#they're so hilariously alike i can't be the only one who sees this
internetskiff · 9 months
These two would so get along though. does anyone else see it??
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I mean. Think about it. Please just hear me out: - Both share a passion for manufacturing and dubious experimentation. - Both are VERY passionate when it comes to their field of work. Granted GLaDOS would probably find card games beneath her. She doesn't strike me as the type to play games to pass the time but I feel like she'd share P03's interest when it comes to robot production. - Shared hatred towards plants and other organic matter. - Both suffer from being far too reliant on humans (and they're both very bad at hiding it). - Both got torn out of their own bodies by their weird ex and had to spend an extremely long amount of time in a limited, reduced form. - Both got killed by their weird ex. - Very similar attitude towards others. Everyone but them is expendable and frankly idiotic. - Both very queer in a very peculiar way. i feel like it'd maybe start out as hostility but then they're like "Oh you got killed twice by the filthiest person on planet earth too?" and it snowballs into them being chill with eachother. There's probably a lot more other sassy sarcastic AIs you could clump into this crackhead multifandom robot friend circle but my head is a swirling emptiness at the moment so
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ok lemme break down real quick the important parts before i head to class
baby percy is perfect, like the perfect walker look-alike, so much enthousiasm, he's a lil ray of sunshine
percy is pulling blue food out of his bag!!!!
they let grover wear shorts at school!! like how is he hiding his goat legs??
i think percy is wearing the camp necklace even before he goes to camp for some reason? it can be seen when he's in the museum. i wonder how they're gonna explain that
sally still looks incredibly young to me
percy holding the red ball when cerberus tries to jump on him!!
camp looks insanely good. also i'm so ready to analyse who each background camper could be
so funny to me how they showed the front desk guy in the trailer but not hades or medusa
oooh is the part where they're standing in circle at camp the head counsellors meeting to let percy go on his quest??
i really can't wait to see more of life at camp
also mr. d was seen for 1.5 seconds but looks perfect
the invisibility cap!!!
i'm so glad they gave luke dialogue this time!! also he definitely has the scar on his cheek
yay they kept canon percy being bad at archery :D this scene is hilarious
the monsters look really good. i mean the minotaur!!!! the chimera!!!
hermes only had one line but it's driving me insane!!! is it because of him they're gonna stay at the lotus casino?? also gotta be honest but it's just lin-manuel miranda in a casino
can't wait to see the full ares vs percy fight, it looks so promising
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accirax · 4 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 10
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wait, Gabby actually said "baddie"? i thought she said "buddy." Ellie is a bad bitch send tweet
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given everything that happened in this episode, i honestly forgot this happened. i'm sure it'll come back to be important at some point, though. putting this here to try to help keep it in my mind.
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Gabby and Ellie are literally the cutest, my goodness. i thought their ship was okay in S1 (i didn't really understand why Ellie would like Gabby, and to some extent i still don't), but DCAS has made me love them. they just care about and revere each other so much........
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god, he's literally the worst (/hj /pos)
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does Yul actually care about/need the money? i thought he was only on the show for the publicity. i want to know the Yul lore so bad...
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what does Gabby think this alliance is meant to accomplish, exactly...? actually, i take back my confusion. Yul literally tried to poison Aiden in S2. there's a precedent for her believing that the alliance would commit actual crimes.
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i cannot believe that Yul canonically knows what Tumblr is. hi Yul
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this made me cackle. i'm glad every time that Aiden gets to be more sassy and hotheaded again, especially when it's behind someone's back like this. that rashness is what prevents him from being the super vanilla character that people like to make fun of him for being, and what causes him to do interesting things in the narrative.
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honestly, this was way more understated than i expected. and, possibly than it should've been...? like, Jake. Tom literally lied to you just to avoid you. this is actually (in my opinion) something you could be justifiably pissed about.
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this can't actually be the end of Emily's character, right? right?
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i'm glad this scene exists because it makes way more sense that there would still be some hostility between these two after the events of S1. they need time to cook before they can become besties for real :)
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Gabby, respecter of girlfriends everywhere
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honestly, i thought that she was going to straight up shoot Yul (with paint) after this. it would've been deserved.
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...how? other than figure, those two look pretty much nothing alike. also, hilarious unforced error given the result of this episode. imagine if this slip up winds up essentially costing Tom the win.
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is it just me, or was there more swearing than normal this episode? not super important, but it was noticeable.
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this is a really valid argument. why did this count? whatever.
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KING!!!!!!! see, i was right to bring up how Alec is great at challenges.
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he's an Fi lead (MBTI reference)
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KING PART 2!!!!!!!! i love Alec
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again, i like seeing this side of Aiden. while i wouldn't say he's as petty as Jake, he's still petty enough to continue the feud instead of trying to be the bigger person. he's got depth!
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ABSOLUTELY the best strategic move for the villains. i'm very happy with this elimination, although, i was never a huge Ashley fan. my heart goes out to those who are.
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not only that, but the disventure is over too.
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Jake is truly going to be 100% alone in this game, now, and entirely due to his own doings. very excited to see how he proceeds from here.
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this is a winner's cut moment, ngl.
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what did the writers mean by this
aaaaand, that's the episode! i enjoyed this one. it reminded me of the good ol' S1 days, where i got to watch Fiore and Alec absolutely trample all of the heroes with their superior strategy. (i stan the villains, if that wasn't obvious by this point.) i'm well aware that those days can't last forever, but that just makes me even more inclined to revel in them while they're still here.
i do still hope that one of Jake, Tom, and Aiden gets eliminated soon, though. this episode specifically i don't think was an instance of plot armor-- like i said, i think Ashley was by far the most sensible boot given the situation-- but the longer all three of them stay in, the more it does feel like the writers playing favorites than how the game would genuinely shake out.
i'm quite curious as to what the next trailer will show us. are we headed towards another hero boot, or will the villains start beefing already? will the inevitable trevek conversation happen next episode? and is Emily really gone???? i hope not :,( see you next week!
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
Full Episode Commentary
1x19: Miss Mystic Falls
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Elena: Stefan. Damon: Better. Me.
Throughout this episode, Damon and Stefan are written alongside each other, but in the opposite. To see Damon's signature moment, you have to consider the physical heart vs the emotional heart as I've mentioned in my 1x18 re-watch post. For Stefan, it's blood. For Damon, it's emotion.
Stefan drives to school in his cherry red car. "Yeah, I mean the worst part is over so… now all I want to do is just spend as much time with you as possible." There isn't a time in their relationship when Stefan isn't lying to Elena. I've never seen anyone lie this much. He wants Elena to go on without him so she doesn't see the empty blood bags in his trunk. Relationships take two people, but Stefan has yet to embrace this concept. Liz tells Damon that the blood banks have been cleared out. He suspects tomb vampires rather than Stefan because he has no idea his brother is a blood addict. Being a ripper and being a blood addict are two different things. It's hilarious to watch Damon in his scenes with John because they're so very much alike. John offers to work with Damon to get to the bottom of their blood bank problem. "I think we could make a good team, don't you think, Damon?" If only John dealt with his hatred sooner. They make a great team saving Elena in season 2. Damon feeds Elena his blood, John does the witch spell to keep her human.
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Bonnie finally returns after leaving in 1x14. She treats Stefan a certain way in these episodes because she knows he's the reason Sheila died. It was all to save Stefan for Elena. Bonnie is the #1 reason Sheila is dead, but she has a hard time accepting responsibility for her actions. Easier to blame others than carry guilt. She should've kept Damon and Stefan in the tomb and gave Sheila a few days rest. It's not like they were going anywhere.
Anna shows up at the boarding house. She's there to see Damon on Pearl's behalf. Damon blames her and the tomb vampires for the missing blood because he stil has no idea Stefan is an addict. "And if you're going continue playing house with these little vampires pets, you might wanna stop robbing the blood bank dry because they're onto it." It's because of Anna that he's able to shift his focus to Stefan. "It's just us and Harper now." This is the moment Damon realizes Stefan is a blood addict.
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They repeat a lot of this stuff with Bonnie. She gets closer to Caroline because of Elena. First in Sheila's death, then in Abby's transition. Caroline is always the third wheel. It's like the only time Bonnie and Elena rely on her is when they have no choice. "I understand why. I just… shouldn't know." Elena doesn't know what Bonnie's saying because she's still excusing the way Stefan threatend her. "Because you knowing this is dangerous for so many reasons." Apparntly, Elena completely forgot about the pageant she signed up for with her mother, that's how deeply buried Stefan has her. The writers did a graat job with repetition. They want fans to know this pageant is all about honoring her mother. "Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter."
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I love it when Damon confronts Stefan. He obviously isn't buying Stefan's lies, but is giving him enough opportunities to come clean and accept his help. "I'm clean. Believe what you want." Stefan can't stop lying. Elena contacts him to talk about the pageant. Again, this is about her mother. "My mom was really into this Founders' Day stuff. She was even Miss Mystic in her day. I kind of want to do it for her." He finished another blood bag while talking to her on the phone. He shoves it in his dresser drawer. Like the trunk of his car, it's full of empty blood bags. Elena's desire to honor her mother isn't enough for him to get clean. He's heading to the fridge. He looks around for Damon, but gets caught because he isn't as smart as Damon. This is a dialogue combination for 1x18 and 1x19...
"Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons? You know, we never actually discussed this. You know, I'd - I'd love to hear this story."
"Well well, he's a liar and a thief. So, when were you gonna share? No, no, no. I'm talking about the fact that you're a closet blood junkie."
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Damon now knows what Stefan's problem is with blood bags. "So, I'm drinking blood again. You're the one that shoved it on me." I love how Stefan blames Damon rather than accept responsibility, but blaming Damon is quite typical of him. "Have my actions negatively impacted you? I can't imagine what that must feel like." Stefan has mastered the art of deflection, which is also typical of him.
"Yeah, what's Elena thinks about the new…you?" I love this entire scene because Damon is already trying to use Elena to get through to him, but Stefan honestly believes he's gonna be able to keep it from her. "Elena doesn't need to know anything yet." This is a lie. Stefan has no intention of Elena finding out.
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When offering his help doesn't work and using Elena doesn't work, there's only one thing Damon can do to stop Stefan, and it's certainly not to drop him. Stefan is far too strong when he's on human blood. Had Damon known about Bonnie's little head trick, he would've kept Elena out of it and had Bonnie drop Stefan for him. "Yeah, what's Elena thinks about the new…you?" Damon has no choice but to rely on Elena, to use her as he just tried to. I'm sure turning to Elena for help wasn't easy for Damon. Stefan's bloodlust is something Lexi would normally take care of, and Damon killed Lexi.
"I'm on the Mystic Falls beautification committee. I volunteer at the poor soup kitchen. I implemented this year's go green campaign at school. I worked for the recycling program and was in charge of this year's police raffle."
I don't like Caroline's character, but she had my vote. Seriously.
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Again, this is for Elena's mother. "This was really important to my mother. She believed in community, family, honor and loyalty. It's the legacy she left for me." And every reason why Damon was meant to be her escort... the very essence of 1864 Damon.
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John tells Damon he's looking for a Jonathan Gilbert invention that was stolen by a tomb vampire. John has no idea that Damon already found one of his inventions. The pocketwatch was a compass, which Damon used to track Logan. Damon prefers getting his hands on this device John is looking for because he knows it has something to do with the killing of vampires. That's the only reason they'd have a vampire tracking device. "I'm not playing anymore. Get out. Get out." Damon plans to strike a deal with Pearl for the sake of getting what John wants. The vampire-killing device is like Bonnie's head trick, but on a serious level. That's why they do fireworks while they use it. The fireworks show what John is doing to their heads. If only Damon didn't fall in love with Elena at the pageant… lol. John threatens to out Damon to the council, and is lucky to still be standing because Damon will kill whoever he has to for the sake of survival.
"If you ask me, the near touch is overrated." If you ask me, honoring Elena's dead mother should be taken more seriously. Something Stefan can't do because he's high on human blood. Non-physical intimacy is important, and something Damon is very good at. A reason Valerie uses vervain to make it so Stefan can't touch Caroline in the 7th season. The emotional connection will always win over the physical connection. That's why Stefan can't flip Elena's switch at prom. He thinks the near touch is overrated, and her heart is with Damon. When Elena has her emotions off, you'll see that all of her scenes with Stefan are sexual, while all of her scenes with Damon are emotional. Elena's signature moment is similar. Damon doesn't touch her when he puts her necklace on. It's a near touch scene. This scene with Stefan and Elena is important because Carol's near touch rule is leading into Damon's signature moment. He's about to make an emotional connection lol. The near touch is basically a heart-to-heart.
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"So that leaves Elena which totally has the sympathy vote since her parents died. How can I compete with that?" And people wonder why I hate Caroline. Competes with her friend that lost both her parents... will end up losing both her parents. "I actually deserve this." Something I agree with, but Caroline lacks tact.
Stefan is really pushing it with Bonnie. Elena questions her when she should already know what's wrong. Any real friend would. Bonnie blames Stefan just as much as she blames Damon. Everyone got what they wanted, but she lost her Grams. Stefan is listening into their conversation. His urges come to the surface when he heads outside to see a kid bleeding from a basketball game. Stefan is so messed up. Alaric puts his hand on his shoulder to see if he's okay, and Stefan chokes him. Because Alaric is driving Elena to the pageant, it gives him the opportunity to speak to her about Stefan. She hasn't seen Stefan as Alaric and Damon have seen Stefan, so she blows it off.
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Anna's necklace is everything for Elena. 3x19 in one piece of jewelry, and the reason Elena wears black in 4x7. The scene of Damon when he approaches Anna at the pageant is one of my favorites. He cleans up really nice. I like how Anna is acting as an intermediary for Damon and Pearl lol. Damon tells her about the Gilbert invention, and makes it clear that he'll make a deal for it… Pearl gives him the invention, she and Anna can stay in Mystic Falls. "He leaves, you can buy a welcome mat." If not for this pageant, Isobel would've never gotten her hands on the device. Damon would've schemed to get Jeremy back. That's why he gets the device in the same episode he falls for Elena. One outrules the other, and John basically removes Damon's welcome mat.
Jenna looks gorgeous in this episode. Caroline listens in as she and Elena talk about her mother. The writers are nailing it with their repetition, and they'll do it again before Elena joins Damon on the dance floor. John lies to Jeremy about the Gilbert journals. Had he been honest, Jeremy probably would've confided in him. Damon joins Elena in the changing room. "We need to talk."
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His eyes in this scene are insanely gorgeous. While talking to Elena, he has a way of drawing attention to certain areas of his body, and it's all about his hands. When people talk with their hands, their listeners follow their hands. "The fact that you're telling me this proves you care." Damon is talking to Elena because he cares, that's why they repeat it with Caroline in 8x9. He hasn't fallen for Elena yet, but this is her issue in 1x20. He's pretending he doesn't care, when him telling her about Stefan in this episode proves that he does. If he didn't, he'd leave Stefan to his addiction. "He has no idea what normal is. His entire existence isn't normal. Normal to a vampire is drinking human blood, but he spent all this time fighting it when he should have been learning to control it, and now it's controlling him instead." This is Damon's humanity issue. He is ruled by his emotions. "Stefan on human blood, Elena… he'll do anything, he'll say anything because he's not gonna want to stop. Trust me." This is the same thing Lexi tells her in Ghost World, and the same goes for Damon. Most of their dialogues fit to both brothers.
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Stefan is written alongside Pearl, that's why I love how they cut scene here. I'll skip the parallels and get to the point. 1x19 is the dance Damon didn't get with Elena in 1x12. That's basically what Stefan's betrayal against Damon in 1x13 got him. He enters the room to find Damon talking to Elena. "What are you talking about?" Stefan is insanely juiced up on human blood, and he's trying to lie again. He'd rather be upset that Damon ratted him out than own up to his crap. "I was going to tell you." This is another lie. "Because I kept it a secret from you? Come on, Elena. Look, given the way that you're reacting right now, can you really blame me for doing that?" Insane to me that Stefan is trying to use Elena's reaction to his lies as an excuse for his lies. I also love how Stefan always makes it about Damon. This happens most often when he's confronted by Elena... he makes it about Damon. "So what - so you and Damon all of a sudden have everything figured out then?" If he'd just own his shit, they wouldn't have a problem. I can't stop laughing at this argument. He spends days lying to her, then expects her to believe in him. It just... cracks me up. Carol forces Stefan downstairs. He's so angry, he shatters the mirror with his fist. He didn't want Elena to see him the way she sees Damon. That's why he's so angry.
"This isn't me, I'm not this person anymore." I love Caroline in this scene. Cheerleading is an ongoing thing, so it made sense for Elena to quit that. This event is a one time thing, so even though it's not who she is anymore, Elena should honor her mother. Yeah, the writers are making this stick… it's for her mom. I don't like Caroline's dress, but she implemented this year's go green campaign at school, so green it is. 3x14 is my favorite dress for Caroline. Jeremy and Anna talk about Elena. Jeremy plans to keep things from Elena because Elena kept things from him. I love how Jeremy responds to Anna. He doesn't view them as monsters. "No, as someone who wanted to hurt me." John is watching them interact. "She knows now. God! She wasn't supposed to find out, I didn't want her to find out, now everything's ruined." Stefan with Amber is when the truth comes out. He never wanted Elena to know, he never planned to tell her.
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All I Need - Within Temptation
Hunger - Ross Copperman
I'm gonna cover Damon's fall, and do it the best way I can. Then I'll circle back to where I left off. This scene cut is where Stefan and Damon hit their parallel. "I'm not sad. I'm freaking hungry." For Stefan, it's blood. For Damon, it's love.
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"One look and I can’t catch my breath"
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"Two souls into one flesh"
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"When you’re not next to me, I’m incomplete"
As I said earlier, non-physical intimacy is about connecting on an emotional level. This is where their hearts come in. imo, the tomb is a representation of Damon's heart.
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"You've opened the door now"
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"Don't let it close"
Their 6x22 soundtrack is for Elena's heart.
"Oh, love, let me see inside your heart All the cracks and broken parts The shadows in the light" Their 1x19 soundtrack is for Damon's heart.
"Can you still see the heart of me? All my agony fades away When you hold me in your embrace"
This is why you get a "near touch" moment during their dance in 6x22. Damon is doing the same for Elena that Stefan is doing for Caroline, only he's showing her in dance rather than telling her. He starts the dance at his signature moment in the place they first met.
Circling back now. I'm sure some fans believe Damon should've went to find Stefan instead of dancing with Elena, but no. A pageant girl and an escort took off without notice. That's two people that were meant to take part in the event, and they went missing after John already told the founders council their problems with vampires are just gettting started. Had Damon left to find Stefan, he could've put them both at risk of a search party. But if Damon wasn't worried for Stefan, the founders council had no reason to be. Damon did the right thing and waited until after the dance.
I love Damon. Elena can't say no to dancing with him now lol
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I don't know why I like this so much. Perhaps it's because they're entering as a couple… kinda like when the Mr. and Mrs. are introduced at their wedding reception.
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There's something about the way Damon pulls himself into Elena that's so sexy. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the moment she felt how sexy he was. The camera pans on Caroline dancing with her escort, then the camera's like… nope, back to Delena lol. I could put this dance on an all day loop, seriously. This is not my favorite Delena dance, but I love watching Damon fall for Elena naturally. Like… the last thing he'd wanna do is fall for her. Not only because she's his brother's girl, but because she's human. Delena is the most realistic vampire-human ship I've ever seen. Because it shouldn't be easy for a vampire to love a human or easy for a human to love a vampire. "I don't hurt people. I don't do that. I'm the good brother." Stefan has a wall in Chicago that says otherwise, and he's slamming Damon even to strangers. I do like how they're written opposite, though. Damon says he doesn't do good, he's the bad brother. "If I do this, if I give in, there's no going back." Stefan's comment becomes Damon's issue having fallen in love with Elena. He's gonna give into her over and over again BECAUSE he's in love with her. That's what love does. "I just want one taste. That's all I need, I just want one taste." This is what Damon got from Elena on the dance floor. Stefan knows about Damon's signature moment because they're the same, they're simply written opposite each other. As you watch Damon fall for Elena naturally, know that Stefan entered her life for the sake of it. He knew how she'd make him feel, so their relationship was pre-arranged on his part, and for that reason. Damon's joke in the pilot episode became his reality in this episode. "Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?" He finally tasted what Stefan has been feeling.
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I love the way Elena supports Caroline in her win, and walks away knowing that she honored her mother. John and Liz are in the bathroom, finding the broken mirror Stefan left in the sink. Liz tells them to get Damon Salvatore. He's pretty deep in the council now, but he also takes his role pretty seriously. Stefan stops to ask Amber why she's not afraid of him. He's so wasted on blood he has no idea he compelled her. He tells her to be afraid of him and to run like hell, so she does. Damon already spoke with Liz by the time he and Elena catch up. He tells her there was a struggle in the bathroom and that Amber went missing. "He wouldn't hurt her, he won't." It bothers me sometimes, how naive Elena is. Like… you know you're dating a vampire, right? Bonnie notices there's a problem, so she follows Damon and Elena out the door. Amber is running through the woods, but apparently Stefan changes his mind. He's ready to rip into her. Damon and the girls catch up just in time. Stefan throws Damon when he tries to help, that's when Bonnie uses her head trick. I love how Damon picks up on things. He knows Bonnie is doing something to Stefan, he just doesn't know what. Had he known about Bonnie's power, he would've had her drop Stefan after their fridge scene. Elena has this disgusted look on her face, like wow. Stefan looks at the three of them and runs home. He didn't want anyone to see him that way, but they needed to. They need to see him, know what to expect, and know how to help him through it. That's what the truth allows. Lies only put them at risk. I have no doubt in my mind that Amber would be dead had they not caught up to him. He would've ripped her apart. Liz shows up, and I'm quite sure Damon compelled her of everything. Damon, Bonnie, and Elena cover for Stefan by lying.
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Elena's relationship with Stefan is already putting her friendship with Bonnie at risk. "I told you I wasn't gonna make you choose but I need to make the choice for myself. Please just leave me alone." John finally asks about Anna. When Jenna mentions her mother, she gave him everything he needed to know. He's looking to get his hands on the vampire device Pearl has. Pearl was trying to buy the old apothecary and John has been trying to stop her from buying it, so he was bound to find out who she was eventually. Elena is waiting for Alaric to drive her home. John didn't find out who Pearl was in time to get the device from her, she gives it to Damon as an apology for what happened to Stefan in her house. It's hilarious to me that Damon and Pearl needed young Anna to be their peacemaker. Anna basically dies because Damon fell in love with Elena. He'll give into her when she asks for the vampire device. I love this scene of Damon, Pearl, and Anna. The darkness of it, and the fact that Pearl stopped by the boarding house to see him, to make things right. They're now on good terms.
Stefan is in his room, stripping off his suit. Elena is extremely naive to their vampirism, but Stefan didn't need to call her an idiot. I have no doubt Damon was there through this entire Stelena scene. He wouldn't risk Elena's safety, certainly not after falling in love with her. You wanna feel a difference between the brothers, click for larger view and feel this...
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I like how Damon gets Elena to vervain Stefan. Fitting since Stefan used Caroline to vervain Damon. Because it's one of Alaric's vervain injections, I have no doubt she told him enough on the car ride home.
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"Deadly beast captured. All is well in Mystic Falls."
Damon and Stefan are selfish in different ways. Damon doesn't plan to starve Stefan for the sake of desiccating him for 50 years, but he could if he wanted to. What would Elena do, report her missing vampire boyfriend to Liz? lol. Damon is selfish with Elena's life, but not her love. Stefan is selfish with her love, but not her life. That's why Stefan will do anything to keep her and Damon apart, and I do mean anything.
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Elena has no idea how much power she has over Damon now. He wants to be wherever she is. If she isn't coming with him, he's staying with her. She completes him, the good to his bad. Elena reminds Damon of all that he was in 1864. And yes, 1864 Damon is the better man.
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comphetkoncass · 10 months
timkon romcom existential horror (?) WIP:
“Hey, I’m here for the… Plus-One Craigslist Ad?”
“Hilarious.” Tim doesn’t look up from his newspaper. Another victory for the mysterious Event Horizon, superhero at large. Victorious against supervillains and heroes alike. Tim can't seem to stop seeing publicity for him, ugh. For some reason, Tim can't seem to like him no matter how much good press he seems to be getting lately. “Sorry to disappoint, but my friend made it as a joke. I'm only here to let you down easy. Well, you and anyone else unlucky enough to take it seriously.” 
“Oh. Sorry.” 
The man sounds actually pretty disappointed, and Tim looks up to half-apologize, maybe buy him a coffee for the wasted time and send him on his way. But one look and he’s thinking yes to the coffee, and no to sending him anywhere. 
Craigslist is tall and built like he lives in the gym. Deeply physical, yet not in an aggressive way. Tim feels gross even thinking of him like such a sexualized description, like he’s supposed to be more than that even from just a glance. And yet, there’s really no mistaking that this is a man who clearly takes damn good care of his appearance. Even his hair is perfect. His style sets him apart from the rest of Gotham, too. He looks out of place; jeans, flannel, and leather, with sturdy boots half-hidden under cuffed jeans. 
“You’re hired,” Tim says, words escaping him despite his better judgment. 
“I said you’re hired. All of it. Everything you’re applying for, you’ve got it,” Tim says, because he might as well commit. “How soon can you start?” 
The guy blushes. “I thought you said the ad was a joke?” 
“That was because I wasn’t convinced my friend knew what she was talking about. Clearly she does.” 
“She?” The guy furrows his brows. “There a reason this friend couldn’t-?”
“She’s married to my sister. Not exactly plus-one material.” 
The guy looks appropriately embarrassed for overstepping. “Sorry,” he says, then steps forward and extends a hand. “...Conner Kent.” 
“Timothy Drake-Wayne.” Tim reaches for his hand, and it feels like magic when their fingertips connect. Tim feels starstruck. Like everything around him is a little less real than Conner. Conner, who feels strangely familiar; like Tim knows him from somewhere. “Remind me what the ad says? I do need a date, and I’m willing to hire you for as much as the ad says I’ll be paying you… but we weren’t exactly sober when we wrote it.” 
Conner snorts. “Sixteen hundred bucks for two hours as a plus-one. Best paying gig I’ve seen in a while. Be honest, am I about to get scammed?”  
“No, the money isn’t the issue. Just glad I didn’t put sixteen thousand dollars,” Tim says. “Did I share time, date, formal dress-?”
“Two Fridays from now, seven o’ clock, white-tie. I look even better in a tux, believe it or not.” 
"I believe it." Tim smiles, a little to the side. “I’ll pick you up, they're weird about security. Of course, for that I’ll need contact information-”
Conner slides him a business card. Tim’s vision whites out for a moment, and he swears he sees a different name on the card than Conner Kent – something short, hypenated. But when he looks again, it’s just an email address. “Here.” 
Tim reaches for it, and their fingertips brush again. “We’ll need to discuss details if asked, I expect we've been dating for at least a few weeks. I wouldn’t bring a first date to a gala.” 
“Email me the details. We can call and discuss, but I’ve got plenty of experience with improv. I'll yes-and you all night.” 
“Handsome and knows how to flirt.” Tim pockets the card, then folds up his newspaper to go. “Can I interest you in going over the finer details now? Maybe over coffee?” 
Conner glances between him and the line, which has mysteriously vanished. “Are you sure?” 
“Your coffee is on me. It’s the least I can do.” Tim smiles, and Conner returns it, and for an instant, he looks so familiar that Tim loses his breath. 
There’s a flicker of memory somewhere. A Conner Kent who smiles wider, with perfect shiny teeth and longer, curlier hair. A strange uniform. 
“Do I- Do I know you from somewhere?” 
Conner looks startled at the question. The world seems to still around them, just for a moment. Even the coffee shop music slows, deepening by octaves as the world crawls, then stops. 
Tim thinks, for a second, that the world is less substantial than it was before. That only he and Conner are still in full color, still at full opacity. 
Then he blinks and the world returns to motion, light, and color. 
“Dude,” Conner says, “You're hiring me as an actor, did you think this was my first gig? I started when I was like, fifteen. Of course you recognize me from something. If you hadn’t, I’d have to fire my agent.” 
Tim breathes again. That’s right, he thinks. That makes sense. 
“What would I recognize you from?” 
“I’ll tell you over coffee if you’re really interested.” Conner smiles the tiniest bit deeper, and that smile looks familiar again, but Tim tells himself it’s only from a teeth-whitening commercial. A romance. A teen action show. 
“Mocha with java chips?” 
Tim shouldn’t know it. Conner grins brighter. 
“I’d like that a latte.” Conner winks, and Tim turns back to the line in front of him, face blindingly red. 
“--got my start in kids’ cereal commercials, toothbrush commercials. You’d recognize me from a lot of the stupid jingles that get stuck in your head. But my big break was when I played the love interest on Wendy-” 
“Wendy the Werewolf Stalker?”
Conner grins around his mocha latte with java. 
Tim doesn’t remember buying the coffee. He doesn’t remember starting the conversation.
When did they sit down? When did the coffee shop's background music turn from soft disco-pop to acoustic romantic duets? But Conner’s looking at him, and everything feels right. Conner taps his toe against Tim, and Tim taps his right back. 
“You been in anything recently?” Tim asks. “No offense, but I wouldn’t have guessed you’d be doing Craigslist ads if you were, uh…” 
“Wow,” Conner says, laughing. “Just go right for the heart, why don’t you.” 
“Sorry. Can’t help but notice.” 
“I want to stay out of the press for a bit,” Conner admits. “It’s not fun being too recognizable. I have fans that get a little too enthusiastic sometimes.” 
Tim furrows his brows. “Paparazzi?” 
“Nothing that extreme usually. But.” Conner shrugs a shoulder. “Perils of being famous, I guess. Besides… most of my most famous roles were when I was a little kid. Or playing love interests when I was a teenager. Being a million teenage girls’ first crush. It’s weird, being recognized for that kind of thing.” 
Tim takes a sip of his coffee. It doesn’t taste like anything; he pays it little mind, compared to the way Conner is staring harder at his own drink. 
Tim reaches for his hand, and the world rights itself again. “It’s fine, Craigslist. As long as you’re good at improv, I don’t mind where else you’ve been.” 
Conner smiles, and Tim thinks he’s made the right move. 
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
Ballum + You Belong With Me!
It's free entertainment, really. Or it would be if it was more amusing and less sad to watch. Ben raises his glass and takes a drink, watching the little display at the other end of the bar. By his estimations, Callum has been on the phone with Whitney for five minutes now. It turned sour around the two-minute mark. 
He's not entirely sure why - it's a bit hard to get all of the context when he only has one side of the conversation, but he's pretty sure it's because she didn't like how Callum said something. It's ridiculous and insane, and a bit pathetic, if he's entirely honest. That doesn't stop him from taking some joy in it.
It's kind of hilarious, actually. The way that Callum and Whitney are so obviously wrong for each other. Seriously, even without the whole gay factor (which is kind of a big one, but still), they just don't work. 
She's sweet. So is he. The problem is that they're too alike. Callum needs someone different. Someone a bit rougher than him, and who pushes him, makes him feel things and question things (more than just his sexuality). Ben swallows thickly. It's bitter. And ironic. 
Perfectly timed, Callum looks right over at him. Ben freezes, lips parted with his glass resting against the bottom one. He doesn't look away. Neither does Callum, who seems to go still as well. The rest of the Vic and its noisy chatter might as well be white noise. For a moment, there's just them, and he thinks that Callum finally sees it too. 
He says something into his phone, sighs, and puts it away. His eyes dart back over in his direction. When Mick asks if he wants a drink, he waves him off and says something about needing to go. Ben watches him all the way to the doors and waits for him to disappear before downing his glass and following him.
He catches up with him easily. When he falls into step with him, Callum sighs again but doesn't tell him to piss off, so that's something. He decides to play along and stays quiet as they walk down the street, choosing instead to notice the worn-out patch on his jeans. It's endearing. 
'What's so funny?' Callum asks, and Ben lifts his head, startled. 'You're smiling.'
'Wasn't,' Ben says, quickly straightening his face out. He shakes his head to really drive it home. 'I wouldn't dare do such a thing. You might think I'm flirting with you and go all weak in the knees for me, and we can't have that.'
Callum rolls his eyes upwards. But there's a smile at the edge of his mouth and it ripples out into a laugh. Ben stares at him in awe; he's never heard him laugh, not properly. It's a genuine, albeit weary, laugh and it's... nice. It's nice. 
Raking his hands over his face, Callum comes to a stop and drops onto the bench. Ben watches him, unsure of what's happening or what to do as Callum stays buried in his hands. Finally, he reemerges, breathing out another laugh. 
'What's so funny?' Ben echoes back at him, only making Callum buckle more. 
He finally manages to answer, looking up at him. 'I have no clue.'
Ben wrinkles his brow and chuckles uncertainly, and he sits beside Callum. They don't speak. Callum hangs his head and glances up at him. It's easy to simply let the silence sit between them for a while. This is it. The way it's meant to be. It's a striking realization, one that hits him where he really feels, knocking the wind out of him. Callum inhales sharply at the same moment and looks away. Ben does, too. Maybe one day. Hopefully soon. 
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lindalung · 11 months
The 雙大 Lore Iceberg/ Masterpost
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Here's the ongoing Iceberg if anyone cares. There's little things, little moments that I could list on forever as canonical evidence to Me that they're in love/soulmates, or just simply crazy things that I can't believe have happened to them. For example, the fact that no one on earth understands what Hung Sheung Sin is thinking, not even her boyfriend or her family, but Linda does. When they supposedly hate each other but Sheung Sin when put in a life-or-death situation they would die for each other. How is this canon but they're still denying that there's nothing between them. Okay let me get into this iceberg (no particular order). Some stuff not included in the iceberg
Tier 1
Calling each other 豈有此理 and 窮編劇, even setting it as their contact names, and every time they mention one another behind their backs at home
The n number of times they dressed the same (see: essay on doubling)
Linda paying Sheung Sin to write a reality show for her and her husband (and every time she needs someone to write something she goes to her tbh). Then Sheung Sin teachers her to give the audience the side of her that they want to see and perfectly captures her mean girlboss angle (we know that's her fantasy...) and then female netizens call her "husband" yeah Sheung Sin knows what the gays want
When they were trying to fight over who would have the better Mother's Day only to both end up in Thailand alone and then spent the night together on a date having dinner and taking pics for each other
In their first episode Sheung Sin goes back to save Linda and said "I promised I wouldn't leave you behind" and when Linda saved Sheung Sin in the hospital from a serial killer and also promised not to leave her behind
Every time Sheung Sin laughs at Linda when she's going through her misfortune
The Lung/Hung family lore goes deep, even their dads were childhood friends reunited, Mary Hung dated Max Lung, and Wind Lung had a crush on Hung Sum Yu. It's only logical that these two are also meant to be, right?
Their dogs were in love (more on the dog lore later)
The times when they held hands (probably while running from a serial killer)
Always being in the classic butting heads pose (à la Captain America: Civil War poster)
Being presidents of the Chung Tau fanclub together
Bailing out Terry and On Jai from the police station twice and generally using them as a weapon against each other
Giving Mrs. Tam a makeover together, and acting like gfs later
Sheung Sin giving Linda's brother Terry a crash course to winning arguments and how to gaslight
The fact that they're supposed to hate each other but Linda constantly admits and praises Sheung Sin's wits and intelligences, and acknowledges that she's the one who thinks of better plans
Everytime they act friendly for a moment and then immediately after they jump away in fake disgust and are like "You think we're close?"
Going to the Chung Tau concert together and forming a heart with their hands, then instantly bickering outside
Tier 2
They thought their dogs had sex/ had babies (they're dog in laws) but the Hung dog Bear Bear wasn't the father, so they faked a puppy funeral
Linda showing up at Sheung Sin's house begging her to be her volleyball coach and then working together to get Jenny
Linda losing a racecar to Sheung Sin in a bet but Sheung Sin was too proud to take it from her even though she secretly wanted it
Sheung Sin elbowing Linda's boob in front of press, and then slapping her ass at the photocall (all while dressed alike)
Watching Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One together canonically (this is included cause it's one of my fav movies so it's hilarious to Me)
Sheung Sin working her son's shift at Linda's bar and then falling into her arms (heroic catching pose)
Sheung Sin keeping Linda's secret for her and didn't tell Mary when she asked
Linda cancelling a meeting just to speak with Sheung Sin (to her secretary's surprise)
Their dogs got dognapped together and they went to rescue them at a club (while dressed as teenagers)
Sheung Sin messing with Win and Linda getting defensive telling Sheung Sin not to mess with her (gay love triangle)
Sheung Sin helping Linda in the 2000th episode to take down Max
Sheung Sin messing with Linda, making fun of her bad singing and rooting for Terry to get to sing the theme song to spite her
Linda and Sheung Sin constantly comparing their boyfriends, Linda getting jealous that her brother likes Sheung Sin's bf more than her husband
That one time they glanced at each other across the room and nodded in silence
When Linda went to Sheung Sin's house just to get a glimpse of Chung Tau who was living across
Constantly fighting in washrooms (washrooms are gay)
Tier 3
Sheung Sin worrying about Linda's problem on Mid Autumn Festival and hung her lantern upside down because she was so preoccupied. She even begged her son to help Linda, something sh'ed never do.
Sheung Sin breaking into Linda's changing room and throwing out her clothes so she had nothing to change into, and Linda automatically assuming Sheung Sin wanted to fuck her
Sheung Sin replacing Linda as Terry's sister to piss her off and manipulating him into hating her
Also Sheung Sin staring at a picture of Linda when she's celebrating Mid Autumn Festival with her family and boyfriend.
Sheung Sin baiting Linda into spending all of her money out of spite
Two separate instances of Sheung Sin stripsearching Linda
Being Blonde Charlie's Angels spies in KC's dreamscape conducted by Sheung Sin's hypnotism
Getting kidnapped together x6?? and counting
Getting each other's eyebrows shaved off
When they went to an Onsen together in Japan and their hair turned grey and after a heart-to-heart bonding they tried to dye it back to black with seaweed (in which Sheung Sin makes sacrifices for Linda and leaves her the best ingredients), and later spend the night in a hotel room together, even their bf/husband the next morning were like "Where were you two last night..."
When Linda's husband's ex wife came back and the first thing she did was run to Sheung Sin to help her brainstorm "story ideas" to combat hypothetical ex-wives
Sheung Sin tripping Linda into a bowl of white powder so she can cosplay Guanyin at the temple
Tier 4
Asking each other to suck snake venom out when they got bit
Getting kidnapped by a crazy Chung Tau stan together and got tied up with ropes
Linda kidnapping Sheung Sin in the middle of the night to ask for her help
Linda randomly crushing on Sheung Sin's boyfriend after he saves her from a motorcycle accident (which turned out to be Sheung Sin's dad) but Sheung Sin uses this as an opportunity to mess with Linda instead of being a normal straight woman and being jealous / back off my man reaction
Rescuing KC, Rachel, Mary, and Kung Yip at KK Island with rifles and looking extremely cool
When they went on a plane to beat the "Worst airplane customer" allegations and then beat up a rich asshole together, while dressed as flight attendants
Linda making Sheung Sin her personal maid for the day, a few days actually
Sheung Sin's boyfriend using Linda's old medical reports from 20 years ago to motivate Sheung Sin into having a healthy lifestyle because nothing else was working, and we all know how much she cares about Linda's business!
Sum Yu insulting Linda by saying something along the lines of "I used to think that you were someone so mighty that only my eldest sister could go against, but you're just a coward" because everyone knows nothing gets under Linda's skin like Sheung Sin
Sheung Sin messing with Linda on her birthday and then saying "you want revenge? I'll wait for you" then winking... okay
Tier 5
An argument in a hair salon ended up with Sheung Sin in a coma, and then Linda got framed for murdering her. Then Linda goes to the hospital and holds her hand and cries telling her that she actually really cares about her, and tries acupuncture to wake her up. Then they both get chased by a serial killer inthe hospital and Linda refuses to leave Sheung SIn behind.
Sheung Sin's son falls in love with Linda after Sheung Sin is displeased in his taste in women, and tries to hypnotize him into getting a better taste in women
Getting kidnapped along with Win in the Wolf Country and then escpaing together with various silly ways
Linda going to Sheung Sin for help to hypnotize her into finding a password, and in turn told her all her deepest secrets
Got brainwashed in tradwife conversion camp together with Jenny
Chased a serial killer in the mall together while dressed as Chang'E on Mid Autumn Festival, which became notorious even a year after
Sheung Sin being depressed for days cause her plans to piss Linda off weren't working, and when she finally found out it did provoke her she was cackling like a maniac
Tier 6 (What I consider the darkest psychological warfare manipulation shit)
Their first episode together and they got kidnapped, and thought they killed a guy à la Thelma and Louise (a famously homoerotic piece of media, mind you) and almost drove into the ocean together to escape the cops and professed the gayest shit ever (24 hours after they just met btw) saying "I'm really glad I met you. If there's a next life, I hope our friendship can be longer" Y'all just met and you're already talking about reincarnating... that's soulmate behaviour
Sheung Sin pretending that her son k worded himself and made Linda think it was her fault (what kind of gaslighting) because she was jealous that her son was more afraid of Linda than of her.
Finally, Sheung Sin taking Linda's identity when she was at rock bottom and disowned, and took her relationship with her dad by becoming his goddaughter, took her dogs, sold her designer bags, and basically everything (except her boyfriend lmao she didn't want him). It's the ultimate "do i want you or do i want to become you?" phenomenon.
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shunsellon · 2 years
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I posted 869 times in 2022
280 posts created (32%)
589 posts reblogged (68%)
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#bakugan - 167 posts
#shun kazami - 83 posts
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#anonymous - 67 posts
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#spectra phantom - 53 posts
#alice gehabich - 50 posts
#dan kuso - 40 posts
#gus grav - 36 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#context: an au friends and i thought of where gus becomes the final villain of nv and abandons spectra once spectra joins the resistance :3
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Let's go, Phoenix.
42 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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45 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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45 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
sorry but shun and sellon's dynamic just has me by the pussy. shun's whole appeal isn't that he's a cool stoic number one ninja boy it's that all that is a front because he doesn't know how to fucking deal with his emotions, bottles it all up, and does stupid shit before he's saved/stopped by the people around him. he tries to stop time so shiori wouldn't die which dan has to talk him out of, he tries to go after dan in the doom dimension alone which the brawlers insist against, he tries to stay with fake shiori in the doom dimension which skyress has to fucking die for him to realize is a bad idea, he battles against hairdee's clones and almost gets overwhelmed before he's saved by komba. his love and respect for the people around him makes him do stupid shit because he doesn't know how to deal with it, and that part of what makes his character interesting is largely absent from seasons 2 and 3 but surprisingly makes a comeback in s4 with sellon.
sellon isn't the first character who pays special attention or takes a liking to shun - komba and maron exist. but she's the first one where it isn't played as a joke or a gag or anything of the like. she genuinely admires him, is portrayed as an equal by the narrative, and it's made explicit that they're alike no matter how much shun likes to deny it. she provides legitimate advice and shun comes to respect her too, which makes her betrayal so much better and so much more fun. because he gets soooooo mad! her betrayal is so much more personal to him than it is anything that he fucks up and now they can't escape interspace! it's fucking hilarious!
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48 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
new vestroia and misogyny, part one
season two of bakugan starts a trend that would persist until the end of the series, namely the cutting down of the main female cast from three to one, and eventually to none by the second arc of the fourth season. here i break down the misogyny behind this writing choice, most especially in new vestroia, and how it all boils down to one thing: toy sales.
part 2 of this will cover how new vestroia’s writing has affected its more active female characters as well as how the relationship between the gender binary and the toy market extended to bakugan’s toy packaging.
despite the large number of the fandom being comprised of AFABs, bakugan is a shounen anime and as a result has always been more geared towards a male audience. bakugan is also a show that was created to sell toys, and the show is its biggest advertisement. by putting two and two together, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that the toys are also geared towards young boys.
the gender binary has always played a big role in how toys are sold and advertised. from auster and manbach (2012), research has long shown that girls and parents of girls will be more inclined to dabble in masculine and gender-neutral things than boys and parents of boys would in feminine things:
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76 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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Dashi saying that Omi "has an honest face" is so funny when you think about the fact that Omi basically looks like a tinier Dashi. Was Dashi partially complimenting his own face there too?
No. Because the better comedy occurs when WE as the audience know they are alike, but THEY as characters see no resemblance to each other. And every time other characters of the show point that out they persist that's not true. So, I see Dashi as an outgoing fella who assessed Omi's character accordingly at the moment of their encounter. The funny part begins when Dojo keeps nagging Dashi with statements such as: 'hey but he does look like you' and he keeps reminding his master about that every day, testing Dashi's limits lol
The same happens on Omi's end. He's flattered someone compared him to a great warrior so he doesn't mind but he can't connect the dots. He would say: 'I have a very very tiny nose while Master Dashi has a big nose. We have two completely different faces so I don't know what you're talking about when you say I'm his clone. What is a clone anyway?'
And if you take into consideration an idea that came out of fandom speculations they're actually x10000 Granddad and grandson.... it makes room for even more hilarious denial texts from these two.
Oh my if Dashi had a DNA test he would trip out. Trip dead even haha. He was so set on his version being the true one only for one test to say he was wrong. And Dashi hates being wrong.
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yue-muffin · 1 year
i just binge watched the blood of youth over like five days. this is literally the first cdrama i've finished since...sleuth of the ming dynasty?? i think?? i never finish cdramas. i came super close with a few of the dmbj dramas but the damn long list of episodes usually does me in. i just can't concentrate on one show for that long.
so, the blood of youth was really just that good! also it had a good ending that didn't end in tragedy (i shall not point fingers but...i do read the endings to many dramas bc i am not investing 30+ episodes of my time only for the ending to absolutely gut me unexpectedly).
the pacing was definitely a little rocky at points, the romance meant absolutely nothing to me (except for two side couples), it was absolutely hilarious and really did its comedy well, and i love the main characters. and many of the side characters. just wish we got to see some of the other supporting characters more, but since the last arc was mainly in the imperial city, alas, we barely got to see some of them.
i also love xiao se's absolute i'm-done-with-this attitude. my inner self is how he looks all the time. just a very tired man who's got a lot of plans simmering in that head of his, of which he's not sharing.
i also love lei wujie unexpectedly, kinda sad he got sidelined a bit at the end. didn't really expect to like him! but he reminds me of guo jing from condor heroes who i love. (side note: i'm pretty sure guo jing and hua rong are the only het couple in cdramas i've ever actually loved together and actively enjoyed their romance story from beginning to end)
however, lei wujie's relationship with ye ruoyi definitely has similar vibes with none of the heart. they're cute, but i'm not feeling anything from it. i definitely enjoyed ye ruoyi plotting with xiao se together better than their canon relationships, lol, though i appreciate how she thinks they're too much alike and doesn't like him that way, and vice versa. male-female friendships are something we don't get enough of. much better than tossing in weird love triangles all over the place.
anyways, i really love this drama, didn't expect that at all! the first half is the strongest, the latter half is interesting (I do like the scheming plots and power struggles), but they didn't do as good a job keeping the rest of the cast relevant. certain side characters just fade in and out as needed.
but again: i love the ending is just...the friends gallivanting off to adventure together! i'm not even particularly bothered by wu xin derping off and not joining them yet. he's not that kind of guy. he comes and goes as he pleases, and gets a kick out of coming to save the day. he'll probably pop up when they least expect it and finally get to make that poem of his a reality.
(last note: i see those parallels with mysterious lotus casebook and i'd love to see a crossover of the two one day...ah if i ever steel my heart to watch it all the way through, i might write that myself...)
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Daddy's Home (2015) - New Dad on the Block Scene (10/10) | Movieclips" on YouTube
He said he got snubbed so he wants me to design the fat bear snubber Street and it's be kind of like an Enduro I put it on the street if you run some stuff you'll be okay as well and if you have to go off the road off the road you can and that's one
The second product idea was to make a smaller SUV in the hard times Contra of SUVs but by using one of the car chassis and we know which one it's really the smaller chassis cuz he SUV and small pickup uses the car chassis. And Wahlberg wants to wrap it and Hera agrees and he wants to get Cena to rep it too, had to prove that you can fit it and have ferel in the ad but he gets left behind. Agree it's a good concept and we have Wahlberg kind of rubbing it in they just cut the groceries in there and the kids and the dog and the cooler for the party and then seeing it will go to the car next door and have all the stuff for the party and have like three girls in bikinis and stuff on a roof rack and tell him like a couple of telling you a couple those stand up water jet skis cuz we'll have a good heavy duty towing package... And yeah the the name of the fat bear and Cena wants to say something he says you better not use my name so they're going to talk to you about it before we put it on there that's the idea though cuz it's like short for sino-american and the max kind of rubbed to do on you and this might be recovery plan cuz it's not even making anything anymore. It's actually respect because I beat the Big show a whole bunch of other people the only one who beat me was Andre and he's kind of down I'm kind of down but not that much so I'm going to have a good time and not the beer St Louis looks good actually it's I think it's called the it's called St Louis yeah good Lord so he called it back then cuz they're the ones making it and we found out they're all Saint Louis now cuz we got us flying and you're right that's the analogy so I do see that seeing this stuff I thought it was ours and all of a sudden it's just crap it's pretty rich too so I didn't look at signing the deal I like the bike yeah I need the 350 right away it's an Enduro when it's tough and it's not way the hell up there I can't even ride it and I'm big I'm taller than you are CAA and it's terrible and I know you're huge just as big as your father a grandpa and not well yeah both actually but thrim is 10 ft and I know it. And it's huge the guy is huge they both think alike and they sound alike not perfectly but Preston does holy s*** that's a good deal I like the commercial idea too with a hard times car so we look the same me and Wahlberg he works out he's pretty strong and it'll be tough if a couple of them show up and be tough they're dangerous so got to respect him it's a couple disses though. I'm going to look at signing up and they say they're going to contact me and it's gonna be cool, is still living like us a little have to use YouTube but we're going to announce it together
That was John Cena folks and our son is saying what the hell's going on here and can you take it for a ride and he likes it it's kind of like a bear what happened to some commercials The Rock's friend nose in and both of them have to do it they want to do it for the fat bear, you saw it and he said man that's like ice bear I said I have to do something with that that's hilarious it's more hilarious than Ben flipping off people this is gigantic fat bear it seems you guys walking around really fat and rude and stuff and your bike is wasting your bite but not really because you're like something instead of please they had them too and put them in their belt so it's kind of similar idea it says mean nasty humongous fat guy. So those two are pretty good fit I have to get Audrey off his ass to do the big one. The product worth it it's looking at the ice bear in his brain and his mind and memory the second it's got fat tires and I suggested you do it because they ride better when you're smaller and diameter you know vertically and you started thinking you know that goes over tons of stuff it goes off road with the my car is thinking a little so he decided to try and design them and here we are with a new product and it's because of the bear is fat I'm tired as a fat and he also lots of it but really here we go this is going to be cool we can get them tied into it and we don't want to announce what the deal is that it's more than being a sponsor
Cena Motorcycles
Thor Freya
And that was from Sun and his wife in the background and I'm really proud of this these guys are huge in wrestling and his father and mother are well known as massive wrestlers they wrestle just about anything to the ground including Big Ben and I saw CA look and say no thanks because he knows what they do and they he comes up and he says it a few times I just left your head off because no thanks it says those things bounce off me and he didn't say anything but they don't really go in but they're going a little without friend they don't go in at all and showed him a picture and I had the camera look and show them is bouncing off him he's going how is that possible it goes I don't know some kind of different race or something and he does know it's them the strange people so you don't want to have anything to do with it but I guess Andre would be the guy on the Big Ben and we want to see that this is a friend of ours and it's reasonable and really not too hard to get along with he keeps distance it's really cool and someone to look up to and model yourself after. I might do that too start explorer posts this is a pain in the ass everybody wants to be the bad guy I know he's doing anything it's a great way to do it cuz you get training. And yeah I'm going to have a portion of the business and sponsor it and I understand the game plan we're going to have an American company and eventually be made here a lot of factories here and I'm going to open them and he said there's no reason why I can't try and do that ahead of time and assemble and we can make part of it here so that's even better and eventually be the motor I'm going to run out of motors pretty soon so I do see that and they're going to have a Chinese version we'll have plants in China so do the same thing and he agrees. It's like Wahlberg you say wait a minute wait a minute what did I just do I'm doing it though. I'm using my noggin okay
John Cena
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Twin Switch AU
Source: #ghosts-and-bats
amg I got this hilarious idea OK
Fenton family at like museum in Gotham or something, when one of batman's villains attack.
Well Jack accidentally grabs the wrong kid, in the panic. (Wrong kid could be any of the bats though Tim or Damian for full batfam dynamic kek.)
Dick or Bruce being in civilian form ends up with Danny because of the mix up.
Lol combine it with twin au and it make even more funny.
Dick probably don’t know what to do cause stuck with Danny inside building so just waiting on backup.
And noticing small things about Danny.
While Damien stuck with Fenton’s because they're not letting Damian slip away lol. Jazz is the one to point out they didn’t grab Danny.
Dick : So....wanna play Uno?
Danny : ....
Dick imprints on Danny in 5 seconds flat
Damien tolerates Jazz because she's obviously the one with all the brain cells
Jazz: You do realize you just kidnapped someone else's kid?
Maddie: Don't be ridiculous, that's your brother.
Jazz: Look again
Both Damien and Danny are frustrated because the switch means they can't sneak off and play hero
Can see Danny slightly showing hints of his own heroism. while they’re in a hostage situation lol.
Yes, Jazz n Damian having to deal with parents lol. Jazz trying to converse with Damian lol
Dick, freaking out: Why does this kid show no signs of self-preservation? Does he have a death wish? Is he suicidal?
Jazz is meanwhile concerned about this kid having anger issues
Jazz: ...he keeps getting more and more upset. Is the stress getting to him? Is he having trouble processing possible trauma?
Dick is Brotherly Concerned(TM)
Jazz is going into Psychoanalysis Mode(TM)
Danny: oh no! Guess I should hide in this closet while you do your hero thing :)
Dick: don't worry kid I'm not gonna abandon you, I'll get you out of the building no problem
Danny: oh! Thanks! :)))))
Danny just wants this super friendly dude to leave him alone
Damian: I need to get out of this tank
Jazz: it's an RV
Damian: ......... (climbs toward the back window)
Jazz: I wouldn't-
Damian: (attempts to jump out at a tree only for a mechanical arm from the "RV" to catch him and put him back in.)...
Jazz: -do that...
Dick, picking up on Danny's contempt for this: (was it something I said???)
man, I want to see how Dick would react when he found out Danny is half dead
Dick: Did I fail? (self-loathing for sure)
-(Later when Danny's not in earshot)-
Tim: what did you do?
Dick: what do you mean?
Tim: I mean he obviously doesn't like you, you must've done something.
Dick: I didn't do anything!
He’s already imprinted, and Dick is so distressed about Danny not liking him
And Danny's trauma induced electrophobia only makes it worse lol
It does because it’s not liking and downright having a fear of
Everyone is having a bad time except Tim who is happy to break them out and laugh at them grabbing the wrong children
Danny does like Dick, it's not his fault Danny keeps his distance for the most part, or startles at the sound of an electric weapon turning on.
It's just a little uncomfortable, and awkward, and Danny has heroing to do that he can't escape to.
Like Danny thinks he’s super nice and kinda fun to talk too but ahh electrified and will not let him leave
Then Batman shows up and Danny's stress about the situation goes up to new heights not thought possible.
Danny snaps and starts yelling at Batman
Dick is like he’s clearly not scared of you what the hell what did I do
Danny: ...!!!! Ok! You Can Let Me Go Now!
Batman: well, you were mistaken for Bruce Wayne's son, and you look alike, too alike.
Danny: (glares at Batman for the audacity)
Danny: Fuck it! I'm leaving! Just find me later! (Walks into a closet and slams the door closed)
Batman: (opens it to reveal empty closet)
If looks could kill Danny would have murdered him
Dramatic entrances and leaves run in the family lol
Probably snatched some DNA samples later lol run tests
Danny gets to his family just to find Damien who looks like him and is somehow even more upset
Damian meets Danny and is impressed that he escaped their watch.
Damian is impressed, Danny is absolutely flipping shit and just wants to leave
Jazz would be apologizing to Damian about all the inventions/weapons lying around, and Damian wouldn't hear anything past "weapons" and trying to figure out how stuff works. Jack and Maddie are happy "Danny" is interested. I think the weapons range would be involved.
They straight up just steal Damian
Danny: let me guess, You're the "Bruce Wayne's Son" that the Bat gang confused me for
Damian: they- .... I'll kill them.
(He thought he just straight up got kidnapped by idiots and thought the Bats would get him after the fight)
Damian refuses to leave out of spite
"They can come to me and face me themselves"
Danny just gives up
The Fenton’s just accept they have 2 Dannys lol
Great you’ll get along with Dani perfectly
They do
Give Dami weapons like sure boyo happy ur interested take what u want
also, the Fenton’s (at least Jack) have canonically put their house in another dimension. It would totally be plausible to them that Damian is an alternate universe Danny
And Danny dealt with the threat quickly because it was a ghost, he just did a quick punch'n'thermos and then flew home. Even Batman can't track a ghost without the proper equipment.
 ---- he second guesses this when Batman shows up at his house later, but they were just getting Damian so he's fine.
Damian coming home with an arsenal
Dick be like: wha- how'd you get here before us?
Danny, deadpan: hitchhiked in a racecar.
Damian still full of spite: Look at all these weapons my other parents gave me.
Batman: alright, what did you steal from those people
Damian: I'll have you know they gave me these willingly (unloads all the handheld weapons from his suit)
Lol no one believes him til Jack like oh and don’t forget this one boyo! It’ll vaporize any ghost into ash.
It’s a rocket launcher
Batman is confused
What if they gave Damian a hazmat suit?
They now have to convince Damian, they didn’t mistake him they were just watching the ‘civilian’. Do not go home with the crazy people
Bruce "adopts blue eye, black hair kids" Wayne getting Uno reverse carded by Jack "Dad Shaped" Fenton adopting his biological son (both of them!)
Tim is having the time of his life over the coms
Jason gets there late and so confused what did you do and why is Damian disowning us
Why is there two Damians
Until Jason hears about free weapons then like “Ah, my new family”
Tim heads out just to join the Jason and Damian in the new fam
It’s mostly just because it’s funny how huffy batman gets. he has to bribe them to come home
Danny doesn't help
Dick is asked if he wants to join too by Jazz, she thinks it’s funny
Batman tries bribing him and Danny's just like "idk B-Man I think he needs more incentive than that..."
Cassandra just goes and starts standing next to Jazz (where did she come from?)
Batman got out adopted by a family that calls all the black hair children Danny or girl Danny
It takes Batman a minute to realize these normal people shouldn’t have an Arsenal in the back of their vehicle
An arsenal or Arsenal the outlaw?
or: both
An arsenal
He Broke in when Jason mentioned laser guns
another causality of their poor eyesight😔😔
They call him boy Jazz
and eventually Damian talks about that’s they’re like and now the bats are just super concerned for these children
After they stop making fun of Batman
he is so concerned for these rude, rude, weapon children
Lol yes gotta get over making fun of Bruce
AU where Danny's parents simply need a wake-up call but otherwise they're fine parents, and very eccentric
The bat-kids love the Fenton Family so much.
Honorary aunt and uncle
I had to put my phone on the charger and walk away for a little while, but damn I love all of this so much. Just yes
Ok but what if they get really buddy-buddy to the point of the Fenton Family being in on the Batman family secret. (Fenton-Parents think Bruce Wayne is hilarious)
Vlad gets So Mad when he finds Bruce Wayne having tea with Maddie on a Sunday morning visit.
Danny, having spent more time with Damian and Jason, just shoots Vlad point blank<333 /j
Just no hesitation
"Daniel what the FUCK is Bruce Wayne doing in your kitchen?"
Danny: omg you actually cursed, this is the best or worst day of my life. Depends on if you attack me now.
Also, he’s technically my dad so ha
[Vlad.exe has stopped working]
 [Vlad.exe has overheated from confusion and rage]
He just, fades away in front of Danny (bcz he's dramatic) so he can just kinda,,,, sit at home.
Maddie: oh, what did Vlad want to talk to you about?
Danny: he was just checking in
Maddie: is he still in your room?
Danny: no? he left, you must've just missed him :)
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shera-dnd · 3 years
I watched the new Matrix with my girlfriend last night AND OH MY GOD
That movie is Lana Wachowski forgetting how to give a fuck
It's nearly 3 hours of her flexing and flipping people off
She basically tells Warner Brothers to go suck her dick in the first hour of screen time
This bitch was so tired of people using "redpilled" to mean the dumbest most bigoted shit, that she decided that subtlety is for cowards and weaklings
Lana Wachowski is the most powerful bitch in Hollywood and she should be feared!
also if this isn't enough of a ringing endorsement there are like an ungodly amount of spoilers under the cut
The idea of making the Matrix a video game inside the new matrix (both the movie and the simulation I guess) was kinda fucking wild
We legit have characters going "the Matrix is a trans allegory", "no it's about crypto fascism", "no it's obviously about anti capitalism", within the first half hour of the movie
Note that this is followed by an actual agent of the matrix shutting down this conversation by saying that the games are about guns, explosions, and bullet time, and that no one cares about anything else
The fact that they fucking name drop Warner Brothers in a scene just to then frame them as a bunch of assholes dragging Neo back into a franchise he can't deal with anymore
And the queer allegories just won't fucking stop!
Neo and Trinity seeing themselves differently from how the world sees them
The constant mention of binaries just for them to be discarded entirely
Trinity having a completely normal heterosexual life with her husband Chad (FUCKING CHAD) but only finding true happiness in riding her bike, which is one of the few moments when you can "catch glimpses of her true self"
The main fucking bad guy being basically a fucking conversion therapist
The entire new crew for the new ship being like queer as all fuck. Like my girlfriend was making a joke about like "wow you know they're all queer because their idealized selves look like THAT" and not 3 seconds afterwards a dude says that he'd absolutely tap Neo's ass
Neo and Trinity actually saying they're gonna abandon subtlety and pain rainbows in the sky
Also Niobe has a wife in this. Good for her.
Speaking of the fucking real people outside the Matrix
We have good machines now!
Congratulations on making it very clear to those weirdos that, no the problem isn't outsiders and people different than you, the problem are those who choose to uphold an unjust system. Maybe people will actually learn that this time
Also I find it fucking hilarious how much older existential threats kinda get made fun off
Agent Smith? Keep going on and on about how he and Neo are so alike and how they're destined to meet again and again and- oops looks like someone forgot they're still just a toy in someone else's play house
The Merovingian (or Merv how he gets called in this) is just an angry french boomer who can't shut up about things he doesn't like and that no one takes seriously AT ALL!
Anyways I could keep talking about this movie for another like hour, but at that point i'd just be retelling the whole story
Just watch the new fucking Matrix, it's so good and so stupid in all the best and gayest ways
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fereldanwench · 2 years
There are obviously a lot of New Tumblr User Guides™ circulating lately as folks return after a long hiatus or migrate here from Twitter or Tiktok. Most have good information for anyone looking to have a more social experience here. Most also perpetuate some misinformation about ~*engagement*~ and Tumblr's algorithm.
So for newbies and gremlins like me who've been checking in just about every day since 2010 alike, here are two common myths and one fact about Tumblr (at least as of April 2022):
Myth: Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. I think most of the time when folks say Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm, they're either referring to the hilariously mistargeted ads in your feeds or that most people have their dashboard (the main feed you see when you open the website or app which predominantly shows you posts from people you follow) set to a chronological feed.
But Tumblr does have an algorithm, and there are a few ways to see that in action. Algorithm Options on Your Dashboard Open up your Dashboard Settings and you'll see a few different options available to you:
On the website, they're accessed by clicking on the user icon in the header and then going to Settings > Dashboard.
On the Android app, they're accessed by tapping on the user icon at the bottom right corner, tapping on the cog icon at the top of your blog, and then going to Account settings > Dashboard preferences. (Not sure on IOS devices, but I'm guessing it's something similar.)
The first three options you'll see on that page are:
Best stuff first
Include stuff in your orbit
Include "Based on Your Likes!"
These are all algorithm-driven.
Now I personally have all of these options turned off. 😘 I would also wager a lot of Tumblr veterans do as well, but newer users who wouldn't even think to check this out might not. And it's probably very confusing to read "likes don't mean anything!" when they're literally getting fed posts that are based off their likes. (More on that in a sec.)
Recommended for You & Trending Outside of your main dashboard that shows content from people you directly follow with potentially some other stuff sprinkled in depending on your dash settings, there's also the Explore and Recommended for You feeds:
On the website, you can access this feed by clicking on the compass icon on the header.
On the Android app, you can access this feed by swiping left from the main feed or by tapping on the For you 🔮 option in the header.
As with the algorithm options for the main dash, these aren't features I really use, and I doubt a lot of old-school Tumblr users pay much mind to them either. Most of the time when I end up there, it's because I accidentally swiped on the app.
The Search Pages The search looks pretty different between the website and the app:
If you tap on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the Android app, it will take you to a Search page that will show the tags you follow, tags and blogs the algorithm thinks you might like, and a few other algorithm-based content suggestions similar to the Explore page on the website.
On the website, you just have the Search bar at the top left of the header. If you follow tags, you'll see those drop down when you click in the bar.
Whether you're on the app or website, however, when you do a search or click on a hashtag, you'll see Recent and Top at the start of the search/tag page. Recent is a chronological feed that will show you the newest posts related to the hashtag, and Top will show you the posts that have the most notes. You can also filter Top by different time spans; e.g. all time or in the past 24 hours.
(One slight caveat here for website users: the Tag pages and Search pages on the website are a little different. If the URL has /tagged/ instead of /search/, you'll only see the posts that have been explicitly tagged with said tag and you can't filter the Top posts by time. Under /search/, it'll pick up on any post that has related keywords to said search, regardless of tag. If this is confusing, I know.)
And all of this brings me to the next big misconception:
Myth: Likes don't mean anything and only reblogs help generate more attention for posts. The exact way that Tumblr weighs all notes on a post (comments, reblogs, and likes) isn't public knowledge as far as I can tell. But it is obvious that likes are something the algorithm is capable of tracking given that there's a whole feature dedicated to it, and as far as I can tell, all forms of notes help bring posts to the Top feeds in the Search/Tag pages.
So because there is an algorithm that tracks likes and there are multiple ways to access algorithmic feeds, likes aren't as useless as some old-time users might make them out to be.
That said, I believe what folks mean when they say that likes don't help share a post is that your likes will not directly appear in anyone else's dash, unlike on Facebook or Twitter, and that is true. And even if you don't have your likes set to private, it's very rare for users to go through someone else's likes the way they'll go through someone's blog. If you want to give a little extra love and support to an artist or writer here, reblogging is the way to go.
Fact: Reblogging other people's posts is a great way to get involved in a community on Tumblr. Reblogging is also one of the best ways to have a more social experience on Tumblr. Most creative types on here especially love to see nice tags and comments when someone reblogs their work.
Also, it might seem counterintuitive if you're used to ~*growth advice*~ for sites like Twitter, which tends to discourage "diluting your personal brand" with too many retweets, but if you are looking to ~*grow an audience*~ here for whatever reason, reblogging does help generate "social proof" and show that you're a dedicated member of your fandom, creative community, etc.
Although I also want to stress that if you're just here to lurk and you don't want to socialize or build an audience for your own work, that's also completely fine. There can be a lot of guilt-tripping about users not reblogging and only liking posts, which is something I have personally always pushed back against because people can and should use Tumblr however they want.
But if you're bored and lonely or wondering why you're not getting followers or people aren't reblogging your stuff, it's because you gotta engage a little differently here. Reblogs are a great place to start.
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 112-121
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Yes, I'm still doing these! It's just happening more slowly than I'd like because writing for work + writing fic + trying to go to bed before midnight + so much amazing content being released that clearly must be poured over and dissected = less time to make guides. For anyone still with me, he's the next section!
Ep 112 “Dalbang School Part 1” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
The ones with BTS in a classroom driving Teacher Jin insane
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5:58 - JM declares that he and Taehyung will pair up (by being the first to hug each other in a game), but then when Hobi blows the whistle at 6:38, JK runs over to hug JM before Tae can get to him.
6:58 - Jin asks why JM said he wanted Tae and then hugged JK. JM explains that he didn't hug him, he just found himself in JK's hug as JK cackles in the background.
7:24 - When Jin blows his whistle at the class, JK and JM mirror each other in putting a finger in one of their ears.
7:35 - Teammates JK and JM are immediately on the same page about wanting their team name to be Kim Seokjin. When they have to change it, JM quickly picks up JK's suggestion that they call their team Bang Sihyuk. These don't sound like particularly unique moments, but when you watch it, it just really strikes you how in sync the two of them are in terms of physicality, ideas, and sense of humor.
9:52 - After Jin comments that he heard JM did very well in school, JK adds that JM was the top student. When someone else asks if JM was the best or second-best, JK forcefully reiterates that he was the best student.
12:45 - When they get a question right, JK and JM clasp hands and bump their shoulders together.
13:10 - JM and JK both goof around, speaking in satoori and challenging JHope to a fight of sorts.
13:27 - When Jin repeats that they got the question right, JK and JM do exactly the same as 12:45, but seated this time.
14:22, 14:36, 15:13 - In all three of these moments, JM nearly falls over laughing at something JK did that no one else found anywhere near as funny.
23:36 - When JK says he's good at this game, JM laughs and pokes JK in the chest with a marker.
BEHIND 2:30 - JM takes a selfie of him and JK with his personal phone while they're supposed to be paying attention to Jin.
6:35 - JK cheers on JM and calls him Jimin-ssi when JM announces he's doing well on this spot-the-difference round. When Jimin modifies the brag to say he only found four, JK says "that's still quite impressive."
Ep 113 “Dalbang School Part 2” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
4:50 - We all know how JK is when he gets into his "focus" zone, especially in a competitive environment. But here, when JM rather rudely interrupts JK's melodica practice, JK just starts playing around with him and giggles.
7:41 - As RM & JH take their turn, jikook are whispering to each other in the back row.
11:42 - After quickly agreeing on a lunch option, jikook do a high five / handshake thing and then JM says "we think alike" and "we get along pretty well." JK responds "that's exactly it" and the on-screen captions tells us they are a "good match."
22:20 - This is where JK and JM start switching back and forth carrying each other on their backs to get under a limbo stick.
They go again at 23:35, 26:11, and 28:13.
And again at 30:22 and 32:16 and 34:30 because, even though they lost, they want to try to do it again to show that they can as a "matter of pride."
25:00 - JK points something out to JM and then pats his butt.
33:33 - JM announces they lost, and then jikook do another handshake / high five thing.
34:33 - JM does an... interesting pose for the camera where he puts his hand on a bent-over JK's back and smirks.
34:56 - Yet another handshake and JM pats JK on the back when they finally pass the limbo challenge.
BEHIND 5:55 - While examining the limbo setup, JM comments that JK is good at this. JK comes over to give a demonstration and JM watches him be silly with it and says "he's a strange kid" fondly.
6:21 - Another jikook limbo attempt - this one was cut because they did it too easily.
Ep 114 “League of Number One Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where BTS play games with League of Legends world champions
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3:55 - After Jimin protests that he shouldn't be out, JK tells his hyung to turn around and face the back.
14:40 - JK fake-boxes JM after losing the hammer game.
18:18 - JK mimics Jimin's BWL intro.
Ep 115 “League of Number One Part 2” (Ep: 2 / KM: .5)
7:05 - JK comes over to check on Jimin's phone to make sure he's actually visible in the selfie the teams take.
Ep 116 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The ones with random games in that rec room-looking place that are a lot more fun than they sound
22:14 - JM and JK play around with the jump rope during breaktime.
22:26 - JM and JK play around like they're boxing with each other.
BEHIND 5:15 - JK appears to take an interest in watching JM's... back as he moves around acting out potential poses.
Ep 117 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
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5:30 - Despite showing pretty much everyone else touching everyone else in the pose guessing game, we don't get a single shot here or in the behind of JK feeling up Jimin. The above photo proves that it happened, though, so definitely side-eyeing the editors, here.
BEHIND 5:35 - JK keeps throwing water bottles when they're supposed to be taking a group photo. Jimin pulls him back next to him and puts an arm around his neck. JK puts an arm around Jimin's shoulders in return.
7:51 - After it's explained that JK is staying late to watch Jin do his penalty, a packed-up Jimin comes over and stands next to JK, waiting until they're done to leave.
Ep 118 “Photo Story Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play a Samsung-sponsored game involving getting specific pictures while a spy tries to ruin the fun
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4:22 - JM appears to direct JK to go punish Tae and pats JK's back when he starts to obey. Something happens that we don't see when the angle changes - next thing we see, JM seems to be pushing JK? JM then giggles at JK pretending to beat up Tae. (After this, JK spins around like a ballerina. Not jikook-related, just adorable.)
29:51 - JK calls Jimin twice without adding "hyung."
32:28 - JM pulls JK along by the wrist. Meanwhile, J-Hope once again mixes up their names.
32:44 - Though there is now a group walking slowly together and he doesn't need to pull him along anymore, Jimin takes JK's hand again.
37:02 - There are a bunch of seats open in the room, but Jimin walks over to sit right next to JK.
BEHIND 5:40 - When JM tries to steal a post-it from JK, JK scolds him in satoori banmal. JM calls him out for not calling him with hyung and JK quickly apologizes (in a way some k-army jikookers have said is like how a married person would respond to their nagging spouse!).
6:09 - JK and JM meet up and JK tells JM he's exhausted. There's a kind of weird moment that I fully admit I may be reading too much into where JK seems to be walking right towards JM, then abruptly stops and turns, looking at the camera, before walking with Jimin in a different direction than he had been heading. Then, JM says he thinks their matching shirts are hilarious and that it's funny they're wearing them for the show.
Ep 119 “Photo Story Part 2” (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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8:21 - "You are me, I am you" moment: Jimin does a ballet spin the same way JK did in part one.
11:18 - JK is the only one to vote for JM to be able to keep a picture in other than Jin (who has nefarious reasons for doing so).
29:40 - JM goes over to help JK see how many of his photos the spy ruined and almost falls over laughing when it becomes clear it's nearly all of them.
34:21 - JM puts his hand on JK's shaking leg to help calm him (see above photo), but JK is so irritated that it doesn't work like it usually does. Poor bunny!
35:17 - JM pulls at JK's shirt and hand, then folds over his back while trying to get him to confess that he actually lost.
38:24 - JM has a comforting hand on JK's neck when he's acting upset about losing.
38:32 - When it seems like JK is struggling to come up with an ending statement, JM helps prompt him.
0:55 - JK talks about how amazing it is that Jimin found so many cards.
3:51 - When JK is playing with the sequin art on the front of his shirt, JM leans over and starts rubbing on them, too.
5:11 - Jimin tells JK that, if he wins, he's going to make the loser hike Mt. Achasan. JK asks why he's looking at him when he says that and they both laugh. Jimin pats JK's chest and they laugh even harder. Jin and Tae both have "omg, these two" looks on their faces.
Ep 120 “Reply BTS Village Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones with a real-life Mafia game inexplicably set in a 1970s village. It's... fairly difficult to follow, but the guys are into it and the outfits are great!
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24:40 - Jimin breaks character and laughs when asking JK if he's the culprit.
29:40 - Caption: "The air is undeniably tense between Gamer Jeon and Chief Park." Not explicitly jikook, I just find it funny that the writers seem to be playing with some real life relationships, making sope best friends and jikook have tension that leads to banter...
5:34 - When Jimin is playing with the yo-yo, JK expresses concern that he's going to hurt his fingers (caption: Kook is just worrying for his hyung). Then, JK asks poutily and in banmal if he can play with the yo-yo multiple times and Jimins says no. Like, JK straight-up gives his hyung a command ("let me try that") using informal speech and no one bats an eye!
5:58 - Jimin starts singing a song about an ants. JK watches him. JK initially says to Hobi "look, he's a fool/dummy!" (in banmal again), then starts singing along. He jokes that JM doesn't know all the lyrics and Jimin says back "quiet, you."
Ep 121 “Reply BTS Village Part 2” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
38:48 - After having asked for it a bunch in the Behind of the previous episode, JK now has Jimin's yoyo.
non-jikook note: At the end of this one, they "time travel" to solve a mystery in Joseon-era Korea and I can't express how badly I want to see that. Please come back to that, Run!
BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin and JK play around accusing each other with exaggerated accents and formality. Jimin comes up behind JK and reaches out to touch his shoulder, but stops when Tae joins them and accuses them of plotting together.
9:05 - When JK says everyone else is so good at acting, Jimin compliments him that he was very funny towards the end.
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Hi! Me again. Soo… How would Piotr and the avengers would be if the reader is a sibling/child/relative of one of them, also please take you time to do so. Cya and thanks ~M
Hello, Nonny M! Good to see you in my inbox once more!
Admittedly, I'm gonna bounce the child idea, just because I'm p sure regardless of how I do the math, any child of the Avengers is going to be too young for Piotr (at least, in terms of where I usually put his age at in my head). But, without further ado, my thoughts on Piotr with a Reader!S/O who is related to the Avengers in some manner:
-I... honestly don't think Piotr cares all that much? Like --insomuch that what he finds important about you is the fact that you're you. Who you're related to is pretty much a non-issue for him.
-One upside: you understand how busy the life of a superhero can be. Makes scheduling conflicts due to megalomaniac super villains trying to raze New York City to the much easier to navigate.
-Okay, this is just me, but I think it'd be hilarious if Piotr and Natasha Romanoff became instant buds (assuming here that the Reader isn't related to Natasha, because if she was, I think Natasha would be more standoffish on account of being protective over her family). Like, they're both Russians, they both have strong opinions on what qualifies as proper vodka and what real home cooking should be like, and New York winters barely count as cold to them. (I love the mental image of them in a fight where the Avengers and the X-Men are working together, just gossiping together in Russian while Natasha uses Piotr as a shield while bullets bounce off his armor.)
-Also on the note of Avenger-X-Men relations: if more cooperation comes of him dating/being with you, fine. If not, no big deal. He's not interested in you just for your last name/genetics and the networking that could arise from that.
-I also see Piotr being very protective of you. Being related to an Avenger's already going to come with a lot of attention and acclaim. Dating a prominent, easily recognizable X-Man on top of it? That's bound to garner a lot of interest, both from the Internet and bad guys alike. Piotr's already the type to walk you to the door, but I could see him checking your place to make sure it's clear (only with your express consent/invitation, though), upgrading your locks, etc.
-On that note, he's also absolutely the type to keep your dates private. Meals at smaller restaurants, movie nights at home, picnics at lesser known (but still nice) parks, hiking, that kind of thing. He doesn't document any of them on social media, either -though he will take pictures of the two of you for his own enjoyment. He's very focused on making sure people can't use him to follow you --or vice versa--and that you still get to have as much privacy as you can.
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