Dursleys, Harry stumbles upon an empty shack in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a mysterious ring underneath the loose floorboards.
study session by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k, complete)
"Tom–" Harry tries, coughing a couple times before lifting his hands to his head, softly rubbing his temples a couple times. "...I think you should go back to your common room."
The Abyss by AislingSiobhan (E, 36k, complete)
Nietzsche was right: when fighting monsters, Harry should have been more careful not to become one himself. That didn’t matter anymore. It was too late to save himself, yet he could still save the world from Voldemort. But who would save Voldemort from him?
the eternal flame by @duplicitywrites (E, 25k, WIP)
There’s a well-dressed older man who enters the orphanage asking after Tom Riddle. The man’s green eyes fix on Tom’s face, searching and searching. “My name is Harry Gaunt,” the man says, the tenor of his voice soft and faltering, a reflection of Tom's deepest, most secret anxieties, “and I’m here to adopt you.”
This Is Why You Don't Summon Demons, Harry by @kushimanii (E, 59k, complete)
Harry Potter is seven when he's left at the nearby church by Petunia to get an exorcism. Instead, he ends up summoning a demon that he makes a deal with. The demon, Voldemort, will protect him, and in return, the demon will devour his soul when it is ripe.
Without A Chance by Harryfan80 (E, 20k, complete)
When Voldemort (as Quirrell) meets Harry in her first year at Hogwarts, he exploits her naivete and uses her to acquire the Sorcerer's Stone.
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anghraine · 4 months
I was just wondering with all the weirdness about Númenorian pregnancy and childhood how you think Denethor fits with this. Do you think he was considered a strange child? Was he especially ‘difficult’ for his parents? How does this in turn relate to Faramir?
Oh, interesting!
One of the finer points of the bizarre Elvish/peredhel/Númenórean pregnancies is that much of the difficulty derives from the nature of the child or children, rather than just being a characteristic of the parents. The idea is that there's something so remarkable about these people that biologically producing them involves significant physical and (especially) spiritual strain for both parents, though more for the mother.
(Thus, Fëanor drained Míriel's spirit more than Finwë's, while with Arwen in NOME, the emphasis is on the strain her power and uniqueness put on Celebrían despite Celebrían's relative youth. Even Melian bore the chief strain of producing Lúthien and was apparently like "never again, this is Too Much Materiality and Gender.")
So the logic is that the direct transmission of the parents' special qualities to the child(ren) is itself difficult, and in addition, the more exceptional the child, the greater the difficulty and impact of creating them on the biological parents.
And there are repeated suggestions that among Elves, peredhil, and on Númenor, this variable but always-present spiritual cost of producing such beings is so much a fact of life that they have established cultural institutions for accommodating the higher difficulty of reproduction among their peoples.
(Tangentially, I wonder about how relatively low reproduction rates coupled with extremely low child mortality rates would operate culturally on Númenor itself ... like, are there orphanages? Is there a need for them when disease and even injury are so rare, lifespans so long, medicine so sophisticated, and children so valuable?)
But anyway, Denethor! The point of all this is that I suspect this variable spiritual/physical strain on the parents, beyond the natural strain of childbirth, would have somewhat diminished by the late Third Age. But it's pretty clear from LOTR that there are still distinctive qualities being consistently transmitted to Númenórean children from their parents, and thus the strain of Númenórean reproduction would still occur.
We know, for instance, that Denethor showing signs of old age in his 60s struck Gandalf as alarming for any Gondorian Dúnadan, though particularly one from Denethor's family. But it would be unusual anyway; it's not just that Denethor is uniquely strange, though he's certainly exceptional (Gandalf: "He is not as other men of this time" / Appendices: "a proud man, tall, valiant, and more kingly than any man that had appeared in Gondor for many lives of men").
Tolkien also explains Gandalf's "whatever be his descent from father to son" remark about Denethor as indicating that Gandalf doesn't know the particulars of the Stewards' genealogy but he can tell they're Elrosian. Imrahil's Númenórean-Silvan ancestry is also extremely visible to Legolas, who similarly doesn't know their family history but can see the sort of imprint of it on Imrahil (and now I'm thinking about Legolas's struggle with sea-longing, his rapport with the distinctly Elvish Imrahil, and Imrahil's sister longing for the sea...).
Okay, Elizabeth, focus. The point of all this is that you'd expect a certain difficulty with the gestation and delivery of ANY Gondorian Dúnadan even this late, and we continue to see the characteristic small families and general signs of Númenórean low fertility/low mortality. But Denethor is a markedly unusual child even by these standards. And he's implied to be the third of either three or four children, but is pretty clearly the only one who is that weird in his family, and possibly in the entire country, when he's young.
(The potential fourth child, a younger brother, is so comprehensively out of the picture by the WOTR that I suspect he was retconned out, but theoretically he could have been killed in battle without having children, or might be ineligible for war and inheritance for some other reason. To me it makes the most sense that he was retconned out, leaving Denethor as "the baby," but sometimes I imagine the younger brother does exist, and has a disability that keeps him out of both war and the succession according to the practices of Númenórean elites. I could believe that Gondorians would suspect that something "went wrong" with Denethor's brother specifically because Denethor is so exceptional, etc.)
I think Denethor being, in Tolkien's phrase, "almost purely Númenórean" would ensure that he seems normal by the standards of Gondorian Dúnedain at birth, but soon would head into full uncanny valley Númenórean child vibes (per NOME). On Númenor, there's a cultural expectation of children just being like that, but I suspect it would not be normal at this point, at least not to nearly so great a degree. And since Denethor is the third child, the contrast with the two older ones would make it all the clearer that something different is going on with him.
For all of Gondor's records, I suspect there's a lot about ye olde Númenóreans that has simply been lost by this point. I imagine Denethor became ultra-learned in lore both for its own sake, and to understand his own experience of the world, which would only diverge more and more markedly from other people's as he grew older. There's a lot of knowledge that simply has never been recovered and he would have had to figure much of it out by sheer strength of will.
I imagine that Denethor's parents, older sisters, and caretakers did love him, but he was strange and off-putting, and they couldn't give him ... it feels very therapy-speak-ish to say "scaffolding." But there used to be a common framework for understanding the development of Númenórean children as they once were that has largely dissolved. I think the people around young Denethor did their best, but it wasn't enough for anyone concerned.
It's come up a few times on my blog that when it comes to the "powers of mind" type of Númenórean abilities, it's a bit difficult to compare Aragorn with Denethor and Faramir, because Aragorn is so much subtler and more adaptable. He can turn the eldritch strangeness off and pass unnoticed when he wants to. Denethor and Faramir's own eldritch strangeness may not be as "remote," but with them it seems like it's always on and there's no missing them or their capabilities when they're present.
Maybe this just has to do with the particular abilities they favor, the bleedover of temperament and nature, etc. But it's also possible that part of the unobtrusiveness of Aragorn when he wants to be vs Denethor and Faramir's neon "Númenórean" sign blinking at all times is that Denethor and Faramir weren't raised by Elrond amidst a community of Elves who would be familiar with both a long line of Elrosian Númenórean children and with the oddities (and even cultural protocols) that Númenóreans mostly share with Elves in the first place, even if the pace is different.
But Denethor and Faramir have never been normal in their context. There was no Elrond for them. And while young Faramir at least had Denethor himself to instruct him and perhaps even model Númenóreanness for him, however fraught that instruction may have been, it's possible that Denethor didn't really have anyone at all.
(The fact that Denethor married late and specifically married and dearly loved the Elvish-coded sister of notable Weird Cool Guy Imrahil seems perhaps significant.)
I think that while Denethor values his own abilities and is very proud of who and what he is, this experience of the world would have been incredibly isolating even amidst the oddities of Gondorian Dúnedain in general. I suspect Gandalf is actually spot-on when he says that Denethor loved Boromir all the more because Boromir was unlike him. I also suspect it would be clear quite early, especially to Denethor and Finduilas themselves, that Boromir was very different—the "strain" would have been fairly light.
(Boromir is distinguished not only from the high-octane Númenóreanness of Denethor and Faramir and even Imrahil, but from Gondorian cultural norms in general. He is a Dúnadan without question, but as a "type" he has more in common with the Rohirrim and seems to have an especially strong rapport with them.)
I also suspect that if Faramir had been born first, he might well have been an only child. As it is, the actual process of his gestation and birth was likely an ordeal for Denethor and Finduilas to begin with, even if her physical health was not in question at the time (which I actually presume, given that she lived for five more years and her early death is in no way attributed to Faramir ever). But Denethor would have known from early on that Faramir is special in the way that he himself is special, that the weird isolating experience he's had, that it was such a relief to see Boromir spared from, will happen to Faramir. And I'm guessing they also would have understood that Faramir being so exceptional ensured there would be no other children.
Sometimes I wonder if Denethor's knowledge of the experience Faramir was facing actually contributed to their fraught relationship. He could be about as normal a parental figure to Boromir as the ruler of a desperate nation could ever be to his heir. He could have something that looked like the lives of other people in that specific context. But his relationship with Faramir was never going to be normal, could never be.
There was probably a really peculiar period for Boromir and Faramir as brothers when Boromir was maturing normally while Faramir was the weird kid absorbing information from lore, from Denethor, from true-dreams, from other people's minds. I can even imagine that the young Boromir's role as "protector" of Faramir was not just his powerful elder sibling energy but related to child Faramir being genuinely strange. But by this time there would at least be a framework for understanding Faramir's development and more bizarre qualities—he's like Denethor, oh, okay. Any way that he's not like Denethor could probably be attributed to Finduilas's own peculiarities.
The tension between Denethor and Faramir is so profoundly shaped by their commonalities despite their somewhat different philosophical conclusions etc that it's difficult not to see that as a factor. They love each other and resent each other and see through each other in some ways but not the basic fact of their mutual love. Denethor is anxious about Gandalf stealing Faramir's love and loyalty from him while Faramir likes Gandalf but presents his influence as distinctly minor and calls for Denethor as he's dying, etc. They're two of the most Númenórean people alive and their perspectives on Númenor, Gondor, the war, their political situation in general are extremely shaped by it.
But I kind of wonder if Denethor also saw a bit of Thorongil in Faramir—someone akin to him, with such strikingly similar abilities and appearance, who even thinks similarly to him in many ways, but whose circumstances ensure he's always had a context and framework for understanding why he's so different and guidance in handling it. Yes, it's Denethor's choice to provide that guidance, but still, it does mean that Faramir is never quite as isolated as the young Denethor likely was.
To us it can seem obvious that Ecthelion's favoritism of Thorongil above even Denethor is unconsciously replicated by Denethor with his own sons (with Boromir as "the Thorongil" and Faramir as "the Denethor" to Denethor's Ecthelion). But I suspect it looks very different to Denethor.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Hi mei!
can i request some dbf!hotch except bc reader is an adult he doesn't actually realise the much younger person he's been dating is bestie's child. (i picture the dad working in fbi/law enforcement so maybe they run into one another at an fbi gala or whatnot)
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
Aaron had thought nothing of the fact that the chief of the city they're in had the same last name as you. He's known the guy for years, and when you'd signed onto his team he made a vague connection in his head, but nothing ever became of it. After all, they've met a dozen Morgans in the field, even more Garcias, and even Reid was more common than he'd thought at first.
Plus, he's kinda sorta been mentally referring to you with his own last name for a few weeks now, after you'd pointed out a wedding ring ad in a magazine to him. Said you were 'just looking', but he'd seen the glimmer in your eyes. Bottom line, it takes an effort not to introduce you as Y/N Hotchner to his old friend.
"Chief Y/L/N, this is Agent Y/N Y/L/N," He gestures to you with a soft chuckle, "Maybe you're related."
You give Aaron a funny look, a silly smile on your face, "Uh, yeah, maybe."
"Honey," The chief greets you, and Aaron's polite smile dims as the man reaches out to hug you.
"Dad," You gush beside the man's ear as he squeezes you tight, "It's good to see you again."
"You too," Your dad reluctantly lets you go, after all, there's still a serial killer on the loose, "Aaron, I thought you knew we were related?"
"I didn't," He admits sheepishly, "And you- uh, I didn't know you had a daughter. At least not in the workforce."
"My younger sister is ten," You explain, and Aaron marvels at the age gap, "He probably only talks about her cause she's his favorite."
"She's my favorite because she doesn't excuse me of picking favorites between my children," Your father elbows you with a good-natured grin, "And because she's less rebellious than you were."
"Rebellious," You scoff, "I was an angel."
"A fallen one," Your dad leans in to stage-whisper to Aaron, "The next time she gives you trouble, just call me and I'll tell you about what she was like when she was younger. Whatever she's done will pale in comparison, I guarantee it."
Aaron is only able to chuckle along to your dad's teasing, internally stunned and struggling to comprehend the situation. When your dad turns to head into his office, you pointedly fall back beside Aaron, turning to face him with an amused grin.
"You seriously didn't know?" You cross your arms over your chest, "It's in my file."
"I must have missed it," Aaron admits, brow creasing in confusion and sudden, epiphanic understanding, "Is that why you always turn my picture of the chief and I to face the wall before we have sex?"
"Yes," You laugh, "Why did you think?"
"I thought you didn't like my shirt or something," Aaron muses, "You know I donated that shirt for you!"
You let out a snort, one that you seem embarrassed by if the way you cover your mouth and let your eyes flutter shut is any indication. You take a moment to breathe, "The shirt was fine. Not the best, but not as unsexy as my dad."
"Not the best," Aaron grumbles, turning to busy himself with the whiteboard the precinct has set up, "I loved that shirt."
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To the fell skeletons, how would they feel when their own kid inherited their own temper/anger
Like father like child in other words lol
Underfell Sans - He's so annoyed about this sometimes because he's not very brave and that means his kid keeps fighting him during their teenage years and winning the arguments. Red has a déjà vu kind of impression because that's definitely how Edge was as a child. He's frustrated and wonders how the hell it could happened twice in his lifetime, but there's not a lot of things he can do against that so...
Underfell Papyrus - He was happy his child took him as a model... For the first week at least. After that, he doesn't think it's nice at all as his child constantly argues with him to do the simplest things and since Edge struggles to stay calm, it often turns with the both of them screaming. He kinda understands his brother now. Maybe he can see why Edge was so annoyed with him growing up.
Horrorfell Sans - He'll live. Copper is a lot more chill with everything, and more patient too. He knows his child is mostly anxious and pushing people away to protect himself, and maybe he's a little frustrated his child feels the need to hide their feelings now that he's finally learning to open to people. He keeps reassuring his child they don't need to hide.
Horrorfell Papyrus - Oh no, if it isn't his own sassiness coming to bite his butt. He can't believe his kid is confronting this like that, not caring one second for Chief's inevitable anger following. His kid just doesn't care. Chief has no idea how to deal with that and he doesn't have the patience for it, so most of the time, he gives up and let them be. What do you want him to do?
Swapfell Sans - That's entirely his fault, and he's willing to accept the consequences. Nox would mostly have an only child, and spoiled rot them to the point the kid thinks they're royalty and explodes when someone says no to them. Well, Nox is happy they don't let anyone walk on their feet... Except when his kid acts the same way with him lmao. That wasn't part of his plan. Now he's confused what to do.
Swapfell Papyrus - He created a monster. It's a mini-him, but with even fewer filters than he has. When his kid told Toriel he couldn't trust the dying hybrid of a cow and a goat, he felt so proud. And also kinda terrified because Toriel didn't like that at all. But that's fine. It's a family tradition. He did the same thing at 7 years old and almost got executed for this you know. Nox is desperate.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't discourage their behavior at all and makes it way worse actually. His kid thinks they rule the world and that everyone is one of his servants. They are terrifying most kids at school and claim propriety over half of the playground, fighting children who dare to disobey them. Wine is so proud of them. Show them who's their leader.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee didn't mean to give them his anxiety but turns out he kinda feed his baby with anxiety their whole life so... Coffee isn't sure how he can help with that. Because just thinking about this kinda send him into a panic attack and then his kid has a panic attack because he has a panic attack which makes him panic even more. Please someone help them.
Dancefell Sans - Rumba taught them well: when there's danger, throw your dad into the danger and run for your life. Ok, maybe they're doing that because he used to throw them towards the danger to save his own life, but still. That doesn't justify anything. He's not a lure!
Dancefell Papyrus - Tango is so annoyed his kid is always on TikTok. He's even madder about the fact they're getting a lot more popular than he is and using his things to steal his own audience. Who do you think you are? He deprives you of your phone this instant! Stop stealing his job!
Mafiafell Sans - His kid is a little shit. They fear no one, answer to everything just to have a reaction and they're mostly not caring about the consequences. Fang is not controlling them at all, he gave up trying long ago. He always have 200 dollars in his wallet to pay people his kid are offending too much so they shut up and don't create problems :')
Mafiafell Papyrus - What do you mean that's a problem his kid thinks everyone in the mafia must serve them? Torpedo told them they are the next mafia boss and to be respected by all of them, even if they have to crush them under their shoes like insects. Torpedo doesn't see any problem with that. His brother keeps joking about the fact one of his day his kid is going to betray and kill him Lion King style and that he would never see it coming.
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wulfhalls · 6 months
Being a fellow PaulJessica shipper - (I've been there since I was 13 and read the book "Dune" and it was made clear that Jessica is Paul's property.) - ...
I thought you'd appreciate this.
I was talking with someone 'in the know' about "Dune" and the post-production of the movies. And apparently the chief reason that a lot of Paul and Jessica scenes were cut, particularly their sparing scene, was that a lot of WB executives and test audiences both strongly thought that there was way too much sexual tension between Paul and Jessica.
There was, in fact, so much sexual tension in those scenes between Ferguson and Timothee that there was confusion by the test audiences that thought the movie was hinting that Paul and Jessica were fucking and that Jessica was pregnant with Paul's child.
Apparently, Rebecca Ferguson and Timothee were directed to be very physical with one another, touching and stuff, but Ferguson chose to play Jessica very closed off and reserve in dealing with Paul. Thus, in those cut scenes, the lack of warmth and outward maternal communication made all their interactions have a sexual and romantically intimate subtext. So they cut a lot out so that people wouldn't be confused by Paul and Jessica's relationship.
The scene where they're changing into their stillsuits is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what they cut out and, sadly, we'll probably never see.
But, either way, it's wild that, because Rebecca Ferguson can't play maternal at all, test audiences and executives really thought that Dune - Part I was a secret love story between Paul and Jessica.
reading this is like actual real cocain to me. im like twitching. shaking. I feel high. sexual tension so bomb they had to cut half the movie because people thought paul fathered his sister. I need to sit down. this is so much. information. I'm outside of myself
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lazyveran · 7 months
ask about your arranged marriage au you say >:) :evil_hand_rub:
So. to begin with. Why and How is this what happened? is it a postwar diplomatic treaty thing, and Zuko is already too married to Mai to be the one wed? How much Hell did Azula and Katara put whoever suggested it through, and how did it end up happening anyways? What were each of the girls up to prior to the engagement? how do they feel about it? What does the world look like at the time of this AU, both in terms of the big worldwide stuff and the roles and relationships between the Gaang, whatever side characters are around, and their political positions? Be warned: highly likely that I will continue to enquire
you have unleashed the most self indulgent lore dump. thank you so much for asking. my long winded rambles under the cut
the setting of this au has two major changes; aang is never discovered (im so sorry my baby boy) and iroh is a much more active player within the fire nation. essentially, iroh begins consolidating the white lotus almost immediately after azulon's murder. as such, the fire siblings become terribly co-dependant in both ursa and iroh's absence as he's constantly away scheming against ozai. zuko doesnt get burned at 14. he gets burned at 19! and azula kills ozai for it, setting off a domino effect that lands an underprepared iroh on the throne trying to end the 100 years war as per his agreement with the white lotus members (before azula jumped the gun)
the azutara marriage occurs for like 2000 reasons but the main one is that iroh is forced to make several concessions in order to end the war as his ministers are terribly pro-ozai, thanks to ozai's scheming before azula prematurely offed him, and that the northern water tribe refuses to sign and end the war with the FN, unlike the other nations. azula, having been the princess-general ravaging the earth kingdoms in a five-year long campaign, therefore didnt get to show her face in the water tribes, gets chosen as the one to marry into the southern water tribe. as both a savvy diplomatic move to solidify the peace and to work with said wife towards peace with their sister tribe. iroh has no choice but to agree, and azula as a loyal princess with duty to the throne, also has to agree. (she is terribly, extremely unhappy with this due to ursa-parallel related reasons. and its azula.)
katara is chosen both for her position as the daughter of the chief, and for her prowess as a master bender (to match azula's known reputation). katara herself has been working as a sort of renegade freedom fighter away from the south pole, mostly working against the admiral-prince zuko and his three year campaign against the water tribes. sokka and herself work with an elite team, the black tail wolf pack (extremely indulgent name please forgive me) as guerilla fighters against the fire nation essentially. katara is EXTREMELY unhappy about the marriage alliance that her father has signed her off to, but like azula, her duty to her people and to peace overrides her extreme dislike of the situation.
zuko is the admiral-prince, heir to the throne, burned and shamed by the late firelord ozai, and... marrying toph bei fong. NOW PLEASE hear me out on this. stay with me. as part of the peace agreed by iroh, and the fire nation's precarious position now that expansion and pillaging cant fund their economy, an agreement is made with the earth kingdoms to marry into the wealthiest family in the world. its purely an economic marriage, but since the bei fongs are essentially the only homogenous earth territory ''royals'' that aren't strictly attatched to one kingdom but all of them, and have a daughter to spare, well. their relationship is the funniest to me, they're very much a platonic-married-besties situation. zuko himself is conducting a dreadfully obvious affair with mai, and his siege-weapon of a wife does not care in the slighest. in fact she actively encourages it, as being wife to the heir to the fire nation throne gives her freedom away from her family to be herself. there will be rising tensions between the bei fongs and the fire royals, naturally, as well as toph's own character clashing with the 'no fun allowed' fire nation.
azutara's relationship is an EXTREME slow burn, enemies to enemy-wives to friends to lovers. they're both 20 at the time they're married, but both have been child soldiers for years. azula spends a week acting like an arrogant prat and treating her wife like a peasant through politicking power plays before katara just kicks her ass three times over and azula realises theres actually no power imbalance to play off of. she promptly begins acting like mr darcy. katara has to grapple with the very alien culture of the fire nation and stumbles through all the subtlties of both court and royal life, as well as having to deal with her enemy turned wife and the absolute paradox of a woman that azula is. AND negotiating with her hostile sister tribe into trying to broker peace after a generation of war. i think marrying azula is harder than the whole 'world peace' affair really. they're both miserable and angry and cant understand each other but still see each other
sokka will be an intermitten character, as he becomes a diplomat for the southern water tribe as well as a member of the three nations peace council set up in the wake of the war. im trying to add in suki but im unsure on how, perhaps as another representative or something. ursa will have a plotline and azula will NOT be happy about it at all. iroh is frankly wracked with guilt that in order for peace he has to make the last of his family utterly miserable. all their relationships are complicated and messy and everyone's a little awful
i think a really fun aspect of this au is my odd ideas about azula and gender. azula is, in the eyes of the fire nation, both male AND female. female as a princess, a woman who's royal duties involve marriage and so on. but her status as a master fire bender legally classifies her as male. honestly the fire nation cannot afford to disregard azula on gender lines, since she's the most powerful fire bender on the planet at this point. she's a general in the military too, a traditionally male held role, and so azula herself becomes a grey area in terms of legal gender. as such, azula is technically kataras HUSBAND, not wife. and with that comes all the expectations of a husband over a wife in a royal imperial court. very very indulgent of me i fear
i hope this lore dump/word vomit makes some sort of sense. please feel free to ask more abt this au!!!! i have many many worldbuilding hcs for the fire nation and this au <3333
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vibratingskull · 6 months
Hello!!!! Hopefully this witn come off as annoying (idk when you posted the tranw stranded fic btw because Tumblr won't show me-)
But- I beg you, if it's okey, could you please write part 3 of what happens after they're rescued 😭😭??? You don't have to if you don't want to! But my heart it just- AHHHH
I love it, I screamed, 😭😭
Idk how to end this 😭
It is not annoying at all dear anon, it is in fact flattering that you liked this silly story to desire it to continue! 🤗🤗🤗
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Part 1 - Part 2
Tags : Angst/hurt, abandonment, medical examination, semi-descriptive birth
“Your blood pressure is good and the blood test came back correct.” The droid says, praising you with its weird chanting voice.
The droid takes the blood pressure monitor off your arm as you remain silent, eyes focused on the ceiling. 
“We will do an ultrasound.” The medic comes to you, their datapad in hand.
Another medical examination…
Since you all embarked on Thrawn’s ISD, the Chimaera, Thrawn's first order of business was putting you and Thaishi in the medical bay, subjecting you to numerous medical examinations.
Clearly he didn’t trust in the Frog people medicine a lot, and now that you had access to modern medicine again he immediately forced you two to run a battery of tests. Blood tests, shots, weighting, fetal heart rates, glucose tests, ultrasounds, scanners... The whole nine yards.
Thaishi was absolutely terrified. She never saw any droids, never saw the white blouses of the medics, never got any shots, never saw all of this machinery beeping all around and she was thrown in this white sterile room suddenly, getting stripped down to have nodes of a cardiac monitor on her little chest, getting manipulated all around to get her vitals checked. You would have run to her to console her if you weren’t plugged in to so many monitors yourself! But Thrawn stepped in, entering the bay after his long shift he immediately got to embrace and comfort her, hugging her on his laps when she gots her shots. The little sweetheart never saw a medical needle before, even less have it piercing her skin. She cried and whined with big tears on her cheeks, begging her father to not let the droids or the weird humans touch her. 
Thrawn cradled her, soothed her patiently with his deep melodious voice, singing her a Cheuhn lullaby to dry her tears and took care to explain to her in detail every medical procedure that was happening for her to understand and calm down. He remained with her during the end of her examination, holding her little hand or keeping her on his lap.
Unfamiliar with Chiss vitals, the medics compiled every data and asked Thrawn’s opinion on the results, making sure Thaishi was healthy and wasn’t at risk with the new germs her organism never encountered before. 
The results were very comforting, she was strong and healthy, only a very mild-case of flu resulting from the encounter of the human germs, but her antibodies were already at work. The shots would do the rest.
So tired from having screamed and cried so much, Thaishi fell asleep in Thrawn’s arms, hugging him tightly, so he came to you with her in his arms, caressing her back tenderly. You were still examined, laying on the sterile bed. He took and squeezed your hand, sitting down next to you, listening to your own results.
The baby seemed healthy, they grew very well, maybe just a heartbeat a little weaker than the norm, but nothing alarming said the medic. After listing everything up, the medic put on their most magnificent brown noser smile and asked.
“So, do you want to know the gender?”
You looked into Thrawn’s eyes and shrugged. He nodded, understanding.
“We will keep the surprise.” He announced.
“Oh… Okay…” The medic responded, disappointed to not be the one bringing good news to their Grand Admiral.
Once an Empire’s dog, always an Empire’s dog…
“ Lady (Y/n) needs peace and quiet.” The chief medic said, looking darkly at his intern to keep them moving.
Thrawn nodded again, careful of your and your baby’s health. He remained with you for half an hour, squeezing your hand, caressing your forehead, kissing your cheek and speaking sweet nothing to you.
But you didn’t let yourself get charmed.
You knew very well where that attitude came from.
Soon they will come to take your children away and Thrawn will let you go, leaving you to go back to the Rebellion and resume war between you two.
And your family will definitely disappear, torn apart across the universe.
You looked straight into his carmine eyes, with a harsh gaze, trying to convey your strong will.
You still haven't forgiven him.
He only looked at you back with even more tenderness and his caress became even more softer, his thumb caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Do not look at me like that.” He invited softly, “You stab my heart.”
“You know very well what you did!” You retorted lowly but harshly to not wake up Thaishi.
“I know Ch’acah. But I needed to come back.”
You only frowned and remained silent, too tired to start an argument.
“The medics told me the baby was healthy.” He continues with his soft melodious voice, “You take such good care of them, thank you.”
“The village’s healer helped a lot.” You recalled him.
“We have true medicine now. My team will take over, do not worry about anything.”
“I was not worried back at the village!” You retorted. “Everything went well for Thaishi!”
“Here nothing will escape us.” He closed the matter. “Sleep, Ch’acah. Build up your strength, the term is close.” 
He kissed your forehead a final time before going back to his shift, not before dropping Thaishi in her new bedroom for the night.
How many hours did he already spend on the Bridge? No matter because he was ready to go back on duty immediately.
You spend the evening alone, eating alone at the grand table of the Grand Admiral suite. The plates were rich and expensive, worthy of Thrawn’s standing, but it had no taste for you. You got to bed early,  only to turn and turn in the bed, never finding sleep. You pretended to be deeply asleep 5 hours later when Thrawn slid silently in the bedroom, sneaking under the covers to hug you tight like he used to…
And days let place to weeks, traveling through space towards the Empire’s territory. Closer and closer to the end of your life… Thrawn buries himself in his work, sparing little moments for you and your daughter, while you spend all your time with the Frog people like those four years of bliss, when your family was whole. You did not waste any time to be an annoyance to the Imperials, making their days difficult, loudly advocating for the community’s rights on the ship, negotiating more spaces on the Chimaera, more time in the enlisted mess hall, freedom to come and go anywhere you please on the ISD, so on and so forth… Even if you have to recognize, the treatment of the community was royal in contrast to what you feared.
But apparently welcoming and taking care of a Grand Admiral for four years gives some rights on his ISD. You’re not delusional, you know that if they were any other alien community they would have traveled in cells. But Thrawn  would have never accepted his hosts to be treated like animals… So overall the Frog people have nothing to complain about, really.
That doesn’t prevent you from fighting for more to stick it up to those imperials.
And to their horror, you being Thrawn’s wife give your words weight and power here. A thing that seems to piss off Commodore Faro immensely.
She knows she is walking a thin  line with you, you may be a civilian but you are her Grand Admiral wife, she knows that if she says no too much you will go straight to Thrawn. So she does her best to mediate any situations to the best of her abilities.
It’s a shame she is an Imperial, she could do so much good in the Rebellion with her talents! But you know recruiting your husband’s officers will be a big no no! So you let her be.
Until you have another complaint to scream everywhere in the Chimaera!
So you actually rarely let her be.
To her utmost annoyance.
“The baby is fine.” The medic calls you back to reality. 
You blink, turning your head to the screen to observe your baby. You see them agitating themself inside your belly, giving little kicks and punches around.
“Do you want to listen to their heartbeat?” They ask.
You nod, putting on the headphones to listen to the little drum, beating rhythmically and you refrain from a sob.
What a wonderful sound…
The most wonderful music you ever heard with Thaishi’s laugh. You caress your tummy with your eyes glued to the screen to observe your sweetheart. The heartbeat is indeed weak, but you can feel it beat through your veins!
Your baby is determined to come into the world and meet you.
You know it!
“Can I get an ultrasound image?” You ask, trying to keep your voice stable. 
“I will send it immediately to the Grand Admiral.” The medic accepts.
You greet your teeth. You wanted the image for yourself, and share it with Thrawn later down the day. But they all tend to bypass you, only taking Thrawn’s desire and orders into account despite your pleas. ‘Are you sure the Grand Admiral would want this?’,’Grand Admiral Thrawn would never accept that!’, ‘I will ask Grand Admiral Thrawn’s opinion.’ and so on and so forth…
To them you may be their Grand Admiral wife but you’re also a lowly rebel and they have no qualms letting you know.
“We didn’t detect anything abnormal.” The medic announces, “You simply have a light iron deficiency. A slight change in your diet should mend your vertigo, no need to worry.”
“I am not worried.” You clap back, “Thrawn pushes me to come to the med bay at any signs of light weakness.”
“The Grand Admiral” He corrects, “... Simply wants to be sure his baby is healthy.”
You don’t like the emphasis on ‘his’.
“Well I know Our baby well, I knew nothing was wrong.” You retort.
You look black in each other's eyes in silence. 
Now you’re both pissed off.
“The images.” You order.
They sigh and shake their head.
“Right away…”
You stir your food with your fork.
This isn’t really good.
You lay down your fork and slouch on your seat, observing the mess hall reserved to the enlisted and ensign. There aren't a lot of people at this hour which is both a blessing and a curse. With so few people there are not many people to shoot you down with their gaze but you also cannot feel the lively and busy activity of a community, which is why you came here in the first place.
The frog people are not here anymore.
They have been disembarked on a planet of their choosing. You lost friends when Thaishi lost everything she ever knew. She hugged Lei really hard, refusing to let her go, her mother and you had to separate them. They both cried, refusing to say goodbye to their bestfriend. The Chiefs saluted you and Thrawn, thankful for letting them pursue their goal and having the opportunity to fly freely in the universe once again after a millenia. They shared a respectful handshake with Thrawn and pulled you into a hug, congratulating you again for Thaishi and the baby, promising to keep you in their hearts.
You would lie if you said you didn’t shed a tear as you saw them disappear on the planet surface, getting smaller and smaller as the Chimaera was flying away in space. Thaishi cried her eyes out and you had all the pain in the world to calm her down, hugging and cradling her.
You felt how the tension in the Chimaera’s crew suddenly lifted like a fog disappearing. 
Finally the weird alien community wasn't here to soil their precious Imperial ISD anymore!
You used to eat with them at noon in the enlisted mess hall, and now you’re all alone.
Without any friends and community on a ship with a crew that hates you, a busy husband and a dependant 4 year old child.
Busy… To not say outright absent.
Since you came inside the ISD Thrawn is consistently on the Bridge for long, long shifts. You only see him at noon one day out of 5 and feel him enter the bed past 3 or 4 a.m to rise back at 6 or 7 am. You're not dumb, you know he buries himself in his work to not face the fact that his family will soon not be anymore.
It was his idea to send your children to the Ascendancy,  and while he knows it in his heart to be the best solution it doesn’t alleviate the pain for all that.
So he works.
And works.
And works.
To the point that you feel like a single mother.
You sigh, massaging your temples when Karyn Faro appears in the mess hall, pissed off, holding Thaishi, in tears, by the hand.
“Lady (Y/n)!” She shouts, for everyone to hear.
“Thaishi!” You raise on your foot, “What happened, sweetheart? I thought you were sleeping already.”
Faro lets your daughter go and she sprints into your arms, burying her head in the crook of your neck.
“Your daughter entered the bridge!” Faro lets you know harshly, “This is not the place for a child!”
“I just wanted to see daaaaaaaaad…” Her little voice breaks down in terrible sobs. “I miss him!”
You hug her tight and caress her back soothingly.
“I hope it won’t happen again.” Faro bites.
“Or what?” You clap back, “What will you do? Throw her in a cell? She is 4 and the daughter of your Grand Admiral!”
She frowns harder and her nostrils flare and for a second you expect her to explode and scream her rage in your face and for everyone present to witness.
But she inhales and recovers her calm, speaking with a deadly cold voice.
“The Grand Admiral himself is asking you to make sure this incident does not happen ever again.”
She lets that sink in and you take the stab in your heart.
You look into each other’s eyes, angry and gauging the other down.
“I will speak with him about that.” You let her know.
“Dot that. In the meantime, keep an eye on your daughter, she could hurt herself roaming around the Chimaera like that. So many corners are treacherous…”
“Are you threatening my child?” You demand, ready to claw her throat, not believing what you’re hearing.
“I simply do not want to discover your precious child bleeding out in the machine's room.” She simply responds with a false smile.
She stands to attention and leaves you in the middle of the mess hall with your child in a mess.
You sigh. What a bitch.
You carry your daughter the best you can with your heavy pregnant belly to lay her down in her bed. She stopped crying but sniffs and sighs, her red eyes still wet with tears.
“I don’t like it here, mom…”
“What are you saying? You have a large bedroom just for you, you always complained you wanted your own space back at the village!” You try to make her see the good sides of the situation.
There aren't many, you admit…
Thrawn placed her in the bedroom next to the Grand Admiral suite, and you know in your heart he meant well. Thaishi complained so much to not have a bedroom for herself he thought she would be happy like that. And back where Lei and the other kids were here she could accommodate herself seeing her father less, but now she feels truly alone.
She sniffs loudly as you tuck her in her large, maybe too large bed, holding on to the covers.
“I miss Lei and everyone! Can’t we go back and take them back?” She pleads.
“No sweety.” You try to soothe her, “They resumed their nomad life. We do not know where they are now and we ourselves are heading towards our new home.”
“I liked the village!” She complains, “I don’t understand why we have to live on a ship!”
You caress a strand of hair out of her face tenderly.
“I know sweetheart. But you’ll see, you will meet a lot of children there, you’ll make a lot of new friends, go to school with a lot of kids, start a new life. Isn't it exciting?”
“Nooooooo…” She whines. “I liked how it was… And I don’t see dad anymore!”
“Didn’t you see him on the bridge?” You ask.
“I was immediately stopped by the adults.” She explains, “I called for dad but he didn’t even turn to me.” And she broke down crying again.
You lay next to her and hug your child tight, letting her wet your shirt with tears.
“Mum, I want to go home…” She cries,” Everyone is so mean here…”
You kiss the top of her head tenderly, pressing her against your chest, against your beating heart.
You didn’t tell her.
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her that soon, once her sibling is born in less than three months, she will be sent away with them in the Ascendancy.
Never to see you or Thrawn again…
You start crying with her and you hug each other.
Mother and child alone in a cold bedroom on an hostile  imperial ISD, with the sole ending to be separated forever…
You end up sleeping with Thaishi in her bed, holding her tight in your arms. You don’t feel how someone comes inside the room to pull the covers back over Thaishi, kissing her cheek tenderly and lifting you up to carry you.
You wake up at the sensation of being cradled softly, only to meet white and a military plaque. You raise your head to see Thrawn, carrying you bridal style to your bedroom.
“Sleep, my sweet.” He softly orders, “You need to gather strength for the birth.”
“No.” You immediately step your food down, “No. We need to talk.”
He lowers his carmine gaze to you, but remains silent.
He enters the suite and heads towards the bedroom, only letting you go to lay you down your shared bed. As he rises back to go away you seize his arm immediately to force him to stay.
“No. You will not escape this conversation.” You warn.
He looks at your resolute gaze and sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed, fixing the wall. You both remain silent for a moment, not knowing how to start. You get a quick glance to the alarm clock, informing you it was 4 am already.
“Thrawn…” You sigh.
“I know.” He simply says, “Believe me, I know.”
“You didn’t even turn to her?” You ask, flabbergasted. “She just wanted to see her dad.”
“I know, Ch’acah.” He admits, lowering his head lightly, “But I walk a thin line. I cannot let the most minuscule slip off happen.”
“She cried for two hours for Maker’s sake!” You start to feel ire raising in your blood.
“If I let them see anything, you three could get hurt.” He explains, “I am held at gunpoint, if I show any weakness towards any of you two they will devour us all. Thaishi and the baby included.”
“Another reason to defect.” You remark coldly.
“We already had this discussion, Ch’acah.” He patiently says.
“I know…” 
But that doesn’t mean you accepted the situation for all that! You can only see the good he could do if he joined the Rebellion, all the lives he could save and improve…
“I need the Empire’s resources.” He continues almost to himself, “Even if I have to make the sacrifice of myself.”
“Right now you are sacrificing your daughter. We barely saw you last month, you stopped eating with us, you come back to the bedroom when everyone is sleeping and rise back earlier than everyone else. I feel so… We both feel abandoned.” 
He lowers his head to fix his hands with intertwined fingers. He murmurs something so low you cannot hear it.
“What did you say?”
“I cannot face you both.” He repeats.
You look at the back of his head, how hunched over he is, how… fragile he seems at this very moment.
“The pain is too great.” He lets out in a breath, “Seeing you reminds me of what I will have to leave behind. Work helps me to forget, to not suffer for a few hours…”
“Is that why you take so many shifts? To avoid us?” You ask with a nicer tone.
“Yes.” He admits, raising his back straight, “I am a coward… It was my idea.”
“You’re not a coward.” You say softly, “But you are making a mistake, do not drive your daughter away from you. Thaishi needs her father to guide her, to love her.” You take his shoulder and squeeze it, “Please, do not turn your back on us…Thrawn, we need you as much as the Ascendancy needs you. Why can’t you see it?”
Thrawn turns to you to meet your gaze. You see so many emotions flashing in his carmine gaze despite his aloof expression.
“Do not reject us…” You beg.
He takes both of your hands to kiss your knuckles tenderly, reveling in your presence.
“I am sorry.” He finally says, “I indeed made a mistake. I put myself before the needs of Thaishi and the baby.”
“Stay with us tomorrow morning.” You propose, “Faro is competent enough for you to take half a day for yourself…” You squeeze his hands.
“Will you forgive me?” He asks, pleading with his eyes rather than his tone.
“Will you spare more time for Thaishi?” You ask.
“Yes. I will also accompany you to each of your medical appointments. I will spare you more time.”
You put your forehead against his, breathing deeply.
“Thank you…” You sigh.
His hand comes caressing your cheek delicately, tilting your head to capture your lips in an infinitely tender kiss. One since a long time ago… 
He kisses you lightly, like you could break at any moment and you respond, relieved to have your husband back.
At least for the three last months…
He leans forward to kiss your pregnant belly reverently, caressing it with his large palms, murmuring sweet nothing to your unborn baby.
“Hello you, I am back, sweet thing.”
You cannot help but smile, caressing his hair as he talks to your baby for long minutes. He finally rises to kiss you chastly.
“Sleep, cheo vir. It is terribly late.”
“Will you stay?” You demand, worried.
“Yes. I will.” He promises.
You nod lightly, satisfied for the moment. Thrawn helps you out to put on your pajamas, take off your shoes, gently massaging your sore foot. You sneak under the covers as Thrawn leaves the suite, promising to come back immediately.
He actually comes back with Thaishi, sleeping soundly in his arms and he lays her down next to you, kissing her forehead. You caress the tummy of your daughter as Thrawn takes his shower and comes into bed, Thaishi between you both.
He takes her delicately in his large arms and hugs her tight, a hug that she gives back eagerly despite being asleep. You stay awake a little more to admire this wonderful scene, father and daughter, hugging each other at last…
When morning comes you are relieved and pleased to see Thrawn sitting in bed, caressing Thaishi’s back softly as she sleeps still. You extend your arm and caress his cheek with your knuckles and he turns his head to you, a light smile coming to grace his lips as he sees you, eyes pouring love for you.
“Good morning, Ch’acah.”
“Hi you…” You smile back.
This moment is peaceful and tender, your whole family reunited.
But you both know.
It cannot last…
You groan, holding the low of your back. Your spine is crushed and your baby is kicking and punching relentlessly, preventing you from sleeping correctly for the last two weeks. 
Your term is not now, you still have two months to wait so your child just decided to get feisty with you. You remember how stressed you were with Thaishi, she kicked so little you started to fear she died in your womb. What a relief you felt when you heard her first scream.
Your baby may have a weaker heart but they appear determined to fight to live, and right now they’re fighting you.
You rise from your bed, in pain, feeling like you are about to wet yourself with how squeezed your bladder is. You walk slowly with very little step when you receive a formidable kick in the stomach.
“Ouch!” You groan, “You sure are full of energy, little one.” You laugh through the pain.
You enter the living room of the Grand Admiral suite to discover Thrawn trying to correct Thaishi's terrible table manners, and she seems too happy to give him a hard time now that she has his attention. They both turn to you, Thaishi with her mouth full, and greet you.
“Welcome, Ch’acah.” Thrawn immediately stands up to meet you, “Did you sleep well tonight?”
You sniff and purse your lips in response.
“No. Your baby keeps kicking me around.”
He presses his large palm on your stomach, circling your shoulders with his other arm. He smiles lightly as he feels a hit against his palm.
“They are so vigorous.” He notes, pleased, “They seem to be in a rush to be born.”
“You don’t say!” You huff, “They punch me all to their heart content.”
 He kisses your cheek with a low purr.
“I thank you for going through all of this for our family.” He praises you, “You amaze me everyday.”
You gulp discreetly. A family fated to disappear, sooner than later now… But you both keep the act before Thaishi, to preserve her. When she is not sleeping in your bed with the both of you, Thrawn is holding you all night long to comfort you and dry your tears. 
But you cannot cry in front of your daughter.
Thrawn wanted to tell her, but you formerly forbade him. You wanted for her to live as peacefully and fully as she could, without a ticking time bomb over her head and an imminent sense of doom. You just wanted her to live like any normal little girl.
“Thaishi, do not take such large bites” Thrawn chastises her, “You will choke yourself, little one.”
She looks at him defiantly, pushing another bite in her already full mouth, making her look like a hamster. Thrawn sits back in front of her to teach her while you serve yourself some caff. You groan again, folding forward when another kick comes punching your rib, cutting your breath.
“Are you alright, Ch’acah?” Thrawn asks, ready to jump into action.
You smile painfully, gesturing to him that this is nothing out of the ordinary as you come to sit to enjoy a breakfast with your little family.
Thrawn already filled your plate with your favorite, pushing it to you, intimating you to eat something. You wince, not hungry in the slightest with your stomach so squeezed.
“Be reasonable.” He says softly but firmly.
“Be reasonable, mum!” Thaishi repeats with her mouth full of brioche, “Be reasonable!”
You wrinkle your nose, but accept nibbling at your food to appease him. He took your plates away once you ate half of your portion, satisfied.
But if you had listened to yourself you wouldn’t have eaten a quarter of it.
“I must go.” Thrawn announces, putting on his white jacket, “Do you need help to dress first, Ch’acah?”
“Already?” You say, disappointed.
For the last month he took care to be more present in your life, staying as late as possible in the morning, putting Thaishi to bed himself even if it was in the middle of one of his shifts, helping you bathe or take a shower even after a full, long day of work and massaging your foot and shoulders before bed.
Faro holds you personally responsible for that, you could feel her shooting you with her glare furiously, but Thrawn was still the Grand Admiral of the ship, still efficient and hard working, never slipping off… So she has nothing against you, factually.
But today he wants to go way earlier than your new routine.
“This area is infested, I want to oversee any possible combat” He explains.
You immediately tense up.
Infested by who? The Rebellion?
You are ready to make a scene to prevent him from going to fight your comrades but he immediately understands your weird gaze.
“Pirates, Ch'acah.” He lightly smiles, “They are numerous in this part.”
You immediately relax.
“Oh… Okay. Good luck, love.” 
He leans forward to capture your lips in a surprising demanding kiss, you remain unresponsive for a moment, taken by surprise by such eagerness.
The birth is near, he is on edge as you are even if he hides it well.
“Urk…You are disgusting” Thaishi complains mockingly.
Thrawn and you both laugh at her reaction and he comes to kiss her cheek to say goodbye.She circles his neck with her arms and squeezes him tight.
Once he leaves the room, she immediately turns back to the table to take another bite, already throwing out what he was trying to teach her. So you lightly slap her hand away.
“No, young lady. Finish your plate first.”
She sticks her tongue out but finishes her plate nonetheless. You take a sip of your caff, observing your blue jewel in silence as she eats eagerly. She is growing and starving all the time, you have difficulty holding her in your arms now.
But not Thrawn.
He can still lift her and carry her like she weighs nothing. 
You remain still as you drink your cup, not showing how your baby is literally demolishing you from the inside, punching hard in your stomach. But when you have the guard of Thaishi you refuse to show your pain, you must be a strong mother for her.
But those kicks are really strong and… painful.
“What do you want to play this morning?” You ask her.
“I won’t have lessons today?” She asks with sparkling eyes.
You tuts, shaking your finger.
“Do not dream too much, young lady. You will do your homework as every other day, but today you can play a bit first.”
 She sighs in response but appreciates the prospect of games before lessons.
You are in so much pain. It feels like a tool gripped your stomach and twisted it in knots before pulling on it like it was trying to rip it off of your body. You greet your teeth as you pretend to make your doll walk on the make believe doll house in the suite. Too lost in her game, Thaishi is fully focused on the figurines in her hands, mediating a negotiation between a client and a market gardener. 
You hold your stomach, breathing deeply through your nose. You ate something bad for sure.
“Mom?” Your jewel asks.
“It’s alright, sweety. Just dizziness, it will pass.” You smile through the pain, refocusing on the game of your little girl, you wouldn’t want to trample on the nascent romance between her dolls for anything in the universe!
Your doll is about to join the negotiation for some samara fruits when the entire Chimaera trembles suddenly and an alarm starts blaring out. Thaishi yelps in surprise and fear, losing her balance. You catch her in your arms and you hold each other tight.
“What’s going on?” She asks terrified.
“Pirates, most probably.” You answer calmly, trying to keep our own anxiety at bay.
“Are we… Are we going to die?” She raises her eyes round in fear up to you.
She never knew battles or war, and always lived a peaceful life in the village. You look into her eyes, flashing memories of your battles against Thrawn.
How he used to win with such talent and brio each time!
“No. No sweety.” You soothe her, “Your father is leading the battle. That means we are going to win.” You caress her back, pulling her on your lap.
“I am scared!” She whines, snuggling against your breast.
You hear people running in the attending corridor, the battle alarm still screaming in the loudspeakers. They are all rushing to battle.
“Thaishi, look at me.” You say authoritatively.
She looks up to you again with questions at the sudden change of tone, but listening carefully to you.
“Your father is the Grand Admiral Thrawn. Unbeaten and invincible.” You expose clearly.
She is way too young to know about all of that, no use to go into details, just enough to reassure her, “He is the tactical genius of this generation. There is no safer place in the Universe but his side. Do you understand me?”
You bite the inner of your cheek at how the humiliation you suffered at his hand, how many times you had to flee the battlefield to escape death and destruction. The long hours spent forming a new strategy that could take him by surprise.
To no avail.
Despite all your and your comrades efforts, Thrawn never showed any weakness in battle and wiped out all your attempts at assassination. 
If one could win no matter the odds, it is him.
“Do you understand me, Thaishi?”
She slowly nods, hugging you tighter. You smile comfortingly to her face soaked with tears and hug her.
“You have nothing to fear, my sweet. Your father is here to protect us.”
A light explodes outside of your bay window, a missile you determine, illuminating the bedroom harshly. You raise on your feet immediately to lower the blinds and protect your daughter from that spectacle but you don’t even take two steps you fall down on the ground, holding your stomach.
You’re in so much pain! You feel your blood boiling and flewing furiously in your spasming muscles.
What is going on?
“Mum? MUM?!” Thaishi runs to you.
You feel another contraction spasming your entire body and you gasp, all your air kicked out of your lungs.
“Mummy! Mummy!” She shouts, powerless, kneeling next to you.
She suddenly turns her head and jumps on her little feet and runs out of the room.
You’re in too much pain to just hear the battle outside or the commotion in the corridors. You bite your lower lips, drawing blood, curling over yourself pathetically on the carpet of the large bedroom when someone bursts inside the room.
You are suddenly being lifted up in the air and you cannot help a scream of pain in response. All your southern muscles are contracting and convulsing while you feel a wet and warm sensation spreading along your thighs, soiling your undergarment and dress.
Did your water…?
But it is too soon!
Way too soon!
The unknown officer, soldier or ensign is speeding in the corridors with you in their arms. Your baby had to come in the middle of a battle! 
When Thrawn is away.
They finally reach the med bay and enter without consideration for the other patient, shouting that the Grand Admiral’s wife was twisting in pain on the ground. You are being laid down on a bed as carefully as they can, a medic and a droid arriving at your side immediately.
“Her water broke.” The medic calmly says, “Let’s place her in the operation room.”
You wriggle on the mattress, each heartbeat getting more and more painful.
Your bed is pushed in a white, sterile room and someone transfuse you with something.
“Thrawn…” You gasp, “Where is Thrawn…”
“He is leading the battle, lady (F/n).” They coldly announce.
Where is everyone?
Why are you alone?
With Thaishi, Thrawn and all your friends were here to support you.
But today you are alone… In a cold room with droids and machines and imperials
Where did all of your life go?
You scream again as a new contraction stops all your thoughts. The medic chief enter the room, seemingly pissed off.
“What do you mean her water broke? The term is two months away!” He harshly announces.
“Labour started chief, she is fully dilated and the contractions get closer and closer.” Someone responds.
He hisses but takes his place as you wince in pain.
“Prepare an incubator! The baby is premature at 28 weeks, they will need intense care.” 
You close your eyes shut as a new wave of pain washes over you. 
“Thrawn! Where is Thrawn!” You demand.
“He cannot make it to you, lady (F/n). You will need to do it on your own.”
As to punctuate his words, the Chimaera is shaken again. The bed trembles, worsening your pain. You feel your sweat soaking your bed and dress.
It is so uncomfortable!
“Prepare everything, they may needs respiratory assistance, surfactant in an intubation tube. Their liver and kidneys aren’t formed yet. Keep an eye on the vitals and stand ready. Lady (F/n) you can push.”
“No! No, I want Thrawn!” You cry, “Where is he? He must be here!I can’t do it without-”
Someone slides their hands in yours and squeezes it tight and a female voice rises.
“He is fighting to keep us all alive. You must be strong and do it without him. We are all here to take care of your child, focus on your labor.”
You squeeze back her hand, the pain is so great the flashing white lights blind you completely, preventing you from seeing her face.
“We are all here for you right now!” She assesses.
You feel the tools pulling on your organs again, signaling you that you simply cannot wait for your husband to magically appear in the room and support you.
You’ll have to pass this trial alone.
So you start pushing, greeting your teeth and pressing her hand with yours with all your strength. You curse as the morphine is taking its sweet time to kick in, but you have no time! Your baby is coming now!
You scream as you push, feeling like your organs get tearing apparts in millions of shreds.
Maker, you forgot how hard it was…
You feel her circle your shoulders to help soothe you as you push.
“We have a head!” The medic announces, “Keep pushing, Lady. One last time!” 
You dig your nails in the metal bar you are holding and the soft hand of the woman supporting you and push hard!
“Come on!” She encourages?
You keep pushing and pushing, pain ravaging your inside.
Until you feel a mass passing through your inner muscles. And suddenly…
No liberating scream of a baby.
Just dead… silence.
“Install the respiratory assistance and put them in the incubator, we must stabilize their temperature.” The chief orders around.
You feel dizzy and weak but still have the sense that something went wrong.
“My baby…” You moan, “Give me my baby…”
“They must go into intensive care immediately. Your job is to rest and prepare to take care of a premature baby.”
Your bust fall with a ‘oof’ on the bed, too tired to do anything anymore.
“Good job!” The woman congratulates you.
You turn your head lazily to her, and open your eyes round in surprise.
“Commodore Faro?” You ask, bewildered.
She nods in response.
“What are you doing here?” you ask at the end of your rope.
“I was running to the bridge when your daughter burst out the Suite in tears, screaming at the top of her lungs that you fell. I simply carried you here.” She explains.
You lose all your words.
She hates you.
Why would she do that? Why would she help you?
“But…” You shake your head, weak with the loss of blood.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn would have killed me if I turned my back on you at that moment.” She simply explains. “He could forgive me for not reaching the bridge for a battle, but not for me not helping you, especially when you are giving birth.”
“It… It doesn’t make any sense…” You insist.
“Because you’re weak and dizzy.” She finishes.
“Thaishi… Where is my daughter!?” You have a flash of clarity in your fogged mind.
“I ordered an officer to take care of her in the the Grand Admiral suite. She is well.”
“Go get her…” You order weakly, “She must be so worried I left her, my jewel… My daughter…”
She prevents you from trying to stand up, pushing you back gently against the bed.
“I’ll ring the officer, do not worry. I-”
She is shushed by the door opening.
Thrawn enters, immediately spotting you. He places himself at your side and takes your hand, caressing a strand of hair out of your face.
“Ch’acah. How are you?”
“Tired… The baby…”
“Is in intensive care, I know. I am sorry I was not here, my love. I failed you.”
“My baby…” You feel tears coming back, “They didn’t let me hold my baby… I want them in my arms…”
He presses his forehead against your, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Be patient my love. The medics are taking care of them.”
He rises back up and turns to Faro. She stands to attention immediately.
“I thank you, Commodore Faro.” He ceremoniously says, “Thanks to you, my wife and baby are safe.”
“Of course, Grand Admiral.” She respectfully bows her head, “How did the battle go?”
“Very well. Some resistances that held on against us, but we rose on top.”
“As always with you, Grand Admiral. I will take my shift if you don’t need me anymore.”
“Of course, Commodore.”
They nod to each other and she leaves. Thrawn turns back to you and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Ch’acah.” he starts, “You must have been scared.”
You wipe your tears off, sniffing.
“I want my baby.” You insist weakly.
“I want to see them too.” He assures you gently but seriously, “But we cannot right now. Rest a little, it was a lot of emotions for you.”
“Stay with me!” You demand, afraid he would leave you now.
“Of course. I left the bridge to my officers and Faro will take command for now. I can remain with you.”
Your eyes are fixed on your baby inside her incubator.
Your sweet little girl.
Your little warrior.
Nothing is yet won, so much could still go wrong. But she is taken care of. Thaishi is pressed to the incubator, observing her little sister intently, absolutely hypnotized by the blue baby sleeping soundly.
“Do not poke the incubator, sweety. Let your sister rest.” You say, laying in your bed.
You’re still in the med bay in a private room. You refused to sleep away from your premature baby. You wanted to be here at any signs of illness or bad reaction, to jump into action at any bad signs. Besides, you have been judged too weak to leave yet.
Thaishi stops poking and jumps in the bed to slide between your arms, snuggling against you.
“What’s her name again?” She asks.
“Thauko.” You say again with a little smile.
“Thauko…” She repeats lowly, “Why is she in that weird crib?”
“She is premature, she needs a lot of care.”
“She is born too soon, her development hasn’t stopped yet.”
“Is that… Bad?” She asks with her years old words.
“Yes… But we have skillful medics and she is a Chiss, like you. She will survive.” You say assertively.
You both remain silent, eyes fixed on the incubator, listening to all the machinery helping your baby staying alive. You sigh and bury your nose in Thaishi’s hair to inhale her scent for comfort.
That’s when Thrawn decided to enter your room.
“Daddy!” Thaishi shoots, already forgetting your demand to remain quiet for the baby.
“Thaishi, my little one.” He takes her in his arms, “Did you come to visit your little sister?”
She puts and winces, displeased.
“Yes, but she doesn’t move, she only sleeps! That’s so boring!” 
He chuckles lightly in response.
“It is normal, she needs to build her strength to grow and heal.”
“Well it’s boring!” She insists.
He comes to the incubator, passing a hand through one of the designated holes to gently, tenderly caress the tummy of his baby. You observe him observing his daughter with so much love in his gaze. She wriggles at the warm sensation of his large palm on her body, her tiny, tiny hand trying to seize one of his fingers to keep him here.
“Hello, Thauko.” He salutes her respectfully, like he would an adult. “My brave and courageous daughter.” He says almost to himself.
“Our little warrior.” You add with a sad smile.
“Indeed.” He hums approvingly.
You cried in his arms, terrified for the life of your daughter. But he remained assertive that she would survive, that you will all surpass that trial together. He was so adamant you had no choice but to get convinced that she would make it, no matter the odds.
But that is how he operates. Always choosing hope no matter what.
The feeble baby seems to burp, trembling in the crib with tubes in her little nose.
How much would you give to be able to hold her against yourself, to hug her tight and shower her with love and warmth. 
But your human body isn’t warm enough for her, preferring Thrawn’s warmth. He delicately grazes her plump cheek with his knuckles, blue skin on blue skin.
You silently admire that scene.
Your husband giving love to both of your daughters, hugging one and caressing the other gently. He retracts his hand off the incubator to leave your baby at peace and his gaze travels to yours.
“They are coming.” He simply announces.
You shudder.
He needs not to precise who, you know very well who he is talking about.
But now?!
In this situation?!
Did he lose his mind?
“With a premature baby?!” You demand, digging your nails in the cover.
“They have been properly warned and prepared in consequence.” He continues, “They are en route.” 
You open your mouth to retort but Thaishi beats you to it.
“Who’s en route?”
Thrawn affirms his grip on her body and turns his gaze to her, deadly serious.
“The Chiss Ascendancy.” He explains, “They come to pick you up.”
She tilts her head slightly, not understanding.
“I thought we were heading towards an Empire?”
“Me and your mother. You and Thauko will go your own way.”
She remains silent for a second, like she failed to understand.
“...What?” She asks with a trembling voice.
You give Thrawn a black look, warning him to keep his mouth shut but he slightly shakes his head to you, telling you he made his decision. He comes to sit on your bed, keeping her in his arms.
“Thaishi, you and your sister will join the Chiss Ascendancy. You will grow there and become adults, form your own families and serve the Ascendancy at the best of your abilities. This is for your safety.”
“You are coming with us… Right?” She inquires.
“No, my jewel.” He informs her, “Me and your mother have unfinished business at the Empire. Dangerous business, improper for children so young. The Ascendancy will welcome you, raise you and educate you in civilized ways. You will join a new family and walk towards a brighter future that we could not give you here.”
Her little hand that held his sleeve fall down to her side, gawking.”
“You will… abandon us?” Her voice is toneless with incomprehension and fear.
You rise in a sitting position to hug her.
“No, my sweet, no. We pondered this situation, this is the best solution for your safety. Our… respective works could never permit us to meet your needs and offer you a stable family. You would only suffer.”
“But… But… I don’t want to go…” She insists
“We know, little one.” He continues, “And we do not want to let you go either. But your safety and well being is our ultimate priority, the best solution is to send you to the Ascendancy.”
“But… No… No!” She decides, shouting, “I don’t wanna go! I wanna stay!” She starts punching his arms but he easily seizes her little fists to stop her as she cries.
“This is for the best, Thaishi. You may not understand now, but once you grow you will accept and recognize our decision was for the best.” He asserts.
She wails and screams and cries, refusing to calm down.
He hugs her tight, preventing her from punching and hurting herself, his head resting on her own little head.
“I don’t wanna! I wanna stay! Why are you abandoning us!?”
You press yourself against her, both of you holding her, letting her express her frustration, anger and fear through her tears and whines.
Your heart bleeds at those odious sounds. You only want to hear her laughs and giggles, those sounds are just so painful to you.
“They are coming to bring you to a better future.” He gently insists, “You will understand one day.”
“I wanna stay with you!”
“Once an adult, you will be free to come back and meet us once again. We could talk longly about anything you so desire. But before that, you will remain safe in the Ascendancy.” He keeps talking with his melodious, soothing voice.
You all three remain in a tight hug, consoling Thaishi, knowing the scars on her heart will take years, i not decades to heal.
Your legs tremble, feeling like jello. Thaishi holds on to your hand like a buoy in the open sea. Thrawn remains stills next to you, his hands clasped behind his back as always.
Before you a large Corvette is slowly opening its ramp.
Thashi digs her nails in your flesh when the ramp hits the floor, revealing Chiss with hard gazes. They silently and haughtily descend to join you, like they own the place.
Thrawn takes a step forward, with a respectful and polite expression.
“Admiral Ar’alani, I hope your travel was safe and good.” He asks in Sy Bisti.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn.” She responds coldly, “It was uneventful, which is quite surprising. Where are they?”
You flinch, squeezing Thaishi’s hand in yours. Thrawn take a step to the side, designing you two to his fellow Chiss. She walks up to you assuredly, gauging you up and down.
“I assume you are the mother.” she continues in Sy Bisti.
By instinct you place yourself before Thaishi, feeling yourself trembling before that woman. Her gaze lazily falls on your daughter, observing her intently.
“What is your name?” She demands.
Thaishi hides behind your leg and you caress her head.
“Your name, child!” She insists harsher.
“Thaishi.” You interject, trying to appease her, “Her name is Thaishi.”
“Thaishi…” She repeats before turning towards Thrawn, “The Mitth will not appreciate that name.”
“I fail to see why?” He responds, tilting his head slightly.
“Of course you don’t.” She turns back to you and your child, “Thaishi of the Chiss, it is time for you to say your farewell and come with us!”
You feel your daughter flinching behind you, oressign herself tighter behind you.
“A moment…” You ask, kneeling to her.
The woman named Ar’alani breathes through her nose and joins Thrawn to speak with him in Cheuhn. Your level isn’t good enough to understand the discussion.
You look at Thaishi, checking the zipper of her coat was up.
“Are you ready?” You ask softly.
She shakes her head.
“No… I don’t wanna go.”
“I know, my sweet. But it is for the greater good. You’ll see, everyone will be like you there, you’ll make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun.” You try to smile at her.
“But you will not be with me.”
“Thauko will be with you. Take care of your little sister, you are the eldest, she will need you.”
She sniffs in response.
“Mom… Can’t I stay?” She tries to plead again.
“Oh my sweet, I don’t want you to go either. But you would never be in security with us.”
You take her in your arms.
“Mum…” She insists.
You look into her red eyes. You see she is trying really hard to be strong and assured but you feel how close she is to broke. You squeeze her in your arms, reveling one last time in her.
“I love you so, so much Thaishi. Never forget that, please.”
She buries her head in the crook of your neck.
“It is time.” Thrawn announces, coming closer to you.
He kneels to Thaishi, holding her cheeks in his large hands.
“Thaishi, be strong. Obey the adults and work hard, do not neglect your education and look over your younger sister.” He says assuredly, the last orders from a father to his child, “I love you.”
He hugs her and she hugs him back, circling his neck with her little arms. You look at them, refraining a sob. You raise your head as you hear the wheels of the incubator, you stand up and press your hands against the glass, observing your baby.
You rarely had the occasion to hold her in your arms, she so rarely got out of the incubator. You gently take her out and kisses her forehead tenderly. Thrawn come caressing her head delicately and kisses her cheek. You press her against you one last time and put her back inside the incubator.
“Let’s go.” Ar’alani says, taking Thaishi’s hand and pulling her towards the corvette.
The Human medic pushes the incubator to who you assume to be a Chiss medic that take it and roll it towards the ship. Thaishi nervously turns back to you, falling behind Ar’alani.
“Mum.” She calls.
You wave at her, trying your best to smile comfortingly, hiding the pain you feel deep inside you.
“Mum…” This time her voice cracks.
She pulls on her hand, freeing herself and runs back to you. You immediately lower yourself and embrace her. Ar’alani looks at her, flabbergasted.
“Thaishi.” You broke.
“Mum!” She cries. “Don’t let them take me! Mum!”
You squeeze her hard in your arms when you feel getting snatched away from you. Ar’alani stands back up, holding Thaishi in her arms and turns back to the ship.
“Mum! Dad!” Thaishi screams at the top of her lungs, extending her hands to you, “Dad!”
You feel Thrawn kneeling next to you, circling your shoulders, as much to comfort you as to prevent you from running after your children.
You dig your nails in Thrawn’s flesh, fighting the urge to sprint after that Chiss woman and take back your daughters with your teeth and fists.
“MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!” You hear her final scream as the ramp closes back on them.
And then the Corvette takes off…
And disappears away.
And you break.
In a million pieces.
You scream, clawing at Thrawn that tries to keep you whole. You tear up his uniform in your pain, tearing his blue skin to blood.
But he holds on.
Embracing you in his large arms, caressing your hair, speaking sweet nothing in your ears.
But you are just deaf to his words.
And you cry.
Suddenly your fight for the Rebellion feels so insignificant, and you wish you would have gone with your children.
Thrawn opens your collar for you to breathe better as you wail, cradling you tenderly.
“Breath, Ch’acach.” He tries to calm you down, “They will be safe there, not harm will come to them. Breath.”
You sob and gasp, right in the middle of a panic attack. Thrawn caresses your cheek with the back of his hand, holding you close.
“Calm down, (Y/n). Calm down.” He keeps chanting lowly, only for your ears. “I am with you.”
Your mouth is open to swallow big bowls of air but they never reach your lungs, getting stuck in your throat.
“Today I am with you to catch you.” He continues gently.
But he wont be for long anymore… In less than a week you will reach the Empire's territories and he will let you go back to the Rebellion.
And you will be alone.
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037
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smokesandsonatas · 1 year
Theory and Analysis
The Legacy of the Shroud and Draconia Families: The Prodigy and the Miracle
I haven't posted anything in ages, but in the span of a day, I have caught up to everything happening in TWST. All I could say is -
Should I miss or incorrectly put the lore, feel free to correct me.
Warning: Spoilers, long post, language, and crude humour.
Without further ado, let's get into the post. All credits belong to their owners.
The Shroud clan
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The Shrouds have been in existence for a really long time. Their ancestor was "appointed a Gatekeeper back in the age of gods and goddesses." Let's assume that was thousands of years ago. Due to this task of essentially keeping the balance in TWST World, Tartarus was built, and henceforth S.T.Y.X was 'formed' about 100 years ago.
Due to their long history, the Shrouds are rich, rivaling the Al-Asims in terms of wealth. According to Vil, they are a branch of Jupiter Enterprises. An influential conglomerate that essentially built Google Chrome, or maybe Facebook, and Amazon of TWST.
The Shrouds reside on the Island of Woe. It is not on any map, therefore it is completely hidden from the public due to the fact it is literally built under the sea.
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For the secret organization, Lillia said that a legend goes like this, "When a wizard forgets themselves and succumbs to their own power, punishment from the Island of Woe shall befall them."
The Shrouds are tasked with such a heavy job that about a hundred years ago, they were cursed, preventing them from escaping their duties. This curse manifested in their flaming blue hair, burning off accumulated blot. But if there's no blot to burn, the curse instead eats their magical energy. That's why the Shrouds, especially Idia having inherited the curse from his father, must now be in constant close state of OB to survive.
Idia's grandmother, Aidne/Idone Shroud, is known to have this curse. Both her and her son, Mr. Shroud are using magical devices to combat it.
The Shroud Prodigy and Tragedy
Idia is a prodigy. Born a genius in the Island of Woe. As a child his intellect far surpasses the adult researchers at S.T.Y.X. With this impressive show of his potential, his fate is sealed: Idia will become the next head of the Shroud family.
Ortho's life is a tragedy. He was born, and then he died. Then he was reborn again as a humanoid robot that Idia created while in complete isolation for 2 years. Complete with the 'real' Ortho's memories, personality, and appearance.
This is Idia's way of coping with the guilt that consumes him. Blaming himself for his only brother's death.
Why wouldn't Mama and Papa Shroud do something about this?
I like to think that they did try to console Idia. From the looks of it, they do love their children equally. But they also have to grieve too. They also suffer the same guilt Idia feels because suddenly the portal that they're supposed to monitor as the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X breaks open, resulting in the death of their younger son. [But I think Idia's unique magic has something to do with the incident.]
It is important to note that Mama and Papa Shroud treat 'Ortho' as their real child, not a replacement of their dead son. With the events ending in Ignihyde chapter, Ortho is on his way to becoming his own person.
Combining his brother's 'death', the responsibility of running S.T.Y.X in the future, the constant state of near OB just to stay alive, and the isolation made Idia the genius, foul-mouthed, introvert prodigy dorm leader of Ignihyde.
As of Diasomnia chapter, Papa and Mama Shroud, the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X respectively, are trying to get in touch, or are now in touch, with Queen Maleficia, Malleus' grandmother.
The Draconia family
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The Draconias are nocturnal fae, tracing back their long lineage to dragons. They all possibly have horns protruding from their heads. Their lifespans can go on for centuries. A Draconia will reach adulthood at the age of 1,000 years old. That lifespan is longer than the kind of fae like Lilia.
If Malleus reach 1,000 years old, he'll be only known as an adult Draconia, but for Lilia, 1,000 years is his whole lifespan.
In the current events of TWST, we only know 3 Draconias so far.
Queen Maleficia, Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa, and the only known male heir, Malleus.
Not much is known about them, except the current queen (has been for a long time) is Queen Malefecia, the grandmother. She adopted Lilia and Levan, the father of Malleus and Princess Malenoa's husband. The royalty in Briary Valley is complete with senators, dukes, royal guards, and is just basically a monarchy of faes.
The Draconias, and most fae creatures, reside in Briar Valley. There are forests that are pitch black, giving an advantage to nocturnal faes, like Lilia. It is also rich in magical minerals.
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In Diasomnia chapter, Malleus put up a barrier of thorns that is going around or extending throughout Sage Island, essentially marking it as his domain, and everyone in this domain will remain asleep, dreaming. It is worth noting that Malleus is said to be one of the top strongest mages, as evidenced by this:
"S.T.Y.X. together with the Magical Force, and the Briar Valley’s royal family attempted to break into Malleus Draconia’s domain, but… "
"Neither physical nor magical attacks could make a dent."
"The thorns do not discriminate between humans and fae, and anyone attempting to enter just get sucked into the field."
Because he's a fae, he gets energy from his surroundings. Therefore if Malleus' keeps extending his barrier, he will get stronger. Heed that not even Queen Maleficia can get through the barrier her grandson had created. With this scenario, it effectively puts Malleus, a little bit stronger than her.
The Draconia Miracle
I contemplated saying the Draconian Miracle but either way is fine.
If we are to consider Malleus as a miracle manifest in itself, let's first look at the way he was born.
The prelude of Malleus' birth is chaos.
During or even before he emerged from his shell, Briar Valley is going through a fae-human war. Starting when the humans started populating and abusing the place. Note that their population started with only a small sailing ship, and throughout the years they multiplied.
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Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa/Mallenoa is the mother of Malleus, and she, by far is the strongest defense of the land, as said by Lillia.
But before Malleus can even crack the shell, his mother is already gone. Going by the angst route, let's assume she died protecting her egg that houses her son.
Makes you wonder how brutal the fight must be to 'kill' a mother dragon protecting her only child.
Levan/Revern, a raven fae or a dragon duke in some sources, is his father. He is a diplomat of Briar Valley, therefore his task falls into making allies, not enemies.
Yet, he did not return.
It is presumed that he died in an ambush, or possibly has a new identity. If he is alive it is cruel for him to not come back to his unhatched son. I am not saying Crowley is Malleus' father but there's a chance that Crowley is related to the Draconias, in one way or another.
Now, why is Malleus considered a miracle?
Because he was born against all odds. His birth is a highly impossible event, yet it did happen.
Due to his parents' absence, this effectively made the hatching of Malleus uncertain. Dragon eggs can hatch within 2-3 years of laying if showered with love and cared for.
[ This part is taken from the accounts of Lilia's dream in the Diasomnia chapter, where Silver is also surprised by the huge gap of the war and the dragon heir's birth.]
Malleus' birth is delayed by 200 years, because he has no one to care for him. It is truly pitiful that even before his birth, Malleus is abandoned.
Why wouldn't Queen Maleficia love her unhatched grandson? Is her love and power not enough to hatch Malleus?
I bet she did, but she also has grieve the death of her only child. On top of that, she has to be strong because she's a queen of a country. Any sign of weakness can mean the humans threatening her or even one of the faes betraying them, putting her family and the nation in danger.
The thought of the Draconia bloodline ending with her likely filled her with depression. Also, Queen Maleficia is not Malleus birth mother, only his grandmother. So that is not enough for a dragon egg to hatch, since it needed the love from his birth parents. I like to think that this part is where Lilia, as his caretaker will come in. Lilia's loyalty to Draconias extended to Malleus, softening the heart of the war-torn general, enough that he had the sympathy to adopt a human child.
It took 200 long years for Malleus to emerge from his egg shell and when he did, Briar Valley celebrated his birth. Matter of fact, his birthday is a public holiday.
Defying the odds is another powerful instance why Malleus is born to be a king faes, the valley and the abyss.
The parallels between Idia (the prodigy) and Malleus (the miracle)
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[Is it me or they both look good?!]
Both Malleus and Idia grew up in isolation.
[Island of Woe and Briary Valley are two places in the middle of seven-knows-what. Anyway...!]
With Malleus as the only heir, and Idia as the first born, they both have huge responsibilities on their shoulders. We're talking about responsibilities scaling nations and the safety of huge populations.
Idia's childhood is tragic with the death of his brother. But we can argue that Malleus' childhood is tragic too, with the disappearance of his parents.
Malleus grew up isolated and protected in the castle. His only confidant for decades is Lilia, his caretaker. And even then, Malleus said that Lilia is prone to going away for long periods of time.
For Idia, his only companion for the 2 years he locked himself in his room is the prototype of Ortho that he's building.
Idia represents the uncanny future, and Malleus represents the eerie past.
Think of it this way, if you put Malleus in Island of Woe where everything is about technology, I bet he will say something about the importanc of the past and teleport back to his place.
If you put Idia in Briar Valley... man's not even going to survive the night. He will lament his poor WiFi connection.
They compliment each other well: One doesn't want to be approached and the other is unapproachable.
Both Idia and Malleus are some of the loneliest students in NRC. Idia doesn't have social cues, and Malleus... doesn't have good social cues either.
They're both so awkward when interacting with others it becomes endearing.
As awkward as they are, both are arrogant too. Every time Idia regards himself as the acting leader of S.T.Y.X and Malleus as the future king, sends a thrill or.pride to whoever can hear them. [Go forth children! Be the leaders of the TWST world.]
And they will be leaders. As heavy as the mantle of Shroud and Draconia is, Idia and Malleus will have no choose but to shoulder on. That's why I think the battle between (yuu), Idia along with NRC against Malleus will be tragically beautiful.
Fun fact: Hades tried to ask Maleficent out in a date once, lol.
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There's a reason why all of a sudden the story of TWST started to become more serious in the Ignihyde chapter and just hit the fan in Diasomnia. Soon, were about to find out why.
Idia and Malleus are the complete opposite yet their existence compliments each other so well.
One is a keeper of the underworld, and the other the blessing of maleficence.
And then there's Yuu, trying to uncover the secrets of Twisted Wonderland.
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sarnai4 · 7 months
I was going to make this a fun post, but then I discovered that there are Dagur gifs on here and...yeah, that light topic didn't happen. So, here goes a little sad something.
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I think these frames of animation are very interesting. Actually, this entire scene is to me. It's in "The Night and the Fury" and is right after Dagur learns that Hiccup lied. I love how this occurred because it would have been so easy to just have him be like, "You have dragons? Okay, now I'm about to kill you." They didn't do that, though. Even as Dagur is connecting the dots, he harps on the fact that a lie was told. "Your father lied to me...YOU lied to me!" If you go back to Dagur's threat from "Twinsanity," he never even said that he'd attack Berk if they had dragons. He specifically said he would if he found out they did after they denied it. Technically speaking, Dagur could have attacked immediately if he wanted to, but he still had the intention of keeping the peace. These expressions in the gif are right after he says, "You could've been my brother, Hiccup. Now, you're my enemy." When he says this, he actually sounds sad. His expressions match that. Dagur, Mr. Gets Angry At The Drop Of A Helmet didn't immediately respond with rage. He's hurt and I think I know why.
Dagur doesn't perceive things like other Vikings to put it lightly. When he has his first episode, he's talking about how he and Hiccup had great laughs after he tries to drown the poor Berkian. He calls Hiccup his old friend when they see each other again in the episode with the gif. I think he genuinely believes this. For the strange things Dagur does, he doesn't see it. So, it's not just someone lying to him, it's his best, his ONLY friend lying to him and making him looking like a cool in front of his tribe. That's why he sounds sad instead of angry. That's why he has to look away and think through what his next move is. Yes, he attacks, but what are his options?
Hiccup doesn't give him any more time to think. He tries to leave with Toothless, so Dagur has to act then. Regarding his options, they all are bleak. If he attacks, then you have war and what we got. The alternative is that he doesn't then, right? Well, that's not great either. As soon as he gets back to his ship, one of the Berserkers says that he wants to kill Hiccup himself. Dagur has to make it clear that no one besides himself will go after Hiccup. This shows how the Berserkers really can be vengeful. They're not even an aggressive group (as shown in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island"), but they have tempers. So, if Dagur holds onto the friendship that he just realized didn't exist, he has to go back with his tail between his legs and admit not only that he was played, but that he doesn't want to do anything about it.
Dagur already was worried that no one would respect him as chief. They never would if they found out he was tricked and didn't even want to get revenge for it. He would be the young chief who was too foolish to see through lies and too weak to defend his people in case the liar decided to lie again and actually attack. So, yes, Dagur attacked. Was it a mistake? Oh most definitely. He could've caused the deaths of many people and was arrested for this. So, I'm not saying that Dagur is in the right for his war, but I'm saying that I don't think it's a black and white as the show tried to portray. We see it from Hiccup's perspective with Dagur being this wild kid who just likes killing. Dagur's so much more than just some angry or deranged Viking. I just wish we got to see more of his side of things.
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tyrantisterror · 1 month
No Small Feat Art Pt. 5 - Little Girl Lost Arc
By request, I'm gonna show off some of the artwork for No Small Feat, a Midgaheim story my friends and I told through the TTRPG system Fabula Ultima. I drew a lot of characters and monsters for it, and my friends - in particular, @dragonzzilla, @scatha5, and @dinosaurana - helped line and color them so we'd have cute little sprites to use on our online battlemaps, which really helped sell the whole "we're playing an oldschool turn based RPG" vibe that Fabula Ultima's system is going for.
In this part, we're gonna look at the many NPCs introduced in the campaign's third arc, Little Girl Lost!
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The titular little girl of the arc was Dora Raine, who one of my players described as "the saddest girl I've ever seen." Dora had a tense relationship with her mother, and after a fight where her mother regrettably said "Sometimes I wish I wasn't your mother!", Dora was spirited away to Fairyland, kicking off our plot.
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Our heroes were already set to meet Dora's mother, Countess Maelys Raine, because of a rumor that she might hold one of the crown jewels. Unfortunately, she told them that said jewel was in the necklace Dora wore, and thus was trapped in Fairyland with Dora. Our heroes volunteered to rescue the girl, leaving the two crown jewels they had with Maelys in case they didn't come back.
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Dora's kidnapped turned out to be another countess, albeit of the Seelie court rather than Engelsex. Countess Vespidi claimed she had a right to take custody of Dora, but after a brief discussion (while guarded by her army, of course) agreed to allow the heroes to try and convince the girl to return with them if they first proved their worth by overcoming the obstacles she'd lay in their path on the way to her palace. So our heroes went on a jaunt through Fairyland.
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Along the way they had encounters with various soldiers in Vespidi's court - troops of hobgoblins, goblins, pixies, and orks.
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A wrinkle presented itself when they met one of Vespidi's chief enforcers, Big Bubba Bugbear, who was very talkative during their fight - and, in particular, was vocal about wanting to keep Dora safe and happy because, according to him, she'd spent so much time crying recently. Bubba had been watching over Dora on Vespidi's orders for a while, you see, and he clearly thought that the fairy Countess had Dora's best interests at heart.
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There were some unrelated monster encounters on the way, too. The Deofolskein had nothing to do with Countess Vespidi's plot, it was just very insistent (but polite!) about asking the PC's to let it eat their eyeballs. They're its favorite dish, you see.
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Our heroes also met Four Elemental Spirits - a salamandral, a gnome, a sylph, and an undine - who gave them their first sidequest: seeking out the Four Elemental Masters in the mortal world, who would test our heroes' knowledge of the four elements of magic and present them with great boons should they prove worthy. These four just really love teaching people about magic, you see!
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At last our heroes got to the court of Countess Vespidi, where they faced on final fight against three powerful enemies: a Bandersnatch, a Jubjub Bird, and a Jabberwock. Defeating the three champions of the fairy noblewoman, they were finally allowed an audience with Dora, where they learned some very important facts.
First, Countess Vespidi wasn't just any fairy, but specifically Dora's Fairy Guard-mother, and a close friend of Dora's father and her birth mother.
Second, Maelys wasn't Dora's birth mother, but rather her stepmother. And you know how stepmothers act in most fairy tales, don't you?
Third, and most horrible, Dora didn't have a crown jewel in her necklace.
Our heroes, backed by Countess Vespidi and her forces, returned to the mortal world to demand answers, only to find that Maelys had already left with the crown jewels in tow.
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The campaign's main villain had duped them very, very well.
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