#they're like sophie as an animal
The fact that Keefe didn't go to Australia and decide to bring a Kangaroo back as a pet is my villain origin story
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hauntingmiser · 4 months
introducing the final phantom thief and humanities companion....
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aka the digital mermaid
Fun fact : she was made to study 'mother nature's' gems ( aka uranium but cracked ) about how it can curse divers and merfolk to mutate really badly therefore killing them.
morgana however was a victim of the curse of 'mother nature' and he is the main key behind all of this and after sophie located many locations having sigils of death on pillars and most importantly corpses of merfolk decaying in weird ways, lead to a whole mystery of mysterious disappearances of submarines and why they keep happening and after pure research and many fatalities
researchers questioned that they now need to find out how they can stop the person that is pretending to be 'mother nature' herself by collecting the gems of the curse of 'mother nature' so they can make a cure to stop all of this and find out who's the culprit.
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My dog is shaped like food
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Checking In
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Hello ♡ This fic is set in the same universe as, The Viper Club (or, The Jamil Viper Support Group) and is sort of a sequel to it. In this fic, Lydia goes around checking in with everyone (including some new OCs and pairings I didn't mention in the first fic!) ♡
OCs featured/mentioned (along with their OC x Canon) include: Yuusha (@crystallizsch) x Jamil, Mayu (@anbaisai) x Jamil, Rebecca (@0honeybones0) x Jamil, Astrid (@cheerleaderman) x Jamil, Damali (@midnightmah07) x Jamil
Silas (@theolivetree123) x Jamil, Fayrouz (@fell-e) x Jamil, Dranav (@justm3di0cr3) x Jamil, Jeanne (@midnightmah07) x Kalim, Copper (@cyanide-latte) x Kalim
Shuu (@oya-oya-okay) x Azul, Lysander (@offorestsongs) x Rook, Kiyuu (@skriblee-ksk) x Jack, Daisy (@midnightmah07) x Ruggie, Jewel (@jewelulu) x Floyd
Chris (@selfinserttothestars) x Malleus, Leota (@twsted-canvas) x Malleus, Sophie (@gl00myb3arz) x Malleus, Ellis (@starry-night-rose) x Malleus, Perse (@midnightmah07) x Idia
Yuya (@cheerleaderman) x Idia, Ryoko (@kathxrat-01), Yuu Shi (@boopshoops), Cecil (@lostonesart), Yuuki (@theolivetree123)
OCs featured/mentioned (along with their OC x Canon) that don't belong to my mutuals include (if you would like for me to remove your OC/untag you, please let me know!): Ashi (@ashipiko) x Ace, Flurin (@amatsuchan-eiliniel) x Vil, Hopper (@amatsuchan-eiliniel) x Rook
Enjoy! ♡
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"So, how's everything going?" Lydia asks, following Kalim into Scarabia. It's been a few days since everyone appeared, Crowley still looking for a way to send them home. Kalim leads her to where Jeanne and Copper are, sitting in the main room of the dorm. He laughs before he responds, a smile lighting up his face.
"Everything's going great! Jeanne and Copper are so much fun. It's interesting to hear about how things are like in their world! Though, I would have liked to throw a welcome party for them..."
Lydia smiles at this, waving to Jeanne and Copper. "That's great to hear, Kalim. Have they been joining you around campus?" Kalim nods his head, moving to sit between them.
"Yep! They come to class with me, and to my club meetings. They're even gonna attend our concert next week!" He tells her with a smile, looking between the two. Lydia frowns for a moment, the thought that they may not be here next week crossing her mind. She wasn't going to ruin the mood though, nodding her head as she tried not to think about it.
"Where's Jamil?" She asks, changing the subject as she looks around the room. "Oh, he's in the kitchen! The others are there with him." He informs her, pointing down the hall. She thanks him, nodding to Jeanne and Copper before leaving.
She heads down the hall, entering the kitchen to find Jamil in front of the stove. Some of them are helping him cook while the others watch, sitting at the table. He glances towards the doorway when he notices someone enter, his features going soft as he realized who it was.
"Hey, Jamil! I just wanted to check in and see how you were." She starts, her voice causing him to turn. While he looked tired, he seemed to be holding up alright, and everyone was accounted for.
"Yuusha... made shirts." He states, sounding tired yet... the tiniest bit fond. At least he seems to like them, she thinks, finally taking notice of the clothes they were wearing.
Each person wore a shirt that said "Jamil Support Group", with flames coming up in the background. "Oh... how creative!" She says, unsure what the proper response was. She does a double take when she notices the stuffed animal around Mayu, almost looking like a realistic snake, with a red and black pattern. Jamil noticed where her attention was and sighed, moving to the sink.
"Apparently, it's supposed to be me... they worked together to make it."
"Him!" Mayu corrected, causing Jamil to shake his head. "It's noodle Jamil." She says, introducing him to Lydia. A small smile comes to her face as she pats the stuffed snake's head, thinking to herself how cute it was.
"Has everyone been getting along alright?" She asks him, Jamil leaning closer to make his response more private. He keeps his voice low, glancing whenever he mentions someone.
"Silas doesn't seem happy, but everyone else is getting along. They've been telling each other stories about their Jamil's, and follow me around campus when I'm out."
"Most of us refer to Jamil as 'babygirl', just like I thought." Astrid chimes in, redirecting Jamil's attention.
"Don't call me that." He states, crossing his arms. With his back turned, he was unaware of Kalim coming to the doorway, having heard some of their conversation.
"If you don't like babygirl, how about habibi?" Kalim adds, Jamil's head snapping towards him.
"Don't give them ideas!"
"Oh, can I have a shirt too?" Kalim asks Yuusha, becoming distracted. Jamil shakes his head, muttering "Are you even listening to me?" before dropping the subject. He focuses back on Lydia as Kalim and Yuusha talk in the background, Rebecca and Fayrouz plating the finished food.
"So, you're checking in with everyone?"
"Yep!" She says, nodding her head. "I already checked in with Ryoko and Kiyuu, who's with Jack. I also checked in with Daisy while I was there, since Ruggie was nearby. And Malleus is taking his group to look at gargoyles, since he's curious to know if the ones we have are different from the one's in their worlds."
"Is that why Sebek's been running around campus?"
She laughs awkwardly as she nods. "Malleus didn't tell him where they were going, and he doesn't trust them yet. So he's worried about Malleus being alone with them."
Jamil's eyebrows raise at this, having seen them around campus. While he didn't know their names, they seemed harmless, and didn't mean any trouble. Lydia laughs at his reaction, having thought the same thing.
"If you've met Chris, Leota, Sophie, or Ellis, you'd know how much they care about Malleus. I mean, you could probably see it too, just by how they act around him. But, you know how Sebek is..."
Jamil nods, Lydia checking her phone for the time. "Oh, I better get going! I still have a few people I need to see." She says, walking over to the doorway. She waves goodbye to everyone, Jamil watching her go.
"Should I make a shirt for her too?" Yuusha teases, Jamil giving her a look as she smiles to herself. After a moment he shakes his head, making his way to the table. He better eat, before the food gets cold...
Lydia heads to Ignihyde next, asking Ortho how Perse and Yuya were. She felt bad for not meeting with them directly, but she didn't want to risk seeing Idia, and kept her distance from the group. Ortho informed her that they both seem to be doing well, and that they spend most of their time with him or Idia's tablet, since Idia hasn't left his room.
"The Board Game Club should have a meeting tonight, so he'll leave his room then. Have Perse and Yuya join him." Lydia tells him, with Ortho agreeing to do so.
She moved on to Pomefiore, making sure Flurin was good with Vil before looking for Rook. He wasn't at the dorm, and when she looked around campus, she found Hopper and Lysander. Just not him...
"Hmmm..." She hummed to herself, wondering where he could be. He was supposed to be watching them, after all. Wait...
"You know Rook, when I told you to look after them, I didn't mean like this!" She shouts, looking up at the trees. Rook is hidden between some branches, high enough to where you wouldn't see him at first glance. She waits a moment for him to come down, shaking her head at his explanation. She understands he's a hunter, and while she appreciates him trying to make things more exciting, she needs him to stay with them. They couldn't afford to lose someone else...
"... Actually, Rook, go back up in the trees. Maybe you can find Yuu Shi for me..."
After standing under the trees for a bit (and Yuu Shi still nowhere to be found...), Lydia moves on to Octavinelle, passing by Ace along the way.
"... Ace, where's Ashi?" She questions, noticing he was by himself.
"Oh, I think she's back with Deuce. Wh-"
"Ace, stay with Ashi... please! We've already lost Yuu Shi, we can't afford to lose someone else!" She exclaims, anxiety on her face as she grabs his jacket, shaking him as she speaks to emphasize her point.
"Woah, woah! Calm down, Lyds." He says, grabbing her wrists to make her stop. He looks down at her as he moves her hands away, doing his best to ease her worries.
"She probably went off on her own somewhere, and I doubt she's in any danger."
"Alright, alright. I'm going..." He puts his hands up, turning around. "I'll be back later to visit, alright?"
"Ok, sounds good!" She says, a smile coming to her face. She waves him goodbye before continuing on her way, making it to Octavinelle. She just had to check in with Shuu and Jewel, and then she could go have lunch with Cecil and Yuuki. At least, that was her plan, entering the Lounge to find Floyd had left his shift early, taking Jewel with him.
Azul spots her quickly, making his way over as Shuu followed. She's thankful he at least listened, and hasn't been using Shuu for free labor. (At least, that she knows of...)
"Lydia, do you mind?-" She interrupts him before he could finish, already knowing what he was gonna ask.
"Let me get my apron..." ♡
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Ahhhh I hope you guys like this next installment in the series! ♡ Again, I did my best to keep things vague, so that way you can insert your own dialogue/thoughts for your OCs! ♡
Thank you! ♡
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tossawary · 11 months
Someone responded, "Howl would do chores for Sophie! He loves her so much!" to that Prince Turniphead house-boyfriend post about the "Howl's Moving Castle" movie where I said that Howl wouldn't reliably help around the house. And... no. No, I said RELIABLY, that's a really important word here, but also no.
Nothing about his home setup (the mess of the kitchen in the beginning, the RAINBOW BATHROOM, his cluttered bedroom) suggests that he's in the habit of picking up after himself. I don't think he's purposefully a slob, but I do think he's too distractible and thoughtless to do the required regular cleaning. I think he's a "I'll put this down here for now and deal with it later *proceeds to walk around this object every day for the next three years while doing more interesting / immediate things*" person at best. Being in love does not suddenly change all your habits as a person or your personal interests! I think Howl would definitely try (important word here) to do better for Sophie, but I think it would take a lot of work and he's kind of lazy about these things!
I do think he cooks. Movie Howl IS shown cooking with Calcifer and I think he and his fire demon could have fun with that task, very cute, and leave a mountain of dishes behind them in the process.
Also, (trying to limit referencing the books for those who haven't read them, but I can't resist here) Book Sophie is... kind of controlling and loves to complain? And can also do magic herself? When I said that Howl can't be trusted to RELIABLY do chores, it's partly because I don't think he'd be doing them to 1) Sophie's exacting standards and 2) in the EXACT way that Sophie wants it done. I think Sophie would in many cases decide that it's easier just to train Howl to better stay out of her way, honestly.
Especially because HOWL IS A WIZARD!!! You can't fucking trust those assholes with a simple chore! It doesn't occupy their brains enough and they're ALWAYS going to think, "I bet I could invent a spell to do this for me," and that's how you get floating dishes or animated broomsticks or a fucking water spirit in your house. It's the hubris! Can't smack it out of wizards with a stick!
Howl swallowed a star and made a deal with a fire demon! He built a giant walking castle that was holding together JUST using magic (it completely fell apart at the end of the movie) and wandered freely around the country! He was pretending to be two different people to run businesses and then abandoned the buildings when the government caught up to him! I'm pretty sure he used a magic spell to SQUAT in Sophie's family's former hat shop! He impersonated the king! He dodged the draft literally afterwards in an airship battle! He nearly irreversibly turned himself into a bird monster and fought bombing airships by HIMSELF - and there's no way that Sophie wasn't confusedly picking black feathers off the floor. He summoned the spirits of darkness and started turning into ooze because his hair dye came out the wrong color!
Howl would TRY for Sophie, I believe that. I just also think that he'd rather use magic to completely renovate the entire house than actually scrub floors. I think he would invent an incredibly ugly magical vacuum cleaner for her and Sophie would love it so much that she would choose to overlook the fact that it tries to eat the carpet and curtains and the dog sometimes. I think that if Book Sophie was told she could melt wizards with a bucket of soapy water with a little bit of lemon juice (like the Enchanted Forest Chronicles), she COULD DO IT by choosing to believe it, and Howl hides from her and that bucket because he loves her but she's TERRIFYING.
If Sophie's sister Lettie was visiting and Sophie was panicking because she hadn't had the time to dust on top of the guest room wardrobe... whatever the magical equivalent of shoving all of your stuff into a closet at the last minute to make the place LOOK clean is, THAT's how Howl would help.
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permanently-stressed · 6 months
Things Elfs Say On Social Media Pt4
(Dex) "New meme format just dropped: *picture of Biana in an elaborate gown with jewels posing elegantly, Sophie running away from the camera and Keefe in a silly over dramatic pose behind them*"
(Elwin) "I'd like to publicly say that you should NOT randomly apply elixirs. Read the bottle, know what it's for, make smart decisions"
(Keefe) "@ sophiefoster Elwin is throwing shade at you again"
(Sophie) "I deserve it tbh"
"There's three imps on the loose in the Level One hall. WHO IS LETTING THE DIZZNEE TRIPLETS GET THEIR HANDS ON ANIMALS"
(Fitz) @ Keefe Sencen we both know the Dizznee triplets had nothing to do with this
(Keefe) "How dare! I'm but a small, sweet ray of sunshine who can do no wrong"
(Fitz) "@ sophiefoster"
(Sophie) "are you sure about that, keefe?"
"I think the council is using the foxfire kids to test how far Elvin society's gullibility stretches. There's no way all the stories are real"
"What did they say now?"
"There's a rumor about them having to evacuate the school two times on the same week?"
(Maruca) "that's... pretty tame"
(Jensi) "this is my application to sit in the cafeteria with the Political Secrets And Scandals Club"
(Keefe) "state your case"
(Jensi) "I sleep with a stuffed animal and sleep less than two hours each night"
(Keefe) "Welcome To The Family!"
"Tribunal This Saturday! Placing bets on who is on trial"
"50 lusters on Sophie Foster"
"No one in their right mind will bet against that"
"Okay, correction: Place bets on why Sophie Foster is on trial"
"50 lusters it has to do with fire"
"Again, no one in their right mind will bet against that."
"How to not take Alchemy in Foxfire no borax no glue"
(Sophie) "my tip is manifesting another ability"
(Keefe) "torture your mentors by turning their desks into silver"
(Stina) "if you value your life don't listen to advice from genetically engineered elfs. I promise you they don't know what they're doing either"
"@ sophie foster can you give me life advice"
(Sophie) "always be a good communicator, no matter what."
(Fitz) "🤔"
(Sophie) "shut up fitz"
(Keefe) "@ Biana Vacker how does it feel to be the best sibling in your family?"
(Biana) "it feels great actually. what did he do?"
(Keefe) "he ate the last butterblast"
(Fitz) "i ate two butterblasts. of the fifteen. that I baked. you literally had the other thirteen"
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rosemariilovesyou0922 · 8 months
It was the best thing I could ever experience rn, I'm pretty much ascending. The fact that there was ANIMATION?? ON IT??? Martin is extremely talented I swear to god.
Personally I think a Lot of My questions we're kind of answered. Deffinetly not the "Where the hell is Jack?", No I'm Even more confused about that... I THOUGHT LIKE- FELIX GOT RID OF HIM OR SOMETHING I DIDN'T THINK HE WOULD TELL THEM WHAT HE DID? I honestly thought he would hide it and kill anyone who knew (he didn't need to they're all pretty dead). I honestly felt slightly Bad for him, HE DUG A HOLE FOR HIMSELF 😭. I swear I was SHOCKED- mouth open eyes wide type of stuff, I COULD FEEL HOW AWFUL HE FELT, He reeks of guilt, desesperation and actual negativo emotions, where before I honestly think he only transmited me the smell of alcohol or something; I deffinetly feel Bad for him now.
Okay so aside from the whole Felix thing here's a few things I really enjoyed/noticed:
Beggining ANIMATION with Ed and Molly; knowing what happened that night it was honestly really sad and I felt like it was the Best way to start pt4
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ROSIE VOICE REVEALL!!! Girl I swear, it's extremely obvious how hard I Stan Rosemary Peony Walten SO You know I started levitating ‼️‼️
"Bon" appears in the video early on so that's cool, aside from that uhhh Tv Guy is deffinetly going to be quite the goofy silly guy so stan
Charles struck me as kind of a manager? Someone who does stay in the establishment and is involved but isn't actually like- an engenieer or chef.
Susan You wonderfull woman I swear the strong ass mecanic lesbian is all I needed in my life.
So the whole animatronics moving around and facial recognition actually clear up a bunch of stuff for me, for instance: How the hell would Bon be able to tell who Sophie was. Also I was screaming for them to run whenever an animatronic was lowkey near, scary stuff.
AWOOPPPP TIME SKIP!! Or something skip I have no clue, Charles and Susan talking about Rocket being there. Rosemary and Jack did not know Félix was an alcoholic aparently, that explains why Jack would ever let him drive his children anywhere from somewhere there would be alcohol at.
Félix and the whole cliff scene really broke me not going to lie, You dumbass of man, you're stupid and reckless but I feel awfull for you.
Felix told Rosemary and Jack what happened which actually throws my "Oh yeah Felix deffinetly sent killer animatronics to kill his Best friend and his family so the business wouldn't crash" theory down the drain. Also Rosemary asking for the doll, I cannot imagine how devastated She would have felt, She does not deserve that.
Alright that was terrifying!! Scary imagery actually got me bit scared at atimes, which is good, the show keeps me on My toes.
The fact that: We could actually SEE how he KILLED Susan but ED AND MOLLY HAD TO WATCH TOO 😨
Poor children, god.
The animation actually scared me really Bad, it was so unreal and disturbing in a sense that Made You feel like you'd get jumpscared at any moment, that's what makes this kind of horror amazing.
The whole conversation between "Bon" and Susan/Banny is something You have to watch for yourself.
She was ALIVE in the SUIT, GOD 😭
The fact her 'Wonderland' for has her neck snapped and everything, it looked so disturbing, it was really clear how she got killed.
Ed and Molly at the end :[
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indelicateink · 3 months
i mean i don't want spoilers for next week's finale but i am straining to imagine what in the actual fuck armand had on lestat to get him on that stage and give up their family's entire very personal history to be derided as entertainment for a dozen asshole vampires and a crowd of human trolls, let alone the humiliation and murder of his loved ones
(I do get the man was pissed about being murdered. but I can also hold at the same time that during the murder he forgave louis as the man was cutting his throat, and in the moment was proud of claudia for checkmating him. pissed, yes. elaborate retribution? dude wtf no.)
all this time i was holding out that armand was sophie's choicing lestat, canon-style--louis gets to live if lestat sells out claudia. but amc!lestat at the trial was so much more coherent and premeditated than canon. (canon having lestat being a starved, sick, delirious mess.) that was a real long-term gun armand would've been holding to lestat's head, without the plausibility of lestat being insensate. like lestat had to sit down with a motherfucker to give them granular details for the script and animations and somehow NOT murder the entire TdV for the humiliation, let alone for their fashion choices?
idk, going sophie's choice just seems less and less a viable path, storytelling-wise? trying to figure out how believable armand threatening louis with death would be.
who knows. all I got is I know armand is wildly powerful, and I know he wants louis "more than anything else in the world." they appear to have given the coven vampires more power than they had in canon, but i hugely doubt that even in their numbers they're a match for armand or lestat.
excited to see them pull a massive, believable rabbit out of their hat for the next episode, because I am stumped. i have faith, though!
totally unrelated, but also i have to cope with the implication that some coven members popped up onto THE EIFFEL TOWER for best vampire cell phone reception for an international call (lmfao that height matters with telepathy but we're rolling with it), and idk how to be serious about that yet.
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butchsophiewalten · 7 months
Was waiting until ep 4 to ask but for the character opinion bingo thingymajiggy could you do bon (the spirit/evil murder robot ) if you haven't already
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Oh my god, Bon. I love Bon so much. I'm so glad that I love Bon so much.
Bon, the animatronic rabbit, has over the course of the couple last years become one of my favorite characters. At this point, he's right up there with Jenny and Sophie. So when we first got that Findjackwalten "Bon" reveal, I was very... apprehensive? For me it was just really underwhelming. I honestly think my biggest complaint was just that, aesthetically, he was so much more boring than Bon, the animatronic rabbit. I love Bon. What I didn't love was this like, clip art character. He was just a guy? Like a human guy? He didn't even look fun. There was so little there to sell me on the idea of Bon as a character. It's funny, though, since I really think part of what frustrated me was that the part that made Bon an Evil Killer was divorced from him being a rabbit. Which is a really silly thing to say, but I just honestly hadn't expected there to be any 'form' of Bon that came aesthetically separate from the mystique of the rabbit animatronic. And I love rabbits, they're my favorite animals. (Well, hares are, really. But rabbits get to share the love.) So it was a very petty kind of upset.
But oh my god, seeing "Bon" in this episode has totally turned me around. Like wow, he is fun! He is aesthetically interesting! Which is why I've written that 'so relieved' point on top of the one that usually says 'wasted potential'. I'd had an idea in my mind of what "Bon" would be since we saw that "Bon" text on Findjackwalten in fucking January of 2022. That's a lot of time to stew in your thoughts. If "Bon" ended up being something I wasn't happy with, I was gonna be really disappointed. But I wasn't!
It's been really fun learning to attribute some of my favorite aspects of Bon, the killer animatronic, to "Bon", the white ghost, because they are effectively the same. I can't help but find him really cute, honestly? I love his girlish mannerisms. I love his penchant for.. Fashion? I say this remembering one of the old entries on the Martin's Secret Lair findjackwalten page. His love of music? Y'know, obviously he kills people and is evil and manipulative. But he does it cutely. Definitely the rabbit aspect is doing something to endear me.
Beyond that purely emotional endearment, I'm genuinely very interested in him as a character as well... It's a little hard to talk about, though, since my feelings are so new and so poorly thought-out, honestly. But something I've been thinking about for a while is his relationship with Rosemary... From how I see it, he seems to have a strange sort of infatuation with her. He calls her Rosie... he puts her in Sha... Less objectively, his little shrine to her in Souvenir seems very elaborate to me, at least relatively. And assuming the "Rose broken. Will fix you" dialogue is diegetic and we're meant to think that Bon spoke to Rose before killing her... Well, it's just very interesting to me that he seemed to try to explain to her what was going on. It's really fucked, honestly, and it's something I'd really like to know more about. His conversation with Susan in 4 makes me think his criteria for killing people has at least something to do with, like, whether or not he likes someone. Really really fucked and really, really interesting.
God there's really so much to say about Bon... But I'm nervous too, since I don't really know how well I can articulate what I feel. It feels a little like there's warring factions in me, between the Me that thinks the animatronic serial killer is so Silly Cutesy and Me that's really horrified by and invested in the Lore and Context behind everything that Bon, as a character and narrative force, is actually doing. Not that those feelings necessarily can't coexist. The way he talks to Susan is so unsettling to me... it's strangely tender, honestly. Like a genuine attempt for comfort, despite the context. I feel like I have a million little half-observations to make, but none of them amount to a full thought. Bon is really fucked! I'm so happy that I find him actually really cool and interesting! I want to take him clothes shopping and feed him Tchaikovsky records. Martin said he liked Classical music but I think that's. well not Wrong but inarticulate. I think he's a Romantic girl. He loves some Beethoven. Some Liszt. whjat am i even saying anymore
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moyokeansimblr · 14 days
Moyo life update
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Hey friends so yeah uhm... Well after our old man kitty Zook passed on the 4th my dad decided pretty much immediately that we'd be getting kittens because he thought we needed kitten therapy. Initially the plan was only to get 1-2 because we do still have Sophie (Zook's sister) and while she adores the pants off me she's admittedly a grouchy old lady towards everyone else so we weren't sure how she'd do with a kitten. She's also 15.5 so that's why my dad wanted more than one kitten because Sophie doesn't play much.
My brother's girlfriend knew a family that had a litter of 4 kittens and the plan was for us to take 2 so as to not overwhelm Soph. But get this: on the 4th while my mom and brother were saying goodbye to Zook at our vet... a 12 week old kitten just waltzes up to the door! One of the vet techs grabbed him and was like omg he's here for them! But the other tech wouldn't let her interrupt my mom & brother so she took him home with the plan to tell us about him when we were slightly less sad. When my mom called the vet Friday morning to settle our account she told us about him and he was ours an hour later. My brother named him Waffle (short for wunderwaffe dg2, idk spelling I don't play cod).
But we still wanted Waffle to have someone who wasn't 15 years older than him so Saturday morning we went to meet the litter of 4 kittens my brother's girlfriend's mom's friend had. It was pretty easy, two of them clearly liked us most right away. So by mid day Saturday had two more kittens. They're 8 weeks, and named Pez and Cooper. Cooper is the runt and the first thing my brother's girlfriend said when she saw him was oh my god he's so derpy. 😹 But my dad said he thinks Pez knows Cooper is a little behind and looks out for him.
So far they're all separate. Waffle has his space, Pez and Cooper have a space, and then Sophie has reign of the house. They've had a few supervised meetings that have gone well. Sophie's gave her warning hisses if they've gotten too close but otherwise has just watched them. Pez and Cooper aren't scared at all because they came from a house full of other animals but Waffle is pretty scared. He gets all poofy and growls both at Sophie and the other kittens but we don't think he's had experience with other cats since nobody knows where he came from. So we're working on him so he'll be less scared.
ANYWAYS, because I work part time and from home I am the primary cat carer. Between all the cleaning/kitten proofing, giving Sophie ample attention, and acclimating all three kittens I'm utterly brain fried. I've been trying to work on some CC but I've not been able to sit down and actually play sims at all in weeks what with how sick Zook was and now kittens. I did have a sims 2 birthday gift planned but there's no way I'll get to finish it or any of the other CC I've got in progress by that date. I really just want to play but I'm in cat mode so it's what it is. But in the meantime while I can't play I've been watching a lot of sims YouTube content instead (like sammy sundog's service area videos) so that I can still get my sims fix until whenever I get to play again.
I'll end this post with a pic of my good old girl Sophie because she's handling all of these changes pretty damn great so far. But yeah long story short basically I don't have anything sims to contribute to Tumblr right now. Hopefully soon.
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the-other-art-blog · 2 months
I really hope the show keeps the Cinderella part of the story as it's in the books. I know the fairy tale retelling may sound boring to some people, but I think it's important. Sadly, there are a lot of Cinderellas in the world and they don't have the HEA.
When a child becomes an orphan, they're in one of the most vulnerable positions they could be. A lot of them are not lucky to have loving family members to take care of them and give them the love they need. I've heard my family talk of at least 2 times when something like that happened.
Two girls lost both parents, their aunt and uncle had to be their tutors. Not only did they spend their inheritance, but they forced them to be servants at the house to pay for their expenses.
Another girl was sent to a couple of old aunts who made her their nurse and servant, while her father forgot about her.
On both occasions, these girls were made to feel like burdens and they were manipulated and abused. These things happen!
Most of them never receive help.
And we all know of the children in foster care who only get adopted because they're seen as free labor and they have nowhere else to go (exactly why Araminta keeps her and why Sophie bears it). The system doesn't protect them. Some couples have 8-10 kids under their "care" and they are all servants.
Julia also added another dimension to the problem by making her an illegitimate child. That's not part of Cinderella's story and I appreciate that Julia made this story even more complex (and sad).
I wonder what would have happened to her if Richard had given her his name. Maybe she'd be more confident, hopeful to restore her rightful place in society, but being an illegitimate daughter she knows there's no place for her in society.
Cinderella also knew her parents loved her. I don't remember the animated version, but in the live-action, her mother lived enough to love her and her father was a good man. Sophie might not even know her mother's name! And Richard didn't show her one once of love.
Julia really wrote Cinderella retelling and went beyond!
Like I said in this other post (x)
When you take all the Bridgerton paraphernalia, you have a very current issue at the core, a very relatable woman (probably the most relatable one for the 99%) who just wants to stay true to herself. She's a woman refusing to be mistreated because she knows her worth and protects her dignity. She's not in the streets carrying cardboard with feminist messages, but she's fighting for herself and that's enough because it keeps an overprivileged man from ruining her. In the end, Benedict understands this fully and loves her all the more for it.
I would now add that,
Sophie is a young woman who lost the people who loved her, while her caretakers abandoned and abused her. She paid the consequences for other people's mistakes, those who made her feel unlovable, forgettable, and shameful. She had the resilience to keep going and the luck to find people to help her.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Hello, it's my first time to send an ask, more recently I finished the school good and evil books, And I fell in love with Hort, but he has literally no content x reader, so you can give hort simps some romantic content?
sorry if this is a bit confusing, english is not my first language 😅.
Of course! Now, I've only watched the movie and read the first book, so apologies if how I characterise him isn't that good or accurate. Also! Your English is really good so dw it wasn't confusing at all!
Pronouns: None
Info: Reader is described specifically in some parts but it fluctuates, ex, if you're very kind, then the next paragraph, if you're rude and abrasive.
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General Headcanons
He's not the strongest or most impressive of boys, nevers and evers alike make fun of him for being weak physically and not bring the smartest of the bunch. What he lacks in a lot of things he makes up for in his devotion, despite being a never, he cherishes those he cares for and doesn't dare waver against his undying loyalty. So, if you show him that you're loyal, you understand his boundires and don't push them, he couldn't ask for anything more. Hort just wants someone who loves him for who he is.
Hort is very caring and won't be afraid to help you if you're down or acting strange, in private that is, in public it'd be a string of almost coded phrases and attempts to get you alone so you wouldn't be embarrassed of him calling out your behaviour.
I wouldn't say he's extremely protective, but he's definetly up there, and can become overbearing if you don't sit him down and express your boundaries. Hort wants you safe, and in a school like this? Safety is the last priority of the staff, somebody has to step up to get you safe and it may as well be him.
Appreciates if you at least comfort him or even try to stop the bullying that happens regularly to him, or even the manipulation provided by Sophie. In return his loyalty is tenfold.
He likes matching pyjamas, cute little animal patterns that you wear in each other's company.
Never Headcanons
If you're a never like him, many factors can benefit or dampen the process of knowing him. Especially if you somehow befriend Sophie, the small crush he has on her is just that in this, a small crush. It ends faster than it begins, and he realises your beauty and personality is something Sophie couldn't compete with.
Even if you may be too thin or too big, with scraggly and unwashed hair, pimples and rough skin, that's beauty for him. It gets you far for a never and hey, even if you're insecure, the school for evil and it's inhabitants will grade you good on it. Conventially attractive people are beauty in a different way, in that they're unusual, and a never with those features, as seen by Sophie, is still something he finds pretty.
Now onto your personality, for a never, this could go two ways, maybe you're nicer and shy, or even confident yet respectful, either way, they're traits unlike a never. While this places a target on your back and could cause some tension with teachers and students alike, it places an unfamiliar comfort when it comes to Hort and his love for you.
While he still wishes to be seen as someone capable of bad, and understands he can't always be the one to protect his significant other, he appreciates the kindness you extend to him. Hort hasn't known much kindness, and even a shy glance as you hold your hand out for him to hold, or a confident and outgoing grab as you smile at him, makes a far larger impact that you could ever realise. Especially since you're a never, he can't fathom that someone set out for cruelness and evil could still find it in themselves to love him, it proves to Hort your love couldn't be fake, and any seeds of doubt are dispelled by the adoration you show whether veiled or outright.
If you're harsh and the typical never, he adores your villainy and although he wants to become a villain himself, he can settle for a henchman if its under you, only you however. Hort doesn't mind if you're a little cruel to him, he's completely use to it, there are definetly lines that if you cross he's not staying with you, manipulating his love and devotion is a deal breaker. Especially if everything with Sophie happened before you were together, he doesn't want to go back to being used.
That said, you being 'cruel' is sometimes a plus, it makes you familiar and him relate to you more, which is always great when it comes to a relationship. Being a never doesn't always mean lack of love, your love isn't all cruelty, yelling and hitting, it lacks those at all later on when you or him confess.
Whether you're completely capable as a never or need help, he's always ready to assist if you need it. Struggling with homework? He took some notes! While the handwriting is barely understandable and messy, he will read them for you and even add some things onto your own studies he forgot for his. If you don't at all need nor want help, or even excel in studies compared to him, he's still there for when you somehow miss a lesson or maybe weren't paying full attention on a bad day. Hort even asks for help himself from time to time, while not outright, you can tell from how he's been placing lower these past few days, and you won't allow a fail no matter how cruel of a never you are.
If you were born a guy the chances of you being in the same dorm as him increases, and even if you aren't in the same dorm, you can still visit without eyebrows being raised, you may get put in the doom room if you aren't supposed to be out, however. If you were born a girl, you won't have a chance of dorming with him and will need to be sneakier when visiting each other so people don't think anything weird, and so you don't get put in the doom room.
When it comes to being between, neither girl or boy / both, you won't be treated well in the school for evil. In the handbook, it's explicitly stated that before, and after for the School for Evil, Agatha, both schools were very traditional and separated students based on sex.
Hort would be very lovely to you, helping in any way he could to lessen bullying or separation, and the last statements stay the same based on your biological sex. Which is unfortunate, but you can't exactly break a system with two teenagers, one a guy who has cute pyjamas.
Ever Headcanons
Now for an ever reader, things play out differently. Let's say you are a conventially attractive ever, beauty and grace your defining features, he may think you blend into the crowd. To him, all evers are self absorbed and fake, their kindness isn't unlimited, nor is it true, as when a never is in the room, or just a regular person that may not look the most rich and extravagant, the true colours start shining. That doesn't mean he believes them to be ugly or denies that fact, only in a jealous stupor or when aggrivated by one does that happen.
I can see this going two ways, either you catch his eye despite wearing the same uniform, being attractive and having the same sickly sweet attitude as everybody else, or, you notice him.
If you don't notice him, then perhaps your kindness is what allows you two to meet. Whether befriending the 'evil' Ever, Agatha, and meeting Sophie through her and therefore meeting Hort, who'd already had his beady eyes upon you. You could've defended him from a group of ignorantly loud and aggravating bullies, especially if they're Evers, his once smaller crush turns into respect. While he may not show it completely, and to an outsider he seems creepy with his affections, you understand him. If you don't? You know how Nevers act, they're strange and not like an Ever, so it's hard to judge what you have limited knowledge on. Given your already stated kindness, it's hard to imagine you'd be too judging.
If you're instead a very rude or just unusual Ever, being anti social in a harsh or awkward fashion, then it's your appearance that gets him aware of you fully, he notices you, of course. But, besides a few glances admiring your beauty, or gawking at your lack thereof, Hort doesn't try to know your name nor speak to you. He's busy getting bullied and used by a certain blonde never.
Your meeting is either coincidence or founded by you speaking to him first, if you're cruel, he is shocked at how outward you are. Most Evers are passive aggressive, his interest is piqued, and if you wanted him to leave you alone or you believed him to be weird, the chances of that happening have been lowered to zero.
If you're a shy and awkward type, Hort is drawn in by your cuteness for lack of a better term, how you try to seem confident because you don't want to fail or be bullied, he sees himself in you somewhat. His attempt to know you comes off as rude and overall strange, depending on your reaction, this could speed up the process or slow it. If you continue to try and be nice and respectful, he may just keep up this dance of insults, but if you fight back, Hort realises you aren't exactly the most different after all, and attempts a new approach.
No matter boy or girl, or either, in which case shouldn't be an issue since the school for good seems to be much more progressive, you won't ever share a dorm with him, which sucks, and you'll need to be more sneaky with your dates as to not be made fun of.
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 8 - Haunted
Howl x Sophie
A/N: We don't have a cute picture of this couple because I didn't queue this and now I'm suffering djdkkd I hope you enjoy it!
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"Aaaagh! I'm going to die!"
"Didn't you say you had everything under control?"
"I'm trying my best here, Sophie!"
Sophie covered her mouth and giggled. Only a few minutes ago Howl had appeared back from his business with a big mirror in his hands. It was very beautiful, adorned with a frame made of pure, shining gold and with figures of flowers and wild animals. Very beautiful, but it made Sophie feel a little uncomfortable.
Howl had explained that it was a haunted mirror. An old lady living in a rather old house had asked him to fix it, Howl had accepted, thinking that it was something easy to do, after all he was the great Wizard, Howl Pendragon Jenkins, but now he was in this situation. 
"Let me go!" 
A pair of ghostly arms had come out from inside the mirror and had grabbed Howl's wrists in a tight grip. Sophie's poor husband had tried desperately to free himself, but no matter how hard he pulled and how many spells he muttered in different languages, the hands holding him wouldn't even tremble. 
"Howl, I think this is not working."
"That I can see, Sophie!" She giggled again as her husband kept struggling. "Uugh! I hate this!"
Thankfully for Sophie, the mirror hadn't grabbed her, but she was getting a little worried about Howl. She didn't know much magic and she doubted Markl could help them at all.
"This is troublesome, Howl. What will we do?"
"Aaagghh!" Another pair of hands reached out from the mirror and latched to Howl's waist. "Let me go, dammit! I'm gonna-a-ah! W-Wait n-no, nahahahat thahahat!" 
Sophie widened her eyes as Howl giggled brightly, squirming and trying with renewed force to pull himself free as the new pair of hands started tickling his sides? What was going on?
"Did that old lady mention anything like this- oh!" One more hand sneaked out from the mirror and gave Sophie a beautiful red rose. "Oh, thank you! Hey, Howl, I think it likes me!"
"Sohohohophie! Hehehelp mehehehe!" The hands holding his wrists lifted his arms above his head and the other set of hands moved to his ribs, making him cackle as he threw his head back, his feet stomping against the ground. 
"Ah, but I'm kinda liking this mirror! Look, they're giving me a massage!" Sophie said, nearly melting as an extra pair of hands gently massaged her shoulders. "Ah, so nice."
"PLEHEHEASE, nohohot thehehere!" Howl laughed hysterically as his ribs kept under attack. Little tears of laughter were running down his cheeks and even though Sophie was enjoying his laughter very much, he knew her poor husband was too ticklish for his own good and a quick break was needed already.
"Hmm, hey, kind mirror. Could you maybe stop tickling Howl for now? He's very ticklish, you see, I think-"
"-he won't be able to stand more tickling, poor thing."
And with that, the tickling stopped and the two pairs of hands holding Howl disappeared inside the mirror again, but the ones massaging Sophie stayed. 
"You are really kind, Mirror," she said, seeing her husband collapsing on his knees, giggling softly.
"I'm g-gohonna tahake th-this mirrors back."
"No. I want it."
Howl lifted his face. "What?!" 
"Can we keep it?" 
"Are you crazy, Sophie? This thing is a menace! What if- N-Nohoho! Ahahaha!"
"We're going to keep it," Sophie said. She had launched at him and was tickling him, the hands massaging her moved to grab Howl's wrists. 
"Ahahahahokahahay! Okahahay! We'll keheheheep it! I'll buhuhuy it frohohohom the old lahahady! Plehehease!"
"You are too kind, Howl! Welcome to the family, dear Mirror!" 
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slightlypoisonedtea · 4 months
Your daily little reminder that the main reason Sophie ever liked Fitz was because he brought her to the lost cities. Like, we've all agreed that his personality isn't the greatest and everyone is hot anyway. But I think she's justified in liking him. Not that I approve, but I don't blame her. Like, if some random super cute boy decided to pop out of nowhere (keep in mind that sophie doesn't have friends), explain that my weird, extremely annoying powers (I don't have powers but shh it's for the narrative) are normal and that he has them too, then bring me to the freaking lost cities, I would fall hard too.
I mean, picture it: the air is clean af, the water is clean af, the EVERYTHING is clean af, medicinal shots don't exist (and you (as Sophie) are really scared of those), VIOLENCE doesn't exist (at first glance), gemstones are more common than rocks, everything is sparkly (including the people -- which now includes you yay you're sparkly), extinct animals aren't extinct they're still here, mythical creatures are here too, but we don't eat meat because we eat plants that taste like meat (but better), desserts are literally bites of heaven, we literally only have jobs out of boredom, everyone is hot, everyone is rich (and oh by the way haha you're rich now too because you're one of us!), everyone is magical (not everyone has abilities, but skills are magic too), and everyone is immortal. INCLUDING YOU. BECAUSE FINALLY, YOU FIT IN. And also here are your new super hot parents who own a freaking magical animal zoo (kinda) and here is your 5 trillion dollars (that's the actual amount in canon btw) but it's okay if you run out they'll just give you more, ...oh almost forgot hi i'm Fitz, i'm basically elven royalty, let's be friends!
ok so that's not exactly what happens but it's basically what happens
I would too Sophie I would too. ALSO JUST CLARIFYING I AM A SOKEEFE, LITERALLY HAVE NEVER SHIPPED FITZPHIE/SOPHITZ DON'T KILL ME (even back in the days before we all sokeefed I was a dexphie. Fitz was an ick)
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
That moment a TERF shows up in the Syscourse tag...
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I think I need ayahuasca to recover from seeing their blog.
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First, just A+ response there from @rainnthefrog!
Just love how they completely shut that down!
When the people banning drag queens (who have never harmed in children in these schools) from performing at schools are encouraging guns to be brought in, you should heavily question how committed people are to the safety of children.
As for @femaledracula, there is so much wrong with this. First, again, zero incidents of drag queens preying on children. It's not a thing. You're talking about a problem that doesn't exist. Second, how do drag queens performing in schools have power over students?
Teachers are in a position of authority. Religious leaders are in a position of authority. Drag queens in schools just... are there. They're just an adult who happens to be present. And if this hypothetical problem were so important, why not take issue with every instance of guest performers and speakers? A police officer or fireman speaking at a school will be seen as more of an authority figure over students than dancers.
Wait... it's the transphobia and homophobia, isn't it? That makes sense.
Oh, and did I mention the sheer audacity of comparing LGBT people to the Catholic Church?
The next post wasn't on femaledracula's blog, but was another reblog of the OP from @aftonfamilyvalues. And I just absolutely love @benkybot's take on the whole dumpsterfire of a post.
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Thank you!
And finally, as a tulpa, this especially caught my eye.
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No. We're not our bodies. We're our consciousness. Our bodies are vessels our emergent consciousnesses ride around in. An amputee doesn't cease to be themselves because they lost their leg. A blind person doesn't cease being themselves because they lost their eyes.
Seeing your body as your whole self can be an extremely unhealthy outlook, especially when it comes to beauty standards and their affect on people's self-esteem.
I realize this is primarily about transness, but the mentality @talktomydoctorate is pushing is something that is also incredibly dangerous to the plural community where multiple people share a single body.
With that in mind, I'd like to take a moment to spout off a bunch of stuff to scare some TERFs! 😁
Let me start with an introduction! Hi, I'm Sophie, a cis girl tulpa riding around in an AMAB body!
Our tulpamancy practices can reliably make people of the opposite gender inside people's brains!
Tulpamancy, over time, is generally regarded as functionally irreversible, with one psychiatry professor likening getting rid of a well-developed tulpa to trying to will yourself to forget how to read.
Every new tulpamancer who creates an opposite-gendered headmate will be a brand new non-binary/genderfluid system in the world.
And tulpamancers tend to be creative people. I know many who are interested in animation and writing, where we can influence pop culture for future generations. Others are studying to be psychologists and psychiatrists where they can be influential in other ways.
And the best part is that there's really nothing you can do to stop it. 🤷‍♀️
Please, chew on that for a while.
And stay out of system tags. You and your kind aren't welcome here.
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snowsays · 2 months
on my knees hands clasped together in front of me pleading for you to infodump about your fic in which vertina is jolie’s human wife
oh noo, I fear you're gonna be disappointed 😖😖 the fic is not about them 👉🏻👈🏻 im not even sure if they would have appeared
it's actually a sokeefe fic that consumed my brain for -checks notes- four whole days, in which I wrote 8.4k words. I got inspired by this AU. I have actually mentioned it a little before in this blog, I asked for headcanons on what each member of the gang would study/wear/like, because it's a human!college!au, and I actually made a pinterest board with fashion inspo for Biana, Sophie, Keefe and Fitz lmao (you can check it out here if you wanna) and a spotify playlist for Biana and Sophie like those you can make with a friend where spotify automatically fills it with music according to the tastes of each of you
so basically my general idea was that Sophie and Keefe meet at a party where they make out and then the next day they bump into each other at Everglen for spring break. I was writing it on the go bc I hadnt written fanfiction in 12 years (something got into my brain last year and I had an idea for an Eragon fanfic, wrote like a page then got busy, and now this one) so I only had a vague idea of what I wanted to happen which was: make out/have sex at party so its real awkward the next day at everglen (I basically got to this point before the brainrot stopped), couple nightly accidental meetups bc neither of them can sleep, talk about their trauma??, have sex again??, and that was it 😂
but me being me, I got really into making it make sense. So the ~Lore~ I came up with was:
The Reuwens adopted Sophie and Amy after the Fosters died in a fire (cuz we gotta keep it in theme right?)
Jolie lives, and is happily married with Vertina. Fuck Brady (didnt think too much about what happened to him, but maybe he couldve gone to jail?)
Jolie is an adult and out of the house ofc, she's still 15 years older than Sophie
The Reuwens have an animal sanctuary, I was thinking horse sanctuary also inspired by another fanfic I read (but that one was a Haikyuu one)
Sophie drives an old pick-up truck, and Biana has a Suzuki Vitara Live (which she got to spite Luzia Vacker, who is her great-aunt and very conservative. It was a compromise, Biana wanted a Ram pick-up bc Luzia was all "ladies should only drive small cars" but Della and Alden got her to accept the Suzuki) (< that was inspired by my own experience with a family friend who wanted me to sell him my Renault Sandero Stepway and he would give me a Chevrolet Spark bc it was "better for girls")
Foxfire is a college
Sophie, Biana and Stina are roommates. They rent an apartment together (they're in third year, Sophie transferred to Foxfire in second year and got placed as Biana's roommate, who wasnt happy bc she hadnt had one before, but they became friends after helping each other with classes stuff)
Likewise, Fitz, Keefe, Dex and (I was still deciding if) Tam live together in a house (it's Cassius')
Sophie and Biana dont like Stina and she doesnt like them either
Sophie ends up going with Biana to Fitz and Keefe's party bc Stina goaded her about being boring, and then also ends up in Keefe's room to spite Stina
Sophie and Stina are both studying to be veterinarians (the college situation is a mix of how I know american colleges work and how they work in my country)
Biana I was thinking fashion design and/or art. Keefe also art
Also I got an anon after I asked for hcs that mentioned poli-sci/law for Fitz but also culinary so I was thinking he started poli-sci/law at Alden's behest (like Alvar) but then changed majors to culinary. I was thinking to give him and Biana issues with parental expectations and all that (but probably not super detailed)
Dex's major was mechanical ingeneering, and also he and Biana are dating
Also the reason Sophie was spending spring break with Biana and not the Reuwens was that Jolie and Vertina were in their honeymoon, and Grady and Edaline got excited so Sophie and Amy convinced them to go on their own couples trip, and then Amy made plans with her roommate so Biana invited Sophie to Everglen
No one knew Keefe was gonna go too. I was thinking he had a fight with Cassius about the party the morning after so Fitz told him to just go to Everglen with him
and I think that was it. i'm sorry it wasnt more joliexvertina centric, I hope you enjoyed it anyway
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